#edit: renga looks
10shikigami · 11 months
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fellas is it gay to look at your best friend like this: 1 / ∞
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marz-likes-palaces · 8 months
if anyone thought i ever forgot about renga, you were wrong
anyway, in this essay ill describe why guapoduo is actually exactly renga *gets shot*
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11thwardtls · 4 months
Memory Defrag | TRACK 1 - Regular Maintenance | Azekawa Kinari's Ward Mayor Novel Translation
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Warnings and Disclaimers:
This translation is not professionally done and is not proofread. Edits and clean-ups may come at a later date.
Not a 1:1 translation either and some liberties into localization were taken into account.
This novel will contain spoilers for the Ev3ns Main Story: "Chained Up Scarlet".
Appropriate Content and Trigger Warnings will be added if needed.
May be used for quotebots/masterlists etc.
I am not fluent and self-studying Japanese (albeit at turtle speed), this was translated by ear and with the help of a JP dictionary, so please feel free to point out any errors!
“You know, other than the members of the Evening Group, you kind of behave like a stranger to everyone else.” 
That day, in HAMA House’s living room, where the employees and ward mayors of HAMA lived together, it was the leader of the Morning Group’s Nishizono Renga-sama who told me this. 
“Is that the case? As reference, may I ask which part of my manners made Nishizono-sama think this way?”
“See, that’s it, that way of speaking[1]. I mean that, it’s not only with me specifically, but you also use that ‘-sama’ honorific and sort of formal language[2] with all of the other Ward Mayors.”
Nishizono-sama sat down next to me as his tone of voice gradually softened. His eyes darted around the place, occasionally stealing a glance at me. 
According to the data I have previously collected while living with Nishizono-sama, he seems to make these sorts of expressions and gestures when he wants to get to know the other person better. 
“When I returned from the study trip, I received instructions from Master on how to interact with members other than the Evening Group. Master requested me to maintain a reasonable sense of distance and courtesy, thus I found it appropriate to maintain polite behavior with everyone.”
As I explain the reasoning behind my attitude,
“I… I see. If you’re comfortable that way then…” Nishizono-sama appeared dejected and said so as he left the living room. 
Have I made a mistake in the way I handled things?
As I was checking our conversation in my head, Nishizono-sama’s facial expressions, tone of voice, body gestures and such, Master suddenly called out to me, “Kinari-kun.” 
Master’s facial expression displayed a tinge of impatience. 
“I overheard your conversation with Renga-kun just now…”
“Yes. I believe I had made a mistake in how I should have responded.” 
“I don’t think that was the case, though. I just simply thought that the order I might’ve given you was wrong.”
“Master did not make a mistake in this matter.”
But Master kept on telling me, “I… really don’t think that was the case here.”
“Regarding how you treat other groups’ members, everyone’s just moved into the dorms and weren’t used to things yet, so I was worried in the case of trouble happening. That’s why I asked you to maintain some sense of distance and courtesy. But now, everyone has begun to open up to each other more and more, haven’t they?”
“Yes. Even looking at the gathered data, the frequency of interactions that are not bound by their respective group is increasing on average.”
“Right so, Kinari-kun, I thought that it might be a good idea to slowly drop the honorifics and formal language and speak more naturally the same way you do with the Evening Group. Of course, with the right timing on your part…”
“Is this an order, Master?”
“Not that it is, but if it makes things easier for you then think of it like one.”
“Then when should I stop using honorifics and formal language?”
As I asked, Master appeared puzzled. 
“...Mm, for you, Kinari-kun, I think it’s best to interact with everyone one by one and then drop when you think it’s okay to do so.”
Master had said something difficult.
“Ambiguous instructions may lead to behavioral errors……..”
“Ugh… I’m really sorry. Although, Kinari-kun, during your idol activities with Ev3ns, you’ve started to change in the way you sing and you could smile naturally too now, right? I’m sure time will come where you’ll find more things change within yourself, so when that happens, I want you to go along with those changes. I’m fully aware that it will be a difficult task, but I think you can do it, Kinari-kun.”
I understood the true meaning behind Master’s words.
Master wants me to change, with my words and actions ‘according to how I feel’.  
As I spent more and more time with Master, I have begun to learn the mechanism behind their words and their deeds.
They constantly treat me as if I were a human being and not an android. 
Unlike androids, humans do not follow orders and instead have their own reason and logic. 
That, and emotions result in a change of behavior.
I suppose Master wants this for me as well. 
———The developer… It was also what my “Father” wished for me, too. 
I remember the words that my Father had left on that cassette tape. 
He told me that he wanted me to sing the way I wanted to and to live my life freely.
Acting upon emotions is the most difficult thing for androids to do. 
However, the most important order that keeps me alive is the same one Master told me, 
“Please give it your all in singing, dancing, your idol activities and live happily!” 
In order to fulfill such an order, changing in my words and actions ‘according to my feelings’ is necessary. 
As I nod my head, I look back into Master’s precious eyes and say, 
“Your order has been accepted, Master.” 
“Ok~ay, maintenance has been completed.”
Oguro Kafka-sama—who had accessed my body from the outside, checked the brain construction and internal communications systems, closed his laptop as he had said this. 
The only people who knew that I was an android would be the members of the Daytime Group and Oguro-sama, who usually did my maintenance.
Since Raito kept this a secret from then on, other people do not know of this fact yet. 
Since today is scheduled for regular maintenance, Oguro-sama dropped by our shared dorm room.
As for my roommates, Raito is currently at work, and Kuguri has gone somewhere I did not know so he was not present either. 
“There are areas in your brain where access errors would occur. But since these errors seem to be left unfixed on purpose, I didn’t poke around it any further. Please make sure to organize your other memory data, ‘kay?” 
“Understood. Thank you for your time.”
“Your formal language and honorific usage is the same as ever.”
“Yes. Nishizono-sama had also pointed this out.”
“Ah, didn’t Renga say this because he wanted to be friends with you?”
“It is inferred in that way. Master also took that chance to give me the new order of changing the way I address other people.”
“That’s so Chief-chan-like of them to do so.” 
Oguro-sama is great at creating hypotheses, so he simply shrugged his shoulders as if he completely understood everything with what little explanation I gave him. 
“I have a question for Oguro-sama. To fulfill Master’s new order, I came to the conclusion that I needed more emotional data. 
Fragments of emotions are beginning to form within me.
Unfortunately, this is not enough to go off of.”
“You’d like to know if you could increase its frequency of forming?” 
“I’d like to ask for your advice on how to raise emotional sensitivity, rather than simply accumulating data as done previously.” 
Oguro-sama placed his finger to his mouth and thought for a while.
“Sensitivity, huh? Emotions are often born from having human bonds in the first place.
Perhaps communicating with a large sample of people would be the best choice after all.”
Oguro-sama added that, “This begs the question, about what ‘emotions’ are in the first place”.
“For starters, it’s something that pops up within the depths of your heart. Through what they experience, humans tend to name and categorize it, such as ‘joy’ or ‘anger’. Still, this way of functioning does not always work properly. We may mistake sadness for anger, or come into contact with emotions that cannot be named based on past experience alone.” 
“In a situation such as that, what procedures shall be done?” “It depends on the person, but introspection—self reflection is one way of doing things. First things first, you analyze and think of the emotion that comes to mind, then give it a name. You could also put it into words if you wish to do so.”
“Of course, verbalizing it is in no way necessary, it’s merely a way to clarify what it is that you felt in your heart. 
Sorting those emotions into random boxes of words can come across as ‘cheap’, won’t it? 
In your case, Kinari, I do think it’s faster if you properly put what you feel into words.”
I recorded each and every one of Oguro-sama’s words within the ‘Important Matters’ memory storage.
“For example… Ah, that’s it. You have a lot of past records left in your memory storage, so I wonder if there’s a way to access and view them, then for you to verbalize your feelings as you watch at the same time…”
“It takes a specific measure to do so, but I think it’s possible to carry out.”
Oguro-sama simply smiled and said, “Well, don’t get too fired up[4] as you do that.” while he left the room. 
Translation Notes: 
1 - Renga says 「だからそれだよ、それ。」 which wouldn’t really translate well literally so I added the context of Kinari’s formal speech pattern. 
2 - literally 敬語 (keigo), was unsure to leave it as is but opted to translating it anyway
3 - for fluidity’s sake, MC/Chief will be referred to with they/them pronouns for readers to interpret which sibling
4 - lit. 気負い, not sure how to translate the word, but its something related to being excited or a similar mood so i worded it as that
ps. opted to keep the honorific use in this translation despite how wonky it may seem as they are pretty important for how this novel starts.
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patibato · 1 month
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-B01 - The Hateful Five
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Female Student A: Oh, ufufufu! Just what I'd expect from you, Yumenosuke-san! Sharp, smart, athletic, and funny to boot.
Female Student B: I'm so happy we can spend time together in mahorova like this.
Yumenosuke: I'm also honoured to be able to talk with delightful ladies such as yourselves. It's a shame that, due to me being at my villa in Switzerland, the metaverse is our only way to meet, but… well, there's only about half of Summer Vacation left.
Next on the agenda is how to make the best use of the remaining time—let's have an open discussion about it!
Female Student A: Sounds good to me! By the way, what are your plans?
Yumenosuke: I completed all my assignments in the first week, so in the remaining time, I think I'll put all my efforts towards ensuring the success of the open days we'll be holding at the end of the month.
Female Student B: Oh my! That's wonderful! We should learn from you.
Female Student A: We should. I've just been obsessed with the "LashColle" releases lately…
Yumenosuke: LashColle… "Eyelash Collection", you mean? Unfortunately, I'm rather unfamiliar with the eyelash world, so I appear to be falling behind.
However, I believe the top LashColle award from the other day was acquired by my Uncle, with an overwhelming point difference, yes?
Gannosuke: Indeed, along with one of the audience awards.
A pleasure to meet you, lovely young ladies. I am Yumenosuke's Uncle, Kuraku Gannosuke.
Female Student B: I was wondering who the mysterious gentleman next to Yumenosuke-san was… so you're that renowned eyelash artist?
Female Student A: Congratulations on your winnings! Your work was the boldest, most radiantly decadent one of them all…!
Female Student B: So true. On top of that… it felt a little different to your usual style!
Yumenosuke: Huh… has there been a change in your mental state or something?
Gannosuke: Well, the other day I had a once in a lifetime encounter on the island. There's no doubt that he sparked a flame in my imagination.
Yumenosuke: Oh! That's wonderful to hear. I wonder, just what kind of encounter was it—
Student Council Member: President Kuraku!
Yumenosuke: What is it? Quiet down.
Student Council PR: It's serious! Please look at this news!
Yumenosuke: …!? "Active High Schoolers Recruited as Tourism Ward Mayors"…!?
Student Council PR: What's more, while this hasn't been announced yet, my mother who works with the news says the ones nominated are—…
Female Student A: Of all people, it's those lowly Rank One students who may have blown up the old school building…!? Aah, I'm getting dizzy…!
Female Student B: A-are you alright, Yumenosuke-san? You've gone pale…
Yumenosuke: …Kh!
(Ward Mayors have a lot of influence over the political world, and despite knowing that, the Ward 0 Mayor chose THEM? In the first place, it's clear this personnel decision was enforced without proper consideration… an unacceptable folly!)
(What's more, being a Ward Mayor…! It's the position that I should have been inaugurated into in "Kuraku Yumenosuke's Life Plan Chapter 3 ~Tourism Ward Mayor Edition~"…!)
(Surely those savages responsible for the bombing incident took the positions with no great effort involved—absolutely unforgivable! How dare they do this to my perfect life plan… how dare they…-)
Gannosuke: Are you alright, Yumenosuke-kun?
Yumenosuke: … Excuse me. I have some business to attend to, so I shall take my leave now!
Gannosuke: …
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Momiji: Everyooone! The press release is ouuut!
Akuta: Ooh! For real!? Can I see~~~?
Nanaki: Oi, Akuta. Sit properly while you eat.
Ushio: Hmm… this celebration* soba is pretty good.
Muneuji: Indeed. I'm sure even my mother, who's very particular about Japanese food, would choose to eat this 100% buckwheat soba.
Kiroku: … Slurp…
Akuta: Uuum, "Actibb high shkoowers~"…
Yachiyo: Ah, should I read it out? Since everyone's busy eating…
Renga: That's thoughtful of you. —Hey, you guys, hand it over.
Momiji: Sorry, Yachiyo-kun. Please go ahead!
Yachiyo: "Active High Schoolers Unexpectedly Chosen for Wards 5-9 in the Hama Special Tourism Ward"
Liguang: … …
Yachiyo: "Aiming to incorporate a new sense of values into Hama's tourism based on the younger generation, who bear the burden of the future—"
"We are pleased to announce that active high schoolers have been inaugurated into the position of Tourism Ward Mayors for Wards 5-9 under the orders of Ward 0 Mayor and Hama Tours President, Oguro Kafka."
Yukikaze: …
Yachiyo: "As with the tour held by R1ze—the Mayors of Wards 0-4—which concluded to high acclaim the other day, their upcoming first tour will include a Hospitality Live."
"And this time, there'll also be an inauguration ceremony held on the first day, making this a tour packed with events."
"Furthermore, it will be held at their school building, one of the symbols of Hama—"
Ten: This soba's good.
Yachiyo: "Hama Asunaro High School, in collaboration with the open days being held."
"It will be a tour that can be enjoyed by not only the prospective students and their guardians, but the general public as well, so please rouse yourselves to take part, everyone."
Momiji: The press release really does make it hit home and get you motivated.
Akuta: A Hospitality Live for the tour…! Just hearing that gets me going all of a sudden~~~!
Liguang: Don't shake the table, boy.
Nanaki: Ah, sorry, I'll scold him later.
Renga: But you know, feeling excited for it is… well, I understand it. But what will you do about the contents? Your concept is important.
Kiroku: …The… concept… …
Ushio: Our dear Idiotake-san, how's that coming along?
Akuta: Nghe?
Muneuji: Thinking up the concept is the leader's role. Do you have anything in mind?
Renga: W-wait! Students. —I appreciate that you guys don't know up from down when it comes to making plans.
If you're struggling, I could deign to lend a hand—
Akuta: Ac-tua-lly, I DO have a proper plan!
Renga: Wh—
Liguang: Patronising them is futile.
Ten: Isn't it nice that they won't be taking up any of your time, Renga-san?
Renga: …- Y-yeah, right.
Momiji: —Alright, if we're finished with the soba, let's get on with the rest of the moving process!
All Five: Got it.
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Nanaki: So the room arrangements have me, Akuta, and Kiroku rooming together.
Akuta: The room's called "Coil" huh. We should think up a coiled pose later.
Kiroku: … Hm…
Momiji: Are you fine with this room arrangement, Ushio-kun?
Ushio: Can't complain about rooming with Muneuji. The name, on the other hand…
Muneuji: "Whinny Clan" is an interesting one. Shall we devise a Whinny Clan pose later?
Momiji: (The former inn does have weird room names…)
Nanaki: We should finish carrying in our luggage now. Let's go Akuta, Kiroku.
Kiroku: Mhm…
Ushio: … …
Yukikaze: Why are you scowling at your phone? Have you finished putting away your luggage?
Ushio: Elevator's full so I'm waiting for it to be empty. Gotta use that spare time to ego-search that news from earlier.
Yep, there's the slander. Reported.
Yukikaze: …
Ushio: …You think what I'm doing is pointless, don't you? So do I. It doesn't really matter.
Yukikaze: No, it's not pointless. I'll help.
Ushio: … Idle curiosity, huh.
Momiji: (It's not out of curiosity, it's out of kindness. Ushio-kun…)
Muneuji: Uuchan, step aside a bit. I want to put this there.
Momiji: Woah! That bag looks super heavy…!
Yukikaze: How grand. …It doesn't look like a piece of furniture.
Kafka: Amazing, right? It's full of congratulatory gifts sent by Muneuji's family.
Momiji: Wow~! It's got everything from high class sweets to electric appliances!
Kafka: Looks like we won't need to worry about equipment for a while. There's even tea cakes for tea time with Chief-chan.
Akuta: Lured by the presence of food, I have arrived from the second floor!
Ushio: Are you a dog…?
Akuta: Can I have this gold leaf castella? Ah, if I gather up the gold leaves, will I become rich?
Momiji: Ahaha, I wonder.
Ten: What's your home like, Akuta? Your family must be happy to hear you're a Ward Mayor.
Akuta: Nyah, my uncle's holed up at work so we've not had a proper talk yet. Nom nom…
Momiji: Your uncle?
Akuta: He's an animation director, Isotake Taiji. He's been looking after me.
Momiji: Is that so…
Ten: Isotake Taiji's a pretty famous animator. And even if he wasn't, people working in animation have it hard.
Momiji: (There goes Ten-kun…! Splendidly moving past the complicated circumstances and continuing the conversation…!)
(Come to think of it, the family member who signed the letter of consent for the trip was his uncle, wasn't it.)
(I wasn't going to touch on it, but—I see, that was why.)
Renga: Oh, Akuta! You're here! I was looking for you!
Akuta: Mgh?
Renga: A-about your concept! Earlier, I wondered if you were bluffing in front of everyone… I understand that too, or like…
A concept isn't something you can put together so easily! So I, the leader of the Morning Team, shall-
Akuta: Nah, I'm good. But thanks for the thought, Renga-san.
! Nanaki and Kiroku have come back at just the right time.
Hey, gentlemen of Asu-High! Attentiii~~~~on! Please gather here tomorrow!
Renga: …Uu.
Akuta: I'll be announcing the best, most powerful concept to render the guys who treated us like idiots speechless!
Renga: I-I… can lend… my knowledge…
Momiji: (I'll console him later…)
*"引っ越しそば" (hikkoshi soba) is soba eaten to celebrate a successful move. It's traditionally given by neighbours, but in recent years has become something eaten regardless
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raindroppoetry · 2 months
WIP ask meme
got this from @dsudis, thank you!
How many wips do you have currently?
Eight wips in my Scrivener though most of them have only outlines or a few notes, I haven't actually started to write yet. I prefer to work on one thing at a time
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is?
I have this Sk8/renga AU I wrote last year. It's around 80k words and is only missing the last chapter. But since it was a project to start writing again without much of a plan, it would need a ton of editing and revising to get to a place where I could publish it, and well.... not the most exciting part of the project lol
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
A vision comes to me haha. Whether it's a scene, a setting, a piece of dialogue between the characters that makes me go "omg I need this" but also "I dunno how to write this" and then it just spirals from there.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
I've never made a playlist for any of my fics. There might be a song or two that remind me of it or I might listen to something randomly and the vibes seep into what I'm writing later or offer some other inspiration, but I don't listen to music while I write. I get distracted by it, I'll start singing or humming along. I need to write in silence.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
I guess I am a plantser. Like for Protection fic (my current PhoenixFlare wip I'm editing) I got the idea and fleshed it out some with an outline (that often comes by freewriting). But the main planning for me is daydreaming. I brainrot on my story over and over, write it in my head and sometimes the inspiration strikes really hard and I end up writing hundreds of words or a whole scene down in my notes cause the words are just flowing out. By the time I get to a scene, I've usually imagined it from end to finish multiple times, but of course I also write what comes to me at the moment, fill things in, realize stuff as I am putting words down, get more details and get into the scene and the character's head more fully when I'm writing. It's not the most organized process but I enjoy it immensely.
tagging anyone who wants to do it!
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runfreelyactwildly · 3 months
It’s 1 am. I’m looking through my camera roll when I come across loads and loads of pictures from 2021 when I was absolutely in love with Sk8. There’s tons of fanart. Sad renga edits.. Inside jokes between my friends. Screenshots of the Sk8 discord server I was heavily active in. Hey, I’m rewatching it at the moment, too, isn’t that great? Then, I look above me and hung up on the wall is the Langa glass painting I made that has been up there for the past three years. I open safari and continue my rewatch from episode 10, with the same excitement and fullness in my heart from February of that year. Loving something is so great. It never comes to an end. And I’ll always be the same as I was in 2021.
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angst-in-space · 2 years
december ‘22 writing progress (and yearly wrap-up)
december progress:
words written: 11k
most words written in a day: 1023
least words written in a day: 22
yearly total: 264.4k
projects worked on:
- ya sci-fi book revisions - adult fantasy book first draft - sylvix pacrim au - twiyor fic - matchablossom fic - 7yg zine piece - edited/posted renga fic ch 1 - editing sylvix dreamscape fic ch 9 - altea rising ch 19
works published in december:
"are we going somewhere” chapter 1 - (sk8, renga)
december goals:
- work on ya sci-fi book revisions - work more on adult fantasy wip - start editing ch 9 of dreamscape fic - work on twiyor fic - work on matchablossom fic - work on sylvix pacrim au - work more on 7yg zine fic - perhaps work a bit more on altea rising or red skies if i have time - start on renga fic ch 3-4 edits if i have even more time??
january goals:
- work on ya sci-fi book revisions - maybe work more on adult fantasy wip? - finish editing (maybe post) ch 9 of sylvix dreamscape fic - work on 7ygz fic - work on [redacted] zine fic - finish writing ch 19 of altea rising...haha - apply to YA novel excerpt contest - work on sylvix pacrim au, matchablossom fic, and/or twiyor fic if i have time
so... i didn’t do so hot in terms of word count in december, but i’ll give myself a pass because i wrote so much in november lol. and, even though i didn’t write quite as many words as i’d hoped, i did work on quite a lot of projects even if i was only making a tiny bit of progress on each, so YAY!!
i am trying to really shift my focus towards book revisions so i think most of my efforts are going to go towards that in january. 
however, as always i am unable to detach myself from fic entirely lol... i have two zine pieces i need to work on (both of which i’m very excited about!). aaaand maybe i will eat my words but... i think i’m going to attempt to finish writing ch 19 of altea rising, which i’ve been trying to get back into lately. it’s just been weighing on me that it’s been 4(??!!) years since i’ve updated it and i’ve had a couple people ask whether it’ll be completed, so i do wanna put a bit more effort towards that (esp bc it’s only gonna be 20 chapters total so I AM ALMOST THERE - then ofc i need to edit/post all the unpublished chapters but uhhh that’s a problem for future me!). it’s also that i’ve felt a bit burned out on all my other fic projects lately, so i’m hoping having like One Thing to focus on will help me a bit.
2022 wrap up:
total words written: 264.4k most words written in a month: 50k (november) least words written in a month: 11k (december)
works completed and/or posted:
- dawn goes down to day / sk8, matchablossom - we’re so disarming, darling / spy x family, twiyor - throw away the key / ace attorney, klapollo - you’re a dream (i’m never waking up) chs 6-8 / fe3h, sylvix - are we going somewhere ch 1 / sk8, renga
other wips: - ya sci-fi book - adult fantasy book - you’re a dream ch 9-10 edits - matchablossom bedsharing fic - twiyor practice kissing fic - are we going somewhere ch 2 edits - sylvix pacific rim au - altea rising ch 19
2022 goals: - write every day - write at least 200k words - finish a couple more drafts of my ya sci-fi book - finish sylvix dreamscape fic - maybe start writing sylvix pacrim au?? - edit/post renga fic - finish wenzhou modern au - continue writing wenzhou post-canon fic - finish matchablossom bedsharing fic - work on altea rising and/or red skies if i have time? - start planning my second novel??
...okay wow i’m actually kinda (pleasantly) shocked that i completed most of my 2022 goals so YAAY!!! 
2022 was a big year for me especially for my original writing! it’s kinda mind-blowing looking back on this time last year, when i had only just finished a first draft of my YA sci-fi book. since then it’s gone through several more drafts and got me into two mentorships - something i could not even have imagined a year ago. i honestly felt pretty bleak about it at the beginning of the year, so it’s exciting to see how far it’s come since then, and is hopefully promising of where it will go in the future. :’) i also not only outlined a whole other book but also wrote about the first 20k words of a first draft, so that’s super exciting!!
i didn’t write quite as much fic in 2022 as i have in previous years, but i still made progress on a bunch of projects—in particular, i’m super glad i finished sylvix dreamscape fic and also started posting the renga fic, since those were two things that took me a very long time haha. excited to edit/post the remaining chapters of those in 2023!! plus i have a lot of other fics in the works that i am super excited about!
there are a number of fic projects i kinda let fall by the wayside this past year - namely my two wenzhou wips and my unfinished klance multichaps... but i do hope to get back to those sometime in 2023, i miss them a lot! plus i’ve been trying to focus on finishing more wips and not starting as many new things so we’ll see how that goes lol. 
here’s to more writing fun in 2023!!! 🎉
2023 goals:
- write every day - write at least 200k words - finish more drafts of my ya sci-fi book - send ya sci-fi book to betas - start querying ya sci-fi book...? haha? that’s a big maybe - make progress on adult fantasy book (possibly try to finish a first draft at least?) - outline another book - finish editing/posting sylvix dreamscape fic - finish editing/posting renga fic - finish writing altea rising and maybe start posting the unpublished chapters - start working on red skies again - work on sylvix pacrim au (maybe at least finish a first draft of it if i’m feeling super ambitious) - work on at least one of my wenzhou fics - finish at least a draft of matchablossom bedsharing fic - keep working on twiyor practice kissing fic, maybe finish a first draft? - a huge maybe but perhaps start sylvix 50s/spy au if i have time/energy
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uppuzs · 2 years
thanks so much for your lovely answers, it's been so amazing getting to know you these past few weeks! ive started on your gift and i hope youre as excited about it as i am !!!
my last few questions are what do you look for/ enjoy the most when looking for fanworks? like tropes/tags/characters/etc.?
what would you love to see in your gift or have your gift include?
and what are your top 5 favorite ships and why?
thank you, thank you, again and i hope you enjoy the holidays as well!!!
- your animanga secret santa ❄️☃️
aww it was great getting to know you too! i'm so excited since this is my first time participating in something like this, so i'm sure i will love whatever you make <3
when i look for fanworks i look for my favorite characters. when i see edits of my fave characters and how pretty they look it makes me wanna edit them too. i also love bright colors and pastels so i look for those, and pretty fonts. idk what it is but i think fonts that are simple looking can make an edit very pretty!
as i said, i love bright colors, pastels and all. i get so mesmerized when i see bright colored and pastel edits. i would like to see my fave characters too, but whatever you make i will love. i'm very excited!!!
my top 6 fave ships are zosan, bkdk, renga, sasamiya and akafuri.
zoro and sanji have always been my number one ship, they were the first ship i fell in love with. their banter and their dyanamics make me smile and i love that they trust each other even if they don't admit it hehe.
bkdk is my favorite ship right now. idk with the way people have treated us in the past, i still get very nervous to spam how much i love this ship when im not on twitter with my bkdk mutuals. people who are anti bkdk will say how toxic and unhealthy it is and continue to undermine both characters relationship with each other (it honestly gets tiring hearing the same thing after 4 or 5 years) but i love this ship so much. izuku and katsuki's journey was very fascinating to watch. i love izuku standing up for himself and showing katsuki he's not messing around. i love izuku being aware that katsuki has always been big jerk but still sees him as an amazing person. i love how izuku still calls him kacchan and katsuki has never told him to stop calling him that. i love katsuki realizing his weaknesses and growing as a person and taking responsibility for his actions by trying to atone and apologizing, i love how they're both nerds.
im ranting lol, but bkdk is my comfort ship, it brings me much joy. if i could live in heroes rising movie i would!
renga was my obsession since last year. once i got obsessed with that ship, i was on the A03 tag more than i was on the bkdk tag lol. i just love how they both became friends. they're soulmates. literally the sun and moon. two strangers who were alone but found solace in each other.
sasamiya is just adorable. i haven't read any fics of it yet but the way sasaki accepted miyano's interest and wanted to share it with him was so cute. i love how sasaki never pushed miyano for an answer to his confession and just waited until he was ready. i love how miyano took the time to know sasaki and realize how he felt. i love how both miyano and sasaki love each other so much and how flustered they get around each other. my babies <333
akafuri was a ship i got into this year. i was rewatching knb again and their interactions were so funny. even though furihata and akashi literally have like three interactions but those were enough for me to love this ship. the A03 tag is pretty much not active but i did right a fic and i want to write more fics!
sorry i was rambling lol. i hope you have a safe holidays <3
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miikewheelers · 3 years
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[ insp. x ]
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 years
Crystal Crafts
Day 7 - Snowman
Read it on AO3 here
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Reki sighs as he drops his head onto the desk. He’s been at it for far too long, the words and numbers starting to jumble in his brain. He knows that the longer he stares at the page, the more likely he is to make a mistake, but he also knows that he’s been putting this off for too long. He knows that if he doesn’t get his inventory done by tonight, he will regret it in the morning.
Reluctantly, he scrolls through the pages once more. The color code is quite simple: red means a restock is urgent and yellow means that the quantities remaining are dangerously low. It’s an easy system and so far, it has been working miracles for Reki. At least, when he isn’t completely exhausted. Normally, the system is nearly foolproof, but lately, mistakes have been pilling.
Reki pinches the bridge of his nose as he pulls his calculator closer. It’s that time of year again, time to readjust his prices. He hates having to raise his prices but he knows he has to because as much as he adores what he does, he does still need to make a living wage. He needs to make some kind of profit off the boards he sells. He knows he has to ask for a fair price for his labor, not just run himself dry on funds and energy. That was a lesson he had learned hard way in his youth. And anyway, Reki has to make some kind of income from his sales; he can’t put the burden of bills on Langa just because he decided against an office job to pursue his dream.
The pages seem endless. The scrolling down seems endless, numbers and letters blurring together on the screen. No matter how hard he tries, Reki can’t concentrate, especially not when there are muffled whispers distracting him. How is he supposed to concentrate on his work when there’s a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, eyes rolling back from the quiet voices buzzing right outside his closed office door?
No matter how many times he has reminded the girls to not play right outside his office while he’s working, they never listen. He knows they’re trying their best to not make too much noise, but if there’s one thing Reki has learned from being the eldest of a big family, it’s that silence is impossible. No matter how low they believe their whispers to be, they still bounce around and are heard by everyone. No matter how quiet they try to be, someone will hear them. Or maybe it’s the parent in him that has him continually on the alert, continually listening to the whispers that surround him.
Maybe it’s that change that has him chuckling to himself as his daughters bicker on the other side of the closed door. Maybe it’s that change that has him thinking of his mother and all the things she must have heard come out of her children’s mouths. Reki knows that, as a teenager, he wouldn’t have been listening to all the voices that surrounded him. He knows he wouldn’t have been paying attention to the pitchy childish voices that bounced around the house. Back then, he wouldn’t have noticed a single thing, but now? Now, every sound has his attention.
Reki swivels on his chair to face the door as it creaks open. The grin that takes over half of the girl’s face has him chuckling as he motions her forward. And with that, she rushes to him before climbing onto his knees.
“Whatcha got there, Yuki?”
“I made a snowman!”
Yuki holds up her arts and crafts project for Reki to look at it. Her grin is wide as she explains the step-by-step process of making a snowman wreath. Reki never would have guessed it could be so complicated to make, but the girl makes sure her father knows how serious her crafting is; it’s just as serious as Reki’s work and all those hours he spends in his workshop.
“First, Papa told me I had to cut the middle. Haru helped me but only a little! You see, I followed the line! And then I glued the fluffy balls because they’re snow! See?”
She pushes the project in Reki’s face, adamant that he sees what she has created. With a light chuckle, he pushes the crafts away from his face, bringing it down to his lap where she’s seated.
“I can’t see if you put it that close to my face, Princess. Remember,” Reki taps her nose, a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth, a smile that is mirrored, “we don’t put things in other people’s faces. Eyes can see very far.”
“Then why does Grandma always bring the tablet close to her face when we talk to her?”
Reki flushes at the remark.  He would laugh at the child’s brutal honesty, but this time, she has him stumped. He, as an adult, knows why his mother does what she does – age has taken a toll on her eyesight and her relationship with technology had always been a rocky one at best – but a little one like Yuki doesn’t quite grasp those concepts. Or at least, Reki doesn’t know how to explain it to her without undoing everything he and Langa have been trying to teach her about personal space. Not to mention that her attention span for things she isn’t particularly interested in is rather limited.
The last time Reki had tried explaining it to his youngest, Yuki had gone on a tangent about her dolphin game. He wasn’t sure how they had gotten to that conversation, but he didn’t try bringing it back to his mother. Explaining aging to a child was a horrible thing, especially that they managed to say the meanest things in the cutest ways. Langa had had to leave the room after being called old by his own daughter.
“So is that what you girls were doing right outside my office? Making snowmen?”
Giggles break from the girl’s lips as she wiggles and slides down Reki’s knee. She giggles as she runs to the door, pushing it open and grabbing her sister’s hand. Reki can’t help the laughter that tumbles out. There’s little he loves as much as he loves seeing his daughters getting along, Haru letting out a little gasp as she’s tugged forward. He can’t help but laugh as he watches Yuki struggling to pull her sister and Haru stumbling behind her. He can’t help it as he catches the youngest of the two, her little hand slipping out of her sister’s and sending her tumbling forward. And as she looks up, her big hazel eyes shine.
“Haru made one too!”
Haru holds out her own project, though with less confidence than Yuki had. A smile blossoms across Reki’s face as Haru flushes, her freckles fading under her blush. Sisters, similar physically, but oh-so-different when it comes to their personalities; while Yuki loves attention, Haru never knows how to handle it. She never knows how to act when she’s being praised. She’s like Reki in that manner, blushing furiously as a reaction. And like how Langa makes sure to kiss Reki every time he praises him, Reki pulls the girl forward, pressing a kiss to her burning cheek.
“It’s a lovely snowman. I especially like the polka dots you put on the hat and bow.”
Her weight is comfortable against Reki’s chest, her arms circling around his neck. That was another thing he made sure to teach his daughters; he made sure they felt safe and comfortable with physical affection. Physical affection was one of those things Reki had always been conflicted about when he was younger. There was no denying how much he loved hugging those he cared for, but at the same time, he never knew how much was too much. He had always loved hugging his mother, but after being mocked for it back in grade school, he had started to hesitate. Reki had begun hesitating when it came to expressing his love, never knowing what was considered “appropriate.”
Growing up in an environment where physical affection wasn’t the norm had left Reki craving for more, but it also had him fearing his desires. Indulgence left him high and sinking. More but less, especially when it came to Langa. Nothing compared to the feeling of having Langa’s arms around him, his warm hugs making Reki’s heart flutter with love and joy. Nothing felt quite as wonderful as hugging Langa, but little had left Reki quite as frightful either. And that fear, he never wanted Haru nor Yuki to feel it. He didn’t want them ever hesitating to hug those they loved, fearing to be mocked or shamed for their affection.
“I wanna hug too!”
Reki laughs as Yuki throws herself at him. He laughs as he picks up both his girls, getting up from his chair and squeezing them in his arms. He laughs as they giggle against him, clinging to him to not slip out of his grip.
“My two princesses!” He presses a kiss to each. “My two snowmen-building princesses!”
They giggle as their feet find the ground once more. Both are flushed from their giddiness, their snowmen wreaths pressed to their chest. And as Reki falls back into his desk chair, the crafts are set on his knees, two pairs of hazel eyes fixated on him.
“For you, Daddy!”
He takes both the crafts, holding them up to the light. He hums before grinning at the girls. “I think they’ll look amazing up on the wall with your other drawings. What do you girls think?”
Both nod enthusiastically, though Yuki is a little more vigorous in her excitement. Her little hand grips around his, her whole weight falling back to tug him off his chair. And as Reki carefully gets up, careful that Yuki doesn’t tumble back, she pulls him towards the wall on which Reki pins all the drawings and crafts the girls have gifted him over the years. She even makes sure to show him exactly where she wants him to stick it – right between her last drawing of the neighbor’s cat and the drawing she made at school of their little family.
Yuki bounces at Reki’s side as she watches him pin her snowman up. She presses into his side as she points at her creation, her pudgy little hand reaching up to where she can’t reach.
“Did you see, Daddy? Mine has a pink hat because pink means I love you!”
Reki nods as he finishes sticking Haru’s snowman to the wall, not far from Yuki’s. “I did. And I love you too, Yuki. I love you both.”
“Mine has a yellow one because I know it’s your favorite color.”
Reki feels himself melt as he pulls both his daughters close. He feels himself melt at the sight of Haru’s smile, wide and unguarded rather than small and hesitant. He melts at how happy she seems, a look that has gotten a lot rare with the years. It’s all he wants, really. All Reki ever wants is for his girls to be happy.
If he wasn’t so scared of worrying them, Reki would let the tears fall freely. He’d cry into their hair, pressing kiss after kiss to their heads. If he wasn’t terrified of giving off the wrong impression, he wouldn’t hesitate to break down crying. They would be happy tears, of course.
Over the years, Reki’s felt all kinds of love. He’s felt familial love from his parents and sisters. He’s felt platonic love from all his friends. He’s felt romantic love from the love of his life, from his sweet Langa. He’s felt all kinds of loves throughout his life, but thus one? Nothing can compare to it. Nothing can compare to the feeling that comes with holding these precious little girls against him, loving them unconditionally. Nothing can compare to the overwhelming feeling of love he feels for his girls.
“I love you both so, so much.”
Happy laughter bubbles out of Reki as both girls press a kiss to his cheeks. Love, he’s surrounded by so much of it. He can’t say he has ever been deprived of it but this kind… never in a million years would Reki have thought himself worthy of it. Never in a million years would he have thought he’d have two beautiful little girls kissing his face, his beautiful little girls who love him so, so much. Almost as much as he loves them.
Reki finally straightens out, squeezing his eyes shut before the waterworks begin. He inhales sharply before opening his eyes again, smiling at his daughters. They look up at him but they don’t seem to catch on to the possibility of him crying.
“So,” Reki takes a deep, shaky breath. He still wants to cry but he won’t let himself. He doesn’t want to worry the sweet girls looking at him. “Where’s your father?”
“Papa’s still in the kitchen, struggling to make a snowman. He’s…” Haru glances back at the door, shifty eyes as if she were afraid that Langa was standing there, listening to her, “not as good as you when it comes to crafts. I think he’s still stuck with the gluing of cotton balls.”
Reki snorts at the mental image that’s formed in his mind. He’s always known that Langa was terrible at all forms of arts and crafts – the few times he had participated in helping Chihiro and Nanaka with crafts when they were kids was enough proof for Reki to be convinced that he would struggle with crafts for the rest of his life – but it never ceased to be hilarious. Finding things in which Langa struggled was one of Reki’s guilty pleasures; Langa was always so amazing at everything he did that his few fields of incompetence never ceased to amuse Reki, even years later. And how could he not laugh? How can he not laugh when he knows that Langa, despite his failures, is adorable as he tries time and time again?
Reki knows it’s childish. He knows it’s childish to want to see the show that is Langa trying to make a cotton-ball snowman wreath, but he can’t help it. He wants to run downstairs just to see it happening. He wants to laugh, laugh just as he did the first time he saw Langa’s terrible attempt at using a glue stick. He wants those happy memories to come flowing back in but he knows better than to give in to his impulses. Maybe if Haru and Yuki weren’t there, then he would have given in. Maybe if Reki didn’t feel the need to be a good role model for his children, then he would have dashed off, laughing and not caring about how people would perceive him. Maybe if he was alone then he’d run downstairs to laugh at his best friend and love of his life, laugh at him making a fool out of himself. But he wasn’t alone.
“You think I should go down to help him?”
Haru nods solemnly, sighing and looking a little too much like Langa. “I think he’d like that.”
A smile pulls at the corner of Reki’s mouth as he takes Yuki’s hand and places his other hand on Haru’s shoulder. With a gentle push, he guides the two girls out of the office.
“C’mon, let’s go help Papa with his terrible attempt at making any kind of crafts project.” The girls glance at each other before looking up at Reki. “And maybe we can make cookies for dessert after? To cheer Papa up?”
Both girls break into grins as they grab onto Reki’s hands, dragging him to the kitchen. They giggle and cheer as they debate the type of cookies they should make. Yuki insists that Papa’s favorites are chocolate chip so that’s what they should make, but Haru has different plans. According to her, their best bet at cheering him up is to make him the pretty cookies with colorful sprinkles and icing. And at the mention of sprinkles, Yuki is on board because if there’s one thing she loves more than the attention of the grown-ups around her, it’s colorful sugar. They make her eyes grow huge with excitement, a pleased smile taking up half of her face. And with that, Reki finds himself grinning at the girls because if he thought that Langa was bad when it came to sweets, their sweet daughters are a thousand times worse.
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10shikigami · 11 months
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fellas is it gay to look at your best friend like this: 2 / ∞
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headaching · 3 years
wait francis forever is such a renga song
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saltysnowbrid · 3 years
My OTPs !!!
Im a multi shipper but I don't have 828730039 otps
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This ship gets way too much hate, most ppl saying it's pedophilia but lumine and aethers ages are confirmed to be over 500 years if it were pedophilia i think Childe would be the victim lmfao. They are literally so cute they have the enemies to lovers cliché which is basic but I love it. This ship is also so good for angsty fanarts and fics.
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To be fair I haven't been indulging in this ship in a while but it's gotta be my favorite Venti or Xiao ship. This ship is also extremely viable with angst. This is ship is so innocent too I love it 💕
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Im pretty sure the ENTIRE sk8 fandom ships this lmao. They're just perfect for each other. They complete each other. Gay skater boys what more could i say
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Well they're canon so like i gotta ship it. Deku's flustered moments are so amusing to watch imo. I literally rewatch everytime uraraka gets jealous bc deku is literally surrounded by other girls for no reason. They're friendship is also adorable i might even be ok if they didn't up being confirmed canon relationship.
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In comes the toxicity??? Idk I'm still kinda new to the BnHA fandom but ik the fandom is super toxic abt bkdk vs izuocha or just ships in general. But how could I NOT ship this??? As a multishipper i feel obligated to ship anything that works and is cute. I don't even know which deku ship i like better, it's the same as how i can't choose who my favorite character is (bakugo or todoroki??) But yeah bkdk dynamic is like friends to enemies to friends to lovers or something even more complicated lmao. Idk why but I see a lot of fics and edits that are like angsty?? Like deku likes kacchan but kacchan likes Kiri (。•́︿•̀。) or baku likes deku but deku is looking at uraraka (ᗒᗩᗕ)
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Tbh this isn't rlly an OTP anymore but it used to be. Like a year ago. The ship is still super cute tho Xiao is protective but not in a possessive way like Childe whos a possessive yandere and will personally chop you into pieces if you so much as look at her for a second too long... Why am I making this abt chilumi now NO. The traveler is the only one Xiao opens up to which is cute, traveler is the only "mortal" he responds to.
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Idk they're just cute yk. They have the rich power couple vibes, they both got into UA through recommendations. They are literally each other's biggest fans and of all todoroki or yaomomo ships this makes the most sense.
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Not really an OTP but they are cute. I think I might ship it more if i didn't know how things end up with shinobu. It's cute when shinobu teases tomioka and tomioka is just so clueless abt everything i love giyu i ship giyu x me /j
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There isn't that much canon content fueling this ship but I always have the fanarts which make me ship everything even more... i didn't finish the manga but I do know that it's implied that they end up together and have grandchildren, but that last episode from season one Kanao was totally feeling something prove me wrong. Kanao reminds me of myself.. docile :(
Also do ppl actually ship tanjiro with rengoku that's kinda... Pedophilia and weird even if it wasn't....
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They are so babie. They have such a cute friendship that im ok with a romantic or platonic ship between them. They are undoubtedly the cutest most innocent ship in genshin if you ignore the fanarts about yandere Xingqiu hahaha....ha...
Ok there's more but IG not bc i can only put 10 pictures *cries* 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
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azumasoroshi · 3 years
guys help i started looking up renga fanart on a whim one day because it's a very feel-good ship and i was kinda down and like five days later im watching matchablossom compilations on youtube and binging fanfiction instead of doing the bio homework i had a week to do
ive been watching the love hug demonstration for 30 minutes and every time that "hello" "you're too close" KILLS ME DEAD
plus joe running up to cherry being all worried and the BRIDAL HOLD GUHHHH
read this comment that said the voice actors, directors, basically everyone thinks they're canon and i have no source for that but i wouldnt be surprised if it was true because listen to them fuckers
"We're not alone, right Kaoru?" are you KIDDING ME
guess im not sleeping tonight ._. both because of fanfiction and my bio homework lmao
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akira-cr · 4 years
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is it gay to use 'Rainbows' as a slogan in Sports anime?
This is not a drill, That slogan is printed on official SK∞ BD/DVDエスケーエイト Vol.1 limited poster release!
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Look at Renga stand❄️🌺😭
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Did they just like
Marketing campaigns leader : does anyone have any suggestions what slogan we'll use for the DVD/Cindereki vol 1 poster?
Suggestions 1 : 'Skating's Infinite'
Suggestions 2 : 'Seize the moment'
Team leader : nahh we've already overused that in Anime, we need something new and catchy to provide insight into the themes we wishes to sell for this CINDEREKI Drama CD.
Suggestion 3 : i know
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Team Leader : That's it, That's pretty represent. we're gonna use it!
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eden-falls · 2 years
Thank you for answering my ask....if you don't mind me asking (again), who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
hi again!!!! ive never answered any questions before yours!!!!!!! i'll write about 10 ships like my character post. spoilers for each series will probably be present
some runner-ups:
• yuu and touko (bloom into you)
• yatoyota (blue period)
• sangcheng (mdzs)
• galolio (promare)
• renga (sk8 the infinity)
• sherliam (moriarty the patriot)
• reisuka (evangelion)
• akanene (toilet-bound hanako-kun)
• neirika (wonder egg priority)
• diakko (little witch academia)
• nezushi (no. 6)
10. shinomitsu (seraph of the end)
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they have more chemistry than yuu with either of them. their antics are so silly i really love them so much!!
9. leon and count d (petshop of horrors)
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(there's better pics of them but i like this one)
GODDDD THEY MAKE ME SO MAD. d. YOURE IN LOVE WITH HIM YOU DUMBASS. stop running away from your love you look stupid. all hopes for a reunion are gone at this point but they'll always be precious.
8. howl and sophie (howl's moving castle)
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they're not cishet if they're both nonbinary lesbians. boom no straights on this list!
7. victuuri (yuri on ice)
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i mean theyre on everyone's list. epitome of pure love. THEY GOT ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. madohomu (madoka magica)
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homura's eternal devotion to saving madoka no matter how many times she has to redo is a pure testament of her love for her. its so endearing and sad that she loves her so much but she can never save her.
5. kaebedo (genshin impact)
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(edit above by me lol)
my favourite ship in genshin!! the possibilities for these two are endless even going off the tiny amount of information we have about their relationship. klee mentioning that albedo paints kaeya (enough for it to be noticeable for her) drives me CRAZY. i think there's a lot of potential for them in the story at the end!!!
4. vanoe (the case study of vanitas)
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GGRGRGRHRHRRRRERR they make me. aaaaa. i want to put them in my mouth and shake them. their chemistry is INSANE. it breaks my heart knowing how their story will probably end but for now awwww cottagecore husbands <3
3. soukoku (bungou stray dogs)
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i've been obsessed with them for 2 years. its out of my hands now! they would be in the number 1 spot if not for... gosh can u guess...
1. suouni (children of the whales)
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listen. i will die on this hill. nobody else agrees with me but. they're just my absolute faves. they make me so happy!?????? everything about them sends me into the stratosphere. the issue of the sasa keeps me up at night. only suou can truly save ouni (ignores other parts of canon). theyre soulmates and meant to be thank u for coming to my ted talk.
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