#emrys my beloved
everyone-with-a-para · 5 months
I hope everyone with a para that died as a child has a great day
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to kiss a king
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joustingpitch · 2 months
me: can you imagine how much more powerful merlin would have been if they'd let him have colin's curly hair?
my partner: can you imagine how much more powerful he'd be if they'd let him have curly hair AND be irish??
me, nodding: you're so right. arthur wouldn't have died
them, overlapping: —wouldn't have died, exactly
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abisalli · 1 year
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just normal dragonlord things- like having a dragon climb on your back while you're trying to do the dishes
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akelafang · 4 months
Arthur and Merlin yelling at each other just off the training field. Lancelot: What's going on? Gwaine: Mum and Dad are fighting again. Lancelot: Who's winning? Gwaine: Who do you think? Lancelot: My money's on Merlin Leon: Back to training you two Gwaine: Oh come on Leon! Don't tell me you're not the least bit curious?! Leon: Whatever disagreements that arise between our king and his consort are none of our business. Gwaine: *pouting* You're no fun. Leon: Besides, everyone knows mu- I mean Merlin always wins
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justaz · 24 days
okay i get it “merlin is magic incarnate, it doesn’t make sense for him to not be able to perform healing spells” i get it! completely agree! HOWEVER let me offer this counterpoint:
the bit of healing magic emrys was supposed to embody was given to arthur instead. thats what kept him alive from magical threats for years before merlin got to camelot. he uses it unconsciously and thinks his expeditions/quests are just super lucky bc if his knights get injured it’s always something minor (because arthur’s healing magic seeps out into his men as well and keeps them from death). if someone were to get dangerously hurt, they tend to heal a lot quicker when arthur tends to their wounds. its so subtle that no one jumps to magic. it also kind of makes them yin and yang as the warrior set to oppose magic holds a morsel within and the embodiment of magic becomes a warrior to protect his king.
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sofitai28 · 1 year
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happy birthday to this show ig
here’s a sleepy merlin (again) ((god i wish i was taking a nap))
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chronicowboy · 1 year
i !! fucking !!! despise !!!! arthur and merlin's reunion in the darkest hour part two because like you can quite literally see all the things arthur is trying not to say !! he physically opens his mouth and stops himself at least twice !!!! do you understand? arthur watched his best, most trusted friend take a fatal spirit for him and then reluctantly released him to the charge of lancelot believing he'd never see him again, both because merlin would die and arthur would sacrifice himself, and then merlin came back ! whole and unharmed and alive !! and there's so much he could say, but all of it is too big and too scary so he just says good to see you merlin and pats him on the shoulder and - do you understand???
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jtl-fics · 1 year
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My fanart of Prince Andrew for @emry-stars-art Royal AU.
Andrew going through it feeling things for Abram.
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For the character bingo I have to ask abt merlin (bc I'm pretty sure you love him as much as I do)
The blorbo of all time!!! (you're so real and so right)
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Bastard for making me feel so many emotions
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everyone-with-a-para · 6 months
I hope everyone with a para who is dead has a great day!
(haunting the narrative, a ghost/undead, or however you feel it applies!)
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Favorite character from Throne of Glass so far? And try to guess mine 😜
Ooh, a good question! One that I actually have an answer to; despite the fact my answer really is all of them😂 (well all minus the obvious ones your NOT supposed to like; Arobynn, Maeve, Rourke Farran, the Blackbeak Matron, etc.) and while I am going to try & self-edit (something I’m terrible at, as any glance at my blog will show😂) the easiest explanation I have is probably this:
I will always utterly adore Fleetfoot like no other. Same with Abraxos. And Elide (who I seem to be in agreement with the characters; we would die for that cinnamon roll😂)
Fenrys snuck up on me & I’m still figuring it out, but I think he’s funny, and very charismatic/compassionate.
Asterin Blackbeak has really grown to have such a joy-filled place in my heart. & I really enjoy the 13’s dynamic & badassery. So, of course Manon is on there too (from the first introduction when I was like… she’s killing people… but somehow I like her? To now being the child of peace, the hope & heart of the “heartless”).
Aedion (despite our occasional moments of a tiff) I love the way he loves. Dorian (I don’t think we share an opinion on this one, which is totally okay) I just really appreciate his mind! Chaol was for a while then the opposite, right now I think I’m positive neutral-ish? … I can pretty much always find things to love in main/side/random characters.
And don’t get me started on Sam Cortland… that man… always beloved😭
Lysandra Ennar (despite that EoS plotted ending lol😅😅) I love her, I love the way she loves her found family, I love her sisterhood with Evangeline (esp. dear to me in my own life), & I appreciate the way her trauma is NOT her entire story.
Rowan Whitethorn (who funny enough was NOT a favorite for a while; twas a rough start but once I loved him, (& will never) not love him).
And now dwindled down to the answer of all answers, beyond even this series or Maasverse (of all fandoms this & she have become an all-time fav) Aelin Galathynius; I almost can’t explain it & would just say READ 8 BOOKS & you’ll get it😂 she’s such an arc & fleshed out character, a kind I don’t see often (especially in powerful female character personalities when a main character or any role for that matter) she makes sense to me, there’s a lot beyond the surface, she & that have meant a lot to me in my own life/trauma/grief & (much like the MANY characters that fall for her for this same reason) she's just something else; wild, fiery, witty & hilarious, impossibly smart, sharp but king, empathetic/understanding & compassionate, fiery yet controlled, deep-feeling & loving, bold & somehow joyful, brave (even if afraid), & very much the force of life & humanity & falling in love with living. She’s the (fire) heart of the story for a good reason.
Now, as far as your favorite goes THAT'S is a very good question (one that I will also leave in your ask box in case it’s easier; whichever works best for you whether here or there :-) is it cheating to have glanced at your blog previously?😂 … okay, so, I’m going to guess based on that & conversations plus general vibes Manon, Rowan, or Aelin. Less so the latter, esp. as I think it just vibes a little more (idk why… total guess here😂😝)? I definitely think your questions/thoughts are very well-put & intelligently written, plus fun & kind… so I’m leaning towards Rowan more so because of the amount of heart & “a dreamer's heart” he does have? We’ll see, regardless I have no doubt it’s a great one & can’t wait to hear it😆 so, thanks SO much for the double fun ask!!😊🫶
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dunyaandco · 1 year
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I know I've been radiosilent cause I've been working and sleeping all summer and that's not gonna change cause I'm going on a trip but I missed this cutie sooooo much so I just coloured a doodle I did at work
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feuxx · 1 year
hello beloved <33 may i request a cat merlin doodle? 🥺 i love him and i love the way you draw him <33
hello my lovely !!! 🥰💕 heres a cat!merlin with some lavender 😘🪻
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detectiveneve · 1 year
killing druids before I go to the goblin camp so minthara will want me 👍
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Random but how old do you think the knights, Gwen, and Merlin are?
*pulls down that giant rolled up projection screen they use in classrooms* okay sO
from what i remember, BBC Merlin canon timeline is 10 years (give or take) with some timeskips here and there just to speed up the process for a 5 season show.
now, here is a list of my assumptions of the characters' ages based on what hints canon provides us as each season begins
s1 character ages:
arthur - 21
merlin - 19
gwen - 20
morgana - 19
the knights? come back to me in 5 business days
s2 (i'm assuming there's a year timeskip here but y'all can correct me if i'm wrong)
arthur - 23
merlin - 21
gwen - 22
morgana - 21
s3 (year timeskip, meaning we miss 1 year of stuff)
arthur - 25
merlin - 23
gwen - 24
morgana - 23
s4 (year after finale; missing a year of arthur being a regent)
arthur - 27
merlin - 25
gwen - 26
morgana - 25
s5 (timeskip of 2 years according to the wiki)
arthur - 29
merlin - 27
gwen - 28
morgana - 27
s5 finale
arthur - 30
merlin - 28
gwen - 29
morgana - 28
more analysis under the cut because goddamn did i go off
edit: ok so first time it didn't cut off so hopefully i fixed it
s1 ep9 the show celebrates Arthur coming of age and being officiated as the crown prince of camelot. ergo, it's his birthday and he's turning 20/21 and it's been about 20 years since the Purge Uther started after the death of his wife wherein he directed all his anger and blame to the magic community because the man can't take failure well
however, short research shows that a typical age chosen for coming of age falls around 15, 18, and 21. doing process of elimination, it can't be 15 or 18 because arthur would have to be born after the Purge began, and Uther started all of this when Ygraine died, making arthur's birth very strange if he was born after her death lol.
so, we can conclude that arthur is 21 in s1 because he turns 21 on his birthday.
Merlin, following what the canon storyline gives us, is born a year or so after Arthur's birth and Ygraine's death. given Balinor's account on how he fled camelot, he was tricked by Uther into leading many dragonlords and dragons to their death which possibly happened a couple months (at most 6 imo) since Ygraine's death. then he fled and spent some time in ealdor, meeting Hunith and they were probably together for a year? until he left again some time before she gave birth to Merlin.
so, Merlin falls into the 18/19 age range by s1
Gwen I feel could be the same age as Merlin or she's just a year older. I know she's older than Elyan but by how much i don't remember the show saying. so it's possible Gwen started off as 19/20 in s1
given these estimations, we will now try and fit them into the story's timeline and see if we're able to find a somewhat accurate assumption on where the characters' ages fall by s5.
in my mind by "Moment of Truth" (s1 ep10) it's been a year (or close to, like 10 months) since Merlin's been serving Arthur. and by the end of s1 it most definitely has been at least a year since Merlin came to camelot.
by s3 there's been a time jump: Morgana has been "kidnapped" by Morgause and Uther's had his men searching for his ward for a year at most. doing the math, that means Arthur is 24, Merlin is 23/22, and Gwen is 23/24. in s3 we do celebrate Morgana's birthday (s3 ep5) but it's never clear how old she is.
i, at first, assumed she was older than Arthur simply because she was older in the legends. of course, the legends are used more as an outline than a set script so they have her younger than Arthur. also, in the show Morgana is the illegitimate child of Uther, so, to me, it'd be strange for Uther to cheat on his wife (who he mourns in the show) rather than him just having and affair with Morgana's mother, Viviane, after Ygraine's death.
using that string of logic, Morgana probably was born a year or so after Arthur, making her closest in age to Merlin which....plot-wise is interesting now that i think about. what if they were born on the same day, same time, cementing the idea that they are one in the same yet foils of the other, each other's doom.
i don't think i'm going to touch the knights' ages simply because that will make this post so much longer than it needs to be. i might do a separate one when i have time or when i'm ignoring my midterms lol.
but yeah, long story short: BBC Merlin is very good at being vague with time and ages but not in a way that super confusing and takes away from the plot. also it's fun to piece together the timeline of this world with the hints provided.
tldr: story takes 10 years and began when our lovely characters were in their late teens/early twenties and ended with them in their late twenties to early 30s
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