#fan fic kakashi
kakashiislut · 1 year
Why Not? Kakashi Hatake.
Platonic age-gap, reader is about 20-21. Nothing gross or weird.
“So what is it?”
He fixes the blanket thrown underneath him and crosses his legs to stare up at the sky.
“What is what, Kakashi sensei?” You question, turning your head towards him.
You’re laying down on your blanket as well. He had found you cuddled up by a tree in the fall weather, leaves falling around you and he plopped down right by you. You eventually laid the blanket down on the floor and both of you settled on it.
“You Uh…after you turned 19, you kinda just…stopped being you. I mean I don’t wanna bother you, but like my girl is switching up on me” He laughed near the end, gently poking at your side.
You smiled a bit, but it was quick to die off. “You ever….like someone, but you…know It’s wrong and well…they won’t ever like you back?”
Kakashi stopped and pushed his finger to his masked lip. “Hmmmm….depends. I don’t know about the “it’s wrong to like them” part…but sure, I know the feeling”
He clears his throat.
But you speak up before him.
“And everyone would…judge you for it? Especially them. I guess I just…feel anxious Everytime I’m around him.”
“Are you anxious right now?”
There’s a silence, you gulp and fix your hair.
“Uhh, yes.”
“Is it Shikamaru?” He teases.
You smile a bit “He’s a good friend. No.”
“Hah! He thinks of you as more then a friend.” He laughs a bit and turns to stare at you.
“Is it me…”
Your heart stops beating for a second.
“Ever since you where a kid it was obvious…but you shouldn’t waste your life on me.”
“WHY NOT?” You toss your body up and stare down at him, eyes wide. You’re breathing heavy. You’re scared?
“Why not? Come on, look at me, im old and worn out. I’m 30. Hell, I don’t even remember the last time I was with a woman.”
“Old? You’re not old, kakashi. YOURE BEAUTIFUL!” You feel crazy.
“Beautiful!! Oh my god!” He laughs loudly, covering his one eye. He peaks through his fingers, “your daddy issues are showing”
“Me? Hah! In your dreams…YOU have daddy issues.” You lean over to look at him.
“..that’s true. Don’t insult me” you can hear the pout in his voice.
There is a silence.
“I love you…Kakashi sensei.”
“Why not?”
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maireyart · 8 months
I read a kakaobi fic yesterday... OMG.
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for love of a boy by revecake. Based on Yukio Mishima's The Sound of Waves. One word: masterful. My art does not depict a specific scene from the fic, it's just something inspired by its mood! Obito's appearance is not fully fic-compliant. Just look at these various quotes:
from the water, kakashi rises and rests his arms on the edge. a tilt of his head, his wet hair falls, pooling silver on obito’s boat, and when obito looks, looks with a certain haze across his eyes, kakashi becomes the mystical half-fish of his dreams. kakashi smiles, and the plain beauty of his naked face is perfectly real. “it’s a good catch today, isn’t it?”
“kakashi-kun?” his father laughs, an exasperated turn of his brow. he continues to trace his blade under the skin of tuna, and another piece of flesh comes butterfly-free, as light and pink as a sakura petal floated from the island’s schoolyard to the sea.
the rain blurs for a moment, and the sight through the dripping leaves is akin to a sheen of sun being thrown from the sky. dazzling, a celestial maiden’s robe has been haphazardly tossed from the heavens to be muddied as a damp blessing across the fresh ground.
when he’s finished, the only curtain to his nudity are the wet clothes draped and swinging from the window pane. they balloon and deflate in the imitation of a body in the wind, but as obito rises, stretches, strides towards the bedroom, the shape of his shoulders and back leaves a solid impression through the wet glass. he doesn’t need to wash, not when the sun has already bathed the lean lines of him in dry heat.
dreams are only fading things, passing on waves, caught in the wind, melted into dew by the morning.
obito looks up at that pale face, and what he sees - he wraps his hands around kakashi’s wrists to keep him there. how can he say this? how does he give language to his desire, how does he make kakashi understand his earnesty in this very moment? he cannot let it become an untranslatable disappearance, as so many dear things are, have been lost to sea.
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I never see anybody talk about how hard it is to write a character that wears a mask/etc that covers a part or all of their face
Showing anger? You can't describe how their jaw clenches or their teeth grind or a vein throbs in their temple.
Expressing sadness? You can't see their tears or the pain swimming in their eyes if their eyes are covered.
Describing joy? You can't talk about the way their face lights up if you CAN'T SEE THEIR FACE.
The solution? Body language, I guess, but there's really only so much we can do with that.
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kdjojo · 2 months
Hellloooo ,any obkk all time fav recs for this poor anon ?
HOKLY SHILT YES I actually have a lot but some of them r a/b/o (a lot of these r by the same author)
Five years after the Fourth War, Kakashi finds himself reliving his worst days as he wakes up on a battlefield he left behind long ago. But this isn't the fight that he remembers, and this isn't the role he's meant to play.
The face staring back from the other side of the war is enough to break his heart.
After acquiring a new book, Kakashi finds himself in another world playing the villain. Worse still is that this isn't the first time he's been here.
Quiet revolutions
Tensions are running high between Kumo and Konoha. Between the targeting of the Hyuga clan for their Byakugan and an unknown ANBU running interference on missions, their tentative alliance is strained and war is just one slip-up away.
Not wanting any part in this, Obito is dragged into it anyway when he's given a mission to find out who instigated the attack. Instead, he gets more than he bargained for when a certain Kumo-nin lies in wait on the other side of Kamui.
Due to extenuating circumstances, Kakashi grows up in Kumo and decides that this strange, masked ANBU skulking around his village would make for a fun distraction from his boredom.
Kill the Lights + Fools Paradise + Fools Gold (This r all connected BTW!! Fools Gold and Fools Paradise show how they met as kids)
Improper use of Kamui finds Kakashi in a world where he and Obito are mated, the Kannabi Bridge mission was handed off to another team, and people are calling him an omega.
That's the least of his issues.
Meanwhile, a certain Kamui-displaced omega has his hands full dealing with the mess of another timeline.
While an omega Kakashi from an alternate reality tries to single-handedly fix canon, ours learns what it's like to be the protagonist in one of Master Jiraiya's novels.
Warning for this one because OH MY GOD. THIS HAS SO MUCH DARK STUFF IN IT.
To lose is to gain
Kakashi started to sob, the sound weak and broken.
“Shhh…” The masked man hushed him, gloved fingers returning to stroke his face once more, swirled orange leaning closer and closer. The mask’s surface was cold and smooth as it pressed against Kakashi’s lips, a mockery of a kiss being given. “Don’t you want to see him?”
The question didn’t make sense to Kakashi. Who? He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, barely managing to form a response, his voice pathetically weak. “God?”
“No.” The other man chuckled, genuine amusement in the sound. “I’m already here.” His thumb brushed against Kakashi’s lip for a moment, mask angling close to his right ear before he continued. “Don’t you want to see your father?”
Ever since they returned from Kannabi Bridge, Rin's teammates have been acting weird.
Kakashi's suddenly somehow loosened up, he's reading pornography in public, and he's making jokes. His coolness factor has gone down drastically! Obito's prone to long sullen silences, and his usual cheerfulness seems... forced. And there seems to be some sort of one-sided tension between the two. Plus Rin can't go anywhere without Obito following her.
What's a girl to do? Figure out what the hell's going on, and get her team back to normal!
(Or, the one where Kakashi and Obito are sent back to the past and think no one is the wiser. It spirals from there.)
(These r mostly by the same author so I hope you don't mind that!!)
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malifiquemakes · 9 months
Fic idea #1
Obito survives the war but is in a long coma. Those in power want him awake to punish or use him. Kakashi just wants to help him, and enters Obito's mind Inception style with a little help from Ino.
What he encounters is a fucking mess: labyrinths of nightmares, entire sections sealed off behind twisted roots and crushing boulders, facade after facade hiding the real Obito. He meets various aspects of the man he seeks: child Obito, brash and scared; Tobi, whose clowning hides sinister intent, and the monster who stalks them all through the twisting corridors.
And now the juubito has caught his scent.
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frankencanon · 1 year
I think it'd be funny if we made Kakashi even younger.
Can you imagine Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura finding out that Kakashi is only a handful of years older than them?!
I mean, with how little we see of his face it's extremely difficult to tell how old he is...
It was one thing when he was prepubescent and short with an unbroken voice, but once his voice dropped and he reached an average adult height... How would anyone be able to tell?
He's strong, highly ranked, mature for his age, and the proper height for an adult with an adult voice. Anyone who didn't already know his age would be liable to mistakenly assume he's older than he actually is, especially with the grey hair.
And it's not like it's out of the realm of possibility for a teenager to be a jounin sensei—take Minato, for example. He was, what, seventeen? And as talented as Minato was, he's nothing compared to Kakashi when it comes to rising through the ranks at a young age.
I'm pretty sure Kakashi broke literally every record there was when it came to "youngest ever [blank]". Academy student, genin, chūnin, jōnin, ANBU, ANBU Captain... Sure, Itachi eventually beat him in one or two of those, but at the time Kakashi was the sole record-holder; There'd never been anyone like him before.
If we just modify Kakashi's already contradictory timeline... Unimportant info below about the details for just how this could potentially work in canon!!
If you want to read my calculations as to how this could canonically work you may direct your attention below, however I have just come up with a far better and far simpler and also quite possibly both funnier and sadder idea:
Time-travel, but not in any way you're thinking...
Most people assume the reason why they didn't hear much of Kakashi's exploits over the years is because he was in ANBU and so everything was Top Secret and extremely covert...
But what if the real reason was because Kakashi had somehow been sent about a decade into the future? Hence explaining how he could be a teenager still when he was once the Yondaime's student.
Also possible: Kakashi was somehow held in stasis for the past decade—sealed, perhaps? Trapped? Or maybe the work of a foreign shinobi's jutsu (kekkei genkai?) that took about a decade or so to break/deactivate...
Or, my personal favorite:
He was investigating the Uzushiogakure ruins and got caught in one of their defensive seals — one that would seal him for a maximum of ten years, with the intention of giving Uzushio shinobi as much time as possible to deal with whatever intruder(s) got caught in the trap.
Without Kushina or Minato or any other Uzumaki seal experts however, deactivating the seal would be basically impossible — luckily, the seal was set up so that once time ran out Kakashi would be automatically released.
And he was! Ten years later, with little baby Naruto all grown up and almost ready to be placed on a genin team — his genin team.
It's probably boring!! You don't have to read it!!
⚠️ You have been warned!! ⚠️
(It's mostly just me brainstorming, honestly...)
Genin at five, chūnin at six... Then he stalls at chūnin for a while before eventually advancing to jōnin at twelve (wherein Obito "dies").
He's approximately thirteen when Rin is killed leading to him joining ANBU, and then fourteen when Naruto is born and the Kyūbi is unleashed on the village, causing Minato and Kushina to sacrifice themselves.
In canon, he is then twenty-six years old when he becomes Team 7's jōnin sensei...
For starters, I vote we cut those six years of chūnin limbo before Kakashi becomes jōnin, dropping him to about twenty-or-so.
Then again, this is fanfic—who cares about canon timelines?
If we put him on the hyper-speed fast-track...
4: Academy student
5: Genin
6: Chūnin
7. Jōnin (Obito dies)
8. ANBU (Rin dies)
9. Naruto's birth (Minato & Kushina die)
Is this ridiculous? Yes! But who cares?
Hm... That's not right.
Alright, this is getting a bit annoyingly complicated.
Even if I downgrade Naruto to eleven (because for a long time I was convinced for some reason that Naruto was eleven while the rest of his peers were twelve, and I still have absolutely no clue where I got that idea from) that would still make Kakashi about twenty. Hm...
Ugh, I'll figure this out later. Can't we just hand-wave it?
—No wait, I have an idea:
While modifying his canon timeline to make him younger is a hassle and a half, the fact remains that until we saw Kakashi Gaiden we didn't actually have any details on his backstory...
In other words? The beginning of the series managed just fine without it, so why don't we just throw it out entirely?
Afterall, this fic is about jōnin-sensei Kakashi—the details of his traumatic childhood are irrelevant, and it's not like early fans had that information to work with anyway.
Naruto is canonically younger than Sasuke (who was a baby during the Kyūbi attack) so we shall put him at eleven to give us some leeway.
Now let's say we wanted to make Kakashi somewhere around sixteen to eighteen during canon—that would require him to be five to seven years old when Minato dies.
Now let's compress his timeline some more:
Considering the Konoha 9 all attended the very first chūnin exams after they graduated, I don't see any reason why Kakashi couldn't do the same—and unlike them he's a prodigy so it's basically guaranteed that he'd pass. (And that's assuming he didn't get a field promotion...)
Give him up to a year to become jōnin, and then have him join ANBU almost immediately after.
Some months later, Naruto is born and the Yondaime dies.
To compress it further, I am making his graduation even more ridiculous:
Academy student at three, genin and then chūnin at four, jōnin and ANBU at five. God, can you imagine a five-year-old ANBU? That'd be terrifying. Naruto is born around the time he turns six, and eleven years later Kakashi passes a genin team for the first time and is made a jōnin-sensei at seventeen, just like Minato-sensei was.
It'll take Team 7 a while to realize that, however.
Why am I even bothering to promote him prior to Minato's death? Am I, perhaps, an idiot?
Minato becomes his sensei as soon as he graduates to genin at five years old, but before that Kakashi spent a lot of time as his apprentice and they bonded. Shortly after Team 7 is formed the Kyūbi attack happens and Minato dies — the how doesn't matter, so don't worry about it.
The war is over so instead of Kannabi Bridge they go on some other dangerous mission with the same results, except this time the reason Minato isn't there is because he's dead.
They send some other inadequate chūnin or jōnin in his place, but they promptly get killed early on in the mission, perhaps at the same time that Rin gets kidnapped.
Kakashi is chūnin at this point so he naturally takes charge, despite being a five or six year old and Obito being — I don't know, twelve? Significantly older.
Obito dies, then Rin, and this time it's the stupid Sandaime that sticks Kakashi in ANBU like he's an annoying unwanted child that he wants to keep out of sight and thoroughly occupied — at least, until he needs a jōnin sensei for the Kyūbi's Jinchūriki and the Last Uchiha...
So, final version:
Five years old when Minato dies and Naruto is born, and about five or six years old when Obito and Rin die and Kakashi gets stuck in ANBU, followed by eleven years of Naruto growing up while Kakashi's in ANBU makes him... About sixteen to seventeen years old when Kakashi becomes Team 7's jōnin sensei.
To Kakashi, this feels almost poetic. (Same age as Minato-sensei was...)
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fandrawsart · 9 months
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Context: In Classic Team 7 Fashion a mission goes horribly wrong.
(Other versions under the cut)
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Wherein Kakashi is frustrated and at a loss, Nana thinks too much and doesn't trust enough, consecutively Team 7 takes the fall.
Or Team 7 is every writer’s chew toy and Fate loves repeating itself.
I totally imagined this as being the mission that forces Kakashi and Nana to actually bond and stop skirting around each other.
Wherein Kakashi actually learns to go past his vulnerability and defences to show Nana that he cares, and Nana learns to lower her defences and let herself be cared for.
I also hc that this has happened to Kakashi before, when he himself was a kid and had fresh out of stumbling upon the cooling body of his father been newly assigned under the tutelage of a very much 16 years old and not ready to handle this mess Minato.
So yes, Kakashi is rapidly re-evaluating everything he thought he knew and understood about his bond with his late Sensei, and gaining a whole new level of mortification about himself respect for the man.
Character interpretations and scenario inspired by In Sound Judgement written by @negativeaperture
Ps. I love Nana's design and drawing Nana in general.
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ginjaanimeloversstuff · 3 months
Nejiten AU scene of a fanfic i am working on.
Neji was dead, and everyone saw it, they all saw him get impaled two years ago, protecting Naruto and, sacrificing himself for Hinata, whom he had sworn to protect since childhood. He died on that battlefield, in that war.
Team 3, Lee and Tenten, along with their friends all stood in one place, unable to outer a words, everyone was speechless. And stood as if time had frozen in place.
Naruto's eyes widen in shock, his mouth opens about to speak, but nothing comes out.
Tenten and lee , Hinata also, all looked forward, with tears already dripping down their cheeks.
Shikamaru," is...is this some sort of sick joke, because this isn't funny," was the first to talk.
Kiba", it's really...it's is him...we know that sense anyway," confirmed, as Akamaru yelped, sounding confused" that's, -"
Shino," That's him..Neji", looking at his bugs. Seeing that they recognised the charak from anywhere.
Eventually, Naruto spoke as he listened to kiba confirmation and allowed the information to sink in," How- how is this possible" couldn't find the words to speak at first until he did," you died, i saw you died and held your dead body, how. How are you alive? You have been alive all this time, but you" pause for a moment," why didn't you come back to the village, "
Tenten," Neji...how are you alive..."
Tenten wanted to walk closer to her meant-to-be dead teammate, but she couldn't, her legs wouldn't move, it felt as if, she got closer to Neji, then he would disappear and she would wake up from a dream. No matter how hard she looked at him, she just couldn't believe her eyes, she knew he was real, not a clone nor reanimated, he was standing there, fully, completely, healthy alive, while her eyes could see him as clearly as day, but her heart was telling her, it's too good to be true. After all, how can the dead be alive?
Neji looked at everyone unbothered by their reaction, if anything he had a look as if he didn't care, his eyes were cold, yet at the same time were his byakugan eyes usually there, they were not, his eyes that he was always proud of, as proof he was a hyuga,were not there no longer, but instead they were replaced, with another, the tenseigan, and his bird cage seal that was once on his forehead was no longer there.
Neji," you all speak as if you know me, you keep saying neji this, Neji that, but who is this Neji you speak of?you meantion that name yet, you shed emotions as if he was dead or something, just who are you"
Hearing those words just broke her heart into millions of pieces, tenten knew it was the right thing to not get her hopes up, but there was a part of her, that wished there wasn't any string attached to Neji being alive, but having that, would feel like it's a false dream.
Naruto," what. You are Neji,Neji hyuga is your name. What do you mean who is Neji, and we are your friends,"
Neji," you are mistaken, my name is not Neji nor is it hyuga. And i have never seen you in my life,"
Sakura," he isn't the same person we once knew."
Hinata, " no NO you are wrong, that is Neji, the real neji is inside there somewhere, if we keep trying we can- cried- we can bring him back" not believing what sakura is saying.
Sakura," Hinata...look, the real Neji, he would do or say anything to hurt his friends and family, even sasuke, no offence"
Sasuke," It's true," shrugged.
Hinata," he just isn't himself, that's why he's acting like this. He just needs to...we need"
Neji," Hearing you all talking, is starting to bore me, and it's making me rather tired," spoke up, as he lifted his arm, and just like that, he made a powerful force, and in a blink of an eye, everything and everyone was pushed backwards.
Just in time, sasuke grabbed Sakura and with his singlar arm and naruto using Kurma's power caught everyone, while naruto grabbed Sakura's arm , as sasuke teleports them all to a safer distance.
Sai," i don't think Neji is in there,"
Sasuke," hyuga, is definitely not the same person," agree with his teammate.
Hinata," no, Neji is still in there,i just know. Right"
Tenten,", i want to believe that...but, i just can't bring myself to..."
Lee ," i do feel the same as Tenten, i mean anytime we face someone who is meant to be, they always....they end up as our enemies" downcast his head, not sure what to believe
Naruto," i understand how you feel lee, tenten, but Neji he is alive and healthy right there, "
Shikamaru," But at what cost, did it bring him to life and by what strings are attached,"
Hinata," even so...it's Neji..."
Ino", Hinata, we understand how you feel, but they are right. We have never fought the dead,without some sort motives on the enemy side".
Naruto," but then, we have managed go against the odds, so, maybe we can bring him back to us,"
Sakura," i feel like i am going to get deep da'vu "
Tenten," if it's not a uchiha issue, it's a hyuga issue, good gief, "
Shikamaru," i don't get paid enough for this"
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kakashiislut · 5 months
Unspeakable- Kakashi Hatake
“Why are you staring at me…” Your face scrunches a bit, causing wrinkles to form on your nose.
“‘S nothing…” Kakashi turns to look the other way.
There is a comfortable silence between you two.
“It’s just-“
“Does the-“
You two bust into a fit of laughter.
“You first.” You smile with those lips he always loved.
He’s silent for a minute, before his chest heaves in then out.
“It’s just…you’re really pretty, ya know?”
His eyes lashes kiss the apples of his cheeks. They’re gray…just like his hair.
“Do the…”
You bite your bottom lip.
“Does the carpet match the drapes?
“I hate you.” He grumbles.
“It’s a honest question.”
“I call you pretty and you ask me if my pubic hair is gray??”
“I didn’t say that! I asked if the carpet matched the drapes!”
“Since you’re so curious-“
He stands from his seat on the cement wall.
He shuffles a bit, before unzipping his pants and he slips them down a bit.
You stare.
And stare.
And stare.
“Do you need a napkin for that nose?”
“Yes sir.” 😔
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redsnowdrop · 3 months
Be brutal
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‘Cos I have plenty of drafts from when I was a dumb ass teenager, still have them somewhere
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mrssakurahatake · 1 year
Foreword By Sukea
Paring: kakasaku Rating: T Words: 1672
The sun had long been set when Sakura finally made her way out of the hospital. For once the late hour couldn’t be blamed on board meetings or even a patient. She’d been stalling. 
She couldn’t wait any longer. Not wanting to stand out, she avoided the rooftops and stuck to the less used streets that led to the civilian district. Once she was sure no one was paying her any attention, she darted through the door of the dusty bookshop.
The front of the store was homey and welcoming with plush chairs surrounding an already lit fireplace. The clerk greeted her with a genuine smile and offer of help, but Sakura knew exactly what she was looking for. She strolled up and down the aisles, occasionally reaching out with her chakra to make sure she knew exactly where everyone was.
Knowing the shop was going to close soon, Sakura took a deep breath and darted through the beaded curtain that separated the adult section from the rest of the store. 
read on ao3
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nsk96 · 3 months
Recreating a smut fic song playlist on my phone (since I’m no longer gonna use Spotify) 🏴‍☠️
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Will update what songs I add to it in case anyone is interested.
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kdjojo · 2 months
How would you guys feel if I made a team Obito fic where Obito just replaces Kakashi? Kakashi is just a full-time ninja while Obito is a sensei of team seven.
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
The Ghosts of our Past and the Dreams of our Future
Pairing: Kakashi x Gaara
Rating: Teen
Chapter 6: Day 6 - Free Day prompt for @kakashiweek!
Summary: It's time to let go of old ghosts.
A/N: Gorgeous fanart in this one commissioned by me from @lesyarei7!
Gaara puts on his overcoat and follows Kakashi out into the rain. The wind bites at his cheeks, nose, and face and the rain water stings his eyes and plasters his hair to his forehead, but Gaara does not complain.
He walks alongside Kakashi, whom is buried deep in his thoughts.
They walk along the lit sidewalks to the memorial site in companionable silence.
"Gaara, can I ask you a question?" Kakashi asks.
"You…you were dead once, is that right?"
(Rest on AO3)
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frankencanon · 1 year
Fanfic set during Kakashi Gaiden where Obito and Rin somehow discover that Kakashi has a crush on Gai of all people and become absolutely obsessed with trying to get the two of them together...
(After they get over their shock, that is.)
((Kakashi having a crush at all is surprising enough, but Gai?!))
(((It's actually perfectly believable if one thinks about it — Kakashi's main issue with Obito, Rin, and other kids around his age is that he doesn't think they take things seriously enough... But Gai? Literally no one in the entire village trains harder and puts in more effort than Gai...
Combine that with the way Gai treats their rivalry so seriously and values it so much... How he is neither jealous of Kakashi nor puts him on a pedestal like the rest of their fellows so often do... How could Kakashi not fall for him? The only one who sees him as he really is, nothing more and nothing less? Who cares so much about him despite all that?
...Kakashi never stood a chance.)))
(((("Is it reciprocated?"
Do you really even have to ask?))))
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owlsbride · 1 year
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The City That Never Sleeps.
Kakashi knew this was a lost battle. He only needed to earn some time to find a way to get out of it with dignity and safe and sound. Once again, he coursed Lord Third from sending him and his rookie team on a mission that was too much for them.
Of course, everything started with a low-rank mission in which Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke would have to move some files from Konoha to the Sound Village, no more, no less, and deep inside him, Kakashi knew that that would only mean trouble. As if Hiruzen didn't know the situation well. With Orochimaru following Sasuke's steps, the seal on the kid's shoulder getting weaker every day, and Sakura and Naruto not training as he would like to, this stupid mission would only be a disaster at any moment. And Kakashi once more was no wrong.
Ten rogue ninjas circled them. Kakashi knew them well. They were all in the Bingo Book; they were strong, and something about them made them no ordinary. He wondered if this was just a random attack or a planned one. Even if they were rogue shinobis from the Sound Village, he had already identified them, and it seemed like a very well-planned attack. Organized, practical and clean. Were they after the files or after Sasuke? Or, even worst, would they be after the Kyubi?
Time... Kakashi needed time. It didn't sound logical to go after some old files. Even if he didn't know what they had inside, he knew enough to understand that the ten ninjas were too many assets for some papers. If Orochimaru was directly behind the attack and he wanted Sasuke, then he wouldn't have allowed his minions to hurt the boy; quite the contrary, so they must have been targeting Naruto, right?
Time... Why? Why couldn't he think clearly and come up with a saviour idea? Maybe because he was too preoccupied with the kid's safe, who were already exhausted and hurt for trying to fight back, perhaps because he was too angry, again, with the Sandaime for the decisions he made in which Kakashi felt like constantly losing, or maybe it was just the Sharingan draining what was left of his chakra fighting these idiots.
He didn't have the time to keep on wondering things. He had to act. He would end with the ten ninjas on his own if it was necessary, no matter how. It was awful, even for him, but he would if he had to use it. One more shot and It could be done: Kakashi would use the Mangekyō, and it would be all.
Fog, red, grey and black were all that surrounded Kakashi. His left eye hurting like hell and the torturous screams from the ninjas sounded in his ears. It worked. He finally defeated the rogue ninjas, and Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto would be okay eventually. He had to let the Mangekyō go, or he would lose consciousness. However, something caught his attention: behind the fog, the leftovers of the fight, the shinobis still trapped in the jutsu, the red and black, and the dizziness, there was a man, and Kakashi knew that something worst than all his speculations was about to happen.
Danzō was there in front of him, undaunted. Looking at him with pettiness and hunger at the same time. Kakashi heard his voice. He said something about his stolen Sharingan, that bastard. He also said something about Minato Sensei, but Kakashi was too weak to react.
"It's time Kakashi." Danzō said, "It's over, and you are not going to be capable of doing anything this time." And just like that, the maniac man in front of him pulled out an old scroll, and when he started unrolling it, the world around Kakashi began to turn, and everything around him started to shake and tremble below his feet.
Kakashi had time for only one movement, he could have killed Danzō right there once and for all, but he wasn't going to leave unprotected his children, so with the only strength left that he had, he jumped over the three boys letting the darkness embraced him and with some luck his dead father, Obito, Minato and Rin too.
"Kakashi Sensei...Sensei." Sakura said, shaking Kakashi's arm a little.
"Is he...? Is he..." Sasuke's voice sounded stressed for the first time in what seemed a lifetime.
"You have to do it louder Sakura-Chan!!" Naruto said in his always too cheery voice, "Like this: Sensei!!!! Kakashi Sensei!!!"
"Stop it, you idiot. What if you hurt him more? Move," Sasuke said, moving Naruto away. "Sakura, we need to get to Konoha General, what do we do?"
"I don't think we are in Konoha anymore, kids..." Kakashi said, looking around a hating every minute of his life since he left his bed early that morning.
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