#does he just carry them on person at all times??
felassan · 2 days
Dragon Age: The Veilguard info compilation Post 4
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [another post]
Post is under a cut due to length.
There is a lot of information coming out right now about DA:TV from many different sources. This post is just an effort to compile as much as I can in one place, in case that helps anyone. Sources for where the information came from have been included. Where I am linking to a social media user’s post, the person is either a dev, a Dragon Age community council member or other person who has had a sneak peek at and played the game. nb, this post is more of a ‘info that came out in snippets from articles and social media posts’ collection rather than a ‘regurgitating the information on the official website or writing out what happened in the trailer/gameplay reveal’ post. The post is broken down into headings on various topics. A few points are repeated under multiple headings where relevant. Where I am speculating without a source, I have clearly demarcated this. if you notice any mistakes in this post, please tell me.
Character Creation
BioWare confirmed that even if you make your Rook a short king, the team has done work to ensure animations fit any character build [source]
"Dragon Age's character creator has seen a massive glow-up" [source]. "The volume of choices you get here are frankly insane. As Epler noted, “you could spend forever here,” and he’s not kidding." [source] The art and graphics teams spent a lot of time trying to make hair look amazing [source: the Discord]
In CC we can customise our "bulge size" [source]
Some more detail on the new lighting options to see how Rook looks like in CC when you make them: you can view them in "blazing forest sunshine versus the glare of an underground temple" [source]
"newly mobile, extra-hairy hair" [source]
Faction choice has statistical boons. For example, Shadow Dragon Rook deals extra damage to Venatori blood cultists [source]
Faction choice basically determines why Rook has been called to help in the fight against Solas [source]
All pre-determined character models in CC can be adjusted [source]
You can make a really tall dwarf if you want [source]
"Setting your previous world state is fully integrated into the character creator for Veilguard" [source: the Discord]
Inquisitor appearance will be re-created, there is no way to carry their appearance from DA:I into the game [source: the Discord]
Classes for Rook are not restricted in the sense that you can play any almost class, lineage and faction combination that you want. For example, a mage Rook can be a Crow [source: the Discord] (Fel note: it sounded like Rook cannot be a magic-wielding dwarf, even though the exception of Harding now exists) (Fel note: there is a mage Crow in one of the books)
Story and lore
Here is another article which refers to Rook as "the Rook" [source]
The story is set "9-10 years from DA:I and about 8 years from Trespasser" [source: the Discord]
They have been tracking Solas for "a while. Something else you’re gonna learn about…" [source]
The game does not use the Keep [source]
Shadow Dragon is the faction background with the most in-game reactivity (e.g. from other characters' dialogue) during the prologue section of the game, due to the fact that the prologue is in Minrathous and the Shadow Dragons are a Tevinter-based faction [source]
"I also saw a big moment after the gameplay trailer ends that I can't talk about" [source]
During the more narrative-heavy dialogue choices, "the game will also give a bit of context on what you're about to choose, but doesn't go as far as explaining the exact consequences or precisely what will happen thereafter" [source] "the game shows you how you’ll go about the choice, but it doesn’t tell you the consequence of that choice". [source]
"The game is bringing back Dragon Age 2s dialogue system, which was tone-based and resulted in its protagonist Hawke falling into one of three different personality states. You have three general tones in a conversation: kind, humorous, or aggressive, with slight variations depending on the situation" [source]
"Venatori blood cultists" [source]
"The whole game has the makings of another Suicide Mission [ME2], given that you are up against a god with the ability to collapse dimensions" [source]
"Choices and consequences". "Now, it seems you can see the effects of your choices like never before, and this time, they marry that choice with incredible visuals" [source]
In the bar when you're trying to get information in the opening, if you choose to fight it out and the barbrawl ensues, you then have to run from the pursuers in the bar [source]
A key concern of the developers when creating the environments was to make “a world worth saving" [source]
The prologue is quite linear but there are additional paths you can follow to find additional loot [source]
In the opening section of the game there is a dock which has been attacked and the soldiers that were there have been killed, "but rather than seeing this passively, we walked through the aftermath and had to interact with the scene to piece it all together" [source]
The tone of the gameplay video is a good indicator of the tone of the rest of the game [source]. On the tone: "dark fantasy" [source]. horror & gore is back along with DA's classic dark elements [source]
Tevinter Nights is a better tone indicator for the game than the original reveal/character trailer. Ghil Dirthalen: "Tevinter Nights has felt the most 'DAV' to me" [source]. The gameplay reveal video is the best indicator for the tone of the game (vs the character one) [source]. there is still messy dark shit in the game [source]
Tonally the game is closest to Tevinter Nights and DA:O [source]
Ghil Dirthalen: "[as] one of those unfortunate souls who has latched onto a media world so hard: This game is for me. For the hardcore DA lore nerds, I've been secretly screaming about things I saw for MONTHS now" [source]
The game is true to the DA stories we know and love [source]
Characters, companions, romance
You can choose to engage in companions' own storylines as you progress or ignore them entirely [source]
You will often have to make dialogue choices that will affect how your various companions treat you [source]
Neve is quick-witted [source], measured and elegant [source]
In the opening, you interact with the companions as you move through Minrathous. "your choices during these interactions will determine who goes on portions of the mission with you, along with how “pleased” they are with the answers." [source]
On Varric and Harding: "Instantly the two felt like they’d never been away and avoided the trap of being parodies or fanfiction versions of themselves" [source]
Solas' eyes were always purple hh [source] (yes!)
Gameplay, presentation, performance etc
Some enemies have additional shields that are weak to ranged attacks [source]
When asked about if the war table from DA:I returned, John Epler said "There is a table. Now, whether it works the same way as the table in the previous game..." [source]
Once you get passed a certain point in the game, it opens up dramatically, however it is not an openworld game and they wanted to make sure that all the content mattered and was a more structured, sculpted experience for the player. There is some exploration, some opportunities to get off the beaten path, and some spaces that are fairly wide [source]
The button to press to bring up the skill wheel is RB or R1 (depending on what controller you're using) [source]
"You'll also have access to two skills or spells for each of your two companions that you can command. For a more seamless, uninterrupted combat experience, you can also assign these skills to shortcuts (such as holding the left trigger and hitting the X button) to quickly use them" [source]
"The game is bringing back Dragon Age 2s dialogue system, which was tone-based and resulted in its protagonist Hawke falling into one of three different personality states. You have three general tones in a conversation: kind, humorous, or aggressive, with slight variations depending on the situation" [source]
"booting Fade demons into pits" [source]
"BioWare have revised Dragon Age's art direction to make character models a little more consistent with the series' lovely Tarot-inspired menu art. Flesh is ruddy to the point of painterly; facial features and bodily proportions are thicker and more striking, as though the characters had been cut from clay" [source]
The 3 specs for Warrior are Reaper (has lifesteal/stealing health from enemies, and other freaky powers, does big damage), Slayer (can wield the biggest blade, big swords, big damage) or Champion, which is tanky, shield-using and Paladin like [source] [source]
There are quick-recover prompts [source]
You can roll through puddles of incoming AOE [source]
There are ziplines between some levels levels [source] (Fel note: just like in As We Fly... )
There are also slidey hills to slide down between some sections [source]
There are still some Hinterland-type areas designed for exploration [source]
We can do some home base management to our home base [source] (Fel note: this refers to The Lighthouse, detail in a previous post)
Camera placement is quite zoomed out [source]
Where Rogues have 'momentum', Warriors have 'rage' and Mages 'mana'. When a warrior spends rage in the ability wheel it triggers more powerful attacks. this has been referred to as a build-and-spend mechanic. this system resource gates your use of more powerful skills and is built by getting stuck in [source]. Momentum for Rogues is built by landing hits without taking any [source]
There are big glowing environmental cues for picking up loot or replenishing health potions [source]
"Epler noted that The Veilguard will not be an open-world experience like Inquisition, and instead will have large spaces to explore with quests littered throughout. This allayed my early concerns that they would course correct too hard from the oft-maligned open areas of Inquisition" [source]
Melee and ranged attacks can be charged up [source]
It sounds like there is an option to have greater guidance on when enemies are attacking [source]
The community council gave a lot of notes on the game's art direction to BioWare (gave feedback to the devs) that they were told and shown were changed from the first reveal/character trailer, these made it into the gameplay trailer [source]
The community council asked about having an arachnophobia mode, though they can't guarantee this was implemented [source]
"You’re encouraged to explore and grind for stronger weapons and gear, so your stats and cosmetics improve the further you get into the game" (in the sense that you’ll be rewarded for hard work) [source, two]
Follower information such as cooldowns and health will be visible on the HUD [source: the Discord]
There is a "quick cast" option if you prefer not to use the wheel, should be a chorded action using a controller [source: the Discord]
On PC you can play with keyboard and mouse or controller [source: the Discord]
An accessibility option is the ability to make auto-targeting stronger or weaker depending on your preference [source: the Discord]
The game will have DLSS support at launch [source: the Discord]
Re: hard drives, the game can be played using an HDD, they would recommend an SSD though for the optimal experience [source: the Discord]
There are lots of different interface options you can play with, e.g. combat text size, opacity, when to display health bars [source: the Discord]
The leak from last year or whenever it was (the one that leaked screenshots and a gif from the game) was mainly a lot of outdated stuff and didn't really represent even the early version some community council members had played [source, two]. It was not leaked by a member of the community council, but by a member of another focus group [source]
The community council were given the chance to play the game twice, once in Fall 2022 and a year later in 2023 [source]
There is no information as yet regarding when pre-orders will be open [source: the Discord]
BioWare are hoping to at the very least have the very "best of" the Discord dev Q&A featured on social media and potentially in a blog [source: the Discord]
[☕ found this post or blog interesting or useful? my ko-fi is here if you feel inclined. thank you 🙏]
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Ways to reveal backstory
The first thing to know about backstory is that it is revealed when it is needed, not before to set up when it’ll be needed, but the moment it is necessary. I talk more about this advice here, but that’s the gist. So assuming the following moments require necessary backstory, here’s some places and ways to reveal backstory,
1. As related to a place
Settings have the ability to carry a whole lot of history. People can forget or move on but a stain on a blanket will always be a stain, a bedroom—however changed—will always be part of a house (unless you want to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory it). Taking your characters to the scene of their histories, allowing them access to the setting where they first experienced something is an easy way to share what that place means to them.
2. As related to a person
While friends of course hold a lot of history together, this works best if it’s a person your character hasn’t seen in a spell. Where maybe the last time they interacted was the backstory you want to share. Or otherwise their long-term friend does something out of the ordinary that reminds them of “the event”
3. As related to a conflict or emotions
A fight may remind your character of another, or even just a feeling—“the last time he had experienced (something) was (backstory).”
4. In conversation
While your character may not spill all the details of their backstory to anyone who asks, someone asking them a pointed question, “so, where’d you grow up?” or “why haven’t you mentioned your parents at all?” would inspire them to think about the event, making an easy share to the readers as well.
Important to note that how they respond to this question verbally tells a whole lot about how they feel about their past. What goes unsaid is far more important than what they actually say (check out Subtext here)
Anything I missed?
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tossawary · 1 day
In "The Princess Bride", Westley is (forgive this phrasing, I mean it relatively fondly) "a petty bitch of a man", but I can kind of see where he's coming from giving Buttercup a hard time at the beginning. It's a very human thing to have a temper.
He went off to seek his fortune and was attacked by pirates, which I assume was a bloody and unpleasant experience. He had to beg for his life and spent a long time as their captive, threatened with death every single day, even if it later turned into a less serious morbid joke. Life on the crew of the most famous pirate in the world was presumably pretty harsh at times and he worked his ass off training himself up to be worth feeding and keeping alive, then to be able to hold his own in this new life. Piracy is hardly a very safe profession.
For all we know, Westley did attempt to send letters home, but he probably had to work hard to scrounge up the money for it and find someone semi-legitimate willing to carry it, and this is hardly an era of reliable mail. He probably had to just hope that Buttercup 1) wouldn't hear the news of his first ship's destruction and/or 2) would trust in his love for her enough to know that he was alive and fighting to come back.
When Westley finally becomes the Dread Pirate Roberts, he's still stuck with the former Dread Pirate Roberts for a little while, and then he has a pirate crew who have expectations of him. He cannot sail the damn ship himself. It probably took a lot of work, threats and persuasion and the slow building of trust, in order to get a ship full of men to eventually take him back to Florin. Like, would he even have told them about Buttercup? (It would be funny if there's a crew of pirates out there cheering Westley on in True Love.) Would he have had to promise them some reward?
He also went out in the world to make his fortune and he already knows that he's dreadfully late, so maybe his position is, "Okay, I will build up trust with my crew by building up our fortunes, WHILE slowly but surely moving back across the world in the direction of Florin so that I can see the love of my life again. This hellish experience traveling all over the damn world will all have been worth it for her."
It's possible that Westley was mostly having silly pirate adventures worthy of a comedic operetta, but based on the tragedies of Inigo and Fezzik's own backstories, this world is not actually that nice. Westley is being flippant and lighthearted when he later summarizes things for Buttercup, but he does seem to be one to make light of / ignore his personal suffering. I do think that he did probably make some friendships through this hardship and had some good experiences along the way, especially near the end, but I also think that the beginning of his journey must have been really shit.
So, Westley fights hard to get back home, then lands somewhere in Florin and is on his way back to the farm, but then finds out from some random villagers (or Buttercup's parents) that his shitty former prince is marrying an incomparably beautiful milkmaid named Buttercup. Like...? The love of his life didn't wait for him (she thought he was dead and is also being forced into this, so that Humperdink can murder her to start a war) and traded up for some SHITHEAD PRINCE??? That has to HURT. (And Westley does not like admitting to feeling pain!)
Even if he loves mischief and drama, Westley is being an unnecessarily huge jerk when he kidnaps Buttercup away from her kidnapping, but also yeah, I see how his temper might be running hot. He's struggling with the fact that his True Love might have moved on after he's probably been using her memory as a thin rope of sanity for years.
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villain-crown · 2 days
challenge | @jegulus-microfic| words: 1210
critical care, part 7 (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6)
a Jegulus nurse!AU
As soon as James set foot back in the critical care tower, it felt like everyone took one look at him and knew immediately that he’d fucked Regulus Black.
Which he hadn’t, by the way. 
He just desperately wished he had. 
They’d finished up their lunch with James dying to pull Regulus into a supply closet for some unsupervised quality time. Every sentence from that smirking mouth felt like his blood was being set on fire. But their breaks were nearly over, so he had settled for flirting more aggressively than he ever had in his life all the way back to the critical care tower elevator until James was so wound up that he was willing to be a bit reckless. 
“So what does a person have to do to get a goodbye kiss from you?” James quipped when they were alone in the lift with the doors closed. He was about a head taller than Regulus, and it felt good towering over the petite man. He braced himself with a palm against the wall just above Regulus’s soft black curls, looming above him and trying very hard to look cool. 
Regulus looked him up and down, evaluating him in that heated, challenging way that made James crazy. “Hm. Are you worth one?”
James stepped closer until he could feel the heat of Regulus’s breath. The Slytherin had to tip his head back entirely to look up through the lace of his eyelashes. 
“You tell me.”
And oh, it was so fucking close. The urge to pin Regulus against the wall right then and there was strong; to pull from his throat the filthy sounds he fantasized that the Slytherin would make when it was 2 AM on James’s bed. James was so there for it. But—
“Oi! Reggie! Prongs!”
James sprung back like he’d been electrocuted when the lift doors opened swiftly and Sirius muscled his way in from the neurotrauma intensive care unit. He had the ICU transport pack slung over his shoulder and seemed to notice the tension in the air only after he’d inserted himself firmly between the other two nurses and the elevator door had started to close again. 
“What are you up to?” Sirius asked his little brother suspiciously. 
“Seducing your best friend.”
James let out a strangled noise as Sirius scowled. “Not funny, Reggie!” 
But Regulus just rolled his silver eyes in that maddeningly attractive way. “Oh relax, Sirius. It’s a joke, not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.”
Mate, you might witness your little brother getting dicked down right here in this elevator if he doesn’t stop talking.
“Reggie! No! Bad!” Sirius exclaimed, horrified, repeatedly hammering the doors close button like it’d make the elevator move any faster. “I know you don’t say that shit in front of our cousins! They just let you do whatever you want because they think you’re cute, you know. If they could hear what a menace you really were, you’d get away with a lot less.”
While this action was being carried out, James felt something being slipped into his scrub pocket. He shivered as Regulus’s fingers brushed teasingly against his inner thigh while his brother was distracted, but when James tried to meet his eye, he found Regulus’s face completely neutral. 
“That’s why I’m nice to them and a menace to you.”
“Looks like this is your stop,” Sirius noted without answering as the elevator doors clicked open on the Slytherin floor. “Well, you’ve been a nightmare as usual. Thanks for that. Be sure to tell Snape we’ve sprayed for insects so he can’t float to our unit for another six months.”
“You’re so petty. And clearly pissed off that he passed his critical care certification first. Doesn’t that mean he gets paid more than you?”
“Not for long!”
“But for now.”
Regulus flounced out of the elevator, James’s eyes glued to his deliciously narrow waist. 
“UGH! He’s so annoying!” Sirius seethed in the background, jamming his finger against the doors close button. “I can’t stand that kid sometimes! Anyway…”
If he really was somehow telegraphing his intentions to absolutely rail Regulus, Sirius would have surely murdered him by now. Instead, his best friend was chatting him up about their latest prank as they wandered out of the elevator and over to the surgical ICU’s nurses’ station. James was trying very hard to focus on what Sirius was saying, but someone had to picture his younger brother in a variety of compromising positions and James’s imagination was certainly willing to take up the task.
“...and I know Snape thinks he’s got the upper hand, but c’mon. What are they going to do—fire all of Gryffindor…?”
He could see Regulus now, sinking gracefully to his knees in an empty exam room. Those stunning silver eyes would locked on his as he untied James’s scrubs, drew out his cock, and slipped it past his lips without breaking eye contact. 
“Prongs? Are you even listening to me?”
“What?” James asked automatically, feeling like a kid caught zoning out in class. These daydreams were starting to get a bit out of hand. “Yeah, I’m listening.”
Sirius didn’t look like he believed him. “Bullshit. Anyway, you know that Ravenclaw charge nurse, Pandora? I tried to ask her if she wanted to transfer her neurotrauma patient back up to their floor since they have the space, but guess what she said…”
A vibration from his pocket prompted James to fish his phone out while nodding supportively at all the right bits of Sirius’s story. The screen had lit up with a text, partially obstructing his background wallpaper of him and his parents beaming at the camera on their last vacation to the ocean. It was from a random number that he didn’t recognize, which made James nearly stow his phone again before he finally registered the words on the photo.
R.A.B: STD Screening Results.
James choked. 
“What’s wrong with you?” Sirius asked suspiciously, thoroughly oblivious to the fact that his baby brother had just texted James his sexual health paperwork.
“Nothing! Just, you know, about Snape. We should come up with a prank for him. Something really good.”
The surgical charge nurse brightened. “Oh! I had a really good idea for that! What if we…”
James looked over the text while Sirius spoke, rather impressed with Regulus’s efficiency. Judging by the timestamp, he’d gone in yesterday to have the screening done. He had tested negative across the board for any and all sexually transmitted disease or blood-borne pathogens. 
He had certainly tested negative for indecisiveness, which was actually sending James to his knees.  
[The only thing missing is a pregnancy test,] James joked, unable to resist teasing his thoroughness.
“...right, Prongs? Hello? Anyone there?”
“Oh!” James hastily stowed his phone, trying to remember the last thing Sirius had said. “Well, yeah, if you can get Frank Longbottom in on it.”
“I bet I could! I’ll get Alice to…”
A few minutes later, a new text came in.
It was another photo, which only made sense when James unlocked his phone and opened up the preview. On the vaguely recognizable Slytherin supply room countertop, a new, hospital-brand pregnancy test was laid out like a taunt. Someone had taken a sharpie and written one word on it in elegant cursive.
Negative for pregnancy, but positive for sarcasm. 
This fucking menace. 
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berryz-writes · 2 days
Forgive me?
Theodore Nott x reader
Summary: You and Theo are in an argument and he tries multiple times to apologise (it works eventually)
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I looked at Theo from the corner of my eye, hoping he didn't notice that every time he looked away I'd look at him, making sure his injuries weren't too serious. Just because I was angry at him and just because the reason he was injured was his own fault didn't mean I had stopped caring. Matheo who was explaining the next game's quidditch tactics to Theo punched him on the arm, grinning at something he said.
"Don't punch him so hardly! He's just had his arm fixed" As soon as the words were out of my mouth I couldn't help but regret them. I was supposed to be ignoring Theo not fucking defending him for no reason.
His eyes flicked from Matheo to me in an instant. His blue eyes glinting with amusement. "Stopped ignoring me, sweetheart?"
I clenched my jaw annoyed at myself for my stupidity and idiotic way of ruining things.
"I was talking to Matheo, not you" I tried to save myself. Well it was true. I may be talking about him but it wasn't to him.
His smirk dropped, sadness overtaking his expression "I've apologised. So many times y/n. What else do you want?" I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted everything to finally be ok but it wasn't. Not until I thought through everything.
I shook my head "It's been one day. When we decided on a break it was indefinitely" I was going to add a sorry at the end but I didn't. Because he didn't deserve a sorry right now.
I stood up leaving him to eat his breakfast in peace, finding comfort in the library with Pansy cheering me up.
*The next day*
"And will he make it?! YES! OF COURSE HE DOES! THEODORE NOTT OF SLYTHERIN FINISHING THE GAME WITH AN ASTONISHING GOAL. There you have it! Slytherin has won by one hundred and fifty points! Of course Hufflepuff stood no chance of winning when we look at the logistics-" Laughter rung out across the stadium at Lee Jordan's commentary but before he could carry on Professor McGonagall took the microphone away.
I watched as Theo flew around the pitch congratulating his team and doing a few loops in the air. He liked to show off and I didn't blame him. It was mostly due to him that we had won so greatly and of course this would mean another party in which I would wake up the next morning regretting my actions. Oh well. Who didn't love a party? Both teams were slowly descending down to where Madam Hooch stood with her arms crossed ready to shout at Malfoy who seemed to have not understood what it meant by "playing fairly". He had hit and injured a good few players in the process, even Matheo who he currently was annoyed at. Great person to have on a team.
I shifted my gaze back to where Theo was before but he was no longer there. I looked around and saw him talking to Professor McGonagall still on his broom. What was he doing? He took the microphone from her hand and turned to face me, the love with which he looked at me obvious however far he was.
He brushed a piece of hair away and spoke into the microphone, his deep voice amplified "Congratulations to Slytherin. I just wanted to make a quick announcement that I wanted you all to know. I am currently dating y/n who as you all know is the prettiest girl I've ever laid eyes on. I haven't spoken to her in two fucking days and it's killing me so please, forgive me sweetheart." He gave the microphone back to McGonagall as she berated him for swearing. He shrugged innocently and flew toward me. My heartbeat increasing as the distance between us decreased. Half the crowd had already left, either to mope over their loss or to prepare for the party while the other half was whistling and cheering. Their voices were all a blur as I focused on one person only.
He finally reached me, hopping off his broom he stood in front of me, his eyes piercing me. "Forgive me?"
I smiled up at him. He was too perfect to deny. I nodded my head, he took this as a sign to lean down and place his perfect lips on mine, his hands coming to rest on my waist.
Stepping back, the crowds noise suddenly sounded ten times louder, everyone was cheering while Pansy and Astoria were grinning like crazy next to me.
"You better treat her right from now on" Pansy said, her smile dropping and her eyes suddenly turning icy.
"I will. I promise"
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toasttt11 · 1 day
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January 4, 2023
Luca squinted his eyes at the morning sunlight coming through the window and turned his head hiding his face in Julianna’s golden hair.
Luca wrapped his arm around her waist gently caressing her back as she snuggled closer, he could feel his girlfriend slowly waking up.
Waking up in bed with Julianna has quickly become one of Luca’s favorite things in the world, especially with Julianna in his arms. Luca spends more nights now in her apartment than he does his dorm, especially with them both being so busy in their own athletics spending the night together was a good amount of time they got together.
“Jules.” Luca softly whispered feeling her trying to cuddle even closer to him, he smiled lovingly as he pulled the blanket even higher on her shoulders knowing she absolutely hates being cold and especially hates waking up cold.
Luca kissed the top of her head softly as he gently rubbed her hip letting her wake up slowly.
“Hm.” Julianna hummed sleepily pressing a kiss to the inside of the arm that was wrapped around her and kept her eyes closed.
“Good morning amore.” Luca softly whispered his voice still incredibly raspy from waking up.
Julianna happily hummed, her favorite thing is hearing Luca call her a name in Italian but especially when he has just woken up.
“Morning love.” Julianna softly mumbled as she lifted her head up resting her chin on his chest and looking up at him with sleepy eyes and sleepy smile.
Luca brought his hand to her face and gently cupped her face caressing her cheek softly as she happily leaned into his touch.
Luca knew he was so lucky to be able to wake up to her most days and it isn’t something he will ever take for granted.
He leaned down pressing a slow kiss to her forehead.
Julianna groaned and reluctantly got out of Luca’s warm embrace and sat up in bed stretching as Luca sat up leaning against her headboard quickly distracting her with having no shirt on and the marks all over him that are a reminder of last night.
“Luca.” Julianna groaned as she saw him smirking once he caught her staring.
Luca let out a very fond but loud laugh at her embarrassment, he leaned forward gently grabbing her wrists pulling her hands from her face and pulled her up to him and set her down onto his lap.
“I need to shower.” Julianna tried to be stern as she set her hands on his bare chest to stop him from getting any closer.
“Good me too.” Luca cheekily replied standing up making her squeal as he picked her up and carried her to her bathroom, “We can save water.” Luca mumbled against her skin as he pressed a kiss to her neck and shut the door behind her.
Luca came out of the shower before Julianna and got dressed and hopped onto her bed staring up at the ceiling deep in thought.
“Lu?” Juliana called out softly coming out of the bathroom brushing her wet hair seeing Luca deep in thought.
Luca blinked snapping out of it turning his head to his gorgeous girl and smiled gently at her and he held out her hand towards her and she easily agreed setting her hairbrush down and walked over to him grabbing his hand and gently climbing on top of him.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Julianna soflty asked brushing her hands gently through his wet hair.
“What if he doesn’t approve?” Luca looked nervous as he asked.
Julianna hummed in realization, Luca was nervous to meet Jack.
Obviously they have met slightly through the phone from one of the many times Jack and Julianna FaceTime with each other but Luca was always respectful for the fact the twins don’t get alot of time together so he always lets Julianna talk to him alone.
Luca and Jack haven’t had any time to meet in person yet with all three of their busy schedules never lining up until today when the Devils are in town to play the Red wings and luckily for them it was a pretty early game and Jack wasn’t leaving until the morning so they would have a good amount of time to spend together after the game.
“He’s gonna love you.” Julianna soflty reassured him and she was being truthful she knew her twin would love Luca, “He’s going to act like a little shit in the beginning just to be a protective brother but he will love you.” Julianna knows Jack will be pretty protective but she knew he was already fond of Luca for how happy he makes her.
“Trust me, if you managed to win over Lukey you’ll be fine with Jacky and Quinny. Lukey is the hardest to win over.” Julianna softly told Luca, Luke has always been extremely possessive of his older sister and use to cry when he was younger and she had a friend over always wanting her full attention. Quinn would be completely fine with Luca as long as Luca is making her happy and treating her right. Jack is her twin and she knows he truthfully will like Luca because she likes him so much.
“Okay.” Luca nodded looking alot less nervous knowing Julianna wasn’t lying and being completely honest so he was glad to know what to expect.
“Now i need to get ready.” Juliana softly booped his nose and pressed a kiss to his cheek before she hopped off him and headed to her vanity in her bedroom and plopping down.
Luca smiled knowing she would take a while getting ready because she likes to take her time when she can and Luca will gladly wait for however long she needs.
Luca looked up after a pretty long time and saw her step out of form her closet slipped her boots on, she was wearing a pair of black jeans, red cropped long sleep with a vintage new jersey devils jacket that she added a 86 patch on for Jack and he knew she already had one to add for Luke and a pair of red heeled boots.
He stood up sliding his phone in jeans back pocket and walked over gently grabbing her hand and spinning her around slowly making her giggle happily.
“Absolutely beautiful amore.” Luca lovingly spoke pressing a soft kiss on her cheek and watched as she smiled looking pleased.
“You ready to go?” Julianna asked looking up at him. Luca nodded and grabbed his shoes putting them on one put on a backwards cap.
Luca grabbed Julianna’s hand and they headed out of her apartment.
Luca opened the passenger door for her and closed it once she got it and walked to the drivers side.
Luca started the car quickly turning on the heated seat for Julianna and started the drive to the Red Wings Arena.
Julianna intertwined her hand with Luca’s letting it rest on her thigh as he drove them.
Luca pulled into the parking spot in the Arena on the Red Wings and hopped out of the car opening the door for Julianna before she could and he got a very thankful smile in return.
Luca grabbed her hand intertwining their hands together as they walked in, the two were not at all hiding their relationship from the public, they have posted each other on their socials.
They walked together to their seats grabbing a snack on the way before they sat down just as the national anthem was about to start.
Jack’s face lite up as he searched the crowd and saw his twin sister sitting in the area she said she would be in, he waved excitedly making her beam and wave back.
The devils won 5-1.
Luca watched Julianna most of the game instead of the game as she is usually watching him play this is the first time they have been hockey game together and watched it together, he saw the way she crossed her fingers when Jack and the puck and crackled her knuckles when the other team had a shot on goal, it was adorable and Luca fell even more for his beautiful girl.
Julianna bounced on her feet excitedly as they waited for Jack to walk out of the locker room.
Luca smiled lovingly at her and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“Annie!” Jack cheered as he hurried out of the locker room and the twins quickly rushed to each other hugging each other tightly.
“Jacky.” Julianna breathed out smiling widely as she clung to her twin.
“I missed you.” Jack whispered softly, he hated not spending every day with his twin and would do anything to be able to change that.
“I missed you so much.” Julianna whispered back, “I want you to meet Luca.” Julianna smiled as she pulled back looping her arm with Jacks and walking to Luca and gently grabbing Luca’s hand.
Jack looked at him suspiciously, He has heard all about Luca from his twin and he knows it’s very serious to her because she has never had a boyfriend that she has cared this much for and that made Jack on edge not wanting her to get hurt but he also know Luke approved so Luca can’t be terrible.
“Luca this is my brother Jack, Jackie this is Luca my boyfriend.” Julianna proudly introduced two of her favorite people ever.
“It’s nice to meet you, Jules has told me a lot about you.” Luca nervously spoke putting a hand out to Jack.
“She’s told me a lot about you too.” Jack narrowed his eyes slightly and shook Luca’s hand a bit firmly.
“Come on i’m starving.” Julianna pulled them with her as she starts walking down the hallway.
They walked to the car and Luca got in the drivers seat and Julianna decided to sit in the back with Jack.
Luca smiled softly as he drove them listening to the twins talk but specifically how happy Julianna sounded as she spoke with her twin.
Jack watched as Luca got out of the car and opened the door for Julianna and how she pressed a kiss to his cheek and kept a hand on her back.
The three walked into the restaurant and were seated in a booth which was perfect as Julianna got to sit in between both of them.
They ordered their food and Julianna excused herself and headed to the restroom.
Jack narrowed his eyes at his sister’s boyfriend as she left their table, “What’s your intentions with my sister.” Jack questioned extremely protectively.
Luca smiled softly seeing the resemblance of Julianna in Jack’s glare, “I love her and i’m very lucky to be loved by her.”
Jack’s face softened slightly, “Everyone is lucky to be loved by Annie.” Jack knew better than anyone that if Julianna cared you that you were very lucky especially with how caring and loving she is.
“They are.” Luca nodded in agreement, “Jules is special and i just want to be able to love her back the way she deserves.”
Jack slowly smiled and nodded his head in approval, “Good.” Jack knew then that Luca had his approval.
Luca let out a sigh of relief at seeing Jack’s approving nod.
Julianna came back and slid back between her two boys and smiled softly not sensing any tension between the two.
“You picked a good one Annie.” Jack softly spoke to his favorite perosn.
Julianna beamed knowing that Jack approves.
“I did didn’t i?” Julianna spoke back looking at Luca with loving eyes.
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chelseamariep · 4 hours
I rewatched Part 2, and I'm gonna list my likes. I'm trying to focus on the postive. These will all be Penelope and Colin centric.
My Likes
The brothers urging Colin to tell Pen how he feels.
Colin raising his voice and Pen immediately getting turned on. Like you could see it on her face in that moment. She was DTF.
Colin saying "I love you" first and Pen questioning it. That felt very in character for her.
The mirror scene. I've seen mixed reactions to this but I think they used the mirror in just the right way. This is not a hard core porn show. I don't think we could have had an entire full frontal sex scene in front of a giant mirror. As much as we might have wanted it lol.
Also, remember this was Penelope losing her virginity. To the only person she's ever loved. It needed to be soft, sweet and romantic. It definitely delivered on all fronts.
Plus we all know the mirror scene came purely from a single quote in the book so the artistic liberties were boundless.
I loved that like in the book they made Penelope eager and not shy and her asking if they could go again was just about the cutest thing ever.
Nicolas' face acting during the Colin undressing scene was a masterclass. That woman literally carried this whole season on her shoulders and I love her even more now.
Let's not forget about Colin Bridgerton, the consent king.
The after glow scene was amazing. Her teasing him about his French girls and of course the iconic "my mess" book quote. I probably should have just turned the show off there so I could have stayed happy.
Except the little carriage scene was so god damn adorable I nearly lost my mind. The two of them all up in each other's personal space.
The ring scene was sweet. Portia lingering in the background was funny especially because we all knew how badly colin wanted to kiss his girl.
The church scene was also very sweet, and again, they snuck a book quote in there. That one felt kinda forced, so I didn't enjoy it as much, but it was still nice.
Stepping on each others feet while dancing was so nerd coded and adorable
Them talking about Colin's book was so cute too, and Penelope being super into the dirty passages was brilliant. Pen is a book girlie, and there is nothing a book girl loves more than smut.
I believe it's around this time my likes really start to dwindle...
Pen's wedding look was serving
The cut away to the empty room during the wedding dance made me swoon. That was a good Pride and Prejudice touch
Colin reminding Pen that's she is a Bridgerton was also super adorable
Eloise hugging Pen when she's sad is peak Bridgerton and I missed it so much. I needed it and it healed me.
Colin keeping all of Penelopes' letters. Like boy you have been in love this whole damn time
Another parallel Eloise and Penelope scene. That nearly made me cry.
I've seen mixed reactions on this but I like the healing arc they did with Pen and her mother. That storyline seemed to eclipse the polin story which did bother me slightly but ultimately it was important to bring the Featherington family together
Colin's speech was nice. I liked that they put in the purpose line since that seems to be an overall theme with Colin. He's looking for his purpose and loving his wife wholeheartedly seems like a great one to me.
That second sex scene, while lacking, was excellent because it gave us our girl on top, riding her man. You go Pen.
We could all see it coming from a mile away, but I'm still glad Penelope won the baby race. With the reconciliation, it seemed not as necessary, but I kind of love the idea of Penelope being able to stay in her family home and raise her son with her husband.
The fact that Pen and Colin will be living across the street from Bridgerton house next season fills me with lots of joy.
That last kiss in front of Penelope's beloved windows was a good touch and her new Penelope Bridgerton signature on Whistledown was perfect.
Also does this mean Nicola will narrate the show now? Don't get me wrong I love Julie Andrew's but ever since they gave Pen a voice over in season 2 I have been dreaming of that.
I'm may do my dislikes in a separate post just to get them off my chest. I have alot lol.
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swanmaids · 3 days
the care and feeding of an elven high king
for @tolkienekphrasisweek day 2, culinary arts. remix of @welcomingdisaster 's a note on the pecularities... ao3 link. this is a fic about trauma-induced eating disorders.
Many in Gondolin, from the servants to the lords, will say that His Grace the king was never the same since his crossing of the treacherous Ice; that he was so changed by its horrors that he became almost a completely different man. It has become something of a cliche within our city to say that Turukano of Tirion died on the Grinding Ice, and Turgon of Beleriand was born in his place. 
As for myself, I have never seen the Blessed Realm or the long march to Beleriand, and so I can offer little insight into who His Grace may have been before he reached the shores of Vinyamar where my people joined with his host. But I have no reason to doubt the words of those who did know him then. And If I were to ask one of them: how did he change? They would probably provide me with a great list of examples. The way he speaks to his friends and his subjects and his daughter, the way he carries himself, the way he sleeps, the way he eats. 
The latter is the only example that I have any kind of authority to speak on, but I would hardly be surprised as to its accuracy. From what I have heard of the bounties of Aman, it seems truly impossible to me that anybody could be presented with the spoils of the Great Hunter, the King of the Seas and the Sisters of the Earth, and still maintain the same austere diet that His Grace tasks me with preparing these days. 
Just how austere is that diet? His Grace has almost too many rules concerning what he will not consume for one to keep up with - and he is wont to change them on a moment’s basis - but over the centuries I believe he and I have come close to an understanding. 
First and foremost, His Grace will eat no meat nor fish, and requires that all of his meals be prepared separately from any meat or fish in the royal kitchens. He claims that even the smell and sight of it turns his stomach; and I am inclined to believe this, having witnessed myself an incident in which, when seated next to Her Grace the princess Aredhel while she ate a dish of venison, his skin turned clammy and his hands visibly shook. He did not even attempt to pick up his utensils, and left the table with his own plate totally untouched. 
Regarding what may have resulted in this particular peculiarity, I want to be clear that I have no wish to comment on the rumours surrounding what may or may not have occurred among the Noldor as they fought to survive the Ice. His Grace is a fair and just king, who treats his subjects of every station well, and has suffered a great many tragedies since the Noldor fled Aman. There is nothing to be gained by spreading salacious rumours that would only harm his good name. 
Let us instead return to my original topic. Meat and fish are not the only foods that His Grace refuses to eat - he would not be so unusual here in Gondolin if they were, though his aversion is stronger than most. Instead, His Grace is greatly concerned with only consuming that which he does not consider to be “unclean”, seemingly concerned that such “impure” foods will cause his person to become unclean from within. In practice, this has resulted in an aversion to milk, eggs, butter, yoghurt and cheeses, oils, sweets, pastries, many strong-tasting roots and spices, and excessive salt. His Grace despises appearing intoxicated in front of others, and will drink only a small amount of watered wine on special occasions. Coffee, however, he consumes frequently and in great amounts. 
I will admit that it has not always been easy to cook according to such rigid restrictions, but I should like to think that over time and with hard work, I have been able to reach some workable solutions. His Grace tends to favour simple meals, typically steamed grains and vegetables such as winter squash. Nuts are often eaten, and I try to include them in as many meals as possible for the extra energy they provide. Though His Grace eschews sweets, as previously mentioned, he is able to enjoy most fruits, and a dish of pears poached in almond milk is a favourite. This is quite doable, as the soils of Tumladen provide us with a rich bounty of fruits. If nothing else, the lembas baked by Her Grace the princess Idril is of course suitable, but I try to avoid this as much as possible as His Grace is wont to become agitated over the state of the city’s lembas stores. Yes - Gondolin may well be the fairest and most wondrous of all the elven realms, and the greatest work of His Grace’s hands, but the king’s table is one place where extravagance is firmly eschewed. 
I aim too to plan meals well in advance, for His Grace is known to ask me what I have planned for him to eat in the near future, and to become visibly unhappy if I cannot answer. 
As much as I can, I endeavour to serve His Grace within his private chambers,  with his daughter and his closest lords at most as guests, as he greatly dislikes eating in front of others. However, a king must, on occasion, feast with his subjects. During such feasts, His Grace has become very adept at performing the appearance of eating for his audience, while in reality consuming little to nothing. It is likely that I am one of very few citizens who has noticed this. Still, I do my best to help His Grace on such occasions. After last years’ Tarnin Austa , I sent a kitchen maid to His Grace’s chambers with a plate of figs and walnuts, so that he would not go to bed hungry. Finally, it is worth noting that His Grace’s particular anxieties regarding food and its consumption are not fixed, and are wont to wax and wane in severity. When the Eagle came to Gondolin and told us to prepare ourselves for an assault on our enemy, this goal seemed to energise His Grace and loosen the hold of some of his anxieties - I was even able to prepare small amounts of eggs and dairy to supplement his training at arms, as long as it was hidden within porridges and broths. But during times of tragedy, His Grace is known to become even more restrictive, to the point of what seems like self-punishment. For instance, in the aftermath of the horrible killing of Her Grace his sister, he undertook a weeks-long fast that left him exhausted and skeletal, spreading rumours and fear among the whole population. In the days after his return from the Fifth Battle, it was only due to his daughter pleading with him not to fast again that His Grace did not repeat this disastrous ritual.
Please do not mistake me here, however - Her Grace the princess Idril is quite often just as difficult to cook for as her father. In fact, if I were to describe her own peculiarities, we might be here all day.
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letter-from-afar · 1 day
✩ Cat-ch Me If You Can !
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content warning: long post featuring all 9 villains + bonus. also small spoiler for alfons in the first bullet point, skip if you want to. tags: blatant victor favouritism, slight alfons shade, some elements of crack added with fluff, hc format notes: apologies if the characters seem ooc or if their parts are too short! i still have much to learn about them and i have yet to play harrison's or liam's route. interactions are appreciated <3
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• If you never met William as a person, you’d think he’s been a cat his entire life
• He still carries that grace and poise in his movements, and it’s especially evident in the way he walks
• Somehow his nails are still painted red (this isn’t up for debate)
• Being a cat didn’t stop him from playing the piano. It even spurred him to try the more difficult pieces
• It’s a good thing his curse doesn’t work in this form... Right?
• Imagine how terrifying it’d be for anyone to just hear him meow, and then all of a sudden their body starts moving uncontrollably
• Cuddle meter: 6/10
• You had to hide the bag of treats that you bought for him because he miraculously found a way to open it with his paws
• He acted innocent whenever you asked about the missing treats, so it actually took you a while to figure this out
• You could’ve sworn you saw him sneering at you from time to time
• And recently, you’ve discovered that your books have odd scratch marks on the front cover and pages. Has Harry been reading them?
• Cuddle meter: 6/10
• Resident Cheshire Cat... Has turned into an actual cat? Chaos ensues
• Clingy by nature. He follows you everywhere, even the bathroom! (You had to explain why he shouldn’t do that)
• Has abandonment issues because of his previous owner(s), so make sure you shower him with lots of love
• Everyone loves him, he’s basically the friendly neighbourhood kitty
• Cuddle meter: 9/10
• You’ve never been this jealous of a cat before — just how could he be this beautiful?
• Popular because of his looks but he actually doesn’t like the attention all that much
• Doesn’t like it when others come too close to your personal space
• The only exception happens to be a certain black cat
• Cuddle meter: 7/10
• If you take your eyes off him even for a second, he’ll disappear from your sight like how he will from your memory eventually
• You love him, you really do, but why is he this difficult to look after?
• This one time, you caught him with his paws hovering dangerously close to an expensive vase — and he did not hesitate to stare into your eyes as he slowly nudged it off the table
• You don’t know if cats can grin but he’s sure got one wicked smile. He’s more Cheshire Cat than Liam!
• Cuddle meter: 6/10
• Has he gotten cuter?
• Unlike a certain black kitty, he doesn’t cause any trouble for you
• Loves loves loves to be petted by you, will purr contently every time you do it
• Bounces around and tilts his head whenever you smile at him
• Cuddle meter: 8/10
• He bites and scratches you for no reason??
• Grumpy Cat™
• The only time he’s well-behaved is when you’re reading. He’ll (begrudgingly) cuddle up to you as you stroke his fur
• Bonus if you read out loud to him in a gentle voice, like telling a bedtime story. He’ll doze off instantly
• Cuddle meter: 4/10 (6 when he’s docile)
• It’s probably because of his own experiments that he got into this situation in the first place
• Please stop him from reaching his paws into more unknown chemical substances. "For science”, he’d probably tell you if he could talk
• His hearing has become more sharper as a cat, practically nothing can escape his ears
• His ears does this cute twitching thing whenever he’s focusing on a sound
• Cuddle meter: 5/10
• Literal ball of energy
• Jumps into your arms the moment you enter the room
• Occasionally makes trouble (on purpose). But with those fluffy ears pressed flat against his head, and that sad wet cat face he’s making— you’ll forgive him, won’t you?
• Does silly things just so you can laugh
• Cuddle meter: 10/10
☆ 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬: 𝐀𝐥𝐥
• Congrats, you’re now officially the parent of 9 adorable but villainous kittens!
• Victor is circling around your feet, perhaps he’s trying to tell you to help the Crown members?
• Alfons and Roger are intensely glaring at eachother — and things just might escalate into a not-so-pretty cat fight if you don’t intervene
• Liam has found a way to climb the highest point within the castle grounds. And he’s going to jump off to see if he can land on his feet (out of curiosity)
• Meanwhile, Harrison is trying to convince Liam why this idea isn’t the best he’s had. Either that or Harry is watching on the side-lines to see if Liam manages to do it
• Elbert’s gaze is fixed greedily on a gorgeous butterfly as he prepares to pounce on it. The only problem? it’s resting precariously on the balcony railing
• Ellis is following Jude around like a lost kitten despite being told to scram
• Jude is trying to figure out a way to open his box of cigarettes, but it seems like he’ll have to call up Ellis to help him after all
• William’s playing a dramatic piano piece as all this unfolds in the background
• At the end of the day, they’ll all cuddle near you as you sleep together
• Let’s just hope you don’t wake up to a rather... Awkward sight the next morning.
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chiaraeliz · 2 days
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some people were talking about green eyed ventus on my last post which then led me to think about how i draw ven and roxas differently, which THEN led me to go on a lil character analysis tangent (below the cut if you wanna read!)
but for how i draw them differently, i still try to keep them pretty much identical in physical appearance! minus green eyes for ventus, but that’s more because he just feels like he needs green eyes. the main difference i think is fun to play with is how they carry themselves, which leads into my ven and roxas character analysis ramblings:
i haven’t been the most active in the kingdom hearts fandom in recent years, but i remember the big headcanons for roxas and ventus always were that roxas is really angry/a little shit, while ventus was always seen as the pure/sweet one. i like to think of them as a bit more nuanced than that based off of canon, though!
i think roxas is more mellow/not extremely outwardly emotional unless provoked to be. i mean, there’s a whole game where roxas learns to understand himself, his relationships, and his emotions. i get how the angry headcanon came about from canon, but really all the moments where he is REALLY pissed off, it’s super warranted and not necessarily a main personality trait of his. instead, he just gives off a sort of quiet maturity to me (even though he’s one of the youngest characters lol. bros been through a lot)
in comparison, ventus always seemed more… energetic with both his positive and negative emotions. we see that right from the start with him in bbs with the meteor shower, and when he gets a lil salty over being told to take grown ups to disney town (i could definitely think of better examples but it’s 12 am and i’m tired). he feels a bit more immature, especially when put next to terra and aqua. hell, ven reminds me of sora way more than roxas does. we see the ups and downs of his emotions very clearly. in a way he feels younger than roxas with the way he carries himself. (this isn’t me saying he’s an uwu baby who Needs To Be Protected, but more that he projects his feelings in a more direct way imo). also, jesse mccartney voices ventus with a higher pitch and more energy than roxas (i love this detail so much)
all this to say, while i do think the angry roxas and super sweet ventus content is great and i enjoy seeing it from time to time (i might even play into it with my art sometimes tbh), i personally see them as less of those extremes. i like to see ventus as the high energy one, and roxas as the lower energy one, without dictating one emotion as their default. this isn’t really anything groundbreaking (and could probably just be a “duh chiara we all knew this” moment) but i just felt like rambling about them because i like to think about them a lot! (i’m sorry if i got anything wrong or if things are worded weird, i’m about to fall asleep rn)
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kamsplayhouse · 3 days
sfw alphabet of nubbins sawyer!
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this has been in the drafts for atleast 2 days now and not proof-read! (i'm too lazy)
warnings - gore, self harm (it's nubbins what do you expect?)
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A - affection (how affectionate are they? do they show affection?)
LOVES affection! he's like a little puppy, once he has his favorite person he will not leave them alone. (meaning he WILL pester you with surprise hugs and poking you)
B - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
a little shithead. 100%. good luck with that.
C - cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
it's hard for him to cuddle because he's so twitchy all the time. but when he does cuddle he straight up lays on top of you. doesn't care if you can't breathe or not.
D - domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
doesn't want to settle down at all. he's a hyper little guy. might be able to cook depending on how difficult it is. (has almost burnt down the kitchen. and yes, drayton did yell at him and beat him with a pan) can't clean for shit. have you seen how yucky and grimy he is??
E - ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
F - fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
would take a few years and some pestering from chop-top, but eventually he would ask you with a ring made out of animal bones and a huge smile on his face . (i feel like he would go on both knees like how shane dawson did 😭)
G - gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
not that gentle if i'm being honest. especially physically. he would probably accidentally push you around and hurt you when he gets excited.
H - hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
he would come up behind you and hug you, most likely picking you up. would also tackle you and say, "i was hugging you!"
I - i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
either within 20 minutes of meeting you or whenever you decided to say it to him.
J - jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
doesn't tend to get jealous but does sometimes and lashes out. like one time you were hitchhiking together looking for dinner and this guy kept eyeing you and made lewd comments about you to his friends. nubbins got him to the house and cut the shit outta him and let bubba do what bubba does. (chainsawing people 🥰 so cute i know)
K - kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed)
he's not a very experienced kisser. so they end up being sloppy. (would probably lick your face like a dog) he likes to kiss you mainly on the mouth but also on your neck. he likes to be kissed wherever. he's an attention whore.
L - little ones (how are they around children?)
hates kids. i mean absolutely utterly HATES kids. thinks they are the worst thing in the world.
M - mornings (how are mornings spent with them?)
you either wake up to you on the floor or him on the floor because he can't fucking stay STILL. or if he's awake before you you'll wake up to the flash of a camera.
N - night (how are nights spent with them?)
can't fall asleep at a normal time so he'll force you to stay up with him (might let you sleep if you ask nicely)
O - open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
would tell you random traumatic parts of his childhood like it's random facts. you would be hanging out with him and he would randomly say "did you know that one time drayton..." and then would carry on with the conversation like that was a normal thing.
P - patience (how easily angered are they?)
depends on who it is. if it's his brothers he will lose his shit IMMEDIATELY. would stick his tongue out at them. but if it's you he would try his best to be patient but if you piss him off he'll just walk away or yell at you to shut the hell up.
Q - quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
would only remember important things, like your birthday, hobbies, etc. other than that he forgets most things.
R - remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
whenever you would tag-team hitch hiking. one of his favorites is when both of you traumatized these teenagers by saying weird shit and nubbins cutting himself.
S - security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
not very protective but had saved your ass a few times when dealing with dinner (aka chasing people throughout the house and killing them). sometimes needs to be protected from how careless he is, so if you save him he might thank you.
T - try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
likes to give you roadkill. "hey look what i found!" while holding a dead fox in your face. the most you get for a date is him stealing chops truck and aimlessly driving around at night with the windows down.
U - ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
doesn't shower much, self-harm, and he tends to not care about personal space
V - vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
doesn't care much but will put some effort into his clothes or hair sometimes. is confused on why you shower so often. (because he's FILTHY)
W - whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
he's always around you. like i said he's like a puppy, follows his favorite person around everywhere. but if you were apart he might get a tad bit upset.
X - xtra (a random headcannon for them)
he likes to annoy his brothers with you. for example, you and him would get in their personal space and pester them. (be careful with drayton though, he might will throw a fit)
Y - yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner)
he wouldn't like someone who can't match his freak. if you aren't batshit crazy he will be put off.
Z - zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
his sleep is very unpredictable, either sleeps for a few hours or the whole day. one time he passed out at the dinner table.
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took a lot of brain power to write this
tysm!! 💗💕
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unfinishedcardigan · 2 days
One of the things I'll NEVER forgive the movies is the fact that they took away important personality traits from the losers (as kids).
Like how they removed the dam scene, which explained Ben's line of thought, like, how his mind works for the whole architecture thing. Also like, how they really just brushed off the whole clubhouse thing, since he legit does it for his friends BC he loves them and that.
Or how they took from Mike his research about the damn town and gave it to Ben. Like, in Ben it kinda makes sense since the guy is new and all. BUt IN MIKE? Mike researches bc he wants it to end, it is really interesting for him, and is legit half the things he does in the book, where he goes around picking up all the info he could gather about Derry to learn how to defeat IT, and it really bugs me how they gave it away.
Speaking of Mike, it also bugs me they KILLED his parents. Like, I get it, they wanted more character development or sum, but, William and Jessica Hanlon lit didn't do anything to deserve that fate. Also, they were really nice parents, so it also bugs me, because in a world in which things don't go good for Mike due to his skin color, the fact that he had great parents kinda balanced it. BUT NOO, THEY HAD TO KILL THEM.
And finally, the one that bugs me the most is Stan. Like, BIRDS. HOW COULD THEY TAKE AWAY THE BIRDS? Like, first of all, that was Stan's major bond with his dad, one of the few times they could spend with eachother because that's Donald's legacy on his child, sharing that love for birds. And like, birds were Stan's main reason to carry on while into the sewers. When Stan was about to give up he would think of birds. Hell, birds were just THAT important that when Stan was trying to overcome his fear for IT, his strategy was LITERALLY SCREAMING BIRDS NAMES. Like, this cute boy was screaming bird species to this outer space creature so it didn't eat him. AND THEY TOOK THAT FROM HIM, NOT CARING FATHER, NO BIRDBATH, NO BOOK TO KEEP HIM FROM GIVING UP. THEY ROBBED THIS POOR KID.
Special mention to Bill's grief, since they brushed over it, while (since in the book Bill knows Georgie is dead since the beginning) his guilt is immense, and is also his motivation for going into the sewers. He wants to revenge Georgie to make up for his (now) toxic household. That's sweet, and he really cared, and all that, and I can't cope with the fact that the guilt he feels is different, because we don't see a grieving older brother that feels guilty for being sick; we see a boy in denial BC "no body = He's alive" and I can't, BC he's not acting mature, just whiny.
So yeah, I hate how they treated the losers' main traits, taking IMPORTANT stuff from them.
(note: I still love them, it just hurts to see how they took apart this characters to take important facts of them and that).
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Abel's Baby Mama (Headcanons) Yandere Baby Daddy SCP-076/Abel X Pregnant Reader
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am running late on writing this, so sorry if I am a bit rushed. Anyways let's do this! hope you enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: Abel is most likely AROACE in canon and does not need or have the urge for or have a desire for Romantic or Sexual Relationships. But in this let's pretend the fighting machine can feel it kk? Anyway, he is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! thank you!]
-Headcanons With Abel Aka SCP 076-2 X Pregnant Reader From the SCP Foundation Online Community-
.Abel had never wanted anyone in his life. That was until he met you. 
.he wanted you and wanted you to be pregnant with his children. 
.so he had been quick to impregnate you. 
.You are the woman of his desires and he would easily want to have offspring with you. 
.Which he will train them to be strong warriors.  
He would be the type of yandere to be very protective over you while you are pregnant. 
.He was raised being one of the first children of Adam and Eve. So he has some old-fashioned ways. 
.Such as being the provider and the protector and that as the woman in his life, you needed to have the children and be his support. 
.So he would want some of those traditional values. 
.His WAY protective side is extreme! In which he does not like to have anyone near you. 
.He also does not like you away from him so he would want to have you by his side at all times. 
.He would end up doing his best to work with the foundation so he can get his containment cell upgraded and that he can have a nice little home for you, him, and both of your children. 
.If anyone tries to get too close to you he gets very possessive and pulls you close to him glaring at the person. 
.If the foundation tried to take you away from him he would go on a murdering spree until he can get to you and keep you safe and sound. 
.He also only wants you and becomes very jealous and very serious. 
.Who does not want to share you with anyone and he demands to be with you in all doctor appointments. 
.If those doctors did anything wrong they would at least have a broken hand or worse case be dead. 
.He would also do a shit ton of research on a healthy pregnancy as he knows that times have changed and he wants the best for his children. 
.He does not mind if the babies are girls or boys, he will treat them the same and raise them to be warriors. 
.Of course, he is going to be protective of them as well and not expect them to go into battle until they are adults. 
.He is realistic with this. 
.When you have morning sickness he is not grossed out about it, instead, he is helping you feel good and holding your hair back. 
.He also would take care of you in any way shape or form. 
.May it be cooking healthy meals for you, and massaging any aches you have. 
.He unlocks a very caregiving side as he is obsessed and in love with you, and you have the amazing job of carrying future warriors. 
.So he needs to be the man and to support you when you have the job to carry his kids. 
.He paces a lot when you do have to leave without him. 
.He cannot stand being away from you and would sometimes break out of containment to find you. 
.He is still very murderous but being with you does mellow him out a bit. 
.Which the foundation takes advantage of. If they can control Abel with his girlfriend aka baby mama aka you and his future kids then they will throw you to him and he will be able to keep you. 
.Your fate is sealed once Abel knows you are pregnant, so maybe do not tell him that you are. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done! I hope that you all enjoyed this! 
I will maybe do a scenario on my youtube ASMR reading of this! So check it out and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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breakfastteatime · 9 hours
Today's Survivor request is "Fall" for @etoiline
It finds Cal in the quiet, in the stillness, in the emptiness, when sleep refuses him.
The fall. His fall. It happened so easily.
(No, it didn’t.)
He gave into the darkness without a fight.
(No, you didn’t.)
That rage. That power. He misses it.
(Do you?)
Sighing, Cal rolls out of bed and heads out into the Koboh night. BD doesn’t let him go alone. No one stops them – everyone’s used to Cal’s nighttime wanderings by now – but BD will never let him wander off alone. The Outpost is quieter by night, only the hardiest (or most destitute) prospectors heading out to work. He decides to head for the forest. The quiet trees and waterfalls usually soothe his whirring mind.
His feet take him across Swindlers Wash and into the forest, head buzzing with self-recriminations as he heads into the forest. He reaches the Basalt Rift, distracted by the guilty part of him that doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in hiding, who loves the variety of Koboh and the wider galaxy…
He doesn’t hear the battle droid until it’s on him, and while he does take it down before it shoots him in the head, his balance is all off, and he tips backward, plummeting off a cliff and falling, down, down, down. The Force howls, and he flips in time to hit a pool of water feet first. Deep, deep under the water, it takes Cal’s scrambled head a few seconds to catch up. He kicks his way back to the surface, fighting the current. When he breaks through, he’s already a long way from the cliff he fell off.
A slightly waterlogged warble comes from Cal’s back. A sob of relief escapes him, and he nods in agreement when BD tells him to find somewhere to climb out of the river as soon as he can.
By the time Cal’s on dry land again, he’s soaked but warm, the Koboh night far from cold. He’s unhurt, although his ego’s taken a good hit. Distracted. Reckless. When will he learn?
BD beeps for Cal’s attention. “I’m okay. Guess I need to find a better coping skill.”
Talking. He could try talking.
Cal reaches over, gives BD a head pat. “I know. I just don’t know where to start.”
BD does, because he knows Cal is a good person. How could he not be, when he’s still so torn up over everything that happened, including using the dark side. A bad person wouldn’t care like Cal does.
“Cere always told me every Jedi faces the dark side. It was stupid of me to think I wouldn’t, that I’d be too good for that.” Cal sighs, and not because he’s not entirely sure where he is and how long it will take to get back to the Outpost. “I’m going to carry it for the rest of my life.” Everyone has something to carry. He thought he was at his limit after Cere and Master Cordova died.
Turns out there’s more beneath rock bottom.
Hopping onto Cal’s head, flashlight shining, BD suggests that if Cal wants to use up all his energy on worrying about it, maybe next time he could do it in the garden, instead of taking a dive off a cliff?
Cal chuckles. “I’m happy to skip the cliff diving.” He glances up, gauges the distance. “Can’t believe I didn’t break anything. Maybe we don’t tell anyone about this?”
BD is noncommittal. He needs blackmail material.
“I don’t have to give you oil baths.”
Cal’s secret is safe with BD.
By the time they return to the Outpost, dawn is breaking and Greez waits for them outside Pyloon’s with a hot cup of caf and the medkit. He hands over the caf, gives Cal a good looking over, then nods, taking the unopened medkit inside with them.
“You figure out what you needed to figure out?” Greez asks as they walk into the bar.
“Try to sound a little less uncertain.”
“Oh, awe-inspiring, kid. Anyway, there’s some weeds in the garden and Pili wants your help with them. Says you’re the best one to deal with the Spikers.”
“Spikers, you got it.”
“Right, right, and by the time you’re done with the weeding, it’ll probably be time to take a nap.”
Cal smiles. “I’ll give it a go.”
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eueuphoriaz · 2 days
Levi's Heart (Part 2.5) - Chap 132
I initially wanted to avoid breaking down this chapter to analyse the topic of Hearts between Levi and Hange, because it is just too painful to even revisit that scene. But somehow along the way, I decided it is necessary.
This is also the first time Levi mentioned anything about Dedicating Hearts.
I did some google translation on the scriptbook? (If that is what these are called) and a few things caught my attention:-
1) Levi's reactions to Hange's decision to sacrifice herself
2) Hange's reactions to Levi's salute and "Dedicating your heart" line.
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Now, some of the translation may not be accurate. But panels 478 and 479 deserve more attention. Because there are no lines, just a lot of non-verbal expressions to depict what Levi is going through.
Panel 478- "conflicted", "narrows his eyes"
Panel 479- "being prepared", "no stop"
Just want to add for Panel 479. I am not a Japanese but the words "觉悟" has a meaning of "awakening", "understanding" or "enlightening" in Chinese. Similarly for the character ”决”, which has a meaning of "decision", "decided".
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So essentially, what I can conclude for panels 478 and 479 is that Levi is feeling conflicted. He took sometime to make up his mind to not stop Hange.
The question is: why does he feel conflicted? It goes back to the issues of sacrificing lives and dedicating hearts. He realised that he has emotional attachment to Hange and he didnt want her to dedicate her heart or sacrifice her life. This is conflicting because for other deaths or sacrifices, they dont come with an emotional attachment. He will carry on with their strength and give meanings to their deaths. No personal emotions at all. All for the sake of Humanity.
But with Hange, the personal attachment is conflicting within him. Hange knows that Levi will eventually have to let her go because she knows Levi is all for the greater good. She probably also know that he will attempt to stop her based on the Unrequited Love confession (this one deserves a separate post on it's own❤️) but it is his salute and Dedicate your heart proclamation that caught her by surprise.
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Panel 484 calls my attention because after Hange was caught in surprise by the salute, she gave a smile which faded away. Then she said her last words and went off.
Now, why is she surprised? I am guessing that Hange felt his feelings. Based on my previous conclusions, Dedicating your heart is a very emotional expression and Levi does not say it because it is something he wanted to avoid being attached to. He has done the salute out of formality in the past but to passionately proclaim devotion and dedication, not his way at all.
What did she felt then, that made her so surprised? I think it was the overt expression of Levi's feelings and one that is dedicated to her, that she did not expect at all. She probably can expect him to say "yes, go and do your job" or "they will all be watching and be proud of you" type of speech but to hear his deepest feelings for the first time, I think she must have felt contented.
Did Hange catch on Levi's intention with the Unrequited love confession earlier? I think that one needs a separate post but when Levi said that then, it was not a life and death situation. She probably is too preoccupied to notice what he wanted her to know. But somehow, I do have the feeling that Hange is avoiding Levi towards the end. 🤔. Probably thats why Levi saying Dedicate your heart at her last moment is his desperate way to let her know his true feelings.
The salute
And lastly, Levi modifying that salute.
I wanted to refer to this panel because I find that gesture Reiner and Bertholdt did before they head off to battle is so meaningful, especially this is the last time they will see each other.
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In this situation, both of them are committing themselves to the cause, but they also encouraged each other with personal motivation (Annie, Krista). Having each other's back and making the gesture a special one so that it seals the resolve within them before going for the final battle. I do believe that when Isayama conceptualise Levi's modified salute, he may have this in mind as well.
Besides expressing his emotions for the first time openly when he said Dedicate your Heart to Hange, he also modified the salute so that both of them can remember this moment.
Now, my take on his modified salute is that he is making an attempt to accept/ acknowledge Hange's feelings (which I think she has been avoiding after 126).
Reiner and Bertholdt - I have your back
Levi to Hange- I have your heart. I know how you feel so you dont have to avoid at all.
Now, I dont think that he did that to give Hange strength to fight because she is scared. Panels 475 and 476 mentioned that the hands shaking as warrior, her feelings of elation and being high, much like adrenaline rush. If she is in the fight/ flight mode, she would have chosen flight due to fear, but it was a conscious choice that Hange made to fight in that mode. The emotion, like many who have pointed out, that is holding her back is her personal feelings towards Levi. Levi does not need to give her any pep talk to sacrifice herself. But it was a final confession/ exchange of personal feelings between the 2 of them.
Lastly, isnt it heartbreaking that they connect with a headgrab in ep 9, and they had to separate at the hearts in 132.
Sidetrack: I do not believe that Levi's conflicted feelings toward's Hange's death is because he is injured now and will not be able to give meaning to her death->therefore he feels sad and conflicted. Right after the plane took off, Levi continued with his goal of killing Zeke so that the Rumbling can be stopped. And he asked help from the Alliance because he is injured now. He still continued to dedicate his strength to all his fallen comrades and to the cause of Humanity but his heart is dedicated to Hange.
Sidetrack 2: I also think that it is important to note that Hange knew that Levi does not say anything about Hearts for all the years that she had known him. Therefore the first and only time he ever said it to a person, she probably knew it is a very deep and personal proclamation of emotional dedication. That's why she was surprised.
Levi's Heart [Part 1][Part 1.5][Part 2][Part 2.5][Part 3]
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dangermousie · 3 days
I love little details like the fact that his voice is still scratched up and that he talks very little probably because of his damaged throat that he's still recovering from and because he wasn't in the habit of talking for years in the torture room. (I love love love how gradual changes and healing is for everyone in this drama.)
But also, she is so fond of him here - not in a romantic sense or even in any sense where she'd rely on him, but she has so much gentleness and kindness towards people despite her horrible life - she is pleased she saved someone, she's pleased he's grateful and useful. I genuinely love her.
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Every time he gets so pleased to be useful, my heart breaks for him a little.
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I found this scene so interesting on rewatch because I can see it's a part of her pattern - she doesn't want to rely and so she tries to wave any assistance even minor but if you push a little she will give in for minor things like accompanying her in the woods - and the fact that she doesn't expect anything and will push away to test even for a truly minor thing like this says volumes about her damage and her walls. But also it's a start of pattern with them where she pushes away and he gently persists, without being confrontational or in your face, but just quietly determined.
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Love that his way to express his care is consistently practical, like carrying her stuff. It's interesting because we find out later he was known for all the arts including writing and poetry and music - they can all be fancy ways to woo a woman, but he has none of it, can't do a lot of it (due to injuries/lack of materials) and he doesn't want it either (since they are associated with his past and trauma and because as we find out later, he thinks he can't be as good as he was) and so his expression of love and devotion is the same one an illiterate peasant can offer - practical care. But that is exactly what she needs. She doesn't need words, they are cheap. She needs acts, they are tangible.
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I mean look at this, he's just thorough, thoughtful and consistent in his care.
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He is consistently FL coded and this is one of such moments. What she says is what someone says to a woman normally - his virtues are wifely virtues! (And look how pleased he looks at her accepting his care and complimenting him.)
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And yet another example of her damage. He says he will wait for her while she gets the stuff and he response? It's not a proclamation of eternal devotion on his part nor is she going on a dangerous quest - nobody discussed eternal waiting but she just jumps into her trauma. It's like someone said "I am gonna run to the store for bread," the other person replied "I'll wait in the parking lot until you come back," and you bitterly mused "nobody waits forever." I mean holy moly escalation!
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And the thing is, he does come into the rebel camp by himself, no weapons either, when she's gone for too long! That's insane. He's not the world's best fighter, he's still recovering, and he knows firsthand what kind of horrors can await someone captured and yet he has no hesitation.
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