#dwalin oneshot
thelibraryoferebor · 2 years
Oneshots... again
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The aim is a regular posting schedule (once every week or fortnight or so), but right now I have just a mega amount of one shots (like seriously you guys aren't prepared for what's coming. So enjoy! ~H
Put Me Down! By Resacon1990
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Bilbo groans as Thorin continues to yell insults up at Beorn.
"You giant oaf!" he calls, "put him down! He clearly doesn't want to be hanging from your meaty claw!"
Notes: I feel like most everyone knows this fic, but if you don't then you definitely need to read it. It's so fluffy and funny and wonderful. Thilbo centric.
Clementine by TenTomatoes 
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In which Bilbo Baggins left a hobbit lass behind him when he joined them on this quest and Thorin doesn't care until he does.
Notes: This is also Thilbo centric and is a great example of just how much of an idiot Thorin can be. I love it so much.
Back, and There Again… by HiddenKitty
|| teen - 8.3k - completed ||
Belladonna has been waiting for her only son Bilbo to join her in Yavanna's pastures for many years, but it doesn't quite turn out the way she'd hoped. It seems love and adventures can change a hobbit in quite different ways.
Endless, endless thanks to H. Savinien for their wonderful beta-ing!
Notes: I haven't read this one too many times cause it's a little angsty, but I do like it a lot, all things considered. Thilbo centric.
Adventures in Prince Sitting by Lumelo
|| general - 4.1k - completed ||
Looking after your nephew for half a day isn't that big of a deal, really. Except when said nephew happens to be a prince of Durin's line, second in line to the throne, and really quite the destructive little beast for something that's only known how to walk for a few months. His Highness is lucky he's cute, really.
Nori really isn't sure why Ori thinks he can handle a baby. Fortunately, he can always make Dwalin help him, or else.
Notes: Nwalin focused, with a side of Fiori and Thilbo. I can't ever decide if I like Dwalin/Nori or Dwalin/Ori more. Maybe we should have a vote... But either way, I love this fic, especially since it highlights two characters that don't typically get the limelight (also baby dwarrow).
Trouble with Faces by Resacon1990
|| teen - 3.6k - completed ||
A quick trip to the elven traveller of the month was enough for the entire Shire to realise that Belladonna and Bungo Baggins had a face blind son.
Notes: This one isn't as well known as some of the others on the list, but it's so soft and I adore every bit of it.
The Age of Miscommunication by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
|| teen - 6.6k - completed ||
“It’s got such a presence to it, even from a distance,” Bilbo says softly, and there’s a general murmur of awed agreement from the others. “Why, in all my fifty years, I never thought I’d see such a thing, and we haven’t even arrived yet!”
Thorin’s sword hits the ground with a clatter, and Balin chokes on his pipe. 
The hobbit doesn’t look at Thorin, too busy thumping Balin on the back. Once the dwarf seems able to breathe again, he looks up, to find thirteen wide pairs of eyes fixed on him. 
“What?” he says defensively, though he’s not sure what he’s defending.
“You’re how old?” Kíli squeaks. 
Bilbo frowns at the young dwarf. “I’m fifty years old. Well, fifty-one, come springtime. Though it is not very polite to ask someone their age so bluntly,” he tells him primly. 
Fíli makes a choked sound, and Nori lets out a vicious string of swears in Khuzdul.
Notes: CLASSIC ALERT. All I can really say about this fic is that if you haven't read it, that's a crime, and you must. This fic is a gen-you-ine staple, and I adore it. Thilbo.
All That Shine as Moonstone Leave a Discernible Mark by kay_cricketed
|| teen - 2.9k - completed ||
After the Battle of Five Armies, Thorin Oakenshield is determined to secure Bilbo's place in the world, even if he must make him a husband and a widower in the same hour to do so.
Notes: This one's simultaneously funny and saddd. All the feels, especially the faith Thorin has in Bilbo (this is Thilbo btw). Everything ends up fine, but it still destroys me.
To Choose a Consort by Thevaen
|| general - 5.1k - completed ||
''You really ought to look more interested, or at least pretend.'' Bilbo started, giving the Dwarf a slap against his arm at the look he received. ''And stop being such a child.'' Thorin smiled. ''They don't know me the way you do.'' A flutter exploded in the Hobbit's chest at the words. ''I doubt if there's anyone who is quite so skilled at interpreting expressions as you Master Baggins.''
Thorin had to choose a consort. He knew that, and he also knew he didn't want a consort that was not the Hobbit. He doesn't, and instead stubbornly waits for a sign that the Hobbit himself would be willing to be such. Bilbo in turn, knew he was more than a little envious of those that got the chance to present themselves in front of the Dwarven King, and that he was more than a little relieved when time after time, they were kindly rejected. He also knew that if he was being really honest, he really wanted to take on the spot himself.
Notes: This one's another classic and I love it too much to handle sometimes. The pining is lovely and it ends up so happily, and I just love it so much.
The Fine Print by airebellah
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It had been many years since Bilbo had seen his Dwarves. Driven by his loneliness and nostalgia, one night he decided to re-read the contract he had signed so many years ago, hoping to find catharsis. Instead, what he found was burning rage at all the ridiculous clauses the Dwarves had slipped in without his notice. In the end, Bilbo knew there was only one thing to do. He would travel to Erebor, and have very specific words with the King.
Notes: LMAO, this fic tho... It's just hilarious, and so very Bilbo. I love it so much, you guys have no idea.
Customary by an_odd_ducky
|| general - 3.4k - completed ||
Hobbits rub noses to greet each other - a fact the dwarves don't know until they arrive in Rivendell and Elrond greets a surprised Bilbo by rubbing their noses together. Some of the company find it quite amusing, but Thorin is less than pleased. Fluff! Fill for the Hobbit Kink Meme.
Notes: This one is so soft and fluffy, and Elrond (we love Elrond here) being knowledgable about Hobbit culture is such a vibe and we love that. Thilbo.
And another list done, the satisfaction is real you've got no idea. But anywhoooo, I hope you enjoyed! Any requests, just shoot me an ask or something. I'm also thinking about doing single fic in depth honest reviews. If that's something you'd be interested in seeing, just let me know! The Library is officially off of hiatus. Love you all!
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mirkwoodshewolf · 11 months
Always my beloved; Thorin Oakenshield x reader
*Author’s note*
For my first ever Thorin Oakenshield story I hope I did you Thorin fans justice with this sweet little oneshot. So @firestrike004​ thank you soo much for your patience and I hope you all enjoy this fic.  
Not really any warnings just injuries, some fluff, some angst (fairly minor but still some people need warnings).
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We knew the risk of going on this quest, but never did I think we’d come across the bane of Thorin’s family, Azog the Defiler.  We had believed he had died back at the battle of Azanulbizar from his wounds but low and behold there he was astride upon his infamous white warg.  We barely made our escape thanks to our burglar as well as the Great Eagles I had read so much about as a young dwarrow-dam.
Now we decided to take some rest to rest and for Thorin to recover.  The wounds from Azog’s warg were probably the worst I had ever seen and I’ve doctored warg bites before.  But thankfully with both mine and Oin’s help, my beloved should be back to his old strength within a few days.
Aye I did say beloved. Thorin and I are currently in the courting stage of our relationship, and have been for these past 5 summers. He had made a vow to me that once he would reclaim Erebor, we would finally be wed and I would rule at his side as Queen Under the Mountain.
Of course at first when Gandalf had persuaded Thorin to go on this quest, he wanted me to have absolutely no part in it.  In fact he had tried to send me off to live with his cousin Dain in the Iron-hills for safe keeping until the Mountain was reclaimed.  And being the stubborn female dwarf I am, I can be just as stubborn of not more than Thorin Oakenshield himself.
After some heated words, and even a fight to decide my fate, Thorin had kept his word that after defeating him in combat I had a right to go alongside the Quest.  In fact I was one of the first after Dwalin and Balin had agreed to follow Thorin.
I had just changed out Thorin’s bandages as well as flushed out any signs of infections before they could spread and cause his healing to delay or worse make him sick. As I returned to put my stuff back into the pack, I caught sight of Bilbo sitting down to some of Bombur’s stew. I walked over to him and asked.
“Mind if I join you?” he turned to me.
“Not at all (Y/n).” Hobbits truly were polite people.  Even back at his home when I was the only one out of the 13 dwarves to not to help myself to his food cabinet, he graciously tried to offer me something before one of the boys took it for themselves.  I took my seat next to him and he asked, “Do you mind if I—”
“Oh not at all Bilbo, please eat. Mahal knows we’ve been practically starving you since this quest began.” When we were in Rivendell and I caught Bilbo eating both dinner and supper within just a few short hours apart he had told me that Hobbits have seven meals every day.  I took it upon myself to first apologize for starving the poor lad and then when breakfast came that day, I had helped the Elves with serving something not only for the Dwarves but for Bilbo as well.
As he went to his stew, he took a few sips before looking around and whispered to me.
“How’s Thorin?” the lad truly has grown fond of my beloved.  Especially after what had happened along the Misty Mountains.
“He’ll live fortunately. Unfortunately for him, he’ll have to be put on bed rest for the next 24-48hours before he can even move. Warg bites are nothing to sniffle or chuckle at. And believe me getting Thorin to stay on bedrest is a challenge in on itself.”
“No doubt I imagine. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of it being Thorin’s wife.”
“If it hadn’t been for you, I would’ve been called Thorin’s widow.” He stopped his eating and looked at me.  I placed my hand on his shoulder and continued, “What you did last night Bilbo, it’s something that I can never truly repay you for.”
“There-there really is no need to repay me. I just did what anyone of you would’ve done. Though I don’t know why I did without no skill of a blade it was all just—”
“Instinct. I get the feeling. But I am grateful nonetheless my friend.” I patted his shoulder.  “And if you’re up for it later today, Bofur and I can show you a thing or two about fighting. Same with Fili and Kili.” He nodded.
“I do appreciate it (Y/n).” I smiled at him before standing up and went off to join the others for my own meal.
Truthfully I don’t know what I would’ve done had I lost Thorin last night.  He and I have known each other since we were young Dwarves in Erebor, my father being one of the King’s proudest and strongest fighters but was sadly killed when the Dragon took our home.  My mother tried her best but she too succumbed to grief leaving me with no family, till Thorin stepped up.
He helped support me when we worked in the villages of Men and when we were finally able to make a temporary home in the Blue Mountains, that’s when my feelings for him began to deepen.  And eventually he came to accept he felt the same for me and never did I think Thorin would ever choose a wife, he never really showed much interest in wanting to court anyone, not since we lost our home.
I reached up to the left side of my hair, brought some of the hair that rested on my back to the front but something was missing.  No it-it cannot be! I looked down at my hair and brushed through it with my fingers and couldn’t see the courting beads Thorin had braided into my hair.  Not only that but some of the strand felt uneven (particularly where the braid once rested).
My heart raced as I tried to remember where and when the last time I felt the braid was. Obviously it was still intact at Rivendell, the Goblin tunnels I still had it, when Azog attacked us and—oh makk an E ha’ak!  When I fought alongside Dwalin, Fili, Kili and Bilbo to hold off the orcs from Thorin before the eagles came, one of them must’ve cut my braid off without my knowing!
A million thoughts were racing through my head.  First it was to curse the orc that did this and that I vowed to kill them if they ever show themselves again.  But most of my thoughts trailed back to Thorin.  What would he say? How will he react? Will he still want to be my One? Will he be furious that I lost his courting bead?
In our customs, a courting bead is so precious and is never given away lightly (especially if your One is someone like Thorin is).  By gaining the bead you’ve not only come to accept your One’s feelings for you, but also accept a courtship and eventual marriage to bond the two of you into one. Losing it or returning it is like having your heart getting grind up, slammed with a forging hammer until it’s nothing but tiny little pieces and then returning the heart to the one who gave you the courting bead.
And never have I once undid the braid nor removed the bead from my hair ever since Thorin gave it to me.  Everyone knew where it lied and if they saw it gone……what would the other’s think? I was so focused on my thoughts that I barely registered that I had walked into someone. When I looked up I had seen that I had walked into Gandalf.
“Oh Gandalf, forgive me.”
“No worries my dear (Y/n).” he looked me over and continued, “You seem to be worried about something.” I looked around to see if any of the others were nearby.  When I saw that no one was within hearing range, I asked Gandalf to come closer to my height with my two fingers.  He knelt down and I whispered to him.
“I’ve lost Thorin’s courtship braid.” He separated from me for a bit as I further explained, “It must’ve been that orc I faced off against when Azog caught us along the Misty Mountains. Gandalf, what if Thorin takes notice of it? Or someone already has and will tell him?”
“Now, now my dear, let’s not jump to conclusions.”
“But Gandalf you know what courting braids mean in our culture. You know what losing one’s courting bead means? I—I can’t lose Thorin. Not again, especially not after last night. He’s all I have left in this world.” He placed both of his hands on my shoulder.
“Thorin may be stubborn but I know he would never do that to you. You both have been through far too much to let something like this be the final straw to divide you both. Remember it’s not just him that’s helped you, you have helped him as well.”
He wasn’t lying. After his grandfather’s death and his father going missing, Thorin was practically lost in how to help our people. Whilst I too, grieved over my father I also had to support Thorin for he was hurting just as much as I was.  We depend on each other and support one another, the other’s beacon of light in the dark mines.
“But how do I tell him Gandalf?” I asked uncertainly.
“You’ll know just what to say my dear girl.” I took a deep breath then exhaled.
“Okay Gandalf, I trust you.”
“And you’ve learned to never doubt it.” He gave me a soft wink before going on his way.  I took a deep breath before heading back to rejoin the others.
The day was spent helping Bilbo train with his sword, scouting out for Azog or his orc pack, and helping Oin with Thorin’s wounds.  Which was what was happening right now, I held onto Thorin’s hand as Oin was once again flushing out the slightly infected bites and stitching them back up. Thorin was tense throughout the whole process.
He never did like to show pain whenever he had to get patched up.  Said he was afraid that others would view him as weak.
“Alright Thorin, just continue to not move about so much and those wounds will heal up quickly.”
“Thank you Oin. I know I’m skilled as a healer but I am nowhere near your degree of knowledge.” I told him.
“Do not doubt your own skills milady.” He told me.  “We’ll be lucky to have you as our Queen once we reclaim the throne. The first Dwarf Queen to be skilled in the knowledge of healing that could be rivaled by the Elves.” Him saying that suddenly gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.  As much as I do trust Gandalf in his words from earlier, there’s still a lingering shadow of fear that’s clung itself onto my like a thorn that won’t come out.  He soon left Thorin and I alone and I heard my One say.
“He’s right you know.” I turned to him.  “Never before as a Dwarf woman been so knowledgeable about herbs, healing methods and skills as you have my beloved. Erebor will be lucky to have you as it’s Queen.” He cupped the side of my face, “My only regret is that it will take us longer to get there.”
“Your health is what we should be focused on right now. I would rather Erebor have a King in good health rather than poor or worse dead.” I brushed the long strands of hair from his face before I began braiding it.
“Every hour lost hasten Durin’s day.” I rolled my eyes.
“Thorin. Durin’s day is not going anywhere. It lies on the same day as it always does. Not a week before not a week after. As I said, I would rather have you in good health to rule at my side, than you pushing yourself only to make your health worsen. Even if I have to bind you to this tree I will.”
“Reminds me of the time when you did just that to get me to have me teach you how to fight. Is that how you intend on delivering punishments? Bound the prisoners to trees with your tight knots?”
“Only to those truly stubborn enough not to follow either mine or Doctor Oin’s orders.” We both laughed softly before I gave him a soft kiss.  I felt as his hand went from cupping the side of my face to going around the back of my head, right to where I knew he’d always like to stroke his courting braid.
I separated our kiss and quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from my head.  Immediately I could see the thoughts spinning in his head like a spider’s web.
“What is it (Y/n)?” he asked me.
“Nothing.” I quickly said.
“It’s not nothing. Never before have you stopped me from touching your hair.”
“I—I haven’t had the chance to brush my hair yet.” Even to me that was a pathetic excuse.  Thorin’s brow rose skeptically then he asked me.
“What’s really going on?” I sighed deeply and turned my head away from him.
“I cannot say.”
“Why not?”
“I just can’t.”
“(Y/n), amrâlimê.” He lifted my chin up to look into his deep blue eyes.  “What was it you once said to me when we first began courting?”
“That there should be no secrets between us.” I answered.
“So why are you starting now?” I sighed heavily, already feeling the wetness of tears forming under my eyes.
“I’m afraid.”
“Afraid of what?”
“That I’ll lose you.”
“(Y/n). These wounds of mine aren’t—”
“It’s not the wounds or in battle that I fear amrâlimê, it’s—” I took another deep breath before I took the section of my hair where he had given his courting bead and showed him how it was now gone.  As I expected his eyes widened in shock as he reached out for the cut strands of my uneven hair and brushed through them.  Almost hoping the bead would reappear along with the braid but it was gone.
“How long has it been missing?” he asked.  His voice stern as I knew he was trying to suppress his anger.
“I only noticed it this morning. My best guess is that it was the orc I was fighting with along the mountainside when Azog ambushed us. I’m sorry Thorin, this is my fault for allowing that foul creature to even graze my hair. I should’ve been more careful I should’ve been more aware of what I was carrying upon my head. I was careless, foolish and—” I was stopped by the feeling of his arms wrapped around me tightly.
“But you are not hurt, yes?”
“Then that is enough for me.” I separated our embrace and looked at him in shock, his eyes that were once filled with shock and anger now appeared soft and gentle.
“I don’t understand. Thorin, my courtship braid to you has been severed. Your courting bead lost forever.”
“Mere objects. A new braid can be made, a new bead can be strung into your locks. But there is only one you,” he cupped my face into his hands, his thumbs gingerly stroking the apple of my cheeks just above the strands of my own beard.  “And I could not bear the thought of losing you.”
“You—you still wish to court me?”
“You are my One, (Y/n). Who else would I want as my Queen?”
“I just…..I know how special our courting traditions and symbols are. I was worried if you took notice of your bead and braid missing that you—you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore.”
“Amrâlimê,” our noses softly grazed one another’s as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes, “I would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. You are my One, and nothing will ever change that. As I said, I can give you a new braid, I’ll find you a new bead. A more finer bead once we reach the mountain and reclaim our home. But there is only one of you. And I would be a fool to let someone like you go.”
He then pressed his forehead to mine and I shut my eyes as I felt his love and strength enter me as our forehead remained together.
“I am sorry I doubted your love Thorin.” I said after awhile of silence between us.
“There is no need for apologizes. You are always be my beloved, no matter what the world gives us…..”
“We’ll always be One.” I finished our vows that we made for one another when we first began our courtship together.  He soon moved his lips over mine and once again we kissed.  
His hand going back towards the area where my braid once stood, and I felt his fingers softly brush through those strands of hair and I felt myself finally relax under his touch.
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lapseinrecs · 15 days
By CBlue @corancoranthemagicalman
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Complete; Oneshot; 35,808 words
Summary: “Well, of course!” Master Baggins spoke his observations in such a factual manner. “Handsome beards on the line of Durin indeed. Surely, I’d only look all the more foolish sitting next to you.” Thorin blinked and felt heat rush up beneath his cheeks. Prayed to Mahal that his humble beard might survive the sudden praise. For again, he had always wished that Master Baggins might find him attractive in spite of his less than suitable beard, but here was Master Baggins ever the Unexpected. And here he was dolling out such lovely compliments. “Not his beard,” Dwalin let out with a mirthful scoff. “It’s not any better than Kíli’s.” “Oh, nonsense!” Master Baggins furrowed his brow. “You mean to tell me that you dwarves consider it unattractive to groom one’s beard so short?”
My thoughts: Love how different standards of beauty come into play here.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
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Key: f=fluff || a=angst || f-a=fluff+angst || ≈f=mostly fluff || ≈a=mostly angst || os=oneshot || hc=headcanons ||mp=multipart || ?=request || db=drabble/blurb
So-called matchmaker (f|os|?)
Request: I'd like to request Kili x reader, when Fili tries to be a matchmaker, but doesn't notice the courting braids Kill and reader already have?
Her hair (f|os|?)
Request: may I ask for a kill x dwarf F reader? They first meet at bilbo's house and it's love at frist sight for both of them and as the quest goes on Kili asks to braid her hair as Dwarven tradition of courting?
Distraction (f|os|?)
Request: I'd like to request a fluff kili x reader where the reader is stressed with loads amount of work.
A lesson in archery [Part I/II] [Part II/II] (f-a|mp)
Summary: A member of the company might have gotten Kili smitten. Sadly, Thorin is not exactly fond of her, and the last thing Kili wanted was to go against his uncle's will.
The heir's curse [Part I/?] [Part II/?] [Part III/?] (≈a|mp|?)
Request: I have this idea of the reader being a princess and having to marry fili cuz hes the heir and she likes him but she ends up falling for his brother? Maybe with some angst? You can choose the end.
The flower in the forge [Part I/II] [Part II/II] [Addition] (f-a|mp|?)
Request: Thorin x fem human! reader where they meet in Ered Luin during Thorin's blacksmith days, she bonded with the rest of the Durins too especially Dis. Maybe a bit of an angsty/bittersweet ending because the reader is not interested in being a queen
The heir's curse [Part I/?] [Part II/?] [Part III/?] (≈a|mp|?)
Request: I have this idea of the reader being a princess and having to marry fili cuz hes the heir and she likes him but she ends up falling for his brother? Maybe with some angst? You can choose the end.
The keeper [Part I/II] [Part II/II] (f-a|mp)
Summary: When a mysterious person threatens the heir's life, the service of a personal guard is required to keep him safe until the foe is found. Fili, who doesn't take the matter very seriously, only sees it as an chance to spend more time with certain knight.
The bard's charms (f|os|?)
Request: How about some of Dwalin pining over a bard (performer) visiting Erebor?
My home (f|os|?)
Request: a Tauriel x Fem reader with a lotta cuteness? Where reader and Tauriel adopted a little child and it's just family fluff? Also can the child be like at the baby-talk stage, and kinda just toddles around?
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ally-holmes · 1 year
Battle Scars | Fili Fanfic
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My Fanfic Masterlist | Multifandom
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairing: Backgrown Thorin x Bilbo.
Rating: General.
Content Warnings: scars, canon divergence, everybody lives/nobody dies, spoilers the battle of the five armies.
Summary:  Fili assesses his current state, still not fully aware of how he'd ended up with that big scar on his chest.
Word Count: 1488
Also available on AO3
This work was created to be part of the Deanobingo2023 event by @deanobingo​ It fills the Character Card with Fili and the General Prompt Card with Scars. 
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Battle Scars | Oneshot
The sound around him is intense and noisy but Fili perceives it muffledly, like whatever was happening was too far away to make a clear notion about it. A towel soaked in a warm concoction that smells incredibly flowery taps against his chest and he looks down. A sharp breath catches in his throat. The towel hesitates barely for a second before resuming its job of cleaning the rough skin on his chest. Fili can barely believe he's alive after what Azog did to him, yet there he is. Mahal must've helped him fight the loss of blood, the infections, the fevers… It was a miracle and the torn skin on his chest was screaming it to him. The flesh had been cleaned and pulled together before suturing it closing him, almost putting him together head to toe.
Fili isn't aware that he has stopped breathing until a gentle hand runs through his clean and unbraided mane. He follows the extremities attached to the hands that are on him and finds their burglar. Bilbo looks skinnier than ever, swimming inside dwarvish winter clothes with Thorin's pattern, pale with big bags under his eyes. Bilbo's tired and sad. Fili thinks he's sad too, but he's been sad before and this… this was more.
"We'll be done soon, Fili," Bilbo whispers as if he was afraid of driving Fili into a panic attack.
Well, probably it had happened before.
A quiet whine on the other side of the room draws his attention. Kili. Oin is soon next to his brother making him drink something that calms him faster than Fili would've thought. Bilbo calls for his attention again with a little tug on a lock of his hair.
"He'll be fine. It's a little infection, we're taking care of it. You know Kili, the moment he felt slightly better he decided it was a good idea to jump in to help others. He pulled a few stitches and… Yeah. He'll be fine."
"Have you slept?" Fili finds his voice hoarse and low, forming phrases and pushing them through his mouth is more difficult than it should be. He frowns.
"I did." Bilbo's tired smile and fake optimism yell at Fili that he's lying.
"More than half an hour?"
Bilbo snorts, "You sound like Thorin."
"How is he?"
"Answer me honestly first. Did you forget?"
Did he? Um… perhaps. What was the last thing he remembered? The battle, for once. Then, Balin took the reigns of the compart cart they used to march against the biggest mountain trolls and orcs. Thorin was heading to Ravenhill and they needed to move quickly. He remembers the goats. He had never ridden a goat until that day; what he did ride had been ponies and one time even a horse, all by himself, although he ended up falling and dislocating his shoulder. Kili's awed look was worth it. Oh, yes, Azog had obviously hurt him, swinging him in the air like a rag doll, then he had fallen. He remembers Kili's eyes. Everything went black for an undetermined period of time before a pounding pain pierced his skull; opening his eyes he had seen Dwalin.
"That's it lad, come on. Don't die on me, you rascal," Dwalin had said with a voice so broken with emotion that Fili could still feel goosebumps breaking into his skin.
What else? He remembers filling dizzy and not knowing where the ground was, he was manhandled by Dwalin until he sat him next to his brother; Kili was unconscious. Dwalin had yelled. Fili blacked out right before being pulled down from the huge beast he apparently had been riding with his brother and… and Thorin. Yes. Thorin was there, covered in blood, ashen as if he had aged a century during the battle.
That had been a long time ago. He remembers his agonizing pain during recovery, the few periods of sharpness in his feverish mind. Bilbo, always attending to him and his brother. Thorin was… Thorin was doing kingly things but he was… he was limping, wasn't he? What else?
"It's fine if you don't remember everything, Fili. But your mind needs the exercise."
Bilbo's soft voice brought him back. The hobbit was handing him a small bowl with a plaster that he was supposed to eat. Encouraging him into using his trembling and disused hands to feed himself, Bilbo sat by his side chatting about the current situation. Fili appreciated the distraction from the feeling of eating like a dwarfling. While Bilbo told him about the prorogue of the negotiations, agreed in order to survive the winter, Fili observed him with all the focus his tired eyelids provided him.
Bilbo's curly hair had certainly grown during the journey, and although now it was somewhat trimmed with style, there were two braids behind his left ear, both of them with silver beads richly engraved. One of them identified him as a dwarves friend, which wasn't given lightly as far as Fili was concerned. The other one identified him as Thorin's betrothed. Fili couldn't help but snort at the possessive behavior of his uncle, who not only gave Bilbo those amazing beads that their people would promptly identify, but he also dressed him in his own clothing. Thorin was smitten.
Fili also notices Bilbo's scars. For starters, his right pointy ear is missing a chunk, and then there's a scar across his right cheek as if he had barely dodged a blow. Judging the way Bilbo held his torso while sitting or standing, Fili is certain that there were more scars there, probably pulling at the seams with movement. He knows the feeling.
Bilbo lits up like a good fire in winter when he starts talking about the stubbornness of dwarfs and how it took him to put his furry feet down for them to understand that the best option to survive this winter and reinforce the former alliance between Erebor and Dale —"Especially with your uncle's stunt while being sick of dragon fever because let me assure you Fili that it was a bad first impression for a king. That much I know," Bilbo says— was to use the secure areas of the mountain as a shelter for the people of Laketown as much as the brave warriors that had followed Dain from the Iron Hills.
Fili snorts his food when Bilbo calls Thranduil a "ludicrous narcissistic piece of ass". Bilbo is smiling smugly for making him laugh when the door of what now Fili understands is the improvised infirmary opens silently; Thorin pauses his movement looking directly at Fili's eyes. The initial surprise melts into relief, the softest smile drawing itself in the stern brooding face of his uncle. It's been so long since Fili had seen Thorin at ease that he feels his eyes filling with water as he stubbornly refuses to cry. A soft pat on his thigh makes him realize that he's already crying and that it's fine to do so.
His uncle, the king under the mountain, approaches his bed with his innate majesty don't minding his slight limping. Thorin has a dirty scar across his right eyebrow that would compete gladly with Dwalin's; if Fili is remembering correctly, his limping was caused because Azog, pretending to be downed, had stabbed Thorin's foot right before taking advantage of the situation imposing his will upon his uncle's. Then Bilbo used his magic ring and stabbed the pale orc on his side. That's what they had told him anyway.
"I'm glad to see you in good spirits, Fili," Thorin beams clasping a hand on Fili's shoulder.
"Uncle Bilbo was telling me about the elven king," calling the hobbit uncle was a little license that he managed by being still on bed rest, but the deep blush suffocating Bilbo's face and the shy smile his uncle pulled were worthy.
"Bilbo's shown to be a loyal companion in more than one way. Our burglar is well versed in the arts of diplomacy."
The hobbit sniffed in good humor, "If you and Thranduil stopped behaving like childer the whole situation should be easier. But no, of course, elves and dwarfs are unable to accept that maybe, just maybe, they need to, Eru forbid it, yield in any sense. I'll be honest with you, Fili, there are times in which Bard and I just sit there watching those two arguing and snarling at each other."
"I'm nothing like that standoffish."
"I don't like elves either, but I'm prone to believe Bilbo on this, uncle."
"You're delirious," Thorin jokes pushing him slightly for him to lie on the bed.
Fili barks a laugh recklessly, which earns him a gasp of pain. Oin's immediately on top of him giving him some concoction he had created and all of a sudden, he feels sleepy. The last thing he recalls is Bilbo's encouraging voice promising he'll be there when he wakes up.
The end
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bxdcubes · 1 year
Fili/Bilbo fic rec
for @sharktofu as promised.
Confusion      by  WTFAidaWTF (Aida) (both fem)
Fíli thought Bilbo didn't know. Apparently, Fíli is the only one who didn't know anything.
 At a Glance by kasumixkrimm
 A collection of stories that detail glances of the evolving relationship between Fili and Bilbo during their adventure.
What you wouldn't do for kin      by  QueenOfSkaro
Kili knows his brother is in love with the resident hobbit and decides to help out, being the awesome little brother that he is.
The Durin's Hand (And Maybe His Feet, Too)     by   smileybagel
 A play on a old fable, "The Lion's Paw", where a lion is stuck with a nasty thorn in its paw and cannot get it out until a sweet little mouse helps him.
Now let's replace "lion" with "Fili" and "mouse" with "Bilbo" and see what happens.
Nonlinear      by  StrictlyNoFrills (fem!bilbo)
For dwarves, who love all things geometrical and straightforward, the fact that recovery is not a linear process is entirely maddening.
So, it's a good thing Fili doesn't have to cope with the aftermath of the battle alone.
Leap (Don't Look)     by StrictlyNoFrills (fem!bilbo)
It was an old Took tradition. If any Took lass was in love and her lad had not proposed in the timely manner she might wish, then she would set out on a grand Adventure and return with the fruits of her journey to lay them at her lad’s feet and propose.
The Gift of the Hidden Heir     by StrictlyNoFrills (fem!bilbo)
It's their first Yuletide after their banishment.
something in each of us is wanting      by dualce
"That's not quite what I meant," Bilbo said, catching his breath, his walking stick thumping emphatically with every step. "I am glad for the help. And the company." He said the last bit quietly, eying the dwarves in front of them, a thread of uncertainty in his voice.
"That is well," Fili said. "For I am glad of your company, too."
Bilbo's breath hitched, and he cast a look upward through the locks of hair on his forehead, surprise written plain on his face. "Er, why?"
 A Gift Beyond Measure     by      LadyLaran (fem!bilbo)
When the parents of Ivy Baggins passes, the bonds are shattered and she is sent to her soul-father in hopes of helping her recover.   It's there she finds true love.
 Fili Fridays    by StrictlyNoFrills (fem!bilbo)
 Exactly what it sounds like: The place where I celebrate Fili Friday by posting short oneshots appreciating Fili on Friday.
 Here Be Dragons     by  MorinoAthame
A long set of one shots, each inspired by a different word, for various Hobbit pairings as follows:
01. Wonder - Bilbo/Bofur 02. Anchoring - Bilbo/Dwalin 03. Dreaminess - Bilbo/Bifur 04. Passion - Bilbo/Thorin 05. Recollection - Bilbo/Nori 06. Enchantment - Bilbo/Gandalf 07. Exuberance - Bilbo/Kili 08. Unpredictability - Dori, Nori, & Ori 09. Extravagance - Bofur/Nori 10. Desire - Bofur/Thorin 11. Brilliance - Bilbo/Fili 12. Instinct - Balin/Bilbo 13. Subtlety - Dwalin/Nori 14. Truthfulness - Bilbo/Elrond 15. Satisfaction - Bilbo/Dori 16. Tenacity - Bofur/Dwalin
Ereborian Justice      by     Madkat89 (fem!bilbo)
Although Erebor has been reclaimed and is currently being rebuilt, an attack on Bella shows that although Erebor has been reclaimed, law has not returned to the Lonely Mountain. But the line of Durin will not permit such travesties to go unanswered and justice will return to Erebor and the dwarven people once more
(Read the note at the beginning of the first chapter before reading)
An Unexpected Courtship     by  Bead (fem!bilbo)
Fili sets himself the task of looking after the newest, weakest and least skilled member of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield.  
 Tiger's Eye and Flower Crowns     by    GwendalfTheGato
Fifty years after the Battle of Azanulbizar, Frerin lives as a slave in a compound of Men. When a Hobbit Fauntling by the name of Bilba is unceremoniously dropped into his life, Frerin does everything he can to do right by his wee one. And if that means eventually being freed and returning to Ered Luin, well, at least his little one will be safe.
Or, how Frerin gains a Wee One, how Fili gets engaged over sweets, and how Bilba is a master frog hunter.
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Main Masterlist
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The Sound of Magic Series:
Do You Believe Me? (Ri-eul x BestFriend!Reader)
Vincenzo Series:
You're My Person (Vincenzo x Female!MafiaReader)
When Fear Becomes Strength (Jang Han-seo x BestFriend!Reader)
So, This is Love? (Jang Han-seo x Paralegal!Reader)
Teasing An Gi-seok
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Series:
Facing Your Feelings (Mick Rory/Heatwave x Reader)
Insecure (Ray Palmer/Atom x Reader)
Supernatural Series:
Trickster’s Sweet Tooth (Gabriel x Reader)
Closure (Dean Winchester x Past!Reader)
Sacrifice (Winchesters x AngelFriend!Reader)
Do They Know About Us? (Mick Davies x Hunter!Reader)
Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Series:
Pure Happiness (Steve McGarrett x Reader)
Movie Night With Danny
Marvel Cinematic Universe Series:
A True Hero (Tony Stark x Reader)
Shenanigans (Avengers x Friend!Reader)
Blindfolded (Avengers x AvengersInTraining!Reader)
Soulmate Mark (Loki x FemaleWinged!Reader)
Somebody to Lean On (Friend!Tony Stark x SuperSoldier!Reader)
Night Changes (Tony Stark x Avenger!Reader)
Mission Gone Wrong (Tony Stark x PastWife!Reader)
Bowling With the Avengers
Once Upon a Time Series:
Memory Potion (Archie x Female!Reader)
The Hobbit Cinematic Series:
Surprise Confession (Dwalin x FemaleHuman!Reader)
Until We Meet Again (Fili x FemaleElf!Reader)
Enchanted Mirror (Bofur x FemaleModernHuman!Reader)
X-Men Cinematic Series:
Meet Your Son (Logan/Wolverine x Female!Human!Reader)
Lucifer Cinematic Series:
Lucifer’s Desire (No Pairing)
Being Human (US) Cinematic Series:
Vampires, Ghosts, & Werewolves. OH MY! (Aidan Waite x Female!Reader)
Wynonna Earp Cinematic Series:
This Time is Different (Doc Holliday x Reader)
The Librarians Series:
The Truth Is (Jacob "Jake" Stone x Reader)
Crossover Fanfics:
Something There That Wasn’t There Before (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Bones): (Danny Williams x FemaleRommate!Reader)
A New Life (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Avengers): (Steve McGarrett x Reader & The Avengers x FemalePastAvenger!Reader)
Sam, Dean, and Cas meet John Constantine
Lucifer and Chloe meet John Constantine
Any Fandom:
Falling Through Ice
P.S.-all works also found on AO3 under mirajanefairytailmage
Writing Prompts:
Songbird Enchantment
Death's Apology
Original Works:
Forget The Rain
My Nightmare Will End
I Wish
Main blog
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jjamjamm · 2 years
A Heated Argument
Masterlist | Domestic Oneshots Masterlist
Wordcount: 591
Summary: Dwalin gets angry when he hears that you're secretly learning to fight.
Part 2
“I still can’t believe she got you on your back.” Dwalin turned an ear as Kili’s laughter rang through the hall, “She’s getting good.”
“Only because we’ve been showing her our moves.” Fili replied, “But you know Dwalin is bound to find out, and he’ll be furious.”
He stopped what he was doing and started to head towards the voices. The boys stopped dead in their tracks as he turned the corner and came face to face with them.
“Mister Dwalin.” Fili faked a grin, “Fancy meeting you here.”
“Lovely weather we’re having.” Kili added, instantly regretting his choice of small talk, “Don’t you think?”
“Yes, lovely weather.” Fili backed him up before adding a mocking jab, “Inside the mountain.”
“What will I be furious about?” Dwalin asked, crossing his arms over his chest. The boys swallowed, trying to find the courage to reveal what had been going on behind his back, and spilling their guts.
Shortly after discovering what you had been doing, Dwalin shoved the door open and shut it harshly. He looked around your home, only to hear you humming in the bathroom.
You stepped out, wrapped in your robe as you pushed your drying hair back out of your face, “You’re home early.”
“Why have you been doing this?” He asked, leaving you to interpret his question.
“I don’t-” you tried to explain, but he was on a roll.
“They say you even prefer sword to a proper weapon.” Dwalin gestured towards his prize possessions, “And the boys? You really needed them to teach you?”
“You’re busy, I thought it would be better.” You argued, getting angry with his accusatory tone, “As a matter of fact, I thought you’d be happy.”
“Happy?” He scoffed, “Happy that my wife is training with two dwarflings to learn how to defend herself?”
“I’m sorry, but did you not mock the burglar- he’s ‘gentlefolk’ Isn’t he? And me? What am I if I can’t even fend for myself?” You argued, “I know dwarrow pride themselves on strength, I’m just trying to learn.”
“We also pride ourselves on our ability to keep our kin safe.” He said, “How do you think it makes me look, to have my wife off training with those two? I look like a feeble old man who can’t even protect her!”
“You aren’t feeble and I’m not trying to make you look bad!” You shouted back at him. You took a deep breath, knowing this fight could go on forever if nobody tried to fix the problem, “What would you like to do instead? I still want to know how to defend myself.”
He looked to be calming down, but was still far from thrilled about it, “I can show you how.”
You nodded in agreement to the deal, so long as you could still train, you were interested.
“Alright, you have a deal.” You stuck your hand out for him to shake, “Or, will we need a legal document to bind our agreement?”
“I’m true to my word.” He grumbled, clearly, you had struck him deep without realizing it. You still didn’t think you had done anything wrong, and you knew you shouldn’t enjoy being on that end of his angry stare so much. Regardless, you knew a good way to work out the rest of the argument.
When he took your hand to shake it, you swept in to kiss him, catching him off guard.
“You know,” You started, moving to loosen the tie on your robe, “I kind of like it when you’re angry.”
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ofstardustanddreaming · 9 months
the hobbit masterlist
updated: 1/18/24
everything gender neutral unless specified otherwise
imagine thranduil comforting you after a long day (gender neutral reader)
imagine thranduil stargazing with you. (gender neutral reader)
imagine thorin being enraptured by your stories at night. (gender neutral, witch reader)
touch starved: you’re touch starved, and aren’t sure how to ask for it.
comforting ways: one way they comfort you when you’re sad. (characters: bilbo, tauriel, thorin, fili, kili, dwalin, bofur, thranduil)
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eidetictelekinetic · 1 year
17, 41 and 48 for the fic asks?
I answered 17 already, but...
41: Link a fic that made me think "I want to write like that"... Oh, damn, there's a lot of those? Including works written by people I actually know and consider friends. I think the only way to name just one is to just link the one I happen to be rereading right now: Growing Dwarves (and Kingdoms) by Lumeleo. It's a Hobbit fix-it, main ships are Thorin/Bilbo, Kili/Tauriel, Fili/Ori, and Dwalin/Nori (this fic in fact sold me on both of those last two). I love the way the relationships develop and how real the world feels, and it's part of a series - one, from the POV of the Ri brothers' mom, never fails to make me cry.
48: Haha technically my way of choosing answered this question, but I'm gonna take that as last fic finished and link @avelera 's sweet Dream goes to uni fic, my love is thine to teach, because it's an excellent Dreamling oneshot that feels like a glimpse into their lives and gives me a lot of feelings about Dream and accomplishment.
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
Razzy will you please tell me about the sweet fics: Sweeter than Honey and Cuppy Cake please…
Oh hell yeah, Anon, let's go!! (And sorry for the delay!) Here come some things about the sweet fics!!!
-> Sweeter than Honey
Check out the plot bunny here!!
Bilbo is a beekeeper, running his own honey farm and sanctuary.
Thorin is a lumberjack, working for his grandfather's logging company that just rolled into town and has been acquiring the lands just beyond the river near Bilbo's.
Thror is trying to take up most of the land and has his sights set on Bilbo's honey farm, yikes.
Honestly, I intend for this to be just a fun slice of life style fic with complications, and fluff, and lots of food, apparently.
Thrain is alive in this modern AU too, but he doesn't work in the field like Thorin, Dwalin, etc, do.
There's lots of fleshing out to be done, but I am just looking forward to another fun modern fic in a similar vein as my band au <3
-> Cuppy Cake
A oneshot incoming for my birthday (I hope)
Another modern au centered around Bilbo's nephew (and god son)'s birthday party, in which Bilbo has definitely helped set up and make the cupcakes for the kiddos!
Fili and Kili are young (Frodo's age) and in the same class as Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, etc, so naturally...they are invited to this birthday party.
Mister Uncle <- it will make sense later.
It's about two losers who don't know how to ask one another out while knee-deep in the chaos of a kid's birthday party lmao
It's a birthday gift from me to me.
Special shoutout @sunnyrosewritesstuff who constantly makes my wip list even longer.
Ask me about my wips!
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Fandoms I write/take requests for
If you dont see a character you want, you can still send in a request.
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The Lost Boys
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
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(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
Egon Spengler
Ray Stantz
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Stranger Things
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
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Harry Potter/Fantstic Beasts
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
Newton “Newt” Scammander
Remus Lupin 
Sirius Black
Severus Snape
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
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(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
Henry Fitzroy
Michael “Mike” Celluci
Victoria “Vicki” Nelson
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Good Omens
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
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Star Trek
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
S'Chn T'Gai Spock “Spock”
Jim Kirk
Data Soong
Worf, son of Mogh”Worf”
Geord La Forge
Deanna Troy
Into Darkness
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The Hobbit/LOTR
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
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Marvel Studios
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
(Tom) Peter Parker
(Andrew) Peter Parker
(Toby) Peter Parker
Doc Ock
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Queen/Bohemian Rhapsody
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury (Rami)
Brian May
Brian May (Gwilym)
Roger Taylor
Roger Taylor (Hardy)
John Deacon 
John Deacon (Joe)
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(stories, oneshots, headcanons)
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Star Wars
(poly, seperate) (stories, oneshots, headcanons)
Din Djarin 
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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David Bowie
The Volturi Kings (Aro,Caius,Marcus) (Twlight)
Henry Sturges ( Abrham Lincoln Vampire Hunter)
Shota Aizawa (My Hero Academia)
Alucard Tepes (Castlevania)
Alan Grant (Jurrasic Park)
Akhmenrah (Night at the Museum)
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Thorin Oakenshield Imagines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/A3Lqc1k
by Bonniebird
The Hobbit: Thorin Oakenshield; This book is for The Hobbit's Thorin Oakenshield . All of my Imagines, prompts, oneshots and moodboard for Thorin Oakenshield requested via my Tumblr account; @bonniebird Fics in this book are Thorin x Reader, Thorin x Fem!Reader or Thorin x Male!Reader
Words: 450, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Thranduil (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Galadriel | Artanis, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Balin (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Dís (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien)
Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Reader, Thorin Oakenshield & Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/A3Lqc1k
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
Thorin Oakenshield Imagines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qDwiP69
by Bonniebird
The Hobbit: Thorin Oakenshield; This book is for The Hobbit's Thorin Oakenshield . All of my Imagines, prompts, oneshots and moodboard for Thorin Oakenshield requested via my Tumblr account; @bonniebird Fics in this book are Thorin x Reader, Thorin x Fem!Reader or Thorin x Male!Reader
Words: 450, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Thranduil (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Galadriel | Artanis, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Balin (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Dís (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien)
Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Reader, Thorin Oakenshield & Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qDwiP69
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: How about some of Dwalin pining over a bard (performer) visiting Erebor?
Pairing: Dwalin x reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @finnofamerica
Permanent taglist: @queenofmankind @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none I think
A/N: I feel like I did not write Dwalin, like, at all 😕. At least I tried lmao, hope you enjoy even if I completely changed the character xdd
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Mister Dwalin!" the blond prince called my name just as I approached him. "How are the party's preparations?"
"Everything is set up, except from the music." I informed, joining him in his walk. "Balin will send a raven to The Shire with an invitation tomorrow, I told him to include a request for a bard on it."
"My uncle will kill me, but send a raven to Mirkwood too." I couldn't help but snort at the thought of an elf performing for Thorin. "We must require the services of the best bard we can find." Fíli ruled his eyes begging me for support as we moved through the halls of Erebor with a trail of servants behind us. "Spare no expense on it, Thorin's first birthday under The Mountain has to be perfect."
The morning of the party, I was summoned by the princes at the mountain's entrance. I attended as soon as I could, and when I got there, the two brothers were whispering. Kíli seemed nervous, and Fíli, distressed.
"What you both plotting, lads?" They both looked at me with that look. I stopped dead in my trucks. "What did you do."
"I told Kíli we needed a bard and-" Fíli started.
"I spoke to Tauriel," the brunet continued, immediately exclaiming, "and she found the best bard!"
"She's an elf."
"In Durin's beard—" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Thorin will kill you himself."
"No-" Kíli stalked towards me. "but that's why you need your help!"
"You ought to hear her sing," Fíli spoke, "her voice is the most beautiful sound I've heard."
"Hold on- she's here?" I whispered, peeking over my shoulders in case someone might have heard us. "You brought an elf-maid here?"
"I walked in by myself, sir." a fourth, silky voice made me look over the brothers' shoulders. "No one brought me."
I, myself, noticed how my jaw fell at the sight of her. She was a vision of loveliness; the beauty she possessed was not from this earth.
"Mister Dwalin?" Kíli's chuckle snapped me out of my astonishment and sent me back to reality. "This is Y/n, from Mirkwood. The bard." my orbs went from the brothers to the elf and vice versa. "Y/n is really pretty isn't she?"
"I..." with a smile she captured my eyes again. "Must you complicate things all the time?"
"It's worth it!" Kíli defended their idea.
"Is it?"
"I can assure you it is." she spoke with a confident half smile. "Must I sing to you to prove it, master dwarf?" there was some kind of daring undertone in her voice.
"Nae." I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to look as stoic as possible with my heart pounding against my chest. "Won't expose myself to any kind of elvish witchery."
"I believe I do not need witchery to gain your favor, do I?" the knowing grin twisting up the corner of her perfect lips made my blood boil for some reason.
I grunted, fighting to pull my gaze away from Y/n, which earned an amused laugh from her. "I'll try to speak on behalf of the lass." I declared, already walking past the princes. "Only because she's already here."
We were only starting the celebration when the blond prince approached me and took me away from the rest, supposedly to ask for updates on the bard's topic.
"Did you convince Thorin?" Fíli whispered peeking over my shoulder to check on our king.
"Nae, had no time to do it." I looked over my shoulder to see Thorin. "Since Bilbo arrived, I wasn't able to separate your uncle from him." I turned around with crossed arms and a sigh escaped me as I contemplated the hobbit. "For the sake of the lass, I hope the master burglar can placate whatever reaction Thorin has."
"Don't stress about it. Once she starts performing," I felt his blue eyes on me, "everything will be alright, you'll see."
"Where is that famous bard?!" Thorin's joyful yell triggered a grimace in Fíli's face. I clenched my jaw and my shoulders involuntarily tensed as the servants guide a fancy-dressed Y/n into the hall, along with the instrument she would be playing.
There was an uncomfortable silence, in which Thorin’s eyes searched for answers in the rest of us whilst Y/n prepared herself without any kind of distress.
Just as Thorin was about to complain, Bilbo gripped his arm and pulled him to whisper something in his ear. After a moment, Thorin, still with a weary look on his face, nodded, which gave Y/n the cue to start.
She sang, and as the performance progressed, I wondered if she had put us under some kind of spell.
The celebration went on an on for an entirety of three days, so, despite Y/n's endurance, she had to take breaks between performances to rest, drink and eat.
No matter where I was, nor with whom I was, my eyes would periodically search for her. I would lose my train of thought, and even become self-conscious of my actions if her eyes laid on me.
The youngest ones noticed that, so did my brother, and they didn't pass a chance to tease me about it as loud as they could, attempting to draw the lass' attention to us.
Thank Mahal, Bilbo kept hogging Thorin’s attention for the most part of the celebration. I wouldn't be able to take whatever opinion my king had on the topic; a dwarf like me, smitten over an elf-maid of Mirkwood.
"Well, master dwarf," her voice startled me, for her steps had been stealthy before she had plopped down in the bench besides me. "was it worth it?"
"Aye, it surely was, lass." I replied, wiping the beer from my beard with the back of my forearm. "Though I have the impression that you know that already."
"Maybe I do." I contemplated her as she grabbed a jar of beer herself. "Did you enjoy it?"
"How could I not?" I stared at the jar in front of me as I spoke. "no words known to me can describe what that voice of yours made a dwarf feel." I grabbed the beer and quaffed what was left of my beverage, hoping the alcohol would somehow mitigate the blush that was already reddening my neck, ears and cheeks.
"Maybe words are not what you need to express what I made you feel." Fíli, who was sitting near us, spit the beer he had been drinking and I had to stop myself from doing the same.
"I see no other way to express it." I lied, not wanting to meet her gaze.
"may I suggest something?" I looked up from my jar and turned to meet her gaze.
Just when I was about to prompt her to do it, she closed the space between us and let her lips place a feather kiss on mine.
Her eyes were now casted down, just like mine had been a moment ago. It took me a minute to realize I wasn't breathing, so I took a deep breath before guiding one hand to grab hers, while the other one held her cheek and brought her lips back to mine.
She let out a chuckle shortly after pulling away from the kiss. "See, mister Dwalin?" her eyes went from mine to our interlaced fingers. "Sometimes words are not needed."
"This may be a stupid thing to ask," I began, trying to keep my voice steady and confident. "But will you let this brute dwarf court you?"
There was a pause in which I feared I would receive a negative for an answer. Dwarven costumes were not the same as elvish costumes after all.
"I would love to say yes," she sighed. "but I'm afraid I will have to leave soon."
"No you won't." Thorin's voice startled us both and my hand would have left hers if she hadn't gripped on it. "I would like to request your services as a bard." he spoke with a half smile on his lips, sharing a knowing look with Bilbo, who had taken a seat in front of us.
"For how long?"
"Depends on how much time Dwalin may need to gain your favor." the dwarves near us let out muffled laughs and I felt my cheeks burning.
"Then it won't be for long." she squeezed my hand and smiled fondly at me. "for he already has it."
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greennightspider · 4 years
Hearts Entwined (Dwalin Oneshot)
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Author’s Note: First time writing for the LOTR/HOBBIT fandom so be gentle! Just a bit of Dwalin fluff because he’s mah boy.
Summary: Joining a company of Dwarves you thought that your hair would be the least of your worries. But as it turns out, it matters more than you thought.
Dwalin x Reader
The sun had just crawled over the mountains when Thorin decided it was time to make camp. At his words you and some of the other company fell to your knees in exhaustion, you rolling on your back as you steadied your breathing.
“I feel like my legs are gonna fall off.” Ori whined, as he lay collapsed on the ground beside you, to which you chuckled.
“Don’t you live in mountains?” You turned your head.
“Emphasis on the ‘in’. Its not like we climb up and down these every day.” Bofur groaned.
You could tell who the more battle hardy members were, as more of the older men of the troop stood unfazed. One dwarf in particular looking like he had just gone for a morning jog.
“Aw come on you whippersnappers, you’re fifty years too old to let a leisurely walk like this defeat ya.” Dwalin grinned, poking at your leg with his boot.
“Lesiurely??!” Ori panted.
“Walk??!” You cried.
Your dramatics caused many in the troupe to laugh heartily, which was a much needed mood-lifter after such a long day. Even Thorin the Serious smiled as he passed you by.
“Come on, we’ll make for camp.”
You lay on the ground for a moment more, letting your eyes cover your gaze as you enjoyed the view of a certain dwarf, sweat glistening his muscles and brow in the waning sunlight.
Perhaps climbing mountains did have their perks.
Even though it had only been two weeks, it felt as though you had been a part of this rag-tag troupe for years. You were an unexpected surprise, not unlike Bilbo, however your meeting was far from peaceful. They had found you tied up as a troll trio’s appetizer, and after they had rescued you, Gandalf offered that you travel with them.
At first there were objections to having a stranger join, but with you promising to prove your worth to Thorin they obliged. In all honesty you had no idea what to expect in a quest of Blue Mountain dwarves. But you had felt the times changing, work as a bounty hunter becoming more dangerous for a lone wolf. So, it made sense to travel with a group of warriors, peculiar though their quest may be.
Over time you had become accustomed to the Dwarven band, and they you. You liked sparring with Dwalin, listening to Bilbo’s packing tips, and even getting into trouble with Fili and Kili, but unconsciously you found yourself always looking out for Ori. 
He reminded you of your younger siblings, and so you tried to make sure he was never left behind. Dori had also noticed your kindness, and had taken it upon himself to be your guide if ever you had questions about the trip, dwarves, and anything in between.
Sure Fili and Kili were friendly enough, but you could never be sure if their answers were serious or offered as a wick to a flame. Which wouldn’t help your case if they knew of your more romantic curiosities about a certain rugged dwarf.
As soon as camp was set up you dug into your bowl almost as heftily as Bombur did, your mighty excursions leaving your body depleted. Sighing as you patted your full belly, you enjoyed the warmth of the fire while propped up against a hefty log, one that Dwalin happened to be sitting on.
“Good to see you’ve revived lass.” 
You tried not to let the blush creep into your cheeks as he spoke your nickname with such a warmth that pulled at your heart strings. “Good to see you’re still kicking too.” You shot back, Dwalin smirking at your response.
You remembered the first time you saw him burst out of the trees with a mighty roar. Even hanging upside down, you saw the sheer strength and courage he launched himself at a foe five  times his size. Yet his gentleness surprised you as he cut you down and carried you in his arms like you weighed nothing.
I mean, how could you not fall for him?
As everyone cleared off their bowls for the night you tried to stretch your muscles as best you could. The strain on your shoulders was beginning to ache, however it was a familiar pain now, and one that you would try your best not to let show.
You rolled your pack out close to the face of the mountain, since once before Dwalin had to drag you back from almost toppling over the edge in your sleep.
“No more sleeping near the cliffsides you wriggly worm.” He had growled sternly, to which you could only nod, having woken up to being carried by your saviour once again wondering if it was another dream. You’d had to bury your cheeks under the blanket so he couldn’t see your satisfied smile.
“Glad to see you learned your lesson.” Dwalin teased as he watched you from the fire.
“Well I’m sure if I had gone over the edge you could’ve used your beard as rope.” You teased back.
Dwalin and the others roared around the fire, as he looked at you with a mischievous grin.
“You tease this fine work of art missy, but from the looks of it your hair is gonna look worse than mine within a week.”
You brought your hand up to the back of your head and realised that it was, indeed, becoming a matted mess. You kept your thick hair in braids for the practicality, but on this journey you had not found the time to manage the upkeep. Which was important, as your curls answered to no one but a tooth comb and plenty of oil.
You huffed and started to unbind your hair, working your way behind before you felt yourself stuck. Seems one of your more intricate braids had become an intricate knot.
“You might as well just shave it off lassy, we can have matching hairstyles.” Dwalin roared with laughter. You tried your best to give him a grumpy look but you soon found yourself in fits of laughter too.
“You can help me braid my hair then you big ol’ grump.” You grinned, walking purposely around the fire and plonking yourself on the ground between his legs cross legged.
“How about that?” You puffed triumphantly.
But instead of more banter, you instantly you felt those around the fire freeze, Bofur dropping his spoon back into his bowl.
“You didn’t tell her?” Kili hissed at Dori.
“Well its not like I expected it to come up!” Dori argued defensively.
“Am I…. missing something?” You turned your head to look up at Dwalin wondering why he was silent too. However, you didn’t expect to find the most ferocious man you had ever met as red as a beet!
“Um,” Fili chuckled nervously. “Y/N, you-“
“Dwarves have very particular customs when it comes to our hair, or braiding other’s.” Thorin spoke decisively from his place as lookout, arms folded. “Customs that usually amount to offers of courtship.”
Your jaw dropped, realizing that you may or may not have in no small way proposed to Dwalin. “Oh.” You struggled to get words out. “Oh no, I didn’t know, I-I am sorry if I have caused offence!”
“It looks like you’ve caused a heart attack sweetie.” Bofur replied before being elbowed in the ribs by Kili.
You looked at everyone around the fire trying to look for some indication of how to proceed, finding that all of them were looking behind you. “Dwalin?”
“Its okay lass, you didn’t know.” Dwalin replied, the tepidness in his voice almost breaking you.
This really wasn’t how anything was supposed to go! Yes you liked Dwalin, you liked Dwalin a LOT. But you never thought the day would come when you would be ousted by your own foolish actions, and in front of half of your companions too.
“It was an honest mistake.” You heard Dwalin try to joke.
You scrunched the dirt underneath your hands into your fists. You were Y/N. You were bold. You were daring. And while your actions may have been a mistake your feelings certainly weren’t. Could you pretend it all away? Could you live with yourself now if you lied and hid your heart away? No. You had never run away from anything in your life. And you weren’t about to start now.
“If its all the same to you Dwalin, I still would like your help to braid my hair.”
You winced as you heard Ori gasp dramatically. When you peeked up you found Fili and Kili staring at you while simultaneously kicking each other, Bofur almost letting his bowl slip from his hands. Even Thorin raised his eyebrows at your boldness.
You felt the dwarf behind you exhale. “Are you sure lass?”
“Yes.” You tried not to twiddle your fingers, somehow transforming more and more into a shy milkmaid by the second. “Unless you would like me to ask someone else to braid it.” You insinuated daringly, even with fear he would say yes and offer your heart to someone else.
But no sooner were the words out of your mouth then you felt his hands brush against your back, taking the first of your plaits in his hands and unweaving it slowly.
“Well look at that I think its time for bed!” Bofur sprung up and yawned purposefully. At this the remaining troop instantly scattered, leaving you both alone with each other by the fire. Even Thorin had moved so that he was perched around the side of the mountain out of respect for his loyal warrior.
“I’m sorry if my hair is hard to handle.” You offered shyly. “It’s hard to do the plaits on my own.”
“No need for sorrys.” The rugged dwarf answered quietly, cursing his hands for not being nimble, or delicate. His hands were leathery, worn from his early years in the forges. But he had never thought his hands would be weaving in your hair as they did now. “Am I hurting ya?”
“Are you kidding me?” You laughed at his concern. “My mother would have me and my siblings crying after a braiding session when we were younger, this is….” You then paused. “This is much better.”
Dwalin’s own heart swelled at your contentment, fit to burst from his chest. Ever since the day he had cut you down and carried you in his arms, he couldn’t deny that you were the most beautiful cocoon he had ever seen.
He thought it was just the normal jitters when one saw a pretty face, but as you travelled as companions and then as friends, he fell in love with your character. The way you laughed, the way you fought, the way you would look out for Ori. You had proven your worth to the company as you had promised, but along the way you had won Dwalin’s heart.
Of course, he never thought in a thousand years though that a strong, strapping youngling would ever fall for him. You were human, and he considered the fact that maybe you wouldn’t feel attachment like dwarves did. He had thought for sure you would have become interested in one of the princes, anyone younger than himself.
Obviously, Dwalin was wrong.
The fierce warrior reluctantly finished the last plait, the process of taming your hair long but pleasant, as both of you swapped small stories of memories and times long past, even content to sit in silence.
You stretched and then turned to sit facing him. “Thank you.” The warmth in your smile more than Dwalin could take.
Before he could even think the dwarf had taken both of your hands in his, letting his thumbs slide gingerly across your small hands.
“Yes Dwalin?” You looked up at him with pools of dark hazel that glinted in the firelight, taking his breath away with the way you looked at him so keenly. He had never seen you like this before. Then again he mused, you had probably never seen him look like such a blushing fool before either.
“I’ll help you with your hair whenever you need Y/N, if that’s okay with you.”
You smiled at took the chance to hold his face in your hands, planting a small kiss on his forehead. “Its more than okay with me.”
Your own Dwarven Hero.
“Told you she’d be the one to do it.” Fili chuckled, kicking the bundle next to him that was his brother, gaining him a grunt. “You owe me a pint.”
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