#doctor phil fanfic
myimaginarymary · 2 months
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Conversation with my friends.
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just-a-strange-boy · 1 year
alright folks
got some stuff planned for the following weeks in means of updating and sharing my re-edited kinktober prompts with the world
keep your eye out for:
better strangers
When you signed up for that anon hook-up service, you hadn't quite expected to meet such a handsome stranger.
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a helping hand
Unable to use his hands after the accident, Stephen is in desperate need for some help. And who are you to refuse?
what he hides
There is much more to Phil Burbank than meets the eye. Stumbling upon him in the creek, you get to see something no one is allowed to.
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and you know what? they all have a sequel 😉
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fardell24b · 1 year
The Engineer and the Time Lady - Nina, Octavius and Investigations
Nina, Octavius and Investigations
Nina thought more about the rescue. There was certainly more to it than that. She then checked the console and saw that the TARDIS didn’t see anything unusual in that data. ‘I’ll look over it this evening,’ she thought.
  She went straight to the Bugle.
Betty showed Nina the room where the archives were stored. “That is a lot,” Nina said, seeing that there was only a small amount of walking space in that room.
 “Yes,” Betty said. “The Bugle was founded early in the last century, and Jameson bought it nineteen years ago. He wants you to build the archive in reverse.”
 “So, literally backwards?”
 “I can do that.”
 “Good,” Betty said in an encouraging tone.
 She soon, got to work. Some of the information was interesting.
  On Baffin, Aialah started her duty shift. As she entered the Bridge, she could see that Alpha was reading something from a PADD whilst sitting in the Command Chair and Eta was looking at something on Science Station 1. She also saw the Pilot make minor course correction. She looked at Earth’s Moon on the viewscreen. 'Quite interesting that it's tidally locked,' she thought, as those of her home weren't, although their rotations were in resonance with their orbits. ‘Maybe because it’s so big relative to the planet?’ she considered.
 Alpha put the PADD down. “Good morning,” she said.
 “Not sure why we have synchronized the shipboard time to American Eastern Standard Time,” she groused. Earth rotated a couple hours a day slower than her world.
 “Given that Nina's there,” Alpha said.
“Right,” Aialah said. She went over to Eta. “You have found any further information?”
“Not much. It seems to have been classified by the National Security Agency,” Eta answered as Aialah sat at the other Science station.
“I see.”
 “Uh?” Aialah asked.
 “It seems an organisation called the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division is also involved. But I can’t find much on them either. Just the fact of their existence. Whatever data they have, it must be stored offline.”
 “I’ll help you find out.”
Somewhere in a nondescript office in the District of Columbia, a phone rang. “Coulson here,” the man said.
 “The hack is continuing. The Agency may be compromised,” the woman on the other end said.
 “Have you traced the origin yet?”
“Not yet.”
 “Keep me informed.”
 “I shall.”
“Uh oh!” Eta said.
“What?” Alpha asked.
“SHIELD is tracing our crack,” Eta said.
“SHIELD?” Aialah asked.
“That's what the acronym spells in Federation Standard, or as it's usually known on Earth, English,” Alpha answered.
“Oh, right,” Aialah said. “I guess I need to know more of that language.”
“It would probably be a good idea,” Eta said.
“But the trace back?” Alpha asked.
“It's still within the terrestial network,” Eta said.
“Still, I'll help,” Alpha decided.
In Engineering, Gamma checked over the Warp Core. It was working perfectly, without any problems. All the systems were working fine. She was tempted to deactivate herself again, but Alpha had decided that at least one Hologram would be on duty in Engineering at all times. She didn't fault her reasoning. She walked over to a panel and brought up the scans from Octavius' experiment again. There were many reasons why it had gone awry. “OK, replay it in real time.”
She watched as the experiment unfolded, and listened to the commentary Nina had recorded. 'Something...' she thought as the she watched the magnetic field increase. Maybe it was the fact that Octavius was using Tritium? Or was there something with the Tritium. 'OK, did Nina scan the Tritium container specifically? She checked, and saw that she didn't. 'It is a mystery then,' she thought. Or were there other such containers? “Gamma to Alpha.”
Alpha listened to Gamma's proposal. It seemed like a good idea. “We'll use the probes to scan the planet for more concentrated Tritium.”
“There's certainly something there,” Gamma said again.
“We're doing it now.”
“SHEILD is giving us the runaround,” Aialah said a while later.
“In that case, I think we should pause it, and check with Nina later to see if the TARDIS had gained the information yesterday,” Alpha decided.
“Sure,” Aialah said.
“We'll look at historical databases instead,” Eta decided.
“For now,” Aialah said.
During her lunch break, Nina saw a commotion in a nearby Bank. Something was happening. She took a moment to adopt the persona she had used the previous night, taking off her dress, showing the Starfleet uniform underneath. She then loosened her hair and put on her mask before taking out the quarterstaff. She took a moment to calm herself, then ran around a corner and entered the bank. She saw that Spider-Man was already on the scene and Octavius was throwing money bags at him.
How to stop Octavius? She could wonder why he was robbing a bank later. She could see Spider-Man having some sort of problem before Octavius knocked him down. “Octavius!” she called. He ignored her as he focused on Spider-Man and began squeezing his head with two of the actuators. She ran up as the superhero produced two webs and slammed two tables against his opponent.
There was a brief scuffle before Octavius was knocked into the street.
 'Maybe Spider-Man doesn't really need help,' she thought as the two continued to fight. But then Octavius grabbed an old lady.
Nina ran after Octavius and his hostage. “Octavius!”
 “I said don't follow me!” Octavius said as he looked up a nearby building.
 “I'm not a cop,” Nina said, but Octavius then began climbing up the building. “OK...” She tapped her combadge. “Nina to Baffin. Octavius tried to rob a bank and is now escaping with a hostage. He's climbing a building with her.”
Aialah brought up the scan of the situation as a response to Nina’s request. Alpha took a closer look at it. “Certainly, but Spider-Man is on the scene. He may see,” she said. But there was another issue. “Also, Baffin is too far away. Transporter range is only 45000 km.”
“I don't think that would be a violation of General Order One. And couldn't the probes be used as relays?”
“They don't work that way. Adding a teleporting superhero where one doesn't already exist might be,” Alpha said. Her and Aialah’s researches had proven that Spider-Man was unique.
“Don't the shuttles have transporters and be controlled remotely?”
 “That can work. Their functions can be controlled from the Bridge,” Alpha said. She turned to Aialah. “Start up the Calgary.”
 “Aye, Alpha,” Aialah said.
 She then turned to the Pilot. “Program her to take up a geosynchronous orbit above the 74 degrees west longitude.”
 “Shuttle is ready for launch,” Aialah reported.
Nina watched as Octavius continued to climb the building. “I’m sure ‘Spidey’ will be here soon,’ she thought.
 “Shuttle is in position,” Alpha reported.
Nina materialised at the top of the building. She looked down. She saw that Octavius was still quite low down, but she didn't see Spider-Man. “OK, beam me to a floor which is a few higher than Octavius' position.”
She materialised in an office, startling the various workers.
“Sorry!” she said, as she noticed the vibrations caused by Octavius' actuators piercing brickwork. “He's close!” she said. “Evacuate!” she said.
Then Octavius came by the window. She tapped the commbadge. “Up another three levels.”
She materialised and ran to the nearest window, which she smashed by extending the staff against it. Octavius had stopped a level above.
 “Hand her over!” Spider-Man said.
 “Of course,” Octavius said as Nina clambered out the window, her hearts beating fast.
 “Easy now!” Spider-Man said as he reached for the hostage.
 'No No No!' Nina thought as her panic started rising. Octavius then let the hostage go; letting her fall towards the ground!
 “Baffin!” Nina started before Spider-Man shot a web line, catching the falling woman. He flung her upwards. Octavius then started laying into Spider-Man.
 'His focus is on him,' Nina thought quickly. There was definitely something she could do.
 “Spider-Man's on the scene,” Aialah reported as Nina climbed out the window, dodging falling masonry.
 Spider-Man knocked Octavius aside and began climbing.
Nina looked at Octavius, who began to climb up after him. “No!” she cried out, only to have an actuator knock her off the building! “Baffin, emergency beam up!” She panicked for a second or two, before she felt a transporter beam.
She materialised aboard the Calgary.
 “Report,”Alpha ordered.
 “I'm fine. Octavius knocked me off the building,” Nina reported.
 “Are you sure you want to do what you're doing?” Alpha asked with concern.
 “Yes!” Nina said, although she wasn't entirely sure. “Beam me back.”
 “Wait a moment, Spider-Man and Octavius have fallen off the building.”
 “Beam me close to the hostage.”
  Nina materialised and then smashed the window, startling the older lady. “It's OK,” she said holding her hand out. The lady grabbed onto the offered hand. Nina then helped the lady through the window. But not quickly enough.
“I see Spider-Man has a new side kick,” Octavius said as he smashed his way through after them.
  “It's a coincidence,” Nina said as she stood in front of the lady. “We're not working together.”
 “Hand her over!” Octavius said.
 “No!” Nina said. She could see Spider-Man behind the new villain.
  “I know you're there,” Octavius said. Rather quickly he used two actuators to grab both Nina and the older lady!
  Spider-Man saw Octavius emerge from the room with both Aunt May and a disguised young lady. “Let them go!” he said.
 “No! You've stuck your webs in my business for the last time! You are going to have either of these women's death on your conscience!”
 “Shame on you!” he heard Aunt May whisper.
 Whatever happened, he knew he would try to rescue Aunt May first. “Sorry,” he whispered to the younger lady. At least he didn't have to choose between Aunt May and MJ. Octavius then flung both of them in opposite directions. He then moved after Aunt May.
Nina saw Spider-Man go after the older woman. 'Of course,' she thought. She waited another second before calling for yet another emergency transport.
 Peter sighed a sigh of relief as he caught Aunt May. But there was still time to catch the younger lady. He looked back and saw a strange light, but no sign of her. That was something to think about but first he had to get his aunt on the ground.
  “We sure showed him,” Spider-Man said once they were on the ground.
 “What do you mean 'we'?' May said. She didn't do anything.
 “And I know you weren't able to save the other woman. Sometimes people have to choose.”
 “I know,” Spider-Man said quietly. He then shot a web and swung away.
Nina breathed deeply after materialising on the Calgary. The events were catching up to her. She thought of going back to the TARDIS and the Zero Room, but she also needed to go back to the Bugle.. “OK, beam me back to the Bank.”
 “Are you sure?” Alpha asked.
“I have to get back to the Bugle. It's near there,” Nina responded.
 “OK,” Alpha said.
  Nina materialised and quicky found the dress she had taken off. She then rushed back to the Bugle offices. “Miss Lumber!” It was Jameson. “I'd like you to meet someone.”
 “Who?” Nina asked as she entered Jameson's office.
 “This is Peter Parker.”
 'Good,' Nina thought. “Nice to meet you,” she said to the younger man. She shook his offered hand.
 “Parker takes photos of that wall crawling menace,” Jameson explained.
 Parker gave a look of annoyance. “I keep saying.”
 “I know that, Parker. I understand you have photos of that incident with Doctor Octopus.”
  “Doctor Octopus?” Peter asked incredulously.
 “Professor Octavius. I came up with the nickname earlier today!” Jameson explained.
 “Doesn't seem respectful,” Nina commented.
 “Did I ask your opinion?” Jameson asked.
 “I have the photos,” Peter interjected.
 “Good! It will make a great first page tomorrow. Doctor Octopus and Spider-Man rob bank and take hostages!”
 “That's not what I heard,” Nina said.
 “Did I ask your opinion? Get back to work.”
 “Yes, sir.”
  Peter watched Nina as she left. He turned back to Jameson. “He was trying to rescue the hostages Octavius took,” he argued.
 “I don't pay you to argue. I pay you to take pictures.”
 “Yes, sir.”
  Back on Baffin, Alpha finished looking over the scans of the battle with Octavius after he had left the bank. 'Crewman Nina is being reckless,' she thought. “Maybe if she had a parachute?”
“What?” Aialah asked.
“What is Nina thinking?”
 “I'm thinking that she is trying to help, like when she rescued me.”
 “That's certainly something to think about,” Alpha considered.
   As Nina scanned in another page she saw Peter come over.””Hi, Nina,” he said.
 “Hi Peter,” she said as response.
 “That was a good comment there,” he said.
 “Which comment?” she asked, although she had some idea.
 “That the 'Doctor Octopus' moniker isn't a respectful one for Professor Octavius.”
 Nina nodded as she grabbed another article. “I see you try to stand up for Spider-Man.”
 “He does good for the city,” Peter said in a tone that suggested that he wasn't really sure.
  “I've looked at the records since I have arrived,” she said.
 “You're not from New York?”
 “No, I'm from out west,” Nina answered. She had to give some answer.
 “Back to Spider-Man.”
 “As I said, he does do good for the city,” Peter said, just as unsure as before.
 “You sound unsure.”
 “He's said that he's having trouble with his powers.”
 “What kind of trouble?” Nina asked.
 “He couldn't explain it,” Peter said quietly.
 Nina could tell he didn't really want to tell her that.
  “I'll let you get back to work.”
 As Peter left, Nina wasn't sure what to make of what he had divulged.
  “More chatter in the White House,” Aialah said. “The Director of SHEILD is meeting the President.”
“He certainly knows something,” Alpha surmised.
“It would be risky to evesdrop,” Zeta said.
“Could we beam a tricorder down from the Calgary?” Aialah asked.
“No, it could be discovered rather easily,” Alpha said. “A definite violation of the Prime Directive would ensue.”
“It has replicators, right?” Aialah asked. “We could disguise one?”
“I'm not sure that would work,” Alpha considered. “And it will take a while to design the disguised tricorder. Probably long enough that the meeting would be over first.”
Aialah nodded.
Having been stimied with that; Alpha decided to take a different track. To look over the internet information for strange events.
Upon leaving the Bugle that afternoon Nina filled Alpha in on what Peter had divulged.
“So, you think something is happening with Spider-Man?” Alpha asked.
 “It certainly seems like it,” Nina answered. “I didn't want to pry too much, but I'll keep looking for him.”
 “According to our investigations here, it seems that there is more to this Earth than it appears,” Alpha said.
 “There is much in the data from the internet,” Alpha said.
 “Of course.”
 “We're still going through it. But there seems to be rumors of magic within New York City at a place called the Santum Sanctorum. The location references are contradictory, but it most often refers to a place in Greenwich Village.”
 “I'll keep an eye out for it.”
  Alpha considered what Nina had divulged. 'He could be struggling with something to do with his powers,' he thought. 'Or maybe it's his life balance.' She wasn't sure. She checked the sensor data from the probes. There wasn't any activity at Cape Canveral or Baikonur that hadn't been planned. Neither the United States nor Russia suspected that Earth was being observed from space. 'Good,' she thought. Despite the references they had found to the Sanctum Sanctorum earlier, they hadn't detected anything unusual that would be indicative of magic. She remembered that Baffin had visited various Earths where some kind of magic existed during their journey. She decided to look over those encounters. 'Wait!' she thought. 'Maybe Aialah would have a different perspective.' There wasn't magic in her world, but it's variety of speculative fiction seemed to be as rich as that of Earth.
Aialah took in what Alpha had divulged. That the Baffin crew had encountered worlds where there was magic. Most of them were version of Earth of course. “I'll have a look at the list,” she said to Alpha.
“Let's see,” Aialah said.
Undead in Romania
The Nordic Ice Queen
The British Hidden Society
Hidden Places in Japan
Miraculous Family in the Colombian Highlands
“Undead?” Aialah asked with a shudder. “Or maybe the Nordic Ice Queen instead? Or the British Hidden Society?”
“Your choice,” Alpha said.
“Of course. Computer, compare how long Baffin spent at each version of Earth listed.”
Undead in Romania: Eight Months, three days.
The Nordic Ice Queen: Three months, four days.
The British Hidden Society: Two Years, six months, ten days.
Hidden Places in Japan: Five Months, seven days
Miraculous Family in the Colombian Highlands: Four months, two days
Aialah wasn't sure which one to start with. “The Nordic Ice Queen is the shortest and the British Hidden Society is the longest.”
“You don't have to go through all of it at once,” Alpha said, seeing that Aialah was indecisive.
“Of course not,” Aialah said. “I'll start with the Nordic Ice Queen.”
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muiitoloko · 11 months
• Last update: 02/06/2024
Model: Date / month / year
Follow me on AO3
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1 - Jealousy
2 - Gentleman
3 - Wishes
4 - Scar
5 - Girls night
6 - Doctor's Appointments
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11 - I Can See You
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15 - Secret Messages
16 - Mission: Heatbreak - PART 1 - PART 2
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4 - Fanfic serie: Trust - Lionel Shabandar
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10 - Fanfic serie: Like father like son
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1 - Chess Game
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1 - Fanfic serie: Difficult woman
2 - Fanfic serie: The Promise of Tomorrow
3 - Needs
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1° Alan Rickman: Not early riser
2°Alan Rickman: My Commoner
3°Alan Rickman: Typecast Hearts
4°Alan Rickman: Sun and Rain
5°Colin Firth-Alan Rickman: Co-stars
6°Blow Dry/PHIL: Styled with Love
7°Before I go to sleep/BEN: Chains of desire
8°Alan Rickman: Between Takes and Waistlines
9°Sense and Sensibility/BRANDON: You are you
10°Eyes in the Sky/FRANK: In control
11°Galaxy Quest/ALEXANDER: The stall
12°Judas Kiss/DAVID: Birthday Wishes
13°Rasputin(1996)/RASPUTIN: The Princess
14°Blow Dry/PHIL: Dirty little Secret
15°Alan Rickman: Rehearsal
16°The Barchester chronicles/SLOPE: Man of God
17°Quigley down under/ELLIOTT: My control
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Umm- cringy fandom they were in?—
Rodolfo: Supernatural. He had a weird attachment to Castiel, (Valeria: "I wonder."), but strangely was not a destiel shipper. He preferred Denny and was absurdly upset when he died.
Alejandro: Never got onto that side of the internet, but he respects it even if he doesn't understand it
Soap: Undertale. Liked Sans, thought he was funny.
Ghost: Emo Bands, read fanfiction for them. May have wrote some, will never tell the truth.
Roach: Septiplier, cringes very hard when he hears either of their names, now.
Valeria: She definitely had a Friends' faze she cringes pretty hard over. Calls Alejandro her "Ross." It is not affectionate and he knows its not.
Price: Doctor Who. He's a british milennial. It was Doctor Who
Laswell: Harry Potter, hates JK Rowling, would shoot her, gladly. Preferred the Marauders and was weirdly attached to James/Remus/Lily. Is a ravenclaw, obviously. (Ask me their Hogwarts' houses so you can yell at me.)
Gaz: Look me dead in my eyes and tell me I'm wrong; Dan and Phil. Isn't too into them, now, but definitely deeply appreciated Dan's coming out video.
Alex: Sherlock. He was a Mystrade truther. ("IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY NEVER MET, FARAH")
Farah: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, still occasionally reads fanfic for it. Definitely wrote a ton of it.
Malika: Also doesn't know what a fandom is. Farah is going to keep it that way.
Graves: One Direction. Not elaborating or explaining.
Koenig: Thomas Sanders, really attached to Virgil/Anxiety. Shipped Analogical.
Horangi: It's meta, but I feel like he'd be into COD. Don't really have an explanation.
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jobooksncoffee · 2 years
New Fic!
This is a long overdue gift for my dear @iamjustreading . Sorry it took forever dear.
Alright, I have oscillated on the pavement for a while before deciding to post this completely self-indulgent fic. Yes, Phil Burbank was a total AH, but he was also grieving, repressed and so lonely. He was a genius, knowledgeable of music, literature and social norms. He was played by Benedict. I could not help relating him to Sherlock. So this happened. I’ll post on Wednesday. This is a 2 chapter fic.
The Power of the Spider
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After many years managing the ranch he shares with his younger brother Thomas, and a year working with his best friend and right hand man John Watson, Will Holmes received the shocking news of Thomas’s marriage to Daisy. Her son, Jim, comes to spend the summer on the ranch. The young man appears to have an interest in learning how to be a Cowboy. Jim also has a clear interest in Will. John, however, suspects a darker motive for the boy’s actions. Will is not a man to accept “protection”. What is in store for John?
A fix-it for the ending of “The Power of the Dog” this fic was started as a gift for my dear @iamjustreading who introduced the novel to me and read it with me. It was a chance to insert a handsome British Army Doctor into the story and make it all better. It would help if you are familiar with the book or the movie, but you can give it a try even if not. Tagging some usuals; @iamjustreading, @loveismyrevolution , @johnlocklover221 , @barbsiebabe @chinike , @chriscalledmesweetie , @calaisreno , @cortinita , @elwinglyre , @demonicangeling , @dissolvinggirl , @fluffbyday-smutbynight , @folkfaery , @love-suzyq , @loves-to-read-fanfic , @masterofhounds , @missdeliadili , @nathan-no @ohlooktheresabee , @sussexinchelsea , @tildathings , @totallysilvergirl , @whatnext2020 , @lhrinchelsea
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
Hi!! Hope you're doing well and tell you that I love your blog. There's this fanfic (I must've read it between 2016-2020 maybe) set in around 2009 where Dan tells Phil how he can't, well, perform masturbation successfully, so Phil starts helping him through Skype sessions. I, for the love of God, can't remember the name or the author of it, so if you could help me or remember anything, it'd be amazing, thank you so much!!!
Pretty sure this is it, but lmk if not
Too Tense to Be Undone (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrayne)
Summary: Dan’s never had an orgasm before. Despite being in a relationship with his ex-girlfriend for three years, he’s just never been able to finish. The doctor’s don’t know what’s wrong with him, so Dan’s mostly put it out of his mind. Until his gap year, when he starts talking with AmazingPhil, and accidentally admits that he’s never come before. Phil’s happy to help with more than just convincing Dan to post YouTube videos, if Dan will just give him the chance.
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smolwritingchick · 6 months
Forced To Believe Chapter 2- My WWE Debut
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Author's Note: Here we have some more filler before going straight to the main roster. When I wrote this I focused more on what happens onscreen instead of offscreen but as the story progresses I started adding more on what happens with Melanie 
The Jake Roberts OC is from an old fanfic friend of mine back on fanfiction.net's site, magmon1000. I decided to keep it in!
Chapter Summary: Melanie continues her wrestling career in TNA and FCW before finally getting called up to debut on the main roster at Survivor Series 2012 as Morgan Lopez. She has some words to say about The Shield which begins to make her a target of the group
Words: 9,000+
"There are some crazy-looking guys here. Especially with a lot of tattoos and gothic clothing." Leah, Melanie's friend from the gym said as she walked into her locker room after the CZW show was over
Melanie had met her when she was training to become a wrestler. Leah had helped her work out, thanks to her high school wrestling coach and they have been friends ever since.
Melanie removed her ponytail and laughed. "You'll get used to it. I did after a month. Jon broke me out of my shell and now I can't get enough of everyone. We're always hanging out."
"Yeah, and you and I are having a night out. Just the two of us. We gotta talk."
"Something up?" she asked with concern. She wore a black tank top, leather pants, a leather jacket, and black boots, already ready to hang out with Leah.
"It's my boyfriend. I think he's cheating on me..." Leah looked down.
"What? No way. Come on, let's go to the bar."
Melanie drove Leah to a local bar in South Philly, downtown, and sat at the counter. "What can I get you ladies?" A female bartender asked
"I'll take a Heineken," Melanie replied as she immediately received one
"Give me the strongest drink you have," Leah replied sadly.
"Whoa! No. Don't listen to her. Give her a Heineken just like me please." Melanie declared. After the bartender gave Leah the same drink, she walked away to attend to another customer. "What the hell is the problem? Breathe. Don't do anything reckless, right now."
Leah bursted out in tears and Melanie sighed. Leah would get really emotional when it came to relationships and overthinking. "We were doing so good..."
"And you still are. Leah, get it together. He's not cheating. You gotta remember that his work hours are hectic. And remember that he always comes home to you right after he's done work and spends as much time as he can with you."
Leah nodded and wiped her tears. "You're right."
"You have a good man, Leah. I know it."
"Heh, you are like my own Doctor Phil."
"Hardy har har. I'm not a man and don't have a mustache."
"All right, let's drink!" Leah took a big gulp of her drink as Melanie laughed.
After a while of drinking, the girls start to feel a little tipsy. But Melanie was still able to do her own thing. Leah on the other hand just kept laughing.
"Hey look, it's Jon." Leah pointed out. Melanie saw Jon hanging out with Sam Johnston (Sami Callihan) and they were goofing around. The girls get off the counter and walk around the bar a little.
"I'll see him in a bit," Melanie nodded.
Leah sobered up after a while and prepared to leave, "I'm gonna go. Got to go to the gym tomorrow."
"All right." Melanie smiled and gave her a big hug goodbye.
"Bye, Mel Mel. Thanks for the advice. I can't wait to see my boyfriend when he comes home now." Leah waved and left the bar.
When Melanie turned around, she got her waist grabbed by someone. Turning her head back, she saw Jon grinning down at her.
"I thought you said you weren't coming to the bar." he chuckled and released her as she laughed and turned to face him. He definitely was a little intoxicated
"Girl talk."
"You and your girl talk."
"It's what chicks do for your information." she pushed him slightly as he had his hands up in defense.
"All right bombshell, do what you want. I don't want to get hit with that finisher of yours."
"Damn right."
Sami walked over to the two. "Hey, Mel."
"Sup?" she gives him a grin.
Suddenly Jon grabbed Melanie by the waist from behind and licked the side of her face slowly as she quickly closed her eyes
"Your face is tasty," he said drunkly.
"Oh my gosh! Ew!" she exclaimed, getting released by him as she wiped the side of her face. "What is wrong with you?" She laughed.
"He's been licking a lot of people lately. You'll get used to it." Sam replied, amused.
"I just hope that's the only thing he's doing with that tongue of his," she mentioned
"Wanna take shots?"
Melanie nodded. "Why not."
After 4 rounds of drinking, Melanie was wasted. Jon grabbed her by the waist to help her up. He had eaten and sobered up and watched them take shots. And seeing she was at her limit, it was time for her to go home.
"Yeah, it's time to go home. I'm gonna take her to my apartment. She won't be able to drive." Jon brought up as he said goodbye to Sam. He got a hold of Melanie's car keys and helped her out of the bar.
"I'm not drunk, I can drive. Whoa!" Melanie slurred as she fell down but Jon caught her and picked her up bridal style.
"Yeah, you're drunk all right."
He drove to his apartment with Melanie continuously laughing in the backseat. "Pickles are so yummy...so are Cheese Its. Cookies and cream! I want some cookies and cream." she slurred as he let out another laugh.
It was quite funny how she mumbled random things. This was the start of how their random word conversations would start from time to time.
Once he arrived at his apartment, he helped her inside. He knew it would take time for her to sober up, so he decided to just give her some water and let her lay on his bed. Once she got settled, he went to the living room and started to watch some TV.
During a Pro Wrestling Talk Show, Melanie was dragged by Sami and Jon to watch Drake Younger talk and answer questions. She was highly annoyed with Moxley who began making smart-ass comments.
"Would you cut it out!?" She hissed and kicked his leg while Drake started talking about his time in Amsterdam and who he hung out with.
As Sami and Moxley continued shouting smart remarks, Drake had enough.
"If you got a problem, you can come down here. You can come down here and say something if you got a problem." Drake spoke and stood up to try to find out who was talking.
"You're a worthless champion, Drake!" Sami shouted.
"Paper champion," Moxley commented.
"Step out in front of the light," Drake shouted back as the host tried to convince Drake to not do anything reckless. As soon as they did, Drake looked surprised. "OH~ Sami! You wanna do this here? You wanna do this here?" he got provoked while Jon and Melanie walked onto the stage.
"God I am so embarrassed..." Melanie mumbled as Jon and Sami stood behind the desk. The host got out of the way, while Melanie stood in between Drake and the Switchblade Conspiracy. "Drake, I am so sorry for their actions."
"Oh no, don't apologize for them, Melanie. Don't apologize." Drake gently moved her out of his way.
"Aye! Get your hands off of her." Moxley pointed while Melanie sighed at his possessiveness.
"We are taking over this show!" Sami stated. "Sit down and answer our questions!"
Moxley answered the phone. "Hello? Okay, I'll ask him right now." He put his feet on the desk. "Drake, the people wanna know why you aren't cool anymore? Man, you used to be so cool. You used to be like one of the guys. I remember the first time I ever met you." he starts talking about the good times he had with him. "Now you're just a big star!"
"The CZW champion," Sami added
"You are the World Heavyweight Champion, and you think that you're too good for me and Sami now. But you're not. You're still just like us Drake. I taught you the figure four, you wouldn't even know that if it wasn't for me, and I still do it better than you."
"Can we not do this, here?!" Melanie shouted as Drake traded words with Sami and Moxley.
"Don't look at my eyes, Drake! I'm like Medusa! Don't look at my eyes, Drake!" Sami yelled.
"Out of respect for this show, I'm not gonna do this here. But I swear when you guys step through my house, I will slice you, from ear to ear, chico." Drake threatened them and left while Jon and Sami continued shouting at him.
"Answer this Drake! You got me booked in Germany for a hardcore match! You know I don't do that shit! Answer that Drake!" Sami screamed.
Melanie glared at her teammates while Jon shot her an innocent look. "What?"
"Don't 'what' me! This is fucked up. You dun fucked it up! And you guys decided not to unfuck it! What the hell was that?" Melanie snapped
"Chill MelBelle. This is our show now." Sami looked at the camera. "Hello, viewers. Welcome to our show now. Welcome to our show! We call this the Switchblade hour power and we will do whatever we want. Whenever!"
Jon answered the phone again. "Hello? Uh, I think he left the studio. Hold on wait can we get Drake back in?" He looked at Sami and Melanie.
"You're joking right?" Melanie scoffed
"Let me talk to him." Sami grabbed the phone.
"Drake!? Drake!? I'll be back. Let's go Mel." Jon grabbed her hand.
She swiftly took her hand back. "Whoa whoa, why do I have to go­-hey Put me down! Jon!" She proceeded to get lifted up and put over Moxley's shoulder.
'Time Skip'
It was 2011 and Melanie had just got off the phone with Dixie Carter. She explained to her that she had caught her interest and would love for her to be a part of TNA, so she happily accepted. Melanie was in shock. It may not have been a wrestling company like WWE but TNA is still up there. She had her last match with Jon and he won from the Moxicity. After a bunch of tears and a farewell speech for the CZW crowd, she enjoyed the last night with the CZW crew with a goodbye party. 
"You're moving on up, girl." Chrissy wiped her tears.
"Ugh, no tears! You're gonna make me cry, again!" Melanie embraced her.
After saying goodbye to some other friends, Jon and Mel decide to go take a walk together, outside.
"Can't believe you're leaving."
"Hey, we'll keep in touch. I never forget those who have helped me over the years. Large or small."
Jon smiled, but he had to admit, he felt saddened that she was leaving him. "Here." He takes off his chain. "I want you to have it."
"Your chain?" She grinned and received it. "Really?"
"I want to see you with it on when you're TNA."
"Your wish is my command." She put it on. "I hope we get to wrestle in the WWE together. You're gonna make it. Trust me. We both will,"
"Thanks, Mel. You too."
"It's almost time for me to go. I hate goodbyes. Especially when you get to leave your family like this. Thank you, Jon. Seriously. These past few years with you have been super awesome. Next stop is WWE for us both."
"Hell yeah." He wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly. He really did not want to let her go, but he knew how much she wanted to wrestle in WWE, and TNA would be the first step.
As she started walking away, she stopped and turned back around. "This is gonna be super selfish of me, but­..."
She stood on her tippy toes, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing her warm lips against his cool ones, softly. Jon widened his eyes in surprise. He wasn't expecting that, but he was not complaining as he kissed her back, tilting his head to the side. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. It felt really good to kiss the girl he's been crushing on for the past few years.
As she pulled back, he already started to miss her warmth. She smiled at him. "I'll see you soon."
"Definitely." He smirked softly
'Against All Odds'
In TNA, during Madison's match against Mickie James, Melanie ran down the ramp and tossed Madison some brass knuckles.
"Who the hell is that?!" Taz looked on from commentary
"I don't know but she seems to be buddies with Madison!" Mike Tenay yelled.
Madison hit Mickie in the face with the brass knuckles and stole the victory. Melanie celebrated with Madison as Tara recovered from getting hit by Mickie with Madison's glove.
"Finish her!" Madison ordered and Melanie connected with a hard sidekick to the face to Mickie.
In the next few weeks, Melanie had been introduced by Madison, claiming to be her new bodyguard. Week after week she would attack all of Madison's opponents for her, but then things got rocky. There was one time when she actually failed to attack Mickie and caused Madison the match. She was not happy.
"You are such a distraction! You keep making me lose every single match! You don't do your job right at all! You are worthless!" Madison exclaimed and pushed her after each sentence. Melanie had enough and kicked her in the stomach, laying her out with a kick-out DDT.
"I'm sorry, who is worthless?" Melanie mocked before getting out of the ring.
For the next few weeks, Melanie would interfere in Madison's matches.
"What are you doing here!?" She exclaimed as Melanie walked down to the ring with a smile. 
Madison was having a match with Velvet Sky and was about to win once she hit the Rayne Drop on her but turned her attention to Melanie. Melanie was wearing a similar attire to Madison's Queen Bee gimmick but it was black. Velvet then managed to roll her up for a pin to win as Melanie laughed. Madison started to freak out as Velvet gets out of the ring.
But then the next week, Madison decided to turn the tables. While Melanie was facing Tara, Madison's music cued up and Melanie turned her attention to the stage. Madison walked up with a grin and did her trademark princess wave to add insult to injury.
Melanie glared at her but then turned around to get clotheslined by Tara. Madison looked on in delight but then Jake Roberts walked down the ring.
"Uh oh, Madison better run while she can. Melanie's friend, Jake Roberts isn't going to stand and let her distract Melanie." Mike said. As Madison taunted the crowd, she turned around and ended up shrieking and ran around the ring, away from Jake.
"Who do you think you are sneaking up on me like that!? Go away! This isn't any of your business!" She exclaimed. Meanwhile, in the ring, Melanie and Tara wrestled back and forth but then Melanie gave her a kick in the face as she dropped to the mat.
"Get the heck out of here!" Melanie yelled at Madison. She walked to the ropes and looked her at ringside, in front of her. The ref had his attention on Jake, trying to make him go back to the locker room.
Madison took this advantage and grabbed Melanie by the ankles to slide her out of the ring and started unloading on her with punches.
"Madison is a hell cat," Taz exclaimed
"You think you can beat me, Melanie!? Huh!?" She screamed. As the ref tried to get Jake to leave, Jake walked around the ring and grabbed Madison off of her as the crowd cheered. He picked her up over his shoulders as Madison started freaking out from being up in the air so high since he was so tall.
"Oh no he got Madison!" Taz laughed.
"Good!" Mike chuckled.
Melanie recovered and looked at Jake. "Thank you! Don't let her leave, I'm not done with her yet." she got in the ring as Tara recovered from her kick. They wrestled some more as Jake held Madison. She tried kicking and screaming at him but he wouldn't budge.
"Let me go!" Madison screeched. Boy did she have an unpleasant screech. Melanie managed to hit Tara with her finisher called the backfire which was her trademark kick-out DDT and pinned her for the win,
After Melanie won, she motioned Jake to put Madison in the ring. After he did, she speared her and started unloading on her until Madison escaped and ran away.
"Looks like Madison's plan backfired," Mike said.
Then the next week, during Madison's match against Mickie James, The rhythm from Madison's 'Killa queen' theme comes on which caught everyone's attention, but the lyrics were different and said, 'Let's Kill The Queen' instead of 'She's a Killa Queen'
Melanie had come out with a proud smile on her face as Madison's jaw dropped in shock.
"How dare you use my music!?" She yelled. "You are going to kill me!? How dare you!"
"Kill the queen? I think Melanie is on a mission to take Madison down and take her title." Taz said on commentary.
After Mickie got the win from the distraction, Melanie got in the ring and waited for Madison to get up. When Madison turned around, she got hit with the backfire as Melanie grabbed her Knockouts championship and raised it up in the air to loud cheers from the crowd. And then dropped it on Madison's knocked-out body, staring at her with a smirk.
As the two kept bickering with mind games, they finally battled it out and Melanie won the Knockouts title from her. She held it for a couple more months before dropping it to Velvet Sky. After dropping the title, weeks later she started to become AJ Styles' biggest fan, admiring his wrestling and wanting to hang with him more.
AJ was walking backstage and Melanie ran over to stop him. "Hi AJ!" She grinned.
"Hey, Melanie." AJ greeted, slightly confused.
"I just wanted to wish you luck on your match. You are just so awesome in the ring. I really admire you." She smiled brightly.
AJ chuckled, flattered at her words. "Thanks."
Then a week later, she watched AJ's match at ringside.
"What are you doing here?" AJ exclaimed
"Cheering you on!" She replied like it was the most obvious thing ever
Then after that, AJ decided to let her watch his matches. Then over the next few months, they became good friends and great tag partners as they took down whatever opponents were in their way. But that all came crashing down on the Thursday after Against All Odds in 2012. AJ was up against Robbie E for the Television Champion.
"Come on AJ!" She cheered on. But then, Daniels and Kazarian walked down the ramp. "AJ!" She got on the apron.
AJ looked confused while he was on the other apron, looking at Melanie as she tried to motion him to turn around but it was too late. The ref called for the bell when AJ was attacked by Kazarian.
"Your winner by disqualification, AJ Styles." Christy Hemme announced as Melanie went to help him. But when she tried to, AJ got up and immediately pushed her away.
"What is your problem?" She exclaimed.
"If you hadn't distracted me, I could have taken them out!" He yelled at her.
"Are you serious? You are blaming this on me?"
"You keep distracting me!"
"I was only trying to help-"
"I don't want your help! You are always in the way! I don't want you around anymore! I'm tired of this!"
"You know what? Fine! Be that way! Don't come crying back to me when you need me to help you, got it?" She bumped her shoulder against his, walking past him to leave. 
He had no right to take his anger out on her like that. She knew he was going through a lot since Kazarian abandoned Styles during their match with Samoa Joe and Magnus to be with Christopher Daniels but he needed to get it together.
After that, Melanie was called up for FCW and she immediately asked for a release. She went straight to Florida, reuniting with Jon and meeting everyone else. She had a new character and the name was Morgan Lopez. And she vowed to make Morgan Lopez an amazing homegrown name in the WWE.
Spending time in FCW with Jon was fun as they continued to spend time together as best friends and were even put into a storyline together with his character Dean Ambrose obsessing over her
Morgan is backstage with Summer Rae. "Hello, Morgan." Summer Rae grinned
"Hey Summer, what's up?" Morgan smiled
"So, what do you think about Dean Ambrose? You think he's cute?"
Morgan gave her a confused look and retorted, "You're joking, right? That guy is crazy and obsessive."
"Am I now?" She heard a raspy voice behind her as she widened her eyes. Summer quickly left the scene as Ambrose sniffed Morgan's hair and put some hair behind her left ear. "You know what I like about you? Everything. You can be so pure and innocent but also feisty and determined. It drives me crazy. I think I found my mate," he smirked and walked away while Morgan looked creeped out. 
In the ring, Morgan got distracted by Dean during her match against Raquel Diaz and got pinned by a roll-up pin to lose the match. "Are you freaking kidding me!? What is wrong with you?" She exclaimed as she recovered from the pin. Dean just looked amused as he stood on the apron, watching her.
"You think this is funny?" She retorted before giving him a stinging slap in the face as the crowd 'Ohed' in response.
Ambrose slowly turned his head toward her and grinned.
"She just slapped the crazed Dean Ambrose and I think he liked it," William Regal called on commentary, bewildered.
'Next week on FCW' Morgan bumped into Ambrose backstage and glared at him. "What do you want?" She spat
"You know Morgan...when you slapped me...I have never felt so alive," he admitted, reminiscing on the slap. She looked confused as he went on, "You know, I really think Morgan Ambrose has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
She stared at him like he was crazy. Not him putting her name with his last name.
"What is wrong with you?" she shook her head
"You made me like this Morgan. I think about you every day, night, week, month, second, whatever. I just want you to acknowledge me."
"What­-you're­-you're insane!" she quickly got away from him once again
'Next Week'
Dean was lying down on a lounge chair, while James Bronson was sitting beside him. "Well, Dean...it seems that you have...an obsession with being the best in the world. And I admire that. And it also seems that you have an obsession with Mister William Regal. But I also see that you have an obsession with Morgan Lopez. Tell me your thoughts on Morgan," James said.
"Do you really have to ask? You already know. Everybody already knows. She...she completes me. Everything about her is...perfect. Her smooth skin...her beautiful smile...she's a doll. I know her better than she does. I know everything about her. She needs to understand that I'd do anything for her. Morgan belongs to me and if any man in this arena has a problem with it, I will lay them out. And the one man who Morgan seems to be around with often is..." Ambrose growled. "William Regal..."
"We're making progress here. This is good." James looked at his notes.
Later on, Morgan was backstage and couldn't help but watch Dean Ambrose cutting a promo at ringside.
"You know Morgan, I don't like to be ignored. I will find a way to get your attention. Even if it means getting your loved ones involved." Dean dropped the mic as she looked confused by his statement
A few weeks later, backstage, a fight erupted between Bronson and Ambrose. He put Dean into a submission from behind, on the ground.
"Give up! I wanna hear you say it!" Bronson yelled. "You wanna give up!?"
All of a sudden, a few refs and FCW superstars rush to his aid and try to make Bronson break the hold.
"Stop it! What are you doing!?" Morgan yelled as she marched over to them.
"Give up you piece of shit!" Bronson yelled.
"Enough!" She yelled and Bronson let go of the hold. "That was not cool at all, who the hell do you think you are? He did nothing to you! What are you trying to prove?"
"Morgan, stay the hell out of my way. I don't have to listen to you since you're one of Maxine's assistants. Get out of here."
She glared at him while Bronson smiled smugly and walked away. She turned her attention to Ambrose. Although she didn't like him, she was hoping that he was okay. She decided to kneel down and help him.
"I got him." She stated and the refs and superstars left the scene.
'Later' Morgan was ordered to be the ref for Bronson's match and ended the match once he made his opponent tap. She scowled at him and decided not to raise his hand. When his opponent recovers, Bronson puts him in another submission hold. 
"Enough! Back off! You won the match already!" She yelled and tried to break the hold. A moment later Bronson broke it and stood up.
"What did I say about getting in my way, little girl? Stay out of my way!"
"Just leave already." She tried to step up to him. "You've won, just leave. Please."
"Leave? How about you make me. Make me Morgan! Make me leave! What are you going to do? Nothing! So shut your mouth!"
The crowd booed him but then Regal got in the ring and attacked him.
"Regal isn't going to stand for such disrespect. And now Regal is attacking Bronson and putting him in the Regal Stretch!" One of the commentators exclaimed as Morgan stepped away from the action. "And now Garret Dylan is out here." The commentator added as he attacked Regal.
Bronson and Garret gang up on him while Morgan tried to stop it. She does but then the two males turn their attention to her.
"Stop it!" She yelled but Bronson grabbed her by the hair. 
All of a sudden, Ambrose rushes into the ring and hits Garret with a lariat. Bronson threw Morgan to the mat while the impact made a loud noise which made the crowd 'Oh' in response. She held her head and crawled over to one of the bottom turnbuckles to lean on. Regal managed to put Garret in the Regal Stretch, while Ambrose put Bronson in the Regal Stretch too.
"Oh, it hurts right?! It hurts!?" Dean taunted Bronson.
"What is going on!?" The commentator exclaimed as Morgan looked on in shock. "Is this really happening!? The heck is going on?"
Ambrose and Regal look at each other and release their submissions. They stared at each other and Regal pointed at him and got out of the ring.
Morgan held her head and tried to recover and saw Dean, who was shirtless and in jeans, staring at her intently. She couldn't help but feel a little bit attracted to the crazy man. To his hair, his hairy chest, and the way he was watching her, it was clear that Ambrose really wanted her. After all the times he tried to get her attention, this one took the cake. He finally did something normal for a change and saved her from Bronson, with help from Regal. She tried to stand up but failed and Ambrose got out of the ring. He walked around the ring and decided to carry her bridal style as the crowd cheered.
Morgan reluctantly wrapped her arms around his neck but began to like the position she was in.
"Is Morgan smiling?" The commentator asked as she started to look happy while Ambrose carried her backstage.
'Next Week'
Morgan was in the mirror, primping, and caught Dean in the mirror, wearing a white shirt and jeans.
"I've been looking for you," she said and continued putting on her lip gloss. "You know, I keep replaying that incident in my head, of what happened last week. When you saved me, after all we've been through. I just want to know why. Why did you save me?" she turned around while he walked up to her.
He grabbed a piece of her brown hair and sniffed it. "Maybe it's because I couldn't take it if something bad happened to you. It was a reflex to save you. No one is going to hurt you, Morgan. No one." He declared and walked away.
Later on, Morgan watched his match against an FCW superstar at ringside and Dean hit the kickout DDT that she used, The backfire. Bored, Morgan began walking away as Dean looked surprised. "Morgan's leaving." A commentator says. "And look at the face of Ambrose. He isn't too happy about that."
Ambrose pinned his opponent for the win and didn't even wait for the ref to raise his hand. He instantly slid out of the ring and ran after her. "Morgan! Morgan! Where is she? Where is she!?" He screamed.
He started seething and ran his hands through his hair. He groaned loudly and held his heart. "She broke my heart. She broke my heart...how dare she do this? How dare she do this to me!? She took advantage of me and played with my feelings! I thought she was going to love my match and praise me but I guess I was wrong. I'm not good enough for her, aren't I? She believes I'm not good enough for her. She isn't going to get away. She is going to feel my wrath!" Dean continued. "I don't care how long I have to wait, I will make her acknowledge me! I will take my aching heart and tear it apart for her! I will even die for her! Does she not know that she completes me? Does she not know that I want her to look at me and praise me? I guess she doesn't seem to care. But don't worry..." He began to smirk. "She will. I will make sure she cares. She'll see real soon! I vow it!" He yelled at the camera and stormed off.
During the next episode of FCW, Husky and another superstar start brawling in the ring with the ref out cold. Before this, they had a match but it quickly escalated into a brawl. "Enough! Enough, stop this!" Maxine, the FCW general manager, walked out with Morgan and William Regal. Morgan had continued to be Maxine's assistant when she wasn't doing matches on FCW. "I need some help, get some help! Now!" She saw officials and FCW Superstars running in the ring, trying to break it up. One of the superstars who ran was Dean Ambrose. "Go! Go!" She exclaimed.
Maxine decides to get on the apron when she sees the fight isn't getting separated.
"Maxine look out!" Morgan shouted but it was too late because she accidentally got bumped into Brad Maddox while she was trying to get in the ring. Maxine held her head and was down on the mat as Regal and Morgan came to her aid. "Are you okay?"
The fight went on outside as Ambrose, Maxine, Morgan, and Regal were left in the ring. Ambrose glanced at Regal and Morgan and then back at the fight while he was on the apron. He decided to attack Regal from behind.
"Dean!" Morgan yelled as Maxine crawled away from the fight. "What are you doing!?"
Ambrose started unloading on him. But then Regal gave him a hard punch in the face as Ambrose stumbled back and got out of the ring. Regal took off his jacket as Maxine and Morgan stood in the middle of the ring, between the two men who were at ringside. Maxine glanced at Ambrose and William and started to smile.
"What are you planning?" Morgan asked, knowing that smile Maxine was showing.
Maxine's FCW theme played out in the arena as Ambrose and Regal stared each other down while Morgan looked worried.
"Was this what Ambrose meant when he said he would go after one of Morgan's loved ones? Regal and Morgan have gotten close over the months of FCW." An FCW commentator says
"Please don't tell me you're going to make them have a match." She pleaded with Maxine.
"I got this handled," Maxine reassured her. Before Ambrose left to go backstage, Regal applauded him.
Afterward, Morgan rushed after Regal. "Regal, please don't tell me you are going to wrestle Dean. Maxine said she made the match. Don't do it. Please don't wrestle him. You did it once, you don't need to do it again."
Regal lifted up her chin and smiled at her. "This needs to be done, Morgan. This is going to be closure."
'Next Week' Norman Smiley, who has the FCW heavyweight championship in his hands, Maxine, and Morgan, who was still Maxine's assistant, were in the ring while Maxine talked about having an eight-man elimination tournament. "In this tournament, the participants will compete against each other, over the next couple weeks. And then the final four will compete in a fatal four-way match. And whoever wins will be the new FCW world heavyweight champion."
"Let's please bring out the participants," Maxine announced as they walked out one by one. "FCW 15 champion, Seth Rollins! Leo Kruger! Big E Langston! Leakee! Showtime Percy Watson! Damien Sandow! Dean Ambrose! And Husky Harris! Gentlemen as you know, you will be competing against each other over the next couple of weeks."
Morgan couldn't help be feel an intense gaze in her direction. 'Don't look. Don't look, Morgan. Do not look.' she tried to warn herself as she tried to continue listening to Maxine. But after a few moments, she decided to look as she locked eyes with Ambrose. 'Just my luck. Why would you look at him? Why?'
Ever since Dean attacked Regal, they have gone at it while Morgan got stuck in the middle. She is close to Regal and admires his ring work. But she doesn't want him to get hurt because Ambrose is a dangerous man. But there was a small part of her that was interested in the weird guy.
"But right now, Damien Sandow and Leakee, you will compete right now in a match. And Morgan here will be the special referee for the tournament matches for the next few weeks." Maxine declared, making Dean smirk and the crowd cheer. "The rest of you please leave the ring."
"Wait, what?" Morgan snapped her head to her. "I don't even have a shirt-"
"Taken care of," Maxine replied.
"Why me?"
"Why not? You are my assistant after all."
"But why can't a regular ref do it?"
"It's done, Morgan."
Morgan exhaled while everyone left the ring but her, Leakee, and Damien. She received a referee shirt and put it on while standing in the middle of the ring.
"Why me...?" She mumbled
During another episode of FCW, Summer and Morgan were backstage.
"You know you got a psychopath staring you down, hard, over there, right?" Summer asked, glancing at Ambrose, watching Morgan from afar.
"Don't push it..." Morgan mumbled. "This whole situation is just really weird..."
Audrey Marie walked over to them, making Morgan even more annoyed. She couldn't stand her. She was exceptionally aggravating and just wanted to smack the stupid grin off her face.
"Wow, I'm so glad I'm not you, Morgan. Because I'm the diva's champion! Yeah!" Audrey bragged and showed off the title.
Without thinking, Morgan slapped her in the face before storming off.
"Whoa!" Summer exclaimed and started to laugh while Audrey rubbed her cheek, still stunned at the assault.
"What was that for!?" Audrey yelled.
Morgan walked backstage, trying to cool off but got stopped by Maxine.
"Why would you slap the diva's champion?" Maxine asked with an annoyed face expression
"She deserved it," the Philly wrestler shrugged
"Look, you can't just do that. You slapped the diva's champion, Morgan. You're supposed to be my assistant."
"I know that. It just happened...I'm sorry, okay?"
"Look I'm going to have to force action. You will not be in the number one contender diva battle royal tonight."
"What!? Maxine please­-"
"It's done. I'm sorry but this needs to be done-" Maxine trails off as she watched her storm off. She sighed and shook her head. "She never listens anymore..."
Later on the night, Morgan was sitting down on a chair backstage, burying her head in her hands, while the diva battle royal was going on. She was filled with mixed emotions. Anger, sadness, defeat. She had always dreamed of being the FCW Diva's champion, to prove that she should be here. But the dream was never going to happen because she decided to slap the diva's champion. From afar, Ambrose was watching her intently and walked over to her.
"Just go away, please." She mumbled but Dean sat next to her.
"You should release it," Dean responded.
"Release what?" She sat up to glance at him.
"All that frustration and anger. Show them that you should be in that battle royal." he goes on, making her more irate about the situation. She stood up and headed off to the ring. "Release it, Morgan! Release it!" He shouted.
Morgan didn't know why she went along with what he said, but she should prove to the FCW Universe and the divas that she was not a fragile diva and deserved to take a shot at the championship. As soon as she walked out, she saw AJ, Aksana, Raquel, and Naomi still wrestling in the ring while Audrey was at ringside, watching on.
"Wait a minute, why is Morgan out here? She's not in this match." Byron brought up on commentary.
"This is going to be very interesting," Regal spoke, fully intrigued at the situation.
"Oh!" Byron shouted as Morgan speared Audrey out of her chair and started unloading on her. "Morgan is going after Audrey!"
"This is what Morgan needed. She needs to show this side more often." Regal said while Morgan threw her face first to the ring post, making the crowd 'Oh!' at the impact. She slid into the ring and gave Aksana and Naomi a double clothesline and started unloading on AJ with punches.
"Hey! What the hell!?" Raquel shouted and grabbed her off of AJ but got shoved back
"Fuck off!" Morgan shouts and continued beating up AJ.
"I have never seen this side of Morgan before," Regal murmured.
"You and me both!" Byron said as Raquel grabbed Morgan off of AJ again and tried to punch her. Morgan blocked the punch and threw her into the ring post, hurting her arm. She slammed her down before throwing her, AJ, and Naomi out of the ring. Morgan turned her attention to Aksana and gave her the backfire while the crowd cheered. "Morgan just went on a meltdown!" He exclaimed while she exhaled and ran a hand through her hair.
"Indeed. Very interesting. And I think I know who triggered it." Regal said as she walked backstage
"Who the hell do you think you are!?" Maxine marched over to her. "Didn't I say not to get involved!?"
"And?" Morgan bluntly asked.
"And!? You just ruined the match! For the next few weeks, you will not be here until after the number one contender and Audrey have their match. Do you understand me!?"
"I don't care anymore. And I don't care about being your little assistant." she stepped up to her. "And if you ever yell at me again...you know what? I'll just let my actions speak for me."
"Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to!?" Maxine shouted as Morgan left. "Unbelievable. What has gotten into this girl?"
'Survivor Series 2012'
In 2012, heading backstage for Survivor Series, Melanie was called into Triple H's office for a meeting.
"You wanted to see me?" She sat down in front of his desk. He seemed to be in a good mood, so she had a feeling she was going to be getting good news.
"Yes, I did. I guess you're wondering why I called you here for Survivor Series."
"Very curious." She let out a chuckle.
"Consider yourself a WWE Diva, now. You've moved up from NXT." He casually announced with a big smile.
Melanie broke out in a short laugh. "Are­-are you serious?"
Paul smiled and nodded, shaking her hand. "Welcome to the main roster, Melanie. You've earned it."
"Thank you. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Oh my gosh. Wow. I can't believe it. Thank you!"
"Here's your script. You start tonight. Think you can handle it?"
"Oh yeah. I'm ready." She grinned and walked out of his office with a big smile on her face. 
She finally got the job she wanted. To be a WWE Diva. After all the hard training at CZW, TNA, FCW, and NXT, she finally showed everyone she was worthy of becoming a WWE Diva. She wanted to be different from the other divas and bring more life into the diva's matches instead of it being only 2 minutes. She wanted to do stuff with the guys too, to bring a little spice of the attitude era back just like Chyna and Lita did back in the day.
She told Triple H everything she wanted to do in the future of her wrestling career when she was in NXT and now it seems like he was granting her wish, having faith in for to pull it off in the PG era of WWE.
She examined the script. It looks like she was going to be with her best pal, Celeste (Kaitlyn), and then in a storyline with The Shield, which ironically was with Jon, Colby, and Joe. The four of them were together again after the FCW days. It was going to be delightful.
A couple hours before Survivor Series started, she walked down the hallway until she felt someone jumping on her back. "April! No piggyback rides!" Melanie laughs. April (AJ Lee) jumped off and hugged her tightly.
"You're here! I can't believe you finally made it to the main roster!"
"Word travels fast, huh?" Melanie beamed and saw Celeste walking over to them.
"Melanie!" She picked her up and twirled her around.
"Still as strong as ever!" The Philly diva hugged her back before getting set down.
"Congrats on finally joining us as divas. You are gonna be awesome as hell on the main roster, now. Fans are already anticipating your debut."
"I'm so excited. Seems like I'll be managing you tonight, too."
"Yep. I'll also be your guide around here. Let's go to the locker room." Celeste and April escort her to the Diva's Locker Room. "Girls! Melanie is finally on the roster!"
"About time! Girl, I've been waiting for you." Trinity (Naomi) beamed and hugged her.
"How you been girl?" Ariane (Cameron) asked, giving her a hug too.
"I'm still in a state of shock that I'm now on the main roster, so I may pass out, but I'm feeling great." The Philly diva gleefully responded.
Sarona (Tamina) walks into the locker room with Victoria (Alicia Fox). "Are you the new diva?"
"Yeah, I'm Melanie."
Sarona smiled. "Nice to meet you. Looking forward to wrestling with you."
"Me too! Cause we're having a match together, soon." Victoria reminded her. "Don't disappoint me. Give me all you got in the ring."
"You bet! Looking forward to it." Melanie nodded
"Hey, didn't you come here a couple years ago?" Layla asked.
"I try not to remember that. But yeah, I did back in 2010 for a job offer. But I left because they didn't want me to wrestle, they wanted me as a valet and that's it. So that's when I went to TNA."
"That's insane. You're crazy." Victoria pointed out. "I would have jumped on being a manager,"
"Everyone keeps telling me that." Melanie groaned
"At least you're here now," April hugged her tightly. 
'To The Ring'
After the ref raised Eve's hand, she heads straight back to beating on Kaitlyn which caused the crowd to boo. She had already won the match, retaining the Diva's Championship against her but was still trying to cause issues.
"Okay Eve, you've done enough!" Cole exclaimed as she started stomping down on her viciously.
"It looks like she wants to make a statement tonight! Let her prove she is not the one to be messed with," JBL spoke, supporting Eve's actions.
The arena began to cheer loudly once they saw Morgan running through the crowd, jumping over the barricade.
To be honest, Melanie was not expecting such a loud reception from the crowd when she wasn't even announced she'd be here tonight but it made her heart soar as she remained focused on going after Eve and making sure she did what she had to do during her first night on the main roster.
This was her debut. Attack and leave. Even showing shades of what Chyna did to Marlena. It was so exciting to her that she was finally going to make a name for herself on the main roster.
"Look at this!" King yelled in a high voice.
"Who the hell is that!?" JBL asked in confusion
"Look who it is!" King shouted as Morgan slid into the ring.
"Is that-it is! It's Morgan! Morgan Lopez from NXT!" Cole announced happily.
"What!? Morgan!? Did you know she'd be here!?" JBL exclaimed.
She jumps right on top of Eve, making her scream as she attacks her relentlessly. Eve desperately tries to push her away but to no avail.
"It looks like Miss Lopez has seen enough! Get her Morgan!" King cheered her on
"Get off of her! Where is security!? Attacking the diva's champion!? What is wrong with her!?" JBL yelled as Kaitlyn watched on with a smile on her face, moving away from the action to lean against a turnbuckle.
Eve managed to shove Morgan away and scramble her to her feet. She tried to clothesline her but missed as Morgan countered with a beautiful spinning heel kick to the face. The champion began to stagger and drop down to her knees. Finishing her off, Morgan ran to the ropes before running towards the champion, knocking her down with a shining wizard.
"And Morgan taking out Eve!" Cole looked on as the crowd cheered while Morgan went back to getting on top of her to attack.
Security guards were quick to rush down the ring to grab a hold of Morgan, keeping her away from Eve. The Philly Diva ended up laughing, proud of what she had done as she was escorted out of the ring by a bunch of security and referees
"Yeah, that's right! Take her out of here! Take her back to NXT!" JBL yelled
"I'm getting word that she is not in NXT anymore, guys. She's on the main roster now!" Cole announced
"You have got to be kidding me! Why!? She is a danger to Eve! Did you see what she did!? She attacked a helpless champion!"
"She was saving her friend, Kaitlyn!" King countered as Eve grabbed her title and jumped over the barricade, freaked out and upset her plan failed
"Security, let her go. She's with me," Kaitlyn announced on the mic as Morgan reluctantly got released and slid back in the ring.
As soon as she got up to her feet, the two girls smiled at each other and embraced tightly.
Kaitlyn then turned her attention to Eve who was in the crowd, processing what had happened, "Eve! Where you going? Your plan backfire? You see I have a little backup of my own. Meet Morgan Lopez. WWE's new Diva on the main roster. My best friend,"
The announcement made the crowd erupt into more cheers as Kaitlyn's theme came on. Morgan waved at Eve, proud of herself with a successful attack.
"Kaitlyn's not alone, tonight! Thank goodness for Morgan," Cole looked
On Morgan's Twitter, called WWEMorgan101, she tweets:
'Ahhh I'm so happy to finally be a part of the main roster of WWE! I promise to give it all I got! #MorganIsHere
'Monday Night Raw'
The next day, backstage, Morgan walked around with Kaitlyn and began to speak her disapproval about The Shield, "Hey, did you see what The Shield did to Ryback, last night? Completely weak of them to jump him like that. I seriously would like them to be in a singles competition instead of it always being 3 on 1."
"You sure? Be careful, The Shield are pretty scary." Kaitlyn replied in a wary tone.
"Not to me." Morgan shrugged.
"Okay. I hope that comment doesn't bite you in the ass."
"What's the worst that can happen?"
Morgan is backstage as she watched The Shield's interview with Michael Cole as they talked about Justice for CM Punk and how The Shield works for each other and not Paul Heyman or anyone else. After the promo, the titantron showed her watching backstage in disapproval as the crowd cheered.
"Really...?" She scoffed.
"You okay?" Kaitlyn stood next to her
"Did you see their little interview? I have never seen people so full of it. They think they run the place because they beat everyone up. What kind of bull crap is this?"
"Don't you know how dangerous they are?"
Morgan shook her head. "They aren't so tough. I give them a month before they start getting their asses kicked." She turned her attention back to the TV, while Kaitlyn appeared worried about her friend talking trash about The Shield.
After the segment, the camera goes back to the commentators. "Oh man, I hope Morgan knows what she's saying," Cole said with worry in his voice.
"What she just did was absolutely stupid. She just dug herself a grave. Stay in a diva's lane. Don't get involved with dangerous men, like The Shield." JBL warned, annoyed with Morgan's choice of words.
"And on Twitter, Morgan even Tweeted, 'The Shield aren't so tough. Bunch of bullies. What else is new? #NonBeliever #IDon'tBelieveInTheShield'" Cole read her updated tweet.
"Oh my God...she dun did it now..." JBL groaned.
"She's picking a fight. She better watch her back." King sighed, wondering what was going to happen next.
"Yeah. On the WWE APP, we have a poll about Morgan and The Shield. Do you think The Shield will confront Morgan about what she has said about them? Vote now and we'll show the results on Monday Night Raw." Cole announced.
'Next Monday, on Raw'
Morgan tweets 'First match! So ready to go. #It'sMorganTime!'
In the ring, Morgan came out to spin the bottle with Kaitlyn following her from behind. The two walked out to a very warm reception from the crowd which made the Philly diva smile wider. For her entrance, she had her right hand up, open in the air with her index finger and thumb sticking up a little and twirled around. She put her hand down and began walking to the ring with determination and excitement on her face. It was her first televised match on the main roster. She wanted to make a big impression on everybody.
"This is a singles match scheduled for one fall! Introducing the challenger, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan Lopez!" Justin Roberts announced.
"Woo hoo, we get to see Morgan! And would you look at that beautiful grin? She's ready to go!" King called with excitement.
"This is Morgan's first match on Monday Night Raw and let's see how she does with Alicia Fox. Now, last week, Morgan may have said some words that she might regret. On Raw, she said 'What The Shield did to Ryback was weak.' and on Smackdown, she said 'The Shield are annoying and aren't so tough.' And on the WWE APP, we had a poll and the question was, Will The Shield confront Morgan about what she has said about them? A haunting 82 percent has said yes, while 18 percent said no." Cole informed.
"Yeah...I have a bad feeling about tonight. I hope Morgan watches her back." King murmured with worry.
"Do you really think Morgan can stand up to The Shield? They are a dangerous team." JBL retorted.
Morgan got in the ring and stood on the turnbuckle. She screamed 'Yeah!' as she raised her right hand up in the air again and the crowd got hyped. Alicia Fox glared at her while she got off the turnbuckle, unimpressed.
"You ready?" The ref asked Alicia. She nodded, keen to discourage Morgan and her dreams of staying long on the main roster. "You ready?"
"Yes," Morgan replied, nodding her head.
"Ring the bell!" The ref yelled
'Ding Ding Ding'
Morgan and Alicia circle around each other. "Here we go! Morgan's first match." Cole said. They lock up and Morgan starts kicking her multiple times before assaulting her with a spinning kick to the head as Alicia falls down on the mat, stunned.
"I think she learned a bit from Daniel Bryan." King joked as Morgan pins her, only to get a 2 count.
"You got this Morgan!" Kaitlyn cheered on.
Alicia gets up and kicks her hard in the midsection as Morgan clenches her stomach and stumbles to the turnbuckle. Alicia walks over and puts her foot on Morgan's neck, choking her for as long as she can. The ref tries to tell her to stop but then starts counting.
Alicia breaks the hold when the ref yells 4 as Morgan slides down the turnbuckle and coughs, rubbing her neck. Alicia taunts the crowd as the crowd starts to boo her. Getting up, the Philly diva waits for Alicia to turn around as she runs and spears her down.
"Wow! Look at that spear! We need a replay of that." King exclaimed
"Looks like Kaitlyn must have taught her a thing or two," Cole said as the girl cheered for Morgan and grinned. She picks Alicia up and gets her into the kick out DDT position. "And Morgan calls this move, the backfire. She got it!"
"Yes!" Kaitlyn yelled.
All of a sudden, the crowd cheers loudly and starts looking up to see The Shield, in the crowd, staring at Morgan from afar.
"What is going on­-oh my gosh, it's The Shield! The Shield is out here!" Cole yelled.
"I knew this was going to happen! I knew it!" JBL added.
Confused at the commotion, Morgan turns and looks around. After a couple seconds, she finally finds The Shield, slowly walking down the steps, through the crowd. Damn, they were that bothered by what she said? For real?
"Are you kidding me?" she mumbled to herself, failing to hide her surprised expression, widening her eyes a bit.
They picked the worst time to distract her. This was her first match and she didn't want to lose in her debut. Morgan's mind began to race as she tried her best to stay focused but as they got closer, the harder it became.
"Oh no!" King exclaimed as Kaitlyn started to panic. She began backing up to the ramp once The Shield reached the barricade.
"Morgan, Kaitlyn! Get outta there!" Cole shouted. "Get out of there, Morgan!"
"Ohhhh The Shield look upset," JBL warned
"Gosh...the look on Ambrose watching Morgan like prey is alarming. She needs to get out of the ring, right now!" King exclaimed.
Rollins and Reigns had some intimidating glares on their faces, aimed at the Philly diva as she tried her best to ignore them. But what had got to her was Ambrose's demeanor. He tilted his head to the side a little, having a sick smirk on his face. The predatory gaze sent shivers down Morgan's spine and it began to freeze her in shock. The way he was staring at her was different from his teammates and she didn't like it one bit.
While this was happening Alicia managed to recover from Morgan's finisher. Seeing that all her attention was on the three men, she took advantage and rolled her up from behind for a pin.
"Here is your winner! Alicia Fox!" Justin announced as the crowd booed.
Morgan looks around in surprise. Did that just happen?
"No way! No friggin' way!" she shouted in protest.
That did NOT just happen. They did NOT just cost her the match like that over some tweets and words. The Shield smirked to themselves, satisfied with the results of the match as they watched her freak out.
"Oh, you think that's real friggin' funny, huh? Seriously? Seriously!?" Morgan screamed at them. She shook her head and stormed out of the ring with Kaitlyn quickly following her
"Morgan is not happy. I don't think she's going to live this down." King watched on.
"Is this the last we've seen of The Shield distracting Morgan? You think she got the message?" Cole asked.
"I hope so." JBL replied
Morgan tweets 'Stupid Shield interfered in my match. #WEAK!'
'WWE Main event'
Morgan is in the ring with Kaitlyn at ringside, again, as Alicia Fox is getting in the ring.
"Morgan is here for her rematch against Alicia Fox after what happened with The Shield." Cole recapped.
"Yeah, The Shield cost Morgan her match. Her debut match. I just hope they don't do it, again." King mentioned with worry.
'Ding Ding Ding'
Alicia kicks Morgan in the midsection and slams her onto the mat. Morgan groans and holds her head before Alicia pins her for a 1 count. She continues to get the upper hand and then puts her in a headlock submission as Morgan struggles to get out of it. Kaitlyn begins banging on the mat and the crowd claps for Morgan, motivating her to get out of the submission and fight back. She starts to get the upper hand and clotheslines Alicia. Climbing up the top of the turnbuckle she waits for Alicia to get back on her feet.
"What is she doing here?" Cole questioned, anticipating her next move. Suddenly, Morgan jumps and hits a cross body on Alicia. "Oh!"
"Awesome!" Kaitlyn cheered as Morgan pinned Alicia for a two-count.
"That was impressive." King looked on while Alicia was still down, recovering. Morgan waits for her to get up. When she does, she goes to kick her but Alicia ducks and counters with a sickening kick to the face, making the Philly diva fall flat on her back. "Gosh...I think Alicia may have laid Morgan out."
Alicia pins Morgan, only to get a two-count.
"Really?" Alicia complained to the ref, getting annoyed that Morgan wouldn't stay down. They start to have a back-and-forth match but then Morgan kicks Alicia in the stomach and does the backfire and pins her to win the match.
"She did it!" King cheered as Kaitlyn ran inside to ring to hug her friend
"Here is your winner! Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced, but her celebration was cut short when The Shield was in the crowd again, putting the divas on edge. They stood on the steps, while Ambrose had a mic in his hands.
"Well well, Morgan finally wins her match. Congratulations, darling..." Dean rasped out. "You know why we came out on Monday? It's because you are an injustice. You left an opportunity in the WWE years ago and you think you can come back and try to change? How about you leave, just like you did before. You don't deserve to be here. And that is why The Shield will make sure to take care of you since we call you, the Morgan problem."
Morgan scowled at him. He had a lot of nerve. She didn't want to be a manager when she was offered a contract in WWE years ago. Now that she is here, she gets to be the wrestler she always dreamed of being. If they think that's an injustice, so be it. But it was also clear they seemed bothered by what she said and on social media.
"Morgan problem? Morgan problem?" she retorted as Kaitlyn held her back. "I'll show you a friggin' problem! You really messed with the wrong one!"
Dean looked amused at her yelling and left with his teammates.
"She brought this on herself, she should have kept her mouth shut." JBL criticized her actions.
"Yeah but the WWE Universe has been waiting for someone to really step up to The Shield. Do you think Morgan has what it takes?" King asked.
"Has what it takes? She's a Diva. A woman. What can a woman do to The Shield?"
"Looks like we'll have to find out," Cole said before the commercial break.
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blazewatergem · 2 years
👻 & 🌙 for the fall ask game pls :3
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Sure can! So, I’m heavily falling back into BNHA/MHA and thus a new idea spawned from the ashes of an old one. Dancing in the Dark will be an analyst Izuku/Vigilante Izuku fanfic, with a few OC’s I’m excited to introduce! (Like always 😆) It’s mostly crackish, as I’m mostly writing for vibes and have no idea if I plan to stick to a mildly canon timeline or just. Off the rails we go haha.
Something I want to write in the future, hmm…I think I want to do something in the “Rising of the Shield Hero” fandom? But I haven’t a grasp yet on how that fandom feels about OCs…or shipping canon characters with OCs…so very vague ideas there at the moment.
There’s also an original idea I want to do - a few of them. One is I want to write a bunch of “Where Were You” fics for The Lost City cast. I want to write where exactly they were when the apocalypse came to a head, like where Dr. Ender was or what Erik was doing. There’s also a Surefire Camp snippet for Halloween I want to finish up, it’s almost done but needs fine tuning. And I really want to do some worldbuilding for the other universes I’ve made - ahhh! I’m swamped!! 😂 😅 What a pleasant problem to have lmao
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👀 I mean, if you’re asking…
Because I plan on going all in, I’m gonna put a “Read More” in case no one wants spoilers for these certain OCs such as: Dr. Ender(The Lost City), Victoria(The Lost City), Cleona(Surefire Camp), Althea(Cloaks in the Wind), and finally — Midoriya Jinx(Heiress)
Still here? Awesome! Let’s get started.
Dr. Ender: Ender actually never got their doctorate, like, they’re not currently supposed to be a doctor. What happened was, while working alongside their father on the front lines of the Mutant Virus, they ended up witnessing more than they should. After seeing their father experiment on countless infected, and the death of one they bonded with closely, they decided to leave. After setting the base on fire and running for it. Surprisingly, they’re more determined to keep the whole “Not Completing Classes” quiet than the other half!
Victoria: Victoria is one of the few humans who never gained a Mutation, so she decided to force one. She’s been experimenting on herself using the poisons she creates, and it’s actually showing. Her hair has gone white and brittle, she’s pale as a ghost, and constantly wears gloves now to cover marks. This is more of an open secret, as the others are trying to help her, but they don’t realize just how far she’s gone to try - after being seduced by a enemy soldier, she sold out Ricky to Gillihead, got him kidnapped, and is still keeping quiet about this. Nobody knows she had a hand in the event that, in the story, ends Arc One and really starts the action.
Cleona: Before Cleona came into the care of Phil and The Marksman at Surefire Camp, she was found in a barn - outside, three corpses. Two of the bodies were killed in a gunfight, but the last one was found holding a gun and appearing to be mauled to death. It’s assumed the two shot were her parents, but it’s unclear who the third was. Cleona has never told the others this, but she hates living deep in the woods because of this. She can hear gunshots of hunters, and it still scares her.
Althea: Before the events of Cloaks in the Wind, Althea was actually a really brutal person! Her magic was dangerous, and she was almost addicted to the feeling of it. It’s why she was worried about teaching Izuku hostile magic, and why she was so relieved he didn’t want that. She knows first hand how it can change someone, and now she is doing her best to stick to a vow of pacifism moving forward.
Midoriya Jinx: Technically not as bad, but Jinx has two big secrets she’s keeping from Izuku. One: The reason she won’t come home. He has a feeling it involves their mother, but has no idea how badly. On Jinx’s 16th birthday her Quirk(All for One) came in and made Inko push her away. Inko was very against Jinx’s previous “choices”(Critical of heroes, standing out, being as bold and loud as she could) but the final straw was having her father’s Quirk. It ended in a blowout fight that led to Jinx leaving and never properly coming back. Jinx knows Inko loves Izuku, and doesn’t want to damage their relationship. The second secret is her job: she fights in underground Quirk rings, and even takes the Quirks of her opponents. For obvious reasons, this is highly illegal.
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mels-is-hyperfixating · 8 months
About me
i'm mels
pronouns they/he
pansexual & poly
queer feminist
neurodivergent & mentally ill bitch
fandoms are my hyperfixations
every week a new hair color
filming & editing is my job
atiny (mingi bias)
About this Blog
so many fandoms
big ones got their own blogs (doctor who, marvel, ofmd)
good omens
percy jackson (riordanverse)
k-pop (ult group ateez)
taylor swift
star trek
lord of the rings
attack on titan
be more chill
dear evan hansen
detroit become human
sherlock holmes in diffrent media
tatort münster (thiel/boerne)
buzzfeed unsolved/watcher
jurassic world camp cretaceous
criminal minds
harry potter but only the fandom no canon terf stuff allowed
dan & phil
horror movies
ya fiction
multishipper for life
fanfics are my good night stories
Special Interests Blogs
gallifreymingi -> main blog
swashbucklingsweethearts -> my fav queer pirates aka our flag means death
doctorwho-genderwho -> my fave genderfluid aliens aka doctor who
tonystarklovebot3000 -> i love it 3000 aka everything marvel
in-another-reality -> my podcast (kinda inactive)
charactermoodboardtrash -> my moodboards (inactive)
Find me here
archive of our own
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PERSUASION | hero ft fanfic
Chapter 5
WC 861
Jessica pov
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"I still don't understand why you haven't posted it. I mean, come on, dude," Kristen says, annoyed.
"I don't know...you know how my mom is; she'll ruin it with all of her dumb ass comments; just look how she reacted to the whole joke thing."
"Yeah, well, your sister needs to grow and toughen up, and you need to quit letting them win; it's not fair. You put up with a lot from them, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve happiness."
"Okay, okay, doctor Phil, I'll post it later today," I say like I'm accepting defeat and giving in.
"Yay, so anything planned for today?"
"No, not really you?
"Well, Stella wanted me to come over, but I told her I don't know; I mean, I want to, but this back-and-forth shit is getting on my nerves," Kristen says, picking at her fingers.
Stella and Kristen's relationship is confusing, to say the least; it gives me whiplash sometimes. I know they love each other, though. They seem scared about their feelings for each other, and instead of talking about it, they run and then realize they need each other again.
Well, aren't we contradicting...
"I think you should say yes if you don't, you're just going to sulk all day," I laugh.
She looks at me for a moment like she is contemplating telling me something but instead, she sighs, grabbing her phone.
"You're right. I guess it's now or never," she replies, tapping her phone against her palm.
"You got this," I smile as my phone buzzes, causing me to glance over; Kristen notices and hands it to me "thanks," I say, unlocking it and looking at my notifications, mostly from Instagram.
As I continue to scroll, I see an imessage from H. "Who the hell is H?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, confused, glancing up at Kristen.
I hold my phone up, turning it around to show her she rolls her eyes.
"I don't know, that's weird," she shrugs "open it and see what it says," she adds an annoyance in her tone.
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London boy? I don't know any...
"OMG!!" I yell as my phone makes a thud-like noise making contact with the floor
"Jess, you got to stop that! It's a good thing you have a case" she laughs and then leans from the couch to pick it up.
"It's...no, it can't be" I shake my head, followed by my head tilting to the side, looking at my phone weirdly "really!?!"
"What are you talking about, and what's with that look? Are you on Lindsay's Instagram again? Geez, what's she wearing this time? I swear if that child has bought another crop top, help lord us all," she says, rolling her eyes.
"I think Hero just texted me," I mumble, still in shock.
"Well, don't just sit there text him back," Kristen says, nudging me.
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"He wants to hang out with me?" I say in a gasp-like voice, "but why would he want to hang out with me?" my voice goes quiet.
"Um, because you're awesome!!"
"What?" I look back up, confused, not realizing I am talking out loud "oh," I murmur
"If you say no, I'll drag you; I mean it and post that damn picture too!"
"Okay, okay, geez, demanding much," I laugh.
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"Someone got to be! All you need is a little push," she says while she lightly smiles, nudging me.
I chuckle while adding the caption, "You're not even tagging him!!"Kristen breaks in while leaning in to look at my screen.
I glance up long enough to give her a sight eye roll before looking back down.
"No, I'm not! He probably gets a ton of them a day, and he's not even going to notice it's not a big deal."
"Give me that," she huffs, taking my phone, tagging him then adding the caption
When you're having the worst day, then you get to meet this guy 💚
"Please don't he's..."
"Too late," she smirks, hitting the share button.
"Gonna think I'm crazy," I finish covering my face.
"I doubt that seriously. Are you forgetting about the highly sexual tweets we saw the other day? I hope he never sees those; even Christian Grey would run from that"
I laugh, "you have a point."
"Celebrate the moment, dude! Live a little, hell, live a lot, either way—"
"I get it, Kris, thanks."
I get a couple of comments, mostly from friends of the after fandom wanting to know how he was in person and congratulations on how lucky I am.
Maybe this isn't so bad after all, it was a great moment, and it deserves to be shared. But then my smile quickly fades when I see the comment from my mom pop up in my notifications.
Jessica, don't you think you are taking this a little far photoshopping pictures?
"See, I told you this was a bad idea; I'm deleting it," I say as my phone unlocks itself then another notification pops up.
hero_ft liked your post, followed by hero_ft comment on your post: happy to help :)
"try deleting it now," Kristen jokes.
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theweirdspacejellyfish · 11 months
Long completed Ao3 fanfics pt3 @:≈
Noxed out and knocked up by made1for1life1 - 7 chapters and 7,933 word count. Description = “Them.” Brian rubbed his finger. “Holy shit I’m pregnant.” He grinned, staring off into the distance.
“Congratulations Mister O’Conner.” The doctor smiled.
He was absolutely not expecting to be expecting when he took this case, or when he went into the doctor with a stomach problem. But that's how he ends up. Way to go O'Conner.
I just wanna be somebody to someone bySnowJinx - 32 chapters and 121,772 word count. Description = Jack and Bunny are caught fighting one too many times and North decides to do something about it.
Dragontower by Silvalina - 7 chapters and 8,254 word count. Description = Ranboo kinda sees how Tommy gets treated by everyone, hes an end creature and haha, enderdragon hybrid pog. Dragons have hoards of special things, humans can be part of that.
Never leave home again by verdreht - 24 chapters and 58,463 word count. Description = After covering for Toretto and his crew, Brian barely managed to keep his job. Now he's in over his head on an undercover detail. One night, it finally all comes back to bite him in the ass, and when he wakes up, he's somewhere he never thought he'd be again. And now he's not sure he ever wants to leave.
Sheep in wolves clothing by Starlight Sakura - 15 chapters and 38,415 word count. Description = On the run from dangerous people, Izuku Midoriya finds himself in a well hidden village. The problem? It's a village of werewolves and he is undeniably human. Hiding this fact about himself becomes increasingly difficult after catching the interest of two wolves in town. Can he keep his secret under wraps or will he be found out and killed by the locals.
By your ancient names by Charnel - 13 chapters and 55,705 words. Description = “My gold.” Techno spoke, thousands of voices echoing in his words. Whispering and chattering. His calloused hand reaching up, dragging along the blood that was dripping from Tommy’s neck. Dripping down and burning away in the flames consuming the roots that held him.
The same hand that had fed him and given him shelter, as involuntary as it had been, was gently placed at the back of his skull. Techno’s thumb pulling across the golden earring that now felt like an anchor dragging him below the surface of a pool of magma.
Wearing Techno’s face, the Blood God grinned at him.
Tommy did not regret punching him.
You keep what you kill by IWillBeYourPet - 12 chapters and 36,750. Description = You keep what you kill is something that Riddick can get behind, especially since he's always lived that way. The army is his, the ships are his and Vaako is his. Simple. Vaako disagrees, not that it seems to matter.
We were gods (We were kids) by Horde_Ghost, TheseusHasFallen - 20 chapters and 62,185 word count. Description = Theseus scrunched his nose, even as he wore the new name of Tommy. That’s all having a new name was, wearing another mask, as if it shifted who you were and always would be. He was Theseus when he changed and the cold set in, when it sunk deep into his very soul. And Tommy?
He didn’t think he’d changed a bit.
Protection by scarslikeconstxllations - 3 chapters and 9,455 word count. Description = When Spiderman is lured into a biotechnology institution by a fake police radio emergency, he walks right into the trap of a group of mercenaries. Claiming that they work for a company called Alpha, the mercenaries try to capture him. In an attempt to save himself, Spiderman gets injured badly and calls on Eddie and his Other for help.
Drowsy promises by LizzDizz108 - 5 chapters and 10,159 word count. Description = As the drugs and the alcohol pulled him down, he promised himself that he'd protect these kids with his life. He had no idea what that wacko wanted with them, but he was going to keep them safe come hell or high water.
If this man, Phil, even laid a hand on either of them, he's going to kill him, or die trying.
Run with it by Firefly410 - 4 chapters and 7,929 word count. Description = Anthony Robello is a 16 year old boy in the Italian Mafia who is just looking for a break, that is until he meets a man by the name of Alastor Devaux.
Someone to fulfill your desires by II_MalaysiasRose_II - 6 chapters and 16,120 word count. Description = Lo'ak wants to find someone to fulfill all of Neteyam’s needs and wants. Aonung wants to do just that. Lo'ak does not like Aonung. Neteyam is oblivious through it all, until he's not.
Protective Custody by Niecy8 - 15 chapters and 37,335 word count. Description = The one that Chris and Peter are the cops who have to look after Stiles and perhaps the situation is not as bad as they all thought it would be.
A plague until you break by seasonaldpressionclub - 7 chapters and 31,527 word count. Description= Tommy's village begins to be hit by supernatural plagues, and everyone begins to turn on Tommy... Well, that is except for four awaiting deities.
Ad astra per aspera by missjudge- 11 chapters and 27,387 word count. Description = What would have happened if Ye Zun hadn't died that day in the palace, if neither of them had?
Ye Zun gets a second chance, to find himself, to find peace, to find love, and maybe also a purpose.
Ring of fire by LazyGeisha - 11 chapters and 6,269 word count. Description = Being punished for fighting, Chu is having to work in the library with a very annoyed Guo. Hijinx to follow?
Sometimes, you need the sun in your life by LizzyZoey - 17 chapters and 29,002 word count. Description = Tommy is just an orphan human boy doing normal orphan human things but 3/4 dragon SBI said "mine"
The fast sentinel and the furious guide by hellsbells - 14 chapters and 21,044 word count. Description = So Bilkins thought that he could pull a fast one by not telling unbound Sentinel O'Conner that his suspect was unbound Guide Toretto. Just how many ways will this blow up in his face?
Abducted or adopted? By Starling12 - 10 chapters and 42,811 word count. Description = He thinks that they don’t know he’s intelligent. With how kind they just seem to be, he doesn’t think they would do this to an actual person. So maybe he just needs to prove himself to them, and they’ll show him human—er, alien—decency.
Yeah. Ok. How hard can that be?
A voice from the stars by SliverWing15 - 14 chapters and 39,928 word count. Description = Thirteen years ago, Phil's sons were taken away from him. He is going to get them back. No matter what.
Tommy is completely, totally, perfectly fine by Phoenixflame032106 - 17 chapters and 32,593 word count. Description = Tommy has an abusive relationship with his parents. Tubbo, his only friend, died in a car crash a few months ago, so he has nowhere to go, nothing to do except to run.
So that is what he does.
He runs miles and hours, coming to rest at an abandon house. Turns out, it's not so abandon, though. A few ghosts still hang around, haunting any unfortunate blonde, british teens who fall asleep on their couches
Join the club by HashtagLEH - 28 chapters and 143,308 word count. Description = Homeless and mute after everything Peter has been through, he somehow makes friends with Deadpool, as Spiderman. And then he meets the Avengers, as Peter.
The trouble with threesomes and supernatural soul mates by Akira_of_the_Twilight - 15 chapters and 87,983 word count. Description = Peter looked at Stiles from the corner of his blue eyes and smirked. Stiles swore he saw a flash of red Peter’s eyes, but it might of have been his brain’s lack of oxygen making him hallucinate. “I’m looking for my soul mate. Christopher Argent. I believe he volunteered to be taken in for questioning.”
An iron fist clenched Stiles' heart. This man was Argent’s—Christopher’s soul mate?
Stiles stared at the Peter’s wrist, examining every detail of Peter's soul mark. Stiles couldn’t find anything different between his and the blond’s.
Stiles lifted his hand and ghosted his fingers along Peter’s forearm.
It was lightning all over again, and Stiles yanked his hand back, only to have it caught in an unbreakable grip.
Frosty blue eyes burrowed into Stiles', and he couldn’t stop himself from gulping. The smirk on Peter’s lips grew as the corner of his mouth quirked higher, and he drew Stiles’ hand close to his face.
Peter’s nostrils flared slightly as he stared at Stiles’ soul mark. He pulled Stiles forward, pressing soft lips to Stiles wrist.
“Now what would your name be?” Peter purred.
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teffpa-creators-speak · 11 months
꩜✰master post✰꩜
hello there! we are the creators of both the fanfic, and this blog, Jay and Jonah! this is our masterpost of information, which will be changed and curated over the times we post, or are asked questions!
just in case you haven't read TEFFPA yet, here is a small synopsis for all that goes on inside this fascinating tale...
Following multiple POVs, we follow the main story between Wilbur and Tommy, brothers who during their childhood and adolescence begin to show superpowers, one a pyro, one that can grow plants... and there are many others just like them, but where are they all? Soon their question is answered when their father, Phil, says they are being sent to a "special school" that will help them learn how to control their abilities and be normal people again. But when they arrive it is quick to see that this place is not at all a safe haven for children with similar powers to their own, in fact, it's a laboratory, and the kids they meet, friends, allies, and enemies alike have been trapped for most of their lives. And the head doctor has no intention of ever letting them go.
If that entices you... please step forward and click the link below, and begin to read. Remember to leave kudos and comments, and come back to this blog with thoughts and questions! Jay and myself are always happy to talk about this passion project!
Official TEFFPA Story
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arcana-simp · 4 years
jesus x doctor phil
Jesus was once again on a cross but this affair was anything but holy. nails weren’t pierced through his skin this time, but they might as well have been, such was the punishment from his cruel and seductive master. All thoughts of his true father swept from his mind with each hot, moist breath as they redefined what it was to be divine. sweat dripped down dr Phil's naked body as he cracked his whip, and as much as Jesus dreaded each fresh lash, he couldn’t help but think that it was worth it, a million times over, just to see that look in daddy’s eyes one more time. this was no silent night, whimpers and moans melted into one with a kiss hotter than the depths of hell. if this was sin, his fate was sealed.
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gingerbreadart1 · 3 years
Can you do 13 and 14 from your fanfic writing game please!
13. Share a sentence from a WIP that you're excited about!
Well, I honestly don't have any WIP's other than war and conquest, so I'll just share a quick exchange from an upcoming chapter :)
"Do you not realize that what you've done is illegal? You're harboring a defective."
"Do not call her that! There's nothing wrong with her!" He screamed, slamming his hands onto the table.
"She is blind!" He yelled back. "She is blind, a defective."
14. Favorite OC character you've written?
This is a tough one. My gut wants to say Norton or Ian Johnson (when saying who I've written so far) but I'm gonna have to go with Phil. I love Phil, he's amazing. So cool, so calm. Frustrates Dib endlessly. He's so much fun and so easy to write, his energy is unmatched tbh. Plus, he's got more surprises up his sleeve coming!
Thank you so much for the ask!!!!!!!
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daisymayjohnson · 4 years
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So I was really bored and at the hospital so here you go: if Daisy Johnson replaced Fitz as The Doctor in the framework. Yeah. I’ve never used photoshop before so this is kind of a hot mess whoops
The video is a time lapse.
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