#fanfic ryan howard
jevaisjeviens · 1 year
Headcanons Ryan Howard - Ryan x Reader/Leitor
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A primeira vista
Ele provavelmente te avistou na fila da cafeteria antes do trabalho e te achou bonita, mas não sabia que te veria novamente;
Um sorriso fofo relampejou pelo rosto dele ao te ver entrando pela recepção da Dunder Mifflin. Você, afinal, iria ser colega de trabalho dele mesmo;
Ryan se oferece para te mostrar o anexo onde você vai começar a trabalhar e pergunta se você não precisa de alguma coisa, como uma caneca ou um grampeador. Ele se embola um pouco nessa parte porque está bastante tímido em falar com você.
Após alguns dias de trabalho
Ryan tem te enviado e-mails constantemente para falar sobre tudo ou nada;
Ele frequentemente te envia um link do youtube com alguma música que ele está ouvindo muito, e fica feliz em saber que pode compartilhar seu gosto musical com você;
Vocês dividem os fones na sala de descanso ouvindo Radiohead e ele deixa que você controle o que vão ouvir a seguir;
Quando está tendo reunião, ele sempre encosta a cabeça na sua para "descansar os olhos" da falação de Michael;
Ele te encara para tentar "ler os seus pensamentos" e entender o que você está achando. Vocês são bastante expressivos um com o outro.
"A gente deveria jantar juntos um dia desses, você não acha?";
Ansioso para saber se você aceita sair com ele.
Ryan com ciúmes
Ele vai te observar de longe para tentar entender porquê você anda ficando tão próxima do Jim Halpert;
"O que ele tem que eu não tenho?";
Ryan fica ranzinza quando você vai falar com ele e acaba sendo grosseiro sem querer, mas em seguida pede desculpas e diz que só está estressado com o trabalho;
Ele nunca vai te dizer que está com ciúmes, mas vai ficar tentando chamar a sua atenção no meio das conversas em grupo;
Vai tratar Jim Halpert mal porque secretamente acha que você pertence a ele;
Ele tenta te devolver ficando próximo de Kelly, mas internamente ele sente que está errando com você.
Você com ciúmes
"Ela? Ela não significa nada pra mim. Eu gosto é de você, gatinha";
Ele vai sorrir de uma maneira sarcástica ao perceber que você está com ciúmes dele, e vai alimentar um pouco o próprio ego com isso;
Ele gosta que você sinta ciúme dele, mas vai procurar se afastar de quem te deixa insegura porque não quer te fazer mal;
"Você quer que eu bloqueie ela? Você vai bloquear o Jim também?"
Primeiro encontro
"Você... Você está muito bonita com essa roupa";
Ele pede para você sugerir o que ele deve comer do cardápio;
Vai conversar sobre bandas e banalidades durante o jantar;
Pergunta se você gostaria de assistir um filme após, porque ele tem sugestões muito boas;
Ele quer dividir uma sobremesa com você, porque não aguenta comer muito doce;
"Você vai achar estranho se eu disser que tomaria uma xícara de café agora mesmo?";
Ele é do tipo que divide a conta, mas antes se oferece para pagar inteira porque quer impressionar você, embora esteja secretamente torcendo para que você escolha dividir;
Você se impressiona com o cheiro de novo e limpo que o carro dele tem. É organizado para um homem;
Enquanto ele dirige até o próprio apartamento, vocês estão ouvindo Radiohead e cantarolando baixinho, sem muito volume, para que possam apreciar a companhia um do outro.
O apartamento de Ryan
Há alguma desorganização aqui e ali, mas num geral, é um apê limpo;
Todas as roupas que ele experimentou antes do encontro estão jogadas em cima da cama dando a entender que ele pensou bastante no que vestir;
"O que você gosta de assistir? Eu tenho algumas coisas em mente... Você já assistiu Donnie Darko?"
"Se quiser, nós podemos jogar videogame. Ou só ficar de bobeira aqui... O que você prefere fazer?"
Ele fica ansioso porque quer que você esteja se divertindo, mas relaxa toda vez que te ouve rir;
"Eu vou ser sincero. Você é tão linda que eu não consigo parar de pensar em te beijar";
Quando vocês se beijam, você sente que as mãos dele estão tremendo ao encostar na sua cintura, por mais confiante que ele pareça normalmente;
Ele é do tipo que dá selinhos após o beijo;
Ele também é do tipo que sorri após o beijo;
Ele te abraça e pergunta se você gostaria de dormir com ele por hoje.
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Vakentine Meme Ask 7, 13, 14, 17
7. A non-canon ship that should be canon?
Clint/Natasha (they were almost canon except for Whedon's fuckery), Pepper/Happy (because that would've made more sense than her with Tony since she was such a shitty girlfriend/wife to him), Emma Frost/Steve Rogers, Emma Frost/Loki, Emma Frost/Tony Stark, Emma Frost/Bucky Barnes, Emma Frost/Natasha Romanoff.
Okay, I know I could throw out my other fave ships (Tony/Loki, Tony/Steve, Tony/Bucky, Bucky/Steve, etc), but I really can't say whether they should be canon or not. They're canon to me and anyone else who ships them, and I'm happy with them in fanfic and fanart. But especially those Emma Frost ones should be canon because she deserves to be happy.
And just so people don't think I'm ONLY into Marvel/MCU stuff, there's also Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson. That should absolutely be 100% canon because Eddie should not be dead, dammit.
13. Name a ship that deserved more content.
Phil Coulson/Melinda May. We could've had so much Phillinda content, but they waited to put them together-together until they killed him off the second time.
Mike Weston/Max Hardy from The Following. We got all of Ryan Hardy's love life splattered all over the series, but we definitely needed more Mike/Max.
Edwin and Ana Jarvis in that craptastic Peggy Carter series. Honestly, if they'd spent more time on the Jarvises and whatever Roger Sterling-Howard Stark fuckery was going on, that series would've been REALLY GOOD.
14. Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
Emma Frost/Scott Summers gets a gross amount of hate in the comic fandom, and even if I don't specifically ship them anymore, they're still a 'home' ship that I care about and can't stand to see the hate it gets.
17. Is there a type of ship you always go for?
I seem to really like the "two broken individuals find each other and start to heal themselves and each other" ships. The ones who can relate to each other on some level and that helps them get a grasp on those abuses they need to heal from. I also tend to like the "one character is more mentally/emotionally healthy because they've already dealt with all their shit, and they fall in love with the broken individual who thinks that they're entirely unlovable" ships. There are probably others, but those seem to be the ones that really push all the right buttons for me.
Thank you for the asks!
Valentine Fandom Ask Meme.
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Eddie Diaz x Fem!reader
⚠️TW:⚠️ swearing, mentions of physical abuse, alcohol, drugs, mentions of abandonment
Angst, Physical Abuse, Healing/Trauma
Eddie finds out that Y/n's father is physically abusing her when she shows up to the station covered in fresh bruises, blood, and tears.
For years, Y/n's father had been taking drugs and drinking his life way. And everytime he did, he would take his rage out on her. Leaving her broken, hurt, bloodied, and just scared. But, the day she met Eddie Diaz at the Santa Monica Pier when he was with his son, she would never forget it.
Fast forward a few years, Y/n and Eddie stated dating, and Christopher loved her as much as Eddie did. It was a mid morning, when Eddie got to work for his shift. Y/n was home alone when her father showed up. Angry that she had left him alone to fend for himself and he took his anger out on her, leaving her there to die.
After he left, she had blood dripping down the side of her face, she had a busted lip, her eye was bruised badly, and her nose was bleeding but she managed to get to the station somehow.
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She limped her way inside, just as Hen came down the stairs and saw the shape she was in. "Oh my god!" She rushed over, catching Y/n in her arms before she fell. "Guys! I need help down here!" Hen called into the radio.
Bobby was the first to come down, followed by Buck, Chimney, and Eddie. Eddie's face froze when he saw his girlfriend beaten so badly. He rushed over. Bobby started to hold him back, "No!" He pushed his way to Y/n.
Eddie kneeled down, "Y/n? Who did this to you?" He asked, whe examining her face.
"M-my father. He-he came by after you left and beat me. He said-" She broke into sobs again. "He said it was my fault!" Eddie shook his head, "No, nothing is your fault. That drunk son of a bitch will pay for this."
"Eddie, let Athena handle this, I've called her and let her know what the situation is." Bobby said, coming back from taking a phone call from Athena.
"Y/n, follow the light for me." Hen asked sweetly. She followed the light or tried to at least. "Yeah, she has a concussion."
Buck helped Eddie get Y/n to the couch to rest. "Buck is going to stay here with you while we're out on calls. Alright? And if you need me for anything, Buck knows how to reach me." Eddie kissed her head softly. "Buck, here's some money if you or her get hungry." Eddie tried to hand money to Buck.
"No, keep it. I'll pay for the food if she gets hungry." Buck pushed Eddie's hand away.
"Thanks, man." Eddie said with a smile. He was still very much worried about Y/n. And the fact that he just found out about the abuse, he was not happy. But he wasn't mad at her. He was mad at the low life that called himself a father.
Later that day, Eddie just got off his shift, he took Y/n home and got her settled into their bed. He brought her dinner that he made for the three of them. Him, her, and Chris. He laid beside her. "How long has he been hurting you? And be honest with me." Eddie said calmly and softly.
Y/n looked up at him, her eyes filled with sadness and fear which Eddie could see. "Ever since my mother left and never came back. I was three then. He started drinking heavily and got into drugs. Meth, weed, cocaine. You name it. And he became more violent towards me. He blamed me for my mom leaving us. He then started beating me everyday of my life." Her small voice broke Eddie's heart to hear her say it.
"He will never touch you again. Athena tracked him down and he is now locked away." Eddie kissed her head. "You are safe with me and-"
"Me!" Chris had come into the room. He softly yet gentally climbed into the bed between his father and Y/n.
"Yeah, what my son said." Eddie laughed. Y/n smiled and chuckled. "You two are something." Y/n laughed. "That's why I love you both."
After awhile, Eddie, Chris, and Y/n all fell asleep after a long, tiring day. But during the night, Y/n woke up from a pounding headache which had her crying. Eddie heard her and quickly got up, which woke up Chris.
"Dad? What's going on?" Chris rubbed his sleepy eyes.
"Its Y/n." He rushed to her side. "Hey, hey, what's going on, baby, talk to me." Eddie said soothingly.
"M-my head hurts so bad." Tears streamed her face. "Come here." Eddie helped her back into the bed. He handed her the pain meds and handed her a bottle water. After she drank it, she became sleepy.
Eddie climbed back into bed with Chris asleep against him and Y/n, who also had fallen back to sleep not long after.
Eddie never went back to sleep. He stayed awake making sure Y/n was alright. It didn't bother him because he was used to staying up all night when working 24 hour shifts.
The next morning, Eddie cooked breakfast while Chris and Y/n were still asleep. He heard a knock and walked over to a answer the door. "Buck, hey, come in." He stepped aside as Buck walked in. "How's Y/n?" He asked, standing with his hands in his pockets.
"She had a rough night. Her head hurt her a lot. I set up a doctor's appointment for her with the neurologist to see if anything else is wrong with her head. She just fell asleep early this morning after the pain med I gave her."
"I take it you didn't much sleep either?" He noticed the burnt toast. "Let me help, Eddie." Buck offered. Eddie stepped aside, too tired to argue. "Alright, I'm going to get Chris up and check on Y/n." He headed off to their room that they shared. He saw Chris asleep against Y/n with her arm around him.
He smiled, and quickly took a few pictures then decided to let them sleep longer. He showed Buck. "Awe, your son really does love her, huh?" He smiled that goofy smile.
"Yeah, he really does. He called her mom the other day when we were out getting lunch but she doesn't know it yet. I told him to wait until I asked her to marry me which will be on her birthday in a few weeks." Eddie smiled.
"Wow, I'm happy for you, man. Really proud too. Keep me posted on what they say about her head." Buck just put the plates on the table along with silverware. "Breakfast is done." Buck shouted, proudly.
Chris came into the kitchen shortly after, followed by Y/n. Eddie kissed her cheek. "How are you feeling, baby?" He asked.
"I feel a little bit better, still sore." Y/n smiled over at her boyfriend. He helped her sit down and handed her a plate of food. "Are you staying for breakfast, Buck?" Eddie asked.
"I can, yeah." He sat down, after getting a plate for himself. Chris was just eating away his food. Eddie watched Y/n carefully, making sure she was alright. He was still worried but didn't want to overstep her boundaries.
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chefrat · 4 years
Being friends with Jim Halpert would include…
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- inside jokes all day 
- both working together and pulling pranks on Dwight 
- “Michael!” 
- eye contact with each other whenever something awkward happened in the office 
- being best friends and probably the most normal ones in the office 
- having a desk near him and Dwight 
- dealing with Michael's awful but rather entertaining meetings 
- sitting next to each other during the meetings 
- also dealing with Andy’s constant singing 
- blowing off work with Jim 
- just messing around and trying to find ways to mess with Dwight 
- carpooling!
- begging him for a copy of the photo of him and Dwight when they went on their first sales call 
- teasing him about his hair 
- Pam also being one of your comfort people at work and another one of your closest friends
- having to deal with Angela judging you every minute of your life 
- but Jim was there for you whenever things got rough 
- Kelly being one of the other people in the office that you got along with 
- but also Kelly being responsible for spreading rumors about you and Jim 
- hanging out with Jim outside work and sometimes even on weekends 
- his roommates enjoying your company 
- dealing with Michael’s inappropriate jokes about you 
- “Oh god, Michael no.” 
- not being the best salesman but also not the worst 
- getting closer and closer to Jim
- forming feelings for him but not saying anything, afraid of ruining the friendship 
- him also forming feelings for you 
- Jim letting it slip out to Michael about his crush on you 
- Michael telling everyone during one of the conference room meetings about Jim liking you 
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spookymultimedia · 2 years
The Feminine Touch
When Gem in unsure on how to find her own femininity, Angela helps her ease her dysphoria and gives them a small makeover.
CW: deadnaming and social dysphoria
I sat at my desk finishing up another sales call before resting my head on my chin. I was having a weird day. I came out as transgender a week ago but I was still figuring myself out. I had absolutely no idea what to wear. I had worn sweaters but that got boring really fast. Pam let me try on their clothes and test the waters. They were feminine but it didn't feel right on me. I really didn't know what to do with myself. I was too tired that morning to think about it, I just threw on a white button up, a necklace and gray slacks. It wasn't that euphoric but it was something. I looked like a man. Of course I was a woman no matter what I looked like but it didn't feel that great. 
       So I sat there feeling like I was still in the closet and stared at Dwight trying to think of some kind of prank to distract myself. I quietly took his small box of paperclips and stood up to make coffee. 20 minutes later I had a cup of coffee for Dwight. "Here, you look tired." I smiled innocently.
          "What did you do to my coffee? You took a long time. You really think I'd fall for that Gem?"
I shrugged, "I'll take it if you don't trust me."
  "I don't." 
I took the mug and slipped back the tiny box of paper clips. "I'm hurt. I thought we were getting along." I took a long sip and smiled. He stared at me wondering what I did. Ryan walked over to me, "Excuse me? Jim?"
       I turned to him, "Oh actually it's-."
"Gem! Gem, I'm sorry. Gem, do you have a spare highlighter? All of mine are dry."
I smiled politely, "yea-." my voice shook, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden, "yeah." I said in a lighter tone, it sounded worse. I handed over a yellow highlighter and gave it to him.
"Thanks Ji- er, Gem." He smiled awkwardly and turned away. It was fine. He apologized. He corrected himself. It was fair. I didn't exactly look like a woman. I was more upset at myself than Ryan.
   "Gem, you ok?"
Pam looked over at me worried. Dwight did too. I shrugged and stood up, I walked past Angela as I started to cry. I felt stupid for letting it get to me. I stopped by the restrooms and cried quietly into my hands, feeling gross and masculine. I didn't know how to make it look more like myself. Angela walked up to me, I didn't see her at first.
I looked down at it startled and wiped my eyes.
     "What's wrong?"
"I'm so ugly." I choked out. It felt really weird to be vulnerable with Angela of all people. 
      "You are not ugly."
"I feel ugly. I just want to be pretty." I sniffed and looked away from her. I felt humiliated.
      "Wait here."
I waited for an uncomfortable 10 minutes before Angela came back with a small black bag. She gently grabbed my arm, "Come with me."  She opened the door to the women's restroom and led me to the couch. "Can I touch your hair?" It stayed standing.
    "Yeah. ." I looked at her confused as she pulled out a comb. I was surprised at Angela's uncharacteristically kind gesture. She combed out my hair quietly, working out the small knots and messy ends. "How much shampoo do you use?" It scolded. 
     "A handful?"
"Gem, you are using way too much. Use a small amount of shampoo. No more than a tiny palmful. Tiny." She emphasized the word tiny. 
"It's so greasy." She winced at my hair.
        "Gee thanks." I said flatly.
"I'm helping you! Stop using so much product. It's not good for you. If you want healthier hair you need to use just enough to clean off the oil in your scalp. And comb from the tips up, not through it." My eyes widened.
    "Oh. Is that why you look so feminine?"
It gave me a weird look.
          "What? No, it's just basic hair care."
"How do you do it then?"
          "Gem, I can't answer that. Femininity is something personal. I dress the way I do because I like to look modest and feel cozy. It's completely subjective."
    I bit my lip, "I feel confused. I don't know what I want. I'll never look like a pretty girl." I sulked.
       "You will. Just keep experimenting. You will."  My hair had barely grown past my ears, she took a few bobby pins and pinned back a few sections of my hair. She took out a small box have it to me, "Pick one out, I have plenty." 
    The box was full of old looking hair clips and brooches. I took out a small bronze one that was shaped like a valentine heart. 
     "That was my mother's, it's pretty old. You can have it. I never liked heart stuff." 
I smiled and gave the brooch so she could put in it my hair. She tucked a piece of hair out of my face with the small brooch and tucked it next to my ear. I stood up. "No, wait I'm not done." She pulled my arm down. I whined.
"So fidgety." It sighed out. She took out blush and dusted my cheeks with it. "Stay still." She pulled out mascara. I accidentally bumped my eye into it. "Ow!" I leaned back. 
"Oh my goodness." It huffed. I kept blinking and despite her annoyance it managed to get mascara on my eyelashes. "Okay you're free." She sighed. I stood up immediately and dashed to the mirror. I gasped. My hair looked way smoother and nice. The brooch shined against the bathroom lights. I actually looked pretty. I tucked my shirt in more and unbuttoned my shirt a bit to let my chest show a little. I rolled up my sleeves and smiled wide. Angela smiled at me curtly. "Better?"
        "Yeah. Thank you." I smiled at her. I walked out of the bathroom.
" DAMMIT! GEM!" I looked at Dwight who had a horrible chain of knotted up paper clips that I had skillfully created flowing all over him. I laughed at him and covered my mouth. Angela shook its head at me and walked back to work. 
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poeticeclipse · 2 years
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Ryan comes in and plops in my lap stretching his feet out and reclining. He's turned the tables I realize with a start. He can't do that.
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oneshots-drabbles · 4 years
Over Now - Ryan Howard x Reader
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A/N: First post! I’ve had this one written for a while now, there’s also a second part that I started writing and never finished that I’d be more than happy to have a go at completing if people are interested. I hope you enjoy it you give it a read!
S4 Ep15, Night Out.
Word Count: Approx 1,700.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drug abuse.
Ryan clumsily shoved the key into the lock, twisting it back and forth wildly in an attempt to open the door. “This is a one time thing, you know that right?”
You bit the inside of your lip, hanging back as far as you could from group. You had no interest in spending the night in Ryan’s apartment. You had no interest in being in this goddamn city in the first place, but Michael had insisted on your presence so he would be granted access to clubs.
As he pushed the door open Dwight closed in, easily catching a glimpse of the apartment over Ryan’s head. “Wow!”
“This is it.” Michael said, somewhat in awe.
You held in a scoff - this wasn’t your first time at Ryan’s apartment. You knew that Michaels judgement was horribly clouded by how much he looked up to his former employee.
In reality, the place was a dump - out in the world he might be able to hide behind his lavish exterior, might be able to make it seem like he was living the dream, but that was not the case.
The first night you’d stayed at the apartment, months ago, back when he’d first moved and you were still together, the hot water had ran out within a minute in the shower.
Another night, there was a power outage and you’d been shroud in darkness the whole evening - not that Ryan really minded anyway - by that point he’d begun using you as a way to get his dick wet, not that you’d realised it at the time. Almost all of your visits to the city were wham bam thank you, ma’am, and you’d quickly grown tired of it and broken things off.
Many times when he’d returned to the Scranton branch for a meeting he’d tried to talk to you about how sudden it all was - “I thought we were happy,” He’d said. “You know how stressful this is for me, right?”
“Alright!” Dwight said gleefully, stepping into the apartment.
You followed nervously after them. By the time you made it to the doorway, Dwight was already flopped down on the couch and Ryan had taken up residence on the bed. You felt your cheeks redden as you thought about that bed - the things you’d done on it.
“This is where the magic happens.” Michael said, turning back and winking at you.
Well, if you’d been red before. Your eyes shifted compulsively to Ryan’s - he was already looking at you, a sort of mournful expression on his face. Regret, even. You quickly glanced away and smiled at Michael, who was still exploring the apartment in awe.
Ryan sniffed, pulling off his coat. You watched from the corner of your eye, not wanting to look over at him. “One of you can have the sofa, and one of you can have the floor.”
You realised he was directing this towards Michael and Dwight, and you furrowed your brow in confusion.
“I’ll take the sofa.” Michael announced, at the same time Dwight called, “I got sofa!”
The two of them began bickering and you trailed your eyes reluctantly back to Ryan’s - once again he was already looking at you. This time you held his gaze, raising your eyebrows questioningly.
“Well we both know you don’t have a spare bed for me.” You told him quietly, so the two bickering boys wouldn’t hear. “So where am I supposed to crash?”
Ryan glanced down at the bed he was sitting on. Oh, he better not...
“It’s a double.” He said with a shrug. “We can even make a barrier of pillows, if you’d like.”
Your mind was slowly starting to spin. He had to be joking, right? He wasn’t seriously expecting you to sleep in his bed - the bed you’d made love and fucked on countless times - with him again? You’d sworn months ago that you’d never even see this apartment again, dammit, and now you were going to be sleeping in it?
You were so exhausted, though, after such a long night of following Michael around, that you found you didn’t even have the energy to argue. You could kick up a fuss and refuse and scream and cry - or you could suck it up, sleep in the bed and get the fuck out of there first thing in the morning.
You sucked in a harsh breath. “I’ll take left.”
You tried to ignore the way his face changed as you said it - he clearly had been expecting a fight. Rather than poking that sleeping bear, however, he wriggled over to the right side of the bed and collapsed down, dramatically gripping his head.
Dwight noticed this. “Would you like me to sing you a song my mother used to sing when we were sick?”
He approached Ryan’s side of the bed, crouching down beside him.
Ryan sighed. “No.”
Softly, Dwight began to sing in a foreign language, ignoring Ryan’s protest. Ignoring them, you undid the buttons of your jacket and kicked off your heels - keeping on the stockings and grey work dress. Not the most comfortable sleep attire, but your other option was to ask to borrow some of Ryan’s and there was no chance of that.
You headed over to the bed, pulling back the covers and sitting down slowly on the mattress. One thing you would give Ryan and his shitty apartment - the bed was nice. It was soft and comfortable and if it wasn’t tainted with so many memories you’d probably be able to sleep no worries at all that night.
You settled down, tucking in under the covers and resting your head on the pillow. You made sure to stay as far to the left side as you could, and you closed your eyes in a desperate attempt to fall asleep as fast as possible.
“Guys, I think my friend Troy might have a drug problem.”
Your eyes shot open. Dwight and Michael were morons, they’d fall for something like that no worries - but you knew exactly what he meant by ‘my friend’. You’d seen the way Ryan had been acting all night - you’d seen the way his pupils had been practically nonexistent. Troy was not the one with a drug problem.
You’d known for a while of course. One of the few times he’d come to your house in the middle of the night, looking for a fuck or a warm bed, most of the time, he’d been acting the exact same way. You’d grabbed his face and studied his eyes closely - it was almost scary. His pupils were just gone. “Are you high?” You’d demanded to know, “What have you been taking?”
What hadn’t he been taking, more like.
The way he was asking, though, was what made you take pause. Ryan sounded almost desperate. He clearly needed advice on how to get help, and a part of you wanted to spring up and offer him your support, to hold his hand through the rehab that you were sure he’d need to go through.
But he wasn’t your boyfriend, anymore.
He wasn’t your responsibility.
So you closed your eyes again and listened as Dwight and Michael gave him horrible advice that only morons like them would follow - Ryan was sober enough to shut it down rather quickly, and then from there he ordered them off to their assigned sleeping quarters.
“Dwight, turn off the light.” Michael ordered from where he’d stretched out on the couch.
“You’re closer.” Dwight muttered back. He was curled up on the floor a few metres away from the bathroom, a pillow tucked under his head and a blanket wrapped around his body.
“I am the boss.” Michael reminded him. “And all that flirting is tiring, you wouldn’t understand.”
Dwight sighed. “Technically, Ryan is the boss here.”
The man in question let out a frustrated groan. “One of you turn off the light and stop. talking.”
They both stayed quiet after that, and Dwight got up to turn off the light, leaving the four of you in the dark. You lay there for a while, staring up at the ceiling and listening to Michael snore. What a way to spend your Friday night.
“You awake?” Ryan mumbled.
You froze. You weren’t exactly sure whether or not to admit that you weren’t asleep, so you remained quiet to see whether he’d continue.
“It was good to see you, Y/N.” He muttered, letting out a sigh and rolling over so he was facing you. Hesitantly, you rolled over too and your eyes met. “I’ve missed you.”
“Ryan.” You whispered. “Why are you doing so many drugs?”
He sighed again. “It’s fun. Or, at least it was, at first. And it’s a good distraction.”
“But now you can’t stop.” You continued for him knowingly. It didn’t matter how much you resented him for treating you the way he did - a part of you did still care for him, and it was upsetting to see him so lost. You’d never seen him like this.
“You don’t get it.” He muttered. “Infinity is a massive failure, I’m all alone in this fucking city and you...”
He trailed off, squaring his jaw. “You made the right choice, you know?”
You didn’t reply for a couple of seconds, unsure of what to say. You and Ryan had been over for months, and you hadn’t even let yourself think about the breakup. You’d distracted yourself with work and babysitting Michael and Dwight most days, and on days when you didn’t have those things around you’d do anything you could to distract yourself. So in a way, you understood what he was going through. But that wasn’t what he needed to hear so you glanced down sadly, then met eyes with him again.
“Goodnight, Ryan.” You said softly, then rolled over to face the other direction again. He lingered in that position for a moment before shifting as well and you assumed he turned back to face the wall. You knew that you’d just hurt him - even when you were together, he struggled to open up.
But you weren’t together anymore. He couldn’t just spring this stuff on you out of nowhere, like you were still dating. Even if...
Even if you still cared. More than anything, you still cared.
But it’s over now.
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livelovelaug-h · 5 years
Imagine your first fight with Jim
 Jim halpert x reader  -- The office
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Dwight's pov
"Can you stop typing so loudly?" 
Jim just looks up at him and then goes back to work. 
"What no comeback today?" Dwight narrows his eyes. 
"well that's good. What is it? had a fight with y/n?? because most office relationships don't last anyways."
"okay, well we're fine so." He says and walks into the kitchen. Dwight looks over at you but you haven't looked up once yet today. That's odd. 
Dwight facing the cameras
They're not going to last very long. Not many office romances do, plus y/n is way out of his league...
Dwight walked over to your desk- "What's wrong with Jim? Are you guys fighting? " 
"Um no we're fine." 
"Lies. Then why aren't you guys talking?" 
"Because we're working."
"I'll get to the bottom of this."
"it's really not a big deal." Michael comes out of his office.
"what's going on here?" He says walking over to you guys.
"y/n and Jim are fighting." Dwight states loudly, making some people gasp.
"is it the sex y/n?"
"Michael- " Jim speaks up. "no. No we're fine"
"I'm just sayin."
"were fine. Why don't we all just get back to work."
"alright you heard Jimbo everybody back to work."
Jim looking at the cameras
Yeah me and y/n are not speaking to each other but it's just over a small disagreement. Why is everyone so interested in this?
Your pov
You looked up at the clock 10 more minutes until lunch! But... since you and Jim are fighting maybe he doesn't want to sit with you. Hmm. You'll just have to sit with the girls today. You walked over to Angela's desk, feelings Jim's eyes on you. 
"Hey Angela can I sit with you at lunch today?" 
"Oh Sure!... So did something happen with you and Jim?" She whispers the last part. 
"No no I just figured I would sit with my friends today."  
~You To the cameras~
It wasn't a complete lie. I did want to sit with my friends. ~
"Okay. You keep telling yourself that and when you're ready to talk about it, I'm here." 
You just stared at her and then walked away. rude.
You went into the kitchen and got your salad out, Angela following suit. You both sit down at the table with Phyllis and Andy coming in.
"Oh hey y/n. You're sitting with us today? " 
 "Uh oh trouble in Paradise" Andy says. 
"No not trouble in Paradise. Just wanted to hang with the girls today there's nothing wrong with that" 
"That's not what Dwight said." 
"Yeah well he's- he's just making assumptions like you guys." Jim walks in quickly looking at you then at everyone else just standing around. 
"What's going on in here." 
"Oh nothing" Phyllis says. 
"O . Kay. Excuse Me Andy." Jim says getting his sandwich out of the fridge starting to walk away.
"Woah you're not staying here for lunch?" 
"No I'm going to eat at my desk I have a lot of work to do." You raised your eyebrows hurt but didn't bother looking at him.
Andy follows jim out ~~ 
"Hey big tuna, anything you wanna tell me?" 
"Well you know you can always talk to me." 
"Thank you andy." 
"No problem…….so … ?" 
"So what ?" 
"Why aren't you and y/n talking?" 
"We had a fight that's all. I'll talk to her soon." 
"Oh what about ?" 
"nothing important."
~Ryan to the cameras~
I've heard the rumors about Jim and y/n. I'm hoping to get close to her and maybe ask her on date or something she may leave him for me. I did like her first.
You were at your desk and Ryan came up:
"Hey y/n can you make me a copy I don't know how to do double sided." 
"Sure it's okay."
You guys went over to the copier. From Jim's pov all it looked like was Ryan was flirting and making you laugh. 
"can you guys keep it down we have people trying to work." Dwight said.  
"Sorry" you still were smiling. 
"So what happened with you and Jim?" 
"We just had a small fight nothing bad." 
"That sucks but I'm here if you need me."  
Michael came out of his office to hand Jim a piece of paper. "Here you guys might need this."
"what's this?"
"phone number to a sex therapist. Wasn't sure if that was a thing but there it was-"
"nooo we don't need that."
He was getting jealous and he couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to talk to you. He got to from his desk walking to the reception area: "Hey I'm sorry about this morning can we talk quickly." 
Jim to the cameras~
Maybe I was overreacting this morning. Why is everyone suddenly flirting with y/n?
"Um sure." You guys head into the kitchen. 
"I shouldn't have said that this morning I'm sorry. if you want to go to LA and do that then that's great and I'm happy for you. I'll come out to see you it's not that long only three months we can make this work." 
"Are you sure I appreciate that but I want you to be honest." 
"I am being 100% serious. I love you. It's your dream job and I'm not going to hold you back from that.." 
"Thank you so much Jim. I love you too." You guys Hug, smiling you guys walk back into the main area. 
"Looks like you two are happy again." 
"Dwight why don't you look into your top drawer." 
"Why???.....- Jim seriously. Now you put my phone in jello? .. MICHAEL!" You laughed hard and Ryan looked down disappointed that you and Jim are on good terms again. 
~Ryan Into the camera~
Am I happy that Jim and y/n made up?  Sure. am I disappointed? Yes, I was hoping to you know strike up a conversation and ask her to dinner but it's cool… I'll get her soon.
Jim to the cameras
I'm going to miss y/n very much like three months?? it's going to be hard but we'll get through this. We will. We're not like other couples, so I'm not too worried about anything. I'm just happy she's getting to do her dream job or at least training to do her dream job.
Tell me what you guys think !!!
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jevaisjeviens · 1 year
Namorando Ryan Howard - Ryan x Header/Leitora
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Parte 1
O pedido
Não houve um pedido formal, ele apenas deduziu que vocês estavam juntos para valer;
Ele não quer informar o RH, mas obviamente todos já estão sabendo pela maneira como vocês se beijam furtivamente na sala de descanso quando pensam que ninguém está olhando;
Você diz: "Não sei do que você está falando, não estou vendo uma aliança no meu dedo" quando ele te chama de "minha gatinha";
Ele dá o braço a torcer e compra um anel simples, nada chamativo, porém bonito, e pergunta se você gostaria de ser a gatinha dele.
Um mês de namoro
Você dorme na casa dele vários dias na semana e ele quer te dar carona todos os dias;
Vocês comemoram o primeiro mês em um bar, mas ele não se lembra de te levar um presente;
Vocês passam muito tempo simplesmente dividindo fones ou ouvindo música juntos;
Ele não é muito de abraços, mas não consegue deixar de te abraçar quando te vê sorrir para ele do outro lado do anexo;
Ele te dá beijos na testa quando vocês precisam se despedir por algum tempo;
Ryan não gosta de ligações, mas liga para dizer boa noite quando vocês não dormem juntos;
Ele escreveu uma poesia para você no final do primeiro mês, mas ficou envergonhado de te mostrar, então guardou na gaveta de suas coisas pessoais.
Dia dos namorados
Ele quer fazer algo diferente, então vocês botam o pé na estrada e vão para outra cidade;
Vocês passam a viagem cantando alto as suas músicas favoritas, e ele ri de todas as suas piadas;
Vocês param em uma cafeteria confortável e bonitinha no meio da caminho e ele tira uma foto sua sorrindo apaixonada, e fica ainda mais apaixonado por você;
Ele não é muito de demonstrações públicas, mas posta fotos que tirou de você distraída durante a viagem em seu facebook com a legenda "my girl <3";
Vocês voltam para Scranton tarde da noite e ele está cansado, então você se oferece para dirigir enquanto ele dorme, e ele aceita;
Você o acorda ao chegar ao apartamento dele, mas Ryan resmunga um "eu te amo" enquanto está sonhando, e você fica toda boba porque foi a primeira vez que ele te disse isso e foi acidental.
Dias perfeitos
Vocês são um casal jovem e gostam de sair bastante para lugares bonitos, Ryan está sempre lotando a memória de sua câmera com fotos suas;
Ele te leva café na sua mesa do trabalho mesmo que você não peça por isso;
Ele gosta de dormir longe, mas todas as vezes durante a madrugada acaba te abraçando enquanto dorme porque se sente protegido inconscientemente;
Você adora vestir as camisetas dele, e todas tem cheiro de canela, menta e nicotina;
Ryan finalmente resolve ler uma de suas poesias para você, mas fica tímido e extremamente inseguro com o que você está achando.
A poesia de Ryan
"Então... é isso aqui que eu sinto por você, mais ou menos";
Você acaba chorando, e ele recebe isso como um elogio e te beija por entre as lágrimas;
A poesia descrevia perfeitamente o que você sentia por ele também, e como não consegue expressar de outra maneira, você acaba dizendo "eu te amo";
Ryan te corresponde com um beijo caloroso e faz com que você deite no peito dele enquanto faz carinho em você;
"Eu sei que você me ama. Eu te amo também, aliás";
Apesar de dizer isso, ele tinha algumas dúvidas se você sentia o mesmo que ele;
Ao saber que estão na mesma sintonia, ele finalmente se sente seguro para se entregar totalmente a você, e agradece internamente porque o relacionamento de vocês é perfeito;
Ele faz você dormir com o carinho e te observa enquanto Radiohead toca ao fundo.
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alexisrosemullens · 7 years
what she says: I'm fine.
what she means: You can't tell me the whole Scranton branch didn't shut when Michael and Holly got married. That they didn't fly out to Colorado to see Michael marry the girl of his dreams. You can't tell me Michael didn't try to get Ryan to be his best man but when Ryan ran away, he asked Dwight instead. That Jim wasn't a groomsman. That Cece wasn't the flower girl. That Andy didn't sing the song Michael and Holly danced to. That Kelly and Andy didn't have another dance off and this time, Andy didn't have to go to the ER. That Phyllis, Pam, and Erin didn't cry when they said I do. That Michael didn't ask Erin for a dance. That the whole office didn't plan a flash mob like at Jim and Pam's wedding. There is no way none of this didn't happen.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
Because I took so long in actually doing these things, and because I’m kinda proud of them, I’ve decided to upload the descriptions for the characters in Young Avengers, a fanfic based on the animated series’ of Disney XD, ignoring SM 2017 and S5 of AA. 
So uh, a lot of writing under read more, here we go:
Civilian Name: Lola Holland-Lokidottir.  Hero/Villain Name: Aura.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Ruby Holland (mother, deceased), Loki Laufeyson (Father), Robert Holland (Older half-brother), Lupe Dalton (Younger half-brother), Thor Odinson (Adopted uncle), Odin (Adopted grandfather), Frigga (adopted grandmother) and Laufey (grandfather). Side: Good. Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Asgard.  Summary: Born to a mortal witch and a god, Lola had a normal childhood until the day a fire wrecked her home, killing her mother and supposedly her older brother, leaving Lola alone in foster care until the day the god of thunder and a boy find her, trying to protect her from the very man meant to protect her..... Voiceclaim: Meg Donnelly. 
Civilian Name: Lupe Dalton-Lokison.  Hero/Villain Name: Trickster.  Age: 11 Years Old.  Family: Silvia Dalton (Mother, deceased), Loki Laufeyson (Father), Lola Holland (Older half-sister), Thor Odinson (Adopted uncle), Odin (Adopted grandfather), Frigga (Adopted grandmother), Laufey (Grandfather) and Theo Bell (Ancestor).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Asgard.  Summary: With his family ancestor rumored to have had a run in with gods before, it doesn't come off as a surprise Lupe is the son of a god. With a happy childhood, everything went wrong when his mother was killed in a car crash, leaving Lupe alone in foster care until the day he's kidnapped by someone working for his father, only to be saved by a girl in green and her friends.... Voiceclaim: Jake Short. 
Civilian Name: Nicola Patterson.  Hero/Villain Name: Artemis.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Michelle Patterson (Mother), Matthew Patterson (Father) and Lewis Patterson (Twin brother).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Born into a crime family, Nicola and her twin brother, Lewis, were trained to be criminals, with their specialty being archery and while they would be some of the best criminals, things would change when they would be caught by Hawkeye and while Lewis would get away, Nicola would end up taken in by Hawkeye when he made a different call.  Voiceclaim: Kimiko Glenn (Reference: Lena from Ducktales 2017). 
Civilian Name: Lewis Patterson.  Hero/Villain Name: Apollo.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Michelle Patterson (Mother), Matthew Patterson (Father) and Nicola Patterson (Twin sister).  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Crime family, Himself.  Summary: Born into a crime family, Lewis and his twin sister, Nicola, were trained to be criminals, with their specialty being archery and while they would be some of the best criminals, they would be caught by Hawkeye and while Lewis would get away, his sister would join the heroes, leaving Lewis to be the sole archer criminal of his family. Voiceclaim: Jenson Ackles (Reference: Red Hood/Jason Todd). 
Civilian Name: Robert Holland.  Hero/Villain Name: Calamity.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Ruby Holland (Mother, deceased), Unnamed late father, Lola Holland (Younger half-sister) and unnamed foster mother.  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Himself.  Summary: The eldest child of Ruby, Robert is a witch like his mother and grew up normally, only having one incident and that was when his sister, Lola, was born, but things only went wrong when a fire wrecked his home and killed his mother and while most assumed he died as well, another witch in reality found him and raised him in her own evil ways.... Voiceclaim: David Henrie. 
Civilian Name: Casimir.  Hero/Villain Name: Lazarus.  Age: 14 Years Old.  Family: Idun (mother) and Yngui (Father).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Young Avengers, Asgard.  Summary: An only child, Casimir found he had magic while younger and soon enough, met Loki who would proceed to teach him all that Loki knew, hoping to use Casimir as a pawn, but Casimir would ultimately go to Earth to warn Thor when Loki goes to collect his demigod children... Voiceclaim: Rick Gomez (Reference: Loki from Tales of Asgard).
Civilian Name: Peggy Rodgers.  Hero/Villain Name: Miss America.  Age: 12 Years Old (physically), Unknown (Biologically).  Family: Steve Rodgers ('Father'/DNA sample) and Doc Oc (creator). Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Red Skull (formerly), Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Created by Doctor Octopus for Red Skull, Peggy would spend time underground as a result, training to be evil until the day that the HYDRA base would be taken down by the Avengers, including the source of her DNA, Captain America... Voiceclaim: Anais Fairweather (Reference: Supergirl).
Civilian Name: Ben Banner.  Hero/Villain Name: Bane.  Age: 13 Years Old (Physically), Unknown (Biologically).  Family: Bruce Banner ('Father'/DNA sample) and Doc Oc (Creator).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): The Leader (formerly), Avengers, Young Avengers, Agents of SMASH.  Summary: Created by Doctor Octopus for the Leader, Ben would spend time underground, training to be evil until the day that the Agents of SMASH would assault the Leaders base, including the source of his DNA, the Hulk.... Voiceclaim: Jeremy Jordan (Reference: Varian from Tangled The Series). 
Civilian Name: Petal Parker.  Hero/Villain Name: Shadow Spider.  Age: 12 Years Old (physically), Unknown (biologically).  Family: Peter Parker ('Father'/DNA sample) and Doc Oc (creator).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Doctor Octopus (formerly), SHIELD, Young Avengers.  Summary: Created by Doctor Octopus, Petal would spend time underground, training to be evil until the day that the two spider heroes would come and save her, including the source of her DNA, Spiderman.... Voiceclaim: Sarah-Nicole Robles (Reference: Luz from Owl House). 
Civilian Name: Zoe Stark.  Hero/Villain Name: Iron Girl.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Phoebe Davey (Mother, deceased), Anthony Stark (Father), Thomas Stark (Twin brother), Howard Stark (Grandfather, deceased) and Maria Stark (Grandmother, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Born from a one night stand, Zoe and her brother grew up with their mother happily until the day a enemy of their father's arrived and killed their mother, kidnapping them and despite being rescued, Zoe's heart was damaged badly... Voiceclaim: Christina Vee (Reference: Ladybug in Miraculous). 
Civilian Name: Thomas Stark.  Hero/Villain Name: None.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Phoebe Davey (Mother, deceased), Anthony Stark (Father), Zoe Stark (Twin sister), Howard Stark (Grandfather, deceased) and Maria Stark (Grandmother, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Born from a one night stand, both he and his sister grew up with their mother happily, until the day a enemy of their father's arrived and killed their mother, kidnapping them and despite being rescued, Thomas' sister's heart was damaged badly.... Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton (Reference: Jack from Transformers Prime).
Civilian Name: Dorothy 'Dot' Wilson.  Hero/Villain Name: Red Falcon.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Coraline Wilson (Mother), Felix Wilson (Father), Jake Wilson (Twin brother), Darlene Wilson (Aunt) and Sam Wilson (Cousin).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Despite growing up normally, Dot and her brother looked up to their cousin greatly and worked to be like him, but were unaware of enemies being after heroes families to use them as weapons.... Voiceclaim: Sofia Wylie (Reference: Iron Heart). 
Civilian Name: Jake Wilson.  Hero/Villain Name: Red Wing.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Coraline Wilson (Mother), Felix Wilson (Father), Dorothy Wilson (Twin sister), Darlene Wilson (Aunt) and Sam Wilson (Cousin). Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Despite growing up normally, Jake and his sister looked up to their cousin greatly and wanted to be like him, but were unaware of enemies being after heroes families to use them as weapons..... Voiceclaim: Issac Ryan Brown (Reference: Gus from Owl House). 
Civilian Name: Lila Jones.  Hero/Villain Name: Slash.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Brandon Jones (Father), Jasmine Jones (Mother, deceased), Destiny Jones (Twin sister), Reene Jones (Younger sister), Unnamed Aunt and Rick Jones (Cousin).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Agents of SMASH.  Summary: Growing up in foster care due to a abusive father, Lila and her sisters were split up in it and had no clue who their cousin was until the day a villain kidnapped them.... Voiceclaim: None, is a mute. 
Civilian Name: Destiny Jones.  Hero/Villain Name: Sparks.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Brandon Jones (Father), Jasmine Jones (Mother, deceased), Lila Jones (Twin sister), Reene Jones (Younger sister), Unnamed Aunt and Rick Jones (Cousin).  Side: God.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Agents of SMASH.  Summary: Growing up in foster care due to a abusive father, Destiny and her sisters were split up in it and had no clue who their cousin was until the day a villain kidnapped them.... Voiceclaim: Zendaya. 
Civilian Name: Reene Jones.  Hero/Villain Name: Gamma Girl.  Age: 12 Years Old.  Family: Brandon Jones (Father), Jasmine Jones (Mother, deceased), Lila and Destiny Jones (Older sisters), Unnamed Aunt and Rick Jones (Cousin).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers, Agents of SMASH.  Summary: Growing up in foster care due to a abusive father, Reene and her sisters were split up in it and had no clue who their cousin was until the day a villain kidnapped them.... Voiceclaim: Izabella Alvarez (Reference: Ronnie Anne from Loud House). 
Civilian Name: Mark Roberts.  Hero/Villain Name: Agent Shadow.  Age: 11 Years Old.  Family: Scott Roberts (Father, deceased), Laura Roberts (Mother, deceased) and Julie Roberts (Older sister, unknown fate). Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Red Room (Formerly), Avengers, Young Avegers, SHIELD.  Summary: Having been taken by the red room when young, Mark grew up learning how to kill and to follow orders, until the day that Black Widow took down the room and took Mark in the aftermath.... Voiceclaim: Zeno Robinson (Reference: Golden Guard from Owl House).
Civilian Name: Leah Cortex.  Hero/Villain Name: Lone Wolf.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Maud Cortex (Mother, deceased) and Jacob Cortex (Father, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): X-Men, Young Avengers.  Summary: A mutant girl, Leah developed similar abilities to X-Men member, Wolverine, and as a result, became a target for the Weapon X Program.... Voiceclaim: Brenda Song (Reference: Anne from Amphibia). 
Civilian Name: April Parker.  Hero/Villain Name: Spider Girl.  Age: 13 Years Old.  Family: Melissa Parker (Mother, deceased), Jordan Parker (Father, deceased), Mary Parker (Aunt, deceased), Richard Parker (Uncle, deceased), Peter Parker (Cousin), Ben Parker (Uncle, deceased) and May Parker (Aunt).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Red Room (Formerly), SHIELD, Young Avengers.  Summary: Having been taken from her parents by the red room while on a trip to Russia, April was raised for some years in the Red Room until she was saved by Black Widow, but when the red room resurfaces, April finds herself being saved by Spiderman.... Voiceclaim: Mae Whitman (Reference: April from TMNT 2012). 
Civilian Name: Pandora Storm.  Hero/Villain Name: Pyro.  Age: 11 Years Old.  Family: Helia Storm (Mother, deceased), Henry Storm (Father, deceased), Franklin Storm (Uncle, deceased), Mary Storm (Aunt, deceased), Sue Richards (Cousin), Johnny Storm (Cousin) and Reed Richards (Cousin-in-law).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Fantastic Four, Young Avengers.  Summary: Having been with her cousins ever since her parents deaths, Pandora did her best to avoid the spotlight, but then came the day of Doctor Doom kidnapping her due to her relations.... Voiceclaim: Haley Tju (Reference: Marcy from Amphibia). 
Civilian Name: Kasey Andrews.  Hero/Villain Name: Ant Girl.  Age: 11 Years Old.  Family: Josh Andrews (Father, deceased) and Katie Andrews (Mother, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Avengers, Young Avengers.  Summary: Her father was an inventor who was close with Ant Man, but despite this, Kasey had a normal life until the day her father was killed for his work and seeking revenge, Kasey used his work to become Ant Girl.... Voiceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld (Reference: Gwen from Spiderman). 
Civilian Name: Victorie Lockson.  Hero/Villain Name: Star Girl.  Age: 14 Years Old.  Family: Molly Lockson (Mother, deceased) and James Lockson (Father, deceased).  Side: Good.  Affiliation(s): Guardians of The Galaxy, Young Avengers.  Summary: Kidnapped by aliens in space trafficking, Victorie would find herself trying to survive until the day she meets the Guardians of The Galaxy.... Voiceclaim: Linda Cardellini (Reference: Wendy from Gravity Falls). 
Civilian Name: Dawn Page.  Hero/Villain Name: Miss Doom.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Brian Page (Father) and Diane Page (Mother).  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Doctor Doom, Latveria.  Summary: A citizen of Latveria, Dawn would live a normal life until the day their ruler, Victor Von Doom, would seek an apprentice and seizing her chance, Dawn would become his apprentice known as Miss Doom.... Voiceclaim: Erica Lindbeck (Reference: Emira from Owl House). 
Civilian Name: Snow McLeon.  Hero/Villain Name: Cyber Girl.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Not Known.  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Red Skull, HYDRA.  Summary: Not much is known about her outside of her being revealed as Red Skull's apprentice when Captain America's clone project failed.  Voiceclaim: Sofia Carson. 
Civilian Name: Mickey Glass.  Hero/Villain Name: Black Hood.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Tommy Glass (Father) and Dana Glass (Mother).  Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): Himself.  Summary: Trained by his assassin family, Mickey would become as good as them and would soon start to have run in's with heroes... Voiceclaim: Ben Schwartz (Reference: Randy Cunningham). 
Civilian Name: Oliver Randy.  Hero/Villain Name: Gamma.  Age: 16 Years Old.  Family: Ryan Randy (Father, deceased) and Rhonda Randy (Mother, deceased). Side: Evil.  Affiliation(s): The Leader.  Summary: A boy kidnapped and experimented on by sciencetists, Oliver would remain in captivity until the day his savior came in the form of The Leader.  Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart. 
Powers/Abilities of them all:
*Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir= Possesses a bit of strength with some stamina and is a little bit immune to the cold and has magic that includes shapeshifting, some illusions, flight, energy blasts, astral projection, telepathy and teleporation and is a training warrior still with a sword.  *Trickster/Lupe Dalton-Lokison= Possesses a bit of strength with some stamina and is a little bit immune to the cold and has magic that includes shapeshifting, some illusions, energy blasts, astral projection, telepathy and teleportation with the ability of forming his own steps and boards and is a training warrior still with daggers.  *Artemis/Nicola Patterson= She is a trained archer and a trained marksman and is a trained runner with strong endurance and stamina and is a expert acrobat and martial artist while being good at weapons.  *Apollo/Lewis Patterson= He is a trained archer and a trained marksman and is a trained runner with strong endurance and stamina and is a expert acrobat and martial artist while being good at weapons.  *Calamity/Robert Holland= Is a trained witch in the dark forces and is good at various magic while being good at fighting in combat and is good at using daggers.  *Lazarus/Casimir= Possesses asgardian strength with asgardian durability and is a magic user who can shapeshift, cast illusions, energy blasts, astral project, telepathy and teleportation and is a training warrior with daggers.  *Miss America/Peggy Rodgers= Due to super soldier serum, she possesses superhuman strength, mobility, resistance and has an advanced healing factor that includes immunity to poisons and such and has advanced longevity and has enhanced mental capacity and she is still training in combat and such. *Bane/Ben Banner= Due to Hulk, Ben has unlimited strength, superhuman leaping, powerful air, durability, stamina, speed, a healing factor, longevity and is immune to alot and a adrenaline rush with adaption to things around him and is still training in combat.  *Shadow Spider/Petal Parker= Due to her cloning, Petal has superhuman strength, endurance, agility, reflexes, stamina, a healing factor, wall crawling, spider-sense and can balance on anything and is training in combat and such.  *Iron Girl/Zoe Stark= A kid genius who is good at engineering and is good at thinking off plans and with her suit, she has arc reactor power and with one on her heart, she has enhanced metabolism and is training in combat.  *Thomas Stark= Doesn't do super-heroing, but works behind the scenes and therefore, is good at computers and technology and knows some basic combat.  *Red Falcon/Dorothy 'Dot' Wilson= Is training in combat and is pretty smart while when it comes to her red wing armor, it can create falcon wings and talons and grant flight while granting sensory systems, enhanced strength and durability.  *Red Wing/Jake Wilson= Is training in combat and is pretty smart while when it comes to his red wing armor, it can create falcon wings and talons and grant flight while granting sensory systems, enhanced strength and durability.  *Gamma Girl/Reene Wilson= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various weapons and uses her main weapon of gamma powered fist gloves, while training in strategies.  *Slash/Lila Jones= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various weapons, with her main weapon being swords.  *Sparks/Destiny Jones= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various weapons and uses a main powered gun as a result.  *Agent Shadow/Mark Roberts= Is trained in various forms of combat and gymnastics and is noted for his speed, agility, strength, stamina and is a good spy who thinks fast and is good at disguises while being good at weapons, mainly his batons.  *Lone Wolf/Leah Cortex= Due to her mutant powers, she has enhanced senses, mainly smell and has enhanced strength and speed while having sharp respectable claws and due to weapon x, has metal over them and her skeleton and has a strong healing ability, and is trained in combat and such.   *Spider Girl/April Parker= Due to the blood transfer, she has superhuman strength, endurance, agility, strength, reflexes, stamina, a healing factor, wall crawling, spider-sense and can balance on anything and is training in combat and such.  *Pyro/Pandora Storm= Due to blood transfer, she has control over fire and can even take on a plasma form that can fly and she can control heat in her surroundings while having durability and is immune to fire and heat and the cold and is still training in combat.  *Ant Girl/Kasey Andrews= Due to her fathers work, she has an ant helmet that allows her to communicate with and control ants and breath when she's small while also using a pym particle blaster and has her size alternation suit that allows her to change size and is noted to be pretty smart and is training in combat. *Star Girl/Victorie Lockson= Has normal amount of strength and is training in various forms of combat while being good with technology and with weapons, possessing elemental blasters as her main one.  *Miss Doom/Dawn Page= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various skills like planning, strategies and leadership and uses weapons in her combat.  *Cyber Girl/Snow McLeon= Is training in various forms of combat and is training in various skills including planning, leadership and technology. *Black Hood/Mickey Glass= Is a trained assassin who is trained in various combat gymnastics and killing methods, being trained in various weapons as well.  *Gamma/Oliver Randy= Due to the experiments, Oliver has unlimited strength, superhuman leaping, powerful air, durability, stamina, speed, a healing factor, longevity and is immune to a lot and can get an adrenaline rush with adaption to things around him and is training in combat and science. 
*Thor= Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir and Trickster/Lupe Dalton-Lokison.  *Loki= Lazarus/Casimir.  *Iron Man= Iron Girl/Zoe Stark and Thomas Stark. *Hulk= Bane/Ben Banner. *She Hulk= Sparks/Destiny Jones. *Scaar= Slash/Lila Jones. *Red Hulk= Gamma Girl/Reene Jones. *Ant Man= Ant Girl/Kasey Andrews. *Captain America= Miss America/Peggy Rodgers. *Hawkeye= Artemis/Nicola Patterson. *Falcon= Red Falcon/Dorothy 'Dot' Wilson and Red Wing/Jake Wilson. *Black Widow= Agent Shadow/Mark Roberts. *Wolverine= Lone Wolf/Leah Cortex. *Spiderman= Spider Girl/April Parker and Shadow Spider/Petal Parker. *Guardians of The Galaxy= Star Girl/Victorie Lockson. *Fantastic Four= Pyro/Pandora Storm. *Doctor Doom= Miss Doom/Dawn Page. *Red Skull= Cyber Girl/Snow McLeon. *The Leader= Gamma/Oliver Randy.
*Aura X Red Falcon. *Artemis X Gamma Girl. *Trickster X Agent Shadow. *Lazarus X Star Girl. *Miss America X Thomas Stark. *Bane X Sparks. *Shadow Spider X Iron Girl. *Red Wing X Spider Girl. *Lone Wolf X Slash. *Ant Girl X Pyro. 
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i-am-vengeance · 6 years
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Moodboards for my fanfic (coming soon!) 
In order:
Jason Todd (Matthew Daddario)
Cassandra Cain (Lana Condor)
Jon Kent (Cody Christian)
Stephanie Brown (Lucy Fry)
Damian Wayne (Ayman Amin, Tyler Posey)
Helena Wayne (Camila Mendes)
Barbara Gordon (Bryce Dallas Howard)
Tim Drake (Ryan Potter)
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elanor-of-imladris · 5 years
21 Things
Tagged by @dylanobrusso   Thank you!
Rules: Answer 21 Questions, then tag 21 people.
Nickname: Ginny (my best friend for fun), Elen, Hope (Chinese Translation, my parents call me by this name)
Zodiac: Gemini sun
Height: 5’4
Last Movie I Saw: Rewatched part of Narnia: The Voyage of Dawn Treader yesterday.
Last Thing I Googled: “zodiac sun moon” (I don’t really know zodiac lol)
Favourite Musicians: I listen randomly and I don’t have an all-time certain preference. Current favourite is One Republic. And I listen to LOTS of English, French and German musicals and various film soundtracks, so maybe Howard Shore and Dove Attia.
Song Stuck In My Head: “Last Kind Words” by our dearest Ryan Brenner (Ben Barnes) from “Jackie and Ryan”.
Other Blogs: Have one on a Chinese fandom platform called Lofter, where I post fanfics in Chinese and some calligraphy/drawing/DIY things.
Followers: 11 (have a little more on some Chinese platforms where I post fanfics in Chinese, really sorry Tumblr, I haven’t written any fanfics in English)
Following: 31
Amount of Sleep: 7-9
Lucky Numbers: idk...? maybe 7 and 21
Dream Job: Writer, calligrapher, photographer, painter.....(I can do various things so I think “artist” would be my dream job lol)
What I am wearing: blouse+hoodie+coat, some school-uniform-trousers (it’s comfortable and I wear it on a daily basis even I am not in school)
Favourite Food: I don’t have “favourite foods”. As a decent Hobbit, I enjoy all delicious foods. Various homemade dishes.
Language: English, Chinese, VERY SIMPLE conversation in French and German.
Can I Play Instruments: Some Chinese instrument called “guzheng”古筝 (systematic trained), and a little piano and guitar (self-learned)
Favourite Song: Again, I don’t have all-time favourites. Current favourite is “Love Runs Out” by OneRepublic.
Random Facts: As I currently live in China, I would die without VPN to have access to Twitter and Tumblr etc; All my friends know I have a huge crush on Ben Barnes and Richard Armitage, I am a HUGE Tolkien and C.S.Lewis fan and I love musicals even if they only know me for about ten minutes. 
Describe Yourself In Aesthetic Things: EEAAAAHHH? Perhaps the campfire and crackling woods, ocean under the moonlight? Haven’t tried describing myself in this way yet and my English is BAD.
Tagging: idk I will just leave this blank.
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oftincturedwords · 2 years
May I ask 7?
ASK MEME ( accepting ! )
Fanfic WIP Ask Game
7. Do you listen to music while writing your WIP? If so, what? Do you have a playlist?
of course you may ask ! i did already answer this one , but i love talking about music i listen to whilst writing so i will just go into more detail ! ^^
as i said in my previous answer to this , i usually listen to songs that elicit a certain emotion in me so that i can write it out in a scene / description for the story , so i thought i would give some of my favourite songs to listen to based upon that !
such as for angst , i usually listen to losing your memory - ryan star , in no time - mutemath , brother - kodaline , in case you don't live forever - ben platt , i found - amber run , rise - boyce avenue , work that way - the east pointers , never let go - bryan adams , lost song - ólafur arnalds , the humbling river - puscifer , the way - zack hemsey , oats in the water - ben howard , etc.
for action / suspense / peril , i usually listen to heatstroke - black math , blood // water - grandson , victory - two steps from hell , fight - all the good things , get up - all the good things , danger zone - kenny loggins , novocaine - fall out boy , etc.
for happiness / happy fluff / good feels , i usually listen to paradise - george ezra , get away - george ezra , shotgun - george ezra , the nights - avicii , gone gone gone - phillip phillips , wintergreen - the east pointers , fear no darkness - adrian von ziegler , flight of the sliverbird - two steps from hell , i'm gonna be ( 500 miles ) - the proclaimers , footloose - kenny loggins , soldier poet king - the oh hellos , someone to you - banners , one foot - walk the moon , send me on my way - rusted root , etc.
these are not comprehensive lists , just a few from my playlists across the board that i happen to listen to the most.
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taylortruther · 3 years
I remember after Jake made those comments about her on Howard Stern, there was a tiny gyllenswift revival on my dash and when Jake and Ryan became friends and we found out how close Taylor actually is to Ryan and Blake there were a few of them hoping for something to spark up, like they were imagining Taylor and Jake at Blake and Ryan's dinner party, but the whole time it was a showmance for their movie and Jake joining the MCU
i think Jake and Ryan's movie came out before Jake was ever part of the MCU, but the fanfic possibilities are still pretty huge. i'm into it
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ourhappylies · 7 years
We Are Working On:
Note: This post will be saved in our bio so anyone can check it at any time! This will have all the fanfics that we are currently working on. On this list, we will also write down the requests you’ve sent it, this will allow you to know if we did receive it and if we’ve started writing it yet! If your request is not on here, please check the tags to see if it has been posted before resending in your request. The numbers on the posts aren’t the order of when they’ll be posted, they’re a note to me about what order they were requested in. Thank you! xx
🍒 Admin Cherry will be writing this one.
🌻 Admin Penelope will be writing this one.
🖊 This request is currently being written.
⛔️ This request hasn’t been started yet.
⏸ This request is on pause (the author is taking a break from this piece).
✅ Completed and has been queued.
🕕 Expect within the week [to be written and put into queue]
Criminal Minds:
🌻 Parts 2-5 of the blind!spencer fic
American Horror Story:
🌻 James March Fluff Alphabet
🌻 “I need a place to stay.” and “That’s tragic.” w/ Tate
The Office:
🌻 Period!Reader w/ Jim Halpert cheering them up
🌻 Ryan Howard helping you with dysphoria
🌻 Loki + Green
🍒Wanda Maximoff fluff alphabet 
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