#failed ritual all the more gutting
dent-de-leon · 2 years
Caleb returning the forehead kiss and combing back Molly's hair when he's gone is just so gutting, because Molly was always the very tactile and openly affectionate one. Because early in the campaign Caleb was always so touch-starved, very hesitant to both accept and initiate any sort of physical intimacy. And then by the end, he gives it to Molly so freely. A last moment of warmth and comfort and tenderness, and Mollymauk can't even feel it.
Is it for Molly, or is it for him? "And as the light fades, the body is restored. The wounds are cleaned...but the spirit did not return." "He's lifeless." "He is." But Caleb still tries to comfort him anyway, after all his magic just isn't enough, after his Transmuter's Stone is shattered and all he can do is choke back tears and tell Yasha, "I-I tried..." He still wants to give him a kiss goodbye.
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cupcakeslushie · 10 months
i love that you said each of the bois have unspoken themes to them, that makes characters so much more deeper and interesting.
if you wouldn’t mind can you say what unspoken themes Leo, Mikey, and Raph have?
some are more obvious than others, and while i have a decent idea of what they are, i want to hear them coming from you ✨
adore your work btw, your storytelling and style enraptures me
This might be a big post just so I have everyone all in one place im going to reiterate what I said for Donnie
Donnie: Identity/Depersonalization
When Donnie's first introduced Draxum doesn't even consider him a person, and hadn't even given him a name. And then, later Donnie's got too many names to choose from. That alone would cause someone to have an identity crisis. Personality wise, he enjoys making tech, but aside from that, Donnie is never sure of which emotions he should be feeling, or what his likes and dislikes are. A lot of the time he's mirroring how his brothers are emoting, or he's just smiling to cover up the fact that he doesn't know or trust his own feelings. Future Donnie will have a horrible time with depersonalization after merging with the Technodrome and the Kraang, which will cycle around to impact present timeline Donnie during the movie.
Mikey: Worth
While Donnie was treated like nothing, Mikey was treated like an object/accessory by Big Mama. When she threw him into the Nexus, Mikey imagined it was something he did or didn't do well enough to meet her high standards. After he's reunited with Splinter and Raph, Mikey finds the little roles that neither of them have filled very well, such as cooking, and cleaning, and makes sure he excels at them almost obsessively out of this fear that if he's not useful, then he will be discarded. Future Mikey works tirelessly as the only brother with his mystic powers still intact, to the point that his body is so overworked by the time of the movie, he looks like he's moments from shattering apart, only held together through his own force of will.
Leo: Doubt
Leo has lived his life being ordered around and having his memories and personality altered. Even once he is free, his emotions are almost as erratic without Kitsune's influence, than they were while he was under her control (at least until his own cleansing ritual). His instinctual gut reaction to use most violent tactic first, clearly makes his family uneasy. So when Raph tries to get Leo to act as co-leader, Leo is very hesitant. He doesn't think he should be trusted with such a responsibility, but learns he can trust if he goes too far, his brothers will stop him. Future Leo has a really hard time with raising Casey. After Raph's gone, Leo doesn't trust any of the decisions he's now having to make solo, and he certainly doesn't think he can be a guiding force for good for a young child. Casey needs a teacher who will shape him into a strong warrior. Leo learns as Casey grows, that being the boy's Sensei is not the same as being his Master.
Raph: Regret/Guilt
Raph blames himself for almost every horrible thing his brothers and father have gone through. He's recounted the night that Leo and Mikey were taken, and gone over it a thousand times in his head, trying to work out how it could've gone differently. All the amazing things he's done by bringing his family together--being the stable bedrock that they can grow into a true family under--none of that feels like it'll ever make up for the times in the past where he failed to protect them. Raph takes on the job of shield because he wants to make sure nothing else ever hurts his brothers again, and doesn't care if hurts him instead. Future Raph is constantly putting his brothers' lives before his own. Unfortunately, doing it one too many times results in a devastating loss for the Resistance, when their Leader sacrifices himself, and the chain of command practically falls apart for months before it can recover.
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Malleus, Deuce: Like Mother, Like Son
BRO'S STILL MAKING THE "ARE YOU LOST BBY GHORL" FACE … Malleus’s birthday hits different knowing what I know now 💀 ALSO THE FACT THAT DEUCE SAID "THAT" ABOUT MALEFICENT VS THE HUMANS IS... (trying to keep this wording vague so as to not spoil people who haven’t gotten there yet)
It’s nice to see Malleus and Deuce in the vignettes, I feel like they don’t get to interact that much (which is a shame because I think their dynamic is cute). They had a chapter together in the manga anthology too! I’m glad they could hang out some more.
A Tale as Old as Time.
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The princess and her prince were picture perfect in the painting.
The woman, with golden curls that tumbled down her back. Her cerulean gown spilled to the polished floors like a fabric waterfall, the tiara in her hair catching the soft evening light. She gazed up at her lover's warm, twinkling eyes, and smiled.
The man, brunette, locks falling loosely across his forehead. He was handsome in a red tunic with a high black collar, a crimson cape billowing out behind him with each step he took. His gaze was locked with the princess's, his one and only.
Onlookers gathered in a ring around the two, spellbound by how they danced, bodies twinning like threads bound together. It was something precious they dared not disturb, even their breaths clutched like pearls to prevent their escape.
This was happily ever after, a dream come true.
It should have been.
Yet Malleus frowned. His brows drew together and his mouth pursed, a brewing storm settling over his face.
“Draconia-senpai?” Deuce called to him anxiously. “I-Is something wrong? You look a little scary…”
The first year glanced at the portrait of the royal couple. He jumped. “D-Don’t tell me, did this painting piss you off?! Er, I mean... Did it offend you?"
“No, nothing of the sort,” Malleus replied. He rested an index finger against his chin. “It sparked memories of my own days in court. As the crown prince to the Briar Valley, it goes without saying that I've attended a number of occasions similar to what is depicted here."
"Oh, for real? That makes sense, you being royalty and all. What were those events like?"
"Most are rather solemn affairs. Grandmother, the senators, and other politicians gather to discuss diplomacy, trade, and national policies. For certain occasions, there are traditional rituals that must first be performed. A royal birth, for example, must be blessed before the festivities can commence. If it is a knighting, then all the royal guard shall be present and a speech of one's accomplishments read."
Deuce blinked a few times, as though shedding sleepiness. His mind struggled to grasp the enormity of a prince's duties. He dropped the smartest sounding response he could: "That sounds tough."
Malleus lips slightly lifted. "I do not mind it. There is pride to be had in conducting such work."
I don't have a reason to doubt what he's saying, but... Deuce clenched his fists at his sides. If Draconia-senpai really feels that way, why does he still seem so pained?
The fairy drew out a sigh, as if dissatisfied with the silence. "... Ah, but how strange. When I look upon this painting, I see many people present... yet the princess touched by diurnal fae and her prince take no notice of them. They have eyes only for each other."
His words were velvet-lined, soft on the ears. Beneath them, a pang of longing rose like a fine mist at daybreak.
"What must it feel like to be so beloved?" Malleus wondered. "To have someone who considers you the most special being in all the world?"
Vines twisted in his gut, thorns prickling his insides. Frustration and molten discontent pooled. For all the power that he wielded, he failed to attain such a basic thing.
"Do you understand such a feeling, Spade?" The inquiry was pure acid.
"H-Huh, me?!" Deuce startled, not prepared for the demand in Malleus's voice. "Well... uh, I guess my mom calls me her big, strong man. Does that count?"
Malleus's brow furrowed. "I'm afraid I don't follow. Is it customary for children of man to refer to their offspring as 'big, strong men'?"
"I think that's just my mom's thing." He shrugged. "I'm the only man in the house, so I try to help her out if I can. She jokes about it when I do."
Malleus made a face. It was difficult to discern the emotion he wore.
"Moms, right?" Deuce gave a nervous laugh. "They can be embarrassing, but they care about us a lot."
"I never knew my mother."
"... Oh." A rock dropped in Deuce's stomach. He hurried for an apology as dread rippled through him. "Shit, my bad! I didn't mean to..."
Malleus held up a hand in an elegant dismissal. "Be at ease. I harbor no anger."
There was no point, he told himself, in rage expressed for a woman he had no bond with. Her face, her voice--they were all a mystery to him. She was but a stranger adrift in an abyss.
Still, a part of him sparked at the thought of her, of someone he had yet to meet--would never meet. The thrill of fates closely intertwined, the tenderness of a parent's love.
Malleus went quiet, lowering his hand.
"Grandmother and Lilia have done their utmost to mentor me in her stead." He sounded hollow, insistent. Like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was Deuce.
The Heartslabyul student swallowed. He placed a firm hand on Malleus's arm and squeezed. "... It's not enough, is it?"
He received no answer.
“Your mom is thinking of you, wherever she is.”
Malleus pulled away, presenting his back to Deuce. "Dead fae do not tell tales," he said simply.
“That doesn’t mean she loved you any less,” Deuce stubbornly protested. “Right up until her last breath… she must have been so happy to have you, thinking about what kind of person you’d grow up to be.”
Dreaming of the day when she can, at last, meet you.
Blink, and his eyes were wet. Blink again, and his vision blurred. Heartbeat hot and quick, galloping upon coals.
Did my mother truly…?
“She’d be damn proud of you too.” Deuce flashed a wicked grin. “Believe me.”
“… Hah.” Malleus chuckled dryly.
The longer he considered it, the more appealing the idea became.
A woman in his likeness—or was he made in hers? Papery kisses, fond embraces, words of affirmation. Fire that burned strongly, warding off the darkness.
Wouldn’t that be something?
"I love you, Malleus," whispered that she-phantom. Sweet nothings that sated his starved soul. "Forever and always. My dear son, my pride and joy."
The carefully constructed stone fortress around his heart faltered. His desire burned like a falling star.
He took a breath, and fell from the heavens with his wish.
“Thank you, Spade.”
Just for this moment, let me walk once upon a dream.
A single tear slipped down Malleus’s cheek.
And what a wonderful dream it was.
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migosis · 8 months
after a long, hard day at work (erik killmonger x OC)
summary: exactly the title. Nyla treats her man after a long hard day at work.
warnings: D/s, smut, c*ck worship, alladat nasty sh!t, its k!nktober!!!!
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When he arrived home, she was to be kneeling at the door upon his arrival.
She figured today must've been very busy for Erik since she didn't hear from him at all since the morning. He hadn't even replied to the lovely photos she'd sent fresh out of the bath. She'd oiled herself up and admired herself in the mirror. She looked so good it that it would be selfish not to share it.
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After dressing, she kneeled at the elevator entrance awaiting Erik's arrival, a ritual she performed daily. She was in lounge clothes since she stayed at home today and did some light cleaning. She wore a soft v neck t-shirt that hugged her torso with loose-fitting pajama shorts that tied at her waist. Her back was straight, and she allowed her hands to rest palm up on her knees.
She was thankful to hear Erik's voice on the other side of the door within minutes. She tensed a little, already sensing his frustration from the tone of his voice. He breezed in, acknowledging her with his eyes only. He sat his briefcase down haphazardly and paced the room as he spoke firmly.
"T, I get it, but we're not folding. The terms of the contract stay the same. They will sign it if they know what's best for them."
"We wait it out until midnight. They really don't have a choice unless they want to be indebted to colonial forces forever. Trust me on this. They think they're going to force our hand, and that's not the precedent I'm trying to set."
Now Erik paused in front of her as he listened to the voice on the phone. She proceeded to carefully untie the laces on the oxford dress shoes before he stepped out of them. He sighed harshly and hung up the phone. He ran his hand over his face, and his shoulders dropped a little, decompressing from the day.
He used the back of his hand to stoke her cheek. His knuckle tilted her chin upwards as he leaned over to kiss her intently. Relief flooded through her body when he touched her.
"I'm sorry about that princess." He held her elbow as he straightened his back, pulling her to her feet.
"That's okay. I hope everything works out. Are you really sure they'll sign?"
She helped remove his suit jacket and hung it up in the closet. He nodded.
"You're trusting your gut. That's all that matters." He smiled at her, happy that he had her to come home to.
"How was your day?"
"It was fine, a bit restless. I mostly just organized and cleaned a little. I got some of the holiday decorations out, but there's a couple of boxes I can't get to, so I'll need your help."
"Baby, it's only October."
"Yes, but I need to take inventory of what I have so I know what else I need to buy. They're already putting the Chistmas decorations on the shelves."
"Alright, Alright. Have you talked to Pandora lately?"
"We talked a little last week."
"You should link up with her soon."
"Okay. She's pretty busy with the baby, but I'm sure she probably could use some support." She hadn't seen her best friend since her baby was born 8 weeks ago since they we're hours away from one another.
"How about when I get down those decorations, I pull out your art supplies?"
She didn't want to be disrespectful by rolling her eyes, so she just looked away with her arms crossing her chest. Anything that required much of a creative drive hadn't been on her radar lately.
"I just don't want you in this big ass penthouse lonely and bored."
"I'm not lonely or bored." She defended.
"But you're isolated, and I don't like that for you."
"I get out... I go to.. the store. And on walks." She tried to sound convincing but failed miserably. "I've been filming more book reviews for YouTube."
"You have and that's great. But that same community you're building online is just as important in real life."
She raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, I get it. I'll reach out to Dora."
"Did you see my pictures?" She said with an upbeat lilt in her voice.
"I did. They were real nice baby, made my day." He pulled her close to him, arms resting on around the small of your back. Her eyes sparkled at his praise.
"I can make it some more, that is, if you have time for me, Sir? It seems like you had a rough day."
"I have a few loose ends to tie up, then I'm all yours. Wait for me in the office?"
She kneeled at Erik's desk, but when he walked in, he relieved her, insisting she sit in the armchair near the corner of the room. That meant he'd probably be longer than she wished for. She cozied up with a blanket and a book while Erik typed and took a phone call. After reading two chapters, she glanced at him over the book. He was concentrated on whatever he was doing as he looked between two monitors. She strolled over, settling behind him. Briefly, she looked at the monitors, but the spreadsheets that overflowed with data made her head hurt. Knots of tension in his shoulders began to unravel while her hands worked. Once her fingertips kneaded his temples, he sighed in relief and relaxed in his chair.
"Thank you, princess. I'm almost finished. Please be patient."
Since he said please, she didn't allow her disappointment to show.
"Kneel next to me. Legs open, head down." He kissed her on the forehead before turning back to his screens. The command ushered in wetness between her legs. Her heart beat quickened with so much anticipation that she had to focus on her breath to stay calm. About ten minutes later, she saw Erik's footsteps move around her. The room was still before he returned again. She heard the book she was reading earlier plop closed, then clinking over near the bar cart.
"Look at me." He sat relaxed in the armchair she occupied earlier. He leaned back slightly, chin up, shoulders back, and arms propped up on both sides of the chair. His button-up was untucked, the first few buttons undone, and the tie he'd worn earlier was no longer confining his neck. He beckoned her to come to him with one hand motion.
She crawled over to where he sat, maintaining eye contact with him. He admired her as she kneeled before him. She smelled the bold amber liquor in the tumbler Erik sipped on.
"Would you like a taste?"
"Yes, sir." He held the glass to her lips for her. When he pulled the glass away a few dribbles flowed down her lips. Erik caught them with his tongue before they could even reach her chin. His lips enveloped hers, demanding entrance. She allowed his tongue to survey her mouth, their tongues wrestling like this until they were out of breath. Erik's hands groped her breast, which made her nipples press firmly against the fabric of her shirt. When his lips left hers, she let out a small breathy moan.
"Take this off." When her top half was exposed, she grasped her breasts roughly as she bit her lips, demonstrating how needy she was.
"That's my job, hands at your knees."
She whined but the sounds soon turned into pleasurable hums as his lips sucked her nipples. He nipped at her flesh with his teeth, it causing her stir underneath him. From the table beside him, he picked up a ball gag and brought it to her pink lips, already plump from their kissing. When she did not open her mouth him he looked at her curiously.
"What is it?"
"I don't wanna wear that. I just want to taste you." She placed her hand on his knee, brushing against the fabric as she moved up his thigh.
"But you were so good just now, waiting on me. Can I say thank you first?"
"You've just been on my mind all day." Her doe eyes made it hard for him to refuse, but the truth is that he'd been craving to see the face she made when she came.
"It'll be quick then. That means you're already wet for me. Plus, I want that mouth nice and messy. Now, move your hand until I give you permission."
She retracted her hand placing it back on her knee. This time when he brought the gag to her mouth she opened it. When Erik peered at her he saw gratitude in her eyes.
She looked beautiful. He reached inside her shorts, easily accessing her, as she was free of underwear. His fingers pressed into her folds. She mewled and melted into him. Her essence glistened on his fingers when he pulled them out to examine them.
"Look at that princess, I was right. You want me to keep going?"
"Uhm huh." She slurred behind the gag.
"Say please."
"Puhles." She struggled.
There he was at her entrance again, slipping in two fingers this time. Her eyes fluttered, then closed completely as she focused on the sensation. She pushed downwards, encouraging him to go deeper. His fingers curled inside of her, pushing against her pillowy folds. Her moans rang in his ears despite the ball gag. A pool of saliva that collected began to ooze from her mouth onto her chin and dripped on her chest. The messier her chest got, the more her pussy seemed to follow. Erik had easily slipped another finger inside of her and she'd been so close to cuming that Erik needed to support her weight. He could feel her clenching around him periodically.
"Be a good girl and cum for me." The hand that wasn't inside of her rubbed against her clit. Her warm juices splashed as kept his pace, even as her insides contracted against him. Indistinguishable sounds broke free from her throat as her body seized. He watched in satisfaction as the meat on her pudgy thighs and backside shook. Her empty, unfocused gaze stared beyond him, drunk with pleasure.
Erik removed the gag from her lips replaced it with his fingers. She sucked them slowly and hummed in delight.
"I love seeing you on your knees. It makes me want to fuck you."
It was times like this when the words he said sent shivers down her spine that made her wait worth it. She loved that he wanted her, she loved being a slut for him. Erik stood from his seated position, allowing her to see that he was fully bricked up inside his pants. Her mouth watered in excitement. She looked up to him eagerly, anticipating his movements.
"Fuck my throat," She pleaded, "Please, Sir." She had almost forgotten her manners in her desperation. She rose on her knees so that she was eye level with his dick. She watched as he took his time unbuttoning his shirt. The more of his skin that he revealed, the more she craved contact. His frame was thick, and sturdy. It became hard for her to sit still and she no longer knew what to do with her hands, so she went back to squeezing her nipples that were slick with drool. It was when he removed his undershirt and began to unbuckle his belt when she interrupted.
"May I?"
He dropped his hands at his sides and moved closer towards her obliging her. Her fingers couldn't move fast enough to unbuckle his pants, and move his boxers out of the way. Her mouth was on him immediately, the pants and boxers still hung around his hips. She swallowed his length entirely. He let his head hang back as he growled under his breath. When he looked back down at her, he struggled to keep his composure at the sight. Her pretty chestnut eyes blinked up at him through full, curly lashes. She engulfed him again, and remained here until her throat strained. When he left her throat she gasped and moaned out.
"Take your time, baby. I'm not going nowhere." She nodded, only slightly embarrassed at her neediness.
"I love this big dick." She took him in her hands and slapped him against her tongue a few times. "You making me so wet."
She lifted him up and slowly glided her tongue under his shaft up and down, feeling each and every vein there. She left soft, wet kisses on his balls before licking them lightly, suctioning them with her lips. Her tongue rhythmically massaged the flesh. His groans only fueled her to take more of him into her mouth, as much as she could fit. She focused her lips again at the tip of his dick, while one hand massaged his balls. She tightened her lips around the head of his dick and watched him. His eyes were low but focused. His abdomen tensed beginning to thrust further into her as her teasing would only suffice for so long. She allowed him to set the pace, and when he began to hit the back of her throat, she nearly orgasmed to the lewd noises that came from her mouth. It was like there was a secret g-spot there that made her insides do summersaults when Erik poked it. He gently guided her movements with his hand on the back of her head. He felt amazing gliding down her throat, but she could take more. She dropped lower under him, sitting on her ankles, and placed her hands on the outside of his thigh, encouraging his movements so that he could literally drop the dick down her throat.
He groaned as he slid down her throat. "You are my lovely little cocksleeve. How's that feel angel?" She moaned and blinked back tears.
"Move your hands so I can give you what you asked for." She relaxed her muscles as best as she could and concentrated on breathing in through her nose when Erik would slide out. She loved the sensation of her heavy tits bouncing each time he'd hit the back of her throat. Saliva rolled down her chin and collected at he base of his dick. When he slid out of her, her only purpose was to clean him off.
Nyla was perched in front of him, watching his muscles move as he removed his clothes completely. He stepped backwards and sat down. When she tried to come closer to him, Erik shook his head. "Stay." His eyes were dark and stern.
She pouted in protest. He leaned back and stroked himself as he took in her body. The evening sunlight that filtered through the curtains hit her perfectly, amplifying the warm red undertone of her skin. Swollen lips, wet eyelashes, and a complete mess all over her breasts. Hesitantly, she moved her hand down her body into her shorts. She looked him in his eyes and raised her eyebrow as if to ask, 'Is this okay, is this what you want?' Her clit was moist and puffy. She circled her clit and cried out with need. When he did not stop her from touching herself, she took the lenience and ran with it. She leaned back, removed the shorts and it was a matter of seconds before her pussy welcomed her fingers inside. She did not take her eyes off of him or his dick. His chest moved up and down as he breathed and his forehead was now covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He looked so strong and godly gazing down at her while his muscles worked to pleasure himself. She took note of his movements so that when she took over, she could recreate them herself.
"Can I please cum? Can I cum with your dick in my mouth Sir?" He made her plea a few more times before he called her over with a hand signal and a nod. She crawled the short distance to him. She kissed his feet, his calves, and all the way up his thighs. Before she could begin, Erik grabbed her by the neck and kissed her sloppily. She used the wetness between her legs to make his dick shine before taking him in her mouth. Once she found her rhythm she played in her pussy until she came again. Her eyes rolled and fluttered with him still inside of her. She felt Erik's dick twitch in her mouth at the sight. She brought her face close to his and encased his dick between her breast, moving up and down slowly.
"Don't cum yet, cause then I'll have to stop. And I still haven't decided where I want your delicious cum? What do you think?" She licked her lips. Her movements, paired with her provoking words, were hypnotizing.
"Its your world baby." Is all he managed. She smiled internally, feeling empowered. His orgasms was hers. All hers.
"Good, I just want you to relax honey." Erik smiled at her endearment, her care meant the world to him. "I love you," she said lowly.
"I love you." Moments between them like this made the world feel like it was at a standstill, like only he and her existed and nothing else mattered. She took him in her hand and rubbed him against her face, scattering warm wet French kisses all over his groin and dick. She massaged him, only using her hands for a while, returning to his balls and further down to his taint, pressing gently.
"Fuck, baby." His breathing hitched and his toes curled so she took it easy in that area. While one hand stoked him, the other gently made its way up his torso. You brushed your lips and tongue against his torso, the sensation of her breath made goosebumps spread across his body.
"You are so handsome, you know that? I don't know how I got so lucky." Erik's head rested against the chair with his legs outstretched. His eyes were closed, only opening occasionally. She used both hands, twisting and stoking, letting her mouth drip onto him to keep it moist. She applied slight pressure to the tip, and when she noted Erik's hips tilting up towards her, she slowed her motions again.
"I could do this for hours. You taste so good."
She circled his dick around her lips basking in how nice and hard he was. When he briefly opened his eyes and saw the pleasant smile on her face, he began to moan, knowing she truly enjoyed this did something to him. Her intimacy and devotion made him feel seen.
He slid into her mouth with ease. She allowed herself a moment to rest there, paying him true tribute. She hummed and slowly began bobbing her head up and down, then added her hands to the combination.
"Mmmm, just like that." He groaned. "I think I want my cum down your pretty throat, would you like that?"
She moaned in response.
"Hands behind your back." He grabbed the curly bun and guided her head down his shaft, his hips thrusting up slowly. Her mouth opened wider and wider, and her tongue moved out to accommodate him. She held her head there until she began to struggle for air. He repeated the same again, leaving her gasping for air. As he held his position in her throat, he pinched her nose for a few seconds. Her throat spasmed around him before he released her and pulled away. Warm strings of saliva hung from her lips. The whites of her eyes turned began to turn crimson.
"Please, give it to me." He soothed her, wiping a tear that began to form at the corner of her eye. Her begging made his dick ache in bliss, a culmination of how he'd felt the past thirth minutes bathing in her mouth. He was back inside of her mouth, fucking her throat rapidly. She held her head still for him like a good girl would awaiting his cum. On her tongue, she felt his dick begin to throb. She could feel warm spurts ooze from him, marking her throat, and she swallowed each one as they came. His moans of satisfaction made her more fulfilled than she could ever describe. He squeezed the tip so that any remaining landed on her tongue. She licked her lips and placed subtle kisses on his dick that laid in his lap.
Her eyes ran over his body. He laid back, limbs limp in exhaustion. Once he gathered himself, he looked at her in pure amazement and appreciation. He could tell she wanted to be close to him, occupy his space.
She straddled him, laying her head on his shoulder. He palmed her thighs, giving them a nice jiggle before lightly rubbing her back.
"Are you good princess?"
"Yes, sir. Thank you for letting me please you."
"Thank you, princess. Where'd you learn to be so attentive?"
"What do you mean?"
"You anticipate my needs. And that... that wasn't no regular head."
"Well, you anticipate mine too. You deserve honor. Just because you're my Dom doesn't mean I can't reciprocate. I belong to and submit you, without you asking."
"Damn, say that last part again?" He bit his lip before meeting your eyes and joining you in laughter.
"I belong to you, Sir." He traced her features with his eyes before gracefully placing pecks all over her face.
Several hours later, chimes from Erik's computer caused him to stir in his sleep. They'd fallen asleep in his office. He was disoriented until the glow of the screen caught his attention. He shifted under Nyla's weight causing her to grip him tighter and persuading him back to his sleep. It was 12:05am and chimes became continuous beckoning him to the computer. He sat her down where she curled into ball and sulked over to the screen. Several new emails sat in his inbox. The first was the official signed contract agreement. The next was a link to an article from T'Challa headlining to new deal.
Wakandan officials agree to allow U.S. based descendants of slavery asylum after rampant white supremest attacks.
"Damn these muthafuckas are fast. I knew those terms were fucking irresistible."
He picked Nyla up to carry to to their bedroom. She groaned at him disrupting her sleep, but he ignored it. "Baby, guess what? They signed the contract."
"Okay baby. Just have them call me tomorrow, I'm sleep."
Erik laughed off her nonsense and covered her body before sinking into the bed himself. He closed his eyes, noticing how light and refreshed he felt. Although he felt a sense of relief about this deal he groaned internally when he began to think about work. He recalled Nyla's words from earlier about honor. He knew that he needed to honor his body and mind because the exhaustion that encompassed him at the moment was not for the weak. He felt a sense of calm wash over him as he made the decision to take some time off of work, perhaps go on a vacation for the holidays.
taglist: @hearteyes-for-killmonger @loveeeeandaffection @iamrheaspeaks @adasosweet @goddessofthundathighs @thiccdaddy-mbaku@nahimjustfeelingit-writes @eye-raq @madamslayyy @sweeter-thejuice @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @wokeblock @smutty-smut-smuty @wakandamaybe @stainontheground @killmongerkink @soufcakmistress @mysticbear21 @nickidub718 @blackpinup22 @killmonger-fics @goddessofthundathighs
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yikimiki · 1 year
> filthy jock!reiner x reader smut with no plot, pet names, semi-public sex (empty locker room)
there’s nothing more beautiful than the sound you make when Reiner slips inside for the first time and he’s sure of it. It’s such a pretty and breathless gasp of sheer awe that he is instantly sure he’s not gonna last, not with those teary eyes of yours looking up at him like he’s your personal brand of divinity.
It’s not your first time together, but it surely feels like it. Diving inside your soaking pussy is a test and, every single time, Reiner fails miserably. The mere pressure of your walls tightening around him has his hips buckling into you, body pulling back just enough to shove his entire length inside you once again — chasing those beautiful sounds you make when he’s filling you up. He thinks he’s in love with you, but he’s never completely sure of it.
Fucking you full of his cum before big matches has become a secret ritual between you two, and none of you know how you’ve managed to remain secret after so many big risks in the locker room. What started as a mindless decision has turned into a habit to Reiner, a fantastic way to burn his anxiety off and to achieve a better performance — though he sometimes gets a little sidetracked thinking about his release dripping out of you during his games.
“You’re my good luck charm,” he mumbles against your lips, his strong hands holding onto your hips like his touch could rewrite the marks on your skin. Reiner fucks you deep and fast, hitting your sweet spot with ease. He’s big, he’s thick — and he fucking knows it. “I missed this pussy so much, baby.”
“Missed you too,” you say, cutting yourself off with a moan, which you muffle by biting your lip. Reiner looms over you like a soldier, massive and muscular, with sweat glistening on his skin and a focus so sharp that it hits you straight through the guts. Truth is that everything about him is massive, and you feel yourself growing dizzy every time his girth spreads you open. “Feels so good.”
You’re in a daze, you know it. Your mind is focused on the way his cock plunges inside your cunt, soaked and throbbing, growing impossibly harder as his high approaches. Reiner curses against your lips, kisses you with fervor as his hips start to falter. You’ve never wanted something so much as you want him to fill you up right now.
“Reiner, please…”
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he interrupts you, knowing it’s exactly what you’re going to ask for. “Want it all inside, baby?” He looks at you like an animal, grunting at the end of every sentence like he’s about to eat you whole. “Yeah? Want it dripping for me as you watch me?”
And you can only nod, delirious, as his filthy words push you over the edge. Your orgasm is merciless as it washes over you, a white-hot light that makes you clamp around his cock as Reiner curses. The pressure around his sensitive girth is too much and he moans, unabashed, as his cock throbs and leaks inside you. Cum drips out of your cunt as Reiner keeps fucking you through his high, milking every drop he has left before, at last, he collapses against your body.
You sigh, placing a kiss on his forehead. “Have a nice match, baby.”
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the-curator1 · 4 months
Even in Hades | Copia x Witch!Fem!Reader - Chapter 1
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Author's note: English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please don't hesitate to point them out to me.
Summary: Copia is gone. But he is not meant to remain in the realm of the dead. The Clergy asks you to bring him back to life as part of their grand plan for the future. You think your mission is over, but you find yourself dealing with a pope haunted by trauma, clinging to you like a lifeline. You can't leave him behind, can you? And after all, maybe you need someone to help you fight your own demons too. This whole situation leaves you with a haunting question: Who is the savior and who is the saved?
Tags and TW for the story: necromancy, heavy angst, mention of blood rituals, witchcraft, eventual romance, smut, fluff, the reader is a witch, betrayal, grief, manipulation, dealing with trauma, religious trauma
Chapter Summary: You bring back Papa Emeritus IV to the light.
Chapter 1: Moth to a Flame
You were kneeling on the cold floor, your face turned toward the ceiling of the chilling crypt like a wolf howling at the moon. Your hands pressed against the stone floor bore the stains of blood you had drawn from your own veins. The flickering flames of the black candles cast an eerie glow upon the floor, enveloping your face in their mysterious light.
“You need to bring him back.”
“If you wanted him to live, maybe you should not have killed him in the first place!”
The pain clawed its way through your body, a relentless torment that threatened to consume you from within. It twisted and writhed like a serpent, coiling around your insides with a merciless grip, gnawing at your insides like a greedy monster. It started slow, but you knew it was a matter of minutes until you felt like the pain was tearing your body and your soul apart.
“Watch your tongue, girl. You don’t know anything. He needs to come back. That’s part of the plan.”
You turned your head toward the cold floor again. Laying there among the candles and the ritualistic tools was the body of Papa Emeritus IV. You looked at him for a moment as the pain in your chest grew and grew. His body was naked apart from a white sheet you carefully placed upon his lower body when you prepared him. Your eyes fell upon the large stitched wound in his chest once again.
Did he ever know they were going to…
No time for thinking about that again.
“I’ll do it, but I’ll need to be alone.”
“Fair enough. Just don’t disappoint us.”
Ignoring the gnawing ache in your gut, you placed your bloodied shaky hands on his bare torso. His skin was cold as ice. Your fingers brushed at the 666 tattoo on his chest.
He needs to come back. You can't fail.
Your mouth fell open, and your lips started moving on their own accord. You began to chant an ancient melody. Your voice echoed through the chamber in a language long forgotten by mortal tongues. You made all the efforts in the world to keep your voice steady, fighting to drown out the rising tide of nausea that threatened to overwhelm you. The flames of the candles around you danced wildly, casting shifting shadows upon the walls as if they, too, sensed the gravity of the moment.
“It must be done tonight. Or he will be gone forever.”
The pain was more awful than ever. You felt your eyes rolling back in your head. You wanted to scream. To tear your hair out.
Hear me, Papa… Come to the light. you silently implored, your thoughts a fervent prayer echoing through the depths of your mind.
I’m not sure I can take it any longer…
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In this liminal space between life and death, not quite in hell, not quite in the living realm, Copia lingered, suspended in the darkness that enveloped him like a heavy, dark cloak. Time seemed to lose all meaning in this strange realm, where the echoes of his past deeds reverberated in the silence, haunting him with their weight.
He had died only days ago, yet it felt like an eternity had passed since he last drew breath. Memories flickered through his mind like fragmented shards of glass, painful reminders of the life he had lived and the choices he had made.
Memories of his last moments too.
Their knives.
“Swiss, what are you…?”
The thundering pain in his body.
"We're sorry Papa..."
The feeling of hot blood running on his skin.
The scream of the audience.
And then nothing. Nothing but despair and loneliness.
As he reflected on the terror of his last moments, Copia saw it. It danced like a solitary star in the blackened void, casting its radiant glow upon the darkness.
A candle?
A gentle warmth blossomed within Copia’s chest. Without hesitation, he gravitated toward the light. As he drew near, a voice reached him, a soft murmur like a gentle stream in the woods.
“Come, Papa, come to the light…”
Hope bloomed in Copia’s chest. Someone was there. Someone was there for him.
With each passing moment, the light grew brighter and the voice grew more distinct. Eventually, Copia emerged from the shadows. There, bathed in the candle's warm glow, stood a woman. A soft smile spread upon her sweet face when she saw him. She looked calm and serene.
Slowly, as if not to scare him, she held her hand out to him.
He reached out almost immediately, his fingers trembling as they brushed against hers. It was as if a current passed between them, a surge of energy that pulsed with a life of its own. Suddenly, the darkness around them seemed to shift and warp, swirling like a tempest as reality itself began to unravel. Like the parting of the Red Sea, the shroud of darkness opened in a blinding flash of light. Copia felt himself being pulled back forcefully—back to the realm of the living.
The transition was jarring, his senses assaulted by a cacophony of sounds as he emerged from the depths. He gasped for air, his chest heaving with effort as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Copia opened his eyes.
Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the bright darkness of the crypt he was in. The stone walls loomed large around him, their rough-hewn surfaces casting long shadows that danced in the flickering candlelight. Despite the initial assault of noise and confusion, he found the crypt surprisingly quiet. The only sounds that reached his ears were the rustle of his breathing and the faint crackling of the candles.
He found himself lying on a cold, stone floor, the chill seeping into his bones. But then, despite the frigid surroundings, he felt a sense of warmth emanating from the soft hands resting upon his chest.
Then he heard it: the voice that guided him toward the light. Soft, like a melody despite the weariness that emanated from it.
“Welcome back...Papa."
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chichis-interlude · 6 months
Hi, how are you? Before I started talking I wanted to say that I don't know if it's right because I'm using the translator, well I'm going to try to summarize my story in the void I discovered the empty state a year ago and in that one year I tried and every time I failed and I don't know what else I do, my first attempt was using a sub but I got scared and ended up leaving more so I heard everything or my surroundings and the other times I ended up sleeping!! I wanted to enter the empty state sleeping but I don't know how and I don't know if I. I can get into the void today tomorrow or later !! Help me, please
Hey baddiee 🫶🏾🫶🏾
So first of we need to understand WHAT the void is.
I'm @ this site bc that's where I got the info from before even hopping onto Tumblr but if u don't wanna go read it ill break ts down.
The void is a deep meditative state when your MIND is awake but your BODY is asleep and according to those who have entered it, it's the most peaceful experience they've ever had.
So now that we know what it is. How the hell do we enter it?
There are many many ways to enter this state and you can find soooo many ways to do so on Tumblr, personally I reblog a lot of ways to do so and not every method will work for everyone so you just gotta do a lot of them then stick with the one that you're gut tells you. "yh it's this one right here."
But there are sm that you just see complicating it and you're just so confused and lost because you'll be thinking 'you're preaching that it's easy to enter but you're here making a whole ritual? Babes bfr'
And it's so flipping annoying seeing this bc all it those is make them look like liars when in fact it CAN BE SO EASY. But its only easy when you make it easy. If you out it on a pedestal when the void IS IN YOU it'll be way harder to enter. Not impossible but way harder.
So first you need to remember YOU are the void, and YOU control ts it does NOT control YOU.
Now for the methods
I'm a simple person and I hate complicated methods bc it makes the void seem like flipping Jesus when it's in fact just...you.
For example this relatively new method byv@luckykiwiii101 the distraction method. Is basically just distracting yourself from the 3D by imagining ANYTHING. It could be singing a song in your head or a mental movie or you can be counting or affirming like it DOESN'T MATTER, as long as you're body ain't moving but your brain still working it's ENOUGH. Just anything that will distract you enough for your body to fall asleep because thinking a lot will make your mind stay active and awake (FYI it's better to do this in a sleepy state and if yk you're gonna fall asleep, sit up while doing it)
Like there's literally nothing to it?? Just lay down (or sit up) and try not to move then just be thinking ab random things like? It's so flipping simple yet it's almost gotten me into the void??? (but my ass got distracted 😭).
Lols that's all I got for you bbg but just remember you are, you were and will always be that b and when you're that b everything else just falls into place.🤷🏾‍♀️.
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fakefiller · 1 year
Our Little Secret.
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Warnings — frat!bucky x reader, frat!steve x reader, kidnapping, mean!bucky, lots of degradation, protected sex bc they’re sluts??, crying during sex, threesome, mean-ish!reader, slapping, anal.
A/N — from the list of writing ideas from @kinanabinks <3 such a lovely writer
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It was the biggest game of the year and you knew this. The rancid smell of the suit made your nostrils ache and stomach churn. ‘The extra credit will be worth it, they said’ you repeat to yourself as you put on the head of the otter suit, physically recoiling when the fur comes in contact with your face.
“I think it’s in here!” You hear a voice yell, more footsteps following behind it.
Panic sits in your gut but you decide not to react. Instead, you do your best to quickly – yet quietly – hide in the broom closet of the locker room. You stand bunched up behind the shelf that holds the mop bucket and broom, keeping your breaths to a minimum.
“Where the fuck could a mascot have gone?” The voice was right outside of the broom closet and you’re trying your absolute best not to move but your foot itches.
Your fucking foot itches.
You lean down to scratch the bottom of your shoe with the otter arm, failing terribly and slipping on a wet rag. “Fuck!” You yell, holding your knee in the fetal position.
The boys return to the door, twisting the knob, giving you no time to react to the intrusion. You wince and do your best to stand, preparing to charge at the group but as more appear you lose the faux confidence you once had. Adrenaline builds up in your veins and you rush them anyway, head butting one of them in the abs unsuccessfully. You fly back onto the ground with a soft scoff and the group laughs, almost offended you tried to take them on.
“Look at this fucking idiot.” The tall brunette laughs manically, resting his hand on his stomach.
“Buck, don’t be rude. Let’s just take him and go.��� The taller blonde suggests, and it doesn’t register that they think you’re a guy.
“Yeah, yeah. Grab him, Steve. Me and the others’ll make sure the coast is clear.”
“Yes sir.” Steve reaches down to pick you up and you gasp at how easily he throws you over his shoulder.
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All you remember is being put in the back of a white van and blacking out from how rough the brown-haired boy was driving. ‘College fucking sucks’ you think to yourself, rolling your eyes as you sit strapped to a chair in what looks like a basement. The room is dimly lit, the only source of light coming from a small window. Your head is spinning, various thoughts racing through your mind but the only one you’re sure of is that they can’t kill you. Their DNA is all over your school's locker room.
“Well, well, well. Let’s see who we have this year.” Bucky announces, beginning to undo the straps of the otter head.
“No way you fucking lames do this middle-school ass ritual every year.” You scoff, shaking your hair out of your face as he pulls off the helmet.
“Oh, shit.” Steve chuckles, swiping his hand over his face.
“We fucked up.” Bucky rubs his temples, a look of fear taking over his expression.
“No shit! It’s been guys every year, why choose a girl now?” Steve questions.
“Can I go now..” You yawn, tossing your head back against the back of the wooden chair.
“Uh – yeah. Keep this between us? I need to start in the game tonight. There’s supposed to be NFL scouts there.” Bucky confesses and Steve stares at him with a ‘just let her go’ look.
“Our little secret.” You nod.
“I’m untying you now.” Steve expresses, approaching you with his hands up.
“Make it speedy, I have to re-do my hair because of you dickheads.” You sigh, flexing your wrist in the suit as he unties each of your limbs.
“There you go.” Steve huffs as he stands back up, taking a second to take in your beauty in the dimly lit room.
“I’ll call you an uber.” Bucky adds as he pulls out his phone, being as quick as possible.
“Do me a favor and stay off my campus.” You add, staying seated until he lets you know that your ride is here.
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A week has passed since the Incident, leaving you somewhat shook but free from ever being in that awful suit again. That is, until you see them. Both of them.
You walk into your local cafe, prepared to order your usual until their faces come into your line of vision. The anger in your stomach festers. Thanks to them, you missed your date with Pietro before the game and you still feel horrible about it.
“Dude, I think that’s the chick we kidnapped.” Bucky whispers to Steve and he turns back, making direct eye contact with you.
You don’t miss the way the anger in your stomach falters when he looks you up and down, admiring the way your miniskirt sits on your hips.
“Next in line.” Kennedy calls out and waves you up.
“I didn’t know you worked today, Ken! I would’ve come up way sooner.” You leaned against the counter, giving your friend a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m about to go on break, meet outside in 10?” She smiles, handing you a bag with an unreleased cake pop in it.
“You know it, see you then.” You blow her kiss and inevitably feel the two large boys staring daggers into you.
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“They did what?!” Kennedy gasps.
“Mhm. I won’t lie, I was petrified but I realized they’re just football players. Just because they go to the much richer school across from us didn’t mean shit to me.” You shrug, sipping on the iced caramel latte nursed in your hand.
“I wanna be you when I grow up. You had a group of super hot, super tall football players kidnapping you for fun! I can’t believe you didn’t fuck at least one of them.” She laughs, taking a drag from the dull cigarette.
“You’re just a shameless slut.” You scoff playfully, not fully against the proposition. “I had a date with Piet that I ended up missing but still, I couldn’t go out with another guy after getting trained. That’s fucked.”
“Maybe morally, but it’s not illegal. If I were you, I’d go find them and fuck them but that’s just me.” She shrugs, dropping the cigarette butt to the ground and stomping it out.
“Remind me why you’re in SAA again?”
“Oh fuck off.” Kennedy replies with a chuckle, pushing you up from your chair. “I’m being serious! Live life and have fun, we’re in college for fuckssake.”
“Fine, fine! I’ll go fuck two random college boys who tried to kidnap me because they thought I was a guy.” You’d be lying if the idea wasn’t exciting you.
“I want all the details after. Shit, just record it.” She gives you a wink and shoos you inside.
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To your disbelief, they’re still sitting at the booth that was given to them 30 minutes ago. You swallow your anxiety and march over to them with your head held high and thighs almost clenching together. Without a word said you sit down next to the blonde who you somehow trust more than the brunette.
“I want you to fuck me. Both of you. At once.”
Bucky looks at Steve and Steve looks at Bucky with a concerned look, and you start to panic. Why would you listen to Kennedy?
“Your place or ours?” Bucky asks with his head resting on his knuckles.
“Yours. I don’t want anyone I know to see me with you.” You retort quickly, avoiding eye contact with either of them.
“So what are we waiting for, exactly?” Steve asks.
“Wait – ya’ll have condoms, right? I don’t wanna catch whatever you two might have.”
“If you’re so sure we’re useless fuckboys that might ‘have something’ why even fuck us, hm?” Bucky taunts.
“Just shut up and take me to your place.” You push yourself out of the booth and Steve follows your action, Bucky reciprocating it on the other side.
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Not a single word was spoken when you were pushed against the door of their apartment, Steve fumbling with the keys and Bucky kissing you feverishly. You moan in unison as you stand on the tips of your toes to hold onto his face when the door swings open. Steve tosses the keys, stripping away his flannel and pulling you out of Bucky’s grasp. Bucky has no time to be mad, instead kicking the door closed with the back of his shoe. The door slams and you jump, sighing when Steve picks you up and tosses you onto his exposed shoulder.
Bucky follows behind like a lost dog, wasting no time on tearing away his shorts and boxers, fumbling through his dresser drawer for two condoms.
“Shouldn’t we warm her up first, Buck?” Steve asks, removing his shorts while you do the same with your skirt.
“Nah. She wants to act like a slut so we’ll fuck her like one. Cockhungry whores don’t get special treatments.” Bucky replies, each word hitting your core.
“Is that what you want? To be fucked like a senseless slut?” Steve moves his hand under your chin, forcing you to make eye contact. Before you can reply, you get distracted by the faint ‘schlick’ the condom makes while Bucky slides it onto his twitching cock. “Answer me.” He demands, gently slapping the skin of your cheek.
You moan at the sensation, a meek ‘yes’ floating in the silent room.
“She’s into that rough shit. I’ll make sure to ruin her good.” Bucky meant for it to be a silent thought to himself but you heard it, rolling your eyes back into your head.
“I need both of you at once, I can take it.” You utter, your voice smaller than you intended it to be.
“Shit, she’s insatiable. Hurry up, Ste. Can’t keep her waiting, can we?”
Steve nods and carefully rips open the Magnum, stroking his aching cock before stretching the rubber around it.
“You ready, sweet thing?” Steve asks, moving to position himself behind you while Bucky situates himself between your legs from the front.
“Mh–” You’re cut off by a quick intrusion, the words on your tongue morphing into a loud moan.
Bucky’s cock sinks into your tight cunt with ardor while Steve fills your ass to the brim. You’ve never felt so full. Thinking back to your conversation with Kennedy you feel for your phone and grab it from under the pillow, flipping to the camera on shaky hands.
“We good to move, baby?” Steve asks quietly between closed teeth.
You nod, allowing yourself to get used to the feel. Your eyes screw shut and you throw your head back, back arching up into the air to expose your tits to Bucky. Steve sighs as the tip of him envelops in the warmth of your tight hole. He presses himself a little deeper inside, slowly filling you up until you were sure you couldn't take anymore, and then you did. His pace moving inside of you was agony as he stretches you like a rubber band.
Bucky’s tip hit the wet spongy spot inside of you without trying, his thick length making it impossibly hard to feel anything but him. He let out a heavy breath, looking down at you with a focused stare. "You're so fucking tight for such a dumb slut." he told you, straining to control himself as you clench around him. You take it graciously, nothing but heavy breaths and shallow whines escaping from you as you stretch around him.
Your lips form to say something, but the words die on your tongue as Steve slowly moves to pull out of you. He stops at the tip before pushing back inside, not quite fully seated back inside of you as he builds a steady pace. It was slow and gentle enough to make you feel like crying.
You were speechless, breathless, as you relish in the burn. You bury your face in the pillow next to your head, dropping your phone to grip them tightly as your fingers let you. When Steve pulled out to the tip again, he pressed one hand to your lower belly before he thrust into you.
The scream you let out was otherworldly when Steve and Bucky began to thrust in unison. Your core was lit aflame, clit throbbing painfully. It’s almost as if Steve could sense it, the way he maneuvered his hand down to play with the sensitive bundle of nerves. Bucky whimpered when you clenched around him, almost suffocating his cock. They watched with dark eyes as you struggled to take them at once like you promised you could.
Bucky takes Steve’s place and settles his hand on your stomach, feeling himself inside of you while he thrusts, the feeling of your body trying to take all of him making him impossibly harder. Steve was rutting himself into you from behind, watching the way your hole took everything it could get.
“Fuck, baby, you’re taking us so well. You were made for us – fuck – weren’t you?” Bucky praises, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
You whimper in response, words falling flat no matter how hard you try to push them out. His cock drags in and out of you in the most delicious way, gathering a feeling of ecstasy you could never reach without him. He was so thick, so big, he was perfect. He whimpered into your ear as Steve relentlessly fucked into you, his face inches from your own. He practically growled into your ear, voice dripping with pleasure as he spoke. "Gonna fucking ruin you, needy fucking slut.”
Tears were gathering in the corner of your eyes as you raised your hand before your head to hold onto Steve’s tousled hair, gripping his locks as you tugged on them. You spoke through the haze of senseless euphoria, shaking your head. "Don't want anyone else. Want you, only you two."
When the tight coil of your orgasm became sharper you knew you couldn’t last. How could you when you have the two hottest men you’ve ever seen plowing into you at the same time? Your mind was blank, words escaping you. All you could make out was a faint ‘m gonna cum’ before the dam burst, your body convulsing as you ride out your high on the sensation of their cocks driving into you with no end in sight.
You held onto Bucky like he would slip away at a moment's notice as he continued to fuck into you. You thrashed and moaned as tears of pleasure stream down your cheeks.
“ShitShitShit, I’m gonna-” Steve didn't get to finish the word, interrupted by a shout as he finally came. His hips stuttered and your bodies pressed closely together as he came as deeply inside of the condom as he could. “F..Fuck, sweetheart!” Bucky followed right after, allowing the mind-numbing, vision-dulling pleasure to take over his body while he spilt his seed into the protective rubber. You were so tiny underneath them as each one huffed and moaned on top of you.
You blacked out for a second, coming back down to reality when Steve's sloppy kisses peppered the skin on your naked shoulder. All three of you had to catch your breaths, too wrapped up in the other to worry about anything but getting your breathing even before you blacked out. You stayed like that for a moment, basking in the feeling of each thick cock filling you up.
“Holy, fucking, shit.” Steve breathes out, slowly pulling himself out of your ass.
“I know, right?” Bucky huffs, reciprocating Steve’s action, removing himself from your puffy cunt.
“Can I… spend the night?” You request with a sigh, sitting up to end the video on your phone.
“You can stay the month if you want to, baby. Our little secret, right?” Bucky asks, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead while Steve cleans up.
“Our little secret.”
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ride-a-dromedary · 9 months
For the Halsin "don't deserve to see the sun again" theme, if the player fails to break the Shadow Curse before starting act 3, when they say goodbye to Halsin in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, he says, "I will miss you, my friend. Perhaps our paths will cross again some day, if the sun ever shines on this place once more." So... more of Halsin viewing the sun as a reward of sorts, or at least the absence of light as the ultimate punishment
It's about...the cyclical balance of the Sun being the most powerful of lifebringers, as well as the most dangerous of killers. It's about wishing for nothing more than to see the light after eons of darkness, but it blinds and burns you as it's primary reward; and your body sings for it - it has sung for it since the dawn of all times. No matter the hardship to bask in its presence, it is still, in the end, a symbol of hope. And isn't it - for those brief moments of happiness it brings the spirit - worth the hardship for a chance to have it look upon you again?
Purple prose aside, as the Sun is a life bringer, and there were entire druidian rituals and worship surrounding the Sun, I'm not surprised many of Halsin's tidings of bad fortune in his mind is an absence of being able to reap its benefits - whether that be figuratively or literally is up to interpretation (I think it's a bit of both).
It's also worth noting how one of his main wishes is that *everyone* can see the Sun, at all levels and walks of life, and that it is something that should never be limited to one's "worth" in society. It is a right, not a privilege.
Which does make Orin's mocking: "I do not deserve to see the sun again." twist the knife a little deeper in the gut.
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evilwizardcrab · 6 months
Assinging popular UK rollercoasters TMA fear entities.
Because sometimes your roller coaster autism and magnus archives autism combine into a secret, third thing.
Also, obviously most roller coasters are kind of inherently tied to vast/spiral, but for the sake of variety I'll only be assigning those entities when it happens to be really thematically relevant.
All clear? Good. Then in no particular order, let's begin.
1 .The Smiler (Alton Towers)
Figured I should start this out on what is quite possibly the UKs most iconic rollercoaster. At a whopping 14 inversions this Gerstlauer infinity coaster holds the world recor-
The spiral. It's the spiral. Yes, I know I literally just said I would be reserving spiral judgements for certain rollercoasters but just. Just look at this fucking thing:
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This is quite possibly *the* most spiral aligned rollercoaster you could possibly make. In fact it might literally be the most spiral aligned rollercoaster ever, because with 14 inversions it literally is the most amount of spiraling you can physically do on a rollercoaster.
I mean, watch the goddamn TV Advert for this ride and tell me Fuckhands McMike didn't have a (yaoi) hand in the creation of this thing. Fuck Sanakov land I'm pretty sure the smiler singlehandedly counts as a failed spiral ritual.
It literally sends you insane! That's it, that's the theming! It's logo is a literal fucking spiral! Words themselves cannot get across how quintessentially Spiral this coaster is!!!! Even the FUCKING MUSIC is spirally!
It's even yellow.
So yeah, 10/10 spiral aligned coaster would ride again.
2. The Swarm (Thorpe Park)
From one heavily themed rollercoaster to another, let's take a trip down south to The Swarm, Thorpe Park. I'm going to be biased off the bat and say that the swarm is absolutely one of my faves (just look at that inverted drop!) not to mention the being only wing coaster in the UK.
That being said, despite my fanboying The Swarm was initially a hard one to place. My gut feeling was the Vast (mainly due to how it emulates the feeling of flying) or the corruption (literally called the swarm).
But then I took a step back,actually looked into the theming and lore itself, and it became clear. The Swarm is the Extinction through and through.
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For those of you FREAKS no well aquiantted with Rollercoaster Lore, the story of swarm is as follows - an evil Swarm has destroyed humanity).
Thorpe Park even went as far as to put up fake posters around the park and release ARG Style adverts about it (and this song, because Merlin is nothing if not excessive when it comes to it's parks)
So with that in mind, swarm absolutely embodies the two main aspects of the extinction; both the active destruction of the apocolypse and the fear of something new replacing us (in this case presumeably sentiant rolercoasters)
3. Oblivion (Thorpe Park)
I'll keep this entry to roughly the same length as the ride itself.
You go in a Big Hole In The Ground
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It's The Buried.
4. The Roller Coaster Formerly Known As The Pepsi Max Big One (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)
Finally, a coaster entry that isn't from a Merlin park. And being both the tallest and steepest rollercoaster in the world, let us introduce the pepsi max big one.
(off screeen whispers)
Wait what do you mean it's no longer the tallest rollercoaster in the world
(more whispers)
What do you mean, "or the steepest"
(even more whispers)
Wait, what do you mean it's not even the Pepsi Max Big One anymore? The Big One? really?
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The Big One is an interesting case to me, in that despite technically being the tallest rollercoaster in the UK, there appears to be somewhat of a relative lack of discussion surrounding it. It's just ... there. Hell, while making this list I actually forgot it was the tallest rollercoaster in the UK. Not to mention the whole deal with its changing, corporate name. It just feels so Bizzare. Strange, even ...
That's right motherfuckers we got ourselves a Stranger rollercoaster! It perhaps isn't the most obvious choice, but I'll be damned if I hand over the tallest rollercoaster in the Uk to the Vast, that’s just boring. Plus, I personally find it quite thematically pertinent. Something about the idea of an object getting so subsumed by it’s corporate identity that when that is removed, it’s left with nothing. Something about staking a permanent identity on inherently shifting factors leading to a [redacted] Big One shaped void. 
If you want to, if you can imagine it was initially Vast before Fairchild enterprises took a hit and Nikola Orsinov swooped in to claim it. 
5) Stealth (Thorpe Park)
We've got ourselves our first pure Vast rollercoaster here folks! Coming in at a hot 5th place we have the 1st most fastest rollercoaster in the UK, that launches you 0-80 mph up 62 meters of pure steel baybe!!
And um.
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It doesn't do much else.
But that simplicity is exactly what makes it so vast! The Vast wouldn't fuck around with complex things like "inversions" or "ride experience". It goes up. it goes down. If Simon Fairchild made a rollercoaster it would look like this. Take one look at this thing and tell me it doesn't embody the spirit of Mike "sought out the tallest ride at the carnival" Crew.
If the Spiral gets The Smiler as its quintessential rollercoaster, The Vast gets this.
6) Wickerman (Alton Towers)
Now, the Wickerman is another personal fave of mine, and (in my personal opinion) a key example of how amazing theming can elevate practically any rollercoaster. (To go on a tangent, I'd absolutely recommend riding this during the evening at fright night, if you can. The night serves an already great ride experience into something amazing)
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Not only that, but the central theming of said rollercoaster centers around both a) Cults and B) Copious amounts of fire. So, in a manner clearly befitting its assigned entity, it doesn't exactly take an expert to put two and two together and get Ouch. That’s right, it's desolation. 
RIP Agnes Montague you would have loved this ride.
Scratch that maybe not considering how she seemingly felt about her cult. Let me change track.
RIP Gertrude Robinson you would have FUCKING LOVED this.
8) Nemesis (Alton Towers)
What, you thought I could make a UK coaster list without bringing up Nemesis? Surely not,I wouldn’t dare shaft  everyone's favorite (and currently unavailable!) B&M invert. Wait, what do you mean you don't want to hear about how it "holds up amazingly well over 30 years" and it's "Intensity rivals even that of modern coasters"?
Jokes aside, Nemesis was another hard one to place. Like Swarm, I had a very strong initial preference - this time for the slaughter, mainly due to the whole "trapped alien" deal it has going on.
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But, once again like The Swarm, another look into the deeper RollerCoaster Lore (TM) revealed another core aspect of nemesis - this time, that of the Buried.
Specifically, the Lore of Nemesis centers around a mysterious alien entity (aptly named nemesis) found Buried deep underground, and having to promptly be pinned down with tons of steel (which also coincidentally, happend to be the exact shape of a rollercoaster). Hell, the lore even had a comic book made of it. 
Not only that, but the actual construction of Nemesis actively involved digging up the earth in order to create the space for it. And if that doesn't scream "buried" it's probably because you can’t hear it under all the layers of dirt. 
Honerable Mentions - Kiddy Coaster Edition
9. Flying Fish (Thorpe Park)
It's everones favourite Thorpe Park Kiddy coaster, Flying fish - a coaster with a title that is only 50% inaccurate.
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In all seriousness I only chose this coaster because for some inexplicable reason I associate it with the Lonely. Specifically, Peter Lucas. No, I cannot justify this choice other than the fact that look at it and tell me you can't picture Lucas sitting on this, alone, going around and around. He doesn't move or make a sound. Just sits there. Silently .Having the time of his life.
 I like to imagine he buys out the entirety of the park for a day with the Lucas family fortune just so he can enjoy this one ride without having to see another human being (you wouldn't catch him dead in a theme park otherwise)
And this is probably as good a point as any to finish the list. Obviously there are way more UK rollercoasters you could assign fears to but these felt like some of the more interesting ones to explore. Anyway if you made it this far then damn. Well done, but also thanks for sharing in this incredibly niche magnus brainrot with me :)
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captain-habit · 4 months
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Chapter two of my AU for The Magnus Archives... finally!
Read on Ao3
Summary: Step back to the night of The Unknowing, from Tim's perspective. The event catches the attention of Something Else.
By the time the night of The Unknowing came around, Timothy Stoker had made up his mind. The others at the Institute all seemed to have an idea or two about that he was thinking or planning, and some of them thought it was their right to confront him about it in their own ways, but it hadn't mattered. When he'd given it any thought, there would have been very little that could have made him reconsider his intentions. In his mind, those things were more or less impossible, either way.
No, he was going to make sure that the ritual would fail, and bring the whole thing crashing down, no matter what.
The way that he saw it, he didn't have much left to lose, anyway. These were the thing that took away the only two people that had ever really mattered to him, and Tim was going to make them hurt.
So then, what do you do when the world around you literally stops making sense? You hold on to that drive and reason, and you start swinging.
Once the music started, the world around them turned inside out, and it wasn't long into that maddening ensemble that Tim completely lost sight and awareness of where his comrades were around him, or, for that matter, if they had even existed in the first place.
For a moment longer, there was someone else there with him. They tried to talk to him, to tell him that there was a way out, that they didn't want to hurt him. At least he'd thought it was someone else, but no one was anything, and everything wanted him dead. So, he fought, because it was all that he could do.
He wasn't sure when he'd fully started fighting with some of the things that now circled around, vicious and mocking. He wasn't even sure who had struck first, and he didn't care. All he could see or think about were these shifting, twisted people who were not people, and that he wanted them to hurt. The guilt and the regret that had all built up over the years was churning in his gut, bubbling up, and had come pouring out as rage.
He was aware of the ax in his hands, and he gripped the handle so tightly, he thought he could feel the splinters digging into his palms, and it only served as an anchor to drive him forward. He swung and fought his way through the things that laughed and pretended to be people he would have recognized. Who or what any of them pretended to be didn't matter. The wounds that he, in turn, was receiving didn't matter, and when something with too many arms and a smile far too wide managed to grab the ax away from him, from somewhere above, he heard himself shout something in anger, and it was all he could do to launch himself at the thing nearest to him and just-
“Wait, Tim! What do you see??”
“I see my asshole boss! I... Or- Or.. wait...”
There was a whine of discontent, and a declaration of his name.
As Tim did his best to recollect himself, the voice that spoke at first sent a sharp chill up his spine, then an intense rush of anger as he recognized it's source. Everything came back to him in an agonizing wave as he locked eyes on the thing he'd been hunting for all those years and the next word – the name – came out in a snarl. “Grimaldi.”
“Once. A long time ago, before Orsinov made me. And sometimes, even now, for special occasions.” The thing tilted its head every so slightly and gave a small chuckle, its stolen mouth unmoving. “Like with your brother.”
The next words were lower, distorted as if straight from his memory.
“Shall I?
“Tim, what's in your hand?”
His ears were ringing, and it took all his effort to not get lost in that boiling anger. He clenched his fists around... something.
Hissing out a strained breath through his teeth, Tim closes his eyes and did his best to focus on the thing he hadn't been aware of holding until that moment. “It's... I don't...” He opened his eyes, looking at the thing in disbelief. “Th-The detonator.”
“That's quite enough of you, I think.” An annoyed click came from the ringmaster's effigy, and something with too many arms and too many mouths swooped down and snatched John from the place beside him before Tim could even flinch. She then tilted her head to face him and took a slow step forward. “And now you.”
Tim clenched his fist around the small device and grinned through gritted teeth. “Go on, I'll race you. See if you can do it again before I can squeeze.”
“It's too late,” came the voice of the observing other, and the thing that called itself Nikola scoffed.
“The world is ours!” she laughed. “That toy won't help you, now!”
“So, come and take it.” He paused, watching them carefully. “That's what I thought.”
“I am losing my patience.”
“Back! Get back!” He held the detonator out in front of him threateningly, like some evil repelling ward, which wasn't entirely inaccurate, as the two both took very slight steps back. “That's right...” Glancing briefly back in the direction John had been taken, Tim swallowed dryly before speaking. “John. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can... then I don't forgive you...” He locked his gaze on the towering figure before him. “But thank you for this.”
The thing called Nikola was now visibly furious, its fabricated limbs shuddering ever so slightly, its hands clenched into fists. “You idiot! Do you really think the world will fair any better under the Watcher? You think you're saving anyone?!”
“I don't care.”
“You can't even save him!”
Tim narrowed his eyes. “But I can hurt you.”
“It will not end like this.”
He let's out a dry laugh. “You sound stressed. You know, I hear the great Grimaldi's in town. You should go see it. Cheer yourself up.”
“That's. Not. Funny.”
“I know.”
In the briefest of moments, time had seemingly stopped for Timothy Stoker.
It was almost comical, how in a place where everything was nothing, its very undoing seemed to both happen all at once, yet slow to and inconceivable halt the moment he pressed down on the detonator.
The whirlwind of mocking laughter bled into cries of anguish and rage around him, as the roar of explosive force tore its way through the foundations of the building that housed an instance that should not, and could not, exist.
For the first time since the music began, and the lines of reality started to blur together in a muddles slurry of backwards thoughts and incomplete emotions, he was able to take in the nonsensical nightmare around him. With his eyes now open, he was able to see what had once been a cramped and musty museum, now stretched and blended into an amphitheater of odd angles and absurd patterns. As if some grand circus had been crudely stitched together with an assortment of other locations to create a menagerie of impossible architecture.
Among it, included sections that bared an uncanny resemblance to a certain theater that made Tim grip the device in his hand so hard that he was sure he'd break it. Not that it mattered at that point, as he could feel the heat of what he had brought upon this place rushing up behind him. He half wondered if the explosives would be enough, now that the place had apparently become bigger on the inside.
He might have even laughed.
When Tim finally turned his attention forward once more, the thing that called itself Nikola Orsinov was nearly at his throat, it's stolen face in a twist of rage. He couldn't help the bitter laughter that bubbled up from his chest and out of his throat at the sight.
“Alright, you poor excuse for a crash dummy, this better leave you so messed up, you don't ever come back. Fuck off.”
With more contentment than he'd felt in many years, Timothy Stoker gladly welcomed the ravenous force as it fully erupted and tore through everything around him, bringing the whole thing crashing down into blazing oblivion.
The next thing that he's aware of, instead of the anticipated prolonged nothingness of non-existence, is a feeling of being... contemplated; something like consideration.
And then the most unimaginable pain, burning through his very existence.
End note: It took a while, and a few times rewriting, but I'm starting things back up again. While last year got in the way of me completing a second chapter that felt right, it left me with a bunch of extra written material for later chapters, so hopefully I can start getting more of it out at a better pace. Thanks for reading! I'm really looking forward to getting to certain things I have planned...
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With A Flap Of Wings, Part One
(okay. here we go.)
Warnings for the overall story: Implications/mentions of suicide, miscarriage.
Tags: Nie-family centric, alternate timeline, time travel fix-it, ghosts, suicide, everybody lives (I know how weird it sounds having both, you gotta trust me here), no-war timeline
Nie Huaisang sits and stares at the closed stone doors of the tomb that contains the bodies of nearly all of his family, or at least their sabers.
All except for his brother, who remains trapped in that heavens-damned coffin.
The pile of aged papers in his lap rustle in the chilly breeze, but he barely pays attention, even though the pages are the answer to one of the many questions that had been plaguing him since the first time the ritual to purify his brother’s soul had failed. 
Since the first time the time-jumping ritual had failed.
He can't remember how many times he's cast it, using his own blood to dive into the past, only to inevitably be flung back here no matter how deep he went or which events he changed.
But now he understands. 
All of the monsters and ugly twists of fate that had targeted his family... they had only been symptoms of the disease. 
He is the cause. 
He, the ill-omened child who killed his own mother with his first breath, is the one who brought calamity on all who ever knew him, death and misfortune dogging his steps before he could even walk.
This, all of this, is because of him.
But he can still fix it. 
Maybe none of the other attempts had worked, but that was because he hadn't known where to weed out the rot threatening the garden. 
Now, he does. 
Closing his eyes and bracing himself, he draws the knife from his belt for what he desperately hopes will be the last time.
Nie Leiyun is six months into her pregnancy –one month away from what would have been her death from hemorrhaging during an arduous childbirth– when she staggers and has to catch herself on a table, suddenly overcome by a horrible throbbing pain in her guts. 
But it's when the pain stops, everything inside her going unnaturally still, that she actually starts to panic and sinks down to sit on the floor, trying to call out and unable to make her voice work. 
A maid rushing to help her back to her feet is the first to see the blood starting to stain her robes and the stone beneath her, and she’s the one who screams for the healers when Nie Leiyun can’t. 
Despite all their efforts, the healers are only able to save one life. 
Once, in a timeline that has just been erased, it was the child. 
This time, it's the mother.
The grief that falls over the sect is heavy. 
No one seems to be more crushed by it than Nie Mingjue. 
All of six years old, he had been adamant that he didn't want a sibling and had complained to anyone who would listen. Babies were stinky and dumb and boring and either cried all the time or made messes everywhere. Gross.
And now the baby is dead, dead and gone, and no amount of hugs or kind words can convince the boy that he hadn't somehow wished his little brother away. 
Nie Haoran and Nie Linsong are gentle with their wife and son's grief -it had been Linsong's own struggles with having another child that had prompted the second wedding, after all- and it's Linsong who makes a fateful suggestion one night as the two of them are sitting by the fire one evening, Linsong spoiling her falcon with some extra preening assistance and Leiyun mending some clothing. 
"The only reason you put your search on hold was because the pregnancy was becoming too harsh on your health, wasn't it? Why not pick it back up again now once you've recovered a little?" 
Three and a half months later, Nie Leiyun hears rumors of a high-ranking courtesan in Yunping who has been making waves among the cultivation gentry. This by itself is nothing new, she has investigated over a dozen other women who ended up in the brothels like she originally had and have since risen to some level of fame, some even attracting the attention of sect leaders like she had. 
But none of those women had been outright carrying her long-abandoned surname of Meng. 
She does her best not to get her hopes up, but luck is on her side for a change, and three days after she first hears the whispers, Nie Leiyun -Meng Xiu- clutches her sister Meng Shi in a tearful embrace. 
She doesn't know how to feel about the tiny boy that her sister introduces her to. He is not yet two years old, so close to her Sang-er. 
They could have grown up cousins. 
But now- 
She wipes her eyes and puts aside her selfishness. Yao-er can still be a cousin and friend to Mingjue, and he and her sister both deserve far better than this place. 
She takes them home.
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dreaming-of-lu · 2 years
How about First figures out that Reader likes him and is now trying to hype himself up to ask them on a date? (Or Link of choice)
(Bonus peanut gallery Chain giving all sorts of advice, whether decent, terrible or joking)
A/N: kdjfsadjfad, the thought of them either messing with First or being somewhat decent with him is kind of funny. Insanity, your brain!
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First was a man of many things, filled with undying courage, strength, and trust; however, he was also not a man knowing of love. He spent his time traveling the lands long before Hyrule, slaying evil and committing himself to Hylia. Love was not on his list nor his mind when dealing with a war that plagued his home; sure, he's gotten a taste of it, though he came to his senses that it wasn't love at all.
What was love? It was a question that burned his thoughts endlessly; there was familiar love, but what about this feeling that made his heart pound harshly against his chest? The sight of you smiling oh so brightly made him think you were the actual sun that descended from the heavens to walk upon the land. He was breathless and couldn't speak at the warmth you blessed him. First had a way with words, yet when it came to you, he had none; there was nothing he could say besides stare at you in awe.
The bashful glances you gave him, the tinkling laughter you graced his ears at each remark he made. The way you carefully tend to his wounds, speaking in soft hushes to him made him feel like he was floating on clouds. It wasn't hard to put two and two together to realize that you held deep feelings for him.
What was the issue? He could ask for your hand in a courting ritual on the spot, though he was clueless on how to go about it.
His only rookie mistake was asking his reincarnations for help.
"Ooohhh, So you need help to ask (y/n) out?" Warriors snickers behind his hand. Twilight elbows his side while failing to hide the smirk on his lips. First should've known as soon as they gave him gremlin-like smiles, minus the other oldest.
"I mean, you could take them out for horseback riding?" Twilight offers.
"Nahhh, needs to be more romantic, Twi!" Warriors smacked a hand against Twilight's gut, prompting a grunt to come out of him and slap the captain's arm away. Wild speaks,
"You could always wrestle some animal to show off to them?"
"No!" They all shouted. Wild grumbles into the pot.
"That would just stress them out, Wild," Hyrule reasoned, "I would also not like to deal with the aftermath too."
Wind jumps in,
"Oh! I know! You could always give them a seashell and ask them that way! They like that kind of stuff, right?"
"Or, you could find out what they actually like, find it, gift it to them and then ask?" Sky offers. First quietly nodded his head at the ideas before Warriors jumped in again,
"Nah, it has to be perfect!"
"And what do you know, lover boy?" Legend snarks from his place far away on a stump. The captain shoots a glare at the vet before turning back around,
"I'm saying we could help him by doing a 'damsel in distress,' kind of thing."
Silence reached the captain's ears.
"I mean, that could work," Wild uttered.
All eyes shifted to him; First furrowed his brows, wide eyes staring bewildered at the captain and the cook. He pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. He definitely regrets asking them.
"Absolutely not," Time piped up, "We are not endangering a member of this group; is that clear?"
A chorus of 'yes, sir,' pleased him. Time pats First on the shoulder,
"You'll figure it out sooner or later; I give you all the luck you need."
First is hoping that the goddesses have pity on him.
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
Hi so I just found out about FPK au and I really like, especially all the lore it has. Also I have like 2 questions for you if you don't mind answering.
What is Ghost's personality like in your au, would they have a good relationship with Holly, Hornet, Grimm and FPK if given the chance?
How would FPK react to your oc Moss and what there relationship be like?
Anyway I hope you have a nice day!
Hi there!
• They're definitely a "no-nonsense" type, they don't waste time on unnecessary things and are very focused on their objective, whatever it is. Unfortunately, this kind of personality type also means that they don't really get attached to others - while not pure as intended, they're definitely closer to that definition than Holly. That being said, they're not completely oblivious or ignorant of others. If they stumble upon someone in need, they will try their best to help them, as long as it doesn't derail them from their main goal too much. Though if they survived after the defeat of The Radiance, I'm sure they'd be more likely to dedicate more time for those kinds of things, at least until they found another "main objective" so to speak. Perhaps helping others by itself would become that goal, so they would be very focused on doing that. This means that, no matter what, I don't think they would find much joy in a quiet, domestic life with a family. They have to travel, they can't just sit still in one spot, they have to do something. Perhaps they would visit the family from time to time, but it's clear that they would only stick around for a while before wandering away.
As for their relationship with the family, I'll start in the order you asked.
Holly - they'd definitely have the closest bond with them, simply because of the void that connects them. They can't speak, but they can still communicate between each other using void rumbling only they understand, so the two would definitely get along. Though, I do think they would disagree quite a lot on their values. Holly is very close to their family, it's one of the most important things for them, so they wouldn't understand Ghost's need to constantly travel alone. And likewise, Ghost would not be able to connect to Holly's love for the family, to them this kind of life is boring and they know they wouldn't be able to stand it.
Hornet - considering that they fought more than once, there is definitely a lot of respect, but also hesitation between them. It's safe to say that their relationship had a pretty rocky start, I mean, one tried to kill the other, so it's hard to find trust there. And similarly to Holly, Ghost wouldn't be able to understand why Hornet spends so much time in Dirtmouth instead of wandering around and exploring, though in Hornet's case it wouldn't be as strong of a dissociation since she does patrol Hallownest relatively often, so they have more in common. Hornet holds a lot of respect for them, though she also doesn't feel as close of a bond as she does with Holly, so their sibling-to-sibling relationship would be far more awkward.
Grimm - he asked them to help him with the ritual, and they failed to do so. I wouldn't say they'd feel guilty about it if they survived, but I do think they would avoid him for quite a while, likely to avoid his anger. They wouldn't understand his obsession with FPK and the family, but that is already a given considering what I said earlier. If they learned about Grimm's connection to The Radiance, perhaps they would find themselves skeptical of his intentions, so that would be another reason for them to avoid him. Of course, Grimm hates his sister probably more than anyone else in the family, so Ghost's suspicion would be unfounded. But since they wouldn't spend much time in Dirtmouth in the first place, they wouldn't see Grimm's softer side very often.
FPK - while it would be easy to assume that they hate his guts, they couldn't be more indifferent to him, which arguably stings even more. To them, he's nothing, just an obstacle in their path, they feel no love towards him, they don't care enough to hate him either. Any attempts on his part to apologize or have any kind of relationship would be met with coldness and complete lack of response on Ghost's part, so he would quickly give up. They do know that he's their father, but they haven't actually met him in person until they smacked him to get his fragment of King's Soul, and after that they would pay no attention to him, almost treating him like he doesn't exist. Perhaps some of this is rooted in hatred, but calling it that would be a bit of an overstatement. They would certainly avoid one another, which gives Ghost even more reasons to not really stick around for a long time.
• Since, unlike Ghost, Moss is a lot less distant, I think they'd relationship would be much more pleasant. That said, they wouldn't really see him as their father, they're adopted by Sheo and the Nailsmith and so they see those two as their parents. But they were taught to be polite, and so they would extend that to FPK. It would be a little awkward to him, perhaps, but he would return the politeness and act kind towards them. It would give him some comfort to know that at least one of the vessels has a happy life with someone who cares for them, even if it should've been him who stepped up to do that. But there would be no bad blood between them, so that would be something he appreciates at the very least.
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tinypixl · 2 years
Part of @inkyquince Omega Hunt collab 🎉
Pairing(s): Alpha!Remy (m) x Omega!Reader (f)
(Implied Omega!Robin (f) x Omega!Reader (f))
Warnings/Additonal Info: 18+ smut, Non-con, Afab reader (no pronouns), Discrimination, General Omegaverse Stuff, Predator/Prey, Mentions of blood & injury, Implied wlw reader, Mentions of whips, Slight violence, Breeding/Impreg mention, Rough sex, Condescension, Choking, Slight mention of vomit, Implied kidnapping, Bratty/Defiant!Reader
You used to have a certain kind of ritual back when you were younger, back when everything had still been okay in your narrow worldview.
Delicate feet would sneak out of different bed, climb out of a different window, lie down onto different grass in the dark of the night. Once there, you would close your eyes and wait. Until tiny, cool droplets gently hit your former small face like liquid pearls. A soft smile tugging on the corners of your lips. It had given you a feeling you couldn't quite describe, but it was peaceful.
Even after your former life had been ripped out of your hands it had been your comfort. One that you shared. How could you not? So it had been the comfort of both of you two. Sneaking out of smaller beds, tiptoeing through the dark halls instead of climbing out of a window and lying down outside in the darkend garden hand in hand, as the rain would caress your skin. It was peaceful, it felt like home.
After you had ran you tried to recreate the same scenario again. Again, sneaking out of a larger bed, finally being able to climb out of a window again and lying down onto... not quite grass. Then, you waited until you felt the touch of the cool water on your face again. It had been peaceful, it felt like home. But that time something was missing.
Your hand tingles, the cheap metal around your neck feeling heavy.
Everything seemed to happen so fast. Too fast for your brain to really process it. The mayor's voice rang through the area. The time was ticking for all of you. Your mind went through your backup-plan on repeat. All the while, shoulders bumped into you left and right, trying to make the most of what little time they had left. You didn't follow them. Your form quiverd, your throat was dry and everything felt so sensitive. Your irritated eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, greedliy taking in the blurry picture, looking around frantically.
You finally spotted her. Standing there, frozen just a few meters away from the cages. Whatever these bastards had given you must have hit her hard.
She showed no reaction to your call.
Not daring to waste another second you grab her by the wrist and pull her along into the dark woods before you. In a direction no one else had ran to. Robin shakily looked up.
"Remember what I told you...", you breathed. Her thick sugary scent tingling your senses.
Hungry gazes on both of your backs, you disappear beyond the trees.
It was so unfortunate that your urgency had made you fail to spot a certain familiar face among the crowd.
The chilly midnight air whizzed past your quivering forms. Both of the twin lockets around your necks trailing behind you as you fled through the darkness. A smell of wet tree trunks, sweat and sugar perpetuated the air around you. You thought you could hear the distressed screams of the other omegas in the distance. Robin was also having a visibly hard time keeping up the pace you set, trailing almost completely behind you, stumbling a few times.
She panted heavily, exhaustion as well as something else thick in her voice:
"W-wait... I... I can't...keep... w-we need to..."
She collapsed before she could finish her sentence. Your heart jumped in your chest. Instantly coming to a halt, you knelt down beside her. It was only now that you'd realize the taste of coppper on your tounge. Lips bitten bloody in a vain to ignore the ever growing flame in your gut, which seemed to flare up even more as you gazed upon Robin's tired, flushed expression, moonlight illuminating her in a tinge of grey-blue.
"God... are you okay?", you queried in a hushed tone. Not like you could make a louder sound with your throat as dry as it was. A guilty feeling overcame you. She would be safe if you had planned this better.
You tried to lift her head slightly, but your hands dug into your wrist painfully. Everything suddenly got hotter and it took everything in you to keep yourself together. Robin shook and gasped in your arms.
"Do... you... smell that?", she croaked and it instantly hit you like a truck. A heavy musk lingering in the air around you. It seemed familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. It numbed your own mind for a slim second. A whimper fell from your lips and you supressed the urge to call out. Behind the lust, fear pricked at you painfully. It was enough to push yourself through it.
"Fuc-kkk.. we need to go!", you whisper-yelled to Robin just before hastily pulling her up.
You tried your hardest to keep up a steady pace. Leaves and small branches crunching beneath your feet while two sweating hands held onto each other for dear life. It was difficult to breathe, sides aching and lungs burning, telling your body to slow down. You prayed to whatever was out there that your legs wouldn't give in. Robin heaved beside you and you took another look at her panic stricken expression. Memories, promises coursed through your mind, which caused you to squeeze her hand tighter.
A platter of fast approaching footsteps snapped you out of your thoughts. A familiar musk dancing around both of your nostrils promising relief. You didn't listen. Fear seemed to pulse in every vein of your body causing you to pick up the pace, narrowly dodging a nearby tree as you did. Your feet pounded over the muddy forest ground.
All of a sudden, Robin was yanked from your grip, screaming. You stopped dead in your tracks to wip your head into her direction. A clearly distressed Robin was being held up by a figure you couldn't quite make out in the dark. It send a surge of rage down your spine, fists balling up as you tried to supress a snarl. Just as you were about to charge towards them however, your head whipped back painfully.
Something around your throat constricted your airway and you could only pathetically grasp at it as you fell backwards onto the hard ground. A low chuckle rang behind you:
"Well what do we have here?"
Your eyes shot wide open. You'd recognise that smug voice anywhere. The universe was making some kind of sick joke, right?
It had only been a few weeks ago when you and Alex fought off his goons, as well as Bailey's thugs again that day in a victory that had been going on for 5 months at that point. No fields lost. Alex and you had fallen into each others arms, covered in grime and dirt, laughing. You had spotted him out of the corner of your eye on a steed upon the top of the hill he always stood and watched, waiting for your fields to light ablaze. You thought that you had seen him look at you in particular at that very moment, his green eyes narrowing before riding of.
Your hands still fruitlessly tugged on the whip around your throat.
"R-rat... bas- gh-...-tard!", you croaked as well as your voice would allow you to.
You caught a glint of Remy grinning down at you in the dark. Beside him, you noticed two other figures, standing at each side. Of course he wouldn't arrive without help.
"Not even a proper greeting? How ill-mannered.", he scoffed.
You refused to answer, keeping the angry expression on your face but on the inside you were panicking, remembering the disgusting shit you had seen on his farm the few times you had snuck in there.
Robin was still whimpering beside you. A pathetic sound that ripped at your heart. This was not the fate she deserved because of a mistake that you had made.
"Let... reuggh... her go...please", you choked.
Remy chuckled:
"As you wish..."
He looked towards the person holding Robin. The other alpha dropped Robin onto the ground, who looked at you with fear. You nodded, a confirmation that you would be okay, hoping she would make it to the cottage. She didn't waste a second and started sprinting. The other alpha went after her. Remy shook his head behind you with a lighthearted chuckle. As if humouring the silly antics of an old friend.
It clicked in your head. They were playing with her. This was part of their sick game... of course it was. Anger made you grind your teeth together. It mixed with your fear and the unwelcome heat, creating an overwhelming mix.
"You know...", Remy's voice rang behind you again:,
"I'm no fool. It couldn't have been a coincidence that Alex's little excuse for a farm only became such a threat to mine after you showed up.." He sounded slightly agitated but hid it well.
Before you could come up with a snarky answer, his hand connected with the back of your skull in a harsh slap. It collided with the mud, hard. Remy didn't follow too late after, caging you beneath him. The musky scent got stronger than ever, sending a shameful jolt through your pussy and making you whimper. You were able to see him clearly now. His flushed face way too close for comfort. That unnerving smile never left his face. He whispered in the shell of your ear:
"You're quite the little menace. Fortunately, I have just the solution for that."
You tried to snap out of your lustful daze, pushing at him weakly. To no avail, the heat caused your body to be frail and worn out.
Remy reached down to undo his pants. You shivered, eyes ripped open wider. Beads of sweat dripped down your forehead. Your right hand frantically grazing around the forest floor as a last ditch effort. Until something sharp pricked your hand. Some honed rock.
"I'm going to break you.", Remy hushed under his breath next to your ear. His hands grasped your denim shorts. It was now or never.
With as much stength as you could muster, you stabbed the rock into his thigh.
He cried out and flung his hands towards the spot you had punctured. Which gave you enough time to stumble to your aching, unsteady feet and start moving. Managing to evade the hands of his goons reaching for you. More yelling ensued behind you.
You felt strained. Branches whipped into your face as you bolted. The heat was getting worse by the second. You barely avoided slipping on a muddy patch. Terror and boiling rage burned in your head. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. It should've been obvious that it was stupid to stay. Three pairs of footsteps were getting louder behind you. You should've ran away with Robin sooner. Should've left the city completely. But you didn't want to give up the farm. Didn't want to abandon Alex and leave them at the mercy of Remy's attacks. Looking behind you, Remy and his goons were closing in on you. A sob escaped your lips. You should've been more careful when you snuck into your former home the night before. You should've explained the situation to Robin properly, but there just wasn't any time. A pair of fingers brushed over your hoodie but they failed to grasp anything. You were mad. Mad at this town, it's residents. Mad at the way things are. The unfair battles you had to face because of something you had no control over. An angry roar instinctively broke out of your throat and rang through the night. Though it turned into a loud weep midway through. But for the most part you were angry at yourself. The footsteps got louder. A small voice inside you told you to give up. Another tear ran down your cheek as you blinked. Your aching heart refused. You opened your eyes again and felt the breath in your throat hitch upon the sight before you. You recognized this patch. You recognized it from the first time you had ran from the town. You were close.
Your little heart was beating with a tiny glimmer of newfound hope. If you made it out, you could still have a chance to buy yourself some time... to make it right, to save Robin. Your hand held your locket tightly.
However your optimism was short lived. In a flash, you could feel your feet- no, your whole body losing it's balance. A swift sensation that felt like your stomach leaping into your mouth registered in your mind. Your left ankle twisted painfully as it crashed into the ground again. The top of your torso came next, resulting in a sickening crunch that traveled up your ears. You were sent tumbling down the slope. Leaves and branches hitting you in the face, the vicious rolling making you nauseous.
It finally stopped when you knocked into a tree, hard. You were back on level ground. At least the heat subdued the pain a bit.
And for a moment it was almost peaceful. The sounds or owl in the distance of the trees, the sensation of dirt beneath you, the moonlight shining down on you. It was like the quiet before-
"Wouldn't expect much more from an omega.", one of Remy's lackeys commented a few meters away. Footsteps halted right before you. That same musk dancing in your nostrils. Your head was pulled up by your hair and you came face to face with Remy crouching before you, one hand resting on the wound of his thigh.
"Insolent little terror...", he scolded,:
"You made this harder for everyone, yourself included."
Despite your body having reached it's limit your mind still seethed with silent scorn. You had half the mind to mock him for not even showing up on his own but it would've been a shot into your own leg as he didn't even need the help of his farmhands to catch you. So you opted to just stare up at him in defiance, heaving loudly but not answering. That insufferable smile appeared on his face again.
"But maybe that was your plan. Just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. It's fine, nothing we can't correct with a little time.", he mocked and dropped your head into the dirt again.
Hands grasped at your hips pulling them up and shoving your shorts, as well as your underwear down to your knees roughly.
You could hear what sounded like a zipper being undone which send a vile little jolt through your most sensitive parts. Your cunt glistend with slick, as a cockhead pressed into it. You ground you teeth together and held your breath, trying to stifle the little calls that seemed to be so deeply ingrained into your nature, body paralyzed with pain and want.
Remy laughed behind you again. It was louder now, less controlled. He bent down so that his chest was pressed against your back. You could feel him panting. He was good at supressing the rut your sweet little scent had him in.
"Say... do you enjoy making this so hard on yourself?", he tauntingly asked, his cock still not fully sheathed inside of you. His hands traced over your hips in a mock-loving fashion.
You snapped.
"Fuck you! 'Dumb as fuck to bring me to your farm! Gonna make sure to burn down the whole fucking thing this time!", you seethed, unsuccesfully trying to supress a terrified whimper as what you said rendered in the rational part of your mind the moment it slipped out of you.
Without warning he fully enveloped his cock inside you, stretching your insides and eliciting a loud, unwanted moan from you.
He laughed again, even louder this time:
"Oh... I knew it was you who wreaked that havoc. No wonder Bailey wanted to get rid of you so badly."
He started pumping in and out of you as he lifted your head by your hair again.
You gritted your teeth in disgut when you felt his breathy voice closer to your ear:
"They told me a lot about your little shenanigans. You're quite the menace, running away like that, making them look unfit as the omega caretaker. But they knew you would come back for your little friend..."
Your eyes shot open. Your pussy still being relentlessly thrusted into, slick trailing down your inner thighs. This should've been something you expected, it should have... Blunt nails dug into the dirt underneath you. Vile, shameful feelings were growing stronger in your lower regions to your disgust. Tears filled your eyes. They fell onto the small patch of grass before your sight. Guilt crept up your back. Remy's voice got more quiet as he continued:
"But I know what is lurking under that feisty little exterior of yours. You may want to play tough but you can't deny your nature... I saw it right away the first time when you were still hiding on that beta's farm... just a small soft little creature putting on an act to protect itself. You were quite annoying... But I know you will be perfect once you submit, and I do need an heir after all..."
If you weren't panicking before, you definitly were now. Despite your whole body aching, limbs shivering in fear, you fought with what little strength you didn't know you even had left. Kicking shins, arms wildly hitting around, all while mouthing shrill phrases of "Oh no nono, fuck no-". This just confirmed your worst fears. Honestly, a fate of being forced into one of his 'special fields' would've felt more merciful than this to you. The image of being some overprized pet or at best a obedient little housespouse made you gag. This was not what you wanted. This couldn't be futher from what you wanted. It sounded like fucking nightmare!
Remy clicked his tongue in annoyance and, using his body weight forced you flat on the ground, making it hard to even move at all. His cock was pushed deeper into you as a result. You could feel it pulsing inside your heated walls. It made everything hotter and so much worse. His hand crept under your hoodie to roughly grab a handful of your right breast. The index and middle finger of his hand found your teat. He alternated between gently stroking and roughly pinching it. Your hands were griping the dirt so deeply that it started to hurt your nailbeds. All the while his cock continued to rest deep inside you. And you felt ashamed of the fact that the lack of movement frustrated you.
"It's okay... I know omegas can be so emotional sometimes.", Remy cooed beside your ear. The thumb of his other hand gently wiping at the tears and dirt on your cheek. The intimacy felt vile.
"Fuck off...", you sobbed quietly, completely failing to sound tough. Remy just hummed in response. His hand just gently lifting your face into the direction of the end of the forest towards the farmlands, slightly west. Your blurry vision perceived a figure. No... two figures. One slumped over the shoulder of another. It was honestly hard to see in those early hours of morning. They walked into the direction of town and passed by a few meteres beside you. Squinting your eyes, you finally recognized her. Robin. Her clothes hanging down her form in tatteres. Hair messy and in tangles, no necklace decorated her delicate neck anymore. Her arms motionlessly dangling down the back of the alpha who dared to-
Loud, choked sobs rattled through your battered body. The cheap metal aound your neck felt heavy. If it weren't for your empty stomach, you're sure you would have vomited. This was your fault. All of it. You couldn't protect her. You broke your promise...
The painfully calm voice behind you spoke again:
"Oh hush now, you should be relieved. She's in good hands. They're a good friend of mine, neither a brute nor a collector. One of the best fates an omega could be graced with."
Your weeping didn't subside one bit. Remy sighed.
"Not quite convinced? Do you want to know what really happens to the ones that don't get claimed in the hunt?"
You shook your head, just crying harder. Sobs still punctuating your irregular breaths as you buried your head in your arms. Inaudible apologies bubbled from your lips in silent prayer. Remy cooed at you.
The cock inside you started to move again. Slick coated everything just near your pussy. Moans began intertupting your cries now, but you didn't care enough to stop them. Body and mind too exhausted and hot. Groans were audible behind you now. A hand brushed your hoodie up to your armpits. It slightly lifted your bruised torso. A wet mouth latched onto your right breast. Tounge swirling over the rose bud in the middle. A lewd moan fell from your mouth, only slightly muffled by the fabric of your hoodie. Somewhere distantly in your mind, you humoured your wanton response. Cunt clenching around the moving dick while slick gushed out of you. The musk in your nose felt welcome now. Your body acting like this was the only thing it was good for. And you almost believed it in that moment.
The movements got faster, rougher and your pussy greedily obliged, welcoming the pace. You could feel an orgasm slowly building up it's approach.
Your abused nipple got released from it's confinement with a loud pop. Lips instead trailed up your limp body and rested on the juncture between your shoulder and neck. The uncontrolled groans behind you send little vibrations over the sensitive skin there. The sweet tingling promise of release tickled your inner walls.
Nails suddenly dug into your sides. A knot was being pushed into you so deep that it knocked all the air out of your lungs. Sharp teeth sunk into you. A scream ripped through you as your own climax came crashing down on you in that very same moment. Seed spilled inside of your womb.
Your exhausted lungs heaved while your mind was stuck in the afterglow.
The bitten spot throbbed, warm blood gushing out of the small punctures and yet it barely hurt. The aching heat inside your body finally slowly subsided. For now. You laid there, still heaving, with leaves sticking to your sweaty forehead.
The air felt cooler. One tiny, cool droplet gently hit your forehead and ran down the bridge of your nose. Another followed. Then another. You felt mocked.
The weight on top of you shifted. Your body was being lifted and turned so that you laid on your back, cock and knot still buried in your flodded walls. A calloused hand grasped your chin gently but firmly. Green orbs seemed to analyze your face. He looked odd like this, not as put together as usual. You just stared back blankly, laboured breaths being the only sounds coming from you. A slight smirk adorned his bloody lips. Your blood.
"Let's get you home."
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theminecraftbox · 2 years
thoughts on c!sam and religion im curious... also in regards to prisontrio all three are religious, to varying degrees and varying beliefs
/dsmp rp
okay so we joke that Sam is Catholic but, like, come ON. Sam has a LOT of behaviors that tend to ping me as religious/religious-coded. I don’t really think Sam definitely believes there’s a god… but there’s a very authoritative + spiritual cast to his attitude on life. God may not be real, but Good and Evil definitely are—everybody’s got a devil and an angel on their shoulder.
For one thing, there’s his attitude towards morality, which I’ve gone on and on and on about. How he makes arguments about virtue ethics based in authority, and based on the supposition that there is such a thing as Good and Evil, and more concretely and importantly, Good People and Evil People. Sam projects lots of this onto Dream. Dream becomes an object of his need for the moral world to be a simple one.
His personal relationship to guilt, suffering, and justice is an extremely particular brand of religious: he references purgatory in Daedalus, for god’s sake. There is an element of Sam that wants to see himself as martyred; there is a part of him that sees suffering as redemptive, just as that part of him sees suffering as something delivered only unto the unworthy. This is imo a huge part of his complex with Dream: Dream deserves to suffer, yet… doesn’t suffering elevate him, excuse him, somehow?
He’s got all these superstitious behaviors: think of how he acts post-egg, his relationship to the holy water. I think he prayed, down trapped in the obsidian, with his own flesh. He has all these behaviors that are nearly ritualized: the laws the waivers the protocols, forever and ever amen. Sam derives tangible comfort from following ordained rules. Violate the rules and just punishment follows, the arm of god will smite you. (Sam is happy to act in this capacity. Sam is afraid, on some level, to be on the receiving end.) Obey the rules and you will never be be wrong. I maintain that Sam was shaken far more by letting Quackity violate protocol than by letting him commit horrific violence.
As for Quackity… I don’t see Q as a true believer, founding of the prime church aside. But I think his quiet faith in power could be shaped that way: what are lessons if not commandments? What is a country if not a kingdom, what is a kingdom if not divine? If God is real, God owes him a motherfucking crown.
Quackity is a believer in shattering idols. Heaven is a place on earth. So is hell. Quackity can build them both. Quackity does not think Dream is a god, but he ascribes Dream power when he tears him apart.
I think the most fascinating thing here is that peculiar form of iconoclasm in what he does to Dream, and in how he rips out Schlatt’s heart, and even in some respects how he tries to tear down Wilbur. Quackity will take these false idols and smash them on the sand; he’ll eat what remains and absorb their power. That’s a ritual too.
Dream, I think, has the kind of faith you keep when you’ve met a god and he’s wearing your face. He has the kind of faith you keep in your heart when you wield the power of the gods, you carry it inside you, and you were torn apart for months for it. Everyone Dream ever reveals it to tries to pry it from him and they all fail. The plan Dream keeps is going to save the world and he’s the only one with the guts and the ability to do it.
Dream does not have a god complex, but he is a mortal man willing to tear apart the tools of Olympus. And he knows that’s exactly what he’s doing.
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