melisssg99 · 4 months
New Years Resolutions Thing to do/learn in 2024🩷
•Create a vegetable garden 🌱
•Grow and use some produce 🧅🥔🧄🍅
•Grow some herbs 🌿
•Start a sourdough starter 🫙
•Bake sourdough bread 🍞
•Learn to eat meat after 11 years of vegetarianism
(Only local and organic) 🥩
•Make pickles from scratch 🥒
•Make hummus from scratch 🫛
•Pick a cherry from our tree 🍒
•Make a fruit jam/jelly 🍯
•Host a dinner party 🍽️
•Use our own compost ♻️
•Sew a dress 👗
•Do yoga on a weekly basis! 🧘🏻‍♀️
•Learn to curl my hair properly(1940's pageboy?) 💁🏻‍♀️
•Hug cows! 🐮
•Be kind to myself 🩷
(maybe I'll add more, idk 🤭)
•Make pasta(dough) from scratch! 🍝
•Use up my all non-natural, commercial cosmetics/soaps/lotions to then switch to more healthy natural options 🧼🧴💄
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someoneintheshadow456 · 6 months
This took a long time (and the quiz itself is long), but after so many years of observing toxic femininity on Hellsite, I'm finally able to give a name to this type of woman.
And yes, many of these questions were based on real posts on this site plus real life experience.
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blackswaneuroparedux · 10 months
Egalitarian dogma does nothing to abolish social hierarchy: it simply ensures that children at the bottom cannot rise to the top. The way to make hierarchy acceptable is not to pretend that it can be abolished, but to provide poorer children with the means to rise in it.
- Sir Roger Scruton
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
I know there's a shit ton of other words to describe nuanced political beliefs, but please choose the one that best fits. If you're more middle ground/moderate choose whatever "rethinking" option you feel you're more partial to.
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driathunderwolf · 2 years
Hey everyone with a uterus on my friends list. With the current bs events taken place in this horrific time line, I just wanna give ya a PSA. Join the Satanic Temple, Islam, or convert to Judaism. Those religions have a religious and holy book right to grantee the life of the mother. Abortions are mandatory when the life of the mother is stressed or threatened. Don't let the zealot Christians in our government control you. Take a stand and secure the rights they are trying to take from you. You have options. Don't let them tell you otherwise.
#abortionrights #abortionisawomansright #abortionisahumanright #abortionistransmensright
#egalitarian #AbortionIsHealthcare #christianity #satanism #TheSatanicTemple #judaism #islam #christians #christianzealots
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santmat · 4 months
Jesus and the Masters Invite Everyone Into the Temple - The Egalitarian Message of the Saints
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Hear a truly delightful story about Jesus and his unwashed disciples crashing the temple as uninvited guests. It's found in an unknown gospel given by scholars the catchy name "Oxyrhynchus 840". Then more Brahman-Pharisee parallels: Sant Tulsi Sahib comes to the aid of a member of the Untouchable Caste known as the Sudras. Other compassionate, inclusive readings are from Baba Devi Sahab of Moradabad as well as Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram of Agra. Ritual vs. real spiritual purity today during this Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast. (Happy New Year)
Jesus and the Masters Invite Everyone Into the Temple - The Egalitarian Message of the Saints - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Listen or Download MP3 @
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withasideofpolitics · 2 years
why is it so hard for people to just care about men’s problems and women’s problems at the same time without neglecting one or the other. it’s not like you have to choose one sex to care about and one sex to not
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egalitarianchica · 1 year
This blog (and consistent life ethic in general) be like:
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theogbubblesnake · 7 months
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gravalicious · 7 months
Ancient Greece, after the reforms conducted by Solon in 596 BCE, is credited with the foundation of democracy, but, upon closer inspection, it is not democracy itself that the Greeks invented, but democracy’s institutionalization (Glassman, 2017). This is so, because, as just stated, pre-historic societies were democratic, by the very definition the Greeks gave this term, namely ‘rule of average people.’ Some societies remained democratic and egalitarian, ruling themselves collectively to this very day, either by not settling down and the thus avoiding the precondition of rule (Woodburn, 1982); by hiding in forests and jungles (Turnbull, 1968); or by retreating into the mountains and evading statehood and political power (Scott, 2010). According to James Woodburn (1982), certain hunter gatherers actively uphold egalitarianism and have done so for a long time. Among the Hazda, whom he researched in the 1970s and 80s, political institutions work against the establishment of personal prestige, hierarchy, and the concentration of power. The same commitment to upholding equality and indeed egalitarianism is reported among the !Kung (Woodburn, 1982). According to Woodburn, “Both among the !Kung and among the Hadza individuals with any objects for which they appear to have no immediate need are under the greatest pressure to give them up and many possessions are given away almost as soon as they are obtained and usually, I think, without any expectation of return.” (Woodburn, 1982:444) The Oromo of East Africa continue to practice a form of council democracy, even if weakened first by colonial rule and later by the impositions of the Ethiopian nation-state (Jalata, 2018).
Bernd Reiter - The African Origins of Democracy (2021) [Academia Letters, Article 414, https://doi.org/10.20935/AL414]
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senseofmonachopsis · 6 months
Back when I was into feminism, the fact that the concept of egalitarianism was taboo among feminists should have told me just about everything I needed to know about the ideology and online/offline culture it created.
What more than men and women being equal as fully autonomous individuals do we really need?
Without mentioning abortion, what rights do men have that women lack in Western society?
What can I not legally go outside and do that a man can?
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melisssg99 · 2 months
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Happy Valentines🩷
For those head over heels,
For those having a rough time,
For those who haven't found love yet,
For those who had it and lost it,
For those who still believe the right one is somewhere waiting for you.
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“But no helpmate corresponding to him was found for Adam.” 5 The Hebrew expression used in this passage is barely translatable 6—Eser kenegdo— which literally means “a helper as if vis-à-vis to him.” One can think here of a mirror in which man is able to look upon his own nature. The translators who speak of a “helpmate suitable to him” perceive it in this way. But one can also think of a counterpart, a pendant, so that, indeed, they do resemble each other, yet not entirely, but rather, that they complement each other as one hand does the other.
Edith Stein. The Separate Vocations of Man and Woman According to Nature and Grace
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Previous research suggested that sex differences in personality traits are larger in prosperous, healthy, and egalitarian cultures in which women have more opportunities equal with those of men. In this article, the authors report cross-cultural findings in which this unintuitive result was replicated across samples from 55 nations (N = 17,637). On responses to the Big Five Inventory, women reported higher levels of neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness than did men across most nations. These findings converge with previous studies in which different Big Five measures and more limited samples of nations were used. Overall, higher levels of human development--including long and healthy life, equal access to knowledge and education, and economic wealth--were the main nation-level predictors of larger sex differences in personality. Changes in men's personality traits appeared to be the primary cause of sex difference variation across cultures. It is proposed that heightened levels of sexual dimorphism result from personality traits of men and women being less constrained and more able to naturally diverge in developed nations. In less fortunate social and economic conditions, innate personality differences between men and women may be attenuated.
Continued: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/10.1037/0022-3514.94.1.168
Using data from over 200,000 participants from 53 nations, I examined the cross-cultural consistency of sex differences for four traits: extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, and male-versus-female-typical occupational preferences. Across nations, men and women differed significantly on all four traits (mean ds = -.15, -.56, -.41, and 1.40, respectively, with negative values indicating women scoring higher). The strongest evidence for sex differences in SDs was for extraversion (women more variable) and for agreeableness (men more variable). United Nations indices of gender equality and economic development were associated with larger sex differences in agreeableness, but not with sex differences in other traits. Gender equality and economic development were negatively associated with mean national levels of neuroticism, suggesting that economic stress was associated with higher neuroticism. Regression analyses explored the power of sex, gender equality, and their interaction to predict men's and women's 106 national trait means for each of the four traits. Only sex predicted means for all four traits, and sex predicted trait means much more strongly than did gender equality or the interaction between sex and gender equality. These results suggest that biological factors may contribute to sex differences in personality and that culture plays a negligible to small role in moderating sex differences in personality.
Continued: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/10.1007/s10508-008-9380-7
Men's and women's personalities appear to differ in several respects. Social role theories of development assume gender differences result primarily from perceived gender roles, gender socialization and sociostructural power differentials. As a consequence, social role theorists expect gender differences in personality to be smaller in cultures with more gender egalitarianism. Several large cross-cultural studies have generated sufficient data for evaluating these global personality predictions. Empirically, evidence suggests gender differences in most aspects of personality-Big Five traits, Dark Triad traits, self esteem, subjective well-being, depression and values-are conspicuously larger in cultures with more egalitarian gender roles, gender socialization and sociopolitical gender equity. Similar patterns are evident when examining objectively measured attributes such as tested cognitive abilities and physical traits such as height and blood pressure. Social role theory appears inadequate for explaining some of the observed cultural variations in men's and women's personalities. Evolutionary theories regarding ecologically-evoked gender differences are described that may prove more useful in explaining global variation in human personality.
Continued: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/10.1002/ijop.12265
In the world of Blank Slatism, men and women are regarded as essentially interchangeable. Their desires, preferences, ambitions, and differences are only artificially imposed through socialization and "oppression" (i.e. tEh pAtRiArChY). Women aren't actually more maternal because it makes sense evolutionarily, but because they've been tricked into it. The differences between men and women are given as prima facie proof of "oppression." Or, more specifically, the oppression by men of women. This necessarily means that the more egalitarian a society, the more "the same" men and women should be.
Except, the exact opposite is true. In reality, the more freedom, the more equality is available, the more opportunity for sex-based differences to significantly diverge and magnify. When subsistence pressures are alleviated, other diverging priorities and motivations such as personal fulfilment or upward mobility can be pursued instead. Sex-differences attenuate (narrow) in less egalitarian societies. And this is replicated again and again and again.
To people who recognize humans as a species of the animal kingdom and who don't deny evolution, this is obvious and uncontroversial.
However, to people who adhere to evolution- and biology-denying ideologies, such as PaTrIaRcHy Theory, this is inconvenient and blasphemous. More to the point, not only should they reevaluate these creationist beliefs, but perhaps it's time they questioned the bogus theology ideologies that fabricated the entire idea into existence in the first place, and why they let baseless assertions of faith take priority over the merest shred of rigor and integrity.
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lyndentree63 · 2 months
I'm reading The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Allison Barr (finally), and I'm on Chapter Two and I'm so fucking mad. I'm fully on board with what she's saying. I'm mad at patriarchy. A lot of the arguments are familiar to me (I've been egalitarian for years), but the one that's standing out to me and making me rage at the way the church patriarchy has sanitised and obfuscated things, is learning how dang GENDER TRANSGRESSIVE women in the early church were. "One more piece of evidence that convinces me that the household codes should be read as resistance narratives to Roman patriarchy is how early Christians were perceived by the Roman world: as "gender deviants". . . . Not only did early Christians place women in leadership roles; they meet together on equal footing—men, women, children, and slaves—in the privacy of the home, a traditional female space. Christianity was deviant and immoral because it was perceived as undermining the ideals of Roman masculinity." Early Christianity was QUEER. It was all about breaking down gender norms of Roman society. Like Paul said "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." And I'm so mad that we haven't been taught that.
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biblebloodhound · 4 months
How To Be Honest, Just, and Fair (Proverbs 1:1-7)
To acquire and live by wisdom means learning how to grow in being right, just, and fair in all our interactions and dealings with others.
Solomon writing Proverbs by Gustave Doré (1832-1883) The proverbs of Solomon, son of David and king of Israel. Here are proverbs that will help you recognize wisdom and good advice, and understand sayings with deep meaning.  They can teach you how to live intelligently and how to be honest, just, and fair. They can make an inexperienced person clever and teach young people how to be…
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