#empress writes drabbles
VH - Meet the Wife
Vampire Hero was insufferable. All his foes agreed on that.
So, after Supervillain escaped, the first thing he wanted was revenge. It was easy to locate Hero – it was not like this smug bastard was hiding. Currently, Supervillain was watching him by one of the windows of his home.
It was a nice scene, if a tad melodramatic. Hero was sitting by the bed – and yes, he was kneeling – holding the hand of a pretty woman who didn’t react. Supervillain knew that she wouldn’t. He had made an inquiry about her. She was Hero’s wife, and she'd been cursed.
“It’s a sleeping spell, and it’s not curable for now”, he’d heard from one of Hero’s colleagues. “She’s only awake one or two hours, poor guy. He basically turned good for her sake.”
Supervillain’s reasoning was simple. If you couldn’t attack your foe directly, you went for the weak spot. A hero annoys you, you kill his wife, the hero goes mad with grief, that was a classical story. He had a nice view from the window. She really looked like one of these virginal princesses you see in these old fairy tales books. It was not hard to imagine the girl with her hands clasped, pleading for the life of the innocents until her man relented. Yes, it would be fun to rip her into pieces.
After a while, Hero went off. Breaking into the place after that was easy. Supervillain opened the door, checked a couple of rooms, and smiled. He didn’t have to be careful. Even if the wife would wake up, she looked frail even wrapped in blankets. He tilted his head, looked at her, wondered if that was worth gloating when no one could hear him, then shrugged and stabbed his victim.
Supervillain’s eyebrow went up his hairline. He removed the blankets, leaving the body covered with only a silk gown, and tried again. The result was the same. The dress was damaged, but the blade bounced on the skin. Supervillain squinted.
Two purple eyes slowly blinked and stared at him. A skinny hand brushed over the hole in her dress. The wife yawned.
“Are you the delivery man ?” she asked.
Supervillain straightened up.
“I’ve come to deliver a message to your husband”, he answered. “I will not rest until I’m avenged.”
“Avenged ? You didn’t get a tip ?”
“I’m your husband’s mortal foe.”
She laughed.
“No, you’re not. You’re food.”
She opened her mouth, and Supervillain just had time to see a glint of her razor-sharp teeth before she bit his neck. That didn’t last long. After the first sip, she rejected him with disgust. Her thin arms threw him away much farther than the laws of physics should have permitted. He landed in the middle of the room, and not too softly.
“How dare you,” she said with a voice low enough to make the ground shiver. “You’re not even worth eating. A couple of centuries ago, young man, I wouldn’t even have wanted your head in a spike near my castle.”
Supervillain crawled back in the direction of the main door. She stepped towards him with as much enthusiasm as one would throw the trash out, but she stopped. Her eye had caught a note stuck on the fridge. Supervillain squinted. The note said: “Please don’t kill or maim in the house sweetheart ♡ (because of my job)”
The wife clucked her tongue and sighed, but reluctantly stayed still. Supervillain’s pride got the better of him. He stood up, dusting his cape, squared his shoulders and groaned:
“You have no idea who you’re dealing with. You might be strong, but I’ve wiped out cities. Once the country was nearly in my grasp. It takes talent. It takes guts. It takes more than powers that were given to you on a silver plate.”
“Nearly ?”
She gave him a look of absolute contempt and went back to bed:
“Don’t boast about your failures, little man, and leave me be.”
Incredulous, he watched her getting back to sleep, putting on her face something to shield her eyes from the light. It looked like a mask, and not a normal sleep mask, but a huge, heavy thing that glittered. As a vampire, he supposed she didn’t need to breathe, but still, it didn’t look comfortable. He stepped forward to take a better look. It was in metal all right, and it was a grimacing face of a demon.
His blood ran cold. He already saw that mask. It was depicted on a book he had as a teen, about the dark and evil rulers of the ancient times. “The Iron Death”, said the legend. “The gory story of an evil empress who drowned her captives in the blood of their subjects, and sought to be turned into a vampire so she would keep her empire forever.”
He shook his head in disbelief. It was an old tale, a story from at least a couple of centuries ago. And the Iron Death had been vanquished by a vampire hunter who had...oh.
Who had put her to sleep eternally.
He suddenly felt a drop of sweat on his forehead, but he grunted for good measure:
“Right. Like I’m going to believe that. Where’s your consort, Iron Death? Where’s your cruel prince who tortured for his entertainment?”
“The Hero agency offered him money to look after me if he worked for them”, answered the low voice of the lady. “My poor darling didn’t enjoy the scream of his victims as much as before. He’s changed his hobbies. You do that after a while. But I didn’t. Get out.”
Supervillain ran.
Vampire Hero is now a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. (Yes, I know he technically doesn't appear here, but it still counts.) Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
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lxdymoon0357 · 9 months
Helloo it's 📻😈 here and I just wanted to ask of you could do a Kaufman x Gn Reader (Romantic) the content is up to you :))
(Alright, I free-styled this shit!! not proof read cause I ever proof read my works, also this has a bit of my irl memories in it!!)
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With a bowl of spicy soup...
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You neck and head all woozy as you woke up, you knew you had a cold and it was going to be horrible, you honestly expected Kaufman to be in his office and not in the bed still with you, you turn around and slowly shake him awake as he was also very warm and was sweating and shivering you knew what happened; you have a cold he has a fever and now you both are fucked…
As you both snuggled closer to each other, knowing you both were warm on the inside but you both were cold on the outside, you both couldn’t do anything about it only suffer. As Kaufman’s eyes opened a bit, he took a huge sniffle to clear his nose, but in process his head probably started hurting because he groaned and rubbed his forehead before wrapping an arm around and pulling you closer to him, as you rubbed his back, luckily the rays of the sun were quite warm yet just not enough to stop the coldness from swarming you and probably him as well. You groaned as you sat up, nose completely blocked and had boogers as you scrubbed them out annoyed, your chest hurting, back stiff and everything else foggy in your body, hearing your voice, Kaufman grumbled awake, and his throat hurting from the back and voice strained as he also felt the same suffocation…
You both stretched your whole body getting out the sickness fatigue and tiredness and sleepiness from it, as you stood up an elderly maid who served you both on the regular entered a smiled brightly but looking at both of your flushed, sweaty and shivering bodies, she got worried and as she put her hands on both of your foreheads to check your temperature, “You both are burning up, please wait a bit!” she said before leaving to bring some things for you and Kaufman..
She got you both a tray of tea and breakfast and laid the huge tray on the table in your bedroom where sunlight was peeking out, you and Kaufman got out of the bed but the moment you both touched the floor with your feet, you again bundled yourself in the blankets into each other from the cold as you both shivered, the elderly maid or Miss. Shiela was she was called sighed as she left the room and got you both slippers, and thick shawls…
You both covered yourself in the shawls and slippers before sitting on the table, and sighing in delight from the warm rays of the sun hitting your body…Miss Shiela started pouring you both tea, as you started eating, it was quite late, you both didn’t wake up due to the fatigue and thus Miss Shiela came up to not only serve you breakfast but also your lunch…
You both sat there chatting and eating with your sore throats, as Miss Shiela gave you both medicine which tasted horrible, she made sure to check up on you both every once in a while…After during the afternoon, it was starting to get very boring, it felt cold and hot…You both were still in the bedroom, you got as much rest as you both wanted but there was literally nothing to do!!
You both were bored, there was nothing to talk about, nothing to do and trying to do everything to pass the time which would just not pass by! The weather of the empire was very hot and you were very hungry…yet still somehow you wanted something spicy and hot despite much resistance by your beloved, you both sneaked down and into the kitchen where you found Miss Shiela whom scolded you for coming to such a place while being sick she immediately sent you both back, and instead made sure to take your orders to cook you both something..
“But I want to cook!!!”
“But my grace, you’re sick! You can’t go there to the kitchen, your sickness might pass on…I’ll cook!”
“Actually I’m with my darling on thi side, I also want to cook, staying in bed is boring…”
“….ugh…okay, fine, I have a way…Please wait here…”
Miss. Shiela disappeared for an hour before coming to you both, by then it was nearly night when she came to your room with a huge bag, she took you both out on the huge balcony and set up a little stove for you both to cook, she brought you all the ingredients and everything and watched the process of one of you cutting and the other helping with anything else they could do…soon the pot was boiling over with a reddish, spicy soup filled with vegetables, the spicy smell of the soup made you both all the very hungry…
soon it was done, and as you both sat down to eat, you realized you didn’t have a plate yet Miss. Shiela by then was gone to do some of her other duties and you both didn’t want to disturb her, so you both started eating straight from the pot…it was very spicy and probably burnt away all the sins you committed during the week….As you both fed each other the little amount of the soup left, the taste of the spicy chilli, garlic, ginger and other spices tingled your taste-buds through the cold winds of the evening and night as you snuggled closer to each other in the blanket you shared….
Moments of cooking together, eating from the same pot and sharing a blanket all while being sick was very precious as you know you’ll hold it close to you heart…
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fatestouch · 11 months
change, pt 1.
It was a relatively quiet day at the Grimsbane estate, all things considered. Especially with how chaotic things had been lately.
And yet... some couldn’t help but feel that this was a calm before the storm. Many had witnessed how, in the case of the elders in the family, the normally at ease Felix had grown angry to the point where there was very nearly a slaughter.
So imagine the younger family member’s surprise when Felix just... left. Without a word. It was jarring, and eerie. Not to mention that some of them saw a bat flying away after Felix, before they both vanished into shadows.
The older ones thought nothing of it, called them cowards. But a few of the younger witches... oh, they knew.
Something was coming.
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“Some things will change, but the esteemed Grimsbane estate will always stay the same.”
It was like a blink. One moment, the courtyard was partially vacant. And in the next... there they were.
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“And here I thought Juno was exaggerating... even the magic smells stagnant here. This is the magical equivalent of opening a dusty old closet that hasn’t been cleared out in years.” Killian gave the estate a judgemental look over. “Should I expect mothballs? Or tumbleweeds?”
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“Now, that’s a bit rude, Killian! Even if it is a bit... dusty, here~” Lea smiled, delicately covering her nose. “Enzo was right, as always... this place is in dire need of intervention.” She looks over. “Spirit? Are you alright?”
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“The air here is very... stifling. I don’t think I care for it.” He sighs, making a face. “Can we be about our business and be off, Master?”
“I get how you feel, Spirit, but be patient. Staying for a bit will be worth it, trust me.” Patting Spirit’s shoulder, Cecil’s gaze wandered... before landing on one of the witches staring at them, stunned and stock still. “Hm... you. What’s your name?”
“M-me...? Uh... Noel! ...Er, m-milord!”
Cecil smiled. “Noel. Why don’t you take the others here, run along and gather the elders here, hm? And...” He beckoned the young witch over, and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Anyone who you think might be... more than a little stubborn. Or... resistant to change. Do you see what I’m saying~...?”
Noel looked up at Cecil then in wonder, and then his dark eyes shined with... something, before he nodded once, and turned to gather his friends.
And Cecil had to admit, they were swift. In a matter of moments, the courtyard was filled with people, and at the forefront were a small group of older witches and the elders.
Quite the crowd. Sweeping his gaze around, Cecil noted just how many seemed wary, anxious, confused... and the ones who looked anticipatory.
“You avoid returning for months on end, and when you finally return, you gather us in a group like cattle--”
Cecil didn’t even need to say anything before the man who spoke was decapitated without another word being said.
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“You really should be more respectful, when in the presence of a god.”
“Spirit.”  Cecil’s tone was lightly chiding. “I know you’re in a bad mood, please save the fun for the main event, hm~?”
The witch huffed, but bowed his head nonetheless. “My apologies, Master.”
“No worries. But!” Cecil clapped once. “Let’s not waste any time. I’m here with a purpose, after all! And that purpose, gentlewitches of the Grimsbane family... is that I’m here to help you. You see, I’ve been going back and forth on the state of this family. And finally, I’ve seen what the problem is!”
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“Rejoice. A new era for you all starts today, right here, right now.”
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queensconquest · 2 years
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....do we maybe want starters / asks for letting chrollo temporarily go a lil bit off the deep end as a treat killing/immediate post-killing Hisoka 👀 though like i said it’ll be graphic description so take that caution but if you’d like a starter or ask (you can specify) just like bc i will
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jiarkives · 2 months
julia’s favorites ! (iv)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ♕ - nsfw ; ☆ - series
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jujutsu kaisen
☆ snapshot - gojo satoru
↳ @stsgluver-archive
♡♤ sincerity - geto suguru, gojo satoru (poly!)
↳ @justauthoring
♕ the best teacher - nanami kento
↳ @nanaslutt
♤♡ heaven’s fury - gojo satoru
↳ @chuluoyi
♕ drabble - gojo satoru
↳ @makismei
criminal minds
♕ spencer’s favourite meal - spencer reid
↳ @slightlypossessed
♡ aaron finds you putting jack to bed - aaron hotchner
♡ the bau team meets spencer’s secret girlfriend - spencer reid
↳ @claypgeons
♡ drabble - spencer reid
↳ @inkdrinkerworld
♡ mrs doctor reid - spencer reid
♡♤ “i don’t know anything about dinosaurs” - spencer reid
↳ @vivwritesfics
♡♤ safe - spencer reid
↳ @rynbutt
♡♤ cross my heart - spencer reid
↳ @januaryembrs
♡♤ bulletproof bonds - aaron hotchner
♤♡ through the years - aaron hotchner
♤♡ calming storms - aaron hotchner
↳ @thewulf
♡ the parentals - aaron hotchner ft. bau team
↳ @ssahotchnerr
♡ drabble - spencer reid
♡ drabble - aaron hotchner
↳ @luveline
♤ i need to be excused - aaron hotchner
↳ @ynscrazylife
♡ your relationship with hotch and the influence on his son, jack - aaron hotchner
↳ @ginkgo-phyta
♤ alive and breathing - spencer reid
↳ @zvdvdlvr
♤♡ the script - peter parker
↳ @waitimcomingtoo
♡♤ medusa - avengers
↳ @arlana-likes-to-write
♡♤ our baby has four feet? - regulus black, remus lupin (poly!)
♡ animagus!reader - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ introducing their first child to the marauders - sirius black
♡ sirius’ arch nemesis - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ what’s one more? - sirius black ft. marauders
♡♤ the winner takes it all (i) - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡♤ the loser has to fall (ii) - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @ellecdc
♡ uncle padfoot’s motorcycle - remus lupin ft. sirius black
↳ @empress-simps
♡ begin again - james potter
↳ @pretty-little-mind33
♤ the one with the blouse (i) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♤♡ the one with the blouse (ii) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @super-clearlysaltybouquet
genshin impact
♤♡ scenarios - neuvillette, wriothesley, zhongli ft. pregnant!reader
♤♡ when you sleep on the couch after an argument - alhaitham
♡ lady ragnvindr and klee’s day out - diluc ragnvindr
↳ @lunargrapejuice
♡ mischievous streak - neuvillette ft. wriothesley
↳ @chastiefoul
call of duty
♤ the price of protection - john price
♤♡ lassie - john ‘soap’ mactavish
↳ @thewulf
top gun: maverick
♡♤ lost and found - jake ‘hangman’ seresin
♡ bumblebee - bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw
↳ @thewulf
♤ black and blue - lip gallagher
↳ @jesswriteswrongs
♡ forever yours - paul lahote
↳ @thewulf
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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rusquared · 9 months
drabble idea so i can enjoy the act of sharing my thoughts without the time investment of writing shit down:
han sooyoung stopped writing. she couldn't hold a pen with the same careless ease anymore. not after everything that her own hands had caused. she can grade essays and she'll even bicker with dokja about the quality of the random books he picks up. but she won't write. she still flinches when joonghyuk brushes past her and is so real. she won't write.
joonghyuk pisses her off, as usual, about something or the other. in return she leaves a sticky note on top of an embarrassing gift for him. something petty and annoying. joonghyuk tries to ignore her. so she starts leaving them on his door. "yjh is a bastard" "supreme king, 33, unemployed" etc. they increase every week and yjh, for all his cleanliness, never removes them.
sometimes she gets risky. "yoo joonghyuk will do as i, han sooyoung, command". she pretends she didn't already do this to him in two separate worldlines. "today, the supreme king shall make tteokbokki for the black flames empress" "tonight, the supreme king shall not complain about the dishes being done" "this week, the supreme king will not say no to karaoke night"
something about referring to him in the 3rd person is funny, and she keeps it up. but she finds herself leaving sticky notes in her room, too. "what does it mean to be an actor?" "young girl. creates underground fight club" "what's a good magic system in a world based in space?"
han sooyoung never prided herself for creativity, or passion. she just knew how to write, and how to write well (ignoring the one time she wrote in the sloppiest, most verbose, and most passionate way possible). so these little notes don't mean anything to her. it's nothing of note. the view from the window just looked interesting this afternoon. "kim dokja still uses government name in online forums" "yoo sangah -> sadist? enjoys arguing with senators" notes. notes. notes. she's just making observations, is all.
without the avatar skill, and with the system barely there, her mind is quiet. no predictions being made. whatever plot comes to mind is no longer the most probable or best written.
one day, dokja bursts into her room to complain about something or the other. she's asleep at her desk. in front of her, the wall is a rainbow of colors. dokja can't peel his eyes away. what he had always reached for. what none of the other books, as good as they were, could give him. tls123's writing.
it's disjointed and mixed, multiple plot ideas picked up and dropped, no coherent order to it all. but he gathers as many as he can without her noticing, and tiptoes to his room. joonghyuk, watching from the doorway, says nothing. he places the tea he had prepared next to sooyoung's sleeping figure and covers her with a blanket.
when sooyoung slips into dokja's bedroom on another sleepless night permeated by what if he's not there?, she freezes. he has placed all the sticky notes he could gather on his own wall. lovingly arranged in order. some even having miniature sticky notes of their own with his thoughts and questions. the boy so hungry for her stories went ahead and pieced them together on his own. han sooyoung won't write again. but kim dokja will always be her #1 reader.
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jacesvelaryons · 4 months
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| get to know me |
rosie/ 20+/ love music, movies, writing, crochet, eating out with friends
limits: some hardcore non-con elements, r4pe, just ask and i'd clarify if i'm comfortable with it or not
my dm's are open as well if you wanna talk, or request!
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ask me anything
| masterlist |
( to be expanded in a separate page when list grows more extensive)
tom blyth
spicy links pt 2
social media au's:
fc: jennie series
english love affair
wing woman
(to be added)
(to be added)
coriolanus snow
spicy links pt 1
spicy links pt 2
(to be added)
(to be added)
billy the kid
spicy links pt 1
spicy links pt 2
(to be added)
(to be added)
jacaerys velaryon
it's yours
the reluctant empress
ch 1
ch 2
ch 3
ch 4
ch 5
lucerys velaryon
daemon targaryen
and more coming! request and i'll see if i want to add it to my roster!
i give no permission to copy, distribute, or translate works without asking. any characters belong to their respective creators.
©️jacesvelaryons, 2024
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chuluoyi · 14 days
Just curious! When would the next part be for the all hail the empress series? (I'm so eager to know what happens next 🙆🏻‍♀️)
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honestly… the earliest is next week :’) and that’s if i’m lucky and my work doesn’t butcher me all day this week🤧 i’ve written about 4k words now and it’s still halfway to go! :’D i almost get into the main event of the part 2 *evil laugh*
but fear not, i’m writing it little by little everyday🥹 in the meantime, i’ll also post a timestamp drabble for love entries this week!
and i’ll drop this here to sate your curiosity🙂‍↕️ part 2 is going to have a blissful marriage life with gojo, explicit smut, naoya and hanabi, a banquet and a tragedy😗
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opttagoyeo · 25 days
pwp drabble (i might get it going after finals 🥲 pray for me) so this idea was around since last year after the release of tarot card but in adult version (what a shock it still in my mind, ofc becuz it's not all flesh out. just the idea of naruto using his cloak as a makeshift bed for hina as he fucked her in the middle of the forest) so this is just a sneak peek!
prompt: Emperor Naruto and Empress Hinata sneak and have fun at the center of the forest near their castle. :P 🤤👌
or just my excuse to write pwp naruhina
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His nostrils flared, breathing uneven. The gaze he bestowed upon Hinata wasn’t anything nearly kind. He gripped her waist harshly, controlling his urges not to pounce immediately on his poor wife. His black iris tempted to swallow his cerulean eyes. It made her ache, especially in her lower region. She pressed her thighs together underneath her flowing, lilac gown. It wasn’t as if this was their first time doing such an act of making love. However, it always makes her delirious to experience such a thing together with the love of her life.
Her pulse quickened, blood rushing on her cheeks. If that look can devour her, she would gladly do so just for her emperor's sake. Although at the back of her mind, she desperately wanna see that feral sight between her thighs. Just the mere thought had her gushing love juices between her lovely forbidden lower region. It made her incredibly excited, she shuffled against her position. Such thoughts are nowhere near to what a good empress should behave as, but her one of a kind husband had taught her from time to time that she can be a little more greedy than necessary. After all, didn’t she love him? He’d let her indulge to the sweet temptation and eye-rolling ecstasy he offered. In response, she’ll gladly give everything she has for him, as an appreciation for the ever so hardworking leader of the empire.
“Let me make you feel good, dear Empress.” he husked against her ears before he licked them seductively, voice a few octaves lower. Shivering under the attention of the blond male, Hinata moaned sweetly. Her back arched against the blond’s chest. Plump bottom having direct contact with his hardened groin had Naruto desperately clutching Hinata’s shoulders, greedy to just thrust up a teeny bit more to create more friction for the man. His desire reaches up to new great heights as he gaze lovingly to the woman in front of him.
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starlitmark · 1 year
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Summary: Your mommy always takes such good care of you. Pairing: Mommy!Seonghwa x fem!reader Tropes: non-idol au Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Warnings: language Smut Warnings: mommy kink, soft sex, breeding kink, body worshiping, pet names Word Count: 389 Note: for the Tarot Card Drabble Event Requested by: @umbralhelwolf​
The Empress ➾ big on expressing themselves, sensual, creampie, breeding kink, body worshiping, pillow princess, mommy kink
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You love moments like these. You knew from the start of this relationship that Seonghwa was a very doting individual, but to this extent, you would’ve never been able to predict. Laying here under him while he takes care of you makes you feel like nothing else in the world matters.
“Mommy’s got you, starlight.” Seonghwa’s deep voice reassures you.
“Feels so good,” you whine, “love how Mommy fucks me.”
“I know, pretty, you love how Mommy takes care of you. You just get to lay there and look stunning as always. Fuck, look at how stunning you are.”
He drops his head down to line kisses along your throat and breasts. You feel shivers descending your spine as he gently places each kiss against your skin. His thrusts are slow and gentle; he’s always so gentle with you. Yet another thing to add to the book of why Seonghwa is the best Mommy ever.
“Starlight,” he moans, “How do ya feel about Mommy fucking you full of his cum?”
“Mommy, please, want it so bad. Wanna be bred by Mommy.”
Seonghwa’s gentle thrusts grow gradually rougher and rougher. All you can do is cling to him, wrapping your legs and arms around him. You’re not sure what sweet words he’s whispering to you, but you know he’s absolutely worshipping every bit of your body that he can. Your brain feels like it’s in a haze as your boyfriend dotes on you. When your orgasm starts building up, you feel like you get lost deeper in that haze. That is until your darling Mommy pulls you back to him.
“Angel,” he sighs lovingly, “can Mommy cum inside you?” “P-please, Mommy, I wanna cum too.”
“Fuck, yeah, okay, Starlight. Mommy’s gonna fill you up nice and good. You cum whenever you want.”
You let your orgasm roll through you like slow waves of heat. You convulse under your Mommy, hearing how his low moans get breathier moment by moment. Then you feel the shots of cum inside you. The feeling makes you whimper as you come down from your high. Seonghwa’s white blonde hair is falling in his face, and his eyebrows furrow in pleasure. The sight alone nearly sends you into a second orgasm.
“You did so well, my starlight.” he pants, “Always such a good girl for Mommy.”
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COPYRIGHT FLOWERBOYKUN 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted.
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet​ @kwritersworld​ @k-vanity​
Tag List: @sanjoongie​ @jaehunnyy​ @ericssmile​ @anyamaris​ @drunk-on-hwa
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VH - Divide And Conquer
(Tw: attempted torture)
“I can't believe we finally have caught the legendary Vampire Hero”, said Villain.
The two Heroes glanced at each other and shrugged. The taller one frowned.
“Legendary ?” he repeated.
Villain looked at him with interest.
“Oh yes,” he said. “Many have fallen before your might, Vampire Hero. At least two or three of my opponents are behind the bars because of you.”
“Two or three and you call that legendary ? You're easy to impress.”
The other Hero was nervously following the exchange. Compared to his companion, he seemed much younger and frailer. His eyes were shinier and shinier with tears that did not quite fall. When at least it looked like he couldn't take it anymore, he stepped between the two, saying:
“Stop ! It's my fault ! It's all my fault if we got caught. Hurt me, not him!”
Villain gave the young Hero an amused look:
“Why is that little thing with you, Vampire Hero ?”
His interlocutor shrugged:
“You know. He's new. I'm supposed to show him the ropes or something. You have to teach them some way or some other. ”
“Is that so.”
Villain lift the smaller Hero's chin with a finger:
“My dear little one, how can I hurt him ? Many have tried and many have failed. I'll just make him have a nice little sunbath so he's neutralized. But since you've asked so nicely, I will take care of you.”
“Surely there must be another way ! I'm sure you can do better. I-I'm sure that deep inside, you're a little pure of heart.”
“ You heard your protector, you need to learn.”
He grabbed Hero by the arm, who turned his head toward the man who accompanied him. The latter just shrugged.
“Do you think he cares ?” simpered Villain to his ear. “Oh, he doesn't. He might be on your side, but Vampire Hero is evil. You're better off with me.”
Hero whimpered but didn't resist as he was dragged into the stairs.
“There are seventeen steps. Do you hear the sound they make ? There's an echo, so the prisoners down there can hear me coming. It’s all in the anticipation.”
In a sweet voice, he kept describing their surroundings while they were both descending into his torture room. During all the way, the small one didn’t dare fight back. He soon found himself tied up to a chair, helplessly squirming, his eyes giving a pleading look more than ever.
“So, young Hero,” purred Villain, “as it is your first time, I will make you a favor.”
“R-Really ?”
“Yes. Do you see all these instruments in the shelf in front of you ?”
Hero looked at the whips, the canes and the nails, and shuddered so violently it almost looked fake.
“I'm going to let you choose one among them. If not, I will choose, and you won't like it very much if I do.”
“You don't have to do this ! I-You just will make Vampire Hero angry and you don't want to !”
“You think he will rescue you?”
“I know he will.”
“How touching. But for now you're mine. So make your choice, before I get impatient.”
Hero pondered for a few seconds, then whispered:
“Um – the taser ? Yes – the taser, please.”
“If you ask so nicely.”
Villain delicately took the black rectangular shape in his hand and switched it on.
“Why, if I might ask ? Do you think it will hurt less than the others ? Let me prove you wrong.”
The half-hour that happened then looked much more pleasant for Villain than for Hero. And yet, as time passed, Villain felt somewhat uneasy. That had nothing to do with torturing a man, of course. He liked the thrashing, he liked the begging, he liked the naive faith of the innocent who was certain that he could be saved. Maybe that had something to do with the other Hero. While Villain was amusing himself, Vampire Hero was out of his sight. He might have been careless. He glanced at his watch, but Hero making a rather unconvincing whimper forced him to turn his head.
Perhaps that was the problem. Villain was used to the sounds of pain – the gasps, the moans, the howls, the cries and the pleas. He loved all of them without distinction, and of course he knew that they were a little different with each person. It was a familiar melody that Hero was singing, but thinking about it, it was slightly out of tune, and it got progressively worse. It was getting on his nerves. These rookies these days – they didn't even now how to scream right.
“Let's have a break,” he said.
“Oh well, I guess I’ve held that long.”
Villain raised an eyebrow, amused:
“Getting defiant, are we ? Careful, you sound like you’re disappointed.”
He stared into his prisoner’s eyes, hoping to get a look of terror, but all he got was a frown. Hero...genuinely looked displeased.
“Sorta”, he said. “In my time I didn’t have this kind of toys to play with. I guess having a little blue spark in your hand looks fun, but that doesn’t look like it does that much damage.”
“In your time ? What are you talking ab- wait.”
Hero tilted his head. For a moment he sounded impassible, but he broke soon enough. A loud, loud laugh resonated in the room, while the prisoner was squirming in his chair for a very different reason than before. His way of moving betrayed no pain at all.
“Are you shitting me,” said Villain, whose voice was now icy.
Hero grinned:
“You tell me, pal. I can’t believe you swallowed my “pure of heart” bullshit. I was laying it on so thick.”
Villain glared at him.
“Not that you were especially subtle either”, Hero added. “Oooh, the anticipation !” Do that again?”
Villain stood up and went to the door as fast as self-respect allowed. There was no one left under the sunlight. The guards were on the ground, unconscious.
“How -”
He turned back. Hero was now standing up, neglectfully throwing away the remnants of the straps that held him a moment before. He dramatically exclaimed, a hand on his heart:
“Oh no, he got away ! My, my. Poor little me. Tell you what, though. If Vampire Hero were so legendary, you should have bothered to know what he looks like. I didn’t mean to pass for someone else, but you’ve so graciously given me the opportunity.”
“It can’t be ! How could the – the other have escaped then ?”
“I hate to break it to you, but they are several heroes with super strength.”
Villain blushed and stayed quiet, his lips pursed. Hero picked up the taser, looked at it with curiosity, and switched it on. With a smile – a very worrying smile - he got closer.
“Hey, I warned you. I told you that Vampire Hero was going to rescue me.”
Vampire Hero is a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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rookiesbookies · 4 months
And if you voted for something and have any opinions, submit a request or drop a comment or reblog with what you want to see from what you voted for? Like maybe you want Krueger in the Greek Gods AU a little more or Price’s Assistant in the Assistant AU. I know there's a lot of choices so don't feel overwhelmed! I'll probably do another poll at some point. The reason the Sex Doll AU isn't up here is because Price's post is coming out soon and I want to move away from it a little bit and might just stick to HC and drabbles/burbs on it, not full length posts
Let me know, I love to hear from my lovely little readers, all my AU and their parts are listed on my AU list here!
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sea-lanterns · 4 months
i think i discovered your blog through the party hookups drabble some time ago while looking for some good smut and ever since i have been following you and loving your content
idk what else to say but i have always wondered how did you actually come up with the empress au? what made you decide to make this blog? (if it's the first one cause you have 3 lol) because it was definitely a very good decision 🫶🏻
hope ur doing well x
I came up with the Empress AU after watching a historical Chinese drama with my parents! I’ve always loved watching these dramas growing up, and I thought: “well, I’m sure I can make this better by adding the genshin women and making it sapphic!” So…that’s the backstory as to how the Empress AU came to existence!
As for what made me decide to make this blog, (and my two other side blogs) it’s because I got sad that there wasn’t that much sapphic x reader content for the genshin women. The fic community is dominated by the genshin men, and I felt it was a little unfair for the Readers who want to read about the women 😅
At some point I was like “screw it. I’ll write it myself” and honestly I’m glad I did because I’m starting to see an increase in genshin sapphic writers on Tumblr! <3
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asha-mage · 8 months
Rand/Mat/Tuon, judicious
[Send me a character or pairing, and a one word prompt, and I'll write you a drabble!]
Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag stood at the edge of her chambers, luxuriating in the feel of silk curtains brushing against her bare skin. The faint salt twanged breeze that came up off the River Eldar had mostly dried her of the left over water from her bath, and she could at any time, retreat back into her chambers to be dressed and begin hearing the day’s reports. But for the moment she was content to simply stand, hidden by the fluttering of the curtains and observe the garden below.
Inarian laid sprawled out beside one of the ponds there, where she had left him the night before, a sheer silken blanket covering his naked form. His hat, coat, scarf and other effects she had ordered returned to his sleeping chambers, but his ashandarei and his medallion she had ordered to remain untouched. If he wanted to depart, he would do so inconvenienced but not seriously hindered. A fine line to walk, but a necessary one, now more then ever.
She had acknowledged him officially as Emperor Consort, which made him Lord of the Tower and, in theory, her most important councilor and ally, as it was supposed to be with every Empress and her consort, though it had rarely been so in truth. Even Lothair Paendrag had kept a Favorite to shower with his affection and love, while marrying for the good of his budding Empire, as was practical and necessary for a ruler.
Yet the common folk required some illusions and romantic notions to take away the sting of harsh truths. A nation existed as much because people believed in it, as for anything done with a soldier’s blade or an official's pen, and to believe required the sorts of stories that made children starry eyed. That the Seekers never erred in their quest for the truth. That the army was truly always victorious in the end. That the Empress loved the Emperor.
She had never expected to find truth in the illusion, anymore then she had expected to be stolen away by a dashing hero.
And yet…
A silvery slash of light appeared in the garden and lengthened till it was tall an archway. From where she was standing that slash seemed to widen and part, becoming a silvery haze in the shape of a solid rectangle, before snapping back into a slash again and winking out.
The man who had stepped out of the gateway walked with all the confidence of a member of the Deathwatch Guard, as if he where not an intruder in the heart of Seanchan power and violating so many laws by his mere presence that he could, at the least, expect to be condemned to the Tower of Ravens for the rest of his life.
If he where anyone else that was.
Fortuona watched the man cross the garden, the blades of grass seeming to visibly grow greener, the trees more full in branch and flower, by his mere presence alone, and stoop down to where Inarian was laying beneath his blanket. She knew he was pressing his mouth close to Inarian’s ear to whisper to him. Fortuona watched her husband stir, coaxed by his lover’s voice to wakefulness, and she did not need to be near enough to hear to know that there would be soft laughter in both their words, anymore then she needed to see them to know that smiles would be painting both their faces.
The name Inarian would not be muttered, nor would whatever name that man was using these days. To each other, like this, they would simply be Rand and Mat, nothing more or less, no titles or burdens or barriers between them.
Inarian insisted that Fortuona call him Mat as well- in private at least- and she no longer minded doing so, no matter how much her skin itched from the bad luck of it. (In her friskier moods she even went so far as to call him Toy again, which he seemed to not mind at all.) She saw it now as a symbol of their trust, their connection.
Yet it still rankled something in her, that he rejected the honors and accolades she so freely bestowed on him. He was not ungrateful, not really, and he had understood the import, once she explained it. Yet he still did not regard the name she had gifted him with anywhere near the reverence as the one he had as a mud footed farm boy. And a part of her, the part that was still the petulant angry girl who had needed more switchings then any Imperial Princess in memory, couldn’t help but wonder if it was because that was the name Rand al’Thor had known him by.
For a moment Fortuona considered retrieving one of the hidden crossbows she kept secreted about her room- the one inside the tea table would be closest, loaded already with a single short bolt and tipped in powdered peach core already for a fatal blow even if it missed any essential organ- and firing down at the man who presumed to make her husband laugh. With the curtains fluttering around her still she was the next thing to invisible, and it would be easy enough to explain away: Inarian and his lover had not been as discreet as they should. A Deathwatch guard had assumed the Emperor Consort was being threatened, and acted in zealous protectiveness. She could even offer the life of one of her Guards to Inarian’s satisfaction, knowing full well her soft hearted husband would never claim such, would be horrified the very idea. It would be clean, brutal, and final.
Fortuona let the thought roll about in her mind for a bit, as she always did, and then as she always did, she set it aside firmly. It would be a misstep in the long run she knew, cracking something between her and Inarian that would not be easily mended. Cracking him maybe, in his heart. And for what? Silly childish notions like affection and love? She was a woman grown, and arguably the most powerful woman on the planet at that. She could not afford the silly indulgences of children. Her world was bitter reality. It always would be.
She would do her part in the dance instead. Inarian would listen to the sweet whispers to the man who had once been the Dragon and vanish for a few days, and she would hold back his hat and his coat, his scarf and his bag of oddities and keepsakes, to keep a tie to him that he would neither feel nor be able to break. She might burn something, perhaps the coat, to punish him in the meantime (she liked the hat and the scarf on him to much to destroy them) but when he returned she would act as if he never been away. She would not acknowledge his dalliance with his lover in any way, and instead let his guilt and anxiety prick him for her.
Inarian was suspended she knew, between her and the man who had once been the Dragon, each of them holding him by equal force, and with equal gentleness. He was like a fox between two dens. He would run this way, then that, as he willed, answering her call and then his lover’s, divided always between two masters, each playing the game to keep him enticed and entranced, each tempting the attention of dark glittering eyes. Fortuona knew not how the game would end, only that the surest way to loose would be to try and trap him, bind him in some way where he could feel the cord. He would bolt against which ever hand, hers or anyone else’s that tried to do that, and be lost forever.
The only thing worse would be letting him know how much of a claim on her heart he had. He would never take advantage of such- that was not her Inarian, in character or nature. Yet it would frighten him she was sure, if he guessed even half of the depths of her affection for him. The love that burned in her breast for her clever trickster of a husband.
An Empress was not supposed to love anything but her people. Love for an individual was a dangerous madness, a sickness of hot passion that had broken a thousand kingdoms. It made people value one life above the lives of the masses, one person’s opinion over the well being of an Empire. She had not believed it to be real for most of her life. What could one person’s opinions matter more then the fate of nations? The blood of thousands? It was a thing for stories, not bitter realities. Not her reality.
And then she had been stolen away by a fox that made the ravens fly.
So now she walked her fine line, of gentle push and pull and twist and turn. Never showing her hand, never letting the mask break. Never letting her fingers quite leave Inarian’s neck, while never pressing down so hard as to make him bolt.
She kept the secrets of Rand al’Thor, once the Dragon, and she said nothing when Inarian vanished from her life for days or weeks or months, smothered the ache in her rib cage as surely as she smothered the pain from knife wounds and cross bow bolts. The alternative was to loose him forever, or else reveal her weakness, her childishness, the defect within her that should disqualify her from sitting on the Crystal Throne. Neither outcome could ever born.
Better, more prudent, more judicious, to keep her cards to chest, and to play the game for as long as she could manage.
The Empress of Seanchan loved her husband, and their was maybe no greater danger to the Empire in all the world then that.
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satoruhour · 10 months
my dear t !! for the ask game ❤️ 📚 & 🎨 !!
i hope you’re having a lovely day so far btw ily 🫶🏻
❤️: what is your favourite line that you've written in a fic?
ooh . i have a few that i think r decent :’) it’s not often i like the things i put out but these r the ones that stuck out to me !! theyre all fluff lmfoaoojj
“by the gods, i’m sure they’re all talking about you in the love songs they write.” is what he whispers against your lips, a soft breath of words that make your heart flutter and skin burn. that’s what the present is with suguru. “but if you ask me, a lone man, to write something, i’d do it with a million and one songs, poems, reveries. more than i can count.” — from an untitled on my old blog “it’s like hearing aphrodite sing, and yet you cross her by miles both in beauty and voice. surely, he shouldn’t mention that out loud, but eros can’t possibly help the arrow puncturing his heart, and looking at his psyche now, he thinks you look absolutely flawless.” — from oversized never looked this good “the words are caught in his throat when you fingers go over the 悟 of his name, three syllables packaged into a single character. he didn’t expect you to remember, but it breathes some life back into him when you do it over his heart. he can’t remember the last time he let someone trace his name so intimately. with one last lingering kiss, you both succumb to slumber in peace, with gojo satoru’s first name in the palm of your hand, and his last name aching to take its place in front of your own.” — from 悟; “gojo satoru learns more and more about himself through the lens of your eyes — a love letter sealed with the saccharine strawberry you apply every morning and your whispered confessions that hold a multitude of suns to leave his fingertips blazing and heart soaring.” — from the drabble about gojo’s dimples “he treats you like painters do to their muse: gentle, delicate, a million memories of your anatomy seared into his brain from how long he’s stared at you.” — from late night drift w/ megumi
📚: is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
SO. MANY. literally ALL my moots omg ill link my mutual page and you can go crazy from there !!!! theyre all such talented people ! @kazushawty, @hoshigray ELLIE ! the lovely person who sent this ask, @crysugu, @jabamin, @getousex, @slttygeto, @preciousamethyst, @seeingivy, @rlvsmegumi, @zarihaaa, @etherealxmaya, @sluut4toji, @lov3rbody, @cybercandy1, @papersirens, @omgeto, @heavenlyevil (im so sorry if i missed u out im absolutely sleepy rn 😓🥹)
others include @shotorus, @saetoru, @sugurini @prettyboykatsuki @suget @satohruu ahh those are at the top of my head rn! pls pls follow them and give them ur love @ whoever sees this !!!
as for fanfics i dont save fanfics often apart from the reblogs on my pagebgnfjf and im not that good of a gauge for good fanfic cause i like EVERYTHING but i love gojo drabbles by saintobio, pixellated starboy by karma, geto’s fix it fic, what if you’re someone i just want around by saetoru, love alarm by ellie !!! one of his girls by empress (omgeto), nanami’s cariño, boy it’s you i desire by dilly (crysugu), just let me love you by anya / jabamin AAAAHHAHANI REQUESTED THIS I LOVE IT SM!!!! i have lots and lots of favourites im sorrryyy 😭😭😭
🎨: if someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
i mentioned once anything from the racer au would be so cool!! seeing them as racers would be soooo nic or maybe a scene from clementines involved geto peeling an orange for you 🥹 but tbh anything would be good ngl i would love even if it was a simply sketch 😭
ask game 💒
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
M6 and Lingerie
Hello all! I rarely do visual headcanons, but I thought this one would be a fun one to do it for! Here's some lingerie that give me M6 vibes. Whether it's the M6 or your MC wearing these/variations on these, whatever! I just found these and tried to match them up to their respective M6 :) I've listed where they're from as well. Do I plan to draw these? Eventually, yes, haha. But it might be a bit lol. Or I might write some short drabbles for them :) Enjoy! 18+ MINORS DNI
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Lucy Love and Lemons, Victoria's Secret
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Madame X in Lilac, Empress Mimi
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Judy Playsuit, Agent Provacateur
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Floral Embroidery, Shein
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Boho Embrodered Set, Love Good Lingerie
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Zazzy Zelda in Gold, Empress Mimi
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