#everyone is being so fun and sweet about the comp
sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
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a wild cmh leo, uh… doesn't appear! he leaves a sticky note on your contestant's forehead reading 'good luck in the competition!'
I suspect Leo senses a familiar presence nearby... (while also looking at the floating notepad and pen) but patiently (and excitedly) waits to see what will happen.
and you KNOW he'll stick it back on his forehead before going back to running around lmao
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Nct 127 as fratboys Pt.1
I enjoyed this wayyyyyy too much lmaoo
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first off
baby he don't wanna be here lmaoooo
He don't even know how he got in a frat in the first place
he majors in one of three things
comp sci
or accounting (Yes finance and accounting are different)
Taeil wouldn't be your typical frat boy
he's definitely turning his assignments in on time
and he is never
and I mean NEVER up for a party
but allows it to happen anyway
however, if its finals season...
He is the one who shuts the party down when the clock touches 12
"Everyone get the fuck out! You have exams in a few hours"
The father of the frat honestly
He's pretty laid back and doesn't bother anyone
Some would think that he doesn't get laid either but c'mon now
he fucks around ALOT!
Don't let him fool you
Has had a threesome multiple times
but don't tell anyone I told you that
He hates the parties but always gets 4-5 BJs at each
and guess what y'all
if you fuck him
he won't brag about it and he won't tell a soulllll
If his friends are eyeing someone he's been with b4
and they ask him about her
trust and believe this man won't say a word
he'll shrug and be like "Ion know"
ughhh and he pulls easily too
Usually he beats around the bush
but always makes it clear he doesn't want anything serious
all in all he's a sneaky and quiet fratboy
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everybody knows about this bitch right here
He is a business major.
do not question the facts
doesn't give too much fucks about his grades though
as long as he gets a degree after this shit
he's good.
He would be known as the irresistible heartbreaker
cuz he WILL pull you in
and then drop you after he fucks.
I'm just being honest here y'all lmaoo
He is THE life of the party
like if a party is happening and he ain't there...
it's gonna be lame asf
He and Jaehyun are notorious for making their coma-inducing
jungle juice
Surprisingly he has a good fashion sense for a frat boy
oh and he definitely comes from a rich family
so yk he's driving his car around blasting
Drake and Tyga
Smokes hella w33d btw
like I'm not even joking
his circle clean as hell though
vibes are always through the roof
He fucks every other day
and everybody knows he does
because he posts about it on social media
i said it.
He would definitely tag your ass too
so if yk you don't like the inanet knowing
that your- in his words- "pum pum wetter than the ocean"
then leave this man alone
overall a menace and a jerk- typical fratboy (I'm sorry I wanted him to be sweet too lol)
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He's a nerd.
I'm sorry but Taeyong does not belong in a frat 😭 jk k
He 100% has his legos displayed in his room
like don't even say it's not true
His idea of a fun time is spending hours building a lego set
He's definitely a communications major
maintains a relatively good gpa
so he's ight.
And a ladies man
Oh yupp
Everyone who has his twitter sees his posts about pussy eating.
And lemme tell you something
Bitches have lined up in front of the frat to get eaten out by this man
ya hear me???
And he brags about it on the dl
would be notorious for attending 2-3 parties for the semester tho
his legos.
he NEVER has a shirt on
I swearrrrrr
he also smokes w33d with Johnny sometimes
but doesn't do it often bcz it tends to fuck him up a bit too much
can't roll one to save his life lmao
in terms of fucking he only does it when he's stressed
Did a threesome with Taeil once
He's the type to stare you down from some creepy ass dark corner at a party if he finds you hot.
He's definitely not the type to just tell anyone that he ate you out or fucked you randomly
but if one of his friends were to ask him
he's telling it all and giving you a rating outta 10.
for your sake
you betta hope he don't give you anything below 6.
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fckinwild-kiwi · 6 months
Dec. 9th: Sitting on Santa's Lap
Day 9: Staycation/Day at the Fair
Day nine of @comp-lady’s Domestic December writing challenge!
Warnings: Maybe Swearing (This is an 18+ blog, minors dni)   Word Counts: 1.4k+ Words Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader
“You’re joking,” You said, wide-eyed and shocked. “You have never sat on Santa’s lap, ever?”
“Why are you surprised, Y/n,” Dustin said, laughing at your surprise. “Can you really picture Eddie, the most metal person ever, sitting on Santa’s lap?”
“I’d pay to see it happen,” Steve snorted, nudging Robin.
“You can pay me, Stevie,” Macy, your younger sister said, jumping from Eddie’s lap. “Eddie, I can go with you to see Santa if you’re scared. He’s a really nice guy, he smells like gingerbread!”
“You should make Steve pay all the time, love bug. Especially when he’s being mean,” Eddie mumbled, glaring at Steve before sticking his tongue out at him. “I’ll go with you to see Santa, though.”
“You’re too sweet to her,” You whispered, watching your sister’s face light up before she turned to run from Dustin as he tried to tickle her. 
“Nah, it’s just how she should be treated,” Eddie responded before putting a kiss on your head. “We better get dressed to go to the Christmas fair, guys!”
“Yay!” Macy shouted, running around the room to find her shoes and coat. “I wanna sit in the car with Dusty and Will!”
Once everyone decided which car they would be riding in, everyone quickly got into their ride and took off towards the fair. 
“What are you most excited to do, Macy Mace?” Will asked Macy, as she squealed in the back with excitement.
“I want to see Santa, duh,” Macy giggled, before continuing her list of must-sees. “Then we have to try the hot cocoa, ice skating, eat homemade popcorn, decorate the sugar cookies, race the elves-“
You quickly interrupted the five-year-old, “Mace, remember we have to take it slow, there are lots of other people with us and we have to take turns letting other people pick too.”
She released a giant sigh. “Okay.”
Before long, everyone had pulled into the parking spaces at the Christmas fair, and with your hand wrapped tightly around your sister’s and your other wrapped around Eddie’s, you guys braced yourself for the mayhem that was bound to ensue with a manic five-year-old. 
“Let’s get some hot cocoa first, Mace,” Dustin said, reaching out for her hand.
“Yay,” She cheered for the second time today, as she let go of your hand to find Dustin’s.
“Are you really going to sit on Santa’s lap?” You questioned up at the metal head. 
“Oh yeah, he is,” Robin said, giggling. “I’m going to make sure of it.”
“If you guys want to make fun of me for finally taking a piece of my childhood back with a five-year-old who is full of Christmas spirit, that’s fine,” Eddie said, shrugging his shoulders. “I’m going to enjoy it and not regret a thing. I intend to make this a day that Macy remembers.”
“It will certainly be one that I never forget,” Steve retorts, grabbing Eddie’s shoulders as Macy and Dustin return with their hot cocoas.
“How’s that hot chocolate, sweet pea,” You question, noticing the amount of chocolate around Macy’s mouth. 
“So yummy,” she mumbled back, busy drinking the warm drink.
“I’m sorry, Y/n,” Dustin said, sheepishly. “We made a bit of a mess."
“Don’t worry about it, Dusty,” You said back, ruffling his hair. “I expected her to get messy today, it’s the way that I can prove she’s had a great day.”
“Santaaaaa!” Macy screamed out, quickly giving you her hot chocolate as she ran. 
“Eds,” You quickly grumbled. “Please follow with her, I can’t run with the hot chocolate.”
Eddie quickly jogged over to where Macy was standing, wide-eyed and mesmerized by the giant man sitting on a chair surrounded by elves. “You ready to get in line? We have to wait our turn,” Eddie said, touching Macy’s head to get her attention.
“Let’s go, let’s go!”
Twenty minutes later, Eddie and Macy were next up in line. The excitement was radiating off of Macy in contagious waves. For the first time Eddie could remember, he was nervous in a little kid's way. 
“Mr. Santa!” Macy cheered, approaching the man in a red suit. 
“Well, hello dear,” Santa said. “What is your name?”
“My name is Macy, and this is my sister’s boyfriend, Eddie. He has never met you before so I wanted to introduce you guys!”
“Nice to meet you Eddie,” Santa said, smiling at Macy’s excitement. “Macy, what would you like for Christmas.”
“Eddie has to sit on your lap too,” Macy said, ignoring his question. “It’s tradition.”
“Mace, I think I’m too old and too big,” Eddie said, softly smiling at the little girl. 
“No,” Macy argued. “Santa, he has to!”
“You can sit on my knee too, Eddie,” Santa said, trying to de-escalate the situation. 
Eddie released a sigh before lowering himself onto Santa’s thigh, careful not to put too much weight on the gentleman. “I already sent you my Christmas list,” Macy rambled. “The highlights are a new easy bake oven and a bike. Eddie, what did you want to ask Santa for?”
“Uhm,” Eddie started. After having never been asked this question, he could not think of any materialistic things that would make him happier than the people surrounding him right now. But to please Macy he said, “I would love a new guitar strap or an amp.”
“Well you two, from my list I can see that you have both been very good this year. I will see what my elves and I can do for you,” Santa said, patting each of their backs. 
“Thank you, Santa,” Macy cheered, climbing off the man’s lap and grabbing Eddie’s hand.
“Yeah, thank you Santa,” Eddie echoed. Santa shot him a wink in response. The rest of the crew, who were watching from beyond the line, called out as Macy ran up to them.
“Stevie, you have to pay me money now! I love the Christmas fair!” She cheered pointing a finger at Steve before she turned and started babbling away to Jonathan and Argyle about how they needed to decorate sugar cookies, now.
“How was Santa’s lap?” Mike joked out, causing you to lightly smack the back of his head. “Ow, what was that for?”
“Being a little jerk,” Nancy responded before you. “Come on guys, the show is over, let’s go get the homemade popcorn.”
Eddie, hanging behind the group a big, gently pulled your hand to get you to slow your pace. “How was that, Eds?”
“Felt weird,” He responded quietly. Realizing how he must be feeling, you didn’t push, instead, you stopped walking and pulled him into you.
“You deserve some cookies and hot cocoa, mister,” You mumbled wrapping your arms around his waist, tightly.
“Please,” Eddie sighed, his body melting into yours. Hand-in-hand, you walked with Eddie towards the others to check on Macy before getting Eddie hot chocolate. “Thank you,” Eddie said, smiling down at you as you handed him the warm drink. 
“Anything for you my love,” You responded. “Now let’s go get find the sugar-crazed Macy and see if she’s ready to go home!”
After hours of playing at the Christmas fair, and Macy being so tired that Eddie had to carry her, everyone decided it was time to head home. Jonathan drove El, Argyle, Will, and Lucas home and Steve took Nancy, Robin, Mike, and Lucas. Dustin and Max rode back with you, Eddie, and Macy. After dropping everyone off at their houses, Eddie pulled your car into the driveway.
“I think my mom is inside, Eds,” You whispered to the boy as he was getting your sister out of her car seat. “If you want to put her in her bed and meet me in the living room, we can watch a movie?”
“Sounds perfect,” He whispered back. You closed the car doors behind him before racing around to get the front door too. Your mom greeted the three of you before ushering Eddie upstairs to tuck Macy in after him. You walked into the living room, turned on the TV, and got some blankets out before sitting on the couch.
“I think a piece of my childhood was given back to me today,” Eddie said to you as he walked back into the living room where you were sitting. “I can’t thank you or your sister enough for allowing me that space to feel that.”
“Oh, baby, come here,” You choked out, making grabby hands towards Eddie. As he found his space beside you, you pulled his body into yours, dragging your nails along his scalp. “I feel so lucky that you feel safe enough with us to let yourself have these moments.”
“Can we go back to the fair next year too? Make it a tradition?” He asked, looking up at you with a child-like twinkle in his eyes.
“Our own traditions,” You whispered, mostly to yourself. “I would like that.”
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guardian-angle22 · 6 months
I read books! Sometimes, I remember to talk about books!
Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite things I read in 2023. I'll put half of this under a cut to save the timeline.
Middle Grade:
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When Life Gives You Mangos by Kereen Getten - This is a sweet story about friendship, grief, and family set in a close knit community in Jamaica following a young girl who can't remember anything that happened the previous summer. I don't read middle grade often so I wasn't expecting to be on the edge of my seat during this book, but I sure was!
Garlic & the Vampire by Bree Paulson - An anthropomorphic village of vegetables - what more could you ask for? When the village learns a vampire moved into a nearby castle, they decide Garlic has to be the one to face him. A cute, wholesome graphic novel - and the sequel Garlic & the Witch was also lovely!
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A Mind Spread Out on the Ground by Alicia Elliott - This is a collection of essays by an Indegenous author covering a wide range of topics including race, gentrification, parenthood, and mental illness. I annotated the shit out of this book... which is always a sign of a well loved read in my house.
Bad Blood by John Carreyrou - A fascinating account by the journalist from the Wall Street Journal who broke open the case against Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes. The entire story is absolutely bananas and made for a wild read.
Excellent on Audio:
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How to Be Perfect by Michael Shur - If you watched and enjoyed The Good Place, this audiobook should be required listening. Pretty much everyone from the cast pops in at random times to narrate something. It was also just a great, thought-provoking book. I actually read this for a work book club and it prompted me to finally finish The Good Place. Most successful book club pick ever.
Finding Me by Viola Davis - She won a Grammy for the narration of this book (and earning her rightful place as an EGOT) and it was well deserved. I'm not usually one for celebrity memoirs, but Viola's life was incredibly interesting and her narration was amazing.
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The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas - This is a Mexican, historical, gothic horror novel set after the Mexican War of Independence. It features a secluded, potentially haunted hacienda and a priest who might actually be a witch. Atmospheric vibes are peak here. Highly recommend listening to the spotify playlist the author made while you read!
No One is Watching by Alyssa Cole - The official blurb says "the gentrification of a Brooklyn neighborhood takes on a sinister new meaning" and that about sums it up. It also compares it to Get Out and that's a pretty good comp, in my opinion.
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Artemis Made Me Do It by Trista Mateer - I'm not gonna lie, this poetry collection and the one in the series before it (Aphrodite Made Me Do It) were absolutely cover buys. The cover art is stunning! but luckily the inside is good too.
If My Body Could Speak by Blythe Baird - This collection deals a lot with the feminine experience, how we relate to our bodies and its traumas. Definitely check the trigger warnings for this collection first before picking it up.
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Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert - I'm not one to read a ton of romance books but I did enjoy a couple this year. This one was definitely the most explicit but also wholesome and something has to be said for being able to do both. Fun tropes include: fake dating & grumpy/sunshine.
Glitterland by Alexis Hall - While this is still a romance book at its core, it also deals heavily with depression. Fun tip with this book: definitely get the re-released edition with this cover because it has author annotation notes! It was very fun to read those at the end of every chapter.
Short & Quick Reads:
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The Appendix by Liam Konemann - This is a very small little pocket book, part of the 404's Inklings collection. In it, Liam is reacting to transphobia he encounters through various media, but also discussing how he navigates being a gay trans man in today's culture.
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh - I think I would best describe this as a queer forest fairytale. I'm a sucker for any story that can transport me to a mythical forest and while this one clocks in at a little under 115 pages, it packed a good plant magic punch.
Misc Books I Couldn't Find a Category For:
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Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat - I never thought I would read this series, but I stumbled into the first one and then devoured the entire series in the span of 2 days. While I know the core of what people love about this is the love story... the political intrigue happening absolutely gripped me!
Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore - Another trope/plot device I love is time travel... or whatever weird timey wimey mess you would consider this: Oona faints after she's about to turn nineteen and awakens 32 years in the future in her 51 year old body. She learns that after each year completes, she'll leap to another age at random. It's as messy and complicated as it sounds but never a dull moment.
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alectoperdita · 7 months
I have the misfortune of being dragged into things but imma send an ask anyway uwu
Are there any AUs you wanna make but haven't yet or don't think you will? I personally feel something similar to Monster Musume would be fun. I like the idea of Kaiba maybe housing a monster or two, either dragon people or something that'd be less popular/be seen poorly by society like a spider person. A spider hybrid Joey would be so cute 😭
He could do the spider dance when he's happy or trying to court Kaiba or something 🤣
This time of the year, I swear, everyone probably needs a mental break/support whether they're doing something or not.
Yooooo I'm always an absolute sucker for dragon-boy!Jou. But you make a spider-hybrid Jou sound so cute with that. (And when Kaiba's being a jerk/not cooperative, Jou's got his web silk to use against him LOL).
Hmmm as for AUs I wanna do but haven't/can't, I think the big "I'm not sure I could do it even if I tried" is an AU where Jou and Kaiba are on an esports team together. But I'm old and not with it anymore and a lot of the original team comp ideas were for a MOBA game like League of Legends. But I'm pretty sure that genre is now old and busted and people only care about battle royale shooters like Fortnight? It feels as if I lack the vernacular/subcultural knowledge to pull that off and I'm not particularly interested in doing the research either.
But for an AU I haven't done and I still wanna do, there are several:
AU where Jou is a tokusatsu actor (think like Kamen Rider and other sentai shows) and Kaiba is still mostly himself, but mainly leaning into his ownership of theme parks here because then Jou's show can do a collab play at KaibaLand hehe. Mostly sweet and fluff, from before I descended into full smut mode
AU with escort!Jou where he becomes Kaiba's sugar baby, this one I still really really really wanna do
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randomvarious · 11 months
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Today's compilation:
Just the Best 2/2001 2001 Pop / Euro-House / Trance / R&B / Pop-Rock / Europop / Pop-Punk / Dance-Pop / Hip Hop
God, do I really love going through these Now That's What I Call Music!-type comps from Europe. Late 90s/early 2000s releases like these always make for such fun, eclectic trips down memory lane, but from the perspective of a different region of the world. Our top 40 charts in America share a lot in common with other places, and that leads to a nice nostalgia rush for everyone involved, but there's also a lot of music we don't share in common at all. So the goal when listening to these ephemeral things is to get some of that good nostalgia, discover a few sweet tracks that you weren’t previously familiar with, and then hopefully find something so patently absurd and terrible that you really can't help but just smile at how ridiculous it is. And fortunately, I was able to tick all three of those boxes with this 28th dispatch from Germany's Just the Best series.
So let's start with all of this goofy and gaudy, brain-melting Eurotrash madness first, because that happens to arrive immediately on this double-disc in the form of an unbelievably awful and BIG nu-rap-metal cover of, yep, you guessed it, "Kumbaya," by Mittermeier vs. Guano Babes. But get this, y'all (as I pull up a chair and proceed to sit in it backwards): they didn't actually end up calling their version of the song "Kumbaya;" they called it "Kumba Yo!" instead, which should really give you an idea of just how cool this song actually is 😎. I mean, they even loaded it up with turntable scratches and there's a quieter beatboxed portion too! It really is such a dynamic work!
But we're really only just getting started here, folks, because later on in this first disc is also an utterly mindless Italian Eurohouse groove by a group called The Pizza Boys, who deliver their debut hit, "Oh Le Le," with verses about pizza pie that sound like they're being sung by a robot! And, honestly, does it really get more Italian than that?
Tomato, mozzarella Pizza bella, pizza bella Salami, margherita Pizza pazza, dolce vita!
And then there's this group of Danish teenage girls called Little Trees, who end up supplying a piece of manufactured, cotton-candied Europop fluff in...wait for it..."Help I'm a Fish," which apparently served as the title track for a 2001 animated box office bomb by the same name (also called A Fish Tale, which is *not* to be confused with the much more successful 3D-animated 2004 film, Shark Tale), and also somehow managed to fall just outside of the top ten on the UK's Singles chart as well. I've pretty clearly never seen this song's corresponding movie before, but this definitely feels like one of those soundtrack tunes that—just like how cheesy rap songs used to do it in the credit rolls for family-oriented blockbusters in the 80s and 90s—explains the plot of the movie through its very own lyrics. So I think this flick's about the wacky adventures of a kid who gets turned into a fish after ingesting a magic potion. But thankfully, the ending isn't spoiled through the song, so you'll just have to watch it for yourself in order to find out if the kid ultimately chooses in the end to go back to being a human, or if they decide to remain a fish. It's all so suspenseful, I know, but guess what else? The English-language version of the movie also happens to star not only a then-completely-unknown Aaron Paul, but also...Alan Rickman?!?
Alright, enough of this lunacy. Next section.
Let's get to the nostalgia portion of this post, which actually won't be very long, because I think there's only three songs across these two discs that actually turned out to be hits in the States: one-hit wonder Wheatus' radio-friendly nerdy Hot Topic anthem, "Teenage Dirtbag" (currently stuck in my head), which features frontman Brendan B. Brown singing every vocal part, including the falsetto of the female character that he himself is smitten with; the Britney Spears ballad, "Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know," which was co-written by Shania Twain and didn't actually chart in the States because it was never released as a single here and only aired on the radio; and then brief R&B star Joe's "Stutter," which, much to my surprise, actually managed to top Billboard's Hot 100 chart for four whole weeks back in 2001?! 😯 An okay slate overall, I guess, but usually when it comes to Euro comps like these, somewhere between about a quarter and a third of their selections are songs that were popular in the US. So, on the early 2000s US nostalgia front, this release seems to be a bit of an anomaly.
And now, to finish with something else that also came as a bit of a surprise: some pretty decent dance tunes. Most of the time, these comps might come with one or two good dance tracks, and then the rest will be these disposable hunks of plastic junk that feel inexplicable as to how people ever unironically enjoyed them in the first place. And, to be clear, there's still a bunch of those types of tunes that are on here (see Gigi D'Agostino's monotonously stupid "Super (Riscaldamento)," featuring Albertino, for example). But there's also a good amount of tracks on this release that, I think, feel both pretty fun and well-made too. Stuffy trance snobs may still bristle at the songs that I'm going to list as highlights here anyway, but I really enjoyed the tribal drum-infused "Played A-Live (The Bongo Song)," by Safri Duo, as well as Airheadz' "Stanley (Here I Am)," which strangely goes on these brief trip hop detours that smack of Dido's "Thank You." Plus, there's a *really* good vocal house tune from French group Superfunk too called "Last Dance (And I Come Over)" that feels kinda perfect for a pool party.
So, another long and strange turn-of-the-millennium trip through the nutty German mainstream is in the books here. Didn't really end up getting the nostalgia rush that I thought I was gonna get, but the unexpected dose of good dance tunes made up for that anyway. And that small handful of extremely tacky and beyond-the-pale Eurotrash could also definitely come in handy for the next time I end up reaching a plastered state of delirium as well 🥴😅.
Wheatus - "Teenage Dirtbag" CD2:
Safri Duo - "Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song)" Airheadz - "Stanley (Here I Am)" Rui da Silva feat. Cassandra - "Touch Me" Superfunk feat. Everis Pellius - "Last Dance (And I Come Over)" RMB - "Deep Down Below" Svenson & Gielen - "The Beauty of Silence"
Mittermeier vs. Guano Babes - "Kumba Yo!" Little Trees - "Help I'm a Fish" Pizza Boys - "Oh Le Le" Glow - "President of Boarderland"
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faetxlity · 2 years
Hey, it's Ledgea, 99 for Aiden/Coën/Lambert for your prompt game? Thanks!
Song 99 of my Wrap-up was....
Принцесса - Бабек Мамедрзаев Lambert/Aiden/Coen below the cut - rated T for suggestive content and Lambert typical cursing.
They were in the middle of no where, which was somewhere outside of Vizima, and Lambert was doing his best to not shout to the gods as Aiden’s clever fingers bright him to completion. Aiden was already sated, draped over Lambert’s chest and pressed flush along his side, and his pretty lips pressed over and over against the Wolf’s jaw and neck. Traces of their missing lover, who wasn’t missing at all but working in a role they couldn’t play, clung to them both in scent.
“Fuck, Princess.” He turned his head, satisfied very well, and took kisses from Aiden’s lips. “Aren’t you sweet?”
Aiden nipped him to prove contrary.
In the evening they would be attending a party, acting as security against bandits on the grounds, for no nobleman would allow a witcher inside such a prestigious event (except the one Witcher who was allowed inside and currently the only other thing on Lambert's mind), but it was a good gig nonetheless. Which meant that no one should have been bothering them for some hours and certainly not around their little hideaway.
“Someone’s been having fun.”
Lambert stiffened, tightened his hold around Aiden’s shoulders, and snatched up a dagger. He could throw it blind and hit a falcon, a man sized target would be nothing.
“Aiden~” The stranger sing-songed. Muffled against his neck Aiden cursed, exasperated and annoyed. Lambert didn’t let that relax him. “Come on, little brother, come introduce us.”
Aiden huffed, shoved his nose hard into Lambert’s pulse, and then tucked himself back into his pants.
“Why the fuck are you here?” He called out to the apparently-not-a-stranger.
“Working a contract! Lot less fun than whatever petty thing you’ve got.” Aiden frowned deeply and levered himself out of their makeshift nest.
“Stay here a minute?”
“Gaetan, what the hell.”
“Heard there were some others of us with pretty hair about and I thought - it’s either Aiden or Dragonfly so I’ll go say hi.”
“Look, good to see you but I’m busy.”
“I can smell.”
“Come out and let me meet my brother’s lover!” Aiden seemed to like this one, whoever he was, so Lambert put the blade aside and smoothed his hair back before stepping into view. The Cat that had interrupted them was small, shorter than Lambert with a close shaved head and keen eyes like goldenrod. He whistled and appraised Lambert shamelessly.
“Not bad, Little Brother.” It was genuine praise but it had Lambert’s back up. “I’d shake your hand but I think I know where it’s been. I’m Gaetan.”
“Pleasure, I’m sure.”
They did not break bread or take supper together but they did share some ale before Gaetan took his leave and promised to see them that evening. It took only a few minutes for Aiden to start pacing.
“I can’t believe he caught us. He’s going to tell everyone. What if he finds Co too and -”
“Aiden, there’s no need to panic over it.”
“They’ll hunt you down just to say they did it! Or won’t let me hear the end of it in winter or- or tell me I can’t come back!”
“I don’t exactly have a Keep to return to.”
He sighed and swept the other man up by the waist, holding him close with a sigh.
“No need to stress, Princess.” Lambert wasn’t very good at being gentle but he knew how to kiss Aiden’s neck and hold his hip to cradle him just right. “Your brothers think you make the sun rise, I’m not going to ruin that.”
“You don’t ruin anything.”
“And! If I’m not presentable enough you can take Coën.” He felt more than hard Aiden laugh. Their wayward Griffin fit perfectly with them but he’d be more out of place among the Cats than a bear at a dinner table. “So we’ll go to the party, get paid handsomely, and then we’ll get some uninterrupted fun.”
No one died at the party. Lambert half expected at least one body to drop given the company that he knew to be running around the grounds but Coën stood on the single balcony and waved at them every now and then. He’d dressed finely and Lambert wanted nothing more than to climb the trellis and ruin his perfectly combed hair. He didn’t: only because he was a professional.
Their contract was fulfilled at the stroke of midnight and they raced to the roof of the empty groundskeeper’s hut where it had been decided they would meet. Lambert scrambled up just in time to watch Coën start a sprint across the grounds to join them.
The music was dying down, more and more musicians growing tired and taking their leave until it was a single violinist playing for the straggling guests. From the folds of his cloak Aiden produced a bottle of wine with a flourish and twisted the cork out, letting it fall to the ground far below. They laid close, Lambert pressed in the middle, and passed the bottle back and forth.
Lambert pillowed his head on his own arm and turned to look at the Cat. “Hey Princess,” Pretty gold eyes, flecked through with green, settled on Lambert with anticipation. Lambert continued, “It’s all nonsense isn’t it?”
“Hm?” Atop Lambert’s stomach Coën and he linked hands.
“World‘s not ending, no one could give less of a shit about the three of us- no wait let me finish -“ he squeezed Coën’s wrist to head off any philosophical comments “-so why don’t we all go somewhere nice? If you want to go to the Caravan I’ll go with you, Co can swing by that friend in Novigrad, and then we go to the coast or something. How about it? Somewhere warm for winter.” If Aiden said no that was… well, that was fine really. He’d climb the mountain with Coën, spend the winter sharing comforts with one half of his heart, and they would meet in spring just as they had for years now. Three years as a unit, longer for each pair individually.
“Are you asking us on a date, Lam?” Aiden smiled crookedly, fang on display.
Coën rumbled, “I dare say he is.”
“Maybe I am.” He suddenly felt sheepish.
“My knight.” Aiden and Coën slid their joined hands higher, over his heart.
“Is that a yes, Princess?”
It was.
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anxietywriter · 2 years
Halloween Prompts
lil comp of prompts involving anything halloween, so monsters, trick or treating, fall/autumn, pumpkin carving, etc.
A character being really into beast/beauty stories, definitely a monster fucker. so it's a real surprise to their friends at a party when instead of the werewolf, they're drawn to a striking phantom of the opera costume. and boy, what a costume, they can see how intricate it is, the fine fabrics, porcelain mask, and heavy cloak. and their masked interest fits the character so well, elegant speech, piercing eyes, and a commanding aura. the only thing left to do is to see if their singing was up to par as well and it's absolutely no surprise to their friends when they announce that they're leaving the party with the phantom. cue a night a bashful fumbling, kisses, cuddling, a lack of clothes, and passing out. come morning, everything's hazy and they're cuddled up next to the phantom, who... well the mask fell off in the midst of last night and.. they didn't notice how pale their poor phantom was. and cold, nothing some breakfast wouldn't fix though. (phantom is not quite human, i kind of lead towards a vampire bc it's easy but more interesting takes could be: demon, alien, a beast cursed to be human (haha see what i did), ancient god, etc.)
pumpkin carving contest that's streamed like a gaming event, with no less than 3 judges with criteria based on: craftsmanship, creativity, and composition. there's also two categories: classic and artistic, classic being a little finicky, wherein contestants have to keep the generic face of the pumpkin, artistic being no holds barred, they can make a picture of the mona lisa for all they cared so long as it was good. it's intense, it's competitive, and it's between like 6 friends in their college dorm trying to prepare for halloween as they stream it on instagram live. it's got all the dramatic commentary and hilarious camera pans to the action though, think masterchef kind of commentary.
just everyone sharing a mug of pumpkin spice latte around and one of them gets really flustered because they like someone else in the group and all they can think is 'indirect kiss' also some banter about whether or not pumpkin spice is overrated, the best season, best halloween movie, and just empassioned speeches about each argument
trick-or-treating late at night and one yard has someone running out to the trick or treaters to scare them. a bunch of college kids go and one of them scares easily, tripping and falling on the yard and being super embarrassed but the person doing the scare is super sweet and worried. the scarer takes off their mask in hopes of calming the other down and the person who fell just, stops breathing because oh god they are,,, ridiculously attractive. and now the person will never be able to look them in the eyes ever again because the absolute total mortification and they both live in this neighborhood, oh no. how unfortunate.
put one prompt under the keep reading for a brief mention of animal abandoment, so skip on along if that's not something you want to read
a black kitten found a little bit after halloween, injured and in a ditch. would love to see a bunch of college kids naming the kitten something silly like 'moony moon shoes' or 'ellie, short for skeleton' so keeping with the spooky vibes but a lot softer. and would just love to see a bunch of peeps doting on this poor kitten, coming together to try and provide supplies. the kitten becoming the resident stress reliever and they all just chill and have fun.
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iheartchv · 6 months
Hi! Hope i'm in time for the mistletoe event🌿🍒, could I request a male COD matchup?
Appearance: 4'11 with waist-long black hair and blue eyes + rectangular rimless glasses. i've been told that i look rather cold and unapproachable (and tired cuz of those damn huge undereye circles i have)
Personality: ISTP
About me: Comp sci student living off energy drinks and garlic baguettes trying to survive and not lose sanity. Rather aloof, rational and private loner with a sharp tongue and witty remarks on hand but I do have a more gentle and softer side when u get to know me. I tent to have one close friend at a time, although ppl often come to me for advice or help because of my logical approach to things. I'm that friend you call at 3AM because u did sth stupid and now u need help (and i will get there, after spending 30min screaming at u for how dumb u are and telling u that there's no way i'm getting out of my house rn). I cuss, quite a lot. And complain, also quite a lot (if u don't know how to make a conversation complain is a great option). I usually don't talk much and honestly don't engage myself in any social events or gathering if not necessary but i have weeks when you just won't be able to stop me from talking and making shi**y jokes. And a little fun fact about me: i always have a lighter on me. No, i don't smoke but there's always someone who needs a lighter and that's a great way to meet some rly cool ppl
Hobbies: astronomy, stargazing, reading
▪︎loud noices, hot temperatures
▪︎childish & argumentative & reckless ppl
▪︎coffee, alcohol (never grew to like it, don't think i ever will)
Thank you so much in advance! Hope you're doing well and have a great day♡
// of course ^^
I match you with....
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 🧼 (2022)
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Soap for sure is absolutely smitten with you
He didn't think he would fall so deep for you but he did
You were falling for him too, though you didn't know it at first
He somehow weaseled his way into your heart
Maybe because he was charming, so kind and warm...
Or maybe because he was loyal to no end, fearless...
... A reliable soldier...
Soap always gave you coy smiles after some playful teasing or flirting with you
He loved it when you would bite back with witty remarks
It just made him want to know about you
He'd always sit by you, wanting to get closer to you
But he'll know if you want him around or not
If you're uncomfortable, or sad, upset about something, he will do whatever it takes to make you happy
When you start to open up more, he listens to what you have to say
Doesn't matter if you complain, vent, or just want to talk about what fascinates you
He's a great listener
He loves seeing the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about your passions and dreams
He'd catch himself staring and smiling to himself as he listens to your voice, and just take in your beauty
He tells you, after remembering what you told him about your hobby of stargazing, that he'd want to go stargazing with you
This was his idea of going on a date with you, hoping that you would be a little more comfortable...
And being under the stars was romantic, right?
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Since then you and Soap have been together
Christmas time is around the corner
At the base everyone in Task Force 141 was having a party
It was Soap's idea/suggestion
He invited you to come... so he could show you off to his comrades
Everyone seemed to like you and wished you good luck with your relationship
You stood in a corner, having some time to yourself while you watched everyone ( well almost everyone, Ghost was only talking to one other person ) else having a good time
Soap came up next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him
He looked up, and then grinned down at you
"Look up, sweetheart."
Hanging above you was mistletoe
You blushed
"Y'know what that means?"
"Yeah, yeah..." you replied, a small smile on your face
He softly chuckled and then gently pulled you against him
Leaned down and gave you a soft, sweet, kiss
He'd never get over you, kissing you, loving you
You're his forever... and you knew that as well as he was yours, as well.
🎀 lmk if you'd like to tagged in any/all content 🎀
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE BLOOD BEING SHED THIS FIGHT- all in good fun though, GOSH what a battle, I am watching this thing like a sports game
LOL ITS TOTALLY FINE!!! and omg of course I’ve been having a lot of fun with the comp and so SHOOK about this matchup omg. I really love Poptart and Sprout so I’m rooting for your boys!!! (*´ᗜ`*)
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kimtaegis · 11 months
annie <3
happy geburtstag to my most favourite person in the entirety of germany!! i hope you'll have the most wonderful day with al & awi with sooooo many lil cute presents & that everyone in the world is congratulating you cause you deserve it the mostest!!!
im very sorry for not being able to make you a gift myself this year but work sadly got in the way :( but i hope you can feel the love i am sending u through this ask anyways :( you are one of the last bts gifmaker survivors i fear but i'm so glad u stayed cause whenever you post theres no doubt that you yet again managed to 'outgif' everyone else & create the most beautiful coloured set or the most thoughtful and stunning comp. but my favourite things you create are gifts for others where you try to use every detail you know about them to create something so special for them. and the crazy thing is theres no limit to your talent… insane. you make a gift for an artist (awi)? suddenly you are an artist TOO what can't you do……. its so interesting to see what you come up with next and you really manage to top your previous works every single time. the gift for me you made this year still leaves me speechless every time i see it, i'll forever cherish it (thank you again). anyways i love this really talented, creative & kind human being (you) a loooot & i wish you nothing but happiness & lots of love & happy moments in life that will make you smile & that you will succeed in everything u want to do & lots of pretty green clothes & more london trips & all the photocards on your wishlist & endless kisses from me.
have soooo so much fun today with your friends & enjoy your special day to the fullest, get drunk if you can & laugh all the time & eat the most delicious food. I LOVE U IM KISSING YOU MY PRETTIEST BIRTHDAY GIRL <33
noooo mona why do you make me tear up on my birthday :( I don’t even know what to say, that can’t count as a birthday message anymore, that’s a love letter that I’ll print out and put in an envelope and keep under my pillow at night 😔🤍 I have no idea how I deserve all these compliments from you, I know it’s been years by now but I still can’t quite believe you’re my friend 🥲 I admire and adore you so so so much and I’d gladly make ten more edits like the satellite jimin one for you because I’m obsessed with you and your eye for things and the classiness and delicacy you radiate, it’s so inspiring to me, my little muse 💙 we just picked awi up and are now going to watch Barbie!!! I hope that someday we’ll get to meet up like that too, I’d really like that… maybe on a harry concert 😌 I genuinely am obsessed with you and this whole message and I’ll probably read it again a few more times later cause it’s overwhelmingly sweet. I love you terribly baby, thank you for this gift of a letter (which is more than enough) 🤍🤍🤍
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polarisbear · 2 years
oh fuck right au post
april fools au but sideways
(i will note literally anything except the group comps are subject to change)
these group swaps based on the april fools ones mostly come from my… dissatisfaction with them. i mean that’s a weird thing to say about a one off joke but clearly there was some thought put into it just not any thematic ones which gets a lil awkward. also why did you put all the boys in one group. no get them out spread them apart that’s literally the most boring option. so, i think these combos are funnier and have like some workable story. that’s it.
swap! leo/need
shizuku on drums (leader)
airi on bass
ena on guitar
tsukasa on keytar
theme of this group: regain lost childhood! because holy fuck! their aesthetic is based on like visual kei maybe i haven’t decided but i did want to make glam rock miku so we’ll adjust.
original name was i think oneiroi (god of dreams) for a Couple reasons but i decided to scrap that. oniiroi was a good pun though.
anyways, this group formed the same way the original april fools group did, though shizuku actually suggested it to airi and they pulled in ena and tsukasa from kami high. everyone’s backstories also remain more or less the same, bar the fact that saki instead watched just, the sickest keytar solo and tsukasa went “hell yeah time to make my baby sister happy with sick piano riffs”.
“you shoved 4 of the 6 second years in this group how is anyone alive” well champ. i thought they needed the breather from Chronic Older Sibling Syndrome
i mostly think the friendship dynamics in this one are sweet and fun and i don’t know enough vocaloid songs to make it work but i do want them to be consistently just going ham on their songs. just going all in on these hard as hell rock songs. they deserve it. they have the vocal chops.
this is their vent session is what i’m trying to convey. ena and airi are staring at tsukasa and shizuku going “are you. going to talk” and they both start dodging the question
swap! more more jump!
kanade as the composer (leader)
theme of this group: just like the most ill-suited people for japanese idol work. hope is still delivered, the climb upwards is still constant. i really like the mmj outfits (this person has a magical girl bias) but like vibe wise for this group i’d probably go for a kpop idol group look. which is unpopular in japanese marketing but still
i wanted to do a pun on “messenger” but that didn’t pan out, so penumbra is a tentative placeholder. this is specifically in reference to kanade’s name and shiho’s names (a penumbra can both refer to a partial lunar eclipse and the outer edges of a sunspot), and just. overall the group could be summed up as “almost enough” yeah? there’s also the belief that eclipses are when communication opens up due to celestial bodies lining up so it fits
this group forms in an extremely complicated way ngl but an and akito’s goal is still to surpass rad weekend (in a different way. this might be undermining their integrity as musicians if i’m being honest) and they’re a bit. bitter about things. shiho is similarly bitter at her sister though things are still pretty close to canon things just got changed a little. kanade’s backstory is exactly the same and how she gets into the group is also just like the april fools version where she was just going to compose the group’s songs in the background but she got pulled in the spotlight instead. the group finds a lot of inspiration from kanade. secretly.
this was like one the first groups i wanted to changed and swap, mostly because of 1) there’s too many cool colors in the april fools swap! hell! kanade is dying in the warm color gang. akito’s here to break that up a little. and 2) i wanted the boys to Not be relegated to one group, that felt… insulting. slightly smaller reason is that i’m pretty sure akito is a canon idol fan so while i think he’d be embarrassed and not Enjoying his masculinity being “tarnished” by the public, i still think he’s doing okay. something about those “i put akito in a mmj video to torture him” videos rub me the wrong way.
the baggage gang. so much. so much in fact their miku initially calls them “the worst idol candidates i’ve ever seen. kanade at least shows some promise, she wants to have people with her music, ‘hope’ is just another form of that. you can’t treat idol-hood as just a different avenue for your pipe dreams.”
shiho’s pissed. akito’s pissed. an isn’t really but something starts gnawing at her.
anyways this all an excuse to get akito’s banjo of a voice to sing happy synthesizer
swap! wonderlands x showtime (happiness sentai sunny sunny ⭐️ wonder)
emu, the candy phoenix (leader)
kohane, the hamster phoenix
haruka, the penguin phoenix
mafuyu, the snow phoenix
theme of this group: the fight for happiness is hard, but we need to protect the smiles of the world from the evil despair! if this sounds like a magical girl premise it is. precure is just a sentai show
no notes this group is perfect 10/10, i just wanted to lean into the “sentai” part of their name. if i ever get the energy to i’d like to redesign their outfits to be sentai outfits because like Maybe that breaks the fairytale theme pheenieland has but i don’t care. i want cheese
same as canon, a little more permanently though, because like. yeah.
this plays out like a precure season but with better character writing, so every event they defeat the bad guys (old traumas and history haunting each other) and learn a moral at the end! (everyone’s smiles become a bit more real and emu worries a little less)
swap! vivid bad squad
saki on synth (leader)
ichika on guitar
mizuki on special effects
rui on dj-jig
theme of this group: childhood friends stumble into the brand new world of street music and fashion! investigate the mysteries of shibuyu and vivid street together as you dance around your baggage!
this one was made because i switched some people and everyone got grouped up here but hey i think this works! two sets of childhood friends, partner edition!
basically we take all their casual outfits and crank them up to 11 in a specific fashion subculture, like ichika is full on pink now, saki leans harder into old school hime gyaru, mizuki goes all in on the lolita look, and rui really looks like a 2000’s scene kid.
what they actually do is preform shows (dj4dj style) where mizuki and rui are in the back supporting ichika and saki preforming in the front.
i think they all spend their spare time solving urban mysteries together both the silly and real. top of the list is “who were the rising stars of vivid street, and why did they abandon it and rad weekend?” occasionally ichika wonders if that curiosity should be directed inward towards their little group but she isn’t… sure if she should pry.
swap! nightcord at 25:00
minori as the idol stan (leader)
honami as the home ec teacher
nene as the gamer
touya as the music theory knower
theme of this group: all of their dreams have been destroyed and it’s coping time! they talk about their hobbies at 1 am and yearn
i like to think sometimes nene and toya get into an autism music special interest feedback loop and honami is just smiling while minori is losing it trying to keep up with them.
because they only talk at 1 am there’s a very deep melancholy permeating through all their chats. minori is the only one to actively talk about her dreams but even she dodges directly talking about it by talking about idols instead. toya doesn’t… have a lot to talk about since he doesn’t have akito to hang out with so he just talks about the arcade. nene talks about her games which everyone tries to understand but once she gets into meta gaming all hope is lost. honami gives them all a lot of housework advice and they all love it when both honami and minori send in their dogs. but in general it’s… a bit quiet.
their sekai costumes reference what their sekai costumes would look like if their dreams where being chased, except toya who never found that dream. he’s dressed like a composer instead.
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worminstuff · 3 years
mcyts as teachers
in my brain. lol. thisisjustmyopiniondontattakpls
dream smp edition!!!
i got way to carried away HOLY
Mr.Wastaken - math
he’s that one math teacher dude whos friends with all his students
funky👏tys👏 and👏 button ups👏
somehow teaches everything so everyone understands
the students won’t bully eachother if he bully’s them first.
everyone does their work and then when everyone is done and just chillin, he’ll tell a story or just talk to them
Mr.Blade - english
he’s that english teacher that if you ask the right question they’ll go on a tangent and you’ll get to not do work for like 30 minutes minimum.
Mr.Blade seems mean but is super sweet to his students. (especially the quiet ones)
never makes them do presentations
Mr.Jacobs - history
is 100% best friends with his students.
so many handshakes
Mr.Karl is literally the best dressed teacher there is and is so nice to all his students. he is easy going on grading but is a tad hard on late work.
totally doesn’t sneak off to kiss coach sapnap sometimes
Mr. Quack - spanish
gets so hyped with his students.
kahoot kahoot kahoot sm kahoot
Mr.Quacks class is the one everyone hopes they get and constantly looks forward to. thinks like baking spanish food, watching spanish soap operas, and many more fun ways Mr.Quack has thought of to show them different aspects of spanish culture
Mrs. Nihachu - art
the classroom the kids with anxiety sit in during lunch
gives her students hugs whenever they need them
has art her students have made for her all over her classroom walls and desk
drawer full of candy
Coach Sapnap & Coach Punz - PE
so scary. they are so so scary.
also the sweetest somehow.
the duo is always constantly trying to create new games to keep students active and they work hard to make sure everyone is happy and being included if they want to, or have an alternative if they don’t.
they play in team games like kickball and get HELLA competitive, it makes for a whole lot of fun inside jokes between them and their students.
the smack talk- holy-
Mr.Fundy - furry science- jk. biology
every time they have labs he wears a funky lab coat and goggles
his students make fun of him and he loves it
is a tough grader but makes the class easy and makes it a comfy place so kids won’t be scared to ask questions when they need
Mr.Notfound - engineering
he’s the type of teacher to put up a video on days he’s tired
actually really enjoys bantering with students, and is super lenient with how much they can talk during classes
a lot of his work is hands on so there’s many bits and bobbles around his room and it’s always a mess
“you’ll need the stuff for the soddering machines but i’m not actually sure where they are...”
the students are well aware that class is WAY more fun when Mr.Notfound is in a good mood.
Mr.Wastaken drops by when he has free periods cause he loves to annoy visit Mr.Notfound
Teacher Eret - sociology
his room is the safe space where you go if you need a good hug or a good cry
kids also eat lunch here
memes on da walls and things hanging from the ceiling
talks with his hands and laughs with the students when they mock him and do it when he does
“TEACHER ERET! you will not believe what sarah did!!” “tell me right now!”
Mr.Dude - comp. science
is always asking students how they feel like they’re doing
brings lunches for students he notices not having any
“snack break anyone?” opened drawer full of goldfish
stands in the hallways during passing time so he can watch out for his kiddos and make sure no ones being mean to anyone
high-fives all the time constantly
Mr.Soot - drama
literally so dramatic all the time for no reason
relentless hamilton references
he’s the type of drama teacher to adore his students and have them adore him back. he loves hearing all the unique ideas and loves to watch kids grow into their shell as they take his class
his favorite thing is watching quiet kids learn they love acting and become more confident
students share their own scrips and plays they write and he absolutely melts every time
Mr.Shlatt - political science
the teacher that everyone tries to get mad cause it’s funny
starts arguments between students because he loves to watch kids grow into their opinions and learn to debate with others
teaches them how to win arguments and it blows up in his face cause they start using his tactics against him
Mr. Halo - self defense
no 🚫 swearing 🚫 zone
gives the biggest hugs to kids that seem sad
he teaches in mostly talking ways where he explains everything but he also loves demonstration lessons
he always has kids talking to him about other teachers that may annoy them or have given them a bad grade because Mr.Halo always has their back
Mr.Skeppy - money management
he’s that one teacher that isn’t really close with his students but every once in a while he’ll get a group of kids that he enjoys and it makes the class a lot more fun
pizza party after tests if everyone passes
actually holds meme contests for literally no reason
Mr.H - hospitality
has whiteboard desks in his class cause he is THAT cool
is always asking kids what the drama is atm cause he wants to be in the know
has holiday party’s in class for EVERY holiday. if you have him as a teacher you’ll be celebrating every holiday for however long you have him. he just lives for a good party.
also has a snack drawer
Mr.Frost - horticulture
shelves and shelves of plants. gives his fav students ones to take home
literally the sweetest teacher, every student understands you can not be rude to Mr.Frost it’s just criminal to do so
another huggy teacher. he just loves his kiddos with his whole heart
the least amount of work for a class out of all of them
he’s definitely that teacher thay takes his class outside every chance they get, and the students l o v e it
Mr.Minecraft -headmaster/principal
he’s the reason the school has like 0 REAL trouble makers.
everyone’s scared of him, but only because they don’t want to disappoint him.
he creates the best rallies and makes school events fantastic
100% dances at school dances sometimes
Mrs.Puffy - councilor
everyone adores her. even other teachers.
she councils Mr.Wastaken when he needs dating advice. *cough cough* Mr.Notfound *cough cough*
literally 3 drawers full of snacks.
is the founder of their schools GCA and it’s the best thing
let’s kids skip class in her office when they have a panic attack or are to anxious to go
had to have a chat with Coach Sapnap because of how many kids were coming from his PE class having panic attacks (he felt really bad, he’s just intense sometimes)
loves to sit in on Mr.Quackitys classes
Teacher callahan - substitute
he subs in sometimes and when students find out Teacher callahan is subbing that day they freak the fuck out
so much kahoot
how can one man start such party’s without speaking a word
terrorizes Mr Wastakens classes when he can and LOVES to pop in on the PE classes especially when they’re doing something wicked fun and he feels like beating sapnap at something
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Hey! I love your writing and was wondering if you could do a Holland Fam x teen!reader headcanon. Something where the reader is a dancer and has a sore back from her last performance, so the boys, mainly Tom, take care of her. Can you make the reader 13 too? Thx 😊
Being a dancer and the youngest Holland
Holland Family X Sister!Reader
Warnings: dance related injuries
Reader's age: 13
A/n: I'm assuming you wanted a x sister!Reader so that's what I did. Also I won't know much about dance and stuff so this is all google.
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You finished a dance comp, you got 1st place in solo and your team got 2 place in the team category.
It was all around a good weekend since Tom got to watch the competition for the first time in a while. Just now you were really sore. Your team had been practicing for that comp nonstop.
Tom and you had probably planned on hanging out all week since you had a break from dance.
But you could barely move, your back hurt a lot.
Tom would quickly realized this when you walked down the stairs and flopped carelessly on the couch with a pained groan and said:
"I'm dying"
Just to be dramatic.
His initial reaction would be to tell you that you're being a bit dramatic which earned him a weak slap to the face.
So instead of the fun day you had planned you were stuck on the couch.
Tom was by your side the whole time.
Watching movies, helping you stretch.
Sam picked up Icey hot for you on his way home from work.
Because of course you couldn't reach the sore area on your back you would ask Harry for helping putting it since he was just passing by where you were laying on the couch. Then you put it on anywhere else you were hurting.
So again I'm not sure much about dance or dance-related injuries and google was no help but Tom would get you new ice packs every time the one you had was no longer cold.
He also probably would watch any movies you want with you. Paddy would join too.
Tessa probably tried jumping on your back at least once when you were on the couch so Tom had to pull her off because it hurt you.
He'd be so sweet though, like he's definitely the most protective of your brothers so he hates one you get hurt. (It's totally cause your his favorite but don't tell the others)
Paddy probably wanted to cheer you up so he'd get you your favorite drink and snacks on his way home from hanging out with his friends.
So finally when everyone was home you and your brothers would cuddle on the couch and you got to pick the movie.
By the time you would have to go back to dance practices again, Tom would be a worrying mess telling you not to exert yourself to much and that you should try to get out of practice.
You probably had to tell him you'd be fine and that your back no longer hurt.
He definitely was the one to pick you up from practice that day and he would be asking you a bunch of questions like:
"Are you okay?"
"How's your back? You shouldn't have gone."
"Did you tell your coach that you couldn't do too much?"
Your parents would be on your side though since they've helped you through plenty of sore muscles since you joined dance.
Tom did calm a bit but still worried about you. Obviously your his only sister.
Sam, Harry, and Paddy more then definitely worried for you too obviously but Sam and Paddy were usually always there when you got hurt (minor injuries of course)
You would be upset with yourself that with the little time Tom had off he spent taking care of you but you forgot all about it when Tom started dancing with you when he noticed he practicing in your room.
You couldn't ask for better brothers.
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manicpixiess · 3 years
✨coaching kid aesthetic✨ (for my desi stem gang where y’all at)
I have been in 12th grade for approximately fifteen months now (my thanks, Ramesh Pokhriyal, it’s been fun :) ) and if I don’t romanticise studying for entrances, I Simply Will Not Do It, so here goes!
~ that ever-growing pile of dry, used up pens that you cannot bring yourself to discard because goddamn it took a lot of effort to get them that way
~ finding yourself caught in a rabbit hole on chemistry stack exchange at 2 in the morning, because you’ll be damned if you let that one possibly irrelevant question on the DPP sheet slide
~ standing around the momo/ assorted shady street food stall outside the coaching centre, wasting that sweet, sweet fifteen minute break discussing a deliciously unsolvable question with your academic rivals; for a while you’re all just confused kids together, and it’s not that bad
~ quiet moments of absolute despair in between classes or after a test or at your desk after a long day, because oh god there’s hundreds of thousands of people writing this exam and I can’t compete with any of them
~ flipping through your full rough books once the last page has been completely covered with scribbled equations, because I did that I did that I did all of that
~ your walls are a collage of zany inspirational posters that your parents thought would somehow help, pages and pages of organic reaction mechanisms, handy math formulae, tiny physics concepts that are so important and so forgettable, salt analysis spreads that you know you won’t give a second glance
~ finding a youtube video from a Kota coaching centre or a 7 year old reddit thread that exactly answers the ultra specific question you had is as close as you’ve come to happiness in 3 years (followed closely by solving a hard question from one of those textbooks that no one remembers the actual name of, it’s just the author’s name)
~ the only revision you need before a test is the notes you scrawled to yourself that fill the covers and end pages of your notebooks; most of them are quite profane and that is okay, it drives the point home 
~ stacking all your reference books and textbooks into a tottering pile, laughing hysterically as it grows taller than you 
~ books everywhere; on your bed, on your desk, on your parents’ bed, in the kitchen, in the closet; an aggrieved do you really need them all from a family member. Yes, you think, but don’t say, because it’s more a fact from here and a reaction from there than anything else
~ saturday morning classes; watching the sunlight streaming in through the window while learning something fanciful and difficult, eating lime and orange popsicles with your friends, everyone pretending to hate it, but really, they’re all happy.
~ going from nervous, to eager, to tired, just tired over the course of two years; sleep is for the weak, your friends tell each other as you all stay up till the sun rises, cramming for something that will be forgotten in a week. You fall asleep anywhere, anytime, because it’s been so long since you slept a full eight hours 
~ reminiscing about tenth grade, the good old days, but you know that these are the friends you’ll remember for the rest of your life; nothing brings people together quite like common suffering, after all
~ talking often of all the things you could be doing if didn’t have to study, but really, you wouldn’t know what to do yourself
~ saying no, over and over again, to all the people who call you out, to family engagements, to other friends, because you’ve lived so long in this world that you’ve forgotten what it’s like on the other side
~ the group chat after 3 am is for detailing exactly how you screwed are for the next day’s test, for a friend to point out that they are, in fact, more screwed than you (discussions on what exactly the point of life is are also allowed)
~ coming out of exam rooms sweaty and relieved, because no one will expect anything of you for the next fortnight, waiting outside them for your friends to finish so you can have a collective freakout (you can’t be the only one who forgot about instantaneous axes of rotation and acid catalysed aldol reactions, right? Right?)
~ your friends are your therapists, and you are theirs, because even (or especially) in a system intent on pitting kids against each other, you rely on each other to keep (some approximation of) happy and motivated 
~ jokes about being sad, scared, tired, angry, hurt; because feeling any of it takes up more time than can be spared
~ ink stained hands, heavy bags, clothes that are loose and old
~ regular schoolwork is ignored, bio/comp labs are gossip sessions, physics labs are for getting confused when g isn’t 9.8, chemistry labs are for unleashing pyromaniacal chaos 
~ it’s either one question taking up an entire day or 200 questions in 4 hours, there’s no in between 
~ looking at the stars in the sky after a late class, thinking that some day, you’ll be far away from here, doing something you love; then thinking that maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t all bad 
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
haikyuu!! as genshin impact players
a/n: currently obsessed with genshin impact so i decided to merge it with my love for haikyuu!! this was honestly so much fun to write and i hope you guys like it !!
Hinata: he’s the one who always asks for help in the group chat when fighting bosses as well as the dragonspine quests. super thankful when you help him but you just have to be patient with him jumping and accidentally pressing ‘attack’ when gliding’
Kageyama: honestly thought that collecting all the anemoculi was the first objective so he went out and found EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. loves to flex his stamina at hinata by jumping up cliffs
Tsukishima: RIP most of his characters are hydro users so he has to visit the oceanid twice every day all like 'hey, fucker. it's me again'. someone please give him fischl. hides the fact that he failed the gliding exams about twenty times
Yamaguchi: wanted xiao so bad he made 150 pcs. of almond tofu and a summoning circle in his room before wishing for him on top of wangshu inn. cried tears of joy when he got him 
Ennoshita: super intellectual player. takes the time to calculate the stats on weapons, artifacts, and talents before enhancing them. likes using archers to spam long-distance attacks
Tanaka: in it for the WAIFUS. wants mihoyo to add a trade character feature so that he could trade his male characters and have an army of waifus. currently saving up primogems for hu tao
Noya: BENNET MAIN !! ceo of bennett supremacy basically and loves watching his ‘bouken da bouken!’ idle animation. adamantly believes that he should be a five-star character
Daichi: wasn’t that invested in playing until he got albedo as his first five-star character because he loves the guy so much. loves bringing him when he does co-op and when the other player thanks him for the ‘albedovators’ 
Sugawara: klee main because he loves how chaotic she is. like, he’ll literally use her to kill fish in the springvale lake and timmie’s birds. he’ll use his elemental burst for destroying the training dummies for ellin’s commission
Asahi: even though he has five-star characters, he still likes using the starter team because they feel like his family. explicitly uses amber and kaeya a lot just to prove the haters wrong
Oikawa: venti main because he relates to him on a spiritual level and actually cried during his story quest. also emotionally invested in the NPC quests and actually felt bad about not finding joel’s dad
Iwaizumi: has the WORST luck when it comes to gacha rolls. always gets a five-star on like, roll 80 and when he does, he always gets the non-banner one first. doesn’t know the diff between crit rate and crit damage and is too afraid to ask at this point
Hanamaki: fucking kills timmie's birds for FUN. also does livestreams of him walking from mondstadt to liyue or farming as many pieces of meat he can in a day (the most was 1126). calls the primo geovishap ‘rock daddy’ 
Matsukawa: believes in traveler supremacy and invests in leveling them up, no matter what anyone says about them being a support. ‘y’all are going to wish you leveled them up when traveler becomes the avatar’ he says
Ushijima: very much an explorer kind of guy and takes the time to forage everything he sees. also cooks a lot and has 288 sweet madame even though he doesn't really need it
Tendou: actually enjoys being in dragonspine because he likes the thrill of freezing to death and the aesthetics. farms so much frozen meat because he can. lets ushijima co-op in his world to farm stuff
Semi: used up his fragile resin early in the game and now that he's at ar40 he has Regrets. yells a lot when he plays but that’s whenever he accidentally presses ‘climb’ instead of attack
Shirabu: someone told him that sucrose shouldn't be used as a main and now he's doing that out of spite. actually likes his team comps to be full of supports for the #supportsupremacy
Goshiki: he has such a hard time with boss fights but he's too proud to ask for help. knowing that, his senpais just show up in his world and ask if they could farm there to help him out
Kuroo: collects husbandos and co-op's in other players' worlds while role-playing as that husbando. he's gotten very popular because of this and is known as ‘the legendary co-op player’ 
Kenma: an amazing player, as you’d expect. he got to ar40 in probs two weeks and started livestreaming his plays. an absolute king at clearing abyss levels and showing off those satisfying elemental reactions
Yaku: WHAAAAAALE. you can tell by the fact that he always has the battle pass weapons and so many primogems. definitely a collector who tries to get all playable characters 
Lev: very chaotic player and accidentally walked all the way to liyue at ar10 while running away and dodging monsters. SOMEHOW managed to defeat boss childe without revival materials and by spamming noelle
Bokuto: has the best luck in gacha rolls, opposite to iwaizumi. he showed akaashi a pic of his first 10-wish roll (feat. qiqi, mona, and fischl) and was all ‘is this a good roll?’ 
Akaashi: great at building characters so he shares his knowledge by making videos on optimal character builds and team comps. explains things super well and everyone loves watching his stuff
Atsumu: likes to turn up the volume on his headphones and making lisa climb a really high cliff if you know what i mean. also desperately tried to roll for ganyu and spent all his primogems but got diluc instead 
Osamu: likes to spam genshin fan pages with dumb theories like ‘joel’s dad is the missing cryo yaksha’ or ‘madame ping is going to be on the next character banner.’ has a soft spot for barbara though
Suna: he’s often falling off cliffs trying to farm violetgrass but he does it out of love for qiqi. shows off himself using qiqi as main dps when someone says she’s just a support because he can
Kita: his signature literally says ‘come to my world if you want to farm’. his map is full of landmarks for ascension materials and will even help you find them. in charge of bringing a healer when you guys fight bosses
Sakusa: loves doing photoshoots with his characters, especially capturing stills of their elemental bursts. his fave character is ningguang because of beautiful and photogenic she is (even has the yellow seelie to match her)
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist):@montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @kirakirasaku @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @atsumusdomain​ @goodfoodxoxoxo​ @ah-kaashi​ @guardianangelswings @definitely-yours @amberalisa @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs​ @procrastination-lady @miyakiyo0mi
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