#fantastic four au
dbnightingale24 · 1 year
Christmas Wish List
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A Johnny Storm One Shot
Surprise @autumnrose40 !!  Okay, so I had planned for this to go with your gift, but as you can tell, that didn’t work out -__- . This is just a small thank you for being there for me all the time, and listen to me cry and vent about any and every thing. Also, I know that things are tricky right now, so I hope this brightens your day a bit! I love you tons and I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you, as always, to @fuckingbye​ for the moodboard and literally everything else that you do. I love you!
Word Count: 11,037 (don’t get used to this)
Warnings: MINORS DNI (18+ Only!!!!!), Fluff, Angst, Bit of A Slow Burn, Drinking, Smoking, Swearing, SMUT, Insecurity, A Bit of Self Loathing, Bits of Depression, Shitty Ex BF...I think that’s it?
Song(s) That Inspired This Story: You’re Here, Where You Should Be
I do not consent to any of my works/stories being posted elsewhere.
You try to get lost in the Christmas music you have playing in your office, trying to block out the music that’s being played from the ballroom down the hallway. It’s not that you don’t want to observe the festivities going on for the holidays, but you just feel that it’s not the best idea.
“You don’t have to keep working,” Susan Storm laughs, causing you to jump just a little as she enters your little office with two drinks in hand. “You should be enjoying the party with the rest of us.”
Or, Mrs. Richards. She doesn’t mind either.
“No, I still have work to do, it’s okay-”
“It’ll still be waiting for you when you get back from your holiday break,” she interrupts softly as she takes a seat at the other side of your desk. “Are you gonna go and see your family?”
“Um, no family to see,” you smile awkwardly. “Parents are gone, lost them in the attack on the towers, and I don’t have much a relationship with my siblings. I’m gonna stick to the tradition I’ve been following for about...six years, now? My friends and I make our favorite foods, have a big dinner, and exchange gifts.” “That sounds like fun,” she smiles, finally putting down the drink she brought in for you.
“You didn’t have to-”
“You work hard, Y/N. I know we don’t always acknowledge it, but Reed and I do see how hard you work, and how you come in earlier or stay later than you have to. You deserve a night of fun, even if you don’t stay for the party, you should enjoy being young. How old are you? 22?”
“You’re kind!” you laugh in disbelief. “I turn 28 this year.”
“Good genes,” you smirk and she laughs.
“Well, no one is going to hold you to all of this work. If you want to, we’d love to have you at the party,” she says with all sincerity before getting up. She looks over on your desk and sees the picture of you and Johnny at the beach from last Summer and smiles before walking away.
The teeth he had pull to get you on that bike. Sometimes, his patience truly amazed you.
It’s not like you don’t want to go, but you’re trying to avoid him. Ever since the night you made a move on him, almost two months ago, you’ve made it a point to avoid Johnny Storm at all costs. It’s not like you didn’t try and stop yourself, but Johnny Storm is just that:
A fucking storm.
However, you didn’t want to be just a notch in his bedpost so, you did the only logical thing your drunk brain could come up with: you ran out of the room like a bat outta hell. You know it didn’t mean anything, so you’re not sure why you keep thinking about it. You were both drunk and said he said some things he couldn’t have possibly meant. Drunk men will do and say anything to get into someone’s pants, and why should he be any different? Because he’s a superhero? Because he’s your best friend? What the hell does that mean to you? Yes, like most women, you think he’s gorgeous and, even though you hate to admit it, you’ve spent more than a few lonely nights getting off to the thought of him and all of the things you’re more than sure he can make you feel.
Unfortunately, for you, it’s so much more than that.
You work for the Fantastic Four, and you have for fours years now. You get to see a side of them that the rest of the world doesn’t, and that’s what made you fall so hard for him. You’ve seen him triumphant and you’ve also seen him defeated. You’ve seen him being the sweetest guy while sober, and the biggest douche while drunk. You’ve seen the temper tantrums, while you’ve also seen him step up and take charge.
You have seen every side of Johnny Storm and you can’t help but love him. You know most people don’t see it (or think it for that matter), or believe it, but he is complex. He struggles with being a son his parents would be proud of (maybe that’s why him and Tony Stark get along so well), while also struggling with his own damn personality. Johnny is a fire by default (superpowers be dammed), and he can’t help but be a little reckless. He’s the youngest and has been spoiled since birth.
He doesn’t know how else to be.
That being said, you don’t know how to turn it off. You don’t know how to not want him. He’s nothing but chaos, but for you? Well, for you, he acts like he’ll move heaven and hell for you.
You don’t know how to stop being in love with him.
As you sip the whiskey neat Susan left you, you wonder how the hell you’ll be able to keep handling this job?
How the hell will you be able to handle Johnny Storm?
Johnny’s P.O.V
Why aren’t you here? I suggested this party just for you. It’s not like I haven’t tried to fight what I feel for you, but it’s...you. Of all the people I expected to fall for, you were who I least expected. Then, I saw you that night a year ago, and you’ve been all I’ve focused on since.
“Johnny, this club is beat!” my date whined before she took a drink of whatever the hell I ordered for her. “Lets go!”
“We’ve only been here for five minutes-”
“And it’s not gonna get any better!”
“Let me finish my drink,” I mumbled, irritated that it was taking me so long to get me to what I wanted.
That’s what I get for hanging around with the crowd that I do.
“Well, make it fast,” she scowled and I rolled my eyes.
It’s not like she was wrong. For a Saturday night, at 11pm, it was pretty dead. Of course, she was scouting for new candidates once I got rid of her, and I just wanted to see if it was anything worth revisiting. I was more than ready to leave as I started to down my drink, but then...
Then, I saw you.
“You can leave if you want. I think I wanna stick this out,” I told my date as I saw you dancing and laughing with your friends to ‘If You Dare’ by Jazmine Sullivan.
“Fine,” she huffed before she ordered another a drink.
I should’ve left, because there was no reason for me to stay. We were friends and I shouldn’t have thought of you in that way. You weren’t like the women I usually dated or flirted with, you stayed focused on your work at all times, you had your priorities straight, you had been through enough and didn’t need me complicating things for you.
You looked so happy and content, and it’d been so long since I’d seen you like that. Yeah, that was on me, but it didn’t matter in that moment. You always wore modest clothes, you never smiled like that while working, you were dancing so freely, and you looked like you didn’t have a care in the world.
I tried, but I just couldn’t look away. As the songs kept playing, and the drinks kept coming, you just became more and more carefree, and it just made me miss you even more.
It’s not like I didn’t believe in real love or relationships, I just didn’t believe in them for me. Seeing you in that moment though...it had me seeing things differently. However, if I’m honest with myself, it started long before that, didn’t it?
“Johnny,” Reed called, pulling my attention away from the X-Games on the screen in front of me, “this is Y/N. Be nice to her, she’s going to help with research and also acting as a receptionist.”
“Don’t tell me you found someone to keep you occupied while Sue is busy,” I chuckled as I looked you over.
You instantly froze at that.
“Johnny!” Reed snapped.
“It was a joke,” I sighed, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“Y-you too, Mr. Storm.”
“God no,” I groaned, “Johnny. Please, call me Johnny!”
“Will do,” you laughed softly, “it’s nice to meet you, Johnny.”
Something abut that small, innocent laugh made something stir inside of me. I made that remark about you keeping Reed busy while Sue was away, because you looked like the type of nerd he’d fall for. I won’t lie though, I did think you were cute. Shy, quiet, anxious, glasses that were slightly too big for your face, a beige sweater that was too big for you, and little black pencil skirt. You were the type of woman I would’ve secretly crushed on in High School.
From that day on, you did your best to stay out of the way. You were kind to everyone, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry or get angry, you were always two hours too early and stayed three hours later than you needed to, and you rarely ever asked for days off. The days when you weren’t in the building felt empty.
I think what changed things for me was how you treated me after the incident with the Silver Surfer.
“Johnny?” you called softly as you came out onto the balcony.
“Stay back, I might fuck you up too,” I scowled, grabbing another beer from the six pack I brought out with me.
“You didn’t fuck up anything, Johnny,” you sighed as you took a seat next to me.
That was the first time I ever heard you curse.
“Tell that to Reed.”
“You went after the Surfer because it was your job. You didn’t do this to yourself.”
“I almost killed-”
“But you didn’t,” you interrupted softly. “Accidents happen. Are you headstrong and cocky? Absolutely,” you smirked and I couldn’t help but scoff, “but you’re also a good guy who loves his sister, his friends, and wants to do what’s best for everyone else. It was just a bad day. All of this will get sorted out and it’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“How do you know?”
“I just do,” you smiled reassuringly before getting up, “I’ll get out of your hair so you can-”
“No....stay...if you don’t mind. It’s nice...having someone to talk to about this. It’s nice...talking to you,” I muttered as I offered you a beer.
We stayed out there for hours, talking about any and everything. That’s when I learned about your family, your awful money hungry siblings, your shitty boyfriend, your love of art, classic and horror movies, and how much you love to cook.
That’s when I learned that I was in love with you.
Fast forward two months and my luck seemed to change just a bit.
“You can’t be here, Tyler!” I heard you snap softly.
“You’re always here!” Tyler responded with a gruff tone that I didn’t appreciate at all.
How the hell could your boyfriend be getting angry with you for doing your job? Especially when he does nothing to contribute!
“It’s a fucking party-”
“Do you not see how many diplomats are here?! This is much more than a party! Deals are being made, help is being asked for, agreements are being-”
“Another fucking night that you’re not home! You’re coming home with me-”
“Let me go!” you almost yelled. “I have a fucking job to do! A job that pays our bills and keeps food in the fridge, since you lost your fucking job! Maybe, if you’d go out-”
“You little bitch! You know that wasn’t my fault! I-”
“You were drunk on the fucking job, Tyler! You got fired because you don’t know how to get your shit together!”
“You think you’re so much fucking better than-”
“Is there a problem here?” I asked as I made my way out onto the terrace.
“Johnny, everything is fine,” you scrambled frantically over to me, “you don’t have to-”
“Who the fuck are you?!” Tyler interrupted.
“A friend,” I warned as my hands flared up.
I didn’t even mean for it to happen, I was just that concerned and angry. God, what the hell were you doing to me?
“Jesus, you’re fucking the Human Torch?!” Tyler snapped.
“You need to leave,” I warned as I made my way over to him, “you weren’t invited and no one wants you here. Leave.”
“Johnny-dammit!” you snapped, touching my shoulder only to find my clothes damn near boiling.
“Fucking stay here if you want,” Tyler snapped, his laugh was condescending, “but I won’t fucking be around when you get back to the apartment. We’re done!” he spat as he stormed off.
“Are you okay?” I asked turning to look at you as soon as he was gone.
“I’m...I’m fine, I’m so sorry...you shouldn’t have had to...fuck!” you winced as clenched your fists, because you forgot all about the burn on your hand.
“Shit! Lets get you inside and wrap that up, okay?”
“No...you go back to the party!” you sobbed as you tried to fight back your tears. “You don’t have to-”
“Hey, lets get you inside, get this wrapped up, and have a few drinks, okay?”
“They’re so many people here to see you-”
“Who gives a shit?” I smirked which gained a small giggle from you. “I have something more important to take care of right now.”
You cried for hours that night and it broke my heart. You hide everything so well, all for the sake of a paycheck, that I sometimes forgot how much you had going on in your life. I forgot about the pain you hid in order to keep your head on straight, the stress you cried yourself to sleep over at night, and the anger you pushed aside so you wouldn’t lose yourself in it.
You make it so easy for people to forget, because you don’t want to inconvenience anyone. You don’t want to feel like you’re a burden, because so many people in your life have made you feel like one. I held you for hours, calmed you down, and convinced you to stay in my room that night. Of course, you protested (not wanting to put me out), but I eventually got you to agree when I lied and told you I usually sleep on the sofa anyway.
I didn’t want you crying all alone in your apartment, and if that asshole would’ve been there when you got home, someone was definitely going to get hurt.
And it wouldn’t have been you or me.
From that day on, I found reasons to be around you. Whether it was keeping you company when you stayed too late, or annoying you until you’d agree to go with me to get lunch.
I don’t know why I was so shocked by how funny you were, but you never failed to make me laugh. Whether it was an offhanded comment, your horrible impersonations of reporters who did stories on the Fantastic Four, or you singing some song you loved off-key, you constantly kept me laughing. You didn’t make a big fuss or catch an attitude when people would crowd around and ask for pictures and autographs, you just stood off to the side and waited for me, always asking if I was okay after all was said and done.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” I scoffed as we got back to the building.
“I know that you love all of the attention that comes with all of this,” you said with that smart-ass smirk of yours, “but I also know that everyone has a limit. It’s a lot to be in the public eye all the time and, on top of that, you’re a superhero. I know how loud it can get in ones brain and I just wanna make sure that you’re okay. You know you don’t have to hide from me,” you smiled up at me, with those big beautiful eyes of yours.
Of course I had to hide from you. Everyone else could see what was happening, except you. I went from wanting to be in your space to needing it. You calmed me, as lame as that sounds. That ego of mine, that always seems to grow by the second, always seemed to come back down to earth when I was around you.
“Johnny, just tell her you like her,” Susan smiled one day when she caught me staring at you from the living area.
“Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
“Cause women like her don’t go for guys like me. She’s too smart for me.”
“I’m sorry, do my ears deceive me? Johnny Storm thinks someone is too good for him?” Ben laughed as he made his way down the hall.
“You don’t have any fucking ears,” I scowled with an eye roll.
“Just tell her, kid. She probably feels the same way-”
“No, she doesn’t. She couldn’t.”
“She spends a lot of time with you for someone who doesn’t feel the same,” Sue encouraged.
“It’s better this way-”
“Just got off the phone with, Stark,” Reed interrupted as he rushed into the hallway, “he and Bruce have discovered a cosmic disturbance and it’s headed...did I miss something? Why are we all looking at Y/N? Is she okay?”
“This is the guy you chose to spend forever with?” I asked Sue with a cocked eyebrow.
“Trust me, I question it sometimes too,” she muttered with an eye roll.
“What am I missing?!”
“Just let it go, buddy,” Ben laughed, “what’s wrong with the world this time?”
After that, I did my best to stay away. It would’ve been best for everyone. I don’t know how to do relationships, and you deserve someone who isn’t emotionally stunted.
At least, that’s what I told myself.
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked one day as you cautiously approached the kitchen.
“What? No. Why would you think that?”
“You just...you seem far away. You don’t come and visit me, we don’t get lunch together anymore, you don’t stay with me after work anymore...”
“You’re perfect,” I sighed, hating how much pain was in your eyes, “I just figured I was becoming a distraction for you. Plus, I know there have been some rumors that we’re dating circling around, and I don’t want you getting hassled.”
“That’s outside. Even in here, you avoid me like the plague. I don’t know, I just feel like we haven’t spent time together in forever.”
“I’ve just had a lot on my mind. There’s a lot going on.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t wanna bother you with it.”
“Johnny, if there’s something I did-”
“It’s not you, sweetheart. I promise.”
God, I hated how sad you looked and I hated that I was the reason for it, but I really felt like it would be for the best. For once, I was trying my hardest not to be selfish. I buried myself in as much work as I could, I went back to dating random models and socialites, and I did my best to avoid you.
“You’re a real asshole, Johnny,” Susan scolded as she made her way into my room.
“Aren’t you supposed to knock before you start harassing someone?”
“Johnny, you’re breaking Y/N’s heart!”
“Stop being so dramatic. I’m sure she’s fine-”
“Then why did I just catch her crying in the research office?”
“What the hell is wrong with you? You spent every waking moment with her, brought her flowers, her favorite foods, stayed late with her every chance you got, and now? Now, you’re back to hooking up with the same airheads and getting into dead end relationships!”
“You finally found someone perfect for you and you’re just letting her go? For what? Because you refuse-”
“SUSAN!” I snapped, tired of hearing all of the wrong reasons I’m staying away. “Just stay out of it.”
“What am I missing here, Johnny?”
“It’s just better this way. She’s better off this way. Whatever she thinks she feels for me will go away.”
“Just stay out of it, Susan, and close the door on your way out.”
I could tell by the way her eye was twitching that she wanted to say more, but just nodded, before leaving and slamming my door shut.
It’s not like it wasn’t hurting me too, but I didn’t do relationships. I never knew how. I didn’t want my first real attempt to be with you, fuck it up, then lose you forever and all together.
You’re entirely too important to me, and if we’re going to be together, I want it to be forever.
So, I pretended to not feel your longing gaze on me when I would walk by, pretended that I didn’t hear quiet sobs at night when you thought we were all off doing something else, and I pretended that I wasn’t the loneliest I’d ever been in my life.
In response to all of the hell I brought upon myself, I was more irritated than usual, more times than not I ignored Reed and did what I thought was best (everyone loved that), I went to pointless parties with empty headed people, and I kept looking for comfort in women whose names I didn’t care to remember.
No, it wasn’t the best solution, but what else could I do? As much as I was pissing everyone else off, they didn’t say anything. Everything was fine until I saw you on that dance floor.
“Those things will kill you,” I smirked, coming up behind you outside as I snapped my fingers and made a small flame appear.
“Mr. Storm!” you gasped as you almost dropped it. “I...I didn’t know you were here.”
“Mr. Storm? Really?” I scoffed as you lit your cigarette with the flame I made you. “When have I ever wanted you to call me that?”
“Things are different now...” you trailed off before you took a drag of your cigarette.
“When did you start that?” I questioned, nodding towards the cigarette.
“Um two months ago? Maybe three, I’m not sure.”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing really, just some shit with my siblings, it’s fine. You should get back to your date-”
“She can wait. What’s going on?”
“Mr. Storm-”
“Stop calling me that.”
“No, it’s better if I don’t. I got too comfortable before-”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did. I don’t know, I thought we were friends-”
“We are friends. You’re my best friend.”
“Best friends don’t just randomly start ignoring each other.”
“I’m sorry. I was going through something and I didn’t know how to talk about it. I’m back though. I miss you.”
“Mr. Storm-”
“Sweetheart, please.”
“Johnny...that really hurt. You just left and you didn’t-”
“I really am sorry, sweetheart. I won’t do it again.”
“I should get back inside,” you sighed as you dropped your cigarette and stomped on it.
“JOHNNY! OVER HERE!” a photographer yelled as he started snapping away.
“Fucks sake-”
“It’s fine, I’ll head back inside-”
“Let me take you back to-”
“ARE YOU TWO BACK ON?!” another photographer yelled, “WHAT’S HER NAME?!”
“Lets get you out of here,” I growled as I hugged you close, covered your face, and got us a cab.
Once we got inside, you didn’t let me go, and it tugged at my heart more than I thought it would.
“I really missed you, Johnny.”
“I know, I missed you too, babe.”
“Don’t leave me again, please.”
“I promise I won’t.”
From that day on, we went back to how we were almost instantly. You even started inviting me over to your place. Once again, everyone was pushing me to ask you out, but being apart of your life again was more than enough for me. I stopped going out so much, my attitude went back normal (which according to Ben wasn’t much better), and stopped partying (which made Sue happy).
Every night that I had those feelings, I took care of it myself, your name softly leaving my lips every time. If all I could do was want you, that was fine by me. I still didn’t trust myself with you and I had no intention of fucking things up again.
At least, that’s what I told myself at the time. Then, two months ago, I ruined everything.
“Why are you still working?” I pouted as I poked my head inside your office.
“Because there’s still work to be done,” you giggled, not even looking up from the screen.
“It’s 11:30 on a Friday. You know you’ll come in tomorrow and finish up-”
“Maybe I’ll take tomorrow off, you never know.”
“Yeah, and do what?” I smirked as you shook your head.
God, you were so damn cute when you got flustered.
“I don’t know. Go to Ithaca and walk down a waterfall.”
“What the hell?”
“You can! I’ve done it before!”
“You’ll have to take me one day,” I laughed, “c’mon, close up shop and lets go.”
“Go where, Johnny? I don’t feel like going to a club, or a bar.”
“I’ll order us some food, we’ll have some drinks, and we’ll watch a movie.”
“We can do that any day.”
“Yes, but I want to do it today. So,” I started as I pushed myself off the door frame, “lets turn all this bullshit off and decide on dinner.”
“Johnny!” you laughed as I pulled you out of your seat.
“You know you’d rather be hanging out with me anyway.”
“You’re nothing but trouble,” you giggled.
“It’s your favorite thing about me.”
Everything was going fine. We ended up getting Chinese food, drinks were flowing, the conversation was great, and we ended up watching the ‘Philadelphia Story’.
At some point, you ended up in my lap, and I was holding you as if I’d never let you go. Yeah, we’d been drinking, but I should’ve known better than to let it get that far in the first damn place.
“Don’t you want that, Johnny?” you softly slurred as you laid your head on my shoulder.
“What? A bunch of tricks and schemes, and a failed wedding?” I laughed, just as drunk as you were as I brushed your hair out of your face.
“No! To rediscover your true love and make it work!”
“Is that you want?”
“I think I just want to find my true love,” you chuckled as your arms snaked up and around my neck.
You felt like home.
“What about you?” you asked softly.
“What about me?”
“What do you want in a soulmate? What are you looking for?”
“I don’t think I’m soulmate material.”
“Of course you are! Everyone is,” you promised sympathetically as one of your hands cupped my cheek.
I should’ve stopped it right then and there, but between the alcohol coursing through my veins and how bad I’ve needed you, I couldn’t have pumped the breaks if I’d wanted to.
“What would I want in a soulmate? Someone like you, I guess.”
“Someone like me?”
“You’re perfect,” I confessed softly as I met your soft gaze.
God, you looked so beautiful. When didn’t you?
“Johnny, you and I both know-”
“You’ve been everything to me for the longest time. If I were looking for someone to spend forever with, it would be you,” I admitted as I tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
In the blink of an eye, your lips were on mine and it felt like heaven. Everything that I had day dreamed of and imagined, came to life in that moment. When your fingers found their way into my hair, I did nothing to stop them. Even with how tight you were gripping my hair, it was still the closest to heaven that I’d ever felt.
“Y/N,” I moaned as you straddled me.
I had every intention to tell you to stop, but it just felt too damn good. Imagine your favorite dream or fantasy finally becoming real.
This was better than that.
“I’ve wanted you for so damn long,” I whispered as I started to trail kissing along the column of your neck. “I’ve needed you.”
“I’m all yours,” you whimpered as your hands traveled down to the hem of my shirt, “I’ve always been yours.”
You broke away for just a second to take my shirt off, and the whimper that left your mouth had me smirking. It was nice to know that you liked what you saw. Once again, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I should’ve stopped, but the thought alone was too much for me. Instead, I reached for your panties and ripped them off, having to remind myself not to get too excited.
“Johnny,” you whined, “thought about having you like this for so long!”
“Fuck,” I growled into your neck, trying not to get too rough when I bit your neck “you fucked this perfect little cunt thinking about me?”
“So many fucking times!” you confessed with a moan as you ground yourself against me.
There was no way I was stopping.
“Lift those arms, baby. Gotta get this fucking shirt off. I need to see all of you,” I begged with a husk.
And that’s when everything changed.
“No...no, no! What the fuck am I doing?!” you questioned as mortification showed all over your face.
“What’s wrong?”
“This is...this is all wrong! Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you almost sobbed as you got off of me. “Fuck!”
“I’m so sorry, Johnny. I have to go,” you sobbed before you ran out of my room.
Since that night, you’ve avoided me like the plague and it’s not like I can be mad at you. I never planned on it going that far, and if it were to ever go that far, I wanted us both to be sober. I can only imagine that you ran off because you didn’t want to be just another trinket.
Another trophy fuck.
Every time I tried to talk about it, you had an excuse not to. Sometimes it was work, other times it had to do with your friends, and sometimes you just told the truth and told me you didn’t wanna talk about it.
I tried to think of a way to make it up to you, but nothing felt right. Flowers felt too small, your favorite food felt like a cop out, and there was no way in hell that you were gonna wanna be alone with me again.I wanted to do something for Halloween, since I know it’s your favorite holiday, but I couldn’t think of anything you’d want to do with me. So, that just left Christmas.
“Sue, why don’t you throw a Christmas party?” I suggested nonchalantly as I sauntered into her office.
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Y/N not speaking to you, would it?”
“She has nothing to do with this. She and I are just fine-”
“You’re a shitty liar when it comes to me, Johnny. So, don’t try it.”
“I just thought it would be nice. We’re invited to every party, but we’ve never thrown one ourselves.”
There was no way in hell that I was about to fess up and say this was all for you. The last thing I needed was everyone giving me unsolicited advice.
“I’m not buying it, but you make a good point,” she sighed as she sat back in her chair. “I’ll talk to Reed about it-”
“You’re not gonna let him be in charge, right?”
“Just because I’m in love with the man, doesn’t mean I’d leave him in charge of any social event,” she scowled and I chuckled.
“Thank you, Sue. I mean it.”
“Whatever is going on between you two will work itself out,” she promised with a reassuring smile.
I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard on anything in my life, or been so damn stressed. I made sure to have all of your favorite foods on the menu, your favorite deserts, and your favorite drinks. I’m more than sure I annoyed the hell out of Sue, but I didn’t give a damn. As long as everything was set up how you would like it, I didn’t care who I pissed off.
Now, everyone is here except for you. Going to see you won’t help anything, but even if you don’t forgive me, I at least want you to enjoy a party that was built around you.
“Johnny, standing in a corner and pouting won’t help anything,” Susan sighs coming up next to me.
“This is her favorite song,” I mutter as ‘Silent Night’ starts playing.
“Is that why three different versions of it are on the playlist?”
“I wanna make sure she hears it.”
“It’s gonna be okay.”
“She’s still not here, Sue. Even if she doesn’t wanna see me...they’re a ton of people here and she’s still not here.”
“What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter.” “Johnny-”
“Just drop it, Sue.”
“Well, give it time. I went to see her and, while I can tell that she’s torn, I think she’s going to show up.”
“How are you so sure?”
“I can just tell. When something is right, it just works out,” she smiles before turning her attention back to the crowd, “Natasha! Bruce! I’m so happy you were able to make it!” she beams before walking off.
I pray that she’s right, because I don’t know what took me so long to realize that you’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to. I know that I can be a real pain in the ass and difficult, but I’m willing to work on myself if it means that I can have forever with you.
I’m willing to do any and everything if it means I can make you mine.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed with the party. All of your favorite foods, you’re more than sure you’ve heard at least four different versions of ‘Silent Night’, every drink option that you love...
It has to be Johnny.
God, why did that night have to happen? Where the hell did your self control go? No, you don’t think Johnny would ever intentionally hurt you, but you also know that Johnny is shit with commitment. It’s not like the man doesn’t try, but you also know that the idea of him being with one person forever terrifies him.
However, that doesn’t change the fact that you miss him so damn much.
You came into the party with the intention of staying out of sight and out of mind, but Ben was in a good mood and pulled you into a conversation about latest research you were helping Reed with until Alicia pulled him away. You tried to get back to your corner of solitude, but somehow, you found everyone wanting to talk to you.
Unbeknownst to you, Reed and Sue had been talking you up. Telling everyone how much they appreciate all the hard work you do, how committed you are to your work, and how your attitude always brightens the mood, no matter how bleak things may seem.
Now, you’re being asked left and right if you’re willing to split your time, if you have any friends that are just as hard working as you, and where you studied Science at (in hopes of finding someone just as dedicated as you). As flattered as you are, you just want to stay in a corner by yourself, quietly scanning the room for Johnny (and whoever he brought as a date), and make sure that he’s happy. For as heartbroken as you’ve been for the last two months, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to see him happy.
Even if it is with someone else.
Sure, you could go and talk to him and put an end to all of this, but that would mean facing him, and you’re not ready for that just yet. Yes, you were both drunk and got swept away, but you don’t know how to handle it the way you think you should yet. The fact of the matter is: you love Johnny Storm. You have been for a while and you had been doing such a good job at hiding it. You’d seen the type of women Johnny fooled around with, and you knew you’d never live up to those standards. Yeah, he remember what he said that night, but he was also drunk and horny. No, he’s not a bad guy, but you’ve seen him play women before by drawing it out even though it was obvious to everyone else that he had no intention of sticking around. You’d like to believe that you were different, but once again, he was drunk and horny.
Accidents happen all the time.
However, you’ve been asking yourself the same question over and over again since the whole thing happened: if you could take any of it back, would you? You come to the same answer every time.
Hell no.
Having some of Johnny was better than having none of him, even if it was only for a moment. So, you told yourself that the next time you see Johnny, you’re going to apologize for your actions, promise him it’ll never happen again, and hope that you two can go back to the way things were.
At least that’s what you keep telling yourself.
After a few more uncomfortable conversations, you’re finally able to grab yourself a drink and make your way back into a corner. It seems silly to be in a corner of a party that seems to be catered around the things you love, but you just feel safer. Being in that room full of high profile diplomats and superheros just doesn’t feel right alone. It won’t feel okay unless Johnny is by your side.
“Why don’t you ever come to any of the parties?” Johnny asked you as he met you outside of your apartment complex. “You’re always invited.”
“Those parties are the last place I belong,” you scoffed as you put on the sunglasses he gifted you last week.
He told he got them for you because he was tired of you blocking out the sun with frames that didn’t suit your face.
“Why do you say that?’
“Cause that’s not me...it’s you,” you motioned towards him.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“You constantly save the world, and you’re ‘Mr. Personality’. That whole thing is your scene, not mine.”
“You’ve been huge help on all of those missions-”
“I’m a behind the scenes kind of woman, Johnny.”
“You don’t have to be. You could go with me,” he offered and you rolled your eyes.
“It’s all fun and games until you leave me for some model-”
“You know better than that, sweetheart. I wouldn’t leave you alone in a crowd, especially when I know how uncomfortable it’d make you.”
“You’d wanna be seen with me over some shiny model?”
“You’d wanna be seen with me over some fuckin’ book about space and atoms?” he questioned with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk as you let out a full bodied laugh. “Why wouldn’t I wanna be seen with you?”
“I’m not the kind of woman you’re ever seen with.”
“That’s because the only time you hangout with me is when we hangout for lunch.”
“When else can we hangout? You’re always busy or fucking.”
“We can hangout whenever you want, just say the word.”
“Yeah okay.”
“I mean it, tell me when you want to hangout and we will.”
“I wouldn’t even know what to do.”
“What are you doing today?”
“Lunch with you and then I was gonna do some more research on-”
“It’s your day off!”
“There’s always more work to be-”
“Yeah no, we’re hanging out. Your schedule has just been cleared. I know exactly what we’re gonna do,” he smirked as he pulled you along with him.
“Trust me!”
Usually, you hate Summer. You don’t like the beaches in New York, so there’s never one to go to. Sure, you can go to Jersey, but it’s always crowded and such a hassle to get to that, by the time you get there, you’re not even in the mood to do anything anymore. So, you usually stay in and do your best to avoid the heat, which is impossible because the city is always filled with too many people.
Summer hadn’t been something you’d enjoyed in a while.
However, that day that you spent with Johnny was one of the best days you’d ever had with him. He took you to one his favorite sports bars, spoiled you just a bit with new glasses and a necklace that he saw you eyeing while you waited for him to get off the phone with Reed, took you to his favorite casual restaurant for lunch, took you to the MET (you couldn’t tell but it made his heart so full to see you so happy), accompanied you on a stroll through Central Park, treated you to a movie, took you to dinner at Carmines (how he knew you’d always wanted to go is something you still don’t know), and ended the night with riding you around on his motorcycle (which only took about 20 minutes worth of convincing).
“See? I’m pretty fun to hangout with,” Johnny smirked as you both leaned against his bike, looking out at the view from the Brooklyn Bridge.
“I had the best day I’ve had in a while,” you smiled, laying your head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry about some of the hell we had to deal with today. The paparazzi and the fans-”
“It wasn’t terrible,” you shrugged. “Yeah, I was completely out of my comfort zone, but I felt safe with you.”
“Yeah, hanging with The Torch has the effect,” he said smugly and you burst out laughing.
“Never refer to yourself that way around me ever again,” you breathed once you finally caught your breath. “It has nothing to do with you being ‘The Human Torch’. I just feel safe with you...I trust you. I always have.”
“Yeah? Enough to go to one of these parties with me?”
“I will go to a party with you, I promise,” you giggled.
“Ready for me to take you home?”
“Lets stay here just a little bit longer?” you begged softy.
“We can do whatever you want, sweetheart.”
You wish you could just go back to that night. Everything was simple, and the both of you were so happy. Now, it’s all a fucking mess.
“Hey,” a familiar voice says softly from behind you. A voice you’ve missed more than you’ll ever be able to put into words.
You told yourself that you’d be gracious about the whole thing that you’d talk to him like an adult. Yet, the second you feel his breath on the back of your neck, you take off running like a deer in the headlights.
In fucking heels no less.
“Y/N! Please!” Johnny yells running after you.
Why are you running? There’s literally no reason to. It’s not like any crimes were committed and you didn’t murder anyone. All you did was almost completely give yourself to the one person your heart burns for.
No big deal.
You’re quick to get inside your office and start pacing, taking deep breaths as you try and calm your nerves. Why can’t you calm down? You can do this! You’ve talked to Johnny about so many things that were much more difficult than this, so what is the problem? You just want him back in your life, so you need to stop hiding from him (literally), and grow up.
“Wh...when the fuck did you...become a fast...fast runner?” Johnny breaths as he leans against your door.
“I’m sorry...” you mumble, toying with fingers and looking at your feet.
“Can you please talk to me? This is insane! It doesn’t have to be like this!”
“I know and I’m sorry, I really am. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about everything, but its turning out to be a lot harder than I thought.”
“Why? Yes, things got...heated, but we’ve always been able to-”
“We’ve never even kissed before, Johnny. That night...it’s not the same.”
“We’ve talked about more complicated things than almost hooking-”
“Johnny, I love you. I am so in love with you and I...I had planned on keeping it to myself, because you don’t do relationships, and that’s fine! I was fine with how we were, but then we kissed and said things...my panties came off...I’ve been wanting to talk to you, but it’s hard, because now you know. I made the first move, I said what I said...I wanted to talk to you, but I just couldn’t be around you yet,” you finish softly.
Wow, that came out a lot easier than you expected.
Since he isn’t responding you keep going, “I’m happy to just be your friend, Johnny. You’re always going to be my best friend, but I know we can’t be together, and I can’t take seeing you with other women yet and-”
“Why not?”
“Why not what? Why can’t I take seeing you with other women? Johnny, I just told you I’m in love with you-”
“No, why can’t we be together?”
“Is that a joke? You don’t-”
“I can-”
“For you, I can do anything,” he promises sincerely as you finally meet his gaze.
“Lets not do this-”
“I love you, Y/N. I love you and I have for a while now. I’ve had a crush on you since I first saw you, and the more I got to know you, the more all of it spiraled out of control. Why do you think I stayed away for those four months? I was trying to get over and distance myself from you, because I didn’t want to fuck all of this up. I didn’t want to ruin your chances with someone else by breaking your heart. I really did my best to leave you alone, but I was miserable without you, which I think speaks volumes about how much I love you. Even with Raye, which we both know it’s because of me that didn’t work out, I wasn’t all that broken up about it. Yeah, I hated that I hurt her, but you saw how quickly I bounced back from that. I can’t bounce back from you, Y/N. I can’t and I don’t want to.”
“I’m loneliest when I’m without you, I’m constantly in a shitty mood when we’re not speaking, whenever I’m out fighting to save the world I’m only thinking of saving you, your laugh is my favorite sound in the world, I listen to your voicemails when we’re not talking because it’s the only thing that soothes me, your touch is what I crave more than anything else in the world, I’m lost when you’re not around...I am so insanely in love with you. I love you to the point that it hurts.”
“If you don’t want this, that’s fine, but I think you do. I think you want this as bad as I do,” he states softly as he makes his way over to you.
“You don’t...you don’t like relationships. You said so yourself that they’re just not for you because you don’t wanna be chained to someone-”
“That was before and it was stupid for me to say that. I don’t know, I just...I don’t feel like that with you, sweetheart. If you want me to stay away, I understand and I’ll do just that,” he promises softly as he stands in front of you.
“I...I didn’t say that,” you confess, looking down at your fingers.
Using his forefinger, he gently lifts your chin so your gaze is on him, “tell me what you want.”
“I want to believe that you want this, because it’s all I’ve been thinking about for a while and...I don’t believe you’d ever hurt me, but I know you, Johnny. I know...how you act and that commitment scares you and I don’t want to be-”
“I wouldn’t say anything if I wasn’t serious about this. Serious about us.”
“There’s no one on this planet, or the others for that matter, that I find more beautiful than you. No one gets me like you do, no one cares for me like you do, no one...loves me like you do, Y/N. I don’t want to be with anyone else, I don’t look at anyone else, and I’m never gonna love anyone the way I love you. You’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to and that’ll never change.”
“Say it again,” you beg softly as he leans in closer.
“You’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to,” he breathes softly, his face a mere few inches from yours, “and that’ll never change.”
Before you have a chance to think of an argument, his lips are on yours and you’re gone. Yes, you still have your fears and reservations, but you miss Johnny. You already missed him when you weren’t around, but now that you’ve kissed him and felt his hands all over you in that way, you crave it more than anything else in the world.
You crave him.
“Johnny,” you moan as he kisses down your neck.
In all honesty, you wanna tell him to stop, but you can’t seem to form the words or remember why. Instead, you wrap your legs around him as he picks you up and places you on your desk. What’s the point of stopping anyway? You believe him and it’s starting to become very clear that you two are no longer able to keep your hands to yourselves when along together.
“I fucking missed you,” Johnny growls, hiking up your skirt then ripping off your panties, “never letting you go again.” “Fuck!” you gasp at the feel of his thumb on your clit.
You’re more than sure the warmth flooding through your body has nothing to do with his power.
“So fucking wet already? We’ve barely gotten started,” he smirks teasing your cunt with his fingers.
“Pl...please,” you whimper softly, “dreamt of this for so long!”
“Tell me what you’ve dreamt of,” he coos as slowly sinks two fingers into your desperate and greedy cunt.
Right now, you love him just as much as you hate him for torturing you.
“Having...having you all to myself, loving me, pulling me...apart, oh my God!” you cry out at the feel of him curling his fingers. “John...Johnny please!”
“Tell me more,” he pushes, picking up his pace just a little, applying just a bit of pressure to clit, which only makes you cry out in pleasure as you start grinding yourself against his fingers. “You’re a fucking dream, babygirl. Tell me!”
“Fuck! I’ve thought about...oh Johnny,” you moan, lulling your head back as you feel a warm sensation on your clit, kicking shoes off and curling your toes.
“Never thought I’d ever have you like this, baby. So fucking perfect, baby. Gotta tell me more or I won’t let you cum, and I can tell just how bad you want to by the way this pussy is squeezing my fingers,” he chuckles, easily sliding in a third.
“No, just Johnny,” he teases as he picks up his pace. “C’mon sweetheart, be a good girl and tell me more!” “Aht! I’ve...I’ve been dreaming of you on your knees eating my pussy while fingering my ass, want...wanna taste you so fucking bad, Johnny!”
“Fuck,” he growls, no longer teasing you, and you can tell he’s desperate to give you whatever you want. “Keep going, babygirl!”
“Dreamt of you fucking me hard and fast, claiming and making me all yours! I wanna feel you so deep inside my pussy, baby!”
“Give it to me, sweetheart! Be a good girl and cum hard for me!”
Your body has been ready to obey anything Johnny has to say for years, so you’re not surprised that you squirt hard on his fingers as the words leave his mouth. You’d be embarrassed, but you’ve wanted this for so long that you just can’t be bothered to feel any shame. All the cards are laid on the table now, so he may as well see every side of you.
Not just the parts that are work appropriate.
Johnny grips your neck with his free hand before puling you upright and crashing his lips into yours, “who knew my perfect girl was so filthy?” he broods once you two break apart, still fucking you through your high.
“Need you, Johnny! Please!”
“I’m gonna take care of you, baby, I promise,” he smirks, removing his fingers and bringing them up to your lips, “open.”
Keeping your gaze on him, you open your mouth and stick your tongue, your pussy clenching around nothing at the feral growl that leaves his mouth.
“Suck ‘em clean, sweetheart,” he commands, as he gets down on his knees.
You feel his breath on your core when you remember, “not here!” you mumble around his fingers. “The cameras!”
You hear him mumble incoherent against your folds and you whine in pure want, needing one of you to come with a solution fast. Thankfully, Johnny’s on his feet almost instantly, taking your hand in his while he removes his fingers from your mouth, and pulls you along with him.
“Follow me, sweetheart,” he broods, practically jogging down the hall.
At least he’s just a desperate for you as you are for him.
He pulls you into the elevator with him, hits a button without even looking at it, before pinning you against the wall and kissing you passionately. One of his hands snakes its way up your skirt, and you moan into the kiss as he starts fucking you with two fingers.
“They’re cameras in here too,” you giggle with a breathy moan as he starts biting and sucking on your neck.
“A little making out in the elevator never hurt anyone,” he smirks before licking the spot he just bit.
“And how about getting fingered?”
“They can’t see that, sweetheart,” he whispers in your ear before biting the shell of it.
Johnny Storm is gonna be the death of you.
When the elevator finally arrives at the floor he selected, you whine in protest when he removes his fingers, and is pulling you out of the elevator. In almost no time at all, he has you pinned against his bedroom wall and is kicking his door closed before getting on his knees.
“You don’t know how much I’ve gotten off to the thought of eating this perfect little pussy, baby,” he groans before licking your clit.
This must be what heaven feels like.
“Oh my fuck...Johnny! Yes!” you cry out, running your fingers through his soft brown locks, gripping them tight before grinding your your pussy against his face.
He easily slides two fingers into your soaked cunt, curling them as they give you a warm sensation. When you feel his lips pulling on your clit, you lull your head back and hike your right leg over his shoulder, granting him better access to your greedy cunt so he can fuck you deeper. His free hand travels up your side, finding yours, and he entwines his fingers with yours.
The small gesture makes your flutter and fall in love even more.
“I love you so much...Johnny! Need to feel you, please!”
Maybe it’s because it’s Christmas, or maybe it’s because he’s just as desperate as you, but your pleas doesn’t fall on deaf ears. He starts licking and sucking on your clit with such ferocity, you won’t be surprised if the whole hears you as you yell his name, a euphoric cloud washing over you as you coat his fingers and lower half of his face with your desire, gaining a grunt of approval from him as he fucks you through your high.
“I will be back down here tonight,” he promises as he kisses his way up your body, unzipping your skirt and letting it fall freely to the ground, “ but right now, I wanna get lost inside of you.”
“Please,” you whisper once he’s on his feet again, unbuckling his belt as quickly as you can.
“You sure you want this, sweetheart?”
“Too late to turn back now, and I don’t want to. I love you and I want this with you, I want everything with you.”
“God, I’ve waited so long to hear you say that,” he smiles before crashing his lips into yours.
Clothes come off easily, and they’re no sounds other than the desperate and hungry kisses you both are giving one another. His skin is heated and his touches are soft and, for the moment, you can’t remember what the hell you were so afraid of. Being here with Johnny, like this, and having him all to yourself is all you’ve ever wanted. You know the fear will come back later when all is said and done, but with the way he looks at you, the way he holds you, and has always looked out for you, it’s hard to believe that he would ever hurt you.
It’s hard to believe that this isn’t meant to be.
“Lay back, baby,” you tell him breathlessly as you softly push him back, “I’m gonna take care of you tonight.”
“You are nothing like I imagined,” he smirks and you laugh softly.
“Is that good or bad?”
“So fucking good,” he broods as you dip down lick the tip of his heated length. “Fuck,” he sighs as he grips the sheets.
“Just relax, baby. Let your good girl make you feel good.”
No, giving Johnny Storm (aka the Human Fucking Torch) a blowjob probably isn’t your best interest, but you’ve dreamed about it too long to not do it.
You smooth your hand over his abs, your pussy clenching around nothing as you try and figure out how you got so lucky, while you’re hand strokes him in an attempt to prepare yourself for his size and length.
“Just relax,” you coo before finally getting your mouth on him, moaning in satisfaction at the taste of him.
“Shit! That’s it, babygirl! Fuck, just like that!” he moans as you start to take as much of him as you can.
Your movements are slow at first, taking more of him bit by bit as you relax your throat to accommodate him, falling in love with the way that you’re making squirm beneath you and breathe heavy. Once you’re finally able to fully accommodate him, you’re unable to to control yourself when you pick up your pace as your hand starts to play with his balls.
“FUCK Y/N!” he proclaims, eyes clenched shut as he tries to control himself.
You run your hand over his his abs in an attempt to calm him, but it’s useless because you’re too worked up yourself. You turn your gaze up towards him to find that his gaze on you is intense and heated. In fact, you’re more than sure you see a little orange tint around his eyes, and it only turns you on more to see how much you’re playing with fire.
“Not gonna....fuck, I’m so....FUCK!” he exclaims, filling your mouth to the brim, bucking his hips a little as he fucks all of it into your mouth.
You ignore the desperate longing between your legs as you do your best to swallow everything he has to offer, wanting to make sure you don’t miss a single drop.
“You okay?” you smirk once you’ve cleaned him to your satisfaction.
“I need to be inside of you right now, get your ass on top of me,” he growls as you giggle.
“Tell me what you want and I’ll do it,” you promise as you straddle him, rocking your hips against his, your soaked lips dragging along his cock.
“I want you to do whatever you want...whatever will make you happy, sweetheart. I’m yours to use however you want,” he moans as his hands start to travel up your body.
“I want to make you as happy as you’ve always made me,” you moan, adjusting yourself so you can align him with your entrance. “I wanna show you just how much I love you...SHIT!” you cry out once you start to slide down on him.
You’ve never been so full and you’re not even half way down.
“Oh my GOD!” you whimper, loving the delicious burn of him stretching you. “Fuck!”
“Never had a cock this big before, sweetheart?” he questions with a cocky grin, with his mouth slightly agape.
“N-no, but...I can t-tell you’ve never been in a pussy t-this tight!” you moan, finally settling against his hips.”Tell me how good it feels baby,” you moan, pressing your hands against his chest, the hairs a welcome comfort as you dig your nails into his pecs.
“Fuck, best pussy I’ve ever been inside of,” groans as he grips your hips tight, the heat radiating from his hands sending you closer to release. “Thought having you like this to myself for so long, and God, you’re better than any fucking fantasy that I ever came up with...fuck! That’s it, baby!” he encourages as you pick up your pace, rolling your hips against him. “So fucking beautiful!”
“S-so fucking close!” you whine, clawing at his chest, finding that spot deep inside that only ever seemed to exist when you used your vibrator. “Aht, aht! YES!” you cry out, squirting hard as you try and ride out your high.
You’re only left in charge for a second before Johnny wraps an arm around yourself, and sits upright which only pushes him in further.
“You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, did you know that?” he broods, gripping your hips before starting fucking into you relentlessly.
“Johnny! Please...feels too good!”
“I’ve been watching you for so long, imagining what it would be like to be worthy of you...your love...fuck, the way this cunt squeezes me!”
“Never felt this good!”
“Gonna spend all night showing you just how much I love you...how much I’ve needed you,” he mumbles into your chest, before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and licking it.
“Fuck!” you gasp, running your hands through his hair as you try to hold on, still tying to recover from the last orgasm.
His tongue is deliciously vicious against your nipple, showing no mercy at your desperate whimpers and pleas, not even when tears start forming in your eyes. You’ve never felt this good in your life, and while you’re more than sure you’ll be sore tomorrow, it’ll be more than worth it. You’ve been waiting for this forever and there’s nothing that could make you regret it.
You’ll never regret giving all of yourself to him.
“Mmm Johnny! Too much!”
“I know you can give me more,” he encourages with a husk, looking up to see you in your blissed out state. “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he groans, his skin getting just a bit hotter, sending you over another euphoric waterfall.
At some point, you’re going to need to remember to invest in aloe.
“Ya know, I don’t think my bed has ever been this wet,” he chuckles, before getting you on your back and starting to fuck into relentlessly. “I think I wanna make this a nightly thing,” he husks, entwining fingers with one of your hands, while the other is planted firmly by your head.
“Oh my GOD!”
“What do you think about that, babygirl? Hmm? Be my good girl during the day....my filthy, desperate little thing at night?”
“Johnny...” you sob, that knot in your core tightening again.
He dips down and whispers against your ear hotly, “I think that’s exactly how it should be. Cause you were made for me, just like I was made for you.”
You feel your legs start to tremble as another orgasm starts to build, and you truly wonder if you’ll be able to last the rest of the night after this one.
“C’mon babygirl, I need it. Please,” he rasps into the crook of your neck as his movements become erratic.
“Too much! I...I...FUCK!”
“Y/N!” he shouts as he fills you with his seed, you squirting on his cock, only soaking the bed even more.
As you fade out of consciousness, you try to remember if you’ve ever felt so full and loved in your life, and you’re pretty sure you haven’t.
“You okay, sweetheart?” you faintly hear him ask, and you only have enough energy to nod. “Did I take it too far for you?” he chuckles and you giggle.
“No baby, I just need a minute, “ you smile up at him. He dips down and starts peppering kisses all over your face and you start laughing, “don’t tell me that you’re a giant softie underneath that giant ego of yours.”
“You know it’s only for you. Its always only ever been for you,” he groans as he pulls out, before laying down beside you and pulling you close.
“And why is that, Johnny Storm?” you question as you lay your head on his chest, feeling secure and like you’re loved.
“Because I love you.”
“Say it again.”
“I love you,” he chuckles before kissing the top of your head.
“I don’t know if I should even bother giving you the actual Christmas gift I got you,” you smirk as you start to press soft kisses along his chest.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he sighs, and you can tell he’s getting worked up all over again.
“Hmm? Why’s that?” you ask, propping yourself up on one arm, while the other softly stokes his chest.
“Because,” he starts, cupping your cheek and stroking it gently, “you were all that I wanted, and it’s been that way for a long time now, Y/N. You were all that I had on my Christmas wish list.”
taglist: @autumnrose40​, @fuckingbye​, @emerald-evans​, @maroonsunrise83​, @whxre4cevans​, @sweetflowerdreams​, @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​, @companionjones​, @pono-pura-vida​, @nomadstucky​, @mazda098​
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baggebythesea · 6 months
She Ra fantastic four Au?
Hmmmm. Hordak almost have to be DOOM, but he really can't keep it up. Might be some humour in that. Especially if we cast Entrapta as Squirrel Girl.
Imp can be Valeria von Doom. I almost never give him a prominent role, so he can be the royal brat, as a treat.
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ivvyela · 2 months
thinking about that theory where peter parker is the mcu's anchor being. and like. the possibilities of it. imagine learning your entire universe's anchor being, the person who pretty much controls the fate of the universe, is some guy who just doesn't exist??? not even dropped off the face of the earth, but there is no proof of this person even existing in the first place???? and maybe strange or the fantastic four or whoever feels responsible for/is tasked with finding and protecting this anchor being but that's kinda hard to do when you have Absolutely Nothing to go off of.
or alternatively, peter himself learning that the entire universe is basically relying on him staying alive, and he already has a lot on his shoulders but this??? having lost everything and everyone and now learning that the weight of the world is literally on his shoulders and fuck!!! he just wanted to be a friendly neighborhood spider-man but that's parker luck for you!!
and like. there's so many ways to take it and i haven't seen anyone considering this and guys. guys. consider it. take it and run with it or what have you. fuck it and throw doctor doom in the mix for the irondad girlies because surely that will be fun.
and i know i know the theory doesn't fully go hand in hand with the mcu cannon but. fuck the cannon. let me scream into the void about this. let me shove it in your faces and hope someone does something with it. let me have my silly where's waldo peter parker anchor being au.
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delicatebarness · 1 month
bridges to burn | chapter one
Summary: Struggling with the pressures of the compound, you seek an escape leading to you meeting another not much less like yourself.
Warning: Sexual Tensions and Implied Sex. Smoking. Uncontrolled Powers.
Word Count: 2030
Spotify Playlist | Support: Ko-FI
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A/N: Flame on? Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
BTB Tags: @mostlymarvelgirl | @preeyansha | @thoughstofaredhead | @barnesxstan | @brckenmemories | @thetorturedbuckydepartment | @chimchoom | @bstan01 | @starkillazz | @lostinspace33
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment | @mrsnikstan | @lanabuckybarnes
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The first few days at the compound you tried to keep to yourself, barely leaving your room. The weight of your situation, and the simmering tension between Bucky and yourself, kept you in your own head, and you found solace in solitude. Yet, as the days went by, the four grey walls of your room started to feel like you were being locked within The Raft. 
The compound was quiet one restless night, and you decided you needed to get outside and fill your lungs with fresh air. The halls were empty as you slipped out of your room, making your way toward the grounds. The cold air of night soothed your flaring skin, a welcomed change from the suffocating indoors. 
As you reached a secluded spot near the edge of the property, you pulled out a cigarette. Fishing through your pockets, your frustration grew as you realized you’d forgotten your lighter. Quickly glancing around, you contemplated using your powers, but the fear of losing control held you back. 
Suddenly, you heard a soft click behind you. As you turned your hand began glowing as you raised it toward the sound, and you saw a man, not much older than yourself, standing there, his thumb ablaze with a small, controlled flame.  He was tall, with a chiseled jawline and an easy, confident grin. He was, clearly, the type of guy who knew exactly how good he looked and wasn’t shy about it. 
“Need a light?” he asked, the flame dancing merrily.
You couldn’t help the smile spreading across your face at the unexpected assistance. “Yeah, actually. Thanks–” you said, leaning in to light your cigarette. The tension in your shoulders eased as you took a drag, then exhaled slowly. 
“I’m Johny,” he introduced himself, extinguishing the flame with a casual flick of his wrist, “Johnny Storm.” 
Recognizing the name, you raised an eyebrow toward him. “Wait, Johnny Storm? As in, The Human Torch, Johnny Storm?” 
“The one and only,” he said with a mock bow before shooting you a wink. “And, you must be Stark’s daughter. I’ve heard a bit about you.” 
“Yeah, that’s me,” you nodded, your tone filled with annoyance. “I’m still getting used to this place, and just needed some fresh air.” 
Leaning against a nearby tree, Johnny's posture relaxed. “I get that. This place can be a lot. Especially with all the… expectations.” 
“Tell me about it,” you muttered, taking another drag. “It feels like I’ve been under a microscope since I got here.” 
Johnny nodded sympathetically. “It’s not easy being part of a team, especially when everyone is watching your every move,” he paused, sending you a knowing look. “But, it’s not all bad, just gotta find your own rhythm.” 
Appreciating his straightforwardness, you chuckled slightly. “It’s just… I’ve never been known for playing by the rules.” 
“Rules are overrated,” he replied, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Sometimes you’ve got to break a few to get where you’re going.” 
You smiled, and a feeling of ease coursed through your body. “I think I’m going to like you, Flame Boy.” 
He flashed that grin again, his gaze wandering over your figure, lingering a moment longer. “The feeling’s mutual, Firecracker,” he said with a playful smirk. “And by the way… you’re hot.” 
You rolled your eyes, taking his comment in stride. “Was that supposed to be a compliment, or are you just making a play on this?” Smirking, you let your irises begin to shift, their usual coloring draining away as they ignited into a fiery, glowing orange. 
Johnny’s smirk only widened as he witnessed the transformation in your eyes. “Oh, I definitely meant it as a compliment,” he said, a notch dropping in his voice. Taking a step closer, his played demeanor added a new edge of curiosity. “I bet you’re full of surprises, Firecracker.” 
You smirked, and Johnny’s eyes lingered on your glowing irises for another moment, intrigued. “Well, it has been a pleasure, but I should probably get back before Reed sends out another search party,” he quipped, flashing that grin once more. 
With a wink, Johnny stepped back, his hands raising in a casual wave. “Flame one!” he called, and instantly his body ignited in a brilliant, controlled blaze. The heat radiating from him would have been intense if you weren’t already accustomed to it. You watched in awe as the flame flickered and danced around him like they had a life of their own. Shooting into the air, he left a trail of fire as he soared back toward the compound, the fiery streak cut through the dark sky. 
As you continued to watch him disappear into the night, a voice from the shadows startled you. 
“He’s an idiot,” the low, gravelly voice of Bucky cut through the quiet, causing your entire body to flinch slightly. 
Turning sharply to see him stepping out from behind a tree, you snapped, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” The smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, revealed by the dim light of the compound, illuminating his features. 
“I’m doing my job, babysitting a dumb little princess,” Bucky replied, his tone dry and laced with sarcasm. For a moment, his eyes flicked down to the cigarette in your hand, and his expression changed, now holding disapproval in his features. “Shouldn’t smoke: Bad for your lungs.” 
The tension simmered just below the surface as you narrowed your eyes at him. “Good job they repair themselves then, isn’t it?” you shot back, defiance edged in your voice. 
“Are you always so quick to talk back?” he asked, eyebrow raised, clearly unimpressed but slightly amused. 
“It comes with the surname,” you retorted, the glow in your eyes beginning to fade as you lifted your chin in defiance. 
Bucky took a step closer, hardening his expression. “When Stark said I’d be babysitting, I figured a quiet, sweet kid, not… whatever you are,” he smirked, voice dripping with sarcasm. 
“Ouch,” you replied with an exaggerated wince, feigning a hurt expression. “You really know how to make a girl feel special, and here I thought we were bonding.” 
Tilting his head slightly, Bucky’s gaze unwavering. “I should have known Stark couldn’t produce anything but a little brat.” 
“Hey,” you snapped, your temper beginning to flare as you took a step closer to him, almost closing the distance between you. “You haven’t earned the right to call me that yet.” 
“Yet?” Bucky echoed, his smirk growing as a challenge flashed in his eyes. 
For a moment, neither of you moved, the tensions locked you in a silent battle of wills. Neither one of you was backing down, your eyes daring each other to make the next move. 
Bucky’s gaze was intense, his eyes searching deeply into yours as if trying to figure you out. Finally, he broke the silence, his voice low and filled with annoyance. “Just stay out of trouble, Princess. I’m not here to play games.” 
“Please,” you let out a short laugh, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms over your chest. “If anyone’s trouble around here, it’s you… Winter Soldier.” 
His smirk returned, this time more amused than before. “At least I know what I'm doing. You? You’re a walking hazard waiting to happen.” 
You couldn’t let him see that his words stung more than you’d like to admit. Your heart pounded against your chest, and you couldn’t place the tightening in your throat. The space between you dwindled to almost nothing as the frustration bubbled up within you, threatening to spill. 
“You don’t know a damn thing about me,” you hissed, your voice remaining steady despite the storm brewing inside you. You managed to keep your composure, refusing to let him see you rattled. 
His face was mere inches from yours, his proximity caused you to feel his breath against your skin, and his voice was low, almost a growl.  “I don’t have to know you to see what’s right in front of me,” he replied, his tone cold and unyielding. 
His words lingered, sharp and cutting, leaving you torn. For another moment, you stood there, breathing beginning to pick up pace and eyes locked in a fierce stare. But, something shifted in Bucky’s gaze– a flicker of something softer. His jaw tightened as he broke the stare, glancing away toward the compound. 
“Look,” he muttered, his voice gruff and lacking the earlier bite. “I’m not here to make your life hell. I just… I’ve seen what happens when people are careless. I don’t want that for you.” 
Surprised, your defenses faltered for a brief second. Shaking your head, you quickly rebuilt them, refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had gotten through to you, even if for a second. 
“I can take care of myself,” you scoffed. “I’ve been doing it for a long time.” 
Carrying a weight, heavier than either of you would admit, the words hung between you. Creating a distance, Bucky turned, stepping back, a relieving yet strangely disorienting feeling rushed through your body. 
“Just… be careful,” he said over his shoulder, his voice almost reluctant. Before waiting for a response, Bucky walked back off into the shadows, leaving you standing, the night feeling colder than ever before. 
Your mind raced with everything that had just happened, and for a moment longer, you stood there, staring after him. And, the more you thought about the conversation, the more frustrated you became. 
Then, with a sigh, you stomped out your cigarette, embers hissing as they met the ground. Your thoughts churned as you turned on your heel and made your way back to the compound. 
Back inside the compound, the halls remained quiet as you wandered back to your room, your mind replaying the confrontation with Bucky. Wrapped up in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the large figure leaning against the wall until you almost walked into him. 
“Woah there, Firecracker,” the playful voice of Johnny snapped you out of your daze. Stopping short, you looked up to see his grin, the same one that had begun etching itself into your memory. 
“J-Johnny,” you shuttered, more of a surprise than anything else. 
“Fancy meeting you here,” he quipped, his eyes sparking with mischief before sending you a wink. “What’s got you so deep in thought? Looked like you were about to walk right through me.” 
For a moment, you hesitated, but then you shook your head, deciding to not burden him with the Bucky situation. “Nothing I can’t handle,” you replied, forcing a smirk across your lips, matching his energy.
Clearly unconvinced, Johnny raised an eyebrow but did not press further. Instead, pushed his body off the wall and took a step closer, his gaze scanned your face as if he was trying to read what you weren’t saying. 
“Well… if you’re ever looking for a distraction,” he began, his tone dropping to something slightly more serious. “I’d be more than happy to oblige.” 
You couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at your lips, grow. There was something about Johnny that made it hard to stay angry but also, made you want to release all that fury and chaos swirling within you, out on him. 
“Is that right?” you teased, your eyes meeting his, an unspoken understanding charging the air between you. 
“Absolutely,” Johnny replied in a low voice, his once playful manner giving way to something more intense. “So, what do you say, Firecracker? Wanna blow off some steam?” 
You felt your heart skip a beat, but the double meaning in his words did not get lost on you. And, without fully thinking it through, you grabbed Johnny by the front of his suit, pulling him closer. 
“Come on, Flame Boy,” you murmured, your voice low and barely a whisper. “I’ve got just the place.” 
Without waiting for his response, you led him through the halls toward your room. His surprise quickly morphed into anticipation as he followed. Then, when you reached your door, you pushed it open and pulled the man inside with you. 
Right then, you didn’t want to think. Not about Bucky, the compound, nor the weight of your own existence. Just the fire, and the heat. 
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Hangover 5
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, other possible triggers. Proceed with caution.
Please leave any and all feedback! 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Part of The Club AU
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You help Will fold his laundry. You refuse to do all of it but he’s brought enough that you feel bad letting him do it by himself. Besides, it’s a good opportunity to chat. A better one to distract yourself. 
Despite the time passed, a whole night, and your best efforts, you can’t shake your drive with Officer Storm. It’s impossible to forget the cold air and your nakedness. The humiliation lingers and has you restless. As you tuck away the last pair of socks in Will’s bag, you wince as he says, “mom?” 
“Yeah, what’s up?” You step back. 
“You okay? You been quiet.” 
“Oh, yeah, yeah, just tired,” you muster a smile, “work has been a bit much, you know?” 
“Right, yeah,” you see the flicker of guilt in his eyes, “mom...” 
You laugh, but not meanly, “how much do you need, honey?” 
“I’m sorry--” 
“Don’t be,” you wave off his apology. He shouldn’t be sorry. You know he’s only asking you because his father said no. You’re bum ex can’t be arsed to pay any tuition, so why would he cover any other expenses. “I’m sure I can figure something out.” 
“Yeah, you know, I wouldn’t ask unless... unless I really needed it. There’s this internship. It’s like kinda a grant but there’s an application fee so...” 
“It’s good,” you pat his bones chest, “Will, it’s money. If you happy and healthy, I’m happy.” 
He smiles offers a one-armed hug. For a boy his age, that’s a big gesture. You accept it but can’t help making it two-armed. You squeeze him tighter than you mean too and he wheezes as you cling to him. 
“Mom! I was just home two week ago.” 
“I know, honey, I just... missed you,” you stay as you are. He sighs and wraps you up. You rock him, closing your eyes against the sudden swell of heat behind them. “I love you so much.” 
“Mom, I know,” confusion laces his voice, “Mom,” he rubs your back, “I love you too.” 
You sniffle and dip your head down, hiding as you draw away from him. You roll your eyes back against your tears. You hold onto that feeling, of your son’s hug, it’s enough to chase away that heavy weight in your hips where Officer Storm had held you. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He scoffs. 
“Yeah, I... menopause,” you laugh off but it’s not as breezy as you intend. “Old ladies and their hormones.” 
“Right,” a shade of skepticism lingers in his voice. 
The doorbell rings suddenly and you both jump, laughing at the fright. You shake your head and tramp down the hall to answer it. Will hovers in the doorway but doesn’t follow.  
You open the door and nearly shriek. It’s him. Officer Storm. He smirks and his eyes twinkle. He winks and tilts his head pompously, reciting your name. 
You gulp, “sir?” 
“Mom? Is that a cop?” Will comes down towards you. 
“Ah, don’t worry about it, son,” Storm says, “I’m just doing my good deed for the day.” He flicks up a card between his thick fingers, “this was turned in down at the station. A king samaritan found it on the pavement.” 
You fight a tremour as it rises, “thank you, officer.” 
“Not at all, ma’am,” he holds it out between his index and middle fingers. 
You take it and look at it. It’s your ID. Or maybe it’s a trick. 
“Everything okay?” Storm asks. 
You flinch and nod, “of course. I appreciate you bringing this by.” 
“That’s what I do,” he winks. “You have a good day.” 
He nods and backs up. His eyes rove up and down before he turns and struts away. He has the type of swagger men who don’t last more than a minute have. You shudder and shut the door. 
“Nice of him,” Will says. 
“Sure,” you agree as you twist the lock into place. 
You turn back and walk to the kitchen. As you grab your purse, you can barely get it undone. You remember picking it up from the car seat, the bite of frost in the air, the noise of the police scanner. Your wallet falls out of your grasp as you pull it through the zipper. 
“Mom,” Will says, “you’re shaking.” 
“I’m fine,” you insist sharply, “I just... I didn’t sleep well. I need a coffee.” 
He stares at you, concerned tautening his jaw. You look back at him and nearly whimper. He isn’t much younger than that officer. A decade at most between them. Could he be like that? Officer Johnny is someone’s son too and he did that to you, someone’s mother. 
“Want me to make you one?” Will sounds afraid. 
“Please, sweetie, yes,” you bend to retrieve your wallet, your lower back twanging with the effort. You fall to your knees and whine, “shit.” 
“Mom!” Will grabs onto your arm, “what is it?” 
“My back,” you snivel, “ow, shoot. “ 
You can’t stand. It hurts too much. Your hips lock as you stay on your knees. You peer down at the floor. You can only see the cold ground lit by yellow headlights. You back seizes up again. 
“Mom, please, get up,” Will begs. 
“I-- I can’t, honey, you’re going to have to help me.” 
“What happened--” 
“Work,” you grit out, “please,” you reach to grab his forearm and manage to drag a leg out and plant your foot, “just put me on the couch.” 
You latch on and he grunts as he helps you up. Any man, even one as slim as him, is stronger than you. You lean on him heavily and waddle stiffly, moaning with each step, and nearly collapse onto the couch. He lifts your legs onto the cushions as you whimper. 
Will steps back and stands straight. He looks at you with worry woven between his brows, “mom...” 
“Hon, I’m fine. Just some advil... and coffee, please, if you don’t mind.” 
“I... I can’t stay past tonight. I have a midterm.” 
“I know, honey, don’t worry about that. I’ll be fine,” you assure him through your teeth, struggling to shift into a position that doesn’t hurt. “Really, I just need to sleep it off.” 
He frowns. You hold back a similar expression though you know you must look miserable already. You hate that he’s worried. He shouldn’t be. You're his mother, you’re supposed to worry about him. It’s just another flare up, it’s okay. 
Just like Officer Storm, it’ll go away. 
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mustasekittens · 4 months
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hes working hard to make up for the fact that his last couple interactions with spider-man were absolute fumbles
part 1 | part 2 | suereed madney
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rraaaarrl · 4 days
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The Experiment was a Success (or Was It?)
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vnessakrby · 3 days
sue storm and the fantastic blues 💙
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— susan storm, chelsea fc' midfielder in the 1960's
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a Maker and a Breaker; a Builder of New Universes and a Destroyer of Broken Wheels...
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jackiequick · 1 month
— But I Like It And It’s All Because Of You | Marvel Fanfic
Before they were Stevella, they were Johnny Storm & Sophia Barbaro
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Pairing: Johnny Storm x OC, Johnny Storm x Sophia Barbaro
Fic length: Short Blurb
Universe: Marvel Comics (Earth 37)
Summary: What happens on another timeline, where our beloved couple were AU versions of themselves in a way different universe? Or maybe they are in our tale already? In other words the half-ass nurse and her fire filled boyfriend.
It’s been a few days since the incident happened, as he felt his molecules got struck and rearranged before knock out, cold the rest of his family and friends.
But when Johnny woke up, he felt nice.
Hell, he was better than fine!
He was great. Despite the nurses and doctors who checked in on him, telling him to stay at the medical center to get rest. Yeah sure the first few moments he woke up he was groggy and a little whipped out but other than that he felt great.
He was getting himself into a red tracksuit for the snowy weather a few kilometers away, from the main medical clinic where he was staying. That was when he paused seeing the nurse who walked in.
“Woah, woah, woah, where do we think we’re going?” She asked.
Johnny held a cheeky grin towards her. Her dark hair from her light tan skin and soft brown eyes made him go hot.
God she is pretty…
“I don’t know if we noticed, babe, but the sickest runs on this side of the alps are right outside that window.” He remarked strapping on his cherry red sweater.
“Yeah I noticed but there are rules here, you can’t leave...” She explained walking over to him with a small smile but she was cuff off.
“Until we finish the test. I know but I never been good with rules. You let me know how those come out.”
She crossed her arms chuckling lightly at him.
He paused and smirked, “Wanna help me with the zipper?”
“This is not a ski resort, Mr. Storm.” She remarked.
“Ah ‘Mr. Storm’, I like the sound of that leaving your gorgeous lips.”
“You can’t lie, you like the sound of it.”
“Again, not a ski resort. Sit your butt down.”
Johnny smirk tuned into grin as he sat down on the bed, “Ooh, yes ma’am. I like a woman with a commanding tone. As for your answer, it’s not a ski resort, yet! Luckily grandma still sends care packages through, you’ll be surprised for an 80 year old woman you—gah!”
Sophia stuck the thermometer in his mouth to shut him up and take his temperature. She giggled seeing his reaction before his face relaxed.
“You are trouble.” She smirked chuckling.
“Mhm, trouble is my middle name.” He remarked talking with thermometer in his mouth.
She noticed the temperature rising on the scans and said, “Oh you’re hot!”
“Why thank you, so are you.” He added, “And I’m not afraid to cry.”
“No, I mean you feel a little feverish..”
“Well I never felt better in my life. My god, you smell good, listen.”
He took her hand that was resting on his cheek and lowered it to play with her hands as he removed the thermometer from his mouth. She blushed a slight bit and raised an eyebrow, still a bit concerned about his very hot body.
“When you get off work?” He continued.
“4 but I..” She repiled.
“Tell you what, babe, you meet me at 4:01 at the mountain.”
He kept talking standing up from bed, grabbing his equipment for skiing and walked around.
“I’ll give you a minute to freshen up.” He continued, hell he took the thermometer that was in his mouth and placed it in her front pocket ever so gently, “This is yours.” Then he pressed a quick kiss to her lips, “That’s mine.”
He mumbled the word ‘nurses’ under his breath as he walked out of the room. Sophia stood there with a soft smile on her face, trying to not laugh shaking her head.
God he is cute…
She looked at the thermometer that held his temperature and the machine beating. His core temperature was 209 degrees. Oh that’s new and rather got. His energy level was hot.
Later on, the two of them were dressed in ski clothes riding a helicopter across the mountains. The radio was playing some 2000s punk band as the hover above one another.
Johnny dressed in fire engine red and black, meanwhile Soph was dressed in deep rosy pinks and dark browns.
The two laughed at the wildness of it all.
Once they reached the drop point, turn to the pilot and Johnny shouted, “Alright you should stay to the right. The left might give you trouble. I think we should drop like 10 more feet.”
The pilot nodded.
Sophia chuckled and shouted, “We’ll be fine. Let’s make a bet.”
Johnny smirked, “I’m listening! What we talkin’?”
“Last one down springs for room service.”
“Your on.”
Before the blonde could say anything else, she flipped her body forward and lunched into the snow below them. Her screams echoed through the sky as laughter filled the air around them. Johnny grinned at that.
He looked over his shoulder at the pilot and proudly shouted, “That’s my future wife!”
With that, he lunched forward into the snow and began sliding down the mountain on his board. She looked over her shoulder and chuckled.
“You’re pretty good at this!” Sophia yelled skiing down.
He laughed, “Not so bad yourself, babe!”
“You’ll be losing soon.”
“Ha! All right. No more kid’s stuff. Watch this!”
Johnny shouted for her to check out his smooth moves as she flipped and swung around the snow. But as he kept going, he started sparking flames across his body.
He didn’t even notice.
“Woah! You’re on fire!” Sophia shouted across from him, skiing off to the side. There was a hint of panic in her voice.
Johnny shouted, “Thanks! You’re pretty amazing too.”
“No, your on literal fire! Look!”
Johnny noticed the fire raging across him and spike up his body trying to escape the flames, but instead started sliding down the mountain even harder, and further.
Sophia wasn’t watching where she was going either as she stifled against the sight of smoke and snow in front of her. She went tumbling onto the ground.
The blonde looked over his shoulder hearing her voice but couldn’t stop his ski board from sliding down the mountain despite all his weight. It didn’t help the situation as the fire engulf him, his eyes widened flying off the cliff straight into a thick cloud of snow and dust.
He coughed and sucked in a small breath in surprise noticing a big hole around him. He was out of his element, wearing nothing but his birthday suit surrounded by the pool of steaming hot water, within the area of snow.
Soon enough, down slid Sophia coming to a stop in front of her. She removed her ski mask to get a better view of him waist deep in the water.
“Care to join me?” Johnny asked, hands above his head breathing heavily. The shock still lingered over his eyes.
She furrowed her eyebrows lightly chuckling, “You serious?”
“To be fair, this wasn’t how I planned our time in the hot tub would be.”
“Is that so?”
“I was planning wine and cheese for dinner tonight at the hotel while we cruised in the hot tub.”
Johnny smirked and shrugged, a slight sheepish expression on his face. He totally expects for her to back out on him.
“What do you say? Start our plans early?” He asked once again.
Sophia grinned and shrugged at the idea, “Why not?”
She dropped her ski poles onto the ground and removed her cap.
Let’s just say things got steamy…
Omggg I had to try out this new game of AUs for couples. P. S. her father owns The Baxter Building 😉
Pls let me know what you think 💭
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @cherrysft @missstrawbs2001 @mandylove1000 @eliohasmyheart @terry-perry @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @parisparker269 @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @fluffystevefest @savemewattpad @lazywolfwiccan @daughter-of-melpomene @fototingobug @ocappreciation @ximehs and etc
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bonefall · 6 months
When Thunder stays with Clear Sky for a while, does Clear ever insist on referring to him as Thunder Sky?
Towards the end yes, as the final detail to Thunder Storm that Clear Sky doesn't love him. He wants to ERASE him.
If Clear Sky recognizes he's made a mistake in casting Bright Storm away with their child, he's incapable of seeing it was wrong because it was cruel. He wants what he realizes he threw away, because he now sees it has value. He wants to own his oldest son the way he wants to own the entire forest-- as a reflection of his greatness.
Anything that makes Clear Sky uncomfortable about Thunder Storm has to be sanded down. The assertiveness was the first thing, he feels insecure when he's challenged, the child must learn to follow before he may learn to lead.
The second is that leg, presenting a prosthetic as a gift (that he isnt allowed to refuse), because he can't have been wrong about the choice that killed his younger brother-- here is a SOLUTION that simply didn't exist before! Behold how resourceful and wealthy his cats are, compared to your old group. We've fixed you.
(This prosthetic is a clunky piece of shit that is annoying to strap on every day, gets in the way and makes a ton of noise, and itches like hell, but the change in Clear's demeanor is immediate if Thunder doesn't wear it.)
But somehow, Thunder Storm was willing to take all of that. In hindsight, it bothers him that the tipping point wasn't the other two things.
Bright Storm gave her son her own last name. When Clear Sky sent them away and the Mountain Cats permanently split, it was pointed. "My only survivor is named for myself." SHE would raise him, alone.
Bright Storm herself slowly seemed to lose sight of the meaning, encouraging him to understand his father's good aspects, but in the meanwhile it took on a new meaning to Thunder. His mother raised him. He found a father in Shaded Flower. He grew up next to Lightning Cry and Acorn Swoop. Thunder Storm means this. It's the person he made himself, and the love they've all put into him.
Thunder SKY is just another monument to Clear Sky, stripping away the life he lived without him. And WHY? For ego? For comfort?
"What am I letting him DO to me?!"
It wasn't the final STRAW, but it was the tipping point. Once Thunder Storm had this realization, the minute he was not going to budge on something, that confrontation was inevitable. The blowout fight was making reservations.
Sunlit Frost is still the breaking point, the injury from his burn going sour, but I'm going to emphasize the way that Clear Sky only called that meeting in the first place as an abuse game. Thunder Storm knew it was coming-- but it still sickens him that it was something THIS monstrous.
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Fanfic ideas swim in my head like carp in a koi pond; aesthetically pleasing, but expiring when removed from their native habitat.
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clegfly · 9 days
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I had a vision…
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elijahthecartoonist · 18 days
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Redesigned my Fantastic Four designs from a while back! Had alot of fun drawing these 4 (w/ alts showing Johnny and Susan in + out of their powers), and I hope you guys like it!
I should seriously post on here more. 😅
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greyauras · 2 months
I can't stop thinking about Deadpool and Wolverine coded Ghoap. Flip some things around, and you got something. But i don't need any more ideas for shit. 😭
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