niconebula · 2 years
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I need you guys to listen so bad, but I’m at least glad people on Twitter are starting to talk about this. The government of Canada is expanding Medically Assisted Death to cull the poor and disabled, and now suicidal and mentally ill (these are usually interchangeable of course here). It is EUGENICS and every single disabled rights organization is against it.
Disability payments are $1,200 a month. The average one bedroom apartment rent in the Greater Toronto Area (greatest pop. area by far here) is $2,000 a month. People with mental illnesses are on months long waitlists to get even a single publicly funded session. Weeks to get privately funded care which costs at least $200 a session. There is no housing here for disabled people. We are in one of the worst housing crises in the world right now.
Doctors are now offering MAiD unprompted to young suicidal people. This woman is 21, a health practitioner literally suggested she kill herself.
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This is one of the worst Disability Rights Violations we’ve ever seen in Canada. The government is killing us because it is cheaper than funding healthcare, cheaper than giving people housing and food and basic human rights.
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
In 2020, Robert Kuciemba, a woodworker in San Francisco was infected with covid by a co-worker after his Nevada-based Victory Woodworks transferred a number of sick workers to the San Francisco site for a few months. 
Through the proceedings of the case it turns out that the employer knew some employees might be sick but they transferred them anyway and ignored a San Francisco ordinance in place at the time to quarantine suspected covid cases.
Kuciemba was subsequently infected and he then infected his wife, who ended up in ICU on a ventilator.
The California Supreme Court just ruled against Kuciemba on the basis that a victory, while, in the court's words, "morally" the right thing to do, would create "dire financial consequences for employers" and cause a "dramatic expansion of liability" to stop the spread of covid.
There’s a few stunning details to note in this case. First, the court agreed that there is no doubt the company had ignored the San Francisco health ordinance. In other words, they accepted the company had broken the law. And then concluded “yeah, but, capitalism.”
Secondly, the case was so obviously important to the struggle between capitalism and mass infection that the US Chamber of Commerce, the largest business lobbying organisation got involved and helped the company with its defence. Remember, this is a tiny company in a niche industry. The involvement of the biggest business lobbyists in the country tells us a lot about the importance of the principle they knew was at stake.
Thirdly, the defence of the company is very telling. They said “There is simply no limit to how wide the net will be cast: the wife who claims her husband caught COVID-19 from the supermarket checker, the husband who claims his wife caught it while visiting an elder care home." 
Well, exactly. Capitalism couldn’t survive if employers were liable for covid infections contracted in the workplace, and the ripple effect of those infections. And they know it. 
This case is something of a covid smoking gun, revealing what we always suspected but had never seen confirmed in so many words: the public health imperative of controlling a pandemic virus by making employers liable for some of that control is, and always must be, secondary to capitalist profit. 
This ruling is also saying out loud what has been obvious to anyone paying attention for the last two years: employers don’t have a responsibility to keep your family safe from covid. You have that responsibility. And if you give a family member covid that you caught at work and they get sick or die – even if it was a result of law-breaking by your employer – that’s on you buddy.
It is the same old capitalist story: the shunting of responsibility for ills that should be shared across society, including employers in that society, onto individuals.
This ruling essentially helps codify workplace mass infection and justifies it as necessary for the smooth functioning of capitalism.
This is not new. This is where the ‘just a cold’ and the ‘mild' narrative came from. It came from doctors and healthcare experts whose first loyalty was to capitalism. Not to public health. To money, not to lives. Abetted by media who uncritically platformed them.
While this ruling tells us little that we couldn’t already see from the public policy approach of the last two years, it is revealing (and to some extent validating) to see it confirmed by the highest law of the land in the United States. 
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nightmaretour · 6 months
Disabled people: eugenics is bad
Abled Tumblr users: But what if we have a little bit of eugenics 🥺 what if we only eradicate disabled people a little bit when it's convenient
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whereserpentswalk · 9 months
Gentle reminder that you can be 100% pro choice and still understand that aborting a fetus because it will be disabled as a human is a eugenicist idea that comes from absolutely horrifying ideas that have been placed in western culture as a result of more overt eugenics movements in our past.
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phoenixonwheels · 6 months
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[ID: Tweet by @JamesSowka 12/2/23 “having none of my progressive friends care about Covid is the same as waking up and all of a sudden none of them care about climate change, or none of them care about abortion rights. It is such a profound level of emotional whiplash that I will never recover from.”]
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bugboy-behaviour · 2 months
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thebibliosphere · 10 months
Fully aware I’m bringing the straw discourse back myself but it’s almost like this is a systemic problem with how we manufacturer everything, including “eco-friendly” options.
Anyway, wishing all the ecowarrior girlies who told me and countless other disabled folks to our faces that if our disabilities meant we couldn’t give up plastic straws for safety reasons we were a burden on the planet and should consider suicide the moral option a very “suck on your toxic bullshit.”
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headspace-hotel · 11 months
It's disturbing to me that any talk of "human overpopulation" is considered legitimate. Like really really really disturbing. And few in the academic world seem to be sounding the alarm about it. "We are only proposing the need to promote family planning in poor countries with no access to it to curb overpopulation, not coercive measures" ARE YALL FUCKING STUPID??!
Sick and tired of hearing shit like "aaaaaaaaa population growth in India so scareeeyyyyy we gotta 'Help' them have less kids" blatantly ignoring the bloody trail of horrendous human rights violations that came of past attempts to 'Help' lower population growth, which began with heavy incentivization from western nations
Honestly just read up on neo-Malthusianism and the Eugenics movement before you say things.
Family planning technologies are primarily known as a good thing, but history tells us that they have been historically forced upon poor people, and people of color, or if not forced directly, people have been coerced into IUDs and sterilization operations by being denied benefits and food aid etc. unless they get the procedure done.
This is part of reproductive rights and bodily autonomy
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anarchotahdigism · 4 months
funny to see the yt queer girlies talkin bout how staff nuked a yt trans woman's blog from orbit but they stay absolutely dead silent on how many of us queer BIPOC have gotten nuked for talkin about Palestine and indigenous liberation they're even more silent when it comes to the pandemic killing us too but then they were the loudest about the "need" for returning to in person, unmasked life "for mental health" reasons and how it's bad and wrong to require masks and center the most vulnerable cause then the vibes are whack and that's the biggest sin for the yts yt queers are yt first and last and they'll care about other issues so long as it doesn't get in the way of being yt I see y'all's racist, eugenicist, fascist asses. your ableism and fairweather "allyship" always shows y'all's true colors. y'all truly only care about yourselves. ytness and yt communities are death cults.
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I am begging people to understand that reproductive rights is as much the right to become and remain pregnant as it is to terminate a pregnancy.
Encouraging all people capable of being pregnant to get their tubes tied or get a hysterectomy isn't the solution you think it is.
Most people who get abortions do so because they want to be able to get pregnant in the future.
Back-alley abortions often leave people unable to become pregnant again, even if they want to. Legal, safe abortion ensures that a person can terminate a pregnancy while still retaining the option and ability to become pregnant again.
PoC, disabled people, and trans and intersex people have historically been barred from the right to get pregnant and reproduce. These marginalized groups have faced sterilization and maternal mortality for a long time.
If you think reproductive justice is only about the right to *not* be pregnant, you are woefully misinformed.
Reproductive justice means people should be able to control their own bodies, whether it means ending or preventing a pregnancy, or becoming pregnant and remaining pregnant.
Reproductive justice means that healthcare providers should and must address the barriers and dangers PoC, disabled people, and trans and intersex people face when it comes to obstetrics and gynecology.
Reproductive justice means lowering the maternal mortality rate for black people in America.
Reproductive justice means not sterilizing disabled people and providing safe options for disabled people who want to become pregnant.
Reproductive justice means acknowledging that trans people may want to become pregnant and not mandating they be sterilized in order to legally transition.
Reproductive justice means not sterilizing intersex babies and children in the attempt to make them fit into a dyadic, binary sex.
Reproductive justice is not just about abortions.
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
I'm shouting this from the rooftops: disabled people who rely on plastic medical equipments aren't the ones killing the environment. 📢
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
If you don't know anything about eugenics beyond forced sterilization, or only define eugenics by forced sterilization, or by any one version of it, you're not only never going to understand eugenics, but you'll never be able to fight that ideology or keep it out of your spaces or unlearn it yourself. Saying you think disabled people just shouldn't exist in an "ideal" society is eugenics too, just like genetic engineering us out of existence, just like saying you wouldn't have a disabled child, or promoting the idea of us being completely separated from "abled society" in some sort of "separate but equal" supposed compromise.
Eugenics can be born simply out of believing our lives are nothing but suffering and that makes them less worth living, thus we shouldn't exist. But that's not true. I do suffer horribly in this ableist society, and I also suffer solely from certain aspects of my disabilities, but that doesn't mean disabled people shouldn't exist. Suffering doesn't mean I shouldn't exist. It means you should be working to eradicate ableism and people should continue working on science to help disabled people live with our disabilities. It means you should listen to us, ask us "how can we help", not eradicate us and the fact people move so quickly to that idea is scary as fuck.
And yet, today I had to talk with a trans person who told me people like me shouldn't be born, that mental illness' were "diversities" but cripples were disabled and lived their lives in suffering, so they should be engineered out of existence. This was all very leftist, mind you-No forced anything, just a dream of a mass program to genetically engineer cripples away until no disabilities were left at all, for "the better of our species".
It just makes me sad, things like that. I wish it made me angrier but no, people who should be my community telling me my people shouldn't exist is just sad, especially when it comes with the determined stance that it's not, in fact, eugenics. I mean, if you're going to be a dick, at least call your bullshit what it is. At least know what eugenics are! That's basic as hell!
So lesson of the day: learn your eugenics, listen to disabled folks, fuck ableism and never tell disabled people you don't believe people with their disabilities should exist.
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liminalweirdo · 8 months
In today's update of Canada Loves Eugenics, 10,064 people died in 2021 through medically assisted death in Canada, and while MAID supposedly exists to allow people with severe, incurable illnesses to die with dignity on their own terms, MAID is generally used because disabled and mentally ill people cannot access governmental assistance and are living in poverty.
The Canadian government is actively pushing poor, disabled people to death.
oh and by the way, Canada performs more organ transplants from MAID donors than any other country in the world.
"Six disability rights and religious advocates told Reuters that the pace of the planned changes to the assisted death framework in Canada brings additional risks of people opting for MAID because they are unable to access social services - the lack of which could exacerbate their suffering." - source
Anyway, it's basically like this: the USA has the Americans with Disabilities Act and Canada has MAID
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otherbombdotcom · 9 months
From the lack of care for community health, to the constant thread of eugenics, and disproportionate effect on people of color and queer people the similarities between the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the ongoing covid pandemic are eerie.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Remember that reproductive rights don't just mean the right to an abortion or other contraception. They mean the right to reproduce just as much. It's only really ever exclusively been the right not to reproduce for cishet, white, able bodied (especially able bodied) people.
When you hear someone talk about the poor having too many children or talking about overpopulation do you understand that that's an attack on reproductive rights (and also eugenics rhetoric)?
Do you consider the fact that many women have to have their reproductive organs surgically removed to be legally considered women an attack on reproductive rights? Do you consider it weird that this is what many democrats consider a "reasonable middle ground"?
Do you consider the fact that many neurodivergent people are put on medication that removes sexual function and essentially chemically castrates them, and most doctors don't see this as an issue (especially when the patient in question is afab) an attack on reproductive rights?
Do you consider the fact that people's wombs are being removed in the American concentration camps that continue to operate on American soil an attack on reproductive rights? (And have you thought about the concentration camps since it stopped being a talking point about an individual politician?)
If you do not understand attacks on the marginalized's right to reproduce as attacks on reproductive rights, than you do not get to call yourself pro choice. Your just pro abortions for privileged women.
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reality-detective · 21 days
I'll leave this 👆 here... You Decide 🤔
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