#either someone is sitting or someone is on a step stool
the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
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more of them. they hold each other
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dirtytransmasc · 11 months
I have a question for other fibro, chronic pain/fatigue, disabled people, cause I need some help.
I have issues showering, like most of us do, due to pain and fatigue and weakness etc. that makes standing up for long periods and the physical labor of washing myself difficult, and have spent quite a while just making it work.
I tend to just sit on the floor, but because of the tightness in my legs that makes it so I have to kneel or hunch over to avoid pain/stress on my joints (which causes circulation issues in my legs if I kneel or back pain if I hunch), the difficulty I have getting up and down, and the amount of times I've almost passed out from the effort, sitting on the floor is becoming less of a solution and more of a hindrance.
my real problem is that I can't stand shower stools. I have never found one that lets me feel mobile in the shower, I always feel stuck and boxed in because they limit the range of motion I still have.
I have issues turning around to wash my hair out. I have to pick between being in the water or being just out of it which makes washing my hair and body difficult. I can't easily make any major position changes without more effort than I would need by just sitting on the floor. I have a very hard time holding the shower head so I have to leave it up in the holder which leaves the water and me in very fixed positions.
overall, shower stools do not work for me, and I was wondering if anyone had found other solutions to the showering issue, cause I want to rip my hair out.
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luveline · 3 months
I know you’re asking for Spencer fics… While I adore single dad!Spencer… How about some single mom!reader and Spencer? 💕
You and your daughter work your way into Spencer’s life one chess game at a time. fem, 1.3k
It all starts with, “Hello.” 
Spencer looks up, and he finds any word he could’ve said dead on his tongue. You smile at him oddly gentle, and he assumes he’s got something on his face your afraid to point out.
“Hi,” you say, unperturbed by his lack of response. You keep your head ducked but seem friendly enough as you lick your lips. “I don’t know if you’re busy, but I was wondering if you’d play chess with my daughter. You don’t have to say yes, but she’s really polite and she won’t cheat, and she really wants to say hi.” 
Spencer looks behind you, where your daughter stands a ways away pretending not to watch. She could only be three of your years old —if she can play chess, she’s a prodigy. She has on stripy tights and a dress, a vinyl coat open over the top, her hands wringing together. 
“Okay,” Spencer says. 
Your smile is even nicer, then. Relief and thankfulness aimed fully at him. “Thank you.” 
You meander back to your daughter and bend down to whisper instructions too quiet for Spencer to hear. Shy, your daughter shimmies forward, then walks proper steps when you encourage her with your hand behind her shoulder. “It’s okay,” you whisper, “let’s say hi.” 
The chess boards are built into the tables at the park. Spencer sits on one stone stool, and your daughter makes herself comfortable on the opposite one. You kneel beside her without worry, knees on the dirty floor. 
“Hi,” your daughter says. She has a high voice, reedy, like she needs a drink. 
You rub her arm. 
“Hello,” Spencer says. “Have you played before?” 
“Me and mom play.” 
“So you know the rules?” 
“Some,” she says. 
Spencer’s only human. He does think about the horror of being trapped opposite of a toddler for the next half an hour bumbling through the steps, but it’s not as though he has other things to do, and, really, he loves people. He’s scared of talking, that’s all. 
“We play a lot on my phone, where it tells her what moves she can and can’t do,” you say. “But it’s okay. I have practice, I can be the phone.” 
Your daughter laughs like this is the funniest thing on the planet. “You don’t look like a phone,” she says. 
“That’s nice of you, but that’s ‘cos you’ve never seen my wires.” 
She laughs again. 
“I know all the rules, too, don’t worry,” Spencer says. “Are those your pieces? Or we can play with mine?” 
“Sofie has her pieces, it’s okay, we don’t wanna lose yours.” 
You let your backpack slip down your back and unveil a chess board box with sellotaped corners. The sleeve inside is unhurt, and you put it in the middle of the table. Spencer takes initiative and grabs the purple ones. You and Sofie arrange the pink ones in a mirror. 
Sofie is surprisingly good at chess, considering her age. Sometimes Spencer ends up playing against you, your advice murmured in her ear, and every time you smile at him he feels a little nauseous.  
He lets her win, of course. The first few times, at least. Over weeks, you and Sofia occasionally see him in the park playing chess, some days in the middle of a game with someone else, other times alone. Sofie comes up to him increasingly confident to ask for the next game, and Spencer realises he’s somehow made two friends. 
“Spencer!” Sofie shouts, tumbling over the grass bank to stop on the end of the retaining wall bordering the chess tables. You’re just behind her, looking tired. 
“Sofie, hi!” 
Sofie jumps down off of the wall before either of you can stop her. “Spencer, where have you been?” She rockets toward him. He stands, worried she’ll fall flat on her face, but she continues to race toward him until she’s throwing her arms around his legs. “I missed you.” 
“Well, I missed you too,” he says, surprised. He gives her back a tentative pat. “I’ve been learning new techniques.” 
“But where did you go?” she asks. 
“I went to Alaska. It was super cold.”
“Hi, Spencer,” you greet, flushed as you plop down on the stone seat opposite him. 
Believe it or not (easily believable), Spencer didn’t ask you your name the first time you met. Or the second. On the third occasion you met, you actually apologised with too much sincerity and said, “I’m so sorry, I never asked what your name was. I can’t believe it. I’m Y/N.” 
So now you’re introduced, and Spencer has a raging crush on you. 
Spencer grins as Sofie sits on his seat, shuffling over so they can sit together. “What, you’re on my team today?” he asks her excitedly. 
“Yes!” She pats the chess board. “Mom, my pieces.” 
“It’s okay, we can use mine.” Spencer’s are already out on the table. He’d been hoping to see you both. 
“I won’t lose them,” Sofie promises. 
“I might. Where have you been, Spencer? Sof made us come here four times last week, we had to play chess with Melinda.” 
“I was working,” he says. “We’re always going somewhere far away, I didn’t realise we’d be there for so long.” 
“‘Cos he’s a special agent,” you whisper to Sofie. 
She puts a finger over her lips, “Mom, don’t so loud!” 
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” You nudge a King back onto his square. “Did I blow your cover?” you ask, your voice a rolling murmur.
Spencer holds Sofie’s back reactively as she wiggles on the seat. He has an answer. He should play along —he’s been reading up on how to flirt like he’s not a lonely weirdo and that’s with confidence and running jokes, but the way you’re looking at him stops him in his tracks. 
No one ever mentions the panic of a shared smile. 
“What happens if people find out?” Sofie asks worriedly. 
“Nothing happens, Sofie, I’m the boring kind of special agent where nothing I do is a secret.” He winces at her crestfallen expression. “I’m sorry. Maybe we can have a secret mission together? Me, you, and mom?” 
“Really?” you ask, surprised. 
Spencer nods enthusiastically. “Oh, yeah! Yeah, of course.” 
“Like… dinner?” 
Spencer bites the tip of his tongue, to an immediate sting. It’s not the first time in his life a conversation he’s in has occurred without him: you’re shared smile was you flirting first. His reciprocation, while not intended, has served as flirtation. 
He didn’t mean to do it, but he doesn’t care, he won’t mess it up, “If you want to?” He clears his throat, his voice returning to a more acceptable tenor. “We could go for dinner… tonight.” 
“Not tonight. Not… unless you want to?” 
“We didn’t have dinner yet,” Sofie says helpfully. 
Your gaze falls to the chess board. “I don’t think I’m dressed for dinner. I had such a long shift.” You’re shrugging, minimising yourself. 
Spencer moves his and Sofie’s first pawn. “You always look beautiful.” 
He cannot look at you after he says it, but he doesn’t need to. 
“Mom, you're doing that smile like when Mr. Mailman brings our letters.” 
“Thank, Sofie,” you say. 
Spencer sneaks a glance at your smile. It’s decidedly shy, and if he were to touch your cheek, he guesses he’d find your skin warming. “What does he do when he brings the letters?” Spencer asks. 
You pin him with wide eyes. 
“He says she’s pretty with a big ‘p’,” Sofie whispers. 
“She is pretty,” Spencer whispers back. 
You move a chess piece with a breathless laugh. “Okay, then let’s get dinner after I wipe the floor with you both.” 
Spencer decides now is the appropriate time to reveal that he is very good at chess. He and Sofie win in ten moves. 
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 months
*Perfect Revenge – Steve Harrington
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Warnings: cheated on and cheating with, underage drinking, rough sex, unprotected sex, language
I walked around the house, not entirely sure whose house I was at. With my one and only beer in my hand, I roamed the house looking for my boyfriend. Johnathan and I have been together for about three months. This party was his idea. I'm not sure why he insisted on coming. He usually hated parties.
I headed down the hallway and opened random doors. I wish I had never checked the last door. I covered my mouth as I gasped when my eyes adjusted to the dark.
"Johnathan?!" I yelled when the shock wore off.
"Y/N," he stuttered. "It's not what it looks like."
"Really?" I scoffed. "So you're not fucking Nancy Wheeler?!"
"Y/N. . ."
"Shut up, bitch!"
I turned around and stormed out of the room. I ignored their calls and focused on getting out of there. My mind was racing as I rushed down the hallway. I gasped when I bumped into someone.
"Whoa," Steve laughed. "Are you okay, Y/N?"
"I'm fine," I said, slowly and softly.
"You sure?"
"I don't really believe you," he mumbled, "but anyway, have you seen Nancy?"
"Yes," I whispered. "But you're not gonna want to know."
"Why?" He paused. "Y/N," he elongated, "what's going on?"
I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. So instead, I pointed. He sent me a look before walking into the room I just left. I knew he was there when I heard Nancy gasp his name.
Wow. . . They didn't bother stopping.
When he reappeared in front of me, I could see the anger in his eyes. He looked at me and that anger softened.
"Let's go," he said through clenched teeth.
"Does it matter?" He said harshly. He cleared his throat and changed his tone. "I'm sorry, Y/N. When I said 'let's go', I meant let's get out of here before I beat your boyfriend's ass."
"Ex-boyfriend," I mumbled. "I mean I haven't actually broken up with him. He was a little. . . busy. But I think it's pretty obvious. Right?"
Steve smiled softly at me as he stepped closer and grabbed my hand. "Right," he whispered. "Let me try this again; wanna get out of here and go get a drink somewhere we aren't being cheated on?"
"I'd like that," I tried to laugh but my voice cracked. He intertwined our fingers and led me to his car. He turned it on but didn't leave the house.
"I don't know where to go," he mumbled.
"I know a place," I said softly.
"What do you mean? Neither one of us is twenty-one."
"My cousin owns a bar," I explained. "He'll serve us if you're with me."
"Good to know," he smirked.
As Steve drove us to my cousin's bar, I couldn't get the image of Johnathan and Nancy out of my head. I cleared my throat, trying to get the frog out of my throat.
"You okay?" He asked, pulling me out of my head.
"Me either."
When we got there, we got out of the car and headed inside. "Hey, Y/N," my cousin greeted us from behind the bar.
"We need a drink," I said, sitting on the bar stool in front of him. "Now."
"Wow," he laughed. "What's wrong with you two?"
"My boyfriend cheated on me tonight."
"Damn," he sighed as he instantly grabbed a glass and started making me my usual.
"With his girlfriend," I finished as I pointed at Steve.
"Double damn."
"Steve, this is my cousin, Mark," I introduced. "He's gonna get us drunk."
"Just don't tell anyone," Mark said, sending us a smirk. "What'll you have, Steve?"
* * * * *
About an hour later, Steve and I were deliriously drunk.
"What are we gonna do about this?" Steve drunkenly sighed.
"I don't know," I pouted. "But. . ."
"But what?" He asked when I didn't continue. He swiveled his stool toward me.
"But whatever we do. . ."
"Tell me, Y/N," Steve chuckled.
"Promise you won't judge me?" I asked.
"I promise," he said, crossing his heart.
"I want to make them hurt," I said, not meaning to make my voice sound darker. "I want to make them feel as shitty as we feel."
"What did you have in mind?" Steve smirked.
"I don't know," I shrugged. "We can't actually hurt them."
"True," he chuckled. "But we can do to them what they did to us."
"You mean. . ."
I held my breath as Steve grabbed my knees and spun me toward him. I gasped as he slowly slid his hands higher. I stopped focusing on how high his hands were going as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.
As soon as my body flooded with endorphins, I grabbed his face and deepened the kiss. We scooted as close as we could get without falling off our stools. I gasped when Steve pulled on my legs, making my stool scoot closer to his. It still wasn't close enough to him so he slid off his stool. I moaned against his lips as he opened my thighs and stood between my legs.
"Steve," I moaned as soon as he broke the kiss and started kissing my neck. "Maybe we should. . . Don't you think. . ."
I gasped when he bit my neck, making me shiver with pleasure.
"Let's get out of here," I said quickly. Steve slowly pulled away with a dirty smirk on his face.
"I like the sound of that."
Without another word, Steve grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. The butterflies in my stomach went crazy as he led me to his car. We got in and started driving us somewhere. I didn't bother to ask him where we were going. The truth was, I didn't care where we were going.
I smirked when Steve pulled onto a hiking trail. My stomach flipped when I realized where we were going.
"I've always wanted to come here," I said under my breath.
"Johnathan never brought you to Skull Rock?" He asked, smirking in a way that made my whole body burn.
"He thought it was your spot," I whispered, "and he didn't want to run into you and. . . Nancy."
I looked away when I connected the dots and figured out the real reason he never wanted to come here. With tears in my eyes, I looked down and started playing with my fingers. I held my breath when Steve reached over and put his hand on top of mine.
"Let's not think about them," he whispered. "Besides, we're here."
I looked up to see Steve had parked. He got out and sent me a wink before opening my door for me. He grabbed my hand but I didn't go with him.
"What's wrong?" He asked, his face dropping. "I thought you. . ."
I got out of the front seat but immediately turned and started getting in the back seat. Steve smirked as he leaned against the car.
"Y/N," he said in a sing-songy voice, "you know the whole point of Skull Rock is to make out at, on, and against Skull Rock?"
"I know," I shrugged. Steve swallowed hard when I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it into the front seat. "But what's the harm in getting started here?"
"Nothing," he said through clenched teeth. "Absolutely fucking nothing."
I laughed when he got into the back, instantly climbing on top of me. When he was straddling me, he tore his shirt off and tossed it toward mine. Steve made me gasp as he pressed his lips roughly to mine.
We didn't waste any time. Soon, we were only in our underwear, our bodies dancing against each other.
I gasped and arched my back when Steve leaned down and pressed his face between my breasts. I have never wanted to get rid of a piece of clothing as much as I have wanted to tear off my bra.
Luckily, Steve beat me to it. He slid his hand under my body and was able to undo it with one hand. The second he got it undone, I tore it off and tossed it somewhere.
"Fuck!" I moaned loudly as his lips wrapped around my nipple. "Shit, Steve Harrington," I moaned. "I used to hear about what you did to the girls you brought here."
I gaped when he roughly pulled away. He looked me straight in the eyes as he said, "All of them were nothing compared to you, gorgeous. They were just pointless and useless fucks. Not you."
Steve leaned down and smashed his lips onto mine. I ran my fingers through his hair, slightly pulling on strands until he groaned. When I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed the hem of his boxers and tore them down his thighs. The second he was free, I kicked off my underwear.
Before either one of us could really think this through, I opened my legs and Steve positioned himself. I gasped, breaking the kiss and arching my back when he pushed into me. Things sped up as our lips moved in sync as our bodies danced. We did different things, changing whenever we made the other moan.
We lost track of time as we only focused on each other. Out of the different sexual experiences I've had, Steve Harrington was something else.
"I know why all the girls at school call you the King of Hawkins High," I moaned. My moan turned into a gasp when he pulled out of me.
Steve chuckled as he leaned down and returned his face to my favorite spot. "Fuck," I groaned as he started massaging my breast with his mouth.
Without moving his mouth, Steve grabbed my leg and wrapped my thigh around his waist. I swore under my breath when he was able to push back into me while making out with my chest.
"Oh Steve," I moaned. I grabbed his face and brought it back to mine. Our lips instantly started devouring each other and our tongues battled for dominance.
"Squeeze," he moaned into my mouth.
"Harder," I moaned back. It seemed like we both held our breaths as we fulfilled the other's request. We let out releasing moans as we gave into our rising orgasms.
As we slowly pulled apart, we looked into each other's eyes. The butterflies went crazy as he reached up and moved some hair out of my face. I wanted to say something sweet, something to tell him how much the night meant to me, but nothing came to mind. So instead, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
"Guess we never made it to Skull Rock."
* * * * *
After Steve and I got our revenge, he drove me home and I figured it would end there.
It didn't.
A couple of days later, I was in my room finishing my report when someone knocked on my window. I looked up and my heart jumped in my throat.
"Steve?" I panicked. I quickly stood up, went to my window, and opened it. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you," he shrugged like it was obvious. I watched as he climbed through my window.
"Why?" I couldn't help but ask. When Steve turned around, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest.
"Because I haven't been able to stop thinking about you," he said, his voice low. "You, my backseat, and the hiking trail parking lot half a mile from Skull Rock."
I moaned when he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Without breaking the kiss, Steve walked us toward my bed. We gasped, slightly chuckling as we fell backward.
Instead of kissing me again, he stopped. He reached over and moved some hair out of my face.
"You really haven't stopped thinking about me?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Of course not," he whispered. "I have thought about absolutely everything that happened that night."
"Well, not everything," he smirked. "But only the important parts."
"Like?" I baited. I moaned when he slipped his hand under my shirt, searching for my breast. When he squeezed, I let out another moan.
"Like the feel of your skin against mine," he started listing off. "Like the feel of your body underneath mine. Like the feeling of my lips on your skin. Like the feeling of other body parts pressed and intertwined."
"But what about. . ." I started to ask but couldn't get myself to finish it.
"I broke up with her after I dropped you off."
"Wait, what?" I asked, slightly readjusting under him. He sat up and pulled me with him.
"After I took you home the other night," he explained, "I went by her house. She wasn't there, so I waited. The second she got home, I went to talk to her. I demanded answers and asked her about her and Johnathan. I won't tell you. . ."
"Please," I cut him off. "Tell me."
Steve sighed as he reached up and moved a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," he started, "but they've been hooking up for months."
He slowly nodded. "Wow," I whispered as I looked down.
"I know this sucks," he said gently, "but it's a blessing in disguise."
"How?" I asked, my voice breaking. Steve used his finger to lift my head. Without saying anything, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.
"Because it got us together," he whispered as he broke the kiss and kept his forehead pressed to mine. "It made me realize that you are so much better for me than Nancy Wheeler."
"Really?" I asked, the butterflies from a couple of days woke up. He didn't kiss me. Instead, he started kissing my jaw. I felt the hickeys form as he explored my neck.
"What did you say?" I stuttered, trying to get my head back on straight.
"What do you mean?" He moaned against my collarbone.
"The other night," I barely got out, "with Nancy."
"Oh yeah," he smirked as he pulled away. "I ended it. I also told her you and Johnathan were over so she could have him." His smirk dropped. "Was that okay?"
"Yes," I said softly. "It is. Besides, those two cheaters deserve each other."
Steve leaned in but didn't press his lips to mine. Instead, he whispered, "Just like how we deserve each other."
"You really believe that?"
To answer me, Steve closed the gap between us and kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair as our lips moved in sync. We broke the kiss with matching moans.
"I really do," he whispered. "I know Johnathan hurt you. And honestly, I want to beat the shit out of him for making you cry. But I won't do that. Instead, I'll get back at him by treating you better. Way better, Y/N. The way you deserve to be treated. I promise."
Steve put his hand on my stomach and laid me down, hovering over me. I arched my back when he started kissing and biting my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut as he explored my skin.
"Have you ever done it in the shower?" I asked between moans. Steve pulled away and smirked down at me. "I've never done it, but I hear it's pretty amazing."
"It's fucking unbelievable," he growled, grinding his body against mine. "I can show you the ropes."
"Ropes?" I teased. "Is that your kink, Harrington?"
"Not really," he shrugged teasingly. "My kink is more sneaking around and doing it when and where I know I shouldn't."
"Well then," I moaned as I slid my hands under his shirt and started slowly unbuttoning his pants. "I can show you the ropes."
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cursingtoji · 1 year
could you do sukuna and 27 for the clichés event? 👉👈
❛ 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮?❜ ┊ no one touches Sukuna's favorite
plus "Stay" ⊱ king of curses!Sukuna x fem maid!reader, blood, violence, reader is hurt, wc. 1k, The Clichés ™;
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Sukuna wasn’t known for being gentle, he was mean and arrogant, sometimes serving him was not easy either, if anything was the hardest job someone can have, serving the king of curses.
Yet, against all odds, he took a liking on you, just another server.
He longed for the touch of your soft hands on his body when you applied herbs on his wounds, or when you dressed him. After a while he assigned you as the only one that didn't need permission to get in his chambers for your daily tasks.
That night you were just finishing setting his futons, as you did every night. Sukuna knew your schedule, the initial idea of a schedule was for him not having to find anyone inside his private room, but since he knew it was going to be you he even went in earlier to catch you there.
And there you were, you back turned to the door, and when you heard him coming in you bowed respectfully and kept your head low.
Sukuna didn't realize at first due to the hair covering your face, but once he noticed a strange shadow on your face he took one long step, grabbed your jaw firmly but not roughly, and brought your black eye and bruised face to the moonlight.
“Who did this to you?” he inspected it. Often having a whole bunch of bruises himself, he knew that should be fresh, like it happened earlier that day or last night.
"L-Lord Sukuna, do not worry about this" you smiled and attempted to turn your head away from him but he didn't let you, not when such a beautiful face has been broken like that, to the point there was a tiny red spot in the white of your eye, indicating a broken blood vessel.
"I asked you a question" he pressed.
"There was an accident and—"
"Give me a name, woman" he was fuming, and as your lord you knew there was no escape. Sukuna always gets what he wants.
"The c-chief of the maids" you murmured.
Sukuna didn't let go of your face immediately, he studied the fear in your eyes, having a weird gut feeling on seeing you like that. He brushed your hair away from your face and struggled slightly to let go of you.
Once he did, you found yourself trembling in the middle of the room, not sure if you should follow your lord or finish setting the bed so you wouldn't be punished again.
You opted for the latter, not sure what Sukuna's reaction would be if you interrupted his business, but after you did what you had to do you could only report back to your master.
The hallways of the Ryomen residence were quiet and dark, as you got closer to the single lighted up room a strong scent of iron filled the air. You pushed the door and the first thing you saw was the stain of a bloodied palm that had been dragged on the wall. Maybe you got a bit insensitive over the years of working for Sukuna but the first thing you thought was how troublesome it would be to clean that up. Your eyes were unable to find the body that did that — even though you had an idea — due to Sukuna's bloodied torso showing up in front of you, massive shoulders that didn't need to be too close to block your entire view.
"Lord Sukuna, are you hurt?" you placed your hands on his hot skin looking for any wounds.
"It offends me that you think an employee could hurt me" he gently turned you around leading you to his bathing room, where he knew a hot bath awaited for him.
Before he went inside the tub, you made him sit on a stool and dipped a cloth on the hot water using it to clean the blood off his body, Sukuna observed silently, not being over the bruise on your face, even after "dealing" with who caused it.
After he was cleaned you threw the cloth away and moved to leave the room, yet he called you back.
"Stay" he ordered, when you turned around he was undoing the clothes that covered his lower half, you turned back flustered. Even though you have been his personal maid for a few months, you only entered his bath room when he rang the bell and left when he dismissed you.
"Come closer" he called while sitting at the edge of his ofuro, now with a towel wrapped around his waist as he reached for the jars where the healing herbs and oils were kept to treat infection and inflammations.
"I thought you weren't hurt, sir" your voice was of concern.
"It's not for me" he mixed the contents on his palm and used a finger to spread it on your bruised cheek and nose. The scent made your eye water, "It'll dry in a few seconds" he ran a thumb under your eye, preventing a tear from running down and ruining the medicine.
"Thank you, lord Sukuna" even while sitting he still hovered over you.
"I want you to quit" he demanded.
"What?!" your breath hitched, this job was everything you had.
"Quit being my maid and become my wife" no words left your open mouth as you scanned his face for any signs of insincerity.
"Me? But sir, what would the rest of the staff think?"
"I don't care, I'll fire them all if you want" he rubbed your chin, "Kill them if I must…" Sukuna observed your eyes widened, but a certain gleam in them made him wonder if you truly wanted that "I won't take no for an answer" he brings you closer and you smile, tilting your head.
Truly, Sukuna always get what he wants, even if that is making a wife out of his servant.
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See also: bodyguard!Nanami
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sunburnhurts · 2 months
Artist || Fred Weasley x fem!Reader
Summary: Fred finds himself in the same classroom as Y/n, they soon bond over Y/n's art piece.
Words: 2,259
All My Stories
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Sitting on a stool, Y/n leans in to get a better view of her canvas. Something about it looks wrong to her, she couldn't tell what. She attempted to paint the view from where she was sitting. She looked out the window at what she was trying to recreate, then back at her canvas. Sighing, she leans back rubbing her eyes in frustration.
She then hears the door to the empty classroom she was in open. Turning her head to the noise, she sees a tall red head shut the doors quickly behind him. Unsure what the sudden commotion is, Y/n stayed in her seat which was located in the far corner of the classroom. She quickly identified the boy as one of the Weasley twins, she just couldn't tell which one from where she was sitting.
She watches as the boy looks around the classroom, his eyes landing on her. He was a bit out of breath from running, he stood with his back to the door as he caught his breath. After a few moments of them staring at each other, Y/n looks away, back out the window.
Letting his curiousness control him, he walks over to the girl, taking a peek at her art. Y/n looks back at the twin, now close enough to identify that it is Fred. "This is bloody brilliant!" He says, leaning into the painting with his hands behind his back.
"Thank you," Y/n says a bit shyly. Y/n never talked to either of the twins before even though they are all in the same year, they are also all Gryffindors. She wasn't like them, energetic and friendly with everyone she met. Yes, she was nice to everyone she met, but it takes more time for her to be able to befriend the person.
If anything, she hated people that would befriend anyone and anything, she found the behavior fake. She needed a reason to be friends with someone, needed a special connection. She felt as if a friendship wasn't special if you act the same with everyone else. So at first, she was a bit hesitant to befriend a Weasley. Sure, she found him a bit cute, but that didn't mean anything if they didn't know each other.
Y/n watches as Fred looks at her, saying, "What are you painting?" She leans away from the window so he can see the view. He looks out, his eyebrows raised in surprise to how similar the view and the painting are. "That's seriously incredible, I didn't know you painted!"
"You don't know a lot of things about me," Y/n slightly jokes, but she really did know he knew nothing about her.
"That's not true, I know you're really quiet and smart." Fred says, looking down at the seated girl.
"And how do you know that?" Y/n looks up, slightly smiling.
Fred smiles, going back to observing the painting. "We are in a lot of the same classes, didn't think I noticed you?" He asks.
"Honestly, no." Y/n laughs, wondering why he would have noticed her when he spends all class joking around with other people.
"Well I have, for a while actually." He says, turning back to the girl. Suddenly, hurried footsteps are heard outside the classroom door. Fred hears this and hides next to a bookshelf that is blocking him from the view of the door.
Y/n looks over, seeing a Professor Snape burst into the room. He looks around the room, then spots Y/n. "Ms. Y/l/n, have you seen George or Fred Weasley?" He says in his low voice. It was obvious Fred has done something wrong, and obviously to the wrong person. The last person you should mess with is Snape, the consequences would be essay after essay.
"No, Professor Snape." Y/n responds, saving Fred.
"Very well," Snape responds, his eyes flickering from the painting back to her, nodding and exiting the room. Y/n looks over at Fred once Snape fully closed the door.
"Thanks for saving me, Y/n." Fred says, stepping away from the bookshelf, walking back to Y/n.
"So what did you do for Snape to be looking for you?" Y/n asks.
"Me and Geroge pulled a prank, we switched some of the potions around. We wanted one of our classmates to be the ones with the switched potions, but of course Snape had to use them." Y/n smiles, trying to imagine what kind of explosion happened to Snape.
"You can't hide forever, you know."
"Yeah, I know." Fred laughs. Y/n laughs back, then turns her attention back to her painting, still trying to figure out what was wrong with it. "You're not finished?"
"No, I can't figure out what's wrong with it, it looks empty." Fred looks at her confused, genuinely thinking the painting is perfect.
"Maybe it needs people?" Fred suggests.
"You're right!" Y/n exclaims. "I don't know why I didn't think of that!" Fred smiles, crossing his arms as he watches the girl in front of him turn to look at him. He raises his eyebrows, interested in what shes going to say. "Want to add someone?"
Surprised, Fred shakes his head. "No, I wouldn't want to ruin it."
Y/n laughs, getting up from the stool. "No, please, if its really bad I can paint over it." Fred gives in, sitting down and picking up the paint brush. Y/n stands behind him, watching as he nervously picked up orange paint with the brush. "Never would I thought Fred Weasley would be nervous to paint something." She laughs.
Huffing a laugh, he says, "I don't want to mess it up too bad!" Y/n laughs again, placing her hand on his shoulder for comfort.
"Don't worry! Seriously!" Fred slightly smiles as he feels her hand on him. She watches as he paints himself under one of the trees, it honestly looked like a crazy 5 year old painted it. But she didn't mind, she thought it looked special, no other professional painting has a messy painting of Fred in it.
"Done." He says, turning his head up to Y/n. Y/n looks down from the painting, meeting his eyes. Laughing as he smiles, he says, "What? Scared I'm going to steal your talent, Y/n?"
"Terrified!" Y/n chuckles, looking back at the painting. "You should paint me now," She suggests, not really wanting the moment to end. Fred nods, not wanting the moment to end either, the feeling of her hand still on his shoulder felt special. He then turns back and starts painting Y/n.
He starts drawing the body, making her the same size as him. "So I'm the same height as you?" Y/n teases.
"I never said I was good with proportions." Fred smiles. Once he finished he said, "What a beautiful girl!"
"I can't tell if that even is a girl!" Y/n laughs, making Fred look up at her with a playful frown.
"Sorry I'm not as talented at art as you are!" He exclaims.
"You'll get there," Y/n pats his shoulder, then removed her hand from him.
Hiding his disappointment of her removing her hand, he asks, "Do you have other paintings you've done?" Y/n nods, walking over to a wardrobe in the room. As she opens it, many finished art works, unfinished paintings, and empty canvases were revealed. "Wow, and they let you keep everything in here?" Fred asks as he picks up one of the paintings.
"Yeah, one of the Professors let me use this classroom. Said to just be prepared to pack up in case the room was needed."
Fred nods, observing the art works. He then stopped, turning to her with a serious face. "You really are talented, Y/n."
Y/n studies his face, seeing he really means what he says. "Thank you, Fred." She smiles. Yeah, she's used to a few people telling her she is good at art, but it was different coming from Fred.
Suddenly, Fred's eyes widen. "Shit," He mutters, "I have to get to Quidditch practice!" He places the art back where he picked them up from. "So you're in this classroom everyday after classes?" He asks, walking towards the door.
"Yeah," Y/n calls out.
Fred turns around before he exits the room, he nods and makes a mental note so he can find you after school. "Goodbye, Y/n."
"Goodbye, Fred." She smiles, watching him leave.
The next day, Y/n and Fred weren't able to talk in classes, there was never an opportunity to. So Y/n is sitting in the same empty classroom, sitting in the same stool, staring at an empty canvas. She tapped her fingers against her forehead as she tried thinking of what to draw.
She then turns her head as she hears the doors open, the same tall twin walked into the room with a smile on his face. "How did I know I would find you here?" He asks, walking over to Y/n.
"I wonder," She jokes.
"So, what will be the next art piece?" He asks, stopping next to her.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out." She sighs, looking back at the canvas.
"How about this," He starts, "You paint me and I'll paint you. I'll actually try this time, I promise."
Looking back up at him, she smiles. "Okay." She gets up, grabbing another canvas for him. They get situated, both facing each other and unable to see each others work.
As they worked, they got to know each other more. Fred did most of the talking, but she didn't mind, she liked listening to him ramble about little things. She got to know what he was planning on doing outside of Hogwarts, start a joke shop with his brother.
"I better get a discount in this store." Y/n jokes, adding details to the painting.
"Bold of you to assume you are allowed to even enter my store!" Fred says, looking up at the girl to see how her hair lays.
"Excuse me!" Y/n exclaims, looking up at him with her mouth opened in a dramatic way.
"I'm only kidding!" He says, looking back down and adding strokes of hair to the art. "You're allowed in there at least once,"
Y/n scoffs, playfully rolling her eyes at him. She enjoyed the playful banter, it was more fun with Fred than most of the people at Hogwarts. "Are you almost done?" She asks, finishing the painting.
"Hmm," He says, looking back up at her, staring for a bit too long, then looking down. Y/n noticed the lingering look, hiding her smile as she catches him slightly blushing. "Uh- yeah I'm done." She fully smiles, laughing lightly. "What?" Fred asks, looking up at her.
"Nothing." Y/n says, ready to show him the painting. "Let me see yours first.
Fred nods, pausing dramatically. He then quickly turns it around, revealing an okay painting of her. It was much better then the previous day, more detailed. "Wow, she's pretty," She jokes, reaching out for the painting.
"I know." He mutters, watching as she studies his work. He smiles seeing her grin. She then places the painting down, picking up the painting of him, showing him. His face brightens up even more seeing him as a painting. "That's how you see me? I'm surprised you're not in love with me. What a handsome lad!"
Y/n laughs, handing him the painting, then picking the art of her back up. "You might really steal my talent, Fred!" Y/n jokes. "I might have to hang this in my room!"
"You better! I spent my precious time on that!" Fred exclaims. Smiling, Y/n looks around the room, noticing it is now dark outside. Fred notices too, then looks back at Y/n. "Hope I didn't keep you here," Fred says, feeling a bit bad for using up so much of her time.
"You didn't, I enjoyed our time together." She smiles, getting up. "We better get back before it's past curfew." Fred nods, getting up as well. They both had each other's art in their hands as they walked to the common room, chatting about random things.
"Why do you spend breakfast alone?" Fred randomly asks. Y/n looks at him confused, wondering when he noticed this. "Again, you really think I don't notice you, Y/n?"
"No, you are always so busy with everyone." Y/n says, still looking at him as they continue to walk.
"I'm never busy for you," He says with a playful tone, smiling down at her. Y/n feels her heart beat quicken a bit, the corners of her mouth lifting as she looks ahead of her.
"To answer your question, I guess no one invites me to sit with them, so I don't want to intrude. I don't really mind it."
"You can sit with me, you know? I'm sure- no, I know George would love to get to know you." Looking back up at him, she smiles.
"Okay, I'll sit with you tomorrow then."
"Good," Fred grins, noticing they arrived at the fat lady painting. They enter the almost empty common room then walk up the stairs together. "Good night, Y/n, see you at breakfast." Fred says, watching Y/n turn to him.
"Good night, Fred." Y/n says, turning back around and entering the girls section of the dorms.
The End
A/n: I might add more onto this, I'm not sure though, but I really like this! I think it's so cute. Thank you all for the support I have been getting! I love you all so much!!
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lovesick-joey · 2 months
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Good Job.
"You really went on your own?"
Billy nodded his head vigorously, grinning like a fool even as Batman wiped away the blood off his temple. The older hero shook his head, his stern expression faltering slightly.
"..Get someone to accompany you next time." He grunts, ruffling Billy's hair. "I didn't know you can get hurt.."
Billy scoffs. "You? Don't know? That's impossible!" He exclaims, getting up from the stool he was sitting on. His height nearly towered over the Caped Crusader's. If only I was actually that tall. "But that's besides the point- I've got the whole thing covered! Put those scrawny robots into the spirit realm!"
Batman let out a faint sigh, taking a step back as Billy got back on his feet. "A warning would be nice. It's reckless for you to charge into battle without the others' permission. We haven't even made a plan yet.."
"You have to admit I did pretty good though!" Billy bounced, floating just above the ground. He punches the air. "I defeated all of them on my own! No plans from the rest of the League whatsoever."
As much as Batman disliked the idea of Billy—or anyone on the Justice League for that matter—pursuing a mission without a second opinion, he can't help but smile. He always had a soft spot for the boy, after all. He placed his hand on Billy's shoulder when the false adult returned to stand on solid ground. "You did. You did a good job."
Billy's expression softens, and Batman squeezed his shoulder. "Good job." The man repeated. Then, he looked over at the couches that were set up in the room they were in. Golden Condor sat stiffly, his unmoving eyes transfixed on the both of them, watching.
"Isn't that right, Condor? Don't you think he did a good job?"
Billy knew Batman made the wrong move. Why bother interacting with that jackass?
Golden Condor got up from the couch, but he didn't approach them. Instead, he glared at them from afar. It was mostly directed to Billy, though.
He never liked me, Billy thought. Well, guess what? I never liked you either.
"Don't praise him for doing something normal." Golden Condor spoke in that voice that would always make people grimace. He really needs to drink more water.
It was hard to notice, but Batman's shoulders tensed. "..Normal?" He uttered quizzically. Billy could imagine the look Batman was giving him under that cowl. "You think him going out to fight those robots alone, is normal?"
"It's normal to our standards." Golden Condor crossed his arms, his glare sharpening. "He should be expected to do it and punished if he doesn't."
What the hell, Billy thinks, feeling his heartbeat picking up pace. Batman stiffened. "Don't you dare speak of him that way." The Dark Knight walked over to the obnoxious man with an intimidating stride until the two were a few feet apart. Batman glared up at him. "He put himself in danger to save lives. He should be praised for his initiative, as reckless as it may be. Why can't you tell him he did a good job?"
Golden Condor huffs, looking at Billy, then back at Batman. "Because it's what everyone here does, Batman. It's nothing spectacular- nobody calls us good when we do the things we do. Why should it be any different with him?"
Billy couldn't believe it. Is Condor actually that stupid? It's even more embarrassing that this man is way older than him. A grown man is acting this way.
"And as if," The vigilante continued. "that child has the abilities of the Gods. I've said it before and I'll say it again; he should be expected to do it. He's not putting himself in danger because he's practically invincible."
"Superman has his kryptonite," Batman responded, his voice on edge. "and he's weak to magic. Diana also has her weaknesses and she's a demigod. Everyone on this team has weaknesses—it doesn't matter! You saw the blood on his head! It's still dangerous, Euge- Condor."
Golden Condor took one step closer, his haunting eyes ablaze with barely-concealed ire. "You're just coddling him," He said, his tone rising a little. "he's making you soft. It's pathetic."
Billy swallowed a lump in his throat. For the first time in his life, he was speechless. Batman's eyes narrowed. "I'm treating him with the kindness he deserves, unlike you," He said, jabbing a finger to Golden Condor's chest. The man in turn swatted his hand away. Batman's expression darkened. "you just hate him because he's a kid. I know how you are, Golden Condor."
The tension in the room was palpable. There was a brief intake of breath from Billy. They're going to argue again. They always do. Why does Batman have to go through this?
Golden Condor gritted his teeth. He was practically fuming. His aggression didn't deter Batman, as he continued to face him, his head held high and his chest puffed out.
"You're a fool!" Golden Condor spat at the shorter man's face. "If you keep this up then he's going to grow up thinking he's going to be given everything on a silver platter for doing jack-shit!"
"Just because you've never been praised doesn't mean you can't praise him!" Batman snapped back, unyielding. "Really, that's all that I want you to do; praise him! It's so simple and yet you have to make it difficult! I think he's severely lacking a parent figure who lets him know that he's appreciated—"
Billy's ears blocked out the sounds of their incoherent arguing—he could barely make out the words they were saying to each other. His feet were almost glued to the ground as he watched them, looking at their gestures and their moving mouths. It was a familiar sight with these two.
He could feel ringing in his ears, and Billy averted his eyes to the floor instead.
TGCS ¦ Mr. Hermit ‣ Dragon Eyes
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say-al0e · 2 years
Just Friends
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Rating: M | This is smut, minors, DNI! No one under 18!
Summary: Everyone seems to think you’re Jake Seresin’s girl. It’s easier than explaining to them that you’re just friends with benefits. But that arrangement doesn’t seem to be working for either of you anymore. | Ft. “No, you idiot. I’m in love with you.” + “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.” requested by anonymous and “You matter to me, you asshole.” + “I think you were put on this earth for the sole purpose of being a pain my ass.” requested by @dreamlandcreations
Warnings: Miscommunication, idiots FWB to lovers, fear of unrequited feelings, jealous!Jake, therapist Bradley, unprotected PinV. (I think that’s it but let me know and I’ll tag anything else)
Pairing: Hangman x fem!Reader
Word Count: 9.3k (....sorry)
Top Gun Taglist | Top Gun Masterlist
The Hard Deck was, as it always seemed to be on Friday nights, packed to the rafters. A sea of khaki greeted you the moment you stepped inside with Jake following close behind but, for the first time in a long while, he wasn’t dressed to match. Instead, he’d opted for a pair of jeans, a button-down you’d stolen on more than one occasion, and boots that had seen better days - though he had to be talked out of the cowboy hat, less to protect him from ridicule and more to protect your sanity. However, he still managed to blend into the crowd as you weaved your way through to the bar.
Jake remained close, as he always did, and kept a hand on the small of your back as he nodded his greeting to the handful of familiar faces he came across. The heat from his body bled through the thin material of his shirt - he always seemed to run hotter than the average, warm to the touch on even the coldest of days - and you could feel it warming your skin as he took a half-step closer to allow someone to pass.
Only one stool remained at the bar, the others occupied with the beginning of the night’s rush, and Jake pulled it out for you with a wink and a grin when you squeezed his bicep in thanks.
“Are there more people than usual or have I just not been in in a while?”
The question went unheard by those sitting closest to you, drowned out by the noise of a group cheering in the corner, but he heard you clearly. He leaned in, breath fanning over your neck - the scent of mint gum and that woodsy cologne filling your nose, sending a shiver down your spine that you worked to repress lest he notice - as he laughed quietly. “See, sweets, this is what happens when you avoid going out with me,” he teased, grinning when you rolled your eyes.
Avoiding Jake Seresin was the last thing on your mind. If anything, you’d gotten into a bad habit of altering plans just to spend more time with him and he knew that. Still, you huffed petulantly and shifted to lean against the bar. “If you want to blame anyone, blame my boss.”
Jake waved a hand, teasing, dismissive, and shook his head as he met your gaze. There was an easy amusement in his eyes, dancing across the sharp planes of his face, and you forced yourself to draw in even breaths even as you felt your heart rate skyrocket. “Excuses, excuses,” he drawled, biting back a laugh when you rolled your eyes at him, now second nature, regardless of how difficult it still was to think with his full attention on you. “But I’ll let you have it. Tonight, anyway.”
“How generous of you, Hangman.” It was deadpan, a stoic jab he’d heard a thousand times over, but you couldn’t help yourself as you raised a teasing brow. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a damn saint?”
Another laugh, this one a little louder and drawing the attention of a handful of nearby service members, escaped Jake as he shifted his hand to squeeze your side. The heat of his palm bled through the thin material of your top, sank into your skin and branded his touch into your memory, but you refused to dwell as you focused on his reply. “What can I say, sugar? I’m a giver.”
Despite his reputation - narcissistic, selfish asshole - Jake was, indeed, a giver. He prided himself on giving just as good as he got, if not better, and you were grateful to be on the receiving end. Still, the innuendo made your face heat and had you glancing over your shoulder, just to see if anyone had heard.
With another roll of your eyes, you nudged his side but said nothing. There were moments Jake flustered you silent, struck you quiet with a quick retort, and the thought of his selflessness - in the form of that handsome face pressed between your thighs - had you ducking your head as Jake laughed. He shifted closer, trying to move out of the way, and you sighed quietly as you spared a glance around the bar.
There was no question what you and Jake looked like to anyone who glanced your way - to the table of women who’d clocked Jake the moment he stepped through the door, the group clad in flight suits who’d eyed you as you crossed the room - or anyone who overheard a snippet of your conversation.
The protective hand he kept on you, snug at the small of your back; the way he lingered at your side, body angled toward you, rather than toward the crowd; the way he tipped his head down, pressing himself even closer in an effort to hear you over the din of the bar - the implication was clear. You looked like any other couple, out for a night of drinks with friends, and you only wished it were that simple.
Nothing ever was, especially not when it came to Jake, so you refused to allow yourself to dwell on that thought. You’d resigned yourself to your fate - doomed to be little more than friends with benefits, comfortable with casual intimacy until you began to consider your feelings - and figured Jake didn’t give your situation any thought at all.
Pulling you out of your distraction, Jake nudged your side and tipped his head toward the pool tables in the corner.
Spotting the rest of the group was always easy - they rarely strayed far from the pool tables by the windows, usually busying themselves with a game as they decompressed - and you returned their greetings with a grin and a wave of your own.
Penny, who was manning the bar alone for the time being, shot you both a smile as she placed the same bottle of beer Jake usually ordered on the counter in front of you. It would be a few minutes before she made her way to you, if the crowd was any indication, and you could feel Jake shifting at your side. 
This wasn’t the first time you’d accompanied him to the Hard Deck - you ended up by Jake’s side in the little bar more often than you cared to admit - and had a routine. “I’ll be fine, Jake,” you assured him, laughing as you caught him glancing at the pool table. You turned just in time to see Javy tip his head in invitation, urging Jake to join him in a game against another set of pilots, and nudged his side. “Go ahead. I’m gonna get a drink and people watch. I’ll make my way over eventually.”
Just as he always did, Jake eyed you for a moment, clearly debating being chivalrous. He would offer to remain by your side, wait with you for Penny to make your drink, and guide you over to the pool table to hang out with the others, but you always nudged him away.
When you cut your eyes at him, he relented. “Alright,” he acquiesced, lifting his hands in mock defeat, though he still managed to grin. “I’m going. You need me, you know where to find me.” When you nodded, acknowledging the same declaration he gave every time, he turned his attention to Penny. “Penny, m’dear, her drinks are on me.” She knew that by now - had been given the same instruction at least every other Friday for nearly a year - but still nodded, acknowledging Jake’s insistence.
With that, Jake nodded and squeezed your side gently before heading for the group.
From the bar, you were able to catch sight of the group as he approached and laughed as Rooster pointed at the boots Jake wore with raised brows. Through the din, you weren’t able to make out the comment but knowing the pair, you figured it was a dig at Jake’s fashion sense. True to your assumption, the pair began to trade good-natured jabs and you shook your head as you turned your attention elsewhere.
In the beginning, when Jake first invited you to join him at the Hard Deck - back when you could confidently tell the others that you were just friends, back when you believed that yourself - finding your place amongst the crowd seemed next to impossible.
The bar, once overwhelming and far too busy for someone used to less populated divers, was now familiar. Many of the faces were now ones you knew, ones you’d seen a dozen times over, and most of them would even greet you alongside Jake now. You often marveled at how quickly it seemed to become something akin to a home base, beloved and revered and a highlight of your week, but the thought never lasted longer than a moment. The Hard Deck was part of your life now, just as Jake was, and you weren’t one to question it.
Questions, in general, weren’t asked outright.
Though people stopped to speak with you occasionally, no one ever asked about your relationship status - no one outside of the group of friends Jake managed to make, anyway - and no one needed to. Just friends or not, it was clear to anyone who glanced your way that you were Jake Seresin’s girl.
Knowing that everyone saw you as Jake’s girl eased some of the weight pressing on your chest. It made it a little easier to breathe, made you feel a little more secure as you sat at the bar, but that feeling never lasted very long. It didn’t matter much what everyone else thought, not when you knew different. You weren’t his girl, not really, and that hurt more than you cared to admit.
The little moments, hallmarks of a relationship, were the ones that got you the most.
Jake had no problem placing a hand on the small of your back to guide you through the crowd or throwing an arm over your shoulders in a brief greeting when you joined him near the pool table, but that was as far as PDA went. 
Not being able to wander over to him, press a kiss to his shoulder, his jaw, the corner of his mouth as he stood with a pool cue and a beer in hand; not being able to warp your arms around his waist and lean fully into him, lose yourself in the weight of his arm wrapped around your shoulders or the feel of his hand in yours; not being able to love him in the way you so desperately wanted, eager to show him just how deeply you cared, made your chest ache in a way that was growing all too familiar.
It was growing all too difficult to keep up with the charade. Pretending that you were fine with the arrangement you made before you really got to know Jake - before you fell in love with him - seemed to be getting harder by the day but there wasn’t much you could say without losing him entirely. 
And when it came to Jake, you were used to being halfway happy.
There would come a time when halfway happy wasn’t enough, you knew that. But you hadn’t figured out how to live a life without him yet. The vast majority of your free time was spent with him - tucked into his sheets, his body between your thighs; lying on your couch, watching some shitty movie in one of his t-shirts as he lounged in sweats; sitting on the beach, sand covering your entire body and crashing of waves replacing the sound of his soft moans in your ears - and you knew that life without him would be an adjustment.
For now, however, you refused to dwell on what that might look like.
However, as hard as you tried to brush that thought away - the thought that one day, maybe soon, you’d be forced to live a life without Jake Seresin in it - it continued to plague you as you sat at the bar. The crowd shifted around you and you watched, eyes skimming the crowd but not truly seeing, as service members came and went.
The seat beside you had been empty for a while but you really only noticed when a new body filled the void to your right and knocked a knee into yours.
Bradley Bradshaw smiled at you, that soft half-smile he used when he wasn’t quite sure how to approach, before glancing at Penny and raising a hand for her to bring him another beer. When the bottle was placed in front of him, he turned back to you.
“Long time no see,” he began, smile growing a touch more real when you met his eyes. “Where’s Hangman been hiding you?”
A scoff, practiced and easy - hopefully enough to hide the dark cloud that had formed above your head - escaped before you took a sip from your now watered-down drink. “He wishes it was that easy to get rid of me,” you joked, smiling slightly when Bradley laughed. “I’ve just been busy. Work’s been kind of insane.”
Bradley hummed thoughtfully, considering your statement, before taking a sip of his beer. “Explains why Hangman’s been more annoying than usual lately.” The comment was teasing, a jab you’d heard more than once - most of the Dagger Squad claimed that Jake was more manageable with you around - but Bradley gave you no time to dismiss the thought as he continued, “Glad you were able to get out tonight, though.”
The group had been nothing but kind to you, welcoming in a way you hadn’t expected, and your smile grew a little wider as you nodded. “Yeah,” you agreed readily, “me, too.” Even if you’d driven yourself to distraction, thinking about what may never be, you were truly happy to be back at the Hard Deck. Still, you decided to shift the conversation to Bradley. “How’re you? I’ve heard this first class is… challenging.”
Jake didn’t speak of work often but he’d taken to venting some of his frustration with you, occasionally sharing his annoyance as you lounged in your living room, and you knew that their first class of Top Gun recruits was not the cakewalk they’d imagined. Bradley’s wince seemed to confirm Jake’s assessment.
“I know I wasn’t a saint when I was going through it,” he began, sparing a glance over his shoulder at a group of pilots in the corner, “but I don’t think I was ever that cocky.”
“I’m willing to bet Jake was.”
If the comment surprised Bradley, he didn’t let it show. Instead, he laughed and nodded his agreement easily. “Yeah, he was. Hasn’t changed much, either,” he pointed out, eying him where he stood near the dartboard with Coyote. You knew that it wasn’t exactly a negative observation - Jake and Bradley had grown to be friends, truly fond of one another, despite their differences - and smiled as he returned his attention to you. “Some of these kids are going to give him a run for his money, though.”
“Another Hangman? Yikes. How will the Navy survive?”
Bradley hid his grin behind his beer as he shrugged. “We may never know.”
The conversation tapered off then, a comfortable silence falling over the pair of you as the crowd continued to thrive around you. As Bradley turned his attention to the group of friends he’d wandered away from, you spared a glance at Jake. He hadn’t seemed to notice your new companion yet - or didn’t care enough to glance your way - and the thought made you sigh before returning your attention to Bradley.
It was no secret that Bradley Bradshaw was beautiful. His beauty was different than Jake’s - a little less polished, a little rougher around the edges - and there was a certain charm to him that drew people in. Some days, you wondered what life might’ve been like had you met any of the others before Jake managed to sweep you off your feet, but that wasn’t a thought you ever let run very far.
Like it or not, Jake Seresin had you in his clutches. You were in love and there was little you could do to change that.
Still, Bradley seemed to read the look on your face and laughed quietly. A wry smile twisted his lips as he took a pull from his beer. “No offense,” he began as he spared you a sideways glance, “you’re beautiful and if you were here with anyone other than Hangman, I wouldn’t hesitate. But I don’t feel like fighting him. Today, anyway.”
As Bradley glanced over his shoulder, in the direction of the dartboard, you allowed your gaze to follow. This time, Jake was already eying you and the expression on his face was unreadable, a stoic mask that you weren’t in the mood to decipher. He hadn’t given you that look in months and you had a sneaking suspicion he wouldn’t be giving you that look were it not for your company.
With a sigh, you returned your attention to the drink in front of you - now melted ice and a hint of vodka. “We’re just friends,” you explained, though the declaration sounded weak in your own ears, hollow and rehearsed, and you were unable to look him in the eye. You weren’t sure who you were really trying to convince; him or yourself.
“Does he know that?” When you tipped your head to fix him with an unimpressed look, Bradley raised a hand in mock defense. “Look, Hangman’s a lot of things - an ass, mostly - but he’s not subtle.”
A snort of agreement - undignified but honest - escaped with a nod. Jake Seresin didn’t believe in subtlety and you were a firsthand witness. Though, that was at least part of the reason you were certain friendship was the only offer on the table.
“Subtle he is not,” you agreed, swirling your glass just for something to occupy your hands, “and he has made it very clear that he’s not interested in a relationship. So, just friends. With benefits.”
“When was the last time you talked about it? Because, I’ll be honest, on that first night, none of us thought we’d see you again. But then you came back,” he reminded you, expression as serious as you’d ever seen it. “It’s been nearly a year. Even when you’re not here with him, he’s with us or Coyote, doesn’t even look at anyone else. We’ve all seen the change in him,” Bradley admitted, knee knocking into yours to get your undivided attention. “There’s more to you and we can all see it. We get Hangman but you get Jake.”
Realistically, there was no reason for Bradley to lie to you. There was no way he could know the fantasy you were certain only existed in the depths of your mind. You considered him a friend - an acquaintance, at least - but you weren’t close enough for him to feel the need to protect your feelings. There was no reason for him to tell you what you wanted to hear but that did little to calm the churning in the pit of your stomach.
The thought that Jake Seresin could love you in the way you loved him, that he could truly want you - all of you, not just the parts that were convenient - seemed impossible. Too good to be true, even.
“Y’know, if flying doesn’t work out, you could make a hell of a therapist.” Bradley fixed you with an unimpressed look, accompanied by a disappointed tilt of his head, at your deflection. “Fine,” you sighed. It was clear that he wouldn’t be swayed, convinced that he was doing you and Jake a favor, so you gave in to the line of conversation. “Sure, I get Jake, but not all of him. I get just enough to break my heart and, honestly, I don’t know if I can keep doing this, Bradley.”
“I try to avoid talking to Hangman at length,” Bradley joked. That was true once upon a time, though things had changed since the first Dagger mission. You knew he wouldn’t be trying so hard unless he truly cared about him - about you both - but the joke still pulled a small smile to your lips as he nudged your knee once more. “You can’t, though. That’s only setting you both up for hurt.”
“Alright, Dr. Bradshaw,” you teased, though it sounded weak in your own ears. Bradley rolled his eyes and you relented with a nod. “Yeah. You’re right, I know. I just… I don’t want to ruin what we’ve got. It’s better than nothing.”
“For now,” he reminded you before sparing a glance over his shoulder. When you followed his gaze, it landed squarely on Jake who was eying the pair of you with a look that you didn’t like very much. It was harder than it had been only moments before, darker. The set of his jaw, the narrowing of his eyes, the thin line of his lips - it was a look you’d only seen a handful of times and it tied your stomach in knots. “Looks like you’ll have plenty to talk about tonight, anyway.”
Bradley had the decency to hide his amusement with a pull from his beer as you huffed. “I really don’t like that look.”
“In his defense,” Bradley began, lifting himself from his stool, “I’m pretty sure it’s directed at me, not you.” He shrugged, seemingly unbothered by the weight of Jake’s gaze on his every move, and offered you a final smile as he reached for the new beer Penny left in place of his empty bottle. “Believe it or not, Hangman really is better when he’s with you. He’s tolerable, almost. And I think you’ll both be happier when you talk about it.”
“Yeah.” Another sigh, this one resigned to the fact that your night would end with a conversation you weren’t sure you were ready to have, before you shot him a half-hearted smile. “Thanks, Bradley.”
With a nod and a tap to the bar, Bradley turned to make his way back to the pool table. You could see the question in Phoenix’s eyes - in the raise of her brow when he returned - but didn’t bother keeping an eye on the conversation as your attention returned fully to Jake.
The moment Bradley wandered away, Jake pressed the remaining darts into Coyote’s hands and made his way through the crowd. He stood close, body radiating a heat that you usually found so comforting, and you nearly held your breath as he offered Penny his card to settle what had to be the smallest tab he’d ever started.
Green eyes, alight with an annoyance that told you Bradley was right - there would, indeed, be a conversation of some type before the night’s end - met yours. Instead of calming the rapid beat of your heart, it only seemed to send you spiraling further when he pressed a hand to the small of your back.
“You looked like you were having fun.”
It was casual - almost dismissive - the way he said it, but you could feel the ice in his comment chilling you to the core. Try as he might to feign nonchalance, you knew him. You could read the acid behind the charming smile he wore and swallowed hard.
This was his way of picking a fight - just as he had the first time a stranger at the Hard Deck hit on you, just as he had the last time a stranger at another bar stood a little too close - and you were in no mood to indulge him. You weren’t interested in admitting you hadn’t really considered anyone else a possibility in months, that you hadn’t even really looked at anyone else since beginning your relationship with him.
Instead, you brushed his hand away and stood from your stool before beginning to nudge your way out of the bar.
There was no doubt Jake was on your heels, so close your could still smell his cologne, but you didn’t dare spare him a glance until you reached the passenger side of his vehicle. When you turned to glance at him, shoulders slumped and backs of your eyes stinging with traitorous tears, the frown on his face drew a weary sigh.
“I’m tired, Jake,” you lied, arms folding over your chest. “Just take me home, please.”
Jake’s hands flexed, desperate to keep himself calm - and to keep himself from falling into the habit of reaching for you, tugging you into his chest and kissing you breathless with the intent of reminding you just whose name sounded best on the tip of your tongue. “I’m sure Rooster would have no problem taking you home. Why don’t you ask him?”
The sneer was unsurprising. Jake’s tried and true tactic in response to any kind of hurt - real or perceived - remained a sharp remark, designed to cut deep and you could feel your own weariness being replaced by annoyance. It tasted bitter, harsh and unfamiliar, as you shook your head. 
“We were just talking.” It took considerable effort to keep your voice even, devoid of the anger you knew he was hoping to draw, but you managed as you met his gaze head on.
Jake scoffed, wholly unconvinced, and smiled that sardonic smile that made you understand why so many people seemed to dislike Hangman - a persona you were fortunate enough to have been beyond. That wasn’t Jake, not the one you knew, and you reminded yourself of that, even as he declared, “Sure didn’t look like it from where I was standing.”
“I don’t know what you think you saw, Jake, but I wasn’t flirting with Bradley.” The assertion was strong, confident, and accompanied by a glare you hoped would hurt him as much as he was hurting you. “But, honestly,” you began, words spilling into the night air before you could think twice, “so what if I was? I can flirt with whoever I want because we’re just friends. Right?”
A twitch of his jaw, the slightest gesture but telling, was the only reaction you managed to pull from him. Instead, he shut down and that stoic mask - a front, hiding the raging sea that still swirled in the depths of his eyes - returned as he reached for the door handle. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it."
“Then what are we, Jake?” The question was quiet, nearly lost to the crashing of waves, and Jake gave no indication that he’d heard you outside of another tic of his jaw.
No answer was offered, no insight into what ran through his head. Instead, Jake pulled open the passenger door and tipped his chin toward the seat. “Get in.”
While silence with Jake was not uncommon, it had never been uncomfortable. You’d gotten into the habit of spending the odd night together, lying in silence as you both read or scrolled through your phones in the afterglow of sex, but it was comfortable. There was never a weight to it but the silence that lingered on the ride to your place pressed on your chest and constricted your lungs.
Tension, thick and blinding, filled the car, even as Jake pulled into your driveway and shut off the engine. Neither of you spoke for a long moment, both staring straight ahead and attempting to gather your thoughts. You were tempted to go inside, leaving Jake behind, and calling it a night. But you couldn’t help yourself.
“You matter to me, you asshole,” you reminded him, voice a whisper in the darkness. “You know that, right?”
“Yeah? Rooster matter to you, too?”
The lack of venom in the question told you that he didn’t mean it. It was a reflex, his go-to when he felt cornered - likely by the realization that tonight would not end the way either of you imagined it would - and you wanted to give him grace. But this had become more frequent lately, a bitter end to nice nights, and had been working your nerves. Combined with the acrid taste of reality you’d doused yourself with earlier in the night, you couldn’t bite your tongue.
With a shake of your head, you unbuckled your seatbelt and turned to look at Jake. “You just can’t help yourself, can you? Jesus, sometimes I think you were put on this earth for the sole purpose of being an asshole.” When Jake rolled his eyes, scoffing at the comment, you huffed. “Everyone can see that I’m in love with you, you dickhead. Bradley was trying to convince me that I should say something because it’s been so obvious to everyone but you for nearly a year and I can’t keep pretending that I’m okay with just being friends with benefits.”
Jake Seresin was not one to doubt himself, nor was he one to doubt the intentions of others. His romantic exploits had given him a great deal of confidence in navigating conversations about lust or even infatuation, but a confession of love was, undoubtedly, not something he’d been expecting to hear. For just a moment, you could see a flicker of surprise in his eyes before he blinked and shook his head. “You don’t mean that.”
It was clear that he hadn’t been loved in a long while - not by a partner, someone not obligated to love him through blood or shared trauma - and your heart broke as you watched him attempt to process the implication. What you had was safe, a way for him to keep his walls in tact while experiencing a modicum of the affection he so desperately wanted, but it wasn’t enough.
For either of you, it seemed.
Beneath the doubt, the surprise, lingered a glimmer of something bright. You refused to believe that it could be hope - because hope was the thing that would kill you - but you were in too deep to end the conversation there. So, you nodded.
“Yeah, I do. I’m in love with you. I know the lines have blurred in the last few months and a label doesn’t change much but, fuck, I can’t keep doing this. I can’t deal with not knowing where I stand with you. I can’t deal with being called your girl but knowing I’m really not. I can’t keep pretending that I’m okay playing house when I can’t even confidently tell my family about you.” With a sigh, you shook your head and admitted, “Half-happy isn’t enough for me anymore, Jake.”
Jake remained silent for a moment, statue still in the driver’s seat, but you could see the emotions flickering in his eyes. A part of you wanted to beg him to speak, to tell you to leave or that he was flattered but it would never work or that he was sorry to have lead you on, but you remained quiet and allowed him to process. And after the longest few moments of your life - in reality, no more than a minute or two - he lifted a warm hand to cup your jaw.
As if in slow motion, Jake leaned over the console and pressed his mouth to yours in a searing kiss. Though you’d kissed him more times than you could count over the last year, this kiss was unlike any other you’d shared. It was rough, passionate and clumsy with a lack of finesse Jake usually possessed, but it spoke volumes. His fingers pressed into the hinge of your jaw, lips warm and searching as he gave himself fully to the embrace.
The warmth of him, overwhelming in the small space, bled into your skin and sent a shiver down your spine as you allowed yourself a moment to indulge. The kiss felt like a goodbye - only comparable to the one you’d shared before Jake left for a weeklong mission - and you weren’t sure if you’d get another.
“Jake, stop,” you mumbled against his mouth, shifting your head as best you could to break the kiss. Despite the hold he kept on you, he allowed you to pull away and remained close as you tipped your head to search his face. There was no hint of what he was feeling, though you took a moment to commit the look to memory - the flushed cheeks, the ruddy lips, the bright eyes - before sighing. “You can’t get out of this conversation with sex.”
“We’re not just friends,” he repeated, voice so soft it made your chest ache. It was a tone you’d only heard once before, in the dim of your bedroom the night he returned, and it was accompanied by a softening of his features as he smoothed a thumb across your cheekbone. “You know it, and so do I.”
Hope, the thing you’d so desperately avoided for so long in relation to Jake Seresin, began to bloom in the pit of your stomach as soft eyes searched your face. That didn’t sound like a goodbye - in fact, it sounded more like a greeting, a welcome to feelings you’d both avoided breathing aloud - but you needed him to say it.
“Jake.” The murmur of his name was pleading, a desperate request for him to confirm that he shared your feelings, and it made him shift just a little closer.
“I’m in love with you, too,” he confirmed, corner of his mouth kicking up in a soft smile as you exhaled. The admittance felt like a jolt of adrenaline and you were half-certain you’d misheard him. But he doubled down and continued, “I have been for months.”
A warmth spread throughout your limbs, bright and burning hot, as you searched his face for any hint of deceit. Jake wouldn’t lie, not about this, but you were still cautious as you leaned into his touch.
Realistically, you knew that Jake had to have felt something for you. You’d been together for months in everything but name - starting with the first night he slept over - but to hear him confirm he felt the same, that he loved you, too, was almost too much. You’d spent so long telling yourself there was no way, that Jake couldn’t want you in the same way you wanted him, that you needed to hear him say it once more.
“Tell me again.”
Jake smiled, eyes bright even in the dim light filtering in through the window, as he leaned in. “I love you,” he repeated, lips brushing yours and breath fanning across your cheek.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” The question escaped before you could stop it, necessary to ask but not one you’d pictured bringing up so soon. Jake, however, seemed to have expected it.
“We said no strings,” he reminded you, shrugging slightly. “Even without them, we were’t seeing other people so I thought you knew and were happy with where we were. You said everyone knew you were in love with me. They knew I was in love with you, too.”
It was as if his answer should’ve been obvious, known to everyone but the two of you, and you realized that Bradley’s insistence you talk to Jake was coming from a place of knowledge rather than intuition. You were Jake’s girl and there was no reason to question it - it was fact, easily seen by anyone who happened to glance, but easy to miss when you were so caught up in your own head.
Still, you couldn’t help but ask, “Then why have you been such an ass lately? More than usual, anyway.”
Despite the huff of laughter that escaped, Jake’s smile quickly fell into a frown as his thumb brushed your cheekbone. He paused for a moment, seeming to consider his answer, before he sighed. His eyes searched your face, for what you weren’t sure. “This year has been pretty calm,” he began, frown deepening. “I’m usually gone, out of touch for months. I can’t give you what you deserve and I was waiting for you to figure that out. We weren’t seeing other people but there was never a conversation saying we couldn’t.”
“You were jealous?”
A small part of you expected him to deny it - to scoff and insist that Jake Seresin was immune to jealousy - but you could see the hint of insecurity in his eyes. The walls were crumbling in real time, shattering to pieces and baring the depths of his soul, and you couldn’t say you were surprised to see him shrug.
“More like I was just waiting for you to end things, realize a relationship wouldn’t work and move on with someone who could make you happy.”
Jake’s admission told you more than you imagined he intended. Though he’d had his fair share of experience before you, it was clear that very few of his relationships had been more serious than a brief affair. And for all his bravado, his esteem had taken a hit. He saw himself as enough to bed, enough to ogle, but not enough to love and you could feel the ache in your chest grow more prominent as you lifted your own hand to cup his cheek.
The warmth of his skin bled into your palm and you blinked back the sting of tears as Jake turned his head just enough to press a kiss to your palm. “I haven’t even considered anyone else since we met. I know it’s not always going to be easy but it’s worth it. You’re worth it.”
As soon as you finished speaking, Jake surged forward and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was enough to steal your breath, to express the words he couldn’t quite speak just yet, and you sank into it fully. The seatbelt buckle dug into your skin, uncomfortable but tolerable as you focused on Jake’s touch, and you knew that this was where you were meant to be.
“Come inside,” you urged the moment Jake broke the kiss. Breathless and warm, you knew where the night was headed and didn’t want to lose yourself in the confines of the car.
Jake grinned at your invitation, eyes glittering with an amusement you’d missed, as he pulled away and unbuckled his own seatbelt. “You gonna let me?”
The double entendre was one you’d brought upon yourself but you still rolled your eyes fondly as you headed for the front door. “I hate you,” you called over your shoulder, laughing as he followed you into your home.
“No, you don’t. You love me,” he gloated, countenance brighter than you’d seen it in months as he pushed the door shut and locked it behind him.
“Why, I’ll never know.” 
It was teasing, a taunt that made Jake roll his eyes, but he refused to let it linger as he reached out and gripped your hips. Jake pulled you close, body pressed to yours against the front door, and tipped his head to brush his lips against yours. “Why don’t we put that mouth to better use, sweetheart,” he proposed, smirking as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Jake gave you no chance to respond. He leaned in and pressed his mouth to yours once more, captured your lips in a searing kiss that lit a flame to the already smoldering embers of arousal settling in the pit of your stomach. His fingers dug into the skin of your hips, pulled you as close as he could manage, and you knew there would be a reminder of his touch left in the morning.
The kiss tasted of mint and a hint of alcohol, achingly familiar in a way you never expected to love, and stole your breath as his hands slipped beneath the hem of your top. As his fingers skated across your skin, calloused and warm, he began to wander backward in the direction of your bedroom.
As many times as you’d done this, making the trek to your room was easy. You managed to avoid causing any damage - to your furniture or yourselves - and only broke the kiss the moment you stepped through the doorway.
Jake was always a sight to behold, golden and beautiful in even the worst moments, but there was something about him in moments like this that made you want nothing more than to observe him. There was a hint of pink dusting the tops of his cheeks, his lips ruddy and kiss swollen, and his hair mussed from your fingers raking through it.
“You can take a picture if you want,” he teased, grinning as he reached for the hem of your top. “Give you something to get off to when I’m away.”
“Fuck off,” you huffed, though it lacked venom entirely as you allowed him to strip the garment and toss it into a corner. “How do you want me?”
“You’re letting me choose? Damn, you must really love me.” Jake laughed at the look you shot him - unimpressed, though it was a struggle to hide your amusement - and knocked your hand away from the button of your jeans. “Hands off. That’s my job.” As the denim fell to the floor, exposing you to his hungry gaze, he whistled lowly. “Fuck, sugar, you get better every time. Lie back for me. I wanna take my time with you.”
With Jake, there was never any shame. He made you feel wanted, desired in a way no one else had, and you reveled in the feeling of his gaze roving your skin. He knew every inch of you, had been privy to this view more times than you could count, but something about the look in his eyes made you feel truly seen. It was as if he were looking at you for the first time all over again and you offered him a sultry smile as you settled onto the bed.
“It’s not fair I’m nearly naked and you’re fully clothed. Lose the jeans, cowboy.” Jake grinned at your order, however teasing it was, and readily shucked off his button-down and jeans. Just as he had, you let out a low whistle and winked when he approached the foot of the bed. “I hate to boost your ego but, Jesus, you’re hot.”
Jake didn’t bother responding. Instead, he climbed onto the bed and settled above you, caging you between his arms and grinning when you shuddered at the feeling of his heated skin meeting yours. He was careful not to settle his full weight onto you, only pressed enough to feel him, and leaned in to ghost kisses along the curve of your jaw.
Warm hands skated across your exposed skin, fingers tracing a path of fire down your arm, across your stomach, along the band of your panties, as he pressed his mouth to the pulse point just below your ear. There was little doubt he could feel the way your heart hammered beneath his lips, racing with every shift of his body, and you could feel his mouth curve into a smirk as his fingers dipped beneath the fabric of your panties.
“What d’you want, sweets? All you gotta do is ask, and I’ll give it to you,” he promised, calloused fingers skating along the top of your mound.
Every twitch of his fingers sent a shiver down your spine, had your heart rate doubling and set your skin alight. He was so close to where you wanted him and you knew that this time, he would give in the moment you asked. As your fingers threaded in his hair, nails raking through the mussed strands, you shifted your hips and sighed.
“Touch me, please.” The plea was soft, whispered in his ear as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, and you could feel the warmth of his breath as he exhaled heavily. When he didn’t move, fingers still against your skin, you whispered the words you knew would set him in motion. “Always make me feel so good,” you praised, one hand falling to his shoulder as your nails lightly scraped across his skin. “No one else could ever compare.”
“Damn right.” The praise, as expected, spurred him on. Jake’s hand slipped lower, fingers gliding through the slick between your thighs, and he groaned at the feeling. “Fuck, so wet, sugar. Just for me?”
“Always for you,” you confirmed, nails digging into his shoulder as his thumb brushed your aching clit. “Only for you.”
A soft sigh escaped as Jake coated his fingers in your slick, mouth pressed to your skin as he nipped at the delicate skin of your throat, and you could feel his cock twitch against your thigh. He knew exactly how to press your buttons, how to push you over the edge with only a few swipes of his fingers or tongue, and you arched into the feeling of his mouth traveling lower as he pressed his fingers into your entrance.
Jake trailed kisses down the column of your throat, across the delicate skin of your collarbone, and winked when he reached your breasts. He nipped at the soft skin, just enough to send a jolt down your spine, before he continued his descent. When he reached the band of your panties, he took the material between his teeth and began to tug, only removing his fingers from your center to rid you of the material.
Before you could whine at the loss, Jake gripped your thighs and parted them just enough to shoulder his way between them. He pressed himself as close as he could, placed one of your thighs over his shoulder, and turned his head to mouth at the soft skin of your thigh as his fingers returned to your center.
Every drag of his fingers was purposeful, slow and deliberate and designed to have you seeing stars, and you could feel the band in the pit of your stomach growing taut as his thumb circled your clit. Those eyes, blown black with lust, lifted to your face as your fingers threaded in his hair once more, and you nearly came from the sight alone.
Having Jake between your thighs, fingers dripping your slick and focus entirely on your pleasure, was more of a power trip than anything you’d ever experienced. Every nerve ending felt like a live wire, jolts of pleasure shooting down your spine as his fingers pressed deeper and deeper, and you could only manage to cry out his name as the first orgasm - of many, you were sure - washed over you.
“There we go, sweets,” he encouraged, breath fanning over your center and making you cry out, “look so fucking pretty when you fall apart for me. Can I have a taste?”
Despite the aftershocks, the tension in your thighs and the difficulty you seemed to have finding the words to convey your pleasure, you used the grip on his hair to tug his face closer to your center. Luckily, you’d been here before - knew one another well enough to speak without words - and Jake took your answer for what it was worth.
Jake’s mouth was sinful and you could feel him smirk at the moan that filled your room as he swiped his tongue through your folds. He returned the noise, groaning at the taste of you, and gripped your thighs to tug you closer. The feeling of his fingers, slick with your release, pressing into your skin coupled with the broad swipes of his tongue, desperate to push you over the edge once more, sent your pulse skyrocketing as you tugged his hair and ground your hips in search of relief.
The pleasure was overwhelming, all-consuming in the most perfect of ways, and you knew that he would spend his night between your thighs, if you let him. His nose brushed your clit with every tilt of his head, tongue lapping at the release you’d already given him, and you could see stars bursting behind your eyelids as he doubled down on his ministrations and returned his fingers to your center.
That second orgasm - truly, a continuation of the first as he hadn’t let you come down - had your back arching from the bed and your fingers gripping Jake’s hair, just a little too tight. He pressed his free hand to your hip, eager to keep you in place, and hummed as he lapped at the release you gave him.
While you knew he would keep going, push you to a third release with his mouth and fingers if you let him, you used your grip on his hair to weakly tug him away as the stimulation began to grow overwhelming. Your thighs shook beneath his hands and your breath came in heaving pants, unable to fill your lungs quick enough, and Jake grinned as he lifted his head.
“Tastes like heaven,” he declared, laughing only when you huffed a breathless noise of amusement. “You good, or you need a minute?”
As Jake shifted, hand on your hip and eyes searching your face in search of an answer, you beckoned him closer. Despite the evidence of your slick coating his mouth and chin, you tugged him in for a kiss and sighed into it as he eagerly returned the embrace.
Against your hip, you could feel the evidence of his arousal - small wet patch blooming against the fabric of his briefs, cock straining and weighing heavily against your skin - and you shifted your hips, just enough to make him groan.
“I’m good,” you assured him, voice hoarse with pleasure and still breathless. “Please, wanna feel you.”
Jake sighed as your hands, lightly trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm, trailed along his torso to the band of his briefs. He shifted, just enough to allow you to nudge them down, before tugging them the rest of the way off and tossing them to join your clothes. 
The weight of his body pressed to yours, skin warm and slick with the lightest sheen of sweat, had you keening as the tip of his cock brushed your clit before nudging your entrance. Jake inhaled sharply at the feeling, fingers digging into the skin of your hip, and only moved when you begged him to.
Jake pressed forward, moving slowly to give you a moment to adjust, and leaned forward to press his forehead to yours when your nails sank into his shoulder once more. “You can take it, sweets,” he encouraged, voice brittle as he sank into you. “Fuck, I know you can take it. Always so good for me.”
Each sensation felt magnified as Jake settled fully inside of you. The weight of his body pressed to yours, the warmth of his breath on your neck, the rough pads of his fingers as they stroked your hipbone to calm you as your muscles twitched with overstimulation, every ridge and vein of his cock as it stretched your walls; everything felt overwhelming in the most beautiful way possible and you couldn’t help the pleading moan that escaped as Jake shifted his hips experimentally.
With your approval, Jake began to move slowly. Each thrust was methodical, deep and searching for that spot that had you seeing stars, and you could see the tension in his jaw as he began to build a satisfying rhythm. With an experimental shift of his hips, the tip of his cock nudged a spot that drew a gasp from you and he grinned triumphantly.
“Right there?” When you moaned, unable to do more than tangle your fingers in his hair and tug him impossibly closer, Jake nipped at the curve of your jaw. “That’s it,” he encouraged, hand snaking between your bodies to rub at your aching clit. “Tell me how it feels, sweets,” he demanded, voice rough in your ear as he shifted his head just enough to catch a glimpse of your face. “Feel good?”
The shattered moan you released, keening and so desperate it made his hips stutter, wasn’t quite enough. It spurred him on, had his hips moving faster, and you cried out at the lewd sound of his hips meeting your skin. “So,” the answer was split by a broken moan, a sharp gasp as he hiked your thigh around his waist for a better angle, and Jake smirked at the way your eyes rolled back.
“So, what,” he pressed, seeking an answer that he knew you were nearly unable to give. “I need an answer, pretty girl. If I don’t get one, you don’t get to come.”
Jake’s threat wasn’t empty - he’d never left you truly hanging but he had taken a particular liking to edging, pulling you to the brink only to push you back until you gave in to his requests - and you whined at the way his hips slowed the longer you took to answer.
“So good,” you cried out, finally able to catch your breath just enough to answer. “Fuck, so good!”
He hummed, pleased by your answer, and began to pick up the pace once more as your hand returned to his hair. Though breathing was difficult enough, oxygen hard to come by even in gasps, you still dragged him in for a kiss that was more a clash of lips and teeth and tongue than a true embrace as your vision began to white around the edges.
Jake could read you better than a well-loved novel, saw the signs before you could, and pressed your hips into the mattress as he sank deeper and deeper. His thumb worked tight circles over your clit, just as desperate for you to fall over the edge as you were, and you could feel his gaze searing into your skin as you came for the third time.
The ringing of your ears nearly drowned out the sound of Jake’s groan, deep and desperate as he snapped his hips a few more times in search of his own release. Every inch of your skin felt too warm and air felt impossible to come by, but you rode out the wave with the help of Jake’s hands skating across your skin.
Jake fell to the mattress at your side, careful to remain close but keep enough distance to make you comfortable, and for a few long moments, the only noise in the room was the ragged sounds of you both attempting to catch your breath.
When you could feel your temperature returning to normal, the tingling in the tips of your fingers and toes leaving, you moved your hand just enough to grab his and intertwine your fingers. “You have such a praise kink,” you teased, still breathless and voice hoarse with use as you turned your head to find Jake already looking at you.
Instead of denying it, Jake laughed and squeezed your hand. “I want to make sure my girl feels good,” he defended, shrugging as best he could. “Somethin’ wrong with that?”
“I keep feeding your ego, but you’ve never left me wanting,” you assured him, rolling your eyes when he smirked. “So, I’m your girl now?”
It was his turn to roll his eyes as he tugged you closer. “You’ve been my girl for a while now,” he reminded you. “Nothing changes except I can tell people to fuck off if they get too close.”
With a sigh, you rested your head on his shoulder and tipped your chin just enough to meet his gaze. As his fingers brushed along the heated skin of your side, warm and threatening to lull you to sleep, you tapped his chest. “I’m yours. The jealousy thing isn’t cute. You can’t lose your shit every time I talk to someone. You’re the only one I want and you have to trust that. You have to trust me.”
“I do,” he promised, gaze softening. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t fair of me to take my fears out on you. It won’t happen again,” he assured you.
Though there were still questions to be answered and a conversation to be had, you trusted that you were on the same page. And as he brushed at your heated skin, fingers skating across your back and side, you drifted to sleep with the knowledge that you were Jake’s girl, just as you had been all along.
Author’s Note: How did we get here. My smut is rusty and I need to practice. But instead I’m working on Hangman angst. Whoops.
Taglist: @lulu-noodles, @holachicos, @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth, @withakindheartx, @ssprayberrythings, @verin93, @totalwitch2, @malindacath, @alexparkxr, @hangmandruigandmav, @alexxavicry, @calicokel, @jaymum, @dracosluvbot, @little-wiseone, @specialk6802, @mandylove1000, @xlynnx07, @julesclues, @archetypesoflife, @oliviah-25, @benhardysdrumstick, @caatheeriinee07, @prettymucheveryothernamewastaken, @yvespoems, @chloereidwayne, @flower-name​
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anqelically · 5 months
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SUMMARY. you’ve set up a meeting with a member of the port mafia to gain information, yet the man that greets you treats you like an old friend from the past
WARNINGS. fem!reader, 2.8k words, beast!au spoilers, angst, you take oda’s place
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you were never too keen on the idea of meeting someone whose face you’ve never seen. as a cautious woman, who also worked as a detective for a living, you’d normally deny a meeting with someone unfamiliar. however, to deny a gathering in your current situation could cost the life of a boy you took in as a subordinate.
the lives of those younger than you were of the utmost importance.
ryunosuke akutagawa was your subordinate, who, blindly, stormed into the headquarters of the most dangerous organization in yokohama. in order to save his little sister, akutagawa broke into the port mafia’s building by himself to get her back.
since he was a member of the agency, it was part of your mission to rescue him. as you walked towards a lone bar in ginza, you never forgot that. a cigarette burned away in your dominant hand as you walked towards bar lupin.
your aim was to aid akutagawa in what would happen after his escape from the port mafia. the reason you were meeting with the person in charge of of monetary security for the mafia was to gain information. with a threat dangerous to the port mafia, a bargain can be made. the akutagawas can be safe from the port mafia, and the port mafia can be safe from the government.
the cigarette in your hand was put out when you rubbed it against the brick wall. you threw the unfinished product into the trashcan nearby before you took quiet steps down the stairs towards the bar. you were sure it was the location based on the sign outside.
the moment you had opened the door, the mellow, low tune of jazz reached your ears. your e/c eyes scanned the almost empty bar in front of you. at the actual bar itself sat one lone man. from his stature, he was definitely not the old man you were expecting.
his hair, dark as coffee beans, covered his face before he turned around. a smile adorned the unfamiliar man’s face as he looked at you with a shine in his rich, brown eye. the other one seemed to be wrapped in bandages, just like the ends of his arms. he was handsome, if you had to say. but for someone dressed like a port mafia hitman, he greeted you like you knew each other well.
“n/n, it’s been a while,” he spoke, voice soft. “were you smoking again? i can smell the stench from a mile away, you know.”
“i suppose it’s not unusual for you to smell it,” you responded. “but you say it’s been a while... have we met before?”
the man closed his eye, an almost silent sigh escaping his mouth. once you could see his uncovered eye again, the shine that was once there seemed to dull. it was still there, but harder for you to see in the dimly lit bar. he pushed down the sphere of ice in his drink.
“no, we haven’t met yet. this is the first time. the first time i’ve entered this bar, first time i drank here, first time we’ve met here, in this crazy world. a whole lotta firsts, wouldn’t you say, n/n?”
“yeah, it’s a lot.”
you found yourself sitting one stool away from the man. a bittersweet silence was draped amongst the two of you and for some reason, you felt the urge to change it as soon as possible. you wanted to fall into light conversation you’d normally have with someone close to you. it was odd, really. you were here for a purpose, yet you sat by idly.
“hey, i’ve got a question.” if the man wasn’t going to speak first, you would. you asked, “if we’re going to sit here, what should i call you? i doubt you’d want me to call you mister bandages.”
“well, calling me yours would be just fine,” he playfully smirked at you. “darling wouldn’t be bad either.”
“so it’s going to be like that?”
“of course it is. i have a nickname for you, and you have one for me. it’s only fair, isn’t it? but, i have a question for you. if we’re going to be here, what would you like to drink? pick your poison, belladonna.”
you let your chin rest on your hand, “well, i usually only drink with my coworkers and when i’m tired. i always have a lime margarita, if you can make that for me, darling.”
he smiled as he went behind the bar, “hm, i suppose i can make it. but since you’re here with me for the first time, how about we drink something else for the first time too? i can make a mean french martini, surprisingly. i’ve watched it get made plenty of times.”
“if you insist, go ahead. if it tastes bad, don’t be surprised when i give you 0 stars.”
“ouch, how low.”
dazai, to your surprise, began to create the drink as if he knew the bar like the back of his hand. he grabbed the right drinks from their respective places without even looking at the labels to create the cocktail. it was as if the bar was his.
while he was at it, you asked him something that had been bothering you from the moment he first talked. “you called me n/n when i entered the bar, so it’s safe to say that it refers to me. why call me that?”
“why?” he hummed. “i should ask you that. do you not like it?”
“it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. it’s just… no one has ever called me that before. everyone just calls me y/n, but not you, clearly.”
he lowered his gaze and the corners of his lips turned up. that smile of his, you could read it clear as day. you were able to tell that this man wasn’t smiling from what you’ve said, not even genuinely smiling. he smiled for the sake of himself. you didn’t know what he was thinking or feeling, but you were sure it had to do with yourself. there was no way it didn’t.
“and no one’s ever called me their darling until you have, n/n. it’s another first for the both of us, and we did it together. but hey, i have some stories i’ve been living to tell you. can i?”
after giving him the go-ahead, he excitedly talked about dealing with a bomb and giving his underlings firm tofu. the way he told his stories was like a little child coming home from the first day of school and telling their parents about their new friends.
once he was done, he slid the drink right in front of you and took a seat. however, it was not the seat he was originally at when you walked into the bar. getting closer that he was, he sat on the stool to your left. he held up his drink and, as if it were engraved into your body, you clinked your glass against his without a thought.
“well go ahead, taste it! let’s see if it really is worth 0 stars,” he urged you.
the way he stared into your eyes with anticipation, it was another strange thing you’ve noticed. he was genuinely happy. he was probably the strangest person you’ve ever met, and you’ve met some odd people.
after having a thought, you picked up the glass. you pressed it against your lips and took a sip, aware of the eye on you. once you swallowed and set the drink down, you could see a satisfied smile in your peripheral vision.
“good, huh?” the brunette asked.
“it really is,” you confirmed. “not 0 stars.”
“see? what did i tell you, belladonna? a french martini suits you, though. you can always ask me to make you some if you want.”
“maybe. i’d ask if you can cook as well, but your firm tofu says otherwise.”
he chuckled, “yeah, i’m not much of a cook. i always had someone else cook for me. it was edible too. she was much better than i was at cooking. at a lot of things, actually.”
“she seems like a woman of talent.”
“that’s right, she was. i’ve missed her… i’ve missed her a lot these past years.”
“a mother?”
“nope, my mom had been long gone from my life. this woman… she was much more than that.”
you couldn’t find anything else to say, so you remained quiet. that was, until the bandage-wearing man brought up why you two even decided to meet in the first place. he asked for more details.
“a subordinate of mine is in danger, and i want to cut a deal. it’d be a miracle if he came out it one piece, let alone with the person he’s been searching for. if he makes it out, i have no doubt that the port mafia will hunt him down. i want to cut a deal that’ll benefit us both.”
after contemplating, he murmured, “akutagawa’s lucky to have come across a good teacher like you.”
“excuse me?”
“you don’t need to worry about akutagawa. after today, the mafia will never lay another finger on him. there’s no catch; he’ll be able to live the rest of his life in peace... besides, this is what i’ve had planned since the beginning... if he makes it out of the mafia headquarters alive, that is.”
what he told you was was confirmed your suspicions. taking another sip of the martini, you looked him straight in the eye. you’ve let yourself come off as laid back, but now your expression was stern. he was caught off-guard.
“tell me, why did you lure him? why did you lure akutagawa into your headquarters, osamu dazai?”
it went silent, so much so that the music didn’t reach either of your ears.
“guess you’ve figured it out. i can’t fool you, can i?” he quipped. “you’ve always been quite intelligent.”
“you’re the gave out the hints. when talking about the tofu, you talked about underlings. you spoke like you had a lot of them. then, you talked about akutagawa without me even saying his name. not to mention how you’ve had plans from the beginning. only the port mafia’s boss would know, and be able to plan much. you’re the reason akutagawa is searching for his sister in the first place. this is over.”
“no, wait-!”
dazai reached out his arm, but he halted at the familiar click of a gun. his eye widened and he could only look at you with a horrified expression. he didn’t even have to look down to know your trusty pistol was in your hand.
“please put the gun away,” dazai begged, his face contorting to an expression of sorrow.
“i’m sorry, but i’m afraid i can’t do that. if i do, who knows what’ll happen to me? but then again, i’m already screwed if this is a trap. the port mafia’s boss is cunning, so i’m done acting like we’re close.”
“i didn’t want to become the boss! i… and i didn’t think of it as an act, not at all. it’s the truth, i swear.”
he looked at you so sincerely that you almost dropped the gun from your side. raw emotion was behind his words, or so you thought. maybe he could still be lying to you? maybe lying to himself. after all, there are liars so good that they’ve deceived themselves.
you looked down at your lap, “i guess that i’ve got to come up with another plan for saving akutagawa. well, if i can leave this establishment alive, that is.”
dazai insisted, “this isn’t a trap. i would never even dream of doing something like that to you, n/n.”
“my name is l/n y/n, not n/n.”
another shot to the chest.
“right, y/n. you asked me why i lured akutagawa to the mafia headquarters, right? well, i did it to protect this world.”
you raised a brow, “this world?”
“this is but one of countless worlds. and in another world, the original world, you and i were- we were—”“
“i love you,” he recalls the light touch of your fingers burning up his skin, “and there’s nothing in any universe that would change that.”
“—we were friends. you and i were friends in the original world. we drank at this bar and spent time together talking about the most insignificant things.”
dazai can also remember your last moments. you were laying in your own pool of blood when he finally caught up to you. when you spoke to him, you spoke in that same calm voice you’ve always had. and then, the smoke of the cigarette in your hand had dissipated into nothing, just like the light in your eyes.
“even if that were true, that doesn’t change what you did to akutagawa and his sister. you separated them, and now here we are,” you reminded dazai. “we may have been close in the original world, as you call it, but we are enemies now.
“i love you—“
dazai’s eyes searched for something the air that wasn’t there. his eye darted around, and his lips would slightly part and shut after a few seconds. his face twisted as he continued to remember everything.
“—and there’s nothing in any universe that would change that.”
“it was hard... it was really hard fighting mimic without you in the organization. i had no choice but to take over for mori and make enemies of everyone around me to expand the business,” dazai finally looked back at you. slowly, his hands reached for your cheeks. “everything i did was for this world’s- for you. i needed a world where you can sit here, happy with the people around you again.”
for a reason you couldn’t decipher, the hand that held your gun began to tremble. well, maybe it had been trembling for a long time and you were only now just recognizing it. dazai’s hands, cold and soft at the touch, held your face as if you were the most delicate thing in the world.
it was a touch of a lover.
coming down to that conclusion, everything made sense to you. dazai always looked at you like you were closest thing to him, a lifeline if you may. his nicknames, the flirting, it was all because...
“we were in a relationship, weren’t we?”
dazai would’ve missed your words if the proximity between the two of you wasn’t this close. the way he froze in his spot had answered enough, and you could only sigh. slowly, you put your gun back into your jacket and rested your hands on dazai’s.
you gently pried his hands off of your face and held them between your own. you felt no specific feelings from the action, but you were sure dazai did based off of how his face softened.
“i’m sorry, but you have to leave your feelings out of this. i don’t know how you know what happened in the original world, and i won’t ask. i just have to tell you that i don’t feel what you do. like i said, you and i are enemies here. as long as you control the port mafia and i’m part of the armed detective agency, it’ll remain this way.”
“nothing in any universe that would change that.”
“i see,” dazai took his hands back and rested them on his lap. “well, the reason i invited you here in the first place was to say goodbye.”
“you really don’t plan on ever seeing me again?”
“you said it, didn’t you? we’re enemies as long as we’re associated with the organizations we’re in. so after today, i won’t see you again. it’ll only hurt more if i do.”
“then this makes this a goodbye,” you watched as he stood up from his stool, hands in his pockets.
“yes, it does. a life with someone you can say goodbye to is a good life, especially when it hurts so much to say it to them. am i wrong?”
“i guess you wouldn’t be... i haven’t said goodbye to anyone and have it pain me,” you replied, feeling bad for the port mafia’s boss.
“i hope you don’t for a long time. but one day, that time will come. you won’t be prepare for it, but all i can tell you is to let it in. feel everything, and see where it takes you.” dazai faintly smiled before he turned his back to you and began to walk away, “goodbye, n/n.”
“goodbye, my darling.”
painfully, dazai grit his teeth and resisted thew urge to look back. in goodbyes, that’s what they always do. they turn around and crash into the person they’re supposed to be leaving. he didn’t want to do that. this was his goodbye to you, even if it didn’t mean much. if he was going to keep this world functioning, he won’t leave it with you in any pain.
‘be happy, okay? even if it’s without me, be happy. as long as you’re alive, somewhere, i’ll be happy too’
it was a final thought he kept to himself.
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NOTE. this remains one of my favorite fics i wrote (i <3 beast!dazai) so i had to bring it over first 🤞🏻
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bleedingoptimism · 11 months
Eddie is pacing, going to Tarja’s room and back to the kitchen where she’s sitting with a smile puffing her cute freckled cheeks and kicking her little feet back and forth.
He checks she has everything she needs, clothes, pajamas, scrunchies, and her drawing book. He makes sure he packed her Toothless toothbrush and her plushie. She’s been on a ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ phase for a while now.
He’s not usually that nervous about her leaving to stay at her father’s for the week.
But she’s not usually this excited either.
See, her asshole of a father, has a new boyfriend, and apparently, he’s amazing and Tarja loves him. And she can't wait to spend more time with him. 
And Eddie, he’s kind of curious and not jealous. At all. Really. He’s just curious about him, he just can’t understand how his asshole of an ex can be dating someone that’s supposedly nice, funny, and caring. Someone who talks to his kid when she’s upset, picks her up from school on time, and spends time playing around with her outside when she gets the jitters.
Tommy, his ex, is an awful person. He was the worst thing that happened to him and Eddie would’ve loved to never see him again, he just happens to also be attached to be best thing that ever happened to him, his daughter.
A one-night stand that asked him for marriage after he knocked him up, (because his father forced him to, but Eddie found that out on the divorce) that Eddie had only agreed to marry because he was scared he wouldn't be able to afford to take care of a kid alone.
He filed for a divorce so quickly after, that it was almost an annulment. Thankfully, Tommy wasn’t as bad of a parent as he was a husband, determined to be better than his own old man. So Eddie had no problem sharing custody with him. They agreed on a visitation schedule without issues and they have been civil for the last six years.
And then Tommy got a new boyfriend. And Tarja loves him. And Eddie is not jealous. He’s not.
He’s just nervous because he’s coming to pick her up and he’s going to meet him for the first time and finally see what all the fuzz is about.
The doorbell rings and Eddie checks the time and grumbles when he sees he’s pleasantly on time. Tarja jumps off the stool and runs to the entrance, “Steve!” she screams excitedly as she opens the front door.
And Eddie stands there with a little backpack that is also shaped like Toothless as the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen in his life kneels in front of his daughter and hugs her close.
“Hello, little dragon! I missed you!” he greets her and Eddie does not notice how beautiful and melodic his voice is while Steve holds Tarja’s shoulders as she jumps up and down excitedly telling him everything she’s got planned for them to do with a soft smile on his face.
And then Steve looks up and Eddie sees the warmth in his pretty brown-green eyes and he feels like he just missed a step going down the stairs. He smiles dumbly back at him as Steve gets up with Tarja sitting on his waist and extends a hand to him,
“Hi! You must be Eddie! I’ve heard so much about you!” Eddie shakes his hand and gets stuck thinking about how soft they are instead of answering so Steve keeps talking, “Only good things!” he says nervously and Eddie shakes his head and stops thinking about the two moles on Steve’s left cheek and smiles back.
“It’s nice to finally meet you! Tarja won't stop talking about you” He says and hopes it doesn't come out a little bitter.
Steve smiles bashfully and pokes Tarja’s tummy, “Yeah, she’s a little chatterbox isn’t she? I heard she got that from you” he quips.
Eddie frowns about to jokingly act offended but Steve’s eyes go huge and he blushes, “Oh! No I meant that as a good thing! I love it, I love her, I mean-” he stammers and Tarja giggles at his nervousness and Eddie melts a little.
After they exchange information, just in case, Eddie needs to remind himself, and Eddie gives Steve Tarja’s backpack there’s not much more to say so he hugs her kid and kisses her goodbye.
Steve picks her up again, “C'mon let's go,” he tells her and then purses his lips a little, “Tommy is probably waiting” he sighs warily, and oh, that’s interesting.
He waves Eddie goodbye wiggling his fingers cutely and Eddie waves back and closes the door and frowns at it,
“Man… why couldn’t I have Tarja with Steve?” 
👉 next part
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starillusion13 · 5 months
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“Obsession is a dirty aspect to look at, but the night is dirtier, my love. Either we kill you or we kill the night. What you say?”
Pairing: Criminal! Ateez ot8 x f! Reader
W.C: 2.3k (Main plot: ???)
Genre: Smut, Strangers to Lovers(?), Thriller , Yandere
Warnings: sweet threats(lol), meeting strangers, agreeing/ doing something without your consent, inappropriate touch (a little), mention of gun(not for shooting), pervert looks of Ateez. There’s not really any warning for here other than these all. (Rest all the warnings to be announced in the main plot.)
Network: @k-vanity
"I don't know." The young girl groaned and held her forehead, elbow resting against the wooden table where different liquor bottles and designed glasses were placed. "Honestly, I haven't seen them before and I don't think they belong here or from anywhere near, where are they actually from?"
You asked again, sitting in the stool opposite to her, "and if so, then why are you so concerned about them? They might be attending our night party like other men from around."
"Noooo." She whined and sat straight, giving her full attention to you. She eyed your white and brown combination dress with the knife placed in the leathered strap holder of your waist. "They asked Mr. Byun for an arrangement." looking into your eyes directly, the words fell from her lips.
You knitted your brows together and leaned forward, "and what for?"
"They want to have a party here." She scoffed and raised a brow before mimicking your posture, leaning forward and whispered, "and there would be only them. No one else is allowed."
"Why are you whispering this?" You asked her but in a whisper. "Also, how can it be a party if they are the only ones attending it?"
"Right? No. That's not the case. They want someone to accompany them through the night. A well known and trusted person of Mr. Byun and he even agreed to it."
A frown appeared on your face, "who is accompanying them?"
"No way." You stood up and glared at her, "don't tell me you supported him in this."
She slowly nodded. She remembered all the words exchanged between the men and the owner of the grand tavern of the kingdom, Mr. Byun. She was there from the beginning till the end of the goodbyes shared. Not really a proper goodbye. She remembered how a man with sharp eyes placed a box on the table and slid across from him towards the old man, before smirking at him.
When she wanted to protest against it, another man, might be the oldest one among them because of the way others were addressing him, he glared and stared at her as if challenging her to dare to speak.
She gulped remembering the scene. The box had some gold coins and jewels and the old man happily accepted the gift.
She flinched when you tapped her shoulder, "where is he? I need to talk to him."
She shrugged and stood up, "I don't know. Might be planning for tomorrow night. Soon, he will call out for you."
"I'm going out to search for him. I'm not accompanying some men whom I have never seen. If it was to serve drinks like any other night in the presence of others then I would have no problem. But alone, that's a different story."
You turned around towards the door and when you were about to step forward, she grabbed your arm and made you face her, "they offered him a huge amount of money in advance and also they promised to pay him more."
"So?" you eyed her grip on you, it was like a warning but also a pleading to accept the situation you were currently into.
"He won't be backing off. You know Mr. Byun and his greediness for money. Do you think he will change his mind?" she loosened the grip, when your hand fell by your side dramatically.
Why suddenly the situation is like this? Just a few minutes back, you were okay with everything then how the situation turned into against you and you are left with nothing just to accept your coming fate. It's not like you can't run away from this, but if you do then the consequences won't be good. Serving the guests with drinks and some occasional dance is what helps you to earn for your living and even if you run away from here, where will you go? Nowhere. You haven't been to any other place, other than the outskirts of this village.
You stared at her for a while and when she was about to speak something, you raised your hand, stopping her midway, "tell him I will be here tomorrow evening. Before...before the men could arrive at the tavern."
"...okay." her eyes followed your figure leaving the grand fancy wooden door of the inn. She sighed and slumped back into the stool beside, rubbing her forehead and mumbled, "I don't know if it's going to be good or bad." suddenly, she smirked, "but I hope she will get one of them for herself. She doesn't have to be single anymore and they are so breathtaking...oh my god."
"Mr. Byun?"
Hearing your voice, he turned around with a smiling face and with quick steps, he strolled across the room to hold your hand and drag you inside. The more you explored your surroundings, the more you realized the men inside the room were all unfamiliar. You haven't seen those four faces ever and the way you were staring at them, it seemed sure that you were......attracted?.......curious? But they are literally attractive and breathtaking. Whatever. You averted your gaze back on the old man holding your wrist.
You could feel the four sets of eyes boring a hole in your figure but you didn't pay attention to them. Or rather, you didn't have the courage to do that. You were feeling so shy and exposed in the room, even when you were all covered and beautifully dressed up because you were planning to go to the market wit Miara and before that, you decided to meet the owner if he did need anything.
"Meet them, y/n. They are our new guests." he hummed and nodded towards them. You were questionably looking at him. Guests? And why do you have to meet them?
Hearing your name for the first time, they tasted the word again and on their lips. rolling their tongue lovingly to see how sweet it will feel and sound like to call you with the name. the name really suits you and they have to tell you to make you aware of it.
You casted a subtle glance towards them, before one of them could hold your gaze with him, you turned around quickly but still you noticed one of them smirked at your activity and the one near you whispered, "sweet." and you are sure, it was meant to be heard because the way someone behind you chuckled and the man in front of you joined in their play. "Isn't she sweet? She is the best worker of our inn and tavern. I know she will take good care of you all."
"Huh?" you were so confused with the way he was talking about you to those men in the room, "take care of them? Who are they? And I don't-"
The old man laughed cutting you mid sentence, "of they are the-"
"Wait." The tallest one of them stood straight from where he was leaning against a shelf. He was all in a brown and black pants with a brown long coat with several layers of clothing inside it.
He chuckled seeing your little scared expression which you were trying your best to hide from them with your strong facade, he noticed how your eyes were nervously looking around the room to avoid his gaze. The way you pulled your lip between your teeth and bit down on it, a groan escaped his throat and the dirty smirk grew on his face.
He stood tall in front of you. He looked taller when he was so close to you, you tilted your neck back slightly just to look at his face. "Well, I think I want to introduce myself to her." he looked at the man who was still holding your hand and noticed his grip, poking his tongue to the inner cheek, he said with no emotion, "I would like to have some space. No need for you, old man...ah wait what's again..."
another male, who was manspreading on the leathered and cushioned sofa spoke up, "Mr. Byun." and chuckled after giving away the old man's name.
"Yes, Mr. Byun. you can leave now. We can introduce ourselves to her." hearing the order from the man in front of you, he wasted no time to leave your hand and leave the room. Wow. he promised to give you shelter and keep you safe from the outside world, just to leave you to die in this dangerous inside world.
"Hello, pretty." he bent a little forward, his eyes scanning your face, a little mole on your chin. He touched it with his thumb and smiled. "You are really pretty when close to me."
Your mind was screaming to push him and step back. And you did listen to your mind, but to only one thing: to step back. He quickly grabbed your hand and again chuckled, "why are you running away, princess? We mean no harm." his other hand poked under your chin to make you look up. Wait! That feels like metal. Yes it is. A Gun. "or we mean harm." he pushed your chin up a little more and whispered, "but in a good way. By the way, I am Yunho."
you were staring at the ceiling in absolute fear.
"Yah...don't scare her." Someone separated you from the tall man who was smirking while standing a few steps back. The other male patted your cheeks and smiled, "I'm pretty sure if we introduce ourselves like that. She won't accompany us tomorrow."
You whispered, "tomorrow?"
"Yes. haven't you been informed about the party?" he asked and tilted his head, his eyes traveling down your whole figure. The thoughts running inside his head were more impure than his already dirty, flirtatious gaze on you. But his bright smile. Oh, if only Miara was here then she would have started talking with him this instance.
He was in a black tight pant and a loose black shirt hanging in his body with a black thin cotton belt around his neck. You have seen this style on some younger men in this area, "It costs a lot to look at me this long, sweet one."
You gulped and clutched your dress by your side, "I know about the party but..." so these are the men? That is why Miara was excited to see them again. "Well, this sexy and attractive face has a name, that's Wooyoung." he winked in the end.
The one manspreading on the sofa smirked and poured a drink into a single glass, only one-forth of it and took it in hold. He was in a pretty similar outfit like Yunho but his coat was light in color and shorter in length. The other glass in his other grip was half filled.
When he walked towards you, Wooyoung stepped aside for other one to come exactly in front of you. Well, the two who have already introduced themselves to you stood close enough to you to observe your small reactions to every little detailed movement of theirs. They were enjoying the control they had over you. They were satisfied to see how they were making you feel small in front of them.
The glass with little quantity of liquid was extended towards you, "Here a drink for you, my love. And, the name is Seonghwa." you grabbed it and eyed the liquid with confusion. "Not the drink. That's my name." you nodded absent-mindedly and he smiled sweetly at you, before brushing his fingers over your cheek, "i think I will enjoy the night a lot."
"Hm. me too." Wooyoung nodded and folded his hand.
Seonghwa made a clunk sound with your glasses and sipped the drink of his own. The last male, who whispered 'sweet' when Mr. Byun was there, stepped towards four of you, "drink it." there was an authority in his tone. His furry jacket with the fancy hat and leather pants, he seemed like to be extra fancy than others. As if his looks and how people would look up to him matters a lot.
"I...I don't drink." you mumbled.
"That's a good girl." the way the words sounded so attractive from his mouth and you felt like you were going to comply with every order dripping from his mouth but you scolded yourself. You are no one's property and without any reason, it's so wrong for someone to order you around except mr. Byun. "But a single sip won't matter."
You eyed the drink and glanced at him.
This time, Yunho spoke up and it had a demanding undertone, "drink it, princess. We usually don't repeat a word but for you...fine. We can be a bit dirty." He laughed afterwards.
After a mental battle of fighting yourself, you finally brought the glass to your lips. Their intense gazes on you and the way the fourth male stood beside you and placed his hand on your lower back to urge you to take the sip and Wooyoung patting your cheek slightly, you closed your eyes and gulped a sip, coughing a little when it directly went down your throat and you removed the glass from your lips. "This tastes so weird."
they laughed hearing your complain.
"I know. I know. Take it slow. But gradually, you will feel fine." when you kept staring at him without a word, he laughed, "I know what you want to ask. But that's for tomorrow. You have to impress me to know my name." he leaned towards your neck, inhaling your scent with his sharp nose like a pervert, "or it's too bad."
What exactly is bad?
Who are they? And why are they acting like this?
Seonghwa again clicked his glass with yours, "Arriba!"
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. also, you can notice I haven't described the members in details because it will be mentioned during the main night event when others will also appear.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @vtyb23 @haechansbbg @dassmyname
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nova-amor · 11 months
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𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 | 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 | 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆
𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒓: 𝒕𝒐𝒋𝒊 𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 2.8𝒌
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒔: 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚, 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒕 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐, 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒆, 𝒄𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒔, 𝒅𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚, 𝒑-𝒊𝒏-𝒗 𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 [ 𝒔𝒍𝒖𝒕 & 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 ], 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒕 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 [ 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍, 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝒆𝒕𝒄. ]
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with the flat of your hands, you smoothed out any lingering wrinkles along the skirt of your dress, mindlessly picking out any pet hairs that had embedded themselves into the fabric. after snoozing through your alarm one too many times that morning, you had forgotten to grab a lint roll on the way to the shoot that morning.
"helloo! welcome to nova's blind dating, you guys can talk now!" the director introduced, beaming at the two of you with a brilliant smile. "thank you so much for letting us here at nova productions set you up with somebody else in the industry."
you readjusted the headset on your head, the foam pads squeezing at your ear lobes; you couldn't wait for the moment to be able to take them off. they were basically squeezing any thoughts out of your head, you'd need an advil or two after this.
"so guys, have you ever been set up on a blind date?" the director questioned. the crew worked diligently behind them, carrying in more of the much-needed stage and ring lights. 
you leaned forward into the microphone, gripping the sides of the stool you were sitting on to keep your balance.
"yes, it was through a mutual friend, someone else in the industry," you answered honestly, thinking back fondly on the memory of your first and last blind date. "i won't be saying any names, but i'm sure they'll see this video later, and the guy was cool. the date went really well, and we kept dating afterward, but it just didn't work out."
"how about you?" one of the cameras shifted towards the other participant, their identity obscured by the placement of a large curtain between you. you had a sneaking suspicion of who it could be, but you couldn't quite put a solid guess on their identity if asked.
"a couple of times actually," the man revealed, their voice altered to sounding more high-pitched. another step to prevent either of you from figuring out who the other person was. "only one really stuck out; we went out on a few more dates, but our careers kept getting in the way, so we had to call it quits."
the director shook their head, offering the two of you a pitiful smile. "such a shame. well the team thanks you again for letting us match you guys together," the director commented, setting the cue cards facedown on their lap. "but enough with the sadness, we're all here to have a good time! so, share with us what you'd like to experience sexually today— what mood are you in? what do you like?"
without a moment of hesitation, you brought the microphone closer to you, the idea of what you wanted from today's experience already cemented into your mind. "rough, i want really rough sex today," you glimpsed over to the curtain. "like choking, spanking, all of it— i want all of it."
"i'm down for anything, as long as i can get my dick sucked," your partner responded. you felt a bit shameless acting so lewd in front of the crew. yet, you knew what either of you said was neither the filthiest thing they've heard or seen. "i got no plans after this so i'm hoping for the most soul-sucking head ever, the type of shit that makes you feel like you've died and gone to heaven."
you shifted in your seat, pressing your thighs together. you could feel your panties begin to grow damp, pussy lips tingling in anticipation for the big reveal.
"are either of you prepared for that? is that okay with ya'll before we start rolling?" the director inquired as the both of you turned your heads to face the curtain. not in an attempt to get a peek at one another, but because of the undiminished tension brewing between you two. you then both answered at the same time, almost as if there was a psychic connection formed between you.
"hell yes."
"okay, perfect. so, let's take off our headsets; just hook them onto the microphone thingy. remember, no talking!" the director began to instruct. you wanted to ask one more thing, the question dying in your throat as you hopped off your stool. you could ask after the shoot. "just slowly step forward and meet your blind date!"
by just catching a glimpse of the shaggy black hair, you already knew who your partner was. your body moved on instinct, arms shooting out to wrap around his neck and tug him into a tight embrace. he reciprocated quickly, his hands grabbing at your waist— bodies flushed tightly against one another. 
your gut had been right— you had been matched with fushiguro toji.
"i already knew it was you," you giggled, burying your face into the crook of toji's neck. you shamelessly inhaled his scent, the bold and erotic aroma of his signature cologne brought a certain level of peace to you. you had always loved how the combination of mango, lemon, and sandalwood paired so well with toji's natural body scent. 
"i knew that you knew it was me," toji pulled away from the embrace a little to get a proper look at you, cock already starting to stir beneath the confinement of his pants. "the same way you knew it was me. a gut feeling, right, baby?"
your smile grew bigger, and your cheeks began to heat up. you and toji had always had some form of a mental connection, maintained throughout the years you had worked together in the industry. 
it was well-known amongst the other actors and actresses, that there was nothing quite like your relationship. the cameras that recorded your time together didn't do enough justice to truly capture the depths of your emotions held for one another; whenever you did work together, all the cameras, crews, and lights faded away— it was as if you had entered your own little world, one that no one else would be able to experience.
without another word from the director, toji guided you over to the king-sized bed at the center of the room, a knowing smile already painted across his face. your fingers were interlaced with his, the warmth of his palm already making your heartache.
"come here, baby," toji twirled you around so that the back of your legs were against the edge of the bed, his hand trailing up your arm to find a place on the back of your neck. he craned his neck to look down at you, his forehead lightly pressed to yours. "let's give 'em a good show."
it wasn't long before the two of you were fully undressed, clothing articles scattered along the wooden floor. your legs were laced around toji's head, thighs muffling his ears as he flickered his tongue against your clit. he was three fingers deep into your pussy, wrist curled and forearm tight from how hard he was fucking his fingers into you.
your moans were loud, his name leaving your lips like a song with the tone of a soprano. you almost wanted to cry; after years of acting together on screen and some private moments off-screen, toji had become an expert in your anatomy. he was well-rehearsed in what you liked— how you liked it when he curled his fingers into you rather than twisting, how you liked your clit to be licked rather than sucked on, how when he angled his mouth and fingers just right you'd instantly squirt.
"fuck yes! make a fuckin' mess— give it to me, baby—" toji moaned, his head shaking left and right between your thighs as your release sprayed like a hose all over his face. he opened his mouth a bit more, eagerly swallowing your load. whatever his mouth couldn't catch fell to the floor, pitter-pattering down like raindrops. 
"look at that cockdrunk face," he peered up at you, the pace of his fingers beginning to slow down. your thighs quivered around his head, your chest rising and falling rapidly from your heavy pants. "think ya can handle returning the favor, baby? or did i fuck you too good that you can't?"
toji then pulled his head out from between your thighs, a whine leaving your lips as soon as he retracted his fingers from inside you. he stood up, his skin glistening under the warm lights of the bedroom, dampened with sweat. you'd never get tired of such a sight.
"n-no, please, toji," you whimpered, pussy lips glistening under the glow of the lights. you spread your legs out wider, offering your cunt up on a shiny platter to toji and the cameras. "fuck my mouth, baby, wanna taste your cock. missed ya so much, need it."
"mmm, now that's my good girl. lay your head over the edge for me, baby girl," he directed you, his large hand stroking the length of his cock. his thumb ran over the slit of his head, smearing pre-cum along his tip with each graze.
you dutifully followed his instructions, flipping around to dangle your head over the bed's edge, laid sprawled out before him. he tapped his cock's head against your lips, running the tip along the outline of your greedy lips. 
"stick out that pretty tongue, baby," and you obediently did so, sticking the wet muscle out as far as possible. toji slapped the flat of your tongue with his cock's head, your delightful hums filling the air as the weight of his cock smacked you.
your hands pawed at the back of his thighs, urging him closer to your awaiting mouth. toji then slowly edged his cock into you, his head tilting back as a series of groans and words of praise left his lips.
"missed this fuckin' mouth," toji breathed out, his hips rutting into your mouth. your throat had already been trained to handle his massive size, yet you couldn't suppress the few gags that slipped out when his cock pushed past your uvula. 
"fuck, fuck, fuck, yesss— that's it, baby— bein' such a good girl, let me use you like the good little slut you are—" toji began to slam deep into you, his scrotum smacking against your eyes and nose with each vigorous thrust. "relax your fuckin' throat, baby— that's it— that's it— fucckkk,"
tears welled in your eyes, your jaw growing more sore from the damage he was bringing to your mouth. you couldn't bring yourself to stop him, eyes rolling into the back of your head. it felt too good to stop now. but, just as his balls began to tighten, evidence that he was close to his release, toji stopped.
"tojiii, nooo," you whined, hands reaching out to feebly paw at his cock. toji was too quick for you though, taking a large step back, just barely out of your reach. "tojii, c'meree— thought ya wanted me t' suck the soul out of ya, baby."
toji shook his head, biting his lip. he ran his fingers through his hair, combing the fringe back as he smirked down at you. 
"and ya fuckin' did, baby girl, almost made me pass out from how good you were takin' me," toji answered, moving back towards you. you scrambled onto your hands and knees, looking up at him with big, round eyes. the desperation for him to rail you evident on your pretty little face. "just need t' be inside your little cunny right now. don't you want me to stuff you full, baby?"
you stretched your arms out, curving your back deeper and deeper until your ass was high in the air. toji let out a whistle, his eyes zeroing in on your ass like a predator hunting down prey. he climbed into the bed next to you, shuffling to get behind you.
he landed a harsh smack to your ass cheeks, the impact of the slap ricocheting off the fat of your ass like waves. you wiggled your ass for him, silently begging for him to do it again.
"you like that, huh? shakin' that ass for me like the dirty slut you are," another brutal slap landed on your ass, a smile tugging on your lips. it felt like you had died and gone to heaven, your clit throbbing and twitching for attention with each blow. "c'mon, baby, tell me you want this cock— i know you do, pussy's drooling all over the sheets."
another slap sent your mind into a frenzy, your tongue moving on its own accord. "yesyesyes— fuck, toji, give it to me," you rambled, tongue-tied. you couldn't think straight, not with the way he was massaging your cunt with one hand and spanking you with the other. "want you to use me."
toji chuckled, "oh really? fuckin' bet." 
your eyes crossed as soon as toji slid his cock into you, your walls fluttering around his girth. your pussy was practically frothing at the base of his cock, a thick white ring beginning to form, thin strings of bodily juices connecting you with each thrust. his hips rutted into your ass, his balls swinging hard to smack against your clit.
one of his hands was pressed to the small of your back while the other gripped your side, forcing you to stay in place as he pounded into you. your back arched deeper, tits swinging and drooling seeping out of the side of your mouth with accompanying loud moans.
"this is what you wanted, right? wanted t' be my fuck toy? my pretty little doll t' use whenever i want?" toji hissed through gritted teeth, the edges of his nails digging into your skin. each thrust shook the bed, shifting it along the floor from the momentum. "fucked too dumb to speak, huh? better t' keep that mouth shut anyway, not like ya have anythin' important to say."
you were stunned into silence, your brain officially having been reduced to a puddle of pink mush. toji then grabbed at the back of your head, gripping your scalp to yank you up. the back of your head rested against his shoulder, his hand snaking around to grip the front of your throat.
his hips rutted into you, plowing into your g-spot relentlessly with the new angle. the expression you were wearing must've been a pathetic one, your eyes brimming with tears and bottom lip quivering. toji basked in the sight— mesmerized by how beautiful you always looked when he was buried deep inside you.
"kiss me," toji whispers to you, his tone a million times softer than his thrusts. regardless of how rough the sex was, toji always found a way to make it seem tender and romantic. "kiss me, baby, missed those pretty lips."
you hooked one of your hands onto the back of toji's head, pulling him in for the kiss he so desperately wanted. his lips were just as soft as you had remembered, the musky flavor of your release still lingering on his mouth.
your lips moved in a passionate dance— tongues meddling together, swirling around one another, a heated battle to assert dominance. his mouth devoured yours, saliva pooling out the corners of your mouth and staining your chin. 
the knot at the pit of your stomach tightened, your abs tightening with how close you were to reaching your peak. sensing the change, toji's other hand snaked down to your clit, rolling the sensitive nub between his fingers. the stimulation proving to be just what you needed to send you over the edge.
"toji," you whimpered against his lips as he continued to fuck you through your climax. he had his own goal to reach. "cum in me, toji, need it. need it need it need it."
he peppered kisses down the side of your face, his lips latching to the underside of your jaw as you tilted your head further to the side to allow him more access. his teeth sunk into the column, leaving a series of bite marks and hickeys. you weren't his girl, at least not officially, yet he still wanted to stake some form of claim over you.
"m-mine, t-that'ss what youu are," toji stuttered, thick white ropes of his seed painting your insides. he kept rutting his hips into you, drowning your walls with his large load. "mine, mine, mine. my girl. my best girl."
"yeah, baby," you could barely breathe anymore. too far gone, body gone completely limp in his arms. you could careless about the crew or the cameras anymore. this was the little world you shared with toji, the closest thing you knew that love felt like. "i'm all yours, always will be."
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versadies · 7 months
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SYNOPSIS (of chapter). in which it's been three months since your trip to mondstadt.
SYNOPSIS (of series). breaking up with your first love was heartbreaking, but not as heartbreaking as getting invited to his wedding after years of not seeing him. that is, until things seem to be easier when you encounter a certain guest, who could end up becoming more than just a blooming friend to you (or not).
CHARACTERS. diluc ragnvindr, kamisato ayato, and thoma (w/ gn!reader)
CONTENT. fluff/slight-angst, grammar errors (?), cheesy scenes, second-hand embarrassment (?), possible errors in general.
WORD COUNT. 3.5k words
POST-SCRIPT. the end is finally here!! hopefully the ending is satisfying and fulfilling, i've done all i can to make sure it brings the entire series together and give reader the happiness they deserve. if you wish to know fun facts about the series, stay until the end!!
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DECEMBER 11, 2022
It’s been a while since you’ve last visited Mondstadt. 
You find yourself sitting on a bar stool with your drink in hand, wearing a formal outfit suited for an occasion that can happen to someone for once-in-a-lifetime: a wedding. 
True to both you and Diluc’s words, you kept in touch with one another as you two remained friends after your departure from Mondstadt. Though you’re both busy from your work schedules, the two of you make the most of your conversations through sending pictures of food, places, and even your friends – your particular favorite being a picture of his pet bird, Vanessa – in your messages. 
It’s safe to say things are well, and you’re more than happy with the couple’s wedding despite your heartbreak before. 
You mindlessly look around the reception venue with a smile on your face, paying no mind to the conversations between loud guests who are either talking about 1) the newly wedded couple, or 2) the recent buzz of the continent regarding a certain corrupted CEO.
Two months after the wedding of Ayato and Chisato, Shinsuke was suddenly arrested thanks to the newly-wedded couple, who exposed him with numerous charges that shocked the entire public and media.
“Did you hear? Hiiragi Shinsuke has been arrested for his crimes!”
“I know! It’s shocking to hear that it took him this long to be behind bars, and to think that it’s all thanks to his daughter and her husband...” 
“Didn’t they work with that young detective that’s been the buzz of Inazuma’s police force? What’s that detective’s name again?”
“I believe it’s Shikanoin. Apparently he’s been investigating Hiiragi for a long time now!” 
You muted out people’s chattering about Shinsuke, taking a sip of your drink. You’re honestly just glad that he’s finally behind bars now, and you won’t have to worry about him for a long, long tim–
“( Name )! How are you?” You flinch when you hear a particular voice that you haven’t heard for a few months now. When you turn around, you spot Venti coming towards you happily with a skip of his steps.
“Venti!” You greeted him happily, putting your glass down before standing up to come towards him, spreading your arms for a friendly hug. “I’ve been well, thank you. How about you? It’s been a while!” 
Venti giggles, wrapping his arms around you for a warm friendly hug. “I’m doing well, especially with free drinks and free food around!” He cheers. His flushed cheeks and drowsy look is enough for you to know that he’s as drunk as can be. Classic Venti…
“I can tell.” You respond with a laugh, before helping him sit on one of the bar stools that’s next to yours on the left. “You should take a break from all that drinking, your hangover will be the death of you tomorrow.” 
“You’re right.. I should be ready for later..!” Venti hiccups. “How’s Zhongli, by the way? Did he go with you as your plus one again?” 
You shake your head in response. “He’s okay, but no, he’s not with me for this trip.” You replied. “I didn’t bring anyone with me since it wasn’t mentioned in the wedding card.”
“Well then, I guess you’re stuck with me!” He giggles, before ordering the bartender another glass once again, much to both your dismay and the bartender’s. 
As Venti indulges himself with the free drinks while sharing interesting things about Mondstadt, you couldn’t help but glance at the direction of where Diluc and Jean are, who are both chatting quietly to one another as they eat their meals at their table.
It didn’t take long before Diluc felt your stare, and noticed your presence. 
You couldn’t help but smile at him with a wave, to which he responds with an acknowledged nod, slightly smiling towards you before his attention is taken by another guest who came to congratulate the newly-wedded couple.
Your attention is eventually taken as well by another person, who suddenly seated himself right next to you on your right. 
“Thoma!” You gasp in surprise, not expecting to see the blonde-haired man.
Thoma flashes you a smile as he chuckles. “Hello to you too as well, ( Name ). Guess you didn’t expect me to be here, huh?” 
“Of course not, you gave me a heart attack! I didn’t know you were invited!” You exclaim with a smile. You couldn’t help but take note of how neat he looks, wearing a tuxedo with his hair fixed instead of his usual messy hairdo that you’ve grown used to. 
“I didn’t think I’d be invited either until Ayato persuaded me to come to the wedding on his behalf. I’m sure you know how busy Inazuma has been since the… arrest.” He explains, scratching the back of his head with a cheeky grin. 
You nod in understanding, your smile becoming a little strained at the mention of the arrest of Shinsuke. “I’m very aware. Almost everyone’s talking about it here, surprisingly.” 
The blonde man takes note of your strained smile, and he decides to quickly change topics in a jiffy. “How’s your trip here? Did you bring anyone with you?” He asks curiously. 
You lean on the bar counter, though your drink (as well as Venti, who’s still busy with his drinks) is left forgotten. “My trip’s been amazing. I didn’t bring anyone with me though. How about you?” 
Thoma shrugs. “I didn’t bring anyone either. Though if I could, I would’ve brought Taroumaru.” 
“Aw, I miss Taroumaru!” You cooed. You immediately thought about Inazuma once again, becoming more homesick than you thought you’d be. “How’s the little guy? I heard he’s been the talk of the town. He’s getting really famous on the Internet, isn’t he?” 
Thoma chuckles in response, his cheeks turning slightly red. “Yeah.. I honestly didn’t think he’d get famous. There was an idol who came to visit the café and took a picture of him, which was how he got everyone’s love.” 
You nodded slowly, still smiling. “So I suppose business is booming then? I’m sure a lot of people must be wanting to meet Taroumaru.” 
“Oh if only you see how busy it’s been. If it weren’t for the staff my mom and I hired, I wouldn’t be able to come to the wedding in the first place!” He comments.
As you continue to listen to Thoma talking about people in Inazuma, you couldn’t help but miss Inazuma even more. You honestly couldn’t wait to come back. 
“How about you? How’s Liyue been lately after your trip?” Your friend suddenly asks, causing you to wake up from your thoughts. 
You cleared your throat. “Oh, same as always. Though,” You straighten your posture, clearing your throat, “I’ve thought about coming back to Inazuma after what happened.” 
Thoma was taken back by surprise from your words, his eyes brightened. “R-Really?” 
You hummed, your smile growing from his excitement. “Really.” 
The man before you didn’t know what to say, stunned from such good news. “This..." He couldn’t help but let out a laugh, obviously ecstatic from the news as his eyes brightens instantly. "This is amazing news! You have to let me know when your flight is then. I can pick you up from the airport and we can go wherever you want and–”
“Woah, woah, slow down!” You couldn’t help but laugh as well, finding his excitement infectious and amusing. “I haven’t even booked anything yet, let alone ask for a transfer in my job.”  
“O-Oh!” His cheeks turn red instantly in embarrassment. “R-Right.. My bad, I-I was getting too excited.” He stammers, clearing his throat as he fixes his suit tie. “When do you think you’ll come back?” 
You shrug in response. “I’m thinking of.. Maybe after New Year’s Day. It’ll take a while since well.. It’s hard to move to another country, you know?”
He nodded quickly. “Ah yes, of course. I totally understand! You should take your time.” He says in agreement. “Just… Let me know when you’re coming back. I missed you, you know?” 
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks warming up from his words. Thoma was never the type to confess something so affectionate, but perhaps the drinks are getting the best of both of you…
The blonde man was quick to realize what he said though, as he instantly stiffens and starts stumbling on his words. “I-I mean, I-I’m not the only one who misses you– since everyone misses you, i-including me..!” 
“Y-Yeah, I get it. E-Especially since it’s been a long time since I’ve left Inazuma.” You stumbled as well, your cheeks warming even more from the awkward situation that the both of you brought yourself into. “I-If anything, I missed you guys too..!” 
Yeah, the drinks are definitely getting the best of both of you. 
The two of you couldn’t help but laugh once again from the embarrassment, causing the tense and awkward atmosphere to dissipate. 
“Well that was awkward.” He commented, smiling from ear-to-ear.
“No doubt.” You responded, still laughing as you held your stomach. 
As the both of you try to catch your breaths after laughing, Thoma decides to get himself a drink as well as another one for you. “Let’s drink to celebrate your upcoming return then. On me, of course.” 
You snorted. “Thoma, the drinks are free. We’re in a wedding, remember?” 
He blushes once again. “A-Ah.. Right.” 
As you walk out of the elevator, you head towards your hotel room with Thoma in tow. 
Long after the wedding finally ended, you decided to take your leave and hit the bed to sleep for the night, wanting nothing more than to lie down on the comfortable sheets of the bed as you snore away. 
To your surprise, Thoma decides to make sure you come back to your room in one piece and escort you back to your room given that the both of you are a little intoxicated.
“You know, you don’t have to come with me. I can go back to the room on my own.” You said reassuringly, noticing how close your hotel room is getting.
“We’re here anyway, so you’re stuck with me now.” He comments, insisting even more as he walks by your side. “Besides, I’m actually staying in the same hotel as you. Though, I’m three floors above.” 
You relax instantly from his words, no longer finding the energy to say otherwise. “Oh, that’s good then.” You stumble around and try to find your keycard, pulling it out from your pocket as the two of you arrive to your room.
“Thanks again, Thoma. I’m glad you had kept me company at the wedding– and for helping me taking care of Venti.” You chuckled, letting your door scan your keycard. 
He smiles, nodding in acknowledgement. “Of course. It’s the least I can do since you’ve given me a good time at the wedding.” 
You smiled in response, and turned around to enter your room that's now opened, but before you could enter, he stopped you for a moment. 
“Hm?” You turn to look at him in confusion and in curiosity. “Is something wrong?” 
He shakes his head. “N-No, of course not. It’s just…”
The two of you fell awkwardly silent. 
“...I won’t be here tomorrow, so you won’t see me until you return to Inazuma.” He confesses. “So… If you ever decide on whether you’d visit, move in, or whatever, I’m one call away. Just let me know when you come and visit.” So I can be the first to greet you.
You smiled cheekily. “So you really did miss me, huh?”
He blushes once again. “Can you blame me..?” There’s no one I love but you. 
You then pat his shoulder. “...I’ll call you as soon as I get the date. Just promise me you’ll be by the airport with some cardboard that has my name.” You teased. 
He nodded eagerly. “I’ll make sure it’ll have ‘Welcome back from the Asylum’ on it.” He says, teasing you back. 
“Oh I’d like to see you try!” You laugh, lightly slapping his shoulder as he grins.
“...See you next time, ( Name ).” 
“See you next time, Thoma.” 
You took a few steps to your room and finally closed the door, the last face you saw was Thoma’s flushed face. 
As soon as he’s alone in the quiet hallways of the hotel floor, he lets out a sigh. 
This time.. This time I’ll shoot my shot.
“What are you thinking about, Thoma?” 
The blonde-haired man blinks a few times as he finds himself back in the familiar surroundings of Komore Cafe. 
“Ah, sorry.. I-I was just thinking about something.” Thoma says with a cheeky grin, looking at your direction as you sit by the stools that’s by the counter. “How long have you been watching me?” He asks. 
You smiled cheekily. “Long enough for me to be reminded of how handsome you look.” You responded teasingly with a chuckle.
“Oh really? Am I really that dashing?” He asks, jokingly posing like a model as it causes you to laugh. 
“Very much, but not as much as my guy Taroumaru here.” You pet the Shiba Inu, who makes a “woof!” noise as he happily encourages your affection. 
Thoma dramatically puts a hand on his chest. “You wound me. I’d never thought my own spouse would choose Taroumaru over me! Where is the loyalty?” 
The two of you broke into laughter, amused by each other’s antics.
It’s been almost two years since the time when you two visited Diluc and Jean’s wedding. True to your word, you return to Inazuma a few months after your trip to Mondstadt, officially residing in your homeland instead of Liyue. Thoma has been with you since you returned, and he has been nothing but helpful to you as the two of you make up for the lost time.
It took a while before you eventually started gaining feelings for him, which then eventually led to the two of you in a committed and happy relationship for the past three months. It’s safe to say that you’ve never been happier than ever, and you’re grateful for someone like Thoma to be by your side for so long. 
And he’s grateful that his dream finally came true, happy that he has the honor of being yours, and you being his. He couldn’t imagine anything better than what he has now. 
Unfortunately, the sweet moment between you both ended abruptly when your watch started ringing, reminding you of the time. 
“Ah shoot, I gotta go. Miko’s going to kill me if I end up late.” You said, grabbing your bag and drink before kissing Thoma’s cheek and pet Taroumaru one last time. “Thanks for the drink, by the way.” 
“Anything for you. Stay safe!” Your boyfriend tells you, watching as you run out of the cafe like the wind, leaving him alone with Taroumaru.
As soon as you’re gone, he lets out a dreamy sigh. 
“Come, Taroumaru, it’s time to work.” He spoke to the Shiba Inu, petting his head before heading towards the sign of his café to flip it. 
There’s nothing more to life than spending the rest of his days with you, and he’s more than content with the life he has with you.
It’s safe to say that the same goes with you. 
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Thank you guys so much for reading Evermore! I honestly have never thought I’d finished this from the very start, and yet here I am, and it’s all thanks to all of you who have spread your love and opinions on this series.
It was truly an honor to write this piece. It really makes me happy to see a lot of you guys commenting on each chapter, sending asks about how much you love Evermore and spit on Ayato as well as Shinsuke, and overall just you guys being interested in something I put my heart and soul to! 
As someone who never once experienced having a lover nor went through a breakup, it’s quite tough for me to write about it in this series since I want the experiences to feel somewhat real, or better yet, not too cliche than it already is. 
Of course, I also want this series to be somewhat a lesson to my dear readers, to those who need to let it all out, to those whose hearts are broken, to those who just need an escape from reality once in a while, and overall to everyone. I hope that whatever you guys are going through, you will get through it! If you can go through a breakup and deal with Shinsuke’s existence in this fic, then you can surely go through anything!
Since I’ve already expressed what I need to express in the previous chapter, I decided to drop some fun facts and trivia here!
This series was made out of spite because of how I lost the 50/50 to Keqing in Ayato’s first released banner on my first 10 pulls and wanted to make him suffer. Fortunately enough, writing this series seems enough to make him come home 80 pulls later b4 his banner ended! 
I also wanted to write a story that’s based on my number one favorite Taylor Swift song from one of my favorite albums of hers: right where you left me! This song is one of the most relatable songs I’ve ever listened to ever since I first heard it in 2021, and it’s been stuck with me to this day as of 2024 (can you believe it? It’s been almost 4 years!) 
And fun fact, I found out that the evermore album was released on my birthday (December 11), so it feels right that I made the series inspired by the album <3 !
The following are some fun facts from my drafts:
Diluc's arranged spouse was supposed to be Donna, but I unfortunately didn’t make that happen since the way Donna would treat the situation wouldn’t be the same way as what Jean would do. 
Thoma wasn’t actually supposed to be a male lead until I started planning for the no body no crime part. I don’t know what made me assign Thoma as the second male lead, but when I did, I didn’t like how my series will be another “second male lead who has no chance with the main lead” so I made him the person the reader actually ends up with in the epilogue soon after!
– below are things that i’ve scraped from this series ! –
Before I started planning each chapter, Diluc was originally supposed to be the reader's plus one. The plot involves how the reader asks Diluc, reader’s friend since college, to be their plus one since he lives in Mondstadt and he reluctantly agrees, and throughout the wedding trip, they slowly fall in love with each other. 
It was such a good plot too if you saw the details I wrote for it ! But I scrapped it off because the plot would’ve been really long, and I want the series to focus on the story of reader finally and properly moving on from their breakup with their first love, Ayato. I’m aware that I could’ve followed this plot while reader moves on with Ayato, but again, I feel like it just wasn't it for me. though who knows, i might make a one-shot fic of it ;)
Another fun fact is there was supposed to be a second part series after Evermore that’s called Folklore and it ends with you dating Kaeya. 
in this series, you first meet Kaeya during Diluc’s wedding and spend time with him. Sure enough, you hate that guy, but you had no choice but to spend time with him throughout your stay in Mondstadt since he’s such a great tour guide. 
You were glad that you’re finally back to Liyue and not be able to see that playboy anymore, so consider yourself shocked when you waltzed into your office and saw him. 
Turns out, the reason why he’s always spending time with you in Mondstadt is not because of how he wants to guide you around mondstadt, but because he wants to get to know the person he’ll be working with in Liyue! 
So yes, this is somewhat an enemies to lovers + office romance story, and unlike Diluc and Ayato, this guy has no chance in getting into arranged marriages and immediately shoots his shot with you ;> !
Extra note: Dainsleif was supposed to be in folklore series as the second male lead hehe 
I was really looking forward to writing this series until chapter thirteen happened. If I have to be real honest, I was disappointed with myself for what happened, and I was afraid that you guys will be even more disappointed with me if i make another series, so i immediately scrapped it off :(( 
But to clarify more, even if chapter thirteen went well, I would’ve still scrapped it off since – as you know, I have a health issue that caused my big hiatus – and I’m afraid that I wouldn’t be able to finish the second series at all, let alone start it.
Instead of that, I decided to just make it into one of the epilogues of what could’ve been! Feel free to check the folklore epilogue once it’s out! 
I think I can reveal more information with the Q&A from my evermore survey, so while I’m compiling your questions, feel free to ask more right away! 
That's all for this series. Once again, thank you so so so much for giving me the pleasure of writing this fic. I might not make a series soon, but if I ever have the luxury of time, I hope you guys will be there to read it.
Thank you!
Sincerely, your penpal, Dan xoxo
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PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii114 @nejibot @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @stareforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @lychme @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @melodyyamino @dudufodd @somberrock @yevenly @lemontum @nghing @elychee @astrxlis @denkineptune @franini @sophisticatedleslie @thedivinepriestress @smashsubs @httpmitsuya @bl6o6dy @cottonkendi (please visit this post if you'd like to be tagged!)
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theywantedplayer · 11 months
can you do one for quinn where you guys get into a fight so your friends take you out to a bar and they lowkey ditch you and a guy won’t leave you alone so despite not talking rn you call quinn to come get you and then you guys fight some more in the car but you’re still pretty drunk so you switch from fighting to being a cuddly drunk bc he looked so cute when he was jealous and mad and you guys make up when you get back to your apartment
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“Where are you going?”
Quinn’s voice stopped you from opening the front door. You turn around giving a sharp look at the man before you speak.
“I'm going out with friends” You simply stated 
“Seriously” You rolled your eyes mad that Quinn wanted to start this argument again. The team's new medical assistant has been all over Quinn lately. One night when he was hit in the nose with a puck, you went down to the medical office since they announced he wasn't going to be returning to the game.
But when you went down to the medical office you saw the new assistant talking to Quinn.You don't have a problem with her till you saw where her hand was. You couldn't figure out why she had her hand on your boyfriend's thigh when the problem was his nose.
“Quinn my friend invited me out to a bar ok, so i'm going because i'd rather be out with them then be here arguing with you” you stated 
“We don't have to argue it's not a big deal” he shrugged 
Now what Quinn said made you fume 
“Not a big deal” You repeated “Its a big deal that someone my boyfriend works with is fucking handsy”
“She’s not handsy y/n don't overreacted” He argued “She like that with everyone”
You were so hurt that Quinn couldn't see what you saw, if it was the other way around he’d be fuming. The fact he was sticking up for her when she wasn't even around made you so angry.
“I know for a fucking fact she not like that with everyone” You yelled takening a step forward “Because Ive asked Brock, because ive ask Petty and they all agree that she’s only like that with you!”
There a was beat of silence before Quinn spoke again and when he did, he spoke to calming for your liking 
“You asked my teammates”   
Your face heated up with embarrassment, you looked away ashamed that you even asked his teammates.
“God your so fucking Insecure” You heard Quinn mutter to himself, as he ran his hand threw his hair.
You stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say and clearly Quinn was done with this argument.
“Fine Quinn you win, i'm going out” You muttered leave out the front door. 
You thought going out with your friends would help you but as soon as you arrived with your friends it seemed like all they wanted to do was talk to some men at the bar. You and Quinn had sure gotten into a fight but you'd never cheat on him.
You were left all alone at the bar just scrolling through your phone with more alcohol in your system than you could handle.
Then someone sat down beside you. You looked up and saw a man sitting beside you, you gave him a smile of Acknowledgement but that was your first mistake.
“Sooo you here by yourself” he asked
You cringed at his basic line “No i'm here with some friends” you simply stated
“And these friends just left you all alone” he asked turning his bar stool to face you
You felt your body heat up in an uncomfortable way at his words and the alcohol probably wasn't helping either.
“I'm suree their a-around here somewhere” you tried not to slur but it was clear to the man that you were drunk.
“Maybe you and I could share couple drinks and see where this goes” You almost puked at the feeling of his hand on your thigh, you stumped out of your bar seat mumbling “I have a boyfriend”
“Yea but he’s at home right?” you heard the man's voice say as he followed you
“Leave me the fuck alone” you yelled caching the Attention of other people around you
The guy could clearly see that other people were watching you
“Fine I get fuck” he responed turning around and leaving you
Now with the night even more ruined you just wanted to go home but you didn't know where your friends were bad they weren't answering their phones. You stumbled outside and sat on a bench that was near the bar.
You did the only thing you could have done and that was call Quinn
You quickly found Quinn’s concat and pushed the call button. You knew it was almost 1 in the morning so he was probably sleeping.
“H-hello” You heard Quinn’s raspy voice on the other line proving you right that he was sleeping.
“Hiii Quinny” You smiled into the phone 
“Hi y/n whats up” He asked
“Sooo the girl’s are talking to some guys in the bar and I already have a guy at home, that being you an-” 
“You need me to pick you up?” he asked cutting you off 
“Yes” you mumbled 
You could hear shuffling on the other side of the line, knowing he was on way made you feel better.
“What bar are you guys at?” he asked grabbing his keys and heading out the door 
“I don't know” you respond laughing 
“Fuck just send your locashon, and Ill be there” he snapped back clearly still mad about the argument you both had before you felt.
His tone of voice and words whipped the smile right of your face, you quickly went and sent him your location.
“Thank you, I’ll be there soon” Was the last thing he said before he hung up.
You took a deep breath trying to keep your emotions at bay before your boyfriend came to pick you up. You just scrolled through tik tok like you've been doing all night.
It wasn't long till Quinn’s blue Toyota pulled up right in front of you. You smiled when you saw him to get out of the car, you quickly got up but stubbled making Quinn catch you. 
You laughed as he helped you into the car, you watched him hussle around to the driver side of the car.
“You came to get me” You smiled at him as you reached for one of his hands holding it.
“Mhm” he grumbled 
“Your mad” you said staring at him squeezing his hand
“A little” he responded, pulling his hand away from yours and placing it in the steering wheel.
“Quinny” you whined turning your body towards him “I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry I didn't know who else to call ok!” you signed “He just wouldn't leave me alone” you mumbled looking away
“What?” Quinn asked whipping his head towards you 
“This guy at the bar” You answered “I was at the bar and he wouldn't stop talking to me, i got him to go away, then I called you”
“Why were You by yourself” He asked a little to sharp for your liking 
“It wasn't like I wanted to be the girls ditched me like 20 minutes in” You snapped “He didn't really do anything, just put his hand on my thigh” you shrugged
“Y/n that's not nothing he touched you” He told pulling into your guy’s driveway “That's flirting”
“Oh so now having a hand on the thigh is important, fuck you Quinn” You fired at him trying  to open the car door but Quinn was to quick with the lock button “Unlock the door”
“Y/n your drunk if you get out you’ll fall” he stated unbuckling his seat belt 
You stayed quiet, still mad that Quinn couldn't see your point of view.
“And your right ok, I should have said something” He admitted 
“Yea you f-fucking shhould havee” you drunkly spat pulling on the door again.
“Y/n stop i'm trying to apologize” you turned back to face him.
Quinn felt horrible, he knew he was wrong and that he should have said something. He hated that he was snapping and petty. You called him because you felt unsafe and he was too focused on the argument that happened almost five hours ago.
“Im sorry ok” He sighed grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze “You were right, if it's what you want i’ll talk to coach and see if I can switch to the other medical supervisor” he compromised
“Yea that is what I fucking want” You still spat at him
Quinn took a deep breath knowing you were still mad, he gave your hand a final squeeze before he opened his door and walked around to your side.
He opened your door making the interior light switch on giving him a good look at your drunken state. He was too busy arguing so see that your hair was frizzy and your smudged make up. Quinn reached over and unbuckled your seat belt, he didn't look at him still a little hurt. 
You felt your hair be tucked back behind your ear and out of your face, you looked up at your boyfriend slightly squinting at the bright light. Quinn softly smiled at your cute drowsy state, cradling the side of your face with the inside of his palm.
“Come on baby, let get you to bed” He comforted 
You mumbled something in response that he couldn't understand. He helped you out of the car slowly not wanting you to fall,he had his arm around your waist and his other arm coming across to grab your hand leading you through the house and to your guide's shared bedroom.
You flopped down onto the bed with a groan, almost falling asleep till you heard Quinn’s voice.
“No no no Y/n not yet, you gotta stay up” He said, grabbing your arm pulling you back to standing in front of him, slightly swaying side to side.
“I wanna go to bed” You mumbled, with your eyes being closed you could hear Quinn moving around.
“I know, I know but you can't sleep in your clothes and makeup baby” He said
God you loved it when he took care of you. Sure you were still mad but all you wanted to do was touch him,hug him basically anything.
When you opened your eye’s Quinn had his back to you as he was going through your side of the closet looking for something you could wear to bed. He turned around holding a t-shirt and sweatpants in hand.
“Ok let's get you changed” He said stepping in front of you “take of your shirt”
You snickered a little at his choice of words, he smirked at your response 
“You know what I mean” He laughed as you grabbed the gem of your shirt but you struggled to get it over your head.
Quinn laughed more at you struggling, he helped you get it over your head just leaving you in  your bra. You un-clipped your bra leaving you now just in your jeans, even though you and Quinn have been together for more than a year he still tried to give you your Privacy and not look since you were still drunk and it made him feel wrong.
Quinn handed you one of his T-shirts and you tried to put it on but you struggled again to put it on.
“You need help huh?” he laughed
“Yes Quinn my tit’s are out, of course I need help” You snapped
Quinn threw his head back and laughed before he helped you put on the shirt.
“Yea laugh it up Hughes”
Quinn led you to sit down on the bed, he lent down to slip off your shoes and struggled to take your pants off. You were no help, lying limp on your back basically half asleep. Once he got them off he quickly grabbed some make-up whipp's from your bathroom, when he returned you were in the middle of crawling into the bed.
“Nope y/n we’re not done yet” he laughed trying to pull you to the side of the bed again
You light swatted him away trying to get comfortable “I wanna sleepppp” you whined 
“You need to take your make-up off and put the sweat-pants on” He told sitting on the side of the bed “I don't need pants i'm fine, just hurry up” you said turning your face to face him.
“So bossy” Quinn teased as he whipped your makeup off your face
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cvpidzcvrse · 3 months
𝔅𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔪 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱-𝔲𝔭
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art by: eriimyon
MDNI, step off pls, and thank u
☆A/N: IM BACK AGAIN!! this time it’s diluc, and it’s back in genshin times so ignore the mention of modern alcohol pretend you didn’t see it. like i said before, suggest some stuff if u rlly wanna!! but ofc as always, enjoy this one loves!!
⋆.ೃ࿔*・synopsis: As a stressed adventurer, you stopped at Angel Share. The smell of alcohol calms you down, what’s even more calming is the redhead behind the bar.
⋆.ೃ࿔*・wc: 2,108
⋆.ೃ࿔*•warnings:: Mdom, strangers to lovers, spanking, alcohol, fucking while standing, one night stand, public sex, almost caught, degradation, oral masc!receiving, p in v, bathroom sex, light choking, rough, and ofc creampie (practice safe sex)
(The reader is black)
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The job of an adventure is stressful at times, either having to save someone or save yourself. You let out a sigh as you walk into the warm embrace of Mondstadt. You smile at the warm air and the lively city. As you’re walking you notice Jean talking to one of the Knights of Favonius before waving him off. You tilt your head in confusion before making your way towards her. “Hey, Jean! You look…stressed?” A worried look made it to your face before flashing her a comforting smile. Jean lets out a sigh before nodding slightly. 
“There’s a festival coming up and everything is a wreck. So now I have to pick up the peices.”
She huffs before rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“I’ll be fine! Listen, I’m stressed and you’re stressed, so how about we stop by Angel Share and get a drink.” I suggest before slightly nudging Jean’s shoulder with a smile. “Come on, I know you want to! Join me, Please” You give the sweetest smile you could muster before she finally sighs and agrees. 
“Fine, but only for an hour.” You nod happily before fixing your braids and grabbing her hand. You cautiously speed walk towards Angel Share, pulling Jean along with you. “I wonder if Diluc is in today?” Jean checks the time on her clock before finally acknowledging your very confused look.
“You do know Diluc, right? You know the owner of Angel Share.”
At this point, she looks more confused than you. How could you not know who Diluc is? As much as Jean brings him up she wonders if you even listen to her when she talks about him. You shake your head before she sighs and opens the door to the tavern. The smell of warm alcohol floods your senses. You take in a sharp breath before being interrupted by Jean lecturing some drunk bard in the corner. You’re left alone at the door, looking like a lost puppy before something catches your attention. 
A bright red ponytail behind the bar, you can’t see his face but just looking at his body you know he must be attractive. You stare at him for a few seconds before he turns around, probably feeling lasers shooting through his skull. His bright red eyes met your intense gaze.
You’re so hypnotized by his strong features you don’t even realize he was waving you over to take a seat. You give him a sweet smile before walking over and sitting at one of the bar side stools. He’s completely enamored by your beauty. Your dark brown skin shimmering under the tavern light, the two-toned glossed lips, the way the adventurer uniform fits your curvy body, And the way your long, black box braids frame your face shape. It’s clear to say he’s obsessed with you, even if he doesn’t know your name. 
“Can I get a Henne and coke?”
You give him a sweet smile, flashing your pearly whites.
“Of course. This one is on the house, I wouldn’t dare charge a pretty girl like you.” He smirks before turning around to make your drink. You’re grateful your skin hid the blood rushing to your cheeks, or you would’ve been as red as a tomato. 
“Thank you…”
“My name is Diluc, I’m surprised you don’t know. You’re friends with Jean, right?”
You make a mental note that the ‘Diluc’ person Jean talks so often about, is very attractive. You nod in response before taking a sip of the drink he placed in front of you. 
“Well thanks for the free drink Diluc, I’ll remember that for next time” 
You give him a small wink before taking another sip of your drink.
Diluc is very interested in you. The way that you smile, smell, and talk. His eyes scanned every single body part and facial feature you displayed. Taking note of what you like and dislike, the jokes you made, and the jokes you laugh at. 
By the time you finished the drink you had loosened up, all of today’s worries were washed away by a cup of henne and coke.  After talking to Diluc for a bit you notice the way his bartending suit squeezes on his muscular body. You cross your legs to try to calm the wetness that’s forming. The way he moves when he’s making a drink, the way his muscles flex when he mixes the ingredients. It turns you on, a lot. Maybe it’s the liquid courage getting to you but you would definitely fuck him here and now, and you’re going to make it happen. 
Diluc is currently resting his arms on the bar in front of you explaining how to make some difficult drinks. You knew this was your time to shine, so you subtly started dragging your finger up and down his forearm and nodding slowly while you listened to him explain. His eyes squint at you slightly, questioning your current move. 
“You know Diluc, you’re kinda intriguing.”
He gives you a low chuckle before bringing his voice down to a low whisper.
“Is that so? How about you show how intriguing I am.” 
He gives a little head nudge towards the bathroom before mouthing a little ‘Go inside’. You nod before slowly getting up from your seat. You give Diluc a wink before making a slow stride to the bathroom. 
He mumbles under his breath before trying to smooth down the bulge he has in his pants, it's been there since you walked in. He waits about five minutes before smoothing down his pants and making his way to the bathroom. When he walks in he’s met with a lewd sight, You’re sitting on top of the sink slowly rubbing soft circles around your clit. You make hungry eye contact with him. He takes in the sight before rolling up his sleeves and slowly walking up to you. 
“So you started without me? I don’t remember telling you to do that." He grabs your wrist and pulls it away from your aching clit. You whimper before you pull Diluc into an intense kiss. He grabs your hips and pulls you into one of the stalls and locks the door. He starts unbuckling his belt before pulling away and staring at your puffy lips.
“You don’t even know my name and you wanna fuck.” You huff out before helping him unbuckle his belt. 
“I don’t need to know your name, just show me what you can do.”
He grabs your hair roughly before pushing you down on your knees. You take his pants zipper in your mouth and slowly zip it down. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” He lets out a shaky breath before watching you take his cock out with ease. You look up at him as you slowly stroke his cock, precum already dripping all over it. He stares down at you with lustful eyes before roughly grabbing your braids and brushing your lips on his cock.
“I’m not a fan of teasing, Suck it.”
He gave a stern look before you took his full cock into your mouth. You let out a moan as the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. Diluc’s head flew back in pleasure as he roughly pushed you onto his cock. Your speed increased as his hips thrusted forward, shoving his cock deeper into your mouth.  
“Fuck, baby you feel so good. You know how to use your slutty mouth well.”
He chuckles before letting out another shaky moan and grabbing your hair tighter. You feel his cock twitch in your mouth, you let out another moan before twirling your tongue around his tip. 
“I don’t wanna cum, fuck…stop"
You groan, ignoring his command you continue to suck his soul out of his body. He groans loudly before pulling you by your hair and roughly off of his dick. You whimper and give him a pleading look. 
“You’re such a fucking slut. Get up.”
You barely make it to your feet before he pushes you up against the stall door. With your face squished against the cold metal door of the stall. You can feel his warm calloused hand running down your leg slowly taking off your stockings. He pushes your uniform dress up and pulls your panties to the side. 
“I don’t have time to take these off, but I’m sure a whore like you likes this shit. Don’t you?”
You can feel his breath grazing against your ear, the tension causing you to let out a frustrated moan. 
“Put…put it in already.”
You hear a chuckle before you feel a sharp stinging pain on your ass. You moan loudly, your clit twitched in excitement. You whimper lightly feeling his cock rub the folds of your pussy, the teasing goes straight to your head.
“Beg and I’ll give you what you want.” His deep voice sends chills up your spine. The way his hand is wrapped around your neck and his dick on your ass. The lewdness of the situation makes your pussy wetter every second. 
“Please, Diluc, I need it…”
You whimper while pushing back into him trying to get any friction you can.
"You need what, doll? Spit it out."
He slaps your ass again and you let out a sharp yelp and a whimper. 
“Your cock! I need it please!”
You pleaded practically grinding your ass against his cock. He groaned before slamming his cock into your pussy with no warning. “Fuck, you’re such a slut.”
He groans loudly before giving you the backshots of the century. His hands are on your love handles, using them to push you back and forth on his cock. 
“You like this shit, don’t you? You cock slut, say it”
You nod your head quickly, trying to cover your moans with your hands.
“Fuck, I do, I such a fucking cock slut! Right there, fuck!”
You mumble completely fucked out. The bathroom is filled with moans and grunts, your electro vision hitting the wall every time he does a hard thrust. You can feel warmth bubbling up in the pit of your stomach. 
“Diluc, I’m about to-”
You hear the click of the bathroom door opening. Diluc smiles at the sudden interruption, slightly speeding up his pace. 
“(★), Are you in here? You’ve been in here for a minute, I’m making sure you’re ok.”
You hear Jean’s voice echo off the walls of the bathroom. You look back at Diluc as he’s refusing to slow down his relentless strokes. You give him pleading eyes but all he does is laugh. 
“Go ahead, answer your friend. Show her how much of a whore you are.”
You shake your head before you feel a light slap on your ass.
“I-I’m…fuck…fine. T-the…mmph…alcohol just…got to…me”
You manage to get out, letting out a small whimper.
“Oh, alright. Have you seen Diluc anywhere? I’ve been looking for him.” Diluc wraps his hand around you and starts rubbing fast circles around your clit. A shaky moan comes out of your mouth before you muffle it with your hand.
“N-No, I…haven’t.”
“Ok, I’ll just ask around.”
The bathroom door shuts before you let out a loud moan when Diluc speeds his pace up. 
“Good slut…fuck…I guess I can give you what you deserve.”
Your pussy clenches around diluc’s cock, you grab Diluc’s arm tightly as your orgasm approaches. 
“Fuck, Diluc, I’m about to cum.”
The grip he has on your neck tightens and you feel his cock twitches inside of you. His moan getting louder and his thrust getting messier. You shake subtly before you feel your liquid running down your legs, Diluc following close after. His cum shooting inside you before groaning lightly.
“Fuck you feel so good…”
He pulls out, wiping the sweat off of his forehead and taking his handkerchief and wiping your forehead.
“I can’t let a pretty girl walk out looking a mess.”
He chuckles lightly before pulling your stocking up and fixing your uniform. Still out of breath you thank him and fix your hair. 
“Go and get fixed up, I'll meet you outside.”
He admires your beauty once more. Even as a sweaty and cock drunk mess, he still thinks you’re the most gorgeous person ever. 
He reaches to unlock the stall door and pushes it open. As you both walk out the stall you see Jean patiently waiting by the door. She’s leaning on the wall, arms crossed, and a face filled with disappointment. Your eyes widen with shock as you see Diluc freeze in the spot he’s in. You look like a deer in headlights.
“Good to know you met diluc.”
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sofasoap · 6 months
At the barbers
Pairing: John Price x F!Medic! Reader (call sign : Chameleon)
Summary: Part of @glitterypirateduck's John Price "O, Captain! Challenge" prompt used : 92: Giving Price a haircut and/or shave
Warning: T-M rating.
A/N: as mention previously in my Little secret series, Reader is from immigrant/non-Caucasian background. I know nothing about military. Thank you @mini-metal for giving me few suggestions and few ideas! *hugs*
Part of the Memory in a Fragrance series Part of Little secret series
Master list
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“Would you mind giving me a hand here please?” John struggled as he tried to lift his injured arm to trim his beard. 
You sighed. “I am only good with surgical knives and scissors.” You took the trimmer off his hand and gently pushed his arm down. “Why not go to a barber?” 
“.... I am not quite comfortable with someone holding a blade to my neck.” 
“And you are comfortable with ME doing it?” you cocked an eyebrow. 
He hummed. “That’s because you are my wife. I trust you with all my life.” he pressed a kiss into your forehead. Wrapping his good arm around you as you sink into his embrace. 
“Well I am flattered by the great Captain Price trusting me with a knife to his throat.” you giggled, “But I really wouldn’t trust myself to trim my own dead ends off, let alone take a risk of destroying your luscious mutton chop.” You could almost feel him rolling his eyes as he mumbled something incoherent.
“How about one of the boys helping you?”
“I don’t trust them either.” he rumbled. “I trust them with my life.. But I wouldn’t trust them NOT destroying my beard. I already heard them plotting to shave my beard off in my sleep a few times.” 
You couldn't help but laugh. “ Well… We gotta think of something. Can’t let you leave your hair and beard go until your arms heal….” 
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The strong leathery, lavender and cedarwood, faint hint of cigar smell hits you as soon as the two of you walk into the shop. The old radio playing some jazz music in the background, the old barber sitting on the wooden stool, reading the newspaper. It brings you distant memories. One of those rare happier moments when you were younger…. 
John finally agreed after a bit of coaxing from you to get his hair and beard done by the professional instead of you trying your luck. 
“I will go with you, how about that? And maybe I can learn a few tricks and tips from the professional?” you suggested. 
The barber waved to your husband to sit down on the chair after you explained to him what needs to be done. He was more than happy to teach you how to help John to maintain his pride and joy. 
Price couldn’t hold back his smile as he saw how focused and concentrated you are, pouting and wrinkling your nose as you listened to the barber explaining each step and how to use the tools. It helps to distract him from some strangers working so closely to him with sharp apparatus. The barber even handed over the scissors a few times for you to try out. 
“Stop moving, you are laughing too much.” you mumbled as you tried to trim the extra long strains around the edge of his jaw. “I don’t think you want me to accidentally take a chunk out of your beard, and have the boys laugh at you at work.” “I could always shave all my beard off.” “Oh so you changed your mind? You're definitely going to give them a heart attack and give me a heart break if you do that. So…  Never.” you laughed as you handed the scissors back to the barber. 
“You get to see Lieutenant John Price?” 
“As much as you were a handsome young man back then,I would rather keep that memory in the photos.” You pointed out as you sat back down, letting the professional get back to work. 
You observe your husband’s side profile with a faint smile on your face as the barber finishes off the rest of the trimming and hair cut. Even after years of marriage, you still have a hard time believing, this handsome man is your husband. 
The moment you set your eyes on him, you didn’t think you had much of a chance. The ranks, the personality, the background…. Everything. 
But he chose you. 
“I choose you? I should be thankful you chose me, my love.” he whispered into your ear one night after you confessed your insecurity. Nuzzling his face into your neck. “For bearing my temper…my imperfections.” 
“What do you think?” he looked at your eyes through the mirror as the barber dust the rest of the beard and hair off his shoulder, seeking for approval. 
Moving yourself to stand in front of him, you gently lay your hand on his face, tilting it to the left, and to the right, and finally, giving him a kiss on the lip, enjoying the smell of the aftershave.
“Handsome. And the best mutton chop I have ever seen.”
“You sound like you have seen quite a few in your life.” he chuckled as thank and paid the barber for his service.
“Maybe, maybe not.” you teased him as you wrap your arm around him. “But it’s definitely the mutton chop that always gives me a good time.” you could see his cheek redden under the beard. “Now, it’s not so scary is it? Having someone else to trim your beard for you.” 
“If you come with me again next time.” he squeezed your hand fondly.
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“Oh what, you mean we missed out a chance of trying to shave his beard off?” “And You will get your mohawk shaved off too if you do that, MacTavish.” 
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Thank you @glitterypirateduck for hosting another wonderful event!!!! *hug*
Tag list: @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world
@homicidal-slvt @mini-metal
@okayyadriana @deadbranch @cumikering @siilvan
@random-thot-generator @random0lover @devcica @nrdmssgs @glitterypirateduck @mmyrrhh
@mistydeyes, @groguspicklejar @roosterr
@gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot, @writeforfandoms @whydoilikewhump @tapioca-marzipan @alypink, @liyanahelena, @phoenixhalliwell
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