#fae clan leader
loonarmuunar · 2 years
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Obsessed with the implication that Bluestar sees this tiny devil and is like “👀 son? sonboy?” without fear of her/her clanmates getting kittypet fae cooties
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zoriety · 1 year
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Sketch of my second progenitor! She is a Fae turned Gaoler through magical means. In FR lore, fae dragons express tone via their frills, and as such they speak in very monotone voices, making them hard for other breeds to understand. My thought on the humanization equivalent of this (it's a stretch) is her appearance became totally different and also she totally lost the muscle memory to use a form of fae sign language; it's a trade she did not take lightly when she agreed
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fr-thrice · 2 years
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enjoy some old as hell doodles from when i was still new to FR. that must've been one of my first times drawing a fae, my style sure has changed a lot.
the other one is how some faes live in my clan. they weave large grasses into a giant orb nest like some birds do, although they can have multiple rooms too. i know faes r roughly human size but i bet there is some giant grass on sornieth ok.
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144116 · 1 year
im trying hard to resist the urge of changing my dragon sona Back into a obelisk again
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faes are hard to dress cause they are so Small but i Dont wanna spend any of my MONEY on OBELISK!!!!!! but i wanna DRESS HER UP!!!!!!!!!
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noble-crimson · 1 month
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Say hello to…
✨ Kinger, the Mushroom Wizard ✨
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Age: 48 (human years)
         ~1,200 (fae years)
Gender: Male 
Sexuality: Yes
Kinger is the leader and patriarch of Briarfell. He broke away from established fae civilization and law, striving to create a haven for all folklore creatures alike. 
Despite being old and rather senile at times, there are very few in the village who do not revere Kinger in the highest regard. He is often a beacon of advice and guidance, and he loves all of his fellow villagers equally.
He does keep an air of mystery about him though, often coming and going from Briarfell unannounced. He rarely speaks of his past, and the looming threats of outside clans and fae keep him on constant watch.
A ray of hope arrives in the form of his newest apprentice, Pomni, whose own mysterious past may be the key to finally putting Kinger’s biggest secret to rest.
A few of you wanted to know more about my version of Kinger, so here ya go! Do with this info what you will, and do remember to tag me in any writings or art you make of the Folklore AU 😉✨
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Imagine the fae kittypet idea in terms of Scourge. Like, sure, he’s an alley cat but his collar proves he was born a kittypet, ergo a fae. Like, imagine how much more shocking Tigerstar’s death is to the clan cats. Like this fae creature just killed a leader nine times with a single strike. I bet a lot of cats were afraid of Fire and Cloud after that, lol.
Oh absolutely the big battle with bloodclan has to be one of my favorite theoretical parts of this au, Tigerstar finally decides to bring in a fae to deal with fae, sealing his fate by it being unbeknownst to him to be that very fae he slighted as a child when he was barely older then a kitten, and a fae never lets go of a slight
Wound for wound, Tigerstar, you permanently slashed a fae's ear, so now they'll permanently slash you, and it will never truly heal, no matter how many lives you pour into it. Fair trade, is it not?
That's the kind of shit fae stories are made of!
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smokesandsonatas · 1 year
Theory and Analysis
The Legacy of the Shroud and Draconia Families: The Prodigy and the Miracle
I haven't posted anything in ages, but in the span of a day, I have caught up to everything happening in TWST. All I could say is -
Should I miss or incorrectly put the lore, feel free to correct me.
Warning: Spoilers, long post, language, and crude humour.
Without further ado, let's get into the post. All credits belong to their owners.
The Shroud clan
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The Shrouds have been in existence for a really long time. Their ancestor was "appointed a Gatekeeper back in the age of gods and goddesses." Let's assume that was thousands of years ago. Due to this task of essentially keeping the balance in TWST World, Tartarus was built, and henceforth S.T.Y.X was 'formed' about 100 years ago.
Due to their long history, the Shrouds are rich, rivaling the Al-Asims in terms of wealth. According to Vil, they are a branch of Jupiter Enterprises. An influential conglomerate that essentially built Google Chrome, or maybe Facebook, and Amazon of TWST.
The Shrouds reside on the Island of Woe. It is not on any map, therefore it is completely hidden from the public due to the fact it is literally built under the sea.
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For the secret organization, Lillia said that a legend goes like this, "When a wizard forgets themselves and succumbs to their own power, punishment from the Island of Woe shall befall them."
The Shrouds are tasked with such a heavy job that about a hundred years ago, they were cursed, preventing them from escaping their duties. This curse manifested in their flaming blue hair, burning off accumulated blot. But if there's no blot to burn, the curse instead eats their magical energy. That's why the Shrouds, especially Idia having inherited the curse from his father, must now be in constant close state of OB to survive.
Idia's grandmother, Aidne/Idone Shroud, is known to have this curse. Both her and her son, Mr. Shroud are using magical devices to combat it.
The Shroud Prodigy and Tragedy
Idia is a prodigy. Born a genius in the Island of Woe. As a child his intellect far surpasses the adult researchers at S.T.Y.X. With this impressive show of his potential, his fate is sealed: Idia will become the next head of the Shroud family.
Ortho's life is a tragedy. He was born, and then he died. Then he was reborn again as a humanoid robot that Idia created while in complete isolation for 2 years. Complete with the 'real' Ortho's memories, personality, and appearance.
This is Idia's way of coping with the guilt that consumes him. Blaming himself for his only brother's death.
Why wouldn't Mama and Papa Shroud do something about this?
I like to think that they did try to console Idia. From the looks of it, they do love their children equally. But they also have to grieve too. They also suffer the same guilt Idia feels because suddenly the portal that they're supposed to monitor as the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X breaks open, resulting in the death of their younger son. [But I think Idia's unique magic has something to do with the incident.]
It is important to note that Mama and Papa Shroud treat 'Ortho' as their real child, not a replacement of their dead son. With the events ending in Ignihyde chapter, Ortho is on his way to becoming his own person.
Combining his brother's 'death', the responsibility of running S.T.Y.X in the future, the constant state of near OB just to stay alive, and the isolation made Idia the genius, foul-mouthed, introvert prodigy dorm leader of Ignihyde.
As of Diasomnia chapter, Papa and Mama Shroud, the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X respectively, are trying to get in touch, or are now in touch, with Queen Maleficia, Malleus' grandmother.
The Draconia family
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The Draconias are nocturnal fae, tracing back their long lineage to dragons. They all possibly have horns protruding from their heads. Their lifespans can go on for centuries. A Draconia will reach adulthood at the age of 1,000 years old. That lifespan is longer than the kind of fae like Lilia.
If Malleus reach 1,000 years old, he'll be only known as an adult Draconia, but for Lilia, 1,000 years is his whole lifespan.
In the current events of TWST, we only know 3 Draconias so far.
Queen Maleficia, Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa, and the only known male heir, Malleus.
Not much is known about them, except the current queen (has been for a long time) is Queen Malefecia, the grandmother. She adopted Lilia and Levan, the father of Malleus and Princess Malenoa's husband. The royalty in Briary Valley is complete with senators, dukes, royal guards, and is just basically a monarchy of faes.
The Draconias, and most fae creatures, reside in Briar Valley. There are forests that are pitch black, giving an advantage to nocturnal faes, like Lilia. It is also rich in magical minerals.
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In Diasomnia chapter, Malleus put up a barrier of thorns that is going around or extending throughout Sage Island, essentially marking it as his domain, and everyone in this domain will remain asleep, dreaming. It is worth noting that Malleus is said to be one of the top strongest mages, as evidenced by this:
"S.T.Y.X. together with the Magical Force, and the Briar Valley’s royal family attempted to break into Malleus Draconia’s domain, but… "
"Neither physical nor magical attacks could make a dent."
"The thorns do not discriminate between humans and fae, and anyone attempting to enter just get sucked into the field."
Because he's a fae, he gets energy from his surroundings. Therefore if Malleus' keeps extending his barrier, he will get stronger. Heed that not even Queen Maleficia can get through the barrier her grandson had created. With this scenario, it effectively puts Malleus, a little bit stronger than her.
The Draconia Miracle
I contemplated saying the Draconian Miracle but either way is fine.
If we are to consider Malleus as a miracle manifest in itself, let's first look at the way he was born.
The prelude of Malleus' birth is chaos.
During or even before he emerged from his shell, Briar Valley is going through a fae-human war. Starting when the humans started populating and abusing the place. Note that their population started with only a small sailing ship, and throughout the years they multiplied.
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Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa/Mallenoa is the mother of Malleus, and she, by far is the strongest defense of the land, as said by Lillia.
But before Malleus can even crack the shell, his mother is already gone. Going by the angst route, let's assume she died protecting her egg that houses her son.
Makes you wonder how brutal the fight must be to 'kill' a mother dragon protecting her only child.
Levan/Revern, a raven fae or a dragon duke in some sources, is his father. He is a diplomat of Briar Valley, therefore his task falls into making allies, not enemies.
Yet, he did not return.
It is presumed that he died in an ambush, or possibly has a new identity. If he is alive it is cruel for him to not come back to his unhatched son. I am not saying Crowley is Malleus' father but there's a chance that Crowley is related to the Draconias, in one way or another.
Now, why is Malleus considered a miracle?
Because he was born against all odds. His birth is a highly impossible event, yet it did happen.
Due to his parents' absence, this effectively made the hatching of Malleus uncertain. Dragon eggs can hatch within 2-3 years of laying if showered with love and cared for.
[ This part is taken from the accounts of Lilia's dream in the Diasomnia chapter, where Silver is also surprised by the huge gap of the war and the dragon heir's birth.]
Malleus' birth is delayed by 200 years, because he has no one to care for him. It is truly pitiful that even before his birth, Malleus is abandoned.
Why wouldn't Queen Maleficia love her unhatched grandson? Is her love and power not enough to hatch Malleus?
I bet she did, but she also has grieve the death of her only child. On top of that, she has to be strong because she's a queen of a country. Any sign of weakness can mean the humans threatening her or even one of the faes betraying them, putting her family and the nation in danger.
The thought of the Draconia bloodline ending with her likely filled her with depression. Also, Queen Maleficia is not Malleus birth mother, only his grandmother. So that is not enough for a dragon egg to hatch, since it needed the love from his birth parents. I like to think that this part is where Lilia, as his caretaker will come in. Lilia's loyalty to Draconias extended to Malleus, softening the heart of the war-torn general, enough that he had the sympathy to adopt a human child.
It took 200 long years for Malleus to emerge from his egg shell and when he did, Briar Valley celebrated his birth. Matter of fact, his birthday is a public holiday.
Defying the odds is another powerful instance why Malleus is born to be a king faes, the valley and the abyss.
The parallels between Idia (the prodigy) and Malleus (the miracle)
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[Is it me or they both look good?!]
Both Malleus and Idia grew up in isolation.
[Island of Woe and Briary Valley are two places in the middle of seven-knows-what. Anyway...!]
With Malleus as the only heir, and Idia as the first born, they both have huge responsibilities on their shoulders. We're talking about responsibilities scaling nations and the safety of huge populations.
Idia's childhood is tragic with the death of his brother. But we can argue that Malleus' childhood is tragic too, with the disappearance of his parents.
Malleus grew up isolated and protected in the castle. His only confidant for decades is Lilia, his caretaker. And even then, Malleus said that Lilia is prone to going away for long periods of time.
For Idia, his only companion for the 2 years he locked himself in his room is the prototype of Ortho that he's building.
Idia represents the uncanny future, and Malleus represents the eerie past.
Think of it this way, if you put Malleus in Island of Woe where everything is about technology, I bet he will say something about the importanc of the past and teleport back to his place.
If you put Idia in Briar Valley... man's not even going to survive the night. He will lament his poor WiFi connection.
They compliment each other well: One doesn't want to be approached and the other is unapproachable.
Both Idia and Malleus are some of the loneliest students in NRC. Idia doesn't have social cues, and Malleus... doesn't have good social cues either.
They're both so awkward when interacting with others it becomes endearing.
As awkward as they are, both are arrogant too. Every time Idia regards himself as the acting leader of S.T.Y.X and Malleus as the future king, sends a thrill or.pride to whoever can hear them. [Go forth children! Be the leaders of the TWST world.]
And they will be leaders. As heavy as the mantle of Shroud and Draconia is, Idia and Malleus will have no choose but to shoulder on. That's why I think the battle between (yuu), Idia along with NRC against Malleus will be tragically beautiful.
Fun fact: Hades tried to ask Maleficent out in a date once, lol.
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There's a reason why all of a sudden the story of TWST started to become more serious in the Ignihyde chapter and just hit the fan in Diasomnia. Soon, were about to find out why.
Idia and Malleus are the complete opposite yet their existence compliments each other so well.
One is a keeper of the underworld, and the other the blessing of maleficence.
And then there's Yuu, trying to uncover the secrets of Twisted Wonderland.
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futurepastme · 2 months
A collection of known prophecies related to Emrys and the Once and Future King
I actually had fun doing this. Quick reminder that english is not my first language. Enjoy.
“(...) scrying, when our sister Winfred went to take her turn. I can still feel all the energy that filled the room when she took her place in front of the crystal, but what I'll remember most, what I won't ever forget, are the words that came out of her mouth that day. A shattered core wilt covereth the w’rld in shade, stealing us of our light; Blood shalt flote the streets, shalt taint our rivers, and soak up our forests; Screams art to feedeth the night, burning the souls of our kin; Fire shalt beest breathed f’r a lasteth time; Full halls wilt wend exsufflicate; And ev’rything yond once wast, shalt beest nay m’re.
–  From the notes of Alma, a high priestess apprentice.”
“(...) a trance, with his eyes going white and his voice deeper than the earth itself. From the ruins and the ashes of a desperate past, a god of light shall grace the men with his blessing. Dark will be his path in his duty towards the light of day; True shall be his nature in his search for his kin; Hope will grace the world once the immortal one meets his fate.
– Urbgen, son of Morrigan; about Merle the hermit.”
“ (...) and with the help of the god, the lightbringer shall mend what has been torn.
– Incomplete passage, unknown source.”
“Guided by his destiny; the King that was and will be shall rise for the first time. Bringing forth the grace of Albion; Freeing the desperate from their plight; Joining his half in their fight against the darkness; The dawn of the new day shall come forth with the guidance of his own blood; Until his need is most again.
– Iudris, Druid leader of the northeast Bexbour Woods clan.”
“(...) I also had a chance to speak with one of the leaders of the fae folk, a polite young maid named Niamh who was kind enough to share with me a little of the fae culture and traditions. Amongst her tellings were some apparently old prophecies that were never written down. And while I have every intention of respecting their traditions, any unwritten prophecy that is known only by word of mouth seems to me a reckless stance, as the memories of men -those who are human or not- tend to fade, and retellings of any old stories are never the same as the original.      It is with that knowledge that I decided to write down, if only for my personal use, one of said prophecies that Niamh shared with me. Like every word-of-mouth retelling, her speech had the structure of an old fable, instead of the traditional form of prophecies that are known for being an almost rhymed riddle.       She starts her tale with a man, a sorcerer, named the most powerful of his time and of every time that was and would be. Emrys, she called him. This Emrys would become the saviour of the magical folk, along with a different man whom she called The Once and Future King. They were to, together, unify the lands under one kingdom of Albion, and bring peace to all living things, born of magic or not, after a period of despair, ashes and blood.      Emrys and the Once and Future King are said to be two parts of a whole, with some believing that the goddess herself chose a brave and kind soul, amongst all souls that were ever forged in the plenitude of existence, and splitted it in two. In one of those halves, the one that should become Emrys, she put so much of her own magic that it is said that that half of the soul became a god itself, ready to bring the goddesses magic back to the barren world. On the other half, she created a leader, just, strong, courageous and owner of a heart so big as to be compared with the one of a mother for her children. He would guide his people with this heart and defend them with his life. That half of the soul would be The Once and Future King.      The two halves are said to never feel complete without the other, always seeking one another at every moment of their lives. And unless they truly let their souls become one, the golden age of Albion would never come forth, and their true destinies would never be completed in its fullest. (...)
– Excerpt from the lost journal of King Bruta, first King of Camelot”
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call-me-strega · 9 months
Ghost Selkie AU Tidbit: Abuela Soliña
I’m still playing with my Ghost Selkie Au, tossing it around like a cat toy trying to decide if and how to write it and one figure that I’ve kinda developed a backstory for is Abuela Soliña. Now said backstory may never see the light of day in the the main story so I thought this’d be a fun tidbit to throw out while I’m still considering the main story overall.
Okay so my inspo for Abuela Soliña, or Señora Mariana Soliña, actually came from a couple of different sources. I took some of the general headcanon from the DCU; Crime Alley has a large population of people of color, specifically Hispanic in the area Jason lived; that Jason has Hispanic heritage; that some of the older women in the alley occasionally feed street kids; and took them to create a person that would be a maternal figure for Jason bc I’m all for giving him Good Adult Influences.
She functions a bit as a plot device taking up the role of Jason’s magical mentor and helps move the story along. However, I wanted to give her more depth so I based her off an actual figure in Spanish history. Once I had decided a witch was the best magical figure to live in Gotham and guide Jason I actually did a bit of research on famous Brujas in folklore and came across María Soliña/Soliño a famous witch from Galicia who inspired the women of her village to fend off Ottoman raiders and survived the Spanish Inquisition without being burned at the stake. She was the main inspiration and namesake of Abuela Mariana Soliña. She did have children, though not much is known about them, so I wanted it to be implied that Mariana was a descendant of María. I wanna say I’m placing her around age 50 when she first met Jason and 65-ish(?) when he returned to Gotham.
Anyways, like I said I didn’t want her to remain a plot device and actually have depth so I kinda started building a backstory for her. Her grandparents or parents were likely immigrants who moved to Gotham from Galicia, Spain back when the city was younger. Back then the different magical communities were a bit more segregated. Vampires stayed clans with vamp doctors and leaders, gargoyles in their own community, fae in their courts, etc., but she did let that stop her. She was always deeply involved in the inter-magical community and was a central figure due to her interest in learning other supernatural cultures of the city.
She eventually grew up to be a full-fledged bruja who sold her magical remedies, charms, potions, etc to any supernatural being willing to pay her. This actually helped her amass a large amount of wealth quickly, especially when her charms, totems, and remedies caught the eyes of superstitious crime bosses across the city. She always insisted to cover her face with a shawl to protect her anonymity and had several mob bosses sign magical contracts agreeing to protect her and her rights to do business thus making her virtually untouchable in the Alley.
I wanted her to be a very strong influence on Jason. She is very strong, sassy, confident, clever, and street smart and taught Jason some of those traits. She actually meets Jason through Catherine. Mariana had many close friends with children though she herself never married. Catherine was actually the daughter of one of her close friends and Mariana was like an aunt to her. When her friend died and Catherine was left on the streets Mariana did what she could but her fear and unreadiness for motherhood held her back.
Catherine was taken in by her uncle’s family and the two were estranged for a time. In that time she falls into addiction due to her uncles on involvement in drug running as well as bad peer influences. She reunites with her Tía Mariana when she marries Willis and reaches out to invite her to the wedding. Even though they are no longer very close, after Catherine becomes pregnant Mariana offers to help out when she can. She lives in a different (read: magical) part of the Alley so she only sees Jason occasionally but makes a point to feed him, and when he discovers her secret, to teach him some basics of the supernatural world to help him get by.
After Catherine’s death Abuela Soliña is distraught. She offers Jason a hot meal and some money she had set aside (Catherine’s old college fund she never got a chance to use) but hesitated to offer a place in her home so soon after the loss. Jason sees her grief and hesitation, mistakenly assuming it’s unwillingness to deal with him full time and runs off. She tries to invite him back a couple of times but he mistakes it as one off events and remains a street kid until Bruce adopts him.
He still occasionally goes back to the Alley to visit her after that, usually as Robin. The first time he went to let her know he was okay she immediately clocked him as Jason but wished him well with Bruce. When he visits she still feeds him and gives him luck and protection charms to help with crime fighting. (Side Note: on one of his visits Jason finds out the Alfred and Mariana know each other and Have Met Before™️. Neither explains how or why)
When Jason dies Mariana grieves him deeply. When he comes back as a revenant she is both relieved and guilty. She’s happy to have the boy back but a revenant’s existence is not a peaceful one. When he searches her up and comes to see her he looks like he’s survived hell and back and he probably has. He seek out her guidance and help and this time Abuela Soliña is more than willing to pass on her vast wealth of knowledge of the supernatural community and its cultures to Jason.
One of the biggest two regrets Mariana holds with her is not adopting Catherine or Jason when they were at their lowest and she had the chance. That’s why as Jason’s rage cools and he begins looking to return to a (semi-)normal life she offers to adopt him as her grandson for real this time. She has a friend who owes her a favor and can fabricate the paper work to turn Jason Peter Todd into Jason “Pedro” Solina (and his mother posthumously Catherine Soliña-Todd). She offers to officially make him her little witchling and he emotionally accepts.
Mariana is still an active and well-known figure in Gotham’s underworld and supernatural community so having her backing gives Red Hood a lot of pull and credibility. Plus his revenant titles increase his claim to fame in the magical community. Red Hood is well loved and “Pedro” is well accepted with in the community. He’s kind of a public figure, bordering minor celebrity due to his connection to famous Bruja and witch doctor, Mariana Soliña. Not that he is aware of that fact.
Lastly I’m gonna tack on some nicknames Jason receives pertaining to his connection with Señora Soliña:
Soliña’s boy (el chico de Soliña)
Little witchling
Pequeño niño brujo or pequeño brujo (little witch boy)
Young brujo
El neito guapo (the handsome grandson)
Alborotador (troublemaker)
Heredero (heir/inheritor, referring to Mariana’s kowledge, wealth, and position in the community)
(P.S I tried my hand at drawing what I think Abuela Soliña would look like but I’m not super confident in it. I think I’m a better writer than drawer, but if you guys actually wanna see the drawing anyway let me know and I’ll make another post with it)
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pumpkinprincess22 · 2 months
I promised Fair Folk lore in the discord so here is the fair folk lore.
So basically I visited the Alnwick Gardens on holiday and they had this really cool play area world for kids called Lilidorei based around nine clans who worship Christmas. Inspired by this here is some MCD Fair Folk lore.
'Fair Folk' is the umbrella term to encompass all the races native to the realm of Yggdrasil. These races are:
Of all the Yggdrasilian races Elves are one of the most common to be spotted outside of Yggdrasil due to their ability to blend in with humans. They are very attuned with nature. Elves are some of the least magickally gifted of the Fair Folk and while it is not uncommon for Elves to be born with magicks it is much rarer for them to cultivate it, even being forbidden for some tribes.
Fairies are similar to their elven cousins, they are also humanoid and can fit in among humans although don't venture to the mortal realms as much as the Elves. There primary physical difference to Elves is their wings and ability to fly. Fairies are very magickally attuned and they practice their magicks freely.
Occasionally found in the mortal realm, mostly offering help to humans (or trying to but coming off as a nuisance anyway). Pixies are more or less balls of concentrated magickal energy in a tiny body. When observed by mortals they appear as the Allay mob in minecraft. They can appear differently but the less abundant magickally energy in the mortal realm forces them into a smaller more solid physical shape.
Gnomes are not often found in the mortal realm but have been known to appear. Gnomes can either be very wise and helpful or mischievous tricksters. Standing at 4 feet tall on average with long white beards regardless of age or gender, when seen in the mortal realm Gnomes are often mistaken for particularly short old men. Gnomes magicks is often as absurd as they are and it is thought that Shaman magicks is derived from a combination of Gnomish practices and Witchcraft.
Known to mortals as Imps, Goblins are tricksy shapeshifters. Expelled from Yggdrasil for dealings in dark magicks, in a combined effort by the Elven and Fairy tribes, the Goblin tribe leader took his people with him to the mortal realm where they allied themselves with the Demon Warlock in exchange for protection. Some Goblins since have slipped through the cracks and return to Yggdrasil unnoticed but most remain in the mortal realm disguising themselves as mortals to trick others or to assimilate into their culture.
The final race is rarely found outside of Yggdrasil. A troll will turn up in the mortal realm maybe once in a generation. They are gentle but their size and appearance causes them to be feared. They are the stuff of stories and nightmares and monsters under the bed. The kind of beings that might be real but no one really knows.
So if you've seen my post about accidentally creating a Pantheon of Old Gods you might recall that Fae is the goddess of the Fair Folk. All of the races of Yggdrasil come from her. They are also known as the Children of Fae and she refers to them as such. No one knows if the original tribe members were really her children or if they were just her creations but at the time of MCD there are well established families within the tribes and none are directly the goddesses children.
The Fae Wilds
A realm presided over by Fae which is sort of like the afterlife except not exactly because Fair Folk are immortal beings. When they feel ready to 'retire' one of the Fair Folk may call upon Fae to be transported to the Fae Wilds to live out the rest of eternity.
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(@mythicalmagical-monkeyman asked “ROYAL AU?” but it disappeared?.???😭😭 so just pretend I answered the ask rn💀💀)
Basically I watched Cinderella & immediately decided I need royalty/borderline fairytale/fantasy AU shadowpeach. SWK is ofc the king & 6EM is apart of a ragtag group of entertainers that call themselves “The Lantern”, they r all sum kind of “”freak”” which is what brought them 2gether. The premise was originally just a feel good story where the Bull Kingdom invites The Lantern to play @ the Sun Kingdom, & SWK falls in luv w/ 6EM & vice versa. But I am incapable of keeping it simple so now there’s ✨lore✨
We have The Lantern (Macaque, Bai He, Peng, Yellowtusk, Azure)
Dragon Kingdom (Ao Lie, Mei, Ao Guang, Mei’s parents, etc)
Sun Kingdom (MK, Wukong, Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, Mo, Guanyin, Nezha)
Bull Kingdom (Demon Bull King, Princess Iron Fan, Redson)
Bone Clan (Lady Bone Demon, Mayor — idk what 2 call him yet)
Spider Clan (Spider Queen, Syntax, Goliath, Huntsman)
(The short writing/WIP below, fair warning I haven’t reread it or anything & this is the 1st draft + it’s old💀💀💀, it’s also kinda just an idea dump so idk how much would actually b canon 2 the AU yet)
The dark and looming forest, something usually eerie enough to send the bravest men running, was made less intimidating by the warm violet fire light. The campfire crackled as the group around it told tales, smiles wide and bellies ready to be filled. The sound of laughter only added to the homey atmosphere.
Peng cackled as Bai He told the story of how Demon Bull King, their closest ally, attempted to court Princess Iron Fan only for her to turn the tables. Sweeping him off his feet instead. The story wasn’t new nor was this the first time it had been told, yet it sent their feathered friend rolling each and every time it was regaled.
Macaque rolled his eyes fondly, lips quirked up in a soft lopsided grin. “Alright,” he said, catching everyone’s attention. “The food is ready. Bring your bowls and get your fill,” he said. Holding up the ladle from the pot strung up above their fire. Several cheers were heard. The more polite few, Azure and Yellowtusk, giving their thanks and the less patient, Peng and Bai He, giving theirs when elbowed from the former.
Macaque rolled his eyes at their antics, scooping the soup from the pot into their clay and wood bowls. “Thank you for foraging Yellow,” he nodded gratefully. Yellowtusk smiled.
“Anything for your cooking brother,” he said with an elegance only he could hold. Bai He nodded eagerly, completely agreeing. Azure admonished her for it, reminding her to eat properly lest she choke. The girl, at the soonest opportunity, maturely stuck her tongue out at him. Causing Peng to snort and actually choke. Yellowtusk patted them on the back.
Macaque smiled warmly at his little ragtag group. They were traveling entertainers. All of them were a freak of some kind, Macaque a shapeshifter who puts on shadow puppet shows. Having been ‘blessed’ with the gift of shadow and the sixth ear from a young age, he’d been sought out and held captive for many years before he’d found Bai He.
Bai He is a winter fae. Winter fae have quite the bad rap and yet she’s the sweetest girl he’s ever met. Brave and compassionate, she cares so brightly for her friends that it’s impossible for them to even doubt their place by her side. Macaque had met her when he’d been captured by the Bone Clan. The two had escaped together and the start of their theater began, turns out she had quite the knack for special effects.
The next to join their small gang was Azure Lion, a griffin cursed to live as part man. Apparently the man had some bad friends back in the day which had led him to his capture, a cage which Bai He and Macaque had freed him from. Azure had proved quite the leader, quickly taking the reins of their group and helping organize shows.
After him had been both Yellowtusk, a great warlock, and Peng, a magnificent harpy. They had encroached on the twos land by accident where Peng had fiercely attacked them. Upon discovering the misunderstanding they’d invited them in as an apology. Rather Yellowtusk invited them in. Turns out the two had been rather bored living on their own and Yellowtusk had always wanted to explore the world. So their three soon became a five.
Peng made a good scout and bodyguard while Yellowtusk knows plenty about medicine. Macaque also valued the warlock's insight when it came to plants. He always had the best ideas for add ons.
In their travels they had made many friends and ally’s. Their biggest ones, as mentioned previously, was the Bull Kingdom. Demon Bull King, a powerful centaur; his wife Princess Iron Fan, an elemental witch that has a deep connection with the wind; and their son Redson, half centaur and half elemental witch who, unlike his mother, has quite a strong connection to fire.
The five had been visiting both for shelter and to perform when an opposing kingdom had attacked. The group had lent their aid in the battle and quickly endeared themselves to the royals. The Bulls even going as far to claim them as family.
Smiling Macaque scooped up some of the mushroom soup and blew on it to cool it down, carefully taking a sip from it. He hummed in satisfaction. Yet another meal made to perfection. The next kingdom they plan to stop by is the Sun Kingdom. Apparently a great ball will be happening and the Bull Kingdom had invited the five to attend and perform, to which they had agreed.
Bai He had been rather ecstatic. According to the forest animals the Dragon Kingdom would be attending, another ally of theirs. Mei, the princess, had almost immediately taken to Bai He and the two became thicker than thieves. Of course not all kingdoms were receptive to their kind so Macaque was just hoping they would be welcome in the Sun Kingdom. While he wasn’t positive he would take his Bull brothers word for it.
After finishing the soup Bai He gathered up the dirty dishes, grumbling all the while as if the chore roster hadn’t originally been her idea. Her bug-like wings quivered as they rid themselves of the dust of the day. Bai He wore a light blue sleeveless top, that always reminded him of frost, with dark blue trimming. She also donned baggy white shorts and darker blue boots tied up with black leather string. The only thing with true color variation was the pink handkerchief holding her long black hair, which had a stripe of white, back from her face. A gift from Mei that the dragon girl said would bring out her warm brown eyes.
Peng had dark teal baggy shorts as well as a purple loincloth held up by a golden belt. A dark green feather sticking out from their black hair pulled up into a high bun. Yellowtusk wore a simple dark purple robe with gold accents, a compliment to his brother's outfit. His white hair is short and tucked back behind his ears with a few loose strands framing his face. While Azure wore skin tight black pants and shirt, which only had one sleeve and was cut diagonally in a way that exposed half of his torso, and finally a golden armored skirt with gold shoulder pads. His ginger hair pulled into two braided pigtail resting in his shoulders.
Macaque himself had a red cloak, a black baggy shirt with even baggier sleeves and gold accents, dark red pants, and black boots also with gold accents. The shapeshifters own short black hair simply slicked back to stay out of his face. The only real thing their clothes had in common was a necklace crafted by Yellowtusk, the symbol was his shadow lantern and each amulet was enchanted with protection wards.
Macaque absolutely did not cry when Yellowtusk handed them out no matter what Peng says. Which is super hypocritical because they totally did.
“Alright!” Azure spoke. Gaining the attention of the group he smiled, clasping his hands together as Bai He came back from the river with the freshly cleaned dishes. “It’s getting late and if we wish to arrive in time we must leave earlier,” he announced. Grumbled agreements rang through the camp as the group pulled out their blankets.
Macaque wheezed as Bai He tackled him, wrapping her arms and legs around him like a koala. “Really?” he groaned. She laughed as he pulled the blankets up over them. The next to lay down was Yellowtusk and Peng, then finally Azure. He closed his fist and the fire went out, their supplies being gathered up by shadows and deposited in their rightful place.
The five gathered up their blankets and pillows for their cuddle pile. Macaque relaxed into the bed as he shifted from his human form to his puma one, wrapping his tail around his sister's ankle in an effort to hug her back. Peng and Azure's wings spread out to cover them all as Yellowtusk whispered a spell of warmth. Soon the gathered heat of his family lulled him to sleep, excited for a full day of performance tomorrow.
Wukong was excited. The neighboring kingdom, the Bull Kingdom, had invited the rather infamous traveling group The Lantern.
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awwfur · 3 months
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I really really like Mariana :)
the Fae is Forgemight and she’s my clan leader :)
The dialogue is from FNAF custom night, they’re some of Happy Frog’s voice lines!
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snail-studios · 4 months
I'd love to hear about your loz x dark crystal au (if you want to)! Is it set in a particular game or a new iteration? What excites you the most about it?
!!!!!! Thank you for asking!!!
Have some doodles first
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Being the person that i am im obviously making it focussed on mipha and link >:) not sure if you like them but I hope you'll hear me out o.oU
- mipha is a grottan, meaning she's lived in the caves all of her life and when she goes to the surface she needs to wear a blindfold. Luckily she's befriended by a band of picori who guide her around
- link is from the stonewood clan, meaning he's strong and a good warrior, but taught to respect all living things and never fight if necessary, and he meets Mipha. They quickly become fast friends over their shared goal go defeat the skeksis (idk what their loz equivalent could be)
- being a grottan, miphas eyes are nearly pitch black and her wings are bioluminescent.
- since link is stonewood he's stockier than he is iirc, and has a darker complexion.
I think mipha would be somewhat of a leader amongst the grottans (maybe a princess or the daughter of a leader?) so when other gelflings come down to rally them against the skeksis she's the person who has to go. Turns out the person who was meant to go with her is a bit of a deadbeat tho, so she's left out in the world blind and alone. Until she meets some picori (pretty much the equivalent of hup lol).
I'm most excited about Mipha's wings. I love making her all fae-like and magical!!
Thank you for the ask!! Lmk if you have more questions!
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Finally got some inspiration again after some draining days at work! Have 2 Sukugo prompts!
A widowed Satoru seeking spouses for his daughters- Mimiko, Nanako and Tsumiki- ahead of them becoming of age because he wants them to not only have support but also to fend off more unsavoury prospects and a long engagement would benefit them all. They all agreed that it would be their choice and their spouses would have to be willing to play second fiddle/support if any of the girls want to be the clan leader. As they look over the offers, Satoru did not expect for some offers to be for him. Some of these men were barely adults! And the most persistent one is one Ryoumen Sukuna who insists that the only person he would even consider a romantic relationship with is Satoru. (Satoru, of course, is flattered but unsure and suspicious because if this is a plan to get access to Gojo money and influence then Satoru would be all too happy to use it to get rid of Sukuna if he has to. Luckily, Sukuna is, in fact, obsessively in love with Satoru and he's not going to let the fact that he's barely older than his would-be step-daughters preventing him from going all out to woo the older man.)
Just, this post with Satoru as the human and Sukuna as the fae.
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A Court of Ice and Shadows: Chapter 3
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OC Character x Azriel
Summary: Set after "A Court of Silver Flames" (ACOSF), this story follows original character Lene, an elite warrior of the Hesker Clan from the Winter Court. Tasked with diplomatic duty in the Night Court, Lene's mission is to help retrain the Valkyries and help squash potential uprising in the Illyrian camps. As she navigates centuries-old animosities and discovers herself beyond the icy confines of her homeland, Lene must confront her past and decide who she wants to become.
Click here for other parts: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Characters: Featuring original characters alongside core characters from the ACOTAR series.
Disclaimers: All characters and settings pertaining to the core ACOTAR series belong to Sarah J. Maas, with additional material created for the purpose of this fanfiction
Content Warnings: None.
Note: Some words used in this story are of Norwegian or Scandinavian origin. I do not speak either language, but adapted the researched words to fit the narrative. For notes regarding any of these words, see the end of the chapter.
Chapter 3
The ancient forests enveloping Hellingdom Manor teemed with towering pine trees, their branches perennially adorned with a thick mantle of snow, save for the fleeting thaw of summer. Lene knew every whisper of the wind through these trees, every hidden path beneath the snow. During the stark, dark days of late winter, when the sun seldom pierced the cloud cover, she would delve deep into the woods. Here, amidst the silent sentinels of nature, snow owls soared silently and snow foxes darted, their playful kits trailing behind, weaving through the dense underbrush. These woods, steeped in centuries of secrets, held a sacred place in the hearts of the fae females of Hellingdom, echoing with the whispers of their foremothers.
Hellingdom itself was originally founded as a bastion for the Hekser clan, a venerable lineage of female warriors dedicated to serving the High Lord of the Winter Court. These warriors, led by Lene’s forebears for millennia, not only fought bravely but were also immortalized in grand tapestries that depicted their fierce battles and noble sacrifices.
Long before the seven courts were established and the land was scourged by the Daglan terror, the fae of this region sought sanctuary in the craggy mountains. There, they honed ancient abilities to manipulate snow and ice—mystic skills now lost to the ages. The clans prospered, sustaining themselves through trade and a unified front, traditionally under male leadership.
The saga of the Hekser began with Freydis and Lova, two mated fae females who boldly defied their clans' leaders by refusing to sever their bond. In an era when such a union was scorned as witchcraft, Freydis and Lova remained steadfast. They secretly met at the base of Vindvokterfjell Mountain during the winter solstice—a time when darkness reigned for two solid weeks. There, hidden from prying eyes, they affirmed their commitment and lived in seclusion near the mountain for nearly fifty years.
Their quiet existence was forever changed when they stumbled upon Silje, a newborn girl, frail and abandoned in the woods. They named her and raised her as their own, and as the years passed, other children—lost or left—found their way to Freydis and Lova's door. The couple's family swelled to include over fourteen fae children, each one cherished and nurtured.
Decades later, a fae woman, ousted by her husband under accusations of witchcraft, sought sanctuary with them. She had heard of the "Vindvokterkind"—children rumored to have been left at the mountain as offerings, only to thrive under the guardianship of the mountain. These children, observed by nearby villagers as they frolicked through the forest, were testament to the sanctuary's legend. After recovering under Freydis and Lova's care, the woman returned to her clan, spreading the tale of the compassionate duo who defied societal norms to create a haven of love and safety.
As time marched on and Freydis and Lova aged, they passed their legacy to their daughters, who continued the tradition of compassion and resistance. When High King Fionn rose to unite the fae against the Daglan, he enlisted the aid of Freydis and Lova's descendants. Trained by his side, they rose as formidable warriors, particularly the women, who later named themselves the Hekser Clan, or "The Witches."
After triumphing over the Daglan, the Heksers gained fame as trainers of warriors and staunch allies of the Winter Court's High Lord, fiercely defending the honor of female fae. Although the original cabin succumbed to flames during Fionn’s downfall, taking Freydis and Lova with it, their daughters resurrected it as Hellingdom Manor, a beacon of refuge for all seeking solace.
Lene, a descendant of one of these resilient daughters, was now charged with perpetuating this legacy of sanctuary and empowerment. Although the Hekser and the Valkyries of the Night Court had fought side by side, a fateful decision during a war six hundred years prior had confined the Hekser to their court, leading to the Valkyries' tragic fall. Lene’s mother often shared these stories, her voice heavy with regret, wishing she could have joined their sisters in that fateful battle.
Lene cherished the rides through the dense, snow-laden forests with her mother, Solveig, who would share the storied legacy of the Hekser clans. Solveig's voice carried a deep pride as she recounted their ancestry, instilling in Lene a profound respect for their heritage. Together, they would explore the carvings left by the children of Freydis and Lova in the mountain walls—vivid depictions that chronicled the epic tales of their foremothers.
In her younger days, Solveig and Brynjar had roamed the deep ravines and towering peaks, uncovering secrets long before Lene's time. Now, with Brynjar aged at an impressive 800 years, his days of swift galloping were behind him. Normally, Lene might coax him into a brisker pace, but today, with hours to spare before her meeting with High Lord Kallias, she allowed Brynjar to set a leisurely pace. The soft crunch of his hooves breaking through the pristine snow created a rhythmic serenade, punctuated only by the occasional yips from Lumi, who was eagerly exploring every nook she came across.
It would take just an hour's ride to reach Lysdal, the vibrant city where Kallias’ castle stood imposingly against the mountainside. The city that High Lady Viviane had worked so hard to protect when Amarantha had risen to power. This hour of tranquility in the woods was a double-edged sword for Lene; it provided a peaceful respite yet also too much time to dwell on the uncertain reasons behind Kallias’ summons. With each step Brynjar took, Lene’s mind raced through myriad possibilities, none of which did anything to ease the growing knot of anxiety about the impending, mysterious discussion with Kallias.
Lene had often ventured into Lysdal alongside her kin and companions. The city served as the nearest hub, a pulsing heart of commerce where they sourced the necessities that the manor couldn't provide through its sporadic specialized deliveries. For the grand occasion of a seventieth birthday—a milestone marked with particular revelry among their kind—the women of the clan would descend upon the city. They would indulge in nights of unbridled celebration, their laughter spilling into the streets as they danced and drank under the stars. As dawn approached, packs of giggling, inebriated fae females would weave their way back through the forest, their steps light and unburdened by fear. For they were not merely merrymakers; they were warriors, sharp and unmatched, and the woods held no terror for them.
Lene's own seventieth had seen her twirling on the cobbled streets of Lysdal, her laughter mingling with that of audacious fae males, who were quite taken by her vivacious spirit. In a moment of boldness, she had playfully suggested they continue their festivities back at the manor. However, her plans were swiftly curtailed by a friend's prudent intervention, who steered her away with a knowing smile. Lene was well-acquainted with the company of men, versed in the secluded nooks of the forest that offered refuge from the watchful eyes of the world. 
Yet, the whispers of past liaisons, hidden behind fallen pines or within the sequestered embrace of snow-shrouded caves, were far from Lene's mind as Brynjar crested the final hill. Below them, Lysdal stirred into the crisp morning, nestled in the formidable shadow of mighty Skogtind Mountain. The city itself seemed to dwell in a perpetual twilight, cast by the mountain's vast presence, imbuing every stone and street with a sense of eternal dusk.
The quaint cottages dotting the city’s outskirts were home to esteemed reindeer breeders and hardy farmers whose lives rhythmically pulsed with the land. The heart of Lysdal, however, was a marvel of architecture—buildings masterfully sculpted from the ancient ice and stone of Skogtind. These structures mirrored the intricate frost patterns that adorned every available surface, weaving a tapestry of frozen lace that caught the light with every turn.
Encircling Lysdal stood the Ice Wall, a colossal structure both awe-inspiring and chilling, erected centuries ago and imbued with ancient wards. Carved deep into its icy facade were the sagas of the Winter Court, each story a frozen testament to its rich history. More than just a barrier, the wall was a spectacle in itself; however, its true power lay in the palpable cold it radiated. This frigid aura permeated the air, sinking into the bones of any who dared approach, a stark reminder of the city’s fortified, mystic strength. 
Brynjar halted at the crest of the hill, and Lene's gaze swept over the landscape before her, finally settling on Kallias’ castle, Iskronen. Carved into the side of Skogtind, it jutted out like a formidable iceberg, its walls of solid ice infused with magic to prevent melting. The structure rose as though it were composed of icicles set upside down, with a central spire that scattered shafts of blue and purple light across the town square whenever sunlight filtered through. Lene had always found the castle’s grandeur slightly ostentatious—why did one family need such an edifice if not as a mere symbol of their stature?
"Pa," Lene called softly to Brynjar, coaxing him forward. He had just taken a step when Lumi burst from beneath him, scampering down the steep, icy hillside with joyful abandon. Her paws flailed against the slick surface, failing to find purchase. Both Lene and Brynjar watched as the hapless fox collided with a pine tree at the hill’s base. Lene shook her head, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose, while Brynjar simply snorted and continued down the hill with far more caution than Lumi, who shook off the snow from her unintended stop and bounded ahead through the frost-laden fields.
As they neared the city, Brynjar guided Lene through the farms to the imposing ice wall. Two Winter Guards, recognizing her by the subtle gray fabric and white lining of her parka, embroidered with the Hekser insignia—a frosted yew tree at the base of Vindvokterfjell—nodded and waved her through. Each guard bore a Winter Court broadsword at their hip, quite a sight, had Lene not been able to bring them to their knees with just a simple swipe of a sword or knife.
Upon reaching the city’s gate, Lene commanded, "Buga," and Brynjar obediently knelt to allow her to dismount gracefully. She held the reins loosely in one hand, knowing well that Brynjar would either remain steadfastly beside her or follow faithfully without needing guidance.
With a couple of hours to spare before her meeting with Kallias, Lene decided to explore the bustling open market, where merchants were just beginning to display their wares. As she meandered from stall to stall, Brynjar, an imposing presence, trailed behind her. Fae children craned their necks to gaze up at the giant elk, their fingers pointing excitedly.
Spotting a small fae girl whispering to her mother about how soft Brynjar might feel, Lene lifted her up to his neck. The child’s fingers delved into his thick, wiry coat, and Brynjar turned his head to regard Lene, his expression one of mild resignation. "How the mighty have fallen," Lene mused silently, a wry smile touching her lips as she considered the warrior mount now content to be adored by children.
Lene's fingers trailed delicately over the soft fabrics and blankets displayed by local vendors, appreciating their craftsmanship even though it paled in comparison to the wonders woven within Hellingdom Manor. After her great-grandmother assumed the role of matron, she had decreed that residency at the Manor didn't necessitate a warrior's life. This freedom had cultivated some of the Winter Court's most skilled craftsmen, chefs, and artists. In Hesker, excellence wasn’t just encouraged; it was expected, cultivated in every task undertaken.
Allowing herself a small indulgence, Lene purchased a floral tea blend for her grandmother, touted by the merchant as a direct import from the Spring Court, famed for its sleep-enhancing qualities.
Eventually, Lene made her way toward Iskronen. While Lysdal’s beauty was undeniable, few knew of the intricate ice caverns and frozen tunnels that burrowed deep into Skogtind Mountain, winding beneath the city. She stabled Brynjar at the mountain's base before descending the icy steps into the labyrinthine tunnels. Guided by the ethereal glow of fae lights, she ascended the ice-carved steps and passed through the castle's formidable walls.
Emerging inside Iskronen, Lene was momentarily blinded by the kaleidoscope of light refracting through the ice, casting rainbows that danced across the floors. Despite the chill implied by its icy construction, the castle's halls were surprisingly warm—a marvel of magical engineering designed to counteract the perpetual frost. Shedding her hood, she was approached by two Winter Guards.
"Good morning, I’m here to meet with the High Lord; he summoned me last night," Lene announced, extracting the summoning letter and its glass tube from her parka to hand to the guard.
"High Lord Kallias is currently with other guests; I will inform him of your arrival," one guard declared before turning sharply and striding away. The formality always seemed stark to Lene, no matter how familiar she was with court customs.
Her musings were abruptly interrupted by the sound of giggling. A pale, white-haired boy rounded the corner, his laughter echoing through the hall as he playfully sent a gust of frost in his pursuer's direction. Close behind was a child Lene hadn't expected to see—a young fae with darker skin and midnight black hair, his striking violet eyes almost hidden under his curls. But what struck Lene the most was the small wings protruding from the boys sweater. Illyrian wings.
"Good morning, Bo!" Lene greeted as the white-haired boy, Kallias and Viviane's son and the celebrated young pride of the Winter Court, rushed to her. He embraced her warmly.
"Good morning, Lene," Bo replied, his voice muffled against her neck. Meanwhile, the little Illyrian retreated, only the tips of his wings visible from around the corner.
"Who’s your friend?" Lene asked, setting Bo down.
"That’s Nyx," Bo pointed.
Nyx, Lene realized, recognizing the name as belonging to the heir of the Night Court, son of the famed Feyre and Rhysand. Likely, this was who occupied Kallias' attention.
"Nyx," Bo called out in mild frustration, "We aren't playing hide and seek anymore."
With a dramatic sigh, Bo trudged over, grasping Nyx by the arm and pulling him into view. Nyx shuffled his feet, his curls falling over his face shyly.
"This is Nyx, he’s my friend and he’s also a kid," Bo explained earnestly.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nyx," Lene said, extending her hand with a gentle smile.
Nyx glanced between her hand and her face before hesitantly reaching out. He quickly withdrew his hand after touching her icy fingertips. Lene chuckled, “I’m sorry for the chill, it’s in our blood.” 
Nyx’s quiet smile peeked out beneath his unruly curls as he listened silently. Bo, ever the spokesman of the duo, announced, “Mama and papa are with Nyx’s mama and papa.”
“I see,” Lene replied, her gaze lingering on the shy Night Court heir. “Have they been in there a long time or just a little while?”
“They’ve been in there forever,” Bo exaggerated, stretching the word to emphasize their boredom.
Nyx shuffled his feet, his attention fixed on his shoes.
"Nyx doesn’t really like to talk to strangers much, and he doesn’t like talking to grown-ups much either,” Bo confided to Lene, who offered a gentle smile in return.
“Well, that’s alright. I’m a new friend, but I’m certainly not a grown-up,” Lene joked lightly, her youthful spirit belied by her centuries of life—a trait she felt she inherited from a mother who herself refused to age.
Bo’s attention swiftly shifted as he eagerly grasped Lene’s hand. “I have a new sword, and it’s a metal one!”
Lene feigned shock, “That must mean your papa thinks you’re ready to learn how to fight,” she teased.
The conversation was suddenly punctuated by the familiar clip of heels against the hard floor. “No, he does not!” Viviane’s voice rang out before she appeared around the corner. The epitome of poise and grace, Viviane was draped in an emerald velvet dress that matched her jewel-adorned neck, her hair elegantly braided up.
Bo groaned at his mother's intervention. “Bo has strict orders that that sword is for looking at, not playing with,” Viviane clarified, approaching to envelop Lene in a warm hug, the scent of raspberry and frost emanating from her, with a hint of something more potent.
Lene’s eyes widened as she noticed Viviane’s slightly swollen stomach. Viviane, hand resting protectively over it, simply acknowledged, “Oh, that.”
“Yes, that!” Lene exclaimed, gesturing to the obvious pregnancy.
Viviane chuckled, caressing her belly. “Number two, on the way.”
“How long have you known?” Lene asked, pulling Viviane into another hug.
“The healer thinks no more than three months,” Viviane replied, her laughter light.
“Well, congratulations! I must not be paying enough attention to the news up at the manor,” Lene remarked.
Viviane took Lene’s hands gently. “No, we haven’t shared it with the city yet. Given how quickly this came after Bo, the healer cautioned us about potential risks. But so far, the little one seems very content.”
“I’m astounded,” Lene admitted, genuinely surprised. Bo was barely ten, and the prospect of another heir so soon was almost unheard of.
Viviane laughed softly, “You and me both. Believe me, if I had known I’d fall pregnant this quickly after Bo, and knowing how challenging his birth was, I would’ve resumed the tonic.”
Lene smiled, feeling a stark contrast between their lives—Viviane with her growing family and Lene, still under her grandmother's watchful eye.
“You’ll have to excuse my mate,” Viviane said as they approached the heavy oak doors of the meeting room, breaking the brief silence. “He’s never been one for punctuality.”
“It’s no problem. I’m early,” Lene assured her.
With a reassuring smile, Viviane led Lene towards the doors. “Don’t be silly. It’s 10:08, and if I don’t keep him on schedule, who will?” With a gentle push, Viviane opened the doors to reveal Kallias and the figures Lene assumed were Feyre and Rhysand, all turning at their entrance. A flutter of nervousness gripped Lene’s stomach as she stepped into the light.
Buga: “Bow” in Swedish
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stagkingswife · 1 year
hi! do you have any tips on getting to know local fae and any anecdotes? also any warnings if you have them. ty!
Getting to know you tips:
Most of the folklore I draw from in my work with the Folk  is specifically Irish, and it seems like the Celtic types of Folk are the ones you see most commonly spoken about online (I believe they were spread via human immigration - i.e. the American Gods theory). Many cultures have folklore of spirits that people often lump into “ the fae,” but I think this over is a mistake.  A Russian Domovoi and an English Brownie might seem like the same thing because they’re both house spirits, but they operate on very different rule sets and have different roles within their cultures.  So I find it important to get to know the Folk around you on their own terms.  Are they native to the area, or are they essentially immigrants?  My own work is so Irish flavored because I believe the Folk I work with came here from Ireland.  
We’ve talked about human culture, now let’s talk about Otherworldly culture.  A lot of working with the Folk for me has been like learning a new culture.  You’ve probably seen a lot of “Rules for Working With the Fae” around, and while those are great general guidelines they aren’t always necessarily applicable in their entirety to every group of the Folk or every individual spirit.  Every time I encounter a new group of the Folk it’s like moving to a new city, there’s a unique culture to learn and internalize.  Each Court, Clan, Troop, Mob, etc is going to be unique, and solitary types even more so. At first I recommend listening more than you speak, ere on the side of too formal rather than too casual, and try to get just one or two close allies who will help you learn and practice, and hopefully kindly point out your mistakes before you make them with someone less forgiving. 
Some words of caution: 
Don’t be afraid of the Fair Folk if you want to have a successful relationship with them. There’s a lot of fear mongering that happens about this particular type of spirit, and yes there are particular dangers to seeking them out, but that can be said of any type of spirit in my opinion.  And in this particular case fear will not serve you well. Be cautious, yes, but not timid or afraid.  The Fair Folk I’ve been close to reward clever cautiousness and only mock fear.  
You’ll notice that I called them the “Fair Folk” try not to use the f-word you used, and never the f-word that rhymes with airy.  Now this is informed by my particular experiences and specific cultural beliefs that calling them those terms is…. Let’s say less than flattering to them.  It's also a cultural belief that these words attract their attention when one may not necessarily want it, so there are all sorts of traditional epithets and euphemisms.  But not all of those terms apply to all of the Folk, for instance the courtly types might like the classic “Lords and Ladies” term, but the Clan I have ties to hates being called this term and would take it as being mocked if someone used it with them, they prefer simpler options like “The Gentle Folk” or “The Folk Under the Hill.”  So the warning/tip here is to figure out what the Folk you’re getting to know prefer to be called and stick to that. (Of course this only applies if you’re operating within a paradigm that has similar cultural taboos, but these cultural taboos aren’t uncommon, so it’s worth checking if you don’t already know)
Story time:
I think I've mentioned before that two Folk from the Clan that I'm allied with now were the first spirit encounter that I can remember from my childhood. Their reaction was very much "You can see us!?!?" They clearly weren't used to being noticed by humans. They starting bring others to see me see them. Eventually they brought the leader of their Clan, who became my trusted ally who helped me learn the culture and practice the rules. He was ancient, even by the standard of the Folk (so old he looked look) but he had a soft spot for children, so he was more forgiving and patient of my learning curve than anyone else in the Clan likely would have been. I was working with him at the same time I was studying with mentor, so I would learn spirit work and Otherworldly travel techniques with her, and then practice them on/with him. He treated me like a beloved pet with an amazing repertoire of tricks, and the rest of the Clan treated me like a team mascot. I've grown in skill and power, and for the most part the members of the Clan treat me as an equal now, but there are still a few old timers who still act like I'm their mascot. But I don't begrudge them, change is hard for them.
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