#eve weston
smolgay-bean · 2 years
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Had some art block so I decided to work on some profiles for my OCs :)
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faofinn · 11 months
An actual post this time.
Send in your favourite lines from the guys!
For example,
Steve? He has my favourite line OF ALL TIME. "How much midaz? Too much midaz."
And Jess' recent pregnancy announcement, where she sassed Fao and said, "No, me and Harrison." Like it drips of sarcasm and i love her.
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zippidi-dooda · 6 months
Written 2yrs ago and haven't reread it (just posting here) so may be more cringe than my current writing. Yes, I had the mangas in hand as I searched for dates and details. Ready 4 new black butler season: my offering
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Gregory Violet x Fem. Noble Reader
The word "fag" will be mentioned in this story, but it only means someone who does a lot of things for a house's prefect.  Hope you enjoy.
2 June 1889
Dear Diary,
It is finally the 2nd of June, just two days before Weston College's interhouse cricket tournament. That means tomorrow the tournament eve's festivities will be held and I can once again meet my beloved Gregory at his school.  I hate that his school prevents me from seeing him often, but he seems happy going there and he sends me many letters with some of his lovely drawings, many inspired by the people at his school, so I suppose it's not all bad.  His house may not win the tournament this year, but I know that at least his house's match will be entertaining, as it is every year.  I wonder if he'll be busy drawing instead of participating again this year?  Or if he'll dance with me after the tournament ceremony tomorrow.  I usually dance with his fag [a fag, in this, means someone who acts similar to a butler towards the house prefect], Cheslock, or Scarlet Fox's prefect, Edgar.  They're both wonderful, but I'd rather dance with Gregory, he is my betrothed after all.  If he declines tomorrow, then I'll just have to drag him onto the dance floor.  It's very unlady-like to do so, but I must dance with him at least once before we're married.  And besides, I've seen some girls oogling him during the festivities in previous years, and I'm not fond of it.  They are either too shy or scared to actually talk to him, but that doesn't mean the same can be said for this year.  I know his heart belongs to me, but I can't help but want to make that clear to those ladies by dancing with him.  Yes, I've decided, I will dance with Gregory tomorrow, no matter what I must say or do to make it happen.
-Y/N L/N
3 June 1889
Dear diary,
Today was absolutely wonderful!  After each house and their players entered the Grand Dining Hall and the P4 lit the Flame of Saint George, the festivities began.  Well, after the vice headmaster fell down the stairs.  It was startling, he had blood running down his brow, but he walked around just fine afterwards.  He's always been rather clumsy, but I think this is the first time he's ever got himself hurt that bad.  I hope he's truly okay.  But, anyhow, I finally got to dance with Gregory!  I can feel his hand on my waist and in mine as if he is still guiding me across the Grand Hall's floor.  My heart is still jumping with excitement.  He was wasn't too thrilled at first and protested profusely, but Edgar and Cheslock convinced him to dance with me.  He sighed and, reluctantly, led me in a dance with a pout on his face.  But his frown soon turned upside down as we talked throughout the dance.  I told him what's been happening with me and vice versa.  He has such a lovely smile, I wish he showed it more often.  I'll figure out every small thing that makes him smile soon, and do my best to keep him happy.  Oh, and before I forget, I met the new housemaster and student of Sapphire Owl House that Gregory mentioned in his letters.  The new housemaster's very tall and handsom (and appears to be much younger than the other housemasters), and says such flattering words.  But, I can tell that his smile's fake and his words insincere.  He was trying to leave the ceremony early but was prevented from doing so.  As for the new student, he's short and cute, in a younger brother sort of way.  His house's prefect, Lawrence, and his rather large family were surrounding him, as well as Green Lion's fag, Edward, and his family, for a majority of the night.  According to what Gregory's said, and from what I've seen, the two are very popular.  Gregory thinks there's something suspicious about the pair, though.  I hope it's nothing to be concerned about.  Anyways, tomorrow is the start of the cricket tournament.  I won't be able to be with Gregory the whole day since he'll have to be waiting with and for his house to play, but I'll be cheering him on wholeheartedly from the sidelines.
-Y/N L/N
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serikaafuro · 4 months
Meet my Black Butler Oc, She is Edgar Redmond's older sister, Evelyn Redmond.
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Evelyn is 23 years old and, like the rest of her family, is known to be very beautiful and in fact, attracts so many men.
She is a graceful, elegant and calm woman, but on the other hand she is very overprotective, over-involved and worried towards her younger brother. Hence her dangerous side, as she will even disregard ethics for his sake.
Her first appearance was on the eve of a cricket tournament. Evelyn came with her uncle, Viscount Druitt, to meet Edgar. After she told him she was looking forward to the match, she and Lawrence's sisters had been a chat.
Even after the incident at Weston School came to light, Evelyn never blamed her younger brother. She consoled Edgar and suggested that if he was uncomfortable at home, he should go to his uncle's house until things cooled down.
She frequented the Sphere Music Hall after Edgar became S4 in the Blue Cult arc, but she was unaware of the anomalies there. By the time the newspapers exposed the evil of the Sphere Music Hall, it was already too late and she and her family couldn't contact with Edgar or any of the other three. She has been emotionally unstable ever since, and hates Blavat Sky so much that his mug shot in the newspaper was torn to shreds with a knife. She is also spending a lot of money searching for Edgar to somehow bring him back.
// I will post more about her other than these in due course.
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garadinervi · 1 month
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Moor Mother, Jazz Codes, (Digital album), ANTI- Records, 2023, Deluxe Edition
Mary Lattimore: harp in ‘Umzansi' Keir Neuringer: saxophone in 'April 7th', 'Joe McPhee Nation Time Intro', 'So Sweet Amina', and 'We Got the Jazz' Aquiles Navarro: trumpet in 'Meditation Rag', 'Dust Together', and 'We Got the Jazz' Jason Moran: piano in 'Ode to Mary' Akai Solo: rap in 'Rap Jasm' Yung Morpheus: rap in 'Real Trill Hours' Nicole Mitchell: flute in 'Arms Save'
Feat.: Black Quantum Futurism in 'Umzansi'; Melanie Charles in 'Golden Lady', and 'Woody Shaw'; Orion Sun in 'Ode to Mary'; Alya Al-Sultani (علياء السلطاني) in 'Meditation Rag'; Justmadnice in 'So Sweet Amina', 'Rap Jasm', and 'Blame'; Wolf Weston in 'Dust Together', 'Evening', and 'Barely Woke'; Fatboi Sharif in 'Blues Away'; Irreversible Entanglements in 'Thomas Stanley Jazzcodes Outro'; Thomas Stanley in 'Thomas Stanley Jazzcodes Outro'; lojii & Honeychile in 'Black Honey'; Kyle Kidd in 'We Got the Jazz'; Elaine Mitchener in 'Black Dust Blues'; Beans in 'Afro Pick Eve'; Sovei in 'Stories'
Artwork: © Anthony Carlos Molden
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phxntomhives · 4 months
My Kuro AU part 2
Because this is what I actually wanted to write. But I needed to first contextualize everything.
Part 1, with "the context" is here, if you are curious/missed it.
Spoiler for one major thing in the manga!
How O!Ciel got fianceé
Since R!Ciel is here, he is the one that is supposed to marry Lizzie, so O!Ciel is "free to take"
I assume this because Vincent and Rachel seemed to want to force him into the social rules, but on the contrary gave him space to be free and be himself
Maybe since R!Ciel had a fiancé he thought about trying to get one himself, but Vincent and Rachel told him it was ok to wait and that he didn't have to force himself.
Then fast forward to the twins at Weston, at the eve of the cricket tournament. Where the Bluewer older sisters start to push Adela on O!Ciel.
R!Ciel noticed the situation and went to kidnap save him from them.
I actually gave the sisters some names, let me show you (I didn't see any canon names aside Adela so I just went with what I like). Here they are:
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Anyway, he is technically free and a wonderful possible husband. So they don't give up.
Lawrence apologize for days after the meeting. But if he is honest to himself, he likes O!Ciel enough so he isn't against the idea per se.
And because he likes him enough, he starts to call both the twins at his home so they can chat and spend time together. He also calls Clayton, because he wants to know how they are all doing at Weston.
After a while the twins convince Lawrence to invite McMillan too. They all just chat and have some nice time together.
Sometimes the other P4 join too because they were visitng Lawrence.
The older sisters make sure that Adela always passes by to say hi to O!Ciel. They also try to win him over because in general he grew on them. They like R!Ciel less because he is harder to tease and fights back.
After some "casual meetings" thanks to the older sisters, and a couple of actual casual meetings, O!Ciel and Adela ends up bonding a little and become friends.
The older sisters are celebrating and R!Ciel is pissed.
Some time passes and O!Ciel is getting more and more proposals of engagement. He tries to politely reject them all but some families are harder to convince than others.
When he is in second year at Weston during the eve of the tournament's party, he panicks when he is cornered by some ladies and says he is "unfortunately" taken. When asked the person he automatically blurts out Adela's name.
R!Ciel is nearby and almost dies chocking on his drink. He kidnaps his brother and ask him about the news and why he had no clue about it.
Vincent and Rachel are also very confused but try to not show it, unless until they hear an explanation. They just laugh it off and run to their children to try and fix the situation.
O!Ciel then explains he made it up. But unfortunately for him, rumors started to spread already. Vincent says he will take care of it first thing next morning. Rachel teases O!Ciel about having a crush and R!Ciel is pouting in a corner.
Unfortunately Vincent can't fix anything because Lawrence and his older sisters appears the day after at school and Lawrence is pissed. "I trusted you. How dare you defile my younger sister?"
Then O!Ciel has to explain everything and he feels guilty about lying but he didn't do it on purpose.
Lawrence says he understand but he should hold onto his words now, at least for a decent amount of time, because otherwise it would ruin Adela's reputation.
O!Ciel understands and this is how he got engaged in half a day. Vincent is in the back and has to restrain himself for laughing at how the sisters got what they wanted by pure accident.
The sister makes it so that Adela can also join them for the tournament so she can cheer on her fiancé.
She is awkward after they meet for the first time and hits him with a book. He apologize thousands of time, but since neither of them can rewind time, they are stuck with it and try to make it work. He also swears to never use her as mean to run away from problems again.
Their own relationship doesn't really change, they just hangout a little more often. It's the Bluewere siblings that are mostly affected: the younger twins start to call O!Ciel "big-bro" while the older sisters call him "brother in law" to make him blush and to piss off R!Ciel
Will they stay together or not? Only time will tell, but there is a basis of mutual respect at least.
If they stay together, Adela automatically wins the arguments because she reminds him he was the one that chose her, she didn't ask for anything, and he can just admit defeat.
In any case, she will become bestie with Lizzie.
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zixinwonderland · 5 months
Posting Black Butler facts once a day until season 4 is released!
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higanbanawritings · 9 months
Link to New Black Butler Fanfiction
I just published a work that has sitting in my Google Drive since 2014. It takes place during the Weston College Arc and I hope you all enjoy. It is dark and heavy and might be a lot to handle. Other than that I hope you all enjoy. The second chapter featuring our boys will by up on New Year's Eve.
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d. c. 1555
Madge Shelton (Margaret Shelton) was the alleged mistress of Henry VIII as well as the lady-in-waiting to her cousin Anne Boleyn
Madge (Margaret) was the younger sister of Mary Shelton, who was believed to have been the actual mistress of Henry VIII (and not Madge). Their mother Anne was the sister of Thomas Boleyn, who was the father of Anne Boleyn. Madge became an attendant of Anne Boleyn on Easter Eve, 12 April 1533.
Madge was said to have had an affair with Henry VIII in 1535, however, historians aren’t sure whether it was Madge or her sister Mary who was the mistress of the king. This was because the Imperial ambassador, Eustace Chapuys referred to the king’s mistress as ‘Mistress Shelton’. Madge was believed to have been the king’s mistress for 6 months starting in February.
Madge was with Boleyn when Anne miscarried her son. Madge was Anne’s closest companion but was later dismissed. When Boleyn was arrested on charges of treason, Boleyn told one of her lady attendees that she had reprimanded Francis Weston for flirting with Madge Shelton, as she was to be married to Henry Norris. Boleyn questioned aloud why Norris had not married Madge yet. Weston replied that Norris came looking for Anne’s bed rather than seek out Madge. Norris and Weston were both executed after being accused of being Boleyn’s lovers.
Madge married Thomas Woodhouse and had two children.
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maypoleman1 · 8 months
16th January
St Sigebert’s Day/ Old Twelfth Night
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Source: UCANR website
Today is St Sigebert’s Day. Sigebert was another Anglo-Saxon king who renounced his throne in favour of the monastic life. However, when the fearsome pagan king of Mercia, Penda, attacked Sigebert’s former realm of East Anglia, his ex-subjects persuaded him to come out of retirement in order to save them from the pagan’s wrath. Remaining true to his vows, Sigebert agreed to resume his throne, but insisted he be armed with a wooden sword and so avoid taking a human life in battle. Unfortunately for the pacific Sigebert and his East Anglians, Penda’s Mercians destroyed his army, conferring immediate martyrdom on the holy king, as well as sainthood.
Today is also Old Twelfth Night, being the last night of Christmas according to the old calendar. For that reason apple wassailing continued on the night of the 16th for over 200 years after the date of Epiphany Eve moved to 5th January. On this night men would gather by firelight in orchards to toast the apple trees with cider and to wish the spirits of the trees a Happy New Year and exhort them to allow their trees a bountiful late summer harvest. A typical verse sung by the wassailers was:
Old Apple Tree we wassail thee and hope that thou wilt bear,
For Lord doth know where we shall be till apples come another year.
Although the Old Twelfth Night wassailing tradition died out in the early twentieth century, it was revived in the 1980s and enthusiastic wassailing now takes place in the orchards of Much Marcle near Ledbury in Hereford and Worcester; Norton Fitzwarren outside Taunton in Somerset and Carhampton, also in Somerset. Amazingly, the revivals were sponsored and funded by cider makers Westons, and Taunton Cider.
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teo-s-art-corner · 1 year
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Ettie Weston and the Long Days (WIP)  🕝🍸
Say hello to Ettie Weston! Henrietta "Ettie" Millicent Weston, to be precise, but Ettie Weston is fine. Seriously, don't try to call her Henrietta unless she specifically tells you it's fine — she will NOT appreciate it and you will KNOW it. 
Ettie is one of Delicia's close friends and she works as a bartender in a nice little pub in London. The two of them met somewhere between 1975-76(?), not long after Delicia moved to London, and they have been friends ever since.
Ettie was born on 15th July 1950, in London. She comes from your regular, slightly conservative family and, for a while, Ettie believed her life was pretty much straight forward — a normal, somewhat sheltered upbringing, good education, a nice relationship. What Ettie *didn't* see coming was a full on identity crisis, as soon as she turned 21. It was the early '70s and Ettie realised her life was not really… what she had hoped for? But what *did* she hope for? She never truly  put much thought into it, she kinda just… went along. But now, now was the time to start thinking!!
By the time 1980 rolls in, Ettie is almost 30 years old and has been on her own for almost a decade. She has her own place to call home, her bartender job (which she loves), her fair  share of great and not-so-great experiences, cool friends ("Dude, Delicia can see ghosts!!"), three cats, occasional dates and a secret wish to find love one day. Oh, and a not-so-good opinion (at first) about Charlie Elkins ( @eve-to-adam 's OC) and his mates, but that's a story for another day. 😂 Most importantly, she feels happy! 
The scene above takes place in the early '80s. Ettie and her colleagues are about to open up for the day and she has one of her "feelings". She thinks there's a looong day ahead of them, which kinda became their inside joke, because (almost) every time Ettie Weston "senses" a hard work day approaching, that's precisely what happens. No one knows how she does it, not even Ettie herself. 😂
(Vol. 2)
(© Ettie Weston is my original character. She is part of a storytelling project me and @eve-to-adam are working on)
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faofinn · 1 year
Hi! Kind of new to your blog and I got a little lost with the characters 😅 Would you mind explaining the main plot or the characters’ background a bit so I can understand the stories a little better? Thank you and sorry for the trouble!
Don't apologise at all! It is quite confusing - especially as we have different AUs for our characters!
We're going to do a full intro post for each of our characters, so keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, a quick rundown of the mains.
Fred and Sheila Daniels, adoptive parents to both Fao and Finn. Fostered Harrison on respite. Sheila works as a nurse when Finn and Fao are old enough (in her eyes) to fend for themselves. Fred, on the other hand, stays the furthest away from medicine as he can get, and works as a history professor, writing books in his spare time.
Fao Daniels, the eldest Daniels son, and very independent. Served in the army until an accident ended his career and he returned to the UK as a surgeon. Family: Amelia and James Blackwood (parents), Friend and Sheila Daniels (Adopted Parents), Tomas (Uncle and former 'guardian'), Finn (brother), Luke, Beth, Arthur (kids). Partners: Alex, Ollie, Harrison, Elyana Lozier.
Finn Daniels, the youngest son. Fred's nephew, suffered a TBI when he was ten thanks to #apollothecat. The accident caused his epilepsy and added to his chronic pain. Followed in Fao's footsteps and went to medschool, though he found his place in the ED. Family: Fred and Sheila (adopted parents), Partners: Jessica Weston.
Steve Cunningham. Neurosurgeon by trade, now Harrison's adoptive father. Needs to be protected at all costs, would do anything for Harrison. Mentored Fao while Finn was recovering from his TBI. Family: Bella (wife), Jonathan (son), Amy (daughter), Harrison (adopted son).
Harrison Cunningham-Cole, Steve's son and the reputation of troublemaker. Bounced around the care system after his parents (the Tanners) were arrested for abuse. Has his fair share of crappy partners, but finally found the love of his life in Tai. Works as an ED cons. Family: Steve (adoptive father), Kieran, Alfie, and Levi (adopted sons). Partners: Marcus, Conor, Taidgh Cole.
Taidgh Cunningham-Cole. Harrison's husband and dad to the three kids. Works as a physio, and has a diagnosis of late onset T1DM. Originally from Ireland, he moved to London to train, and met Harrison when he broke his ankle and was hopped up on pain meds.
Elyana Lozier - owned by @epochandeons , Shiv and Ev's best friend IRL! Ely works as an anaesthetist, and somehow fell in love with the idiot that is Fao. Also has seizures from a car crash. Adoptive mother to Luke, and bio to Beth and Arthur
Jessica Weston, another long-suffering partner. Has been Finn's girlfriend since they were nine, much to everyone's amusement (and Finn's denial). Works as a lawyer and has way too many brains to be with Finn, but family game nights prove why the pair are together. They have a daughter, Amelia, who was bit of a surprise to the pair.
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colascriptura · 2 years
This is Book 2 of C.S. Lewis's space trilogy, written in 1943.
I started reading it about a year ago but found it rather tedious in its lengthy descriptions of everything. I'm a reader who wants action and dialogue, not descriptive walls of text. I eventually finished it out of a sense of duty (and besides, I want to get to the more famous Book 3).
The book again follows the adventures of Ransom, who this time is sent by God's angels to the planet Perelandra (a.k.a. Venus) to carry out a mission which he knows nothing about. He finds Venus to be a paradise, although the book suffers from the typical problem that it's hard for the human mind to conceive of paradise. The most I got from it was that the fruits there taste really good.
Ransom encounters one of the planet's permanent residents, a green lady who is the equivalent of Eve. Alas, they are soon joined by the villain Weston from Book 1, who has travelled to Venus by spaceship in order to... to... actually I can't remember what Weston's point was. It's irrelevant though, because Weston soon becomes literally-possessed by literally-Satan. Literally-Satan has two goals: (1) to disrupt God's plan by tempting Green Eve into sin, and (2) to torture the planet's frogs. The exact point of literally-Satan's bizarre side-quest is not really explained, he just does it. Some men chop wood, some men dig tunnels, literally-Satan tortures frogs.
Anyway, when he attends to his main purpose, literally-Satan engages Green Eve and Ransom in lengthy debate, in which he tries to get her to disobey the one command of God that doesn't really make sense -- to avoid sleeping on a certain island -- by suggesting to her that it's really God's will that she find some independence and disobey God in this one little thing. Ransom counters that the point of such a rule is precisely that she can find the value of obeying God for the sake of obedience itself.
This seems to last for days, and Ransom is losing the argument. So God speaks to Ransom in a vision and suggests to him that a better strategy would be to engage literally-Satan in hand-to-hand combat. Like the debate, the battle also lasts for days, but goes better than you might expect, and rather reminds one of Gandalf's fight against the Balrog: "From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak I fought with the Balrog of Morgoth. Until at last I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountain side."
So Satan is defeated, Weston is incinerated in lava, Green Eve declines to sin, Venus is saved, blah blah blah.
5 out of 10 - honestly I think I've made it sound more fun than it was.
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wausaupilot · 1 month
Wausau area obituaries August 9, 2024
Obituaries are a community service courtesy of Helke and Brainard Funeral Homes.
Robert Gruening Robert “Bob” Gruening, 93, peacefully entered the loving arms of his Savior on August 6, 2024, at Rennes Health and Rehab, Weston. He was born on March 17, 1931, in Wausau; one of five brothers born to Art and Stella Gruening. The family attended St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church in Schofield, where Bob was baptized, confirmed and eventually married. He married his high school…
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robfinancialtip · 2 months
The Federal Reserve is considering a rule change that could save the biggest US banks billions in capital requirements by adjusting the Global Systemically Important Bank (GSIB) surcharge.
ALSO in this podcast: MDT - Medtronic PLC (NYS), LW - Lamb Weston Holdings Inc. (NYS), MEDP - Medpace Holdings Inc. (NAS), URI - United Rentals Inc. (NYS), RSG - Republic Services Inc. (NYS);
PLUS-- Recognized Dividends, Transferring cash to a Roth IRA; and Justin's talking points: Trend of investing in 'precious metals' used in EV production and as part the AI play market--examples include lithium and platinum; also, Why evictions are up especially in the U.S. sunbelt cities; and the Chinese economy has been in trouble for a long time.
Video Content Details
00:00 Intro 00:21 Fed Rule Change: Big Banks to Save Billions? 06:44 MDT - Medtronic PLC (NYS) 11:34 Market Wrap 15:37 LW - Lamb Weston Holdings Inc. 18:02 Dividends 20:26 MEDP - Medpace Holdings Inc. 23:58 Trends metals 29:26 URI -United Rentals Inc. 30:57 Cash into Roth 32:17 Evictions 36:39 RSG - Republic Services Inc. 37:42 China Economy
Call 888-99-CHART to hear your questions answered live.
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ao3feed-janeausten · 2 months
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