#duke! gojo
samoankpoper21 · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if you can do a part 2 of the duke gojo fic if you haven't already
ASDFJKL 😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭 I AM SO HONORED BY THIS REQUEST 😭 I hope this satiates your palate/meets your expectations 😭 Enjoy~!!
Word Count: 1103 ib: @gojonanami
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Weaving in and out of sleep you recalled bits and pieces of the events that transpired: the handsome cerulean eyed stranger carrying you bridal style announcing his intent to marry you, the audible gasps filling the ballroom. You found yourself nuzzling deeper into this man's warmth, his scent lulling you to sleep, calming you.
"Emperor Yaga! If I may?" the stoic man lifted his hand causing all commotion to come to a halt. Your father and stepmother were busy chatting when they looked up and saw the white haired warrior carrying you. His gaze was focused, unwavering, determined. "What is this Duke Gojo?"
"I have come to announce that I have found a bride!" Emperor Yaga peered at your sleeping form jesting, "Surely you didn't knock your bride unconscious." a few sly chuckles escaping from faceless lips. Satoru smirked retorting with, "On the contrary. I am merely following the royal decree that you set out for me." The ballroom began to slowly come to life, murmurings of concern filling the air.
"If I may Emperor Yaga." Yaga turned to his right to see your father's silhouette emerge from the crowd. "Marquess Hamilton." Yaga's voice boomed causing your father to flinch. "Greetings to the star of Novaland." Your father shakily offered. "What is so heavy on your mind that is causing you to step forward?"
"It's just that...she's my daughter and I would not want her to marry a ruthless man as he." Satoru's grip on you tightened, turning to face your father, his blue eyes glowing. "Marquess Hamilton, you have no right to interfere with matters pertaining to me."
"But your grace-"
"Are you bold enough to disobey a royal decree from the emperor himself?"
"No your grace."
"Then it's settled. I will be taking your daughter as my bride and there will be no objections." Satoru bowed to Yaga before storming off, your father collapsing on the floor; pitiful gazes and words of sympathy being tossed his way. "That poor man." "What a pitiful thing." "He's really done it now." "His daughter may as well be pronounced dead." "He's only a marquess and he dared to confront Duke Gojo? Ha! What a joke." Your father was physically shaken out of his reverie when your stepmother Marilyn hissed in his ear, "What are you doing?! Isn't this what you wanted? Stand up! You're making yourself look like a fool ." His head turned to look at her, his expression blank, tears falling from his eyes. "Luciana?" Marilyn froze. He trudged past her. Maybe this is Luciana's karma for the way that I've neglected our daughter. Luciana, I'm so sorry.
Sunlight poured through the curtains causing you to groan. You peeled your eyes open and saw an unfamiliar ceiling, white with gold trimmings. You shot up, your hand instinctively flew to your head, trying to quell the dizziness. Where am I? Was I that drunk that I snuck into a random nobleman's bedroom? Your thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and you saw the handsome man from the previous night holding a glass of water, smiling. "Oh good you're up!"
"Drink this." You cautiously took the glass, eyeing the clear contents. "It's just water. I didn't poison it." You took a sip and my gods the water tasted like heaven. "Thank you." you meekly offered. A beat of silence passed when you broke it saying, "If I may be so forward but what am I doing here?"
"You really are a peculiar one you know that? Has anyone ever told you that?"
"Why would you say that?"
"Most people, upon being kidnapped, asks 'who are you' first." Kidnapped? Satoru watched as the wheels in your head were turning. For the first time he was scared, scared that once you knew of his identity that you would fear and turn away from him. "You are right kind sire but I beg to differ."
"I have not been kidnapped." Satoru smirked asking, "Why are you so confident that you have not been kidnapped?"
"The scenery. I woke up in a bed, the ceiling lined with gold, a stranger greeting me kindly. If you're a bandit you're a horrible one."
"What if I'm a kind, vindictive bandit?"
"That would be highly impossible. A vindictive bandit against a marquess' daughter will gain nothing. I come from a low sovereignty."
"What if," Gojo hesitated. He took a deep breath, his murmuring almost a whisper. "I'm a monster? A monster whose hellbent on war?" He didn't want to lift his head, he already knew the reaction he would receive. Reluctantly he met your eyes and was surprised by the steadiness in your gaze. "Duke Gojo?" He swallowed as a reply. "You're Duke Gojo?"
"Yes." The bone in his jaw clenched, your head tilting to the side. You studied his sharp jawline and nose, long eyelashes, his head turned away from you. Out of compulsion your hand gently took his face turning him to look at you. "Why do you look so sad your grace?"
"I will understand if you would like to leave-"
"Leave? Where to?"
"To get a divorce." Huh?? Divorce? "Your grace, if I may be so forward but what the heavens are you talking about?" Satoru's big shaky hands gently held yours. "Yesterday at the banquet you and I were on the balcony. You confided in me that your father Marquess Hamilton and stepmother were trying to expand their sovereign; their end goal having you marry me. At first I thought you were going to run away, as others so often have done so in the past. But you did something...remarkable. You defended my honor, wanting to hear my side of the story. That's when you collapsed and I professed to the Emperor and the rest of the ballroom my intentions of marrying you." He locked eyes with you again. "No one has ever stood by my side unless it was out of obligation or fear. You are the first, the only one, who was willing...and that is why I believe I have fallen for you Y/N." For the first time, the great Duke Gojo Satoru seemed meek. You wanted to hold this man, comfort him. You grabbed his face pulling him towards you and placed a kiss on his forehead. His eyes grew big, his cheeks, ears, and neck turning crimson. "Y-Y/N! What are you doing?!" You leaned forward causing your foreheads to touch. "I do not regret becoming your wife." You placed another kiss to his forehead cradling him, bringing him closer. "I am here. I see you."
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oneshotprincess · 1 year
i imagine that someone in gotham runs a 'how long has it been since bruce wayne adopted a kid?' twitter and it updates regularly with the exact number of days since whatever child's official adoption announcement. the replies are full of jokes about bruce wayne's adoption addiction
i also imagine that every once in a while, bruce wayne's official twitter account qrt's the latest countdown with 0 days, and that's how the public finds out about the latest wayne kid
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madamechrissy · 4 days
Silent Serenades
♔ An arranged Marriage with Duke Gojo ♔
♔ Pairings: Satoru Gojo x you - in this chap it's Satoru Gojo x mistress, Suguru Geto x you It's messy and will get messier :)
♔ Warnings: Mentions of sex, infidelity, mentions of past self harm, reader has an illness, mentions of eating habits, some descriptions of readers looks (not completely ambiguous) cruelty from Duke Gojo. OOC. So much ANGST. Gojo is TERRIBLE you're warned
♔ Word count this chap: 6.2 k
♔ Summary: you are the diamond of the season, he is the charming Duke, it’s the marriage of the decade. Prominent families joining, and it so happens that Duke Gojo is gorgeous. But, he doesn't want you, and now you're trapped in a loveless arranged marriage. Royal AU, dark bridgerton vibes, Cruel Gojo x reader. OOC Det in 1800s England. Gojo is awful at first, HEAVY angst Basically- Gojo is a royal dick and doesn't wanna marry you
♔Part One - ♔ Playlist ♔ Masterlist
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Part Two
You’re sitting at the long, elegant breakfast table in the Gojo manor, cutting up a delectable crepe that you’d help make, just a week later. You’re blissfully alone, until you hear giggling down the hall, and it’s your ‘husband’ Duke Gojo, and one of his mistresses. She seems to be the main one he enjoys, a short little redhead who dresses most scandalously.
He pauses as he’s near the table, looking at you now. You elegantly dab the corner of your mouth with a napkin, smiling at them. “Hello Miss Catherine, would you enjoy breakfast?” You ask, earning Gojo’s icy blue glare, he just hates it so much when you offer in the morning.
“I cannot impose your grace, but thank you kindly.” She curtseys, and is flushed pink, you nod with a little smile, at least she had manners… aside from fucking your husband of course.
“Of course. I hope you have safe travels.” Her eyes glisten then, as she looks at Gojo, then at you, then down at her feet, wringing her hands.
“Thank you, your grace is far kinder than you should be.” She leaves then, excusing herself to Gojo, who comes and sits next to you, plopping down and glaring, long legs spread wide.
“Why are you so bloody cordial to her?” He demands, you just give him a look, pursing your lips.
“You want me to be rude to your lover? That would displease you.”
“But you’re nice… how-”
“I shall not displease you as a wife, even if I cannot fulfill all duties.” You turn your nose up then, tilting your chin up, feeling his glare bore through you as you bite another piece, moaning softly. His eyes drop to your lips, just staring, making you nervous. “Have something on my face?”
“Syrup, you’re quite messy.” You lick your lip then, and he’s glaring as if you’ve created such a transgression. “How can you be so nice!?”
“I’m stuck in this situation, miserable… Why be more miserable.” You mumble, then curse yourself internally, you’ve revealed too much. You clear your throat then with a little smile. “Would you like breakfast, dear husband?”
“I suppose, you’re over there feasting, going to have to tie your corset strings tight to accommodate.’ Your fork clatters to your plate then, gaze locking with his, and he’s raised a thin white brow.
“Eating is unattractive, perfect, I’ll continue on. I’m unattractive to you anyway.” You shove another bite in your mouth, closing your eyes and making a show of moaning in pleasure as you do.
“Everything you do is unattractive.” He quips, earning a quirk of your lips.
“Splendid, everything is in order then.” You brightly smile, hiding the intense pain you feel every day next to this cruel man. You will never allow him to see you weak, hurt, ever again though.
“I’ll have some, if it has you stuffing your face so. I don’t usually see you eat much.” He grumbles then, and you ring for one of the servants to bring more, asking her with a polite smile.
“True, my appetite is small usually.” You say, and soon a plate of crepes is in front of Gojo, and he cuts it elegantly, biting and chewing thoughtfully, before moaning, lapping up the cream on top with a tongue along his lip.
“It’s delicious. Thank the cook for me.” He says to the servant then, Gojo was actually very kind to them all, it’s only you who earns his ire.
“Your grace. It’s the Duchess who prepared this.” She curtsies then leaves, and Gojo scowls at you, those vivid blue eyes boring through your soul.
“You?” He speaks as if you've truly been doing something terrible. You can't stop your eye roll.
“Indeed. No worries, it's not poisoned.” You take a sip of your coffee, sighing as it hits your throat. You’re asthmatic and at times coffee is all that can help, it’s been flaring lately from all the upset of living with him.
“Why would you cook? You’re a lady, a duchess. Not a kitchen wench.” You scoff a bit, leaning back in your chair.
“I enjoy cooking, my parents allowed me to always spend time in the kitchens. Is this unacceptable as a wife?”
“I… I mean… no. I’ll not stop you from cooking.” He bites it again, sighing happily, long white lashes fluttering shut. “I’d prefer you as a cook than a wife.”
Ah, there it is, the knife twisting. Daily.
“I’m sure you would. I would also, then I could happily marry some baker somewhere, couldn’t I?” He’s back to scowling, hand taking the juice in his crystal glass and sipping, scowling over the rim.
“A baker over a Duke?”
“Indeed, anyone that looks at me kindly would do. As you look at Miss Catherine in fact. But she is beautiful, isn’t she?” You raise a challenging brow.
“Indeed she is.” He huffs, looking away then, snatching up a newspaper and pretending to read it. He does this every morning. “You think you’re so beautiful.”
“I think everyone is beautiful in their own way.” He peeks up, pursing full lips at you now. “I’m not beautiful to you, but I am to others. That’s fine for me. I do not presume such desire from you, and I never will. Even when we’re not having babies, and they ask. I assume you’ll have some with your very loud mistress.”
“I will not have babies with my mistress, blasted you’re a fool.” Satoru Gojo brushes his hair back now, frustratedly. “I suppose if we’re forced at some point…”
“I’ll just blame it on me. Don’t worry, we’ll never have to.” You sip your bitter coffee again as his lips part. “I’ll never force that upon you.”
“Well… I…” He looks flushed suddenly, not even meeting your gaze, throwing down his newspaper. “Good, we’re in agreement.”
“Indeed. How are those crepes?”
“Passable.” It’s such a lie, as his plate is entirely gone, but now that he knows it is you who made them, he can’t give you a compliment. “Lord Geto will be here tonight, he for some reason enjoys your presence.”
“Ah, I can’t imagine why. I’m so intolerable.”
“You’ve a smart mouth.”
“I’ll shut up then, your grace. I shall not displease my husband.” You sip your coffee again, and he’s sputtering.
“What’s wrong with you!?”
“A lot, apparently, according to you.”
“You act so bloody calm! Are you inept? I’m fucking her in the room right next to you, do you not hear?”
“I do indeed, it’s quite bothersome but as long as you’re pleased, husband.” That word spills like venom out of your mouth, for he should have never been so. “You’d have me be rude to sweet Miss Catherine?”
“I… you…” He stands then, knuckles gripping the table so hard they’ve gone white now. “Prepare a fine dinner, and I’ll be inviting Miss Catherine, so I’m not bored with you all night.”
“Oh, of course, shall I prepare her a dress too, your grace? I’m not sure she has anything elegant.” He throws his silverware to his plate, clattering, and you smile, sugary sweet up at him. “Am I overstepping? Of course you should buy her a wardrobe, worry not for me, I have my old things.”
“I’ll buy you a bloody wardrobe, you cannot go to the season in old gowns.”
“No need.”
“I will!” He steps up to you, and you feign confusion as he bends down, eyes drinking you in carefully, vermillion lips opening and closing. You see his pretty face far too close. How can someone be made so beautiful and be so cruel? “I’ll have you at the modiste tomorrow.”
“Should I bring Miss Catherine-” Satoru Gojo slams his hand on the table now, his other hand grabbing your chin.
“You feel nothing when I flaunt her? When I fuck her loudly? When I invite her to everything? When I touch her…” His caress sends shivers down your spine, as he holds your face like it's something delicate, when he so clearly hates you.
“Nothing, dear husband, why should I? You're not truly mine, just in circumstance.” You smack his hand down, smiling fake right up at him, watching his left eye twitch with anger.
“Do you feel anything or are you just this… shell of a woman.” You are making me this way to survive.
“Who am I but an obedient wife. I shall make sure Miss Catherine is so welcome, and Lord Geto.”
Satoru stomps away then, and you allow yourself to drop this fucking facade for just one moment, breathing in quick, shallow pants. You throw the warm coffee down your throat, coughing and rubbing your collarbone now, shaking as the emotions hit you so goddamn hard your throat is constricted.
“Your Grace…” Your Nanny has come now, you’ve loved her your entire life, she comes to caress your back so carefully. You inhale her familiar scent, sighing. 
Watching you like this has been killing her, you know.
“Prepare a meal for Lord Geto and Miss… Catherine.” The name tastes like bile on your tongue, and you watch your Nanny’s own anger. “I’m fine, Nan.”
“It’s unacceptable, even for a Duke. I’m so worried…”
“Do not worry.” Though you barely want to wake in the morning. “I will be just fine, Nan.”
“Lord Geto adored you.”
You blink back emotion, feeling that tightness again. “I know.”
“Should you allow this and do nothing?”
“I… can’t stop him.”
“You could have happiness.” She whispers, holding your hands tightly. You look down at that, nervously, lashes casting shadows under your tired eyes. “I’ve overstepped.”
“No, no… I will think of that later. Let us prepare the staff.”
“Indeed.” She kisses your cheek, and you damn near cry from that, and then you go about your duties, as the Duchess.
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The dinner  that night was a grand affair, with the long, candlelit table dressed in pristine white linens, a bouquet of red and white roses in the center. The silverware sparkled, and the crystal glasses sang with the promise of fine wine. You had taken special care to ensure that every detail was perfect, from the delicate china to the scented candles that cast a warm glow over the room.
You had overseen every bit of the meal as well, and as Satoru comes down with Miss Catherine on his arm, even he pauses a bit. Catherine’s eyes light up. “This is so beautiful, your Grace!”
You give her a little nod of your head. “Thank you, I worked a lot on this, I hope it’s adequate, husband?”
He blinks a bit, for his manor had never been so spotless, nor had anything been set up so extravagant, but all he does is shrug one broad shoulder, wrapping an arm around Catherine���s waist. She did not wear a corset, she wore some looser dress that showed an insane amount of her bosoms, to the point it was obscene, but Gojo probably enjoyed it.
“It’s passable.” Catherine blinks up at him a bit.
“It’s beautiful!”
“Did I ask you?” He says tersely, removing his hand, and she just pouts a bit, wringing her hands in front of herself.
“Sorry your Grace.” He rolls his eyes, then takes in your outfit slowly, as if he was analyzing every bit of you. You were wearing a very beautiful crimson gown with beading on the square shaped bodice. You also had lace along the puffed sleeves, and it’s cinced in the middle tightly, making your waist look impossibly tiny. His look lingers on your bodice, at the hint of breasts pushed up in the neckline.
It was lower cut but nothing too revealing, and you had looked in the mirror and saw how beautiful you looked, though you knew you pale in comparison to anyone for your husband. So you did not dress for him, no, you dressed for your role, as the perfect Duchess.
“You look a vision if I may say, your Grace.” Catherine whispers, and you smile a bit at that.
“Thank you Miss Catherine. This was one of my favorite gowns. I hope it’s passable for the dinner?” You ask Satoru then, and his eyes are dilated now, as he slowly licks a glossy lower lip.
“Passable.” He manages, shrugging again, then pulling Catherine back against him, kissing down her neck.
That knife in your chest twists, as you realize you could look the most beautiful, hair perfectly coifed in ringlets, glittering rubies on your neck, rouge on your cheeks… it did not matter that you glitter under these chandeliers. You’re disgusting to him, he makes it so clear as he fondles Catherine.
The doorbell rings and you realize Lord Geto is here, and his arrival was like a breath of fresh air for you, his tall, commanding presence filling the room. His dark brown eyes light up when he sees you, coming over with a bottle of wine in his hands, he bends down and takes your bare hand, kissing the back of it. You feel Satoru’s angry gaze on you both.
“Thank you so very much, Lord Geto.” You whisper, feeling your cheeks heat when his eyes drink you in, his lips parting. His straight nose has nostrils flaring when he steps back and looks fully at you.
“Forgive me, you’re the most beautiful vision I’ve seen. I was left rather… well, stupid.” You giggle behind your hand at that, shaking your head.
“You go on too much.” You shove him playfully with a couple fingers, taking in his dark blue suit.
“You do go on too much.” Satoru says, and now Suguru takes in his friend and Miss Catherine, and his eyes go wide, darting between you and them.
“The fuck is this, Satoru?” Suguru says then, and Satoru pulls Miss Catherine up more to introduce her.
“My mistress. Say hello, Catherine.”
He scowls now, then looks back at you again. “Your mistress comes to dinner parties with nobility?”
Satoru scowls himself now. “It’s just you, Suguru, of course she can’t come to typical ones.”
“Just me… and that’s acceptable?” He gestures to her, and Satoru scoffs, as Catherine looks down nervously. “In front of your wife!?”
“She cares not. Do you, Duchess?” You sigh, putting on that mask you’ve used all week now.
“Miss Catherine is here every day. So… why not have her for dinner? Whatever pleases my husband.”
“What the actual fuck is happening here? Can’t even be discreet? What would your family think.”
“I care not what they think. Now, let’s eat, are you hungry love?” He cooes to her, and she nods, blushing on her pale cheeks. He leads her to the table and scooches her chair close, looking right at you as if hoping for a response, but you just clutch the wine bottle in your hand, smiling up at an appalled Suguru.
“Let’s sit, yes?” You say softly, and he sighs, nodding and coming to sit next to you, across from Satoru and his lover.
You played the gracious hostess, greeting them with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes, a smile that further infuriates Gojo. He seems to hate how little you pretend to care, so you continue that way.
Suguru saw right through you though, his gaze was sharp as the first course was served, you felt his hand cover yours under the table. You tense a bit, at just how good it feels, to be touched, and how his big hand takes yours over. He squeezes just a bit, under that tablecloth, sipping wine with his other hand.
“You’re not okay with this. You can’t be.” He says softly, and you just shrug slightly, turning your hand and entwining it with his, and he sucks in a breath a bit, as his dark lashes lower over his eyes.
“I have no choice but to be.”
“It’s disgusting.”
“He said I’m disgusting. So.” Suguru glares now, his grip so tight you wince a bit, as he looks at his friend, who’s being fed by Catherine, she dabs his mouth with a handkerchief softly, giggling.
“You know that’s not true. So beautiful I couldn’t form a word.” You look down now, staring at an elegantly tied cravat.
“You were always too kind.”
“What are you two talking about over there?” Satoru asks, popping a bite of food into his mouth and chewing. You pull your hand away, even if he cannot see, earning a frown from Suguru.
“How beautiful the Duchess is. Don’t you agree, Satoru?” He asks, and raises a brow as Satoru glares at him, then at you.
“Passable.” He says for the third time that day. Or was it the fourth. “She’s of no interest to me, not my type. What’s it matter to you?”
“Perhaps you require spectacles if you think she’s not. Especially, and I mean no offense Miss Catherine, sitting next to her and finding her better company.”
“She’s beautiful, Lord Geto.” You say, earning his scowl, and Gojo’s, for what you didn’t know. And Miss Catherine is pouting.
“The Duchess is the most stunning lady, all of the Ton says so, they say it in every paper.” She says, and now Gojo is more annoyed clearly, slamming back the wine and having another poured by one of the servants.
“Thank you Miss Catherine.” You say, and Geto’s anger radiates through his body as he watches them, gulping down his own wine. “Lord Geto… tell me how you have been.”
He clearly didn’t wanna let this go, but he pushes it back, and now the conversation around the table flowed as smoothly as the wine, but you could feel the undercurrents of this tension. Miss Catherine giggled too loudly, and Gojo’s arm is around her shoulders, but his eyes are never leaving yours, as he caresses her bare skin and it makes you sick.
The meal progressed, with dish after dish parading out from the kitchen. The aromas wafted around the room, tantalizing everyone’s senses. Yet, you felt nauseous, unable to take a bite without feeling like you’d choke, throat feeling tight. Geto noticed, his gaze flickering to your plate with concern.
“You’ve eaten nothing, Duchess.” He says softly, and you try to take a little scoop of the soup apologetically.
“She ate like a pig this morning. So perhaps she tightened that corset a few laces tighter.” You put your spoon down, as you choke back emotion, hatred, but the tears begin to form, and Gojo looks down now, clearing his throat.
“You’re a fucking dick, Satoru. Please eat something.”
“No, he’s correct, I ate a lot this morning.” You take a sip of water now, as you blink back tears, and you fail at it, because everyone in the room watch them glisen under the soft lighting.
 “You should eat, it’s very delicious.” Gojo says then, you are so confused you just stare at him. “The soup is very good.”
“The soup.” The man had basically told you to not eat, and now seems to feel bad perhaps? But it means nothing, his sad attempts at feeling sorrow for his miserable actions.
“I’ll refrain from making those crepes. So I should not lace so tightly.” You say instead, and Satoru won’t even look at you now. Catherine is a good bit heavier than you, so you can’t fathom what he means, as you’re not considered anything other than an ideal size to society. Even if you were heavier, you did not deserve such treatment, but he says nothing as Catherine wolfs down food..
It’s just you. He just hates you.
“The crepes were very good though.” His blue gaze hits you over his glass now, something in them you can’t describe, as you trail your slender fingers over the stem of your own glass. “Do not let me stop you from eating if you wish to.”
“I’ll do whatever pleases you, husband.” He reddens in the face, as you sip your wine, wishing you could throw it back, but you cannot, you’re a lady, aren’t you?
 You tried to ignore the way Gojo’s fingers danced along Miss Catherine’s skin, but it was like a knife to your soul with every touch, as she’s so free and happy with him, and all you can do is sit stiffly, with your back straight, cutting your food just so. You have to be perfect. Don’t you?
Composed. You cannot lose that.
Stay calm.
As the evening grew late, and the wine flowed more freely, the conversation grew more heated. Gojo’s laughter grew louder, his jokes more crude, and Miss Catherine’s giggles more frequent. Geto’s eyes narrowed, and you could see the anger simmering beneath the surface. He leaned in closer to you, his voice a low murmur. “This isn’t right. You deserve better than this.”
“What I deserve is irrelevant. This is the hand I’ve been dealt, and I will play it as best I can.” You replied, your voice steadier than you felt. His legs spread a bit, and you flush as your thigh feels his well muscled one under the silk of your dress. He leans back, studying you with concern.
The dessert was served, a decadent chocolate torte with raspberry sauce that you had made from scratch. As you watched Gojo feed a piece to Miss Catherine with his own fork, you felt a strange sense of detachment. You were no longer the shy, hopeful girl who’d entered this manor, were you?
Stay calm.
You were the Duchess now.
“This is so decadent, your Grace! What is this recipe?” Miss Catherine asks now, clearly drunk. You tense a bit.
“I made it.” The room is silent, and Satoru puts his fork back in a piece, looking at you for a moment, before feeding her another bite of it.
Something within you snapped. You stood abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor. “Excuse me, I believe I need some fresh air,” you announced, your voice cool and collected. The room fell silent as you made your way to the doors, the fabric of your gown sweeping the floor behind you, softly swishing, as your slippered feet tapped on those marble floors.
Your throat tightens as the night air meets you, and you inhale it greedily, crisp and cold, a stark contrast to the stifling tension of the dinner party. You stepped out into the garden, the very garden you’d first learned that your life was going to be miserable. If Satoru was anything, he was honest, as he had made sure to fuck whoever he wanted.
You just didn’t realize how much it was breaking you down. You shut your eyes, trying to focus on the calming scent of the blooming flowers and the soothing sound of the fountain. It’s running, splashing, and you focus on that sound, trying to let your mind go, to compose yourself.
You want to punch him in the face, your nails are digging into your palms as you picture just that. Then you’d like to smack that smirk off his face, then turn and smack Miss Catherine too. Then, you’d like to-
“Duchess…” You gasp when you open your eyes, and Lord Geto is there, hands in his pockets, concern written all over his handsome face. His dark brown hair is long and silky, half put up, blowing gently in the breeze.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t take it. I’m trying.” You speak through gritted teeth, stepping further into the gardens, into the night, with the moonlight shimmering down.
“How can you take it at all? It’s disgusting. I’m so sorry I don’t know what he’s even thinking…” He follows you until you reach a bench, and you gesture for him to sit with you.
“He told me on the wedding day he wants anyone but me. So, we have done… absolutely nothing. And… never will.”
Suguru sputters at that, before running a hand over his face. “Let me talk some sense into him, I-”
“No, no. I feel it in how he looks at me. I’m intolerable.”
“Intolerable!? You know better. You know how every lady wants to be you, how every gentleman wishes you were theirs.” He’s gripping your shoulders, bare where he touches, and you soak up the warmth, as you soak in his sweet looks, and you whimper before you can stop it.
“I’m so sorry!” You pull back, turning away then, burying your face in your hands, but he’s got a big hand on your waist now, and it feels far too good.
“Look at me, Duchess.” You tentatively look back, and find yourself face to face with Lord Geto, your husband’s best friend, but that was far from your mind, when he cups your face. It’s not like the cold grab of Gojo, it’s delicate, it’s sweet, and your eyes lock then. “You deserve so much better than this.”
“I do?” You ask softly, and he scoffs a bit, thumb brushing an errant tear that escaped away.
“No one deserves this, but especially not you. He hasn’t even…”
“Nothing. He said he would never.”
“So get an annulment then, if that is how he will be.”
“I can’t just do that! My family planned this all. I am stuck forever, alone and unwanted and…”
“You’re not unwanted.” His voice is husky, drawing your attention to him, as your own hand slides up his chest, up his stark dress shirt. “I’d make you feel so beautiful.”
“Lord Geto…” Your tears are falling pathetically now, you can’t stop them, and he’s got both his hands on your face, swiping them away.
“I can’t do what I want, but I assure you I want… a lot.” Vivid images fly through your mind, as your heart starts racing, pulse hammering in your throat. “But I will beg forgiveness for this, because I can’t have you thinking this way, I can’t see you suffering and not…”
“Not what, Lord Geto?” He leans even closer, your lips just barely not touching, and you can’t breathe for a moment, as you realize what is happening.
“Kiss you, show you how worthy you are. Will you forgive this transgression?” He asks, and you scoot even closer, nodding.
“Kiss me, please. Please.” He moans, his eyes fluttering shut, then his lips descend on yours, and it’s nothing like the cold peck Gojo gave you, it’s hot, demanding, eager. You whimper into the kiss, opening your mouth, and his tongue darts in, as his hands slide down your body, the sides of your breasts, awakening them.
“Is it too much?” He whispers, pulling back, and you shake your head, now you are pulling him by the lapels of his suit.
“No, no. I don’t know what to do. Your tongue…”
“I wish it could taste every bit of you.” Now you’re blushing in the night, as his big hands take over your waist. “I won’t get to, but let me show you how much I’d die to have a moment with you. Just move your tongue back?”
“Yes, yes.” He’s back kissing you, and your tummy clenches, this heat in your core you’d barely felt before, as you move yours back tentatively, and you feel his grip tighten, his exhale, as Suguru holds you with his big hands, as he kisses you so passionately.
You feel so desired, as he’s gasping, as he’s pulling you damn near in his lap, gazing at you then with dilated pupils when he pulls back. “Fuck you’re perfect… you’re so beautiful.”
“Thank you, Lord Geto. Thank you.” You tentatively peck a kiss on his neck then, making him moan, the sound you’d heard from Gojo’s chambers. His arms gently push you back a bit though.
“I cannot stand how badly I want you. Now it’s worse.” He looks up at the sky for a moment, breathing then looking back at you, smiling softly. “There is life in those gorgeous eyes now.”
“Is there?” You ask nervously, Suguru kisses your forehead sweetly, trying to compose himself.
“Don’t let him ruin it. I’ll see if I can get him to stop this. I promise I’ll try.” Suguru is running his fingers across your jawline now, exhaling, his breath warm against your collarbone as he pecks a kiss there, shocking you. “Forgive me for this.”
“Nothing to forgive. I will not speak of it. It’s not as if… he is not all over another woman.”
“If I weren’t his best friend I’d be licking under your skirts.” You gasp, and he chuckles a bit. “Forgive that.”
“You aren’t such a gentleman, are you Lord Geto?” You ask, giggling a bit, fuck he makes you feel happy? Doesn’t he?
He helps you to stand now, holding your hands. “I’m trying to be. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t cheer you up. I know, I’ll come back soon with a gift.”
“You should do no such thing!”
“I will. And to check on you. Come, let’s go inside.”
Your mind lingers to that kiss later that night, when you walk by Gojo’s chambers, and he’s left them cracked open. You peer in for a moment, seeing Catherine on top of him, riding him and crying out, as his big hands grip her backside. He’s softly moaning, and then catches sight of you. You back away, but he says nothing, he just watches you as he fucks into her.
Right at you.
His blue eyes are vivid as they do, as he moans and pumps up into her, and you feel a horrible mix of feelings when you walk away, down the hall. Your lips still tingle with Suguru’s kisses, your body has reacted to him eagerly, but that cannot be. You can never be with him, you’re stuck here, alone.
But it has given you hope.
Suguru had talked to him and ended up in a huge argument in Satoru’s study, until Suguru had stormed off angrily, and Satoru had simply slammed the door after. You hadn’t heard much, but it was a lot of Geto telling him to treat you better, and Gojo not listening. You appreciate Geto’s effort, but there is no helping it.
Your Nan is brushing your hair, as you now have on a thin white night shift, and she bends down a bit, tucking your hair behind your ear. “You quite enjoyed Lord Geto, didn’t you?”
“Nan… yes. I did very much. But… he’s Gojo’s best friend. So nothing can come from it.”
“Did you all…”
“Kiss.” You squeal a bit, and Nan is smiling softly, hugging you gently around your shoulders. “It’s scandalous.”
“What’s scandalous is your husband having her at dinner. I am worried that if you find no comfort, you will hurt yourself.” She grabs your wrist, where there was a line, and she had found you that way, many years ago. You rub it softly, sighing.
“I will not, I promise Nan.”
You must be this way.
“Do not feel bad for it, you do not deserve this treatment, what have you done to earn any anger, any cruelty? You’ve done nothing but be perfect.”
“Perhaps you should go to the modiste tomorrow, get away from this…”
“Hell hole?”
She smirks at that, nodding. “That word, my Lady.”
“Indeed, getting out would not hurt. I will do so.” The door opens then, and Gojo stands there shirtless, earning a glare from Nan, who he grins at.
“I need to speak with my wife.” She curtseys, looking at you worriedly, but you nod at her, standing in the large, elegant room, and Satoru is walking to you as the door clicks shut.
“I’m sorry that I looked. I meant no disrespect.” You say then, and he crosses his arms, tilting his head as he looks at you.
“You’re apologizing for watching me cheat on you?” He demands, and you just nod, looking down.
“I know better than to.”
“Did you get curious?” His hand brushes back your hair, and you tremble, why don’t you hate his touch!?
“I suppose so. Not very ladylike of me.” His hands glide down your shoulders, and he’s even closer, his eyes swirling like storms in the night as his lids lower. He’s gleaming with sweat, with her all over him.
“I could be so convinced to show you things. If you begged me.” You slap his hand off then, glaring.
“I’ll never beg anyone. I don’t need to.”
“Oh no?”
“No, do you know how easily I could do what you do?” His eyes narrow, and he grips you tightly now, but you tilt your chin up, as your mind whirls with what Suguru had said. It’s as if it’s lit a fire, dim but there.
“Oh could you? You’re so conceited.”
“Me!? Me!? You!”
“You are!”
“You!” You shove him again, making him practically growl. “I let you fuck her anytime, I let her come to dinner, I’m doing everything perfect. Why do you insist on not leaving me alone?”
“You looked at me as if…” He trails off then, pulling your body against him, cool breath on your cheeks when he bends down. “You want me.”
“Fear not, I absolutely do not want you.”
He blinks as if you’ve hit him. Good.
“I was curious about the act, that's all. Perhaps I’ll find out on my own.” Now he’s squeezing you bruisingly, his chest rising and falling.
“Do you feel nothing at all!? Ever!? Are you made of ice?”
“You’re the cold one here, Satoru Gojo. Duke. What did I do to deserve any of this at all!”
“You didn’t…” He trails off, that same unreadable look on his handsome face, as he pulls back, releasing you. “I wouldn’t have done it, even if you begged.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Then we’re on the same page. I won’t watch again, perhaps shut the door?”
“Shut the door. That’s all you have to say.”
“Mmhmm, oh tell Catherine good night for me.”
Duke Gojo laughs now, but it’s without humor, running a hand through his snowy white hair, messing it up. “Tell her good night!”
“Indeed. If that’s all?” You tap your bare foot on the cold floor, crossing your arms under your breasts, and you struggle to stay calm as his eyes roll down your body. “What, need to tell me I got fat from a crepe?”
“You’re nowhere near fat, stupid girl.” Your head falls back a bit in surprise, and he looks surprised as well, sighing then.
“Are you apologizing?”
“No, just stating… that it was incorrect to suggest otherwise.”
“Oh.” You look at him in shock now, as he’s on edge, so tense you can feel it in the air of the room. “Thanks?”
“Thanks for what? I’ve done nothing to earn a thanks.” Satoru’s stance is defeated, as he turns away now, his fists clenched on his sides. “How do you remain so composed? So perfect.”
“It’s not as easy as it looks, but it’s my duty as a wife.” You say softly, and his head turns, as you study the strong muscles of his back, wishing you did not find that attractive at all.
“You’ll go to the modiste tomorrow, yes?”
“I will if you wish me to, husband.”
“You do anything I wish.”
“That’s my role, your Grace.” He leaves then, pausing at the door to look back at you, opening and closing his mouth as if to say something, but then he just… leaves.
You take a shaky breath as you lay down on your bed, far too big for just one person, but that’s how it would stay. A momentary apology… well not an apology but a lack of cruelty… could not fix this. Suguru gave you no hope for Gojo, no it gave you hope that perhaps you could find happiness, even in this horrible situation, so that you don’t hurt yourself.
You rub that scar again, your past was not as perfect as many thought, but you are strong. You’ll do this.
As you slumber that night, it’s a mix of dreams, of Suguru kissing you everywhere, and you finding that same pleasure you watched Lady Catherine get. But, instead of looking down at Suguru’s handsome face as you ride him, he shifts, and now it’s Satoru’s pretty face under you. Hungry blue eyes, white hair falling over his brow, as he grabs your hips.
No, no, no.
You awaken in the middle of the night, and force yourself back to sleep, to dream of anything other than the cruel man in the next room. Must he not even allow you to have a bloody dream? Now in your slumber it’s another man, blond and tall… you can’t see his face, because he’s kissing down your neck.
Who is he?
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Part three
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greycaelum · 11 months
Cursedtales Collections—La Luna Chapters: { Trick or Treat }
—Vampire Duke Gojo Satoru X Vampire Reader
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❦︎ Précis:
"You got your cookie. Now I want mine." He drops a butterfly-soft kiss on the hollow of your collarbone before traveling down to your thighs.
❦︎ Genre: vampire, fantasy, royalty
❦︎ WC/CW/TW: (1.2k)/ blood, biting, blood-sucking, Grand Duke being an opportunistic hungry vampire, Grand Duke and his subtle love languages
❦︎ A/N: Don't ask me about Lycan Sukuna's Halloween, I might end up feeding him to the dogs instead—Grey,
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"Trick or Treat?" You crouched down with the chamberkeepers who were busy doing jobs.
"M-My Lady, please, let me get you a chair. No need to crouch down. The soot might get onto you." One of the maids was alarmed seeing you crouch down with them and possibly hurting yourself in any way possible. Who knows if the Master is in a lousy mood and fired them because you got hurt in any way possible? The eldest maid sighed.
"I'm fine, anyway. What's a trick or treat?" You stopped her. Satoru's overprotectiveness of you seems to have rubbed into everyone in the Ducal Palace.
"Oh, it's a human tradition, where kids go around with a basket, asking people..." The younger maid explained to you, and everyone else seems to know such a thing except you, who was once a human.
So here you are, holding a basket, walking over to a particular room at the far end of the East Wing.
It's a strange concept for you. As far as memory goes, you have never left the snowy mountains, and the sight of other humans that wandered through the vast plains of snow is tragically zero until Satoru came. As for His Grace, the chamber keepers already told you he has never once shown interest in such festivities, even when he was a child, so it's unlikely for him even to know such human traditions.
That's quite something Satoru would do. You thought. You can imagine some kid approaching him exclaiming a trick or treat, only to be shot down by his icy glare. You covered your mouth as you chuckled. Indeed, that's something that will happen. However, you're curious about his reaction if it was you.
You knocked, a single and double tune which you have grown accustomed to, and almost everyone knows that tune of knock can only be from you.
You tried to knock a second time, but the door opened, and before you could speak, you were drawn into a tight embrace. A soft sigh lingered in your neck as an arm wrapped around your waist. Perhaps minutes passed or a few more until he spoke.
"Everyone seems to be busy and making a lot of noise. It's making my ears hurt." Satoru pulled you into his office and closed the door. His eyes surveyed you, and you couldn't miss the slight raise of his brow when his eyes landed on the basket in your hand.
"Trick or Treat!" You exclaimed before your mate could speak and pushed the basket towards him.
A poignant pause passed. You couldn't see his reaction because, for some reason, you don't know you closed your eyes.
"... Well, aren't you supposed to open your eyes?"
You looked up to Satoru, a bit embarrassed as you sheepishly laughed and brought the basket back, clutched to your chest. Gosh, you should've known better than to—
You felt the basket sink a little. Satoru retracted his hands and hummed.
"Why did you take the basket back?" He asks.
Inside the basket is a pack of cookies, oddly shaped like a kitten...
You looked up to him in surprise. His Grace shrugged and softly pushed your shoulders to direct you to the couch.
"What's with the surprised face, Kitten?" Satoru chuckles. "Afraid to eat the cookies?"
He's just teasing you. He sat across you, putting the pack of cookies on your palm while taking away the basket and setting it on the table. His hand took your feet, removing your shoes while softly massaging your ankles on his lap.
"So you actually know what a Trick or Treat is, Your Grace."
His Grace incredulously snorted at the remark. He raises a brow at you.
"Do I look that old not to know such childish pranks?"
"Well, you are old!" You giggled as you tried the cookies that tasted divine. Small chirps of delight fluttered from your lips as you made sure not to waste a crumb.
Unfortunately for you, you missed the dangerous glint from His Grace's eyes at the way you bite on that cookie and the way you are unconsciously making those heavenly sighs and munching.
The next thing you know is that you're pinned down on the couch. Your mate's breath lingered over your neck while his hand slowly bunched your skirt up to your waist, revealing your supple thighs to his glowing eyes.
"You got your cookie. Now I want mine." He drops a butterfly-soft kiss on the hollow of your collarbone before traveling down to your thighs.
"W-Wait! That's not a cookie!" How could you not ever learn? You gasp, feeling the way his bared fangs drag across your sensitive inner thighs, teasing you with the tingling sensation. Satoru removed his gloves so he could caress the back of your legs, kneading your full, velvety thighs as he nipped and sucked on them until you writhed underneath his touch.
Satoru chuckled and kissed the bite mark from last night that had yet to disappear.
"You are sweeter than any candy..."
His sharp fangs sink into your inner thighs. It was mind-numbing how his tongue lapped up any trickle of blood that tried to escape from him. He moaned at how sweet and full your blood tasted on his palate, filling in his greedy thirst as he kept sucking and lapping up in your thighs. The gasps and moans you added were more than enough to entice him even more in teasing you with his soft kisses between his licks.
Through your half-lidded eyes, you could see the grin on His Grace's lips as he licked the last of your blood. His bite mark closed up, leaving but two faint marks of his fangs to remind you how he just enjoyed his treat.
His Grace wipes the droplet of your blood from the corner of his lips and sucks on it one last time before pulling up his clothes, exposing to you his glorious body, rigid muscles, and enticing veins tracing his body hardened by battle scars like art. His thumb softly brushed through your cheeks as you panted sweetly underneath him. He can't help but chuckle and kiss the tip of your nose in silent adoration. His arms flex as he cajoles your tired body to sit on top of his lap.
"C'mere, Kitten, I'll feed you something sweeter."
Needless to say, His Grace has a different kind of Trick or Treat tradition engraved in his mind. Consequently, the chamber keepers got a generous raise after that Halloween season...
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Check out more on La Luna Chapters and the Masterlist
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned, image(s) and song(s) used belong to their respective owner(s).
General & Cursedtales Collection Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @saoney @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @rizzmin @emichou-chan
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486 notes · View notes
gojonanami · 10 months
thinking about duke!gojo, who has been blessed with such power that most people only fear him or covet his wealth. and his cold attitude and vicious war victories only make his reputation worse. and he meets you at a ball, a little too drunk to recognize him, lamenting that you weren’t able to meet the duke. and he asks why would you want to meet the duke, a supposed monster? only for you to go on a tirade in his defense — for a stranger you had never met.
and he knew in that moment, he had to marry you.
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iiiiiiis-things · 2 months
𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 !
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𝐴/𝑁: 𝑊𝐸𝐿𝐶𝑂𝑀𝐸 𝐻𝑂𝑇𝑇𝐼𝐸𝑆 𝑇𝑂 𝐵𝐴𝐵𝑌 𝐷’𝑆 𝐵𝐿𝑂𝐺 !! ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑑/𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑠 💕
☆- suggestive !
★- smut !
♥︎- fluff !
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ponderingmoonlight · 6 months
I'm drooling y'all
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Historical enemies to lovers with Gojo is my new reason to live
Vote here to decide on the aesthetic reader will have in this piece
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chaztalk · 9 months
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mollymarymarie · 3 months
all i do is steal anime plots for AU fanfiction
Frantically, Suguru took Satoru’s face into his hands and pulled him into a fevered kiss, slipping his tongue into Satoru’s mouth as deeply as he could, to get that combustible friction again. When Satoru’s breathing suddenly became erratic and short, Suguru reveled in Satoru’s fluster, as uncommon as it was with his signet keeping him constantly regulated. The concern grew when Satoru sharply pressed his palm to Suguru’s chest, his fingernails digging into Suguru’s skin even through the layers of disheveled fabric. As soon as Suguru let his grip fade, Satoru abruptly tore himself away, collapsing at the end of the bed, clearly trying to create distance between himself and Suguru. For the first time in his life, Suguru watched Satoru struggle to catch his breath, his skin pale and ashen, his neon blue gaze nearly dimmed to cinder. With his hand to his chest, Satoru panted and wheezed and choked. “Fuck,” he gasped after a sharp, sickening swallow, leaning his head against Suguru’s wall in his exhaustion. And all Suguru could do was get as far away from him as possible. Immediately, Suguru scrambled off the bed, jamming himself into the corner of the room, the furthest point from Satoru, who was watching him with regret in his expression. “Suguru,” he said quietly, but he was still panting so heavily, he practically had to stop for a breath in the middle of it. “Don’t,” Suguru snapped. “I could’ve fucking killed you.”
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satoruin · 8 months
ugh he’s giving such gojo vibes that i want to make an au
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hoenoredone · 1 year
i’m trying to write this bridgerton au for geto and i keep getting lost in the description of the clothes oml somebody stop me
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samoankpoper21 · 8 months
sorry if it's not to much of a bother, may I request the first part of your gojo Duke fic? If not masterlist? I couldn't find it 😭
OMG HI! I'm so sorry 😅 I'm still working on my masterlist 😅 I was unsure of whether to post it since I'm still posting other works 😅
But here you go! The first part to Duke Gojo ^^
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stillwill76 · 1 year
Anime Watchlist for Summer 2023
Holy shit! I'm posting on Tumblr!
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Okay, with that out of the way, watchlist time!
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War: The Seperation
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 5
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
The Duke of Death and His Maid Season 2
Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon
There will probably be more added to this list as I learn about more shows but that's it so far. Although, I also plan to catch up on shows now that I'm getting a HiDive account. Such as:
Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible
Insomniacs After School
Otaku Elf
just to name a few. Should be a fun season.
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madamechrissy · 2 days
Silent Serenades
♔ An arranged Marriage with Duke Gojo ♔
♔ Pairings: Satoru Gojo x you - in this chap it's Satoru Gojo x mistress, Nanami x you It's messy and will get messier :)
♔ Warnings: Sex, infidelity, mentions of past self harm, panic attacks, cheating on both ends, cruelty from Duke Gojo. OOC. ANGST. Say hello to Mr. Nanami hehe. Gojo is TERRIBLE still, you're warned
♔ Word count this chap: 7.8k
♔ Summary: you are the diamond of the season, he is the charming Duke, it’s the marriage of the decade. Prominent families joining, and it so happens that Duke Gojo is gorgeous. But, he doesn't want you, and now you're trapped in a loveless arranged marriage. Royal AU, dark bridgerton vibes, Cruel Gojo x reader. OOC Set in 1800s England. Gojo is awful at first, HEAVY angst Basically- Gojo is a royal dick and doesn't wanna marry you
♔Part Two - ♔ Playlist ♔ Masterlist
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Part Three
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The next day, you had your Nanny help you dress into a simple blue dress that hugged your curves just right, but wasn’t too revealing. You had your hair up in a neat bun, with little ringlets framing your face, along with a little bonnet that has a pretty blue ribbon wrapped around under your chin.
“You look stunning, Lady Gojo.” She says softly, and you smile at her in the mirror.
“Thank you, Nan. I feel more… determined this morning. I shall have a good day, no matter what.” You say with a little smile, and she hugs you tight, you hesitantly head down the grand, winding staircase, and when you turn toward the door you bump right into Satoru’s hard body.
“Oof!” You nearly fall, but for some reason he catches you, his arm wrapping your waist before you careen on your backside. You gasp, looking up at him then, and his face is soft for just a moment as he holds you, as he looks at your face carefully, then lower. “I’m so clumsy. I’m sorry.”
He eases you to stand, adjusting his own blue suit that he is wearing, along with a brocade vest and elegantly tied cravat. His trousers are clinging to his well formed thighs, along with a glimmering pair of hessian boots. You may despise him but the man clearly dresses impeccably, something you also do, though he’d likely never admit such things.
“You are quite clumsy indeed. Off to town?” He asks, he’s brushing himself off as if to get the touch of you away. You nod nervously, looking down a bit, fiddling with the lace on your dress.
“I am indeed, do you need anything while I am out? The modiste is right by all sorts of shops.” You ask, earning a raised brow, pursed full lips… his eyes raking over you cruelly. You tense.
“I need nothing from you but for you to not exist, perhaps.” You gasp then, stepping back at the insanely harsh words, from nothing. He sighs, blinking a bit, running a hand through silky white hair before looking at you, then when he sees your tears, his haughty expression changes.
You say nothing, as you feel your chest pounding with your heart’s rhythm, your throat constricting. Composed and perfect, how!? How when you try so hard to be kind and he so casually destroys you, destroys that positivity you’d cultivated this morning. You tremble as you fight your tears, but soon they’ve overtaken you, and you’ve turned away, clutching your throat as it wracks through you.
You’re damn near hyperventilating when he has a hand on your shoulder, that burns you and fills you with disgust. “I shouldn’t have said that, are you…” You turn to glare up at him through your tears, and it’s the first time you see emotion in his face, his eyes swirling with a thin film of moisture. “I shouldn’t have.”
“I try so hard… every day… to just… to just…” You can’t breathe now, and you can feel the blood pressure rising, you can feel your fingertips go numb as your lungs refuse to work.
“Please, let’s sit, you’re-”
“Hands… off…” You’re practically wheezing now, but Gojo doesn’t remove his damn hands, he’s trying to lead you to sit down on the steps, and you’re smacking at him through the blurry vision of your tears.
“Can I get you something, you don’t look good. You-”
“You… don’t… care. Let me… not breathe…” You feel like you’ll faint then and there, as your hands press on your throat, and Gojo is gripping your shoulders, turning you around then, before you know it he’s yanked at your corset strings, loosening them, and you finally get a breath, leaned over the rail, shaking.
He’s rubbing you right between your shoulder blades as you sit on the step in front of him, trembling as oxygen comes back. You hate his touch, you hate him, you hate him so much. “Breathe.”
You want to laugh, but you can’t manage to.
Breathe as if it’s so simple.
It’s quiet as he’s rubbing your back, and it feels… calming, and you hate it, hate his touch, with his long, elegant fingers brushing bare skin. “I’m quite alright now, you may go. Do not let me ruin your day.”
His hand pauses its gentle brushes, now one is sliding down to your shoulder, and his exhale makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “You lace your corset far too tightly, it’s digging into your back.” He makes you tremble as he runs his touch down the red criss cross marks left on your delicate skin.
“I have to make sure I don’t look bigger to you than I already do to you.” You whisper harshly, and he laughs, dark and husky.
“I already said that wasn’t true. Don’t expect me to repeat that.”
“Yes, well. Why not let me stop breathing, it would solve your problems, wouldn’t it?” You turn then, chest heaving as your body greedily sucks in breaths. “You wouldn’t have to look upon my face again.”
He blinks a bit, lips setting in a terse line as his jaw clenches, hands falling down to his sides. “I shouldn’t have said it that way.”
“Is that one of your half ass apologies again? What have I done to deserve any of this, I ask again. Any of this.”
“You need to calm down, you’re all red again.” He’s touching an overheated cheek, so you smack his hand away, earning a more typical glare from him.
“There were times I wished I didn’t exist.” You rub that scar then, looking away in the distance, your heart starts to slow down finally. His eyes dart to the action and he takes your hand in his, looking down in confusion, you yank it back quickly.
He gulps now, eyes locked there, looking visibly more pale. “I did not mean I wished you dead. I meant… not in my life.”
You blink back that emotion, wishing you could fully hide your reactions, but he pushes you until you’ll break. “I also wish I wasn’t in your life, Duke.”
You both sit there, hatred and anger lingering between you, forcing you to stand then, swiping at your face. “You cried.”
“Imagine that. Even I have a breaking point.” You adjust your dress then, as he stands, tall and looming over you.
“Turn, I’ll fix them looser.” You want to argue, but you cannot tie your own corset, so you oblige, and he begins to tie them, firm but not too tightly, deft fingers working each ribbon. “Corsets are nonsense. I don’t enjoy them. Too much work to make a woman naked.” You laugh humorlessly at that, as he keeps lacing you up.
“Well good news for you, you’ll never have to take one off me.” You quip, making him pause, stepping just a little closer, sending shivers down your spine.
He clears his throat, continuing on now. “That’s true. Thank God for that.”
You blink in anger, struggling to hold it in. “Indeed. I’m sure I’m quite hideous to you, aren’t I?”
He says nothing for a moment, hands on the ribbons of your corset just paused there, as you both breathe heavily in the entryway of the Manor. “I have not seen your body to make such judgments.”
“I’d never show you, fret not. Imagine, the first man that sees me naked tells me how disgusting I am. I’ll make sure the one who does finds me beautiful. Ah!”
He ties it tight finally, and just stays there behind you. “So eager for another man to see you naked?”
“No, I’m not, but I know the one I choose will find me beautiful. Not passable, or adequate.” You turn now, looking up at him, seeing the anger in his gaze. “Imagine if every time I saw you shirtless I said ‘unattractive’.”
He scoffs at that. “Tch, you wouldn’t, who would?”
You scoff then, smiling a bit. “Who would say that to me if they saw me topless? I assure you, nobody would.”
His eyes dart back down then, to your breasts, pushed high and full, tantalizing his gaze, but they then trail back to your pretty face. “You’re awfully confident about such things.”
“Yes well, you won’t ruin that for me too. You already have ruined my life. You will not take the confidence I built, hard as you try.”
“An abundance of it.”
“So men can have it, but women cannot? You wish for a simpering little chit to beg ‘oh Satoru, please call me pretty!’ That must be why you enjoy Miss Catherine so bloody much, and why you hate me.” You’re putting the back of your hand to your head, simpering, and earning a sharp laugh and a scowl.
“You expect men to fawn over you, as they always have, just like Lord Geto did last night, hmm?” You smile as you remember just how much Geto did think you were beautiful, and Satoru’s eyes narrow at that.
“No, I expect kindness and not cruelty. I expect to have a morning where I’m not told to not exist.” Gojo looks down, his broad shoulders hunched. “All I asked was if you needed something. You’re the cruelest person I’ve met, and you thrive in it.”
His cheeks turn red, as he looks down at your lips, eyes lingering where you've left teeth indentations from biting so hard. “You don’t even know me.”
“You don’t know me. And you never will, by your own choice.” You push past him then, and he stops you with a hand on your wrist. “What!?”
“Do you have the money I left for you in your room?” You laugh at that, a bark of laughter really, why does he insist on lingering and hurting you more and more!?
“Yes, I do.”
“You may also put anything you want on my credit. Jewelry, or shoes, ribbon, whatever you require.”
“I won’t use your money for more than necessary.”
“I’ll not have my wife with a bare neck, and there’s a masquerade coming. Purchase a mask and jewelry accordingly.”
You sigh, looking down at where he still holds your wrist, big hand taking the delicate thing over. “Fine, then, I shall do so.”
“Very well.” He lets you go slowly, but he lingers there, like the pest he’s becoming “Are you fine to go out in this warm weather after nearly fainting?”
“What do you care, it could eliminate your problem. You’d get my insanely high dowry and I’ll be gone.” You smile coldly back at him, his mouth is open, his pretty eyes sorrowful.
“Goodbye, your grace. Tell Catherine hello when you fuck her for me.” You walk out then, slamming the manor doors behind you, pressing your back against them and struggling to come to.
Just when you think he cannot get more cruel, he does, and he’s forcing this dark part of you that you don’t know what to think of.
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It’s a bit of a drive into town in the grand carriage, but the air is crisp and the horses are moving swiftly. You see the little shops as you pull up, the horses clipped and clopped on the cobblestone streets. The numerous people are all dressed in their Sunday best, couples holding hands, and it’s quite the sight.
The modiste is a charming little shop with a bell that tinkles when you walk in, and immediately a flurry of activity starts. The women inside all look up at you, gasping. “Your Grace! What brings you to us?”
You blink, as the woman who had called out is a beautiful woman with a pretty accent, she has light blue braids that decorate her pretty face, making her look mysterious. “Hello Miss Mei! I wish to pick out some new dresses for the season, it’s been a while since I’ve had any new ones made, also we have the masquerade soon which is the priority. Would you mind helping me?”
“Oh, of course, of course!” She says, bustling over, she’s tall and curved and so elegant. “Let’s get you into the back so we can have a proper look, shall we?” She grabs your hand and pulls you back into the back, as you realize the woman’s quite strong.
“Your Grace, we are so honored to be of service to you!” Her assistant, Utahime, is a delicate and pretty brunette, who cheerfully greets you. You smile over at her.
“Please, just call me Lady Gojo for now. I am not feeling so formal today, and I’d like to enjoy your company without the title weighing on us, if that’s okay?” They both nod eagerly, and they get to work, pulling out fabrics and dresses, asking your opinions.
It’s refreshing to be around such genuine cheer, such pure love for their craft, and you find yourself smiling more and more as you look over the fabrics, for a beautiful moment your cruel husband isn’t in your mind. Utahime holds up a deep blue that matches his eyes, though, but it’s beautiful. You sigh.
“Oh, yes, that’s lovely!”
“It’s perfect, Lady Gojo! And it’ll compliment your husband so nicely!” She says, as Mei Mei agrees, holding up a silver one. “This would be for a masquerade?”
“I’d like to think so, yes. I’ve not been to one in so long!”
The girls giggle a bit, as they start pulling out designs, and your mind drifts off to a past you’ve pushed aside. You’d gone to a masquerade once, before you’d met Gojo, and you’d felt so alive, dancing with a mysterious stranger, feeling his hands on you, feeling so desired. He was blond, wasn’t he!?
You’d been so young then, you still were but twenty one, but you were perhaps seventeen when you’d danced in his arms, and you can remember those glimmering hazel eyes drinking you in, a lazy smile on his face. You’d fancied yourself in love then and there, just a teenager of course, and you two had almost kissed on one of the balconies.
He’d cupped your face so delicately, and your eyes had fluttered shut. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve seen, darling.”
“You’re the most handsome man I’ve seen, Sir.” You’d tip toed, finger lifting at his mask teasingly, making him laugh. “Even more handsome I imagine without this.”
“I should say the same.” He begins to lift your mask then, off your face so gently, then he had sucked in a breath, running rough but gentle fingers down your face. “Stopped my heart.”
“Oh, you go on, Sir.” You look down shyly, but he’s tilting your chin up, his breath warm and sweet against your lips.
“An angel amongst mere mortals. Should I have such an honor?” He’s leaning further, and your heart is hammering in your chest, then you hear it, your mother.
“Shit!” You back off, putting your mask back on, earning his chuckle.
“The angel has a mouth.” You giggle then, leaning up and kissing his cheek, before backing away. He reaches for you, but you’re running off. “Perhaps we’ll meet again, Sir!”
“Let’s try this one on!” Utahime says, holding up a gorgeous gown, and you nod eagerly, shaking out of your reverie. Ah, to have been young and hopeful.
You allow them to help you out of your day dress and into this beautiful creation, and as you look in the mirror, you can’t help but feel like that girl again, the one who felt alive, the one who felt desired. The one before Satoru Gojo in just a week or so had been absolutely destroyed. You see it in your eyes, she is still there.
“You’re positively glowing, Lady Gojo!” Mei Mei says, and Utahime nods in agreement.
“Thank you, thank you both so much. This is just what I needed!” And it truly was, as you spun in the gown, watching the fabric flutter around you like a storm of silk, it’s the prettiest silver you’ve ever seen.
“We can have this adjusted before the masquerade, Is there anything else we can do for you?” Utahime asks, and you look over to the side, seeing a few accessories. “Oh, a necklace perhaps?”
“Yes I believe so. Perhaps silver to match?” Mei Mei grabs a few to show you, as you try them on, looking into the mirror.
“This one!” Utahime says, holding up a necklace with glittering sapphires. “It’s so beautiful on you!”
You agree, and they put it around your neck, the cool stone resting against your collarbone. “How much?”
It’s an insane amount but…
Fuck Gojo, you can at least get pretty things, yes?
“Thank you, so much. You’ve made my day.” They both smile broadly, and you realize how much you’ve missed this, the simple kindness of others. Leaving the manor is like a huge breath of fresh air.
As you leave the modiste, feeling so much lighter, clinging to your bag with some of your purchases, most will be delivered as they’re still being made. Then you see him, a man in the distance, watching you, and your heart stops. He's tall and blond, just like this dream of yours, just like that night…
It can’t be, can it?
He looks right at you across the bustling street, and his face lights up in recognition, a small tired smile on his handsome face. He comes across the way, stopping in front of you now, and your heart thuds in your chest. Oh but if you’d met him again, could everything have changed? But who was he?
“It’s the mysterious masquerade angel.” He teases, and you giggle a bit, as he takes your hand and kisses the back of it with warm lips.
Your eyes take in his every feature, from his sharp cheekbones, to his thin upper lip and full lower, a conundrum that begged for kisses. His hand that holds yours is so strong, rough, not like the gentlemen you’re used to, and it serves to make your heart flutter.
His hazel eyes that you remember vividly are tilted up like a cat, and he has dark circles under them, serving to show along with rough hands how hard he must work. His sandy blond hair makes you remember that dream, and suddenly you feel even more flustered, as you put it together. He’s nearly as tall as Geto and Gojo, but he’s much broader, shoulders massive under a sleek tan suit.
“How rude of me, just staring.” You give him your name, and it sounds far too good on his lips, with his deep, sultry voice, emanating so much warmth and kindness when his lips quirk. You realize he’s still holding your hand.
“Kento Nanami. It’s a pleasure to meet you again.” His thumb brushes your ring then, and he frowns down at it. “Ah, and met you too late?”
“It’s quite a long story I’m afraid, Mr. Nanami.” You say softly, he looks at you curiously, studying your face.
“Forgive me for saying this, but you look so very… forlorn. Have things been rough in this… marriage?”
“Oh…” You’re nearly about to cry in front of a near stranger, but he makes you feel so comfortable, you ache for him to hold you in his arms. “It’s been rough, yes. I should not go on here…” You notice people looking, so you ease back your hand reluctantly. “I’m afraid as Duchess I’m highly watched, and don’t get the luxury of parading mistresses.”
“What? Mistresses… oh. Fuck.” He huffs those words then, and tilts his head, and you begin to join his walk. “I know some areas that are not so busy, I live just a block from here.”
“That would be nice, thank you Sir.” His arm brushes against yours as you all walk, and you remember dancing in his arms that night. “I’m so surprised you remember me.”
“I’m more so surprised, my Lady. Or… your Grace now is it?”
“You don’t need to call me all that, please.” He hears the pain in your voice, his hazel gaze taking you in seriously as you continue to walk together, the gentle breeze blowing your bonnet nearly off. It starts to fly and you catch it, giggling breathlessly, and Nanami pauses, taking it fully off.
“I cannot even say how beautiful you are, even moreso than before. Surely the Duke would have me whipped, hmm?”
“No, actually, it’s an odd situation. He cares nothing for me.”
“Even if you…”
“No, even then. You know, I was seventeen then, Sir.” You tease, gently pushing his hard chest with two fingers, making him flush even more on those high cheekbones.
He grimaces at that. “Oh gods, were you?”
“I turned eighteen the next week, but yes I was just a girl then. How old are you, Mr. Nanami?”
“Twenty seven. I am a tired twenty seven.”
You roll your eyes. “Just six years, silly man.” He is still holding your bonnet, and he awkwardly hands it back to you, smiling apologetically. Your fingers brush, and you both pause then, it’s like little shocks run through you, you gasp a bit as you gently take it from him. “I hear daily I’m intolerable, so you have free range to speak. It’s quite nice to hear.
“Noble men seem to think they can do whatever they wish, I'm afraid. How are you not enough?”
Mr. Nanami’s words make your palms sweat, as you feel his nearness, the heat from his body as you walk next to him, to where the crowds were more dispersed. It was a little warm out as well, the sun shining on his golden skin, making it glow, as you all stand far too close, and you enjoy it so much you’d feel bad, if your husband wasn’t Satoru Gojo.
“He does not… we do nothing. It’s simply only his mistresses. So it’s not that I’m not enough, it’s that I don’t exist in that way at all.”
“What!?” He pauses again, raising a light brow, and you hesitate, looking down, where he has the most ludicrous tie on. You briefly imagine pulling it, pulling him down… what is wrong with you?
“I’m disgusting to him. So.” You hate the emotion choking your throat, he’s scowling down now, and you’re far too close. “It’s a long story, but it was arranged, and he did not want me.”
“So he doesn’t want the most beautiful woman in London?” You blush furiously, shaking your head a bit. “So who does he expect? There’s no lovelier.”
“Thank you, Mr. Nanami, but… it matters naught. It’s lonely, loveless, and I am stuck in it. I do wish we met sooner, but my parents…”
“Surely there are things to be done, even with a Duke. If you’ve done nothing, an annulment is possible. My good friend is a lawyer, perhaps I could ask discreetly?”
You tilt your head to look up at him curiously. “Why would you help me? You don’t know me.”
“Why wouldn’t I help a pretty damsel in distress, hmm?” You smile up at him, with watery eyes, and watch him suck in a breath as he studies you.
“Are you a knight in shining armor, Mr. Nanami?” You whisper, he bows then at the waist, peeking up at you and making you melt.
“For you, darling, anything.”
“Anything, hmm?” You both walk down the trail to the park, where it’s quiet this time of day, grassy knolls and beautiful lush flowers bloom. It fills you with an odd peace your soul has been so lacking.
“I imagine any man would offer the same. Except for your…” He trails off, as if he does not want to say his name, to say you’re married.
“The Duke.” You say softly. He sighs.
“Mmm. I’ve heard he’s a rather immature, foolish man. But to be so… such an imbecile. Is mind boggling.”
“He’s cruel to me.” You both keep walking, you’re walking with a stranger practically, but you feel more comfortable than you have since you’ve been stuck with your husband. His words still make your heart ache.
Wish you didn’t exist.
“Has he… hurt you?” Nanami pauses you, in a field surrounded by willow trees, casting blissful shadows across you both, shade from the warm sun. You lick your lower lip when he caresses your cheek gently, before pausing. “I’m sorry I should not be so bold…”
“No, please don’t stop, it feels good.” You put his hand back, your breasts rising and falling with each breath in your bodice, drawing his gaze for just a moment, before he respectfully looks back into your eyes. You’re holding his hand on your face, falling apart inside. “Not physically really. His words are the knives that twist in my chest.”
“You don’t deserve that. This sadness in your eyes… It's heartbreaking when I think of you a few years ago, glittering eyes and a beautiful grin.” You gulp a bit, stepping closer, inhaling the scent of him, like warm sandalwood.
“I wanted so badly to see you again.” You admit, lashes fluttering as you study his strong chest in this light blue dress shirt, it looks so broad and strong, your fingers itch to touch it.
“I’m not in your social circle, I’m a mere businessman. Who partakes in boxing at times.” You brush your thumb across his knuckles, calloused and scarred.
“I can tell you know how to use your hands.” He blushes then, and you blink a bit. “Was that bad to say?”
“Forgive me but… how much have you done?”
“Oh… nothing. A kiss. The duke said he will not lay with me.” Nanami takes a shaky breath, running a hand through his hair now.
“Using hands… it made me think about things I should not. Touching you.” His husky whisper makes your tummy clench with… is this desire?
“Oh.” Your voice is a breathy whisper. “I’ve seen him with his mistress, um her… riding him. So I've seen sex.”
His hazel eyes widen. “You’ve seen it!? Him with her?”
“Well yes, he doesn’t hide it. She’s always around.”
His jaw clenches, and you watch a vein popping out of his strong neck, you errantly trail a fingertip down it, making him tense even more, his free hand now on the nip of your waist. “I hate this for you. I’ll try to help, if I can.”
“For now, I will be stuck in this, and all I can think of is how good I’d feel in your arms. It’s very scandalous of me. Isn’t it?” He blinks then, lowering his face until you’re so close.
“No, it’s not scandalous to want affection. I’d say that makes you human. But would this hurt you? Would he hurt you for it?” He’s pressing you back gently, until your back is against a thick oak tree. You can’t stop the little whine that escapes the back of your throat as your own hands slide around his thick waist.
“I would not reveal who you are. But I’ve told him I will have someone find me beautiful, the first person to see me, not grotesque or… passable.”
He scoffs then, his hand sliding up the side of your breast, pressing just so, and your head falls back, as you can taste coffee on his breath. “He should not get to see your beauty. So does my darling simply want a hug from me, or does she wish for something else?”
“Your darling, hmm?” He smirks a bit, his eyes growing lidded with desire, as his hard body pressed against yours.
“Do you know how many dreams you’ve occupied? Running away from me and cursing like a man.” You giggle, brightly, and he laughs with you softly, your breaths intermingling together. Would you truly kiss two men in two days, and neither of them are your husband? “That was the grin.”
“It’s easy to forget the world with you, it was that night as well. You have no clue the awful week I’d had before we danced.” You run your hand up and down his chest, over the silky tie, fingers itching to pull him in.
“I’m glad to look upon this face again. I thought you were a dream.”
“I may have… seen you in my dream too.”
“I’m not so worthy.” You shake your head, eyes drinking him in slowly.
“You’re a very handsome man, Nanami Kento. Would it hurt you to… to kiss someone that can’t fully be yours though?”
“I’d suffer any sort of pain for a chance at you.”
“You go on too much.” You tiptoe then, pulling his tie, and one hand braces by your head on the tree, the other sliding down your back, making your nipples go taut against your bodice.
“So use your words, darling, let me know what you want?” You bite your lip at his sultry words, as you feel yourself back at that night, in his arms.
“A kiss, mysterious man. You owed me one.” He exhales then, pressing you further against the hard wood of the tree, and his lips descending on yours, so gentle and sweet, a featherlight touch that ignites something inside of you.
You whimper into his lips, and he moans, opening them then, and sliding his tongue inside, you press yours against his, in a back and forth dance, swirling around each other. Your teeth click as the kiss deepens, and now his hands are both on your little waist, overtaking it, burning through your corset, through your dress, fuck his touch feels so good, you’re leaning up for more.
Your hands enwrap in his silky hair, messing the perfect set of it up, then he shocks you, picking you up, just dangling you off the ground, you squeak a bit and he pulls back, hungry eyes, his face stark with hunger, mirroring your own. He eases you down, sliding on his hard body, and you cling tightly, trying to catch your breath.
“Imagine this pretty face cumming.” He whispers, and you are blushing as you don’t fully understand.
“Um… what is that, Mr. Nanami?” He pales a bit, sighing and cupping your face now, his free hand sliding down your hip now, leaving goosebumps in its trail.
“I’ll surely go to hell for not just you being married, but so innocent. Corrupting one as such seems a one way ticket to hell.” You giggle again, though he’s serious, glaring a bit at you. You kiss him once more, enjoying the sigh he makes.
“Explain, Sir. An order from your Duchess.” You tease, and he rolls his eyes a bit, stepping back to look at you.
“Cumming… or climaxing, it’s pleasure. For you.” He murmurs, his gaze glinting green in this light now, licking that glossy lower lip now. Your tummy clenches again, and now you feel heat… between your thighs, making you look down nervously. “Am I saying too much?”
“It’s having an odd effect. Um. Here.” You take his hand, gliding it down to your lower tummy, watching his eyes dilate, so dark as his cheeks hollow with him sucking in a breath.
“That would be desire. Is this a… first?” You nod nervously, furiously blushing now.
“To this extent yes. It’s spreading lower.”
“Going to hell for this.” You are curious but he’s back to kissing you again, and now his hand is sliding to your breasts, and he yanks your bodice down, making you gasp as he peers at the breasts that have spilled. “Fuck you’re so beautiful.”
“I… um… Nanami?” He’s cupping them, and your eyes flutter shut at how good it feels, him squishing them so gently in big hands. “Nanami!”
“Perfect. May I?” You look down curiously, as he’s sitting now, pulling you onto his lap, straddling him obscenely. You’re a mess of emotions and desire, as he kisses down your collarbone. “May I kiss them, darling?”
“Oh, you want to?”
“I’m dying to.”
“Yes, you may. Ah!” You gasp in pleasure then, as you’re feeling something hard against where you’re so eager, that apex of your thighs. You grind on it, moaning at the friction, and he’s sucking your nipple into his mouth, it feels so good you get wet down there. “Oh no!”
“What, darling?” He asks softly, and you feel so embarrassed, looking down. “You’re so hot there.”
“It’s wet. Is that…”
“Fuck you are killing me.” He’s pressing your hips down further, and you whine out in pleasure at the friction, as he’s sucking another nipple in his hot mouth. Your body is reacting so hard to it all, your head falling back, and you’re moaning loudly now. “Wet is very good, darling. But… you’re quite loud.”
“Is that bad?” He chuckles, pulling your top up, shaking his head.
“Not if we weren’t outside. Perhaps… alone.”
“Let’s do that?”
“You’re so eager for that, hmm?” You nod, and he is kissing you again, leaning up and moaning, hands trembling against your hips. “Are you sure? Do you have so much time?”
“Does it last long?”
“Pleasuring you yes. I am thinking of too many ways currently.” You take a shaky breath, trying to compose yourself.
“What are the ways? Mmh.”
“Those noises you make, gods.” He kisses down your throat, wrapping arms around you. “I’m dreaming.”
“I am.” He chuckles against your collarbone, tickling it, your hands cling to his broad shoulders. “It’s like my woes faded for a few moments.” You say sadly then, as you come to the realization of just what you’re doing. It hits hard, how easily you fall into this man’s arms.
“I could please you with my fingers, with my mouth, or both. To start.” You bite your lower lip, as you grow impossibly wetter against him. “But we’ve done a lot, and I don’t want to overwhelm you, when you’re so upset already.”
He is correct, you’re acting on instinct, there is no… thoughts here.
You were Gojo’s wife.
Would you be as bad as him if you go further?
“I’ll let you know where my apartments are, then you decide what you want. And darling, I’ll give it to you.” You feel tears flowing then, and he swipes them away, kissing on your cheeks.
“You mean make love?”
“I’m not sure you’re ready for that. No, I would please you.”
“What if I ask so sweetly?” He chuckles, and taps your nose, shaking his head at you as he eases you up to stand, holding your hands.
“You cuss and are so wanton, hmm?”
“I suppose I’m not so ladylike.”
“You’re very much a Lady.” He kisses you again, gently once more, brushing his lips over yours. “I will make some inquiries quietly, if you so decide to try.”
“I’m afraid it will be no option but it surely won't hurt. I am so very glad we met again. You’ve made me so happy.”
“I didn’t make you cum though.” You are a mess at that, and he’s smirking at you. “You’re too adorable to tease.”
“Sir!” He kisses you again and again, until you both get heated again. “What if I stay so quiet?”
“Can you even? If you’re so loud from kissing?”
“Hush, Sir.” You stick your tongue out, making him chuckle, then you hastily get yourself together, as you all head back to town. When you’re by your carriage you dread what awaits you at home. “I hope to see you again, Sir.”
“I ache to see you again, darling.” He kisses your hand once more, helping you up into the carriage, and your heart is still pounding as you ride off, covering your face and struggling to not rip your damn corset off. You’re so wet between your thighs you reach your finger down scandolously, up your skirts, finding sticky wetness glistening on your fingers.
You’ve never felt like this, Suguru’s kiss and unfortunately Satoru’s touches had felt a bit of that pressure, but Nanami has wrecked you. The way he touched you, kissed you, the way he looked at you. With adoration, the whispers of his sweet words tickle your ears still. You run your finger down your lips of your sex, shivering at how sensitive you are.
You’ve never touched yourself.
You’ve kissed two men in two days, now you play with yourself in a carriage, you don’t even know yourself… but fuck if it didn’t feel good, to lose yourself in his arms, and fuck if you weren’t tempted to see him again. He’d seen your breasts, which were now firmly back in your bodice, but you can see the little red marks left from his bites, from him sucking on them.
Your heart is going to burst from your chest, as you walk into your home then, and Satoru is moaning, you hear it clear as day. You tense a bit, because it sounds too loud to be far away, then he’s right there, bending over some other mistress, right on the dining room table. When he hears you he pauses, looking back and you’re getting a view of his entire ass, and someone’s thighs.
“Really, on the table?” You demand then, and he rolls his eyes, as the mistress squeals, pulling back and covering up. “Where’s Catherine?”
“She said she couldn’t any longer because you’re too nice and she feels horrible.” He adjusts himself, but not before you get an eye full of his… very large cock, huge and curved with a pink tip. You feel an odd hit again in your tummy, but it mixes with disgust as you realize where it had just been.
“I’m sorry. I won’t be as nice.” You say, and he scoffs, as you walk past now, yanking off the table cloth, not moving a single thing on it with the movement. Satoru’s blue eyes get wide in shock when you shove it into the mistress’ arms, a little brunette girl. “Have those cleaned you little chit, understood? I’ll not have you soiling such fine linen.”
She sputters, then runs off, nodding. Satoru smirks, surprising you then, you figured he’d be irritated, but he saunters to you, his dress shirt wide open, tie hanging loose now. You feel such disgust from him, clearly covered in her, red lipstick all over his throat.
“Do it in your chambers. Could you at least give me that kindness?”
“You don’t enjoy to watch? You don’t picture yourself there?” He presses you against the table now and you smirk up at him.
“Oh, not with you I don’t.”
His thin white brows lower, as he takes you in now. Your hair is loose and flowing, and you have red marks all over your breasts, earning a full fucking scowl. “What on earth have you been doing?”
“Just kissing, don’t worry. But… I got so wet, now I know what you meant that night, Duke.” You put a hand on his chest, and feel his heart race under your palm, his chest heaving as his blue eyes bore into your face.
“Mmhmm. Soaking wet.” He shuts his eyes, sucking in a breath and looking away, hands clenching the table on either side of you so tightly you would think he’d break the wood. “I wasn’t that night. How could I be? Smacking doesn’t have that effect.”
“Yes well you would have been if I’d touched you.” He leans in closer, a breath away, and you just continue to smile, batting your eyelashes.
“You never will, so no matter. But I don’t think so. I think I enjoy…” You shove at him, making him step back. “Rougher hands.”
“Rougher hands!?” You giggle now, and he glares. “You’re in a good fucking mood. Ice princess can laugh?”
“I can when not being told not to exist. When not walking in on some whore screaming your name.”
“Oh whores are they, and you?”
“I’m a lady who has a terrible fucking husband. For now.”
“For now!?” You walk away now as he stumbles back, but he follows you, as you glide up the stairs, humming. “What does that mean?”
“No sex, no marriage really. So we’ll have an annulment. But we’ll give it some time for now, perhaps a year, so that you can keep ahold of that dowry.” He’s following you up each step, until he’s pinning you against the wall, but he doesn’t scare you, you see him losing it.
“So what we have sex? Is that what you’re getting at?”
“Oh no, I’m glad we don’t. I can’t wait for my first time to be special. Oh I hear my breasts are beautiful by the way.” You tap his chin with a finger, grinning, and he is huffing now, one hand entangling in your hair, the other sliding to your bodice.
“Men say anything to get under a lady’s skirts.”
“Mmm, maybe so. But it was nice to hear. Don’t worry, I won’t ask your opinion, I see who you fuck and… it’s nothing like me, is it?”
“You assume they’re that nice? Show me then. All talk.” You raise a brow, and he is fingering the lace of your bodice.
“I’m unnatractive to you, what’s it matter? But sure, Duke, you can untie my corset and let me know your nasty opinion.” You rush into your room and he’s following you, overheated as he unties you at a stupidly fast pace.
“Let me guess, he sucked on those perky nipples?” He whispers, yanking your corset off harshly, and you tilt your head curiously, feeling the chill of the room when he’s yanked it off fully. You take off your bodice, turning in just your shift then, hands on your strips as his gaze is…
“Perky hmm? Yes, he did, and it felt so good. Well, here…” You slide your shift down to your waist, looking down as you wait for his nasty comments. He says nothing, but you hear him bump into your nightstand. You look at him curiously, as his mouth is slack open, staring at them openly. “Go on, make your insults.”
He just stares, and it’s… odd, your nipples are hard from the chill of the room, as your lush breasts sway slightly when you shift from one leg to the other. You sigh, rolling your eyes then, and covering yourself back up, as he’s still sputtering, and he comes to grip your wrists now, in a tight, bruising grip, bringing your attention to his face once more.
“Say it, your Grace. Passable? Or grotesque?” You whisper, and he leans down now, until his lips are far too close, making you want to simultaneously recoil and lean closer.
You hate this man.
“They’re perfect.” He says softly, and you do back away then, with shocked eyes, as he gulps, clearing his throat, blue eyes lingering down to where your breasts nearly hang out in your shift.
“You jest with me, of course. I know you don’t-”
“They’re fucking perfect.” He says again, then he lets you go, and you feel the very room close in on you.
“As nice as the little slut you’re fucking now?” You quip, angrily, and he rakes a hand through his hair, looking down, his abdomen flexing as he moves back. “Catherine was prettier.”
“Jesus fucking…” You look down then, and notice it… the huge bulge in his pants, and you blink a bit in confusion, looking back up at him again. His face looks tortured.
“Well thanks for saying one nice thing about me. That is… surprising.” You mumble then. “It looks like you’re wanting to finish fucking that girl though.”
“Blasted you’re stupid.”
“Me stupid?”
“Stupid.” He pulls you against him then, so you shove at him now, glaring up at him. “What, I cannot touch you?”
“We don’t do that. And thank you for that, because I get to have true pleasure, and not some forced formality.”
He searches your face then. “Did you cum?”
“Did I… no… what’s it your business!?” You demand heatedly.
“You’re my wife.” Those words are so meaningless, where you once hoped to have meaning, it makes you laugh then, losing it, there was no longer composure.
“You wanted this, to do nothing with me, and guess what, I want that too. You smell like her cheap perfume, you’re covered in her wetness, you think I want you?” You ask, and he grips tighter, scowling at you.
“You think I said I wanted you? For nice tits?” Ah, there it is.
“No, I don’t, that’s why I found someone who does. Works out, doesn’t it, dear husband. Now go on, you have whores to fuck. Hop to it Duke.”
“Hop to it… you insolent little…” You’re just giggling, and he’s not glaring, it’s like he’s confused who you are.
“I see why you’re always fucking, even kissing does put me in quite a happy little mood.” You tap his cheek now, earning another grip on your wrists. “Not kissing you though, that was horrible.”
“I didn’t try to kiss you.” He whispers, lingering close once more. You ignore the flutter of your pulse at your throat. “I never wanted to kiss you.”
“That’s for the best. I’ve lost my appetite after seeing her on that table, so I won’t eat tonight. Best for you I imagine.” He glares now.
“I will have it sent to your room.”
“No need.”
“You’ll eat.” He commands through gritted teeth, and you just blink at him in confusion.
“If you wish, dear husband.” He stomps away then, slamming your door, and you can’t help but smile. You’d gotten under his fucking skin, and you got to kiss sweet Nanami Kento.
Gojo does send up food for you, he’s very confusing, isn’t he? You nibble carefully, hearing him louder than ever in the room next to you. You sigh in annoyance, but when Nanami enters your mind, you smile, you feel warmth radiating through you. It could be hopeless, but it was such a beautiful feeling you were thriving from it.
Unfortunately, instead of Nanami, it’s your rather horrid husband that is under that tree with you, that’s sucking under your breasts, with his blue eyes looking lustfully up at you, his perfect cheeks hollowed as he grinds his length against where you’re so wet. You hate it, that even in your dreams you cannot escape him, and you hate it more when he’s bending you over that table.
That Goddamn Duke.
You hate him.
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greycaelum · 10 months
I loved the interview with Mr. and Mrs. Gojo, my precious babies, and this time I would like to start again but in a parallel universe with the Grand Duke and the future Grand Duchess. Please note that as an aspiring journalist, I have a lot of questions. I grab my notebook and pen, let's go!
Forgive me in advance during this interview, I may lack tact and go straight to the point.
Firstly, how are Your Graces doing? Forgive me for my peasant vocabulary, as I am not part of the nobility (and furthermore, I do not speak English properly, the difficulties are piling up), but I will do my best!
The common people would like to learn more about the two of you. You make such a lovely couple (yes, I am flattering you because I love both of you). How did you fall in love? Was it love at first sight? Both of you at the same time?
By the way, if you had to define your love, what would it be? Here are some examples, but there are many others: True love, Love at first sight, Girls Fall first and boys fall hard, Soulmates, Right person right time, Sun and moon, First love, Pure love, Enemies to lovers, Friends to lovers, etc.
When will Madame officially become the Grand Duchess? Your Grace, can't you surpass the codes? And if not, why?
Furthermore, how did your relationship become official in high society despite not being engaged?
Please, enlighten us. Your Grace holds the highest title after the royal family, and I understood that you have as much influence as the Emperor himself. So how should people address you? Maybe I am not very clear, but basically, how should they call you in public and in private? And for you, Madame? Since you are not yet married, you do not have a title, if I am not mistaken? Or do you still have a temporary title before becoming the Grand Duchess? (us peasants want to know…)
By the way, did it pose any problems not being born "noble" and "vampire"? High society people can be so uptight! Love is not up for discussion, regardless of origin, skin color, race, or social status! Madame, did you have any troubles? Tell me their names, and I'll write a scandalous article about these brutes!
Madame was a human before your encounter, but how did you become a vampire? Does a bite suffice? Can anyone become a vampire? And can all vampires transform humans, or only pure-blooded ones like Monsieur?
Before your encounter with Madame, did you drink human blood, or did you manage to live all those years without drinking blood thanks to your family genes?
Are there other pure-blooded families among the vampires?
If I understood correctly, the world you live in is a mix of several races, which is beautiful in terms of coexistence, but in your kingdom, are there only vampires or also humans? Is the Emperor a vampire or a human?
Is there a hierarchy among vampires? Which one?
Why are there hunters on your territory? (it's suicidal or someting) Do vampires have to live hidden?
Madame, a personal question for you, have you never wondered about your origins? You are divinely beautiful and unique, even in a vampire society small laugh Is it something that intrigues you? Also, you don't ask yourself any questions about your family? And you, Monsieur, do you not have any questions? (Regardless, you are very well-suited!)
You're not married, but have you already consummated the non-marriage? Was it your first time? Madam, you seem so pure! And Sir, you seem so...so...just. I know it, we know it, you know it, they know it, you are attractive people. (I am risking my life for my article) We want answers.
Now, a little genetic question, the Gojo family is a pure-blooded family, and by marrying Madame, there will potentially be an heir with hybrid blood. Could this imply new things for the Gojo family? Does the power in vampires reside in their blood?
I know Mr. Gojo will not be happy with what I am about to say, but… I can't wait for you to get married, have children, and especially a daughter… diabolical laughter Yes, you understood! A love story with the dark-eyed crown prince and the little blue-eyed Gojo princess EHEHEHEHEHE!
One last question, this one concerns Madame. It has been noticed that among vampires, you are… weaker than the norm? For example, you have smaller fangs than other vampires (that's too cute). My question is: is it because you were human before? Or is it something unique and inexplicable? I'm sorry for these questions that may seem silly to you, but I'm not really well-informed about vampires. As you may have noticed, I'm just… a little fairy (just a Winx for today ahah).
I leave here alive and with plenty of information, thank you for everything! Invite me to the wedding, and I will write a great article! It will sell like hotcakes. Take care.
Cursedtales Collections—La Luna Chapters: { Scribble }
—Vampire Duke Gojo Satoru X Vampire Reader
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❦︎ Précis:
You chuckled remembering how you made him agree. Some spilled wine on the carpet, soft gasps, and ripped his tunic while the rough wall pressed ever so flatly on your back with his hand pinning your wrist as his fangs buried themselves in the sweet concave of your enticing neck. "I can hear what you're thinking, Kitten," Satoru growled ever so lowly warning you with the mind link flashing the debauchery you trapped him with just to make him agree.
❦︎ Genre: vampire, fantasy, royalty
❦︎ WC/CW/TW: (4.2k)/ Grand Duke and his subtle love languages, an overview of vampire tradition and culture, suggestive hints at the end
❦︎ A/N: Thank you for the 3k guys, I'm so happy to have you all in this small corner 😭, with my tightest hugs and head pats, bear with me til I finally get that holiday vacation and we'll celebrate~ ✒️☕ a huge hug to the person who sent this, it was fun exploring LaLuna's culture and tradition because of your ask~
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Yuta informed you a day ago that a columnist from the imperial court is coming. Along with it is an envelope sealed with the Emperor's stamp.
Reading through the parchment, you sighed and found yourself in a position.
"His Imperial Highness must have a lot of time on his hands to start gossiping about his nephew..." You reread the parchment to confirm you're not misinterpreting things.
Dear Future Niece-in-Law,
I am writing to inform you that I let the high society know of my approval of your presence in my rascal nephew's life. Hence, I will send a columnist to Albastru to write a column for you in my imperial gazette for the next week. Drag my nephew and strap him on the chair if you have to.
It was stamped not just with any official seal but the Emperor's imperial seal.
Did his daughter steal the imperial seal and send this prank?
Unfortunately, Yuta informed you the Emperor himself directly sent the messenger, and the supposed meeting will be in a day or two. That leaves you almost slim to no chance of convincing Satoru in this little charade the Emperor has put on your shoulders.
"I didn't expect you'd agree so easily, Your Grace. What gives?" You cleared your throat as Satoru walked beside you with your hands entwined in his. He insisted that the two of you wear the same blue and white coordinated dress. If you're a little more shameless today, you would poke fun at him that he's more excited than you are. Yet you refrained from doing so... He might change his mind and not do the interview.
Satoru's face remained stoic as he looked ahead to the drawing room.
You chuckled remembering how you made him agree.
Some spilled wine on the carpet, soft gasps, and ripped his tunic while the rough wall pressed ever so flatly on your back with his hand pinning your wrist as his fangs buried themselves in the sweet concave of your enticing neck.
"I can hear what you're thinking, Kitten," Satoru growled ever so lowly warning you with the mind link flashing the debauchery you trapped him with just to make him agree.
"What? I'm not doing anything, Your Grace." You couldn't hold back the chuckle as his jaw twitched, clearly holding back.
"Behave before I drag you into that vacant room and forego this audience you've worked hard to secure from me." Your eyes wandered to the nearest room where his eyes landed and raised a brow at you. Perhaps that is indeed enough teasing for now... 
He opened the door for you, and inside, the columnist was waiting with a bright smile. You exchanged some pleasantries. Of course, Satoru only answered with a few grunts and nods. Yuta came in with a tray of snacks and tea.
You both sat across the columnist and started the meeting.
"Forgive me in advance during this interview, I may lack tact and go straight to the point."
Firstly, how are Your Graces doing? Forgive me for my peasant vocabulary, as I am not part of the nobility but I will do my best!
"We're doing fine, thank you for coming. I know how far the Imperial Capital is to Albastru." You smiled. "I hope you didn't have a hard time during your travel."
"You want chamomile tea?" Satoru ignored the journalist and carefully set your ornate oriental cup of tea and a plate of your favorite sweets in front of you.
You looked at him for a few seconds before sighing, reminding him of the guest, but the Grand Duke simply shrugged and motioned for the columnist to continue. He almost growled as you fixed a plate of sweets for the columnist but since you knew him well already it doesn't take much thought to fix him a plateful of candied orange to appease his territorial stance.
No one wants a grumpy Grand Duke, more so a jealous one. It seems like the journalist already knew of your mate's territorial behavior and easily waved it off professionally and started the interview.
The common people would like to learn more about the two of you. You make such a lovely couple. How did you fall in love? Was it love at first sight? Both of you at the same time?
It was such a straightforward question you had to blink for a few seconds to register the notion.
His Grace, however, simply crossed his legs and sipped on his cup of tea. The frown earlier disappeared, replaced by a lopsided smirk, showing off his pointy canines.
"I recognized who she is to me the second I saw her..." Satoru vaguely answered.
Of course... Vampires and their innate ability to recognize their mates... Unlike you who was still a mortal at that time, clueless and in shambles after your near-death experience.
"I think... it's a gradual process. For me, it was never love at first sight." You shake your head. "We went on a slow but steady process, His Grace has been very gentle and attentive in educating me about the difference between humans and vampires, somehow along the way I just knew we wanted each other in our lives." You beamed.
By the way, if you had to define your love, what would it be? Here are some examples, but there are many others: True love, Love at first sight, Girls Fall first and boys fall hard, Soulmates, Right person right time, Sun and moon, First love, Pure love, Enemies to lovers, Friends to lovers, etc.
"My only one." Satoru curtly answered. He added a few more Turkish delights to your plate.
"We are already mates... so our souls are tied together." You thought to yourself finding the right word. "I guess, he's my fate that I never thought I would find."
His Grace looked at you, and despite his stoic face, the monocle shielding his eyes wasn't compelling enough to hide how his cerulean eyes turned fifty shades of dark blue from your words. Satoru silently turned his attention back to his tea, but his shoulders were visibly much more relaxed than earlier and you could see the corner of his lips turn up.
When will Madame officially become the Grand Duchess? Your Grace, can't you surpass the codes? And if not, why?
"Soon enough." His Grace answered this time. "Even the Emperor does not have the power to force the rule of succession after the death of a family member as the succession is not a matter of royal title or power but a rite of passage. Every noble family has a sacred tree where a rvet *(1/8 gram) of ash from every family member is stored inside from the time he is born. The sacred tree knows when a family member dies and will not accept any ashes within the three-year mourning period thus, no rite of passage into the family shall occur during that three years."
Furthermore, how did your relationship become official in high society despite not being engaged?
With this question, His Grace smirked, flashing his dangerous sharp fangs, and loosened the cuffs of his sleeves, revealing a vivid mate mark of a black butterfly looming over a red lotus.
"Who else can dare mark me?"
Who would? Heads would roll down to the ground before anyone could sink their fangs into his body. Unless it's someone he permits to do so... And that someone could only be you.
"His Grace and I are already with our mate marks... Weddings aren't necessarily required in vampire culture although they may seem right to be celebrated ostentatiously, however it's not mandatory. But as long as we both have marked each other that is already enough to profess to whom we belong." You smiled and peeled your sleeve on your shoulder to reveal three blue roses adorning your shoulderblade... The blue roses symbolize how unattainable the Grand Duke is, but he found his place in you. The blue rose has finally found his garden to bloom in.
"I would give you the grandest wedding this empire has ever seen." The Grand Duke frowned. His fingers found your smallest finger and toyed with it. Soon his family heirloom will adorn your fourth finger. What makes you think he will spare any fortune to lavish you with everything you deserve? "Although the wait may take a little longer, I assure you our wedding won't lack anything." He stared into your eyes with certainty.
You squeezed his hand, reminding him that you were in the journalist's presence and it wasn't the time for such bold words... But knowing the Grand Duke, he remained unfazed and kept playing with your finger... Kissing them to assure you.
Sapphires... Sapphires would look breathtaking on you. He thought at the back of his mind, making sure you wouldn't hear his aspirations for you through the mind link.
Please, enlighten us. Your Grace holds the highest title after the royal family, and I understood that you have as much influence as the Emperor himself. So how should people address you? Maybe I am not very clear, but basically, how should they call you in public and in private? And for you, Madame? Since you are not yet married, you do not have a title, if I am not mistaken? Or do you still have a temporary title before becoming the Grand Duchess? (us peasants want to know...)
"Oh! I was also confused when I first arrived here." You huffed. "But to adequately address him in public, especially in the Imperial Court, is His Imperial Highness, Grand Duke Satoru Gojo of Albastru. In private matters, you may call him Your Highness or His Grace, Grand Duke Satoru. His Grace is not specific with titles, so don't worry about angering him if you mistake his title." You smiled.
"I am specific with titles..." The Grand Duke frowned. "I am making an exception only for you." He made sure to punctuate those words.
You shake your head and chuckle.
"To help you understand his title, His Grace descended from the House of Gojo, which is his Father's family. The Gojo lineage holds the highest military position in the Empire passed down to the generation, thus the title of the Grand Duke, and their territory is the Grand Duchy of Albastru. His Grace is titled 'His Imperial Highness' instead of 'His Royal Highness' with the reason that he pretends the rite of succession for the imperial throne because of his Mother's family which is the reigning imperial family of Parsua Amara. Simply put, aside from his official title as the grand duke, he is also a prince second to the throne after his cousin the Crown Princess because His Grace's late Mother was the Imperial Princess of the empire and the late sister of the Emperor. I hope I made it easier to understand."
His Grace chuckled and ever so gently patted your hair. His eyes gazed at you as you enthusiastically discussed the matter. 
"I see you listened to your Social Studies tutor quite well." His Grace smirked. "As for My Mate, she's currently Lady Y/n, Viscountess of Louiebell. Since she is not my Grand Duchess yet, it is only right for her to receive a customary title until her rite of passage into my family's sacred tree comes." He held a proud smile for her as he spoke to the journalist about her achievements. "You should visit Louiebell one of these days. It has grown quite well over the months, and they have the best fabrics and gardens in the whole Albastru." Satoru boasted to the journalist with full praise for your work.
By the way, did it pose any problems not being born "noble" and "vampire"? High society people can be so uptight! Love is not up for discussion, regardless of origin, skin color, race, or social status! Madame, did you have any troubles? Tell me their names, and I'll write a scandalous article about these brutes!
"Please don't." You chuckled. "It is not much of a trouble than I thought. Although I am a turned vampire, the high society holds the significance of who turned who into a vampire. I am considered a part of His Grace since he is the one who made me a vampire, and any disrespect directed to a turned one is considered disrespect to the one who turned him or her."
You thought for a moment.
"The biggest trouble I perhaps had was a tea party where everyone refused to speak until I left... Aside from that, no one has seriously caused me any harm besides the usual jabs. Rest assured, I am now happy with the friends I found in Albastru."
His Grace held your hand and didn't speak any further, but judging from the darkness swirling in his cold eyes as you relive those days, you better change the topic before his patience wore thin and dug into his grudges.
Madame was a human before your encounter, but how did you become a vampire? Does a bite suffice? Can anyone become a vampire? And can all vampires transform humans or only pure-blooded ones like Monsieur?
"You can become a vampire if you willingly submit to be one. No, a bite cannot suffice. Aside from biting, the vampire needs to feed his or her blood into the person he or she is turning until the person wakes up from quiescence. Not everyone can become a vampire. And not all vampires can turn humans into one... And you are almost but not quite correct about the pure-blooded ones." You nodded... Satoru can explain it better than you.
"There are three factors to turn someone into a vampire. If any of these three weren't met, the process would fail and might kill the human instead. First, the human must be willing, and the willingness is not borne out of fear or coercion but a deep-seated desire on the human's part. Second, the human must have experienced a close-to-death experience... This is entirely subjective and a dangerous condition to meet since only fate can tell... Third and last, the vampire must have a strong will to fight the urge of bloodlust. Ordinary vampires do not have sufficient immunity against bloodlust and might end up sucking the human dry of their blood. This is "a general but not all" scenario. Pure-blooded vampires have more resilience but are also not entirely immune to bloodlust. Thus, turning a human into a vampire is an uncertain process. You must have the willingness of a human, the approval of fate, and the resilience of a vampire against our primal instinct. Life and death is not guaranteed." 
Before your encounter with Madame, did you drink human blood, or did you manage to live all those years without drinking blood thanks to your family genes?
"I drink human blood. No vampire has not drunk human blood, trust me." His Grace shook his head. "I stopped drinking human blood in my adolescence. For me, the second best taste of blood is from the moose."
"You do like hunting those when we hunt." You chuckled at his appetite for the said animal. "The longest he hasn't taken in blood was probably three months. His Grace ate human food with me when I was still human. Though it may not be the same as drinking blood, he seems to like the rare steak until now. The longest I can go without blood is two weeks. For him, it could stretch for three months. He's more resistant to bloodlust because he's a pure-blood, but when he drinks... he drinks so plenty."
Satoru chuckled at the remark.
"You do the same too, My Lady. Don't blame me that your blood is simply too sweet to resist." He smirked knowingly.
Are there other pure-blooded families among the vampires?
"Of course, there are many other pure-blooded families... But the major ones seated in the Imperial Courts are the House of Gojo, the House of Zen'in, and the House of Kamo. These three are the leading houses in terms of military and economics."
If I understood correctly, the world you live in is a mix of several races, which is beautiful in terms of coexistence, but in your kingdom, are there only vampires or humans? Is the Emperor a vampire or a human?
You smiled. You have to thank Satoru for teaching you history.
"There are seven races, represented by seven high towers with their respective thrones. There are the Deities; they reside in Soladrina, it's an island that cannot be seen unless you're invited. The Witches; are considered daughters of the gods and goddesses. Next is the Lycan, which occupies the South of the Continent which is the Kingdom of Finis Lua. Then the Vampires residing in the North which is the Empire of Parsua Amara. We have the Elves, they're elusive and hard to find. Then there are the Monsters, they are everywhere with no definite habitat. And finally the Humans, you can find them in the Eastern Continent. But of course, there are other races also living in Parsua Amara."
"My Uncle is a vampire. Though I doubt his senile fangs still work." His Grace smirked earning him a kick under the table and a glare from his beloved.
Is there a hierarchy among vampires? Which one?
"We have an Imperial Hierarchy."
Why are there hunters on your territory? (it's suicidal or something) Do vampires have to live hidden?
"The hunters... are rogues of the Lycan race who cross the de facto border. Based on the treaty seven years ago after the great war, vampires and lycans are not allowed to cross the borders. Though there are sometimes mishaps, those crossing the borders are immediately sentenced to death without mercy or deportation." Satoru supported his face with his hand. "Albastru lies between Parsua Amara and Finis Lua, thus, it is my job to guard the borders from any invasion against the enemies."
Madame, a personal question for you, have you never wondered about your origins? You are divinely beautiful and unique, even in a vampire society small laugh Is it something that intrigues you? Also, you don't ask yourself any questions about your family? And you, Monsieur, do you not have any questions? (Regardless, you are very well-suited!)
"Unfortunately I don't have memory of my past. All I remember is living in the snowy mountains until His Grace found me after I was attacked by wolves and was left to die. I don't know what happened before that and I am not compelled to find out about it. I am very much happy and satisfied with my life right now. Although I don't have much memory of the past, I would rather focus on the present I have and the future I will make. This is that fate I choose for myself and I wouldn't have it the other way. Whatever is bound to unfold will unfold by itself." You smiled with firmness etched on your gaze and words.
You're not married, but have you already consummated the non-marriage? Was it your first time? Madam, you seem so pure! And Sir, you seem so...so...just. I know it, we know it, you know it, they know it, you are attractive people. (I am risking my life for my article) We want answers.
Your cheeks burst with blush and despite your self-control, you held on to your mate's bicep for strength. Isn't this too revealing for a column that anyone in the empire can read?!
Satoru on the other hand seemed unfazed and merely raised a brow at the question. His arm snaked at the back of your waist and pat your hips in assurance.
"She's my mate... We own each other. I think that's clear enough to answer your question." He smirked. The sharp fang was enough to halt further delving questions on the topic.
"Marriage is not a necessary custom in the vampires... Instead, they are more inclined to the mating bond and marks... They honor it devotedly. His Grace and I are mates so... I don't see anything wrong with it." You shyly answered, Satoru squeezed your hand calming you down.
Now, a little genetic question, the Gojo family is a pure-blooded family, and by marrying Madame, there will potentially be an heir with hybrid blood. Could this imply new things for the Gojo family? Does the power in vampires reside in their blood?
You looked at Satoru quite confused by the question...
"I don't think so... I am a vampire... Why would there be a hybrid child?"
"A hybrid child can only happen if the parents are from different races. Although my Mate was once human, she is now a vampire. We're both vampires and there will be no possibilities of a hybrid child when both parents are the same race." His Grace answered for you, clearing your confusion and doubt. 
His Grace's eyes turned to you.
"Besides, it doesn't matter. As long as you're the mother I would love our child unconditionally."
You chuckled and looked away to hide the smile stretching uncontrollably over your lips.
I know Mr. Gojo will not be happy with what I am about to say, but... I can't wait for you to get married, have children, and especially a daughter... diabolical laughter Yes, you understood! A love story with the dark-eyed crown prince and the little blue-eyed Gojo princess EHEHEHEHEHE!
"No. Some stupid dark-eyed prince will not easily snag my daughter away unless he passes through my sword." His Grace's eyes turned dark as he spoke the ominous words with an unamused sinister smile.
"Calm down Your Grace, the journalist is merely jesting you." You reminded him, shaping him out of the urge to kill any crown prince who dares to touch his potential little daughter.
One last question, this one concerns Madame. It has been noticed that among vampires, you are... weaker than the norm? For example, you have smaller fangs than other vampires (that's too cute). My question is: is it because you were human before? Or is it something unique and inexplicable? I'm sorry for these questions that may seem silly to you, but I'm not really well-informed about vampires. As you may have noticed, I'm just... a little fairy (just a Winx for today ahah).
His Grace crossed his arms and a dark expression covered his smirking face. His Grace's face was as dark as a monster and an irk mark formed on his temples. A cold air filled the room, you could almost feel winter solstice with the blizzard gust in the room from your mate's display of annoyance. However, a thin layer of spell protected you from the cold, keeping you perfectly fine while His Grace is being moody.
"My mate is weak? Who said that?! Who told you about my Mate's fangs? Who? I will slice him to pieces. Who dares to stare at my mate's fangs too long to notice that detail? Is it a male? Does he dare to stare at my mate that long? I will pull his fangs mysel—"
Fortunately, you were quick to hold your mate back and drag him to sit on the couch.
"My apologies about my dear beloved. He's a little moody after the tea." You chuckled awkwardly. "Most probably that's a factor and my gift as a vampire has not yet manifested. You could say that as a vampire I'm still in my pre-teen stage so some areas of my vampire senses and attributes are still developing."
After the little bravado from the irritated and possessive Grand Duke, it doesn't come as a surprise that the journalist is quick to reach the door and escape if worse comes to worse...
I leave here alive and with plenty of information, thank you for everything! Invite me to the wedding, and I will write a great article! It will sell like hotcakes. Take care.
"Oh! Take care... Feel free to come and have tea with me..." You softly said since the journalist already fled away from Satoru. You turned your back to face your mate with a frown.
"Well that was uncalle—mhmph!"
Soft lips aggressively captured yours effectively shutting any words of reprimand.
"S-Sator—ngh!" You gasped as he kissed you deeper, his tongue finding your little fangs and tracing them sensually, stroking them as he moaned from the friction.
"I'm hungry..." He groans between your kisses, wildly pulling on the lace of your corset to free your soft bosom from its confines and trail down neck kisses, sucking on your skin every so hardly and sweetly making sure he leaves a pinkish love bite on your skin.
"We just had tea and biscuits..." You bit your lips when he easily carried you to the nearest couch and laid you there. His hand brought one of your thighs up, pressing kisses from your ankles down to your inner legs where he bared his pointy fangs against your milky flesh.
"I forgot how cute your fangs are... care to show me?"
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Check out more on La Luna Chapters and the Masterlist
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned, image(s) and song(s) used belong to their respective owner(s).
General & Cursedtales Collection Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @saoney @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @rizzmin @emichou-chan
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161 notes · View notes
gojonanami · 6 months
#lmao should I be writing this
it looks fantastic
i'd read it in a heartbeat
so if you want to...
👀 I really want to — I’ll start once I finish another fic on my list haha — I have too many 😭
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