#every time I think I’m getting better something just comes out of nowhere and fucks me up
moonstruckme · 9 months
could you do a poly!marauders with fem reader where reader doesn’t swear at all (or like REALLY rarely) and the boys are with her and something happens and she just starts cussing like a sailor and the boys are like O: ??where??did??that??come??from??
Thanks for requesting my love! This is not based at all on anything that's ever happened to me ofc (I've never cursed even once in my life and am a very attentive driver) but it was fun to write!!
cw: near-miss car accident
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 820 words
“I can’t believe you keep the seat so far back,” you say, squinting into the rear view mirror. 
“Right?” James backs you up from where he’s gently massaging Remus’ knee in the backseat. “Moony, your height is an injustice to us all.” 
Sirius smirks out the passenger window. “I don’t mind it.” 
You laugh, glancing into the mirror to assess Remus’ countenance. He’s usually the one to drive the four of you around, but he’d woken up this morning with his knee aching and none of you had wanted to chance him getting a cramp or tweaking a muscle while he had his foot on the gas. He claims the pain isn’t bad and the rest of you are playing along, but his promises do little to reassure you. Remus’ tolerance is crazy high from years of aches, pains, and injuries, so him saying it doesn’t hurt very much is like when Sirius says he’ll be over in five minutes; he probably believes it to be true, but everyone else knows better. 
Remus’ lips are twisted slightly upward at your bantering, though, and when you scan his face for signs of tension or discomfort you don’t find any. He starts to lean onto James’ shoulder, then shoots back up, eyes widening. 
Sirius’ sharp inhale has you whipping your attention back out the windshield, where another car is trying to butt into the small space between your car and the one in front.
“Fucking fuck!” You hit the brakes and slam the butt of your hand into the horn, letting it blare until the intruding car swerves back into their lane. If you’d hit them, it would have been Sirius’ side colliding with the driver’s door. Your blood pounds in your ears. “What the hell, jackass? Stay in your own fucking lane!” You start to pass them, and the driver hastily puts down his phone, avoiding your gaze. “Yeah, how about we stay off our goddamn phones while we’re on the road? Fucking dumbass.” 
You blow out a harsh breath, refocusing on the traffic around you now that the danger has passed. The car has gone completely silent. “Oh no, Remus, did it hurt your knee when I braked, honey? I’m so sorry.” 
A beat, and then Remus clears his throat. “Uh, no.”
The tension doesn’t break. You wouldn’t blame the boys if they were still in shock from your near-miss, but the quiet is a bit unnerving. You’re fighting the urge to look over at Sirius or glance at Remus and James in the rear view mirror, not wanting to take your eyes off the road again. 
You jump when James asks, “What just happened?” at the same time as Sirius shouts “Fucking yeah, baby!” and holds up his hand for you to high-five. 
You barely brush it with your fingertips, hesitant and a bit wary. “What?”
“Dove,” Remus says hoarsely, “I’ve never heard that kind of language from you.” 
“Oh.” Your ears burn. “Yeah, sorry.” 
Sirius makes a sound that’s half startlement, half something else. You chance a look his way, and he’s grinning at you, mouth hanging slightly open. You think those might be stars in his eyes. “Don’t fucking apologize,” he laughs, sounding downright giddy. “That was great! Fantastic! I didn’t know you had this side to you, gorgeous.”
You shrink a bit in your seat, but there’s nowhere to go. You know if you check your mirror, you’ll find two more pairs of eyes staring at you from the backseat. “I don’t usually…well, you guys haven’t been around me while I’m driving before.” 
James guffaws. Sirius has begun to shake with silent laughter beside you. “Do you mean to tell me this happens every time you drive?” James asks.
“Not every time,” you say defensively. “They spooked me.” 
“They spooked you?” Sirius hoots from beside you, and now you can hear even Remus’ quiet chuckling. “Baby, I didn’t know you knew half those words! If that’s what happens when you drive, I want you behind the wheel every time.” 
“Oi,” Remus objects, but there’s no offense to be found in his tone. “It’s not like I don’t cuss.” 
“No,” James replies, reaching up to squeeze at your shoulders playfully, “but with you it’s not usually such a performance. That was a spectacle!” 
“I don’t know why you’re all so surprised,” you say, but you’re giggling now too, worse when Sirius joins in on James’ teasing, pinching at your side. “You all curse like sailors, you were bound to rub off on me eventually.” 
“It’s not like you’re not allowed to curse, dovey,” Remus says. “It’s just that we weren’t expecting it from you.” 
“And what, you’re gonna act like it’s our fault?” Sirius scoffs, poking you in the ribs and grinning when you squirm away. “As if any of us would ever say ‘fucking fuck.’ That’s an amateur's work, gorgeous. Can’t blame us for that one.” 
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eloves-writes · 6 months
so it goes…
[coriolanus snow x reader]
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desc: part 2 here! as dr gaul’s assistant, you find yourself alone in her laboratory bearing an unpleasant task with her other mentee, coriolanus snow, who you strongly despise. or so it goes … warnings: smut, oral sex (f receiving), slightly public sex, reader is wearing a skirt, think that's it but please lmk if i need to add anything! a/n: thank you so much for all the love on my last fic! and thank you anon for this request, i love and appreciate requests more than you know!!! enjoy this. will for sure write a second chapter if one singlular person expresses interest. mwah mwah mwah ily this work contains mature themes, minors dni
dr gaul’s lab was filled with weird and wonderful (but mostly weird) things. you sat, bored, on your side of the gamemaker’s desk staring at shelves and shelves of creatures of all shapes and sizes with various muttations. according to the clock beside you, it had been 30 minutes since gaul herself had left the room to ‘see to something’. it was often best not to ask questions when things like that happened, but you really wished she would come back soon as your work day technically ended in a few minutes and gaul’s second-favourite mentee came to visit her after hours almost every day. coriolanus snow was not necessarily an unpleasant person, not to you at least, but he was certainly unbearable. he was so up his own ass thinking he was better than everybody else that he failed to realise how much of a pompous twat he was. ‘snow lands on top’. god, those four words were practically all you heard come out of his mouth when he wasn’t sucking up to dr gaul or spewing fake niceties to any authoritative figure who would listen.
as you were thinking about how annoying he is and how pretentious his stupid hairstyle was, the door to the lab was hauled open by the peacekeepers who stood guard outside. thank god gaul was back, you couldn’t wait to get out of here. not that you weren’t grateful for this assistant’s position, because it was a highly coveted role for university students each year and you’d beat them all out for it. even snow. ha. even suck-up snow. fuck. snow.
the tall blond had entered the lab and was walking up to your desk with his usual self-assured smile and red uniform.
“y/n, good evening.”
his pleasant facade dropped for just a moment at your monotonous response.
“where’s dr gaul?”
you passive aggressively put down the pen you had been tapping on the desk.
“i don’t know,” you replied blandly, studying his face like you trying to read his mind. “she left like a half hour ago to ‘see to something’, but she’s not been back. i’d suggest you leave and speak to her tomorrow instead.”
coriolanus pulled a face as if thoroughly surprised that anyone could be anything less than cordial to him. it was a subtle change in expression, but you figured that’s what he was thinking.
“that’s quite alright, y/n,” he smiled mockingly, “i’ll sit right here and wait. nowhere to be tonight.”
“shocker,” you murmured, watching as snow sat in the empty chair opposite you.
the two of you stayed sat at gaul’s desk for almost 10 minutes before either of you said anything else.
“how is the apprenticeship going?” snow asked, trying to fill the awkward silence by feigning interest.
“it’s great. thanks. thrilling, actually. i’m having the time of my life. this is so much fun,” you retorted.
coriolanus raised an eyebrow and shifted in his seat. “you know, every one of gaul’s students wanted this apprenticeship. if you’re not enjoying it, i am more than certain that you could find somebody to fill the role.”
you huffed sarcastically. “oh good try, snow. i’m not giving it up that easily.”
“so i’ve heard,” he muttered.
before you could respond to that, the laboratory doors hauled open again and dr gaul finally returned.
“ah, coriolanus, good,” she welcomed, entering with purpose in her stride. “i have a small ask of the pair of you.”
there was no way in the whole of panem that this would be a ‘small’ ask, coming from her. coriolanus’ eyes widened in apprehension.
“don’t make that face at me, coriolanus snow.”
“good. i must continue to deal with a situation that has arisen, i need you two to feed chupa before he gets too hungry. that’s all, then you both may leave and i shall see you," you watched her search for a rhyme, "before tomorrow’s eve.”
then she turned to leave, with you and coriolanus pulling faces of horror. ‘chupa’ was a particularly hideous and dangerous looking creature that gaul had advised you, on multiple occasions, to keep your distance from. and now she was asking you to feed him? sometimes it was like she wanted you dead.
“wait a minute,” you said hesitantly. gaul moved only her head to look at you and you regretted opening your mouth immediately. “sorry, dr gaul, you want us,” you motioned to yourself and snow, “to feed that,” you pointed at the cage where the beast appeared to be smirking.
“yes,” she replied plainly. “he will eat anything, but he most likes the small green snakes.”
with that, she left the lab again.
coriolanus looked at you, looked at chupa, then looked back at you. “what the fuck is that?”
you snorted, enjoying seeing him uncomfortable. “do you want to get the snakes, or shall i?”
“you get them,” he spoke quickly. “i don’t like snakes.”
you were suspicious at this apparently strong aversion to the slithering reptiles. perhaps they’d scared him when he was younger, and never shook it off. or perhaps one had bitten him. you imagined him flailing his arms and screaming and it made you chuckle to yourself as you took a jar half-filled with thin, forest green snakes. they weren’t venomous, in fact they were quite amiable and undeserving of being fed to the ugly brute in the cage beside you. regardless, you removed two snakes from the jar and placed it back on the shelf.
coriolanus was keeping his distance, making you do all the work. lazy asshole.
“can you open the cage?” you directed snarkily. he tentatively unfastened the top of the cage, standing closer to you than he ever had before. up close, he looked like a real person. a real person who was just as real as everybody else in the capitol, not any better. he smelt better than a lot of them though. like cologne and fresh roses. you mentally chastised yourself for noticing and tried to focus on the task at hand.
your snake-holding hand slid towards chupa’s mouth, which opened to reveal a large set of sharp fangs that seemed to be moving upwards
“be careful of the fangs,” snow warned from behind you.
“thank you coriolanus, i’m so glad you told me that. i was truly about to stick my fingers into his mouth,” you retorted sarcastically, starting to feed the snakes to the disgusting creature.
he mumbled something incoherent that sounded something like “i wish you would.”
“sorry what was that, snow? did you say something,” you asked, becoming more irritated by his unhelpful presence.
as chupa finished the tail of the second snake, he bit the air above him in an attempt to get your hand for dessert, making you rapidly withdraw your hand from the cage and leap backwards. coriolanus dropped the lid in shock and it thankfully fastened itself.
when you had leapt backwards, you had leapt backwards straight into snow’s arms that he had instinctively wrapped around you in protection. his arms were stronger than they looked through his uniform jacket, and his chest much more toned. it felt beyond strange to be this close to him. but something deep inside of you suddenly yearned to be closer, and you slowly rotated yourself in his arms to face him, hands pressed against his chest.
coriolanus was looking into your eyes like nothing else was in the room. like he had never seen a person’s eyes this close before. he was looking at you like you were most incredibly fascinating thing he had ever seen.
and maybe you were; he had grown used to the capitol women throwing themselves at him. he didn’t struggle to take them home, had no issues finding a date to all the various events he attended. then there you were- snapping at him and poking fun at him, and not even waiting until his back was turned to roll your eyes or pull faces. in what he deemed a cruel twist of fate, you were the only girl in the capitol who didn’t look at him like he was god, and you were the only girl in the capitol he truly felt something deeper than momentary lust for.
his lust for you was not momentary. it was perpetual. and having you this close to him, safe and protected in his arms, confirmed for him that you needed to be his. the world bent to the will of coriolanus snow. and so would you.
in an instant where your body no longer obeyed your better judgment, you pressed your lips to coriolanus’.
he kissed you back like you were a source of oxygen, using his advantageous hold of you to force you to walk backwards towards the rows of bookshelves behind gaul’s desk without separating your lips. he swiftly checked the door to make sure nobody had snuck in before your bodies were eclipsed by the cover of the well-stocked shelves and you were roughly pushed up against them. snow continued to kiss you, moving down to your neck to leave marks sure to raise questions the next morning, then down to your collarbone, unbuttoning your blouse as he went so that his path was clear to mark you with his mouth all the way down to the waistband of your skirt. his kneeled down before you and pushed up your skirt, looking up at you for approval. you nodded, still caught up in the moment. this was fine. this felt good. it really felt good when snow removed your panties and placed your legs over his shoulders, holding you up at the waist and running his tongue along your folds, earning a loud moan from you. he withdrew his head from you skirt to shush you, before returning his tongue to your centre and flicking it against your clit. you bit onto your knuckle to absorb the sound of the whimpers escaping you. where the fuck had he learned to do this? it felt heavenly, his mouth drawing you ever closer to release with his large hands digging into your hips to keep you in position.
“coryo,” you whispered. “coryo, i’m close.”
he began to hum in acknowledgement, sending you right over the edge. a moan slipped from your mouth as you came, feeling your slick drip onto his face. he continued to lap at your juices as you rode out your orgasm, a blissful haze washing over you. if these were the skills making snow so cocky, you couldn’t fault him for that particular trait any longer. he lifted his head and smiled at you like a man who was very aware you’d just cum on his face by his manipulation. he helped you take your legs from his shoulders with a satisfied smirk when they wobbled under the weight of your body, then he kissed you again, softer this time, to force you to taste yourself on his tongue. you reached your hand forward to his crotch, palming him through his constricting pants. he indulged you for a minute, then removed your hand and lifted it to his lips like a true gentlemen.
you felt a little disappointed to not repay the favour, finally feeling content with your formerly repressed lust for the man.
but then he leaned down to your ear and whispered in a low tone, “you can owe me one,” before giving you one last lewd kiss and leaving you stood behind the bookshelves in the head gamemaker’s office with messed up hair and a realisation that you really wanted coriolanus snow to come and visit after hours again tomorrow.
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whispering-ways · 8 months
• ⪩⪨ ♥︎ love struck ♥︎ ⪩⪨ •
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♥︎ summary: you've just come back from a horrible date and your roommate, Midoriya, helps comfort you
♥︎ pairing: izuku midoriya x reader
♥︎ tags: no warnings, just fluff :)
♥︎ notes: hi everyone, hope everyone is having a good day and I hope y'all like this fic! love y'all and thanks for supporting my fics <;3
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You close the door to your apartment with a sigh and head to the kitchen. “Yet another piss poor date,” you think to yourself, fatigue settling in your bones. At this point, it was just too tiring. You’d downloaded every single dating app you could think of; you tried your luck on Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, and everything else under the moon. But regardless of how wide a net you cast, you always seemed to pull in the worst fish. It’s not that you hadn’t found anyone attractive or no one had liked you, but every single time you went on a date, it just managed to go sour. 
The first date you’d been on seemed really nice at first, but with the way the guy kept on mentioning that women should be good housewives rather than ‘trying to shoot for the stars’, you knew that pursuing him would go nowhere. The second guy was no better. You’d agreed to go back to his place, just to realize it wasn’t even a place at all; it was his parents’ basement. The third guy? Gross, absolutely gross and that’s all you were going to say. And that led you to today. Today’s date seemed like a shoo-in. 
The guy you were talking to was nice, smart, and sweet and it really looked like he was into you. So when he asked you out on a date to a nearby French restaurant, you were genuinely excited. At the least, it gave you a chance to dress up. But after nearly an hour of waiting, you realized that you’d been stood up. You were so upset thinking about the whole situation that you didn’t even notice your roommate on the couch when you took off your heels.
“Hey, I didn’t think you’d be home by now. Thought your date would take a little longer than an hour,” Midoriya said, moving to the side and patting the seat next to him, motioning you to sit next to him. Although you didn’t want anyone to see you upset like this, you were so glad to see Midoriya right now. You’d agreed to move in with him about a couple of months ago since you two were already best friends for years. And what you needed the most right now was your best friend and a good and proper vent.
“Yeah I’m fine, just that all my dates keep going terribly and I’m practically un-fucking-loveable or something,” you reply, throwing your purse on the couch and slumping down.
“Ok, no need for sarcasm. What we’re gonna do is you’re gonna sit here and we’re gonna talk it out okay?” Midoriya replies. He gets up to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water before handing it to you. “Now tell me exactly what happened.” 
You take a sip and lean back on the couch, placing the glass to the side. “Well, I went to the restaurant and like I thought it’d be like a nice date, like at least a good time you know? But apparently, I’m a fucking moron or something because I sat there for like 45 minutes waiting for him until the staff had to kick me out because of the long wait times.” Just talking about it made tears well up in your eyes.
“What the hell; did he at least send you a text or anything?” Midoriya asked.
"Oh.. that’s the best fucking part is, I walked out of that restaurant and checked Hinge. I had sent so many messages asking where he was, and guess what? He fucking unmatched me!" you share in disbelief, wiping away the tears with your sleeve. You then grab a pizza roll, attempting to find some comfort in food. "I don't know why this always happens.. I just feel like I'm always going to have terrible luck, it's like I'm cursed. Maybe I'm just delusional and need to accept the fact that I'm unlovable..." you speak sadly, staring blankly.
Midoriya placed his hand on your shoulders, abruptly turning you to face him. Surprised by his sudden movement, you paused in your conversation. "Don't say that about yourself, okay? You are loved by so many people, and you're absolutely loveable. All the guys you've just talked to are just douches, and you deserve so much better than them.” You nod your head and wipe your tears, doing your best to pick yourself up. 
He lets out a sympathetic sigh. “How about I make you some of that spicy ramen you like and we watch a movie together? You relax and I’ll take care of it all,” he suggested. 
You chuckle at the sweet gesture. “Yeah...yeah that sounds really nice actually.” A part of your heart felt a pang of hurt at his actions; although it was a sweet friendly gesture, that’s all it’d end up being. Just a friendly gesture. But you did your best to erase that thought from your head.
Midoriya gets up from the couch to start cooking the ramen and you head to your room to change out of your dress into some more comfortable pajamas. You tie your hair up before heading to the kitchen and sitting on the countertop to watch Midoriya cook. After a moment or two, you pipe up and ask whether he needs any help.
“No, I’m all good; just sit there and look pretty. Besides, it’s just ramen, there’s not much to do with it.”
You blush at the reply, but shrug it off and reply “Well at least I offered.” 
As Midoriya cooks the ramen, you both slip into talking about your lives. Midoriya talked about what an ass his boss was being, which was a great way to distract you from your own problems. The light gossip lifts your heart, and you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the world. Once the ramen is prepared, he scoops two bowls and walks towards the couch, where you follow behind him. You sit down and he walks over to your bedroom. With curiosity, you wondered what he was doing there, but shortly after, he returned with your favorite blanket in hand. 
It warmed your heart how much effort Midoriya put into cheering you up. He momentarily takes away your bowl of ramen, only to spread the blanket across you and return the bowl back to you. You take a bite and immediately melt into the couch; it is just what you need. Midoriya joins you on the couch and hands you the remote to pick out a movie. After flipping through a couple of options, you finally settle on a rom-com that you’d been wanting to see for a while. 
It didn’t long for you both to finish your ramen and from there on out, all you both were focused on was the movie. Or at least, it seemed like that’s what Midoriya was focused on. All you could think about was how close you both were. You didn’t know what compelled you to offer whether he wanted to share your blanket with you, but you were definitely glad that you both were sitting closer together. Your fingertips were barely brushing with his and you could smell the cologne on him. “Pine and just a hint of smoke,” you thought, but you knew thoughts like that were only going to hurt you. After all, you guys were just best friends. 
You try your best to remain focused on the movie, which seems to work fairly well. Not too much longer passes until you and Midoriya begin making comments about the film, which had always been your favorite part of watching movies with him; he always had something out-of-pocket to say about what you two were watching.  The climax of the movie had the hero show up at his crush’s door with a bouquet, ready to ask her out. "See that right there? That's what I want. Some flowers and all that stuff on a date? What wouldn't I give to experience a date like that,” you exclaim with a dreamy expression on your face.
You hear Midoryia laugh, and you turn towards him, confused. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s just funny you say that like you haven’t ever gotten flowers ever,” he replies, focusing back on the movie. 
“That’s because I haven’t,” you mumble quietly, but not quiet enough to slip Midoriya’s earshot. 
He whipped his head around to look at you. “That is genuinely insane, if I could take you out I'd have gotten you flowers for sure, what a damn shame honestly.” You look at him stunned, wondering whether if what he said had registered in his own mind.” Well, you know I mean a girl like you, not you...not that there’s anything bad with you..ugh I’m just fucking it up,” he stammers, his hands flying to cover the rosy blush that now covered his entire face. 
You turn away from him and an awkward silence passes between you both. But there was no way you could just leave it off at that. “So you want to take me out then?”
“No..well I mean yes, I’d be privileged too but...” he trails off before sighing, leaning back into the couch. His hands still cover his face as he says, “I just...in all honesty, I don’t want to take advantage of you being upset right now and I know that you don’t have feelings for me so a date would just complicate things, you know?”
Saying that you were thrown for a loop was an absolute understatement. It took you a moment or two to process what he just said before replying, “It’s not like I haven’t thought about it you know. And it’s not like I don’t have feelings for you.”
Midoriya shot up at break-neck speed. “”What?? What do you mean by that??”
“No it’s whatever really, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you say, fiddling around with the corner of the blanket. 
You feel Midoriya's hands gently move over to cover yours, pulling you back to look towards him. His eyes searched for an answer within your own and when you continued to stay silent, he said ”Literally if you don't tell me I'm going to spend all night trying to figure it out and you know I won't with how oblivious I am."
You look down at your interlaced hands and reply, “Well, you know, you’re my best friend and I genuinely enjoy spending time with you. Like I don’t think many people make me genuinely as happy as you do and I have feelings for you. I’ve thought about like being with you, but I like friends with you and  I don’t want to weird you out and push you away.” 
Midoriya lets go of your hands and for a moment, you think that this was the end, he was going to move out and never talk to you again. But before you can even register it, he pulls you into his arms and hugs you tight. He pulls you back and shifts his hands from the small of your back to your face, cupping it. His face has a huge grin plastered all over it. “Weird me out? I didn’t want to weird you out! I love spending time with you and I’ve wanted to go out with you for a long time. You don’t realize what a dream come true this is.”
At first, hearing that shocks yu, but then you start to laugh at how silly the situation is. You hug him back, happy to be on the same page. After you both let go, you smile and a moment passes between you two. It's a bit awkward but you know what you both are so happy that it’s okay. “Is it okay if I kiss you now.”
You’d never seen a man nod quicker in your life. “Yeah, yeah, that would be nice,” he replied, trying to play off his nod. Your hand slips to his cheek and you lean in to kiss him. You feel his smile against your lips, making you absolutely giddy. You pull away from him, your face flushed red. You looked up at Midoriya, whose green eyes shone with admiration. He just looked too cute; you couldn’t help but lean back into pepper kisses all over his face. 
With passion, Midoriya's need to hold you became too overwhelming. He gently eased you into his lap, lifting up both legs so they straddled his. Taking you by surprise, he kissed you repeatedly, as if to convince himself that this was no dream. With every separation of his lips from yours, he seemed more and more content. Breathlessly, he asked, "Is it too early for me to ask you to be my girlfriend?"
“Absolutely not,” you say, snaking your arms around his neck. You pour every drop of affection and joy you had for Midoriya into the kiss. “This is like a dream come true,” you thought.
You two spent the rest of the night, cuddling with each other as you finished the movie. “I never thought I’d say this, but I’m so glad that guy flaked on you,” Midoriya said, kissing you softly on the forehead. 
You chuckle, leaning on his shoulder. “I couldn’t agree more.”
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blessthegulag · 27 days
I Hate You
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Pairing: Alejandro Vargas x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your car suffers an accident, and you end up with no signal in the Mexican wilderness.
Warnings: Reader speaks Spanish (but is not necessarily a native speaker), Alejandro and reader hate each other, spanglish, unprotected sex, p in v, car sex, hinting at possible feelings (blink and you miss it), Alejandro and reader are very mean to each other, reader is purposefully annoying, not proofread!!
Words: 3.0k
Notes: I’ve been feral lately, so here is an Alejandro fic (I need to be locked and muzzled up). Lots of Spanglish (because I’m a Spanish queen) and possible grammatical errors bc English is not my first language. Maybe I’ll do a part 2 down the line bc this can’t end like this?
Also, the fic is heavily influenced by @XCaliper’s c.ai Alejandro Vargas chat.
Part 1 Part 2
The humming of the car filled the silence between Alejandro and you. The road was empty, dark due to the moonless night. The gentle hum of the AC refreshed your beat up face after a long mission, one that was assigned to both Coronel Vargas and you.
As always, every dreaded time that you had to work with him, it ended bad for you two.  You didn’t understand each other, your ways differed to be considered healthy. 
Still, somehow, you complimented each other perfectly when it came to work. Amidst the clash of personalities, you two found that there was no better pairing, as much as you hated it.
Today was one of those days where, apart from a successful mission, you ended up yelling at each other. That moment of peace in the car was nothing but a truce until you two reached the base. 
A slight disturbance, and hell would set loose. 
And that’s what happened. 
A pronghorn came out of nowhere, jumping into the road. 
One second, and the car spun out of control. The tires screeched, Alejandro tried maneuvering, but to no avail. 
You hit some cactuses, impromptu halting in a ditch. 
You tried breathing in, but the airbag had punched you straight in your chest. You swallowed, confused, your ears ringing from the impact. Smoke was coming out of the hood, the engine hummed one last time before finally turning off, letting in the distant sounds of the Mexican countryside. 
You stepped out of the car, coughing. The gasses on the airbag were strong, and they had already attacked your lungs before you could realize. 
Alejandro appeared from the other side of the car, more composed than you. He still was shaken, confused, but in a better position than you. 
“Pinche venado cabrón,” he spat, the rage in his voice contained by the last thread on sanity in him. “Mira lo que le hizo al carro, pinche suerte de la verga!”
Stupid fucking pronghorn! Look at what it did to the car, damn luck we have!
You looked at him, your demeanor as calm as possible, so as to not anger him further. You took in some air, your hands on your waist, thinking of what the hell would you do now.
“I’m going to call base,” you said, taking out your phone, giving him your back.
“There’s no signal here,” he said in a scolding tone. “I already tried.”
You sighed in frustration. “I’ll try either way.”
Alejandro groaned behind you, his voice merely a frustrated whisper. “Nunca hace caso… pinche terca.”
She never listens… stubborn bitch.
You took your phone, trying to contact the base. Of course, just like Alejandro said, there was no signal. You sighed, tilting your head back. 
“Maybe we could try to get to the nearest town, try to contact the base that way. Not reaching out will alarm them, it's in our best interest to try and do something…”
“It’s not worth it,” he said. “There’s wild dogs, and with Las Almas out there…”
“It’s worth a try. How else are they going to find us?”
The muscles in his jaw tensed at the question, his body fixed in place
“They are waiting for us,” he replied calmly, his voice strained, like he was restraining himself from yelling at you. “In the morning they'll go looking for us.”
“I’m not comfortable accepting defeat like this,” you said, trying to make your tone as confident as possible. “Why don’t…”
“No puedes quedarte callada un segundo, eh?” he spat, his tone harsh, frustrated. “Todo el condenado día hablando…”
You can’t shut up for a second, can you? All the damned day talking…
“I’m just trying to help here, Alejandro,” you replied, already ignited. “Always acting like everything I say is stupid.”
He groaned at the mention of his name passing through your lips, placing his hands on his hips. “Because you are all talk, but you never fucking listen.”
The way he yelled at you almost made you retreat in defeat. He looked angry, annoyed at your every move. It made you boil in anger. 
“Que nunca escucho?” you said in Spanish, scoffing at him. “I do everything you say, Alejandro. Always. You act like you have more power over me than my own superiors. In here, you are nothing but my partner, okay?”
That I never listen?
“In here,” he said, getting close up to your face. “You do as I say, ¿me escuchas? This is Mexico, hermana. No estamos en Colorado, aquí un pie en el fango, and you’re dead.”
You do as I say, you hear me? This is Mexico, sister. We’re not in Colorado, here, you step foot in the mud, and you’re dead.
You pressed your jaw shut, holding eye contact with Alejandro. He looked as bothered as you, stopping the urge of punching you in the face full force. “Don’t act like I’m clueless, Alejandro. You take every chance you get to disrespect me, and I won’t accept any of that shit.”
He was silent for a second, eyes burning in anger and a surprised smirk in his face. “You think it’s bullshit that I’m on your ass about everything? Princesa, you don’t listen, everything is always a damn argument, and act like your fuck ups are everyone else’s fault. I’m not on your ass, I’m here to fix your stupid mistakes!”
You nodded at the floor, disregarding everything he said. Then, out of nowhere, you went up to the car, and took your assault rifle. You checked for bullets, made sure that the flashlight worked. 
When you were ready, you started walking away from the car. 
You felt Alejandro’s stare on you, the second it took for him to understand what was going on giving you more time to walk away. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” He said, starting to follow you.
“Somewhere where you’re not getting on my nerves.”
His footsteps were heavy and loud, his anger seeping into the ground like poison. 
“You think it’s easy for me to put up with you?” He snapped in response, more in defeat than in anger. 
“You think it’s easy to put up with you, too?” you barked, too composed for what you were feeling at that moment. “Deja de mandarme por un rato, por Dios.”
Leave me alone for a second, for God’s sake.
Those words of yours came out like a whisper, like a rhetorical plea to yourself. It was nothing but a complaint, one that you felt deep in your bones. 
Alejandro brought out the worst from you, turned you into a monster. 
“Stop!” He shouted. “This is ridiculous. Get back in the car!”
You stopped dead in your tracks, almost clashing against Alejandro. “I’m not getting in the fucking car, not with you.”
He reached out and grabbed your arm, his face seeping annoyance through every pore. “Get in the car. Now.”
You shook his hand away, narrowing your eyes. “Don’t fucking grab me like that.”
He sighed in defeat, looking at you in disappointment. “Stop being so difficult.”
You swallowed thick, looking him in the eyes. "I'm not being difficult. You are."
He stepped closer, getting in your space. “You’re infuriating.”
“I hate you,” you spat, empathizing every word, your eyes focused on him. 
Alejandro pressed his jaw shut, his eyes scanning you whole. He had never been disrespected like that, much less by a teammate; by a subordinate. 
It left him speechless. 
There was a pause, where neither of you faltered. Gaze on each other, a showcase of pride. The air between you was heavy, asphyxiating. 
You could feel the frustration radiating off him, your anger trampled by the sour sensation of heat. Your chest heaved slightly, your breath on his. 
Then, his eyes flickered to your lips for a split second, then back to your eyes. 
Before you could react, his hand shot out, cupping the back of your neck, pulling you closer. His lips clashed on yours, demanding, dominant. His body pressed against yours, making a rush of heat curse through your insides. He was kissing you like you were the air he needed to breathe, grabbing you in a way that made you feel weak at the knees. 
You were animals, tasting each other's mouths in desperation, feeling the softness of each other, that same sensation fueling the need to get closer. A low groan escaped his throat, vibrating through your body. 
Alejandro's kiss was bruising, relentless, as if he was pouring all his frustration and desire into it. The tension that had been simmering between you for so long erupted in this kiss, and there was no holding back. You nipped at his lower lip, eliciting a growl from deep within his chest, and his grip on you tightened.
The taste of him was intoxicating, a mix of anger and need that made your head spin. You felt his breath hitch as your hands went to rest on the sides of his neck, your thumbs reaching over to his jaw. 
For a moment, you felt as if you were caught in a storm. Alejandro’s kiss was raw, intense, full of hatred. 
It made you want to kiss him again. 
“Sube al carro,” he whispered against your lips. 
Step in the car.
You pulled back slightly, your eyes locked onto his. The command in his voice sent a shiver down your spine, and despite the chaos of the moment, you couldn't help but feel a thrill at his dominance. You nodded, unable to form words, your mind still reeling from the kiss.
Alejandro's eyes bore into yours, the anger and desire still blazing. He let go of you just enough to allow you to move, and you stumbled slightly as you turned towards the car. Your heart was pounding, your lips still tingling from the intensity of his kiss.
The moment you were both inside the back of the car, he was on you again, his hands pulling you towards him. He pulled you on his lap, his hands starting to undo your tactical vest, leaving you only with your shirt. 
His mouth moved to your neck, giving soft, hot kisses that had you moaning his name, running your fingers through his hair. He smelled of cologne, his natural scent battling for dominance, sending your whole body into overload. It had you grinding on him, whimpering, desperate to have him in the most intimate way possible. 
The car soon heated up, the leather of the seats becoming a sticky trap. Gasping for air, you took Alejandro’s tactical vest off, your hands feeling up his torso, the nylon of his long sleeved jacket rough against your calloused hands, making you want to take it off of him then and there. 
Alejandro placed his hands on your waist, tugging on your shirt, dragging it up your torso. It felt like an eternity, giving you goosebumps all over your body. You breathed in, trying to find his gaze. Instead, he was looking at your semi-nude torso in awe, the muscles in his jaw tensing, hands caressing the sides of your body. His touch was like fire, leaving a trace of tingly skin there where he touched, leaving you begging for more. 
You placed your hands on his chest, grinding on him, practically riding him with clothes on. He moaned, guiding your hips through his lap, the friction maddening, sweet torture that was leaving you more frustrated than before. 
His eyes finally met yours, dark, intense. He looked hungry, lost in the moment. You leaned in, capturing his lips like a feral animal, the heat burning you from the inside. In the midst of it, you felt his hands on your back, trailing to your bra. Before you could even react, he already had it in his hand, throwing it somewhere in the car. 
With a growl, Alejandro broke the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck, biting and sucking on the sensitive skin. Your head fell back, a moan escaping your lips as his mouth found one of your breasts. Feeling him like that made you melt, the car supporting your body the only thing keeping you from losing your mind. 
His tongue flicked over your nipple, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from you. He nipped at your skin, just enough to send shivers down your spine, the sensation maddening, a mix of pleasure and pain that left you craving for more. 
Then, in a swift motion, he moved you to the side, leaving you longing for his attention, mewling at the lack of contact. Alejandro found his way to your cargo pants, undoing the belt, ripping it from your body. You helped him get rid of your boots, and soon your pants flew to the front of the car. You took off his jacket, the bare skin of his torso illuminated by the little light that the stars managed to give.
Before he could get on top of you, you pressed a hand on his chest, hopping on top of him. There, you found his mouth desperately, hungry for more of him. You unzipped his pants, sliding one of your hands inside of them. Alejandro gasped, his lips on yours, giving small pecks as you explored, wrapping your hand around his cock.  
He groaned, the sound vibrating against your lips as you stroked him, your movements slow and deliberate. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the tension coiled tight within him. His hands gripped your hips, urging you to move closer, to give him more.
You obliged, positioning yourself over him. He grabbed your thong out of the way, letting you guide his cock to your entrance. You could see the desire in his eyes, the impatience. Slowly, you lowered yourself on him, getting filled inch by inch. You saw Alejandro moan, grab your hips, helping you into his cock. Once your soaking pussy had taken him whole, you looked at him, your mouth agape, lost, deaf, the pleasure overtaking your soul.  
His hands roamed over your body, squeezing your breasts, running down your back, gripping your ass as he thrusted into you. You trembled on top of him, his thickness making you feel whole, like your life’s purpose was to get fucked like that. 
You began to move, rocking your hips against him, finding a rhythm that had you both gasping for air. Alejandro’s eyes never left yours, in awe of your moves, of the indecent sounds of your body slapping against his. His skin burned, the windows were foggy, the air hot, smelling of raw, animalistic sex. 
Every movement sent waves of pleasure through you, amplified by the hand that had slipped down to your clit, pleasuring yourself with urgency. Your breaths came in short, sharp bursts, all landing on Alejandro’s ear. His hands tightened on your ass, guiding you into his cock, each time rougher, harder. The friction, the heat, the sensation of him deep inside you, tearing you apart in the most addicting way possible was overwhelming, maddening. 
"Más fuerte," he groaned, his voice rough, primal. "No pares."
Harder. Don’t stop.
You increased your pace, your hips moving in desperate urgency, looking to break him, to leave him begging for you. From below, he started thrusting into you, meeting your movements with his own. The car seemed to close around you, making you focus on each thrust, each moan, the way in which the car shaked. 
You rode him with abandon, your body moving instinctively, lost in the rhythm, the heat, the pleasure. Your fingers were working on your clit, sending shockwaves through your body, making you moan, begging him not to stop. 
He was filling you perfectly, using you like his own personal slut, thrusting in like an animal, your free hand the only thing keeping you where you were. 
Soon, Alejandro's moans became background noise, a distant reminder of what was happening. Your body reacted before you did, squeezing his cock, spiking your heart rate through the roof. You mewled his name, lost. His thrusts became softer, longer, making you cry out. You pressed your face on the crook of his neck, moaning desperately, riding out your orgasm as best as you could. 
The waves of pleasure crashed over you, your body trembling uncontrollably. Alejandro's hands tightened on your hips, his own climax imminent. He groaned deeply, your pussy still milking him, driving him insane.
You became undone on top of him, your only purpose to pleasure him, to get used to the best of your abilities. 
Alejandro took it very seriously, his hands bruising your hips, thrusting into you relentlessly, whimpering as his orgasm approached. He found your gaze, grabbing the back of your neck, groaning, drilling into you like an animal. 
His moans came out sharp, irregular. His cock twitched inside of you, the heat of his orgasm making you grab onto him, focus on his eyes as he cummed deep inside you. 
Time stopped for a while. He was gasping for air, his eyes lost in yours, making out what had just happened. One of your hands found his chest, still beating hard, where you stabilized yourself, looking at him in the same way, clueless, in between surprised and ashamed. 
Alejandro pulled you closer, bringing  you back to reality, distracting you from your own thoughts. His hands rested on your waist, locking you in place. Your face pointed to the door, where you could almost make out the shape of what was behind the fog on the window. 
Sweat dripped from both of you, your bodies tangled, still connected. His body radiated heat off to you, his chest moving up and down against yours, his heart beating at a normal pace. 
You two were sticky, exhausted.
Silence filled the car, the cold of the night seeping in, sending shivers down your spine. 
Then, clarity set in. You realized what you had just done. 
With whom. 
It made you want to run away. But for the first time since you two met, he looked calm, non-threatening. A tamed beast. 
That, though, still didn’t take away from the disgust you felt for yourself. It didn’t excuse how much you had fucked up.
“This doesn’t change anything,” you whispered. 
He squeezed your hip, kissing your shoulder, knowing it was the last time you would accept that sort of affection from him. 
“Lo sé.”
I know.
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obsessedelusional · 7 months
Dangerous Woman
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paring ✦ konig x fem!reader
summary ✦ Konig can’t stand you but you know he’s full of lies. One day it hits you, you’ve never seen his face. As an attempt to make him drop his mask, you give him a hug. It awakens something inside him causing the quiet man to beg for more of your attention.
word count ✦ 4.2k
authors note ✦ the konig brain rot has been so real I need this man immediately so this is my FIRST TIME writing for him, anyways I’m not versed in the cod universe so be nice pls bc the fuck I look like know jack diddly about the military ok I’m learning ):
Feedback & Reblogs are helpful and extremely appreciated ♡ (was obsessedmunson)
⊹ ��� ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
Konig couldn’t stand you. He thought you were the most annoying person he had ever met. At least that’s what he lead everyone. You knew better though, able to see through his annoyed facade. He’s was a fairly quiet man but you enjoyed his company. Forming a tiny crush that you assumed would go nowhere with the quiet giant. Before you joined the team he was often alone. Now you’d make a point to include him in everything, dragging him along where ever you went. He pretended to hate it every time knowing damn well he longed for the knock on his door, praying that it was you to bother him.
You were the newest to the group, only part of the crew for six months. Not once had you seen under his mask. It never really crossed your mind until one day when the two of you were sat alone in the commons area. He’s sat there reading when it hits you. You have no idea what Konig looks like. You get up from where you’re sat, he looks up almost immediately watching you approach him.
“What?” He questions, eyes on you as you sit next to him on the couch.
“What’re you hiding under there?” You ask, now inches away from his masked face.
“My face.” He replies flatly, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Can I see?” You ask as your fingers graze the hem of his mask ready to pull it up if he gives you permission.
“Do not touch.” He spits, grabbing your wrist tightly. You quickly wiggle your arm out of his embrace.
“Please.” You smile, backing away.
“Nein.” He says his attention back on the book.
“Come on. Aren’t we friends? You see my face everyday it’s only fair.” You respond, trying to reason with him.
“No we’re not.” He says this too quickly, not registering the words before the come out. Immediately filled with regret but it’s too late, your face is already filled with shock.
“It’s a waste of time. Don’t bother me about it anymore.” He adds, regretting every word that leaves his mouth. He closes his book and stands up to leave but you refuse to drop the topic, following him.
“It is not a waste of time because you’re not a waste of time.” You say, still being kind to him even when he’s not. It takes a moment for your words to sink in, before he turns back and stares at you.
"Oh, really?" His eyebrows raise, voice dripping in sarcasm.
“Yes really.”
“I don’t understand. Why do you care?” He questions, hoping you’ll drop it knowing you won’t.
“Because I do. I don’t think you’re nearly as scary as you present yourself as. I think you’re putting on a front so nobody can get close.” You explain, being more vulnerable than you have been with him before.
"Prove it. Make me drop the act right here and now." His gaze is unflinching, boring into you as he waits for you to do something. You two sit there in silence for a moment, looking at each other. You take him by surprise when you close the distance, wrapping your arms around his waist. Hugging him softly. He freezes for a moment, before stiffening.
"...What the h-hell are you doing?" His voice is soft, confused. You don’t respond, hugging him tighter.
“Get… off me.” He says, pushing you away. His voice is a whisper as he says it. His mind is racing, trying to understand what just happened. Only to look down at you, seeing you stood there looking up at him through your lashes causes a heat to rise inside him.
"W-Why did you... do that?" He shakes his head, slowly rubbing his neck. The warm feeling spreads through his body, as if your small gesture has awakened something within him.
“Making you drop the act.”
“I hated that.” He mutters, through gritted teeth.
“Sure you did.” You joke, tone letting him know you don’t believe him. Without warning and before he can respond, you turn to leave. He’s more confused than before, watching you go. Wishing you would stay. He decides to follow you, keeping a small distance.
"Where are you going?" His voice is filled with annoyance, but the concern for your well-being is still there - just hidden beneath layers of toughness.
“Why do you care?” You ask.
“Because I do. Just answer my question.” He says glaring at you but his voice laced with amusement.
“That’s crazy. All I had to do was give you a hug and now you’re following me around and suddenly caring.” You laugh, he doesn’t find it as funny.
"Shut up. I didn't say I cared about you-" He trails off, the words dying on his lips. Causing your smile to grow.
“Just imagine what would happen if I actually got my hands on you.” You say, tone more flirty than you had intended. You can’t see it but his face flushes a deep red.
"What... get your hands on me? What do you mean? What’re you trying to do to me?" He bites his tongue, trying to hold in the growing embarrassment.
“I don’t know. What do you want me to do?” You ask, forcing him to be the one to initiate something more.
“Get lost," he whispers. But he doesn't mean it, and you can tell. The idea of being with you, in that way, makes him uncomfortable, but excited.
“Fine. I’ll get lost.” You say before attempting to leave this situation again. He watches you walk away, noticing the sway of your hips. Those legs... those thighs. A slight pang of jealousy, and lust, shoots up his spine. A dark desire, growing within.
"Wait.” He whispers, causing your ears to perk up and stop you in your tracks.
“Yes?” You smile, facing him.
“Can we go somewhere more… private?” He asks.
"I don't care. Just somewhere... quiet." His hand reaches out and he slowly brushes his fingertips against your arm.
"...Please?" He begs, gaze heavy on you trying to gauge your reaction. The sight of this 6’10 quiet giant begging for you’re attention, has your stomach doing flips. So incredibly ready to make him beg more.
“Are you sure you can handle me?” You ask. Wanting him to know exactly what he’s getting himself into. Not sure if his quiet, anxious self could keep up with you.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" His question is asked with a smirk, as he tries to mask the excitement growing within his body.
"Either way, I am not scared of you." He adds, looking down on you.
“Maybe you should be.”
"And why is that?" He chuckles and you notice his eyes lingering on your figure.
“Because all it took was a hug and you folded. I’m gonna have you wrapped around my finger in no time.”
“I doubt that.” He says, crossing him arms against his chest.
“Just wait till you get a taste.” You tease, your hand playfully poking his chest.
"A t-taste.... of what?" His eyes flicker down to your mouth, as an image pops into his mind - an image of him kissing your lips. His breathing grows deep and erratic, causing him to blush furiously under his mask. Even more grateful for it in this moment.
"Y-You need to be careful what you say." He says before you can answer.
“Why? I don’t want to be careful. I know what I want.” You admit, your bluntness is taking him by surprise. He steps forward, towering over you.
"What... exactly... do you want from me?" He narrows his eyes, almost daring you to say it.
“I want to make you feel so good that you come crawling back for more.” You admit, moving closer. His body stiffens, his eyes widening in surprise. He can barely believe his ears, the blood rushing to his face.
"Y-You are..." His voice drops to a hoarse whisper, "...a very dangerous woman."
“You really want to make me feel that way?” He asks as he runs his hand through his hair, as he tries to gather his wits. You respond with a nod.
"Then... show me." His words hang in the air, as his body slowly draws closer to yours. Your eyes flicker down his form, taking in every inch of his muscles. The tension in the air rises, both of you wanting the same thing, yet neither of you daring to go the extra step forward.
“Ahh but I can’t. You won’t even take off your mask.” You say, your teasing sends chills down his spine.
"...You know exactly what you're doing to me. You’re going to make me loose all control of myself." He sighs accepting defeat.
“Just give me all the control. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
"Why should I?" He tilts his head, his eyes locking onto yours.
"What do you want me to do? Get on my knees? Beg for you?" His voice drops, becoming a quiet whisper realizing what he’s done.
“Actually now that you mention it…” You respond, biting your lip. Testing your limits with him, see how far he’ll go.
"You're evil." His voice is husky, lips trembling slightly. For some reason, he wants to give in. To do as you please.
“Beg.” You demand, voice suddenly a lot more serious than before. His face flushes, but his pride stops him from giving in to you. He clenches his teeth, struggling with everything he has not to give in to your command.
"Beg you, huh?" His voice is rough now, cracking a little. With each passing second, the idea becomes more tempting.
"And what if I... refuse?" He questions, hoping there’s another route to get what he wants out of this.
“Then we can stop this right here and go our separate ways.” You respond, flatly. His pride battles with the desire to have you. It's a losing battle, but he still tries to fight back.
"...You're bluffing." He’s looking at you, waiting for you to take it back. You don’t.
"Why would you back down?" His eyes glance at your thighs, the curves of your body. His heart is racing, breath coming in rapid gasps. The word slips out without thought.
"...Please." He whispers, barely audible.
“Can’t hear you.” You grin, knowing you’re winning this battle. He groans in frustration.
"...Please." This time he says it louder.
“Please what? I need words.”
"Please… T-Touch me." His words are soft and needy, his voice sounding shaky. The need to have you grows overwhelming. All he can think about is having you. Feeling you. Tasting you. When you don’t respond quickly enough he continues.
"Please, please," His voice drops to a whisper. He can’t even look at you as the pleas leave his mouth.
“So needy.” You tease, before grabbing his hand and leading him straight to your bedroom. Once alone you push him ever so gently onto your bed. His large frame falls, sitting at the edge of the bed waiting for further instruction. You eye him up and down before, tugging at his mask. When he doesn’t stop you, you pull it off. You stand in front of him, face to face as he sits there.
The two of you sit in silence for some time as you take in his features. His piercing blue eyes, surrounded by smudged black paint is the first thing you take notice of. Moving onto the mop of dirty blonde hair on his head, matching his thick brows. His face has a few scars, is scattered with freckles, and light stubble. The largest scar, cuts through his strong jaw and up his face. You lightly trace it with you finger, he shudders under your light touch. Nobody has touched his face in years. The feeling foreign. He looks at you, worried waiting for you to have a reaction. Whether it be negative or positive, he needs you to say anything at this point.
“You’re beautiful.” You smile, softly cupping his jaw causing him to smile and his cheeks to flush red. He stays silent, his eyes glued to your lips. Every inch that you move closer is a torment, your lips mere inches away from his now. Your breath is warm and sweet, making him want to grab you and kiss you. He wants you to have all the control though, so he begs.
"Oh god... please.” His muscles tense, every nerve in his body begging to touch you.
“Such a good boy.” You laugh softly before pressing your lips to him and finally give him what he so desperately craves. He freezes in your grasp, eyes fluttering shut. His heart beats out of his chest, every fiber of his being filled with a mix of euphoria and shame - both feeling equally delicious. His fingers dig into your hips, grasping onto you.
"Y-You can't... make me feel this way..." He mutters when you pull away to breath.
“How am I making you feel?” You question, wanting to hear all the details. His fingertips slide up your thighs and rest on your waist.
"I-I... I feel like I can't think straight anymore. Like I’m read to do whatever you ask of me." His body trembles with anticipation, eyes searching yours.
“More.. please. I need more.” He begs, his hands pulling you closer.
“So greedy already.” You tease, voice filled with satisfaction. You’ve only kissed this man and he’s desperate for more of your attention. His face is flushed, his body trembling slightly.
"Please... Don't make me wait." He moves a little closer, eyes slowly trailing over you. With out warning your lips are on his again, pushing him further onto the bed. Before you know it, your straddling his body as he lays on his back. His hands are frantic, moving up and down you. Unsure of where to begin, afraid he’s going to miss out on something. As you press your weight onto him, you can feel how hard he is for you. Mentally taking note of how big he feels, through all the layers of clothing. Both of you audibly gasp as you grind on him.
“More.” He croaks into the kiss, causing you to laugh before giving in. Kissing down his jaw, nibbling softly as you kiss down his neck. He breaths hard, a slew of words in a language you don’t understand leave his mouth. His accent heavier than normal. He’s well aware of the marks your leaving and he doesn’t care. Knowing his mask will cover them.
When you pull away, his disappointment is evident. Only to be subdued when he realizes what you’re doing. Your fingers, are reaching for the hem of your shirt. Slowly pulling it over your head. He watches in awe as you, undo the back strap of your bra. As you throw it off to the side he’s looking at you like he’s waiting for permission.
“You can….” Before you can even finish, his mouth has one of your breast licking at your nipple. His other hand is kneading at your second breast, letting your nipple pinch between his fingers. Shutting you up real quick, as you arch into his touch. Letting soft moans leave your lips that stay parted slighty as he does his work. He looks up at the sight of you enjoying yourself and he can feel himself getting more worked up, not realizing that was even possible.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He whispers, letting your nipple slip out of his mouth. You start pulling at his shirt and he helps you remove it. His chest is littered with scars you kiss so softly down his chest, letting your hands explore all this new area.
Each kiss is like a jolt of electricity, sending a rush through his body. His body trembles with every touch, barely able to keep himself still. He looks like a feral beast, trying everything in his power not to take what he desires.
"It's all yours... I'm yours... whatever you want...." His voice is hoarse, as he watches your mouth on his body. Your lips send him into a dizzying trance, his heartbeat increasing with every passing moment.
“Good boy.” You grin, focusing on his pants. His breathing grows quick and heavy, his hands clench into fists. His body trembles, as he stares intently at your actions. Watching you as you unbuckle his pants, pulling them down slowly. He fights back against his urges, trying desperately to keep control. But... he can't. You've pulled him out of his shell, bringing out a more primal side of him.
"W-What are you...?" His voice trails off as your start palming his hard on through his boxers. He groans in pleasure, letting his head fall back onto the bed. It terrifies him how much he’s enjoying this.
“I’m gonna reward you for being a good boy.” You purr, pulling his boxers down. Finally letting his cock breath. You grasp it at the base, it’s heavy as you make it stand straight up. He bites his lower lip, trying to maintain his composure.
"I... I can't handle this..." He groans, already so overwhelmed and you haven’t done anything yet. His heart races, body trembling in lust and your start to move your wrist up and down.
"What have I become?" He thinks out loud, looking down at you with his shaft in your hand. But it's too late now - his body is no longer his, it belongs to you. He bites his lower lip, unable to look away from what you’re doing to him.
"...I'm yours... do... do whatever you want.” As soon as he’s able to get those words out, you kiss his tip before swirling your tounge around it.
“Fuck.” He groans, involuntarily bucking his hips. Emitting a laughter from you, he doesn’t care because suddenly your lips part and begin to suck him off. Your cheeks hallow as you move up and down his cock. It’s too big, so your hands move around the base of shaft while your mouth focuses on the top half.
It’s taking everything in will power to not grab the back of your head and force you to take it all, not wanting to take more than your willing to give. Not wanting to do anything that would cause you to stop. After all you said he was suppose to give you full control. The two of you are making eye contact as you continue to suck. He can’t help it when his hands find your hair, just wanting to touch you. He moans as you test your gag reflex, pushing his cock deeper into the back of your throat. His native language leaves his mouth roughly as the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat. You gag before pulling away, your lips slick and swollen. A long string of salvia hangs from your chin and attaches to his dick. You wipe away at your chin, using that salvia to pump his shaft with your hand. Spiting all the built up salvia onto him as your continue to pump his cock.
Your swollen lips form a smile as you watch him lose himself under your touch. This giant killing machine is putty under your touch, willing to do whatever you asked of him and you were going to see just how far he’d go for you. He watches you, grunting as you continue to jack him off. Wondering what’s got you smiling, terrified but excited for what’s to come next. When you pull away, he waits. He watches as you start to pull your pants off, taking your underwear with them. They fall to the floor, he gulps as you climb back onto him.
You let your cunt rest on his cock, he shutters at the new feeling. You start rolling your hips, teasing his cock with your pussy. Moans leave your lips as it bumps your clit and teases your hole. Mentally preparing for the stretch that’s about to come. It’s not enough for him so he starts to beg again.
“Please… I need you.” Your movements have sent his heart into an emotional whirlwind. His body craves to have you.
"More..." His voice is hoarse, and his eyes are glued to your movements. You lift your body, pushing yourself up onto you knees before grabbing his cock and lining it up with your hole. Slowly sinking down, allowing him to fill you up. A hint of pain finds you as, his cock stretches you out inch by inch. You sit there for a few moments, letting your core adjust to this new reality.
He lays still, watching as his cock disappears into your cunt. Music to his ears are the groans that leave your mouth, accompanied by the wet sounds of your pussy being split. He mutters a few curse words once you’ve fully taken his full length. A few moments later, you start rolling your hips slowly. The both of you moaning at the movement, his hands finding your hips. His fingers digging into your skin. His eyes lock onto yours. Your hips move slow, painfully slow.
“I.. please….” He whimpers, desperate for more. You slow down even more, smirking. Enjoying the sight of him suffering under you.
“Words. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you want.” You smile, moving your hips. Your hands resting on his chest to hold yourself up.
“Faster, please. I need more..” His voice breaks, as he tightens his grip around your waist. He feels like he's going insane, his mind spinning at the sensation. You give in, your pace quickens. Grinding in a relaxed rhythm, not wanting to give him it all so quickly. His hands continue to dig into hips, not wanting to let go. Pushing you deeper onto his cock. He begins bucking his own hips under you, adding to your pleasure.
Before you know it he’s begging for more. Please so easily leaving his lips, getting more comfortable begging for what he wants. As you fuck him, he’s in heaven watching your every moment. His breath is ragged while his body is trembling under your touch. Your rhythm turns more frantic as you speed up. Breathy moans leaving both of you as your tempo is unrelenting.
You let yourself lean back, your arms find his thighs as you never stop moving. You continue to fuck his cock at a brutal pace. Only now the way your leaning back giving him an ever better view. He can’t look away from the sight of your pussy, grinding so masterfully on his own cock. You can feel heat pooling in your lower back, you’re close. Needing something more to send you over the edge. You start massaging your clit, overwhelming your senses. He realizes quickly, getting more turned on at the thought of you only using him for your own pleasure. Not paying him all that much attention as your eyes shutter close, curse words leaving your lips. Your touch causing your cunt to tighten on his cock, leading him to more pleasure.
Your nerves are on fire as your fingers stay playing with your clit. Poorly holding back your moans as you can feel yourself chasing your climax. Your hips stutter, walls flutter around his cock as you come undone. The sight of you being push over the edge is enough to push him. His muscles tighten before he empties his load inside of you. Yours hips keep moving, only more lazily milking every last drop of his seed. Eventually you come to a stop, with his cock still inside you kiss him tiredly. Both of your juices mixing, dripping out of you and onto him. A mess created where the two of you are joined. Konig kisses you back, hands pulling you closer as you keep his cock warm.
The next morning Konig opens his eyes, and looks around to find you gone. His eyes dart around, trying to take in what happened last night. It was real, but a part of him is still in disbelief. Looking for any sign of you still being here but there isn’t any. His mind is still spinning, the events of the night playing in his mind. He groans slightly, getting out of the bed just to take in the morning sun. But he can't shake the feeling you left him, as the last remnants of last night linger. He gets a start to his day, mind racing with the worst possible reasons as to why you were gone. Maybe you regretted last night? Was he not good enough? Did you use him? You made him feel so many things, he gave you full control. And you couldn’t even be there when he woke up. He’s more confused than ever, hoping he’d see you today at some point.
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louissolovely · 8 months
summary- Matt dating fem reader
warnings- none I don’t think
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✩DATES I feel like dates for Matt consist of food and literally doing anything together 😭 (very simple guy) you guys could be sitting at the kitchen counter or in his car eating Taco Bell and laughing from scrolling through TikTok and bro will go home thinking you guys just had the most romantic date ever. It’s honestly super cute because he never gets bored of you and just being there with you makes him feel happy. (Cue nothing by Bruno mars☝🏽)
✩COMPLIMENTS bro is the rizzler idc what you or yo mamma says. He knows exactly what has you kicking and giggling and what makes you bust out laughing. Especially when guys come up to you and say something corny, he can tell how hard your trying to keep in your laugh to not hurt the poor guys feelings which makes him want to laugh even more. It’s honestly adorable when he compliments you because it’s literally out of nowhere. Which is why it makes your heart flutter every time because how genuine it is. “Wait when did you get your nails done? They look so good baby let me see” and he takes your hand SHOOT ME NOW OMG
✩LOVE LANGUAGE is 100% quality time. He’s always trying to invite you places and when you simply cannot show up he feels like you most literally never want to speak to him again. You’ve never felt so terrible. You always make it up to him tho which makes him feel a tiny bit better. Most of the time tho he understands but still tries to throw in a slight joke cause why not. “You’re not coming? Well just say you want to break up damn.” You never find it funny😭. He’s always trying to get you into every vlog and car video. He just wants to be in your presence 24/7 and you don’t mind not one bit. Unless you do then you’re literally lying but wtv. He also feels like he needs you to be there in case he really needs you. If he’s getting jumped by his brothers and losing an argument he’s 100% sure he’s correct about (the horror and betrayal on his face when you tell him he’s wrong) or if he’s scared to do something on his own and needs you to help or simply do it for him. He’s just so boyfriend ugh I can’t do it.
✩KISSING omfg I’ve been waiting for this moment. FOREHEAD AND SHOULDER KISSES BRO. You can tell this has been on my mind for a while. He’s just so sweet with it too he’ll just grab you face and plant a cute ass kiss on your forehead ughhhhhhh I hate this man. Or if he’s comforting you and your face is in his neck and he’s rubbing your back and he places kisses on your shoulder. Bonus points if you’re sitting on his lap.
✩ANNOYING THINGS HE DOES I feel like he can be your favorite person and your worst enemy at the same time. He definitely just randomly jabs you in the side with his finger. Bro idk if this has ever happened to you guys but that shit doesn’t fucking tickle it HURTS SO BAD. And he’ll just keep doing it whenever for whatever. At the most random times too like it’ll be dead silent and he just jabs you in the ribs with the straightest face while your body just gives the most dramatic reaction. He doesn’t care how much you hate it actually he’ll keep on😭. It makes you laugh most of the time and you’ll complain but sometimes your just not in the mood and you get so annoyed and give the most attitude cause what is he doing..he looks at you with furrowed brows “what is wrong with you??” And start just attacking you and jabbing you everywhere possible and you are hurting. You’re trying to yell and be mad but it turns into laughing and now you’re just stuck like that. Sorry
That’s it I’m going to bed but Matt is tloml just needed this to be cleared🫶🏽
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jelliedink · 2 months
Little Revenge
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Warnings: smut, cheating!, pet names, older man/younger woman, boss/employee, power dynamic Picture is not mine. Divider by @thecutestgrotto
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“You’ve fucked your wife thinking about me before, haven’t you?”
Your boss, with whom you’ve been chatting for the past hour, nearly choked on his drink.
“Excuse me, but where did that come from?”
It wasn’t the smoothest delivery, but you just couldn’t think of a better way of introducing the topic and you were afraid of losing the courage to do so. You’ve been babysitting his daughters sporadically for almost 2 years now, as you did with many other children in your university campus’ neighborhood. Everything was fine until about 8 months ago, when his work schedule became flexible enough to allow him to always spend some time in the house most of the days you were there. Before this you dealt almost exclusively with his wife, meeting her at the start and the end of every shift. Since this change, though, Ian was the one you spoke the most to.
At first, you didn’t mind it. It was quite nice, actually. Ian was reliable, pleasant and seemed to genuinely care for you. When with you he was always trying to lift the mood, asking about how things were going in your life and offering advice. 
But then he seemed way too interested in you, and his wife, previously sweet and warm towards you, became increasingly harsher and nitpicky.
“I have a theory for what the real reason why Mrs Allen fired me is. When you started staying at home I didn’t think too much of it, but it became difficult to believe you were just being hospitable as you gradually increased the frequency in which you inquired me about my love life and found excuses to touch me in ways that would make your wife fire me on the spot if she saw.”
Ian’s charming face changed its expression from its typical amicable neutrality to a condescending look.
“Darling, I think we have a great misunderstanding here.”
Your heart started beating faster, the voice in your head that said you got it all wrong getting louder by the minute. But now there was nowhere to go but forward.
“Mr Allen, I’m not mad at you. I’m actually kind of flattered, you know? To have an attractive and successful man such as yourself look at me in that way. I’m mad because I can’t get other jobs in the neighborhood because, as told by some of the other nannies, Mrs Allen has been warning all the mothers about her shameless babysitter that appears to be trying to sleep with her husband.”
His face didn’t change.
“I’m sincerely sorry about that, and rest assured you’ll be compensated for the trouble my wife’s actions brought you, but I still can’t see how that led you to such an unusual question.”
“Are you really not going to drop the act?” His insistent denial made you so nervous you felt almost dizzy. What if you were making a fool of yourself? “That’s a shame, really, because I was looking forward to letting you know how the real thing feels.”
Upon hearing this last statement, Ian confusion and disbelief flashed through his face, breaking the mask for a moment. Then his eyes filled with amusement as he answered you.
“My dear, aren’t you something?”
He got up from where he was sitting to get closer to you, squatting down in front of your seat in order to bring his face to your level. His initial defensiveness seemed to almost disappear, curiosity replacing it as he questioned you, eyebrows raised: 
“Aren’t you afraid of the consequences in case you turn out to be incorrect?”
You were. But you also knew your reputation was already unsalvageable, so you didn’t see how it could get any worse.
“It’s not like anyone is going to believe me, so I have nothing to lose anymore, I thought I might as well try and get something positive out of this whole situation.”
He let out a hum of acknowledgement and stayed silent for a while, his eyes fixed on you while trying to decide if you were telling the truth or if it was some sort of elaborate joke. Seeing that he was not yet fully convinced, you decided to face his gaze and say something you thought would help him make a favorable decision.
“You know, I’ve only been with guys my age before and it has been really disappointing. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t secretly hoping for you to show me what a real man feels like.”
Ian let out a loud, amused laugh at your flirting attempt. His lips were still curled when his hands touched your chin.
“And to think I’ve been chastising myself for feeling attracted to the young, innocent little thing I thought you were.” He let out a series of “tsk”, feigning disappointment at you. “I feel tempted to take up your offer, missy, but I have a condition.”
“What is it?”
“You’ll do exactly as I say and, once we start, I’m not going to stop. So, are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes.” You nodded almost immediately. “But I have a condition of my own, too.
His eyes filled with curiosity.
“Oh, do you, kitten? And what is it?”
“Fuck me in the master bedroom. I want to have the satisfaction of knowing your wife will be sleeping in the same bed you fucked me in.”
Your request caught him by surprise, making him look at you with a mix of disbelief and delight. 
“My, my, how did such a petty little devil make her way into my peaceful home? Alright, I can do that for you.” He closed the distance between your faces in a kiss, wrapping one arm around your shoulders and the other behind your knees. “Up we go.”
You hid your face in the crook of his neck while he carried you, unsure of what to do next, until he laid you on the bed.
“Here we are, sweetheart. I must admit, I thought you were smarter than this.” The condescending tone came back while he gently stroked your cheeks with his thumbs. “Lucky me.”
He didn’t give you time to fully understand what he said before he kissed you firmly. It didn’t take long until you were straddling him, his hands traveling through your body, eventually finding their way under your dress. For a moment it felt like he was looking for something on your bare skin, until he broke the string of kisses and looked at you with a grin.
“Of course you’re not wearing underwear.”
“In case you needed more convincing.” You answered, suddenly self-conscious of that decision.
“So you were that determined to be my little whore today? What a naughty kitten we have here.”
He immediately started kissing down your neck while you clumsily palmed his abdomen through the polo shirt he was wearing. He took it off right after helping you get out of your dress, and then leaned back for a moment to admire your naked figure with hunger in his eyes.
“Oh, pretty, you look just right.” His hands ran through your upper body, eventually fondling your breasts. “The perfect little toy.”
His mouth joined your body once again, leaving kisses all around your collarbone and chest while your hands tugged lightly at his hair. You moved your hips, trying to find the perfect spot to grind on top of his clothed cock, and you felt him smile when he noticed what you were doing.
“So desperate, grinding on me like you were in heat. Let me see how needy you are.”
One of his hands traveled to your pussy, and he groaned the moment he felt how wet you were. Then he started alternating between slowly rubbing your clit and moving his fingers through the whole length of your cunt, parting your lips and teasing to enter you, only to slide back again. The whole time his eyes were glued on your face, watching your expressions change as he toyed with you. You were way too turned on to feel shy at his gaze.
“Ian, just fuck me already.”
“Of course you do, kitten. But first you’re going to put on a little show for me, ok?” He took his now soaked fingers back to your entrance. “Daddy’s going to curl his fingers up and you’re going to fuck yourself in them.”
“Haven’t you teased me enough already?” you whined, frustrated.
“Princess, you were the one who asked me to show you what it's like to be with a real man. You thought I’d just pound my dick into you mindlessly like the guys your age?” He brought his torso near you and nuzzled his face on your neck, speaking into your ears. “No, pretty. We’re going to be here for a while.” 
Then he leaned back again, curling his fingers as he said he would.
“Now be the good, obedient girl I know you are and fuck yourself on my hand, ok? Don’t make me ask again.”
You obeyed, placing your hands on his shoulders to support yourself while your hips moved up and down, his fingers sliding in and out of your cunt with ease from how slippery you were. 
“Ian…” You started, after a while, panting and almost breathless. “Please, I  need to ride you.”
“‘Need’ is a strong word, kitten. I’m having so much fun watching you act like a horny pet for me.”
“Shhhh…” He shushed you, stuffing your mouth with the same fingers you were riding. “You’re talking way too much for a pet. Be a good kitten and lick my hand clean.”
You sucked and licked all of your slick off his fingers, not breaking eye contact. When you finished he connected your lips again, this time with a kiss that seemed like he wanted to devour you.
“Such a tasty pussy. I’d eat it for hours if you weren’t so needy. Lay on your back for me.”
As you did so he finished undressing himself, hovering on top of you immediately after, one of his hands caressing your tights and propping you to lift it up to his waist.
“Since you’ve been such a good girl, I’ll give you what you want this time.” You let out a loud, obscene moan at the feeling of the head of his dick running across your cunt. “I’m going to fuck your pussy now, ok?” 
He forced all of his dick into you at once, groaning a low “fuck” when he bottomed out. His dick was not that long but the girth felt good. You dug your nails in his back as he started moving his hips, skillfully rolling them towards you while kissing you once more.
“If I knew that little warm cunt felt this good I’d have taken you sooner.” He muttered at your mouth, along with a string of swear words you never thought you would hear from his mouth. “God, listen how fucking wet you are.”
You couldn’t say anything at first, his rhythm leaving you breathless and unable to make any other noise other than pants and moans. But when your cunt adjusted to his size, you started pleading for him to go deeper.
When he heard you, he stopped for a moment to grab a pillow and place it under your lower back, wasting no time sliding back in when you found a good position. 
“Better now?”
“Fucking yes.”
It felt better for him too, and it didn’t take too long before his pace started to get frantic. Then you placed one of your hands on your clit and started rubbing it, moaning even louder at the added stimulation. He moved his lips to your ears and started praising you when he noticed this, saying how pretty you looked stuffed with him, how cute your moans were, how perfect your pussy felt. You felt your orgasm approaching even quicker. 
After you came your arms went limp, barely holding Ian as he came inside you. He then kissed you one last time before falling by your side, both of you catching their breaths. His arms pulled you closer to him, and you laid your head on his chest until he decided to break the silence.
“You are a diamond. You did so, so well”
“The best fuck you’ve had in months?”
He laughed loudly before giving you a peck in the forehead and answering your question.
“You truly are a little devil, aren’t you? But how do you feel?”
“Great. A little ashamed, to be honest, but great.”
He gave your forehead another peck.
“Don’t worry about it, my darling. That was also not my wisest decision, but I enjoyed it very much.”
You hummed and snuggled in his chest even more, unsure on what to do next. Thankfully, it felt like he knew exactly what was going through your mind.
“Here’s what is going to happen now: we’ll take a bath and eat because no man in their right mind would send a woman home like this. Then, you’ll get to decide  if you want to go home after accomplishing your little revenge or if you prefer to spend the weekend with me in the lake house and not have to worry about your bills for a very long time.”
You looked at him, eyes wide with surprise.
“Are you trying to buy me?”
“I’m willing to pay very well for it. But you don’t have to answer me now.”
He started getting out of the bed to prepare a bath, and once it was ready he came back to the room to take you there. When he took you in his arms again you materialized a thought that had appeared.
“I know it sounds silly now, but even though I’m tempted to spend the weekend with you, we’d have to stop by my house for me to get some clothes.”
Hearing this his mouth opened in the most mischievous grin.
“Don’t worry about it, kitten. My wife has a whole closet there for me to fuck you in.”
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It's Who We Have | Part Four
Summary: After Nut's funeral, Billy and his estranged friend share some choice words | Word Count: 3.7k~ | Warnings below the cut!
General Taglist | Billy Washington Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Warnings: language, mentions of neglect, mentions of bullying and sexual assault, islamophobia
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“Take those fucking sunglasses off, you look like a prick.”
Billy winced when he knocked his right hand, bandaged and bloody, holding it close to his body, the other pulling the sunglasses that Paddy hated so much off his face.
“Why didn't you call your sister?”
Billy scoffed, “Like I'm gonna be the first to tell her. She'll find out in her own time.”
Paddy simply sighed from behind the steering wheel, his fingers twitching with the need to say something, but unsure how.
“A fucking Halal butchers? Who put you up to do that?”
Now it was Billy's turn to sigh, “nobody.”
“Oh yeah? Nothing to do with these English Flag-fucking-Crusaders, whatever they're called.”
“Listen mate, please, I don't need this right now.”
Paddy simply let out a frustrated breath, concentrating on now tailgating the car in front of him. Billy slumped in the passenger seat of his friend's car, feeling that Paddy amongst the little remaining group of friends, would be the least judgemental.
Turns out that wasn't true.
Billy resisted to cringe when he heard Paddy's voice on the other line when he'd rung him from the police station, hoping at least that he felt worse than he looked. And he looked pretty shit.
He thought, Lana wouldn't be faring much better.
He could feel the deep, dark judgement and anger seeping off Paddy, in the way he gripped the gearstick and his grunts of annoyance at usual menial things.
God fucking help him if she ever found out.
She'd pretend she didn't want to kill him, but would work on a way to do it in her head before she ever said it.
If he was being honest with himself. He'd had far too much (albeit not as much as Lana) and was angry, upset, annoyed. And he wasn't even sure what at.
At the time, it was easy to be annoyed at anything.
Just so happens the Halal butchers was right in front of him.
“Not told your sister then?” Paddy prodded whilst stopped at a red light.
Paddy was usually so sing-songy in the way he spoke, something carried down through his Irish family. And though he was technically the first of his generation to be born in England, the few times Billy and their mates had gone down to his for drinks, you’d be forgiven for thinking you were right back in the bustling centre of Londonderry, with the statue of Mary placed ceremoniously on the mantelpiece, as well as every shelf in every bedroom.
Not that Paddy himself would describe himself as religious.
Since meeting him in the first year of College, Billy had always tagged him a sort of ‘class clown’. It was easy to laugh when Paddy was around. And whether he meant to or not, he was just funny. 
But here, sat beside him, being interrogated very much like he had felt the night before by the police officers who’d picked him up, that aloof, silliness that Paddy most often wore, was nowhere to be found. 
“Not yet,” Billy answered simply, trying not to fiddle with the damp bandages around his hand. “You gonna?”
Billy shrugged, feeling as if this were only the beginning of the questions that he was likely to get from those closest around him. 
And Paddy need not even say what was on his mind, his fallen expression of disappointment was enough as he pulled up beside Billy’s flat and pulled the handbrake up. 
“Get out my fucking car.”
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The door opened a good ten seconds after she’d knocked, and when Libby’s bright, blonde hair appeared in the doorway, a phone in one hand, her friend looked nothing short of shocked.
“Come in, just on FaceTime with Ami,” she muttered, ushering her in without question and closing the door, “No, no, I’m still here, carry on.”
“So anyway, this old Chinese lady is like ‘oh my god, I love your hair, you’re so lucky’ but she wouldn’t stop fucking touching me!”
She couldn’t help but grin as she heard Ami’s ramblings over the phone and Libby’s dramatic replies, all while they filed into the kitchen to put the kettle on.
“Oh dear, Ami, however will you survive. There’s worse things than people touching your hair.”
“Not fucking much,” Ami answered with a huff, “anyway I’ve gotta go. Hi and bye, misery-guts!”
Libby snickered and turned her phone so that she could at least wave goodbye on the camera. To which she gave halfway between a playful smile and a grimace, and stuck two fingers up at her instead.
Once Libby hung up she snorted, “sarky bitch. Milk, no sugar?”
She nodded, “Yup, please. As long as you’re not too busy acting like a proper sister-in-law.”
Libby scoffed, handing one of her Emma Bridgewater mugs to her and leant back against the kitchen counter, “Abi has yet to pop the question yet, friendo.”
She hummed a laugh, tapping her fingernails against the mug.
“So…you saw him.”
“Unfortunately, yes. At the wake…”
“Jesus Christ. Billy there?”
She huffed a mirthless laugh again, “Unfortunately yes again. Billy punched him in the face.”
Libby cocked her head, a sort of worried grimace on her face, “Cute, I guess? Or stupid.”
The tea burned her tongue, but she was eager to do something to occupy herself, otherwise her thoughts would, “Probably a bit of both.”
“What is the deal with you and Billy?”
There it was. The golden question. An answer she’d like to know herself. 
She sighed, “Libs-”
“I mean, you two used to be thick as thieves and then bam suddenly he can’t talk about you anymore. And now that you’re back, which I love by the way, it’s like whenever he sees you he sees a fucking…ghost or something.”
Suddenly Libby’s bright eyes seem much too intense, and she has to look between her feet to get a grip of herself, sighing as she taps her fingertips on the mug of tea she holds.
“Listen I know he’s not always been there for you in the way you needed-”
“It’s not- I don’t know. I always had this feeling like…he didn’t really like me, just tolerated me.”
She doesn't need to look back up at her friend to know there's a sad expression there. And the moment is so utterly quiet, that she can hear the neighbour next door mowing their lawn, both the smell and haze of fresh grass drifting lazily through the air.
It reminded her of Cranstead Fields.
Fuck, why did everything have to circle back to him.
“Billy is a lot of things. Cruel is not one of them,” Libs sighed, “maybe just stupid.”
When they both gave an exhausted and yet relieved laugh, the tension somewhat shifted.
“I love him, Libs. I don't know if I should, but I do.”
Her friend opened her mouth, about to reply or add something. But her lips clamped shut immediately.
“God, you're both insufferable,” Libs laughed, crossing her arms, “you two need to be adults and talk it out. Or do some therapy on the NHS, I know that really helped you.”
She rolled her eyes, “knowing my luck I’d have fucking Becky as my therapist. If that happens I'm face timing you from the edge of a bridge before I jump off.”
“And don't mummy me, doesn't suit you.”
“Suits Abi just fine.”
“Ew, Libs.”
Libby had tried her best to make her feel better, and for that, she was nothing short of grateful. Some good needed to work its way back into her life at the moment. And the way her loving friend deemed fit to lift the mood, with a small glass of white wine, was not such a bad thing either. 
In truth, she can’t help but wonder, that if she’d met Libby while she was at secondary school, she likely would’ve walked right past her. 
Libby had always been popular, not by some maniacal grasp to preteen power, but through her bright, happy smile, stellar sense of humour and ability to make friends with just about anyone. 
If Libby was the explosive, firework-like presence in school, then she was like a ghost, merely living between planes of existence, enough to interact with things and people around her, but not enough to leave any lasting impression.
Or at least that’s what she thought.
They were through the second episode of Gogglebox and nearing the end of the little glass of white when her phone buzzed in her back pocket.
“Hang on, Libs. Lana’s calling me.”
Libs’ head pulled back as if in shock, “what she calling you for?”
She shrugged and pulled the phone to her ear. Lana sounded hurried and stressed, like she was holding too many things in her hands. 
“Sorry to call you like this.”
“No, you’re alright, what’s up?”
“Listen, I know you and Billy aren’t exactly on great terms but do you mind checking on him? I was blackout last night and dunno what happened to him.”
“Uh- yeah, course.”
“Cheers. I’ll ping you his address.”
As soon as she hung up, Libby was instantly wide-eyed and nosy, asking a barrage of questions. All the while she tried to give any vague answer she could, scrolling her contacts for Paddy’s name.
“Jesus Christ, who you calling now?”
She held a finger up, “Hiya, Pad. Yeah I'm alright. Listen, you've not seen Billy about have you? What do you mean why am I asking you, you've still got Billy’s live location from that time he got lost having a piss at the club like two years ago, remember? You're my private investigator.”
She shot Libby a glare when she loudly sipped her wine loudly, to fill the silence.
She furrowed her brows, “when you say don't be mad, it insinuates I'm going to be mad, Patrick.”
Libby watched her friend's face fall, nearly losing grip on her phone held at her ear, and a sudden eerie silence when she heard Paddy's low voice on the other end.
“No, I won't tell him you told me, Lana asked me to go check on him anyway. Cheers, bye.”
She didn't spare Libby a look, her body suddenly pent up and eyes aflame. And her friend knew she meant business when she polished off the last slither of her wine before pulling herself up.
“Well?” Libby asked as she watched her pull on her coat hastily, getting frustrated when the zip wouldn't do up the first time.
“I'll tell you later, just know, I want to fucking kill him.”
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Year 8 seemed to exist in a realm suspended between the innocence of Year 7 and the weighty responsibilities of Year 9, ensnared in the relentless passage of time. School, once brimming with purpose, now felt hollow, as did much else. Yet amidst the drudgery of daily life, the mundane trek home stood out as particularly grating, a constant reminder of the mundanity that had settled in.
Her mother's refusal to heed the school's advice regarding HPV jabs only added to the melancholy of the year. It was Miss Slator, her form tutor, who provided a semblance of maternal care, just as Mr. Thornby had the year before, acting as a paternal figure. Their concern and support, though appreciated, couldn't dispel the sense of disquiet that lingered within her.
The memory of receiving her first HPV jab during lunchtime, accompanied by Miss Slator, was tinged with discomfort, both physical and emotional. The sharp sting in her arm served as a poignant reminder of her vulnerability, exacerbated by the absence of her mother's reassuring presence.
She fiddled with the hem of her skirt, jumping out of her skin when Billy’s bag slumped down on the spot next to her.
“Is it sore?” he asked, huffing down on the bench beside her, looking out at a group of teens playing footie at Cranstead Fields, despite the looming grey cloud hanging above them.
She rolled her eyes, “course it hurts, you twa-ow!”
It was light, and friendly, the way he punched her left arm, the way all the boys had been doing to all the girls at school after their jabs. But it still fucking hurt. 
Billy smiled boyishly, pulling a bar of chocolate out his coat pocket. 
“That for me?”
He nodded, as if it were obvious, “for being so brave.”
“Don’t be sarky,” she scoffed, smiling albeit gratefully and snatching the chocolate from him. 
She folded it over in her fingers, the bright purple packaging tempting her to eat it now. And she didn’t say it, but she thought she might save it for later, so that she’d be less hungry if her mum chose to not cook any tea.
It was a sad thought to have, that she might rely on it.
“How is safeguarding,” he asked calmly, not reacting when her wide, panic-stricken eyes turned to him. 
“Saw you in Mr Healy’s office,” he interjects, pushing the blonde strands of hair off his forehead, waiting for her to say something. 
Billy was almost disappointed at her response. 
The soft glaze of her eyes, wide and embarrassed, but near longing to lift the weight off her conscience. The way her shoulders dropped to make herself appear small. Crossing her arms, rubbing them lovingly, like she was desperate for some semblance of touch like this. 
He saw the bob of her throat and braced himself for those large thick walls she’d built before she even said it.
In that moment, as the crushing burden of her secrets threatened to suffocate her, she found a temporary reprieve in the simple act of confiding, even if just for a fleeting moment. And wanted to, so readily to trust him. Despite her best efforts to fortify her emotional barriers, the ache in her heart intensified, a visceral reminder of the profound yearning for the connection she so deeply desired.
“Dunno what you’re talking about.”
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One could be mistaken for thinking it was early afternoon by the time she pulled up behind Billy's battered Vauxhall, it was still so bright outside. 
With a heaved sigh, she threw her bag over her shoulder and locked her car, having to take steady, easy breaths to calm herself as she crossed the road to Billy's flat. Cigarette smoke clung to her clothes as she crushed it beneath the heel of her shoe, the smoke burning in her lungs and the lingering nagging at the back of her head that at some point, she had to make a point of giving up.
With a click, a man in a tracksuit and a cap slid out the door that led to the flats behind the row of shops. His eyes were hidden under a shadow, taking wide, calculated steps as if to place as much distance between him and the property he’d just come out of as possible.
As if being caught doing something he shouldn’t.
A shiver crept up her spine when they passed one another, and his stark eyes lit up under the tip of his cap, peering at her in suspicion.
She couldn’t shake that feeling even as she ascended the stairs to Billy’s flat. The sizzling nerves didn’t even seem to replace it.
Her stomach felt sick with emotion when he answered the door in tatty looking clothes, his shirt pilled up from years of use, hair somewhat greasy and an old, bloody bandage around his fist. 
Billy took up the doorway with his height, his arm stretched across it in a gesture of defence. But it seemed as if when he laid his darkened and tired blue eyes on her, she saw him shrink. 
“Can we have a word?” She asks, her tone flat in a manner that tells Billy he knows exactly what she's here for. In a manner that was tired, disappointed and saddened in equal measure.
“Fuck’s sake…”
Billy’s flat smelled of mildew, proven by the fact his clothes were still damp on the airer and all his windows were shut with the curtains drawn. His shoes were piled up in the hallway, one on top of the other, clearly favouring a particular pair that sat above them, as if he couldn’t be bothered even with the choice anymore.
He offered her a cup of tea, no doubt in an attempt to calm the rocky waves of panic surging through him. It was clear Billy was embarrassed by the state of his flat, as he glanced at her every now and then to make sure her expression was not one of judgement. The only one he found was one of despair.
Billy looked at his friend as if she was other-wordly. The world he’d made within the tight confines of his flat, did not have space to fit the idea of her inside of it.
His shoulders slumped, and the words that came out his mouth did not seem like his own as he sat awkwardly on his sofa, even that, covered in old clothes and crap. And all she could do was shake her head and peer out through his thin curtains, not able to look at the person she thought she had known once upon a time.
Both of them felt it. 
The surge of heat that flooded their veins before an argument. 
“I don’t need you to parent me. I’ve had enough of that already.”
She wanted to laugh bitterly at that, but managed herself somehow, “maybe you need it, Billy. These new mates of yours don’t seem to be doing you any favours, do they? Was it their fab idea for you to do it? Hm?”
“Does it matter?” he replied dismissively.
“Can't you see you're being fucking groomed, Billy? Fucking hell, what would Ami and Abi think?”
Their friends.
Did it mean nothing anymore?
“They’re different.”
“Oh, are they? Until they’re not. Until they do something to piss you off and then all of a sudden it’s ‘people like them’. What about their mum? Because fucking newsflash Billy, she wasn’t born here either, you’ve not got a fucking clue!”
He is quiet. His jaw tight, body wound so tight that even she could see his frustration.
“What’s next? Lobbing a brick through Mrs Ahmed’s window?”
He scoffs, his hair slipping off his head as he shakes it, “I fucking hate when you’re like this.”
“Like what? Speaking fucking sense?” she laughs bitterly, “I'm alright with that if I'm the only one holding you accountable!”
“When you’re stubborn.”
Billy needn’t ever shout. 
She could sense his deep annoyance in not only his gaze, but his voice.
And she thought with anger in her veins, burning with fury, that what did he have to be annoyed about?
“Who the fuck even are you Billy.”
It came out her mouth without even really trying. She didn’t know if she regretted it or not when she saw his expression. He was still defensive, that much was clear, but in the way he looked at her, it seemed as if he was grasping for something.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” she asked, almost desperately.
“Because I’m not used to this version of you.”
“Well, sorry Billy, I grew up. I of all people wish we could go back to the way we were, but here we are, fucking adults, avoiding each other like fucking teenagers!”
“There’s no need to shout.”
“Well give me something then!” she exclaims, “something, to let me know you give a shit.”
“Fucking hell, I punched the guy who broke your fucking heart, is that not enough?!”
“Now who’s the one shouting,” she claps back with venom, “And so what, you-”
She stops herself, her face falling somewhat. And when she’s quiet so suddenly, Billy’s bright eyes meet hers, hands clasped and rested on his knees, leaned forward on the sofa as if to appear smaller. His expression is confused and irritated in equal measure.
“What did you say?” she asks in a whisper, blinking slowly.
“I…punched the guy who broke your heart?”
She feels the lump form in the back of her throat, her eyes curiously flitting between either of his, trying to understand what he is thinking without having the courage to ask.
Billy shakes his head, “I mean- is that not what he did? He fucking dropped you like you were nothing.”
Silence envelops either of them for a solid few seconds. So long that it’s suffocating, like the walls are closing in around them for the first time in years. And for a split second, with her eyebrows furrowed in pain and hands shaking, she looks just as she did on the last day Billy saw her at college.
“You don’t know, do you?”
What she says then sends a full-body shiver that begins at the base of Billy’s neck and clatters all the way through his limbs. Blood turning cold immediately. 
What does he not know?
He finds himself restless at the idea. That he was perhaps supposed to know something, but irrevocably doesn’t. That everyone else is aware of something so obvious.
He didn’t know it wasn’t just some nasty breakup.
He didn’t know that photos and videos of her in her most vulnerable moments were sent around the school, rumours circulating on MSN, hateful messages scribbled on her desk. And that she didn’t have the courage to tell anyone that the guy who had humiliated her and dragged her name through the mud, still had the indecency to rub it in her face. 
He didn’t know that because of what happened, she nearly left school entirely, but that it was so late into the school year, she just waited it out before college. But that those few months, were absolute torture.
Billy never grasped the magnitude of her anguish—the nights spent in tears, the days clouded by despair. The sanctuary of school became a battleground, where every glance felt like an accusation, every whisper a condemnation. Yet, she soldiered on, clinging to the hope of escape, even as her spirit withered under the relentless assault.
He didn’t know that her mum berated her for weeks, even months. Didn’t give her bus money and didn’t wash her clothes, in what she perceived was fair punishment, thinking her daughter had purposely sent suggestive photos and videos to a random boy at school.
She had hoped he knew... but now faced with the daunting task of revealing her truth, she recoiled, sickened by the prospect of laying bare the depths of her suffering.
But in all that, as tears made her vision go blurry, a watery smile lifted to her lips at the memory of when he’d come to her at Cranstead Fields. He hadn’t been pushy and simply accepted that she needed comfort. And a friend. She remembered wetting his school shirt with her tears, and the smell of the detergent his mum used, with jasmine fabric conditioner pods. To which she thought now with delight, that he still smelled the same.
He was like home to her.
What was home now?
“Oh Billy…” she whispered through a choked, almost bitter laugh, “...it’s sweet…that you did all that just because you thought he broke my heart.”
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General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard @bellstwd@blairfox04 @buckybarnesb-tch @castellomargot @hb8301@jamespotterismydaddy @mochi-rose @natty2017 @nenelysian@randomdragonfires @risefallrise @thelittleswanao3 @theoneeyedprince @thetrueblackheart @tsujifreya @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valeskafics @valleyof-goldenlilies @virtualsweetsqueen
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littlebluespoon · 8 months
Werewolf!Soap is here! Apologies for how long it took, I couldn't figure out how to end it.
2K words, tw: werewolves, cheesy romance books, chasing, kinda kidnapping, scaring, if there's any you think I've missed let me know
Look, I'm Scottish and I hate writing Scots and the accent, so you're just gonna have tae deal wi' it awright? 😅
There might eventually be a part 2, depends on if y'all like this part
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You couldn’t believe your luck when you found the rental listing. A two bedroom, guest house on 4 acres of land in the middle of the countryside. Your only neighbour being your landlord who lives in the main house but was away on deployment most of the year. It was like a dream come true for you. Plenty of privacy and space for you to write, beautiful views of the loch and there was even enough space for you to finally have an office space. The best part about it all though was your landlord, Johnny. When you first saw him you were scared, this massive hulking guy in the middle of nowhere and you. He made you feel small, and he had this aura around him, something you couldn’t quite understand but it made the hairs on your arms stand up. When you learned he was military, you figured that was it but the feeling never quite went away completely. He showed you around the place and the more you talked, the more he cracked jokes, the more you got to know him, the more charmed you were by him. Before the tour was even over you were asking him when you could move in. It was a dream come true for you and it was even better when Johnny was home. 
The house always seemed to wait for him to come back to break but that was alright with you, it meant you got to see him under your cupboards and up ladders fixing whatever went wrong. It certainly gave you plenty of material to write about. In the eight months you’d lived with Johnny you hadn’t stopped writing. Your publisher was ecstatic because you were churning out best seller after best seller all with Johnny as your muse. Seeing as you were using a pseudonym you were careful with the details you used to describe Johnny as well, knowing that he could be followed back to you but this time you just couldn’t help yourself. Your bestselling books were dark romances and taboo themes but your new one was your first about supernatural creatures. 
‘Loosely inspired by every vampire romance out there; Stain the head vampire of his coven seeks a mate. One day he comes across a young female who’s just perfect for him. But she’s not charmed by his rugged mohawk or his deep Scottish brogue. Just how will Stain win over his bonnie lass?’
The dark erotic scenes and the cliff-hanger ending almost guaranteed that it would be another best seller for S.P. Wraith. But what really sold the book was the concept art for Stain, you’d commissioned an artist and you had them draw a likeness as close to Johnny as you dared. Within weeks of publishing you had a contract for a series of books and art of Stain was everywhere.
“Hey sergeant! You got a modelling gig we don’t know about?” 
“Soap! Show us yer fangs!”
“Let’s see you sparkle Sergeant!”
Soap was confused and starting to get a little annoyed at all the comments the recruits had been shouting at him. He was used to banter and camaraderie between everyone but this felt almost mocking. As he walked into the 141’s meeting he noticed Gaz was waving a book around and reading from it aloud,
“’You don’t like my mohawk?’ Stain said, shocked at the admission from his little pet. ‘Why I thought it complimented my roguishness and charming smile’ he went on to sa.. Soap!” Noticing Soap’s entry Gaz struggled to hold in a laugh as Price looked at him in disappointment,
“You know son, if we’re not paying you enough I’m sure there’s other options before whatever this was,” Price says waving a hand towards the book but Soap knows he really wants to say ‘What the fuck Soap?’
“I didnae do it! I don’t even know what ye’s are talkin’ ‘bout!” Soap tries to defend himself while grabbing the book and reading the cover: ‘The Life of Stain, Volume 1; A Beating Heart by S.P Wraith’ and staring back at him was a drawing of his face, right down to the scars from his first transformation. Before Soap can respond Price takes pity on him and starts their meeting, the bear shifter easily grabbing the attention of the other team members.
Soap finished the book in record time, in fact it takes him longer to work out who had written it and once he does he kicks himself a little because it should have been obvious. His sweet little tenant who can’t keep their eyes off his arse whenever he’s over fixing up the guest house for you. For the rest of his deployment he can’t stop thinking about you. What he’d do to you, how you’d look wrapped up, naked in his sheets, covered in his marks, completely his. So he fantasises, he reads as much of your writing as he can get his hands on because it’s obvious to him that you’re writing out your own fantasies, waiting for someone, him, to come along and make them real. By the time he’s heading home he has a plan for how to make you his.
You’re cleaning your kitchen when you see his car drive up the long path between both your houses. Freezing behind your window, as if that would stop him noticing you, you watch as he hauls his bags out the boot and ambles his way through his front door. You don’t move until even his shadow is gone from your sight and once it is the only thing on your mind is dinner. 
It’s tradition now, the first night Johnny’s back from deployment you make dinner for both of you and carry it over to his house. It started after you realised he never had any food in the nights he comes back because he’s never sure if or when he’ll get back so you made it your mission to welcome him home with a good meal and if it let you be in his company for a while, well that was just a bonus. Tonight you made a spaghetti bolognaise, quick but tasty and headed over. Like every other night, you ate together, chatted long into the early hours and watched as he slowly relaxed his posture and got used to being home again. When it came time for you to head to bed he watches you go and says goodbye with a 
“I’ll be over in the morn’ to check that gutterin’ o’ yours,” 
It’s the hammering that wakes you the next morning, taking two cups of coffee out to the front you find him just finishing up,
‘Early start Johnny?” you ask, handing him the cup and giving him a once over.
“Aye, can’t sleep in even if I tried,” he gives you a nod in thanks for the coffee and continues, “Well, that’s yer gutterin’ fixed at least, Wraith” You watch the smirk on his face grow at the same rate your confusion does,
“Wraith? Is that some new nick…” Your face drops in horror and you pale, “you know?” His smirk turns into a full on belly laugh at the expression on your face,
“Did ye really ‘hink I’d never find oot?” He takes the cup out your hand and crowds you into the wall, “Ya know, lass, if you wanted some monster inspiration all ye had tae do was ask. I only bite sometimes.” With your back against the wall and his hand sliding up your neck, holding you in place, you’re transfixed as you watch his canines lengthen before his face changes shape and ears sprout from his head, 
“Ye git thirty seconds tae run lass,” a voice growls out, it could only be him but it doesn’t sound like the charming Scottish accent you’ve come to love.
His hands drop and he steps away so you can see everything. The tail, his clothes being ripped, the giant paws for hands, “30, 29, 28… run!” the screeching is what gets you moving as you bolt towards the forest in your back garden. You can still hear him counting as you dart between the trees and jump over logs, not daring to look back because you know that’s how you’ll fall. Catching glimpses of a shadow in your peripheral vision you decide your best action is to climb, aiming for the first tree you can feasible climb quickly you do so. Hauling yourself up into the branches and trying to remain as quiet as possible with a hand over your mouth to quiet your heavy, panicked breathing.
The panicked breathing turns into full on sobs when you hear a loud howl, there are no wolves in this part of the country, no normal wolves that is. Hearing the sound of branches being snapped, you freeze in your hiding spot praying that he can’t see you but Johnny’s a werewolf, he’s never needed to see to know where you are. All you can do is sit there and watch as a giant, black wolf stalks around the base of the tree sniffing at the ground. The wolf circles the tree a few times before settling down at the base of it and looks directly up at you. It’s eyes, you notice, are oddly human. They’re still Johnny’s eyes.
For hours the two of you exist in this silent standoff. It’s not until the sun begins to set and the cold begins to make itself known that a move is made,
“Come oan lass, give it up. I dinnae want to drag you out the tree” Jolting awake at his voice your fear returns, “Lass, get down now.” There’s a bite to his words now, a command that you’re sure he uses on recruits, and it would have worked on you had your limbs not been frozen with fear.
‘Fine, dinnae say ye weren’t warned,” is the last thing he says to you before he walks away.
You’re shocked at this turn but you take the opportunity. Once you can’t hear him anymore you scramble out the tree and make a dash for your home. If you can just get to your car. Get to the car. Car. It’s all that’s on your mind, your car is synonymous with safety now. But you barely make it three feet from the tree when the wolf returns. With a single pounce, you’re face down in the dirt, the wolf is on your back and the growling in your ear causes you to pass out in fear.
It's the heat that wakes you up eventually, smothering like a weighted electric blanket. Completely unaware of where you are you go to try and take your pyjamas off only to find a furry weight pinning you down. It’s the fur that brings your memories back, Johnny knows about your writing, Johnny who turned into a wolf in front of you, Johnny who chased you through the woods. It startles you into alertness and you open your eyes to find a sleeping wolf on top of you.
Moving slower than a snail and as smoothly as you could manage with the full body shakes you’re battling, you manage to slide out from under him. Finding the door you get to it on shaky legs and are, reaching for the handle when a growl makes you freeze. You can hear his claws as they scrape across the ground, feel his teeth as he snags your shirt in them and his arms around your waist as he pulls your back against his chest,
“Yer no goin’ anywhere sweetheart. I’m no lettin’ ye” Johnny buries his face in your neck as he talks, muffling his last words.
“Johnny, I’m sorry. Okay, I’ll give you the money from the book, whatever you want,” you can’t decide whether to pull at his hands or push at his face, “I’ll find somewhere else to rent,” it’s something you’d hate to do but right now your life is more important.
“Leave? Lass, I ‘hink you’ve got the wrang end o’ the stick. Ah dinnae want ye tae leave, in fact imma gie ye a choice,” he pulls away from you, pushing you back against the door and caging you in between his arms, “I’ll even gie ye some time to ‘hink aboot it, awright. Ye can be my wife, and live happily with ev’ryhing ye ever want… or ye can be my pet, and this room will be the only thing ye ever see again.” The kiss that comes is surprising and gentle. He leaves you in a state of shock for a few seconds before grabbing a handful of your hair and dragging you across the room, “Just a little preview o’ yer options. Have a ‘hink, I’ll be back later sweetheart.” You’re too shocked to hear the door but what you do hear are the locks, three of them that signal no way out for you. All that’s left for you to do is sit in the dark and make your choice.
What will your choice be?
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alwaysxlarrie · 1 year
50 feel good fics for sad/bad days
alright sooo i meant to post this a while ago but life got in the way so here it finally is!! considering recent....news, maybe it was just a blessing in disguise & the universe had me wait until we really needed some feel good fics. i had a lot to recommend, but instead of making a list that was 545311 miles long, i’m gonna split it into two parts. so here’s part 1! happy (belated) valentine’s day (especially to @lemonade-soul -- hope you enjoy this now that it’s finally here lol) !!!!!
the order: alphabetical !
5 golden rules by ladidah (4k)
look our mans harry is just out here trying his best and ya know what? louis is obsessed with it and him and i am obsessed with them and this fic
you smile like the sun by softspoken (1k) 
i simply do not think i could explain how cute this fic is so i just need you to read it and then you’ll understand
a+ for effort by embro (7k) 
look me in the eye and tell me that nervous harry, protective/supportive louis, shy flirting n banter on harry’s part n innuendos and obvious flirting on louis’ part, and both of them being teachers doesn’t sound amazing to you 
all i need is oxygen (and you) by @lululawrence / lululawrence (11k)
sus writes the cutest slow burns that always leave a smile on your face. harry pining over louis & louis weaseling his way into harry’s life ??? does it get any better ???
anybody have a map? by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2 (13k)
the way melanie writes louis’ internal monologue but also just dialogue in general is so *french kiss*. i adore her fics!!!
ain’t that a kick in the head! by keysmashlesbian & @karasunonolibero (22k)
this is such a funny fic but it’s also so cute i could read it 3823748 times and not get bored
all your mates are here by @londonfoginacup / ladylondonderry (36k)
have you been looking for a lovely crack abo lite fic set during christmas? if so, you’ve come to the right place! here she is!
as golden as the coast by softandslow (12k)
the visualizations & descriptions & relationship dynamics written in this are so cute and pure. captain niall always wins baby !!!
back to seventeen by @ireallysawanangel / crimsontheory (26k)
listen, when i say i have a thing for harry crushing on louis before they even interact in the fic, i mean it. this is such a cute and sexy take on childhood crush to lovers. i’ve said it once & i’ll say it again -- i adore the way nicole writes their dynamic & you will too!!
baby thinking of you keeps me up at night by ballsdeepinjesus (9k)
something about the way louis goes from condescending & over it in every way in regards to harry to just like fully in it and infatuated w him soothes my soul sm. and the way harry’s just there, ready for him like ‘oh fuck yeah lets goooo’. i’m obsessed. plus it’s got thigh fucking and we love thigh fucking
breathless for an eternity by cabinbythesea (7k)
i mean ok listen this is essentially mostly just porn w some plot but!!! i adore larry’s’ dynamic and the way you can tell that they clearly have an instant connection and that they care about each other and are so supportive to each other and i just ugh. such a good fic.
charm your pants off by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (2k)
look louis just wants to take a cute patient on a date and who can blame him???
darling, can’t you see by @tommokat / tommokat (11k)
this!! fic!! is!! so!! cute!! the way louis & harry’s relationship changes and develops throughout the fic is so heartwarming and cute and the smut at the end???? andi very pleasantly surprised me w the smut and i am so happy about it
everywhere and nowhere by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2 (16k)
the way harry courts louis & wins him over is so cute!!! once again, i love how mel writes out their relationships, the banter, the internal monologues, etc. would def recommend 
freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this by @rosesau / rosesau (5k)
niall truly takes one for the team in honor of harry’s infatuation constantly like the good bff he is and you know what? it lands him a no-longer-moping harry and a new bff louis. the way that as soon as they have a bridge to get to each other, larry become inseparable is truly *chef’s kiss*
found my hallelujah by @ireallysawanangel / crimsontheory (34k)
if you were wondering, no i will not shut up about this fic ever. there is some angst in this, but i’d say it’s more hurt/comfort overall than anything. right off the bat, harry & louis are enamored w each other & it’s so cute n lovely (look nicole all i’m saying is that i would pay such good money for a part 2 lemme tell u. speaking of which, i actually just realized that i think i left this comment almost word for word on the fic LMAO)
give a little sing to the singles by @londonfoginacup / ladylondonderry (31k)
look i’m obsessed with emmu’s advent calendar fics & what about it ???? the crack is just written so well while still keeping things realistic and i love seeing harry’s relationship w everyone change & develop as the story goes. not to mention niall’s plotline?? and the ending??? where’s that lady gaga gif when you need it??
gorgeous (it makes me so mad) by @artxghoul / resurrectdead (29k)
i have raved about this fic before & i will continue to rave about it!! no one can stop me!! i adore how cracky but still cute and sweet and hot and wonderful it is from the moment larry meet until the very end it’s got the best vibes. the plot twist at the end makes it 10x better too. 
i made a map of your stars by @brightbluelou / brightbluelou (5k)
not only is this a super adorable popular louis worms his way into shy harry’s life, i think it’s also a lovely fic that touches on making friends who accept you and help you feel comfortable when you’ve got anxiety. it’s such a cute lil fic and i adore it
i’ll be there by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 (5k)
as you may have guessed, enemies to lovers can make me a bit wary. but i trust anitra so i read this anyway (i may or may not have read this before we became friends but that is neither here nor there thank u) and i’m so glad i did!!! it’s so cute n cracky n i adore it n their relationship development
i’ve been thinking ‘bout it all day by @kingonafiftymetreroad / lsforever (7k)
she’s a slow burn (techincally. or i’m just impatient. but who’s to say honestly), but she’s so cute. i know i keep saying it about these fics, but the way larry’s dynamic is written!!!!!  larry’s friendship is so cute that you really don’t even notice until they cross the line to more than friends and you’re like ‘oh hell yeah, here we go!’
just one look (and i fell so hard) by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (15k)
the way louis is just so protective & supportive of harry & their dynamic comes so easily is adorable & like watching a flower bloom. i love this fic sm
just jump by @jaerie / jaerie (9k)
louis helping harry come out of his shell is so cute n sexy at the same time ugh we love to see it
kiss from a rose by @chloehl10 / lovelarry10 (15k)
shy, anxious harry getting secret admirer notes??? louis being a cute lil soft bean with him????? i cry, i really truly do
knock knock, i love you by beautlouis (86k)
if you’re interested in ~90k words worth of fluff & larry falling in love, read this asap immediately!!!
late night talking by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (53k)
lauren knows how i feel about this fic bc i gave her live commentary unprovoked, but like??? it’s so good??? i told her that i think louis is sneak dating harry and she didn’t confirm this but she didn’t deny it either, sooooo. it’s the theory i’m going with hehe. flirty louis and cautious yet yearning harry are written so well. this also appreciates the ‘hey babe’ lyric from written all over your face in the way that it was simply meant to be appreciated.
let our hearts collide by @crinkle-eyed-boo / crinkle-eyed-boo (76k)
ok!!!!! listen!!!! i’m not saying she’s not angsty, b u t !!!! this shit is so good. you’re guaranteed to leave with a smile. kim does such a good job of creating & developing louis and harry’s relationship while (sometimes to my dismay) remembering to also keep up liam & harry’s relationship for as long as it’s necessary LMAO. but it’s just such a lovely, heartwarming fic that makes any tears it might also produce so worth it
lazy days and pancakes for two by @cyantific / cyantific (4k)
ugh this fic is so cute. when i betaed it, my heart was constantly melting at the fluff and i was constantly giggling bc of the banter & humor incorporated. it’s just so sweet and gives you such a realistic vision into what their irl daily life on days off might be like i cry
midnight memories by grand buzz (2k)
i would cry if there were a sequel to this. the author does such a good job at giving you a visual of harry being endeared yet exasperated with louis and louis being unapologetically mischievous as well and i’m here for it !!
masterpiece by rainbowslovehl (11k)
ok so, like. take fetus x factor larry’s dynamic of harry quite literally chasing after louis and just hoping to impress him with every breath he takes but just like. with grown adults. that is larry’s dynamic in this fic and i am telling u, it’s so good and cute and funny and read it asap pls
may we all have a vision now and again by @gaycousinlarry / momentofclarity (4k)
the best way i can describe this fic is bittersweet, but in the best way. louis can and will make harry feel unprecedented emotions in any & every universe
make him want to sin @becomeawendybird / quickedween  (9k)
i mean, harry immediately infatuated and louis immediately being flirty? am i nothing if not predictable? there are some plot twists as well! well. for harry at least. the reader has hindsight 20/20 hehe. i’m also obsessed w the dynamic at the table.
my saddle’s waiting by realitybetterthanfiction (28k)
listen, this fic has a special place in my heart bc it’s based in chicago yes, sure bUT the character & relationship developments that take place throughout the whole thing is phenomenal. i think the subtle things in this fic really make it so captivating
nothing but a little bit of love by cabinbythesea (7k) 
this says it’s not rated but it gets quite steamyyy at some points. but i’m just a sucker for louis chasing and seducing harry and showering him with love and that’s quite literally what this is and we do absolutely love to see it
our lives, non-fiction by @indiaalphawhiskey / indiaalphawhiskey (113k)
ok look, there is actually a decent amount of angst in this, but imo it’s v much hurt/comfort as well. the way india writes smut & dirty talk??? *french kiss* but even more than that, the character development, relationship development?? how louis & marcel support each other once they find even ground??? this fic will leave you w a smile and some tears to go w it and i’m obsessed. it’s on the longer end, but so worth it (i am in fact doing a fic rec list on long fics bc it’s me and who am i if i don’t continue to make fic rec lists in 2023???)
packed lunches, sticky fingers, and accidental levitation by @londonfoginacup / ladylondonderry (10k)
this has such phenomenal writing & like idk if this was intended to be read like a crack fic but it’s got such crack fic enegy and i’m obsessed w that. it’s also such a fucking creative fic it’s actually kinda mindblowing imo
promise not to fade away by you_explode (9k)
one thing i love about this fic is that it could’ve very easily been incredibly angsty and a slow burn. but instead the author decided to have mercy on us and make it short, fluffy, and sweet. and threw in some hot smut as well. it’s just so soft and wonderful and i’m so ?? i think this is one of the first fics i ever read from this fandom & it’s never left my mind since
ready to fall by @crazyupsetter / whoknows (21k)
this is the perfect combo of crack x serious/sweet imo. who is louis if not sneaky, mischievous & a tease and who is harry if not infatuated w louis, persistent & accommodating?? a wonderful pair, we love to see it. obsessed !
stars will align for us by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2
since mel mostly writes omega louis (& phenomenally at that!) you better believe i savor the absolute shit out of this omega harry fic. just the way louis does his best to protect harry and weasels his way into harry’s life while he always maes sure he’s okay and that harry knows he enjoys spending time with him and i just ???? my heart melts everytime i read it 
stood up by panda_bear21 (8k)
listen i have a thing for punk louis & harry already crushing on louis before they interact during a fic (i blame the way fetus harry was so obviously obsessed w louis for this) and this fic has both of those things. there is some light angst & mentioning of closeting, but the fluff so v much outweighs it.
staring across the room by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 (26k)
harold thinks he can resist the charms of louis tomlinson but really ... he should know better than that. this fic is so cute, sweet, and the sequel???? my heart!!!! this fic has my heart through n through n through
‘sup by @mediawhorefics / mediawhore (6k)
i! love! larry’s! dynamic! in! this! especially when harry puts his foot in his mouth and louis chases him down and is like ‘yeah, no. we’re gonna talk, darling.’ i cry and i laugh. sidenote: louis saying ‘sit your ass down’ is everything to me
single bells ring by @absoloutenonsense / nonsensedarling (16k)
i love this non-traditional abo take !!! the way louis’ attitude changes the second he lays eyes on / talks to harry is the funniest and cutest thing. louis is so mischievous and harry is so coy and the lil plot twist at the end wins you over without a doubt
tell me what you need by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (2k)
listen. we have mischievously flirting louis. we have always-puts-a-foot-in-his-mouth-but-still-manages-to-endear-louis-anyway harry. we truly do love to see it!
the first time i ever saw your face by sweetrevenge (5k)
this has such a cute plot twist that i didn’t see coming, but adored! this is essentially just harry swooning over louis & honestly?? who can blame him??? not me!!!
when did i first know? i always knew by @panye / eynap (7k) 
stephanie works hard at producing fine shiall content and i am here to recommend her lovely work to you. we’ve got larry, we’ve got ziam, we’ve got romance, we’ve got a proposal, we’ve got smut. what more could you ask for??? read it. appreciate it. love it. 
why’d you come in here looking like that? by @homosociallyyours / homosociallyyours (7k)
i’m someone who doesn’t love it when miscommunication is a plot device so i love that megan had them talk out any confusion that, let’s be honest, can very easily happen when online dating. but the cute, awkward flirting and banter is so good. i love this fic from how soft louis is with marcel at the end and the way louis asks him out as well ???? my heart !!!!
we’re watching a television with no sound by orphan account (2k)
harry and louis’ immediate connection is so sweet and cute. just like the way they’re so tactile and comfortable w each other within minutes of meeting & you can feel the fond so strongly is just *chef’s kiss* honesty. i reread this fic like monthly, if not bi-weekly.
you’ve been taking up my mind by styleandsin (10k)
fanboy!harry/famous!louis ?? on a recommended list of mine ?? who’s shocked ?? absolutely no one. i love the premise of this fic and how their relationship/dynamic changes n develops quickly but in a way that doesn’t actually feel too fast -- just like irl tbh
young hearts on the chase by @polaroidlouis / daffodilsforlou (7k)
i love the spin that this has where the omega does the courting. the way louis just .... lets harry weasel his way into louis’ daily routine is top tier. they’re so soft and fluffy w each other it’s just so cute pls read this thnak u
please remember to leave kudos & comments on any of the fics that you read and/or enjoy!!!! 
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buckleymess · 2 years
Roller Skates - Robin Buckley
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Summary: Summer in Hawkins. Robin has a hopeless crush on one of her customers with roller skates and mini skirts. Steve decides to step in and the crush turns out to be nowhere as hopeless as it has once seemed.
Warning: none
Words: 7,9k
Notes: likes are cool and all, but if you stop by to let me know what you thought about this, it will, in fact, make my day
“How do I look?!” 
Steve peeked at her from behind the shelves, his eyebrows knitting together as he stared at her in utter confusion. “What?” 
“How do I look?” Robin repeated, articulating every word with extra care to a point that it almost looked scary from where Steve was standing. As if that wouldn’t make the message clear enough, she used her hands to gesticulate around herself wildly.
“I heard you.” Steve rolled his eyes. “I’m not deaf,” he pointed out. Inspired by her previous actions, he also used his hands, tapped his ear and then showed her thumbs up. 
Robin did not seem to be amused, however, and simply pierced him with a glare. 
“I just don’t know /why/ is that suddenly an issue,” he reasoned while looking around. “There’s no one in here and -,” he cut himself off once his eyes landed on the clock across the room. “Oh...”
And here it was, the well-known Tammy Thompson oh. Aka coming out oh. Aka getting your heart shattered into millions of pieces in a dirty bathroom after puking your whole insides type of oh, as he liked to dramatically call it, just for the sake of teasing her. 
Though the use of it now was nowhere near as dramatic. It meant only one thing. A hot girl in the area. Well, technically, you weren’t in their vicinity /yet/, but you were about to be within a couple of minutes. You always were. Right on the dot. 
“Right. Oh...” Robin nodded her head and stared over at him with her eyes opened wide, still waiting for him to answer her initial question. 
Steve shoved the tapes he had been handling back to the shelves before walking out of the aisle. “She always comes here on Saturday before the closing time. Good thing that now we know better than to have already cleaned the floors because once she storms in here on those skates...” 
“Exactly. She’s going to be here in nine minutes, and you are being literally /no help/. She’s going to push through the door at an ultrasonic speed, looking all dolled-up in that skirt of hers, smelling of cherries and smiling at us both with those incredibly kissable pink lips while she’s going to skate between those shelves, hair swaying in every direction with how quickly and carelessly she spins around and yet... somehow when she stops, the hair is perfect. Not a single one out of place. She’s not even wearing a helmet, for fuck’s sake!”
“She probably doesn’t go that fast to need one, I guess,” Steve offered with a shrug of his shoulders while he moved closer to the counter that she was occupying. He froze for a moment, though, when Robin held her pointer finger up and made him wonder whether he had done something wrong.
“No. But... she’s skating by the road and some stupid driver can hit her and...”
Steve shook his head, face pulled in confusion. “You can get hit by a car, too. Even when you are just walking. Should we all start wearing helmets?”
Robin’s mouth opened for a bit before she allowed it to close again, taking a moment to think about it properly before she nodded. 
“Well, maybe we should,” Robin decided and then shook her head, shutting her eyes closed for a second to show she was done with that conversation. “That’s /so/ not the point though... The point is that she will be here soon, looking like a freaking angel on wheels, while I might be here with spinach stuck in my teeth.” 
“You didn’t even have spinach today,” Steve reminded but gave her thumbs up when she flashed her teeth at him, anyway. “You look good.” He finally said the things she needed to hear, causing her to let out a sigh of relief. 
Only to bring up something she did /not/ need or want to hear at all. 
“You should really just ask her to hang out with you.” His voice was soft and caring, but it still sent her into a panic.
Robin laughed nervously and looked away from him, focusing on adjusting the stationery that they had laying around. “No. No. No fucking way. Not in a /million/ years. Not a chance I’m doing that. Definitely not.”
“I am not telling you to ask for her hand in marriage!” Steve exclaimed and rubbed his hand over his face while he leaned against the opposite side of the counter that she was at. He understood she was nervous and scared. Hell, asking someone out could be a bit nerve-wracking experience as it was. Let alone in a situation like hers, when her chances of scoring were sadly much lower than his. “Look...,” he tried and shifted his body so that he could look at her, “all you gotta say is this: You’re great at skating, and I’ve just got a pair from a friend...”
“I didn’t get a pair from a friend,” Robin objected, blinking at him confusedly. Brows furrowing when he threw his head back with a sigh. Composing himself again, he put on a bright smile when he looked at her. 
“No. But she doesn’t know that, does she?” He pointed out and reached over the counter to flick her nose. “If she says yes, we’re going to find you a pair of skates to use no problem just-“
“Evening!” Your voice filled up the store the moment the entrance door flew open, and you made your way in. “Am I interrupting something?” No one said anything, but you could feel that had arrived into a situation you probably shouldn’t have. 
Steve raised his hand in a little wave, acknowledging your presence, while Robin quickly shook her head. 
“Hey! No, no. Nothing,” she assured you, smiling while she pushed Steve’s hand away from her face. “There’s nothing to interrupt. We were just talking about...” The way she fell silent, looking for the right words, only amplified the thoughts in your mind that were pointing out that you definitely arrived at the wrong time. 
Even Steve found the moment of quiet weird and glanced at her with the side of his eye, prompting her to say something. 
“Stuff.” She finally said in the end, her lips still curled up into a wide smile that faltered somewhat awkwardly a second later. Stuff? Couldn’t she think of something else? Something less.... sketchy? She shrugged her shoulders a bit, defending herself when she noticed Steve rolling his eyes, obviously disappointed with her answer almost as much as she was with herself. If not even worse. 
You nodded your head softly, lips pursed slightly in contemplation. “Stuff sounds interesting,” you agreed, and then stopped beside Steve at the counter. You threw your backpack on the surface and pulled out the pile of movies you needed to return. 
You passed them over the counter to her. “Do you need me to.... or can I?” You waved to the shelves behind you. Usually, you wouldn’t mind sticking by the counter. Quite the opposite, actually. As silly as it was, you enjoyed watching her while she worked. Painted nails, clicking the keyboard, frowning when something was wrong, only for her pretty blue eyes to light up right after when she got it sorted. She trashed your movie taste every time, and you were more than willing to let her, suggesting that maybe she would have changed her mind if she actually watched it. 
Perhaps if she watched it with you. Well, you never said this part out loud. But you did think about it. A lot. 
“You can go,” Robin confirmed, releasing you from sliding your skates on the floor while remaining in one place. 
“If there’s something wrong, let me know. I’ll be right over there so that you can go back to... stuff.”
You disappeared between the shelves, stopping in front of the one holding the newest releases.
“You skate a lot, huh?” Steve asked a couple of moments later, his head suddenly popping up in the same aisle you were in. Steve stepped closer and casually leaned his side against one of the shelves. Promptly, you spun around to face him, moving backwards ever so slightly while your eyes widened in a faked surprise. 
“Do I?” You gasped and you could swear that you heard Robin snort somewhere in the distance. It was a shame that you didn’t get to see it. A part of you wondered whether she had crinkled her nose the same way it did a couple of other times when you saw her laugh. “It’s way faster than walking, you know,” you explained and grabbed three tapes before moving to a different section. You made sure to check Robin. No crinkled nose in sight, but her lips were spread into a large smile. 
Guess you could also consider that one a win. 
“Slower than driving, though,” Steve retorted.
“Yup, that sounds about right. But I don’t have a driving license, my bike got stolen and I don’t really click with the one I got. Plus, this is waaay more fun.” You added one more VHS into your arms and got to the check-out desk with just a couple of long strides. 
“I’ll take these.” You pushed the VHS over to her with a grin. “Don’t judge me too hard on these. They are for my granny.”
“You know what? This one time, I was ready to give you a compliment.” She smirked and raised one of them into the air. “Because this one? Absolute gold. Tell your grandma she has /amazing/ taste and maybe she /should/ influence you a little. The number of times you rented out Xanadu is becoming quite embarrassing for all of us.” Robin teased before her eyes went all wide. “Not that I’m keeping track of how many times you rented a shitty musical with Olivia Newton-John. Well, technically, I do. I have to. We have the system. But it’s not like I keep a /personal/ tracker of what you do. I don’t. That would be weird.” 
You watched her expressive face, unable to stop yourself from smiling. 
As if he had nothing better to do, Steve jogged over to you and rested his forearms on the counter right next to where you were standing. Ruining your little alone moment with her. Again. 
“The stuff we were talking about earlier was how you always come here with these on,” he said, nodding down to your feet.  
“And how you make the whole skating thing look super easy. So...,” he cleared his throat,” I was wondering if you /maybe/ have a free afternoon some time to... you know, give a bit of a helping hand to a complete beginner. Saturday evening works too! I mean, you are already coming here anyway and so you’d just stay around a bit longer. Me and-“ 
Your lips pressed into a thin line for a second as you listened to him talk, but you mustered up a smile before interrupting him. “I’m sorry, but no.” 
You took your eyes off Robin, who was still scanning Xanadu because it was acting up, and glanced at him. His expression was hopeful, expecting, and you felt a droplet of sweat run down your back. That was definitely caused by the heat, you assured yourself, although the air-conditioning in the store was running at its max. 
Steve was a cool guy. Very good-looking, too. He had a bit of reputation going on of trying to swoon all and every conventionally pretty girl of the right age in town. Though the succession rate did not seem to be too high, at least as far as you knew from what you over-heard around the store when you visited. 
You had no interest in taking any part in that for more reasons than just that one. The main, of course, being that there was someone different right there in the store with you who appealed to you much more. 
Going out with him would just be a huge waste of time for the both of you. You just needed to find a good enough excuse. A gentle rejection so that neither of you would have to feel awkward the next time you would come to get your movies. 
Maybe the truth would be the best. Or some of it, at least. “I... I don’t do boys right now.” 
You didn’t see it, but Robin spat out a bit of her water that she just sipped, causing Steve to almost pull a face when he saw her wipe her chin with the back of her hand. Smudging something she had scribbled on it earlier, which also left a bit of a black mark on her chin. On some days, he really did believe that she was a lost cause.
“I promised myself that this would be a boy-less summer. There was a bit of a nasty break-up earlier this year and I... I deserve some time alone. Healing. Finding myself and that whole thing, you know,” you tried to explain.
He blinked at you a couple of times in surprise before he chuckled and tapped his fingers on the counter. “Okay. Good for you. Point taken, I guess, but I didn’t mean that you’d be helping me or /doing/ me... I was talking about Rob.” 
“Oh!” you gasped, mentally slapping yourself for interrupting him earlier. “Then that should not be a problem.” You shook your head a bit too fast and then turned it to her again. “Sure. Right. We can totally do that.” Immediately, your eyes were drawn to the smudge on her chin, which was definitely not there a minute ago. 
“You’ve got something…” You raised your hand to your own face to serve her as a mirror, showing her where the ‘something’ was. “I would have never guessed that this could be something you’d be interested in,” you admitted to her your surprise while she seemed to be rubbing her hand all over her chin except on that one place.
“Wait,” you stopped her and leaned over, pressing your thumb against the black mark and then rubbing it away. The pink in her cheeks turned into a deep red, and you offered her a little, somewhat reassuring smile. “Black marker is the worst. I always have smudges of it everywhere.” You couldn’t remember the last time something like this happened to you, but the chuckle she left out made you feel better about the little white lie you just said. “All good. Pretty as always,” you informed her playfully and pulled your hand back. 
The realisation that you had just touched her face without any type of invitation hit you only now. Your eyes rushed to move away from you and landed on the pile of video tapes you were good to take now. You fished out the correct amount of money from your small pocket. The dollar bills and change prepared in advance. You’ve already learnt that doing the math and scattering the right amount while those beautiful blue eyes watched you was almost impossible. “I’m pretty sure you’ve called my skates a deadly device at least twice.” 
“Three times,” Robin confirmed, taking the money from you. “Which is obviously more than twice, so there was no need for me to be correcting you like that,” she muttered mostly to herself, so you caught just a word here and there. 
“I still stand by that opinion,” she continued confidently while she put the money away. You heard Steve clear his throat nearby. “But we’re all going to die, sooner or later, anyway. And this, at least, seems like a sort of fun way to go. Cooler too, better than choking on a jelly bean or something.”
You listened to her, a smile tugging on the corners of your mouth while you packed your stuff. 
“I’ll see you next week, then.” 
“Okay.” Your grin mirrored hers as you spun around and headed towards the door, adjusting the backpack on your back. 
“As in, you’ll come back to return these, or as in, you’ll see me risking my life while standing on one of the most ridiculous devices man has ever created?” 
You chuckled and made a little spin to face her. 
“What’s the smell?” Steve said over the thump of the box he just set down on the counter. 
Robin looked at him over her shoulder, pushing the trolley with tapes in front of her. 
“Smell? What smell? I don’t smell anything.” She shook her head before she turned away from him again.  
“I told you to not allow the kid with the puppy in here. Was it adorable? Absolutely. I would give up my life for that little dumb face, but it changes nothing about the fact that puppies are the worst. They pee everywhere and that’s probably what you’re smelling. I had puppy-sat a puppy once and-“
“It doesn’t smell like pee,” he interrupted her and walked over to the aisle she was in. Steve moved around, sniffing before he got close enough to her, and his eyes went wide. “It’s you.” 
“I stink?” The terror was clear on her face when she asked him that. Her gaze fell to her wristwatch. She still had a bit of time. Technically speaking, she probably could rush to the back and freshen up some more before you are would come to pick her up. 
Maybe you wouldn’t even come to pick her up, after all. Maybe you were just being polite when you agreed to last week. Maybe you’d come up with an excuse why the two of you can’t hang out. Or maybe you wouldn’t come at all and you would just mail the rented movies along with a late return fee, never seeing her again…
She raised her arm up slightly to check the stink situation in her pits when Steve quickly shook his head.
“What? No. Not at all,” he assured her, causing her to drop her arm down to the side again. “In fact, it’s very nice.” Steve took some tapes from the trolley to help her put them in place. 
“You know, like girls often wear these overly sweet perfumes when they go on a date? It’s almost like that, but not quite. It’s more… masculine? But not to the point of when you would smell it and immediately think of a dude. More in terms of thinking ‘huh, whoever was the person who was wearing this, they have a fancy event happening,’” he explained, not even trying to hold back his smirk while he kept glancing at her every other second. 
“Well, thank you.” His words calmed her down a bit, but the feeling of his eyes on her made her sigh out. “What now?”
 “I told you it’s a date, and you gave me a lecture about how you being a lesbian doesn’t make every interaction you share with a woman automatically homosexual… I just find it funny how, even though it is not a date, you are still treating it like one.”
 “I’m not!” She exclaimed, cursing when she accidentally dropped one of the cassettes. “It’s just a perfume…” 
“Which you never wear around me, mind you,” Steve persisted.
“Whatever,” Robin scoffed. “It’s not a date.” 
“It so is. Haven’t you heard? She, and now let me quote. Doesn’t do boys.”
“Right now,” she immediately reminded. “She doesn’t do boys, right now.” Robin remembered the quote very well. It had left her turning in her bed for three nights before she talked herself into dropping it, and decided to focus on the latter part instead. 
Steve rolled his eyes. “Her entire face lit up when she found out that she could be hanging out with you. And /I/ felt like /I/ was interrupting ‘stuff’ when she cleaned your fa-”
“Don’t. Don’t even remind me of that,” Robin whined. Not only was it embarrassing, but every time she thought back to that moment, to the feeling of having your hand rub against her skin, she could feel her cheeks starting to burn up. 
He stopped when they both reached to get some tapes and his eyes found her mouth. Without a word, Steve grabbed her chin and leaned closer, taking a good look at the shade of her lips. “You’ve got a different lip colour, too,” he noticed, chuckling when she pushed his hand away. “You are ready for a date.” 
“Shut up.” Robin turned away from him. 
“Plus, I invested my hard-earned money in this already. It’s gotta work.” 
“No one has asked you for that.” Robin shot him a look. She still couldn’t believe that he got her involved in this. She was going to make a complete fool of herself in front of a girl she adored. All because of him and his stupid mouth. 
On the other hand, though, when she made sure not to focus on the whole potentially dying part, she was going to spend some time with you all alone. Which was pretty cool and way more than she could ever achieve by herself. All thanks to him and his stupid mouth. Part of her was feeling bad for not being able to give him the money for the skates just yet. “I’m going to give you half of the money back next week, and then the rest,” she added.
“You don’t have to give me the money back at all. It’s a gift.” Steve pushed into the trolley and began to move away. 
“My birthday is in March. And you gave me a gift then.” 
“I didn’t say it was a birthday gift. Just a gift. People do that for each other sometimes, you know,” he said loudly enough from the next aisle. “I won’t take any money from you. Take it as a thank you for taking over my shifts earlier.” 
“You know I got, like, officially paid for those, right? It’s not like I took them for free,” Robin stated.  
She couldn’t see him, but she could hear him sigh heavily. “Then take it as a payment for your silence ‘til the rest of your shift.” 
Robin stayed quiet for a bit before she nodded. “Yup. I guess I can do that,” she confirmed, not wanting to argue with him any further. “Thank you,” Robin peeped out a moment later. 
“You’re welcome.” 
“You’re the best, you know. Very annoying at times, but the best nonetheless, or maybe because of it. The line is a bit blurred there, hon-”
“Silence,” he reminded. His voice was somewhat stern, but she caught his little smile in the reflection in the window. 
However, the smile was not the only thing she caught in there and she glanced down at her watch again. 
No. This was way too soon. There should be about fifteen minutes left before you would show up. She didn’t have the time to check her hair, or the new lipstick. Nor did she get to take off that stupid, disgusting little vest, or re-apply the perfume, just to make sure. 
Every week you showed up exactly on time, and now, when it mattered the most, you had to change your schedule. It threw her off guard. 
Maybe if she knew that the reason for this sudden change was that you simply couldn’t wait any longer after stressing out about it the whole day, it would made her feel a bit better. But it wasn’t like you were planning to share any of that with her. 
No. She didn’t have to know about any of that. She didn’t need to. It was a little harmless secret that did not need to be shared. 
 “You’re early.” These words greeted you as soon as you entered the store, causing you to stop for a second by the door. 
 “Am I?” you asked cluelessly, your eyes searching for the clock in the room before you let out a little huff. “I didn’t even realise, I… is it a problem?” You wondered, slowly skating further into the store, heading straight to the counter. 
 “Well,” Robin started out, “... no. Of course not,” she assured you, shaking her head. “It’s just… you might have to wait a bit longer before I’ll be able to leave, so like, if you still need to go somewhere, or something, it’s all good.” 
You laid out the casettes on the counter while your eyes followed her as she moved over the room to get closer to you. “Hi,” you greeted her with a little grin, once she was standing opposite to you. “I don’t mind waiting a bit,” you confirmed, your fingers tapping against the surface as you watched her do her work. “I can just hang around a bit… If that’s okay with you.” 
“No,” Steve interrupted the little conversation, and you were ashamed to admit that you hadn’t even noticed him in the room earlier. The two of you looked at him, one pair of eyes looking guilty for even suggesting that, while the other stared at him in utter disbelief. 
“You don’t have to wait,” he specified, shoulders shrugging. “You can leave earlier. It’s usually dead at this hour, anyway. I’ll be fine.”
You looked from him to Robin as she raised her brows. “You sure?” 
“Yeah, yeah. One hundred per cent.” He walked over to behind the counter and pushed her slightly out of the way. “Go get your stuff and get out of here before I change my mind.” 
The moment he said it, Robin dropped the Xanadu VHS and rushed away, heading to the back of the store. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she called over her shoulder, not even bothering to look back. She stopped only when she reached the door and glanced at you. “I’ll be back in a minute. Two or three tops,” she promised before she disappeared and left you in the front alone with Steve. 
At first, he took care of your returns without a word, barely paying you any attention at all. “You’re not going to rent out any new ones?” He wondered. 
 You shook your head simply. “No. I usually drop them off at home and then go out again. I wouldn’t want to break them or lose them if I just kept dragging them alone tonight.”
“Hm,” Steve hummed out. “Makes sense,” he admitted before placing his hand on the counter near yours. “Guess my job is done here, then.”
“I guess it is.” 
You really didn’t need anything else from him at the moment, but he stayed still, eyeing you carefully. “Is that a new lipstick?” 
The question surprised you, but you shook your head anyway. “No. I keep wearing this one all the time. And it’s a lip gloss, actually.” 
“Yeah, right… Well, Robin likes it.” 
“I know,” you admitted, trying your best to fight back the smile that threatened to creep up onto your cheeks. You still remembered the compliment she gave you a couple of weeks back, and you made sure to wear this specific colour every time you came to visit the store. 
“You do, huh?” He mused. 
You were starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. His inquisitive eyes digging right into you as if he were looking for something specific. Could he be onto something? Could he know you were into his friend? 
Robin’s return luckily stopped the panicking train of thoughts in your mind. “So…,” she cleared her throat as she looked over at you. Backpack on her back, roller skates in her hand. “Are we really doing this?” She was really trying to not let the nervosity show, and the smile you shot her then didn’t exactly help. 
 Falling on her ass was one thing. Seeing you smile like that all alone for who knew how long another. Maybe worrying about not getting her hands on knee pads shouldn’t have been her main concern. 
“Absolutely.” You threw your backpack on and turned around, heading towards the door. “Let’s go.” 
Visiting the ruins of what used to be the Starcourt Mall definitely wasn’t something she expected herself to do that day. Or ever, actually. The Russians had stopped haunting her dreams only not so long ago, and well, the monsters were still present in them. But lately, you’d been in her dreams, too. 
She didn’t have it in her to talk you out of going to that place. What would she tell you anyway? The truth could not be an option, and the lies known to the public would just make tonight’s ‘not-a-date’ into a pity party if she’d let you know she was there during the fire. 
And so she got on the bus with no further complaints, carefully sitting beside you on the seat. Doing everything in her power to not let your bodies touch, while you both eavesdropped on the couple sitting across from you. 
 The dramatic show was about to end when they reached their stop, a factory on the outskirts of the town, just one stop before the Starcourt stop. 
“Get up.” You stood up beside her. She looked up at you. Blue eyes wide open in confusion. 
“We need to get off at the next one,” she stated while the other passengers emptied the bus already as well. 
“No. This is the final one. The bus doesn’t go there anymore. I mean, there’s kind of no reason for that now,” you explained. “We’re going to have to walk a bit.” 
“Oh. Yeah. Sure.” Quickly, she grabbed her backpack and her skates off the floor and got up, rushing to get off as the driver in the front already started to complain. 
You made it out of the bus only in your socks and then put your skates back on on the bench nearby. She didn’t follow your example just yet, and you didn’t expect her to. You had agreed that the Starcourt parking lot would be your training ground. The terrain there was smooth despite the hell right next to it, and there was no danger in the form of passing cars.
You probably wouldn’t meet many of them on your way there by the side of the road, but it was still better to not put her at any unnecessary risk. 
Especially when she had only spent about five minutes standing on them, apparently. 
You skated beside her slowly, stealing secret glances at her in the setting sun. She was, undoubtedly, the most enchanting person you’ve ever laid your eyes on. You thought you did a good job keeping those looks sneaky and all that, but she locked your eyes with hers at one point. 
“Please don’t tell me I have something on my face again,” she whined, raising one of her hands up to her face. 
“No,” you chuckled and shook your head. “I was just, um, looking.” 
“Right. Because you have a working pair of eyes. And that’s what people usually do with them.” She felt like an idiot for reading more meaning in it than there was to it. 
“Race to that sign over there?” You suggested playfully, changing the focus to something else than your creepy staring and pointed to the sign that once used to welcome the customers upon their arrival to the Starcourt grounds. 
Robin laughed. “Doesn’t seem like a very fair race to me.” 
You turned around, slowly backing away from her. “Why? I might have skates, but you had literally spent most of your life running up and down the soccer field….” 
She hissed a bit, head leaning to one side. “You know, me getting into that team was an act of desperation more than anything else. They didn’t have enough players, and I act very fast. And clumsy, too. So the opponents were just very confused most of the time. I kept them on the edge of their seat.” 
“I saw some of your matches. My cousin used to be in your team, too. I’m pretty sure you scored some goals…” Your eyes squinted at her doubtfully. 
“Pure luck.” 
“Passion,” you corrected her. “You probably are the least co-ordinated and the most chaotic soccer player that I’ve ever seen,” you chuckled, making Robin laugh. “But when you set your mind on getting that ball into the net, nothing could stop you.” 
 She smiled wide, her eyes squinting while your heart sped up. 
“Now just get your mind on getting your ass to the sign before I do.” You grinned before you spun around and set out. 
Robin was right. It was not a fair race, but you still expected her to give it at least a try. You heard nothing behind you though and so you turned around to get a look at what she was doing.
With the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of her goofily running over the grass. 
“Hey!” you exclaimed, baffled at the sight of her being much closer to the sign than you were. No matter how fast you would try to go, there was no chance that you would beat her now. Still, you were not going to give up just like that and attempted to race her. The colourful wheels of your skates quickly sliding over the asphalt. 
“Thanks! Setting my mind on getting here before you really helped!” She called out, panting while she waved at your approaching figure. Her side was burning but seeing you speed towards her, face pulled in concentration while the fabric of your skirt dancing around your thighs quickly with every move was definitely worth it.
“Fuck you,” you breathed out once you joined her and she laughed. 
“Never took you for a sore loser,” Robin teased, but you couldn’t even be mad. 
“We’re going to see who’s going to be sore next.” You took off your backpack and handed it over to her. She took it from you automatically, though her expression made it obvious that she didn’t really know why. 
“There’s a helmet and some protective pads. Gloves, too. I think they should fit,” you explained. 
“You serious?” She gasped. “You are a lifesaver, literally. Steve kind of forgot about this pa-,” Robin cut herself off while you just blinked at her. “That’s… nevermind. Thank you. They’ll definitely come in useful.” She sat down on the ground in order to change into her skates. 
It was kind of adorable to watch her carefully put on all the pads, adjusting them a couple of times to make sure that they fit her right. 
She was adorable. 
Absolutely delightful. 
 “Good to go?” You asked once she seemed somewhat content with the state of her protection gear. 
“Not really,” Robin admitted. If she would to survive this, she was definitely going to kick Steve’s ass with those skates. That was for sure. 
“Get on your knees.” 
 Her eyes narrowed on you as if it would help her understand what you just said better. “I’m sorry?” 
“Look.” You lowered yourself onto the ground. “It’s the easiest way to get up,” you reasoned, before showing her how to get up on her own. 
Two minutes later and there she was, standing even taller beside you now when she had those extra inches under her feet. “Well, that was easy,” she commented despite all the previous lamenting. 
“Told you.” You grinned at her and then reached your hands out towards her. 
You had thought about this moment countless of times. You wondered how would it feel to have her hand in yours, and you felt a slight fear when you offered your hands out to her to take. 
There was nothing weird about this, right? You were just offering her some help. She still hesitated, though. You could see it right there in her expression, the precious face too expressive for her own good. 
“I know I needed a bit of support the first time I stood on there but you don’t have to-” you started, slowly allowing for your hands to start to drop when she suddenly grabbed them. The sudden move causing her to lose some stability and held onto her tightly to prevent her from falling down. 
“A bit of support sounds good,” Robin finally let out once she was somewhat securely stood on her feet again. “I guess I just spaced out, sorry,” she mumbled when she looked at you and for a second you could swear that you saw something rather familiar flash in her eyes. 
Just for a moment, the anxiety of having a dangerous secret that cannot be exposed seeping through the both of you. 
It was excruciating how well her palms fit in yours. By the time the sun was completely gone and the parking lot was illuminated by the night sky and a couple of lamp posts that were still working, you’d grown way too used to the feeling of her hold on your hands. She held onto you tightly, too afraid of falling for someone whose knees were already bruised. The only time she ever let go of you being when she fell. She always dropped them right in the moment when it was obvious there was not a way for you to save her. 
The better she got, the less support she needed. Due to the progress, one hand had turned into being just enough of help.
With the two of rolling round the parking lot side by side, your hands joined as you clasped the other carefully. You were feeling proud, really proud of how well she was doing. But you simply couldn’t help but dread the next step when she wouldn’t need your help at all. 
You were not ready to let go of her yet. 
“I must admit, this is way more fun than I expected it to be,” Robin confessed over the sound of cicadas around you. “No wonder you basically never take them off.” 
You had tried to not look at her too much now. The embarrassment of getting caught earlier was still present and burning in your mind. You allowed yourself to look at her better now, though, smiling. 
“Yeah. I especially like skating late in the evening,” you admitted. “Once you get the hang of it, and the streets are empty and you are just…,” you started out, “it just feels like you can do everything, you know? You could be anyone. It feels like you are the only person on Earth.” It was stupid, you realised that as soon as the words left your mouth, but it was too late to take them back now. The best you could do was to play it down and make it sound less… kooky. 
“You can also scream to let the frustration out. That one helps, a lot,” you added after finishing the dance with a little pirouette. 
However, she spoke out before you could. “Well, not everything…” Robin squeezed your hand and even she wasn’t sure if she did it because she needed the support as you took a took or if she squeezed it just because she could.
“Yes, everything. No one is here to see, to judge.” You dropped her hand and moved away from her, doing an awkward little dance. Your chest filled with warmth when she laughed, her nose scrunched up and eyes squinted in almost into just a tiny line. 
“You can sing…,” you cleared out throat before erupting into a song while rolling closer to her and swirling around where she was slowly skating all by herself. The song didn’t ring any of Robin’s bells for a while until the word ‘Xanadu’ made its way to her ears and she let out an exhausted groan. 
Throwing her head back theatrically caused Robin to struggle with the newly found balance. The poor, laughing girl would most definitely fall back if it weren’t for your arms quickly wrapping around her waist. 
“You good?” You checked with her while your hands remained on her sides. 
“Ooof, that was a close one,” Robin chuckled. “I’m good, thanks.” She nodded. 
There was no need for you to keep holding onto her, but you just couldn’t let go. You didn’t want to, and she didn’t pull away. It was the closest you had ever been to her and the sweet musky scent that was surrounding her the entire night felt even more intoxicating now. 
“You said you can be anyone… Who are you then?” She wondered quietly. “Now, late at night, in this parking lot.”
 You gulped, cautiously thinking through your answer. “Someone who doesn’t really want this night to end,” you let out. Offering her a weak smile that grew a little when she matched it with her own. “Someone who’s kind of fucking exhausted by pretending that you are not the most radiant person I know.” 
This was the boldest, and also possibly the stupidest, thing you could’ve said. But you decided to be someone who hoped for the better outcome, at least this once. 
The silence that laid between you then caused your confidence in that decision to waver quite a bit. She said nothing. She just watched you, which was somehow both the best and most tormenting thing to happen to you. 
You just fucked it all up. Well, the new better outcome you could hope for now was that she would keep quiet about it and won’t make it a scene to entertain the whole town, you guessed. 
Suddenly, she leaned in and kissed you. The momentum of the action was too strong and wild to the point of making you fall back down onto the ground. 
It happened way too quickly. Both the kiss and the fall. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I’m so sorry,” Robin blurted out, quickly trying to get herself from the top of you. “Are you okay?!” she asked with concern woven in her voice. 
The only reply she got was your laugh and when you raised yourself up on your forearms, you could see her roll her eyes a bit. She offered you a hand before pulling you into a completely seated position. 
“You know, I really wanted to be someone who’s not afraid to kiss girls, but apparently I should be,” she huffed. “Are you sure that you are okay? Do you need me to get someone?” 
“I’m good,” you promised with a smile, and stretched your hand out far enough to stroke her face. “You’d be surprised how many times I got my ass scraped and bruised from falling down. I can survive one more. I can barely feel it, anyway.” 
Your words did not seem to convince her much and so you got up, ready to give her a proof since words did not seem to be enough. 
This action did not bring her any relief, though. Not when the first thing she saw was the little of blood seeping through your clothes. “You’re full of shit. There’s no way you are not feeling that one,” she argued while bringing herself up to her feet as well. 
You pulled up the skirt a bit, checking the scraped and slightly bleeding skin on your ass cheek in the shitty light. “I’ve had worse,” you said honestly, but she was already reaching for your hand. 
For someone who looked like a baby deer just a couple of hours ago, she set out towards where her backpack was laying in the grass quite confidently and the join hands made sure that you were to follow. 
“It’s really not that bad,” you insisted when she let go of your hand and sat down to get to her stuff. 
You meant it when you said that you didn’t want for this night to end, and if she was going to change into her shoes and set out home just because of this, you would be honestly quite heart broken. 
The things she pulled out luckily weren’t her shoes, but rather a water bottle and some bandages. “I came here confident that I’m going to mutilate myself, so I came prepared.” 
“Good thing you have so little confidence in yourself,” you teased while she took off her gloves and washed the dirt away from her hands with some of the water. 
“Come here.” She motioned for you to come closer and then prompted you to lift your skirt up a bit. To her own surprise, she managed to play down the way she choked a bit at the sight of you with your skirt pulled up and your curves exposed under the moonlight quite successfully. 
Carefully, she cleaned as much dirt as she could out of the cuts before covering it with the bandages she had prepared. Her expression focused throughout the whole time. She made sure that the bandage would stick to your skin well by pressing on the edges, her hands then slowly sliding off and stroking over the skin of your thigh as well. 
It felt so silky under her touch, softer than she had ever imagined, and for a moment Robin couldn’t believe that this was not just a silly dream of hers. Surely, she was going to wake up every second, just like she had so many times before. 
When you focused hard enough, you could feel her breath on your skin, which only took away air from your own lungs. Her fingers were gentle and caring when she traced your skin. You had just allowed yourself to close your eyes for a second when she leaned in and just barely pecked you on the area where your ass met your thigh. 
“My mom always used to do that when I hurt myself. A little kiss to make the pain away,” she explained. It was a good thing that you were in the dark because this way, neither of you could see the other one blushing when she looked up to your face again.
“Dunno if it works after the age of six, but why not give it a try, right?” she continued playfully before the cheerful expression fell. “I’m really sorry.” 
“Don’t. It’s fine, promise,” you assured her and got down onto the grass beside her. “I really like who we are, here, late at night, in this parking lot,” you hummed while leaning closer to her. 
She met you half-way, too eager and impatient to wait any longer. You’d both waited more than enough. This time around, you finally got to cherish the way her lips feel against yours. How plump and soft they were. 
They chased you desperately when you tried to pull away for just a little a moment later. You cupped her cheeks and stroked your thumb over it softly as you kissed her upper lip, gently nudging her nose with yours while she pulled you closer. 
In this moment, the time and everything around you felt as if it stopped. It very easily could have. Neither of you would have cared, anyway. Giggles burst from your throats as you lay down on the grass, curious but shy hands stroking over the other while you familiarised yourself with the other’s taste. 
Everything felt so new, but after a while, it was hard to imagine that there had ever been a time when things had not been this way. 
The time felt as if it stopped, but the truth was that it didn’t. 
Your legs were tangled, shirts all crumpled up while your lips were swollen and your chests felt like they could burst from the joy you were feeling. 
The sun was coming up and you both liked the people that you were.
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sharptoothed-gaze · 1 month
Rant about qsmp management below:
After reading the testimony of the ex-head writer of the qsmp and other past admins I’m so confused. Like,, who the fuck was the one making calls saying “this specific task has to be done within a day” out of nowhere???
For what purpose?? It makes zero sense to me how you could require /any/ team to come up with so many assets so quickly when the head writer, designers, social media accounts, AND translators all had no clue what they were ultimately going to be used for. Where the fuck was the crunch coming from? There isn’t a rule saying mc servers must have a rushed event every specific number of days, so nothing /had/ to be done this way.
I’m just so fascinated by the short sightedness of this system?? Especially because these dates and deadlines were made up entirely internally. Fans didn’t make up when Purgatory /must/ go live. The social media accounts were only told about the event a bit before us, much to their panic and confusion. Then, that sudden announcement results in fans getting excited for a new event, all while the head writer was being told they had a day to write scripts for everything. I’m so confused how a project could so consitantly create its own issue. Workers were clearly suffering this way and for no reason. A basic level of scheduling, a simple calendar, would fix this. Hell just put dates on the discord server in a shared channel only used for announcements so people can see.
This entire failure is something so solvable too which is probably what gets me! Like wtf, person at the top of the pyramid, you’re the one making the rules?? The dates are what you make them to be higher ups! Nothing was stopping the decision makers from pushing their expectations back a bit and giving people even just a week to work.
This entire thing reads like a non-creative with zero management experience being in charge of the project. That’s the only way I can wrap my head around someone thinking script writing, modeling, and website design could happen /consistently/ within a few hours notice.
That’s the kind of opinion my mom would have about anything art or creativity related. It’s disheartening as fuck when someone essentially thinks you press a button and then you just instantly spit out work. It shows that they don’t understand the time and effort required to make something good.
Such a blatant lack of understanding or appreciation like that grinds my gears. No matter how you cut the cake, after a certain point it shows an unwillingness to care and a lack of respect. WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE THIS IS A CREATIVE PROJECT!!! The qsmp /required/ a high level of care about these fields if they wanted to maintain the image they had.
Anyway, I know this is a negatively skewed rant and it’s very frustrating, but I want it to be clear that Creatives will always deserve better. Everyone deserves better than a manager who doesn’t understand/give a shit about their craft. If that is the case, they at the very least, need to hire someone who does.
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eris-snow · 8 months
3. 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐩 𝐈𝐭
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, juxtaposition, angst, fluff, swearing, more swearing (It's Katsuki what do you expect)
Feeling his eyes on you is like discovering how to breathe again. Relearning how to inhale and exhale and reworking the smile on your face. 
“Come here, nerd. We need to talk.”
Katsuki is this close to losing it.
He doesn’t know how Izuku had developed selective amnesia in the span of hours, but Katsuki was considering hurling him into the nearest brick wall and see if it would work. He was rapidly running out of options at this rate. Percussive maintenance. How fitting.
This had been the 3rd consecutive day of him reintroducing you to Izuku, and no matter what question he asks, Mr I Fart Quirks Out Of My Ass just doesn’t remember you. What the hell?
You definitely know what’s up, because every time Izuku apologises for not remembering you, you simply smile and wave it of.
After the 5th day of this cycle, Katsuki comes to the hall alone.
“Oh,” You say, watching him calmly climb the stage by your stupid seat. “You’re here early. Where’s Midoriya—”
Katsuki pushes the heavy drapes aside and snarls.
“You’re fucked up, you know that?”
You look startled, but Katsuki doesn’t stop. “The nerd has been coming here every day, and you still go along with his ‘I don’t remember, I’m so sorry!’ bullshit. You have more problems than the water percentage in horse shit.”
Your face curls into a scowl. “Well hello to you too, Bakugou. Should I get up and offer you a chair and discuss your issues? Don’t worry about snacks, we have peanuts.”
The blond reels back at the sarcasm. Okay, you’re snippy.
“And let’s set the record straight. Your problems stack up so high, it makes Mount Everest look like an ant hill. You don’t get to say jack shit about me.”
Katsuki huffs. You’re really pissy today.
“Stop changing the subject. Tell me what you did to him before I punt you.”
You suddenly go very, very still. Eyes dull, lips pressed into a tight line like you’re recalling something unpleasant. Finally, you sigh.
“We’re not talking about this.”
“Uh, yes we are.”
You whirl to him, glare lethal. It feels like he’s staring at an angry Midoriya, because the way his skin crawls at your face can only be done by Izuku (and Auntie Inko, shh.).
“Drop it,” you hiss.
And he does, so that’s that.
Katsuki gives up on bringing Izuku back to the hall. There’s no point, anyway, since he won’t remember.
Schoolwork starts to pile up like a stake of due bills, so he stops going too. It doesn’t mean he stops thinking about you, though.
It’s just the little things that he’s now hyper-aware of. You’re nowhere. And by nowhere, he means not even in the halls, or at assembly. In that short span of time he kept coming to time without Izuku, Katsuki would find you in all sorts of positions.
Playing the piano terribly, leaning against the wall with your ears plugged as you hide away in the crevices of the curtains. Sometimes you’re doing homework, sprawled out on the light brown timber planks. Sometimes you’re revising.
However, every time he walks in, you smile up at him like he’s done no wrong and stop, putting aside your materials so that he could rant about how stupid it was to hide out in here.
On the country, whenever someone other than him walks in, they’d simply give him a raised eyebrow, before leaving without a word.
“Why don’t they ever say anything about you?”
“Maybe cause you’re the hero in training, and I’m not?”
A bullshit reason, but he doesn’t call you out on it.
Talking to you is like a refreshing vacation. Delightfully plucked out of time, away from the problems of rebranding and school work outside. Katsuki never dissociates. He doesn’t like to. But he appreciates the normalcy of his conversations with you.
You listen better than his therapist ever did.
It takes a second for him to realise that he’s been staring at the same diagram on his paper for 5 minutes, and he has to shake his head to snap out of it.
He tells his brain to kindly shut up, pushes the thought of you aside and refocuses on his assignment.
Something about triangles. And circles.
It has become common knowledge that Katsuki can cook as well as a Michelin star chef, and it has thus become common knowledge that U.A.’s kitchen was his.
Well, not all his. Sato owns half of it, but it’s mostly his. Clean, neat and organised, because so help the idiot that would mess up the his spice rack. Which is the only reason why he’s resisting the urge to dump this pot of curry onto said idiot’s head.
Seriously, fuck his life. Denki has decided that horror stories was going to be his new favourite past time, so he gets to hear a new stupid one every week.
Have you ever heard of the Women In Snow?
There was a wendigo spotted nearby! We have to go and see it!
We should go ghost hunting! I hear that there have been paranormal sightings—
“If I hear another mention of ‘hauntings’ or ‘ghosts’, I’m gonna boil you, throw you out on the carpet, and dance on your body.” Katsuki interrupts flatly, jabbing a ladle dangerously close to Denki’s face. “If you want to be here, make yourself useful!”
Denki dodges the attack, flying behind Eijiro who was standing beside Katsuki scooping rice. Coward.
“Kirishima, save me! Bakugou’s gonna murder me!”
Eijiro sighs with an exasperated look on his face. He’s always the peacemaker, and if Katsuki could find it in him to feel sorry for him, he wouldn’t be here.
“Shut the hell up, Shitty Hair! Stay out of it.”
Denki pouts, peeking from behind Eijiro’s red hair. “If I become a ghost, I’m haunting you for the rest of your life.”
Denki grabs a stack of plates from the cabinets and places them on the counter. Dinner was about done, anyway.
“You’re being pissy!” The blond calls as a parting remark.
“You’re being insufferable,” Katsuki lashes back, taking the plate Eijiro had handed him. Eijiro gives him a concerned expression as Katsuki dumps the curry beside the rice.
He likes Denki’s first horror story best, though.
It’s a week until Speech Day and Katsuki feels like he’s going to pop a gasket.
He can handle it-the stress was nothing compared to his first year-but the war has changed him in ways he sometimes wished it didn’t.
Nightmares plague his slumber and between the wrapping up of syllabus and finals ending, he’s so close to degenerate into his old tendencies.
The yelling. The punching. The heat under his collar.
He’s pent up, and he needs someone that can listen. Izuku is there, he always is, but it’s an itch his best friend can’t scratch, because it’s something only you can do.
The quiet of the hall. The hushed conversations. You don’t have a clue what he’s going through, but you try to understand even if he just dropped into your life like a comet from outer space.
That…means a lot more to him than it should have.
He stares at the unnecessarily big doors in front of the hall, debates for a grand total of 5 seconds, decides he doesn’t give two shits about pride and yanks the doors open.
Katsuki manages one step into the hall, before he hears sniffling.
Shit, are you crying? You better not be crying. He doesn’t know what to do with crying people.
Should he go?
He pauses at that.
His shoes squeak on the smooth flooring as he hauls himself on the stage. You’re right where you usually are, splayed on the ground with a book in your hand and tissues strewn beside you.
Your nose is red.
He pulls the curtains away and steps back stage, cautiously approaching you. “Are you okay?”
You sniffle again, blowing your nose.
“Sinus,” you groan, throwing a tissue ball at him. “Been having it all morning. Life hates me.”
And for some reason, that makes him laugh. Low and raspy, genuine and soft. That feels nice.
“Throw that at me one more time.” He replies easily, relief evident. “I dare you.”
You close your book, grinning at him as you unplug your ears. Your eyes light up like a firework show.
“Is that a challenge?”
“It’s a warning.”
He says plainly, flinging the tissue paper back at you so he can create a spot to sit down.
“What brings you here? I thought you hero course students had to—oh.” You put two and two together quick. Katsuki watches you look back at him, and then to your book.
There’s silence for a quick second, before you settle. “Tell me about your patrols?”
And just like that, he’s off like a bullet.
You nod along and listen, balling the tissues in your hand that are wet with tears.
That was too close.
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rottenmemes · 3 months
the front bottoms—various lyrics sentence starters.
some lines adjusted to fit; feel free to change pronouns, proper nouns, etc. as needed
am i getting into heaven? there’s no fucking way.
i would sleep better on your floor than i ever would in my bed.
learn to accept that the things we have now are the best we've had yet.
your friends are here and they miss you, but they’ll eventually move on.
i will always think about you, ‘cause you remind me of who i am.
i’ve tried and i gave everything i had, but i just gave up.
what we have is nowhere near as good as what we should have by now.
it's okay to give up, 'cause nobody here could care less.
time is running out and i need to choose, the clock is moving faster than it used to.
they say face your fears, but i can't stop running.
i'm scared i'm gonna die as lonely as i feel.
it's okay if you're unhappy—just take a look around. there's no one here that's happy either.
the only thing that'd shut me up now is your hands around my throat.
if i tell you all my secrets, would you tell me all your lies?
i have stitched a mask of confidence and i wear it like a glove.
no one's going to listen ‘til you mean every word you say, so if you can't find the feeling, you better learn to lie—and if you know we're gonna fail, then there's little point to try.
i can't get what i need, and you're all i need.
there are certain things you ask of me, but there are certain things i lack.
you say i'm changing—sorry, i didn't know i had to stay the same.
i think you're changing, but don't worry—you don't have to stay the same.
i shouldn't feel like i have to protect you.
at my funeral, don't lie. tell them i didn’t want to die.
i understand that everybody's got their problems, but you seem to have a little more than anybody.
there are things i think we'll come to regret, and the majority of them are dealing with me.
i used to love the taste, i'd do anything for it—now i'd do anything to get the taste out of my mouth.
what about your friends? don't you love them enough to stay?
it probably won't get easier, just easier to hide—prepare for an aching the rest of your life.
i have this dream that i am hitting my dad with a baseball bat, and he is screaming and crying for help—and maybe halfway through it has more to do with me killing him than it ever did protecting myself.
i believe that, yeah, maybe no one's perfect—but i believe that you're pushing your luck.
there's no doubt in my mind that if you could, then you would try to crack my ribcage open and pull my heart right through.
i've been around long enough now to know that the good things never last.
how low is your self esteem? how low could it possibly be?
i know you're in love with me, and i've been ignoring you.
i’m alone only half of the time, and the other half, i’m only hiding.
i got miles to go 'til i ever get home, but the sound of your laugh and your voice on the phone makes me feel like i’m already there.
hey man, i love you, but no fucking way.
make sure you kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face.
the good thing about this cast is i can still hold a knife, so if you ever twist my arm again, i'll be sure to put up a fight.
the past few months were pretty rough; a couple times i wished we both were dead.
just try to appreciate what you got while you got it, so if it ever goes away, you can say you enjoyed it while it lasted.
i don't regret it—how could i? you were the best i ever had.
i wish i could pretend to be all of the things you think you see in me.
i don’t care if you’re not sorry; i forgive you.
the farther you go from where you start, the harder it is to get back.
just because something burns bright doesn't mean it's gonna burn forever.
don't feel bad for me, because i won't feel bad for you.
when i wake up, i think of you.
it doesn't get worse, and it doesn't get better; you just get old—it lasts forever.
no one saw me the way you did, and no one's seen me that way since.
i know that no news is good news, but that’s always felt backwards.
i’m bound by love, born to obey.
you are the truth i choose to bend myself around.
a long time ago i promised that if you were happy, then i was happy.
don't take it easy on the animal—i am the animal.
sometimes things work out perfectly when there's nothing to lose.
i don't know where i am, but i've been here before.
i'm sorry for your loss, there's not much i can do.
i could see myself dying for you.
we're both trying, you gotta give us that.
why don't you put your boxing gloves on and punch your punching bag, get some of this rage out you have deep inside of you—you’ll feel better, that's the point.
there was resentment built up that was never expressed properly.
you seem to see through whatever it is about me that's trying to be tough.
this is the fear i was born into, it somehow still affects me today.
it may or may not seem like you're leaving me behind, and it may or may not be always on my mind.
i don’t wanna put a curse on myself—i don’t wanna put a curse on you either.
you don't have to try so hard to not see me around.
the more you give, the worse it gets.
i wanna be good to the people that i love—i want them to think of me as someone that they can trust.
i wanna settle down—i want you to settle down with me.
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ourtearsofrain · 1 month
Slow It Down (D.R.W/S.F.K)- Chapter 4
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Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Genre: ANGST
Word Count:  1.8k
Warnings: ouid consumption, Sam and Danny fight again and Danny gives him a harsh reality check, Sammy boy’s going through it and his family is worried about him
“Alright, I gotta take a leak.” Josh slaps his hands on his thighs, a classic midwestern habit he would never be able to get rid of no matter how long he lived in New York. As he stands, he sways slightly as the half of a joint he smoked catches up to him. He grabs Jake’s shoulder for support, trying to pass him but only succeeding in bumping into his camping chair and nearly toppling the pair over.
“I’m gonna go with him, make sure he doesn’t fall off a cliff or something.” Jake stands, offering his arm out to his brother for support as he takes cautious steps over the loose rocks below them.
Fuck. They’re seriously going to leave me alone with him? The pit in Danny’s stomach only grows as the twins disappear into the trees, the sounds of Jake trying to keep Josh on the path growing quieter and quieter by the moment. Just look anywhere but him. Anywhere but him, it’s that easy. He distracts himself by focusing on the rocks below him, beginning to balance them on top of each other. He can feel Sam staring at him out of the corner of his eye and after five minutes, it finally gets on his nerves.
“Do you have something to say?” Danny didn’t mean for his question to sound so harsh, but it comes off angry nonetheless.
“No.” Sam looks away quickly, down at his hands as he picks his cuticles in his lap.
“Then find something else to do than stare, please.” Sam says nothing more, not once glancing back at Danny as he continues stacking the river rocks, looking up at Sam every so often to make sure he wasn’t looking at him. Why the fuck do you care if he’s looking?
“Did you find what you were looking for?” Sam’s question comes out of nowhere, and for the first time in years, he makes direct eye contact with Danny, his expression serious and unfaltering.
“Did you find whatever it was that you were looking for? In New York. Are you- are you happy?”
Danny can’t tell if the weed was impairing his thought process or if Sam truly was making no sense, taking longer than he should have to consider his words. “I don’t know, I don’t know what I’m looking for. I’m happy… I could be happier.” Jesus fuck, remind me never to smoke around Sam anymore. The man ignores me for years and then the second he starts asking questions I’m an open fucking book.
“What would make you happier?”
You. Danny catches himself before he says the word, shaking his head at Sam as he tries to come up with any other answer. “I don’t know, but I do know it’s better than staying here.” If he gets to say cryptic shit, then so do I.  “Maybe I just moved to the city hoping the noise drowned out the regret.”
“What regret?”
Fuck. I wasn’t actually expecting him to ask. Danny fixes him with a blank expression, deep-rooted pain flashing behind his eyes. “I think you know. Why do you even care?”
Sam’s glad Danny isn’t close enough to see the tears threatening to spill from his eyes, and he hoped that when he found his words, they wouldn’t betray him. “So, you regret it?”
“Yes. I do.” Of course I fucking regret it. If I hadn’t kissed him, we would still be friends. I could still have him in my life, even if it wasn’t in the way that I wanted it to be.
“Good to know.” Sam picks his book up again, opening to a random page and hoping that Danny would drop the subject before it made him cry.
“Why the fuck do you keep bringing the kiss up, Sam?” Danny stares daggers at him, anger welling in his stomach as Sam shows so little emotion towards the event that ruined their friendship. “It’s in the past, move on.”
Sam looks up from his book, his eyes darting between Danny and anything else in the clearing he could distract himself with. “We just never talked about it.”
“And who’s fucking fault is that?” Danny saw that his comment hurt Sam, his features twisting slightly as if he were on the verge of tears, but it’s not enough. He continues, bringing every feeling he had to the surface as Sam blinks back tears. “You know what your problem is, Sam? You’re stuck in the past while everyone else around you moves forward. Leave the past where it belongs, or you’ll be left behind.”
He stands as if to leave, only turning and taking two steps before Sam’s voice stops him. “I’m not- I’m not stuck in the past.”
“Yes, you fucking are!” Danny rounds on him, his voice raised in his frustration. “You’re too focused on the past, on the kiss, on all of us leaving to actually live in the moment. We aren’t 18-year-old kids fresh out of high school anymore, we’re adults. You’re going to need to grow the fuck up at some point, and for your sake I hope that happens soon.”
“Fuck you.” His voice is quiet as a tear rolls down his cheek, not bothering to wipe it away as more come.
“NO, FUCK YOU SAM! You’re a fucking coward. Too scared to talk about the goddamn kiss so you ignored me, your closest friend, for three years. Too scared to move away from Frankenmuth so still living with your parents. Too scared to actually take control of your life so you study fucking business. What the fuck happened to astronomy, Sam? What happened to the boy I knew who was excited for his future after graduation, who was so passionate about following his dreams and getting out of Michigan?” Danny takes a deep breath, waiting to see if Sam had anything to fling back at him for his outburst. He thought seeing him cry at his truthful words would make him feel better. It didn’t. “If you find that boy again, tell him I fucking miss him. I want that Sam, my Sam, back.”
Danny turns before his tears escape his eyes, hastily making a grab for his shoes and shirt as he storms away from the clearing. He doesn’t even feel the sticks and stones stabbing the bottoms of his feet or the blistering asphalt until he’s safe in his old room, every ache riddling his body hitting him all at once as he sinks to the floor, holding his face in his hands until there are no more tears left in him to cry.
June 30th, 2:42 PM
Danny had blocked that day from his memory, doing his best to enjoy his summer without focusing on every negative thing being back in Frankenmuth brought back. He hadn’t seen Sam since, but what did he care?
“Hey Danny?”
He cracks his eyes open, squinting at Josh as they lay on the beach of Saginaw Bay sunbathing after several hours in the water. “Hm?”
“Did you and Sam get into a fight after Jake and I left? When we went to the watering hole.”
“I don’t know if I would call it a fight.”
“Then what would you call it?” Jake’s head pops up on the other side of Josh as he sits up, his curiosity getting the best of him.
“I kind of… maybe yelled at him. A lot. He cried.” Danny keeps his response short, not wanting to get into the details of it. But the twins, being who they were, needed to know more.
“What did you say?” Josh’s voice is quiet, his mind racing between every possible thing Danny could have said to leave Sam the way they found him; alone, sitting on that same rock, sobbing.
“I called him a coward. Said he wasn’t the same boy I knew before I left.” His voice breaks as he remembers how angry he was, how disappointed at the man in front of him he had been. And worst of all, Sam’s expression. He knew he should have stopped himself; he shouldn’t have said such harsh things, even though they were the truth. He had watched Sam crumble away at each blow, but even that hadn’t stopped him. He had wanted Sam to hurt as much as he had. Just another thing to add to my list of regrets.
Jake and Josh exchange a look, seemingly telepathically communicating before Jake speaks for them. “You need to talk to him, Daniel.”
“No.” His response comes too quick, trying to backpedal as he stumbles over his thoughts. “I mean, he won’t talk to me. He didn’t want to talk to me before, so he definitely won’t talk to me now.”
“Please. Do it for us.” Jake’s statement makes almost no sense until his twin cuts in.
“We’re worried about him, mom and dad too. We don’t know what to do, Danny.”
Danny sits up, the broken tone of his statement sending his anxiety spiraling. “Why are you worried about him?”
“He’s moody, stays in his room all day. And yeah, he’s been like this since we all left but… but it’s worse now. He won’t talk to us, he barely comes down to eat. We invited him to join us today without telling him you’d be here, and he still refused. Any time any of us try to go talk to him about what’s going on, he gets angry, yells at us until we leave. We don’t know how to help him. We just- we just want our little brother back, Danny.” Danny’s regret only grows as tears glint in Josh’s eyes as he explains, feeling completely responsible for the state that Sam was in.
“If anyone can help him, it’s you. You might not be close anymore, but we know he would still hold your opinion and advice higher than ours.” Jake finishes, both men looking at him with pleading expressions.
They think I’m their last hope. “Fine.” The twins’ faces flicker with optimism at his agreement, causing Danny to continue. “But I can’t make any promises that he’ll even talk to me. He hates me and we’re strangers to each other at this point, I don’t know why you guys think it’ll work. But I’ll try.”
“Thank you, Daniel.”
“I knew we could count on you.” Josh moves to his knees in the sand, leaning forward to close the distance between them to hug Danny.
“I said I’ll try, not that it’ll work. The second he yells, I’m out.”
“Understandable. And that’s all we’re asking of you, Danny. To try. Know that it means the world to us.”
I just have to try to reason with a man that hates me after I berated him a week ago. How hard can it be? Where the fuck do I even start?
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @sanguinebats @theres-a-tvjoe @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @currentlyfangirling10
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snowblossomreads · 1 year
Verse Six: So I Gave Myself Over Willingly
Previous Chapter: I Never Knew My Killer Would Be Coming From Within
Summary: In where Severus opens a closed door, and [Y/n] closes it. (Or in where [Y/n] has the chance to escape but doesn't)
Pairing: Severus Snape x FemReader
Tag(s)/Warning(s): Angst (of course), Despair, Manipulation, Breaking Down, Smut [Dub-con/coercion, penetrative sex, oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, pet names, begging]
Word Count: 12K (it's what you guys deserve)
A/N: Hits post and runs. Jk So that took waaaay longer than expected and I'm sorry 😭😭 Life has been doing some things so it's been tough to write but here we are!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter though bc it was a tough binch to write because I had to wrap basically everything up in it so sorry if it feels a little discombobulated.. Buckle up though and make sure ur necks are sturdy so you don't get whiplash from this chapter (granted the previous one was more whiplashy i think, sorry?). But still, enjoy and I'll see you at the end!
A/N+: AND I know I said I would throw the last two chapters up at once but I lied 😅😅🤣 you guys have waited too long and deserve something so here you go!
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Something had changed after that night.
After spending all her time existing within the four walls of the room she had been stored in since she was taken, [Y/n] was now being allowed to take her meals in the kitchen. Still being supervised of course but nonetheless, she was out of that room even if only for a little while.
Snape had also given her permission to stay in the living room while he was there and at first, she had refused and made a hasty retreat back into the room unnerved by his presence.
Yet he was persistent, repeatedly asking her until she relented and found herself just sitting quietly on the sofa near him as he read or worked in that tall wingback chair of his.
Additionally, he had bought her some new clothes to wear only a few days after that incident saying a change of clothing may make her feel better. Considering that she only had the clothes that were on her back when she came it would have made sense.
Maybe it would make her feel better in the dizzying situation she was in. But it didn’t. Especially when each article of clothing fit her just right. It only made her more anxious, more nauseated.
The change of his demeanor towards her was absolutely bizarre, frightening in a way that she couldn’t put a finger on. Not only did he take her hostage and then force her into deprave acts, but now he was being pleasant, even kind to her like he didn’t do those fucked up things to her. 
And it hadn’t sat well with her, this inexplicable shift, and it caused her stomach to tighten in discomfort, a pang of nausea washing over her each time she awoke. Yet as the uncountable days started to pass and the strange sort of pleasantry became familiar, expected almost, she found that her already exhausted psyche was becoming more confused.
It became worse as he began to allow her to leave that room of her own accord. Granted she knew he was watching, and if not him then Wormtail was. She was at least thankful that she had hardly seen that particular man around since the earlier encounter with him. 
But even with that she still felt frightened at her situation. Who wouldn’t be knowing that they had nowhere else to go? Trapped with a person who seemed to have two sides to them and was seemingly manipulating everyone around them. 
Herself included. 
These thoughts of fear and wariness swirled in the depths of her mind every single day that she had been there and it was absolutely exhausting.
So it was when he brought up going outside with him at the kitchen table where they sat, him reading the Daily Prophet while she picked at her breakfast, that she couldn’t help but be stunned into silence. Though it wasn’t as if she was talkative in the first place with him.
“I’m going into a muggle village today for some items.”
Head tilted downwards, she barely acknowledged what he had said as her eyes gazed blankly at the food in her bowl while she swirled it absentmindedly with her spoon. Why would she care that he would be gone? All it meant was that she would be locked up again within the four walls of that room.
“Would you like to accompany me?”
The circular motion of the spoon stopped immediately at his words and for a split second so did her breathing. Accompany him outside? What kind of sick game was he playing at? To dangle such an offer out to her knowing to be outside and free was the only thing she had wanted since she had been there. 
To offer such a thing only for it to probably be snatched away the moment she answered in the affirmative. It was cruel. But what more could she expect from him? Her silence had Snape peering over the paper in his hand one eyebrow raised as he studied her frozen form.
“Or would you prefer to be kept here?”
Yet, even those thoughts of him toying with her couldn’t stop the outburst that left her in a panic when he interrupted her spiraling. 
Head shooting up from its bowed position, [Y/n] watched as his eyebrows quirked up at her and the uncharacteristically lively way she had answered. And if she could see behind the paper that was partially obscuring his face, she would have seen thin lips drawn up into a minuscule smirk. 
Warmth prickled at her skin as she dropped her head back down, trying to avoid his examining gaze that she could still feel on her. It almost made her wish that she was still in that room because the crawling sensation he made her feel was unbearable at times. This being one of those times
“No, I meant I would like to come,” she began while gingerly dragging her fingers up and down her thighs trying to soothe herself before more quietly adding, “it’s been a while.” 
Falling silent after giving him an answer, the only sound between them was him turning the page of the newspaper causing it to rustle, and the white noise that she had become all too used to in this place. 
Moments passed in that silence and each one had her stomach tightening, her heart dropping and fingers digging into her legs as the chance of going outside seemed to grow further and further away each second he didn’t acquiesce. Who was she playing though? Did she really think he would let her accompany him outside? Truly-
“If that’s so,” he muttered looking at her barely touched bowl of food, “I advise you to hurry along with your meal. We leave in ten minutes and I expect you’ll need all of your strength.”
Looking up and going to meet his gaze, [Y/n] was only met with the moving pictures on the front page of the newspaper before going to stare down at her food. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been actually hungry as her diet consisted mostly of fear that left her unwilling to eat. 
But with the promise of going outside, and maybe, just maybe having a chance of freeing herself, she forced herself to eat the meal that was empty of taste and warmth.
It had taken her almost the full ten minutes to finish her food, and Snape had no problem inserting a remark here or there as time ticked closer. 
‘Hm, to think the promise of a walk outside was all you needed to be more responsive. How quaint.’
‘I’m almost done with this page and I would hurry if I were you.’
And as much as it would rattle her when he vaguely threatened to take away that chance of freedom, it had worked because the moment he closed the newspaper, she was staring at him, bowl empty and eyes pleading.
“Well then,” he said, placing the paper down, getting up, and walking beside her seated form before looking down at her. “Shall we?
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The moment she felt the warm breeze fluttering across her face, [Y/n] felt a tight ball of emotion begin to work its way up from her stomach before it sat heavily in her chest. 
Tears that she had thought were long shed attempted to prick at her eyes again as even in the gloominess of wherever this house was, she could still see that there were trees that had bright greenery adorning them. 
Greenery that had not been on any plant the last time she had been outside. How long had passed since she had been gone? After the first few weeks, she could barely keep up with time as it had been the least worrying thing on her mind.
“Now,” Snape’s voice broke her out of her thoughts and she flinched when she felt his fingers tightly enveloping her wrist. Looking up at him she was met with a raised brow. “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you but for your sake know that any funny business will get you nowhere. Understand?”
Funny business? And if she attempted any of that, what would he do? Kill her in front of all the muggles? Surely even he couldn’t obliviate all those people if he wanted to and even so he wasn’t at all stupid to cause a scene. 
No, that would be too simple, and with the glint in his dark eyes, [Y/n] could tell that it indeed would not be the case. So she couldn’t help but nod in agreement, a timid,
“Yes,” leaving her as even in the warm air a chill seemed to run down her spine at the look he gave her. Something told her a quick death would not be in store for her if she did try to do anything.
Seemingly pleased by that answer, he pulled her with him into the alleyway that divided the two buildings, not paying attention to the way she stumbled behind him before stopping in place. It almost caused her to bump into him yet he didn’t seem at all phased as he glanced around the area for any other sight of life.
“Hold on tight.”
His words were the last thing she heard before a squeak fell from her lips as he dropped her hand from his hold only to wrap his arms tightly around her. 
Head snapping up to look at him she felt a wave of nausea replace the feeling in her stomach as the sound of wind shrilled in her ear and her body felt as if it was being squeezed tightly. 
The vision of trees, the sky, and muggle machines passed by her in a whirlwind before a barely audible pop rang in her ear and they were standing upright again on solid ground.
Feeling his arms release her, [Y/n] made a step forward before a wave of nausea had her stumbling a bit. 
‘Perks of not apparating for a long time.’
She thought to herself as her hand flew blindly to the side to grab onto the wall to keep herself from falling flat onto the ground.  But instead of meeting the hard stone of the ground, she felt an arm wrap around her waist pulling her back gently.
“Tsk, steady you silly thing,” Snape murmured as his hand drifted to her lower back causing a shiver to climb up her spine at his firm touch.
“I’m fine.” She lied, gulping down the uneasy feeling bubbling in her stomach and turning back to look at him. For a moment when her eyes laid on him, she swore she saw an amused smile tug at his lip before it fell.  
Letting her go, he watched her take another step forward, less unsteady this time and more grounded.
“Thank you.” Her words of gratitude held hesitation and he merely shrugged before walking past her not even looking to see if she would follow.
“Mhm, come along then.”
Watching his back face her she began to follow in his footsteps not once even thinking to turn the other direction or apparate herself away from the place mind still hung on his words from earlier.
Venturing out of the alleyway they apparated into and blending in with the muggles, she followed him silently toward the many stands that lined the area.
It was lively. Crowded with muggles of all ages as they spoke to the sellers behind tables or stands while looking at the different wares that were being sold and trading banter amongst each other.
The noise of the conversations in the area had her wincing a bit, her senses no longer used to so much racket as it had been forever since there had been so many people around her.
She wondered, just briefly as they stopped in front of a stand selling a variety of produce and herbs, what they would do if they knew that a witch and wizard were only feet from them. 
Buying items just as they would acting as if this was an everyday occurrence for them even though it was not. Because it wasn’t every day someone's captor willingly brought them out. 
Eyeing him for a second, [Y/n] began to look around the area. Taking in the sights and people silently as Snape droned on to the merchant standing at the stall. 
Everyone there seemed to be so happy, exuberant in the sunlight that was pounding down on them as they went about their business. Children playing around as parents tried to corral them together. Teenagers hanging out with others speaking loudly and laughing. 
There was a joyful mood all around her. Yet she felt none of that joy while scanning the horizon. Even when her eyes landed on a figure standing on the far opposite of the stall they were at. 
Hands placed in their pocket as they watched over the people going and coming. The person looked most out of place with how stiff and uncomfortable they were. 
It was written all over their body how they didn’t seem to know how to act around all the people. Additionally, the clothes they wore didn’t match any of the muggle styles that the other people had on. No, it was more something a witch or wizard would wear thinking muggles would wear the same. 
And it was the same mistake that a lot of the trainees made during her time in Auror training. Failing to disguise oneself probably. All that to say the person she was staring at and who was currently failing their training was an Auror. 
Not a full fledged Auror no. But one in training at least and probably currently working on their concealment and disguise ability considering how easy it was to spot how out of place they were. 
That also meant that a real Auror, one that she may have worked with before or known, was here. Watching the student and also paying attention to their surroundings. 
Knowing that, it was as if her brain had suddenly snapped back on, words written almost in big red letters scrawled across her mind telling her to:
She could do it if she truly wanted to. Escape. Make a scene and attract the Auror's attention. She didn’t have to stay with the man who at the moment was paying no mind to her.
Yes, if she could just get the attention of the trainee somehow without Snape noticing her she would be free! Her heart raced at the thought. Eyes almost welling up with tears yet doing her best to tamp down any emotion that would bring his attention to her.
Scanning the area she tried to determine who was who if there was at least a friend in the area that she had not seen and vice versa. Of course, she didn’t think it would be easy looking for a trained Auror who would be perfectly disguised yet as she looked and searched she saw nothing. 
Saw no one looking at her or paying her any mind. No, everyone continued to go on their way enjoying their time out as they passed by happy and unaware that danger lurked around the corner. 
And then a thought hit her square in the face. If she ran, if she made a scene. What would happen to the muggles around her? Surely Snape was not going to just let her go. She wasn’t naive to believe that considering if she was found he would be receiving a one way ticket to Azkaban.
No, he would make sure she didn’t leave here alive regardless of any of the muggles around. What were a few muggle lives to avoid being sent to probably one of the worst places a witch or wizard could go? As that thought came another reared its head. What would happen to her if she got away? 
There was no doubt in her mind she would be brought back to the Ministry and questioned about all she had seen and all that happened. But what then? 
Let her go and go on about her life? 
Go home?
To an empty house that had death soaked into its walls and floor? 
What about the large target on her back she was sure she would have the moment she ran for it? Even if she was lucky and escaped, she would have to hide from Death Eaters until a day when they were no longer a threat.
Sure she could have other Aurors around her protection, or maybe stay at the Ministry for an indefinite time until it was safe but when would that happen? What made her so sure that any of the Aurors could protect her even if they tried? She had seen how the Death Eaters wiped out her team with ease so how would just a few Aurors work against them? 
And if she stayed at the Ministry what would happen if  You-Know-Who got the reign of terror he wanted? It would have all been for nothing. 
These thoughts bounced in her brain over and over spinning tangled webs of scenarios of how her running would turn out. And the frightening part was that they all seemed to lead down a road of living in despair, fear, and every so often death.  
Having been drowning in those thoughts, she hadn’t recognized her name being called, eyes glazed over as she stared at the spot where the Auror to be once stood. 
But they were no longer occupying that spot, no longer close enough to see and she had realized at that moment she had missed her chance. Missed her way to freedom that had been so close yet held away from it by a fear that had seemed to come from nowhere.
The firmness in his voice along with feeling his hand landing on her lower back jolted her out of her trance, her eyes landing on him as tears pricked at her eyes. 
“Yes?” She whispered, the fire and adrenaline of seemingly almost free leaving her and being replaced with a hollowed out feeling that made her feel almost ill.
“You seemed tired,” he started, eyebrow raised as he examined her features, no doubt seeing how glassy her eyes were, “I think that is enough, no?”  
For a moment there was a silence between them that seemed to suck all the noise around them away before she answered him.
“Yes…I think so too.”  
The hand that he had placed on her back slipped down and away from her before she felt his digits brush her limp ones. A sense of unease usually filled her whenever he touched her like this, yet now she felt nothing. 
Instead, she made no effort to pull away like usual when he went to envelop her trembling hand with his own steady and firm grip allowing him to guide them back to the alleyway they had arrived from and apparating back to his home. 
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When they returned, the rest of the day had been spent in a silence that was normal for them now. But they both knew another change had occurred. One that she didn’t want to acknowledge as it would make it real, and one he didn’t want to force out of her because well, there was no gain in that.
So when she was summoned from her room after skittering back into it almost voluntarily when they returned, Snape couldn’t help but truly examine her slumped form as she entered the kitchen. The longer she had been holed up in this place, the more her body language showed how physically tired she was. 
Dark circles had long painted themselves under her eyes from the tormenting nightmares that stayed with her from morning to night. Not even in her dreaming, where one should be able to at least forget what the day brought, had she been safe from his entrapment as she had found out quickly enough. 
Yet he still could tell that even through all of it, that there had been a fighting spirit in her. A defiance that burned and a naive hope that she would get out of the situation that she had landed herself in. 
But this weariness she showed to him at the moment seemed different. There was no light in her eyes. No amount of defiance radiated from her as she quietly sat across from him, not even acknowledging the food in front of her. 
There was nothing. Just her and him in a world that probably no longer acknowledged that she had been a part of it. Not when she had been missing for so long without as much of a trace of where she had gone to. 
Not that the Ministry would ever find one that is. 
It was Snape that broke the silence between them just as he had done that morning, eyes squarely on her as she finally began to pick at her food. 
“I hope that I can bring you out again.”
A simple statement that needed no responding to. Not that he was expecting one from her as she mindlessly brought a spoonful of food to her mouth.
“I don’t care for it but it seems to do you well.”  
He continued, bringing his cup up towards his lips to drink from while just taking in the sight of her sagging shoulders and how her eyes stared pointedly at the bowl in front of her. 
“Why didn’t you try to run?”
That finally seemed to have captured her attention as her hand froze midway through scooping up the food in her bowl. For a moment she stayed that way not looking up at him, eyes still glued on the meal in front of her. 
Not one to enjoy repeating himself, he waited, giving her time to fill the silence with her answer.
“What do you mean?”
Her voice was barely above a whisper as she kept her face low while the grip on her spoon tightened.
“Don’t play dumb with me,” he sneered, tone laced with annoyance yet devoid of any real malice towards her as he continued. “Do you not think I know an Auror when I see one? You all are hardly as inconspicuous as you try to make yourself be.”
Silence blanketed them again but this time there was a tension in it like a tightly wound knot that was about to unravel or an invisible crackle in the air that only needed a spark to ignite. And the spark came with his next words.
“You had your chance yet here you are still,” Snape pointed out eyes still on her, “surely a mind as brilliant as yours knows why.”
“I don’t know.” 
“You don’t…know?”
There was an incredulous quality in his tone as he repeated the weak response that she had given. 
“Is that all…you don’t know?” He asked, watching as her sagging shoulders tensed up as she placed the spoon that she had held so tightly down.
“Maybe,” she murmured almost inaudibly, lifting her head revealing a pointed glare at him while trying to hold in the tears that had been burning in her eyes since they had returned. “Maybe it was because I was worried about the muggles that were there who might get hurt if something happened,” she answered, voice shaking yet gaining in volume. 
“Or maybe it’s because if I ran, and managed to escape somehow  I wouldn’t even be able to sleep, wouldn’t be able to live because I’m scared some Death Eater is going to come barreling through my door trying to kill me like they did my parents and brother!”
A shrill tone had seeped its way into her voice as [Y/n] suddenly shot up from her chair, knocking it backward with a loud clatter that she ignored as she stomped over to him. Unflinchingly, he watched her approach him, his expression neutral as he watched a range of emotions twist her features before it stopped at one. 
Slamming her hands on the edge of the table causing the dinnerware to shake she stood over him, tears beginning to stream down her face. “Or is it,” her breath hitched, “i-is it because I know when I go home, there will be no one? Absolutely no one there. Because of me.” 
“Does that make you happy?” She shouted her voice cracking from the intensity as her body trembled with the grief that she had been carrying for months at that point. 
Refusing to wipe the tears out of her eyes she stared at him with her blurred vision. His expression was fixed the entire time she had been screaming at him, unaffected by her cries and tears and it wasn’t unexpected. There was no twitch of his lips, no raise of a brow like he would usually have done. 
He just sat there cold and distant as she broke into a million pieces in front of him. It shouldn’t have hurt her so much yet she couldn’t help the sudden weakness that seized hold of her limbs. Weighing her down as any strength from her was sapped. 
“Is that what you wanted to hear me say?” She whispered before her shaking legs gave out causing her to collapse on the floor in a weeping pile. Hands coming up to bury her face in them as sob after choked sob was pulled out from her while she trembled and cried.
“My family,” she rasped, her voice loud and raw filled with the agony that maybe if she had been more careful all of this would have never happened and her family and friends would have been still alive. Gasping for air, she tried to speak yet it was too much, all of it was just too much.
Instead of words, a cry left her lips that was immensely piercing as she lunged forward, arms wrapping around herself as she wept. It had been so ear-splitting that it covered the sound of Snape’s chair scraping against the ground before he was next to her on the floor. 
Arms finding their place around [Y/n] he dragged her close to him in an embrace as his hand began to stroke circles on her lower back. Yet as comforting as embraces were supposed to be, this one only had her sobbing louder as she stayed in his arms too tired and distraught to try and fight him away.
“Why, why did this have to happen,” she gasped out trying to claw back as much air into her lungs as she could, “if I- if I would have just died that day they-they-.”
Unable to finish her thought as her mind swirled over and over with guilt about everything that had happened, another noisy cry left her body as she sunk completely into his embrace no longer caring that he was holding her.  
It was all just too much.
“Shh enough of that now.” Snape hummed as she shuddered with each shaky breath she took trying to regain some control over her emotions. 
Cooing at her, he continued to rub small circles on her lower back as if trying to comfort her, his voice low and silky as he whispered in her ear. “There was nothing you could have done to save your family [Y/n] you did your best. ” 
Had she been thinking clearly and not being strangled with the unrelenting thoughts of her failures, she would have cursed at him, hit him, and pushed him away yet all she did was continue to cry as she listened to him speak. 
“But even though they are no more,” he murmured softly, his lips ghosting against her ear causing her breath to become more uneven and her skin to prickle, “I would think they would prefer their daughter to be in capable hands, no? Someone who could take care of you and keep you from the same harm that came upon them,” he continued, lips caressing over the juncture of her neck as he spoke. “It would make them happy, wouldn’t it? And you’ve always done what you could to make them happy right?”
Pausing his speech, he pulled away to look at her yet her eyes stayed lowered as her mind reeled with the implications of his words. Without him, she would be alone having been her only contact with the world for a while not including today. 
Though even when she was out there she had felt utterly alone even when surrounded by those people. Even when she could have escaped, her thoughts always seemed to have ended back to Snape. Whether it be what he would do to others or what he would do to her to make her stay. 
So if she escaped, she would be in danger for an undetermined amount of time. But if she stayed at least she would be safe from the wrath of any Death Eater. He had also been kinder to her recently as if trying to wipe the memories of earlier on away. It was strange but it had been welcomed even if she had been on edge about it. 
But fighting him all this time didn’t work, it was never going to work and she knew that from the moment she was given to him and he refused to let her go. And she was utterly exhausted, waking up every day with little to no autonomy along with the fear of him just getting tired of her resistance and outright killing her once his patient facade ran out.
So it was okay, right? Okay, for her to accept it, to ease the suffering that was crushing her heart, suffocating her, and clouding her mind every day. Okay to do something to avoid the pain the future would no doubt bring if she didn’t accept it. Right?
You don’t have to fight anymore. Just stay. 
Dimmed eyes finally turned to look at him, tears still clinging to her eyelids as she gazed up at the concerned expression that he wore. That was a first. To see any other look from him other than contempt, or just pure uninterest.  
“Y-you, won’t let them hurt me?” She stuttered out, looking into his dark eyes that seemed to dig into her mind as she bargained with herself.
With a shake of his head, he leaned down slightly closing some distance between them before bringing a hand up to caress her tear-stained cheek softly. 
It was almost lovingly the way the back of his palm slid against her skin. Slowly, with no haste in his movement which caused a shiver to crawl up her spine and a knot to begin to grow in her stomach as he captured her attention with his words and actions.
“Never,” his voice was no louder than a murmur, it was deep, and dark as it vibrated inside her while his lips neared her ear. “No witch or wizard will ever be able to hurt you [Y/n],” he whispered, causing her breath to hitch at his closeness, at the way his voice seemed to seep deeper into her causing something in her body to awaken. “Let me keep you safe, isn’t that what you wanted all this time? To be safe?”
She had hardly known what that felt like for so long. To be safe. To not wake up and fall asleep worried about what would happen to her. To not have to consider what would happen to her if she did run away. 
No, if she stayed put at least she would have some idea of what was to come for her. At least in this hell, she knew the devil who ruled it, and what he wanted from her. 
If he had wanted to kill her, he would have done that months, weeks, or days ago. He had every chance to. However, here she was with his arms wrapped around her, body pressed against hers, and what seemed to be a sincere look on his face. 
One that lulled her into a stillness, had her shoulders slumping and had the last drops of tears being blinked away. As inaudible as the way her resolve shattered in front of them, it was the same as the word that fell quietly from her lips.
It was so hushed that had he not been close to her, had there been any other noise right before she spoke neither of them would have heard it. 
Her voice was unrecognizable to herself as she gazed up at him, the realization of her signing away her freedom to him long buried in the depth of her mind. Because what was signing something away that you didn’t have in the first place?
“I’ll stay, I won’t try to run or leave again,” [Y/n] whimpered, as she searched his face for any sign of understanding, “ so please just, just…” 
Her words trailed off as her mind replayed his vile words to her in the beginning. The assaults, the sleeplessness, and invading of her own mind to twist it and doubt the feelings she had. Yet somehow all of that began to be clouded over with a strange relief.
Relief born out of knowing that by accepting to stay she would never have to face that again. Never have to face danger again. Just stay and exist. 
The thought itself was pleasant. Something she had wanted even if this was not the way she thought she would get it.
As if he could understand her without words, Snape simply nodded. 
He went to stroke her cheek once more while the arm already wrapped around her drew her closer to him in a firm and protective grip. Warmth radiated from their bodies as they sat near each other, [Y/n] almost on his lap as she clinged to him like a sort of lifeline. 
A sight to behold for both of them if they saw it from another view, as Snape leaned his head down towards her, his lips skimming against her forehead ghosting over the skin before hovering just inches away from hers. 
There was a tremble in her, yet she didn’t pull away, didn’t try to rip herself from him in disgust and realization. Instead, her fingers tightened their grip on his shirt as she swallowed before tilting her head up just enough that their lips brushed against each other. 
Her movement was all it took before Snape was pressing his lips lightly against hers. Sealing their pact as he dropped the hand from her cheek and took hold of her with both arms. 
Their bodies were crushed together as a soft mewl caught in [Y/n] throat at the sensation of being held so tightly and protectively. 
Being kissed so lightly yet feeling a furious undercurrent right beneath it that took her breath away as her eyes fell close and she allowed herself to be pulled into his desires.  
“Let me keep you safe.” 
Words husked out as she looked at Snape with lidded eyes and swollen lips as he pulled away from her. Mind in a haze, she nodded at him and watched as he stood. 
And for a moment he hovered over her, eyes raking over her disheveled form that was practically laid out in front of him before going to help her up. Wobbly on her feet, she let him guide her out of the kitchen, past the living room, and up the stairs. 
Her eyes never left his form, as she trailed behind him. Their fingers entwined as they passed the room that she had reluctantly called hers for all this time. 
Its door stood open, light filtering in yet she paid no heed to it as they went past it. No, there was no light where she was going as they went deeper down the hallway before Snape was opening the door to another room.
His own.
Had she had time she would have observed all that was around her. From the items placed on shelves to the stack of chests that sat in the corner of the room.
But there was none as when they passed the threshold of the door, she was immediately being spun around to face him. His hands reached down, tugging at the hem of her skirt yanking it and her underwear off with little resistance from [Y/n] who made no move to stop him. 
Next was the blouse that he had brought to her a number of days ago. That and her bra were unceremoniously torn off her and discarded somewhere to the side causing her to shiver at the sudden cold air that kissed her skin. 
The discomfort was suddenly forgotten as she felt herself being engulfed in his arms, his lips finding the spot on her neck and a hand cupping her ass squeezing harshly and causing a low whimper to leave her. 
Slowly he walked them back, his mouth sucking and kissing at her bare skin as heat corded in her stomach from the way he squeezed and caressed her behind. 
With each step he took forward, she moved backward and before long, a surprised sound left her throat when the back of her legs hit the bed and she found herself tumbling onto the soft sheets and plush mattress that was his bed. 
For a second she couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by his scent that lingered on his bedspread. It was dark, intoxicating, and oddly sensual as she lay upon the silky sheets that felt so good against her skin. 
If she could stay there forever, she probably would as she never felt so immensely drawn to something so suddenly. Slowly she dragged herself further up the bed so that she was basically laying right in the middle of it. 
Peeking up at him with lidded eyes, dark eyes glittered when they met her own unsure ones, holding her attention as he began to shed his clothing. First, the frock coat was tossed to the ground, then the cravat that was nestled comfortably around his neck fell on top of it. 
The white button up dress shirt underneath came next, leaving his upper body bare as his digits began to slowly move down to his trousers. 
It was as if she was hypnotized as she watched him, his fingers brushing against the impression of his arousal. Stroking it languidly as he watched her stare at him. 
Her breath picked up slightly and her core throbbed when he began to unbutton himself and [Y/n] couldn’t stop her thighs from clenching together. 
Her body, already excited from his touches and kisses, was becoming even more aroused at the sight in front of her and what was to come. But she couldn't stop the way her eyes snapped close and how she turned her head away from him as he began to remove his trousers. 
It wasn’t as if she hadn’t seen his cock before. He had used her mouth more than once for his pleasure and her torture. Even fucked her in her dreams. 
However, all she could do now was listen to the sound of him shuffling his clothes off, a quiet groan filling the room before she felt the bed dip beneath her, and sensed his body hovering over hers. 
“Open your eyes,” he hummed, taking her chin gingerly into his hands and turning her so she was facing him. 
She couldn’t, even if she wanted to open them she couldn’t as it felt like there were weights holding them close. And had it been any other time before this, he would have probably forced them open to look at what he was doing to her body. 
Make her watch as he unraveled her knowing where exactly to touch and kiss to have her mind and body dueling each other for control. But he didn’t. 
Instead, he leaned down and pressed feathery kisses against her closed eyelids. Trailing down to take her lips in a brief kiss before he began to suck at her neck. A sigh escaped [Y/n] as he began to kiss and suck love marks into her skin that would no doubt be bruised the next day. 
The vision of her body being littered with marks from him made him groan into her skin as he felt his arousal become harder at the thought. 
Lips pressed against her neck one last time, he began to pepper hot kisses down her throat, sucking and licking all the way down until he reached the swell of her breast. Watching as her chest moved up and down with each shaky breath, Snape kissed her warm skin once more before looking up at her.
“[Y/n] open your eyes.” He commanded in that soft, yet domineering tone of his that had her eyes squeezing tighter and her fingers gripping the sheets underneath her. 
A whimper fell from her as she shook her head from side to side. No matter how much she tried, it just felt like her eyelids were glued shut not wanting to open and experience what was happening. She just couldn’t open them and maybe it was because somewhere in the back of her mind she was still holding out. Holding to some resistance that did not want to let go.
“I-I can’t.”
Expecting him to lose his patience with her, and preparing for the cruel man she had first met to come alive again she tensed as she felt him blow warm air against her nipples. In an instant, they tightened from the sensation and the temperature change causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.
His digits trailed up her body leaving a tingling sensation in its trail before he was cupping the round velvety flesh in his hands. Squeezing it between his digits before massaging the skin and leaving kisses all around it.
“Very well.” 
For a moment there was just stillness. Only the sound of their breaths mingled in the air as his fingers flicked at the hardened buds, rolling them in between each digit and pulling the sensitive flesh. 
A moan caught in her throat as the sensation had her heart feeling as if it would burst out of her chest while the feeling of want intensified in her stomach and had her throbbing. Over and over he rolled them causing her to sigh and arch until,
Eyes snapping open at the sharp pain that suddenly shocked her body replacing the pleasure that was coursing through her, a cry of surprise clawed itself out from her throat as she felt his teeth sink into her soft flesh. 
Craning her head to look at him, she was met with glittering eyes staring back at her shocked expression before the groan of pain died down to a whine as he began to suck at the tender flesh. 
His gaze was trained on her as his tongue swirled around the aching skin in an attempt to soothe the pain as his fingers rolled and pulled at her other nipple. 
With every suck, and pinch he watched her reactions, the way her eyes became lidded again, how she bit her bottom lip to keep a moan at bay. How she stared at him like she was caught in her own trance unable to break away from the pleasure that was churning in her body from his actions.
“Good girl.”
His praise came out as a growl, low, and guttural, causing the vibrations from it to sink into her skin, bury themselves into her bones and run up her spine as he continued to worship her soft chest. 
Broken whimpers and sighs formed and spilled from her lips as he moved to play with her other breast, giving it the same treatment as the other but this time only scraping the nipple with his teeth before taking it between his lips and sucking at it harshly. 
Feeling the hand that had found hold on her waist earlier begin to travel down her body, [Y/n] sucked in a harsh breath, stilling as his fingers stroked her lower stomach before slowly making their way in between her spread thighs that quivered.
Massaging the fleshy skin of her inner thigh, he squeezed the area lightly, while continuing to nibble at her hardened buds. Moving from one to the other making sure they were both tended to as his hand continued its journey upward before it was finally cupping her soaked opening.
Feeling the palm of his hand come into contact with her entrance had her moaning out, her hips bucking down in his hold involuntarily as he began to grind his hand against her. 
Moan after strangled moan left her throat as she rolled her hips, mind forgetting about any sort of resistance she tried to hold on to as the pulsing in her cunt grew stronger with each press of her hips towards his palm.
Everything felt so dizzying and intoxicating and it only worsened as he released her sore and swollen nipple from his lips. A smirk grew on his expression as he leaned up to capture her bottom lip sucking at it before pressing their lips together in a heated kiss.
Tongue swiping at her lips, Snape wasted no time and removed the palm of his hand from her cunt, causing a whine to leave her and her hips to jerk, already missing his touch. 
But it was only for a second as a high pitch sound left her lips, parting them open and giving him entrance to her as his fingers began to rub her already sensitive clit which had begun to throb as soon as she started to grind against his hand. 
Pressing his fingers against her pearl, he began to rub harsh tight circles against it as he continued kissing her and drinking in her moans. His tongue encircling hers, stroked and teased it before he felt her shyly begin to move her own tongue against his. 
Her actions had him groaning into her mouth pressing down further into her and, stealing almost all the will he had not to ravage her body right then as she began to finally accept him. 
Tongue swirling around his, licking it, tasting him, and exploring just as he was doing to her, [Y/n] couldn’t help but sigh from his touch and his kiss. 
For a moment he let her have her fun, let her do some teasing before he began to bully her curious little appendage into submission and exploring the rest of her waiting mouth as she melted underneath him. 
Her body loosened completely to him as her eyes fluttered closed and her mind only thought of the pleasure his mouth and hands were bringing her. 
Each press into her clit had her moaning into him, legs tensing and stomach clenching while her cunt ached and fluttered around nothing. Waiting and wanting for something to fill it up to soothe the throbbing that had become incessant. 
He held her there for what felt like an eternity, kissing and stroking her, cording her pleasure tighter and tighter. Making her moan louder into his mouth and grind her wetness against him as she gave him what he had been looking for. 
And as the throbbing in her lower body became stronger, singling that she was reaching her end, she couldn’t help the sob that was ripped from her as he suddenly pulled his fingers away. 
“Becoming needy now aren’t we?” He teased, pulling away from her lips and taking in her quivering form beneath him as a whimper broke free from her. 
Wide eyes and dilated pupils stared back up at him with desire and need burning in them as her lips, swollen and wet from the heated kisses he had placed on them, trembled.  
Leaning down and pressing his lips against her cheek in a gentle kiss, he began to move down on her body. Leaving kisses down her chest and stomach until he settled between her legs, eyes landing on her swollen opening that glistened with her juices that almost seemed to be dripping out of her.
It made his stomach burn, and his cock throb as he took in the sight of what his teasing had done to her. His eyes stayed fixated on her opening, how it seemed to clench and unclench looking for something to fill the void that was there. 
The sight was utterly vulgar and utterly delicious as he licked his thin lips, fingers going to spread her open filling the air with a wet sticky noise and her moans as he exposed her.
Just staring at her wet entrance had him thinking about all the ways he could fill her up. With his tongue, fingers, cock. Oh yes, he would show her. Show her how good it felt, how good it could have always felt if she had just let it. A groan broke free from him just thinking about all the ways he would have her.
“P-please.” Her voice, tiny and unsure, jolted him out of his thoughts as he felt her fingers brush against his hand causing him to look at the bashful expression on her face. “Please don’t stare like that.” 
It was a request that was so innocent sounding, so shy and nothing like what he ever thought he would hear from her. Well, that wasn’t all true, it was something he never thought he would hear so soon. But it was asked so sweetly that he couldn’t help but to agree.
"Of course,” he murmured as she saw a glint cross his eyes, “why stare when I can just have a taste?”
Not having a second to react to his words, a broken shriek of,
“Oh my god!”
Tore through the air as he pressed his face against her opening, tongue darting into her as he collected beads of her wetness while his fingers held her open for him.
Each swirl of his tongue inside her has her gripping the sheets, moaning and grinding her hips against his face in an attempt to feel him deeper inside. 
Harsh puffs of air push out of her lungs as the slick sounds of him licking and sucking her mingle around with groans that she no longer could pinpoint to either one of them. 
It was debauched. The way she was letting him consume her body and mind when she had tried to fend that exact thing off from the beginning. But she couldn’t stop, not when he was making her feel so good that she could hardly breathe. Not with the way he was making her body throb and want more from him. 
A louder moan broke through her barging, hips arching up as the sudden intrusion of his digits sliding into her alongside his tongue had her crying out. Each thrust was met with a lap from his tongue as he drank the juices that she was spilling out.
“Mmm so wet [Y/n],” he groaned out, voice muffled as he pressed his lips against her folds sucking at them and licking up the juices that his fingers were pulling from her, “delicious little thing you are with those pretty sounds.” 
Any sentence or word that she tried to form in her mind would undoubtedly have made no sense as all she could think about was what his tongue and fingers were doing to her. 
How he was stretching and milking her cunt with talented fingers and causing the burning in her belly to become so strong that it was almost painful from the pleasure that was rapidly building in her. 
She was so close and she needed this. Needed the release that he had been building up inside her.  Needed the coil inside her to snap as she felt his fingers begin to travel up. She needed it, needed him. 
As if he could hear her thoughts, he gave her a taste of what she wanted. His tongue and fingers began plugging deeper inside her causing an elongated moan to leave her lips. His fingers moved at a rapid pace as he stroked the spongy spot deep inside her while lapping at her causing loud squelching sounds of her wetness to fill the air. 
Not only that, he had pressed his entire face against her core causing the ridge of his nose to nuzzle her clit. Massaging and pressing against it in tandem with the thrust of his fingers inside of her.
Her entire body trembled as she clenched her hand into a fist, nails digging into her palms that would no doubt have crescent-shaped imprints in them when all was done. 
Telltale signs of her approaching orgasm began to wash over her as her cunt sucked his fingers in squeezing them and her clit throbbed with each nuzzle against it. 
Each thrust of his tongue and finger had her moans becoming higher and higher in pitch until all she could think about was the searing pleasure burning in her belly.
Her chest began to heave rapidly just as rapidly as the way he was plundering her body and soaking them both with her wetness. Feeling the cord in her belly tighten and tighten and her body trembling  her lips fell open a loud moan about to escape before it morphed in a sudden and choked out, 
It was a desperate almost animalistic sound that left her throat as Snape suddenly pulled away from her. His fingers and tongue slipped out and away from her soaked cunt that was twitching uncontrollably and her clit that was swollen and throbbing. 
Tears that seemed to have come from nowhere threatened to spill as she squirmed underneath him,  hips wantonly chasing back after his digits and tongue as a dark chuckle filled her ears.
“Eager, are we?” He husked lowly, “you’ll have me in you again soon enough [Y/n] just be patient.” He continued as he began to move his way back up against her body, fingers trailing up her skin and stroking her warm skin before settling such an intense gaze upon her that it caused her to avert her own from him. 
“Mm, none of that now,” he murmured, gingerly taking her chin in between damp fingers and turning her head to face him even though her eyes were still averted. “Look at me.”
Biting her lips, [Y/n] hesitated for a moment but only for a moment because as her mind tried to give her reasons not to do as he asked, his voice was back in all its soft dark velvet that had her wanting to obey.
“Sweet girl,” he whispered in a sultry voice, pressing a kiss to her forehead and cheek, “look at me, be my good girl, and look at me. ”
Something about the way he called her ‘good girl’ had her stomach churning in pleasure, a tiny mewl leaving her as she let the hesitation she held melt allowing herself to obey his words.
When their eyes met, she felt her breath hitch for a moment as she looked into black gleaming eyes. She had never once looked this deep into his eyes and as she did it felt like she was being sucked into an unending dark sea that had no end.
As dark as it was, and as unending as it felt, there was a strange sensation of never wanting to be let go of it. For not only was the darkness not cold as she thought it would be, but it was actually warm, inviting almost.
“There she is,” his voice invaded her senses pulling her up from that abyss as she felt his lips brush against hers, “such a good girl for me.” He added before pressing his lips against hers once more for another kiss. 
To his surprise and delight, it was her who deepened the kiss this time around. Her arms wrapped around his shoulder while she leaned up a bit to press against him even more. 
A growl emitted from his throat as she parted her lips for him inviting him to taste her again with no resistance. And he did. Tongue swirling around in her mouth as her fingers carded through his hair as she let herself be dominated. 
It was absolutely alluring to him, the way she was giving herself to the pleasure now, no longer fighting. And who was he to not enjoy the obedience that she was giving him? 
Pulling away from the kiss and watching as lust shined in her eyes while she stared at him as if waiting for him to tell her what to do. He leaned down, kissing her once more before placing his lips near her ear and whispering, “Would you like me to take care of you [Y/n]?” 
Whimpering a little at the question and the underlying meaning, she could only nod her answer fearing her voice would fail if she tried to speak. Instead of acquiescing, Snape shook his own head at her nonverbal answer, a little smirk playing at his lips.
“No, let me hear you. I want to hear you say the words.”
Unlike the way she hesitated to look at him before, there was no hesitation in the words she spoke even if they had not been hurried either.
“Please,” she begged in a tiny voice unrecognizable to herself, her arms tightening around his shoulder bringing him closer to her. “Please take care of me.”
A pleasant almost kind smile grew on his lips at her word before he leaned down and pressed them against her cheek before murmuring a quiet, “of course.” 
Letting out an almost relieved sigh, [Y/n] felt herself sinking further into the bed as Snape nestled his body right between her spread thighs that seemed to fall open more. 
Welcoming him as he wrapped his fingers around his cock, guiding it to her entrance and slowly beginning to roll his hips against her. Each rocking motion caused her to gasp as his cock began to nudge her entrance open with each movement. 
He did this a couple of more times, pushing past the entrance of her folds teasingly before pulling out, groaning at sticky wet sounds and little whimpers that fell from her. 
Each press against her had his control slipping as he toyed with her by slowly inching more of him inside of her with each rock of his hips. He stretched her slowly as her cunt began throbbing around him each time he entered and pulled away. Teasing her folds, running his cock through her wetness before pressing back in and groaning as her whines became more vocal.
“Mmm please~.”
She whimpered breathlessly looking up at him, her hips rocking into his, only being stopped when he held her still causing her to almost want to cry. 
It was becoming too much. She needed something in her. Something to stop the incessant throbbing that was almost painful from the amount of teasing and waiting. Stop the wildfire that was burning in the pit of her stomach that was becoming uncontrollable at his point.
Staring up at him with pleading wet eyes, she was met with him giving her a heated look that had her breath hitching as if she could see all the things in his mind right now that he wanted to do to her. 
His gaze trapped her for a moment. Held her attention just enough so that when he finally gave her folds one last swipe before sheathing himself fully inside her with one thrust, he got to witness the way she fell apart. 
How her lips suddenly parted as a choked sob became silent as she felt him sink into her. How her eyes widened for a moment, her body tensing at the intrusion that had made its way into her.
The startled gasp became one elongated moan as her body accepted the intrusion of him. Throbbing and fluttering around him as he sank further into her making him groan as the spasms of her body massaged his cock.
Both of their breathing became uneven as he relished at how hot and wet she was. Enjoying how tightly her body wrapped around him, squeezing him and coaxing him inside. 
Pants filled the air as they both stilled, and he couldn’t help but appreciate the lustful sight of her beneath him. Lips parted, eyelids fluttering up at him with dilated pupils, and breath uneven while being full of cock. 
What was even better was how she lay there. Not resisting. Instead only moaning out and wiggling her hips downwards a little as she tried to press him deeper into her. Wanting to feel how good it could be if she could take all of him.
As much as he wanted to be gentle with her this time around, the thought of pounding her into the mattress was much more alluring as she twisted her body stimulating both of them. He could be gentle another day but right now, he wanted her writhing on his cock and begging him as she gave herself over willingly. 
Rocking his hips against hers at a steady pace, he pulled out of her completely before sinking himself completely back into her multiple times. Grinding his hips in small circles each time he entered her and pressing their hips closer.
Soft moans flew from her lips as she rocked her hips with his, chasing his cock each time he pulled out of her only to whimper out a soft ‘yes’ each time he sunk back inside stretching her completely. 
The amount of pleasure he was bringing her just by fucking her on his cock was insane. And when he began to speed up, burying himself deeper into her, it had her body tensing and clenching down wanting him to stay inside her longer with each thrust. 
Wet sounds of flesh slapping against each other filled the air alongside little whines that mingled with them whenever she felt him lean down to kiss her neck or cheek. 
Each time he would do this she could feel him sinking deeper into her and it had her gasping out, tightening her hold on him trying to draw him closer as waves of heat burned inside her.
Faster and faster his hips snapped, bullying the soft spot inside her that had her toes curling and stomach clenching with each stroke. The pleasure she felt from it was too much. Suffocating almost especially when she felt his hand begin to snake between them. 
She hadn’t paid any mind to his wandering hands too caught up in his cock filling her until the digits found what they had been looking for. With one harsh press against her clit, Snape began to rub tight circles around her causing her to choke and her hips to arch suddenly closing the distance.  And before she knew it a broken sob of,
Fell from her lips wanting more of what he was giving to her as she shook and writhe. Her cry had his cock swelling, hardening even more inside of her and his hips stuttering for a second at how lusty she sounded. 
It surprised him only for a moment before he regained his rhythm thrusting, fingers leaving her pearl for a moment to gather the wetness that connected them before returning to the bead and rubbing it.
“Please faster it f-feels,” she gasped, feeling his fingers against her clit as it alternated between rubbing tight circles and pressing down on it causing her to almost choke on her words, “f-feels so, feels so!”
The words refused to come out instead a long moan took their place as he pressed deeper into her causing her breath to hitch.
“Feels what [Y/n]?” Snape hissed leaning down, pushing his cock further and further into her as his fingers continued to torture her clit. Her entire body convulsed at his touch as the throbbing of her insides became erratic and her mouth fell open even though no sound left her.  
“Tell me,” he crooned, snapping his hips against her again making her shout before it morphed into a half sob half moan as her legs wrapped around his waist dragging him closer to her. “Tell me tell me how it feels.”
“Feels good feels so good,” she squealed out as his hips began to increase in their rhythm. The sound of wet flesh meeting each other became louder and more intense as her cunt began to gush with her juices with each plunge of his cock inside her while his fingers played with her clit that felt incredibly tight and sensitive. 
Eyes rolling to the back of her head, her lips parted letting out streams of sobs and moans along with irregular puffs of air as her body began to wind itself up tight. Feeling the edge of her release come into view as he fucked her.
Amazed at just how ethereal she looked while drowning in pleasure, a tinge of excitement took hold of him at the thought of how she would look while coming on his cock. Coming undone on the man that had held her against her will until he wasn’t.
A loud groan tore from him at that thought, before he was snatching his hand away from her clit. Leaving her shaking and almost protesting before she was silenced with his lips smashing against hers and his pelvis tilting up just enough that it had her screaming into his mouth when he entered again. 
Caging her in with his arms, and laying his body fully on top of hers he relished at how she shook underneath him as he pounded into her. Drinking in her cries and stealing her breath with each thrust as her insides churned and churned with the stimulation. 
“You like that don’t you,” he rasped lowly, pulling away from her swollen lips and looking at her blissed out features as he continued to drag his cock in and out relentlessly. 
Kissing up her neck he began to nibble a trail up to her ear before whispering into it, voice low filled with lust and breathy from the exertion being put forth, “like how deep my cock is?” He moaned, puncturing the sentence with a slam of his hips into her causing her to squeal, digging her fingers into him. “Like how it’s taking care of you?”
“Yes! I-it’s so good!” She shrieked as waves of pleasure began to drown and overwhelm her as his cock dragged against her spongy spot with each plunge inside of her. 
“So good please,” her voice broke and her fingers clawed his shoulder trying to find something to moor her down as she babbled out desperately. 
“Please, gonna come please!”
[Y/n] wailed loudly, her body twitching around him, desperately sucking him in and holding him close each time he tried to pull away signaling her body was about to fall over that euphoric ledge he was leading her to.
“You’re going to come?” He gritted out hips pounding into her fast and hard no doubt going to leave bruises on her skin as he ripped sob after sob out of her. “I’ll let you come,” he hissed, eyes glinting as he watched her eyes fluttering and tears begin to drip down her face from the pleasure that was churning in her. “But I want to hear you scream my name when you do understand?”
The thought of disobeying never passed her mind, the only thing on it was the impending release that was bubbling up quickly and about to reach the point of no return. So she nodded furiously, eyes wide and body already trembling as he didn’t let up his pace.
“Yes! Yes! I’ll do whatever you want, I'll do it!” Her sobs were almost incomprehensible as she thrashed her head against the bed as if she were out of her mind. “Please, please, please!”
Moaning at her words, Snape latched his lips onto her neck and sucked at the skin pressing into her as he shoved a hand between where they were connected holding himself over her with one arm. 
His mouth moved next to her ear panting, “then come,” he growled fingers pressing her bead that had her choking out and hips canting upward meeting his thrust, “come on my cock, my good girl.”
It felt as if fireworks had been lit in her belly. Her cunt spasmed once twice, and then over and over unrelenting as his fingers rubbed tight harsh circles against her in the same rhythm of his thrusts. 
He didn’t stop as his name left her lips in a scream that had him groaning out loud at the sound of it. No, he kept thrusting into her ignoring the way she sobbed and shook underneath as he abused her oversensitive cunt. 
Ignoring how she choked his name out saying it like a prayer as she looked at him with eyes glistening with tears and parted lips that were swollen and wet.
“Severus! S-Severus!” 
[Y/n] sobbed, not able to form any other coherent words or thoughts. All that was in her mind was him. How his fingers stayed on her clit, playing with the oversensitive bead as he continued to rail into her forcing her body to begin its climb to another orgasm just after the one she had.
It didn’t take long either for her to get there as his cock began to throb inside of her and his thrusts became sloppy yet still digging deep into her until the shout of her name rang around the room.
The sound of her name vibrated in the air as he slammed his lips harshly against hers in a desperate kiss. When he emptied himself inside her she could only moan into his mouth as he released inside her. Feeling his hot seed coating her and flooding her insides had her spasming again, causing a choked noise to leave her and her mind to blank as another orgasm hit her. 
The lack of oxygen from him kissing her had her feeling dizzy almost as if she was having an out of body experience. Her entire body quaked and she couldn’t control the moans and whimpers that escaped her as he stilled himself inside her. 
Cunt spasming and throbbing around him all she could feel was how warm she was. How wet and slick her insides felt as it pulsed from the unrelenting fucking that she had endured. 
Arms wrapping around her and pulling her close to him, it felt like an eternity passed before her body started to come down from the euphoric bliss that he had caused her to spiral down. 
Her eyes were wide open as she stared up at the ceiling, heavy pants becoming quiet whimpers as she tugged herself closer to him ignoring the stickiness and weight of him still in her. 
The high of having such an intense orgasm left her body high strung and needing the weight and comfort of another to calm her as wave after wave of emotions began to hit her.
Cooing at her actions, Severus kissed her cheek, wrapping his arms around her and just letting her be underneath him with her shivering form and her eyes closing before any tears could fall out of them. 
She didn’t know how much time had passed, or when she had fallen asleep. But when she reopened her eyes, darkness was the only thing that greeted her vision. A blanket was pulled over her preventing the chill from reaching her and the feeling of being cleaned was evident.
Her body, still weighed down from Severus' grip on her, was unmoving as her mind began to replay the moments that had led her up to this moment. How she laid underneath him, let him use her, even begged for it, begged for him to use her. 
And it felt good. It felt so good. He had taken care of her like he said he would, hadn’t hurt her and it was blissful for a split second as when she was rocked with her orgasm all she felt was relaxed bliss. 
The tears that rolled down her cheek went unnoticed as she clenched her eyes shut as her mind continued to replay it over and over.  In her spiral, she doesn’t capture the way her fingers grasp onto his nightshirt and how she pressed herself close to him with each passing thought. Nor did she register the sensation of his hand lightly pressing into her back. 
No, her mind was too caught up in something else. Caught up in the answer she had been too afraid of to admit out loud. It had been there much earlier than she wanted to believe. But it had been there floating around flashing every time something happened. 
Because if it was to save her, to keep her from becoming more damaged, from being lonely, or even dying. Then selfish, or not there had only been one answer from the start:
To give in.
A/N: Well well well if that wasn't a rollercoaster idk what is lol. I hope this chapter turned out okay and I do admit I had a hard time with it because the plot was not trying to plot but it is done and I'm not mad at it and I hope you guys aren't either :)!!!
Also, shout out to @renee561 for listening to me scream and complain about this chapter while also making me sprint for my life to get it done asap. Thank you, friend!!!
And thank you guys for reading this even though it took me a hot minute to write it! As usual, leave your thoughts (and if you see any errors) ^o^ and I hope to see you in the next chapter! (Which will not be nearly as plot focused as this so if you're just wanting a lot of smut that next one is for u 😘 whenever she writes it....)
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