#falling in love with a ghost is about to become something I’ve written
now I remembered why I’m not supposed to consume/think about too much angst
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Congrats on the 500 followers! It is well deserved!
For my request :)
Gemstone: Ruby or sapphire. Your choice!
Partner: I’m going to have to go with Echo. He’s one of my favourites.
Season: I’ve always loved sunset in the fall because of all of the colours.
I have no thoughts as to where this would go so have fun with it :)
Congratulations again! Thank you so much for doing requests!
Sunset Kisses
Summary: Sunset has always been your favorite time of day, luckily Echo agrees.
Pairing: TBB Echo x GN!Reader
Word Count: 575
Prompt: Ruby - Passionate Love
Warnings: Echo got possessed by the ghost of Fives or Jesse or both and made a very innuendo-y comment.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thank you for your request! I hope this story makes you happy, because it basically sprang from my fingers fully written, lol.
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Honestly, you weren’t planning on spending your evening sitting on a rock and watching the sunset over the water, but here you are anyway. You’ve always loved watching the sunset, even when you were a child, and now that it's fall, the setting sun paints the skies in pinks and purples and oranges-
It speaks to the artist deep in your heart.
Shame you don’t have the time to put paint on a canvas anymore.
You lean back, casting your gaze out over the water, allowing all of the stress of the day to fade away, just for a moment.
“Have room for one more?”
You tilt your head to the side, and a small smile plays on your lips when you see Echo standing there, “Didn’t know you liked watching the sunset, Echo. You seem a bit…steady for that.”
It’s not an insult, and he seems amused by your comment, “Well, how can I not when it’s so pretty?” Though he keeps his gaze locked on you, and you feel yourself flush.
“Well, there’s plenty of room, if you don’t mind being close.” You reply with a small smile.
He climbs up onto the boulder with ease, and settles next to you, your thighs pressed together. Echo doesn’t, technically, need to be so close, there is enough room that he doesn’t have to be pressed against you, but you don’t mind.
It’s Echo after all.
And you’ve been crushing on him for weeks.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye. The sunset is painting him in gold and you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen anything more gorgeous in your life.
Seeing this, you can understand why people believe in the divine. 
His lips curl up, “You’re staring, mesh’la.”
“Ah! Sorry!” Your gaze snaps back to the water, though you glance at him when he laughs.
“I don’t mind,” He bumps you with his shoulder, “Though, I’m curious to hear what you’re thinking?”
“Um…nothing interesting.” You say sheepishly.
“Well, I definitely don’t believe that.” He bumps you again, “Come on, I won’t make fun of you, I promise.”
You definitely don’t want to have this conversation, but he’s so sweet-
You groan and press your hands over your burning face, “I was thinking that you look like a god when bathed in the gold of the setting sun. Please don’t laugh at me.”
Echo doesn’t say anything for a long moment, and you take a moment to glance at him from between your fingers. He looks stunned, and then a slow grin crosses his face, “Funny,” He says slowly, “Because I was thinking something very similar about you.”
“...wait, what-”
You’re not able to get anything else out because his lips are pressed heavily against yours. His hand comes up to press against your cheek, pulling you closer and closer, the kiss becoming more and more heated the longer it lasts.
And when he breaks the kiss and presses his forehead against yours, you’re kind of breathless, and surprised. But there’s a little grin playing on his lips. “I was thinking,” Echo murmurs as his fingers trail down your throat, “Why don’t I walk you home?”
You tilt your head questioningly.
“That way I can worship you the way divinity is supposed to be worshiped.” His smile becomes sly, “On my knees.”
Your face heats, but you can’t pull your gaze away from his, “I think,” You mumble, “That sounds wonderful.”
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
Hey! Can you write some george karim x reader fluff?
Literally write anything, I’ve read everything that’s on here lol.
a/n: of course! i haven’t written for george yet and, although i love lockwood so so much, there’s a special place in my heart for nerdy boys lol
warnings: none gn reader
"I got you a book."
George looks up from his notebook, splayed out on the kitchen table curiously. "You did?"
You nod, placing the thick hardback down on the thinking cloth. "I was out and popped into a bookshop. I know you've been wanting this one for a little while."
His eyes carefully scan the book, and he takes it in his hands, flipping it over and reading the covers. For a minute, you think he's disappointed. Maybe he already bought it, or maybe you misheard him and got the wrong one...
Then, a smile appears, his eyes sparkling as he looks back at you. "Thank you. You didn't have to get me it."
"I wanted to," you say with a shrug. "You mentioned it a few days ago, and I just wanted to do a nice thing."
Also, I've hidden little notes in it, you think, but you don't say it out loud. That's part of the surprise.
"What are you doing just now?" you ask, moving to make yourself a brew. "Looks... confusing."
"Research for that new case we've got booked," he says, turning back to his notes. "You know, the old lady from the other day who said her grandkid heard voices in the attic?"
"Oh!" You take a bite out of a biscuit you just plucked off the plate. "Mrs Thurmon, right? I'm still convinced it's some birds stuck inside, but could well be a ghost. Lockwood thinks it's a Type One."
George shakes his head. "I think it's more than that. Maybe..."
He looks back at his notes, and he doesn't speak again. If anyone else did the same, you'd consider it rude, but George gets like this sometimes. In his mind, he probably thinks that he's still speaking to you when in reality he's gone quiet. It makes you smile, and you can't help but watch the way his eyebrows crease in concentration and he silently mouths the words he's written haphazardly.
You feel content just looking at him, as strange as it sounds. The way his dark hair falls over his face, or the way his fingers run underneath the words he's paying particular attention to. Sometimes when he's writing things in his notebook, he won't realise he's reached the edge of the page and will continue onto the thinking cloth, leading to some very obscure phrases seen at midnight after a case.
"So, you see, I don't think it's just a Type One. There's something -" He looks up and sees the smile you're trying to suppress. "I wasn't talking, was I?"
Laughing, you shake your head. "No, you weren't."
He looks down, flushing red slightly.
"I'm going to head down to the basement," you say, lifting your mug of tea from the counter. "I'll get the chains oiled and prepare our bags for tonight. Give me a shout if you need anything, yeah?"
Over the next few days, George begins a daily routine of spouting out random facts at the kitchen table over breakfast. Some are relatively normal, like the fact that crocodiles can't stick their tongue out, but they become stranger and stranger as the days pass. Each time, he reads them off a little ripped piece of paper, each in your handwriting.
Lockwood and Lucy seem thoroughly amused, but you only grow more and more apprehensive. As the little facts come to their end, your heart begins to race in anticipation.
You don't regret giving George the book. You do, however, regret leaving a note expressing your feelings for George at the end a little bit.
It's hell waiting for him to get to it. It gives you too much time to worry. Will he reject you? Will he admit he feels the same? George has never been very openly expressive about his feelings outwith his interests, hence why you've admitted the fact that you're, oh, well, in love with him in a note rather than to his face.
But, then, finally, the reply comes in the form of an envelope slipped under your door while you're sleeping. You awake to find it the next morning, the brown envelope trembling in your hands.
It's stupid, honestly, getting so nervous over a guy. A year ago, you would never have believed that you'd be here, sweating profusely as you sit on your bed, trying to muster up the confidence to open the envelope.
Finally, you do.
Thank you for the book. I didn't know that you had heard it was one I wanted, but I appreciate you getting it for me. You didn't need to, but it means a lot. It was quite good, actually. Possibly one of my favourites.
As for the little notes - funny! I didn't know chef's hats had 100 pleats, but I'll be sure to stash the fact for future reference. Maybe I'll confuse Kipps with it one day, just to throw him off.
As for the last note."
Your heart feels like it's going to implode. Taking a deep breath, you continue reading.
"I don't like talking about my feelings much, which is why I'm assuming you wrote yours down (I also appreciate that), but I'll try my best.
I've liked you since the day you walked through the front door for your interview. Your haircut was weird, and you looked a bit like a lost puppy, but you were patient with me, even when I was being a prick. You make the best tea out of the four of us, but, please, never cook dinner again. You can't do that to save your life."
You laugh, hands still trembling. Your cheeks feel hot.
"I like the way you laugh, and the fact that you stay and 'listen' to me when I think I'm still talking instead of just leaving. You pay attention to little details, and you remember things about me that I've never thought were really that important.
You're the first person who hasn't made me feel like a weirdo, really. Around you, I'm myself. You let me talk for hours about stuff you probably don't care about. You get this look on your face when I'm talking too fast like you're struggling to keep up, but you're trying your best. And, when you make us tea, you're always smiling, like it's the greatest thing you could do in this world.
I'm sorry none of this is being said in person, but the fact you've given me the opportunity to do it like this tells me everything I need to know. No one has ever cared for me the way you do.
To simplify, I like you a lot, too. And, yes, maybe we could go to the bookshop together if you aren't too busy trying to pretend like you're not looking at me (yes, I'm very aware of that).
-George :)"
The grin that splits your face is the biggest it's ever been. You're most definitely blushing, and, if Lucy wasn't sleeping on the other side of the room, you'd be jumping around, squealing like a madman with excitement.
You place the letter under your pillow, fighting to soften your smile, as you hurry down the stairs to the attic door to put some tea on.
Upon opening the door, you're met with a face that's all too familiar. Hair curling softly and glasses perched on his nose, George stands in the doorway, fist raised as if he were about to knock.
"George!" you say before remembering that Lucy is sleeping. You hush your tone a little. "Hey, how are you? Sleep well?"
A small smile plays on his lips, a little awkward but it still makes your heart soar. "I, uh, I slept fine. I'm good. I was just coming to ask if you wanted breakfast."
"I was actually about to come down and put some tea on."
"Oh, good." He takes his glasses off, rubbing the lenses on his jumper. "Shall we -?"
"Yes! Um, yeah."
You pass him, closing the door softly, and you break out into a grin again. He feels the same. He feels the same!
"I was going to go to the bookshop today," he says. "Maybe you'd like to come with...?"
It's hard to contain your excitement, but you nod, glancing back at him. "I'd like that."
"You would?"
"I would."
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dross-the-fish · 7 months
Can I ask for a drabble where Anon accidentally confesses her love to Edward Hyde?
took awhile. I decided to try something new, at the suggestion of one of my mutuals. I've written this drabble from Hyde's POV. I hope you enjoy it.
I couldn’t figure out why she kept hanging around the lab. At first, I thought nothing of it, she brought me my laundry or food when I failed to come down for dinner. Nothing that required me to lift my head from the toil of my work. Sometimes she and I would exchange a few words, it was pleasant enough and again, nothing to draw concern. Sometimes she would glance at me as she left, a strange look I couldn’t interpret… then she began to linger. After words died down, she actually lingered, watching me with an intensity that I felt but couldn’t understand.
This, now, was unexpected as none dared to linger in the presence of Edward Hyde. Those who were not induced to flee in fear of my visage were at risk of falling prey to my capricious moods which I sought little to control and less to contain. I rationalized that this lack of caution could only be because the girl was either a fool or I had become remiss in maintaining my hard-won reputation among this little rag-tag group. It seemed none of them feared me enough as of late.
I suppose it did me no service that I had to compete with a werewolf, an opera ghost, and an undead behemoth, compared to the likes of them Edward Hyde must have seemed almost mundane. I had decided that simply would not do and I resolved that the next time the girl foolishly lingered in my presence I’d give her a good and proper scare. Unfortunately, I was not permitted to do actual harm to my comrades, but I hoped a good fright in the absence of real bloody mischief might prove a decent enough amusement. Perhaps she might even cry for me. I found a perverse pleasure in the tears of others. Not for any justifiable reasons, oh no, I simply relished the proof of my power over them.
I thought to myself if I could not shed blood then I could sate myself on tears. Watson, that damned, dry, old bastard, had been keeping me out of the field. He hated how much I loved it when bones crunched and blood, hot and thick, ran over my hands. Ah, he deprived me…
As if denying me the joy of violence wasn’t enough Watson had also taken it upon himself to cut off my access to certain drugs and restricted my alcohol intake to wine only. Perhaps he thought denying me my outlets might soften my urges. Perhaps he was genuinely concerned I had grown dependent and he sought to break my addiction. I’ve come to understand he has some experience with addicts. I hate him that much more for the goodness of his intentions than I would if he had simply scorned me. It didn’t take long for me to feel the telltale signs of withdrawal. My mouth ran dry and my palms sweated, I was plagued by fine and terrible bogey dreams, yet under the strain of deprivation my passions cooled not a whit. It was in such a state, waking from a troubled sleep, shaking and soaked with perspiration that the girl, Anon, found me the next time she sought me out.
I had not taken to work in my lab that day as I found it unbearably hot and stifling in my condition, rather I had elected to remain in my room, writhing on top of the bed covers while I waited either for the sweet release of death or for my feverish state to pass. The impertinent thing had not knocked, she’d simply waltzed in with a tray of food and a glass of water, and prattled something about me missing dinner.
Had I been of a less miserable constitution I might have shot from my sickbed and hurled her across the room. I will never tell her how lucky she was that in that moment I had neither the strength nor the conviction. Perhaps, though I am loath to admit it, I was lucky too.
When she took notice of my pitiful state, she laid a hand on my brow and it was sweetly cool on my skin. It calmed me just enough that I let go of my ire and allowed her to help me drink the water which I gulped greedily, seeking to alleviate the dryness of my mouth. I drank too quickly for as soon as the water hit my roiling guts it came back up and I vomited on her skirts. I looked up, hoping perhaps at least to amuse myself with her, assuredly disgusted face. Perhaps she’d call me ungrateful and leave, I half hoped she would…and perhaps also that she wouldn’t. My emotions were sometimes as twisted as my guts.
She didn’t, she wiped herself and me as best she could with a handkerchief and went to refill the water from the pitcher on the tray. This time when she held the glass to my lips, she instructed me to drink slowly. Her voice did not lose the kindness though it was firmer now. Stubborn thing, she was determined not to give me the satisfaction of getting upset. I heeded her and sipped at the glass and once I’d had my fill, I spat the water into her face. The sound of her sputtering and coughing cheered me and she let fly a string of the most marvelous curses. The girl could put a sailor to shame with that mouth.
A rather nice mouth, I had to admit.
Really, she was a very nice girl and it was quite childish of me to subject her to my meanness…
…though it certainly was a welcome bit of fun.
“Why did you go and do a thing like that?!” she demanded angrily and the indignation on her face painted her cheeks quite a charming shade of pink.
“Why not? I feel miserable and that made me feel better. Don’t you want me to feel better?” I drawled facetiously, flashing my teeth at her. I was drenched in sweat and I reeked, the thick black hair on my chest and under my arms clinging to my clammy skin. I knew I looked even more appalling than usual, yet even now her expression lacked the disgust I was accustomed to. I was surprised.
“Of course I do! I am trying to help you.”
“Why?” I barked, weakly for I was still feeling poorly but with enough bite to make her jump.
“Because I love you!”
As soon as the words left her lips, she clasped her hands over her mouth as though she could put them back in.
I was astonished. Henry had received many a confession of love over the years, even age hadn’t slowed the stream of would-be lovers that he continually turned down in his efforts to seem respectable.
But never had any one confessed to Edward. Loathsome, repulsive little creature, Edward. Something about it was exciting. I felt giddy. Unable to stop myself I burst into giggles. She lowered her hands and glowered at me in a way that I found surprisingly endearing.
“You love me, hmmm?” I hummed. Caring not that my hand was cold and grimy I cupped her cheek and dragged my thumb across her lips, “You love Edward Hyde? Do you my little dove?”
“I-I suppose the cat’s out of the bag now,” her eyes darted nervously but she didn’t pull away. It seemed she was serious.
“So it is. What ever will we do about that?” I cooed. I still had not made up my own mind how to deal with her but there is a sort of pleasure in being fancied. Especially being fancied as Edward for once.
“Before we do anything I think maybe we should see about bringing down your fever and maybe cleaning you up a bit,” she replied, trying to recapture her previous calm, though the pink did not leave her cheeks.
“Alright,” I said, suddenly of a mind to be agreeable, “I’m in your hands.”
I flung myself back on the pillows, arms spread and grinned up at her expectantly. Her eyebrow twitched; she could tell I was testing her. Still, she rinsed the handkerchief and wetted it again with water from the pitcher so that she could wipe my brow. Irritated with me though she was her touch was still gentle and soothing and I let myself enjoy it. She loved me, I had decided it was sweet.
I did not love her back, I could not. Such was not in me.
But at the very least, for now, I did not hate her…
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A Brother’s Vow (Part 2)
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(Gif not mine)
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Jaime Lannister x Female!Reader, Past Tyrion Lannister x Female!Reader
Words: 3,451
Tags: a brothers vow got
Warnings: Arranged marriage. Mentions of death, incest, murder, etc.
Summary: Lady Y/n Stark feels as though she has run out of options. Perhaps Jaime has the solution.
Part One
Taglist: @littlebirdgot @gruffle1 
A/N: Finally, after years, I’ve written a part two! I think this was a longer wait than even my “Black of Hair” series! Enjoy! Comments are appreciated! 
(I do not consent to my works being reposted/copied)
Lady Y/n Stark put herself in front of Jaime's door the morning after Tyrion's funeral pyre, her heart was still heavy but her mind needed to be set on something else hence she drowned in the darker thoughts threatening to surface. Knocking to make her presence known, she waits a few moments before pushing the door open and walking in.
She could barely see two feet in front of her, the heavy curtains draped over the windows, shrouding any bit of sunlight from outside. A few pieces of furniture were turned over and books were scattered all over the floor, pages torn from their homes and littering the marble tiles. Y/n let her eyes adjust to her surroundings before walking towards the nearest window, pulling back the curtains and letting in the sun.
Turning around, she finally spotted Jaime. He was on the other side of the room, underneath the furthest window with a curtain shielding him from the light. His head was lowered, making no move to acknowledge the lady's presence, wearing nothing but a large shirt and pants. He looked nearly dead had it not been for the rise and fall of his chest. Y/n let out a large sigh before crossing the room to him, "It's dark in here. You'll hurt your eyes if you don't ever let the light in."
Jaime is slow to respond, waiting until he heard her footsteps right in front of him before muttering gravely, "And why should I care about my eyes."
"You'll go blind for starters."
He laughed under his breath, thinking about the irony of it all as he let his head roll to the side to stare off into the distance, "I was already blind. I was blind to my sister's cruelty and madness. I was blind to my father's abuse of my brother and I was blind to see how wrong I was to support a family who only loved me because I was the firstborn son. The only family who ever truly loved me was my brother... and now he's gone because I couldn't save him."
She sucks in a sharp breath, eyes naturally warming with tears at the very mention of Tyrion. Y/n Stark often feared if this pain would ever go away, fearing for her future. Once she's able to regain her composure, Y/n rolls her lips before deciding to sink to the floor, sitting beside him with her legs and skirt tucked under her, "You were not blind, Jaime. It's like what Tyrion said. Cersei never fooled you. You always knew what she was and you loved her anyway."
"Then I suppose I was just as mad then for not stopping her."
"Perhaps. Or because you were in love with her."
Jaime scoffed as if he was being mocked, "I don't know what love is anymore. The woman I loved laughed as our brother died. And she wouldn't stop laughing until I squeezed her neck. Looking back, I'm not entirely sure if I would've loved her had I known what she would become."
"To be fair, you're a very different man now compared to the man you were when you pushed my brother out of a tower window."
The Kingslayer winced at the reminder, finally looking up and meeting her gaze, "... Why are you here, Lady Stark? Is this a pity visit for the ghost of my brother?"
Her gaze turned cold, lips turning down as she pointed her chin out, "It is. I have no love nor respect for you after everything you've done to my family... but Tyrion loved you. Despite the monster you were to us, you were his savior. He wouldn't have lived as long as he did if not for you."
Jaime began to curl back in on himself, turning away again as his voice cracked, "He could've lived longer had I been faster. Smarter... stronger..."
"I don't blame you for what happened, Ser Jaime. I blame the Mountain. I blame Cersei. And even if I did blame you... Tyrion wouldn't want me to."
"You could at least beg the Queen to execute me or send me to the Wall."
"And what would that do? The Wall has fallen and the Night King is gone. There is no purpose for the Night's Watch anymore. If you took the Black, You would never be seen again..."
He chuckles, trying to smile, "I don't think anyone would be opposed to that. Hence why you should order for execution."
Y/n looks away, scanning the room again, trying to find the right words to say. The nerves in her stomach churn uncomfortably, the threat of sobs crawling up her throat making itself known. Slowly, she turned back towards Jaime, taking a couple of attempts to speak before a whisper came through, "... I don't want the uncle of my unborn child to die. Especially since you're all I have left of Tyrion."
Jaime's head slowly tilts back up, his eyes widening when the realization slowly wedged itself into his jumbled mind. His eyes suddenly couldn't look away from Y/n, although she wished for him to turn away again when the horror on his face turned to pity, "You're...?"
She nods, not knowing what else to do, "I'm fairly certain. I was ill the entire time we rode from Winterfell to King's Landing. I've noticed subtle changes in my body, but other than that, I'll eventually need a maester to look into it. I was hoping to tell Tyrion after we took King's Landing from Cersei."
The weight felt heavy on both of them, the room growing silent when thinking about Tyrion's sudden passing. Jaime's eyes pricked at the terrible thought of his brother always wanting to be a father, only for the years to catch up to him and be so unkind to him. One thing led to another, and now Tyrion is gone... leaving behind the unborn child he's always dreamed of. Why can't these cursed gods ever be kind to Jaime's family?!
He swallowed the soreness in his throat, his voice quiet, "What will you do?"
She glanced up at him after finding herself tracing patterns into the smooth floor. For a moment, Y/n couldn't think of what to say, let alone feel. It's hard for her to picture a future when she felt so stuck after Tyrion's death. She thought they were going to be together for the rest of their lives... and those lives seemed to catch up with them far too soon. Finally, Y/n just shrugs, "... I don't know. All I know is that I'd rather die than stay here. I want to ask Daenerys if she'll let me go back to Winterfell. Perhaps I'll get myself lost along the way, never to be seen again. Or perhaps I'll make it to Winterfell and Sansa can keep me safe. If I time everything right, maybe Sansa will have married herself to Sandor Clegane by the time I arrive and then I can pawn my child off to them. No one would be none the wiser as long as my child doesn't have blonde hair."
"And if they do?"
She winced, "Then the Northern lords will start questioning the legitimacy of their Lady of Winterfell."
Jaime has witnessed the woman Sansa Stark had become. After everything she's been through, she deserved to have the happy ending she herself made. Cursed be the one who ever tries to belittle her again. The Kingslayer's mind was buzzing with a thousand thoughts, all trying to make themselves known on his tongue until he finally settled on one, "We can't have that."
Y/n peered up at him, eyebrows furrowing together. Was it a joke? "We?"
It was a foolish, irrational, and reckless thought, but Jaime couldn't find it within himself to take it back. Staring at this young woman, alone and frightened and possibly pregnant with his dead brother’s child, Jaime couldn’t find it within himself to just let her go to Winterfell, "... I don't want my brother's child to grow up never knowing him or where he came from. Do you?"
She wasn't aware of where he was going with this, only speaking her mind truthfully, "... I just don't want my child to grow up a bastard."
Jaime's rash proposal made itself known as he leaned forward, determination suddenly filling his green eyes, "Then come back with me to the Westerlands. Let me help you raise the child. I know Tyrion would've wanted me to. Your cousin, the Hand, already plans on asking the Queen to give me a claim over Casterly Rock."
Lady Stark frowned, "The Queen would rather see you dead for the murder of her father."
Jaime winced. He had forgotten that he was wishing for death a few minutes ago. Still, he could rest easy before his execution as long as the Queen allowed him to secure Tyrion’s lover and unborn child a safe future, "What if she knew about the baby?"
"... I can't say for certain. But for her love of Tyrion... she might pardon you,” Y/n hesitates, before she finally speaks her mind, “Why are you so willing to do this? You barely even know me.”
His face falls, his eyes brewing back into a stormy cloud. He looks down at his gold hand, scratching on it lightly with his thumb, before he finally confessed, “Perhaps... But it’s like you said. You’re all I have left of Tyrion, too.”
Jon snarled, "No. Absolutely not."
Y/n felt exhausted, sighing at the idea of the upcoming argument, "Jon..."
"Why do you want to marry him, Y/n?" Her cousin demanded, glaring over at Jaime, "Because of your shared grief? It wasn't too long ago that you hated him for his crimes against our family."
"I'm pregnant."
The room stills. Both Jon and Daenerys forget how to breathe as they come to terms with the news, glancing between Y/n and Jaime. Jon looked damn near defeated for his cousin, heartbroken and full of pity as he could only form one word, "... What?"
"Gods..." Daenerys muttered under her breath, placing her hand on her heart. With a grave expression, she sits at the head of the Small Council table when she felt as if she couldn't stand any longer. Her heart broke for Lady Y/n, staring nowhere but at her flat stomach that supposedly housed a child. Both the Queen and Jon knew what this meant, and the sadness Tyrion left behind grew ever deeper with Y/n's pregnancy. They knew of their relationship but chose not to say anything when they noticed how happy Y/n and Tyrion looked upon one another. But now Tyrion was gone, unable to feel the same delight other good men felt when they learn they were going to be a father. Daenerys could picture her former Hand's face if he were here right now, and she felt the ghost of a smile threaten to form before the grief reminded her that Tyrion was, in fact, not here. And now his unborn child will never get to meet him. Daenerys was no fool. She knew what this meant for Y/n and the baby if people found out she was unmarried... but maybe knew far less than Jon, who was once believed to be a bastard himself.
Jon's face crumbled into several emotions. Fear, pain, understanding, and loss. Staring at his cousin, who used to stand so strong and proud and now looked so small and frail. Y/n could barely look him in the eye, her hand hovering over her womb. He wasn't sure if it was shame that kept his former sister from looking at him, but he wouldn't allow such thoughts to plague her. He stepped forward and embraced his cousin, wrapping his arms around her entire form and holding her close, brushing a hand down her hair in comfort. Y/n's tense form began to relax, shaking ever so slightly as she released a breath she was holding. For a while, the former bastard and the Stark girl stood in their own little embrace, Jaime and Daenerys lowering their gaze from them out of respect for privacy. Finally, Y/n parted from Jon, nodding to him in encouragement before walking around him and the table to face Daenerys, grasping the Queen's hand in her own.
"Your Grace. I don't want my child to grow up believing they're a bastard as Jon did. If you approve of the marriage alliance, Jaime and I will go to claim Casterly Rock under your name and Tyrion's child will be born in his ancestral home. No one would ever think twice about who my child's true parentage is."
Daenerys' expression was conflicted, twisting with several emotions while internally fighting for the right words, "... He killed my father, my lady."
Y/n crouched to Daenerys' height, kneeling in front of her chair and looking her dead in the eyes, "A father who would have not been kind to you. A father who burned my grandfather and my uncle to death. A father who would've killed every woman and child in this city had it not been for Jaime's treachery. Call him a Kingslayer if you must, but Tyrion called him a hero."
Daenerys sighs, squeezing Y/n's hand and nodding in agreement. The Mother of Dragons, so mighty and kind to her people, often forgets about her own past as she pushes toward her future. With the Iron Throne now finally hers and now Y/n's pregnancy announced, Dany couldn't help but think of her own child, the boy she had lost. Rhaego. She had forced herself to forget her son's name, pushing it to the very far back of her mind. She didn't want her stillborn child to be her determination behind her fight to be Queen. And now that she had won the war she initially wanted to win for her family, -the family that is long gone- Daenerys could feel her heart reopening some old wounds that had long festered inside of her. Staring into Y/n's eyes, the Queen of Dragonfire could only wish for the best for this woman. Y/n was now family, after all, and a sad reminder of everything her former Hand loved and lost. As her family member, Daenerys wanted nothing more for Y/n to have a better life than Dany could make for herself.
"... Jaime Lannister, step forward," she found herself ordering. Y/n stands and steps away while the Queen herself rises to her feet. Jon whipped his head to look at Daenerys but otherwise said nothing. He looked conflicted as the Lannister steps forward to stand in front of the Targaryen Queen, "Lady Y/n is more than an ally to me now. You know this. She's family by marriage. So tell me why I should approve of a marriage between you and a member of my family?"
Jaime bows respectfully, his good hand resting over his heart, his eyes swimming with guilt, "Because it's in hers and the child's best interest... I know I hurt you and your family in the past, but I did all those horrible things to protect my family, as I'm sure you would have done for yours if you had the chance. I know it’s not an excuse, but I ask you to find it in your heart to understand had it not been for family, I would have never done those things. And now, I pledged my allegiance to you because it was the right thing to do... and because Tyrion trusted you. There was a time when Tyrion didn't trust anyone but me."
Daenerys's jawline visibly tightens, but Jaime doesn't see it as anger. He can see the way the Queen's eyes flicker as if blinking away tears. She was forcing her emotions down as Jaime straightened his posture, looking between her and Jon, "I promise to not only continue my allegiance to you as the Lord to Casterly Rock, but I promise to protect Tyrion's memory. I vow that no harm will come to Lady Y/n or her child if it's the last thing I ever do. I don't have any family left apart from the two of them... so if I must continue to do horrible things for the sake of my family once again, then so be it. But I hope that under your rule, I will never have to lift a sword or harm another innocent life ever again."
Daenerys' gaze flickers over to Jon, waiting for him before she gave her answer. After all, Y/n was his cousin and he was Dany's Hand. The former bastard boy closed his eyes with a pained look on his face as if willing whatever conflicting thoughts and pain to disappear. Jon's jawline also tightens, fists clenched at his side until he finally opened his eyes when Y/n reached to hold his hand, forcing him to unclench his fingers. The pair share a gaze that looked as though they were sharing a silent conversation with each other's thoughts. With the same hair and eyes they most definitely inherited from the North, Jaime could have mistaken them for twins. Jaime remembered those days when he could read his own twin's mind... but those days happened less and less the more he and Cersei grew up in King's Landing.
Jaime pushed those thoughts down the moment they came up. This wasn't about him or Cersei or their unborn child... or the fact that he killed them both. This was about Tyrion and how he would've wanted his big brother to keep his family safe. Jaime owed him that and more.
Jon finally looked away from Y/n and nodded toward Daenerys, who strengthened her posture in response while hardening her gaze and voice to appear more regal, "Then let it be known. Kneel, Ser Jaime."
He sucked in a sharp breath. He definitely wouldn't be hearing that title after this. This would be the last time. Looking back at Y/n briefly, Jaime slowly got down on one knee and then lowered his gaze at Daenerys' feet. The Dragon Queen spoke above him, "I, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of My Name, Queen of the Andals and of the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains... name you, Jaime Lannister of the House Lannister as Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. Tomorrow, we will have a septon marry you to Lady Y/n, and the day the baby is born will be the day you will have an heir to your father's ancestral home."
Jaime stood, bowing as he spoke, "It's what he always wanted."
Daenerys frowned, "Between us, I'd rather have your father rolling in his grave knowing that Tyrion's child will be your heir. That, I think, would be the poetic justice your brother deserved in life, and perhaps it would curse your father's ghost to even graver damnation and humility."
Jaime scoffs lightheartedly, "I can’t argue with that."
Y/n sighs in relief before turning to her cousin, "And Jon? No one can know about the baby. No one. Not even Sansa."
Jon's eyebrows furrowed, aging him beyond his respective years. If Jaime didn't know better, he thought he himself was younger than the Hand of the Queen, "You don't know what you're asking of me."
"I do," Y/n nods with assurance, "I'm asking you to lie. I'm asking you to put aside your honor and protect your family, even if that means keeping your family in the dark about this. You were raised by my father, Jon... surely it's not as impossible as you think... to lie for your cousin. To protect her child as Ned Stark once protected his sister’s."
"Sansa knows I would never normally approve of your marriage to Jaime. She's smart. She'll figure it out."
"Then let her. But by then, no one would believe her if she ever discovered the truth out loud. There wouldn't be any proof so long as you don't. Tell. Her."
"You don't trust her."
Y/n hesitates, leaning into her cousin with both of her hands resting on his chest, "... She's not like the girl we remember. She's suffered too much at the hands of too many liars and monsters. But she's also learned from those liars and monsters. She is my little sister and I love her dearly, you know that. But my child's life is at risk, so you also know what lengths I would do to protect them. Jon... promise me, please."
Jon gazed into his cousin's pleading eyes, the eyes that she no doubt inherited from her father, the same eyes Jon thought he once shared. Trying to forget that Ned Stark was not always honorable himself, Jon forces himself to believe that he's allowed to keep secrets and protect those he loves, by any means necessary. He's only human, after all, and Ned Stark wouldn’t mind if it meant Jon protected his daughter for him.
"I promise."
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pelideswhore · 2 years
seventeen — marina & the diamonds
Used to be a major scale, but the melody went stale […] Could never tell you what happened the day I turned seventeen. The rise of a king and the fall of a queen. Oh, seventeen, seventeen. Oh, you were embarrassed of me because I used my tongue freely. Bet you wished I couldn’t speak, ‘cause when I do, you know I tell you why you appear weak.
ivy — taylor swift
My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand, taking mine but it's been promised to another. [...] He's gonna burn this house to the ground. How's one to know? I'd live and die for moments that we stole, on begged and borrowed time. So tell me to run, or dare to sit and watch what we’ll become, and drink my husband’s wine.
all you wanna do — aimee atkinson (six)
I think we can all agree I’m the ten amongst these threes and ever since I was a child, I’d make the boys go wild. […] All you wanna do, baby, is touch me. When will enough be enough? See, all you wanna do, all you wanna do, baby, is squeeze me, don’t care if you don’t please me. Bite my lip and pull my hair as you tell me I’m the fairest of the fair.
easy on me — adele
You can’t deny how hard I’ve tried to put you both first but now I give up. Go easy on me, baby. I was still a child, didn’t get the chance to feel the world around me. I had no time to choose what I chose to do, so go easy on me. I had good intentions and the highest hopes, but I know right now that probably doesn’t even show.
farewell wanderlust — the amazing devil
Goodbye to all my darkness, there’s nothing here but light. Adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night. This here is not make-up, it’s a porcelain tomb, and this here is not singing, it’s just screaming in tune because farewell wanderlust, you’ve been ever so kind. You brought me through this darkness but you left me here behind. So long to the person you begged me to be, he’s down, he’s dead, and now take a good long look at what you’ve done to me.
flowers — eva noblezada (hadestown)
What I wanted was to fall asleep, close my eyes and disappear. Like a petal on the stream, like a feather in the air […] Flowers, I remember fields of flowers, soft beneath my heels. I remember someone, someone by my side—turned his face to mine, and I turned away, into the shade. You, the one I left behind, if you ever walk this way, come and find me, lying in the bed I made.
tango dancer — gelsey bell (ghost quartet)
I used to run in the sand, campfire stars in the distance, and I’d gaze into the darkness, and wonder about the void. And I’m haunted by that memory of who I used to be—so gleeful, so blank, so ready. I was empty then, and I’m empty now, but it’s not the same at all […] I’d stay up all night long and all the boys would fall over, oh, how dazzling I could be. But the magic is gone, my joy got bloated and sick.
memory — elaine paige (cats)
Memory, all alone in the moonlight. I can smile at the old days, I was beautiful then. I remember the time I knew what happiness was. Let the memory live again. Every street lamp seems to beat, a fatalistic warning […] Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise. I must think of a new life and I mustn’t give in. When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too and a new day will begin.
speechless — naomi scott (aladdin)
Here comes a wave meant to wash me away, a tide that is taking me under. Swallowing sand, I’ve got nothing to say, my voice drowned out in the thunder. But I won’t cry, and I won’t start to crumble. Whenever they try to shut me or cut me down, I won’t be silenced. You can’t keep me quiet […] Written in stone, every rule, every word. Centuries old and unbending. ‘Stay in your place, better seen and not heard’, but now that story’s ending.
girls against god — florence + the machine
What a thing to admit, that when somebody looks at me with real love, I don’t like it very much. It kinda feels like I’m being crushed. Is that something you’d like to discuss? […] And in my darkest fantasies, I’m the picture of passivity, waiting for you side of stage, suppressing all my private rage, but as my sister said, I’d probably last six days. […] But it’s good to be alive, crying into cereal at midnight. Oh, God, you’re gonna get it. You’ll be sorry that you messed with us.
exile — taylor swift
I can see you starin’, honey, like he’s just your understudy, like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me. Second, third and hundredth chances. Balancin’ on breaking branches. Those eyes add insult to injury. I think I’ve seen this film before, and I didn’t like the ending. I’m not your problem anymore, so who am i offending now! You were my crown, now I’m in exile seeing you out.
long story short — taylor swift
The knife cuts both ways; if the show fits, walk in it ‘til your high heels break. And I fell from the pedestal, right down the rabbit hole. Long story short, it was a bad time. Pushed from the precipice, clung to the nearest lips. Long story short, it was the wrong guy. Now I’m all about you, I’m all about you. Actually, I always thought I must look better in the rear view [...] Long story short, it was a bad time. Long story short, I survived.
dream girl evil — florence + the machine
Oh, did you miss me? Walk on water just to kiss me? Oh, come and get me, drag me out and destroy me. I’ve been expecting you, I’m ready. Deliver me that bad news, baby. Am I your dream girl? You think of me in bed but you could never hold me and like me better in your head. Make me evil, then I’m an angel instead—at least you’ll sanctify me when I’m dead […] Did I disappoint you? Did mummy make you sad? Do I at least remind you of every girl that made you mad?
broken glass — rachel platten
I’m on a highway full of red lights, I’ve lost so many long nights, felt words that cut like knives. I know they’re gonna say what they wanna […] I have been patient, but I’m not waiting anymore. I’m gonna dance on broken glass, broken glass. I’m gonna make that ceiling crash, that ceiling crash. So what? Still got knives in my back. So what? So I’m tied to the tracks, yeah, I’m gonna dance on broken glass.
trust in me — scarlett johansson (the jungle book)
Shut your eyes, trust in me. You can sleep, safe and sound, knowing I am around. Slip into silent slumber, sail on a silver mist. Slowly but surely, your senses will seize to resist. Just relax, be at rest, like a bird in a nest. Trust in me, just in me.
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nenya85 · 2 months
N, E, Y, and A for the ask meme! :-)
@uneorange OMG!  You picked the letters of my username!  That’s so clever.  It really made me smile :-) 
If any one else wants to ask (please!) the list is here!
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
In addition to my ongoing WIP, “Life After Life,” I have two really vague fic ideas I’m mulling over. And believe me, when I say really vague, I mean really vague.
In no particular order:
VAGUE IDEA #1: Atem returns with Kaiba.  A bunch of unspoken assumptions are crammed in the Dimensional Cannon with them.  Atem’s first actions throw everything up in the air. Kaiba, still on a honeymoon high, brings Atem and Yugi together, with the flourish of a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Yugi falls apart.  He’s been the brave warrior for so long, and when he sees Atem, standing in front of him, real and alive, he dissolves into tears and thanks Kaiba for bringing Atem back.  Atem, shaken and guilty at the effect his leaving has had on his partner, focuses on comforting Yugi.  Kaiba (of course) assumes the idyll is over, as Mokuba wonders why he’s always the one left picking up the pieces.  I really want the story to be an exploration of the importance of romantic (Kaiba/Atem), platonic/friendship (Atem and Yugi) and familial bonds (Kaiba and Mokuba) as the characters negotiate their way through them.
VAGUE IDEA #2:  Every time Kaiba tries to reach Atem in the after-life, he winds up back in his past.  Meanwhile, every day Atem is spending in the after-life feels more hollow, as if he’s a vessel that’s emptying itself out.  As everything starts to feel less real, the one thought that becomes more solid is that Kaiba is involved.  They feel like they’re caught in a game and the only way out is to figure out what the game is and how to win.
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
Both Kaiba brothers.  My older brother was incredibly important to me growing up, and to this day, if he told me black was white, I’d be out there swearing he was right, so I really get that bone-in loyalty to an older sibling.  As much as I love Yugi’s values, in temperament, I really get Kaiba, and in a much milder form, a lot of his struggles have been mine.  
Capturing the Kaiba brothers has been an ongoing fixation of mine, so I’d like to think I’ve done them justice in all my stories.  I think the one that looked at Kaiba’s inner workings in the most literal way was probably “Giving Up the Ghosts,” where Kaiba created an immersive virtual world that reflects all of his inner conflicts, strengths and damage and then has to figure out how to win to escape.
Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?  
I tend to avoid thinking of my stories in terms of popularity because that’s a particularly self-destructive rabbit hole for me, and no matter where I start, I always end up feeling bad about my writing.  I came up with a very simple metric that ended up working:  Did I tell the story in my head to the best of my ability at the time I wrote it?  So far the answer has been yes, and that has remained an enormous source of satisfaction.
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
OMG!!! That’s like asking a parent who their favorite child is!  TBH, I don’t really have an answer because I spend so much time nurturing each story.  Also, in addition to being stories in and of themselves, they’re also my experience of writing them, and for me, those two things are inextricably intertwined.  Writing my first story was an amazing experience because I’d never thought of myself as a creative person, and writing a whole story was something I would have said was beyond my ability.  Having people connect with it and to meeting so many people through it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  I had several (mostly successfully resolved) health issues while writing my current WIP and there were months where each successful update felt like a victory in and of itself, and the story has occasionally became a stand-in, and at times a target, for my fluctuating moods.  TBH, I’m not sure if I’m avoiding the question or if I simply can’t answer it.
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coastercrushed · 2 months
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@COASTERCRUSHED mapplethorpe landis, independent mapplethorpe landis from abc's crazy fun park.
 open starters./ headcanons / verses.
written by billie. ( 32 ) minors & overall weirdos ( you know what i mean ) dni. THIS IS NOT A SPOILER FREE BLOG! i’m well aware that people are not aware of crazy fun town ( it's streaming on hulu ;) ). so, obviously, everyone is going to get spoiled. this blog will be horror heavy considering the series is about a bunch of different teenagers dying in gruesome ways in an amusement park & they are all spirits stuck there.
pack bonded with @artstayed.
also can be found at: @hangtenn, @gareththegreat, @frieddiscjockey, @guardiandem0n
01. first things first, i am aware that a lot of people haven't seen crazy fun town. i highly recommend it. it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, it'll make you feel nostalgic. i digress because this will have a lot of horror aspects. a lot of the park kids died in really horrific ways. mapplethorpe ended up going to the abandoned park alone, climbing up a rollercoaster to take a picture with his cell phone and fell off the coaster platform, falling onto one of the stalls below. a lot of depressing topics will be mentioned considering mapplethorpe had died suddenly and he's a rather fresh ghost ( the other's being from the 80s - early 00s ) so he's learning to cope with his own death.
02. drama is not my thing. i avoid it in real life and you best believe i’m going to avoid it online, being that this is my hobby. i wont reblog callouts, but will read them. i’ll only reblog if the person is incredibly dangerous to make my followers be aware. no gross behavior with minor muses, either, thanks. don’t be transphobic, genderbend, whitewash, don’t be a racist asshole, don’t support n*zi imagery, don’t be a fucking dickhead. 
03. oooooh i do love shipping! though, i do prefer a little bit of plotting beforehand. i think it’s very important to build a relationship ooc as well. i’m more comfortable to ship if we talk a little ooc.
04. i’m billie! i’ve thirty two years old and i’ve been apart of the rpc since late 2010. i’m an old lady. i’ve been around the block a few times. i work full time overnight ( twelve hour shifts ) at hospital & i have a lot of social obligations so i’m primarily mobile. most of my replies will be posted by queue due to this. my reply speed is slow and whilst i post a lot of ooc posts while at work & what not, it may sometimes take me a few days or even weeks to reply to a thread. patience is key! this is something i do whenever i want to destress and have fun.
BIRTH NAME. mapplethorpe landis  ALIAS(ES). mapplethorpe, mape, mapple, maggot boy, pennywise. AGE. eighteen. DATE OF BIRTH. may 8th MARITAL STATUS. single. verse dependent.  SPECIES. the ghost with the most GENDER. cismale PREFERRED PRONOUNS. he/him ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. bisexual  SEXUAL ORIENTATION. bisexual.  OCCUPATION. was a student, planning on becoming a writer and making comics with his artist best friend chester. now? he's just dead.
HEIGHT. 5'9" BUILD. athletic, lean. in good shape. HAIR. blonde, curly. EYES. bluish hazel SCARS. miscellaneous scars from skateboarding. he has a lot of them. a lot of scars from just doing stupid shit as well.  ABNORMALITIES. other than being dead? not a whole lot. TATTOOS. a smiley face stick n poke on his left knee cap. PHYSICAL AILMENTS. after snapping his spinal chord so bad he was essentially bisected? not really. ALLERGIES. none.
ALIGNMENT. chaotic good MYERS BRIGGS.  esfp FEARS. losing chester, memories of his own death. DISORDERS. adhd, autism, dependent personality disorder  OTHERS.  n/a.
PLACE OF BIRTH.   CURRENT RESIDENCE.   RELIGION.  agnostic  FAMILY.  felicity landis, his mother. father is not in the picture. considers chester dante his family. STATUS.  lower-middle class
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 5 months
so… ao3 year in review, huh! this was a good year for me for writing, mcyt content really sparked my brain and i wrote FAR more than i had in the last few years. this post is gonna be mostly mcyt fic, hence why it’s here, but there’s a bit of blaseball left too.
i found the photo of the friend that i was looking for-written for the boston flowers fic exchange commemorating the return of blaseball (heh….), fluff about the flowers being friends and sharing photographs
space’s blaseball poetry collection-exactly what it says on the tin! i joined my school’s poetry club last fall and wrote a lot of poetry about blaseball in that time. (i’ve written a bit of mcyt poetry too, maybe i’ll post that someday)
stop me if you’ve heard this all before-empires s2 cannon divergence where pix is the only survivor of the other universe blood sausage was in and he gets brought to season 2. i swear to god this will be done in the new year, i promise.
would you mind if i tried to take a pass at it?-my longest fic to date and the fic i made this account for in the first place so i could post shipping and people wouldn’t be weird. you all should thank wither husbands for my presence in your life (/j)
just put your sweet lips on my lips-really living up to my ao3 username on this one with a second fluffy wither husbands fic, this time with an established relationship!
i still taste you on my lips, lovely bitter water-i intended for this to be SLIGHTLY cannon divergent and then realized i’d made up an entire piece of empires lore in my head by accident. read this one it’s good.
but when it comes to the end, you’re just the same as them-clock duo are messy as hell and i love that for them. if you could bash someone’s head in with a clock in minecraft impulse would’ve made this fic cannon by now.
men are fools, oh, men are frail-one of my favorites this year about martyn, the end of liml, and misleading prizes. very excited to write more treebark for the title exchange.
she says i’m spread thin, but baby, i’m just restless-deceit had me by a chokehold for a month and i still really like this HOWEVER legundo follows me on tumblr and vaguely implied in his end of the year stream that he reads at least some fanfiction. terrifying.
never forget number 46-another one of my favorites this year, partially because it’s so deeply self indulgent and partially cause it’s GOOD. read my blaseball au even if you don’t know anything about blaseball come closer i promise.
how to rest-the first in the perpetuity/secret life crossover series inspired by @wooshofficial and @betweenlands ‘s ghost fics that wasn’t supposed to become a series. lmao. the third installment will be here shortly.
it’s not something that you put to bed-the second installment in this series and the last of my top 3 fics this year. something about jimmy and chrys’ personalities were so fun to write together and allowed me to play in a very interesting space with him.
so what’s in store for next year? probably a lot of stuff that i don’t know of yet! but definitely on the docket:
blaseball winter exchange fic (will be going on main ao3 and blaseball side blog if you’re interested)
whatever fic(s) i write for treebark title swap (hoping to write at least two!)
second chapter of “stop me” i SWEAR
more blaseball au! i’ve got so many ideas floating around :)
and a million other things i’ve got ideas for that may or may not see the light of day, who knows!
happy new year, everyone!
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biaswreckingfics · 1 year
Love You More Pt.1 (k.s.w.)
Imagine, meeting someone and, as fate would allow (or as we like to call it: Kevin) you become close friends. Maybe even best friends? Now imagine falling in love with your best friend. Not all at once! No, just a little bit more and more with each passing day that you know them. Imagine constantly have thoughts of them prying their way into your mind, sneaking in and stealing your focus away. Even when your brain is elsewhere, they're there in the background like a thief casing your heart, or a ghost stuck in limbo. It always comes back to them. Imagine the warm, comforting high when they're around. The bursting joy in your chest when you get to be near them. And the sparks ready to catch light when close is still not close enough.
Sunwoo knows that feeling all too well because with each and everyday that passes, he loves you a little bit more.
Love You More by JLS
A reddit post that read "I love my wife but I also like her. Like who she is at her core, I really like that person."
Note: This is meant to be a badly written piece focused on Sunwoo's experience of falling in love with y/n. Day 0 is the only one explicitly not focused on him.
Day 0
You’re hanging out with your friend, Kevin. You hadn’t seen each other in a while and you’d both decided it was about time to catch up. After all, the best thing about your friendship was that no matter how long it had been, not matter how far apart you guys were, it felt like you’d never been apart.
“He did what?” you exclaim in shock, laughter enveloping your words.
“Yeah, Sunwoo drank like 10 shots of tequila because Juyeon told him he wouldn't get hungover from it."
"But I've met Juyeon and he’s so nice! He would never!"
"I swear, he did!" Kevin laughs
"Oh god. I bet - what was his name? Sunwoo? He must have been feeling like hell the next day,"
"Yeah..." he chuckles, "you still haven't met all the guys yet right?"
"Ah, no. I've met a few of them! Like Jacob. Sangyeonie and Juyeon. There was also... uhh… He was a little loud but in a good way...? Hyunjae!" You clarify, "they were all really nice. I like them."
"Would you like to meet the rest of them? We're having a games night this week. You can help us annoy Sangyeon during mafia" you're both laughing before you decline: "I've got plans and I took on extra shifts at the café this week so I really can't. But have fun for the both of us!"
The rest of the day is full of fun, laughter, and much too much teasing at your expense but you definitely go home with a smile. That is until Kevin ruins it by texting a photo of your purse and jewellery. You’re not too fussed about it but then you remember your timecard was in there. Damn it, you were just going to have to pick it up sometime before work.
Day 1
I first laid my eyes on you,
Cans and cups of different drinks, and snack packets litter the small coffee table. Eleven guys scattered around the living room, some comfortably set on the sofas, others on the floor. They’re all engrossed in the competition on the TV screen between Eric, Chanhee, Jacob, and Hyunjae. To say that it’s loud… it's definitely an understatement. There were yells from all around the room:
“Shoot him, Cobie! Shoot him!
“How could you miss that!”
“Eric, what are you doing! Come here! If we lose-"
“I don’t think they can win…”
It wouldn’t be surprising if they’d had the police knocking on their door out of a safety concern. Thankfully, though, there were no complaints because Kevin had taken the initiative to give his neighbours a heads up about his house guests. He didn’t expect they would be able to hear them, but he wasn’t taking any risks. Not with this bunch.
Sunwoo is sat on a sofa, watching the game intently. Every so often he throws advice, mainly to Jacob’s team, and curses under his breath when either team does something stupid. He shakes his head before going up to get a refill in his cup when he sees Kevin walking towards the door. Not thinking much of it, he returns to his seat to view the rest of the competition. The round was coming to an end and the excitement had only risen. A mix of “Yes!” and “No!” sounds when the round reaches its end and Jacob and Hyunjae are announced the winners. Eventually the yells calm to chatters as everyone discusses the match and where it went wrong when “Guys!” Kevin’s voice rose above the noise.
A bunch of “yeah”s and “what”s are thrown his way without so much as a glance and the noise just barely reduces. “I have someone I want you to meet” and immediately ten heads turn as Kevin steps slightly aside, “This is y/n!” You let out a small nervous “hey” directed at everyone. Sunwoo can’t see you from where he’s sat but he doesn’t want to make you feel awkward or uncomfortable by moving just to get a better look, so he remains seated. But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't tempted to get up when Hyunjae exclaims “Kevin, you never told us they were pretty.”
“Hyunjae, you’ve met them before?” Kevin responds with a laugh.
“And? My point still stands.” Kevin shakes his head while laughing before offering you a proper introduction to everyone. Sunwoo watches carefully, taking note as you slowly come into view. Wow… Hyunjae wasn’t kidding. You really are beautiful. Sunwoo starts a bit when he hears his name so suddenly. He’s about to say hi but your gaze meets his and, all of a sudden, Sunwoo’s forgotten how to speak. There’s no words in his head and his tongue is tied.
“Sunwoo? Nice to finally meet you!” You’re flashing him a warm smile and Sunwoo hopes the smile he returns is equally warm. He adds a small wave too, mentally cursing himself for not being able to speak. But how could he when his brain is suddenly flooded with thoughts of how much he likes your smile. Wait-finally? What does that mean? Kevin had spoken about him? He’s about to ask but, in his brief moment of mental panic, he misses his chance because now you’re meeting Chanhee.
Not long later, you’ve been introduced to everyone, and you’ve spent about 5 or so minutes conversing with Kevin and the rest of the guys before announcing it was time for you to leave. There is a small chorus of boos from around the room as Kevin hands your things to you and you say your byes. Say bye, say bye, say bye. Despite the voice in his head, all Sunwoo could do was wave and give you a small nod goodbye. He watches as you walk away, his thoughts still muddled. So much for a good first impression...
Day 2
I can’t help but think of you,
The next day Sunwoo doesn’t know why, he doesn’t even realise it’s happening, but his mind keeps wandering to you. He replays the first conversation you guys had though, can he really call it a conversation? It was only a hello and goodbye. And he didn’t even speak. He’d had 10 minutes with you, and he couldn’t speak a single word. So why did it bother him so? It’s not like you’d done anything extraordinary or particularly interesting. So why should he care? It just doesn’t make sense. Sunwoo shakes the thoughts out of his head just as his name is called:
“Sunwoo, it’s your turn to order,” Jacob says. As soon as Sunwoo places his order, Kevin questions:
“What are you thinking about so seriously?”
“Huh? What? Oh! No, nothing,” the words tumble out of Sunwoo’s mouth in an instant that even he wouldn’t believe himself. “Just thinking about the last part of this project,” he adds in a more composed tone. It wasn’t a complete lie so it's fine. The guys don’t look convinced, but they drop it for now and resume their previous conversation.
“Oh, did your friend make it home okay… you know… last night?” Sunwoo suddenly asks.
“Sorry? Ah! Y/N? I think that’s the third time you’ve asked me that today Sunwoo,” amusement clear in Kevin’s voice.
“Really? I didn’t realise,” Sunwoo responds trying to keep an even tone despite hating the amusement he knows Jacob and Kevin are getting from this.
“You’ve brought them up even more times than that too,” Jacob adds, there’s a teasing lilt to his voice that has Sunwoo internally groaning. He's not living this down.
“It’s only because they're Kevin’s friend!” Sunwoo hurries, a bit too defensively, “I mean, wouldn't it be worse if I didn't acknowledge them at all?" Yes, Sunwoo thinks, that's the only reason. Out of niceness and nothing more. Or so he's convinced.
“You know, Sunwoo, they did ask about you,” Kevin can’t help but snort a laugh at how quickly Sunwoo’s facial expression changes, “they thought they’d annoyed you by, in their words, ‘intruding’.” There’s a slight drop in Sunwoo’s face which Kevin must see because he follows up with a soft chuckle “don’t worry. I told them it’s probably because you don’t know them very well. You’re fine,” Sunwoo nods at this, and smiles a thanks at Kevin before re-evaluating the previous night, yet again. Had he really come off so cold? Or awkward? Did he make you uncomfortable? Oh god, this won’t do. Next time, just act normal. Tell them they're pretty, it’ll be fine.
And just like that, throughout the day, Sunwoo was preoccupied with trying to figure out what it was that he should’ve said, beyond a simple hello and goodbye that is.
Day 3
Was the same as day 2,
A few weeks pass since Kevin’s friends have met you and you’ve hung out with most of them a few times. Sunwoo was not part of the most unfortunately – not for lack of want – but simply because he was so caught up in projects that he just didn’t have a lot of time to spare. Any time he did have spare was usually spent gaming. So, when Kevin invited Sunwoo to karaoke, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. Especially not when he found out the invitation was from you. He was looking forward to relaxing. It’s just a bonus that he gets a second chance at a first impression with you.
Sunwoo follows Kevin into the room you had booked. One foot in and they’re both immediately met with enthusiastic screeching singing. The song? They could not recognise. When you notice, you don’t hesitate to greet them. Sunwoo watches as you whine and swat at Kevin for petting your head. And when he hears you laughing, he can’t fight the smile that tugs at his lips. And then you’re turning to Sunwoo, “Hey. Sunwoo, right?” Sunwoo nods,
“Yep,” popping the p. He’s about to stop there but he remembers how the first night went and decides he doesn’t want to come off short, “you look nice.” It wasn’t a lie but Sunwoo didn’t expect it to come out so forward and neither does Kevin apparently based on the way his brow raises. Sunwoo chooses to ignore Kevin’s amused expression, especially when you’re smiling back at him “thanks, so do you” and then you’re leading him over to meet your friend, also known as the owner of the voice that graced their arrival.
It’s a lot easier this time around, Sunwoo notes. Not only do you seem like you’re having a good time, but Sunwoo is actually getting words out. He’s speaking to you. And singing with you. And laughing with you. Well, you and everyone else. But it’s still a massive improvement. There are still moments where his mind goes blank, or he stumbles over his words like when you look his way for just a second too long. Or when you flash a smile at him unprovoked-oh, the way his mind melts when you do that. Maybe there really was something in the drinks. Either way, as the night continues, you’re both happier and more at ease.
The next time Sunwoo sees you, he’s out with Eric when they decide they need coffee. It just so happens that the one café they were the closest to is also the one at which you work. They’re initially planning to get their drinks to go but when Eric notices you, he insists on saying hi and soon, they’ve decided they’re dining in. Things seem to be going their way because you end up being their server. Needless to say, after hearing you laugh so much, Sunwoo is glad that Eric insisted on staying for coffee. It was very much worth it.
Even as Sunwoo arrives home, he can’t help but smile as he thinks back to how happy you seemed. He’s no longer bemused by how easy it was for his thoughts to wander to you. You weren’t necessarily running through his mind. Rather you would appear in traces. Like a shadow almost. There but not quite. And Sunwoo is more than happy to accommodate.
Day 4
I fell in love with you.
No one really knows how but, with time, you've become a part of the group and well... Sunwoo's not complaining. No one is. You've gotten closer to everyone, including Sunwoo - you're talking and hanging out a lot more. You've come to realise that Sunwoo really is not as intimidating or cold as he sometimes may (try to) appear.
In fact, upon learning that you'd never been to an aquarium, it was him who decided to organise a trip there. Just so you could experience it. You didn't fully get why he wanted to do this and, truth be told, neither did he. But as long as you let him, he didn't need either of you to understand his reasons behind it. It was only important that you let it happen - something that, Sunwoo had learnt the hard way, you weren't very good at. When he'd first announced he was organising a trip in the group chat, you immediately offered to help. Sunwoo didn't realise your help offering was more of an attempt to take charge. When he saw you calculating costs and getting stressed about the lack of confirmation, he immediately "fired" you: you were no longer allowed to have any part in planning this trip - albeit you did try to fight him on this to no avail.
You must admit though, you're impressed by how well organised everything is. Right down to the very last detail. Somehow Sunwoo made it so that no one was late, everyone was present, and you could relax.
As you're in the queue, a bag is being passed down among your group with some sort of "take one, pass it along" being uttered along with it. As this happens, you notice that everyone has naturally organised themselves into pairs as you stand alone. You don't have time to question it because the bag reaches you and soon, you're putting your hand into the pouch. You feel something firm, potentially plastic? As you pull it out you see it's a disposable camera with a note attached: "This camera is to be used to take nice photos. It is one between two. There is a maximum of 36 photos and if you run out, that's on you. Use your phone or something. And don't use the flash in the aquarium-you will get us kicked out." You smile reading the note and you look up to see that Sunwoo has joined you.
"I guess we're partners for today,"
"I guess we are," you smile, "are you gonna play nice?"
"Now what kind of person would I be if I did that," Sunwoo gently snatches the camera from your grasp and holds it away from you playfully, "I'll make sure all 36 of my photos come out great."
"Sunwoo! Give that back!" You're trying your best to reach for the camera without causing too much of a scene. Sunwoo laughs, "make me!" and sticks his tongue out at you. After some miniscule flailing and a lot of whining, you make some remark about how you don't need it anyways which Sunwoo doesn't respond to. His attention has shifted to an elderly couple watching the both of you. The lady's voice is full of warmth and bliss as she points at you and Sunwoo, reminiscing: "They're just like us when we were young. Do you remember? You were so silly with me back then,"
Sunwoo can practically see the love the elder man has for his wife as he speaks in a tender but cheery voice, "that was because I loved you before I knew I did. Now, my dear, when I'm silly, it's because I love you so."
His wife laughs as she places a hand to her cheek, Sunwoo can't quite catch what she says as they've begun walking off, but he's suddenly filled with a want for a love like theirs. So pure and tender. His thoughts are cut off though when you seize the moment to steal the camera back. Sunwoo turns to you, a pleasant shock on his face and when he sees you sticking your tongue out at him and making faces, he finds himself laughing.
When you finally get in, everyone decides to go off in groups of two (or more) pairs at their own speed. Sunwoo guides you to the first section of the aquarium and you are simply awestruck to say the least. Childlike amazement takes over your features and you don't even realise your mouth is wide open in wonder until Sunwoo's finger is gently pushing your chin up, "wouldn't want to catch any flies now, would we?" His voice is low and playful in your ear. If you weren't so fascinated seeing the little fish swim about, you definitely would have taken more note of just how hot his voice sounded and maybe you would have even been slightly embarrassed at the slight shiver than ran through you.
Instead, you turn right around to look at Sunwoo, excitement taking hold of you, "This is amazing! I can't wait to see the rest of it!"
"Well, what are we waiting for," and with that Sunwoo takes your hand and guides you forward. You can't help but smile at all the sea creatures as they glide through the waters. It takes everything in you to not stop every five seconds but even then, you can't help yourself. They're just so precious.
The childlike smile never leaves your face and as you're walking through a tunnel, you notice the top part is glass and through it you can see a large manta ray slowly wading its way through. You stop and stare at it, giggling at how silly it looks from underneath, and you say to Sunwoo, pointing at the creature, "look at how cute it is!" Sunwoo hums in agreement, the smile hasn't left his face since you'd both entered the aquarium. "Sunwoo, you're not even looking!" And you're right, he isn't. Sunwoo is much too focused on the photo he just took of you on his phone: you were smiling up at the manta ray with so much adoration and excitement in your eyes. And as he looks at the photo, he can't help but think how he would give anything to keep that smile on your face. But when he hears the pout in your voice, he looks up and laughs "you make that exact face too! Maybe you're related," earning a light shove from you.
You both take turns from then on dragging each other through the different sections. You can't help but want to see everything and there are even moments where Sunwoo struggles to keep up. You're constantly switching between pausing in amazement or dashing off, needing to satisfy your childish wonder. It's only when you see the penguins that Sunwoo really gets a break - though it's not without much of a fight.
"Sunwoo, it looks like it's getting crowded here. Let's just move on," you sigh dejectedly, surveying the groups of people with their children.
"Hey, you wanted to see the penguins for ages. So, let's see those penguins."
"But it's getting busy. It's not worth it," you refute. Sunwoo studies you for a moment, before he remembers: you've always hated large crowds, they make you uneasy. He looks around before extending his hand to you, "come on."
You hesitantly take his hand before following him as he takes you to a spot that's far enough from the mass group but close enough that you can see the penguins. He gently pushes you in front of him so you get a better view and then he hesitates, but only for a second, before wrapping his arms around you from behind, grabbing your hands and locking your fingers together. "You've been excited about this from the start. And I'll be damned if you have to miss out. I'm right here. Just squeeze my hand when it's too much and we'll go," he gives your hand a light squeeze as he holds you close to him, ignoring the butterflies that have infiltrated all parts of him. He feels the tension in your shoulders and hands slowly dissipate the longer he holds you and soon you're laughing and smiling again.
You both end up spending about a good 10-15 minutes watching the penguins before deciding you'd seen enough, and it was better to move on before feeding time was announced. You continue your way through the rest of the place, you were constantly ooh-ing and ahh-ing everything, waving at all the live creatures, whilst Sunwoo was mainly stuck awing at you when you didn't notice or feigning disinterest in everything. Though that persona is shattered very quickly when you see him copying and mocking some of the fishes. He tries to deny he ever did any such thing but when you pull up the video evidence, there's very little he can say in his defence. So, instead he pulls you through to the next section.
By the end, your mouth hurts a bit from how much you've been smiling. You're a bit surprised to find that you're not the last group out considering how long you'd spent in each section, as almost everyone is scattered around the gift shop. Almost everyone because Sangyeon, Jacob, and your friends-Anna and Minyoung-have yet to appear. There is a small cheer when they emerge, and everyone gathers to leave together and get food.
Sunwoo sees the look of surprise on your face as you realise that they were being serious about having a picnic. Though you don't realise that until the blankets are pulled out and set on the ground by him and Sangyeon. He would've been offended, but your reaction is so cute that Sunwoo can forego the questioning look you gave him. As they set up, Haknyeon and Hyunjae leave to get food for everyone. The food situation was initially a bit of a concern for Sunwoo if he's being honest but when the guys come back with an abundance of food that everyone is quite clearly content filling their stomachs with, his reservations are settled. After eating, you all play games together before deciding it's home time.
On the ride home, Sunwoo flips through the photos that were taken on his phone today by the pair of you. They ranged from silly to cute to professional level. He stops swiping on a photo that he'd forgotten he'd asked someone to take at the penguin enclosure. The photo isn't the clearest, but you're still wrapped in his arm, he remembers your one hand intertwined with his whilst the other gripped onto his other thumb. In this photo, your face is angled so that you're turning your head to talk to him, and a blur of a smile ghosts your face. Thanks to the camera angle, the tiniest part of Sunwoo's face could be seen. If the quality was better, it would have shown how intently he was listening to your ramblings, how the entire world seemed to fade away from the pair of you just for those few minutes. Instead, the photo shows his blurred face, focusing on you. Upon recollection of the moment, the photo ends up being saved in his favourites.
The next few photos after that, Sunwoo was actually facing the camera but none of them have the same appeal to him, so he deletes the ones that are deemed too bad and simply ignores the ones good enough to be posted.
As he reaches the first few photos he'd taken, he can't help but smile at his phone. The photo he'd taken of you, your face tinted blue by the light, your eyes were filled with so much amazement and a happiness that Sunwoo doesn't think he'd really seen much of before today. Sunwoo doesn't bother fighting the way his smile grows as he remembers how you were so entranced by the sea life, the excitement you'd felt today, and the way you just let yourself go and have fun.
Seeing that photo and the innocent joy in your expression makes Sunwoo realise that that's why he did it. He's always admired you, there's no doubt about that. You're so caring, and you'd mother everyone so much that even Sangyeon could take a break from his "father" role. You're not overly serious by any means, rather, you just care a lot (some may say too much) about the ones you hold dear. And so, everyone feels you're a secure base, a safe space, that they can enjoy themselves around you, judgement-free. And he wants to let you feel that same thing. Of course, you have your childish moments - much to your dismay, everyone has no problem calling you a baby for it - but for the most part, you tend to keep yourself "in check". But Sunwoo wants you to indulge in your childhood fantasies and slip out of the responsible adult role you often take on. He doesn't care for changing who you are, that's not it at all. In fact, he quite likes the person you are. He just wants you to be able to feel free of stress, even if it's just for a moment, without concern for the people around you. And he wants to enjoy it with you.
Sunwoo isn't quite sure when his thoughts turn romantic, but he knows that the way everyone knows they can go to you, Sunwoo wants to be the one you can come to when you're sad, stressed, or even happy. He enjoys teasing you and annoying you, even when it ends up with you both bickering. He likes the way he can make you stumble over your words because you're flustered or excited. He loves seeing how happy and content you are over the smallest things.
Sunwoo quite simply likes you and, even more so, he's falling in love with you...
Day 5
You spent it with me.
It's been a while since the aquarium trip and you and Sunwoo haven't spent much time alone together. Not that it was a common occurrence before. But Sunwoo definitely notices you a lot more now. More specifically the lack of alone time with you. He should be thankful because at least he knows he won't do anything stupid with the others around but he can't help but be annoyed by it.
He still hadn't mentioned his feelings for you to anyone for several reasons-one being: you've become very good friends with everyone, especially Kevin, Jacob and Sangyeon. They treat you as if you were their own blood and you might as well be with the way you're always with them. Sunwoo knows that the latter two probably wouldn't mind if you were to date him but Kevin? He's not so sure and Sunwoo doesn't think he wants to put his friend in that awkward position.
And then there was the issue of his feelings. Sunwoo knows he likes you. A lot. But he doesn't fully understand the extent of his feelings. And he doesn't want to call it love when it could very easily be a simple crush that he's blown out of proportion. A crush is not worth putting your entire relationship at risk. And yet... Sunwoo knows, any other person, he wouldn’t have thought twice about making a move and seeing where things go. No one else has made him feel quite so sure and unsure of himself the way you do... But because it's you, he wants to have some kind of certainty. He doesn't want either of you to get hurt because he doesn't know if there is much coming back from this. And honestly, to anyone else that thought alone would have been enough of a sign. But alas, it wasn't anyone else.
Besides, Sunwoo doesn't want you to feel awkward by professing his feelings to you so he's okay to wait it out a bit longer. So you can get to know him. It's partly why Sunwoo's been wanting to spend more time with you.
Perhaps that's why he's here right now, parked outside the university you attend part-time. Though he isn't alone.
Sunwoo steals glances out of the backseat windows, searching for you. He can feel the excitement building gently in his chest at the prospect of seeing you again. When you finally make you way out of the building and towards the gates, Sunwoo sits himself up a little straighter and, unconsciously, brushes his hair back slightly. As he does this, he misses the knowing look Kevin gives him in the mirror. Sunwoo practices the hey he wants to give you in his head a few times before turning his attention forward. "Now I know you're not doing this for me-" Kevin starts, in a light teasing tone "I wonder who it is that's worthy of the great Kim Sunwoo's time"
Sunwoo doesn't get a chance to reply because he's cut off by the ringing of Kevin's phone. It must be you. Sunwoo turns back to the window as you look around, somewhat aimlessly, and when your eyes land on the car, you smile and soon you're running towards him the car.
You get in the back with Sunwoo and you give him a quick "hi" before asking Kevin "how was he?"
"He's actually been very good, surprisingly. Except trying to get him out, he didn't like that," Kevin starts. "Oscar's been good too though, it didn't seem like anything was wrong."
"Hey!" Sunwoo pouts but he can't ignore the sudden rush that goes through him at the sound of your light laugh.
Kevin chuckles before continuing, "I don't think you need to take him in,"
"I know but I'd rather be on the safe side."
You then turn to look into the carrier sat in between you and Sunwoo "hey baby, we're just gonna get you checked out okay? We just want to make sure there's nothing wrong." He knows the words arent for him but the soothing tone of your voice even has Sunwoo feeling relaxed and safe. A tiny meow sounds from the carrier and Sunwoo swears his heart stops for a second when he sees the pain in your eyes. He thinks about how worried you must have been yesterday when you called Kevin in a panic over your cat and today when you had to go in and, before he's even aware of it, he's placing his hand on yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. He doesn't know why he's doing this, he just knows that something in him tells him it's right.
"It'll be okay," he assures. Your smile is faint but Sunwoo just about sees it's there, "thanks Sunwoo."
The appointment with the vet goes smoothly. Oscar, your little furball, was okay. In fact the vet had said he was in good condition but a follow-up was booked as a precaution - which you were thankful for. Oscar seemed to have a relatively good time there, especially when the treats were brought out. And you're more at ease than you had been before.
Kevin drops you off at home - he would've stayed but he claimed he'd got a call from work in the and that he had to leave. Sunwoo, however, offers to stay with you for a while. You initially decline, not wanting him to go out of his way but when he assures you that he doesn't mind, you yield. After all, you really would appreciate the company.
The both of you help Oscar settle and calm down before getting settled yourselves. You notice a few scratches on Sunwoo's hands and you gasp "did Oscar do that? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Sunwoo tries to tell you that it's okay but youre not listening, instead you've left the room, mumbling about how you shouldve just skipped class and some other things Sunwoo doesn't hear, before returning with a first aid kit. You sit yourself in front of him whilst taking the antiseptic and cotton buds out, ignoring Sunwoo's attempts to brush it off as nothing serious. Your touch is so gentle as you take his hand in yours but Sunwoo swears it burns. You apply the antiseptic to it and when you see Sunwoo flinch slightly at the sting, you can't help but crack a smile - the first proper one since the appointment "Not so tough now, are we?"
"If that's what you like, precious, I can be all kinds of tough whenever you want," the retort fell from his lips all too smoothly and what makes it worse is the stupid smirk that comes with it. That stupid smirk that sets off something inside you.
Unable to speak because you don't want to stumble over your words and boost his ego, you roll your eyes at him instead. Though Sunwoo can see the slight tint in your cheeks as you focus on cleaning him up and he can't help but feel inwardly proud of himself. He did that.
"That one's a bit nasty but they should heal up okay. I'm sorry he did that," you apologise when you finish cleaning the scratches. 
"No, he was scared. It's fine"
"Ah, Kevin mentioned that he wasn't the only one," your tone clearly teasing.
"I wasn't scared! I was just concerned" Sunwoo argues. Unfortunately for him, Oscar decides that that's an opportune moment to brush himself against Sunwoo's leg causing Sunwoo to jump and let out a startled yell. The laughter spills out of you in a sudden burst "just concerned, are we?" The way Sunwoo glares at you only makes you laugh harder which Sunwoo cannot stand for. You don't even notice that the distance between you and him shrinks until both your wrists are trapped in one of his hands. You unconsciously swallow and bite your lip and Sunwoo swears he could kiss you. He'd be lying if he said he didn't want to. But he won't. At least not right now...
"Something amusing?" His voice dangerously low but you detect an edge of mischief to it. You know there's no escape for you now. Especially not when his free hand ghosts over your side. So, instead you nod your head once, a defiant grin on your face. Before you know it, you're screaming with laughter again as Sunwoo's fingers tickle your sides. You try endlessly to scramble away but Sunwoo doesn't yield. Not until you're yelling "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" in between laughs. Sunwoo's movements still only for a moment:
"What are you sorry for?"
You use the brief moment to scramble away then say in between breaths, "I'm sorry... you're such... a scaredy cat." When you see the way Sunwoo's eyes dart at you, you let out a small shriek and run off, giggling, with him hot on your trail.
When you both finally call a truce, you decide to order food. After some bickering about what to eat, you end up ordering pizza and watching a film, during which Oscar joins you both and lays himself across both your laps. You tried to move him off of Sunwoo, not wanting him to be uncomfortable, but Oscar just kept returning "it's okay, we can leave him," Sunwoo pets Oscar contentedly lulling the fluffy cat into a peaceful sleep.
As the film goes on, you've soon drifted off too. When Sunwoo eventually notices, he tries his best to move as little as possible so as to not wake either of you. You look so peaceful. The little voice in Sunwoo's head is practically swooning over you, especially when you furrow your brows before relaxing them again. There's a comfortable swirling in his stomach and he knows it's the butterflies called (y/n) taking off. He swears his heart is working double time to keep up... and yet it's somehow calm and steady at the same time. And as he takes you in, all Sunwoo can tell himself is yeah, falling in love with you isn't so bad if it means more moments like this...
Sorry for making this so long! And also for taking so long to get this down.
It's not the best but I wasn't sure if I'd continue it with how things were going. I wanted to bring out Sunwoo's personality a bit more during editing but I gave up after a bit of time 😭
Anyways, soft Sunwoo hours! I hope you enjoy! I have notes for day 6 and 7, so hopefully when I'm in a better place, I can write it up for you! Nevertheless, writing this was some for of stress relief for me.
Also, I know the timing for this may not seem optimal but a if this can make someone feel a tiny bit better momentarily during these times it's worth it.
8 notes · View notes
emeritus-fuckers · 7 months
Hello! I hope I’m not too late for the matchup event, but I thought I’d give it a try!
Identity: I am a 23 year old woman. I go by (she/her) and I identify as straight.
Who do you like: I love the ghouls 🥵 I’m a pretty new fan, but they are how I discovered the band so I’m pretty attached.
What do you look like: I have long dark brown hair with layers. I’m 5’2, but I’ve been told I look taller because I have longer legs 🦵. I have hazel eyes that can look green sometimes. I’d say I’m on the skinner side which is something my family likes to poke fun at. I have a couple tattoos (on my ankle, sternum, and thigh) all of which are animals because I’m a massive animal lover. My style is pretty versatile, I’d say I dress based on what looks good on me so that it makes me feel good. Sometimes it’s more girly, and sometimes it’s all darks, sometimes it’s more dark academia. I like to play around with my style.
Personality: I’ve been told I’m very mature. I’ve had to experience a lot when I was younger that grew me up pretty fast. I try to be kind and welcoming to all people because I know what it’s like to feel left out or judged. I can have a temper when I drive (but who doesn’t). I deal with some mental issues and at times need some space. But I’ve made it a point to work on myself so I’m able to have a great life despite that stuff. I’m not confrontational unless I need to be, I’m too nervous. After a lot of hard work I’ve become pretty secure in myself but there are still those days yk.
Interests: I love animals, I’m a massive animal lover. I’m currently going to school for photography in hopes that I’ll be a wildlife photographer. I love being outside, but only when it’s cold outside because I hate the heat. In my free time I either like to do something cozy like playing animal crossing or reading. Or I like to do something creative like coloring or an easy craft. But I also have those days where I like to lay down and watch a movie and do nothing. I also like going for walks or bike rides during fall and winter. My music taste varies depending on the day. From harry styles to Metallica.
Trivia: I have a dog who means the world to me. He’s saved my life and made me a better person. In ways that I didn’t think was possible for a dog. I am one of 9 siblings (half and step). Mental health is something that I’m very passionate about, and I will always advocate for it.
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is...Rain
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You were so kind and welcoming to Rain even though you were new to the world of Ghost and Ghouls. He just adored that about you.
Rain just loves any excuse to chill with you. Ver are happy to sit in silence and just hold you. Even more happy when your dog joins in too. He just kinda stole Rain’s heart as well.
Rain is so proud about how you've worked on yourself, he will support you in anyway he can.
If you need space Rain respects it but if you are having a bad day and want him around he'll just hold you close.
Rain enjoys napping with you, ve loves to just cuddle you and fall asleep knowing you are there with him.
He will go with you on any trip you want. He's happy that you prefer the cold weather as he is a cold water Ghoul. So while you are trying to photograph the wildlife, he'll do his best to sit still just chilling next to you.
But sooner or later you see him sneaking off to the nearest cool water and just happily hanging out in the lake or river. You get some really good photos of Rain too.
You two then spend the evening together cuddling on the sofa under a blanket playing animal crossing.
Written by Nyx
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doctorofmagic · 2 years
Hi! Your blog is super cool and I wanted to ask: you have a lovely guide for people to read Stephen's comics, and you've also told us your favourite Wong or Clea or other stories. But, I also see like all of us there were stories you disliked or thought was badly written: will you ever consider making a list of comics to avoid if someone loves Stephen, or maybe just list some stuff you hated off the top of your head if that's too much work?
Hello!! Thank you so much for your kind words!
Oh my Vshanti, that's actually an excellent idea! I do have tons of stories I do not like and, while this is obviously my perspective and opinions, people can always feel free to read them or not.
Stephen has a relative consistency but sometimes, just sometimes, the stories are really really really bad. I'll make a list stating the reasons for sure!
1 - Doctor Strange v2 - Master of the Mystic Arts #50-53
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Although I'm always eager to read stories in which Nightmare looks for Stephen's help, this one here is... not good enough. First, because of Morgana Blessing. I've made some posts on her and why I have many reasons to dislike her, but in here, it gets to the point of past lives and I dunno, it feels problematic to say the least... Also this is the reason why Clea left (and v2 overall is basically Clea feeling insecure about her powers and her relationship with Stephen, which is boring and uninteresting). The next issue (#54) will show how Stephen is dependent on Clea, and it's a good chapter, but I'd skip the ones with Morgana.
2 - Strange Tales v2
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Yes. The whole run. The last issues of Doctor Strange v2 are bad enough due to the way Stephen's downfall towards dark magic is portrayed, but Strange Tales v2 takes the cake. He "kills" a man, he lies to Victoria and steals her powers, he becomes Kaluu's apprentice, he loses an eye (?) and becomes a diva (?) god, then he dies and is resurrected. I don't mind Stephen falling into a darker path, but only when it's well-written (as in, Hickman's New Avengers). This is not it.
3 - Doctor Strange - Sorcerer Supreme #60-90
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It's the 90's. But I have far more reasons to dislike these stories. The moment Salomé strikes is the moment everything good about the lore so far goes down like a lead balloon. Imei is killed off (and later used as a tool to put Wong against Stephen), Clea leaves to lead the rebellion, Stephen’s self is split into three and lastly, the story I hate the most, Mordo gaslighting Stephen since he was just a kid, which leads him to consume alcohol (something that I’ll gladly ignore, especially in current runs).
4 - Uncanny Origins #12
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This is the only, and I repeat, ONLY story in Stephen’s entire chronology in which Eugene is portrayed as an abusive father. And I don’t agree with that because what leads Stephen to become a cold man is Donna’s death. Eugene hardly appears in stories so it’s kinda odd to read that he was a terrible father, especially when Stephen talks to his family’s "ghosts” about how much he misses them and Eugene is there as well.
5 - Witches #1-4
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I just dislike Stephen’s patronizing and arrogant portrayal in this, especially towards Topaz and Jennifer. It feels almost as if he was sexist.
6 - Avengers v1 #502-503; House of M #1-8
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We can just all agree that HoM is a bad portrayal for 1) women; 2) WOC and 3) women struggling with mental health. I’ve talked about this before so I’m just summing it all up. Besides, Stephens lack of empathy while a doctor is just... yikes.
7 - X-Statix Presents - Deadgirl #1-5
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This book isn’t bad for Stephen but it is really problematic in some senses (as in, a sexist black man falling in love with a racist white woman :S), not to mention TAO being used as a villain here. It’s not entirely canon (but it also it is because Deadgirl is working at Strange Academy so Idk). Anyways, pass.
8 - Fearless Defenders #9
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You’d just know I’d add this story. It’s just bad and it pretty much ruins Stephen’s character by portraying him as a cheater and generally a sexist piece of garbage. It’s not only Stephen, tho. Cullen Bunn did that to all men involved with the female protagonists ew.
9 - Doctor Strange v5 #1-20
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The reasons are all listed on my pinned post.
10 - Empyre - X-Men #1; #4
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I really hate how Stephen was portrayed here, especially when it comes to his relationship with Wanda.
11 - Strange Academy
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I’m just so done with this book. I don’t even have the strength anymore to explain why it’s so bad. I’m tired.
12 - Captain Marvel v10 #27-30
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I really like Stranvers but the way Stephen was used as a fling only for Carol to rekindle her relationship with Rhodes was disgusting, not to mention how they ended up in bad terms. BIG YIKES. Plus the blatant BAIT on the covers.
I forgot Defenders v4 as a whole, so you see how much I appreciate it *sarcasm*
13 - Defenders v4
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Everything but the art sucks in this book, from Stephen’s portrayal to the story itself. Don’t waste your time (and that comes from someone who loves Norrin and Stephen interacting!!)
(dis)honorable mention: Death of Doctor Strange - Bloodstone. Stephen doesn’t appear but it’s just bad for him. Really bad.
Aaaaand this is basically the stories I dislike the most. I’ll certainly add more in the future, but let’s hope it’s not a habit /rip
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allsassnoclass · 1 year
scrolled through two days of dash content just to get to the ask game you reblogged so i could send you some questions here goes: 🥳 😍 and 👾! xoxo bella
@clumsyclifford omg thank you for your dedication but for future reference i link ask games at the bottom of my other answers! i hope you enjoyed the dash journey though!
🥳 What writing accomplishment made you most proud? you already know! it’s finishing pas de deux and posting it on time.  it’s the longest thing i’ve ever written by over 20k, and i wrote it in under 2 months.  i got each chapter out on the day i said i would (even if it was 11pm at night for me) and i think that the story itself is good!!!! i am honestly amazed at myself for accomplishing that fic given how much i have struggled with fic deadlines in the past and in general how often i jump from project to project rather than focusing on one fic until it’s finished.  i also think i did a relatively good job of maintaining cohesiveness in the story and the characterizations, which is difficult over that many words! that being said, i haven’t reread the fic at all, i’ve only read the chapters as i’ve edited them, so maybe my opinion on that will change once i do reread the whole work together, BUT! that will not change the fact that i am extremely proud of myself for writing that fic in the manner and timeframe that i did :)
😍 What’s one of your favorite lines or exchanges you wrote this year? okay the whole year is a very long time to look back at but I do really like the following exchange:
“Rock, obviously.  I used to dream of being a rockstar as a kid.  I wanted to be the next Billie Joe Artmstrong.”
“His wife is from Minnesota,” Ashton says, then immediately winces at Michael’s unimpressed look.  “Sorry.  Calum possessed me for a moment.  Tell me more about rockstar Michael.”
“There’s not much to tell,” Michael says, hands ghosting over some CDs.  He flicks a few of them forward, looking at all of the titles hiding behind.  “It was always going to be ballet for me, ever since I was really little.  I didn’t have the time to learn an instrument, so it was a lot of air guitar while listening to other bands.”
He dreamt about becoming a rockstar the way other kids dreamt of running away to the circus.  It was a nice fantasy to entertain, something to daydream about in class or before falling asleep, but he knew it would never happen.  He was always meant to be onstage, but in this life it’s as a dancer, not a musician.
i like Ashton’s immediate “his wife is from minnesota” because pointing out famous minnesotans or minnesota connections is something that i have to very consciously stop myself from doing All The Time, otherwise i would be insanely annoying, but i also like the line about michael dreaming of being a rockstar the same way other kids dream of being in the circus, given my love of the circus. then, of course the little thing about how in “this life” he’s meant to be onstage as a dancer, because we all know that in real life he’s meant to be a musician :)
👾 Ruh roh. Your FBI agent just took a peek at your internet search history. What kinds of things will they find? oh nothing too spicy. “do houses with solar panels save money” is the most recent fic-related search, but otherwise the fic things i look up are mundane and insignificant enough for me to not remember. i did look up information about the nutcracker, balanchine’s theme and variations, and dances at a gathering for pas de deux, though!  lots of googling of specific questions about those shows and also how to spell various dance moves, because i never learned how to spell them.
Fic writer 2022 wrapped
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liminalweirdo · 2 years
from the fanfic writer emoji ask thing you reblogged a couple days ago: 🏆😈🛒🤡💔✅🤲🏻
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
I wasn’t 100% sure how to answer this, whether I should use hits or kudos to determine popularity on ao3 but kudos felt more valid, so definitely I love your bones is my most popular, which is a shyan fic I wrote for Buzzfeed Unsolved way back in 2017. (simpler times)
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
I don’t really do this? I definitely write a lot of angst and sad stuff, but it’s never just to be playfully mean. I personally don’t like gratuitous hurt in fic, so if I write hard/sad stuff it has to have a place in the plot for me personally, otherwise it goes. (Sometimes it finds its way into another story, though).
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I definitely do this. The way I describe light, mental illness is a common theme, queerness and particularly queered sex (particularly in straight or straight-passing pairings). I think I have a lot of water imagery. Yeah. Also probably roadtrips. And any time I can add the spooky, I will. :D
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Haha, oh no. I always think the stuff I write is really funny but then I worry that it isn’t funny to anyone else. Zach’s line (in I’m fine and you’re fine) where he says he wanted to be a teacher bc he’s less hot than Ms. Barron so he won’t be distracting made me laugh a lot. I just hope it actually works in the fic.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Oh, always. Maelstrom (shyan, BFU. Roadtrips, mental illness, belonging) is the first one that comes to mind, always followed by the Real Sad Fic Theory Number 7 (shyan + zombies = misery). When you close your eyes, is it hell you see? is another sad-times fave (sad queer kids, trying to fall in love with the wrong person). And maybe He Doesn’t Like You because over the years I’ve somehow become fond of Ginger Snaps’s Trina Sinclair.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Light descriptions, cats, roadtrips, ghosts.
🤲🏻 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
This is from my Super Dark Times fic I’m fine and you’re fine:
Josh is mostly quiet, sitting at the end of Zach’s kitchen table with a mostly untouched cup of coffee while Zach rush around making sure he does actually have everything. He’s reading the back of the cereal box Zach had taken out for breakfast and forgot to put back, one elbow up on the table, face in his hand, almost like a wall between himself and Zach in a way that sort of puts a pit in Zach’s stomach, but he doesn’t have time for something like this now. They were fine last night.
And this is from an untitled wip for a (gen) Lev and Abby fic in TloU:
It feels like the ground tips sideways beneath him, sometimes, with the drop of the braid down Abby’s back instead of it being wound and tucked and pinned tight. Lev’s hair is longer than it was in their Seattle days, but Abby always makes sure they cut it before it gets too long, and that means… something. It means something that the kitchen scissors they took in the last city take up space and weight in her backpack that could be used for other things. A skinning knife, an extra flashlight, fishing hooks. She keeps the scissors. She cuts his hair with hands that are gentle if unskilled, and her carefulness almost hurts sometimes more than the scars cut into his cheeks.
(Also, for anyone still waiting on my Fo4 fic, he's a demon — he's a devil — he's a doll I wanted to include a snippet but I didn’t have one in showable condition haha, but, I haven’t forgotten about it! And I’m sorry it’s taking so long.)
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magicofthepen · 1 year
15 i am curious on how long it typically takes to write a fic //// what is your favorite kinds of things to handle with your writing in terms of plot / character stuff? 😄
fanfic asks — for the askers
how long does it take to write a fic?
it super depends!
I have a couple of 2-3k length fics that I’ve drafted all in one go in a couple of hours (silver tongue, Life Inside A Paradox). I’ve also spent an entire day drafting a 2k word fic (So Cold It Burns).
and I have fics that went through significant revisions, which meant they took a lot longer. Defying Reason was originally meant to deal with both Enemy Lines and Erasure, and I had whole chapters written that I tossed when I realized the story just wasn’t going to work. I was spending so much time trying to make a character choice I disagree with work and it was Not Fun. (this is how I ended up with a cut chapter that works as its own post-Erasure fic, after I decided that Erasure is Not canon in What We Choose ‘verse. or in most of my headcanon universes tbh. I should get around to posting it as its own thing at some point though, I still like a lot of the writing.)
then we have something like The Echoes Between Us, which owes its existence to all the Narvin/Romana thinking I did in order to write my own version of “what happens after Time War 2?” (which I then failed to finish before TW3 came out, so it still lives in my Google Drive.) it was months between when I started writing TEBU and when I finished, but the months I spent writing the old post-TW2 fic were also part of the process of that fic (and not just because I stole some moments from that old fic for the new one).
when I’m really in the zone I can write 1k in an hour, but when I’m struggling it can be Much less (hi chapter 7 of Defying Reason, my nemesis). for some more recent examples: no matter the distance I got out surprisingly quickly, but I was using new Gallifrey as a deadline — I wrote the whole thing in about a week, did only light edits, and posted super quickly. Redacted I had outlined a few weeks before I actually started writing it, I kept dragging my feet. I think the actual writing took place on a couple days not long before the deadline for the fic challenge, for a few hours each day? I think? (and I had to ask for an extension to finish revising oops).
so yeah! each fic is very much its own process.
what are my favorite things to handle in fic?
ooh what are the Recurring Things I like to explore in my Gallifrey fic?
(I don’t write very plotty fic, so I’m probably going to answer more on the character side of things.)
how trauma and grief linger. falling out, relationships fracturing. paths to forgiveness and reconciliation. characters as stories. the moments of happiness in the middle of a tragedy, and how those matter.
the unexplored consequences of the audios become fodder for fic — Defying Reason is an attempt to make sense of the plot of Enemy Lines, yes, but specifically to explore a path to reconciliation between Romana and Leela and between Romana and Narvin after the events of that audio. (they sure leave it hanging that she just stole his job don’t they.)
Price to Pay is me going “if the writers won’t bring up Narvin starting the Time War for Romana again, so help me I will do it myself!” All These Restless Ghosts is “wait so Romana and Leela are suddenly back on Gallifrey after series 6, but they haven’t ever properly talked through why Leela walked away in the first place, and can things really go back to normal so easily?”
I love exploring plot beats and character choices that are glossed over — be the lightning in me asks how Narvin went from breaking Romana out of jail at the end of Time War 1 to watching her on trial in Time War 2. Redacted explores the impact of the reboot in series 6 on one specific renegade who just had a chunk of her life vanish out from underneath her. the first and last couple chapters of The Echoes Between Us do a lot of emotionally connecting-the-dots — what happened right after Hostiles? after Nevernor? during the night they spent on Unity? what was the rest of Narvin and Romana’s conversation about her staying behind that the audios cut away from? how did she convince Narvin to go along with it?
if there’s something that frustrates me in the audios — a character arc or choice that isn’t followed up on or explored properly or that doesn’t really feel right for the characters but I keep asking myself can I headcanon my way into making this work — that’s often the spark for a fic.
and listen. I am, for sure, a shipper, and I love exploring the relationships between the three main characters in all sorts of ways. what if they were in love? what if it was unspoken? what if it wasn’t? what if it was unrequited? what is romance, anyways, and what are the different ways I can write it? what if how they felt about each other was impossible to define? what if at least one of the relationships was platonic and at least one wasn’t but they were all just as important, as foundational? what if all their relationships were platonic, and what does friendship mean to each of them? what if they had sex and what could be going on there, emotionally (not necessarily romantically)? when you have three different pairings to play with and you have so many different readings of their relationship to explore, and all the subsequent combinations, you end up with a whole lot of “dynamics I’d love to explore but I don’t have the right fic for it yet” in your head.
and I always want to write more queer and polyam readings of the audios into existence. this fandom is such a queer space, and that’s so important to me, that we the queer fans took a look at this not-textually-queer-but-hella-subtextually-queer series and resonated with it in different ways and are telling stories about the queerness under the surface. and having such a polyam friendly fandom, as a polyam person, is also very good and very important to me.
also sometimes you latch onto a minor character who’s in one episode and then dies and you have to make up for the writers not caring about her enough and tell stories about the whole life she had before that.
thank you for the questions!! ❤️
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mylenapony11 · 2 years
I decided to be dumb. So enjoy this Obey Me fanfiction helpfully written by AI Dungeon.
AI Demons
Episode 1
“Lucifer” you looked into the red eyes of the avatar of pride “ I love you so much.” You cough out blood, it landing on his suit vest.
Gently his gloved hand holds yours, almost as if afraid to hurt you.
“MC……” he says “we have to get you out of here.”
“Luci, I don’t think I have much time left” you smile softly at him, your vision growing dark.
“You don’t have much time left” he says, crying.
“Luci, I love you so much” you smile softly and lightly kiss him. You can feel his tears fall into your face. “Luci, I need you to promise me something” you say softly, gently cupping his face.
“Anything” he says.
“Promise me you’ll remember what I’ve shown you. Promise me to not overwork yourself, and remember how loved you and your brothers are.” You smile, your vision growing dark.
“I promise” he says, kissing your forehead.
“I love you” you whisper, before closing your eyes and drifting off, falling into a peaceful sleep.
You awake on a wooden bench, a book in your hands. You look around, and don’t see anyone. The floor, ceiling, and walls are all made of dirt, twigs, and adobe. You sit up, holding your head. What had happened? Just a moment ago you were dying in the eldest‘s arms. A tear falls into the page before you, turning it soggy. You wipe away the tear and turn the page.
‘We buried MC in the courtyard. There were over 200 mourners. We all cried. We are so sorry. We will try harder. We will become stronger for their loss. We will become a better brotherhood. We will become a better world. We promise, we promise, we promise.’
You sigh and continue reading.
A few hours later, you hear a small knocking on the door. You walk over and unlock it, opening it. Simeon stands before you, his wings fluttering, his halo glowing.
“S-Simeon!?” You ask, afraid, annoyed.
“We have to talk” he says, entering. You let him in. You walk towards the bench, Simeon following behind. He sits down, looking at you. “I know about you, about what you did. All of it. I know about the sword and everything.” he says.
“You do?” you ask, confused.
“Of course I do. I’m an angel.” he says.
“But-” you say.
“I’m an angel. I know things.” he says.
“Like what?” you ask.
“Like, I know how long your hair is, and what you are wearing right now”
“But you can see those in the moment right now” you state, crossing your arms.
“When someone dies, the spirit is drawn into the afterlife. It passes through things, like a ghost. I can see you right now, but when I look at you, I can’t see your face. I know it’s because you’re in the afterlife, so of course I can’t see you. But I saw you at the funeral, and when I saw you dead, I saw you before the funeral. You can’t see me, but I can see you.” 
“Oh” you say.
“I also know where your sword is. I can’t take you there myself (I don’t have those powers yet), but I can take you there in two days. You can get there on your own, so long as you don’t get sidetracked. I will wait outside your room, outside the afterlife, until you come out. Then, I can leave you there. We’ll still have two days to kill, just like you planned.”
“I already told you I don’t need you to kill anyone.” you say, annoyed.
“I know, but I can help you.”
“Simeon” you say “I don’t care about the stupid sword or killing or any of that. I just wanna go back to the Devildom, and be with everyone. See you, Luke, Solomon. Have tea with Barbatos and Diavolo. Sleep in my room in the house of Lamantation. Watch the antics of the brothers. I wanna go home Simeon…..”
He stops, and looks up to the ceiling. He size, before looking at you again. He speaks, this time seriously. “I understand. I do. I just can’t let you go back there with no chance at revenge. I can’t let you go back there, and spend the rest of my eternity in heaven, watching you and the other avatars destroy everything I live for. I wanna go back with you. I want revenge. I want to kill everyone who killed my brother. I wanna go to heaven - with you. Please, MC. Let me help you. Let me help us all. We can all be together again. I… I miss you. I miss everyone. I want revenge, and it will take us all to heaven together. Please MC….”
He looks at you, waiting patiently for your answer.
You start him in shock and disbelief. “This can’t be real. You, talking about murdering? The Simeon I know is a loving and caring person. He made friends with the demons, helping to unite the three worlds. This can’t be real.”
He sighs, shaking his head. “I don’t know what’s real anymore. I don’t know what the world is anymore. But I know we can be happy again. All three of our races can be happy again. We can get revenge together. We can all be together again, even if it takes us killing 100 people under thousand people. We can do it, together. Will you let me help you? Will you let me take you to your sword?”
Solomon appears beside you. He’s wearing a blue silk robe, with his golden crown on his head. He speaks softly. “MC, I’m afraid I must speak with you now.”
You turn to face him.
He size, “Please, let me help you. Let me help us all. I know I’ve made mistakes, but we can fix them. Will you let me help you, to correct my mistakes, so we can all be together again? I miss you so much. I miss the old days. I miss being with you. I miss just being with you.”
You stare, your heart rate and respiration rate picking up. This can’t be real! This is so unlike them. What’s going on? “C-can you all please just go……I need to think.” you say.
Solomon continues to stare at you. The rest of the brothers fade into the background. You see Simeon looking at you, with concern. You turn away from him, trying to hide your tears. You wipe them away angrily, trying to be strong. You sniffle, trying to hold in your emotions.
Solomon finally speaks. “MC, I’ve decided to let Simeon help you. I will go with you to your sword, to kill your enemies. This alliance between our races can begin. I… I miss you too, MC. Please don’t cry. You must be strong.”
Without a word you push past the ones who look like and claim to be Simeon and Solomon and head out of the hut. The setting that greets you is a beach. It looks nice but off. As if it’s not real, or perhaps frozen in time. You get a few gusts of cold wind, but nothing too bad. There are some people on the beach. You don’t know who they are, but you don’t seem to care. They’re just people on the beach. The air is crisp, and the sun is shining. It’s a nice day.
You don’t see Simeon anywhere. You’re probably supposed to talk to him. You don’t care though. Instead you look to the sky. It’s blurry. Either that or it’s far away. You’re probably just imagining things. You don’t really feel like imagining anyways.
You take a few steps forward. You close your eyes. You’re just imagining things. Everything is going to be ok. You turn your head to the side. Your eyes just playing a trick on you. You can see the ocean.
Everything is going to be ok.
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