#episode 3079
swansworth · 2 years
The Handsome Stranger
Rhysand x Priestess!Reader
Summary: You had fallen for the High Lord, it was inevitable. However, he was clearly in love with another, and now he had come to ask you the one question you had dreaded to hear. 
Warnings: brief mention of abuse, mild angst with a happy ending, a big misunderstanding, believed-to-be unrequited feelings, friends-to-lovers
Word Count: 3079
Author Notes: This was inspired by one of my favorite television series, The Vicar of Dibley. The show is much more comedic than this story is, but it still helped me formulate this. The story title is borrowed from the episode that inspired this. Some of the dialogue towards the end is as well, and some of it has been re-worded to fit ACOTAR more seamlessly. Special thanks to @azsazz​ for encouraging me to write this. 
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Not many ventured to the temple, too afraid of what peace they would disturb. It was a benefit in your mind; it meant that you could read and take care of your daily duties without anyone bothering you. Usually your days were spent in a comfortable quiet, though it appeared today would not be such a day. 
“Hello?” A voice like velvet asked, causing you to sigh. You had just sat down to start the next chapter in the book you’d been reading and had really hoped to avoid dealing with anyone. You closed your book and moved to the sanctuary, doing your best to smile and give off an air of warmth and kindness. The smile on your face faltered when you noticed a beautiful fae standing before the altar, his blue-black hair tousled and his eyes closed in what appeared to be prayer. 
Part of you wondered whether you should leave him to his privacy but then he asked, “Are you one of the priestesses here?” He’d noticed you. You opened your mouth to respond then abruptly shut it when his eyes opened and orbs that were almost violet in color met yours. “Well?” 
His tone implied that he was annoyed and you wondered whether it was really worth your time to get involved with him. Unfortunately, it was your duty as a priestess to aid any who came to the temple asking for assistance. “Yes I am,” you answered at last, “Was there something I could help you with?” 
“We’ll see.” Oh, you did not like the arrogance that rolled off of this male. The two of you stared at one another in an unspoken challenge to see who would speak next. “Shall I get to the point?”
“If you’d like me to assist you, I think that would be wise.” A look of amusement flickered across his handsome face and you did your best to keep your own expression neutral as he continued to stare at you. 
“You’re very direct.” His statement left you unsure; was it meant to be an insult or a compliment? Regardless, you still held his gaze, waiting for him to state his reason for being at the temple in the first place. The silence stretched on, but you refused to be the first to break it. 
Stubborn too, I see. I could use that.  
The stranger’s voice crawled its way through your mind and your eyes widened. How had he done that? All at once you felt a stab of fear. He was a daemati; he could tear your mind apart with ease if you weren’t careful. 
Clever girl.  
It was almost taunting you, the voice, but you held firm, kept your gaze fixed on the handsome stranger. There was only one being in the Night Court who this could possibly be, and though you knew decorum instructed you to at least bow your head, you did no such thing. “Lord Rhysand,” you said, “What did you need assistance with?” 
“So it’s lord now is it?” He sounded almost amused and your shoulders sagged in relief as his expression softened. “I have a friend in need of sanctuary. They were badly hurt by their former lover and have nowhere to go. I would offer them a room with me, but they were adamant that they did not want my assistance.” 
There were rooms in the temple for requests such as these; cozy, private chambers that offered a sense of safety and peace while the people residing in them healed. The smallest room was unoccupied and had a fresh change of linens on the bed. “We have a room they could stay in for a time, if you feel they would be open to that.” 
Rhysand’s answering smiling was blinding and left you feeling almost breathless. He truly was incredibly handsome. No wonder all the other priestesses swooned whenever his name was mentioned. “I’ll bring them here at once. Thank you, priestess.” 
You gave your name and watched as that smile grew impossibly brighter. He repeated it back to you and your heart pounded in your chest at the way your name fell from his lips. It was almost a purr, soft and sensual. ‘Mother preserve me.’ It was a thought that you had often, a silent mental prayer in an effort to keep yourself calm. Rhysand’s smile turned into an amused grin as he turned to take his leave and you knew that he had heard it. Blasted daemati. 
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You had believed that once Rhysand’s friend had settled, the High Lord would go back to his daily duties, whatever those were. Oh, how mistaken you were.
Rhys’s presence was a constant, nearly daily, thing.
At first, it had been to ensure that his friend truly was comfortable and safe. You couldn’t help but admire that unwavering loyalty. There were many stories and rumors about Rhysand, but the gentle smile he wore when he spoke to his comrade made you wonder how much truth lay within them.
It turned, quicker than you could have anticipated, into social visits. He came less and less for his friend and more and more for you. In the course of a few months, the two of you had formed a budding friendship and you could admit that the smile that tugged at your lips whenever he entered the temple was genuine and warm, full of the growing affection you held for him.
You hoped that the affectionate look you saw in his eyes was just as sincere.
Part of you also hoped that what you interpreted as flirtation truly was. You couldn’t speak for Rhysand, but you knew that your feelings for him had shifted to romantic rather than platonic. It was foolish, you knew, to hope that the High Lord of the Night Court would fall for a priestess such as yourself. And yet your heart raced wildly each time he stepped into the sanctuary, looked at you with those intense violet eyes, and asked with a grin, “Miss me, darling?”
“Always,” you replied easily.
As his arm slipped around your waist, pulling you close so he could converse with you about everything and anything, you sighed in content. In those moments, everything was perfect and right with the world.
That perfection ended when you saw Rhysand walking arm-in-arm with a beautiful, blonde, high fae.
You didn’t leave the temple often, but you had learned that it was Rhys’s birthday in a few weeks and you were out looking for materials to make him something. As a High Lord, you suspected that there wasn’t much you could buy him that he would need or want, and truthfully, you didn’t have much money to buy gifts with. So, you had settled on making him a token; something small he could keep with him for luck and protection. That was when you saw them.
The blonde with him was as beautiful as the goddess that you served. Grace rolled off of her in waves and you felt your knees tremble at the sight of her. She had eyes that reminded you of honey, a deep rich amber that was warm, but still intense. Everything about her was perfection; she was exactly the sort of fae someone of Rhys’s standing would be expected to be with. Your heart sank. You had always known it was foolish to hope and dream, but secluded in your temple, it was easy to imagine. Facing reality, seeing how you paled in comparison, hurt more than you would have ever thought possible.
“You’re a moron, Rhys. It’s a good thing I like you so much,” the blonde teased.
“Thanks Mor, I love you too.” Rhys laughed as he spoke and you watched as the blonde playfully jabbed him in the side with her elbow. You slipped away then, not able to see or hear anymore.
He was a High Lord. You were a priestess. It had been nothing more than a dream, and the dawn had finally come.
═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══
“Hello?” An all too familiar voice called out from the sanctuary. You cussed under your breath at the sound of it. Seeing Rhysand again was inevitable but you had hoped that you’d have more time to process and heal before having to engage with him. Though you had tried to fight it, you had fallen helplessly in love with him. Each smile, each gentle touch and warm utterance of your name had bewitched you. Seeing Rhysand meant facing your heartbreak head-on, and you weren’t sure you were ready for that. 
You heard him call your name and swallowed. There was no way you would be able to avoid him forever and perhaps dealing with the issue now would be wiser. Yes, putting it off wouldn’t solve anything. You took a deep breath, lifted your head and headed out into the sanctuary. 
“Lord Rhysand, how are you?” How you had managed to form words when he was standing there looking as handsome as he had the day you met, you had no idea. 
“So it’s lord now, is it?” You didn’t meet his gaze even though you could feel the weight of his on your face, trying to make out your expression. There was a faint poking at your mind, but you kept your walls in place. If he saw the swirling emotions warring within you he would certainly reject you entirely. Rejection would be worse than ignorance. 
“I suppose I may as well come straight out with it?” He formed it as a question, encouraging you to answer him. You turned your head to look at him and gave him a nod, a silent urgence to continue. His brow creased in what almost looked like worry. “I’ve thought about it quite a lot, talked about it a lot. And I came here to ask you a rather important question.” 
“Well, go on then,” you said. 
“Perhaps, we could find somewhere a bit more secluded? I hadn’t intended on asking you in the middle of the sanctuary.” 
“I don’t see why here isn’t as good a place as any.” You could have sworn that you saw his eye twitch as he stared at you. His hands clenched and unclenched by his sides and you could tell that he was trying to stay calm. He let out a breath and refocused his gaze on your face. 
“Will you marry me?” Damn. You had suspected that he and the mysterious blonde — Morrigan you learned her name was — were close, intimate even, but you hadn’t realized how close. It was your duty, as a priestess, to assist in mating and marriage ceremonies, you had officiated nearly a hundred. This, however, was one ceremony you were uncertain of. 
You stared up at Rhysand, looked deep into his violet eyes and saw the almost pleading expression hidden in their depths. He looked hopeful and eager and you knew that no matter how much it would hurt you to do as he asked, you would. You would because you loved him and his happiness was ultimately what you wished for him, more than anything. With a sigh you replied, “Well, yes of course. I’d be delighted to.” 
The smile that broke out across Rhysand’s face was so radiant that you felt as if you were staring directly at the sun. ‘If only I could make him so happy.’ The thought flickered through your mind and you did your best to squash it down. “That’s wonderful news!” He took a step toward you as if to hug you and you stepped back. No, you couldn’t. You would melt against him as you always did and it would be harder to maintain the professionalism the situation required. 
“Have you thought of any dates?” You asked as casually as you could, though a hint of annoyance found its way into your tone. 
“Don’t you think we should discuss that?” 
“Very well. I would suggest a time near Starfall. That’s always a romantic time of year.” If you were to ever marry, that would be the time of year you’d want your ceremony to fall on. It was cooler, the nights longer, but the stars shone clearer and on some nights looked as if they were close enough to reach. “Though, I would have to check the temple diary to be sure we can hold the ceremony at that time.” 
You moved to the adjoining room, where a few small tables and bookshelves remained for the priestesses to use. The temple diary was an easy enough book to find. Once you had retrieved it, you flicked through the pages to the calendar. Sure enough there was an opening two days before Starfall. You relayed the information to Rhysand who nodded and said, “That’s perfect.”
“Excellent! I’ll jot it down then. Listen, while you’re here, we should probably start getting some of the other forms done. Save some time.” You wrote the date down before standing to find a large pile of documents on the corner of one of the tables. The temple really needed a better organization system, but that was a problem for another day. The first part of the form needed Rhysand’s name, which you wrote . The next…
“All right, what is the name of the lucky lady in question?” 
At that, Rhysand looked visibly confused. “Rhysand, you shouldn’t marry someone if you don’t know their name. I feel that goes without saying.” 
Rhysand’s voice sounded mildly worried as he replied with your name. You paused in your writing and looked up at him. “Pardon?”
“It’s you. I’m asking you to marry me.” 
The silence was deafening. You stared, eyes wide in disbelief. “Are you out of your senses?”
Rhysand’s visible confusion deepened. “I feel Amren would say I am. She thinks it’s too soon; though I find in affairs of the heart, she’s not always the best being to turn to.”
“I might agree with her! What about that other female you’ve been spending so much time with? Morrigan, the gorgeous blonde one! What about her?” 
Frustration rose within you. Was this some kind of joke to him? He charmed his way into your life and then started spending all his time with Morrigan, and now he was asking for your hand in marriage? You opened your mouth to add your own two-cents regarding his judgment, but were rendered speechless by Rhysand’s reply. “You mean my cousin?”
All at once you felt all the confusion and anger of the last few weeks coming bubbling up to the surface and you shouted, “What?!”
“She’s one of my closest friends; I consult her about nearly everything.”  He still looked confused, but you found you didn’t really care. In that moment, you needed clarity. 
“We’ve been walking Valeris together trying to decide if it was too rash or too soon or, perhaps, too stupid. But, I finally decided I must follow my heart. And my heart is saying that you are the being I wish to spend eternity with, the being that I am destined to be with until death comes and claims me.” 
There was a look of burning passion, strong and intense adoration, in his eyes and your heart began to beat wildly in your chest at the sight of it. Oh. He loved you. Gods, you felt so foolish, but how could you have known. His words from before, his proposal, flashed in your mind again and when you opened your mouth to speak, to say that you felt the same, all that came out was a garbled noise. 
Both you and Rhysand looked surprised by the sound and you tried, once again in vain, to say what was on your mind. The noise was worse the second time. "Will you excuse me?" It was asked with some effort, but you managed. You didn't wait for him to answer and instead hurried off to the secluded meditation room around the corner. Once there you took a series of steadying breaths, trying desperately to calm your racing heart and wrap your head around the truth Rhysand had just shared with you. 
It all seemed almost too good to be true. Rhysand, the High Lord, wanted to marry you? You had hoped he loved you to that extent, and would gladly say yes if he meant it. The whole situation felt like a fantasy, like a scene from those books you used to read as a child where the handsome prince would save the princess and they'd live happily ever after. Could such a thing happen in real life? You inhaled and exhaled twice more and then moved back to the sanctuary where Rhysand waited, a nervous look on his handsome face. 
"Let me be sure I've got this absolutely right," you said as you approached, "You are asking me to marry you."
That ungodly sound worked its way out of your mouth once more and Rhys’s lips quirked into an amused smile. His arms, so strong and warm, wrapped around your middle and pulled you to him. One of his hands slid up your spine to the back of your head before entwining in your hair. 
“I have loved you from the very moment I laid eyes on you. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are meant to be together.” His breath was warm against your face as he tilted his head down and leaned forward. “Marry me, darling?”
You didn’t hesitate, your answer required no consideration. You leaned up, closing the little distance between the two of you, and your lips dragged against his as you replied, “Yes.” 
There was a heat to the kiss. It was as if the dams you’d both built to preserve your emotions had crumbled and the flood of your love and adoration for one another had rushed forward. There was so much to think about and plan for. It wouldn’t be easy figuring out your place within his court and what his expectations would be; and you’d have to address your own for him. All of that would come, all of that could wait. In that moment, all that mattered was the feeling of Rhysand’s warm body pressed against you as he held you close, sipped kisses from your lips, and vowed to love you, and only you, until the end of time. 
751 notes · View notes
ednamiller45 · 1 year
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
What’d you doing in the hospital today? Wheelchair races? (Gifs)
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dean-samw67 · 3 years
This is Hell
Chapter 16: Season 2 Episode 10
Warnings: Awkward sex talk (Second hand embarrassment?)
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Words: 3079
The group was moving into the house with Hershel, after the burial for Dale. He had decided it was best since it seemed some walkers were moving closer to the farm. Harper was helping unload the truck. She hands a bag to Alexis and picks up a box herself. They carry them inside, Harper holding the door as Alexis walks in. They set their stuff in the corner. Alexis begins setting up all of her sleeping things. Maggie walks over holding a stuffed bear.
“I found this the other day. Thought, she may like it.” She holds it out to Alexis. Alexis smiles as she takes it, hugging it.
“What do you say?” Harper gives Alexis a look.
“Thank you!” Alexis beams before walking back to the corner.
“Thanks.” Harper shoves her hands in her pockets.
“Of course. I didn’t know if Carl would like it but she still has got some kid left in her, even after what happened.” Maggie watches the small, dark haired girl.
“I just hope it doesn’t leave as fast as it did for Carl.” Harper sighs. “After what she’s seen. Her parents, Dale.”
“She’ll be okay. She has you.” Maggie places a reassuring hand on Harper’s shoulder. Harper looks at her with a soft smile.
“Thank you.” Maggie nods before walking over to Glenn. “Alexis, I’ll be right back. Stay here, okay?” Harper looks back at Alexis. Alexis gives her a nod as she sits on the floor. Harper steps out on the porch, Daryl and Rick look back at her. She walks to the duo and leans against the fence that wrapped around the porch.
“What’s on your mind?” Rick asks and she just shrugs.
“A lot. Dale, the kids, the walkers, everything pretty much.” She responds.
“Anything you want to talk about?”
“Dale died… seeing me as a killer.” Harper mumbles while crossing her arms.
“He didn’t see you like that.” Rick tries to reassure her.
“He did, Rick. I walked out of that house saying I wanted that kid dead or I was leaving. And then he died, that being the last thing he remembered of me.” Harper scoffs.
“Don’t beat yourself up. We all understood your concerns.” Rick places a hand on her shoulder. She sighs. Alexis screams from inside, bringing all three of them running. Harper runs inside, Alexis’s back to her with Lori in front of her.
“I’ve got it.” Harper walks around, in front of Alexis, getting down. “What happened?”
“I’m bleeding.” Alexis panics.
“Bleeding?” Harper worries. Daryl clears his throat, pulling Harper’s attention to him. He gestures to Alexis’s back and down. Harper turns her a bit to see blood soaking the back of her pants. Harper turns her back, to face her, with a relieved sigh. “You are okay.”
“Okay!? I am bleeding out!” Alexis cries.
“Just breathe.” Harper stands and walks over to the corner they had their stuff in, noticing the blood stain on Alexis’s sleeping bag. She grabs her bookbag and pulls out a change of underwear, pants and a pad. She leads Alexis to the bathroom and hands her everything. “You just started your period. It is a normal thing for girls your age.”
Harper points to the pad, “Change and then put this on. It sticks to your underwear, it's simple enough. If you need me, call.” Harper explains, Alexis just nodding before shutting the door. Harper walks back and exhales as she runs her hand through her hair. “I had a one and a half year old daughter. I didn’t think I would have to give this talk for a couple of years.” She runs her hand down her face.
“Do you need help?” Lori offers.
“No. I’ve got it.” Harper lets her arm fall.
“We all know, you know enough on the topic to share.” Shane snorts.
“Shut up, man.” Daryl snarls. Alexis walks out of the bathroom and hands Harper her old clothes. Harper wraps the bloody underwear up in her pants and Maggie hands Harper a plastic bag.
“Thank you.” Harper sticks the clothes in the bag and ties it up.
“Cold water will take those stains out. Here.” Patricia offers.
“You sure? You don’t have to.” Harper bites her lip.
“I’m sure.” Patricia smiles and takes the bag. Harper nods and looks at Alexis, who was grasping at her lower stomach. “There is some pain reliever in the cabinet in the bathroom.” Patricia informs us. Harper walks to the bathroom and opens the cabinet, looking through the bottles. She finds the ibuprofen and walks out. Lori hands a bottle of water to Alexis.
“Okay, everyone doesn’t need to stare.” Rick tries to get everyone back to what they were doing. Harper pours a pill into her hand and holds it out to Alexis.
“We will start with one and if it still hurts in a bit you can take another.”
“I have never taken a pill.” Alexis shakes her head with uncertainty.
“It isn’t that hard, kiddo. Just place it on the back of your tongue and drink until it is down.” Daryl explains. Harper looks at him shocked but she gives him a thankful smile. Alexis takes the pill and opens her bottle before putting the pill in her mouth and downing the water until it is down. “There you go.” Daryl ruffles her hair.
“Thanks.” Alexis smiles at him.
“I think we should go talk.” Harper places a hand on Alexis’s back, leading her into the guest room, shutting the door behind them. They both sit on the bed, Harper preparing to give this talk. “So I am guessing you have questions. And I am going to try and explain them to you.” Harper sighs. She felt super awkward about this. Alexis simply listens. “So a period is part of your body growing and maturing. You’ll bleed once a month for about three to seven days.”
“Every month?” Alexis gawks.
“Well for you it can be every two ot three month until it starts to regulate out. But yes it normally is every month.” Harper nods.
“It is your body telling you that you aren’t pregnant. It is part of your body preparing you for the potential chance of childbearing.”
“Why would I have to worry about pregnancy yet?”
“You don’t. And shouldn’t have to for a very long long time.” Harper shakes her head.
“Then why am I getting my period now?” Alexis pouts, confusion written on her face.
“Because your body is maturing and it is just part of it. You won’t have to worry about pregnancy until you begin having sex. Which shouldn’t be until you are at least thirty.”
“It is something that two people who love and care for each other do.You see, girls and boys have different parts. Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. When two people love each other and are committed to each other the guy will… put his penis inside of her.” Harper explains awkwardly.
“Do you and Daryl…?” Harper wasn’t sure how to answer. “I thought you said you didn’t love each other.”
“We care about each other. But sometimes, two people do stuff together that they shouldn’t. You should never do something like that with someone who you aren’t committed to. It would be best to wait until you are married, and you know they'll stay.” Harper fiddles with her fingers.
“Why do you and Daryl do that then?”
“I suggest doing as I say and never as I do.”
“Why?” She asks. Daryl walks up to the door, to open it, so he could tell them him and Rick were leaving but stops as he hears the two talking.
“Because when you have sex, you are doing something intimate with that other person and if there is no commitment or love it hurts. It really, really hurts.” Harper answers. Daryl chews on his lip and looks at the floor as he listens, guilt slowly building.
“Why did you do that with him then?”
“Because people make mistakes.” Harper shrugs. “But that doesn’t matter. Just know you should never do it until you are a lot older and you are seriously committed to that person and they are committed to you back.” Alexis nods before there is a knock at the door. “Come in.” Daryl steps in and Harper swallows down a lump in her throat.
“Me and Rick-” T-Dog cuts him off by rushing over and whispering something in his ear. “Stay here with her.” Daryl warns before running out.
“Is everything okay?” Alexis asks, looking at Harper.
“I hope so.”
Randal had escaped. Apparently, he attacked Shane. Daryl, Glenn, Shane and Rick went out to look for him. It was dark by now. Alexis had fallen asleep on her sleeping bag next to Harper. Daryl and Glenn walked in. Daryl surveys the room.
“They ain’t back?”
“No.” Lori answers with a shake of her head.
“We heard a shot.” Daryl says.
“Maybe they found Randal?” Harper shrugs as she runs her fingers through Alexis’s long hair.
“We found Randal. He was a walker.” Daryl explains.
“Did you find the walker that bit him?” Hershel questions.
“That’s the thing, he wasn’t bit.” Glenn sighs.
“Shane and Randal’s tracks were right on top of each other. And Shane ain’t no tracker. He didn’t come up behind him, they were together.” Daryl informs us.
“Can you please go back out there and find Rick and Shane and find out what the hell is going on?” Lori asks him, putting her hands together.
“You got it.” Daryl nods before heading out. Harper looks at Alexis who was sleeping peacefully. Lori went upstairs but soon came back down in a panic.
“I can’t find Carl.” Harper gets up.
“Let the others know. I’ll look around here.” She walks to Lori. Maggie runs in.
“There are tons of walkers headed this way.” Lori runs outside.
“Carl’s missing.” Harper starts looking around the house. Lori and Carol come back in. Harper couldn’t find a sign of him. She runs over to Alexis, shaking her awake. The girl opens her eyes.
“I need you to stay with Lori and Carol.” Harper ushers Alexis up.
“What is happening?”
“We may need to leave. Just stay with Lori and Carol and help them find Carl.” Harper pushes her to her sister before grabbing her gun and a shotgun, running outside. She tucks her pistol in the back of her pants and cocks the shotgun. Some of the others were driving around shooting at the walkers. The barn had been lit on fire. Harper runs to one of the empty cars and starts it up. She swings it around and opens the window. She bangs on the outside of the door.
“Hey! Come on!” She shouts at some of the walkers and they crowd toward the car. She drives a bit away and pulls out her pistol. She stops and shoots at a few before she pulls forward more, driving them from the house. “Come on you ugly assholes!” She screams out her window. Harper notices the blue truck pull out, away from the farm. She rolls up her window and looks back at the house, tears in her eyes.
The car is flocked by walkers. She takes a deep breath and puts the car in reverse and slams on the gas pedal, running over a group of walkers. She turns the car, releasing the gas, pressing the brake and puts it in drive before she slams back on the gas again and runs over the walkers in front of her. Once she is over them she continues on and out the path to leave the farm. She drives as far as she could get away, tears clouding her vision as she prays that they all made it out okay.
Once she is far enough away, and the farm is history, she pulls to the side of the road. She places her arms on the steering wheel and lies her head on them, crying. No idea if anyone else made it, or if she would even find them again. She lifts he head, tears staining her cheeks as she closes her eyes.
“Think…” She mutters. “Think, where would they go if we were to all meet up?”
Everyone pulls up to the highway, back where they were when they lost Sophia. They all park and everyone gets out. Lori climbs out of the truck and runs to Carl and Rick, embracing them both. T-Dog helps Alexis get out and she runs over to the others, who all gathered together, looking for that familiar face.
“Where is Harper?” She asks, panic settling in. Lori pulls back and looks around.
“Did you see her?” Lori whispers to Rick, who shakes his head in response. Tears well up in Alexis’s eyes and she turns to Daryl.
“Where is she? Do you know where she is?” Alexis cries. Daryl shakes his head and bites his lip, holding himself back from crying as well. Alexis chokes out a sob. She felt like Harper was the only thing she had left. Harper took her in, cared for her, after she lost her parents. She instinctively looks for comfort and grips onto Daryl in a hug. He places a hand on her head as he looks down at her, sadly. They ask about the others but Alexis is too upset to notice the conversation.
Harper drives up to the familiar cars that she knew had to belong to people she knew. She slams on the breaks as soon as she sees them. She throws the door open.
“Oh thank god!” She cries as she runs over. Alexis perks up and scurries from Daryl and over to Harper. Harper picks her up as she pulls her into a hug, placing a hand on the back of her head. Lori walks to her sister and hugs her, pulling away after a moment. Alexis keeps her arms securely around Harper’s neck. “I’m right here.” Harper breathes out and looks at Daryl, relief washing over her.
“We need to keep moving. Get off the main roads.” Rick instructs. “We’ll leave the blue truck. Harper can ride with Daryl-”
“No!” Alexis interrupts. They all look at her. “I want to stay with her.”
“It’s okay, Alexis.” Harper assures.
“What if we get separated again.” Alexis shakes her head, tears forming.
“We won’t.” Harper cups Alexis’s face.
“Breathe. We won’t get separated again.”
“I promise.” Alexis holds up her pinky and Harper wraps her pinky around it. “Lori and Carol will make sure you are safe until we stop somewhere.”
With that they leave, Harper holding onto Daryl as they drive. They get pretty far before one of the horns beeps. Daryl stops and Harper gets off while the others climb out of the cars.
“You out?” Daryl looks back at Rick.
“Running on fumes.”
“We can’t stay here.” Harper wraps her arm over Alexis’s shoulders as Alexis hugs her waist.
“We’ll go on a run for gas tomorrow.” Rick looks around.
“Stay the night?” Maggie asks.
“I’m freezing.” Carl shivers.
“Me too.” Alexis agrees. Harper goes to take off her sweater but Daryl holds his hand up to stop her. He takes his jacket off and hands it to her.
“You sure?” Harper questions and he nods. Harper takes it and helps Alexis slide into it.
“Me and Glenn will go on a run.” Maggie offers.
“No. The last thing we need is everyone getting separated and stranded without a car.” Rick argues.
“Rick, we’re stranded now.” Glenn steps forward.
“I know it looks bad. But we found each other. Let’s at least hold onto that.” Rick looks at everyone. Harper pulls Alexis closer as she shivers more. “We’ll figure something out. We’ll find a place. A place to make a home. To secure and make our own.”
“Even if we find somewhere, we can never be sure how long it’ll be until we are out of there.” Harper jumps in.
“We'll camp here tonight.” Rick ignores her.
“What if walkers come through, or a group like Randal’s?” Beth steps forward.
“You know, I found Randal. He had turned but wasn’t bit.” Daryl adds in. Rick seems to think for a moment.
“We’re all infected.” He finally speaks. Everyone gives him a look, mixed with shock and confusion.
“What?” Daryl is the one to question him.
“At the CDC, Jenner told me. Whatever all this is, we all got it.”
“You never said anything?” Carol asks, offended.
“You kept that to yourself the whole time?” Glenn questions.
“I wanted to be sure. You saw how crazy that mo-”
“So what? When I found out about the walkers in the barn I said something for the sake of everyone.” Glenn argues.
“I thought it was good for everyone to not know yet.” Rick shrugs.
They set up the camp for the night. Everyone was sitting around the fire. Alexis was laying back into Harper, trying to stay warm. They were both next to Daryl. Harper was still trying to process everything. There is a rustle in the dark and everyone stands, except Harper, Alexis, Lori and Carl.
“We need to leave. Before we get attacked.” Carol pleads.
“We aren’t going anywhere. We don’t have the vehicles and no one is traveling on foot.” Rick looks out.
“We need to move now.” Maggie says.
“No one is going anywhere.” Rick snaps at her.
“Do something.” Carol begs.
“I have been doing something. I’ve been keeping this group alive. I have been all along, no matter what. I didn’t ask for this!” Rick yells in a whisper. “I killed my best friend for you people, for Christ sake!” Carl stares at his father in shock. Harper looks up at Rick. He seemed more erratic than normal, it was concerning. “You all knew what he was like. He tried to kill me, I had no choice!” Carl starts crying into Lori as she hugs and rocks him. Everyone just looks around not sure what to say.
“Maybe you are better off without me. Go ahead. Leave.” Rick points toward the road. Harper stares at him like he is crazy. “No takers? Fine. But get one thing straight, you stay, this isn’t a democracy anymore.” Alexis buries her face into Harper, tears rolling down her cheeks as it falls quiet over the whole camp before Rick walks away.
Chapter 17~
This is Hell Masterlist
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ao3feed-birdflash · 2 years
Livin' on a High Wire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oBd3yOW
by ghostinthecorner
"So? What happened?" Batman demanded as soon as the plane touched down.
The four of them looked sheepish, none of them willing to speak. Batman cleared his throat impatiently. Finally, M'gann stepped forward.
"After we proved the circus wasn't stealing anything, Robin went to go resign us from it."
"...and he called for help before he was taken." She finished quickly but quietly.
Words: 3079, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU, Young Justice (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Wally West, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Vandal Savage, Cassie Sandsmark, Garfield Logan, Clark Kent, Oliver Queen, Red Tornado, Black Canary (DCU), Jade Nguyen, Jack Haly
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson & Kaldur'ahm & Kon-El | Conner Kent & M'gann M'orzz & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Young Justice Season 1, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s01e24 Performance, Haly's Circus (DCU), The Flying Graysons (DCU), Court of Owls, Dick Grayson is a Talon, Non-Explicit Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Hurt Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Wings, Kidnapping, Secret Organizations, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Whump, Gotham City is Terrible, Hiding, Medical Conditions, Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Assassination Attempt(s), Memory Loss, Body Modification, Muteness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oBd3yOW
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those70scomics · 3 years
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Those ‘70s Comics: 3079
Inspired by episode 703 -- “(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"
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lookhowsane · 3 years
[act 5 cover art id + 2019 and 2020 are crossed out and replaced with 2021]
Join  the Elizabeths as they analyze pages 3079-3119 of Homestuck. Contents include: graphic murder, bone anatomy, and cracking the Hussie code. God help you.
Content warning: mild discussion of  abusive relationships.
Read along with us at homestuck.com!
Episode transcript found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSrhaoDVjdFcw3q15r6RxWJMT4x-GXyWpYBiLrFNhYfS-opJQDFmXf4Na2SsXNjQmPiDSqNXk3pMG_5/pub
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autumnblogs · 4 years
Day 23: A Weird Bug - it must be your lucky day.
Back in the saddle again!
Let’s get started with another walkaround.
Not much substance in here, but there are a few things. The first is our introduction to the choice.
The second, a bit more subtle, is the way that John hides his nature as the Heir. It fits in with a pattern of John wearing disguises - hiding his identity is one of John’s favorite pranks.
As long as we’re overanalyzing every little thing, John spends an awful lot of time in costumes, disguises, and so on, roleplaying different characters. I wonder if that’s totally benign, or if John doesn’t feel comfortable in his own skin?
The more I read John Egbert the more I relate to him.
CW for this one, brief suicide mention again. More after the break.
Choice is also something that came up in the walkaround, and Vriska is immediately calling attention to it.
Choice in a deterministic world might seem weird, but I view it as being part of the Paradoxical nature of Paradox Space. A Paradox, as y’all are no doubt aware, is not an internal incongruity in a set of rules, but rather a seeming incongruity that is nevertheless true and internally consistent.
In Paradox Space, far from precluding the possibility of Free Will, the deterministic nature of things is dependent on the free actors who live within it acting upon their true natures.
I read this particular choice as being something which is a fancy word from greek - Adiaphora. It usually refers to things indifferent, which are neither good nor bad, but in the case of characterization, we can use it to talk about how there are things a character would do definitively, things a character would not do definitively - and things that they might do. Or might not. It seems like the things that mostly cause offshoot timelines are choices which are Adiaphora - little choices which are in line with a character’s nature, but are not the only choice that would be in line with the character’s nature. Choices are what create these doomed timelines, in other words - situations where a character authentically could make multiple possible decisions.
If we view the Alpha Timeline as a product of Lord English’s hegemony, it follows the same logic as the Glub Glub Trap - obey the prescribed order of events, or it’s curtains.
Mind is closely associated with Karma. Thought leads to action, and for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It’s not luck exactly, and it’s not fate exactly - instead, it’s the idea that when you bring benefit to the world around you, you stand to benefit from it yourself. And the opposite is also true. At least, that’s the very broad scope of it, without the more specific and metaphysical religious baggage associated with it.
What Terezi understands about Luck, that Vriska doesn’t, is that Choices matter as much as material circumstances, and that certain outcomes can be avoided simply by planning around them.
But what Terezi might not understand about Luck is that it’s still pretty bad luck that she’s the only one who is in position to kill Vriska.
This is a pretty immediate stealth exposition on what Terezi means when she says that Luck doesn’t matter, the Eight Ball calling attention to the intersection between choice and chance - there’s more than one possibility, but there’s still only so many, and if you know what all the choices are, you are much better equipped to make the right one - or manipulate someone else into the wrong one.
The facade is starting to crack.
It’s really easy to kill people you’re emotionally distant from, and when you don’t have a gentler, kinder standard of conduct to compare yours to.
As I’ve already said, a lot of this confusion and unhappiness is probably what Jade is already experiencing, but with more context - she still understands pretty much jack shit. Jadesprite just externalizes it all.
Suicidal ideation also returns as a theme from last episode.
The Fenestrated Planes continue to have narrative relevance.
As I’ve already mentioned, Serenity’s morse here is the little speech about being an anthro critter from Jade’s introduction. But whereas unfettered will and power is appealing to Jade, for the Mayor, that means destruction.
Tomorrow, we’ll open with [S] Wake One of my favorite flashes.
Until then, Cam signing off, alive and not alone.
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fyeahx1 · 5 years
[🏆] X1 Takes 9th Win for Flash on Music Bank
X1 has grabbed another music show win!
The September 13 episode of the program was replaced with footage from the previous week’s recording, which did not air live on September 6 due to news coverage.
In addition to X1’s win for the week of August 26 through September 1 that was announced previously, it was revealed through the “Music Bank” website on September 16 that the group also won for the week of September 2 through 8.
“FLASH” won with 6407 points over 3079 points for Sunmi’s “LALALAY.” ITZY’s “ICY” placed No. 3, Red Velvet’s “Umpah Umpah” placed No. 4, and Jang Hye Jin and Yoon Min Soo’s “Drunk on Love” took No. 5.
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This marks X1’s ninth music show win for their debut track “FLASH.”
Congratulations to X1!
Source (1)
190916 KST Source: soompi.com
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Livin' on a High Wire
by ghostinthecorner
"So? What happened?" Batman demanded as soon as the plane touched down.
The four of them looked sheepish, none of them willing to speak. Batman cleared his throat impatiently. Finally, M'gann stepped forward.
"After we proved the circus wasn't stealing anything, Robin went to go resign us from it."
"...and he called for help before he was taken." She finished quickly but quietly.
Words: 3079, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU, Young Justice (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Wally West, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Zatanna Zatara, Raquel Ervin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Vandal Savage, Cassie Sandsmark, Garfield Logan, Clark Kent, Oliver Queen, Red Tornado, Black Canary (DCU), Jade Nguyen, Jack Haly
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock & Dick Grayson & Kaldur'ahm & Kon-El | Conner Kent & M'gann M'orzz & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Young Justice Season 1, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s01e24 Performance, Haly's Circus (DCU), The Flying Graysons (DCU), Court of Owls, Dick Grayson is a Talon, Non-Explicit Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Hurt Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Wings, Kidnapping, Secret Organizations, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Whump, Gotham City is Terrible, Hiding, Medical Conditions, Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Assassination Attempt(s), Memory Loss, Body Modification, Muteness
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41925003
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catandbanana · 2 years
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Cat and Banana Episode 3079 www.facebook.com/catandbanana
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
At least you’re inside. It’s gonna be freezing out today. Still. I get to spend it with Katie. She’ll keep me warm.
In the second episode which originally aired as one hour, Robert continues to poke at Andy about not getting any messages from Katie (‘I’m telling ya, she’s not interested’). At the village hall, Robert offers Katie his coat and puts his beanie on hers - this is when Andy shows up with them playing around. Katie and Andy clear the air about the texts - her dad was watching but didn’t Robert say? Andy gets into trouble for not having showed up for his community service and has his mobile taken away. Robert offers to be Andy’s ‘kiss-o-gram’ between him and Katie. Gifs will be posted separately.
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multidesiupdates · 4 years
Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 14th January 2021 Full Episode 3079
Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 14th January 2021 Full Episode 3079
Watch Online Video Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 14th January 2021 Today Latest New Full Episode SAB TV Serial Indian Hindi Drama Desi Serial Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah Complete Show Online Episodes in HD, Watch Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah Thursday January 14th 2021 TMKOC.
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ao3feed-destiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iqOSvx
by yaoi_yuri_lover_404
It all starts when Jack can't sleep at night. Then it spirals into Sam and Jack cuddling every night until they enviably develop feelings for each other.
First Chapter: Nonsexual Ending Second Chapter: Sexual Ending
The different endings are under the ~~~~~ in each chapter incase you want to read both versions, before the lines the stories are the same.
Words: 3079, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jack Kline, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (mentioned)
Relationships: Jack Kline/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Castiel (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Season 13 spoilers, This comes after episode 3, Fluff, Pining, Canon Universe, Canon Divergence, canon based, Two Alternate Endings, Smut, in the second ending, Crying, Hurt/Comfort, First Time, First Love, How Do I Tag This
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iqOSvx
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ao3feed-elevenriver · 7 years
penny in the air
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vACEoR
by madasaboxofcats
She is standing in front of the museum's display case for Sir George White – lovely fellow, lousy at cards – when she hears it.
“Sweetie! There you are. I’d begun to think you’d forgotten.”
The Doctor freezes. It can’t be.
“And what on earth are you wearing?”
The TARDIS takes a freshly-regenerated Thirteenth Doctor to a River who may or may not know her.
Words: 3079, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, River Song
Relationships: Thirteenth Doctor/River Song, The Doctor/River Song, Eleventh Doctor/River Song, Twelfth Doctor/River Song
Additional Tags: Spoilers for Episode: 2015 Xmas The Husbands of River Song, Comedy, Angst
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vACEoR
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ao3feed-riversong · 7 years
penny in the air
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vACEoR
by madasaboxofcats
She is standing in front of the museum's display case for Sir George White – lovely fellow, lousy at cards – when she hears it.
“Sweetie! There you are. I’d begun to think you’d forgotten.”
The Doctor freezes. It can’t be.
“And what on earth are you wearing?”
Words: 3079, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, River Song
Relationships: Thirteenth Doctor/River Song, The Doctor/River Song
Additional Tags: Spoilers for Episode: 2015 Xmas The Husbands of River Song
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vACEoR
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