#don’t want to destroy my hand even tho how much I want to draw even after 9 hours of work
bxnnie-bxwl · 3 months
hand has been hurting cause of work so I’m resting it up by not drawing tonight-
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twodimecastle · 3 years
fifty bucks & six months.
spencer reid x gender neutral reader new relationship, secret keeping nonsense, 4.5k words, ao3 a/n; turns out i love writing texting fic but tumblr destroys the formatting rip
zero months.
You smile conspiratorially, extending a pinkie towards Spencer and he gives you a skeptical look.
“You know the odds of being found out immediately are-” he starts, but you cut him off.
“Astronomical, I know. I know. But don’t you think it’ll be fun to see how long we can push it?” you wheedle, not caring that your voice sounds more like begging than is strictly dignified because seeing the way Spencer’s nose crinkles in amusement at your heavy handed persuasion is too adorable to pass up. You scoot closer on the couch, tapping the end of his nose with your pinkie finger, letting him catch your hand between his as you continue “I think we’ve got a good shot at hiding it for a little while. It would be like a game.”
Spencer draws your captive hand to his lips, brushing them across your knuckles and watching fondly as you forge ahead in your campaign to persuade him, enjoying the show and the attention too much to tell you he’s already on board. Your eyes are shining with the prospect of the caper, and you’ve made no move to take your hand back from him, and Spencer’s pretty sure he’d be more than happy to sit with you in this moment forever. “I mean-” you go on, gesturing animatedly with your free hand, “you’re like-a really good liar when you want to be. And everyone else always forgets how good you are at it.”
He snorts at that and the sound makes you light up, eyes tracking the arch of his brows, the warmth in his soft brown eyes, memorising the way he looks like this; utterly unbothered, completely at ease. It might be your favourite version of him, but that race has always been a tight one with no clear winner in sight. You have lots of favourite versions of Spencer. Twisting your hand in his, you tangle your fingers together, savouring the way you feel his thumb glide delicately along your skin and the unhidden joy in his face at the simple show of affection.
Time to play your trump card.
“$50 says we can hide it from the whole group for at least six months. If everyone figures it out before then, you win. But if not everyone has worked it out by then, I win.”
The mischievous shine in your eyes is irresistible, and Spencer smiles, disentangling one of his hands from yours to extend his own pinky finger.
“You’re on.”
The words barely make it out of his mouth before you’re colliding with him, pressing your lips to his.
two months.
“So, how long has this whole thing been going on?” Derek’s question catches Spencer off guard, and, based on the way he can see you freeze in his peripheral vision, takes you by surprise as well. Sliding into the driver's seat of the SUV, Derek continues “I hope you didn’t think you were gonna be able to keep me in the dark for long, pretty boy. You should know better than that.”
Following mechanically after him, Spencer takes the passenger seat, trying to frame his next statement as carefully as possible as he hears your door close and the car start. “We were-going to tell you guys-” he begins uncomfortably, glancing back to you for support, but you look just as on edge as he feels. “We were just gonna-keep it to ourselves for a while-before telling Hotch and everything-” he tries again, the mounting tension levering his shoulders higher and higher with every passing moment, but then Derek just laughs, shaking his head.
“Hey, I’m happy for you, kid. For both of you.” He spares a look at you in the back seat through the rear view mirror, and you can feel the tension in your jaw relax, the furrows in your brow straightening out at the note of approval in Derek’s voice. “I’m glad you two finally figured it out,” he says, fondly, and you laugh.
“I bet Spence we could keep it from you guys at least six months,” you explain, reaching forwards through the centre console to link your pinky with Spencer’s, and the touch of your hand releases the last of the tension he had been harbouring as he covers your hand with the other one of his own. He knows Derek clocks the motion, filing it away in his mind somewhere, but he doesn’t care about the scrutiny so much right now. Not when your hand is so warm and comfortable in his.
Derek reaches for the dial on the radio and flicks through the channel, thinking about something, and as you watch, a slow mischievous smirk spreads across his face a moment later before he glances first at Spencer and then at you.
“I’ll tell you what,” he says to you, and Spencer can feel a familiar grin tugging at his own lips as he watches a plan take shape in his friend’s eyes. “I’m happy to sit on this information for a while for a cut of the winnings from whichever one of you comes out on top.” He snorts good naturedly as he continues “I have my own bet to win with Prentiss, so if you two help me win that one, I’ll cut you in too.”
“A quid pro quo of sorts,” Spencer says slowly, and he feels your fingers tighten around his, as you snort softly, and he knows instinctually you’re grinning the same way you always do when you’re winning a game. “I think we can do that.”
Derek grins, turning the music up as he nods, eyes on the road. “Then you two love birds have got yourselves a deal.”
two months and two weeks.
PG: youre not as slick as you think you are ;)
YN: ???
PG: ;))))))))) you should invest in some concealer for your work bag sweetness or tell the good doctor to pay more attention to whats visible in your work clothes
YN: oh my fucking god wait how do you even know thats how that happened
PG: im all knowing and all seeing im like the omnipotent goddess of the fbi
YN: derek blabbed
PG: he sang like a canary but also im an omnipotent goddess im also totally clued in on the whole bet situation with em so for the low low price of every single juicy detail about how this adorableness went down you can buy my silence :)
YN: im getting derek decaf coffee on all coffee runs from now on >:( traitors dont get caffeine
PG: darling sweet angel i need deets all of them like immediately
YN: >:( fine ok so. after that case down in georgia a few months ago? the weird one? with the creepy mother son thing?
PG: omg yuck pls dont remind me im here for the CUTENESS not the MURDER
YN: sorryyyyyyy anyway so spence was like being super weird about it all on the plane and whatever but he was doing that super annoying thing where he ignores it and says hes fine so everyone leaves him alone
PG: YEAH why does everyone here do that ALL THE TIME its SO annoyingggg
YN: ikr its insufferable and like super not subtle ANYWAY. spence was being weird and whatever and i just. refused to let him sulk on his own or whatever like i could tell there was something bothering him and so after work i insisted that we were gonna get like shitty diner food or whatever and watch a movie and he knows better than to say no to me
PG: smart boy
YN: so we got fries and milkshakes and then went back to his place to watch a movie and he was still like weird and silent and like brooding yknow? but whatever just figured hed talk about it when he was ready so i put on a movie and offered to make popcorn and then he was just staring at me and he looked so SAD and TIRED and i thought id done something wrong like the poor guy looked like he was gonna cry and i was panicking over fucking popcorn and then he says ‘why are you always so nice to me?’
PG: oh my god hes like if a sad victorian orphan was actually a triplicate phd holder
YN: i was SO thrown off i was like spencer. spencer were best friends. ive been forcing you to hang out with me for years now why do you THINK im being nice to you its bc i care about you asshole and then. like after another million years after letting me sweat it out over whether hes about to cry for like fucking years the asshole grabs my hand and says. i shit you not. ‘you know im in love with you, right?’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PG: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YN: anyway hes my boyfriend now :’) dont tell anyone tho gotta win the bet
four months.
Lingering by the elevator, you glance around at the uncharacteristically silent office building, waiting for Spencer to leave the bullpen. The sound of his footfalls drawing nearer makes you smile and you mentally applaud yourself for suggesting the two of you remained behind after disembarking from the plane, taking advantage of the manufactured privacy to take the same car home, back to his apartment.
When he sees you waiting for him, he can’t help the soft fond smile that tugs at his face, as he reaches for your hand, sliding his fingers into yours with a gentle squeeze, the quiet of the building allowing him to indulge in the show of affection. You return the squeeze, leaning your head on his shoulder with a yawn and as he presses a fond kiss to your temple he’s rewarded by a sleepy hum of approval from you that sends a rush of quiet joy shooting through him.
“At least we won’t be sleeping in hotel beds again tonight,” you say, voice weary, and Spencer nods as he shuffles you into the elevator. The doors slide shut and the elevator starts to move and in the moment of absolute privacy, you steal a kiss, tilting your chin up to catch his lips with yours, revelling in the soft huff of surprise he lets out, even as he smiles against your mouth. Even after months, the simple act of kissing Spencer still feels new and thrilling somehow, like you can’t quite believe it’s something you’re allowed to do.
His nose brushes yours and he breathes “unless something big comes up, we get a sleep in tomorrow too,” and the way you beam at him sends his heart racing in his chest, unable to look away from the fondness shining in your eyes.
As the two of you exit the elevator and make your way through the Bureau car park, you tuck yourself against his side, wedging yourself under his arm with a happy sigh, eager to get yourself horizontal and asleep as fast as possible. Spencer brushes his lips against your temple again as the two of you close in on his car, almost free and clear of the office when a voice behind the two of you brings you up short.
Spencer is reacting before his mind catches up, turning on his heel towards the sound of Hotch’s voice echoing through the parking lot, conscious of the incriminating way you’re still tucked against his side, even as his brain is rifling frantically through any possible excuses for the current circumstances.
“Hotch-” you step away from Spencer, cheeks flaming, not wanting to chance a look at him. “I-we-thought everyone else had gone home,” you trail off lamely, trying your hardest not to balk under Hotch’s ominously impassive scrutiny. A second passes, then another, and the short silence feels like months, or years even as the three of you stand locked in a stalemate.
“I take it the two of you would prefer to keep this under wraps?” He asks, finally, and it registers with Spencer, somewhat belatedly, that Hotch’s tone isn’t admonishing. It isn’t enough to dissipate the tension coiling in Spencer’s muscles just yet, but he spares a glance at you as he nods, and a moment later, Hotch gives the two of you a curt nod of his own. “I’ll tell you what,” he says, a shade of irony colouring his voice. “If you two fill out the paperwork for in-team relationships for me, I’ll keep it to myself. I understand privacy is hard to come by in our office.”
The words take a while to fully sink in, and you’re conscious that you’re standing there blinking and gaping at your boss like a bemused fish for a good few seconds before you’ve composed yourself enough to say “absolutely, sir. Of course. Thank you.”
Hotch nods again, heading towards his own car, and as he passes the two of you, a brief smile flashes across his face.
“Congratulations, you two. Get some sleep.”
four months and three weeks.
Spencer isn’t sure how late it is, but he knows you’re not asleep yet, the faint glow of your phone screen casting faint distorted shadows across his room as your free hand rests lightly on his chest. In the dark blue twilight of his room, the space feels undefined and dream like somehow, the line between his mind and his surroundings blurry or indistinct somehow, and as you huff out a near silent laugh at something on the screen in your hand, a thought rises to the surface of his thoughts like flotsam on an unwanted tide.
The more clinical part of his mind notes the autonomic response in his body, the way his heart lurches unpleasantly in his chest, heart rate rising with an influx of cortisol through his nervous system, automatically rifling through ways to control the anxiety response. Age old instinct surges forwards, starting to push his spiralling anxiety down out of sight so as not to bother you with it, but then your hand shifts infinitesimally on his chest, fingers curling in the soft fabric of his pyjama shirt, and for once his body is miles ahead of his brilliant mind, your name is leaving his lips before he’s really aware of it happening.
Your gaze flashes up from your phone at the sound of his voice, soft and hesitant, and you let the screen go dark as you set it down. You can feel Spencer’s heart hammering against his ribs under your palm, and your brows knit together in concern as you shift closer to his side, tracing gentle circles over his shirt with your fingertips, the repetitive motion intended to soothe, though you’re not sure if it’s for his benefit or yours.
“Yeah, baby?” You ask softly, working hard to keep the rising worry from your voice. After three years of friendship and almost six months of dating, you know him well enough to sense when his propensity for overthinking and catastrophizing is slipping out of his control. You can feel his chest rise as he inhales sharply, whatever he’s about to say cut off by second guessing, doing nothing to pacify your concern. “Spence? Is everything okay?” You ask again.
“This-bet-hiding our relationship-it’s-” he trails off, throat tight as he rolls onto his side, facing away from you, and smushing his face into the pillow, already wishing he hadn’t said anything. You’re the kindest person he’s ever met, but offering up this kind of raw insecurity feels like pulling teeth. Even if it’s you. Especially if it’s you. He doesn’t know if he’s ready to find out if you care about him enough to stay when his racing mind gets the better of him. The pillow muffles his voice as he says “never mind.”
You feel your own heart rate tic up in response to that, matching the wild beat of Spencer’s that you could feel under your palm only a second ago. “Baby, talk to me. What’s on your mind?”
He shakes his head, face still hidden in the pillow. “It’s stupid.”
He can feel the rush of your breath on his back as you sigh, and your voice is almost achingly patient as you say softly “it’s not stupid if it matters to you.” There’s a long pause, and you press yourself against his back, settling close and letting your hand slide over his side to rest on his chest, the heat of his skin sinking into yours even through his thin shirt. In spite of his height, he feels so small as you wrap yourself around him, drawing closer, trying to reassure him without yet knowing what he needs to be reassured of. “Spence?”
“Are you ashamed of-being with me? Is that why you want to hide it?” The words are almost whispered, the sound almost lost against his pillow and your heart sinks, plummeting faster and further than if you’d dropped it off the side of a skyscraper. You should’ve known he might worry about that, should have realised it might have felt that way. Remorse rises hot and bitter in your throat and you swallow it down, trying to steady your voice.
“Spencer. Sweetheart. No. Never. I could never be ashamed. I love you. I’m so sorry.” Your arms wrap more tightly around him and you bury your face against the crook of his neck, the tension you can feel in every inch of his body making you feel more cruel and short-sighted than you already do. “I’m sorry I didn’t realise it might feel like that. I could never be ashamed of being with you, Spence. You’re my favourite person.” He takes the kind of shaky, shallow breath that comes with trying not to cry and your heart breaks a little more as one of his hands slowly moves to cover yours where it rests against his chest, just over his heart.
As his hand rests over yours, his thumb strokes lightly along your knuckles, and he knows you know him well enough to notice the way his hand trembles, just a little, because then your hand is shifting against his, turning to clumsily tangle your fingers with his, holding tighter to him as he tries to collect himself, drawing in a deep, shuddering breath as his eyes squeeze shut. He can hear the contrition in your voice as you say softly “I’ve never really liked having people know everything about what’s going on in my life. And I love our friends but-something like this, that’s so-special? So new? I wanted to be able to keep it to just us for a while.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice comes out a little shaky, scarcely more than a whisper, and it’s more than you can take as you pull back and gently force him to roll over to face you. He’s not crying, but his eyes are glassy and you recognise the fight to keep the tears unshed in the tight set of his jaw and the hard line of his lips. Leaning on your elbow, you lift your free hand to gently smooth out the furrows of his brow, letting your fingers linger along the planes of his face.
“Why are you sorry,” you ask gently. “You don’t need to be sorry, baby. Not for talking to me about things that bother you. We can tell everyone else tomorrow, if you want? We can call off the bet. Derek will live. If he’s got a problem with it I’ll turn all his shirts into crop tops.”
He can tell the joke is a last bid attempt to make him smile, to ease his fear, and it works. In spite of the anxious weight in his chest that feels like it’s pressing him into the mattress, Spencer laughs weakly, meeting your eyes, and he watches as a relieved smile breaks across your face, releasing your lower lip from where you’d trapped it worriedly between your teeth. The unmitigated affection that floods into your eyes renders him momentarily breathless as he takes in the moment. You’re still here, still trying to take care of him. Just as kind and steadfast as ever.
“No,” he says eventually, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you down on top of him like a living weighted blanket, letting your warmth chase the bulk of the tension from his body and luxuriating in the way you curl into him, one hand sliding into his hair. “We shouldn’t call off the bet. We still have to take Emily’s money, remember?”
Your sleepy laugh is the last thing he hears before his eyes close and the feel of your body wound around his lulls him to sleep.
five months.
SR: Can I talk to you about something?
DM: you dying or something? that’s a really fuckin ominous text to recieve out of the blue
SR: I’m not dying, why would that be what you assumed? I just have a question.
DM: just a figure of speech but what’s up?
SR: It’s about your bet with Emily. What’re the terms for it?
DM: wym?
SR: What exactly did you two make the bet about? What needs to happen in order for you to win the bet?
DM: does this count as collusion?
SR: Technically yes, but calling it collusion implies a certain degree of illegality.
DM: whatever anyway the terms i made with em were that you’d make some kind of move before your birthday but she reckoned you were gonna need some kind of near death experience to do anything about your crush why?
SR: I’m just making sure I have all the information.
DM: what’s going on pretty boy? you planning something?
SR: Maybe.
DM: not a helpful answer reid is everything good?
SR: Everything’s fine. We’re just figuring some stuff out. Nothing to worry about.
DM: is there something you’re not telling me?
SR: Don’t worry about it.
five months, three weeks and six days.
In the chaos that was the scramble from the briefing room to the jet, you haven’t yet had the chance to speak to Spencer about the outcome of his most recent thesis defence panel. By the time you’ve got a moment to breathe, the jet is underway, coasting across the country towards Montana, the whole team settled in for the six hour flight. You corner him in the tiny kitchen area of the jet as he’s making a mug of mediocre coffee, fingers tapping out an absent minded rhythm on the countertop as the coffee machine whirs, clearly not paying attention to anything outside of his head.
“Hey, boy genius.” He jumps, whirling around, eyes wide with surprise, and you smile fondly. “So?” You demand, and Spencer raises an eyebrow in confusion. You snort, rolling your eyes as you elaborate. “Your defence panel. Did it go okay?”
You’re shifting your weight and fidgeting restlessly with the belt loops on your pants and as he studies you for a moment, it occurs to Spencer that you’re nervous for him over this outcome. The thought brings an almost giddy smile to his face.
“You know this isn’t my first thesis defence panel, right?” He says mildly, deliberately burying the lede, enjoying the way you scowl in irritation too much to answer your question right away, too enamoured with this display of concern on his behalf.
“Don’t be difficult, Doctor Reid. It’s still a big deal.” He just shrugs noncommittally, and you huff, swatting his arm lightly. “So did it go well?” You ask again, eyes narrowing as you try to dissect his microexpressions, trying to discern the answer he seems determined to keep from you for yourself. A few seconds later, he relents.
“I can now add degree number six to my wall.” He confirms. Getting degrees doesn’t hold the same rush of pride for him now, the accomplishment feeling somewhat less exceptional as he acquires more of them, but the way your face lights up with pride for him reminds him how special the things he’s capable of can be. You’ve always made him feel like more than the sum of his parts somehow, like something infinitely more precious than he always assumed he is.
“I fucking knew it. That’s amazing, Spence,” you say, chest warm and full with pride and love, and his almost shy smile in return is enough to make a decision for you in a split second. Your hand dips into your back pocket, drawing something out, and you carefully hide it from view in your palm as Spencer tracks the motion curiously with his eyes.
Your eyes are shining with affection and something that looks like mischief and the way you’re smiling at him is more than enough to divert his attention as you step closer, just barely noticing as you slip something into his hand. You’re dangerously, distractingly close now, and he’s conscious, if somewhat distantly, that neither of you is concealed from the rest of the team, scant meters away in the seating area of the jet. But you’re smiling and close enough for him to feel your breath on his face and suddenly your lips are on his, and even after nearly seven months of being able to touch you like this, it’s enough to make him forget everything else as he melts into the contact, savouring the warmth of your skin and the faint smell of your shampoo.
You pull back a second later, the kiss over almost as soon as it started, but it’s enough to attract attention, and you can hear a belated ‘oh SHIT’ from Emily in the main cabin of the jet. In your peripheral vision, you can see money changing hands, your friends scrambling to react, but you don’t look at them, choosing to enjoy the bemused, affectionate look on Spencer’s face as his brain catches up to the events unfolding around the two of you.
“I was tired of keeping it a secret,” you say fondly, loud enough only for him to hear. “You win.”
Blinking in confusion, he finally tears his gaze away from yours, fingers uncurling to reveal the fifty dollar bill you had pressed into his palm right before you kissed him. The penny drops and he snorts with laughter, shaking his head in half hearted indignation as his other arm loops around you, pulling you in, letting you rest your head on his shoulder, hiding your face from the rest of the team as he kisses your temple, revelling in the way you wind yourself around him in response.
“I was gonna do this in like two days. I wanted you to win,” he murmurs against your hairline, and he can feel your faint laughter.
“Too bad, baby. I’m used to getting my way,” you say, pulling back to steal another quick kiss before peeling yourself out of his arms with a wink, turning to face the onslaught of ‘care to fucking explain that’ and ‘I fucking told you so’ from the rest of your friends, tugging him with you by your joined hands.
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captain-kinda-trash · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to request some headcannons for rottmnt boys with a reader who gives great hugs and gets a plush hoodie this winter, so hugging them feels like hugging a teddy bear now
Of course!! Thank you so much for the request!!
Teddy Bear (ROTTMNT Headcanons)
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This was what I had in mind while writing 🤔🤔⬇
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Let's just be clear about one thing
Leo LOVES your hugs
CANNOT get enough of them
Long night of fighting for justice? Huggies
Gets into an argument with Donnie? More huggies
Hell, even walking past you in the lair, he'll do little grabby hands and act like a whiny baby until he gets his daily hugs 🙄 😩
But then you get a super soft, super fluffy, super warm sweatshirt?
He's dead
You're basically like a human heater for this cold-blooded blue boy
Since you've gotten it, you can hardly stop wearing it, because it's the most comfortable thing ever-
And Leo has gotten even more excuses to hug you
"Leo, im cooking!"
Will, without a doubt ask you to carry his lazy ass, just because he wants to snuggle into your sweatshirt
And don't even get me STARTED on movie nights with him
Because what begins as a cold-blooded turtle hanging onto your arm like a baby koala
Ends up being Leo curled up in your lap or somehow wrapped around you with this hot sweater
So while he's practically purring with comfort, you are sweating like a dog
Not to mention, this bitch is just heavy
like 200+ pounds of straight muscle, so I hope you don't have to use the restroom any time soon because it's going to take a while to pry this big baby off of you
I'd also like to mention, that you don't need to tell him not to steal your hoodie
because he’s gonna do it anyways 😎💙
You discovered this one day, when you slipped the article off to bake with Mikey
After a nice batch of cookies was made, your jacket was gone and you began parading around the lair to find it 
Only to see Leo, snuggled in his bed and playing on his phone, with your hoodie practically swallowing him whole
If he hadn’t looked so comfortable, you would have been angrier, and just settled for scolding him playfully for stealing it
it was hell trying to pry it off of him,  though...
This turtle knows how to wrestle and he will not hesitate to kick your ass over this fluffy sweatshirt 😤
These two things (hugs and your hoodie) combined just make Leo melt into a puddle, and he couldn’t be happier to have all of your teddy bear hugs :>
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um, have you met this turtle?
KING of hugs
It’s so great how both of you share the same energy
Though he’s more cold-blooded, like Donnie, he needs all of the hugs
It’s just your thing
With Raph, you have fist bumps, Leo, you’ve got a cool handshake, Donnie is more for high-fives 
And for Mikey, it’s hugs 
He practically tackles you to the ground in tight hugs whenever you get home from school/work and come to the lair, like a happy little puppy
Speaking of puppies…
That’s what he says your hoodie feels like whenever it first arrives in the mail.
Immediately, you throw it on, and Mikey is all over it, petting the soft fabric and squealing in excitement 
Can he please wear it?? 🥺
Little Mikey didn’t even have to ask before you shed the hoodie and let him try it on
And OH
The amount of cuteness that this turtle radiates when he’s smiling like an idiot and flapping the oversized arms around is just-
He vows to get his own since it’s so warm and comfortable
But he’s very respectful and gives it back to you
Only to attack you in another hug and lift you off of the ground because you look so adorable
“You’re like a little teddy bear!” *excited squeal!*
Mikey 100% respects your space so if you’re ever snuggling, he’s instantly aware of your getting sweaty or uncomfortable and will let up or loosen his arms
Winter days?
Snuggles all day and night
when Mikey (politely) asks to wear your jacket, he’ll throw it on and give you piggyback rides around the lair, because we love fun
And for Christmas, you get him his own, and he’s IN LOVE 
Sweater buddies 
He gets one in his favorite color and little ears on the hood and once a week, when they need to be thrown in the washer, you’ll keep him warm while he waits.
(Leo gets jealous of all the attention you’re giving Mikey >:o)
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we all know that Don isn’t the biggest on physical affection
If he wants a hug, usually he’d be the one to initiate, which is totally cool, since usually he’s forced into a hug by his brothers (secretly loves it tho)
He does enjoy your hugs, though he can be a bit awkward and stiff with them at first
If he’s feeling down, needs to be warmed up a bit, he’ll immediately seek your comfort
Even out of his brothers, you’re secretly his favorite 
Sure he loves Dr. Delicate Touch, but sometimes Donnie would rather go to someone who isn’t very pushy with solutions, and is willing to listen
And we can also all agree that he has an immaculate fashion taste ✨💜
When he sees the fluffy sweater draped over your arm, he’s immediately running over, analyzing the fabrics, and rushing to get you to try it on
Why? Fashion show 
Loves the warmth of your hoodie
And I because “it’s so soofff”
Donnie’s blood runs the coldest out of all of his brothers and he has the most sensitive shell, so he just adores your sweater
Is definitely contemplating on getting one for himself, though he wouldn’t tell you at first, because you might think he’s trying to copy your awesome style, and that would just destroy his massive ego 😩💅
He enjoys it when you sit in his lab with him, maybe rested against his side with your hoodie on, as you play on your phone/read/draw
Also up for snuggles when it’s extra chilly in the Lair, or when his brothers aren’t around, because once again, damaged ego
Movie marathons?
Hell yeah
Donnie will always make sure your comfortable before he gets comfortable on the couch, so you won’t shift around while watching the movie
He’s also very vulnerable when he takes his battle shell off, and in more ways than one
You know he’s got real, strong trust when he does so and will let you carefully hug him from behind with your hoodie on, since it’s so soft
Donnie will also snatch your massive jacket if he gets the chance, and disappear into his lab for days with it on
And he’ll never tell a soul this…
But he loves it the most, because it smells like you, 💜
so it’s like having you right beside him while you’re gone, or when he’s busy building something 
Also, tries to use his classic and sarcastic charm when it comes to asking for your hoodie back
“Come on Don, it’s cold outside! I need it!”
“But would you take it from such a luxurious face as this?” 😏
“Right, giving it back-“
He totally gets his own hoodie, by the way
Purple (obviously)
But it just isn’t the same as your own, so Donnie might just have yours on and then wrap his own around his waist
He sure does love his teddy bear 💜
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Okay but Raph is an actual teddy bear-
A big, mom-friend, weapon-wielding teddy bear
He LOVES giving hugs, and most would recognize this, seeing the various pictures and instances where he pulls all three of his brothers in for a great big group hug ❤
He's constantly reminding himself that you are much much more prone to injuries than his brothers, so he holds you like a little baby when he hugs you
(Unless he gets super excited or has a really rough night, so just be aware that you might be restricted of breathing privileges in that case-)
Usually so gentle 🥺
Just picks you up and wraps those huge freaking arms around you like giant pillows
And he LOSES HIS SHIT when you come back with this fluffy ass hoodie
Has this infatuation with petting the fur and running his fingers over it
He has never felt something so soft in his entire life 😩❤
And then when he hugs you with it on-
"Why are you a like big teddy bear?!"
"Buddy, you're just getting a taste of my own world-"
Poor Raph, being the size he is and having such a spiky shell, can't just wear your hoodie like his brothers :(
I mean, sure he could take it so easily
But he doesn't want to disrespect your things, or make you upset, because this man is The Gentleman™
So, rather than asking to wear it, he'll ask to spend more time with you
Not just for the hoodie ofc, but because of your sweet gentleness and warmth
Better quit your job babe, because your new occupation?
Raph's cuddle buddy
He refuses to let you become uncomfortable, makes sure there are the right amount of pillows, blankets, and room for you to move around while you snuggle together etc.
Raph is also a heavy sleeper, so once he gets comfy and warm enough, he'll probably doze off and trap you in his big "arm cage"
Really, his nature is pure and gentle and everything you could ever imagine when it comes to hugging his little teddy bear ❤🐢
@getacactus @turtle-babe83
Hope you enjoyed this little ditty! I LOVED writing these!! 💜💜
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jayz4dayz · 3 years
Kakegurui character headcanons that are canon in my eyes (Part 3)
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You already know this bitch has done hard drugs. She’s probably a dealer at Hyakkaou too ngl
Actually very intelligent and could get all A’s if she cared enough to
Canonly lesbian
She/they vibes 
Hardcore energy drink consumer. Monster and Redbull cans are all over the floor of her dorm room
If you simp for her… ya got mommy and daddy issues, luv-
Is physically touchy toward everyone, but lowkey recoils when someone she doesn’t know or trust touches her
Actively tries to annoy the shit out of both Sayaka and Yuriko as her way of showing her affection 
Night person
I can see her actively practicing witchcraft 
Favorite holiday is Halloween 
Probably has a glass eye somewhere but doesn’t bother putting it in because the eyepatch is a ✨look✨
Was the kid in school who ate glue or play dough 
Is best friends with Sayaka. Do not fight me on this
Needs to go to therapy. Honestly, who doesn’t in that school
Weapon of choice is her revolver, of course <3
Will often lay in Yuriko’s lap because Yuriko actually lets her. It’s one of her favorite things to do when she needs to unwind
Slytherin. 100% a Slytherin. 
Has at least one tattoo somewhere and nipple piercings too if we’re being honest
Can’t stand hot weather and prefers the cold 
Avid fan and listener of the band Mother Mother
Canonly almost shot a person on accident or on purpose with her revolver
Will flirt with Kirari just to piss off Sayaka 
Will flirt with Yuriko just to see her get flustered 
(Y’all can come after me all you want for this one) Has a crush on Yuriko
ESTP-A personality type
Has a pet tarantula
Most likely had a pen explode in her mouth while she was chewing on it in class at some point
Everyone asks “where is Midari?” but no one asks “how is Midari?” 
Favorite color is black or purple 
For SURE owns at least one choker 
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Refuses to take hard drugs but has accidentally gotten high off her ass from an edible. Midari’s edible, mind you
Is the mom friend of the group 
Owns a minivan and drives Midari and Runa places
Has a dent on the side of the same minivan because Midari hit the side of it with a shopping cart that Runa was in
Nurse vibes tbh
Keeps her eyes closed because she’s lowkey blind and can’t see much anyway 
Ravenclaw all the way
Was a horse girl in elementary school 
Has either really beautiful emerald green eyes or average Hudson-river colored brown eyes. Will we ever know?
Is secretly a cat girl. Why else do you think I used that image in particular for her
Easily flustered 
Has a crush on Midari but is still confused about her sexuality 
She sure as hell ain’t straight tho. Not in that school...
An only child
Is struggling, but wears a smile regardless 
Stepped on a butterfly once and sobbed
Ya know... say what you want, but I get vegetarian/vegan vibes from her 
Avid hot tea drinker 
Has pollen allergies
Morning person 
Prefers warmer weather and hates the rain
Has spa days with Yumemi once and a while
Can’t lift anything heavier than twenty pounds probably 
Would be on the Volley ball team if she wasn’t head of the Culture Club 
Several girls in her club have a huge crush on her and compete against Midari to gain her affection and attention 
Has straight A’s 
Idk why, but I can’t see her knowing how to swim
Gets cold easily 
Wears kimonos even when she’s at home 
Enjoys reading classical literature
Also enjoys listening to classical music
Would never admit this, but she listens to K-pop 
Has a hidden talent for drawing 
ISFJ-T personality type 
Weapon of choice is a bo-staff (which is really just a broom stick)  or Midari
Can speak Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin 
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Has absolutely done crack and likely a handful of other drugs 
Has a sugar addiction, but we already knew that one
G R E M L I N     E N E R G Y
Most likely has ADHD or ADD or both even 
I saw somewhere that said she’s 18?? Like, what?? She looks like she’s 12 tf... 
Asexual/Aromatic icon 
Hufflepuff vibes, but I can also kinda see her as a Slytherin
Jokingly homophobic towards Kirasaya and Yuridari 
Will drink nothing aside from soda or energy drinks 
Not a furry, contrary to popular belief. Just enjoys her onesies. Let her live her life jeez
Canonly a baddie 
Short, but will not hesitate in destroying your kneecaps 
Actually really close to the Momobami and Ikishima family
Plays video games with Midari almost every day after school since Aoi left 
Ironically uses “UwU” and “Ara, ara” but does not ironically call people a simp. Can you blame her? She’s surrounded by wlw
Will beat you in Mario Cart. Yes she will. I don’t care how good you think you are
Has managed to not break a single bone in her body despite her size 
Is good at every subject except for geography
Can’t drive, but owns a scooter which she’ll use to get to school if Yuriko is unable to drive her
Owns a pair of Heely’s with wheels  
Unironically wears socks with sandals 
Also wears crocs 
Listens to rap 
Is fast af. “Zoom, zoom, bitches!” 
Secretly a badass gambler
Gets approximately 2-5 hours of sleep each night because she stays up playing video games
Naps during her classes 
Listens and ignores whenever Kirari is pining over Sayaka and talking to her about it
ENFP-A personality type
I can see her owning a hedgehog for some reason, but also a rabbit 
Would probably get away with murder if we’re being honest 
Is not a natural blonde 
Two faced. Like seriously, don’t get on this bitch’s bad side. She’ll destroy you
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tennessoui · 3 years
FeralObi anon here. How do you come up with these so fast?? Are you an infinite number of ideas and worlds in human-shaped form? I love both of those ideas. The first one kills me tho, Obi gets his first kind touch in years from lil Anakin. Also you can have lil Anakin coming home one day with a skulking, snarling nonverbal murder puppy and saying brightly, "He followed me home, can I keep him?" Schmi thinks this is definitely worse than the time he brought a krayt dragon home.
ah! hello! yes this is the first idea of a feral obi-wan who meets anakin when he's still on tatooine. i will also still do the second idea because like. i liked them equally as much rip me
but i told myself these were going to both be very short snippets and instead this one is uh 2k so i'll post the second one tomorrow instead of tonight!
(ficlet where obi-wan is captured by pirates/unspecified forces at a young age and then tortured for a decade before he escapes to tatooine when anakin is like 6. obi-wan, after a decade of torture is....not alright in this fic though he's only here at the end) (2k)
Shmi had known that when she sent her little Anakin away to follow after the stern-faced, warm-eyed Jedi Master, that this would not be the last time she ever saw her boy. She couldn’t explain how she knew, just as she had not been able to explain how she became pregnant, but she knew beyond a doubt that one day, she would see her little boy back in her arms.
She just hadn’t known it would be so soon.
“He died, Master Jinn died,” Anakin mumbles into the front of her dress, unwilling to move his head far back enough from her hug that he could talk clearly. “On Naboo. And the stupid Jedi council refused to train me even after I was so amazing in the air. Mom, I destroyed a blockade! Entirely! And they wouldn’t--they didn’t--” his little face scrunches up and then he’s bawling into his hands.
A slave, a born slave, knows intrinsically the injustice of the galaxy. It is not often they know hope.
“Oh my boy,” she whispers, smoothing a hand over the top of his head. She has questions. She has so many questions about everything he’s just said and what those strangers have put her son through, but the most important thing is a question she cannot wait until he has cried himself out to ask. “Is your chip gone, Ani? Did they remove your transmitter?”
Because she had sent him away from her so that he could be free. And that had been her own twisted version of hope, that her son could know a life she never would again. If the Jedi masters had proven to be just like every other master in the world, she would find herself sobbing into her own hands.
“Yeah,” Anakin sniffles and wipes at his ruddy cheeks, pulling back a few steps. “They removed it and everything. And--”
He pauses and drops his satchel to the ground in front of her. “They gave me credits. To buy you. For my trouble.”
He spits out the last three words like they’re the most disgusting thing in the entire world. As if Shmi’s freedom isn’t laying at their feet, mere centimeters away.
“Republic credits are no good here,” she hears herself say faintly.
“Padme, the handmaiden you met, she talked to the queen about me I guess,” Anakin mumbles, kicking his feet. “And when the queen learned that the Jedi didn’t want me even after all that, Padme says the queen says I’ll always have a place on Naboo. Me and my family. And then she took the Jedi credits and gave me these instead. It should be enough, Mom.”
Shmi sits down on the floor. With shaking hands, she opens the bag and looks inside. Yes. Yes.
There’s more than enough.
There’s enough to buy her freedom and take her boy away from Mos Espa. There’s enough to take her boy away from Tatooine completely.
“I…” she says. “Ani, I…”
“Padme said she’d send a ship for us,” Ani reports as if their lives are not changing right in front of their eyes. “In two days ‘cause I told her it might take a little bit of time to get Ben to come with us. But we can’t leave without him.”
This is said fiercely and with his arms crossed tightly over his little chest.
Shmi stares at him.
“I’ve already left him once!” Anakin says, stomping his foot. “But that was okay, because I knew you would bring him food and water and stuff. But if we’re both gone, no one’s going to be there for him.”
Shmi bites at her lip. There’s a lot of things happening very quickly right now, and she doesn’t know how to process half of them.
Her son has come back, after only being gone for a week and a half.
He has apparently either endeared himself so much to the queen of Naboo that she was willing to give him the money necessary to buy his mother from slavery and also promise him sanctuary on her planet. He says he’s done this by single-handedly ending a blockade, which is something she just cannot even think about right now.
He has told this queen--queen--that he will gladly live on Naboo with his family. Yes. Alright.
His family seems to include his imaginary friend, Ben.
Anakin has been talking about Ben for years now, ever since he was six and a half years old and sent by Watto to retrieve any scraps he could from what looked to be a crashed pod in the Wastelands. She’d let him ramble on about the ghost of a friend, because she’d known it to be something all children go through and experience. She hadn’t thought Anakin a lonely child, not with the friends he made in Mos Espa, but she’d always known that Anakin had a wandering spirit, ill-suited for Tatooine. If he liked to imagine an older man from a strange world hiding in the caves of the Wastes, then she wasn’t going to say anything.
“You have been leaving him food, haven’t you, Mom?” Anakin asks, almost accusatory. “I told him to expect you and everything.”
No. Shmi has not been traveling to the edge of the Wastelands every day during her precious few hours of free time in order to leave food to be picked apart by womp rats and desert critters and not her boy’s imaginary friend.
“Ani,” she says cautiously, quietly, “we cannot...we won’t be able to bring Ben with us when we go.”
Anakin, predictably, does not react well. “Why not!” he yells, backing away from her even further and looking as if she is the enemy. “Padme’s fine with it!”
“Aren’t you a little old for imaginary friends?” Shmi asks desperately, feeling cold suddenly even though the heat of the mid-morning sun has not abated at all.
If anything, her son looks more offended. “He’s not imaginary! Saying...saying that he’s not coming with us...is...is a bunch of poodoo!”
“Anakin!” Shmi gasps.
“Come on,” her boy says forcefully, grabbing at her hand and tugging her towards the door. She gets on her feet reluctantly and has half a mind to pull back just because he needs to learn that this sort of behavior is not okay, war hero or not. “We’re going to buy you from Watto. And then we’re going to go visit Ben!”
Buying her freedom takes less time than Shmi Skywalker ever thought it would. It feels distant as well, as if it’s happening to someone else.
It doesn’t help that her Ani is impatient and surly by turn, spilling the coin out onto Watto’s counter and barely waiting for him to finish counting it before he’s looking at the price of renting a four-person speeder parked outside.
“You won’t survive out there on your own,” Watto sneers, even as he’s passing her the kill-switch of her own slave chip. “Days. It’ll be days until the Hutts find out there’s a newly freed slave with no connections out there in the open. Ripe for the pickin’.”
Watto doesn’t have to tell her any of this. She knows. Gods, does she know.
But Anakin seems so sure about possessing the favor of the Queen of Naboo, or at least her handmaiden, which might be close enough to the same thing. She thanks Watto--she thanks him and then doesn’t even know why--and meets Anakin outside.
He’s bouncing around the speeder, little hands clutching his satchel to his chest. “Good!” he says when he sees her, hopping onto the machine and putting the parcel between his feet. “I got Ben something called a fig on Naboo, but I don’t know how long it’ll take for it to go bad. Apparently they’re sweet.”
Shmi goes along with it. Shmi doesn’t know why she goes along with it, but she does. She can see this is important to her boy, and though she’d rather spend the afternoon and early evening saying goodbye to her friends, she will allow Ani to say goodbye to his imaginary friend. Maybe she’ll even talk to it. “Hi, hello, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the imaginary blue milk and delicacies I’ve left out for you this past week and half. Oh no, it was no bother. My son insisted.”
The ride is quick--Anakin has always been a driver to push the limits of any engine he comes across--and before she knows it, he’s dismounting on a piece of desert and rock that look exactly the same as the last four pieces of rocky terrain they’ve past.
“Ben!” Ani calls, satchel clutched firmly in his hands as he makes his way deeper into the crevices of the landscape. “Ben, it’s Ani! I’m really sorry that I left! Ben? Ben! I’m back now! Ani’s back!”
It’s actually...quite pathetic, to watch her boy speak so pleadingly to the cold stone faces of the rocks around them, but if this is what he needs to do to say goodbye to his life on Tatooine, Shmi won’t say a word.
“Ben--” Anakin draws in a breath to call again, but then there’s movement out of the corner of Shmi’s eyes, and something jumps from the rock down to land on her boy.
She screams and darts forward, but the thing on top of her son snarls at her in guttural warning.
“No, Ben,” Ani coos, stroking at the face that yes, is human, now that it’s not in unnaturally fast motion. “That’s my mom, Ben.”
Ben--Ben??--growls anyway, pinning the boy--her boy--beneath him with his legs and arms.
“She’s fine,” Ani murmurs gently, one hand reaching up to stoke over the beginnings of a beard on Obi-Wan’s face “Oh Ben, I’m sorry.”
The man on top of Shmi’s child finally looks away from her and at her boy, which is both better and worse.
“Ani,” Ben drawls out, as if the word--or perhaps forming the word--hurts him.
Anakin is happy. Shmi can tell he’s happy without even being able to see much of him. It’s like the very air vibrates with his joy. “Yes!” her son says. “Ani. Ben.” He taps the man’s chest. “Ben. Ani.”
The man buries his head into Anakin’s hair, hands rubbing up and down his sides and his arms and his face.
Shmi needs to say something, wants to say something about this strange man touching boy like he owns him, but the memory of his growl and the flash of his golden eyes stops her from stepping forward.
“Anakin, get away from him,” she hisses instead of stepping forward and tearing the stranger off of her son. She has the distinct feeling Anakin wouldn’t let Ben go anywhere, not with the way his little hands are holding so tight to the man’s shoulders. The man’s shoulders that are covered with one of her old tunics that Anakin had told her became unsalvageable after its last wash.
“No,” Anakin says, tightening his hold on his...friend. “He says you didn’t give him food the entire time I was gone! He’s hungry.”
Shmi thinks there’s a very good possibility that this Ben is going to eat her, but she knows not to say anything of the sort. Not when it’s two against one.
“He hasn’t said anything!” She cries instead.
Anakin huffs at this and pats at the feral’s head. “Maybe not to you, but he talks to me.”
Shmi stares at him and wonders if there’s something she’s supposed to be doing or saying here. The man won’t allow her to tear him off her child, she knows that automatically. But she can’t--she doesn’t know--
“Anakin,” she tries, desperately.
But Anakin doesn’t even look at her, too busy petting over the man, who has at least allowed him to sit up. “Hey, I’m sorry, I thought she would,” he tells him in an undertone. “I really thought she would, but I’m back now. I’m not going anywhere without you again--”
He extends his hand and Ben presses his cheek against it with enough force that it pushes him back slightly.
“You’re coming to Naboo with us, Ben,” Anakin promises, clutching at the ends of the man’s long hair. “Or I’m not going at all.”
To Shmi, it sounds like a threat.
The way her son’s eyes flash an unfamiliar golden color makes her feel cold as a Tatooine night. She shivers, but no one notices.
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csigirl3137 · 3 years
Pairing: Hiccup Haddock x Viggo Grimborn
Word Count: 1465
Warnings: Battle, sword fight, smut, anal sex, anal fingering, orgasms, possessive Viggo, sex with the enemy,
Authors Note: I'm new to this ship, but hey I fricking love it.
Summary: A sword fight between Hiccup and Viggo takes them into the woods away from the main battle. The fight turns into something unexpected.
White hot pleasure races through Hiccup's veins, the large hand over his mouth muffling his cry as the cock inside him drags over his prostate, the man behind him shoving Hiccup back up against the rough bark in front of him with every thrust.
There's muffled clanging to the left, metal on metal, the sounds of multiple explosions off to the right. His riders were giving the hunters hell.
And what was he doing?
Hiccup is currently pinned against a tree trunk, leather pants around his knees, completely wrecked, dick rock hard and throbbing as a man he very much should not be letting fuck him but he's letting him anyways,  fucks Hiccup towards an orgasm he knows will probably exceed every single orgasm he's ever had at his own hands.
"You're going to have a very sore ride home my dear, and you'll most likely be walking funny for a couple days" Viggo's familiar deep, silky, accented voice is right by his ear, the pace at which he fucks in and out of Hiccup, increasing.
Hiccup whines softly, not wanting anyone to hear him. The hand Viggo had over his mouth is now possesively wrapped around Hiccup's throat.
The combination of the arm around his waist, the thick tree trunk in front of him, the cock in his ass, and the large hand around his throat; Hiccup is completely helpless at the hands of the hunter chief.
He couldn't escape Viggo if he wanted to.
"We shouldn't... gah... oh gods..." Hiccup's eyes roll back in his head as he tries to speak only to dissolve back into moans and whimpers as Viggo makes him see stars.
"We shouldn't what? Hmm?" Viggo waits for a response from the wrecked rider, making sure to adjust enough to sharply hit Hiccup's prostate with the next few thrusts, the boy turning to goo, moaning in response.
"Use your words dear boy." Viggo taunts in the riders ear, knowing very well Hiccup was barely able to think straight right now, let alone form words.
It takes a minute but finally Hiccup manages to speak.
"We shouldn't be doing this!" He gasps.
Viggo hums in response, his grip on Hiccup's throat tightening a little as he pulls the boy back more securely against him. He's fairly certain he already knows the response he'll recieve, especially as he slows his thrusts.
The young green eyed rider currently impaled on his cock whines in distress at the decrease of the speed of Viggo's thrusts.
"Oh gods no! Please don't stop, Viggo please don't stop." Hiccup gasps desperately.
Thats the first time the young Hooligan has said his name since Viggo finally managed to disarm and pin him to this tree,  his sword against Hiccup's throat.
And now here he was fucking the young rider.
Viggo smiles darkly and resumes the pace of his thrusts before Hiccup spoke.
"You feel even better than I'd imagined my dear." Viggo kisses the side of Hiccup's neck, the pleased sound the rider makes shooting straight to Viggo's already hard cock.
"Maybe I won't let you go when I'm done with you. You'd make a very, very pretty pet." Viggo nips at Hiccup's pulse point drawing a gasp from Hiccup. He starts to suck a mark there on the riders pulse point, not caring that Hiccup would have to lie about its origin to his friends.
Viggo wanted Hiccup wearing his marks.
He'd suspected that Hiccup would look pretty all marked up with Viggos marks, and as he watched the skin of Hiccup's neck start to turn purple under his ministrations, he discovered that he was right.
"Viggo..." Hiccup had started to struggle a little in Viggos grip, the last thing he'd said coming off more threatening than considering.
Viggo yanks the boy back against him, trapping Hiccup between his body and the tree as he increases the pace of his thrusts again, Hiccup clawing at the bark on the tree as he's fucked, whining softly, tears running down his cheeks as he tried to prevent any of the actual sounds he wanted to make from escaping.
"As much as I want to completely claim and own you," Viggo growls into Hiccup's ear, relishing in the shiver that rolled through the riders body at his words. "When you finally become mine, it'll will be even sweeter because you'll have decided that you want to be. Not because I forced you too. Remember that dear."
Hiccup isn't quite sure what Viggo was saying, only catching a bit here and there, but essentially getting the message that Viggo wasn't gonna keep him right now.
He yelps as the hand of the arm Viggo had around his waist closes around his cock and starts to stroke up and down Hiccup's shaft with the pace of Viggo's thrusts.
"As much as I'd like to draw this out darling, the battle seems to be ending and so our little tryst must do the same." Viggo's thrusts into his body over his prostate, his stokes of Hiccups cock and his silky voice push Hiccup over the edge.
The hand around his throat is flying back up to clamp tightly over Hiccups mouth as he tenses, and then screams, his orgasm crashing over him in a wave of white hot heat.
The young Berkian completely shatters in Vigho's grip, eyes rolling back  into his head, body spasming, scream escaping his lips, walls clamping down tightly on Viggo's cock.
Viggo cums with a growl, fucking Hiccup through both their orgasms. He takes perverse pleasure from knowing that not only will Hiccup be sore sitting in the saddle flying back to the edge and walking funny the next couple of days, the young man also has to make the long flight back to the edge full of Viggo's cum.
A feral, possessive, heathen instinct rears it's head in the back of Viggo's mind as he thinks about Hiccup stuffed full of his cum, all his riders around and completely unaware. It was an ultimate claim.
God he wants to drag Hiccup back to his ship and completely destroy him again in the privacy of Viggos quarters and his large bed.
He looked so pretty shattering for Viggo like that.
Viggo withdraws from Hiccups body cum leaking out as he does.
Hiccup groans and goes slack against the tree in front of him for support. His legs are visibly shaking.
Viggo tucks his cock back into his pants and then uses one of his large fingers to swipe up some of the leaking cum from around the edge of Hiccup's hole, the boy crying out as Viggo uses his finger to push it back inside.
"Until we meet again my dear." Viggo presses a kiss to Hiccup's neck and then he's gone.
Despite wanting to just pass out against the tree in front of him from pleasure and exhaustion, he can't let his friends find him like this so Hiccup quickly tucks himself back into his pants, wincing at the sticky feeling of the cum leaking from his ass.
The thought of having to fly back to the edge full of the dragon hunters cum, that invisible claim mark so blatantly on Hiccup now, even tho his friends wouldn't know, makes Hiccup's dick twitch.
"Oh gods." He sighs as he turns around, presses his back against the bark of the tree, and sinks to the ground, hands pressed against his eyes.
What had he done?
He debates going to find them but then decides that his riders can come find him.
He needs a minute to get collected.
And so that's how Toothless and the riders find him, sitting on the ground, back against the tree trunk, still panting, but looking considerably less "I just had sex" like.
"Hiccup are you alright!?" Astrid helps Hiccup to his feet.
"I'm okay, just tired. Viggo's quite a skilled swordsman." He reassures them.
"Where is Viggo?" Fishlegs asks. Hiccup shakes his head.
"I don't know. He disarmed me, slammed the butt of his sword into my stomach and then I woke up against this tree." It's a blatant lie but his friends seem to take the words in stride.
"We got the lense. Let's go home." Hiccup holds up the lense that he'd pilfered from Viggo's belt as Viggo fucked into him.
So maybe he'd had an ulterior motive. But he still very much enjoyed how he'd been fuxked by his adversary and wondered if it would happen again.
His friends cheer at the sight of the metal piece.
Hiccup doesn't have to have super hearing to hear the roar of anger that echoes through the hunter camp on the opposite side of the island as they take off into the night as Viggo discovers what Hiccup has done.
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cozymochi · 3 years
(Scared to be off anon but I understand that you don’t want drama in your askbox so it all good)
ANYWAYS- do you have any mini tutorials on how you draw Irkens or the Tallest? Cause holy sh*t the way you draw in the canon style makes me go 👁👁
Love your art!!💕
AAAAAA THANKSSS, And sorry this took. I dunno. Weeks to respond to, but after frequent trial and error I could not for the life of me come up with any “tutorial.” 😔 I’m kind of a failure like that. I’m not even much of a “teacher”
You can take what I have though, even if it’s pretty sloppy and unfinished 😭 And I can try explaining stuff, but this premise is really broad 😔😔 I wouldn’t know where to begin. Any canvas with a pink background is the “new” stuffI tried drawing specifically for this ask, while a white canvas is old.
Sorry that u had to go off-anon though, and sorry if this is a bit of a hot mess that isn’t very concise or helpful and primarily just… nonsense. I’m sure better “explanations” exist. Again, I’m not a teacher nor a tutorial person, really
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I drew up this random image at one point in the hopes that It’d be something?? But, tbh. It probably doesn’t help. So I have no idea if this breakdown even makes a lick of sense. I just know they consist of mostly basic shapes. I meant to go in more “detail” but my brain got destroyed.
Every part of Zim’s body is a triangle in some way. Like, if u look at that image maybe u can see what i mean but 😭😭 idk.
It’s mostly just, I suppose, a matter of remembering that despite the fact these are 2D characters that are extremely stylized, they do have some kind of 3D form involved at all times. I personally keep Zim as my “rule of thumb” basis or something when drawing Irkens. Everybody is just a fucked up version of Zim. The Tallest’s heads are just Zims, but longer. Or, Skoodge [not pictured] is just Zim’s head but wider (and he is ALL head pretty much).
There was one time someone asked me advice on how I draw the Tallest, and to this day I never finished it, and with how busted my mindset became towards my own work, i probably never will.
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Sorry I don’t really get into the body much, but I tried to recently (as you’ll see) and didn’t get far.
But, kinda like the Zim thing, the Tallest are also basic shapes. They’re a bit weird on having triangles and circles though. Though, I suppose it would be more accurate to call them spheres, cones, and some cylinders.
Random aside: I think folk get stuck on the joints of their arms in relation to their shoulder pads a lot… I try to keep in mind that their arm joint is always locked in a single place, yknow, like actual shoulders. The pad just moves with the arm.
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Sorry the drawing is so sloppy this is where my mind fell apart.
Uhhh the Tallest are kinda weird with their long necks and craning. I kinda see where the neck connects with the body as some kind of “pivot” point. That is, if I were to be a lot stricter with that dinosaur neck. There’s a reason that neck tends to be shortened or ignored altogether.
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Zim’s eyes are a bit more self-explanatory being ellipticals (not so much circles tbh, but eh). While the Tallest have parallelograms (not rectangles, their eyes don’t have any right angles- i keep that in mind too) They’re also weird since their one of the few characters whose eyes don’t stick out of their head when turned to the side. But, they do curve with their head— but not when facing forward.
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Tho sometimes they do wacky shit like this so they tend to break their own “rules” anyway. I dunno. There’s really no set right/wrong means, I just keep a lot of that minor stuff in mind. I think it all would just depend on what you’d want to do
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Irken mouths are weird, a lot of the “rules” that used to exist like more strict geometric stuff doesn’t exist anymore due to art evolution. But, again, I really think it just… depends…?
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Have no teeth, stretch the face, put the teeth at the bottom/top, don’t leave the face, break open the face, etc etc depends on what u want.
Anything I do at this point just came from watching too many clips or sometimes digging around the comics.
i used up the image limit but there’s no other drawings anyway 😭
the end?
This isn’t all that helpful or satisfying I’m really sorry, I really don’t know how to explain this at all at the moment. Sometimes I do, but maybe I don’t. I also didn’t wanna leave this in my inbox any longer.
Maybe just study reference sheets, or if u can get ur hands on any notes from the art book- reading those might be useful. Sure, they’re outdated, but i dunno they sometimes have useful notes involved
thanks tho for asking anyway, normally i do like answering this sort of thing but I really did just fall apart at some point and messed it all up
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
thanks again to @dykerory and @willowcrowned for this genius au. this is an incomplete collection of very specific set of headcanons/daydreams i had about a tangential version of your au that made me emotional in the middle of the woods. whenever you feel the time is right, i’m very eager to hear your og version on the ‘but obi-wan, tho!’, because i admittedly pushed this one’s resolution really far chronologically because i wanted batman to be involved.
continuation from here
note: my understanding of dcu is as sporadically informed as my understanding of the gffa. 
newly graduated clark kent gets his first journalism job and starts settling more and more into the superman thing. the rest of the justice league has been around but his entrance onto the scene is the one that really inspires the various heroes to actually start coordinating to deal with the weirdness magnet that is dcu Earth. Clark is in his early 20s. Anakin is in his late 30s.
He’s been living on Earth, without the force, for nearly 2/3rds of his life. He has a close knit circle of friends who were kind to him even when they thought he was just a weird and crazy emo cult victim (the gradual increase of public encounters with aliens and superpowers sparks some awkward apologies, Anakin at 38 just waves his friends off, smiling and changing the subject, neither confirming nor denying his high school ramblings of spaceships and magic. it doesn’t really change anything).
He lives an hour’s drive from smallville, and runs a successful auto shop. people travel from pretty far to check out some of his more wild and specialized motorcycle abominations. makes enough money selling them to rich idiots to fund his free auto-class and auto-repair programs for impoverished communities.
It took a while but he eventually came around to the idea of helping people without physical force (ironically, this is happening around the same time Clark is coming to the realization that he can help people with physical force). Generally respected as a pillar of the community. When people start to realize how profoundly weird he is as a person in a number of inexplicable ways, someone will generally pull them aside and quietly whisper that he was in a cult at a child, no one really knows much about it except that it’s what inspired his anti-modern-slavery work, which is a little telling. Not married. Was in a long-term relationship for like 9 years. It didn’t end well but no-one knows the details.
Has several cats. 
He’s- wistful but settled. He’s been through a lot of therapy. He meditates every morning and night, clearing his mind and examining his emotions in the way Obi-Wan taught him. He thinks Obi-Wan would be proud of him. He know his Mom would be.
Once he gets used to the idea, he never really stops loving the concept of learning just because. Duel bachelors degree in in african american history and american literature, masters in engineering, masters in astrophysics a phd in theoretical physics, another phd in medieval folklore. He’s worked a lot of jobs. 
He was already pretty well versed in astronavigation back at the temple. Over the course of his time on earth, he gets more educated in earth astronomy and physics. With is increased knowledge, his theory for ‘how did i get here’ shifts from slight hyperdrive miscalculation, to big hyperdrive miscalculation, to some sort of hyperlane incident. he realizes that none of the stars he knows are familiar in any NASA database. He must be beyond wildspace, which helps him let go of the last bit of hurt he felt that Obi-Wan never found him.
Then he really learns physics- and- light doesn’t exactly work like that right? He thought it was just primitive Earth understanding but... he gets a phd more or less accidentally, trying and failing to disprove that the speed of life is constant constant.
Get’s another even more accidentally, explaining how alternate universes might form if we assume slightly different universal constants. He publishes his thesis anonymously around the same time metas are becoming a household term, and at least one science journalist speculates on it and how alternate universes might explain the increasing prevalence of wildly different superpowers. He doesn’t claim credit for the honorary diploma awarded to the unknown theorist- he doesn’t want to risk drawing any attention to him and by extension Clark, who’s alien differences are far more of the ‘military experiment interesting’ variety then his.
He stops tinkering with Clark’s ship. He finally gets how it works. Now that he realizes how FTL travel has to work in this universe, tinkering with the mechanical generation and harnessing of the massive quantities of energy necessary to do is startlingly familiar. But it doesn’t matter. No matter how far and fast he travels, he’s never going to be able to get back to the life he used to know. 
Perhaps this is what being the chosen one actually means- he’s meant to live a life without the force, so that when he returns to it in death he’ll be able to somehow...educate? the force? maybe?
Ok, he’s not great at the metaphysical spiritual side of things, but he does accept that going back is out of his control, and he’s doing good here, even if it’s not galaxy altering.
Despite all the therapy, he never doubts that his early life was real. He has his saber and deep, deep down he can feel a spark in the kyber. He can’t do anything with it, but it’s there. There’s also pieces of the utter wreck that was his ship in the cellar, next to the sleek unblemished pod that Clark arrived in. Shortly before Clark becomes Superman, he asks for his help in melting down his old ship to make unearthly alloys. 
He’s not surprised when Clark tells him he met a ‘real’ ‘magic’ user- it stands to reason that considering how relatively easy it is to convert energy from one form to another in this universe (Clark can fly), at least one kind would bend to sentient willpower in a similar way as the force does.
It’s still a little nervewracking showing his lightsaber to someone new for the first time in a decade. Zantana scrutinizes, bewildered. 
“There is some sort of power locked within, but it’s unfamiliar to me,” she admits finally. “I could probably brute force it and force the energy to release itself, but it would likely destroy the container.” Anakin politely refuses. 
Later, after the justice league’s formation, Clark mentions to J’onn that he has a friend who might be able to work on his ship. J’onn is extremely doubtful when he’s brought to a bizarre autoshop in the midwest that looks half-like a roadside attraction. Anakin sighs and digs his hands into the guts of the craft, muttering incomprehensibly and yelling at clark to melt down some pieces from the special scrap pile. A few days later he explains the patches he’s done to an impressed J’onn. When he asks how a human came to learn such things, he’s absently informed that,
“I used to work in a junkshop in Tatooine. All sorts of ship parts came through.”
“I’m unfamiliar with this world.”
“Tell you what, if you ever meet anyone who’s heard it of it, send them my way, and I’ll make your next repair free.”
“Oh! I’m afraid I don’t have any earth money...”
“Ugh, of course you don’t. it’s cool, capitalism sucks anyway and everyone’s entitled to free transportation, regardless of the area they happen to live. I do ask that if you can’t pay for the repairs that you spend an equivalent number of hours either attending one of my free auto classes, or volunteer at a community-led charities of your choice, here I’ll get you a pamphlet-”
So the Martian Manhunter becomes a weekly volunteer at a Midwestern Food Waste Reclamation Facility. J’onn J’onzz ends up becoming Anakin Skywalker’s friend well before he becomes comes truly comfortable around Kal-El. For a telepath, 39 year old Anakin’s Jedi orderly mind is a soothing relief.
(again, Anakin has spent far more time meditating on Earth then he ever did at the temple. Before all this, spent five years dutifully memorizing the Jedi way even as he struggled to live up it’s basic practices. For the first few years on earth, religiously practicing every meditation technique Obi-Wan ever taught him, thinking obsessively about the philosophies he never had time to really process, is just a desperate attempt to reconnect with the force, prove himself worthy of it. But even after he gives up on ever touching the force again, he keeps up the practice, he can’t release his emotions exactly, but he does find peace. The tendency to stop mid-rant to earnestly pronounce made up zen bullshit and then sit quietly for an hour before picking up on his tirade again as though there was no interruption is one of the things many things people find profoundly weird about him)
Kal-El doesn’t stop asking new aliens and dimensional travelers if they’ve ever heard of Coruscant, or Hutts, or the Jedi Order. Anakin might have given up, but Superman remembers his older brother scrubbing away his own tears to focus on helping Clark calm down enough to touch the floor again. The more the Kryptonian’s powers developed in alarming ways, the more Anakin set aside talk of missing his home galaxy. Anakin might have claimed it wasn’t like that, but Clark was determined to take every chance his increasingly weird life threw at him, no matter how vanishingly small.
In the middle of his first battle with Braniac, Clark starts insulting his incomplete database. The world collector pauses, demanding a more precise explanation. Clark complies, giving his best technical description of Coruscant’s cityscape, Tatooine’s binary star system, and so on. Braniac is so distracted that Superman recovers completely from his kryptonite poisoning and easily saves the day.
Neither the lantern corp or the denizens of the neutral zone have the answers. Superman doesn’t mention it it Anakin, but he never stops looking and listening.
“How did you even meet that guy?” Flash asks curiously after stopping to say hello on one of their after work laps of the country. 
“Aliens among us support group,” Kal-El responds deadpan. 
“Oh. Wait, what? He’s an alien? I thought he was from the future or something! You’re messing with me. No way that’s a thing. How many people are in the support group? This is a joke, right?”
“Sorry, most of them aren’t out and I don’t want to violate their privacy- a lot of them have high profile jobs. How do you think I met J’onn?”
Anakin is just sort of vaguely known by a solid chunk of the super community as ‘that one midwestern zen space mechanic’ and no one really questions it because everyone’s life has just gotten so goddamn weird. A few of them know he used to be a space wizard of some kind. Space wizards now being a regular hazard of life on earth, no one has reason to doubt this, and it’s as good an explanation as any for Anakin’s general vibe.
well. almost no one doubts this. Batman does not simply accept Anakin’s general bullshittery without carefully investigating and drawing his own conclusions. He does not share these with anyone.
But one day Clark- this is well after Superman became Kal-El to him, and not long after Kal-El tells him to call him Clark- comes up to him and asks for his help finding about an alternate universe. Knowing and dreading where this is going, Batman stalls,
“Shouldn’t you be asking one of the league members who regularly travels between universes?”
“I have, over the years,” Clark admits, awkwardly scuffing a boot on the floor of the cave. “But no one’s familiar with the exact one I’m looking for, and I thought since you’re a detective, and also one of the smartest people I know, you might be able to help me...”
“You’re an investigator yourself, and you can survive the vacuum of space,” Bruce shoots back flatly. “I’ve told you before Gotham is my priority, and this has ‘personal project’ all over it.”
“Come on, B, please,” Superman pleads, trailing Batman around the cave like an overgrown puppy. “In a few months it will have been 30 years! He’s my brother! Just let me see the research you’ve already done!”
“Who says I’ve already done research on your brother?”
Clark shoots him a look. And Bruce concedes the point with a grunt.
“I’ll need need to talk with him first,” Bruce finally concedes. “Bring him by the cave. Take the-”
“Take the tunnel entrance, I know, I know,” Clark agrees with a grin. “This doesn’t mean he’s authorized to know your secret identity. Thanks Bruce, this means a lot. I’ll ask him tomorrow about his schedule.”
Superman flies off and Batman scrubs his face with a gloved hand. After a moment he pulls up Anakin’s file on the main monitor. Bruce honestly respects and likes the man, as much as he respects and likes anyone who’s not family. He admires his sense his style, appreciates his upgrades to the batmobile, and is impressed by both this civil rights work and his additions to the scientific community.
That doesn’t mean he’s not convinced that Anakin’s brother is a bit insane. Again, he’s not judging! He dresses like a bat to scare random henchmen and beat up actual demigods! He wishes his rogues gallery was as capable of directing their ptsd-inspired delusions and staggering intellects towards such productive pursuits!
Bruce was already in quiet awe of the Kent’s ability to raise an outrageously superpowered being without blowing up a chunk of the country; their success in derailing a supervillian origin story just puts him over the edge. He stares at the three most likely profiles he’s pulled together. Christen Jones, from a negligent family, death certificate filled out suspicously sloppily at age 3. Earl Lucas, went missing at age 9, both parents dead in a violent assault. And Jake Hayden, who at age 5 disappeared along with the rest of his family in a seismic accident later linked to Luthercorp.
Anyone of them could have suffered on the streets for years and coped by establishing an elaborate fantasy world, aided by self medication, only to eventually be picked up by the Kent’s and start healing. Certainly Anakin had the intellect to create worlds in his mind. All his rogues were smart enough to create their own little realities in their heads- it doesn’t mean they were actually reachable. 
Unfortunately Anakin had a Kryptonian younger brother who was determined to actually find the space wizard knight homeworld, even as the 'Jedi’ in question had slowly moved away his reliance on the delusion as an adult. Batman really didn’t see any way bringing up his conclusions to Anakin or Clark could possibly be helpful, and so many alien allies had a ‘If you find about the Jedi please contact Kal-El of Krypton on Earth’ pamphlet that it would be excruciatingly awkward to try and discretely correct anyone.
Bruce was not looking forward to this conversation.
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thescreamingraven · 3 years
Promise 2
Dabi x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff and angst.
Words: 6 283
Summary:  Sometimes the right choices are the toughest to make...
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Heyyy. Some people asked for part two so I hope you like it, as you can probably tell I'm pretty new at this whole writing thing and there is a lot of space for improvement, but I still hope you enjoyed nonetheless and I hope I didn't dissapoint. ^_^
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
You woke up to a loud scream from your daughter, you automatically reached for your phone but before you could grab it your daughter snatched your arm and started pulling on it yelling. “Mommy, wake up.” She babbled loudly and way too close to your ear.
“Five more minutes.” You mumbled turning away from your daughter wanting to get even just a tad more sleep. She hopped onto the bed and layed next to you.
“But mommy…” She pouted.
Giving up, you lazily opened your eyes and pulled her in under the blankets into a tight hug.
“Good morning mamma.” She giggled.
“Morning angel, how d’you sleep?”
“Not very good…”
“Why’s that?” You wondered, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead.
“I had a nightmare about daddy…”
“You should’ve woken me up, sweetheart.” You chirped gently, brushing away a few strands of hair from her face.
“No, I’m a big girl now…. and the baby in your stomach needs to sleep too.”
You smiled, a warm smile decorating your face, how did you get so lucky…”Well, how about for being so brave I’ll give you a reward?” You sat up and stretched your arms. ”You can have anything you want for breakfast. We can even have some of your cake if you’d like.”
“No, daddy will be sad if we eat it, he’ll want to eat it too,” She declared.
“Alright, well, what do you want?”
“Could you maybe bake me some bacon?”
“Just bacon?”
“And ice cream.” She added.
“I don’t think that’s a… good combination. How about some pancakes?” You bargained.
“With bacon?”
“Sure.” You sighed, raising your hands in defeat. “You’re the birthday girl, after all, let me just…” You were about to stand up, but your daughter’s hands around your waist stopped you from doing so. “Sweetie I can’t move.”
You turned around to face her, cupping her cheeks and giving her gentle kisses on her forehead.
“Mommy?” She whispered, leaning into your warmth. “Where’s daddy?”
“Daddy needed to go to work for a bit, he’ll be back soon…”
You knew she hated when he left like this… without getting to say goodbye, you also knew that she saw him more than a parent, more like a best friend she can tell everything to, he was her hero but yet still managed to sometimes break her heart unintentionally just like now, you could see the light slowly fading away from her smile, so you decided to bring it back.
You gently tapped on her shoulder and whispered. ”Do you want to hear a secret?”
There it is, that excitement which was gone moments before, now plastering on your daughter’s face, you knew that you would do anything to keep her smiling like that forever, anything.
“But you can’t tell anyone, okay?”
”Okay.” She whispered back.
“Come closer…”
Your daughter nodded and scooched a little bit closer. With a swift movement, you began to tickle her without mercy. Her screams and laughter could probably be heard all across the neighborhood, but at that point, you didn’t care. After a few seconds, you stopped and pulled her into your tight embrace and cupped her cheeks once again. “There’s that smile…”
When your daughter’s giggles quieted down, you could feel the way she clung to you even harder than she did before.
“He’ll be back sweetie, trust me… and a little birdie told me that your dad has a very special surprise for you…”
You could just sense the puppy eyes coming your way.
”Nope, don’t even try it, your puppy eyes won’t work on me…”
“But mommy…”
“It’s pancake time c’mon get your little butt into the kitchen..” You chirped, getting out of your comfortable bed and stretching out your arms. You grabbed your phone off the counter and checked if there were any messages from Touya. You didn’t know what it was but when you checked the time you got a weird feeling in your stomach, so much for being here when I woke up you thought, putting your phone back on the counter wanting to get rid of that strange feeling you had.
Nervously tapping on your kitchen counter, you checked your phone again and again. Yet the time didn’t change. It was seven pm, and you were getting a bit on edge about Dabi. You tried calling him, texting him, yet you got nothing back. Something was wrong, you could feel it. A few hours ago you turned on the morning news, the city yet again destroyed by the league who immediately disappeared after the assault. Yet there were no signs of Dabi. He wasn’t on the news that means he was either somewhere in hiding or-
“Mommy?” Your trail of thoughts was interrupted by your daughter’s weak voice and slight tugging of your hand.
“Yes, sweetie?”
You looked at your daughter, who was now staring at the ground, her small muffled sobs now becoming clearer.
”Did d-daddy… forget… my… b-birthday?” She stuttered, rubbing her eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming.
You could feel your heart shatter.
“No, no, sweetie he didn’t, he’s probably on his way home now.” You cooed, picked her up, and cradled her in your arms. “Hey, it’s okay…”
“D-did I do so-something wrong…? Did he not like my drawing?” She sniffled, clinging to you for dear life.
“No, of course not… angel-” You were interrupted by two quiet knocks outside your door.
“That’s probably your dad right now…” You sat her down on the kitchen counter, and flounced to the door, ready to give him a piece of your mind, yet you didn’t open it. Since when did Touya start to knock…? You instead peeked through the peephole and almost felt your heart stop. You took a second to think while the second pair of knocks came your way, the lights were on, so there was no way you could hide from the two men standing outside, you looked back at your daughter who was still sitting on the kitchen counter wiping her tears.
“Angel, listen to me… can you please go to your room for a bit?”
“Why? Is it daddy?” She jumped off the counter and ran towards the door ready to open the door, but before she could, you grabbed her hand and forced her to look at you.
“No, sweetie it’s not daddy, There are some… people outside that mommy needs to talk to. Can you please go to your room?”
You could see a hint of fear appear in her eyes, but she nodded nonetheless
“Thank you, angel…” You murmured, giving her the most comforting look you can muster, you kissed her forehead and gestured her to go.
You threw Dabi’s jacket in a nearby closet, hiding it, and took a deep breath, the knocks becoming more consistent. “Just act natural and you’ll be fine.” You mumbled to yourself before opening the door.
“Hello Hawks, Endeavor.” You greeted both heroes standing at your doorstep, you took a quick glance at Hawk’s whose face of confusion quickly turned into a bright smile.
“Wow Y/n, how long has it been?” He grinned, pulling you into a tight hug. “Feels like I haven’t seen you in forever…”
“Yeah, it’s been quite a long time…” You smiled into his jacket. “How’s the hero business?”
“It’s alright,” He chirped, pulling away. “ But I’d rather hear about you, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing alright… do you want to come in?” You asked, trying to avoid Endeavor’s intense gaze. Both men looked at each other for a moment before giving you a quick nod. Endeavor closed the door, looking around before spotting something in a nearby closet that was still slightly cracked open.
“So what brings you here so far from the city, and at my doorstep?”
“Oh well, we were just…. patrolling and I heard you lived here, so I thought I’d stop by…hope you don’t mind,”
“Not at all please make yourselves at home” There was no way they’d be patrolling so far away from the city with all the villains about, something’s not right you thought, trying to keep a cool and rationalized head.
“Do you live alone?” Endeavor questioned, quickly taking his eyes from the closet and stepping next to Hawks.
“Yeah… Why do you-”
Your question was cut off by Hawks gushing. “Ooh, what’s that smell?”
“I was baking a cake for my… niece, her birthday is coming up.”
Hawks looked at your daughter’s drawings which were splattered all across the fridge, “I see…cute drawings your nieces work, I take it.”
“Yeah, she’s quiete the artist.” You chuckled. ”Anyway, how’s life?”
”Eh… same old same old, the commission has been on my ass a lot more since you… left.” Hawks admitted throwing a sad smile your way. You knew he was going to bring that up… due to working with Hawks you became good friends quickly, leading you to work for him in his agency, yet that didn’t last long.
“Yeah, sorry about that…everything just happened so suddenly.” You sighed.
”Yeah I get it…”
“Sorry to interrupt, but could I get your ID?” Endeavor requested.
“What for?”
“Just… protocol I’d like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind.” He remarked.
You gave him a sceptical look.“Is this an interrogation?” You asked, cocking your eyebrows.
“No, we’d just like to ask you a few questions,”
”About what exactly? What’s going on?”
“Y/n it’s okay the old man is just paranoid, just get the ID so he can calm down and not have a heart attack.” Hawks teased.
“Alright…” You hesitated before walking to your room, the two men watching you as you disappeared out of their sight, Hawks came closer to Endeavor. “You sure you didn’t get the address wrong?“
“No, I don’t make stupid mistakes like that.” Endeavor assured, eyeing your home once again. “So she was working for you?” He pondered, stepping closer to the closet.
“Yeah, she was my sidekick for sometime before dropping her carrier… you can’t possibly believe she’s a villain, right?”
“She could be… look at this…” He opened the closet door and pulled out Dabis jacket for Hawks to see. ”Doesn’t this remind you of something?”
”That’s not evidenced enough maybe she bought it because she liked it.”
”Well, what about those drawings? There’s a figure that looks similar to him.” He replied, checking the jacket’s pockets.
“Maybe the kid just saw it on the news. You know how they are… they’ll draw anything they see.” Hawks mumbled, scraching his head.
Throwing the jacket back into the closet and closing its door, he mouthed. “Something is going on here Hawks and I’m not leaving before I find out what…” Endeavor concluded.
”Or maybe you’re just trying to find something that isn’t there… “ Hawks said, rubbing his temples.
“What do you mean?”
“Endeavor… your son is a sociopath… for all we know he could have been babbling nonsense.”
“You weren’t there, Hawks.” He murmured.
“You might think you know your son but you don’t, he’s-”
Their conversation was interrupted by a sound of the door opening and you appearing in the room.
“Sorry that I took so long, I’m a very messy person…” You looked up at the men who had different emotions plastered on their faces, you quickly took a glance at the closet who was now fully closed. “Is everything alright here?”
“Everything’s fine, miss…” Looking at your ID, Endeavor added. ”L/n”
”So…” You leaned on your kitchen counter, trying to act as calm as possible. “What’d you like to talk about?”
Hawks gave Endeavor a suggestive look and blurted. “I think we should-”
”Take a seat, miss.” Endeavor gestured to your kitchen’s chair before taking a seat to one across, once you did he continued. ”Now miss L/n…”
”Just call me Y/n the whole last name thing makes me feel uncomfortable.” You asserted.
“Right sorry miss Y/n, like I said before, this isn’t an interrogation more of a… personal matter and I’d appreciate it if you could answer my questions honestly.”
”Endeavor…” Hawks hissed.
”Okay, sure, but what is this about?”
”Do you know a villain called Dabi?” Endeavor questioned thoroughly examining your face for any signs of discomfort.
”Of course I do, everyone does… why?”
”We have a reason to think you might know him more personally.” Endeavor moved a little closer, trying to break you with the pressure of the situation.
”I’m not following…”
”Look… you’re not in trouble, whatever you say will stay between us. So please just answer my question…”
“I know of him…” You countered.
You could feel yourself begging to panic. They know don’t they… shit. You took a second to think and remarked.
”I- I… I think I should go and call my lawyer…”
“Y/n…” But before Endeavor could say anything he was interrupted by a sudden muffled sound... like a cry of anger, then another on the back of it: then silence..
”I thought you said you were-” And then came one horrid, dawn long scream. Without thinking, you rushed to your daughter’s room, almost ripping off the door handle. Her room was being consumed by flames, blue flames, her flames, while she stood there frozen in the middle of all the chaos, with a horrified expression, holding up her hands and letting out another terrifying scream. The fire began to spread massively as you grabbed your daughter’s burning hands, not caring if you’ll get burned, and began running towards the exit, the blue flames following not too close behind. When Endeavor and Hawks saw what was happening, they quickly reacted by opening the exit door and grabbing you both when you ran through it, putting some needed distance from the burning house.
Once you were both safe, you kneeled close to your daughter and frantically searched for any injuries while she cried her eyes out. “Are you okay? Angel look at me… are you hurt?”
“I-I’m… so s-sorry mommy.” She choked.
You let yourself breathe for a moment before pulling her into a tight hug while hiding your burnt hand away. ”It’s okay, we’re okay,” You cooed, trying to calm her down, while slowly massaging her back. “Just breathe for me, alright?”
“Cmon, sweetie, look at me…” You slightly pulled away, raising her chin and breathing with her. “And out there ya go.” You wiped her tears away from her red and puffy face. “In and out.”
The two heroes stood quietly next to you observing you, that didn’t matter to you now all that matters was your daughter “Now I need you to explain what happened…?”
”I’m sorry, mommy. I got mad and… and-”
”It’s okay, it’s just a house I’m just glad you’re safe.”
Pulling away from you, she looked you straight in the eyes. ”What about the cake mommy?” You couldn’t help but giggle slightly while the adrenaline still kept pumping in your veins. ”I’ll bake you another one.”
Her eyes suddenly began to lose focus and her body became heavier. ”Angel?” You could feel yourself beginning to panic.
”She just got overwhelmed by her quirk” Endeavor comforted. “She just needs to rest now.”
You gave him a small nod, picking up your daughter and turning back to face your house, which was still being consumed by the blue flames. All the memories, being burned away, you were mad… you weren’t mad at your daughter for not being able to control her newfound quirk; you were at Dabi he was supposed to be here for this, not out on some dumb mission. You winced when you began to feel a sharp sting in one of your hands, the hand you grabbed her with but you held it in, you weren’t important at the moment. You thought about taiking your phone out of your pocket and mentally cursed yourself for leaving it on the kitchen counter early.
Endeavor saw how you checked your pockets and beganning slightly shaking.”You can stay at my place if you’d like…” Endeavor suggested, coming closer to you and your daughter, giving you an understanding look.
“I don’t th-”
”Let me help you… the both of you…” He inclined.
You knew your choices were limited and even if you wanted to; you don’t think he would’ve let you go run off with a child in your hands so… you gave in. “Okay…”
You could hear the sirens getting closer and closer. Endeavor looked at Hawks, who caught the hint easily. “I’ll handle it, you two have a lot of things to talk about anyway…” Hawks sighed, turning away from you.
You could tell he understood the situation perfectly and wasn’t happy about it.
“Hawks…I’m sorry…”
”We’ll talk later.” He mumbled.
You followed Endeavor back to his car, which wasn’t parked too far. You gently sat your daughter in the backseat, putting the seatbelt on. Before you pulled away, she grabbed your hand and murmured something. “Mommy?”
”It’s okay, honey, go back to sleep.” You quietly cooed, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.
”Don’t tell daddy… please… he’ll get mad” She whispered before succumbing to her slumber once again. You sighed and closed the car’s door. While driving past your house you saw the firefighters trying to save anything for what was left, while Hawks talked to one of the fire chiefs.
You took a deep breath, turning around to check on your daughter. She was peacefully sleeping, letting out a couple of snores. That’s one way to celebrate a birthday, you thought while pulling out your burnt hand in which the pain was becoming a bit irritating.
“There are some bandages in the glove compartment,”
“Oh…” You looked at him and mumbling a thank you. You opened up the glove compartment and found the bandages, wrapping them around the burnt flesh of your arm and ripping away the rest when you were done.
The road ahead was going to be long, since you lifted quiet a few hours from the main city, and sitting there in silence wouldn’t do the both of you any good. So you decided to start the conversation, but before you could, he spoke first.
“She reminds me of Touya when he was younger… he almost set our house on fire once too….of course, we stopped him… before it got worse but our neighbors complained for weeks-” He took a glance at you and stopped talking, he could see that you were worried, he could almost hear your thoughts going a hundred miles a minute.
”He’s alive Y/n.”
You raised your eyes from the car’s floor and looked at him. ”How do you know that?”
“Today our fight got a little intense and my youngest son… Shoto accidentally impaled him with his ice quirk.”
”Will he-”
”He’s fine now, he had to go under an operation but he made it… he’s alive and well Y/n”
You could just sense the but coming, not wanting to overthink the situation further, you straight up asked him. “But?”
“He’s in a coma, not deep one the doctors say he’ll wake up in a few days or so.”
“I see… thank you.”
You looked at him for a minute and in those dim street lights you finally saw him for what he truly was; you didn’t see the man Touya once told you about; you didn’t see the big number one hero everybody relied on to keep them safe; you saw a tired, broken man. The small dark circles under his eyes became clearer, the look on his face plastered with guilt.
After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again.
“He was the one who told me how to find you.”
“Why did you? You had the choice to walk away, yet you still showed up. Why is that?” You wandered.
“I’m not sure, I just did,”
You looked back at your daughter once more, gathering up the courage to ask the question which was spinning in your head nonstop; you turned around and let your gaze fall on the road ahead.
“Will you… will you take her away? Give her to someone else?”
He sighed and chuckled lightly.
“As a hero, that probably would be the right thing to do,” He said, tapping on the wheel lightly. “But I think I’ve done enough damage to this family as it is…I think I should be a father for once…think I own him that much and more, I want to do right by him. It’s my fault he became like this, I was too focused on-” He didn’t dare finish the sentence instead changing the topic to something more lighthearted.
“Can’t believe I have a grandchild already… it won’t be too long before my hair starts falling out,”
“Two…” You corrected him.
“Two?” One glance at your stomach told him everything he needed to know. “Well, you guys have been busy..” He responded jokingly. He glanced at your daughter for a second through his rearview mirror “What’s her name?”
He thought for a moment that responded, “I like it…”
“I’m glad.” You chirped, giving him a heartfelt smile. “Touya picked it out.”
“So…” He cleared his throat. “A former hero and a villain that must have been one hell of a story.”
“That it was.”
“Well, we have time… care to share?” He proposed.
When you finally arrived at Endeavor’s household, Hawks was already standing there with a smirk on his face. “Took you guys long enough.”
You rolled your eyes, opening the back door, slowly tapping your daughter’s shoulder. “D/n wake up.”
She slowly opened her eyes, yawning and stretching her arms up. “Where are we?”
“You’re at my house” Endeavor responded, still sitting in the driver’s seat.
Your daughter looked at him clearly confused, “Do you know him, mommy?” Your daughter pondered, pointing at Endeavor.
”I do, sunshine he’s…” You stopped for a moment, giving Endeavor a quick glance. “Your grandfather…”
Your daughter was quiet for a moment before bursting out the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. ”Really?”
Endeavor gave you a side glance, feeling a bit astonished that you would tell your daughter the truth so quickly, but extended his hand for a handshake, nonetheless.  “Yeah. It’s nice to meet you D/n. Please make yourself at home.”
He didn’t even have the time to object by how fastly your daughter pulled him out of the car, dragging him closer to the house and talking his ear off. Yet for some reason he couldn’t muster the courage to pull away, letting himself be led by your daughter quietly listening to her.
You walked over to Hawks, whose smirk was wearing off and turning into something else.
“Well, I’m off.” He blurted. But before he could leave, you grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving. ”Wait… can we talk?”
He gave you a hesitant nod and turned around to face you.
“Are you mad?”
He was quiet for a few seconds, but you knew by the look of his face he was soon going to explode and that it was certainly overdue.
”Well, what do you think? Y/n I thought…” He sighed. “I thought we were closer than this…. how did you think I felt when you just suddenly left,” He scoffed? “You were my closest friend, and you didn’t even give me a proper goodbye nor an explanation and when I began calling, you blocked me and didn’t even tell me where you were going or when you were going to come back,”
“One text…a single fucking text… that would’ve been enough for me…. just to know that you were okay, that you were safe but no…. silence for eight fucking years.”
“And now I learn that you’re together with that… sociopath. How stupid can you be?” He jeered.
”He’s a murderer Y/n he kills people for a living.” He walked closer to you, looking at your stomach. “How did that- this even happen?”
“Fuck.”He began to pace around “Why? Just why?” He stopped for a second, gently grabbing both of your arms a look of fear showing on his face. “Did he force himself on you?”
“Did Dabi-”
You pulled away and calmly explained. ”No, he didn’t. look… me and him… we were together even before I became your sidekick we’ve known each other for a very long time and when I found out I was… pregnant, I just decided to focus on the baby rather than my career that’s why I left.”
You looked at Hawks who’s expression told you everything you needed to know, confusion, anger, sadness, and much more.
“You’ll be lucky if Endeavor doesn’t call the-”
”I’m not concerned about him… I’m more concerned about you…” You retorted.
He stopped pacing and looked you dead in the eye. “Y/n… can you really stand here and tell me that girl is safe living with him?” He questioned.
“Yes, she’s-”
”He’s unstable Y/n one day he can act all father like and the next he’ll-”
”Don’t…” You interrupted him “Look I know you’re looking out for me and you’re worried but trust me he loves-”
”Listen to me… don’t you think that if he really loved you, he would’ve dropped the villain business already? All he cares about is revenge can’t you see that?” He snapped.
Taking a deep breath and trying to compose himself, he looked back at your stomach, then back at you. “Your kids shouldn’t be worried about when their screw-up of a father would be back home. They should be enjoying their life to the fullest, going to an actual school, making friends… Look, I can help, I can pull some strings here and there but Dabi…Y/n he has to go.”
“So what? I should just leave? Hawks… I love him… He’s the father of my children. I won’t just abandon him without a word. I’ll talk to him once he wakes up, maybe he’ll-”
“Y/n…” He looked at you, seeing your determined face, he knew he couldn’t convince you otherwise, so he just sighed. “Do what you want… just remember he isn’t your primary concern, he can decide for himself, but your kids…they can’t. They need you to guide them and teach them how to make the right choices and… sometimes the right choices are the toughest to make.”
You stood there quietly, not knowing what to say before he spoke again.
“I’ll be going now, I have some paperwork I have to fill out.”
Before he flew off, he took one last look at you and said, “If you change your mind, give me a call.”
                         That was a week ago. You and Endeavor or Enji grew closer together. You will never forget the conversation you two had the first night you came to the Todoroki residence.
“I feel like such a failure,” you sighed. “I wasn’t even prepared for her quick to- and... I couldn’t even do anything for her… and the whole villainy thing-”
”Have you ever… you know, asked him to quit?”
You thought for a second. ”No… I haven’t…”
”Well, why not?” He wondered.
“I just never bothered, I guess? Always thought he’d… ”
Enji could see the regret in your eyes and fear. ”Well, why not try it? Don’t let Hawks mess with your head… in truth nor me nor Hawks know Touya as you do, but from what you’ve told me, I feel like he truly… cares for you. I mean, even when he was on the brink of death, he was thinking about how to get back to you….Talk to him before you decide what you want to do.”
“And I don’t think you’re a failure, both of them,” He gestured to your stomach. “Are lucky to have you as their mother. So don’t take what Hawks said to heart, he might still be holding a little grudge about how you both left things.”
You smiled calmy slowly pushing all the over thought thoughts away. “Thank you, Endeavor.”
”Enji.” He corrected.
”Thank you… Enji for saying that.”
“You should go get some rest and tomorrow we can both visit Touya if you’d like.”
“Yeah, I’d like that, but I’m not sure about D/n… seeing him like this wouldn’t do her any good.” You looked at your little daughter who was now sleeping knocked out on the couch.
“I’ll ask Fuyumi to babysit her,”
”Yeah that be nice...”
Fuyumi came over the next day, slightly confused about her father’s sudden call in the middle of the night, more confused why a little girl who resembled Touya was standing in his residence with a woman claiming to be Touya’s lover. After some needed explanation on both sides, your daughter became very close with her newfound cousin and slowly wrapped her around her finger...
After a few days, Enji started to train your daughter on how to use her quirk. She was a little bit scared at first, but now she loved it and nagged Enji to show her new tricks. You loved the way he managed to replace the fear and hatred that you saw in your daughter’s eyes that night with happiness and excitement for her quirk. Once, after a long and tiring patrol, you caught Enji sleeping with your daughter on the couch. You couldn’t help yourself but take a picture for Touya to see later.
Speaking of Touya…he still wasn’t waking up, it’s been almost two weeks since that night, and yet, nothing, no progress. You visited every day sitting in that room for hours on end, talking to him and telling him everything that had happened recently, but after those terrible weeks of holding everything in for your daughter and your baby you finally broke down next to his hospital bed. You gently took his hand, squeezing tightly for comfort. “Hey Touya, it’s me again…” You sniffled, trying to not let your emotions get the better of you.
“It’s uh, been two weeks now… D/n… she’s getting better with her quirk.” Swallowing a lump, you cooed. “But she misses you, like a lot… she’s talking about you nonstop to…” You took a long, deep breath. “Endeavor… he’s been…” You looked at Touya, whose face stayed the same. You stayed quiet for a minute, the silence slowly driving you insane, you could faintly hear the receptionist clock ticking, second by second, minute by minute… and then you broke down.
“Dammit… that’s enough… this has gone long enough I won’t have it and not another day more do you hear me? I’ve done everything… I’ve waited, I’ve prayed… I’ve talked to you… I begged you, I’m out of things to do now…and I’m scared, I’m so scared,” Wiping the tears off your face you sobbed. “And I’m mad… I don’t mean to be, but I am… I’m mad at everything… I’m mad at you…. you hear me, Frankenstein? I need you to open your eyes and scold me for being such a crybaby.” You whispered, still not letting go of his hand.
“Your family has been so sweet, they uh been trying to take care of me, take care of us, trying to get me to eat something, to lie down, and your dad,” You massaged his knuckles. “He’s been training our little angel all about her quirk, he’s so gentle with her I wish you could see it… and Fuyumi she’s completely under her spell, she follows her everywhere, they do everything together.”
“D/n has been dreaming a lot about you lately.. and telling everyone how good you are, you mean the world to her, and me…so I need you-” You let your head fall to rest at his side. ”I need you to open your eyes,…just do it… open them…hear my voice? Come towards my voice…”
“Squeeze my hand.” You whispered. “Please…”
You quickly sat up when you felt a faint squeeze of your hand. Not believing it, you asked again. “Do it again,” Again a light little squeeze, a weak one, but it was there, he was there. “I felt that...’’ You blubbered, wiping away the last bit of tears. ”Open your eyes, I know you hear me… c’mon…” You could see his eyelashes flutter slightly before he slowly began to open his eyes.
”Oh my god… Touya..” You could see that he was still a bit out of it, and the way he slightly whimpered told you that he was in pain.
You quickly got up and rushed to the door, opening it and calling for a nurse.
You could see the surprised look on their faces before they began to move and appeared right on his side. Dabi quickly sat up from the bed with a still cloudy mind and got ready to use his quirk before you rushed to his side, trying to calm down.
“Hey don’t panic you’re alright, easy… lay back down you’re safe, we’re in a hospital, you got hurt in a fight and… do you remember that?”
He gave you a brief nod, before messaging his forehead to tone down the headache.
“You’ve been asleep for a few days…But you’re alright now… “
The nurses quickly did a few checkups on Dabi and told you that he was alright and left the two of you alone to talk.
”See, they’re all done, and I’m right here…” You cooed once again taking his hand and squeezing it.
”You look like shit doll.” He murmured with a groggy voice.
“Speak for yourself, you idiot…” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Are the meds kicking in yet?”
“Mhm.” He looked around the room. “Where’s D/n?” You could see the slight panic in his eyes.
“She’s okay, she’s with Endeavor.” You comforted.
”Endeavor? Why is she with that old asshole?” He mumbled, trying to sit up.
He however stopped in his tracks and grabbed your hand, turning it and looking at your burnt hand, which was now decorated by a scar. ”Did that fucker-”
“No, no calm down let me explain…” You said with a small panicky voice.
It didn’t take you that long to explain what happened, there wasn’t a lot to tell, you could feel Dabi squeezing your hand when you talked about your daughter’s little adventure, but besides that, he was taking it surprisingly calmly, ”She burned the whole house down.” He repeated. “I don’t know if I should feel proud or terrified.” He joked.
”Yeah” You sighed.
Dabi thought for a second before giving your hand one last squeeze and hesitantly asking. ”Think you can call her for me?”
“Sure, but hey… don’t beat yourself up too much alright?.” You cooed, getting your phone out and calling Endeavor.
He picked up after a few seconds and you asked him for D/n; it took a few minutes before he actually found her and gave her the phone. You quickly gave it to Dabi.
”Hi mommy.” She chirped.
Dabi cleared his throat, trying not to scare his daughter too much.“Hey sunshine, happy late birthday.”
”Daddy…” She whispered, before bursting into tears.
”Hey it’s okay…” Dabi mumbled trying to calm her down.” How have you been?”
You could hear her sobbing.
“Aw, angel, don’t cry it’s okay, I’m okay,”
”I’ve m-missed… you s-so much…” She bawled.
”Me too… I missed you too..” He answered with a controlled smile plastered on his face. After a few seconds, he pulled away from the phone holding it in his hands, a tad confused “She hung up on me.” He blurted.
”She probably got too excited.” You chuckled.
He gave you your phone back pulling you onto the bed with him, after a few seconds you received a text..”It’s Endeavor…he says they’ll be here in fifteen minutes.”
You slowly turned around to face him, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. Dabi looked at you with a teasing smile.“My lips are feeling left out doll.”
He leaned into a kiss, but before he could pull you in, you placed your hand on his lips, stopping him from doing so. He looked at you confused. You pulled away, getting off the bed and taking a seat in the same chair you sat only moments ago. Dabi was surprised by your sudden mood change. One minute you’re here resting in his arms, and the next you’re so far away.
”What’s wrong?”
You looked at him with a sad smile decorating your face and sighed. “I can’t do this anymore, Touya. I…I hate this... I was so scared that you would-“ You took a deep breath in. ”I never wanted it to come to this but… I can’t do this anymore and I’m drawing the line”
“Listen to me… don’t you think that if he really loved you, he would’ve dropped the villain business already? All he cares about is revenge can’t you see that?”
”What are you trying to say?”
“Do what you want… just remember he isn’t your primary concern, he can decide for himself,”
With a serious tone and fire in your eyes, you looked him and with a collected tone you said., “Quit the league or…. I’ll go… and... I’ll take the kids with me.”
"Sometimes the right choices are the toughest to make.”
“You can’t do that.” He stated, a hint of fear shining in his eyes.
”I can and I will, enough is enough Touya… let it go... we can start a new life together, a fresh start… somewhere away from all of this insanity, we can go anywhere you like, we can even take on new names and live entirely different life together, a life where our kids can have both of their parents;
You stood up and walked towards the door. You stopped in front of it and looked back. ”I’m giving you a choice Touya, please pick the right one. For me…for us…” You mumbled, opening and closing the door, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
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indigohitoshi · 4 years
rating bnha people and how’d they protect / what’d they do with your drink:
the girls
– mina ; she cuts people ❤️ no i don’t take constructive criticism. she pulls a knife on anyone that gets too close. 10/10
– momo ; LOVE HER. she does the classic hand over cup but if anyone gets close enough she’ll create a bat and pull a sangwoo very fast <3 that’s my baby. 10/10
– jirou ; holds it close and simply screams at the top of her lungs if anyone says something along the lines of “can i see your drink?”. she just. starts hollering. until they get too scared or draws enough attention. 8/10, it scared me in the process trying to get my drink back.
– uraraka ; she makes your drink float, no one can reach it anyway. it ends up spilling but it’s the thought that counts. 6/10
– tsuyu ; she just... holds the cup in her mouth. she like. let’s it rest in there. but if someone came up and asked for the drink her tongue comes out and puts them in a chokehold, yeah ❤️ 7/10, the drink is slimey but that’s okay she did her best.
– kendou ; protects that mf with her LIFE. she doesn’t even let monoma watch it bc she doesn’t trust anyone. if someone comes within two feet of the drink she backhands the fuck out of them. 7/10, mistook you for a stranger and almost backhanded you, too.
the boys
– kaminari ; YOU GIVE IT TO HIM AND HE REALLY DOES DO HIS BEST BUT HE ENDS UP LOOSING IT. and if he doesn’t lose it he spills it trying to,, “jokingly” flirt with all his homies bc he’s a lot little tipsy. it’s the thought that counts, though. 4/10.
– sero ; he tapes it to the ceiling 😀 leaves it there. forgets about it. to be fair, he’s high out of his mind. you kinda want your drink back tho but his tape is so adhesive you can’t even cut it down 💔 3/10
– kirishima ; HE IS SO GOOD WITH DRINKS. EVERYONE trusts him. he def barks at people who gets too close or bites them until they bleed with his sharp teefies. the only thing is with all the drinks everyone trusts him with is he doesn’t know which one is yours, but he still protects it with his life. 9/10
– bakugou ; looks at you when you hand him the drink, tells you to fuck up, but goes batshit if anyone gets too close to him. at the same time he doesn’t do this shit for free, he probably spits in your drink and laughs when you smile and take a sip. i hate this mf. but 8/10.
– tokoyami ; don’t even TALK TO ME if you think he’s bad with drinks. he RESPECTS YOU WITH HIS LIFE AND WILL NOT LET THAT MF DRINK GO. he just fucking bodyslams anyone that gets too close, no words. if youre suspicious and too close he doesn’t care about your feelings and fucking destroys you on the spot. 10/10
– iida ; tells you you shouldn’t even be drinking and pours out the drink. he’s there to make sure everyone’s being responsible and you were not. 1/10 for caring tho.
– midoriya ; he does his best, too. but he lost it and had a meltdown because he thought you’d be mad at him. you reassure him it’s fine but he’s still like sobbing over it 💔 like it’s OKAY baby dw. 7/10
– monoma ; starts boasting about how much you trust him to hold your drink but hisses at anyone that tries to take it. feral mode. he swung at someone and this turned into kendo pulling him off and just watching your drink so monoma could go get some ice. 7.5/10
– shinsou ; he doesnt even wanna BE here. so when you handed him the drink unless you’re someone he EXTREMELY cares about he ditches that shit. but if you’re the lucky few he stands in a corner and just ... stares at it. his eyes don’t move. people try to talk to them and he flips them off or goes “no ❤️” and they walk away. 9/10
pro heroes
– aizawa ; he sorta like... glares at anyone that’s close enough. some bullshit excuse like “what drink is that? can i have a sip?” causes him to throw the first punch and isn’t phased by it 😀 mf said pow pow. 9.8/10, drink is 100% in tact but he complains ab how much he wants to go home.
– present mic ; he LOVES parties, but it truly pains me to say this because i love him, if you give him the drink he leaves it around and will panic. he ends up getting you a brand new drink until you sip it and say “...this isn’t my drink...” he starts crying and is overreacting more than you do. 4/10.
-- hawks ; bakugou in a different font. spits in your drink but still protects it. kinda backhanded, if he truly does fuck with you he flies around with your drink in his hand outside the bathroom door until you come back. he still spits in it tho. 9/10
-- endeavor ; disgusting. 0/10. 
-- midnight ; SO good with your drink. she absolutely just straight up ends anyone’s shit that tries to even TALK to her while she’s holding your drink. im in love with her. midnight if you’re seeing this you’re late for our date im at the restaurant rn. 10/10
league of villains
-- dabi ; idc WHAT yall say. if you ask him to hold your drink he acts irritated asf but anyone that LOOKS at the cup wrong gets burnt to ash i will debate someone on this and you Will lose. he won’t spit in it tho, he’s put hot sauce in it to piss you off and laugh when you get mad. overall 8/10.
-- shigaraki ; he really wanted to help okay but someone got too close and out of defense he pulled the cup back and disintegrated it. he didn’t cry you both just looked at the pile of ash in disappointment. 6/10.
-- toga ; got so happy when you asked her to hold your drink :( my baby :( she got so excited she accidentally stabbed someone that really wanted a napkin but she wasn’t sure because she wanted to protect your drink so bad. poor baby. at least your drink good tho <3 10/10.
-- twice ; he forms a circle of him around it. just clones of him circling the drink. very affective. 10/10. biggest smile when you give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
that is all thank u <3
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Write to Me
eh fuck it here ya'll go. pspspsps dain simps come get your food.
Anyways it features my oc, I'm too lazy to rewrite it, and I think this is cute. Sooo, posting it anyways.
tags: gn!readerxDainsleif, fluff, soulmate au babyyy, it do always be angst when u squint, dain was a ho as a young man as he should be honestly, oc mention? not massive tho just in the bg, kaeya and albedo making bets
When he was younger he wasn’t exactly monogamous, sleeping with whatever pretty thing piqued his fancy, his status and good looks lending to men and women throwing themselves at him. He didn’t think he had a soulmate, no lovely voice in his head, he could see colour just fine, and whenever he wrote or drew on his arm there was nothing in return. Not a single scratch that wasn’t his own, nothing. So he did whatever he wanted, there wasn’t anybody matching his soul.
But he was older now, much older. Centuries passed since he was a young man at the centre of many people's hearts. Now he was a disgraced knight and a traveler. He was busy tracking down and destroying the Abyss Order, his traveling companion gone, he had nothing but his duty once more. He stayed away from cities as much as he could, only going in to restock his supplies.
Imagine Dainsleif’s surprise when he woke up one day, odd blue squiggles on the tainted skin of his right arm. It wasn’t anything fancy, a small little smiley face with awful handwriting beside it, a tiny ‘hi’. He outstretched his arm, blinking once, twice, he tried to rub it off. But it didn’t come off. Now? Really? NOW?! He didn’t want to write back, he didn’t want to draw anything. They were more than likely a child judging by the writing, he could just pretend he never saw this.
But they didn’t cease. Apparently when he had rubbed the drawing, it had showed up on them. ‘Yuo real?’ Dainsleif groaned, pulling his gloves on instead. He didn’t have time for this. So Dainsleif ignored it, ignored the messages that sometimes showed up on his arms and he ignored the drawings, no matter how good or awful they were. His duty came first, and he was several centuries old. He simply couldn’t pay attention to it.
But as the years went on the messages began to slow. How many years had passed? Ten? Twenty? He wasn’t entirely sure, his memory blending together, fragmenting and hazing over. Bits and pieces here and there. ‘I hope you’re well, you’ve been quiet.’ A message scrawled on his left arm and he stared at it in the dark of the tent.
‘I am well. And you?’
‘And here I thought my soulmate died. I’m fine.’
Dainsleif sighed, blue eyes flicking upwards at the material of the tent. They deserved somebody so much better. The Twilight Sword was not that somebody. He looked back at his arm, a name, he assumed, was scrawled beside the words.
‘Like the sword?’
‘Like the sword.’
“Fascinating. I must be going to sleep now, I have work early. Goodnight, Dainsleif.’
Dainsleif dropped his arm beside him, a soft sigh escaping his lips. How ridiculous was this. The Gods truly hated him to gift him a soulmate when he was what, five hundred and twenty five? His poor soulmate, too. He couldn’t stop thinking about what an unfortunate situation it was for them, perhaps it was the way he showed he did care, even if he hadn’t met them or spoken to them beyond reading the occasional message they wrote.
You hurried through the hallway, already late for work, the fifth time that month. You spared a wave to Sucrose who was exiting Albedo’s laboratory and she smiled, waving back. You quickly threw open the door to the laboratory across from Albedo’s, entering swiftly. “I’m so sorry Ohm, my alarm didn’t go off again and- Oh!” You stopped, realising there was somebody else in there.
The medical captain looked around the man dressed in interesting garb, smiling when he saw it was you. “Hello, (y/n)! Nothing to worry about. Ahem, where was I? Oh yes! Same rules as before, but try to apply it more sparingly, I don’t want you building up an intolerance until I can find something stronger.” Ohm held out a jar of azure gel but the man was stiff, unmoving. “Teyvat to Dainsleif?”
“Wait- Dainsleif?” You stopped, dropping the papers you had been holding. They scattered everywhere and Ohm tilted his head, periwinkle hair falling into his face, a clear sign of his utter confusion. Dainsleif turned to you, his eyes were stunning, blue and the pupils- he was gorgeous, that was the first thing that came to you and you felt your cheeks warming at his piercing gaze.
“Well would you look at the time, I have to go uhm, annoy Albedo. It's in my schedule. Please lock the lab if you are to leave. Dainsleif heed my orders or I’ll find you.” Ohm stood up, he rounded Dainsleif, grabbing the bough keeper’s hand and placing the jar into it. He then let go and walked away. He put one hand on your shoulder and leaned in close. “Be nice, he’s shy.” The doctor whispered and then he was off, shutting the door behind him with a click.
You bent down to pick up the paperwork now that the initial shock wore off. Dainsleif also seemed to snap back into action, pocketing the jar. He stepped forward, crouching down to help you with the papers. “I apologise, your Gods have chosen an awful soulmate for you.” He was blunt, apparently. His voice deep and soothing nonetheless. He held the papers out in a bandaged hand and you hesitantly took them.
“I don’t know, I think you’re pretty. Even if you ignore me.” Did you really just- You stood quickly, walking by him and to the desk on the other side of the room, the small wooden desk you had claimed as your own. “Ahem, are you injured? I suppose you must be if you’re visiting the medical captain.” You trailed off, sorting the papers neatly on the desk.
“No, yes, technically.” Dainsleif stood, brushing off his dark pants. You turned, quirking an eyebrow at him as he moved back to the captain’s desk to retrieve a glove that matched his other one. Was it worth it? To give up his secrets? To show just why they should stop speaking to him and run far far away? He grabbed his glove and hesitated, looking at the thick material. He shook his head, pulling the glove over his bandages.
“Well, if you’re ever in need of care and you’re in Mondstadt, just write. Ohm has been teaching me how to do what he does. Though I can’t really do it like him yet, I’m still a pretty alright healer.” You offered with a soft smile even though he wasn’t looking at you. Dainsleif hesitated, adjusting his glove. Kind, dedicated to a good cause, funny sometimes. He cursed his feelings.
Dainsleif turned towards you, pressing himself against the desk as if to steady himself. His eyes flicked to the side, he was clearly thinking of something. He closed his eyes for a moment, nodded to himself, and then opened them again. “Ask your mentor about the Twilight Sword. I’m afraid I must take my leave. Write to me.” Dainsleif pushed himself off the desk and with a swiftness you weren’t sure was human, he was gone.
Immediately you brought your nail to your arm, writing gently. ‘I like your cape.’
‘Thank you, I like your cloak.’
Oh he was awkward awkward. Cute. You smiled at the words before getting back to work, these medical reports wouldn’t process themselves, after all. Though his words played through your mind, Twilight Sword.. It was oddly familiar but no amount of examining your brain proved useful, oh well. You’d just have to ask later.
Ohm snickered with Kaeya as they watched Dainsleif breeze by them, practically throwing himself down the staircase and out the door. “I’ll bet you one thousand mora he left the explaining to me.” Ohm spoke when he heard the heavy door to the headquarters slam shut.
“Neither of us are dumb enough to bet that, he absolutely did.” Albedo commented, leaning back against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. “The feared Twilight Sword, Bough Keeper of Khaenri’ah brought down by a soulmate, so silly.”
“I don’t know, Albedo, I think it's quite endearing.” Kaeya teased, tapping his chin thoughtfully, but his eye told another story, glinting mischievously. “I’ll take that bet, Ohm. I’ll bet one thousand mora he tells them before he gets back to camp.” He held his hand out and Ohm took his hand, shaking it. Unfortunately, sealing Kaeya’s fate.
“Wait, hold on. I’ll bet one thousand mora he doesn’t do either.”
“That’s the spirit, alchemist.” Ohm shook hands with Albedo who huffed. “We should get back to work.” The medical captain gave a curt nod before he headed further up the stairs and towards the direction of his laboratory.
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Boys as Fathers
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Warnings: In the post below I decided to make girls like stereotypical girly things and boys stereotypical boyish things, but it doesn’t mean I believe it’s how it’s supposed to be. I personally had periods when I was very girly and ones when I was very tomboyish and that’s okay. What’s not okay is forcing your children to act certain ways and like certain thing just because they represent a certain sex.
Dedication: anon
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baby girl
Have you even seen that nail-painting Karma with him? This cutie!
If you guys had a daughter, she would be the happiest little girl on earth.
He would be unable to deny her anything. Don’t let these two go to the mall alone. Unless you don’t care for electricity or hot water. Then you do you, I guess.
I even can see him dressed in pink tutu, sitting by a small, pink table and sipping on nonexisting tea. Anything to make his little angel happy
I overall don’t see him as a parent who actively takes part in his child’s school life - like helping with organizing plays or sawing costumes or parent-teacher association associating or other stuff alike, BUT...
He sure would never miss a single performance of his baby girl and would support her along the whole way there.
And yes. He will watch YT tutorials to learn how to do some pretty hairstyles for his princess, even though initially he wouldn’t want to do them at all.
And yes. He will paint her nails when she’s old enough not to stuff her hands into her mouth all the time.
baby boy
They are collecting figures. Like, motorcycles and cars at first. Then also planes when the boy gets a little older.
He would look upto his daddy very much. Would adore that he’s a police officer and could fly and was just basically flawless - at least in your son’s eyes.
They would play with his plane toys, which boy could all name. His favorite would be the Supermarine Spitfire. Gavin could never play with that one. Dad is great and all, but it’s HIS plane.
When your sun gets a bit older, his dad would take him to aerobatic aviation shows and historic planes displays.
He surely would be a daddy’s boy, if you didn’t figure it yet. You’re cool and he loves you… BUT GAVIN?
Their bond remains strong throughout the years. They keep alot of secrets from you, but you benefit from it from time to time. Especially in saving nerves. So it’s cool. Unless it’s not…
When grown up he sure would become a police officer like his dad or a soldier. I sure see him in military aviation. Dad would be a bit worried, but would give him his full support and all the help he could.
I also believe you and Gavin would have more than just one child, but that’s just a side note.
baby girl
He’s not a regular dad. He’s a cool dad.
Not a reckless dad tho. He knows it’s not good for kids to eat as much sweets as they want to. He knows it’s not the best idea to say yes to every single whim of theirs…
But his little princess is so pretty. And so cute. And so sweet.
Remember when I told you how Gavin would be not so happy to attend her daughter’s tea parties?
Kiro would live for those! He would buy himself dresses for those occasions.
And they would do fashion shows for you. 
This dad is going to ask his daughter to do his makeup.
Takes her to get ice cream behind your back after picking her up from her ballet practice.
baby boy
I don’t know why, but I see his son as that shy, artistic type. That romantic boy with an acoustic guitar kind of trope.
He would have a voice of an angel and a talent surpassing even his father’s. He literally doesn’t need Kiro’s evol to have his charm.
This dad would be so proud. A little sad that his modest, little boy doesn’t want to perform on stage with him, but still - so extremely happy to have such a talented son.
He would get him the best tutors, and the finest instruments and every other equipment his little angel might need. Not even necessarily ask for.
If that was what wished for, he would help him start a career. He surely has what it gets to make someone famous.
If that wasn’t what his son wanted however - he would never push him. He knows the price that comes with money and a large fanbase and he wouldn’t force anyone to pay it.
baby girl
I see Lucien as the best dad of all 4, and before you get mad at me for being biased, know that he's not my fav. I like being called an idiot and men in uniforms.
Big part of it would surely be his psychological knowledge, not gonna lie. Second one would be his outstanding intelligence that helps him with application of  upbringing’s roles into life.
He just knows exactly how and when to be soft and when and how to be firm.
He would take his daughter for walks and movies. He would love to take her to an amusement park from time to time.
It’s important for him that his daughter would be well socialised.
And surprise, surprise - his daughter would be a genius. Doesn’t matter if you are biological parents or not. It just happened. And he’s very happy to be destroyed in a chase game by his nine year old.
He helps her with preparing for math contests. And any other contests there are.
They often sit together on the couch and read books. She even makes the same face as she focuses. Yes - even she’s adopted.
It’s a Christmas miracle, I don’t know. Ask Lucien, he probably does.
baby boy
Wouldn’t it be absolutely cute and a little bit ironic if his son would be a little trouble maker?
Wouldn’t want to study. Just spent all day on the playground with other kids. An tradic picky eater. Can fall asleep wherever he is, in whatever position he is.
I could see Lucien struggle to find a way to get to his child, but I couldn’t see him ever give up.
He would enroll his son into some school sports team and would very actively support it. They need a parent to go with them to attend a sports contest in another school. Sign him up. Lucien is a very busy man, that’s true, but not too busy for that.
He would learn the rules and tactics of whatever game his son plays.
Would help him practice outside his practices. Even if he might not enjoy it.
And obviously, would eagerly help him if he had any problems in school.
Overall, I see Lucien as a very loving father, who doesn’t shy away with expressing just how important his kids are for him.
baby girl
The one who would constantly motivate his children.
They are learning languages, participating in at least one sport, playing an instrument and traveling around the world with him to experience many different cultures.
His little girl would be confident, smart, self-disciplined and an absolutely cute dork who thinks daddy doesn’t know she figured how to get to that cookie jar on the highest shelf.
She started drawing things for him since she was too small to even talk properly… and she was really good for such a small poppet.
He quickly decided to add art classes to her already long list of extracurricular activities.
At some point she was absolutely wonderful. Daddy was swelling with pride.
A perfect student, remarcable artist… Obviously a Li.
She would then study architecture at the most prestigious university in the country. Victor would spare no expenses. She deserves it.
baby boy
A quiet but intimidating kid that sits in the first row in class and gives his teacher a challenging look.
Destroys in chess even Lucien’s daughter… sometimes.
Has no friends because he’s disgusted by other people.
Daddy’s boy lvl. 100 Future LFG CEO.
If he could he would even sleep with daddy… but daddy doesn’t let him because he needs “privacy” with you. Good thing you sometimes make him sandwiches, because you might get taken care of…
Victor would have his kid’s photo on his desk. Two of them actually. One facing him and one facing anyone who sits on the opposite side. People need to know just how cute they looked in their matching shirts during last year’s father’s day celebrations.
They would go to the movies together. Victor who usually makes sure your kids are eating healthy would buy him a huge popcorn… and sometimes even M&M’s.
Victor would be a principled dad with high expectations, but don’t make a mistake. Even if his kids weren’t as ambitious and success focused as he’s he would love them just as much and care for them just as much.
There would also be no favoring if you had more than one child. Everyone must feel equally loved and he would make sure it’s exactly the case.
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stardustdates · 4 years
can i ask for a fem!demon slayer who accidentally falls for kokushibou and comically tries getting in his pants, to the dismay of literally everybody else, and fINALLY it works! nsfw please! irgh i feel like i'm asking for too much, and thanks in advance!
Stardust's comment: I read Kokushibou? Thank you for fueling my writing stamina *-*
Stardust’s comment2: I got this done for today so it might be a bit rushed! I just love the 3 highest upper moons so much ;;;
Kokushibou x reader NSFW: “Mine”
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let the date begin!
It started out with a fight. Like with every demon you encountered. Never would you have thought you’d fall for one.
For hundreds of years, demons and slayers had been enemies. Yet the moment your eyes laid on him. He looked strong, intimidating. Yet more than anything his angry face seemed to hide so much pain. You did have a pretty good sight, it was your best advantage after all. You could see every micro movement of the demon’s face.
And as you both stared each other down you felt a certain tenderness instead of the terrifying fear that should have taken over you. That, that had the six eyed demon in front of you quite perplexed.
“-You’re not scared?.. He seemed surprised.
-Only scared of what that di- I mean- no, obviously. You stuttered out
You face palmed inside at the fact that your first line was about to be a dirty joke. Only if you knew it wouldn’t be the only time.
It had been a few months that you came to the same place in the forest every day to meet with the giant. You had learnt his name -or at least his demon name- he was Kokushibou. He never told you a lot about his past, all you knew was that he was a very jealous and envious demon. Yet he showed a certain interest in you, hidden by a cover of an “interest for how pathetic humans are”. 
After a bit he seemed to start smirking at your jokes. Tho you didn’t know if they were jokes anymore. Even as he was talking with another demon, which he had to dissuade from approaching you. You had come to learn the other demon’s name was Akaza. Well… Akaza did quickly end up disgusted by how touchy you were getting with the larger demon. Putting your hand gently on his arm so he wouldn’t draw his sword, being glued to his chest when you spoke to him. But what disgusted that striped demon even more was the fact that Kokushibou didn’t seem to mind. Even looking as if he enjoyed it.
Oh and was he chocked when he heard the dirty thinks you’d spill jokingly talking to the more powerful demon. Maybe someone else would have found it fun, he didn’t. He’d often lash out at you, calling you disrespectful and disgusting amongst other things, fleeing in submission as Kokushibou showed signs of a future fightback.
“-Are you okay? He asked, still as stoic.
- Yeah, I think.. I’m used to demons after all! You beamed. Maybe.. I could thank you in a special manner! You giggled
-Oh? -For once he seemed intrigued with your proposition.- And would you really do that?”
Your eyes opened wide. You couldn’t identify if he was serious or not about it, it was hard to see through him.
But oh. Your doubts disappeared went rough hands grabbed your hips, you could feel his sharp claws through your uniform. Blood rushed to your face as he leaned down close to your ear. His deep voice sounding like a growl.
“Maybe you really should. It’s a lot of teasing behaviors you’ve been showing me, after all.”
You could feel heat running to your core. His hands making their way behind you as he hoisted you up in his arms. He was rough and violent as he sat you on a rock shedding off your haori. If he gave into his instincts he’d have ripped it all away. But something inside of him wanted you dressed once he was done. He didn’t want anyone else than him to see you vulnerable. Thus calming his needs as he unbuttoned the uniform his mouth latching into the skin it exposed, not with an intent to kill but to mark you up. Biting and sucking at the skin. His tongue licking at the marks he left as his rough hands groped at your chest, making you let out a breathy moan. Your flesh was so tender. So soft. He felt great power just from seeing how small you were compared to him.
Crouching between your legs he lifted up your skirt, sliding off your underwear, getting hit by the smell of your pheromones, demons were more sensitive to it, and he would go feral if he didn’t know better. He licked his lips at the sight, kissing your thighs, leaving a few bites and love marks here and there. He ran his finger up and down your slick slit collecting wetness. It was already driving you crazy and your moans were about to do the same to him. You shivered at his warm breath as he got closer to your intimacy giving it an experimental lick. Seeing you squirm just from that was definitely a boost to his confidence, he started eating you out roughly, licking and sucking at your clit while his fingers curled up inside of you. His hands were big and just two fingers made you feel so full already, you were moaning so lewdly it only encouraged him to do more. He started stretching you out in a scissoring motion, slowly adding another finger. He saw the slight discomfort on your face and frowned, lifting his face to look at you.
“-Would I really fit in such a tight body? You seem pained from as little as stretching. Maybe you don’t really want it. The demon let out a dark chuckle.
-I do! -you muttered- Please… Kokushibou-sama...” Oh the way you half moaned his name while he kept fingering you as you spoke… It made something inside of him snap.
Your moans turned louder and your eyes closed as his hands got rougher, as he added more pressure to his licks. Right as you were about to cum you heard him getting up and away from you, letting you to the feeling of emptiness that you expressed in a needy whine. Your eyes slowly opening again only to see the fabric of his clothes come off, his scarred and toned body revealed to you.
“You’re beautiful..” You whispered, lost in thoughts. He gave a smile. One that looked genuine. Yet that softness could only last so long as your eyes traveled down to his hardened cock, another electric wave of heat going straight down to your needy pussy. He got back to you holding you up once more, making you let out a little yelp as he laid you down on the cold floor, quickly settling himself he lined his dick up with you wet hole. He looked at you as he slid in. He starred at every micro expression you might have. He knew he couldn’t keep collected for too long as your walls seemed to squish him in while your moans seemed both immensely pleasured and slightly uncomfortable, but nothing could get him prepared to the sight of your small body barely managing to fit him whole inside, your lower stomach bulging up as he stayed inside. The growl he let out, fighting his feral need to thrust hard and rough into you, making you clench around him even more.
Kokushibou couldn’t hold it anymore he was shaking from his thoughts and wants. His mind was almost animalistic as he grabbed your waist with one hand, holding himself up with the other as he started thrusting into you. You moaned his name out, again and again. You could see the way his eyes were glued to the movement of the bulge caused by his dick inside of you. He was absolutely obsessed with the size difference you both had. He was muttering through his growls and low breathes, muttering about how he could destroy you, how he could split you in halves just by fucking you.
Your moans and his noises felt like music to both of you, even as you yelped in a pained surprise as he bit into your shoulder, trying to suppress his moans. His thrust got rougher, harsher, your body taking everything it could as his cock head hit the deepest parts of you. You felt so close, screaming his name, pride harbored his features as he heard that. He himself starting to give in into the pleasure, letting his low rocky moans out. He got sloppier in his thrust, holding onto you as he barely moved his cock out anymore, instead just hitting as deep as he could. He felt you contract around him as you came screaming his name once more. The tightening around him, so tight it could almost let him stuck, got him filling you up after a few more thrusts. When you came back to reality, riding out your climax you couldn’t help but notice how Kokushibou was holding you against him. Focusing a bit more you could hear him repeating a few words over and over again.
“You’re mine. Mine. Mine only and just mine.”
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harknesswife · 3 years
It was you all along (Agatha Harkness x Female Reader)
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Summary: This is a sweet self-insert love story between Agatha and a Westview citizen. Everything that happens follows the original events of “Wandavision” and MCU, like a parallel.
Chapter: 10/10
Word count: 1.663K
The bus stopped in front of the “Welcome to Westview” sign. We all got off as FBI and SWORD agents kept blabbering about going back to our real lives. I let my mind wander for a while.
It had been a week since I ran off the hex, leaving Agatha behind. They got all of us into this facility that, to me, it kinda looked like a prison. “We just need to be sure that the city is safe to come back to”, they said. My room had no windows, but I knew that this wouldn’t stop her. I’d sleep every night hoping that she’d just burst her way in and take me out of there. She told me to wait, and I did.
Agent James clapped his hands and brought me back from my daydream.
"Ok, welcome back, everyone. Everything is perfectly fine. Westview is secure, Wanda is gone. And that’s all you need to know."
Some people clapped. They wouldn’t tell us anything about what happened after we got out, and that was driving me insane.
We stepped inside Westview as if we’re entering a pool, slowly and carefully. The city was way different from the colorful lie we were living. Everything was pretty gray and dark. I passed by my place, the door was still open just how I'd left it. But I didn’t want to get in, not yet. I wanted to preserve a little more of that memory of how it used to be. Lots of families were getting inside their own houses, I could see people packing stuff. I kept walking, getting my eyes used to this new reality when I saw it.
Her house. What used to be her house, the place where she took me on that Halloween night. Everything was destroyed. I crossed my arms on my chest, trying my best not to cry. Sword did it, I was sure, to make Westview “safe again”. I peeked around, trying to find any clue when I glanced at her bicycle just tossed aside. I ran for it and when I was about to lift it…
"Oh, hey!"
It was Fietro. I took several steps back.
"You can have it", he said, lifting it and handing it to me. "I don’t mind".
I kept staring at him, trying to read his eyes. He smiled at me.
"I’m sorry. Do we know each other? My head is still kinda messy from all the, you know…"
"No need to be sorry", I said, relieved that he didn't remember me. Especially naked me. "Nice to meet you. Are you leaving?"
I pointed at the two big bags behind him.
"Definitely. I’m not taking my chances with her again."
"Wanda? I thought she was gone", I asked, slightly more interested.
He sighed.
"I shouldn’t be talking about this. I’m sorry", he tried to leave, but I held him.
"Do you know what happened? After we all left?", I was holding his arm with only one hand. He wasn’t trying to get away, but I refused to let go.
"I was here", he whispered. "But I can’t talk about it. They made me promise."
"Please!", I asked. "I’m so confused right now. I need closure. I think knowing would help me to just… move on.
I meant it and he knew that. He above all people knew how it was to be unable to control his own mind. So he told me all about the two identical men flying and fighting against each other. He told me about that brave woman that just threw herself in front of Wanda’s kids to protect them, even when she didn’t know that her body was bulletproof. How the sword army was defeated by these same two young boys. And, finally, how both witches kept throwing blasts at each other, a huge battle in a red sky.
"And then..." he said, pointing at the exact place where it happened. "They got back. But Wanda was… different. She looked like a witch, cape, and everything. And the other one - I could see some anger in his voice - was just on the floor, defeated."
I took a deep breath.
"Wanda left after a while. The agents found me and it was their idea to destroy the place. I used to live here, you know. That’s why Agatha picked me".
It was really weird listening to someone else saying her name.
"But if Wanda’s gone… What did you say about taking chances?"
"Well. I heard something that I never told the agents...", he was whispering again. "Wanda changed Agatha’s witch clothes into casual ones. She told her that she knew where to find her. I think Wanda did to her what she did to all of us, trapping her inside her mind. And that makes me think that..."
"She’s still here."
It wasn’t a question. She was there, in Westview. That’s why she didn’t come for me. Now it was my time to find her. I smiled at him, hopping on the bike.
"Thank you, Fietro!!"
"Wait, what did you just call me?"
But I was already pedaling away at full speed. Looking right and left, trying to figure out where Wanda would place Agatha. Plain sight, so no one would suspect? Or maybe a little bit away from the neighborhood, just to be safe? I felt a few drops of rain falling into my head, wet hair getting into my eyes. There were a few cars on the street and It was hard to keep track of all of them. The orange light of a headlight blinded me for just a second, and it was all it took for me to fall. I tried to get up, feeling dizzy.
!Hun! Are you okay?"
I wasn’t ready. But she was right there, in the rain, kneeling in front of me. I had no idea how.
"Agatha", I said, staring at her. Somehow, I thought she would simply look at me and remember everything.
"It’s Agnes! A common mistake, tho", she smiled, her hair also getting wet. "Oh, let’s get inside! Let me help you with that", she said while grabbing the bicycle. I got up slowly.
If I had looked back, I’d see how she stopped, confused for just a split second, after touching the handlebar.
The inside of her house was cozy and colorful, like a piece of the “fake Westview”. It felt like home.
"I’m gonna get you something warm. Just a sec, honey."
She left me in the living room, my heart beating like crazy. “Calm down”, I said to myself. I looked around, trying to find anything that would help me bring her back. There was a shelf with some books, but none of them were glowing. Mundane. I got closer to read some of the titles when something else got my attention.
A few drawings were on the table right next to the shelf, some of them unfinished. A faceless girl with wings. The back of two women with bubbles floating around them. Pieces of our memories. They were still there, in some corner of her mind.
"Here you go", she said, handing me a cup of tea. Our fingers touched for a second, and she kept staring at me as her smile faded away.
She let go of the cup and touched my face, just like she used to do. I closed my eyes, waiting for her next reaction. Something was happening and I knew it.
"Go. Now."
It was her voice. But it didn’t sound like her.
The rain was still pouring outside. She kept telling me to leave, her eyes locked on me, like a trance. I refused. One of her hands was now glowing with a red fog.
"Agatha, please. Please. You need to remember. Please!", I kept saying it while she slowly lifted her hand.
I had no idea how, but Wanda was controlling her. Talking wouldn’t help. I took a step in her direction, then another one. She lifted the other hand, a threat that I ignored. Agatha did some sort of magical movement and everything flew into the walls. Everything but me. She wasn’t expecting that. I took another step, getting closer.
"You protected me long enough", I said, hoping that, somehow, Agatha would listen. "But I need you to come back."
I grabbed one of her wrists, trying to ignore the massive red energy that she was holding on her other hand. I could feel the warmth and the light getting closer to my face, I knew that it was my last try. I took off the ring that she gave me and placed it on her finger, screaming by how much strength it took me to do it. We both fell on the ground immediately.
I crawled over to her. She was trying to get up.
"Agatha?", I said with my voice breaking.
She looked up.
Agatha held me tight, touching my face to make sure that I was okay. I couldn’t stop the silent tears from falling. She kissed me several times, on my lips, my forehead, and my cheeks.
"I’ve missed you..." she whispered, fixing a lock of hair behind my ear. "We gotta get out of here. Wanda knows about you."
"I had to", I said, holding her hand.
"I know", she nodded, taking off the ring. The stone was black now. "You won’t need this anymore. I’ll be your shield."
We both got up, ready to leave, when the same orange headlight blinded me again, right inside of her living room. Only it wasn’t a headlight, as I realized too late. Agatha put me behind her, staring at that weird thing.
It was like a mirror, but instead of our reflection, we saw a man. He was wearing a cape and a necklace with a glowing green stone.
"My name is Doctor Strange", he said, in a calm voice. "And I need you to come with me."
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wangxianslillotus · 3 years
Au where Jiang Cheng, Nie Huaisang and Jin ZiXuan go to a haunted house into the forest of a mountain, in the middle of the night because ghosts won't show up during the day time.
Nie Huaisang hears that inside the house you can find incredible scary things such as talismans, bloody walls, screams at some point of the night, evidence of rituals. He even hears that there is a witch living in one of the rooms at the very end of the house.
Mostly, he knows that this is true due to pictures that one college classmate took a couple of days ago, but the pictures that people take of the witch always dissappear as if it was never there.
Indeed, it is a very creepy thing, but as Huaisang is SO curious about it, and Jiang Cheng is a good boyfriend, he comes along to protect him just in case.
And as for Jin ZiXuan, he comes along because his girlfriend, YanLi, is worried for his brother's well-being, knowing WanYin it's an actual scary cat. So yeah, he joins the party for the expedition into that damn haunted house.
When they arrive, they try to pry from one of the windows, just to prevent the immediate encounter with the witch. They see candles lighted on the ground that project weird shadows and shapes all around the place. As the rumors had said, the walls are full of talismans of all kinds, some drawings made with what they absolutely think that is blood, and there are hanging some papers from the ceilings above the bloody circle in the floor. They can't see more than that, and Huaisang hasn't satisfied his curiosity yet, he says. He wants to see the witch.
Jiang Cheng looks at Huaisang and wants to fucking kick his ass down the mountain, but instead just tells him how much he loves him to get a foot inside that eery ass house. They hold hands while entering the house, slowly and being the most careful they have ever been in their lives. The wood of the floor makes a scratchy sound as they walk into the first room, paper doors already long gone.
It is a very old house, at least that much they know. As they saw from the window, the room next to this one is the one with the papers hanging from the ceiling, but in the current one there seems to be some kind of altar, surrounded by more candles and incense that smells not so bad. They keep walking, looking at the walls of the window room quite closely now, amazed by how the witch has prepared so many things.
They are keeping it in by short, and it shows when they hear running footsteps in the next room. There is a paper door that's almost destroyed in between the two rooms, and they do catch a glimpse of a little shadow running into another further room from the spaces that were supposed to be covered with the paper.
Jiang Cheng mutters, "what the fuck?" Huaisang holding tighter onto his arm, and ZiXuan resisting the impulse that wants to make him run to hold Huaisang too, all of them scared to death.
They hear nothing now, but even so, they stay still for a couple of minutes. When nothing happens, they keep going further because Huaisang wanted to get a glimpse of the witch. And if Huaisang wanted, Jiang Cheng complied. And Jin ZiXuan wanted to leave them both right there.
ZiXuan opens the door after being pushed by Jiang Cheng, sliding it to the side with utmost silence. In this room there's only a table on the ground, full of scattered things that are just as gloomy as the first two rooms. They look like pieces of toys, and there are some tools too that Jiang Cheng recognizes from his sister's work, but that doesn't bring him any good feelings.
Suddenly a tug in his arm makes him turn, Huaisang pointing with his mouth full open to the door next room. Jiang Cheng looks, but doesn't see anything until he does, and then he's tugging at ZiXuan's arm with urgency.
"The... the... corner." He instructs, his voice being barely a tiny thread compared to his usual loud voice. ZiXuan doesn't even question it, he follows his instructions in case they need to run away. But when he does, he too, gets paralyzed at the sight.
There are two small hands holding the door that guides to the next room. Two small hands and the half of a child's face staring at them.
They stay still for what feels like ages, so when a big terrific shadow projects over their heads in the wall in front of them, greatly defined thanks to the thousands of candles lighted in the previous room, along with the happy kid's voice calling "papa" to something or someone pass them, they jump straight into different reactions.
Huaisang faints. He goes limp on the floor, and Jiang Cheng barely registers his fall, still frozen like a statue. ZiXuan runs towards the opposite wall to the one that projects the shadow, and turns around to confront it with a loud scream.
"Could you please be silent, you're scaring my son." The man speaks, already tired of the scene, even if he finds it hilarious. His voice is very chill, and he doesn't look much older than them. The little kid opens the door and runs towards him, hiding behind his legs.
Jiang Cheng turns around after gaining some of his soul back, ready to punch the man with all his strength until he turns him into a real ghost, but decides that his fainted boyfriend needs a little bit more of attention. He holds Huaisang closer as he speaks, "We are scaring him? He almost killed my man!!!"
The man chuckles, "You pretty much deserve that for coming into my home in the middle of the night." He states, patting the little boy's head with care.
"... your... home?" ZiXuan asks, confused. How could someone live in a place like this? It was insane. Jiang Cheng now tries to wake Huaisang up with a little slap on his cheek, but gets no response at all.
"Do I look like I am fond to repeat my words?" The man says, glaring at ZiXuan. The kid suddenly tugs at his father's pants, making grabby hands towards him, and with a smile, the man complies his son's wishes.
Jiang Cheng mutters, "This haunted place doesn't look like a home..."
"Ow, I'm sorry I missed the home-decor meeting, man." The man scoffs, making a half smile. "Now, even if you are intruders in my home," He paused, "I am a very good host, so unless you prefer to wait for him to wake up while you go down the woods to the city, you can bring him up to the living room."
He doesn't wait for an answer from the boys, and instead, he walks over the next room. They are quite surprised when they see him turn the lights on, and after sharing a look, they both take Huaisang, following the man deeper into the house.
They get into another room, laying Huaisang in the couch that the man points lazily as he dissappears into another room.
Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan instantly get closer, and start discussing the current events.
"What the fuck?" ZiXuan starts, holding himself close by grabbing onto Jiang Cheng's shoulder.
"I don't know, what is going on, man..." he responds, sighing. "Wasn't this supposed to be a haunted house with a witch and all that?"
"Who said that? So rude." A third voice joins them with whispers too, making them jump again. They breat heavily, lips pressing while shooting glares to the man that returned from wherever he was.
"Can you stop?" Jiang Cheng barks, pushing the man with his shoulder without second thought. The man looks at him, eyes full of innocence.
"I'm not doing anything." He provides, disconcerted by the request.
"You're appearing out of nowhere, so suddenly... we're still kind of... getting our nerves back, you know?" ZiXuan explains the best way he can. The man makes an understanding gesture with his face, and apologizes in a whisper again.
They go silent a while more, just staring blankly at Huaisang, that shows no signs of waking up anytime soon. Until the man tries to break the ice.
"Since you're already here, and all that... what are your names?" He asks, taking a seat next to the table that matches the couch, on the floor. He looks at them with a sweet smile, looking almost happy for having them there.
"Uhh..." Jiang Cheng side looks at ZiXuan before answering. "Are you sure you're not going to like... throw a curse at us or something like that?"
The man laughs wholeheartedly at his words, grabbing his stomach and all, before answering, "Oh, no. You got enough already, didn't you?" He said putting his elbows onto the table, "But for you to be somewhat reassured, my name is Wei WuXian".
With that, the other two were indeed reassured. "I am Jin ZiXuan, he is Jiang WanYin... and this deceased one is Nie Huaisang. We are truly sorry for breaking in like this. And for scaring your son, too. He looks like a good child." He tries with a smile. With that, Wei WuXian seems to relax even more, as a proud father that he was.
"Oh, A-yuan is the best. He's sleeping now, but I promise that he is. Now, would you mind telling me who said that this was a Haunted house? I wouldn't want more people breaking in in my sleep, you know?"
"It was... one of Huaisang's college classmates. They came here the other night and took some pictures to show around." Jiang Cheng sits while talking, right next to Huaisang's legs. If he was going to be chatty, then at least he should be comfy.
Wei WuXian made a face at that information. That wasn't good at all.
"I see..."
They pause for another couple of seconds, until Jiang Cheng couldn't hold it anymore. He has a curiosity too, and just like his boyfriend, he's very often, not so good at containing it.
"Why do you live here?" He wanted to know since he realized that there was no witch, no ghost, but just a lot of awful choices with decorations, probably to scare away people in the first place, or something like that, and a little boy in his pajamas waiting for his dad to come back home.
Wei WuXian sighs, "I don't have money to rent a better place at the city, and with my current job I have enough to pay for a tuition for A-yuan. I'm searching, tho. For better jobs, and better conditions too, but... it's been pretty though. 23 years old, a child, no bank account or references and no other job experiences, people don't really want that on their heads when I do the interviews." He wishes he had a beer or something to talk about his problems with people he barely knew, but he supposes that that was exactly the reason why he could talk without saving himself some face, without having to pretend that he was not affected by what he couldn't control. They have already seen a lot, too. So what else could be saved.
Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan felt for what Wei WuXian was going through. They weren't exactly the best empaths, but they knew how hard the things could be for some people.
Jiang Cheng had seen his mother after the divorce, refusing to accept the money his father sent them because she thought that it was the fastest way to get completely away from him and his lack of everything at their past relationship. He had seen her working hard to earn her place in the world, and had seen her distressed when they had no money to spare, not even for a toy. They were better now, way better. But he never forgot.
Not even now, seeing the same expression that his mom had at the time, plastered in Wei WuXian's face while he lets a sigh take away some tension.
You could... come with us. He wants to say. We have a spare room where you could live with your child for a while until you get some money. He really wants to say. But he doesn't find the words.
"How is your son doing with all this, WuXian?" ZiXuan asks, knowing the background of the thinking process that was going on inside of Jiang Cheng's mind. Wei WuXian wrinkles his nose a little bit, trying to pull some strength.
"He..." he sighs, changing his position, "He's trying his best. He doesn't like this place, we're not feeling safe here, and he has nightmares from time to time. But he studies hard even if he's tired, and eats whatever I can bring onto the table... he never complains." Sometimes, Wei WuXian wanted that his son complained, so that he could blame himself for everything that was going on. It was his fault, in the first place. But his son's smiles hurted him even deeper than any blame that he could phantom.
"It's been long?" Jiang Cheng finally got a grip on his memories, and he rejoins the conversation. "Since you live here."
Wei WuXian looks at him and thinks, has it been long? "Mmh... no more than six months."
"That's!!!" Jiang Cheng quarrels with a sudden scream. Wei WuXian looks at him surprised, and Jiang Cheng clears his throat before continuing, "that's a lot of time..."
"Indeed, it is." Wei WuXian answers, dry. It was already more than the "couple of weeks" that he said he needed to get everything under control. It was by far more than a couple of weeks.
When Jiang Cheng was about to offer him that he joined the Jiang house, Nie Huaisang made a sound in complain, making them jump onto their feets to check him.
"Babe... if you're so much of a scary cat to faint on the spot, then we shouldn't have come to a supposed haunted house." Jiang Cheng said, pulling his boyfriend's cheek when he confirmed that he was okay.
Nie Huaisang makes a pout but doesn't argue on that. Instead, he focuses on the unknown man in black at the side of his boyfriend, and offers a polite smile.
"How long have you been awake?" Wei WuXian asks, not being fooled by his smile. Huaisang presses his lips, he's been caught on the spot. The other two boys look surprised, was he faking it?
"... Since A-Cheng asked you why you live here..." he confesses, turning pink on his cheeks.
"A-Sang!" Jiang Cheng complains, frowning deep. "Why didn't you say something?"
"How could I just talk in the middle of all that?! You would have stopped right away... besides, it would have been the most uncomfortable thing ever. So spare me, A-Cheng!" He took his boyfriend's hand into his, pulling him to seat again at his side in the couch.
ZiXuan rolls his eyes and takes a seat in front of Wei WuXian, not wanting to pay attention to the couple. He knew better already. And it seemed that Wei WuXian could predict them too, because he just sat back on the floor. There where a couple of seconds more until the couple settles, finally paying attention to the previous conversation.
"So... you... live... alone with your son?" Huaisang asks, tip toeing the words, not so sure how would it sound once pronounced. Wei WuXian stares at him for a second, not really looking. It was more like he was looking at the past for a couple of moments, but he ends up smiling, stiff but deciding to answer.
"I do. We do. It's just A-Yuan and Wei Ying." He declares. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good either, in some terms.
It was good, because Wei WuXian loved every single day he spends by his precious son's side, he loves the way his little boy munches his food, the way he sleeps, the way he treats the world, he did his best everyday, even to random stray cats that showed up on their door, his son was the best and the cutest. He loves him. But... it wasn't good for A-Yuan, because these weren't the proper conditions for his son's health or education, nor to his well-being and growth. Wei WuXian knows it.
The other three boys didn't knew what to say to that, to be fair. They couldn't just avoid the feeling that something definitely had happened, but also they couldn't quite grab exactly what had happened, so they really didn't knew what to say in response. It wasn't like Wei WuXian wasn't sharing, or keeping secrets. He was being bare open to their questioning, but this... just seems way too personal for them to dig it up just like that.
Wei WuXian seems to catch the feeling in the air, because he agitates his hand in front of his nose, like fanning something, saying "Oh, no. Don't mind it. Really, it isn't something that hurts to speak of."
They breathe again, and look at him with expectation in their eyes. Wei WuXian is happy that he, now, has someone who will listen to his story, his and his son's. But it wasn't the moment, was it?
"He isn't really my son. He is, because I love him, and because I adopted him. But I'm not his biological father." He provided in a whisper, that being enough for now. "He doesn't know, so I'm not quite comfortable with saying it out loud here."
They all made an understanding nod, all with different expressions, but understanding nonetheless. Wei WuXian smiled warmly.
That night, the party left the haunted house with a new friend and a new trouble to be talked and solved. They arrived at the Jiang house, still talking about what or how would they ask Madam Yu permission for bringing their new friend, plus one little boy, under their roof.
Madam Yu wasn't quite enchanted by the full idea, of course, she wanted to help, but bringing a man into the house would be a little bit shocking to the people in the neighborhood, but she knew why his son was doing all of this. And they could say that it was a friend of Jiang Cheng, which was true. They sat sat the table until four am, talking about how would they live from now on. They even talked about making Wei WuXian a contract for rent, in case he needed it for any reason that could come up in the future. When they settled most of the things, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang went to the room that they were going to give Wei WuXian to prepare it, ZiXuan went to his own home, and Madam Yu went to her study to check out prices of furniture that the boy and his son would probably need.
Later that week, WanYin and Huaisang went up the mountain again. They walk for quite a bit until they are in front of the house in the middle of the forest. Under the daylight, the house looks not so scary anymore, but instead just bad maintained.
There are some toys scattered on the side of the entrance, when they pass. Huaisang slides his hand onto his boyfriend's and smiles at him excitedly. They go further down the house until the actual main entrance, announcing their arrival with a loud voice, so that Wei WuXian doesn't get surprised, at least in the wrong way.
Wei Ying turns around with A-Yuan on his arms, smiling at his friends with happiness. "Guys! What are you doing here?" He asked, making an adorable face when his son waves at them too, offering a thooty smile. What a polite little boy.
Huaisang almost dies at the cuteness of this little one, so he immediately goes to him, while Jiang Cheng is left to give the big news.
"Well... actually... You know. There's a room." He says, smacking himself mentally at the eyebrow that Wei WuXian gives him, and the laugh that his boyfriend barely contains inside. "There's a free. A free room. It's not being used. The room it's at my house." He... is getting somewhere, enough to enlighten Wei WuXian's eyes when he connects the dots. But Jiang Cheng it's not a patient human being, so he just sighs before a bluntly adding, "do you want it?"
Huaisang looks at him with a smile, just too amused at the spectacle to make some additions, meanwhile Wei WuXian covers his face to laugh out loud.
"What is funny?" WanYin asks, red from head to toe.
"I do want it, WanYin. Thank you..." Wei WuXian says, pulling the other man into his arms for a hug. A tight hug. "Thank you so, so, so much."
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kisses and cuddles
wooooooooo time for some more fluffy shit yall i loved making this so much this sorta relted to my weed garden fic but you dont need to read it (be cool tho)
Ruby was sitting in the cafeteria with Oscar and penny she was too tired to pay attention to what the two were talking about penny sitting across from her and Oscar was excitedly talking about something while Oscar liens looking interested she’s unsure how he’s so put together they were both up late hanging out dreading comics and it’s only 7 am she leaned on Oscar and closed her eyes hoping to get a little more sleep before She had to do missions she had a relatively short one today only a search and destroy so maybe she could get home fast and take a nap Oscar nudged her shoulder and she lifted her head “hey don’t fall asleep if you don’t eat you’ll be grumpy” he says she fakes a pout and starts eating the gross cafeteria food she assumed that atlas food would be good sense it’s so many rich folks but no she’s actually had  better tasting mres or maybe she was just getting spoiled eating Oscar and rens cooking “ruby why are you so tired did you have trouble sleeping” penny says drawing circles on the table with her finger “no me and Oscar were up late last night and I only slept like three hours“ penny frowns “while I am happy you and Oscar are spending time together you require at least 6 hours of sleep for maximum field efficiency” ruby just nods “so why don’t you seem tired Oscar you couldn’t of slept anymore than I did” she says with a yawn he shrugs and says  “I guess I’m used to it I had to wake up early back home so I always didn’t get a bunch of sleep” penny raises a finger “actually according to my scans  Oscars brain is only running at 89% efficiency and his hear rate is faster from his normal 48 beats per minute to to 51 it is likely that he simply better at hiding his tiredness” Oscar slumps “penny do have everyone’s heart rates memorized” he says exasperated “yes I also have all of your medical charts on file and criminal records why” he raises a brow “criminal record?” Penny nods “yes several of your team have criminal records qrow having the longest with 22 counts of public intoxication as well as 3 of public indecency and” ruby raises her hands “trust me you don’t wanna know the rest they had to make a new law for one of the things he did but who else has charges?” she tries to wake herself with conversation and it sorta works she also learns some new and unsettling things about her friends but eventually breakfast ends and she starts to get her gear ready she’s loading rounds into one of crescent roses magazine when someone knocks on the door to her locker room “it’s open” she calls out and incomes  Oscar he’s holding a small Tupperware box and a small metal tumbler “hey I wanted to give this to you before you go” he says with a sheepish grin he sets the box next to her and hands her the tumbler it’s warm and smells good “it’s coffee, don’t worry I added way too much sugar for you and the other thing is a surprise you said you don’t eat a lot on missions so I made it for you it’s a bit of an experiment so tell me if it’s bad” she’s grinning ear to ear and stands up from her weapon bench and hugs him “you are the best and I’m sure it’ll be great” she gives him a kiss on the cheek she’s been slowly trying to work her way up to kissing him on the lips but nose and cheek kisses were enough for her he smiles and his cheeks get all rosey  and he hugs her back and says “be careful ok sorry I know you can take care of yourself but just you know“ she squeezes him a little “yeah don’t worry I know  I’ll be careful and when I get back we are so taking a nap mister I’m not that tired” he giggles and looks up at her with a smile  “you won’t hear me complain and uh before you go could I uh kiss you like um on the lips” he says nervously she leans down pressing her forehead to his and smiles she smells his breath it smells like chocolate and coffee she feels her cheeks heat up to match his and says “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now are you sure you want to ” he nods his head wordlessly she takes his hand and gently presses her lips to his its short and maybe a little clumsy but it makes her heart soar when she breaks the kiss Oscars breath shakes slightly  and a little panic starts to fill her did she mess it up did he hate it and then he smiles and it all fades away “that was really nice” he says rubbing her knuckle with his thumb then there’s a knock on the door frame she looks up and weiss and Blake are standing there weiss looks annoyed and Blake is grinning “time to go ruby morning Oscar” wiess says already turning to walk away ruby quickly gathers crescent rose and Oscars gifts and says “bye Oscar I’ll be careful byeee” and dashed out the door behind the others Blake nudges her shoulder “your lucky I made weiss wait  ,god you two are adorable” ruby squeaks “will you stop spying on us”  “we weren’t spying you two dolts left the door open” weiss says annoyed 
 The mission was boring as she thought it was gonna be how normal soldiers couldn’t handle this she’ll never know on the airship ride home she opens   the box Oscar gave to her a note on top says “have a great day and stay safe” she smiles at the note and sticks it in her ammo pocket  it looks like a brownie is some kind and yang leans over and says “where did you get that”
“Oscar made it for me” she says taking it out of the container it smells like a peanut butter protein bar “ooo come on share with me pleassss” yang says putting her hands together “ugh your lucky I’m a good sister” she breaks off a small piece and hands it to yang and takes a bite of her own and it’s amazing it Taste like a peanut butter brownie but somehow better it’s somehow not dried out or crumbly yang seems to have a similar opinion “god if you don’t marry Oscar i will his food is too good”yang says with a laugh  she kicks yang in the leg “I know right I can barely eat the cafeteria food anymore” her and yang chat a bit about food until they finally land Oscar is standing on the landing pad waiting for her she bounce on her heels excitedly despite how tired she is when the door finally opens she rushes out to hug him “how did it go” he asks wrapping his arms around her shoulders “oh it was easy but soooo boring I don’t know why they asked us to do it” she says leaning into him he chuckles “well I’m glad it wasn’t dangerous at least did you like it” he asks sheepishly she puts her head on his “yeees brothers it was great what was it” he unwraps his arms and looks at her “there’s no name for it yet but it’s kinda like a protein brownie was it too grainy or anything what about the after taste” he asks “I didn't even realize it was supposed to be healthy” she puts her hands on his shoulders “Oscar I’m gonna need more of that” he smiles “happy to make some more tonight” he says proudly yang walks past and ruffles his hair “make sure to make enough for me too kiddo” and walks off “how about that nap ruby my teams still on mission so we should have some time” he says taking her hand “yes please” 
They walk back to team alpns dorm room after ruby changes into something more casual Oscar was already wearing his normal clothing he sits on his bed and smiles “I’m gonna get to have two naps today” she sits down next to him and throws her arm around him "you and your team  sure like your naps huh" he smiles as they lie back on his bed "honestly who doesn't like naps I never use to be a huge cuddler but it’s nice to have someone close to you, you know” they lie back Oscar resting his head on rubies shoulder “well I do  wish my team took naps together sometimes yang is a big cuddler too but Weiss  doesn’t like being warm and Blake can’t sit still even so less than you” he snorts as he takes her hand running his thumbs along her knuckles  “well I’m sure the others wouldn’t mind you joining our naps if have to ask but i'll warn you ren sits up in his sleep  Jaune snores and i talk in my sleep” she raises an eyebrow “you didn't last time” she says “that's cause we were smoking  but if i take a nap or if im really tired you can actually talk and I'll talk back” she grins “well what do you talk about”  he rests his head on her chest “usually about my aunt or all yall but Nora has told me i say lots of stuff about you if i'm asked” he says his cheeks getting just a tiny bit rosy she grins and plants a kiss on his nose “well i hope i get the chance to ask but i'll probably fall asleep first im super tired” she rolls over and wraps herself around him oscar adjusting to lay on her arm pulling a blanket over them "well if you can get me to talk I'll answer any question just nothing to embarrassing please" he says  “i would like to know what you have to say tho so maybe i'll try to hold out just a bit longer” she says closing her eyes as oscar lets out his relaxed sigh about half of Oscars communication was nonverbal she liked to mentally catalog the things he does when he relaxes he lets out a long almost high pitched sigh it makes her happy to hear that and it helps her relax her thoughts starts to get fuzzy as sleep takes her she wakes up a few hours later laying on her back oscar laying on top of her them both having wrapped around each other she hears quiet murmurs  coming from him to quiet to understand "Oscar are you still asleep" she whispers no response "Oscar are you comfy" he nods his head "of course I'm comfy I'm cuddling with ruby" she snickers he was definitely still asleep "who's the coolest person you know" she she's "ruby for sure she's so good at fighting and everyone trusts her I wish I was more like her" she runs her hand through his hair "how do you feel about ruby " she asked "I'm in love with her she makes me feel strong and weak at the same time when she's with me I feel like I'm safe and that we could do anything together i want to be with her forever" she's crying now "oh shit I didn't expect him to be that honest" she thinks as tears run down her face "I love you too Oscar"     she kisses the top of his head “you know i never used to want like romantic stuff and all the fluffy garbage i just wanted to be a huntress and fight grim stuff like that but you  make me want that stuff i wanna take you on dates and like hold your hand and stuff there are a bunch of things i wanna do like” she pauses resting her head on his “i forgot you were asleep for a second i'm starting to embarrass myself i do love you tho i dont know when your supposed to say that we've only been i guess dating for what 2 and a half weeks my dad always joked that huntsmen relationships move really fast nothing like holy shit we might die to move a relationship forward right but you make me feel like i don't know amazing and I love being with you you make all my worries disappear even if it's only for a little bit and i'm rambling and your not talking back” oscar lifts his head “its cause im awake and i love it when you ramble” she feels her face light on fire “w-what when did you wake up” he hums happily “around we might die  i think it was nice that stuff you said you can ramble longer if you want what that new gun you saw in that magazine” she smiles “it's a roller delayed blowback sniper rifle its a smaller caliber than crescent rose but it has a longer effective range because of the way the bore is shaped i prefer bolt actions to semi automatics for a long range rifle semi autos have there merits and stuff it's a lot lighter than crescent rose as well on account of it not also being a giant scythe you know i was thinking about carrying a pistol too crescent rose is great but shes heavy and she's also really hard to conceal  even when shes folded speaking of i need to clean her gears a bunch of dust got in them today you said you wanted to learn weapon maintenance i could teach you today if you want” “sure i can learn there's a lot of things oz knows but it's like a big library without a librarian its all jumbled up” she scratches the back of his neck “well i do not understand the dewey decimal system but i'm happy to help” they both giggle at her joke ruby keeps rambling until the rest of team alpn return 
Oscar is walking ruby back to her dorm they come to her door and they turn to face each other and oscar rubs his hands together “so ruby uh I got permission with ironwood to leave school grounds as long as someone's with me so I was wondering if you’d like to maybe go out like on a date” she smiles and puts her arms around his shoulders “sounds amazing sweetie I’m free this weekend where do you want to go” he blushes and says “well I actually have something in mind but I wanna keep it a surprise if that’s ok” she kisses him on the cheek “of course casual clothes or should i dress nice” he shakes his head “i mean it's really up to you but were not going somewhere fancy just a place I think you'll like" she smiles and kisses his nose and he leans up a little so there lips are level "can i kiss you again" he asks just above a whisper her pressing her lips gently against his is her answer they  hold the kiss for a few moments Oscars hands drifting to ruby's waist when they separate  she says "i think we're getting pretty good at that" Oscar smiles avoiding her eyes "yeah um It's certainly enjoyable" they break the hug "I'll see you in the morning I'll make that stuff you like ok" he says "yes awesome you're the best Oscar good night" she says as she slips into her from her teammates giving her knowing smirks 
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