#ecologic development
morgana96 · 5 months
FFXIV players who want their WoL to kill the Elementals: "My WoL would be applauded for freeing the Shroud of their evil and their death will fix Gridania's shortcomings, prejudices, and xenophobia."
The actual likely consequences of that scenario:
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kiwisoap · 16 days
Okay I am forced to admit that Texas is kind of beautiful
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“It is simply impossible to overstate both the importance of the buffalo to the Indian people and the damage that was done when the buffalo were nearly wiped out,” ITBC President Ervin Carlson said in a statement. “By helping tribes reestablish buffalo herds on our reservation lands, the Congress will help us reconnect with a keystone of our historic culture as well as create jobs and an important source of protein that our people truly need.”
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popsicle-stick · 1 month
YES!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sickos) OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I do keep making writing hard for myself by working on fics that are like ot3 kid fics with co-parents-to-lovers vibes bc then it’s not just 1 romantic relationship ur developing it’s 4 (3 sides of a triangle plus all 3 together ) and 3 x however many children there are to have them have actual dynamics
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unopenablebox · 2 months
we can't ever discuss which minor celebrity ive just decided is really hot and inexplicably started deliberately seeking out posts from on instagram
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hal-o-ween · 2 months
As a purely self indulgent sort of post, here's a little "spotlight" on one of the maps for my little thought experiment monster hunter project!
The Verdant Expanse
The Verdant Expanse is a largely forested region that displays an incredible variety of flora and fauna. While technically the second region that the research outpost encountered, it was the first one they turned their focus to, as the region now known as Sharq Tooth Beach was considered too dangerous to explore in depth without qualified hunters.
The Forest:
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The large trees and abundant undergrowth of the Verdant Expanse provide excellent shelter and food for small monsters such as Kelbi, who prefer the more open clearings with plentiful berries, and Mosswine, who are typically found in the more dense undergrowth foraging for mushrooms. Bullfango root through the dirt for food, and will brazenly charge at any who disturb their meal, and are occasionally accompanied by a Bulldrome, their white-crested leader. Pukei-Pukei may be found on occasion, feeding in the mushroom-dense depths of the forest.
Night Time:
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At night, the stunning Malfestio fly silently through the air, using the mesmerizing patterns on their wings, and the dust-like scales they shed, to confuse and daze prey and predator alike. The howls of the powerful Zinogre ring through the trees, as fulgur bugs gather around them, providing them with their terrifying control of the thunder element.
The Lake:
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As one wanders further into the Expanse, they will quickly come upon a lake. Formed by the dams of Caeserbur, this lake is frequented by most monsters in the area as it is rich in prey and plant life. Caeserbur dams are large, befitting their large creators. They can be seen dragging entire trees to their dams, and should they feel threatened, will even throw the trees they carry at attackers.
The lake is also the home of several other large monsters. Arzuros fish along the banks near small waterfalls, and collect honey amongst the trees. Tetranodon forage along the mucky lakebed for plants and small creatures to eat, and frequently rest near the surface where they give the appearance of small, mossy islands. Mizitsune live along the lake and river, using their long necks and sharp teeth to catch fish. Evidence of their recent presence is often found in the form of bubblefoam along the water's edge.
The Meadow:
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At the forest's edge lies a vast field of colorful wildflowers, full of insects such as Bnahabra and Vespoid. Be wary in this area, as it is the home of the Apex of the Verdant Expanse. The Forokururu, despite feeding only on insects and nectar, is a formidable foe, and guards its fields ferociously. The variety of flowers at its disposal give it the ability to utilize an incredibly wide variety of ailments, and even the fire element. This beautiful monster has made studying the meadows difficult, and passage to the desert region even more so...
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i'm obsessed with the idea that sustainability is nurturing. i'm obsessed with healing being healing for all of us. i'm obsessed with the way that looking after our environment so mirrors looking after our bodies and our minds. i'm obsessed with integrating this.
when i was in my late teens going through burnout and starting my enviro sci degree I remember comparing what was going on in my head with planetary overshoot. as in when we've gone through so much in one year that we've borrowed some from the future, more than used up the resources for that one year. I did that with my brain then, and I did it again now. I need to stop, I can't sustain this. we need to stop doing this to the planet, we can't sustain it.
but no one overworks themselves unless they think it's going to get them something. no one overworks themselves unless they're scared not to. unless that option might be somehow worse. i know it was for me. trying to get off the grind but when it was either that or feel nothing? I don't know what to choose. I needed to meet my needs elsewhere. same goes with the greedy exploiters of the planet, they need to be stopped, yes, but they're all chasing something. we all are. sustainability is simply meeting those needs in healthy ways.
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energy-5 · 10 months
Sustainable Development in Singapore: An Exemplar of Modern Urban Ecology
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Strategic Advancement in Green Building: In an ambitious endeavor, Singapore aims for 80% of its buildings to be green-certified by 2030, a significant milestone considering its urban density. Changi Airport, an epitome of this initiative, integrates a myriad of eco-friendly features, including the Rain Vortex, the world's tallest indoor waterfall, enhancing its reputation as the "World's Best Airport" for eight consecutive years.
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Solar Energy Initiatives: Singapore's commitment to renewable energy is evident in its solar power achievements. Surpassing 820 megawatt-peak (MWp) in solar capacity at the end of 2022, the nation is on track to reach its 2025 target of 1.5 gigawatt- (GWp).
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Enhancements in Public Transportation: Singapore's sustainable transport strategy aims for 75% of peak-hour commutes to be via public transport by 2030. The expansion of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system and the introduction of eco-friendly buses are pivotal in this endeavor, aiming to reduce reliance on private vehicles and lower carbon emissions.
Promotion of Electric Vehicles (EV): The government's extension of the Electric Vehicle Common Charger Grant until December 2025 underscores its commitment to enhancing EV infrastructure. This initiative, covering up to 50% of the cost of smart chargers, has led to the approval of 267 EV charger applications across 107 condominiums since July 2021.
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Vision of a "City in a Garden": Singapore's approach to urban development harmoniously blends with environmental stewardship, as seen in its goal to plant one million trees by 2030. The iconic Gardens by the Bay, with its Supertrees, symbolizes this blend of ecological innovation and urban living, integrating features like solar energy collection and rainwater harvesting.
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Singapore's multifaceted approach to sustainability is a testament to its visionary leadership, integrating technology, policy, and community involvement to create a living model of a sustainable urban future.
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arashderambarsh · 6 months
Comment la ville de Courbevoie est devenue un leader mondial dans la lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire (par Arash DERAMBARSH dans REVUE POLITIQUE ET PARLEMENTAIRE).
Depuis l’adoption de la loi contre le gaspillage alimentaire, votée le 11 février 2016, les supermarchés ont l’obligation de reverser leurs invendus à des associations caritatives.[1]
Ainsi, cette loi a rapidement prouvé ses effets bénéfiques : plus de 10 millions de repas sont distribués chaque année en France. Cela représente une augmentation de 22 % des dons alimentaires destinés aux associations caritatives.
De plus, nous veillons à la bonne application de la loi.
Accompagnés de lanceurs d’alerte et d’huissiers de justice, nous n’avons cessé d’inspecter les poubelles à côté des supermarchés pour constater les atteintes à la loi.
Après avoir constaté que plusieurs magasins continuaient de jeter les invendus alimentaires à la poubelle, nous avons déposé de nombreuses plaintes à leur encontre. Les procédures fonctionnent et sont un moyen de dissuasion efficace. Sans compter les « Bad buzz » et la mauvaise réputation des magasins récalcitrants.
Mais cela n’a pas suffi et il fallait donc aller plus loin.
Ainsi qui mieux qu’une municipalité pour appliquer la loi contre le gaspillage alimentaire et devenir un laboratoire mondial ?
La ville de Courbevoie a reçu les agents de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) le 2 vendredi février 2024.
Ils sont venus de Rome pour constater et valider l’officialisation d’un chiffre record : 400 000 repas ont été économisés et redistribués à des associations caritatives pour que les démunis (classe moyenne représentant des mères ou pères célibataires élevant plusieurs enfants, des retraités, des chômeurs ou encore des étudiants) puissent manger à leur faim.[2]
Cette situation sociale démontre d’ailleurs que même dans une ville d’apparence « riche », la pauvreté a de multiples facettes. La pauvreté augmente et la classe moyenne décline.
Ainsi dans un rapport alarmant, le Secours Catholique a estimé que près de 10 % des Français ont recours à l’aide alimentaire.[3]
En effet, « entre 5 et 7 millions de personnes » ont eu recours à l’aide alimentaire en 2020 alerte le Secours Catholique dans son rapport annuel sur l’état de la pauvreté en France publié sur la base des données de la Direction générale de la cohésion sociale (DGCS).[4]
La ville de Courbevoie a donc fait preuve d’inventivité dans sa lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire.[5]
Depuis 2020, avec son Maire Jacques Kossowski, nous avons lancé une campagne pour mettre fin au gaspillage alimentaire.
En France, le mandat d’un élu municipal est de six ans. L’objectif était donc de faire de notre ville un laboratoire mondial.
Avant toute chose, il convenait de faire un premier constat.
Depuis le 11 février 2016, la règle interdisant le gaspillage alimentaire est limitée aux seuls magasins de plus de 400 m2.
La loi a permis la distribution de plus de 10 millions de repas par an et ses effets positifs se sont immédiatement fait sentir.
C’est en effet une hausse de plus de 22 % d’invendus alimentaires qui sont destinés chaque année aux associations caritatives.
Cette loi a été applaudie dans le monde entier.
Mais au niveau local, il y a encore des marges de manœuvres permettant de faire reculer ce fléau.
En effet, cette loi exonère les deux tiers des supermarché implantés à Courbevoie car leur surface de vente est inférieure à 400 m².
Il a donc été décidé qu’avec l’aide de plusieurs start-up et acteurs sociaux et économiques, une charte contre le gaspillage alimentaire serait votée chaque année dans toutes les sphères d’activité de la ville :
2020 avec tous les supermarchés situés dans la ville sans délimitation de superficie
2021 avec restauration hospitalière
2022 avec restauration scolaire
2023 auprès des commerces alimentaires (commerces de bouche, restaurants, boulangeries, marchés)
2024 avec les maisons de retraite
Ces chartes d’engagement, une première en France, ont un objectif multiple :
Créer des synergies pour que chacun puisse prendre part à ce combat et adapter ses pratiques
Participer à la sensibilisation du grand public à la lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire
Contribuer à réduire l’impact économique de ces déchets
Mettre en place des partenariats de dons alimentaires en faveur des associations conformément à la loi
Promouvoir les partenariats avec les associations municipales
Organiser des promotions « anti-gaspi », notamment pour les produits proches de la date limite de consommation (DLC)
Proposer des ventes en gros ou à l’unité afin d’adapter les quantités achetées et réduire les emballages
Favoriser le développement des produits frais, et développer des opérations marketing de sensibilisation (opération « Fruits et Légumes Moches », etc.)
Mener une discussion avec les fournisseurs afin de définir une stratégie de contrôle contre le gaspillage alimentaire (chartes qualité des produits, etc.)
Agir pour valoriser les déchets.
Par ailleurs, le 24 octobre 2022, la ville de Courbevoie a organisé une réunion de travail à l’Assemblée nationale dans le but de proposer un amendement à la législation française contre le gaspillage alimentaire. Les députés Karl Olive et Philippe Juvin étaient présents à la réunion.[6]
La proposition était simple : modifier la loi contre le gaspillage alimentaire promulguée le 11 février 2016.[7]
La ville de Courbevoie a spécifiquement proposé les amendements suivants :
Réduire le plafond actuel de 400 m2 imposé aux supermarchés pour le réduire à au moins 100 m2 afin d’inclure plus de 5 000 points de vente supplémentaires.
Augmenter les amendes actuelles de la 5ème classe représentant 10 000 euros à 20 000 euros contre les supermarchés qui continuent de jeter les invendus alimentaires consommables.
Fort de tout ce travail, la FAO a désigné la ville de Courbevoie « Ville verte mondiale » en 2024, lui accordant ainsi une reconnaissance formelle.
Nous appelons ainsi toutes les communes à décliner ces chartes qui ne coûtent rien aux contribuables.
Comme le rappellent les rapports du projet DrawDown (2020) et du GIEC (2022), la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire est l’une des trois principales solutions pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique.
Nous ne dirons pas que nous n’étions pas informés.
Arash Derambarsh
Adjoint au maire en charge du développement durable dans la commune de Courbevoie
Il est à l’origine de la loi contre le gaspillage alimentaire votée le 3 février 2016 en France. En Suède, en 2019, il a reçu le « WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award ».
[1] Banque Alimentaire : https://www.ba-81.org/actualites/blog-des-b%C3%A9n%C3%A9voles/323-la-france-pionni%C3%A8re-de-la-lutte-contre-le-gaspillage-alimentaire.html
[2] « Courbevoie lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire » (BFM TV) : https://www.bfmtv.com/paris/replay-emissions/bonjour-paris/hauts-de-seine-courbevoie-lutte-contre-le-gaspillage-alimentaire_VN-202402050155.html
[3] « Pauvreté en France : 10% de la population a eu besoin d’une aide alimentaire en 2020 » (Université Paris Saclay) : http://www.ritm.universite-paris-saclay.fr/poverty-in-france-10-of-the-population-needed-food-aid-in-2020/
[4] Site Ville de Courbevoie : https://www.ville-courbevoie.fr/2195/lutte-contre-le-gaspillage-alimentaire.htm
[5] The law on Food Waste – From Courbevoie to Assembly : https://resource.co/article/law-food-waste-courbevoie-assembly-10198
[6] « Antigaspillage alimentaire: une proposition de loi pour «aller plus loin» (La Voix du Nord) : https://www.lavoixdunord.fr/1252076/article/2022-11-10/antigaspillage-alimentaire-une-proposition-de-loi-pour-aller-plus-loin
[7] Proposition de loi : https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:727392be-c20e-4f68-b86d-dcc46fca7193
@arashderambarsh @arash-derambarsh
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queerbrownvegan · 8 months
Our new video with Urban Ecologist Kat Superfisky is live :)
We love our STEM enbys... Superfisky works on river restoration in the City of LA and has devoted their life to helping nature thrive in urban environments. Check them out in our new Teaching Climate Together episode 💚
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The Magic of Street-Side Trees. Beauty, Coolness, and Urban Prosperity.
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The beauty, coolness, and urban prosperity brought by street-side trees.
Trees lining urban streets are integral elements of the urban landscape, serving multiple ecological roles and socio-economic functions. In general, incorporating trees along the roads in urban areas can elevate the aesthetic appeal, regulate temperatures, and foster prosperity growth. And if our goal is to enhance the role of cities in driving economic growth and fully utilizing human resources, then we must prioritize making tangible improvements to urban environments.
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Trees are crucial components for creating appealing and hospitable urban environments that enhance citizens' psychological and social well-being. They play a vital role in reducing air temperature and humidity, which helps alleviate the effects of heat waves and global warming. Trees bear witness to the history, culture, and identity of cities, which they preserve and pass on to future generations. In addition to their undeniable beauty, trees are valuable allies in the fight against climate change.
They provide a range of local benefits that are often ignored beyond the global role of absorbing carbon dioxide. This article aims to increase awareness among readers about the importance of trees for cities and the planet. It seeks to motivate all of us to value, preserve, and protect the urban tree heritage through a participatory and accountable manner that involves citizens and institutions.
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Street-side trees are more than just beautiful to look at. They are an essential resource for cities, providing numerous benefits to residents' health, well-being, and quality of life. In their article on Monocolo, Paolo Massi and Giulia Papaleo highlight the main advantages of trees in urban areas. La magia degli alberi lungo le strade. Bellezza, frescura e prosperità urbana
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Among the benefits that trees bring to the urban environment, we can mention:
Trees perform ecological, social, and economic functions that contribute to the well-being and development of cities. They help to reduce air pollution by capturing particles, filtering harmful gases, and producing oxygen. Trees also absorb carbon from the atmosphere and store it in their wood, making them beneficial for climate change mitigation. Additionally, trees create shade, cool the air, and reduce energy consumption for cooling buildings. They prevent flooding, improve water quality, and increase biodiversity by providing shelter and food for many species. Trees enhance the urban landscape, mitigate noise, and even increase the value of properties.
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Moreover, they promote physical and mental health by stimulating physical activity, reducing stress, and improving mood and concentration.
Therefore, roadside trees are a valuable resource for cities and their inhabitants. It is critical to protect, care for, and increase them through various means, such as public policies, private actions, and guaranteed maintenance over time, recognizing their fundamental role in the quality of urban life so that maintenance, which develops jobs, in particular, is 'guaranteed' over time,
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Urban forestation and eco-neighborhoods.
Urban forestation refers to designing and creating green spaces in urban and peri-urban areas to incorporate nature into the landscape. It is important to both develop new green spaces and enhance existing ones.
Eco-neighborhoods serve as an example of sustainable and livable urban environments. They are designed considering the environment and the health of their residents. Sustainability principles are followed to improve the landscape and economic assets of the urban context. The design of an environmentally sustainable neighborhood aims to reduce its environmental impact during construction, throughout its life cycle, and even during decommissioning while prioritizing the comfort of its residents. These neighborhoods are built to improve people's quality of life by emphasizing energy conservation, renewable energy, environmentally friendly materials, reducing water and waste consumption, and promoting sustainable mobility. They are tangible parts of the city that contribute to the well-being of its inhabitants.
In addition, urban forestation is another example of how urban environments can be made more livable and sustainable. We can seamlessly blend nature into the urban landscape by integrating street trees, gardens, and parks. They represent elements of nature that help purify the air we breathe, capturing pollutants, storing carbon, and mitigating the climate of cities.
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In summary, street-side trees are not just a decorative element but a proper green infrastructure that improves the quality of urban life. Therefore, It is vital to encourage planting, caring for, and preserving trees in urban areas, with the participation of government institutions, businesses, and residents, in order to achieve a shared vision to promote sustainable progress.
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🟠 Italiano
Gli alberi sono elementi essenziali per creare paesaggi urbani attraenti e accoglienti, che favoriscono il benessere psicologico e sociale dei cittadini. contribuiscono a ridurre la temperatura e l'umidità dell'aria, mitigando gli effetti delle ondate di calore e del riscaldamento globale. Essi sono testimoni della storia, della cultura e dell'identità delle città, che conservano e trasmettono alle generazioni future. Alleati nella lotta ai cambiamenti climatici, oltre alla loro innegabile bellezza offrono una serie di benefici locali che spesso tendiamo a trascurare (al di là dei benefici globali di assorbimento dell’anidride carbonica). Questo articolo quindi ha lo scopo di sensibilizzare i lettori sull'importanza degli alberi per le città e per il pianeta, invitandoli a conoscere, apprezzare e tutelare il patrimonio arboreo urbano coinvolgendo i cittadini e le istituzioni in un processo partecipativo e responsabile.
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La magia degli alberi lungo le strade. Bellezza, frescura e prosperità urbana.
Gli alberi sono una risorsa preziosa per le città, non solo per il loro contributo alla mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici, ma anche per i molteplici benefici che apportano alla salute, al benessere e alla qualità della vita dei cittadini. In questo articolo del Monocolo gli autori Paolo Massi e Giulia Papaleo, vogliono illustrare alcuni dei principali vantaggi che gli alberi offrono alle aree urbane e alle persone che le abitano. La magia degli alberi lungo le strade. Bellezza, frescura e prosperità urbana
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La magia degli alberi lungo le strade dunque non si limita alla loro estetica. Gli alberi sono elementi essenziali per il benessere e lo sviluppo delle città, in quanto svolgono funzioni ecologiche, sociali ed economiche. Tra i vantaggi che gli alberi apportano all'ambiente urbano, possiamo citare:
Riduzione dell'inquinamento atmosferico: gli alberi catturano le particelle sospese nell'aria, filtrano i gas nocivi e producono ossigeno.
Mitigazione del cambiamento climatico: gli alberi assorbono il carbonio dall'atmosfera e lo immagazzinano nel loro legno, contribuendo a ridurre l'effetto serra.
Regolazione termica: gli alberi creano ombra e rinfrescano l'aria attraverso la traspirazione, diminuendo la temperatura e il consumo energetico per il raffreddamento degli edifici.
Conservazione del suolo e dell'acqua: gli alberi riducono l'erosione del suolo, aumentano la sua capacità di infiltrazione e ritardano il deflusso delle acque piovane, prevenendo le inondazioni e migliorando la qualità dell'acqua.
Incremento della biodiversità: gli alberi offrono rifugio e cibo a molte specie animali e vegetali, arricchendo la diversità biologica delle città.
Valorizzazione del paesaggio urbano: gli alberi creano scenari naturali, armonizzano l'architettura, attenuano il rumore e aumentano il valore immobiliare delle proprietà.
Promozione della salute e del benessere umano: gli alberi favoriscono la salute fisica e mentale delle persone, stimolando l'attività fisica, riducendo lo stress, migliorando l'umore e la concentrazione.
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Gli alberi e le aiuole a verde lungo le strade sono quindi una risorsa preziosa per le città e i loro abitanti. Per questo motivo, è importante proteggerli, curarli e incrementarli, attraverso politiche pubbliche e azioni private che ne riconoscano il ruolo fondamentale per la qualità della vita urbana affinché la manutenzione, che sviluppa posti di lavoro, in particolare venga 'garantita' nel tempo.
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La forestazione urbana e gli ecoquartieri
Con il termine forestazione urbana si intende la progettazione e lo sviluppo di aree verdi urbane e periurbane, facendo della natura un'importante protagonista di questo paesaggio. Chiaramente è importante non solo progettare e sviluppare nuove aree verdi, ma anche rivalorizzare e riappropriarsi di quelle esistenti.
Certo! Gli ecoquartieri sono un esempio di ambienti urbani sostenibili e vivibili. Sono quartieri costruiti nel rispetto dell’equilibrio ambientale e della salute delle persone che vi abitano. Sono conformi ai principi della sostenibilità e puntano alla valorizzazione del patrimonio paesaggistico ed economico del contesto urbano in cui sono inseriti. La progettazione di un quartiere ecosostenibile punta a ridurne l’impatto ambientale: dalla fase di costruzione, al ciclo di vita, fino alla sua dismissione, senza mai dimenticare il comfort di chi lo vive. Si tratta di vere e proprie porzioni di città edificate con l’obiettivo di innalzare il livello di qualità della vita e sono realizzate ponendo l’accento su: risparmio energetico; uso delle energie rinnovabili e di materiale ecologico; riduzione del consumo di acqua e di rifiuti; promozione della mobilità sostenibile.
Inoltre, la forestazione urbana è un altro esempio di come gli ambienti urbani possono essere resi più vivibili e sostenibili. Le alberature stradali, i giardini e i parchi urbani rappresentano degli elementi di natura che contribuiscono a purificare l’aria che respiriamo, catturando sostanze inquinanti, immagazzinando carbonio e mitigando il clima delle città.
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Come si può notare, gli alberi lungo le strade non sono solo un elemento decorativo, ma una vera e propria infrastruttura verde che migliora la qualità della vita urbana. Per questo motivo, è importante promuovere la piantumazione, la manutenzione e la protezione degli alberi nelle città, coinvolgendo le amministrazioni pubbliche, le imprese e i cittadini in una visione condivisa di sviluppo sostenibile.
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images created by The Board Behind © 2023
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Give color to the city to celebrate the joy of living.
I appreciate your kind presence and attention on this matter. Thank you for joining us today.
⏩ The Board Behind
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bitnestloop · 5 months
BitNest: The Leader of the Digital Finance Revolution
BitNest is a leading platform dedicated to driving digital financial innovation and ecological development. We provide comprehensive cryptocurrency services, including saving, lending, payment, investment and many other functions, creating a rich financial experience for users.
Our story began in 2022 with the birth of the BitNest team, which has since opened a whole new chapter in digital finance. Through relentless effort and innovation, the BitNest ecosystem has grown rapidly to become one of the leaders in digital finance.
The core functions of BitNest ecosystem include:
Savings Service: Users can deposit funds into BitNest's savings system through smart contracts to obtain stable returns. We are committed to providing users with a safe and efficient savings solution to help you achieve your financial goals. Lending Platform: BitNest lending platform provides users with convenient borrowing services, users can use cryptocurrencies as collateral to obtain loans for stablecoins or other digital assets. Our lending system is safe and reliable, providing users with flexible financial support. Payment Solution: BitNest payment platform supports users to make secure and fast payment transactions worldwide. We are committed to creating a borderless payment network that allows users to make cross-border payments and remittances anytime, anywhere. Investment Opportunities: BitNest provides diversified investment opportunities that allow users to participate in trading and investing in various digital assets and gain lucrative returns. Our investment platform is safe and transparent, providing users with high-quality investment channels. Through continuous innovation and efforts, BitNest has become a leader in digital finance and is widely recognised and trusted globally. We will continue to be committed to promoting the development of digital finance, providing users with more secure and efficient financial services, and jointly creating a better future for digital finance.
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endofbeginningarchive · 8 months
This site is really annoying omfg "ai" image generation and other creative "ai" models dont exist in a bubble Yea nobodys job is being threatened specifically by the funny images u make (and then use as funny gotchas) online but literally everything created using those models 1. contributes to the larger & completely unmitigated web of "ai" model training and usage -- including the growing (AND REAL??) number of cases wherein "ai" content generation DOES threaten not only future creative jobs but the treatment and security of creatives who are currently working (though for who knows how long) today, and also more generally threatens just. the integrity of information and imagery online on an entirely new level; and 2 (and in my opinion WAY MORE FUCKING IMPORTANTLY), contributes to various Deeply concerning environmental impacts we dont fully understand beyond the fact that they look Really Not good. Liiike honestly in comparison i dont even gaf abt "the threats to creative jobs" nearly as much ok there are 182737 threats to creative jobs every day and if i and everybody else passionate about working in creative fields have an insanely more difficult time breaking into and remaining in an already precarious (at best) industry bc companies would rather make visuals and edit scripts and caption videos using faulty and ethically dubious technology for free then BOOHOO I GUESS... But my actual major concern at this point is the fucking environmental impact soo u can roll ur eyes all u want about annoying artists and their knee jerk reactions to ai imagery & maintain that unbothered "im better than u bc i dont give a fuck but specifically in a way that i have deemed smarter" attitude & let urself gravitate towards uninformed and just as idiotically sweeping takes like "ai is fine actually" (or maybe just.. pretend to think these things? allude to them for the sake of pissing ppl off? i truly cant tell) But the likelihood that these models could make up 14% of global carbon emissions within the next decade or so, as 1 example , is fucking scary And im scared. And you guys are annoyinggg
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fencesandfrogs · 1 year
I’ve decided I’m keeping plants pretty similar to earth plants, because botany is so ridiculous that I don’t even need to make shit up. Also, Tuvok hybridized a Vulcan flower with an earth orchid. So like. Plant hybridization is crazy, but this is like the Spock mammal thing.
Anyway I’m considering having my CAM plants be a major branch because like. What are the odds of convergent evolution creating that change multiple times on TWO planets. …high enough that I’m only considering having CAM be a major decision.
Plants also lend support to my thoughts on the Forge: there’s a carnivorous vine from that hat area, and.
Y’know what no i’m not using my walk home to type out half formed thoughts on low nitrogen environments. Please research carnivorous plants if you’re curious; pitcher plants are a favorite of mine.
So anyway they don’t really make sense in an arid desert environment IMO. But by an oasis?? Oh yeah, now we’re talking.
I’m not 100% sure that I’m keeping the major divisions of plants from earth, but like. I didn’t take botany for nothing. Ya boy knows his gymnosperms and monocots and so on and he wants to be able to use that knowledge.
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diddiisu · 2 years
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