cosmicrobotart · 3 months
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First attack of AF, did the dnd party! Barghest, Selena, Sol, Ezrath (from left to right)
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asketho · 3 months
Yeah, so I had this kid. His name was Ezrath. The sweetest boy you will ever met. He was so gentle..the sweetest smile..he wouldn't even kill a spider, poor boy..oh how I miss him.
he died in a pvp server to a hidden..y'know..purple people we shall not name, bechase they wanted leverage to grt me to join them again
Anyway, he was a sweet kid, you would have loved him. He didn't really like touch either, only me Syrith could touch him. Sweet boy <3 -💣
(Mod note: bomb lore drop???)
Ah. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm not really good with kids, though.
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gamerezrathing · 5 months
Just a friendly reminder to be careful what you say in chat. You never know what that stranger has been through, or is currently going through. I'll admit that I got a bit emotional during this unfortunate interaction; I'm not ashamed to admit that I have human emotions.
I was already having a very rough day, and went to play a video game to decompress. Now, I know that Path of Titans official servers aren't always the best way to do so, but I've rarely had toxic encounters, and truly enjoy playing on official servers.
For those who'd rather read the screenshots, scroll to the end of the post. Just keep in mind that the summary clarifies some things that the screenshots don't.
This is a summary of what was said. No real names/usernames are mentioned in this post except for mine:
Green = EzraThing (me)
Pink = Pink1 and Pink2 (both were part of the group who unalived me)
Purple = Purple (the other member of the group who unalived me)
Red = Red (someone who had nothing to do with this, but still had to get their irrelevant words in)
Blue = Sweetheart (an innocent soul)
Orange = Random Bystander, Another Random Bystander, Antihero, and Translates To Daddy (pretty sure you can figure it out)
(Couldn't get a screenshot of this first message, but I vividly remember saying this)
Ezra: ggs to the gqint (I meant giant) carni pack that murdered an adol duck. It was a really goofy thing. Lol
You know, a light hearted, teasing joke. The whole thing made me laugh. From the sudden ambush, to the wild goose chase. But, they got me in the end, so I was saying my "ggs".
Pink1: Giant (correcting my mistake)
Pink1: Lol a sub thal and sub chicken
Pink1: And a sarco
I didn't see the "And a sarco" until after I already sent my next message. The keyboard takes up the majority of the screen whenever I go to type.
Ezra: Sarco did the most damage
Pink1: duh
Ezra: Yeah duh, What's your point?
Was getting a little frustrated at this point since I already said ggs in a light hearted way, and they were taking this into more toxic territory.
Pink1: Ur dumb for saying that lol
Pink1: 3 is a giant number guys watch out
Yeah, 3 is a giant number for a fresh adol duck that was suddenly ambushed, and murdered, by sub-adult and adult carnis. That, and I don't have very good vision in the first place.
Ezra: How is that dumb? I'm just trying to quest in peace, you guys won, I said "ggs", end of story
Pink1: Pvp is no peace
Pink1: Ggs go quest
Ezra: Okay, thanks. Bye
Accepted the permission I apparently needed from them to go back to what I was doing before, and not be bothered anymore. Apparently this group can't even manage that.
Purple: Ewww ezra you're on xbox... Now im glad i bit you - sarco
Ezra: Mind your business
Was trying to give the hint that I was already moved on and didn't want to continue their "game".
Purple: Someone is insecure
Ezra: Considering that I'm not the one holding onto this dead conversation, I highly doubt that. Lol
Purple: Ezra you seem to take this game to heart. (Didn't get the rest of this message in the screenshot) Something along the lines of "smoke something and chill".
Ezra: Literally can't smoke, but okay. Lol
What can I say? I've got fragile lungs that can barely handle me standing behind a running car. So smoking is an absolute no-go for me.
Purple: Ezra back down to 669... RIP
Okay, so? I'm an adolescent duck, how much did you think I was going to have in the first place? Move on with your life, bro.
Purple: Ezra it's okay
Bro acting like I'm the one harassing them. They didn't seem to want to leave me alone, so I decided to try to have some fun with it.
Ezra: Do you talk like this to everyone, or am I just special~
Pink2: Ezra,shut up. I'm tired of seeing your name in the chat
Ezra: Bruh, what???
Genuinely confused at wtf is going on now, and had to reread the chat a bit to make sure that I wasn't going crazy.
Ezra: I've hardly said anything, Pink2.
Purple: ezra you're very special...
Bro was just desperate for even a sliver of my attention.
Pink2: Ezra, you're ruining the peace of the server
Yeah, 'cause it's totally my fault that Pink1 and Purple, and now you, decided to harass me.
Ezra: How am I doing that?
Pink2: Existing
... Way to tell someone who has genuinely had problems with unaliving thoughts that merely existing is causing everyone problems...
This is why you don't talk to strangers this way; you never know what the other person has gone through, or is currently going through.
Red: XD
Red: Y'all savage asf XD
Way to support toxicity, Red...
Ezra: Mute me if you really don't want to hear from me anymore, Pink2.
Pink2: Too much work
Ezra: Logged on like 30 minutes ago, and I already want to kms. Exactly what I came for. Lol
Dark, sarcastic humor is my coping mechanism. I would never tell anyone to kys, but I tend to joke about kms when I experience another one of my rough depressive episode. It rarely happens anymore. It's a tough habit to break, but I'm working on it.
Random Bystander: Global Chats Wild and extra special today, huh? Lol
Ezra: Apparently
Just trying to move on at this point, and hopefully get some fun hours in the game.
Purple: Ezra shut up
Ezra: Just mute me Purple
Pink2: Ezra seek therapy
Do people not realize how expensive therapy can get? Besides, there is no fixing me; I'm broken beyond repair, bud.
Ezra: Too expensive
Red: Alcohol isn't that expensive
Way to support alcoholism, Red...
Antihero: All u shut up love of god you dirtball swine
My hero~
Another Random Bystander: whys everyone so whiney tonight
Me: No idea, Another Random Bystander
Red: It's past their bedtime XD
Way to finally say something okay to say, Red...
Purple: Antihero shut up you're on xbox
What does this person have against xboxs?
Pink2: My bad Antihero, Ezra is being disruptive
Yeah, 'cause I'm totally the one beating a dead horse until it's a fine, brown paste staining the ground...
Antihero: i have pc 2 scrub sit down
... Still my hero?
Purple: 200 is crazy
Did they forget that people spend their marks?
Antihero: thats what your pc is worth hu fat boy
I genuinely didn't see this comment until I was scrolling through the screenshots... No longer my hero. Lol
Purple: Ez report
Purple: Player Report Successful!
Purple is desperate enough for attention to grab the lowest hanging fruit possible.
Red: Xbox solid, I sold my ps5 for xbox
Way to finally say something positive, Red...
Ezra: I just wanted to come on and enjoy this game for a bit, but apparently everybody hates me
Ezra: And wants to report me for no reason (I didn't see Antihero's comment that Purple was actually responding to until after)
Red: If it makes u feel better i also hate u
Way to immediately dwell back into the toxicity, Red...
Sweetheart: (/whisper Ezra) test
They were seeing if the whisper command worked, I guess. Lol
Antihero: ill be your friend
You literally just called someone fat earlier, bud. But thanks, I guess. Lol
Translates To Daddy: I don't hate you
... Dad?
Red: Im kidding XD
Ezra: Did you think that you didn't count as everyone?
(These were both sent at almost the same time, so it may not make the most sense) I meant it more like "Did you think that you didn't count when I said 'everyone'?" ADHD go brrrrrr-
Sweetheart: (/whisper Ezra) what is even happening right now?
Sweetheart: (/whisper Ezra) I am sorry they are being so mean
Honestly, thank you so much for reaching out to check on me. It truly does mean a lot.
Red: U cant say everyone, how can I hate (Didn't catch the end of this message, either) Something along the lines of "how can I hate someone that I don't know?"
I don't know, how can you? 'Cause you clearly do, somehow. How do you talk like this to a complete stranger?
Ezra: Well you clearly do
Ezra: (/whisper Sweetheart) Don't apologize for them; it's not your fault.
I apologize if I sounded a bit harsh. I was truly just ready to log off at this point.
Sweetheart: (/whisper Ezra) I know it isn't but the toxicity is hard to watch sometimes
(Didn't get a screenshot of my last message before logging off, but this is what it essentially was. I accidentally hit send about halfway through, so the actual chat message isn't exactly like this. Lol)
Ezra: Welp, I'm getting off for the night. Congrats Pink1, Purple, Pink2, and Red for making someone's already terrible day even worse.
I logged off before I saw any responses.
Now, for those who want to read the actual screenshots, here you go (first image is a guide on what order to read them):
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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The Actor's Temple in New York, New York Founded in 1917, Congregation Ezrath Israel was initially built for local Orthodox shopkeepers as the West Side Hebrew Relief Association. It has since evolved into the only synagogue in New York that is also an Off-Broadway theater space. In the 1920s, it became the synagogue of choice for luminaries in the entertainment industry. Shelly Winters, Milton Berle, Jack Benny, Al Jolson, Henny Youngman, and two of the Three Stooges attended services here. In later years, baseball legend Sandy Koufax was a part of the congregation. The temple went through a period of decline after the nightclubs closed, the vaudeville scene dried up, and television migrated west. In spite of the precipitous drop in numbers, the congregation held strong and the temple survived. Today, it is flourishing as a post-denominational institution that has attracted a new generation of members. The sanctuary features stained glass memorials and bronze plaques to honor many of its famous congregants, as well as a photo gallery of headshots that lines the walls of the stairwell. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-actors-temple
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help4writers · 4 years
this is a really broad question, but how can I develop a plot based on my ideas about characters and themes? I feel like I understand my characters well but when it's time to have them actually DO something and plot, I struggle LOL. thank you! 😊
Truthfully? I have exactly the same problem. I think at one point I had Pinterest boards with over 25 of my original characters (yep... here for reference.) with absolutely no story to put the ocs in. I love character development, but I’m just really terrible at thinking of a plot. Personally, what I always try to figure out about each of my ocs is their personality traits, their general likes and dislikes, and at least some notion of what sort of family (or lack thereof) they come from. From there, I start to brainstorm about their motivations, desires, and where they are going in life. Then I’ll either look up prompts to develop them more, or I’ll think of what they would do in certain situations. For my NaNoWriMo project this year, I literally took 7 of my ocs and tossed them together in purgatory, so we’ll see where that goes.
My best advice on this is to focus on their goals and motivations, and what will impede them from getting there. I have a little method I recently came up with that illustrates how I sort of think of character arcs. After coming up with how the character changes, you can put a few together and use them to affect each other.
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Clearly my talent lies with words and not art.
Your character is the black dot. From left to right is the length of the story. Ultimately, your character will change throughout the plot. If you decide in the beginning that they are going to succeed in their goal, you take the teal route and throw obstacles and reinforcements at them. The pink route is the same but ending in failure. When you make a map of many characters (black dots) and plot points (squiggles) intersecting with each other, you can ultimately come up with a way to reach a goal, or fail miserably, even if it wasn’t the first character’s initial intention.
That could be too complicated. You may rather do like I did and toss a bunch of characters together and rely on prompts and interactions to move the plot along. It’s all about how you execute your process, like if you plan/outline or just go for it.
This was a mess, but I hope the sympathy alone gave you a bit of help. —Z
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fresafresitawrites · 4 years
34 + 70 for Andrew?
34. Have they ever broken the law? 
honestly i dont have any canon things about him breaking any laws besides like underage drinking but im pretty sure hes the type who would have done some stupid shit back in the day 
70. What do you, the creator of this oc, like the most about them? 
I guess he was really my first OC that I actually worked with for so long and kept, he started from a crack!rp of an anime character who i will not name out of embarrassment but i was like huh me stupidly rping this character seems like itd make a great character by itself and thus andrew was born. what i like about him is that i can write how i write with him, like poetically but also cheeky at times and sarcastic, hes just fun to write in. 
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hokage · 4 years
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im blue da ba dee da ba  
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greyjediluke · 5 years
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Two Art pieces I did for Art Fight today - Fight me here!
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bladeklnd-archive · 6 years
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handsome devil
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zirade · 6 years
the bi flag is pink, blue and purple and syliah, liijuc, and ezrath are pink, blue and purple. coincidence? i think not. syliah and liijuc said bi rights. ezrath said bi rights in solidarity
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cosmicrobotart · 2 years
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Request drawn of Ezrath for @heartseeker
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askrastrither · 6 years
📜 for as many characters that mun picks 💕
Send Me 📜 And I’ll Give Some Facts About My Muses/Their Race
There’s a few relationships (whether happening now, happened in the past, or the future) that happen canonically between characters, Whether familial, romantic, frenemies/rivals, or enemies
A few Romantic Relationships between characters are
- Envy and Wrath- Nuru and Aererrith- A Cambion and Nephilim that aren’t named yet (They haven’t been added to the cast page yet)
A Few Family-like relationships are
- Kyon and Amias- Eason and Nuru- Krynthine and any of the succubi (Aezvynia, Azaerira, Daemsya, Lilineth)- Lilineth and Jarear have a literal mother son relationship (if Lilineth could actually visit or find him)
Some Rival or Frenemy relationships are
- Azaerira and Azertar- Izanol and Batu- All the soul demons (Brikos, Ryrlea, Ezrath, Ezzalith)
Some Enemy Relationships are
- All the Reine (especially Kyon) and Lust- Amias and all Sex Demons (Aererrith, Aezvynia, Astarot, Azaerira, Azertar, Azerylan, Daemsya, Desirus, Lilineth, Lust)
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circustimetheatre · 3 years
EZ (Ezrath) the Demon
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A legally blind demon with an addictive personality and a knack for gambling.
Works for Martha's Circus
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!!!
(Please feel free to leave an ask to one our selection of fun clown/jester friends)
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ofbloodandflowers · 3 years
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[image id: a rectangular cutout from claude monet’s water lilies series - the two willows (1914-1926) with the text “Of Blood and Flowers introduction” written on it in the centre, in the fonts crimson text (of blood and flowers) and dr sugiyama (introduction). end id]
Hi everyone! I’m Solène (but you can call me Sol), a french twenty-something. My pronouns are she/her, and i’m queer. I’ve had this writeblr for about a year and a half, but things have changed a lot and I feel it’s time for a new introduction. I’m currently doing a master in speech and language pathology.
I started writing around 12 years ago, but my relationship with it evolved a lot throughout the years. Now, I’m currently easying back in it, so I might not be quite regular with writing updates. 
I love to gush about writing, characters arcs, and i’m tag games friendly! 
I’ve currently introduced 3 WIPs here, but I have... many. But here are those that i’m focusing on! 
ZHAREVERSE - all the following wips are situated in the zhareverse, an alternate world mixing magic wielders commonly known as zhares and 1930′s technology. 
- deeds by the water: the story of 3 girls entering a movement to fight for women and magic wielders rights following the political mesures took by the government after a dark prophecy became public. [MASTERPOST]
- darkness before dawn: the story of the chosen one in the aforementioned dark prophecy. As Peter tries to reconnect with her long lost sister, Esther, tension rises in the country in hopes to gather strength before the prophecy comes true. tag #darkness before dawn
- drowning in the clouds: seven misfits sets to find the lost land of Svarja, each with their own reasons. tag #drowning in the clouds
- the rot in vielleri: as murmurs about the returning of a Saint plagues the small town of vielleri, Arabella Casetti tries to save her farm from the rot that is spreading in the region. tag #the rot in vielleri
RETELLINGS - low fantasy versions of fairytales, myths, and folklore.
- dance of thorns - a girl plagued by grief and anger makes a faustian deal with a strange being in the forest, in the hopes to protect her siblings. retelling of the myth of Cassandre of Troy. tag #dance of thorns
- melody of violets - a group of teens tries to discover the reason behind children disappearances in their tiny town, without realizing they might be the next. Retelling of the pied piper of hamburg. [MASTERPOST]
putting all taglists under the cut, please ask, comment or reblog to be added/removed <3
GENERAL TAGLIST : @godknives ; @jmtwrites ; @eneigee ; @glitterandstarshine @hydrancheas
DANCE OF THORNS: @ajbrooks-writes ; @stories-by-rie ; @the-starlight-writer ; @mimidreamsinwords ; @crystallized-ink ; @ladywithalamp ; @ezrathings ; @alicewestwater ; @bookphobe ;  @chazzawrites​ ; @fuyugomori​
 DEEDS BY THE WATER : @stardustandsun ; @jmtwrites ; @odysseyofnebulae ; @fuyugomori​
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atelierwriting · 4 years
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THE DROWNED GIRL: quotes that i like.
the truth is a weapon that viv is unused to wielding, but she would wield it nonetheless.
don’t look at me, she says. don’t look at me like i’m someone i’m not.
missing, martyred, gone.
I AM HISTORY, the street lamps say. DON’T FORGET ME.
read a draft here
taglist (send an ask to be added, dm to be removed): @cheshawrites, @avtful, @sondials, @tarttisms, @themillionthdraft, @heartwarning, @bulletgirl, @fairnell, @sprigofbasil, @ezrathings, @septemberliterature, @booksnotbookies
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hokage · 5 years
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