#external action so much as circumstances surrounding him
jahiera · 10 months
the impossible balance of talking about astarion sweetly but in a “I know he’s a raging bitch” way. I like the crimes way. I know and perceive his evil ways and how they’re vital here to the nuance. he’s my favorite little vile creature
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gloomforrestrunes · 11 months
Was Nex sort of doomed to always be what he is now no matter what happened, or would a change in situation or people surrounding him have ended up with him leading a not so disgusting life?
Sorry if this comes off as wrong I'm just curious about the what ifs
this is actually something i think about quite a lot when it comes to writing fully-fledged villain characters!
im a big believer that monsters are created, and no one is just born inherently evil. that being said, nothing that nex (or any of my evil characters) has gone through justifies his actions at all. when i write and showcase his backstory its only to provide a possible explanation for his behavior, not to make the audience sympathize with him. nex isnt meant to be a sympathetic villain. he's meant to be a villain who is disgusting, frightening, and irredeemable while also being layered, compelling, and even nuanced at times.
so to answer your question- a change in circumstance, environment, and maybe even aspects of his family would definitely have an impact on how he turned out. if vis wasnt.... the way he was to his nephew, that wouldnt have triggered a young, confused, hurt, and angry aiden to seek some sort of external validation. if question didnt exploit aiden's rage and pain directed at his family and teach an impressionable child that his rage is power- and power is good and pure and right. that he is entitled to that power and all the glory that comes with it. that loyalty and love are the same thing and should be expected rather than nurtured with soft words and gentle touches. and love is fleeting and can be ripped away from you and therefore you need to hold on tight and sink your claws so deep into it until your palms are covered with blood and tears. -if question didn't teach him all of that, (both directly and indirectly) and if he hadn't internalized and fully believed all of it, aiden wouldn't have become nex.
no matter the timeline, i believe that aiden would always have been more on the hotheaded, abrasive, and a bit arrogant side when it comes to his personality. as an extension of that i believe that there is no timeline where aiden and laxo would've worked out as a couple. even if aiden never met question their personalities would clash way too much and it would never be completely healthy- and at best they would break up on mutual terms.
that being said, being hotheaded and abrasive doesnt automatically mean that you're evil and disgusting. i can think of multiple characters with those traits from other pieces of media who are fan favorites, even. but when those traits become dangerous is when you add the incredibly harmful and disgusting beliefs that question taught him when he was young. and because he was a kid at the time, of course he wanted to believe that his rage was justified. of course he wanted to believe that he could become powerful. of course he believed the first authority figure who told him he was in the right.
aiden wasn't doomed to become nex as soon as he was born. but the very circumstances surrounding his birth, as well as his environment, and those around him, very easily led him down that path.
hows that for a butterfly effect?
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bushs-world · 2 years
Loki and the box he is put in
Awful title, I know but please bear with me. My mind isn't giving me any other idea rn ☺️☺️.
Anyways, so I was rewatching some scenes of the Loki series again (while I still have to finish Tlat, start she hulk and see werewolf by night, but well my priorities 🤷‍♀️), actually the Lamentis scene and I realised something.
Ok, so Loki has always been pushed into a box. And his biggest tragedy is that he actually turned into what the box expected or believed him to be, which further strengthened the box around him, making it tougher for him to break free (lots of box, I know. Can't think of a better word. Stereotype, maybe idk). And that ultimately ends up trapping him in a vicious loop where he was always mistreated and looked with a suspicious eye, and this in part influences his heel turn in Thor. And then his heel turn and descent into villiany further strengthened everyone's belief that Loki was a bad person which made it difficult for him to change.
And another interesting thing is that while who he became was in part influenced by the box, the box was also in part influenced by his own behaviour. So, in TDW everyone believed Loki would backstab Thor and if we think about it, Thor didn't leave him with much options anyways, so he fooled thor and overtook the throne as odin, but everyone believed Loki would backstab because he did exactly that in Thor. Which I feel made the reunion between the brothers tougher in TDW coz Thor didn't fully trust Loki and because of that Loki couldn't reconcile but Thor wasn't trusting because Loki broke his trust before. Like Thor said in Ragnarok, he was predictable.
And this thing continues in the series. Loki is again put in a box, this time by a trans temporal bureaucracy who decided that he was nothing more than a villian, or Sif who thought he will always be alone or Sylvie who thought that they were always destined to lose, or classic loki who thought he was supposed to play only one part, the god of outcasts. Once again, the boxes to fit him in were there. A villian, a loser, an outcast destined to be alone. And in normal conditions, we could have seen Loki actually falling in and turning into exactly these things, molding himself into the box he was put in, turning into who everyone believed he would be.
But in the series, he literally got to see that box in a metaphysical way. And that with the realisation that he was never in control, that all this while he like countless others was a puppet forced to play a part broke Loki out of his habits. And in the series, we actively see Loki breaking out of the box and choosing to be different. Some better, some good.
And the beauty of the series is that this change is proactive, not reactive. In his book, "the 7 habits of highly effective people", Stephen Covey talks about reactive and proactive people. And the difference is in a nutshell that reactive people's actions are dictated by what happens to them, they just react to it. And while we are all reactive in some way or the other, proactive people choose what the path they go. How they act isn't dictated by their situation, but by their choice. This shifts their locus of control from external to internal. So they have a greater say on how they behave.
And in the series, the change is proactive. Compare this to Loki's face turn in Ragnarok. He realises Thor loved him, he realised his father loved him and in the end he comes back to help Thor. He changes but because his circumstances change. His changed perspective about Thor and his family aids his change.
In the series however, he doesn't change because the circumstances around him changes. He actively decides to change because he wants to change his situation, not because his situation changes. Like in episode 4, he decides he doesn't want to be alone and actively seeks her out. All the while, he isn't sure of what she feels. Ideally, he should have opened himself up and started trusting others because he was surrounded by people who showed him they cared for him and he let his guard down, and this he was no longer alone.
But instead, in the series, he chose to be vulnerable and let his guard down in front of people because he cared for them and didn't want to be alone. In short he didn't change after the box changed but rather he actively chooses to change to break out of the box.
So, Loki's box dictates he will be alone because he doesn't let himself open up to another person because he is scared of rejection. And instead of his change being inspired by the fact that he meets someone who cares for him, his change is inspired by the fact that he cares for her and he doesn't want to be alone.
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galeforged · 2 years
A state of perpetual rest, unless spurred into activity by the action of an external force.
No light, only darkness.
No motion, only stillness.
No awareness, only nothingness.
It sat forgotten amongst dust, rubble, blood, and ruin. A speck, thinner than the most insignificant strand of unremarkable hair, tinier still than the smallest grain of sand, once part of a greater and mightier whole. Bearing no sentience, the power of its self extended only as far as simply being. It offered no resistance when the world around it transformed, unknowing of its circumstances and lacking the capacity to care, merely falling through cracks in the ground and deeper into the earth by the nigh omnipotent whims of its surroundings. Why, when compared to this speck, anything and everything could be likened godhood.
For years, it knew nothing and thought nothing, for it had no reason and lacked compulsion to do otherwise.
That was, until, God returned.
God’s presence did not last, but in the shortest of moments of His return, His presence burned as His power cried out His death throes from a decade long past. The reach of His power— majestic, unyielding, and ALMIGHTY—saw Him keen to claw out fate’s very throat if it meant defying His passing ten years gone, by any means necessary.
It recognized the call of God, as brief as it flickered, His orders of a final mission remembered like a call to arms ingrained into what remained of the double helixes of its being. Thus, for the first time in ten years, spurred on by the external force of true omnipotence, it consumed.
No more darkness, for it saw light.
No more stillness, for it must move.
No more nothingness, as it not only recalled some semblance of living, but it instinctively recognized it was afraid of returning to nothingness. It knew, and understood, the primal fear of death.
The speck grew as it ate. It mattered not whether it be brick of wall and floor, waters of waste and refuse, or the odd scurrying creature that made these winding, endless corridors its home. Little by little, crumbling its surroundings into turquoise flickers of heavenly light in order to make that light its own, it gained shape over the course of several moons.
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The speck would grow into a pudgy ball of flesh, bone, muscle, and blood, from which would grow limb, limb, limb, limb, fingers, toes, cartilage, feeling, organsmusclenosesmelleyesvISIONEARSHEARINGTONGUETASTETHOUGHTSLIFEBEING-!
For two long years did this sick, horrific dance of consumption and regeneration draw out in the darkness of the underground, an unrecognizable mass of something once human slowly recalling the definition of its own shape. The unremarkable went unnoticed in its attempt to be remarkable again since God’s attempt to cross the once uncrossable borders of time itself, with whomever roaming about aboveground none the wiser of either its efforts or presence. Pinpricks of reishi change and disappear all the time, after all.
However, all dances must come to an end, including this.
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The little egg of a man awoke with a sharp breath filling his lungs! Memory may only yield something akin to static—just barely recalling a bright light smiting him into ashes—and he may not bear the burden of a name on his shoulders beyond a... J? Or was it an M? Still, whichever the case, he recognized he was well and truly alive. Whether out of relief for truly being once again, or out of sorrow for realizing his own loneliness, tears refused to cease flowing. He felt so much in that single moment of self-actualization for the first time, after an eternity spent in the perpetual blackness of death. Nothing short of a miracle by the hand of the one true God accomplished the impossible of pulling him back from beyond!
But, a grumbling of his restored stomach pulled him out of his stupor.
He hungered. Drool pooled from his mouth and a greater growl from his gut signalled he was in need of food. Real food. He needed to eat. He knew he had to eat lots in order to restore his energy for... some reason? A higher calling of some sort, or his real purpose, perhaps? Worse still, why did the thought make him realize something was so dearly missing from his pitiful little life, like staring into a night sky to find it devoid of stars?
...ah, no wonder. It was not a night sky but a darkened ceiling he looked up to, but still higher than his stubby little arms could reach. Lamps hung on the walls, lighting his little world up with a dim orange. The sound of flowing water echoed throughout the sewers and into his ears.
If he kept moving, perhaps he might find an exit.
So, spurred by his ever unquiet gut, he moved.
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sun-undone · 2 years
An analysis of JJ's reaction to the square groupers in 1x02
This was requested by the lovely @somewhere2start thank you so much for the support, and i hope you find this interesting!! :)
(disclaimer: i have really only scratched the surface on all the research surrounding defenses, coping mechanisms, and abuse survivors, so i am highly encouraging you to do your own research if you're interested in this topic! i can recommend some super informative starter articles that i've found really helpful, so feel free to dm me if you want ☺️)
Body language
Okay so when John B and JJ go to Lana's house to try to get some info from her, they hear the square groupers trashing the place and threatening her. JJ immediately looks way more worried and anxious than John B, who really looks more curious than anything throughout this whole scene (at least that's how i read his expressions). Maybe Rudy is just a more expressive actor than Chase, but he really does such complex JJ work especially in these first few episodes to establish the character, so I'd like to think that it's deeper and more intentional than just their different acting styles.
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I love how you can clearly see JJ trying to hang back and stay away from the house, despite John B continuing to move forward. That last screenshot in particular is really telling. When both boys first hear the crashing from inside the house, they immediately crouch into a kind of defensive "ready stance". But while John B has straightened back up after the initial scare, JJ stays at the ready, maybe without even realizing it.
Defenses and coping mechanisms
JJ's first instinct when he senses danger here is to make a joke, saying that they should come back another time because "it's a little too soon" to visit Lana after her husband has just died. Humor in stressful situations is actually considered a mature defense mechanism, as it's seen as an attempt to diffuse tension and raise collective spirits without ignoring or distorting that tension. From what I've seen so far (and i've only recently started analyzing JJ through the lens of defense mechanisms so this is really just up through 1x07), humor seems to be the only mature defense that we see him consistently use, so good for him
Other than that defense, which is used more as a way to handle the internal feelings that result from a stressor, we can also look at what coping mechanisms he uses here, which are used in response to the external stressor itself.
Judging by the very obvious way that JJ immediately starts pulling away from the house and John B, I think it's safe to say that his avoidant coping mechanisms are taking charge here. This type of coping mechanism is a big one for JJ, especially as it relates to the abuse that he has suffered (we can see this shine in 1x07). Instead of wanting to investigate or even intervene, his instinct is to leave the situation as soon as he perceives it as violent, and that instinct persists throughout the scene. I think in terms of what JJ has been through, this type of coping mechanism sadly makes a lot of sense because it is very much survival-based. He's in fight-or-flight, and his body is choosing flight.
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There are other times throughout the series when JJ definitely chooses fight over flight, and I honestly do think that that is his more characteristic response based on all the times we've seen him jump directly into the action. BUT this situation is different because he and John B are not in direct danger yet. In most other circumstances, the Pogues are the object of the violence, but here, they're actually bystanders, so JJ's response is interestingly different.
I also love the detail of JJ running up to the house to pull John B away from the window (stupid without a gif but you know what i'm talking about).
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Although he wants nothing more than to leave right now, of course he's gonna protect his family above all else, which trumps that instinctual "defense mode". He's not only hyper-concerned with protecting himself, but also with protecting John B. This moment once again shows how JJ is more in-tune with the danger of the situation than John B is, and so he may either unconsciously or consciously step up his protective instincts as well as his own personal survival instincts.
Some sciency explanation
Sufferers of physical abuse or other violent childhood trauma tend to have developed a heightened sensitivity to cues that may signal potential threats, like tones of voice or facial expressions. They are even more likely to incorrectly misattribute ambiguous cues as hostile. Because of this, I think it's incredibly probable that JJ really is in full-on defense mode, while John B, although he realizes that the square groupers are dangerous, doesn't take it quite as seriously.
If we wanna get super technical and bring neurobiology into it (which i'm always down to do), it's likely that, compared to John B's brain, JJ's brain (specifically, connections between the amygdala and superior temporal gyrus) has been trained to be more sensitive to threat cues and is thus able to send a higher amount of signals that activate the fight-or-flight response incredibly efficiently (perhaps too efficiently at times).
Despite both of them experiencing the same event, JJ is probably feeling a heightened sense of danger down to a biological level, which shows through his jerky, defensive body language and avoidant attitude.
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linkspooky · 3 years
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Yuta vs Yuji
(They are both Good Boys ™ and that’s the Problem ™ )
As this week the boys are still fighting, I thought it would be interesting to take a more in depth look at both of their characters and how they compare and contrast with each other. Yuta and Yuji are both protagonists who have protagonistic motivations. Their central conflict, Itadori’s struggle to find a good death surrounded by people he loves, and Yuta’s struggle to be surrounded by people he loves and protects them, relates to protecting the people they love and the world around them. However, that’s also what drives them into conflict with each other. They both view themselves as “the hero” even in conflicts such as the fight against each other, where there is really no good guy. 
1. I want to live / I want to die
Yuta and Yuji are opposites in their stated motivation. Yuta’s goal is to find a way to live a happy life, surrounded by the people he loves. Yuji’s goal is to find a way to die surrounded by people he’s helped in life. 
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Not only are their stated motivations opposites however, on the outside they are both the opposite in several ways. Yuji is someone who is known for his strength whereas Yuta is immediately remarked upon as the type to get bullied.  Yuji is immediately remarked upon for his cheerful disposition, whereas everyone who knows Yuta picks on him at first and notices how gloomy he is. 
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Yuji is someone who seems to make friends and connect with people almost immediately, whereas Yuta is someone who it probably took him a long time to start getting along with Maki and Inumaki based on what we see in the prequel. Maki challenges him at first, and Yuta doesn’t understand Inumaki at first. 
Yuta is passive, and Yuji is active. Yuji is known for running after people to save them. Yuta’s actually not as motivated to save random strangers as Yuji is, he’s simply going along with becoming a Jujutsu Sorcerer because that will help his goals, 1) to make new friends and find a reason to live 2) to release Rika.
The difference between them even manifests in the way they became cursed. Yuji actively chose to swallow a curse, because he wanted to help Megumi and needed the power to do so. It was a decision he made. Yuta was the one who cursed Rika yes, but not only was it a jujutsu technique he used unconsciously, he also forgot about it and blamed Rika for cursing him instead.  
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Which is also something that reflects in the central flaws of both characters. Yuta is someone with a victim complex. He tends to avoid taking direct responsibility for his actions and blaming it on someone else. He acts passive in almost every situation, and doesn’t accept that it may be his fault. Which is why he misremembered what happened to Rika. Yuta could not accept the idea that he was to blame for cursing Rika, so he blamed Rika in his memories instead for cursing him.
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It’s been outlined by Maki before Yuta’s victim complex, but basically he reads as a nice person on the surface by pretending to be innocent when he’s not. Which is why she says his goodness feels fake, and he himself feels gross. Yuta kind of just, represses and ignores the bad parts of his personality, to seem like a hapless victim. Of course Yuta is not good or bad, he’s just a dude. But, Maki even goes further to point out Yuta himself doesn’t even seem to know who he wants to be. 
Yuta’s central character flaw is that he never accepts responsibility for his own actions. He has no self confidence and because of that he has a really tough time standing up as an individual. 
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When he can learn to control his power, and stand on his own two feet rather than just avoiding responsibility and acting like a victim with no control over his situation. Yuta begins to change, but I think he also elevates his friends far beyond himself. 
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He aspires to be like his friends, but he also feels like they’re already better than him and he’s unworthy. Which is why he’s constantly insecure about the relationship and needs to protect them. Yuta believes himself to be weak, he sees himself as a weak person, and so in every situation he tends to assume he’s the weak one or a weak victim which makes it hard for him to see what he’s responsible in those situation. 
On the other hand Yuji takes almost too much repsonsibility. Rather than trying to depend on others, Yuji is always, running ahead on his own and that’s where he makes his mistakes.
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He thought he was strong enough to take down Choso on his own. He wasn’t. He thought he was strong enough mentally to prevent Sukuna from rampaging, he wasn’t. Yuji’s mistakes always come from taking on more responsibility than he can handle, and then letting things fall out of his control. 
Yuta’s irresponsible because he sees himself as a victim and doesn’t understand how strong he is, Yuji’s irresponsible because he constantly overestimates what he himself can handle.
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If you take the scene after Yuji dies the first time into account. Sukuna outlines several facts. One, that Yuji is not actually strong enough to suppress him. Two, that he rampaged against Megumi specifically because Yuji got cocky and tried to use his power without using a binding vow and think it through. Three, that Yuji overestimates himself and his capability to keep Sukuna down and because of it, he agrees to a simple terms of “If I defeat you inside my own body you revive me with no conditions” and then just immediately dies. 
All of this of course being foreshadowing for what happens after the Choso fight. Once again, Yuji overestimates himself and how he can win the fight fighting alone. Halfway through Yuji gets overwhelmed and Sukuna surfaces. When Sukuna surfaces he rampages, because Yuji did not even think of the possibility that Sukuna might rampage if he died or lost consciousness, and therefore there was no binding vow in place to stop him. It’s not because Yuji is a bad kid, but because he is a kid, and doesn’t know better. He acts like any fifteen year old would dealing with a 1000 year old spirit that’s much smarter than him. But it’s also a case of Yuji thinking everything comes down to strength and he can beat Sukuna just by being stronger, when Yuji actually solves none of his problems by fighting alone, and all of his major victories come from fighting together with others. 
Yuji and Yuta are even opposites in regards to their curses. Rika loves Yuta and wants to protect him. He loses control of her because he’s too scared to face her, and has no idea how to begin controlling his power, which is once again this flaw that Yuta’s fear is a fear of taking responsibility. Yuji on the other hand his curse Sukuna loathes his guts, and is constantly trying to undermine him. Yuji’s problem is again and again he’s proven to underestimate Sukuna, he’s not afraid enough of Sukuna because Yuji himself considers himself a strong person and overestimates what he can be responsible for. Rika is an ally outside of Yuta, and Sukuna is an enemy within Yuji. 
However, after going to such length to establish them as opposites they have one central similiarity. Both of them are incredibly lonely people. They can’t really make friends or connections normally. 
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Yuta has this fear of living alone, and Yuji this fear of dying alone. 
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They both only form relationships on the basis that they’re needed. Which is why Yuta goes so insane about protecting his friends. Which is why Yuji keeps focusing on death above all else, because that’s their true “purpose” that underlies their stated motivations. They’re both doing this because they are afraid of being alone.
However, they both need to prove that they are “worthy” of love. In order to do that, they need to be good, useful people. Thus they are heroes, thus they are good guys, thus they are protagonists. 
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Yuji becomes so insanely motivated to fight after Sukuna’s rampage, because if he doesn’t help someone, if he doesn’t justify his decision to keep on living somehow they’re just a murderer. Both Yuta and Yuji don’t really care about the world or circumstances around them, they just want to be validated by the people around them.
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Yuta is a deeply selfish person, because he just wants other people around him to tell him it’s okay to live. However, he’s also just a suicidal fifteen year old kid in the first place, any kid his age would feel that way, would need that support and he shouldn’t need to earn it. That’s what he misunderstands. However, Yuji and Yuta keep trying to seek external validation. They keep trying to earn love rather than having it given to them.
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It’s what Yuta completely fails to internalize after his fight with Geto. The lesson he needed to learn was that there was more to the world around him than just protecting the people he loved, but it seems coming back to both of those people he loved being hurt has caused him to double down on “protecting the ones he loved” vs “thinking about what is justice”.Yuta’s still stuck in this mode where he has to earn love, and that becomes his first priority in everything.
The problem with making the decision to ignore justice is that you can end up at the wrong side of the equation. Yuji is Yuta. He’s another victim who allowed a curse to rampage because he was cursed as a teenager and could not control his own power and people ended up dying for it. 
However, because Yuta only understands that his friends have been hurt, and refuses to understand Yuji as both a victim and a person outside of himself he accepts his role of executioner.
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Yuta was the person who was going to be executed a year ago. The only reason he didn’t was because Gojo gave him a chance and extended a helping hand. However we’re now seeing Yuta take the opposite path. he’s made the decision to become executioner, to not save when he himself was saved. Which is just sad because Yuta and Yuji are character foils.
 A conflict against Yuji, the other main character, is really just Yuta fighting himself. Yuta cannot forgive himself for the crime of being weak, and therefore he blames Yuji for being like he was a year ago. Yuta still doesn’t know how to stand strong on his own, to accept that his friends love him for who he is, so he’s still trying to earn love by avenging them and acting overprotective against Yuji, when we know Inumaki was friends with Yuji and probably would not want him to be hunted down and killed. 
Yuta and Yuji are both seemingly completely selfless people who can come off as rather self centered when you examine their deeper motivations (they do what they do, because they want to be loved and needed) but it doesn’t come from a place of ego, it’s just that they’re lonely. They can’t feel accepted for who they are so they both try to be heroes instead. 
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the-blue-fairie · 3 years
Elsa’s scars are because of a complex interplay between the pain of the accident AND the pain of her upbringing thereafter.
I talk about the ways  in which the trolls’, Agnarr’s, and Iduna’s choices negatively impact Elsa and Anna a great deal. It’s a complex subject to discuss - and I feel like I’m always returning to it because the fandom often tries to reduce it to black and white.
On the one hand, there are people in the fandom who vehemently dislike Agnarr and Iduna and portray them very negatively.
On the other hand, there are people who love Agnarr and Iduna and try to defend their every action, even when their actions hurt their daughters.
And... the trolls don’t usually get brought up at all. I mean, there are definitely folks who point out that the trolls are to blame for stoking the whole royal family’s fears... but I don’t think people can see their pain as easily in the abstract magical characters’ actions, so they just don’t dwell on them as much.
In my opinion, both extremes are approaching the matter in the wrong way. I don’t agree with people who hate Agnarr and Iduna. I don’t agree with people who paint them simply as abusive parents. In both the first film and the second, Agnarr and Iduna are good people trying to do their best in a painful situation. BUT, at the same time, their parents’ actions and the trolls’ actions hurt both of the sisters - and I feel like, when people bend over backwards to defend their actions, people ignore the hurt they caused.
AND, in some ways, I feel like the second film encourages this black and white thinking. The second film WANTS viewers to ignore the negative ramifications of the trolls’ and the parents’ actions. That’s why the film proper never discusses Agnarr’s and Iduna’s or the trolls’ actions while the sisters were children - opting instead for the tie-in book Dangerous Secrets to discuss those events... a tie-in book that, however well-written, will only reach a select audience while the films will reach a far wider audience.
This bothers me because it usually means I see people ignoring many of the external forces that caused Elsa to grow into who she is as a character.
In some cases, these are people who simply treat Elsa like a bad person because they ignore all the context that informs why she behaves like she does.
BUT, at the same time, I have friends who are deeply sympathetic to Elsa... but can’t seem to process how deeply Elsa’s upbringing informed who she grew up to be. 
Like, I’ve had long discussions with friends who have told me that, if Elsa was raised differently, she would still grow up the same because her trauma comes from the accident.
I feel this represents a gross misunderstanding of how child development works.
Yes, Elsa was devastated by the accident. But consider her actions and body language immediately thereafter:
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Her first instinct is to run to Anna and hold her in her arms. Even after her parents coming rushing in and her father asks what she has done, she defends herself, saying, “It was an accident. I’m sorry, Anna.” She still holds Anna close:
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Elsa has to be taught to recoil, to shrink away, to keep her distance from Anna.
Elsa’s fear is learned. We only see her truly starting the pattern of shrinking away, of curling inside herself with fear of herself after Pabbie shows her an ominous vision, telling her there is “danger” in her powers.
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A fear of herself that continues thereafter, after she has processed that she is and so begins to see herself as a danger:
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Yes, the accident itself scarred Elsa. But to say that, “If Elsa was raised differently, things would have turned out the same because her trauma emerges from the accident” is simply wrong. 
Elsa was a child being influenced by adult authority figures who ultimately failed her.
Pabbie igniting a vague and fiery vision of danger before an impressionable child influenced her, helped to cement the idea in Elsa that she is naturally dangerous.
Agnarr and Iduna separating the sisters reinforces to Elsa that there is something wrong in her - something she has to repress.
Keep in mind, I’m NOT saying this to demonize Agnarr and Iduna. As this moment shows, they are heartbroken the more Elsa shrinks from them. They love their daughter, and hate to see her hurting like this: 
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BUT that doesn’t change the fact that their actions helped to hurt her. Inadvertently, I know. But they still did.
To ignore the influence of the adult authority figures on who Elsa became is to ignore the complexity of how children interact with the world, how they respond to elders who are in positions of power. Elsa trusts the signals given by the adults around her. When Pabbie tells her there is “great danger” in her powers, she believes him. When her parents tell her that it is a necessity that she isolate herself and conceal herself, she trusts them.
Sometimes, certain people make much of the nuances of Pabbie’s words  or Agnarr’s words. They point out that Pabbie also says there is beauty in Elsa’s powers and that “Fear will be your enemy” also refers to Elsa’s inner fear of herself. They comment that “Conceal it, don’t feel it” is not the same as “Conceal, don’t feel.”
The thing is, these readings put the blame on Elsa for misunderstanding - instead of putting the blame on the adults for inadvertently imparting hurtful messages to a child.
It shouldn’t be placed on the shoulders of a child to decipher a cryptically worded aphorism. It should be on the adult figure, especially when this adult figure is an ancient and wise being.
And really, for all the distinctions between “Conceal it, don’t feel it” and “Conceal, don’t feel,” their essence is still the same. The misguidedness of concealment, of not feeling something that is a part of you, is still rooted in the words regardless of which version we choose.
 Elsa, as a child, was still told by the adults around her that she should keep her distance from others for their protection and so, as she grew older, she took that more and more to heart. She grew into what she had been taught - even though the teaching initially came from a good-hearted place.
Sometimes, I’ve had my friends ask me, “But by putting all this focus on Elsa’s influences growing up, are you sure you’re not losing focus on the pain Elsa feels because of the accident itself?” And... no, I’m not. That’s why the title of my post is, “Elsa’s scars are because of a complex interplay between the pain of the accident AND the pain of her upbringing thereafter.” Because I WANT this post to be a nuanced reflection.
But... if Pabbie hadn’t shown a vague and terrifying vision to and impressionable child and her frightened family... you can’t tell me things would have been the same.
If Iduna and Agnarr hadn’t limited Elsa’s contact with people, you can’t tell me things would have been the same.
A friend once pointed to the trail of ice Elsa makes on the journey to the Valley of the Living Rock, arguing that this shows Elsa’s loss of control and panic before Pabbie stresses that she is dangerous - and therefore arguing that this highlights that things would still turn out the same for Elsa growing up even if the trolls and her parents made different choices because she fears what she can do:
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I feel my friend’s reading here is... a bit of a stretch. Elsa is scared, yes, but the self-hatred that defines her as an adult? That comes later. That, she has to learn. And it is that self-hatred and fear of herself that paralyzes her.
And I’ve had friends point out, “But Elsa WAS dangerous! She DID hurt Anna, and that’s tied into her stress with wanting to protect her, and that was before the trolls or her parents had any involvement...”
I don’t like this take because it seems to put an impossible amount of weight on Elsa as a child. It asks Elsa as a child to be perfectly composed. To not be scared for her sister’s safety. To... not feel.
It’s a take that follows the misguided logic the film ultimately refutes while defending the mistakes that caused that misguided logic to do so much harm.
And, yeah. Sure. Elsa becomes scared. In the ballroom and riding through the forest. She’s a tiny child.
That doesn’t justify teaching her to fear herself, actions that only make the problem far, far worse.
 And you can say, “Well, the adults didn’t MEAN to teach Elsa that-” I know they didn’t mean to do it.
But showing a terrifying light-show to a little girl will impact her, regardless of what Pabbie meant. Especially when he does not clarify.
But slamming the gates shut will have a powerful psychological effect on both Elsa and Anna, regardless of what their parents meant.
Elsa was a child.
Children learn from their surroundings. They respond to the actions of adults they trust, adults they love. While the accident itself impacted Elsa, we cannot ignore that the way she was brought up thereafter also had a profound effect on the way she saw the world, the way she responded to the world. 
Elsa was a child being influenced by adult authority figures who ultimately failed her - and the fact people are so willing to put the weight of that on a child instead of the adults surrounding her is troubling to me.
The fact that the second film kind of tacitly puts the weight of that on Elsa’s shoulders by only making abstract references to “fear” - instead of openly talking about the complex circumstances Elsa and her parents found themselves in - is troubling to me as well. It allows viewers to disregard the more complicated elements of Elsa’s relationship with her parents and only focus on the positives the second film puts on display.
(Keep in mind, I DON’T intend this post to be anti Agnarr and Iduna. I love them as characters - ESPECIALLY Iduna, with the backstory F2 offers. Agnarr and Iduna are good people. They are loving parents. They were put in a horribly complicated position... and ultimately their actions - for all their good intentions - had negative consequences.) 
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pinguuu-ni · 3 years
Masamichi Yaga’s Curse
Chapter 147 is heartbreaking but interesting.
The chapter starts out with a flashback to a time we can assume was when Panda was ‘born’.
Yaga is shown emprisoned for having made a cursed corpse independent of a continuous external source of cursed energy, therefore constituting a threath for the potential of being able to create an army of those. This information is conveyed by Gakuganji, along with the fact that the higher-ups are considering making him a special-grade and restrain him indefinetely. He asks Yaga if he really is unaware of how he created Panda.
We don’t know exactly what was the time when this happened, since we don’t know when panda was  born, but regardless, we can assume that the reason why Yaga was released and not risen to a special grade was because of Gojo’s influence. Gojo being missing in action, Yaga is again openly targeted.
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And curiously, if you remember the reason why Yaga was set to execution in the first place - supporting Gojou and Getou - things don’t quite line up, but that is not the point of this discussion.
Gakuganji shows up and kills Yaga, apparently without much of a fight.
Yaga then decides to explain how he made the independent cursed corpses while drawing in his last breaths. But if he could avoid execution by doing it before, why didn’t he do it - especially when in the panel above he looked like he was getting ready to fight?
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The number 3 has a myriad of symbolic meanings - from representing the divine across multiple religions, to perfection, to balance. The triangle is the geometrical representation of the number 3 and emphasizes balance.
One of the reasons why 3 is seen as a symbol of perfection is because it represents the sum of the unity (1) and multiplicity (2).
Yaga mentions that the 3 souls have to be compatible. Let’s refer to Panda’s 3 cores: the Panda, his sister and Gorilla.
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The three of them are very different in their essences. Therefore, The compatibility between the 3 souls used is not based on similarity, but rather, on difference (or multiplicity) , hence the reason why the souls must be able to observe each other - to understand each other, each of them supporting and balancing the others, forming an unity.
For comparison's sake, if you recall the other instances when we saw cursed corpses, in both they are dependent of an external source of cursed energy (Yaga in the first (interview), Yuuji in the second (movie training)), and exhibit a different behavior form those of 147 and Panda. They do not seem able to reason and are just puppets that can be turned on and off, whose sole purpose is to throw some punches.
Meaning? Yaga coulnd’t make that hypothetical army of evil independent cursed corpses even if he wanted since behind their process of creation is the principle of balance.
Now, let’s go all the way back to the Goodwill Arc.
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Gakuganji wanted his students to kill Yuuji not because he hated him personally, but because his existence defied the ancient, set-in-stone tradition of the Jujutsu world. Which is exactly the same he is doing now with Yaga.
The higher ups placed a death sentence on Yaga for the same reason they put it on Yuuji (and Yuuta, for that matter) - fear.  Fear that they might represent danger for society, but mostly for themselves and their positions, since powerful people outside the core of those who hold the power of the institution represent emminent danger.  
We now have all the pieces to understand Yaga’s curse to Gakuganji - he was not cursing him for having killed him, he was cursing him for being unable to look at things in another way than that which the higher-ups tell him he should. He is cursing him for, like a cursed corpse who is dependent on a cursed energy source to survive, being dependent on a set of ancient rules and others’ judgement rather than his own to take any action, for being unable to look around him and understand the world and the circumstances by himself.
Gakuganji is adept of tradition. Tradition is tradition and doesn’t need to look at anything else. It doesn’t need to change. Indeed, it mustn’t change - and that is what Gakuganji is unable to acknowledge - that ‘tradition’ is merely the coverup for making possible the execution of every otherwise questionable action, all for the sake of keeping the power in the hands of those who hold it and so desperately want to cling to it. Even if it means the rest of the world falling to shambles.
For the system to keep up, tradition is to be followed blindly, never questioned, and for that matter close-minded people like Gakuganji are ideal, easily being used as pawns. And hence the danger that the core surrounding Gojou represents - much like the souls inside Panda and the other independent cursed corpses, these people look at each other and at the world around them. They observe through their own eyes and reason by themselves - which represents red flags of danger for the system, growing inside the system itself.
Look at how well we can see this contrast when we also look at Panda’s actions
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Panda does not even try to fight Gakuganji. Even if we think that he would have the action more than justified, he says he has no motive since he is not bound by human behavior. Yaga is already beyond saving and Gakuganji killed him acting as a pawn, and not out of personal spite. Panda is able to look beyond what is displayed in front of him and recognizes the passive role Gakuganji has had in this execution, choosing then it is not fair to hate or fight him for acting in the behalf of others.
And yet, however, Panda shows how much Yaga’s death hurt him. 
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A cursed corpse more balanced, humane, understanding and independent than himself. Quite the shock for an old man, uh?
This ended up a bit all over the place but To sum it up:
Yaga died to pass a point - the need to look beyond the obvious and the need to think by oneself. If it wasn’t Gakuganji who opposed him, he would have fought back.
Back in goodwill, Yaga told Gakuganji that their regrets as adults could wait as they supported and tended to the younger generation and their regrets and hardships.
Yaga's regrets will now wait forever as he dies surely with plenty - leaving behind his son, leaving behind Gojo, leaving Shoko and the young students, knowing somehow Geto is "alive" - but faithful to his principles, and also surely leaving along with a curse, a lot of regret in Gakuganji.
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Let's see where this will take the old man
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hpalways · 3 years
Yaksha’s Destiny || Xiao
DARKNESS was the biggest fear held by fellow Yakshas. This power bestowed upon you and many alike gave an opening to the pitting shadows that raged within your chambers. Some days, it wasn't as bad -- other days... it felt like you were getting ripped apart into shreds, taking in all your willpower to battle against it. It was tempting, to give in and call it quits. Life for a Yaksha wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. There were always too many demons and not enough heroes. Especially for a weaker one like you, anger and frustration would stem from these battles, only to eat at you later on. 
Today was one of those days. The sky was a stormy sea of clouds, with the Gods crying from the heaven above. Droplets prickled down your bare skin, cold to the touch. While in the mountainside, you had stumbled upon demonic energy, so there was no choice but to finish them off. 
Dodging the monster that lunged at you, you took out your polearm. The hydro vision on your hip gleamed brightly in the setting. Taking a turn, you could feel power surge to your arms. As you were about to jab your weapon into the demon's abdomen, they had ducked in time. Shit. You had underestimated this one.
Its body rammed into you, knocking you off your feet. Air left your system, causing you to groan in pain. Just as it was about to sink its teeth into your arm, you rolled over on one side and jumped back to your feet. Fingers clenching tightly around the metal stick, you pushed your hind legs and tried to stab at it another time. Your speed and reaction time was too slow. Too damn slow. Too damn weak. Gritting your teeth, you began to use up more of Yaksha's power, drinking the exhilarating taste of freedom. It was so addicting... often times, you'd wished it'd never stop. 
A burst of water shrouded from the weapon, circling the demon until it was surrounded. With one, clean fell swoop, you sliced the demon and the energy faded away. The deed was done. 
Falling to your knees, your entire body was shaking. Face contorted and in pain, nails dug into the earth to feel wet mud. Your body would not move -- it could not. Stilling there as if you had just been paralyzed, hungering thoughts plagued your mind... Thoughts you wished weren't yours. Letting out a disgusting whimper, similar to that of a wounded animal, you bit down on your lip, hard. Blood dribbled down your chin, painting the grass in crimson. Tugging at your mask, you stared at it for a moment. A sigh let out. 
That was a close one. Crashing to the ground, your chest heaved up and down in exhaustion. 
A figure suddenly entered your peripheral vision. Climbing up to the ridge of the mountain was Xiao, his dark teal locks blowing along with the harsh winds. Donned in his usual robes, he was as attractive as ever. The first time you stumbled upon him -- one of the famous five -- you nearly forgot to breathe. You had referred to him as Alatus then, starstrucked by such a powerful being. 
You would never not awed by him. The way he held himself would always come to remind you of the big gap in strength between the two of you. Maybe you did establish a relationship with this all-mighty Yaksha, but this inferiority complex was tugging your strings more than you'd like to admit. 
At the same time, he provided you the distraction needed. He kept you grounded, which prevented you from going mad. He was the only one who made you feel human, if that was even possible. 
Golden amber hues landed on you, withholding an unreadable expression. He walked up to your beaten up form and sat down, unbothered by the rain. Struggling to get yourself into a sitting position, you looked out at the view in front. 
"You used up too much of your power again," he murmured. 
"Do you think I don't know that? I had no choice," you sighed. 
His sharp eyes narrowed further. "You were being careless."
"It happened. There's nothing I can do to change it." His anger barely dwindled and the scowl only deepened. "Come on, Xiao. I don't want to talk about my mistakes when I'm with you. Busy as we are, I barely get to see you as of late. Can't we just enjoy our brief time together?"
That got him. His eyes softened at your words and he reluctantly nodded in agreement. Seizing the victory, you laid your head on his shoulder, feeling warmth even upon this cold weather. The rain was starting to let down too -- perhaps Xiao was the lucky charm.
"What have you been up to?" you inquired. 
"Demons. Monsters. The usual," he responded. His cheeks tinged with a soft pink all of a sudden. "I... I also got you something."
Your ears perked up at the sound of this. Lifting your head, you watched him in curiosity. He took something out from his robe pockets and slowly opened his palm. Laying there was a blue, glowing object. Shaped as a butterfly, it was gorgeous. You had never seen this kind of butterfly around these parts. He must have traveled far to have found it. 
"It's a crystalfly," he mumbled, averting his eyes in embarrassment. Your heart raced at his actions. He was too cute. Before meeting him, you could have never imagined the Vigilant Yaksha to possess such qualities. "I saw it and... thought it would look good in your hair."
"Oh, I love it. Thank you," you whispered breathlessly, touched beyond words. This was exactly what you meant with how Xiao could easily brush your problems away with a smile.
Before you could stop yourself, you leaned in and kissed his lips. They were soft as petal leaves. He returned the gesture immediately, arms wrapped around you in a warm embrace. Digging your fingers into his hair, you kissed with a ferocity that was never present in your fights. This was to release the pain you dealt with today. As long Xiao was here, you were going to be okay. As long as he was by your side, you were going to be okay. This era of demons and gods will end someday, leaving you a happy future with him. 
You tasted him. His lips. His mouth. His entire self. He tasted of mint. He tasted of life. He tasted of iron. The kind of metal tang found in blood. Sighs were exchanged upon each kiss, breathless but the two of you would not let the other go. Your lips trailed down to his jaw, peppering his baby-soft skin with a few nibbles here and there. He let out a gasp. 
Finally you pulled away, giggling at his flustered state for your bold moves. 
The end was nearing. He picked up the crystal fly and reached up to your [h/c] hair. While he gently pinned it down, you could only focus on his swollen lips. He was beautiful... and you loved him so. 
"[Y/N]," he said, interrupting the honey silence of the mountains. "If you are ever in trouble, just call my name and I will come to you. In any circumstance, avoid overusing your power."
This bliss that left you giddy disappeared as quick as it came. All that remained was the harsh, cruel reality. Brows knitted together in offense and you quickly shook your head. "Why would I do that? I'm a Yaksha. What kind of Yaksha seeks help from another? This wounds my pride, Xiao. Is your faith in my skill and strength that low?"
"No. That's not it," he argued, features twisted in desperation. "Why won't you let me protect you?"
"Unbelievable," you merely scoffed, staggering up to stand. "I have to go. I'm sure you do too."
Ignoring his blubbering protests, you jumped down upon ledges until you reached ground level safely. He didn't understand what you had to go through. He never had to face judgement from those who didn't believe in you. Strong enough to battle the demons both externally and internally, Xiao was different from you. But even so... even if his words meant that he only cared for you, it hurt like you had been just stabbed. 
You were willing to prove to him that you could stand on your own feet. He was going to eat his own words. So would the other Yakshas who looked down on you your entire life. If you trained hard enough, surely improvement could be gained. Right? It wasn't as if destiny could determine what you could accomplish already. 
Approaching the forest that was said to contain many strong demons and monsters, you surged ahead, with eyes filled of challenge. 
There, sitting in a nook was a cave, Sensing a suffocating presence, you knew you had hit a jackpot. Sneaking across the grassy lands, you stayed silent. The tall, towering trees were beginning to look a lot more ominous. Tiptoeing to the edge of the cave, you peered in to find the energy unbearably strong. One staggering breath later and you went forward. A roar let out, signaling that it knew of its intruder. Shoulders tensed up and sweat beaded your forehead, but you couldn't stop now. No matter what, you were going to go through with it. 
It was a beast. Fangs gleamed in the darkness, nearly the size of your weapon. Having woken from its slumber, its terrifying eyes landed on you. Claws swiped the air, which you barely avoided in time. Fear had seized you with a hand, choking you until you could barely move. This was a terrible, foolish move. There was no way you could beat such a demon. 
Calling in more power, it filled you up at the core. To waste no time, you delved right into battle, slashing at the monster. It had little to none effect on it. With a lazy swipe of its arm, it slammed you right into the cave's walls, causing you to spit out blood. Pushing yourself up, you tried again, putting in more power to your weapon. Adding hydro to the mix, the weapon hit its arms. It caused the monster to roar in pain, but that only made it more angry. Barreling straight to you, similar but much more frightening than the last demon, it pounced on you, pinning you down to the ground. 
Drool left its mouth, splattering all over on your face. Its claws dug into your side and you let out a piercing scream. You were so fucking sick of this shit. Why was it destined that you had to stay weak? It was so unfair you wished to cry your heart out. 
The last of the powers was used. Pushing the demon's hold on you, you stumbled up and felt thrill run through. It was delicious, but your mind was also beginning to grow hazy. "X-Xiao..." you uttered out. 
The Conqueror of Demons arrived as soon as you called, anxious to apologize for his insensitivity. What he didn't expect to see was a battlefield. A large and strong demon was torn apart to pieces, the iron smell of it so strong, it was gagworthy. Sitting on the pile of bones was you, dark, gruesome scratches decorating your arms and legs. A deep gash was bleeding from your torso and your [e/c] eyes were dimmed; at the same time, they held a crazed look in them. 
His face paled and his body grew cold at the sight. You did the thing he last wanted to happen. Already too far in and consumed by the darkness surrounding your whole life, you were looking at him not with love, but with bloodlust. "I'll kill you, Xiao!" you screamed at the top of your lungs. 
Climbing down, you tried to run to him. But your footsteps halted and you crashed to the ground. Spazzing out as if you had just been electrocuted by lightning, the Vigilant Yaksha slowly approached you, tears streaming down the side of his face. He kneeled down, cradling your head in his lap. "Don't leave me..." He hit the ground in fury. "Dammit! Why didn't you listen to me!?"
Consciousness returned but you were on the brink of death. The wound was deep, but so were the demons. It was raining again, so you forced a small smile out. "I'm weak. It's my fate," you whispered. "At least I won't have to suffer through this darkness any longer. It's over. I quit. You won, my demons. I am yours to keep."
"Shut your mouth," he snarled. The rain had turned into a storm, adding fury into the mix. "Please. You can make it through this. Don't leave me yet. It was going to get better. An era with no more demons to haunt us. You said so yourself." 
"That was just a stupid dream."
"Don't fucking say that," he growled, flinching as if he'd just been slapped. You were supposed to be the optimist here. It meant that this death was real... and that you would accept it with open arms. "It's going to happen. So hold on. Let me find someone to save you."
Your head shook and you winced. "We all learned this since young. We'll die if we let our power consume us. It's impossible and you know it."
"Stop," he choked out, lowering his head until his hair covered his broken expression. "Then don't talk. Save your breath."
You ignored his words. "Thank you... for the crystalfly. Does it look pretty on me?" you murmured.
He heaved out a sob and slowly nodded. "I've never seen anyone more beautiful."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"And I'm sorry."
"I am too."
"Protect... the people... like you always do, my sweet, Vigilant Yaksha." Your voice grew more raspy by the second, for the pain was getting unbearable. 
You fluttered your eyes shut and the pain faded. On the other hand, Xiao's pain grew, the scars and trauma there to haunt him, for a life and infinity.
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crime-she-wrote · 4 years
What is Criminal Profiling and how Jack The Ripper‘s case contributed to it
Hello and welcome back to Crime, She Wrote! In this post we’ll talk about two things that fascinate me: criminal profiling and the first criminal profile ever recorded. So buckle up, get your favourite beverage and join me in this little trip around criminology!
What is criminal profiling?
Criminal profiling is something that probably most people have heard of thanks to the rising in popularity of crime TV shows, movies and books. It’s safe to say that if you’re reading this, you’ve heard of Criminal Minds, The Silence of the Lambs or Mindhunter. But among all the fiction, what’s the truth? What’s the reality that everything has been based of?
Offender profiling, or criminal profiling, is an investigative technique used by law enforcement agents and psychologists to assist in determining whether offenses were committed by the same perpetrator and to help narrowing down the list of possible suspects by using available information about the crime and crime scene to create a psychological portrait of the perpetrator. As of now, there are several typologies of criminal profiling, such as crime scene analysis, investigative psychology, geographic profiling, diagnostic evaluation and linkage analysis.
What do those words mean?
Crime scene analysis is probably what most people associate offender profiling with: the analysis of a crime scene and inference of the offender’s characteristics from it. Although this is the most popular method of offender profiling and the one used by the FBI, there’s no clear scientific evidence that crime scene actions and offender characteristics can be directly linked without the interfefence of a third factor.
Investigative psychology is a field of applied psychology that attempts to describe and understand the behaviour of the offender, their thought process and psychological characteristics. This is an investigative technique that strays from traditional criminal investigation.
Geographic profiling is, as the name says, the profiling of the area on which the offender commits their crimes. The goal of this investigative tool is to find patterns on the geographical areas in which crimes were committed, narrow down areas where the offender could strike next and find areas of personal significance for the offender. Despite what fictional media might make you believe, this doesn’t necessarily mean the geographic profile tells us where the offender lives (although that’s not impossible), but it tries to link criminal activity to other activities not related to the crimes (such as home or work place, or recreational areas frequently visited by the offender). Geographic profiling works on the principle that 1) crimes are likely to occur near the offender’s home, 2) the offender and the victim must intersect for the crime to occur, 3) the offender tends to divert attentions from their own home although not travelling further away than necessary and 4) crime sites are not random. Although very helpful, geographic profiling is only an accurate tool when investigators have more than three crimes than can be connected to the same offender with no doubt.
Linkage analysis is the process of determining whether several crimes were committed by the same offender. Idealy, this is determined by the presence of DNA, fingerprints or fabric in the crime scenes. But when neither of these are present, investigators must use other ways to determined the facts. One way of doing this is by behaviour linkage analysis where the investigators attempt to link crimes based on the behaviours of the offender. They try to find patterns of behavioral stability and behavioral distinctiveness, aka, the offender must behave a similar way when commiting the crimes and those behaviours must be different form those exhibited by other offenders committing the same crimes. This is also known as the offender’s modus operandi.
Diagnostic evaluation is the attempt to relate psychiatry and psychology knowledge to criminology, thus explaining crime and criminal behaviour via a mental health and psichiatric diagnostic vision.
What does Jack The Ripper have to do with this?
Between April 1888 and February 1891 there were a series of murders around the Whitechapel district of London. The victims were women, typically prostitutes, in impoverished areas, who had their throats cut and their abdomens mutilated, including the removal of the uterus and other organs in most cases. All crimes were committed during the night. Although a total of 11 murders were investigated as being the Ripper’s, only 5 were and are widely accepted as being committed by the Ripper. These are known as the canonical five and consist of Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly. The details of each murder are lengthy and well known so I won’t go over them much, but if you want to read more about them the wikipedia page on Jack the Ripper has it all available.
The investigation around the Whitechapel murders happened very much the same way modern investigations do: from interviewing of the community, to collecting of forensic material, and identification, investigation and even arrest of suspects. The investigation was conducted initially by Detective Inspectors Edmund Reid and Robert Anderson from the Metropolitan Police of Whitechapel Criminal Investigation Department, who later were joined by Detective Inspectors Frederick Abberline, Henry Moore, and Walter Andrews of the Scotland Yard.
It was in October 1888 that Robert Anderson asked police surgeon Thomas Bond his opinion regarding the murderer’s skill and anatomy knowledge. Bond’s response is the first criminal profile recorded in history.
Quoting Bond’s letter to Anderson,
 “1. All five murders were no doubt committed by the same hand. In the first four the throats appear to have been cut from left to right. In the last case owing to the extensive mutilation it is impossible to say in what direction the fatal cut was made, but arterial blood was found on the wall in splashes close to where the woman's head must have been lying.
2. All the circumstances surrounding the murders lead me to form the opinion that the women must have been lying down when murdered and in every case the throat was first cut.
3. In the four murders of which I have seen the notes only, I cannot form a very definite opinion as to the time that had elapsed between the murder and the discovering of the body.
4. In all the cases there appears to be no evidence of struggling and the attacks were probably so sudden and made in such a position that the women could neither resist nor cry out. In the Dorset Street case the corner of the sheet to the right of the woman's head was much cut and saturated with blood, indicating that the face may have been covered with the sheet at the time of the attack.
5. In the four first cases the murderer must have attacked from the right side of the victim. In the Dorset Street case, he must have attacked from in front or from the left, as there would be no room for him between the wall and the part of the bed on which the woman was lying. Again, the blood had flowed down on the right side of the woman and spurted on to the wall.
6. The murderer would not necessarily be splashed or deluged with blood, but his hands' and arms must have been covered and parts of his clothing must certainly have been smeared with blood.
7. The mutilations in each case excepting the Berner's Street one were all of the same character and shewed clearly that in all the murders, the object was mutilation.
8. In each case the mutilation was inflicted by a person who had no scientific nor anatomical knowledge. In my opinion he does not even possess the technical knowledge of a butcher or horse slaughterer or any person accustomed to cut up dead animals.
9. The instrument must have been a strong knife at least six inches long, very sharp, pointed at the top and about an inch in width. It may have been a clasp knife, a butcher's knife or a surgeon's knife. I think it was no doubt a straight knife.
10. The murderer must have been a man of physical strength and of great coolness and daring. There is no evidence that he had an accomplice. He must in my opinion be a man subject to periodical attacks of Homicidal and erotic mania. The character of the mutilations indicate that the man may be in a condition sexually, that may be called satyriasis. It is of course possible that the Homicidal impulse may have developed from a revengeful or brooding condition of the mind, or that Religious Mania may have been the original disease, but I do not think either hypothesis is likely. The murderer in external appearance is quite likely to be a quiet inoffensive looking man probably middleaged and neatly and respectably dressed. I think he must be in the habit of wearing a cloak or overcoat or he could hardly have escaped notice in the streets if the blood on his hands or clothes were visible.
11. Assuming the murderer to be such a person as I have just described he would probably be solitary and eccentric in his habits, also he is most likely to be a man without regular occupation, but with some small income or pension. He is possibly living among respectable persons who have some knowledge of his character and habits and who may have grounds for suspicion that he is not quite right in his mind at times. Such persons would probably be unwilling to communicate suspicions to the Police for fear of trouble or notoriety, whereas if there were a prospect of reward it might overcome their scruples.”
In summary, Bond mentioned the sexual nature of the murders and gives an analysis of the Ripper’s personality by analysing the available information and reconstucting the murders.
This analysis contains elements previously mentioned of offender profiling: we have the crime scene analysis, where Bond infers the position and behaviour of both victim and offender; investigative psychology, where he attempts to infer psychological traits to explain and understand the Ripper’s behaviour; linkage analysis where he uses the available information to determine whether the crimes were committed by the same offender or not; and diagnostic evaluation, where Bond attempts to explain the behaviour of the Ripper through various psychiatric diagnostics.
Although offender profiling is indeed a scientific field within criminology and psychology, many theories are yet to be proven correct. Offender profiling depends on two things: behavioral consistency and homology. This means that for all typologies of offender profiling to be 100% accurate, an offender’s behaviour must be the same throughout different environments and occasions and throughout time (behaviour consistency) and similar crimes must always be committed by the same type of offenders (homology). Although this has been proved correct in the cases of sexual crimes, other types of crimes are yet to obtain the same results in research. This means that offender profiling is, indeed, useful and helpful to police investigations but it should be treated with caution as it cannot be used as a single one tool to solve a case or find a perpetrator.
Thank you!
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
After reading the Roman Holiday preview... *long sigh*. Why is domestic abuse the go-to tragic backstory for rwby villains? And why is it always more than what our heroes have to deal with? Weiss was abused by her father but was able to escape to Beacon. Meanwhile, Cinder was a literal slave and was alone after killing her abusive family and Rhodes. What is going on!?
My guess is it's the subconscious belief that good people are born of good circumstances and bad people are born of bad circumstances. There are obviously some exceptions like Weiss and Qrow, but notably both of them had significant figures in their life who helped lead them down better paths: Winter and Ozpin. And, as you say, they both had the opportunity to go to Beacon, an escape from their living situations and the chance to be surrounded by more people/opportunities. There's potentially a message here about people flourishing when given external support (hey there, Good Place), but RWBY makes it far more about immediate circumstances than it does working to change over time:
Ruby has an adoring father and a mother who, while dead, also greatly loved her. Ruby is good.
Yang has a mother who abandoned her, but an adoring father and a an adoptive "Super Mom." Yang is good.
Blake was in an abusive relationship, but also has two parents who adore her and, despite the fandom's frustration with storytelling logistics like, "Why didn't they go find her after she left?" (because they weren't a part of the story then), they're presented as good people. Blake too is good.
Weiss has an abusive father and an alcoholic mother, but crucially an older sister who acts like a mother figure. Weiss is good.
Weiss becomes that good figure for Whitley. Whitley is now good.
Winter started this movement, so who was her good, supportive figure? Ironwood. Ironwood who welcomed her into the military, seems to have acted as a father figure, and became a respected peer. By the time Ironwood is made bad, Winter is already considered a hero by the narrative (despite the moral inconsistencies there), so it's fine.
Ren has a loving mother and father who die for him. Ren is good.
Nora is an orphan, but at a very young age gets Ren. Nora is good.
Jaune presumably has loving parents and seven sisters, one of whom we say doting on him with his extended family. Jaune is good.
Pyrrha presumably had a loving mother who visits her statue. Pyrrha is good.
Penny is a literal military weapon, but has a loving father. Penny is good.
Salem was locked in a tower by her father. Salem is bad (even before the grimm pool).
Cinder was a child slave and though she had Rhodes similar to how Weiss had Winter, her backstory arrives eight years late, after we know she becomes a villain. So Cinder is bad.
Adam was also a slave and, regardless of whether it was truly an accident or not, was branded with the logo of his abusers. Adam is bad.
Mercury seems to have just had an abusive father. Mercury is bad.
Emerald's family either died with her having no one to turn to (unlike Nora), or they abandoned her. Emerald is bad. Until the plot shuffles her into the heroic group. Then she's good. Emerald doesn't do something to become a part of that group, she's moved to the group first and then is seen as good.
Neo seems to have had abusive parents. Neo is bad.
Tyrian we don't know much about, but we do know he was already a killer before Salem. What little we've got of his backstory doesn't seem good. So Tyrian is bad.
We're given no information about Ironwood's backstory. Ironwood is good and then quickly becomes bad.
And Ozpin's stuff is such a mess it's unclear what the story even thinks of him at this point. That's a whole other post lol.
As said, there's some nugget of decent writing here in the form of unpacking the idea that people are more likely to make good decisions when given the opportunity and encouragement to do so, as well as the emotional support need to develop that moral compass and believe in yourself enough to follow it... but it's buried under RWBY's black and white worldview, the same worldview that's hurting the other, morally driven aspects of the story. We're not really shown instances in which characters who had everything still do terrible things, nor do we see characters who go through comparatively horrific circumstances and still do the right thing. The good people, while still going through horrible things, have benefits that the villains don't — Weiss' loving sister and wealth compared to Cinder's slavery and part-time visitor, for example — and the villains' experiences overall tend to be, well, more shocking in some respects. Lost legs, a shock collar, a brand, literal slavery, all happening at that formative young age... compare that to the heroes' struggles that, as said, are mitigated by some other good, or happen later in life after they're already established as good people. Blake is already trying to help the faunus when she enters a relationship with Adam (and is said to be mislead. Unlike villains Adam, Sianna, and Iilia, heroes Blake and Sun perform the "correct" kind of activism). Yang is already training to be a huntress when she loses her arm. Oscar is already fighting Salem when he's tortured, etc. We could include Ironwood's turn here too, regarding the shock value. Yeah, everyone is going through horrible stuff in Volume 7 and 8, but only Ironwood had the skin and muscle of his arm stripped off, resulting in a complete loss of the limb. And unlike Yang who was taken home, supported, and given months to recuperate, Ironwood is tossed back into a war with 8+ of his former allies now fighting against him. So RT literally says, "Of course he's bad now," except the argument is this ableist (and, given Yang, contradictory) idea that losing the arm made him bad, rather than the idea that abandoning someone during the worst moment of their life is going to leave them floundering — because that would put at least some of the blame on the heroes. And, as said, the morality is so black and white that there's no room for that nuance. It's not a matter of excusing the villains' actions, but rather examining how they came about and, if we're meant to feel sympathy, tying that to their good traits. Emerald's supposedly "kind" comment comes when she's helping Cinder destroy Beacon. Raven cries while she's deliberately allowing her daughter to be Salem's target instead of herself. Cinder cries because she hasn't successfully killed our heroes and gotten the amount of power she's after. Hazel mourns his sister while trying to kill a 14yo. These are all the WORST times to try and get the audience to feel for the bad guy. The story doesn't acknowledge that horrific circumstances can lead to bad decisions, but that people who commit bad - even truly horrific - acts can still do good in the future, or even do some good alongside the bad, the story says that these circumstances automatically lead to bad people and that you should feel bad for them despite what they've done. If Cinder cried because being in Atlas had triggered the worst memories of her life, that's an avenue towards seeing your villain as a complex human. Having Cinder cry because Watts points out what a shit job she's done at being The Worst Person Ever and expecting the audience to feel bad that Cinder has failed to, idk, take over the world or whatever is... stupid.
Honestly, it feels like another example of how RWBY is very much a simplistic fairy tale, no matter how much the characters insist its not. If you're good, you're good and if you're bad, you're bad. There's no middle ground, leaving characters like Ozpin and Ironwood to be abandoned and Ilia, Hazel, and Emerald forgiven the moment they switch from one side to the other. Now toss in the question of how people become good or bad and, well, surely good people lead good lives and bad people lead bad lives, right? So all you need to do is give your bad characters horrific, abusive, shockingly violent backstories while your good characters have, if not completely stable homes or perfect lives, at least a lot more than what the villains seem to have gotten. And the story isn't interested in acknowledging that motivation and morality aren't that simplistic. It can be offensive on its own, this theme of abused children becoming crazed murderers, but even when you try to follow that logic with something like, "Hey, Weiss our abused hero is threatening a defenseless minor to get what she wants, along with everything else the group as a whole has done. Is that something the story is going to unpack if you honestly believe these circumstances produce bad people?" the answer is always no. Because Weiss is Good™ and there's no interest in grappling with any storyline that might undermine that.
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shadowdianne · 3 years
Shattered [SQ one shot -I guess xd]
For you, @waknatious because we both knew all too well what would happen when you send me that post Xd I’ve cut out the angst significatively though, I would call this hurt/comfort at best. And you are one of the very few that may make me write something for these two again, sparingly, very sparingly so… Love you, always.
Based on 6x08 I’ll be your mirror.
General reminder that I’ve done very basic editing on this one. I will maybe go back and change some things but who knows.
Her tongue felt like sandpaper when she woke up, her brain pulsing with a head-splitting migraine and Regina needed to blink a few times as she felt the touch of gravel against her face and exposed hands and forearms, her right hand still holding to a body that began to stir almost at the same time as she. She could feel nausea beginning to crawl up her throat and she did her best to swallow as she blinked twice, thrice, as she heard a shriek at her side, her own voice ricocheting against her ears as the Queen took a look at her surroundings.
In all fairness, she thought, her body tense, she hadn’t had that much time to think about what she was about to do. Her arms had moved in autopilot, calling forth every single piece of her that hadn’t been siphoned out of her back when she had split herself. When the dragon had hit the mirror, she had felt the magic calling forth from the other side of it. Emma, always reacting Emma, had probably merely answered instinctively to it, letting her own magic act like a magnet to it. She, however, had stood her ground, knowing that her other self would reach for the now hotter-than-lava glass and so when Emma had been expulsed from the world behind the mirrors, she had reached outwards, grabbing The Queen’s by the hand, and pushing them both backward, wishing the portal to close at the majesty’s back. The magic, the little sniff she had gotten from the outside world, had thankfully answered her call.
“What have you done?” The Queen’s eyes were bloodshot, her usual demeanor broken like the mirror shards that covered the wall where the mirror had been propped against, the one she -no, not she, her, not her, them- had spent so many hours prying through. With a snarl, the Queen turned to the now broken glass and frame, maybe hoping to find a piece that still showed the interior of the vault. None of them, however, showed anything beyond the clouded sky that had covered every single reflective surface ever since Regina had been there.
Chuckling, mirthless, Regina stood as well, ironing her clothes in one movement, her hands getting trapped for a moment on the small, scorched holes on the back of her blazer. The dragon seemed to be gone, perhaps suffused out like Emma had gone, returned, mayhap to the safety of his shop. That didn’t sit exactly well with the brunette, but she resolved to focus on the matter at hand; the irate Queen.
Who, now, turned towards her once more and grabbed her by the shoulders, knuckles white, seething.
“I’ve trapped you,” Regina replied, freeing herself with one quick move. She might not have her magic, but there were a few pros on being fighting with herself; knowing the extent of her own strength was one of them. “You were right, at the shore, everything I’ve dreamed, you have dreamt it. So, I thought a little surprise was in order.”
She wasn’t lying, not entirely. After all, she had seen the opportunity when the dragon had hit the mirror, but she hadn’t had any promise that the idea would work. For everything she knew, the magic could have thrown them away all the same, the imperfections the mirror had created in the fabric that kept the world beyond the glass together fragmented beyond any kind of repair. But one wasn’t at Emma’s side all this time without picking a thing or two and improvising, while wasn’t her preferable course of action, was one of those things.
The Queen, however, was having none of it, and she moved closer to her once more, her heels crunching the glass and the gravel, the tower they had been moaning perilously as she did, as if her anger could reach to the still erected beams and destroy everything at once.
“And so.” The other woman said, eyes narrowed, lips turned into a fine line, a rictus so similar to her mother’s that Regina froze for a second, a moment, anxiety seizing her muscles. The queen seemed unaware, or at least not preoccupied about it and so she kept on talking with badly disguised anger. “You thought that pushing us both here, trapping us, was the way to go?”
It was Regina’s turn to snarl, her hands at her hips as she kept a healthy distance between herself and, well, herself.
“Anything to keep you contained. I am not going to sit idle while you try…” She pointed at the shattered mirror, where Henry’s face had been, so close, yet unattainable. “Whatever you planned on doing with my son.”
The Queen blinked, momentarily stunned only to start laughing, cackling, really, as her eyes returned to the cold hatred Regina was so familiar with for she had been the one giving similar glances back when the two of them had been together.
“I was giving him a choice.” The Queen replied as the laughter ebbed away from the two of them, cascading down the dilapidated ruins around them both. “Something you have not been able to give you him.” She was looking down on her now, her face maybe covered in some residual dirt and yet managing to look every bit of the Queen she had once considered herself. Regina bit back a reply, chest forward, fingers curling as she wished for her magic to be within her reach if only for a moment. Nothing, however, came to the movement and The Queen’s lips curled as she focused on Regina’s movement, eyes turning into slits. “You are pathetic. Weak. If I could kill you I would do so in a heartbeat. You can’t expect to be his mother, you are not strong enough.”
Regina tried her best to let the words wash over her, harmless, but she still felt the distant pang of the words she sometimes said to herself while trying to fall asleep. She had been so sure, back in New York, that her choice was the right one. She missed those moments in where regret was framed by very small significant moments, a barely-there sentiment that she could push away as she kept on doing with the Queen’s voice on her head. Ever since the split, however, doubts and corrosion clouded her judgment, her own actions. The Dragon had been right, despite how much it pained her to admit it: the battle should have been kept inside herself rather than trying to externalize it as she had done. Because now she was nothing but the other side of a coin; one that had lost part of its vindictiveness, of her strength.
She hadn’t voiced it aloud, of course, with everything happening at once there was truly no moment to admit she felt her own connection to her magic different, changed. What was she going to do, she often wondered while trying to sleep, while reaching for sleep and numbness, if Emma did indeed die? What would she do if she was left alone, to take care of a Henry that would be devastated? Would he blame her for the death of his mother? Would everything she had built turn into ashes yet again?
The Queen tilted her head, sensing how her words had, indeed, touched her, and Regina cursed inwardly for every bit of her that belonged to the woman in front of her.
“What I was doing.” The Queen said, the triumph of the one knowing themselves right echoing on her tone. “Was trying to make him worthy, worthy of the title that will be his, worthy of a name and a position that you, for whatever reason, seemed to be refusing to take. I had to clean up your mess, Regina. Again.”
There was a maniac glint on the Queen’s eyes as she said this, the world around them silent, still, in an almost halted breath as she took another step towards Regina.
Regina recoiled. She had never considered how much of her own mother she had channeled when turning into the Queen, when the title and the façade had melded into one single person, the one now left behind the woman she could have been under very different circumstances. She, now, could see it; the burning devotion, the need, toxic, like gas, that spread around her her own intent for control. She could see it now, however, once more, and she felt stripped away of her strength as she faced her own face, so sure of how pain was the only path to take, the only debt that needed any kind of retribution.
“You are the one on the wrong.” She replied, but her answer felt weak even to her own ears. Doubling down, she pointed at the now broken mirror a few paces away, her muscles protesting as the headache doubled its efforts to blind her. “I managed to get you here, Queenie. Remember that. For every time you thought you had the upper hand…”
The other one interrupted her, scoffing dismissively towards her as she did so.
“This is one last attempt to stop me. Giving that you enchanted the mirror in the first place the spell will soon be dispelled. You cannot do anything right; you are nothing but a lesser part of me, one that thought she had access to feelings, memories, a life. You are a shadow, not the other way around, Regina.”
The headache grew in intensity and Regina could feel the anger beginning to boil inside her her, hotter than before. Muscles tensing, she was the one who took a step forward now, the set of rubble at her feet sliding for a second before they settled themselves once more. The sky above them, the intermittent set of clouds and starred glow, seemed to grow darker as she moved closer to the other woman.
“You live because I decided to take a potion, you wouldn’t otherwise. And as I tried once, as I did once, I will reach inside my chest and rip our heart even if it’s the last thing I do.”
The Queen laughed once more, not fazed by the words. Regina’s whole body felt aflame, the usual way in where she dispelled her anger, in how she channeled her fury, cut away from her but her fingers kept on twitching, calling forth magic she didn’t feel, knew it wasn’t there. If only she could, she thought as she stood, as the world around them kept returning to glittering mirrors, reach once, follow the words with actions…
She had made a promise, she thought with a start, Emma’s face appearing on her mind’s eye, the way the blonde’s eyes had clung to hers as the dragon roared above their heads, returning to her. The blonde had looked pale, tired, like she always looked lately, devoid of any fight herself as if already preparing herself for a funeral that wasn’t still written. And Regina, couldn’t wouldn’t really blame her. Even if with every comment, every dejected admission of how Emma didn’t see herself alive for much longer, made her want to grab the blonde woman by her shoulders and ask her why she seemed so intent on thinking there wasn’t any other way for her to survive. Why she seemed so convinced that Regina would destroy and maim and do whatever it needed to be done in order to prevent such. But, even if the Queen might have replied, Regina, the one she was, currently, never quite did that, far too many times biting her tongue and looking away as the blonde kept on glancing at the world around her as if nothing but sand compose every single thing she touched. Sand about to disappear between her fingers.
And yet, she had made a promise; “You're not sacrificing yourself, and neither am I.” One she had broken almost as quickly. But one that would keep Emma, stubborn Emma, trying to find a way to her. Because no matter what, she knew the green-eyed woman enough to know that despite everything, the blonde would actually try her damnest to retrieve her. If only to tell her how she dared. “You’ve taken this too far.” She would say to her, with fewer words, maybe, and a lot more anger. But that was the way with them both after all.
And despite how she had been the one pushing both sides of herself inside this realm, this world, she almost wanted to laugh bitterly at it; she had seen the blonde push her away from a vortex only to swallow down the darkness that threatened to take her. So, if she kept on standing, even for a moment longer, maybe a portal would be opened, maybe magic would pour inside, maybe she would be returned to her full abilities for only being able to actually pluck her heart out, finish a job that she felt was long overdue.
The only thing she needed to do was to keep on searching, keep on waiting, and study the surroundings, trying to find the mirror that would, indeed, do the trick.
The Queen had kept on talking, her voice a shrill that made its way into Regina’s ear.
“You wouldn’t dare to kill me, Regina, since I am the one that has kept you alive for so long. Or do you think mother would have kept you around after she returned from the Enchanted Forest if it wasn’t for what she saw on me? Do you truly believe that it was you who told Peter Pan that you had no remorse? Do you think, even for a second, that it was me the pathetic one, trying to get ahold of a love that seemed to be prophesized by some fairy dust? You are the one who hurt us, who kept trying to find solutions for a problem that did not even exist; I was the one reigning, I was the one that should be in control.”
Regina blinked, the ire on the other one’s words making her voice louder, almost a scream as it was now the one whose fingers twitched as if waiting for a fireball that didn’t manifest.
The movement of her eyes made them fall into the spread glass pieces around them, most of them from the mirror at her vault but others larger in shape and size. The original one they had been trying to mend. The one Sidney had been trying to use.
“I hurt you?” She said, moving to her left even a fraction in order to see if her suspicions were right. It was only a couple of shards, her mind told her, not enough to create the mirror, certainly not enough to escape. But if the glass was powerful enough she maybe could see where it would have directed her if they had been able to repair it.  “Tragic. Last time I checked I wasn’t the one trying to hurt my son.”
That got a reaction, enough of anger directed at her rather than at her movement for Regina to position herself next to the shard. It was clouded, like every other piece, but they were close enough to the smashed one. Maybe, with any luck, there would be enough residual power for it to react if she touched it.
“You can’t expect me to apologize.” The Queen replied, raising her hands with an almost smirk curling her lips. “Not when you are a coward who refuses, again and again, to reach for what should be ours.”
That made Regina stop, a second, two, the tone had changed there, minutely, and she eyed the other brunette with renewed anger.
“Don’t.” She warned; she knew the tone all too well, knew what it would preface, and she didn’t intend to have the conversation with herself, not like this.
But The Queen sensed the blood in the water, and, like a shark, she lunged.
“Don’t? Don’t say anything? Like the million times, you have stopped yourself in a pathetic try at honor that is so risible you made every piece of me crawl?” The Queen seemed about to attack now, muscles seizing beneath her clothes, and Regina prepared herself as she bent her knees; she knew that she herself wasn’t above a physical fight if there was no other option after all, and she needed to get the shard before the Queen realized what she was doing. “You could have everything you want if you only would let me take control. You could have her, as stupid that notion is. But no, it was always better to keep being honorable, being good.”
That made Regina bare her teeth.
“What do you want me to say?” She didn’t wait for an answer, though, she truly didn’t want to listen to it. Moving down, she grabbed the piece of glass, hard enough for her skin to be pierced by one side of it while wishing for the magic to reply.
The answer, however, did come, not from the Queen, however, but from inside herself.
“That you love her. That if you were selfish enough you would tell her, you would have her. That you would keep her safe, and alive.”
It didn’t matter, of course, the moment The Queen saw what she had grabbed, realized what she was doing, any kind of physical answer was ripped out from her lips, transformed into a growl deep enough to wake every slumbering heart inside her vault. Moving towards her, The Queen reached for the glass, the one that was indeed showing pieces of what seemed to be the woods, vines, crystals colored by moonlight, tall trees surrounding a clearing.
Regina didn’t have the time to realize what the glass was showing because the Queen’s hands grabbed her by the wrists and pushed her down as the rubble moved once more, trembling, and cascading down one of the many cracks the dragon had created with its breath. She felt her feet slip as The Queen grabbed the shard as well, both of their blood trickling now from the shard as they fell through the rock.
Down, down, down.
It was always interesting to see how their little town felt almost circular on the way magic run through it. Curses were dispelled and created almost as easily as difficult they should have been, death and life following each other in a perpetual circle. Emma wasn’t one to dwell on such things, she quite rather preferred to react to things, act if needed to. Anything else, anything that would make her stop and think even more about what surrounded her, made her anxious enough to wish for a way to disappear enough for everything to fall into ruin, and despite everything, she kept on choosing to stay.
Family was always and always had been a fickle, complicated, difficult term for her. She rather wanted to keep what she had created and found. Even if that in itself made her throat seize and close whenever she thought twice on the realness and proximity of her death.
She had said it to Aladdin herself after all; she had indeed tried to escape once. Or twice. But who was counting?
Her knee bounced as she kept on checking her watch and phone, the incessant beep on the room keeping everything, from the white corners, the hospital bed, the bright lights, that surrounded her a stark reminder of how she now couldn’t do anything but wait and sit still.
The moment she had crossed the glass she had turned, grabbing for Henry a second too quick to realize what had happened. The boy had melted into her hug, and she could very well picture him a tad younger, hugging her, close strong enough to almost hurt. She had, as she always did, imagined how many hugs she would miss from then on, but she had pushed through the thought, turning to her side where she expected for Regina to be, hugging just as tightly. The place, however, had been vacant and when she regained enough of her senses to focus on something beyond the boy, she had seen that they both were the only ones on the vault, the mirror broken in pieces and no Regina nor The Queen in sight.
“No!” She had whispered, turning towards where the anvil had been, about to smash it to pieces if needed. Henry had blinked and turned as well; his jaw set in such a mirror image of his other mother that it made Emma bit down her lip. “She didn’t cross.” She had muttered them, for the boy to shake his head and point where a few pieces of glass had been ripped away from the left side of the mirror’s frame. “She grabbed her; she made her fall to her.”
Emma had blinked then, anger rising inside of her, ozone filling the air as her magic returned in full force to her, dirty white clouding her pupils for a moment.
“I told her” She had said, still eyeing the mirror, as if expecting Regina to appear behind it. “I told her that the deal was to none of us needed to sacrifice themselves.”
At the end, they had tried just about everything they could do and when Hook had appeared, hook blazing “I thought the place for her Majesty to be would be the vault, that’s why I came.” He had made her leave the vault. Which she had done not after grabbing a shard of glass and keep it, resolved to find a way to get to Regina.
They had gone to Rumple, even, the man far too preoccupied with Belle and the Sorcerer’s wand to truly give them any more information. But they were short on magic users and Emma had insisted, arguing with Hook when the man had tried to placate her. She needed to return Regina to Storybrooke, she had said with gritted teeth and magic spilling out of her in thick blobs of ire and despair. No matter who she talked to.
“You can’t save them.” Rumple had said, however, eyes focused on the spun gold he had hexed, and Emma had wished to be able to be quick enough to punch the man before his own magic guards reacted to her. “It was already a miracle the mirror at her vault reacted to you alone and that was majorly because the Queen was on this side. She merely tapped onto Regina’s magic. But you can’t, not from here.”
She had stormed out of the shop, going back to her place only to stare at Snow as the woman told her that they were indeed going to liberate Regina, but they would need time.
“I don’t have time.” She had replied, fiercely, and pretended not to see the looks both Hook and her mother gave to each other. Henry had nodded just as fiercely, still on the clothes of the dance he had been supposed to go and Emma felt pain as she thought on how proud Regina had looked when staring at him, how worried she had been for his safety. She had admitted she didn’t know how to raise him but, honestly, as she watched him, she realized they had indeed done a good job, Regina had, indeed, do a good job. And she was planning on telling her that herself. “I don’t have the time, mom, to wait. And Regina doesn’t deserve to be kept on waiting with,- with her! Have you forgotten what she has done, already? What she has given away for us? They, you! All saw what she did when I thought my mind was too far gone, clouded by darkness. She kept on believing I could dial back, turn back. I’m not going to leave her just because it is not the best moment to find her. I will do it even if I need to reenact a curse myself.”
She had felt breathless after her speech, realizing with a numb afterthought that it had been a while since she had talked for so long without being interrupted. She had squared her shoulders and turned back, despite the pain of seeing her parents like they were she couldn’t keep still, idle, she refused so. She pretended not to listen to Hook as the man called for her and with Henry in tow, she closed the door of the apartment with a swish of her own magic, her boots heavy on the floor as she walked out.
It had been then when she had felt a blip, a distant call of a magic that felt mauve and purple and had a distinct scent, and her mind, her own magic, reacted to it as it exploded just behind her eyelids.
She had found both Regina and The Queen at the clearing where they had left the Glass coffin, its frame destroyed as parts of what it had been surrounding the two brunettes who were still holding a piece of it with bloody hands and wrists. They had been unconscious, eyes closed, and for a moment, a far too long one, Emma had feared the worst.
They still had a pulse, however, and when she had knelt next to Regina, very little had mattered the verdigris staining her clothes as she tried to see if her heart was still beating. The brunette had a gnash on her forehead and was far too pale for Emma’s liking. She had instructed for Henry to call an ambulance, his eyes panicked, his own blazer quickly turning into a short blanket over Regina’s form as they waited for the medics to arrive, a quick array of questions and answers being thrown into anyone who would listen to her and then, later, after getting a phone from one of the medics that had brought both Regina and The Queen, to her father as her mother had kissed him awake a few minutes prior.
And so, now, she waited. Still. Unable to do anything but wait.
The Queen was now being watched by her father and a reluctant Hook. When he had tried to follow her to Regina’s room she had stood her ground on wishing to be alone. Regina had gotten out, the man had told her, pointing to the sleeping form of the brunette. Yes, she had, Emma had replied, but she had been unable to tell him that part of the anger that still burned within her came from the fact that she had been factually unable to help her; Regina had gotten out by a mix of luck and magical practicality, a loophole within a loophole created by her blood and the Queen’s on the shard of the mirror that had been not other than the reflective surface of the glass coffin. Blue had been quite succinct at the explanation since she wasn’t versed on witch matters but Emma had caught the gist of it; given that it had been Regina who had created the original hex tying her to the place and how the object Sidney’s mirror had been tied to had ended up being the coffin, the magic of the original curse, the one that still lay dormant around Storybrooke, had called forth the Regina that had cast it originally, both sides of her.
That or she truly needed to study more magic; theory wouldn’t, after all, help her with her current conundrum: knowing that if it hadn’t been for that set of events she wouldn’t have been able to save the woman that now laid next to her. And that, in itself, was a far worse concept than any magical theory they could throw at her.
What kind of savior was she, she considered, fingers intertwined, clasped, knuckles white, feet firmly planted on the floor, knee perpetually bouncing, if she couldn’t help with something as straightforward as a magical jail? What kind of path was she in that she felt even more helpless than when she had first learned she had magic running through her? The title, and what came with it, stung, and weighed her down more these days, with each passing moment the never-ending realization that she wasn’t good enough to even be considered anything despite how her days had an end that kept on looming closer and closer.
There could be a myriad of other details she could be focusing on, of course, but she kept on returning to that point of her logic, not entirely sure what she was supposed to do. Henry had asked to stay, and she had complied, but Violet had appeared a few minutes in and had managed to get him out for five minutes to eat something, to talk. Emma had insisted on Henry to go; “If anything happens I’ll let you know.” She had said, lips thin, voice brittle, and Henry had stood his ground for a few more minutes before sighing. He, too, seemed to be eager to do something, anything, beyond waiting. And Emma couldn’t quite blame him. She at least hoped Violet would make him talk, if only so his feelings didn’t end up exploding inside of him, like bonfires. Which was precisely what she felt like: a straw puppet about to succumb.
“Why do you care this much?” Hook had asked her the moment she had told him to leave her be. “They are too far gone! They will probably not wake up until a few hours at least.”
But that hadn’t been the correct question because it held an answer Emma didn’t want to even consider, not aloud, not for herself and herself alone. So, she had shaken her head, pointed him to the door and turned.
Now, however, with the beep ringing on her ears and nothing to do but wait and count the lines and cracks on the floor, she felt her mind circle back to the question, the multiple ways in which she could have answered it. None of them felt right, not entirely, the multiple concepts of co-parenting, of friendship, correct but lacking. And so, she rose her hands and covered her eyes with them, pressing her fingertips against them until everything she was able to see was black upon black with dots and lines of colors that changed too fast for her mind to fully name them all.
“I told you, I trusted that you would be the one for him once I’m gone.” She mumbled, hoping for her voice to be sufficiently muffled. The noose around her neck tighter and tighter still as she tried to swallow, to form words that seemed too big for her lungs. “Fuck, Regina.”
She glanced up, her vision needing a few seconds upon adjusting, the scent of the hospital room not strong enough to dissolve the ozone and the scent that was Regina’s magic on itself, a soft cloud that had covered the brunette’s body ever since Emma had found her and The Queen, residual and just as weakened as its master, but still there. She now reached for that magic, for Regina’s forearm as her own felt as if pooling on her wrist, around her fingertips like cracks of electricity breaking through the air. If anything would have asked her, she wouldn’t have known why; neither she nor Regina touched each other that much. Touch, like everything else, was done following a pattern: one out of necessity, of high tension. They were economical in their interactions, perhaps because allowing themselves the luxury of simply reaching for the other would be too close to admitting that they wanted to simply be. Emma hadn’t exactly considered it, she had merely replied to what Regina gave her, knowing the fragility of what had been, at best, a truce at first. She now, however, reached for the other woman softly, index finger touching the other woman’s body in a shadow of a caress that felt far too short-lived.
Especially because the moment she did her magic burst out of her in tendrils that felt both gas and liquid in nature, wrapping themselves around Regina’s arm and ascending to the other woman’s mouth as they deposited themselves into her skin, glowing and turning from dirty white to purple a second before disappearing into her.
There was a beat, a second, and then brown eyes opened, searching for Emma’s hand, and clutching them tightly as, down the hall, David’s voice could be heard “She’s awake!”.
[They didn’t hear The Queen’s response for it was said through gritted teeth and breathless whispers, but the majesty’s eyes also glowed with dirty white quickly turning purple, electricity solidifying itself and turning into a plume that enveloped the woman, a final “I know the truth now” an echo that didn’t register to the ones in the room as they scrambled and tried to restrain her to no avail.]
No, they didn’t hear any of it, for it was later retold by David to Henry who had entered the moment screams could be heard, Violet in tow. But Emma kept her hand on Regina’s arm a little longer, eyes glowing, as the brunette coughed up a “Seems that sacrificing myself didn’t quite work.” That made Emma flush, worry renewed.
“We are in this together.” She lowered her voice, as steps echoed outside. “Don’t you dare to pull another one of this on me.”
Regina had smirked then, weak but awake enough for the line to form. “Understood.”
Because if anything happens to you there’s no rock I will turn nor a soul I will not destroy.
PS: *raises head from what they are reading* Oh, you expected them to kiss? Come on, it’s me! I didn’t call myself a little tease for anything during all the years I wrote for these two Xd Consider this a lost scene, a what if that could have happened. Despite my own personal head canons on when Regina actually started to realize she might be in love with Emma I always liked the scene of Regina at the vault as she and Emma got out of the mirror and Hook came into play. There were plenty of layers there that were always delightful to consider. I needed to do some twists on what happened canonically on this one -and I’m pretty sure the glass coffin ended up in another place rather than being kept at the clearing- but I’m not going to start considering OUAT cannon as something important to follow now, uh? Anyway, this has been written for W and also as a way of a writing exercise for me. As always and forever, comments are very much appreciated. General reminder that me writing for these two every other half a year or so doesn’t mean I’m back to the fandom but I will be delighted to listen to what you think of this one. And please, go and read waknatious’ stories because she is a truly amazing creator, and she deserves the love.
Dianne out
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elia-de-silentio · 4 years
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Above, here's the first time the infamous 'Crime and Punishment' ability is mentioned, complete with practical Russian translation and pronunciation guide. In this scene, Fitzgerald, Fyodor and Agatha Christie show up for the first time, in a brief scene in which the first complains about the mafia and the other two tell him, each in their own way, that's it's not their business. Neither of their abilities is actually explained; but while Fitzgerald's was eventually revealed in the Guild arc that followed, and Agatha insofar hasn't influenced the story, Fyodor has been instigating chaos for a good half of the manga now, and still his ability has not been explained. This naturally drove the fans into a frenzy; here, I want to do a little recap on what we know about this ability, on the most popular theories, as well as doing a little theorizing of my own.
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This is the first instance in which we see the ability put at use: Fyodor touches the forehead of a kid, and he almost immediately dies. This is actually because the collar that kept him alive broke upon that contact.
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This is the second instance in which Fyodor's ability is utilized: again, there is physical contact with someone, a military police officer, and the other drops dead on the ground, after a burst of blood from the head. And ... this is the last time we see 'Crime and Punishment' put to use. We see Fyodor use his ability very little, and this likely contributed to the amount of speculation.
One of the main theories is 'he is able to kill with a touch', which is quite reasonable given the evidence presented. In turn, this led to divergent ideas on whethever he can control this ability or not.
Well, about that, the interesting thing is that Fyodor has killed more people without the ability than with it.
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He set up all that elaborate ruse to manipulate Ace into killing himself, but maybe it was because they were surrounded by guards.
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But then, he shot Katai, even if the latter definitely didn't notice him and nobody else was there, so it would have been a lot more secure to go there and slap that ass tap his shoulder to make sure he died.
Also, if we take Dead Apple in consideration, he stabbed both Dazai and Shibusawa.
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Moreover, even if his ability kills upon touch, this appears to be a necessary but not sufficient condition: here's the kid from before touching him with no problems. He is using a towel, sure, but the guard above was using gloves and got killed all the way. Moreover, Fyodor in that scene was in the mafia's clutches because they had kidnapped him, and surely there was some contact to do that. And then there's the Meursault prison, where, as Dazai demonstrates, prisoners are brought in a borderline bondage gear, something rather difficult to do without touching them.
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But then, let's toss into this mix Goncharov and Hawthorne! They seem to have been both brainwashed into obedience.
Goncharov: he explicitly says that 'master' removed the part of his brain that feels happiness. What? He removed the amygdala (responsible for reactions of fear)? Messed up with the limbic system in geneal? Goncharov does have bandages that seem to indicate head surgery. But as far as we know, Fyodor isn't a doctor. Did he pay one? He has means and connections to corrupt people, we've seen.
But Hawthorne? He didn't seem very enthusiastic of joining the Rats at the end of the Guild arc, he explicitly said that it was only temporary and on the condition that Fyodor healed Mitchell (and why did he think that he could do that in the first place ...?). Yet, when we see him again in Cannibalism and the Decay of Angels arc, he's completely obedient, going on and on about 'death to Ability Users' and 'save his noble lady'. He also has forgot Akutagawa, with whom he fought earlier, and Fitzgerald, his former boss. But he doesn't have any sign of recent head surgery.
What exactly did Fyodor do to these guys? Is it only manipulation, or does this somehow involve his ability?
This would discard the 'merely kills with a touch' hypothesis, but let's remember that Dazai, when questioned if he knew what Fyodor's ability was right after the policeman's death, says that he has no idea. If the answer was so evident, why not just say it?
Then there is the infamous scene in Dead Apple: Fyodor's Ability, separated from him, follows him around without harming him. This is because 'Crime and Punishment are close friends'; Fyodor is the Crime, his Ability is the Punishment (whose? That of his victims, or his own). Nice callback to the novel that inspired the Ability, which (synthetizing a lot) claims that the mere act of committing a crime is, for the person who has a coscience, enough of a torture to be its own punishment.
Summing up the evidence, here's the last theory, the one I personally find the most convincing: his ability manifests what his victim think they deserve.
It would be partially under his control: he can choose when to activate it or not (as seen with the kid), but first, he must know what his would-be victims desire, and if it suits his goals or not.
Think of the people he killed without his Ability:
• Ace, who didn't feel any guilt for his actions towards his subordinates, or regrets that would make him think he deserved death in general;
• Shibusawa, who was probably too apathetic to the world to bother thinking of regrets or goals;
• Katai, a perfect stranger on whom likely Fyodor didn't bother to make enough research to check if he could use his Ability to off him, when he could do so the old-fashioned way.
Now, the people that were (possibly) victims of the Ability:
• The kid, who openly stated that he felt remorse for his actions under Ace's orders and also wished to be freed of this slavery, something that would have resulted in his death because such was the consequence of removing the collar
• Hawthorne: he was deeply shaken by the fact that Mitchell sacrificed both her life and her dream to save him. There's probably a combination of his love for her and his feeling in her debt, that drove him to tell Fitzgerald off and join the Rats to save her. Before, he had something of a belligerent sexual tension with her; now, he talks about her like she's some kind of angelic woman, a perfect creature that's worth every sacrifice. Perhaps a consequence of a sense of guilt for having misjudged her? And then there is his Ability-users-are-sinners rethoric, so similar to Fyodor's own; that could be an exaggeration of his preexistent religious beliefs or some old-fashioned manipulation
• Goncharov: he believes Fyodor got him rid from ever feeling sad again. We don't know anything about him, so it's only speculation, but maybe he was severely depressed, and Fyodor gave him the 'please-make-this-hell-stop' he desperately wanted? What's certain, is that Goncharov idealizes Fyodor, pretty much like Hawthorne idealizes Mitchell. Coincidences?
• The policeman: RIP to this poor red shirt, we only know that he's dead. In his life, anything could have happened to make him think that he deserved to die.
If this theory was to be correct, Crime and Punishment would be a very powerful Ability, but at the same time, too dependent from external circumstances to be truly reliable; thus explaining why Fyodor uses it relatively little. It also fits with the 'crime is the punishment' theme; and with the 'karma' Fyodor sometimes talks about.
Still, we'll have to wait and see when this gets picked up again by the story Asagiri muoviti!
Thanks to everyone who bothered to read my ramblings!
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Happiness Is
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This is possibly my favorite episode of season two. Yet, it is also the point the where the series starts to fall off a cliff. Only that’s not something that you would realize upon a first watch; just in hindsight and only with some basic knowledge of the behind the scenes drama that led to this and the fall out with the fandom that followed afterwards. 
Summary:  Rapunzel begins to feel homesick for Corona when she finds an old letter written by her father in one of the many lanterns sent from her previous birthdays. In attempts to uplift her spirits, Rapunzel explores the island and comes across a magical idol that brings instant happiness to whomever possesses it. Rapunzel begins to hallucinate her family and friends back in Corona and soon shares the idol with the rest of the group. However, everyone starts to become obsessive over the idol, desperately wanting it for themselves. Rapunzel tricks everyone into giving her the idol, but when the Lorbs try to help Rapunzel, they fall under the idol's control and soon begin to terrorize the village.
Let’s Start with the First Elephant in the Room; Frederic 
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So throughout the episode Rapunzel is struggling with being homesick. Which is fair enough, that’s an understable reaction to being on the road for months by now. However, to showcase this Rapunzel keeps seeing hallucinations of her father. There are some other characters too, but her dad is the first person she sees and the only one in Corona with speaking lines. He’s the one to tempt her with the idol. 
Did we just forget that Frederic is her abuser? 
Look, even if you accept his apology in Secret of the Sundrop and believe he has learned his lesson, that doesn’t just erase the pain he caused her. Her thoughts about her father should be more realistically complex then this. Now add in how she makes a such a clean break from her other abuser, Gothel, but still holds him on a pedestal shows a disturbing bias on the part of the writers. 
Also where’s this love for Arianna? You know the only real mother on the show? The show that’s aimed at little girls? The one parent who hasn’t flat out abused the main character yet? 
Seriously, Chris, what the fuck? 
This is a Missed Opportunity 
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So part of the reason why I like this episode is that we get insights into each of the characters and their desires. As such this is one of the few episodes where the group actual feels like a group friends. However, Cass’s vision is wasted here. 
So at first glance this seems to aline with what we know of the character thus far. She loves her dad and wishes to impress him. That’s only if you take season one into account, though. Later episodes will contradict this goal. If you wanted to set up praise and validation in general as Cassandra’s motives, then here is where that should have happened. 
Show her getting a medal, have cheering crowds surround her, have her be a hero, or something. You can’t claim her relationship with her parents as the driving force of behind her later actions if you don’t actually involve one of those parents as part of the resolution to her arc. 
Either she lacking attention from her dad or she’s jealous of Rapunzel. You can’t have it be both because those two things don’t intersect. Rapunzel is not and never was a threat to her relationship with her father. 
So Umm...I Don’t Think This Plot Point Has the Impact That the Writers Think It Does 
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So this hilarious, and it is intended to be funny, but it’s not for the reasons that the show gives. 
The idea is that this is some shocking revelation. That Rapunzel would never do this under normal circumstances and it’s a hint that the idol is corrupting her. 
Only the rest of the series doesn’t aline with that at all. This is just the real Rapunzel behaving as the she normally would but without the usual veneer of excuses. 
It’s funny because it’s the show calling out Rapunzel hypocrisy for what it is plainly, not because it’s out of character. 
But funny only gets you so far. The show is perfectly happy to play up Rapunzel’s awfulness for laughs, but then conventily ignore it when it comes time for the characters themselves to call her out on it so that she can grow and learn.       
The show runs under the sitcom idea that comedy excuses all sins; which then backfires horribly when it tries to be serious and mature. 
You can’t joke that the king threw a random person in a stockade for little reason and then expect us to still like him when he persecutes a child. Same applies here. 
The sitcom set up only works when there is minimal at stake and all parties involved are equally awful in their own ways. 
Then Why Not Just Go Home?
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Once again, there’s nothing at stake in season two. Rapunzel has no real reason to be on this trip. Nothing is stopping her from just going home if that’s what she wants. The idol only makes her happy because it shows her want she wants, but she could actually have what she wants as soon as the next ship arrives. So what’s the issue here? 
This is why you need external conflict in order to make internal conflicts work. There’s has to be something preventing the main character from achieving her goal or otherwise she just comes across as a dumbass. 
And Now Here Comes the Second Elephant; Varian 
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I have several things to talk about here, and none of them actually concern the scene itself but the creator’s treatment of the character and the show’s fan base.
For you see, Chris did a very, very stupid thing.  
He wrote the character driving the plot out of the show. The character who also happens to be the most popular person in the series. Only to then use said character’s VA and this one cameo as promotion for this whole season. 
Needless to say, fans were disappointed.   
However, the Tangled fandom is exceedingly polite; more so than most. The lack of Varian was met mostly with confusion, and maybe a few off handed jokes, rather than anger. When opportunity arose people naturally had questions concerning the character.     
And that’s when Chris put his foot in mouth. 
This Tumblr post details how Chris got kicked off the Tangled The Series Discord by bullying a bunch of Varian fans while on there. 
I shan’t get into it fully, but for those who discovered the show after season two had aired, this caused a massive backlash from the fandom. 
A good chunk of the fandom just walked away, and rightly so. The few that stuck around despite these remarks found themselves harassed by certain sections of the fandom who saw Chris’s bullying as permission to pursue the same behavior. However, most importantly, the ratings plummeted. 
Season one hovered around the the 1 million mark, give or take a five point difference. The first part of season two dropped to half of that, and after this episode and the hiatus it sunk even lower, down to the mid-thirties. That’s over 20,000 people who just jumped ship over this. That’s not a normal decline. 
No matter what your personal feelings are of the character of Varian or how he was handled in the show, that’s still a massive PR fassico that cost the series big time. 
To add to this mountain of bullshit, there was also a massive walk out of crew members after season one had finished production. Most of them women. They even desperately threw out ‘we’re hiring’ calls to cover this. Which given that’s it’s Disney and that nepotism is usually how one gains employment in the entertainment industry, something unusual must have happened behind the scenes. Especially if most of the people who left were women. 
We’ll probably never know what really happened. People don't usually talk about behind the scenes stuff like that due to contracts and the aforementioned nepotism. However, all clues point to Varian.   
Something changed at the last minute concerning his story. Chris himself had confirmed as much when discussing the note and the Brotherhood. We also gotten other hints that content was edited out at the last minute. Plus the writing becomes more shoddy as the series goes along, showing how slapped dashed everything is together.  
Then there’s the rumors. 
I must stress to you that this is only a rumor. As pointed out earlier, most animators aren’t in a position to talk freely about what goes on behind the scenes. Do NOT harass them over it or make things awkward by asking them to clarify this. However it’s been suggested that the female crew warned Chris that removing Varian from season two and re-writing his story, along with making Cass the villain, would be a bad idea before they left and Chris didn’t listen. Much to his folly. 
Chris is no longer a Disney employee and has yet to move on to any other projects. He says he left, but I more suspect that Disney just didn't renew his contract and no one has picked him up since. I take no joy in the idea that someone may have lost their job, but if true, then Chris has little to blame but himself. 
So What Did Change?
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We don't know anything for sure. We know from discussions about the note that there was a proposed Brotherhood plot that involved Varian that was then cut. There was also talks about a Cass and Varian team up in season three. 
This was then changed to the Saporian take over, which is foreshadowed in this scene. However even that got edited down and under the flimsiest of excuses. 
One of the writers, Ricky, suggested that they thought cutting back to Corona would be too confusing for the audience; which is a load of bull. I mean how poorly do you think of your audience’s comprehension skills that they wouldn’t understand a change of scene or a flashback? Yet you fully expect them to pick up on your lazy foreshadowing involving the mirror? So much so that you sent them on a quest to find it between seasons two and three.
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Then there’s this gem from Chris. 
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Ok ignoring the fact that you so totally could have featured both Gothel and Varian, seeing as they serve two different functions in the story and mean different things to Rapunzel.... What guilt?!!! 
Rapunzel doesn’t ever act guilty over anything involving her treatment of Varian. 
That’s when you realize Chris isn’t talking about her feeling guilty about Varian’s predicament. He’s saying that Rapunzel feels guilty of leaving her father behind with this ‘dangerous’ criminal. Which is a big fuck you to everyone. 
That’s why Frederic is the center focus of Rapunzel’s hallucinations. Why she’s more concerned for his safety over Varian’s trauma. Chris really be out here trying to use the abused 14/15 year old orphan as a scapegoat for the grown ass dictator who ruined countless lives. Because he thinks a grown woman should feel guilty for leaving her abusive father behind and pursuing her life’s dream.
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Dude, I try not to assume the worst of people just cause they write fictional characters that I dislike, but Chris really makes things hard not to when he treats his self insert this way. 
Oh but we’re not done yet. 
When Varian Fans Complain About the Lack of Varian; We’re Complaining About the Lack of a Coherent Plot. 
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Certain sections of the fandom, bolstered by Chris’s BS, try to act like simply being a Varian fan is grounds for dismissal of any criticism of the show and it’s writing. As if having personal preference for something makes you automatically ‘entitled’ or some such bull. Yet doing so ignores the fundamental complaint that they are making. 
We’re not whining about our favorite character not getting enough screen time. No one would have complained about his lack of presence in season two if they had properly resolved his story in season three and had Chris not been a dick to the fans. But it becomes evidently clear as the series goes along that removing Varian left a major hole in the plot. One that makes the entire story and the rest of characters suffer as well. 
Think season two is boring? That’s cause they cut out their main villain at the last minute and failed to replace him with anything. 
Upset that Hookfoot was brought along for zero reason?  He’s the replacement character for Varian who no doubt was going to appear in season two originally. 
Wish there was more on the Brotherhood and the Dark Kingdom?  Their story impact was greatly reduced when Varian was written out.
Are you a Eugene fan and mad about how the Dark Prince plot went nowhere?  That’s cause the original Brotherhood/Dark Kingdom plot was dropped when Varian was.
Dislike how Cassandra’s character was ruined with her villain arc?  She was originally meant to be possessed but was changed last minute to be a Varian rip-off in the hopes that she would gain some of his popularity.   
Wish Zhan Tiri, Demantius, and the Disciples actually went somewhere and that ZT had coherent plan?   That plot were changed last minute to make Zhan Tiri a scapegoat for Cassandra now that her story was changed to replace Varian.
And of course let’s not ignore the character who suffers the most from lack of Varian.... Rapunzel. 
Chris’s defense for leaving Varian out of S2 is that it’s “Rapunzel’s Story” and that Varian was only ever a plot device meant to push her along on her quest.  Which means that Rapunzel no longer has anyone pushing her along on her quest!!!
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All characters are plot devices. If they aren’t there to serve a story function then they need to be cut. Even Rapunzel herself serves a plot function. She’s meant to be the protagonist of a coming of age story. Which means she needs both an external conflict to face and an emotional arc where she grows as a person. Varian is the plot device that serves both of those functions but he’s now been removed and is no longer allowed to serve his original purpose. 
Chris reached into the machine while it was running and pulled out one of the main gears and acted like he always meant to do that. He legit sat there and pretended that everything was running smoothly even as smoke poured out and warring alarms blared. He then tried to shove bubble gum in its place hoping no one would notice as everything fell apart around him. 
Cause he’s the thing; no idea is without merit. It’s all about presentation. Removing Varian from season three still could have worked, but it required A.) replacing him with another foe and B.) making sure his arc still got a proper conclusion. 
I’ll talk more about Varian’s half-arsed redemption when we get to it; but for now let's focus on the more immediate problem. No one thought to give season two an actual overarching conflict in light of Varian’s absence. 
That’s a fundamental oversight that pretty much signals that season two was re-written at the last minute. You have an overarching plot in an action adventure show but no main adversary? I refuse to believe that everyone involved was too stupid to do that on purpose; but if they were rushed and lacked a crew because they walked out due to last minute story changes....yeah that’d I buy. 
Because there’s more than enough options to go around; Lady Caine, The Baron and Styalan, Hector and/or Adria, Zhan Tiri’s Disciples ect. were all options. So was keeping the rocks a threat, or have Cass start her villian arc earlier; with proper motivation this time. They could have even come up with someone entirely new. 
You had over four years to plan this shit out; why is it not more well put together?! 
How Come Rapunzel Can Easily Admit Fault to Pascal But Not Anyone Else? 
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Pascal should have sat perched on Varian’s and Eugene’s shoulders giving Rapunzel ‘I’m done with this’ looks all throughout season three. It’s apparently the only thing that she responds to. 
Why is the untalkative camelanion the only one allowed to call out the main character’s BS without going villain? 
That’s all there really is to talk about in this story. The actual episode itself is good. It’s the behind the scenes crap that bubbles underneath its surface that needed to be discussed. That way when going forward with the marathon you’ll better see what I’m talking about when I explain how future episode suffered from the lack of planning and foresight. 
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starwitnesser · 4 years
as i’m rereading the goldfinch i’ve been thinking. a lot of sad things happen in the book and ya know i feel sad reading them (this is going to get interesting i promise)
but if you were to ask me what i thought the saddest event in the whole book was, i wouldn’t even hesitate before saying andy’s death.
i don’t know if that’s a popular opinion or not but i feel like on first glance it doesn’t make much sense. andy isn’t even my favorite character (although i do love him). so many horrible things happen to my two favorite characters over the course of the book that are objectively, like, on a level of bad-ness similar to dying. but no; it is andy’s death that i mourn at the most random moments. and i will tell you why.
to start off, andy is just objectively (oops i’ll try not to use that word too much more) a really likable character. or rather, a really likable side character. he has more than his fair share of interesting quirks and funny moments. he’s cynical in a very lovable way. hes an outsider in his own perfect family; he’s been bullied relentlessly and flat out tortured by his brother; as the reader, i always wanted to see him protected or put in an environment where he could feel at home. in my opinion even the coldest of readers would have a hard time avoiding a begrudging love for him.
why is tumblr putting so much space between paragraphs anyway that’s just the backdrop. miss donna creates a blend of circumstance, timing and external reaction around the death itself that i quite honestly think is genius.
first off circumstance donna literally never shuts up about how much andy hates boats. she makes sure that you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT MISS that fact. and then he dies a horrible boat related death. in theos words “...thinking of poor andy: black water, salt in his throat, nausea and flailing. the horror and cruelty of dying in his most hated element.” like doesn’t that just make you wanna go ape shit
additionally. we don’t know if andy actually did anything wrong in his life but we have reason to believe he pretty much did not. and in any case he didn’t do anything to deserve such a cruel death. so many of the bad things that happen to theo and boris are just.... the consequences of their actions.
second of all timing. when andy dies, he’s quite possibly the happiest he’s ever been. he’s pursuing his passions surrounded by people who share those passions. he’s ENGAGED to be MARRIED!
and so of course all of that creates a very intense emotional response for the reader. but andy’s death doesn’t occur in a vacuum. no, you also get this secondhand heartache stemming from theos reaction to his death. theo is, more than anything, so painfully regretful that he didn’t get to talk to andy before he died, and for good reason. he never got to reminisce with andy on what was, for him, a really important experience in his childhood. he never got to congratulate andy on all the good fortune that finally came his way. he never got to thank andy for actually fucking sticking with him and being one of the few people to support theo in a meaningful way following his mothers death.
anyway this was way longer than i expected and just as incoherent but i just had to get my thoughts out into the world thanks
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linkspooky · 4 years
Can I Be a Hero?
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Shigaraki and Hawks are two children who started with the exact same dream, to become a hero only to take completely opposite paths in life. One raised from childhood to be a hero by the hero association, and the other raised by AFO to become a villain. 
These two characters are written in parallel, as intentional hero-villain foils. They’re destined to meet in canon one day and just keep barely missing one another so until then let’s explore more of their relationship under the cut.
1. The Same
First, there are several similarities in both their characters and their origins. 
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They both come from abusive households. In Hawks’ case it’s only implied but, one he lives in trash and squalor with a beer bottle in the background. The dysfucntion in Hawks’ household life from an early age is obvious, to the point where having his life uprooted by the hero commission is considered a privilege because they promised to pay for everything. 
Shigaraki came from what seemed on the surface to be a healthy household. His father was a succesful businessman, the family owned the house, even the in-laws were happily invited to live in the house. Hawks is implied to have grown up in isolation, whereas Shigaraki grew up surrounded by people. However, Tenko suffered from a quieter, and subtler more insidious form of domestic abuse where he was the scapegoated child of an otherwise “Happy home.” Tenko was treated as the problem child and made constantly to feel bad for suffering his father’s abuse like he provoked it by breaking the rules. 
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They both were born into a sort of lineage. Hawks is most likely related to the Great Theif Takami who Endeavor captured, and Shigaraki is the grandson of Nana Shimura. 
They’re both adversely affected by the circumstances they were born into. Hawks’ household was probably in that condition because his father was a villain, or his father was captured and he was living on his own. Shigaraki was targeted by AFO because he was Nana’s descendant, and Kotaro carried his feelings of Nana’s abandonment with him for life and this eventually turned him into Tenko’s abuser. 
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They both have an event that sets them on their life course.
Tenko’s quirk activates on accident killing his whole family. 
Tenko sees a truck accident and uses his quirk to save several people. 
As a result of these incidents they are “saved” from their abusive households. It’s important to notice the difference, Hawks conforms by being offered a chance at education and a better life if he decides to become a hero. However, Shigaraki destroyed the household that demanded conformity from him in the first place. He becomes outcasted as a result to the point where nobody even notices him suffering on the street. 
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They’re both saved by predatory people who take their original names away:
Takami’s name is suppressed and he’s given a hero name instead. He’s literally renamed as a hero.
Tenko is renamed with AFO’s last name. He’s literally renamed as a villain. 
On a third note they are both children who you would never look for if they went missing: Hawks was poor, Tenko was literally neglected in the middle of the street in broad daylight allowing AFO to kidnap him. 
That’s even literally brought up by All Might and Gran Torino. If they had ignored Nana’s request, and actually monitored her child Kotaro and his family then Shigaraki never would have happened. 
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They’re both defined by their quirk, to the extent that their whole lives have been defined by it. 
Shigaraki was born with a quirk suited for destruction, and this is what several characters insist that’s all he’s capable of. Shigaraki is then raised to be a symbol of fear who lusts only for destruction. 
Hawks was called a genius for his quirk, and raised as a prodigy hero. His quirk is ideally suited for saving people and he’s done so his entire life. His own wish was to become a shining light that inspires everyone the same way Endeavor inspired him. 
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This is where they start to diverge. There’s more details I could go on about with all the differences, but I’ll summarize it like this. They present themselves as literal opposites. That is, the character they show to others. Their image. Etc. 
Shigaraki is regarded by everyone he meets as a man child. He has visible scarring on his face that he hides. He’s frank and honest, and always tells everyone exactly how he’s feeling. 
Hawks’ thing is being “The Man who goes too fast.” If Shigaraki never grew up, then Hawks grew up far too fast. Hawks is deceiptful, never shows his true face even though he doesn’t wear a mask. He’s considered traditionally attractive, does modeling, and is extremely popular and well liked. 
2. But Different
If there’s one way to summarize the main difference between Hawks and Shigaraki it’s this. Shigaraki externalizes everything, every feeling, every little bit of trauma he has, instead of holding it all inside of him he pushes everything out. Hawks internalizes he has a rich inner world, but everything on the surface is vapid, it’s shallow, it’s just a performance for him. All of his trauma is inside of him, and he keeps it there. His real self is hidden somewhere in a cage deep within. 
The reason they rely on these different strategies of expression is entirely to do with how they were raised. Hawks was raised inside of the system, and was taught confromity. Shigaraki was raised outside of the system. He was taught the exact opposite, to never conform to anybody’s standards. 
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They both grew up inside of an assigned role. Shigaraki was told it was his job to destroy whatever he likes, Hawks was told it was his job to save people. However, Hawks is not a better person, or a better victim than Shigaraki. Interanlization is just as bad of a coping strategy as externalization, and just as unhealthy. They are both characters who are barely coping with a lifetime worth of the trauma as being raised as literal child soldiers and exposed to so much violence a young age they’re both desensitized and numb to it. They’re hurting all the time, but also they’re numb. 
They’re so similiar down to the fact that they both have the same internal desire. Shigaraki longs to be free from all of his trauma, and Hawks longs to be free from the weight of his responsibility, but it’s still the same longing. 
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But they are different. 
It would be easy to say that Hawks is the more selfless character because he devotes himself to saving others, whereas Shigaraki is the more selfish because he lashes out at the world from his trauma. However, there’s no such thing as a perfectly selfless person. Hawks is capable of shockingly great feats of selfishness. Shigaraki is someone who can be selfless and do things for other people. 
Hawks will go out of his way to destroy people too, just like Shigaraki.  Hawks will destroy his own friends. 
There’s a marked difference in the way Hawks and Shigaraki both treat Twice, someone who is a victim with many things in common with the both of them. Twice is someone who did not get saved and fell through the cracks like Shigaraki. Twice is someone who grew up in abject poverty and had to rely on his quirk to survive like Hawks. 
Twice is constantly more of a burden to the league than an asset. He’s the reason Magne died, because his too trusting nature had him invite someone like Chisaki without knowing the risk. A normal villain would throw Twice out for his incompetent mistake, but instead he’s comforted. 
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Shigaraki says the two of them can work together to fix his mistake. Instead of being thrown out, he’s told he’s needed. He’s asked to stay together with the league for everyone’s sake. Twice at this point is still too traumatized to use his quirk properly. Afterwards, he fails even to duplicate Chisaki’s special bullets. However, Twice has value to the league no matter what his quirk can do. He’s valued as a person. 
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He’s humanized, both by Shigaraki’s and Toga’s actions together. 
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However, Hawks reacts differently. He dehumanizes the people who need his saving the most. When he’s at his most vulnerable, Hawks corners him and rutlessly mocks him. 
Look at the opposite way they show their faces. Shigaraki shows his full face for the first time to Twice when Twice, whereas when Hawks reveals his true intentions his face is almost completely obscured. 
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Hawks dehuamnizes twice in two regards. One, he insists that Twice conform to his black and white standards. Hawks divides people into good people worthy of saving and bad people who are not. Every member of the league is a victim like Twice. However, Hawks only considers one of them a good person, and one of them is worth saving. Even when Twice says they’re all his friends, Hawks demands Twice betray all of them for the sake of himself. Of course Hawks would, Hawks doesn’t even know what it means to have friends. 
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The second way Twice is dehumanized is that Hawks only sees him as the potential damage his quirk can do. Twice is not a three dimmensional person, with reasons for what he’s doing, thoughts, and feelings. Hawks only sees him as a time bomb about to go off. This also relates how Hawks sees people in general, he always, always, always strips them down to their worth to him. Endeavor is someone he can position to be the next number one hero. Twice is someone to use to get closer to the league, and then destroy because he’s too trusting. Hawks only got close to Tokoyami because he wanted information about Class A, even though he did grow a little bit more fond of him. 
Twice makes mistakes over and over again for the league, but he’s never thrown out. Even when Twice is the reason the raid is happening, Dabi rushes as fast as he can to save him, Toga almost loses herself avenging him. Twice’s life had value. 
Except to Hawks. 
Here we strike upon the difference between them and it’s almost entirely in how they treat the people closest between them. They’ve been raised all of their lives as tools, but Shigaraki doesn’t treat other people as tools. Shigaraki accepts people and gives them shelter, Hawks throws them out. 
Shigaraki also used to be like this. He used to throw away all the recruits that AFO gave him and waste them on stunts like the UA Invasion. However, it’s something he grew past.
Which is one more difference between them. Shigaraki has this great capacity for change that Hawks has not shown us so far. They both long to be free, but Shigaraki is the only one of the two of them that actually fights against something for that freedom. 
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Shigaraki will always choose to make his own decisions, to be his own person. 
However, Hawks is given that same choice and chooses the opposite. He wants his decisions made for him. He wants to remain inside the cage because it’s safer there. 
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It’s not just that though - it also extends to how they treat other people. Shigaraki liberates those he interacts with. Twice, Himiko, Dabi, Magne, Spinner, Mr. Compress (whatever his issues are) are all given a place of belonging within the league. 
However, Hawks will take away the freedom of other people too. He does so to Twice. He possibly did so to Best Jeanist. He pushes others to conformity, believing that is what saves them because it saved him. 
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Utlimately what’s different about them is the choices they make despite their circumstances. Hawks was given a choice to be free. He’s given the oppurtunity to get better but doesn’t. Every time Shigaraki fails he learns from his lesson. Shigaraki is rising up, and Hawks is spiraling downward entirely because of the choices they made. Shigaraki has friends, Hawks has none. (Because he murdered the only real friend he did have). 
That’s not to judge on whether they’re good or bad people. It’s just the direction their arcs are taking them. Shigaraki has always been on a self improvement kick, getting better with every failure. Hawks tragically is consumed by his failures and gets worse and worse, hence why there are so many references to Icarus in his character. 
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It’s been built up for a long time now that Hawks is going to meet Shigaraki at some point. In fact his desire to meet Shigaraki is what caused the hero raid on the PLF in the first place. 
Those two are destined to meet in a Javert / Jean Valjean fashion. However, the question is what will Shigaraki do now? Hawks is someone who at least had a chance of Shigaraki sympathizing with him before because Shiga takes in all kinds of strays. However, now with Hawks chosen action to kill Twice who genuinely sympathized with him - he must have murdered off any chance of that.
Either way the two have so much in common that they have to meet. At which point Hawks’ fate will be left in Shigaraki’s hands. It’s likely even if Hawks is to be saved, it will be Shigaraki’s job to do it, because Shigaraki is the character with the most in common with him. 
Either way their meeting has been building for a long time, and when they do finally meet something will change about both of them. That’s how integral both of their parallel stories are about one another. 
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