#even if i wasn't with my current partner i dont think i would
steampunkedparm · 2 years
me and my grandma were at a cafe a few months ago or something and at one point had gotten onto the topic of identity within the queer space and their respective nuancs and cus of how many lables i use i often use my own identity as examples and at one point i revealed im not opposed to polyam relationships and she asked me how i knew that and??
how the fuck DO i know that??
#all other parts of my identity i feel i had to label i know full why that label is there#but i dont know why polyamory is here#i struggled with that part of me like i did any other part as you do as a kid who has only ever known queerness as being a 'bad' thing#(my family werent the ones to do the bashing. but i wonder sometimes if they ever brought positive queerness into my life before i became#so obnoxious about my identity)#regardless. i came to a conclusion with most of it#being regarded as a woman feels bad. but so does the idea and practice of a guy. oh! im nonbinary!#I've never felt any romantice attraction to any dude ive met. the idea of being with a guy like that feels wrong. oh!! im a lesbian!!#and so on and so forth#but like. never had that with polyamory#it just was like. oh. i am that.#that is a thing i am and im beginning to be okay with that#i would've prolly been more open about it if my freshman year health teacher didn't openly bash on polyam :)#fuck that guy. he wouldn't ever shut up about his wife eitjer so like#like! good for you but you just hurt not only me but my friends and a whole fucking community#sidetracked oops#im content in the knowledge of my identity#and i dont think id actively seek out more than one partner#even if i wasn't with my current partner i dont think i would#if it's just me and it id be very okay with that :)#polyam or not i love them a lot and im glad its them and im glad they're okay with it#im also glad its easy to communicate with them about it too#im at the point where i dont think im malign sense#like. if i have a crush on another person and we vibe well and i communicate well about it with my partner and it goes somewhere sure okay#r8gby THATS literally how it works what are you saying
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andy-wm · 2 months
I don’t think this is what he meant especially because Namjoon said he gets how he feels and shook his hand after. We all know Namjoon is single for a while now after going through a nasty breakup. Jimin and Jungkook’s bond is precious even though it’s now clearly not romantic.
He also said “Although I feel this way it’s not sad…” when speaking about Who. I think Jimin is strongly indicating that he has been single for a while. We should really take his words for what they are rather than trying to twist them into a narrative that makes jikook romantic. In the context of everything he said earlier in the video up until the Who talk it seems that he created Who to have the direct message of searching for his person. He was speaking about the song when he said that he felt this way. Not having those butterflies is what he is referring to when he says he feels flat, not sad but not exciting. Even if currently platonic jikook have a precious bond.
Imo these three sentences sums up MUSE and WHO perfectly instead of those essays wanting to connect it to jikook because we want them to be real :
This is exactly what he told, meant and going through when he created this album. It's sad Jikook is not involved romantically but they still have a great bond given their trips and now enlistment but if Jimin is saying he's single without even feeling butterflies to fall in love then we have to accept that guys.
Hey Anon, thanks for this ask. Its so great to interact with someone who disagrees with me but doesn't have a huge chip on their shoulder about my views.
And honestly i can see that there are many ways to look at this situation.
Nobody can without a doubt claim they are romantic partners, just like nobody can without a doubt claim they are not. You and I have differing perspectives based on what we see and how we interpret it. We probably have different ways of seeing the world and different experiences of love.
And if one day we all find out that they were really just friends, I’ll shake your hand and, without screaming or crying, I'll accept that i was wrong. I hope you would do the same.
But right now, I don't think I am wrong on this.
Looking at the whole picture it seems to me that they are very much still romantic partners.
More like an old married couple with complicated and busy lives, but
Clearly still very focused on each other.
Clearly delighted with each other.
Clearly care deeply for each other.
Clearly spend a lot of time together despite being so busy.
Clearly attracted to each other.
Clearly physically comfortable with each other.
That's how i see it.
Am i prepared to die on the hill that their relationship is romantic? No, because I can't possibly know for absolute certain. Same reason i dont believe in god (although i think Jikook is more plausible than an old guy sitting in the clouds watching humanity like he's playing The Sims, just quietly... and yes bring on all the anon haters who are gonna want to thrash me because i'm an atheist).
But on the balance of evidence I'd say ...
they're still together.
Lets talk about MiniMoniMusic.
As for the Minimoni video, Jimin was there to talk about the album. It wasn't a conversation about his personal life.
He talked about not having excitement in his life, about his life being bland, and empty after suspending group activities. They hadn't been active as a team, and he was working really hard. It was a long time since he felt excited about something.
That sense of excitement was compared to having a crush and confessing his feelings. He said he can't remember the last time he felt that way, and the journey of MUSE was to make him feel excited again.
Tracks 1-5 were exploring the exciting emotions, like you would have when you're crushing on someone. That euphoria, the fizz in your belly, the high energy etc. That's what excitement feels like.
The crush conversation... This is the part that's throwing everyone.
He said he couldn't even remember the last time he had a crush, and Joon says I know how you feel and he and Joon laughed about that.
If it was because they've both come out of long term relationships (and we know Joonie's breakup was traumatic) why would they laugh?
They weren't laughing about being single, they were laughing about being OLD.
Remember what came next ... Jimin says the youngest in his band is really young so Jimin asked him about how a crush feels:
"Give me something since you're the youngest"
Because having a crush is something teenagers feel.
Jimin and Joon feel old, like they are a bit past having crushes. I believe that's what they're saying. And honestly, when was the last time you heard 30 year old men talking about their crush?
A crush and a long term romantic partner are two very different things.
At no point did he say he wasn't in a relationship.
Edited to add a better translation of 'crush' , being one sided/unrequited love.
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I'm not deleting what i originally posted because the reason jimin asked Evan is based on his youth.
One more thing i need to add...
In my experience, it's very difficult to go from being in a long term relationship to being platonic besties with your former romantic partner. It takes a LOT of work, and it requires energy, effort, and very carefully maintained boundaries.
Jimin & JK don't look like they're maintaining boundaries to me.
Based purely on the recent footage - the Are You Sure teaser they released - I see no sign of clear boundaries. Even in the Minimoni conversation Jimin says they drink and talk for 3-4 hours and it gets DEEP. That's a recipe for disaster with a former lover.
It also usually requires substantial time apart - YEARS maybe - to reset the relationship so you can be best friends without falling into old habits. We aren't talking high scool boyfriends who get the odd hour alone together here. We're talking months and months abroad in hotel rooms with nothing to do except listen to Lana Del Rey and... eat bread (apparently) 🤣🤣
Ok look, that last part was a tongue in cheek joke but they have spent YEARS under the same roof with zero reason not to be in each others bed, pants, shower, and anything else that sounds fun.
So honestly I don't buy the 'used to be lovers but now good friends' argument.
Those boys are comfortably intimate to such a level they don't know where one of them ends and the other begins.
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thegoddessseris · 2 months
I dont know if your taking any writing requests rn but from your masterlist can you possibly by chance write about one of twdg characters having an eating disorder? (clem or vi work ^^) im asking bc im currently struggle with an eating disorder (im getting better) and if you dont want to write those i will take no offense to it! Thank you sm!!
a twdg one-shot.
Summary: Clementine has trouble eating when suddenly, after being bitten, what she's been through all comes back together.
TW: death, eating disorder, basic twdg stuff. I warn you that it may be difficult to read this, people can be trigged, read at your own responsibility.
World Count: 785
A/N: I tried to express and contextualize it as best I could, I'm sorry if it's not as you imagined. I hope you're fine!
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How much we have taken care of our bodies! We washed it, dressed it, looked after it, shaved it, quenched it thirst, fed it. We took it to the tailor, to the doctor, to the surgeon. We identified with this pet. We suffered together with it. With it we shouted, We loved. Of it we say: it is me. And suddenly this illusion collapses. What do we care about our body! We only relegate it to the rank of servant. All it takes is for anger to become a little more evil, for love to become inflamed, for hate to spread, for fear to become a little more present, and the conviction vanishes, with the importance of our body.
Is your partner surrounded by walkers? You will save him! Nobody can stop you. Did they bite you? You don't care.
Leave those shreds of meat as a pledge to anyone who wants them. You thought you cared so much, but instead you realize that's not the case.
The pain in the leg persisted for weeks, but over time it stopped bleeding and healed.
But the pain didn't stop.
That pain remained persistent, it remained in the shadows at the corner of the room, the ghost of my leg that I still seemed to be able to move, in the nightmares that kept me awake at night, in the smell of rotten meat that every food released.
In that feeling in my stomach, like it twisted and my sense of smell screamed every time I had food in front of me. But for some reason, they didn't seem to understand it. They thought I had a medical problem, when in reality it was very clear my mind was playing tricks on me. Lee would know how to help me.
I often dream of him, but they are not those sweet dreams in which we are together on the train, but nightmares in which I am forced to see him die repeatedly. To see his conscience abandon his body, and his flesh prepare to rot.
And I think it's because finally, after all these hectic years, At Ericson Boarding School, we stopped and had the time and the chance to catch our breath, it all hit me at once. All the losses. All the pain. All the corpses who had rot.
''you have to eat, Clem.'' Violet repeated to me softly like a mantra. But every time I looked at the plate, I thought I saw that rotten meat, and I couldn't help but want to throw up. That feeling of disgust and hatred I felt when I looked at the rabbit meat on that plate didn't go away, no matter how hard I tried. I might as well stop trying to eat, I just couldn't.
I might as well have starve to death.
A few hours had probably passed, and Violet was sitting with me on my bed, trying in every way to get me to eat something, with little success.
''Clem, what's wrong with you? If you don't eat you won't have the strength to use crutches'' she insisted, looking at me with a worried expression. I only avoided her gaze, with my arms folded on my lap. ''Clem, talk to me''
''you…don't understand'' I replied, closing my eyes. That rotten smell was bothering me, even if it wasn't real.
Maybe it was me who was rotting away, not the food.
''then let me understand!'' said the blond haired girl next to me, in a slightly higher tone of voice. ''Talk to me Clem, please.'' she said in a pleading voice.
''After I was bitten… something in me changed. I thought I would die, that my fate would be the same as… Lee's.'' I said in a small voice, opening my eyes and sighing, still avoiding her gaze which I could clearly feel on me. ''But then AJ saved me. And we had time to rest, to be at peace. And this is what I've been waiting for my whole life, but by taking a break, by stopping running… it all came back at once, and it overwhelmed me.”
''What do you mean?'' she replied in a worried tone, and when I turned to look at her, I could see the concern on her face.
''I remember them all. All the bodies of the one who I loved.. their bodies rotting.'' I said.
''We were children, and we are thrown into a war bigger than us,'' she said softly, putting down the plate she was holding and placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
''And what does that make us?'' I said. This was the only reality I fully experienced.
Not yet corpse,
still, we rot.
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If you are having a hard time, or are having trouble with an eating disorder, seek help. Talk to a trusted adult or contact an appropriate helpline in your area. You are not alone.
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bookbitchx · 3 months
Hello again 😊 I knew i was gonna love chatting with u hehe
These are things that makes me wish anyone else would've written ACOTAR tbh. Her lack of planning and her retconning of characters so that she remains politically correct in current political climates is gross. It's been a pattern I've noticed, but it makes sense considering shes a zionist, but anyway 🥱
I do enjoy the world that she made and I think its an interesting concept to view a centuries old clusterfuck like the IC through a 20 yearold lense. But I wish it had a morsel of taste. Each of the books in this series left me wanting more, especially rereading as an adult.
So to compensate for the parts of the books I hate I just pretend its not upsetting me by psychoanalyzing the characters 😂 Rhys is one that I have a love/hate relationship with for that reason. He is genuinely one of the worst love interests ive seen be this popular in a long time and he has made the worst choices i have ever seen written and then defended by the author.
Feyre however, I would argue is his perfect partner for how awful he is after SF and CC3. But I wish a better author had written this book so we could've seen a decent redemption or a proper Rhysand villain arc. I think this series would've been so much more interesting crossover wise if it had been with tog and had been a mock feysand villain arc. Maeve has daemati powers, so making her an ancestor of Rhysand's through the HL bloodline would've made sense. Hybern could've been a mock villain to lure the reader into a false sense of security and think maybe the NC ARE good guys?
Nesta and Elain join Aelin's circle to take them down after they attempted to seize the dread trove for themselves under Amren's advice, (they dont like her having it clearly). And the emotional climax of the series is Feyre leaving him and joining her sisters, which leads Rhys to pull a tamlin by in turn going to koshei. Could even get Bryce quinlan in to fullfill a life debt to Nesta by using the horn and Feyre's fire powers to give Aelin her magic back somehow, and nesta never has her magic taken back by the cauldron?????? The cauldron had Amren in it and it should've been written that she had to sacrifice her true Daglan immortality to be with Varian. Boom full fucking circle.
But nope, we have Miss Maas.
thanks janet for ruining what couldve been my favorite thing >:^(
but a part of me hopes the Elucien book will include Tamlin's side of the story and Elain confronts Feysand for their *waves arms* everything. And taking Nesta and the Valkyries with them, they deserve better. it wont happen tho, so I'll read fanfic instead.
Heyy again!
I get where you're coming from. I liked book 1, the way Feyre (and us, in a way) was discovering the SC and a little bit of Prythian as a whole, and I liked Feyre, who was this badass huntress, who had her own opinions, doing what needs to be done, etc... I mean, she went UTM knowing full well she wasn't coming out alive, but she still did it bc it was right, and she wanted to save her man.
Where THAT Feyre went, I'll never know.
As you said, It's an interesting concept seeing everything through a 20 year old's eyes, or it would've been for me if she hadn't started taking everything they said as truth.
Even though I haven't read any CC books yet, my friend spoiled CC3 that Nesta didn't actually lose her powers? That it was more of a bargain with the Couldron, but yeah, it would've been interesting to see crossovers between the series. I think Aelin, Manon, and maybe Lysandra would absolutely despise Rhysand. I would a 100% read a fic with what you described.
As for the Elucien book, like I hope she does good by Lucien because he, out of all the characters, deserves it.
I'm not holding my breath on Elain ever confronting Feysand bc as Rhysand once said, 'Elain is Elain', but a girl can hope.
Also, if Nesta and the valkyries ever become one of Rhysand's legions, I'm pulling a one woman riot before burning the book.
On another note, feel free to DM if you want to continue the conversation or if you're more comfortable this way, I don't mind that either.
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qqlettuce · 2 years
Re: "She's just impulsive" "She wasn't thinking!"
This is an argument/response I see a lot regarding Tangle's action and honestly I kinda feel like it gives her less credit than she deserves. It's true, she's very ecstatic and peppy, especially when vibes are high and she's in the middle of action, but we've seen she is capable of turning it down when it's needed. In fact, she was the reason Whisper even opened up about her past in the mini-series and she took it all in very attentively and with care. So I don't believe this is something she would take lightly/or even forget. Hell she watched them die via Whisper's archive footage.
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I suppose it was impulsive in the sense that she didn't have a good read on Whisper's mood before she said it (Which can be attributed to Whisper not communicating with her currently). But I don't think naming the Diamond Cutters came completely out of nowhere, in fact, I personally believe it's something she's been thinking about for awhile.
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It's pretty clear that Tangle wants to be Whisper's partner (lol). She wants to help her with her goals and likely continue traveling and adventuring together. So my theory is that she sees them continuing on together as the new Diamond Cutters. And honestly I believe under normal circumstances, this is something Whisper would've appreciated too, but as we all know, she's not doing too hot right now. In my personal opinion, I dont think they NEED to be the Diamond Cutters, they are Tangle & Whisper®™ but we'll see where this goes.
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zantedeschia-praesul · 4 months
1, 2, 9, and 14 LOL
HO BOY here goes 8D!
1. which muse is the easiest to write?
i love writing all my Bakumatsu bois honestly, but lately it's been Nagasone Kotetsu!
I prolly picked up a few bits from ex RP partners and previous fanarts of him, but I love writing out soft moments for him, or moments where he would try and accommodate or help out other comrades. Even in Bakaten i feel like he's this dad friend who looks out for everyone, but then tends to forget to look out for himself too, and wants to fix the shit that happened in the past.
You know that scene when he's hurt and Hachisuka still argues why he did what he did and he brought up the fact that "wasn't that the way of the Shinsengumi" and Nagasone was like "it's because of it that I saved you dammit!" like essentially danna was like "we fucked shit up in the past so now i dont wanna repeat that at all in our current timeline!"
i fucking love my Commander qAq
2. which muse is most likely to go to jail?
i dunno mang right now they're pointing at each other so im guessing they all are most likely to end up behind bars :V that meme where "tag your friend who would be in jail with you together" or something similar? YEAH THAT'S ALL SEVEN OF THEM; THE SHINSENGUMI, MUTSU, AND YAGEN 8U
no wait, all SIX of them except Horikawa. he'd prolly try to bail them all out or something.
9. what song do you associate with each muse?
Surprisingly none that i can think of :0 but i do tend to imagine my Bakumatsu bois in Kpop MVs like Shinee and Big Bang ehek ;P
Heck, i cant even think of any song associated with Saseki right now //sadge _(:'3
14. what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
Oh Mutsu is easily anything to do with historical places (prolly will collab with Nankai sensei on this one), the latest gadgets and maybe vlogs about his photography adventures :3
Kashuu might just have one of those makeup vlogs and even DIY accessories making videos <3 like just his hands making pretty hairpins and all
Yams sometimes does collabs with Kashuu of course, coz they come together as a set, but he prolly would do like everyday life of people around him, something similar in Tsuki no Maki, but vlog style <3
Izumi and Horikawa are a set too don't separate them. Not sure what sort of content but prolly something similar to Good Mythical Morning or something ehek (or maybe something like Welcome to Jackass //OKNO)
Nagasone would probably, PROBABLY, posts workout clips, like i follow this cosplayer posting workout clips in his cosplay (and he's actually pree hella dope), so something similar i guess? with occasional cooking videos <3 now i think about it his cooking videos would be something similar like Hulk_kun on Tiktok!
Yagen would maybe take viewers on tour about medicinal plants, maybe a bit of foraging here and there :3 even sometimes appearing in Nagasone's cooking vids with the stuff he forages ehek
Saseki is easily art vlogs, like one of those tutorial vids or him just posting speedpaints and works in progress. and occasionally shorts of art memes; something like Melly Vuong on YT :3
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fearowkenya · 1 year
Ocean Wave, Part 2: A Winding Current
“I was curious.” Dracmon fidgets idly with the little golden loop near the spike on his right wing. “Somethin’ about you drew me in… and I couldn’t walk away. When we fought together, it felt right. More right than anything I’ve ever, ever felt. And now… I just want to be with you.” Dracmon wasn't always by Kaito's side. Which begs the question: part 1 - footprints in the sand Who was he, before the arrival of his other half? part 2 - a winding current And what was he doing, on that fateful day?
Part 2 covers the moment that Dracmon and Kaito met for the first time. once again, tumblr dot shit hides posts with external links in tags, so the ao3 link is in the source.
EDIT: fixed formatting on ao3 - indentation on mobile should look better now. extended authors notes under cut!
SO there was a TON of ideas that went into part 2, mostly stemming from, as i've mentioned, me being mad that kaito and dracmon were the only ones not to get a fancy champion evo sequence on-screen. i said in my authors note on ao3 that as i was playing, i just assumed it happened off-screen, but then i asked myself "what if it didnt?" and the answer i came up with was "maybe dracmon could already innately reach champion" and then i worked backwards from there.
next - aesthetic changes to dracmon. i am a HUGE sucker for digimon being matchies with their partner. before dracmon met kaito, i think all of his eyes were red, both the ones on his face and the ones on his hands, and the ones that are green only became that way after meeting kaito and devolving from sangloupmon. it's kind of like in tamers when beelzemon's eyes change colour after he makes amends with his partners. i also made changes to the accessory situation - after meeting kaito, instead of the little chain with the green gem in the middle, dracmon would have piercings on his wingtips that are the same shape and on the same side as kaito's. i have like... a written list of all aesthetic changes across all stages for all the partner digimon at this point (except for renamon and gabumon - still thinking about those ones) so i will accept any invitation to blabber about them! i LOVE that shit, i cannot emphasize that enough!!
formatting this time was a little less intense - i only had one table i needed to work with, and tbh, most of my formatting issues were about indentation. im actually not really a fan of the standard ao3 formatting patterns, where there's double spacing after each paragraph and no indentation. i much much prefer how it is in most novels, where there's no double spacing and every paragraph is indented. i know people tend to be fussy about formatting in fics, and most of the ones ive seen use the double-spacing no-indenting situation. it's understandable, formatting is something i'm fussy about as well, so im trying to strike a balance between the way i like it and the way i've noticed that most others like it.
i like indenting. i use it to like... give a sense of flow to conversations and/or differentiate/shift between spoken word and narration. the vibe im trying to give when i increase indentation from line to line is that the conversation speed is picking up. im not sure how well that was conveyed, but i think it works all right.
once again, like in alligators, i left some deliberate loose ends. the most obvious one is "if that first tether pulling dracmon toward the ocean wasn't kaito, then what was it?" and listen. dont even worry about it (:
as im replaying the game, im noticing some really interesting stuff about the state of the digital world. in like...part 7, i think, there's an optional free time event where you can recruit a tentomon, and it mentions that a lot of other digimon have been behaving aggressively lately. paired with the fog, i think that what's happening is that the shrinking digital world is causing a lot of digimon to have to live in close quarters, and that a lot of them are "young" in the sense that they're still feral and incapable of speech or reason. that, plus the continuous spread of the fog, would make for a really hostile environment for the remaining areas of the world. im quite happy with the theory i've got that digimon might sometimes lose a bit of memory every time they regenerate. if you subscribe to that idea, the unusual aggression among the wild digimon makes a lot of sense - they're all young, they all keep getting exploded and forgetting what's going on, theres this terrifying fucking fog EVERYWHERE, which just feeds back into wild digimon being more on-edge, and therefore more aggressive. thats why tsumemon is a little unsure of hanging out with koromon at first in part 1 - it's a dangerous world for little guys!
this is kinda connected to why i have the digimon half of the cast crossing paths with one another. tsumemon and koromon have met, yeah, (even though they don't remember anymore) but also i think a few of the other characters have met too. i didn't linger on it, but kunemon was in part one of ocean wave , albeit very briefly, trying to warn dracmon about seadramon lol. Now Why Would He Do That? again. don't worry about it (:
and at last - what's next? i mentioned in another text post a few days ago that ideally id like to go back to some shuuji and lopmon stuff. ocean wave set up some context about a couple of things i want to explore about shuuji and lopmon's relationship, as well as some . hmm. alternate events. and what effect those alternate events have on the two of them. "what do you mean" dont worry (: mostly it is just me self-indulgently fixing a few gripes i had with truthful route's part 6. i'd also at some point like to post some doodles of aesthetic changes. i have a few sketched out but they're very messy lol
anyway wow this was a big ol comment post. thanks for reading this far !!
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
Mhmmm today's episodes were... Fine nothing hectic I suppose. I decided to stick with Roberto because I can play the... Secretly pine for someone else game. If it allows me because I. Still. Secretly. Want. Ryan. 🤪But yeah. Makes it at least a little bit more interesting for me. I dunno if it'll matter anyway. When Amelia asked who we wanted to couple up with I said Ryan even tho I kinda knew it wouldn't have mattered but maybe it will... In the future who knows If it doesn't I'll stick with Roberto and replay later stage to do a full Ryan route.
Elliott... Kinda sus ngl 😐I already knew bro played dirty by making it seem Roberto was gushing about Chloë when in fact he wasn't. He probs already saw us sitting there talking with Grace... I dunno bestie. Very sus indeed.
Chloe seems harmless for now. Kinda miss bitching with Ivy 😕but anywhooooo. That's all hope you have a great day ❤️
omg u didnt go back!! isnt the secret longing / pining route so much more fun?! Now it'll be so much more fun when you get Ryan back. Especially since he'll have basically stayed away from the Chloe/Elliot drama.
Elliot was such a game player!! cant believe he hid the fact that he knew ur LI was talking about you. I just think that was shady period bc why would you choose a girl (In my playthrough I told him I dont like him at all) that doesnt want you and who's current partner is gushing about?? Weirdo behavior!
Chloe had her moments for me...especially bc shes a ballerina and Ozzy is a dancer. I hated that common ground for them and since I constantly choose him I was terrified the entire time she was gonna choose him lolol.
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7ndipity · 9 months
Hiiii! Happy new year love! 💞 I hope your shipping game isn't over. So let me introduce myself. 🫶🏻
Sun - taurus
Moon - Pisces
Rising - Sagittarius
I tend to be very introverted, however if I meet someone who's also very introverted, I kind of take the lead and become very extroverted, especially in situations where someone has to take action about a certain thing.
I like to think I'm open-minded, trying to understand everyone's perspective no matter what. I only respect and appreciate people who respect me too!
I overthink a lot and I get pretty self-conscious about myself. Im also very stubborn. I wouldn't say I'm very ambitious considering that I get demoralized easily and I need someone to support me especially emotionally. As much as I try to keep calm, I lose my temper very easily, but I'll quickly get over it if I get a few minutes to spend alone and really process the situation. I get overwhelmed a lot and I'm in constant stress. I have severe trust and abandonment issues.
English is not my first language and I'm a polyglot. I speak my mother language (I don't want to say what language it is), English, French, German, mandarin, Italian, basic Latin (I had to learn it in school 😔) and I'm currently learning Korean. My major at uni is history and I'm living in the balkans. (Maybe the last part wasn't necessary 💀)
I love history and foreign languages and cultures, I also love writing, drawing, fashion and reading!
Since I was 14, I do many fashion sketches.
My love languages (that I like to give to my s/o) is drawing them, physical affection and words of affirmation.
I also would love to receive praise and physical affection but if my s/o isn't okay with that then it's alright. I can live without it as I've been doing until now.
I like to read non-fiction, history, thriller and fiction literature and you can ask me anything about history and I will tell everything you like I'm some voice narrator on a documentary 😭
I watch mostly just documentaries and thriller dramas.
So as I've said at first, I'm introverted, but if I'm comfortable I quickly am very loud and social, however my social battery dies fast so I will at some point become suddenly silent. I also have adhd and anxiety. I used to suffer from depression since I was a little kid. I've got plenty trauma 😊 and I'm very scared of the dark and insects, like spiders for example.
I don't like dancing and singing, mainly because I'm bad at those 💀 and I also don't like painting.
Usually I'm the therapist friend and I never share anything about my personal life to my friends, I keep my problems to myself.
I love cats and skincare and I listen to music constantly ever since I was a baby.
I'm not very fond of petnames that couples use. However if someone calls me "love" or "darling" I will simply die
I can get quite possessive and jealous, but I don't usually show that to my partner or do anything about it at all. Mostly because I know it's a toxic trait so I keep it to myself as I don't want to potentially hurt or make my s/o feel bad.
I'm very loyal and loving. When people yell, don't let me speak or interrupt me while I'm speaking I get either very pissed or i simply just cry 🫠 I can get very triggered when someone yells at me
When I'm hurt, affected or upset about something that someone did to me, I will isolate myself and not tell them what's wrong until it's too late.
I dont like people telling me what to do.
I'm sorry if this was very chaotic written and not organized at all, I just wrote whatever came to my mind about myself (watch me forget to mention some important details about myself 🤦🏻‍♀️) but yeah, basically this is me. 🫶🏻
I would ship you with Yoongi and Hobi!
You and Yoongi have super similar personalities imo, so I feel like you would understand each other really well! Like even the way you described sounding like a docu narrator reminded me of how Army joke that Yoongi’s a walking encyclopedia on so many topics!😭(also Pisces are really great matches for earth signs like Taurus)
Yoongi and Hobi both have very supportive, reassuring energies, and tend to be the therapist friends as well, so I think they would be good at helping you open up and making you feel safe. I also feel like they would lowkey be a bit protective over you.🥺
I also kinda feel that you and Hobi would be a pretty good match! You have several similarities, and he also has this ability of bringing out the best in people and making them feel really comfortable, so I feel like he would be your ultimate hype man!😊
Hope this was okay💜
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Don’t know if I’ve sent this ask already cos I’m currently drunk too, but a drunk taker inadvertently trying to flirt with Shawn even though they’re together, and shawn going along with it would make my life worth living
You did infact send a drunk taker ask but it is slightly different so I will infact answer both. Gonna start with this one as it'll probably be shorter, because I cannot romance anything.
Hbtaker- Husband? Yeah
"I only thought big evil taker could get drunk?" Kid asks watching taker down another beer. "Apparently this form became more human after the whole big evil thing." Kevin mutters into his drink. "Ah. So. Do we pretend he wasn't drunk the next day...or..?" Kid asks. Kevin chuckles. "Kid, I really don't think he'll care" Kevin informs him. "Who?" Shawn yawns as him and hunter walk back over. "Your hubby is on his tenth beer. He doing good?" Kevin asks. Shawn glances at the bar. "Hell, goldust probably bet him something again. Or kanes up to something." Shawn sighs. "Ill be back" Shawn states patting hunters shoulder before walking over.
"Oh here the pretty boy comes" goldust whispers. "Oh shit. Another beer please" Taker orders. The bartender pauses. "That would be 11.." "trust me, he isn't driving. His nondrinking partner is" goldust promises. "Alright, but I will make sure.. " the bartender states before moving away. Goldust smirks as shawn walks over. "Whats going on?" Shawn asks goldust. "Dont know what you mean" goldust shrugs. "My husband is on his tenth drink and won't even look my way. You know what I mean" Shawn scolds. "Eleventh actually" goldust smiles as the beer is placed down. Shawn looks at taker.
"Hey, you good?" Shawn asks. Taker drinks some of the beer before sitting up straight. "Im great, you are really beautiful" he slurs. Shawn pauses. "Um thanks?" "Oh shit, do you have a boyfriend?" Taker asks. Shawn stares at him. "Oh" Shawn whispers. He looks at goldust who's smirking. "Oh!" Shawn repeats chuckling to himself. "Because I didn't see you with anyone. Shitty boyfriend if he left something as pretty as you on your own" Taker adds. "Yeah, I guess so" Shawn hums sitting next to Taker. "Would you leave me?" Shawn asks. "Oh god no. I'd be lucky to have you, no way would I ever risk anyone getting you" Taker hiccups. Shawn smiles. "Thats sweet" Shawn states.
"Ca-can I buy you a drink?" Taker asks. "Nah, not drinking" Shawn states. "My husband doesn't drink" Taker states. "Husband?" Shawn asks. "Yeah, real beautiful thing. A real piece of art. So lucky to have him. Which is why this can only be drinks. Because I love him so much and don't want to risk it. You look awfully a lot like him" Taker rambles. Shawn pouts at his husband. "Yeah he pulls that face a lot. When I'm doing something sweet or he's not getting his own way...where is Shawn...goldie..wheres shawnie?" Taker begins to panic.
He definitely came here with his husband. "Takes? It's me..Shawn?" Shawn tries. Taker squints at him. "Oh! Shawn. That's good. Knew you looked a lot like yourself" Taker huffs. Shawn chuckles and kisses his cheek. "You doing alright? You've had a lot to drink.." Shawn murmurs rubbing takers shoulders. "Mmm, just a stressful week. Glad your beautiful face is here though" Taker smiles. "Sure hot stuff." Shawn chuckles kissing his cheek again. "Finish up and then let's get you home. And no more drinks" Shawn orders. "Yessir" Taker hiccups. Shawn chuckles and squeezes goldusts shoulder before rejoining his friends.
"You knew that was shawn" Taker grumbles. Goldust can't stop himself from laughing. "Oh you'll forgive me in the morning when he wakes you up" goldust smirks. Takers cheeks flush and he rolls his eyes. "Not funny. But probably" Taker yawns.
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cetra · 1 year
For Good, Partner, Fate for Malachy please!
AND and Fate and Exit for Killian :)
For Good: Is there anyone in your OC's life who had an undeniable positive impact on who they are as a person? How did knowing this person improve your OC's life?
Lae'zel and Gale definitely....... Lae'zel is essentially the only person Malachy truly trusts in the world and basically becomes both his enabler and his impulse control somehow. he never actually felt understood until he met her, and never even wanted to. He feels terror at the thought of his Urge hurting her, which never happens with anyone else. Gale on the other hand has a positive impact on him because he challenges him in all sorts of ways, which frustrates him greatly and that's a good thing. I think they both improve his life because they provide him with all sorts of new and terrifying experiences
Partner: Does your OC currently have a partner? Multiple partners? How did they meet, and what is that relationship like?
Lae'zel 🧡....... and sorta sometimes kinda Gale.
His relationship with Lae'zel is very passionate, full of mutual respect and understanding. They met in the prologue of course, and finally got together in Act Two after hooking up towards the end of Act One post-creche. This actually wasn't my intended romance for him, it just sort of happened and felt right. They're very much in love by this point in the game and I love them...... I want them to have a happy ending so bad (and this is coming from someone who usually likes sad/bittersweet endings) but you know how the Dark Urge is.
Gale is a weird thing because Gale starting crushing on him in my game but Malachy is a Straight Man with no interest in and hardly any respect for him BUT........ he (and Lae'zel) sometimes indulge him anyways. and they met at the rock of course, and actually Malachy killed him then brought him back so they got off on a terrible foot and Gale has barked at him in my game several times, I dont know why Gale does this to himself.....
Fate: Does your OC believe in destined meetings? True love, soulmates, hearing the bells? Have they ever experienced this?
Definitely not any of the destiny stuff..... but true love, for sure with Lae'zel despite not actually believing in it. I don't think either of them are even aware it's true love yet and would NEVER admit it if they were but trust me it's there :')
Fate: Does your OC believe in destined meetings? True love, soulmates, hearing the bells? Have they ever experienced this?
Absolutely..... well not at all to begin with but in time he genuinely does start to think that every person he's encountered in his life is part of his God's divine plan (and this is technically true btw, since he's the subject of a prophecy). He hasn't experienced true love or hearing the bells of fate, but NON-ROMANTIC soulmates, definitely. He has a few people in his life he just has an unbreakable connection with, namely Eabha
Exit: Has your OC ever had someone important leave their life in a way that was unremarkable, unintentional, or clumsy? How do they feel about it? Is there any chance they'll meet again?
I actually don't think so. he grew up in such a small village and no one ever left him behind in that kind of way.
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magioffire · 2 years
6 , 26
munday questions ; accepting
who  was  your  very  first  muse ?  would  you  consider  writing  them  now ?
my first muse....my first character i rped was a warrior cat oc so...probs not bringing that back LOL. but my first real bonafide character more in line with what i write now would be my vampire oc, lilith, a queen of vampires esque character. i actually wrote a short novella with her serving as the main antagonist and protagonist (the novella took place from two points of views: lilith's and the monster hunter well..hunting her) i would be tempted to bring her into the rp scene if i wasn't already so engrossed in the beatha universe. lilith has her own story and universe and trying to focus on developing that *and* beatha would be very difficult. however maybe one day...
is  there  something  about  the  roleplay  community  that  irks  you ?
honestly im not nearly as bothered by things that used to drive me up a wall before. maybe ive matured or maybe ive become jaded but a lot of the things that used to irk me/piss me off/annoy me for a while in the rpc now feel like very minor annoyances. ill come across certain habits of the rpc that annoy me a bit but i often just let it roll off me. ive also found myself a community that is pretty good natured and low on drama. BUT like any salty bitch i still have things to pick at, mostly big overarching problems ive seen in fandom spaces in general, not just rpc.
(this is kinda long lol)
i think the consistent irritation i find within the roleplay community on a general scale is the mentality some people have of entitlement, and on the flip side 'i dont owe anyone anything' syndrome.
the amount of times ive seen passive aggressive anons slung at people complaining about people not rping enough, or not rping a specific thing, or rping too much of a specific thing or with specific people, is so annoying to see. people being called elitist for rping with the rp partners and friends they mesh well with.
theres already an unsaid pressure within the rpc to be regularly active but not just that, regularly writing, and having people go on anon to complain about people's output just makes the environment feel even more pressured and uncomfortable for everyone. if you feel concerned about someone's level of interaction towards you personally or in general, thats something you gotta figure out in private. understand theres a person behind the screen and that its okay for people to have favorites, or for their tastes/current writing desires to shift.
and maybe stop expecting your rp partners devote themselves entirely to the rps they have going with you, or drop everything to start a new rp with a completely new rp partner when they are already swamped with threads. you guys gotta remember that the vast majority of people on this site have multiple rp partners -- one of them, multiple others. its selfish and unrealistic to expect someone to devote the same amount of time equally to absolutely everyone.
and then you got people who have the mentality of feeling like they dont owe anyone anything, not even communication and common decency. the kinda people who drop and softblock their rp partners like a sack of hot potatoes when they get bored or are mildly annoyed by them or they take too long to reply. or the kinda people who reply to any sort of criticism, even if its constructive, with their snotty, inflammatory 'i dont owe anyone anything' attitude. i've unfollowed people for this kind of attitude in the past, it bothers me so much.
ive seen where that sort of mentality goes sometimes and it can leads to justifying shitty, anti-social behavior. i understand that people had to develop a defensive mentality of not giving away every single shred of their time and mental well being to strangers on the internet, in a world where its increasingly easy for strangers to invade your space and demand you pay attention to them and adhere to their standards...sometimes you gotta tell a fucker whose getting too assumptive or is too entitled to kick rocks.
but like...not preforming emotional labor for every single person you meet is NOT the same as giving people common decency and doing your best to give clear standards and communication. 'i dont owe you anything' honestly it feels like people assume that mentality and take it to its natural extreme because of laziness and a fear of conflict. its easier to just absolve oneself of any responsibility towards others with an attitude like that, but you wont end up with very many long term rp partners in the end.
also speaking of people expecting others to adhere to their standards...i cant fucking stand the anti and pro shipper discourse. like please god. shut up. this is the most asinine discourse ive ever seen. please stoppp. ive seen that sort of discourse bleed into the rpc and its just....it lacks any sort of nuance.
its super annoying to go onto someone's blog and have someone call you a freak (and not in an affectionate way) and equates you to a predator if you dare to like toxic or questionable ships looool.
its okay to not like certain things, its okay to think certain things are a bridge too far for you personally, its okay to just *not like something*. there doesnt need to be a whole moral reason behind it, you dont have to find a way to demonize everyone who writes things you dont like. i have limits, you have limits, we *all* have limits, and those limits are okay to have, but they are not okay to impose onto others.
its also annoying to go onto someones blog and see that they give absolutely no shits about putting any sort of warning on their non con monster ra/pe farm g/uro vo/re saltwater enema kidnapping whump destruction roleplay and then call you a snowflake pussy when you decide to dip outta there because thats not your cup of tea and theres no way for you to reasonably block it. im not saying you cant write that. in fact ill fight for your right to write whatever the hell you want with other consenting adults as long as it doesnt stray into the realm of something illegal (like ch/ild p/orn or re/venge po/rn).
im just saying you cant call others the bad guys or 'overtly sensitive' for not being into something that is obviously very taboo and/or dark like you are. (it is important to have a standard/boundary of what is and isnt okay for you personally, and you can do that without policing others!!) like lets have some common sense here
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fratboykate · 1 year
I'm a bit new here. Are there any rules for sending you prompts?
not that i can think of? well, the only thing i dont do (or don't do often because y'all have made me break and do some filth-ish thing like once) is straight up smut.
dont get me wrong, i don't think there's anything wrong with sex scenes. im actually one of those people enraged at the current "sex scenes are not important/needed/disgusting" discourse. sex is a part of human existence. a sex scene can tell you SO MUCH about a character or two people. "but you dont see people shitting so why should we see people having sex?" because...again...you dont learn anything from how someone shits???? lol. and, look, even if it wasn't "necessary" for the story, it can still be a creative choice that the writer/filmmaker makes. it's art. those are allowed.
these puritanical gen z folk are driving me crazy with their stupid takes. not everything has to "advance the story". not everything has to be "plot". there's some phenomenally beautiful sex scenes out there that arguably aren't for the plot. but they're stunning cinematography and they tell you so much about the people involved. isn't that what it's all about? getting to the core of of these fictional people we're watching? what's more intimate than sex?
"but there's sex everywhere we should cut back!" you're literally lying...LITERALLY...it's proven by facts and numbers. this is the most sexless period in film and tv history. and the majority of the stuff that does exist is super sanitized. particularly film. we've suddenly decided that everything in film needs to cater to four quadrants/be appealing to everyone in the entire fucking world because thats how the studios make their millions. one of the first things that went out the door was sex and hornyness. it's so fucking stupid. and it doesnt help when people like dan fucking humphrey comes out and compares sex scenes to cheating on his wife so he won't do them anymore. SIR?????? it's acting??? no one is going to force you to do them. its your right to not want to do them. but to say stupid shit like that and equate simulated sex that is very often more choreographed and by the numbers than fucking full on fight scenes to cheating on your partner is BONKERS. it's stupid as fuck.
so ANYWAY...my point is that i truly have so much respect for the art of a good sex scene that i don't think they should be written. i write plenty of them in scripts knowing they're going to be shot. but i don't think sex is meant to be ONLY read. it loses all of the subtleties that the camera would capture. so i save them for when i can shoot them. ill dance around it and give you the beginning of a sex scene maybe, but i'll never go into it in anything that i write that isn't a script.
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fujunfuren · 2 years
"Causally dropping emotional bombs" post made me laugh. Nice catch tho. I didn't think those two scenes as a set.
Btw, do you think his friend is trustable? I wonder why he is friends (and business partners) with him.
How's the drama for you so far???
hey thereeee!!!
hahaha welllll I probably caught it fast cos it was relatable (i do that absentmindedly too 💀) but yay it made you laugh >.&lt;
He seems to keep things for a long time (his worn out backpack straps) and stays loyal to people until the last straw like how he kept the relationship despite knowing she cheated on him. He's also still keeping that employee even after confirming what he did. I would say the friend is trustable to an extend and that's why he's still keeping the friendship till now. The friend did the "outstation" work and tried to work things out for the company, although it's probably 10% of the whole entire work, he also kind embezzled funds to get the jeep car :\. Me too, im wondering why he let his friend be a co-owner, not doing most of the job and gets away with it. I'm curious to know their history. Maybe he did an extensive portion of starting up the company but we still dont know.
tbh, I wasn't looking at starting the drama but I did cos I was bored and was okay with the first 2 eps. But ep 3 and 4 kinda anchor the ship for me. I'm starting to empathise the leads and the sister, brother and pharmacy friend a lot. i want them to be found family soon (despite the upcoming drama when they found out who dongjin is ahdsjfhdslf). The pacing and writing works perfectly for me for a meloromance. I see myself looking forward to new eps every week. It's currently my most anticipated drama on a weekly basis. So I think I'm loving it so far....I dont wanna jinx it and hope it doesn't go downhill halfway through.
How about you! Are you enjoying the show???
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bisluthq · 1 month
This whole story is reminding me of how I found a few months ago that one of my closest friends had a pattern of DV with his gfs, and it made me realize how much of a problem society's conception of abusers is because there is this notion that its visible to be abusive or a bad guy or a creep and "i could always tell there was something wrong" and theres never any grey zones and victims are always perfect and never fight back or handle it in any way that could be suspicious and the abusers dont also have pain or good sides and everything is black and white.
And like, in my case with my friend, the abuser was this super charismatic sweet guy who was really there for me when my mother got sick and painted himself as a feminist and called out guys for like, not going down on their gfs or whatever, and he had this super fucked up childhood which he still suffered a lot from and which i really empathised with, and it took SO long for me to realize how manipulative he could be and how he was refusing to take accountability for his actions and always justified it to himself and kept hurting people, and even if the good sides were probably still there and the pain was definitely there, it did not excuse any of the stuff he did or make him a good person.
And so, that's why I feel like Justins pov is so important, because that point of view is so important to help people but especially victims to understand abuse, and its so underrepresented in media which is super harmful. So it sucks that Blake and Ryan didn't want to show this point of view
Firstly, I'm sorry your friend turned out to be a worse person than you thought. That's a tough thing to have to realise. Secondly... yeah. I don't think, unless the person is like a complete and total sociopath AND a sadist to boot, they don't have their own justifications for their behaviours? Ryle, from what I've read/seen, has a sad backstory that's led to him having a bad temper and he hasn't like... dealt with that. He is very sorry every time he hurts Lily but he keeps hurting Lily anyway. Your friend, as you say, has a sad backstory that's allowed him to justify shitty to downright abusive behaviours. But both of them have (internal) justifications (that don't excuse them)?
I also think it's worth thinking about how specific relationships can lead to specific behaviours/reactions/etc. Just because someone is a good friend, or a good family member, or a good colleague/boss and all that doesn't mean they can't be abusive to their partner. And fwiw other way round too - someone can be abusive as a caregiver or as a boss or be a really shitty and selfish friend to the point of being essentially abusive and be awesome in other settings. Also just because they were/are good to YOU even in that same capacity, doesn't mean they can't be terrible to someone else. Like just because your ex wasn't abusive when you were together, it doesn't mean they're not abusing their current partner or didn’t abuse an ex.
So yeah, I mean these are HEAVY and COMPLEX topics. I think Colleen is a shitty writer but fwiw she did kinda in her own shitty way want to try explain and show how women often stay in situations even where they can and should leave. I think Justin, for reasons that still escape me, felt that he could use her source material as a springboard for discussions on toxic masculinity and how men are also victims of patriarchy and DV more broadly (beats tf out of me why he chose this source material but let's roll with it for now). I think Blake thought looking cute in florals would be fun. And I think Ryan was looking at how to make the most money possible and also dislikes Justin lol.
Mess, mess, mess but like... profound theme actually.
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sadrunner · 7 months
Tumblr media
i'd answer this post on my other blog but last time i interacted with this idiot it turned into a complete shitshow of them talking shit with my partner and causing a huge argument between us. the issue is i'm too afraid to ask my boyfriend who this person is. clearly he would know since there was some kind of discussion between them, but i dont think i can handle knowing their identity. it really freaks me out, thinking of knowing the truth. but that's why i'm not sure if it's someone i (or he) knows personally, or just some obsessed person that has been following me for 6+ years. when i remade my tumblr, i refollowed a lot of people that i had been friends or talking with previously, so it could have been any of them. maybe someone pretending to be my mate while actually secretly hating me... i just don't get it. i also don't agree with them saying all i do is complain about him.... yeah last year we had about 6 or so rough months where i wasn't sure if he was who i wanted or if we would last, but besides that, everything has been mostly great between us and we have managed to come out the other side. currently, things are really good. i never complain about him anymore. but there's nothing wrong with wanting to get things off my chest. that's the whole reason i made tumblr in the first place. i don't have any friends so i need somewhere i can vent. it's essentially a diary with a few photos thrown in to try and make myself feel better about myself. i also don't think there's anything wrong with seeking validation online. as long as you're not causing harm to yourself or others, what is the problem??? everyone just wants to feel accepted and loved. it's completely normal. and when you're damaged and traumatised and have no self esteem from years of abuse, you feel the need to seek it out more than others. again, i see no problem with that. and i don't think it's "weird" at all when i get attention - clearly i want it, and clearly i like it. they are just completely wrong about me. but i'm really angry about this whole thing. obviously they messaged my boyfriend and i've barely used tumblr since because i've been too scared to; and when i have i've kept it completely PG. i've not posted anything he wouldn't approve of. but still this person has something up their arse about me. if they hate me SO MUCH why are they fucking keeping tabs on me for all these years????? it's honestly psychotic and fucking with my head. i don't know who i can trust anymore. i love my boyfriend 100% and i've always maintained that, even when i was suicidal and things hit rock bottom between us, i still loved him more than anything. but this person can't just let me be me, they can't let it go. i wish i knew who the fuck they were. i wish i wasn't such a coward so i could ask the question. unfortunately i am a total pussy and will never ask because i cannot handle the truth. but this is who i am.... i hate myself and crave validation from people to make me feel a little bit better once in a while. it doesn't have to be from men, i'll litereally accept any kind of validation from anyone. i just want to feel good sometimes. i don't see the crime in that :(
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