#do have to say that I'm kind of proud of how much I've written in a relatively short time period though?
leedee013 · 1 year
Gotta say, when I dove into writing this fanfic it was primarily a bunch of during- and post-canon headcanons that I had for Jean with the endgoal of Jerejean being established and Jean being in a good/better mental state but. The potential for Kevjean elements is. right there. and Kerejean is becoming so tempting.
Biggest question is whether or not I let myself fall to temptation.
Guess we’ll see where it goes
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Hi lovely! First of all: your writing is amazing. You have a huge potential, keep up your good work! I'm proud of you. Listen, of courseee now that I've flattered you I need to request something xD
SO! I was thinking maybe fluff prompt 11 with Azriel. Like it would be their first pregnancy together and Azriel took some time off from missions to spend time with you? He's being super protective and all, always having a protective hand over the reader's belly- you get the idea. And like they would be laying on the couch and he would just randomly whiff of the reader's scent filled with her pregnancy hormones and be like, delighted with the scent? It was just an idea I had: I figured you would be able to make it into beautiful words. Like always.
Take care!
Azriel x Rhysand sister!reader
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff, suggestive
Prompts: N/A
Summary: It’s your first pregnancy and Az is being an overprotective mate. But you love it.
a/n dude i literally love @azsazz for all her dad!azriel fics also i don’t think ultrasound pictures are a thing in acotar so bare with me, i hope you don’t mind i didn’t include prompt 11 i just didn’t think it fit into the story.
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“You’re pregnant,” Madja’s voice rang through my ears.
“Pregnant, that can’t be” I whisper. “Y/N my dear it turns out you are really fertile, more so than normal fae females,”
“I’m having a baby,” I mumble out, “I need to tel Azriel, when should I see you next?”
It wasn’t as if Azriel and I hadn’t talked about children. Fuck we had come up with baby names before all of this. So why was I so nervous as I waited for Az to come home.
Madja had given me a picture of the babe. I had it laid on a table with a cake that said “You’re gonna be a dad”.
The time seemed to pass slower, the clock’s ticking dimmed. I could hear the songs of the birds returning for the night, see the sunset pour into the room.
The door clicked, and I practically jumped out of my seat and rushed to the open it. I think I gave Azriel a heart attack with how quickly, I opened the door and pounced on him. He reciprocated my actions with a searing kiss.
“Hi,” I whisper against his lips, he chuckles and shuts the door, making sure to lock it. “What’s gotten you so excited?” he asks.
“I have a surprise for you in the kitchen,” I murmur my mind still hazy from the kiss.
“Oh you do?” he smirks. Rolling my eyes, I jump off and grab his hand, “It’s not that kind of surprise,”.
Guiding him by his arm, I drag him towards the kitchen. Standing on my tippy toes, my hand goes to cover his eyes right before we enter the kitchen.
I look around at the swirls of black surrounding both Az and I’s torsos. Leaning down, I whisper “Don’t tell him anything,”.
As if they hear me they frantically move up and down as if saying yes.
Taking a deep breath in, we walk into the kitchen. Reluctantly pulling my hand away from his face, I look at him in anticipation of his reaction.
His eyes flutter open, taking in his surroundings, he looks at the picture of the babe in my stomach, then his eyes wonder to the cake. He takes in the words written on the cake.
Turning around he gapes at me.
“We’re having a- you’re not joking right?” he says frantically. Unable to form words I shake my head as a no.
Within seconds, he’s picked me up and he’s twirling me around in the air.
I shriek at first but then it dies down into a soft smile as I see how happy he is. Once he’s put me down on the ground, he kneels and pulls up my shirt.
“Mummy and Daddy love you so much” he kisses my belly.
Halfway through my pregnancy, Azriel forced Rhysand to let him off until the babe was born. He spent every waking moment with me, making sure I was drinking enough water, eating enough food and stuff like that.
The pregnancy made him more protective, he growled at every single male he saw, that looked at me. But seeing the fearsome spymaster, on his knees kissing my belly or holding my belly from behind to relieve me of some of the pain was all worth it.
He had cried the day the babe’s scent finally came. He had promised me that he would be the best father ever. Not that I had any doubt about it.
I stayed at home mostly, to satisfy Azriel and also because no one wants to walk around a lot when you’re so close to your due date.
That’s why I was currently lying on top of Azriel, my back pressed against his chest as he read me one of the books Nesta had given me.
But all I could focus on was his voice. A rich melody filling the room like a sweet song. I shuffled against him.
He took a deep breathe, taking in the scent of the babe. And my pregnancy hormones. The second they hit his senses, he let out a deep growl that went straight down my spine to my heated core.
I carefully twisted around so I could kiss him. His soft lips pressed against mine, sent me into a frenzy. The way his arms grazed up my shorts and down the arms of my sleeveless top.
“Az,” I whine against his mouth, “Don’t be a tease,”.
“I would never dream of it my love,” he says grinning.
My hormones swapped out for a droopy feeling. I yawned against his chest. He chuckled and kissed my head. Going back to reading, he drew mindless circles on my exposed shoulder. And finally for the first time in days the babe had finally let me sleep.
“You and our daughter are my heart, darling” and that’s the last thing.
Cassian had barged into the living room of the couple’s new house. “How’s my favourite sister in la-”.
Azriel tells him to shut up as he motions to the sleeping figure on top of him. “Sorry,” Cassian winces.
Just seconds later Rhysand stomps into the room, “Where’s my sister?” he asks as he looks over at Cassian. “Don’t be too loud you’re going to wake the demon,” he whispers pointing over at Azriel and I. Lifting up my middle finger, I aim it towards Cassian and then mutter out a “Fuck you” loud enough for them to hear.
“Althea doesn’t like you, Rhys” I say, giggling.
“Oh and how would you know that sister dear?” He says with a roll of his eyes.
Just as I’m about to answer, I get interrupted.
“Althea is such a pretty name,” Cassian squeals.
“Yes we know, now get out” Azriel sighs exasperatedly.
They start protesting but I cut them off, “Either get out or bring me some cake,”.
As they walk out Cassian mutters under his breath, “Demon,”
“I heard that!”
a/n hope you liked this anon! dad!az just holds a special place in my heart 🫶🏻
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harunayuuka2060 · 29 days
Leal and his sister: ...
Leal's sister: Brother, will they be okay?
Leal: Yes. Master Akihiko can handle this on his own.
Leal's sister: Hm. But... Isn't he afraid that his father will try to sabotage his plan?
Leal: I'll prevent that from happening.
Leal's sister: ...
Akihiko: What do you think, father? *smiling*
Yuurin's father: ...
Yuurin's father: The people here are welcoming.
Akihiko: *chuckles* Right?
Yuurin's father: ...
Yuurin's father: Son, are you truly going to proceed with the plan?
Akihiko: Yes. I had planned it since I was young.
Yuurin's father: ...
Yuurin's father: You have hidden your true feelings well.
Yuurin's father: Your mother and I believed you were okay with everything happening.
Akihiko: *chuckles* Well, what could I say?
Akihiko: I'm a man who's been taught the virtues of a woman.
Yuurin's father: ...
Yuurin's father: *smiles* I know I have no right to say this.
Yuurin's father: But I am proud of you, son.
Akihiko: ...
Yuurin's father: Anyway, here you go. I've signed everything. *He hands him the documents regarding the transfer of wealth to Yuurin.
Akihiko: Thank you, father.
Yuurin's father: ...
Yuurin's father: Akihiko, when your time comes, will you promise to give me one final call?
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: *smiles* If it crosses my mind, I will.
Akihiko: Huh? You want me to get a haircut?
Yuurin: Yes. It's fair, don't you think?
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: *chuckles* Hm. What kind of haircut do you want me to get?
Yuurin: I think any haircut will suit you.
Akihiko: Bald?
Yuurin: ...
Akihiko: *laughs*
Akihiko: I'm just kidding, bluebell.
Yuurin: *sigh* We should go together with Leona-senpai.
Akihiko: Okay~. I think we should do it on your weekend off.
Yuurin: Sounds good.
Akihiko: Alright. I'll talk to you again, bluebell.
Yuurin: Take care, Aki.
Akihiko: You too, bluebell~. *hangs up*
Leona: *sitting next to her and listening to their conversation* Why the hell would he suggest bald?
Yuurin: I'm not sure...
Leona: ...
Leona: I think Leal's a bad influence.
Yuurin: Huh?
Leona: Just think about it, did he use to have a broken sense of humor?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin's mother: Welcome home, dear. How was your trip to Sunset Savannah?
Yuurin's father: *smiles* It was great.
Yuurin's mother: That's good to know. Oh, by the way, do you want to see my journal? I had so much fun writing on it that I failed to realize that I've written on all its pages.
Yuurin's mother: All I have to do now is pray to Goddess Mnemosyne to watch over our son Yuurin and grant my wishes.
Yuurin's father: *nods*
Yuurin's father: *has waited for his wife to sleep* *holding the journal in his hand*
The servants serving Yuurin: Master? Are you sure about this?
Yuurin's father: Yes. Light up the fire.
The servants: *do as told*
Yuurin's father: ...
Yuurin's father: Burn everything from Yuurin's childhood. Nothing shall remain.
The servants: Yes, master.
Yuurin's father: ...
Yuurin's father: *watches as everything that can remind his wife about Yuurin burns*
Yuurin's father: ...
Yuurin's mother: Men who show weakness will face discrimination, while strong women will be torn down. We cannot allow such injustice to befall our children.
Yuurin's father: What do you mean by that, dear?
*Akihiko was already born around that time.*
Yuurin's mother: We will raise this child as a girl.
Yuurin's father: ...
The servants: Master, this is all.
Yuurin's father: ...
Akihiko: Destroy the journal. By the next morning, Mother will have no recollection of Yuurin.
Akihiko: She will only remember having a daughter, who is me.
Yuurin's father: *to the servants* From tomorrow onwards, no one should utter a word about your Master Yuurin, especially not to your Madame.
Yuurin's father: Do you understand?
The servants: *bows* Yes, master.
Yuurin's father: *throws the journal to the fire*
*A figure resembling smoke emerges from it, fixing its gaze directly on him.*
Yuurin's father: *bows to it respectfully*
*The figure then heads to where his wife is.*
The servants: *looks at each other; understanding the situation*
Akihiko: ...
*The figure shows itself to him.*
Akihiko: *smiles* Thank you. Thank you so much.
*The figure nods then disappears.*
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: I hope this will bring you joy, bluebell.
Leal: ...
Leal: Master Akihiko.
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: I can enjoy my remaining years with Yuurin now. *chuckles*
Leal: ...
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crowcravesmore · 2 months
Dead Girl Walkin' (Frank Castle x F!Reader)
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AKA 'Bounty & Bliss'
Frank Castle x F!Reader (18+)
+ After a mission gone wrong, you end up on the wrong side of Fisks gun, and now you're a wanted woman. You have 30 hours of freedom before every bounty hunter in New York has his eyes on you, so of course you run straight to Frank. Oh how he loves the sight of you.
Word Count: 5.1k ( It's actually impossible for me to write a "short" fic. I'm a wordy bitch, I can't help it. I love to talk.)
Warnings: Cursing, violence, reader getting beat tf up (She's got powers it's fine), explicit content/smut, Frank being such a softie for you, fluff (is that a warning?).
A/N: LETS GO FRANK CASTLE LOVERS! I absolutely adore this man, and I think it shows in how I write him. This is an oldie from my previous blog, but it's one of my favorite fics I've ever written. It's a long one so buckle up. (This fic was absolutely based on the song Dead Girl walking from Heathers the musical. Take that as you will.)
+ + +
It was an absolute fact that you weren't gonna die a peaceful death. Yeah no, you were gonna go out one of two different ways. One, a Bruce Willis, Die Hard type thing with at least two explosions. Or two, someone else is gonna punch your card for you. Full stop. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, that's it. 
Frank threw a guess in once. Said you’d probably go out saving a bunch’a kids from a burning building or something, because you're a soft ass like that, Sunshine, that’s why. He was three stitches deep on his right arm, and shooting you looks from his side of the couch. Ain’t that right, Sunshine?
Nope. nuh-uh, not even close. You get a grand total of thirty hours, all Courtesy of Mr. Kingpin himself. Fisk. What kind of name is Fisk anyway? It sounds too much like Fist, or fish, either way it’s awkward. You’re just being pissy, because you got caught, and Fisk is rubbing it in your face. 
Third punch is to your jaw, and that’s the one that knocks you, and the chair you're strapped to, back. You’re taking this whole thing in stride, you haven't passed out or anything. Be proud of that. After the fourth punch Fisk finally waves his hand and lets— what's his name? Rick? This guy looks like a Rick —stop. You ever been hit with brass knuckles by a heavyweight? It sucks. 
You were hired by an unnamed client to sneak into Fisks club, and put mics anywhere you could. It was easy getting in without being noticed, unfortunately for you Fisk has eyes everywhere. Fortunately for you one of your powers is strength, so a couple of blows by a heavyweight won't kill you. It fucking hurts though. 
Fisk says something, but he’s standing on the other side of the room and your ears are still ringing, so he really says nothing. He turns, catches your eyes, and there's a curious sort of smile on his face. Your ears are still ringing but, over all of the noise, you catch him say ‘Again’, and brace yourself for impact. 
Rick, son of a bitch, knocks you hard, just under your eye and you can practically hear the bruise forming. You must’ve blacked out for a second because when you blink there’s Fisk, dropped to his haunches in front of you. It takes thirty seconds after you start drooling blood for him to start back up. 
“You’re a real woman, you know that?” 
“And what does that make you?” Your voice doesn't even sound like you, it’s too scratchy, and your words are hard to make out. 
Fisk sort of ignores you and says,“And Because I'm a nice guy,” Pulling a white handkerchief—Christ—out of his shirt pocket and wiping your mouth. “I'm gonna make this easy on you, how bout’ forty eight hours? Sound good?” 
You’re so stubborn. Like, way too stubborn for your own good, that’s what you’re gonna tell Frank when you explain why you spit your blood in Fisks face. And because you’re a real woman. 
“Thirty hours,” Fisk says, gripping the bottom half of your shirt, using it to wipe his face, and standing up. “Butch,—” So that’s his name, he looks like a Butch. “Show her the door.” 
Brace for impact. 
You can't be that mad though, I mean come on. After that stunt you pulled at the Quagmire tonight you’re surprised you’re even still walking-uh -running. So yeah, thirty hours and after that you’re gonna be a goddamn beacon of come get me for every baddie in New York. Okay, you gotta stop running or else you’re gonna pull something, and catching a cramp probably isn’t the best thing for you right now...just sayin’. 
You pitch from a sprint to a light jog and eventually stop, bowing over and pressing your hands to your knees. A long groan crawls out of you, and you shake your head. The middle of 10th and 42nd isn’t the place to let it hit you. Clear your throat, spit, stand back up, keep walking. 
You decide to swerve out of the road and onto the sidewalk, that way you’re not ass out for everyone to see. And it’s a helluva sight. You’ve got a bruise forming just under your right eye and your nose is busted to shit, not to mention the blood- that you’re not even sure is all yours- caked over you. All that and you probably smell like a back alley. 
You shift and adjust, turn right toward the dock, and pick up the pace. 
‘I can run,’ you think, digging your thumbnail into your palm. ‘haul ass to Seattle, become some poor fisherman's wife.’  
That doesn't sound all too bad, besides the fact that Fisk has got eyes all over this goddamn city. You so much as even look toward the bridge and his thirty hours-oh-mercy are gone. Poof! You won't even make it out of New York.
A street light flicks off for a second before coming back to life, and you dig in your back pocket, fishing for your phone. It’s a mess of cracks and smeared blood, but still manageable. You click it on and the screen gives a few half assed flashes of light before turning on. Yeah, still manageable. 
You wipe the screen against your shirt and pull it back, checking the time. Twelve oh five. Good, he's still up. 
Frank's van is static under the west bridge, just next to the pier. It’s a beige camper he’s had since way back when, and is still too sentimental to give up. It’s rusted, a hubcaps gone missing, and the battery is standing on it’s last leg, but don’t ever tell Frank it’s anything less than perfect.  Seriously, buddy, don't do it. 
You called it a piece of junk once, something mumbled between Frank trying to turn the engine over and almost flooding it. 
“If you don’t like it that much, Sunshine, you can walk back.” He shakes his head and turns the key over again. The engine makes an almost awkward sort of noise. Something like a cr-r-r-eek! Before gray smoke creeps its way from under the hood. “God fucking damnit.” 
You're ninety percent sure the only reason he didn't knock your head through the window is because he's got a soft spot for you....Eighty-five percent. 
Your boot knocks against an empty can, probably oil, and Max pokes his head up. He's lying right outside the van's side door, tucked halfway under it with his head on his paws. You go still and try to remember if this dog actually liked you or not. 
When he doesn’t move you chalk it up to a definite maybe, and start walking again. He lets out a few half assed growls before crawling from under the van and barking, loud and proud. You throw caution out the window and speed walk toward him, forgetting the fact that he’s a full grown pitbull, and wave your hands in front of you, shh shh shh! No, doggy. Nice, Max! You got a million different scenarios playing in your head, and none of them are good. 
Max is howling now, nose pointed to the sky and oh sonofabitch.
You hear a gun cock over your head and now you're staring down the barrel of a shotgun. This was the fourth scenario. At the end of that is Frank, standing in a pair of raggedy sweatpants, an old NYU tee, and-Christ he's not even wearing any shoes. 
You're still a little wobbly in the legs so you press your hand against the doorframe, and lean. That's it. Play it cool, nice and steady. 
“Hey, Frank.” You say, and then. “Can I come in?” You're batting against four hours of sleep and maybe a concussion, so hey, frank is the best you're gonna do. 
His shoulders slump down and he points the gun away from you, eyes moving three speeds too fast. Like I said earlier, you’re a helluva sight, girl. 
“You look like the back end of hell.” He says, side stepping to let you in, eyes catching on your knuckles. They aren’t the worst of it, but you can tell a lot about a person from their hands, and Frank’s getting the whole goddamn story. 
You step up into the kitchen—living room?—and focus on everything you’ve already seen before. The sketchy stain on the ceiling, the empty Budweiser cans, your feet. Just for good measure you pick up a roll of gauze and turn it over in your hand, because this is the most interesting thing in the world, not your bloody knuckles. And definitely not Frank who’s staring down your back, shooting imaginary laser beams your way. Pew pew pew.  I’m calling it now, he’s gonna get mad. You know it, I know it, so just fucking face the music before he- 
“So,” oh-Kay. He clicks the third deadbolt, and leans his back against the door, gun cocked on the wall, and arms crossed over his chest. “You gonna tell me what happened or am I gonna haveta’ guess?” 
He doesn't have to guess, because he already knows. But, he's gonna lean back and give you a chance to say it before he starts pulling teeth. 
“This was once in a lifetime, Frank.” You're pushing out excuses and he's barely said anything. “There was an opening-” 
“Y/n, what the hell did you do?” 
Franks more worried than actually confused. He knows you're in some deep-I'm talking chasm into hell deep- shit, he's just worried he's not gonna be able to pull you out. 
“I went to the Quagmire, and Fisk was there.” You wring your hands because of the look he gives you. Priceless. “I had a shot, I took it, I—” 
“Tell me you killed him.” He's shaking his head, tilt up, and looking at the roof. He's about to start praying, and lord knows he hasn't done that in a while. “Tell me you killed him, Y/n.” 
The throbbing behind your eye is enough to remind you that no, you didn't. You came damn close though, I'll give you that. 
Frank blinks, slow squeeze, and groans something low in the back of his throat. He drops his head and drags a hand down his jaw, you're gonna be the death of him if you keep this shit up. 
“And,” you gotta get it out now, if you don't do it now you're gonna hate doing it later. “I got a bounty on me.” 
“Course you do,” he's looking at you again, but his foot is tapping against the linoleum, so he's beyond mad now. “Is it active?” 
You shake your head. “No, I got thirty hours.” You would have forty eight, but he doesn't need to know that...or why you don't anymore. 
“Shiiit,” he almost laughs. “Bastard gave you a helluva’ lot more time than me.” His eyebrows tilt down and you catch the way his eyes track along your knuckles. You're standing in front of him, and in this light he can finally get a good look at you. And he doesn't like it. “What'd they do to you, Sunshine?” 
There it is. You let out a halfhearted dry laugh and say. “Butch, son of a bitch has a solid right hook.” 
“I bet I got better,” He says, lips upturning a bit. 
You say. “Oh, I know you do.” And that's it, you're both drawn back into a moment that definitely shouldn't happen. Christ, girl, the man's a vigilante with a truckload of baggage. Stay away. Don't do it to yourself. 
You gotta dodge this shit, so you say. “So, what do I do now?” 
He gives you a quick once over and pushes himself off the wall. “First, you gotta take a shower, get your mind right.” He stalks over to the hall closet, and starts pulling out random things; a towel, a washcloth, sweatpants, and one of his Rolling Stones T-shirts. He tosses a Then we'll talk, and figure out our next move. over his shoulder and that knocks you back a minute. 
Our. Don't dwell on that. Nope, nope, do not do it. You nod, walk over to him, and say. “Thank you, Franky.” Franky’s something only you’d get away with saying, just like he gets away with the whole sunshine thing. It’s weird, you’re weird, leave it alone.
When you reach him he pulls back, giving you this half look between you really okay? and it's okay if you're not. Oh, God, he's gonna have your eyes in the shape of hearts if he keeps this up. 
“I'm fine,” You reach a bit more, and he meets you halfway, pushing everything towards you. “You better have hot water though.” 
“Baby, you know I do.” 
“Mhm, that's what you said last time.” 
He says. “Just tell me if it's not hot enough for you, I'll fix it.” And you're positive it's borderline flirty. You gotta occupy yourself with turning on the bathroom light, or else he's gonna see fuuuck written all over your face. 
You gotta say something back or it's gonna be one sided, and awkward so you push out. “I'll call you if I need you, Franky.” Low and slow.
Did you just? 
Franks mouth pulls up into a grin and he's gotta wipe his hand over his cheek, as if he's just feeling the stubble. Look what you did, you're making him nervous. 
Before either of you have a chance to react, the door’s closed and you're pressing your back against it. If you didn't know any better you'd think the man was making a move, but you've got a migraine from hell so you're gonna chalk it up to friendly banter. 
You're gonna opt for a cold shower though, just in case. 
The shower does wonders for you. Your regenerative powers help too, giving your body the chance to heal a bit under the water. You walk out dressed and unstressed with your clothes balled up in your arms, just about to call out Franks name when you hear him say. “Back here.” 
You turn and walk into the small bedroom space, just big enough for the two of you. He's laying on his back with his arm thrown over his eyes, looking like absolute sin. Okay, yeah, you're cut off from reading tacky romance novels. 
“You can just put your stuff on the table, we'll get em’ washed tomorrow.” He sounds tired. 
You walk to the kitchenette table and drop your clothes on top of it, before walking back to the room and saying. “Or we could just get my clothes from my apartment, that's a pretty good idea.” 
“Yeah,” he shrugs. “We could, and, you know what, why don't we go to the police station while we're at it and tell them about the bad man named Fisk?” 
“Oh, sorry, I thought we were stating dumb ideas.” He says nonchalantly, before adding. “You and I both know that it's not safe for you to go to your place, or else you wouldn't be here, right?” 
He lifts his arm off of his face and looks at you. Yeah, right. You nod and he nods back, covering his face up again. “Right.”
Truth be told, you'd probably still be here even if it was safe. Truthfully. 
You crawl onto the bed next to him and the springs groan out something light and metallic. Lay down, face up, be quiet. 
“Y/n.” That's not quiet.
“You're not doin’ this alone,” Okay. You turn your head to look at him but he's still got his arm over his eyes. “Not while there's air in my lungs.”
You say, “It's not your fight.” And Frank finally looks at you. His brows tip and he props himself up on one arm so he's leaning over you a bit. 
“Hell it's not, you think Ima’ just let that bastard have at you? Nuh-uh,” He shakes his head. “Sorry to disappoint, but that's not how this works.”
“Then how does this work?” You're not mad, just curious. If this is going where you think it's going, God willing, Frank’s gonna be the one starting it. 
He's the one with the brick walls here, so you're gonna let him be the first to break them down. 
His eyes drop to your lips and roll over the curve of your jaw. It's sharp and soft at the same time, just like the rest of you. You shift, catch his eyes, and his sight slips off to the wall. 
“I, uh.” he rolls onto his back and clasp his hands on his stomach. You're making him nervous and he's the one doing all the work. Jeesus, one of you do something. This is embarrassing. 
“I don't wanna die.” What? You-pfsshhh. Yeah, okay, start there. 
Frank has to blink that in, but he's still too chicken shit right now to look at you. So he asks. “Why not?” 
For the love of God. 
“Why not?” You repeat, frowning at the ceiling. Frank squeezes his eyes closed and shakes his head, backtrack. 
“No, not-” He rubs his eyes with the back of his hand and gives himself a second to get it. He doesn't, so he just nods and says. “Yeah, okay why not? Why don't you?” 
You sit up and turn to look at him. He's circulating between frowning at you, and the ceiling, and the door, so when his eyes hit you on their third rotation you say. “I don't wanna die, because I'm not ready yet.” Simple. 
“Says the girl who went all Annie Oakley on a mob boss tonight.” 
“It was his henchmen-”
“-and that's not the point.” You ignore him. “The point is I'm scared. I thought I could do it tonight, but I didn't and now look at me.” 
He does. In the weak light from his bedside lamp he can see all of you. The bruise forming (and healing) under your eye, and on the bridge of your nose. The scratch along your neck that dips just below the collar of your-his shirt. It's a lot. You're a lot. 
He shifts and pushes himself up a bit before opening his arms. “Come here.” 
Then your head is pressed against his chest, with your hand resting on his abdomen. Fingers curled in. You can hear his heart beating, thu-thump. Thu-thump. 
His arm wraps around you and you can feel his fingers brush against the middle of your back, right at the dip. A train's horn blares in the distance and suddenly you feel really mortal. 
This is it, Kid. 
You've finally hit fuck it, because now you're lifting up and kissing Frank Castle. You half expect him to push you off, but nope, his hand pushes straight to your hips, your shirt hitching up around his forearm. 
There's no awkward is this okay kisses, nope, you're both just diving for it. You push your hand up to his shoulder and-oh okay, yeah you do that- slide your leg over him, so you're halfway straddling him at least. 
You push both of your hands to his neck, thumbs pressed against his jaw, and lean in. It's an awkward approach, something he wasn't exactly ready for this time because your teeth collide, and you're about to pull back and apologize when he reaches down and grips your ass. 
Oh-Kay. He tugs you back up toward him and this time you're both ready. Especially you, because your tongue dips into Frank's mouth and he's just here for it. 
After a while of just that, you lift up and press your hands against his chest. His other hand scoots up to your hip, and he starts rubbing up and down your thighs. 
“Hold on.” You scoot so you're really on top of him and sit back a bit, feeling him rub against your clit. He lets out a sharp exhale of a groan and you lift up, before sitting back again and grinding against him. Frank tugs off his shirt and you follow suit, pulling yours up and over your head before tossing it off to the side, and Frank is on you. 
You’re not wearing a bra, so he just dips his head down to lick your nipple into his mouth. He reaches up to gather your other breast in his hand, and you bring your hands up to his shoulders just to hold onto something. You bury your face in his hair, shift, and kiss along his head. 
Frank starts peppering sloppy kisses across your chest before biting down on your other nipple. 
“Shit,” you whisper. “Frank.” 
“Mhm,” He’s got a vice grip on your hips, and then he’s bucking up into you. Slow and steady, and meticulous, and—Jeesus. His tongue swirls and bites, and you’re tilting your head back. Eye’s closed just feeling him. 
Okay, you gotta-hold on. You push against Franks shoulders and his mouth comes off of you with an almost obscene pop. He starts to ask what’s wrong when you dip your head down and catch his mouth against yours. It’s slow and nasty and good, something almost too sensual to be Frank, but it is. It’s just you and him. 
He mumbles. “Com’on.” Against your lips and rolls you over so he’s pressed on top of you. You’re rubbing your hands up his arms and over his shoulders when he —oh Christ, okay—reaches up to grab each of your wrist pinning them over your head. This is more of what you expected, you’re not gonna stop him though. 
He peppers kisses along your jaw and down to your neck, before sucking. 
“Fra-ank.” God you’re whiney right now, and Franks sucking hickies into your neck, so who the hell cares? 
“What’s wrong, Baby?” Frank is an A-1 goddamn tease. Before you can get an answer out he pushes against you. Languid downward rolls of his hips, catching against you and pushing your body up juuust a bit with each thrust. “Hm?” 
Your mouths open in an ‘O’ shape, and you’re positive you're not gonna be able to make clear sentences, so you lock your ankles behind him and drag him closer to you. He groans out a breathy ah, shit and pulls his head back up to kiss you again. When he lets your arms go he’s quick to get back on you, sucking and biting his way down your body, and you’re still too dazed to really get what’s happening until he says. 
He’s sitting up, leaning back a bit onto his legs, with his hands resting on your hips. You prop yourself up on your forearms. “Yes?” 
His mouth tips up into a half smile and he says. “I said you gotta lift up,” His fingers tap the waistband of your sweatpants. Oh, yeah, okay. You lift up your hips and he starts tugging your pants down, fingers hooked in your panties too. You lift up your legs and then he’s got everything up and off of you. 
He settles back down, onto his stomach, with his head between your legs and looks up at you. You’re still propped up onto his shoulders, and you’ve got a pretty damn good view of him. He dips his head down and starts kissing along your thighs, and again it's strangely intimate for him. Out of your peripheral you catch a car's headlights move past the window, and you think to say something when you feel Frank slide his hands to the back of your knees and fold your legs back on either side of you towards the bed. 
You feel him blow cool air against you and you gotta take deep breaths. Scoot, shift, and his face is right between the junction of your thighs. Your hand is in his hair when he drags his tongue up your pussy and over your clit. Your head hits the pillow and you push your other hand into the other one next to you. Gripping. 
“Frank,” You breathe for no reason other than it’s just him. “Oh, God, Frank.” 
He moans into you and that’s enough to get your back arching a bit. He starts in earnest, jumping between circling your clit, and looong strokes up your vulva. You start to wonder if he’s spelling his name down there, when he pushes his tongue aaaalll the way in until his face is practically buried inside of you. His tongue is pressed flat against your labia and then he’s licking inside you. There’s a pause while you gasp out a ‘Fra-a-ank’, before he starts tongue fucking you.  You’re not sure what your sound limit is here so you’re doing your best to keep it to a minimum. Rotating between a string of Oh god, Yes, fuck, and Fraa-aank-just to be safe. 
And then he plants his mouth over your clit and sucks, pushing a finger inside of you. Your back is almost full rainbow, pushing your head into the pillow, and your moaning out a loud. “Ooooh, fuck, Frank!” 
He hums, and, without missing a beat, his tongue starts circling your clit, and he adds a second finger. Languid and intinse. Faster, tighter, you’re really pushing the sound limit here. He’s still working you to the edge, but has enough time to say. “Come on, Y/n. Come in my mouth, baby.”
You groan. “Oh shit,” But he pulls his fingers back a bit, curve, and he’s finger fucking you against your G-spot. He’s an angel. 
You’re loud. Like-you’re voice is probably gonna be strained in the morning- loud. Frank pumps into you, tongue circling tightly, and gets just a little rougher with it. “Ah, fuck, Frank. Please-God-please…” He latches his lips around your clit and sucks, and it's gotta be biblical the amount of times you’ve said God’s name tonight. He presses against your legs and tucks his fingers, moans against you. Your jaw drops and you squeeze your eyes shut, pushing your other hand down to the back of Frank's head and pulling his face into you. 
A strain of ecstasy pushes its way through you and you just can’t get out fast enough. “Frank-frank, oh GOD AAaaahhh!!” Your chest has a slow rise and fall to it, and Frank is back to being sensual. Kissing around your still sensitive clit and up your thighs. He lets go of your leg and pushes both of his hands onto your hips, you can feel your wetness on his fingers. 
He pulls himself on top of you and this kiss is rougher, and you can taste yourself on his tongue. He props himself up onto his forearm and reaches down to push off his sweatpants, throwing them off to the side with the rest of his clothes. 
“You ready?” His voice is wrecked, something you’re really not used to hearing from Frank. You think, and push up on his shoulders before wrapping your leg around his hip and rolling so you’re on top. Franks got this dazed smile on his face, and lord he is cute. Really, Frank Castle is cute. 
He grabs onto your waist and lifts you up with almost ridiculous ease, before shifting his eyes down and watching as you wrap your hand around his dick and slowly guide yourself down onto him. 
You press your hands against his chest and raise up, just to grind back down, and Franks gotta focus on his breathing or else he’s gonna cum way too fast. 
You go like that for a while, a slow and steady rock, but Frank’s been sporting a hard on since you laid next to him so he’s not as patient as he could be. He adjusts his grip on your waist, hikes his legs up so he’s digging his heels into the mattress, “You ready, baby?” and starts to buck up into you. And you thought you were leading the show. 
You’re panting out little ah’s with each thrust, and you gotta brace your hand on the headboard for some kinda leverage. Frank pulls you down onto his chest and kisses you full, mumbling a string of “You like that? Huh? Ah, fuck.” against you, before wrapping his arm around your waist. You grind down and meet each of his thrust and he’s done for. He pushes his face into your neck as he starts pistoning into you, lips mouthing at your neck. His thrust start getting sloppy, uncoordinated, and he moans out. “Com’on, Y/n.” Before reaching down and circling your clit. 
And it's building and building and you rasp out. “Frank, I—”
He bites down on your shoulder and Oh, okay, yes that. You dig your nails into his shoulder and he’s forcing every ounce of himself not to scream. “Y/n!” Low and breathy. He still does. His hips stutter as he cums, and you pick up your pace, fucking him through it. His hips eventually stutter and he bucks a couple of times before sighing into your neck, spent. 
You both just stay like that for a while. Breathing in each other, enjoying the come down. You can’t help but let your mind drift to thoughts of Frank outside of this. Domesticated, and lovely. He just came inside of you, so the idea of having his kids passes through briefly. You’ll deal with that tomorrow. He coaxes you off of him and onto the bed, sliding the sheets onto the both of you. Sliding his arm under your back he pulls you into his side and closes his eyes. You rest your head against his chest, hyper aware of how intimate this is. Neither of you are sure whether or not you should dwell on that or not. 
He, Christ, reaches down and plants a kiss on your forehead before laying back and saying. “You’re not getting your card punched, not while I’m still here.” 
Does he know what he’s doing to you? You just nod, because you’re not really sure if you believe him or not, and he sees that. 
“Hey,” He says, nudging you a bit. You sit up and look at him, and he’s got this look in his eyes. Something like worry, and hope, and so much love for you it almost breaks your heart. “I’m serious, I’m not letting him or any a’ them get to you.” 
You’re the closest thing this man has got to a friend, hell even a family, so yeah. You believe him. You nod and lean up to kiss him, before laying your head back onto his chest. 
Thirty hours.
A/N: I'm actually obsessed with this man. Y'all please leave comments letting me know if you liked this / what you think. I wanna hear back from you! Have a great day, beautiful.
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moamidzyism · 1 month
yours. (h.kk)
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wc. 1300
genre. smut
tags. kai x fem!reader, established relationship, jealous and possessive reader, kind of manipulative reader but not to kai, messy making out, unprotected sex, sub!kai, simp!kai, kai who loves his gf, strength kink (if you squint lol) just two people desperately and madly in love with each other idk what else to tell you
a/n. MINORS DNI!!!! i've been wanting to write for kai for so long omg, this is finally it. please go easy on me this is one of the first things i've written in a while so i'm not super proud of it. (i’m pretty sure there are no gendered pronouns/language but i just put fem reader to be safe)
more of my work
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kai knows how it goes every time.
the two of you are at a party that you brought him to, but instead of socializing with your friends like you usually do, you are standing in a corner in the kitchen, sulking as your boyfriend laughs at whatever story they are sharing with him.
you were fine when the two of you walked into the doors but then all of a sudden, something ticked you off and now your arms are folded close to your chest, opening up only so you can sip from the can of hard seltzer that you hold.
it always starts out this way.
phase two commences when he slips away to meet you. he teases you. he playfully asks why you’re in the corner by yourself. he takes your drink out of your hand and places it on the counter behind you. he cups your face to give you a peck on your forehead. you roll your eyes and you reluctantly give him your hands when he flashes you his unbearably charming smile. and he knows that you can’t say no to him when he drags you back to meet your friends.
next, he wants to reassure you and make sure that you’re okay so he’s all over you when the two of you rejoin the circle. you’re enveloped by his large frame, the smell of his cologne lingers around you, and every so often, his lips gently find their home around your face — on your forehead, on your cheeks, on the bridge of your nose, on your glossy lips.
then something happens — and this part is really important.
someone always makes a comment about the two of you. and it always happens to be the same person. ugh, you guys are so cute. they quip. i wish i had a relationship like that. you’re not sure why, but everytime they do this, it always bothers you. maybe it’s their tone, or the way they cock their head to the side at the end of the sentence, that bothers you so much. maybe it’s the smile they give you after that is laced with so much venom that no one else seems to notice. or maybe it’s the fact that apparently no one knows how they weaseled their way into your friend group but since they made their appearance, they have made it a point to make you feel so uncomfortable every time you see them.
regardless, kai always looks forward to this part of the evening, especially when you sigh, give your fakest smile, and say thank you, dragging out the last vowel. you caress his arm and kiss his cheek, snuggling closer to him for the next ten minutes. and once your mental timer goes off, you let out the most practiced and performed yawn. i think we’re going to call it a night, you announce to your friends.
you say your goodbyes and you walk out hand in hand with your boyfriend. he opens the door for you when you get to the car, and now you can drop the pretense.
he can tell that you’re upset. not with him though, you’re never upset with him.
you don’t talk for the entire car ride home. the only sounds are the gentle hum of the car engine and the low indie music that graces the radio.
when you get home, however, the flip switches.
they make me so mad, baby, you don’t even understand. you begin, kicking off your shoes at the door. kai trails behind you, picking up your shoes, rubbing your back, trying to soothe you.
and the way they look at you, you groan at the thought. you turn around to look at your boyfriend. you’re mine, you lean up to kiss him. he hums into the kiss but you pull away.
i need you to say it to me— you’re mine. you repeat again and he repeats after you, almost like you have trained him to follow your every command.
this is the moment he was waiting for all night — when you decide to take your anger out on him.
he drops all the things in his hands and you drag him upstairs to your bedroom. somewhere along the way he rids himself of his clothes so when you push him onto the bed, he is just in his boxers. you kiss him more passionately, with more force. his eyes roll back in pleasure as you kiss down to this chest, leaving bite marks along the way.
you so badly want to be mean to him, tease him, maybe even force him to cum in his underwear. kai loves how selfish you get when it comes to your pleasure. you grind against him only thinking about getting yourself off. but when you sit up to look at him, you remember that you’re not mad at him. you could never be mad at him, not when he gives himself up to you so readily.
you especially love how dazed and pretty he looks when you ride him. your hips roll against his so perfectly and he feels like he’s floating. he needs to dig his nails into your skin to ground himself, to remind himself that this is real — that you are real and that you are his and that he is yours.
you lean down to kiss him, softly cupping his face. he relaxes his hands, sliding them around your waist and pulling you closer to him. the soft kiss deepens when he starts desperately sucking on your tongue. he is so messy as he moans into your mouth. his lips trail away from your mouth, peppering open mouthed kisses around the lower part of your face, sucking along your jawline.
you try to change angles and bounce harder, but he pulls you back down despite your groans as you push yourself up. he’s quick to apologize though: i’m sorry, i’m sorry i-i just he breathes out. i love you. he repeats like a prayer and he grinds up against you.
but just as he is desperate for you, so are you for him. you fervently roll your hips into his. you hide your face in the crook of his neck, biting down on his collarbone as you edge yourself.
as if it is possible for the two of you to be any closer, when your hips begin to stutter, kai holds you closer to his body. it’s okay, i got you. he assures you as he digs his nails into your skin. he thrusts up sloppily and his moans fill the room.
please, please let me cum. let me make a mess out of you. you can’t say no to his pleas but the feeling of euphoria fills your body as you inch closer to your orgasm. the only thing you can do is choke out a weak, yes, please.
his eyes cloud over and your eyes flutter close when you feel his hips stutter just as a string of curses escapes his lips. he pumps his load deep inside you, spurts of cum coat your throbbing pussy, feeling especially warm against your sweaty skin.
he gives you both a moment to calm down before rolling you onto your back. you lean over to him to leave tender kisses all over his face, whispering i love you’s.
he pulls away to meet a pout on your face. where are you going? you ask him.
i wanna clean you up. he proceeds to stand up no, no, no, you protest, pulling him back down to the bed to lay next to you. forget about that; just stay here for a moment. you hold him close to you and you end the night telling him how good he is to you.
taglist: @dearlyjun @atinyniki @boba-beom @wolfytae-exe @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @tinyelfperson @wccycc @ryunjin0 @thejadeazalea @wayvisyummy @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @snghoonluv @itzzz-yerin @ujisworld
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koolades-world · 10 days
I’m so proud of you for getting 2K followers!
Can you please do Simeon x reader (the two are already dating) with Simeon saying both prompts 5. "I’m here. You're safe with me" and 9. “are you bleeding?”
Please and thank you! :D
thank you so much!! i gladly will :))
i don't think i've ever written a dedicated piece for simeon so i'll put my whole heart into this to make sure it does him justice!
enjoy <3
prompts 5 and 9 w/ Simeon
It was getting late. The songbirds were asleep, and fireflies could be seen out in the open field near Purgatory Hall. The stars lit up the sky and if you listened close enough, you could hear demons laughing with one another. On any other day, the sight might be enjoyable and would be a great opportunity to gather loved ones to savor the moment.
But, it was too late for Simeon's liking. He was expecting you home hours ago. You had even called him, letting him know you were on your way home, and that you were running one last errand, despite the fact that you were out with friends. He didn't want to rush or question you though. You were an adult and your own person. You didn't need him looking over your shoulder. How he wish he did though.
He didn't want to call the brothers, because they would tear apart the Devildom searching for you, nor did he want to wake up his housemates out of fear they'd view him as irresponsible. He checked his D.D.D. for what felt like the hundredth time that hour, and after looking at the time, he decided he was going out to find you himself. If you were still running your errand, he could just apologize. He just wanted to make sure you were ok.
Just as he had gathered all his things and was about to put his jacket on, he heard the keys being inserted into the lock of the front door, and he heard it crack open. With the biggest sigh of relief he'd ever let out, he hung the jacket back up and rushed to greet you. You looked tired, and had your jacket oddly draped around you. But, he didn't question that. Instead, he was more focused on the bouquet of flowers in your hand.
"Sorry I took a while to get home. These are for you, sweetie. They took a tumble, so I'm sorry they look a little rough. " You held them out to him, and he felt as if his heart was about to explode from joy. Nobody had ever given him flowers before. He took them from you, and spun them around in his hands. He studied them closely, and found a little note stuck on a picket in the center. You watched anxiously as he removed it and read it.
"Mc. You're too kind. I'll have to make it up to you in some way." The note read 'because you deserve it <3' and Simeon was over the moon at the sentiment. There was no occasion. Mc just wanted to do something nice for him in a way he hadn't expected.
"I thought you might like them. No need to make it up to me. You're my boyfriend. That in itself is more than enough for me. You're my gift, silly." At your words, he threw his arms around you, unable to contain his feelings. He was usually so composed, but he just couldn't hold it in. He found it kind of ironic he found true happiness in the Devildom, but he could live with that fact as long as it meant he got to remain by your side.
In this hug though, something felt off. You leant into him heavily, which he might normally put off as you being loving and happy to see him again, but that combined with everything he'd observed when you'd entered, he felt as if he should at least ask. "Are you alright, my love?" He stepped back a little to scan you for any signs of harm. The way you wrapped the jacket tighter around yourself told him everything he needed to know.
"I'm alright. Just tired from my night out is all." You tried to comfort him with a warm smile, but he was quick to shut that down.
"Be honest with me. This isn't me trying to be mean, and you know that." He glared at you in a way you'd never seen before. With a sigh, you realized the act was up. You shrugged the jacket off, and at first, Simeon saw nothing wrong. But, as he looked closer, the fabric of your shirt looked as if it was damp.
"Are you bleeding? Why didn't you tell me as soon as you got home?" The flowers were quickly set on a nearby table as he rushed to your side to inspect you closer. You lifted your shirt just enough to show off the three evenly spaced slashes on your abdomen.
"I didn't want you to feel bad about the gift." You confessed. He was quick to put two and two together.
"Did you get this while getting my flowers?" Your silence was telling.
"I know what you're going to say, so you don't need to," you sadly told him. He put his arm around your shoulders and led you to the living room. He sat you down on the sofa and told you to hold still while he healed you.
"You should see the other guys." You weakly smiled at him, in hopes of trying to lighten the situation.
"There was more than one? We'll be talking about who did this later since I want to focus on your right now, but you can't casually mention things like that." Simeon sighed. He went silent after that to focus on healing you, and like magic, all that was left of the wounds was scars. Now, the two of you were just staring at each other silently.
"Why didn't you call me?" He remained in front of you to look you in the eyes.
"I had it. I didn't need any help." At first, you planned to stop there, but you couldn't hide anything from him. "They told me they'd hurt you if I tried to ask you for help, and I panicked. I was really worried about you, and they told me no matter what I did, I wouldn't be able to escape." You leant into him again, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Sweetie, it's alright. You did great." He wiped the tears as they fell. Despite the sparse amount of tears, you looked upset and worn down. "I'm here. You're safe with me." His words seemed to resonate with you, and you tightly clutched him as if he might vanish.
"Thank you. I love you." You rested your head on his shoulder.
"I love you too. Remember, your safety always comes first. Any world where you are is a world I want to be in." He gave you a kiss on the top of your head. "By the way, thank you for the gift, I really appreciate it," he told you, gently smiling.
"I thought you'd like it. They made me think of you when I saw them." He couldn't deny the fact that you were always on his mind, and it warmed his heart to know that you felt the exact same.
"Now, let's get you to bed. You need rest. I'll watch over you." With that, the two of you headed off so you could get your well needed rest. Simeone was glad you were safe.
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spockandawe · 1 year
You know what I can't get enough of? Speculation about what the fictional novel Proud Immortal Demon Way says about its fictional author. Because it would be completely possible to make a story like this without that connection. I'm not sure I've read any other transmigration story where the author was a character, so just that addition adds a lot of interesting texture to the situation even without getting deep in the author's head, but it's so interesting how deep I can speculate in so many directions if I think about getting in his head.
And oh man, I could talk for AGES about how Shang Qinghua and his iconic protagonist reflect each other, but a lot of people have written about that already! Including in the medium of fic, which is my favorite way to consume that kind of crunch. So let's talk about familial neglect and mistreatment and the author's favorite character.
Honestly, when I look at how iconic this ship is, I'm astonished there aren't more hit novels where the author gets yeeted into their own book and has to navigate platonic or romantic relationships with their own characters. A lot of the parallels between Shang Qinghua and Luo Binghe are about them being alike in ugly and vulnerable ways, ways I don't think either of them likes about themselves, and regarding aspects of their personalities that I don't think they'd be happy discussing period. Like, Binghe very much hates himself, that's right there on the page. And Shang Qinghua is a ridiculous character, he's very funny, but he's also not stupid. He's very aware of who he is and what he is, and makes a decision to behave the ways he does. I'm typing this up because I was scrolling through an old chat looking for something and tripped across a conversation about shang qinghua and fawn trauma response.
He knows he does this thing! He has an easy opening to turbokill Mobei-jun while he's unconscious and decides to go the route of begging for his life and trying to ingratiate himself after Mobei-jun wakes up instead, which is a much trickier process. He says it himself, that Mobei-jun is his ideal, that he embodies everything Shang Qinghua wants to be, that etc. And that's hilarious and all, especially in light of the eventual romance and the clownery it takes to get there, but in classic svsss fashion, it also becomes a lot sadder when you add up all the pieces and see everything Shang Qinghua hates about himself.
In some ways he's an even more avoidant narrator than Shen Qingqiu, he deflects and jokes like a motherfucker, so it really is a matter of assembling all the pieces and seeing where there are gaps. But what really underscored the connection for me was Mobei-jun's reaction to parental neglect. Because that's what pushed Shang Qinghua into being an author in the first place, his parents divorced and remarried and kinda just.... forgot about him.
Mobei-jun's dad doesn't exactly do that, but he is operating without a mom in the picture, and rather than remarrying, he just chooses to ignore the thing where his shitty brother is persistently trying to kill his son. That really sucks! But Mobei-jun never shows the smallest hint of weakness or vulnerability over this, even when it would have really helped to use his words, like 'hi my uncle is coming to kill me and i trust you to protect me.' He's everything cool, aloof, arrogant, proud, all a bunch of adjectives that really do not apply to Shang Qinghua. Mobei-jun honestly looks like a boring character if you just stick to the main story, because he's so self-contained and controlled. Compare and contrast to Shang Qinghua, who accidentally outs himself as a transmigrator like two minutes after showing up and proceeds to be hilarious for the rest of the book.
(Brief aside to say that I don't think Mobei-jun is necessarily a happier or healthier person for all of this, lmao. The conversation that fawn reaction thing came from was talking about freeze (tee hee) versus fawn in response to threats or stressful situations. But that goes along with the svsss theme of people used to engaging with this universe as a fictional property coming to terms with the depth and complexity of other people's emotions and not just seeing them as simplistic not-real characters in a book)
(Additionally, this makes the ship hilarious as a take on 'opposites attract,' but also it gives me actual Emotions that Shang Qinghua's ideal who he wishes he could be, purely incidentally, he is able to value and love Shang Qinghua in a way that Shang Qinghua can't and doesn't seem to totally understand)
And what's very interesting here. Is that Shang Qinghua made these two characters, Luo Binghe and Mobei-jun. His protagonist ultimately reflects a lot of his own vulnerabilities and insecurities (secretly and quietly in pidw, much more.... overtly in svsss), and Mobei-jun corrects for his vulnerabilities and insecurities. He's the person Shang Qinghua wishes he could be, which is basically... the opposite of Shang Qinghua, to an almost comical degree. And he then gives Mobei-jun the VERY BEST plot armor he can devise. It's hard for a male character to exist near a stallion protagonist without getting swept up in rivalries/suspicions/etc and getting killed by the protagonist, but he makes sure that his favorite character is safe from these things. He's protecting the character he wishes he could be from the character whose faults most reflect his own. That is very sweet and weird and sad, and that's very reflective of the svsss experience, I think.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
— to pass the kamisato standards .
synopsis !! kamisato reader introduces their lover to their siblings, ayato and ayaka! just hcs and brainrotting
characters !! thoma, diluc, childe, al haitham, gorou, kazuha
contains !! gn reader, written while sleep deprived please don't judge if it doesn't make sense huhuh, a bit of a character study on how the kamisatos perceive other characters!
note !! been posting more lately! im in a good mood and would like to share more content ☺️ i also have drafts saved up. also, have you checked out the @/yaepublishinghouse ? i've joined the writing team!
Ah, Thoma? You don't even need to ask. he's already part of the family!
the safest option, really. they already considered him family long before your heart started fluttering around the househelper.
"well, it's honestly about time. ayaka and i have long noticed your affections for thoma," ayato smirks as you two turn red, "don't think i don't know what's going on in my own household, do you?"
not much would change after having your relationship official; thoma might be the only one to experience the change in people's treatment of him as the three kamisatos encourage him to be more proud in his status!
"we're going to get married, don't let people trample over you like that!" you pout. surprisingly enough, thoma is quick to adjust to a "noble behavior" while still keeping his friendly boyish charms.
foreign nobility? for real? your siblings would worry, do you want to live away from them?
thoma might be the only one a little more open to the idea. sure, he's sad but he respects your choice and who you love.
"Mondstadt is a great place. I'm sure it'll be a home for you, just like how Inazuma became a home for me."
ayato is more or less suspicious. "I've heard... rumors," he says carefully, "That man is suspicious to say the least. I'm not sure I trust him."
all in all, with how closed off inazuma seems to be, the kamisatos would be most reluctant to send you off to another nation for some solitary man with a questionable schedule.
A fatui harbinger? Are you out of your mind!
no. no no no. you are not going all the way to snezhnaya for a fatui harbinger. love is fleeting, your affections will pass.
you really don't need him -your siblings would try to convince you- he has money? the kamisatos have money too. he's someone of rank? so does your siblings. what do you mean you love him so much?
"He's a family kind of guy! He's really sweet!" you'll plead and they'll still shake their heads no.
In fact, Ayato would go on a thorough investigation about exactly what the harbinger has been up to. From the incident in liyue to the homicidal tendencies.
unless you decide to elope, there's no way your siblings would give their blessing.
the scribe of the academia is a fine man, but some call him a... lunatic.
this one is a 50/50.
admittedly, your siblings are content with his status and background. he works under sumeru's government, just like the kamisatos, and was nominated for the highest ranking position only second to an archon.
he works rationally too! smart and efficient. that's great— but why is he such a blunt smartass?
Throughout the meeting with him, Ayato has a plastered smile on his face. Each conversation seems like a landmine, waiting to explode, trying to best the other with words.
Ayaka is more or less nervously sweating beside them, but you suppose you're glad that they're getting along!
oh? the general of watatsumi? an interesting choice!
ayato considers it a political win. with the kamisato name tied together with the general of watatsumi island, this could lead to better peace relations! and the kamisatos would be the head of it all.
being a general is no easy task, thats something ayato could greatly respect. meanwhile, ayaka and gorou are already familiar friends!
it's a little sad that watatsumi is on another island, but at least you get to stay in inazuma! you're also happy that you get to contribute to inazumas progressive politics as part of the kamisato household, living up to your duty.
the wandering samurai. . . ? are you sure?
while a good friend of the kamisato household, kazuha has already left the noble lifestyle of the kaedeharas.
it's not that your siblings want you to marry into nobility, it's just that they'll feel more comfortable if you were in a familiar environment.
meanwhile, kazuha is constantly on the move, never staying at one place. they trust him immensely but are you sure you're up for that change?
kazuha is a good choice, but a worrisome one nonetheless.
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autolenaphilia · 6 months
The average tumblr queer hates fascism and terfs, and they should, but because they have zero understanding of what those ideologies actually is, they end up repeating such ideology anyway.
They have zero understanding that it is the transmisogynist bioessentialism that makes radfemism so poisonous. So they call trans women mentioning the words "misogyny" and "patriarchy" a terf, while their use of "afab/amab" reveal that they haven't unlearned any bioessentialism and transmisogyny. I've written about this at length before.
And this intellectually lazy acceptance of reactionary thinking goes far beyond that.
Criticize the institutions of religion and the family on this supposed queer communist site, and you'll get massive cries of protest from these queer leftists. And in content if not form they are basically indistinguishable from fascist rhetoric about how "queer leftists who read too many jewish writers (like Marx and Hirschfeld) are trying to eradicate the vital institutions of tradition, religion, family and community with their soulless materialist globohomo." (Note that the link is to a critical glossary of the alt-right on rationalwiki, so there are slurs galore)
And yes, that is what i'm doing, and I'm very proud of it. Abolishing religion and the family, and all of their sanctified traditions is a very important part of the communist project. The main Jewish writer who convinced me of this is Marx, read him.
"The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness." Literally read The Communist Manifesto, which openly calls for the abolition of the family. A lot of suppose leftists repeat what the manifesto calls "The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child"
It's especially ironic to hear such things from self-described queers, as if family, religion and tradition aren't the most common tools used to oppress queer people.
A lot of reactionary garbage with a superficial anti-capitalist veneer has gotten into the left, which is not new. The just mentioned manifesto spends a whole chapter criticizing reactionary forms of socialism. I have myself used Marx's still valid analysis as my basis to criticize reactionary anti-capitalism.
There has been so much nationalist garbage absorbed by the left at this point that fascist thinking crop up all the time in the left. This is because planting the roots of 19th century romantic nationalism tends to bear the same fruit. And tumblr leftism is the most intellectually lazy kind of leftism.
Like your average pseudo-leftist position on nations is basically ethnopluralism, a neofascist ideology originating in the European "New right" that is trying to sell the old wine of blood-and-soil nationalism in new bottles for a postcolonial world. It's creator Henning Eichberg spent decades trying to sell his Völkisch ideology to the left. With some success, it seems like. Like the neofascist in ethnopluralist clothing position that "every culture has the right to preserve their own culture and tradition from the onslaught of global capitalist culture" is something that you'll see all the time regurgitated by supposed leftists. The one 19th century european/western concept that is seen as universally applicable is nationalism. It's bleak.
I can't even say the far-left cliché of "read theory", because a lot of theory is garbage. Not all of it though. This list comes from my libertarian marxist/"councilist" biases but Nationalism and Socialism by Paul Mattick is good, as is "Third-worldism and Socialism" an excerpt from an early 70s pamphlet by the British organization Solidarity, and the 1989 essay The Universality of Marx by Loren Goldner.
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ellies-little-thing · 7 months
"And they roommates..." Oh my god, they were roommates! (e.w) p.1
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*not my images
My Masterlist <3
Part 1 Part 2
pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader
Warnings: Roommates; modern Ellie; Mature content; swearing; fluf; smut; arguing; reader is referred to as she/her; Ellie is mean;  Mentions of past relationships;  mentions of drinking; love/hate relationship; Reader has a vagina; enemies to lovers (kinda); Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: I really tried hard writing this one. It's my favorite one I've written yet. I hope you love it as much as I do! Happy reading! (I love vines, what can i say?)
w/c: 4k
Ellie was your roommate, one you weren’t fond of either, due to how she was always up past midnight screaming down her mic at her video games, and how she basically never left her room, and if she did, she bothered you when you tried to study.
Tonight was another night she was playing games, eventually taking a break she walked past your room, before smirking to herself and leaning against the doorway, ready to get on your nerves as always.
“Do you ever not study?” She asked with a teasing and mocking tone in her voice.
“Do you ever study?” You said annoyed.
“Nah” She was just leaning there smiling at you now as you studied. “You’re just a massive dork is all.”
“Thanks, not in the mood to be called names.” You said to Ellie, still looking at your study books. She just shrugged.
“Well I don’t really care if you’re in a good mood or not, you’re boring.” She said as she smiled as if she was proud of herself for her comeback.
“Whatever Ellie, go back to your game.”
She scoffs. “Why? Just to have you complain about the noise??” She said as she leaned against the door, crossing her arms under her chest.
“Just so I can be alone without you here distracting me.” You said really upset.
“How am I distracting? I’m not even doing anything” Ellie scoffed, as if she was in the right and you were just complaining for nothing.
“Fine, stay there then.” You were so out of patience and didn't have energy to deal with Ellie.
“Wow, how kind of you.” She sarcastically said as she stayed there just smiling and being a distraction at this point.
“Stop staring, I can feel your eyes on the back of my head.” You really couldn't concentrate on your studies right now. Ellie was really getting on your nerves.
“Maybe I’m just admiring how much of a dork you are.” She said in a mocking voice as she let her arms fall to her side. “You’re just an easy target.”
“Or maybe I'm just too gorgeous.” You said sarcastically as you didn't really think you were that beautiful.
“Pfft, not even close. You’re not bad looking, but I’d say the most attractive thing about you is the fact you keep yourself to yourself most of the time.” Ellie rolled her eyes as she said this, the sarcasm just reeked off her tone.
“At least i dont bother other people.” You now looked at Ellie with an annoyed face.
“I'm not that annoying…” Ellie frowned and spoke quietly.
“Okay, if you’re so innocent, how is it that I have to listen to your video game playing every night? Hmm? Do you think I’m enjoying the sound of an 11 year old screaming at their microphone? I'm the one that has to hear it, you idiot.” You scoffed as you were full of rage.
“I’m the idiot?? The only idiot here is you. “ Ellie said defensively.
“You’re the one playing those damn shooting games! Why not turn it down or wear headphones? Or do you enjoy the sound of children screaming down your mic?” By this point Ellie was in your face, her arms crossed under her chest as she made a frown.
“Ellie, I'm not in the mood, leave me be.”
“Okay, fine I'll leave.” Her voice and expression softened at the end, she was genuinely being serious now.
“Sure, bye.”
She got off your door then, now it only being 7:30pm. “But if I come back at 9 and you’re still playing I’m turning your console off myself.”  You said with a huff, as she was walking back to her own room. As soon as she reached her room she slammed her door shut, now alone in her room, she sighed and threw herself onto her bed.
“Real mature!” You almost shouted so she could hear you through the walls. For a few minutes Ellie layed there, now feeling a little bad. She wanted to say sorry, but her pride was too strong. Eventually it was too much so she got up and walked to your room and she knocked on the door softly.
“Uhm.. Hey, I came to say sorry for being a dick earlier.” She smiled awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.
“Oh, did you now? Took you a long time to figure that one out…” You said clearly very annoyed. Ellie rolled her eyes. “Shut up, come on I’m trying to apologize…”
“Make me shut up then!” You spat at her, frowning your face and stuck your tongue out mockingly.
“Ohhh I’m so tempted too” Ellie muttered under her breath before she shook her head, it seemed her pride was still not gone.  “Uhm, so are you going to accept my apology?” She asked with a genuine tone in her voice.
“Fine.” You said that so Ellie would go away and not interrupt your study session anymore.
And suddenly Ellie’s pride was out in full force again, she smirked at you not wanting to show she was actually happy the apology was accepted. “Is that it? Fine? Giving up so soon?” She asked as she raised her eyebrow.
“I don't want to argue with you, I'm tired and trying to study for my exam.” You really just wanted to be alone at this point. Ellie’s eyes widened for a moment before she just laughed. “Oh my god you had me worried you were still pissed off at me for a moment! Well, maybe that’s my ego getting the better of me.” Ellie shrugged but her tone was friendly now. “Well, good luck on your exams.” She said as she turned to walk back to her own room.
“Bye! Don't come back!” You said as she closed your bedroom door.
Then Ellie left, before turning back around to tease you again.
“Wait, hey, what’s your name?”
“Are you really asking me that? You really are an asshole. You forget things fast, or maybe you just don't actually care about anyone but yourself!.”
“No, I’m not an idiot. Of course I know your name, I just wanted to hear you say it.” Ellie said, embarrassed for not remembering your name. You have been roommates for a week now.
“What's my name then?” You asked, getting very angry.
Ellie was now visibly irritated. “My god, you’re so annoying all the time…” She took a deep breath. “Y/N, right?”
“Good job you little baby, it wasn't so hard was it?” You sighed very angry because of Ellie's forgetfulness, you couldn't believe this. “You really are the best roommate in the world.” You said sarcastically looking at Ellie. 
“Wow, now who sounds like an 11 year old?” Ellie said as she rolled her eyes.
“You do.”
All Ellie could do was laugh at this. “Ohhhh, now who’s acting like a child?”
Then she just smirked.
“Still you Ellie.”
“Oh shut up” Ellie said, knowing the conversation has come to a stalemate now. “You really are just like a kid, go to your room.”
“Whatever! At least I don’t look like a 12 year old boy!” Ellie’s voice was now filled with annoyance as she said that, you had officially got under her skin.
“Excuse me? At least I'm not the one playing with 12 year olds” You said loudly, really offended by Ellie's words. Ellie just went silent, then eventually she groaned and shook her head.
“Oh god this is stupid. Fine, I'll go to my room okay?” She said as she walked away from your door.
“And stay there!” You shouted again through the walls.
Again, Ellie just groaned. Eventually she was in her room and shut the door behind her. Ellie was bored now that she wasn’t teasing you, she really liked getting under your skin.
“Finally, some peace…” You said to yourself. For a while now you had peace and quiet, but it was now 10:30pm, Ellie’s video game was going for a good couple of hours, and the noise wasn't going to stop, you knew Ellie would just keep doing it out of spite.
“For fucks sake!” You said to yourself as you were trying to go to sleep with all the shouting Ellie was doing. Soon, you could hear Ellie screaming down her mic in the other room. “Yeah! That's how it's done! That's how a pro wins!”
“Ellie shut the fuck up!”
“Make me!” She replied, and then you heard a bunch of screaming kids laughing. 
“I'll punch you in the face with the kids hearing!”
“Okay fine” And just like that the screaming stopped, replaced by the sounds of footsteps from her room, heading to your door to knock on it again.
“What now? What could you possibly want from me? Let me sleep!”
“Uhm.. can I come in?” Ellie asked, her voice was quiet, she seemed serious now.
“Why? Are you scared of the dark?” You mocked Ellie.
“No.. I just. I wanna talk to you about something” Ellie was now standing there waiting for your permission. She was a bit nervous as she asked this.
“Fine, come in..” You said with an annoyed tone in your voice.  Ellie then walked into your room, closing the door once she was inside. “Can I sit down.. please?”
“Sure, why not?...” She saw your frustrated face but sat down on your bed anyway. “So I know we’re not.. like.. close or anything and you probably think I hate you or whatever.. but I genuinely wanted to tell you something.”
“What is it?” You said crossing your arms.  “It’s about why I’m always so mean to you..”
“Oh, why are you always so mean then?” You genuinely wanted to know the answer this time.
“I… I like you.” Ellie’s voice turned soft as she said that, the pride in her voice was completely gone. “I just don’t know how to show it properly..”  You freezed as you heard Ellie's words come out of her mouth. You expected a lot of excuses but this was not one of them. With how mean she treated you, you were really starting to get the impression that she hated you and you were starting to hate her. The past week was filled with mean and snarky comments everytime you got home or just got out of your room to get a simple glass of water. 
“What do you mean you like me?” You asked, still not believing what she's just said. Ellie got really nervous and started to blush looking at her hands that she was fidgeting with. She didn't know what to say now. She just waited for your reaction.
“Ellie, what are you talking about?” You asked with a calmer and confused voice. “I thought you had a girlfriend.” You had seen her on campus with a girl almost all of the times you saw her during the day.
“No, me and her broke up a little while ago. I never told you?”
She said, it was true, you couldn’t have known about it because she never told you, she kept it to herself because of how she felt.
“No, you didn't tell me…” You were very confused right now. “I don't know what to say…” Ellie’s face turned to a frown now, then suddenly she started to get up. “Forget it, I shouldn’t have said anything.” She sounded sad now, like she wanted to cry.
“I just wasn't expecting this.” You said a bit seriously.
“No, I’m an idiot for even asking.” She said, then shook her head as if she was in denial of her feelings. “We should just carry on as we have been, maybe I can just forget about it.” Ellie then walked towards your door.
“Ellie!” You said as she closed the door to your room and went to her own not turning around. You were feeling a bit awkward now but it was late and you were tired. You had class in the morning so you ignored what happened just now and tried to sleep. “I'll talk to her tomorrow.” You said to yourself and laid back down and went to sleep.
In the other room Ellie was pacing back and forth as she couldn't believe what she just said. “I'm such an idiot… god…” She said to herself as she sat on her bed with her hands on her face and her elbows resting on her knees. She tried to shrug it away and got under the covers and tried to sleep. She wasn't very successful though. She stayed staring at the ceiling for a good while before finally falling asleep. She dreamt of you and all the things she should have said instead of being an asshole to you all this time. The truth is that she's very awkward at social interactions and didn't ever learn how to talk to people properly when she should've. The first time she saw you enter your dorm with your bags on your arms and hands, she thought you were beautiful and definitely out of her league. So she tried being a bit of a tease just to see you flustered and annoyed as she thought you looked the cutest like that. 
You woke up at 8 am and got up and got ready for the day. As you left your room to have some breakfast you noticed that Ellie was nowhere to be seen and the door to her room was closed. You thought it was still too early to address the situation so you just ate your cereal and got out the door with your backpack and your books in hand. Ellie was awake and was waiting for the sound of the front door closing, meaning she was alone and didn't have to see you. She was very embarrassed by the previous night's events. As she heard the door close she was able to relax her body and let out a long sigh. She then got up still in her lounge wear, just a sleeveless shirt and gray sweatpants. Her hair was all messed up from just waking up and went to eat some breakfast. She saw that the door to your bedroom was slightly open and went inside. She looked around the room admiring all your decorations, pictures with friends and your sketches, and noticed one you had done of her face. It wasn't finished but her eyes went wide and started sparkling as she saw it. Maybe she had a chance if you thought she was worth drawing.
You got to class and sat on your usual seat listening to the professor. It was a bit boring but you liked your History classes. They calmed you down somehow. As if hearing about all of humanity's conquests and mistakes were a lullaby. As the class ended you got your things and came outside to sit on a bench and soak in some sunlight before your only other class for the day. You saw Ellie going into the building but she didn't seem to notice you. You were a bit relieved she didn't. You still didn't know what to make of things. Ellie was beautiful, there's no denying that. Taller than you and slender with gorgeous green eyes and the nicest smile you’ve ever seen. Her auburn hair was almost always in a half bun and it framed her face perfectly. She wasn't very feminine and obviously a lesbian, but her traces were soft and delicate. She had a tattoo on her right forearm and her hands were a bit calloused and her veins prominent. You had noticed she was muscular, she must attend a gym or something for sure, but it just made her more attractive. 
Half an hour passed and it was time for your next class. As you entered the room you noticed Ellie in the last row. You didn't know you had classes together since she was not taking the same degree as yours but you tried to not look at her as if you never saw her in the first place. She only noticed you once you were sitting and with your back to her. She got a bit nervous for the rest of the class. As it ended she waited for you to leave first so she wouldn't bump into you. She was still very embarrassed, and wasn't ready to confront her feelings. She hated feeling so powerless. 
Later that day you got home and went straight to your bedroom and closed the door. You were finally alone and could relax from your social anxiety. You sat on your bed and opened your pc. Maybe some youtube videos will help you calm down. That was what you hoped at least. Some time later you heard the front door open and heard laughs, one was Ellie's for sure, the other you didn't recognize, but definitely a girl.  You kept your attention on the sounds coming from outside your room, as they traveled to Ellie's room where the sounds from those damm games always came from. Suddenly the laughs stopped and you didn't know what was happening. Maybe Ellie brought a friend home for a study session or something but that didn't seem to be the case. A few minutes later you started hearing moans, at least it was what you thought. You couldn't be jealous because you and Ellie had nothing, but somehow you were filling up with rage at each moan the girl made. Ellie sure seemed to be having some fun. You on the other side not so much. You tried to put on your headphones and listen to music to muffle the noises but it didn't work as well as you thought it would. The two girls were getting louder by the minute. You couldn't hear those disgusting noises for one second more so you grabbed your phone and keys and bolted out of the front door and made sure to slam it so Ellie heard it.
Ellie had brought some girl that had a crush on her home, she wanted to forget what she said to you. Getting girls was never hard for her, she practically had them lining up for her, and this made her feel confident. Yes, Ellie was a bit of a playboy, her reputation on campus was almost legendary at this point. People even made bets on who would be the next girl Ellie would choose to fuck. She didn't think of herself like that though, she used this facade as a way to cope with how insecure she was about herself.
You went to the park to get some fresh air. It was getting a bit cold out and you got out of the house in such a hurry that you forgot to bring your jacket. Great. Just great. You headed to the library and picked up a random book to read as a form to pass the time. When you looked at the time it had passed 2 hours, it was 8 pm. You dicided to go back home as you figured they have had more than enough time to fuck all they wanted. When you were almost home, a girl passed by you from the direction of your place. She was pretty, you couldn't say she wasn't. As you opened the door you saw Ellie in the living room couch watching TV as if nothing happened. You walked past her without saying one word and went into your room. Ellie looked up at you as you passed in front of the tv. She then was met with what she hadn't thought for the past couple of hours: you. She immediately started looking remorseful. She got up and called your name as you closed the door. You locked the door, you didn't want to see or hear her. She knocked at your door a few seconds later.
“Hey?... You in there?...” She started. “Could we talk please…?” She blurted out but didn't really know what she was going to say if you opened the door. You just sat on the floor with your back against your bed and stayed quiet just listening to her. “Y/N?...” She called for you. “Please, can we talk about yesterday?” She pleaded. “I can hear you just fine. Talk from there if you really want to!” You said with a slight sad tone on your voice. “I’m sorry about earlier… I didn't know you were home..”  “You don't need to apologize, we have nothing, we’re just roommates.” You responded calmly. “Yes I do…” Ellie put her forehead to the door and closed her eyes. “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”
“Whatever Ellie.” You said, you were a bit annoyed this time. “Just leave me alone please.” Ellie didn't want to do that but she also didn't want to make things worse. “Okay…” She complied. “I'll be in my room if you need anything…” She said very sad and disappointed in herself. You didn't respond and she walked to her room and laid in her bed sad. You also got up from the floor and layed down on your bed . You were both feeling miserable. But you didn't talk to Ellie right now. You really didn't have the right to be mad at her but how could you not do that when she admitted her feelings for you and was nice for once?
You came out of your room and headed to the bathroom you and Ellie shared, to take a shower. It was messy because Ellie always left towels and her stuff everywhere. You ignored it and just got in the tub and let the hot water from the shower fall over you. You were crying, not sure why. You didn't have the right to be mad. You and her had nothing, you never even kissed each other. You just let the tears fall and mix with the water running down your body. You came out of the bathroom wrapped in your towel and were met with a very sad Ellie. You only looked at her for a few moments before going back to your room to get your pajamas on. Ellie followed you to your room. “Hey, please can we talk…?” Ellie said softly. “What do you want?” You asked dryly. “I want to get dressed if you don't mind closing the door.” You said signaling for Ellie to close the door. “Oh… Of course.. right…” She closed the door almost all the way, leaving just a sleether for her to peek in. She didn't want to be a perv but she couldn't help herself. She watched you get dressed as she couldn't take her eyes off of you and your body. You didn't notice though. When you finished she knocked on the door asking for permission to get in, “Hey… can i come in?...” You said nothing and Ellie got in anyway, closing the door behind her. You were now dressed in some comfy clothes, a t-shirt and some shorts. You didn't bother putting on a bra as you were planning on going to sleep anyway, so Ellie could make out your nipples and got a bit flustered but said nothing about it. “So… about earlier, I'm sorry. I wouldn't have done it if I knew you were home.” Ellie tried explaining. “Sure Ellie, sure you wouldn't. It's fine. Whatever…” You said unamused, looking at the auburn-haired girl. She was looking back at you with a sad look on her face. “Who was it anyway? Another new girlfriend?” You asked annoyed. “Hum, no.. She's just a friend…”   “I didnt know friends fucked.” You said sitting on your bed crossing your arms. “I guess it's my bad then.” Ellie was a bit flustered and ashamed now. “It won't happen again, I promise…” She said looking at the floor holding her arms behind her back. “Sure Ellie, I'm going to sleep now, good night.” You said getting into bed. “Oh.. Okay…Good night…” She said as she got out of your room and went into her own. She layed in her bed staring at the ceiling thinking of you, and ways to make things okay again. She couldn’t sleep that night. She was just feeling so guilty for making you sad.
A/N: I hope you liked it! Likes, reblogs and comments are always welcome! I have part 2 almost finished!
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conkers-thecosy · 1 month
Five Fic Feedback!
Tagged by: No one! Seen this floating about a few fandoms, and decided to bring it over to bagginshield!
Rules: Pick five fics you've written, then tell us about how you feel about it vs how readers have received it!
1 - Bad Blood
My Thoughts: This one is way bigger than I meant it to be! It was going to be about 5k words and the only scene I had in my head was Bilbo biting the elven guard, haha! Readers: People really seem to love this one! I feel like feral Bilbo is always a crowd-pleaser, and this fic got much more attention than I ever expected it to! - 2 - Soldier My Thoughts: I'm really proud of this one. It was my first bagginshield fic, and it was after a loooong break from writing. Even though it's a bit weak in places, I have such a soft spot for it. Readers: I ended up re-posting this one after some harassment kicked my confidence down the toilet, but since then the reception has been very positive! - 3 - Poet My Thoughts: I'm sorry to say it, but this is probably my least favourite fic I've written. If it wasn't so popular I'd have removed it and altered the end of Soldier so it was just one fic! Readers: This fic seems to be very popular, and was the first time someone made art of my work - and more than once! I remember posting the first chapter and not expecting very much, only to come onto tumblr and see random posts where folks were super excited to see it was updating! It was such a lovely feeling! - 4 - My Ego Dies My Thoughts: I genuinely love this one, I think it's probably my personal favourite. I really enjoy playing about with the idea of "forgiveness" between Bilbo and Thorin, and this fic really scratched a particular itch for me! Readers: Probably my least popular fic - statistically, at least! I've found most folk weren't into it for one reason or another, but the people who love it, really, really love it! -
5 - Stealing Moments, Moments Away My Thoughts: I wish I'd taken more time with this one in some ways, but in others it really is the reshirement fic I wanted to tell. Again, I got to tinker with that "forgiveness" trope, and have a good look at what survival might realistically have meant for Thorin. Readers: This one is a quick read, and it's soft and fluffy, so I think readers enjoy it for that reason, though I believe some found it a bit boring. It was being updated almost daily, and the folks who were invested came back to comment and read practically every time I updated, which was just amazing to me! - 6 - Backs To The Wall (Sorry, I've written six, so I wanted to do all of them!) My Thoughts: I wrote this because it was something I wanted to read, and couldn't find. It's been amazingly fun, and I told myself when I started (knowing it was going to be fairly long - even if I didn't realise quite how long at the time, haha) that I wasn't going to take it too seriously, and I was really only writing this for myself, as the most self-indulgent kind of nonsense, ever! Readers: I can't begin to tell you how utterly blown away by the response to this I've been. Like?? It's just crazy to me how much folks are enjoying this, how excited and supportive everyone has been! I've been so grateful for everyone reading, and genuinely shocked down to my bones, haha! 💛 - No pressure tags for: @fantasyinallforms @lucigoo @lordoftherazzles @domesticgoddesswriter @thatfancygirlinwhite @lauramkaye @sass-y-squatch @mintedwitcher (and honestly anyone else who sees this and wants to do it, *waves a wand* you are Tagged!)
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coucouatoi · 9 months
we're not who we used to be | h.s.
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Pairing: Harry Styles X Reader
Summary: Some letters you've written but never sent to Harry over the years.
Warnings: Angst... so much... there's some fluff, emphasise on the some, there's a hopeful ending tho!
A/N: Sooo this is the childhood friends to strangers fic no one asked for... Hope you all enjoy! This is my writing debut in Harry land :)
April 10' 2010
To: Harry Styles From: Your first fan
Hiya Harry,
It's currently 11:29 pm about 10 hours away from your audition. I figured since you told me to stop praising you and boosting your ego, I'm writing down the rest of the things I want to say.
Firstly, I know you're going to smash it! All the judges are going to want you in. There's no chance that they won't see how special you are, how you're the next big thing.
I won't let you back out of it last second! Anne, Gemma and I are ready to drag you onto the stage, we've discussed it thoroughly...
Secondly, I'm already so proud of you. This is a huge step, I know how nervous you are about it. How you think that everything is going to go wrong and that you'll fail. I've got enough hope in you for the both of us. I'll stand by your side the whole time and I'll cheer the loudest.
To finish, you're Harry Styles. You can do anything.
Break a leg superstar!!
Cheering you on already,
Your first-ever fan
December 12' 2010
To: Harry Styles From: Your biggest fan
You've made it all the way to the finals! It's crazy! I knew you could do it but seeing you go further and further has been surreal.
I hope you and the other boys get along well! We haven't had much chance to really gossip about it all, you seem excited with them!
The finale is set to start in about 2 hours and I had to get some emotions out (my mom was tired of hearing them... rude) Anyway! I remembered that I had written you a letter a few months ago and now I'm back in this notebook.
I'm so nervous, excited and kind of nauseous about watching the last episode tonight. I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now... You must be so scared but incredibly jittery!
I'm counting the days until I get to see you again! I want to hear everything that's happened behind the scenes! You know how nosy I am!
I've already taken up two pages so I'll stop for now.
You can do this!
Talk to you soon,
Your favourite person ever
March 7' 2011
To: You From: Me <3
You called me Angel today...
I don't know what to make of that.
I had so many butterflies in my stomach.
Could you call me that again?
You're my favourite person,
November 20' 2011
To: Harry From: Angel
You finally let me listen to the full album today! Said you had to be there when I listened to it so you could give me all the secrets. You also wanted to see live how I reacted to every song. You're too cute.
"I Want" is my current favourite.
You did tell me that you'd resonated with a lot of the lyrics you sang on this album. That almost scares me.
How did you relate? Who was going through your mind?
You do have the world at your feet now. I shouldn't feel jealous but I do like having you all to myself. Don't worry I'll get used to sharing...
The Up All Night Tour is starting soon! I'm happy that you've invited me to come to some shows. I'll be there no matter if I have to miss school.
I have to show all these newbies that I'm THE biggest Harry Styles fan out there!
Hopefully, you thought about me while signing.
Because I think about you all the time,
Your favourite fan.
April 13' 2012
To: Harry From: Angel
G'Day Mate!
So you're officially all the way in Australia now! That's so exciting I wish that you could have stuffed me into your suitcase... sniff
I bet it's super warm there! Or not wait their seasons aren't the same as ours, are they? I'm not even sure...
Hopefully, you can tan a little while you're there! Don't go near any animals or insects!!
I miss you a lot, maybe I'll send this one (spoiler I definitely won't).
Talk to you soon hopefully.
Go swim in the ocean,
Someone who wants to be in it
August 29' 2012
To: Harry From: Angel?
You haven't come to see me since you've been back.
Too busy being a celebrity?
I've been seeing all these tabloids... I'm not allowed to be jealous I know but I miss you.
I hope you've missed me.
I really really wish you were here with me or that I was with you wherever you are now.
I just want to be us.
Have you forgotten your friend from the small town already?
January 1' 2013
To: Harry From: Someone You've Hurt
I don't know what to think,
You kissed me. It made me happy.
You said it was a New Year's kiss.
You said you drank too much, it hurt.
You ended up kissing someone else about 20 minutes later.
That hurt even more it almost made me feel used.
I'm happy you were my first kiss.
I don't think you'll even remember it,
November 27' 2014
To: Harry From: Me
I love the new album, took me a while to finally listen to it. I thought you'd come home and make me listen to it in your presence.
You didn't. The first album that I've listened to alone.
Spaces and Fools Gold are my favourite songs. I wonder how many lyrics you resonate with. How many of them did you write?
Come home?
Only for a day please,
Your first Angel
October 21' 2015
To: Harry From: Y/N
It's been a while,
It's your mom's birthday today. Well only for a few more hours...
She invited my family and me to the party, and of course we went. I didn't think you'd be there. I haven't seen you in almost a year.
It was fun.
Catching up about everything that's been going on with you and the band. Your life is so much more interesting than mine now.
I'm just a boring college student... you're this huge star but that's ok there's no one like you for me, you're my safe place. No matter how far away.
You asked about my love life and I told you about the date I had a few days ago. You asked if we had sex, I lied and said yes. I didn't want to embarrass myself by telling you no one's ever been with me like that.
We ended up getting drunk. Too drunk.
We fucked.
You took my virginity and you have no idea... should I tell you? You were so good. So gentle, loving but you fucked with a purpose, you needed to get off. I won't ever see your childhood bedroom the same way.
This was only a few hours ago.
I've felt every emotion about it. Now I'm crying because I know you'll find someone new to share a bed with. I'm just a notch in your headboard.
It meant everything to me.
But I think I regret it...
May 12' 2017
To: You From: Me
I hope Only Angel isn't about me.
But I'm overanalysing every single song. Is one about me? Did you think of me while making this album?
We haven't talked since the last time we saw each other. When we fucked again. It wasn't even the second time, after your mom's birthday two years ago we never stopped. It's all we do when we see each other.
It doesn't make me feel all that much better but I feel like if it wasn't for that we wouldn't even know each other anymore.
I'm moving away this year. Got a job offer in Canada and I'm taking it.
Maybe I'll get over you... hopefully.
I can't live my whole life waiting for someone who I don't know anymore.
I'm blocking your number.
I miss who we used to be,
Your first-ever fan
December 4' 2019
To: H From: Y/N
You've crawled your way back into my life, Harry. This morning, you decided to send me your album. Your new one, Fine Line. Your fans haven't even heard it yet. The public hasn't either.
You didn't write a single thing in your email, the mp3 link was staring me down with your automated signature. Not even a greeting.
I shouldn't have listened to it.
I don't know why you sent it to me. We haven't spoken or crossed paths in over a year. Not since I moved and tried to get rid of every way of contact between us.
I still haven't answered, I don't think I will.
You don't get to know what I feel about it. Not anymore.
I'm sorry Harry.
I've moved on,
December 13' 2019
To: H From: Y/N
Your new album came out today.
I'm proud of you even if we are strangers now.
You're a superstar.
I always knew you would be,
March 17' 2020
To: H From: Y/N
I saw that you had to postpone your tour.
You must feel so defeated.
I know I do. Everything's been closed and opened and closed again here in Canada. It's getting exhausting.
I hope the world starts working again soon.
This all sucks...
Crossing my fingers for the tour,
May 18' 2022
To: Harry From: Y/N
You sent me the album before the release again.
This time you did say something: I miss you Angel, Can we meet up?
I didn't think I could feel so many butterflies in my stomach. I felt like a teenager again. And I cried more than once listening to Harry's House.
I'm still considering if I should answer... if I do what should I choose? Should I agree and go into the unknown or forget it happened and keep on going with my life?
I miss you too... the one I knew. Not the one who used me. I guess I used you too... How did we get here?
All I want is to be loved and to be in love.
I'm not sure if I'm ready for the hurt this will bring but maybe I should just be a grown-up about this...
I want you back in my life.
That scares me,
August 16' 2022
To: Harry From: Y/N
I'm going to the Love On Tour today and after we are going to "meet". We even have until the 20th because that is when your next show is, after today obviously.
You were so excited when I agreed.
It's almost as if no time has passed when we text (he changed his number in the last few years... no need for an embarrassing unblocking).
My friend, the one who convinced me to agree, helped me pick out an outfit. Thankfully for her, I won't stick out like a sore thumb in the crowd of feather boas and cowboy hats.
I really want this to work.
I want to believe that we can be good again. We can be healthy for one another again but I'll be worried until I see you.
Until we speak.
I won't let myself touch you, I have a feeling that it would be far too easy to fall back into a bed. Maybe a hug would be okay.
I'm excited for the show, to see the Superstar Harry Styles in action. After so many years you have to have evolved so much.
You aren't little Harry from Worcestershire anymore.
I'm not the same person I once was either.
See you tonight.
Break a leg,
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miniwheat77 · 11 months
Hello, I hope you are having a great day.
I haven't been able to get Slasher König and his reading wife out of my head for days. It's a scenario where he comes home from killing someone and asks his wife if she's proud of him, to which she says yes and some HUGE obscenity ensues.
Also if you can include something like the reader is madly obsessed with how strong König is (especially his arms) and how tall he is.
Thanks 🙇‍♀️
!CW! NSFW, blood, death, slasher!König, knife play, smut, unprotected p in v sex. (Sorry if I missed any.)
I've never written creepy slasher stuff before so if this is horrible I'm so sorry
I can just imagine he comes in, you're sitting on the couch watching tv or doing something like reading and you glance up from it to see him covered in blood. He's holding his mask in his hands and you know the person who felt his wrath tonight had probably pulled it off in some kind of struggle. You stand up, taking it from him. "Need it washed?" You ask. "No." He says. He's stern and his voice is deep and rough. "Need a new one. That one is ripped now." He's short. You nod. “I can get you another.” You smile. "Everything else went okay?" You smile. Ignoring the fact that he's a violent beast and he's only centimeters from you. "Mhm." He's still being short. "Did alright I think. I hope you're proud of me." He looks down. "Course I'm proud of you." You smile. It's a flirty smile and König is riled up from just a glance of it. Sliding his tongue over his bottom lip and closing the distance between the both of you.
The thrill of you is far more intoxicating than killing but you like when he comes home like this, covered in blood. Something about him hurting others is such a turn on. The way he looks covered in blood and when you've seen him in the act, he's strong. Overpowers anyone he's fighting against.
His hands are all over you, legs hiked up on his hips as he ruts his hips into you, massive cock hard and brushing over your clothed opening. He's smearing his victims blood all over you as he kisses you, hearing the click of a pocket knife has you moaning out. Tilting your head back into the wall whimpering, you're getting wet at the thought. He runs the blade over your throat, lips slightly parted as he watches in awe. He loves how much you love this. He loves that you get just as horny for violence as he does.
He should've known how bad the military would be for him. He couldn't get enough of the violence, being in control. To hear you're proud of him, he can't handle it. He throws the knife to the side, digging his teeth into your neck with a growl. Biting at the skin. He can feel your jugular vein throbbing behind the skin on your throat with his tongue. He licks against it, over and over. Licking his lips at the thought of it. He pushes your shorts to the side, revealing his cock from it's restraint and burying himself into you to the hilt, over and over. He's relentless, which is exactly what you want. You're obsessed with him and the way he manhandles you so easily. How he can twist you and use you any way he wants. He can overpower you so easily.
Yet he chooses not to in a violent way. Maybe that's why you like him so much.
You're nearly screaming as he stretches you open. You can't handle him. Can't handle the way he makes you feel. He loves how you squirm around in his grasp when you're overstimulated from his cock. Clutching at his thick arms for dear life, admiring the way his muscles flex as he holds you just right to hit the perfect angles deep inside of you. He'll laugh at you and degrade you. "Pathetic little thing, So eine Schlampe." He taunts. His warm breath sends chills up your spine. You can't take much more. But you don't have to worry. His hips are getting unsteady and sloppy, he's groaning out perfectly. Filling you full of him with a cry. When he pulls away from you, he smiles. You're bruised up from his lips, coated in his latest victims blood.
You're perfect.
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casinoroyale · 6 months
Hi everyone!! Theseus cquackity viceduo zombur revivebur here.
This blog has seen several hiatuses (my bad seriously my bad), and bouts of irregular posting. So I'm sure people who regularly check it have noticed that we (Fiona @quackbur and I) haven't been posting daily anymore and haven't for a bit now. So below the cut I'm gonna talk more about that, and our plans for this blog going forward
For starters, I love roleplaying on this blog so much, as does my cohost Fiona @quackbur. Fiona has done so, so much writing for this and I feel kind of bad for taking her credit over the past two or so years, so props to her for being such a good sport and for everything she's done. This blog wouldn't exist without the shared passion she had for it.
To get sappy, I love the friends I've made in bedrockverse, they remain some of my best and closest companions. I would not trade the times I've spent with them for the world. Beau, Holly & co, Met & Co, and Thunderbottles are some of the loveliest, most supportive, and insanely talented people I have ever had the pleasure of writing with and meeting.
This includes people who aren't part of the bedrockverse that I've written with!! Shoutout to Javi anonymous-jey casino-duckling, TGM the-g-m duckofthelaw, and AD anonymous-dentist therealnoodleman. It was so much fun bringing all the quackverses together, and I respect all of you so much as writers.
AND that also includes EVERYONE who has interacted with her!!!!!!!!!! Everyone who has sent asks (thank you so much, sorry we're terrible at replying), reblogged threads, commented, posted/liveblogged, DREW FAN ART (BLOWS OUR MINDS. THERE'S BEEN SO MUCH INCREDIBLE ART CREATED, WE CANNOT THANK ALL OF YOU ENOUGH), even just liked a thread, thank you. Seriously, it has meant a lot to us to be part of this community, and have so many people enjoy this blog. Insert Pitbull image happy you enjoyed.
So, going forward it would make us really happy if you all pictured casinoroyale as happy. He has songbird-sunrise, goofygoop, and a nation full of citizens that she loves. She babysits for tubbolul and latenightmining, and terrorizes rp!emduo not infrequently. All we really wanted was to bring c!quackity to a happy place and I feel we've done that. Of course he still has shit days, as a ptsd baddie, but the good days are more common. And if we never get to it (though I hope someday we do, maybe in the form of a collaborative one-shot or fic) know that casinoroyale and songbird-sunrise DO eventually get [REDACTED]. And one of them DOES get [REDACTED]. That was always the plan! Yay! [REDACTED]!
Not to say that we don't have more arcs planned for this blog, because we do! I just don't know when/if/how they'll ever get written, especially because a lot of my friends have moved on from their rp blogs as well. But I really do still feel happy with where he's at and happy with everything I've done. This is a project I'm really, really proud of and I will always look back on fondly.
None of this means that I'm not interested in c!Quackity or DSMP as a whole anymore, either. Actually that couldn't be further from the truth. But now I'd like to be able to focus on fics, and other forms of writing, which I've been doing more recently :D actually, you can read a short one shot I posted for exile's anniversary HERE
If you've made it this far into this long, sappy post, THANKS!!!!!! The TLDR; this blog is on an indefinite hiatus, and won't be returning to its formal glory, and that's okay. We had a really good run. Now, off we go to other things
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goodluckclove · 25 days
I'm having a lot of fun talking with people about why they struggle in their writing, and I figure I'd share a little bit about what would keep me from writing. It's especially relevant given how soon Blind Trust is coming out - and, like I said, if you're willing to be real to me I'll be real right back.
I'll put it under a read more, as I've had the amount of alcohol that it takes me to be extra loose - meaning half of one canned cocktail. And I don't want to freak anyone out who doesn't want to see me feel a little more angsty than I tend to be online. But as I said before, I want to be honest about the craft as much as I urge others to be.
Here we goooo. Say goodbye to proper capitalization babies, Dad's getting funky.
so i started writing when i was twelve years old. i wrote carnation, a 10k word zombie novella about thinly-veiled representations of me and my two best friends at the time fighting zombies. it wasn't very good. i never wrote anything before. i enjoyed it though, so i proceeded to keep writing, near-constantly for the next fifteen years.
here's the thing, though, and it's something i don't see a lot of elder writers talk about. probably because it's not a super pleasant thing to hear, but i'm pretty sure i could pull it off.
uh, my name is clove gardener. i'm twenty-seven years old now. and i do not think i'm that good of a writer.
i don't think i'm bad. i mean, i've been published. i've worked as a copywriter and a ghostwriter. i've written for work for a few years now, so - like - objectively it must be passable. i don't hate my writing. i think it's accessible, which is cool. but if you were to ask me hey do you think you're a good writer? i would skirt around the question without answering directly until i could figure out a way to change the subject.
at this point i don't think that's going to go away. the improvement, though, has been that i barely think about that anymore. it's like there's a little dipshit in the back of my head, and occasionally he will hiss-whisper this is shit what are you doing until I find a way to shut him up.
i kind of feel like that's just the thing that happens when you're a writer. it's the camp i'd rather be in, at least. because the alternative is that i'm a really good writer who might consider themselves capable to claim authority and tell you how to do things i actually know nothing about. i'd rather have doubt. maybe less than what i have now, but still.
writers, i think, overlap with theater kids in the sense of being dramatic little piss babies. i am proud to say that i am significantly less of a piss baby than i potentially could be, especially considering that i'm in writing and theater. but you're bound to be a little dramatic at some point.
i think in the six-ish months since i've started blind trust, i've had maybe two creative existential crises. that's pretty good. that's reasonable. and they were not too unproductive either. i've learned that you can feel whiny and pitying and scared and self-loathing, and still do the thing.
i don't think you should publish your book. cool, ryan (i named my inner dipshit ryan). i'm doing it anyway.
nobody actually wants to pay money for it. yeah, ryan. maybe.
you're a terrible writer. i like it, though. i want to see how it ends. so let's keep going.
if you're wanting to publish/self-publish, and you think you don't have a chance because you aren't a beacon of self-assurance and confidence - guess what, buddy, i don't think many of the greats were. it's almost a stereotype i've seen of famous writers also being angsty weirdos who crumble into despair because the apple they ate was slightly too mealy (this is based on nothing but i can see it happening to kafka). if you think you can't be a writer because you aren't like me - friend, colleague, son, daughter, child, we are both angsty weirdos and that's okay.
last week i sobbed because riley showed me a video where a kiwi bird was sad and we had to spend the rest of the night watching videos of kiwi birds before donating to a kiwi bird charity. i make one phone call to the doctor and i have to lie down for the rest of the day. i am kind, i am fun, i am funny, and i am also like three bad dice rolls away from a breakdown. you can be both of those things. i have nuance.
i'm fine, by the way. it's been a good day. i'm just stressed about publishing because the thought of asking people to pay Human Currency for my work makes me deeply uncomfortable. but we're going to fucking deal with that, aren't we, ryan?
i don't know if this is unprofessional to reveal, but if it convinces one person to pursue a life in writing even though they sometimes take a trip to the Panic Zone, fuck it. i'm fine, you're fine, we're all going to be fine.
we should name our inner dipshits. drop your dipshit names below. ryan is your classic little goblin, but he's dressed like an e-boy. i think he vapes. i hate him.
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sparklepirate · 10 months
Alright, final thoughts on Inheritance.
Eragon continues to be the guy of all time. I love him. He really displayed a maturity in this book that I think supersedes anything we've seen of him in all the previous books, and just like... His strength really is that he is compassionate and thoughtful towards everyone. Even Murtagh, now, too. He had the realization of how close he was to sharing his fate, sought to understand him, and that was ultimately what led him to realizing his true name had changed, tearing down Galbatorix's wards, etc etc. I don't know that I could properly articulate everything about him here, but Eragon definitely became the hero he needed to be by the end of the series, 100%. He is the only person who could've possibly thought of the final piece of magic to defeat Galbatorix. Even the dreams of starlings are equal to the worries of a king. Ahhh, it's so good. ❤️ I'm so proud of him.
On the other hand, Barst was some bullshit. Bro. Like, on the one hand, it was a very good climactic battle for Roran to participate in, and his triumph was the perfect culmination of his character- cunning in battle, cunning in strategy, the intelligence and charisma to sway everyone around him into cooperating and working together, sheer determination so intensely strong that he was able to crush and Eldunarí with his bare hands. His role was perfect! But Barst as a villain was kinda... Well, first of all, he came completely the fuck out of nowhere. He wasn't mentioned at all until they were already on their way to Uru'baen, and then he was only MENTIONED. They didn't hype him up enough before the actual battle in my opinion. And ONE human and one Eldunarí being enough to beat the QUEEN OF THE ELVES in hand to hand combat...? I mean, I guess that could work but... Ehhh... I dunno. It kind of felt like an excuse for Islanzadí to die, and Roran to triumph more than anything. It was cool, but it was probably the weakest part of the plot in my opinion.
That said though I think it's pretty safe to say this was my favorite book of the series. I'm having trouble recalling all the iconic shit (I took a pretty long break from reading about halfway through the book) but there was soooo much cool stuff in here. The Nasuada being kidnapped and being helped by Murtagh arc is GOLD, Vroengard was amazing, and all the battles were SO well written??? I need to study these books more closely just to learn how to write compelling fight scenes. Honestly, it's gripping stuff. I was on the edge of my seat, despite knowing how everything turns out.
Nasuada is amazing, Arya is amazing, Saphira is amazing, Roran is amazing, MURTAGH is amazing... I think I already liked basically every character in this series going in, but I somehow like them even more now that I've read it again. Everyone is so good, and interesting, and I want to be everyone's friend. I think the only character I liked less this go around was Orrin (sorry to my Orrin stan friend out there). That said, though, I don't dislike him, I think I just went from positive to neutral about him.
Orrin honestly just didn't get nearly as much screen time as I remembered? We only see him a handful of times throughout the book and each time the only thing he's doing is getting drunk and making an ass of himself, though... Idk, he also has a point? He has his own unique point of view, and his own unique experiences that lead him to his own ideas of how to conduct things, and it is definitely kind of true that like no one ever really listens to him or takes him seriously, despite being the King of Surda for w while at that point. I don't think there was a more graceful solution to the division of power/territory after Galbatorix was killed than what was decided upon, because like... Realistically, Orrin was never gonna be high king. He had good reason to assert for the throne, sure, but actually ascending to the throne? That is SUCH a far reach for power, unless the aim was to assimilate Surda in and have all of the humans under one crown. Nah, Nasuada giving up territory and ascending to the throne was the better choice, even if I do empathize with Orrin's point of view. It seems like Nasuada did as well, because even though she was persistent, she seemed to be gentle and sympathetic with him. He even had his line about like... "Why do you even want to do this?" "None of you would understand." Idk. Very interesting, but not tremendously notable compared to others, and he definitely was a bit of an asshole at times.
Murtagh my beloved my BELOVED I'm honestly just gonna make a whole separate essay post about him because his shit is Complicated™️ but one little note it was such a small detail at the end but I love that he said to Eragon "Hey check in on Arya about killing Shruikan. It couldn't have been easy for an elf to kill a dragon." And Eragon hadn't even THOUGHT of that and Arya probably would've been the last thing on his mind but he still was just so thoughtful. He is thoughtful like his brother and he cares so deeply and AHHH!!! And actually I want to see him and Arya be buds. I think they would have a cool dynamic. And also I love that he never once hesitated to acknowledge Eragon as his brother and just wanted to be with him and finally Eragon also acknowledged him as a brother too that last scene with them was just so good 🥹
Also I love how Thorn's like only spoken line in the whole series (until November) is to boop Eragon on the forehead and say "Hi. Thank you for not killing my rider. :)" and Murtagh is just like "Yeah thanks for that. 😒"
Love how quick Saphira and Fírnen hit it off lol. They really played tag and wrestled for like five minutes and then were like "Alright we're gonna go fuck like now see y'all later ✌️" And Eragon's like "Is this??? Okay???" And Saphira's like "Pfft dragon's don't mate for life 🤷‍♀️" Their little romance was so cute.
CAN WE FUCKING TALK ABOUT QUEEN AND RIDER ARYA??? That shit is by FAR the wildest endgame decision Chris made because like. That. That's so fucking. Oh my god??? Like, one, poor Arya!! She just wanted to be a rider and have adventures! She probably would've either spent her time happy herrying eggs across Alegaësia, or she would've gone with Eragon to Mount Arngor, but you can NOT convince me that she would be particularly happy as queen. She's grieving the loss of her mother that she barely had a relationship with, and denied the other eleven leaders for a full week before they convinced her to do it!!! Girlie!!! You deserve to be happy!!! And, two, the obvious point of holy shit that is such an enormous power imbalance in favor of the elves. Like, there is a REASON the riders were separate in the first place!! And, you know, Galbatorix JUST died and now there is another rider/monarch and it's the ELVES who have historically been both the most powerful race, and the race with the best relationship with the dragons. And Arya is the ONLY RIDER LEFT IN ALEGAËSIA!!! Because Eragon is gone (and stubbornly convinced that He Shall Never Again Return Oh Woe Is Him) and Murtagh is... Also gone to an extent. He at the very least holds no political power. Basically everyone hates him, and those that don't can't do more than, like, pardon him, for whatever that's worth. I just can't see this not rubbing people the wrong way, and not coming to an eventual head. Nasuada and Arya are both great, but I just get the feeling there is going to eventually be some sort of conflict between them, no matter how much neither of them want it. I do think Arya is perhaps the least corruptible person, other than maybe Eragon but... I don't knowwww maaaan it's complicated!!
Also I regret to inform everyone that rereading the last little bit did make me ship Eragon and Arya a teensy tinsy itty little bit. Just a liiiiittle bit. Like idk the last fairth and the telling each other their true names and calling each other their true names and Eragon's grief at leaving and his vow to love her forever and her insinuation of maybe one day just got to me alright???
There were a lot of cool magic things in this book! Like the pocket space that the Eldunarí were kept in? Cuaroc's body? More shit that I'm forgetting? God I would just love, like, a magical encyclopedia or something idk. Lots of cool shit. And artifacts!! I want to learn about more magical artifacts.
Also at my Galbatorix stan mutual? I'm a certified Murtagh Girlie™️ and therefore obligated to hold a grudge but like. I do get it. He is a... Very competent villain.
Alright I think that's it for now but. Wow. Man oh man. There is a reason I love this series. I'll probably think of some more things to talk about later, and I'm gonna be participating in the Big Bang, and I'll probably post about The Fork, The Witch, and The Worm as I reread that but yeah!!! Can't wait for November!!
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