#ego balance
shattersstar · 10 months
when my life is awful at least i can think of college basketball jason being a bit of a cocky shit around his friends/teammates and you’re just. not for it. like you get there’s ego involved in not only basketball, but sports in general, especially at this level, and jason’s a centre. he’s the biggest dude on the team and bound to b bit arrogant, yet it’s always during games when showboating matters. so when you’re out and jason’s being insufferable? you leave.
well you tell him to cut the attitude first and jason’s like what attitude? while knowing exactly what you’re talking about. it’s just hard to turn that side off when all these (big ass) men bring it out of him.
and when you give him the chill out or i’m going home ultimatum, jason just replies with “i don’t care. leave.” you both know it’s a lie but you’re like oh? say less.
when he realized you did in fact leave, jason thought youd come back or at least return to his apartment which you had basically been living out of. but no, you’re ignoring him fully until he shows up at your apartment door, he looks exhausted and eyes wide like a sad puppy left in the rain. it made you grin.
he’s all awkward and apologetic, it reminds you of when you first became friends. when he first fell for you. and jason isn’t dumb, he knows he pushed you but all you do is smile at him, pulling his 6’7 self down to your level by his collar. jason’s all smiley until you tap his cheek and warn “act or speak to me like that again and watch what happens. to you and to us :)” he’s like mark me down as scared and horny but got it boss 🫡
edit: rb/interact with this version pls <3 (jason gets bullied more i promise it’s worth it)
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csuitebitches · 1 year
Rebranding Yourself Online using ChatGPT
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Summary from “Brand Aid: Taking control of your reputation before everyone else does” by Larry G Linne and Patrick Sitkins. This book is from the early 2010s so some things are outdated and not exactly applicable. It’s also a more corporate/ business focused book. I took away what i felt were the major lessons and were more applicable to young adults/ teens/ people on social media today (because social media in 2013 vs today is very different).
I also wanted to add my own input to the summary. I’ve added prompts for ChatGPT that you can use to help figure your personal brand out better.
When rebranding yourself online, I would highly recommend:
1. Archive all your personal Instagram account’s posts (if you have an online business, create a separate page and show very little of yourself). Remove all your stories and highlights. Deactivate your account for at least 8 months.
2. Spend the next 8 months building your social media strategy, your personal brand and reinventing yourself in any way and form you want to (mental, physical, spiritual, etc).
3. Use Pinterest and figure out a theme that defines you the best. Take a look at @mafeanzures
* A brand is what people think of you.
Questions to ask yourself:
1. What do you think other people think of you?
2. What personal attributes would you benefit from the most if those items were well known to everyone?
Question 1 and 2 in the next few prompts refers to these 2 questions.
ChatGPT prompts after you finish writing down the above answers:
“I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What should I do to be seen as that?”
This will give you a STRATEGY that you can further modify.
Now, ask the same question again but with one change:
“I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What should I post online to be seen as that?”
This will give you CONTENT that you should consider posting.
* It is very likely that if you are to meet someone new and you’re aware you’re going to meet them, you’ll check their social media out. Whether its LinkedIn, facebook, twitter, instagram… keep your online presence clean.
* Before you post ANYTHING online, ask yourself: “how will this affect my brand?” If you post a story about a nasty break up/ a friendship falling apart/ a negative restaurant review… how do you think other people will see you? Be extremely mindful of your brand and what you post online.
* Rather than the age old advice “just be yourself”, look at “just be your best self.”
7 steps to a great brand:
1. Write down what you think people think of you: both positive and negative
2. Determine your goals in life (career, family, etc). What brand items do you need to get there? For example, the brand item “intelligent” to move up the corporate ladder. What will you need in order to be perceived as intelligent?
3. Gap analysis: the difference between point 1 (current situation) and point 2 (desired situation).
4. Develop action items. For example, if you want to be seen as innovative at work, start bringing ideas to meetings.
5. Influences on your brand: your dress, style, voice tone and quality, health, recreation, the car you drive, social environments, where you live, the language you speak, the subjects of your conversations, social media postings all impact your brand.
6. List what you must do to protect your brand. For example: not drinking in public; dressing a certain way; etc.
7. Review every 6 months.
Ask ChatGPT: “I am (ethnicity) (gender), (age) years old based in (City, country). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). My viewers would mostly be people from (conservative/liberal/ rural/ urban/ define audience. In case there are two audience types, ask one at a time) backgrounds. I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What behaviours should I not engage in?”
Using the power of “always”: 5 specific things you pride on yourself for doing regularly.
“I always take the time to be updated in my field of work.”
“I always volunteer every Sunday.”
Things to keep in mind:
A. Are you easy to find online?
B. Is your content consistent?
C. Do your pictures, videos convey your personal brand?
D. What will enhance your brand?
E. What will damage your brand?
Ask ChatGPT: “I want to develop my personal brand on instagram (or any one social media site at a time). Currently I’m seen as a (2 of the most negative qualities and 2 of the most positive qualities from question 1). I want to be seen as (4 of the most positive qualities from question 2). What can potentially damage my brand if I’m not careful?”
If you are willing to see what you are doing and saying on the front page of a newspaper tomorrow, proceed with it. If you wouldn’t want it on the front page of the newspaper, STOP immediately.
More things to keep in mind:
1. The internet amplifies everything
2. Context matters
3. Consistency is everything
4. Your “at home” brand is as important as “outside of home” brand
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lemon-wedges · 2 years
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Jocks on a walk  🏃🏃‍♀️🚶‍♂️
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fatuismooches · 3 months
OMG!! THE STEM STUDENT ZANDIK x ART READER ONE HAS MY HEART AS AN ARTIST AND WRITER 😭😭😭 imagine him growing to appreciate art and once you guys are dating you have trouble hiding sketches of him and he finds them..... I imagine his reaction would be priceless and he would tease you when he realises your embarrassed, secretly keeping the drawings of him in certain places of his lab so that he can always remind himself of how much you love him
You started drawing Zandik way before you two started dating, at first you thought he was simply pretty to look at and draw, but it spiraled to the point where you found yourself doodling his bored expression in class on the side of your papers. It was swiftly erased before your friend could find out. But after you two get together you find yourself drawing him way more often, not just him but you two with each other as well. You don't tell him though because you're aware of his feelings about the arts but also because it may seem strange you have a whole book dedicated to pictures of him. However, considering you are dating the eccentricity which is Zandik it probably really isn't that weird.
When Zandik finally finds your secret stash, he finds your attention to detail rather superb and admirable. You probably also end up drawing stuff he likes (Ruin Machines, tools, ... a variety of desserts) which are also quite a sight to see. He knew you had a skilled hand because there were times in the past when it was necessary to sketch for classes, but he never paid much attention to it. Though the arts isn't a subject of much interest for him, he finds himself intrigued by your skill. And also why you didn't tell him you possessed such a skill.
In the Akademiya, his teasing would be a bit more rough when you drew him ("Perhaps you should put those hands to better use and start working on your assignments... however, I am still looking forward to the fruits of your labor.) But now, Dottore would be a lot more forward ("Drawing me again, my dear? One would think I own these hands of yours, from how they're always itching to draw my likeness, hm?)
Even centuries later, Dottore somehow managed to preserve all of your artwork for himself (even you don't know this, it's his little secret perhaps.) He loves to see how much your creations and skills have grown since way back then, and he's truly excited to see how far you'll continue to go.
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assortedvillainvault · 7 months
So I have the most random request for hc's with Jafar. [if you want to obv]. What if his s/o was a demi-god [possibly the child of a god of knowledge] BUT they don't tell anyone. Their dad just shows up one day and thats how he finds out.
Anon your patience for getting this answered is immeasurable. I decided to make the 'god of knowledge' here Hermes, since in the myths Hermes' domain is messenger, lies, travel and creator of the alphabet - which is pretty awesome!
Pls accept these humble headcannons!
Jafar x Demigod!S/O
- You did not intend for this to happen.
- You had had the good sense to lay low and get the hell out of Greece: Your dad Hermes may be one of the more ‘chill’ gods, but you have no interest in getting to know the disaster that is your extended family. Hermes was even weirdly encouraging about you jumping ship, but as the heavenly messenger, you suppose he’s just happy that you’re travelling and putting your skills to use.
- You went overseas, studied languages, got to know the trade routes and built a life for yourself in Agrabah. You even got hired to advise the Sultans government and landed yourself a tall dark and twisted boyfriend to boot!
- You decide to write home one day, idly, just to let your mother (and dad) know you’re alive and things are going ok.
- You...really should have remembered. Hermes is juggling about 50 jobs on the daily and in his haste sometimes...forgets things. Like the fact you’re trying to pass as a regular mortal.
- So three days later when your Dad in all his jazzy, turquoise glory whizzes into the palace, squeezes you up into a giant hug, ruffles your hair and presses a plate of snacks from home into your hands – all while chatting a million miles an hour and letting you know just how proud he is-! - and then proceeds to whiz out again with a cheery ‘Knock ‘em dead kiddo!”, you knew you fucked up.
- Jafar’s knuckles were white around his staff.
- ...oh dear.
- Jafar prides himself on being the most informed person in any room at all times. You think he rose to Grand Vizier and maintained his position by being idle?? Hypnosis, blackmail and murder aside, Jafar has worked DAMN HARD – he takes study and acquisition of intelligence extremely seriously.
- This man, even when in his evil wizard tower in his underwear and swamped under a metric ton of sultan-induced paperwork, can tell you what is happening on the streets of Agrabah and half the civilisations across the desert at any one time.
- And you. Lied to him.
- You, of all people, his most trusted confidant, deliberately and intentionally kept your divine lineage and (presumably) powers hidden from him.
- (if Jafar ever deigns to think about the fact that you kept this from everyone, not just him, there’s a 50/50 chance it would send him into a deeper spiral because he’s supposed to be better than those plebeians and you managed to not only keep this information from him, but LIE to his face about it the entire time-?!)
- Reader if his world would stop fucking spinning he’d congratulate you and then probably attempt to bowl you down the stairs, Iago’s just gonna hang on your shoulder for a bit until the mans paranoia and bitterness stope teetering on the edge of homicide.
- he’s not threatened why on earth would you think that he’s threatened by the fact you’re a half divine being of Fucking Knowledge now hold sTILL-
- It’s... going to take a few days for him to simmer down and stop plotting contingency measures.
- Then he’ll let his greed overtake his self preservation and think about all the ways he can rope you into his schemes to take over Agrabah. The 180 from thin lipped barely contained murderous rage to overtly-looming-hyper-sleaze is dizzying. Iago is facepalming in the back.
- All in all, he’d be up in your business waaaay more than he was before, but he does (eventually) get over it enough to use you as a blatant flex. Of course you only had eyes for him, little jewel, clearly only he had the intellect to match such a divine gift as yours~
- (trip him on the stairs, reader, plEASE-)
Thanks so much for the ask, sorry again for the wait and I hope you like it!
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blood-orange-juice · 2 months
I've been lurking on writing subreddits for a while and at some point I looked up how to write arrogant/overly confident characters. And, of course, the question most people ask is how to write likeable arrogant characters.
And advice looks a bit too much like a certain someone.
Make their arrogance earned. They should be good at what they do.
Make them funny or at least silly. Make them the butt of the joke.
Make them good with kids.
Make them quixotic or at least theatrical.
Make them lose often enough. Best if they lose because of underestimating others.
Make them kind or at least not mean.
Make them follow their own set of rules.
Make them acknowledge achievements of others. Yeah, they are full of themselves but can recognize anoher's greatness.
Make them generous.
Make them devoted to a cause or a person.
Make them shockingly vulnerable sometimes.
Throw love for their family into the mix.
I think I know how this guy was written.
Same for the Uther Doul reference. I doubt he was the main inspiration but I'm now almost sure Hoyo authors went through a list of all Moby Dick homages or all stories about hunting sea creatures in general (more likely) and there he was.
A warrior-poet with personality traits that shouldn't coexist in one person, in service of a ruler representing some twisted ideal of love. Proficient in all kinds of weapons, deeply involved with the lore that moves the story but not the one who started the story. Participating in some kind of parallel universe fuckery. Mostly there to chill.
(the one who was supposed to see the grand plan through and the one who eventually made sure it failed, if my memory serves me right)
I can see a person reading that and thinking "yeah, that fits our story".
(I bet that's also how Childe became a dude. almost convinced he was a gal in early stages of development. my headcanons are intricate and baroque)
Or maybe there's just a Mieville fan in the writing team.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Ièm jsut a little kitty, I domèt know how 2 spell.....
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tumbletaker · 10 months
Blake: I’ve connected the dots Brachium: You didn’t connect shit Blake: I’ve connected them
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monsoon-of-art · 4 months
Have hayday and dragonfly ever interacted together while in civilian form? Or one in their alter ego and the other as a civilian? The idea of dragonfly saving hayday while hes working at the grocery store is funny to me
They have! At least they will! Because I also find the concept very funny. Two people temporarily passing each other by with no idea. Olivia (dragonfly) will go shopping at Cornelius' (Hayday's) store while he's on shift.
Dragonfly might save him when a bad guy starts doing shit when he's at work. Hayday might try to take her wallet while she's out with friends (and fail)
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feminiel · 1 month
Major big themes of my spiritual awakening process:
Emotional healing
Emotional freedom technique
Healing my ego
Finding who I am
Finding my place in the world
Finding my life's purpose
Working and healing my divine feminine energy: love, emotions, receptive nature, intuition, soul, healing mother wounds, self-nurturing, inner healer, sensitivity, values
Working and healing my divine masculine energy: ego, assertiveness, self-confidence, identity wounds, self-expression, healing father wounds
Inner child healing
Shadow work
Light work
Spirituality and finding meanings
Inner work
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lavenoon · 1 year
hi so I am extremely soft for Sun basically being all-hands-on-deck for assisting Y/N with outfits, Moon wanting Y/N to be comfortable, and Eclipse being all here for nice textures
how would the boys react to Y/N asking them (independently) to help them put together an outfit (something complicated that needs an extra pair of hands with buttons/zips). can be pre/post-reveal depending on desired fluff content - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Pre-reveal: Sun: Flattered beyond compare - them asking means they trust his judgement enough to put their outfit in his hands! For a peacock like him, who's job is reliant on looking the part, that's a big thing. There's also, uh, the thing about having to go up into their room, their private space, to maybe survey what they have? The thought will fluster him enough to fumble, and ask if they have a few things in mind already, and ends up moving the fashion show downstairs. Just take anything that could come in handy to the living room, he can work with that! Would love to take his time and invite them to a shopping trip, but feels like that might just be too much and sticks with what's available. Will however gladly offer to lend things to them - perhaps a specific tie would match better, or a certain set of cufflinks... Very gentle, but focused while working with buttons and zippers. He takes pride in being asked, so he won't risk damaging anything or hurting them by getting distracted. By the time he's finished the bitter pang of knowing this outfit isn't for him comes back to punch him square in the face, and he's lucky he's always smiling because otherwise it would be hard to keep up. Y/N doesn't miss the way his expression twists, and can't quite make sense of it before he leaves with a quick, but genuine compliment.
Moon: So you have chosen violence. Given that this is reverse coded, you have the shy boy, who is awkward af around the nice landlord already, who has no clue about fashion as his only focus is "dark color scheme and good to move in." He near panics, but agrees to help in any capacity he can - then follows Y/N into their home while just listing off disclaimers about how he's really not that knowledgeable and doesn't know what he's doing with outfits half the time, but if they're really sure - Ends up being the one giving the least "advice" because Y/N could try on anything and he'd say they look great, with that earnest expression that just makes it impossible to be mad about it. Y/N can try the process of elimination, and he does a lot better answering "this or that" questions. The living room ends up a mess by the time he's actually starting to help, almost hesitant to make contact. His gaze keeps flitting up to their eyes, checking in with them if things are still okay and he's good to continue. Ends up losing his anxiety by the end of it, giving them a couple earnest compliments. But once he's out the door and back alone he realizes that's it, that was his role in this and that's what it'll always be, and that does sting a good bit.
Post-reveal: Sun: And here you have chosen death. No longer concerned about propriety and overstepping, because now boundaries are all in the open and secrets no longer exist, he's very eager to show Y/N the full extent of his knowledge. Will no longer be too shy to go into their room, either, and Y/N will have some mild regrets over him judging what they have available. Will also be much less coy about sharing his own wardrobe, and given that he wasn't shy about it before there's just a lot waiting for Y/N. Will still be focused during the actual buttoning and zipping, but his touch will linger longer when he draws his fingers back down the line of clothing he just closed up. God help them when it's at their back - you know what you do when there's sudden pressure drawn down your back? You arch into it, and Sun is living for it when Y/N just moves with his hand, maybe eliciting a small gasp... "There, all set" - and his grin is entirely too innocent when they turn to glare at him. Maybe missing the touch already, which is exactly what he intended <3
Moon: A little less violence, good for him. Given the lack of secrets Moon is much more comfortable explaining that his sense of fashion is very much just "I need to work in it and not get killed by Sun if he happens to switch into it" which will make Y/N laugh and set the tone for the rest of the little fitting. He'll be much more of a menace, pretending to contemplate and at times even impersonating Sun and trying to mimic his speech patterns just to make Y/N crack up as they hold different shirts in front of their body. But when he asks them to "Come here?" with that gentle smile, they don't even hesitate for a second. He's much more confident, maybe even letting out an appreciative hum as he works the buttons/ zippers. Of course, he'll want to look at his handiwork, and helps them turn with his hands on their sides, before grinning like a Cheshire cat and asking if they'll need help getting out of it later, too? Earns him another laugh and a playful smack to the face, but he only laughs too knowing that he will get to help them get comfortable after, too <3
Eclipse: (though not for AU!Y/N, and more a s/o) Eclipse: Oh, he wants to have fun with this! He'd love to start from scratch, and start it all off with a shopping trip to just look around! If the energy is there, he'd love to go to multiple stores and compare, mixing and matching whatever you like, and looking for accessories in the same go! (or another go. multiple trips is also fun, he just gets excited! online shopping he's also definitely open for, if that's more comfortable - he just likes the added bonus of exploration) The actual putting on he'll be quieter, but still giddy. Torn between reverent staring, excited noises and hand clapping, and actually helping, he's a bit of a scatterbrain about it, but it's okay! Just take enough time to get ready! Very, very careful and gentle with any buttons or zippers - he doesn't want to pinch you, or break anything, and animatronics are strong enough for a mindless little tug to end with a loose button or damaged zipper. With four hands he's got a good advantage though, and two can take care of buttons and zippers, while two can hold the rest of the fabric in place. If that happens by having his hands rest on your shoulders, sides, hips, or even all of the above depending on where he's currently zipping/ buttoning, that's between him and you! Will shower you in compliments as soon as he's done, before quietly asking if you like it, too - because he knows that's the most important part, and if he hasn't helped you before and/ or you have very different tastes in fashion, he'll want to check in that everything went well and you're satisfied! <3
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kisaraslover · 3 months
yeah Kisara was a self-banished wanderer, guilt ridden and afraid of her dragon but also like. who made the dragon. lol. theres always ALWAYS this quiet rage and grief, which claws at her skin trying to escape, just barely kept down at any given moment, and when her loyalty, therefore the dragons loyalty is bound to Seto there is not only no guilt, she surrendered completely, theres also relief and satisfaction. is he her enabler or is she his enabler trick question the answer is yes both
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majimasleftasscheek · 11 months
I know it's supposed to be Nishiki x OC but my wishful thinking was like "OMG SAEJIMA AND NISHIKI PORN YES!!"
hueeee I hope to get some spicy stuff done soon for them! I got a nsfw write up finished that just needs some art 👀 and I have a monster AU smut page all sketched out so it just needs to be lined hehehoho
it's been so long... I must make them... show hole....
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lisablack000 · 3 months
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The inner development process, which leads to the realization of this fourth stage, Jung called the individuation process.
It involves the development of what is known as a mature personality, “a well-rounded psychic whole that is capable of resistance and abounding in energy,” which is capable of choosing its own path and self-reliantly remains true to its own inner law.
Especially in times of collective neurosis, the existence of such mature people is of crucial importance.
Also in this stage, according to Jung, only dreams can point the way, for this development follows a purely inner bent or is determined by destiny.
Dreams that are an index of the individuation process have, as we shall see, a strange religious or mythological character, for after all it is really religions that have served humanity in the discovery of inner meaning from time immemorial.
Today, however, there are all too many people for whom the existing religions are no longer capable of providing any meaning and who are also not satisfied by the purely extraverted worldview of contemporary science or by the intellectual word games of modern philosophers.
It is at moments like these that many people are called by an inner voice and find themselves compelled to set forth on an inner quest. -Marie-Louise von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche, Page 200
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there-will-be-a-way · 5 months
Conversation in our communication app
Chris: N., I'm hereby officially filing an application to allow communication between us again.
N., two days later: Approved.
*communication works again*
My head is an office I swear.
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
if you are sending your writing or art to people, especially after they've asked to see it, don't feel like you need to apologize for it. don't apologize or say it's bad or justify yourself. they want to see your work! don't shield something you earnestly worked on in a layer of self-deprecating irony in a desperate hope for approval.
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