#dont ask me how much i spent i will cry
hibiscusangel15 · 2 years
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Merch haul from the SF Gorillaz concert. The Murdoc button was handmade by a fan who passed them out to us while we were waiting in line :’)
Image ID under the cut:
[Image ID: First picture is a combination of buttons, stickers, and a pink water bottle with the band members on it. Pins have magenta backing and the individual characters on them plus two Pazuzu buttons. One Pazuzu button has lightning bolts and the other has black arrows spinning out from the middle.
Button on the bottom is of Murdoc holding his bass and sticking one of the strings through his teeth as he smiles. It was handmade by a fan who kindly handed them out to others waiting to get in.
Water bottle is pink and has band members encompassing it from left to right: Murdoc, 2-D, Noodle, and Russel.
Several stickers with a gray backing. Pink Gorillaz logo, pink lightning bolts and fists, pink lightning bolt Pazuzu, pink Pazuzu with black arrows swirling out, triangular sticker with pink backing and Murdoc floating cross-legged (and cross-eyed) in the middle in his cult leader outfit, a head with pink liquid pouring out of a pitcher into it that reads: “Just doing OUR JOB”, The Last Cult sticker, No more Zeitgeist anymore sticker, and stickers of each of the band members.
Gorillaz North America Tour Fall 2022 poster. Pink Gorillaz graffiti logo across the top. Band members stand to the right with Russel in the top center, Murdoc hiding behind him and poking out of his right side, Noodle in the bottom left, and 2-D in the bottom right. Tour dates are listed on the left.
A poster of the Great Leader Murdoc. He is wearing dark magenta cult garb and has a scraggly black and white beard.  A gold chain hangs off his neck and swings to the left. A wheel logo with arrows sticking out of the spokes rests over the right side of his chest. He holds his hand over his abdomen to reveal his thumb and middle fingernails painted red. He is also wearing a gold ring with Pazuzu stamped in the middle on his middle finger. The background is a spotlight on him from behind.
Pink Russel shirt. He is smoking a cigar and holds his hand out while he faces right with his eyes closed. His other hand rests on top of a three drums with the American flag painted down them. Russel is wearing a blue beanie and red jacket with gold cuffs.
Purple Murdoc shirt. It’s more elderberry colored. Murdoc holding a black and pink bass straight in the air with one string stuck between his teeth as he grins at the camera. He is wearing a dark green leopard-print shirt and black pants. He wears his gold anticross necklace and a new chain with Pazuzu’s gold head in the middle. There is a faint blurry purple background of a city and white car behind him. On his bass is a faint Ace of Spades card and a crude doodle of 2-D behind the strings.
Magenta Noodle shirt with her crouching down and holding her guitar slanted right and down towards the floor. She has short red hair and round, white sunglasses with red lenses. Her jacket is extremely colorful and full of random logos. She is also wearing a Crayon Shin-chan necklace. She is wearing brown boots with tan straps over the toes. A white Kabuki mask hangs off her hip.
Light pink 2-D shirt as he stands facing left with his eyes closed. He holds a white melodica over his head. He is wearing a fuzzy blue and pink shirt, a silver beaded cross necklace and a yellow and blue bracelet on his arm.
Black Gorillaz North America Tour shirt. The front features the band members while the back lists the dates.]
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sentimentalslut · 9 days
So I've hit a bit of a dead end in my life where I have no idea what to do or what I want to do. Do you have any advice on how to try and figure it all out?
Also I love ur duncney fics you should be an author <3
listen, anon. i'm 26. as much as i am flattered that you think i have it figured out, i do not. i'm willing to bet i wont have it figured out in ten years or twenty or forty-five. the thing is, i'm fine with that.
so here's my advice:
honestly, just keep living. put one foot in front of the other. find things you enjoy for no other purpose than enjoyment.
you don't have to 'do' anything -- living is about experiences. not every one of them have to have a purpose.
most of being human is drifting around and wondering why youre here. none of us really have the answer. that's okay. that's normal. maybe you'll never figure out what you're meant to 'do'. and that's fine!
the thing that keeps me anchored in the sea of Being Alive All the Time, and the thing that keeps most people anchored, is passion.
step one of discovering your passion, whatever it is, is to allow yourself to discover it. pick up pointless new hobbies and let yourself put them down if you dont enjoy them. read new books. read wikipedia articles for things youve never heard of. go on long walks in new parts of your neighborhood. listen to a new podcast. watch a video essay about something stupid youve always been curious about.
make bad art. paint shitty pictures, draw shitty portraits, write shitty stories. let yourself be bad at things. let yourself be purposeless.
accept the fact that you are human and unsure about your place in the universe -- because those two things go hand in hand. this is the curse of sentience. embrace it.
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suncaptor · 9 months
no there really was something about riding back from the volta region to accra in africa and like having hundreds of white-winged flying bugs flocking to the headlights of the van and shedding wings across the ground in the flickering dark and reflective rain. by the time we got back to accra the rain had lifted and there's a part up the hill where you can see the city sitting on rocks in front of you and how it stretches. it was beautiful.
#incoherents#i dont think i could feel a thing then or now i am always so scared. i spent that night. it was easter. at the hospital.#i landed badly paragliding and was hypothermic in high high heat. i was my wound cleaned i was scared I'd die#for no reason. i was having ocd issues. kept imagine getting infected. it was kind of nonsense#but i couldn't get any creams and i had to shower#(had to shower so methodically. in sevens. make sure no part of me could have covid covid covid)#i must have seemed insane. i didnt eat anything but a tiny bit of jollof and my friend helped me get some plantain chips but the night#market was nearly closed#its funny. how me now me then me at 19 how everything is a different lense#I'm through so much glass#i can't imagine being who i was a year ago I'm all hollowed out I'm dead I'm not real#there's a perspective shift. there's things if only i could not drown and be real that i could make so much out of#i want to exist in this world so badly. i want to feel it. i want to be real. but there's too much horror and grief and it consumes me#the beat of their wings was so empty whit#the best psychiatrist i ever had was the boss of the guy i saw that week cause i was scaring myself. but who referred me to him got me so#scared bc he thought i was manic and i freaked out and started crying and asked everyone including half a dozen professionals#if they thought i was because i was scared I'd end up paralysed (again. ocd.)#they took me to the hospital because they were afraid#god i was so much better then yet#and the surgeon guy was not appropriate enough but he liked me. he knew i wasn't a risk. it was all so useless. but you know.#another person to say I'm not manic. god i was so neurotic. well.#okay I'm rambling. it's just. nothing feels real nothing ever feels real#i want to exist have i really not existed this whole time?#i feel like there's so much i missed i grieve everything but not as much as i.#i got better on this med but maybe it wasnt the med. i was . talking to her more again wrapped up#and#hhhhh#nothing is real. i love her
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merry-the-cookie · 1 year
note to self dont reply to messages when u just woke up.. u risk being Bitchy
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myriadsystem · 1 year
My beloved island residents, who i give gifts to and chat to daily: hmm im thinking about leaving, what do you say to that fuckface? You want me to leave? Your island sucks i want out ya bitch let me out
The one resident i ignore except to whack in the head with my net: *dances in the plaza for 3 hours, smiling that sadistic smile*
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rindomness · 2 years
im drawing spiritfarer art. next time i have free time. free time im not using to play spiritfarer
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hakugreenfinch · 4 months
"you should absolutely go for a scholarship abroad" they dont know i spent 5 months studying abroad and during those 5 months only once did anyone that wasnt a teacher try talking to me and even she went "oh" when i said i was an international student and just. left
#hakuna matata#i had a... very weird day today.#i asked a teacher for a one on one discussion#she spent todays class talking about how we should go for a phd#and like... 'if you have a good thesis topic and your consultant endorses it and you know and are friends with every teacher etc#you should go for it!!'#which is like... cool cool.#but can i try it even if my topic is cringe my consultant barely knows what im talking about and im physically unable to talk to people?#(i asked that teacher to be my consultant because. uh. nobody else was willing or had the capacity to deal with me.)#'go study abroad its so much fun' it wasnt fun the first time. what if they send me to the wrong uni#THE WRONG TOWN AGAIN#i believe i do my best here but my spoons are limited and my interests arent high culture enough so its like im just wasting my time#i like doing this. i like being here. but nobody told me if im not super social i might as well wipe my ass with my masters degree#i did an hour long presentation on jojo and feminism. i was so excited to do it.#afterwards the only response i got was from a classmate telling me it was funny because it 'shocked the teacher'#do you even understand what im trying to do here. is everything i do a joke#i dont talk to my classmates because theyre mean and rude and they dont need me in their conversations anyway#but apparently i have to be buddies with everyone i see to get uh. a job i dont even want teaching at this uni.#i dont want to teach i dont want to talk to these people i have no idea when or how they make friends or what i want to do with my degree#im tired and frustrated and ive been crying and tearing up all day#anyway. i asked her for a one on one discussion. i need to talk to her without people that probably already make fun of me behind my back.
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diejager · 6 months
Omfg pervy roommate König!!! And his poor little roommate is none the wiser to how he abuses her poor cunt every night. He does such a good job fucking his load into her that she confides in him as a friend that she’s pregnant and is super shocked!! But that’s okay, he’ll always be there for her. Now she’ll never be able to leave him. <3
Cw: forced pregnancy, NON-CON/CUB-CON, DARKFIC, pervy!önig, perverted behaviour, somnophilia, dacryphilia, breeding kink, possessive behaviour, pregnancy, drugging, tell me if I missed any.
You’re blissfully unaware of his advances, or his nightly excursions into, pumping his cum into your already filled womb and putting a baby into you. He liked how disoriented and confused you look the day after, waking up pantieless, your bedsheets crusty and dried cum sticking to your thighs. You always come to him for advice, wanting to know why you came all over yourself, leaving you covered in your own slick and cheeks burning with shame when you told him, oblivious of his gleeful eyes narrowed down at you with a hidden grin.
It goes on for a while, he feeds sleeping pills - the ones from his prescribed-bottle for his insomnia - breaking half a pill down to a fine powder and spike your bedtime drink, waiting for you to doze off, sleeping so deeply that even an earthquake wouldn’t wake you up, and he fucks you. He, sometimes, takes his time, thrusting slowly, enjoying the slow and romantic pace, feeling you wrapped around him. Other times, he goes feral, pounding and bruising you, hands manhandling you into the prettiest position to let him fuck you deeper, the head of his red, angry cock kissing your cervix brutally.
You don’t take pills or any contraceptives, letting your monthly cycle roll over and deal with the cramps with painkillers. So he’s not surprised when you come crying to him about being pregnant after going to see your doctor about your daily nausea and stomach pains. He expected you to be pregnant after so many nights of filling you up, pushing load after load of fertile cum - he takes supplements to make him more virile - into your young womb, what he didn’t put into account was the long time it took to finally knock you up, the months he spent waiting and biting the skin off his thumb until it bled to have you round and plump with his child.
You had the prettiest face when you cried, eyes puffy and lips pouty, it made his cock stir, throbbing in his pants. It drove him wild, seeing you cry and whine about not being ready to be a mother, still so young and oblivious to who the father was —you didn’t even remember the last time you fucked anyone. König spent the day comforting you, wiping your swollen eyes with high-quality cashmere tissues he bought just for you, whispering sweet lullabies to you until your tears stop - much to his chagrin - and cradled you in his lap, fingers thumbing the soft fat of your thighs, running soothing circles with his calloused thumb.
He’ll wait until the baby’s born to tell you he’s the father, he might not be patient enough to sit around and wait, but he is patient enough to know when he should and when he shouldn’t wait. He’ll care of you until you come to term. He has the money to buy you whatever you need, KorTac is the best paying PMC and he was a colonel in the past, racking up a large sum of money before he signed a contract. Your cravings, your needs, your wants and whatever else you ask, your roommate - your soon-to-be-husband - König will take care of everything.
What a nice roommate you have, no?
Taglist: @hiraya1802 @tess0288 @elichisstuff @emodanoriddler @kenz-ee @bunnyclaire @akenosimp167 @havoc973 @death8match @yourliebling @allicsirp00 @cross-axis @hereforhotbitches @delulu4ghost @monster-in-paradise @nordicvsp @madi0987 @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @223princess @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday
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bratphilia · 7 months
overtime (m. schmidt x reader)
request: "Hey ! Just discovered your account and I love your writtings ! I was wondered if you could write a smut and romantic thing with mike ? I dont have any specific context and all its up to you ! <3"
note: ty sm for showing love to my work and for requesting!! i finally was able to write something actually sweet with mike for the first time lmao.
pairing: mike schmidt x reader
tags: small age gap, fingering, missionary
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after putting abby to sleep, you fell asleep yourself in front of the tv. you couldn't help it! it was a long night of cooking spaghetti for abby (and ordering pizza, per her request), helping her build a fort, and coloring with her inside it. abby's a sweet kid, but babysitting has always tired you out in general. plus her older brother, your boss, started working the graveyard shift at his new job, so it would be unfeasible for you to not go to sleep during your time spent over there.
you woke up to the chair next to you being shifted in, and open your eyes to see mike sitting there, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. you feel embarrassed that you fell asleep on the job and quickly explain yourself. "i'm so sorry for falling asleep, i was just—"
he looks at you. "no need to apologize. i don't expect you to wait all night long for me."
awkward silence fills the air. well, that settles that. god, he's so cute, you think, even all stressed out and with bags under his eyes. he's also been nothing but kind to you since the two of you met. always concerned with how you're doing, how school is holding up, and just generally about your wellbeing. you try to do reciprocate as it's obvious mike doesn't have a lot of people in his life doing the same for him.
you're the first to break the silence. "uhm, there's leftover pizza in the fridge... you know, in case you want any..." you comment, not quite sure what else to say to him.
"oh! thank you," he says. "did abby ask you to..."
"make her spaghetti and order pizza? yes, she absolutely did."
both you and mike laugh. "i'll make sure i can pay you back for that. you really didn't have to—"
"mike," you interrupt, "seriously, don't worry about it. i understand your situation and i want to help you."
mike looks at you gratefully, almost lovingly.
"so, i should really—"
the both of you talk at the same time. "oh, sorry, you go."
you smile gently. "no, you go. i was just going to say i should hit the road."
he runs a hand through his hair again, eyes darting across the room bashfully. "well i — uh, i just wanted to say thank you for all you do for abby... and for me. it means a lot. you're very... kind."
your smile widens at his awkward choice of words, but it deeply touches you that he appreciates you. you place a hand on top of his. "of course, mike. i'm always here for you."
mike looks at your hand and inhales deeply through his nose. "will you — will you stay for just a little while longer?"
before you know it he's on top of you on the couch, slamming his middle and ring finger inside you while you bite back moans. "gotta be nice and quiet for me, sweetheart. can't wake abby up, okay? or else i gotta stop and neither of us want that," he whispers to you sweetly.
instead of letting you respond, mike presses his lips against yours in a deep kiss while he continues to finger you. you break apart to quietly call his name, letting him know that you're close.
much to your dismay, he pulls his fingers out before you can come. "mike, please," you whisper.
"please, what, honey?" he teases.
you squeeze your thighs together, trying to relieve the tension in your core. "please fuck me already."
mike presses his forehead against yours, breathing sharply as he slowly pushes inside you, inch by inch. you bite your lip to keep yourself from crying out as your pussy swallows his hard length.
as he begins to move, he also clearly struggles to keep his noises to a minimum. as a solution, he envelopes you in a kiss as he moves inside you. his pace gradually increases from gentle to faster. the feeling is absolutely delicious.
he can feel your pussy spasming around him and his own dick pulsing too. he uses the hand caging you in on the couch to hold yours as he continues to fuck you.
"feel so good around me, baby," he whispers hotly. "you have no idea what you — ngh — do to me. every time i see you i always think about fucking you like this."
"mike," you moan quietly. his words only encouraged you.
his name becomes a whispered chant falling from your lips as he fucks you through your own orgasm. he's sure to pull out and come on your stomach while he pumps himself.
mike wipes the sweat off of his forehead and sits up so your legs lay over his lap. "sorry for pushing you into overtime," he jokes.
you give a small laugh. "no worries. it was my pleasure."
mike shakes his head at your dumb joke. then his smile fades and he looks at you seriously. "is it... too early to say that i love you?"
you lean up and meet his lips in a kiss as your answer.
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alasy · 2 years
My mom literally got me crying
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geekwiththeglasses · 2 years
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gentlyweeps-world · 7 months
Ferrari Red .2
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summary: Tensions run high between the beloved Ferrari boy and his girlfriend after a complicated Austin GP. Pictures and rumors surface, catching the eye of Y/n.
pairing: charles leclerc x fem! reader
warnings: angst, Ferrari boys red flags, alcohol consumption, toxic actions, throwing up
next part
Slowly waking up, you let out a soft sigh, memories of the night flowing back. You sit up and glance around your friends apartment, seeing a note left on the kitchen island. 
Moving slowly up and off the couch you read the note, which simply states that you can stay as long as you want and that shes sorry for what happened.
With a shaky sigh you wipe the already falling tears off your face, the same confusion and hurt consuming you. 
You grab a cup of water and drink some, hoping the water will calm your nerves. But a knock at the door has the glass shattering to the floor.
The door swings open and shows a dishevlled looking Charles with your favorite flowers and takeout. 
“Are you okay cheri?” He asks worriedly, moving into your friends apartment and closing the door behind him. He moves over towards your shaking body, setting the gifts he brought on the kitchen island, placing one hand on your arm he gently moves you away from the kitchen and into his arms, cautious of the glass and water on the ground. 
“Cheri are you okay?” He asks, his tone so soft and delicate manages to break you out of your silence. Shoving him away and out of your grasp breaks your heart but the rage you felt was more. 
“Dont call me that!” You shout out, tears forming in your eyes once more. “Please Y/n…cheri..you have to listen to me..” Charles begs out, moving closer to you as he wraps his arms around you once more, instead of moving away you simply just cry into his chest, sobbing as you softly punch his chest. 
“Why did you do that? Was I not enough? I dont understand Charles…why did you do that to me…to us Charlie” You sob out, still hitting his chest softly in frustration and confusion. 
Charles doesnt do anything, he squeezes you to his chest, not caring if you hit him or not. “I was missing you cheri, I needed you and couldnt have you..” He whispers out, his voice breaking at the sight of his love in so much pain because of him. 
“Then why didnt you call me? Or text me back?” You shout out, finally coming to your senses and shoving him away. 
“I..I dont know” He mumbles out, “I was upset, and I drank, I wasnt myself cheri you have to understand that…” He says, reaching out to you, but instead you move away from him. 
“And she..she came to me, she had a smile exactly like yours Y/n, I was only thinking of you…I needed you and she filled that space, I love you cheri…” He says, voice breaking as tears spill. 
“Go back to the apartment Charles…I- I need time..” You say, finally looking him in his eyes. 
It broke you, his eyes bloodshot, hair a mess, nose red from crying. “Please cheri I cant lose you….I cant..” He begs out once more, voice cracking and eyes wide. “Give me time” You state again, voice stern to put the point across. 
With a nod and a one sided hug he leaves, going back to your shared apartment like you had asked. 
After cleaning up the shattered glass and water, you eat the takeout Charles had gotten you, not that upset to ignore the free food right infront of you. 
Some time passes and your friend is finally back from work, “Let me guess you spent the time scrolling on your phone, watching Disney movies and sulking?” Sadie, your friend, says as she closes the door to her apartment.
“How did you guess?” You say groggily, rolling your eyes as you flip her off from the couch. “Okay first of all none of that please, also get yourself all dolled up! You are going out for revenge tonight!” Sadie says with a smirk and glint in her eye, one you reconginze very well. With a groan and sigh you slowly get up off the couch, forcing yourself to take a shower, do your makeup and hair. 
Thankfully you had kept a few dresses at Sadies apartment, and she picked the one that you both knew Charles would love. 
“Dude you look so hot!” Sadie squeals out after you walked out into the living room in your black dress, hair and makeup completed. “Thanks, you look good too, cute top” You say with a soft smile, Sadie pairing a risky top with some pants. 
Sadie gives you a reassuring smile, knowing you still feel upset. “Lets just go out and try to have some fun, yeah?” Sadie says, linking her arm with you, leading the two of you out of her apartment and onto the streets of Monaco. 
“Wait..did you tell Charles I was with you?” You ask as you and Sadie walk side by side, you glance over to her, and see a grin on her face, giving you the answer you were looking for. 
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liked by charles_leclerc and others
y/n: dressing for revenge
view all 1,295 comments
francisca.cgomes gorgeous gorgeous girl 😍
y/n all you kika 🫶
charles_leclerc 😍😍❤️
user why is he still liking her posts???
user23 he's probably in denial
user198 team y/n 4 life
user2330 honestly she probably deserved it
lilymhe I have such a beautiful girlfriend
y/n thank you love 🫶
alex_albon I'm literally right next to you lily
carmenmmundt 💛💛💛
sadie.collins LOVE LOVE LOVE
y/n ♥️♥️
You scoff to yourself, turning off your phone after scrolling through more of the comments from the post Sadie made off your phone.
You look around the club Sadie wanted to go to, it wasn’t all that bad, fun lighting, a nice bar and areas to sit.
Which was what you were doing, sulking off in a corner, sitting in a booth as you nurse your gin-tonic.
You would be having fun if Charles was with you, but he wasn’t. Letting out one more sigh you rub a hand over your face. Taking a deep breath, you finish off the rest of your drink and search for Sadie amongst the rest of the people in the club.
You find her near the bar, flirting up some random guys for drinks. Placing a hand against her back you give her a soft smile, averting eyes from the two guys she was talking to.
“Oh perfect! Adam, Lucas, this is Y/n my friend I was talking about!” Sadie says with a smile, handing you a shot of vodka.
“Oh aren’t you that Ferrari drivers girlfriend?” Lucas, you assume, asks. He’s tall, dark hair, tanned skin with dark eyes. You roll your eyes at his question.
Taking the shot down you hold back the grimace, “Not at the moment, no” You finally reply back with a smirk.
Knowing you caught the attention of him after he looks you up and down, handing you another shot, he wraps his arm around your waist, making you want to throw up.
“Let’s go party then” He whispers into your ear with a grin, which causes you to hold back a grimace.
You let out another groan, clutching your stomach as you vomit more into the toilet, Sadie holding back your hair as the pounding music from the club drowns out your gagging.
Feeling yourself sober up you move up off of the ground, groaning again as you flush the toilet. "You all good now?" Sadie asks, unlatching the door to the bathroom stall and moving to wash her hands and check her makeup in the mirror.
"Yeah..yeah, I'll be okay" You respond, rising off your hands and touching up your makeup. Leaning down into the sink you rinse out your mouth too.
You hear Sadie mumble out something with hot guys and drinks, then before you know it you're alone in the bathroom.
With a sigh you lean against the sink, checking Instagram you could feel the throw up come back once again.
sadie.collins story
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charles_leclerc replied to the story
charles_leclerc who the hell is that guy on Y/n?
sadie.collins now you know how she feels
charles_leclerc when I get there she better be far away from him
You quickly refresh Instagram, checking if this was real or you were dreaming. Thankfully Sadie had deleted it off of her story.
Then you check Twitter, letting out a sigh as it looks like no one had seen it, or at least posted about it.
Sadie rushes into the bathroom and grabs your arm, yanking you out of the room and back into the club, rushing through the people.
“We have to go” She says, her eyes traveling around the club rapidly.
“Why-“ You ask, trying to keep up with her, but then you finally realized why, or more so saw why.
Charles Leclerc was standing only four feet in-front of you with a look of pure rage on his face.
radio: Hope the second part was a good read, it took me all day to finish it!! Hopefully start working on the third part when I have the time 💙💙 !! This was not proof-read !! (please leave any thoughts, feedback and comments!)
taglist: @distancedss @janeholt3 @dessxoxsworld @lightdragonrayne @glitterf1 @bansheelydiia @kiarahblack @meadhbhcavanagh @cmleitora
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wonderlandwalker · 5 months
He Knows Better | Finnick Odair x Reader
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THG Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: Finnick tells himself not to get close to you, because what is the point? But when you survive your games he finds that he can't stop thinking about you. When he finally comes to see you, you're in pieces, and he swears to himself he will put you back together, no matter the costs. Find part 2 here: Should've Known
Content Warnings/Tags: Mentions of prostitution/sex trafficking, angst, Finnick deserving better, crying, bad representation of a panic attack, not proofread
Word Count: 1.6k
Requested by Anon: I loveeeee love love love your Finnick fic. It was the perfect mix of sweet and so angstyyyyy !! I'm having constant Finnick brainrot 😭 I was wondering what you think about writing a finnick × reader fic sort of loosely based on Hozier's "It Will Come Back" where reader is maybe a tribute or another Victor and the first person to show Finnick softness and kindness without asking for anything in return in so long and he's like "dont let me in with no intention to keep me" and "dont be kind to me" and he just is totally feral and obsessed with the reader ? You're such a talented writer !! ❤️❤️❤️
A/N: There is this Dutch expression which goes ‘the monkey comes out of the sleeve’ loosely meaning the hidden meaning is revealed and I couldn't for the life of me think of the English equivalent that made sense to me, so, well, I hope the story is coherent. As usual, divider by @saradika
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He remembers first seeing you, you were so young, but to be fair, so was he. In previous years he had always become quick friends with the tributes he was supposed to mentor, how could he not? But it didn't take him long to figure out that they never made it back, and while the company was nice for a while, the hurt in the end wasn't worth it anymore. There's something about you that he can't quite place, but it doesn't matter, because he's not going to get attached. When you first stepped into the training hall you didn't look scared, you didn't even look excited, no, you looked like you had made peace. 
He didn't get to talk to you much, you spend most of your training with Mags, not learning how to fight, but learning how to survive. And every time he watched you, he watched how your eyes lit up when learned how to filter water, he watched how proud Mags was of you each time. And he felt something tugging at him, he felt a need to get to know you. But he knew better.
Because what were the odds, he had seen this before, he had done this before. No, he shouldn't get attached to you. And yet, for the first time after returning from his own, he found himself watching the games. Watching the tributes become fewer and fewer, hoping, praying, that you'd make it through. The fewer left the more desperate he became. You've gotten this far, don't let the luck run out just yet. He saw how your last opponent fell, and he saw your face in the centre of the screen, of virtually every screen. And once again, you didn't look excited, you looked like you had found peace again, and maybe, just maybe, he let himself believe he could too, that you could show him. 
He didn’t go see you after, it wouldn't be of any use. What more did he have to offer you, you did not need a mentor anymore. He had made peace, he had made peace with never seeing you again. So what was the difference if you were alive or not? That's what he thought, if he gave in now, he didn't think he'd ever be able to let go, it would keep coming back. 
It wasn't until a few months later when someone knocked on his door, and in a sleepy haze, he opened it without thinking. He had spent the night at the capitol, and he never managed to get much rest after. Usually, when he had been gone for the night, Mags would come to check in on him, and have Valerian tea with him. He doubted it actually worked, but the effort was enough to brighten his day. So he opened the door, but it wasn't Mags, it was you. Your face was fuller, it had more colour, but the bags under your eyes were still there. Would Mags bring you Valerian tea as well? No, no he needed to stop thinking about you. The last time he had actually seen you was when you won. He had forced himself to avoid you ever since, he hadn't been completely sure why anymore, but now he knew again. The way you looked at him gave him hope, hope he couldn't afford. “What do you want” he asked, he sounded upset, and in a way he was, but the way the sparkle in your eyes dimmed made him regret it. 
And so he opened the door further, stepping aside, and you didn't need more of an invitation before you walked in. You took a seat at his small kitchen table, and he decided it would be impolite not to join you, so he sat down as well. He was about to talk, but you beat him to the punch.
“Snow came to see me.” There is was he thought, the reason, everyone always had a reason. Still, he found himself allowing you to continue, wanting to hear your voice again, even if it brought bad news. 
“I talked to Mags about it, but she said I should come see you, so here I am.” You chuckled, but the situation was not something that asked for it, must be nerves, he thought, but why were you nervous, surely he didn't make you nervous. 
“Look, I don’t want to bother you with my problems Finnick, I know you're dealing with enough yourself, but I don’t know what else to do.” Your eyes glossed over, and you looked like you were about to start crying, but you didn't. He wanted to say something, to comfort you, but what was there to say? And so you two sat in silence, he was looking at you, he was memorizing your face. This was the last time he would let himself see you. He didn't want to get close to you, and with how mesmerizing you were to him, he knew better.
And yet, as days passed, he found himself thinking of you. Whenever he needed comfort, he thought of you, the way you smiled at him when he told you a nervous joke. He could get lost in the memory of your eyes, and more often than not, he did. Every day he spent without seeing you made his heart hurt. 
Without thinking, he found himself walking to your door. It was like he wasn't in control of his own feet. He was in constant agony with himself. He wanted to be with you, but your kindness was one he couldn't afford, because it had the power to break him. He knocked on your door, not even aware he was doing so until he heard the sound echo back to him. He heard rustling, but he didn't hear you approaching the door, so he knocked again, and for good measure, he decided to call out. “Y/n? It’s me, it’s Finnick”. He heard someone approach the door at that, and a little bit of hope sparked inside him that you wanted to see him as much as he wanted to see you, but he knew better. 
The door opened, but it wasn't you that he came face to face with, it was Mags. She was standing in your hallway with a sad smile on her face, and she didn't say anything, but she looked to the stairs on the right end corner. He didn't need any more encouragement, and he sped up them, taking two steps at a time. He knocked on the door he was in front of, but there wasn't an answer. But when he listened more closely, he could hear crying coming from the other side. You were crying. His mind was reeling with possibilities, but whatever it was that had caused this, he swore to himself he would fix it, even if it broke him. 
And so he entered the room, opening the door softly so as not to startle you, but it didn't matter. He saw you in the corner, you had pulled your knees to your chest and he couldn't see your face from where you had hidden it, but his heart broke over it nonetheless. He walked towards you, testing the waters, testing his luck. He was scared for you, but mostly, he was scared you wouldn't want to see him. When you heard him, your head shot up to look at him. The way in which your eyes were bloodshot and swollen made him want to punch a hole in the wall next to you. The way your voice cracked when you said his name made him want to curl up right next to you. he got closer to you, kneeling down in front of you. Allowing you to take the next steps on your own time.
After a few minutes, you had slightly calmed down while he was tracing patterns on your knee with his thumb. You spoke to him, but you didn't look him in his eyes.
“They’re bidding on me Finnick, they’re bidding on me like I’m something to possess”
The feeling of dread that came over him was something he had never felt before. He thought he had gone through all someone could. He thought there was nothing that could hurt him anymore in a way he didn't already, but he had been wrong. 
He was willing to do anything for you to be spared from this, but he knew it wasn't any use. 
He knew better. And so he did all he could, taking you in his arms and whispering reassuring words, until your crying and your shaking stopped, and you seemed at peace again. 
He had tried himself to get away from what snow had wanted, what the capitol had wanted, he tried everything he could think of, but he couldn't get away from it. He had made peace with the fact that people always wanted something from him, and maybe that's why he couldn't get you out of his head, because you were the only person that was at peace with him, without anything more, just him. So he told you the only thing he could. He told you he’d be there for you, that you’d get through it together. He wasn't sure if he believed it, but he knew it was what you needed to hear, it was what he had needed to hear, except there had been no one to tell him. He would spend the rest of his life wondering if you needed him.
But he won't shut you out again, he knows better.
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Part 2: Should've Known
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wegc · 6 months
hey! first i wanted to say i loved ur perv!chan hc, and drabble, i want to add something if u dont mind <3
imagine one day y/n/you goes to chan’s house cause it’s raining, and she’s too far from her own home, so she knocks on his door, cause i wouldn’t hurt to stay at chan’t for a while, right?
it’s pouring, so the walk from the car to the front door is almost like a shower, so when he finally opens up, his first thought is “oh my fucking god i can see everything”, all while masking with concern to rush you inside, and make you change into his clothes.
not that he’ll keep your shirt cause it has your perfume on it, or your underwear for… late night purposes.
you guys go and sit on the couch, and you explain your situation to him: your car broke down in a street close to here, and you decided to ask him for help, bit it started raining, and now you can’t go back home. chan really doesn’t mind you staying, but he’s a little off ever since you stepped on his house, so he’s fidgeting a little, stuttering, and you find it adorable, cause he’s just cute like that.
night goes on while you’re talking, and at some point you just got a little too close to him, and he doesn’t know if you’re hinting something, or if it’s all up on his head. and while you’re giggling, and playfully grabbing his arm, he’s imagining the same way you’d latch on him for support while he’s stretching you out.
and then the unthinkable happens.
— channie, you know that i see the way you look at me, right?
— uhm, what-what do you mean?
— you know, you look at me like you want to… just do whatever is in your mind to me. but you mask that, and act all shy. i just picked up on that.
holy. shit. he thinks, i’m fucked now.
— i don’t really mind, though. to be honest, i wish you’d just act on it, y’know?
and there ends my prompt/drabble!! you can finish writing it, orrr whatever !! <3 have a nice day <3
chan acting strangely quiet and fidgety around you, constantly playing with the strings of his sweatpants, all because he’s trying to ignore the way the buds of your breasts harden due to the cool air :(
your skin’s glowing and now you’re way too close to him, your tits practically pressed against his arm and your voice becoming far lower than it usually is—he can’t think properly at all, he can’t give adequate responses to what you’re saying because he shouldn’t be this close to you and his self-control is crumbling by the minute.
and when you tell him that you know everything—that you’ve heard his quiet pants and grunts in the washroom when he’s jerking off, that you’ve felt his intense stare, that you knew he soiled your panties, or even worse—that he left his phone unlocked one day and you found the cum stained, printed photo of you—he comes lightheaded.
what makes it worse is that you’re a fucking minx—purring in his ear, telling him you don’t mind, telling him that you know how much of a disgusting, depraved pervert he is and how you love it, how you touch yourself to the thought of him doing worse, crossing even more boundaries, how you want him to be the first to touch you, how you want him to make you cry, to ruin your spent hole for anyone else.
yeah he’s fucked.
he shouldn’t. he promised your brother—his best friend. but how can he say no when your begging him so nicely; whining against him exactly how he’s dreamed of? how can he say no now when he’s already bucking his hips against your hand that’s currently palming his aching, twitching cock? god—he’s so close to cumming right there, right in his boxers. he’ll just have to take you. he’ll break this one promise.
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puck-bunny-for-all · 30 days
Baby Devil - J.H
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y/user : already in love with you 01/19/25
tagged : @jackhughes
↪ nicohischier : @y/user he's quite literally crying in the shower ... I can hear him from my stall
↪ lhughes_06 : so like what if it isn't a girl and you spent ur money on a headband u won't use 🤨
↪ y/user : @lhughes_06 sir it is 2024 my child will wear it no matter the gender thank u vm
emeliekulikova : congrats my forever favorite WAG, miss you much pretty girl 💓
lexlexdemko : @y/user @jackhughes T and I are beyond thrilled for you guys! Can't wait to see some 'nucks swag on the little one!
tdemko30 : 💓 🫨 🤧
dawson1417 : STOKED to take the little one snowboarding
↪ y/user : @dawson1417 did u even ask u butthole? 🤨🫷🏻
_quinnhughes : about to be the BIGGEST Canucks fan we ever had
njdevils : Can't wait to add the little guy to the roster!
↪ y/user : OR GIRL @njdevils
↪ njdevils : 🫡 @y/user
curtislazar95 : we trust jack with children? where did we go wrong 🙅🏻
bradytkachuk : Emma wants to know when you will allow playdates to happen.
↪ y/user : well with that attitude @bradytkachuk for you NEVER, for Emma WHENEVER YOU WANT MY LOVE 💓
↪ ehtkachuk : I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!! @y/user
bradytkachuck : @y/user ROOD 🤧
A.N : Okie so here is this lil thing. Idk I saw the lil onesie pic and I HAD TO DO SOMETHING OK. This will be my last post of the night bc a girl is tired lol. I think I am gonna do something like this for a few other players maybe. I dont think imma be able to post anything till either tomorrow night or Monday so dont kill me please and thank you.
urrrrrm idk idk idk idk idk what else so thanks and bless Brandon Montour ... hope I missed nothing other than IDK WHY SOME OF THE COMMENTS WONT FORMAT HOW I WANT
ALSO bc she said please @skylershines here you go pookie pie momma <3
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normansnt · 4 months
As you've likely seen by now, I've been reblogging nearly every Hazbin fic you have, which I apologize if that bothers you at all. I simply see a lack of the x male reader department for this show, which is ironic considering mostly all the characters are queer and so are the creators. So thank you for what you write and how well you write it! I was hoping I could make a request for a part two of a fic I rather liked "(Vox x bar tander!Male reader)" this one specifically. The reader left off having their soul contract bought and offered to be a bartender at the Vee's private bar, and I was wondering what would happen from there?
Im really sorry it took so long😭
Also THANK YOU SO MUCH for the reblogs is doesn't bother me at all IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE MY WRITING💗💗
Warnings: Attempted Rape, violance V@lentino
Habit of saving
as a thank you pt.2
Vox x bartender!male reader
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"I just dont fucking understand why the fuck you prefer the company of a lowly bartender over mine"
You hear Valentino's yelling from the other room, again.
This was not uncommon. Since you became the bartender in the Vees manor Vox visited the bar more often than before.
You guys spent hours talking and just because of the drinks either, he barely drunk anything cuz he was busy talking to you.
However, this of course annoyed Valentino. He wanted Vox's attention purely on himself.
"I don't." Said Vox, you know, like a lier.
"Work has just been really stressful lately and I need more drinks than before."
This was all lies. But Vox was not in the mood to be taking Valentino's shit, he would much rather go get a drink with you.
"Bullshit, I know how your work is and you blame everything on it, you dont even want to fuck me anymore are you a fucking moron do you know how many people want to get with ME."
And here he goes again. Vox was a little embarrassed though. It was true that since you arrived he was never in the mood to do it with Val, but he found himself having much more sex dreams with you.
He got red at the thought of that.
"You know what, I don't fucking care, go be happy with your boy toy; but don't you dare forget that you are where you are because of me." Ended the Argument Valentino as he grabbed a bottle from above your head, and walked out of the room.
You were silent during the whole argument. You knew it was not smart to start defending Vox you tried that once and, well, Vox had to stich you up afterwards.
"Care for a drink, sir?" You asked Vox. He was still, just standing in the middle of the room looking at the door.
He felt weird. Well, not weird, happy. But that was strange. Usually he felt guilty or annoyed when Valentino stormed off after a fight, usually he wanted to go after him. But not now. Now he felt...calm. Relieved even. He really wanted to sit down and have that drink with you.
"Yes, I would love a drink, and I've told you multiple times to call me Vox."
"Yeah I know but I didn't want to risk Val still hearing it." You chuckled.
"So, the usual, Vox?"
"Obviously." He answered back.
"Are you ok?" You asked as you poured his drink. You two were close enough for this not to be an awkward question. You were the bartender, you have comforted him after a night of drunken crying and put him to bed multiple times. He always asked you to stay. You never did. You just didn't feel ready yet.
"Getting better by the day, his antics don't affect me as strongly anymore." He commented calmly.
"I'm glad." You gave him his drink and you two continued talking.
And you talked, long into the night. Vox got a bit drunk again.
"All right mister I think it's time to get you to bed." You said smiling softly as you were about to jump from behind the bar and help him to his room.
"I can take care of him." Came a creepy calm voice from the door way. You saw Valentino.
He had a fake smile on his face. You knew this was trouble but he was kind of your boss.
"All right, sir." You just answered quietly, as Val took Vox and started to take him to his room.
"What-no, you-- (Y/N)--I, don't"
Vox mumbled drunken.
When they left the room you had a silent debate with yourself.
Yes Val was your boss. But you knew that taking advantage of someone while they're drunk was not below him.
"Fuck it" you mumbled to yourself as you jumped from behind the bar and tried to quietly run after them.
Thankfully you found them when they were about to enter the room.
When they got in you made sure to put your foot between the door and the frame so it doesn't close.
You peered into the room and you saw Val throw Vox onto the bed.
"You fucking whore, you couldn't keep your hands of the cute bartender boy could you."
He started angrily as he stepped onto Vox's screen, breaking it. You already wanted to barge in there when you saw this but when he started unbuckling his belt, thats when you snapped.
You jumped on Val, literally. And while the man might be powerful he had close to no muscles so he crumbled under you.
You knew you had close to no chance of winning. But you didn't care. You had to save Vox.
You tried to cut off Val's breathing by holding onto his neck for dear life. You might have been physically stronger he was still an overlord. A very powerful one.
You expected to be thrown down onto the floor any minute when the struggling finally stopped.
Your eyes opened widely as you hurriedly got off of Valentino.
You started panicking. What the fuck did you just kill an overlord? No, no there is no way he is so powerful why didn't he stop you.
You kneeled down and checked for a heart beat.
When you felt faint beating a boulder fell off your shoulder.
"Thank fuck" you commented to yourself. He probably just passed out.
But still why didn't he stop you.
You thought about it a but when it hit you. He was probably batshit drunk himself. You saw that when he walked away from the bar he barely managed to walk straight.
You were still panting.
You looked over at Vox and a strong feeling of sadness filled you.
You stepped over Vals passed out form and lifted up Vox.
He was lighter than you thought. You carried him all the way to your room where you knew you had a first aid kit.
Sure you could have just bring the first aid kit to him but you were not going to leave him alone with Valentino jot even for a second. Not even when they're both passed out.
After you put Vox's screen back together and batched him up you laid him down onto your bed.
This gave you time to think things through.
Even you couldn't explain to yourself why you cared about Vox this much.
Its true you have become very close during your time working here.
But there are people who you have known longer yet do not love as much as him.
You love him?
While you were occupied with your thought you didn't notice the time. It was morning already.
"Yeah, Vox?"
"What the fuck happened?" He asked as he started touching his patched up screen.
You told him everything. You also told him that you will very likely have to leave because once Val wakes up...you don't want to know what he'll do to you.
"He can't do anything your soul is mine you are under my protection." He said firmly. He sat silently after that. Like someone who is contemplating something.
"Can I ask you something?"
He asked after a long silence.
"Of course"
"Why did you save me?"
This surprised you.
"Well, I mean I know what Val is like and...I just did what any normal person would do really-"
"No. You know no one in hell would to that for the demon that owns their soul. Not to mention this was the second time you saved me."
"...I honestly don't know why I did it the first time; I guess I just felt like...I dont know"
"And the second time."
You couldn't answer this. You knew the answer but you didn't want to say it.
"Well, you are a nice boss you treat me with kindness and-"
"No one would attack a powerful overlord just to safe their boss who is just 'nice'; try answering truthfully this time."
Well fuck. You knew Vox was a smart man but that didn't help you in this situation.
"I..." you didn't know what to do. You could come up with another lie but he would detect it no problem.
"I love you" you blurted out before you could stop yourself. The moment the words left your lips you smacked your hands onto your lips.
"I'm sorry sir I will leave-"
Vox took your hand in his when you wanted to stand up and pulled you towards him.
With one swift movement he placed his lips on your in a tender kiss.
You have never kissed a screen before but you were pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be like this.
His lips were soft but cold. It was an amazing kiss.
"Oh, you're not going anywhere." Said Vox while he let out a little chuckle.
"Because I love you too."
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