#did it really take him almost biting you in your sleep for you to put two and two together
colors-of-my-heart · 5 months
my tav upon finding out that the weird pale guy with fangs, red eyes, and two puncture marks on his neck is actually a vampire
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
i love the idea of a werewolf best friend who is totally in love with you and keeps trying to court you but since you're human you're just thinking he's being thoughtful or something
but he busts every night to the thought of you crying into the pillow, his heavy body pressing onto you and pushing you to the mattress, as he fucks his fat cock into you, trying to knot you and knock you up
want so badly to mark you as his that when he even gets a glimpse of your neck/shoulders he salivates and gets hard
werewolf courting is a subtle thing- really it's more about keeping others away from you than winning you over. you don't see all the sharp glares he sends to other people. or the way he snaps at his other friends for mentioning how cute you look.
he's sweet to you. he gives you bites off his plate. and almost always brings you a drink or snack when you hang out together. he'd be leaving kills on your doorstep but apparently it "freaks out the neighbors" and "you don't know what to do with a whole deer carcass" or whatever. humans are so hard to please. those silly little candies you like can't be very filling but he can't shake the urge to feed you. so he does.
He's also very protective. he always walks/ drives you home at the end of the night. he'll be by your side in an instant if you call for him and god help any idiot who tries to fuck with you.
Also, his home is always open to you. if you ever want to come over randomly or borrow something- what's his is yours. you don't realize how territorial he is with everyone else because he's always so generous and giving with you. especially with clothes!! if you want a sweatshirt or a pair of shorts, they're yours. he loves little things like that to make you smell like him.
To any other werewolf, any one of these things would be a clear indication of romantic interest. I mean- the guy lets you eat off his plate! do you have any idea how territorial wolves are with food? No! Of course, you don't you're human. all of it feels normal to you. there might be other things that you take for flirting that he's doing on accident. but really you think of him as a really good friend.
it's hell on your werewolf. He doesn't know what he's doing wrong. he's a perfect mate for you, but you never seem to acknowledge his flirting as something romantic. he hates it when you stretch your head to the side, baring your neck to him, it's like you're begging to be marked. and by "hates" I do mean it gets his mind spinning. it's like you have no idea how hard it is not to bite you sometimes.
He can't help himself. he will keep going until you accept him because he knows that you're the one for him. so he walks you home for the night then goes back to his place, alone, and lays in bed thinking about you.
at first, it's nothing dirty. he's just wondering what the two of you will do when you hang out next, then he's wondering what you're doing right now. did you take a shower? did you go straight to bed? what do you sleep in when you're all alone? what if you sleep in just your underwear- or naked.
he's hard. he always is when he lets himself think about you too much. he can't help it. so he starts touching himself while he lets his mind wander.
it would feel good to bite your neck. it would feel better to bite the soft sensitive skin of your inner thigh. he wants to mark you while he fucks you. he wants to own you inside and out. he knows you'd take his cock well. it's big but you don't mind, right? you'd like a little pain with your pleasure.
he thinks about all the different positions he could put you in. he thinks about you ridding his cock, about flipping you over and pinning your knees to your chest so he can see your face as he ruins you.
he cums all over himself imagining you screaming- begging him to knot you. he can only hope one day his little fantasy will become a reality.
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darkbluekies · 5 months
God i want a dark!dr.kry fic soo bad. I read your most recent silas fic and I thought it was so good i ATE IT UP
Things you shouldn't see
Doctor!yandere x reader Summary: you've finally realized what type of man Dr Kry is, and what he is capable of doing. Warnings: murder, bruises, yandere, poison etc. Word count: 2.3k
Your crying hurts him, it really does, but he can’t be soft. Not now. You had tried to escape again. If he hadn’t come back in time to catch you in the door, God knows what could have happened to you. 
“Please, please don’t”, you sob as he cuffs your wrists to the bed’s railing with belt-looking leather. “Please, I’m sorry.”
“Spare your voice, Y/N”, he tells you sharply. “Begging and pleading won’t work — you're not a child. You put yourself in this situation, didn’t you? How about we take some adult consequences?” He fixes the last buckle. “Too tight?”
You don't answer, you only cry. Dr Kry grabs your chin softly to direct your attention back to him. 
“Y/N, listen to me”, he says sternly. “Are the restraints too tight? Yes or no? Don’t lie.”
“No”, you sob. 
“Good. You know why I’m doing this, right? I don’t think it’s funny.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“Stop with the bullshit, Y/N. I caught you in the damn door, Y/N.” He sighs frustratedly and runs a hand through his blonde hair. “I can’t let this slip. You almost escaped from me once, remember? I’m not letting that happen again. I’m going to go get you dinner and you are going to get yourself together until I’m back, okay?”
You nod slightly. When he's exited the room, you break out into sobs again. Have to get them out of your system before he returns. You hate him. Hate him so much.
He's back ten minutes later with two cardboard boxes filled with food. He looks somewhat pleased that you're not crying anymore. He stands by his desk.
“You don't understand that I want what's best for you”, Dr Kry says while opening the plastic lids. “If you did, you wouldn't try to do stupid stuff like this.”
“Turn it off”, you say through gritted teeth.
He glances at the air purifier, already knowing what you’re talking about.
“No, I will not”, he says simply. 
“You're killing me!”
Dr Kry scoffs and dumps your foodbox on your legs.
“If I wanted you dead, Y/N, you'd already be in the mortuary”, he says and rolls over to you on his stool. “But as you can tell by your current status in your room, I don't.”
He picks up the fork and holds a bite of potato to your lips. You refuse to open your mouth. 
“Are we doing this?” he asks with raised eyebrows. “Do I need to be mean?”
“Please don’t”, you whisper, scared. 
“You don’t want me to be mean?”
You shake your head quickly. 
“Good, me neither”, Dr Kry says. “Glad that we can agree on something. Open your mouth now.”
You open your mouth enough for him to put in the fork in your mouth. Dr Kry notices how you fight back the tears and sighs in defeat. 
“If you really want to cry, then do it”, he says quietly. 
It’s a trick. He actually doesn’t want you to cry, and you know that. But the tear that runs down your cheek can’t be brought back. You flinch when his hand brushes against your cheek to wipe it softly. He holds another fork of potato and meat to your mouth. You grimace slightly. 
“Just eat and you’ll get to sleep”, Dr Kry promises you.
“Turn it off”, you whisper. “Please.”
Dr Kry sighs and walks over to the air purifier, turning it off. The soft buzzing finally, finally stopped. Dr Kry can tell that you relax in your restraints. 
“Thank you”, you whisper without looking at him. 
“I’ll have to turn it on again”, he says. 
“Because it keeps you where I want you. It’s much easier than keeping you cuffed to the bed like this.”
You tug at the restraints, as if you suddenly remember that you’re wearing them. Dr Kry’s hand shoots out over your right wrist. 
“Stop”, he says. “Don’t do that. I don’t like to see bruises on you. Just let it be. Give in, alright?”
You glance down at his large hand and grow cold. Could he break your wrist? Could he actually hurt you if he really wanted to? Without tools, without medicine and drugs?
“Open your mouth”, Dr Kry and removes his hand to give you the fork full of food. 
This time, you open your mouth without fuss. He smiles, pleased.
“Have I fucked up for myself now?” you mumble without looking at him.
“Just a tad bit”, Dr Kry smiles and wipes some sauce of your lips with his thumb. “But it's nothing that we can't restore.”
She had seen it, and although she tried to convince herself that she was overthinking, she couldn't bring herself to admit that everything was okay with Dr Kry’s patient — or Dr Kry for that matter. There has always been something with him that has rubbed her the wrong way. He's always been polite and helpful, but she thinks that it's a facade. There is something he's hiding, she can tell that there's a certain darkness in his eyes. And the fact that they never see, hear or get any reports about his patient — despite being here for so long — worries her.
One day, she decides to sneak inside. You’re lying in the hospital bed, sleeping soundly. But other than that, the room is empty. The woman notices how your wrists are … cuffed to the side of the bed. She sneaks over to you and carefully shakes your shoulder. You open your eyes slowly, and then dart them open. In pure fear, you start to tug at the restraints. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” the woman shrieks. “I didn’t mean to scare you!”
“Who are you?!” you gasp. “Where’s Dr Kry?!”
“I don’t know, please be quiet, I’m not going to hurt you.”
You eventually start to calm down. 
“Why are you cuffed to the bed?” the woman asks carefully, feeling a shiver run down her spine. “What has he done to you?”
“Please help me”, you beg. 
“I saw that you tried to leave the room before … and that he snatched you back.”
“I-I will.”
“Please help me, I’m begging you, he’s killing me!” you nod at the air purifier. “He’s poisoned it! You have to help me!”
She is just about to unbuckle the leather strands keeping you to the bed when the door opens. You meet eyes with Dr Kry and feel how your entire body goes numb. 
His eyes glare at the woman as he slowly closes the door behind him, locking it shut. 
“Can I help you?” he asks coldly. “What are you doing with my patient?”
The woman spins around and stutters in fear. 
“Who allowed you to come in here?” Dr Kry asks, sounding suspicious — and extremely angry, although he tries to hide it. “Speak up!”
“I-I …”, the woman stutters. 
Dr Kry walks closer. You’ve never seen his body language this … territorial before. It’s almost animalistic. 
“What have they told you?” he asks the woman. 
“Nothing!” the woman shrieks. 
With one quick glance at you, he scoffs with a small, cold smile on his face. 
“I wouldn’t believe anything they say, ma’am”, he says amusedly, although you’re sure that he’s angry like a bee. “They’re sick, they’re not thinking clearly. Seems like we have to talk after this.”
“Don’t be angry at them”, the woman says, finally collecting herself. “You are the one abusing your position. You should be the one who’s getting yelled at!”
“Oh, I’m not mad at my patient. How could I? If they don’t know what’s good for themselves, how could I ever expect them to know when to speak …” He gave you a warning look, “... and when to shut up?” He looked back at the woman. “They’re sick, after all.”
“Why are you keeping them prisoner?”
Dr Kry puts his hands into his pockets, shrugging. “I’m not keeping anyone prisoner. Did they tell you that?”
“You’ve poisoned the air purifier.”
“Why would I ever do that?” he laughs. “That’s absurd! You don’t think I have other things to do? A real job?” He takes a step closer. He’s almost reaching her by now. “Listen, my patient has been reading a lot of fantasy stories while being emitted here, and they must have spun their head out of control. Being in a hospital for as long as they have, all alone, must mess with ones head a bit. Don’t worry about it.”
He has slammed it over the nurse’s head, striking her to the floor. You fight against the restraints, but they’re as stuck as stone. Dr Kry continues to hit the poor nurse with the metal pipe, causing blood to splatter over the walls — and you. You can’t breathe when the red liquid lands on your face, too horrified to even move. The screams from the woman turns into moans of pain, then sobs, then silence. Dr Kry huffs and gets up from the ground, letting go of the metal pipe that clinks against the floor. His white coat and blue overalls are drenched in blood, and his face is covered in red. You’re shivering in your bed and meet his eyes with wide open eyes. 
Dr Kry walks over to his desk. You can tell how he picks up a metal pipe used for the IV-stand you use every now and then.
“No!” you scream, but it’s too late. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t want you to see that”, he pants lowly. 
Sobs start to exit your body. Dr Kry hurries over to you, sinking down on his knees by the bed, almost lying his upper body into yours. 
“I’m sorry, little one”, he whispers and cups your cheeks. 
“Don’t touch me!” you try to scream while doing your best to turn your head away, but his strong grip is forcing you to stay still, forces you to look at him. 
“I didn’t want you to see that”, he repeats. “Why did she have to come and but into our business, hm? Oh, please don’t blame yourself for her death. It’s not your fault.”
He notices how you’re trying to rip your head away from him. 
“I know that you’re afraid”, he says. “It was not your fault, okay? I don’t blame you, I could never blame you, you know that.” He wipes your tears. “Please, don’t cry. I’m not going to do it again.”
You’re unsure if you’ve ever sobbed this harshly before in your life. The cries ripple through your body, forcing your chest to lift with every sob. It hurts, like an unwelcomed workout. Dr Kry holds your face against his chest, hushing as he hugs your head close to him. You can feel how fast his heart is beating, and it makes you nauseous. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up”, Dr Kry says and unbuckles you. 
You hesitate getting out of bed, glancing careful down at the dead body bleeding out on the floor. Dr Kry hurries to pick you up in his arms and walk into the bathroom. He closes the door behind him and places you down in the tub. Carefully, he removes your hospital gown and turns on the shower. You refuse to look his way. 
“Listen, Y/N”, he says and sinks down outside the tub. “There are things you shouldn’t see … and this was one of them. I don’t want you to think of me as a monster. I’m a realist, okay?”
“Is that what you’re going to do to me if I try to leave again?” you cry. 
“No! Don’t even say such nonsense. That’s absurd. How could you ever think that?”
You find it ironic that he grows offended. He starts to wash off the blood from your face with the gentle stream of the shower. 
He takes one of your wrists in hand and lets his thumb run over the deep mark from the leather. 
“I told you not to fight against it”, he whispers with a sigh. “We’ll have to put bandage on that.”
Dr Kry continues to wash the blood off of you and his own hands. You follow the red water down the drain. 
He puts the shower head back on the hanger and tells you to wait there until he comes back. You hug your knees close to your chest and watch how he disappears out of the bathroom. You can hear how he starts to clean up the body outside the closed door. This is what happens to the people who believe you. Those that trust Dr Kry’s words about you being too sick to function, and start to hallucinate, are no help … but those that are never get far enough. 
You shiver from cold air hitting your wet, naked body and bring your knees even closer to you. There’s a new form of silence in the room, a silence that eats you up from the inside … and yet, silence had never been this loud before. You would be able to hear a needle drop to the floor on the other side of the hospital.
It had taken wells to gather the courage to try to run away again, and it had been shattered in the moment of two seconds. Your hope had been sparked again when you saw the nurse, and knew that she was one of the few that actually believed you. 
You turn your face down into your knees and cry in realization that you’ll never get to leave the hospital as long as Dr Kry is around. In time, the poisoned air purifier will have killed you … but you’re unsure that you’ll get to leave the hospital even then.
I’m going to die.
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thetriumphantpanda · 6 months
i saw mommy kissing santa claus | joel miller
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Summary | Your daughter catches you kissing santa... or does she?
Word Count | 1.3K
Warnings | Mentions of traditional Christmas (A tree, gift giving ect), Joel dressed as Santa, Joel being a daddy again, Joel AS A HUSBAND, smut but not super explicit - oral sex (f) and unprotected PiV, just general fluff really.
Authors note | Firstly, I have to give a huge shoutout to @wildemaven - the Dave York piece she posted recently definitely inspired this little Drabble, along with being stuck in a car with my bestie for three hours with the Christmas radio blaring. This is just some sweet Christmas fluff for us all!
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amazing divider by @saradika
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The way the snow flurries fall outside are still a wonder to you, even after seven years of winters in Jackson. The warmth you remember from Christmas before the end of the world is a distant memory now, the open windows and the light breeze of December now replaced with the biting cold and the four layers you must wear inside your home to keep as warm as possible. It’s magical though, the way it looks picture perfect, just like the movies you would watch back then. If you could, you’d take a photo of it, use it as the family Christmas card.
Turning around from the window, the room is bathed in the orange glow from the fire you set a few hours earlier. The lamp, on Joel’s side of the couch is also helping, as are the frosty lights wrapped haphazardly around the tree, in making it feel normal. Because really it is. This has been your life for the past five years, putting up a tree, setting small gifts under it like you always had before all of this. The three stockings set above the fireplace, ready to be filled in the next few hours – the precursor of joy the following morning.
Sofia had thankfully gone to bed with little fuss tonight. Finally old enough to understand that the earlier she went to sleep, the earlier she could wake up to find out if Santa had paid her a visit. She hadn’t been planned, but then when were children ever a plan in this new world? You’d been scared, Joel had been terrified, but in the end, she had been the most wonderful thing to happen to the both of you.
You settle on the couch, letting the warmth from the fire soothe the aches that the cold now settles across your bones. You’re almost able to fall asleep, when, with clockwork timing, Joel tears open the front door, a flurry of snow and cold following him in as he closes it behind him. You struggled to stifle a giggle as you turn to look at him.
Dressed head to toe in a Santa costume that is far too big for him, not enough time for the town seamstress to do anything other than pin the sides of the trousers in. The hat on his head is almost covering his eyes, his hand pushing it back to sit properly, as he deposits the sack, once full of tiny gifts but now empty, on the ground. He’s got a fake beard on to cover most of his face so that none of the children that did see him would know it was Joel.
“Wow,” You muse lightly, standing from the couch, “I thought it was customary to wait for everyone to go to sleep before you turned up?”
There’s a slight grumble from under his beard as you step closer to him, watching as he pulls the fake beard down to sit around his neck, his beautiful face finally revealed. You set your back against the closed door, leaning against it, fluttering your eyelashes slightly.
“Did you bring us presents, Santa?” You ask, voice sultry and low.
“Depends,” Joel says, voice just as low, “Have you been a good girl this year?”
That low, southern drawl shoots straight between your legs, thighs rubbing together as you shrug at him, wrinkle your nose a little, “You’d have to ask my husband.”
You watch as he smirks, steps a little closer to you, his gloved hand wrapping around your waist, “What would he say?”
“That I can be a handful,” You bite at your bottom lip, “But ultimately, I always do as I’m told.”
Joel leans down, as slowly as possible, mouth so close you can feel his breath across your lips, your body tugged closely to his own now, “Well then,” He muses, “If you’ve been a good girl, it’s only right you get your gift.”
His mouth is on yours in no time, softly pressed against yours, his hand clutching your body close to his as you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing up on your tiptoes so your mouth is finally flush with his own. You open your mouths at the same time, tongues meeting as Joel groans into your mouth, hands pulled from your body just long enough to tear the gloves off his hands, shoving them straight under the hem of your shirt, resting at your waist to move you gently from the door to the couch.
He sets you down on your back, fumbling his big body to cover yours as those hands of his work to undo your jeans - tearing them down your legs enough so he can put his mouth on you. You feel weirdly like a teenager, fumbling with someone on the couch like this, biting down on your fist in order to keep quiet as Joel’s tongue works across your soaked cunt, drinking you down, tipping you over the edge twice with his mouth - the second, with his fingers buried deep inside you - trying to keep yourself as quiet as you can, you know the other option is waking your daughter and having to spend the rest of the night trying to get her to go back to sleep.
It gets harder to hold that noise in when Joel pulls you onto his lap, trousers pushed down just enough for you to sink down onto his cock, that stupid Santa jacket unbuttoned, pushed off his shoulders, your mouth biting down on his skin as he fucks up into you, his hands gripping the meat of your ass to keep you still.
It’s messy, it lasts probably less than five minutes, Joel spilling himself inside of you, your mouth pulled from his shoulder, bite mark evident as he moves you gently, puts himself right so he can carry you up the stairs, tuck you both into bed, his warm body next to yours as you both drift off to sleep, sated and happy.
Then, the next morning, with Sofia on her knees in front of the tree, you sat on the couch, curled into Joel’s side with a smile on your face at the elation your daughter finds in tearing the paper off her gifts, she says something no-one expects.
“Daddy?” She says, big brown eyes looking up at the two of you.
“Yes, Darlin’?”
“Mommy was kissing Santa last night.”
You almost choke on your coffee, spluttering to try and keep your composure, praying to the Almighty that it was just the kissing she saw. Joel though, is cool as a cucumber.
“Is that right?” He asks, looking down at you with a wink.
“Yeah!” Sofia exclaims, “I saw her last night.”
“You were supposed to be in bed.” You chastise her lightly, “What were you doing up?”
“I heard the door open,” She says, so matter-of-factly that it’s like having a conversation with an adult, “I wanted to meet him.”
“Well, you see,” Joel speaks, “Sometimes, to get your presents from Santa, he’s gotta ask for somethin’ in return, all that travellin’ in one night and he sees your pretty mama?” He shakes his head, “I’d ask her for a kiss too.”
She mulls it over a little, small hands holding onto an unopened gift, then clearly accepts the explanation as she tears into the paper.
“Nicely saved,” You whisper into his ear, lips pressing a kiss to the delicate skin behind it, “Christmas is saved.”
“Oh baby,” He whispers back, taking the lull in Sofia’s attention on the two of you to look down at you, “You can’t think you can kiss Santa and get away with it?” His low voice sends a silver down your spine, “You’re gonna have to make up for that later."
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ja3honey · 5 months
♡ 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐏𝐭.𝟏 | 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : He couldn't help but think such filth when you were innocently fast asleep only merely a couple of feet away from him.
『Word count』 :  1.12k
-> Genre: Pure smut. Little plot. DBF.
Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader [Hwa's Daughter]
[Warnings] : Slightly Noncon (Reader is asleep at first). Masturbation. Cum play. Thoughts and fantasies. Pet names. Sir kinkish. Hongjoong is nasty. Also, Joong is like in his late 30s and tatted while the reader is only 23. Whoops.
Note: No one asked for this, but for some reason, I was hooked on the thought of the Dad's best friend trope, and Hongjoong is really coming for my heart. So, It was a perfect match in my eyes.
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You didn't know what came over yourself. It felt like the heating was turned up tenfold. Your nose scrunched as you began to move more and more in your sleep. Hongjoong couldn’t help but watch your discomfort in curiosity. Were you having a nightmare? No, you weren’t one to have them. But then again, maybe you just didn’t tell anyone. And being on a family trip in the middle of nowhere would cause distress.
Maybe I should wake her?… He thought, now sitting fully up on the pull-out couch bed. You were no longer tucked under the big fluffy covers on the single bed. No, you had thrown them off moments ago, revealing your mid-drift slightly from your short sleep top and the fact you weren't wearing any pants. God, you looked so cute in your black frilly panties…No, he couldn’t think of such a thing. Not when you were his best friend's daughter. 
But oh how you looked delicious. When he met Seonghwa, he had no clue he had a daughter, let alone one that was twenty-two. And when he agreed to go on this camping trip─more like staying in this large cabin on Seonghwa family’s land─he didn’t expect to see you tag along. You were stunning the moment he saw you hop out of your car. You were everything he would want in a woman and after spending hours of the day chatting and getting to know you he knew he was fucked. Anyone outside your conversations, like Seonghwa or his other friends and their kids, would see it as some harmless banter. But in reality, Hongjoong was shamelessly flirting. He didn’t mean it at first, but it just kept going, and you kept egging him on. So what was he supposed to do?
Since there were quite a lot of people that had come on the getaway, rooms were tight. And you had begged your father not to let you sleep in the rooms where the kids were cause you were certain one of San’s boys wanted more than innocent late-night chats… He ended up putting you in the same small study-turned-bedroom where there was a single bed and a double pull-out with Hongjoong. He originally offered to take the single, but you argued, saying his ‘old man back’ wouldn’t like it. He let you take it after that comment.
“J-joong…” you mumbled, almost inaudible. The older man's eyes snapped to your parted lips in a millisecond. Did you just say his name? No, he was definitely hearing things. “Joong, please.”
No, he definitely heard you that time. Your little panting, knitted brow, and soft moans. You weren’t having a nightmare. You were having a sex dream. And it was about him. God, did he wake up in another universe where everything went his way?! He ruffled his hair before rubbing his face in disbelief. He needed to hear you again, but as he took in your figure, he noticed you were now biting your lip, and your hips were jerking slowly. The pillow you were cuddling was tightly pressed up against your covered cunt in between your legs, and every little movement of your hips sent a shock of pleasure through your body.
You were humping your pillow at the thought of them while fast asleep.
He knew it was bad, but as his cock twitched for the millionth time he knew he needed to give himself some relief. And besides, you were sleeping, so you wouldn’t catch him only a couple of feet away from you, fucking his fists in time with your thrusts as your little moans carried out the nastiest fantasies his mind could conjure.... Right?
The thought of you laying out on his bed back at his penthouse. You're soaking on complete display as you beg him to hurry and touch you. He questions if you are a virgin, and if you were would you let him fuck you raw? Just the thought of slipping inside your tight virgin pussy while you tear up at his girth. He squeezed his cock tighter, staring at you intensely, he moved the sheets off himself, hissing slightly at the cool air hitting his hot angry tip. He needed more, he needed to hear his name spill from your mouth again. And it was as if the gods answered his prayers hearing you whimper, “P-please H-hongjoong.”
That was enough to tip him over the edge, speeding up his movements. He noticed the stutter in your hips. You were close to. He’d whisper to himself, “Let’s cum together baby. Cum all over my cock, fuuck.”
He wouldn’t be able to catch himself in time, splurting all over his hand, chest, and some dripping on his thigh. Fuck, he came so much. His eyes were shut, head leaning back against the backing of the couch. His heart was thumping in his ears so loudly he couldn’t even hear anything more. He was in complete ecstasy and peace. That was until he felt the bed dip, making his heart stop and eyes widen. “oh uh..I. um..” fuck, he was so fucked. You were sitting on the end of his bed, half asleep with the haziest expression while staring at his cock still tightly in his hand. His dick twitched, causing a groan, mostly from annoyance as he had been caught and he does even feel an ounce of guilt.
“D-did I cause t-that…” You said sweetly, so innocently. Could you get any more perfect?!
“I’m sorry angel, just go back to sleep, yeah…” He tucks himself back into his boxers, feeling his cum stick to the fabric which caused him to gag. He’s gonna have to slip out for a shower. But you didn’t budge as you took in his words. Instead, you pushed past any anxiety you had over the past days wondering whether Hongjoong liked you the same way, and moved closer to grab his hand that still had some of his cum on. You had woken up over five minutes ago before Hongjoong had creamed himself. His head was thrown back and he was in complete bliss and it caused you to cum just from the sight alone. “A-Angel…”
You didn’t let him speak another word as you placed two of his fingers in your mouth, swirling your tongue around them. Soaking them. And once they were wet enough, you pulled them out with an audible pop. Slowly, without breaking eye contact with the older male, you moved his hand down until those two wet fingers dipped into your completely ruined panties, letting him feel exactly how wet you were for him. They would slip so perfectly into your cunt causing you to sigh in relief, feeling so full just from his fingers alone. “Aren’t you gonna help me, sir.”
Hongjoong was done for.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 1 month
Cuddling with Stray Kids
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: fluff, suggestive
a/n: mentions of sex, mentions of anxiety, this is just my opinion, not proofread, hope you enjoy!🤍
additional notes: i have 12 things in my drafts and they're all over the place but i wanted to post something
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I feel like Chan gives the best and biggest hugs so you will probably be drowning in his arms with your face buried in his chest or neck. It's probably late at night when you cuddle, and first you talk about your day and complain about your work or studies. Chan will listen to you and throw in a few quips here and there as he holds you and caresses your hair. Then you ask him about his day and he'll talk about his members and funny things they did or said. As it gets later, you both get quieter and Chan's favorite thing is when you put your leg around him and pull him even closer, leaning in and leaving kisses everywhere on his face. Every time you do that it makes him blush, no matter how long you've been together. Even though he usually says he can't sleep, he will fall asleep first in your arms because he feels relaxed and safe. Then you can admire his beautiful face before you drift off to sleep too.
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I feel like Minho would also love facing you and talking to you while cuddling, but he would love to bury his face in your chest and leave little kisses everywhere. Most of the times he will also leave small bites and nibbles and you always warn him not to start anything cause you really want to take some rest. He always smirks and leaves a few more kisses on your neck. I think he would also love pressing his lips into yours, as his hand slides under your shirt and rests on your back. He would draw little patterns on your skin and his hand would always without a doubt slide down to grip your ass. Can you blame him though, you're hot and he loves you, he just can't help himself.
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Changbin would love it if you lay on his chest. He would put his arms around you and caress your hair and face. The sound of his heartbeat will always calm you down, any anxiety of the day will be wiped away as soon as you feel his big arms wrap around you. He would kiss your hair and forehead gently and ask you if you were okay and if you had a good day. You would talk with him but your eyelids would get heavy, it's hard not to fall asleep when he's touching you so gently like he's afraid to disturb you. His presence is calming to you and you feel so loved and safe.
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Hyunjin would love to be the big spoon and he'd hold you so close to him and so tightly that you think he might want to merge into you. His face would be buried in your hair, he just loves to inhale your sweet shampoo because it calms him down. His hands would be roaming around your body, and he would squeeze you gently a few times. But, Hyunjin can't help himself being this close to you while your perfect ass is pushed up against his middle so cuddling sessions almost always end with lazy sex.
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I think Jisung would love being both the big and the little spoon. If he's the little spoon, he'd love it if you held him real tight and also hold his hands at the same time. But, if he was the big spoon, I feel like he'd just grab and hold your boob. Nothing sexual, he just finds it relaxing to hold it and squeeze it like it's a stress ball. On some days, I feel like he wouldn't stop yapping while you cuddle and you would be playfully annoyed at him, so he would annoy you even more on purpose. He'd probably start talking nonsense or he'd start singing with an annoying voice. You would smack his butt and he'd just laugh because he enjoys teasing you. On other days, when he's really tired and in his head, he'd be quiet and he'd let you talk about everything and anything because the sound of your voice calms him down.
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I think Felix would love to rest his head on your chest or tummy. This boy will be clinging to you like a koala, limbs all wrapped around you so you don't ever think of escaping. He would nuzzle his face in your chest or neck, and if he's laying on your tummy he will bury his face there and leave kisses on your skin. His hands will be all over you as will his lips, he can't help it, he adores you. I think cuddling sessions with him can go either way. Either he's falling asleep as you caress him or because he's a horny little thing he will end up with his face buried between your legs.
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Okay so, I feel like Seungmin would love facing you while cuddling. Even though he's shy and it's hard to maintain eye contact for him, he loves the way you look at him, the admiration in your eyes. He loves the way your eyes crinkle when you smile at him, and the way you caress his cheek and hair. He would hold your waist and run his fingertips on your skin gently. If it's late at night, he'd probably sing you a gentle lullaby, especially if you had a bad day. He'd sing for you whenever anyways. I feel like he'd also love to exchange a few gentle kisses before both of you drift off together, holding onto each other tightly.
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I feel like he'd be the most restless out of everyone while cuddling. He would love to spoon you, but after some time he would just start feeling jittery so he would play with your hair, poke your cheek or start tickling you. Your cuddling session would probably turn into play wrestling, as you both tried to tickle and annoy each other. When you're both almost breathless Jeongin will lean down to kiss you and let's just say that you're not going to sleep soon.
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churipu · 6 months
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featuring. toji fushiguro, yuuta okkotsu, choso x fem! reader
warnings. absolutely nothing
note. anon, first of all, again, i'm so sorry i accidentally put your post up in the queue list when it was unfinished and the pen symbol wasn't there so i screenshotted this before deleting the og post. i hope this post comes to find you by itself :(( second of all, thank you for liking the first part, means a lot to me <33 last of all, hope you enjoy this one!
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TOJI FUSHIGURO. i feel like he's the kind of person who doesn't mind having a sleepyhead gf, in fact he'll gladly sleep with her no matter what time or place. he'll just look and then you're asleep, all of a sudden he's asleep too.
people find it odd how you and him are able to just doze off anywhere, especially toji being a pretty "busy" man. would ditch his work sometimes just to have a nap with you, and i feel like he's the type of guy who would use you like a bolster when you both sleep. so you just lie there, arms by your side — while he on the other hand, is all up on you, holding you close to him.
sometimes toji would chuckle upon seeing you asleep at the most random time and places, in a diner, in a fast food restaurant, in the park standing up (and you woke up because apparently a kid bumped into your leg), just anywhere. he finds your sleepy habit quite interesting really.
"toji... 'm tired."
"when're you not, hm?"
he absolutely loves it when you just clung onto him like a koala for a nap, makes him feel proud (oh and i feel like he's the type of person who would take pictures if you sleep with your mouth open with a string of drool coming out of your mouth, he says that it's adorable. you don't think so though).
YUUTA OKKOTSU. yuuta is just so adorable. i feel like he gushes out a lot when you fall asleep on him, like he will silently fawn over you but at the same time he doesn't know what to do. should he let you be? wake you up so you could sleep in a more comfortable place? or carry you to the said comfortable place?
he just ends up waking you up because of how fidgety he is, "yuuta?"
"i'm so sorry, did i wake you up? sorry.."
honestly, you don't even care about the whole wake up thing. you just wanted to sleep so you always end up latching onto his side like a baby, "five more minutes."
it's never five minutes, longest is twelve hours. although yuuta doesn't mind — he even joins you for a bit, and if he has to go, he will make sure you're tucked in well and comfortable with a pillow fort he built just for you incase something (the monsters comes for you) happens.
CHOSO. i feel like he gets confused at first to why you're always falling asleep near him, he even asked this "Google" to that — and Google did not in fact help, but instead drove him into a state of panic because it told choso that you were dying. so when you fall asleep the next time, choso wakes you up almost immediately.
"don't die on me."
you didn't know what he was talking about and assumed that he was just messing around so you closed your eyes, and he had a full blown breakdown because he thought you were actually dying.
but when you told him it's because you feel safe to sleep near him, he's never been so much happier. and whenever you fall asleep, he always has a blanket ready for you both. so here's how it goes, you fall asleep and lean your head on his shoulder, he drapes the blanket over the both of you, he leans his head onto your head and falls asleep.
you both always end up in such an uncomfortable position after (either with your hand or foot in his face, or vice versa), but you guys never cared, at least the sleep was good.
"cho, get your foot out of my face before i bite them off clean."
"'m sorry, it just happens."
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Do you think the 141 team + Konig are more boobs or ass guys?
I feel like most of them are boobs for some reason 🫠
Hehe, I had a bit of fun with this one, sorry it's a little short haha
141+ König- Boobs Vs. Ass Guys HC's
Warnings: smut, swearing
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Simon Ghost Riley-
BOOBS 100%
Literally loves your tits
Please, sleep without your shirt on at night, he loves to hold them while the two of you sleep
Nearly cums instantly anytime you're on top, and they're bouncing in his face. Drives him WILD
Will definitely wash your tits in the shower. The sight of your soapy breats make him go feral
This man is a MASTER at taking your bra off with one hand. He's very proud of it.
Skilled. With. His. Mouth. He can spend hours with his lips attached to your tits
He's always touching your tits one way or another during sex. Whether it be with his mouth or his hands, they never are left untouched
No matter what size your breasts are, this man's hand can completely encompass one or both your breasts. The size kink is strong with him on this one
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Honestly? Doesn't have a preference really, he loves them both, but if he had to pick it'd be boobs
Big or small, he'd treat your breasts like GOLD
Loves when you buy lingerie, especially when it accentuates your assets
Hates when you wear a bra around the house. Will sneakily approach you, and reach under your shirt to unhook it
Breast massage? He's there. Ass massage? Don't need to ask him twice
Loves to go hiking with you, especially when you're wearing tight clothes? Man nearly creams himself when your boobs slightly jiggle, or your butt is accentuated in your shorts/leggings
Even if your breasts are bigger, he LOVES when you wear push-up bras. Let's just say it's a task putting a shirt on in the morning
Begs you to sleep without a shirt on, and will fondle your breasts late into the night. Even in his sleep.
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John Price-
This fucker loves to smack your ass any chance he can get
Getting dressed in the morning? Ass slap. In the shower? Ass slap. Cooking dinner? Double ass slap.
Secret kink of his is leaving handprints on your bare cheeks
He's a sucker for leaving bite marks on your ass. Loves to eat you out from behind, and place love bites all over your cheeks
Nearly drools when he's taking you from behind, and your ass jiggles with each of his thrusts
His cock will harden almost instantly if you wear booty shorts around him.
Sit on his lap. Do it. He fucking loves it.
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
BOOOOOBS this man fucking loves them
Loves looking at them, kissing them, playing with them. Give him your boobs
Firm believer this man motor boats them when he gets the chance
Will beg you to "titty drop" (where you pull up your shirt slowly so your boobs bounce out)
Willingly goes with you to go bra shopping, loves to pick out various bras for you
100% will playfully slap your boobs when he walks past you
Loves hold your boobs while you're doing various tasks, especially if you don't have a bra on. He'll say he's your "makeshift bra"
Loves when you're under him in bed, because he can see your tits bouncing as he pounds into you
Will cum in minutes if you tit fuck him, he is unable to control himself when you do, he loves it so much
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
Another ass man through and through
Loves to buy you yoga pants, specifically tight fitting ones so he can admire your assets
Totally buys you those tik tok leggings that make your ass look 10x bigger
Please work out with him. He loves to watch you do squats.
He once asked you to lay below him while he did push-ups, with your ass facing his face, so each time he bent down, he pressed a kiss to your cheeks
This man is a big spoon, and LOVES when you rest your ass against his cock when you cuddle
Like Price, he will find any excuse to slap your ass. Anytime. Anywhere. Loves to watch it jiggle when he does
A/N: Again, kind of short, sorry! Been working through some brain block and feel like my works decreased in quality a bit😅
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euthymiya · 8 days
help me forget (until my only memories are you) ft. wriothesley
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in which wriothesley is plagued with dreams of his past, tucked away in the quietest corner of the fortress until you find him. a thermos of tea, an ocean view, and a heartfelt conversation later, you both decide your memories only matter when they’re of each other
contains: 2.1k word count ; female reader ; established relationship ; hints at wriothesley’s backstory, including mentions of blood and murder ; nightmares and trauma (wrio) ; reverse comfort ; fluff and (cheesy) banter
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“thought i’d find you here,” you say quietly as you walk up to wriothesley—it’s quiet enough that’s it’s almost as if you’re trying not to startle him.
(and yes, it’s a bit of a pointless gesture. you know he can hear your footsteps approaching him for a good distance before you even reach him, but, all things considered, you don’t think a little extra gentleness will hurt him.)
“well, looks like you found me,” he hums, legs spread out before him as he stares through the glass. he’s eyes the ocean, his pupils following the schools of fish and casts of crabs as they swim past the glass tunnel that separates you from the water.
the glass tunnel in the fortress is wriothesley’s favorite spot. for a number of reasons, really—first, the inmates aren’t allowed here without official permission, so he has the area to himself for the most part. second, there’s some sort of sign of life to witness, something breathing and moving apart from the rowdy bunch of prisoners he’s in charge of every day. and third, it’s nice to see colors, something vivid and lively outside of rusted metal and dingy lighting.
wriothesley loves this tunnel. it helps him appreciate his life, his home, when he’s especially regretful he doesn’t get to live up at the surface. that regret doesn’t come very often—he’s happy with the life he’s made for himself and the family he’s grown here, but he’s only human.
sometimes even the warden would like to know what it feels like to wake up under the sun, feeling the rays kiss the skin of his cheeks like a mother does her son, so warm and gentle and endlessly filled with love.
he supposes a mother’s love is as unreachable as the sun for him, a regretful conclusion he’s long come to since the tender age of early teen hood.
you plop down beside him, tucking yourself against his side as you hand him a small thermos, making him quirk a brow up.
“tea,” you explain, “i figured it would help.”
“aren’t you sweet?” he chuckles, unscrewing the top and pouring the warm, freshly brewed tea into the lid as he takes a slow sip. he turns, pressing the rim to your lips, letting you take your own sip before he sighs and wraps an arm around you. “did i wake you?”
“of course,” you huff theatrically, “i was so cold. do you have any idea how cold the fortress gets at night without a big, strong, muscled warden to keep you warm?”
he snorts, eyeing you with an amused glance as you bite back your own grin.
“well, my dear lady, i offer my sincerest apologies. you will never wake up cold again.” he indulges your banter with a tight grin.
wriothesley is good at that—good at pretending his feelings don’t exist, pretending he doesn’t feel them in favor of putting on a brave face. you see through the tiny cracks of his mask, though. you can see the tousled hair and bruised under eyes from his lack of sleep. you can see the sore knuckles of his hands from punching bags. you can see the distant, hazy look in his eyes as he stares off into the never ending sea ahead, not sparing you the usual soft gaze he sends your way.
wriothesley is good at pretending everything is okay. just as good as you are at knowing when it isn’t okay at all.
“i’d rather i don’t wake up alone,” you trace the scar along his chest with a finger, visible from the neckline of the tank top he wears to sleep. he doesn’t say anything, swallowing as he swirls the contents in his makeshift cup, purposefully avoiding your gaze. “wriothesley.”
“i’m sorry,” he mumbles, “i figured i’d let you sleep.”
“you don’t need to apologize,” you furrow your brows, hooking a finger under his chin and gently coaxing him to turn and meet your eyes, “i’m not mad, baby. it’s okay.”
“i know,” is all he says.
“will you talk to me?” your head lays against his chest, grabbing one hand and fiddling with his fingers, lacing them with yours as you compare the size of his rough, rugged palm against yours while his other hand lifts the cup to take a long, slow sip of the tea.
it’s hot against his throat, soothing the raw, dryness that builds.
“don’t i talk to your ear off enough through the day?” he tries to tease, deflecting the topic that you try to breach. but you’re good at following just as he is at running—you bring his knuckles up to your lips as you kiss them one by one, so gentle, so feather like in touch, he can’t help but shiver.
“so you’re tired of talking to me?” you tease back, making his lips twitch fractionally.
“nah,” he breathes a small laugh, “never tired of you.”
“that’s good to know,” you exhale a relieved breath, still playful and lighthearted as you add, “i thought you were running away from me while i slept.”
“i’d have come back.” his voice is low, barely audible—you hear it anyway, feeling the rumble of his words through the vibrations in his chest. “you kick the blanket off. someone’s gotta tuck you in.”
“well you didn’t come back before i had to come find you,” you point out. “so tell me, what’s on that mind of yours? can’t be nothing if you leave me cold and alone in our bed.”
“just a silly old dream,” he shrugs off, laughing dryly as he says, “nothing a tough warden like me can’t handle.”
“oh yeah?” you press gently, leaning up to kiss his jaw with a delicate, warm press of your lips. it makes him swallow thickly, inhaling a shaky breath as he nods.
“you don’t have to handle it,” you offer carefully, “not alone, at least. you know that, baby?”
“do i look that troubled?” he smiles weakly, but it drops as soon as your hand cups his cheek, pulling him to lean in until his forehead is pressed against yours and his eyes can’t leave their spot of looking directly at you.
“do you trust me?” you whisper. he nods, unable to speak. “i love you, you know.”
“i know,” he croaks. “i love you too.”
“so then talk to me.” your hand falls from his cheek to his chest, laying right on his heart while your other hand squeezes his as it keeps it in its hold.
so he does. with a shaky sigh, he tells you about them, the things he sees in his sleep.
sometimes, wriothesley has dreams. dreams of his mother brushing back his hair with her fingers as she wakes him for breakfast. dreams of his father patting his back as he throws a ball to one of his brothers. dreams of childlike, gleeful laughter ringing through his ears in a muffled, distant sound before it morphs into pained, horrified screams.
his legs carry him down the hallway of his childhood home, bare feet pounding against the hardwood until finally, he turns to corner into his living room. and there he stands—face to face with himself. one version of him in crumpled pajamas and another in oversized, scuffed up clothes like he’s drifted from street to street. he stares at himself, only he notices he looks older, more distant, more tired.
and then he notices the blood. it’s everywhere—on his hands, splattered on his face, dripped onto his clothes, pooled on the floor.
blood is everywhere. it coats the same floors he ran on, stains the same walls his height was marked against. it dirties every happy memory of this house of his, no longer a home.
w-what have you done? he asks his older self.
the boy—the one with his own face—glares down at him, so angry and betrayed, so unlike his happy self as he mutters, what had to be done.
and then he wakes up. he’s always covered in cold sweat, panting, and shuffled far, far away from your peaceful and beautiful sleeping figure. how can he wake you? how can he disrupt your pure, sweet state to wipe the blood spilt on his hands? how can he ask you to carry the heaviness of his sins when you’re so free and weightless from that darkness that plagues someone like him?
you listen as he spills his heart, quiet and unmoving against his side as your palm never leaves his chest. his eyes follow the movement of the fish outside of the glass while he speaks, and your eyes trace over the new red, angry marks on the back of his hand.
“just thought i’d come down here to clear my head,” he confesses, “you looked like you were tired.”
“i’d have woken you,” you admit, looking up at him. he meets your stare, furrowing his brows in confusion until you add, “if i had a bad dream, i mean. because you’re the only place i feel safe.”
he breathes out a soft chuckle, cheek laying on the crown of your head as he whispers, “it’s ’cause of the muscles, right? years of boxing will do that to a guy.”
“so what i’m gathering is that i have to take up boxing for you?” you grin, nudging him with your shoulder playfully as he bites his bottom lip to fight back his grin, shaking his head at your antics.
“i just don’t want to wake you every other night.”
“i want you to wake me every night if you have to,” you frown, reaching over and giving his forehead a reprimanding flick with your fingers, “it’s what i’m here for. what’s the point of being together if you’re going to be all alone, wriothesley?”
“i’m not alone,” he argues, lifting your joined hands before his warm lips press a lingering kiss to the back of an equally as warm hand. “i have you.”
you blink, staring at him blankly. “you just kissed your own hand, you fool.”
“right,” he nods, flushing a slight shade of pink before he twists his wrist to kiss the proper hand, “it was on purpose. it’s self love and all that good stuff, you know?”
“uh huh,” you lift a brow, snorting as you shake your head. he gives you a sly wink, leaning down to kiss your lips briefly as you shuffle closer against his side. “you know,” you breathe against his lips, “sometimes we dream about our pasts because our minds want to change something about them.”
“oh? i suppose i could think of a thing or two to change about mine. maybe a happy childhood. maybe the ability to trust people. that’d be nice, don’t you think?”
“i would change mine,” you admit, making him stare at you for a moment as he ponders over your words.
“would you now? and what would you change?”
“i’d meet you sooner,” you hum, “we could be like the cute stories, you know? childhood friends turned destined lovers. wouldn’t that be sweet?”
he looks at you quietly for a bit—dazed, awed, slightly bewildered. you couldn’t possibly want to know a guy like him in your youth, he thinks. how utterly foolish. but there’s no denying that unbearable, pressured clench of his heart, right where only you can reach to squeeze.
“of all stories,” he chuckles, shaking his head, “that’s what you want for yourself? childhood friends to lovers with a premeditated homicide convict that reforms a prison in his adulthood?”
“a traumatized homicide convict,” you correct, “that’s the part that gives it nuance, you know?”
“oh, you’re right,” he nods sarcastically, “how silly of me.”
“don’t laugh at me,” you huff, pouting at him as you poke his chest, “i’m serious. i’d meet you sooner if i could.”
“me too,” he murmurs, pecking your lips in a wordless apology. you accept with a soft kiss of your own in return. “i’d have met you way sooner too, sweetheart.”
“maybe you’ll dream it some day,” you wink cheekily.
“let’s hope i do,” he laughs, pulling you to sit between his legs, your back to his chest as he rests his chin on your shoulder and sighs in content. “you’re the only place too, by the way,” he adds after a few moments, breath tickling the shell of your ear as he whispers the words.
“hmm?” you tilt your head in confusion, gasping when his arms wrap tightly around you, his face burying into your neck as he presses a tickling kiss into your skin.
“where i feel safe.”
“oh,” you breathe, smiling slightly in wonder, “good. then you’ll wake me next time?”
“will it keep you warmer in this cold, unforgiving fortress of ours?”
“oh yes,” you nod, giggling lightly. “very warm.”
he smiles into your skin, replacing the vivid images of blood in his mind with the soft hues of your eyes. “then i suppose i have no choice but to wake you.”
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childhood friends to lovers with wrio where reader flips neuvillette off and marches down to the fortress and drags wrio back up to the overworld by the wrist when he’s convicted bc she makes the rules around these parts
jk i love you neuvi my sweet angel dragon
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cute-sucker · 24 days
arh i want cowbow rafe :(((( he's so mean and demeaning but you take it bc he's so hot
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note: i love this so much, and this is 100% rafe x pup, change my mind!!!
he would be the meanest at his house parties.
it might be because he rarely has them...and he would be so demeaning because he knew you could take it as well. your legs thrown over his waist, as he carried you to tannyhill before the two of you get ready for the party.
he's speak so softly to you and you'd completely crumble to his hold, nodding your head at his claims of being a good girl for him - for the evening. he'd be holding you up, as you bounced around hoping that he would speak gently to you. he'd play with you, rough and tough. you would take it though, and promise him all those things.
however.... at the party, you'd get drunk while trying to put on his cowboy boots. he would get so pissed at you whenever you tried to turn into a "cow girl," because he knew it meant you trying to do a cartwheel in those scanty little shorts and flash all of his friends in the process.
instead he'd keep a heavy hand on your waist, as you grinned up to him, slobbering all over his white tee, and trying to tell him that you really really loved him. you'd be scooting all over his lap, trying to get closer so you could pepper kisses on his face. this he would hate the most because he had to act like a 'tough guy,' but the minute that you tried to whisper in his ear, he would groan and try not to kiss you. you'd get more impatient yk, because you loved him so much.
at a certain point of this party you would just hop on his lap, dainty and blinking up to him. lets be honest you'd try to bite his arm, and then promptly fall asleep. all the guys would make fun of him, and lets be honest a grumpy rafe with you sprawled all over his lap was a sight to see.
at this point, he would tell everyone that he was going to come back to drag you to bed, shoving your jaw open to make you swallow the pill, as you moaned about how mean he was. he's annoyed at this point, because all of his friends saw how misbehaved you were, and we all know that rafe thinks it reflects how whipped he is for you. he can hear their whispers saying how dumb he was for letting his girl run wild.
he's tell you to shut up, hand snaking around your shoulders, "shut up before i make you shut up." he'd spit out, and then tuck you into bed at gently as he could trying not to look at the way your eyes welled up with tears, as you pouted at him, trembling at you held out to the sheets of the bed. and after that he'd get back down to the party, listening to the guys joke around.
at one point he would let out a deep breath, knowing you were safe and sound in your bed. but of course, of course you came back down later on at the night. this time you were in your scanty pyjamas, where he was 100% sure you were not wearing panties as he huffed when you came down. you'd almost slipped on your way down, whimpering for rafe.
the minute you saw him, you jumped into his arms, as he clenched his jaw. "what is it?" he tried to say gently but it came out so roughly, you shivered. "what is it?"
"didn't like sleeping alone. i can't take it. there was this guy in our bed," you whimpered out, "he was watching me, i swear rafe. it was so scary and he was petting my head."
that caught his attention, turning around to check who was there. "what the fuck did you say?" he hisses out, before you flinch, and step away from him. "what did he look like?" you close your eyes, and shook your head, confused.
"don't know who he was, i got out of bed and ran. think he was wearing a brown shirt, and the cowboy hat"
at this point rafe is about to burst a vien as he closes his eyes. "alright, how about we end this party 'yea?" he murmured, and pushes your trembling figure into his hands, possessively placing his hand on that small part of your back.
by the end of the night, the two of you are huddled in bed, as you sleepily drool in his tight embrace. he can't help but feel confused at your previous statement, thinking about the creep in your bed. suddenly your small hand reaches out to touch his stubble, and he looks down at you pawing at his chest. you let out a small yelp, giving him a sweet drowsy smile.
"rafe, i wanna tell you a secret," you whisper, before pushing up in the bed to reach his ear. rafe groans before lowering himself, muttering something under his breath. you giggle softly, before giving him a little kiss on his neck.
"there was no one rafe. i lied. just wanted you in bed, and those awful people to go away. 'm sorry" you whisper painstakingly, "don't be mad please."
somehow he isn't mad, and instead he gently tells you to shut your eyes, and go to sleep.
he'll deal with your bratty behavior later.
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chuusmuts · 1 month
sleepover at your boyfriend!kazuha's house
smut. fingering (bcs i suck at writing other than this), (slightly) possessive/yandere kazuha. not proofread.
no words about gensin. just going crazy over an's new commissioned song.
you were supposedly having a sleepover at your boyfriend!kazuha's house. with his suggestion, both of you came to a decision to have a deep late night talk before sleeping. whilst you were engrossed in his tale, you didn't realise his hand was playing with the band of your pants. his mind had become a little fuzzy after having the need to touch you, but you looked so cute listening to him, with you biting your lower lip so he couldn't just put an end to his story.
as he continued talking, his hand slowly creeped up inside your pants. and as soon as you felt his fingertips brush your cunt, you let out a quiet gasp as you fought the urge to buck your hips and moan. slowly, his fingers grazed lightly on your pussy before starting to rub your clit while his other hand rested on your hip. in this moment, he was still talking, but not about his previous story, he was whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
your pants was pulled passed your butt as he worked his fingers on your pussy like magic, stroking your clit in a slow motion and teasing your fold. your hand was put over your mouth to hide your moans, but oh, you really couldn't hold it anymore as your breath kept hitching. his fingers felt so good, too good, and the way he whispered sweet nothings into your ear only made you even wetter. after a period of time, you struggled to keep your legs open as they kept trembling.
kazuha could feel it, how wet you were and how tight and hot you were down there, your body practically begging for his attention. he leaned down and nuzzled his nose into your neck, inhaling your scent and sucking on your skin, leaving a few obvious hickeys before moving up to your ear. his voice was low and husky as he spoke in a gentle manner, barely above a whisper. "sweetheart, i can't stop myself from touching you. you're so unbelievably hot and sexy."
he really tried to resist himself every time he saw you wearing nothing but only a thin layer of white shirt and short pants, no panties, no bra and whatsoever. and tonight, he finally snapped. as he moved his finger up and down, he curled his fingers and put more pressure, his nails scraping against your skin. it was almost unbearably intense, but he knew you could handle it because you're such a good girl all for him and seeing you squirming and writhing beside him, still trying to hold back your moans, he couldn't resist but to plunge two fingers into your tight, wet hole and teased your sweet spot in which he succeeded making you whimper.
he groaned, unable to help himself, as he continued to move his fingers inside you, feeling your walls squeeze around him. his fingers twisted and turned inside you, his thumb brushing against your g-spot, causing an involuntary shiver to run through your body. he looked up at you again, meeting your eyes as he did so, and his lips parted slightly as he watched you squirm and writhe. the thought of filling your hole with his cock, filled him with an insatiable need that he just couldn't ignore. as he began to thrust his fingers faster and harder, he spoke once more, this time his voice deeper and rougher than ever before. it was full of raw, unbridled passion as he whispered in your ear, "i want to fuck you badly, baby. please let me take you right here and now, i need you so much."
hearing no response from you pissed him just a little. but when he heard you accidentally let out a clear and loud whimper, calling his name, he took the initiative and wasted time getting on top of you, straddling you while still scissoring your sensitive cunt. the sight of your face contorted in pleasure was amazing and he knew it wouldn't be long before you cum on his fingers hence why he plunged the third finger, successfully making you moaned his name again.
breathing heavily, his eyes never left yours as he fucked you with his fingers. he could feel your walls closing around him, the heat of your body enveloping him as he slid in and out of you. with each stroke, he felt his own arousal grow, his cock hardening beneath his boxers. he swore he could hear your heartbeat echoing in his ears, a steady drumming that matched the rhythm of his fingers. he loved how you always seemed to respond to his touch, especially when he played with your sensitive spots, he loved it when body shook with anticipation.
he crashed his lips into yours roughly, his tongue lapping at your lips hungrily before inviting his tongue inside your mouth and playing with yours as he continued to work his fingers inside you. with his free hand, he reached down and grabbed your thigh, holding it firmly in place as he thrusted his fingers deep into your pussy, making sure they hit your g-spot with each movement. he groaned into the kiss as he felt his balls slapping against your thighs with each thrust. a sweet, adorable scream keened from your throat when you finally came from your high only to come out in a muffled moan into his mouth. you gripped on his shoulder tightly as cum spilled nonstop onto his fingers.
his lips curved into a smile as he felt you clenched down on his fingers, your muscles tightening around him. he looked down at your face, your eyes closed as you cried out in pleasure before kissing you again. his tongue slid along the inside of your mouth as he pulled out his fingers and shoved them into your mouth, making you tasted yourself and choked slightly. he grinned at you as you licked his fingers obediently before getting off of you, taking his boxers off and revealing his already rock hard cock. grabbing your clothes harshly, he took them off before tossing them to who knows where.
he spread your legs wider and positioned his leaking cock at your entrance, teasing you a little and you couldn't help yourself but to moaned unabashedly, rutting and bucking your hips. his thumb found its way on your clit again giving you more pleasure by feverishly rubbing on it. as he buried his cock inside you, his lips connected with yours once more, muffling any of your moans trying to get out while still stroking your clit. you could feel the fatness of his cock stretching you out and filing you up as he began to thrust slowly, wanting you to adjust to his size beforehand as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
his big and strong hands held you close, keeping you close to him as his heart beat wildly while looking down at you. your soft breasts pressed against his chest as he held you in his arms, his thumbs rubbing against your clit and your inner thighs. his eyes burning with passion as he thrusted inside you, his cock hitting your g-spot with each thrust. he smirked as he watched you try to keep up with his pace, your hips bucking and rolling against his as he continued to push his cock into your womb. the sight of your face was undeniably mouth-watering, your face flushed with pleasure and your eyes half-closed as he continued to thrust, your body shaking with the force of his movements.
your body was so perfect, so fucking beautiful. he loved everything about you, how your breasts jiggled with each movement, and how your nipples hardened under his touch. he stroked your clit with his thumb as your moans grew louder and louder. when you moaned loud, very loud, he just knew he had hit the right spot. you whined, your legs around his waist loosening though he quickly grabbed your ass and pulled you closer to him so he could get his cock deeper inside your tight pussy until it hit the spongy spot inside you.
he groaned in bliss, his voice low and rough as he gazed at you with his eyes dark and hungry. leaning in closer, his lips barely brushed against your ear as he spoke. "fuck, baby, you are so fucking hot. i can't wait to fill you up with my seed." he grounded his teeth together, his eyes flashing as he continued to thrust into you, his cock hitting your cervix with each powerful motion that the bed made a creak sound. "please, please, please let me fuck you so hard. i need to fill you up with my cum, to feel you squirt on my cock, to see your tits bouncing as I fuck you." he moaned.
feeling your walls clamp down more on his cock, his movements began to get sloppier and he could feel a knot forming in his lower stomach. you squirmed more underneath him, and your body shook violently, your nails dugging into his shoulders, and a loud scream of his name left your lips as you reached your high. he picked up his pace pace again after you squirted, and shortly after, a load of hot seed was shot into your womb as he squeezed your breasts to relieve the pain from his body.
the feeling of his cum shooting into your womb was indescribable. sweat covered his body and his breathing was heavy as he felt his entire body trembled with the power of his orgasm. he collapsed on top of you, burying his face between your tits, his body shaking with the intensity of his climax as he continued to shoot his seed into your womb. he looked up at you, his eyes still filled with passion and desire and his heart pounding wildly. his cock continued to twitch and throb as he tried to catch his breath. he chuckled lightly, his voice hoarse and low as he looked at you. "i think i might have fucked you too hard," he said, his brow furrowed in concern as he looked up at you through the space between your boobs. "are you okay? do you think you can go for round two?"
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sunghoonbite · 4 months
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pairing: jungwon x reader
warnings: smut, sub jungwon, dom reader, pegging, little bit of biting, mommy kink, soft sex?, first time subbing, thigh riding, edging
minors dni
** this will be my only jungwon smut **
you and jungwon always stayed in on saturdays.
so it would be no surprise finding you both cuddled up on the couch, on the bed, or sleeping in until noon.
today you had spent all day doing practically nothing together, which was typical. however, jungwon seemed particularly on edge and frankly, standoffish.
he seemed nervous. each time you reached for his hand he froze for a moment, then proceeded to act normal. such events happened all day, up until now, where he rested his head on your chest, clinging onto you in bed.
jungwon looked up at you, slowly, as if analyzing your features. you leaned in for a quick kiss, which he quickly reciprocated. he wanted more, he needed more. it was clear, demonstrated by him sitting up, grabbing the collar of your shirt, moving closer until he was almost on your lap.
you pulled away.
“won,” you said.
he immediately leaned in to kiss you again, to which you responded by pulling back again.
“won,” you repeated, less gentle this time.
he didn’t respond, he just stared at you blankly, his eyes wide and his lips wet. you weren’t completely sure if he was surprised or if his big eyes just stood out more in the moment.
“what is it?” you asked.
“what do you mean?”
“you’ve been acting different today,” you stated softly, “did i do something?”
he quickly shook his head as if appalled that you could ever believe you could do wrong.
“no, no! not you,” he spoke.
“then what?”
he played with his hands.
“it isn’t important, angel,” he spoke lowly, “but i just want to go back to kissing you now.”
he leaned forward and you leaned back.
“i’m not comfortable doing that until you tell me what’s going on,” you communicated.
this was the truth. knowing jungwon is upset and not attempting to help or even know the cause felt like a crime. you were lucky enough to know him well enough to realize something was wrong, since he typically goes on as if nothing happened. always putting up a happy front, never upset. never sick. never failing.
he looked at you and it was clear that he was embarrassed. it’s not easy to describe, but little changes in his face mean everything. a twitch or a slightly raised eyebrow has more meaning when coming from jungwon. let alone the blood rushing to his face, coloring him a fleshy pink.
“you don’t have to be nervous,” you consoled, “it’s just me.”
“okay,” jungwon replied, then opened his mouth to say more but fell silent. you waited.
he was still sat on your right thigh, your back pressed against your bed’s headboard. your duvet draped against your other leg. he loved to be close to you. he loved moments like these.
“i want you to take control of me,” he stated.
you blinked.
“how do you want me to do that?” you replied, slightly stumbling over your words from the suddenness of his request.
“i want you to do whatever you want to me,” jungwon said.
there was a pause.
“you’re sure?” you asked.
“please,” jungwon responded.
being in control of jungwon was something that appeared only in your fantasies. he was always playing the leader. you assumed he wouldn’t want otherwise. now, you realize, why wouldn’t he want otherwise? he’s always in control. being ENHYPEN’s leader. he needed a break. he needed to be cared for. he needed you.
you kissed him immediately and moved him as close as you could get with him on top of your lap. you continued to clash mouths, breaking the kiss only when air was needed. you slipped your hand up his baggy shirt, feeling his skin against your palm.
“i really need you,” jungwon whimpered into your lips.
“be patient,” you replied gently.
you continued to attempt taking control while you made out, leading the kiss and pressing your thigh up into his crotch. you felt him start to grind against it.
moving your hand down onto his hips, you guided him to lightly rub against you. you felt him tremble under your touch and shiver when your skin met.
you ripped your lips away from jungwon and he nearly whined, but you quickly took his top off before he could say a word.
you lightly moved him so that he was sitting on the mattress, while you sat in front of him. you pulled his sweatpants off and he pulled off his boxers.
he was hard, of course, and already leaking pre-cum solely from the friction.
“aren’t you going to get undressed too?” he asked.
“no,” you replied, and placed both hands on his cock.
“wait, ah,” jungwon moaned. he twitched at your touch immediately, bucking his hips up and leaning his head back.
“look at me,” you ordered as his gaze shifted up.
he obeyed, his eyes half lidded as he stared at you.
you only slightly moved your hands against his cock, rubbing your thumb over his tip every once in a while to get a full body reaction from him.
“i want more,” he whimpered quietly.
you tilted your head at him, smiling slightly.
“please,” he said softly.
you replied by picking up the pace, using his pre-cum as lube while you fucked him with your hands.
it had only been a few minutes, but he already began to shudder and twitch at your actions.
“i’m close,” he whined, “please, can i-“
you removed your hands.
jungwon let out a cry, shifting his entire body back at the loss of contact. without even giving it a second thought, he immediately used his own hand to pleasure himself.
“hands off,” you replied, “you said you wanted me in control.”
he continued lapping at his cock, then uttered, “i do but i-“
you reach out and hold both his wrists in your hand, then grabbed his shirt you took off earlier with your free arm. before he could object, you tied it around his hands, bounding him.
he whined continuously.
“stay there,” you ordered softly.
you rummaged around in your closet to find the box of toys that you rarely used. once, on a mall shopping spree, you purchased a strap-on. it was before you met jungwon, before you knew you would not be the typical dominant one in the relationship. it was still boxed. you were considering returning it until tonight.
when you came back with it, he eyed it immediately, with the pink flush appearing all over his face again.
“can i use this on you?” you asked.
you assumed he would probably object completely, or at least take a moment to consider. instead, he nodded and immediately spoke, “yes.”
you sat back against your headboard once again, and attempted to lift him up onto your lap. you didn’t succeed; he had been working out a bit more than usual and had a good amount of muscle. however, jungwon’s a good boy, and realized what you wanted. he lowered himself onto you, facing you.
with the strap on, lubed up and ready, you repeated again if he was sure. once he confirmed, you eased him onto your cock.
he took the tip and bit down on your shoulder, a moan escaping his lips as soon as you entered him.
“are you okay?” you asked, resisting the urge to pull out of him immediately.
“keep going,” he whimpered into your skin.
you continued to enter him, and with the way his teeth sunk into your skin you knew it would leave a mark tomorrow.
“gentle,” you eased him, and he retracted his teeth slightly.
you kissed him on his neck softly while you fucked him, moving slowly when he gave you the okay to do so. his moans were beautiful, letting out so many different sounds he never made before. he was louder than when you usually had sex, but that was to be expected.
“does it feel okay?” you whispered to him.
“yes,” you heard somewhere through his moans, “more,” he exhaled.
“you want me to go deeper?”
you felt him nod against your skin.
a nod again.
“use your words,” you said gently.
“faster,” he whined, “deeper, please.”
you obliged, and he yelled out. through the plethora of sounds, he tried to speak, somewhere along the lines of “feels so good, please, keep going,” and “please don’t stop.”
you guided jungwon’s hips just as you did when he humped your thigh, but this time he was taking your cock. he rode you out well with the help of your hands.
you thrusted your cock in and out of him now, hearing it slap against his skin, his moans getting deeper and louder. his teeth were digging into your shoulder again, lips puckered around your skin when he wasn’t crying out. from the sheer attractiveness of his whimpers, you moaned out too, whispering little praises as you fucked into him.
“mommy,” he cried out without realizing, and froze up.
you went faster, fucking deep into his walls, silently seething at the fact that you aren’t able to fill him up with cum.
pounding him now, he tensed up and moaned out, “i’m going to cum, please mommy, let me cum.”
“cum for me, wonnie,” and he did, immediately, his cock pressed up against your tummy while his cum dripped down your body.
his entire body twitched and shook as he orgasmed, moaning your name out repeatedly and breathlessly.
you pulled out, slowly enough for it to not be uncomfortable, and pulled him against you despite the mess.
his cheeks were entirely red, the hairs in his face damp from sweat, sticking to him. his lips were pinker and puffier due to his flushed face.
he breathed heavily as he looked at you, chest moving rapidly to go along with his breaths.
“you okay?” you asked, brushing his hair away from his face, eyes teary from the pleasure.
he pressed his face into your neck
“yes,” he hummed against your skin like before, “thank you.”
it was silent now, and you laid like that with him, bodies entangled as you held him against you.
he fell asleep within minutes, as he always did after sex. usually it was frustrating, you being the one awake after him, but today it was peaceful.
you wanted to look at him but his face was pressed against your chest, skin to skin, and you brushed his fingers with your hair, kissing him on the head every so often.
looks like you’ll stay in together sunday too.
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seeingivy · 2 months
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's (older brother) fic
previous part linked here
TW: minor mentions of violence/parental abuse!! also this is suggestive pls read at your own discretion!!
“so did i grow another head or are you meeting up with sammy later?” 
“what? how did you even know about that?” 
sukuna lazily leans against you, still half asleep, as he breathes into your neck, a string of unintelligible noises coming out of his throat. you can tell that it’s still too early for him – and that your racket or your absence must have woken him up. you reach up, running one of your hands through his hair, before pressing a halfhearted kiss to his cheek and returning to your typing. 
“google calendar.” sukuna responds. 
you smile. 
“i didn’t realize you actually looked at that.” 
sukuna reaches forward, slamming the screen of your computer down, as you roll your eyes and lean against him. 
“you can study in bed, y’know.” he responds. 
“that’ll distract you, with the typing and the shuffling of papers and all that.” 
“well, it’s already fucking distracting when i wake up and you’re not next to me, so…same shit.” 
you roll your eyes. 
“stop being dramatic. i could easily spend the weekend at my own place and you’d sleep just fine.” you respond. 
“no, i wouldn’t. you basically live here now, i’d obviously notice if you just disappeared.” he deadpans. 
you pause, clutching your pencil in your hand, before spinning it around in your palm. you can feel sukuna lean off of you, your silence clueing him in, as he now intently stares at you with his brown eyes, drowning in irritation. he’s clearly awake now. 
“what are you thinking about?” he asks. 
“well, it’s certainly not nothing. and i’m almost positive it’s something annoying because you’re not telling me.” he responds, poking into your cheek. 
you sigh. 
“should i be paying rent? because…i really am here all the time…s’kind of unfair if you’re the one paying for the place when i stole all of your closet space and your bed and –” 
“you’re making it sound like you’re such a nuisance to me. contrary to your beliefs, i actually love that you’re using my closet and that you take my jackets sometimes. and in my opinion, the only place you should be is in my bed anyway, so.” 
sukuna can tell that you’re not really buying it. 
“can you let me cover our groceries? i literally eat all of your food too. and –” 
“it’s our food. i made it for you.” he complains. 
“i’m probably emptying out your bank account and you’re just letting me. you should just –” 
sukuna reaches for your legs, before sliding you sideways on the chair so that you’re facing him. and he takes his residence in between your legs, cupping his hands around your face, and angling your chin up so that you’re looking at him. 
“you’re about to graduate. how about…you start splitting rent with me when you aren’t living in your dorm and you’re officially living with me? it doesn’t make sense to pay for two places right now.” 
you bite down on the softness of your cheek. 
“are you…asking me to move in with you?”
“you already live here.” he deadpans. 
“no. but then we’d have to put me on the lease. i’d-i’d actually live here live here.” 
“well, were you really thinking about moving back home? you would hate that.” 
“i mean no. but i was going to look for an apartment and roommates and –” 
“i have an apartment right here. i would be a great roommate – i feed you and i kiss you when you’re sad, which seems like a win win to me. but if it feels too fast for you to move in with me in a few months, that’s okay with me. i will help you apartment hunt if it comes to it.” 
you frown. 
“do you think people will judge us for moving in together so fast? i mean, by the time i graduate, it’ll only have been like…like half a year? and we still haven’t –” 
“do you think it’s weird?” 
“i mean, no but –” 
“what other people say doesn’t matter. if you want to live here when june comes around, that’s really no one else’s business. i’m not going to murder you, i won’t be a bad roommate, and that’s kind of all that matters.” 
you smile. 
“do you want to live with me?” 
“you. already. live. here.” he responds. 
“no, but like. joint lease. like actually living here. you know you won’t be able to break up with me for like two years because we’ll be stuck here, right?”
“well, i was obviously not planning on breaking up with you, so that won’t be a problem, will it?” 
you pause. 
“i guess not.” 
sukuna gives you a satisfied smile, before dropping his hand from your face to the chain hanging around your neck. you can’t help but feel your cheeks warm as he admires the little charms on the necklace he gave you, running his fingers over them. 
“what?” you ask. 
“you’re still wearing it.” 
“are you crazy? i have to wear this forever now. i’m never going to take it off.” 
“okay, but…i do take mine to get cleaned every few months so you will eventually have to take it off.” 
you roll your eyes, as you bring one of your hands up to his, and squeeze. 
“so…i’m taking your big avoidance of the question as a confirmation that you really are seeing sammy later?” 
you sigh. 
“yeah. i’ve been trying to make plans with her for two weeks and she was finally able to pencil me in.” 
sukuna pulls up the chair next to you, sitting on it backwards, as he leans his chin against the back of the chair. he’s playing with the rings on your fingers, twisting them back and forth, as he listens. 
“okay, but why? do i have to roam around in the mall at the same time as you guys just to save you in case she’s a bitch?” 
“don’t call her a bitch, sukuna.” you groan. 
sukuna’s eyes widen, as he jokingly presses his hands to your face and starts shaking your head. 
“who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?” 
you swat his hands off, as you narrow your eyes at him. 
“stop it! i’m just…trying to be nicer to her. you should be too, she’s still my sister.” 
“wow. what brought on this sudden need to reconcile with the devil?” 
“okay, okay, i’m done.” 
you pause, leaning your cheek against the cold tile of the kitchen island. it bites into your skin, the shrill cold making the hairs on the ends of your arm stand up. 
“you know how we hate that yuuji is so…so one track minded when it comes to you and me? how he kind of pushes his own feelings into what he thinks about us and that…that a lot of them are really immature things from when you guys were kids?” 
“it would be hypocritical of me to hate yuuji for doing that when i do the same thing to my own sister.” 
sukuna raises his eyebrows. 
“do you?” 
“i think so. i’m just…i don’t know. i feel like dating you has made me more self aware.” 
“well, obviously. i’m the epitome of emotional intelligence.” 
“shut up! i was just saying because…well, i know why yuuji harbors so much dislike for you now that you’re dating me.”  
sukuna pauses, leaning forward like he’ll almost miss it if he isn’t close enough to hear it. 
“he thought it was really careless when you left for europe, that you just thought about yourself and no one else. he thought it was really unfair because he still needed you to be there for him and you weren’t anymore.” 
sukuna can feel the guilt pooling in his chest. 
“but now that i’m dating you…and i know why you left, i feel like he’s really immature. i know that yuuji needed you but you were still a kid too. it wasn’t your responsibility to take care of him and he can’t get mad at you for that. you were your own person and you picked what was right for you.” 
sukuna reaches forward and cups one of your cheeks. you lean into the warmth of his hand, before pressing a kiss to his palm. 
“that’s why i hated sammy. that she would try to be fake and act like she was the best, when i knew she was getting drunk every weekend in highschool. i…i was always embarrassed because really, i just wanted her to take care of me the way you took care of yuuji. but that wasn’t her job and really, she still did that when it really mattered, anyways.” 
“what do you mean?” 
“that time i told you about, where i got caught in that car with mazzy and got in trouble. they called my mom, but…but sammy was the one who picked up. she was the one who came and got me and i had to tell her everything. i was expecting for her to tell me what everyone kind of did at that time, that he was a bad guy so what did i expect from being with him?” 
“but she just took me home and told me to take a shower. made me a really nice dinner. it meant a lot to me at the time, i-i basically started sobbing when she handed me my food because it just felt so nice to be around someone who just wanted to take care of me. she never even asked me twice about it, just…just kind of did what i needed.”  
sukuna presses a kiss to the top of your knuckles. 
“we’re older now. i want us to be better and just…be friends at least? i don’t know, i just think i’ve been really unfair to her when i’ve never even stopped to ask her if she needed anything from me.” 
“well, you can start by asking her today.” sukuna offers. 
you smile. 
“yeah. yeah, i can.” 
sukuna leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“so what i’m hearing is…i’m the best, most self aware boyfriend ever who –” 
“oh, calm down, narcissus. just when i think your ego can’t get bigger you go and start staying stuff like that.” 
you wait for sammy across from the little donut shop at the mall. you get a set of two donuts – a maple bar for her and a sugar one for you – as you swing your legs over the bench and rehearse your little script in your head. 
it felt a little evil given the conversation you had with sukuna earlier in the day, but you had a favor you desperately needed to ask her. 
and surely enough, she comes right on time, hands shoved in her pockets as she gives you a halfhearted smile. you jump up, unsure if you should hug her or shake hands and then there’s too much of a pause when you don’t say anything. 
“are you okay?” she asks.
“hm? yeah! yeah. how are you? also, i got you a donut. and it’s maple, your favorite! and –” 
you pause – too much. but she fills the silence. 
“you’re rambling.” she states, as she plops down on the bench. 
she shoots you a grateful smile as she picks up the donut from the box, perfectly wrapped in the napkin, and takes a bite out of it. you mimic her motions, maybe scarfing down yours faster than you should have, from the nervousness. 
she hates you. 
“jesus. is this the first time you ate today? do i have to slap sukuna for not feeding my little sister properly?” 
sammy reaches forward, an annoyed look on her face, as she wipes away the sugar around the edges of your mouth – and you shoot her a grateful smile, that she halfheartedly acknowledges, as you lean back on the bench. 
“how’d you know about sukuna?” 
sammy rolls her eyes. 
“kisa. she was going on and on about how the ryomen sukuna is dating sammy’s little sister. half of the town knows by now, including the moms, who are planning to invite you to some big dinner where they start talking about your wedding.” 
“huh? my what?” 
“you should thank me, bitch. they were actually talking about your grandchildren and i told them that they need to tone it back fifty notches or you both won’t ever talk to them again.” 
“well, sukuna definitely won’t if they say that.” 
“tell me about it.” she responds. 
you shoot her a grateful smile, heart warm that she had thought to advocate for you in the slightest, as you prep yourself to say your entire spiel. 
“i asked you a question. is he good to you?” sammy asks. 
“sukuna. is he good to you or do i have to mutilate him?” 
you smile and she returns it back, leaning back in her chair and hiking her legs to her chest. 
“really good. i really love him.” you respond. 
sammy smiles. 
“i know.” 
“what do you mean you know?” 
“first and foremost, that poor kid has been so hopelessly wet in his pants for you since he was like a kid. do you remember that one birthday where he got you a bike that he built from scratch? second, i did hear him call you a pretty girl that one dinner he came to right before you started chewing him out.” 
you cringe. 
“oh god. we’re not actually like that – i was being really stupid that day. i just…” 
“no, it was really funny. he came back looking like a kicked dog when mom asked him to leave.” 
you smile. 
“i bet.” 
you pause. you had to be honest. 
“we actually don’t fight that much, that was just one of the rare times. i just got kind of jealous. of you. when the moms were suggesting that you date him and you were buying into it. i thought he was actually going to do it and i just…got irritated and yelled at him. and trust me, i was even worse when we got home before i calmed down, so…” 
sammy scoffs. 
“i don’t want to date your boyfriend.” 
“i know! it…it was my problem. i clearly have issues with insecurities, especially when it comes to you because of how the moms were sometimes, and i know that it’s my fault.” 
sammy raises her eyes.
“well, i don’t know. i mean, i feel like i’ve had big problems with what people have thought of me since i was a kid. but i always felt like they liked you better, and that because they liked you they couldn’t like me, and sometimes it made me resent you. and it was unfair, because, because…that’s not really your fault.” 
sammy sighs, before demolishing her donut by splitting it in half. 
“well, that’s not entirely true.” 
“that’s not true. sometimes…i did do it on purpose. sometimes, i got a kick out of the fact that for once that…someone liked me instead of you.” 
“you’re kidding.” you deadpan. 
“i’m really not though. because you tend to forget, that i didn’t have friends like you did when you were a kid. you met yuuji the first day we moved into that house. sukuna basically followed you around after that. the three of you were friends and…and i was never included. so if the parents were the ones who liked to be around me, then…then that’s where i was going to be.” 
you pause.
the worst part of it was that sammy was always your dad’s favorite. and he’s the one who picked up and left. 
“you forget that your best friend before yuuji was me, y/n. i’m sorry that i was a bitch to you and maybe made some of your insecurities worse…but you did it to me first. i wasn’t exactly mature at that age so i just…that’s just what i did.” 
you lean back, unable to stop thinking about it now. that when you and yuuji wanted to go to the park, sukuna was always the one who took you guys – and that sammy was the one who stayed behind. how you really can’t remember a time where it was ever the four of you, but hundreds of times that sukuna had followed behind you and yuuji under the guise of taking care of you. 
and then you feel horrible. because every time you got drunk in highschool, yuuji was always there covering for you, making sure that you made it home safe with water and aspirin in your system, when you almost always found sammy half passed out on the porch before you had to drag her back into the house before your mom noticed. 
that maybe, sammy knew exactly how to take care of you that night she had to pick you up, because it was exactly what she had been longing for someone to do for her. 
“i’m a really shitty sister, aren’t i?” you ask.  
“yeah. but i am too, so…can’t really blame yourself there.” 
“are you? because…because i literally abandoned you.” 
“and i took it out on you and your friends after the fact so, relax. we’re both shitty people, it’s not a big deal.” 
you pause. you suppose that she’s right. 
“i was going to ask something really cheesy but i know you’d get really annoyed.” you state. 
sammy curls her nose up in disgust. 
“like what?” 
“well, i was going to ask if we were going to be friends now? and –” 
“you exercised the correct judgment. that’s disgusting, y/n.” 
but then sammy brings her hand up and rests it against the top of your head, before brushing the stray hairs around your face to the backs of your ears. and you smile, feeling so oddly taken care of that it makes your heart warm. 
“god. he really is good for you, isn’t he?” 
“pablo picasso. obviously, sukuna.” sammy responds, tone bitingly sarcastic. 
“why do you say that?” 
“dunno. we’re hanging out right now. talking about our feelings. if he makes you realize that you’re jealous of me and indirectly makes us talk about our…whatever…then he must be good for you. that and the fact that he’s been obsessed with you since forever so, he must be on top of the world.” 
you smile. 
“i don’t know. i kind of thought that some part of me was…ruined after what happened back then. like i came with this big thing that someone else would have to come to terms with if they were going to be with me.” 
sammy glares at you, but you can tell that it’s laced with concern. that she thinks you’re being stupid. 
“i just mean. i always knew i’d have problems from my past relationship in my current one. and that maybe someone wouldn’t love me enough to be patient, because i would struggle so much.” 
sammy sighs. 
“but, he’s so patient. sammy, sometimes i don’t even know what i did to deserve him. he’s…he does things just because he knows they’ll make me happy, even if he hates them, and…and he’s always so understanding about everything. he never pushes, he’s always so sweet and just –” 
“it’s what you deserve.” 
“it’s what you should have had the first time.” sammy states. 
you pause.
“yeah. but it almost makes me more grateful for him now. it’s almost like…i had to know the bad to really appreciate the good? and it makes it sweeter? i don’t know, i obviously wouldn’t have wanted it to happen if i had the choice, but i’m just really…really grateful for him.” you respond. 
“i’m sure that means the world to him.” 
“what do you mean?” 
sammy nearly cringes. 
“well, you know how his dad was. i’m sure it makes his entire life that someone actually appreciates him.” 
you nod. 
“i was going to call him after this actually. tell him that if he ever hurts my little sister, who is my friend now, i’m going to cut his dick off. but…same for you. sometimes i forget how much he suffered at the hands of his dad when he was little. he deserves good just as much as you do.” 
you feel a shiver down your spine. on a topic you had yet to broach with sukuna. on the times that he’d fight so bad with his dad that he’d spend the night at your house. and the rare occasions where his dad would raise his hands on sukuna and when you had to watch your mom ice his skin from the door of the kitchen. 
“you’ll cut my dick off?” you murmur. 
sammy snorts. 
“shut up. you know what i meant.” 
sammy pushes up off the bench, as she gestures for you to join her with her head. 
“so what did you need my help with?” sammy asks. 
“huh? how did you know?” 
“you’re annoying. you’re going to be nice to me but you’re also going to ask for a favor.” sammy states. 
“okay, i’m sorry! but i really can’t ask anyone else, all my friends are all…weird about me and sukuna dating so i can’t just be like oh…oh come buy lingerie with me because i have no idea how any of it works.” 
sammy raises her eyebrows, fighting the urge to laugh, as you shove her. 
“shut up. you’re such a bitch.” 
“you guys already hit a short fuse that you need to spice things up? he’s such a dog.” 
“what? no, no we haven’t even done it yet.” 
“well, we had a whole talk. and now that we’ve waited for so long, i want it to be special. for me and him, and…and i want to feel good, okay? not that i think it’ll make me feel good but i just mean it would be nice to do something like that.” 
sammy links her arm in with yours, turning on your heel towards the direction of the store, as she keeps laughing. you can feel the embarrassment in your cheeks, irritated, as you elbow her in the side one again. 
“stop it!” 
“i’m sorry! that’s actually like really cute and fucking romantic. but i can’t just stop laughing at you saying you don’t know how lingerie works.” 
“it looks so complicated online. just so many…straps and stuff.” 
“okay, okay, relax. my girlfriend loves this type of shit, so i’m basically an expert.” 
you try to hide your shock – at sammy saying she has a girlfriend – as she drags you into the store and basically shoves you into a dressing room. 
and surely enough, you leave the mall with a light pink set that she insisted on buying for you and a box of condoms that you swiped on your way out from the convenience store across the street. 
sukuna comes home to dim lights and the faint smell of lavender. and shockingly enough, you serving dinner, perfectly plating and garnishing it with the little minced greens. he quickly decides that it’s his favorite sight – your eyebrows scrunched in concentration, drowning in one of his old t-shirts. 
you feel sukuna’s arms wrap around your waist, as he sags nearly his entire weight around your back, and sighs heavily into your shoulder. 
“hi doll face. what’s the occasion?” he murmurs. 
you smile. 
“does there need to be an occasion for me to do something nice for you?” 
“yes. you’re cooking dinner, which is haunting, baby.” 
“fine. you can starve then.” 
sukuna laughs, before pressing lazy kisses into your neck, and loosening the buttons around his collar. 
and throughout the course of the dinner, he can tell that you’re nervous. it would be a little off putting a few months ago, but he knows better by now – that you’re clearly going to ask him something important or say something big to him. and naturally, with how impatient he was, he was going to weasel it out of you. 
“how was sammy?” sukuna asks. 
you smile. 
“good. she said she will cut your dick off if you hurt my feelings.” 
sukuna snorts. 
“i expected as much. did you give any thought to the apartment?” 
“yeah. it makes sense and…and i really don’t care.” 
you reach forward, pressing your hand into the warmth of his cheek, and feel your heart flutter at the smile he gives you back. you can feel the nervous anticipation pooling under your skin, entire body warm at the thought of him sitting across from you. 
“i really love you, you know that?” you whisper. 
sukuna narrows his eyes at you, the whisper of a smile still on his face. 
“are you sure you’re okay? we can talk about anything that’s bothering you if –” 
“no. no, nothing’s bothering me. really. i just really love you.”
sukuna shakes his head, the lightest pink dusting his cheeks. 
“you silly girl.” he scoffs. 
you smile. 
“i love you more. don’t argue back because you won’t win.” 
you shake your head, before reaching into the lining of your underwear, for the condom that you tucked into your skin. and you place it flat on the table, before looking up at him. 
“wow. you’re serving condom for dessert? at least tell me it’s flavored.” he asks. 
you groan, which earns you him a laugh from him. 
“they come flavored?” 
“yeah, but…but it’s weird so don’t buy those. also, don’t buy condoms. that’s my job.” 
“i don’t know how you initiate these type of things!” 
sukuna laughs, before cupping your cheeks with his hands. 
“you’re like a cavewoman. initiating sex by giving me a condom. no foreplay? no kissing?”
“i mean, obviously. but like…we always kind of get close to it. i just wanted you to know that i was ready. and that i…” 
sukuna grins and it’s enough to make your heart drop to your stomach. 
“that you what?” he whispers. 
“you know.” 
sukuna shakes his head, as he reaches for your waist and pulls you off the chair, and starts dragging you towards his room. 
“i don’t know, y/n. you have to tell me, princess.” 
you feel your cheeks burn, as you press your hands to your sides. 
“well…i want you.” 
“is that right?” 
“sukuna.” you whine. 
sukuna locks his hands around your waist, as you lift yours around his neck, nervously crumpling the fabric of his shirt in your hands as you look up at him. 
“i’m done teasing. you just make it so easy, baby.” 
you bite your lip. 
“well, i kind of like it. so you…you don’t have to stop.” 
sukuna smiles, before leaning his forehead against yours. 
“more of that, okay? you tell me what you like, more importantly what you don’t.” sukuna whispers. 
you nod. 
“safe word.” sukuna states. 
sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“and what if i wanted to call you my pretty little worm? then what?” 
“if i take all my clothes off and you even think about calling me a worm, i’m never speaking to you again.” you respond. 
sukuna laughs, before giving you a nod, and leaning forward to close the distance before you. you can tell that he’s moving slow, tiny steps backing you up before you fall back onto the bed, and he’s hovering with his necklace dangling over you. 
and his voice is quiet as he peppers kisses into your cheek and neck, so soft it makes your stomach rumble. 
“just so you know, it does hurt the first time. need you to tell me, don’t feel embarrassed. and i –” 
“i know. i know, i will.” 
sukuna smiles, before hooking his fingers under the fabric of his t-shirt, before he carefully pulls it out from under you. and maybe it’s the sheer embarrassment that you went out of your way to buy lingerie – but you pinch your eyes shut when you catch the realization in his eyes. 
his voices comes out more gravelly than you’ve ever heard it, as you open your eyes, skin burning, as you give him a confused look. 
“sit up, doll. let me look at you.” he whispers, this time more fervent. 
you oblige, sitting up on the edge of the bed, as he kneels onto the ground, hands fixed on your waist, as he looks up at you. you cringe, shrinking your shoulders together, as you look down at him. 
“too much?” you ask. 
sukuna scoffs. 
“are you fucking crazy?” he responds, tone dripping with disbelief. 
sukuna stands up this time, pulling you up with him, as cradles your face with his hands, eyes so sickeningly sweet that it makes you smile. 
“my perfect girl. what did i do to deserve you, huh?” he murmurs. 
“the dinner, the candles. this fucking set you bought. you ruin me, you know that?” 
you shake your head, as he drops his hands, admiring the lace. and he lifts one of his fingers, making the gesture for you to spin, as you oblige, and get a barrage of kisses in response. 
“i’m obsessed, you know that? with this, with you, with your smell.” 
you smile, pulling his face out of the crook of your neck, as you shake your head, and he takes the hint to slow down. you relax into his arms, nervously toying with the buttons on his shirt, as you calm down, trying to ease the nerves, as he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead. 
“i’m guessing you…you like it?” 
“like it? i love it. it’s special to me.” he murmurs. 
you look up at him, as he drops his gaze to yours, lovingly running his hands through your hair. 
“really? you don’t think it’s cheesy right?” 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“s’really special. never had someone put in this much effort to make me feel special. i was supposed to be doing all of this for you, y’know? was planning it all out too.” 
“yeah. was gonna get you a whole weekend getaway for your birthday. whole rose petals on the bed and everything.” 
you laugh. 
“what the fuck is so funny? it’s romantic.” he complains. 
“no, no it’s so cute! but you have to let me be the romantic too sometimes. i wanted to do all of this for you…and me too. i mean, i just –” 
“i understand, princess. you’re perfect.” sukuna responds. 
you pause. 
“you can tell me if you don’t want this right now. i know i made us dinner and made it a whole thing with the outfit, but really, you don’t have to oblige just because i –” 
sukuna responds by closing the distance, lips warm against yours as he pushes you back onto the bed, for a second time. 
sukuna brings you two advils when you’re soaking in the bath. you can still feel your blood pulsating under your skin, the tiredness seeping into your bones as you lean back against the tile, with the warmth of the water relaxing your muscles. 
and you can’t help but feel your skin burn when he walks back in – unable to stop thinking about how his head was just nestled in between your legs, of all the sweet nothings leaving his mouth, and the gentle way he carried you here after running the bath for you. 
he crouches down by the side of the tub, holding his hand out for you as you oblige. he lifts the cup to your mouth, refusing to let you hold it, as you down the pills.
“i can’t hold my own glass now?” 
“it's aftercare. shut up.” 
he makes the motion to stand up and you reach out, slapping your wet hand around his wrist and pulling. 
“you okay?” 
“yeah. yeah, but can you stay?” 
sukuna nods, as he sits flat on the tile of the bathroom, leaning his head against the side of the bath. he was intent on giving you the time to process and relax, despite the fact that he wanted nothing more to stay there, to possibly never leave your side again, and is pleasantly surprised by your request. 
“bath okay?” he asks. 
“yeah. thanks. for the pills too.” 
“promise it’ll hurt less next time, yeah?” sukuna murmurs. 
you nod, poking at the little indents of his dimples. you can’t help but admire him, the lightest sheen of sweat still stuck to his forehead, at the arch of his back and the tattoos littered over his skin as he lazily places his hand in the water and lets the soap run through his fingers. 
“did you like it?” sukuna asks. 
“are you a nut job?” 
“i mean, what did you like? just so i keep it in mind for next time. s’my job to make you feel good, y’know?” 
you smile, before feeling your chest ache. 
“all of it.” you respond. 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“nope. specifics.” 
you lean back, absentmindedly running your hands through his hair, as you think it over. 
“well, i liked it when you would hold my hand. it made me feel really comfortable…and when you would ask before doing something different.” 
“uh huh. what else?” 
“um…the stuff you called me.” 
sukuna grins. 
“like what?” 
you groan. 
“you know…the usual stuff!” 
“you like it when i called you my good girl, right? when you were taking me so well?” sukuna asks. 
you can tell that he’s trying to irritate you and lightly splash the water at him. 
“sue me! i like to be praised by my boyfriend!” you respond, glaring at him. 
sukuna shakes his head at you, before reaching for your hands and pressing kisses to your knuckles. the spots he marked on your neck are starting to purple up now, as he reaches down for his own that you left. 
“i liked it when you did this.” sukuna responds. 
you smile. 
“i’ll cover it up before you go to work tomorrow.” 
“i liked all the pretty sounds you made. i go insane when you say my name.” 
you shake your head, before splashing the water at him. 
“quit it.” 
“really. i love it all. i love you.” 
you deflate. sammy’s comment from earlier, the harsh memory of him with his eye purpled over on your dining room table, runs through your mind, as you lean forward, and press a kiss to his shut eyelids. 
“yeah, yeah. i love you too.” 
sukuna smiles, before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the top of your knee.
next part linked here
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3mee @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreadersthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebuns @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @gyros-cum-sock @wishmem l @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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doitforbangchan · 3 months
All Bark and No Bite 09
Yall this has to be my best chapter yet. So romantic, i really shocked myself here. Please enjoy :) The middle pic is what I imagines omega to be wearing but does not represent the body type of all readers!
Series masterlist
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
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Series Warnings: Fem reader, Smut, verryyyy nsfw, chan x reader, OT8 x reader, A/B/O, m/m/f smut, possessive! SKZ, possessive! Reader, anxiety and depression, reader is a CRYBABY, fluff, angst, virgin!reader,  cursing, violence, pet names, dom/sub dynamics, Sub reader x mostly dom SKZ, misogyny and sexism, Ateez are depicted as terrible people (sorry Atiny!) 
Chapter Warnings: cursing, crying, fluff, smut ,oral- f receiving, fingering, protected piv (ik crazy for me lol)
MDNI 18+
The birds outside woke you up this morning, the sound of their sweet melodies peacefully bringing you out of your much needed slumber. The sun was barely rising over the mountains so you knew it was still very early. The alarm clock next to you read ‘5:44 am’. You knew Chan was laid behind you, his heavy arm curled over your figure, holding you close. 
You took a moment to appreciate the feeling of being trapped by him - of his warmth. This was quickly becoming your favorite pastime; laying here with him just enjoying his presence. A part of you wanted nothing more than to lay here all day, wasting away with him. A bigger part of you needed to be productive. You had slept away most of the day yesterday and were feeling quite energized from the rest. 
Chan did say last night that you had things to do today, so why not get this show on the road! It would be a nice surprise for the pack to wake up to a clean house and hot breakfast. First things first- getting out of the alphas hold on you. You shimmied against him, lightly lifting the appendage that held you hostage to squeeze out. You paused when you heard him sigh in his sleep, only to resume when he let out a snore. Cutie pie. 
You grabbed the pillow that you had been laying on and jammed it in place of where you rested previously, in Chans hold. The alpha must have smelled you on the pillow since he pulled it closer to his body. 
After doing your business in the bathroom you went on the hunt for cleaning supplies. You crept through the halls opening doors you knew to be closets until you finally found the supplies in a closet on the first floor. Upon finding them you immediately got to work. 
Starting with dusting, then sweeping and mopping the entire first floor. After that you did all the available bathrooms and then finished with a quiet clean of the top two floors. The kitchen would come after you made breakfast. Surprisingly it only took you until about 8:00 am to get all that done. You felt very efficient! To your surprise none of the boys have awoken yet. You didn’t hear one peep while cleaning. 
You also took the time to add more comfort items to the living spaces. The omega in you begged to make it more nestable so you did. Adding blankets, extra pillows and even a few of your new stuffed animals to couches and chairs. The goal was they would start to retain the smells of your new packmates then you could cuddle the items without shame. 
Next you wandered into your own room. All the bags from yesterday remained there untouched. Sorting through you put away all your clothes and picked out a nice outfit for today. It was almost summer time so you knew it would be warm today and opted for a green floral cami dress that went just above your knees. Minho must have picked this out for you, but it was so so cute you had to wear it. It was just your style. Grabbing the dress and some panties you went to take a shower and to finish getting ready for the day. 
The shower was where you did your best thinking. A place to escape just you and your thoughts. As you washed your hair and body with the strawberry scented products you reflected on the whole pack. If you were a sane person it would scare you just how comfortable you are getting with the pack in such a short amount of time. And how comfortable they are with you. 
But you’re not a sane person. You’re an omega in love. All sanity is thrown out the window when you find your mate. All you want is to be perfect for him. And in turn also for the whole pack. 
There was a blow dryer and curler amongst your things in your room as well as makeup you had chosen while shopping so when you came out you were able to fully get ready for the day. You felt very cute today, you didn’t have any reason to look super nice back when you were with your family seeing as you rarely were allowed to leave the house- and if you did leave never would you have been allowed to wear a dress or anything remotely revealing. Fathers orders. 
You hoped your alpha and pack would like it on you. You straightened yourself up before heading down to cook. It was nearing 9:30 so you hoped they would start getting up any time now. 
Down in the kitchen as you were gathering ingredients you noticed a small sound system attached to the wall and a remote sitting on the island. Grabbing the remote you pressed the power button and when you saw the small light indicating it was on you pressed play. Out came the melodies of a familiar band. 5 Seconds of Summer? Whoever is hooked up to this obviously has great taste! 
That was where Seungmin found you, whisking eggs and belting out the words to ‘She looks so perfect’ and he couldn't agree more. ‘She does look perfect’ He thought to himself. He stood there leaning against the wall admiring you for a solid 2 minutes before you noticed him, suddenly being able to smell another person around you spun around in embarrassment at being caught like that. 
He cracked a smile at you, eyes scanning you up and down before settling on your reddened face. “Hey baby. Whatcha doin?” 
You turned away from him to try and hide the blush that seeped onto your cheeks, “Nothing. Just trying to get breakfast together. What are you doing?” 
He shrugged “Been up for a few minutes when I heard a commotion in here. The house looks really great. Was that your doing baby?” You felt him approach you while you nodded. 
“Umm yeah, I woke up early and wanted to get some things done for you guys.” You continued to whisk the eggs without looking at him. 
“Mmm” He reached for your face, turning you towards him, “ It is greatly appreciated, omega.” 
You let out a squeak when he called you that, causing a smirk to appear on his face.
 Seungmin could smell how pleased you were so he didn’t give it another thought before he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss directly on your lips. He pulled away and licked his own lips still gazing into your shocked eyes. 
“How long until food is ready you think?” He asked. You couldn’t believe how nonchalant he was being right now after he just kissed you!! 
‘Should I pretend my heart isn’t beating out of my chest?’ You wondered. 
“ A-about 20 minutes.” Dammit you stuttered! Get a grip! You mentally scolded yourself. 
“Perfect. I'll wake the pack”  He said it with an evil smirk, looking forward to the task. 
Wake the pack he did indeed. By playing police sirens on his phone and bursting into everyone's rooms cackling when they swore at him and dodging thrown pillows (and one stuffy from Felix). If you had known he was going to do that then you would have woken them yourself! Though admittedly it was pretty efficient, since it was a matter of minutes until the rest of your pack made their way downstairs, looking tired and grumpy. 
The grumpiness left every single one of them though, when they caught eyes on you. Looking oh so delectable in your little dress cooking for them. What a perfect thing to awaken too. 
Not that you noticed much, you were still caught up on the feeling of Seungmins lips on your own. Each boy greeted you as they came down, most giving you hugs - except Changbin who not only hugged you but did his signature of lifting you from the ground. 
When Minho had come down you thanked him for the dress. He knew you would look great in the outfit and damn he was right. 
“You’re welcome, Baby. It looks good on you.” He replied and gave you a wink
Chan came down last as you and Minho were setting the table, looking freshly showered. 
“There's my sweet girl. I was wondering where you wandered off too.” the alpha kissed your temple. He took the stack of plates from your hands and continued your task. 
“Good morning Channie.” You reached back for the plates but he shooed you out with a smack to your rear. 
“Nuh uh looks like you’ve done enough. Sit down and get some food, omega.” He raised his brows at you when it looked like you were about to protest. You begrudgingly took a seat in your normal spot. Chan gave you a pleased smile. “Good girl.” 
Once the whole pack was sat together you all discussed each other's plans. Changbin was hitting the gym (what was new there), Minho wanted to get more food for the house and Felix wanted to join him to the store, while Hyunjin had his weekly art class he teaches at the community center every wednesday afternoon. 
“What are you up to today, baby?” Jisung asked with a mouth full. 
“Oh, I don’t actually know.” You looked to Chan for the answer. 
He wiped his mouth with a napkin, “Well you have an appointment in about an hour to see a doctor, we need to make sure everything is okay after you got off the suppressants. Then we’re heading over to the police station to clear up your missing persons status.” 
You were confused. “I have a missing person status?” 
“You ran away from home, Baby. Ran away from Hongjoong, who probably paid a pretty penny for a sweet girl like you. Makes sense they would look for you.” Jeongin reasoned nervously. The youngest alpha would never admit it but he was honestly scared about the Ateez pack coming for you or Chan. It was weighing on a few of their minds. 
Chan could sense the uneasiness in the room. “But we’re getting it taken care of today. I already have it all ready to go, just need you to sign a few things and you'll be golden. No more worrying about Hongjoong.” He smiled with that predator's smile he had. His words brought you some ease, and you nodded at him. His next words though, shook you to your core.
“Plus, if that asshole did decide to show his face around here I would take care of it.” 
After dropping off Hyunjin and Changbin at their respective locations you and Chan headed for the doctors office. Chan had assured this man was very good at his job and could be trusted. 
Doctor Bong had been Chan's doctor for years, and before that had been childhood friends with the alpha. He was a friendly beta man, albeit younger than any doctor you had ever seen, and he did his best to help you relax with small talk as he examined you. Even though you’re the first real omega he has treated he still had some knowledge as he had to do a course on omegas in medical school. 
“Given how long you had been on the suppressants I am going to need a small blood sample to examine.” Dr.Bong said woefully at seeing your expression. “ I know it’s not ideal, but you had been on some pretty powerful drugs, Y/n.” 
“Not to mention illegal.” Chan muttered scornfully. 
Bong nodded “Yes that too. There's a reason you can’t just pick up a prescription for them. They could cause a lot of damage and we need to be sure you’re functioning correctly.”  
Your alpha grabbed your hand and released a calming pheromone to relax you. “This is to help you, baby.” 
You took a deep breath and prepared for the needle. Chan was laying his scent on thick, it now taking over all your senses completely distracting you from the blood draw. You were so wrapped up in him that you didn’t notice the draw had been done until Dr.Bong was putting a bandage on you. 
You snapped out of the daze when Dr.Bong exclaimed “All done! We will send this into the lab asap and get back to you by tomorrow morning at the latest. From what I can tell so far though your body is functioning pretty normally, maybe just your hormones are a little wacky. I would refrain from any.. Unprotected fun until we get the results in to be sure.” He looked pointedly at Chan. 
“Damn” Chan smirked and you gasped in embarrassment.
He only laughed at your mortification. 
“Before you go” Bong said, “If everything checks out alright are you going to need a prescription for non hormonal birth control?” 
You were too shy to answer correctly, only nodding when Chan said “Yes please Bong. Wanna have some time with my girl before we have babies.” 
As you were checking out with reception Chan thanked the Doctor. 
“I appreciate you getting us in to see you at such short notice Bong.” The alpha bro hugged his friend. 
 “Anything for you, Chris. I am so happy you found your person. I’ll keep you updated as soon as I get the results in.” 
“Thanks man.” He saw you approaching him, “Ready to go gorgeous?” 
You smiled happily, now that the hard part for you was over, “Yes alpha!” You turned to the doctor “Thank you Doctor Bong!” 
Your alpha grabbed your hand and you were off to your next stop. 
The people at the police station had the paperwork ready for you upon your arrival. They just had to ask you a few questions regarding your safety, you signed the document stating you were in fact not missing and that was that. 
It felt like a massive weight had been lifted from your shoulders, Chans too by the scent coming off of him. 
The sheriff congratulated Chan on finding his omega, clapping him on the back in a fatherly way. It seemed like everyone in town knew the alpha. It had been explained to you that Chan's family had lived in the town of Silver Ridge for generations, helping to cultivate it and protect it. His family owned the property you now live on, only now it belonged solely to your alpha. He had grown up here. His parents left the small town  with him and his siblings when he was a teenager, wanting a change of scenery. Chan had only returned when he was an adult and his grandfather had passed, leaving his massive home to your alpha. 
He had a stake in his family business of buying and selling massive commercial properties, so he was very wealthy. Though he didn’t flaunt it.To him it was just one of the ways he provided for his pack.  Not that you cared if he had money or not. You loved him for him, not his money. 
After the police station there was still about an hour before you were supposed to pick up Hyunjin and Changbin so Chan took you to a little diner down the road where he claimed they made ‘the best chili fries ever’ and that you had to try them. 
He dragged you to an old booth in the corner, his normal spot he claimed, and ordered a massive plate of chili fries and each of you a milkshake. 
As he ate you just admired him. It was crazy how handsome he was, even with a mouth full of fries his beauty was effortless. He caught your eyes and grinned at you. 
“What are you looking at, beautiful?” 
You looked down ashamed you had been caught staring “Nothing.” You glanced up at him to see him still looking at you in amusement. “You’re just really handsome is all, Channie.” 
He chuckled at your words “ And you are too sweet, my gorgeous girl.” 
You felt the mating claim on your neck tingle at his compliment, so subconsciously  you raised your hand and lightly touched the area. Of course Chris noticed- he never took his eyes off you- and asked in concern “ Does it still hurt?” 
“No, just..” There was that blush again. He patiently waited for you to find your words. “Just whenever you say sweet things to me.. It.. tingles.” 
The alpha let out a small growl at your admittance, feeling his pants tighten. 
“Does yours do that too, alpha?” you asked tentatively. 
“Tingle wouldn’t be the word I would use, baby. But I definitely feel the connection in my bite.” He winked at you. 
“W-what does yours feel like?” 
His stare was piercing into your soul, “Baby. I burn for you.” You gasped as he continued “ It's this ever present heat that dwells within me whenever you are near me.  As if I had been living in a tundra my whole life never knowing warmth and now I’ve suddenly been transported to the desert. Inescapable and all encompassing.” 
Oh my fucking GOD 
Did he really just say that?! 
What the fuck do I say to that? 
You were short circuiting. You just couldn’t believe this perfect specimen of a man was spilling his heart out to you, in a public diner no less! 
Your pleased scent was cascading off of you in waves at this point, Chan could see the other patrons start to turn to look at you, nostrils flaring. He noticed one alpha man in particular start to fidget in his seat while gazing at you. 
Chan narrowed his eyes as if challenging the other male before addressing you, “Time for us to go now, my love.” He threw down a few 20s on the table and stood, grabbing your hand and leading you out. Your alpha was pumping out menacing pheromones, letting others know he wasn’t one to fuck around with.  
You finally caught onto what was happening when you saw heads turning to watch you walk out. You clutched harder onto Chan, holding his arm close to you as he led you out. 
“ ‘m sorry.” You murmured as you exited the restaurant, climbing into the car as he held the door open for you. 
He leaned down and pressed a hot kiss against your mouth, letting it linger for a second before he pulled away. 
“Don’t apologize. Not your fault those bastards can't keep their eyes or their noses to themselves.” He gave you a tight smile at you before closing the door once he was sure you were secure. 
You couldn’t help but feel like you soured the mood, the guilt beginning to feel like a pit in your stomach. Chan climbed into the driver's seat next to you and started the car. He knew you felt bad about what happened. “Seriously Baby, it’s no big deal. It was about time to go pick up Jinnie and Bin anyways.” He gave you another kiss and you were off. 
Your mood improved slightly after picking up the other two boys, they always brightened your day. Changbin was still slightly sweaty when he got in the car, his musk making you dizzy. As if he could tell he gave you a wink when you looked at him in the folding mirror. 
Hyunjin had a large canvas with him that was covered in a sheet blocking anyone from seeing what lies underneath. When you asked him what he had made he blushed and held the canvas close to him, muttering that it was a surprise. Of course Changbin would never let that slide so he relentlessly teased the beta, tugging on the sheet and whining about needing- not wanting - to see it. Hyunjin held his ground and refused each time, slapping the alphas hands away after every tug. 
Arriving home Changbin flung his door open and opened your door for you before Chan could, giving his alpha a sly smile when you thanked him. “Ever the gentleman, aren't you Binnie.” You teased him. He nodded enthusiastically. 
Jisung greeted you at the front door when you walked in, planting a wet smooch on your cheek causing you to squeal and laugh, pushing him away. “Jisung!” 
“Mm say my name again baby.” He leaned in for another kiss but instead licked your cheek quickly then ran away cackling maniacally. 
 You went to chase after him but were stopped by Hyunjin grabbing your arm gently. 
“Ignore him baby, I do.” 
You huffed. “Fine.” 
The beta snickered and lowered his hand to hold yours, the other still gripping his canvas. “Can I show you something? In my room.” 
You nodded “Of course.” He led you up to his room. Chan gave your rear a pat when he passed you. 
You had never been in Hyunjins space before. The space was so…Hyunjin. Cream colored sheets and curtains, a big easel by the wide bay windows, shelves lined with paints and mountains of sketch books, and floral paintings covered the walls from floor to ceiling. His bed was unmade but it somehow added to the charm of the room. An artist's room. 
He closed the door behind you, and led you to take a seat on his bed. The beta then took the canvas in his hands - still covered- and placed it on his easel. He turned to you and fiddled with his hands. You gave him a patient look, waiting for him to gather himself. 
“Promise you won't laugh.” He states. 
You made an X over your heart. “Cross my heart, I won't laugh.” 
He let out a nervous breath and then tore the sheet from over the artwork. 
You weren't prepared for what lay underneath, a gasp leaving you. 
It was you. Hyunjin had painted you. In the exact outfit you were wearing now. He made you look ethereal. Capturing your image in a way that felt too perfect. In the painting you were sitting by an open window looking out into a field of flowers. 
“Oh my god, Hyunjin.” 
He studied your features, looking for any signs of displeasure. He found none. 
“I was teaching a class today and the topic we worked on was things that bring you joy.” You looked at him like you were going to cry, tears on your lash line. “The only thing I could think of was you. Of how effortlessly beautiful you are.” 
A sob escaped your lips involuntarily. The betas eyes widened in panic, upset he had done something wrong. He rushed to your side and took your hands in his own. “I'm sorry baby! I’ll get rid of it!” 
“No!” You demanded, still crying. “ I can’t believe you think of me this way. It’s so beautiful, Jinnie. Way too beautiful to be me.” 
He shook his head disagreeing. “ This is how I see you, baby. To me you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I can feel myself falling for you.” 
You acted without even thinking about it, and crashed your lips into his. He let out a noise of surprise and you pulled back quickly. 
“I am so sorry Hyun-” Before you could finish your sentence he kissed you again. He let go of your hands and brought them up to cup your face, deepening the kiss. He swiped his tongue along your bottom lip asking for permission which you gladly granted, parting for him. He tasted so sweet. Like rock candy, or a jolly rancher. Similar to his scent. It drove you crazy. 
He was the first to pull away, your lips chasing his. “You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted to do that.” He rested his forehead against his own, eyes closed and breathing heavy. 
You released your own shaky breath, his thumbs wiping away your tears. “I thought you were going to yesterday, when you left me in front of my door.” 
“I wanted to. I just didn’t know if you wanted me like I wanted you. Like I need you.” He could smell the sudden flare of arousal emanating from you. 
“ I do, Hyunjin. I need you too. It’s still taking some getting used to that it’s ok for me to need you, but I do. I think I’m falling for you too.” You were honest with him and he rewarded you by nuzzling his nose into yours, giving it a peck. 
“I won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable, baby.” Though if your smell was any indication you were quite enjoying yourself. 
You shook your head, “I’m not uncomfortable Jinnie. In fact I.. I want more.” 
“Oh baby.” Hyunjin purred then reattached his mouth to yours and he lightly leaned you back to lay on his bed, hovering above you while he kissed you. He stuck his tongue back into your mouth, massaging your own with the wet appendage. 
You let out a squeak when you felt his hand find your thigh, his warm fingers running up and down your skin. Your own hands found the front of his shirt, tugging him closer to you. You felt yourself get drunk on the taste of him. 
He slid his hands up to your hips, under your dress, and he drummed his fingers there. Without removing his lips from your skin he peppered kisses from your lips to your chin and down your neck, the opposite side from your mating mark. 
“Tell me to stop.” He said in between kisses. “Tell me to stop before I go too far.”  
“I don’t want you to stop.” 
“Omega.”  His right hand traveled from your hip to your clothed core, thumbing over the wet patch. “Already so wet for me, huh? I haven't even touched you yet. My dirty girl.” You could feel him smirk against your skin, his kisses turning sloppy and wet.  
He rubbed against the wet patch through your panties, pushing the material between your folds and stimulating your bundle of nerves. 
A small moan slipped from you and you bit your lip. By now your slick was building quickly, completely soaking the fabric. 
The beta hummed at feeling it. “I can feel you starting to wet my fingers, baby. Can’t let all that goodness go to waste, can we?” He cooed rhetorically. 
Hyunjin laid one more suckling kiss to your chest (that will surely turn into a hickey) then he scooted himself down your body and bunched up your dress to sit over your hips. He finally got a good look at your soaked panties- a pair of green lacy ones. ‘Fitting’ He thought. 
He was drowning in the scent of your arousal, being this close was like a slap in the face. He could taste it before he even got his mouth on you. Hyunjin looked up at your red, panting face one last time before closing his eyes and licking up the wet patch on your underwear. He let out the filthiest moan he had ever made when he made contact. In turn making you moan too. 
At the sound of his name he reached up and pulled your panties down your hips just enough to lick you with no barrier, then he dove in with his tongue. He swiped it up and down your folds, over the slit, collecting the liquid that leaked from you, drinking it like he was parched. Like he was dying of thirst. 
Your hands found his hair and you yanked in pleasure, your back arching. He took that as his invitation to go further, slithering his tongue to circle your clit where he wrapped his lips around it and suckled. 
A whine tore through you, so good but wanting more. 
“Jinnnnie please” 
He hummed in response, the vibrations flowing straight through to your core. 
“Nnnnnggghh” you groaned. 
He humored you and brought two fingers up to your opening, coating himself in the slick, before pushing in slowly up to the last knuckle. 
Your panting got louder at the intrusion. You were finding it difficult to keep quiet with how good it felt, the whole pack probably knows by now anyway. Not that you cared right now, but later you would be mortified. Oh well that was a problem for later. 
He gave you a second to adjust, feeling you clench on his fingers every time he licked your bundle, before easing the digits out slowly then back, a steady motion that gradually got quicker as he went. Soon enough he found the perfect rhythm where your moans got the loudest. He paid attention to things like that. 
Your thighs were beginning to shake from the pleasure, you knew if he kept it up you would tip into oblivion. 
“Jinnie ‘m gonna cum.” You pulled his hair in warning. He stayed steadfast, if anything he licked harder trying to get you there. After only a few more thrusts of his fingers you came with a cry, hips bucking against his face and hands knotted in his blond locks.
‘Damn she sounds divine when she comes’ He mused in his head, instead letting a moan of his own escape him at the taste of your cum and the sweet sounds you made for him. 
He pulled his fingers out of you and lifted his face to show you the wetness that covered the bottom half of his face. Then he made a show of sucking those same fingers into his mouth, eyes rolling when they hit his tongue. 
“Hyunjin!” You squealed and hid your face, “That's so dirty!” 
“Only for you, baby.” It hurt how sincere he was. “Do you wanna continue, or was that enough? I don’t wanna push you too far.”
Even though you were a little sensitive from the last few days you still wanted him. “ Wan’ you Jinnie. Need you.” 
He stood quickly to pull down his pants and underwear, revealing his length to you. It was so pretty. Long but on the slimmer side. Drool worthy. 
He removed his bottoms from himself completely, and pulled his shirt up over his head letting you get a good look at his slim but fit figure. He was tan like he had been in the sun recently. He reached into his bedside table for a condom, remembering what his alpha had said about not cumming in you. Yet. He quickly rolled it on. 
He got back on the bed and crawled up your body to hover over you, where he then gave you a peck on the mouth. “Are you sure, baby?” 
“Yes. Please Hyunjin.” you purred. 
He groaned “You’re gonna kill me one day.” 
The beta took himself in his hand and lined himself up, sweeping through the liquid to coat him, then slid inside inch by inch, giving you time to adjust to him. 
Your arms came to wrap around his bare shoulders, a long drawn out moan in his ears like the most beautiful melodies. 
You were so warm inside, and you gripped him like a vice so tightly he almost stopped breathing. After a beat he gave you a gentle thrust, then another and another, going deeper with each one. He took one of your thighs and wrapped it around his waist to press himself further into you, letting you feel his weight. If he died now he would die a happy man, having gotten a taste of what it’s like to be with you.
With each thrust you let out small high pitched noises, unable to contain them. Not that Hyunjin wanted you too. It wasn’t long before you were close to the edge once again. You were still worked up from the last one. 
Hyunjin could feel his impending orgasm but he needed you to come first. He brought two fingers up to your mouth and ran them along your lips gathering the drool that was accumulating there. Then he took those same digits and lowered them between your bodies to your clit, where he rubbed hard figure 8s. 
That seemed to be all you needed, your arms tightening around him as you came hard on his cock. Your eyes screwed shut as you moaned.
When you came you clenched hard. Hard enough to push Hyunjin to orgasm, he crashed his lips into yours and he shook against you as he filled the condom. 
For a few minutes he just held you there against him, both of you breathing hard. He wasn’t an alpha so he didn’t have to worry about a knot and was able to slip out if you easily. He held the condom secure as he did so, then stood up and quickly took it off and disposed of it in the trash can in the corner. 
You were still panting but coming too as he stood up. Can’t believe that just happened. There was a twinge of guilt for it, but that was quickly replaced with peace when Hyunjin gave you that signature grin with his pouty lips. 
He came back to his bed where you were still laying and plopped down next to you, giving you a kiss. “How was that, baby? Are you feeling ok?” 
“Mmhmm” You answered, snuggling up to the beta, needing the after sex comfort. 
“I hope you don't regret it.” His voice was timid now, as he put his face in your hair. "Don't regret me."
“No Hyunjin, of course not. I could never regret you.” There was zero hesitancy in your voice so he knew you were telling the truth. Chan had given you explicit permission, encouraged it, so there was nothing to regret. It felt good to be loved and wanted by these boys. Hyunjin definitely made you feel that way. 
He showed it by taking care of you now, getting up to grab you some water and a fresh pair of underwear from your room. Then he plopped down next to you once again and engaged in some cuddles. You could get used to this. 
A/N: Finnnnaallllyyyyyy getting some action from the other boys >:) I am so damn proud of this one yall idekkkk. These chapters are quickly becoming more and more self indulgent lol sorry
Beta read by the lovely @ayejaii thank you bumble <3
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skxllz · 3 months
Can you do Lucifer, Alastor and whoever else you wanna add with a reader who just swallows/eats anything/weird things?
A piece of tissue? Sure! Plastic? Yippee! A pebble? Why not! Keys? Yummy! A rubber duck? Quack quack! A piece of Alastors cane? Don’t kill me!!
I'm not currently taking requests but I'll do this for you hon <3 I apologize if it doesn't live up to your expectations!
𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫, 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 & 𝐯𝐨𝐱 𝐟𝐭...
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
Tumblr media
🐤 - 𝚕𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚎𝚛
➳ when you two first started dating - scratch that, first started talking, he picked up on the fact that you had random quirks. bored? you'd make random noises. sometimes, you'd lay on the floor just to lay there. for no reason, you'd hang upside down on the couches in the foyer. —he once questioned you and you said, I quote, “ I want to feel the blood rush to my head, it's fun. ”— to say the least, you puzzled him, but he brushed it off because who wasn't an oddball in hell?
➳ now, when you actually started dating and you got more comfortable is when he noticed some of his rubber ducks missing - and not just the ducks, but rather some of the things he used on them as well. glue, for example.
➳ “ hey, um, sweetie? ” he approached you one day, quite confused from where his things were suddenly disappearing to. you hummed in reply, looking up from your phone. lucifer blinked at you slowly, trying to come up with a way to word his sentence without seeming like he was accusing you of anything. “ have you seen my glue? the kind I use for- ” — “ no. ” you had answered too quickly for his liking.
➳ as the days carried on, more of his shit would vanish. it got to the point where it'd frustrate him. it wasn't until one day, where his latest creation knocked off of his desk and rolled under it, did he find one of the ducks he had been looking for. except... it had a bite mark taken out of it...
➳ lucifer was dubbed shocked. his eyes widened, lips pulled down in a duck-lipped press. what in the seven rings of hell? he's never seen anything like this, and he doesn't own a hell hound, so who-
➳ and then his mind drifted to you.
➳ he recalled your weird behaviour; the way you were sweating nervously and avoiding eye contact. he should've known you had something to do with it.
➳ but to eat his rubber ducks? he's going to have a serious talk with you about your diet.
📻 - 𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛
➳ this radio demon didn't really show interest in you at first. you seemed innocent - too innocent, but still innocent, and that just didn't catch his attention in the slightest. if anything, you seemed bothersome.
➳ I'd like to think he first took interest in you when vaggie found a corner of the end of her spear broken off. no one dared touched it before, and you were new to the hotel - it didn't take a genius to put two and two together. but I guess, in a sense, no one else suspected you since you never bothered anything else.
➳ one night, when almost everyone was asleep, you snuck off to the kitchen to find something to eat. you were starving since you hadn't had dinner and couldn't really bother to just fall asleep on an empty stomach. a certain radio demon had followed you, startling you out of your wits as you turned around only to spot him there. “ funny to see you awake, dear! ”
➳ you explained to him, nervously, that you couldn't sleep. he hummed, pretending to show he was listening, before skipping right to the point of why exactly he was there. “ I couldn't help but realize that, earlier today when our dearest vaggie was rather upset, you hadn't moved an inch from your spot on the sofa. in fact, you seemed almost... ” he paused, pretending to ponder, his smile widening. “ guilty. care to explain the reasoning for that, hm? ”
➳ at that point, you were avoiding eye contact. hands twined behind your back, thumbs twiddling out of anxiousness, you searched for an excuse through your jumbled brain, attempting to think of absolutely anything just to slip away from alastor. but knowing him, he'd probably see right through the charade - he's been around way longer than you, and is a mastermind at getting into people's heads. no doubt he'd figure out you fibbed. — “ I just felt guilty that I couldn't help at all. vaggie is a close friend, I hate to see her upset. ”
➳ instead of buying the lie, like you had predicted, the bob-wearing demon leaned down and gave you a close-lipped grin; half lidded eyes flashing dangerously beneath the light that gleamed from atop the stove. “ or is it because, perhaps, you had something to do with it? ”
➳ that's when you blurted out. “ I ate it. ” and, much too afraid to gouge alastor's reaction, you turned and took off running out of the kitchen.
➳ if you would've stayed, however, you would've seen the way alastor's eyes momentarily widened. he was.. shocked, to say the least. he didn't think he had heard you right at first, but he knew for certain his ears didn't deceive him.
➳ with his narrowed eyes now staring after your figure, he straightened his posture, folding his hands behind his back and humming to himself. “ interesting creature, they are... ”
➳ you have now caught his attention. expect more interactions with the infamous deer!
📺 - 𝚟𝚘𝚡
➳ picture this; you're one of velvette's models. you're dating vox, her business partner. they're both aware of how weird you can be, and yet, they both seem to favorite you - hell, even val (but let's face it, he just wants you for your body, which isn't going to happen).
➳ you're in the middle of getting your hair prepped and straightened when you had the sudden urge to just chew. it always came on randomly, but most of the time when you were bored. sitting in a chair, with sprits blasting into your face and hair utensils tugging in your hair, and hell forbid you weren't allowed to move- it was not exactly fun. so you started to eye the new collection of makeup sponges that were just set upon your personal vanity.
➳ they looked squishy, flimsy, chewable... oh so tempting. so while rachelle, your hairstylist, was busy talking her head off, too busy to notice you stretching your arm forward, you snatched one up.
➳ velvette came strutting down the midst of the aisle with a firm hand on her hip and a ripple in the center of her brow, shouting at many of the other stylists on what to do, what not to do - what looked better on her models, what looked cheap. she could not afford to have her best women looking as if they escaped the hands of a hellhound, it just wouldn't do. but that's when she turned, pointing a demanding finger at rachelle to amp up the heat on your straightener because the ends of your hair were curling up. that's also when she noticed you not only chewing on the newly bought sponge, but eating it.
➳ “ oh for fuck sake! ” the dark-skinned demon spewed, catching your attention and making you freeze. velvette reached an arm forward, only to wrap her digits around what was left of the sponge and rip it from your grasp. your chair turned on cue, showing you sheepishly smiling at the fuming female. “ I told you not to stuff your damn mouth full of random shit! especially my new makeup equipment — ” she turned away, stomping her healed foot to the ground. “ fuck! ”
➳ it wasn't long before vox had arrived before the demoness due to her calling him and shouting profanities over the phone. you were left to sit in the chair, huffing nonsense under your breath, while rachelle finished with your hair in silence.
➳ when the overlord made his presence known, rachelle excused herself — and thankfully she had finished your hair. “ y/n, dear.. ” vox smoothly spoke, for once not sounding like an overly cocky twat. it's usually only in the presence of others, but given that not many people were around, he dialed a softer tone with you.
➳ “ I didn't do anything, ” you rolled your eyes, looking away with a puffed out frown. yes, you were spoiled, but who wouldn't be, dating the owner and inventor of voxtech?
➳ vox sharply looked down at you, eyeing you with a sense of irritance —for angering velvette— but fondness —because you're his—. “ don't be like that. how many times have we talked about eating random things, hm? ”
➳ “ ... about- fifty nine? I lost count. ”
➳ “ around there. ” the tv demon moved, placing his hands on the back of the swivel chair you sat upon, while now holding eye contact with you through the mirror to your vanity. “ and what have we talked about, sweetheart? ”
➳ you were silent at first. staring him down, eyes hooded and ghosted over with annoyance. it was irritating how he was speaking to you like a child. “ well? ” vox impatiently, patiently, questioned; his claws dragging along the back of the chair, only to glide over your nape. closing your eyes out of bliss from the movement, you sighed. “ don't eat random things because they're bad for me... ”
➳ “ exactly. ” vox mischievously smiled down to you, squeezing the back of your neck gently. “ now, don't you think you owe velvette an apology? ”
➳ as you nod your head, vox releases his grip on you, letting your hair fall back down against your skin. “ good. come now, we have to get that out of the way; I have things to discuss with you. ”
➳ your discussion ended pretty well :).
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animeshotsh · 4 months
Im going to eat you! (No) | V's x Kid!Reader HCS |
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Hcs of your time with the V's during this.
Warnings: HH violence-cursing- Kid!Reader hates Valentino - Veelvet its mentioned but for just a moment - Vox inner thoughts of you - Vox has a crush on Alastor on this - Vox its down bad for Alastor and Lucifer -
Note: Because I saw one user saying reader did not bite Valentino and tbh valid.
When you saw what they were doing (well only the strange insect sinner the TV head had decided to be a by stander and to also catch you) what he was doing to Angel you were furious.
Oh, how you desired you could transform like your dad, sis or uncle but you were weak.
Fuck you for sending me to hell with no power.
However, you can still move as crazy as a sinner can and more with the sugar in your system thanks to the ice cream from earlier.
"W-wait a minute" The tv head tries to catch you again only to be head butted by Lucifer's lamb.
Who is also weak and is going to ask his creator for an update on its powers.
However back to you, you are running now towards that insect sinner who is not paying attention to no one but the poor Angel on the floor.
And so, you end on the sinners shoulder and bite hard on his arm. Your teeth getting sharper thanks to your angry feelings. In fact when Valentino tries to remove you, you are quick to go to his other arm and bite down again.
"Im going to eat you" you say with the most dangerous voice no one ever hear from you.
Angel its suprised for a second then almost loses his heart when Valentino pushes you off towards the floor. However, you are not done and end biting his leg too.
"VAL!!" Vox calls his companion getting you off from the floor, having to use so much Force to prevent you from running again. "I need this one alive and mentally sane" when Vox sees that you are not getting any weak he sends a small shock of electrecity to you making you sleep.
"The fucker bite me, look" Valentino says offended showing the marks and blood you left.
"Its Alastor's kid, of course its going to try any sinner they can"
Again, Lucifer felt a shake in the Force.
Fast moving, they get to the V's tower. Valentino wants you away from him so he decides to take his anger on the poor souls that works for him.
Vox decides to tie you up just in case.
Seeing your sleeping form almost makes him go soft. You are not as terrible when you are not biting his companion's flesh off.
Also, he kind of claps to that, Val needs a reminder every now and then.
Vox wonders if Veelvet would like you, sure she does not make kid's clothes but maybe she could make something for you?
And maybe now Alastor would finally accept being part of the company because they have you hostage.
And no, Vox its not thinking about him and Alastor raising you....
Really he is not.
Ok maybe a little.
Later once you woke up and you two bond he can tell he is fucked because even if Alastor beats him up till death (oh pls do it he wishes) he want to keep you around.
You can watch Barney all you want, and you can bite Val anytime of the day. Really, you have his permission.
He cant remember if he ever wanted to be a father when he was alive but now the need to raise you is there.
Is this a demonic Power? Making overlords want to raise you and be your relatives? Who knows.
Later once its discover that you are Lucifer's kid, and how you still try to get him to show the king of hell ducks....
Fuck stop helping him!! He does not want to see you go but he cant fight hell's king.
Oh, and when Alastor treated him finally.
He thanks you for that.
He later has to deal with Val and Veelvet because they cant do business for 2 weeks.
And so, Vox ends sleeping hugging his Alastor's pillow and also thinking on getting one of the king himself.
Would you mind 3 dads ?
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