#diet of pills and powders
healthmonastery · 11 months
Natural Ways to Boost Collagen and the Best Supplements
Collagen, the most abundant protein in our bodies, plays a vital role in maintaining skin elasticity, joint health, and overall well-being. As we age, our collagen production declines, leading to visible signs of aging and joint discomfort. Let’s explore the wonders of collagen, natural methods to boost its production, and the top collagen supplements to enhance your health and beauty. 1.…
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Best Supplements for Focus and Concentration:
Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to improve cognitive function and may help with focus and attention. They can be found in fatty fish, such as salmon, and supplements.
2. Ginkgo biloba: This herb has been used for centuries to enhance cognitive function and improve memory. Some research suggests that ginkgo biloba may improve focus and attention.
3. Bacopa monnieri: Bacopa monnieri is an herb that has been used in traditional Indian medicine to enhance cognitive function and memory. Some studies suggest that it may improve focus and attention.
4. L-theanine: L-theanine is an amino acid that is commonly found in green tea. It has been shown to improve attention and focus and has a calming effect.
It's important to note that the effects of supplements can vary greatly from person to person, and what works for one person may not work for another. Additionally, the quality and purity of supplements brands can vary widely, so it's important to purchase from reputable sources or try out a few different ones to see which works best for you. You can try these individually or purchase combined. Alternatively, you can incorporate more foods that have these ingredients into your diet if you do not want to take supplements pills/powders.
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roseofhybrids · 9 months
Continuing from the last ask I made, human Uzi's terrible diet of rations that taste like low quality drywall and soggy cardboard and vitamins pills shaped like cartoon cavemen from the 1960s led her to try to eat anything that looks even slightly edible. This led to multiple cases of food poisoning, but also gave her a resistence to most types of mold, poison and bacteria.
Just imagine her finding an old bag of Doritos or something on the outside. Would probably be the most decadent thing she's ever tasted.
JCJenson feels like the "give them pemmican and hard tack" type of company.
I can imagine N going to old stores hunting for non-perishables. A lot of it would probably be long gone, but there are a few things that can easily make it the couple of decades between world's end and when the story takes place. The kinda stuff you'd find in a prepper's basement. Rice, coffee, jell-o powder, honey, sugar, dried beans and corn, maple syrup, vanilla extract, popcorn. You know, stuff that actually has some sort of flavor other than plastic and chemicals.
Just another bonus to discovering the outside world, sugar
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k0ntr0l · 1 year
Ok ED besties, lemme put u on something real quick-
(First of all, if you get light headed & aren’t taking iron & vitamin C I seriously suggest them! They also help you feel full in the morning, but that’s not what this is about.)
Do u have the issue of… not being able to 💩 ? Or it’s a struggle bc all you ingest is diet soda, coffee, energy drinks, and like bare minimum food? And laxatives make you go too urgently, or worse, you take them so often they begin to hurt your stomach and cause health issues? Then lemme help u out..
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Bestie when I tell u these have SAVED MY LIFE like, they’re just fiber pills and they work WONDERS. I only take two a day with my morning vitamins but you can take up to 12 of these bad boys a day(you won’t need to I assure you).
& if pills are hard on ur tummy or can’t drink a lot of water then the powder works even better (sugar free!)
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They’re $15 at Walmart, but will last for 50 days at 2 pills a day, so they’re well worth the price. Just make sure to drink a full bottle of water with them! They have to be diluted in ur tummy to work ❤️
The powder is about $20 and will last for a month or more, imo it works better than the pills! Take it once in the morning and once at night for best results, it has literally saved my life I cannot stress that enough.
These will keep you regular and help you go normally WITHOUT the use of painful laxatives!!
✨✨✨Also this tea- bestie-✨✨✨
After u drink this you will need to be at home bc it works so well I swear by this it always gets everything out!!
It works within like the next 6 hours so best to drink at night before bed to go in the morning 🖤💖
Only drink one cup to start bc when I tell u this will change ur life 👀 trust 💅🏻
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Reblog to help a friend 🥰💕
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weightloss-product · 1 month
A Green Boost for My Busy Life: My Experience with Tonic Greens Supplements
Life in the fast lane can take its toll. Between work deadlines, family commitments, and the never-ending hustle, it's easy to let my diet slip. I often find myself grabbing convenient options that aren't exactly brimming with nutrients. This constant juggling act left me feeling sluggish and lacking in energy.
That's when I decided to try Tonic Greens Supplements. Intrigued by the promise of a convenient way to boost my daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals, I embarked on a journey of green goodness.
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A Convenient Dose of Greens:
Tonic Greens comes in a user-friendly, single-serving powder format. No more juggling multiple pills or struggling to swallow capsules – a quick scoop mixed into water or my morning smoothie is all it takes. The powder dissolves easily, leaving behind a pleasant, slightly sweet taste thanks to natural ingredients like stevia leaf extract. It blends seamlessly into my routine, which is a major plus for someone constantly on the go.
A Powerhouse of Nutrients:
What truly impressed me was the impressive list of ingredients in Tonic Greens. Each serving packs a punch of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and prebiotics. It boasts essential vitamins like A, C, D, and E, alongside key minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc, all crucial for overall health and well-being.
The inclusion of probiotics and prebiotics was a welcome surprise. These gut-friendly bacteria play a vital role in digestion, immunity, and even mood regulation. Knowing Tonic Greens is supporting my gut health alongside overall nutrition gave me added peace of mind.
A noticeable Difference in Energy Levels:
Within a couple of weeks of incorporating Tonic Greens into my routine, I started noticing a positive shift. The afternoon slump I used to dread became a distant memory. I felt a surge of sustained energy throughout the day, allowing me to power through tasks with newfound focus and clarity.
Even my workouts received a boost. Gone were the days of feeling sluggish halfway through a session. Now, I can push myself harder and feel energized for longer. This newfound vitality translated into other aspects of my life as well. I felt more present and engaged with my family and had the drive to tackle personal projects I'd been putting off.
More Than Just a Supplement:
Tonic Greens has become more than just a dietary supplement for me. It's a convenient and effective way to ensure I'm getting the vital nutrients my body needs to thrive, even when my diet isn't perfect. The energy boost, improved gut health, and overall sense of well-being have been real game-changers.
If you're looking for a way to bridge the gap between a busy lifestyle and optimal health, I highly recommend giving Tonic Greens a try. It's a simple addition to your routine with significant, long-lasting benefits.
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Growing up we had pizza at least once a week. My father was born and raised in Brooklyn and man, did he love his pizza. He would call home every Thursday and ask, “did your mother cook?” to which I would always sarcastically reply “of course not, it’s pizza night!” and then he would say “call up Dickie Dees, order a large pie with extra cheese and pepperoni, well done. Tell them ‘Jimmy’ will be there in ten minutes.” Some of my favorite memories with my dad include us either ordering pizza and watching WWE, or stopping at random hole in the wall pizza joints to see what they were about.
I’ll never forget, two weeks after getting my tonsils removed my mother got called into work for an emergency meeting and my father was responsible for feeding my siblings and I dinner that night. Guess what he ordered?
A large, extra cheese and pepperoni pie, well done from Dickie Dee’s in Newark, NJ.
The problem? I couldn’t eat solid foods yet!
Did that stop me? NOPE. My father and I sat there and cut up two slices of pizza into the tiniest, bite size pieces and I chewed them up until they were soft enough to swallow. It may have taken me thirty minutes to eat two slices of pizza, but Dad didn’t raise a quitter 💪🏽
When I decided to start losing weight as an adult, I knew I would never be successful if my meals were limited to baked chicken and broccoli or boring Cesar salads.
That’s when I learned about flexible dieting and calories in VS calories out.
For years, the media has glorified weight pills, surgeries, or overly restrictive diets for weight loss. I’m living proof that you can lose weight without giving up your favorite foods (or getting surgeries that restrict your diet for the rest of your life anyways).
I’ve been counting calories for the last two years, and I’m watching the pounds shed off week by week. I recommend everyone try this method at least once and try to do it for three months to give yourself time to see results.
The first thing you need to do is calculate how many calories you should be consuming. I recommend using this website to do that. These are going to be your maintenance calories. In order to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit (meaning you need to eat less calories than you burn.) If you’re just starting out, I recommend a 3-400 deficit.
So let’s say your maintenance calories are 2400 calories per day. Subtract 400 from that, and you have the amount of calories you should be eating in a deficit, 2000 calories. I like to think about these calories as dollars (bare with me)
So let’s say you have $2000 (or 2000 calories). How you chose to spend those $2000 is completely up to you.
If you have a nice, low calorie breakfast and you want to go to McDonalds for lunch and order a Big Mac with large fries, a large coke and an apple pie go for it. Just remember that you still need to be within the 2000 calorie range in order to see results. So if you had that nice, low calorie breakfast, and then you ordered everything off the dollar menu at McDonalds for lunch, chances are you’re going to have to make some sacrifices and eat that boring old cesar salad for dinner.
It all comes down to calories in VS calories out.
With all that being said, there are plenty of ways you can make some of your favorite meals at home for half the calories without sacrificing flavors. One of the ways I’m able to eat pizza three times a week while losing weight is by making my own at home! As promised in my previous post, I’ll walk you through the recipe and leave the macros below!
1 Cup of self rising flour (this is super important!)
¾ Cup of Non-fat plain Greek yogurt
¼ cup of your favorite pizza sauce (homemade is best!)
56g of low fat or fat free mozzarella cheese
17g of turkey pepperoni (optional)
4g salt
4g garlic powder
Preheat your oven to 420 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Start by adding ¾ cup of your yogurt to a bowl, along with the salt and garlic powder. You can feel free to add whatever seasonings you’d like here, but I feel like the salt and garlic give the dough that classic NYC pizza dough flavor. Add in ¼ cup of flour at a time and stir until combined. If you have a stand mixer, use your dough hook to make this part a little easier on yourself. If not, a wooden spoon is fine! I tend to use a little less than a full cup of flour, but I keep the remaining to the side to sprinkle on the counter while kneading/rolling out the dough.
Once your dough comes together and is still a little tacky, flour your work space and start rolling out that pizza dough to your designed shape and thickness. Place the dough on a nonstick oven safe pan (I got my 10” pizza pans at Big Lots on sale for ten cents!! Check your local discount stores’ sale sections!) and place in your preheated oven for ten to fifteen minutes. It is important to cook the dough before adding any sauce or toppings so it can cook evenly. Once the dough starts to rise a bit, remove from the oven and start adding your toppings.
I like to use homemade sauce because it just taste the best in my opinion, but you can use whatever you’d like! Keep in mind that the calories will differ depending on what brand you use.
Once you have your pizza assembled, place it back into the oven for an additional 10-12 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. I like to spray the crust with a little bit of cooking spray for that beautiful golden brown color!
Take the pizza out of the oven and allow to cool for 3-5 minutes before cutting. Slice your pizza into 6-8 slices and enjoy!
If you follow these instructions to the T, you will have an entire pizza that is only 620calories, 2.3g fat, 102g carbs and 48g protein!
Give this recipe a shot and let me know how you like it!
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chathurang011 · 5 days
Introduction to Health Supplements
What are Health Supplements?
Health supplements are products designed to supplement the diet and provide essential nutrients that may be lacking. They come in various forms, including pills, capsules, powders, and liquids.
Importance of Health Supplements
Incorporating health supplements into your routine can help bridge the gap between your dietary intake and nutritional requirements. They can support overall health and well-being by providing vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds.
Types of Health Supplements
Vitamins and Minerals
These supplements contain essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and iron, which play crucial roles in various bodily functions.
Herbal Supplements
Derived from plants, herbal supplements harness the power of nature to promote health. Examples include echinacea for immune support and turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Probiotic supplements contain beneficial bacteria that support gut health and digestion. They can help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the digestive tract.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 supplements, typically derived from fish oil, are known for their heart-healthy benefits. They can reduce inflammation and support brain function.
Benefits of Health Supplements
Improved Overall Health
By filling nutrient gaps in the diet, health supplements contribute to overall health and vitality.
Enhanced Immunity
Certain supplements, such as vitamin C and zinc, can bolster the immune system and reduce the risk of infections.
Increased Energy Levels
Supplements like B vitamins and iron play key roles in energy metabolism, helping combat fatigue and boost energy levels.
Better Digestive Health
Probiotics and digestive enzymes promote gut health and aid in digestion, reducing issues like bloating and indigestion.
Factors to Consider Before Choosing Health Supplements
Quality and Purity
Opt for supplements from reputable brands that undergo rigorous testing for quality and purity.
Dosage and Instructions
Follow recommended dosage guidelines provided by healthcare professionals or the product label.
Potential Interactions with Medications
Consult with your healthcare provider to ensure supplements won't interfere with any medications you're taking.
Reputation of the Brand
Choose supplements from brands with a track record of safety and efficacy.
How to Incorporate Health Supplements into Your Routine
Consultation with a Healthcare Professional
Seek advice from a qualified healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.
Proper Timing and Dosage
Take supplements as directed, ideally with meals to enhance absorption.
Consistency in Consumption
For optimal results, take supplements consistently as part of your daily routine.
Monitoring Effects and Adjustments
Pay attention to how your body responds to supplements and make adjustments as needed.
Myths and Misconceptions About Health Supplements
Supplements Can Replace a Healthy Diet
While supplements can complement a balanced diet, they cannot fully substitute for nutrient-rich foods.
All Supplements are Safe
Not all supplements are regulated by the FDA, so it's important to choose wisely and be aware of potential risks.
Natural Means Safe
Just because a supplement is labeled as "natural" doesn't guarantee its safety or effectiveness.
Supplements Yield Immediate Results
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fitgirledit · 1 year
The do's and don'ts of using pre/post workout supplements
If you’re looking to become a Fit Girl, then pre and post workout supplements are a great way to help you reach your goals.🏆 But before you start popping pills or gulping down protein powders, there are some dos and don'ts that you should know about. From what type of supplement is best for your needs to when it’s time to take them.
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DO: Choose the Right Supplement for You
When it comes to using pre and post workout supplements, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Everyone has different needs when it comes to reaching their goals, so take the time to research and find the best supplement for you. Check out my previous supplements guide first.
Check the supplement label for ingredients like caffeine, B-vitamins and protein. These ingredients can help you reach your fitness goals like gaining muscle, losing weight or increasing energy levels.
Look at reviews from people who have used the product already to get an idea of how effective it is.
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DON'T: Overdo It
It’s easy to get carried away when it comes to taking supplements, but remember that more isn't always better. Stick to the recommended dosage and take the time to consult your dietitian or doctor if you're unsure about any of the ingredients.
DO: Take them at the Right Time
There’s a time and place for everything, including pre and post workout supplements. Pre-workout supplements should be taken 30 minutes before exercise to ensure optimal absorption, while post-workout supplements are best taken within 45 minutes after your workout for best results.
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DON'T: Forget About Proper Nutrition
While supplements can help you take your workouts to the next level, they’re not going to do much if you don’t pair them with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Make sure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs from real food sources, and that you’re exercising on a regular basis.
These are just some of the dos and don'ts when it comes to using pre and post workout supplements – but if you follow them, you’ll be well on your way to reaching all those fitness goals!
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sac-bestsupplements · 2 months
Are there Protein Pills? And do they make Whey Protein Capsules? Fitness Industry Secrets Revealed!
Discover the best Protein Pills supplements + FAQ & Tricks:: https://super-achiever.com/best-protein-pills
#proteinpills #wheyprotein #proteincapsules
Hello Achiever Fam! 💪 Tired of lugging around that massive tub of protein powder? Over 70% of gym enthusiasts are seeking more convenient ways to get their protein fix.
Could there be a better solution? Let's find out if protein pills are the answer and if whey protein capsules exist in “Are there Protein Pills? And do they make Whey Protein Capsules? Fitness Industry Secrets Revealed!” The Scoop on Protein Pills: 🚀 Yes, they exist! But hold your horses, they might not be the silver bullet you're hoping for. Most protein pills contain significantly less protein compared to a scoop of powder and can be pricier. Whey Protein Capsules: 💊 Indeed, they're real! These nifty capsules are packed with whey protein powder for a quick and easy protein boost.
But, are they the muscle-building miracle they seem to be? Muscle Building & Weight Loss: 💪 Whey protein aids in increasing muscle protein synthesis and promoting lean muscle growth. It's also linked to effective weight management by enhancing satiety. Cholesterol Control: ❤️ Studies suggest whey protein can reduce total and LDL cholesterol levels, offering a potential boon for heart health. Asthma & Immune Boost: 🌬️ Early research indicates whey protein might improve the immune response in asthma patients, though more investigation is needed.
Types of Whey Protein: 🥛 From whey protein concentrate (WPC) to isolate (WPI) and hydrolysate (WPH), there's a variety to fit different dietary needs and preferences. Potential Downsides: 😬 Though generally safe, excessive whey intake can cause issues like nausea or headaches for some. Reality Check: 💡 While whey protein capsules provide convenience, they often can't compete with shakes in terms of protein content and cost-effectiveness. But they can be handy for travel or quick fixes. 🤔
So, are protein pills the future, or should we stick to our trusty shakes? Remember, supplements can't outperform a balanced diet and regular exercise. What's your take on protein pills? 💬 Share your thoughts below, and stay tuned for more fitness revelations in our upcoming videos! See you next time, achievers! 🌟
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Toxic propaganda: Beatrice Horseman (Bojack Horseman)
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CW: nonconsensual drugging, fatphobia
The show examining the complexity of generational trauma through the character of Beatrice Horseman and how the abuse she inflicted on her son Bojack affected him in his adulthood. She showed little compassion and love for her only child, resenting him for "ruining her life" and constantly reminding him of this throughout his upbringing.
She constantly abuses her son, forces him into humiliating performances as a child because that's the only value she sees in him (as she openly tells him), neglects any emotional needs he has even when he's begging for support, insults and berates him non-stop, and blames him for her own unhappiness openly. She calls him at one point and tells him that he'll never be happy and that he's incapable of it. Then later, with her alleged Granddaugher, she sneaks her an addictive weight-loss powder into her coffee, literally causing her to have an overdose, all because she's slightly chubby, and thereby causing her serious trauma as well.
I hate this wench
Dear lord she’s awful. Takes out her feelings about her failed marriage on her young kid, forces him to smoke a cigarette, constantly tells him he ruined her and that she hates him for existing, disparages his work/career, and is likely the largest contributor to his lack of self esteem, constant need for validation, and severe alcoholism/drug abuse. Oh and she’s the reason he’s incapable of crying around other people 🙃 (Plus like someone else said, she drugged her supposed granddaughter with diet pills “for her own good”)
she is the worst even I GET depressed hearing her talk to bojack
literally does nothing to her son but berate him and tell him about how he ruined her life. also frequently fought with her husband in his vicinity. literally does not want her son to be alive, and believes there is something inherent in him that will keep him broken and miserable forever, even though she is literally half the reason he turned out that way.
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subash1223 · 1 year
by home remedies
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Five Shocking Home Treatments for Acne You’ve got a sizzling date lined up, maybe with a couple’s chocolate wrap? You’re eager and prepared to leave when you peek in the mirror and discover an obtrusively large pimple on your face. It would be natural to pop it, but don’t! It will just allow additional germs to enter, worsen the condition’s appearance, and, even worse, leave an acne scar. Here are your options.
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You’ve got a sizzling date lined up, maybe with a couple’s chocolate wrap? When you look in the mirror as you get ready to go, a pimple has inconveniently appeared on your face in a very apparent way.
To avoid rushing on the day of your hot date, keep all of these ingredients close at hand. Isn’t it difficult enough having to decide what to wear that evening?
Five Natural Treatments for Pimples There may be paid links.
Sweet and sour Style on Main provided this Honey and a dripping 1. Aww, honey! For AcnEase® users, Dr. Agnes suggests a 20-minute pimple drying honey compress applied ONLY to the pimple itself, as well as one extra “kick this zit” dose of AcnEase® (six pills) if there are still 10–12 hours before the date. Before applying honey to the zit with a clean q-tip, remove all makeup and/or concealer. Wait 20 minutes, and then
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3 tablespoons of plain, organic yogurt
1 teaspoon steel-cut natural oats or potato starch (not instant oats)
2 evening primrose oil capsules
1 tablespoon of honey (organic if possible)
A total of 2 vitamin E capsules
It’s Rosewater (may be bought in natural food stores as rose hydrosol). This should be applied following the mask.
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Evening primrose and vitamin E capsules should be opened, and the oils should be put in a bowl. Oats should be ground into a fine powder if you plan to use them. Except for the rosewater, combine all the other ingredients. The paste should have a spreadable but not “soupy” consistency similar to chocolate icing on a cake. Cleanse your face and neck, then apply the mask, and wait
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Style on Main provided this Tea with chamomile to treat acne 3. Gosh, You Are Smooth! The next step is to shut your pores. It is known that chamomile has advantages comparable to those of medications with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile helps reduce acne-related irritation when used topically.
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By preparing a very strong (infusion) tea with 3–4 chamomile tea bags (or 2 handfuls of the dried chamomile), you can create your own chamomile astringent. Use on a cotton pad all over your face twice each day when it has cooled. Refrigerate any leftovers, but eat them up within two days or throw them away.
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offered by Style on Main Witch Hazel acne treatment 4. Act Like a Witch! Use witch-hazel on a Q-tip three or four times on the zit if you have at least 10 to 12 hours before the date (no rubbing, just dab on the pimples for 3–4 seconds). The extract, commonly known as witch hazel, is used medicinally and aids in reducing inflammation and irritations. The bark and leaves are astringent. Do not, once more, pop the pimple! This will make a HUGE mess that makeup cannot hide.
Vegetables with leaves, supplied by Style on Main You Are Hot Enough! 5. Leafy Green Vegetables Those who enjoy “hot and spicy” meals should make a sacrifice. Avoid fried, oily, and spicy foods for roughly two weeks before THE BIG DAY.
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Style on Main Leafy Green Veggies provided 5. You Have Enough Heat! Those who enjoy “hot and spicy” meals should make a sacrifice. Avoid eating anything fried, greasy, or spicy for about two weeks before the BIG DAY. Maintain a diet high in fresh produce (all forms of green leafy vegetables are excellent), fruits (those with less sugar, like berries), and fish that is high in omega 3. Also, avoid consuming excessive amounts of orange juice and other liquids with a high sugar content.
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sidewalkchemistry · 6 months
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Deconstructed Pesto Salad ~ A Healing Salad You Will Crave (Made of Real Whole Foods & No Salt, Oil, or Sugar)
Pesto is just one of those flavors that effortlessly satisfies. Using inspiration from a familiar sauce like this can be a great guiding point in developing a salads you can't get enough of (that's amazing because you'll wanna fill up on as many plants you can each day!). When you start getting yourself hooked onto the real, fresh foods which will set you up for the best digestive situations possible (i.e. mucusless foods), you will find your health flourish holistically. Health starts in the gut!
Many nutritionists of the day enforce the idea that there are no "bad" foods in the intention of discouraging disordered relationships with food. Unfortunately, it does not help encourage true food freedom and self-love (...and it's just not true. A lot of processed foods and restaurant-prepared dishes are made to override your brain's satiety mechanisms, while providing little nutrition. It's near impossible to ever have a healthy relationship with meals based on such products). It seems almost counterintuitive as well, in our world of pills and powders, that leaving out ingredients from your diet is not restrictive -- but an essential key to finding health, developing a deep love for real natural flavors, and coming into connection with your hunger drives & appreciation for your body. That's why this salad leaves out salt, oil, refined sugar, and even almost entirely mucus-forming foods (just having tahini used in condiment amounts for your delectable dressing!). Whole, gut-healthy, clean-digesting foods (= mucusless foods!) are not just perfect if food is a complicated factor in your world, it can help to build a body that thrives as it restructures you from the inside out. "Food herbs" (i.e. fruits & veggies) plus culinary herbs are the real foundation for healing. Before you get to using any herbal formulas, fasting protocols, or biohacking tools & supplements, get on a transitional program towards mucusless foods - the difference in your results will be profound. Real healing starts happening when you stop burdening yourself when you ought to be nourishing yourself.
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transgenderer · 1 year
Hey, you've been experimenting with powdered caffeine, right? How's that worked out so far? Is it a completely pure source or is it some type of exercise/diet supplement? Do you still crave coffee?
ive been using pills. its pretty convenient! i can do it as soon as i wake up, which is good for not falling back asleep. pretty much no craving for coffee. or like, maybe some occasional and mild. pretty useful, altho i miss coffee sometimes. might do weekend coffee. i was doing 100mg a day and it wasnt working as good as coffee so i moved up to 200 mg, not sure how much was in my coffee.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Azula Week - Day 6 Band AU
Summary: Azula is in a kpop band and her company controls almost every aspect of her life; especially surrounding dating. Which becomes a problem when she meets Katara.
TW: Referenced Suicide
Azula flops down on the sofa and takes a deep breath. The makeup is growing itchy and this outfit is, though absolutely elegant, completely uncomfortable–too small for one thing. But if there’s anything that sells, it’s something that pushes the boundaries. Something that is just off of being too revealing. 
She takes a deep breath, the faux gems glimmer beneath her eyes. She just has to get through one more song. 
One more and then she can call it a night. 
One more. 
That’s what she tells herself. 
Always just one more. 
And one day, one more is going to be one more than she can take. 
The company, the fans, the haters, her family (father and the company are nearly one and the same) alike, they push her in all sorts of ways. In different ways unique to them. But there is some common ground that all of them seem to share; four golden rules; 
She must be pretty.
She must be clever and charismatic.
She must be single.
She must be talented. 
Sometimes it makes her feel like a doll or a slab of clay–a thing that they can control, mold, and manipulate all while she flashes a charming smile and makes off like her life is nothing but fun and elegant. That’s what the fans want to see.
They don’t want a tired eyed idol with tears streaming down her face. They don’t want drama–not the kind that isn’t showable on TV.
Neither do they want to see her real face. They don’t want to see the few freckles on her cheeks, they don’t want to see her lips without an extra pump of shimmering pink. They don’t want to see her lashes when they aren’t elongated by mascara. 
They don’t want a chubby idol either. Her company wouldn’t have her if she was and for it she can no longer eat her favorite treats; her mochi, her lava cakes, and those cookies with the jelly filling and the powdered sugar. They restrict her diet so heavily that she wonders if she’ll ever be able to have a treat again. Even the birthday cakes are for show–she can blow out the candles and sample maybe a forkful but then she has to watch the crew and makeup artists eat it for her.
And, of course, they control her dating life. If she is in a relationship it is all preformative so that any fan can picture themselves with her. Every fan who dreams of having a chance with her–however illusionary it is–is a fan that stays hooked. 
And the haters like to gather around waiting for her to break one of these golden rules so that they can tear her apart when she isn’t physically looking her best or mock her when her company finally gets tired of her and moves onto the next big talent. On to a trainee with a fresh new sound or a fresh new look. 
And she has to keep smiling and waving as though she isn’t falling apart on the inside. As though father doesn’t have to slip her anxiety pills between sets. 
She’s lucky to have that–TyLee doesn’t have that luxury, she has to tough it out. 
Yue certainly didn’t have that luxury; hence the scandal that rocked the entire industry for about a month until BlazeBlossom Entertainment announced the first ever theatrical pop show. Something that they promised would blend theater, opera, and idol culture in a riveting new experience. 
One that she will be fronting with Mai and TyLee at her side. Supposedly Blue Blaze will be leading the industry as a whole into a brand new, enthralling era. One where Yue’s preventable passing could be forgotten. 
They don’t know that she is planning a downfall of her own. That after she makes it through this final chorus, she will be heading off to meet Katara–the one little breath that she has in this suffocating shroud. 
“I bought you a little something.” Katara smiles as she passes Azula a little blue box with a swirly, pink lace ribbon.
“Thank you.”
“You haven’t even opened it yet, you don’t know if you’ll like it.”
“A gift is a gift.” Azula shrugs and she needs a pick me up, even if it is a very small one like a new necklace to hide in a shoebox in a closet where father nor the rest of his company can ask her where she got it. 
She gives the bow a good tug and it falls away. When she lifts the lid an aroma of caramel and chocolate hits her nose.
“I wasn’t sure what flavor you liked so I got you red velvet. Also I like red velvet truffles and I was hoping that we could maybe split it?”
Azula laughs. “We can split it, sure.” She is just happy to finally have something sugary again. 
“I got some forks too.” Katara hands her one. “I guess that that’s kind of a no brainer though.”
Azula nods, already jabbing her fork into the treat. The chocolate bursts on her tongue and she is pretty sure that her eyes have lit up. “Very good.” She comments between bites. 
“You’re more excited about this truffle than you were about the new shoes.”
“I get new shoes all the time.” Azula shrugs. “My company won’t let me eat anything that appeals to anyone who has tastebuds.” She just wishes that they could enjoy the treat on a restaurant patio or rooftop instead of an alleyway several buildings down from the concert venue. 
She also wishes that they had more time but the fans would be flocking soon and the company would grow suspicious.
So she has to make the most of her time. Of the little drop of freedom that, “I’m going to go for a quick walk and get some fresh air” has afforded her. 
She takes Katara’s hand and gives her a quick peck on the lips. And suddenly, Katara’s face falls. Azula’s brows furrow. 
“What’s wrong?” She asks. 
“I don’t know. I guess it’s just hard having to sneak around and watching you on stage.”
“You don’t like watching me perform?”
“I don’t like watching it knowing that your smile is usually fake and that you’re not really that…perky and upbeat. It feels fake.”
“It is fake.” Azula shrugs. “I’m a pretty good liar. They don’t know that I’m actually cranky and sarcastic and cynical.”  It is supposed to be a joke but Katara doesn’t laugh. Likely because there is too much truth in the joke for it to truly be classed as one. “It’s not all bad.” She tries. “I do enjoy the singing and dancing. Writing the songs and concepts for this new era has been incredible. I feel important.” 
“You are important.” Katara replies. “And that’s why I want to make sure you’re okay. I don’t want to lose you like I lost Yue. She was like a sister to me and you…I love you, Azula.”
Azula swallows and taps her fingers upon the gift box. The one that she has to hand back to Katara to avoid discovery. “I love you too, Katara.” She wishes that she could do it better, more openly. 
Katara manages a smile. “We’ll figure something out. Even if I have to wait until you retire or something.” She pauses. “Just take care of yourself, okay?”
Azula nods. 
“And I’ll try to bring you a treat or two when I come by.”
“Agni, I think that you’re probably one of the last heroes left in this world.” Azula grumbles. 
Katara nudges her. “I’ll see you at the next show.”
Azula stuffs her hands into the pockets of her bomber jacket and nods again. “Take care, Katara.”
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A hidden “resurrection system” torches fat EASILY
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Kelsey didn't think anyone could love a "fat girl" like her.
Especially after accidentally hearing a few boys talk trash about her.
“Yeah, I thought I could do the whole “fat girl” thing…
But after seeing her naked...
… I don’t think anybody could love all that!”
But that embarrassing moment actually led her to discover a hidden system that makes losing stubborn fat easy.
This hidden “resurrection system” is based on the research of a famous Japanese Nobel Prize-winning scientist.
And he discovered that it’s “buried” in nearly every cell of our body…
And all it takes to “activate” it is just 1 minute a day.
>> This hidden “resurrection system” torches fat
It’s not a new “fad” diet, exercise routine, or magic pill…
It’s not a powder, a probiotic, a weird exercise device, some book, or anything else like that.
You could call it the “missing piece” of the weight loss puzzle…
Because it targets the real, forgotten cause of weight gain.
Check it out by clicking on the link below:
>> A hidden “resurrection system” torches fat EASILY
Big pharma is trying everything it can to remove the link as it's costing them millions each day. So hurry up and check it out before it's taken down.
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androgynousplatypus · 2 years
9 years ago I was thrilled to be running. I think I ran for about 5 minutes that day. I was fresh off Lyme treatment and still hoping I could heal up enough to play soccer or volleyball again.
Now I shall never run again.
Life doesn't turn out like you hope. It's full of griefs and loss and changing paths. I've been in and out of physical therapy since I was very young. So many tears on padded tables with stretch bands in my hands as I struggled through movements to the encouragement, "we have to do this or you'll end up in a wheelchair!"
I don't know who the joke is on, but it's not very funny.
Sometimes, I think about the thousands of dollars my parents spent on organic food, strict diets, herbal remedies, tonics, and tinctures and who knows what else. The giant concoctions of disgusting liquids and powders I'd pound in a red solo cup every morning. The times I was taking 40+ pills at a time - all-natural supplements every one, only to watch my health worsen.
We tried our best, but we didn't know. St. John's Wort and Turmeric have their limits and my body was well beyond them.
Today - my vertebrae crumbling within me, every joint held together with spite and pixie dust - I wonder if it was worth it. So much time, so much money, so much effort. For what?
It has to have been. I have to decide that it was worth it or the exhaustion will drive me truly insane. 
And, truth is, I know how to take care of anything my body can throw at me now. I can mix and match natural and traditional medicine like a proper old-fashioned witch. I know how to move, how to exercise, and I can put my body through PT for every new injury I suffer.
I know how Sisyphus gets up every day.
He does not say to himself, "Maybe today we will reach the top and the stone will stay."
He says, "Today we will learn something new, and it will make tomorrow's task a little better."
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