#do you get me though. do you see what i am saying.
seresinhangmanjake · 3 days
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!reader
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Summary: Your son is due to be born any day now and Feyd is very protective. He kills anyone who so much as lays a finger on you, but it’s gotten out of control. 
Notes: this was an anon request. same Feyd x reader from The Harkonnen’s Sweet Thing and The Harkonnen’s Claim. *can be read alone*
Warnings: mention of murder and pregnancy. 
Words: 1100
Feyd-Rautha Masterlist
“You’re mad,” Feyd says, his smile dropping at the sight of your frown. Your arms are crossed over your swollen belly as you lean back against the headboard of your bed. He closes the door behind him. “Why are you mad?”
You roll your eyes. He knows exactly why you’re mad. By your count, you’ve been pissed at him twenty-three times in the past month and a half and you don’t care for your widely-known highly-intelligent husband playing naive. “Don’t act like you don’t know. We only ever fight about one thing, Feyd. One.” 
Feyd sighs and steps closer to the mattress, but when you put your hand up, he stops in his tracks. Your throat strains as you swallow your grin. You still get little flutters in your belly when he demonstrates how you have that kind of power over him, but you cannot let him see the satisfaction on your face now. If he sees you smile, he will smile, which means you will have lost because he’ll know he’s won, and when he wins he gets turned on, so then you’ll get turned on, and then you’ll end up fucking. But you cannot be fucking right now. He needs to learn a lesson. His hard dick in his wife’s warm pussy will not achieve any lesson-learning. If anything, it will encourage his bad behavior. 
“You killed another one,” you tell him, and he doesn’t even have the decency to look ashamed; though that’s far from surprising.
Feyd crosses his arms over his broad chest. “He touched you.”
“I tripped.”
“And then he touched you.”
“He caught me.”
“So you agree,” Feyd says with a sharp nod. “I’m glad we are on the same page.”
Your huff descends into a groan as the heels of your palms press against your closed eyelids. “Your wife—your heavily pregnant wife—would’ve fallen on her ass if he hadn’t.”
“He shouldn’t have let you trip in the first place,” Feyd tells you. “He was meant to ensure you have a clear and safe walking path.”
Your lips part, mouth opening and closing and opening again as you search for a response. However, you end up with the same one you always do: “You are unbelievable,” you reply, shaking your head. “Twenty-three servants, Feyd! It has surpassed extremes! You killed one for brushing my hair–”
“Touching—and she was pulling on it too hard.”
“You killed one for helping me dress in the morning when you had already been called away for a meeting.”
“I prefer you naked anyway,” he says, shrugging, a smug grin stretching across his face. “Naked and in this bed.”
You raise a brow. “And the one who helped me sit down so I could watch you in the arena?”
“Ah, that one—” Feyd waves his finger as he clicks his tongue “—that one thought I wouldn’t notice because you were so high up in the stands. I don’t like sneaky people,” he reminds you, though you’re plenty aware of how he handles deception and trickery. “You should have told me you planned to attend and I would’ve helped you well before it started.”
Ignoring his point, you retort, “You cannot keep killing everyone.”
Feyd groans. “My love, you’re in too delicate a state,” he says. “I gathered all of them together not two months ago and explicitly forbade them from laying a finger on you. It is not my fault if they break the rules. And what sort of Baron am I if I do not enforce punishment?”
You hum in dissatisfaction. “You do understand you put me and your child in more danger by not permitting their assistance?”
Immediately, his brow pinches. His head turns to look away from you and when his jaw clenches, you realize the weight of your mistake. A sickening feeling settles in your gut. Your face falls from frustration into total devastation. “Oh God, Feyd…”
“I do not put you in danger,” he says, and it’s so shockingly meek that your heart cracks right down the middle. Not once in almost two years have you heard that tone leave his mouth, and you think maybe his eyes have become glassy, but you’re praying it’s a trick of the low lighting in your bedroom. Feyd has never cried in front of you, if he's ever cried at all, and you hope you didn’t just unfairly yank that vulnerability out of him. 
“I’m so sorry. That isn't what I meant,” you whisper, sinking into your shame. You know it’s such a sensitive topic for him and you spoke without thinking. You reach your hand toward him. “Come here….please.”
Feyd stares at you for a long moment, but then he sighs through his nose and walks over to sit at your side atop the mattress. No tears—your breath shudders in relief. One hand grasps his and your lips brush his knuckles. The other cups his cheek as you guide his forehead to rest on yours. 
“You protect me,” you swear to him. “No one could ever keep me safe the way you do, and I know that's all you want, but our son is coming soon. We will need help. I can’t birth this baby without a doctor and that doctor will have to touch me. Me and our son.”
The heat of Feyd's heavy breath warms your face. You wait for his response but he doesn’t have one, and instead, he shifts to lie down. You adjust your body until you’re flat on the mattress beside him. “Sometimes,” he starts as he rubs his palm over your stomach, “I have dreams about the three of us living elsewhere. Everyone is forced to leave us alone and all we have to care about is each other and our child.”
Feyd kisses your exposed shoulder, and in that moment, you’re reminded of how different he has become. He’s transformed from someone whose sole ambition was to be the Baron—a man driven to control this planet and have the people of Giedi Prime bow to him; a man who sought destruction and pain and power—to a man who secretly craves a bit of peace for his family. Though no one other than yourself sees this side of him, it’s hard to watch him tackle that burden, especially when you know you’re the responsible party. 
“What have I done to you, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen?” you mutter as you press your lips to his forehead. 
He chuckles lowly and hugs you into his body. “You turned me soft.”
“You kill servants without batting an eye.”
“Fine,” he relents. “As soft as I’m capable of being.”
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parkerslatte · 17 hours
Relax For Me
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Azriel x Fem!Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: smut. wing play. masterbation.
Summary: After Azriel comes home from a long mission, his best friend, Y/N, helps him relax.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
Y/N closed the doors to her balcony and drew the curtains. The sun was only just setting but she wanted an early night, ever since she had woken up that morning she only craved to go back to sleep. Y/N yawned as she shuffled to her bedroom and climbed under the cool covers. She smiled as she did so, basking in the feeling of the cold sheets against her warm skin. 
The silk pillow was soft beneath her head and Y/N allowed her eyes to close, wanting nothing more than to drift off into that peaceful unconscious state. As she began to feel herself drifting off, there was a quiet knock at her front door. Y/N groaned and pulled the covers closer underneath her chin. If she ignored the noise then it would go away. However, not even a few seconds later, there was another knock and this time it was more urgent. 
With a sigh, Y/N  pulled the covers from her body and shuffled back through her apartment and to the front door. She frowned as she opened it, prepared to yell at whoever it was to leave. But as the door opened and revealed Azriel standing on the other side, all the irritation drained from Y/N. 
“Hi,” Azriel said quietly, offering Y/N a small wave. 
“Az,” Y/N said, blinking rapidly. “What are you doing here?”
“I finished my mission early,” Azriel said. “I thought I would come to see you.”
Y/N stepped to the side and allowed Azriel to step into her apartment. “Come in.” Azriel stepped past her and Y/N closed the door, locking it behind her. “I thought I wouldn’t see you for at least another few days. Did the rundown with Rhys go quickly?” Y/N continued as she watched Az slump in a chair in the corner of the room. 
“I haven’t been to Rhys yet,” Azriel admitted. “I came straight here.”
Y/N finally looked at what he was wearing and frowned. He was still wearing clothes covered in dirt and grime, his wings weren’t much better as they were too covered in mud and other things Y/N couldn’t recognise. 
“I missed you,” Azriel said, offering Y/N a small lopsided grin.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile back, she had always loved that specific smile of Azriel’s. “I missed you too.” Y/N stepped closer to him and took his hand in hers, giving it a small squeeze. “I would hug you but I don’t want to get mud on my pyjamas. Do you want me to run you a bath?”
Azriel looked down at Y/N’s attire. “Were you about to go to sleep?”
Y/N nodded. “I was, until you came knocking on my door. I am not complaining though. 
Azriel reluctantly let go of Y/N’s hand. “I should let you get back to sleep. I will just go straight to Rhys.”
“No, Az,” Y/N said. “You look like you are about to fall asleep if you stand up. Let me run you a bath and get some clean clothes out for you.”
“I won’t say no if you were to do that,” Azriel said. 
Y/N smiled. She bent down lightly and kissed his cheek. “I’ll even let you use all of my fancy soaps.”
“I must look like I’m about to drop dead if you are letting me use those. You nearly took my hand off the last time I went to use those,” Azriel jokes. 
“You exaggerate,” Y/N replied. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Leaving Azriel in the living room, Y/N entered her bathroom and began to run a bath for Azriel. She placed a brand new bar of her soap in the small dish next to the basin and poured a modest amount of bubbles into it. Azriel would always say that he hated the bubbles but Y/N knew that she loved them. Y/N let the bath fill up and walked out of the bathroom. 
“The bath is currently filling up,” Y/N said to Azriel. “You can get undressed in the bathroom. If you leave your clothes outside, I can get a start on washing them for you.”
“Y/N, you don’t need to do that,” Azriel said. “I can do it back at my own apartment.”
“Az, I insist,” Y/N replied. “You look exhausted and all I want to do right now is make sure you have a nice relaxing night. I have some of your clothes here, I’ll leave them just outside of the bathroom.”
Azriel stood from the chair and reached out to Y/N, gently caressing her hand. “What would I ever do without you?”
“I’m unsure as we have been friends for centuries and there is not a moment I can think of off the top of my head where I haven’t been by your side, of course except when you go on missions,” Y/N said. 
Azriel rolled his eyes and walked away to the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him. Y/N let out a small breath before settling down on the couch. 
It wasn’t long before Y/N was interrupted from what she was doing by Azriel calling out her name. From the other side of the door she could still hear the sound of him in the water so she was unsure why she was being called. 
“Az?” Y/N spoke through the door. “What’s wrong?”
There was a hesitant pause before Azriel spoke again. “Can you come in here?”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “What?”
“Please,” Azriel asked. “It’s easier to explain that way. The bubbles are covering everything, don’t worry.”
Y/N slowly opened the door and gasped at the sight. The whole side of Azriel’s rib cage was bruised and a small gash was in the centre of it. “Az, what happened?” Y/N rushed over to him.
“It was just something that happened a couple of days ago, it is healing but quite slowly,” Azriel explained.
“You must have broken a rib or two,” Y/N examined the injury. “Or three.”
“I know,” Azriel said, sitting up a bit further in the bath. Y/N couldn’t help but let her eyes drift slightly but once she realised what she was doing, she snapped them back to Azriel, who luckily didn’t notice her brief distraction. 
“What do you need me for?” Y/N asked.
A small blush coated Azriel’s cheeks. “It’s embarrassing to ask now you are here.”
Y/N smiled at him. “Go on, it can’t be that bad.”
“I need you to clean my wings,” Azriel replied, his blush deepening. “I’ve managed to do the bottom of them but I can’t reach the top without this stupid injury causing me pain.”
“Oh,” Y/N said, avoiding looking at Azriel directly. 
“Forget it,” Azriel said. “It was stupid of me to ask.”
“No, no, it’s not that,” Y/N said, fighting the urge to brush the wet strands of hair away from his forehead. “It’s just…you don’t ever let anyone touch your wings.”
“I trust you.” The comment came tumbling out of Azriel’s mouth quickly.
Y/N smiled. “I’m glad.”
Azriel cleared his throat. “Yes, well you don’t need to do it if you don’t wish to. I’m sure I can manage.”
“I will do it for you, Az,” Y/N said.
Azriel didn’t respond, not even when Y/N reached for the small washcloth beside him. He continued to stare straight ahead at the shutters and did not move as Y/N gathered supplies. 
“Lavender or lemon?” Y/N asked.
“What?” Azriel asked.
“For the oil,” Y/N clarified. “Lavender or lemon?”
“Um, lavender,” Azriel said.
Y/N smiled softly. “Excellent choice.”
Azriel barely nodded as he fixated his eyes ahead once more. The moment Y/N placed the wash cloth against his wing, Azriel immediately flinched away, splashing water at Y/N in the process. 
“Sorry,” Azriel mumbled.
Y/N placed the washcloth back onto his wing. This time Azriel did not flinch away but he was tense. Y/N continued to wipe away the grime until she threw the washcloth down onto the floor. Y/N could see all of the tension in Azriel’s body. She leant forward between his wings and draped her body on his. 
“What are you doing?” Azriel asked.
“Just relax for me, Azriel,” Y/N whispered into his ear causing Azriel to shudder. 
“I’m finding it quite difficult,” Azriel replied. 
“Do you trust me?” Y/N asked. 
“Of course I do,” Azriel said. “That's why I asked you to do this.”
“Then why are you still so tense?” Y/N asked. 
“Because I know that if I relax too much, then…”
Y/N’s eyes briefly glanced down to where the bubbled obstructed Azriel’s lower half and everything clicked together. She always knew that his wings were sensitive but never realised that he could become so pent up just from her washing them. 
“I see,” Y/N muttered.
“You should just leave,” Azriel said. 
Y/N wrapped her arms around Azriel’s shoulders. “And why should I do that?”
“Because I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Azriel muttered, his hands now caressing her arms.
“You won’t make me uncomfortable, Azriel,” Y/N said, her lips grazing his ear. “All you need to do is relax for me. Whatever happens, happens.”
Azriel slowly moved his head to face her and her eyes flicked down to his lips for a brief moment. She wanted to know how it felt to have his lips pressed against hers. 
“Whatever happens, happens,” Azriel repeated, his eyes flicking down to her lips. Unlike Y/N, Azriel didn’t try to hide it.
Y/N pulled away and picked up a fresh washcloth and began to wipe off the grime from his wings. Azriel flinched for a moment before relaxing against the bath, allowing Y/N to wipe all the dirt from his wings. A content sigh left his lips as she did so. 
Once all of the grime was gone, Y/N looked at Azriel and did not find one trace of rigidness within his body. “I’m going to use the oil now, if that’s okay with you.”
“I’m fine with that,” Azriel responded.
Y/N poured a generous amount of the oil onto her hands, the aroma filling the room. Y/N rubbed it into her hands and slowly reached towards his wings. She had never touched them before but she had always wondered what they felt like. She was pleasantly shocked to find them quite soft and smooth. The occasional small scar changed the texture, but they were nothing like Y/N imagined them feeling. 
Azriel’s breathing changed as Y/N continued her movements on his wings, spreading the oil across them. He took heavier breaths and Y/N could already begin to smell the scent of his arousal cutting through the lavender. 
Y/N could tell that she had hit a particular sensitive part on his wing as Azriel gripped the side of the bathtub tightly, his knuckles turning white. 
“You can leave if you want to, Y/N,” Azriel said, his voice slightly breathless.
“Whatever happens, happens,” Y/N responded. Despite her not receiving the pleasure Azriel was, her voice was breathless too. The blissed out look on Azriel’s face was one she wanted to see more often.
The sensitive part of his wing proved to be a place where Azriel liked to be touched as a soft moan slipped through his lips. “Y/N…”
“Yes?” She asked.
“Please,” Azriel said, his hips twitched under the water, “don’t stop.”
Y/N leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his wing. “I wasn’t planning on it.”
As she massaged the oil into his wings, Y/N continued to pull sweet groans from the shadowsinger. If Y/N was being completely honest, the sound was music to her ears. She had always been somewhat attracted to Azriel but it was only recently where she had begun to question her attraction to him even more and she was sure that her feelings toward him weren’t completely platonic. He was the most beautiful male she had ever seen and even more beautiful now as he cried out in pleasure. Pleasure that she was causing him all because he trusted her. 
“Fuck,” Azriel grunted, hips bucking in the water. 
“Do you want me to stop?” Y/N teased.
“Don’t you dare,” Azriel said. 
Y/N smirked before draping herself across his back once more, her hand continuing their movements on his wing. Azriel pants were even more beautiful to listen to in her ear as she pressed soft kisses against his neck and shoulder.
“Y/N,” Azriel groaned. “If you don’t stop doing that, I will come right here on the spot.”
“Am I just that attractive?” The question was aimed to simply tease Azriel, it was not meant to be taken seriously at all. 
“Yes, you are,” Azriel admitted. “You drive me crazy whenever you walk into a room. Do you know how hard it is to not greet you with a kiss whenever I see you? You are the most beautiful female I have ever seen and you have no idea how long I have wanted to say these words.”
Y/N stopped the movements on his wing. “Do you really mean that, Az?”
“Of course I mean it!” He exclaimed. “And we will talk about it after, but right now if you don’t move your damn hand Y/N, I am sure I will simply die in this bath tub.”
Y/N pressed a kiss against his neck. “Always so dramatic.”
Azriel didn’t respond. His only reaction to her words was a series of loud moans, now not afraid to conceal them. “Y/N, I am so close, my love.”
“Touch yourself,” Y/N whispered. 
Azriel didn’t need to be told twice as he released his grip from the side of the bath and wrapped a hand around his cock and began to pump it up and down fast. The sounds came tumbling out of his mouth and Y/N did not want to silence them but she couldn’t help herself as she placed her lips over his. They were soft and fit perfectly against hers. 
With his other hand, Azriel reached for her and laced his fingers through her hair, deepening the kiss. Y/N only pulled away for a brief moment. “Come for me, my love.”
With only a few more pumps of his cock and an added pressure on the sensitive parts of his wings, Azriel came panting against Y/N’s mouth. He pressed his lips against hers, craving the feeling once more. Y/N held onto him tightly until his high was over.
Azriel slumped against the bath and further into Y/N’s arms. He slowly caught his breath back and opened his eyes. 
Y/N smiled at him. “Hi.”
Azriel smiled back. “Hi.”
Y/N pecked his lips. “As much as I don’t want to leave you right now, I think you should finish up here and meet me in the bedroom because we certainly have a few things to discuss.”
“I think so too,” Azriel muttered. 
Y/N pulled away from him, despite her not wanting to at all. Her pyjamas were soaked through but she did not care as she walked to the bathroom door. “There are some clothes just outside for you.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” Azriel said.
“Don’t keep me waiting too long,” Y/N said before leaving the bathroom. 
With a bright smile on her face, she walked down the short hall to her bedroom. She changed into a new, fresh set of pyjamas and waited for Azriel. It did not take long at all for the bathroom door to open and for footsteps to pad down the hall. The bedroom door was opened and Azriel stood in the doorway. He seemed to quickly dry off his hair as it was sticking up in every direction but Y/N only thought it made him look adorable. 
“I love you,” Azriel said suddenly.
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Az–”
“I know that this is sudden and I promise that it is not just because you gave me a great orgasm in a bathtub, but I love you. I am in love with you and I have been for a long time,” he admits. 
Y/N patted the bed next to her and Azriel walked over and slid under the covers, facing Y/N. “You love me?”
“I do,” Azriel said, reaching out to caress her cheek. “I know I am not good at voicing my feelings and all of this seems so sudden but I need to tell you. We can’t pretend what just happened in the bathroom didn’t just happen and continue with our friendship like normal. I love you, Y/N. If you don’t feel the same way, I understand but I cannot go another day without telling you.”
“Az,” Y/N said, her eyes full of love. “I love you too.”
“You do?” Azriel asked, somewhat shyly. 
“Of course I do,” Y/N said. “I thought I only loved you as a friend. But recently I began to notice that friends don’t normally imagine what their friends' lips feel like against theirs. Friends don’t realise that they have always had an attraction to thief friends and find them absolutely breathtaking.” Azriel blushed. “Friends don’t act like a couple. Let’s face it Azriel, we have been acting like a couple for years, minus the kissing.”
Azriel let out a quiet laugh. “I know.”
Y/N smiled before letting out a yawn. “Now as much as I want to continue this conversation, why don’t we go to sleep.”
Azriel smirked before pressing his lips against her jaw. “I thought I could repay you for what you did for me in the bathroom.”
Y/N pulled away from Azriel’s kissed and gently held his face between her hands. “Azriel, as much as I love you, and it feels so good to say that, I was trying to sleep before you arrived here. And if I’m being honest I would rather get a great night sleep with your arms wrapped around me than an earth shattering orgasm right now. Perhaps that can wait until tomorrow. But right now, all I want is to fall asleep in the arms of my love.”
Azriel smiled and pressed a sweet kiss against her lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Y/N said, nuzzling her head into his chest. 
Underneath the scent of the soaps Y/N had leant him, she could still smell the familiar scent of Azriel and with that she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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saerins · 1 day
ᯓ ᝰ RIGHT HERE .ᐟ — touya todoroki
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touya x female reader. content tags modern au, childhood sweetheart!touya, both are working adults, making out, mentions of infidelity/murder, he’s a tease. word count 1.7k
ᯓ notes .ᐟ haha can you tell i love touya too much rn ? just getting back into writing so have some of my touya :) thanks to any of you who read this <3
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“touya, you’re gonna make me late for work tomorrow,” you whine, pouting as he wins you in yet another round of super smash bros. (and hence you’d have to stay up and continue playing at his behest.)
beside you, touya smirks, rows of pearly white visible while he clearly enjoys tormenting you. “weren’t you the one who said you needed a distraction?”
you grumble as you take the couch pillow and hold it over your face, groaning in frustration. touya’s right; you’d called him right after dinner, practically forced him to come after you figured out that you’re actually not as strong you thought and you’re actually still really upset that your ex cheated on you.
it’s only pathetic because it’s already been a couple of months and you’re still wallowing over it somehow.
“you know, i bet all that frustration will go away if you just let me kill that fucker,” touya tells you, flicking your forehead as leans forward, yanking the cushion off your face.
unamused, you deadpan at him. “yeah? then what am i gonna do when you’re in jail, huh?”
touya snickers, “aww, what? can’t handle being without me?”
in a strange way, your honest answer is definitely not. you’ve known touya forever. ever since you were five and your families connected at a preschool event. ever since your friend fuyumi introduced you to her brother. ever since touya confided in you how much he hated his father.
fast forward more than a decade later and you’re both sitting in your apartment, in a different state than either of your families, still as close as you were when you were kids.
you glare at touya, rolling your eyes before scrunching your nose and smirking at him. “actually, go ahead, i’ll go find myself a better guy while you rot in the cell.”
your best friend scoffs, cocking a brow and looking like he’s offended. “i off someone for you and you don’t marry me immediately? the fuck is wrong with you?”
the shit-eating grin that dawns on his face immediately after makes your heart skip a beat. yeah, you’ve always found him attractive, maybe even had a crush on him back in high school, but he’d always had girls after girls, and somewhere along the way you learned to stuff those flimsy emotions back down.
until you remember that he’s been single for a while now, and the fact that you’re both working adults with all the freedom in the world.
fuck, you really shouldn’t go back there.
“haha, funny,” you try to wave it off sarcastically. “says the one who told his ex that he just sees me as a little sister.”
he laughs, leaning back against the couch, a hand behind his head, abs sticking out from the edge of his shirt. it takes you a second to rein yourself in, not wanting to get teased relentlessly by him if you get caught staring.
“hey, she was getting jealous of me spending so much time with you! what was i supposed to say?”
yes, you’re aware. most of them were. most of the time you never told touya about any of that; of how his girlfriends were coming up to you, all insecure about your friendship and asking if you could back off. that was the most common thing among all his relationships: the girls’ pleas for you to keep a distance.
you did… the first few times.
and after his fifth relationship, you realised that touya would always pull you back close. would always end up breaking up with them if your friendship is causing them too much worry.
“you didn’t have to say anything, maybe you should’ve just kept your distance, you know? since most of them seemed to have a problem with it,” you comment, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, though even you don’t believe yourself.
a life without touya is unimaginable for you. even if you can’t really say the same for him.
touya sighs, shifting in his position before ultimately putting an arm around you, pulling you close. he smells like your soap and his hair against your face tickles.
he’s always like this; always touchy, always close. recently he’s been more than usual, coming over and sleeping the night (you never did anything physical!), chasing other guys away at the club because they’re not good enough for you.
and when he’s like that, you think maybe there’s no harm in letting those long-lost feelings flow back.
it’s dangerous.
he’s always like this. always way too much for you to handle. and yet you can’t live without him.
and then he does something he’s never done before.
you feel his lips on your temple, and you hear the chuckle reverberating from his throat. his left arm around you holds you tight, not that you’re running anywhere—you’re pretty sure you’re frozen stiff from the shock.
did that really happen?
“how can i do that when you’re the only one i want?”
you’re sure that’s his voice. it can’t be anyone else’s. but you’re not sure if you believe him. is he really saying what you think he’s saying?
slowly, you turn to face him, expecting him to wear that smug grin and tease you for being so gullible but it never comes. instead, you’re greeted with his half-lidded eyes, blue pupils staring at your lips like he’s hypnotised, his thumb caressing your lower lip from left to right like he’s trying to memorise all the grooves.
it’s so soft that you barely recognise your own voice when it comes, “touya, kiss me.”
and maybe he’s always wanted to, because he doesn’t miss a beat. the second you open your mouth, he’s giving you what you asked for, his tongue prying your lips open and he tastes just like the warm in winter mornings, like the comfort people always dream about.
mint. you can taste the sweet from when he ate it right before he beat you in the game. you can feel the cold on the tip of your nose from when you brush against the piercings on his nostrils. you can feel him carry you onto his lap, feel his hands wrapping around your waist. you can feel his heartbeat under his chest, under your palm, almost as erratic as your own.
were you really just upset over someone else?
every relationship you’d been sad over suddenly didn’t seem to make sense anymore. not when touya’s right here, lips locked with yours and telling you more with his kiss than you’ve ever heard from his words.
by the time you pull away, both of you are breathless, his hand on your cheek, lips softly brushing over your own like he can’t bear to be away even for just a second. you can’t bring yourself to open your eyes, half overwhelmed and half confused.
“fuck, did we really just—”
“shh,” you hush him, putting a finger on his lips, suddenly embarrassed. your foreheads are still pressed together, and you can’t see it but he’s admiring your face, holding himself back from just kissing you even more.
touya moves your finger away. he whispers your name in the most gentle tone you’ve ever heard, “does that mean you feel the same?”
you swallow the lump in your throat, tongue-tied and still straddling your best friend on the couch. you’re just a single impulsive action away from going all the way.
pulling back even further, you’re about to make a break for your bedroom when touya pulls you back, making sure you face him.
“no running this time,” he tells you, voice raspy and his eyes flicking from your eyes to your nose and your lips but mostly your lips. “i want you,” he whispers, and the minute you lock gazes, the answer has never been more clear to you.
“i want you too, touya,” you answer, both excited and afraid but he never lets you harp on things too much because he’s already kissing you silly, barely letting you breathe—you don’t have to guess with him; he wants you so desperately you can feel it in his actions.
“touya, we should stop,” you whine, knowing that this might be going way too quick yet you want it all the same.
touya shakes his head, big hands slipping under your shirt and squeezing your waist. “no, don’t wanna stop,” he whispers into your mouth.
he’s about to pull your shirt over your head when the loud shrill of his phone interrupts. he would’ve tossed it to the side if you hadn’t taken it and insisted he should take it. it’s from shoto, after all. (he doesn’t call often, it’s a complicated relationship.)
grumbling, touya leans back, keeping your thighs in place so you can’t move away. he’s smirking at you as he answers, “shoto, what is it?”
you can’t hear his brother over the phone. you can only guess snippets of the conversation from touya’s end.
“what for?”
“you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever.”
when he finally puts it down, he pulls you close by the chin, a glint of mischief in his grin. “get ready, doll.”
“huh? for what?”
touya gives you a peck on the lips. “family’s visiting, a surprise or whatever. they’re already in the city.”
you blink, praying he’s not being serious and wishing it’s not what you’re thinking. “okay, have fun!”
“and where do you think you’re going?” touya laughs, pulling you back down after you barely got back up.
“go spend some time with them, it’ll be fun.”
“oh i’m sure it’ll be fun,” he smirks, typing something into his phone and sending the message before you can sneak a peek.
you’re almost too scared to ask. but you do. “and why’s that?”
touya chuckles, thinking you’re way too stubborn, playing dumb even if it’ll kill you. but he guesses it’s fine if he has to spell it out for you. “because i wanna re-introduce you.”
“wait, what do you mean?”
with a gentle smile and a poke on your forehead, he looks you in the eyes. “i’m gonna introduce them to my future wife.”
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oddinary4bts · 2 days
Chasing Cars | ch 5.5 (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters contain mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: explicit content: mentions of jerking off and of fingering/cum play
☆word count: 2k
☆a/n: i am drunk have fun i love jin <3
☆join the discord server here!
☆series masterpost
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Jungkook has been confused. He’s been confused since he woke up tangled up in bed with you, remembering the events of the night before. Remembering the feeling of you on his dick - how right it felt, yet how wrong it was.
It was wrong, because you’re Taehyung’s sister. You aren’t supposed to be together like that. Hell, without Taehyung, your paths would have never crossed. So he pulled away. Locked himself in a dark part of his mind, some place he doesn’t want you to ever set foot in, and he forced himself to distance himself from you. 
He knows you noticed. Maybe that’s why, when the power came back on, he didn’t immediately leave like he originally thought he would. But when you teased him from crying over the anime you watched, he knew your time was over.
No matter how much he didn’t want it to be. 
Does he blame you for growing annoyed? No. He understands. He understands why you’ve been giving him the cold shoulder. He thinks he deserves it, yet when he sees you at the library during his shift, he can’t help the way his heartbeat picks up in his chest, recognizing you for what you are.
Something he’ll never dare name.
So maybe it’s on purpose that he steps in your way when you’re walking out of the library. Maybe it’s to see what you’ll do, if you’ll speak the words he so desperately wanted you to say when he said it was time to go back to normal. Words he’ll also never dare think, because what if Taehyung knows?
What if Taehyung knows and he simultaneously loses his best friend and you?
Jungkook meets your gaze, a smile reaching for his lips, though he doesn’t let it reach its destination. Your friend Ria snorts, and Jungkook steps aside, frowning slightly. He doesn’t miss the way your cheeks slowly turn red, even more so as you say, “Ignore her.”
His eyes find yours again. “Noted,” he lets out, and then it’s like the moment is stretching. It’s like it’s you and him alone in the library, Ria fading out of focus. He can almost imagine the power being out, and the bubble you’d been wrapped in still floating around the two of you.
But the bubble bursts when a girl speaks next to him - Allison, he thinks - though he reckons the bubble probably burst when he told you you should pretend nothing ever happened.
Allison says she needs help, and he has no reason to refuse considering that it’s part of his job, so he has to walk away, unable to tell you anything more. 
To his surprise, you don’t get home until much later that evening, while he’s a beer and a half in with Jimin, playing video games to decompress after work. Jungkook’s heart skips a beat, and he finds himself asking, “Done studying?”
You nod as you shrug, saying, “I can’t retain any more information. My head feels like it’s going to explode.”
“Maybe I could help with that,” he teases you, if only so that he can see that blush on your cheeks again.
The one that almost makes him forget that your brother is Taehyung.
“You wish, JK.”
He does. He fucking does, and it’s all kinds of stupid that he does. Especially as Jimin is right there, hidden in the bathroom.
“Want a beer?” Jungkook asks even though he knows he shouldn’t. He just doesn’t want you to disappear in your room, not when you’re finally talking to him again. 
Jimin intervenes before you answer, convincing you to indeed share a beer with them, and a few seconds later, you’re joining Jungkook in the living room while Jimin goes to fetch a beer for you and him. You sit on Jungkook’s left, as far as you possibly can, and his heart does that weird thing again. It makes him feel awkward, and he clenches his jaw.
“Feel free to grab this if you get cold,” he says, motioning to the blanket on the table, if only so that he can cut through the awkwardness. He offers you a smile, gaze meeting yours, but you gulp as you look away.
“We should talk about…” you whisper.
His heart rate increases so suddenly he thinks he might be about to go into cardiac arrest. “What about it?”
You shoot him a warning glance, probably because it’s likely that Jimin heard, and it settles Jungkook’s heart in his chest. It makes no sense, especially not to himself, and he offers you a smirk. 
You blush, and he thinks he’s floating, but then Jimin walks out of the kitchen, interrupting the moment. He falls back down to Earth, and when Jimin suggests watching Attack on Titan, Jungkook finds himself saying.
Maybe because your gravity is pulling him in, and he doesn’t want the distraction of having to focus on a game. Hell, he’s not even sure he’d be able to focus - all he manages to do as the anime advances is lean infinitely closer to you. 
Action speaks louder than words, he reckons, because he finds himself half-sprawled on you, and it feels like heaven. For this peaceful moment, he doesn’t care that Jimin is right there, eyeing you suspiciously. He’s just happy to be with you, and he thinks it’ll have to suffice.
Jimin leaves right as the episode ends, claiming Sera is waiting for him. Jungkook knows that she isn’t - she was with Lisa tonight, but he won’t call Jimin out. Not when he thinks it might be because Jimin wants to leave you two alone, something he’s been craving more than he thought he did.
“So,” Jungkook lets out when Jimin has left. “You wanted to talk?”
His heart immediately starts beating wildly in his chest, and he disguises it by tilting his head to the side in what he hopes is an innocent gesture.
You nod once. “Yes.”
His heartbeat is so loud he barely can even hear you say the simple word, yet he replies, “I’m listening.”
“What should we do about Taehyung?”
The question lands like a blow to the face, and he sucks in a breath as regrets swirl within him. “Nothing.” He has to force the next sentence out, and it tastes bitter on his tongue. “We just pretend nothing happened, no?”
You don’t like it. He can tell that you don’t - you stiffen, turning ashen. 
“Is that what you want?” you ask.
No. Not at all. Not in a million years. But it’s the only possible outcome, so he hides his hands in the pockets of his pants, if only to hide the slight tremble that’s taken over them, tremble that he’s able to keep to a minimum, unaffecting his voice.
“Yeah. I don’t see why it would need to be a big deal,” he says.
But it is. It’s a big deal, and he never realized how good of an actor he is before today.
“It’s not a big deal,” you mutter. “‘I’m not trying to make it into a big deal.”
He’s an asshole, he knows he is. Rotten to the bone, as he says, “Right,” a smirk on his lips.
You’re annoyed. You shut your eyes, shaking your head. “No, for real,” you insist. “If you want us to just pretend that nothing happened, then we do that.”
He doesn’t want it, but isn’t it the safest option? Isn’t it saving you both the embarrassment and heartbreak that Taehyung would cause you if he knew?
“You awfully sound like that’s not what you want,” he forces himself to say, though he hopes you can hear the true meaning in his words. That it isn’t what he wants, though he can’t say it aloud. 
“I just don’t want things to get weird.” You pause, and then add, “Since we live together.”
On that Jungkook can reassure you. He’d never let things grow weird between the two of you.
“Don’t worry about it, peach,” he says. “I won’t make things weird.”
Yet, as he says the words, something aches. Especially as the silence stretches while you hold each other’s gaze until your eyes fall to the beer in your hand. Jungkook almost wants to tell you to look at him, to never stop looking at him.
Instead, he heads towards his room, wishing you good night over his shoulder.
Emily is a nice girl. She’s gorgeous, Jungkook is entirely aware of it, yet he doesn’t find in her eyes what he’s looking for.
He doesn’t think he’ll be able to find it again. Not when he sees you walking into the bar, carrying yourself with that gentle elegance that attracts the gaze. You eye him up and down, and then glance away. He follows your line of gaze to notice Hoseok walking towards you, and something very ugly settles deep in his chest as he watches Hoseok pressing a kiss on your temple. Jungkook clenches his jaw, and then forces himself to focus on Emily, even though he’d rather not be stuck with her right now.
And he remains stuck for a while until she says she has to go to the bathroom. He doesn’t miss it for the invitation that it is, yet he ignores it, telling her he’ll wait for her at the bar.
Especially considering that you’re in his vicinity again, talking to a long-haired blond guy, and you look uncomfortable as all hell. It shows in the tense spread of your shoulders, and in the way your eyes keep darting to the side. Jungkook doesn’t hesitate, stepping closer.
“I realized that none of them compared to you,” Jungkook hears as he stops behind you, and his heart squeezes uncomfortably in his chest at the blatant flirting. 
You take a step back, bumping into Jungkook, and he asks, “Hey, everything okay here?”
You meet his gaze, your eyes panicked, and Jungkook moves closer, wrapping his arm around your waist, trying to reassure you. The guy scoffs, and Jungkook holds you a little tighter, only because he can.
“You’re fucking your brother’s friend?” he asks.
Jungkook almost wants to say ‘What about it?’, but you push him off of you, and he stumbles back, eyes going round.
“I am not,” you spit, and it hurts far more than it should. “Maybe he just tried to step in because you can’t fucking take a clue, can you?”
There’s a moment of stunned silence as Jungkook finds himself stifling a surprised laugh.
“Excuse me?” the guy eventually says.
“You heard the lady,” Jungkook intervenes. “Fuck off.”
The seething look you throw Jungkook’s way almost makes him cower from how unexpected it was. 
“I don’t fucking need your help,” you throw at him.
Something definitely aches now, and Jungkook frowns, watching as you slightly shake your head, an apologetic look on your features. But he’s stunned silent, stunned realizing how much he wanted to protect you.
How you didn’t want him to protect you. Because why would you? He only fucked you once because the circumstances aligned for it, and now he’s told you you should pretend nothing happened.
He barely minds the animosity then. He thinks he deserves it. So when Emily pulls on his arm, telling him she’s been waiting for him, and then adding for just him to hear that Eunwoo, one of his close friends, is throwing up in the hallway next to the bathroom, Jungkook finds himself following her.
Even though all his instincts tell him to stay with you.
Much later that night, after Jungkook has gotten drunk alone back at the apartment after dropping Eunwoo off at his, Jungkook stares at the text he sent you.
It sits unanswered, and Jungkook thinks, maybe he is the problem after all.
hihihi i am actually very drunk but i hope you guys liked it!! please let me know what you think about the drabble and about our baby simp jungkook
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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Overblot Universe (3) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Part 1 • 2
You could feel the urge to sleep pulling at your eyes
Faint voices sounding muddled had you fighting a little 
As you found your eyes drooping once again you could feel something wrap around your arms
Naturally you pull away, reminding you of those inky tentacles that held you captive a short while ago
You pause when you hear the sound of vines snapping
These weren’t tentacles
But vines 
Feeling the circumference of the vine you searched for thorns
Finding that they felt shaved and dulled
The detail brought a strange sense of comfort 
The kind you had when you were with your dear horned friend 
You follow their pull realizing the vines had come from an oval source of light
Blocking your eyes, you could finally make out where the light was coming from
The comforting green light shed through giant leaves that were covering the sun
It looked like you were back in Night Raven’s Botanical garden
Though it looked incredibly over grown 
“(Y/n) there you are! Where’d you go? My tummy’s going to kill me!”
The pitchy voice had you perking up, your eyes watering as you recognized the little fur ball running to you
“Wah! What is the meaning of this Hench human!”
You couldn’t help the tears that dripped into his grey fur
“I missed you so much!”
“Heh?! Why would you miss me? You been sleepin’ in here the whole time.”
“Have I?”
Just then you realized the encounters with the overblot versions of the dorm leaders were incredibly fuzzy 
Like bad dreams
Giving Grim one last squeeze before releasing him you inhaled knowing that was all it was
Just bad dreams
“Grim, I thought you were hungry enough to wake them up quickly?”
“I was! But suddenly they just grabbed me and started to talking nonsense!”
The vice dorm leader shook his head before smiling at you and holding his hand out to you
“Glad to see you’re awake enough to make your appointment!”
“What do you mean Jamil?”
He smiled pulling you up and into his side 
Holding you incredibly close as he walked into the overgrown expanse of the vegetation
Jamil looked heavenly under the shaded natural light
He looked so happy
Something in you told you not to ask about Kalim
Before you could question him more he pulls back a particularly large leaf to reveal something lovely
A picnic with a number of dishes that made your mouth water and sitting wistfully beside them was none other than–
“Child of Man, I’m glad that you’re here to join us!”
Grim ran past you to get to the food you let Jamil intertwine his fingers with yours as he led you to the blanket
In no time at all you were eating and chatting 
The ghosts of inky hands and tentacles leaving your mind every now and then as you spoke more and more with your friends
Sometimes the thought of how weird this pair up was but you had to pay attention Malleus was spoon feeding something to you
And even when the food was all gone and Grim was napping on your stomach 
All that existed of the nightmare before was the faint memory of ink which was constantly overshadowed by Jamil and Malleus 
“That’s what I’m saying: these clouds look like a bat!”
“I disagree. A Briar Valley bat is much larger than a fruit bat…and their tails are much larger.”
“But they’re still classified as a bat right?”
“See? (Y/n), please help him understand.”
It’s nice….to relax like this 
“Hey uh how long have I been sleeping?”
“Not long I am sure. You left shortly after our breakfast together and Grim claimed you went on your own after that.”
“Really? That’s not how I remember it…”
“Oh Really? What do you remember?”
That fuzzy feeling was there again 
you can feel your head ache while you tried to make the image in your head clearer
But alas it never did
“Nothing. Anyway let’s just go back to our special day!”
“Yes, let’s. You both have promised to indulge in our mini-gargoyle-making session.”
As promised all three of you separated a large block of clay that you weren’t aware that they brought
Beginining to shape mini gargoyles with it 
It was hard using the utensils Malleus seems to have bought
But they were great
It was all going great
Until you heard Jamil whimper
Looking up you hadn’t expected what you were seeing
Watching as Jamil’s figure faded like an image on a screen
Phasing in an out the clay falling from his fingers as it continued
“Jamil! Are you okay what’s wrong?”
“Do not tell me…” 
Looking over at Tsunotarou, his face was twisted and his eyes were glaring at the flickering Jamil 
But it didn’t seem that he was directing that hatred at him but someone else
“Jamil if I release you can you stop him?”
“I-I’m not sure I can’t feel the others–ack!”
Jamil belted out another round of coughing 
“Jamil, Malleus what is going on!?”
Malleus’ glare was now directed at you 
Taking his real name leaving your lips as an insult in and of itself
“(Y/n), I think it’s best you go back to sleep.”
The second the word left his mouth you felt a weight on all your muscles
Pulling at your eyelids and even your consciousness
But you fought back 
Backing away from the fae who was now worriedly reaching out for you
Instead you ended up closer to Jamil trying to grab onto his flickering form
“(Y—-Y—/n-n-n-)! P-lease!”
His form continued to flicker out of existence allowing you to see the familiar image of the Overblotted Jamil
“Viper make them sleep. I will come to your aid next. I just need you to make them sleep!”
The word had the same pull but you were getting used to it
Pushing through you watched the phasing Overblotted Jamil’s eyes light up as he tried to say something
Before he could he screamed out finally dissipating into nothingness
His disappearance revealed something more to you 
The green paradise you’d been in began to melt away churning and piling into mounds of ink 
Ink that you found yourself sinking into
Malleus’ layered voice was screeching and the world was shaking
But that wasn’t stopping your quick descent and sooner than you could react your vision was engulfed in blackness
The feeling of your heart being pulled out of something deep was what met you when you found you could open your eyes once again
“There you should be free of that creatures curse. Now my King we’ve much to catch up on.”
Part 4?
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bonefall · 2 days
do you have any tips for writing a low empathy character who isn't evil? Or how to make an interesting apathetic character who's a thoughtless sort of evil? These are two different chatacters btw-
I tried looking up examples and stuff but uh. It's been a bit fruitless.
Honestly it's not too hard! Having low empathy just means we're bad at automatically "connecting" to the feelings of other people. You can come to understand it's not even a character flaw once you uncouple the idea that Empathy = Kindness. And apathy, well, that one's a bit more complicated imo.
Low Empathy
In English, it's just unfortunately super common to conflate Empathy and Compassion. To have compassion is to be aware of the suffering of another person, and ergo, want to help stop it. To be empathetic is to identify with and understand the feelings of another person. These are different things.
For an example in action; imagine a medic with a patient whose shoulder is dislocated, and xey'll need to pop that arm back in place in order for the patient to feel better.
A medic feeling EMPATHY for that patient is having an emotional response to what xey're seeing. Xey might have a tingly "ghost pain" thinking about the injury, and xey might feel guilty xey're going to put them in more agony, but also joy because this patient is going to feel much better in just a moment.
A medic feeling COMPASSION for that patient is thinking about how the shoulder must be causing a lot of pain, and knows xey have the skill to fix it. Xey know from xeir own experience that pain sucks and so it is a bad thing that needs to go away. It will hurt a little more for a moment, but then there will be immediate relief.
This is imo, why a lot of low empathy people are "bad at" comforting people without going to Autism College where they give you the scripts of Shit Neurotypicals Say. We're not trying to be selfish when we end up making "comfort sessions" about ourselves-- that's what we think empathy is, because we don't have a lot of it to really know what you want.
Like, doesn't it make sense to you? "I don't know what you're feeling. Here's a similar situation I've been though. I must know what you're feeling-- does that make you feel better? That you aren't alone? I think that's what empathy is, am I right?"
A LOT of low empathy people go into medical fields, the funeral industry, and disaster relief. We often really do want to help people so seek these fields out, or when we get there, just end up not getting burnt out like our high-empathy peers!
As for the apathetic character, honestly, I'd suggest thinking about your story's themes. Villains are very special to me and I always try to handle them with care. What are you trying to say is bad to not care about in your work? How does their apathy play into the story you're trying to tell?
A Captain Planet villain is completely selfish, and exists only to benefit itself by exploiting nature in some way. Then the Planeteers show up and punch it in the face. Boiled down to its barest, most simple essentials; "We have conflicting goals and so I will stop you."
Personally I find total apathy to be something not especially compelling in villains, for that reason. Like, if you really don't care about anything, why bother with the trouble of going against the protag? Motivation is meant to be MOTIVATING.
(also ngl I'm on the Shadow As A Hero sort of bandwagon where I find it much funnier for the simple apathetic cool edgy guy to be the funniest person on your tennis team)
Dungeon Meshi has TWO characters who struggle with apathy, and are both antagonists at some points in the story, but never villains. Shuro and Mithrun. The theme of Dungeon Meshi is the beauty and complexity of life, the value of living, and how our connections to others changes the people we are. Food is a metaphor for bonding, self-care, and understanding.
For Shuro, he begins the story as someone who's both been encouraged to bottle up his emotions for the sake of other people, as well as to not actually consider the emotions of those lower-born than him. He's from a very different place than the other members of his party, and this causes friction as class, culture, and sophisticated, refined, weapons-grade autism clashes.
When the woman he loves is eaten by a dragon, he doesn't stop to tell her brother and """childhood friend""" what he's planning, as if they both wouldn't run in and get hurt. He owns demi-humans. He doesn't consider his own needs or the needs of his rescue team of loyal vassals. As a result, he's too weak to continue, losing a fistfight with one of the main characters, Laios.
After this, he connects with him for the very first time, and reaches out to him by giving him an important magic item. There's even a MASSIVE moment where he outright tells Laios that his ability to be so open (read: not have to mask his autism) is something he envies, breaking through that veil of apathy he wears.
The story Dungeon Meshi is telling here is that it is important to value the needs of yourself and of others. Shuro's apathy towards his own needs in a bid to prove his love weakened him. In acting like he was above his old teammates, he never spoke to them like people to smooth out his issues. He's never even noticed how much his vassals love and care for him.
(and the incredible irony is not lost on me, that Shuro's name is because Laios mispronounced it and was never corrected... while Shuro never noticed that Izutsumi had the unwanted name "Asebi" forced onto her when she was "taken in" and made his slave.)
See how that comes back to the theme? Shuro doesn't exist to just "be some asshole" or act like a villain. He has a full character arc that contributes to the narrative.
For Mithrun? I won't even spoil it. Go read Dungeon Meshi. Watch elf depression. We love a king with strabismus.
If you ever need good personal resources on any stigmatized mental condition, I've found it's usually productive to go into the #Actually (Thing) tag here on Tumblr. You can find people posting about basically anything. I found a lot of really good resources on NPD that way.
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bunnliix · 2 days
When Eight Becomes Nine - Chapter Five
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I'm kinda on a roll with these chapters, so I hope everyone is enjoying the frequent updates as well!
Pairing: Ateez x 9th member!reader Summary: The vocal assessments with Hongjoong are finally finished, and Hongjoong gets some sense knocked into him by a friend. Plus some cute moments! And a special appearance from an idol! wc: 2k AU: a/b/o Genre: Fluff/Angst Nets: @newworldnet warnings: much needed apologies, anxiety and nerves, Hongjoong getting sense knocked into him, I think that's it honestly, lemme know if there's anything I'm missing please! masterlist
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The next day, Hongjoong woke to find himself still in the studio, though he wasn’t alone. He turned around to find his hyung sitting on the couch behind him.
“You’re awake.” Chan stated, looking at him,
“What are you doing here, hyung?” Hongjoong asked him.
“Seonghwa asked me to come talk some sense into you. Since you’re clearly struggling with that right now.”
Hongjoong looked down, away from Chan’s gaze. He was ashamed that even his hyung had come to know of what he’d done yesterday.
“I would have the same reaction as you did, if I was in your shoes.” Bang Chan told him, making the younger man look up. “I’d be as pissed off as you were, and are still. But, I would never have taken it out on others, others who don’t deserve your anger. But I’m sure you know by now how much you’ve fucked up.”
Hongjoong looked away again, unable to face the older man. He knew he had fucked up, that he had probably messed up any trust the auditionees had in him, and there would be no easy way to regain that trust. But he would have to do it. The first course of action would be to apologize to all of them for his actions, for how he took his anger out on them, when he shouldn’t have.
“I take it by the silence, you know what you have to do?” When Chan received a nod from the other alpha, he stood up and moved over to him. “I know it might seem like you’ve fucked up too much to be forgiven, but it will be okay, Hongjoong. You just have to fix things, and I’m sure you know where to start.” The younger man looked up at the elder with worry and hope in his eyes. “Besides, if you’re looking for the people you have to apologize for, they’re outside. Since you didn’t finish everyone’s vocal reviews yesterday.” Chan reminded him, before leaving him and walking to the door.
Outside the studio…
Y/n and the others, minus the few who seemed to have been cut overnight, stood outside the studio waiting. They had been instructed to return, since not all of them had finished the vocal assessment yesterday, including y/n. She was nervous that Hongjoong would be as strict and gruff as he had been the previous day. She didn’t want to have to face that today, when she’d be one of the ones that had to sing in front of him.
However they weren’t expecting who came out of the studio.
“Hello everyone. I’m probably not the person you were expecting, but the person you were expecting will be out in a minute or two. Good luck to those who are the few left to do the vocal assessment. I’m sure you’ll do well! Fighting!” The idol said, before walking down the hall.
He wasn’t wrong, it was a few minutes before Hongjoong appeared at the door of the studio. The idol looked worse for wear, though he quickly plastered on a less tired look.
“Come on in.” He said, no malice in his voice this time around.
Everyone filed into the room, as he took a seat at one of the chairs at the desk, just like he had the previous day. He looked at all of them, and y/n could see that the annoyance and anger that she had seen yesterday had seemingly disappeared overnight.
“Before we start, I have something to say to you all, and an apology to make. I am sorry for my actions yesterday, for nonverbally pushing you all to fail, for purposefully wanting none of you to live up to the impossible standards I silently set for you all. I am also sorry for taking my anger out on all of you. None of you deserved that, nor should I ever have involved any of you in a situation where you are innocent. Where the blame shouldn’t have fallen on you, instead I should have directed that anger at the parties that I have the problem with. I should not have said what I said to you, should not have told you, any of you, that you were unwanted. I’m very grateful that each of you wanted to audition, and I’m grateful that you’re here and that you came back after my actions yesterday. I would have understood if none of you wanted to come back here or interact with me after my horrible words, and I still understand if you would rather Mingi be here in my place.” Hongjoong apologized to all of them, standing and bowing low to all of them, in hopes of expressing just how apologetic and regretful he was of his actions the day prior. 
Everyone was silent, not exactly sure how to respond to the alpha’s apology. It was true that his outburst yesterday was hurtful. Anyone who was a fan of Ateez would feel hurt by it. But with the truth of his words yesterday, it was easy to see how and why he had felt that way. Did it make his actions right? Absolutely not. But it made them understandable, and they could sympathize with it.
“I don’t want to say your actions are okay, because they’re not, but they’re understandable given the circumstances.” Y/n spoke up, making Hongjoong look up at her.
“Should you have yelled at us, for something we had no hand in? No. But the reasons behind your outburst were and are understandable. As an Atiny, I understand how much you feel responsible for Ateez, and the other members, and how it’s your baby. But person to person, it wasn’t right to take your anger out on us, when it’s KQ you should be directing it towards.” She continued, her hands shaking as she held them behind her back. She was nervous doing this, but she felt she had to. No one else was stepping up to do so.
The others nodded along, her words voicing, for the most part, how they all felt. That while his actions are wrong, his feelings were and are valid.
“Are we okay to continue today then? If not, I completely understand.” Hongjoong asked softly, looking nothing like the alpha he was. He had quietly sat back down in his chair, looking at them tentatively, like they were going to tell him to leave.
Y/n looked at the others, who seemed to look to her, the omega, to be the one to talk, in an ironic turn of events.
“We’re okay to continue.” She told him, and that brought some of his signature Hongjoong energy back. He smiled, turning to one of the other few who hadn’t gone yesterday, instructing them to hop into the recording booth. The papers from yesterday were still in there, but this time he told the beta that they’d be singing along to Wave this time. A much less stressful song to sing than Wonderland. And everyone could see the enjoyment in the beta as they sang along, matching the tone of the song wonderfully. Hongjoong had them sing another few of the group’s songs, before having them come out, and turning to y/n, as she realized she miscounted how many hadn’t gone the day before, and that she was the final one to go.
“The lone omega is the last one to go, hmm?” Hongjoong remarked, “Time for you to hop into the booth and show me what you have.” He finished, smiling at her.
She did so, her nerves growing as she situated herself in the booth, before Hongjoong’s voice brought her out of her head.
“Okay! We’re going to start off with Halazia! I know it’s a tiny bit more difficult, but I believe you can do it.” Hongjoong told her, letting her get set up before starting the track.
She was a nervous wreck starting out, considering Halazia was her introduction to Ateez, so singing the song that led her to find Ateez, in front of Hongjoong, was an ironic turn of fate. She closed her eyes, not looking at anyone as she started singing, she couldn't bear seeing the others’ reactions, let alone the idol judging her vocal abilities. 
She got through the song, it all felt like a blur honestly. She knew she hadn’t nailed Jongho’s high note, but she definitely had nailed Mingi and Hongjoong’s raps out of some sort of miracle. She heard clapping, and opened her eyes to see that Aaron and some of the others were clapping for her, and looking over at Hongjoong, she could see a bit of a smirk on his face.
“Damn, color me impressed. How about a slightly easier one this time, Pirate King.” He told her, leading her to shuffle the pages until she found the lyrics for it, looking up at him once she found it. 
Before he could start the track, a staff member’s head popped into the room. “Are you finished evaluating all of the auditionees yet? We need them back in the dance room for another round of practice.”
“I’ve finished with everyone except the omega in the booth right now.” Hongjoong informed her.
“Okay. Finish up with her and then send her to your regular practice room. I’ll take everyone else now.” She told him, before motioning for everyone else to follow her.
Y/n looked at Hongjoong, who looked back at her before speaking up. “Well, just the two of us now. But let’s hear you sing our debut song.”
He started the music, watching her as she seemed more confident this time around. She actually did pretty damn well, much better than Halazia. Her confidence was through the roof for this song, and he could tell she was in her comfort zone. She never hesitated on a single note. Once she got to his own part in verse two, he was even more amazed, as she changed the lyrics slightly, from Pirate King to Pirate Queen. It was a common sense change, but the way she almost mimicked him while rapping his part was amazing. Somehow this song brought out the confidence that she didn’t seem to have before. Yesterday and even today, she was timid and quiet, trying to keep to the background. Today, and specifically right now, she was on fire. Honestly he’d give her this part in the song if she became their ninth member, just so he could see her sing it again.
Once she finished, he stood up and clapped, making her turn to look at him in shock. He entered the recording booth, pulling her back out of it as she still looked at him with shock.
“Where is the timid omega that was here yesterday? Though I shouldn’t be surprised, you’re the only one who was able to respond to me today. You did amazingly, especially on my part. The confidence level was amazing. I could see how nervous you were during Halazia, but that disappeared during Pirate King, why?” He rambled on, before asking her.
“Halazia is the song that got me into Ateez, and made me an Atiny. But Pirate King is the song that I’ll jam out to, and that I really enjoy as a song to vibe to. So I was nervous about getting Halazia right, whereas I kinda let go while singing and rapping Pirate King.” She told him, looking down at her lap.
“Ahh, Halazia brought you to us, that’s cute. And I enjoyed hearing you cover my part in Pirate King, you really make it your own, you know that?” Hongjoong said, making her look at him, finding that he was looking at her with a soft smile on his face.
However, Wooyoung burst in the room, stopping any more sweet moments between the alpha and omega.
“HYUNG, I HEARD Y/N WAS HERE!” He shouted, before spotting y/n, “Oh! Hi! You’re coming with me now!” He half-yelled, before stomping over to the two. He snatched her hand away from Hongjoong’s before pulling her up and off the couch on another adventure. The slightly older omega quickly led the other omega out of the room, as Hongjoong could hear his voice as y/n was kidnapped from him.
“Come on! This time we’re meeting Han and Felix! They agreed to come and meet with us at a local cafe!” Wooyoung’s voice could be heard as he pulled y/n down the hallway.
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atlasmoonglade · 22 hours
Joost Klein x singlemom!reader
I changed it to reader instead of OC
Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3
Warnings: fluff in the beginning, smut, oral (f!receiving), PiV protected, +18 only
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Chapter 4
You wake up to the sound of an alarm clock. You look at your phone. 8:00. Joost groans and reaches towards the nightstand to turn off the alarm.
He lays back down and turns to you noticing you are already awake. "Good morning" his voice is deep, his hair sticking out in every direction.
"Good morning. Why the early alarm?" you ask, pulling up the blanket to your chin.
"I always have it set up to go for a run." he says as he gets comfortable again and puts his arm behind his head. "I don't feel like it today though."
"No, don't let me ruin your routine. I need to get going anyway."
"You are not ruining anything. I don't need it today." he pauses "This is one of the few times that I woke up feeling at ease since I came here." he looks at you with a smile. He does seem well-rested.
"And why is that?" you start to like this game you two are playing.
"I don't know." he says with a teasing note in his voice and he mimics you laying with your blanket up to your chin.
He looks so pretty. Seeing him perform yesterday shifted things. Being mesmerised by his presence on stage, the energy that fills the room when he walks in, wanting to chant his name the way everybody does. But then sleeping in his bed, wearing his t-shirt, which smells like him, made you feel comforted, you have to admit this is also one of the first mornings that you woke with no need to rush. You remember the feeling of his arms around you, the feeling of safety, despite being in a strange to you environment. You want that feeling to last forever. These thoughts scare you, because you can't be with him, he is only staying here to write a song. What happens when he has to leave eventually? It will hurt too much if this progresses any further. But you are afraid it already has.
"What are you thinking about?" he asks.
"I'm trying to guess what your favorite breakfast is." you joke.
"And what are your guesses?"
You squint as you look at him pretending to analyse him. "You look like the type of guy who only needs a cup of coffee."
"I am that type of guy?" he pretends to be offended.
"You do."
"Actually spot on." you both start laughing.
"C'mon, let me show you my favorite breakfast place. Maybe you will be swayed to become a breakfast sandwich type of guy." you get up and he groans.
"Can we stay in bed a little longer?"
"You are the one who had an 8am alarm set up." you bend down to pick up your clothes from the floor where you left them last night. "How do you usually get up that early?" you turn to ask him, his eyes watching your every move. You suddenly feel a blush creeping up your cheeks remembering you are only wearing his t-shirt, which just about covers your underwear. You cover yourself with clothes you are holding.
"I need a second, baby" he says as he shifts to sit on the side of the bed. You quickly turn to face away from him pretending you haven't noticed his bulge.
"I'm gonna, um, shower quickly." you say and hurry off to the bathroom.
He loves the breakfast place you showed him.
"This is the best breakfast sandwich I've had in so long." he says finishing his plate.
"Told you it's good." you smile at him and look at your watch. "This was fun, Joost."
"It was."
"I have some errands I need to run. But you are welcome to come over later. We can watch a movie." you say, "If you want, obviously"
"I would love that." a smile spreads across his face.
It is getting dark by the time you are finished with the tasks you needed to get done. You get a text.
Does your invitation still stand?
I have something to show you.
Oh, intriguing.
He is wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans, sitting on your couch, 20 minutes later. You cleaned your apartment in a rush to atleast make it semi-tidy.
"Do you want anything to drink? I have wine." you ask from the kitchen.
"Want to get me drunk already?" he jokes.
"Just trying to match yesterday's energy."
"Sure, I will never say no to wine."
You bring a bottle, two glasses and a bottle opener. He takes it from your hands, opens the bottle, then pours into the glasses.
"To you Joost, to the new friendship."
"To you Y/N, to the new beginning." he says and you both drink.
"I wanted to show you something." he pulls out his phone. "We finished the rough cut of the song I've been working on." he looks at you. "And I, uh, I haven't showed it to many people. But I want you to hear it. It's in dutch, but I prepared a translation, the best I could in a short time, for you." he looks so excited. You've noticed this some time ago, how proud he is of his music. His enthusiasm reaches your heart.
"I would love to hear it." you give him a bright smile. "Let me get comfortable." you sit further up the couch, your legs tucked under you.
He gives you his phone with the translation open and presses play.
The song starts playing, you are following the translation written on his phone. He is watching you, but you are lost in the melody and the lyrics. You don't say anything, scared to interrupt it or miss a word. The chorus starts, an upbeat melody with sad lyrics, you remember the run you went on together, when he said he finished writing it. A warm feeling spreads across your chest, goosebumps covering your arms. He hasn't stopped looking at you, but you can't look up at him. Not yet. You are not ready to meet his eyes. You can't explain it, but this song feels just like him - fun on the outside with so many deep levels you are yet to uncover, but you want it all. You are sitting so close to him, your knees are touching, the smell of him, cigarettes and cologne, filling your senses while his song continues to play. You think back to his warm comfortable bed, his concert, his name suddenly slipping from your lips.
"Joost" you say just above a whisper. You finally meet his eyes. He tries to read your face. The song stops playing. "It's incredible."
"You like it." he also says quietly.
You keep looking at each other. All you can feel is your knees touching, you want more of him.
"You are so talented. Everyone will love it." you pass him the phone, moving to sit even closer to him. "I can already imagine you performing it."
"Thank you. It's still in the process." he takes the phone from your hands, your fingers touching. "I am not sure when I will release it. But I wanted you to hear it."
There is a silence between you, he reaches to touch your hand, it sliding up your arm, bringing you closer to him.
Your whole body feels hot, you stand up. This is wrong. "I, um, will bring us some snacks for the movie." you go to the kitchen island.
You let out a breath. It feels wrong to want him. He is your friend, you shouldn't be feeling this way.
You hear footsteps, the heat of his body behind you.
"Y/N." he says quietly. "Tell me I'm imagining things." he touches your arms in soothing motion. "Tell me you don't want this." his hands sliding down to your waist, his warm hands against your skin.
Your breathing quickens. You don't say anything, even the slightest touch feels so good.
He turns you around to face him, but you look down at your hands. He takes your chin in between his fingers and lifts your head up to look him in the eyes.
"What happens when you have to leave?" you say.
"Let's not think about it yet." your noses are almost touching. "Let's just have fun for now." Fuck it, you think and close the distance between the two of you. Joost's warm lips are on yours, he pushes you into the counter, it is somehow both everything and nothing that you had expected. Soft and gentle and syrupy slow. His tongue sweeps across your lower lip, and you part your mouth, tilting your head, sliding your tongue against his, a little deeper and more insistent now. You push your fingertips through the hair at the nape of his neck, and you feel the breath catch in his throat, so you do it again, this time letting your fingers press into the muscle of his neck, and he groans against your mouth. Joost's scent of musky cologne and faint cigarette smoke sends you into a daze, a whimper sneaking past your lips as his tongue slides against yours.
You pull away from him to catch your breath. He smiles down at you. "Let's watch that movie, yeah?"
You laugh, "yeah".
He follows you back to the couch. You put on a movie, you try to sit still, but you can feel the heat radiating from his body beside you. You can't focus, thinking back about that kiss. You decide not to overthink it now, maybe he is right, let's just have fun. After 20 minutes of the movie, you put your hand over his. He looks down at it, then at you, his mouth turning into a smirk. His fingers interlock with yours and he turns back to watch the movie a smirk still visible on his face.
"This is my favorite part" he motions towards the TV, a double meaning hidden between his words.
You see what he is doing, he wants you to take matters into your own hands. You put your hand on the side of his face, making him look at you and reach up to kiss him again.
"Hey, I was watching that." he says breaking the kiss, you laugh and it makes him grin. His hands grab your waist and move you to sit on top of him. Your legs on each side of his hips. This time the kiss is wet and fast, your teeth clashing. His hands are spanning the soft skin of your stomach, pushing the fabric of your top up, letting it bunch under your breasts. You feel warm all over as you roll your hips against him, which makes him bolder and his hands drop to your ass, grinding you down harder. His mouth presses against the curve of your jaw, feeling your pulse jump, then slides down the column of your throat.
"Let's go to the bedroom" you say breathlessly.
"You sure?" he asks.
"Yes. Are you?
You’d led him to your bedroom then, sat him on the edge of the bed where he’d watched you with dark eyes as you straddle him. Your fingers moving to work on each button of his shirt purposefully, enjoying each inch of skin that was revealed to you with every passing second. Once you finished the final button, he helped you by shrugging the shirt off his shoulders. He leaned back slightly, and you drank in the sight of him. The tattoos covering his body, the hair on his chest. Seizing the moment, and driven by your own arousal, you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head in one swift motion. As soon as your top hit the floor, Joost's mouth was on your chest. A heavy moan was ripped from the back of your throat as his tongue dragged across the top of your breast peeking over the bra.
"Shit," you muttered, raking your hands through his hair and holding him in place against your skin.
He made his way up to your neck. He seemed to be everywhere all at once. He suckled gently, and your hips began to rock against the steadily growing bulge in his pants.
"Please don't leave any marks." you say and he nods continuing to kiss your jaw.
You climb off his lap, dropping the bra and immediately leaning forward to unbuckle his belt. He inches closer to you before sitting back up, and you subconsciously hold your arms against your chest. You start to wonder how many women he had seen naked, how many women he had been with. The age difference between you.
"You are so beautiful." he says his gaze fixed on you, he takes your hand and pulls you onto the bed next to him.
You face him, choosing to look into his eyes. Wanting to feel that way you always felt when you saw him. That calmness and connection that seemed impossibly intimate. He traced the lines of your collarbone and down your arm, ending at your fingertips. With one glance up, he could see the change in your demeanor. You were smiling again.
"Is this okay?" he says sliding your pants and underwear down your legs and allowing them to fall to the floor.
"Yes." you say and a groan leaves his lips as he raised one of your legs to rest over his shoulder, "So fuckin pretty" he says kissing your inner thigh with open-mouthed kisses before making his way back down to your aching pussy.
Pressing his tongue flat against your wetness, Joost took a long and greedy lick up your folds, repeating this a couple more times, before putting his finger inside of you.
“Fuck, Joost,” you breathed out. You feel close to your orgasm, you pull at his hair. "Come here. Need you inside of me." He stands up, finds his wallet in the pocket of his pants and takes out a condom. You watch him as he rips the wrapper with his teeth, he takes off his underwear and puts on the condom.
“You're so fuckin perfect” Joost climbs up onto the bed and kisses you, as he sinks his hips into the cradle of your spread legs. You can feel how hard he is.
"You are still sure about this?" he looks at you.
You pull him down to you, brush your lips to his, “Please.” Your voice is a whisper that sends a shiver down his spine. He thrusts again, and you feel his cock notch against your entrance and then push inside. He settles into you, he feels solid, his skin hot, hips slotted perfectly against you. One of his arms brackets your head, his other hand is at your neck, thumb stroking over the ridge of your jaw, palm pressed against your racing pulse. You feel surrounded and wanted and blindsided by the unexpected tenderness of it all.
He grinds into you again and again, swallowing down your whimpers and moans when you pull his mouth to yours. He drops his hand to push your thigh back, holds you there so that each snug roll of his hips hits that spot that makes you squeeze around him. He thinks you’re close, knows that he is.
"Feels so good" your head is thrown back against the pillows.
He tells you how good you are, how he’s so hard, how you’re going to make him come. And you can’t hold back any longer. He feels it, hot and so wet, the tight squeeze on his cock, which is enough to push him over the edge after you.
"Please stay with me tonight." you say to him.
"I will."
Chapter 5 will be the last one.
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moonlightspencie · 16 hours
Taking your Marauder Boyfriend (writer's choice) home to meet your muggle parents?
YAY. this is so cute (will be james because he was #1 on my poll teehee)
james potter x reader
"So... am I not allowed to use magic at all?"
You quirked a brow, looking at your boyfriend. James tended to be a little dramatic, but asking this question for the hundredth time as you were on your parents' porch was a bit much.
"You can handle not whipping out your wand for two days," you replied.
He smirked. "Which one? Either way that might be hard for me."
"Ew! Shut up," you whispered loudly.
"What?" he laughed. "They can't hear me."
You groaned. "No wand, no sex, no... just be normal, babe. I am begging."
"Fine," he pouted, reaching for your hand. "They know you're magical, I don't see why I can't just⎼"
"It freaks them out, babe."
"That's silly."
"You're silly."
He smiled a little, dropping his head on top of yours. You shook your head a bit, then straightened up as your mom came to the door.
"Hi, honey!" she beamed, reaching for you.
You let her give you a tight hug, then stepped back and grabbed James's hand again.
"Mom... this is James," you smiled.
"Nice to meet you," he said to your mom, giving her a shy smile.
"Nice to meet you, too, dear. Come in, come in!" she exclaimed, taking a step back to let you in the house. "Dad and I have been so excited for you two to come home."
You laugh. "Yeah?"
"Of course. You know how much we miss you when you're away."
"I know, mom. But I can't exactly do my whole magical thing when I'm here."
She shivers, her dramatics not far off from James's. If that behavior was any indicator, they'd get along just fine.
"Still freaky. I can't believe you can just... hm," she chuckles a little nervously. She was always a bit weird about magic. She glanced at James. "And you're able to do all of that too, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am," James nodded quickly. "But fear not, I was already debriefed not to do any magic while we're here."
"Well, good. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, dear."
"It's okay," he smiled brightly, squeezing your hand lightly.
And all was going well, too, until your mom insisted on showing James their new home theater in your old bedroom. It wasn't terribly showy, but they had a huge television and some comfortable chairs. You hadn't taken into consideration, though, that James wasn't exactly attuned to muggle appliances and technology.
"Whoa," his eyes went wide as your father showed him around the room. "And you all think magic is strange?"
"Babe," you say with wide eyes.
Your dad laughs, patting your arm. "Its, okay, sweetheart. You... you really don't have television?"
You shake your head. "Not usually. I got us a small one for our apartment, but... nothing like this."
"Now this is magic," James mumbles as your mom starts queuing up the movie. He glances back at you. "You sure I can't do a little?"
"No, love..."
"Can you make popcorn with a wand?" your dad teases.
"Yeah," James answers honestly.
Your dad quirks a brow, speaking quietly. "As soon as mom isn't looking..."
James laughs happily, squeezing your hand tightly.
"Knew they'd love me," he mutters to you smugly, though not without humor.
"We've still got a whole weekend, babe," you remind him.
"It'll be a breeze. Who could resist my charm?" He winks.
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Wolfstar microfic with the prompt - accident
@wolfstarmicrofic word count: 313
“It was an accident. Just a- stupid drunken kiss and I’m so sorry Sirius I promise I didn’t mean to, I- Sirius?”
Remus paced back and forth across the dorm room, arms flailing madly as he tried to explain. 
He looked up momentarily to observe Sirius sat perched on the edge of his bed only to see tears streaming down his face as he furiously wiped at his eyes.
Remus repeated moving closer instinctively before stopping and hovering awkwardly as he realised this was probably his fault.
“Are you ok?”
Sirius tried to nod reassuringly despite his shaky voice.
“Well you’re clearly not though, is it something I said? Or did or is it something else unrelated or…?”
“No it’s nothing. I’m just…”
Sirius forced an unconvincing laugh as he drew his eyes away from Remus’ face and instead focussed his gaze on his hands as he began to tangle and detangle his fingers nervously.
“I’m really dumb ok?”
“No you aren’t. Why would you say that?”
“Because! I-“
Sirius shouted exasperatedly before shaking his head slightly and lowering the volume.
“I thought, well I let myself think, that when you kissed me it was, you know…because you actually wanted to. But I shouldn’t have. I should have known you were just drunk and I was…well I was just there.”
“No I-“
“No Remus really it’s ok. It’s my fault. I just- I like you ok? I do and I don’t think I can keep pretending I don’t anymore but I am trying to get over it. I promise.
Remus leaned forwards quickly. Warm breath dusting Sirius’ face and relishing the way his breath audibly hitched.
“Please don’t.”
“I said-“
Remus lifted an hand up to cup Sirius’ face, meeting his wide eyes and pulling him in, whispering the words just against his lips.
“I said please don’t.”
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shabbytigers · 2 days
good thing i didn’t know about the DLAB, the U.S. military foreign language aptitude test, till now. had i acquired that information at a plausible age, i might very well have ended up working for mfucking Defense because this is the greatest test in the world. look at it!
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first of all this is gold. it’s hands down the funnest kind of question i’ve ever seen. are there prep books. does it have a name i can use to scour the internet for puzzles
but what’s amazing is that it’s authentically fucked up. janky, if you will. like, i think i can see what choices are the best of those provided, but they do not feel like great, lucid, this-is-so-obvious-now-that-i’ve-thought-it-through, rock solid answers. they feel more like, okay i’m def lost in the rain forest but yeah me and my machete are gonna head in this direction. this, uh, can you call four instances and two tentatives a corpus? this dataset is a goddamn mess. i love it. i said “authentically” because tbh that’s pretty much the flavor of the feeling i have wading chest deep into one of the trickier thickets in a real existing foreign language, albeit one with fewer actual cryptids
we’re dealing with wo/wohin/woher prepositions in German and it’s an overt swamp; there’s a desultory table but they obviously got demoralized and punted. drilling a lot of examples—gehen zum Arzt, sein beim Arzt, kommen vom Arzt—may be better than trying to decide rationally, in the middle of a sentence, whether the Kino is more of a building or an activity.
the feeling i get wondering why they chose a skull, specifically, for farkila in this DLAB sample question is very akin to the feeling i get about … look
if a German cat sits on a table, the table is in dative—die Katze springt auf dem Tisch—because the cat is immobile, so it’s answering a where question
if the cat jumps onto the table—auf den Tisch—it’s in accusative, because it’s answering a where-to question
but if the cat jumps off the table, that’s a where-from question, and requires dative. vom [= von dem] Tisch. this is true even though there’s motion involved, and I was told not a month ago that motion = accusative, no motion = dative, using wo and wohin examples. now that woher is here the entire fucking heuristic is broken and i feel gaslighted. how can it be that jumping onto X is accusative but jumping off X is dative?
well, they say, it’s von. von always takes dative.
ok great, two rules in conflict, i’m supposed to just know which one wins, this is like what if order of operations in arithmetic but worse
furthermoar, why vom and not aus dem? onto = auf. on = auf. off (of) = von. feels messy. also, the cat is literally still in midair, so why isn’t this like coming out of the supermarket (physically exiting it) vs coming (to some not immediately proximate place) from the supermarket? well, it’s just different, they say. it would be aus if the cat was jumping out of a container like a cardboard box. but this is a flat surface so it’s von. hope this helps
o yes thank u that helps. i am definitely going to vom
it’s not that much palpably better than farkilam jankov? it makes a kind of unsatisfactory spot sense, if you wrestle assiduously through each example and get to ask annoying questions, but like. The System Is Bad
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joanvisitsrome · 3 days
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i am absolutely spoiling y'all with 2 chapters. I'm too invested in this shit. comment on this if you'd like to be added to the taglist.
Summary: Billie and Reader go out to lunch together, and then spend the night at her house again.
Contains: fluff (again), KISSING 🤭🤭🤭, mentions of making out, smut in future chapters, A FORMING RELATIONSHIP RAHHH, coming out, and gay jokes
That next day was when you and Billie had planned to go out to lunch together. You get home as quickly as possible, last night running through your head. Was Billie just really into physical touch, or did she like you? You felt horrible, liking a straight girl. You tried to get your mind off of it, taking another shower and picking an outfit for the lunch. You put on a white ribbed tank top and cargo jeans, along with some bracelets as well. You fix your hair to its best, while still trying to look casual. In your bag, you put in some cherry ChapStick in chase your lips get chapped. As you’re about to leave, you receive a text from Billie.
               call me when you’re there, it reads. You reply with a thumbs up and drive over. You drive into the parking lot and call Billie.
               “Hey,” you say.
               “Hey. I’m already inside, but the reservation’s left under ‘Claire.’ I didn’t want anyone following us.”
               “Alright.” You go inside and follow Billie’s instructions, and eye her from across the restaurant. You sit down, smiling nervously.
               “Hey Bils!” you greet her.
               “How are you doing, babes?” she asks you.
               “I’m pretty good, and you?” you ask.
               “Better now that I’m with you.” You blush at the comment, still brushing it off as platonic. You pick up the menu, and you and Billie decide on both getting salads for lunch. The lunch goes well, the two of you conversing about the show you watched the night before, Shark, and much more.
               “Did you ever get to look through the clothing bag?” she asks.
               “I don’t think so. It’s whatever though, I don’t think I need more clothes.”
               “I insist. Do you want to come over again… to look at some of them?” Billie asks, looking down at her salad shyly.
               “Are you trying to get me to come over again?” you tease, “I didn’t realize you were so obsessed with me.”
               “Wait, no, not like that,” Billie says almost immediately, “only if you want to though.”
               “Billie,” you reassure her, resting your hand on hers, “relax. I was just playing. Of course I’d love to go over your house again. Should I pack pajamas so we can watch some more of our show?” you see her smile at you saying that the show you two were watching was yours, and take a sigh of relief.
               “Yeah, sure! I’d love to do that again.” Just then, the waiter approaches the two of you with a bill. He places it on the table and both you and Billie grab the bill at the same time.
               “Billie, remove your hand. I’ll be paying.”
               “But I invited you.”
               “But I’m offering.” The two of you argue about who would pay for the bill, until you suggest rock-paper-scissors. Billie wins and pays the bill. She walks you to your car to make sure you exit the premises safely.
               “See you soon, Bils,” you say to her as you back your car out of its parking spot.
               “I’m gay!” she says as you drive away. You halt your car the second you say that, and back up to meet her again.
               “What?” you say.
               “I think I like girls, and that I’ve liked them my whole life, and that I’ve been scared of them so I’ve never done anything about it. And, uhh, I don’t know, I wanted to tell you. I don’t know why. I hope you still like me? I don’t know, I’ve only told Finneas, and all he had to say was ‘took you long enough.’” Billie says quickly, almost in one breath, while looking down at her shoes.
               “Billie. Of course I still like you. While we’re on the topic, I like girls too. I honestly don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner. I thought you were straight if I’m being honest.”
               “You… like girls too?”
               “No fucking shit I like girls too. I’ll see you tonight Billie.” You drive off, shocked by this news. Billie likes girls? And if so, could she like you? You drive home in a trance almost, one thought only that runs in your mind. You have a chance. You have a chance. You pack a small bag with some pajamas, a hairbrush, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and some facial cream. You drive over, the funky song from the night before playing again. You knock at Billie’s door when you arrive. She opens the door.
               “Hey, babes,” she greets. You walk inside and pet Shark.
               “By the way, I left those clothes on the counter for you, so you can look at them. You can try them on too.” You make your way to the counter and find one or two shirts you wouldn’t mind wearing. You go to the bathroom to throw on a button-down from the pile.
               “So, how do I look?” You ask Billie.
               “You look,” Billie is trying to hold back a blush from seeing you in her clothes, “really nice.” She takes your hand and twirls you around. When you finish spinning, you’re quite close to Billie. You can hear her breathing a bit heavier, as her blue eyes look into yours. She looks at your right eye, your lips, and then your left eye. All you can feel is that Billie wants you.
               You take a step closer to Billie, putting your hands on her shoulders. You look up at her.
               “Billie, can I ask you something?” you ask in a quiet, low voice.
               “Anything, babes.” You tilt your head to look up at her.
               “Can I kiss you?” She nods and leans into you, closing her eyes as you do too. The two of you kiss. You taste a faint trace of vanilla lip balm on her soft lips. Her hands cup your face as yours play with the silky hair on the back of her head. You pull away for a split second, looking each other in the eyes before kissing again. This time, you both know what to expect, making it more comfortable between the two of you. You feel her hands shake against your skin as you pull away again, taking them in yours.
               “That was…” you say, “really, really good. I, uhh, liked it a lot.”
               “Me too,” Billie says, almost out of breath, shocked that the two of you kissed.
               “Was I bad?” she then blurts out.
               “NO! No. Not at all. If I’m being honest, that’s probably… the best kiss I’ve had. Like ever.”
               “Why don’t I make some dinner, and then we can watch… our show?” Billie suggests. You kiss her again.
               “That sounds good to me.” After a delicious dinner cooked by Billie, you cuddle together on her bed again and watch the show, although halfway through the first episode you start making out. You both get tired after a while and fall asleep again. The next morning, before you leave to go to your house again, you and Billie share one more kiss at the door.
               “Why don’t we go on a date?” she asks. “I’ll pick you up tonight and we can have some dinner.”
               “That sounds amazing to me.” You kiss her one more time before getting into your car and driving home.
taglist: @naturesapphic
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ladylovesloki · 19 hours
The Fated Apple: Part Five
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Language
Summary: Loki makes bad decisions when he’s afraid.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
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“Help! Poison! She’s been poisoned! Illyrium! It was Illyrium!”, Loki shouts as soon as he walks you through the portal. He places you down and looks over to Eir.
She’s already in her cabinet full of antidotes.
“Where in the nine did someone get Illyrium?!”, Eir asks. Rushing over with a vial in hand.
“I have no idea, but I intend to find out.”
“Hold her head back for me Loki.”, Eir asks him. Forgoing formalities.
He does as she asks and she pours the antidote down your throat. Eir steps back, takes a breath then uses her hands to activate the soul forge. Loki has seen many healers use the soul forge, especially the few times he has seen Odin fall into his Odinsleep. From what he could decipher, the antidote was working. Just very, very slowly. Loki hears the sound of swishing skirts and clicking shoes, he turns and see his mother followed closely by the Goddess Idunn and a few of their ladies.
“Loki?! What has happened?”, Frigga asks out of breath from running to the healers wing as quickly as she could.
Loki looks to Frigga, “she has been poisoned. I do not know by whom. I was revealing my true self to her mother and then she started to say she wasn’t feeling well. She stood, opened a window to get some fresh air, I sat her down and then after I dropped my illusion she…she collapsed and she…”
Loki’s eyes start welling up as he recounts the events of what happened to his mother. His throat closing from trying to hold back tears.
Frigga brings him in for a hug.
Loki tightens his hold on Frigga, “who would have done this? I don’t understand... This is all my fault.”
Frigga places her hands on his shoulders, “my son you cannot blame yourself. Whoever did this will pay for what they have done. And soon she will wake, eat Idunn’s apple and we will never have to worry something like this will ever happen again.”
Loki looks at her miserably, “what if she doesn’t wake?”
Idunn steps into Loki’s view, over Frigga’s shoulder. “She will wake Prince Loki. Have faith in the Norns.”
As soon as those words leave her mouth it looks at though your healing has paused. The purple veins once again spreading across your neck and face.
“What’s happening?”, Loki asks in a panic.
Eir approaches and this time a fellow healer holds your head back so she can pour more of the antidote down your throat. “It must be because she is mortal. I have never see a reaction like this.”
More footsteps are heard and then Jane, followed by Thor rush into the wing they are currently occupying. Eir had just finished giving you more of the antidote and was monitoring the soul forge. When Jane and Thor approached she took a step back so Jane could see you.
“Oh my god! Y/N!”, Jane runs to your side and takes your hand in hers. Something that Loki has wanted to do since he placed you down on that very bed. “What happened?!” Jane asks, clutching your small hand.
Loki, feeling like he should be the one to inform her responds, “she was poisoned. We do not know by who..”
“Poisoned?! But…I don’t understand. She was supposed to be at her class today with Ana!”
Loki nods, “there is no Ana Lady Jane.”
“What do you mean there is no Ana?”
Loki conjures his illusion of your friend, “I am Ana. Your sister came across myself when I conjured an illusion of Ana. I used that illusion to get to know her better...”
“So you’ve been lying to her?”
Loki, back in his usual form, looks down to the ground. “Yes, I deceived her but I was telling her the truth when all of this happened.” Lightning fast Loki straightens his back, “the maid..the one that brought us the tea. Find her. Immediately!”
The guards in immediately spring into action hearing the command in Loki’s voice.
Frigga takes Loki’s hands in his, “my son. Be calm. Even if the guards bring you this maid, she might not have even been aware the tea she served was poisoned.”
Loki closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, he opens them and looks back to you lying in bed. Another look at the soul forge shows that the second dose of the antidote was working.
But for how long?
He takes a step to the other side of your bed, he reaches out to take your hand but Jane snaps at him.
“Don’t touch her!”
Loki glares at her, “whether you like it or not Ms. Foster, y/n is mine to care for.”
“I’m her sister.”
“And I am her fated! I am hers just as much as she is mine. You will not keep me from her. You have no right.”
“No right? You couldn’t stand her a few days ago! Now all of a sudden you claim her as yours?!”
“Please! This is not good for her.”, Idunn interjects. “The both of you care for her. The both of you want the same thing. The most important thing right now is helping her heal and finding out who did this to her in the first place.”
Loki takes another deep breath, “Goddess Idunn is right.”
He looks over to Jane, “I am sorry. It is true your sister and I’s relationship was….at best toleration. But after spending time with her and getting to know her as the beautiful person she is…I will not call it love yet but…I am…fond of her.”
He grabs your hand gently in his and a small laugh leaves his lips, “I suppose I owe you a thank you Jane. She told me…well, she told Ana…that you told her to give me a chance.”
Jane looked at Loki and nodded, “yea and look where it got her.”
“I know you are worried for your sister but casting blame on me will get us nowhere. Whoever did this had their own motives.”
“Yea, to hurt you!”
“According to you it is well known of my apparent dislike for y/n. If that is so true why would this hurt me? If anything, someone would believe they were doing me a favor if I truly hated her.”
Jane went quiet. She couldn’t argue with his logic.
She collects herself, “then why? Why her?”
Odin walks into the healers wing followed by about 10 guards and a very frightened maid. “Loki. The guards tell me there has been an incident. Your mortal has been poisoned?”
Loki nods, “yes father.” He then turns his attention to the young maid. “My lady, the tea you served the Lady y/n today, who brewed it?”
The maid is shaking like a leaf and tears are falling down her face, “I do not know my Prince I swear it! I was told by our mistress to deliver it to her. But I swear to you, it was already brewed and waiting for me to deliver it. I don’t know why someone would do this My Prince, the Lady y/n is very well liked amongst the staff.”
Loki listens very carefully to what the maid was saying. She was telling no lies. She knew nothing.
Loki slowly approached her and placed his hands on her shoulders just as his mother did to him to help calm him. “Be at ease my lady, I know you speak the truth.”
The maid visibly relaxes, “if there is anything I could do for the Lady, please do not hesitate to ask myself or any of the palace staff. As I said, she is very well liked in the palace.”
Loki nods and smiles kindly, “thank you for your kindness.” He then looks to the guards that escorted her in, “please escort the lady wherever she needs to go.”
The guards nod and the maid exits along with them.
Loki exhales, “now what?”
“Y/N got into an altercation with Alarian last night. Perhaps he has taken matters into his own hands.”, Frigga reminds Loki.
It hit him like a blow from Mjolnir.
Loki doesn’t say a word he just walks out of the room.
“Brother!?”, Thor tries to keep up with him. “Brother, wait! Where are you going?”
“To skin Alarian alive. I don’t know why it is occurring to me just now…He injured y/n last night at the feast. Who else would dare?!”, he moves around Thor to continue his hunt.
Thor moves in front of Loki and places his hand on his chest to stop him, “Loki, allow the guards to collect him. You should stay with y/n.”
All Loki saw was red, he should’ve killed Alarian the moment he heard he put his hands on you. But as much as he wants to be the one to drag Alarian to the dungeons he knew Thor was right. He needed to be there for you.
“Alright Thor. Send your men. Find him.”
Thor puts his forehead against Loki’s, “I will brother, you have my word.”
Thor moves away from Loki and signals for his men to follow him.
Loki turns around and walks back to your bed. He sits down on a chair one of the healers placed there for him and once again picked up your hand. He places a light kiss on your knuckles, just like he did last night, before everything went to shit. “Please wake up. I have so much to apologize for. So much to explain. I’ll spend the rest of my existence making it up to you. Just….wake up.”
Jane looks over at Loki.“You really do care about her..don’t you?”
He nods, “more than I care to admit.”
Jane nods and looks back at you, “then why did you lie to her?”
Loki looks down at the hand he’s holding and rubs his thumb back and forth over the top of it, “I truly did not mean to. When I wish to disappear for a little while I cast an illusion as someone else so I can still do what I wish uninterrupted. Your sister happened to come across me in that exact situation. She was so sweet and open. I selfishly didn’t want to lose that.”
Jane nods, “I understand that.”
“Do you think she will?”, Loki asks.
Jane takes a deep breath, “knowing my sister, she probably had an idea you were up to something anyway. I think she will be upset you lied to her but ultimately…I don’t think she’ll stay angry for long.”
Loki nods, “I hope you’re right. Either way. I have a lot to make up for.”
Jane smiles, “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
Loki looks back to your sleeping face and runs his hand through your hair, Frigga and Idunn approach quietly.
“She is improving. When she wakes she should consume the apple as soon as possible. It will quicken her healing.”, Idunn suggests.
“Only if she wishes to. I will not force her to make that choice. She might not want to after she…after she wakes and remembers my lie.”
Jane stands and walks over to Loki, putting her hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand that was covering yours. “Everything is going to be ok.”
Loki gives her a soft smile and turns back to you, focusing on your face.
Guards come rushing in, lead by Thor. “We cannot find him.”
Loki stands, “what?!”
“We went to his chambers, family, his known acquaintances. Nothing.”, Thor explains.
“Heimdall?”, Loki asks.
Thor shakes his head, “he cannot see him.”
Loki looks back at you, “well that confirms it then. He has to be the one responsible.”
Jane looks to the brothers with a concerned face,“But how do we find him, if Heimdall can’t see him, then…”
Loki squeezes your hand, “then I will. Lady Jane, if your sister wakes before I return please.”…he closes his eyes trying to hold the tears at bay, “tell her that I will see her soon. And I will explain everything when I return.”
Jane nods and sits back down to continue her vigil. The last few hours trying her nerves.
“Thor, with me.”, Loki takes one final look and then leaves the healers wing. He opens a portal straight to his chambers, Thor following closely behind.
“Brother, how do you intend to find Alarian?”
“By any means necessary.”, Loki walks into a room Thor had never seen before, let alone been in. It was Loki’s laboratory, something he kept hidden under an enchantment. It’s where he brewed all of his potions and poisons. He grabbed a few vials from one of his cabinets and walked up to his work bench and started combining them. With a flourish of his hand he also reproduced something Thor could not see. Whatever it was, Loki just sprinkled a bit of it into his mixture and it glowed a bright green. Loki closes his eyes and holds his hands over the shining light that was now billowing smoke.
Thor moves to stand next to Loki, watching every move he makes. “What did you pour into that?”
“A combination of things, a potion mother helped me brew for finding lost things..some of Alarian’s hair…”, Loki admits with a smile. Eyes still closed in concentration.
“What?! How in the nine did you get Alarian’s hair?!”
“Please Thor. I have something from each of Odin’s council just in case.”
“In case of what?!”
“A moment like this Thor, when someone inevitably decides to go against our family. Now hush. I need to concentrate.”
Loki’s eyes remain closed for another moment and then they snap open.
“I found him. The coward is hiding on Mulspelheim.”
“Muspelheim?! Why would he be there?!”
“He probably thinks I will not follow him there. My Jotun heritage doesn’t exactly react well to heat.”
“Then you will not be the one the claim him.”
“We must speak with father before we decide to do anything. And I will be the one to claim him Thor.”
“Brother. Think about y/n. You’re going to risk your life going to a realm that could very well kill you just from stepping foot on it. I will not allow you to put yourself in such danger.”
“You will not go without me. I will drag him to Asgard myself, even if my skin sears off in the process!”
“What are you trying to prove Loki? She can’t forgive you if you are dead!”
“Don’t be so dramatic Thor.”
“I’m not being dramatic! You are being selfish!”
“Selfish?! How am I being selfish?!”
“You do not think of those who you would leave behind Loki. You never do. You did not think what would happen to us when you let go. Do not do the same to y/n. Do not give her the gift of an eternal love just to rip it away because of your arrogance.”
Loki looks down and then looks up to Thor with a smile on his face, “well done brother, you have successfully made me feel guilty. Something has to be wrong with me. I have felt more guilt in the last two days than I have in my entire existence.”
Thor places his hand on his shoulder, “that’s what happens when you hurt the people you love.”
Loki places his hand over the one that Thor placed on his shoulder, “I’m sorry brother. For everything.”
“It’s alright brother. Let me do this for you. Let me bring you Lord Alarian. We’ll say it’s your wedding gift.”
Loki rolls his eyes, “alright Thor, alright. Let us speak with father about how we can do this without starting a war.”
Loki sends Thor to speak to Odin before he stops by the healing wing to see you. Eir stops him before he can enter your room.
“Prince Loki, I have had to administer the antidote 3 more times.”
Loki closes his eyes and takes a breath, “what can we do?”
“Finding Alarian might be her only chance. If I knew where this poison came from I might be able to brew a different antidote. Or…”
“Or…she consumes the apple.”
“We will not be doing that without her permission to do so.”
“I understand My Prince.”
“I am on my way to speak to my father. Continue with the antidote you have. I will be back with Alarian before the day is over.”
Loki turns to leave without even walking in the room to see you. He goes straight to the throne room where he knows Odin and Thor will be.
When he walks in Odin and Thor look to him, Thor with sad eyes and Odin with his usual hard stare.
“Father. Brother. Any news?”
“What of your lady Loki? How does she fare?”, Odin asks.
Loki halts in his surprise. Odin showing concern for anyone but his precious realm and heir?
Loki shakes his head, “not well I’m afraid. The antidote Eir is administering seems to be missing a key ingredient. She believes if she knows where it originated from she can acquire whatever is missing and brew a more potent antidote. For now all she can do is administer the same one.”
Thor walks over to Loki and pulls him into a hug, “Surtr has agreed to hand over Alarian. He awaits father and I at his palace.”
Loki removes himself from his brothers hold, “I’m going with you.”
Odin immediately rejects the idea, “Loki. Be reasonable. You cannot step foot on that realm.”
“I can and I will. I have already conjured cooling charms on myself and my armor. Nothing will stop me from going.”
Thor looks at Loki, “brother please. Remember what we spoke of earlier.”
“I will not stand by and watch you and father put your lives at risk for what is mine to protect. I won’t hear another word of it.”
Odin releases a breath, “very well. We leave immediately.”
Loki already feels the heat searing into his skin. The cooling charm he used to try and combat the sweltering temperature can only do so much. He takes a look around and it looks like everything he sees is deadly to him. He’s reminded of his brothers words about not coming to this realm. Maybe he should’ve listened and stayed with y/n…
“Loki. Are you alright?”. Thor asks concerned, he can see the discomfort on his brothers face.
Loki nods, “I’m fine. Let’s get to the palace and get this over with.”
Thor nods and continues walking forward. Odin leading his two sons and the large group of guards.
Once they reach the palace Loki is taken aback by the state of it. It was a large black monstrosity, the smoke rolling off of it like waves in an ocean. It was severely damaged and surrounded by wasteland. Loki now truly understood why Surtr never dared start a conflict with Asgard. Whatever small amount of his realm he had left would’ve been destroyed by Odin and his armies.
Loki has sweat pouring down his face, he tries to wipe it away with his magic but even small charms are trying for him right now. He can slowly feel himself getting weaker and weaker every step he took.
The massive black doors open when they reach them and Loki was hoping to be met with a cooler temperature once they got inside but such was not his luck. If anything it felt hotter. All of the black stone absorbing the heat, feeling as though the bottoms of his boots were beginning to melt.
“Odin Allfather. You arrived sooner than I anticipated.”, Surtr greets.
“King Surtr, thank you for your hospitality and your cooperation in this matter.”
“Of course Allfather. Do you wish to see the prisoner now?”
“We do. As soon as he is in our possession we will depart back to Asgard.”
Surtr nods, “is my home not treating you well Odin? Or is it to cater to your Jotun bastard.”
“I would take care of how you speak of my son Surtr, we came here under the impression this would go peacefully.”
Surtr holds his hands up, “Oh of course Allfather. And peace you shall have.”
The guards walk in with a beaten Alarian in their arms. He doesn’t look like he completely conscious from the way they are holding him up.
Odin looks back to his men and nods to Alarian’s broken body, “take him.”
Surtr holds up his hand, “before we move on to that…Odin I believe a proper thank you is in order for handing over the Asgardian betrayer.”
Odin squints his one eye, “you speak of a trade? If you wished for something in return then you should have asked for it before we came here.”
“How much is your fated’s life worth Prince Loki?”
Loki shows no emotion on his face, “we came here for Alarian, Surtr. Nothing else.”
“No?… Not even an antidote for your fated love?…
Loki’s heart stopped.
“You? He got the poison from you?!”, Loki accuses boldly.
“Not from me directly Prince of two realms….though he did procure it from my realm. And I can imagine with her mortal body, the antidote your very talented healers have is not working.”
Loki face doesn't change. “What do you want Surtr?”
“Odin has taken many things from many realms over the years. I want what he stole from us.”
Loki looks to Odin, “no Surtr. This was not part of our agreement. Keep Alarian, do with him what you will. We are leaving.”
“What about the antidote?”, Thor asks Odin.
“Lady y/n will consume the apple and that will heal her. Alarian will stay and rot here.”, Odin declares as he starts walking towards the empty space where Heimdall will send the Bifrost.
“Father..”, Loki starts to object.
“No Loki. Heimdall!”
The light from the Bifrost comes beaming down and Loki uses the last bit of his magic to push himself away from it. Falling to his knees, he looks up to see Odin, Thor and their guards get pulled up to the sky back to Asgard.
“Well, well, well.”, he sees Surtr standing in front of him. “What shall I do with you?”
Loki stands, his knees shaking from the effort. “I’m not leaving without Alarian or that antidote.”
“I’ve never had a Jotun in my realm before. I wonder how long it will take before the dungeons break you. Seize him.”
Loki gets grabbed and chained. When the guards are confident he cannot escape their hold, they drag him to the dungeons below.
To be continued…
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omamorens · 3 days
a while back you said something akin to “inkblade college au.. (head full of thoughts)” !! would you be so kind as to open your head and share them? i am begging you on my knees…. spare inkbkade college au.. pls…
dear anon you dont have any idea of the floodgates im about to open but!!! im imagining two main routes for this college au. bear with me with this long answer!!
the ‘met-again at college’ au:
In this version of the events, the Rat Grinders probably broke off to do their own individual thing after finishing junior year and their redemption quests.
Oisin would probably distance himself away from Elmville but still pursue wizarding school elsewhere. Probably at the Bastion City University.
This time, he does it correctly with no cheating.
Though if he was being honestly, still having access to the full benefits from the school of conjuration was probably an unfair advantage.
So he always pushed himself to do harder, to excel beyond expectations. He’s a chronic over-worker and just wants to do things right for once.
Oisin never gets into another adventuring party again and instead studies to be some type of wizard scientist, developing new spells and technology probably.
Adaine, by this time, is already a world-renowned adventurer and top divination wizard of their age, in her own right.
She’s already established somewhat of a mark to history at the young age of 24? 25? probably younger, honestly.
Oisin hears about her from time to time— they do occupy the same wizarding circles and its kind of hard to avoid mention of the Elven Oracle.
But she was a famous figure now, literally beyond reach from a lowly college student like himself.
Imagine his surprise when he sees her walk into his class one day, but not as a student, no.
Adaine was a guest speaker and was about to discuss to them the very interesting topic of the Cosmology of Extraplanar Realms and Studies of Divinities
Oisin blanked out most of it.
Too starstruck from seeing Adaine again and oh… his chest was hurting again, phantom-pains from the shatterstar that never really left his mind.
Or is it?
Before he knew it, the session has ended. He thinks it ended too soon but the topic was actually discussed for two hours.
But his professor has an announcement to make? He stayed back to hear it out.
“Miss Abernant will be conducting research in the university for some time, and she has graciously granted the Wizard Department the opportunity for a student to take up an internship role for the duration of her team’s stay. Interested students may submit a form to me and the decision will be passed to Miss Abernant’s team after careful deliberation. That is all, thank you.”
Oisin has spaced out again, reeling from the thought that their paths would probably cross even more now that she’ll be at BCU indefinitely.
“Mr. Hakinvar? Oisin Hakinvar?” his professor called for him, and he addresses her, snapping out of his thoughts.
“Ms. Abernant, this is the top student of the Wizarding course, Oisin Hakinvar. I would speak highly into considering him for the role…”
Oisin has drowned out the noise again, because Adaine was staring at him, a twinge of familiarity setting in on her features. And of annoyance.
“Oh, I know of him.” she says tersely, “Top student, you say? No unfair advantages to speak of?”
Oisin’s brow twitched at that, answering the question himself, “None at all. I’ll make sure to send in my form for the internship role.”
Because he was prideful more than anything, and the subtle mocking comment made at him was baseless.
Adaine doesn’t know him, not the way that he is right now. Not after he’s pushed himself over and over to prove that he is worthy to be here.
“Very well! I’m sure Miss Abernant will be pleased to review your form.”
“Trust me, I am very good on both paper and practical application.”
Adaine shouldn’t even care for him at all, but she was curious. After Oisin and his adventuring party disappeared off Elmville, she always wondered what they were up to. Maybe more evil plots? Maybe they died somewhere off Spyre? Who knows.
Now she does, and the kindling of curiosity was highly-flammable, the worst of all motivators she could have.
And yet.
“I’ll be the judge of that.” she says to him, like a challenge. Oisin was set on meeting her to it.
This AU is definitely tagged as “Enemies-to-Lovers”, constant bickering and challenging looks, academic rivalry too because thats always nice. Maybe a bit of mystery because I do love the allure of putting them in a dark academia setting.
the ‘they got close during senior year and went to college together’ au:
This one is definitely sweeter and idyllic.
If you’ve ever heard of Sabrina Carpenter’s new song “Please, please, please” this is the general theme; its what Adaine would feel like.
Because in this AU, Adaine finally gives Oisin the chance to date her during college.
They’re always together anyway; with both being wizards pursuing academe, their schools of study interact in much more ways than anticipated.
Lots of cute dates in between classes too!!
Going to the newest cafe to try out their menu.
Amusement park dates!! Museum dates!!!
Bastion City is filled with things to do.
And even when they don’t, just studying together was already a date.
Oisin would always have some part of his body in contact with her.
Maybe his tail wrapped around her calf under the table, his free hand on her knee when they read together side by side, or just letting her lean on to him if she gets too tired to sit upright.
Adaine, on the other hand, was a little more paranoid of their relationship.
Was she just lying in wait for Oisin to fuck up? Hopefully not, but the chances are never zero. And she hates thinking of that, because at some level, she does trust and love Oisin, wholeheartedly.
But the past has always been haunting her in some way or another.
And it’s hard to relax when danger has been everything you knew your whole life.
But Oisin was soft with her, caring and understanding, frankly a little possessive and obsessive, but it was just the healthy amount that makes her want to drag him to bed every night and assure him that she is all his.
And Oisin proves to her that he is all hers.
Just imagine. Domestic Inkblade. never thought i would live to see the day that both words are in the same sentence.
Lots of late night cuddles, of assurances, of future plans togethers.
Unending conversations of “i love you” said in the most unconventional ways.
AND OF COURSE this is college. you cant expect me to think of college au without having Adaine live up to her “Party Wizard” title!!!
Adaine definitely lets loose at parties. She has her friends with her, a loving boyfriend, and her life has never been better.
But god she has the worst alcohol tolerance known to mankind.
Oisin is definitely watching over her, excusing himself from drinking too much just incase Adaine goes wild again.
And oh she does.
Thank god Oisin is there to [i will not elaborate what happens here, but god is it in my head; just guess].
And then she wakes up with a raging headache and Oisin is more than happy to care for her (making her hangover food, massaging her sore spots).
Like I said, domestic. Fluff and comfort and so much healing. LIKE SOOO MUCH. this is the answer to the “we could’ve had it all” tag because in this AU, they have it all.
Good for them… good for them!!
Will I write this? Not anytime soon but God would I kill to read it. Someone… anyone… save me inkblade college au save me…
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dearest-nell · 13 hours
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a real piece of art
e.m x reader, 2.8k
summary: eddie has some time to kill, and you might just be his new favourite distration. includes: art history student!reader, meet cute, eddie's an absolute dork warnings: mentions of nudity in artwork and allusions to a young eddie who is very excited by the prospect.
a/n: this came to me as i stared blankly into the void of my coffee machine this morning. i'm incapable of proofreading as per usual. i could be convinced to do a part two
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Eddie had no business being here. This was an art gallery for crying out loud! He couldn’t remember the last time he’d stepped in one, save that one unfortunate field trip in middle school where he’d been caught ogling a half naked sculpture in front of half the class. Sue him, he’d never seen a naked girl before, and he really had to give credit to the artist because he couldn’t look away. He’d been called a perv for a good year after that, and he’d never thought to visit another gallery again. 
Until now, that was. He was due for a practice and soundcheck in what he thought was only an hour, but somewhere along the line Jeff had got the time wrong, leaving Eddie stuck in Chicago with nothing but his ego to keep him company. Eddie had kicked himself for the mistake – who rehearses at 10 am anyways? There was a silent agreement that Gareth would be handling the bookings next time, where Eddie might be able to actually stay in bed until a reasonable hour. 
He’d thought to burrow down in a cafe for a little while, but the snooty businessmen and shrill giggles of the barista had sent him fleeing. The environment wasn’t conducive to good thinking anyways. He figured a little solace would do him some good, maybe give him some hard earned inspiration to turn into music for the band. So with coffee in hand, he’d taken to the streets, wandering idly as the strings of bodies moved in tandem, dodging and weaving the tracks of Tuesday morning commutes. It might have been enough for him had his jacket not been too thin for the sudden drop in temperature. Worn denim with steamed patches was hardly enough to break the piercing gusts of wind, and even his sweltering coffee in hand could not keep his hands from shaking. Looking around, Eddie felt out of luck. Cafe’s seemed too busy, and he had no real desire to start wandering shops nearby, so what was there left to do? 
$14 later, Eddie puffed a relieved sigh as the warmth of the gallery enveloped him, that trembling cold slowly dissipating from his veins until his hands no longer felt like ice. He figured he’d have taken any sanctuary, though he had been hoping maybe for a Library. At least then he could have bunkered down somewhere with a book. What did you even do at a gallery anyways?  He didn’t see much point in wandering around, scanning his eyes over paintings that seemed a million years old. He didn’t get art. Music was his art, after all. Even as he started to walk, all the pieces seemed to bleed together for him. Acrylics and oils and gouache melted into the blur of faces and places and things. Sure, they looked pretty, but Eddie couldn’t see why anyone would waste their time to sit and paint something like this, let alone stare at it for hours. 
He passed through room after room like this, brows furrowed, arms crossed as he tried to puzzle out the meaning. Music and melody had meaning, lyrics filled with the words people couldn’t seem to say any other way. The sounds of instruments were sounds of heartbeats, of head rushes and blood flow and heart aches and burning desires – paintings couldn’t do that, could they? 
Wandering into a smaller room, Eddie found himself caught as his eyes fixated on perhaps the only worthwhile piece of art he had seen all morning. There you were, perched somewhat uncomfortably on the plush leather seat in the room's centre, head resting delicately into cupped palms, your elbows propping you up into a figure he was sure was only meant for statues. You looked like one of the Greek ones, he thought, all soft and graceful curves, pretty lines and prettier expressions. There was a notebook in your lap, though Eddie couldn’t begin to make out what the blurry pen strokes might have  noted at this distance. 
You seemed so lost in thought as you stared at the piece directly before you, eyebrows knitted in concentration to match the deep set focus of your eyes, and Eddie, despite himself, was lost in you. 
It was a horrifying notion to realise he was back in this same situation again, entirely different and yet all the same. Here he was, stuck motionless, staring helplessly at something beautiful, something entirely foreign to him. Naked breasts had been enough to melt a twelve year old Eddie’s mind, but this Eddie, now grown, was entirely transfixed for another reason. Never in his life had just looking at a person knocked the wind right out of him. This was beyond attraction, he thought. Beyond a pretty face and a beautiful body and all those hormones that made people spin. You were all of that, and so much more. 
How he knew that seemed entirely out of reach, but the thought settled in him all the same. 
Eddie watched the subtle angle of your head, the way you tried to see from a different perspective, before fixating your attention on your notebook once more, scribbling away furiously at stained parchment. 
All better judgement seemed to leave him as he approached, slow and long strides to avoid the echoes of boots against floorboards in such vastness. His body took residence beside the lounge, standing tall at the opposite end, arms crossing as he tried to see what it was that had you so fascinated. 
Cheese. Bread. Nuts of some kind. He tilted his head as you had, browns furrowing in confusion. Still cheese. Still bread. Still nuts of some kind. He let out a defeated huff. 
“Are you okay?” 
He hadn’t expected you to speak, let alone notice him, but when he turned his chin towards you he was met with a curious expression. You were even more captivating up close, as it turned out, so much so that he could not decide what captured his attention more. The soft bags of sleepless nights hung low under your eyes, your cheeks flushed with a dusty sort of colour that only the artifice of candies could achieve, your cheeks indented so delicately with the lines of so many smiles that had come before. 
It was embarrassing in his eyes that he was still gawking, and even more embarrassing that you had to ask your question a second time. 
“Oh– yeah. I mean… yeah. Sorry. Was I being too loud?” 
The soft shake of your head was accompanied by an even gentler smile, and Eddie felt his shoulders ease a fraction away from his ears. 
“No, not at all. Just seemed like a forlorn sigh.” You pointed out, uncrossing your legs to lower your feet to the ground. 
Eddie’s brow raised, his tone lilting with amusement. “Forlorn, huh?” 
You shrugged, though Eddie could see the slow creep of embarrassment flush your cheeks, your hand lifting to rub at it absentmindedly. “Yeah, I guess. It was just the first word that came to mind.” 
Eddie was smiling before he knew what he was doing. “I like it. Forlorn. Like it’s from a poem, or something.” 
A soft hum of contemplation fell from your lips, your pen scratching nervously in the margins of your notebook, patterns of stars falling into the sea of words below. “Could be. Poets are meant to be all crestfallen and stuff.” 
He actually laughed at that, something sounding like a punched out breath leaving him, his eyes crinkling delightfully at the corners. 
“Are you a writer or somethin’? You don’t just hear people saying words like that every day. Gotta know them by trade.” 
You shrugged again, tucking a loose strand of hair behind the curve of your ear. “Student, actually. Art history, so I guess fancy words are part of the curriculum.” 
It seemed strange to be meeting you like this, like someone high above had heard his complaints only to send him an angel to set him straight. An art student; maybe you could teach him a thing or two. 
Eddie gestured to the seat beside you, flat palm dampened nervously at the prospect of speaking to someone so pretty, so much more learned than him. You nodded shyly, not bothering to adjust as he took up the empty space beside you, his elbows propping on his knees for comfort. 
“Can I ask you something, then? Since all of this is your thing.” 
You closed your notebook, folding your legs beneath you once more as you fixated your attention on him – something Eddie was sure no man could ever tire of wanting from you. “Sure”. 
“Why are you staring at this one? Out of all the pictures in this place, what makes cheese so interesting.” 
The astonished little chuckle that left you was something sacred, golden and warm and louder than he had anticipated. You could put that laugh to song. Maybe he would. 
“It’s not the cheese,’ You clarify, your smile never shifting from your lips, “though it looks great, doesn’t it? Looks real.” 
Eddie took in the piece once more, letting his eyes trace over the food to take in the finer details. It was true; it looked real. He could see the shadows, the cracks in the bread, the crumbs that had fallen onto the platter below. He realised it mustn’t have been easy to make something so real. It felt like a snapshot. 
Oh fuck, do I get art now? 
“Yeah, it looks real. Kinda crazy real, actually. How do they get it looking like that?” 
“It’s different for different people. This one’s by Peeters, and no one’s sure where she learned to paint, but she was one of the only female professionally working artists of the 17th century. She was a big deal.” 
Eddie tilted his head towards you. “Is that why you like her, then?” 
You shook your head, scrunching up your nose. “It’s very impressive, but it’s not the only reason. I was looking for her signature.” 
Eddie did not need to clarify himself, the confusion that etched across his face spoke volumes, leaving you to laugh again in amusement. 
“A lot of artists leave signatures so you know a work is theirs. Sometimes it’s their name, or an item, or a seal – sometimes it’s on the back, sometimes it’s made to look part of the picture. She writes her name down at the bottom, see?” 
You leaned in a little closer to Eddie, lining up his gaze with your own so you could point out a flourish of cursive in the corner. Drawn into you, Eddie could not help but lean into your orbit, his eyes following the line of your finger to its destination. “Oh yeah. Musician’s do that too, y’know. Chuck in a riff or a line or something to leave their mark.” 
“Seems like it’s an artist's thing. I think it’s pretty cool.” 
Eddie liked the insinuation that musicians were artists. He’d met too many people in his life who’d thought otherwise, who did not understand the value of art. He supposed he was one of them, though. He’d been ratting on the art around him only five minutes earlier. 
“You like music, then?” He asked, eagerness in his voice betraying the cool persona he was hoping to achieve. 
“I love music.” You confirmed, hands busily occupying themselves by twiddling the pen in your lap once more. “I wish they played music here. Imagine looking at all the art and listening to songs that fit. There’s these big dramatic paintings a few rooms over that are just begging for a rock instrumental to accompany it, and the cheese…” you trailed off, seemingly embarrassed to have been so caught up in the idea. “I feel like I'd be lost in it forever.” 
Eddie closed his eyes for the briefest moment, letting the vision of your little dream settle in his mind. He could get around that, art and music together – two worlds colliding. It seemed all the more enticing to think you would be there too, humming away as you watched the paintings and he watched you. 
“I think it sounds brilliant. You tell me when you’re building this fancy gallery and I’ll be the first one there.” 
He might have died at the sincerity with which you smiled. No heart was meant to withstand such adoration brimming inside of it. 
“You know, I–” you paused, garnering some courage to find the words, “the signature I was talking about before? That wasn’t the one that had me looking at this. The cheese, I mean.” You gestured vaguely towards the canvas before you, though Eddie was unwilling to peel his eyes from the work of art before him. 
“Yeah? What had you looking, then?” He couldn’t believe that for the first time in his life, Eddie actually cared about what was splayed across a canvas. Whatever it was that intrigued you so, he was aching to know. 
“She painted herself in the reflection of the lid on the jug. Up the top… see?” Adjusting the items in your lap, you slowly rose to your feet, extending a hand out to drag the boy up with you. Eddie faltered only for a second, contemplating whether this one single touch would make or break him. Would the sweat of his palms disgust you? He was so nervous to talk to you, after all, to take this chance. He swallowed, slipping calloused fingers into your own until he felt unperturbed digits grasp his own, your expression unphased as you guided him towards the wall. 
You both paused a foot short, your free hand pointing upwards to guide his flittering eyes. Lo and behold, painted so delicately into the reflection of the jug, was a face staring back at him. His hand squeezed your own with untapped excitement, and Eddie’s mouth dropped. 
“Holy shit, that’s so cool. That’s really her?” 
You nodded, squeezing his hand back. “Yeah, that’s Clara.”
It was silent for a beat, the two of you soaking in the image before you; the woman in and amongst all the pieces of a life lived so long ago. It was a moment in history, much like the one the two of you were caught in now. 
Eddie marvelled helplessly, unsure what seemed to amaze him more; all these details that he never would have noticed if it weren’t for you, or the fact that you, a complete stranger, were still holding on to his hand as if it were something normal. For the briefest moment, he wondered if this could be normal, you and him. 
“I think this is the ultimate signature in a painting, just writing yourself into the story like that. It’s such a small thing, but… it changes everything, doesn’t it?” You broke the silence, voice a little dream like as you spoke. Eddie could only nod dumbly, a contented smile spreading across his face. 
“You wouldn’t wanna show me more of these, would you?” 
Eddie couldn’t stand the idea that you might walk away after this, back to your own life that until now had been so far away from his own. He wanted to walk the whole gallery with you, your hand in his, your voice whispering sweet nothings about the history and details of the world around you. 
The sheer excitement that crossed your features was an expression unmatched, never before seen. It was like he had asked you the one question you had been waiting for your whole life. Maybe you had been. Maybe no one had ever taken interest in the thing you seemed to love so much. He knew what that was like after all, his music had not been everyone's cup of tea. 
Maybe it could be yours.
“Oh, I– really?” 
“Only if you want to. I spent my whole time here trying to work out what made this stuff so special; I think you might be the one to show me. I’ll buy you coffee as thanks, if you like. I mean… I’d like to take you out for coffee.” 
He felt like a bumbling idiot, pausing to breathe an embarrassed chuckle. “You can also tell me to get lost at any time.” 
Eddie wasn’t sure if you noticed the way your hand seemed to tighten in his own, the movement causing his heart to beat in unsteady rhythms. It was something so small that seemed to shift his entire world – your hand holding his. 
Your head tilted with a smile. “You never said your name, y’know.” 
“Eddie.” He breathed out a little too fast. He’d have to kick himself later for it, because right now, he was too fixated on the way his foolishness seemed to make you smile all the wider. 
“Eddie.” You echoed, turning your body to face his own. “I’d love a coffee.” 
It took everything in him not to fist bump in triumph, his body aching to wriggle with the excitement that was slowly taking over muscle by muscle. How the hell had his morning turned out this good? 
“Sounds like a date, then.”
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(images not mine)
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“Still Life with Cheeses, Almonds and Pretzels” by Clara Peeters (ca. 1615)
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mulloey · 1 day
just a prick • seonghwa
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you’re a skilled professional, even when he looks at you like that
warnings: no actual smut, pornstar!seonghwa, piercer!reader, dick piercing, talks of female orgasm. mentioned manwhores!hongjoong and mingi. open ending so there may be a part two ;)
At 8.30AM you shuffle tiredly into the tattoo studio, eyelids drooping slightly as your hands clasp around your latte like a lifeline. You’re pleased to see your colleague and the owner of the studio, Hongjoong, has arrived before you, and is already setting about cleaning and preparing the instruments for the day. He smiles warmly at you as you enter, calling out a greeting. “Big night?” He asks with a grin, noticing your tired expression.
You huff, shaking your head. “Hardly,” you say. “Doesn’t make opening any easier.”
He laughs. “Just make sure to get that coffee down before clients start coming in. We don’t need anyone thinking their piercer is high on caffeine.”
You snort, slamming the coffee cup down at your station. “Like you never tattoo people on caffeine.”
The tattooist shrugs, smirking slightly. “But they’d never know, would they? My work is perfect.”
“As is mine,” you say. You point to his fresh eyebrow piercing, done by yourself. Examining it more closely, you notice it looks a little red. You frown. “That’s not causing problems, is it?”
Hongjoong looks confused for a second before he realises what you’re talking about. He laughs, reaching up to touch it before you can yell at him to stop. “This?” He asks with a grin. “Not at all. It got a little… irritated last night. But that’s nothing to do with your piercing skills.”
He wiggles his eyebrows as he speaks and you groan. “Gross, Hongjoong. And I told you no sex until it heals. You could have gotten really hurt!”
He scoffs, shrugging you off. “It wasn’t my fault. Mingi came in.”
Fair enough, you think. Song Mingi, a budding rapper who comes in every few months looking for a new tattoo, is irresistible to say the least. Tall, handsome, charming, and that voice. He’s loyal, too, at least when it comes to tattoos, insisting on getting all of them done by Hongjoong (though that might be because Hongjoong likes to lower the price for his favourite clients), and he’s relaxed and kind every time you see him. You can’t blame Hongjoong for not turning Mingi down this time. You never turn Mingi down either.
“What do I have today?” You ask. It’s Thursday, your favourite day of the week, because the studio doesn’t take walk-ins on Thursdays. If you’re lucky, you might just pierce a few ears this morning and be home in time to fall asleep right after lunch.
“Two appointments,” Hongjoong says, reading off the company computer. “Helix at 10, then a…” He pauses, squinting slightly at the screen. “Okay, I don’t know what this is. San must have put it in.”
You walk over, staring down at the screen to find out. The other piercer, San, is off today, so must have made that appointment for you. Being best friends and just as skilled as each other, the two of you often make appointments on each other’s behalf, so it’s not surprising. What is surprising is just what he’s booked you in for. You snort, making a note to kick him the next time you see him.
“I can see why he gave me this one,” you say.
Hongjoong frowns, confused. “A… Prince Albert piercing? Am I supposed to know what that is?”
You giggle, shaking your head. “It’s a dick piercing, Hongjoong.”
He gapes for a moment, apparently not even aware that that’s a thing, let alone a thing that you know how to do, then shrugs, chuckling to himself. “Yeah, I get why San didn’t want that one.”
You hum, walking over to your station and sorting through your collection of needles. This particular piercing will need a thicker needle than usual, so you grab the box you keep them in from the bottom shelf and open it, inspecting them quickly.
“Doesn’t mean I wanted it,” you grumble. “I’m telling you now Hongjoong, if anyone ever wants an asshole piercing, I’m giving it to him.”
Hongjoong baulks. “That’s a thing?” He gasps.
“We’ve never done one here,” you shrug. “But if we ever do, he’s doing it.”
Your first appointment goes pretty smoothly; the nervous looking teenager is very polite but pales when she sees the needle so, not wanting her to pass out, you call Hongjoong over to hold her hand. With his other arm around her shoulder, tilting her head away from you, he manages to distract her for long enough that you’re able to push the needle through without her noticing. She thanks you both profusely, insisting on tipping you but you decline, seeing as how she’d mentioned how long it took to save up for this.
“Use it to buy yourself a snack instead,” Hongjoong advises while he rings her up. “You need a lot of sugar to get you through the rest of the day.”
She nods, thanking you both again before slipping out of the door. “Sweet kid,” you smile and Hongjoong agrees.
By the time you’ve cleaned up after her piercing it’s still only 11.30, leaving you three hours before your next appointment. Normally you’d take the chance to grab some lunch with Hongjoong but he has an appointment at 12, so you venture out alone to find something to bring back for both of you. You find a small sushi place and sit there, quietly munching through your food. When you finish you order some more to take away for your boss. Strolling back into the studio just before 2, you find him just finishing up. You place the sushi on his desk and he grins, peeling off his black gloves and chucking them into the trash before he descends on his feast.
With half an hour left to spare you begin setting up your station, making sure you have everything ready by the time your next client arrives. You’ve done this particular piercing a few times before, but it’s definitely your least requested one; knowing how sensitive that area is, most men choose not to go sticking needles through it. It makes you rather curious about exactly what kind of man would choose to do that.
At 2.30 sharp you find out. You’re sat at your station, scrolling through your Instagram when the sound of voices catches your attention. Hongjoong’s customer service voice is unmistakable but he sounds more relaxed and familiar than usual. Another voice, just as deep and unexpectedly smooth, talks briefly with him before you hear the sound of footsteps approaching. Hongjoong flings open the curtains as usual, with an unusually wide grin on his face.
“Your 2.30 is here,” he smiles, “for his Prince Albert piercing.”
You stand up to greet your client, faltering slightly when he first comes into view. There’s no denying this man is gorgeous; long hair, plush lips and an intense gaze that oddly intimidates you. As if you’re not the one about to push a needle through his penis.
“Hi,” you say. It comes out higher than you meant it to and you kick yourself but he doesn’t mention it.
“Hey,” he smiles, reaching out to shake your hand. His hand is soft and easily dwarfs yours. “I’m Seonghwa.”
You introduce yourself, managing to sound a little more confident before directing him to sit on the bed. He strolls towards it, leisurely setting himself down on it. He doesn’t look nervous at all.
You take your seat next to the bed, shuffling around with all your equipment to make sure you have everything.
“So,” you start.
He smiles. “So.”
“You want your dick pierced.”
He laughs, nodding his head with a smile that creases his eyes. “I do. My friend gets pierced here and recommended another guy… San or something? But the man on the phone insisted that you’re the best for this kind of piercing. He insisted I book with you.”
You roll your eyes. Fucking San. You’re going to kill him when you see him. “Yeah, that’d be San. But he’s not wrong, I have plenty of experience with this. You’re in good hands.”
He smiles kindly at you. His gaze is almost scrutinising, and you feel small and strangely vulnerable beneath it. “Oh, I’m certain I am. I trust you’ll do a fantastic job.”
You feel yourself flush at his words, and the confident and almost teasing tone with which he’d said them. You know he’s doing this on purpose — you see the smirk on his lips — but you shake your head, trying to snap yourself out of it. You’re a professional, and as much as you’d happily jump this guy’s guns, he’s a paying client so you have to focus.
“Do you know what kind you want?” You ask. “There are three kinds. Your classic Prince Albert and also the reverse and, uh, deep shaft.”
You know you blushed on the last word but he smiles understandingly. “Which would you recommend?”
“Well, um…” you clear your throat. “It depends.”
“On what you’re using it for.”
He tilts his head, smiling. “What I’m using it for?”
“Yeah,” you nod. “Some people get it for the aesthetic, and some people get it for… pleasure reasons.”
He laughs, eyes creasing again. It’s cute. “I suppose… ‘pleasure reasons’ would be mine,” he says.
“Oh,” you reply without thinking. “For yourself, or…”
“For others,” he says. “I’m hoping to improve the pleasure of my partners.”
“Right,” you nod. “And is it… female partners you’re pleasuring?”
He cocks an eyebrow. “Are you interested?”
“What?” You splutter. “No, I—”
You panic slightly, feeling defensive and he stares at you for a second before bursting into laughter. “I’m messing you,” he says. “Yes, it’s female partners.”
You nod, relaxing slightly. You feel a little bit irritated. This guy is annoying. “Okay.”
“You’re blushing.”
“I know.”
He smiles. “So which would you recommend?”
“I’d say the reverse one,” you decide. “It looks more like a ring than a stud and helps stimulate the nerves of the clitoris. But it increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections, so you need to be careful.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” he says. “Myself and my partners are tested every time. It’s an industry thing.”
He laughs. “Hongjoong didn’t tell you what I do, did he?”
You pause, hands stilling where they’d been fiddling with the equipment, and turn to stare at him. “He did not. He was only in here a second before you were. He didn’t even mention he knew you.”
Seonghwa laughs, reaching to tuck a stray hair behind his ear. “Figures he’d want to mess with you. I’m in the… adult industry.”
It takes a second to sink in and you baulk. You feel your mouth hanging open, dumbfounded, but you’re not sure how else to react. “You mean…”
“Porn,” he smiles. “I’m pretty good at it. But I was told if I got this, I’d be even better.”
“Oh,” you say. You try to level yourself, still at work, but the idea of Seonghwa fucking woman after woman in front of a camera, and being so good he gets paid for it, fills your head. Without thinking you slap yourself lightly, trying to physically force the thoughts out.
Seonghwa seeks to know what you’re doing because he laughs, smiling amusedly at you.
“Tell you what,” he says. “If you do a really good job here, I’ll even tell you my stage name.”
You laugh shortly, feeling dazed but unwilling to let it on. “I was going to do a good job anyway,” you say.
“Now you definitely will.”
You smile. “We’ll see.”
Once your preparation is finished, you slide back over on your stool, staring awkwardly at him. “Um…” you say, a little unsure. “Seonghwa, I need you to pull your pants down now.”
He laughs and obliges, standing up to ease his pants and underwear down to the middle of his thighs. “Is this okay?”
You feel yourself flushing again, doing your best not to stare at the semi-hard cock hanging at his thigh. It’s big, thick and weirdly…pretty? But you’re at work. He’s your client. And you’re going to do a good job and be professional. And not just because of the reward he’d promised you.
You direct him to lay back down, voice faltering slightly and he does so. You scoot over to him until you’re sat right next to his dick. With a sharpie you carefully mark the spots on Seonghwa’s dick where you’ll be piercing. This close to this dick you annoyingly feel your hands start to shake. You apologise breathlessly, knowing this is the last thing someone wants to see from their piercer, but Seonghwa chuckles. Before you can move your hand away he closes his hand around your wrist, steadying you. “Relax,” he whispers.
You nod, feeling stupid. You’re piercing him, you shouldn’t be the one needing reassurance. You can already hear the way Hongjoong’s going to clown you for this, not to mention if God forbid it somehow gets back to San. The cocky piercer will make your life absolute hell if he finds out how you’ve acted today. But Seonghwa isn’t fussed, just patient and kind like he’s been the whole time. He actually seems to be amused your nerves.
“Right,” you say. “Do you want to see the needle or shall I just start?”
Seonghwa gulps, and for the first time you think you see a little bit of fear on his face. You smile warmly at him. “Don’t worry. I’ll be quick and it’s actually not that painful.”
He smiles, slightly weaker but relaxed a bit. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I’m really good at these.”
He nods, bracing himself slightly. “Okay, just start then.”
You find yourself smiling almost fondly at him before you shake it off. Not now. “Ready?”
He smiles at you, a little more confident. “Go ahead, baby.”
You make quick work of it as usual, and you find that once you’re in the zone, focused on the task (and penis) in front of you, your nerves dissipate and you’re as skilled and professional as always.
Seonghwa hisses slightly when you insert the needle, gripping the sides of the table with white knuckles. With the wound already made, the ring goes through with greater ease and then it’s done. You wrap the bandage carefully around his tip, peeling off your gloves and discarding them and the needle before walking back over to Seonghwa. He’s still a little pale but the colour is quickly returning, and he doesn’t look fazed at all.
“How was that?” You ask him.
“Not too bad,” he says. “I think it will be very helpful.”
You laugh softly. “Not for two to three months it won’t. Absolutely no sex of any kind. Not even masturbation.”
He whistles, looking more wounded than when you’d actually wounded him. “That won’t be fun.”
“You’re a big boy,” you say. “I’m sure you can handle it.”
“I can,” he says. “And it’s not like that’s the only way I can be satisfied, anyway.”
You know he’s doing this deliberately. This isn’t a normal conversation to have with your piercer, even if they have just pierced your dick and told you not to have sex for three months. It’s clear that he’s toying you, and even more clear that you’re eating up every word.
You tilt your head, trying to play along. “Oh yeah?”
“Of course,” he smiles. “You know, every man would love to be a pornstar. Fucking beautiful women on camera and getting paid for it? It’s every dude’s dream. But few of them actually get to do it.”
“Mhm, I guess.”
“Do you know why?”
You shrug. You suppose there’s a reason but you don’t know what. “Why?”
“Because they only care about their pleasure.”
“And you don’t?”
He shakes his head. “I’ve found the key to getting ahead in my profession is being able to take pleasure in giving as much as receiving.”
Oh. “Right,” you say. “Well that’s good, I guess.”
You can’t tell if he’s just bigging himself up to you, trying to look good to his beautiful piercer, but the evidence says not; after all, he’d just had a needle stuck through his penis solely to be able to make his partners feel good. It’s clear that female pleasure isn’t something he takes lightly.
“Tell me, then,” he says. “Is there any kind of… aftercare I should be doing?”
You nod, peeking up slightly. This you know. You hand him a leaflet book, giving him a brief overview of the instructions inside and he listens intently, nodding and asking questions where necessary. But for the whole conversation, he never once looks at the book. Just at you.
You give him the book to take away, along with some equipment for him to take care of the wound, and he smiles, thanking you earnestly. When he walks out the door after a short conversation with Hongjoong, you feel strangely sad to see him good. With all that talk about female pleasure and the chemistry you’d thought you felt between you, you’d half expected him to stay and… well, you’re not exactly sure what you thought he’d do, but you didn’t think he’d just leave so quickly, like any other customer.
You sigh, shaking your head and turn around to go clean up your station. A few minutes later, Hongjoong walks in, a knowing smile on his face.
“Well, Princess Albert,” he says. “Prince Albert left you this.”
You perk up cautiously, curious but eager not to get your hopes up. Hongjoong hands you a shred of paper, torn haphazardly from what looks like the aftercare leaflet you’d given away. In neat but hurried writing, Seonghwa’s left you a string of digits and the words: call me.
You smile, ignoring the wave of relief that rushes over you, and tuck it neatly into the pages of your diary to keep it safe.
“Don’t worry,” Hongjoong says. “I won’t tell San. Well, I won’t tell him everything.”
sorry for writing so much seonghwa i’m just obsessed with him rn… but i have other members coming! thank you for reading, please reblog & comment if you enjoyed! requests are OPEN!
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