#dysfunctional perspective fanart
crowned-corvidae · 8 months
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Here's some fanart for a Diary of a Wimpy Kid fan comic of all things lmao, strangly enough this comic had me in a chokehold and im so excited for future entries!! :) can't wait to see where the story goes from here!
On another note, I'm not quite used to using grey scale for my drawings, so this was fun to attempt!
The comic is Dysfunctional Perspective by u/ABitchWhoMakesShit on reddit and moon_sxg on Twitter!! :D
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holografrick · 4 months
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rodrick! from the dysfunctional perspective comics :3
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Qibli. The one with the weird name.
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starboysbrainrot · 3 months
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guess who re-red @moonsxg au last Friday an just HAD to do a bunch of sketch to go with it ?
so have some soft (and touch deprived) Rodrick, a Greg sketch inspired by the first part, Manny and Susan and a screenshot redraw
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caffeinatex · 3 months
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Greg doawk dp stuff... Meow..
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My comfort characters <3
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Jax made by @gooseworx
This au version of Rodrick Heffley made by @moonsxg
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cutepastelstarsalior · 8 months
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Ausium be damn…this boy made Diary Of a Wimpy Kid fanart!!!!!!1111!!!!!
Sooo on Reddit (and Tikitok) there this comic/LLB (Look Like Books) called Dysfunctional Perspective and I binge read the whole series and it’s very cool and I think the art style is cute. Basically the comic is Greg is a unreliable narrator and the Heffley family is abusive.
I deleted my Reddit account so that why the fan art is on here. Lol
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roseaesynstylae · 2 months
So, the idea of the Bad Batch (minus Echo, plus Emerie) being the other half of the Nulls has consumed my goddamn mind. Therefore, as you do when an idea takes up residence in your frontal lobe for the foreseeable future, here's some headcanons.
The Bad Batch (except for Echo and Omega, who have no clue what's going on) hate the Nulls. As in, "murder on sight" hate them. From an in-universe perspective, there could be a myriad of reasons, ranging from feelings of abandonment to resentment over them having a better life. From a writer's standpoint, it's because I love me some good old familial dysfunction and angst.
The more...unhinged...tendencies the Nulls are known for manifests in the Bad Batch more as "let's jump off this cliff and use explosives to direct our fall!" and less as "hey, check out my new skin gloves!" Of course, if you push them too far, it's a different story. In order of least to most likely to pull a "lemme turn you into an art installation," it's Omega, Wrecker, Hunter, Crosshair, and Tech. Omega wouldn't do that, at least not at this point in her life. Wrecker, when enraged, goes for the just-hit-them solution. Hunter's a decent human being and usually wouldn't do something like that...Unless his kid's been kidnapped by a crazy Imperial doctor for the fifteenth time, on which point he starts becoming a little deranged. Crosshair hovers close to the line but wouldn't do it to someone unprovoked. Tech is a special case, in that he has to be pushed, but when he is, the results make the rest of the Nulls go "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST."
The Nulls want to reunite with their lost siblings and build a relationship, but that's kind of hard to do when said siblings (except Omega) keep trying to kill them on sight and none of them were built for intricate and deeply complicated emotional issues. Still, they persist. Eventually, they could probably get to the level of "awkward conversations" but it'll take a lot of work.
The Bad Batch have what makes the Nulls superior to regular clone troopers, plus their unique enhancements (which in this version are less defects and more Nala Se picking an attribute for each of them and cranking it up to 11). They feel that it makes them better than the Nulls, something they're not shy about expressing.
Emerie is the same height as her estranged (I can't think of a word that applies to this specific situation but this one will do) brothers, because I stan a tall queen.
Nala Se is smug as hell whenever she sees Orun Wa. "CT-9904 just broke all records for accuracy, CT-9902 discovered a new element, CT-9903 crushed beskar like it was paper, and CT-9901 tracked a man through five systems and a solar storm. What are your clones doing, again?"
There is no understating the sheer "wtf" that goes through the Nulls' heads when they first see Omega. But, of course, this is Omega. Imagine the cutest image of her you've seen, fanart or canon. That's what the Nulls see when they meet her. Unsurprisingly, the Nulls, who got the Mandalorian gene to adopt anything that isn't nailed down, go from "wtf" to "so smol 🥰" in roughly a minute.
Kal Skirata is in the corner. His attempt to interact with the Bad Batch did not go well. He casually calls Hunter "son," as he does with various characters, and the resulting explosion puts a thermal detonator to shame. Since it's clear that his presence is not making things better, he's sort of just in the corner.
The rest of Clan Skirata, and associates, are staying out of this. Gilamar and Vau took one look and retreated to the bar because they know better than to get involved. Everyone else witnessed one of the less acrimonious encounters and collectively decided that they are not jumping into the emotional equivalent of a pit of rabid wolverines.
Echo is the go-between. He does not want to be the go-between. But he's the only neutral party in this thing aside from Omega, and the rest of the Batch don't trust the Nulls with her.
Spare a though for 99. He raised four of these guys, often with the aid of leashes. Truly, he is an unsung hero of the Clone Wars
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pretty-emo-dad · 7 months
The urge to draw doawk: dysfunctional perspective fanart
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tomoathestory · 6 months
I'm Cry! Or Tomoa, Moa, Crioh, or whatever other nickname you can conjure up for me lmao
Some of the things I'm interested in is Voltron: Legendary Defender, Diary of a Wimpy Kid (specifically the Dysfunctional Perspective on TikTok), DC (mostly batfamily stuff, but I like the rest of it too), and Criminal Minds. I'll update this when I remember because these are just off the top of my head.
I play video games often, mostly Overwatch 2, Fortnite, Monster Prom, Roblox, and occasionally Minecraft. I play more, but there's too many to list! (Junkrat/Mercy main here LMAO!)
My favorite color is orange, I'm not sure what shade, though. Purple is definitely a close second, tied with yellow. My favorite TV show is Criminal Minds!! Season 7 Episode 19, Heathridge Manor is my favorite episode (mainly because my favorite actor, Kyle Gallner, is the unsub)
I first started writing (like, creative writing in my free time for fun) when I was around the 4th grade. Or about 9 years old. My first ever story, from what I can remember, was this one piece of fanfiction that I refuse to name. (Seriously, you couldn't pry it from my cold, dead hands.) From then, my writing kinda just followed me I guess? It was never something that I really like, shared with other people. I've mostly written just fanfiction, but I also have some original works that I love to think about. I think my longest character has been with me since 2020? Maybe 2021. I'll introduce yall to him later!!
I'll try to reblog posts that have amazing writing advice that I agree with btw,
The story that this blog is about (it still has no name, that's why I'm calling it Tomoa for now LMAO) has been floating around my head since around Janurary/February of 2022. So it's been with me for a little while now. It's definitely change a LOT since then. Like my main character used to be named Lukas, and now his name is Aaron lmao. He also used to be Russian for some reason?
The story was also supposed to be a lot more angsty and sad, but now it's supposed to be more fun and romantic (I developed a boyfriend for Aaron, and it's so adorable)
At the time of writing this, I have 11 characters and a cat. I'm gonna make an introduction post for each of them as time goes on, but for now I'm gonna stick with just my own intro+tomoa intro.
Here's me trying to explain my storyline (poorly done lmfao)
Aaron gets kicked out by his dad (mom not in picture), and gets recruited by villains. He goes on to be a villain but is laying low. So, in his mid twenties (where the 1st book takes place), he's like an average villain. Nothing sticks out, just a (somewhat) regular villain. Little does he know, his arch-nemesis just so happens to be his high school friends-with-benefits who he may or may not still be talking to. (He definitely is. And it's not talking, it's "talking.")
{Extra - aka ramble time}
Some of my goals for my story is to try to allow for a little bit of each kind of representation. Does that make sense? I hope so. But like, for example, I have 2 aroace characters in my universe so far (I PROMISE ITS JUST BECAUSE IM TALKING ABOUT THE MAIN GROUP), and I'm trying to make most of my characters from different origins too. My main character is Mexican/German/American, so I've still gotta do a bunch of research for him. I want for people to feel seen and represented when they finish reading my book, but the main purpose (and the original one) is to entertain. So not only do I want them to feel seen and represented, but I also want them to be like "Hey, that was a damn good book." (And then write fanficiton and make fanart and make AUs and social media accounts about my story <33)
Also!! Yall can ask me anything!! I love answering questions!! You can also try to suggest something for me to write, I'll make another post about what I will/will not write
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puttlefish · 3 years
minor spoilers i guess
The Mitchells VS the Machines was ok. It was a completely run of the mill “dysfunctional white family learns to embrace their weirdness and come together” kids movie where each motivation and arc was visible from a fucking mile away, AND it was boringly technophobic in this the year of 2021. 
The writing felt disconnected from the reality of its subject in a very distracting way too, like, this girl is making popular videos on a global scale that are essentially just youtube poops with that cheesy ‘teenager doodling on lined paper’ aesthetic that was popular in, what, the ‘80s? Like most movies which try to tackle modern youth culture, it was obvious that the people behind it are still slightly too old to be writing about movies that revolve around the internet. The trends it uses are old but not old enough to be nostalgic and/or are mishandled. Example: The inclusion of the Numa Numa song could have been funny but it just didn’t work. It felt more like an echo of a memory for people who may have heard it back in like 2005. 
The heart of the movie is the protag’s love for film and getting into film school, but the types of movies she was making were more reminiscent of movies the writers probably made when they were kids in a pre-internet era. For instance: there was a flashback to when she was much younger and was about to present something she made to her class and I honest to god thought it was gonna be weird art (like how kids can be rightfully shameless in advertising their Sonic/OC fanart) but it was just like... a home movie she made where she dressed up her dog as a cop and made a silly video. What a missed opportunity!! Why not have her making weird animations instead of just putting costumes on the dog? Kids who grew up alongside YouTube have been exposed to so many creative outlets that it’s been wonderfully lucrative to cultivating imagination and a willingness to invest hard work into personal projects-- the protag being into Warrior Cats animations would have been way more reflective of the times she grew up in compared to what they ended up doing. 
(also this movie was heavily inspired by the Into the Spider-Verse style, so including 2D animations would have been such a great way to use that distinctive look?????? Dressing up the dog wasn’t enough of a leap in either animation or in-universe divergence to warrant any kind of disconnect between her and her dad??)
ANYWAY The attitude toward technology in general is incredibly cynical and archaic. We still be out here making jokes about people being on their phones and not being ~*a family*~ like all movies like this rely on. It’s so boring and is such a tired perspective. Instead of the flawed but ultimately wise father-figure complaining that kids don’t know what books are, why not take a fresh approach and recreate this kind of story in a way that utilizes technology in a more positive (and modern) light? The villain brings up a couple points about that, but they are just throw away lines that are only included so that people can’t say it wasn’t acknowledged. Like, I thought the dad being bad at computers was funny but he was so on the other side of the tech spectrum that it just didn’t seem realistic for when the story took place (which is now). Again, if this was the ‘90s where computers really started to take off, then sure! But in 2020? It’s a bit late for this dynamic.
I am so tired of this exact movie being made. We get a new one like every year in different forms, and frankly, examples like this one remind me more than ever that we need new blood in the writer’s room. Don’t get me wrong; there were enough legitimately funny jokes here and there that keept me watching (for a while; if I wasn’t watching this with friends I probably would have turned it off lol) and there are a couple good scenes & gags, but those are mostly delightful surprises in an otherwise predictable movie. 
Overall it was good for what it was, but unfortunately what it was was my least favorite genre of film. If I read your movie title and it has ‘the (Name)s” anywhere in it then tbh I’ve basically seen the entire movie just by reading that lmao. The character designs were fun and the two robots’ faces never got old for me (also the goddamn Furby scene was EXCELLENT), but this was definitely a movie for young kids who have never seen a “quirky family learns to love” story before.
It felt genuine, it just wasn’t for me.
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wheredidthe80sgo · 4 years
Should I read All For The Game?
A fan’s perspective, in case you were wondering whether or not you needed this mafia-sports series in your life (hint: I think you do).
(This post was made by a fan for people who may want to become fans. I was unsure about first reading something so different to other books I’ve read, so I thought that I should just put this out there for people who might feel the same way.)
Reasons to read AFTG:
1. The fandom: I’m starting with one of my favourite things about AFTG. While the fandom is small, it’s dedicated. There is fanart and textposts and fanfiction all over the place from these dedicated people. It was so nice to read a book series and walk into a place where other people are already there, and continuing to contribute to it. And from my pov, there really isn’t that much drama which is nice (although I am on the outskirts).
2. The writing: considering you won’t find AFTG in your local bookstore as it wasn’t published by a company, the writing and storytelling is well done. Sure, it reads like a fanfiction, but sometimes it’s nice to read something self-indulgent rather than literary masterpiece. Nora did well with the world-building and the grammar and spelling is all correct (which I wanted to mention since the writing was something I was hesitant about when reading it for the first time).
3. The actual storyline: yes, it has the Japanese mafia and a made up sport, but AFTG is nothing if not entertaining. There are twists and turns which I did not expect (the end of The Raven King anyone?) and there’s always something to keep you guessing and wanting more. It might sound ridiculous, but watching Neil Josten run from the yakuza is good fun. And, like I said before, this is no literary masterpiece like Dickens or Tolstoy, so just go with it and have fun.
4. The characters: the cast of characters is one thing I love especially about these books. Yes, most of them are assholes, but somehow you fall in love with them one by one. Our protagonist, Neil Josten, is one hell of a messed up kid, and yet makes you laugh and cry many times, or maybe that’s just me. Andrew Minyard, our blond midget, is, in my one opinion, the most interesting character in the series, and certainly provides the books with something... unique. Surrounding our two leads is the Palmetto State Foxes, and a lot of them: Andrew’s twin, Aaron; their cousin, Nicky; Kevin Day, former Exy superstar; Dan Wilds, team captain and badass; Matt Boyd, Dan’s boyfriend and resident Bro; Renee Walker, good girl with a mysterious past; Allison Reynolds, beautiful heiress; Seth Gordon, absolute asshole and Allison’s sometimes boyfriend; Wymack, coach; Abby, team nurse; and Bee Dobson, their therapist. The Foxes are an extremely dysfunctional bunch, yet come together as a family (eventually). They’re moving in times, hilarious in others, and always, always brilliant. Along with the main characters, there are side characters, such as Jean Moreau and Jeremy Knox, who absolutely steal your hearts while being present in less than ten scenes (less than five for Jeremy!!). Also, if you try hard enough, the characters can all be very gay. Personally, out of all of the characters mentioned above, the only straight ones to me are Aaron and Wymack, but it’ s really up to your personal opinion. The fandom certainly has a lot of opinions on this.
5. The sports: now, I’m not a huge sports fan, but when I tell you I actually got excited for the Exy matches, I mean it. A brutal lacrosse-type game, Exy is complicated and hard to understand, yet keeps you excited. Yes, it has lots of subplots related to the yakuza, but AFTG is a sports series at heart, and Exy is certainly fun. Plus, Kevin and Neil’s over-the-top obsessions are certainly a great running gag and guaranteed to make you laugh and/or sigh at least once.
6. The relationships: finally, we arrive. As a hopeless romantic, I always need romance in my books to keep me interested, and AFTG certainly delivers. On your first read, it may not be as obvious who the intended romance is, but by the time you get to the third book (spoiler alert!!) Andrew and Neil kick off their romance and it is beautiful. Featuring one of only two representations of demisexual characters I’ve ever seen in books, AFTG is romantic and very gay while featuring things like PTSD, assault and consent throughout. I may not be the best person to talk about this, but the way consent is handled is absolutely beautiful. If you research the fandom, you would know that one of the main things Andrew and Neil are known for is ‘yes or no’. The subtle way these two handle their relationship is a great way to represent consent, showing how it doesn’t need to spoil the mood. Not only does the series have great romantic relationships, but also familial connections. The Foxes are super dysfunctional (especially a few people in particular), but they do end up being a found family, which is always something to look forward to.
7. The aesthetic: orange, white and black, cigarettes, rooftops, gay pining, knives and guns; need I say more?
Although!! While I love these books for everything they are, I understand that other people have different experiences so I feel like I should mention there are a few things in the series that could potentially trigger people, so I just want to add a trigger warning: mentions of rape/abuse, drugs and alcohol use, homophobia, explicit violence, swearing, sex (not so explicit) , use and mention of things like knives and guns, quite a bit of torture (mainly talked about, or described in flashbacks except for one scene in the third book). All of the Foxes have traumatic backstories and as they’re being targeted by the yakuza so some really bad things happen over the series to a few characters. 
In conclusion (if you didn’t want to read all that), All For The Game is one of my favourite book series of all time, so of course I’m a little biased, but it truly is a good series. Very much something to read when you don’t want to take it too seriously, it has a dedicated fan base with great characters, relationships and a killer aesthetic. Everyone should say thank you Nora Sakavic for bringing this into our world (although we all collectively disregarded her canon pretty quickly). Yes, it has fanfic tropes (quite a few, now that I think about it) and it gets pretty ridiculous and cringe-worthy sometimes, but it also means a lot to a lot of people like me, and hopefully, if you’d like, it could mean something to you too.
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13eyond13 · 5 years
Your opinion on Those!B?
OMG Those!B, bless his little black heart….
(Major Spoiler Warnings for “Those Who Stand For Nothing Fall for Anything” fic below, be ye warned):
-my absolute favourite parts of that entire massive fic are when B, L, and Light are all hanging out in the big house together. Maybe that’s just because they’re my three faves and also my OT3, but knowing that Beyond was going to be showing up eventually was the very reason I decided to read the whole thing in the first place, honestly. I saw the beautiful fanart by lyovan of all three of them all together and was like ummmm, yep sign me up
-turning Beyond into a pretentious psychologist and also L’s oldest/most loyal childhood friend, someone who postures himself as the tutting / disapproving “voice of reason” to the ridiculously dysfunctional Lawlight romance, is just a hilarious idea that I am 1000% on board with. I adore all the cruel irony of his situation with L, his pathetic obsessive energy and his unrequited feelings and weird competitive nature with Light. It adds such an interesting past perspective to Those!L’s character to give him this old friend who he wants to maintain a certain appearance in front of and who he relates to in a softer, completely non-sexual way, as well. 
- I love how much the stuff with B mirrors so many things about canon while also being completely different from it simultaneously. There were so many times I suddenly realized a sly parallel to canon in that fic and laughed out loud, such as with B allegedly attempting suicide in L’s bed way back in the day as an extremely melodramatic way of getting his attention
@translightyagami and I were talking about this recently, how B isn’t really any better of a person or a more ideal match for L than Light is, and I love so much that this fic doesn’t try to portray him as such. B’s just as shitty and manipulative and flawed in his own way as the other two, and the fact that he and L both kind of selfishly idealize and use each other in different ways for validation and ego boosts is so interesting to think about. I think Those!B needs to put L on a pedestal to feel distinctive for being his closest/truest friend, and L needs B to idolize him and be kept constantly at arm’s length so that he can always see himself through B’s rose-coloured glasses whenever his own self-perception is getting weird and dark
- another fascinating aspect of Those!B is his weird chemistry with Light. I don’t know why, but I adore how hilariously cruel and mean they are to each other 90% of the time and then randomly also attracted to each other in little bursts. Their strange little scene against the bookshelf when L wasn’t home, for example. I think they both kind of loathe each other but also understand each other intimately for their mutual unhealthy hangups on L, so it creates this weird antagonistic kinship between them that surfaces between the passive-aggressive insults every now and then
- I laughed so much every time Those!B did something like sniff L or slice off a lock of Light’s hair with a knife or drug him without his consent. Halfpromise managed to make a B completely devoid of red shinigami eyes and a jam fixation still incredibly creepy and odd in his own very special way
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maryellencarter · 6 years
memed from @camshaft22 , originally an askbox meme but it's short enough that i can just have opinions at all of it rather than waiting to have the free time to get out of the house and answer asks. (i still have at least a few askmeme questions sitting in my inbox from like a month or two ago... :P)
1. do you find force users or non-force users more interesting? -- non-force users by a mile. there could theoretically be exceptions, like if anybody really got deeply into alternate perceptions / interpretations of the force rather than just kind of toeing the jedi party line as established in the movies, but i haven't seen any that really grab me.
2. which character do you want to be most like? -- oh, now there's a hell of a question. both this and the next one, really. see, let's start at the beginning: when i was a very smol tortoise watching a star war, and by smol i mean like eighteen because that's when i first saw a star war... when i was a smol, i wanted to be han solo (not least because he was hot in a very conventionally masculine way, do not underestimate the importance of that to a smol afab tortoise programmed with much body-loathing ;P), but i identified a lot more with chewbacca. i mean, let's be honest, i was not in great psychological shape as a tiny, and this particular oddment is something i'm still very much sorting out, but: from tiny!jt's perspective, at least, han+chewie is a nonromantic primary relationship that gets displaced by the han/leia primary romantic relationship. but it's still (from anything you see onscreen in the ot) primary *to chewie* even after it becomes secondary to han. that kind of nonreciprocal primary relationship, tagging around after someone who would let me express that kind of devotion and not find it creepy even after they inevitably found a "real", romantic relationship that would be more important to them than me, was the best endgame i could imagine for myself, and frankly i felt like it was way too much to hope for within my own species. i may have spent rather a while wishing i was a dog or something, so that it would be acceptable and appropriate for me to want the most important relationship in my life to be nonromantic. tiny!jt was a *mess*. this was way before i got into fandom, so i didn't really work through it at all or write it down anywhere, either.
uh. that got long. continued under the next question.
3. which character are you actually most like? -- so anyway. yeah. to continue. then i found my way into legends (then still the eu but yanno) and the x-wing books. and then there was wes. ^_^ it would be several more years before i even figured out i *had* ptsd, but here was somebody who had ptsd that presented almost exactly like mine but was also stable and functional and not-depressed and in fact actually cheerful. not to mention he was *also* hot and male and most importantly human, but still showed the kind of undemanding loyalty i was aiming towards, and had it accepted.
(which last is partly because wedge is an oblivious noodle, but still. ^_^ honestly that's probably something to analyze when i'm not one-finger typing on my phone: how much of that kind of relationship being a goal for me is just me being wired kind of subby, and how much is the abuse thing where asking for any kind of emotional reciprocation is Wrong and Too Much. :P)
uh. i had a point here somewhere. um. so i wanted to grow up to be wes, but i didn't think that was an attainable goal. i felt sort of more like wedge with the duty and guilt and everything, but wedge is also way more of a leader than i am, so that's a thing. honestly there was a point there where i felt most like cheriss, just kind of... trying to grow up and dealing with a whole bunch of life shit and intermittently wanting to die a lot. ;P
and now apparently i *am* growing up to be wes and i'm still not sure what to do with that, besides writing a lot of fanfic (which is what i am doing). and trying to figure out the whole subby brain thing. and the executive dysfunction thing. and the not wanting leadership positions thing. and still working on the ptsd thing. and the self-esteem thing. there's a lot.
i'm less wedge, though. which is good. less catholic guilt is always nice.
4. what headcanon will you defend to the death? -- er. i'm not really sure i have any of those. as opposed to just canon things i will make sure people remember and acknowledge. maybe the hoth cuddle pile? you will never convince me the rogues on hoth did not sleep in a giant cuddle pile.
5. what planet would you most like to visit? -- i frankly don't know enough about star wars planets to give a shit.
6. what planet would you most like to live on? -- ditto. not taanab, for sure. mini rancors (and possibly 46-hour days if you don't just disdain that as illogical made-up numbers they threw into the planet guide for variety's sake... ;P I have opinions)
7. who do you hope you never meet? -- of the characters? pretty much any of the bad guys, but my first thought is vader.
8. what is one thing you would change about any movie, show, book, etc? -- ahahahahaaaaaaa. just one? i can't pick. can i say fix all the things about tlj that made me go "okay never watching that"? because there were at least four or five just among the spoilers that i heard. like if it had to be just one i'd make it so poe doesn't disregard chain of command, because that's the one that's making it so i can't rewatch tfa *either*, but from everything i hear, that movie was a hot mess. (alternatively, can i just change the fandom so that people stop saying "if you don't love tlj unquestioningly you're a reddit douchebro!"? because i don't want to unfollow roguepod on twitter but unless i block literally everyone *they* follow there's no way for me to keep that particular Hot Take off my dash and it's consistently re-infuriating me. :P)
uh. i have feelings, apparently. ;P
9. have you ever made fanart or fanfic? do you make edits or any other fan content? -- so much fanfic. so much. i counted last night and just the fics i haven't published yet add up to somewhere around 80k words.
10. do you think the jedi were right or wrong? -- i think the jedi were self-important douchenozzles with a habit of being wrong whenever the plot demanded it. is this a reference to something specific they were right or wrong about? i don't think they have the one true view of the force, and i think they're obnoxious about thinking they do, much like many other religions, so there's that.
11. who is the most underrated character? -- new canon, finn. or rose, possibly, not that i've seen her, because see above re hot mess. old canon, hobbie.
12. do you care who rey’s parents are? -- honestly, i'm at the point in dealing with an open canon where i cannot give fuck about any of the unanswered questions, the upcoming releases, or anything that might happen in the future at all. i haven't even read thrawn alliances. i am Over It, and that is about 99% the fault of the people who keep calling me a reddit douchebro by association. i probably won't see epIX unless kat or sophia tells me i absolutely have to. i'm a legends-only fan at this point. i didn't want to be, i like getting excited about new things, but every time i try it, people are douchewaffles and it's depressing. :P
13. if you could resurrect one dead character, or prevent them from dying, who would it be? -- new canon, hobbie. old canon, there are so damn many options, but probably mara or pellaeon.
14. what is your favorite alien species? -- i'm not sure i actually have an opinion. i have lots of favorite alien characters but like... idek. star wars has a bunch of really well designed alien species and they're all cool.
15. who would you like to bang? -- honestly i don't really care about banging any of the characters. shipping them is more fun. although i would let princess general leia step on me, whether in a sexy way or not.
16. which movie/episode have you watched the most? -- probably anh. the falcon's flying sfx aren't as good as in esb, but if you watch esb without rotj it's just a downer, and i don't really enjoy rotj. like it just doesn't click with me.
17. what is your favorite line? -- uh. from the movies, or from all the star war? uh. either way that's a hell of a question. the one i quote the most from the movies is definitely "we're all fine here, how are you?", but that's more just... versatile. from the books, my favorite is obviously one of allston's, but i'm not sure i could *pick*.
18. what is your favorite star wars book or comic? -- starfighters of adumar. because it is the best one. objectively. ^_^
19. what’s your opinion on legends/expanded universe? -- i'm extremely glad it isn't canon anymore (see also my issues with open canons, but also a significant amount of it was just trash) and extremely glad it's still around.
20. what do you hope will happen in future movies? -- i have no hope. hope is dead. i am, as previously mentioned, Over It. (let oscar isaac kiss john boyega onscreen)
21. if you could switch any character’s gender, who would it be and why? -- in canon? no. there's no point in turning a lady character into a dude, and neither the creators nor the fans are capable of handling anyone who's currently a dude being written as a lady or nb type, even if it was retroactive and they'd always been written that way. just no. it would go Badly. :P
that said. in fanfic? and i am so not capable of writing this yet but i want to. in like five years when we're all living in caves scratching our fanfics on bone. i want to see a cis afab wes janson who just hasn't internalized any of those lessons about not taking up space. who's still brash and loud and enthusiastic and flirtatious and just... female. who doesn't feel any need to explain that she doesn't (or does) want kids, or acknowledge anybody else's opinion about how she dresses or who she fucks. who's smart and badass and competent and out to have fun. and like... *pulls hair* i mean you know the trope. a sexy lady character who knows she's sexy will pretty much always at least consider sleeping her way to the top or whatever. (tim zahn, seriously, stop using that trope. it's not edgy.) i want to see lady!wes dressing up all fancy because it's fun and she enjoys having people admire her body, and like just... not even considering ever having sex for any other reason than "i am attracted to that person, i wonder if they'd like to bang". like it's hard to demonstrate a negative but you know if you read a story like that, where it wasn't called out but just there, your brain would go all fidgety and "what the fuck something is not normal here". or at least mine would. but you know? :S apparently i have a lot of feelings about this too. like trying to portray a lady who's that confident and... and undamaged by misogyny, would be a hell of a thing.
22. favorite droid? -- bb-8. the cutest smol. target has a kit to turn a pumpkin into a bb-8 and i swear i'm thinking about getting a funkin to do that to. even though i already have a bb-8 penny bank and a bb-8 lanyard in storage.
23. what’s your favorite star wars musical piece or theme? -- i'm not great at identifying pieces of music so i'm just gonna go with the opening crawl music.
24. how do you pronounce twi’lek? -- i don't. ^_^ more specifically, i do kind of pronounce it in my head when i read, but it's sort of... neither twee-lek nor twye-lek, but something sort of in between that isn't quite a schwa and might involve an umlaut. Sort of Twülek, if you said it with an Austrian accent. That probably doesn't help at all. XD
25. which character do you have a love/hate relationship with? -- This keeps being a question. I'm honestly not sure I *do* love-hate relationships. I'm like Tinkerbell, I only have room for one emotion at a time. ^_^ Especially with fictional characters, I either love them or hate them. (Unless they're completely meh and I just forget about them, that happens sometimes.)
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MFU Slash Zines - Initial Impressions
I’ve been, gradually, accumulating a collection of mfu slash zines and have been thinking a lot about how the fandom has developed over time. Here are some preliminary observations from my zine reading. (Note: I wasn’t present during the zine era so these are just my initial impressions. They’re not an insider perspective or the gospel truth, so errors and generalizations are probable.)
The characterisation in the very early zine stories (1980s to early 1990s) was often completely different to the current accepted fanon. Illya was often (although, not always) depicted as troubled, being some combination of (potentially) unstable, highly pessimistic, repressed, and/or masochistic. Napoleon was depicted as a far darker, more ambiguous figure, who was manipulative, self-centred, arrogant, and sometimes sexually predatory, often with a sadistic streak. The really early fic was, frequently, pretty dark, with Napoleon and Illya lacking the healthy, loving relationship they, generally, have in later fic.
A lot of the earliest fic (1980s) was based on the Return movie and Napoleon and Illya had a pretty fraught relationship or, at least, started out that way. Some of it was lovey-dovey but there was often an undertone of dysfunction and/or sexual violence.
 Kink, sometimes heavy kink, seems to have been very popular in the early fandom. I don’t know if this was, especially, the case for mfu or if slash itself was, initially, considered a kink and sometimes attracted people into BDSM and rape fantasies but there is a lot of rape, often with Napoleon, forcing, coercing, or manipulating Illya into sex.
 A lot of early fic (1980s-early 1990s) falls into five, sometimes overlapping, categories: romance based on the Reunion movie (still often dysfunctional or rapey), kink or rape fantasy, broad comedy (i.e. Napoleon gives Illya a venereal disease), dark (i.e. Napoleon suffers severe brain damage), and what I’m calling ‘proto-crack-fic’ (i.e. Illya is a shapeshifting unicorn). It’s not, necessarily, bad but it’s very different to current fic.
 There was also a concerted effort to make the fandom more romantic (and, possibly, realistic), with an anthology zine called Rose Tint My World (1989 – 1995) deliberately soliciting and publishing romantic fic. It seems to have been edited by a woman, who was gay or bisexual, and was intended to depict gay relationships in a more positive and down-to-earth way. It had a lot of low-angst relationship-orientated fic and seems to have been a sort of bridge between the earlier and later forms of characterisation. A lot of the earlier darkness is absent but the fic still often reads pretty differently to current fic.
 The current fanon characterisations were beginning to crystalize by the mid-1990s, with more and more fic being produced in which Napoleon was depicted as loving, ethical, and lacking the extreme selfishness or maliciousness often found in earlier fic. Illya was no longer likely to be depicted as very unstable and was often characterised in less extreme ways. Any pessimism or repression collided with Napoleon’s care and genuine friendship in a much more positive way and they had or achieved a healthy relationship dynamic. Kink became much less common and, with some exceptions, was, generally, consensual.
From the 1980s to early/mid-2000s, Illya was more often on the bottom, although not, usually, in a D/s way. There just seems to have been more emphasis on binary sexual roles. This doesn’t mean all the fic was bad or homophobic but there has been a bit of a cultural shift in how slash is written.
 Illya was often given extremely tragic backstories and, from the mid-1990s to early-2000s, there were so many fics where he suffered from some sort of devastating sexual dysfunction (i.e. near-castration, premature ejaculation, phobia due to history of abuse, foreskin so tight he couldn’t achieve an erection, devastating childhood bicycle injury etc.) that, in my opinion it qualifies as a sub-genre.
 The (worryingly) common perception that zine fic isn’t very good is complete bullshit. There is an enormous amount of really, really good muncle zine fic. In fact, some of the best fic in the fandom is only available in or, if it’s now online, was first published in zines (i.e. some of LadyRa’s stuff started out in zines). Like online fic, the quality ranges from so bad I want to gouge my eyes out just in case I ever see it again to literal masterpiece.
 There isn’t a very strong divide in muncle fandom between zine fic and online fic because so much zine fic is now online, although some incredibly wonderful fic, unfortunately, hasn’t made the leap. Zines have also been produced, although increasing sporadically, into the 2010s so zine fandom didn’t just disappear.
While fanon has changed considerably over time, some things (i.e. Napoleon calling Illya Illyusha) go back to the 1980s and pretty much every significant element originated in zines.
The illustrated zines often have really lovely art, with fanart playing a significant role in fandom activity.
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