#except i always get just a drink and no snack and she’s noticed this and now i think she thinks i have something wrong with me
allophonicmess · 2 months
Too Sweet
Logan Howlett x fem!Reader
Act 2
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GIF von asgardswinter
Warnings: spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine, descriptions of a panic attack, angst, implicaded age gap, horror elements, description of blood and violence
wordcount: 3.8k words
I am overwhelmed by all your positve feedback :,)
So I wrote Act 2 over the weekend. Depending on feedback I might expand this story to a full 5 Act piece. Tell me what you think of that :) Enjoy Act 2!
When Logan woke up, he noticed everything was quiet around him, except for that annoying pigeon always perched up next to his window. He remembered how one year it tried to build a nest right next to the window and they had asked Kitty to transport just outside of the wall to get rid of it. She accidentally cracked one of the eggs during that job and cried about it for half a week. Logan huffed in amusement thinking about it.
The next sensation that returned to him was touch. And he suddenly felt too hot. There were one too many pillows around his head and he felt how his body started to heat up again after his night's sleep. The same can be said for the double blanket that weighed him down and the hot breeze that hit his neck in a steady rhythm.
He frowned.
A hot breeze?
“I thought we were sleeping in…” A mumble came from right next to him. The voice was still raspy from sleep but it took Logan less than a second to realize what had happened.
He swore to himself that he would keep his hands off her till he figured things out between him and Jean. His body stiffened. How to get out of this mess?
Y/N moved closer to him, her head resting on the pillow then placed onto his chest. She hummed contently at the warmth of his body.
Last night's end-of-semester party had ended on a positive note for her when Logan pulled her away from the drink, snacks and conversations to finally kiss her. She was pinned against the ornate oakwood wall coverings in the hallway and it was more beautiful and sensual than she had imagined.
Then they inevitably ended up in Logan's room where they spent the night having sex till they fell asleep. She had waited for him to finally make the move after a constant back and forth between them.
Logan sighed, moving into a sitting position and moving her with him. “We are sleeping in.”, he responded, smoothing his hand along her exposed shoulder and arm. “ I just need to sit up for a minute, bub. You know how my back is.”
She hummed in response, looking up at him with a content, sleepy smile. Why did she have to make this worse?
“I really like you, Logan. This… us, you know?” She asked, her hand moving to massage his shoulder. Why can’t she stop?
He let his head rest against the wooden bed frame. “ Yeah”, closing his eyes and thinking of a way to set things straight again.
“It's not the right time to talk about this but...I told you about my plan to teach at another school for the next few years. See something new, learn and better my teaching.” She moved closer, from her leaning position into a half-upright one. One leg was thrown over his hips.
Yes, please go.
“Yeah, you told me,” Logan answered, trying to keep his voice neutral. Her departure would give him time to sort himself out and or makeup with Jean. He did feel bad for letting Y/n on but she seemed so happy about it.
“I’m not so sure about it now. With you and me… I wanna give this a try.” She leaned forward to give him a soft kiss. Logan turned his head just in time for her lips to partially miss and land in his scruffy beard. He concealed it by hugging her into his chest.
He paused before answering. Feeling her weight against his chest, the soft skin of her back against his arms.  This was nice, he admitted. But there still resigned a little dark seed in him that pushed him towards Jean. To try again, keep chasing and not give up. Y/n would be there. She always was but Jean was moving fast, unreachable and glowing.
“Go on” He spoke.
“I’m going to ask the other school to push my visit for another year. Spend more time with you ” She gently moved her hands along his back, caressing it. No, leave. You need to leave!
“Sounds like a good idea, bub.” He sighed softly, letting go of her and leaning back against the bed frame. Y/n had moved into his lap, legs resting over his hips and he felt himself stirring again at the close contact.
She grinned happily at him. Chasing him for another kiss. “Great! Another summer together can’t hurt.” She kissed again, “right?”
Logan shook his head slightly as a high-pitched ringing started to sound around him.
Her hands started racking through his hair, pulling him closer.
If only she had known…
“Oh, I do!” She laughed, kissing along his neck, her hands scratching along his back.
Logan tensed “What?”
If she had known that you would leave her alone to die. She wouldn’t have wanted to stay. She would be fine now. One fucking summer with him cost her all.
“It was a good time though.” She sighed against his pulse, nibbling the soft skin there. Her free hand had moved along his body down under the blankets.
30 days she had with you.
Then you killed her.
She would be fine if you had told her and let her go.
“Why wait that long?” She let go of his neck staring right at him. “We can do it now!”
“What is happening?” Logan tried to push her off but to no avail. He was getting hot, skin prickling with sweat that wanted to squeeze through his pores.
“And this time you are right here. Why not do it yourself?” She smiled softly, both hands caressing his cheeks.
The ringing got louder and louder, drowning out all sounds except for her voice which got more distorted. It scratched against his eardrum painfully.
“On the count of three,” She giggled, moving to position herself steady on his hips.
Logan couldn’t move.
He felt trapped, watching her take his hands from behind her back.
Serves you right asshole!
She placed his knuckles right under her breastbone. He felt the warm skin underneath his shaking hands.
“Aaaand Three!”
Everything went silent.
His claws pierced through her chest with a disgusting wet sound. He could feel the dense material of her skin and flesh against his claws. The warmth of her body shifted into the metal coating. His shaking hands caused the blades to scratch against her bones and it made him shudder.
She gasped, holding herself upright against his shoulders.
“Oh wow…” She laughed, weakly. A trail of blood leaked from her mouth, dripping onto his hands and running down onto the white sheets. Red droplets spread in the cotton, dying it red.
“That actually really hurts!” She looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. Her body was starting to tremble.
“Y/n…” Logan whispered in horror. Looking at the woman impaled.
“See, Logan, that’s what happens-“ she took his hands and rammed them further into her body. ”Fuck! Ha- When you let me get close”
She leaned forward, moving his arms with her. His elbows knocked against the cool wood behind him.
A soft, bloody kiss was placed on his cheek.
Logan only whimpered, trying to close his eyes but he still couldn’t move.
“Now… Do better.” She whispered in his ear. Slowly she got back into her seated position. She smiled at him with a bloodied smile, teeth stained and dripping red. She lifted her arm and smacked him across the cheek with an inhuman force.
Logan scrambled to get up. A crusty carpet under his fingers, the stench of garlic in his nose and the bright sunlight blinding him.
He could smell coffee.
He was sweating, feeling the little crumbs and bits of dust sticking to his exposed skin. They prick him as he shifts into a sitting position. Logan's back was flush against the cool leather of the sofa he must have slept on, falling onto the dirty carpet.
A dream.
A memory.
A nightmare.
“Whoa! Peanut, you up?" Wade called from the kitchen. He strolled into the living room in his red and white morning robe coffee mug in hand. He eyed Logan cautiously. Noticing the older man's heavy breathing and disoriented look. All jokes aside: Wade felt bad for seeing him in pain. They had more in common than either wanted to admit.
“Fell right off the couch huh?” Wade crouched down in front of Logan. He watched silently as the other came back to his senses, brushing off the dirt on his exposed arms. Wade blew away the steam of his hot coffee.
“Must have been a tumble.” Wade suggestively lifted his nonexistent brows. “A sexy tumble?” He slurped his coffee loudly.
“Get the fuck away from me.” Logan brushed a hand over his sweaty brow and into his hair.
“An unpleasant tumble then? Well, don’t feel bad, buddy. Happens to the best of us” Wade patted Logan's head, getting away fast enough to not get sliced again.  He moved back to the counter, pouring Logan a cup in his newly acquired “ hottest DILF in the MCU” cup. And two sugars. Logan would never ask for them out loud but Wade knew that he liked sweet things.
“That’s a bit on the nose, no?” Wade chuckled, bringing the mug over to Logan who had managed to get seated on the couch. The mismatched blanket and pillow pushed off onto the side.
“Oh nothing, I didn’t talk to you.”
Logan huffed, taking a sip. “ Fucking maniac” The sweet burning liquid soothed his fried nerves.
Wade grabbed a chair, seating himself at the kitchen counter. Logan needed some space if he was to give some answers.
They sat in silence for the next few minutes, each nursing their drink.
It was Logan that broke the silence: “How did I get back here?” He sighed, staring at Wade.
The other man had been staring out of the window, seemingly lost in thought.
“Oh yeah. Well after you made a run for it, stabbed me on the street, destroyed my brand new light cotton shirt-“
“Get to the point.”
Wade gasped dramatically ” Catty, are we?” He clicked his tongue and continued “After that the party was basically over. And after most of the guests were gone, me and the tag team, went looking for you and picked you up from a piss-drenched alley before you went on to cause more trouble. Please and thank you.”
Logan sighed, upset and embarrassed. He had not only upset Wade and the girl but also wrecked the party for the rest of him. They called him the worst Wolverine for a reason.
Wade turned towards to fridge to scavenge for some breakfast. “Your tab has also been covered.”
Logan almost choked on his drink: “By who?”
“Ohh the X-men… academy? I don’t know.” Wade shrugged, biting into a piece of leftover puff pastry. “Piotr said something about thanking you for stabilizing the timeline. I didn’t really understand and neither did he. But hey! You got your sins paid for with government money. Isn’t that sweet?”
He grabbed a muffin from the fridge and threw it at Logan, who luckily caught it.
“And after all that fucking trouble, you at least owe me an explanation.” Wade's sudden shift from playful to serious sobered Logan.
He stayed silent for a moment, feeling how his jaw tensed. That fucking dream had been like a punch in the gut, his subconscious fucking him up even further.
He sniffed, setting the mug down.
“I knew a Y/n in my timeline.”
“No shit!” Wade exclaimed, his frustration blending into the mocking tone of his voice.
Logan grunted in annoyance. “We were both at the school. Working there. Fighting together. I met her quite early on.” One of his hands rubbed over the rough material of his jeans. “She and I were close; always had my back. And I took that for granted.” He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. “She died, with the others.”
Silence hung in the room, making the air feel thick.
“And?” Wade, asked.
“And what?” Logan was agitated.
“Well yeah, she died. Like the others. But you had no panic attack when you met Colossus, or Ellie, Yukio-“
“She wanted to leave the school for a year abroad. Teach somewhere else but she stayed because of me." His chest was getting heavy again. “She stayed because I let her on, okay? I kept her close in case things with Jean didn’t work out. I knew she loved me-”
“That’s cookie jarring!” Wade exclaimed, excitedly “My Gen Z’s told me about that!”
“The fuck are you talking about?! I am telling you something important and you-“
“It’s when you keep a second option in case love interest numero uno doesn’t like you back. Keeping a sweet backup treat to not end up without a price.”
“I guess so. But never use that term again. I swear-“ Could you have one serious conversation with this ass clown?
Logan sighed, collecting his thoughts. “She felt more for me than I did for her at the time. I mean I did love her but I was a bastard and couldn’t stop chasing after something that wasn’t mine to begin with.”
The picture of his nightmare came back to him. Y/n, impaled, bleeding out by cause of his hand.
“She wouldn’t have been there if you had told her the truth? When the attack happened?” Wade concluded.
“I reciprocated her feelings. Gave her what she wanted for a night after I got frustrated with Jean. I made Y/n think that I was over her.” He scratched his beard, still feeling her lips linger there “I didn’t have the guts to tell her the truth and I was too much of a bastard to stop; couldn’t see that she was the one... She haunts me the most.”
“you really are an asshole. A surprisingly reflected asshole.” Wade nodded, lifting his mug in a mocking salute.
Logan just scoffed.
“Great, now that’s out of the way. I have a confession to make.” Wade fumbled with his pocket and pulled out a beat-up notebook.
“What did you do?” The older one said wearily.
“I…” Wade flipped through the pages in a dramatic fashion, mumbling while he pulled out several loose sheets. “… went on a little universe hopping trip while you were having your beauty sleep. And met with the other Wolvies that I had met during the search for you, pumpkin.”
He scattered the pages and some pictures on the counter. “At least the ones that didn’t want to kill me right away or the ones that stopped after they got their steam off.”
“Get to the fucking point. This is worse than the babbling on the home shopping-“ Logan had gotten up from the couch to inspect the pages.
“In every timeline that I visited, there was a Y/n. That was connected and or married to you, big boy.” Wade proudly took a sip of his now cold coffee while Logan rummaged through the material present.
“That can’t be. It’s coincident.”
“Na uh! Not if it’s constant in a bunch of universes and we are talking about a bunch, I mean, a BUNCH of universes. Do we want to say it together?”
“Okay, 1,2,3-“
“SOULMATES!” Wade cheered.
“No. There are no soulmates and even if there were. That-“ He pointed at the scribbled notes. “Is not how it works.”
“Aw c’mon! There are no rules to soulmates. You can do it in all kinds of ways. Matching tattoos, first words spoken to another, only getting colour vision after meeting the one-“ He gasped “You do see in colour, right?” 
“This proved nothing. And you need to stop getting into my fucking business.” Logan crumpled up the note in his hand and dropped it to the ground. “I don’t care what you think. This is bullshit and a waste of time. I-“
He was interrupted by a yelp, coming from the the hallway.
The fucking dog. Logan sighed. It was a mistake to get to this universe.
“Shhh-“ Another voice, hushed the puppy.
Oh no, oh please no.
“She is here?!” Logan spit angrily. He felt betrayed. Why was she here? Why didn’t Wade tell him? And why didn’t he sense it before? She heard everything. The fucking drinking problem and his fucking age were catching up to him.
“What-? She came all the way here. Late and the party ended right after, thanks to someone who can’t keep his shitty trauma at bay!” Wade bickered. “Y/n is my friend too, you know!”
The door to Deadpool’s room opened slowly. There was no reason to keep hiding in there. The pup had blown her cover. “Poppy, no, stay…” She sighed in annoyance as the dog rushed off to her owner. Wade picked her up quickly, kissing her on the tuff of fur on her otherwise naked body.
“She is not my friend-“ Logan pointed at Wade accusingly. His eyes shifted to the hallway where he saw the door open slowly. Wade’s door. He saw red.
“She slept in your room?!” The pointing finger quickly turned into a fistful of adamantium claws, the tips nicking Wade’s chin. “You have a death wish you little fuck?!”
“Whoa, whoa, hey!” Y/n rushed out of the room to de-escalate the unfolding situation. She hoped to make a quiet escape, sneak out through the fire escape, wait it out or call Piotr to stage a plan to get her out of there. But thanks to the puppy and these two hot heads it was going to be the awkward confrontation kind of exit.
She had tried to play it cool last night and not show her disappointment. She had been curious about the new character that Wade brought back from his multidimensional trip. Y/n wanted to find out what he was like, and how this world differed from his. She even asked the older X-team members about their Logan. What he was like, what he liked, and what topics interested him.
And he had made a run for it the second he saw her. Of course, she was hurt. Trying to push the tears down as the others tried to comfort her. She didn’t feel like crying but the sudden attention had made her feel like she should.
“Relax, okay?” She lifted her hands in surrender. “And you, drop the puppy. She isn’t involved in your…” She plucked the puppy from Wade’s arm and set her down. “Whatever this is.”
Logan watched her, looking for little details in her movements, and her behaviour. With regret, he came to the conclusion that she was a carbon copy of the woman he lost. His eyes got glassy as the images of his nightmare played behind his eyes. He shook his head swiftly, eyes set on the wooden counter to calm before he had another outburst.
Y/n watched him and sighed “I slept in his room because the sofa was occupied.” She said calmly, moving past Wade to get to the sink where her carrier sat. It was dirtied with cream and crumbs, a rinse was in order but that had to wait. “And sleeping in your room felt intrusive,  I assumed you would agree.” She clicked the container shut.
Wade watched her carefully, his brain working quickly to think of a joke, or a jest… anything to dissolve the situation. He felt like a child, trapped in their parent's divorce. Humour was his sharpest weapon. So he aimed. “yeah!” He leaned onto the counter, closing in on the spot that Logan seemed to be so focused on. “We switched. Some good old game of Ringelpiez. And I gotta say, your sheets smell sweet like honey, badger.” He winked at Logan, knowing fully well that he might end up with his brain skewered.
But the older one simply groaned, annoyed at his antiques.
Y/n softly touched Wade's shoulder “It’s alright. I’m just going to leave” She carefully turned to Logan. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Truly.” His eyes shifted to her for a second and it was Y/n that looked away quickly. His gaze was too heavy, holding emotions that she couldn’t decipher or handle.
“What? Pudding, no” Wade whined “What about girlfriend brunch?” He placed his hands on his hips in dramatic fashion. “You promised”
“Wade- don’t.” She warned him. “Next week, okay?” Logan still avoided her. The Wolverine, a feared and powerful mutant, cowering in a corner over unresolved feelings. One might pity him.
Y/n shouldered her bag and said goodbye to the dog that watched the interaction with native happiness.
She opened the door and quickly stepped into the hallway. The muffled sounds of arguing resumed only a second after the lock clicked into place but she continued on. The elevator was only a few steps away, she almost managed to get out when the door opened behind her.
Y/n stopped, looking over her shoulder cautiously. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw dark hair…
“I’m sorry alright…”He stopped looking for the right words. He didn’t think when he ran to the door, leaving Wade standing there mid-sentence. It was like a pull that called him to follow. “I’m sorry about yesterday.” He sighed, frustrated at his mumbling. He was the Wolverine for god's sake.
“I shouldn’t have…. I-“
“apology accept.” She interrupted him, turning around and facing him.
Logan froze.
“But we have to set one thing straight.” She set her shoulders back, unconsciously making herself look bigger. “ I am sorry for your loss. I truly am. But I am not her.” Y/n shook her head softly. “And you are not my Logan-“ She noticed the odd phrasing when his eyes widened ever so little “Not that he was-you get what I mean.” She huffed embarrassed.
“Yeah.” Logan chuckled softly as the tension ebbed away. Was she also feeling that tingle in her chest?
“Anyway,let's do this properly. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/n.” She held out her hand for him to shake.
A simple, friendly and professional handshake. Surely he could manage that, no?
He looked at her hand for a moment, surprised by the gesture. Then his large hand took hers. He was pleasantly surprised at the firmness with which she squeezed his fingers. There was no fear. No uncertainty.
It felt warm and familiar. Like home
“Logan.” He stated.
Taglist: @sarahskywalker-amidala @myu3ki @stinastar @zortlort @zeeader @lolurk @eddiesguitarskills @elianamarie-blog @byhuenii @sunfairyy @weallhaveadestiny @catiwinky
New requets for being added to the list via comments on the Masterlist post, please. That helps me to keep things organized :)
Do comment here for feedback and spreading some love ❤️
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en-eunhee · 22 days
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. ୨. ₊ ┈ EUNHEE AND ENHYPEN RELATIONSHIPS 🗄️ ` ( duos and ships . . . )
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` ♡. YANG JUNGWON (04z / eunwon)
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shares snacks with him, back hugs, playfully argues, helps him with choreography,watches movies together, gives him pep talks, surprises him with gifts, borrows his hoodies, sits in comfortable silence after long days.
him - 예쁜 은희 (pretty eunhee) her - 정원이 💕 (jungwonie 💕)
jungwon and eunhee met back in their early high school days when they both attended hanlim art school. they were in the same class and have been close ever since.
eunhee once mentioned that she trusts jungwon deeply. she even said that jungwon is one of the few members who listens to her rant for hours.
"one time, it was around 3 a.m., and i had been talking for nearly an hour to my members. most of them were asleep and tired, except for jungwon. his eyes were full of joy as i continued to talk. he was the only member who listened to me all day," — eunhee
` ♡. HEESEUNG (heeeunz) !
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cuddles during movie nights, takes him on surprise dates, holds his hand, whispers secrets, plays with his hair, has deep conversations, sings to him, makes personalized playlists, notices small things about eachother
him - my eunhee her - my 희승이 오빠!! (my heeseungie brother)
heeseung is awfully shy around eunhee. fans notice how he gets very flustered easily when it comes to eunhee. sometimes when she just glances at him, his ears turning burning red.
heeseung always does small things towards eunhee like tying her shoe laces, holding her bags, and holding her hand.
"heeseung..hmm he always does the smallest things for me. the time i went to the airport and there was a huge crowd, he knew i had a fear for small spaces (claustrophobia) so he held my hand. he knows the small things about me and he really shows that he cares for me." - eunhee
` ♡. JAY (eunjay/americanz) !
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dances in the kitchen, teaches her guitar, cooks dinner together, matching bracelets, carries around eunhee's hair ties, sends random selfies throughout the day, doodles on his hand,
him - 은희쁘이 (eunhee ppui) her - 내 신용카드 (my credit card)
WiTH JAY ! ੭୧
jay is just eunhee's personal credit card. the moment you see jay and eunhee walk into a mall together, she'll be out of the mall with like 5 bags of clothes and designer stuff that jay bought for her. he even said once that he loves spending money for eunhee.
jay has a soft spot only for eunhee. he always makes sure she's happy and satisfied.
before i-land, eunhee said she and jay had met before due to the fact they trained together and both of them were korean-american.
"i think my happiness is when eunhee's happy. i don't know, it just makes me feel more warmer and more better when i see her smile. it's so comforting." - jay
` ♡. JAKE (eunjae/bubblegumz) !
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shares late-night ramen, wears matching sneakers, plays with layla together, goes for ice cream runs, shares inside jokes, plays soccer in the park, helps him pick outfits, exchanges handwritten letter
him - eun 🐈‍⬛ her - bed chem by sabrina carpenter
WiTH JAKE ! ੭୧
jake and eunhee known for their sweet dynamic duo. both known for bickering 24/7
always buying dinner for eunhee, the two are always spotted out getting some type of food at least once a week.
basically eunhee's no.1 best friend. the two always doing lives together every single week.
"jake? he's my best friend forever, he's always stuck with me like glue." - eunhee
` ♡. SUNGHOON (eunhoon) !
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secret glances, brush hands casually, share scarves on cold days, have deep conversations at 3 am, take spontaneous photos of each other, hold hands in the dark, share drinks without hesitation, fall asleep next to each other after a long day, ice skating together
him - 공주 (princess) her - my ice prince 🐧
always talking and together during dance practices.
eunhee admires sunghoon's dedication and enjoys teasing him about his serious side.
small gestures—like how sunghoon's gaze lingers a bit longer on eunhee when she’s focused or how eunhee’s teasing always comes with a softness only reserved for him.
"eunhee just gets me, you know? like, she doesn’t even have to say anything—just being around her makes everything feel easier." - sunghoon
` ♡. SUNOO (eunsun/sunshinez) !
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steal glances in crowded rooms, exchange silly selfies, send each other voice notes, braid each other's hair, laugh uncontrollably at inside jokes, hold pinkies when no one's looking, watch k-dramas together while cuddling, have late-night phone calls until they fall asleep,
him - 김으희! ❤️ her - ☀️우
sunoo loves how easy it is to be himself around eunhee—she never judges and always joins in on the fun
whether they’re cracking jokes during practice or playfully teasing the other members, their bond is outgoing.
"sunoo has this way of making every day feel like a celebration—he’s my daily dose of sunshine, and I honestly can’t imagine our group without him." - eunhee
` ♡. NI-KI (eunki) !
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playful banter, race each other to random spots, height difference, go on arcade dates, challenge each other in video games, sneak out for midnight snacks, practice choreography late into the night, find ways to cheer each other up after a long day.
him - 은희 누나 (eunhee sister) her - starboy riki
WiTH NI-KI ! ੭୧
eunhee and ni-ki have a playful sibling-like relationship
they often sneak out during their free time to shop, with eunhee helping riki pick out outfits while he playfully protests her choices.
eunhee often takes on the role of the protective older sister, teasing how he always tries to act cool around the older members.
riki, in turn, loves to poke fun at eunhee's more serious moments, calling her out whenever she gets too focused or competitive.
"ni-ki has this side of him that makes it so fun to be around," - eunhee
` ♡. SOOYOUNG (eunyoung / sarangz) !
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late-night gossip sessions, share skincare tips, do each other's makeup, exchange clothes for special occasions, have movie marathons with snacks, attend café dates for desserts, hype each other up before performances, share deep talks about life, take mirror selfies together, play pranks on the boys, surprise each other with little gifts, go on spontaneous shopping sprees, always have each other’s back no matter what.
eunhee: 수영 언니 (너무 사랑한 언니!!) (sooyoung unnie (a sister i love too much)) sooyoung: 우리 은희 💕🎀 (our eunhee)
eunhee and sooyoung are an inseparable duo, always there for each other no matter what.
now, as roommates, they spend even more time together, whether it’s late-night conversations over snacks, binge-watching their favorite shows,
"i mean, girls are suppose to be stuck together aren't they?" - sooyoung
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─── © en-eunhee 2024 , all rights reserved
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dixons-sunshine · 7 months
Scooby Snacks with your Whiskey | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine*
Summary: One night when you couldn't sleep, you decided to join Daryl in the guard tower and keep him company. During a game of truth or drink, Daryl unknowingly insulted your favourite childhood cartoon, which resulted in playful arguments, accidentally shattered whiskey bottles and confessions.
Genre: Fluff
Era: Prison, post season 3, pre season 4
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, sexual innuendos but nothing major.
Word count: 3.7k
A/n: This is based off of what Daryl told Beth in s4 episode 12 right before they set the cabin on fire. He was talking about a cartoon about a talking dog, and my mind instantly went to Scooby Doo, and so this fic was born. It's not really good, since I'm still trying to get into the writing momentum, but I hope you enjoy!
Also, my requests are open for any TWD requests if y'all wanna send any!
"Hey. Would you mind some company?"
At the sound of your voice, Daryl turned around. He hummed and nodded for you to come closer, to which you complied. You stood beside him in silence, quietly observing the walkers at the fences. Unbeknownst to you, Daryl was stealing glances at you, his hands fidgeting with his crossbow string.
His heart fluttered at the sight of you, a regular thing that happened whenever he was in your general area. You looked up at him with that smile that always made butterflies fly around in his stomach and your eyes always seemed to sparkle brighter than the stars in the night sky, and although Daryl liked the quiet away from everyone, you were one of his only exceptions.
Daryl loved hearing you talk. He loved listening to you talk about your life before and although he wouldn't admit it, he was always captivated by the bedtime stories you told little Judith. The way you changed your voice to match the emotion of the part you were telling, even though Judith didn't understand anyway and would react the same regardless, was enchanting to him. He would listen to you talk for hours if he could.
And above all, he loved your caring yet badass nature. The way you would take down walkers with a skilled ease, and then in the same breath turn to him and check him for any injuries with a concerned look on your face made him feel drawn to you. You actually cared about him, in a way nobody ever had. Daryl didn't believe that anything was perfect, but you were the closest thing to perfect there was.
It also didn't help that you were absolutely breathtaking to him. From the beautiful colour of your eyes to your perfectly plump lips that he's wanted to kiss on more occasions than one. Daryl couldn't define how he felt about you because he never felt this way about anyone before, but he knew his feelings for you ran deeper than what could be described as platonic. And that fact scared him.
A soft sigh from you snapped Daryl from his thoughts. He looked over at you and noticed that you seemed to be deep in thought, a small frown on your face as you kept your eyes trailed on the ground below.
"Penny for yer thoughts?" Daryl prompted, instantly gaining your attention. Your eyes trailed over to him and his heart skipped a beat at the smile you gave him.
"Just thinking," you responded nonchalantly, shaking your head in dismissal. You pushed away from the railing you were leaning over and turned your body fully to look at Daryl.
Daryl hummed softly, his eyes trailing over you before shifting back to look at the fences. "Ya wanna talk 'bout it?" He questioned.
"It's stupid."
"Ain't stupid if it's botherin' ya," he retorted, turning his body to fully face you as well.
You sighed before shaking your head. "It's just... I'm thinking about my mom. The last thing we did before all of this was fight over something stupid and now..." You trailed off, suddenly feeling awkward under the archer's stare.
"Ya think she didn't make it?" He finished for you, giving you a knowing look.
"I know she didn't make it. She was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks before all of this started, and there aren't exactly doctors around who could've helped her," you responded, awkwardly fidgeting with your fingers.
"'M sorry to hear tha'. This world jus' ain't meant for people with sicknesses like tha'," Daryl said, and mentally kicked himself for saying that. There you were, confiding in him over something serious and that's the best he could come up with? He felt like a perfect fool.
However, instead of being angry at him, you looked at him with a small smile, much to his surprise. "Yeah," you started. "I just hope that she didn't suffer. She was a good woman."
"Were ya close?" Daryl asked, his blue eyes meeting your beautiful ones. He hoped that he wasn't prying, but he wanted to know more about you, the woman who haunted his thoughts 24/7.
You nodded. "We were."
"Ya make a lot of good memories with her?"
You laughed lightly, surprising the archer. "What is this, 20 questions?"
Daryl frowned. "What?"
"20 questions," you repeated, noting that your repetition didn't spark recognition in the archer's eyes. "It's a game you play with your friends at parties, sleepovers, you name it. You all take turns asking each other any questions you want."
"Never heard of it," Daryl said, shrugging his shoulders. He felt awkward under your intense stare, your eyes widened with surprise.
You softly gasped in surprise. Then, an idea struck you. "Wait here."
"It's my shift," he stated matter-of-factly. "Ain't goin' nowhere until dawn."
With one last look at Daryl, you climbed down from the guard tower, excitedly rushing into the cellblock and into your cell. You bent down in front of your bed and retrieved what you were looking for; a bottle of whiskey you found on a run. With a renewed excitement, you gripped the bottle tightly and headed back up to the guard tower, finding Daryl waiting patiently.
Daryl glanced at the bottle in your hand and looked at you questioningly. "Where'd ya find tha'?" He asked, watching you approach with a slight smile on his face. He could practically see your excitement, the big smile on your face infectious.
"On a run a couple of weeks ago. I've been waiting for the right moment to open it, and the right moment has now presented itself," you said, sitting cross-legged on the floor and motioning for Daryl to do the same.
"How so?" He questioned, following your lead by sitting down on the ground in front of you. He kept his eyes trailed on you, watching your every move.
"Well, I was gonna suggest we play 20 questions, but I don't wanna force you into answering a question you don't want to, so we're gonna play truth or drink instead. We ask questions back and forth, and if we don't wanna answer the question that was asked, we drink. It's as simple as that."
"And I dun' got any say in if I wanna play or not?" Daryl asked, a small, teasing smile on his face. His smile turned into something more genuine when you let out a light laugh.
"Nope!" You laughed, opening the bottle and placing it in between the two of you. "You wanna start?"
Daryl hesitated, pursing his lips. "I dun' know wha' to ask."
"Anything. There are no wrong questions," you reassured him, leaning back on the palm of your hands.
"Alrigh'," he drawled, unsure of himself. "Wha' was yer favourite movie before all of this?"
"There you go," you praised him with a smile, making Daryl duck his head as heat flushed his face. "To be honest, I don't really know. I watched a lot of movies, so I don't think I can narrow it down to one. But I have a couple of favourites. The Breakfast Club and Back to the Future are two of them."
Daryl nodded, absentmindedly chewing on his thumbnail. "Now 's yer turn, righ'?" He questioned.
"Yeah," you confirmed. After a couple of beats of silence, you voiced your question. "Who was your first kiss?"
Daryl shifted awkwardly, embarrassment filling his body. "I honestly dun' remember her name. It was some girl in a dive bar Merle used to drag me to. She was drunk and I was helpin' her to her car when she turned around and kissed me."
"How old were you?" You asked, genuinely interested. Daryl rarely talked about his past, so when he did, you ingrained every piece of what he said into your mind.
"Nah, 's my turn to ask the questions. Wait yer turn," he joked, eliciting a laugh from you.
"Touché, Dixon, touché. Ask away."
Daryl chewed on his bottom lip, a habit you noticed he unknowingly did whenever he was thinking. You found it absolutely endearing, but the more you thought about it, the more you realised that you found most things about the archer endearing. The way he fiddled with his bolts whenever he was bored, the way he flicked his hair out of his face with the shake of his head, his small smile—you could go on a rant about his smile, and you have before. Michonne happened to be the victim who was forced to listen to your lovesick rambling in the car on your way back from the same run you'd gotten the whiskey from.
Begrudgingly snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you patiently waited for Daryl to continue the game. Feeling your stare on him, he asked the first thing that popped to mind, and instantly wished he didn't.
"Who was yer first sex partner?"
A nervous laugh bubbled out of you, heat creeping up your cheeks at a rapid pace. Daryl felt his own face flush, feeling stupid for asking the question.
"Sorry. Ya dun' have to answer tha'," he apologised, his eyes darting to the floor.
"No, it's okay. Like I said, no wrong questions. Besides, if I don't answer, I have to drink," you said, trying to compose yourself. You took a deep breath. Of all the things you thought you'd be doing tonight, you didn't think you'd be discussing who your first intimate partner was with the guy you had feelings for. "My highschool boyfriend, senior year."
Daryl nodded and left it at that. He leaned back on his hands, watching you carefully. He was surprised that you'd actually answered the question, given the personal privacy boundaries he pushed. He silently promised himself that whatever personal question you asked him, he would answer.
"What's the most petty fight you've ever gotten into because of Merle?" you questioned, looking at him expectantly.
Daryl stayed quiet for a few moments, thinking hard about his answer. "It was with this one guy. He was Merle's dealer. He was a small, janky white guy. We were over at his house one day, jus' loungin' around and watchin' TV, some stupid kids show playin'. It was barely noon, we were all wasted and Merle was high. Merle decided to take a piss outta the show, and when he started, he wouldn't let up. He never could when he was high."
Daryl stopped for a moment, collecting his thoughts while your gaze remained fixated on him. You seemed genuinely interested in the story, your eyes sparkling with wonder. Your lips were slightly parted and it took everything in Daryl not to act on his urge to kiss your pretty lips.
"It turns out, the cartoon was the guy's favourite show, and he got hella pissed 'bout it. 'M pretty sure Merle didn't know it was the guy's favourite show. I mean, he never saw the guy except when he needed somethin', but tha' didn't matter. The guy punched Merle in the face, and tha's when I got into the fight. 'M on this guy and 'm punchin' him as hard as I can, but then the guy pulls a gun on me, sticks it righ' against my head and threatens to shoot me."
"Oh, god," you murmured, slightly horrified.
"Yeah," Daryl nodded, seemingly unfazed at your reaction. "Tha's when Merle pulls out his gun and points it at the guy. At this point, everyone's yellin', I'm yellin'... I thought I was gonna die tha' day."
"How'd you get out of it?" You asked, bringing your knees up to rest your head on them.
"I didn't. The guy ended up punchin' me in the gut and I puked on the floor. They both started laughin' at me and everythin' was magically over," Daryl said, shaking his head at the memory. "And to think that happened over some dumbass cartoon about a talkin' dog."
You visibly stiffened, and this caught Daryl's attention. "Wha'? Wha's wrong?"
"Talking dog..." You trailed off, your eyebrows furrowing. "Did the dog happen to be a Great Dane? And his owner was this guy in a green shirt and brown pants with messy hair?"
Daryl pursed his lips, thinking for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. There were other people, too. Two women and a guy with an ascot."
"Scooby Doo," you stated plainly, giving the archer a playful glare.
"Wha'?" He asked, confusion evident on his face.
"Scooby Doo," you repeated, waving your hand nonchalantly. "That's the cartoon you were talking about. The cartoon you called dumb."
"Yeah, 's 'cus it was. Can't believe anybody actually liked tha' crap."
"Daryl Dixon, how dare you?" You laughed, your eyes widened in surprise. "Scooby Doo is a national treasure! He was part of my childhood and now you're insulting him? I don't think we can be friends anymore."
Daryl chuckled at you, rolling his eyes at your theatrics. "From wha' I saw, the dog and his owner were cowards. Runnin' away, screamin', from fake ghosts after how many years of encounterin' them and knowin' tha' ghosts aren't real but they still think they are? It's stupid as shit, and I ain't apologising for thinkin' tha'."
"You're a disgrace!" You laughed, trying to sound angry but miserably failing. "You're telling me that, real or not, if a ghost was chasing you that you wouldn't run away?"
"Tha's righ'," he nodded, before gesturing to the walkers down at the fence. "I dun' run away from tha' shit, so I sure as hell wouldn't be runnin' away from fake ass ghosts."
"I can't believe you," you said, shaking your head in mock disappointment. "This is the worst betrayal ever. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget this. We won't be able to go back to being friends because of this. This is terrible."
"Stop," he laughed quietly, his eyes twinkling with a rare occurrence of merriment. "It ain't tha' deep. I jus' dun' like it."
"Clearly you don't like it because you have bad taste," you retorted playfully.
"Well, I like ya, so do I still have bad taste?"
Silence. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. Any trace of the former reverie between the two of you disappeared and was instead replaced with an invisible current of electricity between you. Your breath caught in your throat at the sudden revelation from the man, and your heart sped up in your chest. The logical part of your brain told you that he meant it platonically, that he liked you the way he liked Rick or Glenn, but the optimistic part convinced you that he didn't, that your feelings weren't one-sided. That the archer might like you too.
"Probably," you finally responded, feeling your face ablaze with the heat that spread across it.
"Nah, my taste is immaculate," he replied, looking at you carefully, closely monitoring your reactions. Daryl knew that was a risky response, and he was nervous about your reaction, but he hoped for the best.
You gulped nervously. Daryl's response made your stomach do somersaults and your heart pound at the speed of light.
"Yeah? I still think your taste is shit," you finally managed to respond, your mouth suddenly feeling dry. Sometimes you wondered if Daryl knew what effect he had on you. If he knew how many nights dreams of him plagued your mind.
Daryl's chuckle broke the tension between you, and you felt like you could breathe again.
"Whatever ya say." Daryl took the bottle from the middle and took the first swig since the game started. Your eyes drifted to the trickle of whiskey that spilt from the bottle and trickled down his lips and chin, and you had the sudden urge to lean forward and kiss the spill away.
"You don't like Scooby Doo. That automatically means that you have shitty taste," you retorted, your breathing slightly heavier than before.
You leaned forward to take the bottle from him, but he held it out of your reach. You looked at him in confusion but he simply smirked at you, getting up from his position on the ground to stand tall over you.
"Daryl," you warned, laughing as you got up as well. "It's my whiskey. Give it back."
"Nah, I think Imma hold on to it," he said playfully, holding the bottle above his head. He laughed at you when you jumped to try and grab it from his hands.
"Daryl!" You exclaimed with a laugh, trying everything to retrieve the bottle, but to no avail. "Come on, don't be so mean!"
"Ya said I had terrible taste. Well, I like this whiskey, so tha' means it must be terrible as well, since I like it, so ya probably won't like it," he responded playfully, his eyes alight with mischief.
One final jump to grab it proved to be the wrong move. You accidentally slipped when your feet hit the ground, sending you falling onto Daryl. The archer reacted swiftly, dropping the bottle to to catch you with both hands. The bottle shattered on the ground instantly while you and Daryl toppled onto the floor, the force from your fall catching him off guard. Daryl layed flat on his back with you on top of him, his hands still on your waist from when he tried to steady you before you fell.
You looked into Daryl's ocean coloured eyes and felt your heart speed up. Daryl's eyes darted to your lips for a second before going back to your eyes, but you had caught him. In a sudden burst of confidence, you lowered your face and crashed your lips onto his, catching him off guard for the second time that night.
Daryl stiffened for a moment, surprised at the unexpected action from you, but soon relaxed and slowly kissed you back. He brought one of his hands to the back of your head and drew you closer, his lips slowly moving against yours. His other hand hesitantly trailed from your waist to the small of your back, gently moving over the exposed skin from the ride up of your shirt.
The kiss ended too prematurely for your taste, but oxygen was still a necessity. You slowly pulled back, looking into his eyes with surprise and delight. Daryl looked back at you in adoration.
"Wha' was tha' fer?" He whispered breathlessly, his chest heaving slightly.
"Just because," you replied honestly, still baffled at the fact that you had just kissed Daryl, surprised that you had mustered up the courage to do so in a matter of seconds.
"Well, if ya think tha's gonna prove to me tha' my taste is shit, then yer gonna need to try somethin' different. Tha' didn't work. If anythin', it jus' proved to me tha' my taste is amazin'."
You laughed and shook your head. "You talking about me or Scooby Doo?"
Daryl started sitting up, making you slide down his stomach to sit in his lap. "Definitely ya," he responded, wrapping his arms around you.
"So, you like like me, huh, Dixon?" You teased, linking your arms around his neck.
Daryl hummed and gave you a small smirk. "Mhm," he hummed, giving you a soft peck on the lips. "Wish I'd known tha' talkin' shit 'bout some cartoon dog would make this happen. Woulda done it a lot sooner."
"Don't you ever talk shit about that dog in my presence ever again," you warned with a playful glare, eliciting a chuckle from the archer.
"Jus' to be sure, this means somethin', righ'?" He asked, his tone turning serious. A look of doubt spread across his face. "This wasn't jus' a heat of the moment thing for ya?"
You shook your head, bringing one of your hands to cup his cheek. "Did you mean it? That you like me? And I don't mean in a platonic way."
"I did," he confirmed, leaning into your touch.
"That's good," you said with a small, shy smile. "Because I like you too. Even if you have crappy taste."
Daryl's eyes filled with relief and he let out a small laugh before leaning in to kiss you again. The kiss was brief, but it was sweet and tender. When he pulled away, he brought a hand up to push your hair out of your face.
"Never thought this would happen. I thought ya dun' like me like tha'."
You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "No more of that. I don't plan on letting you go now that I have you, Daryl Dixon. You're stuck with me."
Daryl rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah, 'm stuck." With that, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours in a feverish kiss. He flipped you over so that you were on your back, making you giggle against his lips.
You were definitely thankful for Scooby Doo and that whiskey bottle right now.
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champion-of-love · 10 days
thinking about pink squad being the resident party throwers in ever after and all the shenanigans they get up to when planning
in the books, briar had the position of social throne on the student council (or something similar cant remember) so i just know that she has 100% memorized all the forms and steps on procedures on throwing events at eah.
apple wishes she has the same mastery as briar in paperwork. the girl can do budget proposals, logistical planning, role assigning, and etc in her sleep and thats not exaggerating.
(true hearts day being held in secret was an exception since grimm shot the event down as cupid suggested it. all their other events are approved by the school and grimm himself is going crazy trying to find a reason to reject their request but cant find a flaw in briar's event proposals.)
cupid is 'their guy' if they need anything. no matter how weird, how rare, how obscure, cupid knows how to get it. she just knows where to get it or knows someone who can get it for her ;)
girlie always has a delivery incoming to the point that blondie knows how to fake cupids signature so she could shoo away all the delivery birds that come to their dorm room because they need cupids signature before they could drop off their package.
hopper's their distraction guy. while he's not as charismatic in his human form, he's got a silver tongue in his frog form.
it isnt only just grimm who falls for hoppers made up play, but every teacher and professor falls for it too because he's just that good. made up plays, clubs, assemblies. he knows how to lie well enough that any school offical believe the lies coming out of his mouth.
(i know theyre teens still, but you cannot convince me that no one is drinking at any of these parties. theres no pressure to drink at all but the option's there if you wanna get loose and have a lil buzz. they're eventually going to drink alcohol in the future in balls and dances and such, so why not learn about their personal tastes and tolerance in alcohol now?)
the biggest hurdle in the pink squad's goal of getting happily ever wasted is, unfortunately, apple.
apple is a rule follower to her very essence and while she does go to the parties, she is against underage drinking. (but she's drunk on power all the time, okay jan.)
they figured out that the solution is just to always have a bowl of apple juice out in every party so that apple wouldnt know there's alcohol being served. they noticed that unless there wasnt any apple juice out, apple wouldnt try out any other drink. so with a bowl charmed to never run out of a.j., the students of ever after are free to drink as they please.
(i love the hc that ginger is also part of the pink squad, so im gonna give my hc of her in party planning as well)
ginger is their food and snacks girl. she makes the best food ever perfectly themed to the party that theyre throwing. from heart cakes on true hearts day, light finger food for the rager parties, to five course meals on their more classy events, ginger's got them covered. sometimes, she gets too conscious about what other people think of the food that she forgets to enjoy herself, but the pink squad drag her out of her funk and get her to have fun anyways
not members of the pink squad but people who sometimes help out
melody - the best dj in ever after! she uses these events sometime to test the reception to some of her upcoming songs before she releases them
daring - being blackmailed by cupid to act as a medic in case someone gets hurt. (this is also partly based on my cupid and daring friendship fic hjdjskr). he's the best in rescuing damsels, whats a drunk teen of not a damsel? (he's actually really good at giving first aid tho)
darling - security! they do have bouncers and such, but if anyones getting too rough at a party, they can get darling and a look from her gets the troublemaker running in fear or apologizing profusely
blondie - apart from committing forgery in cupid's name, she also gets the word out on her mirror blog when they have an event happening soon!
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sunaluv · 2 years
I love the "Come get your man" series could you make a pt4????[you do not have to]
I love your work sm!!!keep doing what your doing!!!
Drink water, take breaks when needed, take care of your health both mentally & physically!!and see you next ask♡
wooo we back at it again! thanks for checking in on me bae 🥲 take care of yourselves too!
also thanks for 1k followers 🥳
part 3
feat. kenma, tsukishima, iwaizumi
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kenma loves his job. as a professional streamer he’s his own boss, he doesn’t have to be around people too often and he’s become really fond of his little online community (not that he’d admit that out loud).
it’s been a week since your unplanned debut on his channel. you didn’t realize he was recording when you came to drop of his snacks, doing your daily check in. ever since, all the tags with his stream name were aggressively loving, basically demanding him to bring back their ‘mother’ to the screen.
you drop in every now and then to remind his viewers to look after themselves, jokingly scolding them for not looking after your man aswell but it’s all fun and games on both ends.
whilst watching his stream in the room next door, you can help but notice a user in particular.
@/kodzubae: LMAOOO i thought he would be dating someone much prettier😭 didn’t know kodzu did charity cases.
even though the chat was moving before you could read all the comments, your eyes always managed to find whatever the user said about you, and none of it was nice. you didn’t have to be told not to read the comments— it’s an unspoken fact but your eyes and brain always seem to betray you, feeding into your minor insecurities.
you haven’t even realized you were staring at a blank screen. kenmas’ stream had ended whilst you were too lost in your thoughts.
“…you alright?” he asked hesitantly.
though your eyes lit up and your lips quirked at the sight of your boyfriend, he knew something was up— call it a sixth sense of his.
you wordlessly tried to convince him that you were okay, talking and joking the rest of the night until you fell asleep in his embrace but none of it felt genuine. he didn’t want to pry, but it physically hurt him to see you hiding things from him.
totally disregarding the first rules of boyfriend 101: “don’t go through your partners phone!”, kenma unlocked your phone, instantly frowning at the screen before him.
it was her twitter page. kenma knew his lifelong fans, and the handle on your screen now was one of them, except it was full of fan behavior for him and blatant hatred for you.
he felt bad.
it wasn’t exactly his fault, but he still felt responsible for the digs at you that were happening on his live.
the next day, you had woken up hours after kenma. you tend to do that when you sleep with a heavy heart.
in the distance, you could hear him talking, probably streaming. so you opened his stream on your phone and tuned in right on time.
“hey guys,” he greeted. “before we start i want to say something…i’ve become aware that ever since ‘mother’,” he emphasized on the quote marks. “made her first appearance, some of you have not been the nicest to her online and i just want to say that that’s a boundary that absolutely cannot be crossed.”
@/user2: i hope she’s okay :( luv u mom
@/user3: we’re just going to skip over the fact that he acknowledges them as our parents? okay…
@/user4: cross ken >:( cross ken >:(
“so from here on out, any hate towards her will be an instant block. i’ve told my mods too so behave…” he firmly, yet gently scolded.
“now that’s out of the way, today we’ll be…”
you watched the rest of the stream with a smile on your face. though you were working on voicing your concerns and discomfort, it was nice to know that kenma is willing to work for you whilst he waited.
TSUKISHIMA (tall!reader)
“you look so much taller when you’re not welded into tsukkis’ side, ya know?”
startled, you angled your neck down to see one of your classmates.
you had been avoiding her, and she, you. but it seems she’s finally willing to break this ongoing silent tension fest between you two.
“what do you want.” you deadpanned.
she gasped. “you’re too mean! tsukishima doesn’t deserve to be with someone like you, he deserves someone who is more down to earth, you get me?”
she eyed you up and down to emphasize her point.
taking your silence as willingness to listen, she continued. “i mean your too tall! granted he is too but opposites attract, he needs someone who will look good with him, like me.”
you folded your lips inward to contain your laughter. you and basically everyone knew about this girls love for your boyfriend, but you never pegged her as the type to come at you like this.
“you can have him if you want,” you waved. “kei looooves short girls.”
her eyes lit up in victory, obviously not sensing your sarcasm. “cool, just make sure you break up with him today because-“
“nobody is breaking up with anyone.” a voice shot.
low and behold, your six foot something boyfriend shutting down any advances you were planning to set him up with. though he joined the conversation, he only appeared to be addressing you.
“kei! i-“
“tsukki! i-”
he made eye contact with your smirking face over the girls head. “you were just gonna throw me to the wolves like that?” he asked offended.
you chucked. “there’s no wolves kei, look at her” you pinched the cheek of the stunned girl stood in between you two. “she’s harmless, like a poodle.”
she stood, mouth open seemingly in shock.
looking back at him, his face did not let up. you sighed.
“i’m sorry kei,” you breathed through your nose. “i will never subject you to such a horrible, earth shattering, torturous-“
“that’s enough, my god” he groaned. grabbing your wrist, he dragged you by the wrist, only slowing down when you rounded the corner, out of the girls view.
“you know i was joking, right.” you poked his cheek, to which he swatted your hand away.
“i know you’re joking,” his signature smirk appeared. “after all you wouldn’t throw away the opportunity to date the guy you’ve been crushing on for as long as you’ve been here. if i recall, your confession went along the lines of ‘i-“
you slapped your hand over his mouth in embarrassment. leave it to the guy to turn your confession into a weapon against you.
you playfully bickered down the rest of the hall, forgetting all about the girl who had tried to take your place earlier.
“are you sure you’re not only using him to like, get to oikawa or something?”
the first words this girl had spoken to you. you don’t know who she is, or where she came from but she has some nerve coming with such a ridiculous question considering you haven’t formally met before.
“excuse me?”
“you heard me,” her tone was now accusatory. “i’ve seen many girls do iwa dirty because they want oikawa so if that’s the case save yourself an ass beating and leave him alone!”
you don’t know if you have bad memory or what because you don’t know who this girl is and as far as your concerned, neither does your boyfriend.
“i’m sorry, are you a friend of his?” you were more confused than anything.
“i am his and he is mine.”
you didn’t want to accuse her, but every sign she was showing pointed to a major case of FDS (fan delusion syndrome), a case of the crazies found in fans of the oikawa toru founded by you, maki and mattsun, but you were unaware that this case was also present in your boyfriends own… supporters.
you don’t blame them though because your man is a total hunkkkk. anyways.
right on queue, the door slid open and both of your heads turned to meet hajime’s, and of course he has to show up with a sweaty face, shirt practically clinging to his defined body.
“hajime!” the girl called, running and stopping infront of him. “she’s using you do get to oikawa, break up with her!”
he followed the finger that was pointed to you— confused and lost in the middle of the gym.
“that’s my girlfriend, she doesn’t like him like that.”
the sound of a shattered heart pierced the sudden silence. “w-w-what do you mean girlfriend, she’s after toru i’m sure of it!”
a humorless chuckle sounded from his throat. “trust me, she doesn’t ”
being cautious not to set the girl off, he traversed around her, and straight to you who watched the whole interaction both concerned and amused.
“wowww,” you breathed. “i didn’t know you were also a cause for FDS.”
“nothing,” you straightened. “i don’t blame her though. i would go crazy if you walked around looking like that too.”
his face flushed and he turned away. “stop saying things like that…”
you smiled, poking his cheek. “what, i can’t appreciate my boyfriend who’s built like he was carved from the greek gods himself?”
he walked away after pushing your face with his hand, drowning your chuckle.
“c’mon haji, don’t be like that,” you chased after him. “you have to be feeling yourself a little after seeing the affect you have of the seijoh population!”
the girl watched as you made her ‘man’ flush, comment after comment, feeling numb as she watched him get more and more out of his reach.
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scarletwinterxx · 3 months
won't let them break your heart - joshua hong imagine
i truly truly think this man would be the best at making the worst days better🥺🥺 and i really really really like him🥺
anywayssss i hope you like this one🤍
for my other joshua fics, check them here
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All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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With everyone busy with jobs and all that adult stuff, it's difficult to get everyone together. Your friend group do try to meet every once in a while, but most times not everyone can make it. One exception though is when it's someone birthday, it's an unspoken promise to always be there.
"Babe, I think I'll be late for Wonwoo's birthday dinner. I'll just meet you there"
Joshua looks up from where he was sitting to look over where you were, he notices the way your scrunching your brows unintentionally which means you're stressed. He knows you enough to read right through you. Heck he knows you better than he knows himself.
You're stressed about something, you have been for days. He also knows it's harder for you to admit it so he lets you come to him on your own. He never pressures to you to tell him anything.
He shoots you an understanding smile, putting his phone down to give you all of his attention. "Sure, love. Do you want me to pick you up?"
You contemplate for a second but you shook your head at him, "It's okay. I'll just meet you there, I don't know how long I'll be at the office that day cause I have this meeting with executives I can't reschedule. I'll just text Wonwoo so he knows. I feel bad if I don't go"
He stands up and walk over to you, giving you a hug you didn't know you needed. Just like that it's like all the noises in your head disappear. You don't think about work or anything else, you just think of how warm Joshua's hug is and how nice would it be to stay in his arms forever and away from the stresses of the world around you.
Joshua can feel you relax in his arms, soon he feels you hug him back even tighter. You needed this, you just didn't know how to say it. He gives your head loving pats, making you feel better even without words.
"Hey, why don't you call it a night? I can get the bath running for you, then you can go relax while I make us some snacks or anything you want" he looks down at you
"Can we just cuddle" you pout, cheeks squished against his chest. The warmth pooling inside Joshua's chest, a feeling he's all too familiar with but it's like the first time every time.
He's not sure if you know, but you got him wrapped around your finger. He'd do anything for you, he'll give you the world if that's what you want.
Leaning down, he gives your cheek a kiss making you smile up at him.
"Of course, my love. And don't worry about the party, I'm sure they'll understand"
It wasn't really Wonwoo's birthday yet, but his girlfriend wanted to surprise him that's why the dinner will be held before his actual birthday so he won't get suspicious.
When Soonyoung saw Joshua arrive alone, he immediately texted you thinking you were arriving with Joshua but he didn't get a reply so he turns to his friend to ask your whereabouts
"I thought Y/N was coming with you?"
"I offered to pick her up but she still has a meeting" Joshua explains, "But she'll come right?"
"Mhm, told her to text me if she needs me to fetch her" he tells Soonyoung.
Soonyoung just nods his head at Joshua before joining the others again. The night progressed smoothly, everyone was having fun and bonding over food and drinks. There really isn't any chance of boredom when all the guys are together.
Joshua's still distracted though, he kept on checking his phone or looking over the front door. A few of his friends noticed this but didn't comment on it. They also noticed your absence, some putting two and two together like Soonyoung, Dokyeom and Mingyu who you were with on your last beach trip.
Joshua has always been honest about his interest towards you. He never denied it. Whenever he's asked about you, he fights the smile to not raise any suspicion but sometimes he can't help it. One mention of your name and the butterflies in his stomach is rioting. Acting nonchalant is as hard as keeping his secret a secret.
He was in the kitchen when you arrived, talking with Seungcheol and Seungkwan. You greeted everyone in the living room, scanning the room for your boyfriend but you didn't see him.
"Hey Wonwoo, sorry I'm late. Happy advance birthday" You greet him, giving him a quick hug. "Sorry I didn't bring anything"
"No worries, it's good. And don't fret about it, I knew you were busy with work. There's still food in the kitchen if you want, you probably haven't eaten yet"
And he's right, but right now you need a moment of silence. "Sure thank you, I'm just going to the restroom real quick"
You excuse yourself then went the hallway, the house is familiar to you since you've been here multiple times when you hang out together.
Wonwoo then walks to the kitchen to see some of his friends laughing and having fun, "Hey, where's the sandwich we saved for Y/N" he asks
Joshua looks over at Wonwoo at the mention of your name, "Here, I set it here. Did she arrive already?"
"Yea, she just went to the restroom. Anyways do you guys want anything else?"
Joshua stayed for a few more minutes in the kitchen waiting for you but then you're taking too long and it's worrying him.
He excuses himself and walked down the hall, checking the vacant rooms until he found one with the light on. He knocks before walking inside the office, he sees the light in the bathroom open so he walks there and knock again
"Just a moment" he heard you say from the other side
"It's me" he answers, a few seconds passed before he hears the lock click and the door open revealing you with teary eyes.
He didn't even get to say anything because you immediately buried yourself on his chest, "Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" he asks, very worried but he didn't want to push you to talk when you don't want to. He just wanted to know if you're okay.
You just shake your head and sob harder. You were having the worst day ever and you just couldn't hold it together any longer. You thought you could but you were too tired and too frustrated that the tears just started to stream down your face.
Joshua just lets you be, hugging you even closer. His arms going around you as if he's shielding you from everything.
"Hey, I'm here. It's okay now, you're okay" he kept on mumbling against your hair, saying comforting words to you
"I was just having the worst day ever, sorry" you mumble
"No need to say sorry about that, baby. It's valid, what you're feeling is valid. You never have to apologize about that, especially not to me. Not ever"
You're calmer now and the tears have stopped, Joshua definitely helped to calm down the chaos in your mind.
You wipe the tears with the back of your hand, leaning your face away from your boyfriend but staying in his embrace. He looks down at you, heart breaking at the sight of your tear stained face.
He wipes the few tears remaining, giving you the most gentle smile
"We can go home now if you want" he whispers but you shake your head
"I just needed a moment, I'll be okay and you're here now"
"You should've called me, I could've picked you up if you weren't feeling okay" he tells you
"I didn't want to ruin tonight" "Nonsense, you come first always. You're my number one priority" he shushes you
"When you're having a shitty day, you tell me okay? Wherever you are, I'll come and get you. I want to be the one you call, okay?"
You look at him, not saying anything back. You really did hit the jackpot when you met him. You always tell him you regret meeting him too late, feeling like you wasted so many years but then Joshua assures you again and again. Telling you that you didn't meet him late, you met him at the right moment, right when you needed him the most.
And he's right. Ever since he came into your life, everything is better. Even your worst days are better when he's with you.
"Now, let's go get some food in you. I know you haven't eaten dinner yet, I saved you your favorite sandwich. If you want anything else we can get it later"
"You really love me huh" you chuckle at him
Seeing you smile eased Joshua's mind. At least you're not crying anymore. He's not sure what he'd do if he sees you cry like that again, he might show up at your office and give your boss a piece of his mind if he ever sees you breaking down like that again.
"I do, I have for years now. Thank you for noticing" he jokes back
You giggle, standing on your tiptoe and throwing your arms around him again. "Thank you, Shua. For being there for me always, for not asking questions when I'm stressed but knowing the answers anyways"
He smiles while hearing your words, hugging you tighter. "I'm not going anywhere, love. I'll be right here" he tells you, kissing the side of your head like sealing another promise he made to you.
You stay like that for a while, not noticing the two figures standing by the door, "Should I ask..." Dokyeom asks Soonyoung
"They're hugging, I'm seeing this right. Right?"
"They're definitely hugging"
The two share a look then look at you and Joshua again, still oblivious about your friends observing the sweet moment you were having with your boyfriend.
"Should we tell them.. should we say something..." Soonyoung asks but Dokyeom shakes his head, hurriedly pulling him away and back to the main room
"Let's let them be. What if he just asked her out or what if they're finally admitting they like each other???"
"Who like each other?" Jeonghan asks
"Y/N and Joshua"
"Huh? Why would you say they like each other?" Seungcheol asks
"Everyone knows they like each other?" Dokyeon asks back
"Huh? I thought they were together already" the youngest say, catching the attention of his hyungs
"What?" Soonyoung asks, "Yea I saw them out one time, they were holding hands and all that. Joshua hyung even kissed her on the cheek. Oh and one time when I went over at hyung's he had like girl stuff in his apartment" Dino explains
"How did you know it's Y/N stuff?" Dokyeom asks "Because she was there, she was surprised to see me but she said she was just getting something she left at hyung's car. I never said anything because they never said anything" he shrugs, some of the guys surprised at hearing all of this
The rest share looks then it was chaos, Soonyoung shouting the loudest
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stuckymonkey · 1 year
College Bucky Au
Pairing - college!bucky x fem!reader
Summary - When y/n finds herself stuck with a very annoying study buddy who cannot shut up about the quarterback, Bucky Barnes, she can't help but vent to a charming boy named James...
Warnings - use of y/n, reader is female, implications of smut?
Word count - 2k
a/n - my first time writing with this style and ship! also my first time writing on this blog :D I hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!
masterlist bucky masterlist
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It's been two hours of trying to study for our physics quiz with some girl named Vic from my class. She couldn't shut up about how her date had been with the school's quarterback, Bucky Barnes. "I really think he's the one, you know?" she had said with heart eyes as she twirled her curly hair around her finger.
Vic's notes remained untouched. I nodded and hummed while copying down equations and formulas. She obviously didn't mind my disinterest, continuing to talk about how Bucky had complimented her necklace and the perfume she wore.
Checking the time on my phone, I gratefully noticed it was time for me to head back to my dorm with Nat and Carol. "I know he has a reputation as a bit of a player, but I swear I'm the exception. You should see the way he looks at me!" her jaw dropped as if she couldn't believe it herself. "Mhm, well it was really nice working with you but I have to get back to my dorm. Catch you later?" I asked while scurrying to gather my stuff. "Yeah, for sure!!"
I bolted out of the library and down the dark sidewalk to my dorm. I enjoyed the slight autumn breeze and rustle of the leaves as I walked down the sidewalk. Soon enough I saw the lights from our building come into view, walking faster to get into the warmth of our room. I burst into our dorm, wasting no time in talking about my night.
"Natasha, that was horrible. The entire time Vic talked about Bucky Barnes like he was a God," I started setting my stuff down on our island while I talked, "She went on and on about their date and how she's sure he's the one." I imitated in a high voice. "It was disgusting. Like I get he's the quarterback but how good can he seriously be?? Anyways, I at least got some notes done. How was your night?" That was when I noticed Natasha's boyfriend, Steve and one of his friends was sitting on our couch.
"Hi Steve." I waved. Steve was smirking at his friend. He went to introduce him but was quickly cut of by a "Hi, I'm James." He grinned and stuck his hand out for me to shake. "Sorry about your study session" he said with a smile. "It's no big deal. How's the game?" They were watching college football on our living room tv. "Good, it's just in the final quarter." his smile reached his eyes and crinkled them around the edges.
The rest of our night was spent watching football, eating snacks and drinking wine or beer. When the game ended and everyone started yawning, Steve and James decided to go. "Bye," Nat kissed Steve goodbye, before stepping back from the door with me and Carol. James waved with a boyish grin on his face before leaving with Steve.
The next day we were heading to a football game, one of the last before thanksgiving break. Being pre-med I didn't go to many games, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would see the infamous Bucky Barnes. Nat and Wanda led me to the change rooms to help Thor sort out his hair, something I would usually do for him prior to the game, but today he said it would be better to do it here since I was coming anyway.
Once in the changeroom I saw many familiar faces, Tony, Steve, Sam, Peter, Pietro and now James. I caught James' eye and waved. He waved back with that same attractive grin. I started braiding Thor's hair while everyone else got ready for the game. Soon it was time for me to find Natasha and Wanda so I could sit down and watch the game. Thor and the rest of the team bid me goodbye as I left.
"So, what do you think of James?" Wanda asked, earning an elbow to the side from Nat. I quirked my eyebrow at her actions, "He's nice, and cute." "She's blushing!" said Wanda. "I am not! I'm just wearing a lot of layers, it is fall you know." "There's Steve!" Nat called, pointing to the field as the players started to come out. "Does anybody know what number James is?" I asked innocently. Nat just shook her head.
After the game, we went back down to the changerooms so Nat could see her boyfriend and Wanda could see her brother. "Y/n! Your braid held up amazing today! Thank you!" Thor bellowed as soon as he noticed us. "You're welcome Thor! I'm glad it worked." I said with a laugh. I found myself alone as Nat and Wanda left, but not for long.
"So, I heard your study session went pretty bad. Want a different partner maybe?" I turned around to see James. "Are you offering to help me study physics James?" "Maybe I am doll," he smirked, "I promise not to brag about Bucky Barnes or any football players. Scout's honour." he said, holding up one of his hands in a very serious manner. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "Well with a promise like that, you sure do make it hard to resist." I smiled. "It was that bad, huh?" he seemed closer than he was before. "Yes! The entire time she went on about Bucky and how amazing their date had gone. She said he was a known player but that he had a special spot for her or something. It was crazy. She even told me he was the one. Last time I checked, playboys don't have 'the one'" his smile seemed to dim at this. "Yeah, I guess you're right, doll." I loved that nickname. I felt butterflies everytime he said it. "Well, I'll give you my number, maybe you'll have better luck the second time around?" he offered. His confidence didn't seem as high as it was before. "Of course!" I said before handing him my phone and taking his. I put Y/n with a flower beside it before handing it back. He had put in his contact as 'James'.
A week later, James and I found ourselves in the library, notes open, with drinks and pens scattered everywhere. We had been talking daily in the days leading up to this and he seemed like a really sweet guy. He was raised by his single mother, Winnie, who he adored, he had a sister named Rebecca and he's been playing football with Steve since they were 11. They seemed like great friends, I couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't met him sooner.
Three hours in, our drinks were gone and my head felt all foggy. James was an incredible study partner. He chatted with me every now and then, always a welcome break from copying down notes. He was smart and helpful without being a nuisance like Vic. "Thank you," I said. He looked up at me with tired crystal blue eyes. "For being an amazing study partner." I smiled. He smiled softly, "I didn't talk too much?" "You did perfect. 10/10. We should definitely do this again." he grinned and let out a low laugh. "Alright then. I think it looks like you found a new study buddy." "That I did."
Me and James kept up our study sessions for weeks, and the habit of texting daily. We made frequent visits to a cute cafe on campus, usually spending an hour or more per week. During those hours we tended to do more talking than anything. My phone pinged with a notification,
Text me when you can. Not urgent, just need to talk.
That was weird. I went downstairs to talk to Wanda and Nat about it. "Have you guys noticed anything weird with James?" I asked. They shared a look that made me feel like they knew something I didn't. "Guys?" "Y/n, I think it's better if he tells you." Wanda said with a slight frown. What could have happened? Was he okay? I immediately opened my phone and told him to meet me at our cafe in ten minutes.
"Y/n?" he asked, seeing me at our usual table. I stood up once I saw him. He looked gorgeous, with a black coat, fresh jeans and a plain white tee. His hair looked a little messy, like he had just gotten up. "Are you keeping something from me? Are you okay?" "Y/n-" "No! If there's something wrong, I deserve to know James! I'm your friend, I know you don't have to tell me, but I care about you and-" "Y/N!" heads turned from other tables and the chatter died down for a moment after James had yelled. "Y/n, I am not sick, and I'm sorry for yelling. My name is James Buchanan Barnes. Bucky Barnes." I looked at him wide eyed. I was shocked. He didn't seem like a playboy, or self obsessive. Or anything Vic had described. Except for charming.
"Okay." "That's it? I've been guilty about this for weeks y/n/n." "And you should be! You technically lied to me. Why didn't you just tell me J- Bucky?" He kept avoiding my gaze. "Because then you would know I was a player and self obsessed." He seemed shameful and his face lacked any trace of a smile, instead it had traces of guilt.
"You don't seem like a player or like that at all. I actually really like you." I'm sure I was blushing at this point, and his head shot up from where he was looking at his shoes. "Really?" "Really. You're sweet, you care about your team, friends and family, especially your mom and Rebecca. You would do anything for your family or your team. You're giving and caring and you technically pretended to be someone you aren't just so we could see where this goes." "You think this is going somewhere, doll?" he smirked. "Maybe." I shrugged.
Tentatively he spoke, breaking our silence. "Y/n, would you like to go out with me?" "Hm...." I pretended to think, making his eyes widen. "Yes!" a breath of relief escaped him, and he stepped forward to wrap me up un a hug. I felt him place kisses to my hairline before he pulled back and smiled as he looked into my eyes.
I would never get tired of this view or this feeling. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and his hair was still messy. Crystal blues peered down into my own eyes. Pure adoration covered his face. "Well Barnes, where to?" "What do you mean doll?" "Didn't you just ask me out?" I giggled. "You mean like you want to go right now?" "Why waste anymore time, Bucky?"
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jogetsobsessed · 5 days
One Night - Paul Lahote x reader
She's backkkkk! I know this isn't what you want, however, this survived the great laptop crash of 2024 (unlike the half-finished prophecy pt2 doc). This however is cutie in my opinion and I would be open to writing a part 2 (if anyone wants it). Also, I'm almost to 200 followers which is so crazy? Thank you for all the love!
“No, no, no, no”, you wailed as you looked at your hands. They were shaking as you clutched the plastic, the plus sign clear as day. Your body slumped down the wall of the bathroom, your body curling into itself as you hit the ground. 
What are you going to do? 
You were young, too young in your life to start thinking about starting a family. It's not even like you were seeing anyone. This whole situation came about after you had a bad day and just wanted to forget. To forget life and all your problems. 
You let yourself have fun, with someone you only kind of knew.  At the time that had seemed like the best plan. You knew of him and had met a few times through your friend Emily. It was better than prowling on some meaningless app that you would just delete the next morning. He was nice to look at, extremely cocky, kind of an asshole to everyone else, but always kind to you. 
The few times you had met Paul Lahote before your night of fun he had never gone out of his way to talk to you but that was okay with you. All the other boys that hung around Emily’s house could be way too much. Just dropping her off after work would lead to you being pulled into a two-hour conversation because none of them knew when to shut up. Paul however would always hover on the porch or somewhere else in your eyeline. He never came up to join the conversation but never left his spot of isolation either. 
So after a bad day at the clinic, Emily invited you back to her place for a drink and you accepted. Emily was your friend, one of the only actual friends you had made since moving to the Forks area six months prior. But you haven't spent much time together outside of work, except for riding to and from the clinic. 
But this shift had been so rough on both of you that you needed to vent to each other and get something in your system to make you forget a little. Cut to hours later neither of you notice her fiance and his friends walking in the house to you and Emily losing it on the couch, clutching your sides from how hard you were laughing. 
It wasn't even the alcohol necessarily, the two of you had split a bottle of wine but that wasn't enough to get you messed up to the point of uncontrollable laughter. No, it was finally being able to relax in good company, let loose and enjoy yourself. 
The boys had just snickered at the two of you, Emily’s fiance ushering them back into the kitchen to give the two of you some space. However, at some point, hunger struck and the kitchen was calling your name. 
Emily had declared nachos as the snack of choice and you couldn't agree more. She had charged through the sea of testosterone while you decided to timidly hug the doorframe, not knowing where to place yourself down. The kitchen was full of Sam’s friends and there wasn't a place to sit. You were thinking of slipping into the kitchen and leaning against the counter while Emily assembled plates of goodness.
That was until a particular tanned-skin boy stood up and very subtly gestured towards the chair. A sudden confidence had taken over you, and you certainly can blame that on the wine. Crossing the room in just a few paces you lower yourself onto the previously occupied seat and join the rowdy group at the table. 
Looking up you gave him a silent look of thanks as he stood, leaning his back against the countertop. He reciprocated a small smirk before returning his attention to the intense game of spoons that the other boys were trying to rope you into. 
After that, the night was a blur. You had played a few rounds of the card game, Emily eventually joining with heaping plates of nachos, placing herself in her fiance's lap. Paul had disappeared momentarily, reappearing with an old wooden stool, sitting directly to your left. 
You tried to focus on everything happening, but it was no use. All you could think about was that simple gesture of kindness. The act of chivalry that no doubt was gonna earn him some teasing from his buddies, which is what made it and him so much more attractive. 
Thoughts of the beautiful man plagued your mind the whole night and when he offered to drive you back home at the end of the night you accepted. He blamed it on the fact that he wouldn't feel right if he let you drive home after drinking, even if it was just a few glasses of wine and that had been hours ago. 
Even though you felt completely sober at this point as it had been hours and you had eaten your fair share of nachos you obliged, how could you pass up the opportunity for one of the most attractive men you had laid eyes on in a long time to drive you home? 
Attractive and chivalrous, two things he had going for him. 
The ride home was nice, the windows rolled down, and your hair flowed in the breeze. He drove smoothly and slowly, taking the winding corners with ease. A song that occupied the radio 24/7 played, and you were in such a state of comfort that you allowed yourself to sing along softly. 
It was weird, you barely knew this man, yet you felt so comfortable around him. Being in his presence was easy. 
Once your headlights illuminated the front of your modest home you felt your heart sink. This was it, your night of bliss was going to end. He threw the truck in park, turning to face where you sat. He opened his mouth, to say what you have no idea because you cut him off before he got the chance to speak. 
“Do you wanna come in?”. 
That night had been six weeks ago. And since then you hadn't seen or heard from him once. Not that you had reached out much. The last thing you needed was to make things awkward and complicated with a friend of a friend. 
Only now things were gonna have to be awkward and complicated, it was sorta unavoidable. 
Time paused as you sat there on the bathroom floor. Staring at the pinked-capped stick. Part of you wished you hadn't taken the test, even if that would have just avoided the inevitable for a few days, maybe a couple of weeks. 
Your head was reeling as you attempted to comprehend the news. On one hand, you had always wanted to be a mom and had dreamed of it. However part of the dream was a perfect house, a perfect job, and a perfect husband. Someone that loved you and supported you. Having a baby daddy that you hardly knew wasn't exactly in the picture. 
At some point your body went on autopilot, you picked yourself off the ground and went through the motions of getting ready for the day. You didn't know what you were getting ready to do, you had already called out after you had woken up before the sun to empty your stomach of last night's dinner. 
The brain fog seemed to slightly lift once you were closing your car door, clutching the steering wheel as your life preserver. The pregnancy test in your pocket feels as if it weighs a thousand pounds. 
You felt insane. 
Who were you to go to this man who you barely knew and just throw this information at him, even if he deserved to know? Because this was his burden too. This wasn't an instance of immaculate conception, it took both of you to get into this situation. 
Recalling an earlier conversation with Emily where you had not so subtly asked what Paul did for work you remembered her mentioning the name of the garage. 
Since today simply could not get more insane you decided to embrace the insanity and started the drive towards the reservation. 
You practiced what you were gonna say over and over, but nothing sounded right. 
“Hey, remember me? I'm the girl you slept with once and ghosted, well I'm pregnant”. 
“Paul, remember me? Y/N, yeah so you kinda got me pregnant”. 
“Hey so remember when I told you that you didn't need a condom, well I say dumb things I don't mean when I’m around pretty people”. 
You were so screwed. 
The parking lot was practically empty because of course, it was. Of course, there wouldn't be enough cars for you to blend in and hide for a little bit to gather your confidence. No besides your car there were only three others, and since you knew that Paul's truck was one of them there was a decent chance that the other two were also employees. The large bay doors of the shop were opening, one of the bays occupied with an old Volvo on the lift. 
Crossing the parking lot, the man of the hour caught your attention. Paul was alone in the garage. Grease and oil covered his hands and forearms as his attention was focused on the car above him. Patting your jacket pocket you made sure your proof was still there. You had only made it about halfway once he spotted you. He did a double take, a minor look of confusion showing. I mean why wouldn't he be confused, you weren't friends and here you were just randomly showing up at his place of business. 
Deciding to pull whatever last shred of confidence you had buried deep down you didn't turn chicken and run back to your car. No, you carried on walking, right up to the edge of his behemoth of a toolbox, slightly leaning on it to gain some support. The nerves make your whole body feel unstable. 
The wrench was abandoned, clattering inside said toolbox and he found a discarded towel that was so dirty it looked like it was only gonna make his hands worse. You couldn't help but study the way his body moved, how he looked in his work clothes, and how his muscles were contracting as he attempted to clean off the grime. Jesus Christ you need to get a hold of yourself, you thought. 
What you didn't notice was he was doing the same to you, looking you up and down searching for a reason as to why you were here. It wasn't until a breeze blew through the garage, that he realized he didn't only smell the dense forest and the various scents of the garage. It carried a faint smell of vanilla and lavender. But it wasn't just that, it was mixed with pine and rosemary. He bristled at the realization, the unique combination meant one thing and one thing only. It had been weeks since he last saw you there’s no way his scent would hang out on you that long unless…
Suddenly nothing else mattered except what you had to say. He wanted to help, to try and make the situation better. So he started to speak, to try and break this ice. But just like you had done weeks prior you beat him to the punch. 
“I’m pregnant”. 
The visible look of relief caused him to calm down, the last thing he wanted in this situation was for you to be stressed out. And the thought of you being so scared to talk to him broke his heart a little bit if he was being honest. 
“Is it mine?”. 
Paul could have ended it all in that moment. Why was he like this? 
He knew it was his, he had definitive proof, and he chose to play the idiot and make the woman who was carrying his child feel worse than she already did. 
“What the hell are you suggesting Paul? Yes it's yours, I wouldn't be telling you if it wasn't”. You crossed your arms across your chest, suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable and exposed. The confidence meter has fully run out. 
“Yeah no yeah. That um makes sense, I’m sorry. That was a real jackass thing to say. Of course you wouldn't tell me if it wasn't mine”. Paul rubbed the back of his neck as he rambled, avoiding eye contact with you. The magic inside of him was screaming at him, his instincts to protect almost taking over what little composure he held. 
He hadn't planned on telling you about the bond you shared. At least not for a while. 
You were still kinda new to town, and it wasn't fair to derail your life because you had decided to be a kind person and drop Emily off just a few weeks after you had moved. The bond had set in that day, as he was leaving Emily’s house and heading out to his truck. His eyes had darted up upon hearing Em’s voice and what he hadn't expected was to almost fall flat on his face. 
Because for a split second, the two of you made eye contact, it was fleeting and you had returned your eyes to your friend immediately. It had meant nothing to you and everything to him. 
Since that day he vowed to protect you but also to not act selfish and to allow you to make your own decisions.  Which is why he couldn't help but feel horrible. He had ruined your life. 
Paul thinks back to that night, running his mind over every minute, had you been drunk? He had only used that as an excuse to drive you home. But if you had been too intoxicated to make coherent decisions he would never forgive himself. 
“Yeah that was a real jackass thing to say”, you sniffled proud of yourself for not bursting out into heavy sobs. Because in all honesty while it felt like a physical blow hearing him question your morals he was handling the situation better than you would have if you were in his position. It was a fair question, you had only slept together once. 
The next few minutes seemed to pass slowly. After standing there basking in the awkward silence he told you to wait a second and walked into the attached office. You did as he said, too nervous to take the opportunity and leave. He returned a few moments later with much cleaner hands and a small smile graced his face. God, how you were growing to love that smile. 
“Boss told me to head out for the day, don't worry I only told him that I need to take a certain pretty girl out to lunch”, he sent you a wink as he slammed the lid on the toolbox down. Your cheeks grew warm at the compliment, even with how pg it was. I mean this man got you pregnant but him calling you pretty had your chest hammering. 
His hand found its way to the small of your back as he walked, ushering you out of the garage so he could lower the bay door. Once it was down he turned to face you with a smirk replacing the kind smile from earlier. 
“Come on doll, looks like I gotta feed my baby mama”. He howled with laughter as the small tinge of red on your cheeks turned into your whole face going crimson. “Oh this is gonna be fun”, he said through his laughs. 
His warmth on your skin brought you back to that state of peace that you remembered so fondly. You let him lead you towards his truck, thanking him as he shut your door. 
As Paul jogged to the driver's side a smile fought against the smirk. This wasn't how he pictured everything going but he wasn't mad. It wasn't like he got some random girl pregnant, no he got you pregnant. And while you may believe that you were just a random girl to him that was not how he felt. But he wasn't going to tell you that, at least not right now. The last thing he wanted to do was stress you out even more than you already were. 
So he was going to wait. 
He could learn to be content with you being in his life as a girlfriend, or even just the mother of his child. And when the time was right he would tell you.
But for now, he could wait.
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buddiefix · 7 months
Fake Dating/Didn't Know They Were Dating Fic's (Part 1)
The following are some buddie fanfiction involving fake dating, or the characters realizing they've been partners all along.
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What If I Fall In Love Backwards? by RedRidingStiles 
9-1-1 (TV)  
"I feel like we should go save him," Chimney said as he and Hen loaded their drunk and injured patient into the back of the ambulance (day drinking and balconies do not mix), nodding his head towards the small swarm of college girls surrounding a highly uncomfortable Buck. "And by we I mean you, Eddie." "Yeah I got this," Eddie reassured, cupping one hand around his mouth before shouting, "Hey Buckley!" "What's up, Hot Stuff?" Buck called back, his eyes holding crystal blue relief as they met Eddie's across the lawn. Eddie tried to bite back his amused smile but didn't succeed when his next words had Buck grinning like a complete fool. "You. Me. Tonight. Wear something pretty." "Edmundo Diaz, are you trying to ask me out on a date?"
five Times Buck and Eddie saved each other by pretending to be together and the one time Christopher helps
Language: English Words: 9,879 Chapters: 1/1
baby, say you'll always keep me by hattalove
9-1-1 (TV)  
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and the darkness behind his eyelids takes on a white edge. “Be good. Nice to be married,” he yanks on Buck’s t-shirt, “best friend.” Finally, Buck takes a breath that sounds off somehow, but he laughs too, and that sounds normal, Eddie thinks. A normal laugh. “Sure, Eds,” he says, and there’s his hand in Eddie’s hair again, a puff of breath on the crown of Eddie’s head like Buck leaned in to press a kiss there and then stopped, but why would he stop—“I’ll marry you if you remind me tomorrow.”
The one in which joking about being married to your best friend is all fun and games, right up until you realize that you're not laughing.
Language: English Words: 8,251 Chapters: 1/1
I Hate Accidents (Except When We Went From Friends to This) by morganofthefairies 
9-1-1 (TV)  
“You should just move in,” Eddie said one night.  They were already laying in bed, Buck’s face half-buried in his pillow. “Where would I sleep, Eddie,” Buck deadpanned, sleep heavy in his voice. “Here,” Eddie said, not entirely sure how Buck missed that part.  “The same place you’ve been sleeping.” Bobby raised an eyebrow when Buck updated his address on all of the necessary paperwork, but Eddie wasn’t entirely sure what the big deal was.
The story of how Buck and Eddie went about their relationship in entirely the wrong order.
Language: English Words: 7,206 Chapters: 1/1
we could follow the sparks, i’ll drive by markofalover
9-1-1 (TV)  
“Oh! You must be Mr. Diaz!” someone says from behind him, and Buck spins around clumsily, all long legs, to find a woman with a Miss Perez tag stuck to her blouse. She’s smiling politely, white teeth against red lips, and it takes just a second too long to process what she says.
everyone thinks Buck is the other Mr. Diaz.
Language: English Words: 6,539 Chapters: 1/1
i'd never let you fall and break your heart by autistic_nightfury
9-1-1 (TV)  
Four times Buck and Eddie pretended to be in a relationship so people wouldn't bother them, and the one time they actually were together.
Language: English Words: 5,808 Chapters: 1/1
Say Cheese by S_lycopersicum
9-1-1 (TV)  
"Um... anything left to get?" "Snacks for that girl who has diabetes. Amy, Audrey, uh..." "Abby." "Pfff... I'd remember if she was called Abby," Buck half-heard Eddie say, but his focus was on the other end of the grocery store aisle, where at 11pm at night his ex-girlfriend Abby Clark was carefully assessing two different brands of provolone.
Language: English Words: 4,927 Chapters: 1/1
of bake sales and overdue realizations by brewrosemilk
9-1-1 (TV)  
Eddie doesn’t notice it until it becomes a thing that happens even when it’s just him and Buck, without Chris anywhere near them - but even then, he doesn’t find it strange, or give it much thought. Buck is the one who starts ending their phone calls with a quick ‘love you’ but it doesn't take long before Eddie does the same, often beating him to it. It’s never a big deal - most of the time it’s something along the lines of;
‘Hey, can you grab some milk on your way over? We’re out.’ ‘Yeah, yeah, I got it.’ ‘Great, love you.’ ‘Love you.’
Before long, they’re even doing it in texts.
Language: English Words: 4,823 Chapters: 1/1
the secrets we keep (the ones that spill out) by sparegarbage
9-1-1 (TV)  
The 118 is a close-knit family. It’s not surprising given how much time they spend together: endless hours at the firehouse, barbecues on the weekends, the occasional night at the bar. They’re a family, yes... but Buck and Eddie don’t have to tell them everything. They’re allowed their secrets, really, and it’s not… weird. Really, it’s not. It’s just that sometimes the 118 asks too many questions, and sometimes there’s just no good (or clear or logical) way to explain. Exhibit A: How Buck ended up in Eddie’s bed during a sleepover (and how he’s been sleeping there most nights since).
Buck and Eddie comfort each other with cuddles, hugs, and kisses (platonically—or so they think).
Language: English Words: 4,624 Chapters: 1/1
With(out) A First Date by firstdegreefangirl
9-1-1 (TV)  
Buck and Eddie become boyfriends. Six months later, they start dating.
Language: English Words: 10,282 Chapters: 13/13
it's always been you by coupe_de_foudre
9-1-1 (TV)  
“What do I normally get from there?” Eddie asks him, chin settled back onto his shoulder. “The kung pao chicken.” he answers almost instantaneously, having all of Eddie’s usual take-out orders memorised by now. It comes in handy for when they need to get food in quick whilst navigating work and Christopher. It’s not weird. He, unfortunately, misses the odd look that Maddie sends him. As well as the way that Hen hides a snicker behind a cough.
Language: English Words: 8,700 Chapters: 6/6
(Friendly reminder I do not own any of the works listed in this post, and all can be located on archiveofoureown.org)
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Various crps except you buy a treat for them
did something similar for hoodie masky and toby so i figured why not go ahead and do some other characters! characters: slenderman, nina, laughing jack, bloody painter notes: reader is gn cws: none
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you grab him something while at the store forgetting that he doesnt really... eat human food... but the fact that you still thought of him while he was out has him feeling things- its so human of you, to do such a small gesture
you dont really know where the food goes, you dont see him eat it and it may actually be a minute before you remember his diet.. he doesnt really provide an answer to you when you ask what hes done with it
returns the gesture by leaving foods he knows he likes for you by your door or on your table
you took the time to think about him, so hes going to take the time to think about you too... though you have no clue where hes getting the food from
loves sour candies, so you get her a pack while youre at the store
loves you for it and will be vocal about it! will share the candy with you, and perhaps may show you some of her favorite combos to do with it
you both experience the energy drink candy thing .... never again, at least until you catch her trying to do it again with different combos to see if "it will change the outcome" if the flavors or brands are changed
alternatively if you get her a drink that comes in the can shes going to keep the tab and possibly do something with it- personal headcanon that she has a necklace decorated with the things
he always has candy stashed somewhere and seems to pull it out from thin air but you noticed that a lot of them are... the same, and arent from a specific company. theyre just. generic candies
you take it upon yourself to get him something new to shake things up and he is HOOKED the moment he pops one into his mouth
will tease you for thinking about him while at the store, dont let him fool you though hes ecstatic that you were on his mind even when you were away
will pester you to buy him some more when you can, the candy you get him does not last all that long... he is straight ravenous
youd notice that he would sit down and paint for... long periods of time, without stopping to go eat a meal so youve decided to remedy that by getting him those variety packs of snacks!
it slowly becomes a habit to buy him a box every few weeks to make sure hes got something on hand
doesnt mind that you do it though he doesnt seem like he would be pressed if you let him run out
...will leave you a bag if he notices you struggling with eating yourself, its such a small gesture but it shows that hes keeping an eye for you too even if it may otherwise seem he doesnt
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issuesntissues · 6 months
watching a movie with 141—
he’s a suspense/thriller type of guy, but also likes a good drama
despises romcoms and musicals (says they suck out the realism)
likes popcorn but doesn’t eat much of it
prone to falling asleep (he just gets really comfy)[typical peepaw behavior]
will glance at you to watch your reactions (and he’ll remember them too)
Loves a good action flick but down for romance too
Definitely puts an arm around you regardless of what you’re watching 😳
Might skip on popcorn but he’ll always get some sort of candy
Will commentate on some things that you might not notice 👀
definitely the best person to watch a movie with out of the team tbh 😭
Loves action and comedy, anything loud with explosions & corny jokes
Horror movies make him uneasy, and he gets mad when the jump scares get him 😭
This mf loves popcorn he’s a never ending muncher, and you bet it’s getting stuck in the couch too
Will literally talk at the characters while watching, talk about how he’d feel if he was in whatever situation, make snide comments, just non stop yammering
Doesn’t fall asleep, but if he’s bored he’ll eat or get handsy 💀
this mf loves his documentaries (nature ones are his favorite), and he loves horror movies (for obvious reasons 👀)
the quietest when it comes to movies, but he’ll let out a chuckle now and then
prefers other snacks than popcorn
if you’re really skittish during a horror movie he’ll put an arm around you (he’ll tease you about it later though)
Hates watching movies with Soap sober, but after a few drinks he can get just as loud and obnoxious as him 💀
loves horror movies but he definitely watches sci fi and animated movies too
if he wants a horror movie, he’s getting one, no exceptions—
and if you’re begging him to turn it off bc it’s too much…he’ll make you beg for other things afterwards 💀
he loves popcorn! he always offers you some too 🫶
if he falls asleep, he’s a rock. don’t even bother trying to wake him up 😭
loves crime and thrillers, but thinks sci-fi is cool too
quieter than ghost really 😳 he smiles at jokes
munches popcorn, finger licking the butter is his guilty pleasure
if he falls asleep you’ll never notice because he’ll stay sitting in the same position 💀
i think he’s more of an audiobook person overall tbh
if she’s present, then the team will be watching a romcom (cue peepaw groan)
gets popcorn but she’ll have dinner and a few drinks too
her and gaz are besties during this time 👀 they get along the best
she’ll tolerate Soaps nonsense but if he starts getting too rowdy she’ll kick him out 💀
honestly has the best movie recs with epic female leads 💕
this man lives and breathes military, western, and action movies *cough* top gun mav
popcorn is a must, always gets the biggest size
gets up multiple times for random shite 🙄
bro will whoop and cheer during high intensity moments 😭
claps at the end, and will want to binge the next right after
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maybe-its-5sos · 4 months
You Dropped this (Eijiro Kirishima)
Requested: Yes Request: Hey hey. Could you write a lil oneshot with Kirishima x fem!reader? Fluffy confessions and first kiss please ♡♡ Summary: First date. Word count: 797 Warning(s): fulfffffff
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"Hey man, that wasn't cool" Kirishima told Bakugo as they walk to the locker rooms. "She told me not to hold back," The blonde says back with a smirk before opening the door. Bakugo entering first.
They quickly change out of their gym clothes before going back to the dorms.
Kirishima walks out after Bakugo, spotting you walking in front of them. Lost in your thoughts your blazer that you slung over your bag, too hot to wear it after your workout, falls on the floor without you even noticing it.
"Hey y/n, wait up!" he yells, picking up your lost item before pushing past Katsuki, earning a grunt. "Watch it shitty hair" he yells. But you're too off in thought to notice.
He catches up to you in a empty school hallway, putting a hand on your shoulder to get your attention, startling you. "Hey relax, it's me" he chuckles.
"You dropped this outside the locker rooms" he says giving you back your lost item. "Thank you! I didn't even notice it was missing." you nervously giggle.
"Uh hey, would you wanna go check out that new arcade that opened up" Eijiro skittishly asks.
It was no secret to anyone that Kirishima has had a crush on you, except to you whom seems to be the only one that hasn't noticed. Since you two don't get a whole lot of time alone, Eijiro figured that this was as good of a time as any.
"Like a date," he clarifies, searching your face for an answer, your silence making him nervous. "Sure!" you gleam a bright smile on your face. He can't help but smile back just as brightly.
"Ill come get you from your room at 5!" he tells you as Bakugo finally rounds the corner. "Hey shitty hair we still need to finish that group project for English." He grumbles giving the red head a weird sideways glance. Eijiro nods and walks off with his spiky haired friend.
You were just putting finishing touches to your rather simple outfit as you hear a firm knock on your dorm room door. "Coming!" you yell, grabbing your essentials and shuffling to your door quickly. "sorry for making you wait" you shyly say before joining the smiling boy, taking note of his cute outfit, walking towards the exit of the building. "What ever shall I do about the 45 seconds I lost," He chuckles, before you give him a playful hip bump, "Didn't realize you were timing me."
"I've been super pumped to check this place out!" Kirishima excitedly tells you as you approach the colorful door. He takes a few quick steps ahead of you, opening the door for you to be able to walk in, polite as always. "Woah," you both exclaim in unison, seeing all the cool colorful games.
You guys went to town, playing all the games, Eijiro showing off his mad skills. Even sitting down and getting some snacks and drinks. Before you knew it it was time to walk back to the dorms or Aizawa would have your asses if you didn't make it by curfew.
As you walk thru the darkening streets with Kirishima by your side, the streetlights flickering on, he gently nudges his hand into yours, you happily take it. "I had so much fun tonight," you gleam. "I'm glad! That place was so much cooler than I thought." He responds. "Same! Those snacks weren't half bad either and the drinks were really good too," you retort.
"I've had such a huge crush on you since the beginning of the school year, I never thought that in a million years you'd go out with me," He confesses with a chuckle causing your cheeks to burn pink. "Oh stop, I was crushing on you so bad that Mina threatened to lock us in a room together until I confess," you retort causing a soft laughter to be pulled from Eijiros lips doing the same to you in turn, both of your laughter echoing thru the now dark streets as you enter UA grounds.
A comfortable silence befalls you as you walk into the dorm building, Kirishima opening the door for you as per usual. As you make your way to the elevator to go up to your dorm, you turn to look at him. "We should do that again some time." you smile as he gives you an affirming nod. You press a gentle kiss on his lips, eliciting a slightly shocked stillness from the red haired guy before he returns the gesture. As if planned, the elevator dings and the doors slowly open and you step in. Before the doors close you send him a shy wink and soft smile, making his tummy turn and butterflies to erupt.
With love,
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tokki-tteokbokki · 1 year
One by One
Chapter Seven: The Last
Felix x Fem Reader + Hyunlix x Reader
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After constantly fighting with your boyfriend, Jisung, your relationship abruptly ends.
Unaware of the secret hope of your relationship's demise by your friends.
One by one, the boys can't help themselves.
Chapter Six:
dirty smut eheheh :), mild corruption, inexperienced felix, first time felix, brief threesome, praise, handjob, oral(m rec), semi public sex, unprotected sex, nipple play, external ejaculation
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Felix sat contently with Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, and Jeongin in the cafeteria. Everyone taking bites out of their mid morning snacks. Minho walked up to the table after leaving your office and sending you on your covetous adventure. “Hyung!” Felix chimed, covering his mouth, trying to swallow his bite. “Hello~” Minho greeted, sitting down beside Felix. Felix looked around and realized they were a member short.
“Where’s Hyunjin?” He asked openly. Chan hide his smile by taking a drink of water. “Dancing.” Minho snickered. It took a few seconds for the other members to register what was actually happening. Jeongin turned pink, Seungmin picked up his phone and put it front of his smirking face, Changbin coughed as he tried to swallow his protein shake. Felix barely noticed his friend’s reactions, almost oblivious.
Felix smiled “He’s always working so hard. I’ll get him his favourite as a surprise.” Jeongin and Changbin’s eyes widened, Jeongin was about to say something but was stopped at Seungmin softly kicking him under the table and casually shaking his head. “That’s a great idea!” Minho praised “Right? I’ll see you guys in a bit!” Felix happily stood up collecting his phone and pushing his chair in before trotting merrily away.
The silence was broken by Chan laughing “I didn’t this he would get on the mission this fast!” Minho smirked into his apple “I gave her a bit of push.” There was a brief pause “The faster everyone fucks her the sooner Jisung will stop moping.” “Everyone doing okay?” Chan asked looking around the table. All were nodding except for Changbin, a look of uncertainty painted his face. “Changbin?” Chan taking notice to him. He held it in for a moment before breaking “Is this really the only way?” “Are you scared?” Seungmin snickered “Ya!” Changbin’s voice shouted “Of course not! But this is all seems too good to be true.” He stated. Minho smiled with his regular confidence “Relax, not only is this a perk for us. Those two idiots can finally get back together.”
Felix got Hyunjin’s drink and made his way to the rehearsal room with a pep in his step, knowing this gesture was bound to make him smile. He walked past your office, empty. He assumed you were off with the higher-ups, planning for their schedule. He walked down the corridor in his own world, daydreaming on his way. “Yongbok!” A voice called from behind, he turned around. “Jisung!” Felix greeted “Hey. Have you seen (y/n)?” Jisung’s face looked tired, like he had been up all night replaying the last conversation you two had.
“Oh, no. She’s not in her office, I think she’s with the higher-ups.” Felix relayed “Oh.” Jisung sighed. Felix’s senses went off at Jisung’s energy “You okay?” Jisung took a deep breath “I just need to talk to her, I said some things I shouldn’t have…” He regretted every word, he didn’t mean any of it… Except for the part about you fucking his friends. Truthfully, he relished in the idea of sharing you with them but would want to fuck you so hard in front of them, reminding everyone who exactly you belonged to. There was only one person in the world who knew of his secret desire.
A late night full of drinking lead to their deepest confessions. Going over their biggest fantasies, Jisung explained with fearless liquid courage exactly what he wanted. Little did he know, Minho was in the works of making his dreams come true.
“It’ll be okay… Don’t worry.” Felix put a hand on his shoulder “I’ll let you know if I see her.” Felix sympathetically smiled, Jisung appreciated his friend’s gesture knowing that he always had his best interest in mind. “Thanks.” Jisung thanked as he turned back around and walked away. Felix felt awful about the break up between you two, he knew how much you two meant to each other… Even more, he felt guilty. He felt guilty because numerous nights he’d fantasize about you, spanning from before you and Jisung started dating to now.
Your caring and soft demeanour intrigued him. As someone who has never been kissed, he felt you were the kind of person he’d want to have his first experience with. Time went on and he’d imagine what other things would feel like. He’d imagine how gentle you’d be when you touch him, what your voice would sound like when you praised him for pleasing you. Eventually, he found himself thrusting into his hand, his tip throbbing for release at the thought of you.
Felix continued his way, coming to door he heard the boom of the base. He reached for the knob but heard another sound. Whimpering and moaning. Quietly, he opened the door a crack and peered through. His jaw dropped at the sight. Staring into the reflection, he saw you bouncing on Hyunjin’s cock in complete bliss, Hyunjin gripping your body like a lifeline.
He sneakily opened the door wider, being as quiet as possible. He wanted to see how this was to end. He slipped in the room, standing there completely awestruck at the naughty scene unfolding before him. It wasn’t long before his body started to react, his heartbeat sped up and he felt the blood rush to his cock. He watched as Hyunjin brought you both to completion. You both slumped onto each other, out of breath.
Felix was completely frozen as you and Hyunjin began to move. You stood up and turned to face Hyunjin but immediately noticed Felix. Your pulse skyrocketed and your eyes almost bulged. Hyunjin noticed your petrified expression and turned his head back and met Felix’s stunned stare. A brief moment of panic loomed over all of you and the silence was too painful to bear. Finding his strength Felix quivered “I-I brought you an americ-cano.” His arm raising to show off the iced drink. Hyunjin smiled at the gesture “Come here.” You both looked at Hyunjin, completely confused as to how calm he was. Maybe it was the post nut calmness that kept him cool.
You awkwardly tried to shuffle over to reach your clothes but was stopped as Hyunjin grabbed your wrist, giving you a implying eye. You stayed still and watched as Felix willed himself to come closer. “H-he-here.” He stuttered passing the drink to Hyunjin. Hyunjin took a big sip, exhaling in satisfaction at the taste. He looked back at Felix “It’s okay, (y/n) and I were just showing off dance moves.” He smiled big. “O-oh.” Felix stammered, looking at you in all your nude glory. His cock flexed as he admired your body.
“Pretty right?” Hyunjin interjected “M-mhm.” Felix was painfully bashful as he nodded his head in agreement. “She’s awfully pretty when she’s being fucked don’t you think?” You swallowed hard not knowing what to expect now. “(y/n)” Hyunjin called you standing up from the chair “Sit”. You obeyed and took a seat. Hyunjin pulling his bottoms back up with one hand.
Your knees were pressed together watching as Felix shifted around, his eyes unable to leave you. “Felix,” Hyunjin’s began “Do you want to kiss her?” He asked slipping an arm around his shoulder. He looked at you and suddenly you relaxed. You had the control here. You gently nodded your head, giving him the okay. “Y-yeah, I do…” Felix froze in place, he didn’t know what to do.
There you were, ready and willing. Your nakedness was breathtaking. Hyunjin realized Felix would need more a push “Here, I’ll show you.” Felix still under Hyunjin’s arm they moved closer to you. He gestured for Felix to stay on your right so he could get a good view. Hyunjin placed himself in front of you. “Now, you want to be gentle and sensual.” Hyunjin’s hand cupped your cheek “Just like this.” Felix watched and listened intently, he wanted to do this right. He wanted to make you feel good. Hyunjin smiled at how attentive his band mate was being.
Slowly, Hyunjin leaned in. His breath lingered at your lips for just a moment before his parted lips pressed effortlessly against yours. Hyunjin pulled away and you both looked at Felix. He was blushing an adorable shade of pink underneath his freckles. “Ready?” Hyunjin motioned for Felix to take his place. “Ready.” Felix confirmed.
You were excited, your body already reacting to the thought of Felix’s perfectly shaped lips against yours. Felix took a moment to remove his jacket, he was getting undeniably hot from the whole ordeal. He swallowed hard with nerves before he began to come closer to you. His breath was audible, slightly shaky. “It’s okay, kiss me Felix.” You softly whispered. One corner of his mouth lifted into a half smile.
You felt his hand cup your cheek the same way Hyunjin did. He breath tickled your lips and then finally you felt his lips on yours. He began to kiss you gently and then a little harder. You moaned into the kiss, grabbing both sides of his face. When you finally broke from each other, you both looked at Hyunjin. He stood proudly, sipping his drink. “That was good!” He swallowed “Doesn’t she taste good?” He smirked. You lightly blushed at the remark to which Felix nodded enthusiastically.
Straw in his mouth “Felix, do you want (y/n) to play with you?” Hyunjin asked. Felix looked at you with puppy eyes. Oh my God, he’s so adorable. “Play with me, Noona.” Felix almost whimpered. You almost lost control and threw yourself on him but you held back knowing that Hyunjin still wanted to teach. “(y/n), can Felix touch you?” You looked at Hyunjin and then to Felix, smiling. “Of course.”
Hyunjin made his way behind you, setting the drink on the floor. His hands moved past your neck and down to you breasts. “Pretty huh?” Hyunjin cheekily asking Felix. He was almost drooling as Hyunjin groped and rubbed your tits. You let out a faint moan. Hyunjin’s fingers found their way to your eager nipples, pinching them between his fingers and rolling. You gasped at the feeling.
“Felix, her nipples are really sensitive. They’re getting so hard. Fingers are great but try using your mouth. Come here” Felix inched closer, he looked hungrily looked at your nipples. Hyunjin’s hands moved to you shoulders as if to hold you in place. Felix looked up at you for reassurance, you smiled and nodded eagerly.
His tongue extended out of his mouth and flicked your nipple, making you jump. “…More.” You moaned. Felix felt his dick jump hearing you sound so satisfied. He started again giving little licks around. “Suck on them.” Hyunjin instructed. Felix wasted no time, he wrapped his lips around your nipple and gave you pulsing sucks. “Ah!” You cried, grabbing onto the back of his head. He let out a deep moan that vibrated into your breast that made you squirm.
“That’s good! She can barely stay still” Hyunjin chuckled still holding you in place. Felix continued sucking and moving his tongue around, his other hand finding your other tit to give it attention. He followed Hyunjin’s motions and pinched your nipple. “F-Felix” You whimpered “She’s probably ready” Hyunjin smirked “Open her legs” Felix pulled himself away and spread your knees apart. He inhaled sharply as he saw your glistening cunt on full display. Hyunjin peered down “Oh she’s more than ready.”
He snickered “(y/n), show him where your clit is.” You held out your hand to Felix. You guided his finger to the bud of bursting nerve endings, “Mm, right there.” You sighed “Slowly move your finger up and down over it, remember to be gentle.” Hyunjin instructed. Felix watched your reactions intently as he began to move. “Oh Felix, that’s good baby.” You moaned. Felix’s chest fluttered at your praise.
Hyunjin tilted your chin up and kissed you messily, moaning into his mouth from the pleasure of Felix rubbing you. Suddenly, you felt a finger poke at your dripping little hole, you squealed against Hyunjin’s lips. Hyunjin proud of his inexperienced pal taking the lead, he plunged his tongue into your mouth. Felix, riding his new found confidence squeezed his finger inside you. “Oh my God.” You hear from mumble from below you. Fascinated, Felix began to finger you, constantly looking up at your beautifully scrunched face and listening for the harmonies of your moans.
Hyunjin pulled away and looked at you from above “I trust you’ll show him the rest?” You smiled at him “I got this.” He smiled and wandered next to Felix who was lost in your pussy. “Felix,” He put a hand on his shoulder, making Felix aware “She’ll take good care of you.” Hyunjin stood up, buttoning his shirt and taking his americano with him, he left the room feeling satisfied in more ways than one.
“Felix” You looked down at him “Hm?” “Come here, I want to touch you.” You boldly stated. Felix took his finger out and stood up. Immediately, you noticed his dick begging to be freed from his jeans. You pulled him closer by his waist band. Felix shivered at the feeling of your delicate hands. His face became bashful again, no one had ever seen his dick like this. “Don’t worry” You comforted him as you unzipped him. You pulled his bottoms down and his cock sprung out. You gently wrapped your hand around and stroked upwards once, an immediate release of precum came from his over sensitive tip. “Noona..” His voice became an octave higher. Your hand was devine, better than he ever fantasized.
His brows furrowed and his mouth agape with pants escaping. “Does it feel good?” You looked up at him “So good, Noona… It’s s-so good.” He whimpered, he started bucking his hips back and forth to get more friction. His desperation was adorable. You leaned forward and planted a kiss on his pink tip “Ah Noon-!!” His words cut off as you took him in your mouth. His hand found it’s way on your head as you took him in and out, lapping your tongue around. Felix felt himself being pushed closer to the brink of orgasm. Before he could release he pulled out, leaned down and started kissing you. His sweet gasping intoxicated you, you pulled his hoodie over his head. Exposing a perfectly defined body. “Noona… Please let me make you feel good.”
Felix laid his hoodie on the floor behind you in an attempt to make the hard floor more comfortable. You laid back as Felix hovered over you, sensing his nerves, you helped guide his dick to your dripping entrance. You looked at you one more time for reassurance, you tilted your hips up for confirmation. Never breaking eye contact you felt him ease in. Your face shifted into a lovely expression of pleasure, Felix panted heavily as he continued pushing. “Good boy, keep going.” You praised. Felix moaned loudly at your words, all his wildest inner desires coming true underneath him.
Felix carefully began to thrust, the feeling almost too good. “Noona, you’re so wet..! It feels so good!” He whimpered “F-faster, baby.” Felix sped up, the sound of your bodies colliding filling the room. His rock hard dick brushing against every hot spot in your pussy. You began to tighten around him, making Felix drop his head into the crook of your neck.
His whimpers and cries of pleasure sounded into your ear, driving you to your end. “Felix, I-I’m gonna-“ “Noona, please. Cum for me!” He wrapped one hand around the back of your neck to make sure you felt every thrust. Your walls clenched around him and you exploded orgasmic pulses on his cock.
Felix sloppily thrusted “Can I cum on you?” He shyly asked, you smiled in agreement. His focus now on chasing his end. His face contorted and you felt his dick twitch. He pulled out and jerked his cum all over your swollen cunt.
“You did so good, Felix.” You panted. He smiled and leaned forward, giving you a tender kiss. Felix retrieved some paper towel and helped you clean up before collecting your clothes. You both dressed and sat casually on the floor next to each other.
“How was that for your first time?” Felix looked at you, grinning swinging an arm around you. Ready to tell you how grateful he was.
Hyunjin walked into the cafeteria where his member anxiously awaited the news. Seungmin was the first to notice him “Guys.” He gestured with his head. The rest of the members turned to Hyunjin who began to try to hide his smile. He sat down in Felix’s empty spot and exhaled. “So” Changbin said, awkwardly looking down at his near empty shake. “So” Jeongin joined. Minho couldn’t contain his laughter to which Chan joined. Hyunjin leaned forward “You could’ve given me a warning.” He dramatized “Saw an opportunity and took it.” Minho shrugged. “Where’s Felix?” Changbin added. Hyunjin smirked “Exactly where I was.”
Minho praised himself for his quick orchestration. Now that everyone had their chance at you and finale could finally be planned. Jisung’s ultimate fantasy could unfold and the chance of you two reconciling could be within reach. Minho exhaled and looked at Chan “I think it’s about I told them the plan.” Chan smiled and nodded in agreement. The rest of the members looked at each other curiously, what wondering what craziness lay ahead.
You left the rehearsal studio and made your way back to your office. Upon opening the door, you were startled by someone already inside. “What the hell?” “Hi~” Minho chimed looking up at you. “You scared the shit out of me.” You scolded walking over to your chair. “Sorry about that.” He playfully apologized. “What are you doing here?” You plopped down “You did good, (y/n). Hyunjin and Felix? I’m impressed” You rolled eyes realizing that Minho was behind Felix coming in. “There’s one last thing” Minho began “Huh?” You flexed your brows “This last thing is what’s going to get you two back together.” You slouched back, looking at him intently.
Minho began to explain the final part of this whole plan, you could barely believe what you were hearing. You paced around your office, processing, calling him insane, processing some more, before settling back into your chair and reluctantly beginning to help scheme the last phase of this crazy ordeal.
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tag list: @eastleighsblog @catlove83
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erxxi3 · 1 year
hi kyle it's moss, they are here with an ada wong request, but don't feel pressured writing it if it's not for your taste (or you can change ada for whoever you want, it's kinda free form)💕
— (this is some kind of au but what kind, nobody knows) it's friday night, movie night where chris, claire, leon, luis, ada, and you get together at one of your guys' place with snacks, drinks, everything that is needed to have fun. as always, ada and you take the couch to yourselves with a giant blanket, you sitting between her legs with your back pressed against hers. oh how she can't help herself and how she is so grateful everyone is focusing on the loud movie that is playing, she has plenty of space and opportunity to let her hands wander around your body and more...
hope you have fun with this mess 🤭 again, do not feel pressured to write it, only if you'd like
This request was really good anyways I just love ada wong bc she is the best girl besides Jill.
Have fun with your requested fic Moss and this took me a while to write although it was not hard work for me!! <3
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— Thats it baby, Focus on me.
Pairings: Ada wong x Fem! Reader
Summary: What the request said bc I can’t say anymore things 😭
Cw. Secret relationship w ada wong, slight mommy kink, fingering, cunnilingus, getting heard/caught by Claire, body worship, praise, wlw, kissing session + marks being left, and fluff at the end. NOT PROOF READ AND PLS LMK IF I MISSED ANYTHING!
Character Count: 13.1k
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It was a friday night, which meant a movie night with the group (chris, claire, leon, luis, ada, and you) getting together at your place to watch a couple of crappy horror movies in a circle on the floor of your living room while the rest of your friends go about their own business. you've already made popcorn and have a bunch of beer in front of you, as well as soda and milk for all of them. leon is sitting next to you, his arm slung around the back of your couch while the other hand rests on your shoulder.
when he sees a movement out of the corner of his eye he reaches up and turns off the TV, just because he doesn't want people to startle at the sound of the tv being turned on, then turns to face you. he's got that dopey grin on his face and you can feel yourself turning red. you know that you like it when he looks at you, but you also know that it might be too much.
So instead you try to avoid another deep conversation, turning the TV back on putting on a three hour long movie, and bringing out this gigantic blanket throwing it over everyone except ada because she happened to have brought one from your bedroom. Although, before she had went to grab it you told her that it was fine with you.
Ada has been acting weird ever since you and Leon had been becoming close friends, though not in an awkward way. she'd always been pretty easy going, which was how you knew that you were totally into her even if she didn't seem to notice it.
What had made it harder for you was that there wasn't really anything else to talk about when you were hanging out with ada. About the time the movie will start, you try to get comfortable on the floor, as you are sitting between her legs with your back pressed against hers.
It was a little uncomfortable, so you try to move back, but she moves forward pushing herself closer until your thighs touch, then sliding your arms around your waist pressing her hands behind your back. she starts playing with the hem of your shirt. her lips brush your ear and you shiver.
"You don't wanna do that," you murmur quietly so that no one else can hear the two of you, but the movie is loud they are probably not going to. she pulls away. "it wouldn't be right." you whisper still trying to move back without making a big deal out of it. you're embarrassed about the whole thing but even more to be caught by the others with ada.
"Maybe we can go to your room." she whispers to you making your cheeks flushed red.
You are sitting between her legs with your back pressed against hers. you're sure it'll be ok. if anyone would notice it, it's ada. and she hasn't mentioned it once. but that just means that she's thinking about it, so maybe the whole thing isn't such a bad idea. She pulls back. "I guess," you murmur. she gets up slowly and takes your hand as you get up and follow her upstairs, stopping outside of your door. she leans down giving you a peck. then pulls away again looking shyly at your feet.
you smile at her softly then open your door and step inside closing it behind you. ada follows in and you walk over to your bed, she sits down. you sit next to her and give her a kiss. it feels different than your first one, or the ones that came after it. there's something more to that feeling.
you pull apart a second later. "We should probably lock the door..” she mumbles looking embarrassed as she pulls the door shut. “you know.. for safety reasons.” you nod, “yeah, good idea…” you murmur blushing hard. she kisses you again and you both end up crawling onto your bed. she straddles your lap.
you take a deep breath, you know exactly where this is going.
"i think we should.." you pause biting your lip and leaning forward so that your noses touch. "should uh…" you start kissing her neck trailing soft kisses down to her collarbone and back up again. This goes on for a couple of minutes until the two of you stop. "are you.. ready?" she asks quietly hoping that the answer won't be yes. ada nods slightly, smiling a bit. you lean up and kiss her deeply for several seconds.
she tastes so sweet just like candy.
she lays you down and begin kissing every inch of your skin that you have exposed . ada runs her hands through your hair and you hold onto her tightly. you feel ada's tongue trace patterns on your stomach and her mouth makes its way to your breasts. you moan. "oh god..." she murmurs pulling your top off and taking it over her head. you reach up running your fingers through her hair and gently tugging. ada giggles. she kisses and nibbles down your body until you are completely naked under her hands, then you pull back. "are you ready for me now?" she murmurs moving closer to kiss your neck again.
Humming in response, just knowing ada loves to be rough but knows when you aren't ready to go all the way. "alright baby... i'm gonna show you how much I love you..." you feel ada's teeth bite lightly into your neck, leaving an impression that she likes it but she also knows that your limits.
"Good girl... now let me mark you~" your eyes drift closed at those words, while you let her. she traces her tongue across the top of your left breast and then traces it down towards your belly button. she trails light touches along your abdomen and back up until she finally reaches your pubic bone. you squirm. "oh baby..." you whine. ada smiles at you. "you're ready." you nod.
"let's do it.." you say in a husky voice. ada looks up at you for a second then starts to work on getting rid of your pants and underwear until you're both lying naked on your bed together. you look at each other in awe. ada smiles. "let's make it quick okay.." she says kissing you again. your mind races with thoughts of all the things you wanted to do with ada. she begins moving her hips up and down gently rubbing circles around your clitoris causing a sharp gasp to escape your lips.
"fuck.." you moan. ada continues to grind into your body at a steady pace. you run a hand through her hair as she rocks into you. "oh god.." you moan again. ada stops moving suddenly, "don't come yet okay.. i can tell you're almost there.." she says kissing your cheek. you close your eyes, "come on.. please.." you whimper desperately. you want her so badly but you also want everything to slow down so that it feels like you're coming alive.
ada gives you a last long kiss. "give me a moment," she murmurs getting up off of you to take her own panties off. "hold on my baby.." she whispers in your ear. "just give me a minute.” you're not sure why she says it so softly, she always calls you baby in public but when you have sex with her it doesn't feel intimate at all, just comforting. she crawls back on top of you, then presses her lips against yours and she slips a finger inside of you.
you moan, "ah.." she moves the digit inside faster. "that's it.. that's the spot...” you moan. she rubs her finger against you, making you moan louder. "so tight.." she murmurs nuzzling your neck, "just let go baby, let go.." you feel her hand slip inside you and slide all the way to your clit and rubbing vigorously. you groan softly "oh yeah..” she continues to press her lips against yours. "oh fuck.." you moan and close your eyes, feeling waves of pleasure hitting your core. your legs wrap round ada's waist.
She starts to move her fingers a faster and you can already feel your body tensing up. you moan again, your hands squeezing onto her sides as another wave of pleasure hits you. "shhh, baby..” she hushes holding your hips firmly, keeping the pace steady and fast.
"it's alright..” you moan and your grip on her tightens. "it's okay baby....” her voice is filled with excitement. "faster.." you beg her. you can't stand it anymore your hips bucking upwards. you feel ada pull out and grab a pillow from the bed and place it under your back and she starts thrusting. "ah shit...” you groan, grabbing the pillow tighter. "you're so beautiful.. such a nice body.." she murmurs against your neck.
Throwing your head back, in closure to climaxing, as her words of praise are sending you to cloud 9 while her fingers work you like magic. "hnnn!" you cry out . "almost there...hold out a bit longer...just focus on me.” she whispers whipping away the tears from your face with her other hand.
The state you were in made ada capture this moment as if it was a vivid dream, you trembling underneath her not being able to hold out any longer while you were crying and gasping for air, your body tensed up and shaking, your arms wrapped around her torso in ectascy.
You had never felt anything like this before. you didn't expect the intensity that came with it, you thought it'd be a little less intense, but it was even better. you could taste yourself on her lips and she kissed you softly. "your mine..” she whispers and places a gentle kiss on your shoulder, you shudder as she continues pumping her fingers into you. "God— Ada!” you moaned her name as you put your head into her chest trying to muffle all the sounds that came from you besides the sqeltching wetness of your pussy being pounded by her fingers.
"m` close....” you groan feeling as though you might faint from orgasm. you can feel sticky liquid trickling down your plush thighs as her fingers continue pounding into you. "yes-- gonna cum.." you blurt out following a pornographic moan gripping onto the sheets beneath you. "I've gotcha baby, keep making those sweet sounds for me..” you feel your whole body tightening in response to her pleasurable tone and you feel the tension leave your body. "ahhh..” you let out a soft moan releasing on her fingers and the grey sheets beneath you.
Ada lowered herself down and began lapping the juices running from your cunt as she praises you with such words as: "you did so well..” and "you taste so fucking amazing just like how I imagined.."
Ada says smirkingly at you before pressing a lingering kiss on your cunt, then the two of you heard loud footsteps coming towards the locked door. "fuck!!” you shriek covering your crotch with one hand. "shit shit shit shit shit..." ada said scrambling for your clothes as you scrambled around for yours which you were still wearing.
You both pulled your pants on quickly as the footsteps came closer to the door. Telling ada to hide somewhere because they can’t know that you two are secre together. Walking towards the door and unlocking it, cracking it slight, you said “Yes?” and it was Leon outside the door telling you that the others are heading out, but that Claire wanted to talk to you.
He calls Claire and leaves the both of you alone to talk. “Listen…I don’t want to be that type of person to say this, but I heard everything.” The silence became loud as you stared at her with a blank ass stare , unable to believe what she had just told you. "what do you mean?” you ask.
"I overheard the whole thing, you and ada in your room, And we were sitting downstairs just chatting about the movie, but I was trying to keep quiet about your business.” She pauses waiting for you to reply. you sigh heavily. "we should probably stop this conversation here because I’ve got to meet with sherry right now...” she nods. “I see..could you keep this between you and me?”
“yeah..yeah no problem.”
“i'll get going now.." Claire says walking away and back downstairs leaving.
"Alright..talk later." You nod, closing the door behind you slowly and looking concerned , you turn around only to find ada standing by the door watching you. "hey babe..what did she say to you?" She asks.
"she knew."
"She knows we're seeing each other, but she said she would keep quiet about this and not tell the others.” You say, looking down, not wanting to look her in the eye.
"wow.." she takes a deep breath and wraps her arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her. "she's a good listener... but she cares about us. I don't wanna be exposed to the others and she knows how I feel.” You sigh, "yeah she does.” ada mumbled. "look at me." she pulls your chin up to look at her face. "no matter what happens, if they find out about our relationship let them..”
"Let them think what they wanna,” you shake your head slightly, "they can't make us break up because of some stupid rumors they hear, and I'm not breaking up with you over something like this." She kisses you gently, "I love you..”.
“I love you too.” You smile lightly holding her hand in yours and caressing it softly. "however,” she began to speak, "I still think we should tell them tonight, so they can stop pestering us..”
"And you think this will help us?” you said puzzled
"well you haven't mentioned our relationship yet to them, so maybe i’ll send a message to the groupchat and finally leave us be.” You said grabbing your phone off the nightstand texting the groupchat about your relationship with ada and that you’ve been keeping it a secret from everyone, and to keep their noses out of your affairs.
After a couple hours later, you went to sleep in ada's arms after dinner and bath. you woke up in a tangle of limbs. ‘i hope she’s okay sleeping next to me..’ you think snuggling into ada more, enjoying her warmth, she stirs in her sleep and moves towards you wrapping her arms tightly around you in a hug. you smile softly and drift off to sleep again.
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pengweng-quack · 5 months
Carlisle Cullen x Human!OC
Summary: Place Carlisle in the Edward situation of falling in love with a human, and see what happens
Chapter 7/?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
This is on Ao3 under the same title and username if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54527830)
Decided to post this one early because writer's block is writer's blocking lol
Leave your thoughts (or don't, your choice) in the comments, I enjoy reading through your thoughts :)
Word Count: 2511 words
General warning: I used some religious references in this story so read with caution if you're not so keen into reading that
TW for this chapter: None
PM or Comment to be added on the taglist for this one!
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Everyone noticed the change in the relationship between Dr. Cullen and Nurse Celine, having picked up the subtle looks at each other. Even without any explicit confirmation, the meaningful looks exchanged, especially from Dr. Cullen's eyes, were enough to indicate that something had changed between them.
“After discussing schedule issues with the morning people, Doctor Cullen wanted me to announce that we’ll soon go to having morning shifts now.” Celine announced to everyone in the night shift that was having some sort of snack in the cafeteria
 “Always the first to know.” Nurse Sean teased her
He was the first one to pick up that what used to be pinning before was now mutual, the telltale glow in Doctor Cullen's eyes whenever Celine's name was mentioned spoke volumes, confirming the shift in their relationship
“You are kind of forgetting that I’m still his chief nurse.” She replied, playfully rolling her eyes at the redhead “Did you hit your head too hard in Italy?”
“Yeah Sean, besides, if Doc Cullen wanted her, they would have been together already.” Nurse Eunice said, before looking at Celine “So, are you dating? Because it’s clearer than a glass that he wants you.”
“Oh my god. No, we are not.” Celine said, having answered the same question already.
They weren’t exclusively dating, but the quick kisses that they share in their office just before they go back to work says otherwise.
They weren’t exclusively dating, but Carlisle turning down every sort of affection from other nurses and patients except for Celine’s says otherwise.
They weren’t exclusively dating, but Celine allowing only Carlisle to be the one to take her home after a long shift says otherwise.
They weren’t exclusively dating, but they might already be.
“There’s no shame in dating him. And as you said, he’s single.” Eunice teased her, wiggling her eyebrows playfully
“Eunice, no.” Celine said, shaking her head no with a smile “We’re just friends, don’t make me the topic of this week’s hospital gossip.”
“Yeah, the morning shift nurses think that Doctor Cullen being in the morning shift gives them some chances now.” Sean said, rolling his eyes “Do they not know that Doctor Cullen only likes the chief nurse of Forks Hospital?”
“Already the gossip of the morning shift, still the gossip of the night shift?” Carlisle asked, walking through their table with a box of donuts on one hand and a tray of coffee on another
“I guess you’re just too pretty to not be talk of the town.” Celine said, amused as she helps him with the food that he got for them
“Well, you would be talk of the country then if that’s the basis.” Carlisle said, a teasing grin on his face as she rolls her eyes at him “Eat up, wouldn’t want my best team to get hungry.”
“Wouldn’t want your Celine to be hungry, you say.” Sean teased him, opening the donut box and grabbing one for himself
Celine watched Carlisle grab a disposable cup and drink out of it. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to what was in the cup for him to actually drink it, Carlisle’s told her multiple times that he doesn’t intake anything other than animal blood, so the sight of him drinking out of a coffee cup confused her.
“Animal blood.” Carlisle whispered so quietly to Celine that she almost didn’t hear it if she wasn’t tuning out Sean and Eunice’s bantering “Threw the content of the cup so I could replace it with my drink.”
“Of course, why didn’t I figure that out?” Celine said, rolling her eyes with herself.
She grabbed one of the iced drinks, having told Carlisle once that she prefers iced beverages over hot ones after yelling a string of curses from burning her tongue.
The fact that he remembered that simple information she’s shared warmed her up deeply.
“So, will the four of us be in the morning shift, or just some selected ones?” Sean asked them
“Well, they’re asking for Nurse Celine to stay in the night shift, so she’s staying night shift until further announcements.” Carlisle answered, his lips pressed in a thin line as he pulls Celine a seat
“Wait, what?” Celine asked, looking at him in shock “I thought that the four of us would be on the morning shift?”
“That’s what I originally wanted too.” Carlisle answered as he rests his hand on Celine’s shoulder, subtly inviting her to sit down “But they said that they needed someone like her for the night shift.”
“Would it not make more sense for it to be you on night shift?” Celine asked, her eyebrows still furrowed as a frown form on her face. She sat down on the chair and grabbed a donut, eating out of frustration
Seeing the frown form on Celine's face, Carlisle couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment in himself. It had been his intention to bring her to the morning shift with him, not just so they could spend time at work together, but also because it’s beneficial for her.
He felt like he was disappointing his promise of giving her everything she wants.
“I’ll see what I can do more.” Carlisle said softly, sitting down next to Celine and resting his hand on Celine’s thighs, drawing circles to subtly comfort her “If it comes down to it, I’ll do night shifts so Celine can have morning ones.”
Back home, Alice couldn’t help but have a vision. Looking for anything to look out for, seeing as they now have another human to protect, especially with her being Carlisle’s mate. Because if there’s anyone that’s gonna know if someone wants jeopardize his happiness, it sure as hell would be Alice.
“See anything?” Edward asked before using his telepathy to look for himself as well
“I really cannot see a future where Celine doesn’t become a vampire.” Alice said softly, grabbing Jasper’s hand and playing with it “It just depends on who’s gonna change her.”
“The Volturi.” Edward said, seeing what Alice now meant “Are they going after her now?”
“Not yet.” She answered “But Aro has gotten the news of Carlisle finally meeting his mate. He’s finding it amusing that it’s a human.”
“Aro plans to be the one to personally change her only to spite Carlisle.” Edward continued, a disgusted look on his face
“He thinks that Carlisle won’t have the courage to change her, does he?” Jasper asked, his eyebrows furrowed as Alice nodded yes to his question
“I heard Volturi talks.” Emmett said, walking in with Rosalie
“What’s the Volturi got against us now this time?” Rosalie asked, her eyebrows furrowed
“Aro is sending a letter to us soon. He wants to meet Carlisle’s mate.” Alice informed “The letter consists of something about being happy that he’s found his mate.”
“What?!” Rosalie yelled, immediately figuring out that meeting her isn’t just what the Volturi wants
“We can’t let Carlisle and Celine go there; we have to stop them.” Edward said, the others nodded in agreement
“Oh, so no fighting Volturi today?” Emmett asked, making Rosalie fight off a smile
“We’re outnumbered. The guards alone will cause damage to us.” Edward answered logically, though the thoughts of fighting the Volturi was something he wasn’t opposed to doing
“If you’re talking about Jane, then we have Bella to counter her.” Jasper answered back “We can fight them if we want to, we just have to prepare.”
“Carlisle won’t let us.” Rosalie knowingly told them, knowing how much he still respected the Volturi despite their multiple attempts of destroying his family
“Do you think Celine would want us to fight?” Edward pondered
“Why suddenly ask– oh.” Emmett said, realizing what he meant
“Carlisle is willing to give her everything she wants. If she ever wanted to fight the Volturi, he would give in without second doubt.” Jasper said out loud in realization, a smirk on his face at the realization
“Do we tell Carlisle of the vision with the Volturi?” Alice asked “He’ll find out one way or the other, it’s best that we prepare him now.”
“Well, with that, we have to tell him that Celine’s gonna be a vampire too.” Edward said back “We’ve been holding that information back from him.”
“Celine doesn’t even know that they’re mates.” Rosalie added “Carlisle wants to give her the choice of walking away from him if she ever wants to.”
“Their relationship is built on secrecy?” Emmett asked
“More of ‘he just needs time before opening other vampire things to her,’ really.” Alice corrected him “It’ll be a shock to her, hearing those terms.”
“Carlisle wants to ask Celine to stay the night.” Edward suddenly announced to everyone in the room, changing the topic
“Has she eaten? Is there something open tonight? We can buy her food.” Rosalie immediately asked, standing up as she was about to rush and buy food for her.
‘Why did she warm up easier to Celine than Bella?’ Edward pondered, watching as she accidentally bumps into Bella on her way out
“Everything alright?” Bella asked
“Well, Celine’s staying the night here. We should at least get her food.” Rosalie said to her
“Celine already ate. Carlisle got her donuts.” Edward said, easing Rosalie
The Cullen kids then decided to lounge around the house, anticipating the arrival of their guest, while also hoping that Carlisle would finally provide the additional information that Celine needed.
“The vision is changing.” Alice announced, getting them to look at her
“Aro isn’t gonna send it to our house anymore.”
As the end of the shift approached, Celine found herself in excruciating pain, her back and legs aching beyond words. While she loved her work in the hospital and the opportunity to help people, the toll it took on her body was something she could do without.
“Carlisle doesn’t deal with this.” Celine frowned, trying to squeeze her calf. The thoughts of being a vampire just so she won’t be in pain plaguing her thoughts
“You good?” Carlisle asked, walking in their office as she rubs her legs, trying to soothe the pain
“Did a bit too much running.” Celine answered with a frown
“Cramping or just in pain?” He asked again, moving to where she was to check it out for himself. Carlisle gently rested his hand on her calf, massaging it, his cold hands acting as some sort of ice pack for it
“Just in pain, probably a light sprain.” She answered before shooing his hand away “I’ll be fine, no need to worry about me.”
“You’re asking me, of all beings that care for you, to not worry about you?” Carlisle chuckled at her before standing up and leaving a peck on her forehead “That’s like rejecting me already, my love.”
“Don’t be overdramatic, you know I would say if I want you to stop courting me.” Celine said, rolling her eyes at him
“The kids miss you.” Carlisle said in a soft tone, sitting down next to her
“I think you share too much about me with them.” Celine softly teased, resting her head on his shoulders
“They want to know you more beyond my stories.” He added, softly grabbing her left hand to admire “You know a lot about them, but they, minus Edward and Bella, knows little about you.”
As he held her hand, Carlisle's thoughts drifted, imagining the day he could slip a ring on that very hand. The idea of pledging himself to her, whether for eternity or until her mortal life's end, filled him with excitement. While he acknowledged it might be too early to contemplate such things, he couldn't help but visualize a future where they’re bound together in every sense of the word.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Celine asked him quietly
“Just admiring every bit of you.” Carlisle whispered softly
“You know.” Celine started; her eyes closed off as she enjoys the few minutes of solace with him “I’ve kind of considered being a vampire.”
“My love, you don’t have to pressure yourself into joining me.” Carlisle instantly assured her “A vampire or not, I will love you for all of your life and until the end of mine.”
“I know.” She whispered, a blush creeping on her cheeks from his assurance “But like, I would be leaving no one in this world if I choose to change into one of you. So, at least I wouldn’t deal with the pain of outliving anyone. Other than friends, obviously.”
“I’m not saying that I’ll do it now, but like, the thought is there.” Celine continued “I’m 27, I’m technically already older than all of you.”
“Fair enough.” Carlisle answered lightly, feeling so many emotions at once.
Carlisle was taken aback by Celine's unexpected openness to the idea of becoming a vampire with them. He had already resigned himself to loving her until the end of her mortal life and carrying the love she gave him until the end of his immortal existence.
“Well, only a few months till May comes. And when it does, I’m gonna be more older than all of you.” Celine lightly bantered, a smile on her face “As sexy as it sounds for others, I don’t think you’re a fan of dating someone that’s almost five years older than you.”
“My love, are you sure that you’re not pressured to do this?” Carlisle asked again
“I’m sure of my decision.” Celine assured him with a smile “I’d like to do it on the night of my 30th birthday, unless something fatal happens to me within those three years of waiting. It’ll give me more than enough time to do things that I as a vampire wouldn’t be able to do anymore.”
“Of course, your wish will be granted.” Carlisle whispered, a huge grin resting on his face as he looks at Celine’s hand again
For eternity it is.
“Stay the night with me?” Carlisle asked quietly, wanting nothing more than to spend every moment with her. He’ll have all of eternity already, he just wants to have a head start
“Of course.” Celine whispered in reply
Soon, their shift was officially over. Carlisle and Celine started gathering their stuff, making their way out of their office with huge grins on their faces.
Walking out of the hospital, Carlisle reached for Celine's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. In that moment, everything felt wonderful, as if all the pieces were falling into place. It was only a matter of time until forever comes to him and Celine.
What’s 3 more years when he’s already waited 382 years for her?
She and Carlisle made their way to his car. Where a note was by the windshield. They both looked at each other, curious and concerned for what the note was about. Carlisle seemed to know the logo in front of the note as he quickly pulled it off his windshield, opening and seeing what it was
I would love to meet the future Mrs. Cullen of yours, Carlisle. Congratulations on finally meeting your mate.
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possessionisamyth · 11 months
fic idea notes i wont write a full story of because yall are not getting me back into writing for one piece BUT
Pre-timeskip/post thousand sunny acquisition where Sanji gets injured and he's in a coma for a few weeks. Everyone visits him but Usopp visits him the most because he can finally talk to sanji without feeling like he's going to say the wrong thing. Sure they ended on a good note getting back together but even after thriller bark that doubt remains.
Anyway, he proceeds to talk to Sanji about anything and everything. He feels as relaxed as he did talking to Sanji before the whole Enies Lobby, and it's nice. Usopp gets bolder as the days go by. He starts making little requests about food adjustments like "maybe an extra pepper or two because he loves spicy food" and saying Sanji looks good in his patterned shirts and maybe they should match. And there's no "haha just kidding just a joke" follow up comment because it's not like Sanji can hear him.
Usopp then gets even bolder and whispers very quietly in Sanji's ear that he loves him before dashing out. At the lack of Sanji waking up the next day, him saying "I love you" to Sanji as he leaves becomes routine. No, practice actually. Just in case he ever gets the courage to say it to Sanji's face when he's awake. "Fat chance of that," Usopp tells himself. The love declarations get a little more dramatic or silly or painfully sincere like "I love you more than grilled pike," or "I love you as much as you love getting nosebleeds over nothing," or ""I love you so much sometimes it hurts," and Usopp doesn't really stop.
Then the next day Sanji wakes up. And Usopp visits him. And they talk, Usopp acting completely carefree and Sanji kind of subdued just retelling Chopper's orders. Sanji can be back on his feet in the kitchen tomorrow and Usopp praises him for it. As their conversation comes to a close, Usopp gets ready to leave and Sanji asks him to wait. So it goes:
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Sanji asks, hands folded in his blanket covered lap.
Usopp is reasonably confused. He was pretty sure he hadn't brought anything with him except his sketchbook. Which was tucked under his arm. "Forgot what?"
Sanji looks wounded for a split second before he turns his head away and says, "Nevermind."
"Oh, okay." Usopp wondered if Sanji was going to be like that for a while. He hoped his friend's time asleep didn't leave any negative effects.
So Usopp leaves. And Sanji gets back to work. But Sanji's heart doesn't seem to be in it as much? Even Nami says he seems kind of mopey. Everyone initially blames it on the head injury. Maybe it mellowed him out? The love cook nonsense sort of stopped so isn't that an improvement? Not really. It's Sanji, but it's not Sanji. Nami even lays it on extra thick when it comes to her drink or dessert requests, and she gets him to smile briefly before he's agreeing and walking away with his hands in his pockets. No heart eyes. Not a twirl. Something is very deeply wrong.
There are other crew members who are paying attention to the subtle bids happening during this. Like the long looks Sanji gives Usopp when he's sure no one's looking. Or how with snack requests Usopp's treats look, well, nicer.
Usopp does not notice this. At all!!!!! He thanks Sanji with the same levels of enthusiasm he always has, but his smile falters when Sanji looks at him as if waiting for something. It's then that Sanji tends to retreat to a chore or something that needed to be done in the kitchen. Usopp begins wondering how true the sudden reason for fleeing is, but not enough to say anything. He's still thinking the head injury had some small lasting effect. Couldn't be anything else.
Until they're eating dinner, and Usopp's perfect meal is perfect, but Luffy snags some and makes a face. Luffy claims it's way spicier than what he got. Usopp is confused. Robin asks to taste a bit which he lets her and she agrees that Usopp's plate, which looks like the other men's plates, is spicier in comparison. Luffy whines to Sanji about so it goes:
"How come Usopp's food is so hot?!" Luffy said with ice cubes stuffed in his cheeks.
Sanji looked annoyed at being interrupted during his conversation with Brook. "Because he made a request."
"What? No fair! I want to request more meat on my plate!"
"Request denied," he replied and returned to his conversation which Franky had decided to join.
Usopp was left pondering with his fork ready to deter Luffy's hand from taking another sample off his plate. When had he requested spicier food? He never bothered asking for adjustments to his meals. He liked how Sanji made everything, and usually if there was room for adjustments Sanji would ask him. Not the other way around.
Of course, this is when it hits Usopp that he made that request when Sanji was unconscious. When Sanji was unconscious and shouldn't have heard anything at all he was saying. What else did he hear? WHAT ELSE DID HE HEAR???!?? Usopp being one of the most reasonable members of the crew does the mature thing and runs away to his workshop after finishing his meal. Yes, he finished his food first. No, that had nothing to do with his realization. He just had something he needed to attend to in his shop before it exploded. Yeah, that's his excuse, er, reason! His reason!
He doesn't catch the look on Sanji's face as he leaves going from distraught to frustrated. He puddles over his huge gigantic irreparable mistake in his workshop. Clearly, he needed to apologize to Sanji. He needed to say Sanji had no obligation to be nicer to him while he tried to figure out how to deny Usopp's feelings gently. It all made sense. That's why Sanji was so subdued the last week post recovery. He wanted to let Usopp down gently without jeopardizing their friendship, but he was struggling with what words to use or when to tell him.
He settles for biting the bullet himself. He's used to disappointment. It wasn't fair putting all that pressure on Sanji while he recovered. He'd sweep up some of that bravado, joke off his feelings, and everything would get back to normal. Simple. Yet, putting on that bravado was more difficult than getting up at the ass crack of dawn to catch Sanji alone in the kitchen. It's a small mercy he was too anxious to get any real sleep. He would've missed his window other wise.
Usopp catches Sanji in the kitchen making bread dough, and it's awkward. The dough hits the counter with heavy thuds, and Usopp feels like his heart is about to beat out of his chest to the same rhythm. So he thanks Sanji about his request and then he jokes. He jokes and denies all the things he said unless they were funny, then he makes them funnier. He almost gets to the point of telling Sanji not to worry and that he understands but the beating of the dough stops. All of Usopp's instincts are telling him to run, but his legs will not move. Sanji purposefully moves to stand by Usopp in a way that blocks the exit. So it goes:
"Say it." Sanji's arms are crossed under his chest. His apron is dusted with flour as is the skin above his wrists. Although there wasn't a hair out of place, the stare he leveled on Usopp told the sniper he'd reached his patience quota.
Yet, Usopp still tested the waters because he could be a little stupid. "S-s-say what?"
Sanji's eye narrowed, but he didn't frown. Then he did frown. Then he looked away and his arms dropped to his sides like he'd given up.
A ridiculous thing right? Sanji didn't really give up on anything, and seeing him like that...
"I love you," Usopp said despite the lurch of all his insides feeling like they were going to become outsides. Wow. Horrible anxiety on two hours of sleep was not a great combination.
And Sanji looks at him so fast his bangs reveal his other eye for a split second. He looks hopeful. Like he's lit up, which emboldens Usopp to say it again. Suddenly he's being hugged. Sanji is hugging him very tightly and pressing his face into Usopp's shoulder and saying the endearment back with such sincerity Usopp is sure he's dreaming. But he's not dreaming, because he's crying and hugging Sanji back. And oh yeah, those are the ugly tears and he should really carry his not work handkerchief with him more often.
To everyone's misfortune relief, Sanji is no longer moping. Love Cook mode is back times 100, and a new shift of Usopp also being subjected to the treatment is both extremely embarrassing and endearing for their resident sniper. With the development comes Usopp being shooed out of the kitchen almost as much as he's invited in because "you're too kissable! ill burn the food with you around" being said as often as "how am I supposed to cook without my angel nearby". One of these days Nami is going to toss them both overboard for being too mushy.
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