#don't you find it so much more safe and kind if we took care of each other?
feluka · 7 months
tbh the thing that gets me about the children thing is that it just feels like. it ultimately boils down to the core issue that someone who does not feel a responsibility to make the world a good place for children, is someone who ultimately doesnt see humanity as one single connected community. at least thats how it feels to me. because as soon as you see your fellow human beings as an intrinsic part of you, and yourself as part of this collective, you cant NOT care anymore. thats us!!! thats our people!!!! the only way you can possibly look at a suffering child and not feel affected is if you, on some level, see them as 'Other', as something seperate from you, and thats why it gets me so much. its the failure to see your fellow humans as humans which are connected to you, and instead shoving them aside as something else that you dont need to care about. idk if this ramble made any sense but man. the casual cruelty and disregard for life itself. i dont get it. wheres the love for humanity. wheres the love for life.
i have nothing to add because you said it so well. i agree wholeheartedly with everything here.
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goldenchocobo · 4 months
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Here’s what I’ve been working on, it’s taken a month, but I’ve finally completed it!
All 13 14 Organization XIII members with flowers!
I did reuse some flowers; but I’ve been wanting to redraw those portraits for a while now, so I can cross that off the list too
Under the KEEP READING are the flowers included, along with why I chose them for that Organization Member.
- You've clicked the 'Keep Reading', so you're in for the long-haul; 14 flower analyses in one! Better get snug!
I. Anemone flowers (also called wind flowers) have a lot of meanings, more negative than good ones; the ones I singled out for Xemnas was death and loss. Flower meanings require a lot of context- like sentences, so in this instance, I’ve used ‘loss’ to mean ‘loss’ in a general sense- Xemnas lost his heart, his comrades, his emotions; and by the end of KHIII; even his motivation; saying he doesn’t really care for his comrades’ demises, and that after he’s gained any kind of sensation back; it’s regret.
II. Knowing Xigbar is keeping all kinds of secrets, and knowing them is his business, Snapdragons are perfect. White and purple denote the spiritual and mystic. Them covering his mouth means that he knows something you don't, and he won't tell you anything.
III. We don’t know much about Xaldin- or Dilan. But with how I interpret him and his actions; he’s someone who has been scorned before- or at least has a lot of jealous dislike towards relationships and is sickened by how love makes people act. Hydrangeas are a flower both used for some wedding bouquets, as well as denoting jealousy, especially in their purple-blue colouration, as it's higher pH that causes the flowers to be that colour.
IV. Azeleas are flowers of two halves. They can mean Temperance and intelligence, but also temptation and caution. This is why I thought it was perfect for Vexen. Not only does he give into the temptation of his (immoral) research- more than once, but also ignored the dangers of it. When he's recompleted, we can see that he's gotten rid of these temptations (or at least I hope so). I made them orange to deeper the 'danger' and 'caution' theme as orange is a colour in nature that denotes it- like toxic amphibians and insects.
V. Lexaeus is a quiet man; so I don't really know much about him other than that he's strong and wants to protect Ienzo/Zexion; as such gladiolus- a symbol of such strength and protection is perfect for him.
VI. Zexion is interesting because I kind of see him as a tragic two-sided character. His scheming, 'throwing morals out the window and toying with people' Zexion in CoM side, and his more naïve, innocent and caring Ienzo side we see in KH3. I gave him Begonias for this reason; the purple in one hand representing mystique and curiosity, whilst white being for a more innocent side to him. I specifically chose Begonia pavonina leaves because they look weird and mystic and kind of match his shimmering hair.
VII. I've already used yellow roses for Siax/Isa, in the same configuration as well; and the meaning remains the same. Yellow roses can sometimes mean jealousy- especially towards friendships. Siax got too into his head about Axel making friends. That was when his jealousy took over, and he was lead by it.
VIII. Axel has had Alestromeas before- as they usually mean strong bonds of friendship; something Axel and Lea has shown over and over again. Like with Siax, I chose to make them a crown to show that, that friendship and keeping those friends safe is what drives him.
IX. It was kind of hard to come up with a flower for Demyx. originally I had him with Geraniums as they can represent folly; but instead, I went with Daisies; with the adage, 'Lazy Daisy'- for obvious reasons. Daisies- or asters- come in a large variety and specie. For Demyx, I chose two for aesthetic purposes; common daisy for around his head, and leucanthemum daisy for his neck- for their size.
X. Finding the right flower for Luxord was difficult. I did originally just have him with clovers, but felt that they didn’t suit. I chose poppies instead, as while they’re known for being symbolic of war & peace, fallen soldiers and death, there’s an under-current of time meaning; time being passed while we sleep, the time we remember the departed, and time marching on until the grave.
XI. For the longest time, Marluxia was going to have roses- it’s his whole motif; there’s rose iconography everywhere. But I chose Magnolias due to their symbolism of remembrance. While not fully aware until the very end, Marluxia was always searching for his sister, not believing that she had gone. The yellow Magnolias represent the joys he shared with her, whilst the purple imply the dignity of being a Union Leader, and Lord of Castle Oblivion.
XII. Marigolds are pretty, but their meaning is not... sometimes. Out of their meanings, I've chosen their meaning for Larxene to be one of cruelty and coldness. Because that's what she is to everyone.
XIII. Roxas keep his Dahlias from his original flower piece. The meaning remains the same; That- even in the face of hardship and despair, he will remain kind, friendly and cheerful.
XIV. I was going to reuse the obvious choice of Forget-Me-Nots for Xion; but honestly, I felt intimidated by how small they are, and- if you've paid attention, kept a strict number limit on my flowers; so that wasn't doable. Instead, I chose a Cornflower, which has a similar meaning of not being forgotten, as well as hope, devotion and love.
The stones inlayed in the frames have no real significance other than that they match the character's colour scheme; Here's what each stone is: Xemnas: Pearl Xigbar: Smokey Quartz Xaldin: Amethyst Vexen: Emerald Lexaeus: (orange) Agate Zexion: Lepidolite Siax: Moonstone Axel: Sunstone Demyx: Sapphire Luxord: Hematite Marluxia: Rose Quartz Larxene: Topaz Roxas: Snowflake Obsidian Xion: Obsidian
OK- I lied a little; there's some theming between characters, but nothing majorly deep; I haven't really looked into gemstones and their meanings.
If you've read this much, congratulations! Flower Count: Xemnas has 13. Xigbar has 3. Xaldin has 1. Vexen has 7. Lexaeus has 5. Zexion has 13. Siax has 7. Axel has 7 Demyx has 20 (13 common, 7 leucanthemum). Luxord has 7. Marluxia has 5. Larxene has 5. Roxas has 7. Xion has 13.
The only outlier is Xaldin; but Hydrangeas are hard to draw and only had the motivation to draw one.
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shirefantasies · 3 months
LoTR Characters Finding Out You Were in an Abusive Relationship
Sort of requested/mentioned by @autisticgenderworm and desired by yours truly, here is the other version of this reaction. I hope it brings comfort to anyone who needs it.
Warnings: mentions/implications of past abuse, but nothing graphic
Aragorn's pause sparks no concern. He is a pensive man and that is something you always loved about him, let alone any consideration the gravity of what you just shared. "And you gave your heart so freely, I have no doubt." He shakes his head. "That such a truly corrupt mind would try to take you. But that is just it: I see it in your eyes and I feel it in the way I am so lucky in your love. They can try, but they cannot break you. You are stronger than all the hate, all the avarice, in the world. You know this, do you not?" Eyes watering, you peer at him and blink. "Some days I feel so far from that." Aragorn nods. He reaches out and holds your cheek against his calloused palm and somehow it is the softest touch you've ever felt. "Our true strength is that we are never alone. You have so many who will fight for you. I will fight for you. You will be on no lead, your own person simply making our lives all the richer for it."
Brows furrowing lightly, he tilts his head, fixing you with a look of deep sorrow. You see his hand raise, lower again hesitantly, so you reach out to take it. "I don't mean to frighten you," you tell him, "I'm sorry." “You have nothing to apologize for, my love. The burden rests solely on the one who took it upon themselves to hurt you. It was nothing you did. And I am not frightened. Rather I would have you feel safe.” “I do,” you tell him, “That is why I hoped you were not afraid. The last thing I would want is for you to see me differently. To be too much for you.” “Too much for me? No such thing,” Legolas teases with a little smile, “But truly I am just grateful you shared. If there is anything I do, anything I say, allow me to apologize now.” “That alone puts me at ease,” you reply, feeling yourself relax and breathe deeply once more as Legolas takes your hand.
“Why?” “I- I don’t think there was a ‘why’,” you stuttered, “I could have done things differently, I suppose, but-” “No,” Boromir cuts you off, a hand reaching to gently caress your cheek, “Not you, my dear. Not you. Why would anyone seek to defile beauty? And kindness. Why indeed.” “I don’t know,” you answer helplessly, gaze falling from his, “I should have left sooner. I-I guess I was truly that lonely that I thought it was worth changing. It wasn’t.” A shaky, sardonic laugh escapes your lips. “Nobody should have to choose between lonely and pain,” Boromir laments, hands sliding down to take yours, “But we are here now, and I will give you everything you deserve.”
“Where is the bastard? I have a selection of choice words for such a great blight upon this earth.” Gimli’s hands ball into fists at his sides as he speaks, his voice darkening a bit more with each passing word. You cannot help but smile at that even in spite of his tone. “I would be happy to introduce you if I knew,” you replied, “But I know not and care not.” “That’s my fire!” Gimli exclaims, pride coloring his tone and his very gaze upon you. “You don’t need me- my approval or my axe! But of course you have them both with equal enthusiasm. To look upon you is to see a flame most bright and most beautiful that nobody’s rain can extinguish.” It is you who steps forward first, pulling the dwarf into your arms, but it is Gimli who asks if he might kiss your beautiful lips. Just the asking is such a difference; of course you acquiesce.
He says nothing at first, expression just softening and crumpling in pain. One fair hand extends and finds purchase upon your shoulder; Frodo’s touch melts you and he feels your relaxation beneath him. “Oh,” he speaks your name so softly, all but reverently, “For so long you have been my strength and yet you carried this.” “I didn’t know how to tell you,” you answer, “Didn’t want you to think badly of me.” “How could I? You asked for none of that. So often do these things happen against our will.” “Sometimes I wish I had never said yes when I did. So I would have never had to say no,” you tell him, crumpling into his arms. Frodo presses a kiss to the crown of your head. I often remember what Gandalf told me: ‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us’. They may have chosen to use their time to hurt and to wrestle control, but no longer. Time can only do so much healing, I know, but I will be here for you. Here for it all.”
"You can't mean... They didn't!" Anger flashes in Sam's typically docile green eyes. "I know," you reply, "I shouldn't have-" "You shouldn't have? The only person who shouldn't have was that monster! Don't you dare apologize for something you didn't do, alright? I don't want that sort of thing running through your head." Sam's last sentence emerged quietly. Trembled with an uncertain sadness. It broke you and made you whole all over again. You gave a small nod. "You're right." Sam looked up and met your eyes once more, returning the gesture with a bit more vigor. "I see that now, and that is all thanks to you. You love me like I deserve. Fight for me in all you do. When I am with you, Sam, I have the love I always thought was just a dream.” Tears rose in his eyes then even as his lips smiled. “And when I met you I thought the same: this has to be a dream.”
“They didn’t.” “Unfortunately,” you nod, gaze locked upon your feet, “They did. Sometimes I wonder what might have been different if I had-” “Don’t do that to yourself!” Merry cut you off, pausing for a moment as a look of remorseful surprise came over him. “That is to say we can’t change the past. Just like we can’t see the future. I may not have been there for your past, but I do know nothing that happened came of what you did. People like that, they have no shame. You are far too kind for someone like that. They took advantage of you. Made you feel bad and that’s all them. All right?” It was still difficult to believe sometimes, but Merry’s voice was nothing but convicted, and you trusted him. Swallowing, you nodded. “All right.” The hobbit opened his arms. “Come here.” You fell right in.
"No." Eyes wide, he shakes his head and reaches for your hands. "No. How could- How could anybody..." "I don't know," you sigh, relaxing slightly as his thumbs ran over the backs of your hands, "Perhaps I should never have-" Pippin cut you off there. "It wasn't your fault. None of it was. There isn't a thing you could do to make any of that alright. And I swear to you that I will never do anything of the like. After all, who could even think of putting a precious gem like yourself down, hm?" At those last words, the soothing touch of his hands, your tearful expression broke into a shaky smile. "What did I do to deserve you?" You asked. "Don't worry," he replied, "I ask myself the same thing every day. I love you, you know. And I want to treat you like it. If I ever don't, please help me." The longer he spoke, his words faded closer and closer to a whisper, those lovely green eyes focused solely, searchingly, upon your gaze. Tears returning alongside your smile, you nodded. "You already do, Pippin. You already do."
Brows furrowed, Faramir takes your hands at once, blue eyes gazing deeply into yours. "There are no words to lift the weight of it all. Nothing I can say but that your pain is mine and that I know how difficult it is to speak of such things. Thank you, truly, for sharing this with me. I want to be worthy of this. Of you." Worthy of you? Him? "You are more than worthy, Faramir." "And I wish to continue to live up to that for the sake of your beautiful heart. I wish for you to never feel unworthy again." His voice breaks and your heart does the same, knowing how similar your experiences were- Faramir was made to feel lesser for years. "I want the same for you," you run your hands over his gently with a tentative smile, "And I think deep down I knew you would understand. That no one else would understand like you. We can love each other more every day." "I like the sound of that," Faramir replies, his eyes shining nothing but love into yours.
Even as your words fade, you catch the way his hands tighten into fists, tense slightly at the sight. "Coward. That worm had no honor whatsoever. And you...here you stand triumphant." "It does not always feel so," you admit, gaze falling. Eomer places a hand upon your shoulder. "We all have our scars. To escape, to be free... Why, that is the greatest show of strength. Is it not what we all fight for? And fight you did! Believe me when I tell you I am nothing but proud of you." Eomer's normally stoic expression rises into a smile, his hand sliding from your shoulder gently down your arm and finally to grasp your hand and bring it to his lips. "Nobody has the right to treat you like property. They should feel ashamed trying to tame a heart like yours. I would have it tempered. Let me act as your bellows, then, to stoke your fire of resiliency." His words do indeed fuel the embers in your heart, coax fire to them as they bring a small smile to your lips. "I would like that." "And let that scoundrel hope to never come within a league of this place while I draw breath."
“So cruel this world can be!” Eowyn cries out. “How can they not see all you have to offer? This will hardly erase the hurt, but I will say this: the loss is theirs.” Leaning in, her voice lowers to a conspiratorial whisper at that last phrase, her lips raising in a tentative smile. “For your heart is strong and steadfast and your laugh is music to me. To have you by my side is naught but joy. So help me, I will never treat you as a belonging, put you in a cage. And if that is how you feel I would have you tell me." "Never," you answer her, "Nor would I do the same to you. I told you because I trust you to understand. Because I love you." She leans forward at this, connecting your foreheads; golden strands of hair tickle your cheek, but you mind not. "And I you," Eowyn breathes.
Never have you seen Haldir's eyes darken such as they are now. A part of you wants to back away, but you know that his ire is not for you. Not when he shakes his head, looking at you with...not quite pity. Rather all that swims in his eyes as he turns back to you is a new understanding, something deep in the blue. His hands hover over you as if you are spun-glass, and with your eyelids fluttering shut you take them and rest them upon your hips. "I do not mean to trouble you with this news, I just..." "Trouble me? The only trouble I have is how badly I wish to punish anybody who hurts you." At that, he smirks a bit and you feel his hands grip you a bit tighter. A shiver runs down your spine at his words. "You know, I would hardly mind that at this point. Not exactly unearned. So this is no change to you?" "Only any changes you want me to make," Haldir answers.
Her face falls, but something in its look leads you to suspect she knew already. Galadriel's gifts lie far beyond your understanding. "Do not discount the light you bring to this world," her voice cuts through your thoughts, "For you remind me of its joys every day. There will always be those who seek to rob us of our light, but that is only to fill the darkness that is in their hearts. You are more than enough despite what they say. You need not trouble yourself with the words of lesser folk." Tears flood your eyes at her words and all you can do is nod, shakily smiling. You feel Galadriel's lips against one cheek, then the other, then upon the top of your head, and finally warmly and softly upon your lips. "I'm so lucky to have you," you tell her, and at that she shakes her head. "It is I who is the lucky one," she refutes with a mischievous but loving smile.
For just a moment, his expression steels and you flinch back, but only for a moment before it’s softened like never before and falling. Pain. That is the only word to describe what crosses Elrond’s face. He feels your pain. Stepping closer, the Lord of Rivendell opens his arms, and with a tearful smile you fall into them, into the silken softness of his robe and the gentle warmth of his hold. “Healing takes time. I have time. And here I shall be to grant you peace as best I can. Please do not hesitate to ask it of me. If you ask it and it is within my power, I shall grant it.” “I’d like to stay like this,” you reply, words muffled by the cushion of your cheek to his chest, the sound of Elrond’s soothing heartbeat in your ear. “As would I,” he agrees softly.
“Meleth nîn,” she addresses you softly, brows furrowed in concern, “You endured all that?” At her words, you just nod, gripping her hands a bit tighter. She gives yours a gentle squeeze in response. “Your strength knows no bounds. Fear not, for by my side you can take all the time you need. I can wait, you know.” At that, she giggles and you smile. You are, after all, in love with not only the fairest of beings but one immortal by nearly all accounts. Her smile alone brings you so much comfort. “You are the one I have chosen and I will not take that for granted. You are a gift and that anyone would cast that aside is folly.”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | Reply/Message/Ask to join 💕
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fortheloveofkonig · 1 year
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request the 141 x Male reader, they know alot of medical like they use their knowledge of the human body against anyone whom threatens them (or people the care about). They aren't a medic are doctor parday but have extensive knowledge of the field that helps the team. Seem cold uncaring and ruthless but if anyone of them is injured its like a total switch of 'mom bear mode' checking them over the gentle hands and worry.
(Kinda of trope of don't mess with the doctor lol)
Summary: TF 141 reacts to Reader who knows a frightening amount of medical knowledge.
Note: I'm going to do this as more of a headcanons type of post ^^ hope this is good enough! ^^ I did 95% of this all in the last 2 hours
Content: Medical speak, Injuries, Slight Torture, Slightly Bad Medical Research, But I Did Research. Roach Talks.
Word Count: 1085
TF 141 x Knowledgeable in Medic Field M! Reader
Probably first heard about your knowledge from Soap talking to him about how terrifying it is to see it come into play
Doesn't believe him.
You've always been good at what you do but have never shown any previous knowledge or interest in the medical field so, who can blame him?
There was also no way you could've went to medical school unless you were years above your usual education range
He finally sees it come into play when you two were 'interrogating' someone.
"If you're gonna stab, don't do it right there. Price said he needs to stay alive."
Ghost looks at you, annoyed. "I've stabbed many people and seen many people survive stab wounds of surrounding areas."
"In lower places of the abdomen and with quicker medical care, if you do it there" You point to where he had the knife, pointed at the tied up man's skin. "It could puncture an intestine and we will be fucked. If you want to stab, move the knife below the belly button...about right... right there. Do not remove the knife once it pierces through."
He did as you said, with questions, but still followed your lead.
From then on he watched everything you did, even noticing that you took care of some of the rookies that ended up with minor cuts and damage that wasn't enough to bother the medics with.
Needless to say, he also ended up coming to you for some patch ups, mostly when he wanted to keep his new damage a secret from Price.
He ended up finding it kind of hot during the interrogation thing so he often asked to do things like that with you again.
Honestly, probably figured out about your medical knowledge after he was being a dumbass with explosives and almost got hurt.
"Go change into some shorts and a tank top." Your voice was in a serious tone as you went to grab a nearby first aid kit.
"Already wanting to see me strip?"
You just glared at him until he actually left and did what was told.
Despite having only a few scratches, you still cleaned them up as best as you could.
You also went on a rant about it too, about how dumb he was
"Do you realize how dumb you are? What if you actually made a big explosion and a piece of shrapnel flew and hit one of the carotid arteries in your neck?
"My What?"
"Do you realize how fast you would've died? Why weren't you wearing any protective gear?"
"I'm pretty bad at forgetting protection."
If looks could kill, he'd be dead.
That was not the last time you had to clean his wounds, he seems to be a magnet for them.
Asks you more about medical stuff, just to get an idea on how much you know.
You know a lot.
Unsure at this point if he hurts himself in new ways just to hear you yell at him for what dumb way he could've gotten himself killed this time.
He falls out of helicopters a lot, that's the truth. What's one more time?
This time (and somehow not the last?) he ended up hurting his foot, you were there the whole time when it happened.
When the both of you were both safe in the safety of a van, you got him to put his leg up so you could check it.
"This is stupid" He mutters, "It's nothing more than it has been in the past."
"Shush, let me concentrate" You mutter feeling around his bootless ankle, nodding your head when you hear him hiss at a pointed touch.
"Any pain when you walk on it?"
"I'm gonna say it's a sprain for now but I think we should take you to the infirmary after we get back to base. Doesn't seem dislocated. Possible fracture though."
It was just a sprain
Was surprised when you spoke fluent...doctor to the doctor.
Honestly felt like a little kid in the doctor's office, watching his parent's converse with the Doctor telling them what was wrong.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
Always knew, almost nothing gets by him unnoticed
Was probably one of the reasons he wanted you on the task force.
He knows how soap and gaz the boys are
Has you teaching rookies how to probably put a tourniquet on.
"What the fuck are you doing? That's not how I taught you."
The rookie you were speaking to just looked down at the dummy that they were working on and the tourniquet, "It looks-"
"Terrible! He's still bleeding out! Retry it."
Definitely has to sit in on these sessions, some rookies have complained to him that you take it too far.
You always just use the excuse that if those were real people and not training dummies, they'd be at fault for letting them die.
He agrees with you.
The rookie looks over at Price.
"Get to it. He told you to retry it. The man is bleeding out."
Mostly just sits in because it's less complaints now that he is showing he agrees with you in front of everyone.
This fucker needs a friend that has medical knowledge
Much like Soap, it seems like he is a wound magnet
Was probably the first of the 141 that you had to go full protective, medical knowledge out and work on him.
Man's like a tank too, no matter what the day brings to him it seems he's just able to walk it off
You don't let him
"You're limping, sit down."
He just waves it off, "'m good."
"Like hell you are." You walk up to him and grab his wrist, dragging him to a nearby chair and pushing him onto it. "Stay or I'll have Ghost lay on you."
Does not stay.
You cannot get Ghost to lay on him.
You just end up pelting pillows at him until he joins into a pillow fight, and you both end up getting exhausted.
"I'll rest right here."
Stubborn but still okay with medical help
Often comes to you with oddly specific questions.
"Hypothetically, if a car blew up in the near vicinity of where I was at, what is the possible health issues that could arise?"
"Well, burn marks obviously, depending on the distance it could be any degree. If it was enough to knock you over, then a possible concussion. Depending if you hit the ground and hard enough, possible broken or fractured bones. Not to even mention the possible pieces of metal and glass flying, and just blast trauma in general. Could cause damage to internal organs with enough force."
"Okay, so...hypothetically, if that happened, I should go to the infirmary?"
"Roach, were you next to a car when it blew up?"
You immediately dragged him to the infirmary.
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illubean · 3 months
Hi can I get a nsfw scenario where Chrollo gently seduces the reader during her first time and discovers she has a praise kink? I feel like this man would be literal god tier to have
Gentle Praise
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Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer Type: NSFW, Oneshot, Fem!Reader, College!au because I'm a sucker for scholar Chrollo
mueheheh >:) reader is a lil shy and awko taco in this but not like cringe stereotypcial "omg im so shyy >.<" type also this ended up being super long thus turning a scenario into a full fic oopsies
Warnings: maybe ooc Chrollo idk, mentions of alcohol, he calls y/n princess a few times, praise (fem receiving), oral (fem receiving) unprotected p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), reader discretion is advised
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Chrollo isn't quite sure how you ended up in a setting like this. You were a pretty little thing with a look so elegant you look almost out of place at one of Uvo's rowdy house parties.
The bright LEDs, loud music and cheap beers didn't seem like your kind of scene. But there was no way for Chrollo to know that for sure.
You stood off to the side near the snack table, slowly nursing your cup of jungle juice that you didn't care much for. You had only taken it from your friend since you felt rude to turn it down. Said friend of yours was currently having the time of their life. They were plastered, dancing through the crowd of bodies and mingling with other drunk partygoers.
You're not too sure why you even came to this party. You much preferred small gatherings, and you don't even like alcohol all that much. You sighed, awkwardly scanning the room until your eyes met a pair of onyx orbs. They belonged to a face you knew all too well.
Chrollo Lucilfer.
He was a year or so older than you, a psychology major. You've seen him around campus and even though he was well known for mostly good reasons, your friends still teased you for finding him attractive. Perhaps you had stared at him for a bit too long though, seeing as a smirk made its way onto his face as he got up to approach you.
You panicked a little, looking around awkwardly seeking a quick escape. You placed your cup down but before you could flee, a voice came from in front of you.
"Hey Y/n."
Oh my god he knows my name.
You managed to spit out a response, feeling your hands get clammy as you looked into his eyes. You were completely and utterly helpless. This man managed to reduce you to nothing but a nervous, sweaty mess simply by just existing. It was kind of pathetic.
But the man responsible didn't think so. Chrollo thought it was cute how awkward you got, not being able to hold eye contact and wiping your hands on your clothes. He was no fool, and he knew exactly what effect he had on you. As a matter of fact he had this effect on quite a few people, though none of them stood out to him like you did.
He would be lying if he said he'd never thought of you in a romantic setting before. You were a cute (your choice) major who he often seen walking around with Machi. From what he's seen, you're not so much of a partier and prefer to focus on your actual studies than crazy frat gatherings. Maybe your more mellow and reserved nature is what drew him towards you.
"I didn't peg you as the party type," he says, breaking you from your previous daze.
"Oh, I'm not. My friend over there dragged me here."
You pointed into the crowd towards said friend, who was currently standing on top of a coffee table, a bottle of some sort of strong liquor in hand as the people around them cheered them on.
Note to self: make sure they get home safe
Chrollo chuckled at the deadpan look on your face after you saw how drunk your friend really was.
"Seems like they're having fun. Why don't we sneak off somewhere more quiet?"
You felt the tip of your ears burn at his offer before quickly nodding as he led the way.
Leaving the loud, hot and crowded living room AND spending time alone with Chrollo? Score!
He took one of your hands into his own, placing the other on the small off your back, leading you past all of the other partygoers and up a flight of stairs. He led you into a rather plain room, shutting the door before letting go of your hand and flopping down to lay on the bed.
"Is it ok that we're in here?" you ask, not wanting to disrespect someone else's house.
"This is my friend Shalnark's room but he's rarely ever home. I crash here sometimes so I don't think he minds."
At his words you hesitantly and awkwardly sit on the corner of the bed, facing away from Chrollo. You had no clue what to do now. The both of you were silent for a while, the light thump of the distant music being the only thing disturbing the atmosphere.
After a few moments pass, Chrollo sits up and moves closer to you, leaning in order to make eye contact.
"You don't have to be so awkward around me, y'know? I don't bite. Unless you want me to."
You look away in an attempt to hide your embarrassment from the man before you, who only chuckles and grabs both of your hands.
"You get flustered so easily, how adorable."
One of his hands reaches up to the side of your face to turn you towards him. His beautiful onyx orbs were glazed over in what you could only describe as a mix of admiration and lust.
Chrollo began leaning closer, you doing the same. Naturally, your eyes started to close as the two of you got closer.
Then he stopped.
You sat there in anticipation for a moment but nothing came. You opened your eyes and furrowed your brows in confusion, only to find Chrollo already staring back at you with a small smile on his face.
"Is this okay?"
You gave him a frantic nod, a quiet yet rushed 'yes' leaving your mouth. At the confirmation the man pressed a searing kiss into your lips, gently caressing the apple of your cheek as you reached your arms out to embrace him.
His touch was gentle, yet burning with the passion of a thousand suns as he led you to lay across the bed. His large hands slipped underneath your shirt, softly caressing your lower back and waist as he continued his assault on your mouth.
You whimper softly into the heated kiss, feeling your skin practically burn where his body came in contact with yours. He pulled away from your lips, leaving you breathless as he carefully removes both your shirt and bra.
Chrollo takes a moment to take in the sight of you, panting and topless beneath him. He swore he would brand this image into the back of his mind for the rest of his days, never wanting to forget how beautiful you were in this very moment.
"God, you're gorgeous."
His hands begin roaming your body once again as he planted searing, open mouth kisses along your neck and collarbone. You couldn't help but writhe under his touch, soft but needy noises leaving your lips. His words had an affect so strong on you that was unexpected.
Chrollo's hand trailed down the front of your body, slipping underneath the waistband of your panties. Two off his fingers gently prodded at your entrance, before trailing back up to swirl around your clit. You clenched your thighs with a gasp, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to pull him closer.
"Who knew my pretty girl would be so sensitive," he coos. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
A violent shiver shot down your spine and into your core. God, if he kept talking like this you might just be able to cum from his words alone. You whimpered, arms tightening around him to pull him impossibly close. He chuckled sofly, planting a few kisses across your face before pulling away completely.
Before you could whine in protest, Chrollo pulled off the clothing left on your bottom half. He settled himself between your legs, wrapping his arms around your thighs as he faced your glistening heat. He looked up at your through his eyelashes before speaking again.
"You doing alright, princess?"
You nodded, face flushed at the nickname. But this didn't seem to be enough of a response for Chrollo.
"You're going to have to use your words, beautiful."
"Yes! God, yes just please...continue."
He chuckles at your desperation before licking a long, slow stripe up your pussy. This draws a trembled moan out of you, which only egged him on further. He buried his face impossibly deep into your cunt, going down on you like a man starved while you reached down to grip his hair. He eased two of his fingers into you as your body writhed with pleasure.
He pulls away from you momentarily, eyes flicking between the sight of his lithe fingers plunging into you and the flushed expression across your face. He felt your walls flutter around him which caused him to smirk up at you.
"You're getting close, aren't you? Go ahead, make a mess for me."
He dove back into your core, determined to make you cum. His lewd words sent you over the edge, having brought you to your first climax of the night. He sits up, making eye contact with you as he licks your juices off of his two digits.
He crawled back up the mattress so now you were both face to face, arms bracing himself on either side of your head to keep himself above you. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck and pull him down to meet you in a heated kiss. You could care less that the taste of yourself lingered on his lips. All you could think about is how Chrollo is all yours right now.
After kissing you for a few moments longer, he pulls away from you to hastily remove his clothes. Your eyes followed his movements, starting at his toned chest and moving down his abs. There was a light happy trail that peeked out above the waist band of his boxers. Finally, he hooks his fingers beneath it and drags them down his hips and oh.
He was huge.
Your eyes widened as you took in all of Chrollo's naked glory, his pretty cock standing thick and girthy. His balls sat below it, heavy and full.
How the hell would that ever fit?
The man you had been gawking at chuckles before gently prodding your entrance with his fat tip.
"Don't worry, you can take it. I know you can."
Your heart pulsed at this, heat rising to your cheeks as you look away from him, embarassed.
"Nervous, sweetheart?"
He leaned down closer to you to plant a reassuring kiss on your cheek, trailing them down your neck and along your collarbone.
"...this is my first time," you admit bashfully, moaning at the feeling of his lips on your skin.
"I'll just have to take extra care of you then."
He pushes himself into you, the plush walls of your heat stretching to wrap around him. He continues to kiss you through it as you pull your bodies impossibly close to each other. After sheathing himself completely into your pussy he begins to trust into you, slow and sensual.
He only picks up the pace after feeling your body relax, his thick shaft stretching you deliciously well and hitting all the right spots deep within you.
"God, you're perfect. It's like this pussy was made for me," he grunts, fucking himself into you deeper and deeper with each thrust.
It didn't take long for Chrollo to reduce you to nothing but a moaning, babbling mess. Not only could he lay pipe like no one's business, but his praising words sent you to heights you didn't know you could ever possibly reach. You felt your eyes well up with tears as you felt your climax approach for the second time that night.
"Chrollo, 'm gonna-"
Your words were cut off with the sound of your own moan, feeling Chrollo's dick brush against your g-spot. Your pussy quivers and clenches around him, sucking him back in every time he pulls away.
"Wait for me, sweetheart. Just a little longer, okay?"
You whine, digging your nails into his shoulder blades as he speeds up and fucks you with newfound vigor. You couldn't hold back any longer, a white hot flash hitting you like an ocean wave as you cried out Chrollo's name. The man cursed, feeling you clamp around him impossibly tight, bringing him to his climax as well.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, prompting him to burry himself deep in your womb. His cum floods your pussy, making you feel impossibly fullwhile you pant, coming down from your previous high. You let go of him, body going limp against the mattress, absolutely fucked out.
Chrollo pulls out slowly, watching his seed drip from your weeping cunt, breathing heavily at the sight of you. You press your hand against your bloated tummy, causing more of his cum to spill out of you. His cock twitches as this, and he wastes no time in mounting you again.
"I'm not done with you yet, gorgeous."
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may or may not have gotten carried away with this OOPSIESSSS ;p
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absolutebl · 2 months
This Week in BL - I hand out a couple of high scores & have qualms about pairs
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top. I didn't get many screen shots this week, so welcome to a WALL OF TEXT. Duh duh duh dum.
July 2024 Week 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
We Are Cute (Weds iQIYI) ep 16 fin - TanFang are ridiculous but I have grown to truly love them. ChainPun at the end made me hoot with laughter everyone was a meme of FINALLY. In fact, I loved all the pairs, this was a great ensemble piece.
I was left mildly wondering if Arm will ever lead a BL. 
All in all? 
I really enjoyed this show. It was slow to find its stride (I didn’t get into it until ep 7) but I’m very glad I gave it a chance. It’s a soft ensemble piece with multiple couples and very little plot, but I didn’t care because it’s not trying to be anything more substantial. Essentially this was a series of vignettes covering one year of uni for a queer friendship group finding love, new friends, and laughter. It’s not being harsh with us or it’s characters the way some offerings of this ilk have been (side eyes Friend Zone and Only Friends) nor did it tumble into Gen Y chaos. In fact, this reminded me more than anything of a refined and elevated Love Sick - just with older characters and occurring within a genre that has matured too. It has that close queer friendship group meets earnest gentleness that made me adore Love Sick so much. In other words, this was Thai BL at its finest, finding it roots again 10 years on, but also stretching upwards and showing us what it could do with that original seed. So? I loved it. Did it blow my mind? No. But it left me smiling and made me belly laugh quite a bit. 9/10
Technically it should probably get an 8/10 - too much singing, but I’m bubbling over with nostalgia rn.
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Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 12 fin - I struggled to watch that fight. But that’s because it was so well done for a BL. Lots of speeches this ep. (I said too cheesy right before Dee did.)
I like Drake & Title as a new ship. Hope it sails. Also some decent ace rep. 
On a totally different note: Good use of frosting. But… you know I’m gonna say it… NO SINGING. 
Final thoughts:
What a FUN show. A charming quintessentially modern Thai BL about a doctor and a boxer who start as a one night stand and then fall in love. Great rep for everything from Muay Thai, to safe sex, to FUN sex, to ace, to bisexuality, to smiley kisses, to the first legal gay wedding in a Thai BL. It’s a delight and I enjoyed (almost) every single moment of it. 
An easy 9/10. 
I do hope we get more GreatInn.
The Rebound (Weds Gaga) eps 7-8 of 12 - So Ryu’s ma is evil? And Frank is giving me serious second lead syndrome. Also he’s been working out a lot. I noticed my dude, thank you. I don't think we've ever gotten this kind of focus on a side dish before. The show is in dangerous territory, since he's so good he's taking attention away from the leads. Also, I think Zen is completely aware of what is going on with this love triangle, he just doesn’t want to put up with their nonsense. I even like the cute side crumbs. 
On a complete aside: why are crime lords in BL always in bathtubs? Asking for… the other genres. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if The Godfather entirely took place in bathtubs? A Real Man has a large… tub. 
And we end with mass murder? WOW! Chaotically played my dearest pulp! 
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Century of Love (Weds Gaga) eps 3-4 of 10 - These boys are playing complicated roles with lots of layers to them. Daou is doing a great job. We can see the old man inside this kid. Offroad... I’m not convinced, he’s chewing the scenery a bit. I actually think he has the more layered and complicated part to play. So I'm giving him a chance to subtly show that cheerful façade fracturing with delicacy. But I worry we may be back in JamFilm territory where one partner can’t quite keep up with the other's skillz.
All of this is to say, this is still a better acted piece than I was expecting. (Although the surrounding cast and special effects are doing our leads no particular favors.)
It’s hugely enjoyable but uneven (with those occasional injections of slapstick humor) I’m not entirely sure the production knows what it wants to be. I wish it had the courage of its convictions to lean into the “I feel you linger in the air” aesthetic. Now that I know Thailand can go there, I’m a bit annoyed when a show like this, which should, doesn’t. Which is not to say I’m not enjoying it. I am. A lot. Just that I should probably lower my expectations. Daou, however, is so damn good, he keeps getting my hopes up.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (Fri iQIYI) ep 3 of 8 - Oh no we have a lonely poor little rich boy. Catnip character for @heretherebedork. Meanwhile, I’m liking the layers of the main romance, with everybody having hidden agendas and such. Nice tension. Of course I love the eroticism around smells. One of my favorite tropes. But I’m not sure I buy the relationship chemistry between the leads when this much lying is going on. 
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 7 of 12 - I am growing to love Fourth's version of this character. He’s so frantic and confused, but in a completely different way from the JBL. It’s a bit more whiny and a bit less cartoonish. But it resonates with me more. He's less of a meme tho. The photo moment! I literally squealed, "Gah!!! They are so cute!"
Linguistic moment. Did you hear in the cupcake section that Half went to rao/ter? Very sweet. (The boys use rao/nai.)
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Also, yay for the twist on the school counselor character! Best thing ever. I would like the entire story of Nop & Sin GMMTV, please and thank you. Also… NO SINGING. 
Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 6 of 12 - I’m continuing to enjoy this a lot. It’s a fun cast. A touch twee for me, and I’m really hoping they amp up something other than the romance soon, but I don't mind ending my week with these two.
The Trainee (Sun YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - I'm enjoying this show so much, just not as a BL (yet). It’s honest to the internship experience of overwhelm (such as I recall, it's been A WHILE). I’m not sure how much BL I’m getting from it thus far. I mean our leads shared a long glance or two but that’s about it. It’s very slow burn. But I don’t mind that since I’m liking the surrounding stuff. Can't stand the girlfriend intern character tho. I hope she get redeemed.  Or killed.
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 10 - Halfway through I had already finished my drink out of sheer boredom.  Trash watch here.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 9 of 12 - Frankly I’m finding this relatively dull right now. Lovely kisses tho. Best and Seng are great together, consummate BL pros, not a pair I had on my bingo card. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - I like how much we can see K’s intense liking and emotional need for this loud broken kid. And how easy it is for him to admit to that truth. Because what he’s going through is so much worse than admitting to having feelings. The acting is fantastic. Sometimes I forget how great Japan can be. And then they decide to remind me. Oh, it’s SO GOOD. 
Takara's Treasure AKA Takara No Vidro (Japan Mon Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - Another one I’m finding boring. Just japan’s version. The vintage yaoi “old dude creep trope” I see. It’s been a while. 
It's airing but...
Meet You at the Blossom - it's your funeral (or, more likely, one of the main characters'). You can argue but... statistics. You know my feelings on this matter. MY BLOG, remember?
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GIF by mypotatokun
In case you missed it
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. Devastated this hasn't had international distribution. I demand you tell me the moment you find it!
The Last Time (Thai Fri YT) - Got bumped to Aug 2. Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
July Releases Still To Come
7/24 I Saw You in My Dream (Thai Weds Gaga) - Dee Hup is behind this one so I have high hopes. Younger boy chronically teased his whole life by the older boy next door suddenly starts having horrific prophetic dreams about his bully and must save him.
7/26 4 Minutes (Thai Netflix or iQIYI?) - Great, a rich boy studying business at uni, suddenly gains the supernatural power to see four minutes into the future.
7/29 Battle of the Writers (Thai ????) - trailer here, TutorYim return, and while I adore them, I really hope this is better than Middleman's Love. Won't be hard. However: the premise? Ugh. Something something authors fighting - save me. Why don't writers understand that nothing is more boring than writers?
No time this week, I'm having computer issues.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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ashtheketchum · 3 months
How do you think the turtles from ROTMNT would deal with their feelings if they were in love with someone (be it human, mutant, Yokai, etc.)?
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A/N: To be honest, I had to think about it for a long time, with all four XD But I think it could work. If you don't like it, that's my opinion!
Warnings: fluff, a little angst, Mikey being a little cutie
He would want to spend time with you all the time
He would turn his teasing into flirting just to see you blush
If you are human, he sometimes accompanies you to school and back home
During your lessons, he sometimes writes to you
If you were a mutant, Leo would always challenge you to strange things, but sometimes let you win, just to see you happy
Sometimes he wins with a lot of distance and he tries to "cheer you up"
If you were a Yokai, he would ask you strange questions
"What were you born as?" "Are you interested in mutants and humans? Are you something like bisexual?" "Oh my God, imagine if we started a family, how funny our children would look!" (After the last question, he usually locks himself in his room because he is ashamed)
Although Leo is very self-absorbed, he also sometimes gives you compliments or dreamy looks (maybe also everytime cough cough)
When you are not together, Leo thinks about you 24/7. He just can't get you out of his head
Inside, he sometimes fights with himself about whether he should write to you, but he doesn't want to annoy you too much
Sometimes he also has his low points, where he sometimes wonders if he is even good enough for you
If you are a human, he would sometimes wonder if you would even find a mutant attractive
Raph would try to continue to act tough and he would try to treat you just like everyone else
But it's incredibly difficult for him
If you're human, he'll always want to help you
A glass is too high for you to reach? He'll lift you up or bring it down for you. You're hurt or not feeling well? Raph turns on his mother switch and he'll take care of you until you feel better
If you are a mutant, Raph can only admire you
No matter what kind of animal you are, he would always find details about you that he finds beautiful
If you were a Yokai, Raph would first ask you about Big Mama
But he just can't hide his admiration. When you show up in front of him as a human, he is always briefly shocked because you very rarely walk around as a human with him
But he likes you, as a human and as a mutant or Yokai
When his brothers make annoying comments, he ,,coolly" waves them off
Leo: "Hey Y/N, Raph is staring at you again!" Raph: "I am not! I was just looking past her, nothing more!" *blushes af*
Raph also likes to carry you around on his shoulders. He loves to see you laugh or feel your hands on his head
Whenever Raph sees you laugh, his eyes sparkle and his heart beats so much faster, sometimes it even overwhelms him
But sometimes he thinks that he is neglecting his role as leader because he mostly focuses on you
When you two are not together, Raph talks about you all the time, in front of his family. It even annoys Mikey now-
Donnie didn't want to admit it at first, but whenever he's near you, he feels comfortable and safe
If you're human, Donnie would help you with your homework and exams
Since he can't go to school himself, he's always happy to help you. When you sometimes had home schooling, you even called him so he could listen
If you were a mutant, Donnie would first research everything about your species
So when he finds out what your species likes to eat, he finds that food for you and brings it to you
If you were a Yokai, Donnie would be even more interested in you
He would always ask you questions, take notes and he also constantly asks if you could do certain tests for his research (nothing that could harm you <3)
He keeps everything secret though, he would be deeply ashamed if his brothers or you found out
When you are not together, Donnie looks at old selfies that you took together or he asks Sheldon what is wrong with him
"I think you are in love, master Donatello." "Don't be stupid, Sheldon… Y/N is just…" Silence. "Oh holy banana pancakes."
Most of the time Donnie closes himself off from you, hoping his feelings would fade (spoiler: they got stronger)
Poor little boy, is completely overwhelmed
At first he thought you were just a friend, like April, but no no, you are so much more
Whether you are human, mutant or yokai, you have found a special place in his heart
If you were human, Mikey would ask you stupid questions or he would let you buy his favorite pizzas to eat with you
You usually buy a lot in the afternoon, only to eat it with Mikey at night, usually watching Jupiter Jim movies at your home
If you were a mutant, Mikey would just stare at you in amazement, as if you were the most valuable thing in the world (which you are, to him)
When you are on missions, Mikey also likes to watch you fight to see how you move
If you were a Yokai, he would be completely surprised, because he thought the whole time that you were either a complete human or a complete mutant
But he doesn't really care what you are, he has mostly fallen in love with your personality
He behaves like a little child who sees the most beautiful person in the world (which again you are for him <3)
Mikey dreams about you, writes you sappy messages and constantly wants to have physical contact (for example holding hands, hugging or even a kiss on the cheek)
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cutielando · 10 months
let me help you | r.c.
synopsis: in which you're the only one willing to help him
my masterlist
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You knew Rafe had a problem with drugs. Everyone knew he had a problem except for Rafe himself.
Or maybe he knew and just didn't want to do anything about it. One of the 2.
All that you knew was that you couldn't deal watching him destroy his health anymore. He needed help, and you were going to make sure he was going to get it.
"Babe?" you called out as you entered the Cameron mansion.
Everything was silent and there was nobody around the downstairs area.
"Rafe!" you called out again, slowly going up the stairs.
Once you arrived upstairs, you saw Rafe coming out of his father's office clutching a watch in his hand.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" he asked, sniffling and trying to hide the watch from you.
"We had plans, but you weren't answering your phone" you trailed off, your heart breaking when you took in his figure. "Babe, what's going on?"
"Nothing, everything's fine" he came closer to you and took your face in his hands, planting a quick peck on your lips and a longer kiss on your forehead.
"I know when you're lying, Rafe. Please don't shut me out" you whispered, closing your eyes.
You couldn't bear to look at him.
"You're going to be mad at me" he mumbled, looking anywhere but your eyes now.
"I'm not. Just please tell me what's going on. I hate seeing you like this" you reached up and ran your hands through his hair, knowing it would calm him down.
"I owe Barry some money"
The words were so soft but held so much. You closed your eyes, knowing that whenever he mentioned Barry, it was dangerous.
"Rafe, we talked about this. You said you were going to stop" you whispered, trying to keep your voice calm.
You knew you weren't going to fix anything by yelling at him, he was never good with screaming.
"I know, and I did. Baby, I swear to you, I did. Sarah and her little Pogue boyfriend stole 25K from his house the other day and he told me that I had to pay for it or he would hurt you. Baby, I've been clean for 6 months, I swear to you. You have to believe me, baby. I swear to God" tears were now streaming down his cheeks, his hands shaking and sobs racking through his body.
You pulled him into a big hug, holding him as he struggled to calm down.
"Shh, it's okay, you're okay, baby. Everything's going to be okay, I'm here" you whispered in his ear while running your hands down his back.
He nodded against your shoulder, burying his head further into the crook of your neck.
You held him close for a couple of minutes before his sobs turned into sniffles and his tears stopped falling.
"I don't know where I'll get the money, baby. My dad cut me off and is this close to kicking me out, I figured I would sell one of his watches but I know how angry he'll be once he finds out. I don't know what to do, baby. Sarah's the one involving me in shit and then she just doesn't care about me"
"Hey, look at me" you took his face in your hands, making him look at you. "We're going to go home and explain the situation to my parents. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help you. You're going to work to pay them back once we find you a job and everything is going to be okay. Sound good?"
He nodded, his eyes holding so much love for you and your family.
Your parents knew about his problems and they never once judged him for it. They understood what kind of environment he grew up in, how much neglect he suffered from Ward and did everything they could to fill the void his parents left. They made him feel loved and safe, helped him get through rehab and maintain his sobriety.
They were the parents he never had but desperately needed.
The drive to your house was short, you lived relatively close to the Cameron's. When you stopped the car, Rafe hesitated opening the door.
"What's wrong?" you asked, reaching over and laying your hand over his.
"I'm embarrassed. I don't want to disappoint your parents, ever, and here I am getting involved in shit like this"
"Hey, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. This is not your fault, it's Sarah's. We'll explain everything and then we'll see what we can do about it, does that sound okay?"
He nodded and managed to crack a small smile, unconvincing but still there.
"Of course we'll help you, Rafe. Believe me, I understand all about younger siblings and their problems, they're not easy to deal with" your father said, patting Rafe on the back.
You had caught both of your parents at home and explained the whole situation to them. Rafe mainly kept his head down because he couldn't look them in the eyes, but they didn't even judge him for a second.
"I'm so sorry for doing this, Mr. Y/L/N, I wouldn't do it if I didn't think my life depended on it. This guy is serious and he is really dangerous, I'm afraid he might hurt someone if I don't pay him the money my sister stole" Rafe rushed to say, looking between your mother and father.
"Rafe, honey, it's okay. We understand and we aren't judging you. We'll help you in any way we can, you're part of our family and we take care of each other" your mother told him, standing up and hugging your boyfriend.
Rafe wrapped his arms around your mother tightly, savoring the motherly touch and love radiating off of her.
Your heart melted at the sight, knowing how much your mother meant to Rafe.
"How did it go?" you asked Rafe as soon as he walked into your house.
He had decided to go to Barry's alone because he wanted to make sure you were safe and sound somewhere he couldn't hurt you.
"I'm free" his smile was so large you thought it was going to rip his face in half.
You squealed and jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He let out a big breath and laughed breathlessly, not believing the words he just spoke. He never thought he would be free of Barry, free of the drugs he supplied him, but you changed everything for him.
"Thank you" he said, pulling away just enough to see your face.
"You have nothing to thank me for. I love you and I wasn't about to let you suffer alone" you grabbed his cheeks with both your hands.
"I love you too" he leaned in and captured your lips with his.
And as you were standing in the middle of the living room in each other's arms, you knew there was nothing you couldn't do.
As long as you had each other, you could conquer the world.
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
The Lost Queen - I
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader
— word count: +1,592.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom , @hadesnewpersephone
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 1
''This is so annoying.''
You looked up only to find your friend glaring at you angrily. You cleared your throat and asked her, ''What's so annoying?''
''All of this!'' She snarled, pointed at the history books on the table. You were in the library, studying about Alexander the Great at the request of your history teacher. Your friend complained, she hated history class and the teacher. You didn't hate the classes, but you didn't like Mr. Sheffield. He was so arrogant and brazen. You were sure he was getting involved with a student, but you had no proof.
''I know you're angry but there's no need to take it out on the poor books, May.'' You scolded her and picked up the book she had nearly torn up in her anger. ''Besides, if you screw up this book, you'll have to buy another one.''
''I don't care about that book!'' May snarled and pulled your hands towards her, ''(Y/N), please tell me that you found something rotten about Mr. Sheffield to get rid of him for good?''
You rolled your eyes. Had this. You've kind of become a spy in the meantime, trying to find something about your terrible history teacher and get rid of him. It wasn't ethical, you knew, but you'd do anything to get rid of that bastard. You already had noticed him looking at your legs shamelessly when you wore a skirt or shorts.
''I'm looking for. It's not that easy, you know? I'm not a professional spy.'' You grumbled and went back to your reading. You were reading about the Battle of Issus and its importance in the conquest of the Persian Empire.
May mumbled something unintelligible and you patted her neck comfortingly.
''Here, can we continue our reading, please? We have a work about this topic and I want the highest grade.''
''You're such a nerd, (N/N).'' You and her both laughed and she went back to trying to focus on the open book in front of her. Each was reading about different battles to get the job done faster. As you read about the Battle of Issus, May read about  the Granicus.
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You breathed a sigh of relief when you finally removed your sneakers and could lie down on your bed. The day was long and exhausting and you just wanted to be able to sleep until you became one with your bed.
But unfortunately you couldn't. You had to go to the market at your mother's request to buy some vegetables. The thought made you more tired but you were a good daughter and for that, just for that, you got up and went to the bathroom for a much needed shower, as you had been sweating all day due to the infernal heat it was doing.
''Ugh.'' You grumbled after getting out of the shower. You had taken a little longer than you normally would, but you felt so tired and the hot water helped to relax your sore muscles. It was a shame you couldn't just fall asleep
You dried your body and put on some comfortable clothes and put your sneakers back on. You took your phone and your headphones, putting some upbeat music on Spotify and put your phone inside the small bag that had the money to buy the vegetables at the market. As soon as you left the house, you closed the door and started walking towards your destiny.
The music was the only thing that enveloped you and you didn't notice someone calling you until they grabbed your shoulders, startling you.
''What the hell?'' You mumbled and looked at whoever had stopped you. You frowned as you didn't know the older man who glared at you sinisterly.
You felt disturbed by the man's piercing gaze on you, ''Hm... Hi?''
He didn't answer you and continued to watch you intently. This was getting creepy and bizarre.
''Uh... Since you're not going to say anything, I... I'll go...'' You were about to put your earphone back on, when he grabbed your right arm. ''Let me go, now.''
He glared at you and let go of your arm slowly, you pulled your arm back when he let go. He spoke, in a low voice but you heard it loud and clear: ''The shadows of fate surround you... The world will never be the same for you, girl.''
''What?'' You asked but he looked at you for the last time, smiled weakly and turned his back, leaving you standing on the sidewalk and thinking about the man's sinister words. ''Must be just another crazy dude...'' You shook your head and decided to continue going to the market.
You ignored the squeezing of your heart inside your chest, ignored the feeling that something was wrong. And that was your first biggest mistake.
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You left the market with bags in your hand, still thinking about the mysterious man's words. What was it? Why was this bothering you so much? And why did you feel a tightness in your heart as if something was wrong? You shrugged, deciding to ignore it all and go home as soon as possible, but first you had one last place to go. At a bookstore, you wanted to buy a new book that you heard had arrived and you felt very anxious about reading it. As if you have to read it.
You smiled brightly when you arrived at the store, opening the door to find hundreds of books. You put away the bags you were holding and headed to the history book section. For some reason, ever since you've read about the Battle of Issus, you've found yourself wanting to learn more about Alexander the Great. You could look up wikipedia, but you'd rather read a book.
Approaching the shelf, you found the book you were looking for, The Life of Alexander the Great, and opened it to flip through. You decided to take it and paid for the book at the register, picking up your bags and putting away the new book. You were eager to start reading it.
As soon as you got home, you packed your groceries and ran with your book to your room, changing clothes and putting on your favorite pajamas, lay down on the bed and opened the book to the first chapter. Your eyes read each word eagerly and you frowned as you read the next paragraph:
''Alexander was married with a woman of an unknown origin and he was deeply in love with her and devoted, according to sources at the time. Her name was (Y/N)..."
And why did your head begin to throb painfully? You tried to stay awake, but your eyes were too heavy and the headache made it worse. Maybe a nap... You bookmarked the page you left off and placed the book on the corner table and allowed yourself to drift off to sleep, your body in desperate need of a rest.
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When you opened your eyes, you were no longer in your room.
You tried to get up but your body still ached, you groaned in pain as your head throbbed again. What was that?
Finally managing to sit up, you looked around and felt dread creep through your body. You didn't know this place, much less the people who watched you cautiously and suspiciously. Your eyes widened when you noticed the ancient greek armor and swords in their hands and even more when you saw the symbol of Ancient Macedonian. Vergina Sun.
You recognized the symbol from the history books. This was a dream, it had to be, but if it was a dream, why did you feel pain and feel like you knew these people who looked at you like an alien. And you felt embarrassed when you noticed that you were still in your pajamas, dressed completely differently from the men who were looking at you.
''What are you doing?'' A loud authoritative voice echoed and you cringed even more. First, the person who was speaking approached the group of men along with another slightly taller man and second, why did you understand them? It wasn't the language you spoke, you knew that as it sounded nothing like your mother tongue but much more different. Greek, you noticed and that left you even more perplexed.
You didn't understand greek as far as you knew.
''What is that? Who are you?'' The man dressed more formally than the others, asked looking at you curiously. He had dark blonde hair and his eyes were two colors, blue and brown. He wasn't very tall, but you felt small with the way he looked at you. He seemed to be the leader, you noticed.
You looked like a fish out of water and one of the men laughed and said, ''Looks like she's lost her tongue, Alexander.''
Alexander... You widened your eyes even more and walked away from the grip of the man who was holding you. No... It couldn't be...
You had read a book about him... And his appearance...
By god... You were face to face with Alexander the Great.
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— lady l: I hope you liked the first chapter. This was her introduction to the ancient world and the next few will see (Y/N)'s interaction with Alexander and the others.
It has not yet been proofread and may contain errors, so I apologize for that. Until the next chapter my loves!
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cherriegyuu · 11 months
one more day| one | ljh
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pairing: jihoon x f!reader genre: angst word count: 5k summary: every day jihoon has to make you fall for him again a/n: this was very much based on fifty first dates, but much more dramatic than the movie. i don't go deep into things (trying not to spoil it (?)), i didn't get technical about it as this was written just for fun. i hope you enjoy it. ↳ part two
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You opened your eyes slowly getting used to the lights that came through the curtains – that were there only for decoration seeing as they did a poor job of blocking the light coming through the window.
You knew, even before you looked around, that you were at a completely different place from where you had been the night before. You were scared of making any movement that could break anything in that foreign place, something that was very unlikely to happen.
The other side of the bed moved and an arm made its way around your waist. Your eyes widened. You had spent the night with someone and had probably gotten stupidly drunk since you couldn’t remember anything.
You ran a hand through your face. What did I do last night? The last thing you remembered was having the worst fight with Bella, your best friend and roommate, and leaving the apartment in the middle of the night. It was unlike you to get drunk when you were feeling upset or angry, that simply wasn’t the kind of thing that you did. Suddenly you felt icy material against the tip of your nose.
Slowly you pulled your hand away from your face and looked at it. A thin, golden ring circled your finger. You knew that it wasn’t a simple ring, something that you could have bought at some cheap jewelry shop on the corner of your apartment. The ring on your left hand was heady, made of gold.
You looked to your left, to the owner of the arm around your waist. He looked so peaceful that part of you thought it might not be a good idea to wake him up. Something about him was familiar, but you couldn’t think of where you could’ve met him. Maybe, you tried to convince yourself, he looks familiar because you met him at a random bar.
“What did I do last night?” you asked yourself. You had gone through, probably, one of the wildest drinking benders of your entire life, was out with a complete stranger and - as if none of it had been enough - had somehow gotten married to him.
The urgency to call Bella and ask her to go pick you up was bigger than anything you had ever experienced in life. Caring little about the man beside you, you shot out of bed making far too much noise and movement than intended. But you weren’t able to go far because the stranger grabbed your wrist.
“Came back to bed, honey” the man said, voice muffled by the pillow “Lola doesn’t have piano lessons today, we can sleep till a little later.”
Who was Lola? And why was that man talking to you as if he knew you? Why was he calling you honey?
The desperation that only a second before was almost completely under control, had now become something quite scary.
With a sudden movement, you released your wrist from the loose grip of the man and began searching through the mess of clothes that were on the chair, looking from your own. You left the apartment wearing jeans, a sweatshirt that Bella had gotten herself but you stole the second she took it out of the bag and sneakers, none of which were in front of you or anywhere in the room. Giving up the clothes, you focused on finding your phone - the sooner you called Bella the sooner you would be home, safe and sound. But the device was nowhere to be found.
“Why can’t I find the damn phone anywhere?” you shouted.
That was enough to wake the man. In a leap, he was out of bed and looked around as if he was ready to strike someone. In any other situation, you would have laughed at the sight of him with his eyes open wide and his hair sticking everywhere but that wasn’t the best moment to laugh.
“I need to go, okay? I have a boyfriend and this was a mistake, I’m sorry” the lie slipped so easily through your lips that it even surprised you.
The alarm and concern in the man’s eyes gave way to sadness and fatigue. He ran his hands through his hair a few times without taking his eyes off of you. He stepped forward and you took a step back.
“I thought today would be different, you promised you would remember” the man said almost in a whisper, but it was loud enough for you to hear “I don’t know why I still believe it when you say that you’ll remember”
You paused for a second to look at the man standing in front of you. Your heart suddenly skipped a beat. He had brown eyes and the reflection of sunlight made you believe they were golden, beautiful lips, a slightly round face. 
“What did you just say to me?” you asked.
The man breathed, the sound resembled that of someone who had been defeated after an arduous and exhausting battle.
“My name is Jihoon, I’m your husband. We are in our home. Bella is at her house with her husband”
You took a few steps back until your knees were pressed against a dresser. The man in front of you, Jihoon, said that he was your husband and Bella also had a husband of her own. But he was wrong, he had to be.
You and Bella were still in college and neither of you had a boyfriend. You were like two lone wolves who walked together so the loneliness would hurt less. If Bella had a husband, or just a simple hookup for that matter, you would know.
And you sure as hell would know if you had gotten married.
“You’re lying,” you said aloud, “I’m twenty, I’m in college and I have no boyfriend.”
Jihoon took a step forward, in a completely failed attempt to touch you.
“Do not come near me!” you shouted.
Jihoon a step back and raised his hands in surrender.
“I’ll go check on Lola” he walked up to the door “Can just you, please watch the video? You just have to turn on the tv”
And with that, Jihoon left the room and closed the door behind him.
Something in his voice made you look at the tv, your fingers drumming on your thighs, nervousness settling in the pit of your stomach. Even so, you watched the video. Uncertain of what you would see. You sat down on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath before pressing play.
The blurred image of sofa quickly came into focus and the man who was in that room with you just a few seconds appeared on the screen.
“You can start” Bella’s voice sounded through the room.
Why Bella’s voice? Why did this man seem so familiar, but why at the same time you had absolutely no idea where you could have met him?
Jihoon cleared his throat and began to speak.
“Good morning, babe. I don’t even know where to start. I think if I were to say everything in this video you’d watch it all day and tomorrow it still wouldn’t make any sense to you,” he paused for a moment, his eyes focused on his hands, before looking up and continuing “We met thirteen years ago. You were at the tattoo shop where I worked at, you made fun of me for not having a tattoo or even a single piercing. From the first moment I saw you I was completely fascinated. It was as if I had become blind to all the other girls. All I could think about was you. ”
You looked down at your wrist where the little drawing of a blue rose was.
“You kept going to go the shop constantly just to see me, you denied but we both know that it was true. Quickly you infiltrated yourself into my life. My friends became your friends, and Bella became one of mine” throughout the whole time while he was speaking, Jihoon had his fingers in the wedding ring and kept spinning it on his finger “It took me way too long to make some kind of move, but when I finally did something I knew I had made ​​the most correct decision of my life.”
“Jihoon, I need you to look at the camera okay?” Bella’s voice sounded again.
“Right, sorry” Jihoon cleared his throat and looked back at the camera “Where was I? Okay, the best decision of my life. We dated for four years before getting married. I never knew if it was something that you wanted, you never gave me a lot of clues telling me what you wanted. We got married when you were just about to give birth to Lola. I remember that being the happiest day of our lives, or at least the second best”
This image of Jihoon sitting in an armchair changed and it became the image of a lounge, fully adorned. In the center, a couple danced. You couldn’t say that you were surprised to see that the couple was you and Jihoon. You wore a beautiful wedding dress and Jihoon had a suit on. A slow track song playing in the background, one that you couldn’t identify, as you danced, your head on his shoulder, as his rested on top of yours as you swayed from side to side.
The screen then changed and Bella’s smiling face came into focus.
“Hey y/n and Jihoon, just wanted to say that I wish all the best to you both. I couldn’t be happier for you. Thanks for asking me to be a godmother to little Lola, I can hardly wait for her to see this world. I know that I’ll have to split it her attention with your brother but I think we’ll manage. I love you, even you Jihoon”
In Bella’s place appeared an unknown man, you could only assume he was Jihoon’s brother.
“Hello, Jihoon and y/n. I’m very happy that you two are finally official, I know that before you were already together and living together, but nothing says ‘I love you’ like a marriage and a baby. Once someone said 'Children are proof that pure and true love still exists and that God has not given up on us’, well, for me you are proof that true and pure love still exists. Hopefully, both will enjoy your week in Paris. ”
Other people’s messages appeared, your parents and people whom you didn’t know or couldn’t remember, no matter how hard you tried.
You didn’t realize that you had tears in your eyes.
Somehow, although in a way you didn’t fully understand, that seemed to be the life you always dreamed of. Apparently, you had a man who loved you, friends and family, and a daughter.
Jihoon’s face came back and you did the best you could to push away the tears that clouded your eyes.
“We lived happily for almost a year. Lola was born a month after the wedding. You were at home for seven months, to make sure she was okay, you have always been that mother that fusses over every little thing. You got a job as a substitute teacher after the winter holidays”
Jihoon paused, looking down at his hands, and took a deep breath.
“I know that’s the hard part, but you need to continue,” Bella said in the video “We are almost at the end, okay.”
Jihoon nodded and ran a hand over his face.
“In a cold day, when the snow was melting, you were coming home. As always you drove carefully, but that day – one that single day – you forgot to put on the seat belt and in a slightly more closed curve the car… you got launched through the windshield.”
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Jihoon just came out from behind the bedroom door after making sure that you were watching the video.
He walked over to the end of the hall, where was the room of your daughter. Jihoon silently prayed that you hadn’t woken up Lola. 
He had been the one to tell her about you, about the accident. He couldn’t think of anything else to do, how to further hide it, when Lola would run up to you in the morning and you didn’t remember her. At first, the she looked confused, as if you, her world, had been torn away from her, but then she understood why her mother didn’t remember anything the next morning. 
Or at least, Jihoon likes to think that Lola understood. 
How could an eight-year-old grasp a concept that he, a grown man, past his thirties, was yet to comprehend?
His prayers were not answered when Jihoon saw Lola sitting in bed holding a stuffed bunny.
“I was hoping that you would still be asleep,” Jihoon said while sitting in bed.
Lola shrugged and climbed up her father’s lap, her arms going around his neck.
“Do you think” Lola began quietly, “that one day mommy will remember? That one day mommy will wake up and know who I am?”
That question was something that Jihoon knew would come one day. It was a question that he had prepared himself to hear many times but finally hearing it had been enough to crush the last remaining pieces of his heart.
He could still remember the very moment when he received the call that you had been in a car accident. Jihoon was at home, entertaining Lola until you got back from work. Everything had happened so fast. In a second he was happily giving Lola something to eat, and the next he was calling his brother, asking him to take care of Lola while he went to the hospital as the purest form of fear and despair had taken over his body.
Jihoon spent all possible seconds’ by your bedside during the month you spent in the hospital. No matter how much he wanted to stay with you until you finally came back to him, he needed to go home and take care of his daughter. Lola had never cried so much. During that one month you were unconscious in the hospital Lola cried desperately, as if she knew something was wrong - that her mother wasn’t there.
The hardest part was when you woke up.
Jihoon knew there was a possibility, that maybe, you could lose your memory, but he believed it would be only temporary - as the doctor said. But then six months went by and you still didn’t remember anything. All the progress they had made the previous day was completely erased from your memory when you closed your eyes to go to sleep.
In the first few months, Bella went to your house every day in the morning to help. She was the only person you remembered and the only one who could confirm that Jihoon was who he claimed to be, and things would be easier for that day. But after a while, Jihoon asked Bella to stop going. You were his wife, and it was his job to get you to remember him every single day.
“I don’t know, honey. I guess that it might happen” a lie. Jihoon knew that it was a lie.
Two years after the accident you underwent brain surgery. The doctor found that there was still some swelling in your brain, even after such a long time since the accident. In theory, it was all very cute and colorful, but the reality couldn’t be further away from the truth.
The surgery didn’t help, not in the way both you and Jihoon expected. The doctor said, “The brain is an inexplicable part of the body, there’s nothing wrong with her ​​brain, but she can’t seem to keep her memory.” That was the hardest thing he had ever heard. The doctor was, with covered words, saying that you would never remember him, Lola, or the life they spent together.
“Why don’t you change into your uniform while I make breakfast?” Jihoon suggested. Lola nodded and got out of bed in complete silence.
The idea for the video came soon after news of the failed surgery. Jihoon had nothing to lose, if the video didn’t work they would have lost just one day. He asked for help from all the people who were active in your life: Bella, Jihoon’s brother, your parents.
There wasn’t a day when he could point to and say “This was the worst one” because the truth was that all days were very similar. Every day he’d wake up in the same bed with a woman that didn’t know who he was and that they had a daughter together, but that was the same woman he loved unconditionally and wasn’t willing to give up on. No matter what he had to do, Jihoon would always be by your side.
When Jihoon had just finished making breakfast, you went downstairs. You had put on a pair of jeans and the same light yellow sweater that you wore every morning.
“The last thing that I remember,” you started, and it was the same expression that Jihoon had seen in Lola’s just a few minutes before “was that I left the apartment after a fight with Bella”
That was a conversation Jihoon had with you every single day for the past seven and a half years, sometimes it went a little different but it was basically the same thing.
“You never left the apartment. You went to your room and slept to forget the fight” he told you
You nodded, leaving the kitchen and Jihoon followed you. He knew you were going to the piano, which was another daily routine.
“Is she any good?”
“She is the best of all”
You smiled, trying to accept the fact that you were married to the gorgeous man standing in front of you and that you had a daughter with him. You heard the sound of a door closing and then quick steps going down the stairs.
“Don’t run on the stairs,” you warned the girl automatically. You didn’t understand why you did it, it was as if your brain was programmed to say that.
“Sorry, mommy” Lola said as she went down the stairs slowly and holding onto the handrail.
Lola was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen in your entire life - or at least the part of your life you remembered. Lola had nearly black hair like Jihoon with cute curls at the ends, round brown eyes, but her most beautiful feature was her smile - it was exactly like her father’s.
“Do you remember me already?” Lola asked, stopping in front of you.
You bent down so you were at the same height as your daughter. Somehow, you knew in her entire bein, that that little girl with hopeful eyes was your daughter, it didn’t matter that your idiotic brain didn’t remember her. In your heart, you knew that it was true.
“Yes, baby, I remember”
“Then you will take me to school with daddy?”
You smiled and nodded. You didn’t know what would be the position Jihoon’s about it, but something said he wouldn’t oppose it.
“Go eat before it gets cold,” Jihoon said to her.
Lola stood on tiptoes to give a quick kiss on your cheek and ran to the kitchen. Your heart warmed with that small gesture. That little girl loved you, despite the fact that you couldn’t remember anything. Everything you knew about Lola was what you saw in the video and what you had just witnessed, even though you felt like you knew her.
“You want to know about the accident?” Jihoon asked behind you.
“No,” you vehemently denied “you were very explicit during the video”
Jihoon raised his eyebrows and smiled a little.
“That’s new, you always ask about the accident”
It was strange for you how Jihoon remembered every moment and you didn’t, even though you tried. It seemed unfair that he got to have it all, while you forgot everything when you closed your eyes.  If you loved this man as much as the people in the video said, you wanted to be able to remember and perhaps even feel it.
“How does this work? How is it at her school?” you couldn’t begin to imagine how it was for Lola. The kids don’t usually let go of something, and if a child is taken as “different” the other ones might see her as the bad one, the one who doesn’t fit, for problems that weren’t even hers.
“She doesn’t care. You told her once that you would always remember her, no matter what happened.”
“But I don’t remember her,” you said sadly. You wanted to remember your daughter, wanted to remember all the times you spent together, wanted to remember the feeling of being pregnant, the first moment you saw Lola and fell in love with her even more; you wanted to remember Jihoon and every moment that you had shared. But that, at least for the time being, seemed the most distant and impossible thing in the whole world.
“I’m sorry” you said “This all must be hard for you. I mean, you have to remember me every day of who I am and what my life is like now, and take care of our daughter alone”
Jihoon took a step forward, nervous. In those first hours, everything was very uncertain. He wasn’t sure of what he should do or say. Before, completely detached from the reality that you now lived, a simple touch was enough to soothe you and make things calm down. But in that moment, even after eight years, he still didn���t know what to do.
“You don’t have to apologize for something you can’t control,” Jihoon said softly. He held your hand and when you didn’t pull away he continued “And I don’t do anything alone, you help me every day even if you don’t remember.”
You wanted to cry. Jihoon was a good man and didn’t deserve to go through all of that. It wasn’t fair to him. You wanted to scream to the world and do something, anything at all, so everything could to go as it should be. But crying wouldn’t do anything and there was no magic remedy that would bring back the memories you suddenly felt so desperate to have.
Taking Lola to school wasn’t the most difficult task of the day. You didn’t get weird looks, as you had expected the entire drive there. In fact, it was as if everyone knew exactly who you were and what happened.
With a smile you watched Lola get out of the car and run to the school gate, where two other little girls were waiting for her. One of them was like a little Bella and knowing that it was quite possible that she was her daughter, you made ​​a mental note to call your friend later. Lola only entered school after waving at you with both hands and shouting “I love you.”
And there they were again, the tears. You felt almost stupid for that to be the third time that you wanted to cry that day. You cried watching the video, after seeing Lola in the living room and now saying goodbye to her at the school, all because you knew that the next day you would have to do the exact same thing without remembering that you had done it a thousand times before.
Jihoon took you to the roof of the old shop where he worked, a place he now owns. That was a place for you two, where you had shared memorable moments that were now just his.
“Why do you do this every day?” you asked after a few minutes of silence “Why do you insist on reminding me of who I am? You could have left me with my parents. I would be their problem and not yours. You could raise Lola the right way and maybe even find someone else ”
It hurt you to ask those questions, but you had to know. Jihoon was still young, he was only 33. You were sure that he wouldn’t have to search long and hard to find someone who loved him, someone who could actually remember him every morning and who could love him as much as he loved that person.
Jihoon didn’t answer for a few minutes, his eyes on the city in front of him. He knew everything he wanted to say and everything inside him screamed for him to say it, but he didn’t think he should. You were having a good day, asking questions that usually you didn’t, scolding Lola for doing anything remotely dangerous for a child. You had never done those things before.
With you, there was always a routine that was followed to the T by everyone around you. You woke up and didn’t recognize him, watched the video, asked about the accident, took Lola to school, went to Lola’s bookstore and spent the day inquiring her about your new life, returned home and had more questions, played with Lola and would go to sleep.
It had been the same way, every day for the past seven years. But not that day. For the first time, you didn’t run to Bella the first chance you got, you didn’t ask about the accident. Instead, you decided to stay with him and talk to him. 
Jihoon was afraid to say something and things went back to that same routine. But what would he lose at the end of the day? Just a day you wouldn’t remember, and he still had many others to come. Then maybe, just once, he would say whatever he felt. He just needed to tell her everything, just once and never again.
“You once told me I was your superhero. You said that you knew I would always find you and make things right again. I never understood what you meant. I was always just a guy who liked a girl and would do anything for her, but now I understand why because you were also my superhero. Whenever I needed to, for any nonsense it was, you were there for me. We were each other’s lifeline, and you’re still mine. I couldn’t and still can’t imagine how my or Lola’s lives would be without you, if you weren’t there with us every day. Do we have problems? Of course, we have, but what couple doesn’t? Our problems are just a bit different from the most couples out there.”
Jihoon stopped for a second to breathe. He wasn’t someone who just talked about his feelings, it was always easier to shut himself out in order to protect those around him. But he knew he would have to talk about it, at least once - withholding nothing - or never have the courage to speak again.
You played with your fingertips listening carefully to what he was saying. You were sure that it was difficult for him to say those things, but it was also hard for you tp hear them.
“Lola loves you, she would love you anyway, no matter what. I see in your eyes every time you look at her, doesn’t matter if for you it’s the first day, you still have the same look as years ago” Jihoon ran his hand through his hair, “What I mean is that I don’t want any another person. I know this is hard, but if it was easy then it wouldn’t be fun and wouldn’t have half the importance it does. I do what I do because I love you, y/n. It’s hard? Yes, but I wouldn’t change a thing.”
You didn’t know what to say, absolutely nothing was going through your mind. At that moment, after listening to his words, you started to understand why you fell for him in the first place. Jihoon wasn’t someone who lived his life just for himself, he was the kind of person who cared about others and the people he loved were put on the priority list – at the first sign of trouble he would drop everything and go to them.
"You think one day I’ll remember? Because I know everything’s here,” you pointed at your head “Everything is just really clouded. I know it’s in here but I don’t know how to reach it”
“To be brutally honest about it? I don’t think so” Jihoon ran his hand through his hair again and sighed “I told Lola that your memory could come back, but I’m not so sure. It’s been seven years. If it was going to happen then I suppose it would have happened by now. Then what? Remember everything until the moment of the accident? But then you wouldn’t remember anything of what happened after that. None of it seems fair to me”
You nodded and stayed silent for a long time, just looking at the beautiful view in front of you. 
You stayed most of the day on the rooftop, talking about everything that you missed. Moments you had been there for but at the same time you weren’t. Every single question that left your lips was met with Jihoon’s easy answers. He didn’t leave anything out, even if it meant that what he said wasn’t nice to hear.
You took his hand in your, your head leaning against his shoulder. He took a deep breath and you did the same.
“I promise I’ll try to remember everything. I’ll make notes, write everything. I’ll remind me of you every morning.”
Jihoon squeezed your hand back. Little butterflies danced in his skin, something inside him waking up after a long time.
“I don’t know how the other me felt when she fell in love with you, but what I feel right now should come really close to that.”
“I love you, y/n” Jihoon said intertwining his fingers with yours.
“I’ll fall for you every day, for the rest of my life”
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mari-lair · 23 days
Let's talk about Natsukane, my favorite rarepair. They barely have anything in canon, so this will be less of an analysis and more of me going disproportionately insane about a ship between two characters with no screen time together. Buckle up.
To start: They are opposite sides of the same coin.
During an official quiz to see what character best matches your personality (full quiz here) Akane and Natsuhiko's results are side by side, following the same path, so they have a lot in common.
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Both are the extroverted and passionate kind of people who confess first, both like to exercise, and both have secrets, only differing on the question "Are you stubborn?" which makes sense, since Natsuhiko is usually pretty laidback while Akane is stubbornness incarnated.
Despite all these similarities, the results and 'advice' for each result are very different.
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Akane is "Do your best to help your loved ones. Life can be unfair, but keep working hard." vs Natsuhiko's "People trust you. Make connections, they will help you in the future."
Give and take.
Akane is selfless to the point of concern for his loved ones, putting other needs above his own. Take Aoi for exemple: He wants a lot from Aoi, her attention, her love, her hand in marriage, but above it all, he wants her to be happy, always doing what he believes she will appreciate even when he personally doesn't enjoy it, cause if she is happy, so is he.
Aoi drives this impulsive and passionate boy crazy, but when Akane learns that she likes him back, and their kiss gets interupted, the only thing he demands of her is for Aoi to be in his life. His priority is for her to feel loved and safe, not to be her boyfriend.
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Natsuhiko is also extremely down bad, but he is more selfish: Most of what he does has the goal to steal Sakura's heart, and he approaches her doing things that he likes (love songs, dramatic film-like dates, etc) not things that Sakura has personally ever shown any interest in. I don't think he even realizes he does that because Natsuhiko genuinely values Sakura and is in awe of her, we see him doing whatever she asks, we see him make tea for her, ask Mei to fix her elephant cup, be willing to 'become a woman' when Sakura gets a male body, and shows his devotion to her many times.
He genuinely pays attention to her. He is trying his best.
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We don't have much to work with Natsu and Sakura, so this is more speculation, but it feels like he expects to be loved back, becoming more selfish when he is particularly desperate: Like trying to touch her whenever he can even after being consistently reprimanded for it, and going as far as to try to give Sakura a love potion that would force her to love him back for a day, prioritizing being loved.
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Akane is old-fashioned when it comes to love, he'll date expecting it to end in marriage and push away all else, being open about his affection and lack of interest alike. A relationship is a lifelong commitment to Akane, no fooling around!
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Natsuhiko also takes romance seriously, but he is no loverboy, he is a playboy.
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We don't know if he ever dated or kissed a girl before Sakura, but we do know his love for Sakura doesn't stop him from flirting around. He was even down to kiss Nene for no real reason besides 'cute girl', claiming that being hit is a normal reaction, so he tried to kiss more people before (I'm assuming Sakura is the one rejecting his kisses, but there could be other cute girls he tried to kiss before, who knows?)
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Akane doesn't like that.
One of the few times they are in the same panel shows Natsuhiko basking in the attention of many girls while Akane looks done with him.
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I am pretty sure Akane has not seen Natsuhiko before this point, so Akane took one look at him and went 'the vibes are off, fuck this guy'. Meanwhile, I doubt Natsuhiko spared Akane any thought, he doesn't care about Akane as a person.
Natsuhiko is a friendly guy but he is detached from his peers, he can find charm in people easily and discards them just as easily: Wanting to kiss Nene, going 'oh well' about her lifespan. Doting on Mitsuba, hurting him when Mitsuba still had no Yorishiro. Not hanging out with anyone from his class, or mentioning a family. He is so detached from people, and supernaturals alike, that he is fine with destroying the world for Sakura.
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Meanwhile, Akane judges people easily and grows attached to them just as easily. Reprimanding Nene for being too soft on Hanako, but consistently helping her out, and showing care for her. Forgiving Teru's consistent bullying after he is helped and even growing a reluctant fondness for the clock keepers that ruined his life.
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Akane is described as a good person by his peers, and Natsuhiko is a self-proclaimed bad guy. Akane has a belief human lives are fragile and precious ever since he was 12 and nearly lost Aoi during his orientation day. Natsuhiko can't die, and he doesn't care when people die.
They are on opposite sides in every sense of the word but they have a lot in common.
Both are seem as easy to take advantage of: predictable fools who love their crush, but they are smart people who can read others well, and know how to weaponize what they have available.
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They haven't interacted with each other all that much so they seem to have this 'predictable fool' view of each other too. Or at least, Natsuhiko does.
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Both have brown/red hair.
Both have no self-preservation, and easily forgive or brush off when others physically hurt them. They don't fear death.
They are shields, the guards.
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Both are pawns of someone else, Akane's boss is the clock keepers and Natsuhiko's is Sakura, their goals come second to their boss's orders most of the time. They have no interest in each other personally but they work for supernaturals whose main obstacle are each other.
I doubt they'll have more interactions, but what we have is enough to have fun.
The broadcasting club clearly considers Akane the weak link of the clock keepers, so imagine Natsuhiko was tasked to get Akane's trust, coach him into destroying the yorishiro, playing the long game, similar to how he and Sakura were chill waiting for Mitsuba to find a Yorishiro.
Akane is the most stubborn of the two, and he sees Natsuhiko as untrustworthy, so I can't see him falling for his 'reliable and kind senpai✨' charade, but I can see him being arrogant enough to fall for the 'this guy is a dumbass' vibe Natsuhiko emanates in waves. Akane has the disadvantage of caring too much too fast, people show him kindness and he is unconsciously inclined to reply in kind, people are insensitive to others and he gets angry, so he isn't that hard to approach or drag around if you learn to ignore his complaints. They can have a lot of 'bonding time' regardless if Akane actually vibes with him.
I think Natsuhiko would have a detached respect for Akane. Cause while Natsuhiko isn't a kind person, I do believe he appreciates kindness.
Take Mitsuba's surprise party for example: The party was clearly Sakura's idea. Natsuhiko is more interested in pleasing Sakura throught it than in cheering up Mitsuba, using the party planning as a way to bond and celebrate with Sakura.
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But despite having no blush, no comment, no spark in his eyes when he looks at Mitsuba being happy, he does seem to feel a hint of something that makes him ask Tsukasa to chill.
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So kindness is possible it simply doesn't come easy for him, is not something that has a big sway on his decision. He likes being a bastard way more, look at how happy he is to do Sakura's evil schemes!
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So Akane would be a pain in the ass for him. Maybe even pluzzling but mostly an annoyance that's prone to getting violent when Natsuhiko says 'the wrong thing', be it verbal violence or a punch in the face.
And Natsuhiko would absolutely say the wrong thing.
He is a decent liar, very disarming, and hard to read. But he is also careless, he may be able to make someone like Kou lower his guard even when the young exorcist's instincts go "You are sooo suspicious" but Akane isn't dismissive of these things. (compare how Kou was able to dismiss Hanako's murder after seeing the ghost do a good deed in chapter 9 while Akane still eyes Hanako harshly to this day)
Will Natsuhiko put effort into looking like he is Akane's buddy? Will he take him on friendly hang-outs at the broadcasting club? Yes. Will he stop being dismissive about other people? Will he stop flirting with many girls? No. Even if Natsuhiko gets swept by Akane's passion and genuinely tries to help, like offering Akane a love potion so he can 'get' Aoi or taking him to have a 'glow up' in the mall, it wouldn't work, cause their approach is too different. Who he is and the 'kind and reliable senpai' image he wants to sell clash.
So we have a lack of trust that doesn't go away, for every nice thing Natsu shows, he has an equally bad trait. Either Akane doesn't drop the 'yo you suck' attitude or he finds himself relaxing, only to be slapped in the face the next day at the reminder Natsuhiko may be able to disarm him with idol songs, bad love advice, asking Akane for his assistance, but he is still not a good person.
Speaking of disarming, here is a tiny tangent: Natsuhiko is the only character who gets a comment on how he smells, not even Ao-chan and Teru, who are complemented in every way possible get comments on their smell. This means Natsuhiko must either wear supernatural perfume or have a natural smell that attracts supernaturals.
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And I do think it's only supernaturals that he attracts since cats, who are heavily associated with yokai in Japan, love Natsuhiko, and Tsukasa says he smells 'yummy'.
Plus when he is walking with Nene, a delicious Kannagi, every monster has its eyes on Natsuhiko. They want to bite him, not Nene.
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Assuming any supernatural finds his smell appealing, it would confuse Akane to think Natsuhiko smells real nice when no one else does, cause he hates the guy? What do you mean he is not wearing a strong fancy perfume and only Akane thinks he smells nice? What is going on? If he directly asks wtf is Natsuhiko's problem, he would not be helpful "Another victim, fallen for my irresistible wise senpai charm-"
They are a walking headache to each other.
The plan to get Akane's trust won't work in the end, no matter how much information on supernaturals Natsuhiko shares, or how many tea parties they attend to, so the inevitable betrayal would end in violence. Threaten Aoi, create a trap, make Akane be in serious danger so the other keepers are forced to show up and save him.
Perhaps, when Akane is dying and Natsuhiko looks down as he bleeds and resists and fights he realizes he does feel something more than apathy and frustration for Akane. But alas, it is not worth figuring out if is respect, admiration, care, or whatever, it's a bother regardless but still worthless since it would always end like this.
Now, let's slap a crush into this mess.
Natsuhiko's type is calm and quiet, harsh on the outside and kind on the inside. A beauty that feels unapproachable.
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Which is both the complete opposite of Akane (Akane is loud and stressed 24/7) and spot on (Akane is harsh in his bluntness but kind at heart + he is a popular boy that others naturally orbit towards)
Natsuhiko getting a little crush on Akane would be a nightmare because he would not notice he has a crush. He has a strong belief boys can't like other boys, needing to 'become a girl' to excuse still having feelings for Sakura after she gets a male body.
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So he wouldn't notice whatever positive feeling he got is a crush, but he would still be unbearable. Probably call him Akane-chan cause that's a feminine name. Cute.
Akane wants him dead and it has nothing to do with his bad guy vibes, it's mostly cause Natsuhiko flirts a lot. He insists it's nothing but he got that flirty vibe that is very punchable, like calling him 'kitten' and adding 'no homo' if Akane bluntly rejects him. Respecting his space when Akane is on edge but trying to test his luck and be touchy the second Akane shows any signs of lowering his guard, casual bro stuff like noggies. He will need a character arc cause Akane is sure he is either unbearable by nature or his ulterior motive is to go on a few dates with him and discard him after ike the playboy Natsuhiko is. He doesn't take his 'fondness' seriously at all but being harsh is pretty attractive to Natsuhiko, makes the rare signs that Akane cares appear all the more soft.
Imagine Akane saving Natsuhiko in a panic when he 'sacrifices' himself to a big beast (akane doesn't accept others pulling the 'I will die for you' card on him, not even other supernaturals), only to kick Natsuhiko back into danger the second this immortal and sturdy guy starts to swoon about how "Akane-chan is so kind, worried about me <3 " . That's the vibe.
Natsuhiko pays more attention and is more influenced by the people he like, so he would actually make an effort to figure out why Akane is so hardworking, and tries to be kind, to do little things to help him, which serves to confuse Akane but make him a bit more willing to accept his company. They are still a headache to each other but there is care, and way more confusion involved, since Natsuhiko may have to experience a lot of trial and error but his attempts to get closer to Akane and make him happy are genuine. Akane is way more indulgent than Sakura, so while he won't drink any suspicious love potion and things of sorts, he can be dragged to Karaoke and easily manipulated with a pathetic 'Akane-chan, I need your help pls :(' cause he has a helping complex. (Unless is after he catches Natsuhiko doing something morally reprehensible, in that case, Akane will not tolerate even breathing the same air as him and go full judgement more.)
Akane doesn't know how his life has been spiraling but he blames Natsuhiko.
Their difference in morals will always be cause for complications, but if it's in a canon universe it's worse, cause Natsuhiko will have to betray Akane, and hurt this strange new love that keeps him at arm's length but has shown signs of believing he can be 'less of an asshole' becomes an actual dilemma. Something he isn't used to.
Akane being the one to fall in love would be a completely different vibe, easier to imagine in a messier part of his life, when the clock keepers contract is still new and everything is more confusing, maybe he hasn't figured out that the accident with Aoi was staged to recruit him, so he isn't as wary and hateful of the supernatural world yet, relieved to see another fellow human familiar with supernaturals, since Teru is someone worthy of respect but still very violent and closed off.
Akane would also have a crisis and push aside the idea of being intrigued by this strange upperclassman, who smells nice and hides many secrets, cause the idea of falling for someone who isn't Aoi will destroy him. He is extremely stubborn and loyal. He will snuff the crush out by force, avoid him at all costs, be more susceptible to manipulation, althought not noticibly at first..
What if Aoi doesn't exist, what if is just Natsu?
Then he can be openly devoted, and the appeal is to ask the question "What would happen if Akane fell in love with a bad person?" How much is he willing to forgive, and change himself. What made him fall in love? What is a line he can't cross (ex murder) and how does he deal with Natsuhiko crossing it?
Akane is selfless and prioritizes making him happy, so Natsuhiko would feel kind of bad. He is so used to being ignored, that he says whatever, and being treated with respect or awe is so out of the norm?? He does have a conscience.
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Natsuhiko admires love, and it is convenient that Akane will sacrifice his happiness for him and ask for nothing in return, but it leaves a heavy vibe you know? Like, it's cute that he'll blush if he casually puts his arm around Akane's shoulders and drags him close, as he does with his kouhais, but Natsuhiko is not a fan of the soft longing stares. He will make him do tasks though, if Akane is so happy to help, he can buy him sodas and sing his praises.
Let's light up a bit with simple mutual pining, no other crushes, no supernaturals.
They are both too bold and hopeless for pining, a confession happens one week during this scenario and any issue is solved with the power of love. Natsuhiko is having a crisis about liking a boy? No worries, Akane is more than comfortable with cross-dressing, I will never get over how he got offended they didn't let him crossdress if it would let him stay by Aoi's side in a volume cover, and Natsuhiko is easily swayed, this much devotion would make him accept Akane with or without a skirt. Is hopeless romantic to hopeless romantic communication.
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As an established couple they are unbearable. They call each other "my boyfriend <3" and giggle about it like losers, and every daydream Natsuhiko has become true. Does Natsu want to be missed? Akane will mention how he wishes they lived together and how he longs for him in class and if asked he will write a song about how much he loves him. Does he like romantic dates? After taking Akane to three of those, Akane is already the one surprising him by preparing a candlelight dinner. Any gifts they give each other are well taken care of. There are hearts permanently floating by their head. Outsiders are horrified.
Natsuhiko wanted so bad to be the knight in shining armor, the reliable senpai, but Akane was built to be a worrier who doesn't vibe with asking for help, he is the one taking care of Natsu 90% of the time.
Imagine Natsuhiko daydreaming of having Akane run into his arms scared of an approaching storm, only to be startled by thunder and instinctively jump into Akane's already extended arms. That's the vibe.
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Akane would find it cute too.
Marriage may scare Natsuhiko, or at the very least make him uncomfortable, a forever is a bit reckless right? Let's just enjoy the moment, haha. So Akane drops the proposals, but he still daydreams about it. His fear of marriage can make Akane possessive when Natsuhiko winks at any cute girl, but he knows Natsuhiko has fun with it, and that he loves Akane the most, so he is very forgiving.
Bonus: Their height difference is pretty nice. Natsu is a full stair step taller than Akane.
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baldurs-gape · 9 months
There was a lot Cazador had done over two hudred years. A lot he had taken away, beaten out of or simply tainted to the point that Astarion no longer took pleasure in something. But the one thing he never could fully extinguish was Astarion's tendency to be vocal about anything and everything, usually in the form of complaining.
The tadpole and the sudden freedom was difficult to trust so Astarion kept to safe habits. He didn't miss the appreciative looks his newfound companions sent his way. As little as he was worth, Astarion knew that his value lay in his looks. Cazador had been kind enough to teach him that, had made sure he was well-built, always looked appealing to as many as possible. The price for failing was high enough that Astarion also put a lot of care into learning how to look his best.
"We're not seriously having onion, cheese and the red swill you call wine again, are we?" Astarion sighed as the group settled around the campfire.
"Don't like it, don't eat it." Lae'zel shrugged and glared at him. "Good luck foraging in the forest in the dark for something better."
Seizing the permission, Astarion sneered back as he stood up. "Fine. I'm sure I can do better." He did. Drained a whole boar and spent half the night on his back, so full that his stomach actually hurt as it stretched around so much blood.
It was the start of something. Insidious and slow in a way Cazador never had the patience for, not when it came to Astarion. The phrase "shut up, Astarion" became a daily motto to the point the others were beginning to chuckle about it. He'd heard it plenty enough before, Cazador often told him to quit his whinging. The other spawn were also prone to ignoring him. But that had been a different situation. Despite living through it for so long, Astarion knew, deep down, that it wasn't right. Cazador was just one man, one tyrant who controlled Astarion like a puppet, while the other spawn were all bitter, scared and trying to survive. To be told to shut up by them was like being stung by a wasp and being surprised about it. With his newfound allies though? Astarion had no such excuses to hide behind.
"All I'm saying is that we could go back to camp for a nice rest," he grumbled.
"Shut up and keep moving." There was a growl to Wyll's voice as he marched on at a relentless pace. It was all very well that he could continue but Astarion was tired, hungry and not in the mood to play pretend being a hero. Alas, outnumbered as he was because the others didn't slow down either, Astarion had to keep walking or risk being left behind. As it was, he didn't dare leave the safety of the group, fear of Cazador finding him was still too high.
The longer he spent at camp, the more chances he had to feed, especially as the others stopped paying him so much attention.
"Freedom suits you," Shadowheart called as he washed his shirt. "Made you softer."
Glancing down, Astarion had to think very quickly to hide his true feelings. "Darling, are you calling me fat?"
It was true though, there was a bit of give to his stomach, no longer flat and the muscles clrealy visible under his skin. Cazador would have called him fat for that, undesirable and worthless. Maybe the rest of the group were less interested in him because he wasn't appealing anymore and Astarion grit his teeth in resolve so hard that he almost missed Shadowheart's reply.
"Oh do be quiet. You know what I mean."
He didn't though. Or rather, he did but wished he didn't. That night Astarion didn't go out to hunt. He went hungry the next day. And the next.
By the time his true nature came to light, Astarion was back to his usual self. It was probably what had saved him. As Cazador used to say, it would have been such a shame to rid the world of such beauty, even if it couldn't keep quiet. Part of Astarion hated that Cazador was right, people really were less likely to murder the beautiful.
In the Underdark Shadowheart had turned to him with a lewd smile. "This place suits you. Perhaps it's part of being a creature of the night. It's always night here."
And it was desolate as fuck, devoid of any living creature. So was the Shadowcursed Lands. Astarion was hungry. So very hungry.
"I just want a small nibble," he sighed. "Not even enough for anyone to notice."
"We all need to be on top form, soldier," Karlach muttered. "And it's not like any of us are feeling satiated by any sense of the word. You're not that special."
No, of course Astarion wasn't special. They were all hungry, tired and scared. It was nothing out of the ordinary compared to the last two hunderd years.
Coated in grotesque slime wasn't Astarion's idea of a pleasant time. He wipes ineffectively at his face and flicked what he could to the ground.
"Ruined my shirt. Ruined my hair."
"And you're ruining what little I have left of good will," Gale spat angrily. "Can't you just be quiet for once. I get it, you're a special little vampire who lived in a castle and now has to slum it with the rest of us. But Mystra have mercy, you're making the rest of us feel even worse."
"At least I'm making you feel something. Better than being a forgotten, burnt out waste of talent." Hurt had Astarion lashing out. He hadn't even been talking to Gale, just muttering to himself about his own misfortune. But Gale made a very good point. If he wasn't having a positive impact on the group then he risked being left behind. The more he saw of the world, the more Astarion knew for sure that he wouldn't last long out there on his own. Cazador's spies were everywhere and it was just a matter of time before he was dragged back and punished. It was better to stay quiet and appease his protectors than risk such a thing.
Lifting the curse meant Halsin joined them in their camp. Even stranger, he offered himself up as a meal for Astarion. Hunger outweighed the worry of cost. Astarion knew what he had to offer and acted accordingly. After only a few sips he licked the wound clean and shut before kneeling back.
"You can take more," Halsin offered with heavy lidded eyes. "Don't go hungry."
"I've taken all I need." The lie rolled off Astarion's lips as he patted his flat stomach. Under his shirt his muscles were outlined once again, exactly as they should be. "You've done me a great favour, I haven't had anything as delicious as you in a long time, if ever. How could I ever repay you?"
Halsin smiled up at him. This was it, this was where Astarion traded his body for survival again. Despite knowing this was the outcome when he accepted Halsin's blood, he still dreaded it.
"I was hoping to hear more about your adventures."
The absurdness of the request had a laugh burst from Astarion before he could cover it with something more airy and appealing. "Darling, if you want bedtime stories then Wyll's your man. My talents involve my mouth but a lot less talking."
Still smiling, Halsin shook his head. "Maybe another night then, when you're more comfortable to share some memories."
Such words lingered on Astarion's mind. He hadn't ever been wanted for conversational company. Usually as long as he had one hole stuffed, him companion(s) didn't want anything coherent out of him. Still, it made him hope which Astarion hated so much. But if Halsin was interested then maybe he could try it. Settling by the fire as everyone ate, Astarion listened, waited for his opportunity.
"That ended my attempts at learning to keep the shape of a rat," Gale finished his story and the whole group laughed. "Tara was mortified and I couldn't get the whiskers to retract for a week!"
"Rats were one of the constants in Cazador's castle, no matter how hard he tried to eradicate them." It was a smooth transition, at least Astarion thought so.
"Urgh, spare us the woe and misery," Karlach groaned. "Can't we have just one night where we don't talk about the shit things in life? Let us have a bit of fun!"
Looking around the fire, Astarion saw various nods and heard murmurs of agreement. He knew when he was beaten and Cazador had taught him well. Averting his eyes, he slouched a little, nonchalant yet deferential. "My apologies, I didn't realise my stories about training rats to do circus tricks would be so depressing." Standing up, he gave the group a hollow smile. "Please, enjoy your evening of careless fun away from reality."
As he walked away he heard mutters of "didn't have to take it so personally" and "what a little bitch". The rest of the words he tuned out, not needing to etch into his brain yet more derogatory comments to harmonise with Cazador's words. Walking past his tent, Astarion made his way away from camp, into the dark wilderness. Plopping down on a mound at the edge of a small clearing, he closed his eyes. This was fine. He had changed to suit Cazador's tastes, he could do it again. Not overnight, he needed to learn exactly what was needed of him.
The fact a bear lumbered up next to him should have been a shock. Instead, Astarion stared at it and wondered what he'd taste like to a bear. However, rather than attack, the bear shifted and Halsin stood there.
"Apologies if I startled you, it's easier to find people in the dark as a bear."
"Nothing to apologise for, I should have been paying more attention. Did you need something."
Settling at the base of the mound, Halsin gazed up at the stars. "I was intrigued by rats and circus tricks."
A bitter laugh trickled out of Astarion. "Darling, I did no such thing." Leaning forward, he teased as if imparting some great secret. "Karlach was right, I was going to say how rats all tasted different based on what they'd last eaten. And how Gale likely still tasted just as vile in rat form as in human form. That orb of his certainly sours his appeal."
He didn't expect Halsin to laugh brightly. "I would have loved to have seen his face at hearing that. Do you think Karlach would taste like a fiery pepper?"
Something like delight briefly flitted over Astarion's face as Halsin so easily picked up the thread.
"Well, you're earthy and rich. I think she would certainly have a kick but more like a prank candy. Shadowheart would be a fine aged brandy that has started to turn so it just ever so slightly bitter."
"Lae'zel would taste like pickles!" Halsin blurted out with a wide smile. "And Wyll would be water." It had Astarion actually grinning even as Halsin continued, "My apologies, I do not have the poetic skills you harbour. Leather shoes or wooden clogs are about as creative as I can get with descriptors."
"And yet you're all the more compelling for your upfront honesty. Like a cool breeze on a hot summer night, refreshing yet also mysterious."
The way Halsin flushed was a delight. Without thinking too much, Astarion gave up his perch in favour of scooching down to sit next to Halsin. Their shoulders bumped together and Astarion stayed quiet. He could learn what Halsin wanted him to be. But something told him that all Halsin wanted him to be was himself. A terrifying prospect yet Astarion found himself looking forward to finding out who he really was.
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Can I ask for Yandere Tokito twins hc? If not just Yandere Muichiro! Thanks if you do
Summary: Yandere Tokito twins and Yandere Muichiro Hcs.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, emotional abuse, obsessive and possessive behaviour, and forms of manipulation.
Note: Here’s another overdue one. I'm sorry it took so long. I hope you don't mind if I did both.
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Tokito twins
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(In this they both live and Muichiro keeps his memories)
You three are childhood friends and have a very close bond. You were the glue that held them together.
Your guys’ parents think you three were so cute together. I mean who wouldn't?
Whenever they would squabble, it would always somehow end up with you getting in the middle of them while trying to calm them down.
Mainly Yuichiro.
Time skip to when the demon finds the cabin and attacks you and the twins.
Yuichiro jumped in front of Muichiro in order to protect him, but that resulted him in the loss of his arm.
While you? You just sat that petrified of the scene in front of you.
After help arrived things seemed to get better.
With the help of your care and the Ubuyashiki’s, Yuichiro was going to live.
After Yuichiro made a full and healthy recovery, he decided it was best to stay on the sidelines. (As much as he hated it) and watched as Muichiro trained his hardest to become a Demon Slayer.
You and Yuichiro cheered him on from the sidelines.
Not long after that Muichiro became a Hashira.
Speaking of Yuichiro and Muichiro. You've noticed that they've become more possessive over you, and never let you stray far from their sight.
At first, you thought it seemed from the worry of losing you because you three thought of each other as family.
Oh how wrong you were.
At first, it started out as wholesome worry.
Then it turned into guilt-tripping, restriction to the outside world, and more.
They would try and coax you with small little acts of affection and gifts, trying to make you see there was no reason to go outside.
Simple but sweet things.
Do not get me started if they catch you trying to escape.
If Yuichiro catches you trying to escape, he will drag you back with him and start emotionally abusing you.
He would call you unflattering names, calling you ungrateful and so on.
He would leave you alone for days without the proper care and nutrients you needed to live.
Then he would come back and start acting all sweet with you.
If Muichiro found you trying to escape, at first he’ll gently try to coax you into no trying to escape, but if that doesn't work, it'll get harder than it already needs to be.
He’ll threaten you and yell at you much like Yuichiro, even giving you the silent treatment.
But he won't even last a few hours before begging for your forgiveness.
Poor baby
He can't stand the thought of you being scared or angry with him.
If you do somehow manage to escape, it won't be very far
The farthest you'll get is maybe close to a small town, before being dragged back by most likely Muichiro.
That's when you realized you were never going to leave their line of sight.
“Come on, let's get you home, where it's safe.”
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We all love him, but he is ruthless as a yandere.
Same scenario as for the twins, you were childhood friends with the twins.
After the Demon attacked you guys, you and Muichiro were the only survivors, having Yuichiro sacrifice his life in order to protect you two.
Muichiro experienced Memory loss but for some strange reason he remembered you
You were happy that your best friend remembered you, of course, but you couldn't shake the feeling that he changed somehow.
He felt different, and not the good kind.
After he became a Hashira, he invited you to his estate, which you happily accepted.
As time went on, you noticed that your visits became longer and longer, sometimes even you having to stay the night, until you couldn't even step foot outside his estate.
You couldn't even remember what the outside world looked like.
He would act like his old-normal self around you, but if you ever did something he didn't like or approve of, he would revert to his cold-hearted, ruthless self.
And if you try escaping, good luck, getting caught will be your worst nightmare
He couldn't care how much begging and pleasing you were doing. He would drill it into your head.
You would stay by his side, like old times.
He would achieve his goal no matter what, even if he has to spill your own blood.
“Why do you insist on escaping? How troublesome. Seems like you still haven't learned.”
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zerobaselove · 2 months
where do we go now? | kim gyuvin
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pairing: gyuvin x reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ending kinda
word count: 1707
warnings: swearing a little bit. lowercase intended, not proofread
notes: hiii everyone <3 little angst for yall because i've just been in that kind of mood idk. i got a request for a gyuvin hurt comfort and wrote this (only to not realize until after it was written that the request was for bff to lovers MY BAD) but its close enough idk i just got home from work and wrote this so sorry if its ROUGH
tick. tick. tick.
the faint sound of the clock hung on the wall was the only break from the silence that seems too thick to swallow as you sat on the couch, alone. it wasn't supposed to be like this. this was the third time this week that your boyfriend gyuvin had no call no showed one of your dates. 8th time this month if you wanted to get specific, and you were only a few weeks in.
you shouldn't be surprised. you thought to yourself. you could barely get a reply out of the boy nowadays, let alone seeing him face to face or hearing his voice. you were long past convincing yourself he was just busy; that idea died the third time you watched him post pictures with his friends on days where you had stayed up wondering if he was safe.
so when you heard the front door creak open, you didn't even turn around to greet him. your gaze fixed on the clock hands, anticipating the click to the next minute.
"no welcome home?" gyuvin's voice called out, his footsteps getting closer to where you sat.
"welcome home." you said monotonously, still not giving the boy any more attention than he had given you.
his body landed on the cushion beside you with a plop. his hand finding its way to your arm, lightly shaking as if to get your attention. you turned to face him, pressing your lips together, trying to muster the strength to even ask how his day went; the day that was supposed to be spent with you.
"how was your day?" you asked, trying your hardest to mask the emotion in your throat, whether it was annoyance or sadness, you didn't know.
his face lit up like a christmas tree. his smile beaming as he told you about what him and his friends did, the places they went, the food they ate. everything. everything that caused him to not even send you a hello or a good morning, not even a message that he was cancelling.
"that's nice." you said flatly after he finished his recounting of the day. he hummed in agreeance, not even noticing your shift in tone or energy anymore. "so what did you do?" he asked. he was oblivious still.
you only sighed, not even fully turning to look at him. you were sure if you looked him in the eyes right now that the tears wouldn't ever stop rolling. "nothing," you started playing with the ring on your finger, the one he had gotten you nearly a year ago now. "i got ready earlier for our date but i never heard from you, so i took a shower and i've just been here."
admitting it out loud felt pathetic. you had let this ruin your whole day yet again. you had let your emotions get the best of you again. maybe you were the problem, you thought to yourself. maybe you cared too much.
it seems the boy had begun to connect the dots as a sympathetic look crossed his face and an apology spewed out of his mouth, as if on command, just like every other time. it was always the same.
except this time you couldn't shrug it off anymore. you couldn't lie and say it was okay anymore. because it wasn't. it wasn't okay.
"i'm so sorry," he started, reaching out to grab your arm before you moved away from his touch, "it slipped my mind."
you only hummed and nodded, "things like this always seem to slip your mind when it comes to me, don't they?" your voice was laced with venom as the frustration kept building, as if the last month had all been bubbling up to this moment.
"i'm sorry, you know how important my friends are to me y/n." gyuvin immediately regretted the words that left his mouth. his jaw went slack in shock at his own words, but you had snapped back before he had the chance to back up and defend his poor choice of words.
the tears had started welling up in your eyes, your vision blurring more and more by the second. "so am i not important to you? because it sure feels that way."
"that's not what i meant y/n," gyuvin's voice had become raised, mostly against his own will.
"well what else am i supposed to think gyuvin?" the blood in your veins felt like it was bubbling, like your body was on fire and the only way to let it out was through the words you spat out without much thought. "i'm sick and fucking tired of begging for any ounce of attention from you gyuvin. i'm tired of being an afterthought to you."
you stood up from the couch, fighting the urge to storm out of your own apartment. "i deserve more than that gyuvin. i can't keep going if it's going to be like this." your heart hurt, in a mix of anger and pain your voiced raised even louder, nearly yelling at the stunned boy sat on the couch. suddenly it was quiet, there was nothing to drown out the sound of your beating heart as you tried to take a deep breath.
"i think you should leave, before i say something that'll hurt you," your voice was eerily calm, "you shouldn't have to feel like i do."
gyuvin stood up, apologizing profusely as you stood there in silence, drained and emotionless.
after a few more attempts at a reaction from you, the boy left with a slam of the front door. and there you were, alone, again.
maybe it was better that way, at least right now.
it had been three days since you let the anger bubble up and spill, burning through you like molten lava. you felt empty. you hadn't texted gyuvin and he hadn't messaged you either, but that wasn't exactly abnormal for him; what was strange was his radio silence online. maybe he hurt like you did.
you had found yourself pondering it all over a cup of once hot coffee, having long gone cold as you lost yourself in your thoughts, opting to merely stir the liquid around as if your answer would appear in the cup like a crystal ball. what were you supposed to do now?
a firm series of knocks on the door broke you from your thoughts. you knew that pattern; the one gyuvin always used to let you know it was him, a special rhythm that you two had settled on early in your relationship, a secret between you two.
reluctantly you dragged yourself from your seat in the kitchen towards the front door. you didn't even bother looking through the peephole before you unlocked the chain lock on your door. it was almost pathetic how happy you were deep down that he was here, choosing to ignore the way this could all go wrong.
"hi." he smiled awkwardly, holding up a bag with the logo of a local convenience store, his other hand firmly grasping a bouquet of flowers. blue hyacinths and baby's breath to be exact. "can i come in?"
you let the boy in without saying a word, simply gesturing him in as you moved out of the doorway.
he set everything on the counter alongside your cold coffee before taking in a deep breath.
"i'm sorry." he started, his voice shaking slightly, "i know i sound like a broken record saying that but i really am. i've been so in my head lately that i've forgotten what is important to me, and how lucky i've been to have you around all this time." the tears welling up in his eyes caused you to mirror the emotion on your own face.
he held up the bouquet of flowers, a small smile breaking onto his face, "mrs. lee from down the road helped me pick these out, because apparently flowers have their whole own language and i am clueless in that department, and apparently in the boyfriend department," a small chuckle left your lips at the boy you've spent all your days loving, even in the rough patches, "the blue ones are supposed to represent apologies, and the little white one's show sincerity and love, and i love you, so it felt fitting." he rambled on, slightly shaking despite the smile on his face. he handed the bouquet to you with a look of hope in his eyes, a hope that you would forgive him despite his flaws oversights.
"they're beautiful gyuvin," your voice was quiet, trying to silence the tears that threatened to spill.
he smiled as you took the flowers with a smile, "i understand if you don't forgive me, and i know i'm going to have to prove it, but i promise i'm going to work towards being better for you, because you were right the other day, you do deserve more than that, and i want to be the one to give it to you, if you'll let me."
you paused to think for a moment, despite knowing deep down you didn't need to think for even a second, you loved him more than your heart knew what to do with, and you didn't want to lose him over this.
"i would love that," you smiled, taking a step towards the boy, "thank you gyuvin."
his arms wrapped around your torso to pull you in for a hug; his grip tight on you as if you were going to float away through his fingers if he wasn't careful.
he pulled away shaking his head, "no, thank you," he exclaimed, "thank you for being so amazing, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me y/n." his voice lowered as his face got closer to yours, your foreheads nearly touching as you felt his breath on your face. "i love you."
"i love you too gyuvin, always." you leaned forward and connected your lips, letting your hands run through his hair gently as if to savor the boy that you had missed so dearly.
gyuvin pulled away, letting the two of you catch your breath as you stood in each others arms, "so how about that date?"
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mathitas · 3 months
Leo Valdez x gn!reader
It was like the apocalypse had come.
It was your first quest; you chose Leo and another camper, who you two couldn't find now.
And now it seemed like you were the only ones left in the world.
The forest was cold at night—colder than you could have ever imagined.
Every howl, crunch, step, or noise was enough to make you shiver with fear.
Leo too was afraid, but not even for himself, but for you.
He could see how tired you were. It was your quest, and he knew you thought everything that went wrong was your fault.
When you chose him, he was probably the happiest man alive. Not because of the quest, but because he could be there for you that way.
And he vowed to himself that he was going to take care of you.
Of course he was going to; he was your best friend. And you were the one he loved. More than anything else in the world.
"You should sleep," Leo said, looking at you as you were shivering and checking in between the bushes for any danger or for the other camper to return.
"I can't." You didn't look his way; your mind was now obsessively focused on the danger that would come.
"I'll check if any kind of danger comes for you; you should sleep, I mean it-" he said, standing up from where he was sitting and getting closer to you. His voice was soft and caring, but you were starting to get irritated.
"I won't; I have to do it!" You felt a lump in your throat as your eyes started threatening tears. Fuck. You were so tired.
"You don't," he said, sitting next to you, looking at you with pleading eyes. "Yes, I do!" you shouted, tears falling from your eyes.
Leo panicked.
"Why?" he asked, confused.
"I can't lose you too! I just can't lose you! What if..." You were interrupted by a tight hug. His arms were wrapped around you in a safe hug. You weren't shivering anymore as his body warmed you with comfort.
You were now sobbing, with tears spilling on Leo's shoulder.
"Breathe slowly; I've got you, ok?" He was so sweet.
You took deep breaths, then you pulled away slightly, wiping your tears.
You really couldn't lose Leo. After all, you loved him. Oh, you loved him so much...
"I'm right here, ok? We can still fix things."
You sighed.
"I'm sorry." You shook your head lightly, nuzzling your head against Leo's neck once again. You could feel him burning slightly more. "None of this is your fault," he said sincerely, rubbing your back in soft circles. "You shouldn't have come here with me. Gosh, I could get us killed." You pulled away once again, holding him by his shoulders and looking at him straight in the eyes. "That won't happen, and even if it did, it wouldn't matter!" he exclaimed, with a trembling smile. "You're crazy," you scoffed.
"I'm not," he laughed softly. The look in his beautiful brown eyes was confusing you.
"Then what are you?" You were irritated by Leo laughing as tears kept falling from your cheeks. Was he actually crazy? "In love."—those words slipped from Leo's mouth. And his eyes widened. You could see it in his eyes; a new emotion was building up.
Fear. Fear of rejection.
Leo, the guy who flirts with everyone, was scared of telling you how he felt.
Leo knew why; he knew you rejecting him would break him apart.
Not being able to be with you, hug you, kiss you, cuddle you, and love you fearlessly because you didn't like him, because you were too great for him.
He knew he was going to get heartbroken.
Until you kissed him.
Leo hummed against your lips, taken by surprise.
Then you felt his body relax against your hands, and he closed his eyes.
Your lips were now placed softly on his chapped ones. Your tears made it salty, but you couldn't wish for a better feeling.
You pulled away, and you positioned yourself on his lap, kissing him again.
A real kiss this time.
Leo hummed against your lips, eagerly kissing you back, his hands grabbing any part of you he could find as you held his face softly, stroking his cheek with your tumb.
How long have you and Leo been waiting for this?
You pulled away slightly.
"I'm in love with you too," you whispered before kissing him again.
It was shorter this time.
Leo placed a hand on your head.
"How about you rest and I take care of everything else, alright?"
"But—" he kissed you shut.
"Ok, no, let me rephrase that. I will take care of everything. Rest."
You chuckled and cuddled against him.
Your brows were still furrowed with worry, but Leo took your face in his hands and kissed your forehead. You could feel your muscles relax. You cuddled up against him, his warmth letting you be warm on such a cold night.
You mumbled a soft 'thank you' before drifting off to sleep.
After all, you were going to be safe. Leo was with you.
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In Heat! 2/7
They're in heat, and you smell so hot...
Warning: 18+ smut, dubcon/noncon, hybrid!bts, dog-hybrid!namjoon x human!reader, dark yandere, mind break, manipulation, big/tiny, noona, biting, alpha
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Namjoon roamed the night alone. A stray dog. You had taken him in.
Back then he looked so weak and pitiful, you had felt such immense sadness looking at him, you let him into your home in your blind kindness. You showed him love for the first time, a warm room to stay, fresh food to eat, and he appreciated you, loved you.
You had suspected he was a hybrid long before he showed himself, and you still accepted him for who he was when he felt safe enough to shift, you loved him too, as a friend, as a companion. He was smart and funny and cute. A sweet doggy who cured your loneliness and accepted your doting with a dimpled smile.
He was no longer a forlorn puppy, he was bigger, stronger, tougher than you in every way, an alpha. Yet you did not have any reason to fear him, the way his large body would curl around yours as he whined for pets.
You scratched behind his ears, smiling as your watched a movie together. You hadn't expected or prepared for when his wild insticts finally took over. This night, when his face nuzzled into your lap, he groaned and his grip on you became tighter. You were approaching your most fertile days and he was approaching his rut, and all he could think about, dream about, was your tight cunt filled with his seed and his name on your lips spoken in the most obscene way.
You tried to wiggle out of his uncomfortable hold and when he protested, you were more forceful, chastising his demeanor, not knowing your place in your relationship now, not understanding how things really were.
"Joon, hello?! Let me go, why are you being so bad?" His ears fell flat and his eyes turned dark and he pinned you down. You laughed at first, used to his playfulness when he innocently scented you, but yelped out when he brought his mouth down to your neck, licking and sucking and hurting you with his love bites. "N-No, Joon, n-not like that."
You questioned him, pushing against his heavy frame above you, unable to make him move. "You smell so good," he whimpers. "Noona, please, don't refuse me," he grunts into your ear, his deep voice making you shiver.
"Let me go, now!" you try to command him, but Namjoon doesn't shy away, not now, not anymore.
He growls at you for the first time. "I'm going to fuck you full of me, you'll understand why...you'll understand...be a good girl," he repeats the phrase you've said to him countless times, 'good boy,' instead now to get you to comply. "My good girl," he purrs, caressing your hair, settling his body down between your legs.
You cry out, lost on how to stop this spiraling situation. "Joon, w-we can't, as your guardian I-"
"No!" he growls, "No, you're my mate. I'm yours, and you're mine."
"Your m-mate?"
You tried to reason with Namjoon as his grip grew tighter, as he pressed his clothed erection down and rutted into your heat, that hybrids and humans shouldn't do these things, that you'll find someone to take care of his needs, that he can't, it's wrong, please don't do this Joonie, please, it hurts, I don't want to, you're hurting me! No...stop...no!
His stubble scratched your skin, his teeth tore at your lips, he was too rough from years of pent up frustration. "I love you. Your body, f-fuck, it's so soft, so perfect. I fucking love you. You're mine, you're mine. Don't refuse me, ever, okay?"
Namjoon's love was painful. He loved you too much, wanted you so much he couldn't contain himself, needed to feel you so much it hurt him not to act, and it really hurt you.
He whispers soft sorrys into your ear even after he ripped your clothes away and shoved himself inside you. He licked away your tears and nuzzled into your neck whispering all the things he found beautiful in you even as he thrusted into you so deep you felt like you were splitting in two. Your sweet boy was still there even amidst his brutal pace. It made you dizzy and confused, unable to catch a full breath without breathing Namjoon in. You felt overwhelmed, becoming hotter and hotter, so much pain and so much desire, your body didn't know how to react to it.
His strong hands kneaded your breasts and his tongue licked into your mouth and across your lips as his thick cock ripped you open, filled you, hit your most sensitive parts over and over again until your head spun and your cries turned into whimpering moans.
And then you finally whined out everything he longed to hear. Namjoon admired your tear-streaked face and wild hair, your swollen moist lips and glazed sparkling eyes, and fucked into you harder to hear it again.
Like this series so far? A yay or a nay? I don't really know how to write hybrid or a/b/o but I'm trying! KNJ | KSJ | MYG | JHS | PJM | KTH | JJK | BTS
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