#eat a decent amount of food
I'm bored and it's like 2AM so here's some mid/low effort food, mostly cause I hope it helps someone but also so I can have a list I can reference quickly when I don't know what to cook/get in a slump and can't put much effort into cooking
Broccoli and rice
- Cup of broccoli (or more, I like more)
- Butter (salted or unsalted or margarine, just some kind of oil, whatever you have lying around)
- Some kind of instant rice (I usually use minute rice for rushed meal prep so keep that in mind during the instructions)
- Curry powder
- Boullion cubes
- Optional; garlic powder, onion powder, and parmesan
1) Start making your rice (minute rice usually has a 1:1 ratio of water and rice)
Add curry powder (measure with your heart) and boullion cube to the hot water before the rice (for the cubes I use, one cube = about 2 cups of stock, so I cut them roughly into quarters to adjust when cooking only for myself)
Leave it alone. Seriously leave it alone until you are done cooking do not touch it you don't need to touch it.
2) Cut or rip apart your broccoli into bite sized chunks
3) Heat a pan over medium heat
Melt some butter (again, measure with your heart. Mostly because I genuinely did not and never have measured this; the important thing is making sure you have enough so nothing sticks)
Chuck in your broccoli
Cook until most of the broccoli is crispy and browned
Take off the heat (add garlic powder, onion powder, and parmesan here)
4) Chuck broccoli and rice onto a plate or into a bowl
*Asparagus is really good cooked like this too if you want to add it or sub out some of the broccoli
Tortilla Pizza
- Tortillas (Two large tortillas is what I usually have lying around and is a meal for me, this is surprisingly filling for what it is)
- Pizza sauce
- Grated cheese
- Optional; literally any other topping you have the time and energy to prepare
1) Set oven to 350°F
2) Spread sauce on tortillas; add cheese and any other toppings
3) Bake for about five minutes
*I'd put this on parchment paper and just bake directly on the rack of your oven; idk about you but I don't have a pan that comfortably fits two large tortillas
*Keep an eye on this while it bakes; you may need to go a little longer, but don't let the edges get too brown, tortillas burn easily
Meat and Cheese Board (Grownup lunchables/"Whatever I had in the fridge")
- Block or sliced cheese
- Fruit (Apples and grapes immediately come to mind)
- Jam/jelly/marmalade (World's your oyster; I like fig marmalade and dandelion jelly, they go well with apples and cheddar)
- Crackers
- Deli meat (Turkey/chicken breast slices my go to; even better if you have real turkey/chicken breast leftover from another meal)
- Crackers (Any kind; triscuits, saltines, melba toast, pretzel crackers, crusty bread, whatever)
- Optional; peanut butter, cream cheese
1) Measure ingredients with your heart; what can you/want to eat?
2) Cut fruit and cheese into bite sized pieces
3) Put any jam, jelly, marmalade, or other spreads/dips into bowls (or drop directly on your plate/cutting board for less cleanup)
4) Put everything either on a plate or the cutting board you used
*Yes this is a valid dinner, it does not matter that it's just a bunch of random shit thrown on a plate. It has fruit. It has protein. It has carbs. It has fats. It has things you like. It is both body nourishing and soul nourishing. It is a good dinner.
*Sub out or add things where you see fit. Peanut butter can become almond or soy butter, apples can become pears, add some vegetables, use any kind of cheese you want/have at home, if you have leftover meat from last night use that instead, don't use meat at all; this is my favourite "I don't know what to make" meal because you literally can't fuck it up and best case scenario you only have to wash a knife, a cutting board, and whatever utensils you used to scoop out any jam or peanut butter
Mason jar noodles
- 1L Mason jar
- Rice noodles (I use the ones that are already separated into single serves because I cannot for the life of me accurately measure how much rice noodle one person can eat
- Vegetables (frozen or fresh, whatever you have/can manage today. I like broccoli, baby corn, and peppers)
- Cooked chicken breast, shredded or cut into chunks
- 1 tbs low sodium soy sauce
- 1 tbs sriracha
- Chicken stock cubes
- Minced garlic (maybe like a teaspoon or two? I never measure this)
1) Cut vegetables into bite sized chunks and chuck them into the mason jar (if they're frozen and already bite sized just go ahead and chuck them into the jar. Measure with your heart, only you know how much vegetable you want)
2) Put sriracha, soy sauce, garlic, stock cube, and chicken into the jar and mix everything around. Rest rice noodles on top (as mentioned before, my stock cubes would make a lot more chicken broth than I need; I usually cut them in half but it usually ends up being a little too much)
3) Close up the jar, store in fridge until ready to eat. When it's food time, pour in enough hot water to cover the noodles (I eat straight out of the jar with chopsticks but it's a lot easier to pour them into a bowl if you can
*Bring your jar to room temperature before eating; I am begging you to not subject your glass jar to thermal shock and end up with glass in your hands
*Disclaimer that I heard this one from a dietician on YouTube (Nutrition By Kylie), and that this was intended to be meal prep and eaten at a later time, but nobody stops me from just chucking everything into a bowl and eating it then and there so nobody is going to stop you (maybe take some time on a good day/a day you aren't busy and prep a few of these ahead of time so that you can just pour boiling water into a jar and you have food ready to go on days you just can't cook for one reason or another)
Chicken Wraps
- Chicken strips (or nuggets, or chicken burgers, or leftover chicken breast; any chicken that you don't have to do much with, I just like crispy chicken so that's what I wrote)
- Tortillas
- Lettuce
- Sauce of choice (I like caesar or ranch)
- Shredded cheese
- Optional; bacon and tomato
1) Cook chicken strips according to directions (or cut/shred and reheat chicken breast)
2) Tear or cut lettuce into shreds (or just use the whole leaf, I don't bother cutting it half the time)
3) Put everything on a tortilla; roll it up
*Obviously not the end-all-be-all of chicken wrap possibilities, change whatever you want about it, this is just a reminder that you can do something ~different~ with and add to your chicken strips if you're getting sick of them
Yogurt (Hey, sometimes the simple stuff escapes us when we're overwhelmed)
- Cup of vanilla greek yogurt (or whatever you have lying around, my family just always has greek yogurt and it has a decent protein content)
- Berries (blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries don't need to be cut; strawberries don't *need* to be cut but I'd suggest it if they're a decent size)
- Granola (crush up a crunchy granola bar if you really want to)
- Optional; honey, dandelion jelly, some kind of jam, etc.
1) Put yogurt in a bowl
2) Sprinkle on granola
3) Throw berries and optional honey/dandelion jelly/jam on top
*I use enough granola to make a layer on top of my yogurt but I also love granola a little too much to be normal; one serving for most store bought granola is roughly 1/4 cup
*I cover about half of my bowl with fruit
*Home made granola is also 1000x better than store bought and if you have not made your own before please try it at least once
Ready Made Food
*Also a perfectly valid thing
*They aren't the best nutritionally but the important thing is that you are eating
*If all you can do today is put pizza pockets in the microwave or open a lunchable, you are still eating and that is good
*Focus on eating consistently first we can worry about nutrition later
*Do not feel bad over canned ravioli
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aniseandspearmint · 1 year
i'm looking up dessert recipes and i am so freaking tired of seeing so many 'lightened up' recipes.
i want heavy thanks.
real butter
real sugar
real fat
real everything
like, if i make a thing i'm usually stretching it a week, it's not like i'm eating the whole cobbler or crumble or whatever at once.
tho even if i was it's fine.
dessert isn't some dirty terrible thing that you're punishing yourself for eating.
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cappucosmico · 3 months
going to kill myself over the state of my wallet rn
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wanderingandfound · 2 years
On one hand, being constantly hungry is so annoying. On the other hand, I did shovel the sidewalk! Which is probably the most upper-body physical exertion I've done in years! And I am really sure I would not have managed this a week ago when I was still on my meds.
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thenixkat · 2 years
Centaur’s who’ve had halfing food tend to describe it as rather bland, with little to no flavor.
This is because halflings can’t safely consume 70% of the herbs and spices that centaurs use to season food. On account of humans having a much lower poison tolerance.
Halflings also have a lower spice tolerance than centaurs. There are some technically human-edible peppers that centaurs breed that halflings like to use to poison their hunting weapons with to shock their prey.
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donut-entendre · 2 years
literally nuts that bethievesda thought players wouldnt like the settlement building. I have spent most of my time in fo4 just building shit. literally a fantastic tool to daydream abt ocs also
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yelloworangesoda · 5 months
i hate the food situation at my house so much for the love of god. theres only so many times a man can eat ramen with nothing or tuna with nothing
#theres no fucking. ingredients. theres nothing to add. i used to walk around my kitchen trying to look up stuff to make with what we had but#it required like. an onion. an egg. a spice. a vegetable. and we dont have that#and something about me. idk what it is idk if its me or my dads fault but i cant ask for it. i cant. i think part of it is bc i need the#ingredient for my one thing and then. it goes bad and its my fault and i feel bad#i hate my food situation so much. my dad makes this food in the microwave that he knows i dont like or eat. but if i make something else he#gets offended like thats not fair#and i feel bad for complaining bc i should just get a job and buy my own food but im not gonna do that bc im not gonna get a job.#i have trust fund money. like a decent amount from when i was hit buy a car#i should move out of state like right now. and live off that and when it runs out. ill just lay in the street i guess. i hate my life so#much guys its not funny. idk what to do. theres no fixing this theres nothing i want to do and nobody can help me bc theres no solution#everyone ignores it bc theres no solution to my problem. im never gonna be happy. its never gonna be worth it#nobody wants to tell me thats life suck it up or die bc they know id rather die by a mile. im so embarrassed of my stupid life im such a#failure. i want to kill myself bc i dont want to work like how pathetic is that. thats so stupid. i dont really say it to my parents bc they#would just laugh at me. or yell at me. i dont know what to do. i dont know what to do. i find myself hoping i get in a car accident and die#anytime i go out. i hope i dont wake up in the morning. i hope something bad happens and its not my fault so i dont get the blame i just get#the benifit of not having to do this anymore#god thats so. dark. its how i feel.#its getting to the point where i dont feel like i should say im not gonna kill myself at the end of these. im still not yet. but it feels#like a yet situation. like its gonna get to the point where i start trying again.#im still not there yet though. please dont… well idk what happens so suicidal adults. call the police on me. my methods arent any more#refined than they were when i was 14 trying to drink. nail polish.#simons spouting#vent :(#suicide //
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rainbowbuck · 1 year
am just here spending all of my housesitting money on takeout
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
I have so much to do today and no will to do it orz
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moonyflesh · 4 months
dating Logan Howlett would include…
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WARNINGS: smutty. p in v, oral sex, fingering, breeding kink, orgasm teasing/control, mentions of aggressive/risky sex, (language, obviously), etc. - [🔞]
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🐾 .*.. 🩹
- possessive smacks on the ass when you pass him in the hall.
- all talk, but no bite (he would never actually hurt you).
- routine scalp massages (on both ends), usually ending in you both being passed out on the other’s bed.
- having to label what food is yours, or he will eat it.
- constantly scolding him for his chapped lips…where he continuously looses the chapsticks you graciously lend him (he always buys you more).
- playful banter that usually ends with you bent over whatever flat surface is nearby.
- having to get used to loud chewing. i mean, it’s Logan. what do you expect?
- not much physical show of affection in public- that’s reserved for behind closed doors. (an occasional press of his lips to your forehead, or his hand on the small of your back is as far as he’s willing to put on display for the student’s prying eyes).
- thriving off of each other’s warmth at night- tangled up in each other under some thin duvet.
- country, bluegrass, and old as fuck music. don’t you dare even think about turning on “that shitty music you like so much” around him.
- being turned on by your makeup on him in some way— lipstick prints smeared along the collar of his white t-shirt- your mascara running down your face and smearing onto his fingers when he wipes it off.
- (^) just you making an absolute mess on him in general. he fucking loves it.
- needing to take sharp intakes of breath in between his kisses, since he physically can hold his breath for much longer than the “average mutant”.
- rough, meaningful sex. there is no such thing as a ‘quickie’ in his book. he wants to savor your moments of vulnerability.
- more teeth than tongue. he wants to feel how you squirm under him when his canines sink into your lips, shoulders, and inner thighs.
- (^) lovebites and hickeys. you’re not allowed to leave the house unless there’s something that’s marking you as taken. as his.
- wearing his clothes when he’s gone for long periods of time.
- long motorcycle rides, usually at night. (he makes you wear a helmet and plenty of protective leather, much to his enjoyment).
- soaking in your scent. he always knows when your needy. he can smell it on you.
- oh, and he smells like cedar wood and pine. Maybe a bit of cigar smoke- his natural sweat smell he can’t seem to get rid of? Something Iike that.
- (^) him going absolutely feral when he can smell himself on you- his cologne, cigars- just his general aura on you is such a massive turn on for him.
- lots of loving nips and kisses, though. constantly has his lips pressed against the nape of your neck or crown of your skull.
- sleeps with you in his arms. no way in hell you’re allowed to wake up before him.
- face sitting. he wants every pound of you on his mouth and nose, his arms wrapped up and around your thighs, pushing your cunt into his tongue.
- wanting to feel good too. no matter how hard he’s been going down on you, he wants release, too.
- praise. lots of shrewd language and name-calling.
“fuck, that’s my good fucking girl- you’re doing so good, sweetheart- so pretty all sweaty and wet cuzzah’ me, huh?”
- face fucking. he’ll stop no matter how close he is to his peak if you need him to, but he wants it so far down your throat. and you better swallow every last drop.
- breeding kink? idk i just feel like he’s super into seeing you carry his kid (only when you’re ready, though. he of all people knows what a big deal pregnancy is).
- decent aftercare. he at least puts some amount of effort into it; probably brings you a glass of lukewarm water, a damp towel from his bathroom, maybe one of his t-shirts if he thinks of it.
- expect to wait a while for him to say “i love you” back. he’s been hurt. too many times. he loves you, he breathes you, he craves you. he just doesn’t know if he’s ready to actually admit that to himself yet, let alone to you.
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samkerrworshipper · 6 months
sugar baby | alexia putellas x reader
a big big big thank you to @codiemarin because this fic would not exist without her suggestions and ideas!!! also back from my hiatus (maybe) hope yall enjoy!
warnings: smut 18+ minors dni
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This had become normal for you.
Every second night, instead of lying in the comfort of your own sheets or servicing clients in the club you used to work at, you were standing in the kitchen of your newest employer, plating up the takeout that had been chosen for tonight.
Sunday nights were take out nights, because it was typically Alexia’s game night, which meant she was starving by the time she was home and looking for a quick eat. Majority of the time, she was riding on an adrenaline high, which meant one thing, you were in for it.
Sunday’s had very quickly become your favourite night of the week for this reason, Sunday night had expectations, ones that Alexia was extremely specific about.
You were to have dinner done by the time she was home, you were to be wearing whatever lingerie she’d most recently bought for you, the shortest skirt in your wardrobe and your cunt and ass stuffed with the vibrator and butt plug that Alexia required you to wear in preparation before she got home.
Normally, being stuffed exhilarates you, it’s your favourite way to spend your afternoons in Alexia’s apartment, as you aimlessly clean and spend time on Alexia’s balcony reading in the Barcelona sun. Normally, she edges you for hours before she returns home, controlling the vibrator stuffed in your pussy with the app on her phone. Today though, she’s left you stuffed but with no stimulation. It’s equally exhilarating knowing that Alexia is giving you a bit of a break, knowing that it means she’s going to destroy you as soon as she walks through the door.
Alexia after a game is always your favourite version of Alexia, it’s like all of the control issues, the built up adrenaline and exhaustion somehow mix into a perfectly horny Alexia who always managed to make you feel good in all of the worst ways.
You swore that you didn’t hear the door open or Alexia’s footsteps making their way through her apartment, slowly approaching you, too focused on plating up the food and making it look less like it had been crammed into a plastic container and more like it was a home cooked meal. Chances were Alexia couldn’t care less, as long as everything was clean and put away by the time she got home and the food was good then none of it really mattered.
She snuck up on you, her hand gently placing itself on the back of your neck. You did your best not to scream in surprise, instead squealing as quietly as possible at the warm hand that was now pressed firmly against your mostly bare thigh.
Ale’s breath is also equally as warm against your neck, you can tell just by her grip and firmness that it’s been a tough game, a bad day for her standards.
You never check the scores on her matches for this exact reason, it meant that there was always some element of surprise as to how Alexia’s mood was going to be when she arrived home, if it was a good game, an easy game, then she tended to be a bit more mellowed out, floaty and happy on the adrenaline high she was coming off of, bad games however could result in many different versions of Alexia.
Your voice is croaky, the sudden pressure on the nape of your neck making it harder to enunciate.
Alexia’s voice is short and scrapy, like she’s been yelling for hours upon hours, which you suppose could be the case.
“Dinner is on the table, from Clarice’s.”
It’s a boutiquey mediterranean place that Alexia loves.
For you, it’s mind boggling that she’s willing to spend such an insane amount of money on food that is only half decent, you suppose, though when you have exorbitant amounts of money you might as well spend it.
“You’re eating with me.”
Alexia doesn’t wait for you to take in her words, she grabs onto the hair at the base of your neck and pulls you towards the dining table, dragging you with her.
You don’t normally eat with Alexia, preferring to talk with her after her games or prepare yourself how she wished for whatever the rest of the night was going to entail, tonight though she seemed to have other plans.
Instead of guiding you into one of the seats at the table like you’d expected though, Alexia took her own seat, before dragging you down to your knees below her.
The floor was hard on your bare knees, not that you actually minded.
Alexia kept her hand in your hair, locked down on a clump of roots at the lowest point of your hairline where your neck and hair met.
She didn’t have to say much, her spare hand tugging at the waistband of her shorts was enough of an indication of exactly what she was expecting you to eat.
Your hands replaced Alexia’s, nails digging into the elastic of her shorts and tugging them down her ass and thighs. You didn’t take your time, not when Alexia was clearly so worked up, you dragged them off of her until they were still pooled at her ankles.
Next you moved onto her panties, taking them off with the same intention as her shorts.
You didn’t waste any time staring at the clear wet patch on Alexia’s panties, or the scuffs and scratches up and down her knees and thighs that told you the game had been rougher than she was letting on.
Her knee was cold, you realised that when your shoulder brushed up against it, like she’d had an ice pack pressed to it until she’d walked into the apartment.
Once her panties were off, you took a second to admire her, spread out directly in front of you.
It was one of your favourite sights, quite possibly your number one.
You started at Alexia’s knee, pressing warm sloppy kisses to the skin on the inside, slowly making your way up to where she wanted you most.
Were you purposely teasing her?
It didn’t take long, a couple of wet, rough kisses along the sensitive skin of her inner thigh managing to be enough to earn you a harsh pull of your hair, jerking your head backwards so you were looking up at Alexia.
She has a fork in her hand, clearly enjoying her meal.
“Don’t test me, keep teasing me and you won’t like the consequences.”
Alexia’s voice is definite, if you disobey her then she’s going to punish you, it’s a clear outline of her expectations.
Normally, you’d put yourself right in the middle on the scale of brattiness and submission, maybe teetering a little bit further towards the bratty side.
You knew where to toe the line though.
Praise was something you craved, you didn’t necessarily like to be constantly in trouble, you liked to please people and the easiest way to do that was to obey.
So without much fuss, you gently pulled your head from Alexia’s grip, moving past her thighs and with slight hesitation giving her exactly what she wanted.
You started with one thick, broad stroke, directly through her heat.
She was soaked, like she’d been anticipating this her whole way home, which sent a shiver down your spine.
Alexia pushed you where she wanted, up to her clit, you got the message and started to suck, hard.
It was exactly how Alexia liked it, your teeth grazing her most sensitive place every so often, her hips jerking so slightly when you did.
You weren’t all that surprised when her hand reached from your hair to the place inbetween your shoulders, tapping until you correct your posture.
It was random things like that Alexia was a complete freak over, posture, cleanliness, little stupid things that you couldn’t have cared less about.
Yet for some reason, you found yourself adjusting to how Alexia wanted you, even if it meant your head was that much closer to hitting the bottom of the table and your back was now cramping. It was worth it if it meant that Alexia was more at ease and you could avoid punishment.
Alexia wasn’t a loud lover, on a good day the best you could get out of her was a groan or if it was a really good day then a moan, it wasn’t any surprise to you though if you couldn’t get anything out of her.
Alexia stayed silent, apart from the noises of her slowly making her way through the food you’d plated up for her.
You had become a master of Alexia’s body, it was necessary considering she was so quiet, you knew her tell tale signs and exactly when she was close and how to get her there.
It didn’t take long, it never really did after a game.
You were no scientist or professional as far as women's health went, but you assumed it had something to do with all of the hormones and energy that was built up, it put a person closer to the edge.
You weren’t surprised when Alexia’s thighs slowly began to tighten on either side of your head and her grip on your hair became so tight that you struggled to move against her.
Everything in Alexia’s body tensed up, she went rigid and then finally, without any show at all, she relaxed, her clit throbbing underneath your mouth and thighs relaxing on either side of your head.
As soon as she’d come you moved your mouth down from her clit, cautious of over stimulating her too early and instead moving down to her opening and cleaning up the mess that you’d made.
It might have just been the best dinner you’d ever had.
You keep your mouth on her, not wanting to displease her in any way.
As she’s finishing her food and you lazily kiss and lick her pussy you become progressively more aware of the pooling wet heat that has begun to settle into your panties and is slowly beginning to leak out across your thighs, you feel so full and yet so empty, craving to feel more than the motionless toys that you’ve been stuffed with for hours.
Almost as soon as Alexia is setting her fork down on her plate she’s pushing your head away from her, pushing you back until your ass is sitting on top of the backs of your heels.
“Clean up, I’ll be waiting in the bedroom.”
Before you can nod your head Alexia is already standing, walking off towards her bedroom and leaving you on your knees in front of the chair she’d previously occupied.
With sore knees and arousal dripping all over your face you stood up, collecting Alexia’s empty plate and walking unsteadily towards the sink and washing it off before stacking it into the dishwasher. You do the same with her cutlery before closing the dishwasher and putting away any other mess you’d made and making sure the kitchen was as you’d found it, if Alexia found anything out of place in the morning you knew she’d punish you for it, so you took time making sure every meticulous detail was correct.
Alexia kept her home as she kept herself, organised to an obsessive point, everything had a specific space or place that it had to occupy. She had a dish for the tv remote, an alphabetically sorted spice rack, every painting, picture and frame had to be centred and her wardrobe was sorted into so many different categories that you struggled to comprehend how a person could put together an outfit everyday without having an aneurysm.
Alexia loved it though, and for whatever reason she expected you to uphold her level of cleanliness.
Once you were certain that the room was exactly how Alexia liked it, you began walking towards Alexia’s bedroom, your favourite room in her apartment.
The door was half open, giving you a glance into the space before you stepped foot into the doorway.
The lights were dimmed and whilst you couldn’t see Alexia, you could see the items she’d left out on top of the bed spread and it had you quaking from the inside to out.
The anticipation of actually getting to see Alexia is enough to get you through the door, slowly pushing the door open and allowing yourself to step foot in the room.
It didn’t take long for you to find Alexia, she was standing in the doorway of her wardrobe, hands on her hips and leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.
She was stark naked, excluding the strap that was hanging from the space in between her legs.
The red dildo was one that you’d never seen before, and for that you were glad.
It looked far larger than anything you’d ever taken with Alexia, there were veins up and down the length of it and the girth alone was intimidating, the length though, the length was enough to make your eyes pop out of your skull.
Alexia looked as smug as ever, the cocky grin on her face and the way that her muscles bulged out just above the strap. Alexia’s got a good body, she knows it, everybody on earth who has a functioning brain knows it. It’s one of your guilty secrets that you get it all to yourself, that you get to see parts of her body that nobody else gets to. You’ve seen thousands of women, super models, athletes, people from all walks of life but you’re fairly certain that nobody would ever come close to Alexia Putellas.
It wasn’t just her body either, it was her demeanour, her aura, everything about her was attractive to you. She was a good person, but she was also a good fuck, the best sex you’d had in your life was with Alexia and you’d worked in a sex club for years. You can’t be taught experience or confidence, it’s something that you have or you don’t and Alexia was the best. You supposed she liked to be the best at everything, the best at football, the best at life, the best at sex. Her strive for perfection in all walks of life never deterred.
Alexia pouted at you, her hands anchored at her hips, giving you a full view of her full breasts and her rock hard nipples.
“That’s not what you call me.”
You bit down on your lip, the stickiness between your thighs only getting stickier.
Alexia’s smirk broadened, her teeth biting down into her lip.
“Yes baby?”
You felt your pussy quiver, your cheeks reddening.
“It’s to big.”
Alexia’s smirk faded in a matter of seconds, the blonde starting to take steps towards you.
“I don’t like that attitude baby girl, you’ll take what I give you unless you want to make me mad, and I don’t think you want that, hm?”
The condescending voice, the way her eyes looked down at you, the saunter in her steps. If you hadn’t already soaked your thong then it was now.
“Daddy, it’s huge.”
Alexia nodded, like you were telling her what day it was instead of talking about the appendage that was attached to her hips.
“Wanna say that again? Wanna make me mad? Wanna put me in an even worse mood than that game did, because I recall that your one job is to do the exact opposite.”
She’s right, you were quite literally employed by her as a means for her to manage her stress. It had started at the club you’d worked at, Alexia spending half of her week in the shitty mildewy basement of a run down sex club in Barcelona just to enjoy your company. Eventually she was spending more time paying for your time at the club than at her own home and that was when she made the decision to give you a proposition, one you’d accepted happily.
“No daddy.”
Alexia nods her head, taking the final step to bridge the gap between the two of you.
“That’s what I thought princesa, now how about you lie back on the bed for me, you know how I like you.”
You didn’t hesitate, brushing past Alexia and straight to her bed, climbing on top of the covers as gracefully as you could manage, trying to give Alexia a show as you crawled your way to the top of the bed. Once you made it to the pillows you flipped onto your back, opening your legs for Alexia and keeping still as she liked you.
Alexia peered down at you, admiring the clear wet patch that was embedded in your thong. It was a sight that she was equally as grateful for every time she got to see it, the evidence that you were just as needy and worked up as she was, that you were equally as desperate for her as she was for you.
“So wet princesa, is that all for me? Does your perfect little pretty cunt get worked up at the thought of me?”
She knows the answer, she only asks you to try and get a kick out of you, to rile you up and try and get you to brat back at her, you know her tricks and you know that it’s best to answer her with some kind of submissive variation.
“Yes daddy.”
Alexia moves her way around to the side of the bed, leaning over to reach for your chin, her index finger pointing it up so you’re looking at her eye-to-eye.
“You’ve been good today? Doing as I asked and not touching what belongs to me?”
You shake your head obediently, you’ve learnt from experience that disobeying Alexia is the worst possible thing you could do, for starters the woman always seems to find the truth anyways and she’s more creative than most with her punishment tactics.
“Yes daddy, I’m always good for you.”
Alexia smirks big and wide, her grip on your chin tightening.
“I’ll be the decider of that. What colour are you princesa?”
You take a big deep breath before answering Alexia, composing yourself to give her a proper answer.
“Green, daddy.”
Alexia nods, her fingers staying on your chin with a grip that you couldn’t even try to escape.
“How are you feeling about being tied up baby?”
You thought about the question for a few seconds.
“Fine, I’m green daddy, I’ll let you know if I don’t like anything.”
Alexia smiles, softer, less aggressively domineering.
“That’s what I like to hear, what are your rules?”
You almost roll your eyes, almost.
Alexia’s made you memorise them, you know them like you know the colour of your eyes and the surface of your palm.
“I know my rules daddy.”
Alexia’s soft smile reverts to the harsh line, the same one you’d been met with when she’d found you in the kitchen.
“I didn’t ask if you knew them, I asked you to tell me them. Don’t make me have to punish you when you’ve been so well behaved so far, what are your rules, slut?”
Alexia’s grip turns into a bruising hold, her finger tips digging into the skin of your chin bone.
“No touching myself without permission. No talking without permission unless I’m spoken to. No cumming without permission. Use my safewords if I want to stop at any time. No moving unless you tell me too. If you tell me to do something, do it.”
Alexia nods, climbing onto the bed beside you and hovering her face just inches above yours.
“There’s my good girl, you can be good if you want to, huh?”
Once again, you do your very best to shrug off the condescension in Alexia’s words, smiling at her and simply nodding your head.
“Yes daddy.”
Alexia leans down, pulling your bottom lip with her teeth before your lips even begin to meet hers. Everything about the kiss is as controlled as Alexia, she goes at her own pace, deepening it when and however she likes, eventually pushing her tongue into your mouth.
It’s slower than you’d like, and with both of your holes still stuffed but unstimulated it’s ten times harder to endure, but you assume that’s Alexia’s doing, she’s trying to get you as riled up as possible, although you are unsure of her endgame.
“You look so pretty with my cum all over your face baby, I taste divine if I do say so myself.”
Alexia’s fingers begin to trail down your body, over the top of the lace that your breasts are confined to and straight down to the waistband of your panties, gently brushing over your hips before her hand dipped below the wet lace and swiped through your heat two times, collecting as much arousal as she could without touching any of the places that you were yearning for her the most.
Alexia’s hands are gone almost as quickly as they arrived, her hand creating a gap in between the kiss. Her fingers replace your lips, her index and middle finger being pushed into her mouth.
The way that Alexia sucks, nips and licks at her fingers is simply mesmerising, you're in a trance watching her.
“Such a fucking filthy slut, all wet from getting daddy off, huh? You taste magnificent, baby.”
The mixture of praise and degrading has your head spinning in circles, all of the different words mixing inside your head, sending you into that perfect headspace that Alexia always managed to drift you into.
Alexia’s fingers, now wet with her slobber, tapped at your chin and without any hesitation whatsoever you opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out.
Within seconds, Alexia was spitting into your mouth, directly onto your waiting tongue.
You obey her once again, swallowing the spit on your tongue, faintly tasting your own arousal mixed in.
“How do you taste, baby?”
You focus on swallowing properly before answering Alexia.
“Horny, daddy.”
Alexia rolls her eyes before landing a sharp but playful slap to the inside of your thigh, plastering it with more wetness.
“Behave and maybe I’ll do something about it.”
Alexia’s lips don’t return to yours, instead they hover just far enough out of reach that you can’t connect yours with hers.
Alexia lifts herself up and off the mattress, walking over to the pile of different toys she’s left out on the bench at the foot of the bed and picking out a set of silk ties.
She walks back over to you, reaching for your wrists and knotting the silk around them before reaching up to the posts on each side of your bed and securing your wrists to them. Once she’s done she nods at you to check them, you move your wrists accordingly, testing her bonds.
They’re tight and methodically done, immobilising you how Alexia wishes, but they’re also loose enough that if you really tried you’d be able to escape them without much effort.
Once Alexia’s satisfied with her knotwork she walks back over to her pile, picking out a few items that she keeps hidden from you.
Alexia crawls her way back up the mattress, stop halfway up your body and opting to pull the sticky panties off of you, she peels them off of you, slowly tugging them down your hips until they’re sitting at your ankles. Alexia trails her fingers back up a long your legs, tracing little white lines across your skin with her nails as they made their way back up to the space that your panties had previously covered.
Alexia didn’t touch anything, instead she gently began to tug at the vibrator nestled deep inside of you, it’s lying painfully motionless inside of you and whilst you were more than happy to be filled up with something, it’s almost a relief having it removed.
“Such a good girl staying stretched out for daddy, hmm?”
You nod your head at Alexia, trying your hardest to keep your composure as she gently traces the tissue around your hole, never dipping inside though.
“Such a pretty little pussy, so perfect for daddy to stretch out and play with.”
You suck in a deep breath as Alexia’s hand comes down in a firm but quick slap, the pain flashing across your most sensitive areas.
Your back arches, a few months ago you would have been embarrassed that your body was seeking out that kind of contact but with Alexia that all changed, how could you feel embarrassed when she looked and talked about your body like it was created by God himself.
Her hand comes down again, this time more targeted towards your clit, it takes everything you have to turn the scream that was ready in your chest into a groan.
“Be as loud as you want, princesa, it’s not going to make me stop and it’s not going to make your body dislike what I’m doing to you.”
Alexia’s hand comes down again, the squelchy slap ringing out across the room, this time it’s more targeted directly at your stretched out hole. This time you let out something that sounds more like a ringed out scream, your vocal cords unable to truly suppress the extreme amounts of pain and pleasure that are being sent through the nerve receptors across your cunt.
Another two slaps fall in quick succession and by the end of both of them you’re groaning and moaning as much as your lungs will allow, hips chasing any contact you can possibly get or find.
“Such a little pain slut aren’t you, desperate for any kind of contact daddy will give you, you take it so well princesa.”
Alexia places gentle kisses across your hips and thighs, it’s nice, but it’s nowhere near what you want from her.
“Ale, please.”
Alexia’s lips move from your skin almost immediately, her head jerking up to look at you, her brows knitted in annoyance.
“It’s daddy to you, slut. The only noises I want to hear coming from your mouth are the sweet little sounds that you make when I’m touching you, understood?”
You nod your head, well aware that too much disobedience will earn you a very sore ass and no relief for the night.
Alexia reaches down to her pile at the end of the bed, picking up something that you don’t get a look at.
You find out quick enough, when you hear the whirring of a vibrator and seconds later it’s pressed directly against your sore and puffy clit.
Your body thrashes in reply almost immediately, it’s a painful overstimulation that your body was most definitely not ready for.
Your back arches and thighs clench, even though it’s clear that there is no escaping the forced contact, Alexia’s hand stays steady, pressing the vibrator down hard against your bud. Eventually, the vision blurring pain begins to subside, and your sent into the most unpleasurable slow lead up to your orgasm.
You were close nonetheless, and frighteningly aware that the chances of Alexia giving you an orgasm right now were slim and even if she did it was going to be possibly the least pleasurable one she could give you.
You didn’t need to wait long to find out, Alexia sensing your impending orgasm pulled away, giving you a chance to take a deep breath, a mere second.
A second long reprieve was all you got before she laid down another two quick slaps against your clit.
You screamed. As loud as your vocal cords would allow, you screamed. If the overstimulation before had been too much then now it was completely incomprehensible. There was an accumulation of sweat on your forehead similar to the pool of wetness accumulated between your thighs.
Alexia gave you another second to breathe, before the vibrator was pressed straight back against your clit, making you scream once again, your vision full of white as your body shook from the pure pain you were going through.
Alexia wasn’t wrong when she called you a pain slut, it was why she’d frequented you so much at the club, it was why she paid you so much for your company. Not a lot of people could take the amount of pain you were willing to, and still find it pleasurable, yet you loved every single second of it, or you loved the result that always came after taking some pain.
Alexia always made it worth your while, and she knew where your limit was.
“So perfect bebita, taking what I’m giving you, you’re so wet princesa.”
Alexia’s finger trailed down to your hole, briefly dipping inside and collecting some of the wetness. She smeared it across the flat part of your stomach, leaving a long trail of your arousal against your stomach.
“Can you feel that princesa? My little pain slut, hmm? Getting all soaked over me abusing your cunt. How’s it feel?”
It’s hard to talk and articulate what you’re feeling considering how much your body is being affected by the painful overstimulation Alexia is putting you through.
“Good daddy, so fucking good.”
Alexia smirks, silently proud of herself and silently just as proud of you.
“Mm, you reckon you can take another two for me baby? Another two edges and then you’ll get a reward, can you do it for daddy?”
You actually weren’t sure if you could, maybe another one, but two seemed like it could be teetering on the edge of too much. Alexia realised your apprehension before you managed to voice it, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Let’s try for another one and see how you feel, hmm? You’ve been so good for me princesa, if it’s too much let me know and we’ll stop or take a break.”
The soft Alexia fades as soon as you nod your head, the determination on your face returning, you didn’t want to disappoint Alexia and you didn’t want to tap out unless you were seriously struggling, so you tried to control yourself as much as possible and focus on the lesser sensations.
It didn’t take long for you to get close once again, once the pain subsided you were left with pure pleasure, pleasure that was almost as blinding as the pain that you had previously been experiencing.
As soon as it starts to be perfectly, consumingly good, the vibrator is taken from you and your overwhelmed with the pain of Alexia’s hand coming down on your pussy again. This time around she’s kind enough to spread her hit across your whole sex, instead of targeting your clit, the pain is there all the same though.
“What’s your colour, princesa?”
You take a few seconds to reply, focusing on taking a couple of deep breaths whilst you wait for the immediate pain to pass.
“Green, I’m green daddy.”
Alexia reaches up to press another soft kiss to your lips, her lips linger on top of yours.
“You feel like you can go for another one? I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”
You take your time replying to her, enjoying the feeling of her lips pressed to yours and the vibrations that would spread across yours whenever she breathed.
“I can go again.”
You could feel Alexia’s lips perk up against yours, a smirk growing on her face.
She keeps her lips pressed to yours as she brings the vibrator back to your clit, making it a little bit more bearable.
Alexia’s lips stay connected to yours the whole time, the scream and moans being pushed straight against her lips as you work through the pain and pleasure coming straight from your core. As soon as you’ve begun to get closer to the edge, it’s gone and just like every other time, you’re hit with an overwhelming pain as Alexia’s hand comes down one final time.
Her lips leave yours as you groan and try to process the overstimulation that you can feel radiating across your lower half.
The pain is soothed by Alexia’s tongue, her lips and tongue flattening out across your puffy clit, it mellows out the pain slightly, but simultaneously begins to push you back towards the edge that you were so desperate to get over but also be away from.
Your hips cant up as a reflex, a reflex that is quickly put to rest as one of Alexia’s hands pushes down against your hips, keeping you pressed against the mattress.
“Stay still and let me clean you up princesa.”
Alexia’s tongue gently traced it’s way around your cunt, lapping at the wetness and getting as much of it on her tongue as possible. Her spare hand pushed it’s way underneath you, locating the forgotten butt plug nestled between your cheeks and gently tugging at it.
While her mouth doesn’t provide any real kind of pleasure, the tugging and twisting of the toy in your ass certainly does. Alexia’s been stretching you out for weeks, it’s been a slow process, but worth it, it’s elevated your experiences with her that extra bit, to the point where you could probably come solely from her playing with your ass. You’ve got no doubt that one day she’ll want to try it and when that day comes around you’ll be more than happy to oblige her, there was something so much more special and sacred about having her play with your ass in ways that nobody else had. You were no anal virgin, working at a sex club meant that you’d experimented more than the average person but never in the ways that Alexia managed to, even now that the two of you were months into your situation she still managed to surprise you by introducing new things.
Alexia didn’t wait for you to get to the edge, she needed you to stay conscious and she was fairly certain another edge might put you too far into subspace, to the point where you weren’t coherent enough for her to be using how she wanted to. Right now, you seemed to be floating in that perfectly obedient place where you typically fell after some proper exertion, compliant enough to do anything Alexia wanted. It was her favourite place to have you.
You mewled at Alexia as she pulled away, stripping off the rest of her clothes and leaving them in a neatly stacked pile at the foot of the bed before reaching for the strap she’d left on the edge of the bed and fastening it around her hips with practised ease. It was a new dildo that she had attached to the strap, larger than she’d had you take before, she was well aware that it might be a bit to big for you, but she was also excited to see if you were up for it.
Alexia crawled her way in between your legs, pressing the silicone cock flat against your stomach before pressing her lips to your neck, reaching behind you to take off the bra that was still attached to you. She keeps her lips attached to the skin across your chest, marking you up just how she liked to. Alexia loved the fact that you were all hers, hers to mark up, hers to order around, hers to come home to.
“Daddy, please.”
With the feeling of silicone pressed against your stomach and Alexia’s lips sucking deep purple marks along your collarbones, it was hard to not be insanely desperate, especially considering just how much she’d focused on working you up.
“I’ve got you princesa, daddy’s going to make you feel so good.”
Alexia finishes with one last hickey before pushing herself up onto her elbows, giving herself a better view of you.
“Gonna give you your reward princesa, gonna make you feel so good.”
Alexia leans back, positioning herself in between your legs and lining herself up with you, slowly beginning to work her way in.
The groan that you let out as Alexia slowly starts to thrust the length into you. Simultaneously, as she’s slowly working her way in, she reaches down, tugging at the plug still slotted inbetween your cheeks.
It seems to be the right move, because your body practically melts from the mixed stimulation, making it that much easier for Alexia to ease her way in, your body pretty much opening up for her.
Just as she bottoms out, she tugs at the plug, pulling it out and replacing it with her fingers.
You moan in a way that Alexia’s never heard before, your whole body vibrates along with the moan, like your whole body is generating the sound.
It only spurs Alexia on.
Once she’s certain that you’re comfortable with the length and width of the strap, she starts to quicken her pace, rocking her hips against yours, her fingers following the same pace. Alexia nudges your legs just a bit further apart and a bit higher up, giving her a better angle to start properly fucking you.
Alexia is mesmerised by the feeling of being inside of you in two different places, she hadn’t planned this for tonight, but she’s so grateful that it happened because it feels different in all of the best ways.
She roughens her pace as you seemingly begin to get closer, your body jerking to meet Alexia for every single thrust.
“D-Daddy, fuck, please.”
Alexia quickens her pace, beginning to roughen her thrusts.
“Hold on for me baby, wait till I’m ready and we’ll come together.”
You bite down on your lip hard, the double penetration is making you feel things that you’ve never felt before and you feel like you're about to explode in more ways than one.
“Please daddy, need to come.”
Alexia nods her head, desperate to get herself to the edge so that she can ride it out with you.
“I know baby, just a little bit longer, daddy’s got you.”
Alexia leans down, pressing a kiss to your jaw and pistoning her hips as hard as possible, getting enough friction against her clit for her own orgasm to begin to grow, the coil in her stomach beginning to tighten.
“Go ahead baby, come with daddy, I’ve got you.”
It doesn’t take long before you’re plummeting over the edge, your orgasm hitting you like a semi-truck, quite literally.
You go boneless immediately, all the pent up pleasure and pain finally coursing it’s way throughout your veins and all the nerves inside of you lighting up like a christmas tree.
Alexia’s orgasm isn’t as strong but it hits her all the same, she pulls out slowly before collapsing on top of you, slotting her head into the crook of your neck and letting the both of you come down.
When your body stops shaking and your breathing evens out, Alexia lifts herself off of you, pulling the strap off of herself before lying down next to you and bringing you into her arms, allowing you to come down in her arms.
The skin to skin contact does wonders for you, sending you into a warm cloud of post sex happiness as you burrow your way into Alexia’s neck, trying your hardest to jump inside of her skin.
You try your hardest to ignore Alexia, opting to attach yourself to her.
“Princesa, c’mon you need to get up.”
Alexia doesn’t have the heart to actually try and lift you off of her, but she does have a brain that is telling her that there are things that need to be done before she can enjoy your company in her sheets.
“Princesa, go to the bathroom, I’ll fetch us both some water from the kitchen and then we can have cuddles, okay?”
You groan into Alexia’s neck, clearly displeased with her suggestion but also forcing yourself off of Alexia to do as she’s asked, knowing that it is the logical thing to do.
“I want cuddles when I get back, proper cuddles.”
Alexia rolls her eyes.
“I don’t pay you for cuddles.”
It’s lighthearted, a joke that has you even rolling your eyes.
“No but you probably should, I’m a pretty awesome cuddler.”
Alexia snorts, nodding her head, it’s true.
“Cuddles once you pee and drink some water, okay? I’ll even sleep in an extra hour for you, how does that sound?”
It’s an offer you’ve got no business denying.
“Meet you back in bed?”
Alexia nods her head, already making her way into the kitchen.
“I’ll meet you there.”
anyways this fic was written in three different countries and i sooo can’t be fucked with editing it so sorry if you experienced the after math of that!!! love yall and hope you enjoyed this 🫶
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nikkento-writes · 25 days
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Nanami is slowly sipping on his coffee at the dining table when you return home with the coveted box in your hands. You offered to pick up breakfast earlier this morning, promising to grab something extra special today, which you did. With a satisfied grin on your face, you display the box in front of him, waiting for his response. He glances at it, narrowing his eyes as if he’s trying to figure out what exactly he’s looking at. When he realizes what it is, his shoulders slump, giving you a disapproving look. “You didn’t.” 
You continue to smile at him. “I did.”
It’s a simple design of crudely doodled croissants with the words Petite Céréale scrawled across it. You heard about this online. Each piece is handmade the morning of, baked and buttered to perfection. Then, they’re dipped in a simple syrup, coated with cinnamon sugar, and lastly dehydrated. Because of this arduous process, it’s understandably the most expensive cereal in the world. And when you heard your local bakery would be making their own version of it, you knew you had to be one of the first to get your hands on it.
“How much?” His tone wavers on serious and amused, disappointed you’d give in to these silly viral food trends but simultaneously impressed by your tenacity to actually go through with it. 
You ignore his question, pointing at the box like one of those game show hosts presenting the grand prize. “Mini croissant cereal,” you say, hoping he’ll drop it. 
“Mini. Croissant. Cereal,” you repeat with emphasis, beaming at him. “Just try it, Kento. If you absolutely hate it, then you can scold me later. But I have a feeling you’ll like this one.”
He rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “I doubt it.” You can tell he’s remembering the last viral food you made him try, a ridiculously priced chocolate bar famous from Dubai. While it was good, he couldn’t justify the price you spent on them. For some reason, though, you’re confident in this one. 
You scoff at his pretend grumpy attitude as you rummage through your kitchen to retrieve a bowl, cold milk, and two spoons, one for you and one for him. Ready and excited, you sit next to him, opening the box carefully. His lips twitch, hiding a grin as he watches you, oohing and aahing over the outrageously expensive cereal. But even he can admit that the tiny golden croissants are impressive as you pull them out of the box. He lets out a soft, “Wow,” as your eyes sparkle, marveling at the miniature pastries. 
When you open the packaging, the overwhelming aroma of freshly baked bread and butter instantly fills your nostrils. As you pour a decent amount into the bowl, the crisp of the dough taps against the ceramic, making a delightful sound. You both look down at it, inspecting it thoroughly for any imperfections; there’s none. 
Nanami does the honors and splashes milk over it, making sure not to put too much to prevent it from getting soggy. Together, you dig in, doing a cute little cheers before taking a bite. 
It’s heavenly, like nothing you’ve ever had before, especially from a cardboard cereal box. It has the perfect texture; crispy on the outsides, but as soon as you bite in, it’s flaky and crumbly, like how a flawless croissant should be. Even with the sugar coating, it’s not too sweet. And paired with the milk, it’s the perfect combination. Absolutely divine.  
You’re enjoying the moment too much before you finally realize how unusually quiet Nanami is being. By this time, he’d click his tongue at you and tell you how he doesn’t like it or how it isn’t worth the money. But to your delight and surprise, there’s a very special expression on his face: bliss. 
You wait until he finishes chewing to nudge him softly, “Well?”
He breaks out of his reverie to clear a pretend scratch in his throat. Unconvincingly, he replies, “It’s okay.”
You smile, satisfied with his response, eating the rest of the croissant cereal together in peace. 
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marshmelonfluff · 2 years
i told myself i would cook again tonight and clean but i'm done work in half an hour and i'm so goddamn tired i think i may just collapse on the couch rip
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l0nelyish · 2 months
It‘s about that sandwich!
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natasha romanoff x fem!reader
prompt: where you just can’t help but stun Natasha… and maybe get on her nerves? she doesn’t know which one it is.
nothin but pure fluff and nat being pouty af
lil bit of grumpy nat x sunshine reader if you squint.
3rd pov
„That‘s it.“, Wanda turned around, confused. Witnessing Natasha angry, sure thing. Witnessing her confused? never.
“What’s the matter with you, everything alright?”
Natasha huffed, pouting almost childlike. It’s so not like her to seem this openly frustrated, but she couldn’t care less. “Do I seem alright to you? No. This is the fifth time this month she’s been emptying one of the pbj ingredients before i could make one for myself.”, she dragged her eyes across the room, almost analyzing as in ‘hide and seek’. Where could you have been? And why do you have to steal ‘her’ ingredients? Natasha was bothered by you, yes. Extremely.
Wanda took another look at Natasha and chuckled: “Damn, does a peanut butter and jelly sandwich really have that much value to THE black widow? Oh my Lord.”
Natasha almost wanted to hit Wanda in the head with her slices of bread. It was really tempting, she had to admit. The witch shot her a knowing look, most likely hearing her thoughts. Again, the Russian woman huffed. Her temper was really not her strongest suit. Especially not after provoking it.
“It has a decent amount of value, thank you. What do you want me to say? ‘Oh my God! I can’t live without a pbj sandwich! Help me!’ ?”, Natasha shot her a glare, sarcasm being her best suited form of selfdefense. She truly is a witty woman.
On the other side of the kitchen aisle, Wanda tried her best not to fall into a laughing fit. Never has she ever seen Natasha this distressed, this fuzzy. And then, after really considering who they were discussing, she sent her friend a knowing smirk:
“Are you really this cranky about two bread slices or is it because of your ‘definitely not crush’ ?”
Natasha stared at her, eyes blown in shock: she got caught. Again. She usually wouldn’t let someone else read her this easily, but since this is you they’re talking about, and it’s Wanda she’s talking to, there really is no reason to facade it. Still, she tries to deny: “I told you a hundred times, I don’t like her! I can’t even stand her. I mean, she empties the food. What am I supposed to eat now?” So wrong. Even Natasha knows her whole act of trying to hate and blame you for everything is not working and it’s just her best shot at ignoring the rising feelings she’s got for you. But could anybody blame her, really? When you were this excited, extremely beautiful, empathetic and shiny human being?
You entered the kitchen, unaware of the ongoing dispute. Hot on your heels, you scanned the room and reacted to Natashas last sentence: “Did Steve forget the groceries? Are you hungry?”
And just like that, after merely 5 seconds, Natasha dreaded holding a grudge. Her whole demeanor snapped (no pun intended) and her eyes gazed almost neutrally into your warm gaze: “Someone emptied the whole peanut butter jar. And now I can’t make my dinner.”
Surprisingly, you sent her a goofy smile: “Oh! That must have been me, I’m extremely sorry, Tasha. I do have another half of my pbj sandwich left though, I was about to refrigerate it.”, you held up your plate. She gave it a look and panicked internally: were you really about to share your meal? As if gathering her freight, you again sent her a toothy smile and handed her the leftover half. “Enjoy!”, was all you stated, leaving both women standing around the kitchen isle. Plus the pbj sandwich, which Natasha stared at for longer than necessary. The corners of her mouth started to form a smile, which after some contemplation she insisted on not following through.
Wanda, who encountered the whole interaction, had a huge smirk on her face.
Natasha on the other hand, without having to look at her friends face, mentally face palmed herself for always getting so stuck up around you.
“I didn’t say anything… but enjoy your meal.”, with that, Wanda left a flushed Natasha stood in the compound’s kitchen.
The widow took another look at your, no her, plate. And after a year, she still can’t wrap her head around it:
What was she going to do about you?
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billythesimp · 2 months
Butler's Abode
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙
tagging: none
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tw: none
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It’s not often that Lycaon decides to take time off and go home. Most of the time, he’s working on commissions his master’s demand of him or training with the other houseworkers to ensure their success. But in order to make sure everything goes to plan, the boss himself needs time to rest and re-energize for his next jobs. And with that, he sets off home to his significant other, sending a quick voice message entailing his arrival in hopes that they’ll be quick to respond. It hadn’t been long since he’s come home, that being said his tail twitches and sways from behind at the thought of being in his beloved's arms. 
⋈ Lycaon lives in a decent home, despite the amount of money he makes with his job and how well he is paid by his employers, he enjoys the simpler things and reminds honest with his taste. Besides, no one would notice that the gentlemanly wolf thiren next door was a skilled butler working with high-end companies. Wandering up the steps, his tail wagged as he could hear a faint noise of someone home, clutching the bouquet of flowers he bought for his love. Compared to those of the flowers in his own garden, these one’s bloom brightly in ways that he could only describe of a similar light of that of his lover. 
⋈ Entering his home, he is happy to notice just how clean and well kept the entry it. Shoes neatly placed in their holders while a set of prosthetic legs and covers are set up in the mud-room for his own personal use. After all, these legs are for work mainly, he needs to feel comfortable in his own home you know. His ears perk up when a set of footsteps come around the corner, a head of hair and a curious face peeks out before breaking into a heartwarming smile, one that makes his tail thump and his heart skip a beat.
“Von, you’re home! I didn’t think you’d come back so suddenly. I barely had time to finish making dinner yet.”
They approach him as he stands by the door, taking in their figure before leaning down to give them a kiss. It’s gentle and warm, hands on his cheek as they lean up to reach his face. The flowers trapped between them both as they smiled in this heartwarming reunion. “I thought you would have liked me to come home sooner rather than later, I missed you dearly. Hopefully you weren’t too lonely.” 
Handing over the bouquet, they only shake their heads before assisting them to the mud room, giving him privacy to change out of his work attire into something more comfortable and fitting for home. His clothes may seem seamless and tidy yet- to the trained eye- you could see some areas of wear and tear that he would have to mend after a good wash. “I wasn’t that lonely, besides you always made sure to text me every night and morning so how could I be lonely.”
Walking away to put the flowers into a vase, Von soon followed as he entered their living and dining room, sighing in relief as everything was still in order at home. He enjoys his home to be clean and set to his liking, seeing his partner follow his wishes truly makes him grateful to be the companion of such a thoughtful person. He could smell the delicate scent of homemade dinner, almost drooling at the thought of eating something that wasn’t made by Rina. However his attempt to enter the kitchen is met with some resistance as his beloved stands before him, arms crossed with a knowing look. “Von…”
“I only wish to see what you’re making, dear. Is that such a crime?” With a subtle smirk, they only shake his head before watching him travel around the kitchen island as if looking for something other than food. “Not when you are clearly looking for something to do, or rather tend to. Come on Von, remember our promise.”
His arm is tugged at as he looks down, the sight of a pouting face making him chuckle. “Can I at least set up the table?” With a giggle, he takes them into his arms playfully as they could only agree with his request.
“Fine, since you asked so nicely.” He couldn’t be happier to assist. 
⋈ Usually when Von is home, his partner makes him promise that his time at home would be spent relaxing and being pampered. There are times where they compromise, especially on bigger tasks like laundry or dishes, but other than that he gets to sit back and admire his beloved from a distance. Other times, they make plans to go out for some light shopping, usually for groceries or to buy some new stuff for their home. Any reason to go out with his beloved is one he’ll take, wanting to spend as much time with them before he would leave again for Victoria Household. 
⋈ He listens to their story of home and their own personal agenda, sharing details about his own jobs and the people he’s hired on. Even though they text and call almost everyday, he can’t help but take in the sight of their expressions and how they move with every word they speak. Admiring his love is one of his favorite pastimes, it is moments like these that he really gets to know them well. Like how they smile when they make eye contact, how they raise their brows when trying to be serious, tucking their hair out of their face when they slow down their speech out of nervous tendencies. Or how their cheeks softly redden when he stares too hard.
⋈ After dinner and a quick shower, he’s right back to their side like a loyal dog, holding them in his arms while resting his head on theirs. Whether it’s cleaning up dishes or folding whatever sheets they had washes to prepare for his arrival, he stays by their side and waits patiently for their attention. He even helps out here and there, distracting his lover with whatever they were rambling about before they could notice that everything had been put away and neatly done. Should they catch him, he’d refuse to acknowledge his aid and brush it off as a ghost. But he’s only joking, really.
⋈ He loves the way they always want to tend to his needs before their own. Making sure his legs are comfortable in his prosthetics, tending any old wound that might be bothering him or getting him whatever he needed at the moment. But this is something that comes sparingly, as he doesn’t want to burden his beloved with, finding time later to do whatever he needs in his own time so he can focus on them and only them. 
⋈ By the end of the night, they are cuddling in bed while his head nuzzled up to their chest, ears flicking as delicate fingers run through his hair and comb back his fur. Scratches behind the ears and caresses on his cheeks as they whisper sweet praises that only lull him further into their figure. Hands on their hips as he clings to them for comfort as he can’t imagine a world where he is alone in a bed for two, no one to love or be loved by. No, he will keep them here with him, safe where he can see them. Where he can feel them and know that they’ll always be waiting for him here. 
After a night of slumber, Von still finds himself waking up earlier than most due to his usual work routine before taking a moment to slow down and register where he is. He could only stare at the sleeping being beside him, admiring how their chest rises with every soft breath, lips parted gently with hair covering parts of their face. Yet they looked so peaceful, entranced with how beautiful one person can really be. 
His clawed hand gently fixing their hair to see the rest of their face. Leaning down to place trails of small kisses on their face, finishing with a deep kiss on their lips. How they follow his touch before he escapes them, groans of disapproval are heard before they stretch and start coming to. “Morning love. Sleep well?” He looms over them as they open their eyes to be greeted with a holy sight. They only hum before petting at his bare chest, still half asleep as attempts to pull him closer for more. Yearning for his touch but Von didn’t mind, giving in easily before parting once more to comb back their hair and look on them with his loving gaze. 
“Did you want some coffee? I can brew some up right now.”
“But Von… I’m supposed to take care of you for a change. Hmmp-” They are silenced with another long kiss, one that leaves them breathless as they sit up and finally make eye contact with the handsome wolf. “Yes but right now, I believe it’s my duty to tend to you now, so please-”
“Let me be of service to you, dear.~”
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copperbadge · 2 months
This is not to sniff at packaged food in any way, because cheap, uniform, nutritious, premade food is important and necessary. And despite what your local tiktok orthorexic may tell you, packaged food is still capable of providing solid nutrition.
That said, I've been making my own bread for about twenty years, and for the last ten or so it has often been easier to make bread than buy it, solely because I don't need to leave the house to do so, and I live alone so a decent loaf can last me a good ten days. Being able to make ones own bread in this modern era is a product of privilege -- the resources to buy the ingredients (especially high quality flour, not cheap), the time and space to bake, the stamina to knead or equipment to make kneading easier -- my breads improved a lot when I got a good stand mixer, and those aren't cheap. But also, to make a decent edible boule you can get by with flour, water, yeast, salt, and time. Throw in a little oil and you can make pizza crust; add in kneading and a bit of sugar and you have bagels.
It did somewhat change how I eat, because homemade bread is often a little difficult to make a sandwich with, but I was never a huge fan of sandos anyway. These days I often don't even make loaves -- I make rolls or bagels, or flatbreads.
But all of this is to say that because I'm now accustomed to eating my own bread, which is necessarily small-batch and produced without stabilizers that make commercial bread so soft and uniform, I am starting to struggle when I do buy bread because the flavor and texture often feel off. It's not that it's objectively bad food, but it's very different from what I'm used to, which is unpleasant. I've been aware of the issue for a while but previously even if the bread wasn't as good to me as my own, it was edible and convenient, so it was fine. Making your own hot dog buns is a pain in the ass.
I just bought a loaf of Italian bread, reasonably fresh, a brand I used to eat regularly, because I wasn't feeling up to baking anything. I've been making toast with it mostly. But yesterday morning -- admittedly while dealing with some nausea -- I bit into a sandwich I'd made with it (cashew butter and strawberry jam) and thought, "this feels like eating upholstery fabric."
I haven't been able to eat any more of it since. The soft, dense texture, the specific preservative flavor, the mouthfeel. I tried to eat some toast just now and had to spit it out because it felt like buttered brocade and I started to gag. I'm kind of mad about it, honestly.
The bread won't go to waste -- if I can't eat the rest of the bag I'll dry it out and crush it for breadcrumbs for fried chicken or a panade -- but it's both sad and funny that I have functionally baked myself into a corner where packaged bread is no longer even an option.
It feels like I'm becoming one of the middle-aged eccentrics I used to know when I was a kid -- older people or couples in my church, sometimes parents of my school friends, who were just kind of oddballs, hippie leftovers, what I still think of as Berkeley Weirdos (affectionate) even though Berkeley has long since gentrified. The lady who didn't have a functional oven or stove because she ate raw vegan or the family that converted their old station wagon to biofuel but kept the rear-facing back seats with no seatbelts and would give us death-defying rides to the community pool in them. I'm already growing my own basil because I eat an unlikely amount of pesto for one person. My signature potluck dishes are kiwi dip or egg-free meringues.
I don't mind, exactly. I loved the Berkeley Weirdos and the community they built for us kids. But it's definitely not a place I imagined ending up.
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