thepersonalquotes · 5 months
It is impossible for darkness to reign in the presence of a star.
Matshona Dhliwayo
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thepersonalwords · 20 days
To be blind momentarily when light hits your eyes is better than to be blind permanently when darkness hits your soul.
Matshona Dhliwayo
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eelhound · 2 years
"Rituals are architectures of time, structuring and stabilising life, and they are on the wane. The pandemic has accelerated the disappearance of rituals. Work also has ritual aspects. We go to work at set times. Work takes place in a community. In the home office, the ritual of work is completely lost. The day loses its rhythm and structure. This somehow makes us tired and depressed.
In The Little Prince [1943], by [Antoine de] Saint-Exupéry, the little prince asks the fox to always visit at the exact same time, so that the visit becomes a ritual. The little prince explains to the fox what a ritual is. Rituals are to time as rooms are to an apartment. They make time accessible like a house. They organise time, arrange it. In this way you make time appear meaningful.
Time today lacks a solid structure. It is not a house, but a capricious river. The disappearance of rituals does not simply mean that we have more freedom. The total flexibilisation of life brings loss, too. Rituals may restrict freedom, but they structure and stabilise life. They anchor values and symbolic systems in the body, reinforcing community. In rituals we experience community, communal closeness, physically.
Digitalisation strips away the physicality of the world. Then comes the pandemic. It aggravates the loss of the physical experience of community. You’re asking: can’t we do this by ourselves? Today we reject all rituals as something external, formal and therefore inauthentic. Neoliberalism produces a culture of authenticity, which places the ego at its centre. The culture of authenticity develops a suspicion of ritualised forms of interaction. Only spontaneous emotions, subjective states, are authentic. Modelled behaviour, for example courtesy, is written off as inauthentic or superficial. The narcissistic cult of authenticity is partly responsible for the increasing brutality of society.
In my book I argue the case against the cult of authenticity, for an ethic of beautiful forms. Gestures of courtesy are not just superficial. The French philosopher Alain says that gestures of courtesy hold a great power on our thoughts. That if you mime kindness, goodwill and joy, and go through motions such as bowing, they help against foul moods as well as stomach ache. Often the external has a stronger hold than the internal.
Blaise Pascal once said that instead of despairing over a loss of faith, one should simply go to mass and join in rituals such as prayer and song, in other words mime, since it is precisely this that will bring back faith. The external transforms the internal, brings about new conditions. Therein lies the power of rituals. And our consciousness today is no longer rooted in objects. These external things can be very effective in stabilising consciousness. It is very difficult with information, since it is really volatile and holds a very narrow range of relevance."
- Byung-Chul Han being interviewed by Gesine Borcherdt, from "Byung-Chul Han: 'I Practise Philosophy as Art.'" Art Review, 2 December 2021.
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maihonhassan · 7 months
I'm so in love with this quote:-
"Become so close to Allah that they have to go to Him to find you."
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wildworldx · 2 months
Hope is not something stupid - wildworldx
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elisabethbabarci · 1 month
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With gratitude, acceptance, and appreciation , love yourself unconditionally. Be mindful of your tolerance levels, do not accept conditional love, and be brave to be vulnerable. Being mindful of your environments is paramount in any union as it enhances or degrades who we will become — who we decide to share our energy with will become a part of us. Attuning into your needs and respectfully the needs of others will enable you to see beyond with compassion and an authentic approach. Never adapt to societal pressures of the norm, relations that are forced will dissolve as they are not within the natural rhythm or flow. Only you know what is in alignment for your highest and greatest good. Be empathetic to all situations with the ability and fortitude to seek another perspective, seek to understand, and to embrace mindfulness. Choose your battles, never seek validation, seek inner peace and self regulation to heal deeper, to be aligned with your path. Keep evolving while you stand in your truth. Remember, divine sacred unions help us along our spiritual expansion to enable us to be open, vulnerable, compassionate, to anchor our light for not just ourselves but others as a beacon of unconditional love. True sovereignty and unity consciousness emerge as we stay grounded and centred in who we are. To stand in our power, to embrace clarity in our sight, and to be aligned with our true moral purpose is living fully in the present. When you embody who you truly are, you will receive love in abundance as the love you have for yourself will be mirrored by others. Encompass spiritual integrity, inner liberation, transformations, as you rise and evolve to new forms of love for yourself and others. All circumstances and experiences lead to inner awakenings, ascension, and inner growth which promotes a diverse mindset, rooting in your higher purpose, and the acceptance of interconnectivity as we are all one.
Elisabeth Babarci
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ohithankyou · 1 month
i love tommy deeply and my love for him is based in what we’ve seen of him in season seven and the person he’s become over the years. but, but. i would be a liar if i said i didn’t start to love him or bucktommy a tad harder when people started all their bullshit “hate” against him/them.
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albertayebisackey · 4 months
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"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention." — Oscar Wilde
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lulu2992 · 10 months
If you’ve played Far Cry 3, you’ve probably seen its “prequel”, a promotional web series called The Far Cry Experience starring Michael Mando as Vaas and Christopher Mintz-Plasse as himself.
In Episode 4 (spoilers), Vaas asks the audience if they want Chris to live or die. People decided he should live but, since there were two choices, they had to shoot two versions of the final episode.
Well, a few years ago, I realized that, on the Ubisoft Japan YouTube channel, both versions were available! So in case you didn’t know this video existed, here’s what would have happened if people had voted for Chris to die:
The video is dubbed in Japanese and I unfortunately don’t speak this language, so I can’t tell what they’re saying... But if you understand Japanese or are good at reading lips, maybe you can :)
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geopsych · 1 year
“You can be as faithful to a place or to a thing as a person. A place can really make your heart leap."
—Andy Warhol
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Be careful who you talk to about personal things
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aviationgeek71 · 11 months
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Faith's Journey
“God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.” — Karen Blixen
New Albany, Ohio. April 30, 2023.
By @aviationgeek71
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thepersonalwords · 5 months
Faith moves mountains, intelligence goes over them, wisdom goes around them, but love levels them.
Matshona Dhliwayo
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13reasonstolive · 10 months
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You are never alone 💛
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leonieanderson · 4 months
What is better than believing you are heading towards love?
- Caleb Azumah Nelson, Open Water
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elisabethbabarci · 2 days
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When we overcome personal challenges and hardships, we begin deep inner reflections, which enable us to recognize that our power can never be taken or given away, only a situation can take away a moment of your time or inner peace. Once we recognize that our past circumstances do not define us, that we are free to stand strong in our true peaceful nature, it enables personal awareness and spiritual growth. When we embrace coexistence, unity, and diversity of opinions, or seek guidance from others which mirror our current circumstance, we then recognize that we can overcome anything set in our path by evoking trust and strength in our will. By transmuting the energy from a negative frequency, to further offset or regulate a negative circumstance, enables us to neutralize an outcome which opens the possibility of resolutions, prosperity, stability, and growth. When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions, to foster positive results, we then stand firm in our power to foster the change that is needed.
Elisabeth Babarci
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