#domestic parksborn
measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 007: Doc Ock Strikes Again! (P1)
Annual 4 + ASM 53-61 this time!
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A very long post, but there's fun storylines!
So the Human Torch is running amok and unsurprisingly (comics writing), Spider-Man fights him for a bit without asking for an explanation (and the Torch doesn't give him one either) until a movie director intervenes - he was filming a movie! Spider-Man goes away, complaining that Johnny's too good of an actor - but I think the director could have hired him as well. The Torch and the Spider would sure bring people to the movies. And it's actually a plot point of the story (see next screenshots).
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In the opening scene, the narrator challenges the readers to figure out who pencilled this issue, and I regret to inform that I'm utterly baffled. Peter has the pretty face of John Romita Sr, but the flat ass of... did Peter ever have a flat ass? I ranted about his inconsistent ass (literally) already, but sounds like it downright downgraded here! ...Still handsome as ever, though.
So yeah, Peter is called on a film set and two characters are conspiring in the shadows and I am intrigued! So they're shooting the movie and Peter's spider-sense keeps warning him and I'm even more intrigued!
I feel like the penciller is Steve Ditko (the previous one) trying to imitate John Romita Sr's style, but maybe it's a newcomer that's promoted through this issue. Through my quick Google Search, I learned (or rather, re-learned) that 1973 and 1974 were drawn by Ross Andru and not John Romita Sr, which does make sense considering how it *is* similar to what I remember, yet a bit different too.
The Torch has gone mad and at this point, I'm starting to wonder if he's actually the Chameleon. And it appears there is truly an impostor, as Johnny's resting in his trailer.
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It makes sense! The actor background!!!!! Aaaaaaah I'm so hyped, didn't expect to see him!!!!! And who's that other guy?
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First, thank you for the fanservice, there's never enough men in tight undershirt and underwear. Legs!!!!
But who's this Wizard?
The helpful wikia indicates that prior to his first appearance in Spider-Man comics (this very one), he was in Strange Tales (later Dr Strange) which makes sense, and also in Fantastic Four. This crossover definitely makes sense! Meanwhile Mysterio has already appeared, but it's still very nice to see him again.
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YES! Especially in a 40-pages issue. Let the art speak for itself.
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Case in point! These comics had a tendency to be *too* talkative, and it's part of the pacing of the usual 20 pages issue, but still.
Overall, I think it's a great issue! Well-paced, entertaining, surprising, fun! There's a few more pages after that.
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Notably this spread.
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I don't think they exactly knew they were still gonna be read 60 years later, but it's fun to read this in 2023. Harry calls me out, Peter looks swell as always (VERY swell), Fu Manchu and Woody Allen are here (what a time piece!) and Anna and May are acting like their usual lesbian selves. Once again, good for them!
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And they mention how much the artists have to deal with perspective! Nice.
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Yes, close your closet, Peter. Wouldn't want Harry to barge right in, would ya? *snickers* Closet jokes are always fun when you're gay.
What a stellar final page. And we learn the penciller was Larry Lieber, who returns one year later for ~the truth about Peter's parents"! I've watched The Amazing Spider-Man movies, folks, I don't think I can be surprised, but stay tuned! Oh, by the way, about Larry Lieber...
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Okay, that's what I figured. I thought it could be a family member.
Now then, onto the main course!
We see Octopus again, yay. Peter is notably angrier than he was in Annual 4, which makes sense if you ignore it happened, considering what happened in the previous issues.
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Harry's also quite annoyed, unsurprisingly. He loves his roommate, but Peter does have a tendency to be absent... Harry's irritability is similar to earlier issues, where Peter never went out with him and everybody else and seemed quite aloof. Was Spider-Man No More a return to basics?
But Peter is much more interested in bringing Gwen to a science expo, and Warren is overjoyed to see her. Oh boy...
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Now kiss.
At the science expo, Octopus intervenes and he still sports the worst haircut ever known to mankind. I wonder if he's stealing the nullifier to sell it to the highest bidder... Could it be Hammerhead? Or the Kingpin?
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Stan Lee obviously had something against me, but we're on Tumblr, and modesty shall not prevail! Who could ever think Octopus retconning "If This Be My Destiny" is more important that ogling at Peter?
So yes, Octopus does want to sell the nullifier to another nation.
More importantly, everybody recreates the coffee bar double spread from Annual 4. May and Anna are looking for a third for some nice granny baking time.
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PLOT TWIST!!! Look how goofy Octopus is. What a goofball.
This issue was fairly enjoyable, it had more soap than fights, which I'm all for. Dear readers, I am enthralled.
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I'm thirsting and also showing the humorous situation. Marivaux would be proud!
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Also: more Parksborn domestic love! Yeah Peter, don't let Harry see you mixing fluid... or the content of your closet!
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MJ is still incredibly mean to Gwen and this is both outrageously funny but also a bit sad. Aside from this, two gays are jealous of Peter.
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And this is iconic. Peter's shocked face, Octopus holding the tea cup like Queen Elizabeth, "I dabble a bit in science myself"...
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So Aunt May dies and Peter's understandably angry and I'm HOOKED. Two great issues.
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The right panel speaks for itself, Harry is a great comedic character.
The action takes place at Stark Industries, but Tony wasn't paid enough to do a cameo so he lets Spidey will with this mess. And the mess gets worse, as the nullifier makes Peter lose his memories...! My jaw dropped.
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This is stupid, but I'm curious to see where this is going.
However, Harry keeps being annoyed at Peter and this is sad because I thought we were over this. But I wonder if it's leading to a big plot point, like Peter's friends giving up on him for a few issues.
But then.
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Oh. Oh no. I know where this is going.
This arc highlights once more how full of silent rage Peter really is. He's frustrated. A much more compelling character than Insomniac's Peter.
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And it ends with a Peter who's quite affected. I didn't expect Peter's amnesia to stick for this long though! This is very compelling stuff.
Aaaand I've gotta stop here because I can only put 30 pictures in posts. Next time: a relatable guy!
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plutojesterarts · 2 years
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parksborn redraw of a 1942 illustration by Al Parker
Harry can have a little domestic bliss as a treat
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abcd-em · 3 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: because you are a marketing girlie, eye would love your thoughts on the idea of fanfic marketability as it relates to popularity/traction. It’s one of those things that’s rarely ever gets put into words (except to be derogatory) and is undersold as a part of what makes a fic “take off” I’ve known plenty of fantastically written fics that never get their time to shine just as I’ve know abjectly terribly written things become the most kudos and recommended fic ever.
How much of marketing are /you/ thinking of, if you’re thinking of it at all, when it comes to publishing a fic?
(And bonus: what’s the reason you think your underrated WIPs aren’t doing as well as the others?)
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As the second person to ask me that, of course I can!!!!!
Fandom, as with any other community on the Internet, goes through trends of what they like to see and how they like to read. I'd argue that it's impossible to truly predict when a fic will 'take off' bc of this but there's definitely things you can assume.
The marketability of a fic rarely stops me from writing what i want (obviously there are exceptions), but its something i keep in mind when planning to ensure theres little hooks here or there. There's things that I know in the back of my mind, that I know almost for certain (for my writing and what's I've observed at least):
- kid fics will do well (or more low stakes, domestic fics)
- fast paced [blank] to lovers will do well vs. A slower burn (I could say this has smt to do with fear of fic abandonment and maybe attention span)
- MCD will not (at least in mcu petermj)
- platonic or character driven stuff can be a mixed bag
- etc.
Your fandom, your tropes, the bare bones of your fic (not the actual words just the vibes/direction) can definitely have an impact on reach and inevitable audience size - not forgetting that HOW ur fandom interacts with content should be considered. Example:
My Insomniac fics didn't get many hits bc it's a smaller audience (though i tend to find more of those hits also equal comments). From that, My Peter/Harry centric fic got more engagement and interaction VS. My peter/MJ centric fic - I knew this would happen when I was writing it BECAUSE the main thing talked about after the release of the second game was Parksborn. (Understandable I was also consumed by the brainrot)
Not to get SEO about it but tags and summary are also going to impact these things. Themes and tropes all have their own popularity innit. Your tags are there to give an overview (AND WARNING!!!) about the contents of your fic. Boiling all your plans down to the right tags will help it appear to the right people that WANT that kind of story, and exclude it from others. Your summary will also help with that (and from my experience main characters & romantic hook/tease is what gets most attention). This is probably where I consider marketability the most tbh and why I struggle so much with summaries bc why am I thinking of work when I'm writing fic???
But tags and summary definitely impacted Forever: there's a big tilt towards 'sadder' tags bc I want to be transparent about the topic. And the summary is very focused on Peter and Gwen (which is why I added the little line about MJ and Peter at the end).
The focus on Peter and Gwen also impacted the divorce AU. I didn't anticipate that fic getting as much traction as it did, but It wasn't until chapter 8 or something that it really began to take off.
Also. As with anything on the Internet. There's the 'right time, right place' effect where something just CLICKS, the perfect storm of a few small things that gets swept up to huge numbers and its difficult to pinpoint a single one.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: creating content for the sole purpose of marketability will make it less fun and kill your joy
Talk shop tuesday
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vaguekiwi · 4 months
I’d love for you to post your wip list!
(In reference to this post lol)
Thank you so much anon and @thestarkerisobvious you two are lifesavers 💕😌
Tagging @authoressofdarkness and @thestarkerisobvious if they want to post their WIP list and haven't yet ❤️
Current WIPs under the cut
Collaborative Fics
1. The Pieces I’ve Lost (w/ @snowstark; BDSM Starker AU)
2. Puppies and Perjury (w/ @authoressofdarkness; mafia soulmate Starker AU)
3. “Untitled” (w/ @authoressofdarkness; College omegaverse AU)
4. What If: Under a Violet Rain (w/ SilverLurker)
5. "Untitled” (w/ SilverLurker; Star Readers book 2; fantasy BAMF!Peter pirate Starker AU)
Other Projects
1. On the Edge of Virtue (Dystopian dark SIM Starker AU)
2. San Pellegrino (On the Rocks book 1; no powers Parksborn AU)
3. Pineapple Martini (On the Rocks book 2; no powers post-Parksborn AU)
4. The Lies You’ve Kept (The Pieces I’ve Lost Clintasha prequel)
5. Free Fall (working title; high school no powers politics Starker AU)
6. Tarnished for Torment (The Fire and the Flood book 2; mafia dark Starker AU)
7. Razed or Risen (The Fire and the Flood book 3; mafia dark Starker AU)
8. Attic Room or Cellar Door (no powers domestic Starker AU)
9. “Untitled” (Boarding school Starker AU based on these posts: 1, 2)
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yeeharley · 4 years
Hi! I have a small prompt: "In a world full of mistakes you are the only right thing" for Parksborn, only if you want to! Thank you! 🌹
hi, anon! of course :) i hope you enjoy it
It’s- it’s dark. Much too dark to be physically possible- Peter has enhanced senses, he can see as well in a pitch black night as he can during the day, and even when he can’t see, he can feel and sense and smell.
He can’t sense anything. 
His senses are as silent, a sleeping beast. There’s nothing- no scents, no sounds, no light.
Peter is- he’s- God, he’s scared, he’s so scared. He’s always relied on his senses to keep him safe, and without them, he’s just a fearful child hiding in a dark closet. Defenseless.
He’s completely defenseless.
It feels like he’s in that darkness forever, floating in nothing, paralyzed with an all-consuming, mind-numbing sense of terror. Still. Silent.
Then, a voice rings out through the abyss. 
Familiar. Soft, lilting, almost sing-songy, and so, so familiar. He’s fallen asleep to this voice humming melodies in his ear, woken up to it telling him that he’s going to be late for class.
“Peter,” Harry says. He sounds like Peter feels- scared.
No. Peter doesn’t want Harry to feel scared. He needs to protect him, can’t let anybody hurt him. Absolutely nobody can touch him, Peter loves him, loves him, loves him.
He opens his mouth to call out, to reassure Harry with the fact that he’s there with him, but nothing comes out.
“Peter,” Harry says again, louder this time. “Peter, please, please help-”
I’m trying, Peter wants to scream, but his vocal cords have been clenched in the fist of a god and there’s nothing he can do.
“Help me- no, please, help me, Peter, help me, help-”
He cuts off with a loud scream, full of fear and pain, agonizing, long, drawn out like he’s being tortured. Peter is screaming, too, clutching at his arms so hard he feels blood well up under his fingernails, but there’s no noise.
Harry, Harry, no, Harry.
Another scream, this one impossibly loud. Peter shrieks, digging further into his skin, he needs to help but he can’t do anything, can’t do anything, can’t-
“Peter,” Harry says, quiet and gentle and just a little bit worried. There are hands on his arms, pulling his hands away from his arms, practically yanking his nails out of his skin.
Peter pushes back, trying to keep whoever this is from hurting him. Suddenly, though, there’s a gentle hand resting on his sternum and pressing down- gentle pressure, though, not rough. Careful.
That’s what Harry does when he’s panicking.
“Harry,” Peter gasps, reaching out blindly. His hands land on a pair of familiar biceps, straining with the weight that holds him down.
He opens his eyes.
And he sees.
He sees Harry, dark hair disheveled and curly in the low light of their bedside lamp, staring down at him with wide, emerald eyes. He sees Harry with tears dripping down his cheeks, the straight bridge of his nose. He sees lips caught between teeth, rumpled white t-shirt, a sprinkle of freckles across his cheeks.
“Harry,” he breathes, finally relaxing against the soft sheets of the bed. Harry seems to let out a long sigh of relief- he’s perched atop Peter’s stomach, he realizes, pinning his arms against their mattress.
And then, to his horror, he starts crying.
Harry is quick to shift his position, pulling Peter forward so that he can cradle him against his chest. He rakes a hand through his tangled curls, holding him up with his other arm, and murmurs something that Peter can’t seem to make out.
The sobs just- they keep coming. Wracking his chest, shaking him, making it impossible to breathe. “I’m sorry,” he chokes out, burying his face in the warm fabric of Harry’s t-shirt. “I’m sorry.”
“No,” Harry coos, pulling him closer. “No, Peter, honey, don’t apologize.”
“I’m so sorry, Harry, I’m sorry I’m sorry-”
“Hey.” There’s a hand on his side, pulling him up so that Harry can look him straight in the eyes. He rests one hand on Peter’s cheek, eyebrows furrowed, and shakes his head only once.
“In a world full of mistakes,” Harry murmurs, voice hushed and reverent, “You are the only right thing, Peter Parker. You are the only right thing.”
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@joanofarkansass Glad you liked my fic recs! Here are some more marvel + xmen ones:
Catch Me Through the Looking-Glass by ylixia
"It's like a recurring nightmare: Steve Rogers, trapped in a world that is not his own, new love left behind, and nothing to keep him going but questions."
This fic is one of the more popular ones for a damn good reason. A Steve Rogers just reflecting on his relationship with his own Tony AND another Steve and Tony's relationship and getting PISSED the whole time.
Conflict of Interest by NotQuiteHumanAnymore
"Tumblr prompt! alien-angel-orsentientpotato (AKA my firstborn, Cheyenne) asked "Okay so headcanon for x-men evolution. Despite Pietro and Kurt being on separate teams they have a weird understanding of each other as they are both fidgety. Pietro because everything moves so slow and Kurt because he's not used to sitting still or being in one place for long periods of time like school demands. So through this understanding they form a weird pseudo friendship thing in which they race each other, play tag, and see what pranks they can pull on each other without getting caught." And it became this 30k behemoth."
I will be real, I ship Peter/Kurt which is definitely a very rarepair lol, but this fic was very cute! It's based on the xmen evolution cartoon. Even if you don't know much about it, I'd recommend giving this fic a shot!
With a Child's Heart by Scarlet_Ribbons
"“Oh, god.” Steve whispers, sounding as horrified as Tony feels. “You’re so young. Tony, he’s so young.”
Spider-Man coughs once, a frail, baby-bird sound.
(They find his body in a Dumpster.)"
:((((( Vry sad but vry good
don't know why it took me so long to see by goodmorningbeloved (3799steps)
"“Oh, watch this,” Natasha says, propping her chin against her knuckles and turning a sweet gaze on him. “Tony, what’s it like dating a superhero?”
Tony bristles in irritation. “We’re not dating,” he snaps. “Captain America probably thinks he can get into anyone’s pants just ‘cause he’s got a mask, costume, and reputation, but not me, buddy. That shield? Gotta be overcompensating for something.” He adds, a bit petulantly, “Oh, and all that blue? Definitely more Steve’s color than his.”
- In which Tony is a genius in all matters except recognizing his boyfriend past a mask."
A true comedy of errors lol. Tony doesn't realize that his boyfriend Steve is Captain America.
Idiot Control Now by @cygnaut
"Hank screws something up in the lab and everyone's powers increase tenfold. Not knowing how to control them like this, they all try to cope and not kill each other by mistake while Hank tries to find a way to reverse the effects. Charles has a particularly hard time of it."
I got distracted and reread this while making this list. VERY funny and also very creative in how their powers could fly out of control without devolving into crack territory. I LOVE cygnaut's fic and got distracted reading a bunch get ready for some more y'all
Adventures in Babysitting by cygnaut
"When Jean, Scott, and Ororo get in trouble and have nowhere to turn, they call on the last person they probably should—Magneto."
DADNETO!! I LOVE the way cygnaut writes the Erik and Ororo relationship, if I ever write xmen fanfic assume Erik is Ororo's dad in it okay I don't make the rules anymore only cygnaut makes the rules.
Blessed is the Match Consumed by cygnaut
""This isn't a concentration camp," Delta says, calm, like he's been rehearsing it. Erik looks at the gun on his hip, the guards behind him in the corridor, the bars between them.
He smiles with a lot of teeth. "I think I'd know that better than you."
AU in which the beach divorce didn't happen and Erik decides to stay and help Charles start his school. But despite their clean break, the government isn't ready to let the mutants disappear into hiding."
A brutal and really well-written fic.
Plausible Deniability by DragonBandit
"Kurt and Peter travel across mutant America to recruit for Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Kurt has a crush. Peter is oblivious."
Another nightsilver fic that I really like!
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club by sara_holmes
"Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club. (Invitation and pending mental health evaluation required.)
"When Steve brings Bucky back to the tower for the first time, Clint’s first thought is that Tony Stark’s pride and joy is quickly becoming a less of a very tall and expensive ‘fuck you’ in the faces of investors who don’t believe in self-sustaining energy, and more of a superhero rehabilitation center."
Boyfriends, compromises and learning to like oneself."
Way Down We Go by @clarkestetler and @goosenik
"After being attacked and forcibly separated from Eddie Brock, Venom bonds to Peter Parker in order to seek both revenge on the LIFE Foundation and any evidence of his previous host. Peter Parker isn't exactly thrilled about this turn of events and turns to the Avengers for help managing his new symbiote."
I've recently fallen into the Peter/Harry ship and this fic quickly became one of my favorites! Very domestic and sweet but also scary and also Peter having a relatively realistic reaction to suddenly being possessed by an alien tickled me.
Turning Tables by @iamallyetnotatall
"Thanos knows if he leaves Tony Stark alive, that Earth's mightiest defender will find a way to undo all of his hard work.
So when he snaps and wipes away half the universe, he ensures that Tony Stark is one of those that fade to nothing.
I.E - a what-if series of ficlets where Tony is dusted and Peter isn't. HAPPY ENDING GUARANTEED"
Very Good. Pepper and Peter and Morgan family bonding is great.
I Don't Want To Keep A Secret by DOA
"As their senior year begins, Peter Parker and Harry Osborn have a lot to figure out on their own.
Peter has his hands full with his Aunt dating again, college, potential romance, and being superhero with a secret identity that may be more trouble than it's worth. Then Harry, with a troubling father, an uncertain future, possibly unrequited love, a family secret, and an ugly green monster that he has no control over.
But what happens if their separate problems are more related than they think?"
A very cute and plotty Parksborn fic set in the Marvel's Spider-Man universe. It does have first person POV and has been incomplete for over a year which :( but I did enjoy what I read!
There you have it! Half of these fics are kind of Really Popular fics (which are popular for good reason) and fics that just happen to really personally appeal to me lmao
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charlion-em · 7 years
Home Sounds Good
For @thefangirlhasarrive who won the 2nd place prize from the giveaway <3 This was such a cute prompt and I had a blast writing it!  <br>
Pairing: Peter Parker/Harry Osborn (parksborn) Rating: G Summary: Home is where you can drink milk from the carton - and also where you keep your pants. Warnings: none Words: 1,652
A/N: This was such a treat to write. I forgot how much fun it is to write these two!
It was all very domestic, and with sudden clarity Harry realized that was not a bad thing. For as much as he loved Peter, there was always a part of him which was afraid of continuing the cycle of dysfunction he came from, something which always held him back from asking for more. Though Norman was far removed from his life now, a part of Harry worried he would someday begin to mirror his father’s behavior.
Yet here they were, together for nearly a year and not a sign of slipping into the abusive behavior he grew up with; in fact, it was the exact opposite, and he thanked his lucky stars for the sunshine Peter always brought into his life.
From his seat at the dining table he watched as his boyfriend fumbled with the lid of the milk carton then tipped it to his mouth. Harry half expected the contents to drip down Peter’s chin, but the other man had plenty of practice with the savage act. He didn’t comment, and hid his fond smile behind his coffee mug.
“You’re out of milk,” Peter said. He tossed the now empty carton into the sink and sauntered over to Harry.
Harry hummed, mentally correcting ‘you’re’ to ‘we’re’. “Maybe I should start buying a whole gallon instead of a half gallon? Seeing as I’m always buying milk.”
Peter had the sense to duck his head. “Sorry Harry. I guess I’ve been spending more time here than at home. I’ll pick you up another half gallon after work, okay? Don’t worry about it.”
“Just get a gallon.” Harry grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of his table. “You’ll drink it anyway- you practically live here.”
“No I don’t.”
Harry eyed Peter’s coat hanging by the door. It was July, and the garment had been there for months. “You can move in, I don’t know why you keep your apartment.” It was more of a flat than apartment, seeing as how the living room doubled as the bedroom- but Harry kept the comment to himself.
With a shrug, Peter walked around the table to grab his bag. He turned to Harry, who was still in his boxers. “If you don’t get going you’ll be late again.”
Harry waved him off, “I’ll be fine, pros of being the boss. I do have a later meeting, so I won’t be home until around 7.”
“Oh…” Peter paused with his hand on the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
He left before Harry could offer a late dinner. “Oh, Peter.” He shot of a text instead. Peter was right, he should get dressed and get to work.
Now that he was looking, he found a lot of Peter’s belongings intertwined with his own. It must have happened slowly, because without specifically looking everything felt in place.
They belonged.
Peter’s toothbrush wasn’t surprising, but his favorite facial lotion was. How long had it been on his bathroom counter?
Extra clothes were normal to keep at your boyfriend’s place, he probably had a spare outfit at Peter’s. But two whole drawers were full of Peter’s clothes. And the suit Peter wore to that event at the museum three months ago hung next to his in the closet.
If he wasn’t already running late, Harry would have continued to search for Peter’s things. Seeing as he would probably be alone for the evening, he would have plenty of time to look later. But what would he do with this new information?
Harry groaned as he pushed into his condo. Meetings drained his energy, and his usual mood charger had declined his invitation for a late dinner. The silence of his home was unnerving, and it was now Harry realized how long it had been since he spent a whole evening alone. Without Peter’s constant chatting or his tinkering on some new project, the condo felt empty and too large for just one person.
He decided dinner would just be a quick sandwich, nothing fancy or requiring effort. All he wanted to do was ease his growing hunger and fall onto his couch and watch reruns on t.v.. He could go over the meeting reports tomorrow when he had Peter to distract him from their monotony.
He opened the fridge to grab the lunch meat and paused, hand outstretched. On the middle shelf sat two fresh half-gallons of milk.
“Peter,” Harry sighed. He closed the door without gathering the ingredients for a sandwich. Instead, he pulled out his phone to text a quick ’really?’ to Peter. Quickly followed with ’it is cheaper to just get a gallon.’
A few seconds later Peter’s reply came through. ‘it’s called compromise.’
“OH MY GOD PETER,” Harry shouted at the ceiling. He growled, sending off another text as he began to pace. ‘just come home, pete.’
‘i am at home.’
Harry stopped in his tracks. Home. Despite his hangups, at some point he had started to consider this their home. And he thought Peter had as well. Especially given the time he spent there and the amount of belongings which were woven among his own.
Peter’s belongings.
Harry stomped into the bedroom, easily re-locating the items he’d found that morning. He aimed his phone at them, snapping quick photos of each location Peter had claimed. Peter’s clothes in the drawers and in the closet, the various hygiene items in the bathroom, and the old camera bag tossed on the chair next to the bed.
He searched the condo, snapping photos of every last bit of the evidence Peter lived there. It would look so bare without Peter’s things.
He text the photos to Peter one by one with no words of explanation. Just a slew of photos of random items which held no meaning by themselves, but spoke volumes in the context of their conversation.
After those photos were sent, Harry turned the camera around to his face. He easily morphed his face into the saddest pout he could muster.
Harry hit send with less force than he had with the other photos and fell face-first onto the couch, tossing his phone onto the floor nearby. How Peter reacted would probably determine the direction their relationship would take. Would they continue as they had been- in a limbo between casual and serious commitment- or would they push forward, take the next step? Not long after he had pushed his face into the decorative pillows, the sound of keys jiggling in the door broke the silence of the condo. Peter was the only other person to have a key. Harry rolled over enough to see the door, wondering just how Peter made it across town so quickly. It was fast, even for him.
Peter entered quickly and shut and locked the door, biting his lip when he turned and saw Harry on the couch. For what it was worth, Harry was proud he was able to hold back a burst of laughter when he took in Peter’s appearance.
He pushed himself up so he was sitting on the couch. “What are you wearing?” Harry couldn’t keep the mirth from his voice.
Peter picked at his neon yellow shirt with ‘swag’ scrawled diagonally across the chest. It clashed horribly with the dark purple and orange polka dot swim trunks and snow boots. “The shirt was Sam’s ‘gift’,” he made air quotes, “during one of his ‘get Peter to not dress like a nerd’ ‘projects��.”
Ah, Harry remembered those ‘projects’- which usually backfired since Peter managed to make anything look nerdy just by wearing it. The ‘swag’ shirt didn’t seem to be any different.
“So, uhhhh.” He shrugged, looking sheepish as he looked anywhere but Harry. “My clothes got sorta disintegrated along with my backpack… and uh, I guess my all good clothes are here?”
Harry dropped his head into his hands, knowing better than to ask why Peter’s backpack was disintegrated. Peter always gave too many details, he preferred the watered down version of Spider-Man’s exploits that the news gave.
Peter’s weight dipped the couch cushion. “And, you’re here too. I’m saving that picture as your caller ID, by the way.”
Harry sighed. “And you’ve had a key for like, ever.” He pulled his head back up, meeting Peter’s gaze. “Why are you so afraid of moving in?”
“I guess I already have, huh?”
“Okay. Okay.” Peter bit his lip and scooted closer to Harry. Whenever they had a serious discussion, Peter snuggled as close as possible to Harry. “I guess, I don’t know, it’s like I’d be admitting I can’t do it myself? I’ll never be able to afford a place like this. I don’t want to be a kept man.”
“What’s mine is yours, Peter.” Harry wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “You put your life on the line for this city everyday, you deserve to be happy. So what if you don’t make a lot of money? You’re worth isn’t based on that.”
They stayed pressed together for a few moments before Harry turned and kissed Peter’s forehead. “If your only objection is the price of this place, we can shop around for something else.”
Peter shook his head and buried his face in the crook of Harry’s neck. “Are we ready? Like. It’s a big step, right?”
Harry held him tight. “I guess we decided we were ready a while ago, hmm?” Probably around the time Peter kept the spare key after Harry got back from a business trip.
“Yea, I guess my jeans knew better than I did.”
“Speaking of…” Harry pulled back and eyed Peter’s ensemble. “How about you change and we’ll go out to dinner to celebrate officially realizing you moved in?”
Peter’s smile was bright as he flipped over the back of the couch. “How about pajamas and we order take out? Stay home?”
“Home sounds good.”
And they were finally home together.
Thank you for reading!
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clarkestetler · 3 years
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: Venom (Movie 2018), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker/Harry Osborn, Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Peter Parker & Venom Symbiote Characters: Eddie Brock, Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Eddie Brock | Venom, Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Kate Bishop, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Domestic Avengers, Avengers Family, stuckony - Freeform, Parksborn, Protective Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Possessive Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Post-Venom (Movie 2018), Venom Symbiote Loves Eddie Brock, Established Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Protective Peter Parker, Teen Peter Parker, Gay Harry Osborn, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Minor Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Kate Bishop Friendship, Kate Bishop Is a Good Bro, BAMF Kate Bishop, Kate Bishop is Clint and Nat's Kid, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Parent Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Protective Harley Keener, Big Brother Harley Keener Summary:
After being attacked and forcibly separated from Eddie Brock, Venom bonds to Peter Parker in order to seek both revenge on the LIFE Foundation and any evidence of his previous host. Peter Parker isn't exactly thrilled about this turn of events and turns to the Avengers for help managing his new symbiote.
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maydayparkers · 4 years
pete and harry casually kiss eachother all the time. like pecks on the cheek, on the forehead, sometimes on the lips too. it's never awkward, just appreciated. and if peter leans over mid-conversation and interrupts harry with a kiss it doesnt even startle him and he just picks up where he left off like it was nothing. and harry kisses pete on the forehead a lot just Because. basically parksborn domestic kisses send ask
Ask received and framed, and mounted on my wall.
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 005: Kraven and the Vulture are back
Issue 047 opens with a flashback having notably THE GREEN GOBLIN, so I'm very happy. The retcon is fun and finally, ASM feels like it has actual continuity and cause and effects! And Harry and Peter are roommate! Yes, yes, yeeeeeeees!
We're 5 pages in and I already went from "I don't care about Kraven" to "Kraven is hilarious" so that's great. Also: lesbians!
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Speaking of MJ, she sure has changed. She's still dancing and free-spirited! Can't wait until she meets Paul... (that's sarcasm)
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And this is pretty funny, because earlier today I was writing a Parksborn fic where they're roommate and one question I asked myself was: in which issue do they become roommate? Well, it's this one so this is also great!
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Look at Harry, putting on clothes after a make-out session with his best friend! They love each other like brothers! They're a couple of bestiiiiiiies! Anyway, Norman arrived to check if his son has been corrupted already by the gayness. It's already too late, dear Norman. They're fruity and you can't do anything about it, muahahahha!!!
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Somewhere else, Kraven learned to shoot lasers with his boobs. Good for him!
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You know I'm gonna milk those domestic Parksborn scenes for all their worth, don't you? Dear Lord!
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Peter has a romantic rival in the form of Kraven.
It's very heartwarming to see Norman trying to protect his son! NotGoblinAnymore!Norman is fascinating to follow.
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Don't mind me, I'm just thirsting on Peter Parker, it happens.
This issue is lovely, it has relationship drama all over the place, the villain is very entertaining, it's well-paced, I'm actually surprised at how enjoyable the read was!
Issue 048 and first off, can I say I love John Romita Sr's art? It's wonderful. I just can't love the other art styles the way I love his. It's really gorgeous. Anyway, the Vulture is dying (for now) and transmits the location of his equipment to Blackie, his accomplice. I wonder if it was already planned for the Vulture to stay alive.
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THEN PROFESSOR WARREN HAS A LIL' CAMEO AND OOOOOH. I didn't expect this name to awaken such feelings in me. No, I'm not thirsting, I am wary. *flashback to the year 1975*
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Don't mind me, just thirstin'. (Can I tag this with whump? I think I can.)
...Wait... Daredevil?! Oh yeah! (But Peter doesn't go through it.)
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Meanwhile, the new Vulture has finally achieved his dream of a lifetime: getting that red Chanel purse. Slay!!!
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I love these panels, you really get a sense of perspective. Lovely stuff!
Overall not as interesting an issue as the previous one. The Vulture passing the torch is nice, but the actual battle, while offering nice drawings, didn't give me thrills, sadly. Not enough drama?
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Issue 049! I love the contrast between the white snow and Spidey.
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Draw him like one of your French girls.
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Once again, love the perspective. I feel like we don't usually get as many fun shots!
So Kraven and the Vulture get in a fight - and that kind of makes sense! The Vulture is animal-coded, so Kraven sees him as another beast to tame.
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I don't think I could ever forget Kraven's new weapon.
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Spidey himself agrees with me: I should definitely tag this post with whump.
This issue was a bit more interesting, but the battle dragged on again.
Next up: Spider-Man No More!
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ao3feed-harleypeter · 4 years
by LilacsAndLilies
Just a series of Parksborner Drabbles
Words: 724, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Harry Osborn, Peter Parker, Harley Keener
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn, Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Harley Keener/Harry Osborn, Harry Osborn/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Pillow & Blanket Forts, Sleep, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Not Beta Read, OT3
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ao3feed-stucky · 5 years
by LiveLoveDoritos
Peter's growing up. His voice cracks, and gets a serious case of acne. And then he grows out of most of his clothes. Isn't his life wonderful?
But anyways, the other Avengers think this is very funny, so shenanigans ensue.
Oh, and also Mr. Stark wants to have him next to him on stage as he gives a speech on the Stark Expo. What could possibly go wrong?
A lot, actually. A whole lot.
(Papparrazi is what goes wrong)
Words: 2138, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, May Parker (Spider-Man), Pepper Potts, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Mary Jane Watson, MJ, Flash Thompson, Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Harry Osborn
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Domestic Avengers, Puberty, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Protective May Parker (Spider-Man), Bisexual Peter Parker, the guardians are probably gonna be in this i just need to figure out how, maybe i'm gonna put in some parksborn, idk i'll see, Angst, Fluff, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter and Natasha are best friends because i say so, hair is being done, probably a lot of hobbit and lotr references because. I. Can, shut up steve you shouldnt even have left ur mother's womb in the first place, pimples, voice cracks, Peter becomes popular, also they're italian again, i can't get enough of that im sorry
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ovyy-pvcure · 7 years
do you have any parksborn headcanons?
Mostly for MSM. 
If Peter would just tell Harry the truth they could avoid a lot of what is about to happen. 
Every so often one of the horizon gang will quietly whisper ‘gay’ as they watch them interact, not meanly just, like, in a teasing ‘are they even aware’ way.
The same staff is always present during Parksborn’s daily smoothie dates and are 100% sure they’re boyfriends already, but aren’t going to stick their noses into it. They just enjoy the quiet domestic bliss of these two boys fondly calling each other ‘nerds’. 
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ao3feed-clintbarton · 5 years
by LiveLoveDoritos
Peter's growing up. His voice cracks, and gets a serious case of acne. And then he grows out of most of his clothes. Isn't his life wonderful?
But anyways, the other Avengers think this is very funny, so shenanigans ensue.
Oh, and also Mr. Stark wants to have him next to him on stage as he gives a speech on the Stark Expo. What could possibly go wrong?
A lot, actually. A whole lot.
(Papparrazi is what goes wrong)
Words: 2138, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, May Parker (Spider-Man), Pepper Potts, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Mary Jane Watson, MJ, Flash Thompson, Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Harry Osborn
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Domestic Avengers, Puberty, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Protective May Parker (Spider-Man), Bisexual Peter Parker, the guardians are probably gonna be in this i just need to figure out how, maybe i'm gonna put in some parksborn, idk i'll see, Angst, Fluff, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter and Natasha are best friends because i say so, hair is being done, probably a lot of hobbit and lotr references because. I. Can, shut up steve you shouldnt even have left ur mother's womb in the first place, pimples, voice cracks, Peter becomes popular, also they're italian again, i can't get enough of that im sorry
0 notes
ao3feed-stevebucky · 5 years
Of the spiders and the flowers
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2U3y7ai
by LiveLoveDoritos
Peter's growing up. His voice cracks, and gets a serious case of acne. And then he grows out of most of his clothes. Isn't his life wonderful?
But anyways, the other Avengers think this is very funny, so shenanigans ensue.
Oh, and also Mr. Stark wants to have him next to him on stage as he gives a speech on the Stark Expo. What could possibly go wrong?
A lot, actually. A whole lot.
(Papparrazi is what goes wrong)
Words: 2138, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, May Parker (Spider-Man), Pepper Potts, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Mary Jane Watson, MJ, Flash Thompson, Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Harry Osborn
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Domestic Avengers, Puberty, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Protective May Parker (Spider-Man), Bisexual Peter Parker, the guardians are probably gonna be in this i just need to figure out how, maybe i'm gonna put in some parksborn, idk i'll see, Angst, Fluff, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter and Natasha are best friends because i say so, hair is being done, probably a lot of hobbit and lotr references because. I. Can, shut up steve you shouldnt even have left ur mother's womb in the first place, pimples, voice cracks, Peter becomes popular, also they're italian again, i can't get enough of that im sorry
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2U3y7ai
0 notes
ao3feed-lokiangst · 5 years
Of the spiders and the flowers
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2U3y7ai
by LiveLoveDoritos
Peter's growing up. His voice cracks, and gets a serious case of acne. And then he grows out of most of his clothes. Isn't his life wonderful?
But anyways, the other Avengers think this is very funny, so shenanigans ensue.
Oh, and also Mr. Stark wants to have him next to him on stage as he gives a speech on the Stark Expo. What could possibly go wrong?
A lot, actually. A whole lot.
(Papparrazi is what goes wrong)
Words: 2138, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, May Parker (Spider-Man), Pepper Potts, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Mary Jane Watson, MJ, Flash Thompson, Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Harry Osborn
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Domestic Avengers, Puberty, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Protective May Parker (Spider-Man), Bisexual Peter Parker, the guardians are probably gonna be in this i just need to figure out how, maybe i'm gonna put in some parksborn, idk i'll see, Angst, Fluff, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter and Natasha are best friends because i say so, hair is being done, probably a lot of hobbit and lotr references because. I. Can, shut up steve you shouldnt even have left ur mother's womb in the first place, pimples, voice cracks, Peter becomes popular, also they're italian again, i can't get enough of that im sorry
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2U3y7ai
0 notes