#even tho I don't get why there's a need to always write an argument scene just for the sake of angst
emiliemaria · 2 months
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frogchiro · 10 months
Ok quick question tho like I’m generally trying understand because I just saw that whole argument on your page
How is engaging in a sexual relationship with something you portray as a animal not a type of zoephilla or however u say it I just don’t get it. Like I get it’s a human walking around as a cow but you’re still making that person act and behave as a cow so it’s coming off as a naughty cow that needs to be punished right?. Because if that was the case why can’t it just be getting punished without the animal part? Like what would being an animal add to it?
I’m really trying to get this like not trying to start shit because I’ve never heard about this before 👍🤗
And you're a completely blank blog who comes into a 18+ space. Yummers. To be perfectly clear, I'm only entertaining you because I really have enough of this argument and this is the last thing I'm posting about this and then I'm closing it.
I have no idea where the idea that when writing/reading about hybrid characters is about fucking actual animal came from and I frankly don't want to know but here's the thing: they are literally humans with some animal traits. The traits being ears, tails, sometimes a bit of extra fur or horns and that's it. Hybrids are written to be perfectly able to speak, think, do things for themselves, just are regular humans with some unusual traits. The farm/forest/whatever setting people are writing for are just that- settings for a specific au or scene that the authors create but again, the hybrid characters are perfectly capable of voicing and giving/revoking consent, sane adults and it's always explicitly stated. If you read a hybrid character as an actual animal then it's you whos the problem bc why the hell would you even do that. Like. Why.
Put on a headband with cat ears and tell me what happened. Did you turn into a cat? Did you turn into an animal or do you feel like one? Ofc you don't and the same thing is with hybrids. They're humans with fucking ears and tails but the only difference is that they can move them.
If you really wanna be nitpicky then why not bash a/b/o too since the characters have ruts/go through heats/behave in a generally much more animalistic way? Why don't we go further and throw out the mermaid trope too that's been with humanity since the dawn of time? Succubus trope? Yeah fuck that too.
I'm seeing a ton of negativity and toxicity in the cod fandom lately with some random people bashing and shittalking authors who guess what, creating content for free. No ones paying us to write, we do it bc we like to do it out of our free will. It takes time and effort to put out even a blurb and shit like this is just discouraging me and other content creators which results in them stopping writing or leaving the fandom alltogether and honestly? I don't blame them at all and I thought more than once to do the same.
But back on track. My advice? Don't get into anime, like, ever. Because then you will be in for a ride when a uwu catgirl pops up pal.
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 days
“You made more than a mistake, Az. Now we’re all hurting because you—”
i am so glad it's finally been said out loud. And that it was Mor who said it because immediately I understood how she was feeling about the entire situation, which made me feel better about her being an asshat at the end of the last chapter. It's strangely therapeutic. As soon as Mor tells Az to shut up though, I couldn't help but start crying a little bit because you really perfected how I thought Mor would've perceived reader going to Eris-
“She could have come to any of us. It’s more than we ever had, and yet she ignored it. Then tries to pretend it away? I’m not immune to that. If she can’t even be bothered to care about my pain why should I give a damn about hers?”
-this line in particular ruined me (not to be too personal n emotional lol), as someone who grew up in a not so great home i can really empathize with Mor here. It's not healthy behavior but I can say that there have been times where I've resented the people in my life who didn't accept help after i had been desperate for it for years. I'm more emotionally aware now and have unpacked those resentments (THANK GOD), but it was such a visceral response to reading that line because it mirrored unhealed me.
The next scene with madja was the perfect balance to mor and azriel's...argument? discussion? idk. You really guide us well through the world which is something I really admire in your writing, it flows very naturally and it always feels like a very natural progression of events. (its just something i've noticed i struggle with in my own wips lol).
compliments aside, it was also really sweet to see reader's peace in this chapter. Madja herself being a very peaceful motherly figure for reader who we know desperately needs that kind of care right now, her sisters are doing great right now but she needs someone who's not family to prove that they do care about her and it will not change over a few mistakes. Which is something that Cassian embodies very well later in the chapter too.
Bas.... sweet guy :( i hope reader gives him the truth. Imo, i think he deserves at least a bit of the truth when she is in a better place to give it (she fr could've said she was at a friend's in autumn. bas doesn't need to know WHO). But Bas held up his own boundaries very well with reader as well and I'm glad that we got a little of his feelings on the situation as well as reader acknowledging she hasn't been a great friend recently. (it's valid tho she's been goin THROUGH IT)
Tabbatha... you keep saying you don't know how to portray cassian but i personally think you do him such a great service ESPECIALLY after some instances of cass's behavior towards nesta's struggles in her own healing journey. I really feel like he actually cares about reader herself compared to rhys who cared about feyre and her only. He makes an effort to get her to relax, which is something acomaf cass would've done and is the version of him i miss the most. And him calling reader out for keeping things to herself? I personally think she needs to be called out and take accountability for her own role in the healing process. He was the perfect person to push her in this scene.
The dinner scene also really resonated with me and my own childhood. As a kid growing up we NEVER ate dinner together, so reader's apprehension to going to dinner is so real, and Mor sitting across from her?
oh myyyy goodness, ik this chapter just came out but im already rereading hehehe im so excited for the next one
If I’m honest with you, I wanted Mor to tear into Az a little more than she did? For her to fairly obviously and kind of viciously defend reader but I felt it would be weird for her to go that far, considering Mor is supposed to be feeling very betrayed and hurt by reader? I did have fun with writing Mor telling Az to shut up though 🫣 I even nearly italicised it 🫢😳
‘The next scene with madja was the perfect balance to mor and azriel's...argument? discussion?’
Oh I really liked writing the Madja scene!! I mean, kind of scary obviously, but I enjoy her character and it’s so nice getting to write someone being kind to reader? 😭 Particularly since a fair amount of scenes in cbmthy aren’t particularly lighthearted/high-spirited? I’m hoping to continue dropping scenes with Madja in here and there since it would be weird if reader’s checkups suddenly stopped out of nowhere? Also so she has someone to keep an eye on her who might know a little more about what’s going on with her physically and mentally from experience and studying other people/medicine?
‘(its just something i've noticed i struggle with in my own wips lol).’
This might be totally unsolicited/unhelpful, but usually for me if a scene isn’t working or I’m struggling to write it, I’ll either change the perspective or switch to something else entirely? Like the scene just after reader’s entered the kitchen with Cassian I was struggling with, which is why there’s that snippet from Rhys’ pov to section them up? I don’t know if that’ll work for other people, but it’s something I fall back on quite regularly so it might help you too? 🫂🧡💛
‘but she needs someone who's not family to prove that they do care about her and it will not change over a few mistakes. Which is something that Cassian embodies very well later in the chapter too.’
I’m so glad you feel Cassian read that way!! 😭 I’m kind of of the mind that Nesta’s still protective over her sisters and so that might occasionally stretch across to Cassian at times? Also I just feel like Cassian genuinely cares about people in a more (this might sound strange) innocent way? Like more carefully and tenderly?
I would have loved to write Cassian and reader as being good friends but because Cassian’s friends with Feyre I think reader would still always feel in second place and unfortunately it might hinder her more than help 😭
‘Tabbatha... you keep saying you don't know how to portray cassian but i personally think you do him such a great service’
I’m literally refusing to respond to this because I’m so embarrassed and flustered from the compliment 😶‍🌫️
‘As a kid growing up we NEVER ate dinner together, so reader's apprehension to going to dinner is so real, and Mor sitting across from her?’
Yes! And especially after she’s done something that so obviously puts her in a vulnerable position too? Now they all know that she was in a place like that I can’t imagine reader will feel particularly comfortable over dinner 😭
As for Mor, I think I’m actually going to be writing this scene tonight, so I’ll be interested to see what happens? (Because honestly I don’t 100% know how it’s going to go either 😭🫣)
‘oh myyyy goodness, ik this chapter just came out but im already rereading hehehe im so excited for the next one’
Babes oh my gosh I was struggling to start chapter 18 so did a change 🫢🫣
I had so much fun writing the opening scene to the next part and I’ll be so excited to hear some thoughts on it—if you or anyone has any thoughts on it, of course 🧡💛
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rezonan · 8 months
Why do people use OOC/Irrelevant stories to justify their hatred for characters?
I'll admit I got this question from reddit but seeing as you are a big fan of Iron Man and certain characters afflicted by this issue I thought I would ask
Comic book characters and the consistency of favored portrayals
Why do people do the exact opposite to justify how cool they think a character is?
Look this is probably the worst kind of question to ask me, back when I was in high school my classmates hated me cause when it came to arguments I would always 'Stand on the fence' or 'Never pick a side' and I agree, even when I disagree or agree I can't help but see the other side of things with some questions.
I think one of the biggest things comic fans need to accept with our medium is that, the only real continuity that exists is the one we try and brute force and make in our heads, some writers themselves don't really care, Geoff Jones ignored Batman previously basically begging for Hal Jordan to come back to life when he was The Spectre to writing Batman basically complaining that Hal was back because to him that is what he thinks Batman should act like with Hal, and considering he probably grew up with a comic like Dark Knight Returns the asshole authoritarian was probably was he knew of the character, who knows I don't know his personal life.
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I think we can all say that you have fallen in love with a character based of Non Canon stories, Hell my favorite comic for Superman and the one that got me into liking the character was All-Star Superman. The exact opposite of that like what you asked tho, Hating a character because a story depicted them poorly whether it's canon or not is valid as well, I mean it's pretty damn short-sighted if they have been exposed to better represented sides of those characters, but it doesn’t change the impact they initially felt, wether they can get past that is on the person. Like for example, I fucking hated Superman growing up cause the first movies I remember seeing him in was the freaking Dark Knight Returns duology and certain parts of Young Justice Season 1 but overtime seeing better versions and representations of the characters and also hearing put fans on what he represents has pushed him up to my 5th favorite hero, I do understand not everyone can do this. People just want to support their view of the character.
I also do think people who hate certain characters do reach a lot of the time, sharing panels of stories older than their parents sometimes probably not even knowing what comic it even came from, just happy they have this image of the character they don't like being abusive or something. It's even worse then the he outright go out of their way to find these panels or stories to use for hate on purpose even after knowing it's generally agreed upon it's a shitty representation of the character. Seriously nobody should bring up All Star Batman and Robin as some 'Got Ya!' moment in an argument, just no. Sometimes some people have just predetermined in their mind they want to hate a character and will go out of their way to farm for anything that can paint them in the worst light possible.
With Iron Man it's people bringing up Civil War again and again and again continuously like the 40 years of stories before that don't show why Tony would never do any of that in his right mind. With Superman it's people bringing up injustice in literally any relation to him or people bringing up a scene of Jason Todd blaming Bruce for his death as evidence of how whiny he is even when one of the highlight lines of his first appearance as Red Hood is 'Bruce I forgive you for not saving me but-'
With characters like say, Hal Jordan, Magneto or Venom and meny more, it gets more interesting here. Here what the characters did that was bad IS/WAS(considering reboots in Hal's case) in continuity but a version of the characters that were received much more popularly then makes fans disregard these past appearances as wrong, say they have had this entirely new portrayal longer than they had that one or writers themselves will retcon them away by making them, in the case of former villians now refromed, seem less evil than they were. No no those people Magneto killed weren't innocent humans in the silver age, they were actually anti-mutant bigots that killed a little girl for being a mutant. One of my favorite examples of this is Hulk. Yes Hulk the rampaging monster from movies to series to comics, in comics in I think 2008 was retconned to have never and I mean never killed a single person in all his rampages In the in-universe 12 years at that point, not even indirectly because Bruce Banner was subconsciously calculating all the angles of where he would throw or smash stuff apprently. All those crumbled buildings, nope, nothing.
And you know what? I can agree with some of that (that Hulk retcon is still dumb) because let me tell you the real truth to all this.
People love consistency, They don't care about Magneto killing innocents in the 60s or Venom eating people in the 90s, they care about the take that has been supported consistently in their view for longer or just showed more consistently in what they have seen. Even for the haters it's the same, if for example my only experience with Batman was All Star and Certain Post New 52 issues, I would be happy knowing I hate this borderline sociopathic dude that's what I know Batman as.
You see it even with the movies, When The Amazing Spider-Man came out you had people saying it was an inaccurate take or not liking the changes even though it was actually more comic accurate that what came before but fans of the Raimi movies have consistently seen Peter as a meek and nice kid before being Spider-Man not an asshole, they have consistently seen him with organic webbing not with web shooters. Anything that breaks the portrayal they have known the most if gonna make them react either well or badly. People who only knew Tony Stark from Civil War probably reacted well to his MCU version seeing as he broke the consistent borderline villian they knew him from the comics.
So the big issue is people trying to force their own consistent idea of a character on others when comics just aren't consistent, everyone like I said at the start has their own makeshift continuity in their head they made up with books they liked or think fit, the consistent portrayal they know about, so this is why you get people arguing about if Batman is the real identity or Bruce Wayne or if Clark Kent should wear trunks or not I could go on and on like if Wonder Woman should use a sword? Someone who is used to the New 52 version would say yes and someone used to the Post Crisis version would say no. Or maybe it's what love interest Spidey should end up with, people who say Gwen probably grew up with TASM and Spectacular Spider-Man. Better for people to just respectly discuss the takes of characters different people have instead of childishly pushing the version they have in their head as the correct version and putting down everyone else's pretty damn subjective takes. That's with superhero comics of course, the nature of what is canon and isn't and how fans of this stuff talk about it with different 'takes' is way more unique than talking about disliking MCU Spider-Man or talking about why you hate Sasuke or something.
I don't really have a good way to end all this cause that's just it, all about consistency if I didn't get that across the 10 times I used that word. As usual feel free to disagree with me and if possible tell me how and why.
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likeabxrdinflight · 1 year
anyway...now I want to talk more about why I did care about this show. because honestly? I was never in it for the queer rep, though that was nice, or lumity.
I was in this show because I have a real life Eda. well...sort of.
the real world is a little more complicated than a children's cartoon. but nevertheless...I want to talk a little about the Eda to my Luz. for privacy purposes, I'll call her...Mrs. B. honestly I refer to her by her first name now but we'll go with this.
Mrs. B was a teacher of mine. I don't want to get into everything that was going on for me at the time I first met her, but long story short, catholic school sucks when you're gay and don't know it yet but members of the faculty have started to suspect and are subtly trying to steer you in a...straighter direction behind your back.
but Mrs. B wasn't doing any of that. quite the opposite. she, rather like Eda, had a few rough edges, a few less than pleasant traits about her. I didn't even like her at first- I thought she was kind of mean and more than a little intimidating. but Mrs. B, who taught 8th grade mostly, was...a little different from most of the teachers I'd had up to that point.
for starters, everything about her was dark. dark hair, dark eyes, black clothes, short temper, dark sense of humor. it was a legitimate rumor among the younger grades that she was actually a witch. and Mrs. B did nothing to discourage this. she thought it was funny.
it was kind of obvious that she didn't really fit in well with the other faculty. she never seemed to try that hard, either. she didn't conform her teaching style very much (this was all before NCLB had fully gotten to the private school systems tho). she taught english a little more in depth, she taught critical thinking in ways no one ever had before- I distinctly recall an assignment she set that forced us to write a convincing argument both for and against abortion debate, for example. and good lord the way that woman taught religion was...honestly I'm shocked she was never fired for it. she skated a very thin line with that.
she taught us other cultural myths. she told us the entire book of genesis was probably made up, couching it only with "but spiritual truths probably". she told us most of were going to have sex before marriage, don't worry about it, use condoms. don't do drugs but if you do and get in trouble, call me. the church says homosexuality is a sin but a lot of people don't believe that so eh...
It was as close to open allyship as she was able to get. but it was felt.
she showed a softer side in other places too. she encouraged me to try out for the school play (which she always directed) even though I was shy and quiet. when there were two new students in our grade she rather deftly directed people she thought would be good friends for them to do just that. and it worked on both counts. she sent the one half-mexican student we had in our class down to the office to run a quick errand and then absolutely lost her shit on the boys who had been making racist mexican jokes.
she did her best to look out for me behind the scenes when other members of the staff had a target on my back for maybe being gay. it wasn't quite enough- the harm was still done- but she tried. she fell short sometimes, there are things I wish she'd done differently, things I wish she'd said more openly. but she always had a hand held out if I ever needed it.
I had a sense that she was a little bit weird, like me and my friends were a little bit weird. it turned out, she was kind of weird. a little off the beaten path, a little bit different. I later learned, as an adult, that not only does she not even believe in catholicism, she's a closet agnostic. and as a child, once I saw past the tough outer shell, I saw somebody I felt like I could trust. and when shit hit the fan for me, she was the one I ended up reaching out to for help.
I went to public high school, and the transition was rough after over a decade at the same old catholic school. this on top of a lot of unresolved religious trauma nonsense, don't wanna get into it, I ended up in a bit of a mental health crisis that I also don't want to get into the details of. long story short, I reached a bit of a breaking point, I had exhausted other resources, so I sent Mrs. B an email. long, desperate, frankly embarrassing to think back on. but she responded, she agreed to talk to me.
and it helped. it didn't fix anything per se, but it helped. I went back to the school to visit her fairly often throughout that year, leaning on her for support in ways that can't have been easy for her, but made a world of difference for me. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't reached out like that, I'm not sure how much worse things would have gotten. but I remember...I was fifteen and felt like I was walking towards the edge of a cliff. I hadn't gotten to the edge yet, but she pulled me off that path entirely. she didn't save my life so much as ensure no one would ever have to.
we've been...something like friends ever since. It's not as easy as the relationship between Eda and Luz. It was complicated by the boundaries that once existed, especially when I was a minor. she was always very careful about that. I think she still is on some level.
but she is kind of a mother figure to me, a bit complicated by the fact that she was once my teacher, that I definitely had a bit of a hero-worship crush on her at one point when I was younger, but I think that's where it's settled now. that's how I've come to see her.
I don't think she entirely reciprocates the feeling. I've never asked, and I've never told her this. I see her as a mother figure, but I don't think that's mutual- I think she sees me as a former student, a kid she cared about, and now something of a friend. she values my presence in her life, she's said as much, but there's also a lack of reciprocity in the dynamic. we don't totally act like friends, we act like a former teacher and her former student. she's private, keeps herself to herself. she knows way more about me than I do about her. I don't ever expect her to lean on me for support the way you might in a more mutual friendship. I don't think she'd feel right about that, even now.
the dynamic now is such that I reach out whenever I'm in town, we meet up, have lunch or coffee or something for a couple hours, bye see you next time. we don't really talk in between. I wish we did sometimes, but we don't. that's not something I really feel at liberty to do, not for lack of invitation, but I'm still mindful of boundaries (and also she's 70 and can't text for shit lol). she doesn't really ever reach out first, either. those old boundaries will always exist, even when she says they're not there anymore. I know they still are on some level, they always will be. having anxiety doesn't help things either.
but at the end of the day, this woman has always been in my corner, has always been a supportive mentor to me when I needed her to be. every time I have come to her for help she has been there. every time I have needed something from her she has followed through. when I needed someone to talk to after my best friend was assaulted, she was there to listen. when I stopped by the school in the months following both of my grandmothers' deaths, she pulled up a chair and let me talk. when I needed a little self esteem boost during a rough time in my master's program, she was there with words of encouragement and her usual dry humor. when I finally plucked up the courage to come out to her, she responded perfectly. when I asked her what was really going on all those years ago at that school, she told me the truth, even when she knew it would be hard for me to hear.
and it was. it was hard to hear. but it's also set me on the path to finally healing some old shit in a way that will actually matter. she's still pulling me back from the wrong paths, and I'm not entirely sure she knows just how much. she isn't doing all the work, far from it, but her impact on my life really cannot be overstated.
and this is the relationship that Eda and Luz almost immediately reminded me of. that was why the owl house touched me as much as it did. I see shades of the girl I used to be in Luz, and I see an awful lot of Mrs. B in Eda. even if it's not exactly the same, even if I wish Mrs. B and I were a little closer than we really are...and that hurts sometimes. but I'm a therapist now, I understand why those dynamics can never really step beyond what they were. a client is never not a client. a student is never not a student.
but it's close enough. and the owl house comes close enough to representing it, closer than anything I've ever seen before, frankly. mentor figures in fantasy stories usually fit into very specific molds and tropes- the gandalfs, the dumbledores- I had never seen anything that told a story that I felt was more true to life. at least, more true to my life.
more than any queer representation, more than lumity, this is what makes the owl house special to me. and I'm very glad I got to experience it.
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theloveinc · 2 years
I wanted to know how you were doing and how you were feeling about leaks :)
okay well. i apologize for thinking u were asking abt my fever LOL i'm just feeling like a dramatic baby tonight ig and hadn't even realized spoilers came out DJKAFJASDKLFK but anyway.
about the leaks. idek what to say lol. i think ari is talking abt it pretty well and i don't have much to add except....... idk. i don't even feel the need to scream abt it bc the whole situation so redundant at this point. or at least, the whole arc is LOOOOL bc it's just getting increasingly more clear (even tho we did know this already) that hori is just rushing to get to the end.
i also think. honestly....... if shigaraki's whole goal is to do whatever the fuck so he can rebuild society entirely... i don't understand why he doesn't just kill bakugo already? because Aizawa aside, surely he could... and. i don't really feel like the argument "i'm using you to get to deku" even needs him to be alive for that? since he’s supposed to be this “op” or whatever... and deku will be upset regardless of whether he’s alive or not. 
anyway like ari was talking about like it's just a moment for deku to sweep in and save him but ... and idk if this is the right way to put it... it feels like the last couple arcs were just buildup for a whole lotta nothing basically. idek what else to say cuz the story makes sense but like. barely. and reading the latest chaps has really just made me think like... are fight scenes always this fast?
anyway..... if bakugo dies i'm truly just ignoring it tbh LMFAOOO i'm not even gonna mention it <3 i'm not even upset about it anymore bc ive already decided it just won't happen to me even if it does happen.
lmao tho i was gonna end it at that but truly. i just wish we could fast forward all this shit so we wouldn't have to sit thru weeks and weeks of this weird ass writing for a mediocre end. sigh.
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trans-cuchulainn · 3 years
What are the major details that confused you about the Hound blurb? The major one that stood put to me was the "way of the farmer opposed to the sword" thing which felt very...un-Cú Chulainn. Also, if you don't mind expanding further, which details didn't you question/be confused by?
and also for anon:
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okay so it is like. 2am so there are not going to be any sources here but i can't sleep so here goes!! i will go through this blurb line by line and give youse my thoughts
In 50 BCE,
reasonable. this is roughly the right time period for when the ulster cycle is set. maybe marginally earlier than i'd place cú chulainn, but i'm talking a few years, nothing to get worked up about.
Morrigan, the goddess of war,
fine. normally i'm wary of pantheonising impulses with regard to irish characters (almost none of them can be identified as a god of anything in particular, it doesn't work like that) but tbh the morrigan is like, the most plausible exception to that, so whatever. normally her name has the definite article attached to it because it's kind of a species term as well but whatevs.
has become restless as a long-lasting peace settles over Ireland.
dubious. closest i can think of to peace being reference in any texts is togail bruidne da derga talking about conaire mor's reign being like, prosperous and peaceful and whatever, and even there you've got díberg (plundering/reaving) which is what eventually fucks him over and starts the otherworldly hell spiral situation. that's roughly the right period here but conaire's doom proves you don't have to do much to nudge peace into war, and connacht and ulster are at each other's throats for years before cú chulainn comes on the scene anyway
Deciding the time of peace must end, she chooses Setanta, the nephew of the king of the north, to become her ward.
hmm. i mean. like, this isn't the WEIRDEST choice they could have made. it's still completely made-up, don't get me wrong -- cú chulainn has a lot of different foster parents in different texts and they don't agree with each other but none of them ever mentions the morrígan. but like, they do have a connection of some sort, as evidenced by their conversations. and there's that one moment in the r1 boyhood deeds where little cú chulainn is out on the battlefield and hears her (not sure which name is used here) calling out to him and it like. motivates him to do some deeds or whatever, and i guess you could extrapolate that into some kind of teaching capacity.
so like. could be weirder. if you're gonna pick anyone, you could do worse. still seems weird to me! but not on its own a major issue, i could get past this and consider it a Fun But Unorthodox Creative Decision
(the fact that she tries to seduce him in the táin probably wouldn't get in the way of this considering sleeping with his teachers/foster-mothers is far from unheard of where cú chulainn is concerned)
After a young Setanta slays the demon-hound of Cullan, he becomes known as Cú Cullan—The Hound of Cullan.
weird spelling choices, they could have at least bothered to use the genitive properly. also the hound isn't a demon, it's a ferocious watchdog -- making it sound all Otherworldly and Hellish like this kinda confuses the issue of why he would need to take its place. he needs to take its place because the cattle and people still need protecting because it is a watchdog!! but whatevs, again, it's a brief summary so they can't exactly give us all the details and this is not actively objectionable
As Cú Cullan grows older, it is apparent that an extraordinary power lies within him … and a great darkness.
ugh boring. this makes it sound like he's going to be ~tortured~ and angsty about it. give me an unapologetic murder teen please. is the ríastrad dark? sure i guess, if you're going to be boring about it. it's more like, grotesque neon in my head
When he chooses the quiet life of a farmer over the sword,
this would fucking never happen on like five different levels. obviously like anyone who has ever read anything about cú chulainn can see that this is not in his nature. he is never going to choose a quiet life. this is the kid who tricked his way into taking arms before everyone thought he was ready. also juxtaposed with the "darkness" comment makes it sound like he would Angst his way into this quiet life which. again. have you seen this kid. he is an unapologetic murder teen
the only thing i can think of that might make him temporarily want to walk away is connla's death which... depends where you position that in the timeline really, he does seem a bit fucked up by it and maybe he'd want a holiday although i can see that lasting precisely 5 minutes before someone pissed him off enough for him to murder them. but if he's being raised by the morrígan i can't see him going to train with scáthach so then he'd never meet aífe and therefore connla would never be born so that wouldn't happen. so like. whatever.
but also like. he would not become a farmer. he just wouldn't! it doesn't work! the ireland of the stories is super hierarchical, right? and this blurb has already fucking told us that he's the king's nephew (canon) so we can tell that being a farmer is Not His Place. when we see upper class figures becoming menial labourers in texts, like in cath maige tuired, it's because Things Are Fucked, Shit's Gone Wrong. people don't just decide to change their entire social class on a whim lmfao
if cú chulainn really wanted to turn his back on being a warrior he could probably make recourse to certain other Suitable Professions ... his grandad's a druid so he might have a route into that, though his dad's not so that might fuck things up a bit bc it's one of those things that's usually inherited. he does give "wisdom" in at least one text though and we also know he can write (he carves riddles in ogham in the táin) and he composes verses on various occasions so idk, maybe something in a poetic direction, though again, usually requires two generations of inheritance to be a real poet and not just a lower-class bard. warrior's kinda the main thing he's got open to him tbh. but farming? i'm not a legal expert but as far as i'm aware based on what i have read, that would fuck shit up
more likely an upset cú chulainn would just go off in search of an adventure somewhere conveniently far away until he'd calmed down (alba, or the tyrrhenian sea, or -- if we're going to get early modern about it -- somewhere like india, which frequently gets thrown into the texts with absolutely no cultural context and it's always hilarious)
Morrigan, angry at the betrayal,
of the entire social order, yes,
instigates an invasion of his homeland
i mean. if they intend this to be the táin then.... táin bó regamna does kinda make the morrígan responsible for it? not in the sense of triggering the pillow talk argument that it's in the book of leinster -- it's her getting up to her usual cow-nicking behaviours for shits and giggles. [note to readers: it is probably for more than shits and giggles but did i mention it's 2am]
but all in all, not particularly out of character that she would be at least some way responsible for this so i can vibe with this. echtra nerai also supports the TBR explanation with her fucking around with otherworldly cows and pissing people off so, yeah, whatever. the morrígan engineered this. sure.
and Cú Cullan must challenge fate itself
this is probably a controversial stance but fate feels like a difficult concept to apply to medieval irish texts. like are people sometimes Doomed? yes. there are prophecies, there are gessi, there's all manner of otherworldly fuckery that can trip you up. is that the same thing as fate? no idea. considering cú chulainn comes out alive from the táin though and his doom prophecies don't catch up to him for like, at least another decade, maybe 16 years depending on who you listen to, hard to see how that would apply here
to keep the goddess at bay.
again like she IS causing fuckery in the táin but also it's like... one time. really not the main character. but she or maybe just some crows, hard to say, do get implicated in the death tale so maybe they're doing what people often do and conflating the two? even though there's like 10-16 years in between them?
anyway as you can see i don’t think it’s wholly terrible / i’m not completely thinkshaming it. like, having cú chulainn raised by the morrígan is unorthodox but it could be a fun and creative direction so i don't object to it. making cú chulainn get sad about murder and choose to be a farmer is just fucking laughable tho, and makes me doubt their characterisations in general. so that's offputting and would probably make me think twice about buying it, if that had ever been on the cards.*
and of course sure, their cú chulainn can be a Sad Boy Who Likes Sheep, but that means he's not the cú chulainn of medieval irish lit / irish myth, because that cú chulainn is a feral murder teen who keeps killing his friends and also is way too high social status to ever be a farmer, and whose only relationship to livestock is as the watchdog who kills anyone trying to harm them (which is an important role on a farm! but like. not the same thing as Being A Farmer. mostly because it involves more murder and is essentially just an extension of his role as a warrior. or rather the other way around. he promises to protect mag muirthemne as a watchdog and this like. gets extended into him becoming its sole defender)
this has been my analysis of this blurb i hope you enjoyed it
it's now 2.30am i should try and sleep now that i've exorcised a few thoughts from my head
*as i mentioned in the tags of my other post, i don't tend to read graphic novels due to disability stuff. they're much harder for me to understand and follow than prose, to the point where some are incomprehensible, so i don't really enjoy them. there are a few i've read, but they tend to be short ones, and i'm usually not reading them in order, just admiring the art separately from the text. so it's unlikely i would read a graphic novel of this size anyway.
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thyandrawrites · 3 years
tag meme
I was tagged by @haleigh-sloth. Thank you for the mention!
Why did you choose your URL?
My original url for this blog was bloodycarnations. It was supposed to be a reference to a scene in Tokyo ghoul where Kaneki bleeds onto a bed of white carnations and they symbolically turn into red spider lilies. I switched to thyandrawrites because I'm no longer a tg blog. Thyandra is my online nickname and my pseud on ao3, and I wanted people to connect this blog to my writing more easily
Any side blogs?
only one that I occasionally use, @thyandrascorner. Since I wanted this blog to stay bnha-centric, I made that sideblog to share all the cool reblogs from other fandoms / temporary obsessions. You can probably guess from the occasional HQ post on here that I failed at keeping this blog bnha-only lol
How long have you been on tumblr
counting the blog I had before this one, since 2014. this blog only exists since 2015 though
Do you have a queue tag?
I can't remember, lol. I rarely ever queue. If I did have a tag, it was probably just "q"
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Before this blog, i had a multifandom one. When my obsession for Tokyo ghoul became too big, I decided to start anew and created this blog with the intention of it staying tg-centric. When TG ended and my interest in the fandom waned due to drama, I simply switched to a different fandom (bnha) and now here I am
Why did you choose your icon/pfp
I wanted a picture of Dabi with white hair and that one is pretty
Why did you choose your header?
it changes all the time but right now is the lov in suits because that pic is badass
What’s your post with the most notes?
likely my disaster bi Kaminari post. I muted it when it got tumblr famous but holy shit. 12k notes. the bisexuals vibed with it
How many mutuals do you have?
I don't keep count so I have no idea. Likely a dozen, maybe 20ish people? Idk, I have a lot of friends from the ctabb server but I always forget to track down their socials and follow them back
How many followers do you have?
lemme check... 6633
How many people do you follow
437 but my dash is populated by the same 10 people lol. most of them must be inactive
How often do you use tumblr each day?
I usually scroll the dash for half an hour each day when I'm not distracted / busy with something else. Whenever a good chapter drops tho I can spend even a couple of hours on here, either writing meta about it or reading trusted mutuals' takes
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
mmh, I can't remember any actual fight but I admit that I haven't always been on my best behaviour. I sometimes get snappy and very defensive when I can't parse tones well, and that led to a couple of confrontations with anons over the years (some of which were actually people trying to start shit, others were people whose tone I misread and attacked myself). It's an issue I have. I'm working on it! I'm already a lot better at letting things sit without assuming the worst than I used to be. Also because now I have severely crippling confrontation anxiety, but that's another can of worms lol
I once got vagued by a popular blogger who tagged the post with "die bitch" tho... we used to be mutual until then but that opened my eyes to how toxic she was
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this posts”
I have a strong dislike for guilt-tripping. It feels very manipulative, especially when that holier-than-thou attitude is performative. A reblog about a sensitive topic deserving attention doesn't substitute actual activism and guilt-tripping people into thinking so is straight-up shitty
Do you like tag games?
It depends on the game! But in general, yes
Do you like ask games?
Same as above. I never shared any of those super long lists of personal questions for example. I don't like talking about myself
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I feel like all my meta blogger mutuals have pretty big followings. @/linkspooky @/hamliet @/transhawks to name a few. I'm also followed back by some big-name artists somehow...??? How did that happen (not mentioning them because hello social anxiety my old friend...)
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I used to! I go from being a misanthrope to crushing very easily on people. No in between. The person in question was an author whose writing made me feel seen and gave me the illusion of seeing them in turn. I ended up crushing on them for a short while but it was just a parasocial relationship I created by assuming things on them from the way they described the world in their writing. Kinda dumb in retrospect, lmao. Silly old me, what did you expect from an internet relationship
Tagging: uhh I haven't been online a lot in the past days so idk who's already done this...? any mutual who wants to do it can consider themselves tagged by me
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fratboykate · 2 years
There is something that makes me so uncomfy about the fact that they think that just because we ship two characters it's always going to be inherently about them having sex and that "allosexuals are only focused on sex" like... no?? I write fanfiction I never write smut bc I'm not good at it and I don't think its always necessary. I prefer to focus on the romance and that's perfectly fine. I still enjoy the occasional smut reading but it truly isn't about that for everyone.
ALSO, when did it become okay to talk about someone in a term that they didn't consent to being called? Why am I suddenly called allosexual because I'm not asexual or aromantic? Like I get when they use it to differentiate but they have quite literally moved on to using it as an insult "oh the allos this and the allos that" and it's always so condescending?? Why??? Because I want romance and sex in my life? I should think there's something very ironic about them saying that people hate them because they don't want sex when they treat people who do like they're weird for wanting it.
I didn't even know what asexuality was before like, this year? I just thought, if you don't want sex or romance you don't want it and thats fine and if you do (As long as its consensual) thats fine too!
this whole argument (which is so dumb to begin with) has brought out some ugly sides of certain people and I'm pretty sure it's not the ones minding their business
CFAU is 400k words, plus however long the other one shot I have on AO3 is. I probably have close to 450k/half a million words up on AO3 alone. I would say there's at the very least ten times more than that spread out here between random asks, prompts, ficlets, and fandoms. While there are hints of sex scenes, there isn't any smut. At all. Anywhere. (Not for y'alls lack of trying tho.) That's not why I ship. The fact that they've turned shipping into this weird concept of "they just want these characters to fuck" is almost an indication that they think about sex more than we do. Sure, duh, if they're an OTP I want them to have sex in canon because who doesn't want that for their ship? But that's certainly not my sole or even main concern.
Look, they're going to foam at the mouth for this one because we've established that they hate to hear the truth but...they're not oppressed. People need to understand the difference between "I identify as this thing which puts me in a category that the majority of the population doesn't fall under, ergo I statistically am in a/the minority" and being an OPRESSED minority. The two are NOT THE SAME. No one has ever been fired from their job, denied housing, historically been violently discriminated against, or have laws passed specifically to take their rights away for *checks notes* not wanting to experience romance or have sex. That's simply not a real thing. Meanwhile the "evil allosexual" trans, gays, and lesbians out here are living through some of the most actually oppressive and violent years in all of history. 2021 was the deadliest year for trans people. Ever. Republicans are actively trying to take gay rights back to the 1940s. THAT is real oppression, not a stranger on the internet you could literally choose to ignore telling you some character you like isn't "ace". Go outside. There's people that are dying, Kim.
I'm also petty and stubborn so it kinda just makes me wanna double down now that they've turned Kate and Yelena into this weird battleground between them and "the allos" (derogatory) lol. At this point I just want Kate and Yelena to fuck in every corner and every surface of New York. No kitchen counter or alley left intact. Go forth and do it everywhere, all day long, year round my darlings. Don't even take water breaks. It's only 24/7/365 of deep, intense, soul changing, earth shattering, transcendental sex and love for them.
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aeroplaneblues · 3 years
New manga volumes I've read in September/October: Given vol 6, Shirayuki vol 15, Witch Hat Atelier vol 8, Blue Period vol 1-4, Jujutsu Kaisen vol 9-12. Spoilers ahead!! ⚠⚠
Given vol 6: every time I read this manga im like "ah yes I wanted to start a band with no musical talent" haha aw to be young😂 I like how different the bfs relationships are, because usually you get the same trope "the sunshine and the sushine protector" which i don't mind if the story is only about them, but Given is not like that. I love Hiragi having his very intense inside monologue of how much he is in love with his bff. Not enough akihiko tho😪
Shirayuki vol 15: so much plant talk.......at least NOW i understand, no shade to fan translators I bet this was hard to translate. But I get the rocks now!! Rata and Lillias still bothers me lol not that LATA was any better, a can or a rat 🤷‍♀️ what an unfortunate name either way. Zen and shirayuki were cute here, but....and i might be bias.....why does it feel like Zen is starting to let go of shirayuki even tho its an inch, how he is a little frustrated that he isn't there when she makes decisions for her future or the "idk where those two will land in 2 years" almost like obiyuki are a set, do not separate👀 lol i still dont know what izana is planning with those two tho.
Witch Hat Atelier vol 8: OH THIS WAS A GOOD ONE, absolutely love how the pointed hats magic is so restrictive that it doesn't entirely sit well with some of them, it makes a compelling argument for the brimmed hats' magic! And a little closer for Coco to find things on her own where she can have the best of both worlds?? idk I like the conflict feels grounded. Absolutely mad that olly's creation wouldn't be accepted and LOVE the dagda and ink bottle comparison, reminded me of the teacup scene in hannibal😂 I can't believe vol 9 is releasing in 6 MONTHS, sigh i might read the chapters online bc if not i'll def forget.
Blue Period vol 1-4: this manga made me feel EMOTIONS haha the level of anxiety I felt when yatora was taking his exam oh BOY did i hate taking entrance exams but also his joy/fears about art are very relatable. This is a good manga to read if you have any level of interest in art, either for making it or admiring it, it gives you a perspective of why we are as we are😂 Not enough yuka or mori in the last volumes, hopefully they show up more! The anime adds where this manga doesn't, and that is color, there are some pages that are colored but not the ones where you'd need it as a narrative tool. So I know I'm gonna nitpick the anime but I think consuming both do give you a better perspective of the story😊
Jujutsu Kaisen vol 9-12: LOL PAIN😂 these where the last chapters of hidden inventory AND the beginning of shibuya arc, so FULL ON SATOSUGU ANGST. And choso😊🥰. I want to point out that at the end of vol 10 akutami writes something along the lines of him not contributing much to society with jjk since that vol came out in 2020, tbh I really hope he knows how grateful fans are for this series giving them something to escape to! At least it is in my case, I started jjk with the anime a year ago exactly which made the rest of my 2020 a lot better, it helped me draw more again, I'll always love this manga bc of it no matter the spooky/dark subject of it😂it was really bright fun thing to consume at such shitty irl circumstances. Anyway I miss nanamin😪
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 3
a/n: I dunno why i am posting these literally middle of the night everytime but here we go again💁🏼‍♀️
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     Tomorrow there would be the divorce suit at the Ministry. Scarlett has become worse both mentally and physically till this day. So Carina had to write Leonidas couple of days after their mum told her about the situation because she wasn’t able to help and control both of their parents and work at the same time. Leo was shaken by the news but immediately took a leave from work and came to London from New York to stay with his mum for a week. His mother was his favourite person in the whole wide world and seeing her so down broke his heart into pieces. He would not be able to fully forgive his dad ever. And after that one week, Scarlett would live with Carina at Hogwarts for a while until she was feeling better.
"Mum it is enough wine for tonight, stop please." Leo took the wine glass and the bottle away from Scarlett. "I don't want you to be hangover tomorrow."
"It's just my 5th glass, give it back Leo."
"No alcohol for you anymore, you drink too much lately but not eating anything!"
"That's how i cope! It makes my mind blurry so i stop thinking about the situation over and over again!" She covered her face with her hands and started to cry who knows how many times today.
She was crying almost all day everyday since she found out about the cheating. That was heart breaking for the twins and Scarlett's parents; Ricardus and Aurelia. The moment Ricardus found about it, he went to find Sirius before anyone could stop him and Merlin knows what he did. Sirius was like a son to him but no one could hurt his princess and if someone does, they need to pay the price.
Leo hugged his mum tightly and kissed her tear-stained cheek. He adored his mother so much and he couldn't stand to see her in this condition.
"Let’s take you to the bed mum, you should rest for tomorrow." 
She nodded lightly; she was extremely tired because of lack of sleeping so Scarlett let Leo to escort her to her bedroom without putting a fist. Leo laid her down on her bed carefully and tucked her like she did to him when he was little.
"I love you mum, have a good night. Call out to me if you need anything."
"Love you too baby, night..." She mumbled while already giving up to sleep.
      The court was going to start at 10 o'clock so they had to be at the Ministry around 9:30. Scarlett was up early in the morning since she could only sleep for only 2-3 hours. She took a hot shower and started to get ready unwillingly. She looked at herself in the mirror for the first time in days. Scarlett felt like she got older in such a short time. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying endlessly and she had dark circles around them from lack of sleeping, she has lost couple of pounds already because she was not eating at all but having alcohol nonstop. "That's not me..." She mumbled to herself and looked through her closet. Then she picked a formal black dress, did her hair, and put her signature red lipstick on. She was trying to look at least decent even she had no will to do anything at all but maybe the outfit would give her some power.
     2 hours later Scarlett and the twins were sitting at the ministry and waiting for their turn at the court. Scarlett was so nervous and scratching her hands like she always did when she was under stress; she wasn’t aware but she has made them bleed ever so slightly. After a while Sirius showed up too. He wasn't looking any better than Scarlett and maybe even worse appearance wise. He has put his hair in a messy bun and his clothes were in need of ironing. The moment he noticed them, Sirius immediately made his way to Scarlett but she was trying her best not to look at him.
"Scar we can renounce this court, i don't want to divorce. I love you..." 
He tried to fall at Scarlett's feet, but his son made him to stand still before he could do it.
"Dad, stop it please. It is already hard for her, don't make it harder." Leo said firmly.
"Do you want us to divorce, Leonidas!?"
"That's the right thing after what you have done. Maybe you should have thought before act mindlessly. Now leave mum alone."
Sirius was about to respond but Carina acted faster.
"Dad, Leo, it is not the right place or time to argue. Stop it." Carina said with a sigh.
   Couple of minutes later, the worker called out their names. Scarlett stood up and walked to the courtroom’s door, but she stopped at the doorsill. She knew if she took one more step, she wouldn't be able to change her mind anymore but she took a deep breath and walked in. Half an hour later the court has ended, they were divorced now, 26 years of marriage was ended in a heartbeat. Scarlett felt numb say the least, she was hearing her kids talking to her and seeing them moving around but couldn't react to any of them. It was like a nightmare that you cannot wake up from.
"Mum? Mum!?" Carina shook her shoulder lightly to gain her attention.
"Yes yes, let’s get out of here..." Scarlett mumbled and walked out of the Law Department.
Leo was escorting Sirius out even they had an argument before the court. It was the first time he saw his dad crying helplessly and being devastated that much. Leo was still upset with him but overall, he was his dad and he couldn't help himself but felt bad for him too. Leo knew how much he loved his wife and adored her, because of that the thing he has done was so hard to believe for anyone who knows them.
"Please tell me all of this is not real and just a bad dream son, please..."
Leo didn't answer, just rubbed Sirius's back to calm him down. Sirius took off a cigarette out of his pocket and lighted it, apparently he has started to smoke again.
"You can't smoke inside, sir. You need to get out." A security approached him immediately.
Sirius cursed and walked outside angrily, Leo followed to keep an eye on him and said to Carina "I will be waiting you outside." On his way.
Carina nodded and looked at her mum when she said something silently. But Carina was unable to understand and made her to repeat it.
"I need to pack my stuff."
"What stuff mum?"
"I resigned."
Carina looked at her with wide eyes. She wasn’t ready for another surprise.
"When did you do that mum? Why?"
"A week ago. I can't work here anymore." Scarlett was talking so emotionless, she sounded like her soul was sucked by dementors.
"Why tho? You love your job."
Scarlett just shrugged her shoulders, didn't want to tell her the real reason. She hasn’t told Carina who was the woman and that she also works at the Ministry. 15 minutes later they have packed her stuff from her room, said farewell to the Minister and now they were going down with the elevator. But on the next floor to their chance Arabelle Fullalove got on the elevator as well. Scarlett was out of her mind, didn't even notice her until Arabelle started to talk to her.
"Hello Mrs. Black, ah sorry i should call you Miss Rose now." Said smirking.
Arabelle was the last person Scarlett wanted to see right now but here she was. Scarlett ignored her but Arabelle was persistent to cause a scene and she looked like she was having the time of her life.
"Don't we talk? I think we have so many things to talk now."
"Sorry but who are you? Could you please leave my mum alone? She doesn't want to talk." Carina took a step to stand between two of them.
"You are her daughter huh?" Arabelle smiled wickedly. "Well, i am the woman that your daddy chose over your mother. But no surprise that he wanted someone new."  Sent a contemptuous look at Scarlett. Now she has managed to gain everyone’s attention in the elevator and the people has started to whisper.
Carina drew her wand at Arabelle, furiously. 
"If you say one more thing, i will hurt you!"
"How cute, little girl protecting her mummy because she is pathetic!." Arabelle let out an evil laugh, at the moment elevator stopped and she hopped out still laughing.
    Scarlett was visibly shaking and tears were collected in her eyes but she was trying not to cry in front of many people. She has already felt humiliated enough after the things Arabelle has said, now everyone at the Ministry would know about it. Carina was so angry; she couldn't believe how cruel and shameless that woman was. She couldn’t do anything to calm her mum down since she wasn’t calm herself. When they arrived the ground floor, Scarlett run out of the elevator crying her eyes out; she couldn't hold it anymore.
"Mum wait!" Carina followed her running.
"Mum…? Carry?  What is going on!?"  Leo asked worriedly and tried to hold Scarlett since he was waiting right next to the outside door. But Scarlett was having a nervous breakdown and was not listening anybody, she threw herself on the ground crying. The twins decided to take her to St. Mungo’s because they didn’t know how to handle her at this point, Scarlett was the calmest and non-problematic one in the family so no one was used to that. The healers took her to a room and gave her sedatives immediately when they arrived; the sedatives showed their effects quicky and everyone relieved a bit. While Scarlett was sleeping, Carina told everything that happened in the elevator to Leo. He couldn’t believe the things he just heard and they made him so angry that he just wanted to hurt the woman. She didn’t have any rights to act like that to their mum.
"She didn't deserve any of this, not in the slightest. It is breaking my heart to see her like that..."
“I don't know what we can do to make her happy again. I missed her smile Leo, I missed her giggles..." 
Leo hugged his sister tightly, he wanted nothing but to see their mum happy again. "We will figure it out, everything will be fine again..."
@snapefiction @lizlil @elizabeth-baelish @misselsbells06 @mais-e @lunnybunny12 @anfre109 @entirelymesmerising @wolvesofwinter13 @mrssnivellussnape
If you wanna be on my taglist, let me know!
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i know that there are rinharu shippers that exaggerate interactions and read too deeply into them, but ngl mh shippers take it to a whole new level. Like, yeah we all know Haru cares about Mako, he's his best friend, but they take soooooooo many things and twist it out of context and then try to claim it as canon. i don't get it. it's fine if makoharu is your deal, but then they use it to attack rinharu and its like not. even. canon???
Every shipper exaggerates their otp moments, I mean, it’s a normal thing. But there’s a huge difference between taking an existing moment and overemphasizing it and taking this moment and turning it completely upside down, you know what I mean? Take a canon moment and go ahead and exaggerate it, but don’t create something that didn’t happen and exaggerate it, and don’t take a canon moment and make it the complete opposite of what happened.
I think it’s perfectly okay and understandable, when you like see your ship smile at each other or smth and freak out, for example. Or like when Rin said that maybe he and Haru also gonna be in one bed together next year, like I think, I deserve to make a big deal out of this, cause... I mean, it’s right there. He said it, not me.  
Or take me, for example, after the new bnha ova, when I went like “tododeku flirted and forgot bakugou under the rocks”, which was like a hilarious scene. I’m of course exaggerating, cause I just found it funny that they started talking about getting out without even looking around for the third party, that could be crushed under rocks, but I’m just joking. I mean, you can’t help but joke at scenes like this, when it’s your otp.
Now imagine if todobaku fans for example were watching that scene in ova and be like “Todoroki only ran to Midoriya because he thought Bakugou was buried under him, and then Midoriya threw a magic dust at him so he couldn’t remember anything.” Can you even imagine such madness? Now that’s how most Makoharu fans are watching Free!
And I just want to say, that I’m normally in many fandoms are so good with people who ship something that I don’t. I mean, I absolutely love bakudeku and todobaku fans, like 90% are so sweet and they even write comments under my tododeku vids like “this is amazing, respect from bakudeku gang” and KNB fandom is very nice no matter what they ship, and etc.
But.. but makoharu, I mean Makoto fans, I in all seriousness cannot talk to. I mean, these bunch... most of them don’t even like Makoto for who he is. They sell him as some protective and secretly very dangerous dude. It’s like if I said that Haru is my favorite, cause he’s so good at communicating with people.
I mean, to create something that’s completely OOC and claim that it’s there is just utter nonsense to me. Like when someone wrote that Haru is unrequitedly in love with Makoto, I almost peed myself from laughing, but honestly at some point it all got to the point where it’s not funny anymore, cause when you read their posts, you realize that they’re serious.
I mean you gotta realize that when you change characters to the point that they’re not these characters anymore, it’s not called “all ships are valid”, it called “pure stupidity”. Because it’s not the said ship already. It’s some other characters.
And when you constantly post not in your tag and get jealous of a rinharu post that got 20k notes and screenshoot it on insta even tho it has nothing to do with your ship and wasn’t even tagged no by makoharu no by makoto, there’s clearly something not okay with you, just saying.
And I’ve seen some fandoms/ships who twist everything to the point where it gets histerical. 
Like when, for example, when Eren told Mikasa that he always hated her because she behaves like a slave without her own will, and they interpreted it as “he said it because he loves her so so much” and I’m not joking there’s a whole tumblr post dedicated to this.
And I’ve seen some fandoms/ships who twist everything to the point where I’m genuinely worried for people’s sanity.
Like when V had a live translation and someone wrote him about getting on with Jungkook (1stly, are u even ok???) and he addressed this and asked to stop being delusional, and that they’re friends. I legit thought maybe it’ll stop people, until next day I saw a post on YouTube about how Bighit tries to cover vkook with jikook and Jimin is an asshole who always hangs on Jungkook... I’m like I do not know how to react to this. I mean, do I wanna ask why Bighit would want to cover one gay BTS ship with another one? Or should we just skip to the question “are you okay?” lmao 
But I still think Makoharu fans take the cake tbh.
I mean it’s not about the ship wars, because I normally don’t mind anyone shipping anything, since everyone has their own tastes and some people, like in real life, see love in all kind of crazy shit. Like someone thinks “he treats you like shit and yells at you, means he loves you”, someone think that it’s if you’re with somebody all your life or grateful for something... ppl mistake this for love too. And hey, to everyone love means different things. Someone just settle for things, some dream big and wants to live a life. No judging. 
But like if you ship makoharu, accept it for what it is, not for something it’s clearly not. But once again, it’s mostly makoto fans, cause it’s all going from twisting a character, and pretending he’s not what he is.
But then once again, many people do not understand characters in anime in general. Like if you think Momoi is really Kuroko’s love interest and do not see what author intended, you probably need to broaden your horizons a bit.
Or like if you think that, idk, Alois is a villain, Lance is really this cheerful and Kuroko is an angel. I mean, it’s hilarious how even in some obvious situations people do not get things. Like seriously, maybe put just a tiny bits of brains into work when you’re watching, this is all I ask.
And don’t get me wrong, I won’t  generalize and say that all makoharu shippers are like that, but there are some ships and sometimes even whole fandoms whose most fans are just dumb, and makoharu is in top three of those for sure. I’m sorry, but it’s true, you saw it. I just can’t even have a normal conversation or a healthy argument with them, cause the logic doesn’t exist there.
And ones again, don’t get me wrong, you can be the smart one in the dumb fandom, too. Sometimes fandoms embarrass nice people, it happens.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
The Dark Prince: Prologue: The Dark Prince
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The more I thought about it, the more sense it made.  I didn't want this face, I didn't like it. I didn't like the small freckles on my cheeks, my round nose, nor the way my double chin would show up every time I smiled.
Just everything about myself... disgusted me.
It has begun with my body, I wasn't well proportioned. There was fat in the parts I didn't want it to be, and flat skin where I wanted something else to be there. I thought that my face would make up for the mistake but as I stared into the mirror, I realized that the only good thing about it, was the green tint in my eyes.
It wasn't enough, I wasn't enough.
I tried to apply makeup once to see if that would help me, but the moment I stepped out into the street, people staring at me with a look of concern in their face, I decided to never do it again.
And no I wasn't doing it to get a boy's attention. I was doing it for myself, so one day I could finally look at the mirror and like what I see.
"Are you sure about this honey?"
   Rouge, my closest friend looked at me confused. She was probably the most beautiful creature alive, I had to admit that sometimes I would get jealous of her. She was blessed with good looks and she knew it. She had confidence and that only made her more beautiful.
"Yes, I think this would make me feel better"
"I don't see a problem with "fixing" something you don't like about yourself in order to get more confidence. But I do believe that that confidence you are seeking for is not suddenly going to appear because you had a nose job", Rouge rolled around my bed trying to get a better look at myself. I pretended to be doing work on my laptop, indeed to say she was so beautiful that sometimes it would intimidate me. I didn't look away from my laptop but I could feel her staring at me.
"I'll try to work on it Rouge, I know it sounds kinda sudden but I have honestly been thinking about it for a year now... I think this is definitely for me", I added as I took enough courage to turn my chair to face her.
"Are you sure this is not to please a boy or anybody else, right?", Rouge straightened up as she gently rested herself on the edge of my bed, facing me directly to get her point across.
"Definitely but... don't you think it's a bit weird? I am 20 and I never had a boyfriend before."
"No, of course not! Everyone is different when it comes to dating, so don't ever feel pressure because of that."
   But Amy did. Even her own parents found it strange that at 17 she had never brought home a boy before.
 "Your mother and I wanted to ask you... if you like girls? Because if you do that's completely fine, we still love you and-"
  Amy stopped listening, she couldn't tell her parents that it wasn't that she didn't like boys. It was that boys didn't like her.
"You are right."
     Amy didn't sound completely satisfied and Rouged noticed that she only agreed with her to avoid an argument.
If Amy could just understand how she is way more than just 'pretty'.
Rouge pleaded for nothing but that.
"You were completely lost today's meeting, what's wrong with you?"
    Rouge snapped out of her trance and noticed the 'Dark Prince' in front of her. Or so that's what the ladies in G.U.N. call him. She looked at Shadow and really wonder what the females see him. He was sarcastic, had terrible fashion sense and had an addiction to black coffee. Maybe it was because they were different species, but she definitely found Knuckles way more attractive than him.
"I know, I was just thinking about a friend."
"You are the leader of Team Dark, I believe you should really focus on meetings, especially in this one since the commander just explained our next mission.", Shadow said as he poured another cup of coffee into his mug.
"What?! Oh, Chaos...You are right, I should really separate my work with my personal life-."
      Shadow then suddenly slide a notebook in front of Rouge. She looked at her side to find him taking a sip of his coffee delicately. "It's my notes, everything you need is there. Feel free to keep it." Shadow then sat down in front of her, sip by sip finishing his coffee.
  Rouge smiled as she holds the notebook dearly. So this was why they called him the 'Dark Prince'. It wasn't only that, she remembered once that a co-worker of theirs had expressed how sad she was because they were closing the flower shop in front of G.U.N and she wouldn't be able to see the flowers from her window anymore.
The next morning, Rouge found Shadow placing flowers all over their co-workers' workplace.
  At first, she thought that Shadow might like her, but it wasn't until she noticed that Shadow was just nice like that.
    Like when the commander assistant had forgotten to write her report and Shadow stayed with her all night to help her finish it.
Or like when he helped the mechanic's team test their new vehicle's resistance with his Chaos Spear multiple times without telling them that it hurts him to do them constantly.
"Thank you."
"No problem... but it might help you telling me about this friend of yours if you want."
It wasn't just that, it was the small things. Shadow was extremely caring, he might not show it often. But Shadow cares for everyone in G.U.N. He listened to the entrance guard for three hours straight about how he had problems with his wife and never complained about it.
"Well...". Rouge adjusted herself, "It's about Amy, you remember her-"
Next thing she knew. Shadow had spilled his coffee from his mouth.
"Are you alright?!", Rouge had never seen Shadow spilled coffee like before and she had to admit that it was even comical.
"Yeah, the coffee was just too hot", Shadow tried to keep his cool but was failing at it miserably.
"Coffee is never too hot for you tho"
"It was this time."
"Well... like I was saying...", Rouge give one last look at Shadow before continuing her story. "Amy, it's going to have plastic surgery for her nose and I don't know, something about it doesn't fully convince me. I am not against plastic surgery but I feel like Amy definitely doesn't need it."
"Oh no, she absolutely does not need it. Has she seen herself in a mirror? She's completely gorgeous-." Shadow stopped himself, already cursing himself for not keeping his composure.
"I didn't know you had a thing for pink hedgehogs." Rouge teases him, who would have thought that the Dark Prince had a crush on Amy Rose.
   Wait, it all made sense now. For some reason, every single Monday since a year ago, Shadow would get late to work.  Instead of coming to work at 9:00, he would come at 9:30. Which is weird because Shadow being the Ultimate Life-form and being the perfectionist he is, it wouldn't seem he was the type to do that. Amy was the owner of her own business called "Momo Cafe."
Amy has told her once that every Monday, Shadow shows up to buy black coffee.
Rouge had never really thought on it before, she thought that it was just Shadow being the coffee lover that he was. But now that she thinks about...
  Shadow had never liked coffee before Amy opened her cafe, which was around one year ago. Since then, Rouge had always seen Shadow with a cup of black coffee on his hand.
"Oh, Shadow you don't have a crush on Amy... You love her don't you?"
    Shadow hated how good Rouge was at these things.
"Me? You perfectly know I don't have time for that.", Shadow tried to play it off but both of them knew that it was game over for him.
"True, you don't have time for that... but you know who does? Sonic.",  Rouge already knew his weakness and was ready to play her cards well. "You know another thing? Amy told me that one of the reasons she was doing surgery was so Sonic could notice her."
"What? Why would she want the attention of that faker?", Shadow's voice raises and Rouge knew that he just needed a little push.
"Oh, well, Amy really wants a boyfriend and I don't blame her. After all, everyone needs affection once in a while and who better to give it to her than the worldwide hero Sonic the Hedgehog? It's not like there's someone out there as strong and confident like him..." Rouge just need one more sentence to finish him. "... or maybe there is?"
"What do you mean?"
   She had him now.
"You know what I mean... there's a ton of boys who want to date Amy. She receives flowers every day from different guys at the cafe... maybe one of these days she would say yes to one of them."
Rouge looked at Shadow who seems to be in deep thought. He kept taking sips of his coffee until he finished it and he stared in into the cup in silence.
   Was this it? Really? All of this lies for nothing? Was Shadow not gonna do anything about it? She literally told him that Amy was willing to go under surgery in order to please society and he just gonna sit there and-
"Rouge, can you cover up for me for a while?"
Oh, there we go again, Dark Prince.
It was already late and the sun had begun to set. Amy was about to close her cafe for today. She pulled out her keys but as she looked into the inside of the cafe one last time, she noticed a figure behind her being reflected on the door's crystal. She turned around to find her number one customer, Shadow the Hedgehog.
"Hey, Amy"
"Hey, Shadow. How are you being? I haven't seen you since...well, this morning", Amy goggle a little bit and Shadow's heartbeat stopped for a second.
"Yeah, um actually I um... wanted to talk to you for a bit if you don't mind."
   Amy really wasn't feeling like it but Shadow has become her number one client and he didn't want to disappoint just yet.
"Sure, would you like to come inside?", Amy made a gesture with her hand, showing the inside of the cafe. The lights were off but nothing that she couldn't handle. Shadow was ashamed to make Amy do so much for him but thought to himself that this was utterly necessary.
   Shadow nodded and Amy turned around to open the door once again.
   The sight was lovely. It was quiet, but not too much. The lights were dim and the aroma of the coffee made the scene almost to perfect.  Seeing Amy sitting in front of him as she peacefully drank her coffee made him think that this could potentially a date if he wanted to make it so but in his fantasies this was already made a million times.
"I didn't know you were a fan of black coffee too, "Shadow asked the pink hedgehog in front of him who look up to him with her emerald eyes.
"I love all types of coffee... I guess that's why I opened up a cafe... which to be honest I didn't think it was going to grow so fast." Amy responded.
"Why is that?"
"Well, when I opened Momo Cafe I had no money left for advertisement. However, two weeks after I opened, someone called making a bunch of orders to be delivered at different companies throughout the city... I was baffled that guy almost spent 1,000 dollars on coffee. I was really blessed because after that; the companies that I sent coffee to buy coffee from me every day.", Amy ended her story with a melancholic smile on her face. "If I had the opportunity, I wished I could thank him."
"Seems like you had luck... you shouldn't question your success too much. You work hard for it after all.", Shadow took another sip of his coffee, missing the flavor of it.
"I think you are right."
"You are a successful young woman, educated who also possess incredible qualities... you must have a lot of suitors."
  There, Shadow was going now straight to the point. He wasn't one to lose his cool so easily but when it came down to Amy... well things don't usually go his way.
"Well... not really...I don't think I fit their beauty standards."
       Shadow notices that the question had made her feel uncomfortable but there was no way out now and he had to keep pushing to make her realize.
"I think you are mistaken... guys don't talk to you because they are intimidated of you... "
"Yes, Amy you are beyond beautiful but you are more than a pretty face.", Shadow waited for Amy's reaction. Her eyes shone and her face was nothing but red.
"You...you really think that way Shadow?."
   Amy couldn't believe what the Dark Prince was telling her. Yes, she knew the title that Shadow holds, how all the girls were over him and how none of them interested Shadow.
   She was starting to believe what Shadow was saying may be true. Because Shadow could be many things, but he wasn't a liar.
"Amy, if only you could see how your freckles look like the stars,  how your cute round nose wrinkles whenever you smell something you like or the way your double chin shows when you smile...Amy, you are like the entire universe in one person." The sight in front of him encouraged him to continued and without knowing, he kept babbling just letting his emotions take over him.
   They shared a silence in which Shadow suffered the most.  He still couldn't say his true feelings, but if it was for Amy, then maybe...just maybe he could.
"I don't why I suddenly feel this way. It wasn't much of a problem before but realizing how I never had anyone to be with...I just thought that I was the problem and I wanted to fix that problem even if that was just a bit. It is still a bit hard to believe your words...but Shadow... right now your words mean the world to me."
   Shadow was ready to say it all. The adrenaline was taking over him, he felt his cheeks could burst at how hot they were. He straightens up, cleared his voice and was ready to say that three-word sentence. Instead, Shadow received the epiphany of his life, something that changed him.
Not even in his deepest fantasy, he imaged this could happen.
Amy's face brightens up and whispered that three-word sentence he was waiting for her to say for so long:
"Shadow, thank you."
Next chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185966609885/the-dark-prince-chapter-one-team
The Dark Prince: Chapter One: Team
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akane171 · 2 years
A non-Clark-y Kara would have been so badass 😂 In the comics and e.g. Young Justice she did always come across as the "tougher" of the two...🤔 Ohh, imagine what those Karamel dynamics could have been like🤣🤣 (Tho their idiotic-arguing-puppy-love is just heartwarming 😂) 
Oh, I'm not even gonna argue. I love Kara, but this is one argument on which iI will NEVER even slightly agree with her. I mean, you already pionted out more than enough points for why, but the fact she didn't bother any other alien (e.g. from the alien bar) about how they're selfish for not superheroing or that she didn't consider she herself spent all but what? A year? on earth without superheroing and even Kal/Clark didn't always just makes her whole point pathetic... Same with the Jeremiah situation when once again Mon was made out as wrong and bad for what? Being right? Being cautious? Just no. And nobody ever apologized!!!😑
I don't get what they have against Kara being in therapy anyway, like Young Justice spent a whole episode giving the Heroes therapy sessions to deal with their trauma/traumatic experience...  
Ohhh, but what could warrant her staying forever?🤔
Ohhh 😱😍😭 I'm not sure whether to be happy of having a karamel godkid (you do realize you just sent me into a terrible downward spiral of "What does he look like? What is he like? Is he more like Kara or more like Mon or their perfect like mix? HOW DID HE DIE? I MUST PROTECT LITTLE PRECIOUS KARAMEL CHILD!", right?😅😂 I NEED ANSWERS!!) or to go sit in the corner and bitterly cry over his death...
And no, I definitely DO want to hear about Mon and Lan's deaths and how Maya reacted! I NEED to know 😭😭😭  
NOOO, write theeeeeemmm😭 You can't just drop all this heartbreak and not write and fix it!😭😭 (Just to clear up: I'd never wanna force you into anything at all ofc, so when I say sth like this, I'm just whining, don't feel forced to do anything🙈)
 Haha, nah, it's fine anyway😁 Always good to have a bunch of book recommendations lying around for whenever I finally have time for it again☺ 
I'll give you a million tragic high-fives😂 And Yup, we're pretty much screwed by definition😅 (Tho, to be fair, in "The Mortal Instruments" I got attached to kinda two side characters(one a badass immortal warlock and one a cool shadowhunter) who did end up together, and even have their own spin-off which inlucdes them adopting two Kids! So that was a non-screwed over (homosexual) couple😁💃🏻) 
Ohh, wait, which ones do you mean in Naruto?🤔 
Yeah, esp. the absorption thing was sooooo awesome, poor Lydia finally got a break from announcing death😅 And yes, Parrish was so underrated and underused anyway... It's like they just literally forgot about him and the fact that they know a hellhound...🙈 Would have been awesome to see him save the day instead of Scott winning against everyone and everything cause freaking plotarmor...😩 (It's ridiculous he defeated people like Deucalion or Peter...)
HAHAHA, Greenberg calling him Bobby would have been the BEST SCENE EVER!!!😍😂🤣
I already put Lightbringer on the list😂 Ohhh, nice rule, but I doubt I'd manage that without abandoning everything else in life😂 Just reading a little is not possible for me, if I start the book, you can be sure I'll be done with it in 3 days at most😂 (Tho at least I get my Daily dose of fanfics, which does usually derail many of my to-do-plans or sleep schedule too, but hey, "less" than normal bookd🤷🏻‍♀️😅)
Haha, Thanks, not even sure how many exactly I'm still waiting for... There's stuff that hasn't updates since 2013 or so, so... Let's really not talk about this😅😭😂
Yeah, it's probably an unspoken anime fan rule😂 Tho hey, at least you're not my level of stupid about it and try to draw realistic stuff too😅 I'm pretty sure I owe Chris Wood at least 5 apologies for the terrible attempts I made at drawing him😅🙈🙈
HAHAHAHA, yess, that's a good way of going about it😂 Tho, tbh, while I love ranting about articles, they do very much so have their purpose and using the wrong one does indeed make a big difference at times🤔 But they're still terrible😉😂
Ah yes, the good ol' days of RTL2 and Pokito 🤔😍😊 Back when they spent at least 12 hours a day with animes etc😂 And well, I mean, animes do tend to be rather obvious about what's going on even if you don't understand anything🤔 
Yup, side character fics are so freaking hard to get by... Just saaaaaaadddd😭😭😭
Ohhh, sounds like more than just dissapointment😅 I mean, I didn't exactly like the end or the way they made the later half of Naruto either, but what exactly was your major point of dissapointment? (Still my biggest problem was how they just nerved Naruto and Sasuke and the villains to god level and made everyone else pathetic, useless bystanders😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙈)
Haha, yess, weirdos for winners💃🏻
PS: ☺🙈🙈
Yeah, maybe we are getting that version in the movie. Still, probably not going to watch.
Hmm, interesting how their interaftions would look like. For sure she would quite quickly threw Lena's ass into the sun and feel zero remorese about it. But with Mon-El? Hmm.
Annoyed but intrigued or interested? Finally someone who remembered her planet and people and I don't think she would have been as butthurt about him being the prince. But... interesting idea for a fic, lol
And you know the BEST thing? She became a superhero when she was liek what, 24? ONLY becasue Alex was in danger. But well, hypocrisy was one of her character flaws.
I think Mon suffered from the "oh, no, Kara can;t apologize or admit she was wrong, especially to him". Anotehr funny thing is that's the SAME thing they had done to Alex and Kara. How many times Kara was right, but Alex screamed and didn't apologize?
Because oh she is oh so strong woman and doesn't need it. What is funny again, because thye have spent wasting time on some super dumb so called important eye-opening stuff and couldn't have spared one ep about mental health. Interesting, right?
That depends on my mood xD Because you know, as much as I like Danvers sisters I see their bond as problematic and it was never really approached. So, for example Kara deciding she needs to stay by Alex's side becasue uwu, life is brutal, she needs to three-wheeling her and her family for entire life and blah blah. What would BE CANON.
No. Becasue in the end I will want to write whole fic, so no ==' As I said, I'm the queen of unwritten angst, not written. But I can assure you, all my ideas are heartbreaking. For example mxy showing her all the scenes from her future life and all what happened, because she can't believe she just left her family etc. MUHAHAHAH
Errrm, is this malec ship? Becasue it sounds like them and I kind of know some of the stuff from Shafowhunters from the gifs on tumblr XD HAPPY FOR YOU!
Naruto, sigh. Funny stroy, in the begining i liked SasuxSaku but with time and how the story unfold, i started hated them. I really liked Sasuke and imo, he should have or died honorable death or stayed asexual and with no fam. Last Uchiha, no more curse and more people hunting for them. End of story. And seriosuly, I hate the "big breasted fangirl gets the dude and becomes the perfect waifu aka wet dream of every dude in Japan" (a big generalization, but you get my point). That's why I hate IchiHime ==' tbh, the same goes for NaruHina, but whatever.
Maybe they will fix things in the movie..... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I don't mind Scott, maybe he was not my fave character but was not bad... as for a typical teen kinda-superhero.
We would finally see Greenberg! And the conspiracy theory aka Greenberg being Bobby's halluciation or imaginery student would be clear xD
Hey, fics are in a lot of cases better than published books! I wouold ask you to go to sleep at a normal hour, but I do the same shit iwth books so xD
I like to swallow books like that... unless I get to a problematic part and I suspecty next things are going to destroy me xD so then sometimes I leave it for a few days... or months... sometimes years xD
Gurl TT All of my fave Gundam SEED fics are not finished TT ... oh wait, there is one mine that is not finished, oops
It's not stupid, it's how we learn, right? For example I stopped drawning alsmot in 100% but I like coloring books with pencils.
Articles (in any language) will never make sense to me, so I bow to the queen *bows*
RTL2 was my wormhole to anime world xD with bad internet connection and almost no anime in Polish tv, it felt like heaven. Still my dad was always pissed off when he caught me watching, but well, typical anime fan's life xD
Sad high five. We are doomed *satres into the void*
You kow, the typical shounen stuff - from zero to god level, saving the world from apocalypsis, power of friendship, sometimes I really want the good guys losing. And well, the ships at the end - geeeeeeeeeez. Minus ShikaTema all were dissapoiting. Or maybe I'm salty after what they have done to Jiraya and Tsunade, who knows. And as I said, everything about Sasuke. Just. No.
0 notes
flyingcatstiel · 5 years
1. Hello again, I am the same anon who sent both of your latest two anonasks. I think there was some confusion so I'll clarify. I don't even ship stony(I've only read handfuls of fics), I ship destiel and I like all mcu characters equally and I am not team cap nor iron but I am a bitter cas girl. There was NO intention to bring any wank or ships/characters bashing to your blog. I was just so angry with 'we are' and your answer to the first ask got me thinking about stony.
2. But my ask was poorly and inadequately worded to confuse you of the ulterior intention and I apologize. Though I shouldn’t have use the ship names when I meant their general relationship both in canon and fanon, what I meant was in regard to the same situation, which is their mother’s deaths, Tony actually drew blood and all Dean did was say some words,
3. so one might think that actual physical conflicts not induced by any supernatural event indicate bad relationship but I feel Dean and Cas’s friendship and general relationship more unhealthy and unbalanced.
4. Now I just decided for my self that that’s probably because Tony and Steve has different visions, families, groups of friends and support system so even if there is conflict between them, Tony still got Pepper Rhodey and Happy and Steve got Bucky Nat and Sam.
5. So no one is left alone in the world. But if Dean’s angry with Cas, Cas is alone in the universe. I meant unhealthy like that. Cas has no one except Winchester families and if that makes Cas desperate for sense of belong and makes him apologize like that, that imao is unhealthy. But all in all, I am sorry for the confusion. I shouldn’t have been so blunt and out of the blue. Post 1502 made me go blind with unreasonable fury.
6. On a different note it’s interesting how wording and context make differences between being perceived as wank baiting anon hate or anon thanks. And I hope that this message is accepted as the latter because I am always grateful of all your reasonable words about Spn and fandom fruits. :) thanks for reading.
Heey, sorry for total misunderstanding with the previous ask and thank you for coming back and clarifying it! And yes, I’m kinda jumpy lately, since couple of my spn critical posts were hijacked by destiel haters and also earned me the blocking from destiel positivity crowd. That’s the fandom we have and that is one huge reason why I’m slowly sauntering into MCU fandom. To be brutally honest, that’s my advice to all bitter Cas girls - get out before you get too frustrated and hurt. The show will continue Cas whump because they don’t know what else to do, and destiel metas will spend all their energy justifying it. Instead of, you know, just saying that bad writing is bad writing. You can always come and vent in my inbox or via DM tho, I’ll try to answer as much as I can, because I feel you. 
OK, very quickly about CW movie and Tony’s anger vs Dean’s anger. I don’t think Tony’s situation is comparable at all here. Tony learns about Bucky killing his parents on Hydra’s orders after a long chain of very intense conflicts. That was literally the last drop, there’s little time to process it, and it is the culmination of the movie. On the other side, Dean and Cas conflict is never the centerpiece of SPN, it’s all subtext and Dean’s POV. Dean blaming Cas for Mary’s accidental death comes absolutely out of nowhere. They all knew that Jack is using his soul to do stuff, they all knew Jack needs supervision. FFS, Jack just brought Sam back from dead by using his soul. And now Cas is to blame for it? Not to mention that Dean and Cas relationship is way more complicated than MCU stony. Even if we take out romantic destiel subtext out of it, textually, Cas still is the closest person to Dean after Sam. Dean has called Cas his family, his brother several times. Dean grieved Cas in s13. And now, suddenly, it all means nothing because Dean is angry? Unpopular opinion about SPN writers under the cut.
I said it already back then and I still stand by my words - Berens wrote the line “You are dead to me” deliberately to yank the fandom. There are plenty of other words he could have used if he simply wanted to show Dean’s grief and uncontrollable anger towards Cas. Instead, SPN focused on one thing that would hurt the most and then used it in the promo. I literally saw post on my dash saying that OP was not gonna watch the episode because SPN is just meh, but, after seeing that promo, OP wanted to know why Dean said something so hideous to Cas. Remember how fans hoped that it’s a misleading promo? Remember how fans hoped that Dean will apologize to Cas? There’s an understanding that that line was too much. And, after s14 finale, I saw posts talking about how this is not relevant anymore because surely Jack’s death and Chuck’s machinations override whatever anger Dean could have towards Cas for not telling him about snake. And then 15x01 brought us that passive aggressive scene and, well, 15x02 took the cake. 
So, while I totally agree with you that the scene between Dean and Cas was terrible, my way of dealing with it is to blame SPN writers. First of all, I don’t understand what Dean is talking about there. Nothing was real? Does he mean some kind of Matrix type of reality where the real Dean is sleeping in a pod? Otherwise, it was all real. Tell Kevin Tran that his death and time after death was not real. Tell it to Jo, Charlie, Eileen that their deaths were not real. Cas speech is nice, but, honestly, not a groundbreaking revelation. Whedon’s Angel said it wittier, Dumbledore and Gandalf said it more fitting for their stories. There’s a Jewish proverb with similar sentiment. Like, this is nothing new! Our choices matter, sometimes it is the only thing that matters. I mean, everyone who has lived under authoritarian regimes, everyone who’s a minority and has to deal with privileged majority, knows this. To make Dean to refuse it in s15, is honestly very baffling. 
Like, I see that SPN writers want to draw some parallels with s4 by flipping Dean and Cas beliefs, but, scene subversion works only if you know why the first scene worked in the first place. I think this scene would have worked better if Dean would be just venting his understandable frustration with the situation. But instead, we got Cas apologizing, Dean still blaming Cas for Mary’s death (seriously wtf?) and then Dean walking out on Cas and refusing Cas’ belief in their choices being real. 
And here I come to my last point. Dean saying that their choices were not real because Chuck manipulated everything sounds very much like privileged middle class white people suddenly realizing that they are not calling the shots and then throwing into a towel. This really looks like the most “profound” revelation Bucklemming could’ve come up with. They gave similar moronic lines to Cas in 9x03, when Cas, former angel who watched humanity for thousand of years, was surprised that poor people are kind and generous. 
So, to me it looks like SPN writers are trying to be deep but in the end they write what they know best - angry white man is always right trope and le omg, if I’m not the center of the universe then everything was not real story. Which sucks, tbh. And clashes with older seasons of SPN. But here we are. And, since the conflict between Dean and Cas is based on such a weak argument, there can’t be real resolution, catharsis and growth. The current conflict serves only one purpose - to keep Cas and Dean on bad terms and to make Cas leave (because Misha’s contract something something). My worst fear - this stupid conflict will set Cas on self destructive/sacrificial path, and that will be it. Because let’s be serious, destiel is not the most important thing in s15. It’s just not. 
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THANK YOU for saying all of that about the sk8 fandom. I think it's mainly because it's a young fandom with a lot of young people, but yeah, they have zero chill. It gets kinda annoying when you actually stop and think about the show and realize that a lot of things are just,,, not the way they think they are/should be
Also, I have compared some Reki and Langa scenes to rinharu scenes, but it's mostly because I see them and think "nice reference Utsumi" because they remind me of them so much, but to say RL are in the same level as them, or any other couple they've compared then to is kind of a stretch. Reki and Langa are, at best, a very very tame version of any of those, and while is see why they would focus a lot more on the puppy love thing they have it really pales in comparison (although they don't really compare it to free! because they're so hellbent in calling it queerbait as though half of the scenes they claim are so romantic did not also happen in there before, because they really don't understand how romantic coding works in anime).
Anyway, your blog is amazing :)) You always come off as a very smart person who is also just so done with people's stupidity and I'm 100% here for that haha
Haha no problem, needed to get it out of my system anyways. It’s true, but also once again being young shouldn’t always mean you’re that stupid, let’s be real here. And if you are that stupid, they need to know about it at least, so next time they’ll maybe think twice before saying stuff they say.
Their main problem these days is their herd feeling, it’s like one says smth stupid, others, having no brain of their own, repeat it and here’s what we have at the end. A whole field of a damn cicadas meaninglessly shrilling. 
It would be much more entertaining if they’d have enough brains to at least not put sticks in their own wheels, but they sadly don’t, so taking them down isn’t even satisfying. Not to mention the fact that you don’t even have to do anything, sooner or later they’ll embarrass themselves, cause the combination like “a sense of self-importance we have, but real life experience and brains we don’t have” leads to a disaster. Tiktok won’t help you with everything and half of them don’t even know what they’re talking about in most cases, they only love throwing loud words trying to scare easily impressionable ppl these days, cause everyone is like “I don’t wanna be cancelled so I won’t say anything” lol.
They just do not get that when you start smth like this, same as with a good lies, you gotta be smart. Like ok, they don’t distinguish real life from fiction, fine, but they can’t even check the age of the characters of their other ships before yelling “pedo” about others, so idk what to say here really. I just truly feel bad sometimes about even saying smth, bc like maybe just let them be, imagine the embarrassment of being this stupid? Who even puts them in charge of other ppl’s money idk. 
Yeah, I understand I compared the scenes, too, it’s inevitable, cause they’re all there haha. I was like “our” and thats also “ours” lmao. What I do not get is why would you compare them as if they have the same relationship depth (like high schoolers who have known each other for a month and a couple who knew each other for 7+ years and who planned their future together) or say that the reasonings behind the character’s behavior are same, when they’re entirely and I mean ENTIRELY different. It’s like not even anywhere near same. Like the comparartion of their break up with 13 year old Rin just hit me too hard, I was like.. let’s just not, not pls haha I’ll write a damn essay, but pls it hurts my soul seeing this. And comparing their fist bumb (ai, excuuuse me, eternity sign) to victuuri exchanging rings, I was just on the floor seriously. I just can’t handle the fandom of this pairing, it’s too weird for me. Logic left the chat on their tag and holy shit they’re blind to everything. I’m even glad I’m not into this pairing, cause I feel kinda sad for normal ppl who are into it, bc its like entering a kindergarden. Llike an absolute zero connection to reality, reading too much into things and all the chastity belts in one place, I was like... oh damn I’m too old for this shit and even if I was invested I’d probably still run away haha.
I’m really happy that you enjoy the blog! Thank you so much <3 Haha I have zero tolerance for stupidity, true. It’s such a bad quality tho, I sometimes suffer a lot just by seeing smth and be like “I can’t, I just have to say smth, I just have to, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to sleep, it’s that stupid” lmao.
And sometimes part of me goes like “you know it’s pointless, it’s like talking to a tree”, but other part of me is like “no, it talks, and it means I can shut them up” lol. But I truly don’t get why ppl listen to this and indulge them seriously. Like I know stupid ppl prevail in this world in general, but like in fandoms they’re pretty easy to dethrone, if you bring up the right arguments. And I know in rare occasions, when you really cut them deep, they tend to attack in large groups like locusts, but it’s not like they can eat me through a computer screen, so idk. If I’ll get invested in that one ship after s12 I just might poke them a bit more out of spite lmao.
But also they are kids really, I mean, you can scroll through the tag and know for sure that like “yeah, that’s kid’s perspective”. Most of them didn’t even reach the age of the characters they’re watching things about, but like to pretend that they know stuff and most these days don’t have enough additional knowlenge to be smarter than their age, cause they are too busy well, tweeting about the stuff they know nothing about, so it’s kinda not really enjoyable to talk to them since I’d rather discuss it with someone who at least was in high school already and you know, not extra lol. 
I’m just kinda upset that it turns out to be a kids fandom, that’s all. Cause like chats and dms and sisters are great, but like I want the tag to look hella different, seriously. Bc I’m interested in characters and relationships complexity, not pink vomit. Well, you know the enjoyment of a great fandom. It’s a bliss. I have those thankfully haha.
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