#excuse me while i curl up under my blanket & hide from the world
betasuppe · 2 years
Avoided covid the last few years & now... My covid test today came back strongly positive. At least it makes sense why I feel so much like death♡
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‘It’s Rotten Work’ Pt. 7 Excerpt: Eddie & Robin Talk About Steve While He’s Sleeping
cw: brief mentions of eddie’s childhood experiences surrounding his parents’ addiction
(click the link above to read the rest of the chapter !!)
Eddie crouches and warms his hands in front of the hearth. His knees crack as he bends. Robin doesn’t say anything for a while. Flips through expired deals, taps her toes, and looks at him sideways as if she’s trying to figure him out. His aims. His motives. What his intentions are with her pomme d’amour.
Boy with the candy apple soul.
“You make him happy,” she blurts, at last, “it scares me.”
Eddie winces, because this conversation was always bound to be difficult. He’s been nervously anticipating it since she showed up on the porch earlier with bags of provisions in hand.
Let’s not talk about this, he wants to say, He’s sleeping, he’s dreaming, we’ll ruin it. Let’s not ruin it. Let him dream. Let him go wherever his imagination takes him. Far away–far, far, away. He’s with the seagulls and the ocean. He’s safe.
Supplication isn’t Eddie’s forte. Pride keeps him on his feet.
“He deserves to be happy, but you’re plenty justified in not wanting him to find that happiness with me. I get it. Even I don’t think I’m the best choice for him, but he's here and I can’t abandon him. He needs someone. He needs help. He’s—he hurts too much when he’s alone.”
Perhaps, he’s said too much.
Perhaps, he should excuse himself and go to bed. It’s getting late. The moon’s out. He has no hair to hide under anymore. Buzzcut sticking out the cold of winter. He misses his curls and warm July and his mother’s arms.
And, the thought of violating Steve’s trust makes him sick to his stomach. But Eddie’s grown so tired of pretending everything’s okay.
Nothing is.
He was raised to spread lies to the suits of social services; ‘Mommy’s sleeping. She has the flu,’ ‘Daddy’s on a trip to Philadelphia for business,’ and ‘No one ever hits me. I got this bruise on the playground–fell off the slide.’
His growing pains consisted of pricing out baggies of cocaine and aluminum foil wrappers of heroin while his feet dangled from the kitchen table. Broken crayons pushed to the side so he could do his job. Not yet tall enough to touch the blizzard on the carpet. Child labor laws don’t do shit when you’re in the ‘safety’ of your own home.
He can’t lie anymore.
Robin sighs. Pulls her hair into a small bun at the nape of her neck and twists. ABBA hits the halfway point on the vinyl–‘Knowing me, Knowing you’–for the second time that evening. She fiddles with the matching friendship bracelet on her wrist. The knots aren’t nearly as tight as the ones she made on Steves’.
How long will it last? How long until the threads snap from straining past their breaking points?
“It’s just—you’re his whole world, I think. He looks at you like you’re the answer to every hurt he’s ever felt. I’ve never seen him so— infatuated —with someone.”
Infatuation isn’t love. Like Stevia isn’t sugar. Like cocaine isn’t a mother’s lullaby.
She never sang him to sleep.
Eddie sang himself to sleep. Curled knobby knees into his chest under damp blankets, because there was a leak in the ceiling they didn’t have the money to fix and sang snippets of Beatnik tunes.
Words he was too young to understand the true meaning of gave him something to hold onto in the dark. Junkyard hymns and wolves howling to hush the quickened hearts of black lambs.
“It works for now, but he’s running away, Eddie. You can’t– we can’t–ignore his bad habits as much as he may want us to.”
“He’s trying to get better—”
Eddie’s not sure he believes that, himself. He says it because it sounds like the right thing. He says it because it’s what he thinks Robin, Steve’s best friend, wants to hear.
“You’re right, but who is he trying to get better for? Steve–the thing about him is–there’s milkweed in my mom’s garden–”
“Milkweed? The plant?”
In middle school, Eddie’s neighbor paid him ten bucks–one Saturday a month–to mow the lawn and pull Milkweed among other invasive species from his yard. However, his side gig had ended when the man asked him to use a BB gun to ‘remove’ ground squirrels from the property. In tears, he’d biked home and refused to ever go back.
Eddie was ten.
“The plant, yes. A few years ago, my mom asked Steve and I to spend an afternoon spraying weed killer around the perimeter of the garden so it would stop growing, but Steve wouldn’t have it.”
“Why not? Too much work? Didn’t wanna fuck up his hair?” he jokes.
Robin doesn’t laugh.
“The butterflies,” she points to a pair of butterfly wings in black ink on the side of her red shoes–he must have drawn them earlier today, “He cried, Eddie. Not a lot. Not sobbing, but there were tears on his cheeks when he told us that we couldn’t touch the milkweed, because caterpillars like to spin their cocoons on it. If you’d told my high school self that Steve Harrington would be crying in my backyard over the lives of the local butterfly population someday? I’d never have believed you. But, he did. He blocked off an entire section of the garden and bought all this fancy wiring so the birds couldn’t get to them while they grew. He came back every other day to check on them. Sometimes I wasn’t even home.”
Eddie can see it. Has seen it–many times. Steve champions the underdog without question. He’s done it for Eddie. He’s done it for the kids. The only person he won’t do it for is–
“He’ll go to war for anyone, but himself. I mean–the guy fought a Demogorgon, the Mind Flayer, and Vecna to protect Hawkins. Those kids are his world. He’ll fight for them and me and Nance and you and the butterflies, but he sees no reason to fight for himself.”
A pack of Lucky Strikes beckons to Eddie from the coffee table.
How many times in one life can you make the same mistake? How many times does it take before your brain catches up to your heart?
“Steve was supposed to go to college, make friends , get out of Hawkins,” she trails off, grinding her teeth together in frustration like a nutcracker caught on a stubborn walnut, “I don’t know what to do. As long as you’re here, he’ll stay. And, if you leave, it’ll kill him. I feel like I’m staring down a dead end street with a gun to the back of my head and my hands tied. It keeps me up at night, because he saved me–more than once–but I’m at a loss now. What kind of best friend does that make me?”
A memory arises. A flight to Kentucky to stay with Wayne’s second cousin for a family wedding. Thirty-six thousand feet in the air, Eddie focused on two things to keep his mind off of sudden death–complimentary pretzels and the flight attendant’s warning to ‘ put your own mask on first, before helping others.’
Recited it in his head like a prayer. He prepared for the worst, ate through three bags of pretzels, and only found peace when the plane touched down in Louisville.
Steve had flown all over the world. Eddie traveled vicariously through his descriptions of European villas, relics he’d only seen in history books, the blue waters caressing the Mediterranean coast.
‘Put your own mask on first, before helping others.’
Thousands of dollars in airfare, the best hotels money could buy, and numerous upgrades to first class. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington’s cash clogging the drain while Steve drowned in exotic porcelain bathtubs.
“I’m sorry. I should have called you. I should have explained. I never meant for it to be like this. I showed up at his house and he was scared out of his mind. He was having a panic attack for fuck’s sake. He looked at me and I hardly recognized the guy standing in front of me, Robin. I–I couldn’t leave him.”
Steve looked so frail that day. Oversized t-shirt hanging off his hunched shoulders, eyes shot red from crying, dead boy walking–Eddie never stood a chance.
Broken wings needed fixing and Eddie Munson was good at putting things back together.
More than that, he knew how much it hurt to be broken. He knew how much it ached to be alone. The nights were long, the calls came few and far between, no one told you not to burn yourself on the stove when you stopped feeling real and went looking for a quick fix.
Only the howls of the wolves keep you company when everyone else walks away.
It didn’t help that Steve was also so fucking beautiful.
Covered in snot, tears, dripping blood, scars, flesh wounds, brain damage, vomit–he was Eddie’s sun. Only able to flourish due to the blessing of his golden rays. Like Milkweed and butterflies and strawberries for flaky pie.
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eyedove · 1 year
ahhh, and for a moment, things were still!! except not really, because the problem was still happening all around me and i wanted an excuse to get the fuck outta there.
and then i went to feed the rats their dinner and behold! three come to the bowl!
problem is i have four rats!
me talking about how much he meant to me below the cut.
so i went a hunting and yeah. my poor skrunkly. down at the bottom of the cage. curled up. none of his brothers had gotten to him and started to clean him up yet, so he was fully there. he looked so handsome. hes always been a very handsome boy.
i hung out with him for a while, just like i did last night. just like last night, once i had his favorite blankie, he climbed right into my arms and was happy to be cuddled right up to my chest to stay warm.
last night we sat at the computer for hours watching jerma and snuggling. he was sleepy at first, but once he got a good nap in, he was ready to run around and explore. he looked at all my toys on my desktop. he hid under all my laundry. he crawled into my blankets on my bed. he ran around on the floor, sniffing everything he could, and then, when he found a nice dark warm spot by the heat vent, he went still, totally relaxed, and started to fall asleep.
i went up to him with his blankie and wrapped him up and started to pet him. he was so calm. a year ago, he didn't like anybody in the world touching him. no humans allowed. he would fight any human who came close to touching his brothers. if the cat got her nose too close to the cage, he would snap and bite. he was not socialized properly when he was raised, and he was shipped to us in an inhumane manner. it was the middle of summer and he was in a carrier too small for four rats to fit into comfortably, and he was put in the trunk of a hot car. he was traumatized and afraid of humans.
slowly i started getting him used to me opening the cage door. then me leaving him snacks on the floor. then me getting him to eat them out of my hand. then getting him to lick liquid food off my fingers. then him letting me pet him, but only on the forehead and chin.
then he got sick. he could only eat baby food and formula, or crunchies that had been broken down into tiny pieces. but he was such a fucking champ about it. he started to get excited about seeing me when i came with his painkillers and his snacks that were special for him. he would meet me on a different floor of his house than his brothers so he could have his special snack without them stealing it from him.
he started holding my hand. if i handed him a treat, he would eat it, but he'd keep a tiny, tiny hand on my finger and hold it until he was done. he started refusing to eat out of a dish - he only wanted it if i was giving it to him on my fingers or if i was holding a cup full of it for him. he started crawling on my shoulders and my arms and my head and riding around with me.
i remember the first time we took a shower was because he was getting too old to clean himself, so i brought him to the bathroom, cranked the heat, and bathed him in warm water in the sink. he cleaned himself and then wanted to explore the whole bathroom, so i picked him up - something he never wouldve let me do six months before that - and showed him everything there was to see in the bathroom.
then, last night, i took him in my room. my parents were fighting. i really, really, really wanted an excuse - any excuse - to leave and shut myself in my room. benji crawled into my lap. i dont think he knew, but he helped me so much. i have so much shitty ptsd that sends me into panic attacks when there's a noise somewhere in the house i dont recognize, or if someone says something far away and i cant quite make out what it is. and me, terrified, is sitting there, and he squirms into my lap and hides in my shirt and falls asleep.
so i pick him up and take him to my room. we relax. we watched jerma. he ran around. he got tired. i cupped him in my hands with his blankie around him. i rubbed him and pet him and told him he was a little warrior. a little protector. he always from day one has protected his brothers so fiercely from everyone around him. i told him i was so, so, so honored that he chose me to be friends with. i told him that his friendship meant so much to me. i told him that earning his friendship was one of the most fulfilling things ive ever done. i told him that all my rats have taught me things, and that hes taught me that i can change. eventually. some time. it doesnt have to be now. it doesnt have to be ten, twenty, forty years from now. but i can change. i can make friends who just like me for me, and not even the me that i pretend to be to get those friends. because it never, ever, ever felt like a chore to take care of him. i told him that he was my little boy, and i love him so much. he fell asleep in my hands, so i picked him up and brought him back to his cage - the house was silent by then, everyone having gone to their separate rooms and gone to sleep. me and benji were the only ones left. me and benji spent our time that the rest of the world, even his brothers, spent sleeping, making each other feel needed and wanted. like we were part of something together, that was just us. just me and benji.
i set him in his cage last night and i told him good night. i will see you in the morning, baby. have a good nap with your brothers. and he woke up - he woke up, he looked around, realized he was back at home, and yawned, and crawled into his box with his brothers to snuggle up and sleep. it's been so cold. they all slept together warm and cozy.
im so glad i had that last night with him. im so glad i got to say everything i wanted to to him. im so glad that in the fucking mind-boggling long time that humans and rats have existed, and how ridiculously many rats and humans are on this planet at any given time, that he was my boy. out of all of them, he was my boy. he is still my boy.
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acdeaky · 3 years
out of the blue (3am calls)
warning: mentions of nightmares, implications of PTSD, fluff
note: this is (technically) my other submission for @celestialbarnes’ 4k writing challenge! i chose the prompt ‘bed’ and dialogue 9 ‘“was it the nightmares again?” “no” “you suck at lying”’ congrats again, rachel! and enjoy 🤍
read my other submission here!
word count: 1.9k
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“...sorry that i can’t come to the phone right now, but- james?” you picked up, hearing the shaking breaths of bucky’s down the line as he tries to self soothe himself.
“hey,” he sighed down the receiver; you could imagine his metal hand running through his shortened locks, too. “did i wake you?”
“no, no, i’m always awake at...three-fourteen in the morning.” you replied, a teasing tone to your voice as you rubbed your sleep-ridden eyes.
“i just needed to hear your voice,” to ground me, he wanted to say, “i’m sorry, it was selfish.”
“i don’t mind, i wanna talk to you.” you smiled, knowing in a minute or so you’d be leaving the confines of your apartment to walk across the hall to bucky’s.
the other side of the phone stayed quiet for a moment, the only thing being heard was the static of the line. you didn’t want to say anything, knowing bucky usually needed a minute or two to collect this thoughts before he asked you to come over.
his excuse was that he felt like a burden; your response was always the opposite. ever since you had met him, something you always reminded him was that you were there for him, knowing what he had been through. although he was hesitant, the majority of the time you were by his side in the early hours of the morning.
“can you come over? just for a little while?” bucky’s voice was small, quiet, as always when he asked those four words. both of you knew that you’d be there much longer than ‘a little while’, but you didn’t mind when you forever replied,
“of course.”
it wasn’t long before you pulled a hoodie over your head, slipping on some socks before making your way to your front door. you grabbed your keys and opened your door, turning and twisting the lock as quickly as you could.
the hallway seemed darker than usual that night, the chill of the wooden floorboards seeping through your socks and hitting the pads of your feet as you crossed over to bucky’s apartment door. you knocked, waiting for the answer which came only a second or two later.
“i’m sorry.” was the first and only words he spoke as the door swung open.
“it’s okay.” you replied as bucky stood to the side, allowing you to step through the door before he closed it behind you.
the bareness of his apartment always worried you; it felt as if there was little progress happening, but it was. slowly but surely, and bucky knew this, he was just waiting for the right moment to ask you to go shopping with him. help pick out a new sofa, one you found comfortable. maybe even a coffee table, or a dining table so you had a proper place to sit while you ate your various take-outs every week.
it wasn’t like you didn’t see each other enough for him to ask, but he was hesitant; worried you’d say no, that he’d miss judged your friendship, your relationship even, that you were only a source of comfort on nights like this and not a friend who helped make a house a home.
even after that time you’d been with him whilst buying new bed sheets. his mind kept telling him right place, right time, that you didn’t actually want to do that with him, but you’d felt obliged to when running into each other in the store.
he was wrong, of course. your friendship meant the world to the both of you and you adored bucky, but he needed time and so did you. so, your friendship was just that: friends who saw each other the majority of the time, who found any free moment to spend together and who slept next to each other on nights like these...
bucky locked the door behind you before grabbing himself a quick drink, watching your figure as you stepped into the side of the living room and hovered over the blanket and pillow on the floor.
like usual, you said nothing, only following the same route into his bedroom while bucky left his now empty glass in the sink. just as he turned the corner, you were pulling the covers back, pulling off your hoodie and sliding under the sheets.
he watched for a minute, waiting for you to find a comfortable spot with the sheets pulled tightly around your body.
his mattress was cold, still hard, yet comfortable, from when he first bought it. the sheets were soft, too, your choice - of course - colours which you had said complemented his eyes; it was more difficult hiding the blush on his face than you hiding the price tag. he bought them anyway, knowing that you wanted the best for him and hoping that you’d put them to use some time.
and use them you had. there had been many nights since that day which you had spent in his bed, curled up against him as you feel asleep and bucky attempted to. you were the only reason the sheets got washed often; other than you and him on nights like these, nobody else used them.
it wasn’t long before he moved from his place by the door, following your early actions and joining you under the covers. ever the gentleman, bucky stayed on his side while you stayed on yours, him on his back with you on your side facing him.
it took for you to move closer to him, pressing your body into his for either of you to begin feeling any comfort.
the warmth of bucky’s body was a pleasant contrast to the mattress, both of you slowly warming up the longer you were huddled together. truly, you hadn’t meant to lay like this, but after climbing under the sheets next to him for the first time, bucky pulled you into his side and wrapped his arms around you. as if on instinct, your head laid on his bare chest, a hand resting in the middle of his torso as you shifted onto your side.
there were some delicate whispers from the two of you before you drifted to sleep. your kind words soothed bucky’s mind as he allowed himself to relax and settle back into the pillows; a luxury he rarely let himself have. his allowed you to feel them reverberate in his chest, his low hums acting as a settler for your thoughts.
both of you were asleep moments later.
“was it the nightmares again?” you asked the following night, your back against the headboard of your bed, the bright moonlight shining through the thin curtains you’d forgotten to pull across the window earlier.
“you suck at lying.” a light giggle came from you, followed by bucky’s unpleased sigh. you were right; he knew it and so did you, but you wanted him to admit it.
“i really don’t.” you scoffed lightly at those words, knowing that he didn’t even believe his own words.
“james barnes, how have you not yet learned that you cannot lie to me? i know you.” like always, there was a teasing tone to your voice, trying your best to cheer him up over the phone, especially when you could just tell that the nightmares were bad tonight.
for a moment, the other side of the phone feel silent, except for some light rustling of covers. you knew he was laid on the floor, blanket on top of and under him. regardless of how many times the two of you had tried, bucky could never find comfort inbetween his sheets unless you were there by his side.
“buck? you still there?” you hadn’t meant for your voice to go so quiet, but you really didn’t want to stop talking to him; you never wanted to stop talking to him.
“yeh, yeh i’m still here-” his sentence was almost cut off by three rough knocks at your door, making you body stiffen.
“hold that thought, buck.” you replied, moving slowly off of your bed and towards your slightly open bedroom door.
“doll, its okay,” he spoke softly, noticing the slight quiver to your voice. “its only me”
“could you not have told me that?” you laughed, speeding up to open the door as to not let him stand in the hallway for much longer.
“hey.” he smiled as the door opened, dropping his phone from his ear before ending the call.
“hey.” you mirrored his smile, doing the same while moving to the side to allow him in. as you shut and locked the door, bucky went through his usual routine every time he stepped into your apartment this late at night. his keys were dropped into the bowl on top of the cabinet by your front door, then he grabbed a drink fro your kitchen that was adjacent to your entryway, and then he met you in the doorway of your bedroom, your arms open and waiting for him.
he gladly accepted the contact, always relying on you to ground him when it felt like he’d been floating for too long. and tonight he had been.
both of you used the minimal light from the moon to figure out your way to your bed, his right hand never letting go of yours until he finally had to. the covers were pulled back from where you had left them moments ago, the sheets now cold.
the two of you laid in your bed moment later, bucky being the first to be settled on his back as you began to be pressed against his side, your head on his chest. along with the curtains, earlier you had left a small window open, allowing the noise of brooklyn at night to seep through to your room. neither of you would be falling asleep anytime soon.
“i love you, buck.” your whispered confession making its way to bucky just before he closed his eyes.
“love you, too.” he replied, not allowing the true meaning of his words to be heard.
“no, bucky,” you sat up, leaning your weight onto your right elbow as your left hand reached out for his cheek. “i love you, okay? i love you.”
there was no words for him. he truly hadn’t expected the weight of your confession and it has shocked him beyond words. all he could think to say was,
“i love you, too, doll.” his shy smile made an appearance, reminding you of the first time you saw each other. with that, you leaned forward, placing a delicate kiss onto his lips, the corner of his mouth and on his cheek.
bucky’s smile never faltered, only growing wider the longer you planted kisses upon his skin.
after leaving a lingering one on his jaw, you moved back to face him, resting your forehead onto his. “goodnight, baby.” you whispered, pressing one last kiss on to his lips.
“goodnight, doll.” bucky repeated your actions, leaving the both of you in a fit of smiles.
and, just like earlier, you laid on your side, your head resting above bucky’s heart with his vibranium arm around your shoulders. the two of you were asleep a few moments later, the steady beat of his heart bringing about a peace which you always felt around him.
taglist (for people who i think might enjoy this): @forever-rogue @buvky @buckys-darling @barnessupremacy @wallflowerbarnes @bvckysmoon @gryffindorwriter @lokiscollar @propertyofpoeandbucky @buckys-bug @aerynwrites
bucky taglist: @marvel-rhapsody @bloomingbucky
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Guzma - Headcanons
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A/N: There is no such thing as a basic ask here!! (guzma, my beloved, thank you for giving me a chance to indulge) i also have a headcanon that after the events of sun and moon, po town got cleaned up and team skull or ex team skull just reside there so that's mentioned briefly)
Guzma is an intimidating man and a capable trainer but even the ex-gang leader has a soft spot. Unfamiliar with a loving touch, he will tense when you grab his hand. He won’t speak a word, only watch as you lift his hand and kiss his knuckles. Your lips will linger against his scarred hands, soft pecks against his calloused palm. He’ll hold his breath, waiting and watching as you kiss his hands, letting your breath tickle his hand. After a few painful moments of silence, he finally breathes. Tears will prick the corners of his eyes, stinging him for a second before he goes to curl his hand in yours.
He loves having you be close to him. No matter where you go, as long as you are near him, he’s always going to be touching you. Whether his hand is in yours or his arm is around your waist, he’s always willing and at times eager to just hold you. New to reciprocated romantic love and soft touches, he tries to be gentle with you. He’ll play with your hand, let his fingers run over yours, feeling every bump of your knuckles and wrinkles of your finger. He’s soft, testing every little action with care, watching for reaction and if you smile, a sense of pride washes over him.
If you were to sleep beside him- which has happened quite a few times- he’s either draping most of the blanket above you, a frail excuse for him to snuggle closer to you. During the times that you leave, he has the blanket that is faint with the perfume you use, always keeping it close to him during those dark nights. During times that you are out and if you give the hint that you are cold, he’ll drape his jacket over you even if it doesn’t provide much warmth. Despite that, it smells like him- a hint of tobacco and the smell of rain when it’s heavy in the air and beating against the rooftops. 
An odd mix of where he is both independent and dependent from you. He doesn’t need for you to be with him constantly nor does he need you to treat him like a child, but he is clingy, always pulling you for one last hug before you leave somewhere. He wants you to be with him, wants to depend on you for everything because he’s so broken by the system and from life and yet, he wants his privacy, he wants to be alone and prove that he can do things by himself without having to rely on you for the smallest praise even if it makes him breathless. He’ll cling to you and wish for you to not leave but in the same breath, turn around with squared shoulders and act as if everything is okay. 
Despite the mess of emotions that Guzma is, he wants you to be with him as much as you can. He’ll joke about having you move to Po Town, that the town can do some good for you- nice, cloudy weather and the rest of the ex-gang already like you well enough.  It’s a thinly veiled joke where he does want you to move in with him, where he wants you to be a part of his life without making the big, formal commitment, You already have you stuff at his place, you’ve already made yourself at home here- he wouldn’t mind for it to be permanent. 
As sweet as he can be, Guzma can be rather rough during sex. While he tries to work on his aggression in a healthy manner, there are times where he’ll pin you to the bed, your face buried into the mattress as his nails bite into your soft skin. He enjoys seeing the marks on your skin, how you have to cover them up to avoid having people look at you, how you’ll beg for him to mark you, holding his face down to your chest as he nips at your tender skin. He’ll rise with a smirk, his eyes narrowed and licking his lips. 
He can go for a while with you. While he does not have an unlimited stamina, he will continue until he is shooting blanks and his vision is starting to go black. As much as he enjoys the adrenaline of sex, the raw movement where you kiss him feverishly and he kisses you with just the same, there’s something about the slow, sloppy movement that makes him never want to stop. He’ll go until he’s panting out of sheer tiredness, pulling his cock out from your gushing sex, watch as his semen spills and ruins the bedsheets. He wants to feel you clinging onto him, his name nothing more than lost syllables that have you clinging to him as drool spills from your mouth and coats him in a thin, warm layer.
His sweet talk can go on forever. He knows what to say, he can be charismatic when he wants to be, lean close to you and kiss your neck and let his lips burn on your jawline. He’ll love you and sweet talk you until your heart is beating against your ribs and you're hiding your face into his broad shoulders. He wants to love you, to keep you close to him and whatever he tells you, it is all the truth, it comes from the heart. You mean so much to him that it’s terrifying and the only way he’ll ever tell you anything close to the poetry that rips in mind, is to have your bare body against his, your back arched in pleasure as he tells you how gorgeous you look under him.
The disgraced gang leader loves to please, to sit on his knees or lay on his stomach and give oral to you. A rather cheeky man, he loves to see the look on your face as you edge closer to your high, your hand knitting into his soft, white hair while you hold him close to your sex. His tongue will lap against your slit, twist on your pulsing sex and swallow your arousal as if it were a drink provided by something ethereal. He takes pride of knowing that he can get you to such a certain high with his tongue, to have you moan his name and hold him close. And, at the end, he’ll rise with a dazed look, cheeks pinched with red as spit and arousal drips down his chin, leaning to your touch when you tell him what a good boy he is.
Who would Guzma be if he wouldn’t want to have sex on his throne. He’ll have you sit above him, keeping your chest pressed against his as his hands wander to squeeze at your breasts, pinching at your pert nipples until you whine. He wants to face you, to watch your face pinch and your mouth to open in a silent scream, to hold you close as you move above him and chant his name like it’s the most important thing in the world. He wants nothing more than to hold you close in his home, to feel your body and see you in the most vulnerable state. His hands are over your body, feeling the pulse on your neck and the warmth breath on his thumb as he ghosts over your lips, only to meet you in a kiss where it’s consuming like fire and hands that claw on your body and leave his touch burning on you until water rushes past.
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nocturnal-dreams · 3 years
I Just Want It To Stop
Pairing: Philza x GN!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: depression, cyberbullying
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You sighed staring at your monitor, your twitch chat going by fast on your other monitor, you could barely catch up with what everyone else was saying. You were playing minecraft with your friends Technoblade and Philza, you were the only one streaming so currently you had almost all of Techno’s and Phil’s viewers on your stream eager to see the boys. 
You had the blanket that was normally draped over your gaming chair wrapped around your shoulders with your knees tucked to your chest as you listened to the two ramble. You guy were just mindlessly strip mining in your shared hardcore world except the risks were even higher that even if only one of you guys died, then the entire game was over. 
Glancing at your basically empty glass of water next to you, you tried to think of an excuse to leave that wouldn’t make Phil worried. Sure you were greatful for Phil and how much he worried about you, he definitely cared more than most people you knew, but you also very almost guilty. The thought of messaging Kristen came to mind to tell her about your problems recently but Phil would definitely find out from her, you weren’t even sure how Techno would be able to answer or help you with your situation. 
Wilbur and Niki definitely did cross your mind but it was pushed aside, the same reason you didn’t want to tell Phil, you didn’t want to feel like a burden. 
You glanced at the time on the wall noticing it was getting pretty late, sure you didn’t exactly want to leave the call since Phil and Techno were being pretty funny and it was bringing a smile to your face but you were struggling to hold back the tears that were wanting to make themselves known. Thank god you didn’t have a facecam on this stream and your camera wasn’t turned on or else Phil, Techno, or even chat would wonder what was up.
“I think I’m gonna end the stream since it’s getting pretty late and I’m kind of tired,” you said quietly into your mic, your voice cracking slightly as you prayed Phil and Techno didn’t get suspicious of how quiet your voice was or your voice crack.
“Oh okay Y/N, take care of yourself, you know streaming is just something to do on the side, put yourself first,” you could sense Phil smiling like usual, Techno giving a casual goodnight as you ended the stream.
When you made sure you were 100 percent off the call and the stream was over, you hugged your knees closer to your chest and your head between your knees. You hiccuped with each sob, the hiccups almost more painful than the emotional pain you were feeling right now. It just didn’t feel like anything was going right, especially with some hate you were getting online was getting to you. 
The hate had started when you first joined the sleepy bois inc group, people getting mad saying you weren’t a guy or that you were splitting up the group. Phil had been the one to get on call with you telling you to not listen to what people were saying online and that a lot of the fans actually loved you but it didn’t help the comments that really got under your skin.
‘I’d rather Niki or Tubbo joined tbh’ ‘But it’s sleepy bois inc, not sleepy bois and Y/N inc’ ‘They aren’t even that funny’
Those were some that hurt the most, you had told Wilbur on call a few times how much you just wanted to quit streaming but Wilbur kept insisting you keep going, that you shouldn’t let the people online dictate how you feel, that you should let the people around you allow you to feel good, not some face behind a screen.
You slid out of your gaming chair uncomfortably and fell face first into your bed, a pile of blankets over your shoulders lighter than the amount of pain you felt as you cried into your pillow. Your body trembling with each tear that ran down your face, hiccuping quietly not wanting to alert your neighbors downstairs and have anyone see you in such a broken state.
You jumped at your phone buzzing beside you, the facetime caller idea lighting up your face inside the dark room as you read ‘Dadza <3′. You sighed knowing you couldn’t just hang up on Phil, that would worry him. You quickly tried to cover up that you had been crying, trying to steady your breathing before answering, Phil’s face appearing on your screen as you pointed your phone up at the ceiling to hide your tear stained face.
“Y/N you okay?” Phil asked on the other line, he seemed to be editing something as he was still sitting at his office, his microphone pushed to the side and his phone perked up so he could see you, only getting met with your ceiling, “I’m sorry, I just notice on call you didn’t sound okay and I got worried.”
You tried to let words slip past your tongue but all that did was a loud sob as you quietly cried trying to hide it but Phil definitely heard.
“Y/N let me see you, please, I’m worried,” you swallowed the large lump in your throat and picked up your phone pointing it towards your face. Phil’s face softened and his heart broken looking at your puffy red eyes from crying and your body shaking slowly as you tried to hide your sobs. “You okay mate? Do you wanna talk about it?” You quietly shook your head watching Phil’s full attention going away from editing and towards his phone where you were, “how about I’ll just talk with you before you go to sleep, I’m pretty sure its late where you are right now and I’d rather you get at least an hour of sleep, you seem overwhelmed-”
“I just want it to stop Phil,” you said, barely above a whisper but Phil heard, his eyes getting glossy just from hearing your broken voice, “everything hurts, I want to quit streaming, its doing more harm than good.”
“How about this,” your head perked up at Phil’s voice, “I’ll talk to Kristen and see about flying over to you to spend maybe a weekend or two, depending how much support you need right now, that’s the best I can do. When it comes to streaming, I know you aren’t gonna like this answer but I agree with you to a degree, maybe not quitting all together but taking a much needed break. If people want to be jerks about you needed a mental break than fuck them.”
You laughed quietly to yourself hearing Phil swear, he always managed to put a smile on your face even in your darkest moments, “I’d like that,” you rested your head on your palm, your tears finally starting to clear up as you curled up in your blankets.
“Until then, do you want me to stay on call with you until you sleep? I can even stay on when you go to sleep in case you wake up and need someone to talk to,” Phil smiled on the other line, the weight on your shoulders feeling like it had been lifted by dadza.
“I’d love that,” you smiled leaning back in your bed, your phone propped up on your beside table, you watched Phil grab his headphones so he could edit while you slept and he wouldn’t wake you up, “wait.”
Phil paused, he put his headphones down quietly, “yeah mate?”
“I love you dadza, thank you for putting up with me.” You smiled warmly.
“Of course kiddo,” and with that, you laid down in your bed, humming to yourself quietly to sleep, Phil still on call like a protective dad although you loved him for it.
Thanks for reading, don’t forget to like and maybe reblog as it really does help me out
Taglist: @sadassflatass @ajesterscrown @sugarsoftie  @aremegay @twist3dtinkerbell @nova-is-a-goodgirl​ @appl3-c1d3r​ @eave3​ @elebeleb @1-800-dreamteam
To be added to my taglist just dm me
S-Tierre Taglist: @writinginnit​ @okschlatt​ @corpse-br1de​ 
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generallybarzy · 3 years
If You'll Have Me Forever.
an: this is the little fic i decided to write based on a dream i had. I wrote it all in one day while I was at my grandparent's house with no internet or computer, so i wrote it all in my notebook and then typed it up on here haha.
warnings: unedited, mentions of past emotional trauma and unhealthy families
word count: 1.7k
You always loved spending time with Mat's family. Whenever there was a break in the season, you two quickly found yourselves on a plane out to Vancouver, holding hands in the airplane and in the car on the way to his parent's house.
It had been like this since your first summer with them. Mat had invited you home with him for part of the offseason, and although you'd only been dating almost a year and were still nervous to meet his family, you couldn't say no. His family had welcomed you warmly, in fact, warm may not even be good enough to describe it. His parents smiled as soon as they saw you- saw you holding their son's hand, saw him smile proudly as he finally introduced you to them as his girlfriend.
Then, they hugged you.
You hadn't come from a loving family, not one where you openly told each other "I love you" or "I'm proud of you", and certainly not one that hugged and had family game nights. After much discussion with Mat and with your therapist, you came to the conclusion that your family had been borderline emotionally neglectful, and you saw how your childhood had scarred you. Mat's family was so openly affectionate and loving towards you right off the bat that it overwhelmed you, to the point of you going upstairs and refusing to come down until Mat had a talk with you. He was understanding, gently told them to be a little more reserved, and helped to slowly ease you into their love. And that just made you love him even more.
Now, it was your first holiday season with them. After spending a good chunk of last summer in Vancouver, you were certainly excited to spend a few days of your winter here with them rather than in your empty little apartment. You and Mat had flown out the night before, and arrived early in the morning, grateful that the team had managed a few extra days off this season- just enough days to make a trip worth it. The whole day had been spent talking and laughing and just catching up with his family about the past year- how things were going with your studies, with your job, how Mat’s season was going, and how your relationship was going. Later in the evening, after a long round of some board game they’d pulled from the closet, the jet lag and overwhelming, unfamiliar feeling of familial love caught up to you. So, in the middle of preparing some snacks to munch on during the next round of the game, you faked a phone call and quickly excused yourself to the snowy back patio, slipping into your coat and snow boots on the way and disappearing out the door.
Mat had been keeping a close eye on you all night.
He knew how you got about affection, you were even still a little shy receiving love from him, and the last thing he wanted to do was let him or his family overwhelm you again. He had gone to talk with his dad for five minutes- about a topic that had him immediately searching for you to go hide away and get some much needed alone time- and when he came back to the living room, you weren’t where he left you with his mom and sister.
“Where’s (Y/N)?”
“Oh,” his mom looked up from preparing the food. “She stepped out back to take a phone call.”
“Yeah?” Mat snuck over to the backdoor, squinting out into the snow and spotting your figure, no phone in sight. He slipped on a pair of shoes and grabbed his jacket from next to the door. “I think the jetlag might be stting in. I’ll be right back.”
He stepped out onto the back patio, the snow crunching beneath his fluffy slippers. You didn’t even turn when you heard the door close behind him, and that’s how he knew something was wrong.
“Baby… what are you doing out in the cold?” He came up next to you, curling an arm over your shoulders. “Were they too much? Should I tell them to back off a bit?” Finally, you turned to face him. Your eyes were wet and red, but you had a soft little smile on your face. “Aw, baby.”
“I love them so much, Mat.”
“C’mere.” He pulled you against his chest, rubbing his hands up and down your cold arms. You curled your arms around his waist, snuggling in under his winter jacket. “Babe, you should be wearing something heavier out here. I don’t want you getting sick.” Still, you stayed where you were, tucked into his jacket with him and hiding away from the snow and the world. “I’m glad you love my family so much. I hope you can tell they love you too. And if they’re too much, I’ll tell them, okay?”
“I know.”
“Just let me know. I know how you get uncomfortable when you receive this much love, but I hope you know you deserve it, okay? You’re absolutely amazing.” At his words, you lifted your face from the comfort of his chest, eyes red and face hot, streaked with tears. Snowflakes melted on impact, and Mat’s thumb brushed away the wetness. “Please don’t cry, baby.”
“I’m just… so overwhelmed. In the best way possible, I promise.”
“That’s good.”
“And I’m getting sleepy.”
“Jetlag finally catching up to you?” You nodded, burrowing back into the warmth of his jacket. He smiled, squeezing you against him. “Let’s go to bed, yeah, sweetheart?”
“Nooooo, I just wanna stay like this.”
“Okay, okay.” He smiled and lifted his hands in mock surrender. “We’ll stay out here for a little, but we gotta go in when you get cold.” Mat knew the reason you didn’t want to go back inside yet. One, because you didn’t want to cry in front of his family, but also because after spending the whole day with them, you were starved of sweet, gentle moments like this, alone with Mat. He knew you loved his family, but God, how you loved him. You’d been holding back all your hugs and kisses today, keeping low on the PDA in front of his family, and you’d gotten needy. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to his parents, saying the two of you were gonna be done for the night and wanted a little alone time, and he knew they’d understand and head to bed. The snow was picking up now, so Mat put his phone back in his pocket and pulled you with him against the wall of the house, your arms tucked under his fuzzy coat and holding tight around his waist, watching the snow fall and enjoying the comforting silence of the world.
“Do you know how much people love you?”
“Mat…” You smiled and hid your face shyly.
“No, do you know? Everyone who meets you falls a little bit in love with you. Everyone. You just have this… this loveable nature to you/ You’re the sweetest, kindest, most amazing person I know.” You didn’t respond, but Mat saw the smile on your face and felt the way your arms squeezed around his torso. “Remember how earlier, I was talking to my dad? You know what he was saying? He said ‘the way you look at (Y/N), that’s how I looked at your mom’. And how he still does.” That got your attention, and you lifted your face to look at him, at the pretty, genuine love in his dark eyes. “Hey, there’s that pretty face!” Your hands slid further up his back, and you perched up on your tiptoes, reaching up for a soft kiss that Mat gladly met you halfway for. “I’m serious when I say I love you, okay?”
“I know.”
“I get that you didn’t have the best relationship with your family, and they weren’t the healthiest, especially when it came to showing these types of emotions, but I’m gonna make sure you get used to it. Cause you’re gonna be in my life for a long, long time.”
“If you’ll have me forever.”
Everything went silent, save for the soft falling of snow, at that whispered promise. The tears filled your eyes again, just so, so happy that you had someone like Mat in your life, and that he was so understanding and patient with you.
“If you’ll have me forever, my family would be more than happy to call you one of us. You could spend all your birthdays, holidays, and celebrations here, and they’d love you. I’d love you. I do. You’d never feel unloved again, if you’ll have me forever.”
“Mat are... Are you proposing?”
He shook his head quickly. “No. Not yet, not officially. Just take this as a… warning.”
You laughed a little bit. “A warning, Mat?”
“No, ugh… um, how about a promise. Yeah, a promise. A promise that if you’ll have me forever, I’ll do nothing but show you how damn loveable you are. I know I can’t erase the years of pain… God, or the trauma that your family put you through, but I promise you I’m gonna try my hardest. You deserve so much better than what they’d given to you, and I’ll give that to you.” Mat saw the tears in your eyes and swooped down to kiss your cheeks repeatedly. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to make you cry, baby.” He could say so, so much more, but he wanted to take care of you first. “Enough of my sappy rambling, yeah? My toes are freezing. Can we go in?” He saw you glance down at his feet and immediately started giggling.
“Nice slippers, grandpa.”
“They’re cozy.” He grinned, happy to see you smiling again. He had grabbed his dad’s shoes to come out, knowing you found his silly dad-fashion funny. “Now, let’s get to bed, sleepyhead.” He pulled you back into the warm, quiet house and led the way up to his bedroom, happy to finally have some time to just cuddle up under the blankets along with you. But as you fell asleep, tucked safely in his arms with a content, peaceful smile, he could fall asleep along with you. Instead, he lay there, watching you for hours, his thoughts filled with his dad’s words from earlier and quietly, secretly, he was writing long lines of phrases he wanted to say to you, phrases that would one day become part of his proposal.
I promise I’ll keep you safe, I promise I’ll keep you smiling and loved... if you’ll have me forever.
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troubatrain · 3 years
high for this - n. patrick
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a/n: self indulgent marijuana fueled nolan smut?? from me?? never!! i started this the last time it snowed but i finally got a chance to actually finish it so i hope  you guys like it! tagging @tkafuckit​ & @hookingminor​ because truly nothing gets done around here without them lbr
warnings: smut, marijuana
This had to be the worst blizzard to have hit Philadelphia in decades. At least that’s what the weatherman said while his toupee was dangerously close to falling off, an internal bet Nolan had with himself about how long it would be until it flew away in the wind and snow that was shutting down the city. Not only was he snowed in, he was snowed in with Joel and his girlfriend April who’d been pretending like Nolan wasn’t on the other side of the couch for the last hour. Nolan huffs, getting up from his spot on the couch in search of you.
Nolan didn’t like to admit it, but he had a soft spot for you he couldn’t quite explain. Maybe it was because you were just as much a weird third wheel to Joel’s relationship as he was. Or it could have been the way he started using hanging out with Joel and April as an excuse to do exactly what he’s doing right now. He walked down the hallway, two doors from the bathroom was your bedroom. He could hear the soft sounds of whatever record you were spinning on the other side, and he took a deep breath before he poked his head and smiled. You were nestled in your bed under a mountain of blankets and a movie on your laptop, “We’re stuck here I think.”
You laugh, an angelic sound bouncing off the walls of your room while Nolan hoped you wouldn’t catch his blush from across the room. You opened your blanket pile, tapping on the other side of your bed for Nolan to come join you. It wasn’t like it was out of the ordinary that Nolan would escape Joel and April to hide out with you, but he was doing it way more often than he used to, “Joel and April are making out aren’t they?”
“April’s five minutes from losing her shirt,” Nolan points his finger up, the sound of April’s giggle from the living room, “I don’t need to see that.”
You’d been in this position plenty of times, Nolan curled up in your bed while Parks and Rec played quietly in the background. Nolan would start off on one side of your bed, and before you knew it you were cuddled into his side while neither of you spoke a word. It was a comfortable silence, never asking for anything more or anything less, “You know, we’re snowed in and there’s nothing else to do…”
“Do you want me to roll a joint?” Nolan chuckles, pushing a piece of his hair from his face.
“You’re just so much better than me at it,” You admit, which wasn’t a total lie. Nolan was the best joint roller you’d ever come across, but Nolan was also the hottest joint roller you knew. It was such a weird thing to be attracted to, the way the paper would roll between his fingers and all you seemed to be able to focus on was how big his hands were, “Please?”
Nolan wasn’t going to say no, mostly because if you were both high he didn’t need an excuse to hold you because you always seemed to snuggle right up to him after. Besides, Nolan definitely wasn’t going to say no when you were pouting with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster up, “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“You’re lucky I didn’t leave you to watch Joel and April fuck,” You tease, pushing Nolan in the chest lightly. You heard him call you cute, but you couldn’t read into it. Nolan was single and in the time since you’d met it was clear he wasn’t fucking around with anyone else. Joel told you it was because Nolan was a little introverted and if he liked he wasn’t going to announce to the world. You didn’t think much of it until you met Kevin who was over the moon to meet the girl Nolan was always talking about. All of your friends seemed to think whatever you had with Nolan was on the fast track to being together, but Nolan never seemed to mention it to you. You open your end table, leaning across Nolan and grabbing your grinder and some bud, dropping it in his hands.
Nolan gets to work, long slim fingers dropping the weed onto the paper gently while you hopped off the bed and pulled out a record. Nolan looks up at you for a minute, a Temple hoodie hanging off your frame covering the shorts you had underneath it. His eyes wandered down your legs, god he wanted you, but he couldn’t even begin to figure out how to tell you. He should let you know that you were pretty much his dream girl, standing across the room flipping a Hozier album in your hands while you picked what you should listen to. It’s about the vibes Nolan, you remarked that to him the first time you ever smoked together, and now Nolan had a playlist just for songs he knew you loved most.
“You’re indecisive,” Nolan hums, watching you put the same record back on it’s shelf and licking the edge of the paper, “Just pick one, anything you pick will be cooler than I would have chosen anyways.”
You turn around sticking your tongue out at him and grabbing a Mt. Joy vinyl to put on, “Did you get that for me?”
“I got it for me,” You defend, holding in the truth that Nolan’s music taste seemed to be weaving itself with your own, “But I knew you liked them, and you never seem to leave me alone.”
“Don’t think you want me too,” Nolan mumbles, grabbing a lighter from your nightstand, sparking up the end of the joint and handing it over to you.
“Wow I get the first hit, what a gentleman,” You joke, sitting cross legged on your bed and watching the smoke fill your room. Nolan loved watching you smoke, the way it would just fall from lips and your voice would get a little raspier. He loved the way your eyes seemed to get hazier and your smile just a bit wider than it usually was, “Excellent work Patty.”
“Glad I could be of service,” Nolan chuckles, your head falling into his lap without a second thought. You both laid like that the entire time you were smoking, sharing the joint while Nolan’s fingers weaving through your hair absentmindedly, “I saw it by the way.”
“Saw what?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion at whatever he was on about.
“Your little helper,” Nolan muses, a tight lipped smile on his face because he could literally see your hazy mind trying to figure out what he was talking about. Nolan didn’t know why he needed to say anything about the very teeny vibrator in your bedside table next to your grinder, “Use it often?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You brush him off, it was Nolan and Nolan teased you all the time.
“You know I do,” Nolan hums, his gaze on you while you were practically squirming in his lap, “The same way that you know I like you but you never do anything about it.”
“Shouldn’t you be making the first move?” You poke open one eye to look up at Nolan. His hands moved quickly, grabbing your thighs and pulling you up to straddle his waist.
“Thought we were more progressive than that babe,” Nolan huffs, his voice deeper than it usually was. His hands were running up your legs, rough calloused fingers against your skin.
“I want to hear you say it,” You challenge, boldly running a hand through Nolan’s hair. Nolan’s heart was stammering in his chest, but when a silly smile danced across your lips he couldn’t help but laugh, “Let’s hear it Patty.”
“I want you, here, now, and every time after this,” Nolan says, his voice sure, steady and clear. His lips ghosed over yours for a moment, “C’mere.”
Nolan wasn’t a man of many words, but he was going to show just how he felt. His hands cascaded down your body, stopping on your ass and giving it a tap while his lips pressed against yours. It was electric, and you wondered why you bothered to kiss anyone besides Nolan, “Nols-”
“Yeah?” Nolan pulls away, cheeks rosy and his breath ripped out his body from just one kiss. You bit your lip, looking at him in the eyes before you spoke again.
“Fuck me,” You whimper, grinding your hips against Nolan’s, pulling a groan from his lips. Nolan’s hand gripped your chin, crashing his lips against yours. His other hand snuck under your shirt, the rough calloused fingers that only lived in your fantasies rubbing against your soft skin. He flipped you over, holding himself up by his elbows while he pressed kisses down your neck.
“I’ve thought about this so many fucking times,” Nolan mumbles, his lips pressed against your skin. You could feel his teeth graze behind your ear, pulling a moan out of you.
“Maybe you should’ve done something about it sooner,” You smirk, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him back in for a kiss, “Could’ve saved me a few lonely nights.”
“Consider those over,” Nolan promises, giving you a sweet kiss before his hands grabbed the bottom of your hoodie to pull it off. Nolan’s lips move down your body, love bites and kisses pressed against your skin while he makes his way down to where you need him most. His fingers slipped under your sweats, looking up at you for the go ahead he needed, you nod eating up the feeling of Nolan’s hands on your bare skin, “So pretty baby.”
Nolan’s finger traced lightly over your thighs, his breath hot against your pussy while you ached for more, “Don’t tease me or I’ll get my little friend out to do the job for me.”
Nolan chuckles at your whine, a finger sliding up your folds, “That’s for another time babe.”
Nolan’s words had your eyes rolling to the back of your head, oh it’s definitely big. His tongue swirled your clit gently, trying to figure out exactly what was going to get you off. You let out a moan, one that definitely carried through the hallway loud enough for Joel and April to hear from the living room. Nolan smirks to himself, wrapping his lips around your clit and sliding one of his ridiculously long fingers inside you. Your hand gripped his hair, tugging on it gently while you bit your lip to stop yourself from being too loud, “Fuck Nolan, faster.”
Nolan nods, a second finger sliding inside of you and curling against your g spot. You grinded down on Nolan’s face, his free hand gripping your thigh to keep you in place. You were a moaning mess above him, not caring one bit about anyone hearing you because Nolan’s mouth was magic. It really is always the quiet ones. You were close, Nolan’s fingers sliding out of just when he started to feel your pussy clench around him. You whine, grabbing the back of Nolan’s head to keep his mouth against your pussy but it was no use when Nolan was that big, “Sorry did you want to cum?”
Nolan’s finger was teasing your entrance, watching the way your pussy was clenching in anticipation, you let out a breathy laugh, “Please make cum Nols, I need it.”
All it took after that was Nolan’s tongue around your clit and his fingers curled back inside you for you to cum. Nolan’s name fell from your lips, a sound that Nolan had dreamed of but never thought he’d actually get to hear. Nolan’s eyes looked over at your night stand, grabbing the extra joint he rolled and placing it between his lips. He tossed off his shirt, grabbing a lighter and sparking the end before he blew smoke in your mouth and pressed his lips against yours. You moan at sensation, gripping Nolan’s shoulder to pull him closer. You had him now, and you’d be damned if you were going to let him go. 
Nolan kicks off his sweats, taking a few puffs from the joint and groaning when you palmed him through his boxers. He grabs your hand, dropping the joint into yours and pulling off his boxers to let his cock spring free. Your suspicions were correct- it was big, you let out a giggle, Nolan’s eyebrows furrowing at you, “What?”
“I had this bet with myself about how big your dick was,” You admit, taking your own pull from the joint and watching the smoke fill the room, “Not disappointed.”
Nolan laughs, pressing a kiss to your lips and lining his cock up to you. He looks at you, “You’re my fucking dream girl.”
Nolan didn’t spare you a second to react to his words before he slid inside you. He groaned at the feeling, his head pressed against your neck. Nolan’s hips snapped against you, your nails scratching down his back while he railed you into oblivion. You were seeing stars, moans and whimpers falling from your lips and not a single thought in your mind except the fact that Nolan was making you feel so damn good, “Cum for me again, c’mon.”
Nolan’s deep voice was rumbling against your neck, his dick twitched inside of you in need of a release. You clenched around him, your legs shaking from pleasure. Nolan pulled out of you, spilling onto your stomach with a loud fuck. Nolan collapsed on top of you, the both of you trying to catch your breath. He rolls over, pulling you close his chest, “I meant what I said, I wasn’t just trying to get laid.”
“I know,” You hum, snuggling closer to his chest, “Think April and Joel heard us?”
The last thing you heard before you finally let the exhaustion take over your body was a we did in unison from April and Joel down the hall. 
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
Hello! May I request a number 8 or number 11? She/her pronouns are preferred :) thx!!
I Despise That I Adore You
Abby Anderson X Reader
Prompt: 8. Hands brushing unexpectedly 11. Secret relationship
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Link to the prompt list here
A/N: I kind of decided last minute to write like 1.5k more words for this fic because uhhhh idk but I hope you enjoy (especially if you requested it) !!
A/N: I also didn’t realize you only requested one of the two prompts so I accidentally wrote both LOL but thanks for the request(s) !!
You have always had a very dichotomous view on life; you believed that you either liked a person, or you didn’t. It was a simple notion and a digestible one at that, but never did you think that a touch—a single accidental touch from someone you most definitely didn’t like, could wreck your world this way. 
You were at a briefing for an upcoming mission. It was a long, drawn out process that you dreaded, but what made it even worse was Abby. Okay, maybe not Abby specifically, but the fact that she could sit there at six in the morning and look so effortlessly beautiful, annoyed you more than you could say. Her outfit was the same as it almost always was; a simple grey tank top with green cargo pants and boots. Nothing extraordinary or outstanding, but you still couldn’t help but find it annoyingly attractive when she crossed her fucking enormous arms over her chest like that. God, she wasn’t even trying and you were losing it.
You didn’t like Abby—you couldn’t like her. How could you possibly like her when every single sign told you not to? She was stubborn and closed off, always shielding herself from the world with some serious facade you knew was bullshit. Maybe Abby did flirt with you occasionally and perhaps you did participate in it sometimes, but that all meant nothing. And anyways, even if you did like Abby (which you obviously didn’t) it would hurt you too much when she inevitably left you for someone prettier or cooler or smarter, and you didn’t need that right now.
Abby was all types of wrong and you knew that, which is why you were so utterly puzzled by this small, electric touch. It wasn’t even longer than a second, but as soon as it happened your heart felt like it had just been squeezed like a fucking lemon.
The briefing was finally over and you were quick to leave so you could actually get some sustenance for your body, and then it happened. You hadn’t even noticed that Abby was there when you dashed out the small exit of the military tent until you felt the smallest brush of her hand against yours. You paused to look back at Abby and she was looking at you too, and you swear it would’ve taken a damn machete to cut through the tension between those few, fleeting seconds of stillness. 
Your hand burned from where it had grazed Abby’s and you clenched your fingers into a fist to try and relieve yourself from the sensation. Promptly shoving your hand behind your back to hide it from Abby’s inquisitive gaze, you slowly backed away with your eyes still fixed to hers. And though there was a great amount of distance between the two of you, you noticed something in her stare. You weren’t sure if it was just your brain being stupid or manipulative, but you could’ve sworn you saw the slightest hint of endearment in Abby’s eyes. 
You tried to back away quicker but nearly fell over because of a stray root in the ground that you definitely weren’t looking at, and you could see Abby snort as she tried to hold back her laughter. Smiling nervously, you turned around and bolted towards the cafeteria. It was way too early for this.
Hoping to find some solace in a burrito, you practically ran to the cafeteria, but before you could even smell that lovely tortilla blanket, someone caught you. Abby was breathing slightly heavier than usual when she pulled you aside, practically trapping you against the wall behind you.
“Why are you running from me?” 
Abby’s arm was leaning on the wall next to your head and it took every ounce of willpower not to stare at her massive biceps. “I’m not running from you.”
“Um, I think the fact that I literally just sprinted after you, says something slightly different.” Abby used her other hand to brush a strand of hair away from her face. “So are we going to talk about it, or are you just going to run again?” 
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Talk about what?”
Abby gestured her hands awkwardly between the two of you. “Us—this. Whatever this is.”
“Abby, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, but even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. So if you’ll excuse me, I need to grab some food now.” You ducked under Abby’s arm and began walking away but her next words stopped you in your tracks.
“I don’t understand you, I really don’t.” Abby was pacing now, her hands moving wildly as she spoke. “It’s like… sometimes you’re cold and distant and running away from me, and I just kind of accept it. I mean, even though it’s not like I’ve ever done anything to make you hate me this much, it obviously won’t help my situation if I continue to flirt with you. But then the next day I’ll catch you looking at me in that way and-”
“In what way?” You interrupted.
“Seriously?” Abby cocked her eyebrow, her mouth curled into an annoyed smirk as she rolled her eyes. “You look at me like you’re not sure whether you want to pounce me or punch me in the face.” 
She said it so plainly that you were speechless for a second, was it seriously that obvious? There was so much going through your head right now, but the one thing that stuck with you was the fact that you agreed with her. Though it’s not like you could ever admit it, so instead you opted for some good ol’ denial. “I do not.”
Abby was quick to respond, like she had anticipated your answer. “You do, and you know what? I honestly have no problem with it. In fact, I encourage it! I mean if you weren’t so confusing, I’d have asked you out by now. You’re gorgeous and smart and a major badass on the field, but I just have no idea what you want from me.”
The last sentence threw you for a loop and before you knew it, your heart was doing the squeezing thing again. Did she truly think you were all those things? 
Thinking about it, perhaps your problem wasn’t that you hated Abby. After all, it’s not like the reasons you disliked her were of any merit anyways. In fact, you kind of admired Abby when she wasn’t being a cocky bastard, but that still didn’t mean you could date her. Sure, she was kind of hot, and maybe you found her just the slightest bit charming, but you couldn’t possibly put yourself on the spot like that. Not only was she all types of wrong, Abby was also your superior, and Lord knows the scandal that dating her would transpire. 
Finally finding some semblance of composure, you spoke hesitantly. “Abby you’re my superior and if people found out I- we just can’t, okay? I’m sorry.” You internally cringed at your words. It was such a stupid excuse but you still couldn’t help but fear the backlash you would receive for this. 
Abby took a second to think before speaking. “Can I ask you a question?” 
You didn’t say anything, just nodded your head slightly.
“Do you like me?” Abby’s eyes were sort of wide and almost hopeful, and you felt a slight tinge of remorse because you weren’t sure you could give her an answer. It was a simple question, but something inside you just couldn’t manage to form a proper response. 
“Whether I like you or not doesn’t matter Abby, we can’t be together. I’ve worked so hard to get here and I’m not going to be belittled or ridiculed because I can’t keep my emotions in check.” 
“So what you’re saying is… there are emotions to keep in check?” There was a hint of mischief in her tone and a smile on her face. You don’t think you’ve ever groaned so loudly.
“I did not say that.”
“It was implied.”
Abby chuckled to herself, taking a step towards you with every punctuated word. “Okay, let’s say that hypothetically you do have feelings for me, and that hypothetically I could make sure no one knew we were dating. Would you go out with me then?
You scoffed as you took a step towards her, your bodies now just inches from each other. “Oh yeah? And hypothetically, how would you do that?” 
“It's simple, we date in secret.” Abby said it so nonchalantly that you thought she was joking. It took a few moments of awkward silence before you realized that she was serious.
“You’re kidding? That would never work.”
“Um first of all, I’m always serious, and second of all, did you forget that we are literally trained to be stealthy? I think if we can handle clickers, we can handle a secret relationship. Honestly Y/N, it seems like the only problem here is that you’re scared of going out with me because…” Abby took another step towards you, backing you against the wall with her arms crossed in front of her chest. “you’re afraid you’ll fall for me.”
You were utterly speechless. You wanted so badly to respond with a snarky comeback or a cheap insult, but as much as you hated to admit it, you were totally afraid of going out with her. Commitment is horrifying and complicated and you’ve gone your whole life trying to avoid it. But now? Abby was offering you a simple solution and before your mind could begin to consider the downsides to this, you answered.
“Fine. But if we get caught, it’s on you.”
And just like that, your secret relationship with Abby began. 
It only took the first two dates for you to warm up to Abby—though you were incredibly apprehensive about all of it at first—it wasn't long before she had successfully charmed her way to your heart. And though you’d never admit it out loud, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t having at least a little bit of fun. It was thrilling running around with Abby like this; late-night dates, stolen looks during briefings, clandestine touches while passing each other in the halls, the way she seemed to be just a little bit more protective of you during patrols. You revelled in the way she held you when no one was around, when it was just the two of you. 
It had almost been two months, and hiding a secret relationship with Abby was getting surprisingly more difficult. You figured it was likely a product of the fact that after your first kiss, Abby couldn’t seem to keep her hands off of you. It seemed as though someone was somehow lurking around every corner of this damn stadium, and the amount of times Abby had to sneak out of your room in the morning before your roommate woke up was honestly getting kind of absurd. 
However, one major upside that’s come out of this deal is that you no longer despised briefings. In fact—now that you and Abby had this strange arrangement—you almost looked forward to mission briefings. The fondness for them was partly because you got to stare at Abby with adoration rather than anger, but mostly it was because you got to tease her like there was no tomorrow during them.
It was another early briefing and Isaac was droning on about… patrols? Or maybe it was borders, you weren’t really sure. Instead of focusing on his dull rambles, your mind was wandering elsewhere. 
Abby was sitting in the seat next to you, her legs spread out while she leaned her toned forearms on the table in front of her. Keeping your eyes focused on Isaac, you brushed your knee against Abby’s just slightly before letting your hand slowly creep closer to her leg. Abby immediately knew what you were doing, quickly turning her attention towards you with a small tilt of her head. And though your eyes were fixed on the man in front of you, you knew she had a cautious look on her face. 
A small smirk crept onto your lips as you let your hands make their way higher and higher till it was resting on her thigh. Letting it linger there, you traced little circles with your fingers, noting the way Abby covered her face with her hand to hide her expression before you gave her leg the smallest squeeze. Abby jumped in her seat and the whole room immediately turned their attention to her. Trying to hide her obvious freak-out Abby cleared her throat before asking some stupid question about intercepting the target while you did your best not to laugh next to her. When she finally finished rambling and the focus was off of her, Abby snuck you the smallest look, the kind of look that said “I’m totally going to get you for that later”. 
At the end of the briefing, you noticed Abby making conversation with Manny near the exit of the military tent and an idea popped into your head. You made sure to look straight ahead as you nonchalantly walked out the exit before letting your hand brush up against Abby’s while you passed by. It still shocked you sometimes; somehow after nearly two months of hiding your relationship, her touch still managed to send you soaring. The familiar burn against your fingertips from your not-so-accidental accidental touch still lingering on your hand like an imprint—her imprint. 
You looked back at her with a mischievous smirk on her face and she rolled her eyes before whispering something to Manny. Walking away knowingly, you were unsurprised when she cornered you behind a cement pillar with her hands on your hips and her mouth hungrily on yours. Abby spoke with her mouth still against yours, refusing to break the kiss.
“You know, for someone who was so adamant about having a secret relationship, you sure seem to enjoy attracting attention to us.”
You smiled into the kiss, your fingers moving to play with the end of her braid before giving it the smallest tug. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Abby groaned and you chuckled at her expression when you pulled away from her lips, causing Abby to nearly face-plant into the pillar behind you. You giggled, smiling at Abby teasingly before feigning an annoyed tone as you turned away from her with your arms crossed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to grab some food now.” 
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Hihi! I hope you dont mind this request :3 Could you do a headcannon or oneshot with zhongli, xiao, ganyu, hu tao, and a reader? I have this headcannon they’d be a family in a modern au and it’s ndjddjsjjejsehhwje Or Zhongli ‘creates’ (?) a new adepti and xiao and ganyu help raise them like a little sibling fnfnsdjjdjssj The reader would be the youngest sibling :) Hu Tao as the second youngest Xiao as the middle child Ganyu as the oldest And Zhongli as their dad <3
this is so cute im gonna cry (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) i went with a modern au bc my brain is short circuiting tonight lol. also there's chili near the end because brainrot (was listening to the song “the best day” by tswift while reading these so yktv)
it’s very sfw, just cut for length  
your mother passed away shortly after you were born, leaving you and your three siblings in the care of your father
zhongli was devastated, of course, but knew he needed to be strong for everyone
fortunately, zhongli had a well-paying job so your family never struggled
when you were a freshman in high school, ganyu was already in college so you took over her bedroom that you shared with hu tao
without ganyu around to rope you guys in, life at home was total chaos
hu tao loved to play pranks on you and xiao like putting flour in your blow dryer or turning off the internet connection when xiao was fighting a boss in his favorite video game
xiao, like most teenage boys, often retaliated and it was you who had to pull them apart from killing each other
despite the constant sibling bickering and arguing, the three of you had an unexplainable bond and zhongli’s heart melted when he came home from a rough day at work to find the three of you curled up on the couch watching a movie together
zhongli is the best dad in the entire world
he was a “cool” dad, too
he let your house be the party-house as long as everyone gave him their car keys and slept over
he actually liked looking out his bedroom window to seeing you and your friends having the time of your lives in the pool (his motto: you all deserved to have a fun childhood)
he was very comforting too and his speciality was being able to fit all four kids (teenagers) in his arms at once
if zhongli realized you were upset, he would take you out to spend the day with him, window shopping or eating at your favorite restaurant and ending the day with a snuggle in front of the tv (no matter how old you were)
one time, you and hu tao woke up to an eighteen year-old xiao wrapped up in a blanket next to zhongli on the couch
zhongli has special nicknames for all of you (ganyu is ganny, xiao is kiddo and will always be kiddo, hu tao is princess, and you’re bug)
you’re closest to hu tao
she’s two years older than you and is the only one of your siblings who doesn’t treat you like a baby all the time
she’s definitely the rebellious kid and you know all of her hiding spots for things (you would never snitch on her though)
xiao and ganyu are very protective of you
ganyu just wants you to make smart decisions while xiao threatens anyone who comes near you with a romantic interest
it was annoying at first to have such an overprotective older brother but when your very first relationship ended horribly, you were glad xiao was there to kick their ass and bring you ice cream
when ganyu comes home from college, it’s like a celebration
you and hu tao will run at her and nearly tackle her to the ground in excitement
xiao stands around usually but is always happy she’s home too
birthdays are a big deal in your home
zhongli likes to surprise everyone with “blank days until your birthday” gifts as an excuse to spoil you kids 
he lets you do whatever you want on your birthday too
if you want to go a fancy restaurant, sure. if you want to have a huge birthday party at the house, go for it. if you want to stay in your room all day, alright. his mindset is that it’s one day a year that about you and only you
zhongli is so supportive of you guys
if you’re questioning your gender or sexuality, he’ll listen to you
he’s very progressive and all he wants is for you kids to be happy
when zhongli starts dating a man named childe when you’re sixteen, everyone reacts differently
ganyu is excited, happy her dad finally met someone new after so many years of being alone
xiao is indifferent. at first he’s upset, thinking zhongli is going to forget about their mom, but once he reassures him he’s not, xiao comes around
like ganyu, you’re happy for zhongli. you like childe and you know he makes your dad happy so you’re happy
hu tao, on the other hand, is very against it
anytime zhongli tried to date someone new when she was younger, she had thrown a tantrum and cried for her mom
zhongli, not wanting to make his daughter upset, usually broke off the relationship
but now she was eighteen and she couldn’t really throw a tantrum
so when zhongli told everyone he was dating childe and hu tao ran off to the basement, the three of you followed her
you found out that had similar thoughts to xiao and thought zhongli was dating someone new to replace your mother
it took a lot of coaxing and tears but finally, hu tao came to terms with the situation
surprisingly, she had the best relationship with childe after a while
when you’re graduating high school, zhongli realizes all his babies grew up
(he suffers from empty nest syndrome)
“So, what do you think?” You grinned, watching your siblings and father admire your new dorm room. Ganyu and Hu tao exchanged looks before Ganyu nodded her head proudly. 
“Looks great,” She smiled, “It kind of looks like your bedroom at home.” 
“I thought it would look like a hurricane,” Xiao smirked, earning a playful hit on the upside of his head by his older sister. You heard her mutter an insult under her breath. 
“I think it's quite lovely, Bug,” Zhongli says softly. His hands are twisted behind his back and he won’t make eye contact with you. 
You run your hand under the waterfall lights on the wall, hundreds of photos of your family and friends clipped to the strings. Looking around, you realized you dorm was decorated like your bedroom. You had brought the same comforter and pillows from home and even set up your desk exactly the same. Maybe you weren’t so ready to let go of your childhood, either. 
Zhongli was about to open his mouth when your roommate and their parents walked into the dorm. There was a short exchange of greetings before your siblings filed into the hallway. You knew this was goodbye. 
“You can call me anytime. You know that, right?” Zhongli started, toying with your lampshade. “And if you ever feel homesick and need to-”
“I’ll be okay, dad,” You smiled softly. You embraced your father tightly and he did the same to you. After what felt like hours, but was probably not even a minute, Zhongli pulled away. He gazed you adoringly before kissing your forehead and leaving the dorm. 
Ganyu, who had taken a day off from work to be there, held out of her hand to her father. “Weird, isn’t it?” She asked comfortingly. 
“They’re all grown-up,” He mumbled, “All of my babies are grown up.” 
“Oh, dad,” Hu Tao said. She threw herself at Zhongli, catching him off guard.  “We’ll always be your babies.” 
Zhongli mustered a smile on her lips. He ruffled Hu Tao’s hair. “Yeah,” He agreed, “Let’s go eat.”
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
My favourite prompts:
A list of my favourite prompts that I’ve posted in the past, all curated into a huge list just for you guys!
Finally, the day has come. The villain is thought to be dead. The hero has won.
Until suddenly the hero learns the villain left them EVERYTHING in their will. Made them the owner and operator of all their illegal business.
Obviously, the hero plans to shut everything down immediately. But they quickly realize just how many people the villain employed… how many family’s they fed…
“You kissed me,”
“I did… and?”
“What-!? What do you mean and!?,”
“What more do you want?”
“An explanation would be a good start!”
“…or I could just do it again…”
*other person turns bright red,*
“Or… or that, I suppose,”
“What the hell are you doing here!?”
“I think the better question would be what in the hell are you wearing,” the villain replied, amusement clear on their face, like they were struggling to keep from laughing.
“What- it’s-” the hero blushed, remembering what they were wearing, “their pajamas! What are you-!”
“Oh my god…” the villain replied, like they were struggling to come to terms with what they were seeing, “the hero of the city not only own, but wears a onesie,”
“Excuse me!” The hero snapped in defence, “They’re comfortable!”
“They? You have more??”
“I gotta say hero,” The villain mused as they casually moved toward the cell bars, “I’ve been called many things in my life: monster, villain, outcast, loser, scoundrel,” they tilted their head, examining the hero before them, “but ‘our last hope?’” *clicks tongue* “that’s a first,”
You live in a world where anyone born with superpowers must become a super hero. It doesn’t matter what the power is, or how small it is, it is mandatory. It was deemed that having anyone with superpowers work alongside regular people was “unsafe” and “unfair.” Every year, dozens of superhero’s with powers useless for fighting are killed. You’ve managed to make it this long with nobody finding out you have a superpower. But how much longer can you hide in plain sight?
The city’s villain mysteriously disappears and hasnt been seen in a week. The people are celebrating, but the hero is worried. What if the villain is planning something big? Determined to stop whatever evil plan is brewing, the hero tracks the villain down, but they dont find what they expected. Instead of evil plotting, the villain:
-Has been taking care of a sick pet -Come down with the flu -Been helping arrange a friends wedding -Found out they were pregnant -Is getting married themselves -Mourning the death of a loved one -Has adopted a young pet and been occupied taking care of them -Has been helping one of their lackeys who’s in a desperate situation -Has been feeding the homeless and offering blankets
You’re the most wanted villain by all highest ranking authorities, but all the heros “just can’t seem to catch you” (they always let you get away) because all your crimes are things like stealing expensive medication and then donating it to hospitals, robbing toy stores and donating to orphanages, robbing banks and giving to charity, robbing grocery stores and feeding the homeless, ect
A hero/villain with the power to materialize their own tattoos. Got a wrench tattoo? Now you’ve got a wrench. Got a tattoo of wings? A bomb? A get away car? Well…
Dragon tattoos have always been popular, havent they?
Write about a genius inventor villain who, while watching the news, learns about a sick child in hospital doctors arnt sure they can cure. The villain realizes something theyve invented could cure the child. Now the hard part is convincing them to let the villain help.
The villain starts to notice the hero is feeling more down the usual, so they start leaving the hero little notes to cheer them up. All is going well until the hero figures out who is sending them.
In a world of magic users where everyone is divided into the 6 eye colours, and the colour of your eyes represents what your powers are. Each colour has an elemental power, can talk to a certain type of creature(Invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals), and has 3 other powers. For example, blue eyes control water, can commune with fish, etc. Everyone in the world has either red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple eyes. Except for you, you were born with black eyes. Everyone is afraid of what your powers will be, but they should be more worried about the kind of creatures you can talk to…
A hero and a villain (and maybe their sidekicks, up to you) trapped in a haunted house or haunted location.  
-One is scared so the other comforts them. They are both scared but trying to act like they aren’t. -One doesn’t believe in ghosts, and the other has the power to communicate with them or see them. -Ghosts aren’t real, but one continues to try and freak the other out, who claims they aren’t scared. -Ghost wingman. I need’ d say no more -One gets possessed, so the other has to do the whole ‘kiss to break a curse’ thing to bring them out of it. -The classic Person A thinks ghosts aren’t real so they prank Person B to scare them. Then shit gets real, but person B doesn’t believe person A, thinking its just another prank.
“I trusted you! You promised!”
“I kept my promise! I got you your results! Don’t question my methods from a top that high moral horse or yours, especially when the only reason you made a deal with me in the first place was because you were too much of a coward to do what needed to be done!”
The local wildfire has been growing out of control, forcing the city to have to evacuate. Suddenly, the villain with water powers shows up to lend a hand to fire fighters.
“Tell me hero,” the villain spoke, chains jangling from where they hung on the villains wrists as they walked up to the bars of the jail cell, “If you wanted to skip a press conference, could you?”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re sisters getting married, but your needed for a big event at the hero academy that day. Would you be allowed to attend the wedding? What about if your brother stole a pack of gum. Could you let it slide? Not would you, but could you?”
The hero paused. Could they? They had responsibilities! They had commitments to the city, and to the serving of justice!
The villain laughed at the heros silence, “I may be in jail, but you’re more chained then I’ll ever be,”
“So tell me,” the villain drawled, dragging a finger across the heros skin, making them shiver, “what changed your mind?”
Hero discovers the villain has a day job. It isnt at all what they expected. (Day care, animal shelter, etc)
“What are you going to do if you beat me, and suddenly the city dosent need a hero? What are you going to do if you get hurt and can no longer fight, and the city forgets about you just like all the heros before you? Who will you be when your legacy crumbles under the weight of all those who follow? Will you take up knitting?”
The hero stared unblinking and frozen as the villain took a step forward.
“Sure, your a hero. But what are you without that?”
The villain took another step forward.
“Your nothing, heroism is all you have. That pathetic title you curl up to every night. But without it?” They looked the hero up and down, “Absolutely nothing…”
A villain retires from villainy and gets plastic surgery (or simply never showed their face) so they can live a normal life without being recognized. While living their new life, they bump into the hero, and the two start falling for eachother. But the villain is terrified of the hero finding out the truth
The hero slammed their front door as quickly as they could, eyes wide, heart pounding.
The villain. The villain was outside their door.
“Well that was rude,”
A hero with magic powers, in a world where magic is unheard of. They have always kept their powers a secret, fearing they would be shunned, or tested on. They never use their powers in battle.
One day, while practicing their magic alone in the woods, the villain appears out of nowhere. 
Before the hero can explain, the villain asks, “you have powers too?”
A hero dies. Or at least, they think they do. The next thing they know they wake up at their own funeral. And the only person there? Is the villain.
“The worst part, is you had the nerve to call it love”
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
“One of us is starting to fall asleep.”-jukebox?
cuddle dialogue prompts  ( no longer accepting )                         ( read on ao3 )
By now, Julie knows that  Luke  and  sleep  don’t exactly get along.
Like... peanut butter and coleslaw. Studying and roller coasters. Alex and high school athletics. Luke and sleep are polar opposites, and flat-out don’t have time for each other. Whatever fundamental sequence of Luke’s DNA, whatever weird criss-cross firing of neurons in his head looks at a good night’s sleep, and decides, “nope, not for me...”
Well, Julie doesn’t  get it, but that’s how Luke’s made. Apparently, it’s how he’s always been, even when he was alive. Everyone else just has to deal with it.
“You’re keeping me up,” she announces, drawing her fuzzy blanket tighter around her shoulders.
Luke’s head shoots up, surprised — and sure, he’s got a right to be, considering it’s almost two in the morning. No sane person would be up this late. Not by choice, anyways... and Julie isn’t  choosing  to be awake herself. Something inside of her — one of those lightbulbs in her chest that blaze bright whenever the boys are near, that can feel them like a low, humming frequency even when they’re out of sight — is still awake, and buzzing. Late nights are like this. Whenever Luke can’t put himself to sleep — whether his brain is too loud, or his body too charged with energy — Julie feels it. She doesn’t want to, and definitely doesn’t enjoy it... but this is what her life has become. Being kept awake half the night by cute, insomniac ghosts.
He lowers his pencil slowly, and pulls his notebook against his chest. Luke sucks his cheeks, looking sheepish. 
“Sorry. I, uhh, I was just —“ He gestures vaguely around the darkened studio. A few faint snores echo from the loft, where Alex has set up a private space for himself. Reggie is face down on the sofa in a pile of blankets, hugging them to his chest like a kangaroo protecting its baby. (Julie’s going to have to get him a stuffed animal to snuggle one of these days; half the reason Luke doesn’t sleep, she suspects, is because Reggie’s such a blanket hog.)
The studio is dark except for a single light, glowing in the corner of the room. Luke is curled up there, with his notebook against his knees… but he wasn’t writing when Julie slipped in. He was glaring down at the page like it personally offended him. Now, he sets the notebook aside without a second glance, turning his full attention on her.
“Just felt like there was a song in my head, and I had to get it out. But it’s, uhh…” He gives his shaggy head a shake. “Not coming.”
“Maybe ‘cause you’re exhausted.” Julie crosses her arms. “It’s way past bedtime, Luke.”
“I’m a ghost, though.” He spreads his arms wide and leans back in his seat, like that’s something to be proud of. “Ghosts don’t  have  bedtimes.”
Without blinking, Julie crosses over to the couch and gives it a firm kick.
“Reggie? When’s your bedtime?”
Reggie snorts, popping his head up. “Ten-thirty,” he mutters… before faceplanting in the blankets again.
Luke rolls his eyes. “Reggie can have a bedtime if he wants to. I’m a free agent.”
“You’re an insomniac, and should probably talk to someone.”
“You know any good ghost doctors?”
Julie’s eye twitches. “We’ll  find  one.”
Tipping his head back towards the ceiling, Luke clicks his tongue. “I dunno, Jules, it’s been a while since my last checkup… I don’t got time for all the bells and whistles, you know? They’re gonna take that little hammer to my knee, and it’s gonna go right through me… they're gonna look for my heartbeat and be real confused... probably try to give me some spooky X-rays…” He gasps, and bolts upright. “Julie, they’re gonna find out I don’t have a skeleton!”
Okay, thinks Julie, the late hour is definitely getting to his head.
“Is that your excuse?”
The unexpected voice from the darkness sends them both jumping out of their skin. Luke flails, nearly falling out of his chair; blinking up at the loft, Julie’s eyes widen as a  phenomenal  mess of bedhead peeks out over the railing.
“We all know you’re afraid of needles. You haven’t had a booster shot in thirty years, Luke.” Alex glares down at them both. “Now, either shut up or go away, some of us are trying to sleep!”
Reggie holds up a hand, and mumbles something like “agreed,” into his pillow.
Clapping her palm over her mouth, Julie exchanges a sheepish glance with Luke. It takes every ounce of her self-control not to burst out laughing — Alex might actually start throwing things at them — but from the way Luke’s shoulders shake, she doesn’t trust him to hold out.
“Okay, sorry, we’re leaving,” she says in an hushed rush… and, before Luke can say another word, she snags him by the arm and pulls him with her.
They slip out the doors of the studio, and break into the humid night air. May in Los Angeles is just beginning to get hot -hot; warm enough to justify tank tops instead of sweatshirts, flip-flops instead of monster slippers. Julie’s pajamas aren’t anything interesting — Luke’s seen her in worse — but under the cool moonlight, his eyes still drink her in as if seeing her for the first time.
“You sleep with all those necklaces on?” he asks.
Okay, maybe he is seeing her for the first time, because Julie’s slept with her jewelry on since, like… sixth grade.
“You’re just noticing?”
“They’re pretty in the moonlight,” he replies, like it’s a foregone conclusion; then his brows furrow. “What if they choke you?”
“That’s not how it works, Luke.”
“Sure it is! All they need to do is get a little tangled up —“ He mimes, presumably, Julie doing acrobatics in her sleep. “And  wham,  you end up all strangled to death! I know we’ve got a gimmick, Julie, but we don’t gotta make it a full-phantom band so soon.”
“You say that like you’ve got plans for my death.”
“I mean…” He shrugs, the picture of innocence. “Not in the near future, but, y’know, we can't have you out-aging us…”
“Oh,” she says, beginning the long trek up the pathway to the house. “So I’ve got… two years before you guys decide to kill me. That’s reassuring.”
Luke follows after her, their footsteps echoing together. “Eh, we could stretch it to five. Six, tops. You’re tiny, you’ve still got a few good years left in you. Not like you’re gonna go all grandma on us  too  soon.”
Julie gasps, and swats at him. Luke accepts the hit to the chest with dignity, biting back a grin. He looks unfairly handsome in the moonlight… and Julie refuses to think about that, because it opens up a wole Pandora’s Box of issues, ranging from the obvious  (he’s a ghost eternally trapped at seventeen and, unless he somehow comes back to life through the power of music, I  am  going to get older than him someday)  to the serious  (he’s keeping me up at two in the morning).
Luke isn’t handsome. He’s a sleepless menace, and Julie shouldn’t entertain him a second longer.
They reach her door. Somehow, they come to a stop at exactly the same time, turning towards each other. Julie tugs her blanket tighter around her bare shoulders. Luke reaches out, and pulls the door open for her.
“I guess —“ he says.
“Yeah,” Julie agrees quickly. “Sounds good.”
“Goodnight, then?”
“Yeah. Goodnight.”
They smile at each other for a second, close-lipped and quiet… before something in Julie breaks, and she lays a hand on his arm. Somehow, he’s always so warm under her touch, so solid. He feels like a promise always kept… a steadiness, a certainty. A comfort.
“Come on,” she says softly, taking them both by surprise. “My bed has room for two.”
He’s still so very warm, in bed next to her, with their legs tangled and bodies brushing whenever they move. It’s too humid for covers, so Julie’s got her favorite sheet, instead. As soon as Luke sees it, he billows it up into the air, and lets it fall down on top of them both like a parachute. Julie claps a hand over her mouth to hide her giggles. Even in the darkness of her bedroom — lit by the dimly glowing fairylights she only put on to keep Luke from tripping over her carpet — his grin is blinding. As the sheet flutters down over them both, she stretches her arms up to welcome it; he laughs so loudly, it’s a good thing her dad and brother can’t hear.
“This,” she huffs, once they’re both hiding under the covers, “this isn’t what we should be doing. It’s two in the morning.”
“Yeah. You’re right. Totally right.” Luke’s quiet for a moment — before shaking the covers again, causing a wave of air to roll over them. He makes a ridiculous whoosh! noise, and Julie snorts.
“Stop!” She swats at his shoulder again; the sound is harsher than the impact. Luke yelps and curls in on himself, feigning a mortal injury. Over his groans and moans and  “Julie, how could you”s,  Julie can’t restrain another fit of giggles.
Oh god, she’s gone for this boy. She really is.
It’s two in the morning, and she’s in hysterics in her bedroom over a boy no one else in the world can see… and he’s smiling at her like she’s the brightest star blazing in the sky, and his legs are brushing hers, and she can feel the pulse of his heartbeat, the warmth of his breath… which shouldn’t be possible, because he’s  dead.
Luke reaches up. Gently, he brushes a stray curl from Julie’s temple. His hand lingers, and Julie feels dizzy.
“This feels like heaven,” he says softly.
Julie’s breath catches.
“I… thought you said you’d never get there.”
“Yeah, well…” When he chuckles, his breath ruffles her hair. “I’m not much of a believer in the ‘all rockstars go to heaven’ kinda thing… I don’t even know if I buy into that stuff, period.” He shrugs, and glances down, at the bare inches of space in between them. “But this… is what it’d feel like, I think. Right here, with you. This kind of forever.”
“With...” She swallows past a throat that is suddenly too dry, forcing words together in a head that reverberates with  heaven  and  you. Forever. God, can they make this last forever?
Instead of speaking, her hand finds Luke’s in the darkness. Their palms press; their fingers intertwine. He is restless beneath her touch, all calluses and carelessness and nervous energy… but Julie holds him until she feels him relax, then slowly raises their hands up between them.
“I’d like that,” she whispers. “To stay here forever.”
His eyes shine bright. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She swallows. “As long as it’s with you.”
These are exactly the sort of confessions that could not be made any time other than late in the night, or early in the morning — that funny liminal space of existence, the hours where nothing is really real, and everything feels like it matters too much. Julie is floating, and Luke is right here with her. He’s smiling inches away from her face… and if she wanted to lean over, to close the distance between them, it would be as easy as breathing.
She doesn’t, though, because this moment feels sacred. She won’t claim it selfishly for herself — won’t turn it into something it’s not. This moment is shared, between her and Luke... secrets whispered in the dark for their ears alone. It should stay that way.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathes softly, like it’s all he knows for sure.
“You’re amazing,” she replies, in the same voice.
“You’re a star.”
“You’re inspiring.”
“You make me feel alive again.”
“So do you.”
They exhale in the silence, the words floating through the air around them. Julie imagines she can see them glowing in the darkness. If she wanted, she could pluck them out of thin air, tuck them away in her dream box and save them forever. This feels like the sort of moment that belongs there — halfway between dream and waking, almost too good to be true.
For a while, they don’t talk at all. Luke plays with her hair, and Julie twines their fingers. Their breaths match each other’s in the silence. It feels like floating down a lazy river, and slowly, Julie can feel herself being carried away.
She’s only aware of her eyes getting heavier when Luke’s fingers graze her brow, and she can’t force her lids open to look at him.
“Looks like one of us is starting to fall asleep,” Luke teases, his voice soft.
Julie humms, and feels herself smile. “You.”
“Not me.” His voice is smiling, too. “You.”
“You need t’ sleep.” She exhales, and sees it ruffle his hair like leaves on a tree. His nose scrunches up. He doesn’t look drowsy — not like he’s drowning in it, like she is — but he’s not wide awake, either. His head is quiet, his soul is calm; the hive of bees buzzing in Julie’s chest has given up the ghost for tonight. (Little Luke-shaped bees, with beanies and guitars, who keep flying into everything because they’ve got too much energy…)
She bursts into giggles again at the thought. They spill from her lips like honey; she’s too tired to silence them, nevermind hide her grin. Instead, she slumps against Luke, muffling herself against his shoulder. He smells like pine needles and sunshine. His arms wrap around her back to steady her, and she can feel him smiling against her, and Julie thinks…
Julie thinks…
“What’s so funny?” he murmurs into the crown of her head.
“Bees,” she replies, and giggles again.
“Oh yeah?” He hums, like this makes perfect sense. “I mean, yeah, they’re pretty hilarious.”
“Mmm.” She presses her face against his shoulder, and decides to stay there. “Mmm.”
For a long moment, he’s completely still — like the world’s most realistic stuffed animal, the coziest pillow ever made — before his hand tentatively begins to massage between her shoulder blades, running up and down her spine.
“You good, Julie?” he murmurs softly, and Julie humms again.
“Stay with me,” she manages to say.  Forever. “Sleep here… with me.”
Luke’s caress feels like a lullaby. The lips that graze her temple are a promise.
“Don’t worry, Julie,” he murmurs. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Somehow,  forever feels good enough for tonight.
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Eternity - Chapter 8
Starring - The OC’s, MJF, Ricky Starks, Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, The Dark Order, Matt Jackson and so much more.
Word Count - 5,627
Category - Fluff, angst and violence
Chapter 8/?
Summary - It’s a few days before Full Gear, and Sawyer and Veronica’s match. Will things be a breeze, or will there be blood in the water?
Warnings - VIOLENCE, LOTS OF IT. And drinking and manipulation
Other Author’s Notes - Follow @adriii-omega!!!
Sawyer lay in her bed, curled up in the blankets, some shitty Netflix reality tv on her laptop. There were tissues all around her, and a tear stained pillow right under her. It had been like this ever since her “breakup” with Chuck, she hated it, she wasn’t even like this when her and Wardlow broke up the first time.
“Why couldn’t me and Chuck end up like those two! It’s not fair.” She started to tear up again when she heard banging on her door. She sat up, confused, she wasn’t expecting anyone, in fact she told everyone to leave her alone until she died. She got up to look through the peephole, to see it covered. She sighed, “Who the hell is it and why are you knocking on my door?”
“It’s Maxwell, honey. Open up.”
Sawyer audibly groaned, annoyed that he even spoke, before opening the door. Max almost jumped, looking at her. He gave her a look before pushing past. “Excuse you,” She whined, “You can’t just walk into someone’s room uninvited.”
Max looked around the room before turning back towards Sawyer, who had closed the door and now looked at him, confused. “You look like you’re having a good time.” He sarcastically commented, raising an eyebrow, plopping onto the end of the couch.
Sawyer shuffled her feet and sat next to him, as he examined her and the room, while she stared into space. “Messy room, reality tv,” He paused, “basketball shorts and a shirt that is 3 sizes too big so it definitely doesn’t belong to you. Did you and Wardlow break up?”
Sawyer looked down at her shirt, and began to sob. “T-this is the shirt he gave to me after he spilt his apple juice on me.” she snuffled. “But Wardlow hates apple juice, he’s an orange juice type of guy…that nasty man.” Max shook his head, having Sawyer kick him with her foot.
Hearing the word breakup caused Sawyer to start crying, get up and to plop on her bed, “No you idiot! Your friend forced me to stop being friends with Chuck! And it’s not fair! I miss him! And even after I did it, Michael hasn’t talked to me in four days for ‘punishment’ for being sad about it!”
Max looked at Sawyer, scared, before she continued, “And people won’t leave me alone and it’s so annoying! Can’t I just deal with the fact that I had to stop communicating with the dude I’m in love with?” Sawyer gasped, snapping up and covering her mouth.
Max's mouth hung a bit, his eyes wide. “I did not…I mean-”
“I knew it.”
She instantly shut her mouth, a perplexed look taking over, “You knew what?” Max lightly chuckled before sitting on the opposite side of the bed. “That you’re in love with Chank.”
“His name is Chuck.”
“And, I don’t give a shit. All that matters is that man made you light up in a way Michael never could.” He paused, before taking a deep breath.“The problem with Wardlow is, he can only give so much in a relationship…but with Chuck, the guy’s not even dating you, and he’s willing to give you the whole world, Sawyer. Please tell me you’ve seen the way he looks at you when you’re doing absolutely nothing, or the way he crouches over his phone because he’s grinning like an idiot from just texting you. If that man walked through that door right now, and you looked like this, he would still think you were the finest girl he’s ever laid his beady little eyes on.”
Sawyer wiped her eyes, and sat up. “You’re not funny.” She tried her best to keep her smiling from growing, “Shut up. You know I’m knee slapping hilarious.” She finally let her laugh out, not being able to hide it. “There’s that smile I love.” he sent her a toothy grin before leaning over, and placing his arm around her shoulders, “Everything’s going to be just fine,” he placed a kiss on the top of her head before getting up, “NOW clean this room up, what are you? 7?”
“Alright, mom.” Sawyer shot back, rolling her eyes. “Y’know…I’d prefer if you called me Daddy-”
“GOODBYE MAX.” She shot up, hurryingly shoving him out the door. “Come on Sawyer, you should have known that was coming.” He laughed, as he reached the doorway. “I still hate you by the way.” He lightly punched her shoulder. “Yea, I hate you more though.” She smiled before raising her middle finger, making him act offended. “As if, I came all this way just to get DISRESPECTED. The audacity of some people.”
“We’re in the same hotel.”
“YOU take my kindness for GRANTED!” he shouted as he made his way down the hall. Sawyer shut the door leaning on it for support, as she laughed to herself. “I can’t believe him sometimes.” A vibration from her phone caught her attention, as she finally went to pick it up from where she threw it on the floor a couple days ago. She opened it, letting a chuckle escape as it was a picture of Max with his middle finger raised. Another text came through. “Even my middle finger is better than you. Love you I guess.”
Daily’s Place
Hangman hasn’t had a peaceful sleep in days. His eye bags were more noticeable than usual, and even though his match with Kenny was coming up in a few short days, it wasn’t even his number one priority anymore. He made his way to a familiar locker room, quickly knocking and stepping back as if the door was on fire. “I got it!” a muffled voice yelled from the other side. A small smile escaped, as he could tell who that voice belonged to. to., “Yeah? Oh… it’s you.” Veronica said with a frown, “I don’t really think right now is a good time, Page.” She stared at the ground trying to avoid his green eyes burning holes through her. “No, I really need to talk to you. I know I messed up and-”
“Hey, who was it V?” Matt Jackson popped his head out, opening the door more to reveal Hangman standing in the hallway. “Oh for the love of god, what are you doing here,” he threw his hands in the air, “YOU’RE NOT WITH US ANYMORE.” He shouted, causing  Veronica to jump. Hangman shot a look at both of them, biting the inside of his lip, “With all due respect Matt… I wasn’t here to bother you, I never was, but you always seem to be where she is…so if I have to put up with you to talk to her, so be it. Veronica, come on.” He grabbed ahold of her wrist, before Matt put his hands up and shoved him, “Don’t touch her.” he warned, as he got closer. “Go back to the bar man, you’re embarrassing yourself again.” Matt said with his jaw clenched not breaking his stare.
“You don’t control her…if she wanted me gone, Veronica would tell me herself,” he chuckled, noticing his stance. “You’ve changed.” He blurted. Matt opened his mouth to protest, then was cut off by an annoyed voice. “Are you kidding me?” Veronica squeaked.
“MATT has changed? You’re out at three in the morning getting absolutely WASTED every night, and he’s the one who’s changed? You cost Matt and Nick a championship opportunity, because you know you couldn’t defeat them again. You selfishly thought about yourself to save YOUR title.”
“Veronica, what are you talking about? We-” he spoke up.
“There is no WE Hangman!” She frustratedly pointed between them. “I sat in that bar, and talked to you because for a little bit I actually felt SORRY for you.”
He went quiet for a couple seconds before speaking up again, “So then why the hell did you keep coming back?” His voice rasped within each word, “To make sure for your match at Full Gear, Kenny Omega would be able to pin you in the middle of that ring clean, and you couldn’t make any excuses this time…seems it didn’t work, because the only way you would man up and talk to me is if you had a bottle of whiskey in your system.”
“You’re wrong,” he choked out, “But fine. I won’t talk to you ever again.” He tipped his imagery cowboy hat at her, before turning down the hall with a sober mind but now even a drunker heart.
Hangman couldn’t get the image of Veronica out of his mind, the real Veronica was out of her eyes, she wasn’t herself anymore. Because of them.
He drank the next glass of whiskey in one gulp, before putting it down for another. All sounds surrounding him were just white noise, not even processing that people were speaking to him. “Adam!” He finally snapped out of it, jumping and looking around him, the Dark Order surrounded him, concerned. Adam looked at all of them with sad eyes, “Hey guys. Good to see you.” He turned back to his whiskey glass, taking small sips this time, Veronica now made him too embarrassed to drink.
Stu stepped forward, “You alright, bud? We were going to go out for lunch before Dynamite but we saw you here.” Hangman waved them off, “No, I’m not fine, but go to lunch, I’ll be okay.”
Alan shoved himself in front of everyone, “What happened, Adam?”
Adam took another sip from the glass, before starting to ramble, “I don’t know what I did to her guys. We were fine and now she thinks I'm a drunk who doesn’t have a right to be upset.” The Dark Order all looked at him with worried eyes, “Who?” Uno asked, putting his hand on Adam’s shoulder.
“Veronica! We were doing fine, we were…I don’t even know what we were, she’s with Kenny but she says she wants to be with me…but she doesn’t, she’s confusing! And now she’s changed!”
“She’s completely under their control! She treats me like I’m garbage, she’s “too good” to drink, and she treats her friends like shit!” Adam ranted, causing other bar patrons to look over. “Who are her friends?” Anna asked, knowing the answer, but not wanting to believe it.
“Sawyer and Nova! They were doing fine when they got here, now Veronica thinks she’s above them. I mean, she says Nova is ‘always in her business’ when she clearly wants to fix things. And don’t get me started on how she treats Sawyer! Veronica let’s Kenny walk all over her! And then proceeds to call her overdramatic! I can’t even say it to her face cause then I’m automatically the bad guy, like Nova or Sawyer,” Hangman finished his drink, slamming the glass down and paying the bartender, “I’m gonna go and try and forget this morning happened. I’ll see you guys later.”
The group watched as Hangman walked away, they all looked at each other, but most of the attention was on Anna and Alan, who were fuming.
“How can she treat him like that! After all he’s been through!” Alan scowled.
“Sawyer and Nova too! They’ve been best friends for years and suddenly she’s above them?” Anna ranted, the two nodded at each other, both thinking the same thing and walked towards the door. “Woah woah, where are you two going?” Preston asked, quickly stepping in front of them.
“We’re not gonna let her hurt our friends anymore! It has to stop!” Alan said, looking towards everyone else to back him up. “Look, we know, we’re all upset,” Stu spoke, “But you both are way too mad. Things could go wrong instead of the way we want them to.”
John Silver stepped up, “Then I think that’s the job for me and Alex.” Alex smirked, giving John a high five. “No way.” Anna said, having some sense of logic.
Uno put his hand up to stop Anna from objecting, “Look, it wouldn’t hurt for them to try. Alex, John…don’t do anything stupid.” John and Alex had a small celebration before walking out the door, everyone knowing this was a huge mistake.
Ricky paced around his locker room, throwing things around randomly. “This is so,” He throws a bag, “Fucking stupid!”
Nova, hearing the commotion, walked into the locker room, where Ricky and Brian Cage were. She almost got hit by a flying water bottle, which was thrown by Ricky. “What the hell, babe?” Nova squawked, throwing it back at him. He flinched, before apologizing over and over, sitting on the bench to calm down, now that Nova was there.
“What’s going on here? This room’s a mess!” Nova yelled, starting looking around. Brian leaned down to whisper in her ear, “He just found out about Darby and Cody at Full Gear.”
Nova snapped her head up, “Wait WHAT? The producers told you months ago it would be you and Cody?” Brian sighed, “So neither of you knew about this?”
They both shook their heads at him. “That title shot should’ve been yours! We aren’t gonna just let this happen!” She yelled, thinking.
She felt a lightbulb turn on above her head, “Here’s what we’ll do. If Darby wins that title, you guys go out and attack him and Cody. Slam Darby through some tables, and use his ‘special entrance’ he planned against him. We’ll show him that Team Taz aren’t people to just mess around with.”
Ricky and Cage thought about it, before agreeing to that plan. “Babe, you’re a genius. We just gotta keep watch for that meathead Hobbs and we’ll be fine.”
Nova blushed as Ricky walked over, hugging her. “Taz has GOT to let you into the team after saturday, no way he won’t.” Brian said, patting Nova on the shoulder. “Let’s hope,” Nova said, “Cause I’m helping you take down Darby.”
“Okay, John we’re here for ONE thing, and one thing only.” Alex Reynolds tried to explain. “Veronica needs to be put in her place for not hurting not only Sawyer and Nova, but now Hangman. She’s been acting funny lately…and she needs to know that.” he said. “No funny business, and nothing to make her too upset. Understand?”
“Yeah, I got it… here she is! FREEZE HOE!” He shouted, making all the makeup artists stop what they were doing. Veronica turned in her chair, perplexed. “JOHN?!” Reynolds slapped his friend on the back of the next, “You can’t call her that!” he ran his hands through his hair, as Silver rolled his eyes. “Well she is!”
“I’m sorry? Can I help you?” She asked, her arms crossed. “I’m sorry for him…he’s just a little upset.” Alex tried to reason. “YOU HURT OUR FRIENDS YOU BLOOD SUCKING INSECT!” John lunged at her, before Reynolds grabbed him by the back of his shirt. “What he’s trying to say is…what you did to Hangman-” “AND SAWYER AND NOVA!” John interrupted.
“What you did to Sawyer, Nova, and Hangman…was wrong. In more ways than one. This isn’t the Veronica who was once more than excited to just sit in the crowd for a couple match tappings…this is a downgrade. We just want you back.”
Veronica uncrossed her arms, shooting a brow to the two men. “A downgrade? I’m still the same person who I was when I first arrived here…I just finally opened my eyes, and realized my worth. Maybe if you two did the same, you’d be used to something other than comedy skits on other people’s youtube channels.” She walked over to one of the mirrors, fluffing her hair a bit, “Plus, Hangman has a match to worry about, and as “friends’' of his you should be helping him prepare.”
Silver and Reynolds walk to where she was staring at their own reflection. “How can you look at yourself knowing Kenny Omega is playing you like a puppet?” Silver asked with disgust, making Veronica turn around. “Listen here meat man, I don’t need this okay. I’m about to go on NATIONAL TV to promote my match that’s going to main event an enormous pay per view. You’re lucky Orange Cassidy has enough star power, or you wouldn’t even be on the card.” Silver and Reynolds gasped. “You heartless bitch,” Reynolds mumbled.
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” John pointed his finger. “Truth hurts boys, wake up or you’ll drown with Hangman AND Sawyer.” She shrugged before beginning to walk out the door. “That didn’t go as expected…” John began.
“Sawyer’s going to kick your ass at Full Gear!” Alex shouted, making Veronica stop in her tracks. “She can try, but I doubt it.”
“No she will. On my unborn child, Sawyer is coming for blood.”
“She is?” John Silver and Veronica asked at the same time. Alex turnt his head towards Silver and clenched his teeth. “YES. YES. SHE. IS.” John widened eyes, realizing what his friend was trying to imply, “OH. RIGHT. Yeah, Sawyer’s gonna make you wish you’d never cheated to get to the finals-”
“I DIDN’T CHEAT,” She cut him off, “But how are you so sure about this…did she say anything?”
Alex began to shake his head trying his best to throw Veronica off her game. “Oh yea, all the time she talks about renting a couple buses just to run you over with them.” Silver began to blab, “You should have heard her when she found out you actually made it in the finals…” he slowly leaned in, “Kind of got me tight in the crotch area.”
“That’s disgusting.” She backed up a few inches.
“Hey, it’s Sawyer.” Alex raised his hands in defense, going along with Silver’s plan. “She was all,” he cleared his throat, and tried his best girl impression, “She’s gonna wish Nyla actually broke her arm… I’ve carried her throughout the independent scene her whole career… She’ll never live up to the legacy she wanted to create.”
“She actually said that?” Veronica let her guard down, as her eyes softened. “Every word.” Silver lied. She sucked on her bottom lip, nodding her head slowly. “You know what…I’m actually glad you guys told me this. Everyone needs a Silver, and Reynolds in their life.” She plastered a fake smile, before pulling them both in for a hug. “Enjoy the rest of the show.” She waved, before making her way to the curtain.
“We just did something bad…didn’t we?” Silver asked Reynolds with concern in his voice.
“Yea, we just fucked up.”
Sawyer quickly put in Leva Bates for the Canadian Destroyer, getting the victory. She let the ref raise her hand before lending Leva a hand to get up. They shook hands while Leva exited the ring, leaving Sawyer, talking to the camera.
Her small victory was interrupted by Veronica’s theme song, she strutted out with a mic, evil smile on her face. Sawyer faced away from the camera, just to give Veronica a quick smile, ready for this planned face-off.
Veronica’s smile quickly went away as she stepped in the ring. “Well, congratulations on that win Sawyer. Unfortunately, come Full Gear, it won’t be that easy.”
Sawyer smiled, grabbing a mic for herself, “I’m sure it won’t, Veronica. I’ll be facing the best of the best. It’s some tough competition. I’m looking forward to it.” Veronica let out an evil chuckle, “Well, this “best of the best” is going to kick your ass, Sawyer. I don’t care how many matches you’ve won. I am not scared of your Canadian Destroyer.”
“And you think I’m gonna let your two feet on the ropes stop me from winning? You got another thing coming for you.” Sawyer said, still smirking.
“Kinda like how you think Best Friends are gonna be there to save you again? You and your pathetic little friends aren’t stopping me from becoming the next number one contender.” Veronica snapped, getting in Sawyer’s face.
Sawyer’s confidence suddenly left her, the Best Friends comment wasn’t planned when they discussed this last night. Veronica knew a comment about Chuck would throw Sawyer off, and Sawyer was gonna fight fire with fire.
“Unlike you, I don’t need any man to fight my battles for me. Sorry that you’ll need your boyfriend, Kenny Omega, to come out and save your ass.” Sawyer stared into Veronica’s eyes, before smiling as the crowd hyped up Sawyer.
Veronica didn’t even say anything else, like was planned, she just nodded, backing up a bit. Sawyer thought she was leaving the ring, the whole plan of the ref breaking up their petty bickering now out the window. Instead Veronica threw her arm back, delivering a cracking slap that echoed through the whole arena.
Sawyer was slapped so hard that she stumbled, she looked back at Veronica, who had no sign of remorse in her eyes. Sawyer saw red, her chest clearly heaving up and down from anger, before she ran towards Veronica, cutting her in half with a spear.
“Oh come these two girls were best friends one time, are they really going to let a championship get in between them-”
“Yes they are Schiavone! This is a wrestling company, not a romantic movie! I hope they destroy each other before Full Gear even gets here!” Taz evilly commentated, though he wasn’t fully sure what was happening.
More referees had started to pour out of the entrance tunnels, trying to grab Sawyer from where she was trying to claw Veronica’s eyes out. “Get her off of me!” Veronica did her best to kick her legs, not succeeding until Bryce and Aubrey had a strong grip on Sawyer.
“What the hell was that Veronica?” Sawyer shrieked from across the ring. Veronica fixed her clothes before pulling the refs by their shirts onto the mat, and delivering yet another slap, this time not putting a lot of distance between them, as she repeatedly began to punch her in the back.
“Urm— I think we need some help out here, folks. These two are fighting like scolded dogs.” Jim Ross looked at the backstage crew, signaling for more assistance.
A strong pair of arms wrapped around Veronica’s waist, and lunged her across the ring. She quickly dusted herself off to be met with an angry Wardlow. “Veronica, calm the fuck down.”
“No! SHE-”  Veronica was met with a collision, as Sawyer pushed Wardlow to the ropes, and shoved Veronica back into the turnbuckle making her gasp. Sawyer’s knuckles connected with Veronica’s ribs making her hurdle over. The women’s locker room began to pour out, with Shida leading she put herself between the two playing peacemaker. “Save it for Sunday!” She tried to reason with Sawyer, as she placed her hands on her shoulders. Veronica’s blood boiled, as she saw the championship she wanted so badly, and the person who wanted to keep her from it being so close together.
A flipped switch in Veronica’s head, as she turnt Shida harshly to make her look at her. “Stay out of my business!” She yelled. “She’s just trying to help your crazy ass!” Britt yelled as she grabbed her friend’s arm trying to drag Veronica out of the ring, failing as she kicked her in the shin, and headed for Shida, but accidentally knocking her into Sawyer. Anna Jay did her best to check on Sawyer, but was met with a hard hit to the back. “Move!” Veronica screamed, as she tried to grab Sawyer by her hair, but she reversed it and started punching her anywhere she could.
A loud commotion was made, as the rest of the locker room was sent to the ring. John Silver and Alex Reynolds slowly follow behind, trying their best to act like this wasn’t their fault. Ricky Starks, and Nova pulled Sawyer by the shoulders snapping her up.
“You need to chill out.” Nova furiously stated, Ricky nodding in agreement. “She slapped me-”
“AND I’LL DO IT AGAIN!” Veronica yelled from the other corner where Eddie Kingston and Scorpio Sky held her back. “I DARE YOU TO TRY AGAIN, I’M DONE WITH THIS BULLSHIT!” Sawyer screamed back. “I’m ending you.” Veronica cracked her finger, and silently apologized to the two men holding her, before delivering a left and right hook to both of them making their grip loosen and let her slip free.
She shot out dropkicking RIcky and Nova out the way, and marching towards Sawyer. They both began to repeatedly punch each other before Sawyer got a good uppercut in making Veronica stumble. “That’s enough!” Brandon Cutler snapped, as he began to tug at Veronica’s heels. “We’re going back. NOW.”
It must have been a big deal, if The Elite sent Cutler. “Fine.” She put her hands up in defense, rolling out the ring. Cash Wheeler held her by the wrist behind her back, as Cutler began to tell her some stuff about how she was going to be in big trouble, when she got to the back… but it all went through one ear, and out the other as she never dropped her eye contact with Sawyer, who was fighting back a man three times her size, Lance Archer. “Just let me at her one more time!” she pleaded. “Sawyer. You’ve done enough. She’s being escorted out the building. It’s over.”
She looked around the ring, seeing everyone with fear in their eyes…except a man in the corner who tried his best to avoid eye contact. Sawyer stared long enough causing him to look up. “Please.” She mouthed while looking at him, he shook his head fast. Making her pout her lip out. “Fine.” Chuck Taylor mouthed as he pulled Orange to whisper something into his ear. Orange looked over at Sawyer, slightly nodding trying to time everything just right. Lance took a big sigh, before finally moving out of her way and making almost a clear path… with just a few dark guys…and Marko Stunt in her way, she could do this.
She backed up in the farthest turnbuckle before running with all her might and jumping right into Chuck and Orange’s arm where they flipped her into Veronica and many other wrestlers who all tumbled down. “What the hell is wrong with you, you psycho!” Veronica screamed as she did her best to get back up, clenching her side. Chuck and Trent soon pushed her back, “Get out of here.” Orange Cassidy waved. “Buh-Bye!” Chuck exaggeratedly flicked his middle finger off making Sawyer laugh. Veronica rolled her eyes, before feeling Jungle Boy grab her by her shoulder, and Luchasaurus lightly shoving her.
“Thanks for the backup.” Sawyer awkwardly said, as Chuck gave her a tight lip smile and Orange nodded his head, “You’ll beat her Sunday, I know you will.” Taylor lazily said, as he slapped her shoulder. “See you around.” He hung his head, and made his way back to Orange following behind him.
Veronica was dragged backstage first, The Acclaimed had a hold on her arms, while Britt, Jurassic Express and Penelope Ford followed behind, making sure she didn’t run back out there.
Soon after, Sawyer entered the backstage area, Lance Archer’s arms wrapped around her body, carrying her, so she couldn’t escape, the Dark Order, Nova and Sonny Kiss walking ahead to make sure Veronica wasn’t around. “How the hell did you jump over 5 people and the ropes?” Lance asked before setting her down. “I did the long jump in school,” Sawyer looked around frantically, “Where is she? I’m gonna fucking kill her!”
Wardlow finally made his way through the crowd, “Are you okay? Were you hurt?” “I’m fine, I’m just…” Sawyer slowly stopped talking when she made eye contact with Nova, who didn’t look too happy. She spoke up to try and speak with her, but it was all interrupted by a booming voice.
“Veronica! Sawyer! EVP office! NOW!” The crowd slowly split into two, as Veronica and Sawyer looked at the red and angry face of Kenny Omega. He wasted no time walking to the office, and they slowly followed behind.
As they walked through the crowd, all they could see was the disappointed, furious, sympathetic and concerned faces of people like Private Party, Eddie Kingston, Tay Conti and so much more. Sawyer’s heart dropped when she made eye contact with Chuck, he tried to say something but she walked past him quickly. It felt like the class was watching them as they were going to the principal’s office, they hated it.
Once they reached the EVP’s office, Kenny Omega shut the door behind him, and started tearing into them.
“That was SO unprofessional! It was not approved this morning when you came to us. Veronica, I love you, but you slapping Sawyer was NOT needed. I had to convince Tony to not get you fired.” Veronica shrunk, suddenly embarrassed.
“And Sawyer, I don’t care how you feel about me, but keep your anger issues away from my girlfriend! You almost injured her AND other superstars brawling!” Kenny scolded which made Sawyer feel bad.
“Look, Kenny, I’m sorry. Personal issues aside, I love working with you and everyone here and I shouldn’t have-” Kenny put a hand up, stopping Sawyer.
“Save it. Your match at Full Gear is now changed, to a death match,” He turned to face his girlfriend, “One of Veronica’s specialties.” He smirked, pulling Veronica in by the waist.
Veronica looked at Kenny, surprised, before looking at Sawyer with an evil grin, “Well, Sawyer, you better get ready then, you know yourself I don’t play nice in these matches.”
This was music to Veronica’s ears, her and Sawyer have had a death match before, and it didn’t end well for Sawyer. “And you and I both know, I’ve carried more championships.”
Sawyer shook her head out of her thoughts, “Kenny, that isn’t necessary. And, you chose a match that’s specifically Veronica’s specialty! Was it on purpose?”
Kenny got in Sawyer’s face, “This match is the reason you still have a job Sawyer. Stop acting like a fucking brat who doesn’t get her way and get the hell out of my office.” Sawyer shrunk, she eyed Veronica, hoping maybe she would step in, but just smirked as her boyfriend now made Sawyer feel small.
Sawyer just nodded and walked out, leaving the door open.
“Wow babe. You sure told her.”
“You too, Veronica. I can barely look at you right now.” Kenny said, not even giving her a glance as he started to pack up his things for the night.
Veronica stood stunned, before leaving the office herself, and couldn’t help but blame Sawyer as well as Silver and Reynolds for Kenny being angry at her.
Sawyer and Veronica walked away from the EVP office, planning to go their separate ways for the night, not even wanting to look at each other; but they were stopped in their tracks by Nova, furious.
Nova stood in front of them with her arms crossed, fuming. “You okay Nova?” Veronica asked, with a bit of sarcasm. Nova grabbed both of the girls by their arms, not letting go until they reached the Ricky Starks’ locker room. Taz looked at Nova with a surprised yet angry expression, “Woah woah woah! Don’t bring those two psychos in here! This is for Team Taz onl-”
“Taz, this is MY MAN’S locker room, I can be here all I want, and with all due respect. Get. Out.” Taz flinched back, motioning Brian Cage and Ricky to follow.
Ricky whispered “Good luck.” to his friend, Sawyer, before shutting the door behind him.
Nova turned towards Sawyer and Veronica, wild expression in her eyes, “What the fuck was that! I thought you guys were all good but you can’t even let your differences go in the ring?!” Veronica scoffed, “Nova, this doesn’t concern you alright? Me and Sawyer will work this ou-”
“The hell it does! I just had to stop a BRAWL between you two, hell, the whole damn locker room did! Now tell me what the hell is going on between you too before I lose it even more!” Nova snapped, ready to go insane.
Veronica sighed, “Nova, nothing is going on. Sawyer is just all in her head, thinking I’m against her but I’m not. That whole thing was planned and she took it too far.”
Sawyer almost broke her neck looking towards Veronica, “What? The slap was never supposed to happen! We planned this last night and this never came up! And all in my head? If anything it’s you! And Kenny who thinks that I’m-”
Veronica chuckled, “See here we go again. ‘Kenny doesn’t like me.’ ‘Aw it’s all Kenny’s fault.’ ‘Oh poor Sawyer.’ When will you face the facts? Kenny is just trying to be a good boyfriend yet you can’t handle that!” Sawyer stood there silently. “Sawyer isn’t worried about Kenny, Veronica,” Nova said, “And, Sawyer, Veronica isn’t out to get you. Will you both just get over yourselves? You’re making this so hard on everyone who cares about you.”
Sawyer glared at Veronica while V’s face softened. “So, are y’all good?” Nova asked, looking between them. ”Yeah,” Veronica nodded, smiling, “I wanna be good.” She held her hand up, waiting for Sawyer to shake it.
Sawyer could see the manipulation behind Veronica’s eyes, and she wasn’t going to fall for it. She grabbed Veronica’s hand, but instead of shaking it, pulled her forward so they were almost face to face.
“No. We’re not good. You can try all you want, but I won’t fall for your victim bullshit. I’ll see your sorry ass at Full Gear.” Sawyer snarled, Veronica pulled her hand away, Nova watched in horror.
Any sign of Sawyer before was gone from her eyes, just red and hatred as she walked out the door, slamming it, ready for this death match.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 2
To summarise: I will have the love square one way or another!
First >Next 
As far as homes go it’s pretty good” Adrien stretches out, Plagg curls up next to him.
“Don't get too comfortable we’re going to be on the move,” Marinette types furiously at her computer.
“I will try my hardest,” Adrien stares blankly at her, sat atop a pile of grubby blankets next to a broken window. Marinette loses connection to her computer and slams it shut with a huff.
“Get some sleep I’m going to find an internet cafe,” Marinette stuffs the cheap laptop into her bag, amazing how something she bought at a hole in the wall place for thirty bucks didn’t work well.
“Who needs sleep when you can have coffee,” Adrian stands up, ready to follow her.
“Sleep Chat,” She pushes him down by the shoulders, “I need my partner fully operational,”
“Yeah kid, take a break, we worked hard,” Plagg yawns, turning over.
“You also worked hard Bug,” Adrien lets himself be pushed back onto the blankets.
“I won't be able to sleep until I know how everything is in Paris,”
“Neither can I,” Adrien protests, already half asleep.
“Sure you can, night Chat,”
“Night M’lady,”
Marinette leaves the same way they came in, though the window. She has to slide down the gutter to get on the street, Tikki hiding away in her bag. She has to go pretty far in town to find a suitable cafe, too far from Adrien to be comfortable. Marinette pops in her earbuds before opening her computer to let her talk to Tikki freely.
She doesn't immediately search up missing person cases. Looking instead at Paris tourist destinations and guides. Switching to the dangers of traveling to Paris; the only mention of Akuma being on obscure question and answer sites. She looks at kidnapping potential and then moves onto missing person cases. Adrien's is the first to come up, obviously. 
There was lots of outcry among his fans. Many were throwing around accusations of foul play on Gabriel's part from abuse to locking Adrien away from the world. However, Gabriel was also fiercely looking for his son. Adrien hadn’t left behind any sort of note. Well only to Nino, which Adrien had told Marinette was asked not to mention to anyone.
Marinette then feels safe enough to look up her own case. It was smaller, although was gaining attention as Jagged proclaimed it to high heavens; more so asking what they did wrong and how they could fix it and asking for any sightings of her. That could be a problem if her picture was already around. Marinette pulls her hood up higher. They might have to get haircuts and wear disguises… on second thought wearing suspicious disguises in Gotham might cause more problems.
“Tikki they seem really worried,” Marinette watches the videos Jagged posted, her parents in the background running around talking with police.
“Of course they are Mari,” Marinette feels a light tap on her side, “But you're doing the right thing,”
“No I’m not,” not when she’s watching a video of her parents crying,  “I’m doing what needs to be done, this is my responsibility, no matter what a certain someone thinks,”
She spits with venom. Maybe Adriens rant last night rubbed off on her.
“He’s the hero here,” Tiki says non accusingly, “Imagine if another hero came to Paris without asking you… remember Volpina?”
“Ah now that was an actual villain,” Marinette hadn’t trusted her from the start,  “Plus she was akumatized,”
“Marinette,” Marinette can’t bring herself to feel guilty, even under tikis scolding.
“Right but that still doesn't give him the right,” Marinette huffs, “After all would he attack Marinette? No!”
“Are you implying you would attack Lila?”
“......... no,”
Marinetti smirks to herself instinctively looking around for Adrien to share her joke. Then Marinette froze. The cafe was empty, not even a barista. How had she not noticed!?
“Wait,” Marinetti says out loud before Tiki could talk, “I’m going to have to call you back, something just came up,”
Something was watching her from the kitchen door as if she couldn’t see them. Marinette tries to act normal going for the pepper on the table and putting it on her food. They move at the same time. The attacker runs towards her, Marinette throws the shaker at- Robin?! It hits him square in the forehead, with a curse he touches his bleeding forehead.
“I am so sorry!” Marinette panics, “That was meant to explode in your face!”
“How is that better?!” Robin runs forward, sword drawn. Marinette ducks behind the table grabbing her plate and frisbeeing it towards him, he manages to dodge this one, “Draw your weapon coward!"
“I don’t have a weapon!” She grabs the table cloth ready to take the vigilante down, “What is wrong with you?!”
He doesn't answer lunging at her again with the sword. Marinette kicks up the table then kicks it towards him in one swift movement. With the impact of the table he drops the sword, Marinette jumps up landing on the table which pins Robin down to the ground with its weight and hers, with the legs sticking up.
“I knew it,” Robin spits and she presses her weight into the table to keep him pinned.
“Excuse you,” Marinette catches his wrist as he tries to pull a dagger on her using the table cloth to tie it to the legs of the table, then does the same with the other, “You attacked me,”
“-Robin!” she hears a faint call, no one is around so it must be from his communicator, “-Robin report back to the cave!”
“I’ll take that~” Marinette sings songs ignoring how he growls at her. She rolls her eyes stepping off the table she needed to get out of here now.
She steps out of the cafe throwing the communicator and likely a tracking device too on the roof of a passing car then sprints in the opposite direction. She heads for the alleys looking for an area with no cameras as she runs. When she finds a spot Marinette transforms running back to their base with record timing.
“Adrien wake up!” Ladybug jumps through the window, barely avoiding landing on him, “Batman’s after us,”
“What?!” He sits bolt upright, Ladybug pulls him onto his feet.
“Move! Now!” She grabs their bags, Adrien transforms and they take off over the rooftops.
“What happened?!” Chat shouts as the runaway, “Is Batman chasing us?”
“Yes, well kinda-- Robin tried to kill me,”
“He what?!”
“As Marinette,” She adds, slowing down as they should have put enough distance between them.
“Did they figure us out already?” Chat Noir slows down into a walk then collapses on the rooftop,
“This is the worst wake up call ever!”
“Well, it's about to get worse,” Ladybug cringes feeling the distinct trace of magic she was all too familiar with.
“Great, perfect,” Chat complains standing back up.
“At least we’re not at school,” Ladybug shrugs, launching herself over a roof.
“No you’re right being chased by a masked vigilante is a massive improvement,”
“Robin! Get your head out of the clouds and get over here!”
Damian breaks out of his trance, regrettably tearing his gaze away from Ladybug to the much less awe inspiring sight of Batman trapped under a car. They shouldn’t be wasting their time worrying about these established amazing hero’s and worry about that assassin on the loose. Who knows who she was after. She could be planning Batman’s demise at this very moment; if she was close with his mother then surely she knew their identities which was far far more dangerous.
Ladybug could handle herself as evidence by her going toe to toe with the newest villain. In a matter of minutes, the villain was down for the count with no help on their part. 
“Ladybug!” He calls before she leaves again, maybe she could help him convince his father that he was being an absolute buffoon.
“Oh it’s you,” She says surprisingly coldly, “What do you want now?”
“Are, you here to attack me again?”
“... I didn’t attack you?” He had spent all morning tracking down a dangerous assassin.
“... Oh! Of course, you did- haha I just ummmm-- there must have been an… Akuma! Yes! There must have been an Akuma earlier that looked like you,”
“An Akuma was impersonating me?” Robin growls.
“Yeah, they do that sometimes,” Chat Noir pipes up, “It’s annoying,”
“Yes and if you’re here, that uh… that means the Akuma is still out there so we gotta go deal with that so-bye!” Ladybug swings off closely followed by Chat Nor; off to go save his name and reputation.
“So you really think that was an Akuma?” Adrien asks as they transform back.
“Maybe- I don’t know it was just an excuse so he wouldn't figure out my identity,”
“Well at least he doesn't know it,” Adrien shrugs as they walk through the alleys in search of a new place to rest that night.
“If he doesn't know then why would he attack Marinette?” She asks, “And if it was an Akuma that means Hawkmoth knows my identity which is so much worse!”
“Is it tho?”
“I mean back in Paris it would have been bad,” They both cringe, “But here we have no home, no family, no friends! He cant use any of that against us now!”
Adrien beams his contagious smile.
“You always manage to find a bright side,” Marinette smirks punching him in the shoulder.
“So that's why,” They both turn around, staring in shock.
“Batman?!” Turning back their way out is already blocked by mister boy wonder. Who, by the way he is glaring at her, was not an Akuma this morning.
“I can't believe Talia called me because some teenagers were eloping,”
I know that name- WAIT!
“Eloping?!” Marinette chokes, “We are not eloping!”
“As in not at all,” Adrien blanches, “And I mean no offense Marinette you are literally the sweetest person but I can’t imagine anything more horrific!”
“Oh god, same!” At least now, “I mean once when we were younger…-- it was a silly crush!”
“Wait you had a crush on me?!”
“Yeah, well, you had a crush on me!”
“... oh god… I did, didn’t I?!”
While Adrien is dealing with that little revelation Marinette looks around for an escape. There isn’t much opportunity since both have their eyes on them, partly out of morbid curiosity at their little freakout. Well if you don't have a distraction homemade is fine.
“AKUMA!” They both look, predictably. 
Marinette grabs Adrien and runs. She goes for the side Robins guarding, sweeping his legs sending him crashing to the ground.
“I’m not sorry!” Marinette calls as they sprint down the alley.
Marinette heads for the main street, enough of a crowd to camouflage. As they are walking through as casually as possible Marinette sweeps them both for bugs putting any she finds on random passerbys. They walk sometimes ducking into busy shops in hopes of losing their trail. They come across the mall which works perfectly for them. They stay until it starts to approach closing time, it’s easy enough to avoid security and so they get locked in for the night.
“So what do you want to do?!” They walk through the empty halls Adrien skipping along and looking at each display. Marinette stops outside an electronics store, the tv’s still on and displaying the news.
“Make a plan for a way to deal with that,” On-screen are the two of them, a video of Ladybug throwing a car at Batman, “This is taken completely out of context!”
“What’s the context?” 
“Batman was being a little bitch!”
“I’m sure that will hold up in court,” Adrien laughs taking a seat in one of those massage chairs, “Besides what's the problem?”
“The problem?!” Marinette yells, “The problem is that now all of Gotham is going to hate us!”
“So? Do we really need them to like us?” Adrien gets up to stand by her, rubbing her shoulder.
“They did in Paris,”
“We’re not in Paris anymore,” Adrien says quietly, leading her towards the seats, “We have a chance to start new again, everyday something we haven't done before, a couple of pals living day to day on the edge, isn’t that exciting?”
“I just--” want to go home, “I’m tired,”
“Take a break,” Adrien sits her down in the massage chair with a kind smile, “I’ll keep watch,”
“.. ok,” Marinette curls up in the chair Tikki coming to lie beside her. With not much strength to fight it, Marinette falls asleep while she can.
Taglist? nope don’t have one, horrible at keeping track of them sorry~
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overlordred said: Heyyyyyyyyyy Doll Face, it me again 🥸🤓, so I saw that you’ve had Porco on the brain and it made something in my brain click again. I don’t know what it is with my need for characters with devoted animal companions but it’s just my thing. Like Porco’s S/O has had her tortoise since she was a kid and it’s HUGE now and since I’m sure you’ve mentioned Udo loves turtles, in a last ditch effort to keep the kids occupied while babysitting them Porco’s like I have a turtle and the kids just lose their minds from this tortoise (who for some reason has a name like Speed or something 😆) If you don’t see it I very much respect that but I just thought I’d share lol. I hope you’re having a beautiful day and good fortune smiles on you. Laters!
Porco & you babysitting pt.2
{ Porco x reader | tw:none | fluff, light drama | modern }
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{ "De Forest Interior" 1878 by Walter L. Palmer  1854-1932 }
"What's wrong?" He said with a frown, stepping back to give you space. "Did i do som-"
"No. It's just that…" you interrupted him, "Porco, what are we exactly? Is this a relationship or are we just friends wit-" 
Before you could finish, a high pitched scream came from where the kids were, snapping your attention to the closed door. Porco was the first to move, not wasting a second in pushing it open before hurrying to the living room, you followed behind.
The room was dark, with the tv blue screen illuminating it, whatever was on it was forcefully turned off. It was mostly quiet except for the shallow breathing you'd hear the closer you got to the couch.
Your eyes landed on a small figure, curled into a ball beside the couch, wasn't it for his glasses reflecting the tv light you wouldn't have spotted him.
Before Porco would trip and fall on his face, you flicked the light switch on, so he could avoid the pillows littering the floor.
Udo was looking sickeningly pale, glasses pushed to his head with his face buried in his arms while hugging himself.
Falco was kneeling to him, hands visibly shaking as he tried to soothe the other, growing more nervous as you approached them. "We… we were playing this game and then this-" he hiccuped between his stuttering as he tried to explain what happened.
Porco quickly carried Udo who clung to him like his life depended on it while Falco continued trying his best to form coherent sentences.
You went around the couch where the other two were. Gabi was hugging a pillow in a tight grip, eyes damp as if she's holding back tears while glaring at the floor to avoid meeting your eyes.
She only shook her head when you asked if she's okay.
Meanwhile, Zofia was just...sitting still, too still. Her stare blank and empty at the tv screen, keeping silent and barely acknowledging you when you approached her.
Part of you felt responsible for leaving the kids alone with a horror game when seeing their state now.
"Let's just move them to the kitchen, it'll be okay. Can you carry Zofia?" Porco said with Udo in his arm as Falco trailed after him while clutching his shirt.
You nodded before going to pick her up, she didn't resist but she seemed too stiff and uncomfortable. 
Falco actually came back to hold Gabi's hand and guide her with him after Porco, she took her pillow with her too.
When All of them were huddled in their chairs near the table, you could clearly see how visibly shaken they were.
You attempted to soothe them as Porco gave them some cookies and milk that they drowned quickly.
After time, reassurance and Porco lighting up the mood by making some snarky comments about the horror game they were playing that got them giggling, they slowly calmed down.
Falco was the first to feel better
Gabi soon enough followed. 
He was telling Porco about how he got the highest score in the game so far which made Gabi object and say she's the one who got the highest score, soon enough forgetting why she was scared in the first place.
They started another fight that basically was one saying "no you didn't!" and the other replying with "yes i did!!" over and over.
That actually managed to make Zofia laugh, more at them than with them. 
The only one left who hasn't spoken a word since the beginning was Udo.
Still holding onto Porco with shaky hands.
You and Porco watched as the three of them attempted to cheer him up, each with their unique way.
Gabi saying it's okay he shouldn't be scared because she will protect him and beat up the scary monster if it showed up.
No one dared to bring up the pillow on the table.
Falco said they can just go back and watch some Minecraft let's play instead.
It almost worked but the mention of going back to the living room made Udo even more scared.
Zofia suggested that they can play some animal crossing together and she'd even water all his flowers for him.
That made him perk up, only to frown again when he realised he forgot his switch at Reiner's place.
They kept listing off suggestions but nothing seemed to work or make him smile.
And the fact he still was actually scared and shaking made you and Porco more concerned by the second.
And then Falco said, "maybe we should...call his mom, she usually knows what to-" 
"Absolutely not" only to be interrupted by Zofia, "she'd never allow him another sleepover for at least a month."
You and Porco shared a look, as the adults in this situation it was your responsibility to make sure he's safe and call someone who knows what to do. 
Holding Udo closer to him with one arm while the other reached for his phone from his pocket, Porco scrolled through his saved contacts. "I think i have his mother's number saved somewhere...here it is, ms-"
In a quick motion, Zofia snatched his phone away. Surprisingly not only you but Falco and Gabi too with her strong reaction.
"No. You don't understand she won't allow him near us again." She explained in a firm tone, grip strong against the phone while looking at Porco in the eye. "Call Reiner instead."
Porco stiffened at the mention of the other's name, a sour look on his face. He was about to refuse but seeing at Zofia's pleading eyes made him stop at the last second.
He looked at you, you gave him a nod.
"Fine." He caved in, running a hand through his hair, "I won't call her, I promise.". 
Some seconds passed by as Zofia was eyeing him to determine if he's telling the truth, her grip only softening when her gaze fell on Udo who's still clutching the other's shirt. She reluctantly handed him the phone.
You watch the weirdly intense scene unfold, unsure if you should say something or not.
In the end, you decided not to interrupted. Although noticing how unusually quiet Gabi and Falco were, you realised that they weren't even in the room anymore.
Porco seemed too busy glaring at the air while murmuring something under his breath as the phone rang, while Zofia had her full attention on Udo.
Thankfully, you didn't have to say anything since Both Gabi and Falco came running back into the kuchen, huge smiles on their faces.
"Udo! Udo you won't believe this, there's this giant turtle in Porco’s room!" Falco yelled in excitement.
"It's this big!" Gabi stretched her arms as wide as she can, "and it's black all over with yellow dots! It looks so cool!"
That seemed to get Udo's attention, slowly turning his head from where he was burying it against Porco’s now ruined shirt.
"Really?" He whispered, eyes hopeful and colour returning to his face.
"You went inside my room?" Porco said, alert in his voice.
"What?" Came a voice from his phone, "why would you call me to ask that?...no i didn't. Are the kids okay? I can hear them yelling." Reiner said.
Apparently, that was what it took for Udo to finally calm down.
You watched as Gabi and Udo sat on the ground, faces pressed against the tank glass while attempting to coax the shy turtle out of hiding.
"Her name is lady dash, and if you step back and stop scaring her like that then i might let you feed her some meat." Porco said.
With that, both of them were under lady dash's love spell in no time. 
Gabi thought she was the coolest thing in the world, Udo agreed while counting the yellow dots on her shell.
Keeping true to his word, Porco let them give her some food.
They watched with anticipation as she emerged from the shallow water, slowly gliding towards the food.
They both held their breath as she extended her neck, opening her mouth as wide as she can before taking a big bite of the meat, slowly munching on the piece she cut off.
As soon as it ended, they turned around begging Porco for more food to give her.
Zofia and Falco joined too complaining that it isn’t fair since they didn't have a turn.
Porco looked at you for support, you just smiled before saying how come you don't get a turn too?
In the end he gave you all strawberries to give her to munch on.
After that roller coster of emotions, it came no surprise that the kids started getting sleepy and yawning, having used all their sugar energy from ice cream in the previous freak out.
If there's something you know, is that you should never tell a kid that needs a nap, that they need a nap.
Never ever.
Apparently Porco didn't know that.
And now you have four sleepy kids being defensive and offended that you'd even suggest that.
Thankfully tho, they seemed too tired to agru too much as they decided to finally sleep.
Gabi said she isn't even tried, she's only joining because Falco wouldn't stop whining.
Udo and Zofia agreed, despite the three of them being minutes from dozing off.
Falco ended up being their excuse for a nap, but he didn't complain...too much.
Realising that there's still two hours remaining before Reiner comes to pick them up, Porco seemed too eager to get them to sleep to get some time alone with you.
Hell he even grabbed the blankets and pillows and made them makeshift beds in the living room himself just so him and you can go back to his room alone.
"What…no we're not sleeping there." Said Gabi, standing in the middle of the doorway to the living room, arms crossed as the other three stood behind her.
"Yeah...it's still scary." Added Udo, stepping closer to Zofia. 
"Can we just sleep in your bed instead? Please?" Falco too was hiding behind Gabi, eyes avoiding the tv at any cost.
Porco gave a stern look, lifting an eyebrow as he too crossed his arms. "No. You're big kids you can handle it." 
"If you say so" Zofia poked her head from behind Gabi, "although, it'd be a shame if these pictures of Udo crying, Gabi drinking energy drinks and Falco eating a hot pepper pizza reached Reiner huh." 
And in that moment, you remembered exactly the fimilar sense of unease you felt about these kids some hours ago. 
You looked at Porco’s unbelieving eyes, knowing fully well he must accept this defeat gracefully. 
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
crying petals — pjm
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Plot: Jimins’ roommate confesses to him. 
Pairing(s): Jimin x OC (Name: Gaia)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 7k+
Genre: Roommate AU
Tags & Warnings: angst, suppressing feelings, explicit smut 
Authors Note: forgot to repost this lol 
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Letting herself drown into a pool, throat suffocating with flowers and her mind swirling with uncontrollable jolts of need was never healthy. Even his scent as it lingered in the air, a strange mixture of cotton and vanilla began to haunt her in dreams as well in real life. It wasn’t healthy in the slightest.
Gaia tried to focus on her paintings, long hours spent staining her fingers and filling up canvas. All of them sketches of stupid plump lips and striking eyes that sucked you in. Lured you like a sailor to a siren. So she stopped painting people but then she made cotton plants, vanilla flowers and warm rays of sunshine gleaming down on them. A defeated sigh passed her lips, a curly tress escaping from her loose ponytail and hanging over her head.
“Pretty.” The raspy voice startled her for a moment but Gaia became far too good at hiding the way her heart jumped whenever he was near.
Jimin raked his fingers through his raven black hair and relaxed onto the couch next to her. “I like cotton flowers.” He leaned forward to take a closer look at the work.
“I know.” Gaia smiled faintly. Even as a metaphor, the painting looked so damn obvious.
“Is this my secret gift?”
She scoffed in a mocking tone. “Excuse me, this is for sale.”
Jimin parted his lips, feigning shock. “You’d make me pay for your artwork?”
Gaia hummed in response, a small cheeky glint in her eye. “Every cent.”
“That’s mean.”
“Tough luck, I need money.”
Jimin scoffed throwing his head back against the back of the couch with a wide grin unable to wipe off his face.
This was the most relaxed they ever were. In the rush of Gaia going to the gallery or Jimin rushing off to the agency, hardly any time saved up for them to just sit here in comfortable silence. Maybe this was a good time to tell him. Or the worst time ever if things went southward.
When was it ever a good time?
“Hey, Jimin?”
“I need to tell you something.”
Jimin turned his head a little but could only see half of her face so he simply admired the gorgeous curls tied in a ribbon behind her. “What is it?”
“Do—do you want to know the meaning of this painting?” Her stomach twisted, a confusing mix of excitement and anxiousness bubbling up inside her. Gaia wanted to turn back somehow. Change the meaning to make it lighthearted. But it was out now, her body and mind knew it. There was no turning back.
He sat up now keeping his eyes on the girl’s expression. “What’s the meaning?”
Her fingers hovered over the drying artwork, heart racing against her ribcages as she mulled over her words. “It’s us.”
“The flowers?”
“You like cotton flowers…I like vanilla flowers. It’s—us together under the sun.”
“That’s cute.” Jimin smiled down at the painting with a new found admiration.
Gaia stammered a little before attempting to give him a smile. God, why was this so hard?
“What’s wrong?” He tilted his head.
“I don’t know how to tell you.” She chuckled nervously. How was it still so nerve-wracking speaking to the man when he already knew so many of her other secrets? “The—the vanilla flower likes having cotton flower with it.”
Gaia sighed in defeat knowing the metaphors would stop making sense if she continued. “I like you, Jimin.”
Jimins’ expression softened, the smile fading into one more faint but true. “I like you too.”
“That’s not what I mean.” Her breathing grew ragged and shallow at this point, fingers trembling on her lap while her knees melted into jelly. Gaia wondered how much worse her body would react if she was looking right at him.
“Yeah.” Her heart pounded so hard, she worried her ribs might crack.
“Uh—” Jimin scratched the back of his head. “How—how long?”
“I don’t know…” Gaia raised her shoulders a little, glancing at the painting again. “…a couple of years.”
“Coup­l—” Jimin’s voice almost raised but he silenced himself quickly, resting back on the couch now. “…okay.” He lets out a deep breath. “Uhm…”
Silence drawled between them longer than Gaia could truly take. She shifted on the couch, desperately wanting to look over at the male and see what his reaction was but—she couldn’t move. It was like one of her dreams again. She just sat there and felt the cotton reach up to her neck, suffocating her until the girl smiled before drowning. But this felt different. Gaia didn’t feel like smiling, this was terrifying and her body kept burning.
Gaia finally looked over her shoulder and searched his expression. As she feared, it was so damn unreadable, she wanted to look back again but she stayed. And then she spoke. “Jimin?”
“Yeah…” Jimin whispered harshly, shaking his head. “No, yeah—I uh—…” He cleared his throat as he shifted to the edge of the couch. “I need to go for a minute, okay?”
Before Gaia took a breath to speak, he pushed himself off the couch and walked away to his bedroom. “O-okay.” She nodded mostly to herself.
Gaia expected a lot of things out of their last conversation. In a perfect world, maybe some acceptance but realistically she at least thought Jimin might just reject her gently. So what did she get in the next two weeks?
Absolutely nothing.
Jimin stopped talking to her. Every morning he would drape on his denim jacket and rush out of the apartment without giving her a sideways glance. At night, Gaia would hear him come in without calling her name out to ensure it was him and not a burglar. Sometimes she heard other voices trailing all the way into the bedroom, giggling and moaning.
A tight ball squeezed in the middle of her ribcages as she slept. Deep into her dreams again, body lying in a bed of cotton flowers as they travel down and choke her. A part of Gaia wanted to scream for help, lash out for some kind of help but in the end, she just happily drowned in the cotton flowers like it was a warm blanket.
It was no way to live but she did it anyway.
Another morning, Gaia woke up scratching her eyes lightly to keep herself awake. She noticed from the corner of her eye Jimin saying his goodbye to someone he had the night before. The middle of her ribcages ached again as he gave her one small glance before walking back to the bedroom.
She wasn’t a bad person for telling him, right? Did she make it sound terrifying by using her paintings? Did Jimin think she was some kind of psychotic artist desperately wanting his love?
The thoughts both scared and angered her.
Jimin had no right treating her in this manner when Gaia hadn’t demanded him to do anything. She just spewed her feelings to man she thought she could trust.
How long did he expect them to live in silence?
Another night fell and much to Gaia’s relief, Jimin walked into the apartment without anyone under his arm. She stood at the kitchen counter drinking some lavender tea to aid in some better dreams tonight.
He hummed briefly, pushing his shoes off without looking over at her.
“Can we talk…please?” Gaia attempted to keep her voice calm but there was a part of her that felt his behavior was uncalled for. Except she felt too selfish to say it out loud.
Jimin let out a deep almost exasperated sigh before walking to the kitchen island, still in his denim jacket, trying his best to look like he wasn’t in the mood to talk to her. “What did you want to talk about?”
Gaia let out a light scoff at the blank look in his eyes when he met her gaze. “Why’re you acting like this?”
“Acting like what?”
“Distant and…” Her eyes flickered up and down his body as if trying to find some kind of shift that indicated this was a farce. “…cold. I—I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, I just need some space.” Jimin answered plainly, barely even opening his mouth to speak as he shrugged off his jacket.
“I understand that but—could you at least say something about it?”
“About what?”
“Is there nothing you have to say after that day?” She shook her head.
“You said you had feelings for a couple of years.” Jimin shrugged, looking down at the cotton plants in a vase. “What do you want me to say to that?”
“It’s not what I want but how you feel about it.”
He scoffed immediately, bitter smile plastered on his face. “How I feel? Now you’re thinking about how I feel?”
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before spewing all that crap about flowers, hm?” Jimin walked away from the kitchen island towards her.
“I-I didn’t know how else to explain it, I’m sorry.” Gaia placed the teacup on the counter behind her. It wasn’t going to do much good with how much her hands were shaking.
“No I’m sorry because it’s clear I’m the bad guy for not giving you some kind consolation because you like me.” His usual sweet demeanor twisted when he seethed right at her.
“Jimin, you don’t have—”
“No no you want me to say something, I am now.” Jimin stomped closer until he towered over her. “How’d you imagine it, huh? I’d get all soft and tell you I feel the same way? I’d hold you and tell you I’ve always felt that way? Hm?” Hands wrapped around her arms, squeezing a little.
Faces stood inches closer to one another, the smell of cotton thick in her nostrils almost making it hard to breathe as her eyes watered. “Jimin, let go…”
“No this is what you wanted, right?” He muttered, moving his hands and cupping both her cheeks to make her meet his gaze.
Before she tried to take another dry breath, she felt his lips press against her. The cotton scent stuck in her throat, suffocating her as it always does. But she wasn’t happy. His lips were unmoving, just pressing like a robot. Light sobs shook out of her as she pushed him away until he almost stumbled against the kitchen island with a small grunt.
“I just wanted you to reassure me! That we were still going to be friends!” Gaias’ shakily shrieked before a light cough passed through her. “That maybe it was normal for me to feel like this and I wasn’t insane but—” She closed her eyes, averting her gaze feeling a light ache on her lips. “You don’t even care as a friend, do you?” Gaia quickly wrapped her arms around herself, gripping onto her own skin to stop her hands from shaking. “I’m so stupid.”
Jimin felt his mind numbing as his actions rushed back to him like a slap on the face. A soft tinge under his palm and on his lips, fingers gripping at the edge of the kitchen island. This was all wrong. He made it all wrong. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he spoke. “Gaia…I’m—I’m sorry I shouldn’t have—”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Something squeezed painfully inside his chest. “It does matter.”
“Stop—pretending to care.” She whispered. “I’m sorry I even brought it up.” Gaia rushed back to her bedroom leaving her lavender tea cold and forgotten.
For the first time, she dreamt of a burning cotton field.
A couple of mornings past and Gaia began to drown herself into coffee, drowning in the scent of beans to somehow mask the cotton. She sat at the dining table as the sun reflected brightly through the open curtains. One knee to her chest while she scrolled through apartment listings. Part of her thought it was far too dramatic to be leaving the house she grew so comfortable in but she also didn’t want have a thick sense of tension around her every time she was inside here.
Some of them looked decent, colours similar to this one which helped make it seem more homely. However the prices on the other hand did not speak the same welcoming tone. The rent for this apartment was high enough, having to split it with Jimin. The very reason why they opted to get a good one together.
In a way, it burned her with anger even more seeing that Gaia had to be slightly dependent on the man who she thought was her friend. She heard footsteps coming up behind her but immediately ignored putting the cup of coffee near her taking a sip.
“What’re you looking at?” Jimin asked in a somewhat friendly voice.
She hated it. Not even a week ago, he almost scared her with how bitter and angry he was now he wanted to be gentle. “Apartment listings.” Gaia replied simply.
He left a small silence between them before speaking again. “Why?”
“It’s getting stuffy in here.”
“Then open a window.”
Gaia glared over her shoulder. “Did you need something?”
“I was just making conversation.” Jimin mumbled, playing with his fingers a little.
“Make it with someone else.”
“Come on, Gaia…”
Jimin finally moved closer and sat on the chair near her, trying to search her expression but he was only reminded the hard way of how Gaia used to lock herself in the bedroom for days on end whenever she had a bad fight with a past boyfriend or a family member. This time he was the direct source. “How long are you planning on being mad at me?”
“For making me feel like an idiot and kissing me out of spite?” Gaia smiled with a bitter glint in her eye. “I don’t know, Jimin, you tell me. You like assuming what I think.”
Jimin pressed his lips together, averting his gaze. “I said I was sorry.”
“That doesn’t change anything.”
“And getting another apartment will?” His brows furrowed.
Gaia traced her finger on the brim of the coffee cup. “Unfortunately for you, I don’t have enough money to buy an apartment so you’re stuck with me until I manage to save up.” Her phone lit up for a moment to show a name. A name that made her lips twitch for some reason when she glanced at it.
He knew it was wrong. Very wrong. But Jimin still peeked a little at the name and managed to see ‘Seokjin Chur..’ before it faded into black again. He felt a squeeze under his ribs again causing him to sigh. “I—I don’t want you to leave.”
“That’s not your decision to make.” She brought the cup to her lips taking a full sip. The cotton was too strong when he was close, seeping through even the strong scent of coffee. It shouldn’t be this strong.
“You love this apartment, Gaia.” Jimin glanced around them. He remembered how much her face lit up when they first started decorating everything to make it look like home. Their home.
Gaia swallowed down the growing lump in her throat, trying to get more of the coffee scent into her nostrils. “I don’t love it that much anymore.”
“Why not?”
“It smells like you.” She suppressed the wince attempting to twist her features.
“It smells like you and it—it makes me sad.” Sucking in her bottom lip, she forced herself not to look over at him. Why was it so easy to be vulnerable around him? To crack and tell him everything that’s bothering her. Even when he was causing this. Gaia huffed out a harsh breath, closing her laptop and walking back to her bedroom with her coffee in hand.
Jimin took a breath to call out her name again but the words hitched in his blocked throat. ‘It makes me sad.’ He rubbed over his exhausted face, letting out a shaking breath. The usually light squeeze in his chest now clenching so tight, it was agonizing. How helpless it felt not being able to reach inside him and soothe the ache. There was nothing he could do but breathe and tolerate it.
The table buzzed again and Jimin properly looked down at the lit up phone.
Seokjin Church
Hope you liked the flowers. I’ll see you tonight!
Jimin realized that night how sweet vanilla smelled when his heart was in excruciating pain.
The world was cruel in many forms but the worst form of all was waking up in the morning and still feeling her lips linger on his own. Jimin found himself touching his twin flesh from time to time, some confused part of his mind wanting to hold onto the memory. Despite the flooding texts on his phone, he opted to stop bringing any new visitors to the apartment.
Every time he sat alone in the living room, he tried to take the remnants of vanilla lingering in the air. Jimin watched Gaia come in and out of the apartment quietly. She started painting in her bedroom more which he knew she hated. Their bedrooms were too closed off and small to jog much inspiration.
She would leave for events Jimin hadn’t even heard about. He always assumed it was with that Seokjin popping up on her phone. He remembered a time he would always know what events Gaia went to months beforehand.
This was wrong. This was so wrong.
He couldn’t. If he even mentioned the idea that he started liking vanilla flowers a little too much, Gaia would have his head.
So Jimin stayed silent and just watched her, relished in the fading tingle on his lips and tried to take in the scent of vanilla radiating from her to calm him. He would even stop using the cotton scent on himself. It smells like you and it makes me sad.
Jimin took angry, disappointed, even downright hysterical but this? How do you soothe sadness when it’s already so mellow and delicate?
One night, vanilla flowers burst throughout the apartment. He selfishly took in the thick scent wafting from her bedroom, letting it stain his lungs somehow.
Eyes flickered over to her room, the door opened completely with Gaia looking into her vanity mirror, back facing him. Body adorning a pink fur coat up to her waist with a light denim skirt. Her long curls reaching below the coat. If Jimin looked a little closer, he noticed tiny sparkles on her tresses.
“Where’re you going?” Jimin asked, breaking the comfortable silence with a soft tone.
“When will you be back?”
“I don’t know.” Gaia mumbled keeping her gaze on the mirror instead of the male as she fixed up her hair.
That annoying squeeze in between his chest came back again.
Jimin walked a bit further inside, peaking at her reflection. Her skin glowed in the lights around the frame of the mirror, eyes shimmering like her hair but not a smile in sight. A layer of beauty to hide what was crumbling inside. “You could at least tell me where you’re going…just in case.”
She sighed. “Just in case what?”
“Something happens.”
“I’m not going alone.” Gaia muttered simply grabbing her purse, turning on her heel before walking past him.
As soon as she passed, a strong waft of vanilla touched him forcing him to breathe it in until he lost all the air in his lungs. All of it replaced with the beautiful flower lingering around her aura. Jimin closed his eyes for a moment. “Gaia…”
“What?” Gaia asked in such a gentle tone, stopping at the door as she turned to meet his gaze.
He noticed how glazed they became, the way she gripped onto her clutch. Jimin let out a sigh of defeat. She didn’t want to talk to him. ‘It makes me sad’. “Be safe, okay?” He attempted to smile.
Gaia nodded. “Good night.” She whispered before finally leaving the room while Jimin helplessly drowned in her lingering scent.
Sleep didn’t come easy that night, tossing and turning on the soft surface. Vanilla thick in his nostrils overwhelming him with thoughts. That stupid squeeze in between his ribcages. Every nerve in his body desperately wanted to turn back time. Maybe if he closed his eyes really tight, he would wake up from a dream and they were on good terms again. Nothing happened. Jimin still lay here in the darkness feeling heat curdle in his belly.
His heart jumped when the door opened to a man laughing lightly and a light shush followed afterwards.
Huffing, Jimin pushed himself off the bed and walked out of his room. The rushing cool air from the living room hitting his bare torso. Exhausted eyes flickered over to kitchen where he saw Gaia without her fur coat on, a thin strip pink crop top showing while she filled up a glass of water from the sink.
“It’s really cold here.” The man in a suit, white shirt unbuttoned, the skin on his ears and neck reddened while his stretched pillowy lips extremely flushed.
“It’ll help.” Gaia had a calm voice, giving the male tired smile as she handed him the glass of water.
“Ooh is that from me?” Raspy words echoed against the glass as the man reached out brushing away her hair to show off the small reddened marks on her neck. “Sorry…”
She let out a light sigh before giving him another faint smile. “It’s okay.”
Jimin tightened his jaw, fingers curling into his palm. “Have fun?” He almost seethed.
Gaia looked over her shoulder, smile immediately disappearing when she saw the man shooting daggers at Seokjin .
“Oh…” The man attempted get back to his feet.
“Seokjin —” She muttered but he was already walking over to Jimin with a grin, holding his hand out.
“Seokjin Chur—” Hiccup. “—urch. Nice to meet you.”
Jimin glanced down at his hand. All the places he could have traced with those fingers in a drunken frenzy, relished in her soft skin and marking the most sensitive spots. He tried to push down the grimace forming on his face. “Nice to meet you.”
“Forgive me, I don’t—I don’t always drink like this.” Seokjin chuckled nervously.
“He won his biggest case today.” Gaia spoke up, a small smile returning on her lips.
“So you two—know each other?” He wanted to pretend they were a one-time thing on a night of mistakes but Jimin noticed how much she tried not to smile at her phone.
“We met, what?” Seokjin whips around to Gaia for a few moments. “Two weeks ago? She was painting this gorgeous forest while I was on lunch break.” He slurred every word with such dedication, Jimin had to dig his nails into his palms further.
So that’s what she was doing all this time. Painting and spending time with an almost complete stranger. “Wonderful.” Jimin smiled sarcastically knowing Seokjin wouldn’t remember his behavior in the slightest. “I’m afraid we do have rules not to bring in visitors.”
“You’ve brought in enough visitors for me to know that rule is breakable.” Gaia folded her arms over her chest.
It was anger now burning in her beautiful eyes and Jimin couldn’t help but relish in it a little. Despite the little clench in his chest. He did bring a lot of visitors. Some of them didn’t even bother holding their noise. Now he knew she heard them all night, noticed them leave every morning.
“Besides…” Gaia walked forward and kept a gentle hand on the mans’ back to keep him from stumbling. “…we’re not dating.”
“Right—” Seokjin hummed.
“You give all your female friends hickeys?”
“Jimin.” Gaia warned but Seokjin merely chuckled waving the comment off.
“It’s alright. I’m sure two consenting adults are allowed to have a little fun, yes?”
Jimin hummed, the grimace a little too obvious on his face now.
“We should go to bed. I’m tired.” Gaia grabbed her coat and gently guided Seokjin into her bedroom not without giving a quick glare towards Jimin.
Jimin didn’t care though. He would take burning under her fiery gaze. Fire was harsh and wild. Easier to soothe.
Somewhere deep in the night, Gaia walked out of the bedroom, running her fingers through her messy hair while holding onto the plastic bag.
Jimin opted not to sleep much and just leaned back on the kitchen counter drinking some water. It was difficult trying to lull himself back when he could hear Seokjin humming and kissing on the other side.
He wondered how Gaia tolerated it when it was the other way around. When he would have girls making all kinds of noises unaware of another person in the apartment. She never complained for so long. Only once tonight when she officially had enough.
With a light grimace, Gaia opened the cupboard next to Jimin and threw the filled plastic bag inside with a soft metal clang.
“So you haven’t fucked?”
Gaia let out a loud sigh, clearly showing her annoyance.
“Didn’t hear much noise.”
“He’s drunk.”
“That didn’t exactly stop him leeching on your neck.” Jimin seethed taking a generous sip as he glared into Gaia’s closed bedroom door.
“Please stop.” She muttered under her breath.
He shrugged nonchalantly despite the heat in his belly bubbling up to a boil watching that door. “I’m just wondering why you didn’t go all out if you were getting back at me.”
Gaia scoffed. “You think that’s what this is?”
“What else can it be?”
“He’s a friend. I—like spending time with him.” She tried to keep her voice low, opening the tap to wash her hands. “I needed to see some people that didn’t make me feel like an idiot.”
“I never wanted to make you feel like an idiot.”
“Well you did. So stop judging someone who actually likes me.”
“So you are mad at me still.”
“Yes I’m mad!” It was a whisper but harsh and cut through the tension like a knife. “And not because you didn’t like me back…” She shook her head. “…because the one time I needed you as a friend at least, you walked away from me.” Gaia winced, tightly pressing her trembling lips together. “You ignored me and brought in girls, you knew—you knew I could hear them.” She closed her eyes.
Jimins’ expression softened as he took a few steps forward, inhaling another fresh waft of vanilla into his lungs.
“I always thought I could tell you everything but the moment I become vulnerable to you…you shut me out.”
“Then tell me you hate me.”
Her brows furrowed, glazed and reddened eyes flickering up to look at him. “What?”
“Tell me…” Jimin padded closer causing Gaia’s breath to lightly hitch in her throat. Their toes brushing against each other, noses just a breath apart. “…you hate me.”
Gaia shook her head lowering her gaze. “No.” It came out in a whisper with how close they stood.
“Tell me you hate me.” His head felt heavy, lungs flooding in vanilla flowers but he kept breathing in more. Selfish to take what soothed him.
“I won’t.” She fixated her eyes on his chest rising and falling deeply. The cotton smell was so subtle, so light but Gaia could still sense remnants of it on his skin.
Jimin closed his eyes forcing the scent to overwhelm him completely as he felt his nose brush against her forehead lightly. “Please…”
“I said I won’t!” Another harsh whisper almost crackling into a shout and booming across the room. But her soft sobbing broke the sound immediately back to its meek tone, tears burning in her eyes and flooding to the brim.
“Why not?!” Jimin couldn’t hold his trembling hands back when he held onto her neck, gently. Fingers caressed her curls, feeling the soft textures under his palms. More selfish actions.
Gaia raised her head this time, droplets trickling down the corner of her eyes as their noses brushed. The heat from his palms radiating onto her skin making her head spin. “Why do you want me to?” She whispered.
“Because—because if you hate me…it’s easier.” How absolutely selfish. “Maybe this—this thing in my chest would hurt less if you despised me.” Every words, Jimins’ anger melted into something of desperation as the pain in chest pulsed, aching and yearning to touch her more. “Maybe if you fucking ruin me, I’d stop thinking about you.”
Her eyes stung but she still opened to watch his twisted features. “I don’t hate you.”
Jimin winced, fingers digging into the skin of her neck. “Don’t do that.” It felt too good. It’s selfish. It’s so damn selfish.
“I don’t.”
“Just lie to me.” He whispered, pressing his burning forehead against hers. “Make the hurt stop.”
“I’m not going to lie to you.” She shook her head.
Jimin took in a sharp inhale, the vanilla choking him right at his throat, staining him inside and out. “Do you like seeing me get hurt?”
“I c—I can’t hate you.” Gaia’s expression finally contorted, sobs shaking out of her. “It’s—I’ve tried…” She gripped onto his forearm when his grasp on her skin tightened. So much of this felt like a dream in the haze of tears and chest pain. But when she felt the warmth of his skin under her palm, it was real. She knew this was real. “It’s so hard, Jimin…” Gaia sniffled. “Y-You make me—too h-happy…”
For a moment, the squeeze snapped and burst. Fluttering like butterflies happily flying around flowers after being stuck in their cocoon for so long. All it took were those simple words. Uttering in the moment of pure weakness and vulnerability. It felt liberating. “I—I make you happy?”
She now knew what the burning cotton fields meant. The cotton was almost revived like a phoenix in the fire into something more alive, more invigorating. Gaia felt it as she placed a palm over his chest, feeling how joyfully rapid his heartbeat was.
The corners of her lips curled up faintly. “So happy.” She nodded.
As the butterflies soared across his chest to his belly, Jimin moved his hands down her hips and moved her to lean against the counter. Their noses barely brushing against each other. All he had to do was take one more whiff of vanilla before he leaned and devoured her soft lips.
A whimper drowned in the kiss, hands coming up and pulling at his hair. Gaia’s knees melted back into its jelly form forcing her to pressed on the counter edge to keep herself from stumbling. As if sensing her movements, Jimins’ grip on her hips tightened as he lifted her off the floor and placed her gently on the counter. Slip dress riding up her thighs, bare skin forming a layer of goosebumps against the cool surface.
Tongue pushed through her teeth desperate to explore more of her mouth as if this was a dream and he might wake up at any moment. Jimin wanted to take. Every inch as his fingers moved up from her hips to the curve of her breasts. He needed memories of her skin to stain his palm for as long as possible. Fingers rubbed down her arms before reaching those soft fingers, interlocking them together.
Gaia breathed through her nose, unable to pull away from the kiss. She wanted his warmth to fill her lungs as they gave themselves away to each other. A tingle formed in her belly as their fingers twined so perfectly they were almost meant to be one. For the first time, Gaia didn’t feel like drowning. She was flying. Soaring across the skies while the sun beamed down on her. So warm.
Jimin pushed their joined hands above her head, pressing them against the overhead cupboard before taking her other hand and gripping both her wrists on the wood. He broke the kiss softly, still planting small pecks on her flushed lips. Hand wrapped firmly on both of hers, his free fingers traced down her body again, sneaking under her slip dress and palming over her heated panties.
A light gasp stopped in her throat forcing her to close her eyes, relishing in how slow and featherlight Jimin brushed his hand across her core. “Jimin…” Chest rose and fell letting her body loosen under his touch. Still so softly rubbing the thin clothing feeling her arousal soak through and her growing nub poke out in yearning.
He could watch her all night just moving like this. Achingly slow, admiring how Gaia squirmed and tried not to moan too loud but the heat radiated so strongly from her. Jimin could feel the slight burn hitting his palm. Nudging his nose against her cheek, he took another whiff, humming in delight when he caught the mixture of vanilla and arousal. “You smell so good.” Jimin mumbled, intoxicated in the thick scent as he dipped down to nuzzle against her neck. “Always smell so good.”
Gaia wanted to speak. She took a few breaths to form words but they always died on her tongue, instead spewing meek noises of desperation. So many she wanted. So many things she wanted him to do to her but they never formed. “J-Ji-I-I want..” She whined a little. Everything burned to the point where her core ached and clenched around nothing. It was so hot. Too hot. She wanted more.
“What do you want?” Jimin whispered, tongue darting out to lick across her jawline before kissing each spot again. His fingers still in the same drawling pace rubbing up and down her sodden clothing.
Another whimper choked out of her, spreading her legs further as she pushed her hips forward to catch more friction. “Y-You…I w-I want you...”
The corners of his lips curled up lazily, sweat thinly layering on his skin leaving in more of a drunken state as he relished in the beauty’s pleads. “You have me.”
Gaia whined again causing Jimin to smirk wider. Beautiful features contorted again feeling his fingers press a little harder against the erect nub, her lower belly burning with need. “I-I want m-more of you..”
Jimins’ breathing raced as much as his heart through his ribcages. His fingers paused for a moment enjoying Gaia squirm a little more while her hips reached for his hand again. Releasing both her arms, he sneaked under her slip dress again further until he hooked at the hem of her panties. Pulling down the ruined clothing he made sure to be slow, watching how it stuck to her juices before reluctantly detaching as it he pushed down to her ankles. Carefully he brought her legs up so they rested a little over his shoulders.
She gripped her hands at the edge of the counter watching him pull off her panties from her ankle and trace down her leg. Jimin held it over her core before rubbing the loose clothing up and down her core. Body jerked, gasps leaving her without her control as her walls clenched painfully around nothing.
Jimin felt his member stir angrily in his sweatpants, the mixture of vanilla and her sweet arousal swirling in the heated air almost making him moan. Dropping the panties on the floor, he turned his head, placing soft kisses on her ankle, across her leg to the delicate skin of her inner thigh. He couldn’t resist biting down gently with a light growl under his breath.
Gaia giggled softly bringing one of her hands out to bury in his hair. Darkening eyes watched him move closer until his reddened lips hovered over her core making him gulp. His sharp gaze flickered up to meet hers, almost unblinking as he leaned down and took her throbbing bundle between his lips. Features contorted, trembling breaths leaving her every second. She tried her best to keep her voice down, the coiling heat in her lower belly melting into more leaking arousal.
Her scent overwhelmed him completely, arms hooked under her thighs. Darting out his tongue, Jimin licked up her slit drinking in every drop of her, moaning in delight when it was the only thing he could taste now. Lips wrapped around her clit again suckling and shaking his head with a groan vibrating against her core.
Throwing her head back Gaia bit down her bottom lip to suppress a louder moan curdling in her throat. Light whines still managed to escape as her hips grinded against his mouth. He didn’t stop her though. He merely moaned in response, tongue lapping on her clit causing the coil to tighten.
One arm away from her thigh, Jimin swirled his fingers to drench the skin with her juices before teasing at her entrance. Two digits slowly pushing into her, walls so snug and warm. Lust blown eyes watched his skin glisten brightly as they slowly moved in and out before looking up at the beauty. Her hand pressed over her mouth, brows furrowed and choked moans emitting under her breath. He wished they were in a more comfortable place but the walls were too thin. And Jimin had no intentions of being disturbed while he gave Gaia everything she needed and deserved.
Standing back up with his fingers still knuckle deep inside her, he felt a slight ache between his legs feeling the front of his pants a little drenched. Jimin leaned in and absentmindedly rubbed his crotch against her thigh, nose nudging her cheek again. “I want you…” He whispered in her ear, nibbling on her earlobe gently.
His movements were still so careful, taking his time to search for that rough spot inside her before moving at a steady pace. The heat was overwhelming, coil ready to loosen at any moment as Jimin kept jabbing at that same spot over and over again. “Take me.” Gaia breathed out, peering at him through hooded lids. “Take me, please.” She reached out to caress his cheek, the skin so warm to the touch.
Jimin let out a pleased sigh feeling his member twitch in his pants. He released his fingers and messily pushed down his sweatpants along with his boxers so they dropped down to his ankles. Kicking them to the side, he canceled out any distance between them feeling a sense of comfort when Gaia placed on his cheek again. Her touch was so soft he could melt right there then. Fingers wrapped around the base of his length before prodding at her sodden entrance. He turned his head and kissed the inside of her palm, raising his drenched hand and placing it at her lips.
Gaia didn’t even blink before opening her mouth and taking his warm, wet fingers, suckling on her arousal. Then she felt him sinking into her ever so slowly making sure she could feel every second of her walls stretching, hugging him tight around his sensitive shaft. His fingers helped in concealing the loud moan almost flowing out of her.
“So good..” Jimin whispered watching her suckle on his skin with such dedication. “You’re doing so well, baby.” He pushed in further until their bellies pressed against each other, member completely swallowed by her heat.
She replied with a faint whimper under her breath, body succumbed to him as his entire length filled her up. Gaia gently pressed a heel against his back as a way to tell him it was okay to move. Only mere seconds had to pass for Jimin to start thrusting into her.
Pulling his fingers away he yanked at the sleeves of her slip dress letting her breasts go free before swirling around her nipple. Jimin moved deep, thrusting in until she was completely filled and moving out until only his tip was inside.
Gaia gripped onto the edges of the counter again, shivering a little wet touch against her nipples erecting them instantly. She threw her head back with a shaky breath. “Feels s-so good..” Hair matted to her temples as her mind lost all form of control, nothing but the pleasure coiling in her belly and the tingles under her skin from his touch swirled.
“Yeah?” He smirked against her lips before pressing a kiss, lips moved so sloppily against each other in their maddening rush of ecstasy. Jimin placed both hands on the counter to steady himself, jolting his thrusts faster until they could hear light skin slapping.
The force of his hips snapping into hers almost forced a choked scream but Gaia quickly nuzzled her lips into his shoulder. She trailed up his neck, moaning lightly in his ear. “H-harder—” It didn’t take even a few seconds wait before Jimin grew vicious with his thrusts, deep inside her, brushing against the sweet spot that made her head spin.
Jimin quickly bit down his bottom lip to stop his groan from echoing across the room. Hips snapping so hard, he felt more of her arousal trickle down his length making it so easy to just take more and more. The tightness in his lower belly grew stubborn and thick, rushing up to his tip.
Gaia whimpered staring down at how deep he was, only sliding out the tiniest bit before snapping in again. Over and over again, relentless but so giving. “Jimin I’m—” The coil sprung, her thighs shaking and almost shutting but interrupted by his moving hips while she leaned her head against his chest, letting out the smallest whimpers.
Just feeling how much her walls pulsed and clenched so tight around him, her release so incredibly sodden and warm caused a burst. Shaky breathing faded into light, tense moans as he wrapped his arms around her waists, hips jerking as he filled her up.
She let out a light, shaky moan feeling beautifully full of his warm release. Gaia pulled away a little to capture his lips again into bliss infused kiss. She could feel his fingers take through her slightly damp hair, tongue exploring her mouth again still with such enthusiasm despite their loss of breath and energy.
“Don’t ever leave me.” Jimin muttered into the kiss. “Please.”
“I won’t.” Gaia nudged her nose against his, eyes completely glossy but a smile clear on her face. “Never, I promise.”
“So Namjoon just called…” Seokjin raised his phone briefly with a faint, exhausted smile on his face as he came into the kitchen. “He’s waiting outside to pick me up.” The man was really good at looking the least hungover as possible since he seemed like he was fresh and ready to go to work. Despite his suit being the one he wore last night.
Gaia grinned before nodding, her mood so much brighter despite the slight tiredness she felt on her legs. A comfortable blue oversized sweater with some leggings to work at home for the rest of the day. Now that the apartment had a more than happy atmosphere, she could work in the living room like she always loved. “Do you want me to walk you?”
Jimin peered from his coffee cup standing on the other side of the counter facing Gaia.
“No it’s okay.” Seokjin shook his head holding his hand up. “I’ve troubled you enough.”
“Oh it was no trouble.”
“We love having guests over.” Jimin spoke up this time with a smirk plastered on his face.
Gaia sucked in her bottom lip for a moment to prevent the wide grin trying to stretch across her lips. “I had a good time, seriously. It wouldn’t have been safe to leave you alone that drunk anyway.”
Seokjin let out a light chuckle. “Thank you.”
The girl led him towards the door giving their final goodbyes until Seokjin took a breath to speak again much in a much lower tone.
“Sorry to ask but—did we—” He pointed at himself then her.
Her brows furrowed for a moment before her eyes widened a little in recognition. “Oh—” Gaia giggled lightly. “No, you—you kinda just threw up in my trash bag and fell asleep.” She noticed the older males’ ears turn a little red at the information. “It’s alright though, drunk men can be worse than that.”
Seokjin hummed before nodding profusely. It almost looked kind of adorable. “Just I could’ve sworn I heard you moaning…” He shrugged. “Must’ve been a dream.”
“Yeah, must’ve…” Gaia gulped unable to control how much her cheeks burned.
“I’ll see you later then, okay?”
Gaia chuckled a little nervously. “See you.” She slowly closed the door, giving one last smile to the older male before shutting it completely.
“I told you. You’re louder.” Jimins’ musing voice broke the momentary silence.
“Shut up.” She pouted walking back over to the counter and taking another quick sip of her lavender tea.
Jimin leaned forward, elbows resting against the counter. “So…no more guests over from now on, right?”
Gaia smiled, dipping down and pressing a quick kiss on his lips. “No more guests.” She traced her fingers across his cheek. “And you promise me one thing.”
“Anything.” He leaned into her touch.
“Start wearing that cotton scent again.”
Jimin chuckled. “Every day, I promise.”
Cotton fields and vanilla flowers bloomed under the sunlight again.
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