#familial: edmund
somethingsketchy3 · 2 months
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“Our child will always be a Bridgerton, but I should like them to know they are a Sharma as well” 💜🩵
the way this line lives in my mind rent free, like you don’t understand; the weight, the sentiments, the implications, in this essay i will—
ANYWAYS, i really hope to see baby Edmund in S4 👀
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livingfandomly · 4 months
Violet really just wants all her kids to have love marriages so that they can understand why she had eight of them…
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aesthetic--mood · 6 months
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The Chronicles of Narnia Spring Aesthetic
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ollyrewind · 2 years
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got myself into reading and look what happened again
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I tried the rose flavoured turkish delight for the first time about a month ago, and I'll admit, I would do literally anything to eat them again, so Edmund Pevensie, I do match your freak sir, i totally get it.
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rosegoldthorns · 4 months
I believe I have stumbled upon a system for fictional four sibling groups. It to my knowledge only consistently for SIBLINGS not friend groups. I will explain my hypothesis at the end.
Each sibling fits into one of these categories
- Mom Friend
- Blunt to a fault
- People pleaser
- The Dead One
For the dead one they don't actually have to have died but, quite frankly most of the time if I asked you which one was the dead one, one would come to mind almost immediately
Now Evidence
• Little Women
(This is the one I believe fits this pattern the most.)
- Meg: mom friend
- Jo: blunt to a fault
-Beth: the dead one (sorry)
- Amy: people pleaser
This is the only one I believe hole heartedly in. The rest I will receive criticism on if necessary as I am not super familiar with all of them.
• Narnia
-Peter: mom friend
- Susan: People pleaser
- Edmund: the dead one
- Lucy: blunt to a fault
• Robins (Batman)
(okay I know there is more than 4 robins and way more than 4 bat kids but for the point I am making I hope it counts.)(also I am pretty sure you thought of them when I mentioned the dead one)
Dick: the mom friend
Jason: the dead one (iconic)
Tim: people pleaser
Damian: blunt to a fault
• Todorokis
Touya: the dead one
Fuyumi: mom friend
Natsuo: people pleaser
Shoto: blunt to a fault
( I am a bit unsure about Natsuo but it's okay ig)
Now for the reasoning. For all of these the family aspect is a big part of their stories. When a writer wants to write a family story they often pick 4 siblings because it's big enough to work but not too many to loose track. Then you need to differentiate them. Bluntness keeps one distinct. Having one die adds drama. The other two keep the family together. From a writer point of view it makes sense.
If you have any more 4 sibling groups that follow this pattern please add on! I want to see if this pattern stands.
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lexihowardhoney · 10 months
i'm worried you won't understand how much pevensie siblings are important to me. how many times when i watched it and me and my siblings went like: us. how this four nerds bring me so much comfort. how it was refreshing to see platonic love between family members on screen. how it was to have siblings as main characters. how whole narnia concept was perfect representation of yours imaginary world where you and your siblings or cousins were playing eternaly. and now you miss this world like a little kid
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ramen-flavored · 4 months
only the main family, I might make one for spouses later
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deadpresidents · 7 months
"No fewer than twenty-nine of my [research] cards document [Ronald] Reagan's detachment. He was at once the most remote and the most accessible of men. Although he reveled in the constant flesh-pressing of the Presidency, and ate up flattery with a spoon, he needed regular spells of 'personal time.' Glance through the Oval Office peephole and you would see him happily writing in longhand, always with his tie straight and jacket on, ensconced in an egglike solitude that the curvature of the lens only emphasized.
Adored by so many, he was a man with no real friends. This was not due to any inherent misanthropy...Until he remarried in 1952, earnest, bespectacled Ronnie was said to be 'best friends' with [actor] William Holden, and after that with Robert Taylor. But neither man was more than a barbecue buddy. Hundreds of political supporters and associates claimed to be close to him when he was Governor of California and thousands during his Presidency. Former Senator Paul Laxalt spoke for all of them when he said, 'I guess I know Ronald Reagan as well as anybody. Of course we never talk about anything personal.'
Sooner or later, every would-be intimate (including his four children, Maureen, Michael, Patti, and Ron) discovered that the only human being Reagan truly cared about (after his mother died) was Nancy. For Laxalt, disillusionment came when the President called to thank him for his campaign help in 1984, only to pause in midsentence and audibly turn over a page of typescript. For William F. Buckley Jr., it was when Reagan showed polite relief at his inability to accept an offer of hospitality. For Michael Reagan, it was the high-school graduation day his father greeted him with 'My name is Ronald Reagan. What's yours?'
Patti Davis, Reagan's younger daughter, writes in her 1992 autobiography:
'Often I'd come into a room and he'd looked up from his notecards as though he wasn't sure who I was. [Youngest son] Ron would race up to him, small and brimming with a child's enthusiasm, and I'd see the same bewildered look in my father's eyes, like he had to remind himself who Ron was...I sometimes felt like reminded him that Maureen was his daughter, too, not just someone with similar political philosophies.'
Reagan's scrupulously kept Presidential diary is remarkable for a near-total lack of interest in people as individuals. In all its half-million or so words, I did not find any affectionate remark about his children. He conscientiously named every visitor to the Oval Office, having a printed schedule to refer to, but in conversation he tended to rely on pronouns. Nor did he pay much attention to faces. 'Nice to meet you, Mr. Ambassador,' he greeted Denis Healey, the former Defense Minister of Great Britain, while the real British Ambassador stood by. 'But I've already met him,' his Excellency [the Ambassador] complained, 'eleven times.'"
-- Edmund Morris, Ronald Reagan's authorized biographer, on President Reagan's aloof personality, "The Unknowable: Ronald Reagan's Amazing, Mysterious Life," The New Yorker, June 28, 2004.
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sukibenders · 3 months
So...we don't get a Kathony wedding which, you know, I made peace with because at least they would have cute coupley moments in the next season. I could live with that. But, now, we also don't get to see baby Edmund but get to see Polin's whole flock even though Kate was heavily pregnant for the majority of part 2? Like, even if s3 wasn't their solo one, you can't look me in the eyes and say fans, especially Kathony fans can't feel a little upset by the constant sidelining of this ship, especially some out-of-character moments.
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I’m breaking my No Tumblr For Lent rule because I really have to share -
I’m 65 pages into Mansfield Park and I can’t stand Edmund. He’s objectively a Good Person (which I can already tell is going to be a rarity in this narrative), but god is he insufferable.
The Crawfords are flakes, but at least they’re entertaining flakes so far.
Austen is always scathingly snarky but this is the first time I think she comes off a bit self-righteous??
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smilesrobotlover · 2 months
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A horrifying discovery
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oceanlils · 1 year
Imagine walking all your life with your siblings, one besides the other, a perfect path, a perfect line.
That line is sometimes altered: sometimes, your brother Peter walks in front. Sometimes, he seems to wear a golden crown, until you realize it's just the light in his hair.
You usually walk besides your sister, Lucy, who is always smiling and, sometimes, seems to float instead of walking. Still, she sometimes runs in the front, so you take your brother's, Edmund, side, and you both look at each other in complicity as your siblings play in the front.
What never changes, it's the pace. Well— it does change. But you all change it at the same time. You walk at the same pace, everyday since you were little until you turn 21.
You don't know when it changed. Logically, you assume it was wen they left you, but then you remember how you pushed them aside long before the accident, and you wonder— was it really after they left you that you lost your pace, or did you walk alone long before that train took them from you? Did they really left, or did you force them to?
Now, you walk alone everywhere. No mom or dad to hold your hand. No Peter to offer his arm. No Edmund to snicker with you. No Lucy to smile and wave your way, before rushing to your side.
You refuse to take your friends arms. You do your makeup before meeting with them, and take the long way home in hopes that they will not accompany you. In hopes that one of ypur siblings will show up and lead you to them.
You suppose that's impossible, and quite unsafe. But it's also unfair, and long walks mean that you have more time to try and find the proper pace to pretend you are still surrounded by your siblings, to pretend Peter still walks in the front and Lucy still looks up at you in admiration, to pretend Edmund still intimidatea the guys that look too much at you and your parents still wait for you on the door.
You never manage to find the right pace, ans pretending is never enough. You walk alone, and your house feels cold.
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aesthetic--mood · 1 year
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Narnia Autumn Aesthetic
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kikijidraws · 10 months
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"Marianne, found family, soulmate AU (platonic), angst, hurt/comfort, fluff."
For spriteofsnow on FE Artscuffle 2023!
Happy birthday again, our bestest girl!
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lavandula-ipsum · 11 months
Edmund Pevensie gets too much shit for selling his siblings to an allegory of satan in exchange for sweets when he clearly got the winning end of the deal. Peter isn't worth a whole box of turkish delights
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