#don't mind the low edit quality
creativepup · 8 months
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Ghost Trick x Transistor crossover AU
spoilers + details below
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Maybe you're looking for someone to blame Fighting for air while you circle the drain
Lynne is still an intrepid detective on the heels of a major case - until she's framed for the murder of Sissel. Sissel is now a digital ghost trapped within the Transistor. Together the two strangers must work together to undo the string of murders occuring across town and find out what's going on until it's too late.
Ray is possessing one of the OVC terminals at the beginning of the game, and guides you to the sandbox rooms.
Sissel can still reverse time (or at least watch replays). The [now digital] assassins replace the Process types (eg. Jeegos, Beauties, Dandies...). Each resident ghost you encounter unlocks a new 'trick' type in the Transistor.
Missile joins you for some segments of your travels.
Yomiel was originally the lead engineer on the Transistor project, and is now using the assassins as part of a revenge plot on the city.
Cabanela and Jowd are part of the elite team investigating the secret "digital manipulator", although they don't realize they've been infiltrated from the inside... They are also tracking down Lynne.
The confrontation at the Empty Set is with possessed Kamilla (and actually the first confrontation with Yomiel).
The confrontations with Cabanela and Jowd mirror Chapter 15.
Yomiel has been spying on Cabanela and the team via the body of Sissel-the-cat.
The park is Transistor Park.
That's as much as I've thought out so far: would love to hear if anyone has additions to add on! There's so many fun parallels between these two games.
(Also have thoughts on the Transistor characters in the Ghost Trick universe, but that one still needs a bit more fleshing out.)
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pipthegreat · 4 months
Info Cards‼️
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These took a while to make but I fairly like how they turned out. These are all ordered from the oldest to newest member of Digital Fun Park!
Welcome to Digital Fun Park, a canceled VR horror game that was brought back to life.
When the company gave up on an in-progress horror game, it was left to fade away. But a virus inside of it came to life and couldn't stand being lonely anymore, so it brought people to its digital world.
How abstraction works:
The Adventures:
The Solar Eclipse:
First designs + lineup:
I'll edit this post when I make "important" things about the au, also please ask me questions because I absolutely love this au!!
* Jax's hatred
* What could happen
* First introduction
* Gangle's comics
* A silly mistake
* The Mask
* Bonding
* Tadc / dfp
* Missing parts
* Outside the park
* Bubble
* Rest
* Abstracted
* Gloink Queen
* Fear of the park
* Defense
* Closed eye
* Jax.
"Can I make fanart?":
Of course you can! I don't mind at all and it makes me extremely happy!
"Is there any ships?":
There are no cannon ships in this au but if you want to ship the characters you can totally go for it! Self shipping is also welcome! As long as it doesn't involve minor x adult though.
"Can I make NSFW?":
You do you, just don't send it to me alright? ^^
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bitchfitch · 6 days
My mother's bf had a fairly major surgery (he's fine and recovering well DW) and he's going to be housebound for his birthday this year, so I've been enlisted to come up with a fancy birthday meal for the special birthday boy that's primarily fruit and veg, sweeter than savory, and is something he's never had before.
Bc I'm making watermelington. It's beef Wellington, but watermelon. bc my mom only found out recently you can use watermelon as a tuna substitute. And I know that you can substitute most higher quality beef cuts with tuna or salmon.... usually. Anyways the idea fascinates her so I'm hoping to use that for bonus points.
Now he's off his ass on pain killers so I can't like. Ask him if he's ever had something before. so to meet my brief I've decided to just. commit a novel hate crime against the British I guess.
Anyways. I'm writing this because I need to walk myself through this process and think it'll be surreal enough to be worth taking y'all along for.
So, Beef Wellington. In its most basic bitch arrangement is a beef tenderloin wrapped in prosciutto/really thin bacon, with a layer of mushroom and onion mush, that has been further wrapped in mustard slathered puff pastry.
We will be ship of Theseusing this. bc beef Wellington is like. the opposite of what he wants. Which is why it's funny.
Puff pastry-> it's still just puff pastry
this one doesn't have to change (aka I can't be fucked to do pastry prep and I'm just gonna use store bought it's Fine.)
the prosciutto is also just going to be prosciutto.
Thin meat
Beef tenderloin-> watermelon,
Tbh this is a pretty 1 to 1 substitution. I'll bake the slices at like. 250-300 for an hour or so ahead of the rest of prep to dry it out a bit. bc you can't like. Sear watermelon to seal in the water like you can beef. By definition it's a very wet fruit (like me when I fall into the lake). Ill Add salt and chili and lime juice while baking maybe. this is the easy part
The mushroom mush-> salsa done bad style
As the word mush implies, this is meant to be a very soft mix. It adds a lot of nuttiness to the wellington that rounds out all of the salt from the meats. I'm replacing it with white person salsa(the birthday boy can't handle spice). Tomato, lime juice, parsley, avocado, cucumber, feta, and maybe mango so I can have an excuse to have a lil mango treat. I said I wasn't making it spicy. I'm still putting a bit of chili in it. bc it'll be better like that. This is also a ridiculously wet bit of mush, Even the original mushrooms have too much water. I'll figure something out.
Mustard -> jelly
He lives in a big city. those preserve sections are massive. I'll find a weird one. maybe apricot.
We're in the mind palace kitchen, I have not attempted any of this. We're just thinking real hard about it and I'll edit as needed on the day and post results.
The watermelon
Preheat oven to eh. 300f? We want low and slow to dry things out without it taking a year. but idk what his oven is like. If it's gentle I'll bump it up another ten-twenty.
Slather some watermelon slices in salt chili powder and lime juice mixture.
bake for 30 min on a wire rack or directly on the oven racks (after cleaning thoroughly) if he doesn't have a wire rack. with a drip try underneath to catch the drippage. check frequently. Have one slice that's for being poked to see if it's approaching being meat. Bake longer if needed.
Salsa bad style
chop everything up and add it to a pan with some oil in it. Tbh I don't think the type of oil you use for cooking matters if you're not like, getting near any smoke points. Most people can't tell the difference unless you made your food bland as hell.
Anyways there's some wildly different moisture contents on the list so there has to be an Order to cook off as much water as possible without getting yucky.
Tomatoes and cucumbers go in together with some salt to get the cucs softening, then the mango chunks and lime juice. Once most of the water is gone the avocado feta and parsley can go in. There is a good amount of water in avocados but they're delicate and don't pan fry well, so we're just going to ignore their water crimes and hope for the best. They just need to be evenly mixed through the rest of the mush.
Putting it together
lay out the puff pastry, cut into sections to wrap each watermelon slice individually with.
Slather in jam
Take the prosciutto and lay it out on half of each section of the pastry,
spoon the salsa onto that
Another layer of salsa
another layer of thin meat
Fold the pastry over the top and pinch the edges bc watermelon slices are not a rollable shape and I don't want to carve a watermelon into a tube for this because that sounds irritating.
Brush with egg wash and more parsley
Cook in oven following the pastry's preferred temp and time. it's fucking watermelon, you're not getting ecoli from it.
watermelington :)
I'm serving it with baked sweet potatoes and spinach based salad with whatever toppings are left over from making the salsa.
anyways thank you for joing me on this thought experiment. I will post updates once the deed is done. I'm sorry to every British person ever.
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soular-sisters · 5 months
Your Moon Sign & Your Mama: Mother's Day Edition 💐
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hi guysss!! happy mothers day to all the beautiful mamas out there. 💗 in honor of mothers day, i did a lil series on how each sign finds deep connection to their mother.
to those who don't know, the moon sign in a person's chart shows not only their emotional & deepest side, but it also shows their relationship with their maternal figure. the moon very simply equals "the mother".
🤱 Aries Moon: “my mother is so strong.”
*having an aries moon means it is likely that you see your mom as a very strong & dominant figure in your life.
*it is likely you’ve always looked up to your mother’s strength, resilience, boss energy, & ability to get through any hardship.
*you may see your mother as being a little too aggressive or domineering at times, but it is important to remember through the hard times, your mother loves you fiercely.
**best ways to connect with your mom: enjoy a passionate debate, go out to do a fun physical activity, stand up for her when she needs you, & remind your mom of her strength through it all.
🤱 Taurus Moon: “my mother is so loyal.”
*with a taurus moon, it is likely that your mom is a very loyal & solid figure in your life.
*your mother is probably loving, practical, grounded, & an amazing provider as a parent.
*you may see your mom's stability & loving qualities to be sustaining to your soul. it is possible your mom may be a bit stubborn & uncompromising at times. regardless, her love for you shows through it all.
**best ways to connect with your mom: cook a yummy meal together, talk about fond family memories, buy her a bouquet of flowers to show your love, & remind her how consistent she’s been in your life.
🤱 Gemini Moon: “my mother is so funny.”
*being a gemini moon, your mom is likely intelligent & filled with silly stories.
*it is likely your mother’s best qualities is her humor, multifaceted personality, her colorful mind, & wonderful anecdotes.
*on the downside, your mom may be a little inconsistent or unreliable at times. but her love for you is there regardless of inconsistencies.
**best ways to connect with your mom: listen to her funny stories, play a fun board game together, watch movies you both love, & remind her how valuable her humorous mind is.
🤱 Cancer Moon: “my mother is so nurturing.”
*as a cancer moon, it is likely your mom has always been a caring & compassionate figure in your life.
*your mom’s best qualities is likely her sweetness, her caregiving nature, her softheartedness, & the overflowing love she’s shown you.
*at the worst of times, your mother may be moody & a bit overemotional. but her love for you has never been in question.
**best ways to connect with your mom: look at family photo albums together, treat yourselves to a nice spa day, gift her a nice piece of jewelry, & remind her what an amazing nurturer she is.
🤱 Leo Moon: “my mother is so passionate.”
*having a leo moon means your mother is likely fierey & outgoing.
*it is likely your mom is a loud, proud, independent, & charismatic mother filled with life.
*at her low points, she may be dramatic & over the top. but no matter how performative she can be, she loves you as passionately as possible.
**best ways to connect with your mom: go watch your favorite theatrical play together, listen to her talk about her latest drama of the moment, take her on a shopping spree, & remind her how beautiful her heart is.
🤱 Virgo Moon: “my mother is so intelligent.”
*with a virgo moon, it is likely your mother is a logical & practical figure in your life.
*your mom’s best qualities are likely her analytical abilities, intelligence, her organizational skills, & her ability to be a smart caregiver for others.
*at times, she may be a little bit of a perfectionist & an overthinker, but no matter what her love for you is without question.
**best ways to connect with your mom: have an intelligent conversation with her, engage in a brain game together, gift her a self-care gift to help her unwind, & remind her of her brilliance.
🤱 Libra Moon: “my mother is so beautiful.”
*as a libra moon, it is likely your mother is someone filled with love & beauty.
*your mother is likely charming, flirtatious, has great taste, & is sociable.
*at her worst, she may be a little superficial or overly friendly, but her loving heart has always loved your dearly.
**best ways to connect with your mom: take her to a lovely social gathering, treat her to get a beauty treatment, compliment her beautiful style, & remind her how gorgeous she is inside and out.
🤱 Scorpio Moon: “my mother is so deep.”
*being a scorpio moon, it is likely you see your mother as a very raw & real figure in your life.
*your mother’s redeeming qualities are likely her honesty, deepness, unbreakable loyalty, & strength through hardship.
*in dark times, your mom may be a little intense & overbearing, but you know with her intensity that her love for you is unshakable.
**best ways to connect with your mom: open up to her about hardships, take her on a private retreat, always be real with her, & remind her how her realness is cherished.
🤱 Sagittarius Moon: “my mother is so fun.”
*with a sagittarius moon, your mother is likely adventurous & a free-spirit.
*your mom’s best qualities is likely her youthful spirit, her taste for fun, her great sense of humor, & her openness to trying new things.
*at low moments, she may be a little out of control or wild to a fault, but her love for her remains in her spirit.
**best ways to connect with your mom: go on a fun adventure with her, try new foods you’ve never had before, embrace her wild spirit, & remind her how precious her adventurous heart is to you.
🤱 Capricorn Moon: “my mother is so hardworking.”
*as a capricorn moon, your mother is most likely a diligent & grounded figure in your life.
*at her best, your mom is probably consistent, determined, ethical, & always working to improve herself.
*in bad moments, your mom may be a person of tough love & little overly concerned with money. no matter the bad, her love for you in unquestionable.
**best ways to connect with your mom: talk to her about self-improvement, take her on a fancy dinner date, ask her about her goals, & remind her how her hard work never goes unnoticed.
🤱Aquarius Moon: “my mother is so unique.”
*being an aquarius moon, your mom is likely an innovative & one of a kind type of mother.
*your mom’s best attributes are likely her independence, her futuristic mind, her unconventional style, & her sharp intelligence.
*her unfavorable moments may be her unchangeableness & being emotionally distant at times. no matter what, her love for you is deep in her heart.
**best ways to connect with your mom: talk with her about new technology, explore new ways to do things, go stargazing, & remind her of how her independence makes her beautiful.
🤱 Pisces Moon: “my mother is so spiritual.”
*as a pisces moon, your mother is likely a kind & empathetic soul.
*your mother’s best features are likely her sensitive heart, her connection to the spiritual realm, her silliness, & her sweet temperament.
*at worst moments, she may be vulnerable to harshness & overwhelmed with emotion. but there is no question she loves you deeply.
**best ways to connect with your mom: talk about the spiritual side of life, share deep spiritual practices together, do a creative activity together, & remind her of how kindhearted she is.
happy mothers day to all who celebrates. 🤍
xoxo -A.A.
IG: @dredivinecreates 🤍 i would appreciate all your support. thank you so much!
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Commonly asked questions
How do I submit songs? Submissions are currently closed. When it opens up again, I'll post a message here stating rules and which specific info I require. If you don't supply that info along with the song, your message will be deleted.
I submitted a song when we were allowed. When will it appear? :) There's waaay over two thousand songs in my askbox. 😅 And I'm very slow at posting submitted songs because it takes an oddly more amount of time and energy than you'd think, that's why it's easier for me to go with the songs I already have. Please have a bit more patience, hopefully it'll be posted soon enough! 💖
I don't like the genres posted recently. 🤷‍♀️ I mean, you can tell me what genres there's a lack of and I'll try put more effort into adding more of them.
I don't like the poll options. 🤷‍♀️
Will there be an "Indifferent" option? No. People bitched and very rudely demanded it when the blog was new and it left a very sour taste. Also we're 250+ songs in, it's kinda meh to add it now, but I definitely understand why you want it because some songs are really hard to define if you feel anything at all about them. (also you know people would just click indifferent to see the results instead of listening to the song lol) If I were to ever add more options, it would be love/hate.
How do I vote on a song if I feel indifferent about it? Indifferent = don't like it ig. 🤷‍♀️ Remember, I'm not asking you if you LOVE!!!!!! the song, or if you want to buy it. Liking can be as good as only a "meh, it's ok / decent enough to run in the background". Disliking can be being indifferent instead of outright hating it, when it's so neutral to you that it doesn't give you any positive feelings. It is only a minute long clip that I'm asking you to form an opinion about after all; you can change your mind either way when you hear the full version. Sometimes songs have to grow on you!
How do you pick the songs used in the polls? Mostly like this:
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I have a huge mp3 hoarding archive so the submitted songs are easier for me to pick if they're already in my possession. 😅 Songs that aren't in my collection (tagged as #new to admin :D lol. sometimes i search out songs specifically for the poll that are tagged this as well) requires a bit more effort to download/listen to/edit but i have discovered a couple of great new gems so don't think i don't appreciate them!
How do I search for a specific artist/song that you've posted? All artists are tagged a day or so after the song reveal. Don't forget to use the hashtag symbol when searching or tumblr will give you all sorts of odd results!!!! (or none at all, lol) Please also remember that tumblr finds simple easy tasks extremely difficult, so only search for an artist with the easiest type of spelling, like #beyonce instead of #beyoncé. All artists and songs are added to the Complete Song List once their showdown poll is finished, for a quick search of what's been posted.
The audio quality is too poor for my taste!! 😡 sad </3
This is just for you. 💖
Why are all the songs of such vast variating quality? ....i mean, you didn't think I've bought all the tens of thousands of songs in my music library, did you...? Pirating songs gives you variations of quality, hell even my own cd rips have variations. It's easier to get better quality files now than it was back in the days, kiddos, so yeah some songs in the archives needs to be updated with new files. I have some very ancient mp3's that are in really low sound, that i've instead downloaded newer versions of in better quality for the polls but y'all still give me shit about it because the artist have remastered the track to unrecognition or whatever so there's just no pleasing some people i guess lmao. 😂
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Do you like all the songs you've posted? No, lol. All the songs that are in my archive are songs I've at least liked enough once upon a time to save them, even if I'm not actively listening to them much anymore. Everything tagged as #new to admin :D are new songs to me that I may or may not like, regardless if they're submitted or if I've scouted them out myself only for the polls. :) Songs that I hate so much that I can't stand them are very few, and I won't waste time on adding them!
Did you change the song in the poll?? No. Maybe you clicked on the wrong one if I posted them too close together or maybe (most likely) tumblr has screwed something up for you. Some songs don't even show at times because it's tumblr being tumblr, just wait it out for a few minutes and tumblr will eventually remember to play the audio. So far there's only one song that I had to re-upload because tumblr killed the file. I can change the clip to better audio or to another part of the same song, but I never replace it to a different one once it's out there for you to vote on, I don't see the point of doing that.
Why are some polls audio files and other video files? Again: tumblr being tumblr. They won't allow some songs to be uploaded as audio, but using them in videos is ok. I hate the audio-as-video format and it requires even more effort from me so I'm not doing it on purpose. :)
I don't remember if I've heard this song before or not. If you know you've heard it, like if you're a fan or a hater or the song has been constantly played on the radio, you know it. (this is why the phrasing has been changed again in the latest polls) If you don't remember it, or just vaguely, or just a specific tiny part used in a meme/tiktok video, choose first time. The only thing that matters is the yes or no, knowing it or not is just an added fun but don't take it too seriously. :) Look at it sort of like "old fan/casual listener/hater vs new listener".
The part of the song that you posted SUCKS!!!! You should have just posted this one specific famous part for people to vote yes! "don't post the actual song in this song poll" ...................................like, no. not gonna post just the meme-bits or the drops or the whatever. Yeah i saw all the comments how you all clicked dislike on "Out of Touch" because you voted before you got to the chorus 😂 That's an honest opinion about the song lol, because a song is more than just a catchy chorus or a big drop. But yeah, sometimes one verse of a song would've maybe been better to post instead of that other verse, I'm with you on that.
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I queued this song to see what it is but it's still stated as being Anonymous for me! Reblogs, drafts and queues will only show you what's there at the time, like a screenshot. It won't update automatically. All your reblogs, drafts and queued posts from when the poll is active will only show up as Anonymous songs. Always go back to the original post to see the song reveal. If the info isn't there, then give me a day or two to update the post because most likely things are too busy irl. 💖
I voted wrong/voted before I recognized the song! Will you change my vote? No, I'm not recounting anything wth. 😅
I'm embarrassed. I like the song but I don't want others to know that I do. I promise you that nobody but you can see how you've voted. Not me or your mutuals. Only you see what you've voted on. It's ok to like bad songs, and it's ok to like good songs by bad people. Don't let others shame you for that.
How do I vote on this cover/remix that was posted instead of the original? If you feel like this version is close to the original that you like, vote yes. If you don't feel like this version does the original song justice, vote no, even if it hurts.
This song that I don't know samples another song that I do know. How do I vote? I don't consider samples being used as being the same song, so pick first time. Unlike covers/remixes, the original song that has been sampled might show up at a later time, if it hasn't already been on here before.
How does so many people not know this song!!? Everyone is not your age/not from your country and your experience is not universal. 🤷‍♀️ That being said, I too get wtf-moments sometimes because some songs really do get wacky results, so, yeah 😂
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Have you ever thought about-- Yes.
I demand you give me a rickroll!!!!!! Ask things nicely instead of demanding things from me. (This is the most common demand I've gotten, sigh. Thanks to those of you who have at least asked nicely and/or with a sense of humour!)
Please do a rickroll? It's already been posted in a bonus poll. It might show up in a "real" poll in years from now if this poll blog is still active but as of now it was added to a tumblr meme post where it was better suited.
I'm gonna ignore that submissions are closed and send you song suggestions anyway!!!! They will be deleted because they're not asked for atm. Unless you're the artist. Exceptions can be made in that case. :)
This poll blog doesn't respect my requirement to know who the artists are before I listen to their songs because of my need - that is very important that everyone else needs to acknowledge and follow - to know if a person is of a good moral standing according to my own views!! 😡 There's other poll blogs better suited for you. Not everything online has to be adjusted to fit *your* particular needs. 🤷‍♀️ (YES i've actually gotten this demand way too often. Sigh.)
Why was my reblog hidden from the notes where I spew hatred over an artist?! You are censoring me!!!! Did you mention the artist by name, or other obvious spoilers? Don't post spoilers. 🤷‍♀️
You hid this other comment I made with no spoilers!!!!! Sometimes comments show in dashboard mode but not in app mode and vice versa, or not even in the notifications. Haven't we already established that tumblr finds easy stuff extremely difficult? Also, sometimes you and I don't share an opinion of what a spoiler means. To all of you who have claimed an artist's name isn't a spoiler, yeah it's kind of a big one. As for the artist mentioning their own name or the song title in the song, you only hear that once you listen to the clip. Knowing it before even clicking to play the music is a spoiler.
Why have you turned off replies? I want to say things without reblogging!! I mean 🤷‍♀️ I'm sure you know why. Replies and anons have been turned off from the very beginning. The few times replies actually have been turned on, it's been stated as such and been very temporarily, like when we've discussed music in some post.
Turn on anon!!! I'm to shy to say thing off-anon! I mostly reply to things privately, or this blog would be nothing but q&a. Anons are off for a reason. Abuse and death threats are to be associated with the sender's account for all to see. I'm always nice to nice people so there's no need to worry about sending me questions or tagging me in things. :) 💖
I demand you to-- Pay me. :)
Shut up and take the abuse thrown at you personally because you're just a poll blog! You are aware that the poll blogs on tumblr aren't actually run by bots, right? Don't be an obnoxious twat. (and ughh yes, this too has been said to me several times. Sigh.)
I want you to add this song I want RIGHT NOW and/or i WANT these other options added now! Rich people can always break all the rules, just like irl. Just give me the $$$$ 😘
I don't like this song because I don't understand the language. Please only post English songs. Ok well, I mean, you can always learn other languages. 🤷‍♀️ Just like how I learned English.
If anyone feels targeted by these last questions without me meaning to, I'm sorry. These actually are the most common questions and comments and demands I've gotten in my askbox. Especially when the blog was new and people Demanded Their Rights to have me adjust everything to suit them. Don't feel like you can't state your thoughts in reblogs or in messages because as long as you're not being rude to me, my attitude on some answers isn't targeted at you, only at them. 💖 Remember to just have fun with the polls and hopefully you and/or your mutuals discover new music!
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
TL;DR He's HOT! In which you get caught gushing about how into them you are, by them
Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan,Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor Dateables Version not edited
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"What do I like about Lucifer?" you repeat back. "What is there not to like? He has a pretty good fashion sense, a mature vibe also-" you kept rambling, naming qualities you like about the eldest demon, from his physical qualities to his personality. 
He honestly couldn't believe his ears. He had just come to drop off some documents and ask questions. He didn't suspect that you and Diavolo would be talking about him, much less what you supposedly liked about him. The list must be quite great, as you have barely taken a breath and kept chattering off things.
"To sum it up, Lucifer is one the hottest men I've met. Mature with the just right amount of playfulness. Not to mention easy on the eyes" you finish, love sick look in your eyes
He stopped and waited before appearing a little while after. Diavolo could tell he heard, by the smug smirk he wore. You felt awkward, I mean you were literally JUST singing the man's praises. Giving the documents to Diavolo, Lucifer chatted a little before saying goodbye.
You immediately got called to his office after you came home. Man literally started quoting what you said as you rotted away in the chair in front of his desk. Don't worry, he's just having his fun before he tells you the feeling is mutual.
Mammon catches you talking to Asmo about him on one of your spa days. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop! Honest! You were just kinda loud and he could hear all that you were saying about him through the door.
“Have you SEEN his eyes Asmo? They are the prettiest shade of blue! Ugh, and his hair is so freaking soft. I have never been so in love. He can rob me blind as long as he just keeps smiling. I am so down bad. AND ANOTHER THING-!” you said, going on another tangent. 
Mammon is blushing sooo bad. He is so pumped you like him back! As you should, he IS your first man!!! He has no preservation instincts, so he yells in victory, fistpumping the air. Asmo gets on to him and they have an argument about how he needed to learn to stop that. You, on the other hand, are trying to hide.
Mammon kidnaps you (against all of Asmo's protest) and tells you that you should feel that way about him! He is the Great Mammon after all, your first man! He also stutters out that he likes you too. 
Leviathan does not know how the stars aligned, but he heard you and Beel talking in the kitchen. Well, you were talking as Beel scarfed down the entirety of the fridge and pantry. (He's hoping that his rainbow pizza is a survivor).
"He is just so dreamy, Beel. I don't know how he doesn't see it. His sunset eyes, his devotion to his games? Ugh, and when he goes on his nerd rants? Be still my beating heart!!" You exclaim dramatically. 
Through a muffled mouth of food, he hears his younger brother reply 
"Just tell him. I'm pretty sure he likes you back" 
"He's like a wild animal! Can't approach him to fast or he will run away!! Ugh, but I wanna kiss him so baddd"
He squeaks at that comment, quite loudly. The two of you come out of the kitchen, but Levi is GONE. He might have given away someone who was listening in, but he will not get caught.
Later in the week, he invites for an anime marathon, and makes it very obvious he knows. Just tell him there, he'll freak out, but accept anyways.
Honestly, it was your fault for talking about Satan in a library, especially quite close to the mystery novels.
He was looking for a novel, when he heard you and Mammon talking. He recalls that earlier in the week you two got in trouble for low quiz scores, so you must have been forced to stay here for so many hours.
"Ugh, he is so cute. I love him sooo much. He is so cute when he plays with the cats in the street. He looks so at peace and comfy I lose my mind. Not to mention, his ability to remember things? Iconic. He is the only reason I pass history. I have never felt this way before! I think Satan is, like, my perfect match."
"Good for you. Did you find a cheat sheet online?" Mammon replies boredly.
"I don't think Lucifer would appreciate you not even attempting the work, Mammon" Satan replies, startling both of you.
"Satan!" the both of you yell, in shock.
"H-how long have you been there?" You ask nervously. Oh, how cute is all Satan can think.
"Long enough"
He ignores it till Mammon and you finish your work, with his help of course. He tells you the feeling is mutual, and that he appreciates all the compliments.
Asmo was running late. It was usual, beauty takes time you know! It's also tasteful to be fashionably late, keeping suspense up. He does feel a little bad, as it is Solomon and you kept waiting. It was a cute new café that he had seen all over Devilgram, and just knew that the three of you had to go together.
He was about to yell out for you two, but he saw you passionately talking about something so he decided not to.
"He is just so pretty, Sol. Do you ever think he would be into me? He is completely out of my league, but maybe there's a small chance?? I could be, like, his funny little significant other who hypes him up!! I think Asmo would appreciate that, don't you?"
Solomon, who had noticed Asmo approaching, just shrugged. 
"I dunno, you ask him" is all he says, pointing at the object of your affections with a smirk.
Asmo is soooo happy!!!!! You and him are gonna be the prettiest couple to ever exist, and he tells you that right then and there. He announces that you're dating right on the spot, as you and he both obviously want to. You three have a good day out, and when you go home, Asmo spoils you as you both talk about how the other one is prettier.
Beel had just gotten out of a shower after a workout. He, you, and Belphie had a movie night planned. Aka, Beel gets snacks, Belphie sleeps through the entire thing, and you get to see something you have wanted to for a little bit while hanging out with the twins. It was a perfect win-win -win for all three of you. You and Belphie we're doing prep(you were while Belphegor slept the whole time) for when he came back in their room. So, when he heard you giggling in their room, Beel couldn't help but smile.
"He is so perfect, Belph! He cares so deeply for everyone, and is so kind. I dunno if I ever met such a sweetheart before. I think I should go for it, but I don't know. I figure I should ask you how he feels since he is your twin"
"Go for it" is all Belphegor replies with, sleep obvious in his words. He hears you laugh again, and then decides to open the door.
You look a little pale, and Belphie looks a little smug. He probably heard him coming down the hall, with his better hearing.
"Hey! So I thought-"
"You really feel that way?" Beel ask.
"Oh! You, uh, heard that. Yeah, I really do"
Ecstatic, he smiled so big when you said you were serious. Puppy boyfriend aquired baybee!!!!!!! You two watch the movie while holding hands and cuddling as best you could. Belphie appreciates you two being together but he's not giving up the best cuddle spot to indulge you two.
Belphie, Satan, and you had a scheduled Anti-Lucifer League meeting. The plan was to move everything in Lucifer's office half an inch to irk him. Belphegor had fallen asleep, so he came in a little later than you two. 
"He is so cute when he sleeps Satan! He literally acts like a cat! When he snuggles his head into my stomach I lose my mind!!! I might be reading into it too hard, but I think he might also like me back? Maybe I'm delusional, but it seems like it! I like Belphie so much, he makes me crazy"
"Criminally insane, crazy does not fully describe how in deep you are" Satan replies boredly, like he had heard this rant time and time again.
Belphie, is of course, happy. You like him! Him! Oh man, this is such a good day. He obviously acts like he doesn't know anything when he enters the room. You look awkward, and Satan is tired. After a day or two, he brings it up. He wanted to make you feel like he hadn't heard you. He makes fun of you for being so down bad, but accepts your feelings and tells you he feels the same. He might not show it, but he is also so into you it almost hurts.
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shippingmyworld · 3 months
Youtuber!Timmy and Youtuber!Jimmy AU
Follow up to my Youtuber!Danny Phantom AU from this post cus I can't stop thinking about this AU.
Timmy runs a channel named Fairly Odd Creatures where he makes full-blown mockumentaries about all kinds of mythical creatures/cryptids. Once every 2-3 months he will post a video that's about 60 minutes long and the production value that goes into them is absolutely mind-blowing. People are constantly flooding his inbox, demanding to know what his secret is. There are all-out wars in the comment section of his videos (or whatever social media platform his videos are being discussed on) debating on how in the world the footage is pulled off. Nobody can agree on if it's super-advanced cgi or the best blend of makeup and props the internet has ever seen.
Timmy's secret of course is just the fact that Cosmo and Wanda will simply poof into existence whatever creature Timmy needs for his video. Then he just has to follow it around for a few hours with his camcorder and then edit the footage together.
The funniest part of his videos (and probably the reason that they're so popular) is that nothing in them is even remotely in line with what has already been popularized. For example: "Chupacabra's? Yeah, it turns out they don't drink the blood of livestock. They eat metal. Specifically, automobile metal. Don't believe me? Well I lost this Chupacabra in downtown Dimmsdale for a few hours and it ate half of this totally random car before I found it again. Here's a clip of it taking a chomp out of the tire like it's a donut." (The car belonged to Mr. Crocker and it wasn't an accident).
Each and every video Timmy uploads is guaranteed to hit number one on trending for a few hours, and then hover in the top 20 for a few days. This gives Timmy a bit of an ego, especially since whenever he posts a new one everyone at school is talking about it the next day. He tells himself that he can't reveal his identity because then he's have to explain how he's pulling everything off (his voice is disguised with a magical voice modulator that makes him sound like a dramatic narrator) and thus risk exposing Cosmo and Wanda. However, the second that Trixie off-handedly mentions she watches them he spills the beans. Thankfully for his fairies, nobody believes him.
Jimmy's channel is called Brain Blast in which he posts about his projects and the science behind them. While he does have a small and dedicated subscriber base, most of the comments on his videos are from months or years after he's uploaded them in the first place of people thanking him for posting such great study aids.
Part of the reason why he has a smaller subscriber base is because he doesn't edit his content. They're all done with a single take, which only is extremely impressive to anyone that notices. He writes the script, preps his slideshow and props, and then hits record. Even though he does plenty of "Fun Science" videos ("Alternative Travel Methods feat. Bubble Travel", "How to Launch Your Toaster into Orbit", "Make Your Own Rust in a Can", etc.) the low production and sound quality for everything gives off the same energy as those channels run by a middle-aged man recording stuff about their niche interest on their phones.
Sheen and Carl appear in most of his videos as his assistants (or lab rats depending on the context). They're pretty great helpers, despite the fact that Sheen always goes off script and Carl gets so camera shy that he forgets his lines. Jimmy has to cut in a lot with "That's an excellent question!" to get them back on track. Libby and even Cindy will make occasional appearances. In fact, most of his popular uploads come from videos that his friends requested: "How Real is the Science in Ultralord?", "Surprising Biology of Lamas!", and "The Science Behind Enjoying Music." are counted among his most popular uploads.
Cindy once tried to get her own channel up and running and was pretty popular for a while, but after a few months she decided that even part-time content creator wasn't something she wanted to invest her time into. Instead, she'll just muscle her way into Jimmy's videos on occasion. More than once she has basically hijacked Jimmy's script halfway through to talk about famous women related to whatever topic Jimmy is covering.
Jimmy can't really bring himself to interrupt Cindy's hijacking's, because whiles she's right about the contributions these famous women have made, they're not super relevant to the hyper-specific topic/experiment he's currently covering (he will just shoot a second video when he's alone and upload it to make sure all his points got covered). Eventually though, he'll get so annoyed with Cindy barging into his lab whenever she finds out he's planning to film (Sheen spills the beans to Libby all the time and she reports to Cindy) that Jimmy will begin to start most of his videos will a few quick facts that he thinks Cindy will like so she'll leave him alone.
When the Youtube algorithm starts recommending Jimmy some of Timmy's mockumentary's, Jimmy will start posting follow-up videos to Timmy's in order to debunk Fairly Odd Creatures. This in turn starts to push Brain Blast up in popularity due to association. Then a portion of Timmy's fanbase gets latched onto Jimmy. They start taking stills from Jimmy's videos to use as reaction images (because Jimmy gets very upset and frustrated with just how wrong everything in Timmy's videos are).
As to not expose himself on his channel, Timmy creates a second channel in which he uploads videos in exactly the same style as Jimmy's. He discredits this "Science" thing that Jimmy is apparently basing all his arguments on and jokes about how Jimmy sounds like a witch. The second channel isn't very popular until Jimmy posts a "In Response to..." video addressing Timmy's second channel directly. This inadvertently brings Timmy's second channel a flash rise in popularity and sparks a whole chain of video uploads between the two of them. There's a solid month of them uploading daily and basically yelling at each other about why people should unsubscribe from the other person.
Timmy throws himself heavily into the second channel (so much so that he almost forget to film content for Fairly Odd Creatures once), adopting a conspiracy theory persona that believes the earth is flat and that the moon is just a government projection. He invites his totally real alien friend Mark Chang onto the channel all the time to talk about Yugopotamia and help discredit Jimmy ("Like yeah man, I totally saw your radical disc-looking planet and had to fly down and check it out.").
And because people are normal on the internet, there's a whole sub-genre of fans that have started to ship Jimmy and Timmy's YouTube channels. 'Enemies-to-lovers' is the most popular trope for them, and there's even a whole subreddit dedicated to the ship that gets fanart and fanfics posted to it on a regular basis. Timmy is very aware of this group of fans and will occasionally sneak in an off-handed remark about Jimmy just to fuel them because he thinks it will piss off Jimmy even more. In fact, there's a whole slew of small channels that clip and compile 'JimTim Evidence' to fuel their theory that Jimmy and Timmy are secretly dating.
Little does Timmy know, there's actually a clip out there of him saying, "Jimmy may not be able to use his oversized head to deduce simple facts, but that least he can pick out glasses that make his eyes look pretty." Jimmy has watched that clip at least a thousand times on loop because he's low-key attracted to Timmy but refuses to admit it. It's part of the reason as to why he gets so worked up about Timmy's responses to him, because how can someone he's attracted to be just so wrong about everything???
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yumeka-sxf · 3 months
Regarding scans and watermarks
Yesterday, a SxF clear file scan made by my friend @xxscarletxrosexx (who had allowed me to share the scan on my blog here) was reposted on Twitter with her watermark clearly removed. She wrote an insightful post about how, despite what many people think, it does take a good amount of work to obtain and scan rare collectibles like this. As someone who makes a lot of scans with watermarks, I want to offer my thoughts on the topic.
For those who have followed me since my blog started, you may have noticed that my watermarks have "evolved" over time. This was in response to, of course, my scans getting reposted without credit (my old watermarks were easy to crop/edit out). I know some people take issue with putting watermarks on official art because we technically didn't "create" it. But that doesn't mean time and effort wasn't put into making the scan. To me, it's similar to people who take photos of exclusive events or people who make gifs...while they didn't create the subjects of these things, they still created the presentation of it. For people who take and share exclusive photos, they spent time, effort, and money not just on going to that location and taking the photos, but posting them in a presentable way online for others to enjoy. For people who make gifs, it again takes a lot of time and effort to create, edit, and present the gifs in an attractive way on social media. In both these cases, while these people didn't draw, animate, design, etc, the subject of their photos or gifs, there was still self-imposed work and creative effort behind it, which I think deserves some recognition. It's the same with making scans...I didn't personally draw the images I scan (and I make this clear by including "scanned by..." in my watermarks) but I still made the presentation of it - the scan - which does take time and effort; I bought a Canon TS6300 scanner a while back particularly for this purpose, I often have to finagle with the books I scan to make sure they're properly flattened so the scans aren't blurry or crooked (have to redo them sometimes when this happens), and if little pieces of lint or other blemishes get in the scanner, I either have to scan them again or use photo editing software to fix them. And while I paid for all the books, posters, etc, I scan with my own money, sometimes just obtaining certain rare collectibles not only takes money, but a lot of dedication to obtain! The Twiyor chara fine graph I recently posted about is a perfect example of how much work can go into acquiring a rare item...and I have no obligation to scan the merch I get. I could just enjoy them on my own and only share quick, low-quality photos from my phone. But I like making scans because I know other people enjoy them 🙂 I also know that many people don't have the means or funds to get this kind of merch, so it's nice to let them have enjoyment from it second-hand through my scans! Sometimes I buy merch only or mostly for the purpose of making scans because I know that artwork isn't currently available in an official artbook or anywhere else.
Since I make so many scans, I just accept the fact that they will get reposted without any mention of me or my blog...which I don't mind that much since that's what the watermarks are for - they're to show people who see the scan where it came from, and if they choose to go to that site, they'll be able to find even more scans to enjoy! But if someone actually removes a watermark, it's like they so adamantly believe that the person who made the scan doesn't deserve any recognition for their time, effort, money, etc, put into it that they're going to spend their own time to remove any trace of that person from the scan...I mean, I can't say it's the most heinous act in the world, but it's disrespectful and just plain not nice. I try not to let it bother me, but it is hurtful to see someone else get recognition for something you put work into. But I just keep things in perspective and tell myself that at least I'm not an artist whose creations are getting posted all over the place without credit (I always cringe at all the uncredited fan art I see on Facebook groups and YouTube music compilations. It's so out of control 😔)
Anyway, I hope I've properly illustrated here that it does take a good amount of time and effort to make scans. I don't think I deserve as much recognition for it as an artist who actually draws the images they post, but I still think this kind of content sharing deserves some credit, even if it's just leaving a watermark intact.
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pehmokoira · 8 months
I think we could all use a morale booster after 2 weeks in the gravy basket, so I decided to write a few reasons why I believe Our Flag Means Death can still be saved!
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Please note that I know literally nothing about how the industry actually works, I'm just clowning and these are opinions based on articles I've read etc. 🤡
Arrested Development was saved by Netflix after Fox cancelled it because of low ratings and viewership. Now, we can't know the numbers for OFMD for certain, but the ratings and reviews have been preeetty good, and season 2 even has a higher Tomatometer score than season 1. (96% vs. 93%) So in that sense, the chances are good. Everything was pointing towards renewal until January 9th!
Which gets me to my next point. If the cancellation really was one person's decision (DZ better watch his fucking step), then that means the show was as good as renewed and it HAD the numbers and the viewership and everything it needed to continue.
Each cancellation case is unique. It's kind of pointless to compare OFMD with any other cancelled show, because the chances of any show getting picked up after cancellation depend on so many things. Production costs, show quality, the potential of the show, viewership, probably also connections/relationships in the industry, etc. But it all boils down to money in the end.
Max is covering up the real reason for the cancellation by lying, which means they've completely fucked up by cancelling this show. Max is the one that looks bad right now, not OFMD. This is bad PR for Max.
David Jenkins has not told us to stop with our renewal efforts, which means there's hope. He knows more than we do. In Jenkins I trust. I won't give up until he tells us it's over.
It's only been 2 weeks and 1 day. It would've been something of a miracle if the show had been picked up in that short a time. Lucifer was saved by Netflix a month after the cancellation.
And lastly, the pros for OFMD:
The show hasn't been on a widely available international streaming service so far. Big potential for new audiences on a different platform.
The marketing for the show has been abysmal, but it's become a flagship series for Max despite that.
The fanbase is loud and passionate, and we've shouted about wanting to buy merch on X. We won't shut up about the show and that's a beautiful and important thing.
Max's lies about the cancellation are so transparent almost anyone can see through them. The people in the industry have probably noticed Max's pattern of cancelling shows about marginalized groups.
The representation in the show is something you don't find in any other show, and while that could be its downfall, it's also the greatest strength of the show. Bigger streaming services aren't as scared of queers as Max is.
The story that the show tells is quite unique.
These are just a few things that came to mind right now. Feel free to reblog and list more reasons if you can think of any!
Edit: I wrote another post about this too! That one's about ✨the numbers✨!
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anxious-witch · 9 months
So a continuation of this soulmate poly! JO au
So! Again, this is not my usual high quality stuff, isn't beta read or edited and I have been feeling kinda eh about writing lately so...yeah. Be warned before going into it. But so many of your wanted some sort of conclusion so I had to give you one. I hope it's at least somewhat satisfying.
This needed a warning for vomitting not the last one my bad, also TW for Bojan's general low self esteem
Bojan wasn't feeling well. And it wasn't only because he was hungover from the whole spiked drink yesterday. No. It was also due to the fact that now they all knew that he was their fifth soulmate.
He woke up surrounded by three of them. Jure was curled around his right side, with Kris' arm thrown over both him and Bojan. Bojan was snuggled in Jan's chest and Jan's hand protectively hovered over his head.
Nace was probably already up. Bojan laid there fir a moment. Soaking in the warmth. For once, his soulmark didn't ache but instead hummed pleasantly. 
It felt so natural, it was hard to remember why he was so scared of it. 
Then a sudden nausea hit him and he had to practically launch himself from the bed. Jan stirred and sleepily called out to him, but Bojan didn't turn. He ran to the bathroom, just in time to throw up in the toilet.
He wasn't sure how he ended up on his knees and gripping the toilet. He also wasn't sure when Jan joined him by sitting on the floor and rubbing his back. 
Only when he stopped throwing up for more than a few seconds did he lean more into the comforting touch. 
"Aren't you supposed to be angry at me?" Bojan mumbled tiredly.
"Oh, I am furious," Jan said easily, "I just don't see the point of having this conversation until you feel better."
Bojan made a pityful sound, closing his eyes. His head hurt, his stomach hurt, his soulmark ached. He just wanted to die.
"You might as well. I am feeling miserable anyway. We can go for full physical and emotional destruction."
Jan sighed and gently ran his head through Bojan's hair. 
"Kris went to make you tea and Jure to dig out some painkillers. Nace will probably make something to eat when he comes back from his run, if he hasn't already."
Jan scratched his scalp, like he was a dog. It was pleasant though and Bojan couldn't help but let iut a sigh and lean into it. 
"I don't deserve you guys."
The fingers in his hair froze. You said something stupid again, Bojan's mind hissed.
"We'll talk about that too."
"I'm sorry."
Jan continued stroking his hair, but didn't reply. Bojan's soulmarked burned like a brand. He hates you, he hates you, he will never forgive you-
Kris arrived at that moment, taking in their state. His eyes softened as he watched them.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like shit. I don't know if you are asking physically or mentally, but the answer is the same."
Kris crouched down and gently put his hand on Bojan's forehead. His eyes fluttered shut at the gesture.
"You don't have a temperature," he mused, "which means just a bad hangover. You should come back to bed. I bought a bucket if you are sick again. And there is tea and painkillers. Nace is making pancakes too."
Bojan felt a sudden pressure of tears. Why were they all so nice? So considerate? Shouldn't they be yelling and demanding an explanation? He felt like he'd prefer that. It was what he deserved.
"Bojan, hey, what's wrong? Does something hurt?"
Kris gentle voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he realized he was crying. He shook his head and covered him face. 
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Why wre you all being nice? Why aren't you yelling at me? Why-"
Kris hugged him to his chest and Bojan's body shook im his embrace. He kept a litany of apologies through the sobs.
"Jan, go tell Nace to finish pancakes later. I will get Bojan to the bedroom. I think we all need to talk first."
Jan probably nodded, because Bojan heard him get up and step out of the bathroom. Then Kris gently picked him up. Bojan didn't even complain, simply buried his face in Kris' chest. 
He carried him to the bedroom.
"What happened? Is he alright?"
Bojan's heart squeezed at Jure's worried tone, but he didn't feel capable of answering. Which was why he was thankful for Kris.
"I am not sure. He started apologizing and then burst into tears. I think everything is hitting him just now. And you know how the bond can be overwhelming at first."
When he put Bojan on the bed, Jure curled at his back. Bojan reached out with one hand to him. 
And Jure took it, interlacing their fingers. His and Kris' presence calmed him down slightly. Enough for him to stop babbling apologies at least, if not stop crying yet. 
"Oh, Bojan," he heard Nace say from further away. 
Then two more bodies joined the pile. Bojan could recognize each, despite having his face buried in Kris's chest. 
That slowly made him calm down enough to stop the tears and carefully pull back from Kris' chest.
Kris didn't let him go far, gripping his waist when he tried to. Which was ridiculous, because they all surrounded him. He cleared his throat, blood rushing to his cheeks.
“Right. Can we just…get this over with, please?”
“Get it over with?” Jan hissed.
Bojan flinched a bit at his tone, ducking down to hide in Kris’ chest again.
“Jan,” Nace chastised him from somewhere behind his back, “Let's try and do this calmly.”
Jure squeezed his hand and then Jan swore, almost as if someone elbowed him.
“Bojan, could you sit up, please?” Nace asked.
Did he have much of a choice at this point? Bojan sat up, suddenly much more aware of four pairs of eyes watching him.
He stubbornly stared into his lap.
“Tell us what happened,” Jure urged gently. 
“I was at the bar, I was flirting with a guy. He drugged my drink.”
Jan sighed loudly, but it was Kris who spoke up.
“That's not what we are asking. We want to know why you don't want us.”
That made him snap his head up, staring at Kris in disbelief. Kris, who was biting his lip and looked incredibly close to tears.
“What? I never said that!”
“You made it quite clear.”
Bojan felt as if he'd been slapped. He could take them being angry, or even saying they don't want him anymore, but he couldn't take them thinking he didn't want them.
“That's not true at all! Of course I want you!”
Kris did not look particularly convinced, hunching in on himself. Bojan met Jan's eyes instead.
“Then why didn't you say anything? Jesus, Bojan Kris knows you for a decade.”
“Because by the time I realized, the two of you were already together! And then I couldn't say anything because I thought that if you had each other, why would you want me?”
Jan took in a sharp breath and Kris paled noticeably, but Bojan wasn't done. He turned his eyes to Jure.
“So I kept silent, until Jure came along. And then he fit right in. Not just in the band, but with the two of you. And I thought, fuck, I'm too late. So I didn't say anything again. By the time Nace came into the picture, I-I had no idea what to do. Besides, we all know I would ruin this.”
Jure crossed the distance between them in a second, practically launching himself towards Bojan and pulling him into a hug. 
“Never,” Jure said vehemently.
Bojan felt a sudden wave of love wash over him. It took him a second to realize it wasn't coming from him, but from the Jure's side of the bond.
It was enormous and overwhelming and Bojan was completely unprepared for it. Which made panic seize his chest. 
Then, Nace was there, putting a hand on the back of his neck.
“Breathe. I know it's overwhelming at first, but just breathe through it. Jure, back up a bit he isn't used to the bond yet.”
The sensation eased up a bit, even if Jure didn't let go of him. Bojan took in a shaky breath. 
“Why do you think you'd ruin it?” Kris asked after a moment. 
Feeling their emotions in tandem with their words was new. Even without prying, he could feel hurt and worry from Kris. Bojan realized with a pang that that meant they could feel the turmoil of his emotions, too.
This was exactly what he wanted to spare them from.
“Because of this! I am difficult to deal with. I know all of you know it, because you had to deal with me. But that's different from being in a relationship with me. Kris met like, all of my girlfriends, he can testify.”
Jure's arms tighten against him, paired up with a slight pang of annoyance. Bojan bit his lip to stop himself from apologizing. They should be aware of what they were getting into.
He expected Kris to look angry or maybe defeated, but instead he looked thoughtful. 
“From what I remember of that, the biggest issue was you putting us and the band in general before them. Which wouldn't be a problem here, would it?”
Bojan stared. He never thought of it like that. 
“That's still not a good idea. I am difficult to deal with. You'll get tired of me.”
Jan snorted and Bojan turned to glare. Jan met his gaze calmly.
“Right. Because before this we never took care of you being sick every two to three weeks? Nace didn't calm you when you got panic attacks? Jure and I don't regularly feed you because you are unable to cook more than two meals? Kris doesn't have your schedule memorized and reminds you of what you need to do?”
Bojan felt as if Jan's gaze was burning through him, right into his soul. He ducked his head. Except, Jan reached out and Jure moved, curling at his left so Jan could tilt Bojan's chin up. 
“Look at me.”
So Bojan did, a zing of electricity going down his spine as he did so. Any rational argument he had got thrown outside of the window.
“You borrow our clothes and you cuddle with us and we are all together almost 24/7. Why the fuck would that change if we were in a relationship with you?”
Bojan opened and closed his mouth several times, feeling as if Jan had just knocked out all the cards from his hands. Like all the insecurities that held him back were insignificant in the face of Jan's argument.
His head suddenly started hurting even more and he closed his eyes.
“I don't know.”
“Alright. Postponing the rest of this for later. Bojan, go brush your teeth, we'll bring tea and painkillers in the meantime.”
Leave it to Kris to organize everything in a second. 
“Can't I get a coffee?” Bojan asked, peering at him and pointedly avoiding Jan's gaze.
“After we are sure you won't throw up again. Do you need help getting up?”
Jan finally let go of his chin and Bojan tried not to feel disappointed. He never kissed any of them properly, it was always something for the cameras. 
He wondered what it would be like to kiss them for real. 
That thought scared him enough to jolt him into action and he quickly got up from the bed. Too quickly, since dark spots began to dance in his vision.
Nace swore and reached out to steady him. 
“I'll go with him-”
“No,” Jan interrupted, “you go finish those pancakes. I got him.”
Bojan tensed. It wasn't that he didn't trust Jan, because he did. He trusted all of them with his life. The thing was, Jan seemed the most angry out of all of them and he didn't sugarcoat anything. Bojan wasn't sure how being alone with him would go.
No one protested though, Kris simply exchanged a long look with Jan and then nodded.
Bojan wondered if that simply cane with sharing a bond for so long and then he suddenly felt very, very lonely.
So he didn't protest when Jan took Nace's place and led him to the bathroom. He took his toothbrush and brushed his teeth. Jan walked closer and took his own, so they both brushed their teeth and Bojan tried not to think about how domestic that felt.
That distracted him enough for him not to notice that the toothbrush was the exact same one he had at home until after he finished.
“Since when does Nace have everyone's spare toothbrush?”
“Since we all started dating?”
Bojan started at Jan through the mirror. Jan calmly washed his mouth with water. 
“I haven't been dating you.”
Jan sighed as he stood upright again and put his toothbrush back where it belonged.
“No. But even before the soulmark, you were always considered welcome. I think…on some level we all knew.”
Bojan swallowed against sudden urge to cry again. 
“I should have known. The way you looked when we saw Nace's mark, I-”
“Don't say that. You didn't know because I didn't want you to. It's not your fault.”
Jan gave him a wry smile, shaking his head.
“Isn't it? Maybe if we figured it out sooner, you wouldn't think you were unwanted. For seven years, apparently.”
Jan's emotions were more guarded than Kris’ and yet, Bojan could practically taste the bitterness and hurt pouring from him. 
Bojan couldn't help but reach for him, but as soon as he touched his arm, Jan tensed. 
“I'm sorry. It-it's not your fault, okay? I promise.”
Jan pursed his lips.
“If you say so.”
He stepped closer then closer again, until their chests were almost touching. Jan didn't stop him, but also didn't make any moves towards him, either.
Bojan cupped his face and pressed his lips to his anyway, trying to pour all his mixed feelings into it. Then Jan moved, pinning him back against the sink. Bojan gasped and Jan took that opportunity to deepen the kiss.
There was so much longing in the kiss, Bojan kept trying to pull him closer, making a protesting noise when Jan pulled back.
“This is a bad idea. We need to talk this through first.”
Jan was probably right. It was not a good idea, especially with the mess of emotions Bojan was feeling. Still, it was difficult not to feel a pang of disappointment. He felt…rejected.
He nodded and hung his head low.
“Fuck. Bojan that isn't-Hey.”
Jan lifted his chin once more and Bojan shivered. Something about the gesture made Bojan feel very small in comparison. 
“I am not rejecting you. This is just because I don't want to take this too far before you feel secure in the bond, okay?”
Bojan swallowed and watched and Jan's eyes traced the movement.
Jan took in a deep breath and then took a step back. Then he extended his hand out to Bojan.
“Com'on now. The others are waiting.”
Then he was tugged back into the bedroom. Jure and Kris were sitting on the bed and talking quietly, while Nace still didn't return. They went quiet once they entered and Bojan tried not to fidget.
“Don't stop on my account,” he mumbled, trying to get under the covers.
Perhaps he could suffocate himself under the blankets.
“Wait! The painkillers!”
Bojan stopped halfway, and Kris handed his the painkillers and the water. He tried not to make a face at being treated like a child. Firstly Jan with pulling back and now the rest of them eith treating him like he was fragile. They cared and objectively, he was aware he scared them last night.
So he took them and handed the glass back to Kris. Then he got under the covers and buried his face into a pillow.
“Why is he sulking?” Kris asked, directing the question at Jan.
“He kissed me and I said I don't want things to escalate until he feels comfortable with the bond.”
“He wasn't too happy about that, huh?”
Bojan was about to snap at them for talking like he wasn't there, but then another person shuffled under the covers and pulled him closer. Jure.
Jure's emotions were always on the surface and Bojan could feel them much easier than Jan's. There was a sense of deep contentment that he didn't expect.
Jure pressed a kiss into his hair and Bojan felt his annoyance begin to dissipate. Kris shuffled closer and began petting his hair and-yeah, okay, he could get used to that.
He was starting to drift when Nace came back, announcing that the pancakes were done. Bojan groggily got up, rubbing at his eyes.
“You can eat later if you are tired,” Nace said with such a soft look, Bojan felt the need to squirm.
“But I want pancakes,” he protested.
Jan laughed.
“Just let him eat. Maybe that'll wake him up.”
Bojan glared.
“Maybe now I won't go exactly because of that.”
Jan smirked.
“Well good thing we can all carry you then, no?”
Nace crossed the room in a few steps and picked him up as if he weighed nothing. Bojan squealed. He knew Nace could pick him up, but actually being picked up was quite different.
He wrapped his arms around Nace's neck, even if he was pretty sure Nace wouldn't drop him.
“Rude,” he mumbled in his neck. 
He was lulled once again into a feeling of contentment that simply radiated from the bond. Was it supposed to feel like that? Did it always feel like that for them? 
Nace gently dropped him in a chair at the dining table. Bojan absent mindedly reached for the pancakes while the others all took their seats.
“Does it always feel like that? The bond, I mean.”
Kris cocked his head.
“How does it feel?”
“Content. Calming. Like…things clicked in place.”
Kris’ gaze softened. 
“Not quite. There was always something missing. Like the connection flowed between the four of us and then it just…hit a wall.”
Bojan fidgeted with his knife before anxiously taking the jam and smearing it over the pancake. He wasn't sure what to say.
“We have been waiting for you,” Nace added softly.
And this, this was exactly what Bojan wanted to avoid. He covered his face, willing himself not to cry again.
“This is why I didn't say anything. I don't-I can't complete you.”
“You already do.”
He began shaking his head, but then Kris was gently pulling his hands away from his face.
“We already acted like you are a part of this relationship, excluding kissing and sex. You already cuddle and steal all of our clothes. You hate being alone so you are in one of our apartments half the time. You already act like you are our boyfriend, this is just a confirmation you belong with us.”
Bojan felt speechless again. So he did one thing he could think about at that moment. He kissed him.
This kiss was much softer than the one he shared with Jan. Kris kissed almost hesitantly, as if not believing he was real. When Bojan tried to press harder, someone cleared their throat and Kris pulled away.
Of course it was Jan.
“Still not a great idea Bojči,” he reminded him.
Bojan stared at Kris, who was still kneeling by his chair, looking a bit dazed.
“Maybe not such a bad idea, if it'll help convince him,” Nace said, shrugging, “But we should wait until after breakfast.”
Bojan's brain came to a screeching halt.
“C-convince me?”
Jure sighed.
“That we want you. Obviously.”
Bojan swallowed. Don't think about it. But Kris was already kneeling and-
“Kris, go sit in your chair before Bojan has another crisis. And let's just finish eating first, yeah? Then we can discuss other things.”
He felt his cheeks heat at Jan's words and Jure chuckled. Kris simply rolled his eyes and went to take his seat.
They all began to eat and Bojan just tried to take everything in as they fell into easy conversation like nothing had happened.
His world tilted on its axis and…kept spinning, almost exactly the same as it had before. And surely, this would change things. Perhaps even his fears would be confirmed with time.
But for now, Bojan sat with four of his soulmates that he loved more than anyone else and simply let himself breathe.
Bojan was born with four stripes on his stomach. Yellow, red, purple and blue. And for the first time, his pink joined into the rainbow it created.
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artemismoorea03 · 2 months
Monkies Deserve Better References pt 1
This is a bit of a long one so to save people who follow me for my other series I'm going to put it behind a 'read more' line. Both for that reason and because I couldn't be bothered drawing clothes so the references are naked (not like anything graphic though, they're basically shaped like barbies, don't worry)!
The reference I used I found on pinterest but was made by Toresoza on Twitter for those who want a better high quality version with all the hand shapes will have to find it on Twitter, but for now have this low quality Pinterest one to start out.
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Now! Onto the proper references! Keep in mind this is how the characters look from anything before Macaque's Not Alright! There might be some missing scars that the characters should have in canon that they don't have here (namely MK because it was 4 am and I forgot) so they might change slightly but for now here we go!
Let's start with Wukong! First with his glamours up and then with them down! (Peach included because I couldn't get the little shit's hand to work with me so I fed him).
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The scar on his brow and cheek would very likely be canon as well as the one on his upper left arm and right elbow which would have all happened during the fight with Nezha.
Included on his face are also the headband scars, burns around his eyes which are red after the Demon Hospital fiasco. Also from the demon hospital fiasco are most of the dark patches on his body (realizing now I missed another burn spot on his inner right forearm that's older than the rest but that's fine). When he was tossed in the forget his fur was magically burned whever it was touching the table which is why he has lines on his tail, wrists and ankles (noticed another mistake on his tail but AGAIN IT WAS LATE LET ME LIVE /lh /j). I'll fix it later but I'm too tired to bother now.
The injuries on his chest and stomach are a mix of the Demon Hospital stuff and MK's Not Alright injuries while the white on his back, shoulders, sides and hips are all from LBD :3
Other details about MDB/MAA Wukong as well as all of the monkeys is that his fur and hair are slightly different shades that are barley noticeable (I'm even questioning if I did it for him but I'm going to hope I did x'D). Wukong is also covered in freckles which he doesn't bother glamouring due to how much energy it would take.
Wukong also shares a bit of a 'dad bod' with Canon Wukong (I'm still learning how to draw weight, so ignore that he looks pregnant he's just supposed to be a little squishy). He is also the tallest of the three monkeys I have done, standing at a super tall /s 5'6" (167 cm/66 in (according to Google)).
Next is Macaque who until I actually did this I thought had the most scars. Nope. His scars are the biggest but he probably has the least amount of scars x'D
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Macaque's canon injuries on his chest and eye are visible when he's not glamoured but not nearly as obvious as his newer scars.
On his back is a whip scar that he got from Havoc and Confusion - the timeline on this is messed up and will be edited sooner or later -but it happened when he was quite young and doesn't bother him nearly as much as some of the other scars.
The scar on his right thigh, palms of his hand, horizontally across his chest and through his stomach all came from the Seven-Star Sword.
The three scars across his chest are from Wukong's Not Alright when he was cut down by the giant cat monster. This is also when the edges of his fur started to grow in white when they grew back (he should have a couple of other white patches on his body from smaller injuries but they don't have set spots other than *maybe* in his inner elbows, but again, it's not set).
Then, the final and newest scars are on his hips which he gained during the most recent run in with Confusion.
The white on his fur and in his hair is his 'natural' color from before he was killed the first time (not when Wukong killed him) while the blue is from LBD. The blue will likely never turn fully white but might lighten over time to be a more gray color than blue, but that will take a long time and unless Macis willing to shave himself completely most of his fur will always remain black
Other details about Macaque are his six ears in his unglamoured form which are red, blue and teal based on the colors from the 2009 Monkey King series which also inspired a lot of Macaque's background and life story.
Macaque is the smallest of the three monkeys and stands at 5'3" (160 cm /63.6 In).
Finally, there's MK and oh boy. I didn't realize how much of a break this kid needed after all of this but considering how his scars look I'm about to send him on vacation. A paid vacation with therapy included because holy shit.
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After I finished making MK I realized I forgot to look for any canon scars that he would have, but considering most of them would be covered by fur I'm also not in a rush to go through and look through them.
His oldest scar is on his forehead mostly hidden by his hair which is the scar mentioned in the third chapter in the series. From there the scars get bigger and more dramatic the longer it goes on, so let's go through the list.
The scars on his right shoulder is from the snakes that infest the Earth Turtle! Also from his adventure on the Earth Turtle are his top surgery scars which he doesn't glamour (he spends too much time/energy glamouring everything else and he's proud of them, so why bother).
He has a matching wound to Macaque on his lower left stomach (which might be in the wrong spot but again i'm tired) came from Monkies Aren't Alright when Chang Liu stabs him with an immortal killing weapon to have access to what 'makes him tick'.
Then in MK's Not Alright he got attacked by another non-venomous snake that bit his left shin and left deep scarring there as well but oddly enough that was the only scar he gained from that one.
In Wukong's Not Alright he gained two scars, the one through his right shin and the wound to his left shoulder blade.
The rest of the scars - the one on his face, most of the ones on his cheek, chest, back, legs, and tail all came from Macaque's not alright with some other minor scars that I forgot about x'D. They are a mixture of whip wounds, slash wounds and burns all came from Havoc, Ginger and Confusion trying to control him.
Other details include slight discoloration on his fingers from the same torture he went through to get the majority of his scars. Part of his bangs are discolored to be white and he's covered in countless white freckles giving him a very 'starry' appearance to him. (which in a way makes his fur look like space with the scars being shooting stars and planets).
MK is the 'middle' monkey and stands at 5'5" (165cm/65in , only an inch shorter than Wukong.
That's all that I have done right now but I'm hoping to make Loi, Red, Mei, and Nezha at some point as well as Tu, Yuanhou, Mihou, Changpu, Pengu and a super secret fifth option too ;3
That being said, if there are any characters you want me to try to make a reference for, just let me know. These were just some of the ones most requested by my discord and friends so I thought I'd do them first. Once I have the others done though, I'll post them.
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goldenpinof · 3 months
yooo i totally get where youre coming from wrt feeling like the only person who gives a shit enough to critique these kinds of little things about dnp. it definitely shows that they don't really care for the details, which personally i don't mind w things like the websites (maybe that's just bc i don't have an eye for graphic design!) but when it comes to details that imo make a significantly lesser experience as a viewer and fan, it really can feel really unprofessional on their end.
it's interesting because, on one hand, that's a little bit their charm, sorta scrappy OG youtubers who haven't really changed their formula much but continue to create CoNtEnT because they have an established community who enjoys what they do. but then on the other hand, they often allow that attitude to seep into things like operating their business, overlooking details in editing, weirdness with just about all of the managements theyve been under, the general tone-deafness of cheerfully announcing there will be more us and uk shows and completely brushing over the call for them to at least MENTION the rest of the world that isn't europe or the us.... also i think so often about how garbage their bday livestreams were in terms of production, that would be so unacceptable from literally anyone other than dnp, but because it's them they get away with it lmao. (and yes ultimately those streams were for a good cause and they succeeded in the fundraising, but that can't be an excuse for low quality.)
their unprofessionalism is like a double-edged sword in a way, like i genuinely find them difficult to recommend to other people, not necessarily because i think my friends wouldn't like their sense of humor, but because there ARE creators out there who have similar origins and have done similar things and have improved quality production alongside their growth. and again, i do not necessarily mind scrappiness, but it feels like it's at odds with the amount of money they make and the type of productions they are trying to do with things like the tour. and that's the other thing, they are FULLY CAPABLE of having consistently good production quality to all of their shit, not just the big tours. they just choose not to, and whether or not that's for the sake of image or being control freaks or they really do not care, it ends up making a worse experience for their audience imo.
(but like. im also of the mindset that dan should have done stand-up shows in dingy bars for $10 instead of wad so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
"control freaks"
for the last 2 years i question this statement almost every day. because if they were control freaks, none of this bullshit with promo materials existed.
and it's not about design itself. it's about typos and just wrong names of the venues. my main question is: WHY is it so hard to make things right? because realistically, it's not hard at all.
especially when people are telling you and asking you to fix it. like, how fucking stubborn you should be to brush it off. your work is your public image. and i'm sorry, but it looks like shit. it's so unprofessional, it's painful to look at. and i'm not even talking about videos. i'm talking specifically about danandphiltour.com and promo materials. editing of their videos is a different problem.
production-wise: this time, i have to say that i don't really care. but i get what you mean. there are youtubers who invested in this. dnp didn't. because they don't care, because it works how it is right now.
in conclusion: our loyalty is at fault. if we cared about work details a little bit more and were more serious, maybe, just maybe, we could level up all these things. but it seems like no one cases, and i'm tired of fighting this battle for years. i'm gonna take the L eventually. but the tour got on the way, unfortunately.
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Since you uploaded that MMJ Miku beta design, do you know if there are other beta designs of the characters?? I'm curious since there's a little bit of concept art of project sekai.
Ah well project sekai featured in this one issue of a Japanese magazine called CG WORLD which is where I got that art from. That magazine is more focused on the costume designs though but it does have some concept art, but aside from WIP costume designs using the final character designs, all of it is blurred out unfortunately.
You can find some WxS beta designs, a Shiho beta design and some low quality MMJ beta designs out there (not entirely sure how people found these, I think they were left in a beta release and got datamined), but that’s all the unblurred stuff you can find.
And there are no VBS beta designs available. There’s some WIP costumes for Akito, Kohane, Miku and MEIKO (i posted her one ages ago), but there’s no actual concept art of them available anywhere.
I can go through what we do have though because they’re probably too low quality for me to post as an actual fact.
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So these three images were in the CG WORLD magazine. You can tell who the members of Leo/need are based on the instruments (L->R: Saki, Honami, Ichika, Shiho, Miku), and MORE MORE JUMP! (L->R: Miku, Haruka, Airi, Minori, Shizuku) isn’t too different from the final designs aside from Shizuku, who’s blonde (probably because Shiho is). Niigo is harder to identify outside of Kanade and Miku. This art was also uploaded on TCRF and whoever put it there said that Mizuki is the brunette, Mafuyu is the one sitting next to Kanade and Ena is the one in the purple cardigan. It's not stated who is who in the magazine.
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And here’s some actual beta assets. You’ve got WxS and Miku (there's two people in the back) here. Emu didn’t really change much aside from the eyes, but other than her...? (I edited this since it was posted don't mind the change)
We have the leader, who is literally just a palette swap of Rui's initial 2* with Tsukasa's face (excl the eye color which was given to Rui) and hairstyle. Possibly Tsukasa bc leader, possibly Rui bc design, possibly a scrapped character who was split in two
There's someone in the back behind leader boy and blonde girl wearing a pink-purple shirt and white jacket with a yellow tie. Clearly their color palette was used on Rui later down the line. Other than that there's nothing we can tell about this character, not even their gender. Possibly Rui, possibly Miku, possibly a third character who was scrapped/reworked
We have blonde girl, who's hair color and eyes seem to have been reused for final Tsukasa. Usually this is assumed to be Nene due to not resembling any finalised designs for the most part. I think she was probably scrapped, or heavily reworked and became Nene with some design elements passed onto Tsukasa (or Tsukasa was a girl?)
And in the back behind Emu is a girl in a green blazer and grey skirt that looks like a school uniform. Maybe this is Miku because the costume doesn't really match with the others? She doesn't have pigtails though, but no one here has pigtails. There's literally nothing identifiable about her.
Whoever these people are there were clearly a lot of changes made to WxS and these might not even be Nene/Rui/Tsukasa. That's definitely Emu though.
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And here's a gacha bg and live bg demo for MMJ. The screen on the first image seems to be displaying a less-blurred version of their concept art. For the record, the illustrations in the second screenshot are from idolm@ster, they are not MMJ concept designs, but part of Shizuku can be seen to the right of the pink haired girl.
Possibly might've been named RE:START given the neon lights in the second image. Has some backing: their first event was called RE:START from Here!, and NaytalieN said in an interview that there was extremely little development on MMJ outside of character illustrations when he was commissioned for that event (and a couple statements imply the game was still in fairly early development too). Or it might've just been a catchphrase for the group or something.
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And this. High quality beta-Shiho. This was used as a placeholder card art (surprisingly finished for a placeholder) for MMJ!Miku’s initial card, which by the way, looks exactly the same as the final version only it hasn't been finished yet. I’m pretty sure this is Shiho and not Shizuku because of the side ponytail and image color. But Miku is wearing a similar costume to the one in the MMJ concept art. I mean it was marked as placeholder and was not intended for use, it doesn’t really have to make sense. Also what seems to be a costume for Miku based on this card was left in the game and is on TCRF I added the screenshot below.
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I haven't finished translating the CG WORLD article yet, but there's not a huge amount dedicated to character design, as I said earlier it's mainly about costumes. What I can tell you though is that VBS and WxS apparently took longest to finalise, specifically Akito and Tsukasa.
TCRF page for anyone interested
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roabythecow · 8 months
"And now, password journal comes with a secret hiding place that no one can get into 😏 💅"
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Ey there kid.
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Yeah, you.
Now that I gotcha attention with nostalgia bait, you a writah? Aged 15 to 28? Considah yerself a... Introvert, maybe? A lil'... 😒 funky? What the hell's this script... 😐
Well, I gotta secret to share with you...
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It's the Funky Introverted Writahs servah! 😃
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That image looks edited? What—Er... 🤨🕶️👌 😑🤳
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Look, kid! Here's the deal! In this writah servah we got writahs n uh—fanfict or whatevah writahs of all sorts ah genres n all sorts ah fandos! We even gotcha gay poets or whatevah! The works! You's don't even gotta be a pro at it. We got folks at a range of skill in 'ere! 🫴 N you's help each other out, talkin' about you's storrries... Comin' up with ideas for em... Proofreadin' 'em for each other, showin' off ya wipes—I mean, uh... 🤨 Ya WIPs! Yeesh, are writahs this kinky...? 😬 Uh, doin' dem prompts, er dos uh—what are dos called? Author quickies? 🤔 Eh... Oh! Sprinties, sprintos, or whatevah! You can also uh, show off ya ahtwork n talk about ya queer little fandos—fandoms. 😮‍💨
What else, uh... They also do dos uh, voice chats! N—n sometimes you's sit in silence n listen to you's tunes together! N also movie nights! Who doesn't love the sound ah that?
Er... Am I forgettin' anythin'...
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Hwhat? 🤨
Why do I look so low-quality? 😟
Ey look, kid! I was pulled off the streets to advertise this servah! 😡 N—n you know what! This servah's the most friendly joint arooound! They don't discriminate against nobodies! 🫴 No race, disability, gendah, sexuality, or identity! N there's almost nevah any drama like dos other servahs out there! I mean, just look at these reviews!
(Please zoom in if need be.)
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Now take this business cahd! 😠🤌 I'm outta here! 👐 I gotta pick up some grub for my husban'!
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⚠️ This link will shut down once our server reaches the max amount of members. If the public link is down, please DM me for a new link, however, keep in mind that you may have to wait for one if the server is at full capacity. ⚠️
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m-to-z-andbackto-m · 6 months
Bitty Dust Headcanon Time!!! I didn't do a good job at deciphering the lil' bugger-
Bitty!Killer HeadCanons
Bitty!Cross HeadCanons
I feel that he's. Awful at social interaction (at least at first) so he's a great choice if you're out of the house a lot!
Actually don't leave him alone-alone for too long, I feel like he has attachment issues so at first he'd be okay with alone time... apart from being emotionally unstable-
Once he warms up to you he'll probably stick around more and you'll probably start to understand what he likes and stuff, despite his lack of verbal responses
He probably doesn't like his face touched? I personally don't go with a no face Dust but I adore the idea/look so if you do, he probably doesn't want you touching his head
Maybe he'll let you pat it gently as long as you don't tug his hood off, you'll have to gain his trust first though, you can hold his itty bitty hands instead 🥺
Don't touch his scarf, if it needs cleaning he'll do it, probably in the shower or something
Most compatible with a well tended to Horror, maybe he'd be on edge with a Papy bitty so I wouldn't advise that pair up, unless you throw in a Horror!Paps, the difference is enough and similarities still comfortable, plus Horror would love his baby brother to be around and Dust could feel like this is his personal second chance (Like how Geno vibes with Papy!), though he won't say it
Edit: I think he'd be okay with Geno too actually, I don't see enough positive interaction between them D:
He'll probably vibe with Cross too but don't expect much interaction between them, again, good bitty choices if you're out of the house a lot!
If you want, you can try to pair/group him up with a Blue, he's tolerable, but make sure he doesn't overwhelm the tired man
You know these headcanons are if they potentially had their pasts played out, but if you don't wanna think they have backgrounds as bitties that's up to you
I think he'd like soft things (likes being wrapped in them for a sense of safety and support) and hate dirty places like the back of the microwave where Killer would venture into lol, only because the dirt and grime reminds him of bad stuff
Ketchup. He might want it spiked though, still, don't let him develop an addiction/habit-
I keep thinking it'd be cute if he hugs your hand/finger(s) (depending on the size you're imagining)
Probably watches TV and sleeps a lot, sluggish due to bad mental health/low motivation and poor quality sleep, this can be improved overtime if you emotionally bond with him and help him work out confronting his feelings which he tends to invalidate in his mind, he just needs some kindness guys
He's low maintenance, but he also forgets to take care of himself sometimes, you gotta make sure he's not stinky and hungry, actually, if you pair him up with a Horror bitty, he'll make sure Dust doesn't starve because that's just his moral compass y'know
Also he probably prefers hoodies and won't wear anything new/unfamiliar, especially if it makes him feel exposed
If you do get him to do more than just lay around sulking, maybe he obsesses over routines to feel a sense of predictability and has terrible paranoia, especially of unknown humans, bitty or not
Sensitive to change and may cause panic so tell him what will happen and when
For a small example, don't scoop him up without asking or warning him first
If you'll get home late, leave him a voicemail on the home phone so he's less anxious waiting
And don't invite people over or adopt new bitties without him being prepared for a new variable in the house, this might cause him to distaste the new person and be avoidant
Definitely not outgoing at all, but maybe a couple of times he'll accept some time outside the house
He'll want to protect you depending on how well you've bonded <3
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
Computer q. For otherwise identical monitors, is a 4000:1 contrast ratio noticeably better from 1000:1? I don't mean for fancy art but like if I'm watching a movie, could I see the difference in a dark scene? I looked into oled's, but those are expensive and I think the way I use my stuff would cause burn in.
I hope you don't mind, but I got carried away and answered pretty much every computer monitor question anyone has ever had. And since this turned into a whole thing, I thought I'd share it for everyone to benefit.
For a computer monitor I would say the most important aspect is actually the viewing angle. This is how far off-axis you can look at the monitor before the image degrades.
We sit very close to our displays and at that distance, even a change in height in your chair can affect the image. Move a little bit left or right and a cheap display could completely wash out and look terrible. And if you get a display that is 27" or above, even if you sit dead center, the edges of the screen will appear dark and washed out with a bad viewing angle.
The two best display technologies to get a good viewing angle are IPS (in-plane switching) and OLED. If you are interested in a display without these technologies, be sure it has a decent viewing angle. You can read more about viewing angles here and here.
IPS has very little concern for burn-in, but it is still a concern with OLED. In recent years OLED has greatly improved and image retention and burn-in can be avoided with regular maintenance. Displays will have pixel shift features and noise modes that work out all the pixels evenly. You can run these features every once in a while to prevent burn-in. You can also play special anti-burn-in videos on YouTube (full screen) to exercise the pixels to uniformity.
So if you don't mind the hassle, you can manage an OLED with low risk.
That said, OLED was almost exclusively for TVs and has only recently been introduced for computer displays. The current options are quite large and fairly expensive, as you alluded to. So if you are trying to stay within a budget, it might be best to seek out an IPS display.
Another consideration is resolution. Everyone is obsessed with everything being 4K now. But I think increasing the resolution brings diminishing returns with regard to increased detail you can actually notice. So if you don't mind going with a 1440p monitor (about 2.5K), you can save some money on resolution and get higher quality in more noticeable areas. Personally, I feel 1440p gives you a nice, noticeable bump in detail over 1080p. Whereas going from 1440p to 4K (2160p) is less noticeable unless you have very good vision.
Another benefit to 1440p is that video games are much easier to run on high quality settings with a reasonable GPU. And you can use technologies like super sampling (Nvidia calls this DLSS) to increase the detail you may lose from not going 4K.
The only concern I'd have with not going 4K is if you edit 4K video. It will be difficult to do a pixel level analysis of your footage otherwise. But other than that, you can still watch 4K content on a 1440p monitor and because it is being downsampled, you will still notice a nice bump in detail.
So if you don't have a reason to get a 4K display, I think 1440p is worth considering.
The next concern would be color. Or color gamut. This is how many colors the display can accurately reproduce. If you don't do any art or video color grading, you'll at least want something that does 95 to 100% of sRGB. That is the color space the entire internet uses. And if you are going to be watching HDR movies, you might want a display with a decent percentage of the P3 color space as well. Doesn't need to be 100%, but the higher the better. And for those who do art, a good percentage of Adobe RGB is recommended.
Also, many manufacturers offer displays that come pre-calibrated from the factory. If color accuracy is important, I would seek out one of these displays with a Delta E rating of 3 or less (lower is better).
A newer factor in displays is peak brightness. This is measured in "nits." In standard dynamic range (SDR), video only needed to reach 100 nits. Most HDR content is mastered to reach 1000 nits. In the future, that number will be 4000. And if micro LED technology ever becomes affordable, we may go up to 10,000 nits. But almost everything is around 1000 at the moment, so that is a good number to shoot for.
HOWEVER, because HDR is tone mapped (the brightness of your display is factored in and the content is adjusted accordingly), you can still get some benefits of HDR, even if you cannot do the full 1000 nits.
All monitors can do 100 nits for SDR content. But with more things being displayed in HDR, having more nits will give you a better experience. This does not mean your display will blind you. Usually bright stuff only takes up a small portion of the screen. But having more nits allows highlights to really pop and feel immersive. A lightsaber might actually feel hot and dangerous on a bright enough screen.
Computer displays are often rated as HDR400 or HDR600 or HDR1000 based on their nits. The HDR400 isn't great for HDR content. If you can do 600 or above within your budget, you'll get a better experience. If you are going to watch movies, this may be a feature you prioritize.
I know you mentioned contrast ratio, but I'm afraid that is a little complicated to answer. It can depend on other aspects of the monitor and the viewing environment. So I'll try to give you the info you need to figure out if the display you select will suit your needs.
Manufacturers can use tricks to fudge their contrast ratio in product descriptions, so it is best to go to an independent review website like RTINGS to see what they measured. (They do good TV and monitor reviews too.) You'll see that OLED displays are said to have "infinite" contrast ratio, due to being able to turn off pixels completely. Which means it is probably time to move to a new metric because that gives very little info on the dynamic range of the display (the difference between the darkest and brightest thing it can show).
You definitely want a decent contrast ratio for your display, but this can be subjective. If you have a nice bright screen, your brain may feel the contrast is fantastic, even if the actual darkest black point of the monitor isn't great. If something is really bright, then dark things will *seem* darker by comparison. And if you are viewing in a dark environment, the contrast will look even better. So this is where seeking out a professional reviewer's experience of the monitor can be helpful. One monitor's 4000:1 ratio might be a different experience than another with the same measurement.
Because TVs are generally larger and can have more backlighting zones, they can get decent black levels without OLED. But smaller computer displays have more difficulty in reasonable price ranges. So manage your black level expectations if you go with an affordable IPS display. They can get bright, but they aren't great at blacks like OLED. I'm afraid that is just a limitation of the tech. In fact, getting a brighter display might be preferable to a better contrast ratio. And it will be easier to see if you are in a bright environment.
Most IPS displays are going to be between 1000:1 and 5000:1 and while it does make a difference, if you sit it next to an old plasma or an OLED, you're going to be disappointed. So I would not make contrast ratio a super high priority with IPS, because non-OLED computer displays just aren't going to give you inky blacks. I would say 2000:1 or better is going to give you a decent experience. But, again, I would seek out reviews rather than trust the official product specs when it comes to the quality of the blacks.
And one final consideration you may want to factor in is the refresh rate. This is mostly for gaming. Most displays will give you at least 60 Hz or 60 "refreshes" per second. Gamers tend to like 120 Hz or higher. This won't affect movie watching very much as nearly everything except Gemini Man is 24 fps.
TLDR overview...
Get an IPS or OLED display for a good viewing angle. I personally feel this is the most important feature.
Choose a resolution. 1440p can allow you to increase quality in other areas to maximize your budget. Only get 4K if you have a legit reason or you have fighter pilot vision.
Color gamut or number of colors. Try to get 100% of sRGB for web content, 90% or above of Adobe RGB for art/photography, and 90% or above of P3 for HDR movies and video editing.
If color accuracy is important, look for pre-calibrated displays that have a Delta E of 3 or less. (Lower is better)
HDR brightness. If you want to experience good HDR, you'll want the brightest screen possible (measured in nits). HDR600 or HDR1000 are great. If you don't care about HDR, then don't worry about the rating.
Contrast ratio and black levels. It's going to be meh on pretty much anything but OLED. 2000:1 or better is a good goal to shoot for, but be sure to check independent reviews for the subjective experience of the black levels. Dark viewing environments help too.
Refresh rate. 60 Hz is fine for most things. Gamers prefer 120 Hz or faster. And if you are a competitive gamer, you may want to seek out more info on "variable refresh rate" and "pixel response time."
Pick the variables above that seem most important to you and then seek out a display that does those things decently within your budget.
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