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nonotnolan · 21 days
Rush Week
You develop a special sort of bond with a guy when you've swapped bodies and you're touching each other's dick. It's the justification that Sigma Epsilon Chi gave for their partnership with Cuerpo Inc. during rush week, and I had to admit it makes sense. More to the point, Sig-Ep is THE frat to be in, so I knew I was going to do whatever it took to become a member, hazing be damned.
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My face has never been much to look at-- my ears have always been huge, my hair is hopelessly curly, and I think my features are more rugged than handsome. I certainly don't have legacy money or family connections. I pledged with the hope that my muscles or my vibes would get me a ticket in, and I was so relieved to get that offer letter.
They said the house would swap bodies at random for the weekend, but I know that the machinery they use allows you to specify certain swaps and randomize others. I was convinced one of the upperclassmen will be taking my body while I ended up in some twig body for maximum embarrassment... and I wasn't wrong.
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Henry is... he's a good guy, honestly. His parents are loaded and he can eat damn near anything and it doesn't affect his figure. I've never been fashion forward, so having access to his closet has been wild. The guy actually owns a sewing machine! He's also one of those guys who is never seen without product in his hair-- he actually left me instructions on how to take care of it. I can only imagine what he's gonna do in my low maintenance body-- all I own are tank tops and gym shirts. I'm half-expecting to come back to a new wardrobe and a manicure. But holy hell, the dude is thin and lanky in ways I didn't think was possible. I hope he enjoys having some actual meat on his bones.
The biggest thing is that Henry is gay. Which, you know, that's totally cool by me! More chicks for the rest of us. But once I was put into his body, seeing all of my fellow bros roaming around shirtless and feeling up their new muscles... I don't know how Henry can wear these skinny jeans all the time. I was rock-hard within minutes and it physically hurt to have my new eight inches constrained by denim. I almost feel guilty, giving him the shorter end of the stick.
I'm pretty sure Henry is an insatiable bottom, so all of that size seems wasted but... what can you do? Anyway, we're allowed to hook up this weekend as long as we use condoms and... when else am I gonna have this opportunity, you know? If I don't take this chance, I'm gonna be consumed by the 'what if's forever. Also the part where I'm horny as fuck in his body.
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Lucky for me, whoever ended up in Joey's body was giving me the side-eye the whole time we were at the opening mixer, so I don't think it will take much effort to get my dick wet. His body has the type of smooth skin I've always envied, and I'm honestly jealous at how handsome his face looks. He's got a dirty blonde dye job that plays into his charm, and his muscles are... well, they might be bigger than mine. My real muscles, anyway.
"You wanna head upstairs to my room?" Joey asked, grabbing my bulge in his hand. He flashed a dazzling grin, and I could feel myself swooning from the confidence. God, I wanted him so bad. But Joey was just a Sophomore, which meant he still had one of the smaller bedrooms.
"My room," I said, shaking my head. A thought crossed my mind, and once again I figured I may as well follow the impulse. I threw my arms around Joey's neck and jumped into his arms. He stumbled a bit, but pretty soon his arms were hooked underneath my body to support my weight. So many of my friends back home did that all the time, and now I understood why they found it addicting. I leaned in close enough for him to feel the heat of my breath as I whispered into his ear, "I want you inside me."
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"I really needed that," I said, putting some clothes back on after the most intense session of my life. "Can't say that I had ever imagined getting fucked by a man before, but, uhh... I enjoyed it, it was good. Hopefully that was good for you, too?" I could feel myself starting to blush. "I've never been a gay man before, but I think I got the hang of it there at the end."
"Bro, you were great, don't even worry about it," Joey said, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "But, uhh... what do you mean, you've never been a gay man before?"
I paused, trying to figure out whether or not he was messing with me. "I mean... I'm in Henry's body right now? It's me, Matty. I'm not actually gay. But, you know... when in Rome."
He just laughed at me. "Bro, that's not how it works. Attraction is all in the brain. Like... yeah, the real Henry is out and proud, but you being in his body doesn't make you gay. If you were into that, you've always been into dudes. You were just too afraid to admit it."
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His face was all smiles, but his words felt like a punch to the gut. "Wait, but... I can't be gay, I've had girlfriends, I..." I tried to come up with some sort of defense, but nothing came to mind. I thought I was caught up in what other guys looked like because I was jealous. Was that just some warped form of attraction? "Are you sure the swap works like that?"
Joey wrapped me in a warm hug. "I'm sure. Sorry, bro. Didn't mean to give you a existential crisis. I thought you knew. You may not be gay, if it helps? You might be, like... Bi or Pan instead. And no one's gonna make you pick a label right away. Take your time, see what feels right."
He had a point. Being attracted to dudes wasn't limited to just gay men. And anyway, it's not like being gay would be a bad thing. I just... I didn't think it was me. "Hey, thanks bro," I said, hugging him back. "And... sorry if I sounded insulting. There's nothing wrong with being gay, I just didn't think... well, I'll definitely have to figure out my, uhh... my truth, I guess."
I started lowering my hands back down to his ass, and pretty soon we were making out again. "Hey, are you sure this is what you want?" Joey asked, pausing as I started to strip again. "Feels like you're moving fast, and I want to make sure you're not, like... pressured or whatever."
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"Yeah, I'm sure," I replied, smiling at him. "You're the one who told me to see what feels right. That was my first time having sex with a dude, and it felt pretty good. So I think I'm gonna have sex with a guy for a second time. See what happens."
He smiled back, and I could feel myself melt. I don't know who's in Joey's body right now, but I hope it's someone hot. There's no way we aren't hooking up once we swap back.
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
Hi so I love running my hands through peoples hair since its super relaxing and feels nice and im imagining doing that with Ren with their head on my lap but the moment I touch their hair it like crumbles into dust since Ren dyes and bleaches their hair so much it must be like super fried and crispy unless they use lots of care products
also would they let me help them dye/bleach their hair? I'd let them help me with mine in exchange
(like in those comedy movies with old things usually ancient artifacts)
✦゜ANSWERED: To be fair, Ren does have really nice and healthy(ish) hair — he doesn't bleach/dye it that often, and Angel has been obsessed with Haruko for a while now — so it honestly wouldn't be that bad! It's also canon that his hair is soft and fluffy ^^
You'd have to confront Ren about dying his hair first before he lets you go anywhere near it, but he'd ultimately be more than happy to let you do so (if you ask)!
However, if you were the one who wanted help with dying your hair, then he might play dumb and pretend not to be too good at it... Just so that he can use the excuse of "using your hair for practice" and have you come to him next time.
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kiryoutann · 26 days
Before reading, please check series masterlist to read the warning(s), disclaimer, and to make sure you’re on the right chapter. Minors do NOT interact.
If you enjoy what I do, please consider donating to my Ko-fi :) Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated!
CW: skin picking/dermatillomania.
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[Please read while listening to this.]
Swan Lake wouldn't exist without its complexities. The intense pressure put on a prima ballerina to perform two entirely distinct roles with perfection. Odette, the graceful beauty, as pure as her white wing. Her softness, her vulnerability. The cursed, sorrow as her undercurrent. Odile, the Black Swan—everything Odette is not: sensual, cunning, sharp, and determined in her selfish way. The sinister doppelganger.
A tale of duality. It is this very aspect that makes it one of the most celebrated classics of all time.
The final chords of the coda sounded as you paused in your final pose, chest heaving in labored breaths. Beads of sweat dripped from your jawline to your neck before dyeing your gray leotard dark.
Henri's sharp clap echoes through the studio, snapping you to straighten your posture. You turn to him once more, hoping this time to see approval on his face. However, his forehead is still furrowed, lips are pressed thinly, remaining silent. His dissatisfaction is palpable as he gently shakes his head. You feel your chest tighten.
“Non, it is not Black Swan enough,” he said, waving his hands in the air to emphasize his point. “Where is the bite, the seduction? You dance her as you would Odette – too soft, too pure. We are talking about the evil twin here!”
Under his tone was impatience, a hint that his reins were starting to come loose. The pressure in the room had been building steadily over the past few weeks; everyone was nearing their breaking point. Only two weeks and a month until production week, and production week meant one week before the big day. The entire company was walking on eggshells. Your new problem of not being able to unlock the Black Swan had become a cherry bursting atop the weight of it all.
“Should we run through it again?” Jacob asked.
Henri’s scowl deepens. “Do you see the time? No use staying if you’ll only repeat the same error.”
Your stomach twists as Henri dismisses everyone with a sharp gesture. With heavy feet, you follow the others as they disperse to their belongings, preparing to leave the studio. But instead of closing your duffel bag, you follow your hesitation and move your feet in Henri's direction.
“Henri?” you interrupt his conversation with the coaches. He whirls to face you, and you continue: “Please, let me try again. I’ll try to do better—”
Henri stops you with a firm index finger. “No, I do not want to hear it again. There is nothing more to be done tonight, so just go.”
 The dismissal he gives you stings like a slap, and you bite your tongue to keep the tears from forming in your eyes. Henri turns back to the conversation he abandoned, his back to you, indicating he doesn’t want to be interrupted again. You hang your head low, heading for your duffel bag and vacating the studio like the other dancers did.
Pushing the heavy door, the cold night wind penetrates your bones despite the coat. Just as you were about to follow your usual route to the subway, your gaze is drawn to the unusual sight of a silhouette in front. A lone figure stands by a dark car parked at the curb, back turned as he exhales smoke into the air. His tall, broad shoulders stir recognition in your head. Before you can think further, the name spills from your mouth slickly.
At the sound, he turns, cigarette dangling between thick fingers. He locks his burning gaze on you. You watch as he takes another drag of the cigarette before tossing it to the ground and grinding it beneath his boot.
“Sent you a text, didn’t I?” His hoarse voice replies.
Hearing that, you quickly reach into your coat pocket, your fingers closing around the cool metal. You pull it out with trembling hands. The screen lights up, and sure enough, a notification appears: “Back in town.” One hour ago.
“God, I’m—I’m really sorry,” you wince. “I must’ve missed it during practice.”
Simon remained silent, his expression hidden behind his black medical mask, studying you intently for a moment. You said nothing, used to the prolonged stares by now. 
Nodding to his waiting car, he said gruffly, "C'mon then, I'll give you a lift home."
At his invitation, your chest warmed as a smile spread across your tired face. You nodded, stepping into his car as Simon held the door open for you. He waited patiently as you slipped into the passenger seat.
The scent of leather mixed with the strong scent of tobacco surrounds you, so quintessentially Simon. Your eyes take in the crumpled receipts of groceries discarded carelessly in the empty cupholder and the faint scratches on the dashboard. In his rear view mirror, a skull charm dangling, and for some reason, you smile at it. It’s so Simon, but you wouldn’t guess he cared about such small details.
Simon enters on the driver’s side, filling the seat completely. As the engine rumbles to life, you try to lean back in the seat, dissolving that tension that’s been building since the practice started.
The car pulls away from the curb, along with the crackle of the radio.
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The rain falls heavily outside as predicted, providing a soothing backdrop to the sound of the television hosting a rugby match. Both your coats are hung up, their presence creating a cozy and domestic atmosphere within the room.
Simon sits in the living room, basking in the glow of the television that occupies his attention, while you are busy taking care of your little business. Swapping your dark-stained jeans for looser pants, you approach him reluctantly, suddenly self-conscious. Your monthly flow has arrived, on the very day you would've least wanted it to. No doubt it's the stress that has thrown off your usually predictable schedule.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur an apology, feeling like you’ve let him down. Now that sex is off the table, you expect him to stand up to take his leave—unless he’s the type to indulge in such things.
“’S alright,” he said, turning his gaze to you. He put his hands on your hips, pulling you gently towards him.
Your anxiety slowly dissolved as you surrendered to his touch, your arms loosely curling around his neck. The soft glow of the television cast a gentle light on his face, dancing in his warm brown irises like a miniature reflection. He gazed at you, a mixture of intense focus and a newfound tenderness evident in his expression. However, the sudden roar of the crowd quickly captured his attention again, and his gaze shifted back to the ongoing match. You followed his gestures as he restlessly tapped his fingers against the ashtray. Three old cigarettes, one more ready to be added to the collection.
You slip from his grasp, and he trails your movements curiously as you kneel before him on the floor. He raises a blond eyebrow.
“What’re you doing, love?”
You spread your knees slowly and settles between his thighs, meeting his stare shyly. “I want to help you relax.”
“You don't have to,” he rasp.
However, the half-heartedness of his refusal is quickly exposed when your fingers graze against his thigh, causing his body to tense involuntarily. Simon silently watched your every move, his breath hitched in his throat as you slowly unzipped his pants, uncovering the sight of his gray boxers. From beneath, a prominent bulge was visible, straining against the fabric, thick cock begging to be released. So you did.
“Fuck, baby,” he grunts. The sound sends a jolt straight to your cunt.
You’d always known he was big—the unfailing fullness he’d always pushed into you whenever he was buried inside you was telling enough, but sitting here now, it seemed almost overwhelming. The heat radiating off him, his muscular thighs spreading wider, and the way his cock jutted out and up like it was seeking your attention. Pink, with the delicate blue of prominent veins running around it. You swallowed, your mouth suddenly dry. He was… different from this perspective, and a thrill of excitement mixed with nervousness coursed through your stomach.
Wrapping your fingers around his length, you couldn't miss how awkward it looked. But when you started to stroke it, Simon stiffened with a hiss.
Meeting your panicked gaze, he said, “Spit first, darling. Make it wet.”
Nodding in understanding, you feel your cheeks growing hotter at his instruction. Your saliva gathers beneath your tongue before you spit awkwardly on his pink tip. Simon watches as your pretty lips glisten in moisture—the sight makes his cock twitch impatiently. You run your fingers down his entire length, covering him in wetness. He follows your movements with heavy-lidded eyes; his body leans back relaxed—a sign that you’re doing a good job so far.
You look up, seeking another approval. “Like this?”
Simon acknowledged with a hum. “You can grip a bit harder, darling. And,”—he envelops your hand in his larger one to lead a demonstration—“move your fingers up and down.”
You wrap your fingers around him with slightly more pressure, following the motion he’s demonstrated. The feeling of his soft, silken skin stretched taut around your palm sends heat to your lower stomach. He lets out a groan when you sweep a thumb over his tip.
“That’s it, darling, you’re doing good.” His praise comes easily, encouraging you to do more.
Simon inhales sharply as your warm lips brush his sensitive head, pressing a small kiss and opening and closing experimentally around it. Fueled by your confidence, you lean in closer, then lick and dip the crown of his cock into your warm mouth. He groans, and you grow bolder—your tongue curling around his shape. His jittery hands aim for your hair to push himself further in, but he settles for your jaw instead, thumb rubbing circles on your skin.
Sliding your lips further down, you taste the bead of salt gathered heavy on his skin. The feeling of fullness in your mouth is foreign, yet in the unfamiliarity, you find the desire for more and more. You try to reach deeper, but when his tip hits the back of your throat, you start to cough, your eyes watering from his size triggering your gag reflex.
“Easy now.” He reminds you, gently gripping your chin.
You must be such a try-hard girl. His eyes soften, filling with a warm, chocolaty hue as he observes you, almost as if he feels a bit sorry for you. Your cheeks heat up, and you consider just stopping and leaving it to him to finish.
But you are desperate—guilty and desperate. Guilty for having him come over when you can't fully satisfy him. Desperate to give him something new, something that he has never experienced before, something that will set you apart from his past flings, lovers, and the exes he keeps close. Something that will make you irreplaceable, even if he tries to fill that role with ten future women. You are very guilty and desperate.
(Ways to make the unlovable, lovable.)
You relax your jaw and throat, taking him deeper but slower now. One hand strokes what your lips can’t accommodate, while the other grips his thigh for balance. He releases a low, guttural grunt as his hand grips your jaw more firmly, his fingers tracing a path up the back of your neck. Goosebumps spread across your body. Your cheeks hollowing as you suck on him, and the hand behind your neck is gripping tighter.
Simon’s chest rose and fell as gasps and moans escaped him. “That’s it, darling, fuck. You’ve got the right of it,” he mumbled, voice breathy and heavy.
You hum contentedly as his fingers card through your hair. Sliding your lips further, you try again to get more of him in, saliva leaking and dripping down your chin. As you take him deeper, your teeth graze along his sensitive flesh. He hisses, and you draw back immediately.
“Watch the teeth.” He says.
You nod, heart racing with embarrassment. “Right, sorry.”
Restarting, you take him into your mouth once more. Gently. You lean in even closer, your hair falling and veiling the sides of your face.
A gasp escaped you when you felt his fingers gather your strands and hold them away from your face. You looked up, meeting those dark brown eyes. A faint rosy color on his cheeks, and you were sure you weren’t much different. His lips fell open to release little pants and moans—evidence of the pleasure you were giving him, and fuck, if that didn’t send a tingling sensation to your aching core.
Lengthening your reach, you try again, carefully. He lets out a groan as his cock slides in further, feeling the head touch the tip of your throat. Saliva glistens on your chin as your eyes water.
“Fuck, love. Feels so good..”
You set a steady rhythm of slow, long bobs. Your tongue swirls around the shape of his tip, making Simon tighten his grip on your hair. He shuts his eyes, moans and grunts escaping his lips, blending with the sounds of the rugby match playing on television—fuck, you want to turn off the television, need to smash it with a baseball bat just to hear his beautiful voice, but your rational head says no.
Simon’s voice came out in a staccato as he got closer. He pushed your head up to accommodate his length, and your eyes widened. Tears streamed down your cheeks as your throat contracted. His calloused fingers clenched tightly around the back of your head, guiding you hastily to his pace. Your moans were muffled—his size filling the entire space in your mouth—and they ended up coming out as a faint hum.
The physical signs of the effects of your ministrations on him are becoming more pronounced. His breathing grew shallower, coming out in short pants. You feel the pressure building in his muscles, the trembling in his thighs. His cock begins to twitch inside your warm wetness.
“Darling…” His voice is hoarse, cracking with the last bit of control. Lifting his heavy lids, he meets your eyes, placing one hand on your cheek. “Love, fuck, I’m—I’m close.”
The series of pulses grows stronger, and before you can register, hot, thick ropes of seed sprayed into your mouth. You cough, your eyes burning. Though, his satisfied expression is clear even through the blurriness of your vision. The salty tang against your tongue is unfamiliar, but you willingly swallow it all, leaving no trace behind. You release him slowly, gazing up through wet lashes at his flushed face.
Simon leaned back on the couch, feeling the pleasure slowly drain from his system as the world came back into focus. He fixed his gaze on you, taking in the details of you: your clumped lashes, the slight mess of hair, and your dewy, swollen lips. Lowering his gaze, he noticed the mess staining his pants and chuckled.
“What a mess we’ve made, darling.” He joked as he fixed his pants.
A giggle escaped your sweet lips. Rising on shaky legs, you took your place on his thigh. He wrapped one strong arm around you to keep you balanced.
The rain has softened to a gentle patter on the window, the rugby match has ended, and the show has switched to a soap opera that you both end up ignoring. You watch him withdraw a cigarette pack from the side table, pulling and lighting one with practiced ease. The smoke curls up lazily, short-lived as it disappears again, leaving the scent of tobacco in the air.
Nestling closer, you stare into his heavy-lidded eyes. “Did I do alright?” you ask softly, almost in a whisper.
“More than alright. Think you’re a pro.” He says, and a smile tugs at the corners of your lips.
When you shift in his lap, he hisses softly. “Steady now.”
You frown, but the confusion is quickly replaced with a teasing smile when you realize what he means. Giggling, you shift again just to tease him, eliciting another hiss through his teeth. You feel his grip tighten around your back.
A hummingbird trapped in a cage—your heart throbbing in long-lived excitement, butterflies fluttering restlessly in your stomach. The desire to touch more, to have more. Lifting your arms, you hesitate for a moment before wrapping them around his neck, his nape warm and firm beneath yours.
Simon took another long drag, holding the smoke in his mouth for a moment before releasing it. The cigarette dangling lazily between his digits, you plucked it gently from his hold.
Turning the slim white cylinder between your fingers, you examine it curiously. The ash at the tip ignites with a stroke of a small flame that spreads slowly. You glance at him, finding that he has already been staring at you questioningly.
You brought the cigarette to your own lips, clumsily holding it between your upper and lower lips, mimicking the way you had seen Simon do it. The weight and texture of the cigarette were foreign. You take your first drag, then cough at the unfamiliar burn. Hurriedly, Simon snatched it away from you, as if that single drag held more peril than years of his own addiction.
“These ain’t good for ya.” He scolded, face unimpressed.
“And it’s good for you?”
“S’not good for yer pretty little mouth.” He replied, taking another long pull. Exhaling slowly, he leaned his head back against the couch, spreading his thighs apart. “Ain’t nothing to reserve from this ugly mug.”
Your lips curved into a slight frown. "Don't say that."
“Just takin’ the piss, darling,” he says gently, then extinguishes his cigarette in the overflowing ashtray on the table. You watch him struggle to find a spot for the newest addition among the sea of his past stubs. “S’full.”
You glance at the overflowing contents, looking back at him while ignoring the burning sensation that crept up your neck. In truth, it had been full for weeks—four cigarette butts including the remnants of his last visit, which you had left untouched.
“I’ll, um, throw it out later,” you manage to say, voice faltering slightly as nerves take hold of you.
Simon says nothing; he just wraps both strong arms around you, enveloping your smaller form completely against the warmth of his body. Outside, the rain has come to a complete stop, leaving dew and droplets of water that settle on the window like transparent beads. You look at him, and he looks at you. Those smooth, warm swirls of deep coffee brown hold their gaze on you, acting as gravity and pulling you closer to him.
Your lungs feel like they are tied in knots, afraid to release the oxygen within, as if the air itself must be held captive to avoid tipping Simon off to the tingling nerves coursing through your body in this proximity. Your fingers itch with the desperate urge to touch him, to trace the lines and contours of his face—the slope of his nose, the planes of his cheeks, the firmness of his jaw, the alluring curve of his lips.
The nervousness drips with sulfuric acid—burning, creating a pit in your stomach. It slips easier than your morning coffee, than your worn pointe shoes on your feet. You want to kiss him, and against logic, you hope he thinks the same.
In a moment of impulse, you bridged the gap between you and Simon, pressing your lips upon his. He froze for a split second before returning your kiss. You felt his fingers beneath your ribs, securing you firmly in his lap. He swiped his tongue over yours. Rolling. Hooking.
The taste of tobacco and the lingering essence of his release mix together in a heady blend. It is messy, raw, yet you savor it just as if it were the sweetest honey. He places a hand under your jaw, leading to a deeper kiss as he tilts his head to access more of your space. Each touch of his seems to weave itself into your very soul, the drums of your heart forming an orchestra that taunts your greed for more—a recompense for the gnawing hunger that only Simon can alleviate.
Before you grow old and bitter, you yearn to be cradled like this. To betray your loneliness with a kiss, to have your being deciphered through his touch like an unspoken language. Often times, you hold the things you love in your mouth; now you find his name and the gentle curl of his tongue pressed within the sanctuary of your lips.
As you broke the kiss to catch your breath, your legs found their way between his waist, pressing your hips against his once again-hardened bulge. Simon's lips released a faint moan, and his hands slipped down to squeeze your ass through the fabric of your sweatpants. Your head was thrown back as you sighed, baring the long column of your neck to his kisses.
Simon's name escaped in a breathy cry, it felt like prayer and sin woven into one—heresy spoken with the silver tongue of an open heart.
Simon's embrace of you strengthens, his arms encircling your form closely, drawing you against the solid mass of his chest. The soft lighting casts a warm, dreamlike veil over your senses. A major-key melody courses through your ears, resonating in your eardrums and creating a pleasant hum. You hear the echoes of your own distant dream—that notion you once dared not even think of: love. Mother had condemned it as mere folly, something repulsive; but, held in his arms, your soul was made so full.
And you surrendered completely.
Pulling back just enough to meet his eyes, you lift a trembling hand to cup his cheek. The scruff of his stubble prickles your palm. You can't help but be caught off-guard by the striking contrast between his pale blonde lashes and his warm brown irises despite the familiarity you've shared over time.
“Stay,” you mutter. He furrows his brows, and before he can make excuses, you add, “please?”
Simon shift in his seat, trying to relax his posture. “Sure, if that’s what ya want.”
At his answer, you held back your smile. “In my bed this time. Not the couch.”
When the question comes out, he tries to keep his tone gruff and flat as usual. But, you detect the slight tilt that lifts the words that follow. You chuckle, shifting on his thigh. He squeezes your hips in response and sighs.
“Because the couch is uncomfortable.” You spoke in a singsong.
He huffed out a laugh. “Last time, this couch seemed good enough, if I remember right.”
You avert your eyes, fighting off a smile while looking for another excuse to convince him. Tracing idle patterns on his chest, you begin, “Well, after your... disappearance, I think you deserve finer things.”
Despite aiming for lightness, an oppressive weight settles upon your chest, as if attached to an anchor, pulling it down. The fact that he was absent from your world means he was in his world—a world that is crueler, bloodier than sprains and torn ligaments.
Lifting your gaze again, you ask in a hushed tone, “Another deployment?”
The absentminded patterns you etched upon his shirt come to a halt as Simon captures your finger, holding it still for a moment. He falls silent, his tongue seemingly paralyzed, and his vocal cords reluctant to make a sound.
“Yeah,” he answers even quieter.
After he confirms your fear, you feel your smile slip away, though you try to hide it. His secret military life is one you’ll never fully grow accustomed to, no matter how many times he comes back safe and sound.
Retracting your finger, the absence of warmth from his bigger ones feels foreign. You cross your arms in a subtle, self-soothing gesture. Preparing your question, the words come out even more fragile than intended: “Are you hurt anywhere?”
Simon’s hands fall to his sides, as if not daring to touch you for reasons unknown. It feels hollow, but it’s probably better this way. Being under his touch before his answer feels too much like bribery—him telling you to stop worrying, to stop questioning.
“Not even bumps or bruises.” He replies curtly, but with the conviction in them that you’re sure it’s not a lie.
"Okay." You said. Getting up from his lap, you then add, “I'll grab us some drinks.”
You walk into the kitchen, grabbing two glasses from the cabinet before filling them with ice. This is enough for now, you tell yourself. Another breath. This is enough for now. Glancing back towards the living room where Simon has resumed watching television, its flickering glow showcasing a late-night program. You look down at the two glasses, their rims now covered with condensation.
This is enough for now.
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It was 8 a.m. or something when you stirred in your sleep and opened your eyes to the recognizable confines of your bedroom. Everything is meticulously tidy and unchanged—nothing out of place, nothing different. Yet, a nagging voice silently whispers that there should be. The other side of your bed remains empty—an expected sight. As you turn over, however, your gaze fixates on the second pillow and you notice a subtle identification where it was never there—evidence of a head resting there.
As wakefulness sets in, memories swim like restless aquatic organisms into your brain. Your eyes widen as you realize what’s missing. Simon was here the whole night.
Throwing off the covers, your feet meet the cold hardwood as you pad through silent rooms looking for him. But, the dim living space is as empty as your bed. There’s no sign of him moving to the couch or his tall, imposing figure in the kitchen. The bathroom is devoid of the scent of your shampoo that he possibly used because he “didn’t have much choice” like last time.
Simon is gone again.
Sinking onto the couch, disappointment washes over you in waves so thick you can hardly breathe. It was expected—it was always expected because it was Simon—yet the blow never softened, and your insistent heart didn’t know when to stop waiting. You press your shaking fingers to your lips, clinging to the fading ghost of his kiss. Last night felt so far away, like it was some kind of illusion you let yourself believe in for a brief moment.
Your mind spins chaotically as you peel away the dry skin on your lips. Last night, I thought… you think. Faintly, the scent of iron is caught by your nose, and you taste blood as nails find softer blesh beneath.
A click startsles you, pulling you back to reality, and you whip around to see the door swinging open slowly. Your body froze as Simon entered, completely unaware of the state you were in. He drenched in sweat, his chest heaving as if he'd run for miles. Or maybe he did.
He turns to you with a simple stare. "Thought you'd still be asleep."
Before you can stop yourself, your muttering slips out: "You’re still here."
Simon’s eyebrows creased in confusion. “I am,” was all he said.
Now, you realize how your words might have landed in his ears. He might have interpreted your disbelief as you thinking it was presumptuous of him to spend the night until morning, when in reality, you were relieved he hadn’t really left you again. Perhaps last night wasn’t that far away; it was real.
Risking looking up, you stammer out: “It's good, uh… where have you been then?”
“Just a quick jog around the block,” he answered, shrugging his shoulders.
Remembering something, he reaches into his pocket, fishing out a battered envelope before handing it to you. “Found this outside your door, looks like it's been there a while.”
“Oh,” you murmur, taking it hesitantly from his outstretched hand.
Only a few people know your address, and most of them communicate with you through phone or email. You've become somewhat lax about checking your mail and the doorway. Every time you return home from work, your mind habitually takes the quickest route straight inside. Thus, unexpected deliveries have a high chance of going unnoticed.
Tearing it open with care, another envelope peeks out from inside—this one thicker, made of finger parchment decorated with swirling ink. You pull it free, curiosity overtaking confusion. Breaking the wax seal, the heavy cardstock inside is exposed, with the edges embossed with gold-leaf lettering. You search for the sender's information and settle on a familiar name.
Your eyes lift to meet Simon’s waiting gaze. “It’s... it’s from my cousin.” You pause for a moment before continuing, “She’s getting married.”
Simon stands there, looking perplexed as he studies the wedding invitation clutched in your hand. His eyes return to you, unsure of how he should respond. “Well, congratulations, I s’pose.” He says.
Yet his voice failed to reach you, as if spoken from a distance, muffled beneath the strange ringing that filled your head. It was no sweet wedding bells chiming, just blaring alarm bells warning of danger close at hand. A wedding. Your cousin is getting married—she has found her happy ending and wants you to come celebrate at this friends and family reunion.
And that means one thing: she will be there.
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@strawberrygato @aprosiacperson @chipsbuttercream @arrozyfrijoles23
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soulsilverisms · 3 months
feeling silly so here’s my hair hcs for the johto 4 (finally using my cosmetology knowledge!)
Lyra: She LOVES to try different types of hairstyles. Always keeps her chocolate brown hair long, tho has chopped off all of it once when she was 14 to a fluffy pixie (never have her near scissors) She also loves a good ol conditioning service to keep her hair silky :3 Has considered getting a perm but is scared of the solution damaging her hair. (and the smell horrifies her)
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Silver: Now he doesn’t do anything to his hair. His hair does whatever it wants and the worst part is that it’s somehow SO GORGEOUS???? Definitely dabbled in ponytails and buns (Lyra’s doing) and NEVER cuts his hair. (he looks like his mother that way) Also as a kid his hair was pin straight and as he grew it became so fluffy?? seriously where does he get these genes (NOT Giovanni)
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Ethan: He loves a nice texturized mod hair swept to the side. he literally never changes it. But keeping up with such style is hard. Always going to the salon to make sure his hair doesn’t get long, then using expensive products to withhold his hair throughout the day, and using hair masks to make sure his hair is as healthy as can be. He did once get a perm as a kid and HATED IT.. he never let his parents be in charge of his hair again. (also his hair would DEFINITELY be inspired by a character he saw on tv but is too embarrassed to admit it) High maintenance this guy! sucks he literally hides it all away with his cap.
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Kris: I wanna believe. I wanna believe her teal/blue hair is real but she i think she dyes it. As a kid, she lived with Lyra for a while and their hair were so similar that they were identical. (they are cousins. to me) She didn’t like as much as Lyra did so one summer she decided to go blue and never looked back. Her hair is also very high maintenance (blue fades so quickly !!) so it would often come up as teal ish!! Like Lyra, she also loves to style her hair, but she likes to accessorize! I also think once she’s older she does a full chop and gets a 90s pixie
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loud-sound · 9 months
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(part 1 of part 2!!)
for shits n giggles, i tried my hand at redesigning dr stone characters (read: three)
i have too many emotions when it comes to this show's character design lmao. a vicious hate-love of the century
a couple of my process notes if anyone's interested: (vague spoilers up to season 3 of the anime)
there's a criminal lack of skin tones that i immediately wanted to take advantage of; and before Certain People start saying race-swapping; none is happening here, it's all just taking account of tanning and sunburns. sunscreen is a thing of the past here and a lot of time is spent outdoors in order to gather food
dramatic shifts in skin tones from what's given at birth happen pretty frequently in real life even with A/C and sunscreen; a huge missed opportunity to play with this in the color department methinks, but here we are (don't even get me started on the massive range of skin tones in east asian genetics alone)
so i played around a bit with contrast, nothing outlandish aside from giving Kohaku noticeable sunburns and freckles from (1) having caucasian blood in her to begin with and (2) not having access to any of the skin products our moderners would have
that being said, realism in the clothing color department was just about entirely thrown out the window. the blue dyes we know about are nowhere (naturally) near Japan, and here Ishigami village is in canon with deep navy on every villager; Inagaki and Boichi decided realism specifically here wasn't as important as color symbolism (which i personally think was a good creative decision), so cut me some slack-
so for colors it was just my personal taste on streamlining the palettes-
Gen in particular i thought would benefit from exposed shoulders without taking away how he needs bigger sleeves to hide shit up there. a lot of the guys have plain shirts and sleeves or just go shirtless entirely and i felt like it'd be fun to have him wear something in between to really push the magician/entertainer vibe
hairstyles were changed mostly to be easier to draw and to make their silhouettes just a bit easier to distinguish from each other. (hair colors were untouched except for Kohaku, purely because i have a personal preference for the more natural blonde color than any actual design significance lmao)
partial exception for Kohaku, cuz it annoyed me that the other characters say she has super thick, unruly hair...but then her hair is drawn no differently from everyone else's 💀
didn't wanna play into the stereotype of naturally curly hair being seen as something to be fixed (especially within the context of a makeover-), so i tried to imply chronically unbrushed hairdsjfsdf
can you tell from how many bullets are here about Kohaku how i feel about her design? last thing: body types.
Gen is supposed to be significantly tall, Kohaku is one of the strongest characters while being one of the shortest; it is very hard to tell that from their designs alone. it's mostly just the limitations of Boichi's art style,,,proportions that's i'm aware is nitpicky, but i wanted to show it here anyway 💀💀💀
smth smth disclaimer about subjectivitydsfsdfsd-
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uhhhh, congrats for reading all that, have some silhouettes!
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shotbycup1d · 3 months
Guide to Camp Jupiter: Shopping in New Rome Part 2
(Tip: Lots of food shops in New Rome give out free samples, if you ever find yourself broke like I usually am from impulse buying, just ask the staff for a mini sample of the products!)
-Near the fashion line of shops, there are a few salons you can visit in case you are in need of a new haircut to express yourself a little more (or because your centurion is nagging you to get a trim) Be aware that there are some small restrictions on what colours you can dye your hair, but honestly just don’t go too crazy and you’ll be fine. This is where Octavian gets his monthly bleach with a questionable order of NO toner-seriously, his hair is dead dry and so fried. Coming from a Venus Kid, he needs some hair revival miracle to heal that mop of crunchiness. But I’m not gonna tell him that out of fear for my life.
-Right beside the salons is quite literally my favourite spot, the spas✨. Tired from training? Have some free time? Looking for a relaxing experience? Intro: Salus Spas (or if you’re more familiar with the Greek equivalent, the Goddess of Cleanliness Hygieia) I’m swearing on the Styx, one visit will have you feeling the most at peace with your little demigod life that you will ever be. The steam rooms preps you for the soaking baths after that. The water they use was sourced from some cleansing spring from Old Rome, but the place is basically blessed by Salus so everything is cleansing. They sells some face masks to take home too, so be sure to grab that. (There IS a returning customer discount that yours truly has access to, so hit me up if you need the card.)
-Near the Bakery I mentioned in part 1, there is an Ice Cream Parlour with the most gods-damned amazing cones. They have everything from Fortuna’s Special to Mars’ Red Velvet to my personal favourite classic Cookie Dough Mix. They have the normal wafer cones which are vanilla flavoured but you can order special wafers that cost a little extra. If you’re with some other legionnaires, get the mega bowl with all the flavours you want. It’s cheaper overall and you can split the bill.
-Finally, there is the supermart with all the different fresh foods, first aid meds, microwaveable fast food, detergent etc. This place is an all in one place with quite possibly everything you might need. (In fact, I don’t think I’ve actually seen the entire space before, and when I was younger my core memories of losing my parents remain strong in my mind.)
that’s it for this section, lmk if you have any thoughts!
link to other works:
Cohort Barracks
Shopping Part 1
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sunny44 · 1 year
Pairing: Mason Mount x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: smut, very explicit smut.
Summary: Mason decides he wants his hair blonde and you’re not sure it will work since she’s the one doing it l, but it works and the result it’s better than what they expect.
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"Are you sure about this?" I ask again holding the brush close to his hair.
"I am, just go for it." He says excitedly and I start running the bleach through his hair.
"I don't know if that's a good idea." I said running the brush all over his head.
"It will look great, I trust you." I laughed and went in front of him standing between his legs.
"You're beautiful." He says running his hand down my legs.
"And you're going way to far over there.”
I say as soon as I feel his hands squeezing my ass.
I was wearing only panties and one of his T-shirts.
"I'm taking my chances.” He lifts my blouse and starts kissing my belly.
"Mase, hold still." He starts to laugh and pat my belly.
"Okay, we'll deal with that later." He leaves one last kiss there before pulling me onto his lap while I still dye his hair
"Well now we have to wait." I gave him a little kiss and started cleaning the brush and the pot where the bleach was.
The time was up so I told him to go take a shower and pass the other product that makes the blonde better, as soon as I left I went to make us something to eat, I made sandwiches and put some chips on the plate along with some orange juice.
"Baaaaaabe." He came down the stairs screaming and scaring me and I turned around seeing his hair done and dry. "What did you think?"
"Oh my God." He came closer.
"What, you didn't like it?" he asks holding my waist.
"You're so hot. Like seriously." He smiles. "Please get me pregnant."
"Right now." He picks me up and places me sitting on our kitchen countertop.
I start trying to take off his shirt and as soon he understands and takes it off, I start running my fingernails over his abdomen lightly.
He starts kissing my neck and giving me a few hickeys, soon he decides to take off my (his) shirt leaving me in my bra and starts to lower the strap slowly looking into my eyes.
His hands go to my back and unbutton my bra, leaving me half naked in front of him.
He kisses his way down my neck to my breasts as I undo his belt and he takes off his pants, leaving him in his white boxers.
He fits between my legs and lays me down on the countertop.
He begins to take off my panties leaving me completely naked, he runs his hand down my body until he reaches my pussy.
I see him bending over in front of me and he starts to leave kisses on my thigh, he holds my thighs burying his face between my legs, he increases the sucking movements making me completely crazy and I almost couldn't hold back my moans, I raise my hips a little where his mouth fits in a perfect way and he inserts the first finger making back and forth movements and he adds another finger, I warn him that I'm near my apex and he increases the movements reaching my limit.
I sit on the countertop while he takes off his underwear and grabs a condom from his pants pocket.
He puts the condom on his dick and kisses me again.
Soon I feel his dick in me and he begins to make slow movements while I scratch his back.
The position wasn't the best so Mason takes me on his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist and leads me to our bedroom.
As soon as he reaches the room he lays down on the bed with me getting on top, he takes my right hand and intertwines it with his as he increases the movements and he begins to moan low in my ear and the sound was extremely sexy.
I begin to see on his forehead a few beads of sweat and he gets fast with the movements and I hear our hips colliding.
"You know what?" he stops the movements. "how about you get in on the action?”
"I thought you'd never ask." I switch positions with him getting on top.
I rest my hands on his chest as I begin to slowly move up and down.
He holds my waist and lifts his, thrusting hard and fast making me moan.
Soon he stops and leaves me back in control, I start again with slow movements and slowly increase the speed until I feel that I’m about to cum and the movements gets deeper and faster, he takes my breasts in his hands and squeezes them and when I let out a louder moan he realizes that I'm really almost there but I continue the movements going faster and faster until we both come.
We catch our breath and he has a smile on his face, Mase pulls out of me and kisses me once more.
"Shall we take a shower?"
“Yes, maybe another round in the shower.” He smiles and take me to the bathroom.
All in all he looked great blonde.
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Bonus scene!
Lovely/n instagram stories
Athens you have been amazing and England I’m bringing back with me Blondie Mase
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chiaraswritings · 1 year
The Pink Pool
Disclaimer: I do not own DC or their characters, or their settings. This is certainly not canon. Also, putting dye and bubble bath in a pool sounds like a bad idea in real life and you probably should not do it. Indulge in this fictional work instead.
Warnings & Topics: Suggestive themes. 18+.
Word Count: 812 words.
Summary: A short Bruce Wayne x gender neutral!reader fluff, a birthday present to remember, and a pink pool with bubbles. 
Author’s Note: It is not my birthday yet, nor would I like a vacation home for a present in real life, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing this piece. I’m going to try to publish many more summer stories in the near future. I hope you enjoy. 
It was honestly a ridiculous idea. Childish. Unrealistic. But I’d been dreaming of this opportunity my entire life.
The boxes were all unpacked, and we had finished constructing the new bed frame. New white sheets were fitted over the new mattress, new plates had been placed carefully in the new cabinets, the new house was completely ready for new adventures and new love. 
He had bought this new vacation home for my birthday and taken the next two weeks off work, just to spend it with me in the new villa. If I recall his exact words, he had given me the green light to “do whatever you want with the place, it’s yours now,” as he had carried me across the threshold. It really was an incredible home, a luxurious four bedrooms and three bathrooms, rose vines wrapping around the arches, white flowers decorating the shrubbery. Though it was nothing compared to Wayne Manor, I had been just a tad bit hesitant to accept the overwhelming birthday present, considering we had only been together for a few months. And yet…well, even if we didn’t last, at least I had gotten the glorious opportunity to live in such a fairytale house for a little while.
As I made my way to the French doors that opened to the spacious backyard, I smiled at the recent memory of him revealing my birthday surprise and the shock I had felt.
“You want to spend how many weeks here?”
“Just two. You don’t want to?”
“I do, but… come on, Bruce, work will never let me have the days off. Not so soon.”
“Quit your job.”
“Now you’re just being ridiculous.”
I will never forget the smile he gave me with his reply. 
“Maybe I am being ridiculous, but it feels too good to stop.” 
I had not resigned after all, but he had called my workplace, much to my embarrassment. Either way, I was on an unexpected vacation for my birthday, and life couldn’t be better. Bruce had to go back to the office for a few hours to wrap up some unfinished work, but then he would be back, ready to kick off the next two weeks of paradise he had promised me. I was anxiously looking forward to tonight, to spending our first night here together in that lavish bed. But first, I had something else on my mind.
Stepping out into the fading light of dusk, I drummed my fingers against the bottle I was holding. My boyfriend’s go-ahead to do whatever I wanted with the place was fulfilling a dream I had been entertaining since I was thirteen years old. Of course, that was years and years ago, but the thought had always stayed in the back of my mind every time I went swimming in a pool. I just had never had the chance to do it.
My freshly pedicured feet strode towards the rectangular pool, the shimmering blue water accentuated by underwater lights. I picked up the bucket that lay beside the edge of the pool, dipping it into the water to collect the amount I needed, my mind calculating the best way to carry out my plan. Pouring some of the bottle’s product into the bucket, I began to mix the liquid with the pool water. Once combined, I stood, my eyes searching for the location of the jets inside the pool. Locating one, I picked up the bucket and dumped the contents into the pool over the jet. 
An hour had passed since sunset. I had heard the car door slam shut, as well as his dress shoes making their way to where I was relaxing in the pool. My freshly dyed pink pool with bubbly foam floating on portions of the surface. 
I couldn’t help but laugh at the surprise on his face. Raising myself out of the pool, brushing the bubbles off of my swimwear, I wrapped my foamy arms around his neck, pressing myself against him, completely soaking the front of his suit. “Hey, missed you.” 
He was chuckling and shaking his head at me. “I missed you too… and I also missed the memo about a pink bubble bath in our pool. I didn’t really wear the right outfit to this party.” 
I laughed, kissing him before pulling away. “Then go change, I’ll be here.” 
“I know you will,” he winked, before disappearing into the house again. I stepped back into the foamy water, relaxing in the water that lapped against my shoulders and splashed gently on my neck. 
When he returned, appropriately dressed in his own swimming attire, I nearly pulled him headfirst into the pool in my excitement. Finally with my lover, in the pool of my teenage dreams, I was happier than I had been in a long time. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. The kiss we then shared was incredibly blissful, just like I knew this night would be.
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blackholemojis · 6 months
u have made posts telling about your aac you use... would u b willing to share images of how you have it set up and maybe give tips for people working on making their own aac?
I would love to but I think it may give away my anonymity, since I like to share pictures of my different pages. I can share some details and organizing tips though! This isn't anything comprehensive, I think I'd need to spend a lot more time on that, but hopefully this is helpful for someone. For context, I use TD Snap Lite :)
I'll include a list of different word categories at the bottom under the cut, so if you're looking for types of words to focus on, you can skip to there!
Organization part 1
I keep all my commonly used words and folders for other words on my quickfires page, starting with basic communication words (yes/no, who/what/where, etc) and folders (conversation phrases, short responses, nouns, verbs, etc).
Then I have commonly used descriptors, connector words, actions, and nouns. All these are broad words like "thing" or "person," "and" or "because," and "go" and "fix." Even if I didn't have a button for a specific concept, I would still be able to describe it, like "the thing that is mine."
I organize the different buttons in rows on the same page, and try to group similar words together, that way I can find them easily.
I started with buttons for different bADLs (basic activities of daily living), which are bathing, dressing, grooming/hygiene, eating, toileting, and transferring/movement. Then I went to activities that I do every day, like studying, doing housework, or watching TV.
The idea is that I would be able to get through a whole day and be able to describe what I want, what I need, my activities, and what I don't want or need (the ability to say no is important, even for little things!)
Organization part 2
What words I have is important, but so is how I make sure I can find them easily. With TD Snap you can give buttons custom colors and custom border colors, so I use those to organize types of words, and types within those types (so verbs versus nouns, and then people-nouns versus object-nouns)
I also put the most commonly used words towards the right side of the screen, since I'm right handed and that means they'll be easiest to access.
I try to use pastels so I can read the labels, and I edit the text size of all buttons so I can see the symbol and label well. With descriptors, I try to group similar ones together, and group ones that have "opposites" either right next to each other or one above the other (words like up and down, or inside and outside).
Finding gaps
The easiest way for me to figure out what buttons I'm missing is by using my AAC when I'm near full spoons and can think about language well, like now. That way I know what I'm missing, and I can make a button and organize it in the moment without it taking much energy. Usually I'm missing different categories of words, like colors, or words to describe time.
Here's a bunch of word categories under the cut, starting with "essentials" and then moving on to common non-essentials! Feel free to ask me to include any other ideas
Bathing (shower, bath, sponge bath, and related words you use for bathing)
Dressing (getting dressed, getting undressed, picking out clothes, words for different types of clothes)
Grooming/hygiene (brushing teeth, flossing teeth, brushing/combing hair, trimming hair, dyeing hair, cleaning piercings, washing face, shaving, makeup)
Eating/drinking (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, meal, types of food you eat, spoon, fork, knife, chopstick, bowl, plate, mug, water, warm beverages, napkins, and any other words you use for eating/drinking)
Toileting (bathroom, stall, toilet, sink, washing hands, soap, toilet paper, menstrual products, changing toileting equipment, and any other words)
Transferring/Movement (any mobility aids you use, transferring to/from mobility aids, terms for your aids, walk, run, jog. I included transportation words like "drive" and "car" in my section for this, but that's not necessary)
Essential communication
Yes (and variations)
No (and variations)
Something else
I don't know
I need
I don't need
I want
I don't want
options for basic needs, so you can say "I need" and "use the bathroom" (eating, drinking, sleeping, waking, showering/bathing, using the bathroom, dental care, hair care, getting dressed, getting undressed, changing menstrual products, changing medical equipment, and transferring to/from mobility aids)
I consent
I do not consent
I revoke consent
Fringe vocabulary for everyday activities and emergencies
Emergency words/phrases (I need a doctor, etc)
Personal info (name, age, etc)
Disability/mental health/medical terms that apply to you
Parts of the body
Types of injury/medical issues
Places you go
People you live with
People you interact with often
Pets names
Neighbors names
Carer or staff name(s)
Important belongings and things you use every day
Everyday hobbies (bike, watch show, etc)
Everyday to-do list activities (do laundry, shower, etc)
Action words (things one can do)
Common nouns (persons, places, things, and ideas)
Connector words (and, to, since, etc)
Feelings (positive, neutral, and negative)
Descriptor words
Days of the week
Describing amount (some, many, a little, few, all, none)
Describing time (then, now, before, after)
Personal opinion descriptors (nasty, beautiful, boring)
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Explore RK Industries in Baroda, a leading industrial valve and fittings manufacturer, dedicated to quality products and customer service. contact us now
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devildomditzy · 2 years
My General List of OM! Headcannons
If it’s listed here, you can assume my fics/drabbles/headcannons are compliant to it unless stated otherwise. I’ll keep adding to this as I think of/remember more of them that’ve popped into my head at some point.
Remember these are my opinions, it’s cool if you don’t agree with them, but please don’t write a multi-paragraph essay about why I’m wrong on this post.
It’s chill. It’s cool. It’s a mobile app. I’ve managed a gamestop. I’m a certified gamer. You can trust me.
so, without further ado…
Belphie is also a red head (bc twins), but he dyes it because he likes to be dark and brooding
The white stripe grows naturally and is from an accident back when they were still angels, but he thinks it looks cool so he makes a conscious effort to not cover it up
After the events of chapter 16, Mammon rarely wants anything to do with Belphie, causing major tension when either of them have to be in the same room
Riding off that, Mammon does not let Belphie get anywhere near MC, and will make sure he never has a chance to be alone with them
Mammon gets those gold streaks in his hair whenever in his demon form because it’s sexy and i say so
Lucifer is not an extreme sadist, he’s a tired old grandpa trying his best to keep his energetic siblings in line, because if he didn’t, who would?
Asmo is a LOT more fucked up and evil than in the cannon game but not is a psycho way, in a Jennifer’s Body way you feel me?
Diavolo is up to…. something… his charisma and charm hide some very ulterior motives for dragging you down here
Barbatos knows about them too
Lucifer does too but does not agree with them to a full extent so he goes out of his way to secretly keep you from harm
Solomon can probably do some form of mind control which makes him 1000 times scarier to think about
Their lives as angels were just as hard and painful, if not MORE than what they are experiencing as demons
The hardest part of the fall was adjusting to becoming the avatars of sins, they were like almost feral there for a moment
They are always under tremendous amounts of pressure and self control to not revert back to that state
but it is possible :) and if they do :) run :)
On God they have hideous eldritch monster forms be not afraid fucking demonic ass beasts
That’s their real form ^^^
And MC sees them and goes “…eh.”
And they are floored
MC is monster fucker supreme
They can shape shift into whatever form they’d like
What you see (their cannon designs) is the product of years and years of figuring out what they wanted to look like, they can change overtime
That’s all I got at the moment! I’ll update this over time.
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jongseobieeeees · 2 months
𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬, pt one
jongseob x reader
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Butterflies is my attempt at a slow burn so please bare with me :))
this chapter only contains fluff
please enjoy!!
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Your freshmen year of college came quicker than expected, although you haven’t started classes yet, you have been working on moving in to your dorm all day. After basically being Cinderella for the past few hours, your dorm became….livable, yet roommate was no where to be found. You just hopped they were not a bitch.
After taking a shower and all that you decided that you wanted to get out of this stupid dorm for at least a portion of the day, being a soon to be producer you always had something to work on.
so there you where, walking into a small boba shop near campus to hopefully get some progress on this track you have been feeding into for a while now. The place was surprisingly really empty, you and one other person seeming to be working quietly.
you glanced over to the sink counter, even that was empty. Sitting down and setting your MacBook up, connecting your headphones and getting started. At first production of music had just been a little hobby but now here you are about to go into college for it, crazy how life works.
a door opened, seeming to be coming from behind the counter followed by a slightly quiet high pitched laugh. “Shhh people are studying you know”. You heard, muffled because of your headphones but you still heard.
it seemed to be a man’s voice, both of them did. One was deeper than the other. You didn’t bother too look up or pay much attention though, busy on whatever.
Making a significant amount of progress he finally decided to take a break. Losing track of time you noticed that you have been here for around an hour and 30 minutes deciding you should finally get a drink.
you set your headphones down and walked over to the drink counter. Seeming the café was still somewhat empty. It was a bit awkward standing there in silence while reading the menu.
soon a boy came to stand where you were standing behind the counter, he was taller than you. He had a boy ish skinny build and a blonde shag cut, with a brown under dye. His eyes where a nice dark brown with pretty lashes that decorated them amazingly.
He smiled a close mouth smile before speaking up, “what can I get for you miss?” His voice seemed high pitched a bit, you couldn’t think anything else than how adorable it was you you. The crooked snaggle tooth caught your attention as well. That was pretty adorable too….the guy was just over all cute
“uh-uhm, just a strawberry milk tea please”
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sugoiney-weaver · 11 months
A Guided Tour of the Fortress Blizzardpaddles
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Starting from the top of the fortress, I have a mist generator on the roof
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Above the entrance I have a public tavern and a small library. Archer towers surround my fort, though they've never been put to use.
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Before the archer towers, I build this platform for my archers. Also never used. The platform in the center was originally just meant to keep snow and rain from falling into the fortress.
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At ground level, we have corpse and refuse stockpiles, beehives, nest boxes, and a garden.
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On the main floor, we have the trade depot right at the entrance. I separate my trade goods into two stockpiles: one for elves, and one for everyone else. I recently overhauled my military and relocated some of the barracks and archery ranges. at the south is my fishery, which is protected with iron grates in the river and glass blocks above. I'm not sure why but I have perpetual ice in the river. To the east are some new farms I'm building to scale up my dye and cloth production. I also have my surface hospital here, seed storage, and a mist generator.
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Below I have archery ranges, soap making, my citizen's/residents tavern (recently rearranged) milling and pressing, farms, and farmer workshops. I'm proud of that tower sticking up out of the water. The river here freezes from mid-autumn to early spring but it was a race against the clock to get that watertight.
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Here I have food & Drink storage for the tavern above. I also have a large library with hundreds of written works. Beneath the soapmakers workshops is a stockpile of lye, oil, and tallow. Below the farmers workshops is a stockpile for wool, milk, and processable plants.
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Food and drink production, including butchers, ashery (supplying lye upwards), stills, and kitchens.
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Storage and supplies for food & drink production, and block & brick storage. meltable objects are above the smelters for recycling.
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Manufacturing level. I try to keep workshops grouped by supply chain, with stockpiles above and below in a way that makes sense. See below for an example.
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Wood feeds the carpenters and the wood furnace. Fuel is near all the furnaces, kilns, and forges. Textile industry is grouped together. This requires quite a bit of planning, and learning from experience from previous forts.
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TEMPLES! I started making quadruple-size temples for the faiths with ~100 followers, because the smaller ones were getting very crowded. Every temple has a bunch of instruments, and almost all of them have a dedicated performer. The large temples are built with steel block walls.
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Nobles apartments, and museum.
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Guildhalls. I'm starting to build more even if the guilds aren't established yet. As my economy grows more complex, there are a lot more job titles, so there are fewer guilds being established.
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Residential quarter. This is my first time giving everyone a 4x4 bedroom. I used to do 1x3 bedrooms, which allowed me to fit 12 rooms per block. I think the dwarves prefer the extra space though. I spent several years renovating the bedrooms by replacing stone walls with porcelain brick, and they LOVE it!
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Tombs. Too many tombs. Most of them are full, a lot of them are pets though. My dungeons is here, with my Cask of Amontillado'd werelizard in the northeast corner.
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And finally, several layers below, is my cavern hospital. It's really nice to have a second hospital down below for when the Amphibian Folk come and fuck with us.
That's all for this fort. My FPS hovers between 8 and 15 so it takes about 15 hours to go through a single year. I don't want to be done with it, but it's getting unbearably slow.
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
writing request: camila gets hunter and amity to go shopping together. chaos ensues. (post king's tide!)
“I never said thank you.”
Hunter grabbed a shopping cart, tugging it out of the line and wheeling it towards the door. “For what?”
Amity jogged after him. “For coming to help when my parents locked me up.”
The door hissed open of its own accord, and Hunter jumped backwards, nearly landing on Amity’s feet. “Magic door!”
Amity snorted, though the door sparked a deep pit of unease in her stomach. “I doubt that very much. Come on.”
She pushed forward into the grocery store, and Hunter came behind. “You didn’t need to thank me,” he said after a moment.
“For coming after you. I was… mostly just running away from Belos, and running towards you seemed like the least cowardly way to do it.”
“How chivalrous.”
“Hey, you’ve got Luz to be your knight in shining armor, you don’t need me. What’s first on the list?”
“Uhhh… apple ju—HEY!” Amity glared at the list. “Hunter, has the apple blood in the human realm tasted weird to you?”
“I don’t know, I never HAD apple blood.”
“Wait, really?” Amity shook her head. “Okay, I’ll get you some real apple blood once we get back home.”
“We don’t… what’s wrong with the apple blood here?”
Amity shook the list at him. “It’s apple JUICE here!”
“That’s probably the same thing, right? I mean, juice, blood, what’s the difference?”
“I’m not sure, but I think apples are different creatures in the human realm. Come on, let’s find some.” Amity tugged on the arm of the first store employee she could find. “Excuse me, do you have apples?”
She heard a quiet snort from Hunter. “What, does it LOOK like they sell livestock here?”
“Sure. Produce section, they should be right near the bananas.” The employee pointed. “Big sign. Can’t miss it.”
“Thank you!” Amity grabbed the front of the cart, directing it towards the sign that read produce. “Let’s go see for ourselves.”
“What?! Amity, apples are dangerous, do you even have Ghost with you if—
Amity tugged the cart harder. “If I’m right…” She jabbed a finger at the red spheres gracing the shelves, labeled Red Delicious. “Look!”
Hunter approached them cautiously. “Eugh, are they just selling apple corpses? Without proper refrigeration? Or are they alive? They’re not chained up or anything.” He gingerly poked an apple, then leapt back.
The apple shifted slightly at his touch, but in a normal “object just got poked” way. Hunter reached out and picked it up, turning it over in his hands.
“… Amity, I think it’s a plant. Of the non-carnivorous variety.”
“That’s what I thought. Camila asked us to pick up apple juice and red food dye. She hasn’t had any apple blood at all! I thought she looked confused when we asked her about it, but I hoped she was able to find some.”
“There’s a refrigerated section of the store—maybe they have other apples, or real apple blood there? Maybe the plant is named after its likeness to the animal?”
“Hm.” Amity shook her head. “I’m starting to think maybe apples are just different in the human realm. But we can give it a look.”
She followed Hunter to the refrigerated section of the store, examining the products. “Milk, milk, milk, cheese, eggs—what KIND of eggs?! What laid them?!” She picked up a carton, examining the contents with a snort. “Extra large? These aren’t even CLOSE to the size of the smallest griffin egg!”
“Weird,” Hunter agreed.
Amity pointed at a door. “We haven’t checked there yet?”
“Says employees only.”
“Exactly. If they have a live apple, it’ll be back there.”
Hunter shifted back and forth. “But it’s for employees only, Amity! We don’t work here!”
Amity shuddered, but paced in front of Hunter. “We’ve spent our whole lives doing what someone else told us to do! My parents! Belos!” She stopped to face him, one hand clenched in a fist and raised up at chest level. “We’re finally free! Are we going to let a door tell us what to do?!”
“Yeah,” Hunter said slowly, “Yeah! I mean—yeah, you’re right, we shouldn’t, not yeah we’re letting the door tell us what to do!”
“Alright! Are you ready?”
Hunter squared his shoulders with a gulp. “I’m ready.”
“Don’t you dare bail on me! I’m not going to break the rules alone!”
“Ha! Don’t you bail on me!”
Neither of them pushed through the door.
Hunter glanced at Amity. “Any time you want to go is good.”
“After you.”
“No, it was your idea.”
Amity laughed nervously. “I mean, maybe we shouldn’t. What if the door is trapped?”
“Absolutely,” Hunter agreed, “The employees might have rigged it, in case a non-employee tried to get in. Kikimora set up a BUNCH of traps like that in the keep. She always forgot to send me the memo on where they were, though.”
“Yep. Yep, I hear it.” Hunter took a deep breath. “We can do this.”
He pushed open the door, and Amity followed close.
The door clanged behind them, and a wave of panic swept over her.
“Oh, titan, what are we doing?! This isn’t some stupid rule designed to make us miserable, it’s just not a space that customers are supposed to go!”
“Bad idea,” Hunter agreed, “Can’t believe I let you talk me into this!”
“You actually went in the door first!”
Hunter whirled around, pushing on the door. His face paled. “Amity. Amity, I think it’s stuck.”
Amity shoved the door. It didn’t budge. “The employees did trap it! You can warp out of here, right?”
Hunter shook his head. “I left Flapjack outside.”
“It said no animals except for service animals on the sign outside!”
“That is your service animal!”
“In the human realm, not being able to do magic is normal!Besides, the sign also said no weapons!”
Amity summoned an abomination. “I’ve got this!”
The abomination pushed on the door with a groan, then stepped back and charged.
The door shuddered but didn’t open. Amity dismissed it. “Great. We’re stuck!”
“Camila knows where we are. She’ll come for us.” Hunter gulped. “Oh, we are in trouble.”
Amity put her face in her hands. “I can’t make her mad! What if she says I can’t date Luz anymore?!”
“Because telling you not to date Luz worked out very well coming from your mother?”
Amity sank to the ground with a groan. “She trusted us. And we let her down, and now, instead of making LESS work for her, we’ve made MORE!”
Hunter paced back and forth. “She won’t kick us out,” he said softly, “She won’t kick us out, she won’t kick us out, she won’t—”
The door moved, and Amity jumped up. “There’s an employee coming! Do you think they’ll kill us for disturbing their sanctum?!”
“Better than getting killed by Camila!”
The door rattled, and Hunter clung to Amity’s arm. “I’m sorry for attacking you and threatening Luz at Eclipse Lake!” he yelped, “In case we die, I want to say I’m really, really sorry!”
Amity gripped his arm just as tightly. “I’m sorry for cooing at Ghost and calling her a good little hunter baby when she pounced on Flapjack! I should have discouraged her!”
The door swung inwards, and the employee from earlier sighed. “What are you doing in here?”
“It opens in,” Hunter whispered.
“It opens in,” Amity confirmed, face palming, “It’s a pull door from this side.”
“Yeah, I wish it weren’t it makes it hard to get things OUT,” the employee agreed, “What are you two doing in here?”
“We… got lost?” Amity tried.
“Dude. Go make out somewhere else.”
Amity let go of Hunter’s arm. “Oh, ew, no! No offense.”
“She has a girlfriend,” Hunter yelped, “No!!!”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry. Just…” the worker pinched the bridge of their nose with a sigh. “Get out of here.”
“Okaythanksbye,” Amity yelped, grabbing Hunter’s arm and tugging him out. “It opened the other way,” she said again, shaking her head.
He laughed. “It opened the other way.”
Amity let go of his arm and took the cart. “Well, I think we can safely say that there are no animal apples in this store. Let’s just get the stuff on the list and go.”
“Hey, what did you mean about Ghost pouncing on Flapjack? Because she’s a cat? She’s hunting my bird?!”
“Whaaaaat? No. Come on.” Amity started to walk briskly down the aisles, pushing the cart in front of her.
“Amity!” Hunter jogged after her. “Amity!”
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kleoyeager78 · 2 years
Older sister Haitani |
Okay, I know we talked about little sister Haitani, but could we also talk about how adorable it would be if the Haitanis had a big sister who took care of little Ran and Ridou? Oh my, it would be so adorable she'd probably be unable to go anywhere with them. Lmao I could see it now.
“N/n when is it my turn to get my hair dyed?” Rindou groaned in annoyance. He had been waiting to get his hair done all day and then Ran stepped in and said he wanted his done and of course y/n put down everything just to do his stupid hair.
“Give me one second Rindou I have to bleach Rans ends and then i'll be right with you okay” She sent the little boy a smile which only got an eye roll.
“Fine” He sighed and continued laying on the floor coloring with the new coloring book his sister had gotten for him.
y/n felt really bad. It's not that she was playing favorites, it's just that Ran came to her before Rindou had woken up and said that he wanted his ends bleached and she thought she had enough time to do it before Rindou woke up. Sadly she was mistaken because Rindou woke up halfway through the process and she couldn’t just leave Ran.
Ran on the other hand felt no mercy for his little brother. In fact he was holding back laughs, not because he didn’t want Rindou to see but more because he didn’t want his sister to hit him upside the head.
Rindou got tired of coloring and decided to get up and do something else which somehow landed him in his sister's hair supplies.
y/n owned a lot of hair supplies but she would never let her brothers near it because in short it would cause a huge mess and she couldn’t really afford that especially since good hair products got more expensive by the day and it was how she made her living.
So Rindou took the chance to play around in it since she was busy.
While playing around he found something in a container that interested him. It looked like it was some type of red substance in a tube.
“Sis what's this?” Rindou said in his most innocent tone while holding up the tube.
y/n glanced over Rans head to see what Rindou was talking about and sure enough it was a tube of her most dangerous hair dye. It was the one hair dye that she tried to keep hidden the most because it stained things really badly and refused to come out but of course Rindou would find it. “Oh its Hair dye”
“How come you didn’t show me this one when giving me options?”
“Oh uh I must have not seen it and besides you wouldn’t want it anyways”
“How come?”
“Because it stains and I’m pretty sure you want to keep your pretty blonde hair blonde right?” Y/n said making sure to add a compliment on there to be more convincing.
“Well I want it” Rindou said, fixing his glasses.
“What, why?”
“Because you said it stains and it’s red so that means it’s just like blood.”
Y/n cursed herself she should have known that would only interest him. “But Rin I already set up the stuff. It would be a shame if all my time went to waste.”
“I don’t care, I want my hair to look like blood” with that Rindou took off running.
“Hey get back here you little shit” y/n too took off running.
“HEY WHAT ABOUT MY HAIR” Ran yelled out to his siblings. But they were too far away to hear him.
Ran sat back in the chair with the foils wrapped around the ends of his hair and sighed.
This was nothing but a normal day in the Haitani household.
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