#enchanted earth jewelry
high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙
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ℌ𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔠 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔪𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔢
Daily Affirmations: Start your day with positive affirmations or spells to set your intention.
Morning Ritual: Incorporate meditation or a grounding exercise into your morning routine.
Herbal Tea: Brew herbal teas with magical correspondences for specific needs (e.g., chamomile for calm).
Crystal Carry: Keep a small crystal in your pocket or bag for daily energy boosts.
Incense and Smudging: Light incense or smudge your space to cleanse and energize it.
Moon Water: Use moon water (water charged under the moon) for washing, drinking, or watering plants.
Sigils: Draw or carry sigils for protection, luck, or other intentions.
Altar Space: Create a small altar or sacred space in your home.
Candles: Light candles with intention, choosing colors that correspond to your needs.
Tarot or Oracle Cards: Pull a daily card for guidance.
Journaling: Keep a magical journal for spells, dreams, and reflections.
Nature Walks: Spend time in nature, collecting items like stones, leaves, or feathers for your practice.
Kitchen Witchery: Infuse your cooking with intention and use magical herbs and spices.
Charmed Jewelry: Wear jewelry that has been enchanted or charged with specific intentions.
Lunar Phases: Plan activities and spells according to the lunar phases.
Weather Magic: Use the energy of different weather conditions in your spells and rituals.
Mindful Cleaning: Clean your space with intention, using magical cleaning solutions.
Bath Rituals: Take ritual baths with herbs, salts, and oils for cleansing and manifestation.
Gratitude Practice: End your day with a gratitude practice or prayer.
Sacred Music: Listen to music that uplifts your spirit or has magical significance.
Writing Spells: Incorporate spellwork into your daily writing, such as emails or notes.
Daily Offerings: Make small offerings to your deities or spirit guides.
Visualization: Use visualization techniques throughout the day to manifest your desires.
Plant Magic: Care for plants and infuse them with your magical intentions.
Energy Shielding: Practice energy shielding techniques to protect your aura.
Creative Art: Use art and creativity as a form of magic and expression.
Spiritual Reading: Read books, articles, or blogs on witchcraft to expand your knowledge.
Community Connection: Connect with other witches online or in-person for support and inspiration.
Crafting: Make your own magical tools, such as wands, sachets, or charms.
Ritual Dress: Wear clothing or accessories that have been enchanted for specific purposes.
Daily Devotions: Spend time each day in devotion or meditation with your chosen deities.
Intentional Breathing: Use breathing exercises to center and ground yourself.
Astrology: Incorporate astrology into your daily planning and decision-making.
Digital Magic: Use apps or digital tools designed for witches to keep track of moon phases, spells, and more.
Rune Work: Draw a daily rune for guidance and reflection.
Harmonize with Elements: Incorporate the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) into your daily life.
Affirmative Speaking: Speak with intention and awareness, using positive and empowering language.
Gardening: Create a magical garden with plants that have specific correspondences.
Mindful Eating: Bless and infuse your food with positive energy before eating.
Dream Work: Keep a dream journal and work with your dreams for insight and guidance.
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vivmaek · 11 months
VENUS IN THE 5th HOUSE: Observations
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People with this placement truly have star power. They are incredibly enchanting and other people can’t help but pay attention to them. Their audience is in love with whatever image they project into the world. They express themselves in a manner that is based in harmony. Having the ability to easily connect with other people grants them many advantages throughout life. They make people feel comfortable through their sense of self expression. At first, others might feel intimidated, but they are put at ease once they realize how down to earth these types actually are. As entertaining as they can be, they’re not here simply so they can put on a show. They invest a lot of meaning into their sense of self expression. Art is a powerful tool for them and they are blessed with creative talent. These types are also comfortable with receiving attention. They believe in making art for art's sake, they’re not doing it to showcase technical skill. Due to this, perfectionism isn’t something they usually struggle with. They’re pleasure seekers, and if they're not having fun with what they’re doing, they’ll abandon it. They don’t get stuck within their heads, which allows their creativity to blossom. Relaxing is something they truly enjoy. In theory, everyone should enjoy the act of relaxing. But, for some, finding the time or mentality for relaxation can be an impossible task. Venus fifth housers understand the importance of letting your mind rest, if they didn’t do this their creativity would be stunted. They hold a deep love for all things Venusian. Good food, music, and the company of great friends is what they need in order to feel fulfilled. People with this placement want to lead a charmed life, they’re not going to deny themselves from joy. It is likely that they will have many luxuries at their disposal. Their lifestyle is glamorous, they love jewelry, and their closet is overflowing with clothing. Their taste for aesthetics is excellent, and they love being surrounded by beautiful people and settings. They are also natural flirts, they enjoy making people feel good about themselves even if they’re not expecting anything. In turn, they also receive a lot of romantic attention and have a lot of fun when it comes to dating. They truly love life, and will welcome anyone who is willing to join them for the ride. 
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Headcanons for Tom lucitor with a human s/o? Or just fluff headcanons for him in general >_<, I just need more content of him
₊˚ପ⊹ human s/o relationship hcs ;
ft. tom lucitor from star vs. the forces of evil * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: fluff, gn!reader
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- tom loves to explore your guys’ worlds together. he usually takes you to magical realms to show you the wonders of them. he also introduces you to the friends he has there and they all really think you’re a cute pair
- and when you show him the beautys and nature of earth, he is amazed. he makes an effort to get used to human customs and fashion as a way to try and connect with you
- tom also likes to give you gifts as his way to show love for you. letters, flowers, royal jewelry, anything you lay your eyes on he’ll get you really
- he is constantly burnt out by all the duties and responsibilities that come with being a prince, so he is super glad to have you there to support and be there for him. he always returns your kindness in full by always giving you his full attention when you’re together and encouraging you to pursue your passions always
- you help bring out tom’s playful side — sometimes you’ll engage in silly competitions and play pranks on each other. he also has a thing for having impromptu dance sessions with you in your living room or at enchanting forests you both like to hang out and relax in with your shared friends sometimes
- you were a BIG part in his journey of personal growth. you helped him find ways to manage his anger and insecurities and learn how to communicate his thoughts and feelings effectively, and he literally does not know what he would do without you, so he makes sure to shower you with his love everyday. he truly believes you are the one for him <3
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© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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hiswitchcraft · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts/information about like
Enchanting/blessing an existing object? Idk if I'm using correct terms but placing magic onto something.
I used to when I was a little more physically capable stitch sigils onto my stuffed animals and have thought about undoing stitches to hide spell jars or crystals in the stuffing (before of course redoing the stitches) so that they can be a lil magic.
But I've also like the idea of attaching spells to things like jewelry (I don't have many that have actual crystals or anything) that look cute and I'd love to use as a charm, and I also always like the idea of attaching magic to letters and gifts to wish good fortune or protection on the recipient? Blessing on shoes maybe for safe travels and avoiding injury, or similar charms on other pieces of clothing... I just wouldn't know how to go about it, especially with things I want to keep physical alterations to a minimum with.
Enchanting is the term you're looking for I believe! Stitching sigils into stuffed animals is already so creative, inventive and resourceful I can't imagine you needing my help. But I do have plenty of thoughts and maybe I can give you a bit of guidance or further inspiration!
A Rough Guide to Enchanting
When you enchant something, you are basically just transferring a spell, or specific energy onto an object so it holds a certain property.
There are any number of ways you can do this. There's probably useful methods I won't list here, haven't heard of, or haven't though of. A lot of spell methods and components can be applied here and I'll go over some of them and then how you using or mixing them might look!
Herbs - This is the first method that comes to mind when I think of enchanting. You can set out a small object in a bunch of herbs that correspond to the property you want overnight. A lot of people also put the herbs in water, which could be magical, add a candle or put the whole thing under the full moon. You can also make this method more complicated by mixing in other methods but I get into that below!
Sigils - Sigils are your best friend here. You can draw them out in smoke, water or oil. You can burn them and mix the ashes in water or oil. You can draw them onto things. Sew them into things. You can draw them on yourself, and much more. The possibilities are endless. A very simple way to give an object a property is to put a sigil on it.
Anointing - You can make a magical water or oil by setting it out under a certain moon phase or astrological event, mixing things into it it, or drawing sigils in it. Then you can anoint the item with that. You can also burn things like sigils or herbs and use the ashes in this way or in a mixture for anointing, transferring the sigil spell to the object.
Smoke - Another way to use plants and herbs, select an herb (that is safe to burn) or create a bundle of herbs and burn them to create smoke. Let the smoke envelop the item to enchant it with the property or properties of those herbs.
Elemental enchanting - If you wanted an object to generally have the properties you associate with an element, you can enchant it with that element's energy. So for example you could bury an object under the full moon to give it the Earth's energies.
Mixing methods & using other ingredients I think all the methods above can work on their own can but you can also mix them or add other ingredients! If you wanted to, you could use smoke, then anoint the item, and let it sit out overnight under the full moon in herbs/an herb mixture/or with other ingredients in a bowl besides herbs, like sigils, or even tarot cards. I love using tarot cards in spells! The possibilities are endless here. Get creative with the ingredients you use.
Petitions You can get creative with the other ingredients besides herbs or sigils but there's another component I want to suggest here, and that is petitions. I have a post about them here but basically a petition is a sort of instruction set or contract with a spell for exactly what it will do, when it will do it, and when or what will stop it. This is a great thing to include in all spells in my opinion but it's particularly good for when you need something very specific and may be useful if you want to enchant something with a property or goal that's less general or just unusual. It also may be use to give the enchantment a fuel source or a kill switch. This is what makes petitions great for all spell work!
Visualization & your own energy This is both a step you may want to include and a little more an advanced suggestion. So first of all, when you enchant or do any spell really you can visualize the energy for the enchantment going into the object and focus to raise energy to charge the spell. Another thing you can do, if you are familiar with manipulating energy is to manipulate your own into the object to charge it or connect it to you.
Some final thoughts I can see why you'd want to enchant jewelry. That's probably one of the most common things people like to enchant because you wear it all the time, ideal for warding in my opinion but anyways! I know you mentioned wanting to enchant things like clothes or accessories without altering them too much and hopefully I covered that plenty. I think creating a mixture of herbs or other ingredients and setting them out in the full moon is idea for jewelry although many of the methods I mentioned could work. Using sigils with some mixture of Theban script would be an obvious choice for letters. I made and enchanted a bookmark for my girlfriend this way. But of course some of the other methods I mentioned would work as well. I'm so into DIY that I'd probably just create a patch or draw sigils on clothing or shoes... but not everyone wants that look, y'know? You could just draw sigils on the bottoms of shoes or use magical water when you clean the shoes. You could also use smoke. We're back to the possibilities are endless!
I think all of your ideas for properties to enchant objects with are great and I hope this helps you accomplish every single one of them, if you need help don't be afraid to follow up or message me!
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AT LONG LAST: meet the family!
Yarrow/Ichor/Aubade/[REDACTED] Tvalan
It/Its/Itself | Dae/Daer/Daers | Ro/Rose/Rose's/Roseself
Godling of Loyalty, RED & guardian of a hatchling. Brother of Molly & Strange. I like music, smithing, fashion, and sparring. Cohort of She Who Reads Eulogies & co-owner of the Harbour.
Infernal typing. Rest is a secret.
Molly/Moll/Aesse Tvalan
He/Him/His/Himself | They/Them/Theirs/Themself
Former mercenary & intelligence agent, performer, brother of Yarrow and I consider Strange part of the family. Fashionista & enchanter when I'm not reading or entertaining my darlings, tea enthusiast. I may have called myself Molly for a bit and the consequence was it sticking.
Infernal who grew up on the fringes. Blame my quirks on my parents! Or the guild I ran away to. Or any of my friends~ (By the by! I run @seventh-open-eye ♡)
He/Him/His/Himself | It/Its/Itself
Traveler and... Security worker. When I'm not on the move I live wherever Aesse lives. Fond of swordplay, 18th century fashion, political drama and snatching sweets Aesse has bought.
Fleetfoot unicorn, and no, I don't think you have enough money to buy my time.
Raz/Raeon D'Calavier
Performer, tailor, and musician. I'd say I'm a traveler, but I tend to shortcut through the Roads, so I'm a bit spoiled. Former noble who may or may not have faked my death! Avid fan of collecting jewelry and ornate weapons.
Infernal, no idea if my strain has a translation in English but it's partially aligned with the processes of the earth.
He/Him/His/Himself | They/Them/Theirs/Themself
Humans would call me an archfae, though I have none of the responsibilities of one. I enjoy soft linens, gold thread, and Moll's singing voice. Oh, and anything involving vanilla pudding? Hand it over. Now. Please~?
Spirit of the bitter drought, bleached bones, cracked silt, white sun.
Regional seer, clockworker, researcher. I'm usually not around the house since I work long, odd hours. I specialize in time, gravity, and perception magic. I'm fond of iced drinks and birdsong.
What I am doesn't have English words for it, but you may liken me to a moon-forest elf for the sake of a poorly translated visual.
They/Them/Theirs/Themself | [untranslateable]
"Consultant" who focuses on strategy and resource management. I like cheese and taffy! Swing music, too but not really the shit with heavy bass. Makes my ears hurt.
Humans would call me a... I dunno what they'd call me actually. Moll says to say drake-faun?? No idea.
Kalvan/Kallie Tvalan
He/Her/His/Herself & They
Librarian? I used to have a job but I kinda quit when I moved to the Harbour. I probably eat too much chocolate for my own good... I will always accept more hoodies and nail files.
Vampire mix who really doesn't feed as much as he should.
(Emyrin/Em here! I'm Kall's sisterrrr I don't live in the Harbour (yet) but I gotta hype her up he's really good at sorting books and has a better singing voice than he'll ever admit!)
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We won't be describing any of those who are children here as they cannot provide sufficient informed consent to do so, but we will mention Nox is a hatchling in the house who may be mentioned sporadically to varying extents by Yarrow.
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docwritesshit · 1 year
Hi 👋dear Author how about SFW romance
characters : Ao Lie,Azure lion,Tang,
The same lover Ao lie
Ooooooo I can definitely work with this one!
Ao Lie relationship hcs!
Where did I leave off with this one?
I've already done Ao Lie relationship hcs but I guess I can add more to it
Let's see...
Ah! He always gets you pearl necklaces or emerald earrings for jewelry!
He says you look cute in his colors!
He loooovvveeesss you playing and styling his hair for him
It's soothes him so much
And you know this sweet thing can pack a punch, so expect a semi murderous glint in his eyes of someone ever tries to dishonor you in any way
Favorite pass time is you guys learning to do calligraphy together
Idk why but he seems like the kind of guy that likes doing it
And he loves playing dress up with you!
This relationship is so wholesome and down to earth
Azure Lion
To be frank, this man seems like the type to propose as soon as he realizes he likes you
But he knows that's a little forward now a days so he takes his time courting you
His ideas for the perfect date is a picnic outside with a feast for you as you gaze towards a waterfall
He gifts you extravagant things at first, a few things you also don't care much for
But when he starts to get to know you, expect a new bracelet you showed him that you liked
Maybe that plushie you that made you squeak with delight the first time you saw it
Or a few supplies for your hobbies! This man is not above spoiling you
Love it when you cook for him. Everything you make is delicious to him no matter what it is
But his favorite moments? The quiet ones where you just sit together and do whatever it is your doing
You both doing your own things and being so comfortable. The moment enchants him
He never thought he would find comfort in the silence when all of his brothers were so loud.
He thrived in the chaos, but a calm environment let's him see how the quiet can sometimes be soothing
Oh this poor man
First of all, you make this man pay. His. Half.
He whines and pouts but mfer has the money. He just likes to tease
(do we know what his job is? Eh, hes a historian who works in a muesum now) you visit him at his job alot as he works late nights pouring over research and such
You always bring him a takeout from Pigsys
His perfect date is a library date or a book date where you two just lay together and read whatever book y'all are
He loves it when you share funny lines from yours and he tells you facts from his
His favorite moments are those where you smile
Just that bright smile you get when you're laughing so hard you can't stop for a few minutes
Or that smile when you see something cool
He loves being able to see that smile, he feels like it's a special attraction
And for gifts, he usually gets you expensive food to make up for all the times he's convinced you to pay his half for him
Oh! And book marks! Lost of bookmarks
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tears-of-amber · 4 months
hey I'm sort of low-key interested in beginning witchcraft can you share some of the things you do in your practice (btw I'm Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon and Rising)
Ok, so I’ll start by saying what works for me isn’t going to necessarily work for you. But here we go:
As a witch I try to do certain things as much as possible. I’m not going to say daily, because I’m disabled and it’s hard sometimes to get out of bed due to depression as well. But here’s a look into my practice.
I do a lot of nature grounding exercises. No phone with me, just sitting in my backyard on the ground (which yes, my backyard is cement mostly but the earth goddess is still under it). It’s a way of being mindful and connecting with nature. I whisper thanks to the nature spirits, and thank Jörd or Gaia who are earth goddesses. This is definitely a pagan thing but it overlaps with my witchcraft practice. Because occasionally I’ll do rituals in that same outside backyard space, and then I feel more connected and comfortable because they are spirits and energies I have interacted with before.
Another thing I do is I’m very INTENTIONAL about the clothes I wear, the accessories too. I enchant certain jewelry pieces or ask deities to imbue them with their energy so I feel safe and magical throughout my day.
I’m not a coffee drinker so the coffee witchcraft tip you’ll probably see everywhere with the “stir clockwise to invite” and “stir counter clockwise to banish”. I do that in lemon water. Lemon for positivity and energy boosting cause I’m pretty lethargic due to my health issues.
When I do a spell, I consider “timing” SOMETIMES. Like, sure, a certain moon phase or day of the week or month can boost my intentions. But honestly if I’m in a pinch and need to do a spell I’ll do it even on a day or moon phase that has nothing to do with the intentions of my spell. YOU are powerful. Always remember that. And heck, there’s probably some corresponding energy at play, even if it’s not the timing.
Also, I’m constantly evolving and reevaluating my craft. I used to use an athame way more than any other tool. I didn’t use a wand at all. Now it’s the opposite. And maybe that’ll change again. That’s OK. As beings and spirits we are made to change and grow. It doesn’t mean we were wrong or are right. It’s just a change.
Cleansing crystals or charging them is overrated. I know. It’s an unpopular opinion. I don’t cleanse my crystals very often. I only cleanse a particular one if I get weird vibes. How to tell if there are weird vibes? Honestly, everyone feels vibes differently. I just get a feeling in my gut.
I DO CLEANSE AND LOCK MY MIRRORS TWICE A YEAR. Would do it more but I’m exhausted half the time. It’s important in my craft because I’m highly sensitive to ghosts and spirits and mirrors are portals to other dimensions. Lots of superstitions in lots of different cultures regarding mirrors and the dead. And I’m picky about the ghosties and spirits in my space. I don’t want to block them all, so I use the intention to only let a particular type of energy in. If you have questions on my methods, dm me! I’ll elaborate. Hope this helps!
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hirazuki · 11 months
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Eöl (Tolkien) Cosplayer + edits: me Photo credit: tranimaging2 Wig: cheap store-bought wig + blended hairline Contacts: Uniqso (Kazzue Blytheye Grey) Ears: Aradani Costumes (Sun Elf Ears) Robe & cloak: originally made by alchemic_rose, altered/dyed by me Fangs: Scarecrow (Small Deluxe Fangs) Sword: SurvivalViking (Etsy) Jewelry, shirt, pants, belt, and boots are my own. "In that wood in ages past Melian walked in the twilight of Middle-earth when the trees were young, and enchantment lay upon it still. But now the trees of Nan Elmoth were the tallest and darkest in all Beleriand, and there the sun never came; and there Eöl dwelt, who was named the Dark Elf." - The Silmarillion
Inspired by this gorgeous fanart.
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sashannarcylove · 2 months
My Sashannarcy wedding headcanons cause yes.
The Ceremony
They had their wedding on Earth and in Amphibia. The ceremony itself was on Earth but once it was over they held their reception party in Amphibia afterwards.
Their wedding was mostly a traditional Thai wedding for the most part with a few Amphibia traditions thrown in.
Anne made sure to have lots of flowers placed around the venue, she wanted the entire place to look like an enchanted garden and Mr. Boonchuy and Hop Pop helped pick them out.
They used a sword to cut their cake, Sasha also wanted Anne to sword fight her afterwards for no reason at all.
Anne and Sasha did their super dance fusion routine during their dance together, it started off as a slow dance but it changed afterwards to their dancing routine. Marcy loved watching her wives dance with each other in sync.
Sasha: gave Anne a new sword while she gave Marcy a wrist bow like she used to have in Newtopia.
Anne: gifted two different things one from her Thai culture and one from Frogs. She gave Sasha and Marcy each a piece of gold jewelry (Sasha and Marcy both gaining bracelets) and for the frog culture she gave Sasha and Marcy flowers that would represent their relationship and their love for each other.
Marcy: This was the toughest to find out and determine, but I decided necklaces made sense more than portraits for the sake of just wearing all the time
For the ceremony, each trio member had a little "traditional moment" from their respective Amphibian side. (Some I took the ideas from @thisbelongsto-nohbodys which as long as I credit them I'm good to use them)
Their attire (work in progress)
It's very debatable if they wore different outfits, I may make another post dedicated to making outfits for the trio.
I'll update this regularly with new ideas and if anyone brings up any of their own that I like I'll add them. Thanks for reading!
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hisohisoart · 1 month
What role do you think you'd take in a fantasy story? Archetype/Position in a story ect.
Oh, easy, Enchanter's apprentice.
Not one of those big fancy enchanters' shops mind you, if you want living armore or a necklace that brings you back from death, well, then i'd suggest you go elsewhere.
No, i do jewelry repairs mostly.
The neat thing about those is that there's not actually all that much magic involved. The lock broke so i rethread it and close it with a new lock. Every ingredient in that process may be magical but the process itself isn't.
Though it is rather embaresing to admit i did drop out of the magical adacemy in my first year, im just not paticularly cut out for academia.
That won't stop adventures dropping by the shop at the most unfortunate times seeking my old master though.
You see during the time i did go to the academy i studied under an old sorcerer who's name i find unwise to share. He was a freak and a right pervert but so am i so we got along fairly well. Some time ago he dropped off the face of the earth. Said he "was offered opportunity elsewhere," whatever that means.
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 10
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter's Note: An undercover mission? In fancy/sexy clothes? And they pretend to be dating? Nooobody knows where this could possible lead to! Clearly not some intimate moments between Loki and the Witchling. Clearly. Beta by @zaria-04 <3
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Chapter 10: Club Enchant
Before she arrived, Nat called up a blueprint of the building and committed it to memory, making sure she knew every last detail. Finding the necessary points, she cycles through those details, planting the customary mental markers in place.
Total building occupancy: three hundred twenty six, single door entrance located on the north side of the building. One bouncer is manning the main door, armed with a well hidden taser. Twelve security cameras are positioned through the club, with none of those cameras pointed at the secluded VIP area.
Single door exit point on the south wall, illuminated by a neon green sign; bathrooms on the east wall, accessed through another door and a small hallway. No windows.
"Clint, re-confirm your position," Natasha speaks calmly.
"Still north of the entrance, opposite building. Clear visual, nothing irregular to see." Clint's voice comes clearly through a tiny device tucked in Natasha's ear.
Loki and you are driven to the front of the club in a dark limousine. The driver opens the door for you. Loki gets out first, then extends his hand to help you.
"We arrived," you murmur just loud enough for Natasha and Clint to hear over comm.
There's a small line of waiting people lined up, but you don't even glance at them. People who don't walk right into the club are beneath the dignity of those you pretend to be today. Loki has perfected this behavior. It must be his royal blood, you realize, he is used to this. As he leads you to the entrance, you feel like a piece of jewelry being carried out on his arm.
The doorman stops you. "Name?" he asks briefly but not rudely. He will be if he doesn’t find you on his list.
"Pine, Jonathan." Loki's voice is bored, on the edge of annoyed. Like a man in his position would think that when he appeared, you would know who it was. Still, he can't help but feel important when fuss is made over him. Even if it is only to have his presence, his status, confirmed by someone in a certain position. Not that the bouncer is an influential person, but he does hold some power in his hands, deciding who belongs in here and who does not. Loki plays his role perfectly.
Only you notice the small gesture of his hand, the brief flicker of green light on the display, which immediately disappears again.
The doorman scrolls and then nods. The door opens for you. You are let in.
Loud music is booming towards you. Unfortunately, it’s very generic, not to your liking. But you're not here to have a fun time.
The club is furnished in a modern style. It's clear at first glance that only people with money come here. There are quite a few of those in town. Every year there is a new secret location tip that is passed on only in certain circles. Some of these clubs want to give the impression that they belong to the underground, with industrial ambiance. The more run-down, the better. It's a trend so that the children of the rich feel transported to another world for a night, a world of the forbidden and the gutter.
Not Club Enchant. Everything looks expensive. The walls and floors are white, almost marble-like, with silver accents. In the neon light they have different shades of pink, blue and purple. The seats are covered in red leather and the staff wear very questionable-short uniforms and masks of black lace.
What the decor shows in taste, the female guests lack in their outfit choices. While the men wear dress-shirts and slacks, sometimes even suits, the ladies show a lot of skin. You see more than a pair of breasts under fabric that is so translucent that it doesn't even deserve its name. You feel almost overdressed with your short dress, but you are glad it covers everything important.
There are two levels. The main area has a large bar, a spacious seating area with armchairs and small tables and a dance floor. For being so exclusive, the club is very crowded. It has to be, so individuals can get lost in the crowd.
A staircase in the back leads to another bar, a smaller one. Up there, you see Natasha standing. She's sipping champagne from a glass and apparently watching the dance floor. Your eyes meet briefly, but neither of you acknowledges that you know each other. Then she turns her back to you.
"Do you see the red velvet curtain to your left, guarded by a bouncer?" you hear her voice over comm. "Behind it is the VIP area. Identification mark is a tattoo on the right forearm, checked with UV light."
"Who gets tattooed for a club?" you ask, frowning.
"You'd be surprised what rich people do to give the impression of being exclusive." You hear amusement in her voice and make a mental note to ask her about it later. For now, it's better if you talk as little as possible to her.
So the first hurdle of the evening is to figure out what that tattoo is. You can't show up with the wrong one.
"Why don't you have some fun without me?" asks Loki, who's been listening in on comm. "I'll be right back."
"Having fun without you? How do you expect me to do that?" Your tone is playful, but you let go of his arm and he disappears into the crowd of guests. You glance after him for a moment, then turn in the other direction. You remind yourself that the two Avengers can overhear everything. You should be more careful about flirting, even if it is part of the role. Fortunately, the comm remains silent.
You sit down at a free table and let your eyes wander. The music is loud and the beat is pounding in your head. The light changes between different colors and for the most part you can only make out the outlines of people. The club does have its charms, if you're into that sort of thing.
Rose Petal must have money if she can run this club. It's not unusual for witches, over time they just learn how to make money - and more importantly, how to keep it. They have more time, more resources, more knowledge. They don’t always stick to legal ways.
Not every witch lives as solitary as you have the last few years. You can find witches in all walks of life. Whereas the magic is never publicly practiced. The threat of witch hunters is still too real for that.
Suddenly, someone sits down next to you. "Surely a woman sitting here all by herself and without a drink is waiting to be approached."
It's a man probably in his 40s or early 50s. Below average height, round face and a receding hairline. His suit looks expensive enough that it may compensate some for the fact that there's something predatory about his small, watered-down eyes and the grin that shows just too many teeth. His arm rests casually on the back of your seat and it wouldn't take much for it to be around you. At least he hasn't put his hand directly on your leg.
For a moment your gaze is irritated because you were in thought, but you catch yourself immediately and give him a fake smile. You need to be more on guard and aware of your surroundings. "You seem to know a lot about women," you reply innocuously.
The man's grin gets a touch smarmier. "Well, I have a pretty good eye for these things. What would you like to drink? You can choose everything on or off the card."
"That sounds generous but maybe the lady is more interested in visiting the VIP lounge," another voice interjects from behind you. You recognize it immediately and as you turn around, you see Loki holding out his hand to you. He eyes the guy disdainfully.
You place your fingers in his. "That offer is much more tempting."
Without another word, you let yourself be led away, not even feeling the annoyed look at your back. Loki squeezes your hand gently, a reassuring gesture. You repeat it, as a sign that everything is fine. The guy wasn't really bothering you, he was just being disruptive.
You reach the red velvet curtain and Loki pulls up the hem of his right sleeve, just enough to expose his wrist and a bit of his forearm. The bouncer shines a small UV flashlight on it and you see a diamond with small line-like details shining brightly. You recognize it as the Lion's Paw symbol, a foreign rune.
You are let through without any objections. Behind the curtain you are walking up a staircase leading to a door at the top.
"This is an unusual place for Berber magic," you murmur just loud enough for your companion to hear you.
"We'll see if it's real or just for show."
Things are a little quieter in the VIP area. You notice a wall of windows facing the rest of the club. From the outside, it had given the impression of a mirror. Of course, you have a good overview of the club from here. People feel much better while watching the ordinary people that don't deserve to even breathe the same air.
You sit down at the bar and order drinks, looking around a bit. There are about thirty people up here, sitting or standing together in small groups. The largest group sits in a booth in the back corner and seems to be having a splendid conversation. At least you hear laughter from there every now and then and notice a lot of glasses and bottles standing on the table.
There you also spot Rose Petal and her right-hand man, Daegal Thornton, who is always at her side. With a nudge you draw Loki's attention to them. You recognize her immediately from the photos: blonde hair, an expensive pastel lipstick and designer clothes. A silver, tight-fitting dress and a fur stole to go with it. Everything about her screams 'I'm too rich for you to even look at me'.
Her right-hand man is the exact opposite in the matter of appearance: dark, short hair, lots of tattoos and a glance that tells you you better not bug him with unimportant things. His outfit is all black, but looks no less expensive than Rose's.
As you eye him secretly, you curse softly. "Shit."
"What is it?" asks Loki quietly. His expression remains calm, as if you're talking about something trivial.
You nod your head in their direction. "See that guy at Rose’s side? The one with the tattoos on his neck and hands and the black goth clothes, who looks like he fell out of a Tim Burton movie? He's the witch."
The Asgardian reaches for his drink and sips it as he sneaks a look at the man. "Are you sure?" This changes the facts of his assignment. But it wouldn't be a problem.
"Absolutely. They are magical rune tattoos. Either he's a huge fan of the aesthetics or he has spells stored in every single one of them," you explain, "My sister uses the same method."
Now Loki gives the sorcerer a more interested look. "Pretend to be offended when you leave," he says, without looking at you.
You slide off your barstool and scowl at him. "Be careful," you hiss, jostling his shoulder as you walk.
He doesn't answer, but you can hear him ordering a drink for the witch. It's all part of the performance. If Loki is to distract the man, you can't be in the way. And what's more flattering than someone else getting dumped for you. You're sure with his charm Loki can wrap anyone around his finger – if he wants to.
Back in the main area on the first floor, you disappear into the crowd of dancers, to shake off curious glances and avoid being approached by a creep again. Normally, you like to dance. But not when you're surrounded by sweaty bodies and with that hypnotizing, monotonous beat in your ear.
"Having fun?" you hear Natasha over comm.
"Right next to the bar is a door that leads to the basement. I'll distract the bartender."
"Copy that."
"Nobody says that."
"Yeah, rookie mistake," Clint joins in.
You don't say anything in reply, but make your way through the crowd, walk up the few steps to the elevated bar. You could use a drink, especially since you forgot your glass in the VIP area. So you order yourself another. While you wait, you take a look around. The door Natasha was talking about is near you. Perfect.
The drink you get has a color gradient from yellow to red and is decorated with skewered fruits. You put them between your lips and pull out the skewer as you watch Natasha flirt with the bartender at the other end of the bar. Briefly, you check the area again, but there are no other staff to be seen near you. Setting the skewer down on the napkin, you take your drink and slip through the door.
Behind it you find a short corridor and then a staircase leading down. You've just reached the stairhead when somebody places a hand on your shoulder from behind. You spin around, a spell ready in your hand. You stop just barely in front of Loki's face.
"What the hell are you doing here?" you ask in a hushed voice.
"The witch is boring. He's talking to an illusion of me." Loki steps past you down the stairs. "Come on. We don't have all night."
You finish the rest of your drink in one go and follow him, after placing your empty glass on a step. Someone else can take care of that.
The Asgardian is waiting for you downstairs and together you walk down the hallway. You keep passing small branch corridors with doors signposted as storerooms.
Suddenly Loki grabs you and pulls you into a narrow side corridor, pressing you against the wall. He clasps his hand on your mouth, his face very close to yours as you stare up at him with wide eyes.
"Sshh," he murmurs as you try to speak. His body presses against yours and you feel its warmth through your dress, which is basically a breath of nothing. Maybe you've been enchanted and this is just a dream. One you don't want to wake up from so soon. It must be so, you have no other explanation for this – admittedly your brain is not capable of thinking straight right now.
Suddenly you hear footsteps as someone approaches you. Panic adds to the confusion of your feelings and you hold your breath. If you two get discovered, it will jeopardize the mission.
Your eyes search his gaze. Loki is perfectly calm, even winking at you. As if to tell you that he has everything under control, you just have to trust him. You have no other choice. Maybe he created an illusion around you, protecting you from the gaze of others. His warm breath brushes your skin and you bite your lower lips to avoid making a telltale sound.
The footsteps stop very close to you. Loki blocks your view to the main hallway and you don't dare turn your head.
"Hey! What are you two doing down here?"
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @sofi786 @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r
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gsstories · 5 months
The Reincarnations
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Name: Porphyra ‘Emery’ De’b la Rosa God of the Moon and Night Caretaker: Father Moon Gender: Gender Apathetic Nicknames: Lil Rose, Mery, Phyra, Fae Boy, Night owl, Stone Face. Age: 15 Status: Safe
Personality: Emery is a quiet individual, pretty eerie and often sneaks up on people by accident. They stay up at night since it’s the most calm for them. Spends their time learning magic and of the past incarnations of them and their brethren. They are the youngest of the three Princely Gods but have the biggest horns out of the three. (They are supposed to be more purple but the Picrew barely had purple :,)) As you can see, they are more fae like looking out of the others. They have very good sense of hearing and can hear things that are pretty far away. They sometimes use an intangibility spell as to walk past people who take too damn long. Will snap at someone if they dare joke about their missing brother. Very close with Father Moon.
Current worries: Fears for their older brother’s safety after he went missing.
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Name: Josiah of the Riverside God of the Sun and Day Caretaker: Father Sun Gender: Male Nicknames: Snowball, softie, simp, angel. Age: 16 Status: Safe Personality: Josiah is the middle child of the Princely Gods, more extroverted than his two siblings but is still quite the shy one. Loves looking his best and making sure his siblings look good as well. Loves jewelry and wears a ton of it, got his siblings into as well. Has a bit of a friendly rivalry with Emery (cause sun and moon, day and night and all-). Is seen mostly during the day helping out around the kingdom, playing with the kids, talking to those who are lonely, basically being the kingdom’s resident bestie. He became closed off when his older sibling disappeared without a trace. Is a hopeless romantic and is always eager to hear the love stories of the elderly of the kingdom. A bit jealous of how his elder sibling often gets letters from potential suitors and admirers. Loves anything that is lemon related. Can someone balls of light and manipulate fire, plus is fire resistant. Will deflate when his older brother’s good name is being tarnished before getting enraged at the person. Very close with Father Sun. Current worries: Fears for his older sibling’s safety after he went missing.
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Name: Daniel or Daisy Liu Pereira God of the Cosmos and the Unknown Caretaker: Father Eclipse Gender: Gender-fluid Nicknames: Golden child, Pretty boy, The elder one, the Sage. Age: 18 Status: Missing Personality: Sweet and shy, Daniel is the eldest of the Princely Gods. Is the most calm of the bunch and keeps his siblings in check whenever they go overboard with stuff. Smart, agile and gifted, he learned to use his abilities rather quickly. Loves mango flavored anything. Is almost as fashionable as Josiah and is also a hopeless romantic. Doesn’t really like being bombarded with love letters though. His third eye is able to see into different places of the Earth if he concentrates hard enough. A bit too trusting for his own good. Adores his younger siblings. Loves going out into the forest to find trinkets, cool rocks and flowers, usually keeps them in a magic vase so the flowers don’t wilt. He likes to sew and has made a few outfits for himself and his siblings. Finds mythical animals amazing, even those who don’t seem that interesting. Sometimes falls asleep when doing his studies and has to be brought back to his room as to have a good night’s rest, mostly getting there by Emery. Is close to Father Eclipse. Current worries: ???
Facts about Princely Gods:
They all have very enchanting voices that can LITERALLY enchant people if the three all sing together.
Their blood is gold.
Even though they are gods, they can still die, they will just be reincarnated. They have to be close to each other when they die though.
Almost all incarnations look similar: Sun incarnations light hair and eyes, Moon incarnations have dark hair and eyes and Cosmo incarnations are the exception, they can look like anything lol.
They do not have memories of their past incarnations so Sun, Moon and Eclipse are to teach them about so.
The Goddesses are always watching
And if you wish to know more… “What…?” (Speak with Father Moon) ”Oh, hello. Is there something you need?” (Speak with Father Sun) “Speak.” (Speak with Father Eclipse) You can ask the Celestial Fathers anything you want! You can add your own characters if you so wish, I can try incorporating them into the main story!
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nomsfaultau · 6 months
Oh but she was out of this world gorgeous. Not a drop of glamour necessary. Long legs, curves for days, full blonde hair, and just the way the entire coffee shop turned to look at her…Kuliis sighed with envy as they watched the stranger strut through the room. And yet bitterness tinged it, knowing they didn’t have even a shred of the confidence she did. Shame welled up quickly, a hot, sickly feeling. Kuliis wished they could be like that, flaunting everything. Unfaltering at nasty looks and upturned noses and old people hiding children. Kuliis longed for that confidence, wearing what they wanted to wear, being their true self. Not hiding in the corner, pretending to be someone they simply weren’t. The stranger’s voice purred out in a rich baritone as she ordered, and Kuliis instinctively cleared their throat. It hurt to pitch their own voice so high, just for the hope of passing. They nervously rubbed the jewelry dangling on their wrist, hating the illusion of a normal teenage girl that they relied on for safety. But it was easier this way, even if it hurt to pretend a little more each day.
Becca’s fingers snapped beneath Kuliis' stubby nose. “Helllooooo? Earth to Amy? Can’t you pay attention for five minutes?? What are you even looking…at…” The girl glanced over at the stranger, then whipped around fully, eyes bulging out of her skull. 
It was hideous. Becca clapped her hands over her mouth to stop herself from vomiting. Its legs– oh god its legs– there had to be at least fifty of them. An alien. Had to be. Ohh, Dad had warned her about the sorts that lived in big cities, but Becca hadn’t thought they’d let those types in. What if it attacked someone? Its long, segmented body curved through the shop, mangey yellow fur twitching and almost seeming to reach for innocent humans. Antenna twitched as it towered over the barista, growling out an order for a Frappuccino.
Amy was frozen, watching with massive blue eyes. Thinking quickly, Becca jerked her face away, leaning in close. “Don’t look at it directly,” she hissed. “That’s a sign of aggression with them.” Amy nodded mutely. She was on the verge of tears. Poor thing, this was probably her first time out of that backwater nowhere place she came from. The name was slipping Becca's mind at the moment. “They really shouldn’t let those freaks around anyone. I mean, think about how many people died in that stupid failed invasion! There could be, like, war veterans with PTSD. Like it’s a free country or whatever, I just think they should stay out of sight.” Amy gave a hesitant note of agreement. Becca dropped her tone to a conspiratorial whisper. “I heard there’s a new enchantment out. Forces a glamour so thick that even non-humans can’t see through it. Wouldn’t that be terrifying? Like you think you’re talking to a normal person when actually it's some space centipede freak?”
Amy nervously fidgeted with her bracelet. “Yeah. Wouldn’t that be scary…”
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fe-fictions · 1 year
I have an idea. Maybe could we see robin and vaike but robin is nervous for the wedding night cause she doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t want to make a fool of herself
(This wasn't supposed to be nearly as long as it is but I just,,,love Vaike and think he'd be such a supportive and sweet husband ;;;)
It was totally obvious that you had fallen head over heels for Vaike. Somehow, that brute had wiggled his way into the heart of the brilliant tactician. 
He was surprisingly sweet and charming when he wasn’t being a bonehead, and when you got to know him beyond the bluster of an axe-swinging warrior…well, you knew he was the one.
He made you feel safe, and happy, and assured. You knew you’d made the right choice. There was only one thing you had doubts about.
The impending evening following your wedding.
You didn’t know how to do anything after the party would be over. Your honeymoon was going to follow shortly after, and you didn’t know what to do on your honeymoon! You were an amnesiac; so if you had any experience with intimacy, it was long forgotten.
Worse yet, any knowledge you might have had before you filled your head with tactics and fighting styles…well, there just wasn’t anything left. 
To be honest, you were starting to doubt how on earth you’d managed to entice a man enough that he’d want to marry you.
These were thoughts that had been rushing about your mind for a while, but you had pushed them away and instead focused really hard on the more important details of the wedding.
But now there was no more planning, no more invitations to send, no more food to try (much to Vaike’s chagrin). 
Now you were being fitted into your dress, you were less than an hour from your ceremony, and…all you could think about was the fear of disappointing your future husband.
The women of your Shepherds were your maids of honor. And they were currently helping you get ready.
While you were sitting like a lovely porcelain doll, Maribelle, Sumia and Cordelia were working tirelessly to finish your hair and check the fit of your dress.
Lissa, Nowi and Panne were discussing food options; namely, which ones would disgust the Taguel woman the least.
Tharja and Miriel were most interested in your jewelry, checking the makeup of the metals for authenticity…and which would be the sturdiest when she enchanted them with protective charms.
All of the chaotic happiness and chittering of your dear friends should have been enough to distract you. But unfortunately, you were just getting deeper and deeper into your thoughts.
You felt isolated in your thoughts, and you’d be lying if you tried to think otherwise.
“Robin?” Cordelia’s voice touched your ear, “Did you hear me?”
“Hm?” You looked to her, “Did you say something?”
“I asked if the dress felt too tight here.” Her fingers brushed your side, “Does it fit comfortably?”
“As comfortably as a wedding dress can, I suppose.” You managed to pull together a response, “It’s not meant to give me a lot of movement, right?”
“That’s correct.” Maribelle nodded, her curls bouncing happily as she worked. “The purpose of your wedding gown is to make you look as stunning and gorgeous as possible; to display all of your beauty to the world! But, most importantly, to show your husband just how lucky a man he is.”
“He should already know- to think that Vaike of all people is marrying our Robin!” Sumia giggled, “He’s the last person I would have thought you’d fall for.”
“We certainly are different people, aren’t we?” You smiled weakly, looking at your hands. “I…do hope he’s pleased when he sees me.”
"Pleased won’t begin to cover it!” Maribelle clicked her tongue, “If that man’s jaw isn’t on the floor the second he sees you, then he won’t be worthy of you at all! You’re stunning, Robin. He’s far more lucky to have you than the other way around.”
“Come on now, that’s not fair. Vaike’s really a wonderful man. I’m…I’m really happy that he chose me.”
“I think you’re both perfect for each other.” Coredlia agreed, “You’ve made Vaike a better person in the short time you’ve known him. He’s changed a lot, and I think you’re the one we should thank for that. The less perverted, more compassionate and charming Vaike is a welcome improvement.”
“Ugh. ‘Charming’ isn’t a word I would ever associate with that brute.” Maribelle huffed, sliding another pin into your hair. “But it matters not. You chose him dear, and if that’s the man you want, then I will do everything in my power to make sure he knows just how good he’s got it.”
"Which reminds me-” Sumia slips away, going over to her satchel on the chair and producing a small parcel. “Sully and I were out shopping the other day, gathering up the last things we needed for your wedding. And well…we stopped by this particular store, where….”
“Just give her the present and let her see what it is!” Sully grinned and strode over upon the mention of her name, plucking the package from Sumia and tossing it to your lap. “You’re gonna love it, Robin! And more importantly, that big lug is gonna fall in love with you even more than he will when he sees you in that dress.”
You unwrapped the wax paper and untied the string, curious what this amazing treasure could possibly be.
Something that would make him love you even more? What kind of thing could that possibly-
“Oh, my!”
“Wow, Sumia, are you for real? You and Sully bought this?!”
In your hands, which trembled just slightly…was a very intricate and beautiful set of lingerie.
And it was bright red.
“I-I…wow…” Your face flushed a deep scarlet, unable to mentally process the delicate lace that you were staring at. It left very little to the imagination. And you were supposed to wear this for Vaike, before you…
“I know it’s a little intense, but…I don’t know, I’ve been reading a lot of romance novels in preparation for the wedding, and lots of the endings had the heroines wearing a beautiful garment just like this! So Sully and I thought it’d be just perfect for you and Vaike!”
It was beautiful, and scandalous, and utterly terrifying. You stared at her in shock, the blood draining from your face.
It didn’t take long for the other women to notice the vibe shift.
“Er…Robin? Do you like it or not?”
“I don’t think she likes it, Sully.” Maribelle elbowed her, “Put that thing away!!”
“But she’ll need it for her wedding night-!”
“Robin, are you all right? You look like you’re gonna be sick…”
You shook your head, trying to indeed ignore the flips of your stomach.
It was Cordelia who ushered them out. Nowi was displeased that her fun was ending so suddenly, but even she could tell you were deeply upset.
Sumia lingered, coming to sit beside you once the door closed. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked asked you gently, Are you nervous about the wedding? It is perfectly normal to feel that way, you know.”
“I-it’s not the wedding, actually. I don’t feel nervous about all that…it’s…it’s what comes after.”
“What comes…oh, of course.” Sumia blushed softly, “There’s no need to worry about that! You’re a capable woman, a-and Vaike loves you very much. So long as you communicate and are gentle with each other, it’ll go great.”
“But I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to communicate, let alone what’s the threshold for gentle versus…w-well, anything else!”
“Trust your instincts, Robin! It’ll be wonderful.”
“But what if it’s not?!” Your voice rose, your nerves following close behind. “W-what if all my instincts are tied to battle and tactics, and I don’t have any left for romance, or intimacy, or- I read those romance novels you lent me, but it still…the idea of letting someone in, in such a physical way….!”
“It’s very intimidating, I know.” She agreed with you, “But it’s going to be all right. You trust Vaike, don’t you?”
“Of course I do…”
“Then you should trust that he’ll take care of you. The last thing he’d ever want is to hurt you!”
“But what if I hurt him? What if I perform so terribly he regrets his choice? W-what if we’re not compatible at all, physically? We’ve hardly so much as kissed before this, Sumia!”
"Wow…that’s…that’s a lot to deal with, Robin. I understand why you’re so frightened.” Sumia finally said, stunned by the revelation. 
“We’ve both just been so busy since the war ended, and the wedding planning has been a challenge too, but…but now that we’re here, it made me realize that I’m…I’m just hopeless.”
“Oh, that’s not…” She trailed off, hearing a knock at the door.
Sumia spared you a glance, but chose to address the visitor while you took a moment to collect your thoughts. However, when she opened the door that peaceful second evaporated.
“V-Vaike?? What are you doing here? You know you can’t see the bride before the wedding!!”
Said blonde bachelor was practically hulking in the doorway, a flash of worry bright in his eyes.
“C’mon, just let me talk to her for a second! Nowi said she’s upset, and that I had to come help her!”
“B-be that as it may, you still can't see her! You don’t want to curse your married life, do you??”
“N-no, of course not! But if Robin’s upset I wanna help her. So, er, can I at least just...what if I just talk to her through the door?”
“Well…” She looked back at you, who nodded nervously to let him talk. Vaike was right; when you were upset, he was the one you needed.
“All right, but just for a little while! We don’t have much time before the ceremony begins!”
You made your way to the door, minding the delicate dress that threatened to trip you with every step.
You waited until she slipped through the opening, when you two were finally alone. Carefully you shifted so that you’d be well hidden by the door, invisible to your husband-to-be.
“I’m here, Vaike.”
“There you are.” You could hear the smile in his voice, albeit it was a nervous one. “What’s goin’ on, babe? You gettin’ nervous about the big ceremony?”
“No, the ceremony’s not a problem. It’s what comes, uh…after.”
“Oh, I get it- the first dance. I know I’ve kinda got two left feet when it comes to dancin’, but I’ve been practicin’ a ton since our last rehearsal!! I guarantee there won’t be any stepped on toes tonight!”
“N-no, that’s not it, either. I’m not worried about the ceremony, or the reception, any of that. It’s…it’s what comes after everything. I’m worried about our first night together.”
“What?” Vaike sounded genuinely surprised, likely because his face was just as flushed as yours was, no doubt. “W-why would, uh, why would ya worry about that?”
“Because!” You swallowed thickly, trying to stave off your insecurities long enough to tell the man you loved why you were upset. You took a deep breath, touching your forehead to the door. 
“Because…I don’t know what to do.” You finally forced the words out, as mortifying as it was.
“Yeah.” You sighed, “I-I don’t remember anything before Chrom found me, Vaike. I don’t know if I’ve ever…had experience, before, or if I’m any good at it! I don’t want to ruin our first night together by being useless! I want-- I want to make you feel good! I don’t want you to regret choosing me because I can’t do the bare minimum expected of a spouse!!”
“Hey, now…” Vaike sounded a lot less shaky than you did, which you found a little surprising. Wasn’t he worried about it, too?
You leaned away from the door, finding his hand carefully slipping through the crack in the door. 
“Gimme your hand, Robin.” He held his palm up, gesturing for you to join him. You hated how your fingers trembled when you did, the silken glove doing little to block the warmth that radiated from his touch.
Vaike squeezed your hand, holding onto you tightly. 
“Robin, it’s gonna be okay. I wouldn’t give up on ya just because our first night might be awkward. Or hells, worse case scenario? Our first night could be just plain awful!”
“I’m not marryin’ you for your body. I’m marryin’ you because I love ya more than anythin’. And even if you don’t have any experience at all, I do- which means I can help you while we try to figure out what’s gonna make both of us feel good, together.”
You sighed shakily, his goofy voice having been replaced with this firm, comforting gentleman. It was a little shocking to hear him so calm.
“We’ve got our whole lives together to learn about how to take care of each other. And honestly, babe, if you don’t even wanna have sex tonight, we don’t have to!”
“Really? B-but the first night seems so import-”
“Nothin’s more important to me than makin’ sure you’re comfortable and happy. If it’s too much stress to try and, er, ‘perform’ tonight, then we won’t. I’ll be just as happy to be sleepin’ right beside you for the first time than I would be doin’ anythin’ else. All that matters if we’re gonna be husband and wife. Okay?”
“Are you…are you certain you’re okay with that?” You asked again, earning another squeeze of your hand.
“I’m positive. I love ya, Robin. That’s never gonna change- and besides, I promise it’s not nearly as hard as ya think it is to have a good time, especially when it’s the person ya care about more than anybody!!”
“And I do, Vaike.” You made sure to confess, pressing a chaste kiss to the back of his hand. “I love you so much. I’m so excited to marry you, today…I just never want to disappoint you, or hurt you…so I’m glad I could tell you about this.”
“You could never, ever, in a million years disappoint me. If anythin’, I’m more worried about disappointin’ you! In fact, I’ve never been more proud of ya, tellin' me somethin’ you’re so worried about. It takes guts!”
“Well…I just needed you to know what I was thinking. And I’m glad I did.” You added, feeling the relief finally wash over you.
Vaike was right- maybe it wasn’t that big a deal, to not know if you had any experience. If you Even if you didn’t, Vaike was going to support you and love you regardless; because of course he was.
He was a big, brutish oaf more often than not, but he was always on your side. And he loved you deeply- more than anyone could possibly fathom (maybe even hiself).
“So you gonna be all right, babe? You wanna talk about it some more?”
“I’ll be all right. Just talking about it a little bit like this helped immensely.”
“Well we don’t have to leave it all here. When the ceremony’s over, and everythin’ is done…we can talk some more. I just want you to feel safe with me. I’m never gonna make you do somethin’ unless you’re ready to, okay?”
As if your heart couldn’t be more full.
“I know. Thank you, dear…now let’s take a little break so we can finish preparing before the ceremony. I need to make sure I didn’t smudge all this makeup…”
He laughed, brushing his thumb over your knuckles before he pulled his hand back through the door.
“You got it, sweetheart. I’ll see ya in a little while. Oh, and Robin?”
“I can’t wait to be married to ya.”
Now it was your turn to laugh.
“I can hardly wait, too, Vaike.”
The wedding ceremony went off without a hitch. Vaike was floored to see you in your wedding dress, convinced he was the luckiest man alive to be marrying a woman as wonderful as you. The reception was beautiful and jubilant, with no stepped on toes, miraculously.
And that night, you laid in each other’s arms, simply basking in the reality that you were officially husband and wife.
The confidence would come with experience, and Vaike was with you every step of the way. There would be no doubting or worrying allowed, while you learned how to take care of one another.
And once the honeymoon was in full swing, that little red thing your friends bought you made an appearance…and judging by the expression he made when he saw it…it was definitely worth the wait.
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stephy-gold · 10 months
60th years of G-Woman
Happy 60th years SCULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
the night before her birthday Mulder had a beautiful surprise for Scully. he planned a night out In fancy restaurant with a ball room for dinner and dance. A couple of weeks ago when he was thinking how he would celebrated her this year because he forgot the past two years, he playfully blamed it to age. 
Mulder selected a fancy Italian restaurant he found on Instagram after asking William for help to surprise his mom; the restaurant has a gorgeous aesthetic resembling a Italian village, in the middle of the room is a dance floor and a stage for the musicians, the comments on the instagram feed are great; Mulder saw the menu online at it had the favorite dishes of Scully and also her favorite wine. He made the reservation for Friday night; he planned to take her the day before her birthday and celebrate at midnight together in the intimacy of their bedroom. 
Now the next step is buying the gift, for his one in however how many millions are in the world right now; he did one of the things he hated more in the world, go to the mall, he spend a whole day looking for what to buy, he enter a jewelry store an the young woman help him to choose. 
Woman (smiling at him): hi sir, welcome, can I help you find anything?
M (not understanding that the woman was talking to him): oh yes thank you, I’m looking for something for my partner. 
Woman: tell me about her and the occasion so I’ll help you sir found the perfect gift. 
M: well hmm we’ve met 31 years ago when she start working with me, she is the most beautiful woman I´ve ever met, we been together for more than 20 years now and the occasion is for her sixtieth birthday. 
Woman: it’s obvious how much you love her sir, now tell me about what she looks like. 
M: she is petite, with the bluest eyes you ever seen, her hair is red thanks to the dye these days, not that she needed it but she doesn’t relent to the fading red of her natural color; her smile is beautiful, she doesn’t like to wear big jewelry or very visible just simple but elegant pieces. 
Woman: I think I know the best piece. (She goes to the glass and took out a set of necklace, earrings and ring with diamonds and emeralds, not too big or obnoxious)
M: it’s incredible, I will take it. 
W: perfect sir, I’ll arranged the set and it’s yours. Do you want any inscription or a card inside of the box?
M: I didn’t think about it, the card will be fine
W: what do you want me to write sir?
M: to my constant and touchstone, happy 60th birthday G-Woman. Ps: you are ageless Ly <3 
Then the woman gave him the gift and he left. 
At Friday night 
Mulder was getting ready he was wearing his tuxedo, a rare sight these days in his retirement from special agent to teacher in Quantico like scully. He told scully they were going out on a romantic dinner to a place that requires black tie; scully chose an emerald green long velvet dress with sleeves and a nice pair of heels. Mulder couldn’t help but smiled when he see her. 
At the restaurant the evening unfolded with charm at the candlelight in their table and the soft twinkling lights creating a romantic atmosphere, the band started to play soft melodies to the couples dinner. 
Scully: mulder this place is enchanting, how did you manage to find it?
mulder: a little bit of faith scully (feigning hurt) but yeah actually Will taught me to look on instagram for venues. 
Scully: I love it mulder (she gave him a kiss) 
After dinner mulder stood and took scully to the dance floor, the swayed to the rhythm of every slow song and dance to the ones with a much rapid rhythm, a photographer took their picture while dancing it was a beautiful one were scully was leaning on mulder chest and mulder was looking at her like she was the only woman on this earth, and for him that she was. 
Scully feet started to hurt and they return to their table, mulder order another bottle of her favorite wine and give the waiter a note when scully didn´t see. Minutes later the waiter appeared with a new bottle of whine and a dessert with a candle light and the number 60th in it, the other waiter handed her a flower bouquet mulder order previously from a florist. After the dessert and half bottle of wine he decided to give her the special gift he bought at the jewelry store. 
M: Scully I only wanted to thank you for the amazing life you decided to live with me, I’m so grateful to be celebrating with you and I hope you like it. 
Scully: mulder I wouldn’t have it any other way, you’re and always be my constant
Mulder: even when I´ll be gray and old? (He said teasing her)
Scully: what do you mean with when? (She laughs) you already are my silver fox, Mulder and you’re not old 
Mulder: well thanks for the boost G-woman
He then took the gift bag where the jewelry set was. “And finally my last gift scully”. She opened it and the first thing she saw was the card “to my constant and touchstone, happy 60th birthday G-Woman. Ps: you are ageless Ly <3” “Oh, Mulder" she retrieve the card and was left without words the gorgeous set of jewelry was astonishing and perfect for her outfit, she looked at mulder who saw her with love and awe. “Mulder this is omg beautiful” he kissed her. “Let me put it in that neck of yours, you mind?” She grab her hair and put it aside so mulder could put on the necklace and then he kneels, with a few cracks of knee, to put on the ring on her well manicured finger. She also put on the earrings. The photographer ask them to stand to take a picture of them, they agree and the picture is taken. 
The dance floor called them again so they keep dancing and swaying to the rhythm. When the music stops Mulder look for the first time in the whole evening his clock, it marked 1:00 am, they had dance the whole night. 
“Well well well my cinderella it appears that our magic dance is ending” 
“mulder what are you talking about?” Scully gave him her raise eyebrow and disbelief look 
“well its 1 am scully you’re officially 60th, happy birthday” Mulder put his arm on her waist and kiss her “how does it feels, anything aches?” He ask her teasing. 
“You tell me mulder I’m not the one who woke up whining because of his back and refuse to go to the urologist” she replied, 
“Oh that was a low blow scully, not fair; in my defense the urologist isn’t necessary” mulder said with a playful tone. 
“Mulder seriously I can’t believe we danced the whole night, my feet are going to kill me tomorrow or well in the morning” 
“so what scully you had fun, I’ll be happy to carry you the whole day tomorrow if your feet hurt much” they were walking to the door out 
“oh mulder your are sweet, but no your back wouldn’t like it”. 
The photographer stop them and give them the pictures. 
“Thank you so much” said mulder to the man and gave him 20 dollars
At the unremarkable house they enjoy each other comfort and intimacy, despite scully teasing about his stamina, they did great in the bedroom.  
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the-mealedran-realm · 6 months
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Dahlia Kora De’Florio | 19 | 5’1 | she/her | bisexual | witch apprentice|infp-a | 5w4 | chaotic good
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A young woman with dark, dark brown skin, as if the earth itself had molded her beauty and features. Her braids were a work of art, jaded bubble goddess patterns woven with care and embellished with the rich luster of bronze jewelry and the mystique of pomegranate charms. She wore a tunic crafted from a soft, relaxed fabric draped gracefully, cinched at her waist with a sturdy, brown belt, adding a touch of earthy charm to her ensemble. Her pants, mirroring the tunic’s loose and comfortable aesthetic, embraced a warm cinnamon brown hue and were tucked snugly into indigo boots. These boots were adorned with intricate bronze trim that glistened as she moved. She wore a simple yet elegant cloak, the same deep indigo shade as her boots. Its edges were elegantly trimmed with the same enchanting bronze color, giving her an air of mystique and grace as she spoke - as described by the author
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