#disney jolt
jeffbytes · 1 year
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adopted off the streets of London during the Forrester family's visit to England, taking this dog back home with them as a bunch of Americans? i sure can imagine them being that on the nose about his tag choice 🇬🇧
i love emulating this movie's artstyle, i've been doing it since i was 12 it comes so naturally to me now
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ramshacklerumble · 5 months
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gia's stance on floyd is so complicated.
they cant stand him, they work well with him, he gets under their skin in a way no one else can, he's a great cook and will feed them on occasion, he forced them to work at the monstro lounge as payment after """helping""" them on some personal matters, he's actually not that bad to hang out with throughout closing time
theyve deadass come to blows a couple times.
gia dreams of kissing floyd under the moonlight.
who said that,,,
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yeowninefive · 1 month
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Jolt of Lemon and My Funny Tape and Me
Quick doodles of Annalogue participating in some recent art trends over on Twitter. (IDK how the licking lemons art meme started, but the second is a redraw of this frame of Roblox SpongeBob holding up an apple, the art challenge was initiated by @/RIFLESCYTHE.)
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geekverse08 · 2 years
Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Lucky the pizza dog and Yelena Belova in “Hawkeye” 💜🏹
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indigosabyss · 4 months
Oh yeah, that was one of the shows Netflix gave two seasons but called the seasons ‘Parts’ so they could pay the cast less. They did that a lot. Most notably with the ‘Sabrina’ reboot, before they cancelled it, and ‘Riverdale’ had to give it a backdoor series finale.
I hate this bc no good nick was an insane concept. And it worked. It was the first sitcom-style show I ever watched, and couldn't fully appreciate the tropes and style of it back then. I'm watching it again. The laughtrack actually adds so much to it. A desperate girl just stole five thousand dollars from her fake foster family to give to an obviously fake lawyer and she is so happy bc she thinks she's going to see her father free soon, and ten seconds later the laugh track is back.
Fuck Netflix. Fuck them fr.
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Episode 165- MCU 2021/2 Part 1
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Jon M Wilson is back (again) as we get back to our look at the MCU shows and films that ended 2021 and began 2022! Get ready for Hawkeye, Spider-Man: No Way Home and Moon Knight!
Listen HERE!
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chaosandmarigolds · 28 days
Johnny's wedding speech
"An ya, okay, let's get this on." Johnny turns around on the chair he had placed in the middle of the dance floor, looking at the projector screen.
You were currently sitting beside your, now, husband, Ollie happily sitting in your lap and eyeing the man Simon considered his best friend.
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"AH got it!! Okay, um, yea-yea, okay, as it says I hate you." Johnny nods as everyone falters, a few coughs and panicked looks going to you. "I really hated you when I firs heard of ya, cus me and my boy- Simon-" He paused, "Sorry I'm Johnny by th' way, Simon's bud- anyway, Simon 'n I were gettin drinks and this boy looks at me 'n he- he was all weepy bout it! Reduced my man t' tears! Goin: 'Johnny, mate, i thin' I foun' her.'"
By that point everyone had realized it was bit, and a few laughs rung out.
He runs his hand down his face, "Foun' her?? Well i gotta meet 'er myself, be the judge of it."
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"For the record," he brought the mic to his mouth, his voice muffled by how close it was, "I am. I love ya, lassie. However, I do have a few bones ta pick wit ya."
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"Oh, uh..." he looks back at the projector, "My bad, didn't fini' tha slide."
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"YEAH! Yeah! when I firs met ya lassie you two might as well be joint at the hip already," Johnny frowns, "I call 'em like: 'Got tickets to th' game.' and he doesn't even let me finish! 'Sorry mate, me and my girl are sittin in and watching tha new Disney movie wi' Ollie.' or 'Nah, lad, my girl is wearin that dress I like." He gives an exasperated sigh to that as you bite back the urge to laugh to that. Meanwhile, Simon seemed to loosen up, leaning back in his chair with a bit of a smile.
"Anway- I have been rejected seventeen times for Bluey, yea. The cartoon wit the lil blue dog? Course I got tired of it so I jus come over...It makes sense now, Bluey's pretty cute."
Ollie seemed to get a good laugh from that.
There was a pause and Johnny nods again, "I don't hate you, lassie. You made my mate happy. Thank you."
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"OH! Shoutout to my boy, Oliver."
Ollie might as well as jumped up from how fast he jolted to the sight of his 'picture' (if it could be classified as a photo from how blurry it was) and he screamed with utter glee, "I LOVE YOU UNCLE SOAP."
Johnny laughs as he gets down from the chair, "I love you too, laddie."
(Am I just buttering y'all up fro the next installment of Eek? yes. Annyway, that's all!)
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 28, Unwanted - Pt. 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, violence, death
Word Count: 2.9k
Previously On...: Jade's running, Bucky's chasing, and you've had the shit beat out of you.
A/N: It's our Battle for Pride Rock, ya'll!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
Tumblr will not let me directly tag the following: @marcswife21 @erelierraceala @jupiter-107 @doublejeon @hiqhkey @unaxv @brookeleclerc
After several long minutes of being manhandled through the forest, you heard a distant roar through the pine needles, and while you recognized the sound of Bucky’s voice, the absolute rage evident in his tone was completely foreign to you. “CARTHAGE!” he bellowed, sending a group of birds, squawking in indignation, into the sky. You tried to focus, to determine how far away he was from you, but the pain in your body, in your head, was too disorienting for you to figure it out.
So, instead, you decided to offer him some metaphorical breadcrumbs to point the way to your location. “BUCKY!” you screamed, as loud as you could, trying to break free of Jade’s grasp so you could run toward the sound of his voice. “BUCKY! I’M HERE!”
You made a valiant effort, but Jade would always be stronger than you. Gripping you tighter, she began running with you, away from the direction of Bucky’s voice, but you kept shouting for him. 
He screamed your name again, and you were relieved to hear he didn’t seem as far away now, closing in. His voice was shattered with desperation, but he was gaining on you. Despite the pain each time your body jolted, you purposefully stumbled, hoping to slow Jade’s progress, but she kept moving, kept dragging you even if your feet were not perched solidly on the ground. 
You ran behind Jade until time had no real meaning, not knowing how far you’d traveled from the base, or where she intended your final destination to be. All you could do was take every opportunity you had to scream Bucky’s name and wait for him to call back to you, each time his voice coming from less distance than the time before.
Eventually, Jade came to a sudden halt, and shoved you down to the ground. You took a brief moment to catch your breath and survey your surroundings. You’d reached a clearing in the woods, and behind you stood a steep drop leading to boulders scattered below. Jade had gotten herself trapped, and you knew she would become reckless, be truly dangerous, now that she was cornered.
You could hear Bucky now, running through the woods as his combat boots crushed twigs and pinecones underfoot. He was coming for you, but he’d be walking straight into danger, facing off against a wounded animal that had to know there was no real chance for her to escape, and that would make her desperate, a loose cannon. 
Jade jerked you back up again, and you felt the cold press of a gun barrel against your temple as she held you in front of her. You held your breath, waiting for Bucky to burst through the treeline. Your entire body ached, from your swollen face, to your broken nose, to the scratches that covered your bare feet and body where branches and stones had cut into your skimpy dancer’s outfit. Blood was running down your legs from cuts too numerous to catalog. 
Soon, the crashing sound of Bucky moving through the trees gave way as he threw himself into the clearing, guns raised in both hands as he pointed them in the direction of Jade’s head. She gripped you tighter and pressed her gun harder into your skin.
“Stop there, Jamie,” Carthage shouted before Bucky could come too close. You clocked his movements as he quickly assessed the situation: the gun to your head, your useless left arm, all the blood pouring from your nose and various injuries, but he did as she asked, stopping not far from where he’d exited the trees.
“You okay, doll?” he called to you, searching your eyes with desperation. The look on his face was devastating, the sheer helplessness on it as he took in your state. He was covered in blood, an avenging angel who wouldn’t have looked out of place in a nightmare, yet the sight of him made you feel like you were dreaming.
“Gotta say, I’ve been better, baby,” you replied, flinching as Jade squeezed your arm with more force than was necessary. She held a gun on you, for fuck’s sake– where did she think you were going to go?
Bucky nodded. “A gun to your head, and you got jokes. That’s my girl.” He offered you a small smile, then turned his focus to Jade. “Let her go, Carthage,” he said, his voice now low and menacing. “This is between you and me. She doesn’t need to be here for this.”
“She has everything to do with this, Jamie!” Jade cried, pulling you back against her chest. “This is all her fault! Everything would have been perfect if you could have just let her go!”
You watched as Bucky inched closer, his movements so slow they were barely noticeable. He’d raised both guns in the air, no longer pointing them at Jade, but not removing his fingers from the trigger. “Let’s talk about this, okay?” he asked her. “There’s got to be an understanding we can come to, you and me.”
“All I’ve ever wanted is you,” Jade sobbed, moving the arm not holding the gun up to wrap around your neck. “We’re the same, you know that, right? We were created by the same people, using the same serum. We belong together, Jamie! I was built to love you! And you’re never going to be able to see that until she’s gone for good.”
“Jade,” Bucky said slowly, “Hydra’s messed with your mind, they’ve brainwashed you. You don’t even know me. You only love what they made you think I was.”
“NO!” she shouted, moving backward and pulling you both toward the edge of the drop. “She’s the one who’s been brainwashing you! If it wasn’t for her, you’d love me, you’d want to be with me the same way I want to be with you! Once I kill her, once she’s finally out of the way, you’ll be able to see that. You’ll finally understand!”
“That’s not gonna happen, Vix,” Bucky said sadly. “I love Pocket more than I’ve ever loved anyone, anything, and that’s never gonna stop. I’m not gonna let you hurt her, and I’m sure as shit not going to let you kill her.”
“But you made love to me, Jamie!” Jade sobbed. “In Russia, we made love and it was so beautiful! You can’t pretend that didn’t happen! That it didn’t mean something to you! I know it did!”
“Jade,” Bucky shook his head at her, the look he gave her fully of pity, “the only reason I ever touched you was because I thought Pocket had been with Steve, that she had betrayed me, and I was so angry, I wanted to hurt her back.” His eyes moved to find yours. “I was a fucking fool for ever thinking she would have done that; she’s too good a person, and I don’t deserve her.” His eyes went back to Jade. “It’s the only reason. I didn’t want you. I never wanted you. Fuck, I had to pretend you were her just so I could get hard, so I could finish. I could have never finished just from being with you, Jade, because I don’t love you. And I never will.”
Bucky’s words brought tears to your eyes. You’d seen the video, you knew he was telling the truth.  He’d been angry, and she’d used that anger to manipulate him, but he had never stopped thinking about you. Because he loved you, and he always had. You saw that so clearly now. And because he loved you, he was going to risk letting her get away.
“LIES!” Jade screeched, her voice so shrill you thought it might burst your eardrums. “I can make you love me! Once she’s dead, you’ll forget all about her. Hydra will erase her from your memory, and we can be happy!”
“Let her go,” Bucky pleaded. “Let her go and you and I can talk. We can come to an agreement.”
“No! She has to die, so you can be free, Jamie! So we can be together. She needs to die.”
“Bucky,” you sobbed, trying to keep yourself upright. “Bucky, it doesn’t matter what she does to me, you have to stop her. She can’t go free, and you can’t go back to Hydra! I’m not worth it. I… I never have been. I love you so much. And I always will. I never stopped. But you have to stop her. Pozhaluysta, lyubov' moya.” Please, my love.
“SHUT UP!” Jade shouted, hitting you on the back of the head with the butt of her gun. It wasn’t enough to knock you unconscious, but it knocked you off balance, rattling your already pounding skull. Bucky made a move to come closer, but the barrel of the gun was back to your temple in an instant, and he halted. 
“I wish we’d had a chance to start over, baby,” you said to Bucky, tears streaming down your face. Jade was going to kill you. She was going to kill you, and you’d never hold Bucky again, never kiss him, never feel him inside of you, laugh with him over something incredibly stupid, ever again. Never see your family again. Never see Tony. Fuck. You’d never see Tony again. But it would be worth it. Your loss of life would be worth it if it kept Hydra from getting its hands back on Bucky, from ever hurting him again. You knew that once your life was no longer on the line, Bucky would be able to overpower Jade, to subdue her, send her to the Raft where garbage like her belonged. “I wish we had time to start everything fresh and build something new, something better,” you sobbed. “But we don’t. You have to let me go so you can stop her, Bucky. Please.” You choked on the final word, a desperate plea. He had to know it was for the best. He had to.
“No,” Bucky choked out. “No, I’m not going to let you get hurt again, doll. Not because of me. Never again.” He slowly and gently set his guns down on the ground in front of him. 
“I can’t be with you if you kill her, Jade,” Bucky said, voice full of saddened resolve. “I’d never be able to see past it, and I’d… I’d never be able to love you if I knew you were a murderer.”
What the fuck was he doing? You wondered. You both already knew she was a murderer– you’d seen the same footage, for fucks’ sake!
“Bucky–” you began, but he continued, speaking over you.
“If you let her go, I’ll come with you. You can take me back to Hydra, and we… we can be together. I’ll let you love me, and I’ll learn to love you. But you have to let her live. If she dies, it will always come between us. I know you don’t want that… and… and neither do I. Don’t you want us to be happy, Vix?” He took another step toward her. “We can be happy, but you have to let Pocket live. Please.”
“I don’t fucking care about Hydra anymore!” Jade cried. “I stopped caring about what they wanted the minute I fell in love with you! I’m not going to let them have you, just like I’m not going to let her have you! You’re mine, Jamie!” She squeezed your throat tighter, and you began to find it difficult to breathe. “You’re mine, and I’m yours! You have to say it!”
Bucky closed his eyes, as though what he was about to say was going to physically pain him. “I’m yours, and you're mine, Vix. The way it’s supposed to be. The way we were made to be.” He opened his eyes and looked at you, and you could practically taste the sorrow in his gaze, the apology he was wordlessly begging you to accept. 
“We’re gonna have such a beautiful life together, Jamie.” Jade’s voice took on a lighter, happier, yet infinitely more terrifying tone. “We’ll get a house, a dog. Have so many beautiful babies! We’ll be a happy family, just us.”
Bucky nodded slowly. “We can have all of that, Vix. Everything you want, and more, but you have to let Pocket go. Can you do that for me, honey?” He choked out the words as though it made him sick to say. “Can you show me that you’re a good person, that you don’t want to start our new life with blood on your hands? I don’t want that for you, or our future kids. Do you?”
You felt the hold Jade had on you loosening, her grip relaxing. “No,” she said before tossing you aside as if you were nothing. “If it’s not what you want, then I don’t want it, either.”
In an instant, Bucky was positioning himself so that he was between you and Carthage, and she wasted no time in throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. You watched in horror as he kissed her back, and it was like every nightmare you’d had over the last several months had come to life before your eyes. “Bucky,” you begged, reaching for him. He pulled his lips away from Jade. “I’m sorry, Pocket,” he said, without turning to look at you, “but Vix is my girl now. We’re going to be together.”
“Oh, Jamie! Do you promise?” Jade asked, her face awash in delight.
“I promise, honey,” he said, leaning down to kiss her again.
You thought you were going to be sick as you backed slowly away from the two of them. You knew that he was only doing this to save your life, but it didn’t make watching it hurt any less. 
Bucky carefully tracked you with one open eye as he continued to kiss Jade. Once he seemed satisfied that you were far enough behind him, and that Jade was thoroughly distracted with her guard down, he grabbed her throat with his vibranium hand and began to squeeze.
Jade’s eyes bulged open as she began struggling for breath, swatting at Bucky’s hand with the gun she still held in her fist. But a super solider alone was no match for a super solider with vibranium, and Bucky continued to choke her. 
“You think you can just hurt my girl and I’d let you walk away?” Bucky growled, any trace of softness gone from his voice. “You think you can lay a hand on her and I’ll let you fucking live?”
“You… promised…” she gasped with the little air she had left in her lungs, and the look she gave Bucky was almost heartbreaking in its sense of betrayal. Almost. She was still a cunt, after all. 
“Yeah, well,” he began, tightening his fingers, “my promises don’t mean shit.”
With the last remaining ounces of her strength, Jade raised her gun and pointed it in your general direction. “If I…” she choked out, “can’t… have you… you… can’t have… her… either.”
Time distorted into slow motion as you watched Jade pull the trigger of the gun, saw the bullet race toward you and plunge into your abdomen with a force that knocked you backward. You gingerly touched your stomach, your hands coming away nearly black with blood. “Buck?” you asked softly, before your knees buckled and you fell.
You heard Bucky scream, the sound full of rage and despair, followed by the sickening crack of bone breaking, and the thump of a body unceremoniously hitting the ground.
You lay there, blinking up into the impossibly blue sky. It was so bright, yet seemed to be growing dimmer by the second. Bucky’s face soon filled your vision, his eyes filled with tears, and you felt the pressure of his hands as they tried to staunch the bleeding of your gunshot wound.
“Pocket,” he cried, “baby. You gotta stay with me, okay? You gotta focus. I’m so sorry, doll. I’m so fucking sorry.” 
Why was he so sad? You wondered. God, even when he was crying, he was still so pretty.
“Hey,” you said, reaching up to touch his face and leaving a bloody smear across his skin. “Don’t cry.”
You felt him slide his arms under you, lifting your body to him as he cradled you. “I’m so sorry, baby,” he wailed. You weren’t sure what he was apologizing for, but you didn’t want him to be sad. You never wanted him to be sad.
“Hey there… handsome soldier,” you wheezed. You coughed, and droplets of blood from your mouth speckled across Bucky’s face. “That a gun… in your pocket… or… you just… happy… to see me?” You tried to smile, just wanting to make him laugh, but you could feel blood run out of the corner of your lips. You were getting so cold.
In the distance, you could hear a roar, like the sound of a tornado drawing closer, coming to pick you up and carry you away to Oz.
“You’re dying in my arms and you got fucking jokes?” Bucky exhaled a terrified laugh. “You just gotta hold on a little while longer, love. The teams’ on their way. Can you hear the jet? They’re coming.”
But you couldn’t hear the jet. You could barely hear Bucky’s voice as darkness enveloped you. “I… I love you… Buckar–” you managed to breathe out, one last time, before everything went silent, and black.
<- Previous Part / Next Chapter ->
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coquettebiatch · 4 months
s3 Rafe comforting you after giving you a few slaps on the ass for or listening to him.
You cried into his neck, soaking up his gray shirt. “Y’know I hate punishing you kid,but I have put you in your place.”
“You don’t have to do it so hard!” You tighten you grip around his neck. “Hey…look up.” You still have your head tuck into his neck. “I said look up.” He demands giving a light slap on the ass. You jolt up at look up at him with red teary eyes.
“aww.” He uses his thumb to wipe your tears off. “You wanna watch something in Disney?” He asked mocking your pout. You nod.
The rest of the night you guys spend watching old Disney movies. While eating snacks.
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sturniozo · 5 months
Our Lips Are Sealed III
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Nate’s POV
Y/n goes to her room, not saying much after we got home. It’s nothing unusual though, after a day out with people she doesn’t talk much. It’s like she has a daily word limit that she uses up when she’s with people, then when she comes home she has no words left.
I close the door to my bedroom, which is across the hall from y/n’s. I sit on my bed and immediately go to FaceTime Chris.
He picks up after a moment. “What’s up?” He says.
“Don’t flirt with y/n! I told you that, dude!” I say.
Chris laughs. “I wasn’t flirting with her.”
“You keep doing shit like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like that stunt you pulled today.”
Chris laughs again. “Stunt? What stunt? Giving her my flannel? She was cold-“
“You were holding her.”
“What’s wrong with that? We’re just friends it’s not like-“
“Not like what?” I say to him. I sigh. “Look, man, I’m not trying to… she’s my little sister. She’s not…”
“I know.” He says. “And I won’t try anything with her, I swear. I was just being nice, being a friend.”
I nod. “I know.”
My head hurt when I woke up the next morning. Like a pounding in my skull. My mouth and throat were so dry it felt like my tongue had cracked. I squeeze my eyes shut as I groan. I look over at my nightstand, the empty cans of peace tea had fallen over and were of no use to me now.
I groan as I get up from my bed. I reach to grab the numerous cans as I walk out of my room with them, carrying them down the stairs. I throw them into our can bin in the kitchen, then walk to the fridge to pull out another fresh one.
I turn around, seeing Chris staring at me. My face immediately goes beet red. “What are you doing here?” I ask.
Chris just stares at me. His eyes go down to my legs and I remember I’m not wearing pants, as I never do to bed. I just hate the feeling of fabric on my legs as I sleep.
I pull my shirt down to cover myself, dropping the can to the ground. Luckily it had remained unopened. “Chris!” I shout since he didn’t answer me. His eyes jolt from my legs to my eyes.
“Sorry! I- Nate invited me and Nick and Matt over, he said you usually sleep late…” Chris trails off.
“I do… I just needed a drink.” I pull my shirt down to cover myself more.
“Yeah, let me get that for you.” Chris says bashfully as he leans down and picks up my tea can. He hands it to me, staring into my eyes and a blush creeps up my cheeks.
“I’d wait a bit to open it.” He says.
“It’s not carbonated.” I mumble back.
Chris just hums as he stands still in front of me. We stand staring each other in the eyes for a bit, before Chris finally pulls away. “I’m gonna go back up to Nate’s room…” he says as he starts walking away.
“Okay.” I reply. I hold the car tightly in my hands as I watch Chris walk up the stairs and disappear in the hallway. After I hear the door to Nate’s room close I walk up the stairs myself, going to my room.
As I pass Nate’s room I hear them speaking.
“How do you go downstairs to get chips and not even get chips?” Nate asks.
“I uh, I got distracted.” Chris says.
“By what, sunlight?” Nick jokes.
“No, by… y/n.” Chris says.
There’s a pause before Nate says “I didn’t think she’s awake yet.” He laughs.
“She just woke up, apparently.” Chris says.
I decide not to eavesdrop any longer and head to my room, softly shutting the door behind me. I sit on my bed, opening my can of tea and taking a long sip before setting it down on my night stand.
I take my laptop from the edge of my messy bed and set it on my lap, opening it and typing in my password. I open up Disney to watch my current fixation, a movie I’ve seen so many times. It’s a comfort. The familiarity brings me a sense of peace.
I move the time back to the beginning, starting it over. I pull out some skittles from my drawer of my nightstand. If Nate saw me eating skittles for breakfast he’d freak out, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
The movie starts with the song I’m so familiar with. Just hearing it makes me happy. I sort through my skittles, picking out three of each color before eating them one at a time, in a certain order.
A few hours pass. After the first movie I watch another one I’m fond of that brings me joy. Around halfway through the second movie I hear a knock on my door.
“Hey it’s Nate.”
I look up. “You may enter.” I say.
He opens the door and looks at me. “I didn’t know if you were changing or something.” He says, laughing softly.
I laugh with him. “I’m just watching Netflix.” I tell him.
He notices the skittles on my bed. “Please tell me you ate something else before you ate those.” He says.
I pause for a moment before replying. “I had tea.”
“Tea is not breakfast.” He says.
I shrug. “I don’t like breakfast.”
Nate rolls his eyes. “The guys and I were gonna order pizza, did you want anything? We can get you your own if you’d like.” He says.
I shrug. “Just the usual.” I tell him. Nate knows my comfort foods, my favorites that’s I always eat. It changed every few months, but he’s always so attentive to know which ones they are when they change.
“Alright.” Nate shrugs and begins to close the door. He stops and says. “If you want, you can hang out with me and the guys.”
I bite my lip. I don’t know how awkward it will be with Chris after this morning. I bring myself to nod. “Okay, yeah.” I say and shut my laptop. I stand up from my bed and Nate walks out of my room.
I walk to my dresser and pull out a pair of shorts and a new shirt. I quickly change into my clothes and walk out of my room and peak into Nate’s. No one there.
I shake the confusion off and walk downstairs, and see them all on the couch. All four boys are arguing over what movie to watch when the pizza gets here.
“Horror.” Nate says. “There’s nothing better than horror and pizza!” He says.
“No!” Nick whines. “I have horror movies!”
“I still think we should watch a superhero movie.” Matt says as he crosses his arms and leans back on the couch.
“I agree with Matt.” Chris says.
I walk out from behind the corner of the stairs and walk to behind the couch.
“Hey, n/n.” Nate says. “We’re just trying to pick a movie.”
“Let’s go with superhero, come on!” Nick says.
“Fine, fine.” Nate holds up his hands in surrender. “Come on, y/n, sit down.”
Nate scoots over on the couch to make room for me between him and Chris. I sit down and Chris almost immediately puts his arm over my shoulder.
“You look different with pants on.” Chris jokes, causing me to blush.
Nate shoots up from the couch, glaring at Chris. “The fuck did you just say?”
TAGS: @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora @hearts4chris @carolinalikesthings @mattscokewhore @urfavpouge @savageking3 @tastesousweet @jko3005 @sturniolo0ntop @dwalk41202 @stvrnise @iloveneilperry @luvmxtt @blueeyedbesson @iloveurgf @mattswifr @that-chris-girl01
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
part of the el!hughes au
summary: in which Lovie gets overstimulated and overwhelmed and Jack swoops in to help.
notes: this is totally not me projecting at all— nope- definitely not
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it was something i wasn’t prepared for about motherhood— i’ve always been sensitive to loud noises, getting overstimulated and irrationally upset after a while.
i was fine in situations where i expected it; concerts, hockey games, the like. but when i was in the comfort of my own home or in a place that i wasn’t expecting it, it quickly became too much.
and when these situations happened, i became irritable and acquired a touch aversion. needing some quiet time to myself in order to recover.
when i became a mom, i was able to power through it. the newborn and infant years being an easy feat, as my daughter was a relatively quiet baby.
but with the toddler years has come the screaming, even when happy. Eleanor’s once quiet demeanor disappeared, replaced by excited squeals and happy yelling.
she would be playing and just randomly start screaming in excitement or get frustrated and scream out of annoyance and distress.
i was understanding. she couldn’t fully talk yet to express herself and for the most part, i could breathe through it and be fine. but there were those few times where it became too much.
like now.
El’s excited screams bounce off the apartment walls as she runs around the hallways with her tiny red target cart, full of her favorite toys. baby dolls and magnetic building blocks piled in the cart, running into door-jambs and furniture and clinking together.
i take deep breaths, my head pounding in ache as i sit on the couch. i love my daughter. so much. but this is entirely too much.
my husband stands in the kitchen, laughing as our toddler crashes her cart against the back of the couch, making the entire sofa jolt before she screams in excitement once again.
i flinch, squeezing my eyes shut and taking a deep inhale. i reopen my eyes just in time to see my two-old run around the side of the couch, slipping and falling onto her butt.
she lets out a shriek in frustration, tears springing to her eyes as she rises back to her feet, abandoning her play shopping cart in favor of fast walking over to me on the couch.
climbing up the couch cushions, her cries get louder with the close proximity, making my breath hitch.
“mommy!” she whines. her little hands grip my shoulder as she steps into my lap, plopping herself down and looking up at me.
i instinctively lock up, my back straightening and my hands flying up towards my shoulders in attempt to get away.
it makes me feel like a horrible mother. i can’t even power through the touch of my own child when i’m overstimulated like this.
El’s cries get louder as she reaches up to touch my cheeks.
“mommy! boo boo!” my heart aches in my chest and i’m near tears, myself. i hate seeing my baby upset but i can’t bring myself to do much. i bring my hand down, rubbing her back but even that makes my skin crawl in discomfort.
“it’s okay, El-Bell.” i attempt to comfort her, but my voice is near-robotic, just running through the motions.
my tears finally spill over and i send a desperate glance to my husband, who is already stepping over to us.
he gives me sympathetic eyes, quickly scooping up the toddler from my lap, which only makes her more upset.
“mommy!” she cries out, reaching around her father to make grabby hands at me, my heart shattering even further.
“hey.” Jack coos, turning around so that El’s back is facing me. “it’s okay, lovely. daddy’s got you.”
his eyes lock with mine and he gives me a quick and affirmative nod, letting me know that he’s got this, and i take that moment to rise from the couch, sneaking off towards our bedroom.
“you wanna watch a movie, baby? you wanna watch Ariel?” i hear him ask, resulting in the halting of El’s cries. i assume she’s nodding, as not a moment later i hear the familiar ‘thum thum’ of the disney+ app being opened on the tv.
i quietly creak our bedroom door shut, leaving it open just a crack before moving to lay on the bed, burrowing myself in the blankets. my head just barely peeks out of the comforter, providing me with fresh air.
sobs wrack my body, lightly shaking the bed. i cover my mouth with my hand, muffling my cries so that my toddler doesn’t hear them out in the living room, but it only serves to make me cry harder.
it’s moments like these where i wonder if i’m failing my child. because i sure feel like a failure. what kind of mother am i? to get so overwhelmed by my own child, that i can’t even stand being touched by her?
it feels like hours until my sobs finally subside, but in reality i know it’s only been maybe half an hour.
now i lay in the bed, staring up at the plain white ceiling and overthinking everything.
is El going to hate me for this one day?
have i let her down?
is Jack going to hate me for this?
will he get tired of the fact that i can’t handle our daughters loud noises and leave me?
my thoughts are interrupted by the dip of the bed beside me. i look over to see Jack laying a napping Eleanor next to me on the mattress before he lays down on the other side of her.
he looks at me with an expression full of worry, pity overtaking his face.
i turn on my side, facing my husband and our daughter, and he does the same.
“how are you feeling?” he questions softly, not wanting to wake our sleeping toddler.
“better.” i tell him, gazing down at El and running the back of my hand across her chubby cheek.
i love her so much.
“i feel like i’ve failed her.” i confess. “like i’ve failed you both.”
Jack is quick to squash those feelings, leaning over the toddler to press a sweet kiss to my lips.
“stop doing that.” he pleads. “stop reducing yourself down to your bad moments. i love you. El loves you.
“so you have a few times where it all becomes too much- i may not be able to understand it fully, but i do understand that it’s out of your control. you love El, i know you do, i see it every day. if it were up to you, i know you would never have these moments. but they do happen, and that’s okay. El may not understand it yet, but she will one day, and she still loves you regardless.”
his words make tears prick my eyes once more and i break our eye contact to gaze back down at our daughter.
“you are more than these moments, Lovie. and i will do whatever i can to help when they do happen.” he tells me, smiling softly.
“when i’m home.” he adds, making me let out a watery giggle.
“i love you.” i express, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips.
“i love you more.”
“thank you for being so understanding. and for swooping in to help.” i smile, raising a hand to cup his cheek, trailing my thumb softly over his cheekbone.
“thank you for being the most amazing wife and the best mother to our beautiful baby girl. thank you for giving me the best gift i’ve ever received.”
“your ‘#1 dad’ hat?” i joke, making him throw his head back in laughter.
“our daughter, Lovie!” he clarifies through chuckles. “although, i do love that hat.”
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Tylo Oneshot
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“We’re gonna let you guys hang out in pairs,” said one of the doctors to Tyler. “To let you guys check on each other and all that.”
Tyler scoffed. “How generous of you..” he hissed sarcastically. 
The doctor didn’t bother with a response and left the room, leaving Tyler on his own again. He laid back on his bed and stared at the ceiling. 
Please bring me Taylor.. I need to know if she’s ok.. please, please…
The door creaked open and Tyler jolted up to see his sister. Only.. it wasn’t her. 
“Tyler!” Logan cried out, halfway to tears. 
“Logan!” He exclaimed in surprise before glaring at the doctor. “No! Bring me my sister!!!”
“Ms. Hernandez is currently with Ms. Banner. Complaining will get you nowhere.” The doctor closed the door and Tyler slammed his fist into the wall. “Damnit!”
Logan gave him a look of embarrassment and shame. “I’m.. sorry..”
Tyler looked up at him and suddenly felt guilty. “No, no.. it’s not you, Logan. I just.. Taylor-“
“Is your sister. I understand..” Logan tried to force a smile. He really didn’t understand. He was an only child and was never really close to one specific person..
Tyler sat on the bed and buried his face into his hands. “This place is driving me nuts..”
Logan hesitated before eventually sitting next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. “Well.. look on the bright side! At least now neither of us are alone!”
Tyler looked up and couldn’t help but feel a little lighter upon seeing Logan’s smile, even if it was a forced one. 
Logan was one of the few people he couldn’t really bring himself to be annoyed with. He’s too nice and the idea of yelling at him felt like it would be the equivalent to kicking a puppy (unlike with Aiden who feels like a mosquito he needs to bash into a wall). 
“Thanks, Logan..” he said with a sigh before lying back. “So what should we do? Not many forms of entertainment here other than the tv. And they’ve only, got, like, 3 channels. The news, Disney Junior, and The History Channel. Unless you wanna watch Ancient Aliens?”
Logan wrinkled his nose at the mention of Ancient Aliens. “Unless you wanna see me pop a blood vessel, I recommend turning on anything but that.”
Tyler was surprised by the almost passive aggressiveness on Logan’s voice. He let out a soft air of amusement and set the remote down. “Fair enough, astrology nerd.”
“Ugh, I study astronomy, not that fake, wishy-washy stuff that only exists to give boring people personalities.”
Tyler barked out a laugh. “Dang, ok! Wasn’t expecting that! Yknow, Taylor believes in astrology. Listens to horoscope podcasts and everything.”
Logan let out a dejected sigh. “Don’t remind me. She once asked for my star sign so she could check my compatibility with everyone in the group. If it was literally anyone else asking me for that, I would’ve stomped off right then and there. But Taylor’s nice to me, so I just gave in..”
“You have a lot more bite to you than I first thought.. guess I don’t hang out with you as much as I should..” 
Logan smiled softly at that. “Aha.. ya, well.. I’m not too fun to hang out with on my own.. but.. maybe..”
The two sit there for a moment, Tyler tapping on his wall dejectedly, wishing he could see his sister..
“I’m sorry..” Logan says under his breath. 
“Huh?” Tyler looked over at him. “For what?”
“Me being the reason you can’t see your sister..”
Tyler sucked in air through his teeth and looked down, ashamed. “Look, Logan, really, I’m not upset they brought you in instead-“
“But it really is my fault.”
“Huh? Whaddya mean?”
“I.. asked them if they could bring me to see you..” he admitted quietly. 
Tyler stared at him, processing his words. All he managed to say was “Huh?”
“I.. I wanted to see you.. because.. this.. this whole thing is terrifying!” There was a pause, all could be heard was the ticking of the clock. “And you.. you’re so confident all the time. For some reason your aggression, even in stressful circumstances, it’s oddly.. comforting? Like, at least there’s one person there who is expressing that they’re feeling anything but fear, yknow??”
Tyler still couldn’t find words. No one had ever described his aggression as comforting. Annoying, yes. A problem, he’s heard that hundreds of times. But comforting? That was new. 
“You..” he finally managed to choke out. “Are weird.”
Now he wishes he stayed at a loss for words because the absolute look of embarrassment on Logan’s face made him immediately regret his words. 
“But that’s not bad!” He quickly said. “Whatever helps, yknow!” 
Logan smiled weakly and forced out a laugh. “Ya.. ya..”
“Logan..” Tyler tried again, reaching out hesitantly before stopping himself. “I really didn’t mean it that way..” he said gruffly, really trying to keep the awkwardness out of his voice, but he ended up just sounding stiff. “You’re.. I.. you’re nice, Logan.”
“Hah.. ya.. nice..”
I’m so bad at damage control, ugh!!
“Logan!” Tyler barked. Logan jumped in surprise and turned to him. 
“You’re a fucking weirdo,” he said bluntly. “But I don’t mean it in the way Barron would.. I.. mean it in a good way, all right?”
Logan must’ve realized Tyler meant it, because he smiled a real smile. A smile of thankfulness and appreciation. 
“That.. really does mean a lot..” Logan said, nervously rubbing his arms. 
The two looked at each other and Logan felt desperation creep into his soul. This entire situation has been terrifying, being kidnapped, separated from his friends, and learning he’s going to turn into a phantom. He had to say it. He had to! He couldn’t possibly die without saying it right here and now! He was not going to be a coward!!
“I like you, Tyler,” Logan said. 
Tyler’s eyes widened. “What..?”
“The way you play baseball and have manage to be cool about everything you do and your sense of justice and the way you care about the people you love, like Taylor.. I like all of that about you!”
Right when Tyler thought Logan couldn’t surprise him anymore. “L..Logan..!”
But before he could even figure out what to say, the door opened. “We’ll be taking Mr. Fields back to his room.”
Tyler looked up, his eyes still wide. “Huh..?”
Logan stood up and waved at Tyler. “See ya, Ty..” he said with a smile. Logan felt really proud of himself. 
“W-wait.. hey, Logan!”
But the door shut and Logan let out a sigh. With each step, he remembered little things. Like when he went to a baseball game to practice his photography and he first ever saw Tyler and how cool he thought he was.. Like when Tyler stood up to Barron for Logan… Like how Tyler said he liked that Logan was weird..
By the time Logan reached his room and the door closed, he realized what he did. It really hit him like a school bus. 
“AHHHH! Did I really just do that?!?” He grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. “NOW I REALLY HOPE I BECOME A PHANTOM!”
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art-missy · 3 months
Overwhelmed (Gekko x Reader)
Part. 1 Part. 3
Part. 2
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Sorry in advance for my terrible English. I'm actually more of an English reader and listener than an actual speaker or writer. I also apologize for the dull writing style that could seem quite childish. I just wanted to test something by posting this.
If a few months ago somebody had told you that you would be spotted by a secret organization whose job is to protect your world against the threat of agents from another dimension, you would have laughed so hard that your guts would have spitted out. If that ‘somebody’ had continued with the fact that this organization would contact you in some way to recruit you just because you maybe took down a K-SEC facility by yourself and also because your skills interested them, you would have told them to sell their idea to a filmmaker. If that ‘somebody’ had then insisted that you would spend one of your days off with a few other agents of that organization by watching Disney movies and hearing them sing their guts out, you would have told them to stop.
Well, look at you now, exchanging astounded glances with Iso as Neon reached a note so terrifying that you were pretty sure she could have won the Oscar of the best scream in a horror movie. You were slightly worried about the state of her vocal cords. 
“And she’s not even drunk.” Muttered Yoru when he saw your dumbfounded expression as he finished his can of soda. Phoenix let out a booming laugh and nudged your and Iso’s arms playfully.
What the hell were you doing here ? You were so at peace in your hideout. How did Valorant find you ? Oh yeah. Cypher. No one can hide from the Moroccan sentinel and you understood it quite quickly when he appeared in each of your hideouts everytime you tried to run away. Hard to hide from someone whose eyes are literally everywhere. It has been quite hard for him too to convince you that the intentions of Valorant were noble when he appeared each time in the middle of the night like a sleep paralysis demon. The process of convincing you had been long and hard but Cypher was patient and quite stubborn. Especially when it came to visiting each of your hideouts (even the one under the Mediterranean Sea) and finishing all your different packs of tea. Well, at least you had now Big Brother as a mentor.
You jolted a little, startled when Raze and Killjoy suddenly stood up to start a duet while waltzing around the room. The level of love and affection in their eyes made you wonder if they weren't from a Disney movie themselves. You could literally see their eyes changing form to turn into hearts as their souls were screaming ‘I love you’ in their respective languages. And you found it adorable despite your exhaustion.
Jett playfully threw some popcorn at the couple, telling them to get a room. You’re pretty sure she didn't notice the few candy and crumbs of snacks in her ponytail. 
Clove were jumping on the different bean bag chairs, singing as if their life depended on it while Wingman cheered at their antics.
And you, you let out a small sigh as you took a sip of your bubbletea. All this chaos because of Frozen.
You swore that if you heard the songs ‘Love is an open door’ or ‘Let it go’ again, you would go apeshit.
You maybe should have join Deadlock for a reading session in her quarters instead of accepting Gekko’s invitation. Or just listening to music in your room. Or maybe drawing. You were certain that it would have been more peaceful and less mentally draining than this Disney night. And when you shared another glance with Iso, you knew he thought the same thing. It was visibly way too much for your introverted asses.
“Hey,” Gekko put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay ?”
You shot him a tired look. 
You sometimes miss your old life. You missed your different hideouts where you could see the sunset over the mountains, the sea creatures under the Mediterranean Sea, the snow in the Siberian desert or the rain falling on the trees of a random forest. Where you didn't have to interact with people every single day of the week.
You loved the Valorant protocol and you got along with the people you met there. But sometimes it was too much. You took down this K-SEC facility because you knew how shady the experimentations they were running were, not because you wanted to attract the attention of a secret organization. You sometimes resented Cypher for finding you, for stealing you from these calm moments, even though you knew that you accepted to be an agent of Valorant of your own free will and for a good cause. 
“Hey,” Repeated Gekko. “Are you okay ?”
You gently pushed his hand off your shoulder and stood up from your bean bag chair.
“Sorry.” You muttered.
And you rushed out of the room as Gekko called for you, his tone full of worry. You speed-walked towards the garden of the base, putting your headphones on your ears and slightly relaxing when the music reached your brain. You took a deep breath and the wind caressed your skin as you finally walked into the gardens. You took off your shoes and let the grass tickle your bare feet. The night sky watched over you as you finally took a seat on a bench.
You felt better. You breathed better. You lived better. The music in your ears relaxed your muscles, and the wind murmured on your skin, bringing the fragrance of the different flowers of the garden. You definitely had to compliment Sky and Sage. 
Your phone suddenly vibrated and you noticed that Iso sent you a link to a playlist. 
⟨Here. To relax your nerves.⟩
You internally smiled and sent a text message to the Chinese duelist to thank him. You started the playlist and relaxed even more when the first note of the first song reached your ears. Iso really did have good taste in music.
You were about to close your eyes when you suddenly felt a finger patting your shoulder. You jolted a little and turned your head to the side to see Cypher’s blue lenses staring back at you. You pulled your headphones down and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Big Brother is watching me ?” 
The sentinel let out a small chuckle and sat down beside you, a trap wire traveling on his knuckles.
“Overwhelmed ?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“I thought I was Big Brother.”
You rolled your eyes but a small smile tugged the corners of your lips. You leaned on the backrest of the bench and let out a deep sigh.
“I’m not in the mood for a game of chess, Cypher.” 
The masked man nodded and hummed softly.
“I suspected it.”
“Then why are you here, Optimus Prime ?” You groaned, stretching your arms over your head.
Cypher’s head tilted slightly and by his body language you suspected a smirk to be present under his mask.
“To check on you, dear.”
You raised a skeptical eyebrow and your eyes squinted slightly.
“Right. And may I ask why, dear ?” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes again. “Wait. Let me guess. You saw me walking away from the common room through these cute little cameras of yours, got curious when you couldn't see me then came here.” You interrupted yourself then shook your head. “Nope. There are also cameras in the garden. Then why did you come here ?”
Cypher let out another small chuckle and patted your head with an odd but paternal affection. 
“Look who’s playing Sherlock, now.” 
You let out an annoyed groan as you tried to push his hand away from your head but Cypher’s mood stayed playful.
“What kind of mentor would I be if I didn't worry about my protégé ?”
You snorted but nodded with a sarcastic smile.“More of a stalker than a mentor.” 
“A stalker who is worried about you, then.”
You couldn't see it but you heard the soft smile in his voice. He leaned a bit more towards you, the brim of his long hat hid you from the night sky and the usual faint glow of his blue lenses looked like two little will-o’-the-wisps in the obscurity of the garden. It reminded you of the first time you met each other, a few days after you took down this K-SEC facility. It was in a dark alleyway and the first thing you saw was these blue lenses before you could make out his long and slender figure. But because of his long hat and the darkness of the alleyway, you had almost taken him for a mutated palm tree. Even today you facepalmed yourself when you remembered those thoughts as your eyes stared into his lenses.
“Who eats alone, chokes alone.” He finally whispered with a conspiratorial tone. Something was telling you that he winked under his mask.
“What ?” You facepalmed.
“It’s an Arabic proverb.” He leaned back and his head tilted again. “Loneliness is neither your ally, nor your enemy. It is impartial. In your case, you use it to recharge yourself, but it can also drain you without you noticing, making you depend on it. Use your loneliness but don’t be alone.” His voice dropped a few octaves lower and you felt his eyes sinking deeply into yours. “Use your balance.”
Something was telling you that he was speaking from experience. A slight twitch in his body language maybe. Or a tiny heaviness in his already thick accent, indication of the unusual emotions in his voice. And you realized just now how little you knew about your mentor.
Cypher nodded, as if satisfied by your visible confusion, stood up from the bench and started to walk away.
“Wait a minute, Darth Vader !” You exclaimed, pointing a frustrated finger at him. “I don't speak proverbial shit and neither does google translate. Come back here or I’ll tell Sky you put cameras in the garden !”
Cypher kept walking away, humming a soft tune.
“Speaking of balance…”
“I don’t understand the proverbial shit, you cheap Cyberpunk shit !”
“Have a good night, dear.” He turned towards you briefly. “Oh, and your strawberry teas are delicious.”
This fucker.
He kept walking away until going back inside and you suddenly heard hurried footsteps. You turned your head and saw Gekko and Wingman running in your direction before stopping in front of you. 
How did you know it was Gekko with the lack of light ? First of all, Wingman. Second of all, his hair.
Gekko was catching his breath with his hands on his knees while Wingman jumped on your lap, making a few garbling sounds. You raised an eyebrow and looked at them, confused.
“Are you dying ?” You asked Gekko and your eyes widened slightly when he started to wheeze. “Gekko ?”
“Dios !” He exclaimed as he finally caught his breath. “I looked for you throughout the whole base !”
“Did you have to run a marathon for that ?” 
Despite your dry tone, your eyes only showed concern for him. You patted the space beside you on the bench and he gladly sat down. He then looked at you and despite the obscurity, you were certain his brows furrowed in worry.
“Are you okay ?”
You shot him a deadpanned look.
“You put your legs through a nocturnal torture by running like a possessed fool throughout the whole base, found me here relaxing in the garden while the soft fragrance of flowers and the night sky kept me company, and ended up wheezing like a dying man about to spew his lungs out and you are asking me if I’m okay ?” 
You looked at his figure from head to toe as he chuckled at your small outburst. He was still a bit out of breath from his little run but he seemed quite fine.
“Damn ! Your descriptions are always so…special. Clove would definitely love you to be the Dungeon Master of their next DnD game.” His laugh calmed down and he nervously cleared his throat. “Anyway. I wanted to check on you. You didn't seem fine in the common room. Are you feeling a bit better now ?”
You shot him a bored look and let a deep sigh out of your lungs. Wingman made a few high chirped noises indicating his worry.
“You really love wasting your time, don’t you ?” Your eyes wandered on the night sky. “Aren't you missing the end of the movie ? Shouldn't you be inside with your friends ?”
Gekko frowned and looked at you funny.
“You’re my friend too.”
You let out a small snort that only deepened his frown.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “We’re maybe not as close as you are with Cypher or Deadlock or… Iso, but I see you as my friend and I will always have your back.”
You looked back at him and even though you couldn't see him clearly because of the obscurity, you felt his eyes looking at you with a fierce determination.
“Plus,” he continued, “you always have my back on the field, fighting like a total badass against the enemies. Remember our last mission in Lotus ? I would have been dead meat if you weren't there.”
Wingman (who had gotten comfy on your lap) nodded with vehemence, agreeing with Gekko’s words.
“I’m not quite sure if you can be ‘dead meat’ when someone like Sage is around.” You said, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
Gekko made a noise between an amused chuckle and a sigh of frustration. You couldn't figure out what was on his mind, which is quite surprising since he was usually so expressive. He then suddenly got closer to you on the bench, grabbed your shoulders and leaned a bit more towards you.
“My point is : you got my back and I got yours. You're my friend and I won’t leave you alone.” His fingers gently squeezed your shoulders. “And I’m sorry.”
It was now your turn to frown as you did not understand why he was apologizing for.
“I invited you to this movie night so I could have an occasion to get to know you better, so we could get to know each other and bond on something that is not mission related.” He explained. “But you clearly weren't at ease. I thought you were about to have a panic attack, back there.”
You felt his thumbs caressing your shoulders as his hands squeezed you a bit more tightly.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head and let out another sigh. “Don’t apologize. Your intentions were innocent and sweet.”
You couldn't see the blush on his cheeks but you noticed the slight twitch in his body language.
“Everything's fine.” You insisted. “I’m perfectly fine. Plus, with the new playlist Iso sent me, I can just relax and enjoy the quietude of the garden.”
“Oh.” He said simply.
His voice showed disappointment, sadness even. You vaguely felt his grip on your shoulder faltering a little while Wingman made a few sad garbling sounds.
“Gekko ?”
You couldn't see his face, but his body language showed a slight dispiritedness that didn't match his usual playful and confident personality.
“You and Iso are really close, huh.” He said with an uncharacteristically neutral tone.
His shoulders were now slightly slumped.
“Well, we had heard about each other before we joined Valorant. It was funny to finally meet the infamous ‘Dead Lilac’ in this secret organization.” You chuckled a little, finding the circumstances of your first meeting with the Chinese duelist quite embarrassing. You remembered knocking your head so hard against his chest that it spinned a little.
“That’s…uhm…kinda cute, I guess.”
You wondered what was on the mind of the piece of sweet-woman-heartthrob-trope that Gekko was.
“Well I don't know if it’s cute, but we’ve been exchanging playlists and book recommendations since.” You shrugged and Gekko’s hands slided down your arms at your action. “He’s cool. He has a sweet ‘older sibling’ vibe that put me at ease.”
The young initiator seemed to perk at your words and so was his radivore critter.
“‘Older sibling’ vibe ?” He repeated. “What do you mean ?”
“Well, you see how siblings sometimes banter with each other but always have each other's back ?” You started to explain and you saw his figure tilting his head. “Well that's our relationship with Iso. You probably know what I’m talking about. I noticed that you had quite the same thing with Neon.” You shrugged again.
His whole demeanor seemed to relax when he let out a laugh filled with relief. You frowned a little, not understanding this sudden outburst of joy.
“You alright ?” You raised a worried eyebrow and squinted your eyes a little. “Maybe you should get some sleep.”
It was at this moment that the moon finally decided to come out of behind the clouds, illuminating both of your faces. You both looked at each other, admiring your features. Your eyes wandered on his freckles without noticing his lovestruck gaze on you. 
“Maybe I'm a bit tired.” He whispered with a lost tone, as if he didn't understand what he just said.
“Hm.” You looked down on your lap to notice Wingman shrinking and hopping towards Gekko’s shoulder. “Wanna go back inside ?”
“You’re going back inside ?” Gekko asked.
“Then I’ll stay with you.” He got more comfortable on the bench and you felt him lean a bit more towards you. “Unless my presence is overwhelming.”
You shook your head and leaned against the backrest of the bench. 
“No. You’re fine.”
“Cool.” He nodded and let out a small sigh of relief.
A comfortable silence settled between you, slightly disturbed by the faint music from your headphones. Your eyes wandered on the night sky, unaware of Gekko’s longing glances in your direction. You were completely oblivious to his poor heart beating so fast and so loud that he feared you could hear it. You did not notice. You never did. Ever since you set your foot into the base for the first time, his eyes were always on you. At first it was curiosity. Curious about the agent recommended by the mysterious man that was Cypher. Then it was admiration for the fierce fighter that you turned into once on the field. And finally, it bloomed to be a small crush that never ceased to grow. Your charisma hypnotized him. His feelings for you were so obvious that his friends never stopped to tease him. Even Reyna said that he looked like a lost puppy everytime you were around and Harbor often asked him to focus when you were in his field of view. And of course, he was jealous of how close Iso was with you. The duelist could talk to you without any problem, he could receive your smiles, your laughs, your friendly fist-bumps while the only times Gekko could have a proper interaction with you was during missions or briefings. Even during training you stayed in your corner, avoiding interactions.
But right now, he felt so happy. This was the longest interaction you’ve ever had with each other and he couldn't help but smile.
He turned his head in your direction and softly called you.
“Yeah ?”
“I heard that you love to draw.” He nervously rubbed his neck but kept his eyes on yours. “We could someday, you know, draw together while chilling in my room. If it’s okay with you of course.”
You shot him an indescribable glance and he suddenly felt so stupid for not using drawing as a way to bond with you sooner instead of the movie night. But he relaxed a little when you ended up shrugging.
“Why not.”
It was a start. He will not confess his feelings for now. It was way too soon. But he will certainly enjoy these moments with you. He will enjoy bonding with you and get to know you better.
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Anecdote : the Arabic proverb mentioned by Cypher is something the father of a friend once told me when I was a kid. It's stuck in my mind, ever since.
I'm not proud of the ending ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ But it's fine. It is just a test, after all.
I don't know if I'll post the part. 2. I'll most probably keep it in my drafts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I wish you a lovely day/night.
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raapija · 2 months
Hi. Could you please write a little something about strollonso raising the two babies? Like their experience with the twins when they were just a few months old maybe? About being parents for the first time. And the older kids meeting the twins and interacting with them. Sorry if this doesn't make sense.
Thanks for this cute prompt ! <3 Have fun reading, and I hope you like it !
summary: It's a couple months into Lance and Nando having the twins. The house is a mess and both of them are dying from sleep deprivation, but other than that, it's going great ! Also, Charlos come to visit... warnings: no warnings babes <3
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Fernando was spread on his and Lance's bed, every limb pointing to a different direction like a starfish. He was on the brink of falling asleep, when he heard the baby monitor go off, a small cry coming from the other end. He dragged his hands over his face and sighed, laying for a couple seconds more before heaving himself up and making his way downstairs.
Lucía had woken up and was now crying like a fire-siren, making Fernando's ears ring as he entered the babies' room. He carefully got the little girl into his arms, resting her against his chest and shoulder. He rocked her gently and shushed her, while walking over to Jayden's crib to check on him, too.
"Increíble..." he said under his breath as he saw the boy was still fast asleep, completely clueless to his sister's crying from before.
Fernando made his way towards the kitchen, opening the fridge to get a bottle of already pre-made baby formula. He then sat down at the dinner table, holding the baby girl safely on his lap and slipping the bottle into her mouth.
After Lucía had finished eating, he got her back up into his arms to burb her. And oh boy, did she burb.
"Ay, dios mío, mi pequeña niña." Fernando fanned the air around them with his hand. The little girl could produce some of the nastiest smells.
After he had gotten Lucía settled back into her crib and she had fallen asleep, Fernando made his way to the living room to find his husband passed out on the couch. His hair was a mess, his shirt was probably on backwards and he was literally drooling. Fernando thought he looked a bit ridiculous, but in a charming, endearing kind of way.
Lance was clutching another baby monitor in his hand and Fernando gently got it out of his fingers. Lance stirred a little in his sleep, and Fernando's heart skipped a beat as he got spooked that he had woken him up. But alas, Lance was still far away in his dreams.
Fernando decided to stuff the baby monitor into the kangaroo pocket on his hoodie and then go prepare something to eat for the two of them. He was a terrible cook, but he figured Lance would appreciate the gesture either way.
He popped one of his favorite CD's in the kitchen radio, El Sueño de Morfeo was the band. He put the volume on low and danced around the kitchen, humming along with the melody and throwing together a mix of leftovers. He even chopped some fresh tomatoes to go with it. Fernando had always told Lance if there was someone he would marry instead of him, it was the lead singer of the band, Raquel. And Lance would always sneer at him and say he would marry some sleazy hockey player from the Habs that Fernando refused to remember the name of.
Fernando gently poked on Lance's arm to try and wake him up. When the poking didn't work, he tried kissing him like a Disney princess that had fallen into a deep slumber. No luck there either. He looked at him a bit longer before growing impatient.
"Wake up, idiot." he barked and Lance jolted awake, looking around in a panic and then slumping back down when he saw Fernando smirking at him.
"Hello, churri. I made you dinner." Fernando cooed and Lance rubbed his eyes.
"How long was I asleep for? Are the kids okay?" he croaked and sat up. Fernando kissed him on the cheek and then hurried off to the dinner table to pull one chair from under it, beckoning for Lance to come over. After Lance had managed to drag his body over and sat down, he went to grab him his plate, placing it before him with unnecessary flair. Lance scowled at him and then started to pick through the food with his fork, trying to figure out just what exactly it was he was about to put into his mouth.
"Bebés are fine. I fed Lucy about half an hour ago, both sleeping." Fernando said and watched Lance's expression go from doubt to pleasant surprise when he tasted the food.
"I'm impressed." the Canadian said and took another forkful, seemingly hungry from his sleep. Fernando smiled and dug in himself.
Next morning, Fernando was shuffling around the house trying not to make too much noise while tidying up. He had his arms full with a selection of milk bottles, rattle toys, teddies and onesies.
Carlos was coming over to see the twins for the first time in a month and he was bringing sweet and lovely Charles with him. Oliver was staying with Charles's parents, which had made Fernando's blood boil when they had told him last night over the phone. He wanted to hold his grandson, maybe steal him from them for good. He was so adorable; Oliver looked exactly like Charles with his itty-bitty little green eyes, long lashes and rosy pink cheeks.
"What are you doing?" he heard Lance whisper from behind him. Fernando almost dropped everything as he quickly twirled around, holding in a scream from being scared by him. Lance stared back at him, still groggy from sleep and his bathrobe sliding down off one of his shoulders. His shirt was all crinkled up and his pajama pants barely held onto his waist with the strings hanging loose. The hairband in his hair was hardly keeping his messy bun intact.
"Cleaning." Fernando hissed at him and went on to dump all the stuff from his hands into a big toy basket and slammed the lid shut. He'd deal with it later when the guests were gone.
"I see..." Lance raised an eyebrow at him. "Coffee?"
"Please." Fernando sighed and they both made their way towards the kitchen, avoiding stepping on loose duplos and little wooden cubes.
"It's weird, how much they look like Lance." Carlos said as he stared at Lucía and Jayden on Fernando's lap on the couch. Carlos was squatting in front of them, examining the kids closely.
"Well, they are mine..." Lance noted from behind him but the younger Spaniard ignored him. Carlos reached out his hand and one of the babies grabbed onto his finger, making a babbling sound. He shook hands with the baby, saying a Spanish greeting as well.
"They're beautiful. Right, Carlos?" Charles nudged Carlos with his foot and the man grunted, presumably agreeing. Lance yawned, already craving for another cup of coffee after they had just stood up from the table and put their cups away.
"Tough being a dad, right?" Charles asked him and Lance nodded. Fernando smiled from the couch at them.
"These two are infinitely easier compared to Lando and Oscar." he said and then looked at Carlos. "Not to even mention you."
"Shut up." Carlos growled and stood up. Fernando smirked up at him, clearly amused by his reaction.
"I would love to know what Carlos was like as a child." Charles joined in and Carlos shot him an angry look. Charles furrowed his brows at him. "What? You never talk about that stuff..."
"Oh, he was a nightmare." Fernando said and earned himself an angry look, too. "There was nothing in the house he wouldn't break or steal or loose. And he would always rope Lando and Oscar into his plans."
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Carlos tried to drown Fernando's voice out and covered Charles' ears with his hands.
"He was horrible. I don't know how I managed turn him around." Fernando continued and Carlos threw a loose teddy bear at his head.
"Okay, enough, you two." Lance jutted in, gathering his babies from Fernando before they got mixed into the fight as well. Fernando threw the teddy back at Carlos, missing him by just a centimeter. Lance scurried off with Lucía and Jayden, hiding behind Charles for protection. The two Spaniards kept throwing toys at each other until Carlos got a hold of something with hard edges and Charles finally interjected.
"Jesus christ!" he chuckled, a little scared, and grabbed the kid's book from Carlos' hands. The Spaniard looked at him disappointed, as if he had spoiled all the fun. "Enough."
"Hah, I win." Fernando peeked from behind the couch and Charles had to actually hold his man back from charging at him.
"This is what I get from coming to visit you." Carlos huffed, while Charles straightened his clothes. Fernando giggled from behind the couch and the whole room could hear Lance roll his eyes. The twins were not impressed by the whole scene at all and were actually looking a bit droopy.
"Baby nap time." Lance announced and shuffled out the living room, leaving Fernando alone with Carlos and Charles.
"Okay, lo siento." Fernando said and patted Carlos on the back. The younger Spaniard glared at him, but accepted the apology. One thing Fernando always taught his kids was, that they should always apologize, no matter what.
He then turned to Charles and covered the other side of his mouth with his hand as if to block Carlos from hearing what he was about to say. "I'll tell you everything about him later. Don't you worry, mi cielito."
"Stop flirting with him, papá." Carlos stuck his finger between Fernando's ribs and made him squeal. Charles laughed and Carlos grabbed him to pull him away from Fernando, who was rubbing his side in pain.
"Someone has to, you're hopeless." Fernando croaked and Charles giggled more, making Carlos turn beet red. The younger Spaniard wasn't exactly the most romantic guy, and Fernando had always found it inconceivable that he had pulled someone like Charles. Perfect, handsome, sweet, talkative Charles... and then there was his son. Perpetually grumpy and unsociable.
"No, I like him just the way he is." Charles said and pecked Carlos on the cheek, making him blush even more. Getting kissed in front of your dad must still be universally embarrassing, even if you're past 30.
"Uh-huh..." Fernando hummed and looked at them. They did make a pretty good-looking pair. Opposites attract, right? That's what he and Lance had as well.
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bambikisss · 2 months
Motive :: J.Yunho (Drabble)
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(for those going through the Yunho drought that I caused)
Warning: Yunho has a breeding kink
Bambi notes: I'm trying to get back in the feels of writing as I want to come back, so here's a small drabble to help ease back in. I might even come back later and add more.
Thud. Thud.
The rain that hit your windows of your shared home with your husband wasn't the reason for the loud noises, tapping gently on the window as if they were trying to get to you. But, not one could get to you at the moment. You were on a different level and in a different universe.
Thud. Thud.
No, that sound came from the headboard hitting against the wall. You were face down in the pillow, muffling your noises temporarily before you felt a hard, sweaty chest against your back, a hand moving to then grab the pillow. Despite your pleas, he pulled it from underneath you, tossing it behind you both to land on the floor. The bed was now bare: the comforter had long been tossed away, the top sheet gone as well, the fitted sheet now gripped onto the mattress as hard as it could as your lover moved closer to your ear, his breathy words fanning over your ear.
"I want to hear everything tonight, Honey. Don't you dare try to keep it from me."
Tonight was the night Yunho had been waiting for, dreaming about the perfect night he could get his wife pregnant. The neighbors were gone on a trip to Florida to visit Disney and it was a hard thunderstorm tonight, the rain hitting the windows, making sure that the rest of the neighborhood didn't hear your cries and moans as Yunho continuously filled you up.
He took not only that day off to prepare for tonight, but also the next day off to care for you as he knew you'd have trouble walking. He had lit tea light candles all around the bedroom, giving the room a romantic orange glow, made dinner, and picked you up from work. You didn't know his plan when he got you, but you figured it out when he pulled you into the bedroom right after dinner, taking a long shower with you, leaving kisses all around your body before giving you a massage, his lips slowly kissing down your oiled body to your pussy, his tongue caressing your lips, whispering praises against it before he dipped his tongue in, finally giving you what you wanted.
You tilted your head back as Yunho kissed back down your body, his hands gripping your hips tightly before moving you up to your knees, his free hand moving to press your upper body back down against the bed.
"Just relax, baby. Let your husband make you feel good." You gasped as Yunho pushed his tongue in to you, his eyes closing at the taste of you. He kneaded your cheeks as he licked you from the inside before pulling back to suck and lick your pussy lips.
The faint music he had put on while he was giving you a massage mixed in with your moans as he took his time tasting you, soothing your pussy from the many rounds he had given you. He pulled back to look at it, his thumb slowly moving over the lips before he whispered "You have such a beautiful pussy, honey. I'm gonna make sure it feels so, so good while I pump you full of my kids."
You hummed against the bed, not even paying attention to his words as you closed your eyes. You felt like you could pass out any moment, your eyes opening once more to meet the clock that sat on the windowsill, the time 11:23 p.m.
Your eyes, however, closed again when Yunho placed his own cheek against your ass, his thumb moving up to circle your asshole, his free hand playing with your puffy clit. You jolted forward a bit, but returned to his hands as he cooed "relax for me, honey. Feel my fingers play with you, so close to pushing into your pussy and your tight asshole, but just not enough to give you what you want."
"Yunho" your hands gripped the fitted sheet as he spoke, your wedding band shinning in the moonlight as he continued to tease you. You tried to move your hips faster for more friction against your clit, but Yunho pulled away before you could release, making you fall against the bed. You whined as your Husband stood up from the bed, walking to the bathroom. You could hear the sound of running water, letting you know that he was washing his hands. You bit your lip as you tried to sit up, your legs now wobbly from the many rounds.
"Lay back down, Honey, relax," You hummed as Yunho returned to the bedroom, his body joining yours back on the bed before he leaned down to kiss your back, his hands moving up your sides before he flipped you carefully over onto your back.
Yunho's face was a mix of being red and sweaty, his hands massaging your thighs before he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. You hummed against his lips, the tingling sensation making you feel dizzy as he mumbled "you look so good honey. I can't wait till you're swollen with my children."
You bit your bottom lip as Yunho slowly dragged his hand down your body from your cheek, his fingers gently caressing your warm skin as he stops at your stomach. His eyes stay on your stomach as he wraps your legs around him, his cock easily pushing into you with the help of all the previous rounds together. He moaned loudly when he saw the bulge in your stomach due to his cock, his fingers now moving over it for a second before he gently pressed down, just enough to feel it against his cock.
Yunho smirked, moving his hips slowly to watch his cock fill you, then move out of you as he moved his hips. He listened to your cries and whines, begging for him to go faster, but he couldn't. His mind was cloudy as he kept up his slow pace, committing the sight to memory before he suddenly pushed his cock all the way in, his hips pressing against yours as your back arched, taking in a deep breath as your nails dug into his shoulder and arm. "It's so sexy the way you hold onto me, honey."
"It's so nice to see how you try and beg for more, yet back away when I fill you up completely like this" he slowly pulled back out, his eyes finally ripping from your stomach to watch your face as he then pushed all the way back in, chuckling when he saw your back arch. You truly belonged in a painting, Yunho thought.
"The mother of my children" he leaned over to kiss you slowly, cooing you as his hips slowly moved, gently reminding your pussy of his past actions that happened earlier that night before he sped up, his hands now gripping your face to keep eye contact with him as he fucked you. He moaned with you, his eyes now blown out you continued to moan his name. It's all you could think about, it's all you could say, everything else would've came out as blabber.
Yunho then moved closer to press his knees right against your ass, hiking up your legs around his waist as he began to pound into you, the familiar thud noise filling the room once more as he began to fuck you once more into the bed. He dragged his tongue up your neck as you tossed your head back, his hands freeing you as you fell back against the bed, his hands gripping the top of the headboard as he mercilessly pounded his cock into your pussy. Your nails dug into whereever you could touch: his thighs, his hips, his sides, you needed to hold onto something to make sure that you wouldn't float away.
Yunho couldn't look away as he drilled into you, his eyes staring at how your body took him before he leaned down, whispering into your ear "don't you dare hold back when you cum, I want to feel it all when you shake around me and I want to hear all those dirty little moans you've been holding back."
Yunho sped up, his words making you gasp as he felt his own orgsam approaching as he said "and take everything I give you when I fill you up my baby. Let me give you my babies."
You nodded, closing your eyes as you came, your back arching as Yunho pushed his body fully down against your, your lips meeting in a messy kiss as you both panted, his hips hitting yours before he filled you up, his warm cum filling you up in thick spurts. You both rested back against the bed, his lips pressing small kissed to the bottom of your neck as you closed your eyes, your hands rubbing his back as you both rest against the bed. Neither one of you made any moves, resting in each other's embrace before he whispered "I love you. I love you and I can't wait to have a family with you." ....
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bitchyglitterfox · 1 year
Saviors - Sinclair Brothers x F!Reader
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Warnings: abuse but not from the Sinclairs, murder, language used against reader, Bo being out of character. Fluff, let me know if I missed anything.
A/n: this is possibly the second longest one-shot I've ever written besides petals and bullets. I hope you all like this one.
You, your two friends, well they were technically your boyfriend's friends and said boyfriend had decided that driving from California to Florida to go to Disney world would be cheaper and way more fun than flying. What a dumb idea that was. Your clock read just after midnight and you've made it just forty miles out of Baton Rouge when your back left tire blew on your Volkswagen minibus. 
"Fuck," you moan out as you gently pull to the side of the empty road.
"What? What happened?" The sudden jolt from the blow tire woke everyone including your easily irritated boyfriend, Ben. 
"I think we blew a tire so I pulled over," you say un buckling your seat belt just as you turned the key in the ignition. You open your door, the Louisiana air is sticky and wet. Of all the places to break down it had to be here. 
You stop next to your back left tire and inspect it, a rusted nail sticks out of the tire as it slowly deflates. You begin mumbling swears as you open the back of the minibus searching for the spare you are more the positive you replaced when the front tire blew six months ago. 
"Fucking damnit!" You place both hands in your hair giving a frustrated tug. 
 had already gotten out at this point and was standing next to you, his voice making you jump. 
"I asked you if you had put the spare back in, god do you always have to be so stupid!" He slams his fist against the side of the minibus. 
His anger makes you feel small, if there hadn't been people in the bus he would have punched you instead of the bus. 
"I-I could have sworn I put it in," you say barely above a whisper. 
"Yeah? You thought? Well you didn't and now we're stuck out here in bumfuck Louisiana!" 
"Hey, what's going on?" Rebecca rubs the sleep out of her eyes. 
"Y/n forgot to replace the spare tire and now we're stranded here til morning when another person probably comes down this road." 
You look down ashamed, reaching out to grab the camping gear and flashlight. You head off the road and just want to set up camp and sleep. You've been the only one driving for the last couple of days. 
"Come on let's just set up camp so we can all sleep and hopefully get help in the morning. 0 on, let's find level ground." You don't want to make Ben any madder than he already is. 
Everyone gets out of the van and follows behind you with sleeping bags and backpacks, in case someone stumbled upon the bus and decided to have some sticky fingers. 
Once you're all settled, you finally turn in for bed. Ben, still angry and annoyed, decided to sleep next to Rebecca and her boyfriend, leaving you alone near a tree stump. You let the tears flow freely from your tears. None of you noticed the truck slowly driving past with their lights off or the man that got out and took the spark plugs.
When the sun begins to rise you peek your eyes open and see everyone has already begun packing up camp, it seems they forgot to wake you. It's silent. Not the friendly enjoyable silence, no this silence is awkward, as thick as the Louisiana humidity. 
You walk back to the minibus, packing everything up as they all wait for a car as they lean up against the bus. Maxwell, Rebecca's boyfriend, opens the side of the bus to sit half inside and half out. 
You decide to turn the keys in the ignition to at least getting the inside of the bus cool. But to your surprise the ignition does turn over. 
"What the fuck is wrong now," you groan getting back out of the car and popping the hood, "where the fuck are the spark plugs?!" 
You slam the hood shut and walk over towards the trio standing outside the bus. 
"Who took the spark plugs out of the bus?" 
"What are you talking about?" Ben asks giving you an annoyed look. 
"The sparks are missing, did you guys hear anything last night?" You ask again looking around the three of them. 
However just before you can get your answer a truck comes round the bend. It's an old beat up pick up. The driver slows and stops just before you guys. 
"Well howdy there? Whatch y'all doing out here so early in the mornin'?" He's a scrawny man with a cute dog in the bed and you think that makes him all the more attractive too you. 
"Oh well we-" you're cut off by Ben. 
"Well my girlfriend here, she blew a tire and seemed to forget to get a new one. She also says she's missing her sparks but you know how women are with cars," he says roughly slamming his arm over your shoulder, making you flinch. The stranger's eyes flickered to you softening for just a moment before going back to a stoic look and staring at Ben. 
"I see well, I can take you to Ambrose, it's just 12 miles up the road, my brother owns a mechanic shop and he should be able ta help yall with yours problem. Only this is I only got room for two of ya's," he says rubbing his chin. 
"Why doesn't Y/n go? It is her car after all," Rebecca says looking at you. 
"I'll go too right babe? Can't have you going alone," Ben says, squeezing your shoulder painfully, you have to bite your lip from crying out. 
And so you and Ben pile into who you all found out to be Lester Sinclair. He was the youngest of three. 
"So where y'all from anyway? Don't seem like locals round these here parts," 
"Oh well-" 
"Were from California, driving cross country this summer to go and see disney world" 
You stay quiet now and just look down at your lap. You don't feel like getting Ben angry once again.
Lester looks at you from the corner of his eyes. Planning on ways to make your boyfriend shut up and let you speak for once. He had this overwhelming sense to protect you. Don't go thinking that healing black eye and the way you flinch any time that no good asshole would touch you. 
that. But why did yall choose to drive and not fly? Seems like you'd saved some time flying?" 
"Yeah well it seemed fun at the time until this one had to go and get the tire popped" Ben says annoyed. 
"Well shit, I forgot the roads flooded. We may have to go the long way." Lester says stopping in front of the road that leads into Ambrose. 
"Oh that's OK! We can walk from here, that way you don't have to worry about going an extra way," you say, smiling up at him with a genuine smile. He smiles back at you but doesn't miss the scowl on your boyfriend's face.
You wave at Lester after you've both exited the truck, you give jonesy a rub behind her ears and head over to the little step stones that have taken place in the washed out road.
"Come on, the faster we get into town the quicker we can get the shit we need and on the road again," Ben said, grabbing your arm and pulling you hard. He drags you all the way to the mechanics shop. He knocks on the front door. 
"Hello! We were told you were open and could help us!" Ben yells. 
Unbeknownst to the two of you, Bo was on the back roads talking with Lester. 
"She needs our help, he doesn't treat her right neither. She's got a healing black eye and every time he touched her she flinches, and you should've seen her, she's finer than frogs' hair split four ways," 
"Hmm, and you say she's got two other with 'er? Well bring them back to Vin and he can take care of them while I go and help our visitors. You grab them sparks and hide them in the house, right?" 
Lester shakes his head headed back into his truck to get Rebecca and her boyfriend. 
Back at the shop, Ben was getting impatient and you were bored. 
"I'm gonna go explore, since I'm just a woman and wouldn't know anything about cars right?" 
"You don't have to be such a bitch you know," he huffs. 
"Well you are such an asshole, after this all over and we're in Florida, I'm going to drop you all off and head home, beauce this," you say pointing between yourself and him, "is over. For good this time." 
He back hands you hard enough to draw blood from your lip that his fist made contact with.
"Fuck you Ben!" You screech, "find your own ways to Florida you fuckwad" you walk away up towards the house of wax wanting to clear your mind and maybe have a good cry. 
You are amazed when you make it up the hill to the beautiful building, only realizing as you got to the front that the architecture was made entirely of wax. You gently pushed open the door and stepped inside, giving  yourself your own guided tour of the house. 
Everything was beautiful and the little intimate details intrigued you. 
"These look so life like, the artist must have such magical hands," you say in a hushed voice as though you were in an art museum and let's be honest here you really were. 
Hiding in the shadows, watching you as you gushed on and on about his art work was Vincent Sinlair, the middle son of the Sinclair brothers and the artist behind the house of wax. 
His eye stared at you as though you were a beautiful piece of art that needed to be taken care of and looked after. He silently followed you around like a lost puppy. 
Once you finished admiring the art work and decided enough time had passed and Ben more than likely got the parts needed to get back on the road. You walk towards the exit when the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. You peak over your shoulder and you are more than certain you saw a flash of long raven hair. 
Back at the mechanic shop just after you had left Bo's voice was heard booming from inside.
"Hold your fuckin' horses, I could hear you banging like all hell!" He opens the door with a scowl on his face, Bo hopes to see you there as well. With the way Lester was talking you up he was excited to see the beauty that was you. But alas you were there, only you annoyed looking boyfriend. 
"Whatchu need?" Bo asks, folding his arms over his chest. 
"My girlfriend's minibus has a popped tire and missing sparks. We need them as soon as you can give them to us. And I can make the pot sweeter," Ben says, pulling out a $100 from his wallet. You see Ben, Rebecca and Maxwell were silver spoon babies, you were lower middle class. 
"Well I'll be damned. As much as I'd like to take you up on your offer, I'll have to check in our basement to see if we have them. Why don't you come with and we can work out the price," Bo says, making room for Ben to come in through the door. Ben walks in further into the shop not paying any attention to where Bo had moved. Rookie mistake. Bo hits him over the head and Ben is out cold. 
When Ben wakes he is secured to an old barber chair under a grate in what he assumed to be the mechanic shop. He's gagged and wiggling trying to escape. He's screaming but nothing comes out. 
When you make it to the mechanic shop, you try the door and are happy to see it's finally open. 
"Hello! Is anyone here? Ben! Where are you, you still here?" You ask out walking around, fingerings all the different products on the walls. 
"Why hello there darlin'" you jump at the sudden voice behind you. You are greeted with quite the sight, a gorgeous man with a trucker hat and mechanic overalls.
"H-hi! I um, I'm looking for the guy I was with, he came here to get a new tire and spark plugs. Have you seen him?" You can feel a blush creeping up your neck. Curse your affinity for getting nervous about gorgeous men talking to you and making you lose all sense of yourself. 
"That one fella with the permanent annoyed look? Yeah, I sent him on up to our house, we didn't have the right type or sparks here so I sent him up there to get help from my twin Vincent. I could take you up there if you want or you could wait here?" He says while taking his hat off and running his hand through his damp hair. It makes him look all the more attractive to you.
You smile at him, "is your brother the one who made the art in the house of wax by chance?" 
"That he is ma'am, that he is. He's our own lil family artist," he says showing off his award winning smirk, now how about we get you on up to your friend? Maybe even get some food in yall too. You must be hungry." Just as the words left his mouth your stomach growled causing you to blush and wrap your arms around your noisy tummy. 
You smile at him. You've smiled more around these two strangers than you ever had in your entire relationship with Ben.
"Of course, please lead the way," you follow after him and to his pick up truck, this one much nicer than the one you previously rode in only hours before. The silence on the drive to the house is silent but peaceful. 
You get a better peak at him as he drives, he's attractive and knows it. His hands are big and veiny. Suddenly you are having thoughts about how they'd feel between-woah there y/n you have a boyfriend. Wait wait no you don't you broke it off with the fuckwad. Yes continue with the thought of his fingers in between your thighs as he moves them in and out of your- 
"Doll?" Bo lays his hand on your shoulder startling you. 
"Yes?" The blood rushes to your cheeks and head almost making you dizzy.
"I said we're here now," he says while fixing his hat and getting out of the truck. 
"Oh." You peep out as you follow him into the house. It's beautiful, it's very homey and definitely has the feel that three grown men live here. 
"I'll get started on some lunch for you" he says walking to the kitchen as you stand awkwardly in the living room. 
There are footsteps heard coming up from what can be assumed is the basement. When the door opens you are met with a beautiful sight, a man appears sporting long black hair, half up in a mini bun. He's wearing a wax made mask. He was beautiful. 
"Wow you are beautiful," you say out loud. 
He head snaps towards you and he then signs 'Thank you' you smile, you took a few ASL classes in high school. 
"Are you the one who made all the beautiful sculptures in the wax museum?" 
'Yes, did you like them?' He signed again.
"I didn't just like them, I loved them! You have such a beautiful talent!" 
'Would you like to see more?' He signs, 'I have just finished one at the workshop I have in the basement of the house of wax,'
"I would love to, but I'm only in town until my minibus is fixed. It would've been a great honor to see it though!" 
Just ask he was about to reply, Bo is calling you both to the dining room table. 
The 3 of you are enjoying a wonderful meal when it's interrupted by the front door being slammed open. All three of your heads look towards and see Ben. 
"B-ben!" You stand abruptly. 
"Get the fuck away from them y/n! They are a bunch of freaks!" 
Neither man speaks as they are stiff as a board.
"What do you mean? They've been nothing but nice to me this entire time," you say staying put. 
"That one locked me up in some torture device!" He says pointing to Bo, causing you to look at him, "I think they're the ones behind the missing sparks and blown tire," this causes you to slightly step back. 
"Now darlin' it ain't what you think, ok maybe it is," Bo begins looking at Vincent for help. 
"Get the fuck over here now, so help me. Don't be fucking stupid!" Ben says. 
"What did you say?" You look at him. Without you even realizing, you subconsciously grabbed the knife on the table. You don't even realize what your doing until you hear Bo say "don't go at the throat or head. Vinny needs those intact." 
"I am so sick of you abusing me and belittling me! I am so sick of it!" You scream. 
"You wanna stay with the freaks you crazy bitch? Fine you do that but dont you ever forget who owns you." He says stepping back away from the three of you. "You don't own me, you've never owned me!" You land the first blow in his stomach twisting the blade. You don't stop until Bo is pulling you off of him. Holding you close to his chest as Vincent wipes away the tears that have begun to fall. You're free, you're finally free of the abuse. 
"We'll always protect you doll, always." Bo says as he holds you close and kisses the top of your head. 
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