#domestic Zukka
Zuko learning tradional southern eater braids because he wants to show Sokka he loves him AND his culture.
Sokka expects him to blow-dry his hair and that's it but when Zuko starts braiding his hair he's like????? When did you start learning to braid hair
Sokka one day siting beside Zuko while he's meditating and joins him because dometimes he needs to calm down. He finds he really enjoys it. While he can't use the fire to concentrate, he uses Zuko's breaths to ground him.
Idk I just really adore their cultural aspects so alot of my soft headcannkns revolve around that
GENIUS BEHAVIOUR OVER HERE!!! Yessss omfg culture specific domestic zukka is my favourite and you ALWAYS deliver. Esp the braiding one… I’m a personal Zuko Braiding Sokka’s Hair enthusiast so that means so much to me ajsmkskakaass. Also I didn’t even think abt the meditating but,,, that’s so huge brained?? Yes absolutely?? Bc s1 Sokka would have been like: ‘what no meditating is bs like all the other spirit mumbo jumbo.’ But then once him and Zuko are together and Zuko finds out that Sokka is in a permanent Unable To Relax State he’d gently encourage Sokka to try it. Sokka’s a stubborn little shit so he only starts on his own accord and wow what do you know it woRKS. Zuko has to hold back his I told you so bc now they have a little routine where they’ll get up early (“10am is early! You firebenders are just crazy.”) and meditate together :)
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zukkaart · 1 year
If I see ONE MORE divorced Zukka post I will RIOT
Every sad song is about them before they met and every happy song is about them after they met. Idc idc idc
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cephalad-art · 2 years
Day Three: Domesticity
For the third day of @zukkaweek here’s my story idea.
Imagine Sokka asking Zuko to help him do his undercut.  He used to have Katara or Gram Gram help him get the back, but now he’s doing it alone and he feels like there are some spots in the back he’s been missing.  
Thing is, Zuko is kind of an intense guy.  He doesn’t like to be anything other than perfect and competent.  I can absolutely see him acting the same way in completely mundane activities at home.  
So Zuko sits Sokka down and gets started. This could work as a modern AU with clippers or in the canon universe with a knife, razor, rock, etc.  If you’ve ever shaved someone’s head, you know that it isn’t as straightforward as it seems.  Hair grows in different directions and the scalp crinkles.  So Zuko would be mega focused just trying to make sure he wasn’t going to hurt Sokka or mess up his hair.
Now Sokka would be accustomed to getting his hair done, so he wouldn’t be too stressed. I think he would be super touched watching Zuko shave him though.  He’d just be staring in the mirror at his adorable boyfriend crinkling his forehead trying so very hard to do it right.  I can just imagine Sokka’s heart melting a little bit more as Zuko puts Sokka’s head against his own chest to get a better angle at a certain spot, or oh so carefully pulls his ear away to get the hairs around it. 
Idk, the thought of Sokka looking up at a focused Zuko holding his head in the candlelight just soothes so much of my sads.
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comradekatara · 1 year
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zukka fans boil your rocks
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houseofwolves-v1 · 2 years
gonna throw up i just love zukka!dads so much and like 3-10 year old izumi is always so sweet and precious in fanon 🥺🥺
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sulkybender · 1 year
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it didn't use to be so hard (it used to be impossible)
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ssreeder · 1 year
yay an update!!! quite possibly made my night so thank you for that...
but!! i love that all the secrets are being unravelled (sorry sokka but let your friends help you dude) and the scene where zuko thought katara was sokka was great- i know zuko's like. going through it at the moment. but him being all delirious and asking for penguin stories was cute and sweet :)))
ALSO let sokka see his boy i know like emotion wise that may be complicated for literally everyone but he knows about the black veins!!!!! he can help!!!!!!!!! ugh
great chapter and i know i'm echoing everyone else, but i am so so excited for the zukka reunion oh my god
I love making your night it’s one of my favorite things to do :)
Now that zuko is safely surrounded by his friends & family it’s much easier to be like awwww. <3 cutie.
Omg I think people will riot if I don’t let Sokka & Zuko reunite soon haha. It’s coming don’t worry it just needs the right amount of drama ;) :D
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indecisiveartform · 2 years
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Zukka Week day 2/3 Childhood friends-Domesticity @zukkaweek
They met because because Kaya and Ursa both took an art class and really got along there. At first Sokka and Zuko only hung out because their moms wanted to spend time together themselves. They only started liking each other when they found they both thought swords were cool. They also got even closer when their moms died around the same time and they would only talk to each other about it.  
(Click for better quality)
[ID : Two digital drawings of Sokka and Zuko from Avatar the last Airbender, One of them cuddling on the couch as adults and one of them sitting in the grass as children.
 The top one is of Zuko, on the right, sitting on a couch. Sokka is laying with his head and upper torso on the brown couch pillow that’s on Zuko’s lap. The rest of his body, on the left, is covered by a orange red blanket. They both have a happy expression on their faces while they’re looking at the phone in Sokka’s hand. Above their heads is written S:”Remember when this was taken?” Z:” Yeah, it was the first time we actually wanted to hang out and our moms didn’t have to force us anymore,” S:”Thank La they got along more than we did”.
The bottom image is of Sokka and Zuko as children smilling and laughing at each other while they are outside on the grass. Sokka is laying on his stomach with his head raised, held by his hands, and his legs raised. Zuko is sitting with his legs crossed and his hand in his lap, he is missing his two front teeth and he doesn’t have his facial scar./ END ID] 
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arabella-s-arts · 1 year
Literally the only way I will accept that Suki died young, is if Zukka got together afterward. Otherwise I'm staying in denial.
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nadunacreates · 2 years
The sun disappears in the South Pole for a few weeks every year.
This is a fact, but it is also a metaphor.
written for @zukkaweek, day 3: spooning/bedsharing and domesticity 
this is a bit longer than my day 1 fic, so you can go read it on ao3 :) i hope you enjoy!
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enchantedreader · 1 year
Why People Hate Momtara/Dadko
I was in the Momtara/Dadko tag and I was surprised how many people are disgusted by it. But I have a theory on why it bothers some people.
It’s a tag that references the fact that both Katara and Zuko act as the Gaang’s kind-of-parents in the show. But it also points out the glaringly obvious difference in emotional maturity in the group. I think that when people start to acknowledge this difference, it might make shipping either Katara or Zuko with the other members of the Gaang feel kind of gross.
Because Aang and Toph both act very much like children (they’re like 11, so I get it) but, despite the fact that Katara is only 3 years older than Aang, she is MILES ahead of him in terms of emotional maturity. Aang deals with his emotions similarly to someone of his own age, like when Katara yells at him in the Waterbending Scroll and he immediately starts getting teary. That’s a normal reaction for a child, but Katara never yells at him again and shoves her own feelings aside for the better of the group (The Western Air Temple). She is constantly having to calm him down when he gets angry or goes into the Avatar State and always supports him emotionally (despite getting none of that back from Aang). On top of that, Aang doesn’t take responsibilities regarding the domestic chores, so it really makes Katara seem like more of a mother or older sister. 
I also know that people ship Zukka (I don’t, but I know it’s popular) and, while Sokka acts close to his actual age, Zuko has a bitterness to him that came because of his banishment. Zuko even said in The Beach (S3 E5) that he doesn’t deal with the same problems that normal teenagers have. His trauma made him into someone who doesn’t see himself as a normal teen and we see how Iroh’s influence shaped Zuko whenever he is doing something good. Think about how he interacted with Lee (Zuko Alone) or the emotional maturity he shows when he apologizes to the Gaang (Western Air Temple) or when Katara blames him for her mother’s death (The Southern Raiders).
I just thought about that because it would make sense why it seems to disgust people. Because it’s seen as cute or a way for Katara and Zuko to support each other for a lot of Zutara fans (I’m not making a blanket statement, but there is a reason why it’s popular with a lot of us). 
Just a theory.
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domestic zukka hc: zuko’s love language is physical touch & sokka loves nothing more than the shy surprise on zuko’s face whenever sokka gives him exactly what he wants.
sokka had his suspicions zuko was extremely tactile, but it took him a few months to compile a mental register of just all the ways zuko likes to be touched by sokka. Whether it’s a hand on his thigh, a thumb running over the back of his hand, or sokka’s fingers latched around his wrist when they’re walking; whether it’s a soft kiss on his cheek, his forehead, the nape of his neck, the inside of his knee; whether it’s their hands intertwining out of sheer habit; whether it’s the soothing feeling of sokka’s fingers gently scratching his scalp when zuko lays his head in sokka’s lap; whether it’s sokka tenderly cradling zuko’s face with overwhelming tenderness every chance he gets, because he knows that’s zuko’s absolute favourite; whether it’s sokka kissing the top of his head goodnight when zuko’s laying on his chest, caressing zuko’s cheekbone with a lazy thumb until his breath evens out and he’s asleep and safe in sokka’s warmth.
It’s the casual intimacy that always gets to zuko and reminds him hourly of just how much he adores and trusts sokka. It’s the physical manifestation of giving and receiving the kind of love he never thought he’d be able to experience. It’s the mute reassurance sokka feels the same exact way about him.
hi what the fuck is this. HIGSHJBAJHBHJBABJHSBHJHJBSHBJABHJAHBJHBJSHJBSHJBHJBSHJBAJHKJKAKJAKKAJSJSKKA UMMMMMMMM???? E X C U S E M E????? this is tHE BEST THING. EVER???? So hahahaaaaa what iffffff I reread this one million billion times??? What then?? So franceblr how does a gift basket wrapped in silk and ribbons sound? With a lil sticky note and flower attached to it? You deserve it for this. How does it feel to be the flame that melted my cold, icy heart. How does. How do you feel after dropping this like it shouldn’t belong in a MUSEUM. THIS ASK IS A NATIONAL TREASURE 😭😭
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zukkaart · 8 months
Domestic Zukka includes:
- Sokka tying a wrap around one eye and making sure everything around their house is easily navigable
- Sokka making a point to buy ornate furniture that coincidentally all have rounded edges, he never mentions it so Zuko doesn’t feel like a burden
-Zuko pulling every string in the book to make sure they have pelts, furniture, and decor that is shipped directly from the SWT
- this boosts the SWTs economy bc the fire nation nobles ‘monkey see monkey do’ all the fire lords actions
- the water tribe members being absolutely SHOOK when Zuko grasps their forearm in WT greeting because none of the previous firelords had never bothered to learn there customs (Sokka wouldn’t let that slide and frankly neither would Zuko)
- Sokka braiding Zukos hair for formal occasions
- Zuko learning how to do a flawless undercut from Sokka (on other people, Sokka would never risk it)
- Zuko learning how to carve abalone and whale bones (he’s terrible at it, but Sokka always snatches them before they can get burned away)
- Sokka learning everything possible about FN architecture. Subsequently creating an entirely new style of building
- Zuko suffering every time he has to go to one of the poles because he refuses to use is breath of fire. (“If everyone else can do it I should be able to do it too Sokka!”)
-Sokka using Zuko as a personal heater (okay, maybe Zuko uses his breath then- but only to keep Sokka warm)
- Sokkas seemingly endless complaining about the Caldera heat in the summer
Feel free to add your own :-)
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hella1975 · 9 months
finally finally FINALLY listening to this album im literally sat here laptop open finger on the play button genius page up ready to just spew out any thought i have in real time. let's go!
de selby pt1 - i forgot how much i fucking love hozier's lyricism. he just gets it. he's a master at his craft it's truly an honour to exist in the same time as him. this song is so calm but in a haunting way, like the stillness of fog on a lake in the morning. your reflection cant offer a word to the bliss of not knowing yourself. okay!!! OMG THE IRISH!! absolutely adore how vocal hozier is about his culture and even just how much his accent comes through on this album compared to earlier tracks. also love how the intensity builds in this part of the song this whole thing is stunning
de selby pt2 - THE WAY IT SLIDES RIGHT INTO PART 2! LOVE LOVE LOVE! very different vibe but it works. i love how there's always so many layers to hozier songs. like de selby alone has the actual song meaning AND the references to the third policeman AND its relevance to the circles of hell that we keep throughout the album. as far as media consumption goes hozier has never once failed to deliver an entire banquet. also love the whole 'becoming each other' of it all with de selby. ouroboros love. hannah have u seen this
first time - this feels like he's singing in a pub somewhere u love to see it. the liffey would have been softer on my stomach all the same! unearth without a name! some part of me must have died the first time you called me baby! this is v classic hozier imo just the most gorgeous love song u ever heard. also i love the themes of light/dark he's weaving into all these songs. girls when there are themes and symbolism <333
francesca - YEAHHHHHH i could talk about this song for HOURS there's so much going on it is so far my fave of the album ID TELL THEM PUT ME BACK IN IT! insanity. if a man sang about me this way id throw up blood
i, carrion (icarian) - insane song name. hello. what the fuck. is this about icarus. did hozier himself actually write a song about icarus. one sec. OH MY GOD HE DID WHAT THE FUCKKKK. "this song has tried to imagine that he was so enamored and so breathless and so ecstatic in the moment that he felt the air rushing by him, that he never knew he died" THEY HIT THE FUCKING PENTAGON. beautiful gorgeous im inconsolable cheers for that
eat your young - LETS GOOOOOO. cuntism off the charts. i listen to this at least once a day
damage gets done - circle of greed time! 'we had nowhere to go and every desire for going there' 'being blamed for a world we had no power in' god :')) the HARMONIES!!!! this is exactlyyy what being young is like good and bad. this is such a car song
who we are - I JUST HELD IT TIGHT SO SOMEONE WITH YOUR EYES MIGHT COME IN TIME TO HOLD ME LIKE WATER OR CHRIST HOLD ME LIKE A KNIFE WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK NO ONE FUCKING TALK TO ME. the uncertainty of growing up that he tackles in this, finding purpose, grappling with the fact there isn't always one. the last verse going soft and gentle. what was the NEED for this
son of nyx - another mythology reference! im crawling up the wall. ohhh it's instrumental! just looked at the meaning behind this and wow. this is beautiful
all things end - ADORE this song and the message of it. literally if there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact they didn't do it right!!!!!! and all things end!! and we begin again!!!! i just know zukka nation is going to go crazy with the parenthesis titles after this one
to someone from a warm climate - this is such a cool idea for a love song. like being from somewhere cold so you know how to stay warm, and saying to someone from a warm climate that it's okay if they don't know those things because you'll do it for them. the domestic, casual affection of that. it's not a bold declaration it's just confirmation that i'll keep the bed warm for you. that's all there is. that's all there needs to be
butchered tongue - ive already read some stuff about this one and ive been really itching to listen to it. the way he alternates between singing about the violence of the english against the irish (particularly the wexford rebellion) and the loss of culture there to how it relates to violence and loss of culture experienced by natives of countries on the complete other side of the world, how he's able to identify with that while still acknowledging that his language at least has a written history that can be recovered, while many native cultures dont even have that. there's no translator left to sound a butchered tongue still singing here above the ground. this whole thing is just. haunting and the fact such a big singer like hozier is taking so much time and care to talk about and spread awareness about ireland is very very cool to see
anything but - VIBE CHANGE! THIS MAKES ME WANT TO DANCE OMG! more water themes too omg i love this 'if i had his job you'd live forever' DAMN 😭 me personally i wouldnt have that. also the repetition of all the things he wants to be sooo true that's the human condition baby!
abstract (psychopomp) - ive been thinking about making a post for TIME about like. the desensitisation to death that you get from growing up in a rural area so listening to this is sooooo. like yeah. you remember the first animal you saw die don't you. you know the smell. the look in its eyes. see how it shines. see how it shines. this is an insane thing to write a song about. and to tie it to love? humanity? and the ongoing undercurrent of the circles of hell? CRAZYYYYY. this song is religious. to me. it's also very coldplay sounding actually? which is only ever a good thing
first light - light themes again!!! dante surfacing from hell!!! the end of a journey quite literally!!! he can't keep getting away with this!! i love how... heavy? this gets in places. like it's got all the instruments and backing vocals all going at once with his voice overarching everything it's amazing. this is a perfect end song <3
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sokkas-therapist · 1 year
your favourite zukka moment/headcanon?
Hi!! I’m completely indecisive and incapable of choosing just ONE, so I have comprised a list!
Favorite Zukka moments:
The zoom in on Sokka grabbing Zuko’s arm and just…holding it there for a second in TBR????
The whole thing in the Southern Raiders episode where Zuko told a mediocre joke and Sokka laughed for way longer than everyone else then called Zuko his hero 😭
And lastly, a 3 in 1: that entire end scene of The Boiling Rock where Zuko pushed Sokka out of the way of fire, then jumped because he knew Sokka would catch him, and GRASPED Sokka’s hands for like a solid 45 seconds after saving him from falling off of the gondola (like ok Zuko….he’s safe now…..you can stop being gay now let go-)
Favorite headcaon;
#1 of course is that they raised Izumi together and became a sweet domestic family that gave her all the love and support they wished they received growing up <33
After the war ended, Sokka goes back and stays in the Fire Nation with Zuko for a bit so that he doesn’t feel so alone up in the palace (totally as buddies and good buds looking out for each other nothing more), and together they work towards remodeling the palace to make it a home. Let the light in, fill it with art, have a variety of colors, and build a little community with all the new ambassadors and staff (and obviously fall in love along the way). THEN after a while of Sokka taking trips back to the SWT, Zuko asks to go with him, and they say “fuck Firelord duties” and spend a lot of time down there. Zuko learns about their culture, and they all work to build the SWT back up again :)
Ok, I have so many more but I’m gonna leave it at that for my favorites! Thank you so much for this ask, I loved answering this question!!
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 5 months
I made a playlist called: Songs that could be either a Zukka divorce song or Tyzula pre-Azula domestication arc and what Spotify recommended me has me rolling
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