#fake gun prank
prankvids · 8 months
Walking like ladies style ???? | prank video | prank gone wrong ????! #shorts #prank #comedy
https://PrankVids.com prank,walking,like,Prank video,Prank videos,Funny prank video,Funny prank videos,Prank videos funny,Prank video in 2023,Funny Videos,Funny video,Prank show,Prank in India,New years new prank,Comedy video,Prank,Brand friendly,Pranks,Prank in the world,Prank in public,Funniest videos 2023,Fart prank,Viral prank,Best prank,Japanese tv,Japanese game show,Public prank,New York…
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hobohobgoblim · 4 months
I have to ask. Is terrifying kids with toy guns some new prank? Some trend? Cause the kids at my work were straight up traumatised by a couple of teenagers waving and shooting off cap guns at them. A week ago the cops stopped to teens in a car clad in fake ballistic vests and holding very realistic toy guns on they're way to a local school.
I don't live in the USA. There are no protocols for mass shootings here. I was ordered to delete the pictures I took of these horrible little shits because it might "damage their reputations".
How are we so fucked?
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kollectorsrus · 2 years
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satoshy12 · 8 months
The Jokes of the Ghost:
While de-aged, Danny stumbles into the Joker's hideout. Nothing special; it's a Clown. Well, Danny can prank him! The spirits around him all told him what they wanted to do to this clown. But no death, they don't want his ghost near Gotham, but very far away.
So Danny was causing harm with playful ghostly antics that turned the Joker's plans into comedy. Danny played pranks on the poor Joker for already one month. The Joker can't even leave the room without getting a bowling ball in his balls or a stumple to fall on his face. The money he stole is gone, the food he eats is rotten, or worse, his car is frozen solid, or his weapons are fake guns.
Much to the amusement of Gotham.
Then, one day, an angry joker and the police see who gave him all the problems. It was a meta! Dressed in a Bat Onesie.
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redrex-64 · 1 year
Allstars Adventure s1 ep11
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joseph joestar is so. he’s crashed four planes. became a real estate agent. he’s an objectively awful person. just a horrible, horrible man. got married at 18. cheated on his wife. faked senility when confronted with his bastard son and affair. loves his grandma. collects comic books. his first ever appearance is him beating up two cops. fought an immortal god inside an active volcano. he’s had to watch himself and his entire family before and after him lose their lives and childhoods to the joestar curse. likes weird al. he thought it would be funny to pretend be the man who had tormented his entire bloodline and killed any friend they’ve ever had. just as a little prank. tactical genius who can’t do simple math. died once but he was resurrected so it’s fine. his solution to killing a vampire was use tommy gun. and when that doesn’t work, use grenades
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iateyourparents · 4 months
playin fighting with colby
accident | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x fem!reader
summary: you and colby prank your friends.
warnings: faking fights and murder, bad writing and grammar(i’m sorry but english isn’t my first language), not proofread.
an: so past few days i was rewatching old videos on youtube and i got this idea so i kinda changed your request but i hope you like it <33
pictures are from pinterest :)
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“Hi guys! Today I’m here with Colby and Allie.” you pointed camera at them “Few days ago I asked y’all on instagram for video ideas that you would like to see and one of them was a prank. Payback prank for the one Jake organized. Allie, would you like to introduce yourself?” you smirked at girl who smiled widely and looked at the camera.
“I’m Allie and I’m a professional make up artist! And today I will be making y/n’s dead!”
You laughed and started talking to your viewers to explain “So yeah, one of your ideas was murdering prank and because Colby and I are hosting pizza night tonight, we thought it would be a great opportunity to do that prank.”
“Exactly! So today I will be the greatest boyfriend alive and I will kill my girlfriend!” you all laughed.
“Alright, it might be kinda confusing so let me explain to you the whole plan.” you smiled at the camera and started explaining your plan step by step.
Soon, when Colby started ordering pizza for later, Allie started working on your fake wound so later she would just glue it to you and add some fake blood. In the meantime you recorded everything so yout viewers could see the whole process of preparing this prank.
“Alright, so Sam, Tara and Jake are already in the elevator so they will be here any minute.” you said to the camera “Me and Colby will act kinda tense so it won’t be weird when we will ‘fight’ suddenly. But now I have to go and hide you but don’t worry, we already set other cameras everywhere so you will see the whole show.” you laughed and started hiding the camera.
Not long later your door was opened and your guests came in and you started the show.
You and Colby tried to act weirdly. You didn’t look at each other and didn’t talk to each other and your friends quickly picked up the unusual behavior.
“Everything good?” Sam frowned looking between you two “You’re acting weird ever since we came. If you don’t feel like pizza night we can reschedule.” he assured seemingly worried.
“Everything’s fine man.” Colby assured him but still didn’t look at you.
“Yeah, we’re okay.” you nodded with small smile and ‘accidentally’ pushed Colby with your shoulder. It was a sign to him that you have to start the actual prank.
“Be careful.” Colby said sternly and you could see weird looks coming from Tara, Jake and Sam. Colby never spoke like that to you so of course it alarmed them.
“Sorry, it was an accident.” you mumbled and Colby snorted.
“Surely.” he also mumbled.
“Are you sure you’re okay guys? Are you fighting right now? Cause I came here for pizza, not for the drama.” Tara rolled her eyes but you could see she was unsure about what’s happening and that worried her.
“Yeah, Colby’s just very moody today.” you faked a smile and Colby ‘glared’ at you.
“Excuse us guys.” Colby smiled at the trio “Continue eating and we will be back in just a minute.” he grabbed your arm gently and ‘dragged’ you to your room where Allie was already preparing everything.
She messed up few things so it looked like someone had broke them in rage and she quickly instructed you to sit still while she was applying the fake gun wound on your forehead and another one on your shoulder. Then she also faked bruises on your neck and wrists.
“They are gonna freak out.” you giggled quietly while Allie was covering Colby, walls, bed and floor in the fake blood. You have to admit, she made a good job in making it look scary. And you also were sure it would be hell to clean it up afterwards.
“That’s the plan.” Colby smiled at you widely and then looked in the direction of camera “Alright, so now Allie will hide in our bathroom and we will fake a fight. We will be shouting and then I will shoot.” he showed fake gun to the camera. It was also covered in fake blood.
“It’s not real gun, don’t worry. It’s a gun that is used in movies. It doesn’t shoot but it have a sound like a real one.” you explained laying on the floor while Allie was preparing sounds of breaking stuff so the broken things in the room would make sense.
“Alright, show must go on so I’m going to the bathroom.” Allie winked at the camera and closed herself in the bathroom with a laptop so she could see everything.
“Alright who starts yelling?” Colby asked kissing your cheek.
“Me.” you decided and started yelling “Are you fucking insane?!”
Colby also started shouting, you two were just fake insulting yourselves and then Allie turned on sounds of throwing things and that was a clue for you to lay down on the floor in a dead pose while Colby prepared himself to give shots.
You could hear your friends going into the direction of your room so Allie turned off the sounds and you started yelling as loud as possible and Colby gave a shot.
It was very loud and you actually got scared for a second. Then he gave another one and your friends quickly ran into the room while you laid still on the floor trying to breathe as quiet as possible.
“What the fuck?!” Tara sounded scared “What did you do Colby?!”
Jake and Sam stared in shock at your body while Tara started crying. Colby just dropped the gun and placed his hands on his face.
“What the fuck did I do?” he then looked at boys “It was an accident, I swear. You know I wouldn’t do that on purpose. You have to help me cover it!”
“What the fuck?!” Jake looked at him with wide eyes “Since when do you even have a gun?! Are you…What the fuck.”
“What did you do Colby?” Sam looked like he was on the verge of tears “It’s your girlfriend!”
“I know! It was an accident, I didn’t want to! I would never hurt her” he promised and well, he was a good actor. He even faked tears.
“But you just did.” Jake was panicking.
“We have to call 911!” Sam suddenly realized.
“No! I can’t go to jail!” Colby shouted.
“You killed her you idiot!” Tara shouted and then Sam quickly ran up to you and crouched next to you.
“Sam, don’t touch her!” Colby acted mad and started walking towards the blonde who was trying to feel the pulse. Jake quickly stopped Colby, holding him while Tara tried to find a phone with shaky hands.
“Shit shit shit.” Sam cursed under his breath and you opened your eyes. Sam jumped back from you with a scream. It caused Tara and Jake to scream too.
“What the hell?!” Sam looked traumatized while you and Colby just started laughing and Allie came out of the bathroom.
“It’s a prank bro!” Colby shouted “A payback for your prank.” he told to all three of them.
“You’re fucking insane.” Tara punched Colby’s arm and ran to you to hug you “I’m so glad you’re alive and Colby isn’t a murderer. I actually wanted to eat that pizza.”
You laughed reciprocating her hug.
“I actually thought we would have to start making content from behind the bars bro.” Sam clapped Colby’s arm.
“What the fuck is wrong with you guys?” Jake snorted while inspecting the fake gun “You will regret that.”
“Sure.” you rolled your eyes “Anyone wants pizza?”
Later when everyone go home, you and Colby were sitting on a couch, cuddling and watching the prank.
“I love Sam’s reaction.” you laughed snuggling into Colby’s arm “He looks like he can’t decide between helping you cover the murder and giving you away to the police.”
Colby also laughed kissing your head.
“I feel like we actually might regret it if they will team up again and prank us.” he said after a moment and you shrugged.
“Then we should look for some more prank ideas.” you kissed his shoulder.
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me-uglypretty · 3 days
Three words and you know it
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Summary: Yelena and Kate fools Peter into a web of lies that eventually creates something more than a mischievous prank. [Loosely based on this incorrect quotes]
Warning: 18+ (G), fake relationships, comedy, pranks, fluff | Word count: 3.2k
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Oblivion was neither bad nor good, it was something that depended entirely on an individual’s circumstance. It was the knowing and not knowing. For an instance, there are certain time or situation in which, someone voluntarily walks into a shared space, a look of innocence on their face or that of oblivion, the utmost clarity in their words as they spoke with an unknown oath to gather attention that spew at confusion and awkward conversations. Though, it was to their unawareness.
It begun, a lovely morning for a warm breakfast, an extra sweet treat at the side, and two cups of tea. Natasha assured that breakfast duty was hers for today, and for you to sit comfortable on the kitchen chair. It forced a sort of routine, you would cook for her and she would cook for you, and Natasha profusely placing an extra pancake on your plate. Such arguments of being too full from your side was ignored.
You knew—Natasha knew. The extend of what you could eat, what you hated to eat, and everything that wouldn’t suffice your hunger. Especially for her special breakfast pancake that you truly enjoy, and have in numerous occasions requested for the same food later in the evening. It was your thing with her, and her thing with you.
Natasha knew that at every dreadful mission, the vile smell of gun powder, blood that sticks uncomfortable on your skin that was a mix of yours and the body that fell dead, and the anguish within which you hid with a joke—it was this little routine that curls a genuine smile on your face.
There, a smile etched on your face as you take anguish bites of your breakfast, and the equally contented smile on Natasha’s face as she unashamedly stares at you. A twinkle of some sort in your eyes and hers. The childlike expression which erupts at the most trivial situation or when enjoying the little things in life more than others, but more with each other.
You both were alike in that way, just not in the exact way that would make obvious of another correlation between two former assassins.
It was then, a wisp of white threadlike webs whizzed through the kitchen, an inch away from knocking your plate and a perfect hit to the cabinet behind you. At the exact moment that you swore, Natasha swiftly extracted a knife from beneath the counter, and a sound of cheer erupts with the appearance of Peter Parker.
Occasion alike this is when confusion arrives, playing a tune that led to strokes of awkwardness by the words of Peter, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, Mrs Romanoff! I’m still trying to understand this, look it’s so cool, but it's so confusing and this update just made it more confusing…”
The show of a silver bracelet wrapped around his wrist had earned a whistle from Natasha, complimenting him on the new look and discreetly hiding the knife she was holding. He seemed unfazed as he continued talking. The young boy’s likely visit often result in many broken objects, and yet, Tony insists on presenting him with new devices.
“How’s uni?” you enquired, after ensuring that you wouldn’t be hit by another string of web.
Natasha who was sat opposite you, watched amusedly as you navigated your plate correspondingly to where Peter moved in the kitchen. Your attentive gaze on the young boy dithers when you meet the eyes of Natasha, the wiggle of her eyebrows seems to almost take your attention away, if wasn’t for the rumbles of the additional person in the kitchen.
“…I told him that we shouldn’t do it, but it happened anyway,” Peter had gone on, words upon words that was ignored by reason of the woman sat opposite you. “Opps, sorry again, Mrs Romanoff,” he mumbled, hands fixated on the string of web almost hitting straight on Natasha’s forehead as the other end was stuck to his bracelet.
Several taps on the countertop redirects his attention towards the sound. Natasha gave him a pointed look. “Peter…” her voice sounded stern, nearing that of annoyance, before a playful smile emerges on her face, and she waited for the realisation to settle at her attempt of a joke.
The intention was to gather rounds of laughter from the young boy, perhaps, for you to announced again that she was horrible at joking as it always seemed more scary than funny. Despite that, you would laugh, shaking your head as you always did, hand waving away any attempt of explanation for her ways of words in the tone of comedy.
Peter sensed it, she thought. There was a look of confusion on his face as he glanced between two, your shake of head and the grin on her face. His eyes widened, “Sorry, Natasha. No more last names,” he spoke, hands raised in surrender which drew soft chuckles from the spy.
Natasha doesn’t flatter, opting to wink at him then glancing at you. “Do you want anything else?” she murmured the question, voice soften so drastically, and only for you to hear.
You smiled, feeling the warmth that roused at your skin as her eyes remained stuck on you. “Not really, but maybe for lunch…”
It’s easy, the exchanges of words or when eyes met and spoke more than what anyone else could interpret between two. Perhaps, the familiarities of your past had easily engulf this understanding. The learning of life that wasn’t controlled severely, breathing in air that both warmth your chest and made your huff at the scent that carried through the room, after she had sprayed her favourite perfume.
It wasn’t your favourite scent, but you had made it a habit to expect that she always wore the same perfume. Natasha sprayed your jacket with her perfume once, and somehow, she understood that you detested the scent—unless it was on her.
It’s so easy to overlook the other person who stood there, mouth producing noises that seemed like nothing if it wasn’t her voice that spoke or yours that she kept close.
“Goodbye Natasha, and Mrs Romanoff!” Peter waved his right hand while his left grasped onto his sandwich, and he speedily left the kitchen.
It was that, the noise that enticed your attention to the sound. The clatter of silverware followed by grumbles of curses slipping out your mouth, and hands grasping onto the countertop when your knee bumped against the counter. Natasha’s head had promptly turned towards you after staring at the door where Peter’s exited. The first thing she observed was the sheer look of panic on your face, and round eyes widened as you chaotically tried picking up the fallen fork.
Natasha caught onto something there. Her sense of awareness has always been remarkable. Missions completed in perfection due to her foresee of situations and ensuring her head was clear to achieve the best outcome. Thus, your undoubted appearance had proved her theory of something else than simple exchanged of greetings. Before this abrupt occurrence, Natasha was sure that Peter was greeting her as two different persons, and throughout those exchanges, you were always by her side. Bodies almost pressed together by the proximity.
Unless—and her attention shifts, round eyes marvelling at the clear nervousness on your apperance, mouth parted as though you were ready to justify yourself, but only offered her empty blows of air. Natasha raised a single eyebrow, easily grasping your attempts of changing the conversation.
“Was Peter calling you…Mrs Romanoff?”
The question was asked with a firm tone, and it agitated your hands to reach for a tissue or anything closer. A needed distraction from how you could easily utter every little secret by the sound of her voice, the look on her face, and those eyes, so green and gleaming even beneath the gloomy light.
When your eyes redirected from your almost empty plate to meet her eyes, you had perceived the look of contemplation on her face. It felt that she was genuinely engrossed in the idea. In a split second where your attempt mask of indifference slips, and you were sure that she knew.
Natasha sighed. “Why did Peter call you that…” her voice softened profusely. “I’m not going to harm you…or throw a knife at you so tell me please?”
The question itself flashed a memory in your mind. A knife that was thrown across the room, slashing a wound on the side of your arm, and if you hadn’t spent that time gawking at the known assassin, you wouldn’t had walked out with a wound to remind you of the moment you met Natasha Romanoff.
She was the enemy first, then she became your closest friend. That endearment kind of feeling, a word that tasted both sweet and bitter at your heart’s desire. At times, you wondered if staying as enemies would be enough. But you stare into her eyes at that moment, a smile that materialises on her face with a look to encourage your confession and the warmth that spread in your chest caused by her.
You would never know, perhaps, you thrive in the prospect of having a close something with her than nothing at all.
In your spiralling state, Natasha’s body remained rigid as she sat there, and waited for an appropriate reason for that mistake. There was a voice in her head that pushed forward the thought she had dejectedly hid away. It was the sound of hope that would persuade for something good than bad. If by her desired outcome, she wouldn’t continue to harbour the truth of her profound feelings that flourish at the mention of your name and more when your eyes met hers, the most delicate sort of gleam that made her body contentedly warm.
A confession may not meet the ears of others, but her mind whirls at the intended notion of being together forever. A significant other. If those words manifested itself into reality, slipping from the tongues of others like a casual banter, it made her heart swell at the idea of marriage. Natasha’s felt sure at the prospect of life spend with you.
Would it be so bad if she was so selfish to want that more than anything else?
Natasha’s round eyes widened, mouth parted slightly, and a little sound of a gasp at the realisation that dawned upon her.
It was assumed as harmless crush alike one she had on Bruce. It was a meant to pass through stages of complete fixation of a relationship she wouldn’t dare ruin to something that wasn’t important. It didn’t went pass that. In fact, she tried pretending that it was a just a friendship. A forged platonic relationship that was so pure and intimate, and now, she was seeing you as someone more than a crush she was forced to disregard.
“Honestly,” you suddenly spoke, and her attention flatters from the whirling thought, returning entirely to you. “I thought it was a mistake at first…little boys, right? But I don’t think he knows,” you finished with a shrug, appearing unbothered by the confession.
It was your reaction that struck her heart wrongly at first. Her expression seemed to flatter by seconds, the soften look to one of confusion to utter hurt. The hint of bore in your tone had easily disregard the nervousness that lingered before. She was almost sure that you were worried for an entirely different reason. One that she shared too.
The worst outcome clashed in her mind than the ones that coloured so vividly of her hope. Her hands fisted at the thought that was ready to confess her entire heart to you, and every vulnerability that she hasn’t yet shared.
Then, she heard the start of rhythmically taps. It was your nails tapping against the kitchen counter. Her shrewd eyes focused on your appearance, attentive gaze trailing a path to where your hands clenched and unclenched, followed by the look on your face. Natasha noticed the corners of your lips twitch, intending to smile or frown, then forcing a look of indifference that appeared more suspicious. It was clearly an act of masking your anxious state from her.
Something clicked in Natasha’s mind. A knowing hum resonated through her throat, her body leaned back nonchalantly and pressed against the chair. The drastic change in the atmosphere had caught onto you.
You didn’t think more of it than her knowing the truth. Natasha must had found out that you haven’t done anything to rebuke the misinformation. However, you start to notice the little act of a smirk on her face, and a subtle look of arrogance on her face. It was that reaction which straighten your posture.
“It’s not a bad thing,” you spoke out of distress. “I mean— it’s not— I’m okay with it! Mistakes happen and it’s no one’s fault…” you trailed, and entirely stopped your splatter of words.
Natasha stared intently at you, daring more words to spill that doesn’t justify yourself at all. It’s that look, the kind used during interrogations, and something you had watched from a safe distance. Natasha’s famous look that expressed, ‘I know the truth,’ and the look that made the other person tremble.
Silence transmitted first.
You contemplated the chances of escaping from having this dreaded conversation, and grimacing at your mind replaying your previous choice of words. A conclusion roused that she must had known, Natasha was definitely—to your absolute confidence—making a joke at your flustered state because she knew the embarrassing misunderstanding that Peter had produced at your expense.
“Wait, before you think that…”
Natasha decided to stop your second sequence of rambling. “I’m not opposed to it,” she spoke, a tone of certainty in her voice as she gauged your reaction.
Natasha observed the seconds where you reacted by your eyes widening almost comically then gaze falling entirely on your plate, mouth parted like you were talking to your breakfast, and you stayed there for a moment too long.
Slowly, a shy smile emerged on your face and when you shifted your gaze to meet her eyes, Natasha was beaming at you with a smile that appeared wider and happier than any kind you had ever saw.
You could only utter a word or more so, a sound. “Oh?”
Natasha nodded her head. “Oh,” she jested, switching her position to lean her elbows on the counter and resting her head on her palm of her hands. Her teeth nimble on her bottom lip, and your eyes blatantly stayed on that sight.
“So…” Natasha started, redirecting your attention away from her lips to meet her glistening eyes. “From my understanding, you like the idea of being my wife?” she teased, and slowly leaned her body forward.
It felt like a similar tactic she used on criminals, but there was a difference ambiance to the way she looked at you. A honied smile, eyes glazed of such tenderness, and you wondered for a second there on what it would feel to have that same look stayed on you forever. Natasha that developed a genuine relationship with you that was far more special and different than the kind shared with Clint. The thought itself distracted you from the actual matter in hand, and warmth that roused from your neck to your face.
You think of that. The first time you met Natasha, the first time you exchanged greetings as partners, the first time you shared a meal together, the first you swore that your feelings were something would progress into nothing, the first time you realised it was more than building an honest attraction to someone from a silly misinformation, the first time you sat and imagined the notion of being Natasha’s wife, the first time you almost confessed your feelings at her sister’s pestering and it dawned on how serious—
You gasped.
Natasha impulsively jumped backward, grasping the knife she had kept hidden again.
The expression on your face had morphed into something that worried Natasha, it wasn’t a shy look of someone sharing similar feeling to her.
You cursed under your breath.
“What?” Natasha questioned, her attention heightens on you and your surroundings. “What’s wrong?” she tried again, her hand clasping over yours.
It seemed to had break your distraction as round eyes fell on her hand at the tender touch. Natasha observed the way your eyes lingered before interlacing your fingers with hers. Where your forefinger seemed to hover over that one finger.
You looked ahead, gazing into her eyes—alike the moment you first met, the occurrence of such mundane thing, and the constant moments where hearts thumps keenly—and you didn’t look away. Natasha swore to herself at that vital moment, nothing could split the connection between you and her, even if she had to leave with a bleeding heart at the expense of your tenderness towards her.
“What is it?” she asked. It was almost followed by, ‘Do you need me to kill someone?’
You shook your head. “Three words,” you spoke softly, and she looked confused at first. “And you know it,” you continued, softly squeezing her hand.
Natasha doesn’t comprehend your implication. It was unlikely that Peter had misaddressed you as hers on purpose. The absolute innocence and sincerity in his words was supporting his case. She reflected on your words, feeling the thought rush through when your finger traced the minimalistic tattoo on the inside of her wrist.
It clicked. Your pointed look and noted pointers then the look of annoyance that materialised on her face.
“Yelena and Kate.”
You nodded your head. “Yelena and Kate.”
A silent understanding breached between two after the revelation. Of course, it was the mischief duos that landed you in this predicament.
Natasha instantly dived into planning her course of action to scare them into admitting their antics and possibly fear them enough to attempt this prank again. Internally, she was fuming at the idea that someone else could had been paired with you. That her younger sister—once innocent and wouldn’t dare be disobedient—could had your intertwined with another name that wasn’t hers. It wasn’t real, she knew that. But she couldn’t stop the way her heart hammered that you could had possibly felt something for someone else because of one prank.
It lured her to look at you than stared absently at the wall behind you. As her eyes gazed into yours, round globes seemingly gleaming beneath the awful pale kitchen light, the feeling of annoyance seemed to vanish into something warm and soft.
Natasha wasn’t eager to confront her sister, but she was eager to continue where you had left off, where it was clear that you shared her feelings for this specific future too. That was it, wasn’t it?
You appeared to understand her thoughts. “So...” you murmured, and she repeated the same word with a childlike smile on her face. “You’re not opposed to us…hanging out…as wives?”
Laughter echoes in the kitchen at your question. Natasha couldn’t stop the endearing look on her face as you added another joke at her obvious desirability for you. A prank had brought light to your shared feelings on the topic, and it wasn’t nothing alike a passing crush for someone.
Unfortunately for Yelena and Kate, the supposedly best prank might had turned into the worst assisted links of an even more compatible duos by the name of you and Natasha.
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Oh no. Oh no i just thought of how they could do the actual canon Scanlan death in TLOVM.
In this episode, he had big huge emotional death flags moments. But then when he stepped up and looked like he died, he immediately went "haha! Fooled you into confessing your love! Aren't i silly :3"
What if the opposite happens in the Raishan fight. What if the fight happens, everyone's gunning in on it. Hell, maybe they put death flags on someone else! But Scanlan is 100% in the background, kicking ass. Zero fanfare. He gets hit, but the camera doesn't focus on it.
Raishan is defeated. Hell yeah, everyone's cheering! Hey, where's Scanlan? Oh, found him, he's lying by the rock. Haha, he's faking dead again. Battle's over, silly, we know you're just trying to prank us again. Come on, wake up.
Wake up. Scanlan. Scanlan this isn't fucking funny.
(Bonus from the actual campaign ep bc i looked it up and screamed:)
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seriesxwriting · 3 months
Enemies to lovers with rafe Cameron and y/n
Thank you so much for this request, I love this trope and I have never written it for Rafe so it really excited me!! I hope you enjoy the read.
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Maybe I liked you this whole time.
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paring: Rafe Cameron X y/n
Series: outer banks
Warnings: use of guns, swearing, fighting, kissing, sexual talk.
Summary: you and Rafe despise each other. But one little night at a beach party could change all that. That doesn’t come without, flirting, crying and having a gun put to your head, you know- all the normal stuff. Protective Rafe <3.
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“And that’s how my mum crashed her car” Rebecca cackled shaking her head full of mousey blonde hair. She was in stitches over her own story. Me and Chloe looked at each other as if to say what is going on. “Rebecca your mum is going to have to pay out a lot of money for that car, let alone the medical bill for her broken finger” I raised my eyebrow stopping at my locker to put my books away. “And her broken collarbone don’t forget that” she warned me with a bright smile on her face. I pulled a face of horror at her.
“Y/n my mum is fine, she’d laugh about it too, plus who cares- we’re kooks the moneys there isn’t it” she rolled her eyes at my reaction before ignoring me and unlocking her phone to take pictures of herself. I focused my attention back on my locker twisting the right password in to open the door. As I did, unbelievably, golden coloured sand started poring out all over the floor. It buried my feet beneath as I widely stared at the rest tumbling out. There was nothing more I could do.
Once it has stopped falling I blinked at it to double check I wasn’t dreaming. But laughing pulled me out of my fake delusion. I threw my glare around until it landed on the person laughing. Rafe Cameron. And his gang of ass-lickers. “Did you do this?!” I gritted my teeth together, the hallway was silent seems everyone was watching the scene. “Did you steal my test paper out of mr Larry’s office and replace it with one full of nonsense?” Rafe questioned me with his thick eyebrow raised.
I felt my blood boil inside of me, under my skin. The sand was everywhere. And I’d never get it all out of my locker and shoes. “Because you syphoned all the petrol out my car!” I yelled back unable to control my anger. Which was not the right move seems rafes eyes were still full of glee and his dumb smirk was still stuck to his face. He was enjoying this, he thrived off this. “Yeah I only did that because you filled my school bag with jam when sat behind me in maths” he giggled walking slightly closer to me.
“You know why I did that!” I put my finger up at him warning him to stay back. “Well you know why I don’t like you, so you know why there’s sand in your locker” Rafe bounced his shoulders as another annoying laugh tumbled out of his mouth. “You’re such a dick Rafe!” I bent down and picked up the sand in both my hands and launched it at him but he was long gone. Running away down the hall way pissing himself with laughter.
“I hate him! I hate! Him!” I scrunched my fists together “I think he hates you more” Rebecca shrugged her shoulders looking down the hall for him. “No! He doesn’t, I hate him more- more than England hates their government” I put my index finger up making it very clear how serious I was. “Forget him y/n, look- let’s go grab our lunch and talk about what we’re going to wear to the beach party later” Chloe wrapped her arm around my shoulders.
“Ugh- I don’t know Chloe- I’d rather grab lunch and think about how to get Rafe back” I shook my head as she started dragging me towards the doors to get out. “Why do you hate him so much- I mean everyone knows that you’ve played pranks on each other since before we can remember, but what actually started it?” Rebecca questioned following us out the building. I blinked staring at my feet. “I- don’t remember” I admitted in a shaky voice, I’d never sat back and thought about it before. “But it’s irrelevant why it started, I hate him now”.
And that’s what I did, while Chloe and Rebecca spoke the whole of lunch, I sat and planned. There were two options I’d narrowed it down to. Either I could remove all the tires off his car or I could cover his car in slime and dirt, then throw feathers on the top of it. I voiced the ideas to the girls, Chloe didn’t even seem half interested but they made Rebecca laugh. “Why don’t you just pretend to be into him, get him to think it’s going somewhere and then drop him- leave him flabbergasted my love” she shrugged going back to her phone.
My mind raced with the idea “no one would believe y/n was into Rafe” Chloe shook her head negatively. “Negative Nancy much, look at her she could pull it off, he’d be drooling” she flirtatiously winked at me. “Yeah- his ego would be so bruised- that’s a great idea, why’d you hide it from me for so long” I scoffed throwing my note pad on one of the seats. “Really y/n? Or rise above it?” She raised a threaded eyebrow at me. But I just shook my head. “Nope, I’m not a loser, I will win this stupid game” I answered rubbing my hands together.
“Now we can talk about what we’re wearing to the beach party, I need to look sexy, Rafe will be there” I winked at them.
Later that night-
Chloe picked me up, Rebecca was already in the front so I got into the back again. But before I did Rebecca made me do a spin. I’d chosen a white dress because I’d once seen Rafe post something about ‘tanned brunettes dressed in white’. I’d also done my nails and toes in white too, to match. I’d left my hair down but washed it to get the shine back. Incase I did get in the water, I didn’t want my hair to be ruined. I was actually quite confident about the plan, Rafe was easy so I thought it would be easier than it sounded. “My girl looks hot, come on jump in, I’m so excited”
Chloe got us safely to the beach, there was quite a lot of people there already. The music was blearing and the beer appeared to be flowing. “Can anyone see him?” I whispered as we all got out the car. “I’m staying out of this one, don’t ask for my help” Chloe put her hands up shaking her long brunette hair. “There y/n, by the keg” Rebecca whispered to me. “Here- pose next to the car- look hot” she hissed pushing me backwards while whipping out her phone.
I did as she said, as I positioned myself she put her fingers in her mouth and wolf whistled at me. “Hotter, hotter my girl” she shouted as I moved around. “Fuck me it’s working- rafes looking right at you” Chloe whispered gobsmacked that the plan was somewhat working. “What facial expression is he making?” I asked in a low tone, while bending down for a photo. “It’s sorta- neutral- oh he’s biting his lip” Chloe freaked. I stopped posing and went straight to see the photos with Rebecca. “Play it cool guys, keep it normal” she whispered scrolling through them.
“That was quick thinking babe” I nudged her “all because I watched a YouTube video on how to wolf whistle” she winked at me. Eventually we all walked down the stairs to the beach. “I’ll get the drinks” I wiggled my eyebrows at my girls before walking off backwards. I thought if I completely ignored him, he’d start something with some sarcastic, snarky comment. “Do you think you’re hot posing like that in front of all the guys on the beach?”. I was right. He came up behind me making me turn around. Our bodies only inches apart.
“You tell me, were you turned on?” I whispered tilting my head. He looked my body up at down before laughing. “You couldn’t turn me on even if you tried y/n” “not even a little bit?” I whispered smirking. “You uh, ever heard of hate fucking Rafe?” I leant in to his ear, I had to stand on my tippy toes because of his hight. I caught his eye, he looked shell shocked. “Because you turn me on- just a little bit” I showed him with my fingers. “You’re playing games y/n” rafe’s face shifted, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was confused. “Okay- if you’re not interested that’s fine” I shrugged pulling away and attempting to walk off.
He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back towards him. “I didn’t say that” he whispered back, staring into my eyes. In that moment I really took Rafe in, he was gorgeous. His blue eyes pierced mine and mesmerised me. “Rafe! Rafe look who’s showed up!” Topper came over slapping him on the back. He didn’t let go of me though, he clung to my waist as he turned round to see. The pogues.
Not just any pogues. The pogues. Kelce was already starting on them, they were at the water now causing hassle. I heard him say “this is a kook party only”. Which wasn’t true because there were a bunch of tourons here and a few other pogues dotted around. “You should probably get out of here- I’ll come find you later” “don’t start shit Rafe” I rolled my eyes pulling away from him. He caught me yet again spinning me around to look at him.
“Will you get out of here, before you see something you don’t like?” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s all gonna be over after this huh?”. He nodded at me rubbing an hand on my waist. “I’m leaving” I sighed putting my hands up and walking away from him for good this time. I heard him go over to the pogues but I didn’t watch. In the next moment I heard gun fire. My body froze. What if it was rafe. I turned round to see what was happening but a large group of people came running my way, knocking me to the ground.
I saw topper fighting John B in the water and I now could see JJ was the one holding the gun. “What the fuck are you doing! Why the fuck would you bring that here!” Rafe yelled storming towards him. The crowd had just gotten past me and I sat up looking for Rebecca and Chloe to make sure they were safe. In the next second I was dragged up by my neck and I felt the gun touching my temple. I was face to face with Rafe now. “How’d you like it if it’s your girl huh?” JJ snarled at him. My chest panted up and down heavily as I saw rafes face drop and go red with anger within a few seconds of each other.
“Huh!” JJ yelled out. “Get the fuck off of her, or I swear to god you won’t recognise yourself when you look in the mirror tomorrow” Rafe spat out in a low tone. “JJ stop it! Y/ns done nothing wrong” kiara called out desperately, in tears. JJ looked down at me, I was trembling and my eyes were watering. “Fuck sake” he put the gun back in his trouser band and let go of me. I turned around and slapped him right across the face. “Coward” I hissed but that clearly wasn’t good enough for Rafe.
He came up behind me and punched JJ across the face. “STOP IT! It’s over!” Pope yelled out. But Rafe punched him again in the face. And again. Before grabbing his face and pulling it up to his. “Put your hands on her again, I fucking dare you- you won’t be able to see the sun ever again” he snarled very close to him, but JJ looked like he was about to pass out. “Rafe” I called out putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me seeing my tear stained face, my messed up frizzy hair. He rose and embraced me, my face falling flat on his chest.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you” he whispered stroking my hair. “He had a fucking- strap to my head Rafe” I winced trying to keep it all in. “Let me take you home” he whispered making me look up at him holding my chin. I nodded in agreement, that’s all I wanted right now. We made our way towards the stairs, he didn’t even say a word to his friends. As if by magic Chloe and Rebecca appear from behind the wall. “Y/n! I’m so glad you’re okay- I- we looked for you but hoped you had gone back to the car” Chloe ran over embracing me.
“I’m okay- I’m glad you two are as well” I said in a very timid voice. “Um- im going home can I catch up with you two later” “with- rafe?” Rebecca wondered looking him up and down. “Yeah it’s fine guys, I’ll speak to you later get home safe” I rubbed Chloe’s back and waved to Rebecca before Rafe put his arm around my waist guiding me to his car. Though he’d been drinking I’m sure he’d sobered up after that. He was careful driving me home, even though one hand was always on my thigh. We didn’t talk nothing needed to be said.
When he pulled into my driveway we stopped and looked at each other. “I’m sorry y/n- I’m so fucking sorry” he whispered dragging a thumb down my cheek. “I’m okay” I shook my head taking his hand in my hand. “I have- something I feel guilty about..” I stuttered feeling embarrassed to bring it up. “What are you talking about?” “Me flirting with you- I was just trying to get you back for the sand thing…” I trailed off feeling stupid. Rafe cracked a small smile and adjusted himself in the seat. “Well that’s a shame” he told me before rolling his head towards me. “Because I think I like you y/n”.
I blinked. I blinked a few times not knowing what words to use back. “Don’t look at me like that- I can hardly believe it myself” he chuckled rubbing a thumb over my thigh. “It’s okay- maybe that’s why I enjoyed pranking you so much” “rafe- you didn’t let me finish” I shook my head grasping his hand again. “I know I like you- me pretending to flirt with you made me want it to be true- they way you protected me- I know I like you- I don’t understand it but… that’s how it is”.
He tilted his head to the side. “You’re not just trying to get me back?” “No rafe- I finally realised why I pretend to hate you so much- it was easier believing that then going through the pain of not having a chance”. Rafe moved his hand to my cheek rubbing it gently. He looked me in the eyes as he lent in before we both closed them. Our lips met in a kiss I had never imagined myself wanting until tonight. Our pace matched, my hand slid into his hair holding him closer to me.
“That’s what I call passion, I dunno about you” he whispered after he pulled away, hardly moving his face though. “I can’t believe it- us- who would have thought?” I whispered laughing slightly. He pressed another kiss on my lips. “I love your laugh- you’re so gorgeous” he whispered taking me in.
“Do you want to come in?” I questioned, not letting go of him. Rafe smiled, giving me a little nod.
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Rafe masterlist-
Outerbanks master list-
All series masterlist-
Masterlist of masterlists-
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pablitogavii · 1 year
hi love❤ can you maybe write a part 4 for prank wars with gavi. Maybe where she makes fake hickeys on her neck to prank pablo. Like she Plans it with pedri, and reader and pedri where at pablos and readers House and they Film how they prank gavi. And pedri leaves the House bevor gavi is there, but he's knows that reader was with him. Just something that pablo things pedri made the hickeys on the reader. And he's like angry and is sreaming and then like crying.
Thank you for the request!! Here it comes <3
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"Alright, you got the camera set up?" you asked Pedri while finishing up your fake hickeys in the bathroom.
"Yep. It's all set up and we can start it when he gets home" Pedri said looking at your artwork complimenting how authentic it actually looked.
"Joder! They look fucking real! No guy would be able to tell that it's makeup" Pedri said touching the fake hickey you made seeing that the eyeshadow doesn't come off as easily.
"You think he will notice them?" you ask packing away your brushed turning to see Pedri's raised eyebrows and you knew what a stupid question that was.
"No guy fails to notice a hickey..especially if it's not from him" Pedri said and you nodded chuckling as you went to living room to wait for Pablo to come home.
pablo: on my way home bonita <3
"Is he coming home?" Pedri asked knowing it was Pablo's text from how big your smile was in that moment.
"Yeah. He's on his way. Start the camera and mess up your hair" you say getting a little nervous but excited about this prank.
"Why?" Pedri asks while messing up his hair
"So it looks real, duh! And be nervous when he gets back, you know like you just got caught hooking up with his girl" you remind him and Pedri nods smirking when the front door got opened up.
"Amor! I'm home! Where are you bonita??" Pablo yelled tossing his training bag to the floor while taking off his shoes feeling pain in his feet after a long day.
"Hey, Pablo! How was training?" Pedri came out of the living room first while you were in the bedroom waiting a few moments.
"Pedri? What are you doing here? Where is Y/N?" Pablo was confused but never even began thinking that anything could have happened. After all Pedri is his best friend, and he trusts you with all his heart.
"I was around and I thought you were home. We should hang out soon, but I gotta go now!" Pedri rushed to leave hoping that would make Gavi questioning and it certainly did.
Why didn't he just text him? Also, he is apart of the team so he knows training schedule like everyone else...something was deifiantelly fishy but Pablo didn't want to jump the gun without talking to you first.
"Sorry Pablito, I was getting changed. Welcome home, cariño..you look exhausted" you rushed to hug him and he hugged you back surprisingly still not seeing the painted purple bruises on your neck.
"I am..it's been an intense training session amor" Pablo replied after you pulled away and he went to sit on the couch to rest his feet a little.
You came behind him starting to massage his tense shoulders just like he liked and he moaned in pleasure as his muscles relaxed under your touch.
"What did you and Pedri do?" Pablo asked and you smiled looking at the camera before replying trying your best to sound nervous.
"Nothing..watched some TV and he asked how you've been doing with trainings and games and all..." you lie and he could immediately tell because you were always a horrible liar.
"And what did you tell him??" Pablo asked starting to feel like something else was deifiantelly going on and he had to figure it out.
"That you've been under lot of pressure lately, but that I'm here to help with it.." you smirk kissing his jaw and he closed his eyes enjoying it for a moment before bringing his mind back to this whole situation.
"You certainly are princesa..come here..sit on my lap" Pablo said and you smiled nodding your head and going around before slipping on his lap feeling his strong arms wrap around your waist to pull you closer.
It was when you moved your arms to put them around his neck that he finally saw hickey on your neck furrowing his bushy eyebrows while looking at it.
"Amor, what's on your neck?" Pablo asked and you quickly covered it with hair knowing that would make him even more suspicious.
"I've burned myself today bebé" you lie moving to hug him but he gently pushes you back to look at it once again moving your hair to the side but you get off his lap not wanting him to notice that it was indeed makeup.
"How do you burn yourself there?" Pablo tried to move your hair to look at it again but you wouldn't let him which made his angry and frustrated knowing that you are hiding something.
"My curling iron" you say and he rolls his eyes telling you to let him see it but you refused reassuring him that it's nothing.
"Stop wiggling and let me see it!" he said pulling you back onto his lap but you fought back not letting him see the fake hickey again. He finally succeeded to hold both your wrists with one hand while moving your hair with another.
"Y/N that's not a burn! That's a hickey!" Pablo said angrily but you just giggled knowing that would anger him more.
"It's not a hickey Pablo. Come on, give me kisses" you baby talk him knowing that by not taking his concerns seriously, he will only grow more angry.
"No! I'm the one who gives you hickeys so I know what a fucking hickey looks like on you!" he said angrily and you smirked resting your head on his shoulder while he still held your wrists tightly.
"Okay, maybe you gave me this one last night...so what?" you say trying to appease him by kissing his neck but he pulled away shaking his head in dislike.
"I never leave them where it's visible and you know that! That' not my hickey! So whose is it then!? Huh!? Who gave you a fucking hickey!?" he was screaming now making you get off his lap and face him.
"Can you please stop making this into a big deal?" you dared say that knowing the effect it will have. Pablo was laughing angrily while throwing his hands in the air in frustration.
You knew he was near a breaking point, because even on the pitch when he starts laughing in anger it's the matter of seconds before he looses his cool.
"Was it Pedri huh!? Did he suck on your neck while I was training!?" Pablo yelled into your face and you bit your cheeks doing a best helpless expression.
"Pablo.." you said quietly but he quickly interrupted you
"It was, wasn't it!? That's why he left so quickly...I interrupted your little hook up session! Mierda! I can't believe you!" Pablo got up running his hands through his sweaty hair before kicking a chair making you jump in your seat.
"Please, Pablo..stop..just stop and listen to me" you rushed hugging him from behind and stoping his little angry outburst. He pulled away from you not feeling like being touched right now.
"I don't want to listen to your lies anymore! It's not a fucking burn! It's a hickey and he gave it to you!" Gavi said and you looked to the ground just nodding your head.
"I'm sorry amor.." you whisper and he pulls away just staring at you in utter disbelief his heart tightening in his chest now more from sadness than anger.
He loved you so much..he was ready to build a life together...he thought you were it for him..his forever and now it was all gone.
"Pablo, are you crying?" you see his glossy eyes and you felt your heart sink as you tried to touch his arm but he quickly pulled away drying his tears as they fell.
"Don't touch me! I fucking love you and this is what you do to me? I fucking love you..." he spoke through tears and you thought this should be the end of the prank.
"It's fake...the hickey is fake and I love you too, mi vida" you say walking to him again and he just stand s there frozen in place not sure what to believe anymore.
He sniffled and you dried his tears this time hugging him tightly afterwards. It took him a few seconds but he hugged you back still staring at the purple skin when you pulled away.
"It's eyeshadow..see?" you took his finger, licked it before touching the fake bruise getting some of the eyeshadow on his finger.
"Oh Díos! I thought I've lost you for real..." he sighed and you smiled shaking your head and moving his sweaty hair from his face.
"Come here, my big baby" you say opening your arms and he hugs you again raising you up and making you wrap your legs around his waist.
"I might want to leave hickeys all over you neck right now amor.." he smirked kissing your neck roughly and you giggled as he turned your around in his arms.
"Fine, but first turn that camera off bebé" you smirk and he does so carrying you back to your shared bedroom.
A few days later...
"Dude it was not funny! I freaked the fuck out!" Pablo said as you watched the video with Pedri who was teasing him about it all day.
"We still haven't replaced that chair btw.." you say with a smirk and he tickles you in response.
"I might want to leave hickeys all over you neck right now amor.." Pablo's voice from the video made Pedri fake vomit and you rolled your eyes turning it off.
"The real ones do look amazing on you, princesa.." Pablo smirked moving your hair to the side proudly observing his little artwork on your neck ;))
Hope you liked it! <33
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hobohobgoblim · 4 months
I have to ask. Is terrifying kids with toy guns some new prank? Some trend? Cause the kids at my work were straight up traumatised by a couple of teenagers waving and shooting off cap guns at them. A week ago the cops stopped to teens in a car clad in fake ballistic vests and holding very realistic toy guns on they're way to a local school.
I don't live in the USA. There are no protocols for mass shootings here. I was ordered to delete the pictures I took of these horrible little shits because it might "damage their reputations".
How are we so fucked?
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
it's April 1st
you know what that means
April Fools' At SOLDIER
ANGEAL: He leaves a baking tray with tinfoil over it in the break room and writing "Brownies" on it. Sephiroth was the first to excitedly uncover it only to find dozens of brown letter E's inside. He stood over the baking dish, staring into it for an hour. *Zack walks by the break room and sees this* Zack: You okay buddy? Sephiroth: Existence is of little value and our happiest moments are but fleeting shadows that veil us from the true, cold nature of reality. Zack: I'll go get the tranquilizer gun.
ZACK: He got Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, Kunsel, Cloud and other SOLDIERs to sneak into Lazard's office while he's in there having a nap. They all dressed in funeral attire and organized candles and flowers around him. When Lazard woke up, Genesis was reading his eulogy while the rest of them cried hysterically and pretended Lazard was dead. Zack, sobbing: HOW COULD HE LEAVE US SO SOON?? Angeal, sobbing: HE WAS SO YOUNG! Sephiroth, shedding an elegant tear: I will miss him dearly. Lazard: Ah, I've seen to have died. I wonder if I'll go to heaven or hell. Genesis: In his honor, I will now be doing a dramatic reading of Loveless, the two hour version. Lazard: I'm in hell.
SEPHIROTH: Asides from the greatest prank he's ever pulled, Sephiroth got everyone to agree on pretending Genesis was invisible for a few hours. He ignored his petty provocations and remained poker faced when Genesis began screaming on his ear. The cherry on top of the cake came when Sephiroth started reciting Loveless only to be met with a round of applause and praise. Zack: Wow! Genesis could never quote it like that! *Genesis has a nervous breakdown and starts eating his own book*
GENESIS: He's big on shock factor, so for his heart attack prank, Genesis decides to frame a fake marriage certificate in his office and wait for chaos to unfold. *Sephiroth and Angeal notice* Angeal: You're married to CLOUD STRIFE? Sephiroth: SINCE WHEN? Genesis: Since this morning! *Cloud comes in* Sephiroth: HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? Cloud: There's tax benefits, he has health insurance, and he's rich. Why wouldn't I accept his proposal? Angeal: This is insane. I refuse to believe this is real. Genesis: Oh it's very real. Here, let me show you our honeymoon pictures in Costa Del Sol. *Sephiroth violently passes out*
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tisaolin · 1 year
Was this one is the deleted request?
Can I request a S/O that likes to make annoying jokes and pranks to their partner?
Please make Shang Tsung and Fujin because they pretty much hard to anger and make Scorpion and Mileena since they have VERY bad temper
S/O likes to
annoyingly poke their partner's cheek
using water squirt ring (sometimes)
pull my fing- wait that's too much
You can use if you have other prank ideas as well
Keep up the good work!!
Kombatants with a playful s/o
Characters: Shang Tsung, Fujin, Mileena, Scorpion
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He’s actually fond of the poking and doesn’t mind when you make a “whee” sound everytime you sneak from behind him and poke his cheek. He finds it adorable.
WTF! He literally SCREAMS that when you shoot him with a water gun. Same when you do the ole bucket trick.
When you use the ole whoopie cushion on him, He looks at you and theres like minutes of awkward silence until he starts snickering.
Pranks got so bad he had to BEG you to stop while literally on the verge of tears, “PLEASE,YOU GOT TO STOP THE BULLSHIT 😖”
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He’s a little confused but he finds the pranks cute.
The poking his cheeks makes him smile, physical touch is his cup of tea fr.
When you spray him with water, he uses wind to make you fall. Starting prank wars NOW!
Raiden is absolutely MORTIFIED at what you turned his brother into.
It’s a never ending battle between the two of you.
In the end, you won when you got some fake hair to make it seem like you cut his actual hair.
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Almost at his breaking point fr.
Poking his cheeks isn’t too bad but he does ask if you can stop because it gets annoying.
When you spray him with a water gun he has to meditate in order to keep himself from MURDERING YOU.
He almost set you on fire when you made him fall down the stairs 😞(geez louis please dont kill him)
The snakes in a pringles can is probably the only prank that made him laugh, after being scared lol. “ARE YOU LAUGHING??” “…no” “YES YOU ARE”
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Mileena (shes so cute I LOVE HER SOO MUCH)
Mileena loves you so much, so she tries to remain calm.
Poking whats left of her cheeks (im so sorry) causes her to ALMOST BITE YOU😟.
“YO WHAT THE FUCK MEL” “DO.NOT. TEST MY PATIENCE” looks like you learned your lesson after that because you didnt do it anymore.
Spray her with the water gun again, it brings a tingling sensation.
When you swapped her shampoo with hair dye. She gave you a look you will NEVER forget.
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Perfect example frfr(this how I apparently look at people)
🤦🏾‍♀️congratulations, you’ve made Mileena so mad she snaps at you.
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mrs-weasley-reid · 1 year
Colored Bullets
Summary: BAU team x agent fem!reader. All fun and games until one of the BAU members gets shot... with a paintball.
WARNING: nothing besides mention of guns (paintball) and shooting, just a silly time with the BAU team 
found the gif somewhere round the web, so whoever created this credits to u :))
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None of you knew how things ended this way. Not even someone who pranked death like Emily could explain the maroon smears that horrifyingly decorated every crooks and crannies in the bullpen.
"I don't think I can take it anymore," Spencer cried as he leaned his back against the foot of his desk, hiding under his once peaceful workplace.
A bruise was forming on his temple, and another by his neck. He was a mess. His hair flew out like a birds nest.
"You better not give up on me, Reid. Or I will shoot you myself." Emily growled, peeking out to fire a shot. Her ponytail was loose, dried yellow paint spreading on the left side of her head.
"What the fu—" Derek groaned from another end, also hiding under his desk. He felt the pang of Emily's bullet on his shoulder, wondering when everything went wrong.
In fact, all of you were taking shelter under your desks. Albeit, you sharing yours with JJ, who had a maniac smile on her face as she fired her gun in whatever direction she could.
The bullpen was painted red. A dead battlefield. God knows what the midnight janitor would think when he finds the place drowning with fired bullets and various bright paints.
And just before you were about to shoot Spencer's ugly crying face, Rossi swung the glass door open.
"I don't want to know." Rossi immediately stated.
All of the agents stood up, a special mention to Derek, who hit his head midway. You snorted at that, and continued a laugh when he glared at you.
Rossi's eyes roamed all over the bullpen, taking note of your bruised faces and paint-splattered vests. He looked at all of you disappointedly, "None of you can wait for tomorrow's paintball match?" He immediately knew that asking was a big mistake.
"Derek started it!" You roared immediately.
"What?! It was Emily! She shot me—" Derek pointed a finger towards the dark-haired woman.
Emily rolled her eyes, "I wouldn't have started it if JJ didn't pull the trigger and accidentally shot me." She air-quoted with her gun clutched under her ring and pinky finger.
JJ's jaw dropped, frowning her eyes at Emily. "It was an accident! Spencer was asking how to use the paintball gun." 
"And I regret it. I don't feel like joining the team tomorrow." Spencer placed his small gun on his desk and hooked his messenger bag over his shoulder. He survived worse before, but a war with his friends without hesitation was more traumatizing than being kidnapped.
And all of you began to blame each other like children, shouting over one another. Rossi winced at the sound of all of your voices. He couldn't believe that after three wives, the thing that made him want to smash his head on the wall, was all five of you.
“And I just had to ask.” Rossi muttered to himself, closing his eyes as he placed a hand over his forehead. He silently retreated back to his office.
But before he could even step on the first stair, a hard impact spread on his back. Rossi turned around with furrowed eyebrows. Someone did not just mess with his suit.
Everyone’s index fingers synchronously pointed towards you, a fake innocent look over your face as you held your paintball pistol.
"You will regret this, Kiddo." Rossi sped to his office to grab his paintball gun, simultaneously dodging your fires that ran after him.
And you finally got to shoot Spencer, much to everyone's enjoyment. He took his gun and shot you back, straight on your chest. “Oh, you’re on, smarty pants!” You scoffed, reloading your gun as fast as you could.
Meanwhile, Hotch just stepped out of the elevator, coming back from a meeting and unaware of what lies behind the double glass doors. “Of course, Jack. You can wear my vest for tomorrow’s paitball tournament.” He was about to walk in the bullpen when Penelope blocked him.
Hotch knitted his brows, giving her his signature stern confused look. "Save yourself. It's war in there." Penelope said in horror, peeking through the glass door and squealing at the sudden splatter of red paint right in front of her eyes.
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mikeysw1fey · 8 months
Woe and behold
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request linked here
pairing: amber freeman x female reader
warnings: death, betrayal, murder, blood,
a/n: IM SORRY TARA. IM SORRY READERS. guys i’m back writing again so feel free to send requests :)
“Hi baby.”
I smile at Tara’s pet name as I walk over to our group during our lunch break ignoring Ambers lingering glare towards Tara.
“Hi.” I reply sitting beside Tara and leaning over to kiss her cheek gently. Sitting back against the bench I glare at Amber for a second before turning back to Tara who now rests her head against my shoulder.
“Do you wanna come over later? Sam’s not gonna be home for hours.” She raises her eyebrows suggestively and I let out a laugh. “Sorry, I have an assignment I need to start, next time though I promise.” I kiss her forehead gently before turning my attention back to the group most of which didn’t even notice our affection exchange.
School finishes rather early today, letting me head home at a decent time.
Opening my front door I head to my kitchen, humming a tune as I open the fridge and sigh at the lack of contents inside. I debate what to do next when a thud in the other room causes me to pause, my hands moving slowly towards the knives beside the microwave.
“Hello?” I call into the empty apartment, the largest knife gripped so tight in my hand my knuckles bleed white. “If this is some kind of prank Mindy I’m going to have your head.” I yell out again slowly inching towards the living room.
Silence encompasses the house. Not even a whistle of the wind can be heard as I creep along the carpeted floor.
But the silence disappears as quickly as it appeared as another thud causes my head to snap around, a figure dressed in black with a white mask rushing at me.
I scream as it wraps it’s arms around my torso, the glint of the knife pressing to my throat gently enough as to not draw blood but hard enough that I know if I move it’ll hurt.
Panting can be heard from behind the mask before an arm is removed from my waist to pull of the hood revealing the face behind it.
“Hi baby.” Ambers cheeks are slightly red as she giggles at my glare.
“Your an asshole you know that? We aren’t meant to be in our ghostface costumes unless we are actually pulling a murder.” I snap shoving Ambers shoulder as she pulls the knife from my throat.
The black haired girl pouts. “I wanted to see you. And I wanted to go over the plan again.” Her arms wrap around my waist, the black robe pressed against my body.
“Your lucky I love you.” I narrow my eyes playfully before leaning in to kiss her lips. “Yeah, I know.” Amber replies cheekily before leaning in to kiss me again.
“Can we kill Tara next? Please?” Amber pulls back and presses her forehead to my own. I raise an eyebrow at her question, my own forming on the tip of my tongue. “Are you jealous baby?” I smile slightly and lean over to peck her jaw as she frowns. “Just- I don’t understand why you have to pretend to date her.” Amber shrugs looking towards the floor.
I chuckle gently and tilt her chin back up so she can face me. “I love you Amber. Not Tara. I’m only dating her to have an alibi for the murders. She’s nothing to me. I promise.” I reassure the girl before me who nods slowly. “Ok.” She replies and nuzzles her face into the crook of my neck before pulling back suddenly.
“Don’t you have an assignment to do?” Amber asks with a puzzled frown. I shake my head and move my mouth beside her ear. “Lies. I just didn’t wanna fuck Tara. She doesn’t do it as good as you.” I whisper breathily, smiling at the goosebumps arising on her neck and the tightened grip on my waist.
“Wanna prove that theory?” Ambers eyes go dark as she gently pushes me towards my room. I nod enthusiastically smashing my lips against hers in search of satisfying the fire burning at my core.
“Welcome to act three.” Amber pulls the gun from her pants and shoots Liv straight through the forehead. Blood splatters all over my shirt as I fake a scream, pretending to be terrified. “Run.” Sam shouts, grabbing Richies hand and heading out the room, bullets narrowly missing her figure much to my disappointment.
“Baby, follow me quickly.” Tara cries hobbling in the doorway on her crutches. Amber stands on the other end of the room causing me to glance between the two.
“Baby?” Tara’s voice holds caution as she remains frozen in place. “Sorry T, but she’s not your baby anymore.” Amber smirks maliciously, her hand extended to me.
I laugh at Tara’s shock before moving to grab Ambers hand and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. My body remains glued to Ambers as I release her lips only to see Tara had disappeared. “Coward.” I scoff kissing Amber quickly before taking the gun from her hand.
“Hey baby I wanted the gun.” Amber pouts. My eyes roll playfully before I lean in close to her ear. “If I get the gun then once this is all over I’ll make it up to you.” I pur.
Amber nods enthusiastically before pressing a kiss to my lips. “I’ll find Sammy, you look for Tara.”
Nodding, we head out seperate ways. “Tara. Baby. I promise I’ll make this quick.” I shout maniacally, slamming open doors and dragging the gun against the walls to increase the tension and hopefully her terror.
Only when a crutch smacks me in the face do I realise I had fallen into a trap. Tara swipes her second crutch under my legs causing me to tumble to the floor, my gun clattering out of my hands and under the table inches away from my fingertips. Her moonboot digging into my side time and time again.
“No, I’m sorry baby. Your hurting me Tar. Please.” I beg curling in on myself as she continues battering me with her crutches. “You. Mother. Fucker.” She pants, the hits slowing as she grows tired. Her hesitancy as I plead gives me enough time to kick my foot hard against her broken ankle, a snap causing her to scream out in pain before collapsing against the wall.
I leap up, pushing my hand against her throat ignoring her cry. “You couldn’t even tell your own girlfriend didn’t love you.” I pout condescendingly.
Tara paws at my hands, tears spilling down her cheeks as her breathing slows. Just as her hands go limp my own breath gets caught in my throat. Pain rushes through my stomach and I instinctively drop my hand from her throat and move it to my abdomen.
Looking down, blood pours from a bullet wound, the red pooling on the floor just inches from where Tara has collapsed onto her knees. “Touch my sister again you bitch. I dare you.” Sam spits from behind me, gun outstretched in her hand.
My breathing comes out in short sharp gasps, no words leaving my throat as I attempt to speak. With a strangled gasp, I collapse to my knees tears flowing down my cheeks.
“Amber.” I manage to whine earning a scoff from the tall dark haired woman before me. “She’s gone.” Sam snaps placing the gun down to reach for Tara who holds her throat, eyes wide and vulnerable as she gazes at me.
“Please.” I pray on her vulnerability, reaching a hand to her to which Sam slaps away.
“You motherfuckers.” A high pitched screech echoes throughout the hallway before a pattering of footsteps causes Sam to re grab the gun.
Ambers jaw is clenched tightly, her hand wrapped around the knife as she lunges at Sam swinging wildly. “I’m gonna rip out your heart you coward.” She screams before another gun shot is heard, Amber freezing in place.
“No.” I gasp finding enough strength to reach for the black haired girl who stumbles slightly gazing up at Sam in torment before collapsing against the wall, slowly falling to the ground.
Reaching her side, my body slumps against the wall, rejecting my attempts at moving closer. Removing my bloodied hands from my stomach I press them against her chest where her blood pours from.
“No. No.” She whimpers, blinking slowly, her gaze moving from the sisters to my eyes, her brown softening slightly. “Not you.” She manages to wheeze. Tears crawl down her cheeks, a weak hand raising to cup my face.
Both Carpenters remain on the other side of the room, now standing up, Tara’s arm wrapped tightly around Sams waist in order to remain stable. “Come on let’s get out of here. Let them be.” Sam looks almost sorrowful as she leads the shorter girl out the house. Tara looks back only once as they walk away, her own tears falling over her quivering lips. “Goodbye.” She whispers to herself.
“Keep your eyes open for me baby.” Amber breathes, her chest rising and falling with difficulty. I smile dopily at her but that smile falters as her hand drops from my face, her own face scrunching up in a grimace, the pain spreading from her chest as more blood pours out of her wound.
“Ambs.” I manage to breathe, the searing pain in my stomach increasing as sobs begin racking my body. Amber groans half heartedly, her head lolling to the side. “No no no no.” I whimper. My hand presses as hard as I can possibly can against her chest pleading the blood to stop pouring as I watch her chest slowly stop rising.
Heartache tears through my chest, the torturous feeling worse than the bullet wound as I watch the woman I love mosts eyes become devoid of her usual soft brown.
“I love you baby.” I wheeze letting my own head fall against her chest, ignoring her bloody wound. It can’t hurt her anymore.
I can’t find the energy to remain with my eyes open, not wanting to witness Ambers corpse any longer. Instead I succumb to the dark blanket of death, feeling my chest slow and the pain fade.
And just as I find myself drifting into the endless void, Ambers voice echoes through my head.
“See you on the other side.”
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