#doctor strange video edit
itsladyliv · 2 years
“You’re gonna take my powers, aren’t you?”
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lilbitofmac · 2 years
We know, Stephen; Tony’s unbelievably hot 😔💕
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"Maybe then, I'll fade away, And not have to face the facts. It's not easy facing up, When your whole world is black."
@strangelockd @fanartka @sinisterstrange616 @the-eldritch-sorcerer @sobeautifullyobsessed @stewardofningishzida
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lovelyy-moonlight · 2 years
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Clips: Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness
Song: Get in the Water, Morgan Clae cover.
I own nothing. Just wanted to make something.
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standardquip · 2 months
Gravity Lies
Video:Inception, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Audio:Red – Gravity Lies Premiere Date:2022
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starynightcreator · 1 year
‼️FW‼️ I love this song and I love it even more slowed and deepened!! 🙌🏻❤️‍🔥😌
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itsladyliv · 2 years
do you ever think about how our Stephen spends the whole freaking movie going absolutely feral trying to protect America and how that’s not just Dad vibes but also Brother™ vibes okAY i mean---
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maxislvt · 1 year
helloo, first off i love your work ! second, this may or may not be a request but- imagine dark!wanda x spidey!reader, post no way home where r is one of the avengers sent to stop wanda on her rampage. r gets captured by wanda though and turns out wanda remembers r’s identity. she had a crush on r since civil war and now that she has r all to herself…😳
“i’m going to ruin you”
warnings: womb tattoos, coercion, manipulation, spiderperson typical quips in really bad situations, no smut
got a little carried away, whoops!
The last few months of your life have been awful.
Life had been pretty stable for the most part. Trying to balance college, being a superhero duo with your adoptive brother, and the newfound freedom of adulthood was a lot to say the least. Then some big alien freak came along and ruined everything. You and Peter left Aunt May behind for five years.
For better or for worse, you and Peter didn't age. Peter still had his senior year ahead of him and you were only 24. So you both tried to make the most of that.
You were supposed to chaperone your little brother's senior trip through Europe. All you wanted to do was help Peter enjoy the last few months of youth he had before being shipped off to college. Of course, fate had other plans and the trip was interrupted by another cataclysmic event. One unpredictable turn after another. Then suddenly everyone knew your secret identity.
Quentin Beck was a hero and you were half of the duo that killed him.
One edited video and suddenly the whole world was against you and your brother. It was a target on your back you had no way of getting off your back. The magical escape you thought you'd found was nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing. Universes nearly collided. Three versions of your brother. Two other versions of you. Villains the two of you tried and failed to rehabilitate. A moment of complete darkness for your brother A dead aunt. So much fighting. So much pain. All of it for nothing. At the end of it all, everyone was forced to forget about you and Peter. No more full rides to dream colleges and no more "Amazing Spider Kids". It was just the two of you in a shitty Downton apartment at a community college neither of you really wanted to attend, but that didn't stop you two from trying to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.
That need to protect everything and everyone seemed to get you in bigger trouble.
America Chavez. Barely 15 years old, alone in the multiverse, and no one to trust. Her powers and life experience were beyond you — you couldn't even take credit for defeating whatever monster that was chasing her — but you wanted her safe. You foolishly thought that it'd be as simple as finding a hero that could mentor her. Magic wasn't your strong suit. Yet, you still helped America try to escape the claws of the Scarlet Witch along with Doctor Strange.
In the midst of a heated chase, the witch's focus seemed to have shifted. Your mask was ripped by a piece of metal and you could feel the witch's eyes on you. Since you were more focused on protecting America, you decided to send The Scarlet Witch on a goose chase. You and a magical body double of the girl. Unfortunately, you could only run for so long. You didn't bother fighting when you were captured. All you could do was put on a brave face as you were somehow teleported back to your universe. You assumed the witch had gotten a decent portion of America's powers. That worried you, but unfortunately you had to prioritize your personal safety for a moment.
The witch must've known you were too weak to run away because she didn't even bother tying you down. She just stood over you and examined your face. You were nervous and confused to say the least. "So, uh, do you always stand over sacrificial young adults in such a compromising way or am I special?" You quipped. It was a real misfortune your mouth tended to run more when you were nervous. Your heart almost exploded when she reached out for your mask. "Hey, hey! Have some respect for a man's secret identity, will you?" You shouted, trying to push her hands away.
Automatic reflexes were nothing against magic and you were unmasked and it sent your spider senses spiraling.
"You remember me."
"Of course,I remember you. Do you not remember me?"
The airport. Tony had you and Peter flown out for a top secret field mission, that's what he told you at least. You weren't sure what you were fighting for, but you remember the battle clearly. Some guy had grown to a hundred feet tall. You fought some guy with a metal arm. Then someone suddenly started throwing cars. They had all missed you and went straight for Tony, but it was still scary. After the battle, you learned the name of all the people you fought. The weird one, as Tony described her, was named Wanda Maximoff. It's scary how your life had become so eventful that you'd forgotten that whole experience. Well, you couldn't blame yourself for not recognizing her considering the drastic change in her appearance.
"Yeah," You said bitterly, "you threw a car garage at my mentor."
"Your mentor made the bombs that destroyed my home country and had me jailed for powers I didn't ask for."
That was the first time a villain had left you truly speechless. Tony wasn't like that. Was he?It was a lot to process and that wasn't made any easier with the icy cold hand caressing your cheeks. "If you're going to drop an information bomb, can you at least give me a second to —" Your sentence was cut short by her thumb slipping into your mouth. Wanda had managed to slip past your spider senses. It was odd considering you were definitely not calm nor did you trust her.
"I figured he didn't bother telling you the whole truth," Wanda's voice had gotten low and seductive. Her thumb pressed down on your tongue as she continued to monologue. Your squirming didn't phase her at all. "I could hear your thoughts the moment you stepped foot in the airport. So loud and frantic, but nothing but innocence and desire for approval. It's a shame I wasn't able to see you again after that. I was lost in a hex of my own deepest desires and do you know what was there?" A smile spread across her lips as she felt you relax out of curiosity. "The two of us, happily married with two children, and living in New Jersey."
The statement made you jump and start fighting again. Married with kids was definitely not on your list of goals in the next few months, living in New Jersey just sounded dreadful. You managed to get her thumb out of your mouth just long enough to speak. "I'm sorry to hear about your crazy magic thing, I'm not ready to settle down yet. Maybe come back in six years once I've graduated, yeah?"
Wanda binded your wrists with magic. Her hand came down on your cheek with all the strength she had. Despite her frustration, she was happy to see you were still as witty and innocent as the day you two met. "I think I have a plan you'll like." She smirked as she summoned the darkhold. It opened on its own. The book turned towards you and translated itself so you could understand it. "Your innocence," she said before ripping you suit, "and your body in exchange for the girl's safety."
Your eyes nearly popped out of your head. It certainly wasn't a fair deal, even more unfair once you looked over the spell presented to you. A womb tattoo magically etched into your skin that would give Wanda complete control over your libido, orgasms, and a bunch of other depraved things you hadn't even heard of before. Wanda definitely wasn't the woman you imagined would take your virginity, but it wasn't an offer you could refuse. Strange wasn't strong enough to defeat Wanda and letting America die wasn't an option in your mind.
You put on as brave a face as you could before speaking, "If you so much as lay a finger on that girl, the deal is off." Your voice faltered at the feeling of Wanda's lips pressed against your neck. A moan nearly escaped your lips when Wanda's hands began exploring your body. The skin of your lower stomach began to tingle. This was it. This was how you lost your virginity.
Wanda's lips curled into a smile. A real one that showed off her perfectly white bunny teeth. She was no longer concerned with America. You were all she needed now.
"I'm going to ruin you," She whispered, "and you're going to enjoy every moment of it."
You wanted her to be wrong. You wanted so badly to hate the way her hands felt against your bruised skin and the softness of her lips on your neck, but you couldn't. Months without affection left your body desperate for any form of human touch. It is shameful and almost disgusting.
"Shh, I'll treat you right. Just be good for me."
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spoopdeedoop · 4 months
hi i have some disorganized thoughts/hcs abt the found family human doctor au
(one of the thoughts being i should really give it a better name. another being YES this is only the nuwho doctors atm bc that's the only series i've watched so far apologies. if i ever get around to watching classic who i will add them trust)
BEHOLD my random, not at all in-depth headcanons
nine is the only one with a car out of all of them. they all keep bugging him to drive/pick them up from places -- he has mixed feelings about being the assigned taxi driver
both twelve and eleven are teachers -- college professor and preschool teacher respectively. twelve's students love them because he will say the most stupid, hilarious shit with a straight face without even knowing and eleven's students love him because he is the only teacher at the school that will dance with them during musical chairs (he doesn't even play the game. he just dances)
i want to make one of them an actual doctor but i don't think any of them could handle it unfortunately
they all share an an apartment flat on the same level -- nine, twelve and fifteen live in one room, ten, eleven and thirteen live in the one across from them. of course there are other people in the building too but they're all used to the strange loud hyperactivity of that particular flat. i think i'm using the right terminology here. yall know what im talking about
(i'm so tempted to make some companions be their neighbors)
nine and ten are the most insomniac of all of them, so they're used to bumping each other in the dead of night on their way to raid each other's respective fridges or something. very rarely thirteen will join them and they're like "WELL FANCY SEEING YOU HERE"
twelve does sleep, but like. he's nocturnal
eleven and ten hate each other in a sibling kind of way (see: day of the doctor). they are constantly sending each other death threats or tripping each other over. everyone is sick of it
sometimes when they're out shopping you'll hear ten yell "GET OUT OF THE FROZEN FOOD YOU NUMPTY WE ARE NOT BUYING FISH FINGERS" over the aisles and you'll hear eleven whine "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH" back
(if you're lucky you'll be able to catch fifteen mumble "why did we put them in the same apartment. are we asking for an eviction notice")
eventually eleven will pick a random stray cat off the side of the road, take her home, and name her bowtie, which is a stupid name, so everyone just defaults to calling her kitty
kitty's favourite person is twelve, to eleven's absolute despair
(my original idea for this was to initially have ten hate the idea of living with a cat, since he's stated full on in the show that he doesn't like cats, but apparently there is some very obscure doctor who comic run in which he falls into a depressive spiral and adopts a cat whom he names rose-the-cat, so he might actually like cats idk?)
anyway ten hates her until he doesn't lmao. he vents to her when there's no one else home and she will Stare at him back and it is a very nice friendship
kitty and nine watch shitty romcom together
they have a joint groupchat together -- half of it is just thirteen and fifteen assigning everyone outfits they find on pinterest and the other half is eleven asking where everyone went (he keeps getting lost when they go out)
nine doesn't know how to download pictures off the internet and so resorts to manually editing memes together to send to the groupchat and everyone's like "girl that's so much more effort........."
(yes he doesn't know how to press save image to camera roll but he knows how to use a photo editor flawlessly. such is the logic of the idiocy of the doctors)
eleven and thirteen get along very well i think. they're the only two of the group to play video games and so they bond over that. they also have ridiculously similar clothing taste
sometimes they'll succeed in getting fifteen to play pokemon with them and then they'll proceed to not see him until the next day when he comes out of his room and goes "you didn't tell me plusle couldn't evolve i've been levelling it up all fucking night"
friday is assigned movie night (it's always big hero 6)
eleven is the only one to actively seek out physical affection, usually really abruptly like clinging to thirteen's back as she passes him in the hall or bapping ten with the palm of his hand until he sighs and gives him a hug. he does expect a platonic kiss on the forehead from anyone before he goes to bed and will complain if he doesn't get one
anyway thats it i'm sick in the head and really sad. if this keeps up i may be forced to actually write a fic
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"I make mistakes. I'm only human and that's all it takes to put the blame on me."
@sinisterstrange616 @fanartka @icytrickster17
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lovelyy-moonlight · 2 years
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batmannotes · 2 months
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The Epic Saga Concludes with Part Three of the Highly Anticipated Trilogy!
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three   
Based on DC’s iconic comic book limited series ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, join DC Super Heroes from across the multiverse in the action-packed conclusion of the three-part DC animated film Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three. The eagerly awaited film brings to a close the thrilling trilogy that marks the end to the Tomorrowverse story arc.
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Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, the all-new, action-packed DC animated film features some of DC’s most famous Super Heroes from multiple universes including Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, who come together to stop an impending threat of doom and destruction. Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three will be available to purchase exclusively on digital on July 16 and on 4K UHD in limited edition steelbook packaging and Blu-ray on July 23.
Fans of this superhero adventure will also be able to indulge in a range of bonus features including interviews with the filmmakers on how they created a comprehensive universe across seven films.
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part One and Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Two are currently available on Digital, 4K UHD and Blu-ray.
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Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three features returning popular voice cast members: Jensen Ackles (Supernatural, The Boys, The Winchesters) as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Emmy winner Darren Criss (The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Glee) as Superman & Earth-2 Superman, Aldis Hodge (Straight Outta Compton, Black Adam) as Green Lantern/John Stewart, Meg Donnelly (Legion of Super-Heroes, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series,) as Supergirl & Harbinger, and Stana Katic (Castle, Absentia) as Wonder Woman & Superwoman, along with Corey Stoll (Ant-Man, Black Mass) as Lex Luthor.
The star-studded ensemble voice cast also includes Gideon Adlon as Batgirl, Ike Amadi as Martian Manhunter/J’Onn J’Onzz, Geoffrey Arend as Psycho Pirate/Charles Halstead, Troy Baker as The Joker & Spider Guild Lantern, Brian Bloom as Adam Strange & Sidewinder, Matt Bomer as The Flash, Ashly Burch as Nightshade & Queen Mera, Zach Callison as Earth-2 Robin & Robin/Damian Wayne, Kevin Conroy as Earth-12 Batman, Alexandra Daddario as Lois Lane, Brett Dalton as Bat Lash & Captain Atom, John Dimaggio as Lobo, Ato Essandoh as Mr. Terrific, Keith Ferguson as Doctor Fate & Two-Face, Will Friedle as Batman Beyond & Kamandi, Jennifer Hale as Hippolyta & Green Lantern Aya, Mark Hamill as Earth-12 The Joker, Jamie Gray Hyder as Hawkgirl & Young Diana, Erika Ishii as Doctor Light/Dr. Hoshi & Huntress, David Kaye as The Question & Cardonian Lantern, Matt Lanter as Blue Beetle, Liam McIntryre as Aquaman, Cynthia Kaye McWilliams as Dr. Beth Chapel & The Cheetah, Lou Diamond Phillips as The Spectre, Elysia Rotaru as Black Canary & Black Canary II, Matt Ryan as Constantine, Katee Sackhoff as Poison Ivy, Keesha Sharp as Vixen, Jimmi Simpson as Green Arrow, Jason Spisak as Blue Lantern Razer & Hayseed, Armen Taylor as The Flash/Jay Garrick, Gas Soldier & Executioner, and Dean Winters as Captain Storm.
Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three is produced by Jim Krieg and Kimberly S. Moreau and executive produced by Butch Lukic, Sam Register, and Michael Uslan. The film is directed by Jeff Wamester from a script by Jim Krieg. Casting and voice direction is by Wes Gleason. The film is based on characters from DC and the graphic novel “Crisis on Infinite Earths” by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez
Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three will be available on July 16 to purchase digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more. On July 23 the film will be available to purchase on 4K Ultra HD in limited edition steelbook packaging and Blu-ray Discs online and in-store at major retailers. Pre-order your copy now.
Additionally, the Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy will be available on July 16 to purchase digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more, and features an exclusive special feature - An Epic Challenge: Crisis in Comics and Animation.
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Now fully revealed as the ultimate threat to existence, the ANTI-MONITOR wages an unrelenting attack on the surviving Earths that struggle for survival in a pocket universe. One-by-one, these worlds and all their inhabitants are vaporized! On the planets that remain, even time itself is shattered and heroes from the past join the Justice League and their rag-tag allies against the epitome of evil. But as they make their last stand, will the sacrifice of the superheroes be enough to save us all?​
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three - Physical and Digital
A Multiverse of Inspiration
Jon and John: Stewart and Constantine
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy (Digital only)
An Epic Challenge: Crisis in Comics and Animation
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Running Time: 98:06
Rated PG-13 for some violence and language.
*Digital version not available in Canada
Available exclusively on Digital on July 16
4K UHD in limited edition steelbook packaging and Blu-ray arriving on July 23
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy Also      
Available exclusively on Digital on July 16
Preorder at Amazon.
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics that I've read for the past years]
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
Latest update: 07/01/23
Edited: 01/10/24
PT.1 (edited)
richard alonzo muñoz
Alma peregrine • Enoch O'Connor
the madrigals • camilo madrigal
klaus baudelaire • violet baudelaire
weasley twins • neville longbottom • luna lovegood
Edmund pevensie
santiago garcia
Pt.2 (edited)
newt scamander • wolfstar • remus lupin • regulus black • james potter
vance hopper
sherlock holmes
glenn rhee
peter pan • felix
newt • gally
duke leto atreides
jack frost • bunnymund
tadashi hamada • hiro hamada
Pt.3 on going (edited)
camilo madrigal
vance hopper
eleventh doctor • twelve doctor
dan torrance
miguel diaz • eli "hawk" moskowitz
wayne mccullough
on going (edited)
Sam(Trick r' treat)
micheal myers
polite leader
jennifer check
art the clown
brahms heelshire
PT.1 (edited)
peter ballard • robin buckley • dustin henderson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.2 (edited)
robin buckley • dustin henderson • alexei smirnoff • steve harrington • billy hargrove • eddie munson
PT.3 (edited)
steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.4 (edited)
peter ballard • chrissy cunningham • max mayfield • billy hargrove • gareth emerson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.5 (edited)
chrissy cunningham • gareth emerson • eddie munson
PT.1 (edited)
Ranboo • technoblade • tommyinnit • quackity • sapnap • jschaltt
Pt.2 (edited)
Corpse husband • Tommyinnit • technoblade
Pt.3 on going (edited)
Technoblade • wilbur soot • quackity • ranboo
PT.1 (edited)
peter(pietro) maximoff • erik lehnsherr • warren worthington • alex summers • scott summers • kurt wagner • jean grey
druig • loki laufeyson • bucky barnes • peter parker
Moon knight • kate bishop • stephen strange • Peter parker • Miles morales
alex summers • Warren Worthington •Sean cassidy • peter(pietro) maximoff
PT 3
Peter(pietro) maximoff • miles morales • moon knight • khonshu • stephen strange • wade wilson • eddie brock (venom) • kate bishop
Wanda maximoff • Warren Worthington • Moon knight
stephen strange • Loki laufeyson • wade wilson • peter parker • moon knight
kurt wagner • warren worthington • peter(pietro) maximoff
pavitr prabhakar • miles morales • peter parker • eddie 'venom' brock • tony stark • druig • kate bishop • moon knight • frank castle
obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Anakin Skywalker • obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Link soon...
on going
ben hargreeves • five hargreeves
montgomery gator • sunnydrop/moondrop
poppy playtime
ellie williams • joel miller
task force 141 • alejandro vargas • simon 'ghost' riley
joel miller
simon riley • könig
batmom • batfam • batsis • Bruce wayne • Tim drake • Dick Grayson • Jason todd • Damian wayne
Garfield logan • Rachel roth
batmom • batfam • batsis • bruce wayne • garfield logan • Jason todd • alfred pennyworth
on going
jervis tetch • the valeska twins • roman sionis
Link soon...
On going
Pedro pascal • timothee chalamet • harry style
marc spector • peter parker • bruce wayne • damian wayne
stray kids
timothee chalamet • ryan reynolds • bella ramsey • oscar issac • pedro pascal • justin h. min • joseph quinn • harry styles • tom holland
Pt.2 on going
Chris evans • Sebastian Stan • Paul raud
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