#end the blockade
alanshemper 11 months
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news4dzhozhar 9 months
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this is your daily reminder that it's been over 65 years since cuba overthrew batista's US-backed fascist dictatorship and the US is STILL keeping cuba in extreme poverty using an "embargo."
back in the 1950s, using US funds and US-trained soldiers, batista (not castro) removed most of cubans' rights, including the right to strike, censored all media, and used secret police to torture and publicly excute anyone who protested his dictatorship. In a document released by the CIA in 2005, it stated as many as 20,000 people were killed. In return, batista gave control of most of the arable land to the US. during the revolution, this land was reclaimed and redistributed, which means that USAmericans can now sue anyone who "traffics" in this "confiscated" property.
Despite US sanctions being an "embargo," the US also fines foreign companies for doing business in Cuba, meaning it's effectively a blockade. Despite Obama lightening some of these restrictions, Biden has done little to undo the tightened policies from Trump's administration.
In November, the UN called for the 31st time (!!!) for the US blockade to end, supported by 187 countries and opposed only by the US and its bestest buddy (I'll let you guess who).
Cuba has been in economic crisis for years. Monthly income in Cuba is $30-60. There is very little food and it is hard to purchase anything like toiletries, clothes, and over-the-counter medicines. Domestic production is down because they don't have the resources to sustain them. The US has been intentionally impoverishing and starving Cuba for decades, and they continue to make it clear that it is not going to stop.
So, yeah. US democracy is a joke, end the US blockade on Cuba, and fuck genocide joe.
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ratinastrawberryhat 1 year
Ello, this is important:)
And here鈥檚 a link to the website
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hi i see u are taking requests... i would love to see femt hes my big favorite <3 but also if u dont feel like doing that thats ok cuz either way i just wanted to say ur style is SO cool im gonna think about it forever
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thank you!!! king of the freaks plus aligura for fun here u go
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workersolidarity 5 months
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馃嚨馃嚫 馃毃
馃摳 Due to the continued blockade of everyday commercial products in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli occupation, smoking pipes for Palestinians have become scarce.
To work around the Zionist blockade, Palestinians make smoking pipes out of the expended bullet casings littering the streets of Gaza left by the Israeli occupation forces.
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My heart hurts reading tweets like these, May Allah grant then relief soon aameen
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sevaghves 1 year
One case of death due to malnutrition, two cases of miscarriage due to malnutrition.
Kidnapping of two elderly men, one of whom was being transported by the Red Cross.
No food, medicine and fuel delivered due to blockade.
Protesters threatened by peacekeepers they would be run over if they continued the protest.
This is happening in Artsakh.
The criminal responsible for the blockade is Azerbaijan. The accomplices are the Russian peacekeepers.
And Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council that is to discuss this situation today. Mad world.
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mnih765 7 months
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Don't ask me what I did there, I just wanted to draw my blorbos
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mariluphoto 9 months
"America and British forces are currently bombing numerous sites in Yemen, including the capital of Sanaa."
via. IG: savesheikhjarrah92
All Yemen wants to do is stop the genocide that is happening in Gaza, by blocking the Red Sea. And this is how the western world responds? Disgusting.
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alanshemper 11 months
went to a rally for a ceasefire tonight.
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It was peaceful but full of grief and suffering.
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pbear 8 months
Opinions under the cut. May include spoilers from any of the shows.
Dimension 20 Burrow's End: I didn't manage to finish it before Fantasy High Junior Year started so it's kind of on the back burner for D20 shows. I really enjoy it though. I like that all the PCs are family and that makes for interesting dynamics. It's more scary than Neverafter imo just because taking something normal like nature and messing with it is more creepy. Aabriya does a great job as DM obviously.
Dimension 20 Fantasy High Junior Year: Fantasy High got me into Dimension 20 so I'm very excited for this one. It's going to be interesting to see the Bad Kids' personal struggles and how they deal with them. Episode 2 made me feel bad for what they're going through.
Spy x Family: Spy x Family is always a nice chill show. Season 2 was very good and I liked seeing Yor in action.
Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront: Trying to find the motivation to continue watching this. I just feel like it isn't going anywhere with the plot or the characters and that's a shame because the concept of Hellsalem's Lot and Libra's members are interesting. They just introduced the threat of vampires so maybe that will pick up and I need to watch a little more, but I'm a little bored.
The Apothecary Diaries: This is what I put Kekkai Sensen on pause for. A little hesitant because most of what I'd seen of it was romance and usually romance only really intrigues me if it's balanced with something else. The palace setting and the different situations that Maomao applies to her apothecary knowledge to are the perfect balance. The romance mostly takes a backseat to it actually. I like Maomao a lot as the protagonist. She's smart and has a realistic take on a lot of things, especially since she's lower class. I enjoy watching her figure things out.
Hazbin Hotel: I watched the pilot last year and got really invested in Hazbin Hotel which is lucky because some people have been waiting much longer to get more of the show. I watched all four episodes the day they were released and liked them a lot. A lot more songs than I thought there would be but I liked most of them. Favorites go to Respectless, Poison, and Stayed Gone. I think episode four was the best because it had the best balance of overlord plot with hotel shenanigans. It think it handled Angel Dust's situation well too. It also made me like Husker a lot more than I thought I would. The voice actors did a great job and the animation was really good.
I do believe you still need to watch the pilot before the stuff on Amazon though. It does a better job of introducing the world, characters, and hotel plot where the new episodes then pick up. I'm not sure if that's what the creators want, but it might be confusing for newcomers to the show if they don't know about the pilot. Very excited to see more Hazbin Hotel though.
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maaruin 11 months
Another of my takes on the current Hamas-Israel War:
Israel should offer Hamas a ceasefire in return for
all hostages Hamas took being released
all Hamas fighters who killed civilians being turned over to Israel to stand trial
This would still mean that Hamas lost the war it started, just that it didn't loose as big as it would have if Israel invaded Gaza and destroyed it. But many lives, both Israeli and Palestinian, would be spared.
(Hamas would likely reject it because accepting these terms would be admitting defeat which would do massive damage to their political standing. But there is a chance that they would accept to preserve themselves and their political power in Gaza.)
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animemusicbrackets 1 year
Anime ED Showdown!!!: Round 2A
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"Sugar Song and Bitter Step" by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN
"Sayonara Bye Bye" by Mawatari Matsuko (JPN), Stephanie Nadolny (ENG)
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jukebox night-Matches by Huxlxy
You take the high road when my head is hot Please turn the lights low give it all you got Keep burning my soul don't you ever stop Over my dead body
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it got out of hand...this wasn't gonna be lineless and i completely changed the bg. the perspective is better though
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^the draft bg
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0mega-x 6 months
Bruh they're organising another blockade at my school kwjspdj
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