gravitascivics · 2 years
The last posting stressed how the self-esteem movement has taken hold in American schools – how it both affects approaches to curricular content and in how school staff handle disciplinary issues.  This posting provides an overview of how self-esteem affects teacher-student interactions. Generally, the focus of this movement is to emphasize the individual students’ perceptions; how they define the social world around them.  
Observers of any age, such as this blogger, can readily detect meaningful change – some good, some not so good – in how those interactions take place, what assumptions are at play, and surely how outcomes materialize.  For example, time dimensions seem to have altered; yesterday’s effects are now cast as unimportant and with them, a source of shame for wrongdoing is forgotten.  
First, Americans did away with sin when they disposed of Calvinism[1] and now they do away with social standards. As the self-esteem view puts it, statements about generally accepted notions of right and wrong behavior are seen as cumbersome and in the way.  And along with this trend, views considering discipline are affected.  Discipline and its demands are deemed to be irrelevant, except as it might be useful to acquire material success (a middle-class belief that seems to be shrinking along with the size of the middle class).
Roy Baumeister has done meaningful research on the effects of boosted self-esteem advocacy or to be more accurate, advocacy for humanistic learning theory.  In 2006 he reports,
 Unfortunately for the low-self-esteem theory, researchers have gradually built up a composite image of what it is like to have low self-esteem, and that image does not mesh well with what we know about aggressive perpetrators. People who have a negative view of themselves are typically muddling through life, trying to avoid embarrassment, giving no sign of a desperate need to prove their superiority. Aggressive attack is risky; people with low self-esteem tend to avoid risks. When people with low self-esteem fail, they usually blame themselves, not others.
Faced with these incongruities, we cast about for an alternative theory. A crucial influence on our thinking was the seemingly lofty self-regard of prominent violent people. Saddam Hussein [dictator of Iraq who was alive when these words were written] is not known as a modest, cautious, self-doubting individual. Adolf Hitler's exaltation of the "master race" was hardly a slogan of low self-esteem. These examples suggest that high self-esteem, not low, is indeed an important cause of aggression.
We eventually formulated our hypothesis in terms of threatened egotism. Not all people who think highly of themselves are prone to violence. That favorable opinion must be combined with some external threat to the opinion. Somebody must question it, dispute it, undermine it. People like to think well of themselves, and so they are loath to make downward revisions in their self-esteem. When someone suggests such a revision, many individuals--those with inflated, tenuous and unstable forms of high self-esteem--prefer to shoot the messenger.[2]
 What this suggests is that the whole notion of self-esteem – which everyone should have a realistic dose of – is a more nuanced factor in how people, even young ones, function in social settings like those of schools.
         Baumeister goes on to argue in another published work that if children are taught a false sense of self-esteem, i.e., a child is convinced he or she is more talented than the child’s ability justifies, such incongruence with reality will encourage violent behavior on the part of the subject.  This is apparently due to the frustration engendered by the person’s expectations and the reality the person encounters.  He writes,
 High self-esteem means thinking well of oneself, regardless of whether that perception is based on substantive achievement or wishful thinking and self-deception.  High self-esteem can mean confident and secure – but it can also mean conceited, arrogant, narcissistic, and egotistical.[3]
           The progressive pedagogy, and its philosophy, pragmaticism, lack a firm ethical base[4] and this has made it susceptible to the humanistic learning theory arguments.  Peter F. Oliva identifies this psychology, which he calls perceptual psychology, as a main branch of progressive education.[5]  Strangely, perceptual psychology seems to be the one element of progressive education that has been extensively adopted in the nation’s schools[6] – is its popularity by way of attempting to keep the “customer” base happy or, at least, appeased?  
         As such, one finds two consequences.  One, the effects of excessive concerns for self-esteem on civics education have been bolstered by the assumptions laden within the natural rights perspective in ways described earlier in this blog.  Primarily, that would be in terms of rights – one has the right to self-define oneself regardless of what the facts are.  And two, this bias easily becomes part of the “hidden curriculum”[7] which has transferred its messages of individualism and anti-communal sentiment in ways more effective than any formal instruction could.
         And with this review of humanistic learning theory and its effects on American schooling, the critique of the natural rights view comes to an end.  The next posting will provide a summary statement of the natural rights construct and a “bridge” to its most vibrant antithesis, critical theory.  This latter area of contention – natural rights vs. critical theory – weaves a contemporary tale that is finding its way more frequently into the evening news.
[1] George Santayana, “The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy,” The Annals of America, 13, (Chicago, IL:  Encycloaedia Britannica, Inc., 1968), 277-288.  Readers should not consider this posting as an argument to reinstate Calvinism as a dominant view of morality or even of good behavior.
[2] Roy F. Baumeister, “Violent Pride,” Scientific American, August 1, 2006, accessed February 26, 2023, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/violent-pride/.
[3] Roy F. Baumeister, “Should Schools Try to Boost Self-esteem?,” American Educator, 20, 2 (Summer, 1996), 14-19 & 43, 41 (emphasis in the original).
[4] Boyd H. Bode, How We Learn (Westport, CT:  Greenwood Press, 1940).
[5] Peter F. Oliva and William Gordon, Developing Curriculum, 8th Edition (Boston, MA:  Pearson, 2013).
[6] As the last posting pointed out, in American schools progressivism doesn’t prevail.  That honor goes to essentialism.  That view can be defined as:
Essentialism tries to instill all students with the most essential or basic academic knowledge and skills and character development. Essentialists believe that teachers should try to embed traditional moral values and virtues such as respect for authority, perseverance, fidelity to duty, consideration for others, and practicality and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. The foundation of essentialist curriculum is based on traditional disciplines such as math, natural science, history, foreign language, and literature.
See “Essentialism,” SIUE (n.d.), accessed March 5, 2023, htpps://www.siue.edu/~ ptheodo/foundations/essentialism.htlm.  SIUE refers to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s School of Education.
[7] “The term ‘hidden curriculum’ refers to an amorphous collection of ‘implicit academic, social, and cultural messages,’ ‘unwritten rules and unspoken expectations,’ and ‘unofficial norms, behaviours and values’ of the dominant-culture context in which all teaching and learning is situated.”  See “Teaching the Hidden Curriculum,” Boston University (n.d.), accessed March 4, 2023, https://www.bu.edu/teaching-writing/resources/teaching-the-hidden-curriculum/#:~:text=The%20term%20%E2%80%9Chidden%20curriculum%E2%80%9D%20refers,teaching%20and%20learning%20is%20situated.
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machidielontheway · 2 years
absolute dumb stuff but. i was queuing at the groceries for the tills and i put myself behind AND side of the last person to make the line be parallel instead of perpendicular to all the people who wanted to continue shopping, and this girl (early twenties ?) came up and went behind the lady i was already behind so like, basically next to me. and i thought uh i’m there ?? but maybe it’s just those persons who make dumb choices in placement but has seen me and that she’ll come up behind me - even if i had to impose myself silentily when the queue will move forward. or that is trying to gain one spot higher but will fall back if i don’t let her get her way like no lady i have seen you but when the queue moved and we both moved she looked at me and was all like “uh there’s a queue ?” to which i had to reply “yes i was behind this lady but i put myself to the side to let people pass” and long story short she thought i was lying and that she saw me and that i was in the other queue before trying to change and steal her spot (which makes NO GODDAMN FUCKING SENSE) and she told me reprobating like “it’s wrong of you to do that” (c’est pas correct de votre part) and i held my own and my explanations and i was polite but she did not fucking care so i told here ok i have no problem letting you go up my stop, because i know how to cute my losses
but when i tell you i wanted to cry SO BAD. i cried right as i went home and again now writing this lol. it’s knowing for an absolute fact that you are right, and being told that you’re the one who did it wrong and is Not Good and oh my brain does not like that. i’m so fucking weak to public shame (i don’t think anybody else heard and fucking cared, but that it’s a stranger in a public setting) mixed with injustice
also i need to fucking sleep because i know the depth of feeling is linked to the level of fatigue
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mossywizard · 1 year
Something about how disabled bodies aren’t able to fall into perfect discipline given by authority, but hold onto the person truth and vital being that is beyond empirical knowledge
*note this is Michal Foucault so knowledge is a form of Power and oppression, since Knowledge is not open to the vast undefinable nature of
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arno-vindra · 6 months
The Power of Discipline
Hal yang paling sepele diantara hal-hal yang lain. lawan dari kata displin adalah malas.
orang malas tidak akan pernah displin. mereka termasuk orang pesimis. dimana semua hal di anggap gampang. dianggap mudah dan harus di undur menunggu senggang waktu mereka untuk melakukannya.
Disiplin tidak mudah lho. coba bayangkan setiap anda masuk kerja atau tidak masuk sekolah. karena dua hal ini dalam kehidupan yang mengajarkan kedispilinan. hampir semua sekolah.. ehm tidak semua sekolah sih tergantung individunya juga.
Mereka yang displin mengerjakaan sesuatu meski hanya sedikit demi sedikit nanti akan jadi suatu kebiasaan. membangun kebiasaan ini tidak mudah lho. mereka yang malas cenderung orang itu suka menunda dan mengerjakan sesuatu dengan waktu yang lama sekali, tidak terpikirkan bahkan mereka cenderung tidak mengerjakan hal yang harusnya dia kerjakan saat itu juga. ini lah penting nya membangun sebuah kebiasaan, yaitu DISPLIN. kebiasaan bisa di bentuk melalui hal ini ya DISPLIN. misal anda setiap hari harus berangkat kerja jam 7 anda sampai disana setiap hari sebelum jam itu. maka dari itu kebiasaan di bentuk melalui DISIPLIN. Tanpa Displin dan konsisten sebuah kebiasaan baik tidak akan pernah di bentuk oleh siapapun itu. termasuk anda!
Maka Jadi lah DISIPLIN! meski mulai dari sedikit demi sedikit lama lama anda akan terbiasa dan menjadi sebuah kebiasaan baik yang tidak bisa di contoh oleh orang lain.
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alilsakurablossom · 7 months
why can't gay people ask people out on dates normally why is always: "and might I inquire when you may be free to inspect my men at headquarters?" "inspect your men🤨🌈?" "in two short weeks Monsieur le Maire I have brought a new displine to the department and we would be honoured by a visit at your earliest convenience. tomorrow perhaps?" "oh I'm busy tomorrow" "Friday." "very well then." "thank you sir I will not take up any more of your time"
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hello :) your writing is so good and I like how you write the Lin Kuei bros so much.
I was wondering if I could request a Bi-han x Werewolf!reader, I have been playing Skyrim alongside Mk1 and realized there isn’t any kind of werewolves type of stuff in mk when there is vampires like Nitara. So I was thinking maybe the reader was a fighter recruited by Liu Kang along with Johnny, Lao, Raiden, and Kenshi. Bi-Han doesn’t understand why Liu Kang recruited the reader as there for one their fighting style lacks cordnation and they fight like an animal. And even worse the reader doesn’t have a lot of displine and doesn’t any care for the titles he has. It’s not until they see them turn into their werewolf form in battle that he understands.
An American Werewolf in China
Prior notes: o(^▽^)o thank you! The werewolves in Skyrim look awesome! You work the same way as me where you combine two things you are dealing with at the same time.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Werewolf! Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Awooo
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“That insufferable, mischievous, uncoordinated, delinquent is going to fail Earthrealm. This was the best Liu Kang could do?” Bi-Han gritted his teeth.
He was staring at you as you practiced with some of the monks at the Wu Shi academy. Your moves angered him. You were as capable of a fighter as an aggravated wolf. You go around baring your teeth that he saw as unkept with how jagged they looked. So were your nails. It looks like you purposely make them that sharp by rubbing them against rough rocks.
“I trust that Liu Kang made the right decisions. You doubted Johnny Cage yet he still beat us.” Kuai Liang reminded him.
Bi-Han groaned at that reminder. At least Johnny was more coordinated and acted like a human. But you…geez.
Even the first time you guys encountered each other he was infuriated by you. Him, Kuai Liang, and Liu Kang walked into the establishment you worked at. The smell of drunkards wafted in the air since you worked in a pub. Liu Kang’s proposal sounded like the ramblings of someone who was drunk so you ignored him. It wasn’t until Bi-Han tried to grab you that you finally acted.
That beat down was the most humiliating thing he had endured. You leaped on his back and tried choking him out. Kuai Liang tried to rip you off but you were latched on tightly. You even bit down on his shoulder. Though it didn’t pierce through his skin it did leave a large bruise. All the people in the pub payed little mind as if this was the usual.
When Kuai Liang finally managed to tear you off his brother he threw you into the tables nearby. Bi-Han was a mess with his low bun unraveled and scratch marks on his biceps.
“You little—do you know who you are dealing with? I am the Lin Kuei’s grandmaster! You should have more respect!” He yelled
“I don’t give a single fuck! Don’t come in here and fucking touch me!” You snarled back.
“Enough!” Liu Kang yelled out as he bursted into flames.
There was a silence and everyone in the pub scattered out. Can’t be going up in flames in a pub that’s stupid.
After that little incident you saw Liu Kang was telling the truth. You agreed to serve Earthrealm when it came to the Mortal Kombat tournament. But your vicious attack left Bi-Han with a bad taste in his mouth.
You don’t listen. You only listen to certain people. Liu Kang, sure, he’s god you’re not gonna disobey god. Raiden, understandable he is respectable. Tomas? Why him? Bi-Han is the one with the title, show him respect!
If anyone tried to tell you what to do, even something simple like grab some water, you’d be hesitant to obey. Someone told you to move? You gave them a side eye while not moving an inch. You’re acting like a disobedient dog.
That counts for your fighting as well. Like a rogue pitbull latching onto a slab of meat. Sometimes Bi-Han noticed that when you were low to the ground you looked to be moving on all fours. Weird. You leap at your opponents as well.
“They are incompetent. I have not seen them improve at all. Everyone has improved while they grow more wild.” He criticized you.
“Perhaps that’s just what they prefer. Not everyone is capable of the same fighting style.” Kuai Liang was really trying to defend you but even he was unsure of your fighting style.
“This is no fighting style. This is random slashes and hoping they land.”
Bi-Han was about to say more but you seemed to be getting frustrated. You were getting angry even though your opponent was already losing to you. You started shaking and huffing before letting out a yell. A yell that soon turned into a howl. The sound of cracking bones rang out from your body as you started to change before everyone’s eyes.
Your canines grew larger while the front of your face started to protrude into a snout. Your hair grew longer till it became a coat of fur. Your clothes, no matter how many times you tried to keep them on, could not handle the change and ripped again. Perky wolf ears and a bushy tail popped out. Your arms and legs were longer which was the reason the sound of cracking bones was heard. Your eyes that were once human were animalistic with an amber glow to them. By the elder gods! You’re a werewolf.
It basically answers all of Bi-Han’s questions and critiques. You are an animal, half animal actually. As a boy he has heard tales about creatures like you, he thought them tall ones. But here you were standing before him with your ragged coat of fur and glowing amber eyes. This conclusion would be a second guess for him. He would think you were a feral child before guessing you were a werewolf.
You were one pissed off werewolf.
You were growling not at your opponent but Bi-Han. You were staring him down but before you could do anything Liu Kang came running up to you and asked what was wrong. You just whined and pointed your snout at Bi-Han like a pointer dog. You bared your teeth while your ears were pointed back. You’re not happy which means Liu Kang isn’t happy. He walked up to Bi-Han with urgency.
“Stop talking badly about them. They have heard everything. They know they fight like an animal. It still works well.” Liu Kang was not playing.
“If you would have disclosed with me about the fact that they are a werewolf I would have watched my mouth.”
So it’s Liu Kang’s fault that Bi-Han was caught talking behind your back. Alright, his logic is mysterious in nature.
Some of the monks were trying to calm you down. But with the insult from Bi-Han, Johnny and Kenshi fighting again, and Kung Lao saying he will handle you cause he is the best you are just overwhelmed. You started leaping at everyone. You weren’t trying to hurt them but you still are getting used to fighting in your werewolf form. Johnny went flying in one direction and Kenshi went diving to avoid your tackle. Kung Lao leapt onto your back and tried to grab the back of your neck but you started thrashing around like a rodeo bull which knocked him off.
Even Kuai Liang was trying to get a hold of you with his rope but he met a similar fate. Can’t fight a dog with some rope, that’s a challenge. Now he is playing tug-a-war with you and once you let go he flung back hard.
You turned your attention towards Bi-Han before crawling towards him. You towered over him, forcing him to look up at you. Alright, he gets it, he’s wrong. You can stop throwing people around. He doesn’t want a round two with you in this form.
“I take back what I said. It is understandable now.”
It’s not an apology but it’s close. He really doesn’t want to deal with your rage right now so in an effort to douse the fire in your belly he started rubbing behind your ear. It surprisingly worked since your ears went from being pointed back to pointing up to the sky. You stopped showing your teeth and licked up your drool. You stared at Bi-Han for a few more seconds before huffing in his face. It’s the equivalent of sneezing in his face if you were in human form. It’s just unpleasant but he deserved it.
“Alright, enough, go to the zen garden to cool off. We will discuss your fit later on in the day.” Liu Kang addressed you.
You crawled away to the zen gardens to meditate the rage away. All that was left were many men on the ground and Bi-Han wiping his face off.
You turned into quite an interesting case to Bi-Han. He’ll be careful with his mouth now. You proved your point and he doesn’t want to poke the werewolf anymore. Though once this tournament is done he might want to see you again. A werewolf in the Lin Kuei might be a strange yet effective addition. Like having a hunting dog except the dog is huge and human. Seeing that you can be calmed is a good sign. He’ll keep that in mind when he feels he might need you on his side.
After notes: My favorite werewolf movie is An American Werewolf in London (I think y’all could have guessed that). But it was also the way I found out that 🌽 movie theaters were a thing. That was the scariest thing to me. Adiós!
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feelingthedisaster · 10 months
Writing Tips I personally dont like
(that doesnt mean that they're bad tips and you should avoid them, they just dont work for me)
Write everyday: even though consistence and displine are key to basically everything, that doesnt mean it's for all days. Like, nobody goes to the gym everyday (ot at least they cant for a long time without end up burned out). Plus, as someone with chronic pain which changes its intensity (from 'am i dying? it feels like it' to barely notices it) i cant write in bad days (and after bad days) and that's okay.
1667 words per day: NaNoWriMo is WILD. 1.6k is a lot of words. I doubt anyone can keep that for long (specially the ones who cant dedicate themselves to only being a writer and have to work, study, etc). Also, there are people who write slower than other. Personally, a normal writing day for me is 250-700 words and a really good one is 900-1400 (not as commun as i like them to be) and i know i cant do know do more than that with feeling burn-out. Setting unrealistic word goals makes you unmotivated. It's better to set a lower word goal and overachive than set a high one and feeling like a failure when it's impossible to do it.
Word goals daily: In my opinion, word count goals should be weekly, biweekly or monthly. That way, it's possible to compensate less-word days with days in which creativy sparks and you cant stop writing. (i personally like it weekly and 1000-2000 words on normal schools weeks and breaks and i dont even set one when it's exam week)
'Said' is dead: like any other word, it shouldnt be written one hundred times in a single page, but that doesnt mean you can never use it. Sometimes there is no better synonim.
Have a writing space: maybe it is because I dont do well with self-impose rutines, but writing in the same space all the time kills my creativity. I dont even change it that much, just a different part of my house/room, write in the floor, the kitchen, at a different place of the table, etc.
Write in the mornings: I get that write early means you cant procrastinate it, I just cant. This one doesnt have an argument to support it, it is actually a good tip, the only reason for this is that me and mornings are naturals enemies. (it would actually help me a lot, i just wont do it)
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darkspellmaster · 5 months
Ask and answer question: If Ciel had an older sister, how exactly would you imagine it?
I have made an oc that involves being older sister of Ciel. Originally she was supposed to be 16 when he was 10 but due to parents age gap…I changed it to 16 turning 17 with 13 turning 14 Ciel. I love your Twisted Wonderland/Black Butler verse cause it really helps me imagine more of Ciel’s character in Twisted Wonderland since my OC will also suddenly get to wonderland and me having a better idea of how these Phantomhive’s will more or so react and adjust. Like your fic, this happens after the whole twin shenanigans. I do have some ideas myself, but since your writing is much more detailed and advanced than mine as a minor. I think you could have a better analysis to Ciel’s character having an older sister cause you’ve been doing well writing his character.
I have also read how you have a mild case of tendonitis, (ao3 authors curse to me I’m afraid /j) I hope for you to get better and go back to doing the things you enjoy in that slow process mentioned. Please take your time. And thank you for writing a fic that had always lived in my head rent free as an idea, but into reality written on ao3. It always makes me feel a sense of emotion within every chapter :).
Sorry for this being a while! Life has been really busy for me. My hands are getting better, good luck with your fic!
Oh boy…Okay. So here goes nothing.
If Ciel had an older sister I would think she would be a honest to god mix of the three women in her life. Given that Yana Sensei likes to draw busty women, (Even Francis is shapely just not as much as Anne or some of the other women), I would think that she would have a flattering figure physically, and look more like Vincent or Claudia. Rule one of the characters seems to be "The father's look like the daughters, and the mothers and the sons share looks" and it's proven to be true in a lot of ways. Lizzie looks more like Alexis. Big bright eyes, rounder features. Where as Edward looks like his mother, more angled smaller eyes.
So the sister would have to be more of a physical resemblence to Vincent. Sharper looks, slightly narrowed. Her hair would be Vincents and I could see her wearing Rachel's style with braided bun in the back. Her eyes would probably be more akin to Vincent's as well but have her mother's cunning. Dress wise, I can see her mixing the three womens styles, with some vibrant colors from Aunt Ann in there, and more delicate colors from her mother.
Personality wise…Oh lord. Okay so from her mother she would have Rachel's teasing personality. She would normally play little tricks on her brothers, but also be kind to to them, espeically O!Ciel. I don't thik she would have her mother's ailment, but she might have some breathing problems. I can see it being allergies. She would have her mothers eyes, like her youngest brother. She could displine others just as strongly as her mother. From Anne, she could gain an understanding of how to flirt, but rejects Ann's veiw of the English Rose. She'd be wary of her Aunt's affections as she probably would notice that Ann still loved her father, and so would tend to be closer to Francis. She'd learn from Francis how to be a leader, someone who stood up for the right thing. Given that I think Francis was trained by her mother, she would become a sword figher, and a shooter thanks to her father, along with being a good hunter like her Aunt.
From her father, she would learn cunning, trickery, loyalty and love. She would be someone I could see devoting herself to her family whole heartedly and doing everything to protect them. From Dee she'd learn diplomatics, to cook, and other matters. I can easily see her being proud of her little brothers and always playing with Sebastian the dog. Edward and her have a good relationship and, as with Lizzie and R!Ciel (and O!Ciel) she would be his bethroded, since knowing Vincent he would want his daughter to be able to be close to her siblings, as well as be with someone he trusts. Vincent would have taught her the same way he taught the boys, though, I'm not sure if she would be the one to be the watchdog. Though I could see him training her just incase something happened to either of her brothers. She would probaby agree with her father about leaving the watchdog title should R!Ciel be unable to do the job and O!Ciel is forced to take it over. Though I can also see a situation where she could take it on in their stead.
Her relationship with the boys would be close. She would want O!Ciel to become the toy maker and scold R!Ciel for his comments to Lizzie. I can see her enjoying dresses and the like with Lizzie and the two playing together. With Edward she would play cricket with him and be as good as her Aunt was. I can see when they get scared or worried they come to her. She'd be tutored at home as they were, though I suspect he might have her either study at either a day school or at a girls boarding school. Though I suspect, like Lizzie, it would be more home schooling. If she was away I think that might be what could have saved her life. However if she was home, then she might have been injured and either sold like the twins, or found by Anne. Either way, I suspect she would have trauma from the situation. She would probably realize the difference between the twins and aid her brother in getting revenge, and also be a thorn in the side of Sebastian, since she wouldn't allow for anyone to harm her brother.
I think she would be a bit less naieve than O!Ciel is at times, but also I suspect she would try to get him back to that innocent boy and not want him to stain his hands. I highly suspect that with a sister there, there would be different outcomes. Would be an interesting relationship with Soma given they'd be friendly, and she would be close with the servants as well.
Not sure whatelse to add. T_T
But thank you for so many compliments.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Any cute headcanons on MelJay in FNF? Please? 🙏
💫They have 'staying in' nights where they laze around in her penthouse. She paints; he futzes with Hex-tech designs. They take little breaks to curl up together and exchange soft childhood anecdotes until conversation either turns to lazy makeouts or they doze off.
💫Ximenia is absolutely bowled over by the glamorous Councilor her 'little man' is involved with. To Jayce's great embarassment, she always has a fancy meal with all the fine china ready whenever Mel drops by for dinner. Mel takes it in stride with her usual graciousness; Jayce hides his red face behind a napkin. "Mom... Stop talking about weddings...pls..."
💫Sometimes Mel sees Jayce's close relationship with his mother and feels a pang of envy. The moments where Ximenia is all sweet and nurturing with her boy remind her of the kind of maternal care she needed as a girl - and never experienced.
💫Jayce can play string instruments (not flawlessly but credibly enough) and will sometimes pretend to serenade Mel with traditional ballads while she's in a different part of the penthouse. Mel responds with fond exasperation - but she secretly loves it.
💫Likewise, she will sketch Jayce while he's working in the Talis forge or tinkering with his tools. So much brute strength on display during the former task; so much displine and delicacy required for the latter. It's a beautiful paradox indeed.
💫Jayce is fascinated by Mel's bedtime beauty routine and will ask a million questions about every product she uses, twisting off caps and sniffing ingredient like a curious puppy. "What's this?" - "Shuriman rose-hip water. To tone the face." - "And that?" - "Targonian cocoa butter to moisturize the skin." - "And that little black bottle there?" - "Poison in case there's a siege." (Said with a smile, but there's a 99% chance she is serious.)
💫He has nicknamed her boobs "The Two Graces" and will say with utmost innocence while they're in company, "The two Graces are knock-outs today." Meanwhile Councilor Kiramman: "Graces? Goodness, are we expecting Demacian royalty this afternoon?" Mel just smiles behind her teacup and stays enigmatically silent.
💫They pass love notes to each other under the table during Council meetings. I say 'love notes' but in fact the content is more playfully childish than red-hot and raunchy. Mostly gossip about Bolbo's failed business deal or Salo's tacky new sculpture. They keep straight faces during the proceedings but afterward giggle like highschoolers.
💫Sometimes they have dinner with Victor. It is supremely awkward. Viktor is politely lukewarm to the Councilor; she is naturally charming with him. But beyond Jayce, they share little in common. During certain moments, Jayce and Viktor's easy rapport will make Mel feel uncomfortably left out. Other times, the obvious flush of physical intimacy between her and Jayce will make Viktor feel bitterly wistful for what he can never have. The only person who enjoys these get-togethers is Jayce: "Nice to catch up with my two favorite people." 😊
💫She is never sure how to broach the subject of children with Jayce. Right now, his dream and biggest goal is Hex-tech, and she nurtures and cultivates it to make Piltover a stronger and more peaceful city. But he speaks very candidly about wanting a more committed relationship and a family at some point. Mel isn't sure how to tell him that her mother's war-mongering legacy will end with her 😢
💫Jayce is good friends with Elora, to the point where he will sometimes confer with her for gifts to get Mel or nice places to take her. Elora also gives him heads-ups whenever Mel is upset/stressed and could use company vs. when it's better to leave her be.
💫Calls Silco 'The Cockroach' and doesn't understand how Mel can converse with him so easily and smoothly. Understands even less why they have 'inside jokes' and sometimes exchange sideways smiles during business. Mel soothes him by explaining it's just a game of politics. He believes her - but in his heart of hearts grows more concerned as time passes.
💫"There's a lot you don't know about me," Mel once told him. As Jayce grows older and evolves beyond seeing Mel as his bedazzled crush to a complicated woman with a complicated past, he will realize how true those words were - and how they were a warning in their own way.
💫He makes up his mind to fight for her regardless. Nothing feels impossible when they're together - and that includes beating back the specters of old loss, guilt, mistakes... and later, heartbreak and betrayal. Oh Jayce 😢💔
💫Mel as a girl always had a naive ideal of knights as chivalrous, passionate, brave and decent. In Noxus, she saw only avarice, abuse and atrocity. It wasn't until meeting Jayce did that dormant ideal reawaken inside her. Now, if he is Piltover's shining knight, she is the golden lance who keeps threats at bay - at any cost.💖
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nicosraf · 11 months
angels before man is one of the most beautiful books i ever read. so i have to ask : do you have writing advices for those who want to start writing ?
i tend to write down some scenes when i have an idea then give up, or be unable to find the entire plot, or feel like my style is too repetitive and unoriginal (especially because english isn’t my first language),…
Hello! Thank you so much!!! Okay so I'm really hesitant to give writing advice but I think something that is pretty universal is that finishing a story/book is about discipline more than it is about creativity or anything else.
A lot of writing is pretty boring! It's descriptions and setting up plot points for later and writing characters walking through hallways.
When I wrote my first book, I gave myself the rule that I wouldn't go back and read the draft as I wrote it. Yes, I realized I was writing in plot holes and the style wouldn't be consistent if I didn't look back, but that's okay. The most important thing is to finish a draft, and if you keep looking back then you're going to want to keep fiddling with your first chapters. Once you're done, you can start revising it to death - fixing the plot holes, making the writing style consistent, and etc. If you can't save it, then rewrite it. Don't think about style until it's done. Just focus on getting words down !
For finding the plot, I tend to think about my ideal word count, then deciding how many scenes I can fit in. For choosing scenes, I ask myself a couple things: What is the purpose of this story? What do I want to reveal about the characters? Where do I want it to end up? Or, what would be cool? Sexy? Shocking? Weird? What's a cool location?
Also, steal. If you're struggling to come up with a plot line, you can try to see how books and movies you love schedule their plot beats. When do things get revealed? When does the main couple fight?
I outline and I recommend every writer give it a shot, so please try that!
Also, please write for yourself. Don't think about what others will think or about impressing anyone or disappointing someone. Write whatever concept is fun to you.
But above all, be displined! Yes, I know writing can feel like pulling teeth out, but just get it down and tell yourself to fix it all later. Especially when you're writing in another language, please don't worry about your first draft making any sense or you'll burn out.
I hope this is helpful! Writing is just so hard but I'm rooting for you. Good luck!
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mayamusa · 1 year
Study with isagi yoichi
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Pov: you and isagi are determined to finish your studies well, so you’d have no ounce of regret when the day comes. Study rooms in the library is where it’s best to stay productive. One ounce of treats and drinks from a cafe is bound to turn to just a cafe date. Isagi kept in mind of this, as you wanted to achieve amazing grades for your final year; So he made sure to book a room instead. In return he’d love to shower you with some treats and tea/coffee when you’ve completed your work of the day. “I believed you could do it, let’s go and relax. You did well my love.” Hand in hand ye walked to a long awaited cafe to wind down to.
Long time no see guys. Been very busy with uni and just daily life in general. At final semester now for under grad. So let’s push through like isagi those. He’s my biggest inspiration when it comes to displine and his power to persevere in challenging situations. I want to do the same too. Isagi is just my obsession.
Let’s do this together and be happy together on results day
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yourlocalgayelias · 2 years
"You like me?"
Doppio Dropscythe x Female Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff/Angst
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"Mr Dropscythe how many times do I have to tell you not to be late?" The teacher asked annoyed
"Teacher please dont let him be in trouble." You asked. Why defend Doppio in particular? I mean you were generally a quiet person, keeping to yourself was your thing. Honestly you had no idea.
"Ms (L/N) why shouldn't I? Do you even know why he came in late?"
"No I don't but he's not a bad guy so he's probably not doing it on purpose!" You still had no idea why you were defending him. You and Doppio had only spoken once.
Admittedly, you had dropped your stuff infront of him and he helped you. So he was just being a nice person it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
Doppio agreed with you for whatever reason. The teacher sighed and doppio went to his seat.
After class had ended you grabbed your things and started walking out of the institution before someone grabbed your wrist. Of course your first reaction was to turn around and punch whoever grab you, you acted on it.
Though that punched was blocked you checked to see who it was. It was doppio.
"Hey sorry for scaring you like that I just wanted to ask you something." Doppio said. He sounded genuine so you nodded for him to go on. "Why did you defend me when I came in?"
"Oh that....I honestly don't know why I did. I guess I thought it was unfair since your a good person. You also only came in like a minute late." You said fiddling eity
"Oh okay." Doppio said a slight hint of disappointment in his voice. "Well if you need me I'll be around."
That's when stuff started to change. He would walk you to class of a morning, message you in his free time, brings you food for lunch, etc. You didn't know why but you started falling in love.
Also with this came backlash from classmates. Though you didn't tell Doppio, it was getting worse by the day. It started out with threats and hate messages sent to you but now it's at the point they have gotten physical to say the least.
One day,
A group of girls pushed you towards your locker. You had dropped your books and was just trying to get them. Once you bent down to get them, they kicked you so you'd fall down and from there they were kicking you in your side, legs, chest, face, etc. "And this is why you should leave Pio-chan alone. He doesn't care for you just takes pity." As these girls kept on someone saw what was going on that cared.
It was Ver. He came over attempting to break it up and he did but you had passed out at this point. He picked you up and took you to the infirmary.
When you had woken up Ver was by your side but Doppio had just walked in. "YOU'RE OKAY!" Doppio basically yelled hugging you.
You winched due to the pain but hugged him back. "Yeah I am. Where are the one girls?" You asked being worried they might come back to hurt you even more.
"Don't worry about them, Doppio took care of them and I'll deal with them even further. Speaking of which I'll leave you and Pio alone so I can get paperwork filled out." Ver explain before leaving the infirmary.
Doppio had backed up a bit in order to not hurt you worse. "Why didn't you say anything? I could've helped."
"I didn't want you involved."
"I could've had prevented this whole thing."
"But I didn't want you involved that's the point what if they started their shit on you?!"
"Y/N I can deal with it, I'm the Duke of displine. My job is to deal with these things."
"I can't see you getting hurt though."
"Why not?"
"Because I like you Pio." You said looking up in tears.
He wiped your tears. "You like me?" He asked making sure he heard you right.
"Yeah I do Pio. Its okay if you don't like me back." You heard him start laughing and looked at him confused.
He looked into your eyes and rubbed your cheek. "Im so happy to hear cause I like you too. You have been nothing but amazing and sweet. So I want you to be mine. I can protect you better." He said as he gave you a kiss on your cheek after a small nod came from you.
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himariafton · 4 months
~Creepypastas AU Friendships/Relationship~
Note: Sorry I Couldn't Think Of More Ideas & Was Trying To Think Of Some, If You Have Any Ideas Please Send Ideas In My Asks But Please Remember To Keep To The Rules•
Slenderman: A Father Figure To All His Proxies,Finds JTK,Ben Drowned & Masky Sometimes Annoying For Their Hobby Of Annoying Him For Some Unknown Reason
JeffTheKiller: Night Terrors Childhood Friend/Older Brother/Uncle Figure & NinaTheKillers Boyfriend Because Yes Their Only 1 Year Age Different In My AU Check My Creepypasta Age Post To Understand Why Down Below
NinaTheKiller: Like An Older Sister Figure To Night Terror,Best Friends /W Clockwork,A Close Friend /w Bloody Rose & Currently Dating JTK
Ticci Toby: Like A Father Figure Towards Night Terror,A Loving Husband /w Bloody Rose,Close Friends /w Ben Drowned Masky & Hoodie
Ben Drowned: Gaming Buddies /w Ticci Toby,Close Friends /w Night Terror & Ticci Toby, He Views Bloody Rose Like A Motherly Figure Due To Her Motherly Like Personality
Nurse Ann: Finds JTK Annoying Especially When He Doesn’t Leave Her Clinic When Asked. . .Best Friends /w Bloody Rose & Appreciations Bloody Rose Taking Time To Help Her In The Clinic In Slendermans Manor Out Of Her Busy Schedule & Chill Around Night Terror & Finds Her An Adorable Little Poltergeist{In A Non Ship Type Way}
Bloody Rose{OC} The Eldest Cousin Of Night Terror But Acts Like A Mother Figure Towards Other Proxies That Are Younger Then Her But Treats Them Different Depending On Their Ages Under 13 Gets Less Harsh Punishments/Displin But She Acts Harsher & Becomes Maximum Asian Mum Like In Those That Are Older Then 13 Knowing They Can Handle It Better,Best Friends Are: Clockwork, NinaTheKiller & Nurse Ann,She Views Slenderman As Her Fatherly Figure,JeffTheKiller Is A Childhood Friend Of Night Terror While Ticci Toby Is One,Of Her Husbands
Night Terror{Child OC}: Views Bloody Rose As Her Motherly Figure & NTK As Her Older Sister Figure,A Bit Shy/Unsure About Her Oppion Towards TicciToby But Is Aware He's Trying His Best To Gain Night Terrors Trust & Gain A Bond /w Her,Her Childhold Best Friend Is JTK As They Grew Up Together Until The Beans Death. . .
Masky: Close Frirnds /W Ticci Toby,Gets Along Well /w Hoodie,Is Rebellious Towards Slenderman Sometimes But Does Sometimes Love & Chrish Slenderman Like His Own Father Just Choses To Be Deficult & Rebellious Sometimes,
Hoodie: Pretty Chill /w Night Terror Gets Along Well With Bloody Rose Almost Like Siblings,Finds Maskys Shinanigans Annoying But He's Tollarable As A Friend,Views Slenderman Like A Father Figure, Ticci Toby & Clockwork Are Good Friends & Pretty Chill To Hang Around
Clockwork: Finds NTK,Bloody Rose,Ticci Toby & Hoodie Pretty Chill Friends Even Tho NTK Her Best Friend Can Be Annoying Sometimes But She's Still Tollarable,A Sisterly Figure Towards Night Terror,Slenderman Is Very Fatherly Like When He Wants To Be,Slenderman Can Be Strick But Fair Sometimes When He Has To Be!
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mesmerizingst4r · 1 year
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Displine is a muscle
If you don’t exercise your self discipline you will never grow it. But just like lifting actual weights, you don’t start off with the heaviest weight. That is not sustainable. You will quit because it’s too hard.
Doing one hard thing, is exercising your self discipline.
What’s hard for you can even be something as “small” as going to bed at a set time. Doing I push-up. Spending 10 minutes reading. One step forward will take you to your destination. Zero steps will not.
Each time you do something hard, that you don’t want to do, you’re building momentum for bigger goals. You realize to get, you have to give.
But to get you have to want. You have to want whatever it is, enough for yourself, to be uncomfortable & do things that aren’t instantly gratifying.
Pressure is what creates the diamond.
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
Ok I know this isn’t a fandom/tumblr related thing but FUCK I hate being the oldest daughter with an emotionally immature dad..it feels like I can’t complain because he’s present in my life, and he’s nice and fun, but he can’t be serious when I need him to be, or disciple my siblings, or do something “harsh”. And I can’t do anything because I’m the sister and I can’t displine them, they won’t even listen to reason..so..fuck.
Yeah..there’s that..
But I NEED a dagger boy (probably Bob because he’s the most emotionally mature and stable) to just whisk me away to his house where I can have a conversation..a normal relationship, where he could do his own laundry, and he would take care of me, emotionally, mentally, physically..a girl can dream 🥲
I totally understand the oldest daughter carrying the weight of the family responsibilities when parents are emotionally checked out in aspects of parenting. It’s a rough card to be dealt.
Always feel free to vent, to reach out if you just need a place to get things off your chest. My DM’s are always open.
As for Bob? That would 100% be something he’d do. He’d just invite you over for a nice glass of wine and a small cheese board to have an adult conversation with respect and empathy towards your situation.
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 month
people never talk about how doing the bare minimum to finish your ideas and goals lowkey be draining for no reason and are we even really ready to talk about that as a society as a group of people?
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like your telling me I HAVE to put in the work to build good habits and displine myself?
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