#facepalm combo
corpium · 4 months
My idiot paladin Tav was thrilled to meet Minsc and Boo bc “I too have a small space creature I carry around with me who tells me what to do!”
The real reason Emps didn’t want Minsc was because he was like “Oh gods another one”
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logicheartsoul · 1 year
Ugh, I rolled both my ankles and I just. Wanna scream rn
I got it iced and I took a pain reliever but I just wanna 😔
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Homestuck, page 650
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cheemken · 11 months
Knight we both know the Unova Kids are stupid™️
Like they’re all enablers towards each other. N asks why some Pidove search for food in the cities when they could find food in the forests, Bianca suggests to ask some Pidove that live in cities and some that live in forests, and it somehow ends with Hilbert and Hilda pissing off a fully grown Unfezant. All while Cheren records from afar and Iris yells at them to run faster
Anyways, I just know these kids wouldn’t listen to warnings. You know Central Park in New York? It’s recommended to not walk in the park at night because the rats will jump you. These fuckers decided to test that theory, and went to the park in Castelia City at night
Imagine being Burge. You get a call saying there’s screams coming from a park and when you go to investigate. Your boss, your other boss, a fellow colleague, the Hero of Ideas, the Old Plasma King, and a Professor in training are all running away from a hoard of Patrats and Rattatas
Imagine Burgh like absolutely fucking vibing tho😭🤣
All the kids were on their knees before him, some scratches and scrapes all over them, Iris' cape is honestly so fucking tattered as with Bianca's lab coat, N's hat is missing and I'm pretty fuckin sure one of the Patrat slashed Hilda's hair as it's out of its tie and is shorter now lmfao. They're all like, looking up sheepishly at Burgh and he's just "how did this even happen??? Didn't the Castelian people said to never enter the park at night??"
"yeah but.... N said he wanted to talk to the Rattata there." Iris then pointed at N
"what? No I didn't, you guys said—" the twins both cover his mouth, low-key glaring at him before Hilda turns to Burgh
"yeah, you know how N can get with these," she chuckled, sweatdropping, hoping Burgh would believe them
"he just wanna make friends with the Pokemon at the park! And what friends would we be if we don't help him with that, right?" Hilbert added, grinning at Burgh, too forced, too fake lmfao. Cheren just facepalmed, he can't believe that's the best excuse they could come up with
Burgh just gives them a look. This is why he never wants to have kids, he ended up calling Lenora cause I'm p sure homeboy would also trap these mfers in an Electroweb while he deals with the Patrat and Rattata now running rampant in the park lmfao
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Danny covered his nose with his hand. Where ever he landed smelled absolutely foul, like rotten fruit and burning tires mixed with chem lab.
"Remind me to bring a face mask the next time I explore the Infinite Realms." He muttered, before kicking a soda can down the alley he was in and being repulsed by the squelch sound it made when it came into contact with a very questionable looking puddle, "Better yet, a gas mask." He glanced at the puddle again, "Or I could go full Hazmat." Clockwork had told him this world was full of superheros and villians and to steer clear of it, but once he learned there were aliens in this world he couldn't help himself. Danny had always been weak to his curiosity, but he liked to believe he was cautious, and chose to stay in his Phantom for for added protection.
Turning on his heel he exited onto a deserted street lined on one side by a chain-link fence. The sky above him was filled with clouds so ominous and dark that Danny honestly couldn't tell you if it was night or day, all he knew was that it was going to rain soon and hopefully these awful smells would be drowned out by the downpour.
Danny got his wish only minutes later. Thankfully Phantom was unbothered by the cold and could just bask in the rain as it fell apon him. A lesser known fact about ghosts is that thier clothes are made from thier ectoplasm and are part of thier bodies, much like a second layer of skin, so one would be able to feel things on thier clothes as easily as they would with thier bare skin. The level of sensitivity varies with the type of clothing however. All this to say Danny loved the feeling of the rivulets of rainwater traveling down his ghostly hazmat suit.
He was so preoccupied with enjoying the sensation that he didn't notice anything was wrong until he was jolted forward from the weight of someone landing on his back. The person was quick and precise, taking no time at all to have his wrists pinned behind his back and- weirdly enough- thier teeth digging into the material around his neck.
His parents designed the Hazmat suit Danny was wearing not only to deal with dangerous chemicals, but to fight supernatural foes. The area around the neck was reinforced with the intention of protecting against fatal gunshots and decapitations so naturally someone's jaw wasn't going to be enough to break through to his neck.
Danny let out a laugh as the person kept chewing on his neck like a confused puppy. Oh, Danny thought, they've gone feral. It was odd for someone to go feral but it could occur when a person has gone through something traumatic recently or through extreme stress. It made sense since the person ridding piggy back on him was dressed like a superhero. Danny wondered if that was why the person didn't have a scent. Danny learns facepalmed when he remembered that scentblockers existed and not everyone's scent dramatically changed whenever they went out as a hero. The scent change was probably one of the few things that have kept him alive up to this point to be honest.
"So, I guess you're not going to tell me why you're chewing on my neck like the worlds most pathetic vampire, are you?" No one deserves that title more than the fruitloop to be honest. He made a mental note to use that one against Vlad the next time he saw him.
Chewy whined at this, seeming to slump a bit from the apparent failure to bite him. What was that about? Was this actually a vampire? How would a vampire even react to Dannys ecto-blood combo meal anyway? Would it be like food poisoning? Or would it taste amazing from one undead to another. "I'm not exactly human, are you sure you wanna bite me? I might not taste so good." Danny warned, but the moment he mentioned letting the person bite him they were eager again.
Danny chuckled and unzipped the material only a bit before it was loose enough to move out of the way. The vampires bite came with a sharp pain like he expected but there was no suction. No drinking of blood. Just some weirdo biting Danny on the neck. Huh.
Danny hoped he didn't get rabies from this.
He must have accidentally said that out loud as there was a small laugh from the rooftops above them. There stood another person in a superhero outfit with some really tall dude dressed as a giant bat, and that was when Danny decided to bail. It was one thing to let a maybe vampire bite you in a random street in the middle of the night but more of them? And ones a big scary furry? Hard pass.
Phantom did as Phantoms do and went invisible and intangible, escaping from Biteys jaws and startling the heros. He ignored the distressed whine Munchy let out after loosing their spookyest chew toy and quickly rubbed the scent gland near dannys jaw on the top of thier head as an act of comfort before bolting.
Danny poked at the bite mark on his neck. Screw rabies, he better not get turned into a werewolf. He didn't need that on top of his ghostly crap. Sam seemed fascinated by the mark, after all, it wasn't every day that Danny got a scar, especially one so obvious. Most injuries heal quickly and leave no trace of him ever being injured in the first place which helped a lot in keeping his secret identity.
Luckily Danny hadn't needed to lie to mom and dad. He truthfully told them about some wierdo jumping off of a nearby rooftop and plunging thier teeth into his neck and that two other people had tried to corner him during this. He assured his mom that he had gotten away quickly but was a little shaken by it and his dad praised him for being brave and managing to escape.
That was nice. But he still had to figure out what was up with this bite...and why he felt so compelled to go back to that city.
Back to that hero.
Aka an A/B/O au where in Danny's universe all the Alphas are extinct and the betas followed soon after and the DC universe all the Omegas went extinct and betas followed after . Not like a "they finally went extinct in the 1700s after centuries of thier numbers dwindling" thing and became a myth/fairytale (tho I like that too) but a "this might be the missing link between cave men and modern humans" kinda thing.
Its up to you which bat bit Danny and exactly what that means. I love abo aus without smut cause there's so much potential for chaos and I am very much ace.
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toomuchracket · 3 months
late night talking (sweetheart!george x reader smut)
calling it smut is lowkey misleading, but it's definitely extremely very sexy. day 7 of summer75, set in the weird tentative dating era after you and george reunite. enjoy <3
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you're in bed when your phone buzzes beside you, cocooned in blankets while watching a third consecutive episode of drag race; when you see the caller ID, you extract your arms as fast as you can, one hand scrambling to mute snatch game while you answer the call with the other, smile surely audible. “hi, george.”
“hi, angel,” comes the reply, the always-devastating combo of gravel voice and pet name awakening the butterflies in your stomach. fuck, you've missed him. “how was work?”
“was okay. busy.”
“you're settling in alright, though, yeah? nobody giving you grief?”
“yeah, everyone’s nice. how was your day?”
“busy, too. really busy, actually,” george sighs. “still found time to miss you, though.”
you smile. “i missed you too, babe.”
“missed you calling me that and all,” he giggles after he speaks, the same stupidly high laugh that's always made your heart feel funny. “sorry for how uncool i'm being, by the way. i know we said we'd be cool about everything, about us, but…”
“s'alright. i get it,” you reply, not unkindly, because you do get it, you understand completely. choosing not to rush back into a relationship seemed like the sensible thing for you and george to do after four years and a few countries apart, but it's proving to be much more difficult in practice; he is your first (and honestly only) love, after all, and you never could resist that voice. or those eyes. or those lips, actually - the first time you kissed him again recently (just a normal smooch, mind you), you almost swooned. like, actually swooned, proper virgin behaviour. “feel like a teenager all over again with you, to be honest.”
“so do i, baby - can i call you that, or-?”
jesus. you hope you don't sound too breathlessly desperate. “of course.”
“thanks, baby,” the grin on george's face is obvious, and yours widens even more as you wriggle further out of your blanket cocoon and roll onto your stomach. “but yeah, i genuinely do feel like i'm seventeen again…”
“good film, that.”
“knew that was coming as soon as i said it,” he sighs down the phone, before joining in with your giggling. “genuinely, though, angel - feel like it's still 2007, because all i can think about is kissing you. m'serious. can't get anything done.”
you kick your legs back and forth, overjoyed to hear him admit he feels the same as you. still, you don't miss the opportunity to take the piss out of him. “jesus, it's the new gucci perfume fiasco all over again.”
“christ, don't remind me of that,” george groans, voice slightly muffled by what you know is him facepalming, dragging his hand down his face slowly; he's a creature of habit, your… well, your george. “thought i’d died and gone to heaven when i got a whiff of it the day we ran into each other in the shop, when we first saw each other again.”
“shut up.”
“m'not kidding, baby. driven me mental since day one, that perfume.”
you rest your head on your folded arms, wistful. “i remember. you walking into the art classroom door because you were that distracted trying to lean over and smell me? how could i forget?”
“yeah, well, it had its benefits too, that day,” george retorts. “if i recall correctly, it motivated me to get all my homework done quickly so i could kiss you, no?”
“that's true,” you allow yourself to briefly get lost in the memory, so strong you swear you can feel the shitty bic pen in your hand now. the flashback progresses to a scene you almost wore out repeating at the time, the workbooks and pencilcases shoved off the bed, and school uniforms following as you and george took advantage of having his house to yourself that monday afternoon. despite not having even discussed doing that with george in the modern version of your relationship yet, the mention of that after-school activity leaves your lips before you realise. “and if i recall correctly, we did a lot more than kiss that night.”
there's silence from the other end of the phone line. a very particular, pregnant type of silence, one that you intuitively know will end with something pivotal to you and george's relationship; despite this make or break moment, you keep quiet, not wanting to make it worse by fumbling an apology or explanation, even though you've got a growing sense of creeping dread that you might've just fucked the whole dynamic up beyond repair already.
and then he speaks, and you can exhale again. “i think about that a lot, you know.”
the atmosphere shifts again - it's still one of anticipation, but of the more… sensual variety, you'd say. heart pounding against your sternum, you wriggle out of the blankets completely, clicking the tv off so you can give george your complete, undivided attention. “yeah?”
“yeah. that night, and my eighteenth, and your eighteenth. prom, and all our holidays, and christening your uni flat,” george hums, giggling after he's done listing. “just any time we fucked, really.”
“you miss it?”
he sighs. “a lot.”
“so do i,” you say softly. “i really miss… no,” you close your mouth, shaking your head. “i can't say it. not yet. s'inappropriate.”
“baby,” there's a hint of forcefulness in george's voice, and it goes straight to your already-slick core. “tell me, please. wanna hear you.”
fuck. you really have missed him.
you sigh. “you're sure you wanna do this?”
“angel, i've never been more sure of anything,” george replies, and you know he means it. “talk to me.”
“alright,” you can't help smiling, both at george and the memory. “was gonna say that i really miss the way you would hold me after we both came, you know? you'd just wrap your whole body around me and kiss my neck, and i'd just feel, y'know, so safe, and happy,” you pause, then grin. “i mean, i miss the actual sex too, of course, but…”
he laughs, and your heart flutters. “i miss that too, the post-shag hugging. you're cute, y'know, baby - thought you were about to say something filthy, honestly.”
you twirl a strand of hair around your finger, flirty. “well, if you want me to be dirty, g, i can. can be whatever you want me to be.”
george groans. “don't fuck me about, angel.”
“m'not!” you decide to be proper serious for a second. “i just want to make you feel good, george. i miss doing that. i miss you,” you bite your lip, releasing it slowly in a poor imitation of the man at the other end of the phone line. “and i want you. i really, really want you.”
another brief silence, then he replies. “how do you want me?”
you smirk. “you tell me. like i said, sweetheart, whatever - and however - you want me to be… i'll do it.”
“well, in that case,” god, his voice. “i want you to come over. right now. how does that sound?”
“perfect,” you aren't lying. “is there anything else you want me to do?”
“be my girlfriend again, but we can discuss that when you get here, yeah?”
you beam, kicking your legs excitedly. finally. “yeah. alright,” you roll out of bed and make a beeline for your lingerie collection. “i'll be over as soon as i get changed, babe.”
“please be quick,” george sighs. “oh, a final thing, baby?”
the smirk on his face is crystal clear. “bring a vibrator.”
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months
Suspect R as a Shapeshifter would be so interesting
Imagine her with the ability to literally shapeshift into any monster she likes, specifically the other monster girls that are following researcher!reader just to bring some chaos and fun into the group
"why let them follow you, when i'm all you need?"
and in the blink of an eye she grows a pair of tentacles from her back to mimic Mindflayer!Chameleon monster trait, but wait a second- is that Werewolf!Zoya's cock?
"she can have multiple traits at the same time!?"
"I can also adjust sizes to your liking"
Not only Suspect R would fuck reader all night with different monster trait combos until they feel exhausted, but also play some pranks like shapeshift into anyone to make them jealous on purpose
Slime!Kelvin, approaching after finding a moment alone with reader
"Again? so soon?"
"W-what do you mean again..."
And the culprit is laughing in the background while reader facepalms because they got fooled, again🤭
this happens so many times to the point poor reader has to double check the girls when they approach them and start to question them. it would be so funny
Imagine Weredog!Rahu ready to have her time with them and reader is like
"Wait, let me measure your dick to make sure it's you" lmao
I don't need to mention that Suspect R is getting on the nerves of many monster girls (she enjoys that) to the point of being forced to sneak around the camp and follow reader without being seen, maybe shapeshifting into Yurei!Eleven to study how others are around them to mimic better their traits👀
researcher!reader having a whole notebook full of notes and drawings just for her, someone has to study the shapeshifting limits and powers (and sex combos) of this monster girl, am I right?
I would say Suspect R would officially be called a Doppelganger, but that’s essentially the same thing as a shapeshifter :0
Anywho, Suspect R casually copying the appearances of the other monster girls and tricking the Researcher, is such a creative and funny concept. Suspect R would just switch into various monster girls to have her “turn” with you as many times as she likes, which ends up with a lot of confusion and misconceptions amongst the campsite.
Kelvin, peeking into the tent: I-I’m here for my mating time, Researcher…
Researcher, confused: Kelvin? D-Didn’t you already fuck me just a few minutes ago?
Suspect R: *sneaking away and chuckling to herself as she transforms back*
Yeah, the Researcher should’ve known that Kelvin wasn’t Kelvin when she acted way more dominant than usual 😭😭 Suspect R is such a meanie, taking up the turns of the other girls and causing them to grow infuriated with this greedy Doppelganger. It’s unfair that she steals their turns by tricking you, so now you have to take extra precautions in making sure the monster you were fucking is the real one.
Researcher: R, I know this is you. Cassia’s boobs are bigger than that.
Suspect R, transforming back: Ehe, you’ve grown smarter~
Goodness, having Suspect R join the expedition would be so much fun! 😅
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d6volution · 10 months
hiii! could i request jax with a bimbo!reader please??
thank youuu<3
hehe , of course <3
im sorry I can't help but make jax a little scummy
Oh, it had to he his lucky day.
Cute and dumb? What a combo, and fortunately for him.. perfect to take advantage.
"Gross, Jax.." Zooble murmured, catching the bunny staring at your ass. How could he not? Your body was as shapely as they came here.
Jax waved off the comment, his eyes still on your rear end. "Hey, uh.. dollface, come here a sec."
"Hm? Me?" Your eyelashes fluttered, and you spun around. Oh , it was the cute bunny!
"That's right," Jax smirked, and you came prancing over. Chest bouncing with each step, and of course, he stared the entire time, good thing you didn't seem to notice. Or maybe you were just too dumb to notice how he's been drinking up your figure since you first arrived?
You looked at him curiously, and your mouth opened to say something but Jax beat you to it.
"Ya know, I heard good ol' Caine keeps a closet full of pretty clothes n' stuff.. I could take ya there. Someone like you could make more use of it than denture head over there." He lied through his teeth, and you believed him.
Your eyes lit up, finally something worth while here!
"Really?? Show me show me! Please!" You took his gloved hands in yours, and his eyes had shifted into delighted crescents. God, you were too easy.
"Hmm.. what do I get in return, pretty girl?" If his bedroom eyes couldn't give you any hints then—
"Anything! Or— How about those cute little carrots from my plate at dinner time! Bunnys like those right..? Or was it rabbits.." You hummed in thought.
"They're the same—" He facepalmed and gripped your wrist, tugging you along. "Let's stick with the 'anything' offer," He sounded a bit irritated, but you just smiled and happily stumbled after him.
He was leading you back to his room and you didn't notice until he was unlocking his door. "Caine's closet is .. in your room?" You asked, genuinely curious.
"No, but.. didn't ya say you'd do anything?" He opened the door and motioned inside. "I've.. gotta lot of pent-up stress ya know.. bein in this place.. think ya can help me out, babe? Then you can get all the sparkly clothes ya want.." He murmured in that sultry voice of his, the distance closing between you and as he walked closer you stumbled back into his room.
"Oh, why didn't you say so!" You smiled, and he closed the door behind him. "How about a massage?"
"Oh , sure sure.. " His smile never faltered as went to sit at the edge of the bed, "C'mere doll. Ah— on your knees right here."
You blinked but did as told. You had a tunnel vision thinking about the clothes you'd get to dress up in soon!
"I need a massage, alright," He said as you plopped down in front of him. Looking at him with those big clueless eyes, it made his dick jump. "Think ya can handle this?"
His dick landed on your face. It was warm and heavy. You swallowed nervously, "O.. Of course.." Your hand gripped the base of his shaft and aligned it with your lips. You kissed the tip before slowly running your tongue along the sides.
"Nhh.. there ya go.. don't be shy.. put it in your mouth.." He guided your head with a hand holding the back of your head. You did as told and allowed a few inches to slip past your lips.
"Ya know.. you look cuter like this.." He said before adding his other hand to the back of your head. You gave him a curious look, and he chuckled before forcing a few more inches into your mouth. You gagged and whimpered against his dick, your eyes were watering, and you were afraid your makeup was gonna run. The thought terrified you more than choking on his dick did.
You tapped on his thighs but the he was too lost in lust, already shoving the reminder of his cock down your throat. He moaned and grunted as he quite literally used your throat as a flesh light. "Nngh, al..almost there .. just... ngh.."
You whined and held onto his pant leg as he held your head in place and forced you to drink his bitter cum. He sighed in relief and pulled back. His shaft slipping out your mouth with a lewd pop.
"Good job, babe. Didn't spill a drop.. Hmn.. how about we go get those clothes another time , I think I can go for another round.. whaddya say?"
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olichat-reads · 2 years
Mrow | Part Five (finale)
Bakugou x roomate!reader
Summary: back human?? fucking finally??
A/n: WE'RE HERE. THIS IS LAST CHAPTER I PROMISE OH MY GOD. i'm NEVER writing quirks again is what i wanna say because GODDAMN if figuring this shit out wasn't ridiculously hard. i feel more nervous posting this last chapter than all the others combined. hopefully the ending lives up to all the love you guys have given!
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath-
And out...
-before reopening them.
Yeah, no. Still naked as the day you were born.
"CLOTHES," you screeched in a panic. Scrambling frantically, you grabbed the first thing you could in your proximity, holding onto the tattered cloth to your naked body for dear life, desperate to maintain some semblance of modesty. "BAKUGOU HELP HELP HELP-"
"WHAT THE FUC-" You didn't even have to see him to know he was gaping at you in shock. At the corner of your eye, you caught the villains charging up their attacks, taking aim while both your heads were spinning from the situation at head.
"BAKUGOU HOWITZER IMPACT-POWER SHIELD COMBO!" You yelled, one hand still holding up the too small cloth like a lifeline over your naked self, you steadied your other hand, timing your quirk with Bakugou's.
Bakugou didn't hesitate, having paired up with you enough to go through the motions of your combo moves like its instinct.
One blast from your roomate sent the villains flying back from its impact. The kickback had the air around you whipping, making you squeak as the wind tried to rip the cloth from your death grip while you activated your quirk, creating a power shield to buy you some time to-
"Sunshine?!??" Wow he wasn't even going to pretend to yell at you for telling him what to do. He must really be distracted.
You barely chanced a glance at Bakugou, doing your best to concentrate on keeping your forcefield up. You caught your roomate all but whip his head around to stare at you, eyes almost bugging out of his head as though he couldn't believe the sight before him.
"WH- HAH???? SUNSHINE?????" He all but wheezed out. You wanted to to tell him to save his breath with all the panting he was putting his lungs through but both of you had other priorities.
A beat of silence.
"BITCH I KNEW IT WAS YOU!" The blonde yelled back, recovering quickly, huffing in exertion while he scrambled to get something to cover you up while you kept up your forcefield.
"I BLASTED SPARKY OF OFF THE ROOF FOR THAT!" He screeched back, chucking the soft material into your face with enough force to make you stumble a bit, your power shield wavering slightly.
You almost deactivated your quirk in favour of a facepalm. You return to human after two weeks of being a cat & the first thing you do is get into a screaming match with your roomate about fucking pudding of all things.
"Okay, SHUT. Take over & cover me for 10 seconds while I get decent & I'll charge you up."
"You get 8 & you're buying me pudding," he bargained with a smirk. The audacity of this man.
"Are you serio- you know what. Fine. Fine!"
With that you leaped out of the way, letting Bakugou cover you. Quickly tugging over the baggy shirt & sweatpants abandoning the tattered cloth.
"Oh my god. Did you actually manage to find your own merch for me to wear right now?" You couldn't help but snort as you held up an oversized black shirt with Ground Zero's signature orange X on the front.
"Fuck off. They were the closest things I could get my hands on. Call it coincidence."
You couldn't help but chuckle as you rushed over to position yourself behind the burly hero.
"Alright, alright. One power up coming up," you gave him the heads up. You brpught up your hands to rest on Bakugou's shoulder blades, ignoring the toned muscle beneath your palms as you focused on directing energy to his arms.
"Thats more like it," Bakugou smirked, feeling the heat return to his palms.
"Alright, Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Better live up to that ridiculously convoluted name of yours."
"Its Ground Zero now & you know it, gaslighting brat."
"Aw but I liked the tongue twister better, you menace to society." Rolling your eyes as you thought back to all the times he used to insist everyone get that absurd hero name right. The entire thing. No shortcuts.
You caught the smirk your partner threw you, paired with that classic murderous glint in his ruby red eyes when he was about to go berserk. Wew, you almost felt bad for the villains who were going to face his wrath as you watched his grin turn predatory.
Then you remembered they had no qualms in hurting furbabies to get their way.
Yeah, no.
"Fuck them up, roomie," you smirked at the thought of serving these villains what they deserve, smiling at the huff of a deadly laugh the explosion hero breathed out.
"Lets give them hell, Sunshine."
"That will be 6.99," the cashier said robotically, his eyes wide & owlish. You didn't blame him though- you & Bakugou were quite the sight. The two of you were intensely ragged & disheveled from your little villain encounter, though fortunately, neither of you were severely injured- just a couple of light cuts & bruises that would be a bitch to wake up to tomorrow morning.
"Take your fucking pudding," you all but growl at the blonde smirking over your shoulder. Bakugou swiped his pudding of off the counter gleefully, one large hand going to ruffle your head. You pretend to threaten him with a bite, snapping your teeth at the offending hand, making him laugh at your expense.
"Thanks, Sunny."
"Its Sunshine to you," you huffed, stepping out of the store, Bakugou close to your side.
"You've been Sunny for the past 2 weeks. I think its too late for that at this point."
Stopping in your tracks abruptly, you turned to face the blonde, your narrowed eyes meeting amused red ones to pout up at him.
Smug bastard.
Rolling your eyes, you stepped into his personal space, making his shit-eating grin falter slightly, confusion falling over his face. That got a satisfied huff out of you, masking your nerves before you launched forward pouncing onto your roomate & wrapping your arms around his waist. The contact made Bakugou freeze, his entire body tensing up in your hold.
"..whats this for?"
Fuck. Your face felt hot. You didn't let yourself back away though. Instead, you hid yourself away into his chest.
"Nah. I kinda promised myself I'd hug you as thanks when I'm back human. For, well, looking out for me & shit," you mumbled into what was left of his hoodie, nuzzling into the soft fabric. You continued when Bakugou didn't say anything.
"Its weird. I didn't even go anywhere, but I missed you. I guess."
It took a moment, but you soon felt hesitant hands come around your body to return your hug, the reciprocation making you melt into Bakugou's careful hold as he rested his chin on your head.
"I should've known," he started lowly, making your brows furrow at the tone of his voice- something you could only describe as regret. "Even if you looked different, you were still you. From the way you sass me to the way you hiss at me in the mornings. Even- even the way you pretend to bite me after I mess with your head. It was all you. And. I should've seen it," he swallowed.
You pulled back to look at those downcasted red eyes you've grown to love so much, especially after having the oppurtinity to stare into them as much as you wanted with your excuse of being a cat. Slipping your hands into his, you squeezed lightly to make him meet your gaze.
"Bakugou. I was a cat."
"Yeah, but-"
You rolled your eyes fondly at this dumb blonde, not bothering to listen how he should've known, how he didn't do enough.
Instead, you clasped a hand over his mouth to shut him up before he could get even more agitated with himself, leaning forward to lightly press your lips to your own hand, right where his lips would've been without you covering it, letting your eyes flutter shut. Just for a moment.
Pulling away, you looked up at your roomate with a fond smile, not even caring that you had hearts in your eyes from how much adoration you had for him.
God, you were down bad for this man.
You watched Bakugou blinked at you blankly, seemingly frozen in shock as you pulled your hand away from his face, leaving his mouth gaping in surprise.
Heh. You smirked, satisfied at your roomate's flushed face & reddened ears-
Your roomate that your brain has helpfully supplied as so fucking hot the moment you laid eyes on him all those years back in UA.
Your roomate that you had to pretend you weren't completely fangirling over when you two moved in together & eventually started working together on missions, preening at every subtle praise & approval of your idol.
Your roomate that you have grown to recognize as more than just an amazing hero you look up to but also as a friend you adore as his own person- angy pomeranian, mom friend tendecies & all.
Your roomate that you've managed to befriend as more than an ex classmate to someone you trust no just with your life on the field but also with your most vulnerable self, stripped off of your hero status when you're home stress eating cookie dough ice cream at 2 am like the gremlin you are.
Your roomate that you have promptly fallen in love with after he danced with you on the roof that one cold night when he found you up there alone, swaying to a melody lost in the wind- yet vowed to not pursue.
Your roomate that your heart grew fonder for after having seen his soft side during which he cared for you as Sunny- when he sat by you with his gentle fingers in your fur on days you were lost on ways to break the quirk, seemingly atuned to your down days, even while you were cat. All the while working his ass off to find your human self.
Your roomate that is now currently malfunctioning from your actions as you turned around & continued your walk home cooly, proud to have been able to fluster the man who has had a hold on your heart for so long now & blatantly ignoring your own burning face as if your heart wasn't about to keel over from giddiness.
"What- what the fuck was that? I-if you're going to kiss me do it right dammit! Coward! Pussy!" You heard your roomate sputter after you as he jogged ahead to fall back in pace with you, roughly grabbing your hand.
You snorted at his choice of words, readjusting his hold on you but never letting go of his hand.
"The only pussy I am is the one you couldn't say no to the moment I so much as bat my pretty eyes at you. The one you cooed & talked to even through all your complaining about me being a loud little shit. The one you told all about your precious Sunshine you worried about every ni-"
"You're never going to let me live this down are you, brat?" Bakugou winced at how much blackmail you had against him the past 2 weeks he coddled your furry ass.
"And let this knowledge of how much of a softie you are deep down under all that gruff outside go to waste? After all I had to go through? Absolutely not. Mrow, bitch."
A/n: HELLO ALL OF YOU WHO STUCK AROUND UNTIL THE END. i hope the ending was okay? i scratched all my previous drafts for it & decided on something much more lighthearted because i feel thats what made this series so fun & as lovable as it is. i love you all so fucking much & i hope you enjoyed reading mrow as much as i enjoyed writing it <33 until the next crazy series my brain comes up with <3
Series taglist: @deadpoolsvodka @zbeez-outlet @fixed211 @arael-asuka @sadcookie365 @phrogfungi @trash-heichou-kacchan @sad0ni0n @woodzonesworld @mushi42 @yappydoo @kazxtora @nnubee @chuugarettes @voidsatoru @freakyundercover @momdisappointment @simp4rengoku @yaskna @zane2408 @lynn-writes-things @dinodumbass @jihyuniepark @julietdelamare @captainchrisstan @atrainb @wannabewolf @cupidcole @atsushiki @trashbin-nie @mothmanuwu @skyesayshi @nezykoi @theredtater06 @lanaxians-2 @alextheknight707 @vollkornpraline @misakik28 @carnationhcs @some-ryvant @blubearxy @dangerousluv1 @seokjin-bby @slytherclaw1227 @tjmaxx556 @kuleo26 @answer-the-sirens @stxrrielle @call-me-drartemis @ouch-thats-harsh @coodoritoss @thychuvaluswife @dynakats @naneko-nakooooo @letharue @sleepylittlebarista @moonbinnie0983 @ninashellhole @lovra974 @i-cant-write-for-shit
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
SPADES SLICK: [facepalm x2 combo in background]
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Grocery Store Shenanigans
Summary: You go with Natasha and Yelena to the grocery store after a little convincing. What you thought would be a boring day turned into a day full of laughter and surprises. Natasha x Yelena x teenReader!
Note: This was just an idea that came into my head last night, so I decided to write it out!
Warnings: There is a small part where foods are referenced to in a dirty way
Word Count: 2200
As the newest member of the Avenger family, you were like the little sister that everyone always wanted. You had grown especially close with Natasha and Yelena. They were the perfect big sisters. Always there to protect, and always there to tickle you. It was the perfect combo. 
You were sitting on the couch reading, when Yelena came up and approached you.
“Come on Y/N, Natasha and I are going grocery shopping and you’re coming with us!” Yelena said, smirking at your reaction.
You groaned while facepalming and closing your book.
“Why do I have to go shopping with you guys? It’s not even fun shopping. Why can’t I stay home?” You asked, glaring slightly.
“Because we want to spend time with you, and it’s a great way to annoy you,” Natasha said, entering the room and throwing your coat on you.
You yanked it off in annoyance, messing your hair up, much to their amusement. 
“Stop laughing at me,” you pouted.
“Then get up and fix your hair and put on your coat,” Yelena said, still giggling at your state.
“Make me,” you said, throwing your coat on the ground and standing up to face the blonde. 
“Make you?” Make you go grocery shopping with us? Sure, Y/N!” Yelena said, tackling you back on the couch and calling Natasha over to tickle you to pieces. 
Yelena held your arms over your head while Natasha came over to sit on your waist.
“No no no, please! Don’t do it!” You cried, already squirming and giggling in anticipation. 
Oh it’s too late for that now,” Natasha said, smirking down at you. With that, she spidered her fingers all over your sides and stomach, causing you to burst into giggles.
“Nohohohohoho stahahahahap ihihihi dihihihidn’t dohohohohoho ahahahanythihihing,” you giggled out.
“Except be a brat and practically beg for us to tickle you to pieces,” Yelena said, reaching down with one hand to tickle your underarms.
“HAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE,” you laughed, unable to squirm or get away. 
Natasha was now placing quick pokes over the front of your ribs, a spot she knew you couldn’t stand. Much to her expectation, the words that came out of your mouth were no surprise to her.
“OHOHOKAHAY STAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE IHIHIHIHI CAHAHANT STAHAHAHAND IHIHIT,” you squealed, shutting your eyes tight and waiting for the torture to be over.
“Are you gonna come grocery shopping with us?” Yelena asked, tickling lightly under your chin.
“YEHEHEHES STAHAHAHAP,” you shouted, as the two older girls ceased their tickling, allowing you to curl up and catch your breath.
“Wow all that over going grocery shopping?” Yelena asked, grinning down at your flushed cheeks. 
You merely rolled your eyes, now too exhausted to even get up, never mind go out and walk around.
“Get up Y/N, or do we have to go for round two?” Natasha threatened, coming over and wiggling her fingers above you.
“AAAAAAHHH NO,” you screamed out, quickly sitting upright while the two girls laughed at your reaction.
“I didn’t even touch you,” Natasha said while giggling.
“Whatever,” you said, putting your coat on and finally getting into the car.
“Kids in the back,” Natasha ordered, looking at both you and Yelena. 
“Hey I’m not a child!” Yelena exclaimed, quickly trying to pull at the front door handle, a split second too late after Natasha locked it with her keys. 
Natasha smirked triumphantly, holding the keys just out of Yelena’s reach.
The blonde began to reach out and grab for the keys to unlock the door, as Natasha laughed and continued holding it out of her reach.
You watched from the side, knowing better than to get involved. Being a teen, you were technically still a child so you weren’t about to start a fight you couldn’t win. 
Faster than light, Natasha reached out to quickly squeeze Yelena’s side, causing the blonde to yelp and pull her arm down.
“You jerk! I’m not letting go of this car handle until you unlock it!” Yelena said, turning her chin up to her sister.
“Oh really?” Natasha questioned, shoving both her hands into Yelena’s armpits, causing the blonde to shriek and pull away.
“OK OK IHIHIHI GIHIHIHIVE,” the blonde yelled, crumpling to the ground.
“Now get up and sit in the back like a good child,” Natasha said, smiling as the blonde griped to herself.
You were already sitting in the back, behind the passenger seat. The blonde entered through the other side, glaring at you as you giggled.
“Wow you gave in faster than I did,” you smirked at her. 
“Shut up,” the blonde responded, while pouting and crossing her arms. 
Natasha now got in and drove you guys to the grocery store. For the most part, you guys chatted about whatever came up. Eventually, it was silent and you started feeling mischievous.
The blonde was looking out the window, so she wasn’t paying attention. You reached over and began to jellyfish her knees. The blonde jerked her leg away, while pushing at your hands. 
“Y/N stop it right now!” Yelena said, trying to contain her giggles. 
“GAH!” You cried out, as the blonde retaliated by jabbing you in the ribs. 
The blonde then went for the kill, sneaking her hand up your shirt to tickle your bare back.
You jerked and squirmed wildly, knowing that she had you beat.
“YELEHEHEHENAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAP,” you whined, not expecting this to be the way it went.
“Never,” the blonde replied, amused at your crazy laughter and violent squirming. 
“Can you two go five minutes without causing chaos?” Natasha asked, as you guys finally arrived at the store.
“I’m free!” You cried, quickly undoing your seatbelt and running away from Yelena.
“That will teach you,” the blonde said, as you huffed.
The three of you walked around various aisles, looking for many items, as the fridge was pretty much empty at this point.
“Let’s go to the mac and cheese aisle,” Yelena suggested.
“There’s no such thing as a mac and cheese aisle,” you argued.
“Why not? It’s the best food on the planet? How could they not dedicate an entire aisle, or even store to it?” Natasha said, sarcastically.
“See?!?! Natasha agrees—,” the blonde stopped quickly, realizing that Natasha was just messing with her.
“YOU!” Yelena shouted, charging at the redhead.
Natasha defended herself easily, knowing all of Yelena’s go-to fight moves.
“No creating a ruckus at the grocery store, little one,” Natasha reminded the blonde. 
You guys continued walking around, as Yelena quickly pulled you aside while in the produce section.
“Let’s get revenge on Natasha. She’s been winning all day and we can’t have that,” Yelena explained.
“But won’t we get in trouble?” You questioned, wondering if maybe Yelena liked being tickled as much as you did.
“It’s fine, it’s two against one. We can beat her,” the blonde assured you.
“Well, okay. But if this thing goes south it’s on you,” you warned the blonde, as she messed up your hair before whispering the plan to you.
“Natasha we need eggplant, lots and lots of eggplant,” Yelena shouted, dumping ten eggplants into the cart.
“Yelena, since when do you eat eggplant?” Natasha said with a quizzical look.
“I love the shape,” Yelena merely said, before running off to find other stuff to put in the cart. 
You came over a few moments later, dropping some watermelons in the cart.
“Mama needs some good melons,” you said, plopping them down.
You avoided eye contact with the redhead, knowing that you would start laughing at any minute.
The redhead shook her head, knowing what you two were up to.
The blonde came back with pickles now, as the redhead snatched the jar from her.
“And since when did you eat pickles?” Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow at the younger girl.
“I like the juice that comes from it,” Yelena said, as if it was obvious.
The blonde tried to take off after that, knowing that Natasha knew what you two were up to. Before she could, the redhead grabbed the back of her sister’s neck, causing the blonde to snort and giggle, while desperately trying to get away.
“Nope, you’re not going anywhere. Not until your little partner comes back,” Natasha said, as Yelena continued to suffer.
You came back with a handful of peaches, seeing the torture that Yelena was going through.
“Y/N sahahahahave mehehehehehe,” Yelena giggled, scrunching her shoulders up while giggling hysterically.
“Y/N, return the peaches back to where they came from. We both know you two don’t eat peaches,” Natasha warned, giving you ‘the look.’
You knew you were already in trouble with Natasha, so putting the peaches back wouldn’t do anything. You decided to have a little more fun before you would be absolutely wrecked.
You put the peaches in the cart, looking straight into Natasha’s eyes.
“These peaches look really juicy, if you know what I mean,” you said, shooting a wink at the redhead.
“That’s it,” Natasha said, grabbing both of you and pinning you two to the ground.
“NO NATASHA NOT IN PUBLIC,” you yelled, not realizing that you were already making a scene.
“Eh, you’ll be fine,” Natasha replied, using one hand for each of your bellies. She shook her hands into your stomachs, causing you two to belly laugh.
“NATAHAHAHAHASHA PLEHEHEHEASE,” you begged, as Yelena was busy trying to kick her sister away.
Natasha just used her hand to squeeze Yelena’s knee, causing the blonde to cackle with laughter. 
Natasha felt bad, as she had already wrecked you earlier, and knew that Yelena was definitely the ringleader of these shenanigans. So she let you up, much to your relief.
“Now Y/N, you come here and help me tickle Yelena to pieces, okay? Unless you want to be tickled again,” Natasha warned, after you had a moment of hesitation.
“Okay fine I’ll help,” you quickly agreed.
“Y/N, don’t you dare!” Yelena cried, as Natasha began to tickle her ribs and you went down to get her feet. At this point, you guys didn’t care who was staring. This was more important than a few weird looks.
“NOHOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHA LEHEHEHET MEHEHEHEE GOHOHOHO,” Yelena cried out, as Natasha just shook her head.
“I know you roped Y/N into going along with your jokes,” Natasha said, as the blonde just scrunched her nose up and continued laughing.
You continued tickling her feet, making sure to get her toes, which earned you a loud scream of laughter. 
Natasha lightly tickled her sides, asking if she had given up yet.
“Yehehehehes plehehehehease nohohohoho mohohohore,” Yelena breathlessly giggled.
“What do you think, Y/N? Should we let her go?” The redhead asked you.
“Y/N ahahaha ihihif you dohohont stahahahap I’ll gehehet you a thousahahahand tihihimes worse!” the blonde barely managed to get out.
“Okay fine, I’ll be nice,” you said, letting the blonde up.
After the blonde caught her breath, you three finally resumed shopping, now getting all the things you needed and nothing extra. Well, maybe a pack of Oreos or two that you and Yelena had snuck in.
The three of you got back into the car, as you were exhausted and now wanted to go straight home.
“Alright, Y/N, we have one more stop to make,” Natasha said, looking in the rearview mirror.
“What? I thought you said we were just going grocery shopping,” you groaned.
“Don’t worry Y/N, I think you’ll like this,” Natasha said smiling. 
You rode in the car with high suspicions, until you guys finally arrived.
“Here we are, Y/N!” Natasha announced.
“The shoe store? For what?” You asked.
“To get the pair of shoes you wanted!” Yelena said, as a big smile spread across your face.
“Really?!?” You exclaimed, quickly getting out of the car.
You three went inside and found the pair of shoes you had been wanting.
“Wow, these are amazing! Thank you guys so much!” You said excitedly.
“Anything for you, little one,” the two sisters said.
You tried on some different pairs, trying to find the right size and color you wanted. Meanwhile, Yelena was up to no good again.
“Natasha, you seem tired, let me massage you,” the blonde said,kneading Natasha’s shoulders. The redhead immediately scrunched up, trying to get away. Yelena knew she hated this, so it was the perfect revenge. 
“YELENA! Sthahahahp ihihihit,” Natasha cried out, squirming out of her sister’s grasp.
“Take your time, Y/N! I still have a lot to do,” Yelena called out. You smiled to yourself and continued looking for the right pair.
Yelena was now full on wrecking her sister, and her laughter could be heard throughout the store. The second hand embarrassment got to you, so you quickly found the right pair and got it.
You quickly got them to leave the store, as watching someone being tickled was way more embarrassing for you. You thanked them again for the shoes and you three went home to rest. What you thought was going to be a boring day turned out to be a day full of laughs and a nice little surprise at the end. You couldn’t have asked for better big sisters.
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Homestuck, page 1,908
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bbcphile · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Thanks for the ask, @thesilversun! 😀
Since the ask said written, not “are writing,” I’m not including my current MLC longfic (as yet unnamed), but otherwise it would absolutely be on this list. It’s 58k and not yet halfway through (facepalm), and I’m really looking forward to finishing it and sharing it. So, for MLC folks, sorry there’s only one MLC fic here!
1. What’s Sealed Away (Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Dihua)
I really enjoyed figuring out how a-Fei’s amnesia works based on the details the show gives us and the things it’s oddly silent about, and reverse engineering based on how he acts towards LLH what his experience of amnesia might be like. (Also, as someone who has unfortunately had experience with amnesia, I feel like most examples of the amnesia trope really punt on the many different kinds of memory and how amnesia can mean you lose some but not all, and the wild things that happen when there are contradictions between them.) I’m also really proud of the ways I tried to convey the meanings behind LLH’s reactions even when DFS as the POV character had no way to fully interpret them because of all the missing context. It was a fun writing challenge.
2. Nunc Atque Semper (Horatio Hornblower, Maria/Horatio Hornblower, past Archie Kennedy/Horatio Hornblower; the only Dead Kennedy Universe fic I will ever write)
I can’t even read fics where Archie dies without being an emotional mess for days, so I was not ever expecting to write one. But 1. I got a prompt for it, and 2. It was a chance to hold Horatio accountable for the ways he treats Maria in the series while also being sympathetic to him for his overwhelming grief and being married to someone he doesn’t love; and 3. I love incorporating literary allusions into my work, and Archie’s canonical love of Shakespeare meant that I could have a central part of the fic be Maria essentially trying to do literary analysis to figure out what Archie and Horatio were to each other. I very much broke my own heart with this fic and I’m still proud of it.
3. Harboured and Encompassed (Horatio Hornblower modernAU (libraryAU + actor!Archie), Archie/Horatio; Archie/Horatio/Will pre-slash; 148,000 words)
I am still so incredibly proud of how I adapted the characters and events (with aspects of some of the books thrown in) to a modern setting while staying true to who they are. These characters will always have a very very special place in my heart, as will the special combo of humor, fluff, and heart-rending angst that having a character like Archie at the center of it enabled (I miss writing him so much sometimes). I love the whole series, too, but this is definitely the core of it.
4. Turning Over the Sands of Time (Horatio Hornblower, Archie/Horatio)
I still don’t understand why this one has so few kudos when I think it’s some of my best writing. Maybe the subject matter is too bleak/violent? (Mind the tags if you read it!) I really love writing missing scene fics and character studies, and the moments from the show that bookend this fic break my heart every time and make me fall in love with Archie all over again, respectively, and I wanted to delve into the hellscape of Archie’s mind in those moments and show how, even when he is in emotional agony and dealing with flashbacks, he is still compassionate and caring and trying with what little agency he has to make sure no one ever suffers as he did, or at least, if they are forced to, that no one has to suffer alone. (Also, a horribly depressed and triggered Archie means a very poetic Archie, which means I got to write lines like “The actors had changed, but the play had not” and “a rotting weed by any name would smell as fetid” and “Dying might be a price worth paying if it could but purchase that.” Have I mentioned I miss writing Archie?)
5. Taking Hands Against a Sea of Troubles (Horatio Hornblower, Archie/Horatio)
TW: suicide mention
The first time I saw a delirious Archie quote Anthony and Cleopatra during his suicide attempt and the play-illiterate Horatio has no idea what he’s saying, I knew I wanted to write the a scene where they see the play together years later in Drury Lane and Horatio finally understands the context. And I knew the scene in the theater box would need so much non-verbal communication and would need to be so comparatively subtle–because of the semi-public nature of the theatre box and the very real danger they would face if Horatio actually comforted Archie more overtly–so I waited a few years after having the idea until I was able to execute it the way I wanted to. I really love fics that deal just as much (if not more) in what’s unsaid than what’s said–for all that I love deep dives into character psychology–and I’m so glad I was able to finally write this. 
Thanks again for the ask!
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expirisims · 4 months
A Real Twinkle Toes
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Okay, it's a fresh day, with a fresh perspective. I sold off the bathtub/shower combo to cover bills, but that won't last us long.
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Reggie is undaunted. He doesn't mind the cheap cold shower as long as he's got something he can dance to!
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Since according to my SP settings Reggie and Jess are scheduled to get married in the winter and it is Reggie after all, I thought I'd take up my game's "subtle" recommendation to throw a bachelor party, but it's going to have to be at home! No more money spent and free food from the guests! Who's that lady crashing the party?? I know it's not the dancer, or a second NPC Dancer I haven't seen yet, there's no room for a "show"
Also, I can't believe I only took ONE picture of the party! It wasn't ground breaking because Reggie had to go to work, but I usually take a bunch of pictures of the parties...oh well...
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Oh, boy! Here we go again...
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What??!! Like I said...Here we go again...facepalm...
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YES!!! He Needed this!! It's not a promotion, but he'll take it!
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Overall, it's been a pretty good summer for Reggie! He ran off to Saucy Jack's to finish out the season watching sports games. Good luck Reggie! You've got a lot of big changes heading your way!
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cerealmonster15 · 9 days
Now I'm very curious about this Ruggie 2nd Years Rizz...
oh shit now i gotta back up what i said LOL omg lemme think um um ok here are scenes off the top of my head that TO ME are certified ruggie moments w/the second years and also me talking about their vibes,,,
that one vignette story [i think ruggies ceremony robes] where hes helping out at mostro lounge and he and azul have a hive mind moment where theyre bonding over their money grubbing ways, and jamil is also there and says something like 🧍 hmm wow you two are unnverving when you are together actually. and theyre both like "yeah normally i cant stand his fake ass but we can unite over money ♥" what the hell ever common gay goals i guess 😒kljksldfjdskljf they could come up with SO many money schemes together,, a slowburn via ruggie doing odd jobs at mostro lounge... it could happen ejlekjwrlkdjfsf
actually kalim has a flavor of rizz too but in his case it's like "everyone is my best friend and i cannot be deterred even tho it's kind of off putting in hater school but also it's kind of cute" while ruggie is that "lovable scamp who is kind of a bitch and definitely scheming behind your back" vibe LOL and theyre so funny together. i think kalims lab coat story is the one that comes to mind for them where kalims like OH FUCK i have to cancel the party bc jamil said so and cant help sorry everyone :( and ruggies like NO i will NOT forgive you we HAVE to throw the party. with food. and then they go make food together in the cafeteria and it's cute. i think thats also the one where ruggie was like lol teeehee what if we got this outrageously expensive mushroom for the party haha teehee- and then sam was like yeah i have it in stock and kalim was like yeah ok sure ill buy it. and ruggie was like WAIT FOR REAL??? they are just always a silly combo when theyre together fdlskjfskl like prince and the pauper or whatever... ruggie is doin whatever it takes for a free meal or a quick dollar and kalims like "i am sweating cash money and i love my friends ill buy you whatever you want :)" ruggie has the street smarts to keep kalim alive and kalim can keep ruggie fed lol. ruggie would have his hands full forever but i believe in them LOL. but also ruggie calls silver and kalim the "ira fuwa" "facepalm brigade" and how theyre so frustratingly like. nice and/or oblivious and i think that's FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i like when ships are FUNNYYY so to me. thats more points fklsdjfkls
ruggie and jamil. they are so funny. i already liked them as 🤝 fellow working class boys [similar to why i LOVE ruggie and epels bond but sorry epel youre banished to the first year realm this post aint about u] i lied when i said off the top of my head, bc i had to double check this one but in JAMILS R card regular uniform story it's jamil ruggie kalim and leona at lunch, jamil and ruggie have like a 2 second bonding moment of basically being the attendant of the other two. once again ruggie likes food and jamil really likes to cook so i do feel theres promise there. but then also when GLOMAS halloween event dropped, that was more proof. that one scene where theyre paired off running together and manipulate those npcs to buy themselves more time,,, w/their schemes and lies and similar style unique magic/signature spells.... sjdklfjdskf they could be such an awful little duo together and i love that for them. truly an iconic moment of partners in crime
RUGGIE AND RIDDLE!!! this is one i initially was like "huh where is this coming from" back in ye olden days of twst bc i'd randomly run into this one person who kept making fanart of them and every time it would end up being by the same person lolol. and back then i think they hadnt interacted too much outside of that one scene in book 2 where ruggie steals riddles magic pen [teehee enemies 2 lovers potential,,, tried to push riddle down the stairs/got his best friend instead... also could apply a lil with jamil considering jamil was also one of his victims] anyway i like their opposite energies, kinda like a lite version of floyd/riddle with ruggie taking the role of one being more loose and, again like w/kalim, hes more street smart. riddle was sheltered all his life. i think theres potential to balance each other out. AND THEN ALSO later we got halloween 2 event where riddle ruggie and ortho were in a group together searching for mirror shards. i thought it was cute when they bonded doing a lil puzzle and all talked about doing an escape room together. I saw cute fanart of that once and it hasnt left my mind
ALSO speaking of riddle but also kalim and silver theres the beloved anthology comic which counts in my mind. the one where silver was struggling to stay awake and asks ruggie for his notes and then kalim is like LETS HAVE A STUDY PARTY ILL ASK JAMIL TO HELP!!!! and ruggies like YEAH FREE FOOD also we should invite riddle.
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look at that. like ruggie even openly admits later hes literally just there for the feast but he made a point to be like We Need Riddle Here Also and i literally cant stop thinking about it actually. like sure hes right in terms of studying but like did he even give a shit about that part. also since im here and i need to talk more silver/ruggie theres also the part of this same comic where silver touches ruggies ears and he immediately falls asleep
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like wtf thats so cute [source btw...] [i cant remember if they had any rule on reposting screenshots but i didnt see any when i was glancing around so i hope i am not killed for this!!!!]
once again ruggie has the street smarts that can assist silver who grew up in the woods with his only other socialization boy his age for years being Sebek Zigvolt jklJFDKLSJKFLS blease teach him what regular(?) boys behave like. and then back again like what i said in kalim's part, where ruggie called them in one of those laundry stories [i cant fuckin remember which vignette it is bc at least 2-3 of them are about laundry and i MIX THEM UP] but i think it's one where ruggie goes with leona to diasomnia and are like "hey bitches malleus' robes got mixed up with leonas" and silver is there and silvers like "oh my god malleus made a friend" and leonas like "i literally do not like that man what the hell" and ruggies like "sorry leona silvers just like that. so is kalim btw." like im obsessed with the concept of silver and kalim being So Sweet And Oblivious that apparently the other second years are all looking at them like a unit and being like "man what is their problem" thank you ruggie for this lore. for my life.
ruggie n the twins r also funny. like what i said with azul i could see him having a slowburn when hes working at mostro lounge lol and i could see it as a haters to lovers thing bc everyone in this place is a BITCH but we love that for them. i think ruggie would be fighting for his life with floyd but tbh who wouldnt be. actually idr much of their interactions except i think they were both in portfest on team performer and even then i cant recall specific interactions fjklfjeklwjflew bc floyd was like fuck this im already good at shit you bitches are on your own LOL but also i remember floyds whole thing bein he can just pick up whatever skill as needed whenever it suits his fancy and he learns real fast. i think ruggie could #respect the grind except i dont think floyd gives a shit about doing it for money. redirects to azul and his schemes JFKLDJSKLFJSD still. i think they could be funny plotting scheming bitches together if they wanted. i think this is my weak spot i cant remember many specifics BOYS WHERE ARE YOU!!! but also theyre the 2 odd ones out in terms of second years w/o an onscreen classmate. thats one point in their box LOL. i think floyd would join ruggie in a little snooping and stealing of snacks. for funsies.
okay and then jade the reason i even brought it up in the tags of this post lololol even they i think havent interacted too much that i can remember <- suddenly remembering book 3 was all about bananaclaw helping destroy octavinelle. except i think ruggie was barely there actually and the twins were mostly in the water so this still tracks. i think. well anyway that's not the point MY POINT IS RUGGIE AND JADE in ruggies R card uniform story is funny. i love that ruggie was in the cafeteria in the middle of the night looting for snacks and then jade just. Was Also There. hello fellow student i am very normal and taking a walk at night <- i actually did this in college all the time so idk why im bullying him but. dont fancy boarding high schools have CURFEWS actually idk. anyway. i love how quick and crafty ruggie is the second he realizes hes FUCKED UP and jade might KILL HIM [and then jade just. god i literally never know when hes being coy or genuinely like 🧍what do u mean i am a regular teenager why ever would anyone fear me.] anyway they kinda matched each others freak A LITTLE a little bit. jade is a bigger freak but i like that ruggie sorta has that octavinelle schemer vibe to him sdkjfklsd "hey you ate my vegetables" "oh FUCK well ill trade u with recipes" "wow these r awesome teach me more" "NO that will cost you >:)" "ohoho i see how it is >:)" like ruggie feared for his life for a second but as soon as he did what he promised he was like alright fuck u im outta here teehee. fears deleted. bastard mode returned. a scheming silly little guy who is good with cooking fits right into the little octavinelle pocket
ok that's enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i actually think about the second years a lot more than i care to admit LOL they are really fun to mix and match but tbh i say that about every group of students. divorce vortex third year toxic yaoi polycule.... second years are all shoved in a barrel that im shaking back and forth at top speed.... the first years are always trying to kill each other but are also kinda ride or die,,, ough it's cute i love sorting characters into groups and drawing connected lines to them jKLFJDSKLFJ ok i have to go draw overblot yaoi now. thats not related to ruggie but it's related to second years. bye!!!
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unofficialadamtaurus · 10 months
oh that last ask has me very much thinking about adam teaching blake certain techniques while sparring. do you think adam helped blake design gambol shroud with her skillset in mind? i feel like blake looked up to him enough to want to mimic is style but she wasnt the best at it weeheehee
Yes, I 100% think Adam was involved with Gambol Shroud’s creation. I kinda view GS as a combo of Adam and Sienna’s weapons, which makes sense in hindsight; Blake wanting to emulate the fighting styles of two people “above” her in the Fang while also putting her own spin on things.
The mental image of young Blake borrowing Wilt and Blush, trying to get the sword kick right and landing badly all while Adam facepalms in the background is now stuck in my head lol.
“How about,” Adam suggests mildly, “instead of kicking, you try throwing?”
And when Sienna finds them practicing with a prototype GS one day, she lectures Adam for teaching Blake to literally throw her ranged weapon away when she’s got so much less aura than him.
And thus under Sienna’s guidance the whip-pistol is born. A bit more refinement on Blake’s part gets her to the dual-piece pistol and sword sheath.
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